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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 / % X » H).' • I I • •"'''•■' ' Hl/ii 5>-'. •■ >.»' I -, ■. . |l » X \ THK Flora of Newfoyndland, Labradof aod Si hm el Miquelon, :e^-^3^X' III. By the rev. ARTHUR C. WAGHORNE, BAY OF ISLANDS, NEWFOUNDLAND. V From the Tmnsactiuns ./ the Nova Scotian Institute of Science. Vol. IX, Seasion iSgp'-QS. I . Sold by S. E. Garland Wcw fi Sccnrvj Hand Booki St. Johns. NFID. Price 20 Cents. W3 \ /. M /' ! #r / (. ( M /' ! Vlll.—'I'lir, Kl.nllA nl' \i;\V|'(»(\l)l,A\l». L\IU!\I)n|t, iiixl Sr. I'iKintK KT M(«,>rii.MN: I'aiit III. -I5y tiii; I.'kv. AiniiKH (\ W'aMIOKN'K, />'<'// "/ />/'/(m/s, Sf'tVlnii inlhl ml. ( Kiiiil Mini . (.1* which th(; fii^t ])! il M|>|ii'iiiT.l in thf Tfi iisorliiiiin (i| I hi- lii-tihiti' Vol. \'III (S.T. -i, Vol. I.), \' :W>'.) : and the .s-cmilI part ill Vol. IX (S.r. 2, Vol. 11), pa-r 17. To the iircfatoiy ivimirks oi' tlu' two pivccdini^' pii|M'rs, a tVw notes slioiiM lirrc he uiMimI : — 1. TIk' Piirt I. Iutc liist pr("S('nt<'(| is inah- up of pMlyp-'tiiloUs j)lii!its whi('h have Im-cii addnl Loour N.'wl'oiindian-i or L:d.ra.lor li.sts of plants since 1M!j5. 2. Thcsf have liccn ohtaiiird from three sources, chietly : — (ii) I'rol'essor M.aeoun's ' 'o//////>"/"ot.s' //"*'//' l/n- III i-Iki rni )ii of fin' . A. Sc. of II. M. Newt'oundland Survey;. Tho plants were collecteil hy him t.n tho West coast in l^iU). and in White IJav ill I'^^I'T. This ^'entleineii modestly says that he hiy.s no claim to V)e a hotanist, so that his determinations may be subject to revision, a fate which befalls even those of men who av botanists. If Mr. Bullman's (k'cisions are sustained as to certain plants, his list adds fifteen names to our llora. (c) My own collections since iS!)5 in the Hay of Islands, and a week wliile in Bay St. (Jeor(,^e, and a trip across the country in 1895, an.->, I was r..rtuuat. .Mu.u;:!. tu IM.I. ti , M... S,.l.i/M.M i.usilla, |'ursh.infM,rMMau..ty. •t Toll, ....tlr.n.n who linv.. kin-Uy nsH^t-,1 ,...• in t!.- ,,,,,,,„i,„n„„.:f n.v,.l:m.O ..,ay now a.M ,1... nauns nl h. \VM..T,vl..a...otSt. LoM:., Dr. lU.I{ol..n.oM ol lla.sanl. au.l M,. '1' \' ( 'uNillr nl' Wfi^hiii-lon. 4 ||-,„.nM,n,.l> l„,lw..„l,l,uUllv^aytl,.ull,.,vl^.;.-n !■„,. ,;„. iJ.. .I„v ■r,„n-.v,.n..lislnl.urn,^M,,V|.hn.l-."-l"'l-« ,„... 1 n,.i„.„s. •,:,.. i-,m, r-t.M i.v ,i,., ■...„„,. sitft'inii II'-. rv t(i I'.irts 1. and 1 1.) 1. . IM.l.Vl'i: r\l..l-. i.Su|)i)lr l.__H,\NrNti,lan'^. -Inly. Cliimiirv < ovc, 1.. ol I., l'^- * • ''• ' ^ .„;,;■ li.,tnuunlh, I'oir. X-ar M.a.low. K oi I luH.lant .a. na 1 U. M.counii l. 1 ). T.vh-a.-). jui.l w.'l placrs. .Inly. _ , i , A r^ 2(17. y/. .lA.vmu;;, Brit. Cl.inuH.y Cov., i\. ol I. (A. L. W—Tivlcasc). Fii'Ms. .inly. ' .,,i;s ;,•. ,.,.;,■-./..--. M.ii.i. iii,vi..yC"v,r.."n./A;i'«'- ,,.,.^1;.. FU.Ms. .1.,,,,.. (l„..K,.l.ins„„,ays,l„.,>l..n,p.M.s, '■',:, n.r. .,■„/.«. IV.i.-. U„n,l.,.,-lUv,.,-(A.(:.\V.-F"wl..O. llivcr side. .IniM'. IV.— MENISI'KKMACE.K. 1. • „w, r,nu«leyh^<' P(nnte Lat'ontane, West Coast (Bnllnuin). Low n-M.und. .luni'. I 1 M ANi> NT. I'iKiuti; KT Mi',>ri i.o\~\vA<.miu.\i;. ;17 \II. < Itl (III;!!,!.. 270, h'r>i-" iiiiiiii iiyjii I'll III . I ), ( ", ( 'liiiiiiity ('inf. 11. uj' |. (A.('. \V. — I'ow l.'i'). S('»i clillk .'uiM'. 271 A niliis III I iii'ilii, I'ctir. SMduin K'nrK ('i:i,.s^, CdW ll'ii.l ( r>iilliimn I. I >i\ , iMcU\- .rruiiii.) HH not Im-I'mi'i- rccoi'iji 'I I'loin tln' liiltni- ijor, w as twice (•(illift- y tin- fuiii|iilt'r in I Ml 1 in I In- .St I'.iits nl' Vh'IU' Mc. .SVv I'n.l II , [.. -JO. I'i.'S. Siisl II 1 1 i II ,11 jiiil,>shi' I ). ( '. I'll tlir h ilirinjur ntVii'iKM' in I'.ut I., |). 2**, ni;iy now In- inlilrii its .New Inn nil l;i nil iKM'nricni't" at hiM'f L;ikc (.\. I'. \\' - l"'i»\\lfr). Ilivri' sill... Ani,'nst. 'I'rl. ( 'ii i-ilii III / III' I'm ii'^j/l I'll II ir,i^ .Millil. \\ hit I inni'nt', aii|)t'ai'in;i4' int I'lMlncfij ( K. iV S.;. _7'> 111 sjii, IS iinil I mull IS, ],. Street nl" St. .InhnV ; ililVi!- i|nenl ( li. \' .S.) '2V l. Slihil Irriil iKjiiill iiUl , L. TeilTsl |'i;i| I'limi. Iv\|i|ilits lliver anS: .Sj. Ane'iist. \'lll. \'|i)i,.\ri':.i:. (II'. Viilii jiiihisl r'i'<. L. TIioultIi iM'corilei! in Part I., |». !>, iVniii the Lalirailur (nanieij hy jiinisi'lj'), this is nieiil ioiu'il m I'ri.f. .Maconn's ( '. 1 1. < leo. S. dl' ('. ( \'. 2), as n<»t lietoru (|.si»l-) recurileil iVom L.-ihrador. ().'). V. run I ml, L M ii/il'' i-ilxi'ijl !. In IJay ot" Isjaiiils at rni'chv- ( "i»\ (M K"'\vler), Coal Kivei' ami Lark llarhonr ( Uolanson), ami Hope t'uve ( Treleasi'). Kieldsaml wet places. .Iinit;. \ I \'.--(\\itV(ii'nvi,i.Aci:.K. 27'). Sih'Uf A rmrrld, L. Dt.'cr Lakt; (A. C. W. — I'owlor) N(>ar ('•ar-, near 15 of T. (A. C W. — ilobinsuiO. Sandy places. Jnly. Liib: Ca[)e Cliid- ley (C. H. (ieu. S. of C, V. 5). HH Tin: riniiA or MwiorMH.xNn. i,aiuiaim»h iW). A. rrrno, \>. \'>. >>\' I (A. r. W.-KuNvl.T). .luif. nn:lnrh,,\\\i:r\. Tnal KIn -r f A. C W K..nv1.t). nliu'KM. •hiiK'. •J77. A. i>,>hii>i. M\ ( iiii..ii.-y <'<.v.-, ;;, ..r I. Ilill> .Imi-. ( |)r UuliirixMii siiys, .1. I trim, L.j. 27M. A. rin>thi. \.,\ii\- A. Imnnl'i'^" II'TP'M. Iliv.T (A, ( '. \V. - l{'>l'ins(iii). ^•atl^. -''ily, H!). Ktrlhiv'ui honuitls^ IJi^rl. Vac. »(//»'W(';«. <}my. Shoal I'uint, n. of I. (A. ('. W. 'I'lclruscj ; Dr. says " this is very .'lill'rivnt IVum I >r. ( Imy's (•Miici>|.ti..t. aii.l is ii.uch hftliT ciiiisiilrrcd only as S. Iinnuilis, h. \\l IIVI'KUH A< I ,K, 104. II ;i„rir,nr (''unnlrnsr. L. Var. im .>frW.7iMM)i. Chois KorUs/saiply I'Hii.l. I'.ay St. droi-." (A. C. W. Fowl-i) \\ rt, I lact'S. Au^^ust. X\ II. (JKllANIACi:.!.. •J7!