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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, 11 est fWtni d partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i. hr, I I 3*j 1 1 Speei es of European and NoptJiamenean %j II e^ (Mosses) synoptieaJly described by P^of. N. Con. Kindbepg, Ph. d. 1 <' Part. 2. Aepoeappoua — — »c<- Unk6plngg M.hograflska Aktiebola* 1897. ■:l. ff >- "■■%■ ^nmm/mmv 15;^ — Fam. !5. SchistostegacesB. 66. Schistoste^a Mohr. l.S.OSiiiuiidacea DickBon. — Mnium Dicks., Schistostega Mohr. Lobes of the frons (» leaves ») sul)ob]on;oly emergent : jove the poMits of perichetial leaves; pedicel shortish arcuate when moi- stened. Dioecious very r. fruit. — Shaded sandstone rocks r. Amer. U. S.: Sullivant; Cheney, fruit.; Roell; Mrs Britton. Eur. >/ Iceland: Vahl»: Schimper. Fam. J 7. PolytpichaceaB. 68. Catliariuea Ehrhart. 1. Lepidophyllae. Leaves undulate, furnished with trans- verse rows of scales at back. Mostly paroecious. 2. Leioplijilae. Leaves not distinctly undulate, Avithout scales. Dioecious. 1. Lepidophyllte. A. Leaves broader at base. Capsule strangulate; calyptra smooth. l.C.Selwyili Austin. — Atrichum Aust.; Catharinea Kindb. revue bryol. 1894. Leaves broad oblong-lanceolate obtusate sul)<)btuse, dentate to below middle, very chloroph3'llo8e above, pellucid and some- times rufescent below, spreading when moistened; lamellae us. 6; costa dentate at oack. Capsule nearly straight. Paroecious. — On earth or stumps r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Howell, com. Cardot; Leiberg, com. Mrs Britton. B. Leaves narrowed at base. Capsule not or slightly stran- gulate; calyptra scabrous at apex. 11 M > ll ' - i^-iS 4.0.parallolniii Mitten. — Atrichiim Mitt.; SuU. ic. in.; Oligo- trichum Kindb. 1. c. Leaves sublanccolate (or in male plant oval-obloni^) acute or short-acuminate, dentate to below midiUe, marked with longi- tudinal stripes at back; costa scarcely |>ercurrent also in the nearly similar perichetial leaves. Capsule as in the last but thicker; lid rostrate; pedicel thick longish; calyptra unknown. — Wet rocks in alps r. Aiuer. Brit. Col. in higher alp. region: Macoun. Eur. Norway: E. Nyman, S.O.leiopli.vHum Kindb. — Atrichum in bull. Torr. club. Differs from the last: Leaves not striped, upper longer-acu- minate; perichetial with still longer acumen and excurrent costa. Capsule longer. Calyptra nearly glabrous. — Damp earth in alp. regions. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can. Brit. Col. and Vane. isL: J. Macoun. 70. Psiloinlum Bridel. l.P.lfKVigatuin Wahlenborg. — Polytrichum Wahl. 11. lapp.; Psilopilun) Limpricht. Leaves short ovate-oljlong subobtuse crenulate above, not dentate at back. Capsule large broadly subovate more or less curved; pedicel not long. — Handy or turfy soil in arctic distr. Eur. Spetsbergen: A. E. Nordenskioeld; Berggren. Amer. Can.: Breutel. Alaska: Palmer and J. M. Macoun. Greenl.: Berggren. 71. Bartramiopsis Kindb. revue bryol. 1894. l.B.Lescurii .James. — Atrichum Jam.; Bartramiopsis Kindb.; Oligotrichum Mitten. Leaves linear-lanceolate short-acuminate, sharply dentate to the sheath, not much loosely disposed, more or less incurved when dry, nearly straight and spreading Avhcn moist; lamelUe 4 — 8. Stem 2 — 3 centim. long nearly eradiculose, naked and filiform below. (Described to specimens from Japan). » Capsule erect short cylindric-ovate constricted below mouth; peaicel short*: Lesq. et Jam. — Amer. * Alaska*: Lesq. et Jam. (Japan: Bisset, determ. Mitten). * B.sitkana Kindb. 1. c. Leaves longer, long-subulate more loosely disposed, cirrate when dry. Capsules unknown. Habit of Bartramia crispa. — Amer. Alaska, Sitka: J. M. Macoun. 72. Catharinella Kindb. rev. bryol. 1894. A. Leaves short-acuminate sheathing; marginal teeth large with a single red cell at apex; lamellai 20 — 30. Stem and pedicel not long. ^Km — 157 — l.C.contOrfa Menzies. — Cnthnrinen Mz.; Pogonatnm Sull. ic. m. in part, Lenvofl dark greon sublinear acute Rtrongly dentate nearly all around; cellB of Hheath chlorophyllose eubquadrate; lamellse about 80, their oellp rotundate greon; costa dentate at back, not exourrent. CnpHule narrow subcylindric strangulate not large; peristomial membrane elevate; pedicel contorted. — On roots of troen (Douglan-lirB) r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Alaska: J, M. Macoun. Can. Rrit. Col.: J. Macoun. U. S.: Hall, com. Macoun. 2.C.atrovirens Mitten. — Pogonatura Mitt. Differs from the last: Leaves shorter, more distinctly shea- thing, bright or glaucous green, more strongly crisped; cells of sheath iiyaline; lamellre about 20. — Roadsides r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. B. I^eaves long acuminate not sheathing: marginal teeth large with 2 — 3 red cells; lamellffi about 40. Stem and pedi- cel very long. B.C.eryllirodontla Kindb. 1. c. — Pogonatum eontortum Sull. I. c. in part. Habit of C, coniorta. — Wet woods r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can. Brit. Col. and Vane, isl.: J. Macoun. C. Leaves short-acuminate short-sheathing; marginal teeth not large, formed by one single cell, finally pale yellow not red; lamellfc about 20. Capsules unknown. Stem not long. 4.C.Dixoiii Braithwaite. — Catharinea Braithw. brit. mossfl.; Catharinella Kindb. rev. bryol. 1894. Leaves dark green not long, linear-lanceolate acute, dentate above gen. to middle, broadly bordered by wings of lamina often nearly all around; cells of sheath subquadrate not chlo- rophyllose; costa short-excurrent dentate at back. — On base of trees r. Eur. Engl.: Dixon, com. Braithwaite. 73. Poljtrichiiiii L. A, Calyptra short-acuminate densely hairy. a. Capsule papillose. Leaves often incurved when dry, r. aristate. L Aloidolla. Capsule without angles and apophysis. b. Capsule smooth. Leaves rigid not incurved, gen. aristate. n. Pogonatum. Capsule without angles and apophysis, green when unripe, finally blackish or r. brown. Stem us. branched. Apical cell of lamellse thick-walled subglobose pa- pillose. ill. Eu-Polytrichum. Capsule (ripe) with 4—6 angles and — 158 — t ; ^'•H t '■;? UP. diptinct npophyniH, Poon becoming brown. Stem ub. pinnple. Apicnl coll of lamclliv smooth or unipapillate. K. Talyptra lon^-acniniinate sparingly hairy. IV. Polylrlchadoipliiis. Capnulc smooth with 2 angles; aitophyniH none. J.cavcH rigid not incurved. Stem branched. I. Aloidella C. Mueller syn. A. Leaves incurved when dry; cells of lamellro smooth thin- walled; costa not excurrent. Stem us. short simple. Protonema often persistent. a. Upper leaves long narrow subulate, broadly sheathing; wings of lamina very broad; lamelltE about 10. l.P.peiins.vlvaiiicnin Iledwig; C. M. syn. — Pogonatum brevi- caule Beauvois; SuUiv. icon. muse. Lower leaves short short-acuminate, upper distantly dentate or crenulatc. Capsule subcylindric. Stem very she t. — Clayey soil by roadsides. Anier. eastern slope. Can.: Macoun; Fowler; N. Fouudl.: Waghornc. U. S.: SuUivant, com. 0. Mueller; Austin; Olncy; Cunimings. b. Loaves broad obtusate not long; lamellse numerous. 2.?.iianiiin Schreber. - P. subrotundum Hudson; Braithwaite. Leaves sul)obtuse faintly crenulate above; wings of lamina somewhat broader below. Capsule finally short-] )iriform. Stem 8imi)le not high. — Sandy or clayey soil. Eur not r. in lower regions. Sweden I S.P.braclijpliylluiii Richard. — Pogonatum Sulliv. icon. m. DitTers from the last: Leaves obtuse entire; capsule suboval; stem shorter. — Roadsides. Amer. U. S.: Austin; Langlois, com. Cardot. 4.P.aloi(les Hedwig. — Pogonatum Beauvois. Leaves sharply dentate us. somewhat short, less broad than in the both last and gen. longer acuminate; wings of lamina narrow. Capsule oblong-piriforra or subcylindric. Stem often somewhat high r. branched. — Sandy soil. Eur. not r. Swe- den, Germany, Switzerl.l B. Leaves not incurved but gen. appressed when dry, us. sharply dentate with narrow wings; lamellse numerous, their apical cell thick-walled papillose or crenulate. Stem r. simple. a. Leaves sharply dentate. Stem us. branched. 6.P.iirnig:erum L. — Pogonatum Beauvois. Leaves acute more or less acuminate, gen. not aristate, often somewhat long; apical cell of lamellse globose. Perichetial leaves aristate. Capsule subcylindric us, large and not widt- i' imm 1 — 150 — niontlied; ]>erl'rei thin often very long. — Enrth nnd rockf. also in higher alp. regions. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.; Mn(H>un; Waghorne. AhiHka: J. M. Macoun. n.P.dcintntiim Monzien; C. M. Hyn. — Pogonatum Hull. ic. ni. Lea. OH UH in the last hut more sharply dentate, the upper with short reddish or whitish awn hy the excurrent costa, api- cal cell of lamella! truncate crenulate. Capsule small narrow often wide-mouthed; pedicel not long Stem not high, some- times simple. Kesembles a small alpine variety of the last. — In alj)H and arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can. Brit. Col. and Labrador: Macoun. U. S.: Austin; Oakes. b. Leaves faintly denticulate. Stem often simple. V.P.eapillnre Richard. — Pogonatum Sulliv. ic. m. Leaves short ohtusnte suhohtuse distantly denticidate; wings of lamina not prominent; ajjical cell c»f lamellio truncate crenu- late; costa not excurrent. Ca])sule ohlonf^-cylindric faintly pa- pillose, not wide-mouthed. Hal)it of Hie last. — Alps and arctic distr. r. Eur. huwsia: Brotherus. Amer. U. S.: Rudkin, com. Mrs Britton. H.P.Walilenberpii Kindh. rev. bryol. 1894. — »P. capillare var. minus Wahlcnberg (1. lapp.»: fjindb. et Arnell. Differs from th(> last in I 'avcs subacute nearly entire; wings of lamina ])romincnt, very ..uich broadci below. Capsule oval or cylindric. — Northern alp. distr. r. Eur. »Sweden»: Wahlenb. (Asia, Sibiria: H. W. Arnell). II. Pogonatum Bridel, in part. A. Leaves falcate when moist, patent or spreading when dry; lamelliu about GO. Outer perichetial leaves very much longer. Pedicel of capsule finally brown. 9.P.Ma('0iiiiii Kindb. bull. Torr. club 1889. Leaves very long, bordei-ed by the wings of the strongly dentate lamina, long-subulate; awn long rough reddish. Peri- chetial leaves rough near apex, the inner shorter more acute. Capsule oblong-cylindric strangulate, larger than in P. alpinum; lid large conic-subulate, half as long as capsule. Higher and more robust than allied species. — Rocks and earth princ. in alp. region r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. to 1850 metr. a. s.: J. Ma- coun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. B. Leaves straight or faintly curved when moist, more or less appressed when dry; lamellae about 30. Perichetial leaves not longer. Pedicel yellowish. I '4 4' En IGO '?;«) a> Leaves c istinotly bi->rdered by the wings of Inmina, acu- minate, gen. long and not strongly appressed when dry. lO.P.alpiniliii L. — Pogonatuni Roohling. Leaves dentate noarly to the sheath, very ])atent wl\?n moi- stened; avn sl'.ort rough retlthsii also in perichotial U>aves, which in npper part are furnished witli few lamella}. Capsule ua. oblong (r. snbc.-linch-ic) and not or slightly oblique; lid gen. long-rostrate. Stem us. branohod above. — Stony and grassy places on mountains j)rine. in alps. Fur. eonnnon in alps. Norway, Swit^erl.! Amer. (Ireenl.: Berggren. Alaska: J. M. Ma- coun; Palmer. Can.: J. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. — A var. with subcylindric capsule is found in Can. Northern Labrador by J. Macoun 1896. * P.brevifolium II. Brown. Leaves very short, appressed when dry. Capsule globose. — Li higher alj). region r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: E. Nyman. Amer. »Greenl.: Vald»: Lange. n.r.iilicrodoiilhim Kindb. in Biblioth. botan. 42 (1897). — Pogonatuni alpinum var. mierodontium Kindb. cat. Canad. nj. Leaves entire or minutely dentieulate only in upper third or half of lamina, longer-subulate than in P. alpinum] uppermost leaves very long, suddeiily hirger and spreading; awn reddish Bomewhat long, faintly rough. Periehetial leaves with very long nearly smooth awn; lamelhv somewhat numerous. Capsule large thick globose or broad-oval, often oblitjue; lid short-api- culate. Stem gen. sinii)le. — AlpiriC prine. arctic districts r. Amer. (Treenl.: VimhoelTen. Alaska: J. Rl. Macoun; Palmer. Can. Brit. Col.- .1. M. Maccmn. I'i.P.Vailhocffoni Kindb. in Biblioih. botan. 42 (LS97), Leaves entho or onl^^, near apex (scarcely in upi)er third of lamina) dentate, not long but long-acuminate, very narrowly bordered by lamina, neai'ly ap[)ressed when dry, not much open '.vhen moist; awn slu>it rough red-yellow. Periehetial leaves much narrower with not few lamelUe. Capsule obovate oblique; lid scarcely shorter ihan half capsule. Stem us. spa- ringly uivided above, often to 8 c. m. high; pedicel scarcely 8 c. ni. Tufts brownish. — Amer. r. (Jreenl: E. Vanhoelfen. l>. Leaves bordered by wings of lamina only near apex, short acute bi\ gen. obtusate, a]>pressed when dry. IS.P.septeiiitrionale Swartz; Wahlenberg H. Lippon., not C. M. syn.; Kindb. revue bryol. 1S94. Leaves entire or with very few teeth near apex; awn very ,1 . - IGl — phort or indistinct, PericV.etial lonves phort-npiculato nearly without Innicllre. C'at>snle globose or l)rondoval; lid wliort-api- culato. 8t('in low simple or very slightly branehed. Habit of F. sexaugulnre. — Higher alp region r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Can : .1. Maeoun. Alaska: .1. M. Maeoun. (Jreenl.: VanhoelTen. H.P.polaiT C. Mueller. DiiTers from the last in more distinct and ilentate awn of leaves; capsule oval otlei^ obliiiue; stem divided soniewliat high, — Arctic distr. r. Ai)ier. (5reenl.: Pnnsch, coim. C. Mueller. 111. Km Polytriehum. A. Capsule green and not tlistinetly angled when unrij^e, us. 6-nngled when ripe. Leaves channelled or with inflexed wings, not ap])ressed when dry; awn red-brown or indistinct; apical cell of lamina not paj)illate. Stem simple. ir>.l*.S(»X}H'glllaro FU>erke. — P. se[itemtriona!e C. M. syn. Leaves short oblusate (btuse entln^ or at apex with very few teeth, not rough at back; wings very narrow or indistinct; lanu'lljB about oO; awn indistinct or very short and red. ('ap- sule snboval llnally short-prismatic: pedicel yellowish ov pale red not long Stem not tomentose us. low. Habit of F. alpi- num. — On earth in higher alp. region. Enr. Ic-^h r. Norway! Sweden: ln<-acumi'iate dentate to the sheath, ns. green; wings Inroad princ. b(>low; lamelhe about 40; awn brownish not long. Perichetial leaves hyaline- bordered. C'apsule ronntl- oval finally cubic; aj>ophysis 'Muetimes lesB distinct; lid broad- conic v/hen yoimg, finally apicnlate or rostellate; jiedicel liMig yellowish or tinally reddish. Spores about 0,02 m. m. Stem us. tomentose below, often high. — Turfy soil and rocks also in alp>^. Fjiir. not r. Sweden, Norway! Amer. not common. Can.: ^lacoun. H. Cai)sulc 1 angled prismatic soon becoming brown. Fieaves acuminate acute with distinct wings. a. Leaves entire or above with ftnv teeth, chaimelled or convolute; apical c(>ll of lamelhe unipapillah". Perichetial leaves hyaline above. 1 7.p.juniiH»rinmii Willdenow. Ijcaves long long subulate gen. entire, very patent or curved when moist, ns. not appressed wiien dry; lamelhe about oO; coBta rough above at back; awn long rough wholly red. X-t;^^. • i'i I fi t' ' . . i'V t: — 162 vri '■^ -^i ^rS>- ■1' -'; Periohetial leaves entire somewhat long-acuminate, lameilate above; awn rough and red. Capsule rectangular-prismatic; pe- dicel often very long. Stem not much naked and gen. not tomentose, sometimes branched. — Heaths and woods common but less often in alj)s. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl ! Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. IS.P.strictum Banks. Differs from the last: Leaves shorter with shorter acumen, us. apprcssed when dry; lamellfE about 30. Capsule cubic; pedicel less lon^. Stem tomentose us. simple. — Swamps princ. in alps not common. Eur. Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. 19.P.liyperl)oreum R. Brown. Leaves short short-acuminate entire, straight and not much pntont when moist, npprossed when dry; lamella; about 80; costa f-mooth; awn short faintly rough, often (at leaf-t in upv)er leaves) partly whitish, in some leaves wholly red. Perichetial leaves entire somewhat long-acuminate; awn whitish above, nearly smooth. Stem of female plants branched often tomen- tose. Capsule cubic; pedicel not long. Male plant with shorter broader leaves, disposed in distant fascicles. Habit of the last. — Dry and wet places in northern alps. Eur. Norway! Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Greenl: Berggren; Vanhoei^en. Can. N. La- brador: Macoun 1896. 20.F.boroale Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Differs frv m th'; last: Leaves gen. dentate near apex below the awn, with longer acumen; costa rough at back; awn longer always whitish above. Perichetial leaves more distinctly den- ticulate; awn rough nearly wholly whitish. Stem not tomentose. — Dry places in northern alps r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld! Amer. Greenl : Berggren; Vanhoeffen. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can. Labradoi": Waghorne. 21.P.pilifenim Schreber, Leaves short entire short-acuminate or subobtusate, appressed when dry; Inmelhe nbout 80; costa smooth; awn long wholly whitish nearly smool . Perichetial leaves not hunellate. Cap- sule short-prismatic • cubic, inclined or suberect. Stem short simple, naked at h ,st in lower half; the foliated part subcla- vate. — Dry heaths also in alp. regions common. Eur. Swe- den, Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun. b. Leaves denticulate not convolute, long and long-subulate, 163 « ';l'.*:11 iLoi^t. us. plane; lamellffi very nnmeronp, their apical cell not papillate; awn red-brown. Stem and pedicel up. long. 22.P.atteiinatlim Menzies. — P. forniosmn Hedwig. Leaves plane crowded, dentate to a long Bhoatli, us. green; wings very narrow; ayncal cell of lamclhe 8nI)oval. Perichctial leaves green not or faintly hyaline in laiTiina; awn rough. Capsule us. long rectangular-prismatic hrown; lid short broad-conif^ 'V H-\ 1 1 m — 1(H — I :-'. mm * P.Swartzii Hartmnn. » Leaves F,hort about 5 m. in. Cappule small snbcubie with less distinct apophysis. — Eur. r. Sweden »: Hartman skand. flora. 26.P.conorhyncliuiii Kindh. cat. Canad. m. Differs fn)in P. commune: Loaves channelled green, periche- tial longer arisrtate. Lid of ca|)sule with broadly conic beak. — Bogs in alp« r. Amer Can. Selkirk mts: Macoun. IV. Polytricliadelplnis Mitten. 27.P.Lynlin Mitten. — Polytrichadelphus Mitt.; Polytrichum Kindb. revue bryol. 1894; Oligotrichuni Lindb.; SuU. ic. muse. Leaves dentate above often to the middle of the prominent lamina, not appressed; awn short smooth also in perichetial leaves; lamellae about 30, their apical cell thick-walled suboval smooth, Perichetial leaves subconvolute densely lamellate at the short point. Capsule subovoid-cylindric strangulate finally brown; peristomial membrane elevate; lid long-rostrate; pedicel yello\vi.«h. Resembling P. olpinum and P. sexangulare. — Swampy places in higher alp. region. Amer. Pacif. distr. r. U. S.: Roell; Nowell. Fam 18. Georglacese. 74. Georiria P]hrhart. I. Tetraphis. Leaves distinctly costate; upper cells round- hexagonal. Peri-tomial teeth narrow. Stem elongate. II. Tctrodontinni. Leaves not distinctly costate; upper cells suboval. Peri.'itomial teeth broad. Stem nearly indistinct. I. Tetrai)his Pledwig. A. Pedicel of capsule smooth. ( l.O.pellliniia L. — Mninm L.; Georgia Rabenhorst. Leaves subovate or suboblong, obtusate us acute. Periche- tial leaves with long sublinear us. obtuse acumen; costa not excurrent. Capsule and pedicel straight. Sterile stems gem- miferous at the top, their buds cup-sliaped; upper stem leaves very small. -- Rotten logs, sandstone and turfy soil in woods. Eur. common. Sweden, Switzerl.! Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Roell. 2.G.cuspidata Kindb. revue bryol. 1893. Leaves subovate short-acuminate acute. Perichetial leaves cuspidate by the long-excurrent costa. Capsule gen. curved; pedicel straight. — Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S : Sullivant and Schruder, com. C. Mueller; JMiss C. Cummings, com. Roell. ■■■I 165 B. Pedicel rough. 3.G.trachypoda Kindb. 1. c. Leaves subovate or ovnte-obloiig, short-acuminate acute. Pe- richetial leaves with long siiblinear acute acumen; oosta not excurrent. Capsule straight; pedicel straight, rough in upper part. — Anier. Pacif. distr. r. C;>n. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 4.G.geiliculata Girgensohn. - Tetraphis Girg.; Georgia Lindb. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oMong long-acuminate acute. Perichetial leaves ovate-lanceolate with long subulate acumen; costa not excurrent. Capsule straight; pedicel geniculate very rough above the bend. — Rotten wood r. Amer. princ. in Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun; N. Foundl.: Waghorne. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Leiberg, com. Mrs Britton. II. Tetrodoiitiuin Schwa^grichen. S.G.Brovnil Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Georgia C. M. Perichetial leaves ovatc-oblong or ovate-lanceolate short-acu- minate subacute. Capsule suboval stra.ght very small; pedicel straight smooth. Perigonial leaves subulate-acuminate. Stem bearing at base shoots and long narrowly cuneate often 2—3- lobed leaves, resembling branches of a fallow-buck. -- On shady rocks princ. of sandstone, sometimes covered by other mosses. Eur. somewhat r. Norway, Sweden! Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. Fam 19. FissldentacesB. 75. Fissidens Hedwig. A. Leaves nerveless hyaline narrowly limbate. I. Aueiiron. Pedicel of capsule terminal. Plants minute. B. Leaves costate. II. Pacliyfissidens. Leaves pluristratose not limbaty, large and entire. III. Aloiua. Leaves unistratose not limbate. a. Peristomial teeth wholly deflexed when dry. 1. Camptodontii. Capsule terminal. Plants smiMl. Dioe- cious. Leaves in f<.w pairs. b. Peristomial teeth suberect or intlexed when dry. aa. Capsule terminal; lid very short conic obtuse. 2. Obtlisifolii. Leaves broad-obtuse entire and small. Plants small. bb. Lid of capsule rostrate or rostellate, gen. long. 3. Adiantoidei* Capsule gen. not terminal. Leaves serrate •« ' •;,f& u m — 16() — above and denticulate below, r. nearly entire, us. largo and papillose at back. 4. Osniundoidei. Capsule terminal or (in F. taxifolius) basilar. Leaves uniformly crenulate all around, gen. not large. IV. Eu-Fissidens. Leaves unistratose limbato (in F. exiguus sometimes not limbate), gen. small and entire or at apex faintly denticu'ate. Capsule terminal or (in F, floridanus) lateral; lid gen. rostellate (in F. rufulus very short obtuse). I. Aneuron Kindb. LF.h.valinu.s Hooker et Wil(-on; SuUiv. icon. muse. Leaves entire in few pairs: lower very small, uppermost suboblong subacute much larger; wings short sinuolate; cells large round-hexagonal. Capsule oval-obovate or suboblong; lid as long; teeth deeply cleft; calyptra conic covering only the beak. —Moist rocky ledges r. Amer. »U. S. Ohio»: Sullivant. 11. Pachyfissidens C. Mueller. 2.F.grandifr()ns Bridel. Leaves rigid sublinear obtuse very densely crowded; cells roundish; costa not percurrent. Tufts dense high. Dioecious. Capsules unknown. — Wet calcareous rocks r. Eur. France! Spain: Levier. Amer. Can.: Macoun. — »The fruiting F. gran- difrons from Asia* Barnes and Limpriclit is F. suhgrandifrons C. Mueller in Bot. Zeit. 18G4. 111. Aloma Kindb. 1. Camptodontii. B.F.CIosteri Austin; Sulliv. icon muscor. Leaves entire short-ovate subacute often with wanting lamina, very minute and pellucid. Capsule narrow subclavate erect or inclined; lid rostrate. Calyptra mitriform or cucuUate. Plant minute. — On the ground r. Amer. »U. S.: Austin*: Sullivant. 4.F.paupercuIus Howe. Leaves uniformly crenulate, suboblong or short-lanceolate subacute, larger than in the last; cells chlorophyllose pellucid. Capsule narrow subcylindric often slightly curved, cernuous. Calyptra cucuUate. Plants small not or very loosely tufted. — Stony ground r. Amer. U. S. California: M. A. Howe. 2. Obtusifolii. S.F.ObtusifolillS Wilson; SulL ic. m. — F. Arnoldi Ruthe. Leaves oval-oblong pellucid; costa not percurrent. Capsule suboval. — Wet sandstone or calcareous rocks r. Amer. U. S.: Henry, com. Cardot Eur. »Germany»: Limpricht. — 1H7 — 3. Adiantoidei. A. Leaves long sublinear or oblong-lanceolate more or less pellucid. Cappule large; pedicel long-exserted. 6.F.a(iiant<>i(1e.s L. — Hypnum L.; FiRsidens Hedwig. CapHulo ovaloblong; lid nearly as long; tcetb deeply cleft; pedicel lateral. Leaves strongly serrate above, denticulate below, often byaline at margins, us. large; costa f-ubpercurrent. Stems us, erect and tufted, forming large mats, gen. radiculose below. — Rocks and eartli common. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. *r.cristatus Wilson. — F. decipiens Notaris; Sulliv. icon, muse. Leaves more crowded and not much large, nearly entire be- low. Stems us. ascending or decumbent, densely tufted. — On rocks, less often on earth, nearly common. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.; Macoun. U. S.; Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. * F.siibtaxifolius Kindb. in bull. soc. hot. ital. 1890. Leaves minutely serrate above, nearly entire below; costa percurrent or sul)excurrent. Stems (as in F. taxifolius) short decumbent without rhizoidn above base, not forming cohering mats. Capsules not found. — On clayey earth. Ear. Switzerl. near Lugano! T.F.serrulatus Bridel. Capsule subcylindric; lid shorter; teeth deeply cleft; pedicel terminal on the steni or on short lateral branches. Leaves as in F. adiantoides but more densely crowded, always large. Tufts loose not radiculose. R. fruiting. — Earth and rocks r. Eur. Italy: Bottini. Portugal: Levier. S.F.poIyphylhis Wilson. Differs from the last: Peristomial teeth cleft only to middle. Leaves entire or near apex faintly denticulate or serrate. Stem us. much longer. Very r. fruiting. — Wet shady rocks r. Eur. France: Camus, com. Husnot. Engl.: Manchester Cryptog. Society. O.F.polypodioides Hedwig: Sulliv. ic. muse. Capsule piriform-clavate with very wide mouth, not strangu- late; lid shorter; teeth deeply cleft; pedicel as in F. serrulatus. Leaves entire large densely crowded; costa subpercurrent. Stem often long and simple, radiculose only at base. Differs from the 3 preceeding species in annulus of capsule revoluble. R. fruiting. — Wet rocks r. Amer. »U. S. southern states*: Sulliv. (Venezuela: Fendler, com. C. Mueller). 1- 1' ■ \ ! . U" i ' I u'J ■■( r V 'A UH m — los — B. Loaves Hhort Huboblong nearly opake below, pellucid at apex. Capsule small; pedicel scareely exserted above upper stem-leaves. lO.F.snbbaslIaris Hedwig; Sullivant ic. muse. Ca})sule oblong-cyliiidiic; lid much shorter; teeth not long and not deeply cleft with subuhite not liliform-pointed legn; pedicel emerging from lower part of stem. Leaves small, den- ticulate below, stronger serrate near apex, snbobtuse, not hya- line at margins; costa subpercurrent. Tufts low; stems fasci- culate --- On trees r. Amer. ('an.: Dearness, com. Macoun; Drummond, com. Macoun. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. 4. Osmundoidei. A. Leaves gen. large; costa excurrent. Stems not tufted. Pedicel of capsule basilar. ll.F.taxifoliiis L. — Hypnum L.; Fissidens Hedwig. Leaves suboblong hyaline-crenulate often a(nite, n(»t densely crowded. Capsule suboblong; lid nearly as long. Stems fasci- culate; branches simple not long us. decumbent. — On earth. Eur. not r. Switzerl.I Sweden: S. Hardin; M. Huss. Engl.: Rogers. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. B. L lives not large: costa not excurrent. Pedicel terminal. a. Tufts tomentose often high. Calyptra mitriform lobate. 12.F.osmuild()i«los Swartz. — Dicranum Sw.; Fissidens Hedwig. Leaves suboblong subobtuse often apiculate, not opake, in many pairs; cosla subpercurrent. Capsule oblong-oval. — Wet rocks and heaths also in alps. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun. b. Stems low not tomentose, not or very loosely tufted. Calyptra cucullate. 13.r.exilis Hedwig. Leaves very pellucid suboblong subacute in few pairs: upper sometimes sublinear-lanceolate; costa percurrent. Capsule thick oval-oblong. Monoecious. Plants very small. — On earth. Eur. not r. Sweden: C. Hartman; Arven. France: Husnot. *F.HaHii Austin. »Plants somewhat larger; dioecious. — Amer. r. U. S. Texas: E. Hall»: Lesq. et Jam. 14.F.llaveiielii Sullivant icon, muscor. Leaves small o))ake sublinear or broad-lanceolate subacute in 2 — 10 pairs; costa subpercurrent. Perichetial leaves with broadly limbate wings. Capsule suboblong gen. erect; lid rostellate much shor- ter. Dioecious. — Damp earth r. Amer. U. S.: Langlois, com. Cardot. ■• !t? I 1«!( — W 2 .i WfI 15.F,(j}arberi Lesq. et Jam. man. Differs from the last: Leaves Bomewlmt larger eliorter more obtuse, sometimes siiort-acuminate; costa shorter. Periclietial leaves with narrowly limbate wings. Capsule oval. sSometimes BynoeciouB»: Schimper. — Trees and earth r. Amer. Can.: Ma- coun. IG.F.Donnellii Austin. — F. pauperculus Howe V • Leaves small: lower broad, upper longer and narrower linear- lanceolate in 3 — 4 pairs; basal lamina incomplete; cells much larger than in F. Ravenelii] costa .ot porcurrent. Perichetial leaves with not limbate wings. Capsules unknown; pedicel very short. Dioecious*: Lesq. et Jam. man. and Barnes hot. gaz. 1887. — Base of trees r. Amer. »U. S., south. 8t.»: Lesq. et Jam. ,., , , , .. . ^ IV. Eu-Fisfiidens. A. Inner leaf-cells opake. a. Lid of capsule very short obtuse. , , ,..- IT.F.rilfulus Bryol. eur. — F. ventricosus Sulliv. icon. m. Leaves broad somewhat large, oblong or oblong-lanceolate subobtuse crowded, broadly yellowish or reddish limbate; costa percurrent. Capsule obovate dark green; teeth deeply cleft; pedicel short. Stem 1 — 4 c. m. long. Very r. fruiting. — Stones in streams r. Eur. Engl.: Rogers. Austria: Sauter, com. Husnot. Amer. » Calif. »: Sulliv. ., , . ,, b. Lid rostrate. ! IS.F.liiubatus Sullivant. Leaves small oblong-lanceolate apiculate or short-acuminate, pale-limbate entire; cells seriate; costa subpercurrent. Capsule asymmetric suboval gr^en; lid half as long; teeth deeply cleft; pedicel terminal. Stem 2 — 5 m. m. long. — Amer. Pacif. distr. r. U. S.: Roell; Howe. 19.F.floridanus Lesq. et Jam. »Leaves long cultriform crenulate at apex; costa not percur- rent. Capsule oblong-oval; lid long-rostrate; pedicel lateral. Stem 1 — 3 c. m. long — Amer. r. U. S. south, states: Garbcr»: Lesq. et Jam. B. Leaves more or less pellucid, not large. Lid shorter than half capsule. Plants small. a. Leaves with thick broad limb. Stem us. somewhat long. 20.F.rivularis (Spruce as var.) Bryol. eur. Leaves broadly cultriform acute or abruptly short-acuminate entire with pale limb; costa percurrent. Capsule straight cer- 12 'I ■ 170 — ' i-itM f :•» . ^■' -'M b '•' nuous. Stem to 8 c. m. long; male Howers axillary. — In w&ler r. Eur. France: Husnot. Amer. »U. S.: Leeq. et Jam. 21.F.crassii)e8 Wilson, Leaves as in the last but with yellovviph limb, sometimeB crenulate near apex; costa not porcurrent. Capsule us. straight erect. Stem to 4 c. m. long. Dioecious or monoecious with not axillary male flowers. — In water r. Eur. Switzerl.l France: Berthoumieu; Camus. * F.Mildei Schimper. — Polygamous. — Eur. r. Switzerl.: Culmann, com. Husnot. b. Leaves gon. with thin narrow limb, not gradually acu- minate; costa gen. not excurrent. Stem us. very short. 22.F.bryoides L. — Hypnum L.; Fissidens Hedwig. Leaves broadly cultriforni acute us. long. Capsule straight gen. erect. Stem with axillary male flowers. — Earth and stones not r. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.! France: Husnot. Engl.: Rogers. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond. * F.cyprius Juratzka. »Polygamous. — Eur. r. Italy »: Limpricht. * F.viridulus Swartz. — Dicranum Sw.; Fissidens Wahlenberg. Fruiting stem without male flowers. — Eur. not r. Engl.: Rogers. Sweden: P. Olsson. Amer. Can. common: Macoun. 23.F.iiiCiirvils Starke. Leaves us. as in the last. Capsule us. cernuous often curved. Stem without axillary male flowers. — Earth and stones not r. Eur. France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Langlois, com. Cardot. * F.tamariiHlifoHiis Don. — Hypnum Don; Fissidens BrideL Leaves short subovate-oblong. Capsule nearly straight. — On earth r. Eur. Italy! Sweden: M. Huss. Amer. Can.: Macoun. *F.pu8illus Wilson. Leaves smaller somewhat long. Capsule straight erect. — Rocks not r. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! France: Husnot. Engl.: Rogers. Amer. Can.: Macoun. * F.minutulus Sullivant icon. muse. Leaves small narrow suboblong or oblong-lanceolate very narrowly limbate; basal lamina often incomplete. Capsule straight erect or incli ed. Not much distinct from F. incurvus *pusillus. — Moist rocks. Amer. Can.: Macoun. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaite. * F.Bambergeri Schimper; Husnot muscol. gall. Leaves somewhat small and not long, often incompletely m - 171 linibate. — Sandy Boil r, Eur. »AuBtria»: Irichiiijp. ayii. Amer. »U. S »: Cardot. * F.texaiiUN leHquereux. »LeaveH broader; costa sometimes Hbort-excurrent. Cap=?ulG Bhort-rostiale. — Amer. v. U. tS. Texan: W'riglit*: Lesq. ot Jam. 24.F.aljU;arvicus Holms Laubacb; Husnot m. gall. Differs from F. incurvus *pimUi(S in narrower leaves, the upper sublinear more acuminate and broadly linibate; cells sometimes suboval. — Clayey soil r. Eur. France: Corbi^re, com. Husnot. 25.F.exi?J:uus Sullivant ic. muse. ~ F. faleatulus Renauld et Cardot. Differs from other species of subg. Eu-Fissidens in leaves gen. not limbate at least on lamina. Up|)er leaves oblong-lanceolate subacute. Capsule suboval-oblong erect. Plant very small. Dioecious. — Earth and stones r. Eur. »Engl. »: Braithwaite. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Suiiivant, com. C. Mueller. * F.subiinmarginatus Pbilibcrt; Ilusnot muFcol. gall. Leaves with broadly limbate wings. — Eur. » France*: Phi- libert. Amer. Can.: Macoun. C. Leaves gradually acuminate; costa excurrent. 'iG.F.Sardagii.'P Venturi revue bryol. 1883. »Leaves in 3 — 4 pairs: upper narrowly linear-lanceolate lim- bate by 2 — 8 rows of linear cells, rijiid when dry; basal lamina incomplete; cells irregular hexagonal larger than in F. incurvus *pusillus. Capsule erect suboval, when dry cylindric; lid un- known. Plant minute. — Eur. Sardinia*: Venturi. 76. Conoiirltrium Montague. l.C.Jlllianuni Savi. — Fontinalis Savi; Conomitrium Mont. Leaves large long sublinear obtuse entire not limbate, in many pairs; wings short; cells round-hexagonal; costa abbreviate. Capsule small green piriform wide-mouthed; lid longer; teeth approached very short sometinjes cleft nearly to middle; pedicel terminal on a small lateral branch, not nuich longer than cap- sule; calyptra mitriform. Tufts green very loose. Stem often long. Monoecious but r. fruiting. — In water viz. in fountains. Eur. somewhat r. Switzerl.! Sweden: Arnell. Germany: Baur. Italy: Arcangeli. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. 2.G.Hallii Sullivant et Lesquereux; SuU. icon. m. Differs from the last: Leaves much narrower, setaceous gra- dually narrowed, in 5 — 10 pairs; wings shorter; outer basal ''*'ii 14; * i. T — 172 — cells narrower. Hhort-rectangulnr in many rows. CapHule ovl- oblong on elongate branclien, with a not longer lid; peiliool 3—4 times longer; teeth more diKtant, long Hubuliito not cleft; calyptra short cucuUate. Tufts bluckiKh green when dry. Stem about 3 centim. long. — Submerged istones and logs r. Amer. U. S.: Leiborg, com. Mrs Britton. ... .ir;f ^. J;: , Fam. 20. SplachnacesB. 77. Splacliuum 1.. I. Uinbracularla. Ai)oi»hyBi8 open umbraculiform very large. Leaves from round-oval base abruptly long-aeuminate. II. Alllpllllaria. Apophysis in dated not open, very much broader than capsule; pedicel redcMsb. III. Psexirto-Kaplodoil. Neck solid, not much broader or sometimes a little narrower than capsule; pedicel yellowish, I. Umbracularia C. Mueller. n Ir., , i i I J l.S.rubriiiii Montin. i /fH/wAtpvol (japsule brown; apophysis camf)anulate purplish rod; pedicel red. Leaves us. denticulate all aroun i 2.S.lnteum Montin. <■ -Hi-rj-^t Capsule pale brown; apophysis yellow campanulate finally plane; pedicel orange. Leaves often nearly entire. — North, distr. r. Eur. HwedenI Amer. Alaska: Dawson, com. Mucouu. »Can.: Drummond*: Macoun. < ' "t. nn* 3.S.melauoeaiilon (Wablenberg as. var.) Schwa?grichen. ■-,{.» Capsule and pedicel brownish; apophysis pale yellow soon becoming plane. — Very r. Eur. »Lapland»: Wahlenb. Amer. »Can,: Rocky mts»: Macoun and Mitten. II. AmpuUaria C. Mueller. ;;!i,vU{ v.; ' 4.8.ampunaceum L. uUi Capsule with piriform reddish yellow finally lilac apophysis; pedicel often very long. Leaves more or less narrow often subulate-acuminate; the upper serrate shorter. Sometimes mon- oecious. — In humid pasturages less r. Eur. Sweden not r.I France: Du Noday. Amer. Cavi.'. Macoun; Waghorne. U. 8.: Henderson, com, Cardot. , ...,/,: .%An'r- ji,"^u-.3.« « • S.S.vasculosum L. Capsule with globose purplish finally blackish red apophysis; pedicel not much long. Leaves broad gen. suboval with broad short obtuse acumen, r. denticulate; the lower broader. — — 173 Peat-bogH in northern nlpfl r. Eur Sweden, Norwayl Scotl.: RogerB. Finl.: Lindborg. Amer. »Can.: Drummond»: C. M. »Sitka»: LeBq. et Jam. »Grecnl.»: Berggren. Til. pHeudo-FTapIodon Kindb. B.S.Npliniriciini \u fil. — »S. pcdundulatum Hudson*: Lindb. Cnpsule with rodchnh yellow fiiinlly blnckif-h (globose, ovoid or piriform) nook; pedicel often very long, pometimcB very short. Leaves Biibulnte acuminate gen. oblong sometimes denticulate; the lower very much smaller. — Princ. in northern alps. Eur. Norway not r.! Auntria: Venturi. Amer. Can.: Drnmmond; Macoun. 78. Haplodon (R. Brown, Lindb. ns s'lbg.) Kindb. n. genuB. l.H.Worniskioldil Hornemann. - Spluohnum Horn. TiOavoB entire from subovate base al)ruptly acuminate. Cap- sule small reddish finally blackish, shorter than the small suboval neck and scarcely narrower or sometimes broader when dry; pedicel pale yellow setaceous 1 — H o. m. long. Tufts high dense. — Northern j)rin('. arcitic districts (us. on dead lemmings) r. Eur. Norway! Spetsbergen: Berggren. Amer. Can.: Waghorne. Alaska: J. M, Macoun, Greenl.: Breutel; Berggren. 79. Totraplodon Bruch et Schimper. A. Leaves long narrow gradually subulate-acuminate us. dentate or denticulate. Pedicel thin not much emerging above the tufts. 1 .T.angustatuH L. HI. — Splachnum L. fil.; Tetraplodon B. 8. Capsule greenish finally pale brown or yellow, much shorter than neck; pedicel pale setaceous. Leaves gen. denticulate above; costa long-excurrent. Tufts dense often high. — Dung and rotten animals princ. in alps, r. Eur. Norwayl Sweden: M. Huss. Aiistria: Ilusnot M. G. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Wag- horne. 2.T.ailstralis SuUivant et Lesquereux; SuU. ic. m. Ca{)sule finally brown scarcely shorter, in dry state broader, than neck; pedicel brownish capillary. Leaves very narrow sometimes fimbriate, r. nearly entire; costa gen. percurrent, in uppermost leaves often excurrent. Tufts low less dense. — Amer. v. U. S.: Austin, com. Mrs Britton. »Can.»: Lesq. et Jam. B. Leaves broad entire abruptly narrowed. Pedicel subfili- form somewhat thick and exserted above the very compact tufts. S.T.lllllioides L. fil. — Splachnum L. fil.; Tetraplodon B. S. Capsule green-yellow or pale red finally red; neck red-rufous much longer; pedicel reddisli often long. Leaves suboblong; '^*^„ R;i; r, ■i i' 1 • 4 ^ ^1 ■t.. 174 um coptn PTicnrrent. — Dung and rotten animals princ. lemmingp. Eur. Norway not r.l Sweden: M. Huss. Amer. Greenl.: Berg- gren. