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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., pejvent Atre filmte A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pcjr Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est f ilmA h partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPORT VrOH THl FISHERIES kl or THE BAF OF EM, BY . M. H. PERLEY, Esquire, HIR majesty's emigration OPPICER at saint JOHN, NEW BRUN8WIC1 Laid be/ore the House of Assembly by commando/ His Excellency the Lieutenant ^ ^ , , Governor, and ordered to be printed, #s h' Wth lawh, 1881. FREDERICTON: J. SIHPSOir, PRINTER TO THE QUEBir's MOST EXCEttEKT MAJB»TT. 1851. ni n rno'i'An ; > JiJST fXfSV r' 'A 1 }i a II a I '■! Sl> ,101: ill lir uii Wl 11, .<> iV- :*t^ !.'■' .•ft- M^ /:, ;4.. Stt- iu» ■- ',it ,vV ',: ,t''\itni-j ,M^ <>• ;;i-r, •fc^.,-, iiyna ,'v>U'"y!i^^> •tie;;?*^ tHi»,",?a'-;"* ■*»^.-., .'.).■. !)»); vS^Viiv.'i v/ol /-fv it ilji/r but! ; ivii; ' / 'tt» !^t)i*i*»-', '.;:i •' vjk '^ ..f •«• .tiJ 'U')r 'ui '»7Kil r - ^. . jliii* tUvI> fi ill-* f'lli 1. - ,! 't'tiii ' i.M,.»:r oj-.t Government Emigration Office, * ^" j( imli , Hj.-a uiiJ ilii S^*^^ •^«*»» ^- ^-^ 12a March, 1851. Sir,— In obedience to the command of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, communicated in your letter of 6th July last, that I should examine and report upon the Fisheries of the Bay of Fundy, so soon as my duties as Emigration Officer would permit, I commenced the performance of that duty on the dOth of August, accompanied by George Hay ward Perley, my second son. ;?! ii(!i)ii, jtr, ■f-iwni'iufn 1 1 The Island of Grand Manan was visited, in a hooker of 16 tons, belonging to Deer Island, which I hired for the trip. Campo Bello, West Isles, and the shores in that vicinity, were examined in boats of all sizes, adapted for visiting the several localities* The upper part of the Bay of Fundy, (including Cumberland Bay and the Basin of Mines,) was examined in the Sloop Cutter *' Juno," which I engaged and fitted out for that service. The South Shore of Nova Scotia was examined by land, the season being too for advanced, and the weather too stormy, to admit of its beii^ visited in the Cutter, without great delay. I have now the hf t]be Fj^hes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; in which an attempt h^ been made to classify the Fishes of these Co^p^i^^i i|i '•i'»".;f!f''> \ *'' '■ Your very obedient servant, .:*s.'»f* I'm'Mi.*' hnt, ■ \?ii) . >£r , Jv ;■ y f ,-:* 1 1 ^''•'"'' ■*•"' V'"i'-"- --"!» :;,... ./-J. ,aru.\ vu,i,4,.i,..r .OirHi:.,1(J»|>t N^hf^,in,Snt ,!r»7.>.(J,JJj -.:'*rw <:, ^ jf^ ^i>i,t„ -, , 'H , . . • ' • • ' Jf"«t ,J)^'< /?l ;l,(„ U'H /|(t .rf 11 1,1 ,/ ., aall Jill '.llL f,,i:i ,„ ,,j ;.,,j,j,„,' JiRRATA ET ADDENDA. . • ''->^«"J%li W pAr.% 64.— In 13th line from bottom, for " 1800," read "800" feet 88.— In 16lh line from bottom, for " are compiled," read " is compiled." 131.— At the end ofQlst line from bottom, omit the words, "that they." ,.' " 156.— After " SpecieB 1. Petromyzon," add " Americanu;" r. '.IT !►•• > Virti p,l\tfU4i <.lii'l7'>' ) mmIi »?» '}» h-'it > Mf i »n»!ij,p, )v:> 1/ j'i>^;-;?iu . "il')-/Mi •.i ^K,...i • ■').>') ji • •>r«f )j»ti >l lied." E^y." mas OF REPORT AND APPENDIX.' .fv.n i^r THE NEW HRUNSWICK 8HORE. ' ,,, ui-iM . i ' Grand Maoan, - '3 Cameron's Cove; Doggett's Cove ; Plngg's Cove ; Long Island ; Bencrafl's Point ; Gull Cove ; X (: Grand Harbour ; the Southern Head ; Dark Har- t^H- hour ; Money Cove ; Long's Kddy ; Whal« , " Cove ; Meeting of Fishermen ; Return of Boats, '"; Vessels, and Men. '"' ^ Campo Bello, , , - - - -,.?,.,- - ,, W West Isles, ' '" - - - - • - - 28 Deer Island, ' - - 32 The Coast from L'Etite Passage to Point Lepreau, 35 The Wolves, - ^ The value of the Fisheries at West lelles, - ' - 87 EaAtpon, - ^ . - - - .-.;/; e.jH Lnbec, ---------42 The Fisheries of the River Saint Croix, - - - 43 From Point Lepreau to the Harbour of Saint John, - 49 Fisheries within the Harbour of Saint John, > '50 The River Saint John and its Tributaries, *" i " ' - ' 5^ Firom the Harbour ofSt. John eastwardly, to Cape Enrage, 60 ^ ,- J Port Simonds ; Black River; EmQrson's Creek; ,.. "' Gardner's Ci-eek ; Teignikidttth ; QtulEico ; Great ^'^ ^ Salmon Rivier ; I^ong l^each ; Little Salmon ' River ; Martin's Head ; Goose Creek ; Goose • cH')l River; Point Wolf River ; Heri^ing Cove; Upper Salmon River, h >Ji«i'r irfi - i I l> fifidm Cape Enrage to the Boundary of N6Va Stotia, ^ Shepbdy River ; tti« Petltoodiai!;' Rev; Mk GaUv- ' reatl's Letter ; R^ B^ Chaj^mtin's L^tt^ ; from Memrftinei0ok to MatanrgUiy ; Sfiekvilte Bay; Estiniate of the quantity of f^^A takien On the }'7i New Brunswick side of the Bay. . i VIII. 'I > ! ' !l^ THE NOVA SCOTIA SHORE. Cumberland Bay, -• 80 Amhorst; Minudic ; Mr. Seaman's Letter ; Apple River; the Coast to Capo Chignecto, and thence around to Spencer's Island ; Grcville Bay ; West Bay. The Basin of Mines, .-.--. Parrsborough ; Five Islands; Economy; Windsor; information from Mr. Burgess as to preservation of Shad nets; Cornwallis River; Habitant River. The South Shore of the Bay of Fundy, n*i» ,ll4!.:«,i The Basin of Annapolis, - Brier Island, ... General Observations, - - - - - u <;• iii. The cure of Fish ; Mr. Edward Allison's Letter. , ,^,/jy Foreign Markets for Fish, _ _ - - - 104 Fish Barrels, - - i,,n'. 108 Allowances, or Bounties, to American Fishing Vessels, 109 The destruction of Fish on spawning grounds, - - 111 .•»!foif. : •!':• - . ** « * 86 91 22 96 100 . no. Bru?h Weirs and Stake Nets, - - - - Summary, - - „ - Catalogue of Fishes, - j,,,,^;; . -,•: ;;, :,.>-.! isjf^i APPENDIX. '•'"'■• "'i'r.^^'""'^ ( ; ' 1 1 • '• • T '. I J > * '«;6 113 114 118 1 1 » ■ » I .^ No. 1. Commission from J^is ExceUen^^ 3/^ John Harvey, , - . - .. ' .' , ' jgo 2. Copy of Circular Letter of Inquiry, , - .. -^ 161 3. Letter from Cochran Craig, J. P., /.,..-.! ., - 162 4. Letter from Captain Daniel M'Laughlin, - 165 5. Regulations for Shad Fishery in Cumberland, Nova Scotia, 166 6. Letter on the Fisheries from Hon. John £. Fairbanks, - - - - - - 167 7. Extract of Despatch from Lord Stanley, dated 17th Sept., 18i5, relstive to Foreigners fishing in the Qay of Fundy, pre^d.ed by a note of circumstances which led to its trans- mission, - - • : ,T .;;,;r / r.r.fui-tr •/ ■ *■ 173 80 86 n r. 91 22 96 • lOQ - 104 n' 108 , i09 t ^*^ 113 114 118 160 161 162 165 166 167 •I .. ' • -J IlEPOET I IP ON 1 ( • 4 ,1. .7 ,M I" ' '.1 '» . 11 'I THE FISHERIES OF THE BAY OF FIINDV. '>i .■••n; I , ) I ^.>> 173 There is greater variety in the Fislicile.s of iho Ray of Fundy than in tiio80 of the (fulf uf 8t. Lawrence ; anil owin^ to their peculiar character, und a variety uf local circumslnnccs, they are prosecuted, in ticveral res>]>ect8, in modes wliichgive to them unusual interest. ( „; irii <>..}•.■! f The character of the liay itself is very peculiar. Its shores on both sides are rocky and abrupt, while near its head (divided into two separate basins) the tide, pressed in and confined within diminished limits, rushes with much violence and "hot haste" over extensive and wide-spreading nuid-llats, und rises per- pendicularly sixty feet or more. It is asserted by geologists, that the Bay of Fnndy has been scooped out by the powerful action of the Ciidf Stream, which, carrying ojff the softer and more friable rocks that anciently tilled its basin, has been checked in its ravages by the stern and unyielding cliffs of primary rock which now constitute its iron bound shores, and frown down upon its rushing waters. A modern writer, describing the supposed formation of the Bay, says — "A vast and uninterrupted body of water, impelled by the trade wind from the Coa it of Africa to the American Continent, strikes the Nova . .otia shore between 44*^ and 45^ north latitude, with a force almost adequate to its total anni- hilation. A barrier of fifteen miles only in width, between the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of St. Lawrence, seems to have escaped such a catastrophe — while a space of one Jnmdred miles in length, and upwards of forty in breadth, has been swallowed up in the vortex, which, rolling its tremendous tides, of sixty and seventy feet in perpendicular height, up the beds of the adjoining rivers, has converted them into inland seas." Such being the character of this Bay and its extraordinary tides, it may readily be supposed, that its varied Fisheries are influenced by local position arising from the greater sweep or indentation of the coast in particular places, and the position of headknds, islands, and the mouths of rivers, — all tending to I ^ ■ ' I I 'V, increase or diminish the rush of the tide, thus influencing the course of tlic great bodies of fish uhich frequent the Bay during cart? season, while affording to each some es[)ecial or favorite place of resort where food is found in abundance, or in whicli its spawn may be deposited in such manner as will best tend to the propagation of the species. In order, therefore, to a comprehensive view of the Fisheries of the Bay of Fundy, it will be necessary, in the outset, to describe the various Fisheries, in their several localities. To ' do this with precision, and in a manner readily understood, the Northern, or New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy, com- mencing with Grand Manan, will be first noticed ; after which, the Southern, or Nova Scotia side of the Bay, and its Fisheries, will be described in their oi'der, from the eastern extremity, or head of the Bay, to Brier Island. '■■^hii ...» .;,.^ ;.. -• • •I'^t )i::;;if:? -iil'!' trif (! i I lie length out eight east, like t is sepa- B western presents d limited —without which is rn shore, le Island, harbours for Cod, nducting lescribed ;s which iibrtncrn usly pro- " which separates it from Whale Cove. At this place, 3Ir. J. li. P<;ttes, an American citizen, has a neat fishing establishment, and a store for retailing merchandize and groceries. It is alleged, that he manages to transact a profitable business, without him- self entering into the fishery, by purchasing green fish from the fishermen, and curing them on his own premises. On the 2t5lh August last, the writer visited Cameron's Cove. At that period, the Hake (Phycis Americanus) were in full season. On a bank about two miles from Cameron's Cove, cx- tendiiii;- from the Swallow's Tail to a small island called " Long Island," the Hake were taken in abundance in 28 fathoms water, by fishing during the night, at which time this fish is on the feed, and takes bait greedily. At day-break, the fishing boats return to the shore, when the fish are thrown out upon the beach with a pitchfork. Soon after sunrise, the newly-caught Hake were observed by the writer lying on the gravel beach, sweltering under the heat. There were no splitting tables, as in a well-conducted establishment, but the lisliermcn set up pieces of board upon the open beach in a temporary manner, on which the fish were split ; they could not be said to be cleaned, as no water was used in the operation. The heads and entrails were separated from the bodies of the fish, which, being- split in a clumsy manner, with uncommonly bad knives, were thi'own down upon the gravel ; thence they were carried off on handbarrows, upon which they were tossed in a ''oap, three or four at a time, with pitchforks. From the barj ows the finh were pitchforked into the scale to be weighed ; from the scale they were again pitchforked upon the barrows ; and being carried off to the pickling casks, were once more pitchforked into the pickle ; by this time the fish were perforated in all directions, and looked little better than a mass of blood and dirt. The fish which were drying on the flakes were covered with scales on the inside, or split portion of the fish, wiiich had a most disagreeable appearance. The fishermen here, stated, that during the previous night, a Yankee Schooner, called the " John Drake, of Lubec," had anchored on the Hake-ground, not more than a mile from the extremity of the Swallow's Tail, and being provided with abundance of bait and a numerous crew, had soon attracted all the fish about her. The fishermen had gathered around the schooner in their boats, and desired the Skipper to move off; on his refusal, they pulled towards the shore to bring off an addition^ force with £re arms, when the Skipper lifted bis anchor and made sail. The fishermen then returned to their Il I; ii; ground, ami Imd ^ood fisliin. Mr. Hartt said, there was no inspection of fish whatever at Grand Manan, or any pretence of inspection. Every man cured and packed his fish as he pleased ; and he mentioned as among the evils flowing from this state of things, that he had purchased, in a previous season, several barrels of Herrings, put up near the Southern Head, on examining which, he found that many of the fish were not gibbed, others had become rotten before salting, and the contents of the barrels were quite worthless. MiUIUJi '.VJiisrV rrt-jj! :u .uij'u :yni',r:'M( "I Lisli weirs Tlicy are ! past sea- 3 channel, t on this rhere are )lishment, ores, and all others low, and near the r of boats ; these aordinary the same lat means resides at ok Island Dunted to • it >'ijiti id Island, jreat dis- schooners mg them ed to fish ance* ,;; k, on the rips" are in which ;id s^^un- dancc of small Herrings for food, the vessels >»ff. g,., .„. .v,„«. For this description of fish- arc kept under easy sail, the lines being attached to poles of about seven feet in length, which project from the sides of the vessel. A round bright lead is used, about seven inches in length, weighing from half-a-pound to a pound and a half; the bait is a piece cut from the under, or bright part of the Pollack, which is called a ** last ;" this beiug kept in brisk motion by the sailing of the vessel, closely resembles a living fish darting through the water, and is eagerly chased by the Pollack. The fishers often take twenty Pollack with a single *' last," it being a very tough bait. On Whitehead Island, immense numbers of the Herring, ,or Silvery Gull (Larus Argentatus) build their nests on trees, and there rear their young. As the fishermen rob these nests of the eggs as often as possible, the birds continue to breed all the season, and when this Island was visited at the end of August, there were numbers of young birds on the nests unable to fly. The Herring Gull is intimately connected with the Her- ring fishing, its presence generally denoting the course of the shoals of fish upon which it preys ; it is therefore closely observed by the fishermen, who draw from its motions tolerably correct conclusions as to the presence of fish, and their numbers. Whitehead Island was granted to the late Wm. Frankland, who resided upon it, until his death a few years since. The celebrated naturalist, J. J. Audubon, visited this Island^in the American Revenue Cutter " Swiftsure," and landed at Mr. * Frankland's in Gull Cove, on the 22d May, 1833. In his ' great work on the Birds of America, vol. 7, page 163, Audu- bon thus speaks of his visit, and of the Herring Gulls : — " I was greatly ST. rprised to see the nests placed on the bushes, some near the top, others about tlie middle, or on the lower part of the trees, while at the same time, there were many on the ground. It is true I had been informed of this b^ our captain ; but 1 had almost believed that on arriving at the spot I should find the birds not to be Gulls. My doubts however were now dispelled, aud I was delighted to see how strangely nature had provided them with the means of securing their eggs and young from their arch-enemy, man. My delight was greatly increased, on being allerwards informed by Mr. Frankland, that the- strange habit in question, had been acquired by these Gulls within his recollection, for, said he — 'V/hen I first came here, many years ago, they all built their nests on the moss, and ip open ground ; but as my sons and the fishermen collected moat of their eggs, and sadly annoyed the poor things, the old ones gradually began to put their nests on the trees, in the thickest parts of the wqDds. The youngest birds nowever, still have some on the ground, and on the whole are becoming lesa wild, since I have forbidden strangers to rob tiieir nests, for, gentlemen, you are the only persons out of my family, that have fired a gun at Whitehead Island for several years ; and I dare say you will not commit any greater havoc among them, than is necessary ; and to that you are welcome.' " " I was much pleased with the humanity of our host, and requested him to let me know when ell the Gulls, or the greater part of them, shonld abandon the trees and resume their former mode of building on the ground, which he promised to do. But I afterwards found this was not likely to happen, because on some other Islands not far distant, to which the fishermen and eggers have free access, these Gulls breed altogether on the trees, even when their eggs and young are regularly removed evary year, so that their original habiu have been entirely given up. My opinion, that aflcr bemg thus molested for some time longer, B ',!' th«v iiittv rcvort td llio iiiacueMiblo shelves o( the ruoks u( ilictic Inlninl*, v. an iiireiiglliciicil by Mr. Fraiiklnnd's infuriiilng me, tliut many pairs liad already tukcti refuge in such pluocn, where they bred in perfect security." " Some of the nests which I (>aw Sverc placed at a height of nioro than forty feet on the trees; others seen in the thickest part of tlie woods wern eight or ten fent from the ground, and were placed close to the main stem, so as to be with dilKcalty observed. It was truly curious to see the broad-winged birds make their way to and from ihem, in these secb'ded retreats." At Gull Cove the writer engaged Mr. William Franklantl, the son of the grantee of the Island, whom Audubon mentions, and who occupies his father's residence, to pilot the hooker among the reefs and crooked channels which are numerous in this vicinity. In sailing from Gull Cove to Grand Harbour, thousands of gulls were observed returning at nightfall, to their nests on lofty spruce trees, in a thick wood on Ross' Island. It was stated by Mr., that since Audubon's visit, to which he alluded, the gulls had given up entirely their natural habit of building nests upon the ground, and had taken wholly to the trees, in consequence of their constant disturbance by the fishermen, and the robbing of their eggs. The flight of the Herring Gull is as strong as that of the great Blacked-backed Gull, but more buoyant, as well as grace- ful. Their food consists principally of Herrings, of which they destroy great numbers, following the shoals, and indicating their course. They also feed on other fishes of small size, as well as shrimps and crabs. The shores of the Islands on which they breed, are covered with multitudes of sea-urchins, having short greenish spines, which give them the appearance of *a ball of moss. At low water, the Herring Gulls frequently devour these animals, thrusting their bill into the shell, and sucking its contents. .„ ^.„.. . _. , . /„. — .,. . ^.....^ ...,„ I * Grand Harbour. — While piloting the hooker into this Har- bour, Mr. Frankland pointed out places at its entrance, where it was quite customary in former times for a boat, with two men, to take seven or eight quintals of Cod in a day. At pre- sent, there is no line fishing at this place, the fish not coming in, owing to the shoals of small Herring, on which they feed, being broken up and destroyed by the bi^ish weirs. L'im ij At this place, Cochran Craig, Esq., J.. P., furnished the numbers of boats and men employed in the fishery between this Harbour and the Southern head, which \. ill be found in the Table hereafter ; and a letter which Mr. Craig subsequently addressed to tKe writer, in answer to the Fishery Circular, will be found in the Appendix. The upper part of Grand Harbour is well sheltered, but it Ill «iren(jtliciicil '■ ill such pluci'x, brty feet on thu oiii the ground, 1. It was truly 1 these secli'dcil [^rankland, mentions, the iiooker imcfous in Harbour, ill, to their 8s' Island. I's visit, to sir natural ten wholly irbance by liat of the I as grace- kvhich they indicating II size, as ) on which IS, having :e of *a ball tly devour 1 sucking this Har- ce, where with two At pre- coming hey feed, •t lished the between nd in the sequently ular, will ;d, but it is alinust entirely dry at l<.**v water. It nhoiinds with Jiobsters, which during the season, nii:y Im; tuk('ii with u guff, in ahnost any (juantity. The gull' is moicly a cod-hook, without the barb, attached to a light j)olo, six feet in length. As nuiny as were "oquircd for the liorikcr were (jiiickly taken in this way, in two to four foot water ; the places resorted to by Lofi- sters were easily known, by the hohjs nuidc by thciii in the flats in digging for the clams on wliich tlicy feed. There is great abundance of clams in these flats, and it was stated, that at low spring tides they could be procurod of very large size. A large brook, the largest in Ciiand Manau, falls into the head of this Harbour ; during the winter great quantities o<' Tom-cod (morrhua yruinosa) are taken iVom it, but no Smelts. It was said that Smelts are not found about this Island, and that Trouts are very scarce and sujall, rarely exceeding a astward of M'Donald, at much less elevation, has a farm untler some ilegrce of cultiva- tion; although the land is gravelly and poor, his new potatoes, green peas, and other vegctalilcs, were excellent. Andrew Wilcox stated, that he had lived at thia jilace three years, hut was not a fisherman ; he is on good terms with the fishermen who resort here annually, and who r«re good customers for the produce of his farm. The other settlers in the vicinity, not exceeding in all a dozen families, are at open war with the non-residents who come here to fish ; these, he said, had borne the annoyances of the Islanders very patiently, and on the whole, had behaved exceedingly well. It was stated subse- quently by another party, that Andrew Wilcox allowed tho fishermen to land from their schooners and occupy a grass pint in front of his house, for the purpose of mending their nets, l)y which he Iiad obtained the ill-will of his neighbcars, who had subjected him t^ some vexatious annoyances. At night fall, the fishermen set their nets by attaching them to the buoys, ropes, and moorings, which arc put down at the beginning of the season and are not taken up until its close. At day light next morning (30th August) when the nets were lifted, it was found that in all that immense number of nets, extending more than three miles, one net only contained fish ; but, from that net sixteen barrels of Herrings were taken. Most of the nets were set with their upper edge at the surface of the water, but some few were set with five fathoms of strap from the cork line, consequently the lower edge, or lead line, was very near, or actually rested upon the bottom ; yet all were equally unsuccessful. Many of the nets were thickly covered with Herring spawn, and in cleaning them, the decks of some of the vessels were covered ancle deep It was said to be no unusual circumstance for the net rope, (9 thread ratline) to bo found in the morning as thick as a man's arm with the spawn. I ; If 'A from tiic is miiiiud urn ti|) ol' ic Uuport (it Point i;t*t iibovo tiiscrablc, imntity of icro bciii^ 11 the two Donald, nt if cultiva- potatocs, Andrew ^ears, but ishcrincn rs for the inity, not with the tad borne id on the id snbsc- Dwed the a grasH lieir nets, urs, who ing them vn at the its close. ets were of nets, ned fish ; ! taken. surface of strap cad line, all were covered of some to be no e) to bo I spawn. II whih) :i voHscl's cable wouhl be increased to the nizo (»f a five ^'alhui ke«f. It havin/f be<'n inlimated that the writer was anxifius to see tlies(!tth!rMat this place, J)(ini(;l M*Jian^'hlin ((Japtain of Militia) with Messrs. Harvey, Worcester, Matthews, M'Donald, and Dyer Wilcox, came on board tlie hooker. They complained of the number of vessels which came upon the fishing ground, considering them as encroaching upon, and usur|)ing a |>rivi- lege which ought to belong to the settlers in tluit vicinity, exclusively. They pointed out among the fleet at anchor, a large schooner called the " 3Iountainecr," belonging to Saint John, which they said had twelve men, with four boats and thirty six nets, more than all the inhabitants could muster for eight miles. The fishery, they said, was continually falling off, and would eventually be destroyed; from the reckless ir»^\nner in which it was prosecuted, and the place being over-fished. As the law formerly stood, each vessel was restrictelainly to hr neon. Tlir iK'fs s<'t oil Saliudn* ni^ht wcir offrii allowed to reinaia ill tlio wat(;r until 3[ondny niurnin/u^, wiiicli tliey ^aid wn» lii^lily injurious, as it undoubtedly is, to the Honing lishcry. In Scptoinher, tiio nunibor of fisbing vessels at \ho Soulh(M'n brad, amounted to on(5 bundred or more ; in 184J), tb«! total number was 120. The presence of the Revenue Cutter alone prevented a scene of disorder and confusion, as well as jj^reat destruction of nets and otber valuable pr()])erty. After tb(; nets %vero set for the night, all the fisbinfr boats were ordt?r(!d to return to the vessels to which they belonged ; while the boats of tbo C/Utter rowed guard during the night, to prcnent persons from injuring or stealing the nets. Yet, notwitlistanding these precautions, and the exercise of great vigilance, n(!ts wore con- tinually destroyed or stolen, especially during dark and windy nigbts, wben tbc depredators could not be seen or beard. It was said, tbat boats with old scythes attached to their bottoms liad been rowed swiftly among the nets, by which great damage had been done. '■''"' ' ^•s .: ' While tbc writer was at tbo Southern Head, the skipper of a fishing schooner applied to Captain Dudne of the Cutter, for a warrant to take some nets then on the ground, which had been stolen from him there the previous year. Captain Dudne, not being invested with 3Iagisterial authority, could not grant a warrant ; but he sent for the party who had the stolen nets in possession, and advised him to give them uj>, for fear of consequences — but it was not done. The observations on this fishery will be found in the sum- ming up of this Report ; and a letter from Captain M'Laughlin, expressing the views of himself and his neighbours in relation to it, is in the Appendix. Captain M'Laughlin having stated, that he was thoroughly acquainted with the mode of fishing for Mackerel, so success- fully practised by the Americans in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Bay of Chaleur, he was requested to furnish his descrip- tion of it, which he very kindly has done, as follows : — (( The vessel starts for the fishing ground with the trail line out ; if it catch a Mackerel, the vessel is hove to, on the lar- board side. The baiter stands amidship, with the bait-box outside the rail ; with a tin-pint nailed to a long handle he begins throwing out bait, while every man stands to his berth. If they find Mackerel, the foresail is taken in, and the main- sail hauled out with a boom-tackle ; then the fishing begins. 1 ill'!*' 13 Voii iiiuil llio line tlir(>ii<;h the Icrt iiniul uitii tlir li^ht, nn«l not, harul-ovor-lijmd, us y'>n «l'> t'"'' ^"il ; tt' yow d<», yon aro sun? to lose your fiwli after it lirouks wattr. VVhcn your fish is iirar roniing in, you must take it, l»y leaning' over tlu; rail, to pre- vent itH Htrikin^ against the Hi(U; of the veHsol, eatrhiny the lino quick, to the fish, with the ri^ht hand, unhooking it, with a slin^, into the barrel — with the same motion, the ji^ goc8 out in a line parallel with your own berth. You must be tpiick in case a Mackerel takes your other line, and entangles your comrades. You fish witli two lines, most commonly seven fathoms louff — that is, in heavy weather. In culm weather, the ji^rs are lighter than when it blows hard ; there is nn eye spliced at the end of the line, so that the jig may bo shifted at pleasure. There are two other lines used, called fly-lines, with smaller hooks ; when Mackerel are shy in biting, they will often take these — the fly-lines are only three fathoms long. Very often the Mackerel stop biting ; then the fisher- men take the gaffs, and work with these until the fish disap- pear. The gafts nuist not be used while the lines are out, as they entangle them and cause great trouble. No man must leave the rail to pick up fish, which miss his barrel and full on the deck, until the fishing is over." " You must take care to dress your Mackerel quickly, as they are a fish that is easily tainted. When you stop fish- ing, the captain or mate counts the fish, and notes down in the fish-book what each man has caught. Then the crew goes to dressing and splitting ; the splitter has a mitten on the left hand, to keep the fish steady to the knife. Two men gib the fish with mittens on, to prevent the bones scratching their hands. One man hands up fish to the splitter, while the rest of the crew draw water, to fill the barrels in which the fish are put to soak. The fish are put in the soak-barrels back up ; in a short time, the water is shifted, and the fish washed out for salting. The Salter sprinkles a handfull of salt in the bottom of the barrel ; then takes the fish in his right hand, rolls them in salt, and places them skin down in the barrel, until he comes to the top layer, which he lays skin up, covering the top well with salt." " Herring or small Mackerel are the best bait that can be used. These are ground in a bait-mill, by the watch at night ; if the vessel has no bait-mill, the fish are chopped up with a hatchet, or scalded with boiling water, in a barrel or tub." " When there is a fleet of Mackerel vessels fishing, they often lee-bow each other — that is, run ahead of one another, and so f-'i i 14 ilraw the fish toward tlio slioro. ThniM' tlicy nnclior, nml put H|ii'iii«rH (III \\w\r Miiilos, wJiicli is iIoih; Ity tnkiii;; n strupoiitsidu llir litiiiHe-holt;, fiiHtcriin^ it to tlio rulilc, tli(>ii iiookin^ it to a tackle, uiid Imiilin;^ it tiil, at tli<> Name tiiiio paying oat llio calilo. This brin/^8 the vchncI broadHidc to the wind, or currcat, and tlio fiHhin^ ^o«s on. JSoatH may fish with the same huocumm QH vossoIh, when moored in this manner." " Tliis is the whole systein of Mackerel fishing, British or American, and retpdres nothing but activity and energy. These observations are the result of ton years experience ?n British and American vessels." , Dauk Harbour. — In rounding Southern Head, it was ob- served, that the water for nearly half a mile from the slun'e, was dotted with buoys, casks, and floats, of every description, while below the surface, there appeared a complete entangle- ment of ropes and lines, so numerous were the moorings. Pol- lack of large size were here taken in pairs, as fast as they could be hauled in ; but after passing the isolated rock on the western shore, called " Statue Rock," or *' The Old Maid," there was no more fishing. The clifls rise from the sea perpendicularly, to the height of several hundred feet ; the rock is trap in columnar form ; and these stern and lofty clifTs extend about 12 miles along the shore, without the least shelter for boats, and with scarcely a landing place, until Dark Harbour is reached. This is so singular a place as to require especial notice. Dark Harbour is a salt water lake, about one mile and a quarter in length, and half a mile in width ; the water is from five to nine fathoms in depth, the latter being the prevailing depth throughout, except near the shores. It is separated from the Bay of Fundy by a iea-wall of stones and gravel, about 400 feet wide, which has an easy slope seaward, but is quite steep on the inside, towards the Harbour. This curious and really beautiful sheet of water was entirely cut off from com- munication with the sea, until 1846, when a channel was cut, through the sea-wall, of sufficient width to admit large vessels. In consequence of this admission of the tide, the water within the harbour was raised permanently eight feet, and very many trees, growing on the landward side, were killed by the rise of the sea water upon their trunks. On the western side of the channel into Dark Harbour, there is a breakwater of timber and stone, to break the force of the sea thrown in by the north westerly gales, and prevent the channel from filling up. When the rising tide attains a ii,||; k 15 find put ^ it to a out tlu; current, 3 8UCCUHM Iritish or . These 1 British t was ob- lic nliore, scription, entnngle- igs. Pol- iicy could e western there was idicularly, ,s trap in 1 about 12 oats, and readied, ce. ilc and a 3r is from )revailing ated from el, about t is quite rious and rom com- was cut, e vessels. ;er within ery many ;he rise of -■'>r" . 