>. nn'(niiin,i lloixidn im u> , I.. ChiiiiMcy Cove, im-ui- r.ay of I. (.\. (". \V.--Ko\vh'r). Havincs. .Inly. 110. amlis n,u'f„s,'ll„, I. To the .l.iuhtl'ul oecum'ncc ,vf.'.n'.l to in my Part I. i:'., nn.y n..w h.. a.l.K'.l I'ortlaii.l h' i, ir„l. Shnl'u's. I in 11. IX., l>. •>•'). 117. A. alpn.vs. L. f/hinmoy Covo, I'., of T. (A. (\ W'.— TreUnise). Hi^'h scaclirtls. .Inly. Profcss.M- SlirldnuSt Louis) refers this to Spirsln himhrti (Pursh), v. splraUi. Hook. 124. (h'i/ti<>i>i>* caniprsfris, I). C. Chimney Cove (A.C W. Fowler and Hohiiison). Hills. July an.l Au^Mist. An kt I'iKitiiK v:y mu/i:I';l«»n w mjiiounk. ao \X\II. Kosxri. 1, t 2HI, (illh'itHI Iritn/iilfil, Mui'lH'll l'"lltU UivtT. Wl'^t CoUxt. ( r'lllllllllll;. WiMuU. .hill"'. 2h2. A;/rlinintiii -/»■»»»/«/, M \. ( liilntii'V (,'<»vt', H, nf I. I A. (' \V, -Sh.'ltlcn). Ilillx. .hily. Vi.t'\>t>iivi\ i\h A. h'ni»ilorin \>y I'rul'. Kuwii'i'. 2s:;. A. hli'iiiif, I, W'WiU. ('Iiiiiiui-y i'..v.' (A. C. \V, Unl.iii- Kiin). Ilij^'h hills. Au"jfiist. 2.').'{. Frm/'iiiit nf>Ht*ii. \,., Viir. A nn vlrntiti , I'tti't*'!', ('Ililll- iM-y ('mvc (A. (!. W, 'rn-ji'iisi'}. H.'irik^. .Inly. 'ls\. (I'riiui iilhimi, (iiiii'l. ('(.\v llf;iil, I'mmimc ll.iy ( I'.iilliiwm). W'oimIs. ,Iuim'. •2.S.*>. I'iil< iil'ilhi llliniilln, Itytllicr;;, ('JiuiiiM'y {'n\>\ 15. 'if I. (A. ( ;. W, — KoMiisdiii. JiilU. An;,'iist, llrpni'trd l»y Mr l''o\v- |il' Ms /'. I'l iniKi/l I'l' mill , \,. 17!'. I\i>-'i ('iitoliiHi, L Till' ri'rcri'iici' tm, 1>. ('. (Miiiiiiicy (Utvo fKohiii- soii , mikI (ioosc Aim, I), of 1. /TowItT). A. ('. W. Kills n\u\ wet hunks. Anj;nst. XXX\ .--IMjoskuai i;.i; 220. proscrc i oh'i'nirilni , I )i'('V. ami liiiyiif \'ar. Amrri- cnixi, 1). ('. Liih : Upper Wc^st P»r)ini:h. Iluinilton River (A. P. Low, J.SU4, C. 11. (ifo. 8. of C, V. U.) ■y* TIU: ll.imV '•! NKWKor.MU, \N'I> I.NMUAIU'U l^Mik llrul-niir, W of I , 1 A. ('. W )s W..O.U. July. XXWI. IIamaMIIMK.V. \\'>iln'hhi>Ht, \.. C'.W ll.'ii.l, I'.uhlH- Miiy (hullinaH), WiHMk .Inly. \| LVTlin.Vt'K.K. •JIM>. X-'"* rrrtlrlK.ih,, \\ W. K, ' St. .IoIii.h ImIhii.I. St .lolm's 15uv. \V<'.''t (HuIIuimm). .Inly. XLV, I'm 111:1,1.1 1'KU.K. 250. (h,tnuvh'r.,i hrrtuMhillM, I ). ( '. KiviH'lnmm's CmM', I'-. t»l' I. (A. (!. \V.— Fuwl1. S,l,ni,-,>hi('>nnttl>',iMis. \.. Wil.l Cos •• ('rivl.-MN.-l. Mli.l Point, R ■.!■ I. (KuNvl.T) A ('. W. IJ.iikH. .luly. Mr. VVnmn.l say.s ol' the Wil.l (^)vc .s|KHMmt'ri that i* is h.-ttrr n.n- Ki«l«'i'e'rl,h S. John's. I'uiMinun fi^.l.i.l.s.,ll an.) Schri'iik ). I5ri;;us ( H.'H.. < 'at. 111.. .'40) : XiplxT's (Notiv Dame Hay) aii.j 11. •.ir P.a.i- p.r's l!n.nk,l':s|.l<.it>lliv.T(l'<)thuV ,h.-." c.ll.rt.Ml l.y l!''V.I. .1. IF. Hull. nam. "I l>y Messrs. Macoini aii.l i-'owlrr) Toi-suil (A. (.•. W. — MacMMuO. Kof'ky liills. Jnly an-i Au^Mist, Fl'>"i Mi'i-, .m littlt' hillocks near thu Ih-ook Sylvain •27(1. Lnnnr,i hurniH... I.. Tn'n,-tfom->' ((JlKU'N'D-lVY AND TuUMPKT-Fi.oNVKlt) ai)i).'Mr to 1k" i.n-tty. ocann.on thronyhont Nowtoun.llan.l and th.> Kahrn!...-, in nM.«ssy woods. K.'p.a-t.'.l tVo.n Trinity Hay. S.JoIh.'h. Fortune Hay White Hay. Hay St. Geonro, an.l 15ay of Islands. hih . Hopodalo (\Vci/-l':u-kanh : -•1 i .\sh Mr Hiitl.r, oji InlUiilf. .Inly un-l Aui:ii>i»ohnii U,,,h '-^t'rl,!,' ii'ikl. \\.. |f>H); UiM.k- . W.'st of |{lll'|..lll. In lull I'ttlit S-|.t.-||,I..T 10., S .luliu"^ Mi^.S.Miihc.rt); N. w llatl".n»' m.,.H^ MaiLoiii, /Tiiiiify Hay >. n\\<\ ll.ulM.iir \WvU>u t l''..fhiiM« I5a\ ) r.ilj.rtr.l l,y my-.M' nii'l tiini.."l \M), I' I'V »i>y-..||' u\ I,„ii„,, II, III iMti.-ar llittl.- Hni'l.oiii'*, iii.-i liatttf llMrtuiii , mi.l L'auM- an Lmui., n. I'arilM.ii J^laiMl Hntl-rPaflvai-.l!, .Inly. \'.tr. rillnsn, T. vSr <}.. (I'ar II. 1!H, " N..\vronn.llan.l (|»vlaif), i'nns\ of //>'/(•/<»/<»(' (M<-i„ihiirnM nf>',ni>M,i, ].. li- i/-ln'irl> l iiaiMiMl l.y Mt'Hsr.n M-u'omi, KowKt an>. L Siri,l \'il>nnnfu>. S/n rf, Ih'rr;/. Flat jlav !Jc...,|v, I'.ay St. (l.-ory;.'. an.l llnniln'r Kivor 11. uf I. (I'..lh. .Inn.' and .Inly. •iSl. r rns.ntnnlr.. T.\- i>. WiUn'liu.l. ^ throiii^hont fin- coniiti'V. ! ha\.' ir ivport.-.j fr.aii Trinity Day. S. .lolm s. I'.ay, 11. t- niitaLTc l)a\', ami s.-vcral plai'cs ahont l.ay of Ulaii.U. .Inly ami Anj^nst. Ffnrii M'"[. •2s2. r. iKiiifiilnrii hi, l'\'lai.'. l-\ ir.fJuir, ml Vihii rn ii ,,i i>r Ai'roir.irnnil (SiiVASW HkkuV). St'S .Ta I placfs in Fortnni' au.l 42 iiii: fi.<»i:a of nkwfouM'I.anh, i .mu{ai)'>|{ Trinity l?Myw, I5,iy -.f \>huu\>, S, .l..lm'. Oli^s,). I'.'tty llMi-lM."nr(Kr..kv). t'i.cHt C.hI liny Kivr. I'-.-iy S ( ;.-»r;r,. ( l'..ll). Man. id's KivccC'iK-.-i.tlnn !!ay ( llnl.ins..n aii.l Sclirciik). Hcfkv l)Mnl : lavin.-s (UiiHrf, Cat II . 1^5.) 2S:j. r O/wJnn, I,. irnih^llnsh ('xnilrri'H (cn]\vA*Tn.\sH HFltltV, I ! .-Iirvr i,v N.'wI'.ani.llanrliTs mostly). N'>t sc (•..mninn Mstlirlas.. 'I'Mi-sai! (I'M'tl, Cat, 1 1 1., T).'^!* I. Swan.j.s nrar cnntlu- tMKM- of Kxploit. an^l r.a.lovr's Kiwr (IJcKins..:! an.l Scliivnk ). Givat (',,,1 Hoy !liv..i' (I'.ay S. ( l.-.Tir";, lluiiil'ci' K'ivrr and i-lani;nui. ].. Mniih-'niml Arnnr-nu,,,,!. Xcar Flat I'.ay lin-.k, Wax St. / '■""•• Wliitlunirne ,|^)]m^'.n .an-l Scliivnk): Hay Hnll's Ann (Trinity Hay) and Sh(.;.l I'cint, r.. of I. (A. C. \V.— and Fowl.-r) : (Hct'ks). Woods anil moist i^ronnd. Auyiist. 2M. ^'. Iri/nl'Dii, Mx- ^'""// li'': Hope- dale (Weiz-Packar.i): (A. ('. W.- Iviton). Auonst. Var. jHisilhnn, Cray. Sunny l)aid ST. I'IKUUK KT MH,»nKl.()N — WACIK •liNK. 43 2Sr<. (i. A 11(11 I III', li. ( I oi h'^ci in I ^s. Middlr Aiiii, l'«. . a. Mnllinio, ]j. X(irn)>r-lrii''i''l lli'ilsf id ii\ S. .lolui's (Rohinson an.l Schivuk ). IMoi'.uIi.mI ui'muikI. Anunst. 2^1. (r. piihisfir, \j. vai-. mnins. Llj.'. f.'ih : L.nii;' r.iint, Ilau.iiton Island (A. ('. W. — Macoun), (C. H. (!.