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': *ir^; ■*■ .'Ky^.^?. ■;&V ■ "*'"'• i-:*'» ■"i;.^'; /^* ■J ■ ,■ r:> - ;W:m-s^-- i- : A BIBLIOORAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALKONTOLOOY, 1888-1892 -;?^ . KKYKS ! NW j 016. b6 K44 ■,, ' ■■! rH^.": .yy^'. i. ' \,l'>, W A S H 1 N (} T f ) N v-^A,"'; 5- , ■"A'i:*^'- r*t"^ ^"^ '^1 ^^aOVBKNMRNT PRINTING OFFICE ''} > Ti'- v,-'' :«:-^; -ife-' r-.: ^ ■ .t.y::>:^ iw iMi muk ■i^/^- -.'■■•R :vX 3^» ' -.■ ^ -,{6 -* -v :.,r:.^- «^.;''V V,--)- ■" ,V'.7^ \:/rv.^';.y-^ /•;i..>'^ ^•v/i^T^e^/ ■•''■ '-4)' ■' ■ ■ .1 ■ 7'-»' ' - ■ ^- ^).-^^Jrfti-^.^': '^~-:^:Mmi^^-MM ^ <2ytozt/uvest « ■■!■■■■■ 'by'p-K ■.,.-■■■■■■ • ;if.4i •■ ■ ■» ■ ^'i^-^ r " '• ^" - A ,fj. ' ■ • - r ■ ■ - '}.':'^ '■' ' v^'rv '■ ■ \J. ■ ■- ''■■■'■''" ■'■' >i>*/' P¥ '?**'^ "'''*^^^\^ /^S ^- ^ P' ■ ■^ , ••■'.■■/,,. 1 ' .'^j'f^Vn^^f'M I 'fi^' ^T. <■<»':.> i .v^' ,i». i\^-, ,-v ) V v>>;",;*-'k 'M I LIBRARY CATALOGUE SLIPS. ^) United States. Depavtment of the interior. ( U. S. geological surrey). Department of the interior I — | Bulletin | of the | United States '■ g(3ological survey no. 131 | [Seal of the department] | Washington | government jtrinting office | 1894 Second title: United States geological survey | J. W. Powell, director | — | A | bibliography | of | North American pale- ontology I 1888-1892 I by | Charles RoUin Keyes | [Vignette] | Washington | government printing office | 1894 8°. 251 pp. y-hj. A D V I<: R 'J" I S K M K N T. iniillctm Xo. 121] The publications of the United States Ooologiciil Survey are issued in accordance with the statute approved Marcli ."), 1879, wliich dt'clures that— "Tlie i)ublicatiousof the (ieological Survey shall consiht of the annual report of operations, geological and economic maps illustrating the resources and classification of the lands, and reports upon general and economic geology and paleontology. The annual report of t,per"tions of the Geological Survey shall accompany the annual report of the Secretary of the Interior. All special memoirs and reports of said Survey shall be issued in uniform quarto series if deemed necessary by the Director, but other- wise in ordinary octavos. Three thousand copies of each shall be published for scientilic exchanges and for sale at the price of put)lication ; and all literary and cartograpliic materials received in exchange shall bo the property of the United States and form a part of the library (,f tlie organization j and the money resulting from the sale of such publications shall be covered into the Trea«ury of the United States." On July 7, 1882, the following joint resolution, referring to all (Jovemmont publications, was passed by Congress : "That whenever any document or report shall be ordered printed by Congress, there shall be printed, in addition to the number in each case stated, the 'usual number' (1.734) of copies for binding and distribution among those entitled to receive them." Excei)t in those cases in which an extra number of any publication has been supplied to the Survey by special resolution of Congress or has been ordered by the Secretary of the Interior, this office has no copies for gratuitous distribution. ANNUAL REPORTS. I. First Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, by Clarence King. 1880. 8°. 79 pp. 1 map.— A preliminary report describing plan of organization and publications. II. Second Annual iieport of the United States Geological Survey, 1880-'81, by J. W. Powell. 1882, 8°. Iv, 588 pp. 62 pi. I map. m. Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1881-'82, by J. W. Powell. 1883. 8°. xviii, 564 pp. 67 pi. and maps. IV. Fourth Annual Report of the Unitert. 18!K). 4°. xx, i'M pp. 51 pi II Ttirtiary History of tlir (iraml Canon IXstriiit, witli atlaH, by (.'larcnct IHX'J. 4°. xiv, 264 pp. 42pl. anilatliiMof 24Hhfi-tslolio. I'riro $10.00. III. (ioolo^y of the OoniHtock Lo cents. 12. A Crystallograpbic Study of the Thinolite of Lake Lahontan, by E. 86 pp. 3 pi. Price 5 cents. 17. On the Development of Crystallization in the Igneous Hocks of Washoe, Nevada, with notes on the Geologj- of the District, by Arnold Hague and Joseph P. Iddings. 1885. S°. 44 pp. Price 5 cents. 18. On Marine Eocene, Fresh-water Miocene, other Fossil Mollusca of Western North America, by Charles A. White. 1885. 8°. 26 pp. 3 pi. Price 5 cents. 19. Notes on the Stratigraphy of California, by George F. Becker. 1885. 8°. 28 pp. Price 5 cents. 20. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains, by Whitman Cross and W. F. llille- brand. 1885. 8^. 114 pp. 1 pi. Price 10 cents. 21. The Lignites of the Great Sioux Reservation. A Repo *, on the Region between the Grand and Moreau Rivers, Dakota, by Bailey Willis. 1885. 8°. 16 pp. 5 pi. Price 5 cents. 22. On New Cretaceous Fossils from California, by Charles A. White. 1885. 8^. 25 pp. 5 pi. Price Scents. 23. Observations on the Junction between the Kastern Sandstone and the Keweenaw Series on Ke- weenaw Point, Lake Superior, by R. 1). Irving and T. C. Chamberlin. 1886. 8°. 124 pp. 17 pi. Price 15 cents. 24. List of Marine Mollusca, comprising the Qimternary Fossils and recent forms from American Localities between Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque, including the Bermudas, by William Healy I)all. 1885. 8^. 336 pp. Price 25 cents. 25. The Present Technical Condition of the Steel Industry of the United States, by Phiueas Barnes. 1885. 8^. 85 pp. Price 10 cents. 26. Copper Smelting, by Henry M. Howe. 1885. 8°. 107 pp. Price 10 cents. 27. Report of work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1884-'85. 1886. 8°. 80 pp. Price 10 cents. 28. The Gabbros and Associated Hornblende Rocks occurring in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Md.. by Georg^e Huntington Williams. 1886. 8°. 78 pp. 4 pi. Price 10 cents. 29. On the Fresh-water Invertebrates of the North American Jurassic, by Charles A. White. 1886. 8'^. 41 i>p. 4 pi. Price 5 cents. 30. Second Contribution to the Studies on the Cambrian Faunas of North America, by Charles Doo little Walcott. 1886. 8°. 369 pp. 33 pi. Price 25 cents. 31. Systematic Review of our I'resent Knowledge of Fossil Insects, including Myriapods and Arach- nids, by Samuel Hubbard Scudder. 1886. 8°. 128 pp. Price 15 cents. 32. Lists and Analyses of the ^lineral Springs of tlie United States ; a Preliminary Study, by Albert C. Peale. 1886. 8". 235 pp. Price 20 cents. 33. Notes on the Geology of Northern California, by J. S. Diller. 1886. 8°. 23 pp. Price 5 cents. 34. On the relation of the Laramie MoUusran Fauna to that of the succeeding Fresh-water Eocene and other groups, by Charles A. White. 1886. 8°. i>4 pp. 5 pi. Price 10 cents. 35. Physical Properties of the Iron-Carburets, by Carl Barns and Vincent Strouhal. 1886. 8°. 62 pp. Price 10 cents. 36. Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids, by Carl Barns. 1886. 8°. 58 pp. Price 10 cents. 37. Types of the Laramie Flora, by Lester F.Ward. 1887. 8°. 354 pp. 57 pi. Price 25 cents. 38. Peridot ite of Elliott County, Kentucky, by J. S. Diller. 1887. 8°. 31pp. 1 pL Price 5 cents. 39. The Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz, by Warren Upham. 1887. 8°. 84 pp. 1 pi. Price 10 cents. 40. Changes in River Courses in Washington Territory due to Glaciation, by Bailey Willis. 1887. 8". 10 pp. 4 pi. Price 5 cents. IV ADVEKTISEMKNT. 41. On th« FoHMil KaiiiiHH of tlm Upper Dt^vonlRii— the (iPiiesi-e Section, New York, by Henry S. WillmiiiH. 1HH7. H^. I'Jl pp. 4 pi. I'rice l.-)C.-iitH. 4'J. Uoportof wink iliMir in tlio DiviHioii ol' (JliumiHtry anil IMiyHirH, mainly durinK tlio HhciiI year 188.'>- H«. F. \V. Cliirkf, cliiif clii-niiHt. 18H7. 8°. IM pp. 1 pi. I'rico 15 centH. 43. 'rortiiiry anil (,'rrliiri'iiiin Stnitii of tliu TiiMOiiloima, 'ronibi^flM't', anil Alabiinin KivtTH, by F.iigene A.Smltlinnil Liiwrenii' (*. .lolinHon. 1HH7. 8°. 18tt pp. 21 pi. Prim LI cents. 44. Uibliojjraphy ol Nortli American (Jeology lor 1880, by Nelsou H. Darton. 1887. 8°. 3j pp. Price 5 cunts. it). Tint I'reHcnt Conilitiim of KuowleilKR of tlio (iuology of Texas, bv Kobert T. Hill. ih87. 8". 94 pp. I'rici' 10 centH. 46. Nattire anil Origin of T)epo8it8 of Phosphate of Lime, by R. A. F. Penrose, jr., with an IntTO' (luction by N. S. Sluilir. 1888. 8°. U.l pp. Price l.'i cents. 47. Analyses of Waters of the Yellowstone National Park, with an Account of the Methods of AnalysiHoniployed, by Frank Austin Gooch anilJames Edward Whitfielil. 1888. 8°. 84 pp. Price 10 cents. 48. On the Form and Position of the iSou Level, bv Robert Simpson W. I'rice 10 cents, 49. Latitudes and Longitudes of Certain Points in Missouri. Kansas, and New Mexico, by Robert Simpson Woodward. 1889. 8°. 133 pp. Price 1,5 cents. 50. Fornuilas and Tables to facilitate the Construction and Use of Maps by Robert .Simpson Wood- ward. 1889. 8°. 124 pp. Price 15 cents. 51. On Invertebrate Fossils from the Pacidc Coast, by Charles .Vbiatbar Wliiv!-. 1889. 8°. 102 pp. 14 pi. Price 15 cents. 52. Subaerial Decay of Rocks and Origin of the Red Color of (Certain Formntions. by Israel Cook Russell. 1889. 8^. 05 pp. 5 pi. Price 10 cents. 53. The Geology of Nantucket, by Nathaniel Houthgate Siialer. 1889. 8°. 55 pp. 10 pi. Price 10 cents. 54. On the Tbenno-Electric Measurement of High Temperatures, by Carl Hams. 1889. 8". 313 pp., incl. 1 pi. 11 pi. Price 25 cents. 55. Report of work done in the Oiv.sion of Chi .mstry and Physics, mainly during the flscal year 188»i-"87. Frank Wiggles worth Clarke, chief cliemist 1889. 8^. 90 pp. Price 10 cents. 50. Fossil Wood and Lignite of the Potomac Formation, by Frank Hall Knowlton. 1889. 8°. 72 pp. 7 pi. Price 10 cents. 57. A Geological Reconnaissanco in Southwestern ICarsas, by Robert Hay. 1890. 8°. 49 pp. 2 pi. Price 5 cents. 58. The Glacial Boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, by George Frederick Wright, with an introduction by Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin. 1890. 8°. 112 pp., inol. Ipl. 8 pi. Price 15 cents. 59. The Gabbros and Associated Rocks in Delaware, by Frederick D. Chester. 1890. 8°. 45 pp. 1 pi. Price 10 cents. 60. Reportof work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the Qscal year 1887- Kf. F. W. Clarke, chief chemist. 1890. 8°. 174 pp. Price 15 cents. 61. Contributiims to tlio Mineralogy ot the Pacitic Coast, by William Harlow Melville and Waldemar Lindgren. 1890. 8°. 40 pp. 3 pi. Price 5 cents. 62. 'I'he Greenstone .'^chisl Areas of tlie Menominee and Marquette Regions of Michigan; a contri- bution to the subject of dynamic metamorphism in eruptive rocks, by George Huntington Williams ; with au introduction bj' Roland Duer Irving. 1890. 8°. 241 pp. 16 pi. Price 30 cents. 63. A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea from 1698 to 1889, including a list of North American species and a systematic arrangement of genera, by Anthony W. Vogdes. 1890. 8°. 177 pp. Price 15 cents. 64. A report of work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the flscal year 1888-89. F. ^V. Clarke, chief cliemist. 1890. 8°. 60 pp. Price 10 cents. 65. Stratigraphy of the Bituminous Coul Field of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, by Israel C.White. 1891. 8°. 212 pp. 11 pi. Price 20 cents. 60. On a Gri>u]> of Volcanic Rocks from tlie Tewan Mountains, New Mexico, and on the occurrence of Primary Quartz in certain Basalts, by Joseph Paxson Iddings. 1890. 8°. 34 pp. Price 5 cents. 67. The Relations of the Traps of the Newark System in the New Jersey Region, by Nelson Horatio Darton. 1890. 8°. 82 pp. Price 10 cents. 68 Earthquakes m California in 1889, 'by James Edward Keeler. 1890. 8°. 25 pp. Price 5 cents. 69. .V Classed and Annotated Bibliography of Fossil Insects, by Samuel Hubbard Scudder. 1890. 8°. 101 pi>. Price 15 cents. 70. Report on Astronomical Work of 1889 and 1890. by Robert Simpson Woodward. 1890. 8°. 70 pp. Price 10 cents. 71. Index to the Known Fossil Insects of the World, including Myriapods and Arachnids, by Samuel Hubbard Scudder. 1891. 8°. 744 pp. Price 50 cents. 72. Altitudes between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains, by Warren Upbam. 1891. 8^. 229 pp. Price 20 cents. ! 73. 71. ceiit.- 75. H\ 7»i. elm I 7". 4 pi. 7f>. IHH'.i Til. 33|i|>. 80. Pric. HI 26 ceil 82. 83. 84. '.'5 cell 85. Price 80. ( Price 90. . 1890- '! 91, I lOcen 92. ADVKRTISKMKNT. 1 73. Tho VlHf. Price I ii cents. 91. Record of North Amorit.'aii (Icoloj^y for 1890, by NoUon Uoi ilio Dartou. 1891. H'^. 88 pp. Price lOcellts. 92. Tho Compressibility of Liquids, by Carl Harus. 11 8'. 9(i pjt. ?n pi. Prico 10 cents. 93. SoiiK' insects of sjiecial intt^rest from Florissant. Colorado, and other points in the Tortiarios of Col (I '•> nd Utah, by Sainiiel liiibhard Scndder. 1892. 8'. 3.0 pi> 3 pi. Price 5 cents. 94. Tho Mechaiiisin of Solid Viscosity, by Carl Hams. 1892. 8'. 138 pp. Price 15 ceiit.s. 95. Kartlii|uakes in C'alifornia in 1890 and 1H91. by Kduard Siiijjleton Iltdden. 1892. 8^ 31 pp. Prici' 5 cents. '.Hi. The \'oliinie Thermodynamics (d' Liquids, by ("ail Hams. 1892. 8^. 100 p|>. Price 10 cents. 97. The Meso/.oic Fchinoderniata of the Uniteil States, by William Hiillock Ciark. I89:t 83. 207 pp. .50 pi. Price 20 cents. 98. Flora of tho Outlying Carboniterous Hasina of Southwestern .Missouri, by David White. 189:). 8°. 139 pp. 5 pi. Price 15 cents. J9. Keconl of North American Cioology lor 1891, by Nelson lloralio Darton. 1892. 8^. 73 pp. Price 15 cents. lOil. Hibllosraphy and Index of tho Publications of tho U.S. (ieolosical Survey, 1879-1892, by Philip Urevelinjr Warman. 1893. 8^. 495 pp. Price 25 couts. 101. Instrct Fauna of the Kliodo Island Coal Field, by Samuel Hubbard Scndder K-p. 6 id. I'rice 10 cents. 111. Oeology of the Big Stone (Jap Coal Field of Virginia and Kentucky by .Mariiis U. (,'ainpbell. 1893. 8°. 106 pp. 6]d. Price 15 cents. 112. Earthquakes in Calitoruia in 1892, by Charles D. Perrine. 1893. 8^. 57 pi>. Price 10 cents. VI ADVERTISEMENT. Price 5 cents. ai pp. Price 5 cents. 8°. 126 pp. Price 15 113. A report of work done iu tlie Division of Cliemistry during tlie fiscal years 1891-'02 and 1892-'93, F. W. Clarlio, chief cliemist. 1893. 8"^. 115 pp. Price 15 cents. 114. Earthquakes in California in 1893, by C. D. Perrinc. 1894. 8°. 23 pp. 115 A Geographic Dictionary of Khode Island, by Henry Gannett. 1894, 8° llfl. A (Geographic Dictionary of Massachusetts, by Henry Gannett. 1894. cents. 117. A Geographic Dictionary of Connccticnt, by Henry Gannett. 1894. 8°. A Geograpliic Dictionary of New Jersey, by Henry Gannett. 1894. 8°. A Geological Recounoissance in Northwest Wyoniii'g, by George H. Eldridge. 1894 10 coir. .. A Bibliography of North American Paleontology, by C. R. Kej-es. 1894. 8=. 251pp. Price 118. 119. Pricd 121. 67 pp. 131pp. Price 10 cents. Price 15 cents. 8°. 72 pp. 20 cents. In press: 120. The Devonian System of eastern Pennsylvania and Now York, by Charles S. Prosser. 122. Results of Primary Triangulation, by Henry Gannett. In preparation : —The Moraines of the Missouri Cotean, and their atteudaut deposits, by James Edward Todd. — A Bibliography of Paleobotany, by David White. STATISTICAL PAPERS. 1883. 8°. xvii, 813pp. Price 1885. 8°. xiv, 1016 1886. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1882, by Albert Williams, jr 50 cents. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1883 and 1884, by Albert Williams, jr pp. Price 60 cents. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1885. Division of Mining Statistics and Technology. 8°. vii, 576 pp. Price 40 cents. MineralRcsourcesoftheUnitedStates, 1886, by David T.Day. 1887. 8^ viii, 813 pp. Price 50 cents Mineral Resources of the Unit«d States, 1887, by Davnl T.Day. 1888. 8°. vii, 832pp. Price50cents, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1888, by David T. Day. 1890. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1889 and 1890, by David T Price 50 cents. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1891, by David T. Day. 1893. Mineral Itesources of the United States, 1892, by David T. Day. 1893. Mineral Resources of the United States, 1893, by David ±. Day. 1894. 8°. vii, 652 pp. Price 50 cents. Day. 1892. 8°. viii, 671 pp. 8=. vii, 6,30 pp. 8''. vii, 850 pp. 8^. viii, 810 pp. Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. The money received from the sale of these publications is deposited in the Treasury, and the Secre- tary of the Treasury declines to receive bank checks, drafts, or postage stamps ; all remittances, there- fore, must be by postal note or money order, made payable to the Chief Clerk of the U. S. Geolog- ical Survey, or in ocrrency, for the exact amount. Correspondence relating to the publications of the Survey should be addressed To THE Director of the Unitbu States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C, JtUy, lS9i, -'92 and 1892-'93. 6 cents. p. Price 5 cents. 26 pp. Price 16 Price 10 cents. . Price 15 cents. 1894. 8°. 73 pp. 251 pp. Price DP]PARTMENT OF THE INTKKIOU BULLETIN I ward Todd. i, 813 pp. Pric« 8°. xiv, 1016 Imology. 1886. Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. '. viii, 071 PI). Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. Price 50 cents. and the Secre- ittances, there- 5 U. S. Geolog. publications of Survey, fOTON, D. C. OK THK UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 121 WASHINGTON OOVKRNMKNT PRINT INO OFFICE 1894 Ni UNLTBD STATES GEOLOGICAL SQKV^EV J. W. POWiCLL, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY 18 88— 18 9Q BY GHARI.KS ROLI.IN KKYES WASHINGTON GOVKKNMENT PRINTING OFPlOE 1894 Ill 1 -I i LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, Department of the Interior, TJ. S. Geological Survey, Division op Geology and Paleontology, Washington, D. C, April 27, 1894. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a bibliography of North American paleontology for the years 1888-1892, inclusive, by Charles K. Keyes, with the recommendation that it be published as a bulletin of the Survey. I am, with respect, your obedient servant, ClHAs. D. Walcott, „ , Oeologint in Charge. Hon. John W. Powell, . Director U. S. Geological Surrey. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, 1888-1892. By Charles Rollin Kkyks. INTRODUCTION. The present bibliography is a record of North American paleontology for the years 1888 to 1892, inclusive. It is essentially a dictionary- catalogue of publications relating to the subject, which were issued in the lustrum mentioned. It may be regarded, therefore, as a condensed review of the paleontologic literature appearing during the period. In arrangement, the references are primarily adapted to the conven- ience of the working paleontologist and geologist. There are embraced : (1) An author's list, in which is given the full title and the volume, pages, and illustrations of the book or serial in which each article appeared, also the date and place of publication. This is followed by a brief synopsis of the contents of each paper, an enumeration of the new genera and species described, and a list of forms already known, which are described and figured anew. (2) A title index, in which the name of each article appears under each of its leading words. Then comes the name of the author and an abridged reference to the place of appearance. (3) Subject entries and cross references. These are biologic, geo- logic, and geographic. The first is divided into the great zoologic groups, under each of which appears all the published papers which refer to the particular sections. The names of the authors and abridged references to place and time of publication are given in all cases. Whenever additional information is wanted, as to the species described or the specific contents, reference may be readily made to the name of the author. Under the second, all papers treating of the larger geologic groups are classed together and the references given as before. In the third the different papers referring to the various States and Territories are brought together in a similar way. Whenever deemed necessary brief explanations are added. A full list of subjects is appended. One of the principal advantages in the present scheme is that in no case is it necessary to turn back from title to title in order to obtain a full bibliographic reference. A worker upon any systematic group of animals, a particular geologic age, or a given area finds all the articles upon the subject brought together. 7 iMriaaiH 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. Iboll.i21. lu the coriHideration of the bibliographic matter the literature of the subject may be classed under three categories : (a) That which is strictly paleontologic iu its character, {b) that which is incidental to geologic work, (c) that which is largely secondary, forming important announce- ments of discoveries or partaking of the character of criticisms, notices, or reviews of work already done. References belonging to these three classes of literature have in the present connection received very differ- ent treatment, according to the importance of their bearing upon paleontology. During the preparation of the Bibliography the works in the sub- joined list were consulted. In addition circular letters were addressed to all the leading American workers who were known to have pub- lished articles relating to paleontology, in order that fuller justice might be done in each case. Most of these letters received cordial replies; in the case of a few answers were greatly delayed, while several were probably forgotten altogether. For aid and suggestions iu the preparation of this work sincere thanks are tendered Mr. Charles D. VValcott, chief of the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology; also to Mr. H. F. Bain, of A^'^ Iowa Geologi- cal Survey, for valuable assistance. i AuJ Bod Bii^ Bos Bril But Cull Call Canj Can! LIST OF SUHJKCTS Biologic : Protozoals. Corals. Hydroids. Polyzoaus, EcLiiiodorm:). Brucbiopods. Lamellibraucbs. Gasteropods. Cepbaloiiods. Trilobites. Crustaceans (mtiitrilobitic). Insects. Vertebrates. Geologic: Algonkiau. Cambrian. Silurian. Devonian. Carboniferous. Jurassic. Triassic. Eocene. Neocene. Pleistocene. Geograi)hic : America (general). Canada (general). All States and Territories of the United States and Canada. 1 MHT OK WOKK8 KXAMINRl). American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings, Boston. American Association for tbe Advancement of Science, Proceedings, Salem. American Field, New York. American Geologist, Minneapolis. American Institute Mining Engineers, Transactioim. American Journal of Science, New Haven. American Museum of Natural History, Bulletin, New York. American Naturalist, Philadelphia. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, Philadelphia. American Philosophical Society, Transactions, Philadelphia< KBTB8I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. of the m Annals and Magazine uf Natural Histury, London. Boston Society Natural History, Proceedings, Hoston. Buffalo Natural Science Society, Bulletin. Boston Society of Natural History, Memoirs. British Asaociation for the Advancement of Science, London. Butterdics of New England, Cambridge. California Academy of Science, Bulletin, San Francisco. California State Miiieral(>;;ist, Annual Report, Sacramento. Canada, Geological and Natural History Survey, Annual Reports, Montreal. Canada, Geological and Natural History Survey, Contributions to Paleontology, Montreal. Canada, Royal Society, Transactions, Montreal. Canadian Record of Science, Ottawa. Cincinnati Society Natural History, Journal, Cincinnati. Colorado Scientific Society, Proceedings, Denver. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Transactions, New Haven. Denison University, Scientifio Laboratories, Bulletin, Granville Ohio. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift, Berlin. Essex Institute, Bulletin, Salem. France, Society, Zoiilogique, Bulletin, Paris. Fossil Insects of North America, New York, 1890. Geological Magazine, London. Geological Society of America, Bulletin. Geological Society, London, Quarterly Journal. Handbuch der Palieoutologie, Zittel, Munich. Harvard College, Museum Comparative Zoology, Bulletin, Csiuibridge. Indiana Academy of Science, Proceedings, Brookville. Illinois Geological Survey, Reports, Springfield. Iowa Academy of Science, Proceedings, Des Moines. Iowa State University, Laboratories of Natural History, itulletin, Iowa City. Johns Hopkins University, Circulars, Baltimore. Journal Morphology, Boston. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions, Topekit. Kansas University Quarterly, Lawrence. Kentucky Geological Survey, Reports, Frankfort. McGill University, Proceedings Peter Redpath Museum, Montreal. Minnesota Academy of Science, Bulletins, Minneapolis. Minnesota Geological Survey, Annual Reports, Minneapolis. Minnesota Geological Survey, Bulletins. Miosonri Geological Survey, Bulletins, Jett'erson City. Nautilus, Philadelphia. National Geographic Magazine, Wiishington. Natural Science, Loudon. Nature, London. Neues Jahrbuch, Stuttgart. New Brunswick Natural History Society, Bulletin, St. John. New Jersey Geological Survey, Annual Report State Geologist, Trent»m. New York Academy of Science, Annals, New York. New York Academy of Science, Transactions, New York. New York State Ge-358. 1892.) Also Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. i, Pt. ii, 30-32. 1892. Acldaspls, Notes on Genus. .1. M. Clarke. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State (;eologiHt, Now York, for 1890, 61-71. 1891.) Acquired Characters, Paleontological Evidence for Transmission. }{. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, XXIII, 561-566. 1889.) Also Science, xv, 110-111. 1890. Actiuocrlnidae, Genesis of American. C. R. Keyes. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 243-254. 1890.) AgaricocrlnuB, Observations on Keokuk Species. C. H. Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 1, 100-101. 1890.) Abstract. AgaricocrinuB. Observations on Keokuk Species. C. H. Gordon. (Ameri<;an (;reol- ogist, V, 257-261. 1890.) Age of Certain Sandstones near Iowa City. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i,, 25. 1892.) Age of Cincinnati Anticlinal. A. F. Foerste. (American Geologist, vii, 97-109. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Age of Geologic Terranes, Use of Fossils in Determining. H. S. Williams. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxvii, 206. 1889.) Abstract. Age of Point Pleasant, Ohio, Beds. J. F. James. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xl, 283- 284. 1892.) Abstract. References made to various species. Ageof Rocks of the Novaculito Area of Arkansas. C. S. Prosr -. (Geol. Sur. Arkan- sas, Ann. Rept. for 1890, in, 418-423. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. AgnostuB, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes. (Am. Geologist, ix, .S77-396. 1892.) Alabama. Fish Otoliths of Southern Tertiary. O. Meyer. (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 12,43. 1889.) Middleton Formation of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama; with note on Formation at La Grange, Tenn. .J. M. Salford. (Am. Geologist, ix, 63, 64. 1892. ) Incidental references to fossils. Revision of Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clarke. (Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci,, Phila., m, 1-178. 1890.) Types fossiles de I'Eocene du bassin de Paris recemment d«^couvertes Amerique. W. H. Dall. (Bui. Soc. zool. de France, i;v, 97,98. 1890.) U 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bum. 121. Alaska. Invertebrttte FortHilK «it' Pucitto Cowit. C. A. White. (Hiil. U. H. (>eol. 8ur., No. 51. 1889.) Alberta. Cambriiiii KoasilH froiii Minint Ht^phoiiH, NorthwuHt Territory of CitniMlii. ('. I). Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVI, 163-lfi7. 188S.) Earlier CretaoeouH Roclcs uf NorthweHtern Portion of Doiiiinion of Cuimda. G. M. Dawson. (Am. .lour. «ci., (3), xxxviii, 120-127. 1H«9.) VariouH foHHils coiiaidered. Albirupean Studies. P. R. Uhlor. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., i, 18.5-202. 1888.) Aldriob, T.H. New Eocene Fossils from Texas. (The Nautilus, Vol. iv, p. 25. Pbil- p.dclphia, 1890.) Omalaxin aingleyi desuribed as new from the Eocene of Texas. Algonkian. • Eozoon and other Low Organisms in Laureutiau liocks at Hi, John, N. B. (>. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 36-41. 1890.) EoKoou Canadeuse, Facts Relating to. A. R. C. Solwyn. (Science, xi, 146' 1888.) Eo/.oon Canadense, New Facts. .T. W. Dawson, ((ideological Magazine, new ser., V, 49-54. 1888.) Eozoon Canadense, Specimens, and their Geological and <^>ther RelatiiuiH. .J. W. Dawson. (Mem. Peter Redpath Museum, McGill Univ., 107. 1888.) Eoisoon, Tudor Specimen. .J. W. Gregory. (Quart. .Jour. Gecd. Soc, Tjondon, XLVii, ;M8-:i5.5. 1891.) Lingula and Paradoxides in Red Quart/.ites of Minnesota. N. H. Winchell. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in, 103-ia>. 1889.) Sponges in Laurentian Rocks at St. John, N. B. G. F. Matthew. (Bnl. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 42-45. 1890.) Tracks of Organic Origin in Rocks of Animikie Group. A. R. C. Selwyn. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 145-147. 1890.) America (General). Acidaspis, Notes on Genua. J. M. Clarke. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, for 1890, 61-71. 1891.) Amblypoda, Mechanical Origin of Dentition. £. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, XXV, 80-89. 1888.) Ancestry of Chalicotherium. H. F. Osboru. (Science, xix, 276. 1893.) ArchiBocyathus Billings, and other Genera allied to or associated with it from the Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland. G. J. Hinde. (Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, xlv, 125-148. 1889.) Artiodactyla. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 1079-1095. 188H.) ficneral t account of the order. Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for year 1891. .T. Eyer- I man. (Am. Geologist, ix, 249-256. 1892.) Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustac ea from 1688-1889. A. W. Vogdes. (Bui. U. S. ' Geol. Sur., No. 63, 177 pp. 1890.) Brachiopoda, Genera of Paleozoic. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist of New York, for 1890, 15-17. 1891. ) Brachiopoda, Genera of Paleozoic. .1. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, for 1889, 43-46. 1889.) Butterflies, Fossil. S. H. Soudder. (Butterflies of New England, i, 756-760. 1889.) Cambrian, Correlation Papers. C. D. Walcott. (Bui. IT. S. Geol. Sur., No. 81, 447 pp. 1891.) Cam briau Faunas of North America, Stratigraphical Succession. C I). V/alcott. (N:vture, xxxviii, 551. 1888.) KEY 4 Ar I I 1 [BULL. 121. >1. 8ur., No. Mia. (;. D. annda. O. niiH t'OHHlls 102. 1888.) .25. Phil- B of Texas. . B. «. F. i«, XI, 146- iziim, new us. .J. W. ., London, Winchell. (Bnl. Nat. ryn. (Am. Geologist ni. Philos. ■) th it from d. G. J. fJcneral iT. Eyer- Bul. U. S. Geologist ep. State 756-760. ., No. 81, V/alcott. MYE«I BinLIOGBAPHY OP NORTH AMKRICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 18 j^ ( r»rit. Afl. Nat- America (Oeneral)— Contimiud. CeriitopHidii' (or Horned Diiiosaiiria) of North America. O. C!. Marnh. Ad. Sci., 79;i-795. 1«K).) HharacterHHud DiNtrihiition of Gi>n«r«of I»riu-liiop), v, 325-334 and 373-388. 1890.) Cytherea Convexa, Say. \V. II. Mail. (The Nautilus, i, .52, .->3. 1892.) l>ev(mian Rocks of I<»wa; which Constitutes a Typical Section of thf< Devonian Formation of the Interior Continental Area of North America. C. L, Webster. (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 229-243. 1889.) Devonian System of North and South Devonshire. II. S. Williams. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 31-38. 1890.) Incidental references to foosils. Dictionary of Fossils of Pennsylvania. J. P. Lesley. (Oeol. Sur. Ponnsylvania. P4, T, II and in, 1283 pp., 1889.) Die Sttimme des Thierreichs. M. Neumayer. (Vol. i, 600 i»p. 1889.) Inci- dental references to, and figures of, American fossil «. Dinosauria of Europe and America, ('omparisoii of Principal Forms. O. C. Marsh. (British As. Adv. Sci., 1888, 660. 1889.) Dinosauria, Homed, of Laramie. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 715-717. 1889.) Dinosauria of Laramie. E. D. Cope (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 904-906. Donax of Eastern North America. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, v, 1892.) Edentata of North America. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 657-664. 1889.) Equivalence in Time of American Marine and Intracontinental Tertiaries. E. W. Hilgard. (Science, ix. No. 226, 535-5.36. 1887.) Incidental references to fossils* Events in North American Cretaceous History, Illustrated in Arkansas-Texas Division of Southwestern Region of the United States. R. T. HQl. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 282-289. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Factors in Evolution of Mammalia. C.L.Morgan. (Natural Science, i, 97-101. 1892.) Faunas, Relations of American and European. J. W. Gregory. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in, 101-108. 1892. ) Faune du Calcaire d'Erbray (Loire-Inforieure.) C. Barrois. (M^m. Soc. g<5ol. da Nord, Tome iii, 348 pp. 1889.) Gehirn von iriceratops Flabellatns, Marsh. R. Burkhardt. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., 71-72. 1892.) Genera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. J. M. Clarke. (State Cab. Nat. Hist., New York, 42d Ann. Rep., 389-392. 1889.) Genesis of Arietidte. A. Hyatt. (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., xvi. No. 3, i-xi, 1-238. 1889.) Geological Horizons as Determined by Vertebrate Fossils. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLii, 336-338. 1891.) Graptolitic Literature, Recent. T. R. Gurley. (Am. Geologist, viii, 35-43. 1891.) 1889.) 125-127. w 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. Ilillli> \vf< I i America (General) — Continued. Oroupiug Formations of Middle Cretaceous, and the Employment of an Additional Term in its Nomenclaturu. 6. H. Eldridge. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 313-321. 1889.) ReferenceH made to various species. Hallopus and Other Dinosaurs, Marsh, (i. Baur. (Am. Naturalist, xxiv, 569- 571. 1890.) Haudbuch der Palaeontologie. A. Zittel. (Band iii. Munich, 1888.) Hercynian Question : Brief Review of its Development and Present Status, v^itha few Remarks Tipon its Relation to the Current Classification of Araeii- can Paleozoic Faunas. (State Cab. Nat. Hist. New York, 42d Ann. Rep., 408- 437. 1889.) Hercynian Question. .J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. R^p. State Geologist, New York, 1889, 62-92. 1889.) History of Known Fossil Sponges in Relation to of the Present. H. J. Car- ter. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), iv, 280-290. 1889.) Incidental references. Homologies of Cranial Arches of Ro)itili!i. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturalist, xxvi, 407-408. 1892.) Horses, Recent Polydactyl. O. (!. Marsh. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xliu, 339-;i54. 1892.) Insects, Fossil, Localities in Mountain Region. S. H. Scudder. (I'syche, y, 362. 1892.) Insects, Fossil, of North Anii^rica, with Notes on Some European Si>eeieH. S. H. Scudder, (Two vols., 4 . New York, 1890.) Insects, pre-Tertiary of North America, including (Iritical Remarks and Descrip- tions of Some European Forms. S. H. Scudder. (One vol., 455 pp., 4'^'. New York, 1890.) Insects. Tertiary of North America. S. H. Scudder. (U. S. Gool. Sur. Terr., XIII, 734 pp. 1890.) Mammalia, Mesozoic. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Naturalist, xxv, 611-618. 1889.) Mammalia, Mesozoic, Reply to Prof. Marsh. H. F. Osborn. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 280. 1892.) Abstract. Mechanical Causes of Origin of Dentition of Rodentia. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 3-13. 1888.) MeniscotheriidsB and Chalicotherioidea. H. F. Osborn. (Am. Naturalist, xxv, 911,912. 1891.) Mesozoic, North American. C.A.White. (Proc. Am. As Adv. Sci., xxxvin, 205-226. 1890.) Mesozoic, North American. C. A. White. (Science, xiv, 160-166. 1889.) Mississippi Basin, Carboniferous Echinodermata. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 186-193. 1889.) Monticulipona, Studies. C. Rominger. (Am. Geologist, vi, 102-121. 1890.) Mosasauridie, Character and Systematic Position of the large Sea-Lizards. G. Baur. (Science, xvi, 262. 1890.) Nomenclature of Mammalian Cusps. H. F. Osborn. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 926-928. 1888.) Olenellns Fauna, Stratigraphical Position in North America and Europe. C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 374-392^. 1889.) Palaeosyops and Allied Genera. C. Earle. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xuii, 106-117. 1891.) Palteontological Evidence for Transmission of Acquired Characters. H. F. Os- born. (Science, XV, 110, 111. 1890.) Paleontologic and Stratigraphic "Principles" of the Adversarien oftheTaco- I nic. J. Marcou. (Am. Geologist, il, 10-23, 67-88. 1888.) Permauent and Temporary Dentition of Certain Three-Toed Horses. E. D. Cope . (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLiv, 326-326. 1892.) SY. [BULL. 121. Knni BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 15 Amerioan (General) — Continued. Physiognomy of American Tertiary Hemipinra. S H. 8fnd«l«<-. (Pnni, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 562-579. 1890.) Polyphemopsis, American Species. C. R. K«y«r 1SS7. .1. H. Marcou. (Amerioan NaturaliHt, xxii, 679-691. 1888.) Pteraspidian Palieaspis, Claypole, with Remarks on the Family. K. W. Clay- pole. (Quart. Joiir. Geol. Soc, Loudon, XLViii, 542-561. 1892.) Recent KesearchrtH in Fossil Birds. R. Lydekker. (Natural Science, i, 226, 227. 1892.) Restoration of Brontops Robustus t'voui Miocene <»f America. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 163-165. 1889.) Review of Cretaceous Mammalian Fauna o*" North America. H. F. Oshorn. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Feb., 1891. 1891.) Revision of North American Credonta, with Notes on some Genera which have been referred to that Group. W. R. Scott. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xi.iv, 291-323. 1892.) Revision of Species of Coryphittlrt Known American Fossil. G. Baur. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xuii, 411-430. 1891.) Types, Pift'erent, of Devonian in North America. H. S. Williams. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxvi, 207-208. 1888.) Abstract. Variability of Specific Characters as Exhibited by the Extinct (Jonns Corypho- don. C. Earle. (Science, xx, 7, 8. 1892.) Ami, Henry M. Additional Notes on Goniograptus Thnreaui, McCoy, from the Levis Formation, Canada. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. iii, pp. 502,503, 1 plate. Montreal, 188?. ) Figure and critical notes on the species. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 173, 174, 1892. Ami, Henry M. Cope on Extinct Canadian Vertebrata from the Miocene Rocks of the Northwest Territories of Canada. (Ottawa Naturalist, Vol. V, pp. 74-77.' Ottawa, 1891. ) Abstract. w 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, f hum- 121. I Ami, Henry M. Cope on Extinct Canadian Vertebrata from the Miocene Rocks of the Northwest Territory of Canada. (Science, xiv, 53. New York, 1891.) Abstract. Ami, Henry M. Fossils front Utica Formation at Point-rby. aliuan. -s Coiira, XLiv, 50-52. 1892.) ArchaeocyathuB Biiliuga and other Genera Allied thereto or Associated therewith from Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and S«!otland. G. J. Hinde. (Can. Rec. Sci., in, 373,371. 1889.) Archaeocyathus Billings, and other Genera Allied to or Associated with it from Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia and Scotland. G. J. Hinde. (Quart. Jour. Gool. Soc, xlv, 125-148. 1889.) Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVII, 324, 1889. Archaeocyathus Minganensis, Spicules Described by Billings in Connection with Structure. G. J. Hinde. (Geological Magazine, (3), v, No. 2, 226-228. 1889.) Arietidse, Genesis. A. Hyatt. (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., xxvi, No. 3, i-xi, 1-238. 1889.) Arietidae, Genesis. A. Hyatt. (Smithsonian Con. to Knowl., xxvi. No. 637, 1-238 pp. 1889.) Arkansas. Age of Rocks of Novaculite Area of Arkansas. C. S. I'rosser. (Gool. Sur. Arkansas, Ann. Rep. for 1880, in, 418-423. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Comanche Series of Texas-Arkansas Region. It. T. Hill. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, II, 503-528. 1891.) Events in North American Cretaceous History Illustrated in Arkansas-Texas Division of Southwestern Region of the United States. R. T. Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvil, 282-289. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Jura, Necomian, and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (Am. Geologist, iv, 357- 367. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sui. Arkansas, Ann. Rep. 1888, ii, 127-152. 1889.) In the chapter on the paloontology of the Trinity division a number of forms are described as new. Arkansas Region South of the Great Bend. F. W. Cragin. (Bui. Washburn Col- lege, Lab. Nat. Hist., ii, 33-37. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Arrangement of American Paleozoic Crinoids in Families. S. A. Miller. (Indiana Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Aun. Reji. State Geologist, for 1889, 302- 326. 1889.) Artesian Well at Atlantic City, N. J. W. Lewis. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXIX, 339-342. 1889.) Various species mentioned. Arthrolycosa Antiqua, Hacger, Fossil Spider. C. E. Beechor. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXX VIII, 219-223. 1889.) Artiodactyla. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 1079-1095. 1888.) Gen- eral account of the order. Artiodactyl from the Lower Miocene, Characters of Protoceras (Marsh). H. F. Osborn and J. L. Wortman. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iv, 350-371. 1892.) AsaphusCanalis, Conrad, Additional Notes. R.P.Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., II, No. 2, 64, 65. 1889.) Acad. Atlantic City, N. J., Geology of Artesian Wells. L. Woohuan. (Proc. Nat. Sci., Phila., xlii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental reference to fossils. Aucella with Special Reference to its Occurrence in California. C. A. White. (Mon. U. S. Gool. Sur., xiii, 226-233. 1888.) Avifauna, Fossil, Silver Lake Region, Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 286. 1892.) Abstract. Baoulites Compressus Say, Young. A. P. Brown. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 159,160. 1891.) Baoulites Compressus Say, Young. A. P. Brown. (The Nautilus, v, 19-21. 1891.) Bailey, L. W. Presidential Address: On the Progress of Geological Investiga- tions iu Now Brunswick. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vii, Sec. iv, pp. 3-17. Montreal, 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Bull. 121 2 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [bcll.121. Ito m Bailey, L. W. Relationu Between Geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vii, Sec. iv, pp. 57-68. Montreal, 1889.) Inci- dental references to fossils. Bailey, L. W., and Wm. Mclnnes. Explorcations and HurveyH in Portions of North- em New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. (Gcol. ana Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Vbl. in, Ann. Rept., 1887, Part M, 527 pp. Montreal, 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Balanoid Cirripede from Marcellus Sbalo of New York. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Mu8. Nat. Hist., ii, No. 2, 66-68. 1889.) Balanus Hameri in Pleistocene at Rivierode Reuudette, and on the Occurrence of Peculiar Varieties of Myaorenaria and M. Truncata in the Modern Sea and in the Pleistocene. W. Dawson. (Canadian Rec. Sci., in, 287-292. 1889.) Barbour, Edwin H. Gigantic Fossils. (Science, Vol. xix, pp. 99, 1(K). New York, 1892.) A notice of new species. Barbour, EdTxrin H. Remains of Primitive Elephant found in Griunell, Iowa. (Science, Vol. xvi, p. 263. Now York, 1890.) Announces discovery of the remains. Barrois, Charles. Faune dii Calcaire d'Erbray (Loire-Iuforieure). (Mdm. Soc. G<^ol. du Nord, Tome in, 348 pp., 17 plates. Lille, 1889.) In connection with the descriptions of the fossils their relations to the American Devonian are discussed. Barrois, Charles. Les Bryozaires Ddvoniens de d'£tat de New York, I'apr^s M. James Hall. (Ann. Soc. G6ol. du Nord,Tome xv, p. 123. Lille, 1888.) Reviews the work of Hall. Bather, F. A. British Fossil Crinoids. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), Vol. v. 325-334 and 373-388. London, 1890.) The description of the great group lua- dnnate Fistulata is considered at length. The American genera and their distribution are tabulated. Bather, F. A. Classification of Cephalopoda. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 396, 397. Minneapolis, 1892. ) A brief paper on classificaticn. Baur, G. Character and Systematic Position of Large Sea-Lizards Mosasauridte. (Science, Vol. xvi, p. 262. New York, 1890.) Baur, G. Classification of Testudinata. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 530-536. Philadelphia, 1890.) A discussion of the literature and classiiicatiou of the group. Baur, G. Horned Saurians of Laramie Formation. (Science, Vol. xvii, pp. 216, 217. Now York, 1891.) Baur, G. Intercalation of Vertebras. (Jour. Morphology, Vol. vii, pp. 331-336. Boston, 1892.) Baur, G. Kokaliosaurus Priscus, Credner, a new Reptile from the Lower Permian of Saxony. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol.xxxix, pp. 1.56-158. New Haven, 1890.) Critical notes on recent work by Credner. Baur, G. Little Known American Fossil Tortoises. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLiii, pp. 411-430. Philadelphia, 1891. ) Notes on the following forma : Compsemys Leidy. Adocus Cope. Boina Leidy. Also a synopsis of the different conditions of the posterior dorsals and sacrals in Cyptodira, Plurodira, and Trionychia. Baur, O. Marsh on Hallopus and other Dinosaurs. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXIV, pp. 569-571. Philadelphia, 1890.) A criticism of an article by O. C. Marsh in Am. Jour. Sci., with a note by Cope. Baur, G. Morphology of Skull in Mosasanridie. (Jour. Morphology, Vol. vii, pp. 1-22. Boston, 1892.) Baur, G. Palajohatteria, Credner, and the Proganosauria. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 310-313. New Haven, 1889. ) Calls attention to the discovery by Credner of Paltcohatteria in the Rothliegeudos at Dresden and critically reviews the Palu^ohatteridse. Y. [BOLL. 121. V Brunswick. 1889.) Inci- ons of North- . (Gcol. ana p. Montreal, tfield. (Bui. Occurrence of )rn Sea and in I. 1889.) I. New York, riuuell, Iowa, covery of the (M6m. Hot. nnectiou with Devonian are ipr&B M. James Reviews the ., (6), Vol. V. •eat group lua- lera and their |t, Vol. X, pp. MottaMauridie. Ol. XXIV, pp. claHsilicatiou II, pp. 216, 217. L pp. 331-336. lower Permian Haven, 1890.) L Sci., rhila., png forms : land sacrals in Lturalist, Vol, licle by O. C. I, Vol. vu, pp. jur. Sci., (3), |tbe discovery ind critically MYM.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 19 Baur, O. Pelvis of Testudinata : with Notes on Jl volution of the Pelvis in General. (Jour, Morphology, Vol. vii, pp. 345-360. Boston, 1892.) Baur, O. Relations of Carettochelys Ramsey. (Am. Naturalist, Vol. xxvi, pp. 631-639. Philadelphia, 1892.) Considers fossil faunas. Baur, O. Reptiles generally called Dinosanria. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 434-454. Philadelphia, 1891.) The paper contains a historical r<^8ume(l and figured ly. (American , Adv. Sci., XL, fe. (American ». N. H. Win- Description of r. (Am. Jour. aturalist, xxii, ;h are regarded fat. Hist. New igy. C. L. Her- ,97-109. 1891.) Naturalist, tory and Mani- ontributionsto 38. (Geol. and )gy, I, 127-148. I H. M. Seely. mces to fossils, n Fossils, and Am. MuB. Nat. )1. 1891.) /■alcott. (Proc. K Soc. Canada, Talcott. (Am. If Soutbeastern No. 37, 221 pp. 1. Eolfe. (Am. [.lachian Basin, ital references can Geologist, Braohiopoda — Continued. Coal-measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (F*roc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 222-247. 1888.) Coal-measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. 11, 22, 23. 1892.) Abstract. Correlation Papers, Cambrian. C. D. Walcott, (Bnl. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 81, 447 pp. 1891.) Cuboides Zone and its Fauna: A Discussion of Methods of Correlation. II. S. Williams. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 481-500. 1890.) Cuyaboga Shale and Problem of Ohio Waverly. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, ii, 31-47, 1891.) Incidental reference to fossils Development of Bilobites. C. E. Beechcr. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xi.ii, r>l-56. 1891.) Development of Brachiopoda ; Part i, Introduction. C. E. Beechcr. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XLi, 343-357. 1891.) Development of Brachiopoda ; Part ii. Classification of the Stages of Growth and Decline. C. E. Beecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 133-1.54. 1892.) Development of Some Silurian Brachiopoda. C. E. Beechcr and J. M. Clarke. (Mem. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist., i, 1-95. 1889.) Devonian Faunas, Genesee Section of New York. H. S.Williams. (IT. S. Geol. Sur., Bnl. No. 41, 121 pp. 1888.) Devonian Faunas of Iowa, Relation. H. S. Williams. (Am. Geologist, iii, 230-233. 1889.) Devonian of Manitoba, New or Previously ITnrecorded Species of Fossils. J. F. Whiteavcs. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii, Sec. iv, 93-110. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shores, or Immediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepegosis. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 255-360. 1892. ) Devonian Rocks of Mackenzie River Basin. .T. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Part iii, 199-253. 1891.) Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and Wm. Mclnnes. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, m. Part m, 527 pp. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, X. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, iv. Part D, 163 pp. 1891.) Mention made of different species. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol, Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Fauna of St. Johns Group, No. v. G. F. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, VIII, Sec. IV, 123-166. 1890.) Fossils Discovered within City Limits of Quebec. S. W. Ford. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vii, 2-5. 1888.) Fossils from Niagara Shales of Western New York. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xl, 131-137. 1888.) Fossils of Littleton, New Hampshire. R. Pumpelly. (Am. Jour. Sci., ^3), XXXV, 79, 80. 1888. ) Announcement of the discovery of Niagara fossils on Parker mountain. Genera of Paleozoio Brachiopoda. .1. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 15-17. 1891. ) Genera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 42-46. 1889.) Genera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. J. M. Clarke. (State Cab. Nat. Hist., New York, 42d Ann. Rep., 389-392. 1889.) m 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [anu-iai ¥ I li-^ii Braohiopods — Continued . Geological Problems in Muscatine County, Iowa, with Special Reference to Rec- tification of Supposed Kinderhook near the Mouth of Pine Creek. 8. Calvin. (Am. Geologist, iii, l!r>-3(). 1889.) Mention made of different species. Geology and Taloontology, North America. S. A. Miller. (One vol., 664 pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Parts iii and w, Subcarbouiferous and Waverly Groups. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iii, Pt. i, 13-110. 1888.) Geology of Licking County; Ohio Part iv, List of Waverly Fossils Continued. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Geology of Portion of Province of Quobef. K. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rept., Part k, 114. 1888.) Mention made of different species. Geology of Southwestern New York. G.D.Harris. (Am. Geologist, vii, 104- 178. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Hamilton of Chenango and Otsego Counties, New York. C. S. Prosser. (Proc- Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxvi, 210. 1888.) Various species mentioned. Hamilton Period, Vertical Range of Certain Species of Fossils in Western Onta- rio. S. Calvin, (Am. Geologist, i, 81-86. 1888.) Helderberg, Chemung, aud Waverly Groups, Fossils found in the Collection of the (ieological Survey of Pennsylvania. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. Philos. Soc, XV, 435-460. 1888.) Illustrations of St. John Group, No. vi G. F. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ix, Sec. iv, 33-65. 1891.) Inarticulate Brachiopod from Trenton Limestone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Nat Mus., Proc, XH, 365-366. 1889.) Inarticulate Brachiopodous Shell. R. P. Whitiield. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist., lu, 121, 122. 1890.) Invertebrate Fossils. A. H. Worthen. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1890.) A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Iowa City, Age of Certain Sandstones. C. R. Koyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., I, Pt. II, 25. 1892.) Iowa, Collection of Fossils from Lower Magnesian Limestone. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 2, 189-193. 1892.) Iowa, Geological Reconnoissance in Buchanan County. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. Statu Univ. Iowa, n. No. 2, 177-189. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Iowa, Spirifera from Hamilton Group near Iowa City. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 1, 28, 29. 1888.) Kentucky Fossil Shells : A Monograph of the Fossil Shells of the Silurian and Devonian of Kentucky. H. Nettleworth. (Kentucky Geol. Sur., Mon., 1-245. 1889.) Keokuk Beds and their Contained Fossils in Vicinity of Keokuk, Iowa. C. H. Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, 98-100. 1889.) Abstract. Keokuk Group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. C. S. Beachler. (Am. Geologist, ii, 407-412. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Keokuk Group of Mississippi Valley. C. S. Beachler. (Am. Geologist, x, 88-96. 1892.) Incidental reference to fossils. Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. C. H. Gordon. (Am. Geologist, v, 257-261. 1893.) An associated brachiopod figured. Leptienisca: A new Genus of Brachiopod from the Lower Helderberg Group. C. E. Beecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., xi, 238-240. 1890.) Lingula Preserving Cast of Peduncle, C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, XI, 480. 1888.) Lingnlasma: New Genus and Eight New Species of Lingula and Trematis. E. O. Ulrich. (Am. Geologist, ili, 377-391. 1889.) 'A I 06Y. [BULL. 131. i«TM.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 26 keference to Rec- •eek. 8. Calvin, species, no vol., 6fi4 pp. rbouiferouH and Univ., Ill, Pt. I, ssils Continued. JO. 1888.) [. and Nat. Hiat. ade of different lofriHt, VII, 164- Prosser, (Proc- ned. 1 Western Onta- le Collection of ms. Am. Philos. rana. Roy. Soc. itt. (IT. S. Nat rican Mas. Nat. ,71-154. 1890.) [ Miaaouri. »wa Acad. Sci., le. S. Calvin. in. (Bui. Lab. intal references in. (Bui. Lab. le Silurian and r., Mon., 1-245. , Iowa. C. H. I. Geologist, II, ogist, X, 88-96. ist, V, 257-261. erberg Group. t. Mus., Proc, and Trematis. Brachiopoda — Continued. Lingulasma: New Genus and Eight .Species of Lingula and Trematis. K. O. Ulrich. (Am. Geologist, iv, 21-25. 1889.) Linnarssonia cuf. Pretiosa, Billings. .F. Hall. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. IV, 55. 1889.) Littleton Fossils. (Am. .Jour., Sci. (3), xxxv. 255. 1888.) C. H. Hitchcock mentitmcd as referring the fossils to tlio Niagara in 1884. Maquoketa Shales and their Correlation with Cincinnati (troup of Southwestern Ohio. J. F. James. (Am. (icologist, v, :{.35-356. 1890.) List of species. Maqu(»keta Shales in Iowa. .F. F. James. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxviii, 250, 251. 1890.) References made to various species. Maryland, Fossils in Limestones of Frederick County. (J. R. Koyes. (.Fohns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 84, 32. 1890.) Minnesota, Brachiopoda from Trenton and Hudson River Groups. N. H. Win- chell and C. Schuchert. (Am. Geologist, ix, 284-294. 1892.) Minnesota, Lingula and Paradoxides in Red Quartzite. N. H. Winchell. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, 103-105. 1889.) Minnesota, Range and Distribution of Lower Silurian Fauna. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, 326-343. 1891.) Mount Bob, Mount Ida, or Snake Hill. T. W. Harris. (Am. Jour. Sci. (3), XLiii, 236-238. 1892.) New Genus of Brachiopods with Remarks on its Relations to Rensselaeria and Amphigenia. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 91-98. 1891.) Niagara Ago in Indiana, Rocks. C. S. Beachler. (Am. Geologist, ix, 408, 409. 1892. ) Incidental references to fossils. Niagara Shales of Western New York ; Study of Origin of their Subdivisions and their Faunas. E. N. S. Ringuoberg. (Am. Geologist, i, 264-272. 1888.) North- West Territory, Canada, Foaails Collected by Naturalists from University of Iowa. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii. No. 2, 163- 165. 1892.) Notice of Now Lower Oriskany Fauna in Columbia County, New York. J. M. Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 410-414. 1892.) Ontario, Hamilton Formation, with List of Species at Present Known from that Formation and Province. .J. F. Whiteavea. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 95-125. 1889.) Original Chazy Rocks. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Am. Geologist, ii, 323-330. 1888.) Mention made of different species. Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Rep,, Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advanced sheets. Paleozoic Fossils, New Species. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, I, 137-181. 1890.) Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. N. S. Shaler and A. F. Foerste. (Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 2, Geol. Ser., ii, 27-41. 1888.) Progress of Geological Investigations in New Brunswick. L. W. Bailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 3-17. 1889.) Incidental reference to fossils. Quebec Group, Geological History. T. S. Huut. (Am. Geologist, v, 212-225. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Quebec Group, Stratigraphy. R. W. Ells. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Rockford Shales of Iowa, Fossils. C. L 1013-1018. as now. Rocks at St. Paul, Indiana, and Vicinity. C. S. Beachler 178-179. 1891.) Numerous reforences to fossils. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 4.5.3-458. (Am. Naturalist, xxii. Webster. 1888. ) Descriptions of certain species, some of which are regarded (Am. Geologist, vu, 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMFHIOAN PALEONTOLOGY. [Buixiai 0 i m V,. Schnchert. (Ninth Ann. 1890.) (Am. Geologist, iv, 121-125. Braohlopods — Continued. BuHkatohowan, Species of Fossils from Silurian Rooks of tho ^outbeustern Por- tion of the District. J. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Record Scl., iv, 293-303. 1891.) Silurian Hori/.ons, Correlation of Tennessee and of Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (Am. (geologist, i, 100- 110, 179-190, and 305-315. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Silurian Horizons, Correlation of Tennessee ami of the Ohio ind Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. K. O. Ulrich. (Am. GeoloKiHt, II, 33, 34, 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Silurian Rocks of Southeastern Portion of the District of .Saskatchewan. J. F. Whiteaves. (Can. Rec. Sci., v, 293-302. 1891.) Silurian Strata near Ponohscot Bay, Maine. W. W. Dodge and C. E. Bftecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 412-418, 1892.) Spirifera and its Interrelations with Genera Spiriferina, Syringotbyris, Cyrtia, andCyrtina. .J.Hall. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 567,568. 1890.) Synopsis. Spirifera Parryana, Hall, Synonymy, Character, and Distribution. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 2, 19-28. 1888.) Spirifers, Unique, from Devonian Strata, Iowa. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 2, 165-167. 1892.) Syringothyrifl, Winchcll, and its American Species. Rop. State (ieologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. Taconic of Eastern Newfoundland. .1. P. Howley. 1889.) Numerous references to fossils. Taconic of Emmons, Fossils. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci.,xxxvi, 212, 213. 1888.) Abstract. Taconic, Lower and Middle, of Europe and North America. J. Marcou. (Am. Geologist, VI, 78-102 and 221-233. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Utica formation at Poinfc-ri-Pic, Murry River, Fossils. H. M. Ami. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Ill, 101-106. 1888.) Virginia, Stratigraphy of Portion of Central Appalachian. N. H. Darton. (Am. Geologist, X, 10-18. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Waverly Group in Ohio. C. L. Herrick. (Am. Geologist, in, 94-99. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Braohlospongidae : Memoir on Group of Silurian Sponges. C. E. Beecher. (Mem. Peabody Mus. Yale Univ., ii, 28 pp. 1889.) Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVII, 316, 317, 1889; also Am. Geologist, iii, 268. 1889. Brainard, Ezra, and H. M. Seely. Calciferous Formation in the Champlain Valley. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. in, pp. 1-23. New York, 1890.) A study of the Calciferous, with lists of characteristic fossils. Brainard, Ezra, and H. M. Seely. Calciferous Formation in the Champlain Valley. (Bui. Gool. Soc. America, Vol. i, pp. 501-516. New York, 1890.) Numerous references to fossils. Brainard, Ezra, and H. M. Seelj . Original Chazy Rocks. (American Geologist, Vol. II, pp. 232-330. Mln.Kn polls, 1888.) References to fossils. Branco, W. Geological Antecedents of Man in the Potomac Valley ; by W J McGee : Am. Anthropologist, II, 1889. Review. (Neuea Jahrbuch,pp. 427, 428. 1890.). Branco, "W. Paleolithic Man in America; by W J McGee: Pop,, Sci. Mon., 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 479. 1889.) Briatol County in Eastern Massachusetts, Cambrian. N. S. Shaler. (Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., XVI, No. 2. 1888.) British Columbia. Cambrian, Middle, New Genera and Species of Fossils. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 441^46. 1889.) Canadian Fossil Insects, I, Tertiary Hemiptera of British Columbia. S. H. Scndder. (Cont. Canadian Pal., ii, 5-26. 1891.) I LOOY. i'huij,.121. WTEH) BIBLIOOl^V^HV iW NORTH AMKKICAN PAliKONTOLOOY 27 niitboiMtern Por- Sol., IV, 293-303. issiBsippl Valleys (ifldloKiNt, I, 10()- •oforrort to. I .ind MiHsisflippi (Am. OeoloKist, ^skatohownu. .J. «l C. E. Hftecher. fothyria, Cyrtia, 1890.) SynopsiH. tioii. S. Calvin. (Kul. Lab. Nat. rt. (Ninth Ann. gist, IV, 121-125. flv. Sci., XXXVI, Mivrcou. (Am. es to fossils, mi. (Canadian Dnrton. (Am. 94-99. 1889.) Bee her. (Mem. Jour. Sci., (3), implain Valley. A study of the tnplain Valley. 'O. ) Numerous can Geologist, ^yWJMcGee: 57,428. 1890.). !i. Mon., 1888. '. (Bui. Mus. tlcott. (Proc. imbia. S. H. Irltlsh Columbia— I out > iuhhI. CfPtftceouH Fossils from British Columbia, the North-Wist Tfrritory, and Mani- toba. J. F. Whitoavos. (Ot.d. and Nat. Hist. Hnr. Canada, Contributions to Canadian PalooutoloK'y, i, ISl-liMJ. 1889.) iMirli«!r Cretaceous Kooks of Northwusturu Portion of t\w Dominion of Canada. I (J. M. Dawson. (Am. .Jour. Soi.. (3), XXXVlll. 11»0-127. 1889.) Various fos- $ sils fonsidcred. f (Jnob)gy of Mount. St«'|ilit'ii. R. (i. McConuell. (Am. (ioologist, in, l»2-25. 1889.) I Mention niado of dillercnt sppciiis. i Phyllocarid Crustacea iVom Miilillr Cambrian of Moimt St<'pbon. H. C. ,f. F. I Whitinives. (Canadian Rec. Sci., v, No. 4, 20.Vl'08. 1802.) i^ Triassic Rocks of British C«duinbia, Fossils. .1. F. Whiteavcs. (< 430. Minneapolis, 1888.) A description of the geoh)gy of the regiftn, with i incidental references to fossils. Irongniart, Charles. Les Blattes de lV'po((uo hoiiilli>re. (Coniptes Rcndns, (.viii February », 1880.) Ironteusin Chemung Rocks of New York. .1. M. Clarke. (Ki;ihtli .Vnn. Rej>. State (Jeologist, for 1889, ri--60. 1889.) Irontops Robustus, Restoration, from Miocene? of Americu, O, C. Miirsb. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 163-1().">. 1889.) ^Bro^rn, Amos P. Young «)f Bacnlites Compressns, Say. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLiil, pp. 159,100. Philadelphia, 1891.) Description, with figures, of a young specimen from tho Creta. 1891.) Men tion made of different species. Kcokiik Group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. C. S. Beachler. (Am. (ieol.,ii, 407- 412. 1888.) Occurrenco of cbaracteristic fossils noted. Local Deposit of Chester Sandstone. J. M. Nickels. (Am. Geologist, vii, 47, IH, 1891.) Occurrence of cliaractcristic fossils noted. Monticulipora, Coral and not a Polyzoan. J. F. James. (Am. Geologist, i, 386-392. 1888.) Monticulipor.i Studies. C. Rominger. (Am. Geologist, vi, 102-121. 1890.) Monticulipora Studies. J. M. Nickels. (Am. Geologist, vi, 396-399. 1890.) Nomenclature of Some Ciucinnriii Group Fossils. J. F. James. (Am. Geologist, 1,333. 1888.) Sceptropora, Genus of Bryozoa, with Remarks on Holopora (Hall) and other Genera of that Type. E. O. Ulrich. (Am. Geologist, i, 228-234. 1888.) Silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine. W. W. Dodge and C. E. Beechor. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 412-418. 1892.) Variation : with Special Reference to Certain Paleozoic Genera. J. F. James. (Am. Naturalist, xxm, 1071-1087. 1889.) Waverly Group in Ohio, List of Bryozoans, with Description of New Species. K. O. Ulrich. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. x, 62-92. 1888.) Burkhardt, Rudolf. Das Gehirn von Triceratops Habellatus Marsh. (Neues Jahr- buch f. Miu., Geol. u. Pal., pp. 71-72. 1892.) Says that the cast of this brain cavity is of great interest, even greater than Professor supposed. Burlington Crinoid, Species. R. R. Rowley. (Am. Geologist, v, 146,147. 1890.) Burlington, Iowa, Lower Carbonic Gasteropoda. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., I'hila., 284-298. 1889.) Burlington Limestone in Northwestern Missouri, Remarkable Fauna at Base. C. K. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 447-452. 1892.) Burlington Limestone, Natural Casts of Crinoids and Blastoids. R. R. Rowley. (Am. Geologist, vi, 66, 67. 1890.) BurroMVs and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals in Paleozoic Rocks, and other Mark- ings; by J. Wm. Dawson: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, Loudon, Nov., 1890. Re- view. (Am. Geologist, VII, 5"), 56. 1891.) A brief synopsii vjf the paper. ButteiHies, Fossil. S. H. Scudder. (Butterflies of New England, i, 756-760. 1889.) Butterflies of Florissant, Fossil. S. II. Scudder. (U. S. Geol. Sur., P^ighth Ann. Rep., 433-474. 1890.) Reviewed in Am. Geologist, vi, 197, 1890. Butterfly, Fossil. S. H. Scudder. (Psyche, vi, 101. 1891.) CaeloBteuB Ferox in Carboniferous Limestone of Illinois. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 637,638. 1888.) A brief notice of the form and its discovery. Calceocrinidae; Revision of Family, with Descriptions of Some New Species. E. N. S. Ringuoberg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci , iv, 20 pp. 1889.) CalciferouB Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iii, 1-23. 1890.) Mention mude of different species. CalciferouB Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Gcol. Soc. America, i, 501-515. 1890.) CalciferouB Formation in Champlain Valley. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 235-238. 1890.) Notice of a paper read before the Geological Society of America, De- cember, 1889, l)y E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. Incidental references to fos- sils. CalciferouB Sandrocks of Lake Champlain, and Descriptions of Several New Forms, Imperfectly known Fossils. R. 1*. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 11, 42-63. 1889.) ,1 OLOGY. (BUU.121 »«YE8.l BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 29 McConnell. (Geo). t 1). 1891.) Mpii- (Am. Geol.,11, 407- Bologist, VII, 47, 18. (Am. Geologist, i, 02-121. 1890.) 96-399. 1890.) I. (Am. Geologist, (Hall) and other 234. 1888.) nd C. E, Beeclwr. era. J. F. Jaines. New Species. ];. 1888.) rsh. (Neues Jahr- cast of this brain ih supposed. 146,147. 1890.) (Proc. Acad. Nat. la at Base. C. 11. R. R. Rowley. and othor Mark- Nov., 1890. lie- >f the paper. land, I, 756-760. ir., J:ighth Ann. 890. Naturalist, xxii, ew Species. E. !89.) M. Seely. (Bui. rent species. >l. Seely. (Bui. XXXIX, 235-238. ,, [)f Aniorica, Do- 3ferenco8 to fos- ral New Forms. Nat. Hist., II, icaliopora Schlilter, Relations between the Genera Syringolites Hindo and Roemoria ;| Edwards and Ilaimo, and the Genus. H.A.Nicholson. (Geological Magazine, ?| Dec. iii, vi, 433-438. 1889.) California. Aucella with special Refeiwnce to its Occurrence in California. C. A. White. I (Mon. IJ. S. Gool. Sur., xiii, 226-233. 1888.) t Cave Bear, California. E. D. Cope. (Am. Naturali«t, xxv, 997-999. 1891.) ;j| Examination by Means of Microscope of Specimens of Infusorial Earths of the Pacific Coast of the United States, A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xui, 369-385. 1891.) A. Wood- S. Oeol. Sur., 1888.) (3), xxxv, 94- Foraminifera from Post Pliocene Sand at Santa Barbara, California. ward. (New York Micros. Soc, Jour., v, 24, 25. 1889.) Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. IT. No. 51. 1889.) Post-Pleiocene Linnreid. R. E. Call. (Am. Geologist, i, 146-148. Sireiiian Fossil from California. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., I 96. 1888.) One now genus and one new species described as new. ICall, R. BllBWorth. New Post-Pleiocene Linniuid. (American Geologist, Vol. i, pp 146-148. Minneapolis, 1888.) Pompholopais icAi/ei described and figured as ni'w from Califoruia. all, R. E., C. R. Keyes and. Quaternary Section Southeast of Des Moines, Iowa. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 1890-1891, p. 30. Dos Moines, 1892.) Description of a #; section near the terminal moraine in the vicinity ot Des Moines. |Calvin, S. Additional Notes on Devonian Rocks of Buchanan County, Iowa. I (American Geologist, Vol. viii, pp. 142-145. Minneapolis, 1891.) Numerous I references to fossils. Collection of Fossils from Lower Magnesian Limestouo from North- eastern Iowa. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 144-148. Minneapolis, 1892.) Notes on various species, with descriptions, without figures : Motoptoma alta Whitfield. Rapliistoma paucivolvatum sp. nov. Straparollus claytonensissp. nov. Holopea turgida Hall. SCalvin, S. Murchisionia sp. f Orthoceras primigeuium Vanuxem. Cyrtoceras luthei sp. nov. 1 Straparollus pristiniformis sp. ?| nov. %. Raj^histoma pepinense Meek. M Raphistoma multivolvatum sp. ^ nov. ■i^ Calvin, S. Collection of Fossils from Lower Magnesian Limestone from Northoast- i| ern Iowa. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. I, No, 2, pp. 189-193. I Iowa City, 1892.) The following 8i)ocies described: Raphistoma pepinense Meek. Raphistoma paucivolvatum sp, nov. Holopea turgida Hall. Murchisonia sp f Orthoceras primigeuium Vanuxem. Cyrtoceras luthei sp. nov. Metoptoma alta WintfioM. Straparollus claytoncnsis sp, nov. Straparollus ivristiniformis, sp_ nov, Raphistoni.i jnultivcdvatuiii sj). nov. Calvin, S. Description of a New Species of Spirifera from the Hamilton Gronp, near Iowa City, Iowa. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. i, pp. 28-29. Iowa City, 1888.) Spirifera urhana described, without figure. Calvin, S. Difference between Acervularia profunda, Hall, and Acervularia David- son!, Edwards and Haime. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 1890-1891, pp. 30-32. Des Moines, 1892.) The specific differences of the two forms are minutely described. Calvin, 8. Difference between Acervularia profunda Hall, and Acervularia David- son! Edwards and Haime. (American Geologist, Vol. ix, pp. 355-358. Minne- apolis, 1892.) The specific characters and difi'erenccs of the forma are fully described. A corrected republication of the preceding paper. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121 ';'!' i!!!!!!;!: .'if Calvin, S. Fossils Collected iu Northwest Territory, C;anada, by Naturalists from the University of Iowa. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. 11, jip. 163-165. Iowa City, 1892.) Pentamerua decuaaatus Whiteaves, described ami figured, with notes on various other species. Calvin, S. Geological problems in Muscatine County, Iowa. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa., Vol. i, No. 1, pp. 7-18. Iowa City, 1888.) Incidental ref- erences to Devonian and Kinderhook forms. Calvin, S. Geological Problems in Muscatine County, Iowa, with Special Reference to Rectification of the Supposed Kinderhook near the Mouth of Pine Creok, (American Geologist, Vol. iii, pp. 25-36. Minneapolis, 1889.) Numerous references to Kinderhook forms. Calvin, S. Geological Reconnaissance in Buchanan County, Iowa. (Bui. Lab. Nat Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. 11, pp. 177-189. Iowa City, 1892.) Incidental references to fossils found iu the Devonian rocks. Calvin, S. New Genus and New Species of Tubicolar Annelida. (American Gcol- ogist, Vol. I, pp. 24-28. Minneapolis, 1888.) StrepUndyiea acervularicv is described, without figures, as new. Calvin, S. Specimen of Conularia Missouriensin, Swallow, with Creuulated Costa>. (American Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 207-208. Minneapolis, 1800.) Variety C. hermani described as new. Calvin, S. Synonymy, Characters, and Distribution of Spitifera I'arryana, Hall, (Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. i, No. 2, pp. 19-28. Iowa City, 1888. ) A full account of the structural features of the species and tl o names which have been applied to it. Calvin, S. Two unique Spirifers from the Devonian Strata of )'>*.."'. ;iSi,i. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Vol. 11, pp. 165-167. Iowa City, ~\f^., .•>jiirifc)a urbana Calvin and Spirifera macbridei Calvin, redescribed anu figurod. Calvin, S. Vertical Range of Certain Species of Fossils of the Hamilton Period iu Western Ontario. (American Geologist, Vol. i, pp. 81-86. Minneapolis, 1888.) References to numerous fossil forms. Calymene in Fauna of Intumescens Zone (Naples Beds) of Western New York and its Geological Significance. .1. M. Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 57-63. 1892.) Calyptraeidae, Synopsis of American Carbonic. Sci., Phila., 180-181. 1890.) Cambrian. Acadia, Basal Series of Cambrian llocks. (J, F. Matthew. 21-29. 1888.) Acadia, Cambrian Organisms. G. F. Matthew. 1889.) Agnostus, North American Spe<;ies. A. W. Vogde.s. 395. 1892.) Archa30cyathu8, Billings, and other Genera allied to or associated with it from the Camb.iau Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland, ti. .1. Hinde. ((,juart. Jour. Gool. Soc, London, xi,\ , 125-148. 1892.) Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals in Paleozoic Rocks, and other Markings. J. W. Dawson. (Quart. Jour. Gool. Soc, London, xi.vii, 595-618. 