9ur, there rce of the event the attains a HulHciont iiei^^ht, it rusiies throu^^h the channel into the harbour, with a Hteudy roar until hi^^i-watei : and on the ehh, rubhetf out with equal noise and turhulenre. On the landward side of the harhour, there are about filYy acres of cleared land ; the soil in good, but Honiewhnt stony. On the top of the hill, which slopes rather steeply to the water, there is. some good land, the soil a deep loam. The settlers are John Sinclair, who has resided here 25 years ; John Urquhart, 10 years and upwards ; and Duncan Anderson, a resident of 4 years. There are also the son and son-in-law of Urquhart, wlio live on the eastern side of the harbour; Urtpdiart himself lives upon the gleho lot on the western side. Duncan Anderson is very intelligent, and furnished much in- teresting information, lie stattid that the depth of water in the channel at high water, varies from 8 to 13 feet, according to neap or spring tides. There is considerable outfall on tho ebb, but fishing boats pass out safely, even when there is 8 feet liill ; at low water there is only 2 feet in the channel. During the season of 1849, tho settlers caught 100 barrels of fine Herrings within the harbonr ; but fishing vessels enter the harbour at nightfall, shoot their nets, and leave again early in the morning — it is not known what (|uantities they take. Anderson stated, that a Herring net, such as he used, of 20 fathoms in length, 2i inch mesh, and 160 meshes deep, costs £3 — made up thus — Twine, 20s. ; netting, 208. ; lead, 5s. ; rope, 10s. ; floats, &c., 5s. — total, .£3. He said there was great abundance of Herrings along the west side of the Island, but nets were not set for them, on account of the numbers of Dog Fish, which cut \iy> the fish, and destroyed the nets. The want of boat-shelter and landing-places has, however, more to do with this neglect, than the ravages of the Dog Fish. Ander- son said, that men without means should not settle here ; but men possessing some property would do well enough. Inside the harbour, Rock Cod and small Pollack are always to be caught ; and sometimes these fish of largo size are abundant. The channel at low water was examined ; the bottom appeared to consist of large boulder stones, thickly covered with kelp. The breakwater requires to be carried further out, in order to protect the channel effectually. Anderson said the necessary extension could be built for i)100, if notice was given the previous winter, so that logs and timber could be hauled out, while the snow was on the ground. He was em- ployed in cutting the channel and building the breakwater, and thougiit himself qualified to judge of the expense. '■■ '■''" aw i if'-; ii.i:i I il' It would be of ^reut ndvanta^o to tlio valuable fisheries on the west side of Grand AJ^anun, if the ehannel into Dark Har- bour were deepened, so as to admit vessels with the flowinjif tide ; and of still greater importance to the coasting trade, as well as to loaded timber ships, or other vessels with cargo, if the entrance was so improved, that Dark Harbour mi<,^ht be u sure and certain harbour of refuge at all times. Once within the sea-wall, vessels arc as completely land-locked, and may ride in as perfect safety as if in an inland lake, however vio- lently the tempest nay rage without ; and upon such a preci- pitous and iron bound shore as the western side of Grand IVIanan, with nothing but certain destruction to the tempest- tossed mariner who may be cast upon it, this sole place of safety should by all means, and under every consideration of humanity, be rendered easily accessible at all seasons, either by day or by nintation of be base of ast season, weir were lize and in fine condition differing materially, both as to si/o and (|uality, from those taken near the Southern Head, and evidently ano- ther variety of fish. These Herrings were only taken on the Spring tides, at the full and change of the moon, us then the fish were swept sufficiently near to the shore to be caught in the weir. The bottom of this weir is composed of framed timber of large size, sunk in about six f^ct water at low tide, and ballasted with large stones of a ton or more in weight. Above the strong frame work which forms the bottom of the weir, there is the usual light wicker-work of poles with twigs inter- laced, quite sufficient to retal;- the timid Herrings, but altogether imfit to retoin other small fish of bolder character. The Her- rings will not go out of a weir unless the opening is of large size, while all other fish will dash or struggle through any opening sufficient for their passagQ, even with much squeezing. Money Cove gains its name from an ancient tradition, that the noted rover. Captain Kyd, buried two hogsheads of trca- .sure at this unfrequented place ; and many credulous persons have expended much time and labour in digging for the pirate's gold, in the ravine, near the roots of two old French willows, said to have been planted there by Kyd himself as a guide to his buried wealth. The ground appears to have been tho- roughly turned up along the ravine wherever soil was found ; but the much coveted treasure has not yet been discovered. liONG*s Eddy. — Between Money Cove and Long's Eddy, is Indian Beach, so called from its being the usual camping place ,of the Indians, who resort there during the season for Porpoise shooting. There were two canoes here, with four Indians, and the pelts of several Porpoises just taken off, were observed hanging up, previously to being boiled for their oil. Long's Eddy is formed by a long beach and spit of gravel, which stretches to th westward of Northern Head. Within the eddy there was admirable fishing for small Rock Cod, with which the water seemed perfectly alive. < There is a clearing at this place, and some land under cul- tivation, apparently of fair quality. Mr. Cronk has been settled here many years, and his two pons are settled near him. They have three boats, a::d take 500 quintals of fish annually. They fish at half a mile, to a mile only, from the shore, and follow their business every day in the year that the weather permits, when bait can be procured. When the writer landed at this place, soon after sunrise, the 3 ' ^ »: t 18 ii " young Cronks had just taken up the Herring nets, which had been set during the night. There were only a few dozens of Herrings in the nets, several of which were damaged by the voracious Dog Fish, who had apparently carried off many fish entirely. Besides Herrings, the nets had caught six Pollack, one Rock Cod, three Silver Hake (mcrlucius albidus), and one Mackerel ; none of these were injured by the Dog Fish. Several Cod of the largest size were shown by Mr. Cronk, as also many fine Pollack recenty taken. This situation is apparently a very good one for prosecuting " line-fishing," which might here be carried on to a much greater extent than at present, fish of large size and fine quality being continually found at very little distance from the beach. Whale Cove. — Between Long's Eddy and this Cove are the lofty mural cliffs of the Northern He .d, presenting a bold front to the violent gales from north east which rush with fury down the Bay of Fundy, and offering stern resistance to the mighty waves that dash against them, with sullen and almost ceaseless roar. The land about Whale Cove is lower than at almost any other part of Grand Manan, and appears to be merely a nar- row neck connecting the Swallow's Tail with the Northern Head. There is but little shelter at Whale Cove, for when the wind is oflf shore, it sweeps with great force across the low land ; the hooker was forced twice out of the Cove, by heavy gitsts, before an anchorage could be gained very close to the shore. It was stated that the American v >)Sels often ran into this cove in fine evenings, and set their Herring nets during the night, being off again at an early hour in the morning. Meeting of Fishermen. — In proceeding around Grand Manan, the writer saw many intelligent fishermen, who were anxious that some general meeting should take place to discuss matters. It was agreed that, as the most convenient time for such a meeting, it shduld take place on Saturday evening, (31st August) at the Central School House, near Winchester's. There the writer met about sixty fishermen, and explained to them the imperfections in their cure of Herrings, both pickled and smoked ; and the improper treatment and bad cure of their dried fish was also pointed out. They were told that they could not expect to obtain remunerating prices, or find steady markets for fish so badly cured as scarcely to be fit for expor- tation, and which certainly would not be allowed to be exported I " 19 s, which had 3W dozens of m«5ed by the )ff many fish six Pollack, lus), and one ; Fish. Mr. Cronk, I situation is ine-fishing," extent than J continually lis Cove are jnting a bold ish with fury tance to the I and almost almost any lerely a nar- he Northern br when the he low land ; leavy giists, :o the shore, ran into this s during the ning. )und Grand 1, who were ce to discuss ent time for eniiig, (3l8t er's. There led to them )ickled and ire of their I that they find steady t for expor- le exported If a proper system of inspection were established. The great and wonderful increase in the Herring Fishery of Scotland, in consequence of the excellent regulations and rigid inspection there enforced, was made known ; and the advance in prices which followed the adoption of improved curing after the Dutch mode, was also shown — an advance so great as to enable the Scotch Herrings to beat the Dutch Herrings out of the Con- tinental markets, in spite of a heavy countervailing duty. The fishermen were told, that besides Foreign markets which might be opened under a better system of cure and inspection, there was in Canada an extensive demand for well cured fish, as also in the Western States bordering on the Great Lakes. To this it was replied by the fishermen, that unless the sys- tem was general, it was useless for any one person to cure his fish better than his neighbour, as he would obtain no better prices, all the fish from each locality being ' lassed together, and bearing one price, while that price was so low, as to aflford no remuneration for additional labour, or greater care in curing. The writer having collected the numbers and description of the boats and vessels engaged in the fisheries in his progress around the Island, submitted the list so obtained to the assem- bled fishermen, who made some corrections and additions, when the following return was declared to be as correct as could possibly be obtained : — ^ . .?! Return of the numbers of Boats., P^sseh and Men, belonging to Grand Manan, engaged in the Fisheries, 3] si August, 1850. No. of Ton- No. of LOCALITIKS. No. of Men in No. of nar of Men in Recapitulation. Boats. Boats. Vessels \ .-c^ _.J Vessels Cameron's Cove, 20 60 o 22 8 Doggett's Cove, 6 18 1 11 4 - ' ■ ■ * ■ ' ' Drake's Cove, to > Bencraft's Point, 5 20 60 4 20 12 Woodward's Cove, 8 24. 4 104 24 Fishing Boate-» 94. Men in same. ^ 282. Lon? Island, Duck Islands, o 6 1 12 4 4 12 2 16 7 Fishing Vessels, 24. Nantucket Island, 2 6 » , , . . , Men in same, US. Kent's Island, . . . , 2 16 8 , 1 - '-■,':;.,■•, Grand Harbour, 8 24 4 40 20 : • - - * ■ ' Thence to Southern Hec^d, 13 30 5 50 2.5 ' ' I •..";'. ■ - Dark Harbour, 3 9 ,, . , • • •) . ', 1 • - . , Money Cove, 4 12 ,. • > . ._ Long's Eddy, = •; ; 3 9 ., • t .. ■ ■i-'r .:)!,'•' Whale Cove, ,. 4 12 -• -- •• . '.,:,,:-H ■^-Uf?"r .'•,;<*) 'ri'.f. m:-. 94 H' ■ i I i 1' m im: RECAPITULATION. r^n-JO quintals Pollock, £1,468 10 0 1,7.10 Do. Cod ■* 984 7 ti ."5,100 Imn-fls Ilrnings 3,187 10 0 480 Do. Mnrkcrcl, ^, .. VUO 0 0 I.IO Do. Haddock & Cod, 75 0 0 laO Do. Oil 300 0 0 40,000 boxt!S smoked Herrings, 3,000 0 0 Total value, .. .. jf9,H35 7 6 Cainpo Hello, Srptnnber (>, 1850. , JOH^f ALEXANDER. *• JOHN FAHMER, J.P. This statement is compiled from actual enquiry among the resident fi.shermen, and the totals are put down rather below, than above the mark. With this document, Mr. Alexander also furni.shed, in writing, the following interesting observa- tions, by himself, upon the fisheries of Canjpo Bcllo: — " Our Herrings are taken in weirs, and with nets ; and Pollack, Haddock, and Hake, with the line. Several of our vessels run down to the Tuskets, the Magdalen Islands, and Newfoundland, in the Spring ; and to St. George's Bay, in the Winter, for Herrings. In the Summer, they go to Grand 3Ianan, and to both Shores of Nova Scotia, for Herring, Cod, and Mackerel. Improvements may certainly be made in our tackle and gear, but experience will be our best teacher." ' • ;< " Our Hei ring-season here, is from May until December. Pollack strike in about the first of June, and the fishing for them continues until November. Small Cod and Haddock are taken, to a limited extent, during the whole year ; these are chiefly pickled, and exported in barrels. The Herrings taken by our vessels, in the Winter and Spring, at the Tuskets, the Magdalen Islands, and the Bay of Saint George, as well as those caught, while spawning, at the Southern Head of Grand Manan, are very poor, and any thing but in season. They generally find a ready sale in the markets of the United States ; and from my own experience, I should say, that the poor fish bring nearly as good a price as the best. This arises from the diflference of climate ; the poorer kinds keep better in a warm climate (as instance, the Alewives of St. John) and answer for the food of the Slave population." " I am led to believe, that there is much spawn destroyed at the spawning ground, near the Southern Head of Grand Manan, every season. There are but few spawning Herrings taken here, as it is a small sized Herring that answers for smoking. There are but few Herrings taken here, by " driv- ing " with torches ; the fish do not " play " in shore now, "i as they did sonic years ago. There is j^'rcat diversity of opinion as to the caiifie, and I feci diffident in ju^ivin^'- an opinion. The erratic habits of the Herrin«(s arc uell known — no donbt you hfivo heard many opinions, and you are well able to draw your own conclusions." " With respect to weirs, and whether thoy arc, or are not, injurious to the Herring fishery, I should say, as well from tht; opinion of others, as my own observation, that they arc not ; neither arc they destructive to the fry of other fish. Of the twenty one weirs upon Campo Bcllo, there are not more than two that are dry at low-water ; the others have from G to 12 feet water in them, at low-tide — and in many of them, seines IG fathoms long and 2 fathoms deep, are used to take out the fish. It is impossible for fish to die in any of the deep weirs ; and the shoal ones arc too carefully attended, for such an accident to happen. I am aware that there are conflicting interests on this question, and very naturally so, as our people, connected with the wch's, arc generally men in good circumstances. Our American neighbours have the shores immediately oppo- site to us, lined with weirs. They neither allow set-nets, or drift-nets, on their shores, as they say nets break up the schulls of Herring, and destroy them by " scaling," (that is, by rubbing off their scales) when they are in any large body." " Our weir Herrings are principally smoked } as you have seen for yourself, and taken notes of the mode of cure from those competent to give information, I shall not attempt a description. I would remark^ that our best curers, in that branch, do not put up Herrings in any way inferior to the far- famed *' Digby Chickens." Our barrelled Herrings arc put up in the usual style, that is, by *' striking," and afterwards repack- ing in barrels, either with Liverpool or Turk's Island salt." " Small Cod, and Haddock, are put up in the same manner; the dried fish are first pickled, and then cured on flakes in the sun. I believe many improvements might be made in the curing and packing of our fish, for a diffeirent market ; and no doubt it would be done, if other markets open to us ; but so long as we are confined to the United States for a market, I doubt if it would pay. While the Americans make so little distinction, there would be no object in curing our fish in a better manner. I have seen and eaten the celebrated Loch- fine Herrings ; but. I think a well cured " Quoddy Herring " vastly superior." " There is another very cogent reason why it would not pay to put up Herrings in the manner pointed out by the directions 4 ft'? §: 2n of the Scottish Fishery Board, reprinted in this Trovince — labonr is very iii^ii, in conse(|nence of our proximity to the United SttitcM. At tiic soihc time, I am fully aware, that many of our curers do not pay that attention to tl^c fish which they ony 30 feet, the height to the ridge of the roof, 25 feet. Mr. Patcii's smoke-house is tU) feet high, there are 8 hays in it, each of the usual width of 3 feet ; the lowermost row offish haug only five feet from the fire. It was stated by Mr. Patch, that he found by experience, f/u: cooler the smoke, the hit ter the fish ; he had openings made in. the ridge of his smoke-house, as well to let off the dead smoke, as to make the ])lace cooler, and he admitted, that the fish which hung highest were ulways the best. He uses any kind of wood he can get for making smoke ; hard wood is the best, as soft wood fills the fish with white ashes. The la;ge fish require three months smoking ; during that time they need great attention, and much good • management, especially in rainy or damp weather. When sufficiently cured, the Herrings are packed in boxes, of the legal size in Maine — that is 17 inches long, 8^ inches wide, and 6 inches deep, measured on the inside of the box. The best quality of smoked Herrings are called " scaled Herrings ;" these are the largest and best fish. Those called No. 1, are Herrings not scaled, and small fish. A " scaled Herring " must be seven inches long, fat and good ; the "No. 1" must not be less than six inches in length ; and large, but poor fish, arc also branded of this quality. All other descriptions of fish are considered refuse. Mr. John Batson's smoke-h< uses were found the same as those of Mr. Patch, but not so well ventilated. The mode of scaling and curing was found to be the same as above descri- bed. At the establishment of Mr. William Flagg, the Herrings were observed to be particularly well cured, and of fine color ; this " gilding " as is termed, is given by the use of hard wood only, with which the last smoking is done ; it imparts a rich golden colour to the fish, and gives them the well known tinge of the celebrated " Digby Chickens." The diflference between the modes of scaling, curing, and smoking, in use at Grand Manan and Campo Bello, are pointed out in another part of this Report, in describing the fisheries of Annapolis Basin; and some of the reasons are given, why the smoked Herrings of that locality are so greatly superior to all others. Mr. Flagg, who is a person of much observation and long experience, stated as his opinion, that it takes Herrings three years to come to maturity. He has watched them carefully for years ; and seeing them constantly in the weirs, from the I ! I! 2ii size ontii/t, ii|) to the liira^pst Herrings Iip WuAh quite confident UH to tlie |K>i-io(l. lie hiis HoinetinioH, tiioiigli rarely, taken '* Sardines'* on the Hliores of Canipo Jtello ; only a few dayn prcviouHly he had caught a single specimen of this rare fish in the IJay of Fandy. This locality was rc-visitcd in the latter part of October. Mr. Patch then stated, that the herring-season was over ; it was considered a failure, us the tpiantity taken in the weirs, was only alioat half the usual, or average, catch. The (|uality of the fish taken was good ; not many small fish had been caught — ho had only thrown away three barrels, while his whole catch amounted to 300() boxes ; at that time, they were worth fifty cents, or two shillings and six pence currency per box in consequence of there being a short supply in the market. . I P .|,,l(! ' 11; i ,^i,1 'i: '.I WEST ISLES. This Parish includes Indian Island, Deer Island, and a great number of small Islands and Islets, in Passamaquoddy Bay, west of the Boundary Line of the United States. Tho inhabitants arc fishermen about exclusively, somewhat peculiar in their manners and habits, but most industrious, hardy, and exceedingly hospitable people. The best fishing grounds arc on the British side of the boundary, which is an imaginary line, passing down the middle of the channel called Quoddy River, and out to sea by the western passage, between Lubec and the western end of Campo Bello. The fishing boats from Eastport, and other places within the limits of the United States, ^sh equally, and mingle freely with the British boats on their fishing grounds, near West Isles, where the fi;.h are most numerous ; especially near Black Rock, Casco I?!an:I, and the Big Eddy near Indian Island. It is a very gay ncene on a fine day, to mingle with some two or three hundred boats fishing in the Big Eddy, lying so closely together as to leave little more than space between to pull up the fish. The writer joined this animated throng more than once, in August and September, v/hen Pollack were taken of large size, and in great abundance. The f- ihing began either just before high Water, or just before low water, on what are called "the slacks" of the tide. The boats then lay at an- chor ; as few anchors as possible are dropped to avoid fouling the fishing lines, the boats making fast to each other, stem and stern. Thus they lie until the tide begins to run too strong. i i * t1 2U ronfident ly, taken few J9trOD^» when the anchors are liAcd, nnd the )>oat.s then Hwin^ about, nliiiust in a body, with the diflerent Nets of current through the iiassages betwccMi the iHlandM, fishing ** on the drill *' an it in termed — the fish below up|)earitig to move about in the same manner as the boats above. This continues until tho tide begins to set too strong, when the boats proceed to tho coves and eddies near Campo Dello, or some of the snuill Islands or rocky islets, where they drop anchor nnd fish out the rest of the tide. While the boats arc congregated together fishing in close column, they appear to attract the finli by the number of baits which are let down at the same time. There aro generally three men in each boat ; all is life, bustle, nnd ani- mation. The line is scarcely down, when the fisherman commences drawing up a fish ; the depth varies from 14 to 28 , fathoms, and very often the hook- is not half way down, when it is seized by a fish. While fish are being thus rapidly drawn into the boats, jokes nnd gibes are freely bandied ; any lively story, or piece of stinging wit, passes quickly from boat to boat, and laughter, cheers, and almost invariable good temper prevail among all, whether British or Americans. If one boat falls short of bait, it is supplied from another which is better provided ; and civilities sometimes extend to an interchange of hooks, snoods, and fishing leads. When tho British boats go over to Eastport, as they generally do, to dispose of their fish, no questions are p.^ked as to the character of the boat. If the American boats enjoy the privilege of fishing on the best grounds within the limits of New Brunswick, those of West Isles can sell their fish at Eastport without payment of duty or- charges. The good feeling which springs from this state of things, causes the fishery business to go on smoothly and quietly along the frontier, where, under other circumstances, there would almost to a certainty, be constant quarrels and collisions. To an amateur, the Pollack fishing in the Big Eddy, with the crowd of boats to be found there in the season, is extremely amusing and highly exciting ; but when the fish bite quickly, and are taken ,of large size in pairs, as frequently happens, the work soon becomes exceedingly severe. With the Pollack, small Cod and Haddock are also taken, with, now and then a Dog fish, and sometimes a Sculpin or a Skate of large size ; the variety of fish tends to keep up the excitement, ar.d lends animation to the fishery. re 7f> ^ H • ^ , In a lecture on the Fisheries deliverecl a few years since by Ri v\ i i. ao iW W' Mr. horen'i.o Sabine, of ' istport, who had paid great attention to the subject, the following description was given of the fisher- men of West Isles : — " In closing my remarks on the fisheries, I feel bound to give you some idea of a Bay of Fundy, or as we call him, a " boat- fisherman." In commencing his picture, I cannot say that he is either so moral, so intelligent, or so industrious, as he might be ; but yet, I can say, that he is an improved, and an improving man. Bred to the use of boats from his earliest youth, he dis- plays rare skill in their management, and great boldness in his adventures. He will cross from island to island, and go from passage to passage, through frightful whirls of a tide which ordinarily rises and fall twenty five feet, in alarming proximity to rocks and bars, and in the stormiest wepther. As a whole, lie ir a singular, and withal an interesting being ; and none who have once learned his peculiarities, will ever forget him. If he he naturally shrewd, (most of ihem are,) and past the middle age, occasional intercourse with him will amuse, if not instruct, the wisest and most polished." " He is neither a landsman, nor a seaman, nor soldier, nor marine ; ye t, ten to one, if in the course of conversation with him, you do not find that he has figured in them all. He is neither merchant nor mechanic, but no man better understands buying and selling, or mending, altering, and making. He is no doctor, but he will out-talk a medical graduate, and will shame him in a knowledge of ' livers,' * back bones,' the means to cure * runiatiz,' and the like. He is no astronomer, and holds nautical instruments in high derision ; but he knows all about the moon, and let him but hear the moaning of the sea — listen to the scream of the gull— or the sound cf the surf — and watch the cat's paw, or ' glim,^ in the sky — ^and he will reveal secrets, and disclose truths, which put him in high con- ceit with his own wisdom, an^^. shame the landsman." " And then, seat yourself beside him, and hear him comment upon his dream book. Listen as he tells you of the feats of the witch, that lives in his particular harbour— or of the accidents that have happened firom doing things on Friday— or what have followed the ^igns and omens that he believes in. Then, there are his tales of wonderful escapes— his * fish stories,' and his sage conclueions in portics— his ncions of religion, or his profbnnd speculations on the causes of the high price of brt.ael- stuiTs, or of the means employed to keep down the price of fiah." 'Ti?