•.>. S. ..f (', IV. 202), 2!)2. MUrhclhi. r(']niVH,h. Pn iti'iuiji' hmii (Hcelss) : Flat Bay Hrn.)k {15"II). Floni. Mnj . I'onu.l .aic' near stream Hiliite, in dani]) fcronn.l, in An^nist. S-ai^lit ;.l't<'r l.y the parti-il : HI-: y-\r^. 2!)7. Aiitiniviiriii t;Mti,,\\ii, L.via!.\i">u 2!»!>, A. iliolrii. {\:\i'ytu. Moiiiifiini ('inln'^-nl or /''n'rlu.-t- Imi. [''roiii Ni'w roiiii.H.-iii'l tn L'll, , ui'lor. i\\\i\ tin- (■xir''ni(' Arctic rcj^noiis ;iiiuiil;iiii |i,istui'f.s df tin- ll'icky MniiiitMius f(';n., Il.,2:; (Miss SolltliCDtt; : l'A|.lnits (A. C W. — l''o\\|iT). Ildcky liiwilo. July. ;{'i(l. .1. jtli iil'Kii nif'if'hi, IImmIs. (K('('ks\ hiido'cr's liionk (l{.-v.k I. II Hull -Kuwlri-) ; Mi. Ml." Arm, 1'.. ol' I. llocky I.mI of S. \V. Anil |{i\-.T. ll)lyr(»M(| ( l|(>l.iiis,.n aii'l Sclnvuk ). >^v:\. cliir. (>jH'ii W'on.U. .Iinir to S('jit"iii!i('r. .'lOl. A n(ii>liiiJ ts iii'iii/'irildci-ii, r. ■nth aiwl Hook. J'cKfl;/ h'rrrhisli in/. (\li'i-\<^). ('oiiimoiion dry soil ji'iou;^' t In- iiiar^iiis of (irids ami WMrdci's of wood'-, iVi-iii Xcwroiiiiillalid to the j'acilic (Cat. II., 2'.\7 . Ilorky hilU, S. Jolin'.-. and llMlyrood (l?ol.ins(ui and Sclncnk : P.iy S. C.'or^r (ilowjry and \uA\). Coiiiniou aliout 15. of 1. and Tiinity I'.ay (A. (' W.) July. :V)'2. A rf/'niis'nt l),,rr(i!i!<, j'all. vai'. siiillniina'f, T. .!. I',nr('l'-iiyiy. Mv. X-'ar IViduvr's I'.rook ( lu'vd. I. II. Hull -!''o\\ ItTi ; in tlic Hay of Isl.ands, Middlo A rni, near lJo|ii' I'ovc, ChiuMicy Com- and (loo-^c. Ann f \. C. W — Fowler and Holiinsou;. Woods, .•^(■a clitl's, and sandy [)lains ; di'\- livci- \nA. July and August. :V)4. A. Alf^i itfhni III, L. Wonnvuiml. Naturali./i'd iu uuincr./us ])lact's liy roadsides, in lanes, at id aliout dwel lines, h'( mi Ni'wf' linson and Sclireid<), :V'(). .1 hcmis iirrctixis, L. W'ihl ll>. Handoni, Trinity Bay (A. C. W. — Macouu)- mi. A. CoUihi, 1). (J. Clode's Sound, Bonavista Bay (Rohiusou and Selirenk) Freuchniau's Cove. I), of I. Carden \ve«d and aliout huildiue's. Aue-ust and Septeuiher. I A.NIr ST. I'llllKK KT .MI«^IKI,')N \VA(ill(tl!NK. 45 •MOS. .{nft'}' MnU'i'itjifi ijl' IIS, L, /ji ri/i'-lrti rill Ashr, I <';illtii>t fiiul my ;mtli(irity I'"!' tlil^ itluiit. :{()!). A. h'oJnhi, A\{. Iln^ii^h'.ir,,/ A../n'. ( Cat I I,, '2 ! !) I. W'l >l <4' l.'juiiliiin (< '.iriii;ick ) : S. .Idlm's ( M i«is Soutlicntt ) ; X<'\v IImiIiiihi' ami S. Aiitlioiiy. X. I'!, cnast, 'c<.ll<'ctc(| liy inysfH' atnl iiaiiH'd \>y I'r(.r. Miicmin): Pi'iitcii, ruiiuixista Day (A. ( '. W .- I''c all I.mip ( .MacdunJ. Annn^t and Sc|.trndift. W'l't places, hliiro Mhj., dunip niai'l, rarely {\vy place-;; \-ei'y cnn.inii'U. Viir. strirhis^ (Iray. Koeky liills, S. .Ii'lin''^: ninist. Mp.'U i;r()ii:td at continence (d" l'i\pli»it and Uadeer's lJi\ci'. (Ii'anii Lake. 15. of I. (Kokinsen). /.iil> : (I'nrsli, Cat. If., 1^ 1 H ) : !l(.|)e- daje ("Wei/d'ackal'il) : Sipiafe I daiid-. .and Capstan Island (A.('. W.-Macotni and l\itiiii). i Sou's and wet pia^'es. Au^'U^t. :nn. A.h'ris,],. Little HarlMiui', near II of I. (.\. C. \V.-^ 'IVeh asi',- ■• inllorescence UMU'e cdfyndmse and lirat't^ more j'oli- aceous, ani 1>\' Prof, h'owiei-. W'or, places. Sejitemlier. N'ide A. hnif/i fi/l ins l)elo\V, Xo. :)]."). .S14. A. id rdi tl'tiiis, L. Lnnfi-h'drril Asfrr. S. Jolui's Boficli and Lark Ilarl.onr, B. of 1. (A. C. W — Fowleri: Xew Harlionr. Trinity liay. and Ilarlionr Hi-eton, l'^)rtune I'ay (A. C \V.~Mac()iiu). /.fih: (Cray, Cat. ill., r)4.')): Battle Harlionr (Bull) ; Pox HarLour, Hawk's Bay an.l Cartwriolit (A. C. W.— Macoun) : L'ansi- a,u .Moi't. (A. C. \V. — Fowlei-). Aui^-ust and September. 4(i :;ir) .1 i» ■llli: |-|.<>1!A or NKWl'Ol'NDr.AN'I* I.MIUADOU li)l)llll''>'lll^. LlW. N.'MV llirM.lnWv ]\ i.r I. (A. <' W. i;,,i„„.on). l{r|H,rt...l l.y Mr. Covll., as A . Xnn, ■ A nijl i,i:. ' i'(ir. Iijuiks. Sr]it<'nili'-r. :U(I. .1. inn,ir-n,s. L Unl-slalknl Ash',' „r SUvivovf (Uccks). N.'w ll,irl".ur miiiI lIurluMir I'.ivtnii (A. (' W.— ^I,•u•..^l^):l■iv.•l•l.Hlll^s,S!lll^(.^i(■l•,('olMln^llrH.)l.illM.luul(lSc•l^vllk): Ik-ntou, li.mavista Hay < A. C^. W.-- KowI.t*. WrMMls. Au^nist and S.-ptciiilicr. A"'>; Lake Michikainov (A I.. Low— C H. (;<■(.. S. u\ ('., VI., (1): L'aiise au l.nup (A. C. W.-FowI.t). S('|tti'iiil»('r. r,o- /nr.i.lnhis, (Jray. Was iiain.'.l l.y Dr. Tndease aiul loiuid in t>i(' r.ay of Islands. rrr/'. //,w(M/.s'. T. .hin)>lrnnh's, 'l\ \: ( J. S. .lohn's Island, S. John's r.ay, West Coast (Bulhnan). Stony hilU, July. :VIO. .1. voanr^ir,.^. Ait. H'.."'/ ^l^'''' Harlionr (iraee Cat. 111.. 227): West of Random fCorniaek^ : S. John's (Prof.) H„]l,)vva.y — Fo\v1(MM; Harl)onr Breton ( Macoun), and S.'al Hoeks, Sandy Point, Bay 8. r}eorge(A. C W.— Fowler); Halley llaily bo^^ S. John's (Rohinson and Sehi-enk). Bo^^s. Au^nist. Flora Mnj., ver\' common. :}2(). A liHarllfoliii>i,L. Douhle-hristled AMer. (Cormack, Cat. 11., 229^.. :}21. A. vmhrlhihis, Mill fCat. 11., 220) S. John's (Mi'^s Sonthcott— Fletcher) : S. Ceor^re's Bay (Houdey-Maconn) ; c()]h^cred In- the compiler at Sontli Side, PTarbonr Grace, Harbour Breton and Bay Bull's Arm : named by Prof. Macoun, and at Clode Sound (Trelease). Common, e.specially alon^ streams. i / AM) ST. I'lKltlU'. KT MK^ri'.LoN -\V.\(ill()l!Ni;. t MjuhhTs, ( 'i)iict'|(ti(Hi liay (Holiiiisori iiiitl Sclii-cnk). Wet pluct's. Au^^nist aii'l Sci)trinl>i'r. 'V'2'1. liiili'iis fi'oiulnsil, li. CoiiiiiKiii lliijifi'i'-tlcl,', Slick Tiiilit. Ncur mm'.i'Ikus. '.Vr.\. Ciiihtni'ea ('i/nviis, L. Ill m llolth'. IntKidiiciil, (Rook). .'