1890.) Cambrian Fossils. G.F.Matthew. (American Geologist, viii, 287-291. 1891.) Cambrian Fossils from Cohasset, Mass. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Biol. Soc, Washington, vii, 1.^5. 1892.) Cambrian, How Divided? Plea for Classification of Sailer and Hicks. . I 'Liichnites and Early Trilobites of Cambrian Rocks in Eastern Canada. (>. F.J «v. (Am. Geologist, II, 1-9. 1888.) Rejoiuf > Mr. C. D. Walcott. C. Rominger. (American Geologitt, 11, SuO- 358. 1866.) Mention made of different species. Relations between Geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. L. W. Bailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 57-68. 1889.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Rocks of Virginia and Southern Appalachians. C. D. Walcott. (Am. .Jour, Sci., (3), XLiv, 52-.57. 1892.) Various fossils considered. Sedgwick and Murchisor • Cambrian and Silurian. J. D. Dana. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 167-180. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Sedgwick and MurchJsou: Cambrian and Silurian. J. I). Dana. (Nature, XLi, 421-425. 1890.) Spicules described by Billings in connection with Structure of ArcheeocyathiiH Minganensis. G. J. Hiude. (Geological Magazine, Dec. iii, v, No. 2, 226-228. 1888.) Sponges, American Paleozoic E. O. Ulrioh. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, xiii, 209-241. 1890.) Description of new species. Sponges from Silurio-Cambrian at Little Metis on the Lower St. Lawrence. J, W. Dawson. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 31-55. 1889.) Stenotheca, Second Note. G. F. Matthew. (Geol. Magazine, Dec. iii, vi, 210, 211. 1889.) Stratigraphical Succession of Cambrian Faunas of North America. C. D. Wal- cott. (Nature, xxxviii, 551. 1888.) Taconic of Eastern Newfoundland. J. P. Howley. (Am. Geologist, iv, 121-' 125. 1889.) Various references to fossils. Taconic System of Emmons and use of name Taconic in Geologic Nomenclature. C. D. Walcott. ^Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXV, 229-242. 1888.) Incidental refer- ences to fossils. Virginia and Southern Appalachians, Cambrian Rocks. C. D. Walcott. (Aiu. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 52-57. 1892.) Wappinger Valley Limestones and other Formations of Dutchess Co., N". Y. W. B. Dwight. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviu, 139-153. 1889.) \ arious fossils considered. LOGY. (BULL. 121 Mt»1 bibliography OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 33 \ioy. Soc. Ciiuuda, iesof theTacoiiic. s. A. F. FoerHtf!. Qd. T. R. Jonts. iqn«Iiunna to the 469-482. 1892. , P. Lesley, (Geo!. I'S to foHsilu. (bens, B. C. J. F, . S. Shaler and A. 27-41. 1888.) T. Bailey. (Trans. fereiiceB to fossils. (Bui. Nat. Hist. stern Canada. (;. Geologiibt, II, 35(i- runswick. L. W. 89.) Allusions to eott. (Am. Jour. ana. (Ani. Jour. )ssils. . (Nature, XLi, ArcbeeocyathuH V, No. 2, 226-22><. ois, XIII, 209-241, Lawrence. .1. 1889.) Dec. iii, vi, 210, •ica. C. D. Wal- lologist, IV, 121- ic Nomenclature. Incidental refer- Walcott. (Am. hcHs Co., N*. Y. \ arious fossili Cambrian Fossils. G. F. Mattbew. (American Geologist, viii, 287-291. 1891.) Cambrian Fossils from Coliasset, Mass. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington, VII, 155. 1892.) Jaxnbrian Fossils from Monnt Stephens, Northwest Territory of Canada. C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVI, 163-167. 1888.) J. B. (Am. 'ambtian Fossils in Neocene Gravels of Islands of Martha's Vineyard. Woodworth. (American Geologist, ix, 243-247. 1892.) Cambrian Rocks of Virginia and Southern Appalachians. C. 1). Walcott. Jonr. Sci., (3), XLiv, 52-57. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. lambro-Silurian Rocks of Manitoba, Descriptions of Eight New Species of Fossils. J. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 75-83. 1889.) I^amerate Crinoids from Niagara Group, New Genera and Eight Species. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, 135-144. 1892.) jBampbell, John H. Important Discovery — A New Fossil Cypriua. (The Nautilus, % Vol. VI, pp. 50, 51. Philadelphia, 1892.) Announcement of the discovery of % Cypreea squyerii, a new form from the Cretaceous of Montana. Canada (Oeneral). J Calciferons Formation in Cbamplain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-516. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Canadian Micro-Paleontology. T. Rupert Jones. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paleontology, Part in, 59-100. 1891.) Chonophyllnm, Revision and Monograph of Genus. W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. Geol. Sop. America, iii, 253-282. 1892.) Cretaceous Rocks (Earlier) of Northwestern Portion of the Dominion of Canada. G. M. Dawson. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 120-127. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Eozoon Canadense, New Facts. A. R. C. Selwyn. (Science, xi, 146. 1888.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olencllus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Fishes of Devonian Rocks of Cauada, Part ii. J. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vi. Sec. iv, 77-96. 1888.) Fossils, with Localities, Systematic List. H. M. Ami. (Geological and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., new series, in, K, 116-120. 1890.) Laramie Group. J. S. Newberry. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 524-527. 1890.) Abstract. Micro-Paleontology of Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. A. H. Foord. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, (Contrib. to Micro-Pal., 26 pp. 1893.) Micro-Paleontology of Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro- Paleontology, Part ii, 27-57. 1889.) Paleontology of New York. J. Hall and J. M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., vii, 236 pp. 1888.) Paneka from Corniferous Limestone of Ontario. J. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Rec. Sci., IV, 401-404. 1891.) (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 453-458. Quebec Group, Stratigraphy. R. W. Ells. 1890. ) Incidental references to fossils. Silurian Horizons, Correlation of Tennessee and of Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. E. 0. Ulrich. (American Geologist, i, 100-110, 179-190, and 305-315. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Silurian Horizons, Correlation of Tennessee and of Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, ii, 39-44. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Spicules Described by Billings in Connection with the Structure of Archteocya- thus Minganensis. G. J. Hinde. (Geological Magazine, (3), V, No. 2, 226-228. 1888.) Bull. 121 3 1 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. Csuiada (G-'-aeral)— Continued. Sponges from Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis on tbe Lower St. Lawrence. J. W. Dawson. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 31-55. 1889.) Canada Royal Society, Transactions, Vol vr. Review. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, p. 493. 1889.) A brief notice of the volume. Canadian Paleontology, Vol. i, Pt. 11; by J. P. Wbiteaves. Review. (Americau Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 108, 109. 1890.) A short synopsis. Cannon, George L., jr. Itlentiiication of Dinosauria from the Denver Group. (Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc, Vol. iii, pp. 253, 2(j*. 1890.) Cannon, George L., jr. Tertiary Dinosauria in Denver Beds. (Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc, Vol. Ill, p. 140-147. 1888.) Discusses the finding of Dinosauria post- Cretaceous beds. Cape Fear River Region, Tertiary Deposits. W. B. Clark. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, ."iST-SlO. 1890.) CapnlUB, Relation of Platyceras and. C. R. Keyes. (American Geologist, iii, 6-9. 1890.) Capybara, Mastodon and, of South Carolina. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, XLii, 181, 185. 1890.) Carboniferous. Age of Rocks of the Novaculite Area of Arkansas. C. S. Prosser. (Geol. Sur. Arkansas, Ann. Rep. for 1890, III, 418-423. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Bryozoans of Waverly Group in Ohio, with Description of New Species. E. 0. Ulrich. (Bnl. Sci. Lab. Denuison Univ., iv, I't. i, 62-92. 1888.) Bryozoa, Paleozoic E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 283-688. 1890.) Description of new species. Burlington Crinoid, New Species. 11. R. Rowley. (Americau Geologist, v, 146,147. 1890.) Carboniferous Cephalopods. A. Hyatt. (Texas Geol. Sur., Second Ann. Rept.. 327-356. 1890.) Carboniferous Flora and Fauna of Rhode Island. A. S. Packard. (Am. Jour, Sci., (3), xxxvii, 411. 1889.) Recent discoveries. Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopods in British Museum ; Part i, Nautiloidea. A. H. Foord. (One volume, pp. i-xxxi, 1-344. London, 1888.) Check-List of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minuesota, Iowa, Dakota and Nebraska. B. Bierbauer. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat, Sci., iii, No. 2, 206-247. 1888.) Chert and Silicious Schists of Permo-Carboniferous Strata of Spitzenbergen and on Characters of Sponges which have been described by Dr. E.von Duni- kowski. G. J. Hinde. (Geological Magazine, (3), V, 24. 1888.) Incidental references, Chester Sandstone, Local Deposits. J. M. Nickels. (Am. Geologist, vii, 47, 48, 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Chouteau Group of Eastern Missouri. R. R. Rowley. (Am. Geologist, iii, 111- 116. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Classification of Dyas, Trias, and Jura in Northwest Texas. J. Marcou. (Am, Geologist, X, 369-377. 1892. ) Allusions to various species of fossils. Classification of Lower Carboniferons Rocks of Mississippi Valley. C. R. Keyes. (Pamphlet. Washington : Judd «& Detweiler, printers, 1-24. 1892.) Coal Measures of Central Iowa and Particularly in the Vicinity of Des Moines, C. R. Keyes. (American Geologist, 11, 396-404. 1888.) Cockroach Fauna, Interesting Paleozoic, at Richmond, Ohio. 8. H. Scndder. (ProcBostonSoc.Nat. Hist., XXIV, 45-53. 1889.) Concho County, State of Texas, Geological Survey. W. F. Cummins and O. Lerch. (Am. Geologist, v, 321-335. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Conularia Missouriensis, Swallow, with Crenulated Costie. S. Calvin. (Amer- ican Geologist, V, 207, 208. 1890.) LOGY. [BCIX.121. 1^,8 J BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 35 Br St. Lawrence. i5. 1889.) Sci., (3),xxxvni, '^iow. (Americau ) Deuver Group. 'roc. Colorado Sci. Diuosauria post- (Bnl. Geol. Soc. Gleologist, III, 6-9. ;. Acad. Nat. Sci., osser. (Geol. Siu. iientioned. 3W Species. E. 0. L888.) ti, 283-688. 1890.) icaii Geologist, v, Second Ann. Kept., kard. (Am. .lour, Nautiloidea. A, !owa, Dakota and III, No. 2, 206-247. Spitzenbergen and Dr. E.von Duni- 1888.) luoideutal ologiBt, VII, 47, 48, Geologist, III, 111- J. Marcou. (Am. vf fossils, ley. C. R. Keyes, . 1892.) ty of Des Moines. S. H. Scndder, ins and O. Lercli. fossils. Calvin. (Amer- Carboniferous— Continued. Correlation Papers: Devonian and Carboniferous. H.S.Williams. (Bui. IT. 8. •' Geol. Sur., No. 80, 27i) pp. 1891.) Incidental roferenccH to fossils. i; Crinoids and Blastoids from Kinderhook Group of Lower Carboiii^'erou.s at Le V! Grand, Iowa. Charles VVachsmutU and Frank Springer. (Geol. b '•, Illinois, VIII, 155-205. 1890.) A number of species described and figured as new. Crinoids from Missouri. S. A. Miller. (Bui. Geol. Sur. Missouri, No. 4, 40 pp., 5 plates. 1891.) Descriptions of new species. Crinoids and Blastoids, Natural Casts from liurlington Limestone. K. 14. liowloy. (American Geologist, vi, 66, 67. 1890.) Crustacea, Bibliography of Paleozoic, from 1688-1889. A. W. Vogdos. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 63, 177 pp. 1890.) Cuyahoga Shale and Problem of Ohio Waverly. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. (Jeol. Soc. America, ii, 31-47. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Description of Four New Species of Waverly Fossils. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Dennison Univ., iv, 11-60 and 97-123. 1890.) Echinodermata, Carboniferous, of Mississippi Basin. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour, Soi., xxxviii, 186-193. 1889.) Echinodermata from Coal Measures and Sub-Carboniferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri and Iowa. S. A. Miller and Wm. F. E. Gurle.y. (Indi.ina Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Ann. Kep. State Geologist, for 1888, 327-373. 1889.) Echinodermata from Coal Measures and Sub-(^arb(»niferou8 Rocks of Indiana, Missouri and Iowa. S. A. Miller and Wm. F. E. Gurley. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xiii, 25 pp. April, 1890; completed by the authors, 60 pp. 1890.) Fishes, Character of Paleozoic. E. D. Cope. (Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 447- 463. 1892.) Fishes, Paleozoic, of North America. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon., XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Flora and Fauna of Rhode Island. A. S. Packard. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 411. 1889.) Fossils from Lower Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly (Jroups, found in the Col- lections of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., xv, 4.35-460. 1888.) A. Miller and Charles Faber. 1892. ) Reviewed in American Fossils, Species and New Structural Parts. S (Jour. Ciheinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xv, 79-88. Geologist, X, 316, 317, 1892. Fossil Spider Arthrolycosa Antiqua, Harger. C. E. Beecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVIII, 219-223. 1889.) Fossils, Tabulated List of, known to Occur in the Waverly of Ohio, Compiled. W. F. Cooper. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 123-1.30. 1888.) Geological Problems in Muscatine County, Iowa, with special Reference to Rec- tification of Supposed Kinderhook near the Mouth of Pino Creek. S. Calvin. (Am. Geologist, in, 25-36. 1889.) Incidental mention made of different species. Geology and Paleontology, North American. S. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) -New species described. Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Partiv, List of Waverly Fossils, continued. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Geology of Licking County, Ohio ; Part iv, List of Waverly Group, continued ; General Conclusions. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Jiab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. I, 97-123. 1889.) Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Parts in and iv, Subcar))oniferous and Waverly Groups. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab, Dennison Univ., iii, Pt. i, 13-110. 1888.) TT 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. R. KeyeH. (Proc. Iowa Aciul. Sci., i, I't, C. R. Kcyos. (Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci., Carboniferous — Continued. Geology of NicaruKua. J. Crawford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 261-270, 1892.) Various species mentioned. Hadrophylluni aplatns. [W. F. Cummins.] (Texas Geo). Sur., Second Ann, Rop., 5.')2. IHflO.) Homologies of Cranial Arcbes of Reptiliu. E. 1). Cope. (Am. Geologist, xxvi, 407,408. 1892.) Invertebrate Fossiln. A. H. Wortben. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 18!M),i A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Iowa City, Age of Certain Sandstones. C. R. Keyes, (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci.. i, Pt. II, 25. 1892.) Iowa, Fauna Lower Coal Measures. C. II, 22-23. 1892.) Iowa, Fauna of Lower Coal Measu'res, Phila., 1888, 222-247. 1888.) Iowa, Fossil Faunas. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pbila., 242-26i5. 1891.) Iowa, Fossils from Lower Coal Measures at Des "Moines. C. R. Keyes. (Aiu. Geologist, II, 23-38, 1888.) Iowa, Geological Problems in Muscatine County. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab, Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, l. No. i, 7-18. 1888 ) Incidental references to fosisil.s. Iowa, Lower Carbonic Gasteropoda from Burlington. C, R. Keyes. (Priie. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 284-298. 1889.) Iowa, Stratigraphy of Carboniferous. C. R. Keyes. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America. II, 277-292. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Keokuk Beds and their Contained Fossils in Vicinity of Keokuk, Iowa. C. II, Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, 98-100. 1890.) Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. C. H. Gordon. (Am. Geologist, v, 257-l.'61 1893.) Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. C.'H. Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, IW 101. 1890.) Abstract. Kinderhook Fossils. R. R. Rowley. (Am. Geologist, ill, 275,276. 1889.) Les Blattes de l'dpos. A Miller and \Vm. F. E. Gurley, in a pamphlet published at Danville. Carter, H. J. Foraminiferal Genus Orbitoides of d'Orbigny. (Ann. and Mag. Nat Hist., (6), Vol. Ill, pp. 210-215. Loudon, 1889.) The author c .noludes " tlia Orbitoitcs of Lamarck should be used as the generic name for the type v Morton's \iimulite8 manteUi of the Claiborne beds of Alabama." Carter, H. J. History of Known Fossil Sponges in Relation to those of the Present (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), Vol. iv, pp. 280-290. London, 1889.) Iiu: dental references. Reviewed in Neaes Jahrbuch, 1-96, 1891. Cary, Austin. Study in Foot Structure. (Jour. Morph., Vol. vii, pp. 305-316. lio«^ ton, 1893.) Detailed description of the foot of Palteosyopa. Case, E. C, S. W. Willlston and. Kansas Mosasaurs; Part i. Clidastes. ^ansa.- Univ. Quart., Vol. i, 15-32. 1892.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopoda in British Museum ; Parti, Nautiloidea. A. II Foord. (One volume, pp. i-ds of Soutbeasten Nat. Mus., No. 3' ) Appalachian Basin 7. 1892.) Varioif ologist, VII, 357-3()ti Basin. J. J. Steveu jferences to fossils. ore. (Proc. Am. A> XIV, 767, 768. 1890. dogist, VI, 100-lW XV, 997-999. 1891. taceous DiuosauD BIBLIOGKAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 39 X, 396,397. jrsey. R. P. 1892. Wbit id. Nat. Sci. Phila. as, V, 19-21. 1891. mton. (Am. Jont ory and Manitolia tributions to Cau;- and H. M. Seel.\ mentioned. ^I^Japtaalopoda — Continued. ¥ CaloiferouB Sandrock of Lake Chaniplain, Imperfectly Known ToHsilH. R. P. ■^i Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ii, 42-63. 1889.) Calymene in Fauna of the Intumescens Zone (Naples bods) of Western New York and its Geological Significance. J. M. Clarke. (Am. .lour. 8ci., (3), xuii, 57-63. 1892.) Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Manitoba, Eight New Species of Fossils. .J. F. Whit- eaves. (Trans. Roy. Soo. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 75-83. 1889.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopoda in British Museum; Part i, Nautiloidea. A. H. Foord. (One volume, pp. i-xxxi and 1-344. London, 1«88.) Catalogue of Shell-Bearing Marine Mollusks and Jirachiopods of Southeastern Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, 321 pp. 1889.) Classification of Cephalopoda. F. A. Bather. (Am. Geologist, x,39«i, 397. 1889.) Classification of Dyos, Trius, and Jura in Northwest Texas. .1. Marcou. (Am. Geologist, X, 369-377. 1892. ) AIIuhIouh to various species of fossils. Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Key us. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 222-247. 1888.) Concho Country, State of Texas, Geological Survey. W. F. Cummins and O. Lerch. (Am. Geologist, V, 321-335. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Cretaceous Deposits of Mexico, Geology and Paleontology. A. Iloilprin. (Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xlii, 445-469. 1890.) Devonian of Manitoba, New or Previously Unrecorded Species of Fossils. J. F. Whitoaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii, See. iv, 93-110. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shores or Immediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepegosis. .1. F. Whiteavos. (Geol. Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contribu- tions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 255-360. 1892.) Devonian Rocks of Mackenzie River Basin. J. F. Whitcaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, I't. iii, 189-253. 1891.) Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. C. S. Prosser. ,^m. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 210-221. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Die Fauna mit Goniatites Intumescens in Westlichen New York. J. M. Clarke. (Neues Jahibuch f. Geol., Pal. und Min., Band i, 161-168. 1891.) Eocene MoUusca of State of Texas. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'hila., XLii, 393-406. 1890.) Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., iv. Part i>, 163 pp. 1891.) Mention made of difi'erent species. Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and Wm. Mclnnes. (Geol. .ind Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., in. Part M, 1889.) Mention made of dif- ferent species. Fauna of Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, Avith Descriptions of New Species. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., in, 26-39. 1890. ; Fauna with Goniatites Intumescens, Beyrich, in Wester i N»iw York. J. M. Clarke. (Am. Geologist, vin, 86-105. 1891.) Genesis of Arietidm. A. Hyatt. (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., xvi. No. 3, i-xi, 1-238. 1889.) Genesis of Arietidro. A. Hyatt. (Smithsonian Cont. to Knowl., xxvi, No. 637, 238 pp. 1889.) Geology and Paleontology, North American. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described Geology of Portion of Province of Quebec. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., in, Part k, 114. 8i>ecie8. S. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 pp. R. W. 1888.) Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Mention made of difi'erent 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [■wu.iii Cephalopoda — Continued. Invertebrutes, FosHil. A. H. Worthen. (Oeol. 8nr. Illinois, viii, 71-164. 1 A number of speciua described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. U. 8. Oeol, Siir., No. 51. 1889.) Iowa, Collection of Fossils from Lower Magnesiun Limestono. S. Calvin. (Itiil. Lab. Nat. Hist., State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 2, 189-193. 1892.) Jura, Necomian, and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (Am. Ooologist, iv, 357- 367. 1889.) Various BpeoicH of fossils referred to. Magnesian, Lower, Limestone of Northeastern Iowa, Collection of Fossils. S, Calvin. (Am. Geologist, x, 144-148. 1892.) Maqnoketa 8halos in Iowa. J. F. James. (I'roc. Am. As. Adv. Hci., xaxviii, 250,2.51. 1890.) Keferonco made to various species. Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sur. ArkaUNiis, Ann. Rep 1888, ii, 127-152. 1889.) In the chapter on the Paleontology of Trinity division a number of forms are described as now. New Jersey, Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of Raritan Clays and Greensund Marls. R. P. Whitfield. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mou. xviii, 402 pp. 1891.) Niagara Cephalopods from Northern Indiana. F. H. Newell. (Proc. Boston Soc, Nat. Hist., xxiii, 486-486. 1888.) Paleontology of Indiana. 8. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Rept,, Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advanced sheets. Paleontology of New York. J. Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii, 278 pp. 1888.) Permian Formation of Texas. C. A. White. (Am. Naturalist, xxiii, 109-128. 1889.) List of species found and descriptions of several as new. Permian of Texas. C. A. White. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 926. 1888.) Post-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. W. Cross. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 19- 42. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Silurian Rocks of Southeastern Portion of District of Saskatr an, Four New Species of Fossils. J. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Recor iv, 293-303. 1891.) Silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine. W. W. Dodge and C. E. Beechor. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3) XLiii, 412-418. 1892.) Species of FoHsil Cephalopods. R. Hay. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., xiii, 37-47. 1893.) Tertiary Deposits of Cape Fear River Region. W. B. Clark. (Bui. Geol. Sur America, 1, 537-540. 1890.) Texas, Mitchell County. G. C. Broadhoad. (Am. Geologist, ii, 433-436. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Texas Permian and its Mesozoic Types of Fossils. C. A. White. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 77, 51 pp. 1891.) Utica Formation at Point-A-Pic, Murray River, Fossils. H. M. Ami. (Canadian Rec. Sci., in, 101-106. 1888.) Values in Classification of Stages in Growth and Decline, with Propositions for a new Nomenclature. A.Hyatt. (Am. Naturalist, xxii, 872-884. 1888.) Variation; Avith Special Reference to Certain Paleozoic Genera. J. F. James. (Am. Naturalist, xxiu, 1071-1087. 1889.) Winnepeg Basin, Cyrtoceratidic of Trenton Limestone. J. F. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ix. Sec. iv, 77-90. 1891.) Ceratopsidae, or Horned Dinosaurs of North America. O. C. Marsh. Sci., (3), XLi, 167-178. 1891.) Ceratopsidae (or Horned Dinosaurs) of North America. O. C. Marsh Ad. Sci., 793-795. 1890.) Whiteaves. (Am. JouT. (Brit. As. ^ )LOGY. [ lYi«.] BIBLIOQRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 41 'III, 71-154. 1 , nd Missouri. U. 8. Oeol. 8ur., , S.Calvin. (Hiil, Ooologist, IV, 357- ^ion of FossIIh, 8. V.dv. Hci., XA XVIII, }ol. Sur. ArkauHJiH, te Paleontology of ,j» and GreenHiind tpp. 1891.) (Proc. Boston Soc, i, 18tb Ann. Kept,, Pal., V, Pt. II, 278 list, XXIII, 109-128. new. I. 1888.) Sci., (3), XLiv, 19- 'an. Four New IV, 293-303. .nd C. E. Beechor. d. Sci., xiii, 37-47. (Bui. Geol. 8ur 1,433-436. 1888.) hite. (Bui. U. S. Ami. (Canadian Propositions for 2-884. 1888.) )ra. J. F. James. . F. Whiteaves. rsh. (Am. Jour [arsh. (Brit. As. (Am. Naturalist, xxv, IT. F. OHboni. (Am. Naturalist, iratosauru* and CiasauriiH, HeHtoratioim. O. C. MarHh. (Am. Jour. Hoi,, (3), XLlv, 343-349. 189l>.) ttaoea. E. I). Copo. (Am. Naturalist, xxiv, r)9i»-61>5. 18SK).) Goneral account of tlio order, f>haBtetes, Typical, iu Devonian Strata at Falls of Ohio and LikowJHo in Analogonua . Ucd.sof the KifcliuGeriuiiiiy. C. Uomingcr. (Am. (Jcolojjist, x, SJMili. 1892.) Jbbalicotherioidea and Menisootlicriidat. H, F. Oshorn. ■^ 911,912. 1891.) ij^halicotberioidea, Is Meiscotherinm a Memberf >;,i XXVI, 50(>-509. 1892.) fhaliootherium, Ancestry. H. F. Osborii, (Science, xix, 27«J. 1892.) balk of Arkansas, Jura, Nccomiaii. J. Marcou. (Am. Gcoloj^ist, iv, 3.'>7-367. 1889.) Various spocio.s of fo.ssils referred to. lalk, Structure of Kansas. H. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., xii, 100. 1890.) Various 8pe<'ies of fo.ssils referred to. Chambers, B. T. Lake Saint Johu County. (Canadian koc. Sci., Vol. iii, p. 388. Ottawa, 1889.) In(;idontal references to fossils. Keviewcd in Ottawa Nat- uralist, m. No. 3, 1889. latnplain, Lake, Imperfectly Known Fossils from the Calciferous Sandrock and Description of Several New Forms. R. P. Whitfieltl. (Hul. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., n, 42-63. 1889.) lamplaiu Valley, Calciferous Formation. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ill, 1-23. 1890.) lamplain Valley, Calciferous Formation. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-516. 1890.) laney, L, W., Jr. Cryptozoon Minnesotcusis iu the Shakopco Limestone at North- field, Minnesota. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. iii, pp. 280-284. Min- neapolis, 1891.) Brief notes on Kpecimens iippdsed to belong to this group. lapman, E. J. Classification of Trilobitcs ii.s Intluenccd by Stratigraphical Rela- tions; with Outline of a New Grouping of these Forms. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vii, Sec. iv, pp. 11^-120. Montreal, 1888.) The suborder and families briefly characterized with a systematic list of families in the summary. S>baracters and Distribution of Genera of Brachiopoda. C. W. Rolfe. (Am Natu- ralist, xxui, 983-99a. 1889.) laracters and Relations, (jtoneric, Soleniscus. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Naturalist, XXIII, 420-424. 1889.) laracters of Diphyphyllum Simcoenso, (Bill.) Rom. W. II. Sherzor. (Am. Geolo- gist, IV, 93-95. 1889.) pbaracters, Distinctive of Order Hallopoda. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Mention made of different s])ecies. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely (Bui. Incidental references to fossils. XXXIX, 415-417, 1890.) laracters of some Paleozoic Fishes. E. 1). Cope. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, 447-463. 1891.) Reviewed iu American (Jeologist, ix, 263, 264, 1892. racters, Paleontological Evidence for Transmission of Acquired. 11. F. Osborn. (Science, xv, 110, 111. 1890.) larlton, O. C. Occurrence of Mammoth Remains iu Franklin County, Texas. (Trans. K.insas Acad. Sci., Vol. xii, jt. 74. Topeka, 1890.) Notes the discov- ery of mammoth reuuiius on the Marais des Cygnos River, lart of Rugose Corals. W. H. Sherzer. (American Geologist, vii, 273-301. 1891.) Jbazy Formations at Aylmer P, O, H. M. Ami and T. W. E. Sowter. (Ottawa Naturalist, ii. No. 1, 11-15. 1888.) 7haz7 Rocks, Original. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. 323-330. 1888.) Mention m.ide of different species. 7beck-List of Cretaceous Invertebrate Fossils of Texas. Texas, Bui. No. 4, 57 pp. 1889.) ?beck-LiBt of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. Bierbauer. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii. No. 2, 206-247. 1888.) (American Geologist, ii, R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sur. B. Tf ill t 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [boix. Ui W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. Geol. (American Geologist, iii, (Am. Jour. Sol., (3), Chemung and Catskill (Upper Devonian) on Eastern Side of the Appalachian Basin. J. .J. Stevenson. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xl, 219-247. 1892, Various species mentioned. Chemung and Catskill (Upper Devonian) on Eastern Side of the Appalachian Basin. .1. .J. Stevenson. (American Geologist, ix, 6-33. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Chemung Rocks of New York, Genus Brontens. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State (ioologist, for 1889, .57-60. 1889. ) Chesapeake Bay, Upper Tertiary Invertebrates from West Side. O. Meyer. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xi,, 170-171. 1888.) Cheyene Sandstone and Necomian Shales. F. W. Cragin. (American Geologist, VII, 179-181. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Cheyeue Sandswin. and Necomian Shah^s of Kansas. F. W. Cragin. (American Geologist, VI, 1!3;J-2.S8. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Cheyeue Sandstone -nd Necomian Shales of Kansas. F. W. Cragin. (American Geologist, A'^ii, 23-.S3. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Chondrites Antiguus, Haliserites, z. Th,, nnd anhliche (iebilde, Ueber Palojospongia Prisca, Brooein, Eopbyton, z. Tli. H. Rauft'. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., 92-104. 1892.) Chonophyllum, Revision and Monograph of Genus. Soc. America, iii, 253-282. 1892.) Chouteau Group of Eastern Missouri. R. R. Rowley. 111-116. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Ciasaurus and Ceratosaurus, Restorations. 0. C. Marsh. XLlv, 343-349. 1892.) Cincinnati Anticlinal, Age. A. F. Foerste. (American Geologist, vii, 97-109, 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Cincinnati Group Fossils. Nomenclature. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, i, 3.33-335. 1888.) Cincinnati Group Fossils, Nomenclature. J. F. James. (American Geologist, i, 3.33. 1888.) Cincinnati Group of Southwestern Ohio, Maqnoketa Shales and their Correlation, J. F. James. (American Geologist, v, 335-356. 1890.) Cincinnati Group, Monticuliporoid Corals, with a Critical Revision of the Species, U. P. and J. F. .fames. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., x-xi, 118-141, 158-84, 15-48, 1887-8.) Cirripede from MarcoUus Shale of New York. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Ann. Mns, •Nat. Hist., II, No. 2, 66-68. 1889.) Clark, W. B. New Ammonite which throws Additional Light upon the Geological Position of the Alpine Rhiotic. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, pp. 118-120. New Haveu, 1888.) Afxestes rhwlicus sp. nov. described from the Tyrol. Reviewed in Nenos Jahrbncli, I'm, 1890. Clark, "W. B. Revision of Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. (Johns Hop- kins Univ. Circulars, Vol. X, No. 87, pp. 75-77. Baltimore, 1891.) A list o< species, with liorizoiis iiiid localities. Clark, 'W. B. Tertiary Deposits of the Cape Fear River Region. (Bui. Geol. Soc, America, Vol. i, ])p. 537-540. New York, 1890.) Contains lists of Eocene and Cretaceous fo.ssils found commingled. Clark, "W. B. Third Annual Geological Expedition into Southern Maryland and Virginia. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, Vol. ix. No. 81, pp. 69-71, Baltimore, 1890.) Numerous incidental references to fossils. Clarke. J. M. Calymene in Fauna of Intumeacens Zone ^Naples beds) of Western New York, and its Geological Signiticance. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLiii, pp. 57-63, 1 plate. New Haveu, 1892.) Calymenianeapolitana sp. nov. described and figured, and its importance as marking the upper Devouian emphasized. f ..f OLOGY. (BULL. f the Appalachian ., 219-247, 1892. f the Appalachian 1892.) Incidental (Eighth Ann. Rep. O. Meyer. (Proc. merican Geologist. oted. ragin. (American isila. ragin. (American foHsils noted. eber Palojospougia l)uch f. Min., Geol. jrzer. (Bui. Geol. jan Geologist, ni, m. Jonr. Soi., (3), 3gi8t, VII, 97-109, ■ican Geologist, i, lean Geologist, i. their Correlatiou, m of the Species, 141, 158-84, 15-48. (Bui. Ann. Miis. on the Geologit'iil >p. 118-120. New Tyrol. Reviewed ca. (JohuB Hop- 1891.) A list of (Bui. Geol. S*)c. )tn of Eocene and Maryland and 81, pp. 69-71. eds) of Western (3), Vol. XLiii, p. uov. desoribod ian emphasized. Tw,] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 43 IjiClarke, J. M. Couonura Aspectans, (Conrad). (Tenth Ann. Rep. State (ieologist "v New York, for 1890, i)p. 79-8.3, Albany, 18!>1.) Noti'S on an entire specimen recently found. Reviewed in Nones ,Iahrbnch, 151, 1892. itClarke, J. M. Fauna mit Goniatites Intum«Hi!ena in Westlicheu Now York. (Neues ;i Jahrbuch lur Min. Geol., n Pal., Bund i, pp. 161-16S, 1891.) De.scribes the lithological characters ana delimitation of tlio Naples \u'.i]h or Intnnicscens zone in western Now York, the firnt appearance of its cli.imteri.stic fauna in the Styliola layer in the midst of the ({oueseo Hhales (witii a list of 24 species) and its fuller development in the strata abovd tlui (ien«see ((>." sjiocies, l.S of ^1 which are, (Joniatitos). ijClarke, J. M. F.auna with Goniatites lutumescens, Boyridi, in western New York. (American (tcologist. Vol. vili, pi>.86-ltr>. .Minuea]>olis. ISill.) Adesiripiion of a normal G. iiitiimesceuH iutho upper Devonian. Tliis launa includes xvi-ral elements in maxinmm development, which in Euroi)e,an suceoHHion i'reMueutly occupy distinct horizons above iind below it. 31arke, J. M. Genera of Paleozoic Itrachiopoda. (Kighth Ann. Itep. .State (Jeolo- gist New York, for 1889, pp. 43-46. Albany, 1889.) A list of genera to be dis- cussed in Paleontology of New Y'ork, Vol. viii. !larke, J. M. Genera of Paleozoic Hrachiopoda. (State Cab. Nat. Hist, of New York,a2d Ann. Kept., pp. 389-.392. Albany, 1889.) /larke, J. M. Genus Acidaspis. (Tenth Ann. Kop. State (Jeologist \e\v York, for 1890, pp. 61-71, 3 plates. Albany, 1891.) Brief notes on the genus with figures. Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xi.viii, 158, 159, 1892; also in Neues Jahrbuch, p. 151, 1892. !Iarke. J. M. Genus Bronteus in Chemung Rocks of New Y'^ork. ( '^ii 'btli Ann. Kep. State Geologist of New York, for 1H89, pp. 57-60. Albany, i; '^9.) A ligiire of, and notes on, Bronteus aenescens from the Lower Chemvmg of Prattsburg, New York. ||Dlarke, J. M. ragin. (American Geolo- gist, IX, 2.->7-260. 1890.) Pobt-Tiaramie Deposits of Colorado. W. Cross. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuv, 19- 42. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Restoration of Ciasaurus and Ceratosaurus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 343-349. 1892.) Revision of Cretac(>ou8 Echiuoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, x, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Silurian, Fish Remains. [Anon.] (Science, xvii, 107. 1891.) Silurian (Ordiviclan), Ichthyic Fauna and its Mode of Occurrence. C. D. Wal- cott. (Bui. (u'ol. Soc. America, III, 153-172. 1891.) Abstract. Torosaurus, Skull, O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3). XLlli, 81-84. 1892.) Trenton Fish, Supju-sed. (American Geologist, viii, 178-180. 1891.) Vertebrate Fauna of I'uerco Epoch. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 161-163. 1888.) Comparisons of Eozooii. (American Geologist, ix, 53-.55. 1892.) An editorial with iu)tes on dillerent forms. Comparisons of Principal Ftirms of Dinosauria of Europe an* to ioHsilH. 1). G. D. Harris. 11,331-336. 18Wt.) Connecticnt Viil- 888.) [ic NomenclatiiiT. Incidental refur- v-t. leoticut — Continned. Triassic Dinosanria. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3,) xlui, 543-646. 1892.) Triassic Formation of Connecticut, two Holts of Fossiliferous Black Shale. W. M. Davis and 8. W. Loper. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, ii, 415-430. 1891.) Vertebrate Fossils. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3,) XLii, 265-269. 1891.) Connecticut Valley, Fossil Fishes and Fossil I'lants of Triassic Rocks. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xiv, 95 pp. 1888.) Connecticut Valley, New Footprints. M. M.Nitiver. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 286. 1892.) Abstract. toardium from Devonian. C. R. Keyos. (Proc Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. ii, 23, 24. 1892.) nilarla Missouriensis, Swallow, with Crenulated Costiu. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, V, 207-208. 1890.) ir, W. P. Tabulated List of Fossils known to occur in the Waverly of Ohio, Compiled. (Bui. Sci., Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. iv, I't. i, pp. 123-130. Granville. 1888.) This list gives the known stratigraphic range of the species in Ohio. E. D. Adhesive Disk of Echenois. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 254,255. Philadelphia, 1889.) Critical notes on recent work by Storms on Lcheneia glaronenais. , E. D. Age of Denver Formation. (Science, Vol. xiii, p. 290. Now York, 1889. ) Says that the Denver and Willows Creek formations are Laramie. Inci- dental references to fossils. , E. D. Age of Staked Plains of Texaa. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxvi, p. 49. Philadelphia, 1892.) A brief note. , B. D. Aneghino on the Extinct Mammalia of Argentina. Review. (Ameri- can Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 725-727. Philadelphia, 1891.) A critical syn- opsis. , E. D. Artiodactyla. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, 111-136 bis, 3 plates. Philadelphia, 1889.) Continuation of paper in same journal in Vol. xxii, pp. 1079-1095. , E. D. Artiodactyla. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, i)p. 1079-1095, 2 plates. Philadelphia, 1888.) This is a general discussion of the group 149, bis. Philadelphia, 1889.) The conclusion is reached that the Pala-ohii terla is one of the Proganosauria and probably a member of the Stereostemidii Cope, E. D. Crook and Saurodontidae from Kansas. (American Naturalist, Vo XXVI, pp. 941,942. Philadelphia, 1892.) A critical review of "Ueber eini; fossile Knochenfische aus der mittleren Kreide von Kansas ; von Alja Robiiisn Crook: Palicontolographica, xxxix, 107, 1892. Cope, E. D. Degenerate Types of Scapular and Pelvic Arches in the LacertilJL (Jour. Morph., Vol. vii, pp. 22.3,224. Boston, 1892.) Cope, E. D. DicotyliniB of John Day Miocene of North America. (Proc. Am. Pbiloi Sic, vol., XXV, pp. 62-79. Philadelphia, 1888.) The following are the newforiii> Bothrolabis gen. nov. Bothrolabis rostratus, sp. nov. Reviewed in Neues .fahrbuch, 322-323. 1890. Cope, E. D. Dinosauria of the Laramie. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, ]i] 904-90e, E. D. Handbaoh der Paleontologio von Zittel. (Am. Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 1018, 1019. Philadelphia, 1888.) A brief review of the work. |>e, E. D. Homologies of Cranial Arches of the Reptilia. (Am. Naturalist, 7ol. XXVI, pp. 407, 408, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1892.) An analysis of the cranial characters of the genera of Reptilia discovered in the Permian of North Amer- ica by the author. ipe, E. D. Homologies of Cranial Arches in the Reptilia. (Trans. Am. Philos. Soc, Vol. XVII, pp. 942-944. Philadelphia, 1892.) , E. D. Horned Dinosauria of the Laramie. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 715-717, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1889.) A short list of species f..'om this formation, with descriptions of the following as new: Monoclonius reourvicornis. Monoclonius sphenoceras. . Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 435-486, 1890. pe, E. D. Horned Dinosaurian Reptile. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 1108,1109. Philadelphia, 1889.) A brief account of a Dinosaur found by O. C. Marsh in Montana. bpe, E. D. Hyena and other Carnivora from Texas. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXVI, pp. 1028, 1029. Philadelphia, 1892.) Notes on the discovery of car- nivora in the Pliocene of Texas, with a description, without figures, oi Boro- phagua diveraiden$. )e, E. D. Hyena and other Carnivora from Texas. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLiv, 326,327. Philadelphia, 1892.) A note describing the following genera and species as new : Borophagus diversidens. Canimartes cumminsii. >e. B. D. Intermediate Pliocene Fauna. (American Natur.iilist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 253, 254. Philadelphia, 1889.) A list of interesting species, with notes. le, B. D. In the Texas Panhandle. (American Geologist, Vul. x, pp. 131, 132. Minneapolis, 1892. ) Brief notes on collections made. 9pe, B. D.] Lectures on Geology and Paleontology. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXVI, pp. 940,941. Philadelphia, 1892.) A brief synopsis of a syllabus of a course of lectures delivered before the University of Pennsylvania. je, E. D. Litopterna. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 685-693. Phila- delphia, 1891.) |ipe, E. D. Lydekl(er's Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum, Part V. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 164-165. Philadelphia, 1889.) A brief synopsis t»f the work. 36, E. D. Marsh on Cretaceous Mammalia. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 490, 491. Philadelphia, 1889.) A brief review on an article by O. C. Marsh in Am. Jour. Sci. (3), pji. 81 and 177, 1889. )•, E. D. Mechanical Causes of Development of Hard Parts of Mammalia. (Journal Morphology, Vol. iii, pp. 1.37-290. Boston, 1889.) Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 389-405 1892. 9pe, B. D. Mechanical Causes of Origin of the Dentition of the Rodentia. (Amer- ican Naturalist, Vol. xxii, ])p. 3-13. Philadelphia, 1888.) Consideration of the peculiarities of the rodent dental system as a result of the mechanical con- sequences of an increase in the length of the incisor teeth, with notes on the Marsupialia multiluberculata. »pe, B. D. Mechanical Origin of Dentition of Amblypoda. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, Vol. XXV, pp. 80-89. Philadelphia, 1888.) The action of mechanical forces and their effects on the evolution qi \\\q dei^titlpn ia this group dift ouued and illuitratedi i i 1 ^1 3! i ii,!ll I i 5i! ■I ■:■ It 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bullui Cope, B, D. Now ami Littlo Known Paleozoic Vertebrates. (Proc. American Phil osophical Soc, Vol. xxi, pp. 221-228. Philadelphia, 1892.) The followin; species described : CoBcostins niacromuB. Holoptychius fllosus. Ganorhyachns oblongiiN. Mogul iclithys macropouns. Holr aema horrida. Oope, E. D. New Dog from the Loiii> Fork Miocene. (American Naturalist, \'o. XXIV, pp. 1067, 1068. Phihulelphia, 1890.) .Elnrodon compreaaut described i new. Cope, E. D. New Fishes from South Dakota. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv pp. 654-658. Philadelphia, 1891.) The following described, withont figures OS new : Gephyrura. Oligoplarchus. Gephyrura coucentrica. Oligoplarchus sqnamipinnis. Proballostoraus. Mioplosna multidentatus. Proballostomus longulns. Cope, E. D. New Form of Marsupial ia from the Laramie Formation. (Proc. Am As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xi.i, p. 177. Salem, 1892.) Notice of the new genu Thlaiodon. Cope, E. D. New Horizons of Fossil Fishes. (Am. As. Ad. Sci., Vol. x L, p. 285 Salem, 1892.) Announcement and discussion of the discovery of fish remains u Rose Hill, South Dakota. Cope, E. D. New Genus of Mammalia from tlie Laramie Formation. (Amerioai Naturalist, Vol. xxvi, pp. 758-762. Philadelphia, 1892.) Thlaodon padanicti (gen. et sp. nov.) described without figures. Cope, E. D. New Gouus of Triassic Dinosauria. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii p. 626. Philadelphia, 1889.) The genus Cfelophysis described as new froc the Triassic of Now Mexico. Cope, E. D. Nou-Actinopterygian Teleostomi. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pf 479-481. Philadelphia, 1891.) A new arrangement of the group. Cope, E. D. New Perissodactyls from the White River Neocene of Nebrnski (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 47-49. Philadelphia, 1891.) Xenoth peloccraa and Cwnopus simplicidena described, without figures, as new. Cope, E. D. Now Species of Mustilidio from the Loup Fork Miocene of Nebraska (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 950-952. Philadelphia, 1890.) The fol , lowing species described, without figures, as new: Stenogale robusta. Brachypsalis pachycephalus. Cope, E. D. Osboru on Meso/oic Mammalia : .Tour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2), Vol. IX, pp. 186-265, July, 1888. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, 723, 72J Philadelphia, 1888.) A careful review of the work. Cope, E. D. Permanent and Temporary Dentitions of (Certain Threo-toed Horse (American Naturalist, Vol. xxvi, pp. 942-944. Philadelphia, 1892.) A stud; with figures, of the dentition of these* forms. Cope, E. D. Permanent and Temporary Dentition of Certain Three-toed Horse- (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. xi.iv, pp. 325-326. Philadelphia, 18!):' Brief notes on the subject. Cope, E. D. Phylogeny of the Horse. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. ■U>' 449. Philadelphia, 1888.) A review of "F.tudes sur I'Histoire Pal^ontoio gique des Ongules ; ii, Le IX'iveloppoment des Equido); par Marie Parlou, Mo; cow, 1888. Cope, E. D. Pineal Eye in Extinct Vertebrates. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii pp. 914-917, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1888.) Probable origin of the organ ani its significance in vertebrates. Cope, E. D. Pohlig on Elophas Autiquus. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp 712-713. Philadelphia, 1889.) A brief review of recent work by Pohlig. 'OLOGY. [BULL. 121 Proc. American Phil 192.) The folio wini sroponns. lean Naturalist, \'oI tpreaaug described a aturalist, Vol. xxv )ed, withont flguret [amipinms. entatus. rmation. (Proc. Am J of the new genu' Sci., Vol. X L, p. 28j '•ery of fish remains a irniation. (Amerirai Thlaodon padanicti Naturalist, Vol. xxiii scribed as new fron uralist, Vol. xxv, pf le group. socene of Nebraska hia, 1891.) Nenod* ires, as new. liocene of Nebraska jhia, 1890.) The fol .] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. t. Sci. Philadelphis t, Vol. xxii, 723. 72) Threo-toed Horses hia, 1892.) A stiidj Three-toed Horses Philadelphia, 1892. Vol. XXII, pp. ll" Histoire Pal^ontolo r Marie Parlou, Mo; aturalist, Vol. xxii in of the organ anc . list, Vol. XXIII, pp rork by Pohlig. 51 ipo, B. D. Proboscidia. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 191-211, 8 plates. Philadelphia, 1889.) A general ac<;ount of the group and its evolution. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 150-154, 1891. ipe, B. D. Professor Marsh on Extinct Horses and other Mammals. ( American Naturalist, Vol.xxvi, pp. 410-412. Philailelphia, 1892.) A review of articles in Am. Jour. Sci., April and May of 1892. ipe, B. D. Review of North American Species of Hippotherium. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, Vol, XXVI, pp. 429-458, 3 plates. Philadelphia, 1889.) Icpe, B. D. Riitineyer oa Classification of Mammalia and on American Types recently found in Switzerland. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii,pp. 831-835. M Philadelphia, 1888.) Review. 'I^pe, B. D. Schlosser on Carnivqra. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 1019, 1020. Philadelphia, 1888.) A brief notice, ipe, B. D. Scott and Osborn on F,auna of the Brown's Peak Eocene. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 470-472. Philadelphia, 1890.) Synopsis of a recent paper in the Trans. Am. Philos. Soc, xvi, 4G1, 1889. •ope, B. D. Seeley's Researches on Organization, Structure, and Classification of the Fossil Reptilia. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 271-273. Phila- delphia, 1890.) A critical review of recent papers by H. G. Seeley, published in the Philosophical Trans. Roy. Soc, 1887-1889. pe, B. D. Silver Lake of Oregon and its Region. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXIII, pp. 970-982. Philadelphia, 1889.) Incidental references to fossil forms, pe, B. D. Skull of Dinosaurian, La^laps Incrassatus, Cope. (Proc Am. Philos. Soc, Vol. XXX, 240-244. Philadelphia, 1892.) lope, B. D. Skull of Equus Excelsus, Leidy, from the Equus beds of Texas. (Amer- ican Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 912, 913. Philadelphia, 1891.) Characters described, pe, E. D. Species of Plioplar'jhus from Oregon. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXIII, pp. 625, 626. Philadelphia, 1889.) PUoplarchua aeptemapinoaus described as new from Miocene of Oregon, pe, B. D. Syllabus of Lectures on Geology and Paleontology ; in. Paleontology I'M ofVertebrata. (Pamphlet, 90 pp. Philadelphia, 1891.) pe, E. D. Synopsis of Families of Vertebrata. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 849-877. Philadelphia, 1889. ) A complete synopsis. pe, E. D. Vertebrata from Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of the Northwest Ter- ritory. (Cont. Canadian Pal., Vol. Ill, pp. 1-25. Ottawa, 1891.) Thespecics from the Oligocene or lower Miocene beds of the Cypress Hills. The following species are described : Amia macrospondyla. Rhinestes rhtuas. Amia whiteavesiana. Trionyx leucopotaiuicus. Amia macconnelli. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 394, 395, 1892. pe, B. D. Vertebrate Fauna of Equus Beds. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 160-165. Philadelphia, 1889.) List of species and localities, with descrip- tions, without figures, of Alcea hrevitrabalia sp. nov., Alcea aemijialmatua sp. nov., and Ctuicua enaifer sp. nov. pe, B. D. Vertebrate Fauna of Puorco Epoch. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 161-163. Philadelphia, 1888.) Analysis of the characters of the fauna, pe, B. D. Vertebrata from Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of Northwest Terri- tory; I, The ^ecies from Oligocene or Lower Miocene Beds of the Cypress Hills. (Geol. Sur. Canada, Vol. in, pp. 1-25, 14 plates. Ottawa, 1891.) Five species of fish, one reptile, and a number of mammals are described, the follow- ing as new : Amia whiteavesana. Aminrus cancellatus. Amia macrospondyla. Amiurus macconnellii. Rhinestes rhaeas. Trionyx leucopotamicus. T % m ■M ':k i I ,*i m\ BIBLTOOBAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, (bull. m. Cope, E. D. — Continiiod. Reviewed in Science, xiv, 53, 1891 ; jiIho Ottawu NnturitliHt, v, 74-77, 1891 ; and Am. Geologist, viii, 32ti, 1891. Cope. E. D. Vertebrata of Swift Current River, ii. (American Natnriilist, Vol. XXIII, pp. 151-155 bis. Philadelphia, 1889.) DuHcription of some material collected by the Canadian Geological Survey. The following speciea are de- scribed: Ilaplacodnn angustigensia nov. Leptomeryx esnlcatus sp. nov. gen. Leptomeryx mammifer. Anchiterium westoni sp. nov. Leptomeryx Hcmicinctus sp. nov. Hypertragulus tranverHus sp. nov. Cope, E. D. Vertebrata of Swift Current River, m. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxili, pp. 628, r»29. Philadelphia, 1889.) The following species described as new from the Neocene of Canada : • Menodus selwyniauus. Kloth«>riuni coarctatuin. MenoduH syccras. C[ope,] E. D. Woodward's Fossil Fishes. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 646,647. Philadelphia, 1891.) A critical synopsis. Corals. Acervularia Profunda, Hall, and Acervularia Davidsoni, Edwards and Hainie, Differences. S.Calvin. (American Geologist, ix, 355-358. 1892.) Acervularia Profunda, Hall, and Acervularia Davidsoni, E«lwards and Hainie, Differences. S. Calvin. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. i, Pt. ii, 30-32. 1892. ) Age of Cincinnati Anticlinal. A. F. Foerste. (American Geologist, vii, 97-109, 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Archoiocyathus, Billings, and other Genera allied to or associated Avith it from the Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland. G. J, Hinde. (Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, XLV, 125-148. 1889.) Calciferous Formation in Champlain Valley. 1*1. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-516. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Cambrian Fossils in Neocene Gravels of Islands of Martha's Vineyard. .1. K, Woodworth. (American Geologist, ix, 243-247. 1892.) Cambrian, Lower, or Olenellua Zone in North America, Descriptive Notes of New Genera and Species. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 33-16, 1890.) Cell Development in the Favositidiu. C. E. Beecher. (Trans. Connecticut Acad, Arts and Sciences, xiii, Pt. ii, 215-219. 1892.) Chiutetos, Typical, in Devonian Strata at the Falls of Ohio and Likewise in Analogous Beds of the Eifol in Germany. C. Komiuger. (American Geologist. X, 56-63. 1892.) Charact-ers of Diphyphyllum Simcoense, (Bill.) Koni. W. H. Sherzer. (Am Geologist, IV, 93-95. 1889.) Chart of Rugose Corals. W. H. Sherzer. (Am. Geologist, vii, 273-301. 1891.1 Chonophylluni, Revision and Monograph of Genus. W. H. Sherzer. (Bill. Geol. Soc. America, in, 253-282. 1892.) Cincinnati Group, Manual of the Paleontology. J. F. James. (Jour. Cincin nati Soc. Nat. Hist., Pt. i, xiv, 45-72; Pt. ii, 149-163; Pt. in, xv, 88-100; Pt. IV, 144-159. 1891-1892.) Corals from Devonian Rocks of Iowa. C. L. Webster. (American Naturalist xxiii, 710-712. 1889.) Correctibu of "North American Geology and Paleontology." W. H. Sherzer (American Geologist, vi, 59-61. 1890.) Correlation Papers; Cambrian. C. D. WftlcQtt. (Bui, U. S, Geol. Sur., J>"- **' 447 pp, 1891.) )LOGY. lBULL.i;:i. V, 74-77, 1891 ; and 111 Naturalist, Vol. of some material 'iug specivH are de- [Icatus sp. nov. mmifer. uiciuctiis sp. uov. in Naturalist, Vol. pecit'H described as rctatuiii. tlist, Vol. XXV, pp. Iwards and Haiine. I. 1892.) Iwards and Haiiiie. ,11,30-32. 1892.) iologist, VII, 97-109. elated with it from nd Scotland. G. J. 1889.) 1 and H. M. Seeiy. iferences to fossils. I's Vineyard. .1. H. escriptive Notes of at. Mus., XII, 33-46. . Connecticut Acad. o and Likewise in ^.luerican Geologist. H. Sherzer. (Aui ^11, 273-301. 18fll.i H. Sherzer. (Hiii les. (Jour. Cineiii- III, XV, 88-100; I't. iierican Naturalisl. r." W. H. Sher/er . Geol. Sw., N«>. »1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 63 Morals — Continued. Deveiopmont of Paleozoic Poriferous Coral. C. E. Boeclier. fTrans. Connecti- cut Acad. Arts and Sciences, vill, Pt. II, 207-211. 1M92.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shon^a or Iniinodiate Vicinity «»f Lakes Manitoha and Winnej)ogosis. .1. V. Whiteaves. (Geol. an-3<>(). 1H92. ) Devonian Rocks of Mackenzie Kivc^r Basin. ,1. F. Whiteaves. ((ieol. and Nat- Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Pt. in, I!t9-2ij3. 1891.) Faunaof Lower Cambrian orOlenellns Zone. C. I>. Walcott. (II. S. (Jcol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-058. 1890.) Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City. N. ,1. L. Woolnian. (Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xlii, 132-117. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology of Licking County, Ohio ; Pts. iii and iv, Subcarboniferous and Waverly Groups. C. L. Ilerrick. (Mul. Sci. Lab. Donnison Univ., in, Pt. i, 13-110. 1888.) Geology of Nicaragua. J. Crawford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xi,. 2(il-270. 1892.) Abstract. Various species mentioned. Geology of Portion of Province of Quebec. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., 1887, Pt, k, 114. 1888.1 Mention made of ditterent species. Hadrophyllnin Aplatus. [W. F. Cummins.] (Texas (Jeol. Sur., Second Ann. Rep., 552. 1890.) Heldorberg, Chemung, and Waverly Groups, Fossils found in the. Collections of the Geological Survey of Ponnsylvanijt. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. Philos. Soc, XV, 4a5-460. 1888.) Hinde.astr.Ta, a new Generic Form of Cretaceous Astncida!. C. A. White. (Geoh.gical Magazine, (6), v, 302, 363. 1889.) Invertebrate Fossils. A. H. Worthen. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1890.) A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Iowa, Geological Reconnaissance in Buchanan County. S. Calvin. (Bui. Ljib. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii. No. 2, 177-189. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Kinderhook Fossils. R.R.Rowley. (American Geologist, in, 275, 270. 1889.) Lower Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1888, 222-227. 1888.) Maquoketa Shales and their Corr;'lation with Cincinnati Group of Southwestern Ohio. J. F. James. (American Geologist, v, 33.5-350. 1890.) List of char> acteristic species. Maryland and Virginia, Third Annual Geological Expedition. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars x, No. 81, (J9-71. 1890.) Various species mentioned. Micro-Paleontology of Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. A. H. Foord. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contri. to Micro-Pal., 20 pp. 1888.) Miocene Mollusca of Now Jersey. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., xxxix, 397-405. 1888.) Monticulipora, Coral and not Polyzoan. J. F. James. (American Geologist, 1,386-392. 1888.) Monticulipora, Studies. J. M. Nickels. (American Geologist, vi, .396-.399. 1890.) Oriskany Fauna in Columbia County, Now York. J. M.Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci. (3), XLl v, 410-414. 1892. ) Pacliyphyllum, Contribution to Knowledgeof. (J. L. Webster. (American Nat- uralist, xxiii, 621-625. 1889.) Paleozoic Fossils. A.F.Foer8te. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., iii, Pt. ii, 117- 136. 1888.) !WP 54 BIBLIOORAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOOY. (buix.12i. m lit ,1!! IHMiiip:' 111 mi': ! !i;i'ii:fe: ! , m i! m ill Corals — Continued. Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Oeol. Mar. Indiana, 18tli Ann. Rep,, Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advanced Hlicets. Relations between Genera Hyringolites, Hinde, and Roeuieria, Kdwarda and Haime, and the genus Caliopora, 8vhlUter. H. A. Nicholiton. (Geologicul Magazine, Dec. iii,vi, 43»-438. 1889.) Rocks at St. Paul, Indiana, and Vicinity. C. S. Deadlier. (American OeologiNt, VII, 178, 179. 1891.) Numerous references to foBsila. Silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine. W. W. Dodge and V. E. Bee(;lit!r. (Am. Jour. Sci. (3), XLlil, 412^18. 1892.) Variation; with Special Reference to Certain Pal*to/oiu Genera. J. F. Janu^.s, (American Naturalist, xxiil, 1071-1087. 1889.) James D. Dana, (Third Ed., 440 pp. Now York, imi] C, L. Webster. (American Naturalist, xxiii, Corals and ("oral Islands. Corals from Dev«)nian Rocks of Iowa. 710-712. 1889.) Corals, Monticuliporoid, Cincinnati Group, with a Critical ReviHion of the Species. U. P. and J. F. James. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., x-xi, 118-141, 158-184, aud 15-48. 1887-1888.) ComiferouB Limestone «>f Ontario, Now SpeciesofPaneka. J. F. Whiteuves. (Cana- dian Record Science, iv, 401-'104. 1891.) Coronura Aspectans (Conrad). J. M. Clarke. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geolo^'ist, New York, for 1890, 79-83. 1891.) Corrections of "North Auutri(^!in Geology and Palooutologyt" W. H. Sherzor. (American Geologist, vi, 5'.)-Gl. 1890.) Corrections t(» Miller's Nortli American Pale88ippi (American Goolo- to. thwestern Ohio. J eol. Sur., No. 81, 44" ns. (Bui. U. S. Oeol. lils. Mus. Nat. Hist., iv, ence, xv,7,8. 1892. dii Mexiqne. (liiil. Paris, 1890.) . R. P. Whitfield. Kansas. (American dental references to Kansas. (American dental references to 1.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 55 tttgin, F. W. Contribution to Paleontology of th«« riaiuH. (Hiil. Washltiirn Col- W^~ lege Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. Ii, pp. «8-r»8. Topeka, 1880.) Tim following species described : Cardium kanHasense, Mvuk. Kenionoia forrissii, sp. nov. InoceramuH brownii, sp. nov. in, P. W. Further Notes on the Chey«>nn« Sandstoiio and Nwomian Siialcs. (American Geologist, Vol. VII, pp. 179-181. Minneapolis, 1891.) A continua tion of the author's papor in American (loologist, vii, 23-33, 18511.) ^Ifllgin, F. W. Geological Notes on tho Region South of the Groat Itond of the Arkansas. (Bnl. Washburn C(dlt'go Lab. Nat. His., Vol. ii, pp. 33-37. To- poka, 1889.) Incidental rofoiMUcos to fos-sils. OlUgin, F. W. New Observations on tho (ioniis Triniicronioruni. (American Geolo- gist, Vol. VIII, pp. 171-174. Minncapcdis, 1891.) .Siipplumeutury notes on the species; a continuation of a papor by tho author in tho Aiiiorican (Jeologist, '' December, 1888.) I, F. W. New or Little Known Siinrian from the Kenton of Kansas. (Ameri- can Geologist, Vol. II, pi». 404-107. Minnoapolis, 1888.) A doscription of Trinacromerum bentonianum. 1, F. W. Observations on Llama Roiiiains from Colorado and Kansas. (Ameri- can Geologist, V. (!ope. (I'roc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xL, 285. 1892.) Abstract. ial Arches of Reptilia, Homologies. K. 1>. Cope. (American Naturalist, .\xvi, 407,408. 1892.) ford, J. Geology of Nicaragua. Abstract. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. XL, pp. 261-270. Salem, 1892.) A general rej^onnoissanco of tho geology of tho region with incidental references to fossils. fordsville, Indiana, Keokuk Group. C. S. Boachler. (American (Zoologist, 11,407-412. 1888.) Mention nmde of different species. ler on Pahoohatteria. K. D. Copo. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 148,149. 1889.) lonta, with Notes on some Genera which have been referred to that Group, Revision of North American . W. B. Scott. ( Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XLIV, 291-323. 1892.) ^ iceous. i Additions to Observations on Cretace0. 1889.) Dinosauria, Family of Horncul, from Cretacecnis. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Im Sci., (3), xxxvi, 177. 47H. 1888.) Dinosauria, Horned, of Laramie. E. I). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxi: 715-717. 1889.) Dinosauria, New Americ;ui. (). C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Symeut of an Addi- ti(mal Term in itn Nomenclature. (J. H. Kldridge. (Am. Jotir. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 313-321. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Hiudeastra7-3(»7. 1889.) Vari<»us species of fossils niferred to. Kansas Mosasauria. S. \V. Williston. (Science, xviii, 315. 1891.) Kansas Mos.isauria, Part i, Clidastes. S. W. Wiilistonaud E. C. ('ase. (Kansas I'liiv. ' viir, 171-174. 1891.) Occurrence of Fossils of (Jretaceous Ago on the Island of Martlia's Vineyard. ^ S. Slialer. (Bnl. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard C(dl., xvi, 89-97. 1889.) Ostracoda from Mabou Coal Field of Nova Scotia. T. R. Jones and J. V Kirby. (Geoh.gical Magazine, Dec. iii, vi, 269-271. 1889.) Palecmtological Notes. A. S. Packard. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxi' 1 209-216. 1889.) Paleontology of Cretaceous Formations of Texas, Part I. R. T. Hill. (Uuivt; sity of Texas, School of Geology, Circtilars, 8 pp. 1889.) Paleontology of Cretaceous Formations on Staten Island. A. HoUick. (Tran: f N. Y. Acad. Sci.. xi., 96-103. 1892.) Permian of Texas. C. A. White. (American Naturalist, XXii, 926. 1888.) rOLOGY. [BOLLia J|j BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 59 CMMPoeouB — Contiuued. .an Naturalist, ^"^'i "'IjfeainH, Paleontology. F. W. Cragin. (Bui. Washburn Colle-jo Lal>. Nat. Hist., •:^§ II, 65-68. 1889.) orn. (American Xa! '|||e8iosanr from Niobrara Cretiiceous of Kansas. S. W. V.''illistoii. (Kansas . Acad. Sci., xii, 1-5. 1891.) r. B. Tyrrell. (Tratii j|fteBio8aur from Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas M^ Sci., XII, 174-178. 1890.) .8. Adv. Sci., XLi, 17 r|perano(lon, Skull and Hind Extremity. 8. W. Williston. ( AuH^rican Naturalist, fxxv, 1124-1126. 1891.) lition. W. B. Ciart i|bff'et (iroup of Washington Territory. C. A. White. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), (0.) Various specie xxxvi, 443-4.50. 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. Bftdiolaria from Pierre Formation of Northwestern Manitoba. 1). Rust. ((ieol. P. R. Uhler. (Trau uq,! ^at. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Mi 181-183. 1892.) A. Heilprin. (I'roi na; with Note on Fn: [can Geologist, ix, ti3; I Geologist, V, 315-31; (Geol. Sur. Arkanaai t'erent species. L. Woolman. (Prni ,;; ,1 references to fossil' leologist, IV, 155- W ,| to. usas. F. W. Cragii | P. Whittteld. (Bii iton. (Trans. Kau8» Adv. Sci., xxxvin J 160-166. 1889.) %a M. Cotteau. (Bn (American Geologi>: lartha's Vineyard. ? 89-97. 1889.) R. Jones and J. V 89.) oc. Nat. Hist., xxi ) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [mi ,««|i I I I Hi! Hi!: Cretaceous ami Tertiary Strav'.('. T.VV. Btaiitoii. (Aiiicr: GeologiHt, VII, 333, ;J34. 1891.) Occiirroixn' of characteriHtic foHnilH not Cretaceous, I^ater, Deposita in Iowa. C. A. White. (American (Geologist, i 227. 1888.) VarioHS Hpecies of fossils referred to. Cretaceous Mammalia. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Four. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 81-9<). i Cretaceous Mammalia, Part ii. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Tonr. 8ci., xxviii, 17: .1889.) Cretaceous Mammalia, Review of Discovery. H. F. Osboni. (Anierieau Nafiit XXV, 44, . I.'). 1891.) Crinoid Heterocrinus Suhcrassns. 1). T. 1). Dy<'he. (Scieiiee, xx, p. 66. isii. Crinoid, Speeies of Biirliugtoii. li. R. Rowley. (American Geoloffist, v, l|i 1890.) Crinoidea, Attachment of Platyceras. C. li. Keyes. (.Vmerican Naturalist, 924,925. 1888.) Crinoidea of Lower Limestone at Rockport, New York, with l)escripti plates. 1891.) Descriptions of new species. Crinoids in F.vmilies, Structure, C'lassitication and Arranp'nutnt of Americiii I zoic. S. A. Miller. (Indiana Dep. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Ann State < Jeologist, for 1889, 302-326. 188!). ) Crinoids, Perisomic Plates. C. R. Keyes. (Americiin (Jeologist, vn,25i>-2rfS. Crinoids, Perisomic Plates. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xli, 247, 24H. i Crinoids, Structure, Classification, and Arrangement. S. A. Miller. (Aiiif Geologist, VI, 27.J-286 and 210-357. 1890.) Crinoids, Termination of Columns. D. T. I). Dyche. (American (Jeologist, x 1892.) Critical Revision of Species Montieuliporoid Corals of the (Mncinnati Gnmi P. and J. F. James. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., x-xi. 118-141, l.58-l«l. 1887-1888.) Crook, A. R. (Jeber einige fossile Knoclieniische :ius der Mittlereu KnJil Kansas. (Palieontographica, Vol. xxxix, p. 107. Cassel, 1892.) Cross, Whitman. Denver Tertiary Formation. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), Vol. \\ pp. 261-282. New Haven, 188!).) Incidental references to fossils foriii'* Cross, Whitman. Post-Laramie Deposits of Cohu-ado. (Am. Jour. Sci., ili XLiv, pp. 19-22. New !liiv r CarboniferoiiH Hoc' (Geol. Snr. Illiuoiv I fiffiirod aj» new. Nat. Hist., (fi), v,:i::. ra and Eight Siu'ci.- :A , X, 133-U4. 1802.1 i iiiericaii (loohigist. i ;| County, Iiidiaiia. ) ler. (Bui. (rool. Siir )f now 8p«icit'8. ,<'in«!iit of American I liHt., tSixt««ntii Anil logist, VH, 255-2r)S. ., (3),XLi, 247,24K. • S. A. Miller. (Am 1 iiKTican (li'ologlHt. \ I lie (Mncinnati Grfnii XI. 118-141, 15«-1«I.; ler Mittleren Knid' OasH.)!, 1892.) iir. Sci., (3), Vol. w ices to fossils form-*. .^ (Am. .lour. Sci.. w* ,** n^rerenues t« t]i« < vs. eans (ucm-ti'lobitic). See also Trilobites. itious and Corrections to Miller's North Americau Paleontology. C. L. Her- ck. (Amcriian Geologist, v, 2.')3-25r). 1890.) lis Hameri in Pleistocene at Kiviereide Keaudette, and on the occurrence peculiar varieties of Mya Arenaria and M. Truncata in the Modem Sea and the Pleistocene. W. Dawson. (Canadian Kec. Sci., in, 287-292. 1889.) iherella: New (ienus of Lower Helderherg Ostracoda, E. O. Ulrich. (Ameri- ,n, VIII, 197-204. 1891.) lographj' of Paleozoic Crustacea I'rom l(i98-1889. A. W. Vogdes. (Bui. U. Geol. Sur., No. «i3, 177 pp. 18!K>.) ish Columbia, Cretaceous Fossils from the Northwest Territory of Manitoba. '. F. Whiteaves. ((»eol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributums to Cana- an Paleontology, i, 151-196. 1889.) briau Organisms in Acadia. G. V, Matthew. (Traii;;. Roy. Soc. Canada, I, Sec. iv, 135-162. 1889.) ada, Micro-Paleontology of Camhro-Silurian Rocks. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. d Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paleontology, Part ii, 27-57. 1889.) ,.. W. Vodges. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1'; 166-168. 1889.) DescriptioL »f new species. Crustacea from 1698-1889, Bibliography of Paleozoic. A. W. Vodges. (Bui; Cool. Sur., No. 63, 177 pp. 189^.) Crustacea, Non-TriIobiti<; Genera and Species, Catalogue of North American r zoic. A. W. Vodges. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, No. 1. 1889.) Crustaceous Tracks from the I'otsdam Sandstone of Port Henry, New York. .1,: (New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., 42d Ann. Rep., 25-27. 1889.) Cryptozoon Minnesotensis in Shakopee Limestone at Northiield, Minnesota W. Chaney, jr. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., m, 280-284. 1891.) Cuboides Zone and its Fauna, a discussion of Methods of Correlation. H. S.' iams. (Bui. Geol. Soc' America, i, 481-500. 1890.) [Cummins, TV. P. ] Appendix to Geology of Coleman County. (Texas Cul. Second Ann. Rep., p. 552. Austin, 1890.) Describes as new Hadrophf aplatiia. Cummins, "W. P., and Otto Lerch. Geological Survey of the Concho country, > ot Texas. (American Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 321-335. Minneapolis, 18!K). cideutal references to fossils are given. Cumnoria (Camptosaurus), Pelvis. S. W. Williston. (American Naturalist, ^ 472,473. 1890.) Cusps, Mammalian, Nomenclature. H. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, 92&-928. 1888.) Cuyhoga Shale and Problem of Ohio Waverly. C. L. Horrick. (Bui. Gool America, ii, 31-47. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Cyclocrinus, Teber die Gattiingen Pasceolus. F. Roemer. (Neues Jahrbii Min., Geol. u. Pal., 74,75. 1888.) Cyprasa, Fossil. .T. H. Campbell. (The Nautilus, vi, 50,51. 1892.) Cystidians of Jefferson County, Indiana. G. C. Hubbard. (Proc. Indiana A Sci., I, 67. 1891.) Cytherea Convexa, Say. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, vi, 52, 53. 1892.) Dakota (South). Cambrian J'ossils, Upper, Description of New Forms. C. D. Walcott. i II. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 266-279. 1891.) (■retiu'oons Echinoidea of North America, Revision. W. B. Clark. (Johns! kins Univ. Circulars, No. x, 87, 75-77. 1891.) Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska, Li List. B. Bierbauer. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, 206-247. IW Tertiary Mammals. (). C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 523-525. : Dall, W. H. Age of the I'eace Creek Bone Beds of Florida. (Proc. Biol Wash., Vol. \i, Mch. VVaHhington, 1891.) Reviewed in Am. Naturalist, 400. 401, 1891. Dall, W. H. Contributions to Tertiary Fauna of Florida. (Trans. Wagner Inst. Sci., Phila., Vol. ill, pp. 1-178, 11 plates. Philadelphia, 1890.) T on the plan of an annotated cittulogue of the Gasteropods of the region, brief notes on the structure of the shells. The following species are Ii), or described, most of them as new : Liopliix il: 'ype Specimens. J.; 1889.) arks on Otliers uot I. Acad. Nat. Sci., 11 . W. Vodges. (Bull of North American 1 ». 1. 1889.) rleury, New York. ,J,; ^27. 1889.) iorthfield, MinneHota ,280-284. 1891.) Correlatiou. 11. S. ounty. (Texas G- ol.' lies as uew Hadroph) the Concho country, > . Minneapolis, 18!K). imerican Naturalist, \ merican Naturalist, : Horriok. (Bui. Geol I fossils. mer. (Neues Jahrbu '; ,51. 1892.) d. (Proo. Indiana A 52,53. 1892.) C. D. Walcott. (: »V. B. Clark. (Johns i >ta, and Nebraska, CI | ci., Ill, 206-247. im ), XXXIX, 523-52.5. ! orida. (Proc. Biol. id in Am. Naturalist,: a. (Trans. Wagner | iladelphia, 1890.) 11 I -opods of the region, ^ owing species are tif., IB ( fAnctuB) heilpriniiK 8 (fAnctus) aiuBrk-'' » ( fAnctuB) Rtearnsii il ebrosa, 'f;> Helix instrumofta. Helix orusta. Helix crusta var. ounotator Dall. Helix diespiter. Helix direpta. elix haruspica. Helix adamnis. '^ Strophia (Eostrophia) anodonta. . Strophia (Anodonta var. ) iloridana Dall. -|CyIindrella iloridana. %Bingicula iloridana Dall. JfKingicula (floridana var. ?) Guppyi Dall. triculus vaginatuH. aphander (Bucoonia) grandis Aldiich. ollabella aldrichi. lanorbis conanti. Planorbis disstoni. Physa meigsii. Conus planiceps Heilprin. Conns cruzianus. Drillia newmani. rillia acurugata. iDrillia acucincta. rillia ebenina. rillia edilia. rillia Bodilia. rillia podagrina. rillia piscator. rillia bigeiuma. rilliii (Lissotropis var. > perpolita Dall. Cythara termiuula. Daphnella cingulata. iDaphnella modesta. iGlyphostoma watsoni. leurotomella charieM8a,var. pitttil- lata, Dall. ancellaria conradiana. ancellaria venusta. 