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: Maconn; Waghorne. 4.T.lJre?olatus Bridel. — Splachnnm Brid.; Tetraplodon B. S. Capsule brownish not shorter than the blackish neck; pedicel yellow about I c. m. long. Leaves suboval apiculate; costa not distinctly confluent with the point. — Alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Schimper; Breidler. Switzerl.: Muehlenbeck, com. Hus- not. Amer. Can.: Drunnnond, com. Macoun. 80. Dissodon Greville et Arnott. A. Lea\e8 distant. Capsule with properistome; pedicel se- taceous very long. Spores about 0,03 m. m. l.D.splacliiiioicles Thunberg. — Weisia Th.; Dissodon Gr. et Arn. Leaves sublingulate r. denticulate above. Capsule brown roundisn tinally dilated at mouth, gen. shorter than neck. Tufts Boinetimes high. — Bogs in alps, r. in lower regions, r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: Thcdenius. Scotl.: Manchester Cryptog. Soc. Attiet Call.: Macoun. IJ. Leaves crowded entire. Capsule without ])roperistome; pedicel thickish not long. Spores about 0,04 m. m. 2.D.Froelicliii Iledwig. — Splachnum H.; Dissodon G. et A. t Leaves suboblong. Capsule reddish oval not shorter than neck; pedicel about 1,5 c. m. long. — Earth and rocks in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway! Switzerl.: Schimper; H. Forssell. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. Can.: Macoun. S.D.Horiisehucliii Greville et Arnott. Leaves suboval. Capsule pale brown suboblong shorter than neck; pedicel about 0,5 c. m. long. Stem very short. — Earth on alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler, com. Warnstorf. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 81. Tayloria Hooker. A» Leaves with excurrent costa. Peristomial teeth not "left. l.T.Rlldolphi Hornscluich. — Eremodon Hsch.; Tayloria Br. eur. Leaves sublingulate short-acuminate. Capsule yellowish oblong longer than the narrow neck; teeth pale yellow loosely appres- sed to capsule or erect when dry; lid conic; pedicel thick yello- wish. Tufts high. — On trees r. Eur. Austria: Schimper; Renter. B, Costa of leaves not excurrent. a. Peristomial teeth entire appressed to capsule when dry. 2.T.serrata Hedwig. — Sj^lachnum H.; Tayloria B. S. Leaves obovate or suboblong short-acuminate acute. Capsule puboblong yellowish brown not much thicker than neck when .11? ^ « 175 — •t 3l ;a r. 1. n V. b; L n 1. r. dry; teeth yellowish brown loosely appressed when dry; lid convex; pedicel somewhat thick. — In bogs or on base of trees. Eur. not r. in southern alps. Switzerl.! Austria: Schimper. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Moser. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. B.T.tenilis Dickson. — Splachnum Dicks.; Tayloria Schimper. Differs from the last: Capsule shorter, brownish, suboval or finally subglobose and much thicker than neck when dry; teeth blackish brown strongly appressed when dry; pedicel thinner. — Turfy soil princ. in northern distr., r. Eur. Norway! Swe- den!; E. Adlerz; A. Grape. Switzerl.: Schimper. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Wagliorne. b. Peristomial teeth soon partite, defiexed or patent, very hygroscopic. 4.TcSp1ac1inoides Schleicher. — Kookeria Schl.; Tayloria Hooker. Loaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate us. short-acuminate. Cap- sule us. oblong-cylindric; neck much narrower but. us. not longer; columella often long-exsortcd; teeth dark red; lid us. conic often rostellate; pedicel thin. — Peat-bogs or wet earth on rocks in alps r. — Eur. Norway! Amer. Can.: Allen, com. Macoun. * T.aciiniinata (Huebener as var.) Hornschuch. Leaves long-acuminate. Ca{)B"le suboval often shorter than neck; columella not ext-icrted; lid sometimes convex. — Bogs in alps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Druraraond n. 47; Waghorne in herb. C. M. 82. Oedipodilim Sehwa^grichen. l.Oe.Grifftthii Dickson. — Bryum Dicks,; Oedipodium Schw. Leaves obovate not recurved, often with sinuous borders. Capsule subglobose orange-brown; lid subconvex; columella not exsertcd; neck 1 — 2 c. m. long. Stem often with obovate axillary buds — CreviocK of rocks and wet peaty soil in alps r. Eur. Scotl.: H. Boswell; T. Rogers. Sweden and Norway: E. Nyman. Amer. »Greenl.»: Berggren. Fam. 21. DicranaceaB. 83. Oeioblepharuiu Iledwig. l.O.albidiiiii Hedwig. Leaves patent from short broad base abruptly narrowed to the slightl,y channelled linear short-acuminate near apex serrate acumen; outer basal cells rhomboidal hyaline, the others some- what dusky Bubtjuadrate. Capsule small oval long- rostrate. .: j 1 — 176 — Tufts iiB, not high. Monoecious. — On trees in tropical di- stricts. Amer. U. S., Florida: Fitzgerald, com. Renauld. ' ■ 84. Leucobr.Tum Hampe. A. Leaves thick entire; marginal cells gen. short-rectangular, the lowest longer. l.L.glaucum L. — Bryum L.; Leucobryum Schimper. . m Leaves from oval-oblong concave or channelled base gradually tapering to a longer sublinear channelled or subcon volute acu- men, not appressed when dry, patent when moipt. Capsule oblong-cylindric often arcuate, more or less distinctly strumose, sulcate when dry. Plants glaucous green or whitish. Dioecious r. fruiting. — Wet heaths and woods common. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Wetherby. 2.L.niinus SuUivant; Bescherelle. Differs from the last: Upper leaves verj' much smaller and shorter with broad-oval base and not longer acumen, appressed when dry with patent points, saberect when moist. Capsule small Buboval. Plants whitish. — Princ. on rotten wet logs r. Amer. U. S.: Fitzgerald, com. Renauld; Langlois and SaW3'er, com. Cardot. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaite. B. Leaves thin sinuolate; marginal cells long-rectangular. S.L.Leammi SuUivant. — Campylopus Sull. ic. m.; Leucobryum Kindb. Leaves from narrowly oblong base tapering to a subulate near apex sinuolate, channelled or convolute acumen, erect- patent. Stem often with head-like shoots; their leaves small oval-oblong or linear. Tufts low glaucous or whitish. Cap- sules unknown. — Decayed logs r. Amer. U. S.: Purpus, com. Cardot. 85. Bistichiuni Bruch et Schimper. LD.Cfipillaccnin Swartz- — Mnium Sw.; Distichium B. S. Nearly ail leaves long-pointed; perichcnal also abruptly nar- rowed. Capsule reddish subcylindric or oblong gen. erect; teeth pale red. Tufts glossy. — Piocks princ. of limestone. Eur. nearly common. Sweden, Norway, Switzed.l Amer. Can.: Ma- coun; Waghorne. 2.D.iiiclii)atum Ehrhart. — Swartzia E.; Distichium B. S. Lower leaves with shorter point; perichetial more gradually acuminate. Capsule suboval finally red-brown, more or less inclined; teeth red. Tufts less or not gh.isy. — Rocks princ. in alp. and northern districts. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl. 1 France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. i ^^v 1 I m i — 177 86. Aongstroemia Bnich et Schimper. l.Ao.longipes Sommerfelt. — Weisin Somf ; Aongstroemia B. S. , ■ - Leaves ovate-oMong entire not recurved, very pmall, appres- pcd when dry: upper acuminnto sheathing; co-stanot percurrent. Capsule ovoid smooth erect; lid rostcUate; teeth red below, yellow above, sometimes not cleft; pedicel about 1 c. m.,ptem shorter. Tufts loose. Mnle flowers discoid. Dioecious. — Earth princ. on old roads in alps r. Eur. Norway! Sweden below alps: J. Persson. Amer. Can.: Mr.coun. .. , , , . I . .• I' 87. Trematorton Michaux. I. Eu-Treniatorton. Cnpsule subcylindric; neck ic^g abruptly narrowed; teeth long with prominent basal tube; pedicel long. II. Pseudo-Bruehia. Capsule roui d-oval when ripe; neck short gradually narrowed; teetii short broad without prominent tube; pedicel short I. Eu-Trematodon. A. Capsule not niucn shorter than neck. Leaves entire; costa long-excurrent. l.T.anibiguus Hedwig. — Dicranum H.; Treraatodon Horn- Bchuch. Leaves from ovate or ovate-oblong not trunc^ate base abruptly narrowed to a subulate in upper part by costa filled acumen. Perichetial leaves gradually acuminate; costa more or less ex- current often denticulate at apex. Peristomial teeth red us. cleft. — Wet sand or peat-bogs princ. in northern distr. Eiir. Sweden not r.!; Miss O. Cron. Norway: W. Baur. Germany: Huebner. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 2.T.acicillaris Kindb. revue bryol. 189ti. Leaves b"oadly suboval truncate above, pointed by cof:va; perichetial nearly similar but larger and longer. Peristomial teetii orar.ge K])lit in middle; basal tube red. — Bogs r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: iMacoun. B. Cai)sule with twice longer neck. Leaves often denticu- late; costa not or scarcely excurrent. ^.T.Ioiigifollis Michaux. Leaves narrow gradually subulate; perichetial nearly similar. Peristomial teeth pale rod often entire. — Moist clay or sandy soil. Eur. r. Italy: (i^Midano, com. Husnot (a var. with entire leaves). Amer. not r. in southern distr. U. S.: Sullivant, com, C. Mueller, ■ • ' :' ' - rRJ?'- n I:^H^ ~ 17S — II. Pseudo-Brnchia Kindb. 4.T.l)reY!coll!s Hoinechnch. Leaves concave subovate short acuminate very Bmall, nearly appressed when dry; costa not or Bcarcely excurrent. Periohe- tial leavefi ovate-oblong more distinctly acuminate. Peristoraial teeth red entire or faintly perforate. Stem very short. Tufts small dark green. — Earth and rocks in alp. regions r. Eur. Norwav! Amer. »Greenl. »: Berggren. 88. Ditrielinm Timm. A. Leaves sheathing; costa rough at back. I. Trichodon. Dioecious. B. Leaves not sheathing; costa smooth. Perichetial leaves not (exc. D. vaginans and I), homomallum) sheathing. II. SaBlania. Leaves carinatc often covered with a glaucous meal. Monoecious. in. Leptotrichiini. Leaves not carinate. Often dioecious. 1. Xailthopodia. Pedicel fif capsule yellow. Leaves long- subulate; costa long-excurrcnt. Monoecious or paroccious. 2. Erythropodia. Pedicel finally red,. Leaves often short- subulate. Dioecious. I. Trichodon Schimper. t.D.tenuifolilim Schrader. — Trichostomum Schrad.; Ditri- chum Lindberg; Trichodon cylindricus Schimper. Leaves abruptly narrowed to a long subulate-setaceous den- ticulate by the long-exeurrent costa nearly 'filled point, curled or piitent when dry; cells narrow-rectangular. Capsule smooth narrow-cylindric curved when young; teeth red papillose arti- culate; pedicel long yellowish or pale red. Tufts low not to- mentorse. — Wet sand princ. in alps. Eur. Norway, Sweden, Switzerl.! Austria: Breidler. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 2.D.oblonglim Lindber;. — Trichodon Lindb. in K. W. A. Foer- handl. (Roy. Acad, in Stockholm) 1864; Ditrichum Kindb. Leaves abruptly narrowed to the entire or indistinctly den- ticulate not long acumen, which in upper part is tilled by the ehort-excurrent costa, not or faintly flexuous; cells short- rect- angular at least the u|)per; pedicel red short; »peristomial teeth pale brown hynline smooth indistinctly articulate*: Lindb. 1. c. Tufts dense but not tomentose, about 3 c. m. high when barren, lower when fertile. — On earth in arctic districts r. Amer. Greenl.: Berggriin. Eur. SpetslxM-gen; R. (iyllencreutz. — The barren specimens are resembling Ceratodon purpureus, hut leaxeB not are revolutc; in fertile ones from Spetsbergen few capsules are e volute (but uuripe), their lids very short obtuBe. — 179 — ■^ i Mi ■ . 'f't !f> {• II. Srelania LinHborg. .' -•• * •• • " S.D.glancescens Hedwig. — Trichostomum Hedw.; Ditrichum Hampe; Leptotrichuni Hampe; Schimper; S&lania csesia Lindb.; Ditrichum montaiuim Leiberg bull. Torr. club 1893. Leaves subliiiear or narrowly ovate- lanceolate acute serrulate above, patent -when dry; celln gen. short-rcctangnlar or quadrate; costa percurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindrie straight suk.-ate when dry; teeth purple, remotely nodose above; pedicel yellowish red. Tufts not high. — Earth on rocks princ. in alps not r. Eur. Sweden, Norway, S^Witzerl.! Austria: Venturi. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. III. Leptotrichuni Hampe; Schimper. 1. Xanthopodia. At Leaves gradually narrowed from ovate or lanceolate base, denticulate above. ^.B.pallidlim Schreber. — Bryum Schreb.; Ditrichum Hampe. Leaves often denticulate to middle; upper cells long linear; upper basal cells suboblong; costa broad not well-defined. Cap- sule suboblong; annulus revoluble; lid rostellate; pedicel often vtry long. Tufts low and glossy. — Rooks and stone-walls gen. r. Eur. princ. in southern districts. Switzerl.! Germany: Herpell. France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Sawyer, com. Cardot. 5.D.Scliimperi Lesquereux. — Leptotrichuni Lesq.; SuUiv. icon, muscor.; Ditrichunj Kindb, Differs from the last: Leaves longer and nearly entire; costa narrower. Capsule smaller and less sulcate; pedicel less long; teeth indistinctly articulate; peristomial tube orange more distinct; spores much larger. — Wet earth and rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Bolcender, com. Renauld; Howell, com. Cardot. * B.flexifolilim Renauld et Cardot. — Trichodon Ren. et C; Ditrichum Kindb. Leaves less long and more flexuous; upper cells shorter. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. — Sandy soil r. Amer. U. S.: Sa- wyer, com. Cardot. » Ditrichum Breidleri Limpricht (plant hybrid ?) — Agrees with D. pallidum in shape of leaves and in yellow pedicel. Differs from it: Plants scarcely 4 m. m. high, stem 1 m. m. Capsule oval not striate; lid obtuse sub})ersistent; teeth short small brittle; annulus not distinct; pedicel thick not much ex- serted above upper leaves. — On wet earth. Eur. Austria, iu .i.i::',i' :\''V'. \y ; ff ISO — ■■''I'm few specimens together with DiMchnm pallidum and Pleuridium pahstre: Breidler*: Limpricht Lnubm. Deutfchl. ^>-*'\iM B. Leaves entire nbmptly narrowed from ovate base. G.D.silblilatlim Bruch. — Leptotrichum Brnch; Ditrichnm Ijindb. Leaves otherwise as in D. pallidum. Capsule smaller, suboval faintly snlcate; annnlus none; pedicel not long. — Clayey places on rocks r. Eu-. southern districtH. France: Philibert. Italy: Bottini; Arcangeli. 2. Erythropodia. A. Tufts very tomentose, us. high and glossy. Leaves gen. large; alar cells sometimes distinct subquadrate; costa long- excurrent. 7. D.flexicaulc Schleicher. — Didymodon Schl.; Ditrichnm Hampe. Leaves long-subulate often denticulate, not oppressed; cells irregular gen. narrow: basal shorter often reddish; costa often Itroad. Capsule brown. R. fruiting. — Rocks and stony ground, common. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Swit/.erl.l Austria, fruit.: Ven- turi. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. *D.(loiisnin (Schimper as var.) Kindb. Leaves shorter and less patent; cells gen. short, upper suboval. Tufts more dense and less glossy. — Eur. princ. in northern districts. Sweden common, often fruiting!; M. Huss. Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Tufts not or sparingly radiculose, us. low and not glossy. Leaves gen. not large; alar cells not distinct. a. Leaf-cells gen. narrow, rectangular. ■- s . -.f ^>' aa. Perichetial leaves sheathing. Peristome without basal tube. S.D.yaffinaiis SuUivant. — Trichostomum Sull. ic. m.; Ditri- chnm Hani])e. Leaves from ovate base gradually short-subulate or acute, entire or nearly so, appressed when dry, erect when moist; cells narrow; costa percurrent or short-excurrent Tufts eradi- culose not glossy, 1 or r. 2 c. m. high. — Earth and wet rocks r. Eur. Norway: Geheeb, com. C. Mueller. Belgium: Gravet. France: Lamy, com. PLisnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 9.D.1i()iii<)iiialhmi Hedwig. — Didymodon Hedw.; Ditrichnm Hampe. Leaves (at least on fiuiting stem) long subulate gen. entire, us patent; cells gen. narrow; costa (at least on leaves of fruit, stem) long-excurrent. Tufts us. low. Sterile shoots often short-subulate with subpercurrent costa. — Sandy ground princ. — 181 — in Bubalp. districts. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerl.! Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. r. Can.: Drummond. U. S.: Roell. * D.ZOnatuni Bridel. — Weisia Brid.; Ditrichum Limpricht. Leaves acute or short-subulate, appressed when dry, suberect when moist; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Tufts dense but sparingly radiculose, sonictitncs 3 — 4 c. m. high. Capsules unknown. — Rocks in a1p. region r. Eur. Germany: Limpricht. Austria: Breidler. Sweden: E. Nyman. Norway: Kaurin. bb. Pericl-etial leaves not sheathing. Peristome with distinct basal tube. lO.D. tortile Gmelin. — Mnium Gm.; Ditrichum Lindb. Leaves gen. somewhat long-.'^ubulate and not or sparingly denticulate, sometimes slightly recurved, us. not appressed when dry; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Tufts eradiculose. — Sandy places also in alps. Eur. Sweden. Switzerl.! France: Husnot m. gall. Amer, Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. ■''.'^.pusilluili liedwig. — Trichostomum H.; Ditrichum Timm. Stem lower; leaves shorter and less patent; costa scarcely excurrent. — Eur. not r. Sweden: M. Huss. France: Husnot m. gall. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. * D.nivale C. Mueller. — Leptotrichum C. M.; Ditrichum Limpricht. Leaves appressed wlien dry, suberect when moist; costa fainter, excurrent in upper leaves. Capsule smaller. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Berggren, com. Grcenwall. b. Leaf-cells round-quadrate. Capsules unknown. ll.D.elatuni Kindb. n. sp. — Leptotrichum flexicaule *brevi- folium Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves small gen. entire, from short base abruptly tapering to the not much longer acute or subulate acumen, appressed when dry, patent when moist; costa percurrent. Tufts loose eradiculose not glossy, to 6 c. m. high. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. ^ . I'i.D.Macounii C. M. et Kindb. — Distichium C. M. et K. 1. c; Ditrichum Kindb Leaves small sometimes denticulate at apex, from short base abruptly tapering lo a longer subulate acumen, faintly appressed when dry; costa percurrent. Tufts dense, radicilose below, 2—3 c. m. high. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.; J. Macoun. ^ .. ... • ,. . . ■ . . :: M (i* a :-iiii;;!ii w 18'2 — 89. CynodoTitiiini Sdiimper. • ,. ■-! ' I. £u-Cynodontilinit Capsule striate; teeth long porsiKtent. Leaves earinate much recurved. II. Oreoweisia. Capsule smooth; teeth short brittle. Leaves earinate faintly recurved near base. III. Pseudo-Fliiloiiotis. Leaves concave not recurved. Stem julaceous. Capsule unknown. 1. p]u-Cynodontium. A. Leaves strongly mamillose on both sides, broadly acu- minate gen. obtusate at apex; alar cells indistinct. Capsule (exc. C. strumulosum) not annulate. a. Capsule costate; teeth papillose. Leaves long large. l.C.gracilescens Schimper syn. — Oncophorus Lindb.; Braith- waite brit. mossfl. in part. Lc avcs gen. acute, pcrichetial with long linear acumen. Cap- sule oval-oblong or finally c .indric, often inclined or subobli- que; pedicel straight. - - Roc^ks princ. in alps r. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Austria: Venturi. Amer. »Greenl.»: Lange Greenl. fi. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 'i.C.cirratuni Hornschuch. — Campylopue Hsch.; Brid.; Cyno- dontium Kindb ; Oncophorus Lindb. Leaves gen. obtuse, inner perichetial short-apiculate. Cap- sule oval with dark red stripes; pedicel arcuate in younger state when moistened. — Rocks princ. in alps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam b. Capsule small faintly striate; teeth smooth; pedicel short straight. Leaves small short. • ' > - • B.C.Schisti Wahlenberg. — Wcisia Wng; Cynodontium Lindb. Leaves denticulate gen. acute or short-acuminate, perichetial longer acuminate. Capsule round-oval symmetric; teeth us. not cleft. Habit of Rhabdoweisia. — Rocks in northern districts gen. r. Eur, Sweden less r., Norway! Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: Waghorne. . . 4.C.alpestre Wahlenberg. — Dicranum Wng; Cynodontium Lindb. Leaves denticulate also below middle, very small gen. obtuse; perichetial short-acuminate. Capsule oval symmetric very small; teeth cleft. Tufts very low — Rocks in northern alps r. Eur. Norway! »Sweden»: Wahlenb, Amer. »Greenl.: Vahl»: Lange. 5.C.struinulosuni C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves crenulate above, somewhat longer than in the last: lower gen. acute, upper obtuse; perichetial somewhat long- V-ul V;t ■■!;!■ — 183 — aeuminate. Cappule oblique Bubohovate gen. etrumoHe; annuluH distinct; teeth cleft. Stem higher than in the last. — Linne- stone rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoiin. - , . .. B. Leaves faintly mamillose and subulate-acnnninate; alar cells us. distinct; costa nearly smooth at back. Capsule us. annulate; teeth cleft. a. Capsule strumose somewhat large. e.C.struniifei'UniEhrhart. — Dicranum E.; Cynodontium Notaris. Leaves long denticulate above; perichetial with subulate acu- men. Capsule suboblong oblique; teeth papillose reddish or orange; pedicel long. Tufts somewhat high. — On rocks r. on trees, princ. in northern districts. Eur. Sweden common, Nor- way, Switzerl.l »Engl. r.»: Braitliwaite. Amer. Can.: Macoun; WaghOxne. .. • b. Capsule not strumose gen. not large. T.C.polycarpuill Eluhart. — Dicranum E.; Cynodontium Schimper. Leaves more or less denticulate us. long. Capsule us. finally subcylindric and sulcate, less often oblique; teeth as in the last; pedicel us. not long and often tliin. Tufts more or less radiculose. — Rocks not r. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Finl.: Lindberg. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond; Waghorne. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. * C.torquescens Bruch. — Dicranum Brucb; Cynodontium Lim- pricht; Oncophorus polycarpus *nigricans Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Leaves less long and often nearly smooth, gen. subobtuse and faintly denticulate. Capsule erect symmetric faintly striate, often small; annulus not revoluble. Tufts often low and blackish below. Habit of C. Bruntoni. — Rocks. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Austria: A. Schmidt. * C.fallax Limpricht. Leaves long acute denticulate also below middle, distinctly mamillose. Capsule erect symmetric faintly striate; annulus not revoluble. Tufts us. green and somewhat high. — Rocks. Eur. Norway! Sweden: E. Jasderholm. Amer. r. Can.: Waghorne. S.C.Subalpestre Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Differs from C. polycarpum: Leaves smaller nearly pellucid, refiexed only at one border, gen. smooth and entire. Capsule small not distinctly annulate; pedicel scarcely 1 c. m. long. Stem eradiculose very short. — Amer. r. Can.: Drummond n. 108, com. Macoun. . -^ ■ .- .- . . .. . 1. , 1 -- 184 — I'm • II. Orcowcinia Schimper. A. Lcnvcs long gi-iulii.'illy long-suhuhitc, crisped when dry. U.CKiiintoni Smith. — Dicraiuim 8111.; Cynodontimn lir. eiir. Leaves recurved near hasc, distuiitly denticidate-sinuohite at ucutnen; basal cellw hyaline not much wider than the others. Cappule fiubohlong pale brown; annuluH perwiHtent. Tufts yello- wish green us. subpulvinate. Monoecious, — Hocks. Eur, noi r. Sweden, Switzerl.l (.'orsica: Levier. France: Schimper. lO.C.robustmn Veniuri. — Dicranoweisia Vent, revue bryol. 1882; Cynodontium Kindb. »Doubly or triply larger than the last. Differs in leaves smooth; cnpsule ovate; tufts 8 — 4 c. ni. high or higher, fuscous below, yellowish al)Ove. — Eur. Portugal*: Venturi. B. Leaves short broad: upper criHi)ed, lower nearly spirally twisted about stem (as in Anoectangium) when dry. ll.Cserrulatuni Funck. — Weisia Funck; Cynodontium Kindb. Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong or sublinear, short-acuminate subacute, not or (at one side) faintly recurved, strongly mamil- lose, in upper pirt densely mamillose-serrulate; upper cells small dusky, the basal pellucid rectangular; costa subpercurrent, serrulate at back. Capsule small suboval rostellate; pedicel short not much exserted above the tufts. Monoecious. — Rocks in alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. Amer. »U. S. and Alaska »: Lesq. et Jam. 12.C.obtusatuiii Kindb. — Oreoweisia Kindb. rev. bryol. 1896; O. serrulata var. tenuior C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. lu. Leaves obtuse broader and shorter than in the last, subovate not acuminate, strongly recurved below, very mamillose, densely mamillose-serrulate above; basal cells mostly short, gen. not pellucid; costa percurrent. Tufts very tonicntose to the short green tops. Capsules and flowers unknown. Differs from the resembling DicJiodouHum pellucidum ''''fagimontanum in smaller and shorter not sheathing leaves, nearly s}nrally twisted about stem, not or (the uppermost) r. crisped. Resembles also Anoec- tangium. — Damp rocks r. Amer. Can : Macoun. III. Pseudo-Philonotis Kindb. IS.C.boreale Hagen and Limpricht. — Philonotis fontana var. borealis Hagen; Ph. borealis Limpricht; Cynodontium Kindb. Leaves small subovate short-acuminate acute; cells subqua- drate (or the basal short-rectangular) larger than in other spe- cies and more or less i)ellucid; costa percurrent serrulate at back. Lower leaves smooth pellucid nearly entire, sometimes — 185 — decurrent. Uj){)er leiives densely mnmilloKe-serrulato nearly all around. Tufts high compact tonientose, green ahove. — Swamps in higher alp. region r. Eur. Norway in Galdhoe 1800 motr. a, 8.: I. Hagen. 90. Diehodoiitiuni Schimper. A. Leaves obtuse or subacute at apex: perichetial similar but more distinctly sheathing. Male plants in separate tufts; perigonial leaves with percurrent costa. l.U.pelluciduin L. — Bryum L.; Dichodontium Schimp. Leaves channelled from suboljlong base sublinear or sometimes ovate-oblong, undulate and scarcely rellexed, us. nearly crowded; inner basal cells narrow hyaline, the others quadrate; costa per- current. Capsule oblique inclined; teeth purplish below, orange above; lid rostellate; pedicel long yellowish or pale red. Tufts dark or brown green. Dioecious. Leaves very variable in size. — Wet rocks not uncommon. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Engl.: Holt. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Moser; Waghorne. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. ''^ D.fagiiiiontanum (Bridel as var.) Kindb. as subsp. Leaves small subovate-oblong nearly entire: ])erichetial longer acuminate. Capsule smaller; pedicel short reddish. — Rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.! Engl.: Rogers; Cunlitfe. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond. 'i.D.flavescens Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Dichodontium Lindb. Differs from the last: Leaves longer and more serrate, less mamillose, distant. Capsule subsymmetric or symmetric, not or faintly inclined; teeth orange. Tufts not or sparingly radi- culose, bright green or green. Very r. fruiting. — Wet often submerged rocks r. Eur. Norway fruiting, Germany 1 Sweden fruit.: P. Olsson. France fruit.: Lamy, com. Husnot. Amer. Can. fruit.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. B. Leaves acute at apex; the perichetial much different. Male plants mixed with fertile; perigonial leaves with not per- current costa. S.D.subflavescens Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 59. /' Leaves channelled from suboblong base tapering to an atte- nuate acumen, serrate often to below middle, long distant nearly smooth; cells and costa as in the last. Capsule symmetric erect; teeth dark purplish; pedicel long ])ale red. Perichetial leaves narrower than the others, long- acuminate and gen. subu- late, in upper part of acumen nearly tilled by the percurrent or excurrent costa. P'^^rigonial leaves large long-acuminate. 18 1» ■^' l(:v I'M mmt i I i i — 18« — Leaves of male j)lantfl RonietimeH obtUHe. Tufts very tomen- toee to the green tops, often high. — Wet rocks r. Amer, Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. IJ. S.: Roell; Henderson, coin. Cardot. * Dichodontium ohjmpictim TleuauM et ('ardot (ined.). Leaves "ery papillose, minutoly denticulate nearly all around; capsule strumose. — U. S. Wash.; Henderson •: Cardot in Musci Amer. sept. — Speci- mens not seen. i)L Dicraiiuiii Hedwig. A. Capsule straight (in D. hyperboreum faintly obliciue) not strumose. Leaves not undulate; cells gen. not porose. a* Monoecious. Leaves entire us. small. Pedicel of cap- sule not long. Stem gen. without rhizoids above base. I. Arctoa. Leaves channelled; alar cells us. distinct; costa narrow more or less excurrent. Ca[)8ule not large; teeth often spreading when dry; pedicel short -emergent. IL Met/loria. Leaves convolute above; alar cells not well- deiined; costa very broad long-cxcnrrent. Capsule small; teeth not spreading; pedicel exserted. Plants small. b. Dioecious. Leaves suinetimcH denticulate us. large. Pe- dicel of capsule long. Stem radiculose also above base. aa* Leaves with narrow or not very broad costa; alar cells persistent. III. Orthodicramini. Leaves channelled or convolute above; upper cells subquadrute. Pedicel of capsule straight; peristomial teeth cleft. Tufts us. green. bb. Leaves with very broad long-excurrent costa. IV. Faraleucobryiini. Leaves subconvolute above, persistent; alar cells persistent us. brown, tiie others few short-rectangular; costa thick formed by o layers as in Leucobryum glaucum, middle layer consisting by small green •ells. Pedicel of capsule straight; teeth often partite. Tufts wbiii;n green. Calyptra very long. V. Pseudo-Canipylopus. Le,'"/e8 chamielled persistent; alar cells persistent brown, the others numerous rectangular; costa not thick. Pedicel of capsule straight; teeth cleft. Tufts green or brownish. VI. Dicranodontinni. Leaves channelled soon deciduous; alar cells fugitive pale, the others numerous rectangular; costa not thick. Pedicel of capsule arcuate; teeth often partite. Tufts green or brownish. B. Capsule curved or oblique sometimes strumose. Leaves often undulate when dry; cells often porose. VII. Eu-Dicranum. Peristomial teeth cleft. Leaves with narrow or not much broad costa. I I — 187 — a. Mon()(>ci()ii8. Stem gen. without rhizoidH ubovu bane. Leftves not undulate. CapKule often Htrunione. 1. Falcatiforinia. Leaven ehanncUed not large, llexuous or fal- cate; coHta UH. long-excurrent. Capsule not large. PlantHnotrobuHt. 2. Molliformia. LcaveH largo convolute jvbove, nearly Ktraight; coBta not or slightly exeurrent. Capwule large. Plants robust. b. Dioecious. Stem us. tomcntose. Leaves Bometimea un- dulate. Capsule not strumose. aa. Leaves carii\ate above. B. Carinatifolia. Leaves gen. broad at base, often undu- late; costa subpcrcurrent. bb. Leaves channelled at least below, not carinate above. 4. Scopariiforiiiia. Leaves not distinctly convolute above, broad at base, not long-subulate, sometimes undulate; costa r. exeurrent. 5. Fuscescentiforniia. Leaves not distinctly convolute, narrow gen. long-subulate, not undulate; co.^ta often exeurrent. 6. Convolutifolia. Leavcp convolute above, not undulate, broad or narrow; costa not r. exeurrent. 1. Arctoa Bruch et Schimper. l.D.fiil vellum Dickson. — Rryum Dicks.; Dicranum Smith. Leaves us. flexuous or falcate, sometimes nearly straight; alar cells not well-defined, the others gen. long; costa often denti- culate above. Capsule small straight strangulate not or faintly striate; teeth spreading when dry. Tufts us. yellowish. — Rocks in alp. region r. Eur. Norway! Spetsbergen: Berggren. Sweden, in Lapland (a var. with green shorter leaves and less emergent capsule: »D. Anderssonih Wichura): E. Nyman. Amer. U. S.: Roell. 2.I).hyperboreuiii Gunner. Leaves flexuous or nearly straight, larger than in the last: alar cells well-defined; uppermost cells short; costa not or indi- stinctly denticulate. Capsule somewhat oblique sulcate wide- mouthed not constricted, larger than in the last; teeth erect. Tufts blackish or brown when dry. — Fissures of rocks in northern alp. regions r. Eur. Norway! » Sweden*: Lindberg. Arner. Greenl.: Berggren. II. Metzleria Schimper, as genus. S.D.alpinum Schimper. — Metzleria Sch.; Dicranum Kindb. Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong somewhat flexuous; cells rect- angular: outer basal narrower; costa smooth. Capsule oblong- oval not sulcate; calyptra long. Tufts pale brown. Resembling a small D. albicans or a Dicranella. — Rocks in alp. region ■* 1 "'J^ ■^■■■p — 188 ?! ' I r. Eur. Austria: Breidler, com. Warnstorf. Norway: Kaalaas, corn. E. Nyman. . . ..•: , -^ ,. i,:. ,"v^-..: ,;,,;■. .,;■,- ^^ III. Orthodicranum C. Mueller. h||^* nij-n| ^; A. Leaves brittle and channelled. -,., a. Leaves not subulate-acuminate; costa long-excurrent. 4.D.fulvuni Hooker. Leaves denticulate above, crisped when dry; cells gen. short; costa somewhat broad Capsule striate. Tufts us. brown-yellow. R. fruiting. — Rocks princ. of sandstone in woods in lower regions. Eur. princ. in southern distr. not r. Switzerl.I France: Husnot. Sweden: Berggren. Norway: E. Nyman. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun. . . . . ,,. «, ,, * iS.i 5.D.Yiride JSullivant et Lesquereux. — Campylopus SuU. et Lesq.; Dicranum Bruch et Sch.; D. subfulvum Ren. et Card. ? Leaves entire or r. near apex denticulate, us. not crisped or sometimes nearly straight; cells short or the lowest long; costa gen. less broad. Tufts us. green. Very r. fruiting. » Capsule not striate*: Schimper. — Us. on trees r. on rocks, ^wr. r. Switzerl.I France: Husnot. Sweden: P. Larsson. Norway: Bryhn. Amer. Can. eastern districts; Macoun; Moser. 6.D.strictum Schleicher. Leaves entire nearly straight; lower (inner) cells long, the uppermost short-rectangular; costa Vifirrow. Capsule not striate. Tufts pale or \ellowish green. R. fruit, in Europe. — Trees or decayed trunks. Eur. r. Sweden J 8521 Austria: Breidler, com. Warnstorf. Atmr. less r. princ. i i Paoif. distr. Can.: J. Macoun (fruit.). Alaska: J. M. Macoun. b. Leoves long subulate; costa short-excurrcnt or [.lercurreut. T.D.subulitoliuni 1 adb. bull. Torr. club XVII. Leaves entire, ficAaous when dry; cells as in the last; costa narrow. Tufts pale green. — Logs in woods r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. B. Leaves gen, not brittle, us. crisped when dry; lower cells gen. long; costa narrow. a. Leaves short-subulate, denticulate to below middle, rough at back, channelled. S.D.mOiitaniim Hedwig. Leaves with not excurrent costa. Tufts very dense us. green often low. — Decayed irunks. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. b. Leaves long-subulate, nearly entire, not rough at back, us. convolute above. — 189 — O.B.flagellare Hedwig. . r . .^ . Cobta of leavec denticulate at back, not excurrent. Stem often with flagellse (short brittle branchlets). Tufts us. pale brown sometimes green. — Decayed trunks not r. Eur. Nor- way! Sweden: S. 0. Lindberg; R. Hartman; S. Hardin. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun; Dearness. U. S.: Roell; Green. lO.D.Scottii Turner. Costa of leaves smooth excurrent. Stem not flagelliferous. Tufts us. brown often high. — Rocks princ. near Atlantic sea r. Eur. France: Le Jolis. Scotl.: Cash. Irel: Holt. Denmark: Jensen. ' C. Leaves acute or short-subulate nearly entire, not roagh at back. Capsules unknown. ll.B.miqiielonenso Renauld et Cardot. Fiieaves short often subconvolute above, appressed when dry, the uppermost gen. obtusate; nearly aU cells short; costa nar- row, gen. not excurrent. Stem 2 — 8 c. m. high. — Rocks r. Amer. Miquelon isl.: Delamare, com. Cardot. 12.D.crispatu1llin (Roell as var., in Hedwigia 1897 p. 42) Kindberg n. sp, Differs from the last: Leaves not or slightly involute above, crisped or flexuoue when dry; lower cells short-rectangular or longer. Stem about 1 o. m. high. — Amer. r. U. S. New Jersey: J. Roell. IV. Paraleucobryum Lindberg. . - 13.D. albicans Br. eur. — D. enerve Tiiedenius (older name); Campylopus Hallii Lesq. and C. frigidus Lesq. ? Leaves ovate-oblong acute not much shorter than the excur- rent part uf costa, entire or r. faintly denticulate near apex, straight and appressed or sometimes falcate, rigid but not brittle; alar cells dilated brown nearly reaching to costa. Cap- sule smooth erect not lart^e. Stem tomentoee, high when sterile, low when fruiting; r.U(;h specimens are resembling D. alpintim or a small Campylopus. Very r. fruit. — Alp. rocks r. Switzerl. fruitingi Norway! Amer. Can. Brit. Col. fruit.: Macoun. V. Pseudo-Campylopus Kindb. A. Lamina of leaves not or scarcely shorter than the ex- current part of costa; alar cells not reaching to costa. Leaves gen. not rigid; costa gen. not occupying more than the half of lamina nt base. H.D.longifolium Ehrhart. Leaves soft nearly entire or faintly denticulate, gradually ■Hf, W 2 if ;.■■'• ^ \ (>■■.:: I I i ■*■■■• .'■• ¥ ': i" \ »v , S ::4^ mv^ M ■ 'mi 1 i '! i ;' i '■ III 111 i: i! — 190 — acuminate; excurrent part of costa more or less serrulate. Peri- chetial leaves suboonvolute abruptly apiculate. Capsule some- what large; pedicel us. long. Tufts sparingly radiculose us. green or brown-green. Not r. fruiting. — Rocks and stumps. Eur. common. Sweden etc.l Amer. not common. Can.: Macoun; Drummond. ? , ■ . *D.Sauteri Schimper. Leaves gen. entire; costa occupying about Va of leaf-base, nearly entire; inner basal cells more numerous. Perichetial leaves long-subulate. Tufts dense not sparingly radiculose. — Rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Austria: C. E. Kindberg. * D.pachytrichum Kindb. cat. Can. m. (as var.). Leaves entire brittle; costa occupying about V* of leaf-base, faintly serrulate above; inner basal cells numerous. Perichetial leaves exserted convolute short-acuminate. Pedicel of capsT'le about 1 centim. long. Tufts brown when dry; stem wholly tomentose. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Brit. Col. Selkirk mts 1300 metr. a. sea: Macoun. B. Lamina of leaves much shorter than the excurrent part of costa; alar cells reaching to it. Leaves rigid; costa very broad at base. Tufts us. tomentose. . , 1 5. D.pachy neuron Molendo. — Campylopus M.; Dicranum Kindb. Leaves falcate not brittle; awn subulate serrulate. Capsules unknown. Tufts compact very tomentose. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Switzerl! 16.D.serratum Kindb. (in litt. ad Limpricht 1887). Leaves brittle more or less curved; awn strongly serrate, its upper part sublinear. Capsule as in D, longifolium. Tufts more or less radiculose us, green. — Rocks r. Eur. Norway Dovrefjeld etc.! Sweden Dalslaud near Rostockl; Uddewalla: P. Larsson. Germany: Roell. VI. Dicranodontium Bruch et Schimper. IT.D.longirostro Weber et Mohr. — Didymodon W. M.; Di- cranum Kindb.; Didymodon denudatus Lindb.; Dicranodontium virginicum Britton. Stem no* brittle. Leaves brittle at base and easily deciduous, gradually tapering to a long-subulate in upper part faintly ser- rulate acumen, flexuous or falcate; lower cells (above the alar) gradually narrower from costa to border. Tufts us. yellowish or green. Not r. fruiting. — Rocks, earth and decayed trunks. Eur. not r. Spain, Switzerl., Swedenl Norway: R. Hartman, Austria: Breidler. Amer. r. Can.: Moser. .1 ri- e- in; — 191 — IS.D.aspernlum Mitten. — D. virginicum Austin; Dicranodon- tium aristatum Schimper; D. Millspaughi Britton. Leaves and stem brittle. Leaves narrower than in the last, less gradually tapering to the also in lower part serrulate acu- men, less flexuous or nearly straight when dry; lower cells (above the alar) dilated nearly uniform. Tufts us. pale brown, very soft and silky-like. Very r. fruiting. — Rocks r. Eur. Austria: A. Schmidt. Norway: Wulfsberg, com. P. Olsson. Amer. U. S.: com. Cardot. ' :. . . VII. Eu-Dicranum. 