{24. (\ tlit/I'd, L. Ilhhl: K ini fn'Ci il (lirninl W i i < I mid Fi'eyich (Jlovcr) (Kecks). S. .lolin's ( M iss Soiitlii-ntt uinl K. \'.S.). Apsoy Boaeli (l>. of I.). Fields. July anil August. Ji25. IJir/ioritLiit, Infi/lnis, I.. Chicor;/. S. .Idlm''^. liiiVe- queut (R. & S.j. IV2V). ('iiiciix Itinci'olaiun, Hofl'iii. Cotnmon Ivnithide Thixth'. Miinnel's (R. & S.) : Nnniian's ('ove, Trinity liny, Birchy Cove;, 11 oF I. Cleared <;r()iin(l, ruad.'^ides. Au<^iist. ".Vll . C. viafifii.s, I'ni'sli. (,'/ II fi lions III' Sii'iiiiij) Tliisflc. Jlorsr, Tops, ill White l>ay (lle(day: S. I'aid s !!ay (Rulhnan); Exploit's River (R. t.^ S.). >Jnly — Septendier. 32.S. a. i>ii/tnilas/\\yvv. Pasture T/,i,stlr. Flat Hay ( IJell), 329. G. (irveiisls, l\\vs\]. i'niuuld or Fifld Thistle. Ilupe- dale, Trinity Bay (Maeomi), ami Hirohy Covo, B. of I. (A. ( '. W. — Fowler): Bonne Bay (Bullnian) : Gri-at C'od Roy Kivei" (Bell) : S. John's (R. & S.). Wayside. Jnly— 380. Chrysiiiithcrinun LeiuuiiitlK'niiiin,, L. (rreat White Lfirge Daisy, (Bachelou's Buttons), (Keeksy: S. -John's, com- mon (R. & S.) : Birchy Cove, and a few other places al)out Bay of Islands. Pastures. July and Aui^iist. Jjih: Battle Harboui', and by paths over hill near Forteau Lighthouse (A. C. W. — Fowler). Au<;ust and Septeml)er. 331. Evigerun acris, L. Fleahuiie. Lid) : (Ton- and Gi'ay, Cat. II., 234). Var. Dnehachianus, Blytt. Lab: (Gra^', Cat. II., 23o) ; Hopedale (Weiz-Packard). Var. dehilis, Gray. Lah : Lab. North, and Hudson Bay (Gray, Cat. III., -HS). ►> I 4S rii ,.; H,,i!A nr NKWrorM.I.ANK, I.AHUADOll HH.lnvr I'.iMok ll.v,l. I, II. Hull Kuul.T). .luly. Ju. /v. rr.,r./'/../'.s, I. Vahl. /-'^'' : <'=M'" ^'''i''>"y ^''""' Cat. III., :iH). (lv.i, rat. 11., :ii). N.u-l.vak ana (':M- ^ l"-!!.'}' i> -'L Cat. 111., ")1-!:): liopr-lalr (\Vci/-l'a<-kar.l . i. , p.,. ( )ni' solitarv siii'ciinon in «>ats in iTcciitiv clrar.'l laii-l at 1 ><•(•. l.iK< .v. ' . *>• , , I , I'.if F'l I'l'ii'ii'il . Moist X„„.f,., .n.l „n.l ( 'MUa.U, n,„l ,.st.-M.l,M,; west to M.. .Sask^tt.-l,.- wai, (I 'at. \\..if>il . _M..,...,„n,: T.,,-! ,IV11. r:,t. IIL, .-.M;. '" >".V " '-" | <.,.1I,.,-U.,|,ys,.l|-: A,.-v l'....-lu ^^.« .-O . ^ ;"l -'t , ,, ,-,„dl!iv,.,-rlV,.l,..s,.,: N,.v llu.l..,,,., rnn.y [..v A ' W) „„|,.„n,„u.k,iM tl„..,n,.. I!a, :S:,l,n,mu.,-l„v.T,.-m,l alnm ' ,si„,^ to v:u-. ":... .t ,,la-,.s an,l soa .litis. August aM.l S.p- ..,„1...,-. |.,„rMa,..,unsays,ratlll.,-4n:-"<'u.-s,„.o,„„.„s,t this s|,,.s n..arh' all i«-l,.M;; U. tla^ v.-n-ivty <"'«"' : an.l U, ,3vi,l..Ml,lv nK.|ua..s Dr. IVlls 'r„|.sail |.bu„, : l.utall ,ny s|«,m„.„s l,„,v,. l»sai ivr.-nv.l to the s|R'(;i.-s its.'li:'. ,„«,/. /..(..• Cl'-n- -■> "-.V. '-''t- II. ^^'^'^ ""I"-"''''" ^^"'" ''iri".'\;. .«/»"-". viii. ^i/".'"""« -■ '' •'■ ''»''";'"' ,"'■ A-„,.«,-,sti,,,, K„.l,.,., Wlute Bay (A. 0. W.-l-owler). Wn s. Sq>t.Mnl.,=r. ;,..'< .• (Mot-nsu... Cat. 11., m : H^pedal,,. (U c,/,- Packiinl). ANI> ST. I'll l;l(K l.r M|(,»l M.ON— \VA(i||<>ll., K. 49 'M'2. (>'. ii/n/iiiii!^inu, L. .1//"/ "/• /,(./'• I'lnlirnil. y^-w llarl (.iir ( A. ('. \V,); Siimiiit' li. n|' I., ami I'niiit, I'.ay S (Icor^rr (A (.', W. --!"'( •wlfi'j. Miirsliy MH'atl«Av.s. (,)iii.Mi N'i'li Lakf, slciitlcr uli;.;iiiitus tonii, ami in tln' liiisliy Kniiu-liiil t'l.riii : •.fry ai. umlaut ill Imnitil rr;;iniis. Hi)lyi'iii-iiir ll'iii I. nil il. S. .Joliir.s ( I'liif. Ih.llnvvjiy- Ft-wlfl), .•{4-I- II. Ciiniiilriisc Mx. i'li'iiiuiiini Uoi-lirviil. iJurlMur Dc.-p, Wliitr l!ay. In Trinity iisiy. Ni'W Hailxair ami Day IUjU's Ann (Macuiin) In ami Mar tlic liny nf iiimI l.ittlo llarlonr ati.l ;;raml Lukr (A. < '. W Kowj, r : Munut-rs |{iv('r fli. iV S.}. Lal<(-i.l.'. roaiUidr, Mii'l rofky i'i\ "T l»nnUs. An^nist- OctolHT. Liili: l/ansr ail » lair (A t '. W.— l'\.\vlcn. August,. /7(>/ ".]//■rrcc(|- iii<4'. and (tccinTini;' in crevices oT rucks I'V swii't streams aniU,Vo\\\\. Fid'l K ikihI'ki or Si'dhlims S. John's (Miss Southcott). 'US. Liirhira ('u innlevi^ls, L. Firhi Lrffncf. Trinity liay (Connack) : llarhonr Hreton, Fortune IJay (A. ('. W ) Douhtlul. :U9. L leucophu'd. dray. (Cat. II.. -iSl). l!ay de reaii, Fortune Bay (Macoun), any bccoininf; abundant in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec" (Cat. II., 277). Common, at any rate ahout Fortune 50 TIIK I I.HltA (»!• nkwhh;m»lanI), i,ahuaik>u mill Trinity Hay. S. .IoIimn, aiitl lli'' Hay «>t* Isliuuls (A. C. VV.) ii!il. iMiilfii'iirlii niinhno, L, \\'>ln. It. '''niiiinni h'liiuint/nuir. .lackson's Ann. White Hay (I'Ullinaii). Ilu.-Uy j^n'oiui.l. Ati^ust. '.iii'l I't'fusltrs i„ilnnihi, (il'uy, Itiltfi'llmil, Sll')''M nihil, L, WhilH Lf'lhirt'. ♦(I'KillMOT). (('(.rniacU. Cat. II., 2^2). (U.'c.ks). Flora iV/r/., very foininon in hiisJH's. •Vu'^Mist. •;.").'). /'. si'riwntari'i, I'nr^h Ixntlh'^nnb' Jiont. Trinity Bay fC.rniacIO, and X-'W Hicx.k (0 (A. < '. W.): S. John's (Miss Southcott an-l Lai)()i'floi) Aeaiifluuui, L (Jottoii. or Scutch ThiHtle. Harbour Grace ((Jlift). :iij>S. Hiulheckiit hirtd, L. Covejlower. S. John's and Holyrood, not yet ahundant, (R. & S.). Noar meadows, Bay of Islands (A. ('. W.— Fowler) : Tirldleton, near Conceptiijn H)ay (Olii^^t— Maconn). Fields. Au<;'ust. 3.')(). Sevceioinvreusjj. Golden Grouvdsel, Common Rag- 'Wort. " From Newfoutidland and I^ahrador to tlio Rocky ' The Flora Mli/iicloiintHis romarks on this pliiiit.— " I'l^^ arc vory fond of tlio root known us tin- plant nndiT tlie name of ' Mountain Tiirnii).' it fives to tlie flosh an oxocUont Havour." I AND ST. I'lKnUK KT MfQrp.T.OX — WAnHf»RNE. 51 Momitiiitismul tlio P/u-ilic." (Cat. II. 2(U) : (K"t'lvs); S. J.,lm's (I'roJ'cMsor llolIuwHy— Kl.'tchcr) : SalinonitT lui.l iicur IMm'cntia Junction (K. it S.) : iu'hi Hii.l;,'(«r Urook ( Mull -KowIit) : l»y inyst'lf ill tliic ( 'ovillf) ; Wlilt.' Hay (Mm-oiiii). Bo^'M. .Imi*> ami .Inly, f.uh : t'onn«l \>y Miys<'ll' at ( 'a,[»stan iMlaiKJ, I/ans.' an Clair, an.' Kortrau, in tliu Straits (.1" Mcllr Isl.; (Kowlcr aiifj Katoii). .Inly -Any^nst. \'ar. ohnrafiiH, '\\ is:, (1. iJay Kast Kivcr, Ili-rmitaw |l,iy (lIoNvlcy Maconn). Var. homiJis, T. & (i. Lih : ((;ray, ('jit. 11.. 