'rigonoHtonia tenera Philippi. rigonostoma snbtliomasitc. livella lata. ncillaria shepardi. iarginolla ballista. argiiiella precursor. arginella pardalis Dall. arginella iloridana. arginella wilcoxiana. arginella aurora. arginella denticulata Conrsid. Marginella bella Conrad. arginella faunula, Marginella elegantula. • Marginella newmani. Marginella styria Dall. Marginella gravida. Marginella (Volutella) amiantula. Liopeplum spillmani Dall. Liopeplum snbjugosum Dall. Lyria costata Sowerby. Volutilithos precursor Dall. Scaphella (Caricella) leana Dall. Scaphella (Caricella) subangulata Conrad. Scaphella trenbolnii, Tuomey and Holmes. Sca2>hella iloridana Hoilprin. Eucymba ocalana Dall. Perplicaria perplexa. Mitra holniesii. Mitra wilcoxii. Mitra (niississippiunsiH var. f) sili- cata Dull. Conomitra staminoa Conrad. Mitromorpha cincta. Mitromorpha pygniina Dall. Turbinella chipolana. Turbinella regina Hoilprin. Turbinella soolyinoides. Mazzalina costata. Latirus floridanus Heilprin. Latirus callimorphus. Latirus rugatus. Latirus tesBollatus. Latirus hypsipottus. Fulgur stellatum. Fulgur echinatum. MelogtMia Hculpturata. Molongena sculpturata var. turri- cula Dall. Melougeiia subcorouata var. aspi- nosa Dall. Solcnosteira mcngeana. Holenostoira inoruata. F'usus (Papillina) duraosus Conrad. Fusus ballista. FusiiNf (piinquespinus. Fusus ((Jhrysodomus?) nexilis. Tritonidea pauper. Nassa bidcntata Kimnona. NasHii la]»eiiotierei. Nas^4a cnlooHiionsis. Anachis caniax. Anachis ithitoina. Murex (Chicoreusf ) micronieris. Murex (Ptoronotus) texilie Gabb. Kupleura miocenica. |i::i \4 ■ 1. ' ■ '1 liiili" i ' ' If ■'1 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [b. ll." Muricidea Hpinnlosa Heilprin. Typhis lingiiiferua. Typhis floridunus Dall. Rapana tumpaonais. Coralliophila magua. < CoruUiophila lepidota. Opalia de-bouryi. Eiilima conoidea Kurtz and Stimp- 8on. Niso willcoxiaitu. Phaliuni globosuni. Phalium aldrirhi. Ovuhi (TrauBoviila) luulticarini Cyprii>a pinguis Conrad. Cyprasa heilpriuii. Cyprrea wilcoxi. Cypnea (Siphocypaera) prolilcn ica Heilprin. Orthaiilax puguax Heilprin. Orthanlax gabbi. Riniella Hniitliii. StronibuH nlbirnpianus. Stronibns aldrichi. Strombns chipolana. Th«i following species described or figured from Part ii, 1892: Bulla striata Hrug., var. attenuata Dall. Utriculus vaglnatus Dall. Conns planiceps Heilprin. Conns adversarius Conrad. Drill ia myrmecoon. Drillia hoplopliorus. Drillia uplianitonia. Drillia schismatica. Drillia sigela. Glyphostoraa johnsoni. Daphnella elata Dall. Cancellaria conradiana Dall, var. rotunda. Cancellaria (Trigonostoniii) serieea. MarginelU euliniu. Marginella onchidella. Marginella (Volutella) dacria. Scaphella (Caricella) podagrina Dall. Perplicaria perplexa Dall. Tnrbinella scolynioides Dall. Fasciolaria (sparrowi var.?) acuta Kmmous. Fasciolaria eleguns Kniinons. Olyptostyla piuuanuiiisis. Mazzalina oweni Dall. Melogena subcoronata Heilprin. Solenosteira inornata Dull. FuHUs »(|nalis Emmons. Fusus caloosaensis Heilprin. Fusus quiuqnespinus Dall. Pisiana (Celatoconus) nux. Ilyanassa (Paranassa) arata Say. Ilyanassa (Paranassa) isogranima. Nassa johnsoni. Collumbella (Anacbis) styliola. Trophon (Aspella) . sis. Odontostonjia (Syrnola) attt-ni Turbonilla (Ondina) fragilis. Turbonilla chipolana. Turbonilla protracta. Cassis (Phalium) globosum li;i Cassis (Phalium) aldrichi Dall tStrombus chipolanus Dall. Triforis niittdla. Cerithospsis scarphius. Bittium chipola uni. .} Bittium (ihipolanum, var. Im: ',% Dall. Bittium permutabile. Bittium cossmannii. Bittium annettiK. Bittium podagrinum. Bittiuni(Styliferina?)prisciiin; Bittium (Stylifcrina) bioplcx. Bittium (Styliferina) ceritliiil' Dall. Cerithium caloosaeuse Dall. Cerithium ocalanum. Cerithium burnsii. Cerithium platynema. Cerithium callisoma. Cerithium glaphyrea. Cerithium glaphyrea, var. ; rium Dall. Cerithium coccodes. Cerithium chipolauum. Cerithium vinctum Vv'hitfu'lil Potamides hillsborounsis Uti! Potamides (Lampauella) tnn Dall. Potamides (Pyrazisinus) ciiiii; latus Heilprin. Potamides (Pyra?(()tnua) cor; Heilpriu, •« SONTOLOGY. [Btu.! BIBLIOOBAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 65 rausoviila) niulticnriiiv ingiiis Conrud. eilpriuii. rilcoxi. ■^iphocypaern) proliltn Iprin. !c piiguax Heilpriii. X pabbi. miitliii. i nlbirupiiinus. 1 aldrichi. i chipolana. I, 1892: [ita Conrad. oiuia (Syrnwlii) cnlmy oinia (Symola) attem la (Ondina) fragilis. la chipolana. la protracta. 'haliuin) globosiim Hi haliiim) aldrichi Dall s chipolanuH Dall. nitella. psiH HcarphiuH. chipola iini. chipulanuni, var. Imr permntabile. cossmanuii. unnettHt. podagrinnm. Stvlifei"in'i*)P'*i8«'iiiii: (Stylifcrina) hioplfx. (Styliferina) cerithiit m oaloosaense Dall. m ocalanum. Ill ImriiHii. Ill platynema. ni callisoma. in glaphyrea. Ill jjlaphyrea, var. )all. in cocf^odes. ni chipolauiim. m vinctnm Vv'hittiill 08 hillsboroenHis Uv\ m (Lampauella) ti;ii es (PyrazisinuB) vm] Heilprin. lea (Pjrra?t(jinq8) ton riui WJ 'otamidea (Pyraziainua) acalatus Heilprin. 'otamidea (Pyraziainus) acutua. lava chipolana. lava calooaaeuaia. laba chipolana. iodnlua tiirbanitua Heilprin. iodulaa wilcoxii. IfodaliiB oompactua. piecuin floridanum, var. compac- tuni Dall. Itecum coronellum. ItBCUiu caroliniauum. Ifficuni tortilt>. loiciim (tortile var. f ) ibex, ieioceraa cingulatum. rpulorbia (granifera var. f) bal- listic Dall. 'nrritella tampw Heilprin. arritella tampiu var. pagodiefor- mia Heilprin. rritclla gatunenaia Conrad, arritella tcrebriformia. nrritella chipolana. arritella aubgrnndifera. ' rritella aubanulata Heilprin. rritella perattenuata Heilprin. rritella apicalia Heiliirin. 'nba acutiasiuia. 'oaaarua lyra Conrad, 'oaaarua (laapia) anomala C B. Adauia. larium aniphiternium. tiachelix retifera. ydrobia anibilcata Pilabry. 'ydrobia auiuicoloidea Pilabry. ydrobia uiobiliaua Dall. uicola omphalotropia Pilabry. aaoa lipena. 8Hoa athymorhyaaa. iaaoa (Onoba) gertea. laaoa (Onoba) calliatrophia. aaoa (Onoba) microcharia. aaoiua johnaoni. aaoina chipolana. .deorbia atrigillatus. .deorbis leai. althea wilcoxii. enophora couchyliophora Born, atica alticalloaa. atica (Cryptonatioa) floridana. jpolynicea (Lunatia) internua Say. puUiua lischeri. pullina Bolidula. lyuices (Amauropaia) bumaii. Bull. 121 5 Sigaretus ohipolanua. Sigeratua ' iiultiplicataa. Turbo rhbutograuunicaa. Aatralium (Litbopoma) chipola- num. Astraliam (Lithopoma) precorsor. Collonia elegantala. Collonia radiata. Collonia chipolana. Collonia olaibornensia. Chloroatoma (Omphaliua) exoletam Conrad. Oibbala americana. Callioatoma philanthropas Conrad. Callioatoma philanthropas var. eliminatum Dall. Callioatoma (philanthropuavar.f) conradiauum Dall. Callioatoma metrium. Callioatoma wilcoxiannm. Callioatoma virgiuicum Conrad. Callioatoma grammaticam. Callioatoma exile. Callioatoma eboream Wagner. CoUioatoma wagnerii Dall. Callioatoma aphelium. Callioatoma nitena. Callioatoma eroaum. Callioatoma harriaii. Callioatoma cyclna. Callioatoma (Eatrochus) limulum. Callioatoma (Eutrochua) cerami- cnm. Margarita tampaenaia. Solariella louiaiana. Solariella turritella. Liotia (Arene) aolariclla Heilprin. Liotia (Arene) coronata. Liotia (Arena f) milium. Liotia (Arene) perarniata. Liotia (Arene) agonea. Teinoatoma milium. Teiuostoma calooaaenae. Teinoatoma chipolanum. Teinoatoma opaitelotua. Teinoatoma microtbratia. Teinoatoma ateiratum. Teinoatoma vortex. Teinoatoma collinus. Teinoatoma funiculus. Teinoatoma paeudadeorbis. Dillwynella naticoides Lea. Cochliolepis striata Simpson. Cyclostrema chipolanum. Molleria dupliuenais. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. Molleria niiuiiHcula. Norita tampaennis. Neritina chipolaua. Neritina (Theodoxnsf) edentula. Lucapina suffuaa Roevu. FisHuridea carolinensis Conrad. Fiasuridea niicnlu, FisBuridua chipnlana. Fiasuridea caloosaonsis. FiaHiiridca curditella. Eniur^iiiulu (Kitimla) camli: EniarKiiiiila pilttbryi. Vaginulln chipolaua. iHchonchiton tainpiieuaiH. Dontaliuiu calooaaeuae. Dentaliiiiu priaiua. Dvntalinni caduloida. CaduluH iloridauua. Reviewed by J. Koenen, Noiies Jahrbuch, 179, 180. 1892. Dall, VET. H. Cytherea Convexa Say. (The Nautilua, Vol. vi, pp. .')2,5.3. I'li phia, 1892.) Diacussea the ayuouoniy of this apcciva uud conclude.s tlia rad's name, C. sayana, would be beat adapted for it. Dall, W. H. Hinge of Pelecypoda aud its Development, with au Attempt I a better Subdivision of the Group. (Am. lour. Set., (3), Vol. x\\\ 435-462. New Haven, 1889.) The various characters upon which th*; d claasiiicationa of the Lamellibrancbiates hiive been based are discu^Mi i: special value of the hinge jtarta ia then taken up and the concluaion „ at that it forma the moat satisfactory criterion. "W. H. Preliminary Catalogue of the Shell-bearing Marine Mollu> Brachiopods of the Southeastern Coast of the United States. (Bui. C Mua., No. 37, 221 pp., 74 plates. Washington, 1889.) A catalogue of \ uad Pleiatoccne forms, with a bibliography and their geological ni. graphical distribution. The following Neocene species are ligiired: >rf| Dall, Terebratula cubensis Pourtales. Terebratulina septentrioualia Couth. Eudeaia cranium Miller. Platidia semiuula Phillippi. Thecidium mediterraneum Sow- erby. Dimya argentea Dall. Janira hemicyclica Ravenel. Pecten magellanicua Gmelin. Peoten irradianus Lamarck. Mytilus edulis Linne. Modiola modiolua Linne. Modiolaria nigra Gray. Modiolaria corrugata Stimpsou. Creuella glandula Totten. Area transversa Say. Area pexata Say. Area pectunculoides Scacchi. Nucula proxima Say. Nucula delphinodonta Mighels. Yoldia limatnla Say. Leda acuta Conrad. Solcnomya velum Say. Venericardia borealia Conrad. Aatarte undata Gould. Astarte caatanea Say. Parastarte trinquetra Conrad. Circe cerina C. B. Adiima. Eriphyla lunulata Conrad. Kellia planulata Stimpaon. Cryptodou gouldii Philli]i|ii. Cardinm pinnulatum Conraii^^w. Cardium antillarum d'OrhiL Cyprina islandica Linne. Venus merccnaria Linne. Petricola pholadiforuiis La:|, Tagelns gibbus Spengler. Tagclus diviaua Spengler. Tellina tenera Say. || Macomn baltica Liime. Cumingia telliuoidea Coma | Mactra solidiasima Dilhvyn Mactra lateralis Say. ig Cochlodesma leanum Coma' Lyimaia hyalina Conrad. Cnspidaria laniellosa M. .San Clidiophora gouldiana Dall i Corbiila dispiirilis dV)rbi;;:, Corbiila coutracta Say. Mya areuaria Linne. Saxicava arctica Linne. Barnea costata Linne. Zirphu;a crispata Linne. Ringicula uitida Verrill. Torantina canaliculata .^mv Cylichnella bidentata d'Orl Scaphander nobilis Verrill. Umbra<'ulum bermudense M Drillia leucoeyma Dall. jEONTOLOQY. iBi., DIBLIOGKAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 67 J)aphnolla roticiiloHa Dall. Glypbostoniii gabbi Dall. ManKillii* plicusa C. It. Adatiu. rieurotoiueUa charicHHa Watsou. Oliva litcrata Lauiarck. Olivella inutica Say. Mitra swainboui IJrod. var. autil- leuHis Dall. Mitra Htyria Dall. Fulgar carica Linne. Bucciiium uiulatuiu Linne. LioDiosus Htimpsoni Dall. rbos parvus C. "•. Adams. NaH^ riua glyptu Ihinh. Naseii trivittata Say. Naasa vebt-x Say. Anacbis avara Say. AHtyris liiuata Hay. PbyllonotiiH promnm Omelin. Euplcura caudata Say. Urosalpiux cincerus Say. Purpura lapillue Linne. Coralliopbila debnrghiu< Keeve. Scala miiltistriata Say. Bcala gra>nlaudtca Perry. Atlanta poror.ii Lesueur. Seila terobralis C. li. Adams. Dolopbanea gabbi Dall. Cwcum couperi Smitb. Segnenzia monocingulata Se« guenza. Adeorbis suprantidus Wood. Crucibiiliim striatum Say. CrupiduJa fornicata Linne. (^repidula plana Say. Capuliis bungarioiiB Linno. Nevcrita duplicata Sa,\ . Luiiatia duplicata Say. Lunatia beros var. triserita Say. Bolariella ottoi Phillippi. Molbtria uHtulata MuUer. Scissurella crispata Fleming. Pleurotomaria adamsoniaua Crosse and Fischer. , H. Species of Donax of Eastern North America. (Th«» Nantilnn, Vol. v. »p. 125-127. Pbiladelpbin, 1892.) This paper gives the diagnostic features n the diflcrent species in tabular form and describes as new : Donax emmonai id Donax a-quilibrata from the later Miocene (Carolinian) of North Carolina. H. Types fosHiles do rEoc«>ue du bassin de Paris, r. Review. ^\>ues Jarhbuch, pp. 451,452. 1891.) W. American Jurassic Mammals; (). C. Marsh: Am. Jour. Sci., 1887, teview. (Neues Jahrbuch, pp. 106-108. 1888.) American TriassioKbynchocephalia; F.D.Cope: American Naturalist, 37. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. ;«8. 1888.) W. Balanus Hameri in Pleistocene at Rivit^re Beandette, and on the Oc- irrcnce of Peculiar Varieties of Mya Arenaria and M. Truncata in the Modern Ba and in the Pleistocene ; W. Dawson : Canadian Rec. Sci., iii, 1891. Review, feues Jahrbuch, 461. 1891.) W. Bibliography of Paleozoic Crustacea from 1698 to 1889 including List 'North American Species and a Systematic Arrangement of Genera; A. W. podges: U. S. Geol. Sur.,Bul. No. 63. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 169,170. 2.) Catalogue of North American Paleozoic Crustacea, confined to the |on-Trilobitic Genera and Species; A. W. Vogdes: Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., No. 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 153, 154. 1891.) W. Cirriped in Canadian Paleozoic Rocks; H. A. Ami: Geological Maga- B, 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 152. 1890.) "W. Comparison of Principal Forma of Dinosauria of Europe and America; C. Marsh : Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, |p. 434-433. 1890.) '!(- i' i 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOOY. (rcil Dames, V7. Cmntaoea from Low«r Silurian of Tennessee; J. M. Saiford ami a Vogdes: Proo. Acad. Nat. Soi., Phila., 1880. Review. (Neuea Jabrbiich, 1890.) Dames, 'W. Description of New Dinonaurian Reptiles ; O. C. Marsh : Am. Jour. (3), XXXIX, 1890. Review. (Neucs Jahrbuoh, pp. 149, 1.50. 1891.) Dames, W. Dlnoaanrian genus Cielurus; £. D. Cope: American Naturaliitt, 1887. Review. (Noues Jahrbucb, 116. 1888.) Dames, W. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia; O. C. Marsh: Am. Jour (3), XXXVIII, 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuoh, pp. 141-143. 1890.) Dames, W. Distinctive Characters of Order of Hallopoda; O. C. Mursb: Joar. Sci., (3), xxxix, 1890. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, pp. 155, 166. I Dames, W. Extinct Testudinata; O. C. Marsh: Am. Jour. Soi., 1890. Htr (Neues Jahrbuoh, 149, 150. 1892. ) Dames, W. Homologies of Edestus; Fanny R. M. Hitchcock: American Nat ist, 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuoh, 143, 144. 1888.) Dames, VT. Horned Dinosauria from Cretaceous; O. C. Marnb: Am. Jour. XXXVI. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, 'HGS. 1889.) Dames, W. Horned Dinosauria from Laramio; E. D. Cope: American Nuttm' 1889. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, 435-486. 1890.) Dames, W. Mammalia, Cretaceouu; H. F. Osboru: Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci., P!, 1891. Review. (Neues .Tahrhuob, p. 572. 1892.) Dames, W. Mammalia, Disoovory of Cretaceous; H. F. Osborn: Proc. Acad, Sci., Phila. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, p. 569. 1890.) Dames, W. Mammalia, Mesozoic; H. F. Osborn: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.,: Review. (Neues Jahrbuoh, 572. 1892.) Dames, ^V. Morphology and Origin of the Ichthyopterygia ; G. Baur: Aiiie: Naturalist, XXI, 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuoh, 139-142. 1889.) Dames, "W. New American Dinoaanria; O. C. Marsh: Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xify. 1889. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, p. 434. 1890.) Dames, W. New Fossil Sirenian from California; O. C. Marsh: Am. Jour. (3), XXXV, 1888. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, 341. 1891.) Dames, W. Paleozoic Bivalved Eutomostraca ; T. R. Jones : Ann. and Mag. Hist., 373-387, 1889. Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, p. 154. 1891.) Dames, W. Paleozoic Ostracoda from North America, Wales, and Ireland ; T. H Jones: Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, XIV. 1890. Review. (Neues Jalir> 334,335. 1891.) Dames, W. Paleozoic Ostracoda from Pennsylvania, U. S. ; T. Rupert J{ American Geologist, 1889. Review. (Neues Jabrburh, 335. 1891.) Dames, W. Podostomata, a Group Embracing the Merostomata and Trilobit«< S. Packard: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. v, xvi., 1887. Review, i! Jabrbucb, pp. 122, 123. 1888.) Dames, W. Principal Characters of American Jurassic Dinosaurs; Part i.v Skull and Dermal Armour of Stegasaurns ; O. C. Marsh: Aui. Jour. Sci xxxiv. Review. (Neues Jahrbuoh, 466,467. 1888.) Dames, W. Sauropoda and other New Dinosaurs, from Potomac Formation; Marsh: Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 1888. Review. (Neues Jabrbucli, 1891.) Dames, VT. Spiral Bivalve Shell from Waverly Group of Pennsylvania ; C: £. Beecher: 39th Ann. Rep. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., 1886. Kt (Neues Jabrbucb, p. 126. 1889.) Dames, W. Structure of Pleisosaurian Skull; S. W. Willistoa: Science, Review. (Neues Jabrbucb, 452. 1892.) Dames, W. Syatematio Catalogue of Species of Vertebrates Found in Beds o; mian Epoch in North America, with Notes and Desci'iptione ; £. D. Trans. Am. Philos. See, xvii, 1886. Review. (Neues Jahrbach, 11^^'^ 1888.) w. lONTOLOOY. (HDiL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 69 J. M. Safford and a , (Neues Jahrbtich, '). Marsh : Am. Jour. 9,150. 1891.) .merican Naturalist, Marsh : Am. Jour 141-143. 1890.) loda; O. C. Mursh iiuch, pp. 165, 156. lur. Soi., 1890. Kev cook: American Nat. 8.) . Marsh: Am. Jour. pe : American Natun . Acad. Nat. Sci. Dsborn: Proc. Acad. 90.) iad. Nat. Sci., Pbila.,:' Urgia; G. Baur: Auie: 139-142. 1889.) n. Jour. Sci., (3), \v. !. Marsh: Am. Jour.i 1891.) nes: Ann. and Mag. 154. 1891.) )s, and Ireland ; T. teview. (NeuesJahri U. S.; T. Rupert J| h, 335. 1891.) tomata and Trilobittt 1887. Review. Dinosaurs; Part i.v i.rsh: Am. Jour. Hd' ) otomao Formation; (Neues Jalirbucli, p- of Pennsylrania ; Clj at. Hist., 1886. Ke Willistou: Science. tes Found in Beds o; jsciptione ; E. D eues Jahrbach, Hi W. Tieniodonta of the Puerco; E. D. Cope. Review: (Neues Jahrbach, 116. 1889.) W. Terndaspis Grandis, Hall, the Largest Known Trilobite; J. "M. Clarke: Ann. Rep. State Geologist, N. Y. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 680, #81. 1892.) W. Turrilepasin Utica Formation of Ottawa, Canada ; H. Woodward: Geological Magazine, 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 423. 1892.) W. Vertebrate Paleontology of Brazil; E. D. Cope: Pro<^ Am. Phil. Boc, Phlla., xxiii, No. 21. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 484. 1889.) J. D. Corals and Coral Islands. (Third od., 440 pp. New York, 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Reviewed in American Ge«>logist, vil, 57, 1891; also, Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 326, 1890; also, American Naturalist, XV, 933-938, 1890. r. D. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, Seventeenth n. Rep. Review. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, pp. 67, 68. New Haven, ) A short notice of the volume. D. North American Geology and Paleontology; by 8. A. Miller. Review. Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, p. 67. New Haven, 1890.) A short critical view. D. Sedgwick and Murchison: Cambrian and Silnrian. (Am. Jour. Sci., ol. XXXIX, pp. 167-180. New Haven, 1890.) A systematic review of the ontroversy with occasional references to fossils. N. H. Fossils in the " Archiean " Rocks of Central Piedmont, Virginia. Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLlv, pp. 50-52. New Haven., 1892.) Descriptive otcH on certain Ordovician criuoidal remains found in strata hitherto pre- innied to be Archa>an. N. H. Fossils in the Lafayette Formation in Virginia. (American Geolo- st. Vol. IX, pp. 181-183. Minneapolis, 1892.) Notice of the discovery of fos- the formation at Heathsville, Virginia. N. H. Stratigraphy of a portion of Central Appalachian Virginia. (Amer- ils ican Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 10-18. Minneapolis, 1892.) Incidental refer- mces to fossils. Vf. M., and S. Ward Loper. Fossiliferons Black Shale in the Triassic Forma- lion of Connecticut. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. ii, pp. 415-430. 1891.) list of species and localities given. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, ill, 118, 889; also in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLli, 72,73, 1891. Oeorge M. Earlier Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Portion of the >omlnion of Canada. (Am. Jour. Sci., (2), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 120-127. New aven, 1889.) A general review of the subject, with many references to fos- ils. Oeorge M. Geological Observations of the Yukon Expedition, 1887. tScieuce, Vol. xi, pp. 185, 186. New York, 1888. ) Numerous incidental refer- ees to fossils. J. 'W. Balanns Hameri in Pleistocene at Rivi6re Beaudette, and on the ccurrence of Peculiar Varieties of Mya arenaria and M. Truncata in the odern Sea and in the Pleistocene. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. iii, pp. 287-292. .889.) Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, p. 461, 1891. J. W. Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals in Paleozoic Rocks, d other Markings. (Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. XLVli, pp. 595-618. ondon, 1890. ) Describes figures and illustrates a number of burrows and riracks, some well known, while others are new. Sabellartes proposed as a new .genus. Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xui, 245-246, 1891; Am. Geologist, II, 55, 56, 1891. r ^- W. Facts Relating to Eozoon Canadense. (Geol. Mag., new aer., Deo. , Vol. V, pp. 49-54, 4 plates. London, 1888.) Reviewed in Neues Jahrbach, 1890. w " 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. (»n Da^xrson, J. W. Fauna der Gasknkif, etc., tier Permformatidu niihinnnH, lt;ni Heft -I, I'rajfUf. 18H9. K«>vifiw. Am. Jour. Sci., (.'?), Vol. xxxix, pp. I(),V New Hiiven, 1H90.) Short mites on the work. Dawaon, J. 'W. New K]teoie8 of ]'v. ProtosjiongUi tioronnla sp. nov. Protospongia uolyncnia h]). nov. ProtoHpongia t vathiformiH sp. nov. Protospiingia delicatula sp. nov. Cyathoepongia (luebeccnsis sp nov. Reviewed in Aiu. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 320, 189<); also Nencs .lahrbiK li. 460, 189L>. Dawaon, J. W. Sac-caminia Eriana. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, p. :US. ' Haven, 18H9. ) Notices Williamson's Calci8ph;Hra anecimens of Eozoon Canodense and their Geological and < Relations. ( Peter Redpath, Museum, Proc. McGill Univ., 107 ))p. Motiit 1888.) Reviewed in American Geologist, in, 48,49, 1889. Dawaon, J. W. f^ponges from Beds of Quebec Group of Sir William Lojjiii Little Metis. (Canadian liec. Sci., V'ol. in, pp. 429,430. Ottawa, 1" Reference made to eleven species of silicious sponges as belonging to >: Protospongia, on*^ to genus Cyathospongia, and the others belong to ;i genus (name not given). Reviewed in Ottawa Naturalist, la. No. 3, IW' Dawson, J. W., and O. J. Hinde. Species of Fossi's from Little Metis, Provii; Quebec, Can*, 1889. Dawaon, J. V7., and (Jeorge .leanings Hinde. Sponges from Little Metis, Cniv of Quebec, t'auadii. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. iii, pp. 49-68. Ottawa, 1" The following desiTibed : Protospongia iHtranema sp. nov. Cyathophytus (lucdu'censis OawHii ('yathophycns neticulatus Walcott. Hyalostelia metissiea Dawson. Degenerate Types of S<-upular and Pelvi<- Arches in the Lacertilia. K. 1). ( . i our. Morph. . vii, 1*23, 224. 1892. ) QalinBtation of Carboniferous in Northeastern Missouri, Present Basal Line. * iieyes. (Amerii^au (Jeologist, x, 380-384. 1892.) Incidental nderciin Mssils. Denttaoin of Certain Three-toed Horses, Permanent and Temporary. (S^oc. Acud. Xat. Sci., Phila., xuv, 325, 326. 1892.) Dentttxin of Kodentia, Mechanical Causes of Origin. K. D. ('ope. aturalist, wii, 3-13. 1888.) Denttean, Permanent and Temporary, of Certain Three-toed Horses, American Naturalist, xxvi, 9.12-944. 1892.) Denver Beds, Tertiary Dinosanria. G. L. Cannon, .1r. (Prou Colorado Sci. 140-147. 1888.) Denver Formation, Age. K. I). Cope. (Science, xiii, 230. 1889.) Denver Group, Identification of Dinosaur. G. L, Cauuou, .Jr. (Proc. Colormli Soc, Vlli, 253. 1892.) Dam E. 1». ( (.\llirl K. I". ( ■•"«!'» lONTOLOOY. [I" I.; BIBLKXUtAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 71 itioii niihiiiKiis, It'iii OggnBi' Tertiary Fonimtion. W. Cross. (Am. .lour. Sci., (li), xxxvii, 261-282. Vol. XXXIX, pp. 1(0. IKM!).) Incidoiital roror«>ri«M!H t«> t'oHHilN. DOTllopment of MiloltitoH. C. E. Be«(!her. (Am. Jour. Hri., (.3), xui. ".l-.^. 1«91.) iiluro-Caiiibrian ;it l.,x>g|||g|^pment of Urachiopoda; I'art i, Introduction. C. K. Buucher. (Am. Jour, n tho Hjtecimens liy I Bci., (3), XLi. 343-357. I89I.) Roviewed iu American Geologist, x, pp. 2r)3- V, pp. 31-a'». Montr 255. 1892. DsMlopment of Bracliiopoda; Part ii, Cliuiaitication of Sta^oH of Growth and iUodine. V. K. Uoecliir. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3). xi-iv, 133-i54. 1892.) pment IliuK" "f Polecyjtods, with an attempt toward a hotter iSuhdivisioii of the (;ronp. W. II. Dali. (Am. Jour. Sri., (3), xxxviii, tl,"> -462. 1889.) Dsvtiopment of Paleo/.oic P«>riforou8 Coral. C. K. It«(^cller. (Trans. Connecticut Ac.kI. Arts un.l Sci., viii, Pt. ii, 207-214. 1892.) larssonia > nretio Itii nilffUmiiiiinil of some Silurian Mrachiopoila. C. E. Boeeher and .1. M. Clarke. (Mem. pergracilw Dawson. N. V. State Mus. Nat. Hist., i, 1-9."). 1889.) DflffMiian. l^crvnlaria Profunda Hall and Acervnlaria Davidsoni, Edwards and Haimo, Dif- ference. S.Calvin. (Amt^rioan CJecdogist, IX, 35.5-358. 1892.) Bratiiiopoda from Devonian Uocks of Iowa. C. L. Webster. (American Nat- nr.ilist, XXII, 11()()-1105. 1888.) Deseriptiousof certain species, some of which arc n-ftiirded as new. l^ontenH in CiicMinnK Ko(;ks of New York. .1. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State (;eoloKisr, for 188!>, 57-<>0. 1889.) llrontens in Chemung; Rocks of New York. J. M. ('larkc. (State Mus. Nat. , Hist., New York, 42d Ann. Kej)., 403-405. 1889.) Notes on its occurrence. i>zoa, Doscriptions, J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rej». State (ieologist, New York, br 1890, 3.-.-.-17. 1891.) ozoa, Paleozoic. E. O. I'lrich. ((Je«d. Snr. lUino s v.a, 283-288. 1890.) ascription (»f new species. ynienc in Fauna of IntumescenH Zone (Naphss beds) of Western New York d its (ieolo^ica! Significance. .1. M. C'larke. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, n-iV.l 1892. ) ada, Micro-Paleontology of ('amhro-Silurian Uocks. K. (). Ulrich. ((Jeol. nd Nat. Hist. Snr. ("anada, Micro-Paleontology, Pt. ii, 27-57. 1889.) adian Micro i'ali'ontology. T. Rupert .Jimes. (Gecd. and Nat. Hist. Snr. uiiadii. Micro- Paleontology, Pt. in. .59-100. 1891.) itskill (iroup. Position. C. S. Pro8.sor. (American (Jeologist, vii, 351-3«)6. 891.) Occurrence of charact»Tisti. 1889.) leck-List of Paleozoic Fo.ssils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, anil ebraska. K. Itierhaur. (Hul. Minnes«»ta Acad. Sci.. in. No. 3. 20«>-247. .888. ) leinnng and Catskill (Upper Devonian) on Eastern Siih' of the Appalachian asin. .1. ,J. .Stevens-33. 1892.) Incidental ferences to fossils. mung and Catskill (I'pper Devonian) on Eastern Side of the Appalachian asin. .1. . I. Stevenson. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci.. 1891, xi., 219-247. 1892.) ddress liefore Section E. locardium fnmi Devcmian. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i. Part ii, >24. 1892.) I hiH])ida Ilindc. Btissica ap. nov. )ellata up. uov. vicostata Hinde. 9 confuBus sp. nov o Neues .lahrbmli. ^jI. xxxvii, p. 31S, ' id conBifltii's it shoiil ir Geological ami " niv., 107 jip. Moult «9. f Sir William Lo),mi 29,430. Ottawa, iv i ;s as holouging to p others belong to a : ;ali8t, III, No. 3, IW Little Metis, Proving , pp. 49-08. 1888.) m Little Metis, Piov 49-68. Ottawa, i« iiutdtecenais Dawsnu (tissica Dawson. Lacortilia. E. D. d ^seiit Basal Liiu<. i lu'idental rcfereii(r< emporary. . D. Cope. mI Horses, E. D. ( (AllliT E. I». (• 'n»c Colorado Sti. - 1889.) . (Pn»c. Colora '1 I , ,.7m0f I I 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [nm g,jK (Tenth Ann. Rep. Stato 1;^ (American NatiiraliNt, .\\ Devonian — Continned. Cononura AHpoctans (Conrad). J. M. Clarke, gist, New York, for 1890, 79-83. 1891.) Corals, Devonian Rocka of Iowa. C. L. Webster. 710-712. 1889.) Correlation Papers: Devonian and Carboniferous. H. S. Williams. (Hnl, 1 Geol. Sur., No. 80, 279 pp. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Crustacea, Bibliography of Paleozoic from 1888-188}). A. W. Vogden. (Miil S. Geol. Sur., No. 63, 177 pp. 1890.) Crustacea, List of Type Specimens described in Paleontology of New \ Vol. VII, in Possession of the New York State of Nat. History. J. !i (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, pp. 24-27. 18X9. Devonian Rocks of Buchanan County, Iowa. S. Calvin. (American Gi-olo; VIII, 142-145. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Devonian Rocks of Iowa which Constitute a Typical Section of the Devi ; Formation of the Interior Continental Area of North America. C. L. V stor. (American Naturalist, XXIII, 229-243. 1889.) Reference to varions sils. Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. C. S. Prosser. (Am. Jonr, Sci. XLiv, 210-221. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Devonian System of North and South Devonshire. H. S. Williams. (Atn.Ji Sci., (3), xxxix, 31-38. 1890.) Incidental references to fosiiils. Die Fauna Goniatitcs Intumescens in WestUeheu New York. J. M. Cli (Neues Jahrbuch, f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., 161-1()8. 1891.) Difference between Acervularia Profunda Hall, and Acervularia D.ivid Edwards and Haime, S. Calvin. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, Pt. 11, :i 1892.) Dinichthys Head. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, x, 15)9-207. mt Entomostraca, Psileozoic Bivalve, North American Species. T. P ''nies. a and Mag. Nat. Hist., in, p. 154. 1889.) Episode in Paleozoic History of Pennsylvania. E. W. Claypole. (Aiiicr Geologist, viii, 152-160. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (i and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, Part i», 163 jip. 1' Mention made of different species. Fauna with Goniatites Intumescens, Beyrich, in Western New York. J Clarke. (American Geologist, viii, 86-105. 1891.) Fauno du Calcaire d'Ebray (Loiro-Infdrieure). C. Burrois. (Mt^m. Soc. gn. Nord, tome in, 348. 1889.) Fenostellidai, Lower Helderberg, Description of New Species, with expliuin; of Plates Illustrating Spectvs of the Hamilton Group Described in tho 1{> of the State Geologist, for 1888. J. Hall. (Forty-first Rep. State Miis Hist., 393, 394, 1888,) Fishes of Devonian and Silurian Rocks of Canada. ,1. F. VVhitoaves. (T: Roy. Soc. Canada, vi, Sec. iv, 77-96. 1888.) Fishes of Erie Shales of Ohio. .1. S. Newberry. (Trans. New York Aciul VII, 178-180. 1888.) Abstract. Fishes of Scaumenac Bay and Campbelltown, Canada, logical Magazine, Dec. iii, vn, 15-22. 1890. ) Fishes, Paleozoic, of North America. .1. S, Newberry. XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Fish Remains in Lower Helderberg of New Brunswick. ican Geologist, viii, 61, 62. !891.) Fossil Fish in the Cleveland Shale. E. W. Claypole. 62-64, 1888.) Dm R. H, Tratjuair. (IT. 8. Geol. Sur,.: (J, F, Matthew. (American Geoldjfi* ''"' iji 50NT0L0GY. [nm 1 Ann. Rep. Stato iw lericau NaturaliNt, x' S. Williams. (Hnl.! ices to fo8Rila. A. W. Vogdes. (I5ui; eontology of New \ Nat. History. J. H 89, pp. 24-27. 18H9. in. (American Giutluf Section of the Devot th America. C. I,. V Reference to various .| sser. (Am. Jonr, Sci„ S. Williams. (Atn.,!, ^| to fossils. ew York. J. M. Cla: 91.) 1 Acervnlaria D.ivid* . Sci., Vol. I, Pt. II, » ?i8t, X. 199-207. mi I'J ries. T. P ^'uies. (• \V. Claypole. (Amer "^ iH to fossils. R. G. McConnell. (i % , Part I), 163 pp. !• ^ stern New York. ,1 rois. (M(^m. Soc. gh. secies, with expliina! 'j p Described in the Ht 1 irst Rep. State Mm il F. Whiteaves. (Tr lus. New York Afml ,^ . R. H. Traiiuair. . (U. 8. (ieol. SiirJ Q.F. Matthew. (American Oeoloui* BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 73 Ian— Coutinned. 'osails from Lower Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Gronps fonnd in the Colleotiousof theGeologicalSnrvey of Pennsylvania. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. Philo«. Soc, xv, 4.35-460. 1888.) Geology and Paleontology, North American, fc,. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 'pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Ideology of Shtinnemunk Mountain, Osage County, New York. C. S. Prosscr. (Trans. New York State Acad, Sci., xi, 132-149. 1892.) Fossils mentioned, ibmilton, Chenago, and Osage Counties, New York. C. S. Prosser. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXVI, 210. 1888.) Abstract, Various species mentioned. ]|[eroynian Question: Brief Review of its Development and present Status, 'with a few Remarks upon its Relations to the Current Classification of Amer- ican Paleozoic Faunas. J. M. Clarke. (State Cab. Nat. Hist., New York, 42d Ann. Rep., 408-437. 1889.) ercyn-Frage" and Helderberg Limestone of North America. J. M. Clarke. (American Geologist, vii, 109-113. 1891.) rticnlate Brachiopodons Shell. R. P. Whitfiehl. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist., Ill, 121, 122. 1890.) ivertebrates. Fossil. A. II. Wortheu. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1890.) A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. wa Devonian Fossils. C. R. Keyen. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 247-249. 1888.) wa, Goolcgicil Reconnaissance in Buchanan County. S.Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii. No 2, 177-189. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. ma, Problems in Muscatine County. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State lUniv. Iowa, i, No. 7-18. 1888.) Incidental roforoncos to fossils. wa, Relation of the Devonian Faunas. H. S. Williams. (American Geologist, [ill, 230-233. 1889.) tncky Fossil Shells : A Monograph of the Fossil Shells of the Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky. H. Neltleworth. (Kentucky Geol. Sur., Mod., 11-245. 1889.) ptienisca; A New Genus of Brachiopod from the Lower Helderberg Group. C. E. Beechor. (Am. Jour. Sci., xi, 238-240. 1890.) laokenzie River Basin, Fossils of Devonian Rocks. J. F. Whitonves. (Geol. and Nat Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Part III, 199-253. 1891.) ianitoba and Winnepegosis, Devonian Rocks of the Islands, Shores or Immediate Vicinity. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian PaUumtology, i, 255-360. 1892.) anitoba. New or Previously Unrecorded Species of Fossils from Devonian. J. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viil, Sec. iv, 93-110. lS9i).) rcellus Epoch in the State of New York, List of Specii-s Constituting the Known Fauna and Flora. J. M. Clarke. (Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1889,60-62. 1889.) rcellus Epoch in State of New York, Species Constituting Known Fauna and Flora. J. M. Clarke. (State. Cab. Nat. Hist., New York, 42d Ann. Rep., 406,407. 1889.) aryland, l*iileozoio Fossils. C. R. Keyes. (.Johns Hopkins University Circu- lars, xi, 28. 29. 1891.) innesota, Paleozoic Formations. C. W. Hall and F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in, 331-368. 1892.) Incidental niferencos to fossils. Newborria, Now Genus of Bi-achio)tods, 'vith Remarks on Relations to Rons- seliiria and Amphigenia. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, 1890, 91-98. 1891.) f 'ifr^ ft BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. iBcu.a K. P. Whitlielil. ( R- H. 8. Wilhaina Devonian — Continued. New York, Bslanoid Cirripede from Marcelhis Shalo Am. Mas. Nat. Hist., ii, No. 2, 66-68. 1889.) New York, Faunas of Upper Devonian, Geneaee Section S. Geol. Sur., Uul. 41, 121 pp. 1888.) Ontario, Hamilton Formation, with a List of Species at Present known from tl Formation and Province. J. F. Wliiteavea. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. C'ii ada. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 95-125. 1889. ) Ontario, Paueka from Carboniferous Limestone. .1. F. Whiteuves. ((Juuiul, Rec. of Sci., V, 401-404. 1891.) Organisms of Silurian and Dovoniau Rocks in Southern New Brunswick. •: Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 49-62. 1889.) Oriskany Fauna in Columbia County, New York, with an Auiiotat«Ml List Fossils. J. M. Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 410-414. 1892.) Oriskany Sandstone of Maryland, New York, aud Ontario, List of Fossils. Scbuchert. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist. Now York, fur 1889,50-' 1889.) Ostracoda, Devonian and Silurian from North America, France and the Bosplior T. R. Jones. (Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, Loudon, xi.iv, 53l-.'>56. 1890.) Ostracoda from Pennsylvania. T. R. Jones. (Americau Ooolojrist, vi, 337-:;, 1889.) Pacbyphyllum, Contributions to Knowledge of Genus. C.L.Webster. (Am- can Naturalist, xxiii, (521-625. 1889.) Paleontological Notes from Indianapolis. E. W. Cluypolu. (American (in gist, VI, 255-260. 18iK) ) Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Ht Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advance sheets. Paleontology of New York. J. Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii,. pp. 1888.) Paleontology of New York Pal., VII, 236 pp. 1888.) Paleozoic Fossils in Drift. 111,317,318. 1891.) Placoderm, Gigantic, from Ohio 1892.) Rockford Shales, Notes. C. L. Webster Incidental references to fossils. Rockford Shales of Iowa, Fossils. C. L. Webster. XXII, 1013-1018. 1888.) Description of new species. Rocks at St. Pa\tl, Indiana, and vicinity. C. S. Beachler VII, 178, 179. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Species of Paleozoic Fossils. 8. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat Iowa, I, 137-181. 1890.) Spirifera from Hamilton Group, near low.a City, Iowa Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 1, 28, 29. 1888.) Spirifera Parryana Hall, Syuonomy, Character, aud Distriiiutioii. ( Hul. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, l. No. 2, 19-28. 1889. ) Spirifers from Devonian Strata of Iowa. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. Si Univ. Iowa, i. No. 2, 165-1(57. 1892.) Sponges, American Paleozoic. E. O. Ulrlch. ((tool. Sur. Illinois, viii, 'JW-- 1890.) Description of new species. Sponges of Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. Ulricli. ((Jcdl. > Illinois, vin, 243-251. 1890.) Description of new species. Syringothyris Wincholl, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. (NlnMi A Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 28-38. 1890.) •f. Hall and J. M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New Vo; S. W. Sardeson. (Hul. Minnesota Acad. Nat. > E. W. Claypole. (Americau Geologist, ix, I- ( American Naturalist, 444-446. \>^ (American Natural ( American Geologi' Hist. State I'li S.Calvin. (Bill. L S. Culv ►NTOLOGY. iBcu.a I. P. VVhiUiehl. ( R-. H. H. Williams 'esent known from tl >d Nat. Hiat. Snr. (h . 1889.) Vhiteaves. ((Jaiiiul, [ew BrunHwiok. •: i2. 1889.) an Auiiotatutl List 1-414. 1892.) io, List of FoBHils. York, for 1889, r.()-, inco nu5(i. WM).) I (jloolo},'i8t, VI. 3;{7-:;i 3. L. Webster. (Aiii' ol». (Aiuerieaii (mil liana, 18th Ann. lit fork, Pal., V, I't. ii,. (Nat. Hist. New Yu: riosota Acad. Nat. s< i(;au (jtcologist, ix, I- uraliMt, 444-446. IX" (American Natural. (AmoricanGeologi' Nat. Hist. Stat )cil!8. ihuchcrt. (NiulliA ) BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 76 Dnian Rocks of Iowa, General Preliminary Description.- C. L. Webster. ( Amer- ■J ican Naturalist, XXIII, 229-243. 1889.) Reference to various fossils. DUf onian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. C. S. Prosser. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), > xuv, 210-221. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. fonian System of North and Soutii Devonshire. H. S. Williams. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 31-38. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. tylinae of John Day Miocene of North America. K. D. Cope. (Proc Am. Philos. Soc, XXV, 62-79. 1888.) )nary of Fossils of Pennsylvania. .1 P.Lesley. (Oeol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Ft. I, II, and III. 1889.) rospongidae, New Genera and Species of the Family. J. Hall. (Bill. Geol. Soo. America, I, 22, 23. 18JK>.) Abstract. Incidental references to fossils, rence lietwcen Acervularia Profunda Hall, and Acerviilaria Davidsoni Kdwiirds and Hainiu. S.Calvin. (American Geologist, i.v, 355-358. 1892.) Jhthys, Head. K. W. Claypoh). (American (Jofdogist, x, 19!»-207. 1892.) lauria of Europe and America, Comparison of Principal Forms. O. C.Miirsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 323-331. 1889.; lurla. Comparison of Principal Forms of Europe and Americ:i. (>. {'.. Marsh. (British As. Adv. Sci., 1888, «J60. IH89.) lauria, Family of Horned, from Cretaceous. <). C. Marsh. ( .\m. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxvi, 477.478. 1888.) lauria from the Cretaceous, Gigantic. <). ('. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 173-176. 1889.) ,| laurla from Denver (iroup, Idontiti(;ation. O. L. Cannon, Jr. (Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc, III, 2.'33,2.->4. 1890.) lauria. Horned, of Laramie. E. 1). Cope, (.\niorican Naturalist, xxiii, 715-717. 1889.) lauria in Denver Beds. (J. L. Cannon, .Jr. (Pro(!. Colorado Sci. Soc. in, 140- 147. 1888. ) lauria, Now American. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 331-336. 1HK9.; lurla of Laramie. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxili, 9()4-9(H>. 1889) laurlaof Laramie. E. 1). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 7."»6-758. 1892.) wauria. Reptiles Generally Called. (J. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxv, 434- 454. 1891.) ►sauria, Triassic O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Four. Sci., (3), .54;i-546. 1892.) wauria, TriasHic, XewOenns. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 626. lSHi>,) isaurlan Skull, Liclajw Incrassatus. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Ain. Philos. Soc, XXX, • • 210-211. 1892.) Itt|bBaurian Reptiles, Description. U. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. .Sci., v3), xxxix, 81- Xi\. 1890.) ^ 1 i 76 BIfiLlOORA{>HV OF' NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, (bull.ii Dinoaaurs, Cretaoeons, Characters of Ceratopsiilie. O. C, Marsh. (Am. Jonr. 8ci. (3), XXXIX, 418-426. 1890.) Dinosaurs from Denver Qroiip, Identification. G. L. Cannon, jr. (Proc. Colorad Sci. Soc, VIII, 253. 1892.) DinosRurs from Potomac Formation. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), \\\ 89-94. 1888.) Dinosaurs, Homed, of North America, Gigantic Ceratopaidte. O. C. Marsh. (An Jonr. Sci., (3), xli, 167-178. 1891.) Dinosaurs, Marsh on Hallopus. G. Banr. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 5()()-5:; 1891.) DiphjrpliyUvim Simcoense, (Bill) Rom., Characters. W. H. Sherzer. (Ameriei Geologist, IV, 93-95. 1889.) Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia, Review. H. F. Osbom. (American Natnralii xxv, 44,45. 1891.) Distribution of Certain Loess Fossils. C. R. Keyes. (American Geologist, iv, li> 121. 1889.) Distribution of Genera of Brachiopoda. C. W. Rolfe. (American Naturalist, xxi: 983-998. 1889.) Dodge, W. W. Lower Silurian Graptolites firom Northern Maine. (Am. Jonr. .St: (3), Vol. XL, pp. 153-155. New Haven, 1890. ) List of species from the Lovi Silurian of Maine. Reviewed in Neucis Jahrbuch, 439-440, 1891. Dodge, "W. W. Some localities of Post-Tertiary and Tertiary Fossils of Mau chnsetts. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvi, pp. 56, 57. New Haven, 1888.) In dental references to fossil forms. Dodge, W. 'W , and Charles E. Beecher. Upper Silurian Strata near Penobscot Ra Maine. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xlii, pp. 412-418. New Haven, 1892.) Co: tains a list of Magia forms found at this place. Dog from Loup Forl< Miocene. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, lOt' 1068. 1890.) Donax of Eastern North America. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, v, 125-127. W. Drift Deposits of Illinois. A. H. Worthen. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, vili, 1-24. 18!* Cretaceona fossils figured from the drift deposits of Illinois, Iowa, ami M sonri. Drift, Paleozoic Fossils. S. VV. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Sci., iii, 317,3: 1891.) Duncan, P. Martin. Points in Anatomy of Species of Palieechinus and a Propov Classification. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), Vol. iii, 196-206. Luudo 1889.) A general discussion of the plates of the periproct and ambuliicra British species. Dwight, "W. B. Fossils of Western Taconic Limestone in the Eastern Part Duchess County, N. Y. (Am. Jour, Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, p. 71. New Havr 1890.) Announcement of the discovery of Calciferous fossils near Clove V: ley Station, Now York. Dwight, W. B. Recent Explorations in the Wappinger Valley Limestones i Other Formations of Duchess County, New York. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), V xxxviii, pp. 139-153. New Haven, 1889.) Contains descriptive notes ou' following Cambrinn forms : Hyolites billin^si. Kutorgina stissingenesis sp. nnv Leperditia ebenina sp. uov. Olcnoides stissingonsis sp. uov. Dyas, Trias and Jura in Northwest Texas, Classification. J. Marcou. (Aniurk Geologist, X, 36S)-377. 1892.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Dyohe, D. T. D. Crinoid, Hetcrocrinus Subcrassus. (Science, Vol. xx,p. 66. > York, 1892.) Gives a short dcscriptiuu of the root and length of column this and other species of criuoids. 'Hi NTOLOGY. iBULuli reh. (Am. Jonr. Sci. I, jr. (Proc. Colorail Jour. Sci., (3), XXX . O. C. Marsh. (At iiralist, XXIV, .%!t-5: . Sherzer. (Araerici (American Natarali> ican Geologist, iv, li' rican Naturalist, xxi; [aine. (Am. Jour. Sci species from the Lovi 440, 1891. tiary Fossils of Mait ^ew Haven, 1888.) Im nta near Penobscot Ra )w Haven, 1892.) Coi Naturalist, xxiv, lOf tilus, V, 125-127. m inois, VIII, 1-24. 18!» Illinois, Iowa, aud M Acad. Sci., iii, 317, 3; echinus and a Propo* III, 196-206. Loudc proct and ambulacra in the Eastern Part i.ix, p. 71. New Havf 8 fossils near Clove Yi Valley Limestones i Am. Jour. Sci., (3),V tlescriptivo uotes ou ' stissingenesis sp. not stissingonsis sp. nov, J. Marcou. (Auieric tecies of foHsils. nee, Vol. XX, p. 66. N ud length of column BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 77 pi||lii_ D. T, D. Termination of tho Columns of Certain Crinoids. (American Geologist, Vol. X, pp. 130. Mlnneapolia, 1892.) Remarks on thedisoovery of tho basal roots of Heterocrinus simplex and certain species of GlyptH. K. K. Rowley. (American Geologist, v, 146,147. 1890.) llcifernus Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Soely, (Bnl. Oeol. Soc. America, 501-516. 185K).) Incidental refurencos to fossils. Jarboniforons Crinoids fnnn Missouri. S. A. MiHor. (Bui. Gcol. Sur. Missouri, No. 4, 40 pp., 5 plates. 1891.) Ono genus aud forty specius figured aud doscribed as new. (Jarboniferous Echinodermatu of MiHsisHlppi Hasin. (!. \i. Keyes. (Am. .Tour. S»i., (3), XXXVIII, 186-193. 1889.) poal Measures and Subcarboniferous Hocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa, Echiuodonnata. S. A. Miller and \Vm. F. E. Gurley. (Indiana i)cpt. G«o]. and Nat. Hist,, Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State (Joologist, for 1888, 327-373. 1889.) ^reta(;oous Deposits of Mexico, Geology aud Paleontology. A. Heilprin. ( Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xi.ii, 44.5-469. 1HJ)0.) ^rinoidea from Niagara Limestone at ^>t. Paul, Decatur ( bounty, Indiana. {;. S. Beachlcr. (American Geologist, iv, 102, 103. 1889.) priuoidea of Lower Liuiestono at Lock|)ort, \. Y., with Descriptitms of New Species. E. N. S. Ringucbcrg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci,, v, 301. 18!)0.) prinoids and HlastoidM, Natural Casts from Burlington Limestone, li. R. Row- ley. (American GeologiHt, VI, (Mi, 67. 18!»0. ) [Jrinoids aud Hlastoids from Kinderhook Group of Lower ('arboniferons Rocks at Lo Grand, Iowa. Charles Wacbsiniitk and Frank Springer. (Gcol. Hur. Illiuois, viii, 15.5-205. 1890.) A number of spocieH described and figured as new. Jrinoiils, British Fossil. F. A. Bather. 334 and 373-388. 189U.) (Ann. aud Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), v, 325- rri''"" )i rr^: 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN I'ALEONTOLOUY. [uua Bohlnoderms — Continued. Criuoid, Heterooriuus Siiburoasus. I). T. I). Dyche. (Scioncn, xx, 36. Isii; Orinoida, Perisutnio Plates. C. K. KuyeH. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xm, 217.. 1891.) Cystidians of Jeffeniou Couuty, Intlinua. H. C. Hubbard. (Proo. Inditiiiji A Sii., I, 67. 1891.) Devonian Rooks of the Macken/.io River Basin. J. F. Whitoavett. (Guol., Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, I'iirt 199-253. 1891.) Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. C. 8, Prosaer. (Am. .Jour. iSci.. XLiv, 210-221. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Eohinodermata from Coal Measures and Hubcarboniferous Rocks of Imlii Missouri and Iowa. 8. A. Miller and Wm. F. E. Gurloy. (.Jour. Cincin Hoc. Nat. Hist., xiil, 25 pp. April, 1890. Completed by the authors, ,> 1890. ) Exploration in Yukon audMackeuzio Basins, N. \V. T. R. G. McConnull. (ii and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, iv, Part d, 163 pp. 1> Mention made of different species. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olonollus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. (Jool. > Tenth Ann. Rop., 511-658. 1890.) Fossils Discovered within City Limits «»f (jueboc. 8. W. Ford. (Trims. \ York Acad Sci., vii, 2-5. 1888.) Fossils from Niagara Group of Western Now York. E. N. 8. Ringuoberg. > 1' Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xi., 131-137, 1 plate. 1888.) Fossils in "Archaean" Rooks of Central Piedmont Virginia. N. H. Dan (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 50-52. 1892.) Niagara group of Western Tennessee. Charles Wachsnuith and I<'rank Spiiii. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, vill, 206-208. 1890.) One genus and one species descri: as now. (Jeology and Paleontology, North American. 8. A. Miller. (One volume, Otil Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, N. .1. L. Woolman. (Proc A Nat. Sci., Phila. xlii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology of Portion of Province of Quebec. R. W. Ells. (Geol. unil Nat. I: Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, Part k, 114. 1888.) Mention made of tliilr species. Hamilton Period, Vortical Range of Certain Species of Fossils in Wf Ontario. 8. Calvin. (American Geologist, i, 8l-8(». 1888.) Invertebrates, Fossil. A. H. Worthen. (Geifl. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-1.51. 1> A number of species, «loBcribed as new, from Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri Keokuk Beds and their Contained Fossils in Vicinity of Keokuk, luwa. i (Jordou. (Proo. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, 98-100. 1890.) Keokuk Group at ('rawfordsville, Indiana. C. 8. Beacliler. (American i ogist, II, 107-412. 1888.) Mention made of the different species. Keokuk Group of Mississippi Valley. (!. 8. Beachler. (American Geolof,'i> HS-m. 1892.) Incidental refereiuo t(» fossils. Keokuk Species of Agaricocriuus. ('. H. Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i 101. 185)0.) Abstract. Keokuk Species of Agaricocriuus. C. H. Gordon. (American Geologist, v,. 'm. 1893.) Kinilcrhook Fossils. R. R. Rowley. (American Geologist, iii, 27.5-270. 1" Macraster, eine neiie Spatangoideu Gattung aus dor Kreide von Texas. F. U"- (Nouos .lahrbuch f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., 181-196. 1888.) Macraster Texanus. R. T. Hill. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 168. 1>*H'.I. Miocene Mollusca of New .Jersey. A. Hoilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sui., I'L XXXIX, 397-405. 1888.) 50NTOLOGY. [uua iicionce, XX, 36. \m>. . Soi.. (3), XM, 217,. d. (Proo. Iiuliiina A., , Whitoaveu. (Gcol.j 1 Puleoutolof^y, Purt ler. (Am. .Jour. Sci., 'erouB Rocka of Imlu irloy. (.lour. Ciuciii'. id by the iiuthoi-H, 5v K. G. MoCouuell. (f;. r, Part i>, 163 pp. 1^ Avloott. (U.S.Gool.v .. \V. Ford. (Trails. \ N. >S. Uingiiober^. 1 1': ^''irginia. N. H. Ihn luith aiul Frank Siirin; i and oue apeciou dcscri; er. (One volume, 6til WiHilmau. (Proc. A ofercucoH to fossils. Is. (Gool. uud Niit. li leution iiiiulu of «litlr: 58 of FosmIIn ill \Vi'<: 1888.) inois, VIII, 71-1.>I. 1> IliiioiH, and MiHsoiiri of Kookuk, Iowa, i ' iiclihsr. (Aniericiiii ii iruiit Hpocies. (American (»«olo),'i»; Qc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i. mericau Geologist, v,. ogist, III, 27ii-U7(). 1? do von Texas. F. U" 38.) t, XXIII, 168. im). 5. Acad. Nat. Sci., I'L BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 79 8. A. Miller and C. Fal)er. ( Geologist, IX, 408, (American Gecdogist, i, 263, C. oderms — Con ti nned . e\v Species and Now Structural Parts of Fosflils. (.Jour. Cincinnati Soo. Nat. Hist., xv. 1892.) iagara Age in Indiana, Rocks. C. 8. Beachler. 409. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils, iagara Group, Genus of Criuoids. 8. A. Miller 264. 1888.) iagara Group, Two New Genera and Eight Speoies of Camerate Crinoids. P Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, 135-144. 1892.) :Jf iagara Shales of Western New York; Study of Origin of their Subdivisions and their Fauna. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (American Geologist, i, 264-272. 1888.) utario, Hamilton Group, with List of Species at Present Known from that Formation and Province. J. F. Wbiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 95-125. 1889. ) igiual Cbazy Rocks. E. Urainard and H. M. Seely. (American Geologist, 11,323-330. 1888.) Mention made of different species. >ala> (3), vol. xui, pp. 369-385. New Haven, 1891.) Contains list of b])*^ found. Edwards, Arthur M. Hudson River " Fiord." (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xliii. 182,183. New Haven, 1892.) A listof fossils dredged up at the moutli of Hudson river. Eldrldge, Qwxge H. Suggestions upon tlie Method of Grouping the FormutioU' the Middle Cretaceous and the Employment of an Additional Term in its meuclature. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 313-321. New Ha 1889.) Incidental references to various species uf fossils. Elephant found in Grinnell, Iowa, Remains of Primitive. E.H.Barbour. (.Sck: XVI, 263. 1890.) Ells, Dr R. W. Review of Second Report on Geology of Portion of the Provim. Quebec; with additional Notes on the Quebec Group. C. D. Walcott. i/ Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 101-115. 1890.) Incidental references to fossilH. Ella, R. W. Second Report on the Geology of a Portion of the Province of (^iiti (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, Part k, 114 pi>. Moiiir 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, v, lH'-. 1890. Ella, R. W. Stratigraphy of Quebec Group. (Bnl. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. i, 453-458, 1 plate. New York, 1890.) Incidental references to fusails. Emery, on Origin of Ant-Fauna of Europe. 8. H. Scudder. (Psyche, vi, p. > 1892.) Emmons, Lower Taconic, Discovery of Fossils. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am, ' Adv. Sci., XXXVI, 212, 213. 1888.) Abstract. Bminons, Taconic System, and use of Name Taconic in Geologic Nonumclatiiri'. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 229-242. 1888.) Incidental r. ences to fossils. Entomostraca, North American Species, Paleozoic Bivalve. T R. .Jones, li and Mag. Nat Hist., Ill, 154. 1889.) Entwlokelnng der Brachiopoden. C. E Boecher. (Neues Jabrbuch f. Min., '' u. Pal., 178-197. 1892.) Eocene. Additions to observations on Cretaceous and Eocene Formations of Maryh P. R. Uhler. (Tran.s. Maryland Acad. Sci., I, 45-72. 1888.) Amblypoda, Mechanical Origin of Dentition. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. I'L Hoc, XXX, 80-89. 1888.) Avifauna, Fossil, of Silver Lake Region, Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (Proci As. Adv. Sci., XL, 286. 1892.) Abstract. Butterflies of Florissant. S. H. Scudder. (U. 8. Geol. Sur., Eighth Ann. £ 433-474. 1890.) Catalogue of Shell-Bearing Marine MoUusks and Brachiopods of Soutlieiv Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., Nu. 3T pp. 1889.) Characters of Ceratopsidte with Notice of Now Cretaceous Dinosaurs, i Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 418-426. 1890.) Collection of Fossil Birds from Equus Beds of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. d' Biol. Soc. Washington, vi, pp. Muh. 1891.) ■■" 'i!ii STOLOOY. tniu..ij . Clark. (JohnH 11., . iralist, xxiii, ♦i"iT-'» inel. K. P. Wliitii' scope of 8peciiueiii uteH. (Am. Jour. > intaiuB list of bpe. 3ci., (3), Vol. XLiii,; up at tho mouth of: ping the Formutimi' iitioual Term in iW 313-321. New Hiu la. , II. Barbour. (.Scul rtion of the Pro vim* C. D. Walcott. [l" erences to fossilw. the Province of (^iiei. rt K, 114 pp. Montr m. Geologist, v, '2i'-. »oc. America, Vol. i. lues to fomtils. er. (Psyche, VI, p.. alcott. (Proc. Aui. ogic Nomuuclatiire. 888.) Incidental n . e. T K. .loucs. li Jahrbuch f. Min., '' formations of Maryli 1888.) ope. (Proc. Am. I'l r. Shufoldt. (Pro..; Sur., Eighth Auii. E ihiopods of Soutliea.*! S. Nat. Mus., No. 3'. ,ceous Dinosaurs. < R. V^T. Shufeldt. d' BIBLIOOEAPUY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOOY, 81 -Continued, iver Formation, Age. E. D. Cope. (Science, Xlll, 920. 1889.) loHauriun Reptiles, Description. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, t81-««. 1890. lIluoHiiuria, Horned of Laramie. [E. D. Cope.] (American Naturalist, xxiii, /. 715-717. 1889.) ipiinoHiMirta of Laramie. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 904-906. il8H!».) l^oHHuria of Laramie, Fourth Note. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 75(;-7r>8. 1892.) rttt4.Y. 14300 (716) 872-4S03 ^" ft"j,mwm 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [Buud \t^ I Eocene — Continued. m New Horizons of Fossil Fishes. E. D. Cope. (Pro<'. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xl, 'jm 1892.) I New Jersey, Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City. L. Woohnan. {?:iM Acal. Nat. Sci., Pliila., xlii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental rfsferenees to fossi.^ Pala'osyops and Allied Genera. C. Eiirle. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phlla., xi.i:^ 106,107. 1891.) i Palieosyops, New Species. C. Earle. (American Naturalist, xxv, 45-47. lH!tlp Pojbrotherium : Osteology, Contribution to the Phylogcuy of the TylopoiL^ W. B. Scott. (Jour. Morphology, v, 1-78. 1891.) 1 Post-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. VV. Cross. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xufi^ 19-42. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. I Relations of American and European Faunas. J. W. Gregory. (Bui. Geol. !< . | America, iii, 101-108. 1892.) | Reptiles Trom Laramie Formation. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Sci., XLiii, 44i)-4i'J 1892.) 1 Restorations of Ciasanras and Ceratosaurus. O. C. Marsli. (Am. Jour. S( ^ (3), XLiv, 34.3-349. 1892.) i Sanrians of Laramie Formation. G. Baur. (Science, xvir, 216, 217. 1891.) ] Skull of Equus Excelsus, L(3idy, from the Equus beds of Texas. E. D. Vof'M (American Naturalist, XXV, 912, 913. 1891.) *i Study in Foot Structure. A. Cary. (Jour. Morph., vii, .305-316. 1892.) J Terebellum in American Tertiaries. G. D. Harris. (American Geologist, \^,'i^ 1890.) 'h Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., .J 1-200. 1890.) J Tertiary Fossils of North American Birds. R. W. Shufeldt. (The Auk, m | 365-368. 1892.) 1 Tertiary Mammals. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 523-525. 189 | Texas Eocene, Fossils. T. H. Aldrich. (The Nautilus, iv, 25. 1890.) .J Ueber die Tektonischere Verhiiltuisse der Republik Mexiko. J. Felix una Hj. J Lenk. (Zeitsch. der Dent. Geol. Gesellsch., Baud xliv, Heft 2, pp. 303-1 a 1892.) Various species mentioned. '" Vertebrate Fauna of Puereo Epoch. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, x\ . 161-163. 1888.) I Vertebrate from Miocene Rocks of Northwest Territories of Canada Recen' "J described by Professor Cope. II. M. Ami. (Science, xviii, 53. 1891.) '% Wyoming, Fish from Eocene Beds. K. P. Whitticld. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hi- J III, 117-120. 1890.) Eocene Mollusca of State of Texas. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Ptiili J XLii, 393-406. 1890.) | Eophyton, z. th., Chrondrites Antiguus, Haliserites, /. th., iiiid iihnliche Gcl)il< J Ueber Paheospongia Prisca, Bornom. H. Rauff. (Neues JahrbucL f. Mi: % Geol. u. Pal., 92-104. 1892.) 4 Eozoon and Other Low Organisms in Laurentian Rocks at St. John, N. B. ('> < Matthew. (Bnl. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, .36-41. 1890.) Eoxoon Canadense, Facts Relating. A. R. C. Selwyn. (Science, xi, 146. 188X ! Eozoon Cauadense, New Facts. .1. W. Dawson. (Geological Magazine, new. >t i Dec. 3, V, 49-64. 1888.) J Eozoon Oanadense, Remarks, OphioUte of Thurman Co., N. Y. G. P. Men 1 (Am, Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 189-191. 1889.) J Eozoon Canadense, Specimens and their Geological and other Relations. ■''^9 Dawaon. (Peter Redpath Museum, M".Gill Univ., 107. 1888.) RovicwcJ '1 Am. Geologist, iii, 48,49, 1889. Eozoon, Tudor Specimen. J. W. Gregory, ((juart. Jour. Geol. Soc, Loud 'i XLVli, 348-366. 1891.) ^OLOGY. [Buu.iij iTEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 83 9. Adv. Sci., XL, aq J. Woohnan. (Vti4 nsferouces to fossiJ t. Sci., Phlla., xulI XXV, 45-47. mv. ly of the Tyloiiod jur. Sci., (3), xuij ry. (Bui. Geol.!<(.l r. Sci., XLiii, 449-l>!| Hh. (Am. Jour. Scij ,216,21'/. 1891.) Texas. E. D. Cop 3.-)-316. 1892.) can Geologist, v, 3li r Free Inst. Sci., Idt. (The Auk, vii XIX, 523-525. IW 25. 1890.) I. ,J. Felix una 11 - , Heft 2, pp. 303-;. Ban Naturalist, xxu| of Canada Recent 111,53. 1891.) Am. Mus. Nat. Hi' ad. Nat. Sci., Pliilij ud iihulicho Gelnl es JahrbucL f. Mr t. John, N. B. <■ >j 36-41. 1890.) ce, XI, 146. 1H8S Magazine, new. < . Y. G. P. Miri er Relations. .1 1888.) Reviewcil Geol. Soc, Loin; Ipisode in Paleozoic History of Pennsylvania. E. W. Claypole. (Anioriuau Geol- ogist, VIII, 152-160. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Iquivalence in Time of American Marine and Intracontinental Tertiarios. E. W. Hilgard. (Science, Vol. ix, No. 228, pp. .5.35, 536. 1889.) Incidental referen- ces to fossils. juuB Bods of Oregon, Birls. R. W. Shufeldt. (American NaturaliHt, xxv, 818-821. 1891.) juus Beds of Oregon, Collection of Fossil Birds. R, W. Shufeldt. (American NaturaliHt, xxv, 359-362. 1891.) JUUB Beds of Oregon, Collection of Fossil Birds. R. W. Simfeldt. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vi, Mch. 1891.) juus Beds, Vertebrate Fauna. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 1(50-165. 1889.) juus Excelsus, Cranial Characters. K. I). Cojto. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 285. 1892.) Abstract. luuB Excelsus, Leidy, from the Equus beds of Texas, Skull. E. D. Cope. (Ameri- can Naturalist, xxv, 912, 913. 1891. ) ie Shale of Ohio, Fossil Fishes. J. S. Newberry. (Trans. New York Aca«l. Sci., VII, 178-180. 1888.) Abstract, rope and America, Stratigraphic Position of the Olenellus Fauna. (;. D. Wal- cott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxviii, 29-42. 1889.) rents in North American Cretaceous History Illustrated in the Arkansas-Texas Division of the Southwestern Region of the United States. R. T. Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 282-289. 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. rerett, Oliver, E. O. Ulrich and. Lower Silui-ian Sponges. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, Vol. VIII, pp. 255-282. Springfield, 1890.) See E. O. Tllrich and O. Everett, 1890. solution, Geological Evidences. A. Heilprin. (One volume. Philadelphia, 1888.) References to fossil species. rolution in Mammalia, Osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomerys. W. B. Scott. (Jour. Morph., V, 301-406. 1891.) rolution of Fins. A. S. Woodward. (Natural Science, i, 28-:i5. 1892.) rolution of Mammalia, Factors. C. L. Morgan. (Natural Science, i, 97-101. 1892.) Solution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type. H. F. Osbom. (American Naturalist, xxii, 10(57-1079. 1888.) rolution of Mammalian Molar Tooth to and from the Tritubercular Typo. H. F. Osborn. (British As. Adv. Sci., 1888, 660. London, 1889.) rolution of Pelvis in General, Pelvis of Testudinata. G. Baur. (Jour. Morphol- ogy, vll, 345-360. 1892.) Solution of Strophostylus. C. R. Keyes. (Proc;. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. ii. 25. 1892.) Kamination by Means of Microscope of Specimens of Infusorial Earths of the Pacific Coast of the United States. A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XMi, 269-385. 1891.) }edition into Southern Maryland and Virginia, Third Annual Geological. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 81, 69-71. 1890.) Various species enumerated. sedition to Mt. St. Elias in Summer of 1890. Israel C. Russell. (National Geographic Magazine, iii, 200 pp. 1891.) slorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick ami Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and Wm. Mclnues. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, ill. Part M, 527 pp. 1889.) Meutiou made of different species. & ' r '"V"' 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. I iin.i.. Explorations in Yukou audMakeuziu Basin, N. W.T. R. G. McConuoU. (Geul.;,: Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rop. 1888-1889, Part D, iv, 163 pp. 1891.) \ tion made of different species. Ezteniion, Eastern of Cretaceous in Iowa. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. .Sd ii, 21. 1892.) Ezt inct Schleroderms T. Gill. (^American Naturalist, xxii, 828-830. iHv Diagnostic characters of the several families. Extinct Sirenia. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 697-702. 1890.) (,r eral account of the order. Extinction of Species. J. M. McCreery. (American Geologist, v, 100-104. !!<,< Extinct Vertebrata from Miocene Rocks of Northwest Territories of Caiwc recently described by Prof. Cope. H. M. Ami. (Science, xviii, 53. ISill. Eye, Pineal, in Extinct V ertebrates. K. 1). Cope. (American Naturalist, ^^ 914-917. 1888.) Eyerman, J. Bibliography of North Ameri(;an v'ertebrate Paleontology for year 1889. (Am. Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 250-2.53. Minneapolis, 1890.) Rsviw in American Geologist, \, 250-253. 1890. Eyerman, John. Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology, tnr. ■ year 1890. (American Geologist, Vol. vii, pp. 231-238. Minneapolis, W An author's list with catalogue o f the new forms described during the yea; Eyermann, John. Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology, the year 1891. (American Geologist, Vol. ix, pp. 249-256. Minneapolis, Is; A review of the literature for the year. Eyermann, John. Catalogue of the Paleontological Publicationn of .Joseph Lii (American Geologist, Vol. viii, pp. 333-342. Minneapolis, 1891.) 8evf papers noticed . Eyermann, John. Fossil Footprints from the Jura (f)-Trias of New Jersey. (P: Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Vol. xli, pp. 32,33. Philadelphia, 1889.) : following species described : Brontozoura isodactylum, Hitchcock. Grallator cuneatus, Hitchcock Grallator tenuis, Hitchcock. Anomoepus minor, Hitchcock. Faber, Charles, S. A. Miller and. New Species and New Structural Parts of Fos (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. xv. Cincinnati, 1892.) Families of Vertebrata, Synopsis. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii," 877. 1889.) Faima and Flora of Marcellus Epoch in State of New York, List of Species. J Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1889, 60-62. 1889.) Fatua and Flora of Marcellus Epoch in State of New York, List of Species. J Clarke. (State Cab. Nat. Hist., Now York, 42d Ann. Rep., 406, 407. 1S8? Fauna at Base of Burlington Limestone in Northeastern Missouri. C. R. lu (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 447-452. 1892.) Faunal Resemblance between Cretaceous Fornjations of New Jersey and tlif the Gulf States. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ii. No. 2, 116. 1889.) Fauna of Florida, Tertiary. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., ni, 1 1890.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geul.' Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-568. 1890.) Fauna of Lower Coal Measures of Central Iowa. V. R. Keyes. (Proc. Ac ml Sci., Phila., 1888, 222-247. 1888.) Fauna of Lower Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Contribution. C. R. Keyes. \\ Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. ii, 22-23. 1892.) Harpagopus dubius, Hitchcoc; Unisulcus marshi, Hitchcock. Unisulcns minutus. 'OLOGY. fmu.t;? ConuoU. (Get)l. ;i L63pp. 1891.) M c. Iowa Acad. Si i tll, 828-830. I8v 'I )7-702. 1890.) (./ t, V, 100-104. IS- rritories of Camit > xviii, 53. 18ill, an Naturalist, xv J Paleontology i"r J^ oli8,1890.) R;)vit;t^ jPaleoutologj-, fiir.'l Minneapolis, ^--M led during tbe yeai vj ate Paleontology. . Minneapolis, Is ions of Josepli Lti | .poliB, 1891.) Sevf I »f New Jersey. (F: ; ladelphia, 1889.) I i dubius, Hitcheoc'. 1 larsbi, Hitchcotk. | ainutus. ctural Parts of Ym , 1892.) Naturalist, xxiii,'| List of Species. ' 0-62. 1889.) List of Species. J ,ep., 406,407. 188? | [issouri. C. R. Kt 9W Jersey and tlioi at. Hist., II, No. 2, ^ ree Inst. Sci., m, •ott. (U. S. Geo!,- yes. (Proc. A< "I'l 1. C.R. Keyes. ! *^a . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 85 una of Minnesota, Range and Distribution of Lower Silurian. F. W. Sardesoti. (Bui. Minnesota A-jad. Sci., iii, 326-343. 1891.) luua of Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, with Descriptions of New Species. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.. Ill, 26-39. 1890.) luna of St. John Group, No. v. G. F. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii. Sec. IV, 123-166. 1890.) innas, Devonian of Iowa, Relation. H. S. ^Villiama. (American Geologist, ill, 230-233. 1889.) nnas, Fossil, in Central Iowa. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 242- 266. 1891.) as of Upper Devonian, Genesee Section of New York. H. S. Williams. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Bui. 41, 121 pp. 1888.) iunas, Relations of American and European. J. W. Gregory. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, iii, 101-108. 1892.) a, Tertiary of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., 111,1-178. 1890.) a, Vertebrate, in Silurian (Ordovician) Strata. C.'.D. Walcott. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in, 153-172. 1892.) na with Goniatites Intumescens, Beyrich, in Western New York. J. M. Clarke. (American Geologist, vili, 86-105. 1891.) a du Calcaire d'Erbray (Loire-Infdrieure). C. Barrt)is. (M<5m. Soc. g Phila., 182, 183. 1890.) Mammalian Remains from Rock Crevice in Florida. .J. Leidy. (Trans. Wag: Free lust. Sci., ii, 13-17. 1889.) J. Lt Biol. Sci,, Sabre-Toothed Tiger and Other Quaternary Mannnals of Florida. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xli, 29-36. 1890.) Specimens of Bison Latiformis from Florida. F. A. Lucas. (Proc Wash., Mch. 1891.) Tertiary Fauua of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst 1-200. 1890.) Vertebrates, Fossil. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XMi, 64, 65. If Vertebrates, Fossil, from Florida. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., l^li XLi, 96-99. 1889.) Vertebrate Remains from Peace Creek, Florida. .T. Leidy. (Trans. Wa; Free Inst. Sci., ii, 19-81. 1889.) Florissant, Fossil Butterflies. S. H. Scudder. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Eighth Ann. E 433-474. 1890.) Foerste, A. F. Age of the Cincinnati Anticlinal. (American Geologist, Vol pp. 97-109. Minneapolis, 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. • Foerste, A. F. Clintdn Group of Ohio; Part iv, Chemical and Stratigrapl Geology and Geographical Paleontology. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennisoii U; Vol. Ill, Pt. I, pp. 3-12. Granville, 1888. ) General consideration of the gi Foerste, A. F. Geological Section at Todd's Fork, Ohio. (American Geoli, Vol. II, pp. 412-419. Minneapolis, 1888.) The following species deiscr and figured aa new : Oenites deripiens. Eunicites falcatus. Arabellites procursus. Eunicites conflnis. Lumbriconernites austini. Eunicites paululus. m-. 'OLOOY. I'-u.,.: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOllTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 87 jounecticiit V all^ !•) r. s. Nat. Mu» , XI lead Sci., VI. (A; le volume. XXV, 654-658. W. -194. 1891.) XXV , 654-658. b^ 5oi., XL, 285. ixi'. (Bui. Sci. Lab. <}ranville, 1888.) Denuisou The new Uuiv., species ms Roy. Soc. Caiiii ^ork Acad. Sci.. I. Sur., Mon. xvi, D. W. Johnson. T 1. (Proc. Biol, s pods of Sonthfiist J at. Mu8., No. 37,. (3), XXXVIII, 3'_'L'-;^ khatchie. A. Hillp Proc. Acad. Nat. .'>; jidy. (Trans. Wap )f Florida. J. Lti (Proc. Biol. ^ er Free lust. Sci,. ila.,xui,64,65. 1?^ cad. Nat. Sci., Pli^ eidy. (Trans. Wui' }ur., Eighth Ann. R lan Geologist, Vol. to fossils. ' ftl aud Stratigrapli Lab. Dennison Ui lideration of the gr (American Geok wing species dt'seni Sllerste, A. F. Note.s on Paleozoic Fossils. Vol. Ill, Pt. II, pp. 117-136, 1 plate, described are: Lichashalli. Phacops serratus. EncrinurusbroinniuKi. Cyathophylluii'. australe. Encrinurus mitchelli. s^. Reviewed in Nenes .lahrbuch, 310, 1889. t^BTBte, A. F. Paleoutological Horizons of Limestone at Nahant, Mass. (Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXIV, pp. 26-203. Boston, 1889.) A number of species of '. ,) Hyolites noted. nitrate, A. F. Sections of Fossils. (Science, Vol. XI, p. 22. New York, 1888.) Remarks on the practicability of the use of internal characters as revealed i by sections in the determination of fossils. fHprste, A. P., N. S. Shaler and. Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. (Bui. Mns. Comp. Zool.,No. 2, Geol. Ser., ii, 27-41. 1888.) 3V|Drd, Arthur H. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopods in the British Museum; *3 Parti, Nautiloidea. (One vol., pp. i-xxxi and 1-344. London, 1888.) I The arriingement oi the group described is primarily geological, secondarily '(t stratigrapliical, each genus being dealt with separately from the appearance 'M to its extinction. This is a very complete description and synonymic cata- $ logue of the cephalopods in the British Museum of Natural History. The work is of the greatest importance for those wishing to study exact limitation of the nautiloid genera and their classification. The American species described ;as. are the following : Orthoceras decrescens Billings. Orthoceras arcuoliratum Hall. Orthoceraa junceum Hall. Orthoceras multicameratum Em- mons. Orthoceras lamellosum Hall. Orthoceras duseri Hail «fe\Vhitliold. Orthoceras halli ? S. A. Miller. Oi-thoceras moliri? S. A. Miller. Oithoccras dyeri? S. A. Miller. Orthoceras transversum ? S. A. Mil- ler. Orthocerasla nioatnmfS. A. Miller. Orthoceras articum sp. nov. Orthoceras grifflthi? Haughton. Orthoceras annulatum Sowerby var. americanum var. nov. Orthoceras strix Hall & Whitfield. Orthoceras davisoni Billings. Orthoceras cingulum Hall. Orthoceraji bebrvx var. cayuga Hall. Endoceras rottermuiidi Barraude. Endoceras proteiformo Hall. Endoceras magniveutruin Hall. Endoceras? ommaneyi Salter. Piloceras canadense Billings. Actiuoceras bigsbyi Brunn. Actinoceras beloitense Whitfield. Actiuoceras remotiseptum Hall. Actiuoceras richardsoni Stoker. Actiuoceras crebuseptum Hall. Actiuoceras capitolium ? Saftbrd. Actiuoceras backi Stoker. Actiuoceras whitei Stoker. Actiuoceras vertebratum Hall. Actiuoceras spheroidalo Stoker. Actiuoceras inops? Dawson. Disco.sorus conoideus Hall. Discosorus remotus sp. nov. Discosorns gracilis sp. nov. Huronia bigsbyi Stoker. Huronia vertebral is Stoker. Huronia minuens Barraude. Huronia obllgua Stoker. Huronia portlocki Stoker. Huronia turbiuata Stoker. Huronia distiucta Barraiule. Gomphoceriis scrinium Hall. Gomphoceras ncstor Hall. Poterioceras constrictum. Cyrtoceras (Neloceras) falx Billings. Cyrtoceras (Neloceras) arcticameratum Hall. Gonioccras anceps Hall. Jovellauia murrayi Billings. atuB. inis. lulus. ■r if imr*' ^8 lUULIOGRAPHY OK NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ImmiJ Foord, Arthur fi. CatalogiiH of the Fossil C'ephvlnpodii in tho British Mnsenir^ Part II. (One vol., pp. i-xx^ and 1-407. London, 1890.) The MU,v;k^ American forms are deacribod : Trochoceraa bofoalo sp. noV. Trochocoras amoricannm Billings. Trochoserus halli Foord. Trochoceras uinnionins Conrad. Trocholites planorbiformls Conrad, Gyro«*era8 cyidopa Hall, foord, Arthur H. Contribution.