1. Falcatiformia. A. Capsule sulcate when dry. 19.D.Starkei Weber et Mohr. — Oncophorus suecicus Arnell et Jensen. Leaves flexuous; alar cells "well-defined; uppermost cells short, the others long or short. Capsule pometimes suberect and less distinctly' strumose. Perichetial leaves subovate us. long-aristate. Tufts us. green. — Rocks princ. in alps not r. Eur. Norway, Spain, Switzerl.l Sweden: R. Hartman; Arnell. France: Boulay, com. Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. B. Capsule not sulcate. a. Leaves distinctly falcate also wl.'^n dry. 20.D.falcatiim Hedwig. Alar leaf-cells not well-defined; other cells gen. long, the uppermost short-rectangular. Perichetial leaves subovate often long aristate. Tufts often blackish. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Nor- way, Switzerl.l France: Husnot. Scotl.: Rogers. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. b. Leaves flexuous not falcate. 21 D.schisii Gunner. — Bryum Gunn.; Dicranum Lindberg; D. Blyttii Schimper. Leaves entire; alar leaf-cells well-defined, the others short at least the u{)permost. Capsule distinctly necked or strumose. Perichetial leaves oblong short-aristate. Tufts us. blackish below. — Rocks ])rinc. in alps and northern districts. Eur. not r. Sweden (also below alps), Norway 1 Scotl.: Rogers. Spets- bergen: Berggren. Portugal: Levier. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. Greenl.: Berggren. 22.D.pumilum Sauter. — Aongstroemia Saul<. i C. M. Leaves sometimes slightly denticulate; cells gen. short, the alar not much distinct; co&ta sometimes percurrent. Pedicel of the indistinctly necked capsule short. Perichetial leaves long- m '■' '■'>< Hi! :. mm 5 m&\ Hi < ■'' l,« .'i ' ■■' .., >) , l-iKt- '1 a.; i' 't ■ i I !l n. I >' It*! ' iS': i I — 192 — ■j^B iHi Mf jMi i ' 1 ^Ki ; I^R ii aristate. Tufts blackish about 0,5 c. m. high or lower. Much smaller than the last. — lilur. » Austria: Sauter)^: C. M. Amer. Can. Labrador; Waghorne. U. S.: Roell. 2. Molliformia. :rn ';:i = >, 23.D.nio11e Wilson. — D. arcticum Schimper. . ■ Leaf-cells long except tho well-defined alar. Capsule not sulcate; pedicel often long. Perichetial leaves long-aristate. Tufts dark or yellowish brown. Habit of D. spadiceum. R. fruiting. — Wet earth often near rivulets, in higher northern alp. region, r. Eur. Norwayl Sweden: C. Indebetou. Scotl.: T. Rogers. Spetsbergen: Berggren, com. A. G. Nathorst. Amer. Alaska: Palmer; J. M. Macoun. Greenl.: Berggren. 3. Carinatifolia. A. Costa of leaves strongly serrate at back. Upper leaf- cells often long. a. Capsules sulcate us clustered 3 — 4 together. Leaves de- current more or less distinctly ur>dulate when dry. 24.D.undulatuin Ehrhart. Leaves very distinctly undulate also when moist, strongly serrate above middle, recurved at one side near base, us. long- subulate, often nearly straight and spreading when dry; angu- lar cells diversiform, the alar brown dilated; other cells long and porose; costa with serrate ridges at back. Inner periche- tial leaves nerveless. Tufts green. — On ground in woods. Eur. gen. ' jmmon (in Great Britain r.). Sweden, Switzerl.l Amer. common. Can.: Macoun. : ' * D.ontariense Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves less spreading, not recurved, strongly serrate only in upper part of acumen. Capsule solitary. — Amer. Can. r.: Macoun. 25.D.Druiuniondii C. Mueller. Leaves tapering to a long sublinear in upper part serrate acumen, not recurved, flexuous or crisped when dry, often in- distinctly undulate; cells very chlorophyllose not porose: lower angular yellow, alar uniform dilated us. hyaline, other lower basal long, the others short irregular but the apical often long. Tufts green or yellowish. — Damp vvoods and peat-bogs. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Roell. b. Capsules solitary r. in pairs. Leaves not decurrent r. undulate. 26.D.canadense Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVIL Leaves narrowed to a long subulate in upper half strongly — 193 - serrate acumen, ue. nearly straight, often brittle, pometimeB convolute below; alar cells dilated j^ellow, inner basal hyaline narrower, other cells long. Perichetial leaves acuminate coetate long-aristate. Cappule sulcate us. solitary. Tufts dark green. — Earth in woods. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; VVaghorne. U. S.: 27.D.COnsol)riinilli Renauld et Cardot. Differs from the last: Ijeaves shorter, perichetial short-aristate often emarginate; capsules smooth often in pairs. — Amer. r. U. S.: Henry, com. Cardot. 28.D.scopariifornie Kindb bull. Torr. club XVI.' ' Leaves broadly acuminate or short- subulate, strongly serrate in upper part of acumen, not brittle, often curved r. undulate; alar cells brown dilated, the others gen. oblong-oval or narrower, r. porose; costa with serrate ridges at back. Inner perichetial leaves nerveless, emarginate or crenulate above. Capsule smooth. Tufts green. — Amer. r. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. U. S. Mi- chigan: Purpus, com. Roell. 29.D.caniptopliy11um Kindb. n. sp. Leaves tapering to a long subulate in upper half strongly serrate acumen, falcate and not crisped when dry; cells not porose: those of acumen subquadrate, the alar yellow dilated Bubrectangular reaching to costa; other basal cells long. Peri- chetial leaves obtusate or abruptly tapering to a gen. longer, narrow-subulate or subfiliform awn with long-excurrent costa. Capsule solitary not sulcate. Tufts green above. — Amer. v. Can. Northern Labrador: Macoun 1896. B. Costa of leaves faintly rough at back. Upper leaf-c^Us gen. short. Capsule solitary sulcate. a. Leaves not brittle, gen. broad at base; angular cells di- versiform: alar dilated brown persistent, inner basal narrow. Capsule long- pedicellate. SO.D.Bergeri Blandow. — I). Schraderi Weber et Mohr. Leaves us. tapering to a long broadly sublinear in upper part serrulate often obtuse acumen, often undulate and flexuous; upper cells sl.ort; coe^ta not percurrent. Perichetial leaves often emarginate and short-aristate. Tufts us. brown-green. — Peat- bogs and swamps gen. common. Eur. Sweden, Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. * l).r«|>incola Kindb. n. subsp. . Leaves subulate-acuminate; costa percurrent, serrulate at back, .1 i: ■iii'-.f'i'i UM. ■ ■A\ •: '•■■■VV' 194 — m '^ lEiSffi 1 |{« ■ ; !«M'' ;*; w ■ w 1 1 i; 1 Perichetial lenves long-arigtnte not emarginate. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Maconn. •■ . , .• '"Dtrigidum Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Leaveb acute phon-acnminate rigid not undulate, nearly ap- preesed when dry; costa pubpercurrent. Tufts nearly eradicu- lose, pale or whitish green when dry. Capsules unknown. — In bogs r. Eur. Sweden near Strnemstad: P. Olsson. Sl.D.pallidliiti Bruch et Schimper. — D. sabuletorura Renauld et Cardot. Differs from D. Bergeri: Leaves gradually acuminate acute short-subulate, often crisped wlien dry; cells sometimes suboblong; costa percurrent or subexcurrent. — Sandy soil r. Amer. Can.: Waghorne. U. S.: Sull. et Lesq. exsicc, com. Cardot; Sawyer and Green, com. Cardot. b. Leaves brittle and narrow; angular cells uniform dilated fugitive faintly yellowish; other basal cells long hyaline. Cap- sule short-pedicellate. 32.D.leiicobasis C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves tapering to a very long narrow nearly wholly spinu- lose-serrulate acute acumen, faintly undulate and crisped when dry; middle cells of lamina gen. short. Capsule not large. Resembles somewhat D. fuscescens in habit. — Base of trees in woods r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. 4. Scopariiformia. A. Leaves rough or denticulate at back of lamina, us. cri- sped and often undulate when dry; costa sometimes excurrent. 33.D.elHtufii Lindberg. — D. robustum Blytt (the inventor). Leaves long, tapering to a long spinulose-serrulate brittle acumen, dentate at back; acumen with narrow-subulate often circinnate point; cells of angles diversiform, the inner narrow; other cells of lower part long, the upper short irregular; costa very rough at back near arex, often excurrent. Capsules clu- stered 8 — 4 not striate when wholly ripe. Plants yellowish green very robust up. high. — Bogs and humid woods r. Eur. Norway! Sweden!; Lindberg. 34.D.spnriuin Hedwig. Leaves gen. not long, ovate-lancoolate acute or from subovate base abruptly acuminate, subpnpillosc at back, very faintly serrate at the us. short acumen; cells as in the last; costa abbreviate or subpercurrent, faintly rough at back. Capsule solitary striate. Tufts yellowish green not high. — Dry heat'.is — 195 — and woods on nandy soil, r. on rocks. Eur. not r., common in northern distr. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. Can. not r.: Macoun; Waghorne. B. Leaves smooth at back of lamina, not crisped; costa not excurrent. a. Leaves not undulate gen. short. 35.D.bracliycaulon Kindb. cat. Can. m. — D. plano-alare C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate acute, entire or near apex indistinctly denticulate, sometimes nearly appressed when dry, smaller than in the last; cells gen. short also near base; costa smooth at back. Tufts low green. — Dry rocks or earth r. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 36.D.8tenodictyon Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. — Monocra- num Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Leaves narrowed below, from oblong base short-acuminate obtuse, very short, crenulate (not serrate) above middle, appressed when dry; cells tbick-walled not porose; the outer alar brown, the inner hyaline; other cells lanceolate or the upper oblong, the apical sometimes oval; costa very narrow, serrulate above at back. Capsules unknown. Tufts blackish when dry with straw-yellow tops, nearly eradiculose. Habit of Galliergon sar- mentosum. — Earth in woods r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. — In the resembling Monocranum dicranoides C. M. (from Chile, com. C. M.) leaves are long-acuminate, peristomial teeth entire, not cleft. b. Leaves long gen. broadly acuminate or short-subulate, sometimes undulate. aa. Leaves distinctly decurrent; cells not porose, those of decurrent part narrow; costa smooth at back. Tufts nearly without rhizoids. Capsules unknown. 37.D.leioneiiron Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. Leaves gen. quite entire, sometimes subobtuse at apex, con- volute in middle, suberect when dry, not undulate; angular cells diversiform, the inner pellucid sometimes pale yellow; other cells long narrow; costa very narrow. Tufts yellowish. — Swampy woods r. Amer. Can. Anticosti: Macoun. bbt Leaves gen. not distinctly decurrent; cells us. porose; costa more or less denticulate at back. Inner perichetial leaves longer than the awn. Pedicels long soHtary or r. in pairs. Tufts radiculose. 38.D.scopariuin L. — Bryum L.; Dicranum Hedwig. tUc*^; 1,1' ■: i *%■ ml '■ ml i- V; , V I ', ."■■ (; • \ :■;'.* «•'. -• 'H"^ ' t ; i II :h-.r!;|. ■i . ■ ' i'- '! '." " n lU -,.!• h ';( ) ^ ! 1 it ':iJ 1 r-'^f, i- *^ ,:::i,;-Ri i! ■m A ; j; ■sm If '.A ] 1 , - 196 — Leaves faintly serrulate in upper part of acumen, more or less curved and patent but not spreading when dry, r. undu- late; angular cells diversiform, the alar brown more dilated, the inner pale yellow or less often hyaline; other cells gen. long, the uppermost sometimes suboblong; costa us. with 2 serrate ridges at back near apex. Perichetial leaves not long- aristate. Capsule not sulcate. Tuffs us. green, sometimes blackish. — Dry places common, le.es often in bogs and some- what r. in alp. regions Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Alr.ska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller; Roell. * D.involutum Kindb. n. subsp. "' r.-^i>i'nA. i.^?- -- .c . Leaves falcate not or sparingly porose, very concave, suboon- volute in middle, very chlorophyllose, sometimes undulate; cells gen. oblong-oval. Capsules unknown. — Amer. r. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. SO.D.Konjeani Notaris. — D. palustre Br. eur. ; ; Leaves nearly entire, spreading and undulate when dry, often nearly straight; cells as in D. scoparium; costa nearly smooth without ridges at back, us. not percurrent. Perichetial leaves short-aristate. Capsule sulcate. Tufts us. yellowish. — Bogs. Eur. not common. Sweden (common), Norway! Amer. r. Can.: Macoun, -•^- v -.•.*.>,/.; 40.D.iindiilifolium C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves nearly entire, often obtuse at apex, nearly appressed and slightly undulate when dr}-; cells as in the last; costa not lamellate but denticulate at back near apex. Tufts golden gloss}', sparingly radiculose. Capsules unknown. — In alps r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts 2500 nietr. a. s.: Macoun; Vane isl.: Roell. U. S.: Roell 41.D.ailgllstum Lindberg; Kindb. rev. bryol. 189H. ■-:'•' Leaves entire not undulate, narrower and less spreading than in D. Bonjeani, often nearly straight and suberect; cells as in the same species but gen. not porose; costa percurrent, nearly smooth without ridges at back. Capsule sulcate. Tufts yello- wish green. — Bogs r. Eur. northern districts. Norway! Finl.: Brotherus. Sweden princ. in Lapland: E. Nyman, 42.D.RoeIli! Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 60. — D. Bonjeani var. Roellii Barnes. Differs from D. Bonjeam in leaves neither spreading nor undulate and their costa sometimes bilamellate. — More allied to D. scoparium; differs froni it in leaves faintly crenulate at 43.D.8ubpa1u8tre C. M. et Leaves serrulate in the narrow (sometimes brittle) — 197 — acumen, their upper cells suboblong, less porose; costa more abbreviate, nearly smooth at back. — Amer. Pacif. distr. r. Can. Vane, isl.: J. Roell. , . ,.■;•; u .•> ,[ Var. Schlotthaueri Barnes. . Leaves shorter, broader-acuminate, their upper cells gen. sub- oval, costa not bilamellate. Habit of D. hrachycauloti. — Amer. r. U. S Yellowstone Park 2100 metr. a. s.: Roell. Kindb. 1. c. greater part of the somewhat long acumen, very concave below, sub- convolute at base of acumen, sometimes short-decurrent, not spreading, sometimes undulate when dry; cells as in D. scopa- rium; costa percurrent, serrulate in upper part but not lamellate. Perichetial leaves long-aristate. Capsule nearly smooth or finally Bulcate. Tufts often 3'ello\vish. — Bogs r. Amer. Can.: J. and J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. Eur. Sweden in Lapland: E. Nyman. 44.1).hyalinum Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896, p. 01. Leaves faintly denticulate near apex, narrower and somewhat long-acuminate; alar cells nearly hyaline rectangular not well- defined; other cells hyaline not porose, narrow-linear excapt the oval apical; costa faintly denticulate near apex, narrow ; hove but very dilated at base, not excurrent. Tufts loose very [)a- ringly radiculose. Capsules unknown. — Alp. region r. Amer. Nat. Park 2100 metr. a. s.: Roell. 5. Fuscescentiformia. • •. h: . Inner perichetial leaves longer than the awn. Leaves very long and not crisped but falcate or straight when dry, sometimes brittle; costa very narrow, sule large; pedicel very long. Tufts shining very high. 45.D.iiiaju8 Smith. i Leaves with subulate nearly wholly serrulate acumen; angular cells diversiform, the inner hyaline; other cells long uniform porose; costa excurrent rough at least in upper half. Capsules faintly striate us. clustered. Inner perichetial leaves denticulate, truncate below the awn. Tufts green or yellowish. — On earth and shaded rocks in woods. Eur. not r. Sweden commoril Amer. r. Can. eastern districts: J. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. 46.D.Howellii Renauld et Cardot hot. gaz. 1889. — D. an- gustifolium Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVII, 1890 (in part). . Leaves with sublinear in upper half serrulate acumen, narrower U. S. A. a. nearly Cap- b.hdr n -. y 1! '» 5 i ■if' H * D.congestum Bridel. Leaves less serrulate with sublinear acumen; cells us. porose; costa us. subpercurrent narrower. Capsule less striate. Tufts us. green. — Not r. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Fiul.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.; Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Roell. * D.Seiidtneri Limpricht. r Leaves nearly entire less flexuous, sometimes subconvolute; cells porose, upper gen. narrow. Capsule nearly straight. — Rocks r. Eur. Norway! Russia: Zickendrath. * D.subbreTifolium Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves larger, subconvolute nearly entire; oosta not excurrent. Capsule suicate. Stem somewhat high. Habit of D. brevi/olimn. Amer. v. Can. Rocky rats: Macoun. 48.D.conge8tiforme C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves with somewhat broad short-subulate nearly wholly serrulate acumen, faintly flexuous, larger than in D. fuscescens; upper and middle cells porose gen. narrow, the others as in the mentionned species; costa distinctly rough at back, not excurrent, narrow. Capsule oblique somewhat large and Anally — 190 — Bulcate. Tutts greeniHh und high. — Damp subalp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 49.D.algiduill Kindb. revue bryol. 189(5. Leaver entire nearly straight and snberect, only the upper flexuouB, narrower than in D. fuscescens; anguhir cells nearly uniform dilated; other cells very poro^^e, gen. long; costa very narrow, nearly smooth at back or slightly rough in the excur- rent part. Tufts soft and silky, green or dark green, nearly eradiculose. Capsules unknown. Habit of D. spadiceum] differs from it princ. in not convolute leaves. — Rocks in alps r. ^Iwer. Can. Rocky mts 2700 nietr. a. s.: Macoun. Eur. Sweden in Lapland, and Norway: E. Nynian. * D.subspadiceum Kindb. n, subsp. Leaves straight erect subconvolute, denticulate near apex and at the excurrent part of costa. Tufts brown with yellowish branch-tops. Capsules unknown. — Kocks in alp. region r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts '2500 metr. a. s.: Macoun. B. Perichetial leaves shorter than the awn. 50.D.sillcatuili Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVII; D. trachyphyllum Ren. et Card. Leaves brittle not large, more or less flexuous when dry; cells porose, than in D. Habit of D. Col.: J. and the uppermost short, the lower long; costa broader fuscescens, sometimes excurrent. Capsule sulcate. fuscescens. — Logs and rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. J. M. Macoun. N. Foundl.: Waghorne. 51.1).crispuluiii C. M. et Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Differs from the last: liCaves narrower, more crisped when dry; cells not porose, the uppermost irregular sometimes sub- oblong; costa very narrow gen. percurrent. — On earth or trees in woods r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit. Col.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. S'i.D.perichaetiale Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 61. Differs from the both last in the leaves larger and broader, neither crisped nor flexuous, only the uppermost subfalcate, less often brittle; cells larger, narrow-linear, not or sparingly porose; costa distinctly denticulate at back, not excurrent, nar- rower than in D. sulcatum', capsule larger. parium and D. majus in habit. — Amer. Pacif. 6. Convolutifolia. A. Leaves serrulate in upper part of acumen. a. Leaves long-subulate; costa somewhat long-excurrent. Tufts tomentose; tomentum often reddish. Resembles D. scO' distr. r. U. S.: Roell. !'*'lr 'i §M^ , ((" I _ 200 — 58.I).Mnehlonbeckii Bryol. eur, LeavGH flexuouH; coUh gen. not poro.se, the anj(ular dilated nearly uniform, tlie inner pale yellow; other cells of lower part gen. narrow, the middle and upper ^hort mixed with some l(«ug near apex; costa faintly rough at hack. CapHule often nearly smooth. Often more rohust and high than in the re- Hemhling D. fuscescens. — Uo(;k9 princ. in alp. or northern districts, not common. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.l France: Hus- not. Germany: Kolb, com. VVarnstorf. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Iloell. b. Leaves not long-subulate; costa gen. percurrent. Tufts sparingly radioulose. 54.1).rliabdocari>uni Sullivant. ;• . ' - i^i Leaves patent-erect not flexuoup; angular cells diversiform, the alar pale yellow; other cells gc.i. long; costa rough at back without ridges. Capsule sulcate. Habit of D. scoparium. — Subalp. woods r. Amer. Rocky mts: Lesq. et Sulliv. exsicc, com. Renauld. Eur. Sweden in Lapland: R. Nyman. 55.D.dipteroneuron C. Mueller in Flora 1887. Leaves flexuous somewhat small; alar cells brown, the others narrow or the uppermost oval; costa with 2 serrulate ridges at back, sometimes short-excurrent. Capsule smooth not large; pedicel short. Habit of D. brevifoh'um. — Amer. r. Greenl.: C. Wensk, com. Roell. U. S.: Roell. » Alaska: KrauKe»: C. M. entire, r. indistinctly denticulate near apex. Tufts not B. Leaves gen Capsule sulcate, a. Leaves somewhat large; costa gen. percurrent. densely radiculose. R. fruiting. 56.D.brevifoliiim Lindberg. Leaves flexuous short-subulate, sometimes less distinctly con- volute; angular cells dilated nearly uniform, outer brown, inner pale yellow; other cells gen. short; costa nearly smooth at back. Sometimes more robust and high than in the resembling D. fuscescens. — Rocks princ. in al}). or northern districts, r. Eur. Sweden, Norway! Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: Macoun. ST.D.spadiceuni Zetterstedt. — D. neglectum Juratzka. Leaves open-erect not fiexuous, somewhat long-subulate; an- gular cells diversiform, the inner hyaline sometimes reaching to costa; other cells gen. long nearly uniform; costa smooth sometimes short-excurrent. Tufts often brown. Habit of D. molle and D. scoparium. — Rocks in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway, — 2(11 Zt'ttiTHtedt. S|)t't.>-l)eigoii: Heiggren. Bmooth at back. Tufts batio Hbort-Hubulate and Swilzerl.! Fniiice: J. E. Amer. Greenl.: lierggren. b. Leaves Hmall; oosta excurraiit dense tonientoHc. CapHulo not large. 58. D.elOIll^atuiii Scblcicber. Leaves us. from sotnewluit Ijrpad entire, nearly all appressed wben dry; angular cells diversiform, tbe alar biown; other cells narrow except the gen. short upper; costa somewhat broad and not long-excurrent. Capsule faintly curved. Tufts green or brownish us. very high. — Swamps and wet rocks princ. in alps. Eur. nearly common in northern alps. Sweden, Norway! Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun; Wag- horne, Greenl.: Wensk, com. Iloell. * D.dovrense Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves narrower with longer subula, entire and not brittle, nearly all appressed when dry; nearly all cells narrow except the alar; costa longer-excurrent. Capsule faintly curved. — Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld! * D.subfrn^ilifoliuiu Kindb. n. ubsp. Leaves narrow long-subulate faintly denticulate above, flexuous, Bometimes brittle; costa long-excurrent narrower. Capsule ar- cuate. — Northern alps r. Eur. Norway near Kongswoldl Amer. Can.: Waghorne. * D.atteniiatuin Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves larger, gradually tapering to a somewhat long subula, nearly entire and often brittle, the uppermost flexuous; costa short-excurrent. Capsule more or less curved. Habit of D. fragilifolium. Tufts low. — Amer. Can. Labrador: Waghorne. 59.1>.fragilifoliiiiii Lindberg. — D. Macounii Austin in herb. Macoun. Leaves from narrow base very long-subulate, entire and brittle, gen. straight erect or the uppermost flexuous; alar cells r. well- detined, the others gen. rectangular or some few short; costa narrow very long excurrent. Capsule oblique us. arcuate, larger than in D. elongatum. Tufts low us. green or pale brown. Habit of D. stridum. — On logs in northern princ. subalp. districts r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: S. 0. Lindberg; E. Nyman. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun; Waghorne. C. Leaves small entire; costa percurrent smooth at back. Tufts densely radiculose. Capsule small. Habit of D. elonyatum. 60.D.groeDland{cuiU Bridel. — D. labradoricum C. M.; D. tenuinerve Zetterstedt. 14 ^"t- mi »UJ '■^■: '1; 'J — 202 — Leaves abruptly narrowed to the pcarcely longer acumen, gen. broader than in D. elongatum, strongly appressed when dry; angular cells us. not well-defined, other cells gen. long or the uppermost shorter; costa very narrow. Capsule curved. Tufts high pale brown very compact. R. fraiting. — Swamps and wet rocks in arctic or other northern alps r. Eur. Norway! Spetsbergen: Berggren; R. Gyllencreutz. Russia near Kola: Brotherus, com. C. Mueller. Amer. U. JS. Miquelon is).: Delamare, com. Cardot. Hl.D.Sphagni Wahlenberg ti. lappon. Leaves as in the last but somewhat larger, more gradually narrowed, looser appressed or subllexuous; cells as in the last but the angular more distinct and brown; costa less narrow. Capsule straight or slightly curved. Tufts somewhat low, not very compact, often green. — Swamps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Can.: Waghorne. 92. Campy lopiis Bridel. I. Thysanoniitrium. Leaves o^'icn falcate; alur cells short dilated, separated from leaf-borders by narrow (marginal) cells; other cells rectangular; costa long-excurrent somewhat narrow. II. Anotis. Leaves not falcate; alar cells gen. wanting (or indistinctly evolute), the angular narrow gen. not much defined from the other basal ones; ui)per cells short irregular; costa very broad but often short-cxcurrent. III. £u-Caiiipylopils. Leaves sometimes falcate; alar cells short dilated well-defined; other cells short gen. irregular; costa sometimes (in C. Hexuosus) not or scarcely ex(;urrent. Leaves involute above. I. Tiiysanomitrium Schwa3grichen. l.C.Ullciliatus Harvey. — Thvsanomitrium Harv.; Campylopus Kindb. Laubm. S. u. N.; Dicranodontium circinnatum Schimper. Leaves from half-sheathing base abruptly tapering to a much longer, subulate acumen, faintly serrulate, patent; alar cells hyaline fugitive. Tufts green loose. Very r. fruiting. — Sha- ded rocks princ. in alps r. Eur, Switzorl.! Norway: E Nyman. Scotland: Fergusson. Austria: Breidler. II. x\notis Kindberg. A. Leaf-base whitish glossy. Leaves and branchlets brittle. Leaves appressed when dry. 2.C.fragilis Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Campylopus Br. eur. Leaves not involute above; upper cells gen, rhombic; costa gen. long excurrent, sulcate at back, faintly denticulate at apex. Tufts tomentose not high. R. fruiting. — Rocks, eap. of sand- stone, and turfy soil. Eur. not r. Switzerl.l 1. — '^o;4 t'^E B. Leaf-base more or less duKky. Leaves and braiichletH r. brittle. Leaves gen. (exc. C. Schimperi) not appressed. a. Leaves not involute above; costa long-excurrent. Not r. fruiting. B.C.piriformis Hchultz, — Dicranum Scliz.; Campylopus Bridel; C. turfaceus Br. eur. Upper leaf-cells subrbomboidal; costa sometimes sulcate. Stem short, radiculose at base. — Heatbs and moorlands. Eur.nntr. Swe- den: Aokerman, com. Lindberg. England: Holt. Fran^^e: Du Noday. b. Leaves involute above; costa gen. less long-excurrent. Very r. fruiting. 4.C.SUblllatus Schimper. — C. brevifolius Br. eur. Upper leaf-cells gen. rhombic-quadrate, the alar sometimes nearly distinct; costa faintly sulcate, sometimes hyaline at apex. Tufts very low without rhizoids. — On stones r. Eur. princ. in warmer districts. Switzerl.l Belgiuui: Gravet. France: Ber- thoumieu. Austria: Breidler. Sweden; P. Larsson. 5.C.Heiiirici Renauld et Cardot. Differs from the last: » Leaves brittle; upper cells longer rect- angular; costa longer excurrent, not sulcate »: Ren, et Card. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: R. et C. 6.C. Schimperi Milde. — Leptotrichum tomentosum Kindb. note on Can. Bryol. Leaves us. appressed when dry; upper cells oval-rhomboidal; costa not sulcate. Tufts tonientose often very low, sometimes high. — Damp rocks princ. in alps r. Eur. Switzerl, Norway! Austria; Breidler. Engl.: Holt. Amer. Alaska: .J. M. Macoun. in. Eu Campylopus. Ai Leaves somewhat short, distinctly denticulate above at lamina, llexuous when dry; costa long-excurrent gen. without hyaline hairpoinfc. Capsules unknown. T.C.Doniiellii Austin. — Dicranum Aust; Campylopus Lq. etJam. Leaves abruptly attenuate, indistinctly auricled, not large; upper cells oval-rhombic; costa not sulcate. Tufts greenish to- mentose not high. — Amer. U. S., Florida: Austin, com. Cardot. S.C.subleucogaster C. M. — Dicranum ((-nmpylopus) C. M. » Differs from the last in its dirty yellow color, leaves less opeii and less abruptly narrowed, costa broader; terminal branchlets bristle* Lesq. et Jam. — »Lcaves distinctly auricled; upper cells quadrate; costa serrulate at apex. Tufts loose, about 3 cm. high. Stem with very short, densely crowded branches at apex. — Amer. r. U. S., Alabama: Mohr»; C. M. in Flora 1875. ,}> ;iV:;i' h ■'h- •i .-. 'L ' '; ;k — 204 — B. Leaves long gen. entire or (in C. Mildei and G. setifolius) denticulate above, us. appressed when dry; costa long-excurrent. a. Upper leaves us. with long whitish hairpoint. 9.C.introflexu8 Hedwig. — Dioranum H.; Campylopus Brid,; C. polytrlchoides Notaris; C. leucotrichus SuU. icon. m. Leaves straight rigid not distinctly auricled, us. appressed when dry; basal lamina not involute; upper cells rhomboidal- oblong or often curved; costa very broad, deeply sulcate. Male plants with short reddish perigonial leaves. Tufts radiculose us. green or yellowish, sometimes blackish. Very r. fruiting. — Dry heaths and rocks. Eur. Switzerl.! Amer. »U. S.»: Sulliv. lO.C.brevipilus Br. eur. Differs from the last: Leaves less rigid, sometimes faintly flexuous; basal lamina partly involute; costa not deeply sulcate, less broad; hairpoint short sometimes wanting. Tufts nearly eradiculose us. yellowish. Capsules unknown. — Moist heaths r. Eur. France: Renauld, com. Husnot. 11 C.atrovirens Notaris. Leaves not rigid, sometimes llexuouK or falcate, us. auricled; upper cells gen. oblong or vermicular; costa not deepl}' sulcate, not very broad. Tufts sparingly radiculose us, blackish or dark green. Very r. fruiting. — Wet rocks and peaty ground. Eur. Switzerl.! Norway: R, Hartman. France: Husnot. *C.adustus Notaris. Leaves nearly straight, less distinctly auricled; upper cells often rhomboidal. Tufts blackish brown when dry. Capsules unknown. — Dry rocks r. Eur. Switzerl. in higher subalp. region near Faidol ri.C.gracilicaulis Mitten. Differs from C. atrovirens in not auricled leaves; upper cells often rhombic. » Capsule immersed in the comal leaves*: Lesq. et Jam. Amer. r. U. S., Florida: Austin, com. Cardot. * C.angnstiretis Austin. — Dicranum Austin; Campylopus Lesq. et Jam. » Leaf -cells much longer, sublinear, the alar dirty red. Amer. U. S., Florida*: Lesq. et Jam. b* Leaves without disfinct (hyaline) hairpoint, sometimes (exc. C. Mildei) falcate or r. (in C setifolius) flexuous. 13.C.Mildei Limpricht. Leaves nearly appressed when dry, straight, less rigid than in G. ititroflexus, sometimes denticulate above; auricles gen. not much distinct; upper cells oval-rhuinbic; costa not much deeply — 205 — Rulcate. Stem more or lees radiculose, often very long. Tufts gen. green above, brown below. Capsules unknown. — Dry and moist rocks r, Eur. Switzerl. near Luganol H.C.Shawii Wilson. Leaves not rigid, abruptly attenuate, entire; auricles indistinct; upper cells oval-rhombic; costa not sulcate, nearly entire. Tufts tomentose green. Capsules unknown. Habit of Dkranum al- bicans. — Bogs r. Eur. Scotl.: Shaw, com. Bottini. IS.C.setifolius Wilson. Leaves not rigid, denticulate above; auricles large; upper cells rhombic; costa not sulcate, very rough in upper part. Capsules clustered; calyptra unknown. Tufts nearly eradiculose, blackish or dark green; stem ver\ long. Very r. fruiting. — Rocks r. Eur. Irel.: G. A. Holt. 16.C.Scliwarzii Schimper. Leaves not rigid, entire, r. falcate; auricles large; upper cells rhombic-rectangular: coBta sulcate nearly entire. Capsules un- known. Tufts sparingly radiculose, greenish or blackish, often high. Habit of Dicranum longifoUum. - Rocks in alps and near Atlantic sea, Eur. Switzerl. 1 L-el.: Holt. Norway: R. Hart- man. * C.niic8.ns Wulfsberg. Tufts yellowish more radiculose. Leaves often falcate. Pe- dicels of capsules clustered. — Eur. Norway: Wulfsberg. Swe- den: P. Larsson. C. Leaves gen. denticulate above, us. flexuous when dry; costa not hyaline at apex, us. subpercurrent. 17 C.flexuosiis L. — Bryum L.; Campylopus Bridel. Leaves often auricled; upper cells suboval-rhomboidal, the alar us. brown-yellow; costa occupying about half lamina at base, sulcate only at apex. Tufts us. brown- tomentose. LesB r. fruiting. — Turfy soil and moist sandstone rocks. Eur. not r. Switzerl! Amer. r. »U. S.»: SuUiv. *C. zonal us Molendo. Leaves more distinctly denticulate; alar cells purplish (as to- mentum of ntem); costa narrower. — Eur. r. France: Le Jolis. * C.paradoxiis Wilson. Leaves gen. entire; costa narrower, percurrent. Tufts less radiculose. Capsules unknown. — Peaty soil r. Eur. Engl.: Wood, com. Husnot. Sweden: P. Olsson. * C.talliileiisis Sull. et Lesq.; Sulliv. icon. m. Leaves narrower, denticulate near apex; costa percurrent. 1! 1 I.' If! t I ir ' : ■: 'Si-'' >'>J fi:-^ Mi i it' 1 'i! fi " »» 'i — 206 — Tufts sparingly radiculose, yellowish green. Capsules unknown. — Wet rocks r. — Amer. »U. S.»: SuUivant. 93. Dicranella Schimper. I. Anisotheciuni. Leaves spreading, from sheathing base ho- rizontally patent or deflexed. Capsule indined; pedicel red. II. Pseud-Oiicoplioriis. Leaves flexuous or erect-patent, not spreading. Capsule inclined distinctly necked and strumose; pedicel yellow (reddish only when old). III. Eli-Dicranella. Leaves not spreading. Capsule not di- stinctly necked; pedicel red or (in D. heteromalla) yellow. I. Anisothecium (Mitten) Lindberg. A. Leaves large gradually tapering to the broad acumen. Stem us. high. R. fruiting. l.D.squarrosa Starke. — Dicranum St.; Dicranella Schimp. Leaves with nearly entire often obtuse acumen; upper cells oval or suboblong; costa not percurrent. Capsule large not striate. — Moors princ. in alps. Eur. not r. Norway (fruit.), Sweden, Switzerl.l Engl, (fruit.): Manchester Cryptog. Society. Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Leaves less large abruptly tapering to the long subulate acumen. Stem us. \o\v. 2.D.Schreberi Swartz. — Dicranum Sw.; Dicranella Schimp.; Cynodontium canadense Mitten; Dichodontium Lq. et Jam. Leaves with an in upper part serrulate acumen; cells irregular often rhomboidal, upper suboblong; costa percurrent. Capsule smooth not large. — Clay soil not r. Eur. Sweden!; Lindberg; M. Huss. Engl: Holt. Amer. Can.: Macoun. S.D.Grevillei Bryol. eur. Leaves entire; cells oblong-lanceolate; costa excurrent. Cap- sule small finally striate or sulcate, indistinctly strumose. — Clay soil princ. in alps r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.l Sweden: M. Huss. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. II. Pseud-Oncophorus Kindb. 4.D.cerviculata Hedwig. — Dicranum H.; Dicranella Sch. Leaves from half-sheathing base abruptly narrowed to a long subulate acumen, us. flexuous or crisped; cells narrow irregular; costa broad long-excurrent. Capsule finally plicate; teeth cleft to middle. Tufts yellowish green. — Bare soil on wet heaths and in ditches. Eur. common. SwedenI Amer. Can.: Macoun. * D.piisilla Hedwig. — Dicranum H.; Dicranella Sch. »Plant8 smaller. Leaves shorter, nearly straight and not — 207 — flexuons. Capsule very small, less distinctly strumose. — Higher alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.»: Schimper. 5.B.po1aris Kindb. note on Canad. bryol. 1893. Differs from D. cerviciilata: Plants smaller. Leaves shorter nearly straight and not flexuous; upper cells suboblong; costa broader, lilling the whole acumen. Capsule very small and not striate, less distinctly strumose; teeth nearly entire or faintly cleft. Stem very short. — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska; J. M. Macoun. 6.D.cervicHlatiila Kindb. 1. c. Differs from D. cerviculata: Leaves gradually narrowed; cells short quadrate, only the inner basal narrow; costa narrower and well-defined, only in perichetial leaves distinctly excurrent. Tufts dark green. — Amer. r. Can. Hudson Strait: R. Bell, com. Macoun. in. Eu-Dicranella. A. Leaves channelled; costa longexcurrent. a. Leaves abruptly acuminate from the us. half-sheathing base T.D.secunda Swartz. — Dicranum Sw. 1795; Dicranella Lind- berg; D. subulata (Hedwig 1801) Schimper. Leaves entire with suboblong base, subfalcate not crisped; lower cells narrow, the upper oblong; costa gen. entire. Capsule cernuous finally sulcate; teeth cleft to middle; lid long-rostrate; annulus revoluble. — Wet stony ground princ. in alps. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzer!.! Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: ,T. M. Macoun. * D.curyata Hedwig. — Dicranum H.; Dicranella Sch. Leaves with shorter base; costa denticulate above. Perichetial leaves not convolute. Capsule us. erect. — Wet sandstone rocks r. Eur. Germany: Huebner. France: Boulay, com. Hus- not. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. H.D.crispa Ehrhart. — Dicranum Ehrh.; Dicranella Sch. Leaves entire with subovate base, crisped when dry; cells gen. narrow; costa minutely denticulate near apex. Capsule erect finally bjlcate; teeth red-brown cleft to middle; lid long- rostrate; annulus not wholly revoluble. — Sandy ground. Eur. not r. Norway, Sweden! Engl.: Holt. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 9.D.parYUla Kindb. bull. Torr. club 1889. Leaves crenulate all around with subovate base, crisped or curved when dry; basal cells long linear, upper oblong-quadrate; costa denticulate above. Capsule inclined or suberect; teeth mi !{■!;■ till ■ ■ J: .■V,! . 1 ■' ' li. '^fi ?f ■ — 208 - orange nearly partite; lid short Bubobtuse or apiculate; annulus scarcely loosed; pedicel pale red. Stem very short. — Earth in higher alp. region r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts 1950 metr. a. 6.: Macoun. b. Leaves gradually acuminate from not sheathing base. Pedicel yellow. lO.D.heteromalla L. — Bryum L.; Dicranella Sch. Leaves flexuous or straight when dry, sometimes denticulate; lower cells long, upper shorter; costa broad us. denticulate near apex. Capsule nitid orange more or less oblique and in- clined, r. suberect, finally sulcate; teeth cleft to middle; lid long-rostrate. Tufts us. green often soft and silky like. — Damp earth and rocks common. Enr. Sveden, Norway, Germany, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. Alaska: J. M, Macoun. U. S.: com. MaCoun (a variety with longer not di- stinctly sulcate capsule). * D. Fitzgerald! Renauld et Cardot. Capsule suberect and subsymmetric. — Amer. U. S.: Fitzge- rald, com. Cardot. B. Leaves carin.'.te gradually acuminate not sheathing; costa gen. not excurrent. Capsule not or indistinctly striate. Tufts low us. not shining. ' ' ' * a. Leaves entire, recurved below; alar cells us. dilated. ll.Dtrubra Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Dicranella Brotherus; D. varia Schimper; D. Howei and D. Langloisii Renauld et Cardot. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong us. nearly straight: upper scarcely longer; cells gen. narrow exc. the alar. Capsule incHned red-brown us. oblique; teeth us. not deeply cleft; lid rostellate not longer than half capsule; annulus none. Tufts yellowish green. — Damp clay soil and rocks. Eur. common. Sweden, Switzerl.! Italy: Arcangeli. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Sullivant; Howe; Langlois, com. Cardot (a var. with short leaves). * D.callistoina Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Dicranella Sch. Capsule smaller, subsymmetric often erect, gen. not longer than lid. — Rocks princ. in subalp. distr. r. Eur. Engl.: Rogers. France: Le Jolis. Greece: Heldreich. I'i.D.debiiis Hooker et Wilson. — Dicranum H. W.; SuUiv. ic. m.; Dicranella Lq. et Jam.; D, leptotrichoides Ren. et Card. Differs from D. rubra *callistoma: Capsule annulate; teeth nearly partite. Upper leaves much longer than the lower. — f — 209 — Ditches nnd roadsides r. Amer. U. S.: Sulliv. ct Lei^q., com. Renanld; Lnngloie, com. Cardot. b. Leaves serrulate above, not recurved; alar cells not de- fined. IS.B.riifoscens Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Dicranella Sch. Leaves longer upwards, nearly straight or curved: the upper- most narrowly ovate-lanceolate; cells less narrow than in D. rubra Capsule symmetric blood-red us. erect; teeth cleft nearly to middle; lid rostellate us. half as long as capsule; annulus none. Tufts often rufescent. Male plants resembling a Phascum. — Wet clay and stony ground. Eur. not r. Sweden: R. Hart- n)an; M. Huss. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Ma- coun. * D.hiiitiilis Ruthe. - Capsule inclined and curved when dry. Leaves pale green, the upper more flexuous. — Sandy and clay soil r. Eur. Nor- way: N. Bryhn. 94. Dicraiioweisia Lindberg. A. Leaves recurved gradually acuminate; costa not excur- rent. Peristomial teeth not cleft; annulus revoluble. l.D.cirrata L. — Mnium L.; Dicranoweisia Lindb. Leaves subulate acuminate; alar cells not well-defined; costa subpei'current. Perichetial leaves abruptly narrowed to a shor- ter acumen; costa vanishing below it. Capsule erect cylindric pale or yellowish brown. Tufts pale green. — Logs and rocks not r. Eur. Sweden, Switzcrl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Leaves not recurved. Peristomial teeth us. cleft; annu- lus indistinct. «. Leaves abruptly acuminate; costa not excurrent. Capsule straight symmetric. Perichetial leaves very short. 2.1) Ci'ispiiia Htdwig. — Weisia H.; Dicranoweisia Lindb. Leaves with long subulate channelled acumen; alar cells well-defined Capsule pale brown us. oval-oblong, or cylindric when young, r. cylindric when old; teeth sometimes entire. Perichetial leaves short-apiculate. Tufts brown or blackish when dry. — Rocks princ. in alps, common in alp. regions. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.I Sweden: Miss 0. Cron. Spetsbergen: Berggren. Amer, Green!.: Berggren. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Hendcison, com. Cardot. B.D.COmpacta Schleicher. — Grimmia Schl.; Dicranoweisia Schimp. Dithers from the last: Leaves with sublinear not long often m M. I r ('M:'i'}' ■■'? 'J" '■; V — 210 — obtuse ncumcn: pericbetial longer-apiculate. Capsule suboval red-brown smaller. Tufts lower often green. — Rocks in higher alp. regions r. Eur. Switzerl.l; Scbimper. Italy: Husnot m. gall. Norway: R. Hartnian. Sweden: E. Adlerz; E. Nymnn. b. Lea\'es nearly gradually long subulate; costa excurrent. Perirhetial leaves long-acuminate. Tufts green. Capsule small. 4.D.Roellii Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 59. Alar leaf-cells not well-defined or rectangular. Pericbetial leaves abruptly narrowed to a by costa often wholly filled acumen. Capsule red-brown round-oval symmetric not strumose; pedicel tiexuous or arcuate when dry, not long. Tufts very compact. — Rocks in higher alp. region r. Amer. U. S. Oregon mt Hood 2400 metr. a. s. near a glacier: J. Rocll. 5.D.obIiqua Kindb. note on Canad, bryol. 1893. Alar leaf-cells quadrate well-defined. Pericbetial leaves less abruptl}' acuminate, not filled by costa in lower part of acumen. Capsule pale brown suboblong inclined curved or subobovate with very small mouth, often strumose; pedicel long straight or slightly curved. — Stones in alp. region r. Amer. Pacif. di^tr. Can. Brit. Col.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. 95 Oncopbonis Bridel. l.O.yirens Swartz. — Bryum Sw.; Oncophorus Brid.; Cyno- dontium Scbimper; C. Demetrii Ren. et Card. ? Leaves refiexed at borders, from suboblong base less abruptly tapering to the attenuate acute entire or in upper part densely denticulate acumen, more or less crisped when dry. Pericbetial leaves abruptly acuminate to the long-excurrent costa. Capsule subovate. — Rocks princ. in alps. Eur. common in alps. Norway, Switzerl.l Sweden: P. Dusen. Amer. Can.: Macoun; VVaghorne. 2.0.Wahlenbergii Bridol. Leaves not reflexed, from broad base abruptly tapering to a Bublinear entire or at apex obsoletely denticulate acumen, much crisped. Pericbetial leaves le.^^s abruptly tapering to a by costa not wholly filled acumen. Capsule subovate or subobovate. — Alp. swamps and rocks. Enr. not common. Norway! Sweden: Arnell. Italy: Payot, com. Husnot. Amer. Can. common in eastern colder districts: J. Macoun; Drummond; Waghorne. Greenl.: Berggren. Alaska: J. M. Macoun; Palmer- * O.compactus Funck. — Dicranum Funck; Oncophorus Kindb. Leaves entire smaller. Stem and pedicel shorter; capsule ' 7 — 211 — smaller. — Rocks in alp. princ. arctic districts r. Amer. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. Can.: Waghorne. Eur. »Sweden»: Hartman. 96. Ilhabdoweisia Bryol. eur. A. Perifitoinial teeth brittle us. with broad base. Leaves gradually acuminate us. entire. l.R.Striafa Schrader. — Grimmia Schrad. 1799; Rhabdoweisia Kindb.; Weisia fugax Hedwig 1801. Jjcaves Bublinoar acute, curled when dry. Capsule suboval pale ferruginoup; pedicel yellow very short. — Fissures of rocks. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. r. Can. Sudbury Junction: Macoun. B. Peristomial teeth persistent subulate. Leaves obtusate serrulate above. 2.R.crispata Dickson. — Bryum Dicks. 1793; Rhabdoweisia Kindb.; Weisia denticulata Bridel 1806. Leaves linear acute, more or less curled. Capsule suboblong brownish; pedicel yellow. — Fissures of rocks. Eur. somewhat r. Sweden, Switzerl.l Engl.: Rogers. Amer. r. Can.: Drummond, C(»m. jvlacoun. SR.crenulata Mitten. — Didymodon Mitt.; Rhabdoweisia Jameson; Oncophorus Braithwaite. Leaves sublinear gen. obtuse, broader and more strongly serrulate than in the last, not much curb''.; cells larger. Cap- sule oval rufous or reddish; teeth sometimes cleft; pedicel finally pale red. — Wet rocks r. Eur. France cascade d'Enfer near Bagneres de Luchon 1855! Engl.: T. Rogers. 97. Oreas Bridel. l.O.Martii Hoppe et Hornschuch. — Weisia Hop. et Hsch.; Oreas Brid.; Oncophorus Lindb. Leaves entire sublinear acuminate or with broader base, re- curved below. Capsule suboval rostellate; pedicel arcuate when moist. Tufts very dense often high. — Rocks in alp. regions r. Eur. Switzerl.l Austria: Schimper. Fam. 22. SeligepiacesB. 98. Seligeriu Bruch et Schimper. 1. Anodlis. Peristome none, Leaves denticulate. IL Eu-Seligeria. Peristome present. Leaves entire or (some- times in S. pusilla) faintly crenulate. I. A nod us Bryol. eur. l.S.Donii Smith. — Gymnostomum Sm.; Seligeria C. M. Leaves channelled shortish; costa long-excurrent. Capsule I -m. m m ■J' ■'\flC: A", 4 Wy:l — 212 — piriform; pedicel ptrniglit. StemR very phort not tufted. — Limeptone and pnndstone rockn, Eur. Switzerl.I Sweden: J. Hulling. Norway: Arnell. Engl.: Rogers. Amer. Can.: Drum- mond; Macoun. • n. Eu-Seligeria. A. Leaves long Bubulate-acuininate plurifarioup; conta ub. ex- current. a. Stern very phort. Capsule piriform or subclavate. 2.S.recurvata Hedwig. — Grimmia H.; Seligeria Br. et Sch.; S. petacea (Wulfen) Lindb. Leaves witli long-excurrent costa. Capsule piriform; teeth obtuse or subacute; pedicel us, arcuate. Loosely tufted. — On sand- stone. Eur. not r. Sweden, Italy, Switzerl.l Engl.: Rogprs. Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. * S.erecta Philibert. — sWcisia Seligeri Hooker ot Wilson*: Lq. et Jam. liCaves shorter. Pedicel us. straight erect. — Rocks r. Eur. Switzerl: Philibert. Amer. »lJ. S,: Drummond*: Lcsq. et Jam. 3.S.])ll.silla Ehrhart. — Afzelia Ehrh.; Seligeria B. S. Leaves of fruiting stem with a not distinctly excurrent costa. Capsule piriform erect; teeth obtuse; pedicel straight. Loosely tufted. — Damp shad}' rocks of limestone or sandstone. Eur. Switzerl.l Sweden: E. Adlerz. Norway: E. Nyman. Engl.: Whitehead. Amer. »Can. and U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. * S.acutifolia Lindberg. Leaves witli more distinctly excurrent costa. Pedicel often very short. — Eur. r. Engl.: Rogers. 4.8.|)ailcifolia Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Seligeria Carruthers; Braithwaite; S. subcernua Schimper. Leaves with us. short-excurrent costa. Capsule subclavate sometimes inclined; toeth acute; pedicel suberect Hexuous. — Chalk blocks r. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaite. b. Stem somewhat high about 1 c. m. Capsule subglobose or oval. S.S.poIaris Berggren. Leaves with long excurrent ( osta. Capsule subglobose; teeth subacute somewhat long; pedicel exported not or slightly cur- ved. Densely tufted. — On earth in arctic district r. Eat. Spetsbergen: Berggren, com. A. G. Nathorst. O.S.SUbillimersa Lindborg musci scandinav. »DiiTer6 from S. recurvaia in the stem- higher, to 1 c. m.; angular leaf-cells dicranoid; capsule oval scarcely emergent V'. — 2i;^ — above perichetial leaven; tultn very dense. — Eur r. Finl.: JSilun*; Lindberg. B. LenveH short us. obtune. Stem low. a. Leaves obtuse, triHtichous princ. on sterile shootH. Stem and shoots soiucwhat elongate. Capsule piriform with straight pedicel; teeth obtuse. T.S.tristiclia Bridel. — Weisia Brid.; Seligeria B. S. Leaves sublinoar; co.sta distinctly excunent. Periclictial leaves gradually acuminate; costa long-excurrent. — Dripping calcareous rocks r. Eur. p]ngl.: llogcrs; Cash. France: Boulay. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 8.8.tristichoides Kindb. revue bryol. 1890. : :. Leaves sublinear, broader than in the last; costa not distinctly excurrent. Perichetial leaves abruptly acuminate; costa per- current or short-excurrent. — Eur. r. Norway in northern di- strict: Schlcg(il and Arnell; K. Nyman. b. Leaves plurifarious. Stem and shoots very short. 9.S.calearea Dickson. — Bryum Dicks ; Seligeria B. S. Leaves subovate abruptly attenuate; (;osta excurrent. Capsule piriform erect; teeth obtuse; pedicel straight. — Calcareous or schistaceous rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.i France: Husuot in. gall, Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. . * S.crassiiiervis Lindberg. » Capsule inclined; teeth acute; pedicel slightly curved at apex. — Eu)'. r. Sweden»: Lindberg. lO.S.diversifolia Lindberg. — S. compacta Phiiibert rev. bryol. 1897 ? _ . Leaves (also the perichetial) sublinear or narrowly ovatc-oblong, gradually attenuate obtuse; costa not excurrent. Capsule erect narrowly piriform; teeth subobtuse; pedicel straight. — Calca- reous rocks r. Eur. Finl.; Brotherus. * S.obliqiiula Lindberg. Capsule broader; teeth acute; pedicel slightly curved when dry. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld: Kaurin. ll.S.campylopoda Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Leaves as in the last but the upper perichetial acute or subacute. Capsule narrowly piriform finally sulcate; pedicel strongly arcuate when moist. — Calcareous rocks r. Eur. A. Blytt and H. W. Arnell. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 99. Brachydontiuiii Bruch. l.B.tricllodes Weber iil. — Gyuuiostomum W. f.; Brachydon- tium Bruch. \w .11. ::|l ■\! i K , 5( i 1, — 214 — TienveH ovntevohlong sliortcr than the by costa nearly wholly filled point, curled when dry. Capsule oblong Hukate when dry; teeth pale truncate not reaching uhovo annulun; lid rostel- late; pedicel erect. Stems not tufted. — HocIcr. Eur. ])rinc. in middle and south, dintr. Germany! France: Houlay. Austria: Breidler. Amer. »U. S.»: Lcnq. ct Jam. 100. Trochofnwiini Hrcidler et Beck. l.T.carniolicuni Breidler et Beck. Leaves subovate-ohlong; the upper flexuous or deflexed with a many times longer costa. Capsule rotundate or round-oval not sulcate; teeth blood-red truncate; lid systylic convex with short thick point; pedicel erect. — Moist calcareous rocks r. Eur. Serbia: Hie, com. C. Mueller. 101. Biiildia Bruch et Schimper. I. Eii-liliiidia. Capsule exsertcd; lid soon deciduous; peri- stome present. Dioecious. II. Stylostegiuni. Capsule immersed; lid often systylic; peri- stome none. Monoecious. I. Eu-Blindia. l.B.acilta Hudson. — Bryum Huds.; Blindia Br. eur. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate gradually acuminate, nearly straight, gen. not much longer than the excurrent part of costa; alar cells red large (piadrate; costa us. smooth. Perichetial leaves abruptly acuminate larger. Capsule suboval-piriform or globose with short neck; lid red > jstrate; teeth red; annulus not distinct; pedicel straight reddish. Tufts us, brown. — Wet rocks princ. in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Nor- way, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun; Moser; Waghorne. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. 2.B.flexipes (Renauld et Cardot as var.) Kindb. n. sp. Leaves as in the last but often falcate; costa denticulate above, shorter excurrent. Perichetial leaves gradually acuminate. Capsule as in the last; pedicel ilexuous arcuate yellow above. Tufts green or yellowish green. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Howell, com. Cardot. II. Stylostegium Bryol. eur. S.B.caBSpiticia Schwagrichen. — Anoectangium Schw.; Blindia C. Mueller. Leaves suboblong gradually acuminate nearly straight; alar cells brown subquadrate; costa long-excurrent. Perichetial leav-n less gradually acuminate and very much larger; costa shoi'- excurrent. Capsule obovate or turbinate; lid yellow-rostrate; 1 — t\n — pedicel straij^ht yellowihli. RoHotnhlinjr Hiimll foniiH of H. acuta in habit. — Alp. roekw r. Eur. Noiwayl Hcotl.: Hunt. Fan.. '28 Grimmiace8B. 102. (.Irimmia Elnliart. A. LeavoH spinilly twisted about ntcni when (h-y. 1. Streptophylllim. Leaf-colls more or lean sinuoUH. Capsule exserted sniootli; i)edicel longer, us. dellexed; lid not systylic; peristome present. Dioecious r. fruiting. B. Leaves not spirally twisted. IL Eu-Orilliniia. Leaf cells not distinclly sinuous. Capsule shorter than the gen. exserted pedicel; lid not systylic; peri- stome present. a. Leaves smooth obtusate entire and not sheathing, ai)presRed when dry and not patent when moist; cells large; hairpoint very short or wanting. Dioecious. 1. Molliformes. Leaves large. Tufts gen. loose. Stem elongate. 2. Yelutinte. Leaves very small. Tufts compact pulvinate very low. b. Leaves smooth or (in G. aespificia) papillose, ub. acu- minate, patent when moist; cells small; hairpoint often long. Often monoecious. Tufts us. })ulvinate. 8. PiilviliatiB. Leaves gradually narrowed or obtuse, not sheathing; cells us. short. Capsule often striate; pedicel often curved. 4. Alpostriformes. Leaves abruptly narrowed from half- sheathing base; basal cells often long. Capsule not striate; pedicel r. curved. C. J^eaves papillose crenulate, appressed when dry; cells small. 5. AndreJPOideJB. Capsules unknown. III. Pseudo-Raconiitriiliii. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or subli- near; cells (princ. the upper basal) sinuous, the inner basal narrow-linear. Capsule as in Eu-Grimmia. a. Leaves carinate above, often recurved below. aa. Leaves (princ. the younger) papillose. Dioecious. 1. Papillosa^. Leaves not crisped but often nearly appressed when dry Pedicel of capsule arcuate. bb. Lk 'ves smooth. Often monoecious. 2. Crii^pul*. Leaves very narrow sublinear us. crisped. Pedicel of .»p»ule arcuate or straight. Dioecious very r. fruiting. m it It".:.- 'I — 21() n* i I 3. Tricliopli,vHol<105P. Leaven less narrow, ovute-liinceolate not crisped. Capsule often striate-pulcate; pedicel arcuate when moifit. Plants often robust. 4. Ovata'forines. Leaves ovate-lanceolate not crisped. Cap- sule smooth; pedicel not arcuate. Plants gen. not robust. b. Leaves channelled above, not recurved. 5. Unicoloriforiiies. Leaves smooth us. narrowly ovate- lanceolate, not or faintly crisped; upper cells us. opake. Pe- dicel straight or arcuate, sometimes not emergent. Dioecious. IV. Pseudo-Schistidiuiii. Leaf-cells sometimes sinuous. Cap- sule immersed longer than pedicel; lid not systylic. 1. Plliferje. Leaves chamielled or near apex carinate, re- curved below at both sides; cells sinuous. Peristome present. Dioecious. 2. Crinilsp. Leaves concave not recurved; cells often not sinuous. Peristome present or wanting. Us. monoecious. V. Schistidium. Leaf-cells sometimes sinuous. Capsule im- mersed longer than pedicel; lid systylic. Monoecious. 1. Platyphylloideae. Leaves channelled; cells gen. not sinuous. 2. Apocarpfleforines. Leaves carinate; cells not r, sinuous. I. Streptophyllum Kindb. A. Leaves sublinear-subulate, gradually or nearly gradually narrowed from the not distinctly sheatV.hig and (when moist) not appressed base; hairpoint short often wanting, l.G.torqu'.tta Hornschuch. Leaves gradually narrowed, open when moist; cells thick- walled finally yellow, nearly all rectangular and sinuous; costa pellucid. Tufts not cohering finally yellowish (when moist). Capsule with arcuate {)edicel. — Jlocks princ. below alps, Eur. Sweden!; Lindberg. Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: Macoun, U. S. fruiting: Leiberg, com. Mrs Britton. 2.G.I)rolifera C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves nearly gradually narrowed, spreading when moist; cells thin- walled faintly yellowish: basal narrow-rectangular and more or less sinuous, uppf subquadrate not sinuous; costa faintly j)ellucid. Tufts coherin ; blackish below. Capsules unknown. Stem sometimes proliferous with long green loosely foliated shoots. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun; N. Foundl.: Waghorne. ; — 217 — B. Leaves abruptly narrowed from sheathing base; upper cells short quadrate not sinuous; hairpoint often long. S.G.ftmalis Schwsegrichen. — Trichostomum Schw.; Grimmia Schimp. Leayes with subulate acumen, shorter than in G. torquata and not large, us. brown when moist; cells not yellow: basal rectangular, middle short-rectangular or subquadrate sinuous, upper dusky very email and not well-defined; costa brown opake; hairpoint often long. Capsule with arcuate pedicel. Tufts not cohering, blackish or r. pale brown. Less r. fruiting. — Alp. rocks. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.l Sweden: R. Hartman. France: Husnot. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. 4.G.tortifolia Kindb. enumer. bryin. dovrens. — G. strepto- phylla Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Leaves small and short, subovate-oblong with acute or sub- obtuse acumen, us. dark green when moiiit; cells gen. not yellow: nearly all quadrate and not distinctly sinuous, only the lowest basal rectangular hyaline; upper cells well-defined larger than in the last and not dusky; costa not opake; hairpoint very short ub. wanting. Capsules unknown. Tufts densely cohering, dark green when dry. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld! * G.calvescens Kindb. enum. bryin. dovr. — G. imberbis Kindb. botan. notiser. Leaves small subovate or subovate-oblong gen. obtuse, green when moist; cells not (or r. faintly) yellow: all basal rectangu- lar, the middle faintly sinuous. Capsule suberect with nearly straight pedicel. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.i Sweden: E. Nyman. Austria: Venturi, Amer. U. S.: Roell. * O.pelliicida Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. B4. Leaves larger and longer, ovate-lanceolate subacute bright green; cells pale pellucid, nearly all quadrate and not distinctly sinuous; costa pellucid. Capsules unknown. Tufts pale green when dry. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col. and Vane, isl.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. * O.psc'ido-torquata Kindb. n. subsp. •' *'■• *^ '' •' Leaves somewhat larger, ovate-lanceolate acute, green or the uppermost yellow when moist; basal and middle cells sinuous and rectangular; costa nearly opake. Capsules unknown. Ha- bit of G. prolifera. — Alp. and subalp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld and Gudbrandsdall Sweden in Jemtland: P. Du86n. J; — 218 IM I , ■ ,',i, , .; . .. ; 1. MoUiformes. ;> ,,:^.^,i,. . tn,. •-^ni S.G.moliis Br. eur. — G. orthotrichoides Hartman. Leaves crowded not carinato, oval-ovate or broadly ovate- oblong; those of stem gen i.cute, those of branches obtuse; the acute leaves often furnished with a short hairpoint, the others muticous. Perichetial leaves short- acuminate often with longer hairpoint. Capsule smooth euboval not wholly exserted above perichetial leaves; lid short- apiculate; pedicel straight longer than capsule; calyptra cucullate. Tufts cohering and brown-green when dry, about 2 c. ni. or lower. R. fruiting. — Moist alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway: IIj. Holmgren, detector of this species. Sweden: E. Nyman. France: Husnot. Amer, Greenl.: Berggrcn. i.-ti [-iv: - * G.submersa Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves obtuse muticous decurrent loosely disposed; the peri- chetial obtuse or subacute r. with short hyaline point. Capsule wholly exserted. Tufts dark greon, lets or not cohering. Stem 3 — 5 c. m. or much longer. Very r. fruiting. — Rocks in alp. rivulets r. Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. 2. VeiUi^ince. . , / • ; i ,)■//;-. 6.G.Maimia) C. Mueller in Flora 1887. ;!,-..„fLw, a Leaves broad-ovate subobtuso, carinate above, not recurved; cells subquadrate, the upper dusk\'; hairpoint sometimes present. Capsule suboval red-brown not stiate; lid conic; pedicel arcuate or finally erect. Tufts dark green when dry, about 0,5 c. m, high. — Amer. r. U. S. Calif.: Mrs Mann, com. C. Mueller. T.G.yelutina Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. — j^G. Manniee* cat. Can. m. Leaves as in the last but recauved all around and not cari- nate; cells subtjuadrate pellucid; hairpoint r. present. Tufts brown and velvetlike when dry, low as in the last but more compact. Capsules unknown. — Dry rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. ..; < iiu i I 219 — 3. Pulvinatoe. A. Leaves cnrinate above. Pedicel of capsule arcuate when young and moist. Us. monoecious. S.G.pnlyinata L. — Bryum L.; Grimmia Smith. Leaves gen. ovate-oblong, more or less recurved below. Cap- sule emergent brown striate either oval-oblong rostellate or bro^d-oval with mamillate lid; calyptra mitriform. Tufts 1 — 2 c. li.. high. — Rocks and stone- walls in lower districts. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Germany, Switzerl.l Greece: Heldreich. Amer. Can.: Macoun. * G.Philiberti Britton in Torr. hot. club XVIII, 2. '* "*'""'' » Leaves narrower, recurved all around, often with propagula; bdsa^ cells rectangular. Capsule smooth; lid rostellate. Dioe- cious. — Amer. r. Idaho: Leiberg»: Britton 1. c. , O.G.orbicularis Bruch. Lower leavei, ovate-oblong, the upper ovate-lanceolate not recurved at one side. Capsule emergent brown suboval faintly striate; lid obtuse; calyptra cucullate. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. — On stone. Eur. princ. in southern distr,, somewhat r. Germany: Schimper. France: Zetterstedt. Italy: Arcangeli. Engl.: Rogers. B. Leaves neither carinate nor recurved. Capsule not striate; pedicel not arcuate when moist. Dioecious. lO.G.caiiipestris Burchell. — G. leucophaia Greville. : Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate obtuse concave; basal cells subquadrate; liairpoint nearly smooth and long. Capsule oval reddish brown scarcel emergent; lid short-apiculate; aunulus revoluble; nalyptra mitriform. Tufts about 1,5 c. m. high. — Siliceous rcks. Eur. not r. in lower districts. Sweden, Switzerl.l Amer. U. S. Roell. , , , * G.sarcocal} Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Leaves wit., more distinctly denticulate hairpoint. Capsule broad-oval more emergent by the twice longer pedicel; lid obli- quely rostellate. — Subalp. regions r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. ll.G.tenella C. Mueller. • ^ Leaves ovate-lanceolate channelled; lowest basal cells short- rectangular; hairpoint short or none. Capsule oblong pale brown small; lid apiculate or rostellate: calyptra cucullate; pedicel curved when dry. Tufts about 1,5 c. m. high, blackish when dry. — Rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. 8.: Roell. -■<( ^:|> ^|1 ii> ^. ! — 220 — 4. Alpestriformes. A. Leaves distinctly sulcate, papillose above and carinate; ri.O.Ciespiticia Biidel. — Dryptodon Brid.; Grimmia Juratzka. G sulcata Sauter. Leaves ovate-oblong obtuse, not recurved below, suberect when moistened; basal cells short; hairpoint very short us. wanting. Capsule oblong- cylindric chestnut-brown; lid conic; pedicel straight. Tufts olive-green 0,5 — 2 c ni. high, very dense. Dioecious. — Rocks and stone-walls r. Eur. Switzerl.! Austria: Schimper. France: Husnot. *G.arctica C. Mueller. ,.,.. .,. ,. , » Leaves shorter, cucullate at apex. — Amer. Greenl. »: CM. in Lange, Greenl. fl. B. Leaves not or (sometimes in G. alpestris) faintl}' sulcate, smooth. a. Leaves channelled, not recurved below. Capsule long- exserted. Us. dioecious. IB.G.COilliiiutata Huebener. — Dicranum ovatum Swartz; Grimmia Weber et Mohr. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, flat or subinvolute above, patent when moist, the uppermost much larger; basal cells long, the upper short and opake; hairpoint rough not long, sometimes Avanting. Capsule oval brown; lid rostellate; annulus broad; pedicel straight. Tufts very loose, grayish green above, brown or blackish below, 2 — 4 centim. high. Dioecious. — Rocks, gen. siliceous, princ. below alps. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl. I Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. 14.(jr.teretiiiervis Limpricht. Differs from the last: Leaves shorter, involute nearly all around, suberect when moist; nearly all cells short; hairpoint us. wanting. Tufts blackish. Stem often with brood-corpuscles. Capsules unknown. — Calcareous rocks r. ^ur. Switzerl. I Austria: Gander. Greece: Hausskrecht. 15.G.arctopliila Kindb. rev. bryol. 1896. ' Leaves ovate-oblong, involute above, suberect when moist, appressed when dry, the uppermost not larger; basal cells gen. short, the upper short opake; hairpoint not long. Capsule suboblong brownish; lid apiculate; annulus indistinct; pedicel straight. Tufts cohering us. blackish when dry, about 3 c. m. high. — Amer. r. Greenl.: Berggren. Can. Cypress hills: Macoun. . • • , m — 221 — * G.lal)radorfca Kindb. n. subsp. =•'•.''' fi-.nBi '».'' Tufts about 1 c. m. high, brown-g-een. Inner (lower) basal leaf-cells long. Lid of capsule obliquely rostellate. — Amer. r. Can.: Northern Labrador: Macoun 1896. 16 O.tenerrima Renauld et Cardot. — G. nivalis Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVIL '^?.' '^ ' ■: " ■ s Leaves very broad at base, broadly ovate-oblong, us. recurved in upper part, patent when moist, the uppermost not larger; basal cells short somewhat large, the upper short oprke; hair- poin^ us. wanting, in perichetial leaves somewhat long. Cap- sule oblong-oval brownish; lid muticous or obliqnely rostellate; annulus indistinct; pedicel us. curved when dry. Tufts us. cohering, blackish when dry, about 1 c. m. high. — Rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell; Henderson, com. Cardot. b. Leaves carinate. Capsule us. not exserted above peri- chetial leaves. • IT.G.moiitaiia Br3'^ol. eur. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, not recurved below, patent when moist; basal cells long; hairpoint long and rough. Capsule oval-oblong reddish brown; lid rostellate; annulus nearly indi- stinct; pedicel straight distinctly exserted above perichetial leaves. Tufts cohering us. green, about 1 — 2 c. m. high. Dioecious. — Rocks also below alps. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Germany: Schimper. Amer. r. Can., Brit. Col.: Macoun. '^ = ' . - ■ .-.• u IS.G.alpestris Schleicher. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, not recurved below, gen. patent when moist; bnsal cells short; hairpoint long nearly smooth. Capsule brown us, oblong-C3'lindric; lid muti- cous; annnius indistinct; pedicel straight. Tufts us. cohering, blackish or grayish green when dry, glaucous green when moist, about 1 c. m. high. Us. dioecious. — Alp. rocks. Eur. less r. Norway, SwitzerL, Spain! Amer. v. Can.: Macoun. * G.Uiigeri Juratzka. Capsule oval; lid apiculate. Monoecious. — Eur. r. Scotl.: Fergusson. * G.siibsiilcata fiimpricht. Leaves faintly sulcate. Capsule pale brown; pedicel some- times curved (in Austrian specimens straight). Often monoe- cious, »Capsule with large stomata»: Limpricht. — Alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.l Austria: Gander. ^1 -r-iV: \i'H I. ;*•« m' " Hi' , 9|| r 1: !i m r Bj: 1' 1 ■; 1 — 222 — 19.G.8iibsqnarr08a Wilson; Braithwaite. — »G. Muehlenbeckii var.» Limpricht. Leaves ovate-lanceolate recurved below at both sides, sprea- ding when moist; inner basal cells quadrate, the alar rectan- gular; hairpoint long rough. Capsules unknown. Tufts fuscous- green above, 1 — 3 c. m. high. Stfjm with brood-corpuscles. — Rocks r. Eur. Engl.: H. Boswell. Belgiura: Gravet. , 5. Andreceoidese. ^^ , n «ri 20.G.(?) andreaeoides Limpricht. ' ' * •Leaves obtuse muticous concave not carinate and not recur- ved, appressed when dry; the uppermost suddenly larger from ovate-oblong base gradually acuminate; the lower and those of shoots ovate-oblong very small; upper cells round-oval, lower gen. rectangular; costa with brood-corpuscles. Capsules unknown. Tufts reddish or blackish brown. Stem 1,5 c. m. high or lower with numerous shoots. Allied to O. torquata, but leaves not are twisted. — Rocks in alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Breidler»: Limpricht. IlL Pseudo-Racoraitrium Kindb. ,, .?,;,, , - I ..,> V 1. Papillosse. .) t^ , >*..*.( t,;,;.!; 2L6.elatior Bruch. ,. ^ Leaves ovate-lanceolate acute, recurved below to middle on both sides; middle cells subquadrate or short-rectangular; alar cells rectangular; costa papillose; hairpoint nearly smooth often long. Capsule oval sulcate or costate; lid rostrate; pedicel often not emergent above perichetial leaves. Plants robust often high. Tufts loose, blackish below, fuscous green above. — Rocks princ. below alps. Eur. not r. Sweden, Switzerl.! Norway: M. N. Blytt. Amer. »Greenl.: Vahl»: Lange. *0.papillosa Kindb. Laubm. Schw. u. Norw. — G. elatior var. subfunalis Lin^pricht. r.iit^i'j/;, if ? ? • Leaves more distinctly papillose, less acute, more appressed when dry; hairpoint short or wanting. Tufts lower (about 3 c. m.) blackish green more dense. Capsules not found. ■ — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway! rr t.O*' *G.anoniala Hampe. r- li w > »Leaves subobtuse often with brood- corpuscles at apex; hair-; point short dentate or wanting. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria and Switzerl. »: Limpricht. 22.G.LisaB Notaris. ,., ., ,. •. ...-.,;, Leaves ovate-lanceolate acute, not distinctly recurved below at one side, subfalcate when moistened; nearly all cells rectan- VX'i okii — 223 — gular, alar not hyaline; hairpoint rough often short. Capsule oblong nearly smooth. Stem about 2 c. m. high. Habit of G. trichophylla. — Rocks r. Eur Switzerl.I Belgium: Gravet. Italy: Venturi. Amer. Can. Rocky mts and Vane, isl.: Macoun. *G.8ar(loa Notaris; C. Mueller syn. •'^'"-'''''' i;^-i » Leaves curved at apex, revolute to above middle; lower cells short. Capsule globose. Plants small. — Eur. r. Italy: Notaris»: CM. , , , ... . 2. CrispulsB. 23.G.incurva Schwaegrichen. — Dicranum contortum Wahlen- berg; Grimmia Schimper. Leaves sublinear-subulate with thickened borders, gen. crisped; cells green or pale yellow: the middle oval-quadrate, the upper small dusky; basal cells large, the alar rectangular; hairpoint short or none. Capsule oval-oblong; annulus broad; pedicel deflexed. Tufts soft us. tomentose, green or blackish, often somewhat high. In open places the leaves not are distinctly crisped. — Rocks princ. in crevices in alp. region r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.I SNveden: E. Adlerz; J. Persson (fruit.). Ger- many: Schimper. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun, U. S. Oregon: Roell, 24.G.liamulosa Lesquereux. -*> ? .■, ■ n /=! - i^tn-t/. si u-* Differs irom the last: Leaves falcate muticous not thickened at borders; cells brown, the lower less elongate; costa brown, stouter and subexcurrent. Tufts loose blackish, » Capsule larger; annulus none»: Lesq. et Jam. — Higher alp. region r. Amer. U, S. Calif.: Bohender, com, C. Mueller. 25.0.atrata Mielichhofer. vi;: : - >> ^.:'. • - ; ■/ ' .. ..n Leaves Bublinear subobtuse with thickened borders, crisped when dry, patent-erect when moist; cells pale green in younger state: the middle short rectangular, the upper round-quadrate sinuous, the alar subquadrate; costa very stout; hairpoint very short nearly smooth us. wanting. Capsule oblong-cylindric or oval; annulus broad; pedicel straight. Tufts very tomentose, blackish when dry, brown-green when moist, often high. — Alp. region princ. on copper-rusty rocks r. Eur. Norway, Spainl Austria: Schimper. 3. Trichophylloidese. ■^•- ^ -'■ ' • '^» ^ - A. Leaves narrow, not recurved below, nearly flat at borders. Tufts dense and cohering, about 1 — 2 centim. high. Capsule small not striate. . , ■, I* t. pvtxj; .'I ». 4'. ' :t : 1 I i I- — 224 — a. Capsule nearly immersed, scarcely emergent above peri' chetial leaves; calyplra cucullate. Dioecious. 26.0.ortholoma Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. Leaves long, nearly appressed when dry; nearly all cells sinuous, middle rectangular; hairpoint long nearly smooth. Capsule very small; lid with short conic or oblique beak. Tufts 1 — 2 c. m. high. Leaves often with brown branched brood-filaments. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. b. Capsule distinctly emergent, yellowish; calyptra mitriform. Monoecious. 27.G.ap1ciilata Hornschuch. ^..., .i-:,( -- .hy. ; Leaves subobtuse; cells yellow in younger state: middle and upper short sinuous, alar rectangular; hairpoint short smooth. Capsule oval; lid apiculate or mamillate. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. Habit of G. ovata. — Alp. region r. Eur. Norway! Austria: Breidler. 28.G.Holleri Molendo. "- '-' •'■!■'■ '-t ■■m^^ ,tn;{'K^iiwv, Differs from the last: Leaves with longer hairpoint; nearly all cells narrow. Capsule oblong with wider mouth; lid with longer beak. Tufts about 2 c. m. high. — Higher alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. 29.0.arenaria Hampe. — G. curvula Br. et Schimp. Leaves subacute very narrow sublinear; cells faintly sinuous nearly all short, the lowest rectangular; hairpoint long smooth. Capsule suboval; lid obtuse muticous. Tufts less than 1 centim. high. — Rocks and stone-walls also in alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.i Belgium: Schimper. B. Leaves more or less recurved. Stem often long, n Tl r 'j a. Angular (alar) leaf-cells indistinct or uniseriate. Dioecious. Leaves with obsolete or wanting hairpoint. ..,,, SO.O.patens Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Grimmia Br. eur. Differs from other species in the at back bilamellate costa of leaves. , Leaves long, recurved below middle at both sides, nearly appressed when dry; nearly all cells us. sinuous, the middle and alar subquadrate or short-rectangular, the inner basal long. Capsule subovate pale brown not striate; lid rostrate. Tufts us. loose and green; stem 5 — 10 c. m. long, r. shorter. Re- sembles some species of Bacomitrium. Not r. fruiting. — Moist quartzose rocks also below alps. Eur. not r. Sweden common, Norway, Switzerl., Spain! Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. It — 225 — ♦ G.siibsfmplox Kindb. bull. soc. bot. itnl. 1895. oh^bY'M)' Stem nearly Bimple, 3—4 c. m. high. Leaves less appressed when dry, not recurved below at one side, sometimes with brood-corpuscles; upper cells not sinuous. Capsules unknown. Habit of O. Hartmani. — Siliceous alp. rocks r. Eur. Switzerl. near Goeschenen! - uoit ;:; v^f,;,iH i.«ji«uo*n, '.liii-v-itR;* ,. 3l.G.robustifolfa Kindb. — Racomitrium Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVIT; R. obscurum Kindb. in Macoun Canad. musci exsicc. Leaves long, not recurved above at least at one side, faintly crisped and not appressed when dry; nearly all cells sinuous, the middle rectangular, the upper subquadrate. Capsule small oval, striate or plicate when dry; lid with very short oblique beak. Tufts 3 — 6 c. m. high, dark green, finally blackish brown. — Rocks in brooks of higher alp. region r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. 1800—2100 metr. a. s.: Macoun. 'f'"' --^ ^upukj b. Angular (alar) leaf-cells pluriseriate and rectangular. Dioecious. Stem gen. not high. , , 32.G.tricliophylla Greville. Leaves long, not distinctly recurved below at one side; middle cells short-rectangular, the upper roundish-quadrate faintly si- nuous; hairpoint nearly smooth often long. Capsule oblong costate or rugose. Stem us. 1 c. m. (in Canad. specimens of- ten 2 c. m.) high. Tufts loose greenish. — Rocks. Eiir. princ. below alps, not r. in southern districts. Switzerl.! Germany: Schimper. France: Husnot. Amer. Can. common in Pacif. distr,: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. 33.G.Muehlenbeckii Schimper. ..>v. ,,,;,. -».,.,;.. Differs from the last: Leaves shorter and broader, nearly appressed when dry; upper cells distinctly sinuous; hairpoint longer and rough. Capsule oval gen. smooth. — Rocks princ. in northern districts. Eur. Sweden common, Norway, Switzerl. 1 Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. • : , ., ; i; ;, ./-i 34.G.californica SuUivant. c^iw «^'^' .<■■, j^.y m ; i«'-;l7< Leaves somewhat small, acute, recurved below at both sides, the upper with long faintl}' rough hairpoint; cells yellow: the middle and upper round quadrate very small, not or faintly sinuous; alar cells short-rectangular. Capsule oval faintly striate; teeth often subpartite. Tufls dense brown 2 — 3 centim. high. — Amer. r. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Boltender, com. C. Mueller, , , .,v,w -- ,-- . - ■. k" '' ..:: I li' V ,!• 1 ;■» r \ It-. :S — 226 — 0i>^'-\\ . * G. Watson! Lesqnereux et James. Ui/.M* • Leaves scarcely hair-pointed. Capsule oval-oblong. — Amer. U. 3. Calif. »: Lenq. et J. 8r).0.(1ep|lata Kindb. cat. Canad. m. ^ -•-■: ..*i,^>:i «-. !w.,..,f Leaves somewbat small, gen. obtuse and hairless, r. with obsolete hairpoint, recurved below at both sides; middle cells quadrate, the upper round-quadrate not sinuous. Capsule oval not sulcate, often with oblique beak. Tufts dense dark brown or dark green above, 3 — 4 c. m. high. — Not much distinct from the last, but approved by C. M. — Dry rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Vane, isl.; Macoun. U. S.: Roell. ., C. Angular leaf-cells pluriseriate quadrate. Stem gen. long. Plants robust. Tufts loose. aa. Monoecious. Capsule costate. Stem about 3 — 4 c. m. long. 3B.G.declpiens Schullz. — Trichostomum Schultz; Grimmia liindb.; G. funalis Br. eur. Leaves if^curved below at both sid*"--, more or less flexuous when dry, the uppermost very long, liddle cells rectangular, the upper subquadrate distinctly -inuous; hairpoint us. long and rough. Capsule oval. Pericbetial leaves subulate-acuminate. Tufts blackish below, yellowish green or brown above. — Sili- ceous rocks also below alpa. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.I bbt Dioecious. Capsule not distinctly striate. Stem gen. very long. 37.G.Hartmani Schimper. "" '- ' " Leaves long, not distinctly recurved beloAv at one Ade, more or less flexuous; middle and upper cells roundish-quadrate si- nuous, nearly all basal short, the alar not hyaline; hairpoint short rough or wanting, often destructed by brood-corpuscles. Capsule oval. Tufts us. green and 5 — 10 c. m. high. Very r. fruiting. — Rocks often below alps. Eur, not r. Sweden common, Switzerl.I Corsica fruiting: Philibert, 38.G.arcuatifolia Kindb. bull. Ton. club XVL ' ' ' ' Leaves long, recurved below at both sides, distinctly falcate when moist, not flexuous when dry; middle cells rectangular, upper subquadrate not sinuous. U[)per leaves gradually larger upwards; hairpoint short rough. Capsules unknown. Tufts dark green above, about 5 c. m. high. — Dry rocks r. Atner. Can., Vane, isl.: Macoun. 