- 71'^m.' Tf^'^i » r^^. E^i 31 attention he fisher- id to give a " boat- ly that ho he might mproving h, he dis- less in his i go from ide which proximity 3 a whole, and none rget him. I past the ise, if not Idier, nor Eition with 1. He is iderstands V. He is , and will ;he means imer, and knows all )f the sea he surf — nd he will high con- comment sats of the accidents ivhat have len, there ' and his >L, or his of brtrid- j price of " But of his dress, and his professional gear — who shall do justice to them?" "The oiled garments which cover his upper and nether man, lie calls his ' ile-sute.' The queer shaped thing which he wecrs upon his crown, he names a ♦ sou'-wester.' An article, neither mittens nor gloves, which protect his hands, he calls * nippers.' The mattf)d and tangled mass which grows upon his head, and the long red hair which under his chin, answers, J the purpose of a neckcloth, and in front of his ears, renders him impervious to a dun, he calls brush.' His boots, he says, are * stampers ;' and lest he should lose the moveables he carries in his pockets, he has them fastened to his person by a string, Avhich he calls a ' lanyard.' He uses one knife which he calls ' cut-throat,' and another that is a ' Splitter ;' his apron is a ' barvel ' — the box, or compartment into which he throws his fish as he catches them, is a ' kid.' , When he means to go for Herring, he says he is ' agoing-a-driviug ' — the state of the moon favourable for this purpose are, ♦ Darks ' — the bent-up iron hoops, which he uses to carry his burning torch, bears the name of ^dragon' — ^the small net, with an iron bow and wooden handle, which he uses to secure the fish that his torch attracts, is a ' dip-net.' To another and a larger net, with lead • on its bottom edge to sink it in the water, and with corks fa ^tened along its upper edge at regular intervals, to buoy it up, and preserve it in nearly a perpendicular direction, that the Her- rings may strike it and become entangled in its meshes — to this he gives a name indicative of its use — he calls it, a « set-net'" t " Nor ends his dialect here. Chebacco boats and small schooners are known to him as ' pinkies,' ' pogies,' and ' jig- gers.' AH vessels he calls ' craft,' the only distinction he will condescend to make, is to append the adjective ; such as large, small, nice, poor * craft.' He knows nothing about the hours of day or night ; every thing with him goes by tides. Thus, if you ask him, about what time hf^ was married, he will perhaps say — *tother night, about half-Hood !' — or what tir.:8 he saw a certain man, his reply will be, * this morning about low water slack,'— or, * on young flood ' — or, * just as the ebb tide made.' '' '' If he has fish to sell, and you ask him their size, he will tell you they are ' two-quintal fish,' by which he means, that fifty of them will weigh 112 lbs. His boat anchor he calls a ' killock,' and the rope attached to it he styles a ' rode.' If he speiiks of the length of line required on different fishing 32 grounds, he will say that on the Banks and in the Bay of Fun- dy, ' two shotts ' are use4> and at the Labrador but ' half a shott,' and by a 'shott' he means a line of thirty fathoms." '' Lest it should bo thought I have made too much of thia original, I beg to remark, that should any who doubt his exist- ence ever shake me by the hand at my own home, I promise to show them the very man ; and I have bestowed the more attention upon him, because many of his qualities of character and forms of speech are common to all fishermen, and because the knives and other gear are in general use. Should any of you go with me to the house of this singular being, he will probably ask us to stay to dinner — let me then give you the form of invitation, that you may remember it." "He will probably have provided something extra ; it will consist of his favorite dishes, to wit — ^the three p's, — a pot-pie of sea-fowl, pudding, and pancakes. The proper moment ar- rived, he will say — ' come, skippers, down with your killocks and get some grub; don't know as you'll likfj it, : ■♦ our woman has got us some fresh smothers, some dui\, aiid joe- floggies." It may be remarked, that since Mr. Sabine gave this qi'aint description of the " boat fisherman " which is copied from his own notes, the labours of the Sons of Temperance have been very successful, and have tendfed greatly to improve his con- dition in every way. DEER ISLAND. rl;'l^ This Island is broken and rocky, the central portion espe- cially, and there is comparatively very little land fit for farming purposes ; but such as is fit, is of good quality. Its Harbours are good, and there are numerous Coves which afibrd exec - lent shelter for boats, with deep water close to their shoi e > There is a very considerable number of inhabitants on Deer Island, who are all more or less engaged in the fisheries, of which that for Pollack, holds at present the first place, in this locality; the Herring fishery is considered next in value, after which come the fisheries for Cod, Hake, and Haddock, with Mackerel fishing when it is to be had in the neighbour- hood. The boats generally in use at Deer Island are from V^ to 18 feet in length ; the 12 feet boat has one man, the li" ivet boat usualiy three men. These boats have sharp, or ph;k Sterne, with one mast shipped very close to the stenii and a ii * J":" "•> 33 ly of Fun- ut 'half a lOHlS." ch of thia ; his exist- I promise the more * character td because Ihould any ng, he will ^e you the ra ; it will —a pot-pie noment ar- ur killocks our ■ i* , aiid joe- this qi'.aint ;d fVom his have been ve his con- irtion espe- or farming Harbour: Ford excc- eir shoie-i. ts on Deer isheries, of ace, in this in value, Haddock, neighbour- from 7^" to the IF tfet IP' em. or piViX and a mainsail very broad at the foot, stretched well out with a light boom, and running up to a point at the to|). These boats sail uncommonly well, and lay very close to tho wind ; they are exceedingly safe in t' e hands of the fishermen, who certainly manage them most admirably. The sail is usually tanned with hemlock bark, which imparts to it a reddish brown colour ; as the boats are generally painted white, they have a very smart and somewhat singular appearance, as they dart through the narrow passages between the numerous small islands and reefs, or sweep down in little fleets of ten or twenty boats to the usual fishing grounds. The first place \ iLUted at Deer Island was Chocolate Cove, at which locality James M'Neal, Esq., J. P., and his son, both intelligent persons, furnished the following information : — They said that the most profitable fishing there, was for Pollack and Herring ; the Pollack average fifty to the quintal. The Deer Island fishers have some difficulty in procuring bait ; they are obliged to go over to the American side, and buy it there from the weir owners, who charge two Pollack, green or dry, for a bucket full of small Herrings. They said that Her- rings would not " drive " as formerly ; that the Indians by continually firing at the Porpoises, have destroyed or driven them off", and the Herrings not being chased by Porpoises into eddies near the shore, but keeping out in mid-channel, cannot now be " driven " with the torch as in the olden time. The mode of curing Pollack and Herrings on this Island, was stated to be as follows : — After Pollack are split, they are washed, and lightly salted in tubs and hogsheads. During the summer, they remain in salt three or four days ; in the autumn, four or five days. They are then washed in their pickle, and piled in kinch to drain for 24 hours, after which they are put upon the flakes. At night, they are piled on the flakes, in heaps called " faggots ;" in fine weather, they cure in a week ; after this, they are spread out again during a fi) c day, to dry the sweat. In the autumn, the fish are not sweated. Herrings afier being gibbed, are washed in a tub, and then salted ; they lay in salt four days. If the pickle sours, the fish are spoiled, as they taint at once. When taken out of pickle, they are packed in barrels, on their backs. Messrs. M'Neal said, that Herrings had too little pains bestowed upon them, and very many were sent away to the country quite spoiled. From want of means to buy a stock of salt, the fishermen used it too sparingly, and hence, too often, the spoiling of the fish. 5 34 ' m The Herrings liere alluded to, arc those called "Quoddy River Herrings ;" they are taken from August until late in the autumn, by drifting at night, in the same manner as for Shad ; those taken latest in the season are best and fattest, but it is then very cold work sitting in an open boat all night, and th'j fishermen suffer severely. The smaller Herrings, such as are generally cured by smok- ing, were formerly very abundant on the shores of Deer Island. The fishermen of Campo Bello said, that the people of Deer Island had broken up the schalls, and driven the fish away, by the excessive use of small meshed nets. On the Ame rican side of Quoddy River, the use of such nets is altogether prohibited. At Leonard's Cove, the fishing estabUshment of Mr. George Leonard was visited. Mr. Leonard stated, that he had lived at I is place thirty years. He fishes principally for Pollack ; bui '.^e autumn he takes small Cod. He built a brush weir t )ast spring, which cost £75; up to the 9th September, it had only caught 75 boxes of Herring ; but it had been exceedingly useful to the line-fishers in his neighbourhood, by furnishing them with bait. At Deer Island, there are only four weirs altogether ; in Leonard's weir there is four feet water, at low tide. It being near low water, the weir was visited and examined ; in it were found, a few very fine " Quoddy River Herrings," about a bushel of small Cod, one Lobster, eight Mackerel, and some small Herrings, only fit for bait. Mr. Leonard quite agreed with Mr. Flagg, of Campo Bello that Herrings attain their full growth in three years. The fishing establishment of Mr. James Neill^ near the northern end of the Island, was also visited. Mr. Neill pur- chases many fish from the fishermen, which he cures hi;wself ; his dealings in fish are somewhat extensive. In his vicinity, Hake are abundant, and also Haddock. At the time this establishment was visited (9th September) the oil made from the liver of a Hake, was more valuable than the Hake itself. The Hake here were better cleaned than at Grand Manan, but there was the same desire to oversalt, and make the fish weigh as heavy as possible. Mr. Neill stated-, that the Hake he cured went sometimes to Cuba, but generally to the foreign West India Islands ; the Cod to Boston and New York, for domestic consumption there ; the Haddock were shipped to Cuba ; and the Pollack were sold in Maine, chiefly for consumption in the forest by the lumber- men. At this establishment 2621bs. of green fish were weighed as a quintal. 35 )ddy River ate in the for Shad ; t, but it is it, and th'j d by smok- cer Island, le of Deer h away, by If rican side prohibited. Ilr. George I had lived ir Pollack ; It a brush September, ; had been urhood, by re are only s four feet e weir was e " Quoddy le Lobster, fit for bait, impo Bello s. f near the . Neill par- es hi;Aiself ; lis vicinity, e time this made from lake itself. Manan, but ^. fish weigh metimes to Is ; the Cod I there ; the were sold he lumber- re weighed i The practice of taking Herrings on the spawning ground, at the Southern Head of Grand Manan, was reprobated by Mr. Neill, as highly detrimental to the Herring fishery genernlly ; the quality of the Herring caught there, and the careless manner in which they were cured from want of time, were also stated to be highly injurious to the market, as depreciating the value of Herrings which are really good and well cured. An inspec- tion of Herrings, Mr. Neill said, was greatly required, in order to raise their character in distant markets — the Herrings taken on the " ripplings," about six miles from Grand Manan, were said to be good fish, and needed only proper care and inspection to be highly prized abroad. ^ A visit was paid at Indian Island to Mr. James Chaffcy, an aged man, of much intelligence, who has long resided there. Mr. Chaffey said, that Herrings were not so abundant now, as twenty years since ; of late years the quantity has fallen off greatly, and they are now much smaller. He did not consider the weirs injurious to the Herring fishery, but thought the mischief was done at Grand Manan.' When Mr. Chaffey first went to Indian Island, hritt were very abundant ; they averaged about three inches in length. These little fish were exceedingly valuable as food for larger fish, but from some unaccountable cause, they have altogether disappeared, not a single specimen having been seen for the last ten years. With some trouble the number of fishing boats and vessels, at the following localities in West Isles, was procured, viz: — Clam Cove, Cummin's Cove, Mill Creek, Chocolate Cove, Leonard's Cove, Lord's Cove, Bean's Island, Mowat's Har- bour, Adam's Island, Parker's Island, Minister's Island, Hard- wood Island, Fish Island, North West Harbour, Northern Cove, and Indian Island. The whole number of boats was ascertained to be 99 ; and of decked vessels, 27, of 577 tons register. ■ Hi THE COAST FROM L'ETITE PASSAGE TO POINT LEPREAU. The fishermen on this Coast pay more attention to farming than those of West Isles ; the character of the fisheries are the same, except that the Hake are in greater abundance near the shore, owing to the bottom being soft. Captain Jedediah CalifF has lived at L'Etang Island, en- trance of L'Etang Harbour, for thirty years. He stated, that Hake is the principal fishery near that place ; it begins in 36 July, and continues until November. The fishing fur Cod is chiefly in the spring and .antumn ; Pollack fishing is had dur- ing the summer, as the fish strike in — they run about 35 to the quintal. Herrings are taken during nearly the whole year, more or less being caught every month ; they do not catch any of the large fish, known as " Quoddy River Herrings," but they take the " blue-backs," or " English Herrings," as the flshermen term them — ^these are the fish designated by natu- rahsts in America, clupea clongata, or, the common Herring. There are four brush weirs at L'Etang, intended to take small Herrings for smoking. The catch has greatly fallen off lat- terly, and this Captain CalifF attributed to the enormous destruction of spawning Herrings, and their spawn, at Grand Manan ; he has been there during the fishing season, and seen the Herring-spawn after being shaken from the nets, shovelled out of the boats like snow ! In the dead of winter. Herrings frequently enter L'Etang Harbour in large quantities ; they are then taken in "set-nets" of 30 fathoms in length, and 150 meshes deep— the size of the mesh, 2 inches. The boats in use along the coast, are from 16 to 22 feet in length, chiefly built of pine ; some fishermen put in a few streaks of birch ; the sten}, stern-post, and keel, are always of birch. When the fishermen need bait during the summer, they " drive " the Herrings with torches, and in that way procure the quantity they require. It appeared that Herrings would still "drive" in this locality, probably from the schulls not being broken up, as elsewhere, by numerous brush weirs. Between L'etite Passage and Point Lepreau, the number of fishing boats was found to be 90 in all, averaging 3 men eachr These boats chiefly belong to Back Bay, L'Etang, Beaver Harbour, Seely's Cove, Crow Harbour, Deadman's Harbour, Bliss' Island, and Mace's Bay, where the fishermen are prin- cipally settled, and cultivate the soil to some extent. THE WOLVES. ■■.'. *■:.#;».!. 7 This cluster of Islands lies at some distance from the main- land ; on the largest of the group there is one family, that of James Paul, who constitute the only inhabitants. The fishing around these Islands is chiefly in the spring, for Cod, which remain about a month ; and in the autumn for Hake, during a short time. The best fishing for Cod is on a bank, about nine mm 37 fniles S.S.E. from the Wolves, upon which, in May, some fine fish may be taken. There is also Herring fishing occasionally 9 and fishermen from Si. John encamp on these Islands, when fish are to be had in their vicinity. The Wolves are not greatly esteemed by fishermen as a fishing station^ During the past season, several hundred barrels of Mackerel were caught (chiefly by fishermen from Eastport) between the Wolves and the entrance to L'Stang ; the British fishermen were not equipped for this fishing, or else they did not under- stand how to pursue it, for they cai^ht a very few fish on days when American vessels made a capital catch. THE VALUE OF THE FISHERIES AT WEST ISLES. • i i ■» ' I. Since this Report was written, a return has been received from Mr. John Alexander, of Campo Bello, of the value of the fish taken in one season, by the fishermen of West Isles, which is here given. It will be observed, that Mr. Alexander states the number of opeii boats at 200, which is believed to be more than strictly belong to the Parish of West Isles ; the return probably includes boats belonging to the neighbouring Parishes of St. George and Pennfield, on the mainland, which fish on the same grounds — in such case, it may be deemed quite cor- rect : — Return of the quantity and value of Fish taken in one season by the Fishermen qf West Isks, in boats, decked vessels, and fish-weirs owned by them. Boats, vessels and Fish-weirs. 200 open boats. 97 decked vessels, 577 tons register. 7 weirs. No. of Men. 500 156 35 Quantities and description of Fish. 20,000 quintals Pollack and Hake, per quin., 800 barrels Cod and Haddock, per brl., 9,000 barrels Herrings, per brl., . . 400 barrels Oil, per brl., .. 3,750 quintals Cod, per quin.,.. .. 800 quintals Pollack, per quin., 1,500 barrels Herrings, per brl., 50 barrels Oil, per brl., 5,000 boxes Smoked Herrings, per box. Average price. 5s. 6d. lOs. 12s. fid. 65s. lis. 3d. 5s. 6d. 12s. 6d. 65s. Is. 6d. Amount £5,500 400 1,250 1,300 2,109 220 937 10 162 10 375 0 Total value, £19,254 7 6 RECAPITULATION. 90,800 quintals Pollack and Hake, ^15,720 0 3,750 quintals God, 2,109 7 3,500 barrels Herrings, 2,167 10 800 barrels Cod and Haddock, 400 0 450 barrels Oil 1,468 10 5,000 boxes Smoked Herrings, 375 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Camjo Bello, February, 1851. £12,254 7 6 ' J. ALEXANDER. h\-: I 38 With reference to this return, it may be remarked, that the decked vessels of West Isles, like those of Campo Bello, follow the fisheries at Grand Manan, on the shores of Nova Scotia, and elsewhere, during the season, with much diligence and perseverance, and as appears by this return, with very consi- derable success. ird EASTPORT. As the Fishermen of West Isles, Campo Bello, and Grand Manan, find their chief market at this border town of the United States, the fishing establishments there were visited and examined. These establishments are all close to the water side, with convenient wharves, landing places, cranes for hoisting, and easy stairs ; the wharf room in each case is ample, and gene- rally well planked over. The buildings consist of large ware- houses for salt and materials ; buildings for storing and packing pickled fish, and stores for dry fish ; and a large chop for cotton and woollen goods, groceries, and a full supply of every description of article usually required by fishermen or their families — ^beyond the buildings on the landward side, is usually a field covered with fish-flakes, for the cure of dry fish. During the past year, the decennial Census of the United States was taken, and the writer was kindly permitted by Mr. Charles Loring, one of the Assistant Marshals of Maine, to extract from the Returns compiled by him, the following official estimate of the products of the Fisheries at Eastport, as returned by him to the Government of the United States : — 0 <• 0. I) V:.\- V .')» .<,! .^U:-> ii ) ,'t'iti-nvq. i«;i<:i'< «.Ui .■-■frj,i; i V'. "-.' f '»f .(i t C" l-'-yH^jjrt ■ ■'.' VI 'ji»^.r '>^H-.i that the o, follow i Scotia, nco and ry consi- (1 'V).'»V/ • ff d Grand n of the e visited lide, with ting, and nd gene- •ge ware- ring and s chop for r of every 1 or their is usually ih. e United ;d by Mr. Maine, to following Eastport, States : — ^ I a © 00 SI 3 f— « I 1"^ r f 8 39 •a > i S" «►. nui'^-^ S 2 S||| j|§S M«0' O S I I t 'a •a M ^ o tn^ C g - Igl 1| Jfas ' a S ' S H .cc-so "a -« a n •SEfct a <4 a « SJL &> s « »« 5 U. a d II £ ta- li "^H « 3 M .a o*A b'EsI &j ft' V S W k- - ■ - C k s « a -a o H - u s •a -S J* S V .S o V c j 4i a -a 3 g ■A SI » I .*!'' ;'i T3 OR ^ o 73 O •a o o •a e •a ■o o a 8-3 & -a 5 ^ .- : * s« -a c e fi 5 K-'s 5 5 0 -a p o ~ -* ♦* o © U'jrMJV.ri : -a m m 1 8 I r.('ti!'> •a -2 -a en I .0 o ii'iii h' If;) stsS'a- Qi 0^ o .S S.5 J < m M I" J8 I f i S m I 1 o I 4 I I .a u I #■ jlill 40 In proportion to tlic number of men employed, this Return of products is very great ; but it must be borne in mind, that the fish are chiefly caught by British fishermen, and carried over to Eastport, either quite fresh, or only pickle-salted. The establishment of Upham J. Treat, mentioned in the foregoing Return, is on Allen's Island, between Eastport and the neighbouring town of Lubec. At this place, there is a very large weir for taking Herrings, in which considera- ble numbers are caught. The arrangements for putting up Salmon and Lobsters in tin cases hermetically sealed, are very excellent, besides which, fresh vegetables (green peas and Indian corn) with poultry, and several descriptions of meat, are also put up, in similar manner. The fresh Salmon put up here, are brought in ice from the Harbour of St. John. Ths Lobsters are brought in smacks, with wells, from the westward ; when too many arrive at one time, they are placed *n the tide, in a sort of crib, or pound, enclosed with bigli palings, and there fed until they can be boiled and packed. The first supply of Lobsters in the Spring comes from the vicinity of Portland ; as the season advances, they are taken further east ; in August, the supply came from East Machias. The price paid at this establishment for Lob- sters, is ,$5 per hundred, equal to three pence currency each Lobster. When the place was visited, on the 20th August- no less than 1200 Lobsters were boiled and packed on that day. It was observed, that a great proportion of the Lobsters were males, many of them of exceedingly large size ; these were boiled 35 minutes. The smaller Lobsters (females) were only boiled 27 minutes ; these were kept apart from the others, and put up separately, as a better articlci the meat being finer, and the flavour much superior. The white meat only of the Lobster — ^that which is contained in the claws and tail part — is picked out in a very expedi- tious manner, and placed in the tin cases ; all the rest of the fish is thrown away, or rather, is carted away to the compost heap. The smoked fish here, appeared of small size, and were not well cured. They had not a good color, and hung far too near the fire to be of good flavour. The smoke houses were alto- gether too low, and too warm for curing fish of good quality ; in this respect, the Americans seemed no better than their neighbours on the other side the boundary. In order to procure exaci information* the fish stores of Mr. John Fi^ench, at E^tport, were yisited Qn the 22d August, :# 41 find Mr. TrtMicli liimsolf pave ovory facility, for which the writor's host acknowkul^innits are thir Mr. French stated, that ho had heeu 24 years (>npaped in the hMii business at Eastport. He was then taking in dric^l Cod at $2.5() per quintal, and Poihick, Hake, and Haddock at $1.00 per quintal. Of preen fish, he weighed 202 lbs. as a quintal, at the same prices, bat tli" pay was not so pood — that is — the pay was all in poods, and not partly in cash, as for dry lish. This weipht, Mr. French admitted, would make more than a d. Next above the Salmon Fallsr, are the extensive mills and dams at Milltown, almost filling the River for some distance. At the American town of Baring, five milep above St. Stephen, there is a third dam on the river, extending from side to side. There is a square opening in this dam, intended for sluicing logs when the river is low — this is termed a " fish-way," — for which, however, it is said not to answer. About six miles above Baring, at Sprague's Falls, there is a solid dam across the river, called the " driving dam ;" in that there is no provi- sion whatever for the passage of fish. On examining the IFnion Mill Dam, it was found that there was no fish-way. There is a so;t of " roll" on the top of the dam, over which the waste water passes, and it was said tlint fish could get over at high-water ; if so, it is most probable that Salmon only could eflTect the passage — if other fish do get over, it must be with great difficulty and very rarely. At Milltown, owing to the peculiar formation of the ledges on which the various dams are placed, there 'n a narrow chan- nel, up which fif^h may pass, if it is kept free from obstructions. This channel was found closely jammed with logs, and the water being low, no fish, even of the smallest size, could pass, it was stated by the millmen at this place, that when the water is high in the Spring, at the usual time for the passage of fi&h, the fish-way is constantly filleu with edgings, rinds, and rubbish, from the mills above, so that it rarely happens a fish can get through. Mr. Edward Sydney Dyer, who resides at Calais, stated that hia father's residence w^as near the Salmon Falls ; he m as born there, and resided beside those Falls until after he attained to manhood. About thirty years since, Salmon, Shad, and Gas- pereaux, were exceedingly abundant in the St. Croix ; the average catch at the Salmon Falls was SOO Salmon per day, 1 45 Town ot* )verseers , between ailed the lank ; and he Union he Union very nar- c of rocks, le river at J erect» d. and duuis ance. At . Stephen, do to side. 3r shiicing v^ay," — for six miles lam across i no provi- that there top of the s said thnt, t probable fish do get r. the ledges rrow chan- istructions. s, and the size, could It when the lie passage rinds, and ipens a fish stated that le wds born attained to , and Gas- roix ; the m per day, for three months in each season. The Gaspereau came in such quantities, that it was supposed they never could bo des- troyed ; and the numbers of Shad were almost incredible. Up to 1825, the dams on the river were provided with fish- ways, and while these were maintained, the fisheries of the river did not diminish; but in that year, the Union Dam, (the lowermost,) was built without a fish-way, and the fisheries instantly fell off, continuing to diminish ever since, and now they can scarcely be said to exist. In 1846, the Union Dam was swept away by a great flood, and fish got up the River ; for two years afler, there was very good fishing, but the re- building of the dam again put a stop to it. Ninian Lyndsay, Esquire, of Saint Stephen, one of the Overseera of the Fishery for that Parish, r'escribed the quan- tities of fish which formerly ascended the Saint Croix, as some- thing almost miraculous. The fishing in the River was good until a short time after the Union Dam was built ; since which it has fallen ofif amazingly. Gaspereau have become very scarce indeed, although formerly thousands of barrels were taken in the River. i\o Shad are now cau ^ht above the tide, and but few below. Before 1825, Shad were taken at the Salmon Falls, by a large dip-net, attached to a long swinging pole, like a well-pole. The net was heavily leaded to make it sink in the swift water ; it was then swung round, and it was not at all uncommon to take two or three barrels of Shad at a single dip of the net. Mr. Lyndsay mentioned, that some years since he knew a man who stood on a jam of logs, below the Salmon Falls, with a dip-net, and who, in a single day, caught 118 Salmon ! The whole catch of Salmon, in the Saint Croix, during the past season, according to Mr. Lyndsay's estimate, would not exceed 200 fish, and a proportion of these were Salmon out of season, lingering below the Union Dam, and endeavouring to ascend. * •^' In Mr. Lyndsay's opinion, sufficient fish-ways might be placed in each of the dams on this River, without injury to the Mills or water-power, if the Mill prcjTietors could be compelled to construct such fish-ways, and -leep them free from obstruc- tions. This, he said, was admitted by the Mill owners ; but the law was n jt sufficiently stringent in its provisions to enable the Overseers to compel the opening of the Ssh-ways, for which more sumnary and efficient powers were required. It was also stated by Mr. Lyndsay, that the Fishery Committee of Calais, had expressed their readiness and anxiety to co-ope- rate with the Overseers of Fisheries in S;iint Stephen, in 46 »:■ measures for opening the Rivera and preserving its valuable Fisheries. An interview was also had at Saint Stephen with William Porter, Esquire, another Overseer of the Fishery there, whose statements were similar to those of Mr. Lyndsay. Subse- quently, those Gentlemen addressed a, letter to the writer, which is here given in full : — 4 ., Saint Stephen, 6th December, 1850. Sir, — ^^'e have received your Circular Letter of 12th August relative to the Fisheries, and in reply beg to state, that from the first settlement of this country up to the year 1825, there was annually a great abundance of Salmon, Shad, and Gas- pereau, in the Saint Croix ; in fact, bo plentiful were ihe latter, that vessels from Rhode Island, of 100 to 150 tons burthen, followed the fishing business on this River, and were never knov/n to leave without full cargoes. They had estab- lishments on the American side of the River, where they salted the Gaspereau in vats, and repacked them in barrels, for the West India market. There were also several seines belonging to the inhabitants, )vhich were worked in the tide- way of the River, the owners of which' put up, annually, from 1500 to 2500 barrels of Gaspereau for exportation, besides a sufficiency for country use. At the same time. Shad were taken in great quantities ; very frequently, more than one hundred would be caught in a small net, in a single night. These fish were also caught in large numbers, at the Salmon Falls, by dip-nets, where also Salmon were taken in abundance. We have known a lad, hfteen years of age, take 500 Salmon during one season ; and we have known one man with a dip- ?aet, at the Salmon Falls, take 90 to 100 Salmon, two days in succession. Up to 1826, these Salmon were sold at f«»i.r to five Cents per pound ; their average weight was about ten pounds each. After the Union Mill-dam was built in 1825, the Fisheries fell off very soon ; and continued to diminish until 1846, when that dam was partly swept away. Then the Salmon again got up the River, in considerable numbers, so that in 1848, to the joy and surprise of the inhabitants, they were quite numerous; but the rebuilding of the dam once more stopped them, and they have since diminished both in size and numbers.' Very few indeed now get up the River, and we therefore advise, that an Act be passed, at the next l^'esKion of the Legislature, giving the power of g^ttiiQg at offenders in a i \ 47 valuable William re, whose Subse- e writer, ,1850. h August that from 25, there and Gas- were the 150 tons and were lad estab- lere they n barrels, ral seines the tide- ally, from besides a uantities ; lught in a caught in rhere also K) Salmon irith a dip vo days iu at f'K-r to about ten in 1825, » diminish Then the ers, so that they were )nce more in size and •, and we ii'estiion of aders in a I more summary manner, as it never will do to lose so great a source of wealth, when it can b" so readily preserved. The Grant i:om the Crown, of the premises on which the Union Dam is built, is subject to conditions, with reference to the passage of fish, which have not been complied with, and it has thereby become forfeited. It is to be hoped, that after your Report is presented, the Attorney General will take steps to enforce the conditions of the Grant, or else to revest the premises. in the Crown. Respectfully yours, &c. Wm. Porter, ^ N. Lyndsay. To M. H. Perley, Esquire. , ' , ' The premises on which the Union Dam stands, were granted to Abner Hill, of Saint Stephen, by letters patent, dated 16tli December, 1824, which contain very special provisions. There is a recital, that Abner Hill, the grantee, had presented a petition, setting forth that there is a good site for erecting Mills in the River Saint Croix, opposite the dwelling house of Robert Hitchings, at a place commonly called the Middle Landing, which is nearly midway between the Saltwater T lis, so called, and the Falls below the Mills at Mill Town, called the Fishing Falls, and • praying a grant of the premises ; that the petition had been referred to the Justices of the Peace in the County of Charlotte, to report if there was any objection to its prayer ; and that the Justices, in Sessions, had recom- mended that it should be coninlicd with. The premises described in Mr. Hill's petition o then granted to him under several restrictions and conditions ; the undisturbed right of fishing in the River is expressly reserved « ' Hi.s Majesty, and all his subjects. Among other conditions of the Gran', is the following : — le '' Provided also, and this Grant is upon condition, that said Abner Hill, his heirs and assigns, shall and ^vill cause a good and sufficient fish-way to be made in each and every Mill-dam, which may be erected and constructed, in the said River, on the said premises ; and that the