* to Mi«iro-Paloontology of the Canibro-Siliiii,|^ Rocks of Canada. (Geol. and Nat. Hist Sur. Canada, Contrib. to Micr()-I',v,| 'JG pp., 7 plates. Ottawa, 1888.) Tiie following are described and figured: Gyroceras trivolvo Conrad. Barrundeocciras oriciis ILill. Tenunochilus latus Meek & Wortlm] TemuiochiluH cox anus Mctk Worthon. Nautilus dekayi Morton. Mouticnlipora. Monticulipora Weston! sp. nov. Monticulipora t)illing8i sp. nov. Homotrypa. Homotrypa siniilis sp. nov. Prasopora. Prasopora occnlata sp. nov. Prasopora atHnis sp. nov. Prasopora selwynii, Nioholsou. Diplotrypa. ill 'i.l' t)lplotrypa regularia sp. aov. Diplotrypa whiteavesii, Nicholson. Monotrypd undulata. Mouotrypa undulata, Nicholson. Monotrypella. Monotrypella trontonensis, Nich. Footprints from Connecticut Valley. H. M. Mitivier. 286. 1892.) Abstract. Footprints from Jura-Trias of New .Jersey. .1. Eyerman. Monotrypella icqualis, Ulrich. Amplexopora. Amplexopora canadensis sp. nov. Amplexopora discoidca, Nicholson. Batostoma. Batostoma ottnwaense sp. nov. Heterothypa. Het«irothypa solltaria, Ulrich. Spatiopora. Spatiopora areolata sp. nov. Ptilodictya pavouia, d'Orbigny. Ptilodictya maculata, Ulrich. Tetradium peachii var. canadeiise vi nov. Tetradium huronense, Billings. Phila.,32,33. 1889.) (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sti (Proc. Acad. Nat. J. B. Tyrrell (Tra.'l A. Wo Poraminifera and liadiolaria from Cretaceous of Manitoba Roy. Soc. Canada, viii, Sec. iv, 111-115. 1890.) Poraminifera from Post-Pliocene 8and at Santa Barbara, California ward. (New York Micros. Soc, Jour., V, 24, 25. 1889.) Poraminiferial Origin of Certain CretacedUB Limestone'^ nnd the Sequence ofSf mouts in North American Cretaceous. R.T.Hill. (American Geolo<;ist, 174-177. 1889.) "Various species of fossils referred to. Pord, S. "W. Certain Fossils Discovered within City Limits of Quebec. (In New York Acad. Sci., Vol. vii, pp. 2-5. 1888.) The following are descrili Remoplenoides ? schlotheimi Bill. Leptmna? or Strophomeua? Shnmardia granulosa? Bill. Harpidea sp. ? Bathyurua canudatus IMll. Formations, Lower Silurian, of Wisconsin deson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. references to fossils. Fort Cassin Rocks and their Fauna. R. I 1, 513-515. 1890.) Fossil Fiah in Cleveland Shale. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, ii, (i^ 1889.) Fossil Insects of North America; by Samuel H. Scudder. Review. (Am. Join.? (3), xu, 330. 189L) Brief notice. Fossil of Puma. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XL, 9, 10. 1888. ) 'lilssi] iBil isil I iU isil )il Graptolites priatimiformis II. Cystidian. and Minnesota Compared. Sci., HI, 319-326. 1891.) F. \V. ; Inciili: Whitfield. (Bui. Geol. Soc. Aiiior OLOOY. liiiiLi;; o British Miiseuii [).) The followii Con rati, nis Hall. Meek & Wortli- :!iinis Meik r»rton. le Cainbro-Sil\iii,;jjl itril). to Micro I'l' bod iiud liyurid; kli8> Ulrich. leiiHis 8p. iiov. ense h\). iiov. i,ria, Ulrich. la sp. nov. ia, d'Orhigny. ata, ITlritih. L var. canadeiise v, luse, Hillings. As. Adv. Sci.,! 'roc. Acad. Nat- H.Tyrrell. { Ir, alifornia. A. Wo the Sequence ot'S erican Geologist, 1 of Quebec. ( li^ owing are descril Strophomeua? istimiformis II. )nipared. V. W. 1891.) lucid mHLIO(JRAPIIY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 89 •ails, Catalogue, Occurring in Missouri, (i. llambach. (Bui. (}pol. 8ur. Missouri, No. l,6<)-85. 18!K).) B Collected in Northwest Tt^rritnry, Canada, by Naturalists from rniverslty of Iowa. 8. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii, No. 2, 163-165. 1892.) •silB, Crotacoons, from British Columbia, the Nortlnvest Territory, and Manitoba. J. F. Whiteaves. ((icol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canatlu, Contributions to Cana- dian Paleontology, i, 161-196. 1889.) •ails Discovered within City Limits of Quebec. S. W.Ford. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., VII, 2-5. 1888.) bUb, Eocene, from Texas. T. II. Aldricli. (The Nautilus, iv, 25, 1890.) BilB from Iowa Devonian. C. R. Keyos. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 247-249. 1888.) bUb from Niagara Shales of Western Now York. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (Proc. __ Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XL, 131-137. 1888.) )idca, Nicholson. HKl^BilB from Silurian Rocks o*' Southeastern Portion of District of Saskatchwan ; J. F. Whiteaves: Rec. Sci., Apr., 1891. (American Geologist, Vol. IX, p. 56. 1892. ) A brief notice of the paper. bIIb from Triassic Rocks of British Columbia. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, r, 127-148. 1889. ) silB, Hudson River, of .Jefferson County, Indiana. (}. C. Hubbard. (Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci., i, 69. 1891.) silB in "Archican" Rocks of Ceutral Piedmont, Virginia. N. H. Darton. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuv, 50-.')2. 1892.) iSilB in Caves and Crevi<'e.s of Limestone Rocks of Pennsylvania. .J. Leidy. ,^ (Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Ann. Rep. 1887. 1-20. 1889.) VIJiBBila in Determining the Age of Geologic Terranes. H. S. Williams, (I'roc Am. • As. Adv. Sci., XXXVII, 206. 1889.) Abstract, ff*j|8BilB in Limestones of Frederick County, Maryland, C. R. Keyes. (Johns IIop- J kins Univ. Circulars, No. 84, 32, 1890.) flipilBilBin Lower Taconic of Emmons, C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am. Ah. Adv. Sci., % XXXVI, 202-L.!). 1888.) Abstract. Bil Sirenian fi i California. O, C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 94-96. 1888.) iBilB known to occur in Waverly Group of Ohio, Compiled, Tabulated List. W, F. Cooper, (Bui. Sci. Lab. Deunison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 123-130. 1889,) iBilB, B, Shimek. (Bill. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii, No. 1, 89-98. 1890.) iilB near Boston, Recent. W. Upham, (Am. .Jour, Sci., (3), xliii, 201-209, 'i 1892. silB, New Species and New Structural Parts. S. A. Miller and Charles Fabor. (.Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xv, 1892.) bUb, Notes on Paleozoic. A. F. Foerste. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iii, Pt. II, 117-136. 1888.) ibIIb Occtirring in Missouri, Catalogue. G. Hambach. (Geol. Sur, Missouri, Bui, No. 1, 60-85. 1890.) 1b of Littleton, New Hampshire. R. Pumpelly. (Am. Jour Sci,, (3), xxxv, ;^i 79,80. 1888.) Announcement of the discovery of Niagara fossils on Parker 1. Geol. Soc. Ann: m Geologist, ii, ti- iew. (Am. Jour. > I ,9,10, 1888.) VJ Mountain. yttailB of Loess at Iowa City, Iowa. Ji. Shimek. (American Geologist, i, 149-152. f 1888.) B of Western Taconic Limestone in the Eastern Part of Dutchess (bounty, N. Y. W. B. Dwight. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 71. 1890.) B, Sections. A. I'. Foorsto. (Science, XI, 22, 1888,) Ib, Sections. J. F. James, (Science, xi. 50. 1S88,) 5 fT T-rt iif q 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [nuui. / I FoMdls, Vertebrate, Geulogicul HorizouH L^termined. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .In Sci., (3), XLii, 336-338. 1891.) Freoh, F. Attuobment of Platyceras to Palieocrinoids and its Eifcctn iu Moditvn the Form of the Shell; by C. R. Keyea: Proo. Am. Philosophical Sor., \\ 1888. Review, (Neues Jahrbuch, 1«2. 1891.) Freoh, P. Corals and Bryozoa from Lower H«lderber)?, Upper Helderberj;, z Hamilton Group; J. Hall and G. Simpson: Paleontology of New York, i Review, (Neues Jahrbuch, pp. 183-184, 1892.) Freoh, F. Fossils from Clinton, Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Group.s ; <;. Simpson: Trans. Am. Philos. Soe., Phila., xvi. Review. (Neucs Jahrliiii 561. 1892.) Freoh, F. Fossils from Niagara Shales of Western New York; by E. N. S. Hiu;;! "berg: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,Phila., 1888. Review, (Neue.s Jalirbncli, 154, Ix'; Freoh, F. Fossil Shells of Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky; by II. N tleworth: Kentucky Qeol. Sur., 1889. Review. (Neues .Jahrbuch, 4Hl,|i. 1891.) Freoh, F. New Genus of Madreporaria (Glyphastrica) with remarks on Morpholn; of Glyphastrica Forbosi, E. &, II, from the Tertiary of Maryland ; P. M, Diiik,; Quart, Jour. Geol. Soc, London, 24, 1887. Review, (Neues Jahrbuch, 338, i- 1888.) Freoh, F. Niagara Cephalopods from Northern Indiana; by H. Newell- I'n Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1888, Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 178, 1892.) Freeh, F. Rate of Growth of Corals; Alex. Agassiz: Mus. Comp. Zool., xv. I, view. (Neues Jahrbuch, 195-196. 1891.) Oasteropods. Additions and Corrections to Miller's North American Paleontology. C. L. llr rick. (American Geologist, v, 253-255. 1890. ) Additions to Observations on Cretaceous and Eocene Formations of MarylaiiJ P. R. Uhler. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., i, 45-72. 1888.) Calciferous Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Braiuard aud H, M. Seh;|| (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, I, 501-516. 1890.) Incidental references to fossil Calciferous Sandrock of Lake Champlain, Imperfectly Known Fossils, a: Descriptions of Several New Forms. R. P, Whitfield, (Bui, Am. Mus. N. Hist., 11, 42-63. 1889.) Cambrian Fossils from Cohassett, Mass. C. I). Walcott. (Proc. Biol. > Washington, vil, 155, 1892.) Cambrian Fossils, Upper, Description of New Forms. C. D. Walcott. (Pr.r U, S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 266-279. 1891.) Cambrian, Middle, New Genera and Species of Fossils. C. D. Walcott, (IV ^ U, S. Nat. Mus., XI, 441-446. 1889.) Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Manitoba, Eight New Species of Fossils, .). Whitcaves. (Trans. Roy, Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 75-83, 1889.) Carbonic CalyptrieidfB, Synopsis of American. C. R. Koyes. (Proc. Acad. N.-^ Sci., Phila., 180-181, 1890,) Catalogue of Shell-Bearing Marine-Mollusks and Brachiopods of Soutluiisi. coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat, Mus., No, 37, : pp, 1889,) Cincinnati Group, Manual of Paleontology. J.F.James. (.lour. CincinniitiS ;;^ Nat. Hist., XIV, 45-72, 149-163, 144-159. 1891-1892.) Classification of Dyas, Trias, and Jura in Northwest Texas. J. Marcou. (.\iut can Geologist, X, 369-377, 1892,) Allusions to various species of fossils. Coal Measures of Central Iowa aud Particularly in the Vicinity of Des Mub C, R, Keyes. (American Geologist, ii, 396-404. 1888.) *t Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci f Pt. II, 22, 23. 1892.) .L 'OLOGY. [nuLLii Marab. (Am. .Id' iflfccts iu Modifvu: -^ tsophical So<^, x\ | ler Heldcrborjr. ai y of N«w Yolk, I I verly Groups ; (i.; . (Neues Jahrliui. by E. N. S. HiuKv Iabrbnch,154. m. | entucky; by li. \' V| Jabrbiich, 4t)l,K marks ou Morpliolo. ^lau«l; P. M.Duiin; les Jahi'bucb, J538,* by H. Nowell- I'l | 178. 1892.) ;oinp. Zool., XV. 1,5 soutology. C. L. II' •inations of Marylai [ird aud H. M. See, references to fossil . Known Fossils, a Bui. Am. Mus. >. tt. (Proc. Biol. > ]). Walcott. (I'r- D. Walnott. (I'r OS of Fossils. .1. -83. 1889.) )8. (Proc. Acatl.N. (pods of Soutbi'iisi. Nat. Mus., No. S7, : (Jour. CincinniitiS J.Marcou. (.\iii> species of fossils. • iciuity of Des Moit 'roc. Iowa Acad. .Sci.| ■ 1 milLIOGRAPIIY OK NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 1)1 ■teropoda — Continued. Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acnd. Nat. Sci., Pbila.,22-'-247. IHHH.) Color, Preservation in Fossil Shells. C. R. Keyes. (The Nautilus, iv, 30, 31. 1H90.) Confounding of Nnssa Trivittata (^ay) and Nassa Peralta (Con.) U. 1>. Harris. (American Geologist, viil, 174-176. 1891.) Conularia Missouricjisis, Swallow, with Crcnulated Costii". H. Calvin. (Amer- ican (icologist, v, 207, 208. 1890.) Correlation of Lower Silurian Horizonsof Tennessee and of Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. E. O. IJlrich. (American (»e- jlogist. II, 39-44. 1888.) Correlation Papers, Cambrian. C. D. Walcott. (IJul. U. S. (Jeol. Sur., No. 81, 447 i.p. 1891.) [Cretaceous Deposits in Iowa. C. A. White. (American (Geologist, i, 221-227. 1888.) Various species of fossils ment Mied, I British Columbia, Cretaceous Fossils fiom the Northwest Territory and Mani- toba. .1. F. Whiteavos. (Geol. aud Nat. Hist. Bur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 161-196. 1889.) fCretaceous iu Iowa, Eastern Extension. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., I, Pt. II, 21. 1892.) [Cuboides Zone and its Fauna: A Di.scussiou of Methods of Correlation. H. S. Williams. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 481-500. 18tK).) )onver Tertiary Formation. W.Cross. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 261-282. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils, levonian of Manitoba, New or Previously Unrecorded Species of Fossils. J. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vui, Soc. iv, 93-110, 1890.) )evonian Rocks of Islands, Shores or Immediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepegosis. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. ai'd Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 255-360. 1892.) )evonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. C. S. Prosser. f Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 210-221. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Socene Fossils from Texas. T. H. Aldrich. (The Nautilus, iv, 25. 1890.) Socene Mollusca of State of Texas. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 393-406. 1890.) pvolutiou of Strophostylus. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. 11, 25. 1892.) pxploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep,, iv. Part d, 163 jtp. 1891.) Mention made of diflferent species. iplorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick aud Adjacent ' Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and Wm. M. Mclnnes. (Geol. and I Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., in, Part M,527])p. 1889.) Mention made ; of different species. tuna oi" Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Z.) Geology and Paleontology, North Araeri(;an. H. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, \. .1. L. Woolnian. (Pror. Ai. Nat. K'.ii., Phila., xi.ii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology of Central Nebraska. F. W. Russell. (Ameri(!an Geologist, vii. >-. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Geology of Johnson County, Iowa. C.L.Webster. (American Naturalist, w 408-U9. 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Parts iii and iv, Subcarboniferons , Waverly Groups. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Deunison Univ., in, I't 13-110. 1888.) Geology of Portion of Province of Quebec. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. H Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep., m. Part k, 114. 1888.) Mention made of dillii species. Grouping Formations of Middle Cretaceous, .and the Employment of nn A tional Term in its Nomenclature. G. H. Eldridge. (Am. Jour. Sci.. XXXVIII, 313-321. 1889.) References made to various species. Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Groups, Fossils found in the Collect ioi the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. G.B.Simpson. (Trans. Am. I'lii Soc, XV, 435-460. 1888.) Helicina Occulta, Distribution. C. R. Keyes. (The Nautilus, iii, 18, 19. b' Hudson River "Fiord." A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliii, IX'l. 1892.) Invertebrate Foasils. A. H. Worthen. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1> A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, and Missoui i Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur i51. 1889.) Iowa, Annotated Catalogue of Mollusca. C. R. Keyes. (Bui. Essex. Inst 1889.) Iowa, Collection of Fossils from Lower Magnesian Limestone Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 2, 189-193, 1892.) Iowa, Lower Carbonic Gasteropoda from Burlington. C. R. Keyes. (Pro( . \ Nat. Sci., Phila., 284-298. 1889.) low.a, Straparollus from Southeastern. C. R. Keyes. (American Oeol(>v;i< 193-197. 1890.) Jura, Necomian and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (American Geoloj;M 357-367. 1889.) Various species of fossils mentioned, Kentucky Fossil Shells; A Monograph of the Fossil Shells of the Silurian Devonian Rocks of Kentucky. H. Nettleworth. (Kentucky Geol. Sur., V 1-245. 188'.>.) Keokuk Beds and their Contained Fossils in the Vicinity of Keokuk, Io\\ i H. Gordon. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, 98-100. 1890.) Abstract. Keokuk Group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. C. S. Beachler. (American 0 gist, II, 407-412. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Kinderhook Fo.ssils. R.R.Rowley. (American Geologist, iii, 275, 276. 1^" Loess and its Fossils, B. Shimek. (Bui, Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. low. No. 1,89-98. 1890.) Loess and its Fossils. B, Shimek. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. In" Nos. 3, 4, 200-214, 1890,) Loess at Iowa City, Iowa. B. Shiunsk. (American (ieologist, i, 149-152. I ■ii S Calvin U I ITOLOGY. Iw'-l;. ^^^ I3IULIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. D3 tiipteropods— C()iitiiiiio«l. , (Proc. Am. Ah. A; ^,^Log^„ FossilM. Dintrilmtioii. ('. R. KryoH. (Aiiunii-un (i»-ol«iKi8t, iv, 109-12L j im.). ) ''•||tLower Manm-Hinii LiiiiimtoMo of Northeiist«rii Ii»wu, C'olloctiiiii of FomiilH. 8. tCiilvin. (Ainorioan (ItiologiHt, X, 114-118. 1«J»2.) Ma(|iiuk(;tii ShaloH jiikI their Corn^lutioii with ('iiiriiiii:iti (rroiipof South wusterii yja Oliio. .1. F. .lanicH. (Aniericiui (teolojfift, v, 33l>-IJr><), 1H!K). ) Li.stu of [ist. State Univ. Ioff> list. State Univ. Ii" ologist, 1, 149-152. 1: "JS teristic species. S^aquoketa Siiales in Iowa. .1. F. .fames. (Proc. Am. .\8. Adv. Sci., xxxviii, 250, 251. 1890.) Reference made to various species. arylaud and Virginia, Third Annual Geological Expedition. >V. M. Clark. (.Johns Hopkins I'niv. Circulars, No. 81,09-71. 1890.) Various species listcid. R. E. Call. (American Geologist, i, 146-148. \mi Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. N. S. Shaler and A.j Foerste. (Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 2, Geol. Ser., ii, 27^1. 1888.) Quaternary Section Eight Miles Southeast of Des Moint^s, Iowa. C. R. Ki and R. E. Call. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Ft. ii, 30. 1892.) Rf ; ent Fossils near Boston. W. Uphaia. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xwii, 2ni<*a 1892.) Rockford Shales of Iowa, Fossils. C. L. Webster. (American Naturalist, w; 1013-1018. 1888. ) Description of new species. Saitt Peter Sandstone, Fossils. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. N; Sci., Ill, 318, 319. 1891.) Silurian Horizons of Tennessee and Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, Correlate with those of New Yorlc and Canada. E. O. Ulrieh. (American Geologistl 100-110, 179-190, and 305-315. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to| Soleniscus: Its Generic Characters and Relations. C. R. Keyes. (Aiueril Naturalist, xxili, 420-424. 1889.) Sphiurodoma; Genus of Fossil Gasteropoda. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad, vj Sci., Phila., 303-309. 1889.) Taconic, Lower and Middle, of Europe and North America. ,1. Marcou. (Aind can Geologist, vi, 78-202 and 221-233. 1890.) Incidental references to foss| Terrehellum in American Tertiaries. G. D. Harris. (American Geologist] 315. 1890.) Tertiary Deposits of Cape Fear River Region. W. B. Clark. (Bui. Geol, America, i, 537-540. 1890.) Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Ptil delphia, iii, 1-178. 1890.) Tertiary, Nebraska. F. W. Russell. (American Geologist, ix, 178-181, Wi Incidental references to fossils. Texas Permian and its Mosozoic Types of Fossils. C. A. White. (Bui. Us Geol. Sur., No. 77, 51 pp. 1891.) Trenton Limestone of Manitoba, Gasteropoda. J. F. Whiteaves. (Caiiiii!.*| Record of Science, v, 317-328. 1893.) Typos Fossiles de I'Eoceno du Bassiu de Paris R6cemment Ddcouvertes en A: rique. W. H. Dall. (Bui. Soc. Zool. de Franco, xv, 97, 98. 1890.) Variation Exhibited by a Carbonic Gasteropod. C. R. Keyes, (Aimri Geologist, III, 330-334. 1889.) Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of Raritan Clays and Greeusand Marls of New ,Jcr- R. P. Whitfield. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mou. xviii, 402 pp. 1891.) Gay Head, Marthas Vineyard, Study. P. R. Uhler. (Trans, Maryland Acad, 1,204-212. 1888.) A. W. Voil;« Gtenera and Species of North American Carboniferous Trilobitos. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iv, 69-105. 1888.) Genera of Brachiopoda, Characters and Distribution. C. W. Rolfe. (Aiuiri| Geologist, XXIII, 983-998. 1889.) Genera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geij . gist. New York, for 1889, 43-46. 1889.) Geneais of American Actinocrinidis. C. R. Keyes. (American Is'aturalist, 243-254. 1890.) Genesis of Arietidie. A. Hyatt. (Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., xvi. No. 3, i-xi, 1889.) Genesis of Arietidiu. 238 pp. 1889.) A. Hyatt. (Smithsonian Cont. to Kuowl., xxvi. No. '^m^ !(TOLOGY. [HILL Bs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 95 • Soi., (3), XLiv.lii. es. (Proc. Acad, n lUB Hcolithiis. (American Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 240-242. 1892.) A criticisui of an article read by J. F. Jamea before the Geological Society at its meeting in Washington. >logical Horizons as determined by Vertebrate Fossils. O. ('. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sd., (3), XLii, 3.36-338. 1891.) >logioal Investigations in New Brunswick, Progress. L. W. Uailoy. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 3-17. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. slogical Observations of Yukon Expedition in 1887. G. M Dawson. (Science, XI, 185, 186. 1888.) Incidental refo.onces to fossils. jlogical Problems of Muscatine County, Iowa, with Special References to Recti- fication of Supposed Kinderhook near the Mouth of Pine Creek. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, in, 25-36. 1889.) Mention made of different species, slogical Researches in Yucatan. A. Heilprin. (Proo. Aca^. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLiii, 136-158. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils, slogical Section at Todd's Fork, Ohio. A. F. Foerste. (Ainer'can Geologist, ii, 412-419. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. logy and Paleontology, North American. S. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described, jlogy and Paleontology of Cretaceous Deposits of Mexico. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.. 445-469. 1890.) Dlogy of Central Nebraska. F.W.Russell. (American Geologist, vii, pp. 38-44. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils, logy of Dearborn County. A. J. Bigney. (Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., i, 66-67. 1891.) ^logy of Johnson County, Iowa. C. L. Webster. (American Naturalist, xxii, 408-419. 1888.) Incidental reference to fossils, logy of Mt. Stephens, British Columbia. R. G. McConnell. (American Geol- ogist, III, 22-25. 1889.) Mention made of different species, logy of Nantucket. N. S. Shaler. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 53. 1889.) Inci- dental reference to fossils, logy of Pennsylvania, Vol. i, Summary Description. J. P. Lesley. (Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Final Rep., 720 pp. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. logy of Portion of Province of Quebec, Second Report. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, Part K, 114 pp. 1888.) Mention made of different species. logy of Skunnemunk Mountain, Osage County, N. Y. C. S. Prosser. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., xi, 132-149. 1892.) Fossils mentioned, logy of Southwestern New York. G. D. Harris. (American Geologist, vil, 164-178. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. )gy of Southwest. R. T. Hill. (American Geologist, vii, 366-370. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Br, H. T. Relative Ages of American and English Cretaceous and Eocene Series; J. St. Gardner: Geol. Mag., in, 1884. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 481, 482. 1888.) itic Ceratopsidte, or Horned Dinosaurs, of North America. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLi, 167-178. 1891.) Jtic Fossils. E. H. Barbour. (Science, xix, 99, 100. 1892.) itic Hom»''d Dinosauria from Cretaceous. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 173-176. 1889.) (Theo. Extinct Schleroderms. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 828-830. Philadeli'bia, 1888.) Brief notes on the group, with diagnostic characters of the several families. [Theo. Glyptooephalua not Identical with Buoklandium. (American Natu- ralist, Vol. xxii, pp. 925, 926. Philadelphia, 1888. ) Correction of the authorV use of the terms in Anierican Naturalist, Vol. xxii, p. 828. 1888.) ,i.« m 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, rniu, 12J GlyptooephaluB not Ideutical with BiKiklandiiiiu. T. Gill. (American NutiiraliKiJ XXII, 925, 926. 1888.) Glyptodon from Texaa. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 345, 346, 1888 1 GoniatiteB Intumescens, Beyricb, Fauna with, in Western Now York. J. M. Clarkej (American Geologist, viii, 86-105. 1891.) GoniatiteB IntamesconH im Westliohen Now York. J. M. Clarke. ( Neues .labij buch f. Geol., Pal. u. Min., Band i, 161-168. 1891.) OoniograptUB from Levis Formation, Levis, Quebec. H. M. Ami. (Can. Rec. 8ei III, 422-428. 1889.) GoniograptUB Thureaui, McCoy, from Levis Formation, Canada. H. M. Anal (Canadian Rec. Sci., iii, 502,503. 1889.) Goniopholis in Jurassic of Colorado. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, .wiij 1106,1107. 1888.) Gordon, C. H. Keokuk Beds and their Contained Fossils in the Vicinity of Keokuk] (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 1889, pp. 98-100. Des Moines, 1890.) Notes ou tt] position of various forms. Gordon, C. H. Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. (American Geologist, Vol. v, pJ 257-261, 1 pi. Minneapolis, 1890.) Figures and descriptions are given of; Agaricocrinus americanus Roemer. Ortbis keokuk Hall. Agaricocrinus wortheni Hall. Gordon, C. H. Observations on Keokuk Speciei of Agaricocrinus. (Proc. Ioii| Acad. Sci., 1889, pp. 100,101. Des Moines. 1890.) Abstract. Notes various species of the genus, with the si)ecific distinctions. "Grand Gulf." Formation of the Gulf States. L. C. Johnson. (Am. Jour. 8c| (3), xxxviii, 213-216. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Graptolitea, from Northern Maine, Lower Silurian. W. VV. Dodge. (Am. Josj Sci., (3), XL, 153-155. 1890.) Graptolitic Literature, Recent. R. R. Gurley. (American Geologist, viii, 1891.) Greensand Marls of New Jersey, Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of Raritan ClaJ R. P. W^hitfield. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xviii, 402 pp. 1891.) Gregory, J. 'W. Relation of American and European Fauna;. (Bui. Geol. America, Vol. iii, pp. 101-108. 1892.) Comparisons of the faunas of thet ferent geological formations made; and it is shown that they present jili nomena wholly incompatible with the theory of the permanency of oceai| basins. Gregory, J. W. Tudor Specimen of Eozoon. (Quart Jour. Gool. Soc, London, V| XLVii, pp. 348-355, 1 plate. London, 1891.) Concludes that the Tudor spf( men of Eozoon is not organic. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, viii, 328, 18i)l. GrifBth, H. G. American Carbonic Calyptrieidie ; by C. R. Keyes : Proc. Phil. AcJ Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1890. Review. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv.| 1185. Philadelphia, 1890.) A concise synopsis of the paper. Grouping of Formations of Middle Cretaceous and the Employment of an additiod Term in its Nomenclature. G. H. Eldridge. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvij 313-321. 1889.) References made to various species. Gro^r/th and Decline, Classification of Stages of, Development of Brachiopoda, Pf II. C. E. Beocher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 133-154. 1892.) Gryphaea Pitchori, American Necomian. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, v, 3| 317. 1890.) Gryphsea Pitcher!, Morton, Original Locality. .1. Marcou. (American Geoloir| 111,188-193. 1889.) Guelph Formation of Ontario, Paucispiral Opercula of Gasteropoda. J. F. Wtj eaves. (Canadian Roc. Sci., v, 404-407. 1891.) Gulf States, "Grand Gulf" Formation. L. C. Johnson. (Am. Jour. Sci. XXXVIII, 213-216. 1889.) Various fossils considered. 'Ilili ; III 3LOGY. fBn.i,.i2il nerican Naturalui, BYES. ; BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 97 I'l of Braohiopoda, PJ 1892.) can Geologist, v, 3| iGurley, R- R- Recent Graptolitic Literature. (American Geologist, Vol. viii, pp. 35-43. Minneapolis, 1891.) A full review of the literature of the subject for 1890. lurley, Wm. P. B., S. A. Miller and. Description of Some New Genera and Species of Echinodermata from the Coal Measures and Subcurboniferons Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa. (Pub. in part in Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII, April, 1890, and completed by the authors in a pamphlet, 60 pp. 1890. ) lurley, Wm- P. B., S. A. Miller and. Description of Some New Gonera and Species of Echinodermata from the Coal Measures and Subcarboniferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa. (Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist.. Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1888, 327-373, 10 plates. Indianapolis, 1889.) [aase, B. Cockroaches from Carboniferous Period; S. H. Scudder: Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Ill, 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 357. 1891.) [aase, E. Fossil Spider Eoatypus Woodwardi ; Henry C. McCook : Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 357. 1891.) {all, C. W., and F. W. Sardeson. Paleozoic Formations of Southeastern Minnesota. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. in, pp. 331-368, 2 plates. Rochester, 1892.) A general study of the Minnesota Pall^ozoic sequence, with lists of characteristic forms fouud in the Cambrian, Silurian, and Devonian. [all, James, and John M. Clarke. An Introduction to the Study of the (jenera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., Vol. viii, Part i, 367 pp., 20 plates. Albany, 1892.) The generic groups of Inarticulates are fully described, with critical remarks. The following genera are considered: Lingula. Lingulops. Lingulasma. Lakhmina. Trimerella. Dinobolus. Monomerella. Rhinobolus. Lingulella. Linguelepis. Barroisella gen. nov. Tomasiua gen. nov. Obolella. Leptobolus. Elkania. Paterula. Obolus. Aulonotreta. Schmidtia. Monobolina. Neobolus. Spondylobolus. Mickwitzia. Schizo bolus. Discinolepia. Kutorgina. Schizopholia. Volorthia. Ijihidea. Acrotbele. Acrotreta. Conotreta. Bull. 121 'i Discinopsis gen . nov. Linnarssonia. Mesotreta. Siphonotreta. Schizambon. ' Keyserlingia. Helmersenia. Discina. Lindstra>mella subgen. nov. iEhlertella subgen. nov. Rcemerella subgen. nov. Trematis. Schizocrania. Crania. Craniella. Cardinocrania. Pholidops. Orthis. Plectorthis. Diuorthis. PlfL'siomys. Hebertella. Orthostrophia. Platystrophia. Hetororthis. Bilobites. Dalmanella. Rhipidomella. Schizophoria. Orthotichia. Euteletes. Billingsella gen. nov. na IT w 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121 Hall, James — Continued. Protortbia gen. nov. Clitauibonites. PolytiBchia. Scenidium. Ortbidiuni. Stropbomena. Ortbotbetes. Hipparionyx. Kayserella gen. nov. Derbya. Meckel la. Streptorbyncbus. Triplecia. Miuiulus. StreptiH. Leptsena. Ratinesquina gen. uot. Stropbodouta. Strophouella. Leptella gen. nov. Plectambonites. Cbristiania gen. nov. LeptiBnisca. Davidsouia. Cbonetes. Cbonetina. Cbonostrophia gen. nov. Cbonopectus gen. nov. Cbonetella. Stropbalosia. Daviesiella. Aulostegea. Productus. Productella. Proboscidella. Etheridgiua. Tbe following species are described and figured as new : Lingula compta sp. nov. Lingula scutella sp. nov. Lingula ilabellula sp. nov. Lingula paracletus sp. nov. Lingula lingulata sp. nov. Lingulops granti sp. nov. Mouomerella greeni sp. nov. Monomerella kiugi sp. nov. Monomerella ortoni sp. nov. Monouierella egani sp. nov. Rbinobolus davidsoni sp. no v. Siphonrtrcta ' ?) minuesotensis sp. nov. Orbiculoidea (Scbizotreta) ovalis sp. nov. Orbiculoidea nnmulus sp. nov. Orbiculoidea berzeri sp. nov. Liudstr(jL>mella aspiduui geu. et sp. nov. Scbizocrania scbucberti sp. nov. Scbizocrauia (?) helderbergia sp. nov. Crania agarcina sp. nov. Crania pulcbella sp. nov. Crania granosa sp. nov. Crania favincola sp. nov. Cruniella ulricbi sp. nov. Pbolidopa calceola sp. nov. Pbolidops patina sp. nov. Orthis? sattbrdi sp. nov. Ortbis? bolstoni Safibrd. Ortbis (Plsesiomys) loricula sp. nov. Ortbis (Dalmanella) arcuaria sp. nov. Ortbis (Dalmanella) superstes sp. nov. Ortbis (Rbipidomella) oweni sp. nov. Ortbis (Scbizopboria) seuecta sp. uov. Stropbomena conradi sp. nov. Stropbomena wincbellii sp. nov. Ortbotbetes desideratus sp. nov Derbya rugiuosa sp. nov. Derbya costatnla sp. nov. Derbya broadbeadi sp. nov. Derbya benuetti sp. nov. Derbya cymbula sp. nov. Derbya afflnis sp. nov. Derbya ( ?) biloba sp. nov. Streptorbyncbas ulricbi sp. nov. Cbristiania subquadrata sp. nov. Lcpticnisca adnaseens sp. nov. LeptiBnisca tangens sp. uov. Stropbalosia rocktbrdensis sp. nov. Cbouostropbia belderbergia sp. nov. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, x, 251-253, 1892; also Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, ?^^ 332. 1892. Hall, James, and Jobn M. Clarke. Paleontology of New York. (Nat. Hist. Nff York, Pal., Vol. vii, 236 pp., 36 plates. Albany, 1888.) Descriptions ot til trilobites and otber Crustacea of tbe Oriskany, Upper Helderberg, Hauiilt(l and Catskill groups. Tbe introduction contains a synopsis of genera, ^'itij descriptions and bibliograpbies of tbe following: Calymene. Bronteus. HomalonotuB. Pbaoops. ''i'WI ►LOGY. iBULLm^YEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 99 ov. r. nov. J. nov. nov. lOV. ford. ioricula sp. nov. aicuaria sp. nov. superstea sp. nnv. a) oweni sp. nov. i) seuecta sp. uov. i sp. nov. sUii sp. nov. itus sp. nov nov. nov. ip. nov. nov. nov. »v. nov. ichi sp. nov. rata sp. nov. 118 isp. nov. sp. nov. :densis sp. nov. n-bergia sp. nov. Soi., (3), xLiv. W •k. (Nat. Hist. Nei Descriptions of til lelderberg, Hauiiltel ipsis of genera, wii| 11, James — Continued. Diilmanites. Haiismannia. Coronnra snbgen. nov. Cryphams snbgen. nov. Odontocephalus subgcn. nov. Cliasmops subgen. nov. Corycephalus snbgen. nov. Acidaspis. Liclias. Terataspis. Conolicbas subgen. nov. Hoplolichas subgen. uov. Arges subgen. nov. Ceratolicbas subgen. nov. Dicranogmus subgen nov. Proetus. Pbaethonides. Cypbaspis. Tbe work itself contains descriptions Calymene platys Green. Honialonotus major Whitfield. Houialonotus dekayi (Green). Honialonotus vanuxeuii Hall. Bronteus tuUius sp. nov. Phacops cristata Hall. Pbiicops rana Hall. Phacops cristata var. i)ipa var. nov. Phacops bufo (Green). Phacops cacapona Hall. Phacops nupera (Hall). Dahuanites (Hausmannia) pleurop- tyx (Green). Daluianites (Hausmannia) concin- nn,s Hall. Dalnianites (Hausmannia) concin- nus var. serrula var. Dalnianites (Hausmannia) phacop- tyxsj). nov. Dalmanites (Hausmannia) meek! Walcott. Dalmanites (Coronura) aspectans (Conrad). Dalmanites (Coronura) myrnie(!o- phorus (Green), 'almanites (Coronura) einargina- tus (Hall). Dalmanites ((Jryphams) comis sp. nov. (Crypha'us) pleione Dalmanites Hall. Dalmanites Greene. Dalmanites (Cryphn'us) Vioiithii (CrypbiiHiw) boothii yar, calliteles. ProtolimnluB. Eurypterus. Stylonnrus. Ceratiocaris. Echinocaris. Elymocaris. Tropidocaris. Mesothyra gen. nov. Dithyrocaris. Rhinocaris gen. uov. Spathiocaris. Dipterocaris. Pahi;palu5mon. Estheroa. Schizodiscus gen. nor. Protobalanus gen. nov. Strobilepis gen. uov. Turrilepas. with figures of the following species : Dalmanites (Cryphicus) barrisi sp. nov. Dalmanites (Odontocephalus) selenurua (Eaton). Dalmanites ( Odontocephalus ) bifidus Hall. Dalmanites (Odoutoce plialus) legeria Hall. Dalmanites (Odontocephalus f)coronatus Hall. Dalmanites (Corycephalus) regalis Hall. Dalmauites (Corycephalus) pygmajus sp. nov. Dalmanites (Corycephalus) dentatus Barrett. Dalmauites (Chasmops) anchiops(GreGn). Dalmanites (Chasmops) anchiopa var. armatns Hall. ]3almaiiites anchiops var. sobriuus var. uov. Dalmanites (Chasiiio])s) calypso (Hall). Dalmauites (Chasmops) eriua Hall. Dalmanites (Chasmojis) macrops Hall. Acidaspis callicera sp. nov. Acidaspis sp. ? Acidaspis romingeri sp. nov. Lichas teratas^iis graudis Hall. Lichas (Couolichas) hispidus sp. nov. Lichas (Couolichas) eriopis Hall. Lichas (Conolicbas) ? sp. Lichas (Hoplolichas) hylteus sp. uov. Lichas (Arges) coutusus sp. nov. Tiichas (Ceratolichaa) grypssp. nov. Lichas (Ceratolicbas) dracon sp. uov. Lichas (Dicranogmus) ptyonuruaap. nov. I'roetus couradi Hall, 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121 Hall, James— Continued. ProetuB augustifrons Hall. Proetus hesione Hall. Proetus sp, f Proetns onrvimarginatus sp. nov. ProetiiH latimiirginatiia sp. nov. Proetiia crassiraargiuatus Hall. Proetus foUiceps sp. nov. Proetus clarus Hall. Proetus canaliculatus Hall. Proetus verneuUi Hall. Proetus microgemma sp. nov. Proetns stenopyge sp . nov. Proetus ovifrons sp. nov. Proetus pelphiuulus sp. nov. Proetus ( ?) planimarginatus Meek. Proetus tumidus sp. nov. Proetus baldemani Hall. Proetus inacrocephalus Hall. Proelus rowii (Green). Proetus marginalis (Conrad). Proetus jejunus sp. nov. Proetus phocion Billings. Proetus prouti Shumard. Proetus uevadaj sp. nov. Proetus occidens Hall. Proetus (?) longicaudus Hall. Proetus missouriensis Shumard. Phaethouides arenicolus sp. nov. Phaetbonides varicella sp. nov. Phoethonides gemmteus sp. nov. Phaetbonides cyclurus sp. nov. Phaetbonides ( ?) denticulatus Meek. Cyphaspis miuuscula Hall. Cypbaspis stepbanophora sp. nov. Cyphaspis diadema sp. nov. Cyphaspis hybrida sp. nov. Cyphaspis ornata (Hall). Cyphaspis ornata var. baccatavar. nov. Cypbaspis craspedota sp. nov. Cypbaspis Imvis Hall. Cypbaspis coelebs sp. nov. Protolimulus eriensis (Williams). Eurypterus beecberi Hall. Enrypterns prominens Hall. Stylonurus excelsior Hall. Stylonurus? (Echinocaria?) wrightianuj| (Dawson). Ceratiocaris longicauda Hall. Ceratiocaris beecberi Clarke. Ceratiocaris ? simplex Clarke. Echinocaris punctata Hall. Echinocaria whitfieldi Clarke. Echinocaria condylepis sp. nov. Echinocaris socialis Beecher. Echinoceris pustulosa Whittield. Echinoceris multinodosa Whitfield. Elymocaris capsella sp. nov. Elymocaris siliqua Beecher. Tropidocaris bicarinata Boeoher. Tropidocaria interrupta Beecher. Tropidocaria alternata Beecher. Mesothyra oceani sp. nov. Mesotbyra neptuni Hall. Mesothyra spumtea sp. nov. Mesothyra (Dithyrocarisf ) veneris nov. Ditbyrocaris belli Woodward. Rbinocaris Columbia sp. nov. Rhinocaris scaphoptera sp. nov. Spathiocaris emersoni Clarke. Dipterocaris penuiB-diedali Clarke. Dipterocaris procne Clarke. Dipterocaris pes-cervic Clarke. Pal^opakemon newberryi Whitfield. Estberia pnlex Clarke. Schizodiscus capsa sp. nov. Protobalanus hamiltonensia ap. nov. PabTJOcreusia devonica sp. nov. Strobilepsia apringera sp. nov. Turrilepas llexuosua sp. nov. Turrilepas devonicus Clarke. Turrilepas cancellatus sp. nov. Turrilepas squama sp. nov. Turrilepas nitidulus sp. nov. Turrilepas foliatus sp. nov. Turrilepas tener sp. nov. Turrilepas ( ?) newberryi Whitfield. Stylonurus excelsior. Reviewed in Am. Naturalist, xxii, 714, 1888; also in Neues Jabrbuch, 186-19;" 1889; and Am. Geologist, iii, 147-148, 1889. Hall, James. Crustaceous Tracks from the Potsdam Sandstone of Port Henry, X.r| (New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., 42ud. Ann. Rep., pp. 25-34. 1889.) OLOGY. [BULL. 121 HiBrES.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 101 rail, James. Descriptions of Bryozoa. (Tenth Ann. Hop. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, pp. 35-57. Albany, 1891.) A continuation of the descriptions of Bryozoa not printed in volume vi of the Paleontology of New York. The following species described by the author in various papers are here rede- scribed without figures : I'aleschara pertenuis. Paleschara intercella. Palescbara reticulata. Paleschara variacella. Palescbara anjplectena. Stictopora rectalines. 8tictupora tuiuulosa. Stictopora straita. Stictopora sinuosa. Stictopora ovata. ' Stictopora incrassata. Stictopora limata. Stictopora subrigida. Stictopora crenulata. Stictopora angularis. Stictopora recta. Stictopora palmipos. Stictopora grauifera. Stictopora divergons. Stictopora permarginata. Stictopora intorstriata. Stictopora recubans. Sticto])ora subcarinata. Semiopora biHtigmata. Prisniopora dilatata. Prismopora lata. Ptilodictya parallela. Ptilodictya phuiics. Thamuiscus pauciramus. Hederalla conferia. Ptilopora straita. Ptilopora nodosa. Stictopora bifurcata. Reviewed in A'nn. Soc. gdol. du Nord, t. xv, 123, 1888. |[all, James. Description of Linnarssonia cnf. Pretiosa, Billings. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vii. Sec. iv, p. 55. Montreal, 1889.) A brief description of the form. fall, James. Genera of Paleozoic Brachiopoda. (Tenth Ann. Rept. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, pp. 15-17. Albany, 1891.) A tabulated list of Paleozoic brachiopods discussed in Paleontology of New ifork, Vol. viir. ^all, James. Genus Spirifera, and its Interrelations with the Genera Spiriferina, Syringothyris, Cyrtia and Crytina. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. i, pp. 567, 568. New York, 1890.) A synopsis of a study of the characters and relations of the group. ill, James. New Genera and Species of the Family Dictyospongidte. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. i, pp. 22,23. New York, 1890.) Notice, without descrip- tions or figures, of several new species from New York Chemung. |all, James. Paleontology of New York. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., Vol. v, Pt li, 42 pp., 14 plates. Albany, 1888.) Contains descriptions and illustrations of Pteropoda, Cephalopoda, and Annelida of the Niagara, Lower and Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Waverly groups. The following species are de- scribed and figured, with notes : Pharetrella tenebros^ sp. nov. Spirorbis cincinnateusis Miller & Dyer. Ortonia minor Nicholson. Ortonia conica Nicholson. Conchicolites corrugatus Nicholson. Tentaculites sterlingensis Meek & Worthen. Tentaculites richmondensis Miller. Cornulites Hcxuosus Hall. Coruulitcs immaturus. Cornulites incurvus Shumard. Cornulites distans (Hall). Cornulites clintoui Hall. Tentaculites minutus Hall. Tentaculites niagarensis (Hall) var. cumberlandiae var. nov. Tentaculites gyracanthus Eaton. Tentaculites elongatus (Hall). Tentaculites acula sp. nov. Tentaculites dexithea sp. nov. Tentaculites scalariformis Hall. Hyolithes centennialis Barrett. Hyolithes heros sp. nov. Styliola spica sp. nov. Coleolus herzeri sp. nov. Pharetrella gen. nov. bl "Tf 102 BIBLtOGRAPHY OV NORTtt AMERICAN PALi?,ONTOLOGY. [Brui Hall, James — Continued. Cornulites sp.? Corniilitos arcuatus (Conrad). Cornulites proprius (Hall). Cornulites bellastriatue Hall. Cornulites chrysalis sp. nov. Cornulites cingulatus ap. nov. Cornulites tribulis sp. nov. Orthoceras dntaraen Hall. Ortlioceras sceptrum Hall. Orthoceras directum Hall. Orthoceras dagon Hall. Orthoceras rudons Hall. Orthoceras expositum Hall. Orthoceras consortale Hall. Orthoceras indianense Hall. Orthoceras icarus Hall. Gomphoceras fax Plall. Gomphoceras illtpnns Hall. Gomphoceras absens Hall. Gomphoceras eximium Hall. Gomphoceras mitra Hiill. Gomphoceras impar Hall. Gomphoceras cammarus Hall. Gomphoceras gomphus Hall. Gomphoceras crenatum Hall. Gomphoceras plenum Hall. Gomphoceras manes Ilall. Gomphoceras nasutum Hall. Gomphoceras potens Hall. Cyrtoceraa snbcompresHuin Hall. Cyrtoceras jason Hall. Cyrtoceras citum Hall. Gyroceras'nerens Hall. Gyroceras laciniosum Hall. Gyroceras? stebos Hall. Trochoccras panduni, Hall. Nautilus oricns Hall. Nautilus hyatti Hall. Nautilus parallclus Hali. Nautilus (Discites) nmniouis Hall. Nautilus (Discites) miircellensis Hull Goniatites vanuxenii Hall. Goniatites vanuxemi, var. nodit Hall. Goniatites discoideus Hall. Goniatites uniangularis Conrad. Goniatites amplexus Hall. Goniatites complantus Hall. Goniatites sinuosus Hall. Goniatites p'^irsoni Hall. Goniatites r ji Hall. Goniatites . m Hall. Gomphoceras minum Hall. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York, Volume vii. (Eighth Ann. Rep. Geologist, New York, for 1889, pp. 7-24. Albany, 1889.) A brief prelimin^ synopsis of the report. Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 155, 1890. Hall, James. Preliminary Notice of Newberria; a New Genus of Briichiopods, Remarks on its Relations to Rensselaeria and Amphigenia. (Tenth Ann. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, pp. 91-98, 2 plates. Albany, ISiM, description of the genus, with figures and descriptions of the following specy Newberria? condoni ( McChes- Newberria johannis (Hall). ney). Newberria missouriensis (Swallow i. Newberria levis (Meek). Newberria claypolii sp. nov. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 155, 156, 1892. Hall, James. Suggestions Regarding the Subdivisions and Groupings of the Sjk usually included under the Generic Term Orthis, in accordance with Extn and Internal Characters and Microscopic Structure. (Bui. Geol. Soc. Anicr Vol. I, pp. lSr-22. New York, 1890.) A suggested revision of the genus. Hall, James. Type Specimens of Devonian Crustacea Described in Paleontoloi.';^ New York, Vol. vii, in the Possession of the New York State MnHeimf Natural History. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 188!i.- 24-27. Albany, 1889.) A list of the specimens described. Haliserites z. Th., und iinhliche Gebilde, Ueber Palo^ospongia Prisca, l)i>n| Eophyton z. Th., Chondrites Antiguus. H. Rautf. (Neues .Jahrbucli f. )l:v| Geol. u. Pal., 92-104. 1892.) Hallopoda, Distinctive Characters of the Order. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. (3), XXXIX, 415-417. 1890.) HallopuB and Other Dinosaurs. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 569-| 1890.) ' m. NTOLOGY. [Brui JF.YE8 ] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 103 [alzapfel, A. Annotated Cliork-LiHt of the Cretaceous Invertebrate FossiIh; by K.T.Hill: Geol. Snr. Texas, Hnl. \o. 4. 1889. Review. (Nones .lahrbueb, p. 305. 1890.) {alzapfel, A. Cretaceous Fossils from British Colnmhia, the Northwest Territory, and Manitoba; by .1. F. Wliiteaves: Cont. Can. Pal., i, 1889. Review. (Neues .Tahrbnch, pp. 158. 159. 1891.) lalzapf;!, A. Invertebrate Fossils from the Pacific Coast; by C. A. White: Bnl. U.S. Geol. Snr., No. 51, 1889. Review. (Nenes Jahrbuch, pp. 154-1.53. 1892.) [alzapfel, A. Ocenrrence of Fossils of Creta^ujons Age on the Islands of Marthas Vineyard, M.-iss. ; by N. S. Shaler: Hnl. Mns. Comp. Zool. xvi. Review. (Neues .Tahrbnch, p. 305. 1890.) [alzapfel, A. Paleontology of Cretaceons Formation of Texas, Part i ; by R. T. Hill: Bnl. Texas Univ., School Geology. Review. (Neues Jahrbnoh, i>. 300. 1890.) [ambach, G. Catalogue of Fossils Occurring in Missouri. (Bui. Geol. Sur. Mis- souri, No. 1, pp. 60-85. .Fefierson City, 1890.) A tabulated list of fossils re- ported from the state. [amilton Formation of Ontario, with List of Species at Present Known from that Formation and Province. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Can- ada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 95-125. 1889.) [amilton Group near Iowa City, Iowa, Species of Spirifera. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist., State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 1, 28, 29. 1888.) [amilton of Chenango and Ostego Counties, New York. C. S. Prosser. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxvi, 210. 1888.) Abstract. Various species mentioned. [amilton Period in Western Ontario, Vertical Range of Certain Species of Fossils. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, i, 81-86. 1888.) [aplocrinus, Ventral Structure, and Consequent Modifications in Classitication of Crinoidea. C. Wachsniuth and F. Springer. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 337-363. 1888.) [arris, Gilbert D. Confounding of Nassa Triviata, Say, and Nassa Peralta, Con- rad. (American Geologist, Vol. viii, pp. 174-176. Minneapolis, 1891.) Notes on the confusion of the forms, with the literature of the subject. tarrls, Gilbert D. Genus Terebellnm in American Tertiaries. (American Geolo- gist, Vol. V, p. 315. Minneapolis, 1890. The occurence of this genus in the Eocene of Texas is noted* jCarris, Gilbert D. Geology of Southwestern New York. (American Geologist, Vol. VII, pp. 164-178. Minneapolis, 1891.) Incidental references to fossils, irris, T. W. Mount Bob, Mount Ida, on Snako Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XMil, pp. 236-238. New Haven, 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Robert. Geological Reconnaissance in Southwestern Kansas. (Bnl. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 57, 49 pp., 2 plates. Washington, 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. fay, Robert. New Species of Fossils Cephalopods. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., Vol. XIII, pp. 37-47. Topeka, 1893.) Notes on, and republication of, descrip- tions by Hyatt. Bilprin, Angelo. Eocene Mollnsca of the State of Texas. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLii, pp. 393-406, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1890.) A list is given of the Eocene mollnsca known from Texas and the following species are described and figured as new : Natica dumblei. Buccitriton scalatum. Cerithium texanum. Ancillaria ancillops. Clavella (Fusus ?) penrosei. Crassatella texana. tilprin, Angelo. Fossils of Pliocene ("Floridian") Formation of the Caloosa- hatchie. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Vol. i, pp. 68-134, 19 plates. Phila- delphia, 1887.) TT i I 104 niBLIOORAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. tBiuiuK Heilptin, Angelo. Oenlofi;icul Evidencen of Evolution. (One volume. Pliiladc phia, 1888.) Keft^rences to fossil species. Reviewed in Nature, x.vxviii,riO,5i 1888. Heilprin, Angelo. (ieological Kesearohes iu Yucatan. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc: Phila., Vol. XLiii, pp. 136-1.58. Philadelphia, 1891.) List of Pliocene fossL, given. Heilprin, Angelo. Geology and Paleontology of Cretaceous Deposits of Mexjcc (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLii, pp. 445-469. Philadelphia, m. Notes on a number of species. Heilprin, Angelo. Miocene Mollusca of the State of New Jersey. (Proc. Acac Nat. Sci., Phila. Vol. xxxix, pp. 397-405. Philadelphia, 1888. ) A list of specu is given with notes on various forms and descriptions of the followin<;;: Murcx sbilohensis sp. nov. Triforis terbata sp. nov. Plerotoma pseudoburena sp. nov. Pecten hnmpbreyi var. woomaiii, va; nov. Reviewed iu Neues Jahrbuch, 351, 1890. Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Group Fossils, found iu the Collections of tt Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. PhiloH. S(k XV, 435-460. 1888.) Helderberg Limestone in North America, and " Hercyu-Frage." J. M. Clarki (American Geologist, Vol. vii, 109-113. 1891.) Helderberg, Lower, Beecherella, New Genus of Ostracoda. E. O. Ulrich. (Amcria Geologist, XIII, 197-204. 1891.) Helderberg, Lower, of New Brunswick, Fish Remains. G. F. Matthew. (Amcrin , Geologist, viii, 61, 62. 1891. ) Helopora (Hall), and other Genera of thiit type, Sceptropora, (irenns f>f Biyo/o, E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, i, 228-234. 1888.) Hemiptera of British Columbia, Canadian Fossil Insects, i. Tertiary. S. II. Sn der. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Cont. Canadian Pal., ii, 5-26. 189; Hemiptera, Physiognomy of American Tertiary. S. H. Scudder. (Proc. Ilmtc Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 562-579. 1890.) "Hercyn-Frage" and Helderberg Limestone in North America. .T. M. Clurk (American Geologist, vii, 109-113. 1891.) Heroynlau Fauna of Northern Hartz iu Germany. C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. 8i, (3), XXXIX, 155, 156. 1890.) Hercynian Question : Brief Review of its Development and Present Status, v itt few Remarks upon its Relations to the Current Classification of Anierit^ Paleozoic Faunas. J. M. Clarke. (State Cab. Nat. Hist., New York, 42d Al: Rep., pp. 408-437. 1889.) Hercynian Question. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New Yoii for 1889, 62-92, 1889.) Herrick, C. L. Additions and Corrections to Miller's North American Paleontolii^- (American Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 253-2r)5. Minneapolis, 1890.) A list of (x ted species is given. Herrick, C L. Cuyahoga Shale and the Problem of the Ohio Waverly. (Bui. G« Soc. America, Vol. ii, pp. 31-47, 1 plate. Washington, 1891.) A list of the co: mon fossils of the Cuyahoga shale is given. The following species arc <: scribed and figured : Phaethonides spinosus, Herrick. Phillipsia consors, Herrick. Phillipsia meramecensis, Shumard. Cytherella uniformis, sp. nov. Leptodesma nasutus, Herrick. Herxick, C. L. Description of Four New Species of Waverly Fossils. (B«l " Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. iv, pp. 11-60 and 97-123. 1890.) Contaius a. lists of, and a consideration of. other forms. Leiopteria cuyahoga, sp. nov. Conocardium alternistriatum, Herrici Spirifer pendolineatus. Hall. Cypricardinia sp. Discina magnifica, sp. nov. TOLOGY. tBiLiii BIBLIOGRAPHY UP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY 105 Deposits of Mexici Philadelphia, 18% Frage." J. M. Clarkt i, O.Ulrich. (Amerki: '.Matthew. (Amtriu jra, GenOH of liiyozo. 'k merica. J. M. Clarb :| ilcott. (Am. Jour. Sc; ?| be Geologist, New Yori | American Paleontolog; | 1890.) A list of (:ii; Waverly. (Bui. Gee | 591.) A list of the co: I lowing species are c oga, sp. nov. ernistriatum, Herricl v| eatus. Hall. a, sp. nov. wrly Fossils. (Bul.Sf 1890.) Contaius ai 4 trrlok, C. L. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Parts lii and iv, Suboarbonif- erouH and Waverly Groups. (Bui. >Sci. Lal>. Dennison Univ., Vol. ill, Pt. i, p|). 13-110, 12 plates. Granville, 1888.) The stratigraphy is discusHcd after which the paleontology of the rocks is considered and the following species described as new : Nautilus ( f ) bisculatus. Phillipsia pnccursor. Chimetes tumidus. Orthis vanuxemi var. pulohelluH. Spirifera winchelli. Spirifera dupressa. Aviculopecten porlongatus. Aviculopecten granvillensis. Aviculopecten cooperi. Creuipecton subcardiforuis. Creuipccton senilis. Aviculopecten (Lyriopocten) cancellatuB. Linatulina ( f ) ohioensis. Streblopteria media. Stroblopteria synama. Streblopteria gracilis. Pterinopecten cnrboniferus. Pretomites(Leptodesma) ? oblon- gus. Leptodesma ( ?) scutella. Posidonomata ( Streblopteria ) fragilis. Promacra ( f ) truncatus. Leiopturia ortoni. Luioptcria halli. Modiola waverleyensis. Schi/odus nuwarkensis. Sanguinolites (Gouiophora) senilis. Allorisma cooperi. AUorisma c^onvexa. Macodon ( f ) triangularis. Nuculana (Leda) spatulata. Niiculana (Leda) similis. Paliconeilo ellipticus. Pahuoncilo ellipticus, var. flicatella. Palusoneilo ellipticus, var. elegantula. Palu^oneilo ellipticus, var. allorismi- formis. Area omata. Gonoidon gen. nov. Gouoidon ohioensis. Pleurotomaria (Cyclonema) strigillata. Dentalium granvillensis. Schizoda3 (Protoschizodus) palteoneili- formis. iok, C. L. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Part iv, Waverly Group, Con- tinued, General Conclusions. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. iv, Pt. i, pp. 97-123. Granville, 1888.) This paper is devoted to the general conclu- sions in regard to the Waverly Group of Ohio. In the addenda the following new species are described : Leiopteria? newberryi. Solenomya cuyahogensis. Avicula ? recta. Schizodus harlanensis. I .Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXX vii, 317-318, 1889. ick, C. L. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Part iv. List of Waverly Fos- sils, Continued. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. iv, Part i, pp. 11-60, 2 plates. Granville, 1888.) The new species are: Lingula atra. Lingula gannensis. Lingula meeki. Lingula waverleyensis. Productus varicostatus. Productus annosus. Productus rushvillensis. Productus nodocostatuB. Athyris ashlaudensis. Rhynchospiraf ashlandensis. Spirifera (Martinia) tonnispina- tns. Spirifer deltoidens. Allorisma cuyahoga. Allorisma consanguiuatus. Leiopteria nasutus. Avicula? siibspatul.ti,utiou and short rii;! ences to bibliography. Hill, Robert T. Comanche Series of Texas-Arkansas Region. (Bui. Geo). Sofl America, Vol. ii, pp. .'503-528. Rochester. 1891.) Reference to fossils, nl viewed in American (Jeologist, vm, 2.58, 1891. Hill, Robert T. Events in North American Cretaceous History Illustrated in tJ Arkansas-Texas Division of the Southwestern Region of the United StatJ (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 282-289. Now Haven, 1889.) In] dental referenc^es to the Cretaceous fauna of this region. Hill, Robert T. For.aminiferial Origin of Certain Cretaceous Limestones and Sequence of Sediments in North American Cretaceous. (American Geolojjj.^ Vol. VI, pp. 174-177. Minneapolis. 1889.) Description of certain Texas ii. taceous rocks made up of Tinoporua texana. Hill, Robert T. Geology of the Southwest. (American Geologist, Vol. vir, -[>]>.% ' 370. Minneapolis, 1891.) Contains brief notes on the foraminifera of the IVt region. Hill, Robert T. Macraster Texan ns. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, p. 168. PbS adelphia, 1889.) A brief note on the species, with reference to a descriptionj it by Ferdinand Ruimer in Neuos Jahrbuch, I. Band, drittes Heft. Hill, Robert T. Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. (Gool, Sur. Arkans| Ann. Rep. 1888, Vol. ii, pp. 127-152. Little Rock, 1889. ) In the chapter on i paleontology of Trinity division the following species are described i| figured : Ammonites walcotti sp. nov. Pleurocera strombiforrais, Schlotli. Vivipara cossatotensis, sp. nov. Buccinapsis? conradi, sp. nov. Ostrea frankliui, Coguand. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, vi, 24.3-246,1888; also Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxr 413, 414, 1889. Hill, Robert T. Paleontology of Cretaceous Formations of, Part i. (I versity of Texas, School of Geology, Circulars, 8 pp. Austin, 1889.) Tlie:5 lowing species from the Shoal Creek (Vola) limestone series described: Pecten (Vola) roemeri, sp. nov. Peterocera shumardi, sp. nov. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 300, 1890. Area gratiota, sp. nov. Arcaparya, var. missouriensis, J Cyrena arkausensis, sp. nov. Corbicula pikensis, sp. nov. Cardium? sevierensis, sp. nov. OLOOY. t»'^^"-«iM|tRYit8] BinUOORAPIIY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 107 I Hill, Robert T. I'ri'liinlrmry Aniiotntnd Cbock-List of tlu' Crntai-oniiH Invnrtebrate I'ossilHufTfxas. {G(«»l. Snr. 'IVxjih, Hiil. No. •!, ,'7 pp. Austin, 1S8!».) IJri«H of tlio Hpocit-H with tiihl«>H Nliowiii^ Htnitigrnpliiuiil riin««'. Kovicwnd in Am. 1.) Nu- niiM-ouH roferencoH to fosnils found, ill, Robert T. IJober «ln«' durch lliiutlj^keit liippuritenartigor (Uianiidun au8i{0- /oiclin<'t« Fauna der oborturonmi Kn^ido vonToxus, von Fiu-ilinand UotMuor in Hroslan; Pal. Abhand., iv. Hand, Hoft 1. Berlin, 1888. Rovit^w. (Am. Jour. «(•!., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 318.319. Now Haven, 188!t.) ("ritir.-il icvi.'w of tlio Avork and rnfureiK^e uf the fauna to tbu Hippnrite linicHtonoof Sliumard, rather than the upper Tnrouian. [ill, Robert T. Validity of tlirno .SpoeieH of CeplialopodH described by Schliitor in the Niederrhein, (JesoUschaft at Bonn, March, 1887. Criticism. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxill, p. lf>!». Piiiladdphia, 1889.) A brief note, nil, Robert T., and U. A. F. Penrose, jr. Fppermost Cretaceous Bed.s of Eastern and Southern United States; and Tertiary Cretaceous Partings of and Texas. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 168-173. New Haven, 1889.) Contains reference.s t(» characteristic fo8.sils. lindeastrsea, a New Generic Form of Cretaceous Astra-idie. C. A. White. (Geol. Mag., (3), v,3G2,.363. 1889.) ide, O. J. Archa!ocyathn.s, Billings, and other Genera Allied thereto or Asso- ciated therewith from Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia and Scotland. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. Iil, pp. 373,374. Montreal, 1889.) inde, O. J. Archaiocyathus, Billings, and other Genera Al'ied to or Associated with it for the Cambrian Strata of North America, Spam, Sardinia and Scot- land. (Quart. .Tour. Geol. Soc, London, Vol. xlv, p]). j2.">-148, 1 plate. Lou- don, 1889.) The three species included by Billings in Arclweocyathusaresuowa to belong to three genera: A. profundm, Spirocjialhus (n.gen.) atlanticus, while the third proves to be a silicious sponge Archa'OHovphia (n. gen.) minganensia. "The ArchiBocyathinie are regarded as a special family of the Zoantharia H'lorodomata, in some features allied to the group of perforate corals." Cala- (iHm (f)i«i''«f'<'Ji';Mm, Billings is referred to Nipterella (n. gen.) a Lithistid sponge. "The Genera Calathium, Bill., and Trichospongia, Bill., are also undoubted silicious sponges." Keviewed by H. Ranft, Neues .Fahrbucli, 197- 199. 1891; also Am. .Tour. Sci., (3). xxxvii, 234, 1889. ide, G. J. Chert and Silicious Schists of Permo-Carboniferous Strata of Spitz- bergen and on Characters of Sponges which have been described by Dr. E. von Dnnikowski. (Geological Magazine, (3), Vol. v, p. 24. London, 1888.) Incidental references. ide, O. J. Silicious Sponges from Trenton Formation of Ottawa. (Can. Rec. Sci., Vol. in, pp. 39.5-399. Ottawa, 1889.) The following are described: Steliella billiugsi. Steliella crassa. Reviewed in Ottawa Naturalist, in, No. 3, 1889; also Neues .Jalirbuch, 341, 1891. ide, G. J. Spicules Described by Billings in Connection with Structure of Arch- jeocyathns M inganensis. (Geological Magazine, (3), Vol. v, No. 2, pp. 22(5-228. London, 1888.) Reviewed in Am. Geologist, ii, 128, 1888. ide, G. J., J. W. Dawson and. New Species of Fossil Sponges from Little Metis, Province of Quebec, Canada. (Peter Redpath Mus., McGill Univ., pp. 49-68. 1888.) ide, G. J., J. W. Dawson and. Sponges from Little Metis, Province of Quebec, Canada. (Canadian Rec. Sci., vol. m, pp. 49-68 Ottawa, 1888.) Several species described as new. ? .. n ■r.-iH,.l.*SiJV*c>,*.Tti.,,, 108 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. tBni.ial Hippotheiium and Rhinoceras from Florida. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. t^rij Phila., XLii, 182, 183. 1890.) Hippotherium, Review of North Americau Species. K. D. Cope. (Proc. Ami Philos. Soc, XXVI, 429-458. 1889.) Holliok, Alfred. Paleoutology of CretaceoiiH Formation on Staten Island. (Traiiil N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. XI, pp. 96-103, plates 1-4. New York. 1892.) Homologies of Cranial Arches of Reptilia. E. D. Cope. (American Naturaliitl XXVI, 407, 408. 1892.) Homologies of Posterior Cranial Arches in Reptilia. K. D. Cope. (TranH. Air| Philos. Soc, XVII, 942-944. 1892.) Horizon, New, of Fossil Fishes. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. As. Ad. Sci., xi,, :'$o| 1892.) Abstract. HoiizouB, Correlation of Lower Silurian of Tennessee and of the Ohio and MissiJ sippi Valleys, with those of New York and Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (Aracricail Geologist, II, 39-44. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Homed Artiodactyle from Miocene O. C. Marsh. (American Jour. Sci., (3), xu 81,82. 1891.) Homed Dinosauria from Cretaceous. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxvi, 4fi| 478. 1888.) Horned Dinosauria of Laramie. [E. D. Cope.] (American Naturalist, xxiii, Tl^i 717. 1889.) Horses and other Mammals, Professor Marsh on Extinct. E. D. Cope. (Americij Naturalist, XXVI, 410-412. 1892.) Horses, Dentition, Permanent and Temporary of Certain Three-toed. E. D. Con (American Naturalist, xxvi, 942-944. 1892.) Horses, Permanent and Temporary Dentition of Certain Three-toed. E. D. Cop (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xliv, 325,326. 1892.) Horses, Recent Polydactyle. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 3:W-H5;| 1892.) Hovrley, James P. Taconic of Eastern Newfoundland. (Amori(ran Geologist, Vo. IV, pp. 121-125. Minneapolis, 1889.; Incidental reference to Cambrian forml Hubbard, Qeorge C. Cystidians of Jotfersun County, Indiana. (Proc. In(li..i Acad. Sci., p. 67. Brookville, 1891.) A short notice of the manner of tk« occurrence. Hubbard, George C. Hudson River Fossils of Jefferson County, Indiana. (I'n Indiana Acad. Sci,, p. G8. Brookville, 1891.) A list of typical fossils given, Hubbard, Qeorge C. Upper Limit of the Lower Silurian at Madison, Indiaci (Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., pp. 68-70. Brookville, 1891.) Incidental refereiw to fossils. Hudson, River " Fiord." A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 182,11 1892.) Hudson River Fossils of Jeiierson County, Ium Northern Maine. XL, 153-155. 1890.) I'drozoa. {Svc llydroids.) Ilthyic Fauna, Silurian, and its Mode of Geol. Soc. America, iii, 153-172. 1891.) loia Bryozoa, Paleozoic. E. <). Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Descriptitma of new succies. Carboniferous Rocks of Mississippi Valley, (Mussiiicatiou. (!. R. Keyes. let, 1-24. 1892.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopods in British Museum, i'art i, Nautiloidea. A. H. Foord. (One volume. i)p. i-xxxi and 1-344. Ijondon, 1888.) Color, Preservation in Fossil Shells. C. R. Keyes. (The Nautilus, iv, 30, 31. 1890.) I ConulariaMissouricusis, Swallow, with CrenulatedCoata^ S. Calvin. (Ameri- can Geologist, V, 207, 208. 1890. ) W. W. Dodge. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Occurrence. Abstract. C. D. Walcott. (Bui. Illinois, vm, 283-688. 1890.) (Pamph- I in!smt«iJit'.:r^'Kfnttiv, mi hiihmm'm\M,m». A. W. Vodgi (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., n', 69-105. 1888. ) niinois, Index to Geological Survey, Volumes i-viii. .1. Lindahl. (Geol. Illinois, viii, Appendix, 39-153. 1890.) Illustrations of Fossil Fishes of Devonian Rocks of Canada, Part ii. J. F. Wliil eaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vi. Sec. iv, 77-96. 1888.) Illustrations of St. John Group, No. vi. G. F. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Cauadij IX, Sec. IV, 33-35. 1891.) Illustrations to Observations on the Cretaceous and Eocene Formations of Mif] land. P. R. Uhler. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., i, 97-104. 1888.) Inarticulate Brachiopod from Trenton Limestone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. M Mus., Proc, XII, 365, 366. 1889. ) Inarticulate Brachiopodous Shell. R. V. Wiiittield. (Bui. American Mus. Nij Hist., Ill, 121, 122. 1890.) )LOGlt lBCLL.121. S. Geol. Sur., Mou. Aiuericau Muk. ^i* BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. Ill ^dez to Kuowu Fobsil lusects of World, luclnding Myriapods uiid Aruchuids. S. H Scudder. (Bui. U. S. Gool. Sur., No. 71, 744 pp. 1891.) kdiana. Carhonic Gasteropod, Variation Exhibited. C. R. Keyos. (Aiuericau Ueologist 111,330-334. 1889.) CaHtoroides, Recent Find. .J. Moore. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 767,768 1890.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Chictetes, Typical, in Devonian Strata at Falls of Ohio anil likewise iu Analog ous Beds of the Eifel in Geruuiny. {'. K«»miuger. (American Geologist, x 56-63. 1892.) Cincinnati Group, Manual of Paleontology. ,J. F. .Jauu;s. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Pt. i, xiv, 45-72; Pt. ii, 141>-1G3; Pt. m, xv, 88-100; Pt. iv 144-159. 1891-1892.) CoalMeasuresandSubcarboniferous Rocksof Indiaua, Missouri aud Iowa, Echino dermata. S. A. Miller aiid W. F. E. Gurlcy. (Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat Hist., Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1888, 327-373. 1889.) Crinoidea from Niagara Limestone at St. Paul, Decatur County, Indiana. C S. Beachler. (American Geologist, iv, 102, 103. 1889.) Crinoids, two Genera and eight Species from Niagara Group. V. Wachsmuth aud F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, 135-144. 1892.) Cystidians of Jefferson County, Indiaua. (i. C. Hubbard. (Proc Indiana Acad. Sci., I, 67. 1891.) Development of Some Silurian Brachiopoda. C. E. Beecher and J. M. Clarke. (Mem. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist., i, 1-96. 1889.) Echiuodermata from Coal Measures and Subcarbouiferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa. S. A. Miller and W. F. E.Gurley. t^Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., XIII, 25 pp. April, 1890. Completed by the authors, 60 pp. 1890.) I Favoaitidu*, Symmetrical Cell Development. C. E. Beecher. (Trans. Connecti- cut Acad. Arts and Sciences, vill, Pt. ii, 21.5-219, 2 plates. 1892.) I Fishes, Paleozoic of North America. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sui., Mod. XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) [Fossils, Species and New Structural Parts. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xv. 1892.) |Geology and Paleontology, North American. Cincinnati. 1890.) Numerous species described. |Gt)ology of Dearborn County. A. J. Bigney. (Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., i, 66, 67. 1891.) ludson River Fossils of Jefferson County, Indiana. G. (J. Hubbard. (Proc. ludiana Acad. Sci., i, 69. 1891.) [eokuk Group of Crawfordsville, Indiana. C. S. Beachler. (American Geolo- gist, II, 407-412. 1889.) Mention made of diffen'nt species, teokuk Group of Mississippi Valley. C. S. Beachler. (American (ieologist, X, 88-96. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils, jauiellibranchiata. New. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, vi, 173-181 and 383-389. 1890.) Niagara Age of Indiana Rocks. C. S. Beachler. (American Ceologist, ix, 408, 409. 1892.) lucldental references to fossils. Hagara Cephalopoda from Northern ludiana. F. H. Newell. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XXIII, 466-486. 1889.) liagara Group, Two New Genera and Eight New Spetiies of Camerate Crinoida. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, 135-144. 1892.) Eileontological Notes from Indianapolis. E. VV. Claypole. (American Geolo- gist, vi, 255-260. 1890.) ileontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Rep., Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advance sheets. S. A Miller and C. Faber. (Jour. S. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 pp. f , 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bcllm )i- < s Indiana — Continued. Paleontology of New York. J. Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii, 2?!| pp. 1888.) Platyceras, Sedentary Habits. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvi, 269.| 272. 1888.) Portious of Castoroides Ohioensis not herotofore Known. J. Moore. (ProcJ Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxix, 265-267. 1891.) Abstract. Revision and Monograph of Genus Chonophyllum. W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. GeolJ Soc. America, in, 253-282. 1892.) Rocks at St. Paul, Indiana. C. S. Beacliler. (American Geologist, vii, 178, q\ 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Silurian, Lower, Upper Limit at Madison, Indiana. G. C. Hubbard. (Proclnl diana Acad. Sci., i, 68-70. 1891.) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Scbuchert. (Ninth Anal Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890.) Trilobites, Genera and Species of North American Carboniferous. A. W. VodguJ (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iv, 69-105. 1888.) Indian Territory. Fishes, Characters of Paleozoic. E. D. Cope. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv,44"j 468. 1892.) Gryphaea Pitcheri, Morton, Original Locality. J. Marcou. (American Geolo] gist. III, 188-193. 1889.) Reconnaissance of Ouachita Mountain System in Indian Territory. R. T. HiliJ (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLii, 111-124. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Revision of Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Jobij Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Infusorial Earth of Pacific Coast of United States, Examination by Means of tli| Microscope. A. M. E, xxxvi, 2l)9.| 272. 1888.) Problems in Mnscatine County, Iowa. S. Calvin. ' (Bnl. Lab. Nat. Hist. Stattl Univ. Iowa, i, No. 1, 7-18. 1888.) Incidental references to fossilH. Quaternary Section Eight Miles Southeast ot Des Moines, Iowa. C. R. Keytil andR. E. Call. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i Pt. ii, 30. 1892.) Reconnaissance, Geological, in Buchanan County, Iowa. S. Calvin. (Bull Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ., Iowa, ii, No. 2,177-189. 1892.) Incidental tel| erences to fossils. Revision and Monograph of Genus Chonophylluni. W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. Ue«| Soc. America, in, 253-282. 1892.) Rockford Shales, Notes. C. L. Webster. (American Naturalist, xxii, 444-4J{| 1888. ) Incidental references to fossils. Rockford Shales of Iowa, Fossils. C. L.Webster. (American Naturalist, xxn 1013-1018. 1888.) Description of new species. Spirifera Parryana, Hall, Synonymy, Characters and Distribution. S. CalviJ ( Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 2, 19-28. 1888.) Spirifera from Devonian Strata of Iowa. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. 8taij Univ. Iowa, i, No. 2, 165-167. 1892. ) Sponges of Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sml Illinois, VIII, 243-251. 1890.) Description of new species. StraparoUus from Southeastern Iowa. C. R. Keyes. (American Geolo<;i»t, i| 193-197. 1890.) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. (Ninth .liii] Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890. ) Trilobites, Genera and Species of North American Carboniferous. A. W. V odge^ (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iv, 69-105. 1888. ) Tubicolar Annelida, Genus and Species. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, i,2l] 28. 1888.) Value of Term "Hudson River Group" in Geologic Nomenclature. C D. \Va cott. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 335-356. 1890.) Incidental refereucesK fossils. Ventral Structure of Taxocriuus and Haplocrinus and Consequent Modifica^ in Classification of Crinoidea. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (Proc. Ad Nat. Sci., Phila., xl, 337-363, 1888.) James, Joseph F. Age of Point Pleasant, Ohio, Beds. Abstract. (Proc. Am. Adv. Sci., Vol. XL, pp. 283, 284. 1892.) The beds are referred to the Treutoi and the fossils found in them discussed. James, Joseph F. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenelus Zone. (American (jeoljj gist. Vol. VIII, pp. 82-86. Minneapolis, 1891.) A full critical review of* article by C. D. Walcott, bearing the same title, published in the Tentb: nual Report of the U. S. G. S. James, Joseph F. Illustrations of the Fauna of the St. John Group, No. V; byi F. Matthew. Review. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLii, pp. 73-75. Xel Haven, 1891.) A full and careful review of a recent paper read before tij Royal Society of Canada, May, 1890. J[ames], J[oseph] F. List of Writings of U. P. Jones, (American Geologist, Voj III, pp. 285-287. Minneapolis, 1889.) Mention made of several papers. James, Joseph F. Maquoketa Shales and their Correlation with the Cincinnij Group of Southwestern Ohio. (American Geologist, Vol. V, pp. 335-3.56. m neapolis, 1890. ) List and references to fossil forms, with notes on certain s ciesi Jam«B, JoMph I*. Modiolopsia Oblonga. (Atnerican Geologist, VoL vi, p. llinBMpelii, IWO.) Vet* oa ths prsseoupatioa of ths tt»mti OLOGY. [BCLLial kEYEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 117 3i., (3>, XXXVI, 2«9.| Raines, Joseph F. Monticulipora a Coral and not a Polyzooii. (American Geolo- gist, Vol. I, pp. 386-392. Minneapolis, 1888. ) Sots forth arguments Hiipporting the belief that the organisms in question have been wrongly referred to Bry- /oans heretofore, ^ames, Joseph F. Mouticuliporid Corals of the Cincinnati Group, with a Critical Revision of the Species. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxvi, p. 223. Salem, 18?;8.) Abstract of a papet published in the Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist, (ames, Joseph F. Nomenclature of some Cincinnati Group Fossils. (Amerioan (Icologiat, Vol. I, p. 333. Minneapolis, 1888.) tames, Joseph F. Section of the Maquoketa Shales in Iowa. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxvii, pp. 250, 251. Salem, 1890.) Abstra<'t. A detailed sec- tion, with lists of the fossils found, lames, Joseph F. Sections of Fossils. (Science, Vol. xi. p. 50. New York, 1888.) Objects to the use of sections on the principle that internal characters are misleading. lames, Joseph F. Studies in Problematic Organisms — The Genus Scolithus. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. Ill, pp. 32-44. 1892.) les, Joseph F. Variation, with Special Reference to Certain Paleozoic Genera. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 1071-1087. Philadelphia, 1889.) The author begins by giving an account of certain examples showing variations of species. Calls attention to the excessive multiplication of species in paleon- tology. Special reference is made to <'ertain Silurian fossils of southwestern Ohio. imes, Joseph F., U. P. James and. Mouticuliporid Corals of Cincinnati Group with a Critical Revision of the Species. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., x-xi, 118-141, 158-184, 15-48, 1887-1888.) les, U. P., and Joseph F. James. Mouticuliporid Corals of Cincinnati Group, with a Critical Revision of the Species. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vols, x-xi, pp. 118-141, 158-184, 15-48, 2 plates. Cincinnati, 1887-1888.) Of the thirty-four genera of the mouticuliporid corals but two genera and three sub- genera are recognized. These are Monticulipora, Dekayia, Conestellaria, Fis- tulipora and Ceramopora. Sixty species of Monticulipora and four of Cer- amopora are recognized and described. Monticulipora hospitalis var. neglecta is regarded as new. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, i. 39-60, 1888; also Am. Naturalist, xxii, 165, 166, 1888. imes, TJ. P., Writings. J. F. James. (American Geologist, in, 285-287. 1889.) Iiekel, O. Carboniferous Echinodermata of Mississippi Valley; by C. R. Keyes: Am. Jour. Sci., (3), 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 185, 186. 1892.) jiekel, O. Devonian Fishes of Scaumenca Bay and Campbelltown in Canada ; by R. H. Traquair : Geological Magazine, vm, 1890. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, pp. 438,439. 1890.) jtekel, O. Fossil Fish Spines named Cn;lorhynchus, Agassiz ; by A. Smith Wood- ward: Aun. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 155. 1891.) ^hnson, C. W., H. A. Pilsbry and. Catalogue of Fissurellidte of United States. (The Nautilus, v, 102-107. 1892.) iBon, Lavrrence C. "Grand Gulf" formation of the Gulf States. .(Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 213-216. New Haven, 1889.) Incidental references to fossils contained in the formation, aes, T. Rupert. Contributions to Canadian Micro-Paleontology. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paleontology, Part iii, pp. 59-100, 4 plates. Mon- treal, 1891.) Contains descriptions of the following Ostracods from the Cam- bro-Siluriau and Devonian rocks of Canada: Aparchites mundulus sp. nov. Primitia mundula, var. eifussa var. Aparchites tyrrelli sp. nov. nov. Primitia logaui (Jones). Primitia mundula, var. incisa var. nov. II ill .,J M!' FTiTl 118 BIBU00RA1>HY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 1 HULL a •if' II'' w m Jones, T. Rupert— Continued. Beyriohia cluvigcrasp. nov. Beyrichia clavigera, var. clavi- fracya var. nov. sp. Beyrichia qnadrifida sp. nov. Isochilina ottawa, var. interme- dia var. nov. iHochilina wliiteavesi np. nov. Isochilina aniii sp. nov. Isochilina labollosa np. nov. Leperditia balthica, var. prim- Hiva var. nov. Leperditia np. Leperditia ( t) obscura sp. nov. Primitia mundula Jones. Beyrichia n>quilatera Hall. Beyrichia tiirberculata Kloeden. Beyrichia tuberculata, var. pus- tulosa (Hall). Beyrichia tuberculata, var. stric- tispiralis var. nov. Beyrichia tuberculata, var. noet- lingi Renter. Isochilina grandis, var. latimar- ittii i j! ^ii * i iTi- Leperditia balthi<-a, var. guel]>liic,'i m nov. Leperditia hisingeri Hchniidt. Leperditia hingori, var. fabulina Leperditia liingcri, var. gibber.i \ nov. Leperditia hingnri, var. egenn var. nni Leperditia alta(f) Hall. Leperditia phaseolus (Hisingcr). Leperditia pliaseolus. var. guo1))1ii(';ird nov. Leperditia marginata Sclnnidt. Leperditia whiteuvesi sp. nov. Leperditia ca-ca sp. nov. Leperditia solwynii sp. nov. Aparchies mitis sp. nov. Primitia scitula sp. nov. Isochilina bellulasp. nov. Isochilina dawsoni sp. nov. Elpo tyrellii sp. nov. Leperditia ( ?) exignus nov. Ulrichia conradi .Tones. PrimitiopslB punctulifera (Hall). Kirkbya (?^ walcotti (Jones). giuata var. nov. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 581, 582, lti92 Jones, T. Rupert. Devonian and Silurian Ostracoda from North Amerifca, Fra:] and the Bosphorus. (Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, Loudon, Vol. xliv, pp 556, 2 plates. London, 1890.) The new American species are: R. hindei. Strepula plantaria. Octonaria linnarissoui. Moorea kirbyi. Ulrichia condari, gen. et. sp. nov. Entomostraca ; North American Specil III, pp. 154. 1889.) Primitia sc.'iplii)i| Primitia clarkei. P ( f ) walcotti. Beyrichia sub-quadrata. B. kolmoclini. RoUia bilobata. Jones, T. Rupert. Paleozoic Bivalve (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. described as new . Reviewed in Ottawa Naturalist, in, No. 2, 1889 Jones, T. Rupert. Paleozoic Ostracoda from North America, Wales and Irel: ( Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. XLVi, pp. 2-31, 4 plates London, 1 The new species are : Primitia ulrichi. B. clarki. P. Whitfieldi. B. hamiltonensis. Entomis rhomboidalis. Isochilina lineata. Strepula spinoidalis. L(?)fabacea. Beyrichia hallii. Leperditia claypoli. A number of American species are referred to other genera than that of tl authors. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch. 334, 335. 1891. Jones, T. Rupeit. Paleozoic Ostracoda from Pennsylvania, U. S. (Aiiieri Geologist, Vol. vi, pp. 337-342. Minneapolis, 1889.) The following m are described and figured : Primitia mundala. Primitia pennsylvanica. Klcedenia simplex. Bathyocypris oviformis. Bythocypris favulosa. Leperditia subquarta. Bollia ungulata. Klwdenia pennsylvanica. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 335, 1891. rtOLOOY. InCLLiB "^''^l BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 119 I, viir. giieli)liica ra than that of tU Jones, T. Rupert, and J. W. Kirby. OHtrncoda from Mabou Coal Field of Nova Scotia. (Oeologiral Magazine, Deo. iii, Vol. vi, pp. 269-271. Loudon, 1889.) Followiug are described : Carbonia fabnliua. Fish sralea and AntbrncomyaH alHo con- Carbonia fabnlina, var. altilis. Hidored. Carbonia ( f ) bairdioidea. Reviewed in Ottawa Naturalist, in. No. 3, 1889. Jurassic. Aucella, with Special Refereucn to its Orcnrrence in California. C A. White. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xiii, 226-233. 1888. ) Biological and Geological Significance of Closely Similar FoshII Forms. (.'. A. White. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXXIX, 239-243. 1891.) Classification of Dyos, Trias, and Jura in Northwest Texas. .T. Marcou. (Am- erican Geologist, x, 369-377. 1892.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Dinosauria, New American. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 331-3.^6. 1889.) Dinosnurian Reptiles, Description. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 81-86. 1890.) Distinctive Characters of Order Hallopoda. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 415-417. 1890.) P'aunas, Relations of American and European. J. W. Gregory. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in, 101-108. 1892.) Footprints from Jura-Trias of New .Jersey. J. Eyermau. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLi, 32, 33. 1889.) Geology of Nicaragua. J. Crawford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci,, xi., 261-270. 1892.) Various species mentioned. Goniopholis in .Jurassic of Colorado. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 1106,1107. 1888.) Gryphasa Pitcheri, Morton, Origiuiil Locality. J. Marcou. (American Geolo- gist, III, 188-193. 1889.) Jura, Necomian and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 357-367. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. "Mesozoic Mammalia," Reply to Professor Marsh's Note. H. F. Osborn. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 290. 1892.) Abstract. North American Mesozoic. C. A. White. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxviii, 205-226. 1890.) North American Mesozoic. C. A. White. (Science, xiv, 160-166. 1889.) Restoration of Ciasaurus and Ceratosaurus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 343-349. 1892.) Restoration of Stegosaurus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xui, 189-191. 1891.) Sauropoda and other New Dinosaurs from Potomac Formation. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 89-94. 1888.) Several forms described as new. Jura, Necomian and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 257-267. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. Jura in Northwest Texas, Classification of Dyas, Trias. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, X, 369-377. 1892.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Kansas. Beitriige znr Kenutniss der Gattung Protosphyriena, Leidy. J. Felix. (Zeitsch. der Deut. geol. Gesellsch., XLii. Band, Heft 2, 278-303. 1890.) Carboniferous Cephalopods. A. Hyatt. (Texas Geol. Sur., Second Ann. Kept., 327-356. 1890.) Characters of Ceratopsidie, with Notice of New Cretaceous Dinosaurs. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix^ 418-426. 1890.) 'iW, H' TT TTP 120 BIHLIOORAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. iBuuiJi Kansas— Continued. Cheyenne Santlntone nnd Nncominn Hhnlnii « KAnflao. F. W. Crajrin. (AmpriJ can OeolngiHt, vt, 233-238. 1890.) huidentul referencoH to fuariila. Cheyenne SantlHtone and Nevomian ShaicH. F. W. Cragin. (American ('>f>nW\ gist, VII, 23-33, and 179-181. 1891. ) Occurrence of charartoriatic foasilH mitcil Cretaceous Echlnoidea of North America, Rovisiun. W. B. Clark. (.I()hii.| Hopltins Univ. Circularn, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Geological Notes on Region South of the Great Bend of tlie Arkansas. F. \V| Cragin. (Bui. Washburn College Lab. Nat. Hist.. 13, 18S6. Review. (N aracb, F. Triassic IuHect« I'roif Kocky Mountainii; l»y K. H Scuddor: Ant. Jour. Sri., (3;, XXVlll, 1884. R»>vi«!W. (Neuos .lahrhucli, p. 341. 1888.) arscb F Siippoaed Myriopodan Genim TnchiiihiH; I>y S. |{. Scudder: Mil|i (Am<.>rican Geologist, v, 270-21 Miiuiesota liocks. E. O. Ulritl Keokuk Group of Mississippi Valley. C. 8. Beachler. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus. C. H. (iordou. 101. 1890.) Abstract. Keokuk Species of Agaricocrinus, Observations. C. gist, V, 257-261. 1893.) Kentucky. Bryozoa, Paleozoic. E. O. Ulricb. (Geol. Snr. Illinois, viii, 283-688. Ix9(i| Doscriptioua of new silecies. Cincinnati Group, Manual of tlio I'aloontology. J. F. .Tunics. (.lour. Cincimul Soc. Nat. Hist., Pt. i, xiv, 45-72; I't. ii, xiv. 149-163; Pt. iii, xv, 88-l()0;l IV, XV, 144-159. 1891, 1892.) Fishes, Paleozoic of North America. J. S. Newberry. (II. S. Geol. Snr.,Jl(| XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Fossils, Species and New Structur: 1 Parts. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hiat., x v. 1892. ) Geology and Paleontology, North American. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. Illricli. 1890.) Lamellibranchiata, Silurian, Chietly from (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Snr. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 1892.1 Lingulasma: New Genus and Eight New Species of I.ingula and Treniatis. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, III, 377-391. 1889.) Lingulasma : New Genus and Eight New Species of Lingnla and Treniatis. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, IV, 21-25. 1889.) Micro-Paleontology of Cambro-Silnriau Rocks of Cauiuln. A. H. Foord. (Cm and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contrib. to Micro-Pal., 26 pp. 1893.) Niagara Group, Two New Genera and Eight New Species of Camorate CriuJiiiJ C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, 135-144. 18!lL'. Ostracoda, Lower Silurian, No. 1. 1^ O. Ulrich. (American Geolofjist. ; 263-270. 1892.) Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Snr. Indiana, 18th Ann. l!if| Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Advance shocts. Paleontology of New York. ,1. Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii,27i*p| 1888.; Paleontology of New York. .T. Hall and .1. M. Clarke. (Nat. Fist. New YnJ Pal., VII, 236 pp. 1888.) Revision and Monograph of Genus Clumophyllnm. W. H. Shcrzer. (Bnl. (ii Soc. America, iii, 253-282, 1892.) Sponges, New Lower Silurian. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, iii, 2H;U'tj 1889.) Sponges of Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Illinois, viii, 243-251. 1890.) Description of new species, Trilobites, Genera and Species of North American Carboniferous. A. W. Vogdij (Ann. N. Y. Acad, Sci,, iv, 69-105. 1888.) Kentucky, Fossil shells from Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky: U Sur. Kentucky. Review. (American Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 107, 108. Miii4 apolis, 1890.) A short notice of the work. Keyes, Charles R. Ageof Certain Sandstones near Iowa City. (Proc. Iowa AcJ Sci., Vol. I, Pt. II, p, 25, Des Moines, 1892.) Owing to the recent discoveij of fossils in the sandstones near Iowa City the suggestion is made that tliif age may be Kinderhook (Lower Carboniferous) instead of Upper Coal JIfii ures, a% has been heretofore regarded. KEYEs 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NOHTH AMER.rJAN PALEONTOLOGY. 123 vm, 283-688. mi la and Treniatiii. Keyes, Charles R. American Species n" PolypbeniopsiH. (Proc. Arart. Nat. Sci., Pliila, p)). 299-302. Piiiludclphia, 1889.) The American Hi)ecie8 referred to this genus are critical! j' considered and their relations to other genera pointed out. The generic name is not regarded as applicable to any American gastero- ])ods. Keyes, Charles R . Annotated Catalogue of the Mollusca of Iowa. (Bulletin Essex Institute, Vol. xx. Halem, 1889.) Numerous references to, and notes on. Pleistocene species. Keyes, Charles R. Attachment of Platyceras to Fossil Crinoidea. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 924, 92.5. Philadelphia, 1888.) A brief summary of observations. Keyes, Charles R. Attachment of Platyconis to Paln'ocrinoidea ; and its Eflccf s in M.»difymgthe Form of the i^bell. (Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc, Vol. xxv, i)p. 281-243, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1888. ) A historiciil summary of the occur- rence of Platyceras on crinoids. with detailed descriptions of numerous exam- ples. The following species are (igiire'i11en8is Norworj'? UH Hp. nov. [keyes] bibliography OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 125 JKeyes, Charles R. FosHila from the Lower Coal Measures at Des Moines, Iowa. (American Geolojjist, Vol. ii, pp. 23-28. Minneapolis, 1888.) Summary of a more extensive paper and list of fossils given. iKeyes, Charles R. Genesis of American Actinocrinidae. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXIV, pp. 243-254, 3 plates. Philadelphia, 1890.) The limits of the different genera are discussed and their characters pointed out. Diagrams of the arrangements of plates in the various groups and a chart showing the stratigraphical range expansion and evolution of the different groups are given. IKeyes, Charles R. Lower Carbonic Gasteropoda from Burlington, Iowa. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., pp. 284-298. Philatlelphia, .1889.) Annotated list of the species from the Kiuderhook and Burlington limestones found in vicinity of Burlington, Iowa. IKeyes, Charles R. Naticoid Genus Strophostylus. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXIV, pp. 1111-1117, 1 plate. Philadelphia, 1890.) A description of the various groups is given and their development. The transitions are also noted and indicated by connecting lines. IKeyes, Charles R. New Conocardium from the Devonian. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. I, Pt. II, pp. 23, 24. Des Moines, 1892.) Conocardium altum described. The description had, however, been previously published else- where, owing to the delay in printing of the present publication. iKeyes, Charles R. Paleozoic Fossils of Maryland. (Johns Hopkins University Circulars, Vol. xi, pp. 28,29. Baltimore, 1891.) A complete list, with refer- ences, of the fossils now known to have been described from Marj^land Paleozoic rocks. iKeyes, Charles R. Perisouiic Plates of the Crinoids. (American Geologist, Vol. VII, pp. 255-258. Minneapolis, 1891.) This is partly a critical review of a recent paper of the same title by Wachsmuth and Springer, ^eyes, Charles R. Platyceras Group of Paleozoic Gasteropods (American Geolo- gist, Vol. X, pp. 273, 277. Minneapolis, 1892.) The relations of the different species of the genus described in detail, teyes, Charles R. Preliminary Note on the Sedentary Habits of Platyceras. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. i, Pt. ii, p. 24. Des Moines, 1892.) A prelim- inary abstract of a more extensive paper published elsewhere. Leyes, Charles R. Present Basal Line of Delimitation of the Carboniferous of Northeastern Missouri. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 380-384. Minne- apolis, 1892.) Fauiial and striitigraphical features of the commonly recognized base of the Carboniferous in Missouri are described. References and lists of fossils are given. Leycs Charles R. Preservation of Color in Fossil Shells. (The Nautilus, Vol. iv, op. 80-31. Philadelphia, 1890.) The preservation of coloring matter in cer- u 111 gasteropod shells from the Coal Measures of Illinois is recorded. rns *. 4irlesR. Principal Mississippian Section. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. r;, "iip. 289-300, 1 plate, 1892.; A historical consideration of the various terms .M-pli<;d to rocks and a detailed description of the different formations are vp.r A classification of the Mississippian series is proposed in accordance wirii the observations recently made. Leyea, Charles R. Relation of Platyceras and Capulus. (American Geologist, Vol. Ill, pp. 6-9. Minneapolis, 1890. ) The characters of both groups are compared, and the conclusions arrived at that they are to be regarded as coextensive, ^eyes, Charles R. Remarkable Fauna at the Base of the Burlington Limestone in Northeastern Missouri. (Am. Jour, Sci., (3), Vol. xliv, pp. 447-452. New Haven, 1892.) A characteristic fauna is recorded as intercalated in the Bur- Uugtou limeatoue at Louiaiaaai Missouri' Liata of apaoiea Rre rIso gireui ?lr t' ' ■%. I ^,m ili i«: ii. !!.i 126 BIBLIOGHAPKY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [mull. 121, Keyes, Chailes R. KeniarkH on Femuiuic Plates of the Crinoids. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLi, pp. 247, 248. New Haven, 1891.) Some brief notes on the striip. tare of species recently described. Keyes, Charles R. Review of Progress of Amerioun Invertebrate Paleontology for the year 1890. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 327-333. Philadelpliia, 1891.) A brief account of the American ]>apers published during the WM, Keyes, Chiurles R. Review of Progress of American Invertebrate Paleontology for 1889. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 131-138. Philadelphia, 1890.) A list of the papers anrodoma : A Genus of Fossil Gasteropoda. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., ])p. 303-309. Philadelidiia, 1889.) The genus described us new and the American forms to be referred to it are tabulated and their full synonymy given. Keyes, Charles R. Stratigraphy of Carboniferous in Central Iowa. (Bui. Geol, Soc. America, Vol. 11, pp. 277-292, 2 plates. 1891.) There is given a lull description of the various sections ex])08ed along the Des Moines River in the central part of the State, special reference being made to the lithological characters of the strata, and the stratigraphical relations of the various IkmIs. Several marked unconformities are described and illustrated, and the leading faunal asji ' s 'f tlie region tabulated. Keyes, Charles } dentary Habits of Platyceras. (Am. .Four. Sci., (3,) \'ol. XXXVI, i»p. 26<> . ,::', New Haven, 1888.) Notes on habits of various species, as deduced from observations made on fossils. The attachment of the gaster- opods to crinoids described and its significance pointed out. Keyes, Charles R. Subgenerio Groups of Naticoi)si8. (American Geologist, Vol. IV, pp. 19.S-196. Minneapolis, 1889.) The various genera and minor groups related to the genus described and their relations to one another contrasted. Keyes, Charles R. .Syuoi)sis of American Carbonic CalyptraMdas. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., pp. 160, 181, 1 ph^.e. Philadelphia, 1890.) This is essentially a treatment of the forms referred to Capulns or Platyceras. The generic characters are described, together witli tlie general structural features and the relations to other genera. The variation exhibited is discussed, and the habits of the organisms described, especially the relations to crinoids. Numerous examples are given, and a table of the various species of crinoids and Capuli found associated. The arrangement of the American species is given in a strat- igraphical catalogue. The following species are described, most of them tig- ured : Ifiv Capulus occidens (Walcott). Capulus? piso (Walcott). Capulus formosus (Keyes). Capulus cornuformis (Winchell). Capulus haliotoides (Meek & Wor- then). Capulus lodiensis (Meek). Capulus paralius (White <&. Whit- field). Capulus Bubplicatus (Meek & Worthen). Capulus cyrtolites (McChesney). Capulus biserialis (Hall). Capulus latus (Keyes). Capulus obliquus (Kej-es). Capulus tribulosus (White). Capulus acutirostris Hall. Capulus equilateralis (Hall). Capulus fissurella (Hall). Capulus infundibulum (Meek & Wor- then). Capulus sulcatinus sp. nov. Capulus ovalis Stephens. Capulus chesterensis (Meek & Worthen). Capulus parvus Swallow. Capulus spinigerus (Worthen). Reviewed in Am, Geologist, vi.248, 249, 1890; and Am. Naturalist, xxiv, 1185, 1890. -*hni LOGY. [mull. 121, i.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 127 (Meek & Wor- ek & WortUen), Byes, Charles R. Variatiou Exhibited by u Carbonic Gasteropoil. (American (Geologist, Vol. Ill, pp. 330-334, 2 plates. Minneapolis, 1889.) Forms from a larfifo series oi Platyceras equilaterulia compared. eyes, Charlea R., and R. Ellsworth Call. Quaternary Section Eight Miles Sonth- east of Des Moines, Iowa. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. i, Pt. ii, p. 30. Des Moines, 1892.) Description of a section near the terminal luoniine near Des Moines,* with mention of fossils occurring in loess. Icking Horse Pass, Manitoba, Fossils. C. Lapworth. (Science, ix, 320. 1887.) nderhook Fossils, Three. R. R. Rowley. (American Geologist, iii, 275, 276. 1889.) aderhook Group, Crinoids and Blastoids from Lower Carboniferous Rocks at Le (;rand, Iowa. Charlea Wachsmuth and Frank Springer. (Geol. Siir. Illinois, VIII, 155-205. 1890. ) A number of species described and figured as new. Snderhook, Supposed, near Mouth of Pine Creek, Geological Problems in Musca- tine County, Iowa, with Special Reference to Rectification. S. Ciilvin, (Amer- ican Geologist, III, 25-36. 1889. ) Mention made of different species. 3rby, J. W., T. R. Jones and. Ostracoda from Mabou Coal Field of Nova Scotia. (Geological Magazine, Dec. iii. Vol. vi, pp. 269-271. London, 1889. ) aocheuQsche aus der mittleren Kreido von Kansas, Ufb«'r einige fossile. A, R. Crook. (PalaBontographica, xx.\ix,107. 1892.) uowltou, P. H. Problematic Organisms from Devonian at the Falls of the Ohio. (Am.Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXVII, pp. 202-209. New Haven. 1889.) Caleispcera lemoni described and figured, [oenen, A. von. Contribution to Tertiary Fauna of Florida, with Special Refer- ence to Miocene Shell Beds of Tampa and to Pleistocene beds of Caloosa- hatchie Rivev. i; by W. H. Dall: Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Review. (Neues .Jahrbuch, 179. 180. 1892. ) (oenen, A. von. Marine Eocene, Fresh-Water Miocene and other Fossil MoUusea of Western North America; by C. A. White: U. S. Geol Sur., Bui. No. 18. 1885. Review. (Neues .lahrbuch, 475. 1888.) oenen, A. von. Miocene Fossils from Southern New .Jersey; by A. lleilprin: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,Phila., 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 351. 1890.) senen, A. von. Miocene Invertebrates from Virginia ; by ken,E. Dicotylime of John Day Miocene of North America; by E. D. Cope: Am. Phil. Soc., Feb. 17, 1888. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 322, 323. 1890.) ^oken, E. Dinocerata, New Forms; by W. B. Scott: Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxi. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 466. 1888.) (oken, E. Discovery of Ptoraspidian Fish in the Silurian Rocks of New Bruns- wick; by G. F. Matthew: Can, Rec. Sci., ii, 1886; with additional notes on the above. Ibid., 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 468. 1888.) jloken, E. Extinct Type of Dog from Ely Cave, Lee County, Virginia; by ,). A. Allen: Museum Comp. Zool., Huivavd College. Review. (Neuea Jahrbucbi 137. 1888.) ;• '. i. 1 !■ 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. rBcu.ia| Koken, E. FosHil Human Bonea; by J. Leidy: Trans. Wagner Free Inst. SciJ Phila., II. lieview. (Nenes Jahrbuch, 344. 1890.) Koken, E. Fossil Manimala from White River Formation, contained in Muminno Compitrative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; by W. B. Scott and H. F. CsbornJ Bui. Mu8. Comp. Zool, xiii, No. 5, 1891. Review. (Neues Jahrbucli, n»| 1889.) Koken, E. Fossils of Triassic Rocks of British Columbia; by J. F.* WhiteavisJ Contr. Can. Pal., III. Review. (Nenes Jarbuch, 170, 171. 1892.) Koken, E. Giant Armadillo from the Mioceue of Kansas; by£. D. Coi)e: Amoricaul Naturalist, 1886. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 333. 1888.) Koken, E. History of Vertebrates of Trias of North America; by £. D. C'opeJ Proc, Am. Philos. Soc, April, 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 302-304. im.M Koken, E. Interesting Connecting Genus of Chordata; by E. D. Cope: AmericaJ Naturalist, 1886. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 3:34 1888.) Koken, E. Mechanical Causes of Development of Hard Part of Mammalia; by £.1 D. Cope: Jour. Morphology, III. Review, (Neues Jahrbuch, 389-405. 1892., Koken, E. Mesozoic and Ctnnozoic Realms of Interior of North America; by E.D.I Cope: American Naturalist, May, 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 29i.| 1889.) Koken, E. Miocene Mollusca of State of New Jersey; by A. Heilpriu: Proc. AcadJ Nat. Sci., Phila., 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 332. 1890.) Koken, E. New Tiuniodonts of Puerco; by E. D. Cope: American Naturalist, 188l| Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 178. 1889.) Koken, E. Palotosyops and allied Genera; by Charles Earle: Proc. Acad. Nat. gci,.{ Phila., Jan., 1891. Review. (Neues .Jahrbuch, 141-143. 1892.) Koken, E. Palieosyops, New Species; by Charles Earle: American Naturalist, Jan, | 1891. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 141. 1892.) Koken, E. Perisodactyla; by E. D. Cope: American Naturalist, 1887. Revien.l (Neues Jahrbuch, 315-321. 1890. ) Koken, E. Proboscidia; by E. D. Cope: American Naturalist, 1889. Review,! (Neues Jahrbuch, 150-154. 1891.) Koken, E. Restoration of Brontops Robustus, from Miocene of America; by 0. C',| Marsh: Am. Jour. Sci., 1889. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 140. 1890.) Koken, E. Review of Cemoysian Mammalia; by H. F. Osborn: Proc. Acad. Nat | Sci., Phila., 51-60, 1890. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 137-142. 1891.) Koken, E. Squalodont Remains from Charleston, S. C. ; by J. A. Allen: Bui. Aui.| Mus. Nat. Hist., II, No. 1,1887. Review. (Neues .Jahrbuch, 106. 1888.) Koken, E. Structure and CLassiiication of Mesozoic Mammalia; by H. F. 08born:| Jour. Acad. Nr. Sci., Phila., IX. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 339-349. 1892i Koken, E. Synopsis of Vertebrate Fauna of Puerco Series; by E. D. Cope: rraus,] Am. Philos. Soc, XVI. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 333-337. 1890.) Koken, E. Titanichthys and Dinichthys from Devonian of Ohio; by J. S. New. berry: Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, No. 2, 1885. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, | 143. 1888. ) Koken, E. Vertebrate Faunas of the Tichopletns Beds; by E. D. Cope: Americaol Naturalist, 1886. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 324. 1888.) Koken, E. Vertebrate Fossils of Uinta Formation, collected by the Princeto\ni| Expedition of 1886; by W. B. Scott and H. F. Osborn: Read before the Aiii.f Phila. Soc, Sept. 2, 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 337-340. 1890,) Koken, E. Vertebrates from Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of Northwest Territory, I I, Species from Oligocene or Lower Miocene beds of Cypress Hills; by K. D,| Cope: Contri. Canada Pal., lit, Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 394, 395. 18!tL'. Kraufe, A. Contributions to Canadian Micro-Paleontology; by T. Rupert Jniie«: Geol. and Nat. tiistt Sur. Canada, Part lii< Beri«w< (Neues Jalirbucli|| % KEYEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 129 st, 1887. Review, t, 1889. Review, >. Cope: American! 1 ).' Walcott. ( U. S. K. 1). C'op«!. (.lour. Crause, A. Ostnuoda; New and Little Known Amnncan Paln'ozoic; by E. O. Ulrich: Jour. Ciu. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1890. Review. (Neuos-Jahrhiieli, 457-459. 1802.) iLabradoi. Fauna of Lower Canihrian or Oleiiellus /one. (;. (Jiol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) [.acertilia, Dej-enerate Type.s of Scapular and Pelvic Arches. Jlorph., VII, 223-224. 1892.) [.acustrine Formations, Eocene of the United States. W. H. Scott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXXVI, 217. 1888.) Abstract. Various species mentioned, [iseaps Incrassatiis, Cope, Skull of Dinosauriau. E. D. Cope. (Pioc. Am. Philos. Soc, XXX, 240-244. 1892.) jafayette Foriuation in Virginia, Fossils. N. H. Darton. (American Geologist, IX, 181-183. 1892.) Iiamellibranchs. Additions and Corrections to Miller's North American Paleontology. C. L. Herrick. (American Geologist, v, 253-255. 1890.) Additions to Ob.servations on Cretaceous and Eocene Formations of Maryland. P. H. Uhler. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., i, 45-72. 1888.) Artesian Well at Atlantic City, N. .1. VV. Lewis. ( Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xvxix, 339-342. 1888.; Various species mentioned. Aucella, with Si»ecial Reference to its Occurrence in California. C. A. White. (F. S. Geol. Sur., Mon., xni, 22G-233. 1888.) Bear River Formation, Stratigraphic Position. T. W. Stanton. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 98-115. 1892.) Biological and Geological Significance of Clo.sely Similar Fossil Forms. C. A. White. ,(Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxix, 329-343. 1891.) British Columbia, Cretaceous Fossils from the Northwest Territory and Mani- toba. .J. F. VV^hiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contr. to Cana- dian Pal., I, 151-196. 1889.) Catalogue of Shell-bearing Marino Mollnsca and lirachiopods of Sontheasteru Coast of the United States. W. 11. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, 221 pp. 1889.) Cheyenne Sandstone and Necomian Shales of Kansa-s. F. W. Cragin. (Ameri- can Geologist, VII, 23-33. 1S91.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Cheyenne Sandstone and Necomian Shules. F. \V. Cragin. (Ameiieau Geolo- gist, VII, 179-181.) 1891. Oc(!urrcnce of characteristic fossils noted. Cincinnati Group, Manual of Paleontology. .1. F. .James. (.Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., pt. I, xiv, 45-72; pt. ii, 149-163; pt. in, xv, 88-100; pt. iv, 144-159. 1891-1892.) Classification of Dyas, Trias and .Jura in Northwest Texas. J. Marcou. (Ameri- can (icologist, x, 369-377. 1892.) Allusions to various speci<'8 of fossils. Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C. R. Keyes. (I'ro(\ Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 222-247. 1888.) Concho County, State of Texas, G«?ological Survey. W. 1"\ Cummings and O. Lerch. (American Geologist, v, 321-335. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Cretaceous Deposits of Mexico, Geology and Paleontology. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, xui, 445-469. 1890.) Cretaceous of Southwest and its Relations to Underlying and Overlying Forma- tions. C.A.White. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 440-445. 1889.) Refer- ence made to various species. Cuyahoga Shale and Problem of Ohio Waverly. C. L. Herrick. (Bill. Geol. Soc. America, il, 31-47. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Cytherauv Convexa Say. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, vi, 52,53. 1892.) Bull. 121 9 :.5ii!,., r:i! iK' ■•^T<|» V J» 130 BIliLIOGKAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. lBcu.ia Lamellibranohs — Contiuued. Devonian Couocardiuin. C. R. Keyes. 1892.) Devonian FoaaiiH from Iowa. C. R. Keyes 249. 1888.) Doniix of Eautern Nurth Aniei'ica. W. H. Dall (Proo. Iowa Acad. Sc-i., i., pt. ii, 23,2<.| (Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi., Phila,, 247. (The Nautilus, V, 125-127. 1892.) i Earlier Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Portion of the Domiuiou of Caunda. f G.M.Dawson. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 120-127. 1889.) Various lossilij considered. Eocene Mollusca of the State of Texas. A. Heilprin. (Proo. Acad. Nat. 8ci,, Philadelphia, XLii, 393-406. 1890.) Explorations and Surveys iu Portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent I Areas iu Quebec aud Maine. L. W. Bailey and W. Mclunes. (Geol. iiDdl Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, lit, Part M, 527 pp. 1889.) Meutiool made of different species. Explorations in the Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. R. G. McConnelll (Geol. aud Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, iv, Part D, 163 pp.| 1891.) Mention made of different species. Fauna of Lower Cambrian orOlenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol. Sur,, Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Florida Miocene. D. W. Langdon, jr. (Am. Jour. Sci., xxxviii, 322-324. 1889,] | References made to various species. Geological Reconnaissance iu Southwestern Kansas. R. Hay. (Bui. U. S. Geol,| Sur., No. 57, 49 pp. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology and Paleontology, North American. S. A. Miller. (One volume, pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, N. J. L. Woolman. (Proc. Acail Nat. Sci., Phila., XLii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Geology of Central Nebraska. F. W. Russell. (American Geologist, vii, 38-4l| 1891.) Occui'rence of characteristic fossils noted. Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Parts iii aud iv, Subcarboniferous andl Waverly Groups. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., ill, pt,i,| 13-110. 1888.) Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Part iv, List of Waverly Fossils, Continne(l.| C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Geology of Licking County, Ohio; Part iv, Waverly Group, Continued, Geueralj Conclusions. C. L. Herrick. (BuX. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., IV, pt. i, 91- 123. 1888.) Geology of Southwestern Now York. G. D. Harris. (American Geologist, vii'| 164-178. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. "Grand Gulf" Formation of the Gulf States. L. C. Johnson. (Am. Jour. Sci,,| (3), XXXVIII, 213-216. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Grouping Formations of Middle Cretaceous and the Employment ofanAddil tional Term in its Nomenclature. G. H. £ldridge. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3),| XXXVIII, 313-323. 1889.) References made to various species. Grypha^a Pitcheri, Morton, Original Locality. J. Marcou. (American Geok| gist, III, 188-193. 1889.) Gryphaea Pitcheri, Necomian and. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, v, 315-317, | 1890.) Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Groups, Fossils found in the Collections i the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. G. B. Simpson. (Trans. Am. Philo8.| Soc, XV, 435-460. 1888.) Hinge of Pelecypods and its Development, with an Attempt,toward a Better Sub- 1 division of the Group. W. H. Dall. (Am. Jour. Soi., (3), xxxvill,445-462.| 1889.) References made to various species. LOGY. [BCLLiaH ggra,.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 131 !. Acad. Nat. Sci„ Lamellibranoha — Continned. HudBOQ River "Fiord." A.M.Edwards. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 182-183. 1892.) IlluBtrations of Fauna of the St. Johns Group, No. v. G. F. Matthews. (Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada, viii, Sec. iv, 123-166. 1890.) Invertebrates, Fossil. A. H. Worthen. (Geol. Snr. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1890.) A number of species described as new from Iowa, Illinois, iind Missouri. Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 51. 1889.) •lura, Necomian, and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (American G«»oIogi8t, iv, .357-367. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. Kentucky Fossil Shells : A Monograph of the Fossil Shells of the Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky. H. Nettleworth. ( Kentucky Geol. Sur., Mon., 1-245. 1889.) Keokuk Group at Crawfordsville, Indiana. C. S. Beachler. ( American Geolo- gist, II, 407-412. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Lafayette Formation in Virginia, Fossils. N. H. Darton. ( American Geologist, IX, 181-183. 1892.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, v, 270-275. 1890.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. 0. Ulrich. ( American Geologist, x, 96-104. 1892.) Loess and its Fossils. B. Shimek. ( Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 3-1, 200-214. 1890.) Laramie Group. J.S.Newberry. ( Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 524-527. 1890.) Abstract. Localities of Post-Tertiary and Tertiary Fossils in MasHachusotts. ( Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XXXVI, 56-57. 1888.) Maquoketa Shales and their Correlation with Cincinnati Group of Southwestern Ohio. J. F. James. ( American Geologist, v, 335-356. 1890. ) List of char- acteristic species. Maryland and Virginia, Third Annual Geological Expedition. \V. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. -81, 69-71. 1890.) Various species enumerated. Mesozoio Series of New Mexico. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 155-165, and 216-229. 1889. ) Various species of fossils referred to. Middleton Formation of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama; with Note on Formation at La Grange, Tennessee. J. M. Safford. (American Geologist, ix, 63, 64. 1892. ) Incidental references to fossils. Minnesota, Range and Distribution of Lower Silurian Fauna. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Sci., iii, 326-343. 1891.) Miocene Mollusca of New Jersey. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xxxix, 397-406. 1888.) Modiolopsis Oblonga. J.F.James. (American Geologist, v, 67. 1890.) Nantucket, Geology. N. S. Shaler. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Bui. No. 53. 1889.) Inci- dental references to fossils. Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sur. Arkansas, Ann. Rep. 1888, il, 127-152. 1889.) In the chapter on the paleontology of Trinity division a number of forms are described as new. Now Species and New Structural Parts of Fossils. S. A. Miller and C. Faber. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xv. 1892.) Nickel Mines, Logan County, Kansas. F. H. Snow. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XI, 39-42. 1889.) Fossils mentioned. Niobrara Cretaceous of Western Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XIII, 107-111. 1893.) Occurrence of Fossils of Cretaceous Age on the Island of Marthas Vineyard. N. S. Shaler. (Bui. Mas. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., xvi, 89-97. 1889.) !■ I. m i' i '- If i 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [Buu.121 liiiHli LamellibranohB— Continued. Ontario, Hamilton I'onnation, witli IJHt of Spucies at ProNeiit Known from that Formation and I'rovince. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. (^iiiada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, I, !>5-125. 188!».) Ontario, Paneiika from CorniferouH LimcHtouo. J. F. VVhitouvtm. (Canadian Rec. Sci., V, 401-404. 1891.) Paleontology of CretaceimH Formations of Texas, Part i. K.T. Hill. (University of Texas, School of Geology, Circulars, 8 pp. 1889.) Paleontology of New York. J.Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, pt. ii.2"m pp. 1888.) Paleozoic Fossils, New Speciies. S. (.'alvin. (Bui. Lal>. Nat. Hist. State rnlv, Iowa, 1, 137-181. 1890.) Panenka from Coruiferous Limestone of Ontario, A New Species. J. F. Whit- eaves. (Canadian Record Science, iv, 401-404. 1891.) Plains, Paleontology. F. W. Cragin. (Bui. Washburn Col. Lab. Nat. Hist.. 11. 65-68. 1889.) Post-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. VV. Cross. (Am. Jour. Sci., (,3), XLiv. l!l-4.', 1892.) Fossils menti(med. Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. N. S. Shaler and A. F, Foerste. (Bui. Mus, Comp. Zool.. xvi, No. 2, (Jeol. Ser., 11, 27-41. 1888.) Recent Fossils near Boston. W. IJpham. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliii, 201-20!), 1892.) Remarks on Genus Aucella, with special Reference to its Occurrence in Califor- nia. C.A.White. (11. 8. Geol. Sur., Mon. xiii, 226-232. 1889.) Rockford Shales of Iowa, Fossils. C.L.Webster. (American Naturalist, xxii, 1013-1018. 1888.) Descriptions of certain species some of which are regarded as new. Saint Peter Sandstone, Fossils. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 318,319. 1891.) Shells, Marine and Fragments of Shells in the Till uear IJostou. W. Upham. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 859-372. 1889.) Silurian Lamellibrauchiata, Chiefly from Minnesota Rocks, E. O. Ulrich. ((iool. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 1892. ) Silurian Strata Penobscot Bay, Maine. W.W.Dodge and C. E. Bocchcr, (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 412-418. 1892. ) Species of Fossils, New or Previously Unrecorded from Devonian of Manitoba, J. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii. Sec. iv, 93-110. 1890.) Tertiary Deposits of Cape Fear River Region. W. B. Clarke. (Bui. Geol. Soc, America, I, 537-540. 1890.) Tertiary Invertebrates from West Side of Chesapoako Bay. O. Meyer, (I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xi., 170, 171. 1888,) Texas, Mitchell County. G. C. Broadhead. (American Geologist, 11, 433-41^6. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Texas Permian and its Mesozoic Types of Fossils. C. A. White. (U. S, Geol, Sur., BuL No. 77, 51 pp. 1891.) Ueber eine Htiuiigkeit Hippuriteuartiger Cbamiden ausgezeichnete Fauna der Oberturouen von Texas, von Ferdinand Rcemer. R. T. Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci,, (3), XXXVII, 318, 319. 1889.) Waverly Group in Ohio. C. L. Herrick. (American Geologist, iii, 94-99. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Lamellibranchiata, New. Lamellibranchiata, New. 1890.) Lamellibranohiata, New. Laugdon, Daniel W., Jr. E.O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, v, 270-275. 1890,) E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, vi, 178-171, 383-389, E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, x,9i)-104. 1892.) Florida Miocene. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 322-324. New Haven. 1889.) Gives lists of characteristic fossils. lOGY. [BUU., 121. KETEN.1 BIHLIOGliAI'IIY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALKONTOLOGY. 133 II, 94-99. 1889.) Lapworth, Charles. FoshiIs t'rom Kicking llormi Tiisn, Manitnltji. (Science, Vol. IX, i*. :JliO. N«vv Y<»rk, 1887.) Laramie, DiiKWfviiriii. K. 1>. C'upo. (.Vmoriiiiu NaturaiiHl, xxvi, 7.">i»-7.")8. 1892.) , Laramie, Uiuosauria. K. i). Copo. (.Vmnricaii Naturalist, xxiii, !tOt-!M)(J. 1889.) Laramie Fonaaticm, lloriiotl 8aurian8. (r. liaiir. (.Science, xvii, 216, 1-'17. 1891.) Laramie Formation, New (ienuH of .Mammalia. K. I). Copo. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 7r.8-7»)2. 1892.) Laramie Formation, Reptiles. O. (j. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Sci., {^), xi.iii, 449-453. 1892.) Laramie Group. .1. S. Newbin-ry. (Hul. (reol. Soc. America, i, 524-.">27. 1890.) Abstract. Laramie, Horned Dinosauria. li. 1). Cope. ^.Vmcrican Naturalist, xxin. 71.5-717. 1889.) Laurentian Rocks at St. John, N. U., Eo/.oon ami Other Low Orjjanisms. G. F. Matthew. (Uul. Nat. Hist. Soc. Now Brunswick, No. i>, •.Ht-il. 1890.) Laurentian Rocks at St. .lohn, N. li.. Occurrence of Sj»onjjes. G. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 42-l.">. 1890.) Lawrence, St., Lower, Sponges from Siluro-CiMiiliriiin at Little Metis. J. W. Daw- son. (Trans, h'oy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 31-3.5. 1889.) Leidy, Joseph. Catalogue of I'aloontological Publi(Mtions. J. Eyermaun. (Amer- ican Geologist, VIII, 333-312. 1891.) Leidy, Joseph. Descriptions of Fossils in Caves and Crevices of the Limestone Rocks of Pennsylvania, ((ieol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Ann, Rep. 1887, pp. 1-20, Har- risburg, 1889.) Notes on various Pleistocene forms, illustrated by iigures, with descriptions of the ftdlowing as new: Dictoyles i)onn8ylvanicns. Castoroides ohioensis. Platygonus vetns. Leidy, Joseph. Fossil Human Bones. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Vol ii, pp. 9-12. Philadelphia, 1889.) Reviewed in Nenes .lahrbucli, 314, 1890. Leidy, Joseph. Fossil of the Pnnia. (Proc. A<'ad. Nat. Sci., I'hila., Vol. xl, pp. 9, 10. Philadelphia, 1888.) A short description of the Felis concolor from the Pleistocene of Illinois. Leidy, Joseph. Fossil Vertebrates from Florida. (Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLii, pp. 64,6.5. Philadelphia, 1890.) Brief notes on Pleistocene species. Leidy. Joseph. Fossil Vertebrates from Florida. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLi, pp. 96,97. Philadelphia, 1889.) (Hifptodon septentrionalis and Emys euglypha described from Florida Pleistocene. Leidy, Joseph. Hippotherium and Rhinoceras from Florida. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. Vol, XLii, pp. 182, 183. Philadelphia, 1890.) Hippotherium princeps stud Rhinoceras Jungipea described. Leidy, Joseph. Mammalian Remains from Rock Crevices in Florida. (Trans. Wag. nerFree lust. Sci., Vol. ii, pp. 13-17. Philadelphia, 1889.) Described mam- mals related to Macheirodus neogrm and proposes the following new species: Macheirodus lloridana. Elephas primigenina. Equns fraterrus. Elephas Columbia. Anchema. Reviewed in Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 321, 322. 1890 Leidy, Joseph. Mammalia Remains from Salt Mine of Petite Anse. i.o. isiaua. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Vol. ii, pp. 33-40. Phil.idelphia, lobii.) The remains of Mantodon americaniis, Mylodon and of the Horse are described. Leidy, Joseph. Mastodon and Capybara of South Carolina. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., VoL XLii, pp. 184, 18.5. Philadelphia, 1890.) Mastodon rugosidena and Hydroohoreus robustiis (?) described without figures. Leidy, Joseph. Platygouns, an extinct (Jenus allied to the Peccaries. (Trans. Wag- ner Free Inst. Sci., Vol. II, pp. 41-50. Philadelphia, 1889.) Two adult indi- viduals of Platygonus found near Rochester, N. Y. : i: ir 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [bull.ui. Leldy, Joseph. Sabre-toothotl Tiger and other Quaternary Mamtnals of Floritla. (Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci.,Phila., Vol. xli, pp. 29-31. Philadelphia, 1890.) Re- viewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), x.\xix, 71, 1890. Leldy, Joseph. Vortebratn Keniain.s from Peace Creek, Florida. (Trans. Wigner Free Inat. Sci., Vol. ii, pp. 19-21. Philadelphia, 1H89.) Remains of Tapinis, EqiiuB, Ilippotherium, Diaon, Cerviia, Klophus, Chamydotherinra, Olyptodon, Megalonyx, ManatiiN, Eniya, Trionyx, Kupachomysf, Testudo, Alligator, Eohippufl, Diodon, Myliobatoa, Oxyrliina, and (ialeocordo. Lenk, Hans, Felix .Johaunua and. ITeber die textnnischor Vorhiiltniaae der Rcpu- blik Mexiko. (Zeitsch. «ler Dent. geol. Oeaell., Baud XLIV, Heft 2, pp. 303- 324. Hnrlin, 1892.) Leptaenlsca; A New Genua of Brachiopod -li))3. 18})1.) Littleton Fossils. (Am. .lour. Hti., (3), xxxv, 255. 1888.) C. H. Hitchcock men- tioned a.s referring the fossils to tlio Niagara in 1881. Llama Remains from Colorado and Kansas. F. W. Cragin. ("American (icotogist, IX, 257-260. 1892.) Local Deposits of Chester Sandstone. J. M. Nickles. (American Geologist, vil, 47,48. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils, particularly hryozoa. Localities, Fossil Insects, in Rocky Mountain Region. S. H. Scnddcr. (Psyche, v, 362. 1890.) Localities of Post-Tertiary and Tertiary Fossils of MassiKtliusetts. W. W. Dodge. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvi, 26-57. 1888.) Loess and its Fossils. B. Shimek. (Hiil. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i, Nos. 3-4,200-214. 1890.) Loess imd its Fossils. B. Shimek. (Mnl. I^ab. Nat. Hist.State Univ. Iowa, ii, No. 1.89-98, 1890.) Loess lit Iowa City, Iowa. B. Shimek. (American Geologist, i, 149-1.">2. 1888.) Loess Fossils, Distribntion. C. R. Keye.s. (American Geologist, iv, 109-121. 1889.) Loper, S. Ward, W. M. Davis and. Two Belts of Fossiliferons Bhuik Shale in Triassic Forniati(m of Connecticut. (Bui. (Jeol. Soe. America, ii, 41.5-430. 1891.) Lophidon, What is. H. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 763-765. 1892.) Louisiana Mammalian Remains from Salt Mine of Petite Anse, Louisiana. ,T. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., ii, 33-10. 1880.) Loup Fork Miocene, New Dog. K. D. Cope. (American Ntituralist, xxiv, 1067,1068. 1890.) Loup Fork Miocene of Nebraska, Two New Species of Mustilidse. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 950-9.52. 1890.) Lower Silurian Lamellibranchiata, Chiefly from Minnesota Rocks. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 1892.) Lucas, F. A. Anatomy of Hespei-orais. (Proc. Biol. Soc, Wash., Vol. vi, Marcli. Washington, 1891.) Reviewed in American Naturalist, xxv, 401, 1891. Lucas, P. A. Carcharodou Mortoni, Gibbs. (Proc. Biol. Soc. W.ashington, Vol. vii, 151,1.52, Washington, 1892.) Lucas, F. A. Specimen of Bison Latifrons from Florida. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., March. Washington, 1891.) Lydekker, R. Popular Accounts of the Different Orders of Vertebrata, American and European. (Knowledge, Vol. xv. London, 1892.) American forms described. Lydekker, R. Recent Researches In Fossil Birds. (Natural Science, Vol. i, pp. 266-271. Loudon, 1890.) Lydekker, R. Molars of the Perissodactyla; by H. F. Osborn: American Geologist, vii, 1891. Review. (Geological Magazine, Dec. iii. Vol. viii, pp. 317-321. London, 1891.) Lydekker, R. Salient Points in Stmly of Mammals during 1891. (Natural Science; Vol. I, pp. 39-102. London, 1892.) :i.)fl ■ p 136 BinLIOGBAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [Bru,.i2i. Iiydekker, R., H. A.Nicrholsonand. Manual of Paleontology. (Two volumes, I.on. i don. 1890. ) Reviewed in Araoricau Geologist, vi, 312-320, 1890; also same, vi; 58-68, 1890. Lydekker's Arrangement of Mesozoic Mannualia. H. F. Osborn. (American Xaj. uraliat, xxii, 2:?2-236. 1888.) Review of the classification. Macraster, eine none Spat angoiden-(iattuug aus der Kreide von Texas. F. Roeimr. I (Neues Jalirbuch f. Miu., Geol. u. Pal., 191-19,"). 1888.) Macraster Texan US. R.T.Hill. (American Naturalist, xxni, 168. 1889.) Magnesian Limestone from Northeastern Iowa, Collection of Fossils. S. Ciilvin, | (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i, No. 2, 189-193, 1892.) Magnesian Limestone from Northeastern Iowa, Notes on a Collection of Fo.ssik S. Calvin. (American Geologist, x, 141-148. 1892.) Maine. Explorations and Su'-vpts in portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent I Areas in Quebec and :^iainc. L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. (Geol. and Nut. Hist. Sur. Canada, An),. Rep. 1887, iii. Part M, 527 pp. 1889.) Mention luaile | of dilferent species. Relations between Gotdogy of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. L. W, Baih'y. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Ciinada, vii, Sec. iv, .57-68. 1889 ) Silurian Graptolites from Northern Maine. W. W. Dodge. (Am. Jour. Sci.. (3), I XL, 1.53-155. 1890.) Silurian .Strata near Penobscot liay, Maine. W. W. Dodge and C. E. lU'cclier, (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XMii, 412-418. 1892.) Mackenzie and Yukim Basins, N. \V. T., Exploration. R. G. MeConnell, (Geol. iindl Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, iv. Part d, 163 pp. 1891.i Mention mndeof different species. Mackenzie River Masin, Fossils of Devonian Rocks. J. F. \Vhiteaves. (Ocol. I and Nat. Hist. Sur. Caiuida. Contributions t> Canadian Paleontology, Part in, | 199-253. 1891.) Mammalia, Cretaceous, Discovery. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3). xxxviii. | 81-90. 1889.) Mammalia, Discovery of Cretaceous. 262. 1892.) Mammalia, Cretaceous, Part II. (). C. 180. 1889.) Mammalia, Factors in the Evolution. 1892.) Mammalia Fiiun.i, Cretaceous of North America. ralist, XXV, 298, 299. 1891.) Abstract. Mammalia from Larami»! Formation, New Genus. E. D. Cope. alist, XXVI. 758-762. 1892. ) Mammalia, Mesozoic. O. C. Marsli. (American Naturalist, xxv, 611-616. 18*LOGY. [nnu..i2LBttVEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY ad C. E. Bec'clier, Mammals, Evolution of Pro-Molar Tuetli. W. B. Soott. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi., I'hila., XLiv, 'lO.-)-444. 18il-'.) JMammalsft'om Whito River Formation, Contained in tiie Mnseum of Comparative Zoology. W. B. Scott and H. F. Osborn. ( Bnl. Miis. Coiup. Zool.. No. 5. 1887.) [Mammals (Mesodactyla), Extinct Eocene. O. C. Marsh. (Am Jmir Sci., (3), XLili, 445-449. 1893.) I Mammals of Florida, Sabre-Toothed and other (Jiuatornary. .T. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philii, xu, 29-36. 1890.) I Mammals of North Ameriia, CretacoouM. O. C. Marsh. ( Brit. Ah. Adv. aici.. 853- 8.54. 1890.) I Mammals of Wahsatch and Wind River Beds, I'ollection of 1891. H, F. Osborn and .1. L. Wortman. ( Bui. Am. Muh. Nat. Hist,, iv, 81-147. 1892.) j Mammals. Profe.ssor Marsh on Extinct Horses. E. D. Cope. ( American Natural- ist, xxvi, 410-412. 1892.) I Mammoth Remains in Franklin County, Kansas. (). C. Carlton, f Traus. Kansas Acad. Sci., XII, 74. 1890,) {Mammals, Remarks upon Extinct. R. W. Shufeldt. (American Field, xxxii, Nos. 17-22. 1892. ) [Mammals, Tertiary. (),C. Marsh. (Ara. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxix,523-52.'». 1890) [Mammoth and Mastodon in Ontario, Canada. ,1. H. Pantcm. (Brit. As. Ad. Sci., 654-656. 1891.) [Mammoth and Mastodon in Ontario, Canada. J H, Pantoii. (Geol. Ma^., Dec. iii, viil, 504. 1891.) Abstract. I Manitoba Cambro Silurian Rotrks of Manitoba, Eijjht Xow Species of Fossils. .1 F. Whiteaves (Trans. Roy, Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 75-83. 1889. Cretaceous Fossils fn.n Britisli Columbia, tlie North \v«jst Tenitory, and .Man- itoba. J F. Whitoav I's. ((Jeol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada. Contribntiom' to Canadian P.aleontoiogy, i, 161-l!-«. 1889, ) Devonian. New or Previously Unrecorded Species of Fossils from Manitoba, J F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii. Sec. iv, 93-110. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shores or Iiumediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepe^osis, .1. F. Whiteaves. ((ieol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Con- tributions to Canadian Paleontolof^y, i, 2.55-360. 1892, ) Forammifera and liadiolaria from Cretaceous of Manitoba. .1. B, Tyrrell. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, xiii. Soc, iv, 111-11.5. 18J)0.) Fossils from Kickinjo; Horse Pass, Manitoba. C. Lapworth. (ScieiKie, ix, 320. 1887.) Gasteropoda of Trenton Limestone of Manitoba, with Description of One New Species. J, F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Hec. Sci., v, 317-328. 1891.) Micro-Paleontology of Canibro-Silurian Rocks of (Janada. K. O. Ulrich. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canatla, Micro-Paleontolofjy, Part ii, 27-.57. 1889.) Orthoceratube of Trenton Limestone of Winnopc}|f Basin. .T. F, Whiteaves. (Trans, Roy. Soc, (.'anada, ix. Sec. iv, 77-80. 1891.) Radiolaria from Pierre Formation of Northwestern Manitol)a. 1). Rust. (Geol. and Nat Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian .Micro-Paleontology, Pt. IV, 101 110. 1892.) I Manual of Paleontology ; by H. A, Nicholson and Richnil Lydckker. Review. (Am. Joui, Sci,, (3), xxxix, 239. 1890.) A short .;riticisin of the work. [Maquoketa Shales and their Correlation \>'ith the Cincinnati (troup of Southwest- ern Ohio. J F. James. (American (ieologist, v, 33.">-3.5t5. 1890.) I Maquoketa Shales in Iowa. .1. F.. lames. (Proc. Am. As. .\dv. Sci,, xxxviii, 250, 251. 1890.) Abstract. I Marcellus Epoch in State of New York, List of Species Constituting Known Fauna and Mora. .1 M. Clarke, (State Cab. Nat, Hist., New York, 42<1 Ann. Rep., 40b-407 1889,; !:( I I i ^1' ^1'! 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [Bn L. 121, hi ! BCarceUns Epoch in Stato of New York, Lint of Species Constituting ttie Known Fauna and Flora. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1889 60-62. 1889.) * MarcellnB Shale of New York, Balanoid Cirripede. R. P. Whitfield. (Bnl. Am, Mus. Nat. Hist., II, No. 2, 66-68. 1889.) Maroou, Jules. American Necomian and the Gryphfoa Pitcheri. (American Geoln. | gist. Vol. V, pp. 315-317. Minneapolis, 1890.) A brief note of correctiou. Maroou, Jules. Classification of the Dyas, Trias and Jura in Northwest Ti-ias. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 369-377. Minneapolis, 1892.) Nunicroiu references to fossils. Marcou, Jules. Genesis of the Areitid.-e; by Alpheus Hyatt: Smithsonian Com. Knowl., No. 673, 1889. (American Geologist, Vol. vi, pp. 128-133. Minne- 1 apolis, 1890.) An extended review of the work. Maroou, Jules. Juru, Necomian and Chalk of Arkansas. (American Geologist, I Vol. IV, pp. 357-367. Minneapolis, 1889. ) Incidental references to fossils. Maroou, Jules. Lower and Middle Taconic of Europe and North America. (Amer- ican Geologist, Vol. v, pp. 78-102, 221-233, and 357-375. Minneapolis, 1890,| Nnmerous references to fossils. Marcou, Jules. Mesozoic Series of New Mexico. (American Geologist, Vol. iv, pp, 155-165, 216-229. Minneapolis, 1889. ) References to Cretaceous fossils. Marcou, Jules. Original Locality of the Gryphtea Pitcheri, Morton. ( American I Geologist, Vol. in, pp. 188-193. Minneapolis, 1889.; A discussion of the I early discovery of Jurassic fossils in the Southwest. Marcou, Jules. Paleontologic and Stratigraphic "Principles" of the Adversaries! of the Taconic. (American Geologist, Vol ii, pp. 10-23, 67-88. Minneapolis, 1888.) A review of the Taconic question with references to fossils found. Marcou, Jules. Remarks on Professor Henry 8. Williams, Address On the Sco])e of | Paleontology and its Value to Geologists before Section e, A. A. A. 8., Aug,, 1892. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 257-260. Minneapolis, 1892.) K\ critical review of the address. Maroou, Jules. Taconic in the Salt Range of Puniab ( India). ( American Geolo- gist, Vol. IV, pp. 60-62. Minneapolis, 1889.) Numerous referencis to fossils. ! Marcou, J. B. Review of Progress of North American Paleontology for the yeur 1887. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXII, pp. 679-891. Philadelphia, 1888.) List of papers appearing on the subject during the year. Marine Shells and Fragments of Shells in the Till near Boston. W. Upham. ( Am, Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVII, 359-372. 1889.) Marsh, O. C- Additional Characters of the Ceratopsidai, with Notice of new Creta- ceous Dinosaurs. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, pp. 418-426, 3 plates, I New Haven, 1890.) Recent notes on the group with descriptions and finures | of the following new species : Triceratops sulcatua. Hadrosaurns broviceps. Trachodon longiceps. Claosaurus Marsh. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 451,452, 1891. Marsh, O. C. Ceratopsidii' (or Horned Dinosaurs) of North America. (Brit. As, Ad. Sci., pp. 793-795. London, 1890.) Marsh, O. C. Cretaceous Mammals of North America. (Brit. As. Ad. Sci., pp. 8r)3, 86'!. London, 1890.) Marsh, O. C. Comparisons of the Principal Forms of the Dinosauria of Euro)i<' aud | America. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 323-331. New Haven, 1H89.) Abstract of a paper read before Section C, Brit. As. Adv. Sci., Hath, 1888. Kx- tended comparisons of different forms. Marsh, O. C. Comparisons of the Principal Forms of Dinosauria of Europe and America. (Rep. British As. Adv. Sci., 1888, p. 660. London, 1889.) A paper read at the Bath meeting. Reviewed in K'cmics Jahrbuch, 424-433, 1890. LOGY. [BriL.121. Ls.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 139 field. (Bnl. Am, ^. Uphatn. ( Am. f?.r5h, O- C. Description of New Dinosaarlan Reptiles. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXIX, pp. 81-86, 1 plate. New Haven, 1890.) The following described as new: Triceratops serratns. Ormithominus. Triceratops prosns. OrniithomiuiiH velox. Ceratops paucidens (Hadrosau- Barosaiirus. rns paucidens Marsh). Barosanrns lentus. Reviewed in Neuos Jahrbuch, 149, 150, 1891. larshiO. C. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 81-90, 4 plates. New Haven, 1889. ) An account of the discovery of mam- malian remains in the Laramie of Dakota and Wyoming with descriptions of the following : Selenacodon fragilis gen. et sp. nov. CamptomuH amplus gen. et sp. nov. Dryolestes tenax sp. nov. Halodon sulptus gen. et sp. nov. Dtpclphodon vorax gen. et sp. nov Dipelphodon ferox sp. nov. Dipelpliodon comptns sp. nov. Cimolestes incisns gen. et sp. nov. Cimolestes curtus sp. nov. Pidiomys elegans gen. et sp. nov. Cimolomys gracilis gen. et sp. nov. Cimolomys bellus sp. nov. Cimolodon mitidus gen. et sp. nov. Nanomys minntns gen. et sp. nov. Dipriodon robustus gen. et sp. nov. Tripriodon ccelatus gen. et sp. nov. Tripriodon cueperatus sp. nov. Reviewed in Nenes Jahrbuch, 141-143, 1890; also Am. Geologist, iv, 108-109, 1889. (arsb, O. C. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia, Part ii. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), Vol. xxviii, pp. 177-180, 2 plates. New Haven, 1888.) Figures and describes the following : Cimolomys digona sp. nov. Oracodon anceps gen. et sp. nov. Selenacodon brevis sp. nov. Allacodon lentus gen. et sp. nov. Stagodon nitor gen. et sp. nov. Halodon formosus sp. nov. Platacodon nanus gen. et sp. nov. [arsb, O. C. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xmi, pp. 247-262, 7 plates. New Haven, 1892.) A number of forms are discussed and the following new species described from the Lannmie ot" Wyoming: Cimolodon parvus. Oracodon coniilus. Cimolodon agilis. Stagodo .iliduH. AUacodon fortis. Telacodoi. i 'isgen. et sp. nov. Allacodon rarus. Batodon tei.uis gen. et s|), nov. larsh, O. C. Distinctive Characters of the order Hallopoda. (Am. ' .r. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXIX, pp. 415-417. New Haven, 1890.) A study of the charai tttriritics of the order. Reviewed in Nenes Jahrbuch, 155, 156, 1891. larsh, O. C. Extinct Eocene Mammals (.Mesodactyla). (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLiii, pp. 445-449. New Haven, 189S.) The order of Mesodactyla deftne«l from the Eocene of New Mexico and Meniscotherium and Hyracops referred to it. Reviewed in Natural Science, i, 247, 1892. larsh, O. C. Geological Horizons as determined by Vertebrate Fossils. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLii, pp. 336-338. New Haven, 1891.) Abstract of a commn- nicatiou made to the International (reological Congress, Washington, 1891 A Htudy of the stratigraphic sequence of vertebrate forms. larsh, O. C. Gigantic Ceratopsidas or Horned Dinosaurs, of North America. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xli, pi». 167-178. New Haven, 1891.) A paper read before the British Association f(»r the Advancement of Science, Leeds, 1890. Contain- ing a general rdsnm^ of the anatomical characters of the gronp. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 329, 1892; also Geological Magazine, iii.. vill, 193-198 and 241- 247. 1891. I!' I I 1^1 ;..,. I .^'' 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ["1711.1211 Marsh. O. C. Horned Artio«lactyle from tbeMiocene. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xul pp. 81, 82, New Haven, 1891 ) Description of Protoceraa celer of tlio famiiJ Protoceratidai (fam., gen. ot sp. nov.) from the Miocono of South Daknta. Marsh, O. C. Mesozolc- Mammalia. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. (iii-)iiJ Philadelphia, 1889.) An answer to an iirticle by Dsborn in American Njitiirall ist, Vol. XXV, 59.5-611, 1891. Marsh, O.C. Mesozoic Mammalia. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. uii, pi), :':i;.| 241. Philadelphia, 1891.) A reply to the criticism by Osborn in sainc serial XLlii, 124-135. 1891. Marsh, O. C. New American Dinosauria. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii. j)p. ;t:ti.| 336. New Haven, 1889.) The followinj^ now species dcscrilied: Ancbisaurus major. Ceratops horridus. Morosaurus leutus. Hadrosaiirus breviceps. Morosaurus agilis. Hadrosaurus paucideros. Reviewed in Neiies .Tahrbnch, 434, 1890. Marsh O. C. New Family of Horned Dinosauria from tlio Cretaceous. (AhiJ Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvi, pp. 477, 478, 1 plate. New Haven, 1888. ) Cirut,A mountanus is described as a new genus and species. Marsh, O. C. New Fossil Sireniau from California. (Am. Jour. Sci., (,'}), v„i| XXXV, pp. 94-96, 1 plate. New Haven, 1888. ) Tlie following genus and .spcnesl described as new: Desmoatiflua hesperua. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuih, S)l| 1891. Marsh, O. C. New Genus of Sauropoda and Other New Dinosaurs from tho Pnto.| mac Formation. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxv, pp. 89-94, 1 plato. Xe»| Haven, 1888.) The following described as new: Pleuroc(i>lus nanus (gen. et sp. Priconodoa crassus gen. et sp. nov. nov.) AUosandrus medius sp. nov. Plo'irocoplus altus sp. nov. Cluru8 gracilis sp. nov. Reviewed in Noues Jahrbuch, 15i^, 1891. Marsh, O. C. New Tertiary Mammals. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, pp. 623.| 525. New Haven. 1890.) The following described as new. Diploclouns. Diploclonus samplus. Teleodus. Teleodus avus. Marsh, O. C. New Vertebrate Fossils. Colodon . Colodon luxiitus. Hyopotanus dellectus. Linuolyops. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLii, pp. 2lu-2ffil New Haven, 1891.) The following species are described withoutfigures asu i.j Trisceratops elatus. Ancbisaurus coloriis. Torosaurus latns. AUops crassicornis. Torosaurus gladias. Brontops validus. Ammosaurus. Titanops medius. Ammosaurus major. Marsh, O. C. Notes on Mesozoic Vertebrate Fossils. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xliv,| pp. 171-176, 4 plates. New Haven, 1892.) Includes observations on tliclol| lowing : Claosaurns Marsh. Ambylosodon lieidy. PaliBoscincus Leidy. Cimolopteryx Marsh. Marsh, O. C. Notice of Gigantic Horned Dinosauria from tiie Cretaceous. f.\ni.| .Tour. Sci., (3), Vol. x.wviii, pp. 173-176. New Haven. 1889.) Contains (ie| scriptions of tlie following forms: Trioceratops horridus gen. nov. Trioceratops galens sp. nov. ' TrioctTatops tlabellatus sp. nov. ModosuuriiH tr.xtilis gen. et sp. nov. OLOGY. [iiru.1 nrBH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 141 )1. XXXIX, pp. 523-1 larsh, O. C. Recout Polydactylo Horses, r Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLiii, pp. 339- 354, 1 plate. Now Haven, i892. ) The subject of horses possessing extra digits is taken up, figured, descriptions of spociuiens given and the general relation- ship and ancestry of the horse discussed. larsh, O. C. Reptiles from Laramie Formation. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLHi, pp. 41!)-ir)3. New Haven, 1892.) The following described: Conioplus precedens gen. et sp. Iguanavus teres sp. nov. nov. OrmithoinimuM sodens sp. nov. Chauiops signis gen. et sp. nov. Claosanrns annectens sp. nov. Jarsh, O. C. Restoration of Broutops Robustns, from the Miocene of America. (.\m. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvn, pp. 163-165. Now Haven, 1889.) Abstract of a paper read before Section I), of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, at the Bath meeting, Sept. 7th, 1888. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 140, 1890. larsh, O. C. Restorations of Claosanrns and Ceratosaurus. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLiv, pp. .343-349, 2 plates. New Haven, 1892.) Descriptive notes with restorations and'plates of those genera from the Jurassic of Colorado and from the Laramie of Wyoming. (arsh, O. C. Restoration of Mastodon Americanus Cnvier. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xuv, p. 350, 1 plate. New Haven, 1892.) A full page plate with de- scriptive nctes of a specimen in the Yale Museum. larsh, O. C. Restoration of Stegosaurus. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLii, pp. 179- 181, 1 plate. New Haven, 1891.) A restoration of Stegosaurus ungulatus from tlie Jurassic of Wyoming. Reviewed in Geol. Mag., iii, vm, 358-387, 1891. larsh, O. C. Restoration of Triceratops. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XLi, pp. 339- 342, 2 plates. New Haven, 1891.) Restorations of Triceratops prorsus Marsh and Brontosaurus excelsus Marsh. Reviewed in Geol. Mag., iii, viii, 248,249, 1891. larsh, O. C. Skull of Torosaurus. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xLiii, pp. 81-84,2 plates. New Haven, 1892.) Tlie skull described and figured as exhibited in specimens from Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. larsh, O. C. Triassic Diiiosauria. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xliii, pp. 543-546, 3 plates. New Haven, 1892.) Anchisanrus eolurus and A. aolits sp. nov., de- scribed from Conuecticut Triassic and their relations to certain European forms considered. larsh on Extinct Horses and Other Mammals. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, XXVI. 410-412. 1892.) larsh on Hallopus and Other Dinosauria. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 569-571. 1890.) larsh's " Note on Mesozoie Mammalia," Reply. H. F. Osborn. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 290. 1892.) Abstract. lartlias Vineyard, Erratic Cambrian Fossils in Neocene (iravels. J. B. Wood- w(»rth. (American (Jeologist, IX, 243-247. 1892.) larthas Vineyard, Occurrence of Fossils of Cretaceous Age on the Island. N. S. Shaler. (Bui. Mus. Com[». Zool. Harvard College, xvi, 89-97. 1889.) larthas Vineyard, Study of Gay Head. P. B. Uhler. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., I, 204-212. 1888.) laryland. Adilitions to Observations on Cretaceous an Forbesocrinus speciosns sp. nov. Eupachycrinus sphwralis sp. nov. Ulocrinus, gen. nov. UlocrinuB buttsi sp. nov. Ulocrinus kausasensis sp. nov. Delocrinus gen. noy. Delocrinus hemisphericus Shu- mard. Delocrinus missouriensis sp. nov. ^siocrinns gen. nov. iEsiocrinus ulrichi sp. nov. Hydreionocrinus pentagonns sp. nov. Agaricocrinus splendens sp. nov. Batocrinns marinns sp. nov. Batocrinus jucundus sp. nov. Dichocrinus cinctus sp. nov. Poteriocrlnusgranilineussp. nov. Poteriocrinus crawfordsvillensia sp. nov. Poteriocrinus verns sp. nov. Scaphioorinus mannssp.nov. ActinocrinuB grandiB sp. nov. Cyathocrinus opimus sp. nov. Poteriocrinus arcanus sp. nov. Schapiocrinus bonoensis sp. nov. Abrotocrinus gen. nov. Abrotocriuns cymosussp. nov. Goniocrinus gen. nov. Gouioorinus sculptilis sp. nov. Batocrinus poculnm sp. nov. Batocrinus facetus sp. nov. Batocrinus cantonensis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus scopss sp. nov. Poteriocrinus spartarius sp. nov. Poteriocrinus genista sp. nov. Poteriocrinus legrandensis sp.nov. Poteriocrinus cantonensis sp. nov. Onyohocrinus cantonensis sp. nov. Rhodocrinus sculptns sp. nov. Rhodocrinus cielatus sp. nov. Zeacrinus dubius sp. nov. Scaphiocrinus repertus sp. nov. ScaphiocrinuB bellus sp. nov. Scaphioorinus lacunosus sp. nov. ( 1] I.-; :,. |,,i| ■.!<> m I 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, (bull. 121, I »«"«: ■»■' ' ■1 Delocrinns hemispbericns Sbumard. Ulocrinus sp. f Eupachycrinus magister Miller «& Gurler. Schoenaster legrandensis sp. uov. Aganaster gen. nov. Aganaster (f) sp. Troostocrinus nitidulas sp. nov. Arobieocidaris legrandenais sp. nov. MiUer, S. A.