2«;.') : Naclivak (|{«'li. Cat, Ill.,:{:.4): llo|)..iY. IhilHumifd', 'V. k(\. Holyrood an(). »S'. fricjtdii^, Ia'hs, " Newt'onndland (:*) iuhI Labrador" (Cray, Cat. II.. 2({7). 'M)\. S. pdlii.sfrls, Hook. M(trsh Gruund»el or FIcawort, Liib : Indian Hiiil)our, North (Revd. \V. How — Maconn). Var. cotif/csfits, Ihuik, Battle Harhonr (Bnll); a northern form at Seal Jslands (A. C. W.) ; both determined by I'rof. Ma(;onn. Marshes. Au()iniiir)ii <»v«ny\vli«'rt' in iiitil nJH>ut pinltiiiH ;" Miunly hIioii', Mtriinj;»' tn say, V\ni May (IJ»'II). .*{(I4. S. HiflratiauM, li, lliiilw/iy Imlliirt, WliitlMHinio ; nl)iiiiiliirit ( U. liy; S.}, Au.vMiMt. ;i(l.'». S. >hirnliott, I,. Common /{'i|) Miu'umi). Aiij^ust. 807. 8. nrvenHiH, L. Coni or F'u'hl Sotti Thlf^th; ' Al.mi- (liitit iiloM^ roiiilNJiJcH iudI in ticItU h'oni Nrwi'oiitnllutiil tliroiij^li- out tlir Atliihtic ProviiKM'M jiud t^udu'c " (Cat. II.,2«Mj; N«'\v Hiii-Jiotu* (A. ('. VV,). (Jnivt'I Itiinks in Salnioiiicr llivrr, rxclu- nivt'ly witli iiuiiNc jilmits, us il' indij^i'iiuus (H. A: S j Auj^ust. .'i()H. »S'. oh'ruceus, L. ('ooiiiuni Sotn Tlntflf. J''it'i(lH. riucciitiu (II. A; S.). Ill Trinity Huy, ut IIi'urt'M Conti'iit (MisH ►Soiitlicott) ; uikI ut Kuwiloij anil Xfvv llurliour (A. ('. W). •' Nuturuli/('<1 t'naii Ncwt'onnilluinl to Manitoliii anil \\. ( " rn:i,oN - wa.jmohnk. :)a ay S (Joorp' (Mr. IIovvl..y.Mmu,nn. llarlHu- IWvton. Fort,,,,,. liny (A. U W.), iiUo l,y inyH..|f ut (Jo.,... Ann : Muy of Man.h (Hm-l.T), A'/V L.u.M.. Hu Clair (A C. W. r.wK.,,. w..,„). Aii;jHNt. S<'|(t.'iiili.r. H7M. iS', cunin, U, ( I Var. rlt'.ilcuu/lH. Ifook. ( ' ''""'^ ***'" ^'"' '""tliority For tlu'Nt. W. .V. //h»h;/m. hirsh. (Il.'il. IU„k-.s, Cat. II.. 2I«) ol. ^•.•t.-.l l.y .nyH,.|f Ht Lony C.»vo. Trinity hay. ,u..l ut HurlKM.r Mn-ton; ,n F-urtun.. May ( ManM.n) ; at « lau-l.-r .in.I Ksploifs KivPrs. Notr.. Dun,.. May (|)run.inu,„I, K. K. -Mm..„ni). /.oh ■ CNlHiill (•oil. H.ri... Cat. II.. 2|.T-rn^mva. just outsM. our ASortliurn limit). «7:). S. Juncm, Ait. f S. John's (MisN Soutlicott) [?]. .yo. .S. /,./;/;>//,,, I,. Trinity Way (Curmwk), ut Lark IIurl..)nr (I''o\n l.-r). WcmmIs. S..|,t.-n>lH.r. .'{77. .S'. wn/tirn,/i„f<,, Ait. Ilnrl.onr Ilrt'ton fA. C VV) M: co||,.,.t...| l.y n.ys..|t'nt Mullins Cov, Hun.ilton Inirt, un.j lM-l..|,'irl. Iky (Mucoun), un.l I'ortnm. in tl... Stniits (Kovvh'r). .July, An;;ust. '.i7H. S. Hf'rntivo, Ait. y,iv. (J ufnntm, (irr.v. (;i,,aufia Goldni lioil. " Borders of tliicknt .uhI low j^roun-ls. Co'nnnori throughout Chuu.Ih. \.nvrou,..llHn.l. Nova Scotia, an.l wcstwar.' t<. tlu. hiciHc".(CHt. II., L>|(i); X.-w Ilarhour (A. C. VV.). a7!). 8,H*//;/'r^'/a, Xiitt. Whit,.- I'my (Hulhnan). Au;,Mist. .S.S2. ,S'. r>e>H„ra/i,^, Ait. White May (Hullman). Hank.s. Au^rust. ( Vidi' S. hicolor, var. n>ncoloi\ Xo. :{71. al.ove). :{S4. ^'. mnvrophyff,,, Pursh. S. .John's ( Miss S.aithcott and R. .<:S.^: I.y myself at Xew Harbour, Trinity Hay, Harhour H illK KI.OKA i>K NKWroCNDI.ANO, I.AMItAlloU n-i'toii ill Ktirtiiiif Miiy (Mac'uiiii) ; l,iuk Mui'Imhii* {C'ovillt»), nnd (}«M»Ni> Ann OluliiiMoii) , liny i»l' |nIiiiii|<« hihI iit Itiiiton, |{iitiii\ isrii Way (Covil'.'). hih : i NlH.'ill Cull I In I... ( 'at. II.. 212) ; Koi-Ih lliiil'our fhi'll. Cut. Ill , 'iiU) ; l»y myM-lt' ut K«>i't«'»iu atiij I/iiiihi< nil Cliiir (l*'o\vl»'i\ in tlif StiaiJH, imhI north «>t' tliin at hahl»« lliirlHMii, l)iM'|» Wattr ('icfk, ufnl Nitiismi Tickli' (Min'oiin). \Vo(mU. All^tlHt Ui'tolMi. :{M5. S. nlifflnnna,S\\it. Siiftimpdnhhv Rod, " Ninvfomi^ llar- liour ami IN-lt ('ovc. .N'otr*' Dann* May ( null--Mamini). l^nh : Foi-iIh llailKiwi' ami Niiclivak (Hull, Cat. 111., .U:);; ll<)|M>;iutr, i:t MiyirKLos w\»»iumxK. AA TIh' /Vorfi Mitiiit'tnni'UHtM iuyU'M. ' Miiumni ('uimili'imJH. L, Soli. lap* (' h, AHti'rtri|M.liuiii. L, Aiti^iniHin l.oiffiliM, h, ('iii'iIiium iiiitiiiiM, I., rimniilii niiiMt^a, ili* In I'.-l , il\ |mk'IiuHii ra.lli'iitrt, iih>iitii)iiiM| l.y (iiinlliifi', hiivi' imt Im-i-h IoiiihI" (hy iim). Mil — I/HJEMArFH. f,i>hvli,i f\nnilff. .'{!M. hih'fin l)urtmannn, \,, tt^itn A»»/W»»r Wi-ht c»f Hiin'lom, Trinity Hny (« 'orimu-k). iinj/. AuyuMt. LIV.~CamI'ANIM,A('K.K. Cinnpnnufn Fa mil n. \V.)',\. Cnii/xiiuihi iiiiiiluni. \,. L.ih : Arctic if^'iotis from Lal»ra<|.M' to Aleutian Islands i ( iray. ( 'at. 1 1., L'S?) : Narlivak unli(t)/i(i, I. ]{i)rk llllihnrr,', //,ny- hell IVtty iHell. Cat. II.. .".')!»); n-porti-d from S. .lolin's, Hay S. (leorp', I'outuI Ity niysflf in Trinity and KortMne Hayn, White May and Hay of Islands, l,,th: conniion ( Hntler and Stearns. Cut. II.. 2!SM): Hattle llarluan- and .Hoveral plaocH in the Straits (A. ('. W.). Fltn;! M'ni., al.ounds in the fields and in the damp j)ortions of the island. Clitls and rocky ami suudy places. July. Au;,fust. Var. (I Mini, Latij,'e. This is the one fe\v-tlo\vere<| forms and ration's from ('anada and Ijihradoi' to the arctic re^ionn " ((Jray, Cat, III, ."idO): Nachvak and Cape Chidley (Hell, Cat. 111., oGO) : Hopedale ( Weiz). and L'anse Amour and Caiihuu Islands (Butler and Martin — Packard). 6'. S('/ieucli:rfi, Vill. Xewfonmliand, Labrador and Alaska ((^ray, Cat. li., -is?); .Vew llarhom- (A. ('. W.). 