39.G.caTiadensis Kindb. n. sp. * * ;. s, , * ■• j ;, Leaves somewhat long, recurved below at both sides, flexuous when dry; middle cells rectangular, the upper subquadrate — '227 — M distinctly sinuouB, the alar hyaline very numerous. CapBule small oval. Tufts yello-wi«h or brownish greeii, 4 — 5 o. m. high. Branches curved. — Ame r. Can. Vano. isl.: Mnooun. 4().G.procera Kindb. (in litt. ad Maooun 1892); revue bryol. 18UG. — G. pnchyphylla Leiberg bull. Torr. chil 1893 ? Leaves long, rocurved nearly all around, nearly njjpressed when dry; cells yellow, the upper short and not or faintly sinuous, the alar few, the inner basal long; hairpoint short and rough, sometimes wanting. TufUs brownish. Stem 5 — 10 c. m. long. Habit of 0. patens. — Amer. r.Can. Vano. isl.: Macoun. (U. S.: Leiberg ?) • i- 4. OvatcDformes. A. Tufts cohering, us pulvinate. Stem 1 — 2 c. m. high. Gen. monoecious, us. fruiting. 41.G.0Tata Weber et Mohr. — G. ovalis Lindb. '''''' ' Lower leaves small, the upper ovato-lanceolate, recurved below at one side, nearly a})pressod when dry; middle and upper cells short indistinctly sinuous, the alar quadrate or short-rectangular; hairpoint us. long and nearly smooth, some- times wanting. Capsule brown oblong-oval; lid rostellate; annulus deciduous; calyptra us. mitriform. Tufts us. greenish. Monoecious. — Rocks also below alps. Eur. common in nor- thern districts. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun. ^ O.Hausinanni Notaris. js ; i > Leaves muticous. Capsule with apiculate or obtuse lid. Tufts brown-green. — Eur. Austria»: Limpricht. 42.G.seRsitana Notaris. Differs from G. ovata: Leaver, nearly uniform; hairpoint short. Capsule pale-brown; pedicel less elongate; lid not rostellate; annulus indistinct; calyptra cucullate. Tufts blackish. Dioe- cious. — Rocks also below alps r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl. I Italy: fjcvier. l. . 43.G.Doiiii Smith. Leaves not long, not recurved at base; upper cells subqua- drate sinuous, middle short-rectangular, the alar and the very narrow (inner) basal longer; hairpoint long nearly smooth. Cap- sule oval ])ale-yellow; lid mamillate; calyi>tra us, mitriform; pedicel not or scarcely emergent above perichetial leaves. Tufts small dusky or blackish green, us. lower. Monoecious. — Alp. regions. Amer. r. Monoecious. — Alp. Can.: Macoun, about 1 cm. high or Eur. gen. r. Norwayl \ ' — 2'28 — K i '.'..• I .r;r" nwi 44.G.iiilcrotrioha C. M. ct Kindb. 1. o. ■ «>''y'. *• vl*-*,.-. •?'. Differs from the last: Loaves with phort hnirpoint nnd phortrr, less cliBtinctly Rinuous colls. Cappule oblong brown; lid filiort- conic; pedicel distinctly oxserted. Dioecious or (on distinct branches) monoecious. Tufts blackish below. — Subulp, region r. Amer. Vnu. Brit. Col.: Macoun. i'»;.w;;v( hh h B. Tufts not or loosely cohering, 3 — 8 c. m. high. Gen. dioecious r. fruiting. , a. Leaves sublinear subobtuse, appressed when dry; lower cells not sinuous; hairpoint us. indistinct. 45.G.elongata Kaulfuss. Leaves somewhat f ' ort and short-acunjinate, faintly recurved below at one side; cells yellow in younger state: U] per round- quadrate sinuous, middle and alar short-rectangular; hairpoint short often wanting. Capsule oval pale brown; lid short-conic obtuse. Tufts blackish when dry, brown-green when moist, somewhat low and more cohering in fruiting state. — Alp. region r. Eur, Norway! Austria: Venturi. Amer. Can.: Macoun. .,,,, ,_ ,„ .^ ^ b. Leaves ovate-lanceolate acute, nearly appressed when dry; nearly nil cells (cxc. at base near costa) sinuous. Upper leaves with short hairpoint. 4().(il.inicrocari)a Gmelin. — Bryum Gm.; Grimmia Lindb.; Racomitrium sudeticum Br. eur. l-t-M!^ ]n:i:-Lit.'i.iiUA^ Leaves more or less recurved below; upper and middle colls short, the alar uniseriate quadrate more dilated. Capsule sub- oval small; lid rostrate, Perichetial leaves with sublinear acu- men. Tufts blacjkish or dark brown when dry. — Moist alp. rocks gen. r. Eur. Norway, Spain! Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: M. et Kindb. — Racomitrium C. M. et ' C. Mp.Goun. iT.G.atteniiata Kindb. 1. c. Leaves recurved nearly all around, suberect and nearly straight when moist; uppei cells short, the middle rectangular, the alar long narrow often pluriseriate. Capsul; suboval; lid subobtuse or apiculate. Tufts fuscous green above, blackish below. Habit of G. elatior. — Alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit Col.: Macoun. C. Leaves sublinear acute appressed when dry; lower basal cells not sinuous; hairpoint of upper leaves long. Dioecious. Capsules unknown. -j-;... .,, ..i,.... ..«. ,-..!. jjfevli^it- J4i"' JX>?i.Ji -iii^fitr 2'29 — 4H.G.Stlrtonl Schimpor; Rrnitliwaito. '• . :. .-lii n"!!;'!' .U'^h LcnvcH not retiir\ d; lower Imhiil cdla rectangular, tho others Biiiall Kubquadrate. — KockH r. Eur. »S(;()tl.»: Hraithwaite. 5. [Jnicoloriforinefi. A. Lower leaf-colls very Hiiiuous. . • »-., .. . . 49.G.elliptfcB Turner. — Dicranum Turn.; Griinmia Ariiott; Raconiitriuin Kr. eur. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate obtuHo inuticous, nearly ap- pressed when dry; lower celJH narrow, upper small dusky. Capsule broad-oval; lid lonfi;-rostrate; calyptra niitriforn); pedicel straight. Tufts loose blackish when dry, not high. — Damp schistose rocks princ. near Atlantic sea r. Eur. Norway: R. Hartman; F. Kian-; K. Nvman. . Lower leat-cells not Hniuous. ' a. Leaves obtuse muticous. Pedicel straight. Tufts loose. SO.G.unicoIor Hooker. Leaves often faintly crisped when dry; cells faintly sinuous, nearly all sliort yellow, u}iperino.''iiU'J^'i Leaves apj)re8sed when dry, upper very long; cells greenish: inner basal rectangular, alar quadrate, middle less distinctly sinuous, U])per opake very small. Capsule brown oval; lid rostrate; calyptra cucullate; pedicel short not emergent; annuluB revoluble. Tnfts 2 — 3 c. m. high us. grayish green. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. U. 8.: Sullivant et Lesq., com. C. Mueller. 52.G.Ausiiiii Kindb. revue bryol. 1894. Differs from the last: Leaves longer and subHexuouB, less appressed when dry; mi Idle cells distinctly sinuous. Pedicel longer; calyptra mitriform. — Amer. r. U. S. New Jersey; Austin, com. Macoun. ,. > .r /i jj;- t imm^ 53.G.fragi!is Schimper syn. ed. 2. Leaves brittle nearly appressed; nearly all cells short: basal short-rectangular larger, alar rectangular hyaline, middle qua- drate sinuous, upper opake very small; hairpoint rough, in u])- permost leaves long. Capsule ])ale brown small oblong; lid obliquely rostellate; calyptra unknown; pedicel short but emer- •*' ! ■'•■ t. ■'.,!' : i 1 — 230 fi>riy.; 'i I \<-i- pi-t-M I''. I'*! HID gent. Tufts fuscous about 1 c. m. high, — Granitic blocks in subalp. region r. Eur. Portugah E. Levier. IV. Pseuuo-Schistidium Kindb. ' "' ' ' -'" ' 1. Plliferffi. 54.G.pilifera Palisot de Beauvois; C. M. — Weisia lloehling; Grimmia pennsylvanica Sulliv. icon. muse. Leaves long ovate-lanceolate acute, not ai)pre8ised but faintly flexuous when dry; upper cells subquadrate sinuous, the others rectangular exc the subquadrate alar; hairpoint brown below, not long. Capsule oval; lid rostrate; calyptra mitriform; pedi- cel straight; annulus broad revoluble. Tufts loose brown about 2 c. m. high. — Amer. Can.: Drummond n. 56, com. Macoun. U. S.: Austin, com. Macoun; Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. 2. Crinitae, A. Annulus of capsule broad revoluble; peristome present. a* Leaves short obtusate obtuse concave; cells sinuous. Cap- sule red-brown, rugose when dry; pedicel curved; calyptra cu- cullate. Monoecious. ,,. • ■ . ; • : .ioir. 'v/vi 55.G.cri!iita Bridel. i ^ I' '■ '. Leaves not thickened at borders: lower sublong, upper obovate- oblong larger; upper (^ells quadrate, middle short-rectangular, lower long hyaline; hairpoint long. Capfeule ovate; lid short- conic. Tufts grayish loosoiy cohering, 1 c. m. or lower. — Stone-walls. Eur. princ. in southern districts. Switzerl.l France: Zetterstedt. Austria: Schmidt. b. Leaves somewhat long-acuminate acute carinate above; cells sinuous. Capsule pale yellow not rugose; pedicel straight; calyptra mitriform. Monoecious, 56.G.triforiiiis Carestia et Notaris. ' '■'•'' ' -^ ' Lower leaves small; U})per larger and broadly ovate-lanceolate, not appressed when dry, us. curved when moistened; cells yel- lowish small quadrate exc. the rectangular lower basal, alar hyaline numerous; hairpoint nearly smooth, in upper leaves long. Capsule subglobose-cyathiform; lid convex mamillale. Tufts green 1 — 2 c. m, high. — In alps r. Eur. Switzerl.! Italy: Carestia, com. Geheeb, 67,(x.(xanderi Limpricht. Differs from the last: Leaves longer acuminate, not curved when moistened; upper cells oval-oblong; hairpoint long. Lid of c&psule short-conic. — Schistose alp. rocks r. — Eur. Austria: Gander, com. E. Adlerz. . . ^'wr — 231 — C. Leaves gen. long-acuminate, sometimes papillose near apex; cells not sinuous. Pedicel of capsule straight. Dioecious. SS.G.tergeslina Tommanini. •: Leaves with thickened borders, ovate-lanceolate somewhat large: upper with long faintly denticulate hairpoint; basal cells narrow-rectangular, the others short; costa not dilated above, Capsule brown suboval; lid rostellate. Tufts pulvinate often 2 — 3 c. m. high, grayish when dry. — Calcareous rocks* and stones r. Eur. southern distr. Switzerl.! Austria: Schiraper; Roell. Italy: Bottini, France: Philibert. .•• B. Leaves smooth gen. obtusate: lower obtuse muticous. Pedicel of capsule curved; annulus narrow persistent. Monoe- cious. a. Peristome present. .li r . • ■ ; ' m ul-> ■ :■!.,'' 59.G.plagiopotlia Hedwig. ^ .i • ,» . i / ii Upper leaves oblong with nearly smooth not long hairpoint; cells not sinuous, gen. sliort, basal larger. Capsule pale brown subglobose or broad-oval; lid nearly Hat or subconvex, mamil- late or apiculate; teeth orange. Tufts green or brown-green not cohering, scarcely X c. m. high. — Dry rocks princ. of sand- stone. Eur. less r. in southern distr. Germany: Schimper; Schulze. France: Husnot m. gall. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. ♦G.Brandegei Austin. Perichetial leaves hyaline above often t(^ r'ddlc; hairpoint rough very long. Capsule subglobose; podi-"t very short. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. , • ■ ? .» , b. Peristoiue us. waiting. .1' , • •■ ' ■ '- 60.0.aiiodou Bryol. eur. Upper leaves narrowly ovate-oblong acute witli long nearly smooth hairpoint; cells not sinuous: basal narrow-rectangular, the others short; costa broader above. Capsule red-yellow broad- oval, finally subpomiform; lid low pubconvex mamillate or api- culate; peiistome none. Perichetial leaves larger and longer; basal cells very long. Tufts not or loosely cohering grayish green about 1 c. m. high. — Dry rocks also in alps. Eur. less r. Norway! Germany: Schimper. Austria: Venturi. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. GLO.alpina Kindb. enum. bryin. dovr.; revue bryol. 1896. — »G. plagiopodia»: Zetterstedt; »G. anodon»: Limpricht; G. Lim- prichtii Kern. ... Differs from the last: Leaves broader, ovate or broadly •)vate- obloug obtuse without hairpoint; cells often sinuous gen. sub- w!nm — 232 - ■■ i' ■ ■-• ;i iPffi, ' lM^k ^^^Kt ^M "f 1 H': i- If ^! it ! If *; i ;i.« " f'^'' M i* i ;:i.in' f-<:;. ■s !'•? 1' ^^ oBL:''-' qimdmte. Lid of capsule convex neither apiculate nor mamil- late; teeth sometimes rudimentary. Perichetial leaves with Bouiewhat long hairpoint; basal cells short- rectangular. Tufts cohering brown-green about 2 c. m. high. — Rocks in higher isubalp. region r, Eur. Norway in Dovrefjekll Austria: Kern. V. Schistic! ium Eridel. 1. Platyphylloidese. A. Leaves not appressed when dr}'; hairpoint wanting. a. Leaves denticulate near the obtuse apex, broadly acu- minate. (>2.G.riyulari8 Bridel. ' ?i Leaves large ovat^-lanceolate cells large. Perichetial leaves broadly obtusate; costa abbre'/iate. Capsule obovate finally turbinate; teeth red, larger than in G. apocarpn; lid short-poin- ted; calyptra cucullate. Tufts loose. Stem decumbent, 3 — 6 c. m. or longer. — Stones in water not common. Eur. Finl.: Brothcrus. France: Husnot. Ancr. Can.: Macoun. b. Leaves entire nearly subuiate. GS.O.niaritima Turner. Leaves ovate-lanceolate recur\ed crowded us. crisped wiien dry; the upper with us. excu:'rent costa. Capsule as in the last; teeth orange; lid rostellate; calyptra us. cucullate. Tufts dense pulvinate 1 — 2 c. ra. nigh. — Rocks near sea or larger lakes. Eur. not r. Sweden! 'Ireland: Schimper. France: Le Jolis. Anier. Can.: Macoun; Rotdl; VVaghorne. * G.Aj^assizii SuUiv. et Lesq. — Schistidium S. L.; Grimmia Lq. et J.; G. crassinervis C. M. Leaves less crisped; costa not or indistinctly excurrent. Lid of capsule sometimes with shorter point. — Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. Alaska: J. M. Maccun. 64.0.ciiicliclodont<»a C. Mueller Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate not recurved, loosely dispo- sed, falcate when moistened; oosta long-excurrent. » Capsule subglobose; teeth red; lid rostellsite; calyptra mitriform»: C. M. Tufts not cohering; stem about 4 — 5 c. m. long. — Amer. r. Pacif. distr. U. S.: Roell, com. C. Mueller. B. Leaves entire nearly or completely a^jpressed when dry, often with hairpoint. Stem ere brunchlottt. 4.R.aciculare L. — Bryum L.; Racomitrium Bridol. Leaves us. green or blackish whou dry; up\»ev v^ells rotundrtte. Capsule suboval; teeth deeply oloft; pcdiv'^l goiiunvhat long. — Wet stones also in alps. Eur. nearly \'\\mmon. Sweden, Swit- zerl., Spain! Amer. Can,: J. Macovin; Waghorne. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. S.R.Neeyii C. Mueller, Leaves us, bright green also when dry; upper cells subc^ua- dviitc. Capsule oval-oblong; pedicel short, — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. princ. in Pacif. distr.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. B. Leaves narrowly acuminate entire. — 2B7 — a. Capsule large siibcylindric; pedicel about 2 c. m. long. Leaves long gradually acuminate acute or Bubacute carinate, often with hairpoint; costa gen. percurrent. Stem r. with short nodoee branchlets. (j.R.varium Mitten. — R.oroganum Ren. et Card. Leaves yellowish green recurved nearly all around, subacute at apex, not appreesed when dry; cells also the upper rectan- gular; costa greenish; hairpoint not long. Peristomial teeth partite. Stem sometimes with short r. numerous branchlets. — Wet stones in woods r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. T.R.speciosum C. Mueller. Leaves green recurved nearly all around, subacute at apex; upper cells gen, subquadrate, often greenish; hairpoint often long. Peristomial teeth partite. Stem without short branch- lets; leaves more appressed than in the resembling last. — Rocks in woods r. Amer. Pacif. distr Can.: Macoun; Roell, com. C. Mueller. •S.R.Leyieri Kindb. n. sp. Leaves dark green or finally blackish brown, acute at apex, not recurved above or at one side, appressed when dry; upper cells sub(]uadrate, the lower rectangular; costa finally brownj hairpoint none. Perichetial leaves more or less acuminate; costa portMU'rent or Hllghtly excurrent. Peristomial teeth deeply cleft not imrlite. Stem without short lirancliletH. TuflH Itliickisli lilown wlien dry. — Alp. gianlUc fuujiw r. Thr. f'pfjifgal: Ifi. Levler. b. Capsule Huuill gerlin, cojn, C, Jensen, — 239 ♦ ■ ft 16.R.mlcropiis Kindb. cat. Canad. m. — R. heteroetichum var. occidei.tale Renauld et Cardot. Leaves long-acuminate greenish channelled with thick bor- ders; cells yellow gen. narrow, the uppermost sometimes sub- quadrate; costa percurrent; hairpoint long. Capsule oblong cylindric with short oblique beak; pedicel about 0,5 o. m. long. Habit of E. microcarpum. — Granite rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Pacif, distr. Can. Brit. Col. 2000 metr. a. sea: Macoun. U. S.: Roell; Henderson, com. Cardot. 4. Lsevifolia, A. Leaves channelled, thickened at upper borders. IT.R.affine Schleicher. — Trichostomum Schl.; Racomitrium Lindb. Leaves ovate-lanceolate recurved below; upper (tills round- quadrate not or indistinctly sinuous; hairpoint short. Capsule suboblong; teeth partite; pedicel about 1 c. m. long. Tufts gen. not high and often denH(!. Stem often without short branchlets. — Siliceous rocks not common. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Sweden: Arnell. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Roell. * B.obtusiim Smith. — Trichostomum Sm.; Racomitrium Lindb. Leaves gen. obtuse without hairpoint. — Eur. Sweden: Arnell. Norway: Bryhn. Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Leaves carinate above with not thickened borders. IH.R.Iieterostiehnm Hedwig. — Trichostomum H., Racomi- trium Brid. Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate recurved nearly all around; cell;:, as in the last; hairpoint often long. Capsule oblong- cylindHc often Honicwluit liirwe; teeth ])artite; pedicel 1 c. m. or somewhat longer. TuflH uh. gniyiHii. Stem oftep with short branchletn. — Quarizose stone itrinc. below alps. Eur. commen. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl. I A^ner. 0\\p,'. ,^. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.; Henderson, com. Caraot. * R.niicropoidos Kindb. n. subsn. Leaves pellucid with very Hlioit hairpoiiit) i|)ipRr cells some- times rectangular; alar cells hyaline. Capsule small Bcaredy shorter than pedicel. — Rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. 19.R.nifcrocarpum Schroder. — Dicraniim Schr.; Racomitrium Brid. Leaves as in the last; cells narrow-rectangul/ir distinctly sinuous. Capsule small gen. suboval; teeth partite; pedicel tthr/rt. — 240 — Stem "with nliort branch lets. Tufte us. green. — Dry rooks princ. in northern alps. Eur. Sweden common, Norway, Swit- zerl.I Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun; Waghorne. 104. Cainpylostelium Bryol. eiir. l.C.Naxicola Weber et Mohr. — Dicranum W. M.; Campylo- Btelium Br. eur. LeaveH from suboblong base tapering to the longer but not much narrower sublinear obtusate acumen, crisped when dry; lower basal cells large rectangular, the others small quadrate; costa narrow not excurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth red yellow long narrow; lid long-rostrate; calyptra lobate; pedi- cel yellow Bometimee curved. Stem very short. Monoecious with yellow male flowers at base of stem. — Rocks princ. of sandstone, often together with Brachydontium, r. Eur. Engl. W. H. Pearson. Amer. Can.: Macoun. * Cstrictum Solms Laubach. Pedicel finally red. »Sometimep synoecious»: Geheeb. Other- wise not differing. — Eur. r. Portugal: Newton, com. Le Jolis. 105. CosciiiOdon Sprengel. A. Leaves more or less distinctly plicate above. Dioecious. l.C.cribrosus Hedwig. — Grimmia H.; Coscinodon Spruce. . Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate or from subovate concave ba^e slightly tapering to the involute scarcely longer gen. obtuse acumen, not recurved; alar cells not defined, the other banal short-rectangular pellucid, the upper subquadrate somewhat dusky; costa not excurrent. Perichetial leaves very much lar- ger, more plicate, shorter-acuminate; hairpoint long, at base very broad. Capsule half-emergent obovate finally inclined, orange not striate; teeth orange cribrose (perforated as a sieve as in the other species), deflexed or patent when dry. Tufts com- pact loosely cohering about 1 c. m. high. Habit of Grimmia crinita. — Schistose and siliceous rocks. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.i Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. *C.lmmilis Milde. Leaves somewhat narrower r. or slightly plicate; hairpoint more rough. — Peristomial teeth sometimes less perforated. Eur. r. France, Switzerl.i B. Leaves not plicate. Monoecious. 2.C.Wrightii Sullivant icon, muscor. Leaves very concave from subovate base abruptly narrowed subobtusate, often crcnulate above, sometimes reflexed below, appressed when dry, erect when moist; cells short-rectangular: — 241 — bftBal larger, upicnl hyalint'; costa excurrent to a very long rough hairpoint. Porichetifll leaves not larger. Cnpsnlo im- mersed Hubdval, truncate at base; pedicel shorter; teeth purplish. Stem very short. — Hocks r. Amer. »\j. S, south, states*: Lesq. et Jam. i . H.C.Ilaiii Austin. — C. Renauldi Cardot. -'. ' Diffois from the last: Leaves carinuto narrower more distinctly acuminate not n 'urved, patent when moist, goii. entire with shorter hairpoint; costa gen. not excurrent. Capsule globose ■when young, finally oval; teeth sometimes cleft. — Amer. r. U. S.: Henry, com. Cardot. • > 4.C calyptratus Hooker. — Grimmia Hook.; SuU. icon, ni.; Coseinodon C. Jensen (in htt.); Grimmia coiumbica Kindb. bull. Torr. club. Leaves ovate-lanceolate channelled, recurved below; basal cells subquadrate much larger than the upper; hairpoint long rough; costa percurrent. Perichetial leaves sublinear much longer. Capsule not or scarcely emergent above the hairpoints, oblong-cylindric smooth or slightly striate yellow or orange- colored: lid rosti-ate or rostellate; annulus none; pedicel straight or r. curved, longer than capsule. Stem 2 — 3 c. m. long or shortei-. Tufts dense glaucous green. — Dry alp. rocks. Amer. Can. Paeif. distr,: Macoun. U. S. Calif.: con. Maeoun. (Mexico: Fendler, herb. SuUiv., com. C. Mueller). 106. ISrachysteliiiiii Reicheiibach; C. M. A. Perichetial leaves not convolute. Peristomial teeth pa- pillose indistinctly articulate not deflexed. I. Ptychoinitriiini. Ijea\e8 plicate below, serrate above. Peristomial teeth us. subpaitite. Plants somewhat robust. Ha- bit of Qrfholrichum (Ulota). II. Notarisia. Leaves not plicate, entire or slightly sinuolate. Peristomial teeth often entire or irregularly cleft. Plants small. Habit of Weisia. B. Perichetial leaves convolute. Peristomial teeth smooth articulate, deflexed when dry, III. Glyplioniitriiim. Leaves entire not j)licate. Plants small. ]. Ptycliomitrium Brueh. l.'^.polypb.vlllini Dickson. — Bryum D.; Brachystelium Horn- schuch. Leav'es from ovate-oblong subconcave broadly recurved base somewhat abruptly tapering to u long carinate nearly subulate acumen, incurved or .nearly straight when moist; outer bjisal 1 ,f .1 P IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 lapa |2.s !i^ 1^ 11112.0 L4 1.6 V] /}. ^^/y^ ^^:^^. ..V ^^^ o / HiotogTdphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) 872-4503 ■m •N? \ :\ \ IV 6^ "^^^ '^ ^9> ftWI 242 ■my m I |i.!^ ! i ■f ' ( cells Bhort-rectangnlar, the inner narrower, the alar brown; coRta scarcely percurrent. Capsule oblong; teeth reddish below, yellowish in upper half; pedicel flexuons or ai'cuate when young and moistened; calyptrp not long. Spores about 0,01 m. m. — Rocks and stonewalls. Eur. not r. in southern dibtr. France, Switzerl.l Norway: R. Hartinan. Spain: Levier. 2.B.0ardneri Lesquereux. — Ptychomitrium Lq.; Brachystelium Kindb. Differs from the last: Leaves wholly carinate gradually acu- minate less distinctly plicate, falcate when moist; outer basal cells subquadrate. Capsule subcylindric; teeth blood-red; pe- dicel not flexuous. — Rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Ma- coun. U. S.: Ho'.vell and Henderson, com. Cardot. ■'■ . ' * II. Notarisia Hampe. 3.B.lligricans Kunze. — Macromitrium Kunze; Brachystelium Kindb. J.ieave.=? entire not involute, from short concave base contrac- ted to the broad-subulate channelled or near apex carinnte acumen, gen. aciite; cells of acumen nearly opake, the margi- nal ba?al often subquadrate; other basal cells rectangular also pellucid, the inner not much narrower, the lowest larger often yellowish princ. the alar; costa distinct nearly to apex. Cap- sule oblong with indistinct neck; pedicel rigid. Spores 0,02 m. m. — Rocks r. Eur. Portugal: Solms Laubach, com. Na- thorst (Teneriffa, com. Hubnol). * B.Drummondii Hooker et Wilson. — Grimmia 11. W.; Brachystelium C. M.; Ptychomitrium Sull. ic. m. , .i Capsule oval. Leaves not reflexed at base, sometimes slightly sinuolate near apex. — Trees r. Amsr. U. S. south, st.: Lang- lois, com. Cardot. 4.B.illCurvum Sehwregrichen. — Weisia Schw.j Brachystelium C. M.; Ptychomicrium Sull. ic. m. r ' Leaves entire, from short concave base contracted to the sublinear involute and at borders thickened acumen, gen. obtuse; cells of acumen opake, the lower basal rectangular hyaline; costa faint above. Capsule oval with short or indistinct neck; pedicel often curved when moistened. Spores about 0,01 m. m. Smaller than the last. — Rocks j^rinc. of sandstone, r. Amer. U. S: Fitzgerald, com. Rcnauld. »Can.: Macoun»: Lesq. et Jam. * B.glyphoinitrioideR Balsamo et Notaris. — Grimmia B. et N.; Brachysteleum C. M.; Ptychomitrium pusillum Br. eur. — 243 — Leaves more dietinctly involute and suboucullate. Peristomial teeth often split. — Rock^ r. Eur. Switzerl. near Lugano! 5.B.pygmaBUlll Lesq. et Jam. ~ Ptychomitriura L. J.; Brachy- stelium Kindb. ' »Leave8 linear from ovate base; costa vanishing far below apex. Capsule oval; neck a third as long; teeth joined in pairs at base, sometimes connate their whole length; calyptra covering the capsule to its base. Plants Vv^ry small. — On stones (?). Amer. U. S.: E. Hall»: Lesq. et Jam. III. Glyphomitrium Bridel. B.li.DaTiesii Dickson. — Bryum Dicks,; Brachystelium Kindb. Leaves narrow sublinear not or slightly reflexed below, from suboblong not well defined base gradually tapering to a long subulate carinate acumen; nearl}'^ all cells quadrate not opake: only the lowest rectangular not much larger; costa percurrent. Pcrichetial leaves suboblong apiculate; cosia subexcurrent. Cap- sule subglobose or obovate; neck nearly half as long; teeth broad; calyptra covering capsule; annulus none. Leaves some- times with brood filaments. Spores 0,03 — 0,04 m. m. — Ba- saltic ro^ks r. Eur. Scotl.i Schimper. Engl.: W. H. Pearson. Irel.: Stewart, com. Le Jolis. T.B.canadense Mitten, — Glyphomitrium M.; BrachysteUum Kindb. » Leaves lanceolate tapering to an acute or blunt point; bor- ders recurved below to middle; basal cells oblong, the angular narrower. Perichetial leaves very broadly ovate. Capsule oval; pedicel shorter than in the last. — 4mer. r. Can.: Drummond»: Lesq. et Jam. 107. Drumuiondia Hooker, musci amer. 1828. l.D.clayellata Schwaigrichen. — Macromitrium Schw.; Drum- mondia Hooker. Leaves suboblong or broadly ovate-lanceoLite. acute or very short- acuminate, carinate at least above, not distinctly involute; cells small rotundate, the few not well-defined alar subquadrate; costa not wholly percurrent. Perichetial leaves nearly similar but with short-rectangular cells at angles near base. Capsule subglobose-ovoid brown smooth; lid nearly flat, long-rostrate; annulus none; pedicel short. Calyptra long-rostrate reaching below the unripe capsule, finally concave and cucullate. Spores very large about (),0G m. ni. Tufts green or brown green. Dioecious. — On trees. Amer. Can. r.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell; Sullivant, com. C. M.; Fit/gerald, com, llcnauld, n !K in if' i ! ill ! ■' J'^ i 'J — 244 — 2.B.canadensis Kindb. revue br3'ol. 1896. — D. clavellata var. canadensis Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Differs from the last: Tieaves gen. subobtuee, channelled, distinctly involute at borders all around. Perichetial leaves broader, more obtuse; nea»*l}' rll cells lax and long-rectangular. Capsule globose a little larger; lid short-rostrate. Tufts some- times brown. Monoecious. Nearly allied to D. ohtusifolia C. M. from Chili. — On trees r. Amer. Can. near lake Erie: Macoun. 108. Scouleria Hooker. Ao Leaves broad, thinly or indistinctly limbate only below. Peristome gen. persistent at least partly. l.S.aqiiatica Hooker. — Grimmia Scouleri C. M. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, broader at base, be'.ow middle tape- ring to the contracted broad ])oint, sharply serrate to it from middle, blackish (or only the uppermost green) and strongly apprcssed when diy; marginant cells opake very distinct; other cells gen. dusky thick-walled, exc. few linear not porose inner basal. Inner perichetial leaves shorter and less dusky. Perigo- nial leaves short suboval very obtuse. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. v ^ . • ' y.SMuellevi Kindb. cat. Canad. m. ' • '^ , Leaves subelliptic, broader near middle, with very short ar- roundcd broad point, sharply serrate from it to below middle, olive green and sometimes less strongly appressed when dry; cells subpeliuoid, the marginant pale orange not well-defined, the linear inner basal numerous porose. Inner perichetial leaves very pellucid from short dilated entire base tapering to a sublinear <^errate acumen. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr. Brit. Col. near Revelstok 1890 and Vane. isl. 1893: Macoun. * S.catilliformis C. Mueller, Leaves nearly entire; marginant cells dusky. Capsules un- known. — Amer. r. U. S.: Roell, com. C. Mueller. 8.S.Neevii C. Mueller. Differs from S. Muelleri: Leaves obtusely crenulate, patent when dry; upper cells dusky, the lower subpellucid, the mar- ginant opake, the linear inner basal few not porose. Capsules unknown. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Selkirk mts 1885 and 1890: Macoun. (Determined by C. M.) • B. .Leaves narn.w thickly limbate all around. Peristome very short and brittle soon deciduous or adhering to lid. •''< — 245 — 4.S.margin{ita Britton. Leaves narrowly ovate- lanceolate channelled or faintly cari- nate above, serrate at the obtuse acumen, blackish and nearly appressed when dry; nearly all cells uniform subquadrate exc. the onter rectangular near borders; uppermost cells more opake. Perichetial leaves similar but longer acuminate. — Rocks above the water-line r, Amer. U. S. Calif.: Marshall A. Howe. Fam. 24. WeislaceaB. ' 109. Barbula Hodwig. A. Basal tube of peristome elongate. Pedicel straight. I. Syiltricllia. Peristomial legs us. contorted. 1. Kuraiitbrines. Leases us. Ungulate- spathulate, with hairpoint (exc. B. mutica); basal cells us. long. Us. dioecious. 2. SubulataBfoi'liies. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or sublinear lingulate without hairpoint; basal cells long. Monoecious. 8. Canescentes. Leaves oval-ovate without hairpoint; basal cells short. Monoecious. Plants small and low. ' ''■' B. Basal tube of peristome very short or indistinct. a. Leaves mamillose. Peristome sometimes not contorted. Pedicel straight or curved. II. Timmiella. Leaves long sublinear, often serrulate above, neither reflexed nor limbate, curled when dry; basal cells rect- angular; costa r. excurrent. Capsule cylindric often large. b. Leaves papillose. Peristome not contorted. Pedicel straight or curved. III. Zygotricbiii. Leaves ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate reflexed r. with hairpoint; basal cells large rectangular. 1. Orthopodiae. Pedicel straight. Spores about 0,02 m. m. Leaves not limbate. 2. Camptopudise. Pedicel arcuate when moist. Spores about 0,04 m. m. Leaves broadly yellow4imbate. c. Leaves papillose or smooth. Peristome us. contorted. Pedicel straight. ■ •' aa. Capsule placed on short lateral branches. Leaves broadly limbate below by narrow hyaline cells, serrulate above, IV. Pleurochaete. Leaves not reflexed, curled when dry; costa not excurrent. Peristome much contorted. Dioecious. bb* Capsule terminal. Leaves gen. entire r. denticulate, us. curled when dry. V. Tortellai Leaves neither reflexed nor limbate, from dila- ted base gen. longly acuminate, without hairpoint; basal cells ,i< ff Hi m •Hi ] — 246 — long hyaline ascending liigher at margins than the others; costa UB. excurrent. VI. Tortula. Leaves sometimes reflexed or limbate, gen. sublingulate or sublinear, sometimes With hairpoint; basal cells not higher ascending at margins. 1. CimeifoliJP. Leaves smooth not limbate without hair- point, not or near ba.'. :!'li — 247 - times Bhort-excurreiit. AnimluB revoluble gen. broad. Tufts greenish, rufeecent or reddish. I. Syntrichia C. Mueller. 1. RuraliformeB. A. Leaves short not distinctly carinate; lower basal cells uniform hyaline (in B. Icevipila the outer sometimes narrower and not hyaline); hairpoint often Bmooth, sometimes (in B. mutica) wanting. Peristome contorted, longer than basal tube. Dioe- cious or (J5. alpina and sometimes B. Icevipila) monoecious. Stem not high. nearly fiat, sometimes reflexed near Leaves muticous Tortula Lindb.; Barbula Kindb.; B. a. base. l.B.mutica Lindberg. latifolia (Bruch) Br. eur. Leaves subepathulate obtuse. Capsule large; teeth once or twice contorted. Tufts dusky green. Often with propagula (brood-corpuscles). Very r. fruiting. — On base of trees r. on stones. Eur. not r. in warmer districts. Germanyl Sweden; Lindberg; S. Hardin. Amer. r. U. S. Oregon: Roell. b. Leaves with hyaline us. short and smooth hairpoint, involute (at least when dry) above, fiat below. 2 B.papillosa Wilson. — Tortula Wils.; Barbula C. M. Leaves subspathulate or short-lingulate obtuse. Capsule very small; teeth faintly contorted. Tufts dusky or brownish green. Often with propagula. »Fruiting only in Australia*: Braith- waite. — On trees princ. in warmer distr, Eur. lees r. SwitzerLI; Roell. Norway: E. Nyman. Sweden: Lindberg. France; Hus- not. Amer. r, »U. ').»: Lesq. et Jam. C. Leaves us. with hairpoint, not involute, reflexed below. aa. Peristome not much contorted, much longer than tube. S.B.alpina Br. eur. Leaves oblong-lingulate sometimes subacute, reflexed below middle: the lower muticous; lower basal cells somewhat email and not much long; costa smooth reddi.sh; hairpoint smooth red or hyaline gen. short. Tufts rusty red below. Monoecious. — Rocks princ, in alps r. ^wr. Switzerl.! France: Philibert. Austria: Breiuler. Sweden: A. Grape. * B.phgorum Milde, • Leaves not reflexed, often with propagula. Capsules un- known. — Stone-walls r. Eur. Austria: Milde »: Limpricht. 4.B.brevipe8 Lesquereux. — »B. alpina*: cat. Can. m. Differs from B. alpina: Leaves nearly flat at borders, obtuse '* :i i i'l ;i ■^ i'M i i m ■■I ' i! '!■ ; t' \i f ' 1 ■ i! II. '\ HM I t — 248 — often emarginate; hnirpoint longer, somotinieK denticulate. Pe- ristoniial tube longer. Stem and pedioel ver}' much shorter. Dioecious. — Amer. r. C;in. Brit. Col.: Macoun. S.B.rotiindo-einarginata C. M. et Kmdb. 1. o. Differs from B. alpina: Leaves Hul)si)athulate shorter and broadly emarginate, more rellexed to above middle; hairpoint liyaline denticulate longer. Capsules unknown. Dioecious. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. bl>. Peristome several times contorted, not much longer than tube. G.B.hevipila Bridel. — Tortula Brid.; Barbula Br. eur. Leaves oblong-lingulate us. obtuse, nearly fiat or slightly reflexed at base; lower cells sometimes diversiform; costa brown or green not denticulate but sometimes minutely papillose; hairpoint hyaline us. smooth. Capsule long cylindric. Tufts us. olive-green. Sometimes monoecious. — Trees princ. in warmer distr. Eur., not r. France, Switzerl., Italy! Sweden: S. Hardin. Amer. r. Can.: Roell. T.B.bracliyangia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Differs from the last: Leaves more reflexed; costa red rough; hairpoint pale red at least below, slightly denticulate above. Capsule short suboblong; peristome not seen. Tufts reddish brown. Dioecious. — Amer. r. Can. Anticosti: Macoun. B. Leaves gen. long and distinctly carinate; hairpoint den- ticulate. Dioecious or {B. Muelleri) synoecious. a. Leaves faintly carinaie; basal cells somewhat short and wide nearly uniform, the outei often less pellucid and not much narrower. Synoecious or polygamous. S.B.Muellei'i Bruch. — B. princeps C. M. Leaves long sublinear-lingulate obtuse, reflexed to above middle, not or slightly curved when moistened; costa red nearly smooth; hairpoint hyaline. Capsule large; teeth twice contor- ted. Tufts high, rusty red b^low. — On stone r. on trees, r. Eur. France: Philibert. Gree-^e: Heldreich. Italy: Arcangeli. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: com. Cardot. b. Leaves distinctly carinate; basal cells long uniform hya- line not porose. Dioecious. 9.B.norvegica F. Weber. — Syntrichia F. Web. 1804; Bar- bula Lindb.; B. aciphylla Br. eur. 1842. Leaves long sublinear-lingulate more or less acuminate or acute; costa faintly rough; hairpoint red nearly smooth. — On — 249 — Btoiie in ali)H. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzoil, Spain! Sweden: Lindberg. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. lO.B.pseiid-aciphylla Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 63. • Leaves long Biil)linear-lingulate obtuse; costa very rougb above; hairpoint red only at base or in upper balf. Capsule narrower than in the last; peristome not seen. — Rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Brit. Col. and Rocky mts: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. c. Leave distinctly carinate; basal cells diversiform. Dioe- cious. ,, . ; • aa. Leaves large long narrow, reflexed nearly all around, us. curved when moistened. ll.B.ruralis L. — Bryum L; Barbula Hedwig. ' ' ' ' Leaves broadly limbate below, very papillose, us. obtuse and sublinearlingulate; outer basal cells (jirinc. in elder leaves) narrower and porose; costa red ver}' rough above; hairpoint hyaline or only at base red. Pcrihtome red twice contorted, gen. not shorter than tube. Tufts rusty red below. — Stones, sand, trees and roofs. Eur. common but in alp. regions r. Sweden, Switzerl! Amer. Can. eastern districts: Macoun. * B.ruraliforinis Bescherelle. Leaves gen. ovate- lanceolate acuminate or acute with defluent hail-point. Tufts brown. — Sandy places r. Eur. Sweden! France: Le Jolis. Amer. »U. S.»: Cardot. '^ B.alaskana Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves long-attenuate subacute. Peristome faintly twisted shorter than tube. Tufts brown, green above. — Amer. r. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun, * B.rubicundula Kindb. n. subsp. v, k Leaves shorter, all red; the lower with very short red point; costa less rough. Habit of B. alpina. — Calcareous rocks r. Eur. Sweden in island Oeland! ri.B.megalocarpa Kindb. bull. Torr. club. ■. ■ > - Differs from B. ruralis: Leaves us. larger, often short-acumi- nate acute, less reflexed above; outer basal cells golden yellow and narrower than the inner; hairpoint often red in lower half. Capsule larger; peristome faintly contortttl, shorter than tube. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. and Cypress hills: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. • " ' •''^- ■' IS.B.submegalocarpa Kindb. in Hedwigia 1890 p. 64. Differs from B. ruralis: Leaves longer narrow and less reflexed above, from broader base attenuate or sublinear; outer basal cells golden yellow not porose; hairpoint often red in 17 i* f: I ;. ' — 250 — lower half. Peristome faintly contorted, Hhorter than tube. — Rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit, Col,: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. !;.!;!..;(,. I 14.B.l(eyiuSCUla Kindb. cat. Canad. musci. Leaves narrowly limbate below, sublinear-lingulate obtuse, nearly smooth at the bordern, not much twisted when dry; the outer marginal cells in 1 or 2 rows hyaline, inner marginal in 2 or 3 rows yellow porose and longer; costa red-brown smooth or indistinctly papillose, more rough near apex; hairpoint gen. wanting, in uppermost leaves denticulate long hyaline or at base red. Capsule narrower than in B. iuralis\ peristome pale red much contorted and very much longer than tube; pedicel very thin and not long. Tufts high brown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. bb. Leaves somewhat short and less reilexed, not or scarcely curved when moistened. 