— Continued. ScupbiocrinuspricmorsuBsp.nov. DicbocrinuH ulrichi sp. uov. PoteriocrinuB subrnmoaussp.nov. Scapbiocrinus grapbicus sp. nov. Scapbiocrinus grauuliferus sp. nov. Scapbiocrinus disparalis sp. no^. Barycrinus princeps sp. nov. ^socriuus basilicus sp. nov. Miller, S. A., and W. F. E. Gurley. Deacription of Some New Genera and Species nf Ecblnodermata from tbe Coal Measures and Subcarboniferous Rocks of bidj. ana, Missouri, and Iowa. (Indiaua Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteentb Ann, Rep. State Geologist, for 1888, pp. 327-373, 10 plates, Indianapolis, 1889.) Republication of an article first publisbed in part in Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, and later completed by tbe autbors in a pamphlet pub- lisbed at Danville in 1890.) Miller's North American Paleontology, Additions and Corrections. C. L. Herrick, (American Geologist, V, 253-255. 1890.) Minnesota. Aguostus, North American Specaes. A. W. Vogdes. (American Geologist, ix, 377-396. 1892.) Brachiopoda from Trenton and Hudson River Grotips of Minnesota. N. H. Win- chell and C. Schuchert. (American Geologist, ix, 284-294. 1892.) Prelimi- nary descriptions of new species. Cambrian Fossils. Upper, Description of New lorms. C. D. Walcott. (Proe, U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 266-279. 1891.) Check-List of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. B. Bierbaur. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in. No. 2, 206-247, 1888.) Cryptozoon Minnesotensis in Skakopee Limestone at Northfield, Minnesota. L, W. Chaney, Jr. (Bui. Minnesota Aitad. Nat. Sci., in, 280-284. 1889.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. Ulricb. (American Geologist, Vl, 173-181 and 383-389. 1890.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. ITlrich. (American Geologist, x, 96-104. 189L'.i Lainellibrancbiata, Silurian, chiefly from Miunesura Rocks. E. O. Ulricli. (Geol. Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 18»2.) Licbas, Two New Silurian Species. E. O. Ulricb. (American Geologist, .\, 271-272. 1892.) Ostracoda, Lower Silurian, No. 1. E. o. I'lricb. (American Geologist, x, L'63- 270. 1892.) Paleozoic Formations of Soutbenstern Minne-ota. C. W. HaU and F. W. Sar- deson. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in. 331-3R8. (1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Paleozoic Fossils in Drift. V. W -^araieson. (Bui. Minnesota Aoad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 217-318. 1891.) Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska, Check List. B. Bierbaur. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in, 20(>-247. 1888.) Red Quartzites and Minnesota, Lingula aaid Paradoxides. N. II. Winchell. (Biil. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., ni. lOIi-lO."). 1889.) Saint Peter Sandstone, Fossils. F. W. Sardeson. (Mul. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., Ill, 318-319. 1891.) Sceptropora, Genus of Bryozoa, witli Remarks on Helopora (Hall) and other Genera of that Type. E. O. Ulricb. (American Geologist, i, 228-234. 1888. Blinnd Si] Si] lOGY. [Bi-u 121, I KHMl BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 151 oad. Nat. Sci,, lainnesota— Continued. Silurian Fauna of Minnesota, Ilange and Distribution. F. \V. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in, 326-843. 1891.) Silurian Formations of Wisconsin and Minnesota Compared. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, 319-326. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Sponges, New Silurian. E.O. Ulrich. American GeologJHt, iii, 233-248. 1889.) Miocene. Cythera Convexa, Say. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, vi, .52-.53. 1892.) Donax of Eastern North America. W. H. Dall. (The Nautilus, v, 125-127. 1892.) FissurellidsB of the United States, Catalogue. H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. John- son. (The Nautilus, V, 102-109. 1892.) Mollusca of New Jersey. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xxxix, 397-405. 1888.) Vertebrata fron Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of Northwest Territory, i, Species from the Oligocene or Lower Mioceue Beds of the Cypress Hills. E. D. Cope. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, III, 1-25. 1891.) Miocene, Florida. D. W. Langdon, Jr. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 322-324. 1889. Reference made to various species. Miocene, Horned Artiodactyle. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xli, 81-82. 1891.) Miocene, John Day, of North America. Dicotyliuu'. (Proc. Am. Philo. Soc. xxv. 62-79. 1888.) Missiasippi Fish Otoliths of Southern Tertiary. O. Meyer. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 42-43. 1889.) "Grand Gulf" Formation of the Gulf States. L. C. Johnson. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVIII, 213-216. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Middleton formation of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama, with Note on Formation at La Grange, Tennessee. J. M. Satford. (American Geologist, IX, 63, 64. 1892.) Incidental reference to fossils. Revision of Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., 111,1-178. 1890.) Types Fossiles de I'Eocene du baasin de Paris, r<^cemment d<5couvtTtc8 en Amor- i(iue. W. H. Dall. (Bui. Soc. Zool. de Franco, XL, 97-98, 1890.) MiBsisBippi Basin, Carboniferous Echinodermata. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvm, 186-193. 1889.) MissisBipplan Section, Principal. C. R. Keyes. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, iii, 283-300. 1892.) Missiasippi Valley, Keokuk Group. C. S. Beachler. (American Geologist. X, 88-96. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Misaiaaippi Valley, Correldtion of Silurian HorizoiiH, with those of New York and Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (Ameri(;au G.M)logi8t, i, 1(X)-110, 179-190 and 305-315. 1888. ) Various species of fossils referred to. Miaaourl. iiryozoa, Paleozoic. E. O. Ulrich. ((Jcol. Snr. Illinois, vin. 283-688. 1890.) l^escriptions of new species. Hurlington Crinoid, New Species. \{. K. |{owley. (American (icologist, V, 146-147. 1890.) Burlington Limestone, Natural Casts Dl'Crinoids and Blastoidn. K. R. Rowley. (American Geologist, vi, 66-67, 1890.) I * 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOOY. [bou.i« |!i ':■ : I -I li . ' C. R. Keyes. (American (Wash. Misaouri— Continued. Carboniferous, Present Basal Line of Delimitbtion. Geologist, X, 380-384. 1892.) Carboniferous Rocks of Mississippi Valley, Classification. C. R. Keyes. ington: Jndd and Detweiler, print«rs, 1892, 1-24. 1892.) Chouteau Group of Eastern Missouri. R. R. Rowley. (American Geologist, m 111-116. 1889. ) Mention made of different species. Coal Measures and Subcarboniferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa, Echi- nodermnta 8. A. Miller and W. F. E. Gnrley. (Indiana Deft. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1888, 327-373. 1889.) Coal Measures and Subcarboniferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa, Kchi- nodermata. S. A. Miller and W. F. E. Gnrley. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat, Hist., xiu, 25 pp., April, 1890; Completed by Authors, 60 pp. 1890.) Crinoids, Lower Carboniferous, Arom Missouri. S.A.Miller. (Bui. Geol. Sur. Missouri, No. 4, 40 pp., 5 plates. 1891.) One genus and forty species described and figured as new. Catalogue of Fossils Occuring in Missouri. G. Hambach. (Bui. G^I. Snr. Mis. souri. No. 1, 60-85. 1890.) Fauna at Base of Burlington Limestone in Northwestern Missouri. C. R. Keyes. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 447-452. 1892.) Fishes, Paleozoic, of North America. J. S. Newberry. (U. S, Geol. Snr., Mon, XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Invertebrates, Fossil. A. H. Wbrthen. (Geol. Snr. Illinois, viii, 71-154. 1890.) A number of species described as new from the Paleozoic. Keokuk Group of Mississippi Valley. C. S. Beachler. (American Geologist, x, 88-96. 1892. ) Incidental references to fossils. Kiuderhook Fossils. R. R. Rowley. (American Geologist, iii, 275-276. 1889 ) Mississippi Section, Principal. C. R. Keyes. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, iii, 283- 300. 1892.) Newberria, New Genus of Brachiopods, with Remarks on its Relations to Kenn- selaeria and Amphigenia. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 91-98. 1891. ) Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Rep,, Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892.) Paleontology of New York. J. Hall. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii, 278 pp. 1888.) . Sedalia Trilobites. A. W. Vogdes. 1892.) Subcarboniferous Series at Sedalia, Missouri. York Acad. Sci., vii, 246-247. 1888.) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. Rep. State Geologist, New York, 1889, 28-38. 1890. ) Trilobites, Genera and Species of North American Carboniferous. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., i v, 69-105. 1888. ) Trilobites, New Species of Carboniferous. A. W. Vogiles. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., vii, 248-250. 1888. ) Mitchell County, Texas. G. C. Broadhea*!. (American Geologist, ii, 433-436. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Mitivier, M. M. New Footprints from the Connecticut Valley. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., vol. XL, p. 286. Salem, 1892.) Abstract. Notice of the discovery of specimens near Holyoke, Muss. Modlolopsis Oblonga. J. F. James. (American Geologist, vi, 67. 1890.) Molars, Mammalian Evolution to and from the Tritubercular Type. H. F. Osbom. (American Naturalist, xxii, 1067-1079. 1888. ) (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., v, 615-618, F. A. Sampson. (Trans. New (Ninth Ann. A. W. Vogdei, iOOY. [Buuiji Brwl BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 153 , anil Iowa, Echi. Dep fc. Geol. and -373, 1889.) , and Iowa, ilchi. innati Soc. Nat, 1890.) (Bui. Geol. Sur, peoiea described 1. Geol. Snr. Mis- ri. C. R. Keyes. Geol. Sur., Mon. I, 71-154. 1890.) lan Geologist, x, loIluBca, Eocene of State of Texas. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi., Phils., xui, 393-406. 1890. )♦ lolluBca, Miocene of State of New Jersey. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXIX, 397-405. 1888. ) loUuscaof Iowa, Annotated Catalogue. C. R. Keyes. (Bui. Essex Inst, xx. 1889.) Pleistocene fossils listed. lolluBks, Shell-Bearing Marine, and Brachiopods of Southeastern Coast of the United States, Preliminary Catalogue. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37,221pp. 1889.) lonsters, Extinct. H. N. Hutchinson, (p. Appleton & Co., 254 pp. 1892.) (ontana. Agnostus, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes. (American Geolo- gist, IX, 377-396. 1892.) Cypn-ea, New Fossil. J. H. Campbell. (The Nautilus, vi, 50-51. 1892.) Dinosauria, Family of Horned, from Cretaceous. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Scl., (3), XXXVI, 477-478. 1888.) Dinosauria, New American. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 331-333. 1889.) Revision of the Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Uuiv. Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891. ) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schnchert. (Ninth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890. ) Torosaurus, Skull. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 81-84. 1892.) lonticulipora, Coral and not Polyozon. J. F. James. (American Geologist, I, 386-392. 1888.) (onticulipora, Studies. C. Rominger. (American Geologist, vi, 102-121. 1890.) lonticulipora, Studies. J. M. Nickels. (American Geologist, vr, 396-399. 1890.) lonticuliporoid Corals of Cincinnati Group, with Critical Revision of the Species. U. P. and J. F. James. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., x-xt, 118-141, 158-184, 15-48. 1887-1888.) lonticuliporoid Corals. Revision of Species of Cincinnati Group. J. F. James. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxvi, 223 1887.^ foore, Joseph. Rocvint Find of Casteroides. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiv, pp. 767-768. Philadelphia, 1890.) Notice of the discovery of Caateroidea ohioenaia in the Pleistocene of Indiana. Score, Joseph. Portions of Jasteroides Ohioensis not heretofore known. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxix, pp. 265-267. Salem, 1891.) Abstract. Notes on the characteristics of the species is shown by a specimen recently discovered at Richmond, Indiana, lorgan, U. L. Factors in Evolution of Slammalia. (Natural Science, Vol. i, pp. 97- 101. London, 1892.) Illustrations drawn from American forms, lorphology of Skull in Mososaur idle. (r. Baur. (.Tour. Morph., vii, 1-22. 1892.) fososaurs, Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Science, xviii, 345. 1891.) lososaurs, Kansas; Part l, Clidastes. S. W. Williston and E. C. Case. (Kansas Univ. Quart., 1, 15-.32. 1892. ) lurchison, Sedgwick and, Cambrian and Silurian. J. D. Dana. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 167-180. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. fuBtilldas from Loup Fork Miocetu) of Nebraska, Two \(>\v Species. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 9.50-952. 1890. ) (yriapoda from Illinois, CarbouiferouH. S. H. Si-udder. (Mem. Moston 8<»c. Nat. Hist., IV, 417-442. 1890.) (yriapods and Arachnids, Index to Known Fossil Inserts of the World. S. H. Scud- der. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 71, 744 ].p. 1891. ) fahant, Mass., Cambrian Fossils from Limestoae. A. F. Foerste. (Proo. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 291. 1890.) ■ I' 1 1 11' !^- '> \M ^ T II;" >< I-mV:! i..i ■!■»-'- '^ m'-' 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [BULuia Nantncket, Geology. N. S.Shaler. (Bnl. U.S.Geol.Sur.,No. 53. 1889.) Incidentill references to fossils. Naples Beds of Western New York. Discovery of Clymenia in the Fanna of, andl its Geological Significance. J. M. Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliii, 57^ I 1892.) Nassa Trivittata (Say) and Nassa Perlata (Con.) Comfounding. G. D. Harris.! (American Geologist, via, 171-176, 1891 ) Naticoid Genus Stropliostylus. C. R. Keyes. (American Naturalist, xxiv, llll-ini | 1890.) Natioopsis, Sabgeneric Groups. C. R. Keyes. (American Geologist, iv, 193-1% | 1889.) Nature of Organic Species. J. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., 11, 51^ | 1890.) Nebraska. Check-List of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, andl Nebraska. B. Bierbaur. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, No. 2, 2(I&-2j:,| 1888.) Fishes, Character of Paleozoic. E. D. Cope. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xi v, 447-463. | 1892.) Geology of Central Nebraska. F. W. Rnssell. (American Geologist, vii, 38-H.| 1891. ) Various references to fossils. Loess and its Fossils. B. Shimek. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa,i,| 200-214. 1890.) Loup Fork of Nebraska, Two New Species of Mustilido). E. D. Cope. (Ameril can Naturalist, XXIV, 950-952, 1890.) Miocene, Loup Fork Dog. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 1067-1069. 1890.) Perissodactyls from White River of Nebraska. E. D. Cope. (American Xatut- alist, XXV, 47-49. 1891.) Tertiary, Nebraska. F. W. Russell. (American Geologist, ix, 178-181. 1892.) Incidental references to fossils. Neocene. Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, N. J. W. Lewis. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sd„| Phila., xxxix, 339-342. 1888. ) Various species mentioned. Birds from Equns Beds of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (American Naturalist, xxv, 359-362. 1891.) Birds from Equus Beds of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (American Naturalist, xxv, 818-821. 1891.) Catalogue of Shell- Bearing Marine MoUusks and Brachiopods of Sontlieatiteni I Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, 221 pp. f 1889.) Characters of Protoceras, (Marsh) the New Artiodactyle from the Lower Miocene. ] H. F. Osbom and J. L. Wortman. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iv, 351-371. 1892,1 Confounding of Nassa Trivittata (Say) and Nassa Peralta (Con.). G. I). Ham | (American Geologist, viii, 174-176. 1891.) Contribution to a Knowledge of Fauna of Blanco Beds of Texas. E. D. Cope. ] (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLiv, 226-230. 1892.) Dog from Loup Fork Miocene. £. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, I 1067-1068. 1890.) Equivalence in Time of American Marine and Intracontinental Tertiaries. E. W. Hilgard. (Science, ix, 535-536. 1889.) Incidental references to fos.sil8. Fishes ftom South Dakota. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxv, 654-l)5i. 1891.) Fishes, New Horizons of Fossil. E. D. Cope. (Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL (285. 1892.) Abstract. 1. «1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOOY. 156 leooene— C ontinued . Florida Miocene. D. vV. Langdon, jr. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 322-324. 1889.) References raaO'* to various species. Florida, Tertiary Fauna. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., 111,1-178. 1890.) Geology of Nicaragua. J.Crawford. (Proc, Am. As. Adv. Sci., xi.. 261-270. 1892.) Abstract. References made to various species. "Grand Gulf" Formation of the Gulf States. L. C. .Johnson. (Am. .lonr. Sci., (3), XXXVIII, 213-216. 1889.) Varions fossils considered. Hemiptera, Physiognomy of American Tertiary. S. H. Scudder. (Proc. Boston Hoc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 562-578. 1890. ) H' rned Artiodactyle from Miocene. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xli, 81- 82. 1891.) Hya-naand Other Carnivora from Texas. E. I). Cope. (Ameri(;au Naturalist, XXVI, 1028-1029. 1892.) Mentifipation of Dinosauria from Denver Group. G. L. Cannon, jr. (Proc. Col- orado Sci. Soc, III, 253-254. 1890. ) Insects, Tertiary of North America. S. H. Scudder. (IT. S. Geog. and Geol. Sur. Terr., Vol, xiii, 734 pp. 1890.) Llama Remains from Colorado and Kansas. F. W. C!ragin. (American Geolo- gist, ix, 257-260. 1892.) Mammalian Remains from Rock Crevices in Florida. J, Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci,, it, 13-17. 1889. ) Martha's Vineyard, Cambrian Fossils in Neocene (Jravels. J. B. Woodworth. (American Geologist, ix, 24;i-247. 1892.) Maryland and Virginia, Third Annual Geological Expedition. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Uuiv. Circulars, No. 81, pp. 69-71. 1890.) Various species enumerated. Mustilidio from Loup Fork Miocene of Nebraska, Two New Species. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxix, 950-952. 1890. ) Nantucket, Geology. N. S. Shaler. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 53. 1889.) Inci- dental references to fossils. Neozoic Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sur. Arkansas, Ann. Rep. 1888, ii, 127-152. 1889.) In the chapter on the paleontology of Trinity division a number of forms are described as new. New Horizons of Fossil Fishes. E.I). Cope. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 285 1892.) New Jersey, Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City. L. Woolman. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, xlii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Nebraska Perissodactyls from White River Neocene. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxv, 47-49. 1891. ) Pliocene, Intermediate, Fauna. E. I). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 253- 254. 1889.) PI ioplarachus, Species from Oregon. E. J). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 625-626. 1889.) Post-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. W. Cross. (Am. Jour, Sci., (3), XLiv, 19-42 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Helutions of American and European Faunas. F.W. Gregory. (Bui. (Jeoi.Soc. America, III, 101-108. 1892.) Restoration of Brontops Robnstus from Miocene of America. O. C. Marsh. (Am, Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVII, 163-165. 1889.) Restoration of Trioeratops. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xu, 339-342. 1892.) Tertiary Dinosauria in Denver Beds. G. L. Cannon, jr. (Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc, III, 140-117 1888.) j I ■i\ b::4.'>' 1 i i ■ 1 i ..'-i 166 BIBLiOOItAl»HY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [fivvL.\ti\ W. H. Dall. (TraiiB. Wagner Free Inst. Rci., n, O. Meyer. (Proc, Neocene — Continued. Tertiary Fauna of Florida. 1-200. 1890.) Tertiary Invertebrates from West Side of Chesapeake Bay. Acad. Nat, Sci., Phila., xi, 170-171. 1888.) Tertiary Mammals. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jou^ Sci., (3), xxxix, 523-52.5. l89o.| Tiger from Loup Fork Terti»ry of Kansas. F. W. Cragin. (Science, xix, n 1892.) Ueber die tektoniscbcn Verhaltinsse der Repnbiik Mexiko. J. Felix and Hani I Lenk. (Zeitscb. der deutsch. Geol. Gesell., Band, xliv, Heft. 2, 303-324. 1892. ) Various species mentioned. Vertebrate Fossils O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xLii, 265-269. 1891.) Voi-tebrata of Swift Current River, ii. XXIII, 151-155. 1889.) Vertebrata of Swift Current River, iii. XXIII, 628, 629. 1889.) E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, I Yucatan, Geological Researches. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil j.| delphia, XLiii, 136-158. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Neocene Gravels of Island of Marthas Vineyard, Erratic Cambrian FossilH. J, b. Woodworth. (American Geologist, ix, 243-247. 1892.) Neocene of Nebraska, Perissodactyls from White River. E. D. Cope. (American | Naturalist, xxv, 47-49. 1891.) Neocomian and Grypheea Pitcheri. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, v, 315-317, | 1890.) Neocomian, Jura and Chalk of Arkansas. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 357-367. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. Neocomian Shales of Kansas, Cheyenne Sandstone. F. W. Cragin. (Ainericaa | Geologist, VI, 233-238. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Neocomian Shales, Cheyenne Sandstone and. F. W. Cragin. (American Geologist, vii, 179-181. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Neocomian Shales of Kansas and Cheyenne Sandstone. F. W. Cragin. (American { Geologist, vu, 23-33. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Neosoio Geology of Southwestern Arkansas. R. T. Hill. (Geol. Sur., Arkansas, I . Ann. Rep. 1888, ii, 127-152. 1889.) In the chapter on the paleontology of | Trinity division a number of forms are described as new. Nettleroth, Henry. Kentucky Fossil Shells: A Monograph of the Fossil Shells of I the Silurian and Devonian Rocks of Kentucky. (Kentucky Geol. Sur., Mod., pp. 1-246, 36 plates. Frankfort, 18S9.) After a short sketch of the geology | of the State follows a series of descriptions of the sponges, moUusca, andmol- luscoidea of the Silurian and Devonian from the Falls of Ohio. Some 220 1 species are described of which 34 are new : Lingula triangulata. Orthis goodwini. Orthis linneyi. Pentamerella thnsnelda. Pentamerus complanatus. Pentamerns globulosus. Pentamerus knotti. Pentamerus uniplicatns. Stricklandinia louisvillensia Chouetes sabqnadrata. Productella semiglobosa. Rhynohnella bellaforma. Rhynchnella gainesi. Rhynohuella louisvillensis. Rhynohnella rugfpscosta. Rhynchnella saffordi, var. de- pressa. Rhynchnella tenuistriata. Atrypa calvini. Atrypa ellipsoida. Atrypa reticularis, var. niaguren- sis. Spirifera bymesi. Spirifera davisi. Spirifera hobbsi. Spirifera dabia. Spirifera fdggi. Spirifenv knappiana. LOGY. [Bnu.iji BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 157 s, var. niaguren- EuomphaluB sampaoni. Clinopistka striata. Cypricarditus halli. Paracyclas elongata. Paracyclas octerlonii. Modiomorpha oharlestownensis. Niicula herzeri. Glyptodesma cancuUata. (IJ.S.Oeol. Sur., XXVI, No. 637, 238 Wettlsroth, Henry — Continued. Spirifera macconatbii. Trematospira heleua. Zygospira kentiickiensis! Platyceraa compreBsum. Platyceras milleri. Pleurotomaria arabella. Pleurotomaria procteri. Callouema clarki. Machrocheilus carinatua. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, Bd. I. Ref., 461, 1891; also American Geologist, V, 107, 108, 1890. jenmayer, M. Die Stiimme dea Thierreichs. (Vol. i, 600 pp. Vienna, 1889.) In- cidental references to^ and figures of, American fossils. Reviewed in American Geologist, iv, 58, 69, 1889. Ifevada. Agnostus, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes (American Geologist, IX, 377-396. 1892.) Cambrian Fossils, Upper, Description of New Forms. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 266-279. 1891.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Genesis of Arietidffi. A.Hyatt. (Smithsonian Cont. Knowl. pp. 1889.) Paleontology of New York. J. Hall and J. M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., VII, 236 pp. 1888.) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. (Ninth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890.) hv Brunswick. Agnostus, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes. (American Geologist, ix, 377-396. 1892.) Entomostraca, Paleozoic Bivalve, North American Species. T. R. Jones. (Ana. and Mag. Nat. Hist., iii, 154. 1889.) Eozoon and Other Low Organisms in Lanrentian Rocks at St. John. G. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 36-41. 1891.) Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and W. M. Mclnnes. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, iii, Pt. M, 527 pp. 1889.) Men- tion made of different species. Fish Remains in Lower Helderberg of New Brunswick. (American Geologist, viii, 61, 62. 1891.) Fishes of Devonian Rocks of Canada. J. F. Whiteaves. Canada, vi, Sec. iv, 17-96. 1888.) Illustrations of St. John Group, No. vi. G. F. Matthew. Canada, ix, Sec. iv, 33-65. 1891.) Organisms of Silurian and Devonian Rocks in Southern New Brunswick. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 49-62. 1888.) Progress of Geological Investigation in New Brunswick. L. W. Bailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 3-17. 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Protolenus, Genua of Cambrian Trilobites. G. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 10, 34-37. 1892.; Psammichnites and the Early Trilobites of the Cambrian Rocks in Eastern Can- ada. G.F.Matthew. (American Geologist, ii, 1-9. 1888.) Relations between the Geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. L. W. Bailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 57-68. 1889.) Allusions to various species of fossils. G. F. ■ Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. (Trans. Roy. Soc. G.F. I; r lr> , .'.'i;,;; t (■:; 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [BCLuQiltfiu ) G. F. Matthew. («ui. xj in, vij '-■'-;u New Bninswiok— Continued. Sponges In Lanrentian Rocks at St. John, N. B. Hist. Soo. New Brunswick, No. 9, 42-45. 1890.) Btenotheca, Second Note. G. F. Matthew. (Geological Magazine, Dec. 210,211. 1889.) St. John Group, Fauna, Illustrations, No. 5. G. F. Matthew. (Truim. RorJ Soc. Canada, viii, Sec. iv, 123-166. 1890.) Hevr Hampshire. Fossils of Littleton, New Hampshire. R. Pnmpelly. (Am. Jour. Sci,, (3,1 XXXV, 79, 80. 1888.) Announcement of the discovery of Niagara fossils / Parker mountain. Littleton Fossils. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 255. 1888.) C. H. Hikhcotll mentioned as referring the fossils to the Niagara in 1884. New Jersey. Artesian Well at Atlantic City, N. J. W. Lewis. (Proc. Acad. Nat. ScJ Philadelphia, xxxix, 339-342. 1888.) Various species mentioned. Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, Geology. L. Woolman. (Proc. Acad. Nail Sci., Philadelphia, xlii, 132-147. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Biological and Geological Significance of Closely Similiar Fossil Forum. C, ij White. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxix, 239-243. 1891.) Catalogue of Shell-Bearing Marine MoUusks and Brachiopods of Sontheasten Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37, 2l| pp. 1889.) Cretaceous Formations of New .Jersey and those of the Gulf States, FaiiDil Resemblance. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., II, No. 2, 113-116J 1889.) Fishes and Fossil Plants of Triassio Rocks of New Jersey and ConnecticDlj Valley. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xiv, 95 pp. 1888.) Footprints from .Tnra-Trias of New Jersey. J. Eyerman. (Proc. Acail NatJ Sci., Philadelphia, xu, 32, 33. 1889.) Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of Raritan Clays and Green Sand Marls of Nei{ Jersey. R. P. Whitfield. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xviii, 402 pp. 1891.) Miocene Mollusca of the State of New Jersey. A. Heilprin. (Proc. Acad. XatJ Sci., Philadelphia, xxxix, 397-405. 1888.) Revision of Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Johiij Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) New Locality of Lower Silurian Fossils in the Liraostoues of Columbia Co., Neij York. I. P. Bishop. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 69, 70. 1890.) NewMexioo. Dinosanria, Triassic, New Genus. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii,| 626. 1889.) Eocene Mammals (Mesodactyla). O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), 445-1J9J 1893.) Mesozoic Series of New Mexico. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 155-18 and 216-229. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. Vertebrate Fauna of Puerco Epoch. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxn,| 161-163. 1888.) New Mexico, Mesozoic Series. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, iv, 155-163 andj 216-229. 1889.) Various species of fossils referred to. New or Little Known Saurian from the Benton of Kansas. F. W. Cragin. (Amcri-| can Geologist, ii, 404-407. 1888.) New Species A:om Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont. R. P.Whitfield. (13ul. Am. Miu,| Nat. Hist., ni, 26-39. 1890.) llTew' Ai km He. Uni Cal OLOGY. (BnLuBiBMtwl BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 159 tthew. (Rui. U $azine, Dec. iij, vj ew. (TraiiH. HovJ n. Jour. Sci., (3|J Niagara fossils ( C. H. HitihcocJ . Acad. Nat. SciJ ntioued. (Proo. Acad. NaJ nces to fossilti. ossil Forms. C. ds of SoutheHsten t. Mus., No. 37, i'J ulf States, Faimal ., II, No. 2, 113-118| r and Conuectical pp. 1888.) (Proo. Acad Nad and Marls of Nei| pp. 1891.) Proc. Acad. XatJ B. Clark. (Johm nmbia Co., Neij L890.) Naturalist, xxiuj S(ri., (3), 445-lfij logist, IV, 155-lfi Naturalist, xxal t, IV, 155-165 m Cragin. (Amcri-j (Bui. Am.Mni.| |jrew York. Archffiouyathus, Billings, and other Genera Allied thereto or Associated there with from Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardiiv >, aud Scotland. J. G. Hinde. (Can. Rec. Sci., iii, 373, 374. 1889.) ABaphuB Canalis, Conrad, Additional Notes. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., II, No. 2, 64, 65. 1889.) Heccherella: New Geuusof Lower HelderbergOstracoda. E.O. I'lrich. (Ameri- can Geologist, VIII, 197-204. 1891.) Hroiiteus in Chemung Rocks of New York. J. M. Clarke. (State Mus. Nat. Hist. New York, Forty-second Ann. Rep., 405, 406. 1889.) Incidental references. Hryozoa, Descriptions. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 35-57. 1891.) Calceocrinidai ; Revision of Family, with Descriptions of Some New Species. E. N. S. Ringneberg. (Ann. Now York Acad. Sci., iv, 20 pp. 1889. ) Calciferous Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and II. M. Seely. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iii, 1-23. 1890.) Various species mentioned. CalciferouB Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-516. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Calciferous Sandrock of Lake Champlain, Imperfectly Known Fossils and Descriptions of Several New Forms. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. 11, pp. 42, 43. 1889.") Cambrian Fossils. G.F.Matthew. (American Geologist, vii, 287-291. 1891.) Cambrian Fossils, Upper, Description of New Forms. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 266-279. 1890. ) Cambrian, Lower, or Olenellus Zone of North America, Descriptive Notes of New Genera and Species. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 33-46. 1890. ) Clymenia in Fauna of Intumescens Zone (Naples beds) of Western New York, aud its Geological Significance. J. M. Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 57-63. 1892.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopods in British Musuem, Part i, Nautiloidea. A. H. Foord. (One volume, pp. i-xxxi and 1-344. London, 1888.) Chemung and Catskill (Upper Devonian) on Eastern Side of the Appalachian Basin. J. J. Stevenson. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 219-247. 1892.) Vari- ous species mentioned. Chemung Rocks, Genus Bronteus in New York. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, for 1889, 57-60. 1889.) Chonophyllum, Revision and Monograph. W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, iil, 253-282. 1892.) Crinoidea of Lower Limestone at Lockport, N. Y., with Descriptions of New Species. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., v, 301. 1890.) Crustaceons Tracks from Potsdam Sandstone of Port Henry, N. Y. J. (New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., Forty-second Ann. Rep., 25-34. 1889.) Cuboides Zone and Its Fauna : A Discussion of Methods of Correlation. Williams. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 481-500. 1890. ) Devonian Faunas, Genesee Section of New York. H.S.Williams. (U.S. Geol. Sur., Bui. 41, 121 pp. 1888.) Devonian System of North and Sonth Devonshire. H. S. Williams. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 31-38. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Die Fauna mit Goniatites Intumescens in Westiichen New York. J. M. Clarke. (Xeues Jahrbuch f. Geol., Pal. u. Min., Band i, 161-168. 1891.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890. ) Fauna with Goniatites Intumescens, Bey rich, in Western New York. J. M. Clarke. (American Geologist, va, 86-105. 1891.) Hall. H.S. 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. fauu.mM""" i i fle'w Tork — Continued. FenMtollide, Lower Helderberg, Description of New Species with explanatiom of plates illaatrating Species of the Huiniltou Group, Described in the KepoJ ofthe State Geologist for 1886. (New YorkStateMus. Nat. Hist., Forty-llrBtAni. Rep., S83, 394. 1888.) Fishes, Paleozoic, of North America. J. 8. Newberry. (U. 8. Geol. Sur., Mou. \\v 340 pp. 1889.) Fossils from Niagara Gronp of Western New York. E. N. 8. Ringueberg. (fj^l Acad. Nat. Sci. , Phila. , xl, 131-137. 1888. ) Geological Survey, Paleontology, Vol. v, Part ii, Supplement : by James HalLl (American Geologist, iii, 147, 148. 1889. ) A short review of the work. Geology of Skunnemunk Mountain, Osage County, New York. C. 8. Pros«r.| (Trans. New York Acad. Soi., xi, 132-149. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Geology of Southeastern New York. G.D.Harris. (Auiericun Geologist, vij 164-178. 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. Hamilton of Chenango and Otsego Counties, New York. C. 8. Prosser. (Pn Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXVI, 210. 1888.) Abstract. Various species mentioned, Haplocrinus, Ventral Structure of Taxocrinus, and Consequent Modifications ii Classification of Crinoidea. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (Proc. AcadI Nat. Sci. , Phila. , XL, 337-363. 1888.) Hudson River '• Fiord." A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (8), xuii, 182, 183,| 1892.) Hudson River Tunnel, Common Edible Crab found Fossil. R. P. Whitfield.| (Science, xviii, 300. 1891. ) Inarticulate Br<^chiopod from Trenton Limestone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S.N«.| Mus. , Proc , XII, 365, 366. 1889. ) Inarticulate Brachiopodous Shell. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. American Mus. Kat,| Hist., Ill, 121, 122. 1890.) Lepttenisca ; A New Genus of Brachiopoda from the Lower Helderberg Group,! C. E. Beecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (S), 238-340. 1890.) Liugnla Preserving Cast of Peduncle. CD. Walcott. (U. S. Nat.Mu8.,Proc,| XI, 480. 1888.) List of Type Specimens of Devonian Crustacea described in Paleontology on New York, Vol. vii, in the Possession of the York State Museum of Natunlj History. J. Hall. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1889, 24-27. Marcellus Epoch in State of New York, Species Constituting Known Fauna acdl Flora. J.M.Clark. (New York StateCab.Nat. Hist., Forty-second Ann. Eep,,l 406,407. 1889.) Marcellus Epoch in State of New York, List of Species Constituting the Knonl Fauna and Flora. J. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist, for 1 60-62. 1889.) Marcellus Shale of New York, Balanoid Cirripede. R. P. Whitfield. (6nl| Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ii, No. 2, 66-68. 1889. ) Mastodon Remains on New York Island. R. P. Whitfield. (Science, xviii, 342,1 1891.) Mount Bob, Mount Ida, or Snake Hill. T. W. Harris. (Am. Jour. Soi., (3), xuii,| 286-238. 1892.) New Locality of Lower Silurian Fossils in the Limestone of Columbia Co., Nei| York. I. P. Bishop. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 69, 70. 1890.) Niagara Shales of Western New York ; Study of Origin of their Subdivisioiul and their FaunaB. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (American Geologist, i, 264-272. 1888.1 Ophiolite of Thurman, Warren County, N. Y., with remarks on Eozoon Cai*! dense. G.P.Merrill. (Am. Jour. Sci. , (3), xxxvii, 189-191. 1889.) Original Chazy Rocks. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (American Geologist, ii,| 32a-330. 1888.) Mention made of diiferent species. New Ol Pa C Pii OLOGY. [buu.J""*'' BIBLIOOKAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 161 jfevT York— Continued. Oriskiiny Fauna of Columbia County, Now Yorli; witli an Annotatoil list of I'ossils, J.M.Clarke. (Am. Jour. Sei. , (3), xuv, 410-11 i. 1892.) Oriskany Sandstone of Maryland, New York, and Ontario, List of Fossils. C. Sehuchort. (Eighth Ann. Rep. Stiite(i(!ol()Ki8t X0. Newberry, J. S. FohsII Fisbes ol" Erie Sbalc of Obio. (Trans. N. Y. Acad. .Sci., Vol. VII, pp. 178-180. Now York, 1888.) Abstract. Tbo followinj; new spet^ios and genera are described from tbe top of tbe formation in tbo vullir of tbe Cuyaboga, uoar Clovolaud: Cladodus kepleri. Diuiclitbys curtus Artiiiopborus. Diuicbtbys tub^rcnlatus. Actinopborus clarkii. Newberry, J. S. Laramie Group. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. i, pp. 524-52". New York, 1890.) A brief diacussion of tbe group with references to fos.sils. Wewberry, J. S. Paleozoic Fisbeaof North Am«>rica, (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mou. xvi, ;)4o pp., ij3 platea. Washington, 1889.) Descriptions of tbe genera and apicics from the American Paleozoic wbicli have been heretofore described by the author. Tbo following S))0cies describ(;d and figured: Acantholepis pustuloaua sp. uov. Acantbaspis armatus Newb. Macha'racnntbuH major Newb. Macbieracantbua p e r a c u t u s Nowb. Macbieracantbus sulcatua Newb. Asteroateus Htenoccpbiilus N<;wb. Rhyncbodua secansNowb. Rhyncbodus frangena Newb. Rhyucbodus crassus Newb. Rhyncbodua excavatus Newb. Rhyncbodus greenei sp. nov. Diuicbtbys precursor sp. nov. Cofcosteus occidcntalis Newb. Onychodus signioideaNewb. Dinichtbys bertzeri Newb. Hetcracanthus gen. nov. Heteracnnthus politus sp. nov. Cteiiiicantbus wrigbti Newb. Goniodus gen. nov. GonioduK bertzeri sp. nov. CallognathiLs gen nov. Callognatbus regularis b]>. nov. Callogm^tbus aerratus sp. nov. Onycbodns ortoni sp. nov. Aa])idichtby8 clavatus Newb. Heliodus le.slevi Newb. Diptorus (Ctenodus) nelsoni «p. nov. Dipterus (Ctenodus) llabcllifor- mis ap. uov. Dipterua (Ctenodus) levis sp. nov. Dipterus (Ctenodus) minutua sp. uov. Sphenopborus nov. gen. Spbeuopborua lilleyi sp. nov. Iloloneiua nov. gen. Holoneuui rugosa Claypole. (ianorbyncbns beecberi sp. nov. Pbylbdcpis delicatula sp. nov. Dinichtbys tuberculatussp. nov. Onycbodns bopkinai Newb. Holoptychiua? pustulosua ap. nov. Holoptychiua granulatus sp. nov. Holoptychiua tuberculatus ap. nov. Holoptychiua gigauteusf Ag. Helodus gibberulus Ag. Cladodus carinatns sp. nov. Cladodus kepleri sp. nov. Ctenacnntbus randalli sp. nov. Botbriolepis leidyi sp. nov. Botbriolepis minor sp. nov. Holoptychiuus americanus Leidy, lioloptychiusf radiatussp. nov. Holoptychiua ballii ap. uov. (ilyptopomus siiyrei Newb. Dipterus (Ctenodus) sbcrwoodi Newb. Dipterus (Ctenodus) radiatus ap. nov. Gyracantbus sherwoodi sp. nov. Titaniclitbys agassizii Newb. Titauichtbys clarkii Newb. OGY. ("fu,i2i. gms] HIBLIOORAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 163 Newberry, J. S.— Continued. Dinichtbys minor Nowb. Dinichtbys gonldii sp. nov. DinicbtbyH corrngatns sp. nov. Dinirhthya iutenuediua ap. nov. Diniobtbya ciirtua sp. nov. Olyptuspia gen. nov. OlyptaspiH vorrnooanH sp. nov. 1)i])lognatbuB luirabilis Newb. Mylostoma torrolli Nowb. Myloatonia variabilis Newb. Trncbostens gen. nov. TraoliOHtens clarliii ap. nov. Cteuacantbua comprossus Newb. Ctenacantliiis clarkii sp. nov. Hoploucbus parvuluH Newb. Cladodns concinuus Newb. Cludodus tiiniiduH sp. nov. Ctenodus wagneri sp. nov. Phu'bodus politus sp. nov. Actinophorns gen. nov. Actinopborus clurkii sp. nov. Asteroptycbius elegans sp. nov. Gyracantbns inomatuH sp. nov. MaxodiiH gen. nov. MazodiiH ]v«plcri ap. nov. Ctenacanthiia aiigiiatUH ap. nov. Co'lostvtm gon. nov. Cu'lostoiLS I'orox ap. nov. Klii/.odns aucops ap. nov. Stetbacuntlius gen. nov. Labodua inarginatiiasp. nov. Phyaoneniua stollatiia sp. nov. Orthopleurodus carbonariua N. &. W. Ctenaoanthus littoni sp. nov. Cteuacantlius cylindiciiH ap. nov. Ilarparnnthns iimbriatus Stock. SaudaloduH craasus. Orodus ranioHiiH Ag. Acondylaennthna ocoidentalisN. <& W. Autliodns arcuatiia sp. nov. Polyrhizodna littoni N. & W. Psanmiodns glyptns St. J. &, W. Edestua gigantens sp. nov. Ctenodns serratus Newb. Ctenodus ohioeusis Cope. Cladodns roniingeri Newb. Reviewed in Am. Naturalist, xxiv, 844-847, 1890; also Am. Geologist, vi, 323. 1890; and Nature, xiii, 146-147, 1890. j Newberry, J. S. Rbizodus from St. Louis Limeatone at Alton, 111. (Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. vii, p. 165. New York, 1888.) lihizodiia ancepa described. I Newberry, J. S. Structure and Relation of Edestua witb Description of a Gigantic New Species. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.; "Vol. iv, pp. 113-122, 3 plates. New York, 1888. ) Tbe following described : I'^destus giganteua sp. nov. Edeatua boinricbsii N. &, W. Edestns vorax Leidy. . Edestus davisii Woodward. Kdestus minor Newb. I Newberria, New Genus of Brachiopoda, witb Remarks on its Relations to Rensse- luTia and Amphigenia. J. Hall. (Tentb Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, for 1890, 91-98. 1891. ) I Newfoundland. Cambrian, Lower, or Olenellus Zone of North America, Dwcriptive Notes of New Genus and Species. CD. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xn,33-46. 1890.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (I J. S. Geol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-(i58. 1890.) laconic of Eastern Newfoundland. J. P. Howley. (American Geologist, iv, 121-125. 1889.) Numerous references to fossils. I Newell, F. H. Niagara Cephalopoda from Northern Indiana. (Proc. Boat. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XXIII, pp. 466-486. Boston, 1888. ) The following noted : Orthoceras crebcscena H. Orthoceraa unionensia Worth. Orthoceraa rigidum H. Orthoceraa obstructum n. sp. Kinoceras columnare. Kinoceraa atrix. Kinoceraa angulatum. Gomphocoraa wabashensis n. sp. Reviewed by Neues Jabrbuch, 178, 1892. Gomphoceras linearia n. sp. Gomphoceraa projectum n. sp. Hexameroeerna dcl|)hicolum n. sp. Hexumeroceras cacabiformis n. sp. Pontameroceras mirum. Ascoceras newberryi Billings. Ascoceraa indiaueusis n. sp. I..';: Mil' I I'- r, t ' ' '"■ /;" • , : ..uMih. 'lil 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [m i.l i:i. (Amerieau Geolo<;iHt, ix, IOS-,K)«i (Proc. Host. Soc. Xat, Niagara Ai;eof Indiana KocUh. C. 8. Bt-acbler. 1892,) Incidental references to fossils. Niagara Cephalopods from Northern Indiana. F. H. Newell. Hist., X.Mii, 4G6-48t;. 1888. ) Niagara (iroup, Genus of C.'rinoi^. S. A. Miller. (American Geologist, i. 2(i:!, l*i;i 1888. ) Niagara Group, Two (ieucra and Eifjlit SpecioH of t'amerato Crinoids. C. Waclis.. muth and F. Sprinf»t'r. (^Vjaencan G» olofjist. x, 135-144. 1892.) Niagara Limestone at St. I'aul. l^^-catnr Cotinty, laiLiana, Crinoids. C. 8. Heacliler. (American Geologist, iv, 10::. 103. 1889.) Niagara Shales of Western New York; A Stuirv- of Origin of their Subdivisicnh and their Faunjc. E. X. S. Riuipieliorg (i\aueri(;un Geologist, i, 264-272. IXw Niagara Shales of Western New York, Fossil.s. E. N. S. Ringuoberg. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., .\i.. 131-1.37. 1888.) Nicaragua, Geology. J. Crawford. (Proc Am. An. Adv. Scl., 1891, xi,, 2(il-:'7r 1892.) Abstract. References niadt; to various species. Nioholaon, H. A. Certain Ammiaious Organisms which are Concerned in the I'm mation of Some of tb»i Paleozoic Limestones. (Geoi«»gi<:al Magazine, Dec. in, Vol. V, pp. 15-24. London. 1888.) Soloiioporti compavta Billings described. Nicholson, H. A. Relations between the Genera Syringolites, Hindo, and Roeincria, Eitwards and Haime, and the Genus Caliapora, Schliiter. (gicnl .Map. zine, Dec. iii, Vol. Vl, pp. 433-438. London, 1889.) SyringolUts huroiirum limdc, is described. Nicholson, H. A., and K. Lydekker. Manual of Paleontology. (Two volmncv London, 1890.) Numerous references to American fossils. Reviewed in .Viiicr ican Naturalist, vi, pp. 312-;{2(), 1890; also same, vir, 58-68, 1890, Nickel Mines, Logan County, Kansas. F. H. Snow. (Trans. Kansas Acad. .Si., XI, 39-12. 1889.) Fossils mentioned. Nickels, J. M. Local Deposits of Chester Sandstone. (American Geologist, Vul. vti. pp. 47, 48. Minneapolis, 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. NicP^els. J' M. Studies of Monticulipora. American Geologist, vi, pp. 3t)ii-!)litt. Mniiicapolis, 1890. A note on the article by Romiuger in American Gt'ulo gist. I, 102-121. Niobrara (. cetaceous of Kansas, New Plesutsaur. Aea«L -nii., XII, 174-179. IMHO.) Hsbrara rrttuiceotis of Kansas, New Pleokmaur. Acau. -.•■;., xil, 1-5. 1891.) Viobrara ■^•i;icc<»u8 of Western Kansas. S. W. Williston. Sci -III. 107-111. 1893.) "KiiiMiis 1 11 mil (Geological Value of Term "Hudson River Group." C. D. Walcott (Iiu„ i.«ol. 8ov. America, i, 33r»-;iri«i. 18iK).) Incidental roferencos to fossiln. Nijftnr.tatqee of Cincinnati Group Fossils. £. O. Ulrich. (American GeoidKiHt, NoaneBclznxe of Mammalian Cuspe. II. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, wii, NdiBnclxtiBTe. ProwMmitions for New, Valnes in Cla.ssit!ration of Stages in (irowtti ami D«cliiie. ^. Hyatt. (American Naturalist, xxii, 872-884. 1888.) Non-ActiuaiDterygiaiiToleoBtei. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, X.VV', 479-l?*l. 1891. North Carolina. Cretaceous and T-^rtiary Strata near Wilmington, N.C. T. VV. Stanton. (,\inor- icon (ieulogist, u, 333,334. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils luiltil. Donax of Eastern North America. W. U. Dall. (The Nautilus, V, l-'.">-l-". 1891.) Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free lust. Sci., I'liil- adelphia, lu, 1-178. 1890.) 8. W. Williston S. W. Williston (Trans. Kaiisus (Trans. Kuukuh ( Trans. Kansas Acad. KETt-l UIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN t»ALEONTOLOGY. 166 aturalist, xxii, lust. Sci., I'liil- Northwest Territory. Cambrian Fossils from Mount Stephens. C. D. Walcott. (Am. ,Iour. Sci., (S), XXXVI, 163-167. 1888.) Canadian Mii'TO-Paleontology. T. R. Jones. ((Jeol. and Hist. Sur. Can- ada, Micro-PaleontKue of Fossil Cephalopods in Hritisli Musenm, Pt. i, Nantiluidea. A. H. Foord. (One volnnio, pp. i-xxxi and l-;{44. 1888.) Cretaceons Fossils from IJritisli Columbia, tlie Northwest Territory, and Mani- toba. J. F. Wliiteaves. ((Teol. and Nat. Hist. Siir. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 151-1%. 1889.) Devonian Rocks of Mackenzie River Basin. .1. F. Whiteaves. (Gool. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Pakiontology, Pt. iii, 199-253. 1891.) Earlier Cretaceous Rocks of the Northwestern Portion of the Dominion of Canada. G. M. Dawson. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 120-127. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N.W.T. R. G. McConnell. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-'89, i\', Pt. D. 1891.) Men- tion made of different species. Fossils Collected in the Northwest Territory Canada, by Naturalists from the University of Iowa. S.Calvin. (Bui. Lii" \at. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, li, No. 2, 163-165. 1892.) Vertebrata from Miocene Rocks of N«)rthwest Territories of Canada, recently doscrilted by Prof. Cope. H. M. Ami. (Science, xviii. ,53. 1891.) Vertebrata from Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of the Northwest Territory; i, Species from the Oligoceue or Lower Miocene beds of Cypress Hills. E. D. Cope. (Geol. Sur. Canada, iii, 1-25. 1891.) Nova Scotia. AciKlia, Cambrian Organisms. (5. F.Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Sw... Cansida, vii, iv, 135-162. 1889.) Cambrian Rocks, Basal .Series in Acadia. G. F. Matthew. (Can. Rec. .Sci,, iii, 21-29. 1888.) Cambrian Ol'ganisms in Acadia. G. F. Matthew, (('an. Rec. Sri., in, .'^83-387. 1889.) Classitication of Cambrian Rocks in Acadia. (5. F. Matthew. (Can. Roc. Sci., III. No. 2, 71-81. 1888.) Lcptoplostus in Acadian Cambrian Rocks. G. F. Matthew, (('au.-idian Rec. Sci., Ill, 485. 1889.) Ostracoda from Mabon Coal Field of Nova Scotia. T. R. .limes and J. W. Kirby. (Gecdogical Magazine, Oec iii, vi, 2(59-271. 1889.) Trilobites, tieuera and Spi cios of North American Carboniferous. A. W. Vodges. (Ann. N. Y. A^ad. Sci., iv, 69-105. 1888.) Observations on i\'M)kuk Species of Agaricocrlnus. C. H. Gordon. (American ( ieologist, V, 257-261 . 1892. ) Ohio. Additions and Corrections to Miller's North American Paleontology. C. 1,. Iler- rick. (American Geologist, V, 2.53-2."ir). 18!t(t. ) Aneof Cincinnati Anticlinal. A. F. Fuerste. (American lieidogist, vii, 97-109. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Ak'c of Point Pleasant, Ohio, Beds. .1. F. .lames. (I'roc Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 283.284. 1892.) References made to various species. Hryozans of Waverly (Jroup in Obit), with Description of New Species. E. O, i'lrich. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Iniv., iv, I't, i, (i2-92. 1888.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopods in British Museum; I'art 1, Nautiioiilea. A. 11. Foord. (One vidiime, pp. i-xxxi and 1-341. London, 1888.) >;,',.. m 1 11 ;i (H fv ;>■'■ 166 BIBLTOaBAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bciuiji, Ohio — Continued. Causes of Extinction of Species. .1. M. McCrcery. (American Geologist, v, 100-104. 1890.) Cincinnati Group, Manual of Paleontology. .7. F. .lames. (.Jour. Cjinciiinati See. Nat. Hist., Pt. i, xiv, 45-72; Pt. ii, 149-16.3; Pt. iii, xv, 88-100; J't. n. 144-159. 1891-1892.) Clinton Group of Ohio, Pt. iv, Chemical and Stratigraphical Geology and (leo graphical Paleontology. A. F. Foerste. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., m^ Pt. I, 3-12. 1888.) Cockroach Fauna, Interesting Paleozoic at Richmond, Ohio. S. H. Sciidder. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 45-.')3. 1889.) Coronura Aspectans, (Conrad). .1. M. Clarke. (Tenth Ann. Rep. Htate (ieolo- gist. Now York, for 1890, 79-83. 1891.) Crinoid, Heterocriuus Subcrassus. D. T. D. Dyche. CScience, xx, 66. 1892.) Criuoids, Torminatiou of Columns. D. T. D. Dyche. (American Geologist, x. 130. 1892.) Cuyahoga Shale and Problem of Ohio Waverly. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. GpoI. j Soo. America, ii, 31-17. 1891.) Incidental rcfereucesto fossils. Description of Four Now Species of Waverly Fossils. C. L. Herrick. ilinl. Dennison Univ., iv, 11-60 and 97-123. 1890.) Devonian System of North and South Devonshire. H. S. Williams. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 31-.S8. 1890.) Incidcnt.-il references to fossils. Dinichthys, Head. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, x, 199-207. 1892.) Fishes of Erie Shale of Ohio. J. S. Newberry. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., VII, 178-180. 1888.) \bstract. Mon. .1. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sur. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, ii, S. A. Miller and C Faber. (.lour. Fishes, Paleozoic of North America. XVI, 310 pp. 1889.) Fo.s8iI Fish in the Cleveland Shale. 62-64. 1888.) Fossil Species and New Structural Parts. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xv, 1892.) Geological Section at Todd's Fork, Ohio. A. F. Foerste. (American Geologist, II, 412-419. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fo.^sils noted. Geology and Paleontology, North American. 8. A. Miller. (One volume, ()()l| pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) Now species described. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Parts iii and iv, Subcarboniferous ami AVa-l verly Groups. C. L. Herrick. (Hul. Sci. Lab. I)enui8iiml| Conclusions. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 97-123. 1889.) Geology of Licking (Jonnty, Ohio, Pt. iv, liist of Waverly Fossils, Continued C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., IV, Pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O.Ulrich. (American Geologist, v, 270-27.'). IHliO) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. Ulrich. (American, Geologist, vi, 173-lHl iiniil 383-389. 1890.) [ Lamellibrancliiata, Silurian, Chiefly froii Minnesota Kocks. E. O. I'lrich, (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 18!):' Lingnlasma: New Genus and eight Now S|»ecieH of Lingula and Trematis. K O.Ulrich. (American Geologist, IV, 21-24. 1889.) Maquoketa Shales and Their Correlation with Cincinnati Group of Southw('.slrrii| Ohio. .T. F. .James. (American (ieologist, v, 335-3.".6. 1890.) Megalonyx in Holmes C«mnty, Ohio. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, vii. 122, 123 and 149-1.53. 1891.) Nomenclaturoof Some Cincinnati Fossils. .1. F. .lames. (American Geologist, i,| 333. 1888.) % iOGY. tB'"'. 121, ■ |.^, , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 167 an Geologist, v, Ohio— Continued. Paleontology of New York. J. Hall (unl J. M. ilaike. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., VII, 23(5 1)11. 1«88.) Paleontology of New York. J. Hall. (Nut. HiHt. New York, Pal., v, Pt. ii. 278 p]). 1888.) Piil»M>/oic Fossilw. A. V. Foerstc. (Bui. Sen. Lab. Deunison Univ., iir. I't. ii, 117- i;{6. 1888.) Placodcrni, (ilgantie, from Oliio. K. W. (JlaypoUv (AnuTic'in (ieologiHt, ix, 1-4. 1891J.) Si)onge8, New Lower Silurian. K. «). Ulrieli. (.Vnierican (ifologist, iii, 2:W-248. 1889.) Silurian llorizon.s, Correlation of Tonuesseo au«l Oliioautl MissiNnlppi Valleys Avitli those of New Y'ork and Ciinada. E. O. iyirie, Stratigrajthie Position. V,. D. Wal- cott. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xxvii, 29-12. 18S!).^ Olenellus Fauna, Stratigraphical Position, in North America and Europe. C.I). Walcott. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 371-392. 1889.) Olenellus Zone, Fauna of Lower Cambrian, ('. 1). Waholt. (11. S, f Jeol. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep. , 51 1 -658. 1 890. ) Olenellus Zone of North America, Descrijttive Notes of New (Joneia and Species. C. 1). Walcott. (Proe. U. S. Nat. Mils., XII, 33-J(i. 1892.) Ontario. Bryozoa, Descriptions. .(. Hall. (Tenth Ann. h'ep. State Geologist, New York, for 1890, 35-57. 1891.) Calcoocrinida"; Revision of Family, wilh Descriptions of New Species. E. N, S. Ringneberg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci., iv, 20 pp. 1889.) ("auadian Micro-Paleontology. T. Rupert .Tones. (Gool. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paleoiit(dog.\ , Part in, 59-100. 1891.) Chazy Foruiations at Ayliiier P. O. H. M. Ami and T. W. I',. Sowter. (Ottawa Naturalist, ii, No. 1, 11-15. 1888.) ColeopttTa in Inter-glacial Clays of Scarboro, Outario. S. H. Sciidder. (Proc. Boston .Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, I(i7. KIH. 1890.) Corniforous Limestone of Ontario, New Sjiecies of I'aiieka. (Canadian Record Science, IV, JOl-lOI. 1891.) ({ueli)h Formation of Ontario. I'aiK ispiial Ope,(nla of Gasteropoda. .1. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Rec. Sci.. v, 101-107. IS!.'.) ■ '4 ]'": t:vo 1 i ' ' : feii : »■:;• ^ii i-. I 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. I'll'LLlJl ■slTt«l Ontario — Continiiotl. Ilamiltou Form:iti«m of Ontario with Listof Spocics at. Prosent known from that i Formation and Province. .1. F. Whitoavos. ((Seol. and Nut. Hist. Stir, Cim. ada, Contributions to Caniidiun Puloontolojjy, i, 95-125. 188!).) Hamilton Period, Venical Rangu of Certain Species of FohhiIh. S. ralvin, i (American (ieolo^ist, i, 81-86. 1888. ) MuHtodon and Mammoth in Ontario, (Canada. .). H. Panton. (Geol. Muj;., lie, iil, VIII, 50-1. 1801.) Abstract. Mastodon and Mammotli in Ontario, Canada. ,1 II Panton. (Brit. As. Ai|. I Set., 651, 65.^). 1801.) Micro-Palcontok)}jy of Cambro-Silnrian Rocks of Canada. A. H. Foord. ((icni and Nat. Hist. Siir. Canada, Contrib. to Micro-Pal., 26 pp. i8{».3.) Observations on Tcrataspis Grandis, Hall, tlio largest known Triiobitc. .I.y I Clarke. (Tenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist of New Yorii, for 18{)«), H'~% 1892.) Oriskany Sandstone of Maryland, New York, and Ontario, List of Fossils. (. Schnchcrt. (Kiglith Ann. Rop. State Geologist New York, for 1889, .fiO-jt;, 1891.) Paleontology of New York. .1. Hall and .). M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New York, Pal., VII, 236 pp. 1889.) Relations between (ionera Syringolites, Hiinle, and Roemoria, Kdwards ami Haime, and the Genus Caliaponi, Sehliiter. II. A. Nicholson. (Geol(i;>i('a| I Maga/.iiK-, Deo. iii, vi, .|:I8-4:W. 1889.) Sequence of Geological Formations about Ottawa. H. M. Ann. (Ottawa Nai uralLst, II. on. 1889.) Sponges from Beds <;f Quebec Group of Sir William Logan, at Little Metis, j W. Dawson. (Canadian Rec. .Sci., iil, 120-340. 1880. )_ Sponges from Trent(m Formation of Ottawa. G .1. Hinde (Can. Rec. Sci., Ill, 305-:i08. 1880.) Turrilepas in Utiea Formation of Ottawa, Canada. II Woodward. ((lOologi cal Magazine, vi, 271-275. 1889. ) Utica Fossils from Rideau, Ottawa, Out. H. M. Ami. (Trans. Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club, ii. No. 12, 16.5-169. 1888.) Opercula, Paucisitiral, of Gasteropoda in Giiolph Formation of Ontario. ,1. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Rec. Sci., iv, 401-107. 1801.) Ophlolite of Thurinan, Warren (bounty, N. \., with Remarks on Fo/.oon Canailcnse, G. P. Merrill. (Am. .lour. Sci., (.3), xxxvii, 180-101. 1880. ) Ordovician Iclithyi<' Fauna and its Mode of Occurrence, Lower Silurian. {'.]), "Walcott. (Bui. Geol. Sue. America, III, 1.5:1-172. 1801) Oregon. Avifauna, Fossil, of Silver Lake Region, Oregon 1{. W. Shufeldt. (Proo. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xi., 28(). 1892.) Abstract. Birds from E(|uus Beds of Oregon. R. ^V. Shnleldt. (American Naturalist, XXV, :{.59-362. 1891.) Birds from E(|uns Beds of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (AiiiArican Naturalist, xxv, 818-821. 1891.) Collection of Fossils from E. Cope. (American Naturalist, x.xiii, 'J^i- 254. 1889.) Plioplarachus, Sjiecies from Oregon. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiil, 625, 626, 1889. ) Silver Lake of Oregon and its Region. E. D. Co|»e. (American Naturalist, ^ XXIII, 970-982. 1889.) Vertebrate Fauna of Equiis Beds. E. I>. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiji, 100-165. 1889.) •LOGY. [iirLLia. ,TFsi niHLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 169 tknowu fioiiitliat it. Hist. Siir. ('an. I S!).) HHilH. S. ('|,lvj„ (Geol. Mu>r., |),,,| 1. (Hrit. As, A(i. H. Fo«ml. (dcfti i8!).3.) Trilohitc. .i. j| for ]8!X», ST-Ki' Ht (if FosHils. c. , for 1««!», r)0-,X| HiHt. New York. a, Edwards and son. (Ge(d(t;;iral I. (Ottiiwa Xai. Littit) Mi'tis. ,1 (Can. Kcc. Sci., iviird. ((u!()l(.K| Ottawii Field )ntarii». ,(. Y. 'oon, iliirian. C. Ii, Shiifeldt. (I'rnc, can Naturalist, I^aturalist, x.w, t. (Pror. liiol. Ht, X.MII, 'J.'i;i- tnralist, win, an Naturalist, uraliNt, wiji, lorganisms, Cambrian, in Aca. Now York, 1892.) lOsborn, H. P. Cretaceous Mannnalia. (Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei., Phila., Xo}. Xl.ui, pp. 124-1H5. Philadidphia, 1891.) A critical analysis of recent papers by Marsh in Am. .lour. S<;i. of .July and Au^^ust. 1889. Kctviewed in Nenes .Tahrbuch, 572, 1892. lOsborn, H. P. Evolution of Mammalian .Molars to and from llie 'l'ritu)»orcnlar I'ype. (American Naturalist, Vol. .\xii, jip. 1067-1079, 2 plates. Philadelphia, 18S«.) The author discusses thesijj;uili(!anco of the recent .000. I.oiidun, 1889.) An abstractof a iiajier read at the ISath meeting. lOsborn, H. P. Is Meniscotheriinii a member of the Chalieotherioideaf (American Naturalist, Vol. xxvi, pp. 5(H)-.")07. 1 hiladelphia. 1892.) A comparison of Mcniscotherium ami the ChalicotherioiHoeiatiou id' Itatli, on the Evolution of Mammalian Midar teeth. lOsborn, H. P, Pale(»nt(dojrical Evitb-nee for the Transmissiuii of Aci|uired Char- aiters. (American NatnraliHt, \ol. xxiil. pp. "idl-.'iiMi. I'liiladelphia, 188J).^ reni. .four. Sci., of .Inly and August, 1889. Osbom, H. F. Review of Discovery of the Cretaceous Mammalia. (Anuriiagj Naturalist, Vol. xxv, pp. 41.45. Philadelphia, 1891.) An abstract of a jm by O. C. Marsh in Am. .lour. Sci., of July and August, 1889. Osbom, H. F. Wliat is Lophidon? (American Naturalist, V«)l. xxvi, ])p. H'm-i'\\\ Philade]])hia, 1892.) An inquiry regarding the form. Osborn, H. F., and W. li. Scott. Mammalia of tlio Uinta Formati«>n. (Trans. Aid Philosojdiieal Soc, xvi, 401-572. Philadeljdua, 1890.) The various f!,vim\ and species described. Reviewed in American Geologist vi, .50, 57, 1><90; iil in Nature, xmii, 177-179, 1890; and Am. Naturalist, xxiv, 470-472, lS!tO. Osbom, H. F., and .1. L. Wortnuin. Characters of Protoceras (Marsh) tliu NVvl Artiodactyle from the Lower Miocene. (Hul. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. iv. ])p. 351-371. New York, 1892.) Osbom, H. F., and .1. L. Wortman. Fossil Mammals of Wasnteh and Wind Riv Beds, Collection of 1891. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vd. iv, pp. Hl-UI, plate. New York, 1892.) Tiie following described: Dissttcus leptognathus sp. nov. I'alaeonictis occidentalis s]). nov. Pachya-na gigantea sp. nov. Patriofelif leidyanus W. Ostracoda from Mabou Coal Field of Nova Scotia, T. R. Jones and J. W. Kirliyi (Geological Magazine. De.-. iii, vi, 209-271. 18K9.) Ostracoda from North America, I'>ance and thi* Bos)>liorus, Dovmiian and >\k' rian. T. R. Jones, ((^nart. Jour. (Jeol. Soc, London,, 534-55(i. IMIV LjiEs] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 171 <.\vi, pp. 7(ili-"'vi,| nul J. W. Kirk itracoda from North America, WuIbh, and Ireland, raleozoic T. R. Jones. ((^uart. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, xLiv, 2-'M. 1S90.) Dstracoda, Lower Silurian. E. O. Ulricli. (American Geologist, x, 2«3-270. 1892.) Mtracoda, Now and Little Known Americau ralcozoic. E. O. I'lrich. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., XIII, 104-137, 173-211. 189a-18!»l.) Ostracoda, New Genus, Beocherella of Lower Helderber},'. E. (». I'lrich. (Ainer- iciu Geologist, viii, 197-204. 1891.) Ostracoda, Paleozoic from Pennsylvania, II. S. T. R. Jones. (^American Geologist, VI, .S37-3.J2. 1889.) Dtoliths, Fish, Southern Old Tertiary. <». Meyer. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 4:', 43. 1889.) awa, Sequence of Geological Formations. IL M. .Vnii. (Ottawa Naturalist, il, D:!. 1888.) Duachita Mountain System in Indian Territ«>ry, ReccuinaisHancc. U. T. Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xi.ii, 111-124. 1891.) Nunu-rous itfferences to fof'sils. Pachyphyllum, Contributions to Knowledge of Genus. C. L. Webster. (American Naturalist, xxm, 021-C2.5. 1889.) Pacific Coast, Invertebrate Fossils. C. A. White. (Bui. V. S. (Seol. Sur., No. 51. 1889.) Pacific C-jast of United States, Examination l)y Means of Microscope of Infusorial Earths. A.M.Edwards. (Am. Jour Sci., (3), xi.ii, 3()9-38.">. 1891.) Packard, A. S. Puletmtological Notes. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. xxiv, pp. 209-210. Boston, 1889.) Includes the following: 1. On Fossil Macruran Crustacean from Peru. Sp«!cimens dewcribed but not named nor horizon given. 2. Carboniferous Arthropods from Illinois. l)escril»es: Balinurus lacoei Pack. Paheocaris typus M. & W. Rochnra venosa Scud. 3. Recent discovery of Annelides and supposed tracks of a Gasteropod Mollusk in tho Carboniferous Shales of Rhode Island. |Paokard, A. S. Recent Discoveries in the Carboniferous Flora and Fauna of Rhode Island. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvil, p. 411. New Haven, 1889.) Remarks (in recent discoveries i>f fossils, showing the Coal Measures of Rhode Island to belong to tho Upper Carboniferous. Palasochatteria, Credner, and Proganosauria. (J. Baur. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxvill, 310-313. 1889.) |Palaeocrinoldea ; Attachment of Platyceras and its Efl'ects in Modifying the Form of tho Shell. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc, xxv, 231-243. 1888.) iPalsBolithic Man in America. W. J. McGec. (Pop. Sci. Mon., xxxiv, 20-36. 1889.) |Pal»ospongia Prisca, Bornem, Eophyton, z. Th., Chrondrites Antiguus, Haliserites, /..Th., und iinhliche (Sebilde. H. Rautf. (Neues .lahrbucli f. Min., Geol. u, Pal., 92-104. 1892.) |PalaeosyopB and Allied Genera. C. Earle. (Proc-. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pliila., XLlil, l()»i-117. 1891.) |Palaeosyops, Leidy, and its AUjes; Memoir upon Cenus. ('.Earle. (Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., IMiila., ix, 2«57-3H8. 1892.) iPalaeosyopB, New Si»ecieH. ('. Earle. (American Naturalist, xxv, 45-47. 1891.) jPaleontologic and Strutigraphic " I'riuciples" of tiie Adversaries of tho Taconic. .I.Marcou. (American (ieologist, ii. 10-'J3 ami r>7-88. 1X88.) |Paleontologioal Evidence for Transmission of Ac<|uired Cbaracters. H. F.Osborn. (Amc^rican Naturalist, xxiii, .5(51 -."6(5. 1889.) [Paledntological Evidence for Transmission of Acquired Characters. H. F. Osborn. (Science, xv,llO, ill, 1890.) iPaleontological Horizons of the Limestone at Nahant, Mass, A. F. F«>er8to. (Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv. 26-2(53. 1889.) i -.pi "^ Mi lii 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMKRICAN PALEONTOLOGY. (; i»--S-. lira 1 Paleontologioal Notes from IndinnapoliM. K. W. Claypolt^ (Aniorican (h'oI()i>„|i VI, 255-260. 1890.) Paleontologioal Piibliciitious of Joseph Leidy, C^ntalo^uo. .1. Eycriiiann. (Aium can Geologist, viii, 333-312. 1891.) Paleontology, Additions and Corrections to Miller's North American. C, L, Uimtk^ (American Geologist, v, 253-255. 1890. ) Paleontology, American Invertebrate, for 1889, Review of Progress. ('. K. Kivpi (American Natnralist, XXIV, 131-138. 1890.) Paleontology, American InvorteJ)rjite, for year 1890, Review of Progress, c, Keyes. (American Naturalist, xxv, 327-333. 1891.) Paleontology, American Vertebrate, for year 1891, Itibliography. J. KvcriiiaiiJ (American Geologist, ix, 249-256. 1892. ) Paleontology, American, for year 1887, Review of Progress. J. B. Marcoii. (AmeriJ can Naturalist, xxii, 678-091. 1888.) Paleontology and its Value to Geologists, Scope. II. S. Williams. (Ameritai Geologist, x, 148-169. 1892.) Paleontology of Cretaceous Deposits of Mexico. A. Heilprin. (Trans. Acad. XatJ Sci., Phila., xui, 445-469. 1890.) Paleontology of Cretaceous Formations of Texas, Parti. R. T. Hill, (lliiivcrsiti of Texas, School of Geology, Circulars, 8 pp. 1889. ) Paleontology of Indiana. S. A. Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Ktpl Paleontology, 79 pp. 1892. ) Paleontology of New York. J. Hall and J. M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New York, TalJ VIII, An introduction to Study of (ienera of i'aleo/.oic Brachiopoda. 'M'lf^i 1892.) Pt. 1. Paleontology of Plains. F.W.Cragin. (Hul. Washburn CoUego Lab. Nat. IllstJ II, 65-«8. 1889.) Paleontology, Vertebrate of Texas, Contribution. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. l'Liliis,| Soc, XXX, 123-131. 1892.) Paleozoic Brachiopoda, Genera. J. Hall. (Tenth Ann. Kep. State Geologist, Nei^ York, for 1890, 15-17. 1891.) Paleosoic Brachiopoda, (jenera. .1. M. Clarke. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State ( icold^'istj New York, for 1889, 43-46. 1889.) Paleozoic Bryozoa. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 283-t»8. lH!l().)l)e^ scription of new species. Paleozoio Coc^k oach Fauna at Richmond, Ohio. S. H. Scudder. (Troc. Mostuij Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 45-53. 1889.) Paleozoic Crinoids, Structure, Arrangement and (Classification. S. A. MilleT.| (American Geologist, vi, 275-286 and :M0-357. 18JK).) Paleozoic Crustacea from 1698 to 1889, Bibliography. A. W. \'()dgeH. (Bnl. 1' $,| Geol. Sur., No. 63, 177 pp. 1890.) Paleozoic Fishes, Characters. E. D.Cope. (Proc. IT, S.Nat. Muh.,xv, 447-463. W.! Paleozoic Fishes of North America. J. S. Newberry. (II. S. (jieol. Sur., Meolo;rica] Magazine, Dec. iii, Vol. viii, p. 501. London, 1891.) Abstract, ^aradoxldes in Red Quartzites of .Minnesota. X. II. Winclioll. (Hul. Minnesota Aciid.Nat.Sei., iii, 103-10.*». 1889.) kasceolus aad Cyclocrinus. F. RoMncr. (Neiies .Fahrlincii {. Min., Oeol. n. Pal,, 71,75. 1888.) ^aucispiral Opercula of Gasteropoda in Giieipii Formation of Ontario. ,1. F, Whit- eiives. (Canadian Rec. Sci. , IV, 4ai-407. 1891.) keace Creek Bono Beds «»f Florida, Age, W, II. Dall. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash,, vi, M.h. 1891.) peccaries, Platygonns, an extinct (ieniis. .1. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., II, 40-51. 1889.) peduncle, Lingnla Preserving the Cast. C. 1). Walcott. (V. S. Nat. Mns., Proc., xi, 480. 1888. ) hlecypods, Hinge and its IJovelopment, with an Attempt toward a better Sub- division of the ({roup. W. II, Dall, (Am, .lour. 8ci,, (3), xxxviii, 445-462. lHS!t. ) klvisof ('iimnoria(Camptosanrus). S. W. Willislon. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 472,473, 185K).) pelvis of Megalonyx and other Bones from Big Bone Cave, Tennessee. ,J, M, Saf- ford, (Bul,Ge3j 1890.) Syringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. (Ninthl Ann. Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890.) Tracks, Algiu, etc., in the Triassic of York County, Pa. A. Wanner. (Geol. ! to Roctiflcatiou of SuppoHed Kiudcrhook. 8. Calvin. (American (Jeol- ofjist, m, 25-36. 1889.) Mention made of ditforent spocicH. Ipineal Ky« in Extinct Vertebrates. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 914- 917. 1888.) Ipiacoderm from Ohio, Gigantic E. W. (!laypolo. (Amcricuu (SeologiHt, ix, 1-1. 1S92.) |piain», Paleontology. F. W. Cragiii. (Uul, Washburn C«>lIoge Lab. Nat. Mist.", ii, (J5-«8. 1889.) [piatyceras and Capulus, Uelatiou. C. K. Keyes. (.Vmcriciui (Seologist, iii, 6-9. 1890.) Ipiatyoeras, Attachment to Paleocriuuidea aud its Effects in Modil'yiii{Lr tho Form of the Shell, C. K. Keycs. (Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc, xxv, 231-213. 1888.) Kcviowed in Am. Geologist, III, U8, 149, 1889. IpiatyceraB Group of'Paleozoiciiasteropods. C. \i. Keyes. (American Geologist, x, 273-277. 1892.) jPlatyoeraB, Preliminary Note on Sedentary Habits. C. K. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci.. I, Pt. II, 24. 1892.) jpiatyceras. Sedentary Habits. C. U. Keycs. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvi, 269-273. 1888.) |Platycerp.8 to Fossil Criuoids, Attachment. C. R. Keycs. (American Naturalist, XXII, 924,925. 1888.) PlatygonuB an extinct Gontis allied to the Peccaries. .J. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free lust. Sci., ii, 41-.50. 1889.) iFleistocene. Hitlanus Ilameri in Pleistocene at Uivicro Heautlette, and on the Occurrence of Peculiar Varieties of Mya arcuaria and M. Truu(%ita in the Modern sea and in the Pleistocene. W. Dawsou. (Canadian Uec Sci., in, 287-292. 1889.) Bear, California Cave. E. D. Cope (American Naturalist, xxv, 997-999. 1891.) Hones of Megalouyx not Before Known. J. M. Satford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 289. 1892.) Abstract. Carolina, South, Mastodon and Capybara. .1. Leidy. ("Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xui, 184, 185. 1890.) Castoroides, Recent Find. J. Moore. (American Naturalist, xxi\-, 767,768. ISitO.) Catalogue of Shell-Hearing Marine Mollusks and Brachiopods of Southeastern Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Hail. U. S. Nat. Miis., No. 37, 221 pp. 1889.) Coleoptera in Inter-glacial Clays of Scarboro, Ontario. S. H. Scudder. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv', 467, 468 1890.) Cont'ouiiding of Na«sa Trivittata (S.ay) aud Nassa Peralta (Con.)- G. 1). Harris. (American Geologist, viii, 174-176. 1891.) Crab, Common Edible, found fossil m Hudson River Tunnel. R. P. Whitfield. (Science, xviii, 300. 1891.) Description of a Skull of Megalonyx Leidyi, Sp. Nov. .1. Lindahl. (Trans. Am. I'hil. Soc, XVII, 1-10. 1892.) Klepliant found at Grinnell, lowii. E. 11. Harbour. (Science, xvi, 263. 1890.) Fissurellidie of United States, Catalogue. H. .\. Pilsbry aud C. W. Johnson. (The Nautilus, v, 102-107. 1892.) Foraminifera from Post-Pliocene Sand at Santa Barbara, California. A. Wood- ward. (New York Micros. Soc, Jour., v, 24, 25. 1889.) ."I 'I' h 1 I. l! ,JiJ ' n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 l^|28 150 ™ tit Hi I£ IM |Z5 2.0 6" II ^1.8 1.4 111.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST M'MN STRUT WEBSTER, N.V. 14SS0 (716) 873.4S03 V^^ V ' ,<<> <(,y I 1891.) Numerous references to fossils. I Geology of Johnson County, Iowa. C.L.Webster. (American Naturalist, x.xii. I 408-419. 1888. ) Incidental references to fossils. I Geology of Nicaragua. .1. Crawford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xr,, 2(il-2T0. 1 1892.) Abstract. References made to various species. I Helicina Occulta, Distribution. C. R. Keyes. (Tbo Nautilus, iii, 18, li). l>LOGY. [niLLiiL liETEs.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOKTH A.MKltlCAN PAI.KoNTOI.OUY. 177 tate Univ. Iowa, i, I ,53, 18b9.) luci- IpieiBtocene— Continued. Portions of Castwoides Ohioensis not herotoforo Known. . I. Moon;. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxix, 265-2«7. 18!tl . ) Ab.stract. Recent Fossils near Boston. W. Uphain. (Aim. Jour. 8ci., (3),, 201-209. 1892.^ Restoration of Mastodon Anunieauus, Cuvier. (). C. Marsh. (Am. ,Iour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 350. 1^92.) . Saber-toothed Tiger and Other Quaternary Miunmals of Florida. ,1. J.eidy. (E'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLi, 29-31. 1890.) Shells, Marine, and Fragments of Shells in Till mjar Boston \V. Fphani. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXVII, 359-372. 1889.) Vertebrate Fauna of Kquus Beds. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 160-165. 1889.) Vertebrates from Florida. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., I'hila., xi.i, 96-99. 1889.) Vertebrates from Florida. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei., I'liilu., xi.ii, (H, 05. 1890.) Vertebrate Remains from Peace Creek, Florida. .1. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. ScL, II, 19-81. 