same fish-w , or fish-ways, shall always be maintained and kept in sii< i state of reparation, so that the passage of the fish to and from the Sea may not be impeded by such dam or dams ; and also upon this further condition, that a free passage shrill always be left for the floating down of ton timber, logs, aad other lumber, from the rpper parts of the said River, by all and every of Our i I -.M(H»i*" "'Plfl 48 'iff subjects. And it is Our will and pleasure, and Wc» do hereby expressly ordain and declare, that in case the said Abner Hill, his heirs and assigns, shall' not, or do not, fulfil and perform the said several conditions, in every part thereof, according to the true intent and meaning of the same, then this Grant shall be void, and of no effect, and the land and premises hereby intended to be granted, shall revert to, and revest in Us, Our Heirs and Successors." In the face of so special a condition, it is really surprising, that the proprietors of the Union Mill-dam should so long have been permitted to evade its fulfilment, to the very great damage, and almost the destruction, of the Fisheries of the Saint Croix. A Scire Facias on the part of the Crown, to enquire as to their compliance with the provisions of the Grant, would no doubt quicken the perceptions of the proprietors, as to the necessity of fulfilling those conditions, truly and fairly. Upon the proprietors *of the Union Dam must rest much of the blame, for the damage that has been done by obstructing the free passage of fish ; although there is no doubt, that the dams higher up in the River, have contributed their share toward the general injury, for which there is such just ground of complaint. When the Union Dam was visited on the 4th September, there were two Salmon nets set, in open daylight, just below the waste-way ; they were both on the British side of the River. One of the nets was a very long one, and the two were so arran^ou, that it was almost impossible for a Salmon to reach the dam ; but, as if to prevent even that possibility, there was also a net on the American side. Not far below the dam, a party of Passamaquoddy Indians were encamped, for the purpose of spearing Salmon by torch light ; the fish not captured, were turned back by the nets, and then fell a prey to the Indians. At this late period of the year, the Salmon were, of course, own, to he Grant, ■ietors, as ind fairly. t much of bstructing , that the leir share st ground eptember, ust below de of the i the two a Salmon possibility, below the imped, for le fish not fell a prey le Salmon ost worth- ist during uable and oUy extin- with their ad of each d Stream, len this is great and almost incredible bodies of Salmon, Shad, and Gaspereaux, as are described by every old resident, should have passed through the narrow gorges of the Lower Saint Croix, in their annual migrations from the Sea. The wide-spread extent and the magnitude of the inland waters connected with the Saint Croix, are so well adapted to the propagation of fish on a large scale, and are such favorite places of resort for all that can reach the ancient haunts of the various species, that it will be highly discreditable to allow the extinction of the Fisheries of this River, now threatened with total anni- hilation. FROM POINT LEPREAU TO THE HARBOUR OF SAINT JOHN. There are several harbours, and inlets, along this line of coast ; but owing to its rocky and rugged character, the settle- ments are limited, and the inhabitants are not numerous. There are no regular fishing establishments ; the settlers, in connection with the cultivation of the soil, follow fii^iing, chiefly with the view mf supplying the markofk at Saint John with fresh fish. ' ' The principal fisherii.. are those for Cod and Herrings ; small Haddock are also taken during the Summer, but Hake and Pollack are comparatively rare. Along the coast from Point Lepreau up to Negro Head, just below the entrance to Saint John, Cod are taken with the long-line (or bultow) from Christmas until the first of June ; the best fishing is in April and May — after that, the Cod follow the English Herrings {clupea elongata) up the Bay. The long lines, or bultows, with 350 to 600 hooks, are set at the distance of one to two miles from the sh )re, in about 18 fathoms water. The hooks are on snoods, 3 feet in length, which are placed 7 feet apart on the '* back," or long line. In the Autumn, when the Herrings again appear along this shore, Cod are taken with hand-lines, on the *' slacks" of the tide. In November last, fine Cod averaging about 30 to the quintal, were taken by hand-line fishing, between Mlisquash and Lepreau. At that time, very fine Herrings had made their appearance, requiring nets with 2i inch mesh ; these continued to increase in numbers until January, — and while this Report is being written, they are taken daily in considera- ble quantities. The appearance of large bodies of Herring so close to the shore, during the depth of Winter, is an unusual circumstance ; in general, they do not approach this coast until 7 i !1 fjr- i 50 the latter part of Winter, or in early Spring, and-then only in moderate numbers.* The fishermen of Saint John also prosecute the fisheries for Cod and Herring on this shore, in their own boats and vessels, whenever fish are to be had. During the early part of Sum- mer they also drift all along this coast, at some distance from the land, for Salmon, while later in the season, they drift over the same ground for the Sea Shad, then on the way to their feeding grounds in the upper part of the Bay. There is an abundance of Lobsters about Dipper Harboiir, from which place the Saint John Market is principally sup- plied ; they are not large, rarely exceeding three pounds weight, and sell at three pence to six pence each, according to the season and the supply brought in. If better arrangements were made for bringing these Lobsters to market, and for keeping them alive, when brought in large quantities, they could be sold even at less prices, with greater profit to the fishermen than at present. i FISHERIES WITHIN THE HARBOUR OF SAlNT JOHN. The fisheries within this Harbour belong to the citizens of Saint John, by a special clause in the Royal Charter incorpo- rating the City, and are therefore under the management and control of the Common Council, subject, however, to such enactments as are made by the Legislature, lor the general regulation of the fisheries of the Province. The Various fishing-berths, or lots, 'within the Harbour, are disposed of annually amon^ tlie freemen of the City, and the widows of freemen, being residents, by lottery. The lots on the eastern side of the Harbour appertain to the freemen on that side ; while those on the western shore, belong exclusively to the freemen residing there, in that part of the City usually designated as Carleton. There are from eighty to one hun- dred lots, on each side, which possess some value ; varying from number one, of late years worth about JC40, down to number eighty, which may be worth a dollar, or even less. - The mode of disposing of the fishing lots in this Harbour is highly objectionable, and in direct violation of the principles of the Provincial enactments, which strictly prohibit lotteries in * While tbis Report ia being printed, Mr. Jpha SandaU, of ^int John, 4mt«i «• follows, under date 17th March, 1851 : — " At present, we are taking Herrings, in nets of iSi and 3'| inch mesh, in great abnndance. I have neter known them to be so plentiful at this aeason of the year. I shonid imagine, that from 3000 to 4000 barrels have been taken witbin the last tliree weeks — the poor fishermen have great reason to be thankful." ■ 'f: u.i 61 !n only in iheries for id vessels, t of Sum- ance from drift over ly to their Harbour, pally snp- ee pounds* ccording to angements t, and for lities, they ofit to the '.li'tS U"i-.«f> » citizens of er incorpo- gement and er, to such the general arbour, are ity, and the The lots on freemen on ; exclusively City usually to one hun- le; varying 10, down to Fen less. 3 Harbour is prindples of lotteries in , writ«» M follows, neU of SJ and ?i ittfal at thii season Q uVen within the every form — this fishing lottery being alone excepted. When the City was first settled, sixty eight years ago, and the popu- lation consisted of a few hundred families only, of whom yary many were engaged in the actual business of fishing, it may have been very proper to dispose of the fishing stations among them by lot, as the most simple and equitable mode of annual distribution. But the reason has ceased long since. The wealth of the City has become very considerable, and its popu- lation has increasod to 20,000, and upwards. The fishing lots are now purchased by the fishermen from those citizens, or widows of citizens, who are fortunate enough to draw good numbers in the lottery ; and it is not at all uncommon for the wealthiest petsons in the City to be waited upon by the hard- working fisherman, to know at what price they will sell their " prize in the fishery." The sums received by persons in easy circumstances for prizes in the fishery, are too often treated as other '' prize money," and wasted in the like manner. Instead of distributing the fishing lots, as at present, in a manner which does the least possible amount of good, and in- flicts positive evil by inducing the spirit of gambling, with all its attendant evils, it is proposed by the writer, that the fishery numbers shall be disposed of annually by auction, and the pro- ceeds applied to the formation of an educational fund, for the establishment and support of a Public Free School., in which the children, or orphans, of citizens, shall have a preference over all others. There may, perhaps, be other objects of public utility, to which the fund arising from the annual sale of the fishing lots might be judiciously applied ; but there are, probably, few which could be suggested, that would do more real good, or meet with more hearty and cordial approbati/^n from the great body of the citizens, than that which is now proposed. It is believed to bp only necessary to draw the attention of the citi- zens of Saint John to the existing evil, and point out in what way it may be turned t^ a great public good, in order to have the object efifected. The fisheries of the harbour are those for Gaspereau, Shad, and Salmon, which enter it for the purpose of ascending the River Saint John to their usual spawning grounds. The Gas- pereau, /^^'a tyrannus) enter the harbour about the 10th of April, or very soon after. The first of these fish was taken last year on the 13th April ; on the 22nd they were abundant, and the fishing continued until about the 10th June. The Shad (alosa mpidissima) make their appearance about tlie n^iddle •^^^1 I I I M if) of May ; these are closely followed by the lordly Salmon, (iaU mo salar) which continue to. pass in large numbers until the first of August, although some, chiefly grilse however, con- tinue to be caught in the weirs until the end of that month. The following letter from John Randall, Esquire, who has long been actively engaged in the fisheries, contains much valuable information in a condensed form : — Saint John, /V. B., 2l8t January, 1851. Sir, — In reply to your circular of 12th August, I beg to state, that the Gaspereau or Alewives, Spring Shad, and Sal- mon, are taken in this harbour by weirs and drift-nets. The weirs are made by setting up nets of about 2 j: iifch mesh, upon tall poles. A great many Salmon are taken outside of Par- tridge Island, in the Bay, by drift-nets. The fall Shad arc all taken in the Bay, during the night, also with drift nets. The drift-nets for Salmon and Shad, are 40 meshes deep, and each boat has 200 fathoms of net. I cannot say much about the Cod, Pollack, or Mackerel fisheries, as it has been found, that they will not pay out of this harbour. The Gaspereau ^shery commences with us, as soon as the river opens, and continues about six weeks ; this fishing de- pends in a great measure on the Spring freshet. The Spring Shad come in about the middle of May, but this fishery is of little consequence. Salmon fishing begins the middle of June, and continues until the first of August, but the weirs catch a few up to the end of that month. The greater part of our Gaspereau ai'e shipped to Boston, and all our Salmon are sent there, either packed in ice or smoked, and we have to pay a duty of 20 per cent. Herrings are taken around Grand Manan and West Isles, by torch-light, and by brush-weirs ; these weirs, must destroy a great quantity of Fry every season. The Herrings and Gaspereau, as soon as possible after being caught, are placed in casks for the purpose of being " struck," as we call it ; when sufliciently salted, they are packed in bar- relS) wliich should contain 200Ibs. of fish, by the inspection law, . but the law itself appears to have become a dead letter. It is desirable that we should have a good strict inspection law ; it would perhaps cost us some six pence or nine pence per barrel more than at present, but I am confident we shcdd be gainers by it. I know of no fish being used as manure, but it is notorious 53 that the whole of'lho Bay of Fiindy is fished hy vessels from the United States. The fishery in this harbour is gradually falling of)', as I believe, from the great quantity of saw dust thrown into the harbour, and the erection of saw mills, and mill dams, on the different streams falling into the Saint John, to which the Sal- mon and Gaspereau usually resort to deposit their spawn. I would. also mention, that in my opinion, the deep-sea fish- ing will never be followed to any extent in this Province, unless there is some encouragement granted to our fishermen in the shape of bounty, and also jyotection, by compelling the Ameri- cans to fish within the Treaty limits. Gentlemen may telk about American enterprize, but give us an equal chance with them, and if we do not match them, it is our own fault. The Ame- rican Government not only grants their fishermen a bounty, but also a heavy protection, in the shape of duties on foreign-caught fish ; and when you consider, that all our fish have to go to the States for a market, is it any wonder we cannot compete with them ? V I believe you are aware, that most of the young fishermen of Grand Manan, are removing to the United States, in con- sequence of the high wages given them for their skill in fishing, and as Pilots in the Bay of Fundy. Your obedient servant, JOHN SANDALL. M. H. Perley, E«q. In addition to this letter, Mr. Sandall has been good enough to furnish the following, as his estimate of the value of the fisheries in the harbour of Saint John during the season of 1850:— 32,000 Salmon, which brought 5s. each, £8,000 , 14,000 barrels of Gaspereau at 15s. per barrel, 10,500 ,, • The Shad-fishery amounted fully to 1,500 ..^ h! u a notorious }'-> Total je20,000 ■\ The prices thus stated by Mr. Sandall, are those obtained by the actual fishermen, and at least twenty five per cent, must be added for the net prices received from abroad by the dealers, for the same fish. The persons who packed the Sal- mon, in boxes with ice, for the Boston market, last season, paid to the fishermen an unvarying contract price, of five shil- lings for each fish, whether large or small ; and there is good reason to believe, that the same fish sold at the average price 1i 54 ill \ * I'i ; ■ ^ ikM of ten Hhillings each, in Boston. The price of Gaspercaii, especially if well cured, was in the saiue way, 17m. 6d. per barrel. Mr. Sandall states the price obtained by the fialiernnen, after deducting the expense of the barrels and salt. The Shad which pass up the river in the Spring, are spawn- ing lish, of large size, heavy with roe, and very thin. As a matter of course, these fish have but little flavour, as compared with the fat and luscious sea Shad, taken in the Autumn, and are scarcely worth salting. The value of the Shad fishery, stated above by Mr. Sandall, is that for sea Shad, taken out- side the Harbour, by drifting duriuj^ the night; Shad so taken, although of very fair quality, are, however, inferior to those caught at the head of the Bay, which are fully described in the subsequent part of this Report. It is much to be regretted, that the Spring Shad should be caught at all ; they are of lit- tle value when taken, and their capture, by destroying the breeding fish, tends greatly to the injury of the valuable Shad fishery of the Bay, which ought to be most carefully preserved and protected. There can be no doubt, that the large quantities of saw-dust and rubbish from the saw. mills, which have been cast into the harbour of late years, have been highly detrimental to the fisheries, and most injurious to the harbour itself. The wri- ter's official duties, as Emigration officer, during the last eight years, have rendered it necessary for him to be much afloat within the harbour every season, and. to visit Partridge Island at its entrance very . frequently. The damage done to the harbour within that period, and the injury to its navigation especially for large vessels, can scarcely be appreciated by those who have not watched its progress, or examined its results. The great floods of the Saint John, occasioned by the melt- ing of the snow and ice at the close of winter, or by heavy rains at other periods, bring down large quantities of fine silt, or alluvial matter, rendering the water at those periods ex- tremely turbid. This alluvial matter encounters the saw dust in the harbour, and jointly, they form a deposit, which soon attains much solidity wherever it happens to rest. The wes- tern channel into the harbour has shoaled very considerably, as well from the deposit of silt and saw dust, as the aggrega- tion of slabs, rinds, and edgings, also sunk there ; while the bar at the eastern end of Patridge Island, is found to extend and increase year by year, threatening to damage the eastern channel very considerably. 55 crcaii, d. per rmcn, mnke a large appropriation for improving the navigation of tliirf fine harbour, which must be done at no very distant day, if the present state of things is allowed to continue. The weirs in the Harbour of Saint John, as described by Mr. Sandall, are made with nets stretched on long poles, and they are all dry at low water. From the beach, at high water, a net is stretched out toward low water mark, at right angles to the shore ; this is called a lender — it serves to conduct the fish through narrow openings, into the circular chamber, also formed of nets on poles, from whicli they are taken when the tide is out. This description of weir is sometimes called a " fyke," — nothing can escape from it, unless it be so small us to pass through the meshes of the net. Great quantities of Gaspereau and Salmon are taken in the Harbour by drift nets ; and although this mode of fishing is prohibited by law, yet it is openly followed in broad daylight. Some years ago, attempts were made by the Overseers of the Fishery, to prevent drifting in the Harbour ; but latterly they have looked on quietly, and allowed the fishermen to do as they pleased. The Common Council have, more recently, gone a step fur- ther. By a bye law for regulating the fisheries within the limits of the City of Saint John, passed 1^ that body on the 4th December last, it is provided, that " no drift net shall be used after the tenth day of June, in any year, for the purpose of catching fish, in any part of the Harbour of Saint John, on the westerly side of Partridge Island, nor within, or to the northward of straight lines to be drawn, the one from a point commonly called Black Point, on the western side of the said harbour, to the most westerly point on the said island, and the other from the most easterly point on the same island, to a |)oint called Lower Battery Point, on the eastern side of the said harbour, under the penalty of Ten pounds for each and every offence." This bye-law, by implication, sanctions the use of drift-nets up to the 10th day of June in each season, and is believed to ; hi i: fi < ii 66 H' l>o ill direct violHtion of the Acts of Aii»tieinbly relating to the tisiieties. The 1180 of notH on the SabbaHi, in prohibited by the law of the Province, and although drift-nottt are not generally used on that day within the harbour of Saint John, yet it ii not at all unuHuul to nee them employed on the Sunday, by parties who appear perfectly indiflferent to public opinion, for no other force is UHod to prevent this desecration of the Sabbath. The woirs are fished on that day, as on other days of the week, and they generally get a better catch on Sunday, owing to the drift- nets being less used. In Ireland, where this description of weir is much employed for Salmon fishing outside, or to seaward, of the mouths of rivers usually frequented by Salmon, it is required by law, that the nets shall be lifted out of the water at the first time of low water after Saturday at noon, and they must not be set again, until after sunrise on Monday morning.* This wholesome and judicious regulation ought for a variety of reasons, to be strictly enforced at Saint John ; and it is somewhat surprising that "The City Fathers" should have neglected this very important provision in their bye law. If the citizens of Saint John desire that laws should be made and strictly enforced, for the protection and preservation of fish after they have ascended the Saint John, and reached their spawning grounds in its tributaries, they must set the exau:- ple of obedience to the laws within their own limits, by fishing in a fair and proper manner, and only during six days of the week. The fishermen of Saint John exclaim loudly, and not without cause, against mills, mill-dams, and other obstacles to the free passage of the fish up to their spawning beds ; they denounce in the strongest manner, and very justly, the prac- tice of taking Salmon by torch and spear, after reaching those beds, and when out of season ; they deprecate in unmeasured terms, the casting of saw dust and mill rubbish, into streams frequented by spawning fish, which is undoubtedly productive of serious injury to the fisheries, by diminishing the propaga- tion of the various species which breed in fresh water ; but at the same moment, they are very likely prosecuting the fishe- ries at the entrance of the Saint John every day in the week, Sunday not excepted, and by modes of fishing, which in some respects, are equally objectionable, as well as illegal. * See Brabazon on the Deep Sea Fisheries of Ireland, page 55, where also will be found a description of Uiis mode of nshing, with drawings of the nets, and the manner of arranging WT the THE RIVEIl 8AI.NT JOHN AND ITN TRIBt'TARIEP. The; Guaptsrcau iiikI Shad rarely OMceiid tho8aintJohn higher than Frodericton, aliout 80 iiiileM from the Sea, — four niilvH ubove which the vwifl water and strong rapidH comntcnce. Their favourite places of resort are Darling's Lake, (a part of the Kennehecasii Kivci ,) the Ocknabog Lake, the Washade- moak Lake, the Grand Lake, and the Oromocto Kiver ; all pieces of water rather sluggish in their character, and, gene- rally with muddy hottoms. In (mssing up the Rivers to their spawning grounds, many Gaspereau and Shad are caught hy the inhabitants, chiolly during the night, in set nets. Salmon proceed up the Saint John to tlie Grand Falls, u|>- wards of 200 miles from the Sea ; and they ascend many of its brunches and tributaries, for very considerable distances. The writer, at various periods, and at diflferent seasons of the year, having traversed the Saint John, from Partridge Island to the head of Lake Temiscouata, (about 300 miles) and proceeded up nearly all its principal tributaries, generally in light canoes, is enabled to offer a general view of the state of the different Uivers usiuilly resorted to by spawning fish from the Sea. The first River which the fish enter, after passing the Falls above the Harbour of Saint J:^Mn, is the Kennebccasis, flow- ing in from the eastward. Salmon ascend the main stream to Sussex Vale; and also the Hammond River, one of its branches, to Titus' Mill-dam, which has no fishway, and stops their fur- ther progress upward to their former spawning grounds, very far up that River. From Darling's Lake to Titus' Mill-dam, on this tributary, and from Hampton Ferry to the head of Sussex Vale, on the main stream, the Salmon are hunted and destroyed, in every possible way, by nets, and with torch and spear, — in season, and out of season. The inhabitants appear to be actuated by an insane desire to destroy every Salmon which appears in these Rivers ; and no sooner is it reported, that Salmon have been seen, in any particular pool, than the whole neighbourhood is in commotion, with preparations for their destruction — ^the fish are pursued with untiring zeal, until all are captured, except a very few, which, perhaps, escape to some place of shelter and safety. The next River, in ascending the Saint John, is the Nerepis, which falls in from tht westward. This is a swift-flowing River, with a rocky and»gravclly bed. In the summer season, there is but little water in it ; but it is subject to sudden floods, from the high hills in its vicinity, which pour down great bodies mr - -■■?fHi^wwf<^>^!5aWW 58 of water after rain Btorins. Fortunately, there are no Mill- dams on this River, and therefpre, no obstruction to the free passage of fish. The spawning-grounds are far up the IVerepis, in secluded places, near springs of very cold water ; and, as the Salmon are able to reach these distant spots, they breed in comparative safety. There is a valuable Salmon Fishery near the cntiaiice to this River, at Brittain's Point, (Alwington Manor,) where, from 1500 to 2000 Salmon have been taken annually, for a long succession of years. The Washademoak is next in order, ascending ; it enters from the eastward. Gaspereau and Shad go into the Lake ; but Salmon pass through it, and ascend the New Canaan River, which feed it. Here they are caught in considerable numbers, without regard to season ; but it is believed that many fish are bred in these waters. .V The Jemseg is a narrow, deep channel, which connects the Grand Lake with the River Saint John ; its entrance is three miles above Gagetown, flowing in from the eastward. Salmon pass through the Grand Lake, in order to ascend the Salmon and Gaspereau Rivers, at its eastern extremity. The Gas- pereau River is now barred at its very entrance by a Mill-dam, which wholly excludes fish from that River. The Salmon River was also barred by a dam for some years ; but this was swept away by a flood, about seven years ago, and Salmon have returned t ^ *;he River in large numbers, as it is a favorite breeding place. They are, however, poached and destroyed in every way, throughout the entire season, both by Indians and lumbermen, in every part of this fine stream, up to the Richibucto Portage, and even beyond it. ' The Oromocto, as its name implies, is a deep river, entering the Saint John from the westward. For twenty miles, or more, it is navigable for vessels of sixty tons burthen, or river steam- ers of large class. Then it separates into two branches, both flowing from large lakes, up to which, Salmon, Shad, and Gaspereau, formerly ascended ; but now they are prevented by mill dams, on each branch^ at short distances above navi- gable water. The dam on the South Branch has no fishway, and that on the North Branch has a sort of sluice, intended as a fishway, but it is not sufficient. Many Gaspereau have been caught below this dam, whilQ struggling to g«t up to the Oromocto Lake, formerly a favorite lAunt. The Nashwaak flows into the Saint 9ohn from the eastward) nearly opposite the City of Fredericton. Salmon formerly ascended tliis river, for 'forty miles or more, but are now .t 69 ri Mili- 5 free repis, id, ns breed ishery ngton taken enters Lake ; River, mbers, ish arc cts the 3 three Salmon Salmon le Gas- U-dain, Sahnon jut this Salmon favorite jstroyed Indians ip to the entering or more, tr steam- les, both lad, and revented ave navi- . fishway, lended as Mve been ip to the eastward) formerly are now prevented by the substantial mill dam which crosses the river, from bank to bank, about three miles from its mouth. From the vigour with which the Salmon have been persecuted below the dam, while struggling to ascend, very few are now taken in the river, and shortly, they will cease entirely to frequent its bright and swifl-flowing waters. Between Fredericton and Woodstock, several small tribu- taries enter the Saint John, from both sides, in most of which there are mill-dams The Maduxnakeag, at Woodstock, for- merly abounded with Salmob ; but the mill-dam at it» mouth now excludes them altogether. The Begaguimic, above Woodstock, is also closed by a dam at its entrance ; while other small rivers, up to the Tobique, are also obstructed, in t greater or less degree. The Tobique is a magnificent river, which waters a wide extent of country, east of the Saint John. A mill-dam which was erected at the Red Rapids, about fourteen miles above its mouth, was cut away by the lumbermen, because it obstructed the navigation, and was therefore a public nuisance. There is nothing now to prevent Salmon ascending this river, and very many still go up it every year ; anciently, they passed up in thousands. There is an Indian village at the mouth of the Tobique, which is the principal settlement of the Milicetes of the Saint John ; and these Indi&ns, aided by lumbermen, and poachers of all shades, from every clime and country, pursue the Salmon up to the very sources of the river, and destroy them by every species of contrivance, without the slightest regard to season, or the condition of the fish. The Arestook is another noble tributary of the Saint John, entering it from the westward, about two miles above the Tobique, on the opposite side. Owing to some lofly falls on this river, about four miles from its mouth, and within British territory, Salmon can ascend it n6 further, and here also, they are subjected to great slaughter. Very few Salmon ascend the Saint John above the Arestook, although some occa- sionally reach the basin below the Grand Falls ; when they do, they are netted and speared in such an effective manner, that few ever escape. From this brief notice of the principal tributaries of the Saint John frequented by Salmon!, it v*riU be seen how greatly fishway» are required in the various mill-dams, and the neces- sity that exists for some superintendance over these rivets, as otherwise, th* breeding ftshtwill be wholly destroyed ere many je«t6 elapse) and the vieiluable fishery in the Harbour of Saint :! ,' it Ml ■f 60 John, and along the lower part of the river, will scarcely exist. The attention of the fishermen of the City of Saint John i» especially directed to this iniportant matter ; they, and all others interested in the preservation of the Salmon fishery of the Saint John, now exceedingly valuable, and yearly beconi- ing more so, should exert themselves, by all legitimate means to maintain, and if possible, increase the fishery. A small subscription might be set on foot, to send fit persons up some of the principal rivers, especially the Nerepis, the Salmon Ri- ver at Grand Lake, and the Tobique, to prevent the destruction of breeding fish there. Under proper enactments, and efficient management, great good would speedily arise, without any very serious expense. The numbers of Salmon would be found to increase, as rapidly as they have done in those rivers of Ireland and Scotland, which, when nearly exhausted, have been again filled with fish in abundance, after a few year» watching and preservation. 