15.B.lllontana Esenbcck. — Syntrichia Es.; Barbula Kindb.; Syntrichia intermedia Brid.; Barbula Milde. ? Leaves sublinear-lingulate broadly limbate below gen. reflexed to above middle; upper cells smaller than in B. ruralis; costa brown-red less rough; hairpoint of upper leaves us. very long denticulate or r. short. Peristome us. twice contorted. Tufts olive-green, lower than in B. ruralis. — Stones princ. calcareous. Eur. not r. Sweden, Switzerl.I Engl.: Rogers. Greece: Hauss- knecht. Amer. r. U. S.: Roell. IG.B.pulyiuata Juratzka. — B. danioa M. F. Lange; B. lato- excisa C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves somewhat small sublingulate narrowly limbate below by pale green cells, often nearly flat or slightly reflexed; costa nearly smooth us. brown; hairpoint thin faintly rough not long. Capsule somewhat small; teeth once contoi'ced. Tufts brown- green us. not high. — On trees or r. on stones. — Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Roell. * B.papillinerTi8 C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Upper leaves subacute; costa reddish more papillose. Cap- sule short Buboblong. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. * B.leptotricha C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves with nearly smooth hairpoint. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. -,;.;■--- .r 4:, .r -'^Li"., ■= ii^;.:.,n.;- 1 2. Subulatseformes. A. Leaves us. not reflexed; costa smooth us. excurrent. Peristome shorter than tube. — 251 - 17.B.8ubu1atR L. — Bryum L.; Barbula JieauvoiH. Leaves euboblong-lingulate or Bublanceolate often limbaU; ub. obtuBate papillose with yellowish point of costa. Capsule large. Tufts us. green. — On earth. Eur. common below alps. Sweden, France, Svvitzerl.l Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun. * B.ailgU8tata Wilson. — Tortula Wils.; Barbula Schimper. Leaves oblong-lanceolate acuminate acute; costa long-excurrent. — Eur. not common. Sweden, Svvitzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. IS.B.Diucronifolia Schwcegrichen. — Tortula Schw.; Barbula Br. eur. Leaves suboblong obtusate smooth not limbate, smaller than in B. suhulata, sometimes with reddish point. Differs also in smaller capsule and shorter peristomial tube. — Alp. rocks. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.l Austria: Venturi. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Fowler. B. Leaves reHexed nearly all around; costa papillose gen. percurrent. Peristome longer than tube. 19.B.inerillis Montague. — Tortula Mont.; Barbula C. M. Leaves oblong-lingulate papillose not limbate gen. subobtuse. Tufts brown-green. — Stone in warmer distr. r. Eur. Germany: Herpell. France: Husnot. Spain: Dieck, com. Roell. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. ) 3, Canescentes. 20.B.cane8cen8 Bruch. Leaves oval-ovate short-acuminate or subacute papillose not limbate, reflexed nearly all around; costa papillose long-excur- rent. Capsule not large; teeth red twice contorted. — Earth on rocks r. Eur. in warmer distr. France: Husnot; Le Jolis. Germany: Herpell. Greece: Orphanides. 21.B.0uepini Schimper. — Desmatodon Br. eur. Leaves subovate short-acuminate acute very small slightly reflexed below. Capsule smaller than in the last with larger Bpores and shorter peristomial tube; teeth half-twisted red or whitish. — Earth r. Eur. France: Bescherelle. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. n. Timmiella Notaris. ' ' A. Leaves with not excurrent costa, often serrulate above. 22.B.anoiliala Br. eur. — Trichostomum Schimp. Leaves large subacute. Capsule large long oblong-cylindric; teeth red once contorted; annulus narrow; pedicel red. Stem not high, nearly naked below. Tufts dusky or yellowish green. Monoecious or r. synoecious. — On earth and stone-walls r. if! h X f*: ii — 252 — Eur. princ. in Mcditerr. dintr. Switzerl.! Aii«tria: Ventiiri. Itnly: E. Adlerz. Greece: Holdreich. Amer. Paeif. dintr. Can.: Mncoiin. 23.«.liisltnnlca Bridel. — Tortula Uriel.; Burbulu Kiiidb.; Tri- choatoniuin Baibiila Schwa.'griehon. Leaves large acute or hhort-acuniiiiate. Cai)Bule m in the last; teeth red not or slightly twinted; annnlus none; pedicel red, pale above. Paroecious or monoeciouH. Resembles the last. — On stones r. Eur. princ, in Mediterr. distr. Switzerl.l Portugal: Levier. France: Anthouard. 24.B.flexiseta Bruch. — Trichostonmni Bruch; Jiarbula Kindb.; Trichostomum llexipes Br. cur; Ilusnot m. Gall. .,;.-. f\ .f; Smaller than the both last. Loaves acute often short-acu- minate. Capsule short oblong-cylindric; teeth pale yellow not twisted; annulus broad; pedicel pale above, often dellexed. Tufls low green. Dioecious. — On earth r.: Eur. »Portugal and Sardinia*: Schiniper. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. .' ••■ m ,r>(.; B. Leaves Avith excurrent costa. 25.B.vaucouverieMsls Brotherus. — Timmiella Broth.; Barbula Kindb.; Trichostomum Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves acute longer than in the last, denticulate to below middle. Capsule cylindric; teeth pale not twisted; annulus broad; pedicel yellowish ilexuous. Tufts pale green about 3 c. m. iiigh. Dioecious. — Earth r. Amer. Can. Vane. isL: Macoun; Roell, com. Brotherus. III. Zygotrichia.. • i. .i; ni 1. OrthopodisB. 26.B.latifo1ia Hedwig. — Dicranum H.; Barbula Kindb.; Tor- tula Lindb.; Desmatodon Br. eur. Leaves rcilexed nearly all around, short-acuminate or sub- obtuse, sometimes with yellowish point; costa gen. not percur- rent. Capsule us. erect suboblong, sometimes broader or nar- rower; teeth orange-red not or slightly twisted. — Earth in alp. regions. Eur. common. Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. not r. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. * B.brevicaulis Bridel. — Desmatodon Brid.; Barbula Kindb. Capsule slightly inclined; lid often systylic. Stem short. Eur. Norway! ''' B.glacia lis Funck. — Desmatodon Funck; Barbula Kindb. Leaves piliferous; costa abbreviate. Stem high. — Eur. Norway! France: liusuot. Amer. »Greenl.»: Berggren. » Rocky mt8»: Leaq. et Jam. ii:-' ii'. j . !;> ; .• j^.-av . .i i ' ^i/fi " i»- Trichostomum Bambergeri Schimper. — Leaves brittle sub- linear or the upper long- acuminate 8ul)ulate, sometimes broader acuminate with some teeth and large hyaline cells at apex. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth red not twisted. Stone-walls r. Eur. Austria; Bamberger and Breidler»: Limpricht. — A doubt- ful species, sDidymodon mutabilis var.»: Venturi et Bottini. Sb.B.incUnata Hed.vig fil. — Tortula H. fil.; Barbula Schwee- grichen. Leaves shorter than in B. tortuosa, from broader base sub- lineai gen. obtusate or sometimes cucullate at apex. Capsule \14 — 255 — shorter, suboblong often curved; teeth red leGB contorted; pedi- cel yellow abovt. Tufts dense yellowish green or brown not high. — Calcareous earth. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.I Greece: Heldreich. France: Boulay. ,. \ 36.B.incliiiatula C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves as in the last but nearly straight when moist and more 'nvolute above; the perichetial whitish much broder. Capsule narrowcylinuric not large, nearly straight; teeth much contort d. Tufts loosely cohering about 0,5 c. m. high. — Sandy soil in alps r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. ,■ .,.,-\i BT.B.Ctespitosa Schwregrichen. — B. cirrata Bruch. Differs from B. tortuosa: Monoecious. Leaves shorter, less narrowly or longly acuminate; their hyaline basal part often denticulate above; costa more distinctly excurrent. Capsule smaller; pedicel shorter and thinner, flexuous and yellow, finally reddish. Tufts low often not cohering. — On earth and at buse of trees r. Eur. Francel Spain: Dieck, com. Roell. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Langloia, com. Cardot. VL Tortula Bridel, in part. ' '■■ f) y, ; ; >r • 1. Cunejfoliee. , '>.» ?<•'; /■ 38.B.cimeifolla Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Barbula Brid. Leaves subovate-suboblong or subovnl, obtuse or acute and not reflexed: the upper nearly crisped when dry; costa green excurrent to a smooth nearly hyaline often long point. Cap- sule suboblong; teeth dark purplish scarcely more than once contorted. Tufts green higher than in B. muralis. Monoecious. — Rocks in warmer dis^^^ ^'cts r. Eur. Engl.: Curnow. France: Husnot. Greece: Heldreich. Amer. Can.: Macoun (»B. Vahlii» cat. Can. ra.) 39.B.subciineifolia Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. Leaves suboval-ovate sometimes acute or apiculate, slightly reflexed below, larger than in the last and not crisped; costa liot excurrent finally red-brown. Capsule as in the last; peri- stomial tube moro prominent. Monoecious. — Arctic. Pacif. diatr. r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. 40.B.Garberi Lesq. et Jam. — Desmatodon L. J.j Barbula Kindb. ..,ut ,-- t » Leaver* oblong or lingulate-lanceolate obtuse inflexed above; cells scarcely papillose; costa percurrent. Capsule oblong-oval; teeth partita. Habit of Trichostomum arenaceum. Dioecious. — Amer, r. U. S.»: Lq. et Jam. ^'^l^'i 'f- vis; * :..'. -ill e ■ t'l, t " f >' ,1'. *' l=. ;■■ I — 256 — ,f A. :i^ '''■'■•'. •' . 2. Limbatse. i'?^' V""'-''^'*' ,. '.'-.eaves limbaly by yellow narrow-rectangular cells. >: i'u ■* 41.B.inargrinata Br. eur. — Tortula Spruce. Leaves suboblong gen. acute; costa somewhat longly excurrent. Peristome once contorted. — Sand?itone-wall8 and roadsides in vvarnier districts r, Eur. France: Philibert; Bouvet. Portugal: Levier. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. ' •■-> ^u . .'.iA ....... '" B.Iimbata Lindberg. — Tortula Lindb. » Leaves larger, broader limbate. — Eur. r. Italy: Rabenhorst»: Husnot mue ^ol. GalL *B,Egelillgi Schliephacke. - u-'riT-r!'.-.. ^^i <{i*olii!^ rrfJ? :>; • Leaves smaller, not narrowed at base, broader limbate by larger cells. Capsule smaller. — Amer. r. U. S. Tennessee: Egeling»: C. M. in Flora 1887. B. Leaves limbate by subquadrate us. hyaline cells. *:"'i^ 42.B.Solmsii Schimper. I i:in Leaves oval-oblong gen. obtuse; costa somewhat longly ex- current. Peristome twice contorted. — Eur.x. » Portugal: Holms Laubach»: Schimper (Madeira: .Fritze, com. Levier.) 43.B.Porteri James. — Desmatodon Jam.; Barbula Kindb. Leaves oblong-lanceolate short-acuminate acute, the lower with yellow marginal cells; costa percu.rrent. Peristome half-twisted. — Rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. i,t>?i.' .i' :v-^ 3. Murahformes. H '■^■■•' '' ur^■:^^ A. Leaves somewhat large. Tufts us. loose. •> '* "•'■ • • ' 44.B.muralis L. — Bryum L.; Barbula Timm.' ;«ns'*ttj>.' I^ :' Leaves sublinear or oblong-lingulate obtuse, reflexed to the hairpoint, often limbate by one cell-row; upper cells opake; costa us. excurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth reddish 2 or 3 times contorted; annulus double. Tufts us. glaucous green and very loose. Us. monoecious. — Stones, stone-walls and roofs. Eur nearly common in lower districts. Sweden, Germany, Switz' 1., Italy! Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. *B.JB8tiva Sch\,.tz. Leaves long lanceolate-lingulate subacuminate green; costa flhort-excurrent or subpercurrent. Peristome gen. once contorted. Us, dioecious, — Eur. not r. Sweden, Switzerl.! , - * .v,,..*^ — 257 — •I "If: • B.ticinensis Kindb. revne bryol. 1892. Leaves short oblong-lingulate or subspathulate brown-green; costa Bhort-excurrent. Capsule oblong. Peristome gen. once contorted. — Schistose siliceous rocks. Eur. Switzerl. nenr Luganol B. Leaves small, less reflexed. Tufts densel}' cohering. • 45.B.((btusifolia Schleicher. — Tortnla Schl.; Barbula Schwffi- grichen; Desmatodon Jur.; D. flavicans Br. eur. ■hrAisti.ir^n-Snfnk Leaves short oblong-lingulate obtuse not reflexed in upper third, smaller than in B. muralis and not limbate; upper cells opake; costa percurrent or very slightly excurrent. Capsule suboval or oblong; teeth short brown-red scarcely once contor- ted; tube sometimes well-distinct; annulus double. Tufts green somewhat dense. Us. monoecious. — Rocks in higher alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl. 1750 metr. a. sea! Italy: Philibert {Asia, Caucase: Brotherus). Amer. Can.: Drummond 115, com. Macoun. 4G.B.BoIaBnderi Lesqutreux. — B. oarnifolia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Upper leaves lanceolate-Ungulate obtuse or subacute, not reflexed in upper third, not limbate; upper cells subpellucid faintly papillose; costa not or slightly excurrent. Capsule suboblong; teeth once contorted; annulus simple persistent. Tufts dirty green. Dioecious. Resembles B. muralis *(xstiva. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: M. A. Howe, com. Cardot. 4. I'Tnguiculatffi. «>tj*r(t' ^^l'}W^^ ".irvii- I- Aj if ■*'>:! >] It. •*■?,■ A. Annulus of capsule double. Leaves often limbate by one cell-row. Monoecious. . .,,... .. 47.B.Va]llii Schultz. — Tortula Wilson; Braithwaite. Upper leaves sublinear or oblong-lanceolate obtuse, slightly and partly or not reflexed, subpellucid faintly papillose above; costa long-excurreut. Capsule subcyliudric; teeth twice contor- ted; tube distinct. Tufts yellowish green. Resembles B. cunei- folia and B. muralis. — Damp (;lay soil in warmer districts r. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaito. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. B. Annulus not distinct. Leaves not liml)ate. Dioecious. a. Perichetial leaves not sheathing.t^ atfooi;^- =jv c.o ,:..;?' I'l 48.B.U)lguicillaia Hudson. — Bryum Huds.; Barbula Hedwig. Leaves obtusate at apex (obtuse or subacute) reflexed below middle, sublinear or subovato-oblong or broadly oblong-lanceolate, suberect when moist; upper cells opake; the basal narro\7-rec- tangulai; costa as., excurrent r. percurrent. Perichetial leaves ii ■j'".ii t ■t fit imM. tm i\. 258 t 1 lU acute; costa excurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth much contorted. Tufts dirty green Bometimes high. — Earth and stone. Eur. common. Sweden, Italy etc.I Greece: Heldreich. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: SuUivant, com. CM. .,,... 49.B.Cruegeri Sonder. Differs from the last: Leaves patent when moist; basal cells short-rectangular; costa very slightly excurrent; only the inner- most perichetial leaves acute and very short with not excurrent costa. — On earth r. Amer. U. S.: Langlois, com. Cardot (Cuba: Wright, herb. Sullivant, com. C. Mueller). b. Perichetial leaves half-sheathing. All leaves obtuse; costa not excurrent. 50.B.amplexa Lesquereux. '^'^*'-"'""'^*-'*'^ •"'- -'-*''■*' ^^-^^^^^^-^ Leaves short suboval or short-lingulate, reflexed near base; basal cells rectangular. Perichetial leaves longer. Capsule sub- cylindric; teeth once contorted. Stems very short not tufted. — Amer. r. U. S.: Boleender, com. C. Mueller; Howe, com. Cardot. »Can.: Drummond»: Macoun. .>;.Mn.«(u;,„ .,..- - ,, yjj_ Eu-Barbula. >H;Mff: ^)^ .-^-u-i ■';■":•'■ '' ■''^^' ' 1. Platyneuron Kindb. ^-^^'^^qm. ■-V^-^>'i^ Ao Leaves us. doubly re volute. Peristome us. contorted. 51.B.Horn8chiichii Schultz. Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate acute, revolute to apex and often nearly to the excurrent costa. Perichetial leaves larger, Buboblong revolute not sheathing; costa long-excurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth much contorted. — On earth r. Eur. Belgium: Roemer. France: Brebisson; Berthoumieu. Sweden: J. Persson. 52.B.reYO]uta Schrader. — Tortula Schrad.; Barbula Brid. Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate subobtuse, revolute to apex and nearly to costa; prominent lamina ver}' narrow; costa per- current or slightly excurrent often broader above. Perichetial leaves half-sheathing subconvolute; costa not excurrent. Cap- sule oblong-oval; teeth nearly twice contorted. Tufts dense. — Princ. on calcareous stonewalls. Eur. in lower and warmer districts. France! Italy: E. Adlerz. Germany: Herpell, Spain: Levier. to,^ tu h^i-hk- •'-■-• ui ,»Sf;w:f.j«Jv, y'^vfv^j f B.oblusula Lindberg. Perichetial leaves more open. »PeriBtome slightly or not twieted*: Undb, — Eur, r, Germany: GoU, »Sweden»: Lindb, 269 — 53.B.platynenra C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. '• Differs from B. revoluta: Leaves shorter, ovate-oblong acute; costa distinctly excurrent. Capsules unknown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 54.B.revolYen8 Schinnper. — Desmatodon Husnot m. G. i'H -i^.i , ^ .^ ,..>.:, 2. Streblotrichum Palisot de Beauvois. ,_. A. Pedicel yellow. Spores small. Dioecious. Et Peristome much contorted; annulus re voluble. Leaves papillose entire narrow, crisped; basal cells short-rectangular hya- line; costa not excurrent. Tufts us. low. 57.B.COilTOlllta Hedwig. — B. Closteri Austin ? - .. f . Leaves sublinear or cblong-lanceolate obtusate gen, not reflexed: perichetial nearly nerveless with short point. Capsule oblong; lid shorter. — On earth. Eur. common below alp. regions. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Can.: Macoun. * B.comniutata Juratzka. — Trichostomum undatum Schimper. Stem higher. Leaves narrow-lanceolate much longer: peri- chetial broadly acuminate. Capsule larger. — Wet calcareous rocks also in alps r. Eur Switzerl.I Engl.: Burgess. Belgium: Roemer, _,. ,^ ._ _ . . m\ <■ i, M.i m -- 260 — ti.u 'i !'■ r 1 !1 1 58.B.chi\ysopoda C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. ') n-u^inr nUtJt.rWs '■ Differs from B. convoluta: Leaves gen. obtuse: perichetinl much broader, truncate or broadly arrounded at apex Cap- Bule shorter than lid. — On earth r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Con. Brit. Col.: Macoun; Vane, isl.: JNIaeoun; Roell. &d.B.llaTipes Bryol. eur. ■ ■ ' .; Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate acute reflexed nearly all around: perichetial subulate-acuminate. Capsule ovate-oblong; lid much shorter. — Calcareous places in alps r. Eur. Swilzerl.! Austria: Breidler. - b. Peristome not twisted; annulus revoluble. Leaves ma- millose not crisped; cells gen. subquadrate: lower basal rect- fin^ular; costa long-exeurrent. Tufts to 2 c. m. high. i.: . GO.B.cllloropiiS Bridel. — Ck-ratodon Brid.; Barbula Kindb. Lower leaves subovate; the upper ovate-lanceolate attenuate not reflexed. Perichetial leaves convolute with subulate point. Capsule erect suboblong striate when dry; lid shorter; teeth reddish yellow. Tufts dense. — On eiu'th r. ^w/\ France: ►Schim- per; Philibert. -- ,, .,;r,»^ i.i....,f, .> w v v.. ..^.-r.. B. Pedicel red. a. Leaves entire reflexed nearly all around. Steiu very short. ...... \.. . ...i / ,, -, I ...i\ ...'.A v-v^-ej Ol.B.helyetica Kindb. bull. Soc botan, ital. 1895. , ,,,, Leaves smooth ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate acu- minate acute; cells subquadrate subhyaline; costa percurrent or slightly cxcurrent. Liner perichetial leaves convolute obtuse or with short obtusate point; costa faint not percurrent. Cap- sule not seen; pedicel red. Dioecious. — JEnr. Switzerl.: Ij. Mari. b. Leaves not reflexed. Stem elongate. Dioecious. 62.B.palil •/ TO.B.rubiginosa Mitten. Leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate reflexed below, not appressed; cells short; costa scarcely excurrent. Pe- richetial leaves from ovate-oblong base tapering to a sublinear by costa not wholly (in lower part) filled point. Capsule suboblong pale brown; pedicel not long. Tufts greenish somewhat dense not high. — Amer. r. U. S. Pacif. dietr.: Henderson, com. Cardot. "^ B.8ubi€iiiadophila C. M. et Kindb. L c. Leaves subpellucid above, more spreading when moist; the perichetial with shorter base. Peristome and annulus not seen. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. , . , , .., 71.B.nielanocarpa C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Differs from B. rubiginosa: Leaves blackish brown appressed when dry; costa more distinctly excurrent. Capsule dark brown finally blackish; pedicel very long. Tufts loose. Fruiting stem very short. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. B. Peristome contorted. a. Leaves smooth straight when moist. Periistome once contorted; annulus us. indistinct. i,< * : . j :dL iv^L ^ u; — 263 - 72.B.acuia Bridel. — Tortula Brid. 1806; Bnrbula Brid. 1819; Tortula gracilis Schleicher 1807; Barbula Schwcegrichen, Leaves ovate-oblong entire, reflexed below and strongly re- curved near base, patent or twisted when dry; cells short; costa gen. short-excurrent or percurrent. Perichetial leaves suboblong with subulate acumen; costa long-excurrent. Capsule oval- oblong; annulus indistinct. Tufts olivaceous or green. — On earth r. Eur. Switzerl.l Austria: C. E. Kindberg. France: Berthoumieu. Amer. Can.: Mar un. .hi , nim u * B.abbreyiatifolla H. Mueller. Leaves appressed when dry; costa often longer excurrent. — Wet alp. rocks, sometimes in running water, r. Eur. Norwayl Td.B.viridis Schimper. .--^^ in- ■ ','iluf.-; _,-t -^u)-!- Leaves longer than in B. acuta, narrowly ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate serrulate or denticulate above, reflexed below, crisped; basal cells short-rectangular; costa somewhat long-ex- current. Perichetial leaves as in the last. Capsule cylindric sometimes curved; annulus revoluble. Tufts green. — Rocks in warmer districts r. Eur. Switzerl. near Lugano! Belgium: Gravet. {Asia, Syria: A. H. Brotherus.) , 74.B.artocarpa Lesquereux. Differs from B. acuta: Upper leaves ovate-lanceolate subulate; basal cells rectangular; costa more distinctly excurrent. Cap- sule subcylindric. — On earth in higher alp. regions r. Amer. U. S. Oregon mt Hood 3300 metr. a. sea: Roell. b. Leaves faintly papillose straight when moist. Peristome twice contorted; annulus distinct. 75.B.icmadophila Schimper; Braithwaite. t-mne Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate reflexed below but not strongly recurved, longer acuminate than in B. acuta, appressed when dry; lower basal cells short-rectangular; costa long-excur- rent. Tufts olivaceous or dark green. Capsule oval-oblong. Very r. fruiting. — Wet alp. rocks r. Eur. France: Theriot, com. Husnot. (Asia, Caucase: V. F. Brotherus). C. Leaves faintly papillose or nearly smooth, curved when moist; lower basal cells pellucid rectangular. aa. Costa of leaves subpercurrent, in the inner perichetial long-excurrent. Peristome pale contorted, ii, ;.:,*.! il tiiajir 76.B.p8eudo-rigi(lula Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves from short ovate base long-acuminate, r^exed below, twisted when dry; costa brown. Inner perichetial leaves from oblong base narrowly acuminate. Capsule brown subcylindric. '-■^] 1 IK J i a m Ir^ 'i — ^m — Brit. Col.: Macoun ' TiiftH fus('ef!C(!iit. — Rdcks r. Amer. Ciui (»B. rigidula* Cnnadiim rnusci n. 412). 77.1l.siibgnicilis C. M. ct Kindh. 1. c. Leaves ovnto-liinceolatc roflexcd nearly all around, crisped or flexuouK when dry; eosta reddish. Poriehetial U^aveK faintly erenulate, tlie outer acuminate, the inner broad obtuse. Cap- sule red-brown oblong-eylindrio. Tufts green or red-brown below. -- Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. 8. Montana: Roell. bbt Costa of leaves long-excurrent. Capsules unknown.-'^' * 78.B.WHglioriioi Kindb. n. sp. y Leaves from short ovate half-sheathing base long-acuminate acute entire, sHghtly reilexed above base, faintly curled when dry; costa red. Tufts brown-red radiculose. Habit of Didy- modon ruheUus. — Amer. r. N. Fonndl.: Rev:d A. C. Waghorne. b. Purpureffiformes, A. Leaves long sublanceolate. ^r«=?iv)i iKif )ij rjri .-wn.n 79.B.piirpiirea C. Mueller. \ » Upper leaves gradually longer, from oblong base broadly lanceolate subobtuse, revolute to above middle, subtorquate when dry; cells small reddish quadrate; costa purplish thick excurrent. Capsule oval; teeth scarcely contorted; calyptra long. Tufts small purple; stem short naked below. — Rocks r. U. S. Calif.*: C. M. in Flora 1875. 80.B.lateritia Kindb. n. sp. — B. brachyphylla var. angusti* folia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves ovate lanceolate broadly acuminate subobtuse nearly smooth, slightly refiexed or partly flat at borders, crowded, depressed when dry; cells subpellucid subquadrate; costa red thick (princ. above), percurrent. Capsules unknown. Tufts Compact brick red 1 — 2 c. m. high. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. .t;:wji! liuih -lo, ^;«<>n-5HV(U> ^Viii .3rw'i , B. Leaves short gen. ovate. . n t'*V/ — "nuiiiii .^ mV Sl.B.brachypliylla SuUivant. »LeaveS ovate obtuse recurved all arornd; costa percurrent. Capsule cylindric; lid long- rostrate; teeth scarcely half-twisted; calyptra short, '''ufts dark brown dense high radiculose their whole length. — Amer. r. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. "'-^'H^'A^a ;;"'i 82.B.decursiTula Kindb. cat* Can. m. "Leaves recurved nearly all around, faintly papillose, loosely disposed and long-df current, subtorquate or loosely appressed when dry, gen. ovate acjite; the uppermost of stem and some ^' — '265 briiiicheB broadly oviite-lancoulute; cellH ter round-oval not confluent. Capbule small cylindric; teeth contorted. Tufts green dense about 1 c. m. high. — Rocks r, Amer. U. 8. Calif, near Oak- land: Bolcender, com. C. Mueller. B. Leaves partly flat at borders. Plants us. high and robust. a. Upper leaf-cells opake conliuent very papillose. aa. Leaf-base long ovate-lanceolate; costa not excurrent. 90.B.cyliiidrica Taylor. — Zygotrichia Tayl.; Barbula Schimp. Leaves large entire with long narrow acumen, crisped; basal cells short-rectangular. Perichetial leaves gradually acuminate; costa subexcurrent. Capsule reddish cylindric; teeth once to.: torted. Tufts rusty red us. high. Very r. fruiting in Europe. — Rocks and stonewalls. Eur. not r. in warmer distr. Swe- den, Switzerl.l Belgium: Gravet. Amer. Can. Pacif. dist.: Ma- coun. U. S.: Roell. 91.B.8inuosa Wilson. — Dicranella Wils.; Barbula Braithwaite. Differs from the last: Leaves lurid green less reflexed with broader base and longer sinuolate-denticulate acumen, often brittle; lower basal cells rectangular subhyaline. Capsules un- known. Habit of Didymodon tenuirostris. — Rocks r. Eur. Austria: Venturi. Engl.: Boswell. France: Berthoumieu. Bel- gium: Gravet. Amer. U. S. Wash.: Roell. i ,}i|.■•■• /\ i\ 92.I).elatH nuricui et Montagiu!. " ' •■' J^eaveH oiitire nearly grtuluully Hubulate not Inrge, faintly crisped; bnsal cellH pellucid pon. rectangular. Perichtitial leaves with narrower often Bublinear channelled acumen; coHtu Bub- excurrent or in the Hhortor upporrnost Icnvos wanting. (!apsule reddish subtiylindric; teeth contortoil. Tuftn brown-green often high. — Amer. r. Pacif. dihtr. U. S.: RooUj Henderson, com. Cardot. '■-'' »*.'■/ ■■■ -,'- ■ •• '.■; .-^-^ •.('■■>.> ^i i-i* bb. Leaf-haRe subovate or ovate-ohlo.ig; ooota often ex- current. 93.1J.vinealls Bridcl. Leaves with oblong bane and not longer in upper part su- bulate filifortn acumen, reflexed below middle, nearly straight when moist; inner basal cells short-rectangular; costa nearly filling the upper part of acumen, in the more abruptly atte- nuate perichetial longer exourrent. Capsule short oblong-cylin- dric; teeth short pale once contorted. Tufts lower than in B. cylindrical us. brown or brown-red. Not r. fruiting. — Rocks and stonewalls. Eur. not r. in warmer distr. Switzerll France: Husnot m. Gall. Italy: Venturi; Roell. Amer. r. Can,: Ma- coun. 94.B.flexifolia liampe. ( »DiffeB8 from B. vinealis in leaves crisped when dry, falcate when moistened, borders revolute; capsule narrower subcylin- dric dark red or brown; teeth much twisted reduish then whi- tish or variable in color. — On the ground r. Amer. U. S. Calif. »; Lesq. et Jam. 95.B.circinnatula C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. , Leaves from ovate or ovate-oblong base somewhat abruptly narrowed to the subulate much longer acumen, rellexed below, curved when moist, circinnate when dry; basal cells gen. short dusky; costa well distinct but not excurrent also in the nearly similar perichetial leaves. Capsule subcylindric; teeth pale much contorted; annulus simple by one row of large cells. Tufts greenish somewhat high, or red- brown below. — Wet earth and rocks r. Amer. Can, Pacif. distr.: Macoun. 96.B.siibcylindrica Brotherus. - ' ^'' Leaves from subovate base abruptly narrowed to the longer and subobtuse acumen, falcate when moist; lower basal cells rectangular hyaline. Tufts dark brown. Capsules unknown. Otherwise as the last. — Amer. r. U. S. Pacif. distr.: Roell, com. Brotherus. .;i;:"jia?i 4::''^ — 268 Oil ?■'. '-M 97.B.horrldifoIia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. , wntfiO ttU;5'i,t* vvr Differs from the both last and B. vinealis in leaves faintly papillose loosely disposed loxjg-decurrent. Leaves from ovate baso r arrowed to a longer and long-subulate acumen, falcate when moist, crisped or spreading when dry; basal cells pellu- cid short-rectangular, the inner larger; costa broader below vanishing in apex, not excurrent. Capsule cylindric; teeth red- dish scarcely more than once contorted with long in dry state spreading points. Tufts somewhat high, brown or rusty r d below, greenish at tops. — Damp rocks r. Amer. Can, Pacif. distr.: Macoun. 98.B.tortellifV)lia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. ^ ' i-? • v^-.i Differs from the last: Leaves broader, less distiiictly decurrent; the comal larger and crowded with short-excurrent costa. Pe- richetial leaves suddenly tapering to a long narrow acumen; costa slightly excurrent. Peristome whitish. Tufts often higher sometimes quite red. — Wet rocks. Amer. Pacif. distr. princ, near sea. Can. less r.: M.iooun. *' .)>'!*• b. Leaves also the uppermost, nearly smooth; upper cells pellucid well-distinct. 99.B.robu8tifolia C. M. et Kindb. I. c. """ Leaves shorter and more crowded than in th3 Ij'st, from ovate base narrowed to the subulate acumen, reflexed nearly to middle at one side, falcate or crisped; basal cells subquadrate hyaline; costi ec^ually broad and distinct to apex, not excur- rent. Capsules unknown. Tufts dark brown or olive-green. — Rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. 110. Ceratodon Bridel. *" - '^ ' **'^ *' ' A. Leaves carinate. Outer perigonial leaves long-acuminate acute. - , I ,.- -;- . ... . -;.,. ...... .,.^,, l.C.purpureus L. — Mnium L.; Ceratodon Brid. , :70/iv;>(, Leaves reflexed nearly all around, entire or slightly denticu- late near apex, gen. not decurrent, us. broadly ovats-lanceolate attenuate not subul«\te at apex; cells small us. chlorophyllose; costa us. percurrent Inner perichetial leaves (1 or 2) obtusate or short-acuminate. Capsule sometimes strumose us. curved when dry; teeth with numerous articulations, often marginate; lid elongate-conic; pedicel red. Outer perigonial leaves with scarcely excurrent costa. Tufts us. not tomentose. Dioecious. — Gravelly soil. Eur. common. Sweden etc.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. .\iin;H\Uni^ .moa — 269 fA th * C.brevifollus Milde. — C, dimorphus Philibert. ' " '■ " Leaves ovate-oblong; costa often long-excurrent. — R. Eur. Switzerl.: Fhilibert. Amer, U. 8. Oregon: Liyall, com. Macoun. ♦ C.xanthopus Sullivant. Leaves long-subulate; costa gen. excurrent. Perichetial leaves 2 or 5 more distinct. Pedicel yellow. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Dawson, com. Macoun. *C.arcticus Kindb. n. subsp. .<}..,,..-, Leaves small subdecurrent, not much patent when moist; cells hyaline not chlorophyllose, larger than in the common C. pur- pureus. Tufts compact tomentose. Capsules unknown. — Arctic distr. r. Eur. Spetsbergen near Kobbebay: Berggren 1868. 2.C.COnicu8 Hampe. — Trichostomum Hampe; Ceratodon Lindb.; C. minor Austin. Differs from C. purpureus: Leaves shorter; costa not r. excur- rent. Capsule straight; teeth immarginate with few articula- tions. — Earth and walls r. Eur. Switzerl.!; Mari. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. i4 3.C.CoIumbi8B Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate, reflexed below the somewhat long serrulate acumen; costa gen. excur- rent. Inner perichetial leaves (2 or 1) with somewhat long linear or lingulate acumen. Capsule curved when dry; teeth ■with numerous articulations, broadly margined; lid short-conic obtuse or Bubconvex; pedicel red. Outer perigonial leaves with long-excurrent costa. Monoecious. — Amer. r. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. B. Leaves concave, princ. those of the long shoots. Peri- gonial leaves obtuse, the outer not long-acuminate. 4.C.heterophyIlils Kindb. m Ottawa Nat. vol. V. Leaves of the short stem very few, narrowly ovate-lanceolate subobtuse entire reflexed; costa percurrent. Shoot-leaves small oval obtuse not distinctly reflexed; costa scarcely percurrent. Capsule short not curved; teeth with few articulations; lid short-conic; pedioel pale red or yellowish, finally red or blackish. Dioecious. — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. 111. Oeheebia Schimper. l.G.gii^ailtea Funck. — Barbula Funck; Geheebia Boulay. Leaves papillose entire carinate, reflexed below, gradually acuminate or subovate-lanceolate with acute or subulate apex, subfalcate when moist, spreading or faintly crisped when dry; lower cells sinuous, uppei subquadrate; costa subpercurrent. ,1 ', — 270 .«H i Tvifts blackish or brown when dry, 6 — 20 c. m. high. Resem- bling Barbula reflexa but more robust. — Rocks in alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.I France; Husnot. Germany: Holler. Austria: Berggren. ■t^i^{, 112. Aloilia (C. M. as subg.) Kindb. in Skandinav. Natu'*- forf = . i.. J ..,•;?; ■ ';' '■Ai-*':n<' r^rt;'-,' '., '• "-li 4.C.sqiiaiiiigreriim Viviani. — Barbula Viv.; Crossidinim Jur.; Tortula membranifolia Hooker; Barbula Schultz. Leaves subovate; hairpoint us. as long and denticulate; upper leaf-cells, hyaline. Capsule oblong, subcylindric or suboval, finally blackish, longer than the rostrate lid; teeth twice con toited; tube long. Tufts dense. — Calcareous stones in war- mer distr. r. Eur. France: Le Jolis; Bouvet. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. S.C.griseum Juratzka. --v,-.-'^^— ^■.- --*«^.-^-.,-rf ^ .4-. 4--^*^^^* >- - «* - ^ Differs from the last: Capsule finally brown; teeth shortis'ii not or faintly twisted nearly without bisal tube. Leaves with nearly smooth often longer hairpoint; those of shoots more obtuse. — Eur. r. Italy: Roell; Bottini. •'1 .1)' i*' 1 i, 1, ''I ♦»! i,j f 1 II — 272 — I !i- Ik • i! ..iff:'! r.rhAhi\§io Vierygonenron Juratzka. .biMin.l ■" A. Capsule immersed; calyptra mitriforn. Leaves with Icng ro'agh hairpoint. l.P.Siibsessilo Biidel. — Gymnostomum Brid.; Pterygoneuron Jur.; Pharomitrium Schimper. Leaves suboval or obovate subacute not reilexed, papillose at back. Capsule oval-globose; pedicel shorter; lid rostrate; peri- stome none. Stem 2 — 5 m. m. high. — Sand and clay r. Eur. Austria: Berggren. Germany: Schultze. Amer. Can.: Ma- coun. B. Pedicel exserted; calyptra cucullate. Leaves with smooth point. ..' ;!ii,MFl 2 P.caTifolium Ehrhart. — Pottia Ehrh.; Pterygoneuron Jur. Differs also from the last in leaves smooth at back. — Clay soil, often on walls. Eur. not uncommon, SwedenI France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond. .'jh ' hlu^ 1 j 8 P.laniellatuni Lindberg. — Tortula Lindb.; Pterygoneuron Jur.; Barbula cavifolia Schimper. Differs from the last: Leaves papillose at back, faintly reflexed below; costa shorter excurrent. Capsule oblong cylindric; peri- stome slightly twisied, loosed with difficulty; basal membrane clathrate. Stem somewhat higher. — Wet clay soil r. Eur. France: Bescherelle. Austria: Berggren. 115. Didymodon Hedwig, in part. A. Leaves gen. entire; cells small at least the upper, r. (in Stegonia) large. a. Leaves not reflexed, often involute. Peristome not twisted. 1. Stegonia. Leaves close also when moist, smooth entire very broad concave or involute; cells large. Perichetial leaves not sheathing. Steni short. Monoecious. Spores large. IL Trichostomuiu. Leaves not imbricate when moist, us. crisped when dry, papillose us. narrow. Spores small. ;;., i 1. Pusilli. Peristome slightly twisted. Plants small; stem very short. Monoecious, 2. Crispuliformes. Peristome not twisted. Dioecious. Plants larger. b. Leaves not involute gen. reflexed. r.^r .,:'.;;;*?.; ;■ aa. Leaves half- sheathing, sometimes dentate above. IIL Erythrophyllum. Leaves reflexed papillose us. pointed by a long pellucid apical cell; basal cells long, hyaline or finally reddish. Perichetial leaves sheathing. Peristome pale straight. Tufts us. rusty red. Us. synoecious. < '•*'• <> vtwd r .3»;j)da — 27S bb. Leaves entire not sheathing. Tiilts donse. ' ' " " IV. Desmatodon. Leaves short broad gen. reflexed, crisped; bjisal cells long somev^hat large and hyaline; costa often long- excurrent. Peristome straight. Habit of Barbula (Zygotrichia). Often monoecious, V. Eu-Didymodon. Leaves reflexed us. short, r. twisted when dry; cells small gen. short, the inner basal us. rectangular yellowish; costa f,'en. rot or slightly oxcurrent. Peristome some- times twisted. H ibit of Barbida (Eu-Barbula). Dioecious often sterile. B. Leaves gen. denticulate, not imbricate, sometimes with propagula; cells somewhat large; costa not or shortly excurrent. Peristome r. present. Us. dioecious. ^-wxir^iw^ Ujj^iffKfi" VI. Leptodontium. Leaves dentate or denticulate, often not re- ^^exed, gen. broad and obtueate, often crisped when dry; basal cells at least the lowest rectangular hyaline. VII. Hydrog:oniuiii. Differs fiom subg. Leptodontium in entire leaves, im rr ^ -»«;-ft ';■-:■■ j * jtmii I. Stegonia Venturi revue bryol. ' l.D.latifoliiiS Schwsegrichen. — Weisia Schw.; Didymodon Kindb.; Pottia C. M. Leaves orbicular or subcochleariform gen. obtuse, sometimes apiculate or with long hairpoint; upper cells subrhombic, the lower hyaline longer; cor^ta abbreviate or percurrent. Capsule suboval or subcylindric; teeth pale red. Spores 0,03 — 0,04 m. m. Tufts low green somewhat silver-like. — Earth on alp. rocks. Eur. less r. Norway, Switzerl.! Austria; Breidler. Amer. r. Can, Macoun; Drummond 70. ;> J' • ' - - ,. ..: M.*wB i?»ti.t;is/ II. Trichostomum Hedwig, in part. ■' ■ ' .'" 1. Pusilli. 2.D.triunipbans Notaris. — Trichostomum Not.; Didymodon Kindb. «*^^ * '^ Leaves lanceolate-linear acute or obtuse; costa short-excurrent. Perichetial leaves sheathing. Capsule oval; pedicel pale yellow or at base reddish. — Earth and walls r. Eur. princ. in Me- diterr. distr. France: Philibert. * D.monspeliensis Schimper. — Trichostomum Sch.; Didymodon Leaves concave, the perichetial with percurrent costa. Annulus simple. — Eur. v. » France*: Schimper. *D.Philiberti Schimper. — Trichostomum Sch.j Didymodon Kindb. t m jj ; ■:.;!'' ^ ■k iMj — 274 — ^i' Perichetial leaves with excurrent costa. Anniilus simple. — Eur. r. France: Philibert; Goulard. * D.pallidisetns H. Mueller. — Trichostomum H. M.; Didy- modoii Kindb. Leaves plane below, the poriehetial with percurrent costa. Capsule iinally striate; annulus simple; pedicel wholly pale yellow, — Eur. r. Germany: Geheeb. 2. Crispuliformes. A. Leaves carinate from dilated undulate base gradually subulate. Habit of Barhnla (Tortella). R. fruiting. 3.D.eylindricus Bruch. — Weisia Bruoh; Didymodon Br. eur. Leaves long narrow acute or subobtuse, sometimes sparingly denticulate near apex; basal cells hyaline; costa not excurrent. Capsule cylindiic. Tufts dark green. — Siliceous rocks. Eur. not common. Switzerl.i Sweden: Lindberg. Amer. Can.: Ma- coun. •.