1889.) plesiosaur from Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XII, 1-5. 1891.) hesiosaur from Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci.., XII, 174-178. 1890.) Plesiosaurs, Interesting Food Habit. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., XIII, 121, 122. 1893.) Pleiosaurian Skull, Structure. S. W. Williston. (Science, xvt, 262. ISIIO.) plesiosaurian Skull, Structure. S. W. Williston. (Science, x\i, 290. 1890.) ^lioplarachus, Species from Oregon. E. 1). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 625,626. 1889.) ^oebrotherium, Osteology, Contrii)ution to the I'hylogeny of the; I'ylopoda. W. B.Scott. (Journal Morphology, V, 1-78. 1891.) ^oint Pleasant, Ohio, Beds, Age. J. F. James. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xi., 283, 284. 1892.) Abstract. Reference made to various species, ^olyphemopsis, American Species. C. It. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 299-302. 1889.) folyzoan, Monticulipora a Coral. .F. F. James. (American (fcologist, I, 386-392. 1888.) tolyzo-ms. (See Bryozoans.) pat-Laramie Deposits of Colorado. W.Cross. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xi.iv, 19-42. 1892.) Fossils mentioned, position of Catskill Group. C. S. Prossor. (American (Jeologist, vii, 3.57-366. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic i'ossils noted. p08t-Pleiocene Limuiicid. R. E. Call. (American (ieologist, i, 116-118. 1888.) Potomac Formation, Sauropoda and Other Dinosaurs. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 89-94. 1888.) potomac to Susquehanna, Cambrian Rocks of P»>nnsylvauia and Maryland. C, 1). Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XI.I v, 469-482. 1892.) Various fossils con- sidered, •retertiary Insects of North America, Inclnding Critical Remarks and Descriptions of some European Forms. S. H, ScutldtT. (One volume, 455 pp. New York, 1890.) Princeton Scientific Expedition of 1891. W. B. Scott. (Princeton College Bull., 4 pp. 1891.) problematic Organisms from Devonian at Falls of the Ohio. F. H. Kuowlton. (Anu Jour. Sci., (3), XXX vii, 202-209. 18H9.) Bull. 121 — n 1 1/4 .11 " I 178 BIHLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ini'i.i.. 121. '\V Problematic Orgiinisms, (ienuH Scolithiia. J. F. James. (BuL Geol. Soc. Americi 111,32-44. 1891'.) Problems in MuHcatiiio County^ lowu. S. Calvin. (Hiil. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, I, 7-18. 1888.) Incidental roferences to foKsils. Problems, Geological, in Muscatine Conuty, Iowa, with Special Reference t<> IJtv ti- fication of SuppoHcd Kinderhook near the Month of Pine Creek. S. Calvin, (AimTiran Gt>olof;ist, ui, 25-36. 188!>,) Mention made of difl'eiont Kpocics. Proboscidia. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 191-211. 1889.) Cioueral account of the order. Proganosauria Credner, Paln-ohatteria, and G. Uaur. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 310-313. 188i».) Progress of American Invertebrate I'aleontology for 1889. C. R. Keyes. (Ameri- can Naturalist, XXIV, 131-138. 1890.) Progress of American Inverteltrate Paleontology for year 1890. (,'. R. Keyes. (Americiin Naturalist, xxv, 327-333. 1891.) Progress of American Paleont(dogy for the 1887. .1. B. Marcou. (Anicrican Naturalist, xxii, 679-r)91. 1888.) Progress of Geological Investigations in New Brunswick. (L, W. Bailey. Traih. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 3-17. 1889.) Presidential address; nniiKrons allusions to fossils. P[rosser], C[harles] S. Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals in Paleozoic Rocks and other Markings; l>y .F, William Dawson: Quart. .lour. Geol. Soc, November, 1890. (Am. .loiir. Sci., (3), xui, pp. 24.5,240. New Haven, 18itl.) A critical review. Frosser, Charles S. Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania. (Am. Jour. K( i., (3), Vol. XLiv, pp. 210-221 . New 1 laven, 1892.) Contains lists of fossiln found in the different strata at various places. Prosser, Charles S. Geologic Age of Rocks of the Novaculite area of Arkansiis, with Notes l-3(i(». Minnea]»olis, 1891.) Numerous references to fos- sils. Prosser, Charles S. Upper Hamilton of Chenango and Otsego Counties, New York. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. x x\'i, p. 210. Salem, 1888.) Abstract. Incidental references to the loading fossils found. Prothoracic Wings. S. H. Soudder. (Psyche, vi, 31, 32. 1891.) Protolenus, Cambrian Trilobites. G. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New- IJriius- wick, No. 10, 34-37. 1892.) Protoceras (Marsh) tlio New Artiodactylo from the Lower Miocene. H. F. Oslmru and J. L. Wortman. (Bui. Am. Mns. Nat. Hist., iv, 351-371. 1892.) Protosphyraena, Leidy, Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gattung. J. Felix. (Zeitsch. dcr | Deut. Geol. Gesell., Band xuii. Heft 2, 278-303. 18JK).) Protozoa. Companions of Eozoon. (American Geologist, ix, 53-55. 1892.) Cretaceous of M.anitoba, Foraminifera and Radiolaria. .1. R. Tyrrell. (Tnuis. Koy. Soc. Canada, viil, Sec. jv, 111-115. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shores or Immediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba | and Winuepegosis. J. F. Wliiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Cou- tributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 2.o5-3(>(), 1892.) Ltis] bibliography of north AMERICAN paleontology. 179 Soc. New Hruns- [".vrroU. (Trans. I Protozoa— Continue*!. Devonian Rocks of the Mackenzie River Basin. J. F. Wliitaavos. (Geol, and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Pt. in, 199- 2r.3. 1891.) K()Z')i)n and Other Low Organiama in Laurentian Rocks at St. John, N. B. G. F. Matthew. (Bnl. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 3fi~U. 1890.) Ko/Don Canadense, Facts Relating. A. R. C. Selwyn. (Science, xi, 146. 1888.) Ei)/t)ou Canadense, Now Facts. A. R. C. Selwyn. (Science, xi. 146. 1888.) Ko/oon Canadense, New Facts. J. M. Dawson. (Geological Magazine, Dec. iii, \-, 49-54. 1888.) Eozoon Canadense, Specimens and their Geological Relations. ,J. M. Dawson. (Peter RedpathMusenn), Mc(;ill Univ., 107. 1888.) Exaiuinatiou by Means of Microscopic of Si)ecinicMs of Infusorial Earths of tho Pacific Coast of the United States. A. M. Edwards. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLII, 309-385. 1891.) Foraminifera from Post Pliocene Sand at Santa Barbara, California. A. Wood- w.ird. (New York Micros. Soc, Jour., v, 24,25. 1889.) Foraniiniferial Genus Orbitoides of Orbigny. II. J. Carter. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), iii, 210-214. 1889.) Foraminiferial Origin of Certain Cretaceous Limestones and the Sequence of Sediinonts in North American Cretaceous. R. T. Hill. (American Geologist, VI, 174-177. 1889.) (ieology and Paleontology, North American. S. A. Miller. (One volume, 664 pp. Cincinnati, 1890.) New species described. Ucology of Nicaragua. ,1. Crawford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xi,, 261-270. 1892.) Abstract. Various species mentioned. Geology of the Southwest. R. T. Hill. (American Geologist, vii, 366-370. 1891.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Ma(iuoketa Shales in Iowa. J. F. .Tames. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxviil, 250, 251. 1890.) References made to various species. Ophiolite of Thurman Ccmnty, N. Y., with Remarks on Eozoon Canadense. G. P. Merrill. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 189-191. 1889.) Paleontology of Indiana. S. A, Miller. (Geol. Sur. Indiana, 18th Ann. Rep., I'iilcontology, 79pp. 1892.) Advance sheets. PasceolusundCyclocriuus. F. RoMucr. (Neues .Tahrbuch f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., 74,75. 1888.) Radiolaria from Pierre Formation of Northwestern Manitoba. I). Rust. ((iool. iiiid Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Micro-Paleontology, I't. IV, 101-110. 1892.) Structure of Kansas Chalk. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., xii, 100. 1890.) Various species of fossils referred to. Taconic, Lower and Middle, of Europe and North America. .1. Marcou. (Amer- ii^au Geologist, vi, 78-102 and 221-233. 1890.) Inci' 9 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOKTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ln'i.i.. 121. Puerco Epoch, Vertebrate Fauna. E. 1). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, l(il-l63. 1888.) Puget Group of Washington Territory. C.A.White. (Am. .Jour. Sri., (3), xxxiv, 44.3-450. 1888.) Incidental relerenees to fossilH. Puma, Fossil. J. Leidy. (Proc Acad, Nat. Sci., Phila., xi., 9, 10. 1888.) Pumpelly, Raphael. Fossils of Littleton, N. H. (Am. .Jour. Sci, (3), Vol. xxxv, pp.79 80. New Haven, 1888.) Announcement of the di.scovery of Niafima fossils on Parker Mountain. Quaternary. (See Pleistocene.) Quaternary Section Eight Miles Southeast of Des Moines, Iowa. C. R. Keyes and R, E. Call. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. ii, 30. 1892.) Quebec. Balauus Hameri in Pleistocene at Riviere Boaudette, and on the Occurreiue of Peculiar Varieties of Mya arenaria and M. Truncata in the Modern sen ami in the Pleistocene. W. Dawstm. (Canadian Rec Sci., in, 287-292. 18S!).) Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. (Geol. andXat. Snr. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, in, Part Ji, 527 pp. 1889.) Mention madf of different species. Fauna of. Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol. Sur„ Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Fishes of Devonian Rocks of Canada. .T. F. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Sor. Canada, vi, Sec. iv, 77-96. 1888.) Fossils Discovered within City Limits of Quebec. S. W. Ford. (Trans. New York Acad. Sci., iii, 2-5. 1888.) Geology of Portion of Province of Quebec. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist, Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, Part k, 114. 1888.) Mention made of different species. Geology of Quebec and Environs. H. M. Ami. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, ii, 477-502. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Qoniograptus from Levis Formation, Levis, Quebec. II. M. Ami. (Can. Kec, Sci., Ill, 422-428. 1889.) Goniograptus Thureaui, McCoy, from Levis Formation, Canada. H. M. Ami, (Canadian Rec. Sci., iii, 502, 503. 1889.) Linuarssoniacuf. Pretiosa Billings. J. Hall. (Trans. Roy. Soc, Canada, vii,Sec. IV, 55. 1890.) Paleontology of New York. .1. Hall and .1. M. Clarke. (Nat. Hist. New Yoii:. Pal,, VII, 236 pp. 1888.) Quel)ec Group, Geological History. T. S. Hunt. (American Geologist, v, 212- 225. 1890,) Incidental references to fossils, Quebec, Review of Dr. R, W. Ell's Second Report of Geology of Portion of the Province of; with Additional Noies on the Quebec Group. C, D, Walcott, (Am, Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 101-115, 1890,) Incidental references to fossils, Sponges from Little Metis, Province of Quebec, Canada. J, W. Dawson aniKi, J. Hinde. (Can, Rec. Sci., iii, 48-68, 1888.) Sponges from Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis on the Lower St, Lawrence. J, W. Dawson, (Trans, Soy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec, iv, 31-35, 1889.) Sponges, New Species of Fossils from Little. Metis, Province of Quebec, Canada, J, W.Dawson and G.J, Hinde, (Peter Redpath Mas., McGill Univ., W-tK 1888,) Utica Formation at Poiut-a-Pic, Murry River, Fossils. H, M. Ami. (Caiiiidian Rec, Sci., Ill, 101-106, 1888,) Quebec and Environs, Geology. H. M. Ami. (Hul. Geol. Soc. America, ir, 477-502, 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Quebec Group, Geological History. T. S, Hunt, (American Geologist, v, 212-:'25, 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. f ■•■* EETEsl BIHLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 181 C. R. Keyes and Quebec Group, Review of Dr. R. W. Ells' Second Report ou Geology of Portion of the Province of Quebec; with Additiouivl Notes. C. 1». Waleott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 101-115. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Quebec Group, StriitigrapLy. R. W. Ells. (Bnl. Geol. Soc. Aniericia, i, 453-458. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Quebec, Second Report on Geology. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Can- ada, Ann. Rep. 1887, Part K, 114. 1888.) Mention made of different species. Radiolaria, Foraminifora and, from Cretaceous of Manitoba. ,1 . H. Tyrrell. (Trans. Hoy. Soc. Canada, viii, Sec. iv, 111-115. 1890.) Radiolaria from Pierre Formation of Northwestern Manitob.n. D. Rust. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur, Canada, Contributions to Can. Micro-Paleontology, Pt. iv, 101-110. 1892.) Range and Distribution of Lower Silurian Fauna of Minnesota. l'\ W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., iii, 3f)2-.S43. 1891.) Range, Vertical, of Certain Species of Fossils of Hamilton Period in Western Ontario. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, i, 81-8(5. 1888.) Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of N(;w .Jersey, Gasteropods and Cephalopods. II. P. Whitfield. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. xviii, 402 ])j>. 1891.) Rauff, H. Additional Notes of Goniograptus Thurcaui, McCoy, from the Levis Forma- tion of Canada; Can. Rec. Sci., 1889. Review. (Ncues .Jalirbuch, pp. 173, 174. 1892.) Rauff, H. Archieocyathus, IJillings, and on other Genera, allied to or Associated with it from the Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland; by G. .J. Hinde : Quart. .lour. Geol. Soc. London, 1889. Review. (Neues .Jahr- bucb, 197-199. 1891.) Rauff, H, Brachiospongida' : Memoir of Group of Silurian Sponges ; by C. E. Beecher : Mem. Peabody Mus. Yale Univ., Vol. ii, Part i, Review, (\eues .lahrbuch, 371,372. 1892.) Rauff, H. Goniograptus from the licvis Formation, Levis, Quebec; by IF. M. Ami: Can. Rec. Sci,, 1889. Review. (Neues .Jalirbuch, p. 173. 1892.) Rauff, H. History of Known Fossil Sponges in Relation to those of the Present Day; by J. H.Carter: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889. Review. (Neues .lahr- buch, 196. 1891.) Rauff, H. Lower Silurian Graptolites from Northern Maine ; by W. W. Dodge : Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XL, 1890. Review. (Neues Jalirbuch, 439. 440. 1891.) Rauff, H. Silicioua Sponges from Trenton P'ormatKm at Ottawa; by G. J. Hinde: Can. Rec. Sci., III. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 450. 1892.) Rauff, H. Sponges, Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis on the St. Lawrence; by J. W. Dawson: Trans, Roy. Soc. Canada. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, pp. 458-460. 1892. ) Rauff, H. Sponges fromUtica Shale Formation (Ordovician) at Ottawa, Canada; by G.J. Hinde: Geological Magazine, Dec. iii, Vol. viii, 1891. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, p. 465. 1892.) Rauff, H. Ueber Paheospongia Prisca, Bornem, Eophyton, z. Th., Chondrites Anti- guus, Haliserites, z. Th,, und iinhliche Gebildc. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol. u. Pal,, pp, 92-104. 1891.) These bodies are not regarded as organic but thought to originate by mechanical causes. Pahvophycus beverlegensia Bill. is probably identical with Chondrites antiyuus. Reconnaissance in Buchanan County, Iowa. S, Calvin, (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, ii, No. 12, 177-189. 1892, ) Incidental references to fossils. Reconnaissance in Southwestern Kansas. R. Hay. ( Bui. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 57, 49 pp. 1890.) Incidental referenced to fossils. Reconnaissance of Ouachita Mountain System in Indian Territory; bvR. T.Hill. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), XLII, 111-124. 1890.) Numerous ? efereuces to fossils. !«! •It ir. if, r 6 t t" t '■ *t 182 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NOKTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. (UL-LL.12; Red Quartzites of Minnesota, Linjiula and ParadoxideH. N. II. Wincluill. f|j„ Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sc-i., iii, 103-10.5. 1889.) Rejoinder to Mr. C. D. Walcott. C. Komingor. (American Geologist, ii, liriPHSri'i I 1888.) Menti(tn made of different species. Relation of Devonian Faunas of Iowa. II. S. Williams. (American Geologist, m i 230-233. 1889.) ' ' Relations between Geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. L. \V, Hail,.; (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 57-68. 1889.) Incidental refcrcncis i„i fossils. Relations, Lower Cretaceons of Southwest to Underlying and Overlying Formal tions. C. A. White. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 440-445. 1KH!»,) K^f.j erences made to various species. Relations of Carettodiclys, Ramsey. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xx vi. 631-fi,3;i I Philadelphia, 1892.) Relations, Soleniscus, Its Generic Characters. C. R. Keyes. (American Naturalist I XXII, 420-424. 1889.) Remarks on Prof. H. S. Williams' Address on Scope of Paleontology and itn Vuluetol Geologists, before Section E, A. A. A. S., Aug., 1892. J. Marcou. (AmericaDl Geologist, X, 257-2G0. 1892.) Report on Department Invertebrate Fossils Meso-Cenozoic in the IT. S. National} Museum, 1885. C. A. White. (Report Smithsonian Inst., 1885 (188(5), PartiiJ p. 133. Washington, 1888.) Reporton Department Invertebrate Fossils (Paleozoic) in the U. S. National MnseiiiuJ 1885. C. D. Walcott. (Rep. Smithsonian Inst., 1885 (1886). Part ii, pp. 1L'9-I,ii| Washington, 1888.) Reptiles, Dinosaurian, Description. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxix.^fl-xjl 1890.) Reptilia, Homologies of Cranial Arches. E. D. Cope. (American Naturixlist, xxvi.j 407-408. 1892.) Reptilia, Homologies of Posterior Cranial Arches. E. D. Cope. (Trans. Am. I'hiliis, Soc., XVII, 942-944. 1892.) Restoration of Brontops Robustus from Miocene of America. O. C. Marsli. (Anil Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 16.3-165. 1389.) Restoration of Mastodon Americanus, Cuvier. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3i,| XLiv, 350. 1892.) Restoration of Triceratops. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xli, 339-342. ISfll, Restoration of Stegosaurns. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xlii, 179-181, 1891.) Restorations of Claosaurus and Ceratosanrus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (Hi, XLIV, 343-349. 1882) Revie^v of Dr. R. W. Ell's Second Report on Geology of Portion of the Prnvime| of Quebec; with Additional Notes on the Quebec Group. C. D. AValcutt, (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 101-115. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils, Revie'wr of Progress of American Invertebrate l^aleontology for 1888. C. R. Keyes (American Naturalist, xxiv, 131-138. 1890.) Revision and Monograph of Genus Chonophyllum. W. H. Sherzer. (Bui. (iiol.l Soc, America, III, 253-282. 1892.) Revision of Family Calceocrinidte with Descriptions of Some New Species. E. >. S. Ringueberg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci., iv, 20 pp. 1889.) Revision of Generic and Groat Groups of the Echinodermata. M. P. Diiucan. (Jour. LinuEean Soc, xxiii, 1-311. 1890.) Revision of Species Monticulip.foid Corals of Cincinnati Group. J. F. .James. ] (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxvi, 223. 1888.) Revision of Species of Coryphodon. C. Earle. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist,, iv, 149-166. 1892.) «YE8] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOUTrt AMKUICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 183 Liii. Joiir. Sci., (3|, Ringxieberg, Eugene N. S. CiiKieoci midin: ARtsvisioii oCtho Kamily, with Desorip- tioiiB of Soiuo Now Spt'cies. (Ann. Now York Acad, Sci., Vol. iv, pp. 3HH-108, 2 plates. New York. 1889.) The tbllowini^ jjcncra and spciui-s described: Castocriniia gon.nov. CastocrinnH fnrcillatus W. K. BillingH. Castocrinus rugosiis W.K. Hill- ings. Custocrinns hillingsiauns, sp. nov. Castocrinus articulosus E. Bill- ings. Castocrinus inaMiuiilis K. Billings. Proclivocrinus gen. nov. Proclivocrinus radiculus Kiiigm^horg. Proclivocrinus chrysalis Hall. Calceocriuus Hall, (lalceocrinus typus sp. nov. Calceocriuus halli sp. nov. Calceocriuus bidcntutus sp. nov. Calcoocrinus contractus sp. nov. Ringueberg, Eugene N. S. Crinoidea of Lower Limestone at Locicport, N. V., with Descriptions of New Species. (Ann. Now York Acad. Sci., Vol. v, p. 301. New York, 1890.) Reviewed in Auicricau Geologist, vi, 2r)0, 1S90. Ringueberg, Eugene N. S. Niagara Shales of Western New York; A Study of the Origin of Their Subdivisions and Their J-'auna". (American Geologist, Vol. I, pp. 264-272, Minneapolis, 1888.) Numerous references to fossils. Re- viewed in Am. Naturalist, x.\ii, 637, 1888, Ringueberg, Eugene N. S. Now Species of Fossils from the Niagara Shales of Western New York. (Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol, xi., pp. 131-U7, t idate. Philadelphia, 1888.) The following now species are described and fign.'n I'.ihpooIuh iiiul Cydocrinns. (Nines Juhr Ijuch f. Min., fjo"!. "• I'll-, pp. 71-7"). 18S8. ) Hnviiig rocolv«Ml spocinicurt „t i PuHceoluH hUlintjm from tho Lowor Silurian of Clinton, Iowa, conchidi^ tliit geuerically i'ascooluM and Cyclocriniis ani Bynonyniuus, Cyclnciiniis isa,. | ccpted since it M the oldest name. Rcemeria, Edwards and llainie and the (Jenns Caliapora. Schlilter, Relatiims Ititwcen i the Genera .Syringolites. H. A. NicliolKon. (Geological Maga/ine, Jtcc, iij VI, 433-138. isS'J.) Rolfe, Charles W. Charaeters and DiHtriliution of the Genera of Bracliiojuid;, (American Naturalist, Vol. xxni, i)p. 983-91(8. Philadelphia, 1889. ) A rliissiij. ower Silurian Fauna of Minne- sota, with Descrii)tions of New Species. (Hul. >Iinne.sota Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. Ill, pp. 326-343, 2 plates. Minneapolis, 1891.) A tabulated list of the forms ami their range is given ; with descrii)tions and iigurcs of the following, as new : Cam.arella bernensis. Caniarella owatonnensis. Crania halli. Discina concordensis. Leptfona minnesotensis. Eeptipna paraicosis. Leptaina recedens. Leptiena saxea. Orthis corpulenta. Orthis macrior. Orthis rugata. Orthis tersus. Orthis minnesotensis. Orthis petrea. Prodnctella minneapolis. Rhynchonella minnesotensis. Rhynchonella sancta. Skenidium .anthonensis. Strophomena halli. Strophoniena inquassa. Streptorhynchus subsulcatnai. Zygo8i»ira aquila. Carinaropsis deleta. Cariuaropsis (or Be,llero]dion) phalera. I ' ' I 'i ■ij. 186 niBLIOGUAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 'it.-u.i:i. ■ ill A Sordesoii, P. 'W.— Continuod. Concho])eltiN (or Mi^toiitoiiiii) olitiiHa. FuHisi»ira ( f ) spiciiliv. Ilolopea (?) pcrniidosii. Mt-t()]itniii]i <>\|>luiiiitii. Ploiirutoiiiaria clivosa. Tryblidiiim oxertiiiii. Tryblidiiim validiiiii. Cypricarditca liiciil«'ntns. CypricarditeH iiiinucHotcimiM. CypricarditeH triangularis. Cyi)ricardite8 viciniiH. Tillinomya camleiiH. Ttdliuomya (or Nucula) lopidu. Reviewod in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xuii, 539, 1892. Sardeson, P. W., ('. AV. Hall and. Palozoio Formations of SoutlioaHtern Minnesnta (Mul. Gool. So(^ America, Vol. iii, j»p. 331-368, 2 plates. Rochester, 181)2.) Saskatchewan. Silurian Rocks of Southeastern Portion of District of Saskatchewan, New SpocJM of Fossils. .1. F. Whitoaves, (Canadian Rec. St-i., iv, 293-303. ISitl.) Saskatchewan, Silurian Rooks of the Southeastern Portion of the District, j. p Whiteavos. (Canadian Rec. Sci., V, 293-303. 1891.) Saurian from the Benton of Kansas. F. W. Cragin. (American (Jculogist, ii loj. 407. 1888.) Saurian of Larami(i Formation, Horned. G. Baur. (Science, xvir, 216-217. isfli , Sauropoda and Other New Dinosaurs from Potomac Formation. O. C. Marsh I (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 89-94. 1888.) Scaumenao Bay and Campbelltown, Canada, Devonian Fi.slics. R. H. Tr;ii|n;iir, (Geological Magazine, Dec. iii, vii, 15-22. IH'IO.) Sceptropora, Genus of Bryozoa, with remarks on Hclopora (Hall) and Other (jeiicra 1 of that Type. E. O, Ulrich. (American Geologist, i, 228-234. 1888.) Schleroderms, Jixtinct. T. Gill. (American Naturalist, xxii, 828-830. ISKSi ! Diagnostic characters of the several families. Schuchert, Charles. Fossils occurring in the Oriskany Sandstone of Maryland, 1 New York, and Ontario. (Eighth Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, tor 1889, pp. 50-ij6. Albitiiy, 1889.) A tabulated list of fo.ssils with notes on thiir I occurrenced. Schuchert, Charles. Syringoihyris, Winchell, and its American Species. (Ninth j Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York, for 1889, pp. 28-38. Albany, 18!)0.) The | i^'enus is defined and the following species described and referred to it: Syringothyris carter! H.all. Syringothyris texta Hall. Syringothyris angulata Simpson. Syringothyris randalli Simpson. Syringothyris extenuata Hall. Syringothyris gigas Troost. Scolithus Flattened by Pressure, Casts. 35-38. 1890.) Scolithus, Genus. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 240-242. 1892.) Scolithus, Studies in Problematic Organisms. J. F. James. (Bnl. Geol. Soc, America, iii, 32-44. 1892.) Scope of Paleontology and its Value to Geologists. H. S. Williams. (Aiiicrican Geologist, X, 148-169. 1892.) Scott, W. B. Evolution of Pre-Molar Teeth in Mammals. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XLiv, pp. 405-444. Philadelphia, 1892.) Scott, "W. IB. Osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomerys, with Observations on j Modes and Factors of Evolution in the Mammalia. (.Journal Morphology, Vol. V, pp. 301-306. Boston, 1891.) Reviewed in Am. Geologist, ix, 4O2-40i 1892. Scott, W. B. Osteology of Poebrotherinm; A contribution to the Phylogonyof| the Tylopoda. ( Journal Morphology, Vol. v, 1-78. Boston, 1891.) Rcvitwwl in Am. Geologist, in, 327-328, 1889; also Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 284, 1892. Syringothyris herricki sp. nov. Syringothyris plena Hall. A. Wanner. (American Geologist, v, j 3L0GY. nLuiaJgnrl IJIHUOURAPHY OK NORTH AMERICAN PALKONTOLOGY. 187 Scott, W. B. I'riuceton SciiMitilic i:xinMliti'.on. I'entacodon. rrotochriacns. I'rotozonodon. T»rtraolaMiodoii. wliiih havo Ihh'U reft!rres in each of the families and cmii' pares them with those now living in Anu>rira and from the F.nroix'au Tcrlin- ries. The Fauna of the Western Tertiary are showti to bear delinite rclalioinj to tlittt now existing in the region, but to have distinct typical allinitics, Tlu>| total number of species is 2G6. Soudder, Samuel H. Pro-Tertiary Insects of North Auuuica, including ('riiio,il| Rennirks and Descriptions of Some Knroiiean Forms. (One volume, I , K I pp., 35 plates. New York, 1890.) This forms Vol. i, of the Fossil liiscitiil of North America, and includes all the author's papers on the older t\)m\ | insects, )>ublishcd in quarto between 1800 and 185K), together with a limil chapter, i»p. 449-457, not elsewhere publi.slioil. This chapter is entitled: llili- liographical Note on American Literature Treating or<)Ider Fossil Insects. Soudder, SamuelH. Prothoracic Wings. (Psyche, Vol. vi, i)p. 31, 32, Caniliiidj;!', 1891.) Notice of Brongniart'a ]»aper describing Carboniferous insects witli| wing-like prothoracic apjiendages. Scudder, Samuel H. Remains of Coleo])tera in the Interglacial Clays of Scnrlmrn, Ontario. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. xxiv, pp. 467,4(>8. Boston, ISlHli Elytra of 32 8i>ecios have been discovered, mostly Carabida^ and Stajdiyliiiiib'. All are extinct, but resenible insects of the same regi(m. Soudder, Samuel H. Tertiary Insects of North America. (IT. S'. (Jeol. and Ooot Snr. Terr., Vol. xiii, 734 pp., 28 plates. Washington, 1890.) Treiitn mi| full of the Myriopoda, Arachnida, and lower orders of tlie Hexopoda from ; American Tertiary deposits, while in th<( Coleoptera, Diptort*, and Hynu'inipl '«t!i -^: rrOLOOY. |H,u.,;,»,vB'l lUIUJOGKAPIIV OV NORTH AMKRICAN PALEONTOLOQY. 189 lll>n.lK«<, 1S!I|.) l;ji^|| 'liito Rivor, (•„!, .^ Notes on Soum" i;,ir„ I pctioii of fli,> iiiitli.irJ IICH Jiiiv.- in.lri, i,,J H!»l; Am. .I,,,,,.. s,.i Hio World, itir||i,ij„J I, 741 1>1., \\;|slii„J s. Kovi((\v(Ml iii^^iii' 1», tHitl. lit RicluiuiiKl, Oliio I ts('rilM'(i. Thisl lil IiiNocts of Nimlij tl.'; also ill Aiii.,loiir,! Ifomipforii. (rrnoj 1X90.) Tliifl |.;i|.,.r| lo fiuiiilioH !i 11(1(11111. o Eiirojicaii Tcrlia- r (lotinito r(>liitiiiii«| (■ill JilliniticM. Till' I iuclmliiifr Criiicnl >n« vrii (lul.v the spoeies t'onnd elsewhere than at FlorisHant are dnsoribed. It iiirlinh'N besides the Myriopoda, 'M ot Araehnida, (50 ol'Noiiroptorn, 30 of Orthop- tor!i,l.'(U)of Iloniiptera. 112 tif Coleopteia, 71> of Diptera, 1 of LeiU(h)ptera, and 2.Tof Hymenoptera; in all, 612 sju'eies aro displayed in a tabnlar view at the end. A few notes are jjfiven on allied Kiiroi>eau species with special additional jiii^'cs. This work forms the second volume of the nnthor's Fossil Insects of North America. Reviewed in Am. .lour. Sci., (3), xli.T)!?, ISltl ; also in Nones .lnhrbnch, 582-.W1, 1892. Jeudder, Samuel H. Tertiary Rh vncliophora of North America. (Proc. Hosttm Soc. ^at. Hist., Vol. xxv, pp. ;?70-:iS(5. Boston 1802.) This sets forth the jjcneral resnlts reached by a study of l\)',\ species found in onr western Tertia- rics, representing 0."> jmenora, ;(() triltcs or subfamilies, and t> of the 10 known fiiniilies; more than one-half are Cnrcnlioniihe and nearly one-fourth Otio- rliynchitida". The KMiynchitidje are relatively live timcB as numerous as at present and inclndo an extinct subfamily which has 2 tribes, 7 genera, and 13 8i>ecies. Under thetitleof the l.acnstine fauna the Florissant species are dis- tin;;iiished from the (losinto fauna and of all other localities which have many species in common which the I.acnstine fauna is totally distinct. cudder, Samuel H. Work of a Decadti upon Fossil Insects, 1880-1880. (Psyche, Vol. v, pp. 287-205. Cambridge, 1800.) .V review of t\w advance which has been made during the previous ten years, directing attention t«) the more iin]u>rtant or interesting papers. ISea-Lizards, Mosassatiridic, Characters and Systematic Position. Q. Baur. (Sci«*nce, XVI, 262. 1800.) iection, Geological, at Todd's Fork, Ohio. A. F. Foerstc. (American (ieologist, II, n2-ll0. 1888.) Oeenrrenco of characteristic fossils noted. Jections of Fossils. A. F. Foerste. (Science, xi, 22. 1888.) ISections of Fossils. ,J. F. .Fames. (Seiene(<, xi, r>0. 1888.) Isedalia Trilobitos. A. W. Vogdes. (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., v, 615-618. 1802.) Sedentary iiaiiits of Platyceras. C. R. Keyes. (Am. .lour. Sei.. (3), xxxvi, L'fi!t-272. 1888. [Sedentary Habits of Platyceras. ('. K. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i, Pt. ii, 21. 1802.) iedgwick and Mnrchisiou: Cambrian and Silurian. .1. ]>. Dana. ^Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XXXIX, 1(57-180. 1800.) Incidental references to fossils. [Beeley, H. G. Pelvis of Ornitho|)sis. ((^uart. .lour. (Jecd. Soc, London, Vol. xi.v, 11.301. London, 1880.) American forins mentioned. [Seely, H. M., F/.ra Brainard and. Caleiicrons Formations in the ('hamplain Valley. (Bnl. Am. Mns. Nat. Hist.. Vol. in, pp. 1-35. New York, 18)K).) List of characttuistic fossils is given. [Seely, H. M., F. Brainard ami. Calciferons Fdnnalion in Champlain Valley. (Mill. (Jeol. Soc. America, i, .■)01-516. 18!t0.) Many references to fossils. [Seely, H. M., Ezra Brainard and. Original Chazy K'ocks. (.\mericau (Jeologist, II, 323-330. 1888.) [Selwyn, Alfred R. C. Facts Relating to Ko/.oon Canadiuise. (Science, Vol. xi, p. Ml). New York. 1888.) Notes sni>]dementa! to Sir Win. Dawson's pajier of tlii> same title in the (iiMilogical Magazine. [Selwyn, Alfred R. C. Now Facts relating to Fozoon Canadeiise. (Science, Vol. XI. ]>. IIG. New York, 1888.) Comments on an article of the same title by .1. \V. Dawson. [Selwyn, Alfred R. C. Tracks of Organic Origin in Kocksof the Aniinikie (Jronp. (Am. .lour. Sci.. (3), Vol. \xxix. pji. 115-117. New llav88. Description of new species. Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Anini.tls iu Paleozoic Rocks, and orlK.i Markings. J. W. Dawson, (t^uart. .Jour. Gool. Soo., London, XLvii, r)!l,j-()i((. 1890.) CalceocrinidiK ; Revision of Family with Descriptions of Some New Spotics. j;, N. S. Ringueberg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci., iv, pp. 388-408.' 1889.) Calciferous Formation iu Champlaiu Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Sccly. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-1516. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils, Calciferous Formation in Champlaiu Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ill, 1-23. 1890.) Various species mentioned. Cameratd Crinoids from Niagara Groiip, Two New Genera and Eight Now Spe- cies. C. Waohsmuth and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, i;i5-4y, 1892.) Canada, Micro-Paleontology of Cambro-Silurian Rocks. A. H. Foord. (Gool. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Coutrib. to Micro-Pal., 26 pp. 1883.) Canada, Micro-Paleontology of the Cambro-Silurian Rocks. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paleontology, Part ii, 27-57. 1889,) Canadian Micro-Paleontology. T. Rupert .Jones. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur, Canada, Micro-Paleontology, Part iii, 59-100. 1891.) Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopods in British Museum, Part i, Nautiloidea. A. H. Foord. (One volume, pp. i-xxxi and 1-344, London. 1888.) Cephalopods from Northern Indiana, Niagara. F. H. Newell. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiii, 466-486. 1888.) Chazy Formation at Aylmer P. O. H. M. Ami and T. E. W. Sowter. (Ottawa Naturalist, ii. No. 1, 11-15. 1888.) Check List of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. B. Bierbaur. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in, No. 2, 206-247. 1888.) Cincinnati Group of Fossils, Nomenclature. E.G. Ulrich. ( Geologist, 1, 333-335. 1888.) Cincinpuii Group, Manual of the Paleontology. .J. F. .Tames. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., pt. i, xiv, 45-72; pt. ii, 140-163; pt. iii, xv, 88-100; pt. iv, 144-159. 1891-1892.) Clinton Group of Ohio, Part iv, Chemical and Stratigraphical Geology and Geo- graphical Paleontology. A. F. Foerste. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iii, pt.i, 3-12. 1888.) Correlation of Lower Silurian Horizons of Tennessee and the Ohio and Missis- sippi Valleys with those of New York and Cauada. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, I, 100-110, 179-190, and 305-315. 1888.) Various species of fossils referred to. Correlation of Lower Silurian Horizons of Tennessee* and of Ohio and Missis- sippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, II, 39-44. 1888.) Crinoid, Heterocriiius Subcrassus. D. T. D. Dyche. Crinoidea from Niagara Limestone at St. Paul, C. S. Beachler. (American Geologist, iv, 102-103. Crinoidea of Lower Limestone at Lockport, N. Y., Species. E. N. S. Ringueberg. (Ann. New York Acad. Sci., v, 301. 1890.) Crinoids from Niagara Group, Genus. S. A. Miller. (American Geologist, i, 263- 264. 1888.) Crinoids, Termination of Coliuuus. D. T. D. Dyche. (American Geologist, x, 130. 18^2.) (Science, xx, 66. 1892. Decatur County, Indiana. 1889.) with Descriptions of Xew .OGY. [m-i.i..i2i, LrEs) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 193 erican Geologist, I Silurian— Coutiuui'd. Criuoids, Two N«\v Genera and Ei^ht Species from Niagara Group. ('. WachB- iimtli and F. Springer. (American Geologist, x, i;i5-144. 1«!)2.) Crustacea, Bibliography of Palezoic from 1B88-I88y. A. W. Vogdcs. ( Mul. J. s. (Jcol. Sur., No. 68, 177 pp. 1890.) Crustacea from Lower Silurian of Tennessee, New Species with Remarks ou Others not well Known. J. M. Satl'ord and A. W. Vogdes. (I'vov. Acad. Nat. Sci.,Philadelphia,XLi, 166-168. 1889.) Cryptozoon Minnesotcnsis in Shakopeo Limestone at Northfield, Minnesota. L. W.Chaney, jr. (Bui. Minnesota .^cad. Nat. Sci.. in, 280-281. 1891.; Cystidians of Jefterson Count.y, Indiana. G. C. Hubbard. ( I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1, 67. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Development of Some Silurian Brachiopoda. C". K. Beechei .uid .J. M. Clarke. (Mem. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist., i, 1-95. 1889. ) Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Nortliern New Brunswick and Adjacent Areas in Quebec and Maine. L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. ((Jeol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, m. Part m, 527 pji. 1887.) ilention made of different species. Fauna of Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, with Descriptions of New Species. K. P. Whitfield, (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., m, 26-39. 1890. ) Favositidie, Symmetrical Cell Develoitment. C. E. Beecher. (Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sciences, vill, pt. ii, 215-219, 2 plates. 1892.) Fish Remains in Lower Silurian Rocks. (American Geologist, vii, 208. 1891.) Fish Remains in Lower Silurian Rocks. (Science, xvii, 107. 18111.) Fish Remains, Oldest Known. (American Geologist, vii, .329-300. 1891.) Fishresten in Untersilur, Anfflndnng. C. D. Walcott. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol.u.Pal.,284. 189L) Fishes, Paleozoic, of North America. .1. S. Newberry. (IJ. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Formations of Lower Silurian of Wisconsin and Minnesota (Jompared. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat, Sci., in, 319-326. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Fossils, Species and New Structural Parts. S, A.Miller and Charles Faber. (.lour, Cincinnati Soc. Nat, Hist,, xv. 1892.) Fossils Discovered within City liiinits of (Quebec. S. W. Forqualatn. Lyriopecten leioptoroides. Leptodesma parallelum. Ptychopteria obsoleta. Modiomorpha rigidula. Modiol()])si8 subrhoniboidca. Goniophora curvata. Niu'ula Bubtrigona. Nucula sinuosa. Tellinomya cunoata. Telliuonomya diminuens. Platyccras breve. Platyceras dorsale. Platyceras in.pqnalo. Platyceras striatiun. Platyccras niitelliforme. Platyceras variaus. Acervnlaria «omnmnis. Cladopora rectilineata. Homalonotus trcntonensis. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, vi, 122-123, 1890; alsoinNeues Jahrbucb, 561, 189^ Sirenia, Extinct. E.D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 697-702. 1890.) (Jen. eral account of the order. Sirenian, Fossil, from California. O. (J.Marsli. (Aiu.,Tonr. Sci., (3), xxxv, 94-96. 1888.) Skull and Hind Extremity of Pteranodon. S. W. Williston. (Anuiricau Naturalist, XXV, 1124-1126. 1891.) Skunnemunk Mountain, Osage County, New York, Geology. C. S. Prosser. (Trans- New York Acad. Sci., xi, 132-149. 1892.) Fossils mentioned. Snow, P. H. Logan County Nickel Mines. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci.. vol. xi, pp. 39-42. Topeka, 1889.) Incidental references to the occurrence of certain Cretaceous fossils. South Carolina. Mastodon and Capybara of South Carolina. .T.Leidy. (Proc. Acid. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLii, 184-185. 1890.) Tertiary Deposits of Cape Fear River Region. W. IJ. Clark. (Bui. (iecd. Soc. America, I, 537-540. 1890.) Tertiary Fauna of Florida. W. H. Dall. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., Ill, 1-178. 1890.) South Dakota. liaculites Compressus, Say, Young. A. P. lirown. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. , XLiii, 159-160. 1891 . ) BacnlitesCompressus, Say, Young. A. P. Brown. (The Nautilus, v, 19-21. 1891.) Cretaceous Mammalia. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), xxxvni, 80-81, 1889.) Fishes, New Horizons of Fossil. E. I). Cope. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xl, 285. 1892.) Abstract. Fishes from South Dakota. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxv, 654-658. 1891.) Horned Artiodactylo from Miocene. O. C. Marsli. (Am. Jour. Sci,, (3), xi.l, 81-82. 1891.) h; ■: i K t. 111! 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. (IITJLU121. K. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci,, xi,, 285 (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XMI, 265-2fi9. 1891.) Cope. (Aiiiflrican NatiiraliHt, xxv, (uMi,-,)) Etouth Dakota— Continued. New Horizon of FoHsiln I'MhIioh. 1892.) Vertebrate ToHHilH. <). C. MarHli. South Dakota, New FiHhoH. E. I). 1891.) BouthvtreBt, Geology. R. T. Hill. (Amorinan Ooolojjiist, vii, SJMt-nTO. isni^ Occurrence of characteriHtic fosRils noted. SouthixreBt, Lower Cretaceous and its Relations to Undorlyinj; imd Ovfrlyinij Formations. C. A. White. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 410-145. I'm.) Koferonces made to various species. SovTter, T. E. W., H. M. Ami and. Chazy Formations at Aylnier P. O. (Ottawa Natnnilist, Vol. ii, pp. 11-15. Ottawa, 1888.) Spatangolden Gattun<» aiis der Kreido von Texas, Mac.astor. ¥. Roemer. (Ncneg Jahrbuch f. Min., Geol. n. Pal., 191-195. 1888.) Species of Fossil Ceplialopods, Notes on Some. R. Hay. (Trans. Acad. Sci., XIII, 37-47. 1893.) Species of Fossils from Silurian Rocks of Southeastern Portion of District of Saskatchewan. J. F. Whiteaves. (Canadian Rec. Sci., iv, 293-303. 1H91.) Species, Nature of Organic. J. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., n, 5i_-,3 1890.) Specimen of Bison Latiformis from Florida. F.A.Lucas. (Proc. Biol. Soc Wash. Mch., 1891.) Sphserodoma ; Genus of Fossil Gasteropoda. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. 8ci,, Phila., 303-309. 1889.) Spicules Described by Billings in Connection with Structure of Archieocyatlins Minganensis. G. J. Hinde. (Geological Magazine, (3), v. No. 2, 226-:'2!<. 1889.) Spider, Fossil, Arthrolycosa Antiqua, Harger. C. E. Beecher. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3)| XXXVIII, 219-223. 1889.) Spirifera and its Interrelations with Genera Spiriferina, Syringothyris, Cyrtia, and Crytina. J.Hall. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 567,568. 1890.) Synopsis. Spirifera from Devonian Strata of TLOQY. [nnium. ■ketm] BinUOGRAPHV OK NOKTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 199 Adv. Sci., xi,,285. , aOCWTO. ISfli.) Sponges— Continued. Devonian Rockt* of Mackenzie River Wm'm. J. V. WJiitoaves. ((it-ol. and Nat. Hist. Snr. Canada, ContribiitiouH to Ciiuudiaii Paloontdloyy, Part iii, l!»9-2r):}. 18!)!.) Explorations and Survpys in Portinnn of Northern New MrnnHwick and Adjacent Areas in CJnobec and Maine. L. W. Hailey and W. Mclnius. (Gool. and Nat. Hint. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1887, iii, I'art m, 527 pp. 1889.) Mention made of the diiroront foMsils. Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie PaninH, N. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (Geo!, and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-188!», iv, I'art u, IdU pp. 1891.) Mention niade ofdifioreut speeies. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or OlenellnH Zone. ('. ]). Walcott. (U. .•>*. (teol. Snr., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-H.")8. 1890.) Hamilton Formation of Ontario, with list of Speeies at Present Known from that i'ormation and Province. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hisl. Snr. Can- ada, Contributions to (!anadian Paleontohigy, i, 9.')-125. 1889.) History of Known Sponges in Relation to those of I'resent. H. J. Carter. (Ann. and Magazine Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, iv, 280-290. 1889. ) Laiirentiau Rocks at St. .John, N. B., Occurrence of Sponges, (t. F. Matthew. (Bui. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, No. 9, 42-45. 1890.) Metis Sponges, Province Quebec, Canada. J. W. Dawson andG..I. Hinde. (Cana- dian Rec. Sci., in, 49-68. 1888.) Bpongos, New Silurian. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, in, 233-248. 1889.) Pala'ospongia Prisca, Bornem, Eophyton, z.Th., Chnmdrites Antiguns, Haliser- ites z. Th., und anhliche Gebilde. H. Rauil'. (Neues Jahrbuch f. Mia., Geol. u. Pal., pp. 92-104. 1892.) Paleozoic, American Sponges. E. O. Ulrich. ((ieol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 20!)-241. 1890.) Description of new species. Quebec Group of Sir William Logan, Sponges at liittle Metis. J. W. Dawson. (Canadian Rec. Sci., in, 429-430. 1892. ) Silurian Sponges. E. O. Ulrich and O. Everett. ^(leol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 2.53-282. 1890). Description of new species. Species of Fossil Sponges from Little Metis, Province of Quebec, Canada. J. AV. Dawson and G. J. Hinde. (Peter Redpath Mus., McGill Univ., 49-68. 1888.) Spicules Described by Billings in Connection with Structure of Archa-ocyathus. Miugauensis. G. J. Hinde. (Geological Magazine, (3), v. No. 2, 226-228. 1888. ) Sponges from Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis, on the Lower St. Lawrence. J. W. Dawson. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii. Sec. iv, 31-55. 1889.) Sponges of Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, VIII, 243-251. 1890.) Description of new species. Trenton Formation of Ottawa, Silicious Sponges. G. J. Hinde. ((^'anadian Rec. Sci., Ill, 395-398. 1889.) Sponges, American Paleozoic. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, viii, 209-241. 1890.) Description of new species. Sponges in Relation to those of the Present, History of Known Fossil. H. J. Car- ter. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, iv, 280-290. 1889.) Incidental ref- erences. Sponges from Siluro-Cambrian at Little Metis, on St. Lawrence. J. W. Dawson. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, 31-35. 1889.) Includes notes on the specimens by G. .1. Hinde. Sponges of Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. Sur. Illi- nois, a'^iii, 243-251. 1890.) Description of new species. Sponges, Preliminary Description of New Lower Silurian. E. O. Ulrich. (Amer- ican Geologist, III, 233-248. 1889. ) •i mm It'] ')ii ! . ' It- ■I 1 1 ' ' !: '<■' 1 1 lit; »¥)■'■ 200 BIHLIOORAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. |nri.i„iji. re Springer, Frank, CharloH WacliHiuiith anil. DeHcription of Two New Genera and Kiglit BpuoieH of Cuuieriite Criuoidu from the Niagara Group. (Anicriian Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 135-UM. MiiiueapoliH, 1892.) St!« C. AVachsiiiiitli ami Frank Springer. Springer, Frank, ClmrleH Wachsnmth and. Now Genus from the Niagara (JnmiKjf Wnsteru TenucHseo. (Geol. Sur. IllinoiH, Vol. vill, pp. 2()B-2()8. Spiiiigiieid 1890.) Hee Charles Wachsniiitii and Frank iSpringer, 1890. Springer, Frank, Cliarlos Wacjiisnintii and. Now Spuciop «)f Crinoids and Hlastnid^ from the Kindorliook Group of the Lower Carboniferous Rocks at Lt- (Jrande Iowa. (Go(d. Siir. IllinoiH, Vol. viii, pp. 155-205. tSprlnglield, l«iHi.) C'harlcH Wachsmnth and Frank Springer, 1H90. Springer, Frank, Charles Wachsmnth and. I'criHomic Plati-s of the Crinoids. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. XUI, pj). 345-H92. Phila., 1890.) See c\ Wachsmnth and F. SjnMnger, 1890. Stages of (jrowth and Decline, Classitication, Development of Hrachiopoil.i, I'art II. C. K. Beerlier. (Am. Jonr. Hci., (3), xuv, 13H, 134. 1892.) Staked Plains of Texas, Ago. K. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxvi, p. 49. 18i)2,) Stanley-Brow^n, .Fosopii. Bcrnardinite: Is it a Mineral oris it a FuugUH^ (Am, Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. Xl.i, pp. 4(>-50. Now Haven, 1891.) Discussion of Bet- nardinite and its probublo reference to J'ohiporous officinalis, Stanton, T. W. Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata near Wilmington, N. C. (Ameri- can Geologist, Vol. vii, pp. 333, 334. Minneapolis, 1891.) Notes on llie occur- renco of Cretaceous and Tertiary forms, with a list of the Cretaceous sjiecb found. Stanton, T. W. Stratigrai)hic Position of Boar River Formation. (Aiii. ,Ionr, Sci., (3), Vol. xi.lii, pp. 98-115. Now Haven, 1892.) Incidental refereneesto various forms. Staten Island, Natural Science Association. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii,|ip, 10.32-1037. 1889.) In the account of the proceedings of thesocietytlie anuouuce- ment is nuidc! of the discovery of Cretacoons and Triassic fossils ou Staten Island. Staten Island, Paleontology of Cretaceous Formation. A.HoUick. (Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., \i, 96-103. 1892.) Staub, M. Interrelation of Contemporanoons Fossil Faunas and Floras; by C.A. White : Am. Jour. Sci., 1887. Review. (Neues Jahrbuch, 135. 1892.) Stegosaurus, Restoration. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLii, 179-181. 1891,) Steinmann, G. Bibliography of i'ormiuifera. Recent an!ila<'hian Basin. (American (, Vol. ix, iiji. »(-;{;(. Mjmumpo- lis. 1892.) Incidental reft rencoH to fossils. Stevenson, John J. Chtunnng and Catskill (Upper Devonian) on Eastern Side of the Appalachian Basin. (I'roc Am. As. Atlv. Sci., Vol. xi., jip. LM!»-2I7. Salem, 18!»2.) Vice-Presidential Address before Section E, beiny a discussion of the Upper Devonian, with incidental references to fossils. Storms on Adhesive Disk of Echonois. E. D. Coi>e. (American Naturalist, xxiii 254,255. 1889.) StraparoUuB from Southeastern Iowa, Certain Forms. C. U. Keyes. (American Geologist, V, 193-197. 1890.) S'.ratigraphio Position of Bear IMvor Formation. T. W. Stanton. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 98-116. 1892.) Stratigraphlc Position of Olenellus Fauna in North America and Europe. (*. D. Waloott. (Am. .lonr. Sci., (3), xxxvii, :t71-:iS»2. 1889.) Stratigraphlc " Princiides" of the Adversaries of tli»^ Taconic. J. Marcou. (Amer- ican CJe(do-,M8t, II, 10-23 and 67-88. 1888. ) Stratigraphical Succession of Cambrian Faunas of North Ara»4ica. C. 1). Walcott. (Nature, xxxviii, 5.31. 1888.) Stratigraphy of Carboniferous in Central Iowa. ('. II. Keyes. (IJuI. (Jool. Soc America, ii, 277-292. 1891. ) Incidental references to fossils. Stratigraphy of Portion of Central Appal.'ichian Vir-^inia. N. H. I»arton. (Ameri- can Geologist, X, 10-18. 1892.) In<;idental references to fossils. Stratigraphy of Quebec Group, R. W. Ells. (Mul. (ieol. Soc. America, i, 453-4,58. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Strophostylus, Evolution. C.R. Keyes. (Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., i. Pt. ii. 25. 1892.) Strophoatylus, Naticoid Genus. C. It. Keyes. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 1111- 1117. 1890.) Structure and Development of Visual Area in Trilobito, Phacops Uana, Green. .1. M. Clarke. (Journal Morphology, ii, 2.53-270. 1888.) Structure, Classification, and Arrangement of American Paleozoic Crinoids into Families. S. A. Miller. (American Geologist, vi, 275-28(5 and 340-3.")7. 1890.) Structure, Classification, and Arrangement of American Paleozoic Crinoids into Families. S. A. Miller. (Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist for 1889, 302-326. 1889.) Structure of Kansas Chalk. S. W. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acid. Sci., xii, 100. 1890.) Various species of fossils referred to. Structure of Pleisiosaurian Skull. S. W. Williston. (Science, xvi, 262. 1890.) Structured PleisiosaurianSkulL S. W. Willistcm. (Seicnoe. xvi,290. 1890.) Structure of Taxocrinns and Haplocrinus and Conseciueut Modifications in Classi- fication of Crinoids. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, xl, 337-363. 1880.) Structure, Study in Foot. A. Cary. (.Journal Morphology, vii, 305-316. 1892.) Subcarboniferous Rocks of Indiana, Missouri, and Iowa, Ecliinodermata. S. A. Miller and W. F. E. Gurley. (Indiana Dept. Gcol. and Nat. Hist., Sixteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist for 1888. .327-373. 1889. ) k. (Trans. N.Y. Am. Jour. Sci., I'll'- r 'N!' m h'' '. H'tt:;; '■ rH' 9 ■:'i' i I > ■it 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [nn. U 121. f^. A. Subcarboniferous Kocks of Indiana, MiHsonri, and Iowa, P^chinodermat.i. Miller and W. F. E. Gurloy. (.lour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., xiii, April, 1890, Completed by tho authors, 60 pp. 1890. ) Subcarboniferous Series at Sedalia, Mo. F. A. Sampson. (Trans. Now York Aciu Sci., VII, 246, 247. 1888.) Subgenerlc Groups of Naticopsis. C.R. Keyes. (American (Jeologist, iv, l!);M9fi 1889.) Succession of Cambrian Faunas in North America. V. D. Walcott. (Nature XXXVIII, .551. 1888.) Summary Description of Geology of Pennsylvania, Vol. i. .1. P. Lesley, (deol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Final Rep., 720 pp. 1892. ) Incidental references to fossils. Susquehanna to Potomsic, Cambrian Rocks of Pennsylvania and Maryland. CD Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 469-482. 1892.) Various fossils coiisid- ered. S^ft Current River, Vertebrata. E. 1). Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii. 028, 629. 1889.) Sylabus of Lectures on Geology and Palamntology, iii, Pabeontology of Vertebrata, E. D. Cope. (Pamphlet, 90 pp. 1891.) Synonymy, Characters, and Distribution of Spiriftva Parryana, Hall. S. Calvin. (Bui. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, i. No. 2, 19-28. 1888.) Synopsis of American Carbonic Calyptranda-,. C. R. Keyes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sn., Phila., 180, 181. 1890.) Synopsis of Families of Vertebrata. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 849-877. 1889.) Syringolites, Hinde, and Rci'meria, Edwards and Haime, and the genus Caliapora. Schiilter, Relations between the Genera. H. A. Nicholson. (Geological Mag azine, Dec. iii, vi, 43.3-438. 1889.) Sjrringothyris, Winchell, and its American Species. C. Schuchert. (Ninth Ann, Rep. State Geologist, New York, for 1889, 28-38. 1890.) Systematic List of Fossils with Loc ilities. H. M. Ami. (Geological and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, 116-120. 1890.) Taconic of Eastern Newfoundland. J. P. Howley. (American Geologist, iv, 121- 125. 1889.) Numerous references to fossils. Taconic of Emmons, Fossils. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xx\'i, 212, 213. 1888.) Taconic of Europe and North America, Lower and Middle. .1. Marcou. (American Geologist, VI, 78-102 and 221-233. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Taconic, Paleontologic and Stratigraphic " Principles" of the Adversaries. .1. Mar- cou. (American Geologist, ii, 10-23 and 67-88. 1888.) Taconic System of Emmons and Use of Name Taconic in Geologic Nomenclature. C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 229-242. 1888.) Taconic, Western, Limestone, Fossils in the Ei stern Part of Dutchess County, X.Y. W. B. Dwight. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 6. 1890.) Tazocrinus and Haplocrinns, Ventral Structure antl Consequent Modification in Classification of Crinoidea. C. Wachsmuth and F. Springer. (Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, xi,, .337-363. \fW. ' Teeth in Mammals, Evoiuti*- r |! I'H:^ .(':.: ii.ii |:i'.,,.r!. 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. tHDLL.121 JotEs.] Texas — Con tin ued . Catalogue of Shell-Bearing Marine MoUnsks and Brachiopoda of Soutlienstern I Coast of the United States. W. H. Dall. (Bui. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 38, 221 jip. 1889.) Check-List of Invertebrate Fossils from the Cretaceous Formations of Toxas, R. T. Hill. (University of Texp..%, School of Geologj', Circulars, 16 pp. ish9.^ | Classification of Dyas, Trias and .'ura in Northwest Texas. J. Marcou. (Amer I ican Geologist, x, 369-377. 1892 ) Allusions to various species of fossils. Comanche Series of Texas- Arkans ay Regi(»n. R. 1'. Hill. (Bui. Geol. Soc. Amer- ] ica, II, 503-528. 1891.) Concho County, Geological Survey. W. F. Cummins and O. Lerch. (American I Geologist, V, 321-335. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Contribution to Knowledge of Fauna of Blanco Beds of Texas. E, D. C'lipc (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xuv, 226-230. 1892.) Cranial Characters of E. Whitlield. ( Hul. Am. Mns. Nat. Hist., in, 26-39. 18t)0. ) Fauna of St. Johns Group, No. V. G.F.Matthew. (Trans. Ro.v. Soc. Canada VIII, Sec. IV, 123-166. 1890.) Fossils Discovered within the City Limits of Quebe<'. S. W. Ford. (Trans, Now York Acad. Sei., vii, 2-5. 1888. ) Genera and. Species of North American Carboniferous 'J'rilobites. A. W. Vodges. (Aun.N. Y.Acad. Sei., IV, 69-105. 1888.) Geology and Paleontology, North American. S. A. Miller. (One volume, til l pp. Cincinnati. 1890.) New species described. Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Pt. iv, List of Waverly Fossils Continued. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sei. Lab. Deunison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Geology Portion of Province of Quebec. R. W. Ells. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann, Rep., Pt. K, 114. 1888.) Mention made of different species. Hamilton Formation of Ontario, with List of Species at Present Known I'roni that Formation and Province. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 95-125. 1889.) Helderberg, Chemung, and Waverly Groups, Fossils found in the Collections (if the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. G.B.Simpson. (Trans. Am. riiihw, Soc, XV, 435-460. 1888.) " Horcyn-Frage " and. Helderberg Limestones in Nortli America. J. M. Clariie. (American Geologist, vii, 109-113. 1891.) Illustrations of St. John's Grou]>, No. vi. (}, ]•'. Matthew. (Trans. Koy. .Sue, Canada, ix, Sec, iv, 33-65, 1891.) Lichas, Two New Silurian Species. E. O. Ulrich, (American (jeologist, x, 271, 272. 1892.) Minnesota, Liugula and Paradoxi8. (}. F. Mattluiw. (Hul. Nat. Hist. Soc, New BriiuHwick, No. 10, :U-:i7, ISn'J.) rHaramiclinitos an«l Early Trilobitos of v'iamlniaii Rocks iti Eaattsrn (Canada. G. F.Matthew. (Amorican Geologist, ii, 1-9. 188K.) Kelations Botweon the Geology of EaaliTii Maine and Xew Hrnnsw'ck. L. W. Hailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canadii, vii, Soc. iv, 57-458. 1889.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Silurian of Tonuessei>, Lower, Now Specios of Fossil Crustacoa, witli remarks on others not well known. .). M. Safford and A. W. Vogiles. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Piiiladelphia, xi.i, 166-188. 1889.) Silurian R(»cks of Southeastern Portion of District of Saskatchewan, Four New Species of Fossils. J. F. Whitoaves. (Canadian Kec. Sci.,iv,l.'!):>-30;?. 1891.) Silurian Strata near Pcu-618. 1892.) laconic, Lower and Middle of Europe and North Anieri<^a. .1. Marcou. (Amer- ican (ieologist, VI, 78-102 au«l 221-233. 1890.) luciil.-ntal reforences to fos- sils. laconic of J^astern Newfoundland. .1. P. Howley. (Auicri. 111-115. Montreal. 18!K).) Notes on the finding of Radiolaria, with a list of species. Reviewed ia Neues Jahrbuch, 175, 176, 1892. Bull. 121 14 1^!' J I if' I it t u ■ i I/. ■ (■ ill' !'i ;i; li' ■ ' ■ i'l ^iili ^^^ • i«;i'r. . '^j iJ'i' Is 'i !■''."!' li!^ 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY OK NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121 Udden, J. A. Megalonyx Beds iu Kansas. (American Geologist, Vol. vn pp 340-345. Minneapolis, 1891.) A description of the occurrence, with aliittuf I forms fonnd. TTeber die tektonischen Verhiiltnisse der Kepnblik Moxiko. .7. Felix and liann Lenk. (Zeitsch. der deutsch. geol. Gesell., Band xuv, Heft 2, pp. 303-324 1892.) Various species mvuMoned. Ueber eine Hiiufigkeit hippuritenartiger Chainideu ausgezeichnete Fauna der ober- turonen von Texas, von Ferdinand Roemer. H. T. Hill. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3) XXXVII, 318-319. 1889.) Ubler, P. H. Additions to Observations on the Cretaceous and Eocene Koiiuations of Maryland. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., Vol. i, pp. 45-72. Baltimore, 1892.) A list of lifty species of Maryland Eocene moUusca is appended. Uhler, P. H. Albirupean Studies. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., Vol. i, j)p. 185-202. Baltimore, 1888. ) Incidental references to fossils. Uhler, P. H. Eocene Tertiary and its Cretaceous Associates in the State uf Mary- land. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., Vol, 1, pp. 11-32. Baltimore, 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. TJhler, P. H. Notes and Illustrations to Observations on the Cretaceous and Eocene Formations of Maryland. (Trans. Maryland Acad. Sci., Vol. i, pp. 97-104. Baltimore, 1888.) Uhler, P. H. Study of Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard. (Trans. Maryland Acuid. .Sci., Vol. I, pp. 204-212. Baltimore, 1888.) Incidental references to fossilH. Uinta Formation, Mammalia. H. F. Osboru and W. B. Scott. (Trans. Am. Philo. sophical Soc, XVI, 461-572. 1890.) Ulrich, E. O. American Paleozoic Sponges. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, Vol. viii, pp. 20i>- 1 241. Springfield, 1890.) The brief incidental remarks are followed by short accounts of the nature of preservation and the general distribution of forms. The classification is alluded to. The family Authaspidcllidie isj described as new and ita various structures figured. A tabular list and classi- fication of the American Paleozoic species are given. Ulrich, B. O. Beecherella : A uew Genus of Lower Helderberg Ostracoda. (Ameri- can Geologist, Vol. viii, pp. 197-204, 1 plate. Minneapolis, 1891.) The follow- ing new forms are figured and described from the Silurian of Albany Couuty, New York : i Beecherella. Beecherella carinata. Beecherella subtumida. Beecherella subtumida, var. in- t-^rmedia. Ulrich, E. O. List of Bryozoans of the Waverly Group in Ohio, with Description of j New Species. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., Vol. iv, pt. i, pp. 62-92, 2 plates, f Granville, 1888.) The following species are described: Beecherella ovata. Beecherella cristata. Beecherella navicula. Beecherella angularis. ; , I - i- { \j , !, . .1 ... Fenestella lierrickana. Fenestella luoeknua. Fenestella albida, var. richfield- ensis. Fenestella foliata. Fenestella subtioxuosa. Fenestella cavernosa. Polypora impressa. Pinnatopora intermedia. Pinnatopora simulatrix. Pinnatopora curvata. Pinnatopora subangulata. Pinnatopora minor. Taeniodictya iuterpolata. Cystodictya zigzag. Cystodictya simulans. Cystodictya angusta. Streblotrypa obliqna. Streblotrypa hertzeri. Streblotrypa amplexa. Streblotrypa multiporatr , Streblotrypa striata. Streblotorypa regularis. Streblotrypa ( fLeioclema) denticulatn. Rhombopora obioensis. 'M ^ )GY. (Bua.121 I »»«•! BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 211 giricb, B. O. Contributions to Micro- Paledlitology of the Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Micro-Paloontolojjy, Part ii, pp. 27-57, 2 plates. Montreal, 1889.) A study of tho Polyozoa and Ostracoda from the Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Manitoba, with descriptions and tigurcs of tho following species : (Jouiotrypa bilateralis sp. nov, Pacliydictya hexagonalis sp. nov. Pachydictya magnipora sp. nov. Ptilodictya whiteavesi sp. nov. Arthroclema angiilare Ulrich. Helopora harrisi James. Sceptropora facula Ulrich. Nematopora ( ?) sp. nov. Phylloporina trentoneusis Nicholson. Bythocypris cylindrica Hall. Leperditia subcylindrica sp. nov. Aparchites uiinutissinms Hall. Aparchites unicornis Ulrich. Priniitia lativia sp. nov. Primitia( ?) (Beyrichia)parallela sp. nov. Eurychilina gen. nov. Eurychilina reticulata sp. nov. Eurychilina manitobeusis sp. nov. Strepula quadrilirata Hall &. Whit- field. Strepula lunatifera sp. nov. al.) Reviewed iu Am. Geologist, 5, 107, 1890; also Ottawa Naturalist, in, No. .3, 1889; and Neues Jahrbuch, 334, 1890. I Ulrich, B. O. Correlation of the Lower Silurian Horizons of Tennessee and the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. (American Geologist, Vol. i, pp. 100-110, 179-190, and 305-315. Minneapolis, 1888.) Numerous references to fossils. I Ulrich, E. O. Correlation of Lower Silurian Horizons of Tennessee and of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys with those of New York and Canada. (American Geologist, Vol. li, pp. 39-44. Minneapolis, 1888.) A continuation of the author's papers in American Geologist, Vol. i. I Ulrich, B. O. Liugulasma: A New Genus and Eight New Species of Lingula and Trematis. (American Geologist, Vol. ill, pp. 377-391. Minneapolis, 1889.) The following described as new : Proboscina auloporoides Nichol- son.' Proboscina frondosa Nicholson. Monticulipora parastica, var. plana, var. nov. Monticulipora wetherbyi Ulrich. Homotrypa sp. ? Diplotrypa westoni sp. nov. Batostoma mauitobense sp. nov. Petigopora scabiosa sp. nov. Batostomella gracilis Nichol- son. Bythopora striata sp. nov. Monotrypella quadrata Romiu- ger. Fistulipora f laxata sp. nov. Strictopora or Rhinidictya sp. ? Dicranopora fragilis Billings. Dicranopora emacerata Nichol- son. Goniotrypa gen. nov. (provision- Lingula procteri. Lingula bisulcata. Lingula whitheldi. Lingnla modesta. Lingulasma. Lingulasma schucherti. I Ulrich, B. O. Lingulasma: New Genus and Eight New Species of Lingula ».nd Trematis. (American Geologist, Vol. iv, pp. 21-25. Minneapolis, 1889.) The following described as new : Trematis fragilis. Trematis unibonata.- Trematis crassipuncta. Trematis oblata. |Ulrich, B. O. New and Little Known American Paleozoic Ostracoda. (Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. xiii, pp. 104-137 and 173-211, plates 7-18. Cincinnati, 1890-1891.) The new species are: Entomis madisonensis. Ctenobolbina ciliata, var. cnrta. Pontocypris ( ? ) illinoisensis. Ctenobolbina ciliata, var. emaciata. Ctenobolbina. Ctenobolbina alata. Ctenobolbina ciliata Eminons. Ctenobolbina bispinosa. t> I;: 1 1 ■fe i>,. ll ^1^ M'i > ill 11 Ifjf }! Jiiilii: :!■■ ::']( 212 BIBLIOGRAPHir OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. iiii'i.i.i:i, Ulrloh, B. O.— Coiitiniiod. Ctenobolbinu tumida. Tetradella. Tetradella quadrilirata Hall aud Whitfield. Tetradella oculifora Hall. Tetradella Bubquadrans. BoUia perauloata Ulrich. BoUia pnmila. Depranclla. Dejiranella ciaasinoda. Depraiiolla nitida. Dopranella macer. Depranella ampla. Depranella elungata. Jonesella. Jonesella cropidiforuiis Ulrich. .Tonesella pedigera. .Tonesella digitata. Jonesella crassa. Placentula miirglnata. Placentula inomata. Beyrichia (Primitiaf) parallola Ulrich. Eurychiliua subradiata. Eurychiliuii longnln. Enrycliilina irqnalia. Eurychiliua obesa. Eurychilina striatoinarginuta Miller. Priiuitia centralis. Primitia permiuinia. Primitia inipresaa. Primitia cincinnatioiiaia Miller. Primitia nicdialis. Primitia inilleri. Primitia glabra. Primitia nodosa. Primitia nitida. Primitia rudia. Primitia ( f ) sculptilis. Aparchites oblongua. Leperditia flabulites Conrad. Leperditia linneyi. Leperditia tnmidula. Leperditia appressa. Isochilina subuodosa. Isochilina aaffordi. Isochilina ampla. laochilina kentuckyenae. Isochilina amiana. Isochilina amiana, var. inaignia. Eurychilina gr.anoaa. Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 257-259, 1892. Ulrich, B. O. New Lamellibrauchiata. (American Geologist, Vol. V, pp. 270-275. 1 Minneapolis, 1890.) The following species described and figured as new from | the Silurian: Modiolopsis oblonga. Modiolopsis subparallela. Modiolopsis milleri. Modiolopsis oviform is. Modiolopsis aimulatrix. XTlrich, B. O. Now Lamellibranchiata. and 383-389. Minneapolis, 1890. ) Modiolopais pulchella. Modiolopsis subtruncata. Modiolopsis alata. Modiolopsis parva. Modiolopsis augustata. (American Geologist, Vol. vr, pp. 17b-18l| The following genera and species described I and figured as now from the Silurian : Ischyrodonta. Ischyrodonta truncata. lachyrodonta elongata. Whitella. Whitella obliquata. Whitella ombonata. Whitella compressa. Whitella schofieldi Ulrich Whitella truncata. Whitella aubornata. Cypricardites grandis. Ulrich, B. O. New Lamellibranchiata. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 96-104. Minneapolis, 1892.) One genus and eight species described and iigurod nsl new: Cleionychia. Technophorns subacutus. Cleionychia rhomboidea. . Technophorns divnricattis. Cypricardites terminalis. Technophorns filistriatus. Cypricardites oviformis. Tellinomya longa. Cypricardites ? modestus. '^!'^;: :|; [>aY. ['"■i.i.ui. inuta Millrr. Miller. ivw.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 213 mrich, B. O. New Lower Silurian Laiuellihranchiata, Chielly from Minnesota liocks. (Geol. an«l Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., for 1K90, pp. 211-248. MinneapoliH, 1892.) Tlie lollowing speci.-H described witli ii^'ureH as new : nrad. Tellinoinya nitida sp. nov. Tellinomya conipreHna sp. nov. Tellinomya planodornataRp.nov. Tellinomya intermedia an. nov. Tellinomya Btibrotuuda sp. nov. Tellinomya aimilis sp. nov. Tellinomya rccurva sp. nov. Technopborn8( ?) extenuatns sp. nov. Cleidophorus consuetiis sp. nov. Modiolopsis plana Hall. Modiolopsis siniilia sp. nov. Modiolopsis subelliptica sp. nov Modiolopsis concava sp. nov. Orthodeama minnesotense sp. nov. Cypricnrditea Niirdesoni hji. nov. Cypricardites obtusifrons sj). nov. Cypricardites glabellas sp. nov. Cypricardites cingiilata sp. nov. Cypricardites germaniis sj». nov. Cypricardites tcnellns sp. nov. Cypricardites nanus sp. nov. Cypricardites haynianus (?) Saflord. Mutheria rugosa sp. nov. Ischyrodonta ovalis sp. nov. Pletliocardia gen. nov. Plethocardia umbonatu, sp. nov. Pletliocardia auberecta sp. nov. Wliitella pnucipta Ulrich. Whitolla concentrica sp. nov. Cuneiimya sulcodoraata sp. nov. insignia. [)1. V, pp. 270-275, ured as new from :a. ^1. VI, pp. 17b-18ll I species described] Ich Ortbodesma saffordi sp. nov. Eoviewed in Am. .lour. Sol., (3), XLiv, 179, 1892. I Ulrich, E. O. New Lower Silurian Ostracoda, No. 1. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 263-270, 1 plate. Minneapolis, 1892.) The following genera and species described and figured as new : Leperditia (Primitia) dorsicornis, Leperditia granilabiata. Leperditia millepnnctata. Leperditia iimbriata. Schmidtella. Schniidtella crassiniarginata. Leperditia tumida. Leperditia mundula. Leperditia lequilatera. Leperditia inflata. Leperditia germana. Leperditia sulcata, var. ventri- comia. lUlrich, B. O. Nomenclature of Cincinnati Group Fossils. (American Geologist, Vol. I, pp. 333-33."). Minneapolis, 1888.) A short note on the nomenclature of certain species. |Ulricb,E.O. Paleozoic Bryozoa. (Geol.Sur. Illinois. Vol. viii, pp. 283-688. Spring- field, 1890.) The memoir is preceded by an explanation of the terms used. Chapter i is a description of the general and comparative structure of the Paleozoic Bryozoa. Chapter ii is on the classification and interrelations of fainiliea and genera. The original Gymnola>mata is made to include all the fossil bryozoa. They are arranged under three suborders ; Cyclostomata, Trepostomata, and Cryptostomata, which are new groups and are referred to Cteuostoinata and Cheilostomata. The lirst of these suborders contain one family, Aacodictyonid»\ The second contains several groups, while the third is arranged in nine families, whichare fully described. A synopsis of the clas- sification is given in which the families and genera are defined. They are as Frondiporida'. Scenellopora. Phaceloporida' fani. nov, Phacelopora gen. nov. Entalophorida". Diploclema gen. nov. Mitoclema. ol. X, pp. 96-104. ■ Bihcation is given i d and figured as ■ follow a: K Ascodictyonida?. s. H Ascodictyon. lis. H Rhopalonaria. s. H Tubuliporida). H Stomatopora. H Proboacina. H Berenicea. H •HY «)J \ORTH AMKKIOAN PALKONTOLOGV. 215 Olrich, B. O- ("^atiMiua. Aciiiit.k»oolii(li» Syiiocliulia. Diplopora. rtilopora Hpragioporidir tarn, nov, Hpliragiopura gen. nov. Ph.vlloporinidio fiiin. nov. I'bylloporina gen. uuv, Cliainodictyon. Drymotrypii gen. nov. Arthrostylidii'. Arthrostylus gen. nov. Artbroclenia. Sceptropora gen. nov. Ili-loporit. Nfuiatopora gni. nov. Khuliilonit'Huntida'. I{iii)iii1>o)iora. lihiilidonicHon, (/O'lononnH ^^^ul. nov. nattropoiii. Hirelilotiypidii'. Stroblotrypii. Worthenojiora sicn. nov. Cyclopora. Proutella ut'n. nov. Cycloporollagt-n. nov. Ht'li(ttryj>a. The following species are described, most of thera as new: Protocrisina exigna. Pbacelopora pertennis. Pbacelopora constricta. Monticulipora lamclloaa. Monticulipora wincbelli. Ilomotrypa arbnscnla. Hotnotrypa gulasinosa. Homotrypa flabellaris. Honiotrypella contcxta. Heterotrypa prolifica. Hetpr.'trypa intlecta. Heterotrypa singnlaris. Dekayia devonica. Callopora subnodosa. Calloporella ? nodulosa. Trematopora debilis. Tronmtopora nitida. Trematopora calloporoidea. Nicholsonella ponderosa. Nicholsunella cnnuilata. Const cllaria parva. Leioclema wilnnngtonense. Leioclenia occidena, Hall and Wbitfield. Leioclema minntnm, Rominger. Leioclema wacliBmntbi. Leioclenia subglobosuni. Leioclema graoillium. Leioclema puntatnm Hall. Leioclema ? foliatum. Leioclema ? araneum. Batostomella simulatrix. Batostomella obliqua. Batostomella interstinet:!. Batostomella Bpiniili>sa. Batostomella abrnpta. Batostomella nitidula. Stenopora americana. Stenopora americana, var. varso- vensis. Stonopora niontifera. Stenopora eniaciata. 8t<>nopora intercalaris. Stenopora angnlaris. Stenopora intermittens. Stenopora tnherculata Pront. Stenopora cestrieusis. Stenopora ramusa. Stenopora meekana. Stenopora rudis. Stonopora carbonariaWortben. Stonopora carbonaria, var. maculosa. Stenopora carbonaria, var. conferta. Stenopora ? signata. Auiaotrypa Anisotrypa raniulosa. Anisotrypa solida. Amplexopora afflnis. Amplexopora ptistulosa. Monotrypolla crassiuiuralis. Mouotrypella appi'cssa. Petalotrypa coiupressa. Petalotrypa delicata. Leptotryp.i bexagonalis. Leptotryi)a filiosa D'Orbigny. Leptotrypa wtidhami. Leptotrypa seniipilaris. Diplotrypa patella. Diplotrypa t dubia. Batostoma variabile. Batostoma imperfectum. Monotrypa recti uiuralis. Ceraniopora imbricata Hal! Ceramoporella distincta. Ceramoporella stellata. Ceramoporella granuloma. Ceramoporella? ohioensiH, Nicbolson. Diamesopora vaupeli. Diamcsopora communis. Crepipora simulans. f .: K-^.- t I ■^ r Ji' m if: ' t Wi\< ■i:»r .il*' i: ' 216 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. Ulrlch, E. O.— Contiimod. Crepipora epidcrinata. Crepipora iiii))re.saa. Crepipora aolida. Crepipora heiiiisplia>rica. Anoloticbia poiidcrosa. Fistulipora coinmiiuiH. Fistulipora monticiilata. Fistulipora astrioa. Fistulipora collina. Fistulipora foordi. Fistiilipora Hpinnlifi^ra Romiii- ger. Fistulipora (f Dichotrypa) t-or- rugata. Fistulipora Mtellifera Roininger. Mcolvopora exiiuia. Mcckopora approxiniata. Aleekopora clausa. Meekopora ? aperta. Strotopora peruiiuuta. Strotopora foveolata. Strotopora dermata. Buskopora lunata Roiniiifrer. Botryllopora socialis Nicholson, (^ystodictya hamiltonensis. Cystodictya uitida. Cystodictya americana. Cystodictya pusttilosa. Cystodictya lineata, var. major. Co.sci Ilium latum. Dichotrypa grandis. Dichotrypa foliata. Dichotrypa elogans. Dichotrypa intermedia. Dichotrypa flahelhim Rominger. Dichotrypa lyroidos. Actinotrypa pccularis Romingcr. Ticniopora occidcntalis. Prismopora trifolia Roniingcr. Prismopora minima. Scalaripora separata. Scalaripora approxiniata. Evactinopora radiata Meek & Worthcn. Evactinopora soxradiata Meek «St Worthcn. Evactinopora (|nin«]ueradiata. Evactinopora grandis Meek A- Worthen. Glyptoitora plumosn Prout. Glypto])ora sagciiclla Prout. Glyptoijorasagt'iiella, var. calicii- losa. • Glyptop<»ia sagencila, var. lata. Glypto;.ora michclinia Pront. Glyptopora piunata. Glyptopora keyscrlingi Prout. Glyptopora elegans Prout. Glyptopora inegastoma. Glyptopora punctipora. Endrydictya calhounciiHis. Eurydictya montifera. Kurydictya stcrlingensi.s. Pachydictya evcretti. Pachydictya splcndcns. Pachydictya gigauteu. Pachydictya iirnia. Pachydictya fcncstelliformis Nioholson. Phispilopora serrata. Euspilopora f barrisi. Tieniodictya raniulosa. Ta'niodictya raniulosa, var. hurlingtou. ensis. Ta'uiodicvy.i frondosa. Ta-niodictya cingulata. Ta-niodictya subrcicta. Ptilotrypa obliquiita. Intrapora cosciniformis Nicholson. Stictoperella basal is. Stictoporella i undulata. Fenestella vera. Fonestella (ilistriata. Fenestella burliugtoncnsis. Fenestella rudis. Fenestella liiiiitaria. Fenestella regalis. Fenestella compressa. Fenestella compressa, var. nododorsalis. Fenestella multispinosa. Fenestella triserialis. Fenestella funicula. Fenestella cingulata. Fenestella serratnlii, Fenestella exi^jua. Fenestella tenax. Fenestella cestriensis. Fenestella flexuosa. Fenestella elevatati])ora. Fenestella delicatnla. Fenestella. modesta. Fenestella peruiiuuta. Fenestella wortheni. Fenestella sevillensis. Fenestella mimica. Fenestella conradi. Fenestellai na'(|ualis. Seniicos(;iniiun planodorsatiiiii. Hemicoscinium rhombicum. V. :l : %: , "t m JT. [BULL. 121. KKYB8.