'id FROM THE HARBOUR OF SAINT JOHN EASTWARDLY TO CAPE ENRAGE. This line of coast is generally bold, and rocky ; up to Point Wolf it is fully entitled to be designated an '< Iron-bound shore." The harbours are few and small, and accessible only at high water, or a little before. There are no regular fishing establishments ; and fishing is followed by the Settlers on the coast, in an irregular and desultory manner, just as fish liappen to strike in, or as it suits their convenience. The first inlet east of Saint John, is Port Simonds ; at its head it receives the Mispeck River, which flows out of Loch Lomond. Formerly, Salmon ascended the Mispeck and were caught ill the Loch ; but they were wholly excluded from the River about twenty five years ago, by mill-dams just above the tide-way, and none have since been seen in it. Occasion- ally, some few Salmon are yet caught in the Port, as also Herrings. In June and July, there is tolerable line-fishing for Cod and Pollack, near Black Rock, at the ** slacks" of the tide. Cape Spencer is a bold promontory stretching out into the Bay, and causing a very powerful race, or tide-rip. In the season, Pollack may be taken in this race in great numbers, but it is considered a dangerous fishing ground. Beyond Cape Spencer, the shore is bold and lofty to Black River, which finds its way to the Sea, through a very narrow gap with high cliffs, « II on either side. There is a solid Dam without a fish-way across Black River y beyond this, the shores are not so high, a narrow slip of the red sandstone for>nation commencing a little east of Black River, and continuing about eight miles along the coast, being in that distance intersected by Emerson*s Creek, and Gardner's Creek. Up both these Creeks, Salmon formerly ascended to spawn ; but mill-dams, without fish-ways, now exclude them. At Gardner's Creek, there is an exceedingly line farm on the red sandstone formation, occupied by Messrs. Dewar, which is in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Peter Dcwar stated, that Capelin come in on this shore eariy in June ; he has seen them in great abundance, at various periods, not only here, but also at Quaco. When the Capelin are in, Cod are also abundant ; but after the Capelin leave. Haddock only arc taken durmg the summer, but they are very numerous. Her- rings strike in here every season, but the quantity varies greatly. During the season of 1850, Messrs. Cunningham, who live to the eastward of Gardner's Creek, caught twenty five barrels of Herring with one net only, twenty fathoms long and one hundred and twenty meshes deep — the mesh two and a half inches. The Herrings make their appearance about the 15th of June, or soon after, and the fishing for them continues until the end of August ; they are full fish, nearly ready to spawn. No Shad have been caught, but Mackerel are occa- sionally taken in the Herring nets. During August, every year, Messrs. Dewar have set a Salmon net at the entrance to Gardner's Creek, and caught two or three Salmon every night. Lobsters are very abundant ; almost any quantity may be taken, with proper nets or pots. * - The entrance to Teignmouth Harbour, better known as Ten Mile Creek, is very narrow ; the Harbour is dry at low-water ; at high tide, there is sixteen to eighteen feet wat6r. The lower dam on this Creek, is one mile from the Sea ; it is said that Salmon may get over this dam, but they can ascend no further than the second dam, only half a mile above the first, as that effectually bars their progress. The Harbour was visited on the 17th September ; a Salmon net was then set completely across the entrance, so that not a fish could enter. Within the Harbour, Messrs. Lovett and Parker were building a Ship of 800 tons. Mr. Lovett said, that fish were abundant at Teignmouth ; formerly they had a spring-weir across the mouth of the Harbour, but it was carried away the previous spring, and had not been repaired ; it secured a great many Herrings, as also Salmon and Cod. This spring-weir consisted 4 i I i''l 62 of a strong net, stretched on stout poles ; it lay flat upon the bottom while the tide was flowing, and at high-water it was " sprung," or raised to a perpendicular position, by powerful capstans. Messrs. Lovett and Parker caught one hundred and fifty Salmon during the past season, at the entrance to the Harbour, from twelve pounds to twenty one pounds weight each ; they also took a number of Grilse. The first Salmon are usually taken at the end of July ; but the fishing for them continues as late in the season as any can be caught. Lobsters are abundant here ; Capelin have been often taken in the weir, and also very small Gaspereau, but no large ones. Mr. Lovett gave it as his opinion, that a very good Fishery might be established here. One year the firm had no Ship on the stocks ; they turned their attention to the Fishery during that season, and succeeded very well. They fished at Stanley's Cove, (about two miles west of Teignmouth,) and caught one hundred barrels of Herrings ; they had only two nets of thirty fathoms each, with a mesh of two and a half inches. At Roger's Pond (two miles east of Teignmouth) they found good line-fishing, at a quarter of a mile from the shore ; Cod were plentiful during June, and after that, came Pollack and Haddock. Large Halibut, some of them weighing six hundred pounds, were aLo taken on this ground. In the road-stead of Quaco, and off the Head, the fishery is of the same general character as that just described. Besides line-fishing occasionally, Herrings are taken in nets, and also in weirs ; but the inhabitants are so actively and earnestly engaged in Ship building, which is carried on extensively at Quaco, that they have little time for fishing — and from the want of shelter during south easterly gales, the place is not visited by fishing vessels. At Great Salmon River, there is a small but very safe har- bour for small vessels, within a high sea-wall of gravel ; but it ' can only be entered at high water. The River is a large and ^ powerful stream ; for nine miles from the Sea, it rushes with much impetuosity through a deep, narrow gorge in the hills, > the cliffs on either side rising to the height of 600 to 800 feet. Beyond this gorge, the River flows more gently, through an,-; undulating country, with much good land, exceedii^ly welf timbered. Just where the River makes its final leap into the Sea, there - is a solid dam from bank to bank, upon which there ore two^ double Saw-mills ; a quarter of a mile above, l^ere is another' dam of similar character, upon which there is one single senv- ii i G3 mill. In neither of these dams is there any fish-way, and fish are therefore wholly excluded from the River. Mr. Patterson, who has charge of the Mills here, said the River formerly abounded with Salmon, and thence derived its name ; now, none whatever are taken in it. There is a waste- way for surplus water at the eastern end of the lower dam ; and Mr. Patterson admitted, that a fish-way might be placed there, without damage or inconvenience, as also at the eastern end of the upper dam, the situations being almost precisely alike. Outside the harbour, on the sea-beach, Mr. Patterson has a small weir ; during the last season, he caught 36 Salmon in it, as also some Herrings, and a few good Shad. Capelin appear in June, and while they remain, there is good line-fishing for ,Cod, off the harbour, at very little distance from the shore ; during the summer. Pollack and Haddock are taken, but there is no line-fishing duking the autumn. Long Beach is about two miles above the entrance to Great Salmon River ; there are three families settled close to the beach, who fish a little and farm a little, but do neither efi'ec- tually, and they appeared in great poverty. A very long and wide gravel bar juts out into the Bay, which is left entirely dry at low water ; between this and ihe shore, wholly within the bar, is a mud-fiat on which stands a brush-weir for taking Herrings. It id built in an irregular semi-circle, and is about 200 yards in length ; in the centre it is five feet high, gradually diminish- ing to one foot at each end. Herrings are usually abundant at this place during the month of July ; they are then full of spawn, which does not attain its full size until August — afiter that, it is supposed they spawn on the coast. During the season of 1849, Herrings were unusually abundant here, but the settlers had no salt to cure what were takeiT in the weir ; they gave away Herrings to every body that would come for them. One tide, they gave away five large boat loads to people from Quaco, reserving 30 barrels for themselves ; but these all spoiled before they could procure salt. The settlers here (Jabez Wright, and two families named Tufts) cured sixty barrels of Herrings from the catch of this weir, during the season of 1850 ; these, on examination, were found to be the true Herring, from 10 to 12 inches in length, and of very good quality. It was stated by Jabez Wright, that in former years, during the month of June, he had seen the Capelin come on shore here in "windrows" — ^the Pollack would pursue them up to the very beach, upon which the Capelin came in with the surf to • 1 I .] 64 1^4 1*:- f;pawn, as is iheir custom — for the last two years, they have not been so abundant. There is good line-fishing for Cod, at very little distance from the beach, during June and July ; after that, some Haddock and Pollack may be taken-r- Hake are rare, and Halibut are only caught occasionally. Long Beach appeared to be one of the best stations on this lino of coast for prosecuting the Herring fishery, or for line- fishing. Besides the insufticiency and small size of the weir, it has a water-gap near its centre, to let out the waters of a brook, which flow through it ; and it is only when the fish arc sufficiently abundant to choke this gap, that any quantity can be taken. The situation is recommended to the attention of fishermen seeking a location. No set-nets have yet been tried here ; it is supposed that sea Shad might be caught by. drifting, as they are frequently found in the weir. The settlers here said, that before the dams were built across Salmon River, the fishing was excellent, and persons came from all parts to catch Salmon thei 3. One man had caught as many Salmon there, during a single season, as sold for £§0 ; and during another season, fifteen years since, Wright and the Tufls caught 40 barrels, while some others who fished in com- pany, caught 20 barrels more — now, not a single Salmon is caught in the river ! Little Salmon River was next visited ; it is very similar in its character to the larger river, but its banks are even more lofty, being said to be at least 1000 feet high in some places. The mill-dam is about half a mile from the sea, and it effectu- ally precludes the Salmon from ascending as they did formerly. The mills and buildings are in a very picturesque situation. Directly behind the dwelling house of Mr. McDonald, who manages the mills, there is a very steep hill, whose summit was stated to be 1500 feet above the sea. There is a road to the interior, which rises from the mill-pond, by zigzags, up the side of another thickly wooded hill, to the height of 600 feet ; by this road there is a communication with Sussex Vale, through the valley of Trout Brook. Mr. M'Donald said he had only caught one Salmon during the season, and that was accidentally left in a pool below the mill, by the ebb tide. He has a small Herring weir on the beach, near the mouth of the river, in which he caught 16 bar- rels of Herrings during the season of 1850. In 1849, he fre- quently let out 100 barrels on a tide, having no salt to cure them. There is very fair line-fishing off this river, but there is nobody to pursue it. . ■ 66 Tf The singular bluff known us Martin's Head, is connected with the main !and by a long gravel beach, which is well adapted for fishing purposes ; there is also a fine fnrni, but it is now tenantless. There is good line fishing off the Head ; in July last, two boys in half an hour loaded a boat of 16 feet with Cod. There was formerly a large brush weir at the beach ; last season the mill-men at Croose Creek put some nets upon its remains, and caught a fair supply of Herrings. It is to be regretted, that so good a farming and fishing station an Martin's Head, should remain unoccupied. At Goose Creek, about three miles above the Head, there is, as elsewhere, a mill-dam which wholly prevents the passage of fish. This dam was built twelve years ago ; before that time, Salmon ascended the stream in considerable numbersi but of late years, none whatever have been seen, even at its entrance. Herrings are taken occasionally near the mouth of the creek, but the fishing is only followed ivhen the settlers have no other occupation— one person here builds a .vessel occasionally, the rest are engaged about the mill, and in lumbering. At Goose River, a few miles albove the creek, there is a safe harbour for small vessels, which can lay aground at low water without damage. At the lowest neap tides, a vessel drawing nine feet water can enter this harbour ; the channel is eighty yards from the base of the cliff on the western side, from which it draws over to the high gravel bank on the opposite side ; passing this, the basin is entered ; in any part of it vessels may be grounded safely. Two small rivers fall into the basin, but now, Salmon can go up neither ; there is a mill-dam on one, and the remains of a dam and flume on the other which effec- tually stop them. There are four settlers at this place, who have their farms on the elevated plateau, or table land, at the top of the steep hill on the eastern side of the river. The principal settler is Brian Doherty, from whose log house there is an exceedingly fine view, with Isle au Haut and Cape Chig- neeto in the distance ; the ascent to the settlement is exceed- ingly steep, but the land when reached, is of good quality, and appeared to yield an excellent crop — the cleared land is pro- bably 500 feet above the level of the sea. The settlers said, that for two miles up each branch of the river, the banks are lofty and precipitous ; beyond that there is a fine stretch of good land, not stony, and covered chiefly with hard wood — ^through this there is every facility for a good road, towards the Mechanics' Settlement, crossing the Shepody road. They stated that there was good line fishing ofif the harbour 9 r ^ .1 I 66 fr r fi, 4: vi ,li. for Cod, Pollack, and Haddock ; of the Cod, 35 to 40 fill a barrel, and the Pollack are even larger. The fishing begins as early as 5th May, and continues until the end of July ;.before they can procure Herrings for bait, they use small trout, which the boys catch with rod and line in the river ; Trout arc abun- dant, but they rarely exceed half a pound in weight. During the past season they caught seven barrels of Salmon at the entrance of the harbour, with a small brush weir and a short net. As Goose Harbour can bo entered by coasters soon afler half-tide, and is sheltered from every wind, it is very desirable that some distinguishing marks, or beacons, should be set up tu denote its entrance. There is very little doubt that a pro- fitable fishery might be established at this place, by competent persons possessing sufficient means. Point Wolf River is a large stream, of similar character with that of the other rivers of this coast. Like those rivers also, a substantial and rather lofty mill-dam prevents all fish from ascending, although many Salmon yet enter the large basin beneath the dam. The saw mills are on an extensive scale ; they belong to Messrs. Vernon, of Saint John, who procure their supply of logs within twelve miles of the mills. Owing to the difficulty of floating down logs in 1849, from the want of water, the millmen were irMe during part of the sum- mer ; from lack of other occupation, they were employed in constructing a weir on the flats, within the bar. In this weir, nearly 500 Salmon were caught during that season ; of these, 21 breeding fish, heavy with spawn, were taken alive, and carefully conveyed, in casks of water, to the river above the dam, into which they were turned without injury. This was a very judicious step toward preserving the Salmon fishery of this fine river ; but it is greatly to be regretted, that Messrs. Vernon have not already set up, and maintained, a sufficient fishway. The supply of logs decreases annually, and afier a time, will cease altogether ; but if the Salmon are preserved, they will prove a source of wealth, long after the saw mills are worn out and useless. The weir having been carried away by, ice, no Salmon were ca 'ght during the season of 1$50 ; and the mills being in full operation, no other fishixig was carried on, altljough Herrings and Cod were to be had outside the entrance to the harbour. An entire change in the geological character of the coast, begins at Point Wolf. The trap, syenite, felspar, and porphy- ritic rocks, which, up to this Point, chiefly compose the rugged and precipitous cliffs fronting upon the Bay, here give way to s i I the sandstones of the coal measures ; and this formation con- tinues without interruption to the shores of the Gulf of Suint Lawrence. With this geological change, there is also a cimnge in the character of the fisheries ; the coincidence is somewhat remarkable, although perfectly natural. The Cod delight in clear water, over a hard bottom ; while the Shad rejoice in muddy waters, and especially delight in the extensive mud- flats of the upper part of the Bay, from which they procure the food that renders them so excessively fat and delicious. .At Herring Cove, just above Point Wolf, there is very fair Herring-fishing during the season ; from this Cove a new road has been laid out, and lots surveyed for settlement on the labour system. This road passes through some buck settlements, and is continued to the PoUet Lake in the Mechanics* Settle- ment ; it will, when completed, be of much value to the settlers in the forest, by enabling them to reach the Coast with their produce, at a place where it can be shipped to market, and whe<'e they may procure fish of the best quality to be carried into the interior. A little to the eastward of Herring Cove, is a small settle- ment, called Cannon Town Beach ; and here for the first time in going up the Bay, a regular Shad-fishery was found. At this beach, there are two brush weirs expressly for taking Shad ; formerly Herrings were plenty at this place, but they have been very scarce during the last seven years. There are 14 shares in the weirs at Cannon Town Beach ; and each share gets about 8 barrels of Shad annually. On the 20th September, the fishing was considered nearly over for the season ; the Shad taken that morning were exceedingly small — ^they would scarcely weigh a pound each, and were called by the fishermen " round fish." The greater part of the Shad taken at this Beach, during the past season, were of small size ; the weirs, by taking these small fish, must do a great deal of mischief to the Shad-fishery generally. It was stated here, that there was no drifting for Shad west of Cape Enrage, the Bay being too wide and stormy, and the water too clear. The Upper Salmon River, which falls into Salisbury Cove (generally called Enrage Bay) is muddy at the entrance, and the strong tide of the Bay sweeps in and out with great force. There is a large brush weir here, for taking Shad ; those caught in it, during the season of 1850, were of small size — ^very little larger than Gaspereau. About forty barrels of these small fish were caught in this weir at one time, during August, and there hevAg a flood in the river at the moment, the colnbined weight '}• I 'r'i: ™ ! V (i. fl,„ of the wntcr and the fisli, corriocl away the centre of the woir. The fish escaped, and the weir wuh not repaired ; this wa» fortunate, as the weir is calculated to do much damage by taking small Shad. There is a mlU-dam at the head of the tide on this river, which the Salmon can get over. It was stated, that nearly all the Salmon which passed, were speared almost im- mediately after, in the shallows above the mill-pond. This place was visited on the 20th September, and only a week previous, several Salmon had been speared in the stream ; of course, they were out of season, and almost worthless at that late period. To the westward of Cape Enrage, in Enrag6 Bay, there are three weirs for Shad on the flats ; these are said to be very destructive to small Shad, few large fish being caught in this locality. FROM CAPE ENRAGE TO THE BOUNDARY OF NOVA SCOTIA. [ Above Cape Enrage, the valuable Shad Fishery of the north eastern arm of the Bay of Fundy, may be said fairly to commence. The fishermen here, who chiefly reside in the Parish of Hopewell, near the *" cpody River, fish the whole distance from Cape Enrage, o Cape Demoiselle, at the entrance to the Petitcodiac River ; above that point, the fishermen of Hillsborough and Memramcook, fish the Petit- codiac up to Stoney Creek, above which not many Shad are caught. Ezra Bishop, a Shad fisher, residing on the banks of the Shepody River, stated that he usually drifted for Shad in Shepody Bay, between Capes Enrag6 and Demoiselle. He has six nets to his boat, each twenty five fathoms long ; the mesh is five inches — none of the fishers here use a mesh of less size, as they want the large fat shad only. They fish between seed time and hay making ; very seldom after that. Bishop usually catcjjes each season, from twenty to thirty barrels of prime Shad ; and he supposes, that at least one hundred bar- rels are taken in Shepody Bay, each day that the boats go out. Very few Herrings are taken above Enrag6 ; but they some- times catch Grilse, (or *' Fidlers " as the fishermen call them,) in the Shad nets. Salmon do not enter Shepody River, the water being exceedingly muddy. There are a few -weirs in Shepody Bay, which are not very successful ; the Shad caught in them, are much smaller than those caught in the drift nets. Only six Shad boats go out of Shepody River, but others fish §i 69 occasionnlly — nets nrc let out on «ihnre8 by Mr. Isnnc Turtior, to persons who finh ut intervulH. Mr. Bishop In of opinion that more boats thiin now fish between Cape Enrage and Cape DcinolHellc, might pursue the Shad Fishery with advantage; but in the Petitcodiac, above DcmoiHcUe, he think.s there are quite boats enough. From Grindstone Inland down to Enrage, Sharks frequently do mucii danuigo to the nets. They come up the Bay in the latter part of the season, and cause the Shad-fishers to close their fish- ing much sooner than they otherwise would. This species of Shark, (carcharias vii/pcs— or ♦' the thresher") is usually taken here, of the length of 0 to 8 feet ; if one of them strikes the outer drift net, he is generally taken, as this net swings with him, and he becomes entangled by rolling up the net, with its buoy-rope and lead-line, in such manner as effectually secures him, by preventing the use of his exceedingly powerful tail. If the Shark strikes one of the nets near the boat, which does not yield to his motions, he destroys it almost completely before he escapes. During the past season. Bishop secured three Sharks, of the length of six, seven, and eight feet respec- tively ; he cut out their livers and let the bodies float away — each of the livers yielded six gallons of oil. At times. Dog- fish are abundant in this locality — Bishop said, he had the past season, taken a cart-load out of a single Shad-net, all caught during one tide. At Shepody, Shad are cured in the following manner : — the fish, afVer being split, are soaked in two waters, an hour in each. They are then salted in tubs in the boats, as the She- pody bouts usually stay out a week ; when the boats come in, the fish are fully salted. In this state, they are sold at 30s. for 200 lbs. They are not packed in barrels ; the farmers take them away in waggons, as fast as they are ready, and none arc put up for exportation, or for sale elsewhere. On visiting the Petitcodiac, above Cape Demoiselle, it was found, that the Shad boats in general use were about 16 feet in length, on the keel, and 18 feet over all ; the breadth of beam, 7\ feet. They are fitted with one mast and two sails — a mainsail and jib. The stem, stern-post, keel, and bottom planks are of birch ; the upper streaks of spruce and pine — the boats are generally built by the fishermen themselves, dur- ing the winter, and the usual cost of a boat and sails is j£10 or jC12. The Shad fishing in the Petitcodiac is generally by drifting during the night ; each boat has usually 150 fathoms of net, but some fish with 200 fathoms. The nets are from 20 70 H M ■ *'. i' '^ 1: ij I ' M to 30 futlioms ill ioiigth, 40 invulips deep ; the iiieMh in 41 inches. All the fi8licriiiuii coiiijilain of tho very Hliort tiiiio the nets last ; if not oiled, tanned, or prepared in some way, thev arc completely rotten and useless- in u month ; and even with every prcpurotion yet known here, they will not lust a whole season uf three months, even with tho gicatost care. It was stated hy W. H. Steves, Esq., M.P.P., that from Stoney Creek to Capo Demoiselle, tho limits of the fishing ground in the Parish of Hillsborough, there are fifty boats belonging to that side of the river, which catch 20 barrels of Shad each, annually. They use from 80 to 200 fathoms of net ; besides Shad, they take the small Salmon of tho Petitco- diac, in their drifl netn, occasionally. After visiting Bellevous Village, on the eastern side of tho Petitcodiac, and examining the boats and nets there, the writer waited upon the Reverend Ferdinand Gauvreau, Parish Priest at Memramcook, who first induced his parishioners to odopt the mode of fishing for Shad with drifl-nets, and who has always taken the most lively interest in this fishery. Monsieur Gauv- reau stated, that the first Shad which appear each season, are green on the back, with a yellow tinge on the belly ; these arc good fish. The second run are of a pale green on the back, and as compared with the first, are a poor fish. The third and last run, come very near the end of the season ; these have blue backs, and are the best and finest fish. Since this visit. Monsieur Gauvreau has been good enough to forward a communication in writing, respecting this fishery, which possesses much interest. It is due to Monsieur Gauv- reau to state, that he is not accustomed to write in English ; but as he has done so on this occasion, his letter is given as written, lest any mistake should occur in rendering his meaning. The letter is as follows : — .-u.«>. .• J porchester, 10th December, 1850. ^ Sir, — I acknowledge the receipt of your circuiar of 12th August, respecting the Fisheries of the Bay of Fundy ; and I must state, that I am quite happy in giving you my share of information, respecting the meshing of Shad in the upper part of the Bay. I will also have a little to say on Codfish, as I have sent my boat down the Bay, for several years, when I gave up fishing altogether, and turned my attention to model farming — -but not until my parishioners had become warmly engaged in the Shad fishing. ,', lyl ft I will proceed to answiir your queries, in tlio ttnmo order they occupy in vour circular : — l8t. The mode of conducting HImd fiMhing in the upper pnrt of the Bay of Fundy in by driil-nots, tied with n rope, obout eight yards long, to the forepart of tJie fishing boat, or to the stern, to take advantage of the wind and strenni of the ticfe, thereby keeping the meshes of the net sufficiently open for the unsuspecting fish. Our Shad nets are usually made with the finest Russiun twine. Some fishermen make them with cotton wnrp, No. 6, doubled thread and twisted ; or with the home manufactured flax thread, which answers the purpose very well, when the flux crop is seasonably taken from the fleld, finely [inssed through the flax comb, and afterwards evenly spun and twisted. The meshes, stretched on a measuring rule, arc 4} or 4] inches long, but are reduced to about 3i inches when secured to the upper and lower ropes. The floats, or buoys, nrc made of cedar, and turned smooth with a turning lathe, in order they should oflfer no obstruction whatever to the good working of the whole net; when it is lowered down into the water, or taken back into the boat. The floats are secured on t'le upper rope, which passes through them, by a strcng thread, that binds them Vvith the upper row of the meshes ; three feet is the common distance between the floats, from centre to centre. The sink- ing leads are cast, polished quite smooth, and in the sumo quantity, and distance, as the floats, and tied in the like man- ner. A net of about 45 meshes wide, would be near 16 feet deep. Made as above described, a net of Russian twine, 100 fathoms long, costs no less than X12 ; of cotton wnrp, £10 ; and of this country thread, something, less than £0. A sub- stantial and safe boat, fully rigged, costs £12; and it will stand good from five to six years. As to any improvement to be introduced in the manufacture of these nets, my opinion is, that none whatever could be de- vised, for the present. For, such as they are made, all my parishioners agree, they work so well, that if t!ie stream of the tide were strong enough to stretch it properly, a net 100 fathoms long, might be thrown out of a boat, all in a bunch, and it would not get entangled in its sinking leads, nor in its floats. 2nd. The proper and only season for Shad fishing is gene- rally from the month of July to the 15th of September, so that v interferes very little with the farming business of the fishing- farmers. :„.„,,, _„_ __^- , f: I" 'V. ^ I; As you may presume, the Shad is always of great vahic ; as it is caught only in the summer, and in the greatest stir of navigation, it will for a long time command a good price at home, and in any foreign market. The average quantity of barrels of Shad caught in the upper part of the Bay, among the French Acadians, is from 1000 to 1500 a year. Last summer, Francois Victor Lcblanc, cured 30 barrels for his share. The Shad-fishing ground extends from about eight miles below the Bend of Petitcodiac, at Stoney Creek, as far down as Grindstone Island, in the Bay, and thence easterly into the Bay of Cumberland — on the Nova Scotia side, the fishing is all with stationary nets, as far as the point of Amherst Marsh, directly opposite to the Minudie Village. There never !r-i ^Mi i-^xn I conclude with the necessity of your recommending to Government, the appointment of an intelligent impartial In- spector of our Fisheries, having full power to regulate the size of meshes, the length and depth of nets, the quality and quan- tity of salt in every barrel of cured fish. Sec. d&c. Sec. ^ ^t jfr.Ki'SfnKw^f w J'ai I'honneur, Monsieur, &c. fntiifeh »«fe :., ,.'