56 Till". ri,cHlA ol' NEWFOUNDLAND, l.AI'.KADOU Viir. hfff'r<>(h>,r(t, filmy. Nour tlu.' coast on wi'st* iJi side of Nowt'ouudluiid fPylrii''. Cat. 11.. ?.SS). Tlicsc I'rot'ossor Mhco'^m (Cut. IFl., 500) rofprs to C, rofmuli- foli.ii, L. L V. — Vaccin I ACE.K. Ifucl-lcherri/ FdhiUy. nOo. ('/riof/('ii('s hisphhiht, '\\ & (}. Cirppivfj Sriowliprr}/, (Maidknuaih, (Japii-LAiRE) seems to bo coininon ami wi.k'spn^ad in most woody i)arts of the eountiy and on the l.alirador (A. C. W.), so Drummond in Cat. II., 8ol. " J)ani|» mossy woods.croep- iiiff ov(M' lo^'s." Flora Mie Bay). (RieJaird- soil) rocky or sandy soil from Newfoundland to the Pacific, and north to Fort Franklin, Lat. G4" (Kichanison, Cat. II., 20.')): Trinity Ba\- (Coi-mack and A. ('. W.) : Harbour Jjreton (Fortune Bay) and Bay de Verde, East coast, and Chinniey Cove, Bay of Islan*f^-like di.'^.^iope, Mosf^- plant. Lab.- (Morrison, Cat. II, 29()) : Xain and Cape Chidley (Bell, Cat. III., .5(52) : Hopedale (Wei/d^ackard). 415. C, tefragona., Don. A specimen in the museun; in S. John's, named Menziesia Pol i folia, Professor Macoun thinks may be this. Lab: (Koliuelstei* and DouLflas, Cat. II , 297). Abund- ant along coast at Nain (Bell, Cat. III., .5(J2) : Hopedale (VVeiz- Packard). 41(). Epiqa'a repens, L. Trc>Ji,ng Arbutus, Mny Flower. (Reeks). Near Flat Bay Brook (Bell) ; Bonne Bay, common (Bullman) : also at the Bay of Islands : Little River (Burn; ; 60 INK KI.OUA OK NKVVFOUNULANI), LAHUADOU Honiiitfifjc Bay: iiliutnlimt ut Rose Rliinclio (Rovd. (J. A. Field). Woods and thickets. A|)ril — .Jane. . 417. (undtlierin procuvihenn, L. lio.rhcrfj/, Tea-herv}/, or Pavtrihfe lierrn (Moi'NTAINKEII Tka). (('at. II., 205): near tfarbour lireton {KM. \V.) : S. hull's Bay, West coast ( Bulhnan): (Keeks). Flora Mi(/., common. Juno — Septendier. 4!8. KiUinid, (jhiucn, Ait. Pale or Siiuunp Ltiarci ((Jold or (joi'r.nwiTHV) (Reeks), ('oninion in peat liorrs tliron<,diout the comiti'V apparently (A. C^. W.). Lf Islands (A. C. \V. — Fowler) : Kxf)loits and Cander River (Druni- inoud, C. F. — Macouii) : S. John's (II & S. ). Lab: (Morrison — Packard). Jidv — Auij:nst 42s. 1\ rottLiiillfoU'i, ]j. I{')U)i(l-leer. Var. imuirnatit. Tt. C. L'lb : Hattle Harl>.air ( A. C W.). August. A undant I'll. &; S.): appears to he common and widely diffused (A. C. W.). Lob: hillsides, Carihou Islands (Butler-Packanl). Flora M'kj., common. June — July. 430. R. Ld I iponi cum, \\ii\\\. Loh : (Morrison, Cat. II . 302) ; Naclivak (Hell) : Hopedale (Weiz:) : on a lull top Belles Amours (Butler— Packard). i AND ST. I'lKIUlK K'l MUM:KI,()N— WACJIIOUNK. g:i LVJI.-MoNOTUoi'ACK.K. Plpeirorf FniiiHi/. 4.'}I. M nutlruiKi. II tiijlnra, 1^. Jinliidi. /'ijir. ( 'orpsffn'ii nt ((JllosTl'LANT OU (illOSTKI.OWKU). New UmlM.iir u!ul H. ol" I., Kc.rttiii.' Way (A. (', VV.) ; ni'iir Cairn Mum. tain, Flat Hay (Hi'll); (HiM'ks): S. .loliu's (Mi^s Sniitlieott and K. iV S. Mcs-iis. Uohiti- son juul Sclirt'uk nanark, — " in woods nrar the Kxploits llivcr u Minal' form was found, wliicli, altlitai^di afrrt'cii);; as to anther and Htie;nia with M. ani/foni, had Mouors in si/c just interniediato Iti'twecn this and M . 11 iifuiiiif ijh. In dryin;;, also, these jtlantn have assumed an intermediate coloi" between the hhu'k of tho former species and the tawny eoh)r of the; latter." I'ear's Har- hour, I'ai'son's Pond, Moinie l>ay ( lUdhnan). Woods. Au<,'ust. 4o2. lIi/pDjiili/H l(Uia(finos<(, Xutt Ydlow or Pine liirdfi- nest or Plnrsii/> (Vun^ks) : in woods near Exploits Rivei- (\l.^ S.) ; (Jreat Cod Hoy lliver ( IVll ) ; White Hay (iJulhuan). Woods. July, Au^nist. LVl II.— niAi'KNsiACE/i;. DlapensUi FtuniJi/. 4.'i.'}. Dlupt'in'm, Liipponira, L. jSorf/iern Dliipe.ns'ui (Moss Lily, (Juound Ivouv Flowku). Western Head, Ilarhour Bre- ton and Conne in Fortune Hay, and near Rantem, Trinity Bay (A. C W.). Ldh: (Morrison), conunon on hill tops at C'ariltou (Butler, Cixt II., ;}()8) ; Nain, Ford's Harhour and Cape Chidley (Bell, Cat. HI , .5(54) ; Hopedale (Weiz— Packard). Flora M'lq., very common. Hills. June, July. LIX. — PLUMI5AGINACK.E. Lfadwort Faihilij. 4*]4. Armeria vulgaris, Willd. Comraoii Thrift, Sea Pink. (Reeks) ; Coal River (A. C. VV. — Fowler). Lah : Labrador, New- foundland, and N. VV. America, and in the barren country of the interior (Hooker, Cat. IT., 809): Nain, Nachvak, find Cape Chid- ley (Bell) : Hopep»'t'nd. lla.lH.iir dr.uM' (Mcdill ('..II. M.-rh., Cat. II.. Ml.-)). Flora Mlq., iritn«lu«'i'«l iiit<>ciiltivutt'a,'H'ima, I.. Hm Mdkwovt, lihid- S>tlt>rt','tL Suit marsli('siilon«lluii(l t<» Mi«' Sa>lxatch»'\van ((Jray, Cut. II.. 'M\) ; moist ^rroun.l, Whithournc (II & S.): 'I'linity Hay (C<.nnack), und l»y myself in the same Hay iit S|.rrii.leii<,rh' : Kcn-ylan.! (Kev.l. H. Temphj— Fowh'i) : near P.ii^nis (Miss 'I'nipnell — MacKay). Wet phices. Anj^Mist. Floni. Mkj. 440. A. Xiimmnlurhi, L. Minienn'orl. Ilarlionr (iraco (McCill Cnll. H.Th., Cat. n.,:n4). 441. Pr'nniilK, Mlshtssinicd, Mii. (Heeks : common) : MM- "'> • Monne Ksperance and neif,dd)our- in ST, I'rKHIlK KT MU^UKI.ON— WAOIH»ltMC. 05 \ 444. SamitfuH ValerniKli, \.. Var. Amfvicanus, Omy. 44'). Trii'vfdIiH A}iifii'hutvfi, Vnvsli. (-hn'kuretl WivteV' fjrt'i'v. Star Floirer. ApjM'ai'H to l>o ((uitit eoininou «'V»'r\'Nvlu'r«, t'lii<'(l\' ill tliiiiip ^M'lissy \v(mh|s, in Ncwt'ftunillaiKl aixl on the J^aldiuJor (A. C. \V., Cut II., Mia, mimI I'mcImunI ). .Iiiim- Au^Mint. L\i.— Ul.KACE.K. Oiire t\iiai.l>f. 44(1. Fraj'ivuH A7nfric(iiui,]j. Whifi^ Anh (llet'l. 44). 447. F. jnihcsfn^H, Liun. lint or Hirer Ask (Hwks : com- mon) : (Howlcy). 44*h. TTinu- licr Kivt-r, «|iiito jihundunt, luul Doer LuUc, in atn' nlumt May of [slands (H(.'ll). LXII. — Apocvnack.k Doii lUuif FtLin'dij. 44!>. A'pori/vinn criDvnh'nniiii, T... huli(tii llrmp. Had • jjer'N Brook (Kevd. 1. H. Hull — Kovvk-r). Au;x"^t. 4.)(). .1. (rri/rosinnlfnliit7ii, T... Kxploits Kivcr (H. k S.). Open woods. Au<,just. LXl \'. — Oentianace.K. Gentian FamUij. 451. fiarfonin tenella, Mnld. ScrevHteni. Opon woods. (Omy, Cat. II.. .'{-iT). 4.')2. B(rrtonia,s\).