*-;■ • .?», ■tntri 4 ■!; nwn. >>p. -rJ'o- 4.D.liiberilicilS Mitten, — Tortula Mitt.; Didymodon Kindb. Differs from the last: Leaves entire acute more dilated at base; basal cells abruptly passing to the rounded green ones. Stem often very long, — Wet rocks r. Eur. Ireland: Stewart and Holt, ■ : ■ Ly- '.ik ^->»!itr>H. v,iiiMiiK B. Leaves not carinate, sublinear or with sublinear or subu- late acumen, entire. a. Loaves channelled or involute; basal cells us, yellowish, upper very small opake papillose. 5.D.brachydontillS Bruch. — Trichostomum Bruch; Didymodon Wilson; Trichostomum mutabile Notaris. 'rii""K /i t t-^i/ "jw-x Leaves sublinear or narrowly ovate-lanceolate gen. acute, sometimes ovate-oblong short-acuminate, not channelled near apex; basal cells brownish or yellowish; costa excurrent. Cap Bule oval-oblong or subcylindric; teeth smooth us. short irre gular; pedicel yellow. Tufts loose 1 — 2 c. m. high or lower — Calcareous rocks. — Eur. Switzerl.i Sweden: Zetterstedt: P. Larsson. Belgium: Roemer. France: Philibert; Brebisson B.D.lutescens Lindberg. - MoUia Lindb.; Didymodon Kindb Diifers from the last: Leaves smooth pellucid longer-apiculate upper cells better defined. Tufts yellowish green. Capsules unknown. — Fissures of limestone rocks r. — Eur. »Irel. Lindb. »: Braithwaite. T.D.crispillus Bruch. — Trichostomum Br.; Didymodon Wilson Leaves from subovate base sublinear or r. suboblong, short attenuate often subobtuse, distinctly channelled or involute; 'ti ' — 275 — basal cells yellowish or subhyalinc; co«ta often excnrrent to a curved point. Capsule oval-oblong; teeth papillose often deeply cleft; pedicel red. Tufts dense very low or 2 — 6 c. m. high. — Calcareous stanes. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.l Spain: Levier. France; Roux; Berthoumieu. Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. S.D.viridulus Bruch. — Trichostomum Br.; Didymodon Kindb. Differs fronri the last: Leaves longer, linear-lanceolate, gradu- ally long-acuminate subulate. Capsule smaller. Stem low. — Eur. r. Sweden! Switzerl.: Culmann, com. Huenot. -» 9.D.brevifollll8 Sendtner. — Trichostomum Sendt.; C. M. syn.; Didymodon Kindb.; MoUia Braithwaite. Leaves short from broader base nearly gradually attenuate obtuse; basal cells yellowish pellucid; costa sometimes excurrent. Capsule minute round-oval; lid as long; teeth papillose; pedicel reddish below, yellow above. Tufts dense 0,5 — 1,5 c. m. high. Habit of D. crispnlus. — Limestone rocks r. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaite. »Bosnia: Sendtner»: C. M. '•' b. Leaves concave not involute, somewhat broad and sub- oblong-linear; basal cells hyaline. lO.D.Iittoralis Mitten. — Trichostomum Mitt.; Didymodon Kindb. Leaves obtuse; costa smooth yellowish short-excurrent. Cap- sule oblong; teeth deeply cleft. Tufis green 1 — 4 c. m. high. — Rocks near Atlantic sea r. Eur, Engl.: Curnow. France: Le Jolis. Norway: Hagen. 11 .D.trachyiieuron Kindb. n. sp. ' Leaves short-attenuate subacute brittle; costa pale, papillose at back, sometimes excurrent. Tufts low green. Capsules unknown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. near Quebec: Macoun. III. Erythrophyllum Lindberg. A. Leaves nearly smooth and faintly reflexed, not twisted when dry. Tufts loose eradiculose. Capsules unknown. ri.D.oenodes C M. et Kmdb. — D. oeneus C. M. et Kindb. cat. Canad. m. (not D. a^ncus Schimper). Leaves vinous-red ovate-oblong or narrowed from subovate base, acute entire not apiculate, loosely appressed when dry; costa nearly smooth at back. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: B. liCaves distinctly papillo=;e and reflexed, crisped. Tufts dense. a. Leaves from broad-ovate base long-subulate; costa some- times excurrent. Plants robust, 4^ i.: :;> ■'Yn\ '■•-.i' t !;;■<■ ''«•,• . 1 '1 ' .1 < ...■l'^ ,^^ M I — 276 — I! ' j !1,;1 ^1 !,!, Ill IS.D.rnber Jnrntzka. 'il'W'r' •»* -u; t';>.h/frlhr -^h'^' fi'HiiJ LeavGB long acute or Bubobtuse at apex, often denticulate near it. Inner perichetial leaves pubfiliform -subulate smooth and not recurved; costa filling nearly the whole upper part of acumen. Capsule straight; cells of the rostellate lid in straight rows. Tufts reddish. Dioecious, very r. fruiting. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. Switzerl. fruiting: Philibert. b. Leaves short-acuminate or obtusate obliquely apiculate; costa not excurrent. Plants not robust. H.D.rubellus Hoffmann. — Bryum Hoffra.; Didymodon Br. et Sch. •, .'••i!>,:?? ;ti;>»|/; ;..'!!>afvi. iii>!jri((;ivjir<.t Leaves from short ovate base sublinear-cul triform, at apex us. obtusate and entire or with few teeth. Perichetial leaves nearly as long and similar. Capsule straight or indistinctly carved; cells of lid as ■- the last. Us. synoecious. — Stone and earth. Eur. common. Sweden etc.! Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. >■ 1 5.D.alpigeniIS Venturi. — D. rubellus var. dentatus Schimper. Leaves as in the last but more distinctly acuminate acute often dentate near apex. Perichetial leaves subsubulate narrower. Capsule narrower; lid with obliquely seriate cells. Dioecious. — Rocks in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. »Greenl »: Lange. , IB.D.canadensis Kindb. cat. can. m. ' ' Differs from D. tuhellus: Capsule narrov/er. Perichetial leaves short acuminate smooth not reflexed. Dioecious. — Rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. . uv. , -m- --»..,. 17.D. subruber Kindb. revue bryoL 1896. Leaves as in D. rubellus but often dentate. Perichetial leaves long-subulate not recurved. Capsule curved; lid rostrate. Dioe- cious. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. ''^ i *^i IS.D.Baden-Fowelll Kindb, in Ottawa Natur. vol. V. "'^v^ Leaves as in D. rubellus but smaller shorter often denticulatei, less twisted when dry. Perichetial leaves as in D. canadensis. Capsule curved; lid short blunt very thick. Tufts very com- pact, pale brown below. Dioecious. — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. .^m>^ u;; i^iuwitm y: .evMjvju^sis, 19.D.Debati Husnot revue bryol. 1895. Differs from other species of this section in leaves densel}' serrulate above basal j)art. Leaves from narrowly oblong base gradually tapering to a scarcely longer acumen, not or slightly crisped when dry. Stem about 5 c. m. long. Capsules un- - 277 - known. — Stony places r. Eur. r. » France, 2000 metr. a. s.»: Husnot 1. c. ,1 IV. Desmatodon (Bridel) Schimper, in part. al A. Leaves with not excurrcnt oosta, papillose. 20.D.arenacou8 SuUivant et Lesquereux. — Desmatodon S. L.; Sulliv. icon, m.; Didymodon Kindb. ,,:t Leaves suboblong or oblong-lanceolate gen. obtuse, reflexed nearly all around. Capsule long cylindric; teeth short whitish cleft to middle; lid short thick. Stem 1— 2 c. m. high. Mon- oecious or pseudo monoecious. — Sandstone rocks r. Amer. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller; Demetrio, com. Cardot. Eur. »Norway»: Hagen. 'i'l •; Leaves broader than in D, luridus, subcordate at base, cur- ved when dry, often short eubovate; costa percurrent or slightly excurrent. Tnfts green often with propagulu. Capsules un- known. — Sihistose and calcareous rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.! Italy: E. Adlerz. Germany: Herpell. B. Leaves narrowly acuminate. ^'^ "i; s-.uu '^ i »i.iiv.t ' a. Leaves gen. papillose, faintly twisted when dry. Tufts us. low and fuscescent. . , 28.D.rigidlllii8 Hedwig. — Barbula Mitten. '' '■ ' Leaves from long ovate-lanceolate base tapering to the nar- row nearly as long acumen, with thick reflexed borders, nearly straight when moist; the upper part of acumen nearly tilled by costa; lower basal cells often long. Capsule oval-oblong or cylindric; teeth not contorted but us. faintly twisted; pedicel red. — Rocks and stonewalls. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl. 1 Scotl.: Fergusson. Amer, r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. - 29.D.Ta1idus Limpricht. Leaves smooth from ovate-oblong base tapering to a not long acumen, gen. with thick reflexed borders, nearly straight when moist; cells gen. short; costa thick often long-excurrent. Cap- sules unknown. Tufts brown loosely cohering, about 1 c. m. high (»5 c. m. or more»: Limpricht). — Calcareous alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Gander. 30.D.Dieckii Brotherus. — Barbula Broth.; Didymodon Kindb. t' Leaves from broad ovate-oblong base abruptly narrowed to the subulate not longer acumen, Hat above, not or slightly — 279 — • 't i reflexed below, straight when moist; nearly nil cellB (luiuhate; costa Bhort-excurrent or percurrent. CapsuieH unknown. Habit of the last. — Amer. r. U. S.: Roell, com. Brotherus. b* Leaves mamiliose nearly uppressed when dry. Tul't« U8. red brown, often high and very large. Hl.D.ruflis Lorentz. — liarbula Jm-atzka. Leaves from ovate or ovate-lanceolate base gradually acuminate acute, faintly reflexed to above middle; nearly all cells short; costa percurrent. Capsules unknown. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. Switzerl.: Pfefter. Norway: Zetterstedt; Ha- gen; E. Nyman. Amer. »Greenl.: Berggren. , VL Leptodontium Hampe. - • ' . A. Leaves broadly limbate all around by pale cells, denti- culate nearly all around, papillose. 32.D.recurYifolills Taylor. — Bryum Tayl.; Didymodon Wilson. Leaves ovate-oblong obtusate subobtuFo not rellexed, si)rea- ding when moist; costa short-excurrent. Capsules unknown. Tufts blackish brown 2 — 10 c. m. high. — Wet rocks r. Eur. Engl.: Holt. B. Leaves not or indistinctly limbate, entire below middle. a. Leaves papillose and reflexed; costa not percurrent, 33.D.flexifolius Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Didymodon Hoo- ker et Tavlor. Leaves oval-oblong or Ungulate, obtusate acute or apiculate, dentate above middle or in upper third, reflexed at both sides, spreading when moist. Capsule cylindric; teeth fugacious some- times entire; pedicel pale yellow. Stem 1 — 8 c. m. high. — Bare gravelly and turfy places in warmer districts r. Eur. Engl.: Boswell. France: Husnot. 34.D.styriaciis Juratzka. Differs from the last: Leaves narrower, sparingly dentate near apex, reflexed at one side, patent when moist; lower basal cells gen. wider. Capsules unknown. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. b. Leaves papillose not reflexed; costa sometimes excurrent. 35.D.geifiiiiasceiis Mitten. — Leptodontium Braithwaite; »Strep- topogon Mitten »: Braithw. , i;- .i .. ..* Leaves broadly ovate- lanceolate acuminate acute, distantly dentate above, spreading or olaviculiform when moist; costa short-excurrent with propagula at apex. Stem 2 — 6 c. m. high. Capsules unknown. — »0n thatched roofs» r. Eur. Engl.: Davies, com. W. H. Pearson, n 4i ss^^aivJCi -- .imunn .,t ■■■';r> m ' i •280 — ?rt • .1 I Nil ' 5 I' ;h !*!■ i 1 I ^ 36.D.Hoimfi Hodwig. — GyinnoHtonmin H.; Didymodon Kindb.; Pottia Fuornrohr. ^ r.Knj Leaves lanceolnte or Hublingulnte, the upper long-ncuminate acute, densely Rorrulate above, not Rftreadinp;; coKta u?. not excurrent. Capsule phort subcylindric or oval-oblong; lid pyBtylic; peristome none; pedicel red. Slem 1 — 2 c. m. or lower. Mon- oecious or synoecious. — Wet soil often near sea Koujetinies in alps. — Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, N(*rway! Spetsbergen: Berggren. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Drummond; VVaghorne. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. ♦D.Ryani Philibert. — Pottia Phil.; Didymodon Kindb. ^'''^•' » Leaves very small, oval or short-oblong, very obtuse and entire. Lid of capsule short and thick. — Eur. Norway: Ryan*: Philibert revue bryoi. 189(i. 37.D.heiiliioi(1e.s Kindb. — Pottia Kindb. eat. Can. m. Leaves suboblong, the lower obtuse, the upper short-acuminate acute; costa gen. excurrent. Capsule cylindric longer and nar- rower than in the last; peristome present but rudimentary; pe- dicel golden yellow. Stem only 2 — 3 m. m. high. Otherwise as the last. — Earth in alps r. Amer. Can. Rocky rats: Ma- coun. .,mir''VV5 •>- ...■ .in')tn.-'HmwttM.'m,n,M' C. Leaves smooth distantly dentate or denticulate. '■'■ p''^ BS.D.riparius Austin. — Pottia Aust.; Sulliv. ic;m. m.; Didy- modon Kindb.; Barbula lingulata Warnstorf; Triohostonium Warnstorffii Limpricbt. Leaves oval-oblong or Ungulate obtuse sometimes apiculate, sparingly denticulate near npex sometimes to ^/^, patent when moist; only the lowest lu'sal cells rectangular; costa not or scarcely percurrent. Cup-ule oblongcylindric; peristome un- known; annulus broad. Stem to 3 c. m. high, sometimes with propagula. — Wet rocks near water r. Eur. Switzerl.: Weber; Culmann, com. Husnot. Amer. U. S.: Austin, com. Mrs Britton. . .^_ r r 39.D.MaC0Ullii Kindb. (new name). — Leptodontium canadense Kindb. cat. Canad. m. *^^. v?/ilif i Leaves lanceolate or narrowly oblong-lingulate acute, coarsely dentate at least in upper half, spreading when moist; lower basal cells rectangular; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Stem scarcely 1 o. m. high. Capsules and male plants un- known. — Stones in rivers r. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. 'JSI — VII. Hydroponiiim C. Mueller. ' '' 40.D.KhrPllborgii Lorentz. — Trichostotnuui Lor.; Dulymodun KiiuU).; TrichoBtomum (Hydrogoniiini) mediteminouin C. M. Leaves Hublinenr or ovnto-lanecolate RubohtUHo not (or indi- stinctly near base) reflexed, patent when moist; l)asal onlls narrow hyaline, the otliors sniootii suhpelhicid sparingly chloro- phyUose; costa not or scarcely excurront. Caj^Hulcs unknown. Stem often 3 — 6 c. m. high. — Wot calcareous rocks r. Eur. » France: Taxis »: Boulay {Africa, Alger: Debat; Philibert). 11«. Pottia Ehrhart. A. Leaves smooth with hyaline cells. Paroeoious. ' ' • l.P.veiiusta Juratzka. ' »Upper leaves long obovate-oblong Hpathulate short-acuminate not reflexed; coata excurrent. Capsule oval-cylindrio; teeth none; annulus double persistent. — Eur,»: Schimper {•»Asia island Cyprus: Unger»: Jur.). 2.P.pallida Lindberg. ■■■'■''■ < ««.i!'-. • Leaves recurved near middle, shorter than in the last. Capsule oval-oblong; annulus none. Smaller than the last. — Eur. r. Spain; J. Lange»: Schimper. B. Leaves often papillose; cells more or loss chlorophyllose. a. Paroecious. Leaves us. reflexed and papillose; costa long-excurrent. ,, . i -.>):/ .•;i'^i> i S.P.crinita Wilson. Leaves broadly oblong-lingulate obtusate often obtuse, papil- lose and reflexed. Capsule lis. suboval; teeth wanting or rudi- mentary; pedicel orange; calyptra us. smooth — Moist banks and rocks near sea r. Eur. Engl.: Ralfs. ' ' * P.viridlfolia Mitten; Braithwaite. Lower leaf-cells shorter, the upper smaller. Peristome none. — Rocks near sea r. Eur. Irel.: Stewart. France: Le Jolis. * P.aspei'Ula Mitten; Braithwaite. Leftf-cells as in P. crinita *viridifolia. Peristome none. Ca- lyptra scabrous. — Eur. r. Engl.: Curnow. * P.Wilsoni Hooker. — Gymnostomum Hook.; Pottia Br. eur. Lower leaf-cells long narrow, the upper very small. Capsule narrower; teeth rudimentary. Calyptra scabrous. — Sandy rocky ground r. Eur. France: Lamy. Engl.: Curnow. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. ■ - 4.P.cuiieifolia Solms Laubach. Lower leaves linear-oblong, the upper longer and spathulate- oblong Bubobtuse smooth r. reflexed. Capsule oval-oblong 19 ■-P-- If*-'. — 282 — %" small; teeth indistinct; pedicel reddish. Plants small. — Eur. r. Portugal: Solms Laubach, com. Venturi. 'r:!\o:h! iff:-^ O.^JJ' 5.P.Notarisii Schimper. yM't;-.H! .,;;i,: ■ ; ; ', -tLtil^i »Differ8 from P. crinita: Leaves smaller narrower; upper cells scarcely chlorophyllose. Capsule oblong-cylindric longer narro- wer and longer-pedicellate. — Eur. r. Sardinia: F. Mueller*: Schimp. syn. b. Monoecious. Le Pedicel reddish. 6.P.truiicatula L. — Fuernrohr. Leaves subobovate acute or short acuminate smooth not reilexed; costa not long exourrent. Capsule short cupuliform or subhemisphieric; teeth none. — Kartli in fields and gardens, Eur. common. 3wcden! France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: com. Macoun. ';■!■' ' Vi .-;■•;':• I. ■'; -* tff;r. -.1 • Y-'v ••'.;w/,l:-.' If! res often smooth and not reflexed. ryum L; Pottia Lindb, ; P. truncata T.P.lanceolata Hed wig. — Leersia H .; Potlia C, M. . Leaves oblong-lingulate acute obtusate or short-acuminate, us, reflexed and more or less papillose; costa oftcii long-excur- rent. Capsule oblong-oval; teeth often well-evolute. — On earth, Eur, not r. iSwitzerl.! Sweden: S. Hardin. France: Puget. Italy: Arcangeli, * P.littoralis Mitten; Braithwaite. .;,u ^u-l Leaves nearly smooth; costa shorter-excurrent. Peristome none, — iSandy soil near sea r, Eur. Engl.: Rogers, Atner. Can.: Macoun. * P.interiliedia Turner, — Gymnostomum Turn,; Pottia Fuern- rohr. Leaves faintly papillose sometimes slightly reflexed; costa ehort-excurrent. Capsule gen. subeylindric; teeth none or rudi- mentary. — Banks and walls. Eur. not r, Sweden! France: Brebisson. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 117, Bermatodou Huebener. ■• :?:: !r J. l.D.cernuus Huebener, — Desmatodon Br, eur.; Cynodontium latifolium Schwffigrichen. liCaves oblong sublingulate sharply acuminate acute limbate papillose, reflexed at least to middle, us. denticulate near apex; costa excur'-ent Anally reddish. Capsule broad-ovate inclined or horizontally patent with erect neck, finally red-brown; teeth long us, deeply cleft; lid apiculate; pedicel straight yellow finally red 10 — 16 m. m, long. Spores about 0,04 m. m. Tufts dense to 2 — 3 c. m. high, often lower. Monoecious. — 28 ;i — — Calcareous stones and -wans or (in Anier.) on earth, not common. Eur. Switzerl! Austria: Breidler. Norway: Zetter- Btedt. Amer. Can,: Maooun; Drummond 114. *D.xanthopus Kindb. — Desniatodon Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves less chlorophyllose; costa greenish. Capsule larger; teeth more united; pedicel yellow not red. — On earth r. Amer. Can.: Maooun. 2.D.camptothecins Kindb. — Desmatodon cat. Canad. m. Differs from D. cernmis: Leaves narro'^er and longer, sub- obtuse gen. entire, nearly smooth, reflexcd only rear base; costa greenish. Capsule arcuate pale brown or pale red; teeth short cut in 2 — 4 partly cohering segments; lid Avith oblique beak; pedicel flexuous arcuate when young, reddish yellow. — Rocks near Atlantic sea r. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 118. Weisia Shrhart. ' A. Leaves long narrow, serrate at the broad base, at least the perichetial. Dioecious. Stem us. high. L Euclatliiini. Capsule long-exserted; lid deciduous; teeth more or less cleft; annulus persistent or indistinct. Leaves not recurved, gen. faintly crisped when dry; cells pellucid; costa excurrent. B. Leaves broad entire crisped. Monoecious or paroecious. II.- Pseudo-Pottia. Capsule long-exserted; teeth often present; lid deciduous. Leaves concave often recurved; upper cells small; costa sometimes excurrent Habit of Pottia. Stem low. C. Leaves entire narrow gen. sublinear. a. Licaves often involute us, crisped; costa often excurrent. Stem low. Often monoecious. HI. Astoinuin. Capsule not emerging above upper leaver; lid persistent or loosed with difficulty; teeth none. Stem very short. IV. Hymenostomuin. Capsule long-exserted; lid deciduous; teeth none. Leaves crowded; costa excurrent. Monoecious. V. Eu-Weisia. Capsule long-exserted; lid deciduous; teeth present at least rudimentary, us. entire. Leaves crowded; costa sometimes not excurrent. b. Leaves not involute and not or slightly crisped; costa not excurrent. Dioecious. Stem often high. VI. HynieilOStylhim. Capsule without peristome; lid systylic; annuhis none. Leaves p'artly recurved; upper cells more or less pellucid. ;«JiL 4 11 m 1 \ 1 ■ •AT f 11 .« i &' h 1 1 s \ I I I f s M i If i I f!'!t' IH ' 1 ! in ' 'i : l' ' s I i - j — '284 - VII. Gymnostomum. Capsule sometimes but r. with peri- stome; lid deciduous not syetylic; annulus often present. Leaves sublinear not recurved; cells gen. subquadrate, the upper us. opake and very small. 1. Euoladium Br. eur. l.W.verticillata L. — Bryum L.; Weisia C. Mueller. ' Leaves carinate brittle from short ovate base somewhat abruptly narrowed to the nearly subulate acumen; inner basal cells much larger than the outer. Capsule brownish suboblong; teeth cleft or perforated. Tufts eradiculose us. encrusted with calcareous deposite. R. fruiting. — Dripping calcareous or sandstone rocks. Eur. princ. in southern distr. not r. Switzerl.! Sweden very r.I Spain: Levier; Dieck, com, Roell. Greece: Heldreich. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. i.' r t <. ^ n. Pseudo-Pottia Kindb. A. Leaves not recurved. Peristoiiiial teeth well-evolute more or less perforated; annulus distinct. Monoecious. 2.W.caespitosa Bruch. — Pottia C. M.; Trichostomum Jur. Leaves suboblong acute or short-acuminate; basal cells small short-rectangular; costa short-excurrent. Capsule subovate small- mouthed us. twice longer than the rostellate lid; pedicel yellow. Often loosely tufted. — Bare calcareous soil in warmer distr. r. Eur. Prance: Philibert; Brebisson. Germany: Schemmann. B. Leaves recurved. Peristome us. imperfect or wanting; annulus not distinct. Paroecious. S.W.Stark ei Hedwig. — Pottia CM. Leaves subobovate-oblong or narrower, acute or short-acumi- nate, recurved nearly all around; basal cells rectangular; costa gen excurrent. Capsule oval-oblong, lid short thick subconic or obtuse; pedicel us. yellowish. Us. not tufted. Smaller than the last. — Fallow fields and banks. Eur. not r. Sweden: Hamnstroem. France: Bouvet. Greece: Heldreich. Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam, * W.Davallii Smith. — Gymnostomum Sm.; Weisia Kindb.; Pottia minutula Br. eur. Capsule subovate; teeth none; pedicel reddish. Leaves often rufescent when old. Very small. — Eur. not r. Sweden, Swit- zerl.! Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. . > , , , , *W.inutica Venturi. — Pottia Vent.; Weisia Kindb. Leaves with subpercurrent costa. Peristome rudimentary. — Dolomitic rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.: Marl. ^^^n 285 — * W.commntata Limpricht. — Pottia Limpr.; Weisia Kindb. » Capsule often inclined; teeth very short. Leaves narrower refiexed, sometimes suboval subobtuse. — Calcareous soil r. Eur. Istria: Weiss »: Limpricht. v ^iefL' /? 4.W.groen1andica Kindb. in Hedwigia 1897 p. 65. Leaves suboblong-linear or sublingnlate verj' obtuse, only the uppermost recurved; cells nearly smooth; costa not percurrent. Capsule oblong; lid long-conic much shorter; teeth none; pe- dicel reddish. — Habit of W. Starkei. — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Greenl. Silch: Baur 1885, com. Roell. HI. Astomum Hampe (Systegium Schimper). >i A. Leaves channelled not involute. :,;''- a. Leaves •with long-excurrent costa, crisped. ^ ; f*: S.W.Levieri Limpricht. — Astomum Limpr.; Weisia Kindb. Comal leaves and the outer perichetial long-subulate much larger than in W. crispa; inner perichetial short-acuminate much shorter. Capsule globose-oval; pedicel very short; lid rostrate. — Clay soil r. Eur. Italy: E. Levier. :vh„4 b. Leaves with subpercurrent costa. H.W.nililticapsularis Smith. — Phascum Sm.; Weisia Mitten. Lower leaves distant; comal an':! perichetial larger, long-acu- minate subulate, crisped; costa not or slightl}'' excurrent. Cap- sule subglobose or oval-oblonr, not much longer than pedicel, — Clay fields r. Eur. »Engl.>;: Braithwaite. T.W.Mittenii Bruch et Schimper. — Astomum B. S.; Weisia Mitt. Lower leaves distant; the uppermost larger, subulate, shorter- acuminate than in the last, not or faintly crisped; costa not excurrent. Capsule subglobose; pedicel somewhat longer. — Clay iields and banks r. Eur. »P^ngl.»: Braithwaite. 8.W.rostellata Bridel. — Phaseum Brid.; Weisia Lindb. ' " Leaves crowded long-acuminate acute not distinctly subulate, crisped; costa short-excurrent. Capsule oval-oblong; pedicel 2 — 3 times longer. — On earth r. Eur. Engl.: Rogers. France: Sebilles, com. Hu!>not. B. Leaves involute gen. carinate and long-acuminate, crisped. ■" a. Leaves with gen. long-excurrent costa: the lower distant. O.W.crispa Hedwig. — Phaecum H.; Weisia Mitten. ,w-.4./rf^ Comal and perichetial leaves long-subulate. Capsule sub- globose; pedicel shorter; lid us. with short beak. — Clay or sandy soil. Eur. not r. Switzerl.! Sweden: Lindberg; S. Har- din. Amer. Can.: Drummond n. 11, com. Macoun. ■Hi; t ■ I ]-■ i M — 286 — lb. Leaves long-acuminate with subpercurrent costa, the lower distant. Capsule with rostellate lid. lO.W.SulliTantiJ Schimper. — Astomum Sch.; Sull. icon, m.; Weisia Kindb. Capsule globose; pedicel shorter. — Clover-fields r. Am.er. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller; Mohr, com. Macoun. «• J ll.W.Dltidula Schimper. — Astomum Sch.; Weisia Kindb. »Capsule ovoid; pedicel much longer. — Amer. r. TJ. S.»: Sullivant icon, m, * W.Drummondii Kindb. — Systegium cat. Can. m. Capsule subglobose; pedicel 3 — 4 times longer, nearly emer- ging above upper leaves. — Amer. r. Can.: Drummond, com. Macoun. C. Leaves crowded: upper long-acuminate, lower short-acu- minate; costa subpercurrent. Capsule with thick short obtuse point. ":'|i'."r-!C hi -'-^ l,..;ih -T-.h' '>\ ISi ,'i4:iT ^f-iy;;;! 12.W.LudoviciaB Sullivant. — Astomum Sull. ic. m.; Weisia Kindb. Capsule suboval; pedicel often somewhat longer. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sullivant. .'•M?^>'i^ ;■ IV. Hymenostomum R. Brown, f- i i'?/ol A. Pedicel short. Stem finally decumbent. Leaves not involute. IS.W.squarrosa Esenbeck et Hornschuch. — Hymenostomum Es. et Hornijch.; Weisia C. M. Capsule with somewhat small mouth. Plants very small. — Clay fields and banks r. Eur. France: Husnot. Germany: Dreesen. < . ,. B. Pedicel elongate. Stem erect. Leaves involute. 14.W.microstoma Hedwig. — Gymnostomum H.; Weisia C. M. Leaves us. not strongly involute above; costa pale faint. Capsule with very small mouth, ofter. asymmetric. — Banks and barren fields. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Spain etc.! IS.W.tortilis Schwa^grichen. — Gymnostomum Schw.; Weisia C. M. Leaves less involute; costa stout finally brown. Capsule symmetric with somewhat wide mouth. — Limestone rocks and walls r. Eur. Switzerl.l France: Bouiay. Engl.: Rogers. V. Eu-Weisia. ■ A. Perichetial leaves obtuse short convolute. Other leaves with not distinctly excurrent costa, not involute, .'>m«k .i>m iO — 287 — IG.W.COnTOluta C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves sublinear- subulate. Capsule gen. narrow; beak shorter. — Crevices of rocka princ. in alps r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts 2800 metr. a. sea, V^anc. isl. and Peace river: Macoun. B. Perichetial leaves acute not convolute. Other leaves with excurrent costa. I.T.W.viridula L. — Bryum L.; Weisia Hedwig. Leaves from subovate base acuminate, strongly involute, only the lowest with flat borders; costa pale, papillose at back. Capsule us. suboval with shorter beak; pedicel yellow. — On earth, often on walls and roadnides. Eur. common in lower districts. Sweden, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond 67. U, S.: Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. * W.longirostris Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 59. '' Capsule more wide-mouthed, gen. shorter than beak; teeth gen. rudimentary. — Amer. r. U. 8. Chicago: Roell. '■'*"- * W.crispata Esenbeck et Hornschuch; Gymnostomum Es. et Hsch.; Weisia Juratzka. Capsule more small-mouthed, suboblong, r. longer than beak; teeth rudimentary. — Clay and calcareous soil. Eur. Switzerl.l Sweden: J. Persson, * W.longiseta Lesquereux et James. > ' - . „• , ^ ("Leaves larger, more hyaline at base. Peristomial teeth often cleft. Tufts gen. more dense. — R. Eur. Engl.: Rogers. Amer. U. S.: Mohr, com. Macoun; Langlois, com. Cardot. 18.VV.Wimmeri Sendtner. — Gymnostomum Sendt.; Weisia 13r. eur. Differs from W. viridula in suboblong leaf-base and paroe- cious inflorescence. Peristome us. rudimentary. — Earth in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway! Switzerl.l; Schimper. ID.W.riitilans Hedwig. — Gymnoptomum H.; Weisia Lindb.; W. mucronata Br. eur.; W. Wolfii Lesq. et Jam. Differs from W, viridula in nearly all leaves flat at borders. Capsule us. suboval; beak shorter; pedicel orange about 1 c. m. long. — Clay soil r. Ear. Engl.: Barnes, com. Bottini. Italy: Roell. Amer. Can. Ottawa and Vane, isl: Macoun. U. S.: Wolf, com. C. Mueller. * YV.Oanderi Juratzka. ' Capsule oblong scarcely longer than beak. — Eur. r. Switzerl.l France: Philibert. ►■v;-*-^ Mi.,,-^..,^.^ .,---_;i, ^i.-.-j-i: ,.m .;.;■■,; .i,av. :'>>{■. m '•••i. #t f ( • S'* I • I .ffil !■ — 288 — VI. Hymenostylium Bridel. 20.W.CUrvirostrls Ehrhart. — Pottia Ehrh.; Weisia C. M.; Gymnostomurn Hedwig. Leaves long narrowly ovate-lanceolate or sublinear acuminate acute carinate, more or lees papillose: the upper sometimes falcate; cells often faintly yellowish or less pellucid, rectangular or subquadrate; the lower basal cells hyaline sometimes rhomboidal. Perichetial leaves costate nearly similar. Capsule red-brown subglobose or obovate; beak longer and oblique. Tufts radiculose often high, sometimes loosely cohering. — Calcareous and schistose rocks princ. in alps. Eur. not un- common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. U. S.: Demetrio, com. Cardot. 21.W.platypli.vHa Kindb. — Gymnostomum Kindb. bull. Torr. club 1889. Leaves oblong-lanceolate obtusate obtuse nearly smooth con- cave or channelled, shorter and broader than in the last; cells pellucid somewhat large: the upper subquadrate, the inner basal rectangular hyaline. Perichetial leaves ovate, the inner not or indistinctly costate. Capsules unknown. Tufts not high nearly eradiculose. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. near a waterfall; Macoun. f -s . ,w. VIL Gymnostomum Hedwig. At Tufts compact. Stem somewhat elongate. Capsule with indistinct or narrow persistent annulus; peristome none; pedicel yellow. , • ; •,. ■ T 22.W.riipestri8 Schleicher. — Gymnostomum Schl.; Weisia C. M. Leaves carinate often acuminate, acute or obtuse, not or faintly curved when moist, somewhat long; costa not percurrent. Perichetial leaves nearly similar not sheathing. Capsule oblong finally pale yellow, at least twice longer than the conic beak; annulus none. Tufts often high us. brown-green. — Rocks princ. siliceous. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl. I Engl.: Holt. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne; Drummond 24. 23.W.calcarea Esenbeck et Hornschuch. — Gymnostomum Es. et Hornsch.; Weisia C. M. ^ Leaves channelled or indistinctly carinate above, obtusate or short-acuminate, acute or obtuse, not or faintly curved when moist, not long; costa not percurrent. Perichetial leaves larger and longer with long sheathing base and shorter, attenuate acumen; the inner shorter. Capsule oval-oblong yellowisi; lid - 289 — short with conic beak; annulus narrow. Tufts us. light green mostly encrusted by chalk, lower than in the last. — Calcareous rocks. Eur. not uncommon in southern distr. Switzerl.I France: Philibert. Spain: Levier. Italy: Arcangeli. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 24.W.falcata Kindb. bull. soc. bot. ital. 1895. Differs from the resembling last: Upper leaves distinctly ca- rinate somewhat long- acuminate and gen. acute, falcate when moist; costa gen. percur-ent. Inner perichetial leaves long- acuminate not or indistinctly sheathing. Lid of capsule nearly flat. Tufts dark green le.'^s compact. — Calcareous rocks r. Eur. Italy monte Caprino near Lugano: Roell and Kindb. B. Tufts loose very low. Capsule minute; annulus us. broad. Leaves channelled. Plants small. a. Lower leaves not shorter than the upper; cells pellucid, the upper nearly smooth well-distinct. 25.W.Barbllla Schwsegrichen. — Gymnostomum Schw.; Weisia Kindb.; Hyophila Hampe; Pottia C. M. /i < Leaves not long, obtusate gen. obtuse, not or faintly curved when moist. Perichetial leaves nearly similar not sheathing; the innermost one from short base somewhat narrowed to a long linear obtuse at one side faintly reflexed acumen. Capsule long cylindric; beak short; teeth none; annulus broad loosed in pieces. — Rocky banks of mountain rivulets r. Amor. »U. S.: Garber»: Lesq. et Jam. (Cuba: Wright, herb. Sulliva,nt, com. C. Mueller). b. Lower leaves shorter than the upper; upper cells opake very small. Leaves often curved when moist. i ^v?. s.-AJt. aa. All leaves short; costa not percurrent. Capsule with broad annulus. . ,^ ..., t,, ,., ,.;;.(,.<' ,..,,; 26 W.tenuis Schrader. — Gymnostomum Schrad.; Weisia C. M.; Gyroweisia Schimper. Leaves sublingulate arrounded at apex not acuminate. Peri- chetial leaves larger and longer with long Hheathing base and Kublinear obtuse shorter acumen. Capsule oblong; lid conic much shorter; teeth none; annulus often revoluble. Stem often with shoots at base; their leaves smaller and shorter. — Lime- stone and sandstone rocks princ. in warmer districts. Eur. less r. Sweden, Switzerl.I France: Lamy. Engl.: Cunliffe. Amer, V. Can,: Diummond 21; White, com. iMacoun. m \ 4^ — 290 — ' Si 1} I * W.reflexa Bridel. — Gyroweisin Schimper. '•'ivio ffUv,* ri>.v'^ Peristome present us. rudimentary. Leaves more curved. — Eur. r. France: Camus, oom. Husnot. 27.W.acutifolia Philibert. — Gyroweisia Phil.; Wei.sia Kindb. »Gyrowei.sia tenuis»: Limpricht. Leaves not arrounded at apex; tlie upper sometimes acute, not much longer than the lower, Perichetial leaves acuminate acute. Capsule suhoval twice longer than beak; teeth none; annul us revoluble. — Caverns of calcareous rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.: Philibert. 28.W.pusilIa Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. — »Gymno8tomum tenue»: Kindb. cat. Canad. m, ; ,■,;...-,, it Leaves obtusate subacute not arrounded at apex. Perichetial leaves not larger and not nheathing, the inner one subovate shorter. Capsule oblong, not longer than beak; teeth none or rudimentary; annulus not revoluble. Resembles W. tenuis in size. — Calcareous rocks r. Atner. Can. Owen Sound: Macoun. bb. Leaves acute; the lower oval very small, the upper very much longer (about 4 m. m.); costa subexcurrent. Annn- lus of capsule not found. 29.W.linealifolia Kindb, — Gyroweisia Kindb. revue bryol. 1892 and Nuovo giorn, hot. ital. 1893. t i-iu j'.;n •(■[.■ om Upper leaves somewhat broader at base, crenulate-papillose all around; costa subexcurrent. Perichetial leaves from broader base abruptly tapering to a sublinear by costa nearly filled acumen. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth none; lid long-rostrate; pedicel pale finally reddish. Stem with shoots at base as in W. tenuis. — Calcareous rocks r. Eur. Switzerl. in a cavern near Lugano! 119. Syrrhopodon Schweegrichen. . ,. / '. l.S.texanus Sullivant icon, muscorum. v,^'v^;i,^.ir , ; *^' . .. Leaves hyaline-limbate and serrulate nearly all around, subli- near acute or obtuse; nearly all basal cells large hyaline, the others very small <)])ake; costa with 2 serrate lamellte near apex. Calyptra scabrous. Peristoinial teech with 2 or 3 arti- culations. Tufts dark green or blackish. — Amer. r. U. S. south. St.: Sawyer, com. Cardot. "^;ii io ;f; * itn .- - 2.S.crispilS Austin. — Calymperes Lesq. et Jam. »Leaves hyaline-limbate in lower part, papillose-crenulate above, narrowly panduriform or Ungulate, obtuse; basal cells larger, the upper very small. Tufts compact yellowish green, brown inside. — Amer. r. U. S. Florida »: Lesq, et Jam. - ^ — 291 — S.S.floridaiius Sullivant icon. muse. " * " ' " " Leaves not limbnte, entire at the lower part of sheath, pa- pillose-crenulate in its •u])per part, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, tapering to the pubobtuse apex; upper lamina furnishpd with 2 serrate lamella3 at each border; the most cells nmall dunky, only the lower basal large hyaline; costa papillose, not serrate, at back. Calyptra smooth. Peristomial teeth with 5 — 6 arti- culations. Pedicel of capsule shorter than in the last. Tufts brown green. — Decayed logs r. Amer. r. U. S. south, st.: Fitz- gerald, com. Renauld. 120. Dialytrichia (Schimper as subgenus) Limpricht. 1 .B.Brebissoni Bridel. — Barbula Brid.; Dialytrichia Limpr.; Cinclidotus Husnot; Tortula mucronata Lindb. ; Leaves broad somewhat long sublincar or sublingulate round- obtuse carinate with thickened borders above the hyaline slightly reflexed base; upper cells papillose subquadrate, the basal rect- angular hyaline or faintly colored; costa thick short-excurrent. Capsule suboblong; lid rostellate much shorter; teeth short reddish papillose scarcely once contorted; basal tube short; pe- dicel yellowish red. Stem branched 2 — 5 c. m. high us. erect. Tufts large dark green or dirty brownish. Habit of Cindidoti • riparius. — Base of trees near rivers or stones in rivulets r. Lur. Italy I France: Husnot. Belgium: Roemer. Spain: Bolos, com. Venturi. 2.D.canceUata C. M. — Barbula C. M.; Dialytrichia Kindb. DilTers from the last: » Leaves yellowish green; stem nearly simple. Capsule cylindrie; lid scarcely shorter; teeth smooth; calyptra very rough. — Amer. v. U. S. Texas: Bolb: C. M. in Flora 1873. V-''^ ^ • - 121. Cinclidotus Beauvois. A. Leaves narrow long sublinear or nearly subulate, falcate when moist. l.C.aquaticus Jacquin. — Hypnum Jacq.; Cinclidotus Br. eur. Leaves crowded entire channelled narrowed from base, faintly curved when dry; nearly all inner cells subquadrate faintly pellucid, the marginal short-rectangular; costa thick sublinear excurrent to a thick smooth point, occupying about \'i uf la- mina at base. Capsule oblong brown; lid subconic often nearly as long; teeth brittle partly loosed with difficulty; pedicel short- exserted. Tufts brown or dark green. Stem naked below and much branching, often very long to 50 c. m. — Ri/ulets. Eiir. southern distr. somewhat r. Switzerl.l, Schimper. Austria: Venturi. Italy: Arcangeli. Germany: Kolb. iV.I ■HI \ ■M ■ VI.'' •k'i^ — 292 n 2.C.fRlcatus Kindb. revue bryol. 1887. "n'^ >«n..:^i Differs from the last: LeaveB less crowded and dark green, distinctly falcate also when dry; cells opake very chlorophyllose; costa broader and gradually narrowed, occupying at least Y^ of lamina at base, much narrower at apex und gen. not ex current. Stem not naked below, divided in long branches. Capsules unknown. — Springs r. Eur. Greece: Heldreich. JS. Leaves broad obtusate or broadly acuminate, patent when moist; lower cells short rectangular. 3.C.riparin8 Host- — Gymnoetomum Host; Cinclidotus Arnott. Leaves concave entire sublinear oblong or sublingulate gen. obtusate obtuse; upper cells smooth. Capsule oblong; teeth yellowish rudimentary; pedicel short-exserted. Stem 2 — 8 c. m. long sparingly branching often erect. Tufts blackish. — Stones princ. in rivers, r. Eur. Germany: Holler. France: Gucpin, com. Husnot. Sweden: P. 01^-son. Spain: Dieck, com. Rooll. 4.C.foniinaloide8 Hedwig. — Trichostomum H.: Cinclidotus Boauvois. Leaves carinate sometimes denticulate at apex, ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate acuminate gen. acute; upper cells sometimes faintly papillose. Capsule oval nearly immersed; teeth reddish. Stems fasciculate often to 10 — 15 c. m. long with numerous short branchlets. Tufts olivaceous or brown. — Stones in springs and rivulets Eur. not r. in lower warmer districts, r. in alps. Sweden, Switzerl., Italy! Amer. r. »Can.: Macoun*: Lesq. et Jam. ■*^' •'' '■^'■"': ■ Fam. 25. CalymperaceaB. J'Z ''-TmZI 122 Calymperes Swart?. l.CRichardi C. Mueller. ■.' * » I leaves yellow-limbate at least in lower part, suboblong ob- tuse; costa not excurrent. Calyptra slightly sc^abrous. Tufts looses: C. M. — Trees r. Amer. »U. S. Florida*: Lq. et Jam. 2.0.di8ciforme C. Mueller. sLeaves yellow-limbate suboblong; costa excurrent. Calyptra very scabrous. Tufts pulvinate. Barren branches with short crowded leaves*: C. M. — Amer. r. ^U. S. Florida*: Lq. et Jam. ,^ J Fam. 26 EncalyptacesB. ;^ ' /; l^ ,:, . ' 123. Encalypta Schveber. ^.v.