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Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 J. 1 'iJ J ^ *^ A FRKSH WATER SPONGE FROM SABLE ISLAND. HA-lvlF^AX. /'><>/// //ic 7Vn/is/uf/i)iis of the Xova Scoliati Inxtilitte of Science, Vol, X, Session iSt)C)-u)oo. ■^M^^-' . . S»' Tff^f - .JJt> ■■."V . ■ ^'•V XIV.— A FiiESir Water Sponge from Sable Island.— By A. U. MacK/i., Ll. D., Halifax. (Read ulh April, lonoj ( liniimil J ^Uic/hTrru , C r~r~« I I I I I I -T-\ 0TUij-^TJui-Cui.cLn^L<:itM o^ This sponge was collected in considerable abundance on the 18th of August, 1899, by Professor John Macour, Botanist of (319) 320 A FRESH WATER SPONGE FROM SABLE ISLAND. — MACKAY. the Geological Survey of Canada, in the fresh water pond found in the centre of that ^reat sand-^shoal in the Atlantic Ocean, well known as Sable Island, nearly one hundred miles from Nova Scotia, the nearest part of the continent. It was growing around the sub;nerged portion of the slender stems of M yri- ophyllwni tenellum, Bigelow, in green, compact, lobular masses, showing, where broken, numerojs orange yellow genimules. It appears to approach most nearly to the following fresh water sponges described by Potts : IJeteromeyenia ryderi, v. baleni, found from Florida to New Jersey, in its spicnlation ; and Heteromeyenia ryderi v. walshii, from Gilder Pond, Massa- chusetts, in the fascicidation of its skeleton spicules. General form : Encrusting the submerged stems of Myri- ophylluni tenellum, (which in the specimens examined are about 2 mm. thick), in a smooth, compact, green, lobular mass extend- ing to a gross diameter of about one centimeter, and to a height or length along the stem of about 5 or C centimeters in some cases, the lobes suggesting an abortive attempt at branching; pores and osteoles very minute ; gemmules very abundant, appearing wherever the central mass is broken. Gemmules : Light orange in color, spherical, varying from 500 to 800 microns in diameter, but generally between COO to 700 microns ; foraminal aperture from 30 to 70 microns in diameter, not produced into a tube beyond the crust ; dense inner (chitinous) coat of gemmule nearly 10 microns thick, surrounded by the light cellular crust (in which the short siliceous birotules or amphidisks are vertically embedded) to a depth of about 25 microns ; both short and long birotules or amphidisks with one disk or rotule resting on the chitinous coat, their shafts radially directed, packed as closely as their disks allow, the long birotules being fewer with the distal rotules extending beyond the crust, their few slightly incurved rays somewhat adapted for attaching the gemmule to any finely fibrous environment. Short birotules : From 18 to 26 microns in length, genernlly from 20 to 24, with a smooth uniform shaft A FHESII WATER SPONP.E FROM SABLR ISLAND. — MACKAY. 321 ranginrj froni VTi to 2 microns tliick ; the rotules beinf:^ plane disks less than 'J. microns tliick from the point where the shaft befjins to swell into them, and from 10 to 16 microns in diameter, commonly near 12 mici-ons, laciniately blunt-lobed around their mar^nns, the shaft occasionally extendino; 1 micron beyond the disks, makin(( the exterior of the rotiile slightly umbonate. Long birotulns : From 35 to .50 microns, commonly from 40 to 45, with usually a smooth, uniform shaft about 2 microns thick ; the rotules generally of 3, to 4 or o rays which are slightly incurved, the rotule ranging from 8 to 14 microns in diameter, commonly from 10 to 11 microns. Larger skeleton spicules : Slightly curved, microspined or rough, tapering gradually from the middle, than more rapidly towards the ends; rangmg from 150 t( 260 microns in length, commonly from 180 to 220; and from 3.5 to 5 microns in breadth at the thickest part. Intermediate skeleton spicules : Geneially smooth, and from 2 to 3 microns thick, and from 150 to 200 microns in length, numerous and generally fascicled into strands which are often connected transversely by the larger spicules. Smaller strand spicules and filament strands : Finer strands than those referred to above, appearing as if made up of continu- ous filaments instead of spicules; strands commonly from 10 to 15 microns across, made up of about 20 filaments or more, each about one micron thick, where broken across appearing as if they were flexible to some extent, the ends of the filaments showing a more or less distinct curvature. Under the micro- scope they appear identical with the more slender spicules with the exception that they appear to be continuous in the strand. Examined with polarized light they are visible in the dark field, as are also, more or less, the strands made up of the interme- diate spicules while the spicules are cemented together, suggest- ing a peculiar colloidal siliceous or a spongin cement. When heated with nitric acid these filaments appear first to separate and break into pieces, then partly at least to disappear. At the earliest opportunity I purpose to examine the nature of these # .^22 A FllESII WATER SPONGE FROM SATJLE ISLAND. — MACKAY. • strands and their relationsliip to the otlier portions of tl)C skele- ton ; but this crude provisional treatment of them suj;,'<^'('sted that the filaments mijifht be spon^in fibres partly silicified, or nascent siliceous spicules. The two classes of birotules arminff the lish- ed it appeats to be specifically distinct. The sponge is especially intei'esting on account of its habitat in the only fresh water pond of a sand island in the Atlantic Ocean nearly 100 miles from the continent. The island is about 20 miles long at present and about one miK' broad. It has been described as consisting of " two pai'allel i-idyes of l()os(> grey sand, in a bow or crescent shape, witli the inner side to the north. In the valley l)etween these is a lake, now not more than eight miles long, formerly nearh' twice that length.' * I'his is the pond in which Heteroineyimianiiacoiinihns been growing in abunda * Sable Island : Its History and I'hcnomena, by Rev, George Patterson, D. 1)., in Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section II., 1894, (3). ■^w^ '^7 " CKAY. e skele- ijj(f('sted ;iHecl, or put the propose i- (listin- it a coMi- l to tirst ) llctero- puhlish- PuRCHASED "nHUrv . /^rg From i/AW. P^^ . (^ Place of Purchase (^4r>^r«<-4 Price i3i> Later Catalogued Prices C; ,s liflbitilt 1 Atljintic island is road. It 's of looso ide to the not more ,h.'* Tliis I p-rowinc; ■ioii, D. 1)., in i ^^'^^ /*^ ^- 'ste^