••• "i*- Ferdinand Gauvreau, Priest Missionary. M. H. Perley, Eaquire. ■'.%-* "•* ■ In addition to the above interesting communication, the fol- lowing letter has been received from R. B. Chapman, Esq., M.P.P., who resides near the Bellevous Village, on the eastern bank of the Petitcodiac : — ^^ Dorchester J October 10, 1850.' Sir, — ^I have received a copy of your circular respecting the fisheries, and regret that I had not the pleasure of an interview when you visited my house. You are aware, that Shad are the only fish taken to any extent in the Petitcodiac River. The number of boats employed, the present ^^eason, on the eastern side of the river, is about 75, with pro! ibly, an average of 100 fathoms of net to each boat — also, o .le strong active man, and sometimes a boy, to manage the sa.nA«j. The expense of the boat and net will not be less than X20 ; the boat, of course, will last for years, and the rope will last 4 or 5 years ; but it will require three nets to last two seasons. The average number of barrels to each boat, this season, will not exceed fifteen ; price, 278. 6d. per barrel. If any plan could be devised to preserve the nets, and make them last longer, a great benefit would be conferred on the fishermen, as some of them are about to abandon the fishery, in consequence of the heavy expense of nets, j There are, certainly, defects in the mode of curing. Some- times the fidh remain too long, after they are taken out of the waterj before they are cleaned ; and sometimes, they are soaked too long m fresh water before being salted. It is quite eertQin, that the BOfm&r Shad are salted after being caught, the bejtte'r they are ; and they ought never to be repacked. You ate aware, that the Sha4 taken at the head of the Bay are, perhaps, the beet iji the world j yet there is a time, in the latter 76 W u LA part of July, and beginning of August, when they arc quite inferior, both in size and quality, to those taken at any other time during the season. You will doubtless have had .an opportunity, during your tour through this part of the Province, of conversing with per- sons who have \(mg been engaged in the Shad fishery, from whom you have received more information than I am capable of communicating. Your enquiry, my dear Sir, is an impor- tant one ; our waters abc>und with fish of all kinds, and yet we are strangely apathetic in prosecuting so important a source of wealth. That your enquiry and Report may have the desired effect, is the sincere wish of Your obedient servant, R. B. Chapman. , M. H. Perley, K»qulrc. -H mO'lJ L I Between the mouth of the Memramcook River and Cape Marang.iin, the Shad fishery is carried on by weirs, and stake- nets. The settlers do not drift for Shad ; it takes too much time from farming, and they have no shelt^ for boats. Last year there were only three weirs ; bat nearly every settler had a string of stake-nets. From Red Head, below Dorchester, to Grande Anse ledge, there were 15 strings of nets ; and at least 25 strings more from that ledge down to Cape Maran- guin. The strings averaged about 100 fathoms each in length ; the mesh, 41 inches ; and the net, 30 meshes deep. The stakes are placed 15 feet apart, on the mnd-flats, and the nets are entirely dry at low water. Some fish mesh on the flood, but the greatest numbers are taken on the ebb tide. The fair average catch of each string of nets, in Grande Anse, was stated to be 20 barrels during the season. Mr. George Buck, an intelligent fisherman, who resides 4 miles below the Village of Dorchester, has fished there for Shad during the last 2X) years. He stated, that Shad strike in at this place, from the 1st to the 15th June ; they are then large, and pretty fair fish ; the next run comes in the heat of summer, these are not so good. As the autumn advances, the fisii grow better and fatter ; those caught latest being the best. The Shad come to these flats to feed, not to spawn ; and Mr. Buck is of opinion, that the Shad which ascend the Saint John in the spring, after spawning, go up the Bay to i^tten. When- ever there is a large run of Shad up the Saint John in the spring, there is always good fishing at Petitcodiac in the autumn, it is unusual to find any rcc in Shad, caught at thi3 77 TT W^ locality ; it sometimes occurs, but thnt is very seldom ; lie Im» often found slug-worms in the stomach of the Shad, some of them nearly as large as a man's finger — ^thcse are now called " Shad-worms." Mr. Buck usually catches 30 barrels of Shad each season, in his string of nets ; he exceeded that quantity last season, as en the 26th September his nets were still down. His nets are tarred, and they last nearly a whole season ; he thinks it is the mud which does the mischief, and causes them to rot so quickly. Cotton thread takes the tar well, and there- fore stands longest ; herring -twine fishes well, but only lasts a few weeks. The mode of curing here, Mr. Buck described as follows : — he cleans the fish as quickly as possible ; washes twice— drains quickly — and salts down, once for all. He uses generally about 1 1 bushels of salt to each barrel of Shad ; the past sea- son he used 50 bushels of salt to 30 barrels of Shad, and these fish will keep any length of time, anywhere. The necessity of a strict inspection was strongly urged by Mr. Buck, who ex- pressed his anxious desire to employ, at that moment, an Inspector and cooper to pack his fish for exportation. From Cape Maranguin to the head of Sackville Bay, on the New Brunswick side, the Shad fishing is followed both by drift-nets and stake-nets. Each boat has usually 100 fathoms of drift-net ; the mesh 41 to 5 inches, and the nets 60 meshes deep — ^the average catch during the last five years, has been about 20 barrels to each boat, during the season. Mr. John Barnes of Sackville, who understands the Shad- fishing of Sackville Bay exceedingly well, stated that he fishes both with drift and stake-nets ; the latter are 30 to 40 meshes deep, and set on stakes, 15 feet apart, between high and low- water mark. He takes Shad in his stake-nets on the ebb-tide ; the nets are therefore on the lower side of the stake, fastened at top and bottom. If the tide runs strong the nets must be allowed to bag a little ; but if it is not strong, they are better stretched tight. One set of stake-nets will not last during the season, as thty rot out very soon — a new net of herring twine has been known to rot out in eleven days. No net will last more than a month, unless oiled with new linseed oil, or tanned ; tanning the net to be eiflfective, must be repeated every week. Mr. Barnes concurred in the opinion, that there are three distinct runs of Shad, the first, and last, being by far the best Ml« It is very rare, he said, to find a%y roe in a Shad, and Vhen it was found, the fish was -poor and thin, like the Spring Shad caught at Saint John. ._ 79 I i ' f- Hj ^1^' i Hf ;V J.'. The usual mode of curing Shad at Sackville, was thus de- scribed : — The fish are cleaned as soon as possible after being taken from the net ; they arc split, scraped, and washed, after which they are soaked a short tiiQe. A second scraping and soaking next takes place, when the fish are hung up to drain for half an hour, and then salted down once for all. Mr. Barnes does not approve of too much soaking ; he thinks the fish should he washed sufficiently to take the blood out, as it is the blood does the mischief. A bushel of salt is not enough for a barrel of Shad, unless they are for immediate use ; a lai- ger quantity is necessary if the fish are intended for shipment, or to be kept for any length of time. The necessity of a rigid inspection was much insisted upon by Mr. Barnes, especially as regarded Shad intended for exportation. - Sharks appear in Sackville Bay, at the end of August ; one was taken there in September last, nine feet in length, by Mr. Boultenhouse. The greatest obstacle to Shad fishing in Sack- ville Bay, arises from the south-west gales* which rush through this narrow part of the Bay of Fundy, as through a funnel, and occasionally blow v/ith much violence ; when these meet the ebb tide, they cause a very heavy sea, which puts fishing wholly out of the question. Estimate of the quantity of S/iad taken on the New Brunswick aide of the Bay of Fundy, from Cape Enrage to the Nova Scotia Boundary, made up from local information, October, 1 850. Locality. Shepody Bay, .. Ditto, f(Ufji\ Cape Demoiselle to Btony Greek, Memramcook, (Acadian t rench) Dorchester to Cape Maranguin,.. Cape Mai anguin to Nova Scotia Boundary, Ditto, Boats, weirs. 8 i>oat«, stake nets and weirs, SO boats, 100 beau, 40 neU, 15 boats, stake nets. 39 brls. each. duantity caught. 20 brls. each, 15 brls. each, 90 brls. each, 20 brls. each. Total, barrels. Total number of barrels. 200 200 1000 1500 800 300 100 4,100 The value of pickled Shad in October last, as stated by Mr. Chapman, was 27s. 6d. per barrel ; at this rate, the value of the Shad caught and cured in the upper part of the Bay of Fundy last season, was j£5,637 10s. — This amount, large as it may appear f&r what has been considered one of the minor fisheries of the Bay, is believed to be even below the actual value. The qunntity of fish, stated as havmg been eaiight, does not include the smaU Shad caught below Cape Enrage, nor yet those fish cau^t in a desultory manner within the district indicated, and consumed immediately by the inhabitants. 90 «. This fishery may be said to have commenced ten years since, when drifting for Sea Shad, at Petitcodiac, was introduced by the Rev. Mr. Gauvreau, under the circumstances mentioned in his letter. It may be rendered yet more valuable than nt present, by an improved system of cure, and careful inspec- tion; while the quantity offish caught may be greatly increased, by proper regulations and judicious management. THE SALMON FISHERY OF THE PETITCODIAC RIVER. Although the lower part of this river, so far as the tide-way extends, is excessively muddy, yet above the tide, its waters aro bright, and ripple gently over a gravelly bed, forming an almost constant succession of pools and rapids. Great num- bers of Salmon, generally of small size, formerly frequented this river ; but latterly, owing to the unmerciful and cruel man- ner in which this fish has been hunted and persecuted, as well in the tide-way as above it, they have greatly diminished and are at present in a fair way of being extirpated altogether. In August 1848, the writer was on the upper part of this river, near the head of the tide, and at night, saw thirty-five haymakers making war upon a few Salmon which had reached a pool the day previous. They built large fires upon the banks, and entering the pool, some wading, and others in canoes with torches, each man armed with a pitchfork, they pursued and mangled the fish, until the whole were killed. At a pool far- ther up the river, the next day, the writer saw a boy in a canoe, with a pitchfork, pursuing & solitary Salmon in a shallow pool, from which it could not escape ; the fish was killed at last, but so mutilated as to be almost worthies- . Every where on the river, the same destruction appeared to be going on ; it was said i>y the inhabitants that no regard was paid to season, but that Salmon were always taken, whenever, and however they could be had. • Unless it be intended, that the Salmon fishery of the Petit- codiac shall be allowed to cease altogether, as a thing of no value, it is absolutely necessary, that steps should be taken to restrain this wanton destruction of fine fislf. If the river is not put under some superintendance, to restrain the destructive inclinations of the sojourners on its banks, it cannot be ex- pected, but that the Salmon fishery of the Petitcodiac will shortly be remembered as a fishery that has been, but which no longer exists. :ot,n ->* [i f'!i ' , 11 or TOE NOVA SCOTIA SHORE. iitiin CUMBERLAND BAY. In this Bay, the Shad fishery is also prosecuted to a very considerable extent, and of such value is it considered, that a special Act of the Legislature of Nova Scotia was passed in 1840, for its regulation. It is set forth in the preamble to this Act, that the Shad fishery in the County of Cumberland is be- coming of importance, and difficulties and disputes have arisen, and are likely to arise, respecting the setting of nets, and the use of drift-nets ; to prevent which, it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for the Justices in Sessions, to make rules and regu- lations for the setting of nets, the placing of weirs, the number of nets to be allowed to one person, the distance they shall be set apart, and whether drift-nets shall or shall not be allowed. The Act also provides for the appointment of Overseers of the Shad Fishery, each Overseer to be assigned a particular dis- trict ; and for every net or weir, set or placed within that dis- trict, the Overseer is authorized to receive, from the owner of the same, the sum of five shillings, as compensation for his services in enforcing the fishery regulations. Under this Act, the Justices have established certain rules and regulations, a copy of which will be found in the Appendix to this Report. After crossing the Missaguash River, (the boundary between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia,) the writer proceeded to Amherst, passing the La Planche River, and subsequently visiting the Napan and Macan Rivers. At Amherst, much information as to the Shad fishery was communicated by Joshua Chandler, Esquire, High Sheriff of Cumberland, R. B. Dickey, Esquire, and Mr. Gordon, Controller of Customs ; at the rivers, the writer met Mr. Corbett and Peter Niles, both experienced fishermen, and Mr. Coetes, an Overseer of the fishery. From these several parties the following information was obtained. There are no weirs on the Nova Scotia side of Cumberland Bay« nor are any drift-nets used on that side ; the people are opposed to drifting. The only mode of fisiii';^ for Shad is by stake-nets, on the mud'-flats. Each net is 12 fathoms long, from 28 to 40 meshes deep, according to situation ; the mesh is from 41 to 5 inches. Shad have been taken here as early as i' 81 • the 8th of June ; but the fishery usually commences on the 1st of July, and continues until the 1st of October, althou^'h fish have been token ot the end of October, when ice was making. From the Missaguash to the La Planche River, there are 12 nets, which, on the average, take 5 barrels each, during the season. From the La Planche to Barron's Point, (so named from Sir Edward Barron, the Grantee of that part of Amherst,) there are 60 nets, the average catch of which is now 10 barrels annually. It was stated by all the fishermen, that the fishing was falling ofi^ very much of late, and the average catch the last two seasons was only half of what it was seven years pre- viously. This they attributed to the great increase of drift- nets used in the Bay, by the inhabitants of New Brunswick ; when the wind is so high that the boats cannot go out to drift, then they always get twice as many as when the drift- ing is taking place. The nets are so arranged, on the lower side of the stakes, as to form a bag on the ebb tide, wlien most of the fish are caught ; but many fish strike the net on the flood, and being shaken out by the strong motion on the ebb, (as described by the Rev. Mr. Gauvreau,) they are scattered over the flats, and much "mud larking" takes place before they are all gathered, which sometimes does not happen, and the fish arc wholly lost. There is no inspection offish in the County of Cumberland, and they are sold entirely on the character of the curer. The mode of curing was described as being the same as that in use at Sackville, but they are soaked longer ; a bushel of salt is the quantity generally considered suflicient for a barrel of Shad. In the writer's opinion, the fish are injured here by too much soaking before being salted ; and the quantity of salt used in curing, is not suflicient to preserve the fish for any length of time. Liverpool salt is generally used, which is much inferior to that from St. Ube's, or Turk's Island, for curing fish. It was agreed by all the fishermen here, that there were three distinct runs of fish during the season, as at Pctittodiac, the first and last being the best. It is very rare to find a Shad with roe ; the Shad-worm and Shrimps are frequently found in the stomachs of the Shad, which left no doubt as to the na- ture of their food. At Minudie, on the River Hebert, there is a valuable Shad fishery ; and it is asserted, that the fish caught there are fatter and finer than any others in the Bay of Fundy. The fishing at this place, and in Cumberland Bay generally, is described in the following letter from Amos Seaman, Esquire : — 11 8S Ml '<.i I Ml Minn flic, lUh Scptrmhir, 1850. Sir, — In uiiHwor to your circulur of 12th August, relative to tiie fishericH at tlio head of the Buy of Fundy, I beg leave to Hay, that I will furnish such information an is in my power, relative to the Shad fiHhery, which in the only kind KUCccsMfully followed, in the Bay and Rivers around here. It is only about 15 ycurH since any attention was paid to thix business. At first, standing weirs were employed; but, owing to the circumstance of large quantities of inferior and small fish being caught, the raising of the flats, and other undefina- blc causes, this mode has for some years been discontinued. The only methods now practised arc by set-nets and drifting ; by the latter, far the largest quantities are taken ; sometimes may be seen in Dorchester Bay, and around the shores of Minudic, upwards of two hundred .boats out at one time. The boats leave th(; place of rendezvous with the ebb-tide, drift down the Bay until they meet the flood, and rcttirn with it to the place from whence they started. With favourable tides each boat will secure from 100 to 150 Shad, with 80 to 100 fatlioms of net. The fishing season commences in June, and terminates in September. When we consider the great number of nets that arc set, almost every resident on the shores having one, and some four or more — besides others who come from miles inland to em- bark in the business — as well as the great number of boats constantly out drifting, it is not perhaps too much to say, that from five to six thousand barrels are caught and cured every season. When properly put up, in barrels of 2001bs. weight, with care in curing and packing — ^the fish being split down the belly, the back bone taken out, and the tail cut off' which is the method preferred by the American Merchant, und now followed by many of our fishermen — these Shad will command from nine, to eleven dollars, per barrel, in the American mar- ket ; leaving from six dollars and a half, to nine dollars and a half to the exporter, after duties and charges arc deducted. It is but a very few years since any Shad were prepared for shipment, the people who followed this fishery being content with securing sufficient for their own wai?ts, and perhaps a barrel or two for their neigbours. But the fame of our Shad went abroad, and some American Merchants were induced to try them in their market ; they were highly prized and sought after. From that time, exportations were yearly made, and have gone on steadily increasing. At the present time, there is a great demand for Shad caught at the head of this Bay, {li S( til i foul- ed nw Wcinfl[ of HUperior quality — nv.wh Hittor, and of more doli- ciouH flavour, than any found on the American ohorcH, or in the markets of the United StutcN. This demand, and encourngcmcnt, have hud a wonderful effect in stimulating our fiHlK^rmen to increnflod exertions, and ffreater care in curing, so that the fish may conmiand the highest price, and sustain their chunicter. That the supply is inexhaustible, is plain to every one ; for, notwithstanding the number of persons employed, and the niciinH for capture have greatly increased within the last few years, there appears not the least diminution, in the tpinntity of fish — none complain. If the contemplated Railroad were once in opttration, and the Canadian market, now shut to us by circuitous navigation, should be rendered easily accessible, a large field would l)e opened for our fisheries. The energies and enterprizo of our fishermen would receive additional excitement, and the whole trade would flow in that direction, to avoid the heavy duty of one dollar per barrel exacted by the American Government. We consider our Shad fishery to be only in its infancy ; and not a doubt can be entertained, that when a larger field is opened; and improvements introduced in the modes of capture and cure, that the trade will become extensive, of great im- ()ortance, and highly lucrative. You will perceive, that all my observations have been con- fined to the ^had-fishery, in and around Minudie, and the neighbouring Bay of Dorchester, at the mouth of the Petitco- diac. The same fishery is carried on along the Coast to Chig- necto, and about the shores at Parrshoro\ and no doubt equal quantities are en- "^ht there ; but for more full information, I must refer you t icrsons in those localities. I have nothiiv • say as to other fisheries here, they being t insignificant to Icmand oven a passing notice. With my dexire, that the foregoing may be found useful and satisfactory, I have the honor, &-c. Amos Seaman. M. H. Perley, Esq. ' • . ^ ' From Minudie down the coast toward Apple River, the Shad fishery extends as far as Mill Creek, below which, the waters of the Bay become p> rfectly clejir, and Shad are not taken. In this distance are the extensive grindstone quarries of Mr. Seam'Mi, i^t the South Joggins ; two miles south-west from these aiifuiies, are the Joggins coal-mines, now being worked by the Gej'eral Mining Association of Nova Scotia. The coii IMAGE EVALUATrON TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I I ■^ 122 12.2 1^ |i£ 12.0 ■it 1.25 III 1.4 i Ii4 6" V O ^l ^^ J m / PhotograiJiic Sciences Corporation ?3 Vt&SI MAM STREET VVf'dSTER.N.Y. 14580 '7116) «72-450; ^^ ^\. ^r\\ '^^A."*' ^ m f' i'; is bituminous ; the seam is four feet in thickness, with a dip of one foot in three ; underneath this seam of coal, there is a bed of fire clay from two to three feet thick, and below that, another seam of coal, 18 inches thick, of very superior quality, but which at present, is not worked. About two miles further down the coast, is the Ragged Reef, where very large grind- stones are quarried, many of them six feet in diameter, and eight inches thick. Along this line of coast, the shores are quite perpendicular, and composed altogether of the various sand stones of the coal measures, a fine section of which can be seen in sailing along the shore. At the South Joggins, there arc numerous fossil trees in the cliffs, which are well described by Sir Charles Lyell, (who visited this locality a few years since) in the account of his first visit to North America. To the Geologist, this place will be found highly interesting. Not many fish are caught along this shore, the inhabitants being all engaged in mining coals^ or quarrying grindstones. A few Shad are taken at the Ragged Reef, where also, there is Cod fishing early in summer, and again late in the season. Some Haddock and Pollack are likewise taken, and also a few Hake ; but Dog fish are complained of as being very abundant. At day light on the 27th September, while standing in for this shore, the Cutter fell in with a Shad boat from Westcock, (Sackville) which had been out all night drifting for Shad. There were fifty very large and fat Shad in thg boat, caught during the night ; the fisherman stated, that two nights pre- viously, the weather and the tides being favourable, he had caught 260 Shad during a single night's fishing, 70 of which filled a barrel ; his whole catch during the season was no less than 5000 fish, equal to 45 barrels. This boat had 175 fathoms net, 55 meshes deep, the mesh 4| inches ; the mate- rial, linen hank-thread, oiled with raw linseed oil, and the whole outfit was altogether superior. The owner said, that some schooners from Saint John, which had been up the Bay Shad fishing, had failed, in consequence of having made their nets so very black with tar, that the fish saw them and would not mesh. Off Apple River, some good Cod are caught in June, and Herrings are taken in July, with a mesh of 2| inch-^s, very fine and fat ; Halibut of exceedingly large size are taken not far from the Light House during the summer, but no Shad are caught at this place, and Hake very rarely. Large quan- tities of Smelts, and many small Salmon occasionally enter the basin, but there are no preparations for taking either. In 85 cousequcnce of a very violent storm, the Cutter was obliged to remain two days in the inner iiarbour at A}>ple River, and during that time, great numbers of Herring Gulls were observed to be busily engaged in taking fish, which appeared to bo in large schuUs. At the large rocks called the Sisters, about 3 miles below Apple River, there is very good ashing for Cod during the summer ; some boats come over from the New Brunswick shore every season to fish there. A schooner of 50 tons from She- ])ody, make a fare of Cod on this ground in six weeks during last reason ; the residents complained bitterly of the damage done to the fishing ground, by the ofial of the fish having been thrown overboard from this schooner upon it — a practice which is exceedingly destructive to the fisheries, *"wherever it occurs. From the Sisters to Cape Chignecto, there is not much fish- ing, the Coast being lofty, without shelter, and greatly exposed to southerly or westerly gales. Between Isle Au Haut and Cape Chignecto, there is a bank extending almost entirely across that channel, upon which there is good fishing the greater part of every summer. The residents of Advocate Harbour formerly fished to some extent upon this bank ; but the want of boat-shelter at Isle Au Haut, has induced them to discontinue it almost entirely. The writer landed above Cape D'Or, at Fisherman's Cove, near Spencer's Island. At this place, there is fishing for Cod, Pollack, and Haddock, commencing about the 10th of May every year ; the best fishing is in June and July, and it alto- gether ceases in August. There are 25 fishing boats at this place, each boat 16 feet .keel ; the fishing is near the shore, and every family fishes, more or less. Early in the season, they catch a large Herring, in a mesh of 24 inches ; as the season advances they take a Herring that ts smaller, but fatter, distinguished as " green backs." These are caught in a mesh of 2 inches. At the end of July, or early in August, a small Herring makes its appearance, described by the fish- ermen as being 4 or 5 inches in length, thickest at one-fourth of their length from the head, and tapering off to the tail like a Smelt. What these fish are, it is impossible to say from the description given by the fishermen. Flounder fishing begins here about the Ist of June ; but these fish are not in condition until August, after which they become fat and good. From Spencer's Island to Cape Sharp, a distance of 20 miles, there is a wide sweep of coast, known on the Charts as Gre- ville Bay ; there is good fishing inshore, nearly the whole extent tf M&- * I ^■ if H of this Bay, especially near Ratchford'8 River, Diligence River, Pox River, and Black Rock River. Inside Fox Point, and at the race off Cape Sharp, there is good Pollack fishing ; these fish appeared in great numbers, at these localities, during the past season ; yet few were taken, owing to the inhabitants not being prepared. At Black Rock River there are several brush weirs for taking Herrings ; these first appear at the latter end of April, but the greatest abundance is at the end of May. The first Herrings which arrive are spawning fish ; they deposit such quantities of spawn, that it can be shovelled up upon the beach. At the latter end of June, and during July, a smaller description of Herrings come in, which are very fat ; of these, large quan- tities have been seen, ^jlaying in the tide at a distance from the' shore, but they do not approach sufficiently near to enter the weirs, and the inhabitants have no nets. These small, fat Herrings are followed by Pollack in great numbers ; and ihe Pollack fishing is excellent in the vicinity of Cape Sharp, for about six weeks, ceasing at the end of August, with the depar- ture of the Herrings. In West Bay, there is good Cod fishing until the middle of June ; and the fishermen mentioned the taking of Halibut, of such extraordinary size as to be almost incredible. Great quantities of Flounders— or Flukes — platessa limanda — are taken along the coast in the autumn, which are first salted, and then dried and smoked. It was stated at Black Rock Beach, that although large quantities of Herrings had been taken in the weirs there during the season, yet the weir owners had no salt to cure them, and allowed all persons that pleased to take them away ; and when this place was visited, on the 1st of October, it was stated by Richard Lank, a resident fisherman, that they had not a single Herring in their houses for winter use. Fishing vessels from Saint John and Grand Manan formerly visited this place, bringing abundance of herring nets ; but the inhabitants thought these nets injured the fishery, and by opposition and annoj'^ance, succeeded in driving the fishermen away. THE BASIN OF MINES. At Parrsborough, it was stated by James Ratchford, Esq., that there are fhree runs of Herring during the season ; the first arrive about the 1st of June, heavy with roe, and the beaches are shortly after covered with spawn. The second N If »ffr' 87 run are smaller, but better fish ; wiiile the third run arc still smaller, but very fat, by far the best fish of the season. The Cod follow the Herrings, and continue as long as they remain. Of late years, Cod have greatly decreased in numbers, while Haddock have been more abundant. Abreast the Village of Parrsborough, long-lines have been set for Cod with niuch success, by an amateur fisherman, who lifted them three times a day during the season, and usually found them loaded with fish. There are no regular fishermen at this place, although during a certain portion of the sjjring and summer, herring fishing and line fishing might be prosecuted to some extent, and with considerable profit. The coast from Parrsborough to Economy Point was visited, and the information obtained from David M'Burney, Esquire, of East River (Five Islands,) Silas P. Crane, Esquire, of Economy, and other persons on the coast, may be thus stated : On the northern shore of the Basin of Mines, the Shad fisherv begins at Herrington's River, to the eastward of Parrsborough River, and extends along the coast to Port-a-Pique, a distance of 21 miles. The fishing is carried on both by weirs and drift- ing ; in the whole distance there are about 20 brush weirs. Between Graham's Head and