* ((^entaurella Moseri, Stead, ti' Hochsf.). A plant which appeal's to represent, at least in ])art, this rare and poorly \milerstood species, was discovered in a small lioj,' near Holyrood (Rohinson and Sehreidv : for thcii' fur-ther remarks on this plant see their " notes"). August. 4.53. Gentiayiacrinita, Fi\v\. Blue-fringed Cr'eniitt?! (Reeks). 'Bartonkt ioUttndra, Hobin.son. Botanluul Gazotle, 18S18, July, \>. 17. m IIIE FLoiiA ^^ NKWKoL'NDr.ANI*. I.AMKAIMUI 4.' I. fi. tfni infin jhna, Liiin. PiirHOH'M Pt» mI, Moiiiw' liny (liullmim). Dry liilUi<|»'h. Aii^niHt. 4').'». a. pntinii'iini, \{'u'\mu\s. /.„h : ((hay. Cut M , f\*2'l). Oil liillsiiirs lit AiiMMir kikI InwIiiinlHiit Hoiinc KH{H>i'tiiM*«< (Sti'iiniH — I'lirUiinl;. I'lol". Mncouii luiffm, liowcvcr, tlint thin Im moii' likely to !)•• thf ntxt. 4.')(». (i. Atntnelhi, L. \av. lU'utti, lli)uk. Aiifnuivnl or Sttinlljlaii't nil (iiiit'nin. (Hecks: «miiiiiih»ii ill slini't yniMH) ; (.'liiinney Cove, |5ay "I" IsIuikIs (A. ( ". \V.— Uoliiiison) l.nh: ((•niy. Cut. II., W'l'l) . llu|MMitilf (Wei/), uml CuiHioii Isluml (hutler— I'iK'kunI) ; l»y iiiy>elt' in the St'-ait , L'iuiho uu (.'lair uii»l Korteilll (Kowler). All^'Ust. 457. (i. Hfi't'tihi, (iiihiicr. ,s7/(;/»< of SiuMllvr-frhufed (h'n- tidii. Wet ^M'()Hinl.>», l»y streams hidI on rocks ((Jniy, Cat. II., 321); Mii;;lee (Uevd. It. 'renipj. — Kowler). 4.')S. (f. Anili'e.iVHti, ii\'\f^t'\>. (Keeks). 4.')!). (J. niviills, ]j. Sinii./I Alpi iw fh'iifio II. Liih : eolh'cte»l by the Moravian Itretiiieii (( Jray ),anil llo|M'o fulrly eoiiiinoii Jilon^r most parts of tlio Ci) I havt; i'oiirnl it in all, or noiir\y all, tlin open tsoa lieaclwH when' I liavo Ikmui. L,ih : llopcdalc (VVciz), an»n. July, Auf^nist. 40M. MifoHotiH l,u;(t, Leimi. Harlx.ur (Jrace (Oat. 11, .'HO); New Unrlxmr, Harliour IJreton, Kxploits, an«I several places in the Bay of Islands (A. ('. W.—jVIacoun and Fowler); Manuel's (R. & S.). (iardens and waste places. 'Itdy. An^Mist. 40J). M. iirueims, MoHni. Fi<;l,l Scorpitm Grass ,»• Fmyrf- me-iiot. S. .loiin's (11. & S.), appeaiin<,' as if introduced. Lih : Sandwich Bay (llevd. W. Shears-- Macoun). A doubtful plant. Aur(Ust. 470. M. palusfris, With. Mhytavi ofjicinale, L. Common Comfrey. Har- bour Grace (McGill Coll. Herb., Cat. II., 343) ; S. John's (R. k S.). 68 TIIK ri.OKA OK NRWKOUNDI.ANI), I.AIIKAlN>U «■• LXVUl.— C'oNVoi.VUI.Acr.H. liiiidund Famih/ - 47*2. Cnni'itliuifiiM Mf'filnvi, I. Ilnhfn ttr (hrnf ttimlnrftl. VVi'Ht hiiy. ('ii|H' S. (Inn-yc (lU'llj, aitil Sti'VfiivllN'. Hay S, ( Irorp' (A. Wliitt' A. II. MiiiKiiy) S|n-niili'a|;l«' in Tiiriity liny, uml T()|)Hiiil, ('•»n''«'|>ti"ii Hiiy (A. ('. W.) .luly. Au^iiHt, I.XIX. SniANArK r.. Vnlatof Fmnifi/. 473, Salnnuin liiilcaimivn, L. liittiVHii'i't't. H. Jj»Iiii'h (|{, h S.). Tojisuil nun I (IVul'. II olio way — FIi'IcIht). LXX. - S(U«)i'ni;i,\uiArK. Fitju'nrt Fdtnily. 474. HiirUiit nlpina, L. l.nU : (Coin aster): Naclivak (|{.'ll, (U. II.. :t(;7: ll!.r)72). 47o. Clieluiie. (ftdlnui, L, Sntihi; ovTutflr Ihnil. NVi'st ol' Kundoin, Trinity Hay (< 'urnuick;, uinj N> \\ llnrlMiur in tlH'siinic Hiiy . I'Vrnclinmn s Cove, Huy of I>.hunls (A. C. \V.) ; Wliitlioin nn and Ivxplttits Hiver (H. Af S.) ; S. .F(»hn's( .Miss Trapnt'll-MacKay) : The (Jonlds, near S. .lolm's (Mi>s Sontlicott) ; (Cat. 11.. :{.')4). Wet places. An^'ust. FUn'a Miij. 470. CuHtilffHt /)itH'nln, Kuntli. l\i'intltraKi(i officinalis, \j. Commov h\i/el>riiflit. Appears it) be coinni(»n in grassy places in many districts (Cat. III., )i()7). Ldb : (Cat. 11., 307) ; Hopedale (Wei/- Packard) ; L'anse au Clair, . '■* ANn NT. I'lKitni': kt Miviri.oN -waoiioknk. m htAilv lliirlMnir liinl Fox llurlM»iir (A. C Wj. Floru J/i*/., vnry tvtiiiiinm. 'Iiily. Au;{iiNt, Vitr. Tintiir'wa, n«*iitli. /,«/* ; (PurHli), f'urilMui hlun.l (ButltT—Piukunl). 47!'. h' pur fiH rill f K. ifriii'ilin, Friit*). " lU'W »|H'rit'M." Spii roiiht lit Cow llt>ii)l. Miirli oiiihIIit ill nil |MirtM . )|iirl\ piirpir HowiT. (Ri'i'kH). 4M(). /Jititr'ni ruhfiiriM, Mill. Iiutt*'r nnd E'fijH Ifuilioiir Mriin" (MisM 'rmpiifll). S .folm's (Soiitlu'ott luid H. & S.) ; Hiirliniir Hntoii (A. C \V.); La Scin, Notri' Dunn' Huy, K«'Vtl, A. I'itiiiiin — {•\)wl«M'). Aiipint 4M|. A. Htrliitii, I). V, S. .lolin'w, on Ili'tuiit-H llivor, but lUMir vviiMti! Iit'iips : »loul»tlt'SH ii wnif (U. iV. S.). 4iS2, I'l'ilii'tUitrin pitluHtrlH, L. Mnr^h LniiHciritrt. Moist int'utlovvH, S. .folitiH (H, & S.), " Tln> ty|>i<'»il t'i)nn of this dooH not iipprar to have Imm-ii ln'r(?tol'or»» rocor»l»>«| in AiiM'rica. It • liM'i'i'M fioiii tlu' viir. WlaHHinnann, \\\u\)f<*, coriMpitMioiisly in tho t'onii ol the Corolla, .in^on) : S. .lolin's (Mis." SoutIi('(»tt). /.». Iloltun (A. C. VV.) Hojrs. July. Vnr f S. .I..Im*M fA. C. W.— Mr. Howl.'y an.l MMcotni). 4.S.M. l\ jhiinmea, L. Fonl's Harbour and Cape ( 'liiy ami Naehvak (Ucll) ; Ilopclalc ( W.-iz, Cat. III., 57:{, and Packard). 4.H4. l\ /livHufd, \.. Lah: Ford'.s Harbour and Capu ('!>id- ley (H.'ll. Cut. Ill . :i7«;). 4S.'). I'. Liippoinrfi, L. Lnh : ( Kolnn'i.ster, Cat, II., liOH) • Naclivak (Ik-ll) and llopedalu (Wei/. — Packard). 4SG. P. peiUccflata, }\\\u. l{hh\«iitliux Cnda-tndli, L. Yellow Rattle (SiiEi'- HEUD's Coffin). Apix'ars to be very conunoTi t]»rouun<]ant and very conmion in places on Bonne Kspt'rance, and found all alon<,' the coast (Stearns, Cat. II., 371). July, Au^nist. 400. VeroJiica An((gnllin,L. Speedivell. (Rcoks^. Hawk's Bay, N. W. Coast (Bulhnan). June, July. 4f)l. V, Ame: ''Xina,Schwo\n. American Brooklime. Great Cod Roy River (Bell) : in Bay of Islands at Riverhead (Fowler) ; Chinniey Cove (Robinson) ; Mclver's Cove (Trelease), collected by myself. Wet places. July, Au^nist. 492. V. scuteUata, L. Shul/-cu}>csrn}s, Solander. HaardstoDgue. Cow- Head, W. coast (Bullinau). Dry soil. June 502. Limosella aquatint, lu. V.ieinufoUi(,\\u\\\\\. "Meed- wort" Sterile, and aecordinHy doubtful specimens collected upon p»-ecipitous clitl's of I'lacentia Harhonr (R. ^ 8.). LXVI. — HvDUopnYLLACK.K. Water leaf Famdy. 