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 217 8 NicliolHon, r. burliugtou- lododorsiilis. Ulrich, E. O. — Continued. Fenestrapora occidentiilis. Hemitrypa tonera. Heiiiitrypa ])rou1anii. Hemitrypa urontaiiii, v:ir. vernii- fera. Hemitrypa proiitaiin, vitr. iiodii- Itma. Hemitrypa itoora coni)»Ianata. Polypora spinulifera. Polypora approxiniata. Pcdypora whitci. Polypt()i)(>ra piunata. Septopora robusta. Septopora robusta, var. intermedia. Septopora delicatula. Acauthocladia fruticoaa. Diplopora bifurcata. Diplopora biserialis. S])liragi<)pora parasitica. Phylloporina grauistriata. Cliainodictyon laxum, var. minor. Artbroclcuui angularc. Helop(>ra inibricata. Neniatopora retrosa. Neniatopora altcrnata. Neniatopora fragilia. Neniatopora delicatula. Khombopora aubannulata. Kbonibopora Mulcifera. Khoiuboitora lineinodis. Khombopora dichotoma. Rhobompora gracilis. RliiMnb()))()ra cxigua. IMionibopora august a ta. Rhouiliopora iu'THNHata. ]')i(iui\)o))ora varians. Rhouibopora transveraaUs. ■Iv^^ . - • ' 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [niLLiaL VIM Ki,,- ;, :i ;,.;.( ■^1 nirich, E. O. — Continued. Rlioinboponi attennata. Rhombopora ? asperula. Rhombopora? aspiralis. Rhombopora simulatrix. Rhombopora decipieuB. Rhombopora tabulata. Rhombopora persimilis. Rhombopora minor. Rhombopora tenuirama. Rhombopora nickelHi. Acauthoclema confluens. Bactropora simplex. Co'loconus rhombicus. Co'loconus granoaus. Streblotrypa major. Streblotrypa radialis. Streblotrypa nickelsi. Streblotrypa subBi)inf)Ba. Streblotrypa distincta. Worthenopora spinosa. Proutella discoidea Pront. Worthenopora spatulata Front. Cyclopora expatiata. Cyclopora fungia. Pront. Cycloporella* spinifera . Cycloporella ? perversa. Ulrich, E. O. Preliminai-y Description of New Lower Silurian Sponges. (Amer- ican Geologist, Vol. iii, pp. 233-248. 1889.) The following described as new; Ranffella. Rauifella filosa. Ranffella palmipes. Leptopterion mammifernm. Heterospongia. Heterospongia subramosa. Heterospongia knotti. Heterospongia aspera. Saccospongia. Saccospongia dauviilensis. Dystac jspongia minima. Strep i:ospongia labyrinthica. Hindia parva. Cylindrocffilia. Cylindrocrelia endoceroidea. Cylindrocoilia covingtonensis. Cylindroccelia minneRotensi ■•,. Cylindrocirlia minor. Saccospongia rndis. Ulrich, E. O. Sceptropora: A New Genus of Bryozoa, with Renie ivs (,i< Hdopora (Hall), and other Genera of that Type. (American Geologist, Vol. i, jip. 228- 234. Minneapolis, 1888.) The following described and figured as new from the Silurian of Minnesota : Sceptropora. Sceptroi)ora facula. Ulrich, E. O. Sponges of the Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. (Geol. Snr. Illinois, Vol. viii, pp. 243-251. Springfield, 1890.) The following genera and species are described as new : Hystriospongia carbonaria. Lasiocladia hindei, Batospongia spicata. Syringophyllum. Belemnospongia. Syringophyllnnj wortheni, Belemnospongia fasicnlaris. Ulrich, E. O. Two New Silurian Species of Lichas. (American Geologist, Vol, x, pp. 271-272. Minneapolis, 1892.) Thci following species described and liguveil as new from the Silurian of Minnesota: Lichas (Hopolichas) robbinsi. Lichas (Hopolichas) bicornis. Ulrich, E. O., and Oliver Evei'ett. Lower Silurian Sponges, (Geol. Snr. Illinois, Vol. VIII, ])p. 255-282. Springfield, 1890.) The following species and acir:: are described and figured as new : Anthaspidella. Anthaspidella mammulata. Anthaspidella florifera. Anthaspidella parvistellata. Anthaspidella scntula. Anthaspidella grandis. Anthaspidella firma. Anthaspidella fenestrata. Anthaspidella obliqua. Anthaspidella f magnifica. Zittelella. Zittelella typicalis. Zittelella typicalis, var. pistillifonnis, Zittelella typicalis, var. turbinata. Zittelella typicalis, var. subrotunda. Zittelella lobata. ZiUelella inosculata. Edriospongia. EdrioH]u)ngia basalis. Streptosolen. » * UYBB] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 219 DyBtactospongia minor. Dystactospongia riulis. Camarocladia. Cainarocladia dicbotoinii. Actiiiostroiiia ? treutonensp. giricb, B. O. — Continued. Streptoaolen obconicns. Calathinm ?f (? Zittelella) in. felix. Hindia insequallB. Strotospongia. Strotospongia maculosa. Upham, Warren. Marine Shells and Fragments of Shells in the Till near Boston. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 359-372. New Haven, 1889.) Inciden- tal references to Pleistocene forms. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, in, 399, 1889. Upham, Warren. Recent Fossils near Boston. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol., pp. 201-209. New Haven, 1892. ) Notes on the distribution of various Pleistocene forms. Upper Silurian Strata near Penobscot Bay, Maine. W. VV. Dodge and C. E. Beecher. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliii, 412-418. 1892.) Utah. Agnostns, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes. (American Geologist, ix, 377-396. 1892.) Laramie Group. J. S. Newberry. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 524-527. 1890.) Abstract. Revision of the Cretaceous Echinoidea of North America. W. B. Clark. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, No. 87, 75-77. 1891.) Trilobites, Genera and Species of North American Carboniferous. A. W. Vogdes. (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iv, 69-105. 1888.) Utica Formation at Point-a-Pic, Murry River, Fossils. H. M. Ami. (Canadian Rec. Sci., in, 101-106. 1888.) Utica Fossils from Rideau, Ottawa, Ont. H. M. Ami. (Trans. Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club, ii. No. 12, 165-169. 1888.) Validity of Three Species of Cephalopods described by Schliiter in the Niederrhein Gesellschaft at Bonn, March, 1887. R. T. Hill. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 169. 1889.) Criticism. Value in Classificiition of Stages of Growth and Decline, with Propositions for a new Nomenclature. A. Hyatt. (American Naturalist, xxn, 872-884. 1888.) Value of Term "Hudson River Group" in Geologic Nomenclature. C. D. Walcott. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, I, 335-356. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Variability of Specific Characters as Exhibited by the Extinct Genus Coryphodon. C. Earle. (Science, xx, 7-9. 1892.) Variation Exhibited by a Carbonic Gasteropod. C. R. Keyes. (American Geologist, in, 330-334. 1889.) /ariation; with Special Reference to Certain Paleozoic Genera. J. V. James. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 1071-1089. 1889.) v'^iimont (\ilciferou8 Formation in Champlain Valley. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-516. 1890.) Calciferons Formation in Champlain Valley. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., in, 1-23. 1890.) Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. Sur., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-658. 1890.) Fauna of Rocks at Fort Cassin, Vermont, with Descriptions of New Species. R. P. Whitfield. (Bnl. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., ni, 26-39. 1890.) Fossils in Lower Taconic of Emmons. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXXVI, 212-213. 1888.) Abstract. Original Chazy Rocks. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely, (American Geologist, n, 323-330. 1888.) Mention made of dilTcront species. Taconic of Emmons, Fossils. C;. D. Walcott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., xxxvi, 212-213. 1888.) Abstract. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. Incidental references to fossils. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely. Various species mentioned. C. D. Walcott. (U. S. Geol. I I \' • I. i 220 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, (bui ■i.n i: \V ■!; ill! .if ; li:!-; ■■■ a :;■ Vermont — Continued. Taconic Sj'atem of Emmons and Use of Name Taconic in Geologic NomeiiclaturJ C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 229-242. 1888.) Incident il refeij encea to fossils. Vertebrates. Ago of Staked Plains of Texas. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 49 1892.) Anatomy of Hesperornis. F. A. Lucas. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wasb., w, March! 1891.) Ancestry of Chalicotherium. H. F. Osborn. (Science, xrx, 276. 1892.) Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, N. J. W. Lewis. (Px-oc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pliila,, XXXIX, 339-342. 1888.) Various species mentioned. Artiodactyla. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 1079-1095. 1888, General account of the order. Avifauna, Fossil, of Silver Lake Region of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (ProcJ Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 286. 1892.) Abstract. Bear, California Cave. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxv, 997-999. 18!)1.)| Bear River Formation, Stratigraphical Position. T. W. Stanton. (Am..loiir.| Sci., (3^, XLiil, 98-115. 1892.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Gattung Protosphyrffiua Leidy. J. Felix. (Zcitseh.l der deutsch. geol. Gesell., Band XLii, Heft 2, 278-303. 1890.) Bibliography of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for the Year 1889. J. Eyerman. (American Geologist, v, 250-253. 1890.) Bibli'i; ' ' ^ of North American Vertebrate Paleontology for year 1891. J. Eye. (American Geologist, IX, 249-256. 1892.) Birds froi! .quusBedsof Oregou. R.W. Shufeldt. (American Naturalist, xxv, j 359-362. 1891.) Birds from Equus Beds of Oregon. R. W. Shufeldt. (American Naturalist, xxv, 818-821. 1891.) Bones of Megalonyx not before Known. J. M. Satford. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XL, 289. 1892.) Abstract. Calciferous Saudrock of T-ake Champlain, Imperfectly Known Fossils, and ! Descriptions of Several New Forms. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., II, 42-63. 1889.) Carcharodon Mortoni, Gibbs. F.A.Lucas. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vn. 151-152. 1892.) Carcttochelys, Ramsey, Relations. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxvi,631- 639. 1892.) Casteroides, Recent Find. J. Moore. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 767,768. 1890.) Ceratop8ida> (or Horned L^inosaurs) of North America. O. C. Marsh. (Brit. As. Adv. Sci., 793-795. 1890.) Cetacea. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 599-616. 1890.) General account of the order. Chalicotherioidea, is Meniscotherinm a Member? H. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 506-509. 1892.) Characters of Protoceras( Marsh) the New Artiodactyle from the Lower Miocene. H. F. Osborn and J. L. Wortman. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iv, 351-371. 1892.) Clas.siiication of Testudinata. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxiv, 530-536. 1890. ) Allusions to species of fossils. Coal Measures of Central Iowa, Fauna. C.R. Keyos. (Proc. Acad. Nat. >Sci., Phila., 222-247. 1888.) Collection of Fossil Birds from Equus Beds of Oregon." R. W. Shufeldt. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vi, March. 1891.) : -I ►LOGY. [m.i laM^^ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 221 lertebrateB — Continued. Comparison of Principal Forms of tlio Dinosanria of Kuropo and America. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 323-33L 1889.) Contribution to Knowledge of Fanna of Blanco Beds of Texas. K. 1). Cope. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila.jXLiv, 226-230. 1892.J Contribution to Vertebrate Paleontology of Texas. E. D. (lope. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, XXX, 123-131. 1892.) Coryphodou, Revision of Species. C. Earle. (Bui. Auioricau Mus. Nat. Hist., IV, 149-166. 1892.) Cranial Characters of Equus Excelsus. K. D. Copo. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci. XL, 283. 1892.) Croduer on PaUcohatteria. K. D. Copc^. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 148-U9. 1889.) Cretaceous lUshes from Mexico. J. Felix. (Palii>outographia, xxxvii, 18i»-19't. 1891.) ^ Cretaceous Mammalia. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliii, 247-262. 1X92.) Cretaceous Mammalia. O.C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 81-90. 1889.) Cretaceous Mammalia, Fauna of Xortii America. H. F. Osbtjrn. (American Nat- uralist,, xxv, 298-299. 1891.) Abstract. Cretaceous Mammalia, Part ii. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxviii, 177- 180. 1889.) Cretaceous Mammalia, Review of Discovery. If. F. Osboru. (American Nat- uralist, xxv, 44-4.5. 1891.) Cretaceous Mammals of North America. O. C. Marsh. (Brit. As. Adv. Sci., 853-854. 1890.) Cumnoria (Camptosaurus), Pelvis. S. ^^^ Willistou. (American Naturalist, XXIV, 472-473. 1890.) Denver Tertiary Formation. W. Cross. (.\m. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 261-282, 1889.) Incidental references to fossils. Description of a Skull of Megalonyx Leidyi, sp. nov. J. Lindahl. f Trans. Am. Philos. Soc, XVII, 1-10. 1892.) Devonian Fishei of Scaumenac Bay and Carapbelltown, Canada. R. H. Tra- quair. (Geol. Magazine, Dec. in, vii, 15-22. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Sliores or Immediate Vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepegosis. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, i. 255-360. 1892.) DicotyliuiB of John Day Miocene of North America. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, xxv, 62-79. 1888.) Diuichthys, Head. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, x, 199-207. 1892.) Dinosauria, Comparison of Principal Forms of Europe and America. O. C. Marsh. (Brit. As. Adv. Sci., 1888, 660. 1889.) Dinosauria, Family of Horned, from Cretaceous. O. C. Marsli. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XXVI, 477-478. 1888.) Dinosauria, Horned, of Laramie. E. D. Cope. (American Natiiialist, xxiii, 715-717. 1889.) Dinosauria of Laramie. E. D. Copt;. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 904-906. 1889.) Dinosauria of Laramie, Fourth Note. K. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 756-758. 1892.) Dinosauria, New American. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 331-336. 1889.) Dinosauria, Triassic, New Oenns. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 626. 1889.) Distinctive Characters of Order Hallopoda. 0. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 415-417. 1890.) \' I, . !:l'' ■ r, . t4 r:! t \ ■» B- ' h *■' 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. ■ '•'■I |J1? 1:1 ■ -!' ! :'P ■i 'I [ni-'u.isi. E. D. Cope. (American Naturaliat, xxiii, 6r)7- ) oc. Am. As. rraus. Am. rpe. H.l\ .1. Loitly. >an8. Kan- rican Nat- . Adv. Sfi., .Nat. Sci., i8. Ad. 8ci., Geolofiist, xviii, 343. 2. D. Cope, e. (Amcr- [I, 340-345. ord. (Am. Geologist, J. M. Saf- '^aturalist. Mode and jrpholofjy, ci., Pliila., brata, Ke- 53. 1891.) dogy, VII, la-Lizards, (Kansas. Vertebrates — Continued. MustilidiefromLoupFork of Nebraska, Two'NowSpocio.s. K. 1). C(»|m'. (Ameri- can Naturalist, xxiv, 950-952. 1890.) New Horizon of Fossil Fishes. K. D. Cope. (Pioc. Am. As. Adv. Sol., xl, 285. 1892.) New or Little Known Saurian from t\w linilon of Kansas. F. W. (.'ragln. ( Ameri<;an Geologist, ii, 404-107. 1888. j New York Island, Mastodon Remains. R. P. VVhitliold. (.Scionce, xviii, 342. 1891.) Niobrara Cretaceous of Western Kansas. S. \V. Williston. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XIII, 107-111. 1893.) Nomenclature of Mammalian Cusps. II. F. ( >sborn. (American Naturalist, xxii, 926-928. 1888.) Notice and Descriptions of Fossils in Caves and Crevicos of the Limestone Rocks of Pennsylvania. J. Loidy. (Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Ann. Rep. 1887, 1-20. 1889. Observations on the Genus Trinacromerum. F. VV. (!ragiu. (American (ieologist, Viii, 171-174. 1891.) Palicaspis, Structure of American Ptcraspifliau, with Remarks on the Family. E. W. Claypole. (Quart. .Jour. (ieol. Soc, London, XLVIII, 542-561. 1892.) Palioohatteria, Credner, and Pioganosauria. G. Baur. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxvil, 310-313. 1889.) A review of the group. Palii'osyops and Allied (jionera. C. F.arle. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci,, Phila., xi.iii, 106-117. 1891.) PaliBOsyops, Leidy, and its Allies, Memoir upon Genus, C. Earle. (.lour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., ix, 267-388. 1892. ) Palteosyops, New Species. C. Earle. (American Naturalist, xxv, 4.5-47. 1891.) Paleontological Evidence for Transmission of Acquired Characters. H. F. Osborn. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 5fil-.">0ti, 1889.) Paleontological Evidence for Transmission of Acc^uired (Jharacters. H. F. Osborn. (Science, xv, 110, IIL 1890.) Paleozoic Fishes of North America. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. (ieol. Sur., Mon. XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Paleozoic Vertebrates, little known, E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc, XXI, 221-228. 1892.) PerisBodactyls from White River Niocene of Nebraska. E. 1). Cope. (Ameri- can Naturalist, xxv, 47-49. 1891.) Permanent and Temporary Dentition of Certain Three-toed Horses. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xliv, 325, 326. 1892.) Pineal Eye in Extinct Vertebrates. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxii, 914-917. 1888.) Placoderm, Gigantic, from Ohio. E. W. Claypole. (American Geologist, ix, 1-4. 1892.) Platygonus, an Extinct Genus Allied to the Peccaries. .1. Leidy. (Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., ii, 41-50. 1889.) Plesiosaur from Niobrara Cretaceous ot Kansas. S. W. Williston. (Kansas Acad. Sci., xii, 1-5. 1891.) Plesiosaur from Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. S. W. Willistoji. (Trans. Kan- sas Acad. Sci., xii, 174-178. 1890.) Plesiosaurian Skull, Structure. S. W. Williston. (Science, xvi, 262. 1890.) Plesiosaurian Skull, Structure. S. W. Williston. (Science, xvi, 290. 1890.) Plioplarachus, Species from Oregon. E. D. Cope. (Amerionn Naturalist, xxiii, 625, 626. 1889.) Poebrotherium, Osteology ; Contribution to Phylogony of the Tylopoda. W. B. Scott. (Journal Morphology, V, 1-78. 1891.) Bull. IL'I io i.'l ' r- ' i! i \, .4. <>♦ 226 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121 If Mi iM< i W'l Vertebrates — Continued. Post-Laramio DepositH of Colorado. \V. Cfobn. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 19- 42. 1893.) Fossils mentioned. Proboacidia. E. D. Copo. (American Naturalist, xxiii, 191-211, 1889.) Gen- oral account of the order. Princeton Scientific Expedition of 1891. W. B. Scott. (Princeton College Bill,, 4 pp. 1891.) Pteranodon, Skull and Hind Extremity, S. W. Williston. (American Natural- ist, XXV, 1121-1126, 1891.) Kocent Researches in Fossil Birds. R. I^ydekker. (Natural Science, i, 266-271. 1892.) Recent Polydactyl Horses. O, C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci.,' (3), xuii, 339-351. 1892.) Reptiles Generally Called Din«)8auria. G. Baur. (American Naturalist, xxv, 434-454. 1891.) Restoration of Brontops Robustus, from Miocene of America. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Soi., (3), xxxvii, 163-165. 1889.) Restoration of Mastodon Americanus, Cuvier. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Joor. Sci., (3), xuv, 350. 1892.) Restoration of Stegosaurus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), xlii, 189-191. 1891.) Restoration of Triceratops. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xi.i, 339-342. 1891.) Revision of North America Credonta, with Notes on some Genera which havo been referred to that Group. W. B. Scott. (Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila,, xi.iv, 291-320. 1892.) Review of North American Species of Hippothorium. E. D. Cope. (Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, XXVI, 429-458. 1889.) Rhizodus from St, Louis Limestone at Alton, 111, J. S. Jifewberry, (Trans, N. Y. Acad. Sci., vii, 165. 1888.) Saber-Toothed Tiger and Other Quartemary Mammals of Florida. J. Leidy. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., xli, 29-31. 1890.) Salient Points in Study of Mammals during 1891, R. Iiydekker. (Natural Sci- ence, I, 39-102. 1892.) Sauropoda and Other New Dinosaurs from Potomac Forniation. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xxxv, 89-94. 1888.) Several forms described as new. Schleroderms, Extinct. T. Gill. (American Naturalist, xxii, 828-830. 1888.) Diagnostic characters of the several families. Silurian (Ordovician) Ichthyic Fauna and its Mode of Occurrence. C. D. Wal- cott, (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, in, 153-172, 1891,) Silurian Rocks, Fish Remains, (Science, xvii, 107, 1891.) Silver Lake of Oregon and its Region, E, D. Cope. (American Naturalist, XXIII, 977-982. 1889.) Sirenia, Extinct, E. D, Cope, (American Naturalist, xxiv, 697-702. 18!K).) General account of the order, Sirenian, Fossil, from California. O. C. Marsh, (Am, Jonr. Sci., (3), xxxv, 94-96. 1888.) One new genus and species described as now. Skull of Dinosaurian Lielaps Incrassatus, Cope. E. D. Cope. (Proc, Am, Philos. Soc, XXIX, 240-244, 1892.) Skull of Equus Excelsus, Leidy, from the Equus Beds of Texas, P". D. Cope. (American Naturalist, xxv, 912-913. 1891.) Specimen of Bison Latiformis from Florida. F. A. Lucas. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Mch. 1891.) Structure of Plesosaurian Skull. S. W. Williston. (Science, xvi, 262. 1890.) Syllabus of Lectures on Geology and Paleontology, iii. Paleontology of Verte- brata. E.D. Cope. (Pamphlet, 90 pp. 1891.) ?».,.': S S ,■:■/■' I! [ BULL. 121, XLIV, 19- 89.) Oen- Uege Bui., n NatnriiU 1, 266-271. II, 3S9-351. 'alist, XXV, C. Marsh. Jour. Sci., [.11, 189-191. I J, 339-342. which have Sci., rhila,, (Proc. Am. (Traua. N. . J. Leidy. Natural Sci- 3. C. Marsh. as now. ■830. 1888.) C. D. Wal- Naturalist, -702. 18!K).) XXV, 94-96. Am. Philos. E. D. Cope. Biol. Soc. 262. 1890.) ^y of Verte- KnvEs.l BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 227 Vertebrates — Continued. Synopsis of FaniiUfs of Vertebrata. E. I). Copo. (Amoricau Naturalist, xxni. 849-877. 1889.) ' Teleoatomi, Non-Actiuopt.TyKia.i. E.I). Cope. (Aineriniu Naturalist, vxv. 479-481. 1891.) Tennessee, MaMtodon U.ic.iitly Found. S. \V. McCallie. (8t-482. New Haven, 1892.) Incidental references to fossils oltHcrvcii at ditVerent locali- ties. Walcott, Charles D. Cambrian Rocks of A'irjjiniaaud theSontlu-rii Appalachiaas. (Am.Jonr. Sci., (3), Vol. xr.iv,pi». .'52-,57. New Haven, 1892.) Im-idental rrf- erencesto fossils from many localities. Walcott, Charles D. Correlation Papers: Cambrian. (Bnl. T'. S. Geol. Snr., "Vfo. 81,447 pp., 3 plates. Washington, 1891.) Incidental references to ff»H«ils. Review. Walcott, Charles D. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. (IT. S. 'lla Walcott. Scencila .' conula Walcott. Sceuol! I, reticulata Hillings. Sceneua retusa J*'ord. Scenella ? varians Walcott, Scenella sp. f Stenotheca ? elongata Walcott. Stenothe<'a cnrvirostra S. & F. Stenotheca rugosa Hall. Platyceras primievum Billings. I 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. m m r-j 'Walcott, Charles D. — U9, 1890; also in Nones Jahrh.u-h, 334, 1891. Walcott, Charles D. New Generaand Species of Fossils from the Middh' ( .rian. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. xi, pp. 441-146. Washington, 1889.) Thf lollow- ing species, mostly new, are described from Newfoundland : Lingulellamacconnelli. Linnarrsonia sagittalis Salter. Crania (t) Columbiana. Orthosina alberta. Acrotreta gemma, var. depressa. Platyceras nmiingeri. 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [boll. 121 % Karlia Htephenensis. Bathynriscus (Kootenia)dawsoni. Ogygopsis. sp.f Walcott, Charles D.— Continued. Olenoides curticei. Olenoides sp. uudet. Karlia. Karlia minor. •Walcott, Charles D. Review of Dr. R. W. Poll's Second Report on the Geology of a Portion of the Province of Qnobec ; with Additional Notes on the Quebec Group, (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxix, pp. 101-115. New Haven, 1890.) Numerous references to fossils. Walcott, Charles D. Stratigraphic PoMition of the Olenellus Fauna in North America and Europe. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxvii, pp. 374-392. New Haven, 1889.) A study of the stratigraphical relations of the Olenellus fauna, with numerous references to species and localities Walcott, Charles D. Stratigraphic Position of the Olenellus Fauna in North America and Europe. (Am. Jour. Sci.,(3),Vol. xxviii, pp. 29-42. New Haven, ISi-b.) Continued from Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. xxxvxi, page 392. Walcott, Charles D. Stratigraphical Succession of Cambrian Faunas of North America. (Nature, Vol. xxxviii, p. . 5.51. New York, 1888.) Incidental refer- ences to fossils. TValcott, Charles D. Taconic System of Emmons and the Use of the Name Taconic in Geologic Nomenclature. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxv, pp. 229-242, .307- 327, and 395-401. New Haven, 1888.) Incidental references to fossils from New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, .and Connecticut are given. Walcott, Charles D. Value of Term " Hudson River Group" in Geologic Nomen- clature, (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. i, pp. .335-.356. New York, 1890.) Lists of characteristic fossils are given. Walcoi,^. Charles D. Vertebrate Fauna in Silurian (Ordovician) Strata. (Bui. Geol. !5oc. \merica. Vol. iii, i>p. 153-172, 2 plates. Rochester, 1892.) A pre- liminary notice of the discovery offish remains in the Trenton of Colorado, with a list of characteristic invertebrate remains found at the same place. Walcott, C. D., Rejoinder. C. Rominger. (American Geologist, ii, 356-359. 1888.) Mention made of ditferent species. Wanner, Atrenus. Casts of Scolithus Flattened by Pressure. (American Geologist, Vol. V, pp. 35-.38, Minneapolis, 1890.) The effects of pressure on certain speci- mens of Scolithus in the ijuartzites of Pennsylvania figured and described. Wanner, Atrenus. Discovery of Fossil Tracks in the Triassic of York County, Pa. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxvii, p. 186. Salem, 1889.) Announcement of the discovery of tracks j;nd algjo in the York County Trias. It is follov\ed by a discussion by C. H. Hitchcock. Wanner, Atrenus. Discovery of Fossil Tracks, Algie, etc., in the Triassic of York County, Pennsylvania, (Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Ann. Rep. 1887, pp. 21-35. Harrisburg, 1889.) Notes and figures of various forms found. Wanner, Atrenus. Fossil Tr.acks in tlio Trias of York County, Pa. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. XL, p. 286. Salem, 1892.) Abstract. A notice of the discov- ery and discussion of the character of tlie imprints. Wappiniger Valley Limestones and Otlior Formations of Dutchess County, N. Y. W. B. Dwight. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), xxxviir, 139-153. 1889.) Various fossils considered. Washington. Aucella, with Special Reference to its Ocicurrencc in California. C. A. White. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Moii. xiii, 226-233. 1888. ) Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. U. S, Geol. Sur., No. 51. 1889.) Pugot Group of Washington Territory. C. A. A^'hitc. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvi, 443-450. 1888. (Incidental references to the fossils. [BULL. 121. KITES.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 236 •ni. teology of le Quebec 811, 1890.) in North )92. New Ins fiiiina, in North 3w Haven, of North ntal refer- le Taconic 1-242, 307- SHils from ic Nomen- .rk, 1890.) ,ta. (Bui. .) A pro- Colorado, place. 59. 1888.) Geologist, ;ain speci- cribed. mnty, Pa. uucemeni followed 0 of York )p. 21-35. !. Am. As. ,0 discov- ity, N.Y. [>UM fossils A. White. Snr., No. Sci., (3), "Waverly Fossils, Continued, Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Part iv. List. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 11-60. 1888.) Waverly Fossils, Description of Four Now Species. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, 11-60 and 97-123. 1891.) Waverly Group, Continued, General Conclusions, Geology of Licking (.'ounty, Ohio, Pt. IV. C. L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 97-123. 1888.) Waverly Group, Geology of Licking County, Ohio, Pts. iii and iv, Subcarbonifer- ous. C.L. Herrick. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., m, Pt. i, 13-110. 1888.) Waverly Group in Ohio. C.L. Herrick. (American Geologist, iii, 94-99. 1889.) Mention made of different species. Waverly Group in Ohio, with Description of New Species, List of the Bryozons. E.O. Ulrich. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt.i, 62-92. 1888.) Waverly of Ohio, Compiled, Tabulated List of Fossils. W. E. Cooper. (Bui. Sci. Lab. Dennison Univ., iv, Pt. i, 123-130. 1888.) Waverly Problem, Cuyahoga Shale of Oliio. C. L. Herrick. (Bnl, Geol. Soc. Amer- ica, ii, 31-47. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Webster, Clement L. Devonian Rocks of Iowa, which Constitutes a Typical Sec- tion of the Devonian Formation of the Interior Continental Area of North America. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 229-243. Philadelphia, 1889.) Numerous references to and lists of fossils. Webster, Clement L. Genus Pachyphyllnm. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 621-625. Philadelphia, 1889.) The following species described, without figures, from the Devonian of Iowa: Pachyhyllum woodmani (White). I'arhyhylluin ordinatum sp. no v. Pachyhyllum crassicostatum sp. I'achyhyllum crassuni sp. nov. nov. Webster, Clement L. Geology of Johnson County, Iowa. (American Naturalist, Vol. XXII, pp. 408-419. 1889.) A list of Pleistocene fossils found is given. Webster, Clement L. New and Imperfectly Known Species of Brachiopoda from the Devonian Rocks of Iowa. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 1100-1104. Philadelphia, 1888.) The following are described without figures: Spirifera substrigosa sp. noV. Atrypa hystrix, var. elougata subsp. nov. Spirifera hungerfordi. Atrypa hystrix, var. planosulcata subsp. Spirifera strigosa. nov. Webster, Clement L. New Genus of Corals from Devonian Rocks of Iowa. (Amer- ican Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 710-712. Philadelphia, 1889.) The following described, without figures, from the Rockford shales of Iowa : Macgeea gen. nov. Macgeea parva sp. nov. Macgeea solitaria (Hall and Macgeea culnmla sp. nov. Whitfield. Webster, Clement L. New Species of Fossils from the Rockford Shales of Iowa. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, pp. 1013-1018. Philadelphia, 1888.) The fol- lowing species are described, without figures, as new : Rhynchonclla subacumiuata. Turbo strigillata. Athyris minutissima. Turbo ? incertus. Paracyclas validalinea. Holopea tenuicarinata. Platystoma mirus. Cyclonemabrevilincata. Platystoma pervetus. Cyclonema subcrenulata. Naticopsis rarus. Webster, Clement L. Notes on the Rockford Shales. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxil, pp. 444-446. Philadelphia, 1888. ) Three species are described as new : Loxonema gigautea. Loxonema orassum. Loxonema owenensis. Weiss, B. Devonian Sponges ; by J. M. Clarke : Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxix. Review. (Neues Jaiirbuch, 478-479. 1888.) I" 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. fBULUl2l. KXTBS. II White, Charles A. Aucella, with Special Reference to its Occurrence in California. (U.S.Geol.Sur., Mou. xiii, Chapter v, pp. 226-233, 2 plates. Wash- ington, 1888.) A general consideration of the genus, with proof of the spe- cific identity of the various forms heretofore described under various names. Wliite, Charles A. Biological and Geological Significance of Closely Similar Fossli Forms. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxix, pp. 239-243. Salem, 1891.) A discussion of the confusion resulting from the study of fossils ttom the two difi'erent points of view with reference to the synonymy of different forms. Reviewed Am. Geologist, iii, 374, 375. 1891. White, Charles A. Invertebrate Fossils of the Pacific Coast. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Bui. No. 51, 102 pp. Washington, 1891.) The following species described and fig- WTiit mi nred: Ostrea (Alectryonia) dilleri White. Zirphiea plana sp. nov. ActuBon inornatus sp. nov. Vasculum gen. aov. Yasculum obliquum sp. nov Lysis oppansus sp. nov. Trochus (Anademu) gemiferus sp. nov. Stomatia obstricta sp. nov. Gyrodes dowelli sp. nov. Rimella macilenta sp. nov. Mesalia obsuta sp. nov. Faunus marcidulus sp. nov. Ceratia uexilia sp. nov. Trophon condoni sp. nov. Comiuella lecontei sp. nov. Fulgur hilgardi sj). nov. Fnlguraria gabbi sp. nov. Cancellaria tiirneri sp. nov. Scobinella dilleri sp. nov. Ammonites turneri sp. nov. Perna excavata sp. nov. Inoceramus vancouverensis Shu- mard. Crassatella tuscana Gabb. Clisocolus dubius Gabb. Clisocolus cordatns Whiteaves. Anatina sulcatina Shumard. Vanikoropsis suciensis sp. nov. Ammonites maclurei sp. nov. Cardium (Adacnaf) sp. ? Cyrena brevidens sp. nov. Corbicula willisi sp. nov. Corbicula pugetensis sp. nov. Batissa dubia sp. nov. Batissa newberryi sp. nov. Psammobia obscura sp. nov. Sauguinolaria ? caudata sp. nov. Teredo pugetensis sp. nov. Cerithium sp. ? CucuUoia increbescens sp. nov. Glycimeris f dalli sp. nov. Belemnites sp. ? Belemnites sp. ? Ammonites (Lillia) howelli sp. nov. Ammonites (Lillia) kialagvikensis sp. nov. Ammonites (Amaltheus) whiteaves! sp. nov. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, v. 109, 110, 1890; and Neuea Jahrbuch, 154, 155, 1892. "White, Charles A. Later Cretaceous Deposits in Iowa. (American Geologist, Vol. I, pp. 221-227. Minneapolis, 1888.) Lespodeathes (?) haworihi described and figured as new. White, Charles A. Lower Cretaceous of the Southwest and its Relation to Under- lying and Overlying Formations. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. xxxviii, pp. 440-445. New Haven, 1889.) Incidental references to fossils are given. WMte, Charles A. North American Mesozoic. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci.,yol. xxxviii, pp. 205-225. Salem, 1890.) General references to the fossils. White, Charles A. North American Mesozoic. (Science, Vol. xiv, pp. 160-166. New York, 1889.) General references to fossils. The address before section £, of the A. A. A. S. at Toronto, August 29, 1889. White, Charles A. Permian of Texas. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxii, p. 926. Philadelphia, 1888.) In a note to the editors, Dr. White announces that he has found that Mr. Cunimings was entirely correct in his reported discovery of Mesozoic and Paleozoic types of Invertebrates commingled in one and the same layer of the Permian, in Baylor, Archer, and Wichita counties, Texas. "Whit Whit WWt Whit fBULUlSl. KKTM] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 237 California. B8. Wash- >f the Bpe- ona names, ailar Fossli , 1891.) A m the two ■ent forms. 1. Sur., Bui. ed and fig- >v. . nov. censis sp. ieavesi sp. i, 155, 1892. iogist, Vol. sribed and 1 to Under- tp. 440-445. 1. XXXVIII, p. 160-166. I section £, :;ii, p. 926. 368 that he iscovery of e and the , Texas. White, Charles A. Permian Formation of Texsw. (American Naturalist, Vol. xxiii, pp. 109-128. Philadelphia, 1889.) A list of species found with the descrip- tions and figures of the following new species : Ptychites cumminsi. Pompanoceras walcotti. Medlicottia copei. White, Charles A. Paget Group of Washington Territory. (Am. Jonr. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXVI, pp. 443-450. New Ha veu, 1888.) lucideutal references and com- parisons to fossils. 'White, Charles A. Texas Permian and its Mesozoio Types of Fossils. (Uul. U. S. Geol. Sur., No. 77, 51 pp., 4 plates. Washington, 1891.) A careful study of the Texas Permian fauna, with descriptions and figures of the following: Goniatites baylorensis sp. nor. Wagenoceras cumminsi White. Medlicottia copei White. Popanoceras walcotti White. Naticopsis shumardi McChes- ney? Nautilus (Temnocheilus) wins- lowi M. & W. Nautilus sp. f Nautilus occidentalis Swallow. Nautilus endolobus M. &, W. Naticopsis remex White. Orthoceras rushensis McChesney . Euomphalus subquadratus M. &, Murchisonia sp. f Patella sp. f Bellerophon crassus M. & W. Bellerophon montifortianus M. &■ P. Sedgwiclcia topekiensis (Shumard). PleurophoruB sp.t Clidophorus occidentalis Geinitz. Yoldia? snbscitula M. & H. Myalina permiana (Swallow). Myalina aviculoides M. & H. Myalina perattennata M. & H. Gervillia longa Geinitz. Aviculopecten occidentalis Shumard. Spirorbis sp. ? Cythere nebrascensis Geinitz. E. D. Cope. (American Nat- W. 'White River Neocene of Nebraska, Perrissodactyles. uralist, xxv, 47-49. 1891.) 'Whiteaves, J. P. Cretaceous Fossils from British Columbia, the Northwest Terri- tory, and Manitoba. (Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. I, pp. 151-196, 10 plates. Montreal, 1889.) The following species, with figures, are de8crii»ed: Aucellamosquensis, var. concen- Cyprina occidentalis Whiteaves. trica Fisch. Astarte carlottensis sp. nov. Placenticeras occidentale Whit- eaves. Placenticeras perezianum Whit- eaves. Placenticeras (Perezianum? var.) liardense. Scaphites quatsinoensis Whit- eaves. Discina pileolus sp. nov. Cyprina yukonensis sp. nov. Schloonabachia borealis sp. nov. Estheria sp. nov. Terebratula robusta sp. nov. Exogyra sp. f Lima perobliqua sp. nov. Fteria (Oxytoma) comeuilana d'Orbigny. Trigonia dawsoni Whiteaves. Astarte carlottensis Whiteaves. Protocardium hillamun var. Pleuromya carlottensis Whiteaves. Schloenbachia gracilis sp. nov. Placenticeras glabrnm sp. var. Cyprina subtrapeziformis Whiteaves. Linearia formosaf Meek & Hayden. Pholadomya subventrioosa Meek & Hay- den. Solecurtis (Tagelus) occidentalis Whit- eaves. Martesia tumidiformis Whiteaves. Hydatina parvula Whiteaves. Baculites ovatus Say. Placenticeras placenta Dekay. Palo^astacus (?) omatus Whiteaves. Serpula semicoalita sp. nov. Lingula subspatulataf Hall &. Meek. Ostrea congesta Conrad. Inoceramus problematicus Schlot- heim. Modiola tenuiscuipta sp. nov. Delemnitella manitobensis, sp. nov. Loricula canadensis sp. nov, ! t 238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [nuix-iai. Wtaiteaves, J. F.— Coutiuued. Ptychodus parvulus sp. uov. EuohoduH shumardi Leidy. Lamna inanitobenHis np. nov. Cladocyclus occideutalis Leidy. Reviewed in Am. Jour. Soi., (3), xxxviii, 493, 1889; alao in Neues Jahrbucb, 158, 159, 1891. Whiteavea, J. F. Dcnoription of a New Genus au*l Species of Phyllocardia Crnnta- cea from the Middle Cambrian of Mount Stepbens, B. C. (Can.idian Rec. Sci. Vol. V, pp. 205-208. Ottawa, 1892.) Anamolocaria canadensis is based upon nnmerous specimens in which only the abdominal and caudal segments are preserved, the carapace being unknown. Whiteaves, J. F. Description of a New Species of Paneka from the Corniferous Limestones of Ontario. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. iv, pp. 401-404, 1 plate. Ottawa, 1891.) Paneka grandia is regarded as new. It attains a length of fully 9 and a height of nearly 7 inches. Whiteaves, J. P. Descriptions of four New Species of Fossils from the Lower Silurian Rocks of the Southeastern portion of the District of Saskatchewan. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. V, pp. 293-302, 1 plate. Ottawa, 1891.) The follow ing species are figured and described : Strophomena acanthoptera. Gomphoceras purvnlum. Pentamorus discussatns. Acidaspis perarmata. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, ix, 66, 1892. Whiteaves, J. F. Fossils of Devonian Rocks of the Islands, Shores, or immediate vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnepegosis. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. i, pp. 255-860, 14 plates. Montreal, 1892.) The few introductory remarks are followed by the descrip- tions and figures of the following species : Spheerospongia tessellata Phil- ips. Astrisospongia hamiltonensis Meek & Worthen. Cyathophyllum vermiculare, var. praicursor Freeh. Cyathophyllum anna Whitfield. Cyathophyllum profunda Hall. Cyathophyllum profunda (var.). Cyathophyllum dianthus Gold- fus. Cyathophyllum waskasense si*. nov. Cyathophyllum petraioides sp. nov. Cyathophyllum a th abas cense Whiteaves. Columnaria (Cyathophylloides disjuncta sp. nov. Actinocystis variabilis sp. uov, Favosites gothlandica Lamarck (var.). Pachyopora cerviocornis De Blainville. Alveolites vallomm Meek. Stromatopora sp. ? Actinostroma expansnm Hall &. Whitfield. Actinostroma tyrrellii Nicholson. Actinostroma fenestratnm Nicholson. Ctenucrinus sp. Spirorbis omphalodes Goldfnss. Leptotrypa quadrangularis Nicholson. Pinacotrypa marginata sp. nov. Cystodictya hamiltonensis Ulrich. Fenestolla vera Ulrich. Fenestella sp. ? Polypora (porosaf var.) manitobensis. Discina sp. indet. Choneteslogani,var. aurora Hall. Choiietes manitobensis sp. nov. Productella productoides, var. mem- branacea Phillips. Productella subaculeata Mnrchison. Orthid (Schizophoria) striatula Schlo- theim. Orthis (Schizophoria) manitobensis nom. prov. Orthothotes chemungensis Conrad. Strophodonta arcnata Hall. Strophodontainterstrialis Phillips. Spirifera fimbriata Conrad. Spirifera (Martinia) richardsonii Meek. Cyrtina hamiltonensis Hall. Athyris vittata Hall. Atrypa reticularis Linniens. Atrypa reticularis var. aspera Schlot- heim. [BOLL. lai. KBTM] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 239 biich, 158, ia CritAta- L Rec. Sci. ised upon luents are >rniferoa8 , 1 plate, length of he Lower itchewan. lie follow minediate list. 8ur. 14 plates, e descrip- Lolson. s. ;holson. r. ich. >l>onBiH. I. >r. mem- sou. a Schlo- nsis uom. ad. ps. i Meek. Schlot- Whiteaves, J. P.— Continued. Pentamerus comis Owen. Stringocephalus b u r t i n i D c- france. Terebratula sullivanti Hall. Pterinea lobuta sp. uov. Actinopteria boydii Conrad. Gosseletia sp. f Mytilarca inHata sp. nov. Myalina trigonalis, sp. nov. Modiomorpha attenuata White- aves. Modiomorpha compressa sp. nov. Modiomorpha tumida sp. nov. Modimorpha parvula sp. nov. Spathella subelliptica sp. nov. Goniophora perangulata Hall var. Macrodon pygmanis sp, nov. Nucula? manitobeusis sp. nov. I Nuculites sp. Keferateinia subovata Whito- aves. Meoynodon sp. Anodontopsis affinis sp. nov. Paraoyclas antiqua Goldfuss. Paracyclas elliptica Hall. Paraoyclas elliptica var. occi- dentalis Billings. Paracyclas sp. undt. Conocardium ohioensis Meek. Cardiopsis tenuicostata sp. nov, CypricardoUa bellistriata Con- rad. Cypricardella producta sp nov. Cypricardina planulata (?) Con- rad. Glossitesmanitobensis nom.prov. Orthonota corrugata Whiteaves. Dental ium (sp.)t Palieacmsea (?) cingulatasp. nov. Pleurotomaria goniostomasp. nov. Pleurotomaria infranodosa sp. Pleurotomaria sp. nndt. Raphistouia tyrreilii sp. nov. Murchisonia archiacaua sp. Murchisonia dowlingii sp. nov. Murchisonia turbinata Schlotheim. Hellerophonf pelops Hall. Porcellia manitobensis sp. nov. Eunema speciosum sp. uov. Eunema brevispira sp. nov. Euenema subspinusum sp. nov. Eunema clathratulum sp. nov. Astralites gen. nov. Astralites Hmbriatus sp. nov. Euoniphalus (Straparollus) annulatus Phillips. Euomphalus (Phanerotiuus) sp. undt. EuomplialuB circularis? Phillips, var. subtringonalis. OmplialocirruB manitobensis sp. uov. Straparollina obtusa sp. nov. Paeudophorus tectiformis sp. nov. Platyceras (Orthonychia) parvulum sj*. nov. Platyostoma tumidnm sp. nov. Naticopsis manitobensis sp. nov. Naticopsis iuomata sp. uov. Loxonema altivolvis sp. nov. Loxonema priscum Munster. Loxonema cingulatum sp. nov. Loxonema gracillum sp. nov. Macroohilina suboostata (Schlotheim). Macrochilina pulcholla sp. nov. Pleurotomaria spenceri sp. nov. Hyolithos alatus sp. uov. Orthoccras hindii Whiteaves. Brontcus manitobensis sp. nov. Lichas (Terataspis) sp. nov. Cyphaspis bellula sp. nov. Proetus mundulus sp. nov. Ptyctodus calceolus Newberry and Wor- then. Dinichthys canadensis sp. nov. Aspidichthys ( f ) notabilis sp. nov. Onychodui (sp. undt.). I • I; 1 it nov. Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 429, J892. Whiteaves, J. F. Fossils of the Devonian Rocks of the Mackenzie River Basin. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. I, Part III, pp. 199-253, 5 plates. Montreal, 1891.; The following species described, with Agues : Astr {eospongia hamiltouensis Meek & Worthen. Aulopora serpens Goldfuss. Streptolusma rectum Hall. Cyathophyllum arcticum Meek. Cyathophyllum cisspitosum Goldfuss. Cyathophyllum richardsoni Meek. Cyathoithyllum athabasceuse sp. uov. 240 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. Ibuu.121. Whiteav9«, J. F. — Continued. Carapophylluni «llipictiiiii Hall & Wliitfield. Heliophylluiii pttrvnluiii Hp. nov. PhillipBastrusa huunalii Loms- dalo. PhilHpsastrrea verillii Meuk. rachyphylluni devonionse Ed- wards & Hainie. CyBtiphylluni araericanum, var. arcticum Meek. Pacbypora oervicomiB de Blain- ville. Arachnocrinus canadensis ap. nov. Spirorbis omphalodes Goldfuss. Spirorbis arkonenHis Nicholson. Cornulitea (Ortonls) subltevis sp. nov. Hederella canadensis Nichol- son. Proboscina laxa sp. nov. Stomatopoia moniliformis sp. nov. Ascodictyon stellatum Nichol- son. Paleschara quadrangularis Nicholson. Monotrypella unjiga sp. nov. Ceramopora hurouensis Nichol- son. Crania hamiltoniae Hall. Chonetes logani var. aurura Hall. Strophalosia productoides Mnrchison. Productella dissimilis. Prodnctella spinulicosta Hall. Productella lachrymosa var. lima Conrad. Orthis striatula Schlotheim. Strophodonta demissa Conrad. Spirifera disjnncta Sowerby. Spirifora diejuuota, var. occideutalis var. nov. Spirifera cyrtiumformiR Hall &, Whit- field. Spirifera inutilis Hall. Spirifera tullia Hall var. Spirifera glabra, var. franklini Meek. Spirifera moristoides Meek. Spirifera richardsoni Meek. Cyrtina hamiltonensiif Hall. Cyrtina billingsi Meek. Athyris angelica, var. occidentalis var. nov. Athyris parvnla sp. nov. Atrypa reticularis Linn<^. Atrypa reticularis, var. aspera Schlo- theim. Rhynchonella pugnus Martin. Rhynchonella cnboides Sowerby. Rhynchonella castanea Meek. Eatonia variablis sp. nov. Pentamerus galeatus Dalman . Stringocephalus burtini Defrance. Cryptonella calviui ( ?) Hall & Whitfield. Newberria Itevis Meek. Newberria halli. Pterinopecten sp. undt. Pterinea fiabellum Conrad. Ptychopteria aequivalvis sp. nov. Leptodesma demus Hall. Leptodesma jason Hall. Palffioneilo sp. undt. Paracyclas elliptica Hall. Schizodus chemungensis Conrad. Euomphalus (StraparoUus) inops Hall. Euomphalns (StraparoUus) flexistriatus sp. nov. Euomphalns maskusi sp. nov. Conularia salinensis sp. nov. Proetus haldemani Hall. Kin Wh I WW1 Rd White 1 ] i i I « White I 1 Strophodonta perplana Conrad. Whiteavea. J. F. Fossils from Hamilton Formation of Ontario, with a list ox Species at Present Known from that Formation and Province. (Geol.and Nat. Hist, Sur. Canada. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. i, pp. 95-125, 5 plates. Montreal, 1889.) The following species are described with figures: Acervularia profunda Hall. Megistocrinus sp. indt. Taxocrinus lobatus Hall. OUacrinus spinigerrus Hall. Homocrinus crassus sp. nov. Ancyrocrinns bulbosus Hall. Arthroacantha punctobrachiata Pentremitidea filosa, sp. nov. Williams. Dolatocrinus liratus Hall. Dolatocrinus lamellosus Hall. Dolatocrinus canadensis sp. nov, NucleocrinuB elegans Conrad. Granatocrinus leda Hall. Codaster canadensis Billings, Re^ ai Whitei D 9J ULU 121. KITES! BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 241 Ain var. . Whit- eek. Whiteaves, J. P.— Continuctl. EleatherocrtnuB cattHedayi S)ui mard aud Yandell. Lingula thedfordensis sp. nov. Prodnctella ( Strophaloeia ? ) t r i m cata Hall. Chonetes oarinata Conrad. Streptorhynclius perversnni Hall Strophodonta plicata Hail. Spirifera subdocussata sp. nov. NucleoBpiru conciuna Hall. Meristella unisulcata Conrad. Meriatolla haskin.ii Hall. Rot/.ia (TreinutoHpira) nohilix HalL i'toriniMi flabellum Conrad. (JrainmyHia arcuata f Conrad. Turbo Hliuniurdl De Vernouil. I*latyc«>ra8 oarinatuni Hall. I'latyteras qninquvHinnatnni Ulrich. Platyceras (Orthonychia) conicum Hall. Platyostonia plicatnni sp. nov. Dalnianitoa Iwdena Hall. ills var. V Schlo- Macroptaliclithys siillivanti Nnwberry. Reviewed in Am. .Tour. Sci., (3). xxxviii, 493, 1885); Am. (leologist, v, 1()8, 109, 1890; and Neues Jahrbnch, 117, 1890. Whiteaves, J. P. Fossils from the Triassio Rocks of British Columbia. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, Vol. i, pp. 127-148, 3 plates. Montreal, 1889.) The following species described with figures : se. Whitfield. Spiriferina borealis sp. nov. Terebratula humboldtensis Gabb. Terebratula liardensis sp. nov. Monotis subcircularis Gabb. Monotis oval is sp. nov. Halobia(Daonella) lommeli Wiss- man. Halobia occiden talis sp. nov. Trigonodus ( ?) productussp. nov. Margarita triassica sp. nov. Nautilus liardensis sp. nov. I'opauoceras maconelli sp. nov. Arcestes gabbi Meek. Acrochordiceriis ? carlottenso sp. nov. Trachyceras canadenso sp. nov. Arniotites Hyatt gen. et sp. nov. Arniotitca vuncouverensis Whiteaves. Arniotites sjt f Baniotitcs carlottensis sp. nov. Aulacoceras carlottense Whiteaves. •8 Hall, istriatua Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 170, 171, 1891. Wlliteaves, J. P. Gasteropoda of Trenton Limestone of Manitoba, with a Descrip- tion of One New Species. (Canadian Rec. Sci., Vol. v, pp. 317-328. Ottawa, 1892.) Sixteen species are enumerated, most of which are common forms of the Trenton limestone. Murchitionia major, Hall, and J/, tereti/onna Billings are regarded as identical, and as largo varieties of M. belUcincta, Hall. A large new species of Loxonena is described and figured under the name L. winnepeg- ense, and the operculum of Maclurea vianUobensis is also described and figured. Whiteaves, J. P. Illustrations of Fossil Fishes of the Devonian Rocks of Canada, Part II. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vi, Sec. iv, pp. 77-96, 5 plates. Montreal, 1888.) The following species are described and figured : Glyptolepis quebecensis sp. nov. Acanthodes affinis sp. nov. Species at. Hist. 95-125, 5 figures : Phaneroplouron cnrtuni sp. nov. Cephalaspis cam]>belltonensis sp. nov. Cocosteua acadicus Whiteaves. Ctenacanthus latispinosus Whiteaves. Homocanthus gracilis sp. nov. Eusthenopteron foordi Whit- eaves. Cheirolepis canadensis Whit- eaves. Bothriolepis canadensis Whit- eaves. Reviewed in Ottawa Naturalist, iii, No. 2, 1889; also Neues .Jahrbuch, 437, 1890; and Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxviii, 249, 1889. Whiteaves, J. P. New or Previously Unrecorded Species of Fowsils from the Devonian of Manitoba. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. via, Sec. iv, pp. 93-110, 7 plates. Montreal, 1890.) The following species figured and described : Stringocephalus burtini De Plenrotomaria goniostoma sp. nov. France. Modiomorpha attenuata sp. nov. Megalodou subovatus sp. nov. Orthonota corrugata sp. nov. Bull. 121 16 Euomphalus manitobensis sp. nov. Orthoceras (Thoracoceras) tyrrellii sp. nov. Actinoceras hindii sp. nov. ■'•I li 242 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. [BDu.m. TetragonoceritH graoilo np. uov. (iSyroceras cnnadeiiBe Hp. nov. GyroceruH fllicinctiiiii h]i. nov. GyroceruH subuiatuillutum sp. nov. Whlteavea, J. P. — Continued. GonipbuceruH mauitobeuHo sp. nov. Cyrtuceras occidentale Hp. nov. IIouialoceraH planatum gun. ut 8p. nov. Reviewed in Neuea Jahrbuch, 561, 562, 1892. Whiteaves, J. F. New Speciea of FoHuila from the Cainbro-Silurian Rocks of Manitoba. (Trans. Koy. Soc. Canada, Vol. vn, Sec. iv, pp. 75-83, 2 plates. Montreal, 1889.) The following species described and figured as new : Maclurea manitobensis. Onoceras gibbosuni. Potorioceras nobile. Cyrtoceras manitobense. Poterioceraa apertum. Trochoceras maccharlesi. Oncoceras magnum. Aspidoceras insigne. Reviewed iu Am. Geologist, V, 58, 1890; also in Neues Jahrbuch, 147, 1890. 'Whiteaves, J. P. Occurrence of Paucispiral Opercula of Gasteropoda iu the Guelph Formation of Ontario. (Canadian Reo. Sci., Vol. v, pp. 404-407. Ottawa, 1891.) Note on the discovery of an operculum in position on a Silurian gas- teropod. Whiteaves, J. P. Orthoceratidie of the Trenton liimestone of the Winnepeg Basin. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. ix. Sec. iv, pp. 77-90, 8 plates. Mon- treal, 1891.) A critical and systematic list of the Orthoceratidio in the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada, from the Winnipeg Trenton, with descriptions and figures of the following species: Endoceras annulatum Hall. Orthocoras wiuni2>egen8e sp. nov. Eudoceras Hubanuulatum Whit- Actinoceras richardsoni Stokes. Actinoceras bigsbyi Brown. Actinoceras allumittense Bill. Sactoceras cabadonse sp. nov. Gonioceras lambii sp. nov. Poterioceras apertum Whiteaves. Poterioceras gi'acile. feld. Endoceras crassisiphouatum sp. nov. Orthoceras simpsoni Billings. Orthoceras semiplanatum sp. nov. Orthoceras solkirkense sp. nov. Reviewed iu Am. Geologist, x, 124, 1892. Whitfield, R. P. Additional Notes on Asaphus Canalis, Conrad. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. Ii, No. 2, pp. 64, 65, 2 plates. New York, 1889.) Observations on a specimen found recently at Fort Cassin. Whitfield, R. P. Common Edible Crab found Fossil iu the Hudson River Tunnel. (Science, Vol. xviii, p. 300. Now York, 1891.) Cullinectea haatatm, Fabricus, found iu fossil condition in the bed of the Hudson. Whitfield, R. P. Description of a New Genus of Inarticulate Brachiopodous Shell. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. iii, pp. 121, 122. New York, 1890.) The genus Lingulodiscina described and illustrated as new from certain species heretofore referred to Lingula. Whitfield, R. P. Description of a New Form of Fossil Balanoid Cirripide, from the Marcellus Shale of New York. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. ii, pp. 66-68. New York, 1889.) ProtohalanuH Aa»i{itowe««i« described and figured, with a discussion of its relationships. Whitfield, R. P. Fauual Resemblances between the Cretaceous Formations of New Jersey and those of the Gulf States. (Bui. American Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. ii, pp. 113-116. New York, 1889.) A close faunal relation is noted and tables of common fossils given. Whitfield, R. P. Fort Cassin Rocks and their Fauna. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America Vol. I, pp. 513-515. New York, 1890.) A note supplementary to a paper by Ezra Brainard and Henry M. Seely on the Caloiferous Formation in the Cham- plain Valley, in the same publication. ILL. m. lOV. ucks of 90. I Guelph Ottawa, ian gas- '^innepeg I. Mon- 3 in the Trentou, im. Mu8. arvations |r Tuuuel. iFabricus, (US Shell. .) The In species lide, from fol. n,pp. figured, [ns of New |t.,Vol. II, tables of America , paper by bhe Cham- 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 243 Whitfield, R.P. Fossils from Uolivia Coll«ct(Ml by Mr. Artliur F. Wendt and Desoriptiou of a Remarkable Now (ji»)iiuh ami Specii-M of Brachiopod. (Trans. American Inst. Mining Eng., Vol. xix, ApptMidix, p. SI, 18!»1.) The author describes the new genns Hcaphiocci-liii, with the new upocicH S. hoUriensia from the Devonian near Surce, Bolivia. Reviewed in Am. Naturalist, vill, 397, 1891. Whtfileld. R.P. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Cluys and Green- sand Marls of New Jersey. (U. S. Oeol. Sur., Mon. xviii, 402 pp., 50 plates. Washington, 1891.) The following species and genera are described and figured : Volutomorpha (Piostochilus) uiucro- nutn Gabb. Volutomorpha (Piestoehilus) kauei Gabb. Eripaehya ? palndinaforniis sp. nov. Euthria ? fragilis sp. nov. Tritonidea obesa sp. nov. Tnrbinella ? parva Gabb. Turbinella snbconica Gabb. Tnrbinella f verticalis sp. nov. Vasum c(moides sp. nov. Voluta f delawarensis Gabb. Rostcllitos nasutus Gabb. Rostellites angulatus sp. nov. Rostellites texturatus sp. nov. Volutoderma biplicata Gabb. Volutoderma ovata sp. nov. Turricula reileyi sp. nov. Terricula leda sp. nov. Turricula scalarifonnis sp. nov. Cancellaria (Merica) siibalta Conrad. Morea naticella Gabb. Turbinopsis hilgardi f Conrad. Turbiuopsis angnlata sp. nov. Turbinopsis cnrta sp. nov. Turbiuopsis elevata sj). nov. Turbiuopsis major sp. nov. Turbinopsis plicata sp. nov. Sure u la strigosa (Gabb). Cithara mullicn«nsis sp. nov. Cithara crosswickcnsis sp. nov. Rostelhiria compacta sp. nov. Rostellaria spirata sp. nov. Rostellaria curta sp. nov. Rostellaria fusiformis sp. nov. Rostellaria hebe sp. nov. Auchura arenariii. Mt(rton. Anchura abrupta ? Conrad. Anckura abrupta, v:ir. acntispira var. nov. Auchura pennata Morton. Auchnra pagodaformis sp. nov. Anchura solitaria sp. nov. Anchura (Drepanochilus) compressa sp- nov. Tudicla planimarginata sp. nov. Pyropsis elevata Gabb. Pyropsis octolirata Conran. Pyropsis perlata ? Conrad. Pyropsis rotifer Gabb. Pyropsis richardsonii t Toumey. Pyropsis ? obesa sp. nov. Pyropsis trochiformis f Toumey. Pyropsis reileyi sp. nov. Pyropsis naticoides sp. nov. Pyropsis (Rapa ?) septemlirata Gabb. Pyropsis (Rapa f) corrinasp. nov. Perissolax dubia Gabb. Pyrifusus erraticus sp. nov. Pyrifusns cnneus sp. nov. Pyrifusus mnllicaensis ? Gabb. Pyrifusus macfarlandi sp. nov. Pyrifusus pyruloides Gabb. Pyrifusus tnrritus s^). nov. Pyrifusus meoki sp. nov. Neptuuella mullicaensis sp. nov. Triton (Epidrotnus) priecedons sp. nov. Trachytritou utlauticum sp. nov. Trachytriton ? holmdelense sji. nov. Trachytritou t multivaricosum sp. nov. Fusus ? holmdelensis sp. nov. Serrifusud ? crosswiokensis sp. nov. Serrifusus (Lirofusus) nodocari- natus sp. nov. Odontofusus gen. nov. Odontofusua slack i Gabb. Odontofusus typicus sp. nov. Odontofusus medians sp. nov. Odontofusus rostellaroides sp. nov. Volutomorpha conradi Gabb. Volutomorpha ponderosa sp. nov. Volutomorpha gabbi sp. nov. Volutomorpha (Piestoehilus) bella Gabb. n • I ! 244 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NOETH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. "Whitfield, R. P.— Continueil. Alaria rostrata Gabb. Cyprcea (Aricia) mortoni Ga1)b. ^ Dolium (Doliopsis) luultiliratum sp. nov. Ficus precedona sp. nov. Natica abyusiua Morton. Gyrodea abbottii Gabb. Gyrodes infracariiiata Gabb. Gyrodes creuata Gyrodes petrosus Morton, Gyrodes altispira Gabb. Gyrodes obtusivolva Gabb. I.g.ani var. aurora Hall. Spirifer mucronatns var. tullien- sis Williams. Spirifer mucroiiatus Hall. Williams, H. S. Devonian System of North and South Devonshire. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. xxxviir, pp. 233, 234. Salem, 1890.) Abstract of a discussion of the Devonian and the use of fossils in its correlation. Williams, H. S. Devonian System of North and South Devonshire. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), Vol. XXXIX, pp. 31-38. New Haven, 1890.) A study of the English Devonian with comparisons witli the American series. Numerous references to fossils. Williams, H. S. Different Typea of the Devonian in North America. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., Vol. XXXVI, pp. 207, 208. Salem, 188*<.) Abstract. Foursepii- rate types of the Devonian are recognized and their faunal oharacteristics considered. Williams, H. S. DifferentTypesof the Devonian Syst9. New Haven, 1888.) Incidental refer- ences to fossils from various localities. Williams, H. S. Faunas of Upper Devonian Genesee Section of New York. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Bui. 41, 121 pp.. 4 plates. Wa8hingt the fossils. KB1 Wi Wl Wi WI Wl Wi Wi; Wi] Wil wu Wil Wil "Wil Wil Wil Win MTB8.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 247 (Am. Williams, H. S. Scope of Paleontology and its Value to Geologists. (American Geologist, Vol. x, pp. 14K-169. Minneapolis, 1892.) Address before section E, A. A. A. S., Angust, 1892. 'Williams, H. S. Use of Fossils in Determining the Age t>f (Jeologic Terranes. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sei., Vol. xxxvii, ]>. 20(3. Salem, 188').) Al)ntract. A discussion of tho value of fossils, with a formulation of rules. Williams' Address on Scope of Paleontology and its Value to Geologists, Remarks. J. Marcou. (American Geologist, x, 2.')7-260. 1892.) WilliBton, S. W. Interesting Food Habit of tlie Plesosanrs. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., Vol. xiii, pp. 121, 122. Topeka, 1893.) Description of stones found in the stomach and supposed to have been aided in tho digestion. Williuton, S. W. Kansas Mosasaurs. (Science, Vol. xviii, p. 145. Now York, 1891.) Williston, S. W. Kansas Pterodactyls, (Kansas Univ. Quart., Vol. i, pp. 1-13. Lawrence, 1892. ) An annotated list of eight species known to occur in Kan- sas, with descriptions of the genera Ptoranodon and Nyctodactvlus. WilliBton, S. W. New Plesosaur from tho Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., Vol. xii, pp. 174-178. Topeka, 1890.) Description and diagnostic characters of Cimolioaaitrua {Elaamoaaurm f) snowii. Williston, S. W. Niobrara Cretac(!0U8 of Western Kansas. (Trans. Kansas Aead. Sci., Vol. XIII, pp. 107-111. Topeka, 1893.) Notes on various characteristic species. Williston, S. W. Pelvis of Cumuoria (Camptosaurus). (Am(Ticau Naturalist, Vol. xxiv% pp. 472,473. Philadelphia, 1890.) A correctiou on recent work by Lydekker. Williston, S. W. Plesosaur from Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., Vol. xii, i)p. 1-5. Topeka, 1890.> Williston, S. W. Skull aiul Hind Extremity el' Pteranodou. (American Natural- ist, Vol. XXV, pp. 1124-1126. Philadelphia, 1891.) A description of Pterano- don longieepv from the Cret:.oeous oi Kansas. Williston, S. W. Structure of the Ki'.nsas Cluilk. (Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., Vol. XII, p.. 100. Topek.i, 1890.) Nates the presence of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, sponges, etc., in the chalks ol Kansas. Williston, S. W. Structure o*' Plesiosaurian Skull. (Science, Vol. xvi, pp. 262-290. New York, 1890 ) Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 452, 1892. Williston, H. S., and E. C. Case. Kansas Mosasaurs, Part i, Clidastcs. (Kansas Univ. Quart., Vol. i, pp, 15-32, 4 plates. Lawrence, 1892.) A review oi the Clidastes known from Kansas with descriptions of: Clidastes velox Marsh. Clidastes wymani Marsh. Clidastes westii sp. nov. Clidastes rex Marsh. Clidast'Os dispar Marsh. Clidastes Ktonops Cope. Wiuchell, N. H. Discovery of Lingula and Paradoxides in the Red Qnartzites of Minnesota. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. iii, pj). 103-105. Minne- apolis, 1889.) Short note claiming that fossils have bisen found in the forma- tion luimed. Wiuchell, N. H., and Charles Schuchert. Now llrachiopoda from tho Trenton and Hudson River Groups of Minnesota. (American (Jeologist, Vol. ix, jtp. 284-294. Minneapolis, 1892.) The following species described as new: Lingula riciiniforniis var. gale- Leptinna charlotta;. nensis. Lingula ((ilossinn) dellecta. Lingulasma galenerisis. Strophomena septata. Strophomena planodorsata. 8tro]»honuMia sohoiieldi. Strophomena emaciata. Plectambonites gibbosa. Orthis meedsi. Hallina satl'ordi. Hallina nicolleti. Rhynchotreuia inuMjuivalvis, var.laticos- tata. 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. 121. Wind River Beds, Collection of 1891, Fossil Mammals. H. F. Osborn and J. L. Wortman. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., iv, 81-147. 1892.) "Winnipeg Basin, Orthoceratidie of Trenton Limestone J. y. Whiteaves. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ix, Sec. iv, 77-90. 1891.) \i(rinnipeg08is, Fossils from Devonian Rocks of the Islands, Shores, or Immediate Vicinity of Lake. J. F. Whiteaves- (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Con- tributions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 255-360. 1892.) Wisconsin. Agnostas, North American Species. A. W. Vogdes. (American Geologist, ix, 377-396. 1892.) Cambrian Fossils, Upper, Description of New Forms. C. ]). Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiii, 266-279. 1890.) Cambrian Rocks of Virginia and Southern Appalachians. C. D. Walcott. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 52-57. 1892.) Incidental references to certain Wiscon- sin fossils. Check-List of Paleozoic Fossils of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, and Nebraska. H. Bierbaur. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci., in. No. 2, 206-247. 1888.) Fishes, Paleozoic of North America. J. S. Newberry. (U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. XVI, 340 pp. 1889.) Lamellibranchiata, New. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, x, 96-104. 1892.) Lamellibranchiata, Silurian, Chiefly from Minnesota Rocks. E. O. Ulrich. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minnesota, Nineteenth Ann. Rep., 211-248. 1892.) Ostracoda, Lower Silurian, No. i. E. O. Ulrich. (American Geologist, x, 263-270. 1892.) Silurian Formations of Wisconsin and Minnesota Compared. F. W. Sardeson. (Bui. Minnesota Acad. Nai. Sci., in, 319-326. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. TVolfe, E. Cambrian Fossils in Stockbridge Limestone of Vermont. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. ii, p. 331. 1890.) Reviewed in Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xij, 435, 1891; also in Am. Geologist, viii, 117, 1891. Woodi»7ard, Anthony. Foramiuifera from Post- Pliocene Sand at Santa Barbara., California. (New York Micros, Soc, .Jour., Vol. v. pp. 24, 25. 1888.) List of specimens found. Woodward, A. S. Evolution of Fins. (Natural Science, Vol, i, pp. 28-35. London, 1892.) TVoodw^ard, Henry. Tiirrelepas in Utica Formation of Ottawa, Canada. (Geol. Mag., Vol. VI, pp. 271-275. London, 1889.) Reviewed in Neues Jahrbuch, 423, 1892. Woodward, J. B. Erratic Cambrian Fossils in the Neocene Gravels of the Islands of Martha's Vineyard. (American Geologist, Vol. ix, pp. 243-247. Minne- apolis, 1892.) A description of fussiliferous pebbles in the Neocene at G.ay Head. Woolman, Lewis. Geological Results of the Boring of an Artesian Well at Atlantic City, N. J. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. xxxix, pp. 339-342. Philadel- phia, 1888.) Notes on the various Tertiary fossils found. Woolman, Lewis. Geology of Artesian Wells at Atlantic City, N. J. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., I'hiladelpliia, Vol. XLii, pp. 132-147. Philadelphia, 1890.) List of fossils found in siuking the well is given. Wooster, I. C. Permo-Carboniferous of Greenwood and Butler counties, Kans. (American Geologist, Vol. vi, pp. 9-18. Minneapolis, 1890.) List of fossils found given. Worms. Calciferoiis Formation in Champlain Valley. E. Brainard and H. M. Seely, (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 501-616. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. MTK8.] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOKTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY. 249 Worms — Continued. Cambrian Fx^asils from Cohasset, Mass. C. D. Walcott. (Proe. Bioo. Soc. Wash- ington, VII, 155. 1890.) Cambrian, Lower, or Olenellus, Zone of North America, Descriptive Notes of New Genera and Species. C. D. Walcott. (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, 33-36. 1890.) Devonian Rocks of Islands, Shores, or Immediate vicinity of Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Contri- butions to Canadian Paleontology, i, 255-360. 1891.) Devonian Rocks of Mackenzie River Basin. J. F. Whiteaves. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada) Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, I, Part iii, 199-253. 1891.) Exploration in Yukon and Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. R. G. McConnell. (Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann. Rep. 1888-1889, iv, Part d, 163 pp. 1891.) Mention made of diiferent speci es. Fauna of Lower Cambrian or Olenellns Zone. C. D. Walc;>ct. (U. S. Geol. Snr., Tenth Ann. Rep., 511-688. 1890.) Fauna of St. Johns Group, No. v. G. F. Matthew. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, viii, Sec. IV, 123-166. 1890.) Footprints from Jura (?). Trias of New Jersey. J. Eyerman. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, XLi, 32, 33. 1889.) Genus Scolithus. (American Naturalist, xxvi, 240-242. 1892.) Geological Section at Todd's Fork, Ohio. A. F. Foerste. (American Geologist, 11,412-419. 1888.) Occurrence of characteristic fossils noted. Invertebrate Fossils of Pacific Coast. C. A. White. (Bui. U. S. Geol. Snr., No. 51. 1889.) Oriskany Fauna in Columbia County, N, Y., with an Annotated List of Fossils. J. M. Clarke. (Am. .Jour. Sci., (3), xliv, 410-414. 1892.) Paleontological Notes. A. S. Packard. (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xxiv, 209-216. 1889.) Paleontology of New York. J.Hall. (Nat. Hist New York, Pal., v, Pt. 11, 278 pp. 1888.) Preliminary Description of North Attleborough Fossils. N. S. Sbaler and A. F. Foerste. (Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 2, Geol. Scr. 11, 27-11. 1888.) Quebec Group, Stratigraphy. R. W. Ells. (Bnl. Geol. Soc. America, i, 453-458. 1890.) Incidental references to fossils. Relations between the Geology of Eastern Maine and New Brunswick. L. W. Bailey. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, vii, Sec. iv, .57-68. 1889.) Allusions to various species of fossils. Scolithus Flattened by Pressure. A. Wanner. (American Geologist, v, .3.5-38, 1890.) Scolithus, Studies in Problematic Organisms. J. F. .James. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, iii, 32-44. 1892.) Tuhicolar Annelida, Genus and Species. S. Calvin. (American Geologist, 1, 24-28. 1888.) Wortman, J. L., H. F. Osliorn and. Characters of Protoceras (Marsh), the New Artiodactyle from the Lower Miocene. (Hul. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. iv, pp. 351-371. New York, 1892.) Wortman, J. L., H. F. Osboru and. Fossil Mammals of Wahsatcli and Wind River Beds, Collection of 1891. (Biil. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. iv, pp. 81-147, New York, 1892.) Several species described as new. Worthen, A. H. Description of [''ossil Iiiverteltrates. (Geol. Sur. Illinois, Vol. viii, pp. 71-154. Sju'inglield, 1890.) The following species aro described and fig- ured : /!i|ihrentis dalei E<1 wards and Zaphrentis centralis Edw. and Haime. Haime. Zaphrentis spinulosa Edw. and Haime. 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP NORTH AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY, [bull. III. Worthen, A. H. — Continued. Zaphrentis ohestereusis ap. nov. Zapbrentis pellaensis sp. nov. Zaphrentia calcariformis sp. nov. Zaphrentis carinatuH ap. nov. ZapbrentiH cliifordana Kdw. and Haime. Zaphrentis ulrichi ap, nov. Zaphrentis lanceolaius ap. nov. Zaphrentia illiuoiensia ap. nov. Zaphrentia apergenenaia ap. nov. ZnpLrentia varaoviensia ap. nov. Zaphrentia cyiindraoea ap. nov. Ziiphrontis revorHa sp. nov. ZKphrentia parasitica sp. nov. Lophophyllnm profuudnm sp. nov. Auisophyllnm f iovaensis sp. nov. Trachyopora austini sp. nov. Amplexua genicnlatua sp. nov. Batocriiitis uiontgomeryensis Worthen. Batocrinua snbconicns Wortheu. Batocrinua unionensia Worthen. Batocrinus nashvillte Troost. Poteriocrinus elsabunsis Wor- then. PotcriocriniiH nodobasulis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus bntt'ahniensis sp. nov. Poteriocrinus rowloyi sp. nov. Poteriocrinus apinuliferus sp. nov. Poteriocrinus niauinuetbrmiH sp. nov. Calceocrinus robnstus ap. nov. Calceocrinus tunicatna Hall. Agaricocrinua macadamsi sp.nov. Centrocrinua tenueaseenis sp. nov. Ampboracrinua Jerseyensis ap. nov. Actiuocrinus lobatua Hall. Eupachycrinns orbicularis Hall. Enpacbycriuus sancti-ludovici sp. nov. Barycrinus spurius Hall. Barycriuus tumidus Hall. Dorycrinaa iniaaissippieusis lioe- mer. Diacina varaovenaia Woi>th. nov. Belleropbon giganteus Wortlieu. Naticopsis madisonensisWortlien. Polyphemopsis ? keoknk Wor- then. Dentalinm illinoiense Worthon. Orthoncma curbonarinni Worthen. Trachyilomia nodulosa Worthen. Nautilus niontgomeryensis Worthen. Orthoccras illinoiense Worthen. Orthoceras okaweuso Worthen. Orthoceraa lasallenso Worthen. Goniatites nionroensis sp. nov. SolcQoi^heilus indianense sp. nov. TeninocheiluH scottcnse sp. nov. Ascoeeras southwelli sp. nov. Colpoearis chesterensis Worthen. Solonocaris sancti-ludovici Worthen. en. k and BV. BU. n. )n. n. rthen. orthen. then. en. en. len. then. Reviewed in Am. Geologist, vii, 203,204, 1891. Worthen, A. H. Drift Deposits of Illinois. (Gool. Sur. Illinois, Vol. viii, pp. 1-24. Springfield, 1890.) A number of Cretaceous shark teeth, Belemnites, and an echinoid are figured from the drift deposits of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. Wyoming. Characters of Ceratopsidte, with Notice of New Cretaceous Dinosaurs. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sei., (3), xxxix, 418-426. 1890.) Cretaceous Mammalia. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 247-262. 1892.) Cretaceous Mammalia. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sei,, (3), xxxviii, 81-90. 1889.) Cretaceous Mammalia, Part II. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxviii, 177- 180. 1889.) Dinosauria, New American. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxvii, 331- 336. 1889.) Diuosauriau Reptiles, Description. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), xxxix, 81-86, 1890.) Eocene Lacustrine Formations of the United States. W. B. Scott. (Proc. Am. As. Adv. Sci., XXXVI, 217. 1888.) Abstract. Various species mentioned. Fish from Eocene Beds of Wyoming. R. P. Whitfield. (Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ill, 117-120. 1890.) Gigantic Horned Dinosauria from the Cretaceous. O, C. Marsh. (Am. .Tour. Sci., (3), XXXVIII, 17.3-176. 1889.) Laramie Formation, Reptiles. O.C. Marsh. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), 449-453. 1892.) Laramie, Fourth Note on Dinosauria. E. D. Cope. (American Naturalist, XXVI, 756-758. 1892.) Laramie Group. J.S.Newberry. (Bui. Geol. Soc. America, i, 5;i4-527. 1890.) Abstract. Palaiosyops, New Species. C. Earle. ( American Naturalist, xxv, 45-47. 1891.) Restoration of Ciasaurus and Ceratosiuirus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiv, 343-349. 1892.) Restoration of Stegosaurus. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci.,(3),XLii,189-181. 1891.) Restoration of Triceratops. O.C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3),XLi,339-342. 1891.) Torosaurus, Skull. O. C. Marsh. (Am. Jour. Sci., (3), XLiii, 81-84. 1892.) Vertebrate Fossils. O. C. Marsh. (Am. .lour. Sci., (3), XLii, 265-269. 1891.) Yucatan, Geological Researches. A. Heilprin, (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadel- phia, XLIII, 136-158. 1891.) Incidental references to fossils. Tukon, and Makenzio Basins, N. W. T., Exploration. R, G. McConnell. (Gool, and Nat. Hist. Sur. Canada, Ann, Rep. 1888-1889, iv. Part D, 163pp. 1891.) Men- tiou made of different siiecies. Tukon Expedition, Geological Observations in 1887. G. M, Dawson, (Science, XI, 185, 186. 1888.) Incidental references to fossils. Zittel, Karl. Handbuch dor Pabeontologie, unter Mitwirkung von Dr. A. Schcnk, Paheo/oologie, Bd. ill. Munich, 1888.) Numerous references to American forms.