Economy Point, the flats for about four miles, were observed to have an almost unbroken continuance of these weirs, crescent shaped, the ends of the weirs touching each other. Mr. Crane estimated the whole quantity of Shad taken in this district, during the season, by drift-nets and weirs, at 1000 barrels. Drift-nets first came into use here about five years ago, since which the v/eirs have taken the small Shad only. The fish taken here are of very good quality ; but Mr. Crane said, he thought the Minudie Shad a shade fatter and better. The mode of curing Shad here is as follows : — The fish are split down the back, cleaned, and washed in salt-water ; they are then struck in salt, in hogsheads ; at the end of a fort- night, they are considered sufficiently struck, and are then packed in barrels for market. There is no inspection of fish, the chief Inspector at, Halifax, not having appointed any De- puties in this district. The practice of soaking and draining Shad, is here deprecated, as temling to impoverish the fish, which it is contended can be sufficiently freed from blood and impurities, by cleanliness and care in splitting and dressing. At Economy Point, Mr. Halliday has a fishing establish- ment for catching and curing Shad, in connection with Messrs. Snow and Rich, the eminent fish merchants of Boston. As i u 88 w ; I .1 ■-..J H I the Shad cured at this establishment arc for the Boston mar- ket exclusively, they are split down the belly, the back bone taken out, and the head and tail cut off; they are then called " Mess Shad," and arc worth, at Economy, 32s. 6d. per 2001bs. It was stated, that. Mr. Halliday used nets with a mesh of 5] inches, the desire being to take the largest and finest Shad only ; his nets are 20() fathoms long, and drying frames are used to stetch them upon, after being in use. Herrings also strike in on this Coast, as at Cape Sharp and Parrsborough, but not in such quantities. Some Cod are taken from early spring until 1st of June, and again in No- vember and December, by lines attached to poles driveit in the flats. . Pollack Jo not go up the Basin beyond Five Islands, the waters being too muddy ; Basse were formerly abundant, but none are seen now, they having been destroyed by the weirs, and by nets set across the rivers. Many Salmon are taken in Economy River, but they are of very small size, rarely exceeding the weight of 41bs. ; all the Rivers in this locality are frequented by these small Salmon, in greater or less num- bers. At Five Islands, and some other places along this Coast, it was stated, that the inhabitants were rarely provided with a sufficiency of salt, when the Herrings first came in the spring ; and that numbers were lost and spoiled in consequence. At Windsor, the writer obtained from Mr. James Burgess, a practical fisherman of much skill and intelligence, some very valuable information ; from this, and his own observations on the southern side of tha Basin of Mines, as well as from con- versations with many fishermen there, the following account of the fisheries in that locality are compiled. The taking of Shad by drift-nets was begun in Windsor River, about 12 years ago. The fishing begins in each season, about the 25th June, and continues until about the 10th of August, after which it begins to fail, and is not followed later, the number of fish caught being too few to be profitable. The fishermen drift from Avon Bridge down to Cape Blomidon, dropping down with the ebb, and returning with the fiood ; they drift both by night and by day, thp water being exces- sively muddy, but as Blomidon is approached,- the fishing is only by night, as the water there is clearer. At Windsor, the " Shad-worm" is found upon the mud flats, but the Shad are supposed to feed chiefly on Shrimps, which are in great abundance and of fine quality ; they are often found hanging upon the Shad-nets, of large sizoj nearly as large as prawns. The Shrimps leave the River in August, and the Shad depart «> nt the same time ; it i^ thence inferred that the Shad follow the Shrimps to some other locality. On the flats below Boot Island, in Windsor River, and thence down to Flat Island, there are standing nets, in which Shad are taken later in the season than by drifting. The quantity taken between the Town of Windsor and Horton Bluff is estimated at 1000 barrels annually, whicli, last season, were worth there, on the average, 32s. (id. per barrel, as they are all good fish, and care is taken in curing tliem. The Windsor Shad are split down the back, well washed, and salted as at Sackville ; thus dressed and cured, 110 fish fill a barrel. Last season they sold at Boston for $9 per barrel, less by $1 per barrel than if they had been dressed for the American market, as " mess Shad," in the manner they are put up by Mr. Halliday, at Economy, for the Boston dealers. The Shad fishing is carried on to the eastward of Windsor, partly by drifting, but chiefly by stake-nets, on the wide spread flats in front of Cheverie ; thence the fishing is continued to the Shubenacadie River, up which the Spring Shad ascend, to the Shubenacadie Lakes, for the purpose of spawning. During the past season, a stake-net was put up at Noel, between two and three miles in length, in which several thousand Shad were taken during a single tide ; this enormous net is owned in shares by a Company, and such quantities were taken in it, during the height of the fishing season, that the owners were obliged to work without ceasing, and even on the Sabbath, to preserve the vast numbers offish it secured. The drift-nets in use at Windsor are 100 fathoms in length, 36 to 45 meshes deep ; the mesh is from 41 to 5 inches — it is being diminished yearly, in order to secure a greater number offish. The expense arising from the rotting of the nets, after being a very short time in use, was matter of complaint at Windsor, as elsewhere ; but it was found, that Mr. Burgess, during the past season, had, as matter of experiment, used a composition of his own devising and manufacture, which had effectually preserved his nets from rotting. This composition consisted of India rubber, dissolved in the ordinary burning fluid for lamps, until it became of the thickness of rich cream. To this solution, boiled linseed oil was added, in the proportion of a pint of oil to a gallon of the solution ; the nets, made of 3 thread herring-twine, were simply passed through the solution, without being steeped in it, and were fully stretched out to dry. They dried in three days, and were then of a light reddish colour, very nearly that of the rauddy waters in which 12 90 I t l>. they were to be used. The nets thus prepared by Mr. Burgcs.^ were fished by him draiiig the whole season of 1850 ; in October they were examined by the vriter, who, with the permission of Mr. Burgess, tested them thoroughly in every part. They were found perfectly sound and strong, fully suAicient for fish- ing another ypar. This mixture having been mentioned by the writer to Dr. Charles T. Jackson, the celebrated chemist of Boston, its pre- servative qualities were at once admitted by him ; but he said, that something much better, and less expensive, might proba- bly be found by a few scientific experiments. The preservation of Shad nets fiom sudden decay, is matter of very great impor- tance to the fishery, not only as regulating its extent, bnt also the profits to be derived from it. No greater boon could be conferred upon the Shad fishers of Cumberland Bay, than the invention of a cheap composition, that would prevent their nets from rotting, and permit their use until fairly worn out. The practice of drying nets upon the grass was reprobated by Mr. Burgess, as highly injurious under any circumstances, in his opinion,. aH nets will last longer if stretched on proper drying frames, after being in use. Salmon ascend the Avon, and its tributaries, in considerable numbers ; many of the smaller nze are taken in the Shad nets, but the larger fish break directly through, the thread not being sufficient to retain them. The Spring Shad do not go up the Avon to spawn, nor has any roe been found in the Shad caught there. Great numbers of Gaspereau every spring ascend the Shubc- nacadie, the Avon, the Horton, and Cornwallis Rivers to spawn. Those taken in the Avon, are large but poor ; in the other rivers, they are much smaller, but thicker and fatter. In the weirs, on the flats below Windsor, small fish, called " Shiners," are frequently taken ; these are a little fish, shaped like a Gas- pereau, very silvery on the belly, and very fat — they are only used as a pan-fish, and are excellent when eaten fresh. At Pereau, just below Habitant River, a description of very small, but very fat fish, not unlike Herrings, are taken in Au- gust. The oil froift them stains the hands, and they are so unctuous, that they are very difficult to cure. They are often sold fresh from the weirs, at ten pence per bushel ; but cart- loads are frequently used to manure the land. The fishermen are decidedly of opinion, that they are not young Herrings, but a distinct fish ; when taken they are full of roe, and ready for spawning. The writer had not an opportunity of seeing any ■^T J" n of these fish, and is therefore uiiahle to class them. It is quite possible they may prove to be Sardines, some specimens of which have been occasionally caught in the Bay of Fundy. Cod are frequently taken at the mouth of the Avon, by single lines attached to stakes. Hake are said to be abun- dant in that part of the Basin of Mines, between the mouth of Cornwallis River, and Cape Blomidon ; they appear nlwut the Ist of August, and may be taken during the rest of the season, in 7 fathoms water. Smelts ascend all the rivers in this locality, at the close of winter, in almost miraculous abundance. Basse were very plenty formerly, but are seldom seen now, having been thin- ned off by the weirs, and other contrivances. Tons of Eels may be taken at any time during the season ; one fisherman said, he had seen a stream of Eels, each as thick as his arm, pass through a gap in a weir, during half an hour. T'ory large Sturgeon are also taken here ; but Sharks are oiily found on the northern side of the Basin, where the water IS less muddy ; they are there taken of large size. Mr. Bur- gess had the tail of one, caught there, of " the thresher" species, which measured 3 feet across ; this fish was probably 8 feet in length. It was complained by the fishermen, that spring-nets were used at the Cornwallis River, and Habitant River, which, they «aid, destroyed great quantities of fish of all kinds ; thig is a matter for enquiry by the authorities of Nova Scotia. , .» THE SOUTH SHORE OF THE BAY OF FUNDY. To the southward of Cape Split, is Scotch Bay, a wide, open roadstead, with extensive mud-flats at its upper extreme. Considerable quantities of Shad are taken on these flats, chiefly in weirs ; !aU a large seine is also used, of which complaint was made, as being injurious to the fisheries, by taking numbers of small fish of every description. Here the Shad fishery ceases on the Southern Shore of the Bay of Fundy, and the geologi- cal character of the Coast changes. The bold and rugged cliffs of the South Shore consist chiefly of trap rocks. From Black Rock down to Brier Island, along the whole South Shore, there are three fishing banks, or ledges, lying parallel to the shore, outside each other ; their respective dis- tances from the coast, have acquired for them the designations of the three mile ledge — ^the five mile ledge — and the nine mile ledge. On these ledges, there are 60 fathoms of water, but on i"-^^^i^ 92 U y\i the crown of each ledge, 30 Aithoms only. The 3 mile ledge and the 5 mile ledge, extend quite down to Brier Island ; but the 0 nnile ledge can only be traced down the Bay, about 14 roilcH below Digby Gut, abreast of Trout Cove, where it ends in deep water. Below Digby Gut, the 3 mile ledge and 5 mile ledge are composed of hard gravel and red clay ; above the Gut, the 3 mile ledge has a rough, rocky bottom, on which anchors arc frequently lost. Each of these ledges is about a mile in width, the outer one something more ; between them the bottom is soft mud. In April, the small Rock Cod strike in on the South Shore, which they follow up to Cape Split, whence they cross to the New Brunswick side of tho Bay. This is the opinion of the Yankee fishermen, who fellow them at that season, fishing close in shore ; and with them, they take many Halibut of large size. On the ledges, the best fishing is in June and July ; but the fishing continues until the end of September. The Cod taken on the ledges, in June and July, are well fed fish, 30 of which, on the average, will make a quintal. Pollack strike in generally during July ; but the past season they made their appearance in May ; the fishing for them usually lasts until the end of September — their average size is 40 to the quintal. On the ledM:es, line-fishing on the bottom can only be followed on the '* slacks" of the tide ; during the run of the tide, the fishermen employ themselves in taking FMlack by trailing near the surface. Large Hake are often taken on the ledges, with the Cod ; thirty of them will make a quintal. It is sup- posed, that these Hake feed upon the soft bottom between the ledges, it being such as Hake are usually found'upon, and that they venture occasionally upon the ledges, or are in the act of crossing them, when taken. ■M ANNAPOLIS BASIN. In this beautiful Basin, long celebrated for its fisheries, Cod, Pollack, Hake, Haddock, and Halibut, are taken, nearly all the year round ; and here also are caught those delicious small Herrings, which when smoked, are known everywhere as *' Digby Chickens." Small Salmon ascend the Annapolis River, and its branches ; Shad are taken in the Basin, in July; Smelts are exceedingly abundant in the spring ; Flounders are taken during the whole summer ; Cod are best in the autumn ; Mackerel frequently enter during the season, and are catight , 93 in the Herring weirs ; Eels may be cniiglit in nny quantity ; Lobsters urc found in various parts of thu Dasin ; CItuns nrc to be hod everywhere on the flats, and the American fishernKMi frequently land to lYig them for bait ; on Bear Island Bar, there arc extensive beds of large Scallops; Shrimps abound in the Gut, where numbers of Porpoises are shot by the In- dians, while chasing the small Herrings. The principal fishery, however, is that for the small Her- rings to be cured by smoking, which arc taken altogether in brush weirs, not exceeding 8 feet in height ; these are renewed every season, the ice usually carrying away the greater portion of them, at the close of the winter. The weirs on the Clements side of the Basin were visited by the writer, and the follow-^ ing information was there obtained, chiefly from Mr. Simon Wm. Riley of Annapolis, Messrs. Ditmars and Wm. L. Ray of Moose River, and Messrs. Ditmars of Bear River. The writer was assisted in obtaining information by George Mil- lidge, Esq., of Annapolis, to whom his acknowledgements arc due. There were 47 weirs in Annapolis Basin in order for fishing during the past season ; the catch offish was unusually small, much smaller than it had been for years. Formerly, the quan- tity of Herrings cured in this Basin, was from 25,000 to 30,000 boxes annually ; and twenty years ago, the average catch of every weir, was 2000 boxes each season. The whole quan- tity cured during the season of 1850, from the catch of all the weirs in the Basin, was supposed not to exceed 2000 boxes. The small Herrings dnter the Basin at the last of May, but the great bodies of fish come in June and July ; after passing through the Gut, they follow up the Granville Shore to the Pot- ter Settlement, near Annapolis, and thence strike over south- westerly, to the Clements side, directly across a large bar, or middle ground. On this bar, weirs were first put up about 3 years since, and they are dry at very low spring-tides only ; some of the weir owners on the Clements Shore, complained greatly of these weirs, which, they say, have broken up the schuUs of fish, and rendered their weirs of no value, as they catch nothing. Mr. Ray said, that he formerly cured 1400 boxes of Herrings every season, from the catch of his weir near Moose River ; the quantity gradually diminished to 400 boxes, and after the weirs were placed on the bar, it fell off to 200 boxes ; during the season of 1850, he did not get a single fish. The first Herrings of the season are of all sizes,, from four r^:] inches in lon^tti, ii|) to the largest. In June and July the schulls lire of more uniform Hize ; the best fish for smoking, are 8 or 0 inehcH in length, a round, fat, handsome, Herring — those less than 7 inchen in length are not smoked. It was alleged by Mr. Riley, of Annapolis, that about one half of all the fish caught in the weirs, are entirely lost ; almost all the weirs arc dry at low water ; and he stated that he had sometimes seen 300 or 400 barrels of small Herrings taken during a single tide, left in the weir to spoil. The weirs arc not opened on Saturday night ; and as the fish are not removed on Sunday, they are wholly lost ; some of the weirs have gates, but very many of them have not. It was further asserted by . Mr. Riley, that the people were too lazy to remove the spoiled fish from their weirs, whore the mud immediately made over them ; and in a good fishing season, the Herrings would accu- mulate in a weir to the depth of two feet. Some of the fish thus Icfl to be buried in the mud last season, were bought by Mr. George Millidge, who carted up 200 barrels of them, to add to his compost heap ; and of this case there was no doubt. Rut Mr. Riley's statements were denied by Mr. Ray, who said that the weir owners were veiy particular in cleaning out their weirs, as if dead fish were left; in them, the live ones would not enter, and no more would be caught. As it is quite cer- tain that this fishery has fallen off to such an extent, as fore- bodes its ceasing altogether, the causes of its decay arc sug- gested as a fit subject of enquiry, in Nova Scotia. The Messrs. Ditmars are among the best curers in the Basin, and the mode in which they cure " Digby Chickens," is as follows : — The fish are scaled by being washed in bushel baskets with a square bottom, open like a coarse sieve, the men standing in the water up to their knees. The best fish have very few scales, and only half a bushel of them are taken in the basket at once ; they are washed and shaken with great care, to prevent theiir being broken. They are then salted in large tubs, the salt being stirred through them by hand ; the quantity used, is half a bushel of salt to two and a half barrels of fish, which are a tub full. They lay in salt 24 hours, and are then washed in fresh water to prevent their becoming " salt burnt ;" after this, they are strung on rods, with their heads all one way, and then hung up in the smoke house. In Clements, the smoke houses are usually 30 feet square, with 14 feet posts, and a high roof; no fish hang nearer the fire than seven feet, but the most careful curers do not hang them nrarer than eight feet. Rock maple only is used ^' 1 fur smoking; wiieii it runnot be prociinMl, qhIi [h used, l>rit)<; considered the best description of wood after rock maple. Beech und birch are deemed very inferior ; und it is tlioa^Mit that prime " l^iffby Chickens," to possess the most perfect care and finest flavoar, mast be smoked with rock maple alone. Tho process of smoking asnally occapics 8 weeks ; and it requires tho whole time of one person to watch the fire, and attend to the smoking, in which mach jadgemcnt and great care are required. The smoke is usually made up at Tiight-fall, and again before day-ligiit, unless tlie weather is warm and wet, during which no fires are made. In fine weather, the smoke- houses are thrown open duringthe day to cool ; and the greatest care is taken, at all times, to keep down beat, und to render the smoke-houses as cool as possible, by numerous windows and openings. After being smoked, the fish arc packed in boxes of tho established si/c ; these are 18 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 8 inches deep, measured on the inside ; and there should bo 12 rods, or 24 dozen offish, in a box of prime Herrings. If the fish are large and of the best quality, it requires some pressure to get this number into a box. The differences between the mode of curing smoked Her- rings in Annapolis Basin, and that in use at Grand Manan and Campo Bello, consist principally in the greater care in wash- ing the fish, and handling them in baskets, in small quan- tities ; in hanging them at a greater distance from the fire ; in the use of rock-maple, almost exclusively, for smoking ; and in precautions taken to keeptlie smoke-houses cool at all times, while the process of smoking is going on. In Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, (article "Putrefaction") the process of curing provisions by smoking is thus described : — " Smoking. This process con- sists in exposing meat previously salted, or merely ribbed over with salt, to wood smoke, in an apartment so distt.ut from the fire as not to be unduly heated by it, and into which the smoke is admitted by flues at the bottom of the side walls. Here the meat (combines with the empyreumatic acid of the smoke, and gets dried at the same time. The quality of the wood has an influence upon the quality and taste of the smoke-dried meat; smoke from beech wood and oak, being preferable to that from fir and larch. Smoke from the twigs and berries of juniper, from rosemary, peppermint, &-c. imparts somewhat of the aro- matic flavour of these plants. A slow smoking with a slender fire, is preferable to a rapid and powerful one, as it allows the empyreumatic principles time to penetrate into the interior i if substance, without drying the outside too much. The pro- cess of smoking depends upon the action of the wood acid, or the creosote, volatilized with it." The writer sincerely hopes, that from the information here given with reference to the cure of smoked Herrings in the Basin of Annapolis — which have hitherto borne the highest character, and obtained the largest price — the curers of Grand Mauan and Campo Bello may draw some hints for their guidance, which will enable them hereafter to cure their fish equally well, and compete successfully with the " Digby Chickens." BRIER ISLAND. There is a large fishing population in the Brier Island fishing district, which includes Long Island, and part of the adjacent shore. From the best information that could be obtained, it was found that this district sends to the fisheries between 40 and 50 vessels, from 15 to 30 tons each, and upwards of 100 shore boats. The vessels have generally five men, and the boats two men each. The Cod fishing commences about the 20th of April, and continues until October. The first fishing is inshore, at the distance of half a mile, to a mile and a half from the land ; as the season advances, the fish go oflf into deep water, on the ledges. Pollack fishing, the next in importance, begins about the 15th of June, and lasts until the end of September ; they are caught chiefly on " the rips " occasioned by the conflict of tides ; those caught off" Brier Island will average 35 or 40 to the quintal. In the latter part of the season, it requires the livers of 18 quintals of Pollack only, to make a barrel of oil ; — they must therefore be \n fine condition, and prime fish. Captain Laffbley,- a native of Jersey, who has lived 32 years at Brier Island, stated to the writer, that the principal fisheries there, were those for Cod and Pollack. From that Island, the fisheries are prosecuted chiefly in Chebacco-boats and Shallops, from 16 to 24 tons burthen ; in these the fish ai'e split and salted on board. In the spring, they fish ofiT the western part of Brier Island, and thence to Cape K^t. Mary, in 15 to 60 fathoms water, with a tide of four knots. At mid^ summer, they fish in 60 fathoms water, off Bear Cove, (Petite Passage) and thence to the " west-north-west Baiak," about 9 miles from the land, in 15 to 30 fathoms water, with a 6 knot tide. Of course, bottom fishing can only be prosecuted on '' the slacks." During the summer, the fishing vessels some- 97 times run down to the Lurcher Ledge, 20 miles S.S.W. from Brier Island, and there fish in 15 to 30 fathoms water ; at this ledge th^y rarely &il to get a fiiU fare of Cod in a few days, with favourable weather. On the fishing groMnds men- tioned, it is very rare to take either Hake, or Haddock, the bottoms being rocky and very rough. Hftlibut are very abundant, and of large size, especially upon a bank, 0 miles west of Brier Island. In summer, they are frequently a plague to fishermen, who shift their ground to avoid them, as they soon fill up a boat or small vsssel. Captain Laffoley said, he had frequently seen Halibut thrown on the beach as worth- less, the fins and napes only being cut off ; in spring much Halibut is dried, but in summer it will not dry, as the flies spoil it at that season. The fair average catch of a Brier Island fishing vessel, by line-fishing during the summer, is 100 quintals offish to each man. The mode of curing Cod was thus described by Captain Laffoley, as that generally followed by those who desired to make dried fish of the first quality. Before being split, the fish are washed ; afler being dressed and split, they are again washed. Cod are salted with half a bushel of salt to a quintal of fish ; in summer not quite so much, as then they take salt quicker. They lay in salt five or six days, after which they are washed, and put in pile to drain for 24 hours ; they are then put on the flakes to dry. After eight or nine days of fine wea- ther, they «re put in press-pile, in which they remain a week or more to sweat ; they are then spread out again on a fine day, after which they are put once more in press-pile, in whichthey remain, until they are put into stor?, or shipped for exporta- tion. The Cod caught in deep water off Brier Island, are exceedingly large, thick, well fed fish, of the best description. Some of these cured by Captain Laffoley were inspected by the writer ; they were 14 to the quintal, and could hardly be sup- passed, either in the intrinsic excellence of the fish, or the admirable manner in which they were cured. If the fish caught in the Bay of Fundy were all cured in the same perfect man- ner, there would be no complaint of the want of markets ; wherever they might be sent, they weald be highly prized, and would at all times command remunerative prices. ^^ . The superiority of the large well fed Cod, caught in the exceedingly cold and deep water of this part of the Bay of Fundy, especially tor table use, is perfectly understood by th/9 American fishermen) who resort to these grounds every og !;^' ^ season, in great numbers. Whole fleets of American fishing schooners appear off Brier Island in the Spring as soon as the fishery commences ; and it was complained by Capt. Laffoley, as alwo by other fishermen of the same locality, that these ves- sels disturb the fisheries in a variety of ways. If they cannot buy bait, these fishermen come inshore, set their own nets in the liest places, and in fact, do just what they please from mere superiority of numbers. Herrings make their appearance about the 10th of April every season ; these are the large spawning Herrings, full of roe. At Brier Island, they are chiefly taken for bait ; but at liong Island, and on the South shore up to Digby 6?.t, and for some distance above, many are taken in set nets and put up for sale. The nets generally used are 20 fathoms long, and 4 fathoms deep, with a mesh of 2i: inches ; these are set " off and on " shore, with graipnels and buoys. The deep-sea Herring fishery commences at the end of May ; it is prosecuted in open day light, at half a mile to six miles from the land, with the same nets as in spring. Wher- ever the fish are seen to break, the nets are thrown over and allowed to remain in the water from five to ten minutes only ; they are then taken in, cleared offish, and again thrown over — ^this is continued as long as any fish can be taken. These are excellent Herrings, and the fishing continues for them until the middle of July. Afler that time, the Herrings strike over to the " ripplings " of Grand Manan, where they con- tinue to play during the rest of the season, these ** ripplings " abounding with Shrimps in vast quantities. At the full and change of the moon, on the spring tides, the Brier Island fish- ing vessels go over to fish on the " ripplings," as during those tides, the Herrings are found there in greatest abundance. ' No Capelin has ever been seen at Brier Island ; the shores are probably too rocky, and there is too much tide and surf. Squid, (Cuttle-fish — sepia arctica,) in some seasons, appear in August, and continue until October ; they are by far the best bait, whenever they can be procured. * Israel Outhouse, a ^sherman residing at Petite Passage, said the average catcli of each man, in the shore boats, was 50 quintals of fish during the season. It was formerly much more, but has decreased of late years, owing, as he believes, to there being more fishermen on the ground. The Mackerel iishery, he said, was very uncertain ; sometimes very good, and then none at all. A few only were taken during the past season ; these were caught solely by line fishing on the trail, 99 and not with jigs, in the American fashion, that mode of fishing not being generally understood or followed. . Mr. Payson, a magistrate of Brier Island, Mr. Robert Cut- ler Jones, and other gentlemen connected with this coast, are clearly of opinion, that the Herring jfishery might be prosecuted profitably to a much greater extent than at present ; and they agreed, that the Cod taken off Brier Island, especially on the west-north-west bank, were probably as fine, well fed fish, as could possibly be found anywhere. Their excellence, they said, was fully admitted by the Americans, who came there to fish, expressly with the view of curing the Cod they caught as " table fish," which bring a high price in their own market. Mr. Benjamin H. Ruggles, of the Customs Department at Westport, Brier Island, furnished the following information as to the fisheries thtre. After describing the mode of curing Cod, as already stated, Mr. Ruggles says : — " HeTings, in general, are badly cured with us. The sum- mer Herrings, in particular, require much care ; they should be split with a knife, scraped inside, and then passed through clear, cool water. Each fish should be separately filled with salt and packed away, not to be again repacked. None should be branded No. 1, unless cured in this manner ; our fishermen are too eager for quantity, without regard to quality ; but the law of this Province relative to the inspection of pickled fish, has caused more caution than heretofore. " I believe that if no Herrings were allowed to be entered at the Custom Houses in New Brunswick, but those legally cleared from some Custom House in this Province, it would prevent much imposition on the country people of New Bruns- wick. As it is, many Herrings are clandestinely shipped from this Province and sold in New Brunswick, by which many are shamefully deceived, and the character of the fish is greatly injured. 