508. Hydrop'iyUam Virginicum,L. Bonne Bay (Bullnian). Wet places. July. LXXL— OuonAXCKACE.K. Bvoomrape FaviUy. 504. AjtliyUon iinijlorum, (Jray. X(d,r. U. cormda. Mx. IIorTicd Wadihn'trort. Spha^mous or swamps from Xewi'oun.llan.l to Lake Superior (( iray, Cat. 11.. W)); (Reeks) rare: S. .lolin's (LaHy Blake): (Miinuioy Covo an.l (iran.l Lake, and otlH>r ])laces in Bay of Islands : New Harbour an:^ S.). Floni, Miq., coirunon. *July, Au^r.,st. 510. Pimjuicidn, viUom, h, Lah : (( Jray, Cat. II., 37'J) ; Hopedale (Wei/-Paekard). 511. P. alpina, L. Lah: Steimbauer: not elsewhere .letaiied in America (Cray, Cat. 11., :}7(i): Hopedale (Weiz- Packard). 512. P. vulffarls,h. Common Biitfevwort. ( Brenton, Cat. II, ;i70); Burin graveyard, and not unconnnon about Bay of Islands (A. C. W.) : b^lat Bay Brook, Bay 8. Geor^r,. (Bell). [Mb: (Cat. n., :nG) ; L'anse Amour Bay (Butler); Ib.pedale (Weiz); Naehvak (B(dl Backard) : Forteau, Battle Harbour, Seal Islands. Snaek (Jove, Holton (A. C. W.). Wet rocks. June Auo-ust. Flora Mui.. connnon. LXXVIL— Laiuat.k. Mir>t Familij. 51J^. Bmnella vulf/aris. L. Seal Head. (Reeks). (b-eat Cod Roy River (Bell) , Trinity Bay and several i)laces about Bay of IsUukIs and at Harbour Breton (A. C. W.), near Salmonier River; connnon ; (R. & S.): S. John's (Miss Southcott). Flora Miq., very common. July, Aufjfust. 514. Collinsoiua Canadensis, L. Horseweed. (Bonycastle). 515. Calamintha dinopod.ium,V>eni\\. Wild Basil. Rich bottoms, Salmonier (R. & S.) ; Chimney Cove, B. of I. (A. C. W. —Robinson). Grassy hills. Au^nist. \ < ■ 4 AND ST. IMKIIUK ET MU^IIKI.ON — VVAfillollNK. 7:1 t 51 iy (iJulliium). Hnudsjde and jjfardons. July, A Uf^aist. ')17. (uilaopniH Ladiimuii, 1^. Ihtiip A'cltle. (Reeks); S. John's (Miss Southcott). 518. 0. cn'siculor, L. S. Jolm's (Miss Soutlicott). 519. Lyt'opus I'^iiyi ulcus, L. liiujie nuwd, Virginlnii llurc- hou7i(l. West of Raiidoin and in Tiinit}' Riiy (rormack : and New Harhour (A. C. W.) ; S.John's (Miss Southcott), and roeky hanks, Ivcnnie's River (R. & S.) : S;in(l\- I'oint, P>av S. (ieorffe (A. C. W. — FowUm-), and a few phices in Bay of Ishmds. Wet places. August. /Vunt il/i(/., connnon. 520. L. HiniuUus, Ell. Salnionier Itiver (H. k S.) Gravel beds. Auf^ust. * 521. Laniium (impLixicaiile, \j. 11 cubit Demi St tile. New Harbour (A. C. W.) ; S. John's, lields (II. & S). Au^rust. 522. L, purpureum, L. Red Dead Nettle, S. John's (Miss Southcott) ; New Harbour and Harl)our Breton (A. ('. W.). 52.3. L. viacidatum,L. New Harbour (A. C. W.) (lardens, 524. L. incLncni, Willd. S. J(jlin's ; a sinjfle specimen by roadside (R & S ). 525. Mentlm, viridi>i,h. Spearmiid. {Rvckn). 526. M. arvensis, L. Coriimmt. Manuel's River, rocky banks ; coniuion along streams (R. & S.) August. 5£7. M. Canadensis, L. Canada or Horse Mint. New Harbour, Trinity Bay (A. C. W.), and el.sewhere in the same Bay (Cormack) ; Flat Ray (Jk'll): (Reeks); Chimney Cove, and Irishtown, B. of I. (A. C. W. — Fowler). Wet places. Var. glabrata, Benth. Spreadeagle, Trinit}^ Bay (A. C, W.). 528. Nepeta Cataria,h. Catnip, Catsmint. John's Beach, B. of I. (A. C. W.). Koadside. 74 TIIK FLOUA OF NEWFOtrNDhAND, I.AHKADOIl 520, N. (jlfchoina, Wvnt]). droiind frt/, Gilf ot'fir-fhfi-fp'onnil (ScAIILKT-lvrNNKIl). lltllliotir (iDico (Mcdill ('oil. Ilrrl)., ('jit. II., ;IS7) ; S. .Jolin's II. k, S.): Topsail, old sliop (Trinity Hay), iiikI r.ay d." Vcnlc (A C. \V.) Lah : IJattIc llarhuur (A. C. W.). Ivoad.side and old ^'artlcns. .Jihk! — An^Mist. 630. Scaldhn'ui laU'i'ijIih'd , L. Mddduf/ SaiJlaii). (Kociks). Deer Lake, noar Hay of Lslands (A. C. W. — Fowler). Uivor banks. Aui^ust. 5.'U. S. (/alericnhi fa, Ij. Common Skidlca p. (Red Tops). (Cat. II., .*}8(S). Ti-inity Bay (Corniack) ; (lre«ii Harhonr and other places in the same Hay (A. C. W.) ; (Reeks); Maimers River, rocky hanks (R. & S.) ; Salt Water I'ond, White Bay (Bulhnan). ►Sea beach. July — Aurjnst. 532. Stachijs pahtdrii, L. Wouvdwort (Corn)ack); Har- bour (Jrace (Miss Trapnell— A. H. Mac Kay) ; S. John's (R. & S., wet meadows) ; Sandy Point, Bay S. (leor^^e, gardens (A. 0. W. — Fowler. Wet <,'rotind, from Nowt'oundland to the I'acitic ((jlray, Cat. JL, 390 . Au<,aist. N. B. — The Flora Miqurlonensis says tliat Th3-mus vul<(aris, L., Satureia hortense, L., Galeopsis Laibinum, L., Mi'utha ])iperita, L., Lamium amj)lexicaule, L., have been introduced and are found in gardens or in the neighbourhood. LXXVIII. — PLANTA(iiNACHK. Plantain Family. 533. Plantago ruajor, L. Covimoii Plantain (Rat-tail.) (Peeks); Great Cod Roy River (Bell); S. John's (R. & S.); Birchy Cove, B. of I. (A. C. W.). Lah : Battle Harbour (A. C. W.) Road.sides. Aujjust. 534. P. eriopoda, Torr ? Prof. Macoun thinks this may he Dr. Bell's P. Virginica. 535. P. niaritima, L. Seaside Plantain. Trinity Bay (Cormack) ; New Harbour and other places about Trinity Bay, and at Middle Arm, and in Bay of Islands (A. C. W.); Placentia \. "ipfpppr*?"™ ■"'■ "wm^ AND ST. I'IKIUIK. I-:T MIQITEI.ON — WAOIIORNE. 76 (R. (fc S.), Dr. Bolls savH a larpfe variety (0 was found with broad leaves and lon^ tapering point near extremity of Flat Hay. Lah: (Pnrsh, Cat. II., :V,r.i) ■ Nachvak (Bell, Cat. III., C75); Hopedale (VVeiz); and Carihou Islands (Butler-Packard). Sea clifls. July, Au|.;ust. Floi'(t MUi, very eoniinon. 536. P. iieciftieiiH, Barneoud. Port a F^)rt (Bell) ; crovicen of rocks. (P. niaritinia, var. juneoides, (iray). /,