1 "I am well convinced that if the Americans were allowed to fish in common with our fishermen, in consideration of our fish being admitted in the American market free of duty, it would be to our advantage. The Americans at present enjoy all the fishing grounds of any worth in the Bay of Fundy ; and all they require is, the liberty of taking bait freely, of which th&y now procure a supply clandestinely. The American market, even with the present duty, is a rather better market for our best quality of dry fidh, than can be found in the Pro- vinces." 100 n »- m The following return of the boats, vessels, and men, belonging to (he Parish of fTesfport and emploi/ed in the Fineries, also the quantity of Fish caught by t/iem during th^ wason of 1850, is famished by Mr. Rnggles : — Number and dascripiioii Olu. Brlsof of Boats and Vessels No. of Fair average catch per man, of the dry Her- Brls of employed. Men. products of the Fisheries. Fish. nngs. Cod. 48 open boats, S men each. 96 70 quintals dry Fish per man, 6 barrels Herrings per do. 1 barrel Oil per do. «,720 576 9» S6 decked vessels from 10 ' to 30 tons, average 5 men I to each, 130 90 quintals dry Fish, per man, 100 barrels Herrings, each vessel, S barrels Oil, per matir 11,700 8,600 260 , a vessels in all 240 tons, *■ one trip to the Magdalen are so wretcli«^y cored, as !oH, Sicily, Vciiirf, and TrioHt,;ht he established, hut for the uniform system of hi«^h duties kept up in each. One or two vessels arc chined armually at St. John's, New- foundland, with dried fish for the Ionian Islands, and for Egypt ; hut of the value of the tra Labour, weighing, and delivering, - Commission, 5 per cent, on $605 1, 217 2 58 10 50 1 5 1 2i 0 2 -320 3 Net proceeds. $284 5i In Brazil, the duty on dried Cod is 2.500 reis the quintal of 100 lbs. ; on other fish, the duty is 25 per cent, on their valuation. At Pernambuco, on the 21st October, 1850, the price of dried Cod was 10 milreas 200 reis the 100 lbs. The exchfinge was then at 28} pence Sterling the milrea ; conse- quently the price of dried Cod was equal to £1 4 11 sterling per 100 lbs., and the duty 58. lid. on the same. The milrea is an imaginary currency, the value of which is governed by the exchange on London, and fluctuates accordingly. 107 In the United StatcH, all dnh pay a duty of 20 per cent, aii- valorem^ under the taritf of 184(1. Besides the markets for Hsh in the sea-board Cities of the Union, there is a large and grow- ing demand for fish in those States which border on the Great Lakes, and which may be supplied through Canada, by the Saint Lawrence. There would seem to be an almost unlimited demand for pickled Herrings, as well in those States, as in Canada West, if caught in proper season, and well cured ; when sufficient care in these respects is taken, the rapidly in- creasing population of the vast fertile districts of the West, near the Great Lakes, whether Canadian or American, will long continue to offer a sure and profitable market for the pro- ducts of the fisheries. The Honorable Commissioners of the Board of British Fish- eries having intimated their readiness to furnish information, the writer applied to them for a statement of the prices of Herrings and dried fish in Scotland, with the view of comparing them with the prices obtained in New Brunswick. In reply to the application, the following letter was received : — Board of British Fisheries^ Edinburgh^ 2d January ^ 1851. Sir, — I duly received your letter of 19th November, 185^ requesting two copies of Capt. Washington's Report on Fish- ing Boats, and also a statement of the average prices of pickled Herrings, and dried and pickled Cod in Scotland ; and having laid the same before the Honorable the Commissioners of the Board, I have by their directions forwarded to you by mail, the two Reports in question. I now beg to subjoin a statement of the prices required by you, which have been taken in the month of September, and for th^ five years from 1846 to 1850, both inclusive. The Commissioners have desired me to return you their thanks for the promise of sending a copy of your Report, when published. I have the honor, &c. B. F. Primrose, Secretary. M. H. Perley, B«q. " l>klCES OF HERRINGS FROSl THE LEITH PRICES CURRENT, ' September 1846, : " 1847, ^' « 1848, ^ 1849, « 1850, WhiteHer'gB, p.bbl. - • - l48. to 18s. . - . 20s. to 228. - - - 17s. to lOs. - - - 10^. to 17b. - - - i5B. to 18s. RedHer'gi.p.bM. >j 108 '•I %t i 1 1 m B ^ ■n m |MK * f ■ jH I P rites of Dried Cutl Finh, frofn private informafion. - iivoru^o J5S. per Cwt. do. 14f). do. do. 14m. do« Soptoinbor 1H4H, IH47, ♦♦ I84H, •• lH4ft, " 1850, do. do. ir>H. 15h. do. do. Dried LinirfiNli iiiny be quoted 1^. per cwt. higher than tlioalM)ve. The fish cured nt the Stiition.s, iigreeahly to the Boord'.M printed directions, and punched by its ofTicern, were sold and shipped for the Spanish market, at prices from 7 to 10 per cent, higher tlian the above cpiotations. Pickled Cod-fish per barrel sells generally from 18s. to 24s. London is the prin- cipal market for this article ; and when the bnrrelsare inspected and branded by the Board's officers, they sell from 25s. to 40.s. per barrel. B. F., Secretary. The Island of Jersey presents a market for pickled Herrings. A parcel of the '' Q,uoddy Herrings" shipped from Cam(M> Bello, netted the shipper 22s. 6d. sterling per barrel. There are no duties in Jersey, and port-charges are very low. FISH BARRELi:f. C In connection with the question of foreign markets, the qna* lity of the barrels in which pickled fish ought to be shipped, is very material. In Scotland, heretofore, barrels of hard wood' only have been permitted ; none other could )>e used for pack- ing pickled fish. But during the year 1840, the Board of Fisheries arrived at the conclusion, that larch (hacmatac) was well adapted for the making of herring barrels. In their Report presented to Parliament in 1850, the Commissioners say, that experiments have been made by them, on the kinds of wood, suitable for herring barrels. The Herrings and the barrels which were the subject of these experiments, were sent by long sea and land journies to different places on the Conti- nent ; they were exposed to much rough usage, and great changes of climate — some were sent far up the Mediterranean. These experiments have proved, that larch wood may be safely used for barrels of pickled herrings, and that it is equal to the hard wood of which barrels are generally made ; whilst ordinary fir is quite unsuitable, and its introduction would be highly prejudicial to the sale of Herrings abroad. The expe- riments were so decisive, that the Commissioners have issued instructions aidmitting larch wood, in the making of barrels, but continuing a strict prohibition of fir. lot) ali.owan(;i:n, ok wountikm, to .\>>iKiti(;AN i-i.'^hino vI':.s.^i:i..w. Ill order to olttaiii correct inrorinati ui ii.« to tlio niitiire aiwl nxteiit of the allowanrex, or lioaiitieM, paitl to Aiiierit an fisliiii;; vesHclM, tlio writer made application at the Itostoii ('iistoiii House, where hir^^e ruiiih are paid annually to fiHlieruien, und wiiH kindly and promptly furniNlied by William A. Wellmaii, Ksq., the A8«i^tant Collector of the Port, with the following tetter : — ■ " T ' CiiHlom Ilouai', Huston, Collector's ()t/ict', lith January, 1H51. Sir, — The StatntcH under which we pay allowances or l)ountic$t to fishing veHHcIs, are scattered through the varioiiH volumes of the Acts of Congress from 1703 to 1835; hat they may bo readily found in Little and IJrown's edition of the Public Statutes, published in 1845. Allowances are paid annually, on the last day of December, to vessels employed during the fishing season, which is ac- counted to be, from the last day of February, to the last day of November, vide Act of March 3, 1819. By the Act of 1819, chapter 212, we allow to every vessel of 5 tons, and not exceeding 30 tons burtiien, $3.50 per ton ; above 30 tons, $4.00 pjr ton ; above 30 tons, with a crew of 20 and not less than 10 persons, and employed not less than three and o half months, $3.50 per ton — the bounty on any one vessel not to exceed $360. Vessels more than 5 tons and less than 20 tons, must land 12 quintals offish per ton, during the season. The Act of 1824, chap. 152, prescribes how vessels wrecked may obtain the bounty in certain cases. The Act of 1813, chap. 2, requires the Skipper of each ves- sel, before proceeding on a voyage, to make an agreement with the fishermen. The regulations for fishing vessels to touch and trade at foreign ports, &cc., are prescribed in the 21st section of the Act 1793, chap. 99. The oath of the master, as to the time the vessel has been actually employed in the fisheries during the season, is pre- scribed by the Act of 29th July, 1813. By paying monthly wages in money, in lieu of dividing the fish, or the proceeds of the fishing voyage, in the proportions specified by law, the agreement is ^'iolated, and the bounty is forfeited. This, by decision of the Treasury Department, 24th 110 February) 1847, confirmed by the Secretary of the Treasury, January 21, 1836. A vessel, to be entitled to the bounty, must be actually employed at sea, in the Cod-fisheries, a certain specified time, and must dry-cure the Fish, vide Act July 29, 1813. The Cod fishery and Mackerel fishery arc each a trade and employment, or business, and since the Act of 1828, chap. 109, the Mackerel fishery cannot be lawfully carried on under a licence for the Cod fishery. I have thus given you a sunimary of the various laws regu- lating our fishery allowances ; but we have voluminous instruc- tions issued by the Treasury Department, from time to time, to # meet the questions presented by those claiming bounty. If there are other particular points not alluded to, I will most cheerfully point them out, if you will indicate them. We pay at this Oflice annually, about the sum of $225,000, for fishing bounties. The business is one in which I take great interest, and when your Report ^3 published, I shall hope to receive a copy of it. Your obedient servant, Wm. a. Wellm an, Ass*t Collector. M. H. Perley, Esquire. It has been stated to the writer by persons of standing in the United States, that the allowances to fishing vessels a^e continued, on the ground that fishermen are entitled to a drajvback of the heavy duties which they pay on salt, and their outfit for the fisheries generally, besides some compensation for the increased cost of their vessels, arising from the high duties on iron, cordage, canvas, and other articles used in building and fitting them out — such increased cost amounting to ten dollars pef ton more than the cost of vessels of similar class and equal description, built and fitted out in New Bruns- wick. '^ The regulations for dividing the proceeds of the fishing voyage, instead of paying the crew monthly wages, is intended to compel the crew to catch fish on the voyage, instead of idfing away the prescribed time, which the Yankee fishermen call ♦* fishing for the bounty." But if the American fishermen whom the writer met on the Coast are to be believed, this regulation is constantly set at nought or evaded, moiit.hly wages being paid by a large proportion of th6 vessels. With the whole system of the American fishitig bounties, there appears to co-exist an organized systekn of frauds ; attd the Ill voluminous instructions of the Treasury Department, issued from time to time, to meet those cases, clearly prove that not- withstanding all the care, ard caution of the United States Treasury Department, and all the vigilance and astuteness of its many excellent officers, vast sums of money go annually into the pockets of unscrupulous men, while it is exceedingly doubtful if the actual fishermen arc at all benefited thereby. THE DESTRUCTION OF FISH ON SPAWNING GROUNDS. The obstructions which exist to the passage of fish up the various rivers falling into the Bay having been noticed, and the principal rivers mentioned in which Salmon are 'destroyed while in the act of spawning, it only remnr^s to advert to the destruction of spawning Herrings on the coast. The great spawning place for Herrings in the Bay of Fundy, is undoubtedly, that at the Southern Head of Grand Manan. It begins at the eastern part of Seal Cove, at a place called Aed Point ; thence it extends westerly to the southern extre- mity of the Island ; and thence around the Southern Head to Bradford's Cove, a distance of more than five miles. The quantity of Herrings which strike in upon this ground during the spawning -season, is truly wonderful ; but their numbers will soon cease to astonish, if such an extensive destruction of spawning fish as now takes place there annually, is perm'tted to continue much longer. In Scotland, the destruction of Herrings on their spawning grounds is most carefully guarded against, as being of the greatest importance to the preservation of the Herring fishery generally, and some useful information may be gained from the proceedings of the British Fishery Board in this matter. In the Report of the Board laid before Parliament in 1847, is the following statement : — " A letter of the 12th March reached the Board from Mr. John Stewart, commander of the ' Princess Royal ' Fishery Cutter, again pointing out the very "?rious destruction to the Herring fishery throughout the whole branches of the estuary of the Clyde, by the illegal fishing which is occasionally carried on, and endures for about fourteen days only, previous to the above date, opposite to Ballantrae in Ayrshire. This seems to be the great spawning place for the Herrings belonging to the Ciyde and Loch Fyne, and for this purpose they congre- gate in incalculable numbers on a bank, which lies about three miles off the shore, and is about a mile and a half long, by tik Ei 112 .^1 I f I ahout throe quarters of a mile broad, and having about nine fjitliorns water over it. Th^. spawn lies on this bank to a very great depth, for the smallest net ropes that arc let down here are hauled up of the apparent thickness of cables, from the immense quantity of spawn that adheres to them. When taken at this time, the fish are in *he worst possible condition as hu- man food, and much more likely to be prejudicial, and to spread disease, than to be nutritious ; yet, tempted by the prospect of gain, there were no less than eighty boats engaged in this fishery, which cleared from £30 to £80 each, during the fourteen '^'•ys it lasted. In order to make their success more certain and efiTectual, these boats use means which arc never resorted to elsewhere. Their nets are' only 21 yards in depth, and 384 yards in length, and they contain about 960 square yards ; but they attach a row of heavy stones, four feet apart, to the lower edge of the net, and sink them to the bot- tom among the spawning fish, so that when the nets are hauled they are covered with a heavier load of spawn than even t' a weight of their fish, which are so abundant. It is quite impos- sible to calculate the extent of loss arising to the Clyde and Loch Fync fisheries, by this fishing, which, though highly remunerative to the few boats' crews which engage in it, must spread disease among the unfortunate purchasers of the fish, who are ignorant where and how they have been caught, and which must bring comparative scarcity on the really sound, productive, and wholesome fisheries, carried on at the proper season in the Clyde and Loch Fyne." In their Report for 1848, the Commissioners again allude to the destruction of spawning Herrings on the banks at Ballan- trae ; they state, that they had received numerous pe.itions from fish carers and fishermen deeply interested in the fisheries of the west Coast of Scotland, complaining of the reckless des- truction of spawn, and the fry of Herrings, by which myriads of these useful fish are annually destroyed. The banks at Ballantrae are stated to be well known as the nurseries of the Herrings visiting the western coast, and if the indiscriminate pestruc^ion which takes place there, is allowed to continue, the fishermen on that coast will be ultimately ruined, and many thousands of industrious fishermen around the various Lochs reduced to |M)verty, while the immehsa capital invested in boats and materials must be rendered wholly unproductive. The Commissioners conclude by urging upon Parliament, the necessity of a Legislative enactment bestowing on tliem " cer- tain discretionary powers beyond those they already possess f 113 to regulate both the mode and the period of capture j so that they may be enabled to protect the broods of all kinds ofsea- Jish." The Herring fishery of the Bay of Fundy will not continue many years longer to any extent, unless an immediate ptop is put to the fishery during the spawning season at the Southern Head of Grand Manan. At that season, no Herrings should be caught, on any pretence whatsoever ; and the necessity of a Legislative enactment, similar to that sought by the Board of British Fisheries, conferring the like discretionary powers on His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, in Council, would probably have the effect of leading to a discontinuance of thrs fishery, and a steady increase in the Herring fishery of the Bay generally. »»;■ . ^t* BRUSH WEIRS AND STAKE NETS, So great a difference of opinion exists among the fishermru of the Bay, as to the effect of brush weirs upon the Herring fishery, that it is somewhat difficult to arrive at a correct con- clusion on the subject. The erection of Herring weirs has, by implication, been sanctioned by the Legislature, by the Acts for their regulation, and it is not now so much a question, whether they shall, or shall not be permitted, as whether the existing laws are suffi- cient ; and if not, what further regulations and provisions are necessary to prevent their injuring the fisheries. The weirs between high and low water mark, which fire dry at low tide, should be put under careful superintendence, as these, above all others, art calculated to destroy vast quan- tities of small fish and fry, too small for any useful purpose, except as manure — a dangerous stimulant to the - ' The weirs set up in narrow channels and passages, some of which were noticed on the eastern side of Grand Manain, must also be destructive from their very position, besides being obstruc- tions to navigation.^ The proprietors of lands on the sea shore, should be made to understand, that their rights do not in any case extend below low water mark ; and a careful watch should be kept to prevent encroachments on the r:ghts of the public, by persons disposing of " fishing privileges," to which they are in nowise entitled. All weirs should be furnished with gates for the free egress of such fish as ought to pass out again to sea, and this also 15 114 1 requires careful supervision, as very many weirs were found without any gate or opening whatever. The brush weirs for Shad, at the Head of the Bay, are l>eKeved to be most injurious to that fishery, as in almost every case they were found to take the smallest fish only. In En- rag6 Bay, they ought to be abolierhed altogether, or at the utmost^ only permitted at such season, if any, as might on . inquiry, be found not prejudicial to the Shad fishery generally. The stake nets for Shad, also require to be limited in their extent, and when permitted td be set, the mesh to be of the same size as the mesh allowed to drift-nets, and no smaller. T^e size of the mesh, both for Salmon and Shad nets, ought to be regulated in such manner as to prevent the taking of small Salmon and young Shad. In the Shad fishery espe- cially, there appears to have been, and still to be, a gradual diminution of the mesh from year to year, with the view of taking a greater number of fish each season ; and the efi^ects 4!>f the catch of snr. ?U Shad will soon be ftilt in the decrease of the fishery. The use of small meshed nets in the Herring fishery on the Coast of Scotland, is considered so prejudicial) that they are strictly prohibited by law. To prevent the use of such nets in the Firth of Forth, H. M. Steam Vessel " Dasher " has been stationed there during the last three reasons, and such vigilance ika6 been exercised, atad so maliy illegal nets seized, that this iinfair fishing has been broken up. On the west Coast 4>f Scotland, H. M. Stetim Vessel ** Lucifier " has also been em- 'ployed in a similar manner. Bo^th these steamers, and the " Princess Royal," Fishery Cutter, oflT the Nortli West High- lands, have at all lames been able to rendeir most seascaable ■lussistance to the fishermen, besides repressing the depredations lindl pilfering of fishing property, which invariably takes {dace Whenever lak-ge bodieisi of fii»herttieii congre^e in the prosecu- %i<»li of their budbess. I ^1 [jlfl SXJ)»l3fA$Y. 1» It lis. quite cteaf f^'om the foregoing Report, that the im- ^f{bdt and cak'e^s? mannc^r df earing tbfe fish eaught in the my df {"utidy, whether from negfect or want of skiU, 4s «uch as to prev.ent those fish obtaining the best prices^ and prc^bits l^ir hijeipg s^nt to iSAaftatA fdt^^h marli^ts, for Which 4hey Wbidd otfa^wit^e be WeU iidit^t6d | iSh^reby prev^stiag an ex- ■^-^ 116 tension c^ the foreign trade of the Province} and diminishinf its general prosperity* 2. The laws which exist for regulating the inspection of fish, are everywhere treated as a nullity, except in cases where ii is found convenient to affix what purports to be an official brand, for the purpose of giving character to articles which are short of weight and worthless. ; 3. The enormous destruction of Herrings, aqd their spawn, at the Southern Head of Grand Manan, is an evil which de- mands immediate remedy ; if this is neglected, the Herring fishery of the Bay of Fundy will fail altogether in a fe" years, and line-fishiifg, which so greatly depends upon the ..^pply of Herrings, will fall off in proportion. " 4. The closing of the various rivers flowing into the Bay, and their^tributaries, by mill-dams ; the injuries arising from saw-dust and mill-rubbish being cast into rivers and harbours; and the wholesale destruction of Salmon on their spawning beds far up the rivers, have all been pointed out in this Report. They are all evils that require an immediate check. 5. The intrusion of American fishing vessels upon the fish- ing grounds of the Bay of Fundy is loudly complaihed of every- where by the fishermen of the Bay. Measures are required for keeping these vessels without the limits established by the Convention of 1816, either by requesting the services of some of the smaller vessels belonging to the Royal Navy^ or else by employing Fishery Cutters at the Joint expense of New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia* The Despatch from Lord Stanley to Lord Falkland, dated llm September, 1845, under which the Americans justify their intrusions in the Bay, is given in the Appendix, with a note of the circumstances which led to its being transmitted. *' 6. The laws relative to the regulation of brush- weirs and the use of drift-nets, require revision ; and enactments are needed to provide for the use of stake-nets and net-weirs, at proper seasons only. Provision should also be made for pre- venting the use of small meshed nets in every fishery, in order that no fish w'hatever may be taken until it has attained a sufficient ^owth. f 7. The great step toward increasing th^ fisheries and ren- dering them itiore valuable* is the .ei*:::^;ment of a general inspection law, with provisions for the appointment in every i: '^ ^ *>! I n 116 County and district, of competent and trust-worthy Inspectors of dried, pickled, and smoked 6sh ; and a total prohibition of the sale or exportation of any such fish, unless inspected and branded by the proper officer. 8. The employment of persons skilled in the cure and pack- ing of fish, (such as the curers and coopers of Scotland) to be located as teachers in the most populous fishing districts, would soon spread the knowledge of improved modes of cure, and lead to the fish of the Bay of Fundy being cured in such manner as would fit them for the best markets of the world. The employment of such teachers is respectfully recommended. 9. The enactment of a general law for the protection and regulation of the Sea and River Fisheries of the Province generally, is greatly needed, and would seem matter of abso- lute necessity. In such a law, power mi^ht be given to some central authority, duch as the Lieutenant Governor in Council, to make rules and ordinances with reference to minor points, which although apparently trifling, have an important bearing upon the prosperity and extension of the fisheries. 10. On the shores of the Bay of Fundy, as well as on those of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the fishermen have great need of better accommodations and increased conveniences. They complain, not wholly without cause, of the paucity of the grants made to assist'them in tiieir business, in comparison with thos^ made to other and more favoured interests. As stated in the Report of last year, they require in many places, landing-piers, breakwaters, shelter-harbours, boat-slips and capstans, and moorings for boats and small vessels ; these ought to be pro- vided at the public expense, as one of the best modes of assisting and encouraging the actual fisherman who dwells by the sea side. H. The establishment of a few superior schools at Grand Manan, Campo Bello, and West Isles, and probably in some other locations, where the young fishermen should be taught Book-keeping, Navigation, some knowledge of Astronomy, and such other branches of learning as might, be useful in their calling, would be one of the greatest boons tha.t could be con- ferred upon this class of persons. An improvement would soon take place in their moral and social condition, and they would not be driven out of the Province to seek employment from persons possessing more education, but in no other res-^ pect superior to themselves. 117 12. The neglect to enforce the provisions of existing laws, or to enact other and more stri'^igent provisions in lieu of such as are ineffective, or too limited in their operation, has led to a great decrease in several branches of the fisheries. A longer continuance of this neglect will assuredly lead to the decay of the fisheries generally, which year by year will waste away, until some disappear altogether, and others become of the least possible value. M. H. PERLEY. Owernmeitt Emigration Office, St. John, N. /?., March 12, 1861. rVS" CATALOGUE [in part] OF THE FISHES OF NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA,* By M. H. Pkklit, Baquire, H. M. Bmigration Officer at Saint John, N. B. Fishes arc described as vertebrated ar.imals, with cold red blood ; breathing by gills through the medium of water ; without lungs. Body covered mostly with imbricated scales or plates, or with a smooth mucous skin. Move in water by means of Ans instead of feef, which vary in number. Repro- duction by eggs, which are usually fecundated after exclusion. Heart unilocular, or composed of one auricle and one ven- tricle. Head various; no neck. Aquatic. Chiefly carnivo- rous. • Fishes have been divided into two great groups, viz : — ^The Bony, and the Cartilaginous. The first comprises by far the greatest number of species. ' In these two great divisions, the Fishes of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, so far as yet examined or known, are here classified and briefly described. U 1 II 1 ::!i ji CLASSIFICATION. Group 1. — Bony Fishbh. Order 1. — Fishes with spinous rays in their fins. ' Family 1. Perdda. The Perch family. 2. Triglida. Fishes with hard cheeks. 3. Scomhridm. The Mackerel family. 4. Lophida. Fishes with wrists to the pectoral fins. 5. LahridcK, The Wrasse, or Rock-fish family. Order 2. — Soft -finned fishes ; the fin-rays almost universally flexible. Family 1. Cyprinida. The Carp family. 2. Silurida. The Sheat-fish family. 3. Salmonida. The Salmon family. 4. Clupeida. The Herring family. Order 3. — Fishes with ventrala under the pectorals, and the pelvis suspended to the shoulder bones — thus better adapted for ascending and descending than the preceding order. Family 1. Gadida. The Cod family. , 2. Pleuronectid -^f.-.o Species 1. Labrax Lineatus — The striped Basse. This fine fish is found on the sea coast of New Brunswick, and it also frequents many of its rivers and lakes. The upper part of the body is silvery brown ; lo ver part of sides and abdomen, a beautiful clear silver colour ; eight or more longi- tudinal black bands running the whole length of the fish, the lower ones terminating above the anal fin. Length, 1 to 3 feet. The Basse is a salt water fish, ascending fresh water streams to breed, in the Spring, and for shelter during the winter. Very large fish of this species have been frequently taken in the Grand Lake, and the *' thoroughfares " therewith con- nected, by night-lines, in the winter season. The Basse abounds in most of the rivers of New Brunswick which flow into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. It was formerly abundant in the Basin of Mines, and the Basin of Annapolis, but in each has become rare, owing to its unlimited destruction there at all seasons. m Species 2. Labrax pallidui — The little white Basse. This diminutive Basse is best known by its popular name of " White Perch." It abounds in many of the lakes and streams connected with the Rive^ St. John, but it is always found in localities where there is very little current, if any, and upon a soft bottom, in the vicinity of aquatic plants and weeds. The ordinary weight of the " White Perch," is from 4 to 6 ounces ; in September, they are often taken above half a pound in weight; the largest seen, weighed a pound. They are a very fine fish for the table, when in season. OeNUS 8. POMOTIS. > Species 1. Pomotit Vulgaris — The common Pond-fish. This description of Perch is very common, in all those waters in which the yellow Perch is found. It is generally from 6 to 8 inches in length, of a deep green- color, mixed with olive, and is easily distinguished by the bri^t scarlet spot, behind the opercle. Among rural anglers it is known as the " Sun-fish, " firom the glittering colors it displays while basking in the sun. It is seldom dressed for eating, being an exceedingly bony, dry fish, but is often caught for amusement. FAMILY 2. TRIGLID^— FISHES WITH HARD CHEEKS. -r- i ■' Genus 1. CoTTueh^TjiE Sculpin. Species 1. Coitus VirgimanuS'^The common BuUhead.T* 2. Cattus Gromlandicus — The Greenland Bullhead. The Sculpin is very numerous on all the fishing grounds of the New JBrunswick and INova Scotia Coasts, and is sometimes a great annoyance (to lline'fishjws, who regard it with much aversion. When freshly taken ftrom Ihe water, and irritated, it presentiS rather a ibrmidable appearance; but nevertheless, it is said not to be a ibad aitiele pf .food. When !the Une-rfidhersin the