^^v aiy. i i>-.- •• A. Peristome double. Pedicel red. j<..;nf.v^ ^&u\ L Streptotheca. Capsule finally twisted, r. distinctly necked, 293 - more or Ighk ribbed; teetb rod; cndostomo yollow; oaly[)trn very long, fringed below. Leaves limbate euculltite lingulnte. II. Diplolepls. Capsule noc^ked, neitber twisted nor Bulcate; endostome rudimentary udbeiing to teetb; calyptra us. fringed wben young. Leaves not litnbnte, B. Peristome simple or wanting. Monoecious. a. Leaves not recurved. Capsule witbout distinct defluent neck; pedicel red. ,j s! • > ii^ III. Bhabdotlicca. Capsule greenisb or pale yellowisb, sul- cate wben dry, often red-ril)bed; peristome often present; ca- lyptra not long, r. fringed. Leaves often limbate. IV. Pyroniitriuin. Capsule pale brown not sulcate; peri- stome none; calyptra long, often fringed wben young. Leaves limbate. b. Capsule more or less distinctly necked; pedicel yellow in younger state. Leaves recurved. V. Xanthopus. Capsule reddisb r. sulcate, not ribbed; peri- stome US. present. Leaves not distinctly limbate. i ;. 'Jias I. Streptotheca Kindb. A. Capsule very mucb twisted also when unripe. Leaves obtusate obtuse; costa bispid above at back, not excurrent. Spores about 0,01 m. m. l.E.COntorta VV^ilfen. — Bryum VVulf.; Encalypta Lindb.; E. streptocarpa Hedwig. Outer perichetial leaves from broad base abruptly tapering to a long Bublinear obtuse acumen; the inner shorter with short acute acumen. Pedicel faintly rough. Calyptra hispid at beak. Sterile stems often with propagula. Dioecious r. fruiting. — Rocks princ. calcareous. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Nor- way, Switzerl.! Austria: C. E. Kindberg. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 2.E.cuciillata C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Perichetial leaves gradually long-acuminate acute with long hairpoint. Pedicel smooth. Calyptra hispid on the whole surface. Stem without propagula. Monoecious. — Crevices of alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. B. Capsule faintly twisted, straight when unripe; pedicel smooth; calyptra hispid at beak. Upper leaves acute; costa smooth often excurrent. Spores 0,02 m. m. Monoecious. ,5 S.E.procera Bruch. Upper leaves gen. acute, sometimes with hairpoint; the peri- chetial subovate short-acuminate us. with hairpoint. Capsule without distinct neck; teeth us. shorter than endostome. — 1 1 4tr- — 204 - ScluKtofie rockts in alp. region r. Eur. Noi-wayl Amer. Can.: Mucoun; Drummond 48. 4.E.Selwyiii Austin. ' .:-).J'' -^.-Arr-' •' LeavGB more recurved tlinn in tho last; the upper and pori- chetial longcr-acuniiiinte with Um^i; hiiirpoint. (!apsulo sonie- times with diHtinct neck and more twisted; endostonie Ichh papillose, as long as teeth. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. U. 8,: Roell. ^ - .b>'f iv-T! .,j -Jivju II. Diplolepis Kindb. Virj,;';? .:!; A. Capsule not or scarcely longer than neck. ^-n.-t- ■■ h„ 5.E.loi)^ico]la Bruch; Husnot ni. (!all. Leaves long narrow subli near Ungulate obtuse or acute, con- cave not recurved; costa excurrent to a short yellowish point. Perichetial leaves long, the iiuier not smaller, with long whitish hairpoint. Capsule brown witii red neck; teeth purplish. Spores 0,05 — 0,09 ni. m. Calyptra long fringed nearly glabrous. — Calcareous soil in alp. region r, Eur. »Austria, Switzerh, Ger- many*: Schimper. ;-':('> ; .i 'i)'>A .)t' ' r i . s^ •!• B. Capsule nuich longer than neck. Rt Leaves long narrow sublinear-lingulate; the perichetial ovate-oblong. Calyptra long hispid fringed when young. G.E.affliiis Hedwig fil.; Lindb. — E. apophysata Esenbeck et HoruBchuch. 1. : ?1-:^'W ,-;-/vvf '.- ■..-iif^.V/ 'tVu ^.h Leaves more or less acuminnte often acute, not or indistinctly recurved; costa short excurrent not piliform at apex. Capsule brownish; teeth pale red. Spores about 0,02 m. m. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. iSwitzerl.i Sweden: Aongstr*' ' iir-xuu^ Leaves oblong-lingulate obtuse. Capsule brownish; teeth brown-yellow; calyptra faintly rough, not fringed. Spores about 0,02 m. m. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 1800 — 1850 metr. a. sea: Macoun. f .■(,;< /» — '295 — hb. LeavoH not or Jndistiiuitly roi'urved; coHta lonf?-excuiTeiit with linirpoint. U.E.brevicolla Rruch. -••^''■* -'» ■»''*-"•■ ^^r.,'-'^-iV:^_ ii--:-\,u ^.it^nm [jeaves ohlong-lingiilate aciito hoiiKitiinoH Hlijjhtly reoiirved, often Kt'rnite at apex, very conciivo; Imirpoiiit wliitiKli. (Capsule red; neck diHtiiict; teeth whitish; ealyptra nliort fihd)roiiH fringed when yuiing. Spores ahout O.OI^ ni. in. — SchiHtoHe rocks in alp. regiona in northern districts r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: E. Adlerz. "I^''.' --' '."if ^ •' ■^' jr^' -■'^■■■><:- .1. ■; ., .',^., ■ lO.E.subbrevicoIIa Kindh. n. 8p. ' . i '- ; <>v isl Leaves ohlong-linguhito ohtusate undulate not recurved, en- tire gen. ohtuso; halrpoint whitish. Perichetial leaves suhohlong acuminate. Capsule hiownish with very short neck; teetli whitish when moist, pale reddish when dry; ealyptra somewhat long with hispid hcak, fringed when young. — Amer. r. Can. northern liahrador: Macoun 1^9(5. 11 E.labradorica Kindh. n. p. Leaves suhovate obtuse or subacute entire not recurved; hair- point whitish or at base yellowish. Capsule brownish with distinct neck; teeth brown-yellow; ealyptra short faintly rough not fringed. — Amer. r. Can. northern Labrador: Macoun 1890. N, y,^ III. Rhabdotheca C. Mueller. n t,!, ,- A. Leaves not distinctly limbate. ri.K.oxstiiictoria Swartz. — Mnium Sw. 1781; Encalypta 8w. 1799; Leersia vulgaris Hedwig 1787; Encalypta IIolYm. 1795. '■ Leaves short subspathulate us. obtuse sometimes apiculate; costa not or r. excurrent with short hairpoint, us. without hairpoint. Capsule red-mouthed not ribbed, finally sulcate when dry; teeth wanting or rudimentary; pedicel elongate. Calyptra pale yellow not fringed, more or less hispid. Spores about 0,03 m. m. Tufts green low, radiculose only at base. — Clay or sand on walls and rocks. Eur. common at least below alps. Sweden! Italy: Arcangeli. Greece: Heldreich. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. *E.tenella Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. (i5. Leaves shorter, suboval gen. arrounded at apex sometimes with long hairpoint. Capsule small; teeth wanting; pedicel not much emergent. Calyptra whitish nearly smooth very small. Plants very small. — Amer. r. U. S. Montana: Roell. _.,,...,-._ B. Leaves limbate below. a. Tufts dense very radiculose, brown below, often high. '!' i( ,1' i! 29t^ — f! H>: IS.E.rhalnlocarpa Schwa3grichen. U-'. -u u.t r f. .1 .J<1 Leaves suboblong or ohlong-lanceolato obtusate ub. subacute; C08ta often excurrent pometiuios piliferous. Capsule us. red- ribbed and oblong-cylindric; teeth orange or purplish. Calyptra short hispid not fringed. Spores 0,04 — 0,05 ni. m. — Cal- careous and schistose rocks. Eur. common in alps. Sweden (also below alps), Norway, Switzcrl.l Amer. Can. not r.: Macoun. * E.leioniitra Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Capsule short suboblong; teeth nearly blunt; calyptra glabrous. Leaves short-lingulate; costa subpercurrent. Tufts low. — Amer. r. Can.: J. M. Macoun. ./ ' ' ' t • E.loptodoii Bi uch. — Leersia rhabdocarpa *leucodontea Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Capsule less distinctly ribbed; teeth whitish often rudimen- tary or wanting. Leaves suboblong; costa not excurrent without hairpoint. — Rocks, Eur. not common. Norway! Sweden; M. Hubs. Switzerl.: Roell. ,., y. b. Tufts less dense, radiculose only at base, green and not high. Costa of upper leaves long-excurrent with hairpoint. 14.E.spathu1ata C. Mueller. Leaves oblong-spathulate us. obtuse. Peristome none. Ca- lyptra fringed nearly glabrous. Capsule more or less sulcate. Spores 0,03—0,04 m. m. — Stones and walls r. Eur. Sweden! Austria Transsilvania: Earth, com. C. Mueller. 15.E.8ubspatlmlata C. M. et Kindb. I. c. -»^ "'' • * "« Leaves spathulrite-lingulate obtuse. Capsule not ribbed, faintly sulcate when dry; teeth pale high or partly incomplete and membranose. Calyptra hispid above, not fringed. Spores 0,04 — 0,05 m. m. Tufts low not dense, — Earth r. Atner. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. IV. Pyromitrium Wallroth. '' ' ' '-^ -s'.^ 16.E.alpiUA Smith 1805. — E commutata Esenbeck et liorn- schuch 1827. Leaves deeply impressed at both s' jes above the short erect nearly sheathing base, sublingulate acute more or less attenuate; costa often excurrent. Perichetial leaves us. piliferous. Calyptra brownish glabrous. Spores 0,03 — 0,04 m. m. Tufts tomentose often high and brown. — Alp. rocks. Eur. common in northern districts, otherwhere r. Norway! Amer. r. Can. Rocky mts; Drumraond 49. V. Xanthopus i^indb. U »'»v:- : M . A. Capsule not sulcate. »^\' !.»;!.!,, - j^sua d!i;>i .Jt — 297 ;fj. IT.E.ciliata Hedwig. — Leer8ia H.; Encal}'i)ta Hoffmann. '> Leaves lingulate subacute not long; costa nearly smooth at back, often excurrent to a yellowisli point. Capsule with short less distinct neck and pale mouth; teeth orange erect when moist, appressed to mouth when dry, faintly papillose and us. brittle. Calyptra fringed also when old, us. glabrous r. rough at beak. Spores about 0,03 m. m. — Earth and stones also in alps. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. »Greenl.»: Berggren. * E. microstoma Balsamo et Notaris. *■' ' - '■ •* » Capsule with narrow mouth and distinct neck; teeth irre- gular ue. wanting. — Earth in alps r. Eur. Austria; Switzerl.)): Limpricht. 18.E.Macounii » Austin* : Macoun. — Leersia borealis Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. N. Leaves gen. narrowly lingulate; costa longer-excurrent than in the last. Capsule with distinct often somewhat long neck and brown mouth; teeth brown-red or red, erect when dry, appressed to mouth when moist, distinctly papillose and not brittle. Calyptra as in the last. Spores about 0,04 m. m. — Rocks. Eur. in alp. regions not common. Norway! Switzerl.: Husnot m. Gall.; H. Forssell. Amer. Can. not r,: J. Macoun (also original specimen determined by Austin). Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. B. Capsule distinctly sulcate when dry. «■■ J' :-;,y viu,j;iU! lO.E.alaskana Kindb. cat. Canad. m. ' > .h>j >iA ,S Leaves short subobovate subobtuse; costa nearly smooth, scarcely excurrent. Capsule with very short neck and brown mouth; teeth as in the last. Spores about 0,02 m. m. Calyptra not seen. — Arctic district r. Amer. Alaska; J. M. Macoun. 124. Merceya Schimper. - ^ ,'• i l.MJigulata Spruce. — Encalypta Spruce; Merceya Schimp, Leaves lanceolate-lingulate cucuUate arrounded at apex, re- flexed below l)ut not limbate, not or indistinctly papillose; upper cells small round-quadrate, the basal rectangular; costa not excurrent. Capsule oblong; teeth none; pedicel long. Stem simple or bifurcate. Tufts dense, brownish below, yellow-green at the tips, 2 — 4 c. m, high. — Wet rocks r. Eur. France: Renauld; Jeanbernat. Austria: Breidler. 2.M.latifolia Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. -^ ^--^ ^^ Leaves broadly spathulate-lingulate obtusate obtuse or sul)- acute, slightly reflexed near base, broadl> limbate by orange- ^:.r i ::.i5;' U ■■ 'if' '.. '■•if'. i l! '•'1' , — 298 — colored larger cells, smooth; other cells as in the last; costa percurrent or scarcely excurrent. Capsules unknown. Stem divided. Tufts dense, brown-ferruginous below, green at the tips, about 3 c. m. high. Habit of Barhula ruralis. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Vane. isl. >/U. S. Calif. » C. M. lierb. itl Fam. 27. Orthotrichacose. ii>-!;5-Ml ' --U- li 125. Orthotrichum Hedwig. A. Stomata of capsule superficial. a. Leaves partly or wholly involute, not carinate. Dioe- cious. «V..'fcX ,-!. => '.. i -^ ^'.iu^^i :s;m :sn,s^0fp I. Coelopliyllum. Leaves short concave obtuse; cells gen. short. Capsule immersed sulcate strangulate when dry; calyp- tra scabrous; teeth retiexed when dry, broader than the cilia. b. Leaves gen. carinate and recurved nearly all around, not crisped. Monoecious or (0. exigumn) dioecious. :;?■] >.;' r. II. Dorcadion. Capsule r. strangulate; calyptra us. hairy. aa. Capsule narrow subcylindric not distinctly constricted, us. exserted. 1. 8peciosa. Capsule nearly smooth at least when young; ciHa narrow; teeth us. opake and connate in pairs. Leaves carinate gen. long. t ^ , .%., - - .li*; >' bb. Capsule thick oval-oblong strangulate and sulcate, us. immersed; cilia narrow. 2. Arctica. Leaves short often subcanaliculate, us. obtuse. 3. Affinia. Leaves long carinate us. acute. ? m r * "^ ' CC. Capsule thick suboval not strangulate. ' i .' i - 4. Rnpestria. Capsule immersed or emergent, more or less sulcate; teeth erect or patent when dry, joined in pairs but UB. subpartite; cilia narrow. Leaves long carinate. 5. Leiocarpa. Capsule wholly or partly immersed, not sulcate; cilia very broad; teeth not connate. Leaves sometimes short and nearly fiat at borders. C. Leaves faintly or not carinate, partly recurved or wholly flat at borders, us. long and crisped. Sometimes dioecious. III. Lyellina. Capsule us. immersed; ciha somewhat broad. Leaves not or faintly crisped; alar cells not hyaline. Dioecious, often (in Europe) with propaguia when sterile. IV. IJiota. Capsule exserted; cilia narrow. Leaves more or less distinctly crisped; alar cells mostly pluriseriate and hyaline. Tufts us. pulvinate. Monoecious. — 299 ~ V. Pseud-Flota. Capsule exsorted; cilia narrow. Leaves strongly crisped; hyaline alar cells uniseriate or indistinct. Tufts pulvinate. Dioecious very r. fruiting, often with propa- gula when sterile. B. Stomata of capsule immersed. VI. Calyptoporus. Capsule often strangulate; cilia us. sub- filiform. Leaves more or less recurved, gen. not crisped. Mon- oecious. ^.., ■_...: >-.,.,, ..... y, ..,,,:..,.,., ,.,.,-r>-.-{- a. Leaves partly flat at borders. Plants gen. small. 1. Psilocarpa. Capsule immersed thick neither sulcate nor strangulate. Leaves not crisped. 2. Microcarpa. C'lpsule immersed thick sulcate us. stran- gulate. Leaves not crisped. -- - .,.„^.^. .t. 3. Pulehella. Capsule narrow subcylindric sulcate not di- stinctly strangulate, us. exserted. Leaves more or less crisped. b. Leaves recurved nearly all around, not crisped. Capsule sulcate. aa. Leaves with hyaline hairpoint. 4. Diaphana. Capsule immersed not strangulate. Plants small. bb. Leaves without hairpoint. 5. Bivularia. Capsule immersed. Leaves channelled short broadly obtuse; cells large thin-walled, the upper pol\'gonal; costa abbreviate. Plants gen. large, growing in or near water, r. fruiting. 6. Cupulata. Leaves carinate long gen. acuminate acute; upper cells small rotundate thick-walled; costa gen. percurrent. Capsule sometimes not strangulate; teeth not appressed to it. Plants often large, growing on rocks or less often on trees. 7. Pamila. Leaves more or less distinctly carinate often obtuse; upper cells small rotundate thick-walled; costa gen. percurrent. Capsule us. strangulate; teeth appressed to it when dry. Plants small us. pulvinate, growing on trees or less often on rocks. " * I. Coelophyllum Kindb. ' '*~ A. Capsule with nearly as long neck; teeth orange. " . l.O.obtusifolium Schrader. ■'■' Leaves ovate-oblong obtusate not involute at apex, also the perichetial; costa pellucid not percurrent. — Trees and roofs. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. not common. Can.: Macoun. 2.0.inflexuin C. Mueller syn. — »0. brachytrichum Schim- per»: Lesq. et Jam. ? ,mvmi: Uii t^M^t: •/•I, .? ,..1 ■: i iT' — 300 if:; ir ^, Leaves narrower than in the last and less . obtusate or sub- acute subinvolute nearly all around; cells larger; costa shorter, sometimes ceasing far below apex. — Trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Capsule with short neck; teeth wanting. ;| S.O.gymnostomum Bruch. v v., .-> sH'*.**»a..^l*; i iV Leaves subovate-oval obtusate obtuse involute all around; costa subpercurrent brown opake, Perichetial leaves narrower sometimes acute. — Trees princ. Populus tremula r. Eur. Sv/edeu not uncommon, Norwayl Amer. Can.: Waghorne. II. Dorcadion Adanson; Lindberg. >rt-. „, 1. Speciosa. A. Capsule short-emergent; pedicel very short; teeth free or slightly connate at base. 4.0.BolaBiideri Sullivant icon, muscor. - n. :*.., Leaves ovate-lanceolate short-acuminate subacute, faintly re- curved below, flat above, faintly papillose, appressed when dry, falcate when moistened. Capsule short-necked, smooth when young finally sulcate; teeth yellowish appressed when dry; caiyptra hairy. Tufts about 3 c. m. high. — Rocks r. Amer. »U. S.»: Sullivant. , ,. .' 5.0.psilothecinm C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. . »,, ; -,, . ,, ^.,i DifiEers from the last: Leaves shorter often obtuse or obtusate, recurved nearly all around, less papillose, not appressed when dry. Peristomial teeth not connate. Caiyptra finally glabrous. Tufts 1 — 2 c. m. high. Capsule greenish as in 0. affine. — Trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S. Oregon: Roell. ,i;; n > B. Capsule exserted gen. long-emergent; teeth connate in pairs. a. Capsule arrounded below, not defluent to the short neck,. e.O.laevigatuin Zetterstedt. — O. rhabdophorum Venturi ?. | Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate short- acuminate not subulate. Capsule brown us. wholly smooth; pedicel longer. Tufts dark green or blackish not high. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway: J. E. Zetterstedt; I. Hagen. — Amer, Can. Pacif. distr.: Macpun. b. Capsule defluent to the long neck. if#i|.f aa. Capsule not or very faintly sulcate when old. fc.»ti!&1= T.O.Killgii Lesquereux; Sullivant icon. m. Leaves as in the last but nearly appressed when dry. Capsule longer or shorter than pedicel; teeth whitish erect when dry; caiyptra hairy. Tufts as in the last, 1 — 2 c. m. high. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. !;|^i» 801 I- ;'. :'('. M ; ' i^ rlnm- U\':''' 'JVt-t::4%' "^ bb. Capsule U8. distinctly sulcate when old. S.O.speciosum Esenbeok. Leaves ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate or r. subobtuse at apex, not or r. appressed when dry, falcate when moistened. Capsule pale brown when ripe; teeth whitish or pale yellow, us. appressed to it when dry; cilia not sinuous; pedicel shorter than capsule; calyptra hairy. Tufts us. pale or yelloAvish green; stem us. long. — On trees or less often on stones. Eur. com- mon, but r. in alp. regions. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. * O.elegans Schwsegrichen. ' • '■ Capsule pale or greenish; teeth pale yellow; calyptra nearly glabrous. Tufts 1 — 2 c. m. high. — Eur. r. »Finl.»: Lind- berg. Amer. »U. S.»: Cardot. {Asia, Sibiria: H. W. Arnell). 9.0.Boellii Venturi. Differs from 0. speciosum: Capsule longer exserted shorter than pedicel; teeth pale yellow erect when dry. — Rocks r. Amer. U. S.: J. Roell. * O.stenocai'pum Venturi. — 0. lonchothecium C. M. et Kindb. Capsule less distinctly sulcate; teeth often smooth. Leaves dark green nearly appressed when dry. — Rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. '^ « ■»' orn...^,, ..jtv^o . .vr«, r * O.Schlotthaiieri Venturi. Capsule longer than pedicel; teeth sometimes appressed when dry. — Rocks r. Amer. U. S.: Roell. lO.O.Killiasii C. Mueller. "^ .^.l.-^. ^.*hmvV - Leaves ovate-lanceolate shorter and shorter-subulate than in 0. speciosum, appressed when dr}', not falcate when moist. Capsule faintly sulcate; teeth yellowish erect when dry; cilia sinuouH; pedicel shorter than capsule; calyptra finally glabrous. Tufts browii 1 — 3 c. m. high. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. U. S.: Roell. ''■ J^. ■: ;' f^ .; .uq 2. Arctica. ll.O.Pylaisii Bridel; C. M. syn. — O. Breutelii Hampe; O. BIyttii Sciiimper. Leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate more or less obtuse, narrowly or slightly reflexed, faintly open when moi- stened; cells gen. short. Capsule suboval; teeth not or faintly perforate; cilia short or rudimentary; calyptra hairy. licaves short us. faintly papillose; costa subpercurrent. Cap- sule exserted distinctly sulcate; teeth opake; pedicel long. Tufts olive-green or brown. — Rocks near sea in northern princ. U I' ^<. 1 rl ! i I I !i !; I I m — 302 — arctic distr. r. Eur. Norway: E. Nyman; I. Hagen. Spetsber- gen: Berggren. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. Can.: Waghorne. > * O.bfeTinerve Lindberg. » Leaves nearly smooth; costa abbreviate. Tufts brown. — Eur. r. Finl.»: Lindb. musci scandin. * O.Sommerfeltii Schimper. . ^ ' Leaves longer nearly smooth; costa subpercurrent. Tufts green or yellowish green, — Eur. r. Norway: W. Baur; Arnell. :. * O.microblepharc Schimper. » Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate distinctly papillose; costa sub- percurrent. Capsule faintly sulcate; teeth smooth above; pedicel short. Tufts blackish. — Eur. r. Finl.»: Lindb. 1. c. s.jh'I * O.arcticum Schimper. Leaves as in the last. Capsule faintly sulcate not wholly exserted; teeth opake; pedicel short. Tufts blackish or dark green. — Eur. r. Norway: Zetterstedt; W. Baur. Russia: Bro- therus. -■..,:,.'' vrf* --^i' .&' i -^m'^^-^ .ll-r/ -^.'^^r*. vfr'4n> ' '•-'(- i i- ' * O.groenlandiciiiti Berggren. » Differs in peristomial teeth separated not connate in pairs. Amer. r. Greenl.*: Berggren. 12.0.S0rdidutn Sullivant et Lesquereux; Sull. icon. m. Leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate gen. acute sometimes short-acuminate, faintly papillose and broadly recur- ved, open when moistened; inner basal cells narrow. Capsule broad-oval or subpiriform immersed or nearly exserted; teeth opake perforate above; cilia long; calyptra sparingly hairy; pe- dicel very short. Tufts dusky green about 1 c. m. high. — Trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. >>> 'f ;4?»i '-^ Leaves shorter-acuminate less papillose. Capsule suboval; calyptra nearly glabrous. Tufts us. pulvinate and about 1 c. m. high. Habit of 0. pumilum. — Trees. Eur. not uncommon, Sweden, Switzerl.I Germany; Warnstorf. -v — 303 — * O.acnmlnatnm Philibert. iv;:, .- . .: ; . ,r, Capsule more abruptly narrowed below, sometimes euboval; teeth rudimentary. — Trees r. Eur. France: Philibert. Italy: Venturi. *0.praBmoiBium Venturi. .; ; Leaves lees papillose. Capsule oval; teeth often rudimentary, deflexed when evolute; calyptra hairy. Stem 2 — 3 e. m. high. Rocks r. Amer. U S.: Roell. 4. Rupestria. U.O.rupestre Schleicher. A Leaves ovate-lanceolate often rigid, us. faintly papillose and not subulate-acuminate. Capsule brown gradually narrowed below, us. immersed; pedicel us. shorter; teeth yellowish. Tufts us. brown or blackish and not high. — Us. growing on rocks. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Austria: Venturi. Amer. Can.: Macoun. * O.Franzonii Notaris. . Tufts green. Leaves less rigid. — On trees and rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.l * O.Sturiiiii Hornschuch. '' Leaves longer acuminate subcanaliculate. Capsule arrounded below; teeth paler. Tufts us. blackish. — Rocks not common. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. IS.O.texanuin Sullivant icon, muscor. '■ v Differs frorii 0. rupestre *Sturmii: Leaves distinctly carinate and less rigid, sometimes nearly subulate; basal cells ,>range. Peristomial teeth dark yellow or orange. Tufts us. brown-green. Stem often very long. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. IG.O.Douglasii Duby; Lesq. et Jam. :i v : /^ v Leaves ovate lanceolate long- acuminate subsubulate very pa- pillose not rigid. Capsule pale brown nearly exserted, arroun- ded below, nearly smooth when young; teeth erect whitish or pale; pedicel somewhat long. Tufts yellowish green; stem often long. — Alp. rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Brit. Col.: Ma- coun. U. S.: Roell. :>• > 5. Leiocarpa. IT.O.leiocarpum Br. eur, — 0. striatum (Hedw.) Bridel. ' Leaves ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate carinate us. long. Capsule brown- yellow Huboval or oval-oblong quite smooth; neck not distinct; teeth opake finally appressed, orange in m ■') ■ ■ ' ' . ' < ■ ! '! t.\: ( . I- :! ' . I i I i 11 i -i I! 1i M Hi — 304 — younger stnte; cilia yellowiBh narrower; calyptra not densely hairy. Tufts green or yellowish green 2 — 4 c. m. high. — On trees r. on rocks. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Drummond 154. * O.Shawii Wilson. A-uiu\<,V mn^it^ianimA)* .' Capsule yellowish; teeth pale; cilia unknown. Leaves with shorter costa. Tufts dark green 1 — 2 c. ni. high. — On trees r. Eiir. Switzerl.I France: Philibert. IS.O.exigiinm Sullivant icon, muscor. Leaves small short gen. ovate-oblong, sometimes broadly ovate- lanceolate or sublinear, obtusate or short-acuminate gen. obtuse, often nearly wholly flat or slightly refiexed at borders; cells gen. short; costa subpercurrent or shorter. Capsule oval faintly striate when old; neck none or indistinct; cilia whitish broader than teeth; calyptra nearly glabrous; stomata ? Tufts small green about 0,4 c. m. high. Dioecious. — Base of trees r. Amer. U. S. Nat. Park: Roell. .(..-,. j:i-»- III. Lyellina Kindb. A. Capsule immersed; pedicel indistinct. Leaves nearly appressed when dry not fiexuous, with numerous propagula. 19.0.Lyellii Hooker et Taylor. ^ •■c.fT'o**, <:» -ii-vjioi *^'..vj!mJ. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate nearly flat at borders. Capsule suboblong pale brown; cilia reddish; calyptra sparingly hairy. Tufts dark green not high. Often sterile. — On trees. Eur. not r. below alp. regions. Sweden, Germany, Switzerl.I Greece: Orphanides. (Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam.) B. Capsule more or less emergent; pedicel distinct. Leaves without propagula, the upper us. fiexuous or crisped. 20.0.papi]losum Hampe. — O. Pringlei C. M. r., ,....:,?/ Leaves as in the last but longer and recurved at least at one side to the greater part, more papillose also below. Cap- sule longer, subcylindric brown and partly emergent. Stem us. higher. Tufts us. yellowish or bright green. — Trees and rocks. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun. U. S. Calif.: Mrs L. C. Feely. *0.strictum Venturi. %?= /^:>v'i '^^uk ..V -^! /:« .;lk — .'.irinl Leaves dark green shorter, appressed when dry. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 21.0.1yellioides Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. Leaves long as in 0. papillosum, nearly flat or undulate at borders, faintly papillose, not appressed when dry; the upper crisped. Capsule narrow-cylindric pale brown nearly wholly — 305 — exaerted; pedicel somewhat long. Tufts dark green, blnckish below, somewhat high. — Trees and rocks r. Affier. Can Vane, isl.: Macoun. •rn'Tj-^n^'^* IV. Ulota Mohr. ' A. Leaves not or indistinctly crisped; hyaline alar cells gen. uniseriate or indistinct Vt a. Leaves longish not twisted; nearly all cells short. 22.0.americaniim Beauvois. — Ulota Hutchinsise (Smith) Hamraar. Leaves more or less recurved princ. at base, broadly ovate- lanceolate gen. subobtuse at apex. Capsule thick piriform; ca- lyptra densely hairy. Tufts green or blackish. — On rocks or r. on trees. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzorl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 23.0.8ubulatuiii C. M. et Kindb. — Ulota C. M. et K. 1. c. Leaves not recurved, ovate-lanceolate Buhulate-filiform at apox, nearly appreseed when dry. C'upsule small narrow-clavate. Tufts dark green or blackish. — Trees r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col: Macoun. b. Leaves short faintly twisted when dry; basal cells long. 24.0.Barclayi Mitten. — Ulota Mitt.; Sulliv. icon, m.; Ortho- trichum Kindb. 'Uif'^-^ ;h'.)v':nf';:i.tri'^: '-,^ •imt'n ;^ax:<"/'''Hf:7/ Leaves gen. ovate-oblong subacute, not or faintly recurved below, flat to the greater part. Capsule subobovate thicker than in 0. americanum; calyptra sparingly hairy. Tufts brown- green. — In alp. princ. arctic districts r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Roell. v?f->sj^^ jnJ.jvi;::; '^iim'-;. ■{ «!j!'3 h\' <-■■ B. Leaves long very crisped; hyaline alar cells gen. indi- stinct. 25.0.niega108porniii Venturi. — Ulota Vent.; Orthotrichum Kindb.; Ulota subulifolia C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. .''' Leaves recurved at base, subulate-piliform at apex; upper cells rotundate, the basal long. Capsule small short-obovate sulcate linally subcylindric; pedicel long thin; calyptra nearly glabrous. Stem often creeping. — Trees r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Maccun. U. S.: Roell, C. Leaves more or less crisped; hyaline alar cells in several rows. "ifv a. Capsule gen. not wholly exserted; pedicel short. Leaves long distinctly pafuUose nearly opake; nearly all cells short. 2().0.C0iiliecteils Kindb. in Ottawa Natur. IV, 64. — Ulota camptopodu Kindb. oat. Canad. m,]fs v« '>.if-ium'K .m. a'rni-i.i ill ■^' . m :H !>1 I I — 306 — Leaves recurved below, often subulate at npex, very crisped; alar cells in straight transverse rows. Capsule small obovate not constricted; pedicel often curved or geniculate in younger state. — Trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. b. Capsule long-exserted; pedicel long. Inner basal leaf- cells long aa. Leaves not long with long cylindric papillse, faintly crisped; alar cells short-rectangular. Calyptra densely hairy, i. 27.0.CUrvifolium Wahlenberg. — Ulota Bridel. Leaves obtusate acute or subobtuse, nearly flat at least at base, not or slightly crisped when dry, open-erect straight when moist. Capsule obovate sulcate in its whole length, finally subcylindric; neck short; teeth finally deflexed. Tufts blackish below. — Rocks princ. in northern districts gen. r. Eur. Swe- den and Norway, less r. in alps! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Wag- horne. 28.0.scabriduni Kindb. — Ulota Kindb. cat. Canad. m.; U. americana Mitten ? ; .r . i '" 'm^ :.i '< < i Leaves obtusate or broadly acuminate subobtuse, recurved below to middle, distinctly crisped when dry, falcate when moist. Capsule obovate or suboblong sulcate in upper half when young, finally subcylindric; neck somewhat long; teeth erect. Tufts green or brown, dark brown below. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. bb. Leaves long with short papillre, nearly smooth at least at borders, us. not strongly crisped (at least the elder); alar cells subquadrate. Calyptra densely hairy. Stem us. decum- bent. Peristome not appressed; cilia very short, us. wanting. 29 O.Ludwigii Bridel. — 0. coarotatum Beauvois. Capsule thick piriform with short stripes near the small mouth; teeth erect. — On trees gen. r. Eur. Sweden, Norway! France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne; Drummond 146. BO.O.Drummondii Hooker et Greville. — Ulota Bridel. ; ' y; Capsule narrowly ])iriform attenuate to mouth, striped to neck; teeth patent when dry. — Trees in northern distr. r. Eur. Sweden, Norway! Scotl.: Hunt, coin. Husnot. Amer. Can.: Wag- horne. CC. Leaves long with short papillae, not recurved at base, strongly crisped. Peristome with long cilia. Stem erect. Cap- sule us. finally subcylindric. Sl.O.calvescens Wilson. -*• Ulota Wils.; Orthotrichum Kindb. Leaves us. subulate at apex; upper cells rotundate, the outer n7» « — 807 — basal long-rectnngnlnr (often to middle of leaf) in fltrnight rows. Capsule not deeply sulcate, not strangulate; pedicel thin very long; calyptra sparingly hairy. — Trees r. Eur. Irol.: Stewart and Holt. H2.0.Bniclili Hornschuch. — Ulota Hsch.; Orthotrichum Wilson. Leaves us. subulate at npex; upper cells rotundate, the outer basal short-rectangular in straight rows. Capsule deeply sul- cate; calyptra densely hairy. — On trees or very r on stones. Eur. not uncomnnon. Sweden, Switzorl.l France: Husnot. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. . . ., ,^ 33.0.0btii8iusciilum C. M. et Kindb. — Ulota C. M. et K. 1. c. Differs from the last: Leaves more or less obtuse at apex; upper and middle cells oval-oblong. Capsule narrower; j)odicel longer and thinner. — Trees r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. and Vane, isl.: Macoun. ■■; ,* / ' ." ' ; ', ' • -7; i 34.0.ulophyHum Ehrhart. — Bryum striatum var. ulophyllum Ehrh. 1780; Weisia ulophylla Elirh. 1787; Orthotrichum Kindb.; O. crispum Hedwig 1788; Ulota Brid. 1819. Differs from 0. Bnichii: Outer leaf-cells rhombic-quadrate in oblique rows. Capsule shorter, us. strangulate. — On trees. Eur. not uncommon. France! Sweden: Zetterstedt. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. * O.crispulnni Bruch. — Ulota Bruch; Orthotrichum Br. eur. Capsule not strangulate, oval or round-oval not defluent to neck. — Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norway, France! Amer. Can. not r.: Macoun; Waghorne. , ,, t h • •tshf?,; hsu * O.illtorniediuill Schimper. — Ulota Sch.; Orthotrichum Kindb. Capsule not or faintly constricted, finally subcylindric, suboval- oblong when young. — Sometimes on rocks, gen. r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: P; Olsson. Austria: Breidler. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. Miquelon isl.: Delamare, com. Cardot. 85.0.Rolllliaiini Juratzka. — Ulota Jur ; Orthoirichum Kindb. Differs from 0. ulophjUuru *crispulum: Leaves less crisped; alar cells quadrate. Calyptra nearly glabrous. — Trees r. Austria: Breidler, com. C. Mueller. V. Pseud-Ulota Kindb. - • ->, , 36.0.jlltlaildiciim Bridel. — Ulota phyllantha Brid. in part. Leaves sublinear above middle, short-acuminate often sub- obtuse, nearly Hat at borders, faintly papillose; nearly all basal cells long; costa smooth. Capsule oblong; neck long; teeth erect; pedicel long straight thin, — On trees princ. near sen ' i ' i' 308 — •-■'Vi i '.i.i gen. r. Eur. (icrmany: C. Muellrr. Norway: J. Rocll. France: Hupnot. Amer. Can. fruiting; Macoun; Waghorne. 87.0.niaritimiini C. M. et Kindb. — Ulota oat. Can. in.; U. phyllantha Bridel in part. Differs from the last: lieavcH gradually attenuate to the subu- late apex, more distiiu;tly papillo.so also on coBta. Capsule broad-oval; neck nhoit; pedicel shorter and thicker, curved when moiptened. — Rocks near sea less r. Eur, Sweden not uncom- mon! Norway: E. Nynian. Amer. Can. fruiting: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. . ,,, VI. Calyptoporus Lindberg. ;• . 1. Ppilocarpa. SS.O.psIlocarpiim James. — SuUivant icon. muse. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate obtu-^ate subobtuse faintly papillose, recurved below, sometimes faintly crenulate at apex; colls small, the basal short. Capsule broad-oval finally sub- oblong; neck not distinct; lid mamillate; teeth free opake erect; cilia narrow; calyptra glal)rous. Stem about 0,5 c. m. long. — Trees r. Amer. U. S.: James, com. C. Mueller. Can.: Macoun. 2. Microcarpa. SD.O.inicrocarpuni Notaris; Husnot muscol. gall. Leaves flat at borders at least at one side, nearly smooth, gen. obtuse suboblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate; basal cells short. Capsule suboval; neck .; tt distinct; teeth papillose yello- wish connate in pairs, appressed when dry; calyptra glabrous. — On small trees princ. Morns r. Eur. Switzerl. near Lugano! 40.0.Hallii Sullivant et Lesquereux; Sull. icon. m. Leaves recurved below middle, distinctly papillose, ovate- lanceolate acute or subsubulate at apex; alar cells quadrate, the inner basal short-rectangular. Capsule oval; neck not distinct; teeth smooth whitish connate in pair.^, erect when dry; calyptra hairy. — Trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 41.().Janiesii Sullivant icon, muscor. ->•' ■ «l.«K- ^ • ; Leaves faintly reflexed, very papillose with long cylindric papillae, broadly obtuse ovate-oblong; marginal cells quadrate, the inner basal somewhat long-rectangular not hyaline. Capsule obovate-piriform often with thick neck; teeth smo(\in pale, wholly or nearly free, deflexed-appressed when dry; "alyptra sparingly hairv. — Limestone rocks r. Amer. Can.: M{?r-oun. 8. PulchcUa. > 42.0.i)ulchelluiii Brunton. . Leaves long narrow subulate at apex, recurved below, flat — 809 Hat above, very papilloso with lotiR pupilln', uh. nliglitly crinpod; nearly all basal cells lonj,'. Capnule Htripod oblong finally cy- lindric; te(;th us. orange. TuftH yellowish green. — On trees in warmer diHtrictH or r. on stonoH. Eur. r. Sweden: Wahl- Btedt. Denmark: M. F. Lange. France: iluKnot. Amer. Can. not r. in Pacif. diHtr.: Macoun. * O.ulotaBforme Kcnauld et Cardot. vii.iitiT ."Wol').! Leaves distinctly crinped. PoriHtome pale. — Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. 43.0. Winter! Schimper; Limpricht. Leaves short-acuminato acute, recurved nearly all around, faintly papillose with short papilla), scarcely twisted, gen. shortet" than in the last; outer basal cells short. Capsule faintly striate oblong-cylindric; teeth pale. Tufts green, brown below. — Trees and rocks r. Eur. Germany: Winter, com. C. Mueller, Amer,. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. «i.?n«.0 ' ;^^R ■ -ill ?':J 4. Diaphana. ■>;«.* ;nM I 'jLi«?iq>^ 44.0.diaphaniim Gmclin. — Bryum ( im.; Orthotrichum Schrader. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate nearly smooth. Capsule oblong smooth Avhen young; neck short; calyi)tra nearly glabrous. Stem 1 cm. or shorter. — On trees or r. on stones. Eur. not r. Sweden, Germanyl Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. * O.canuni Mitten. » Capsule emergent. Leaves with shorter hairpoint. — Amer. r. Can.: Drummond»: Lesq. et Jam. 5. Rivularia. ,yir;.':riw? 45.0.rivulare Turner. ..•.(^io , -{ .^t.-V' .-A ;... .w W' rtrFktyVv'r: 46.0.euryph.yllum Venturi. Differs from the last: Leaves not distinctly decurrent; alar cells short-rectangular or indistinct. Capsule broad-oval; teeth less papillose. Stem about 2 — 3 c. ra. — Stones in running water r. Amer. U. S.: Roell. i .•^ij-ioi^ r ,.:.V' .in'Mf ~^v.i}ktM .ci < ■' , •.vnTT a. Capsule narrow gen. long-exserted. • -r'' . :' ' •;! 48.0.anoinalum Hedwig. Leaves subcanaliculate and not subulate at apex, hyaline below, faintly pajwUose above. Capsule oblong or oblong-cy- lindric with brown stripes; teeth nearly free. — On stones, less often on trees and roofs. — Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. b. Capsule thick suboval, sometimes immersed. .i-ii. I 49.0.consinii1e Mitten; Sulliv. icon. muse. ' - '' ■ Leaves not subulate at apex, faintly papillose above, hyaline below. Capsule us. long-exserted; teeth nearly free. Stem us. about 0,5 c. m. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. ''^ O.anonialoides Kindb. n. subsp Capsule less exscrted; cilia shorter than teeth. Stem higher. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. ■■'!"■' - - • .ini'^ui:.? miHUHUnur. 50.0.Watsoni James; Sulliv. icon. muse. Leaves subulate at apex, strongly papillose with long cylin- dric papillee. Capsule wholly immersed; teeth connate in pairs. Stem 1 — 2 c. m. high. — Alp. rocks r. Amer, »U. S.»; Lesq. et Jam. ' *'^' '^*?»* B. Capsule thick us. strangulate, more or less immersed; teeth nearly free often papillose, often patent when dry. Leaves carinate. a. Peristomial teeth entire. ' - ■.Ti..,fi, 51.0.uriiigerum Myrin. — »0. perforatum Limpricht»: Venturi. Leaves very papillose, not hyaline below. Capsule us. with indistinct neck; feeth papillose below, gen. erect when dry. Tufts loose dark green. — Rocks princ. siliceous r. Eur. Switzerl.l Sweden less r.!; M. Huss. France: Puget. 52.0.cupulatuiil Ploffmann. ..siUSi / 'u ;;. -. Leaves us. faintly papillose, often hyaline below. Capsule with more or less distinct us. thick short neck; teeth gen. smooth, often patent when dry Tufts us dense and brown or blackish when dry. — Rocks. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: I\ acoun. '^'O.nudiiin Dickson; Ventun. ■ '• '' ■ ' Capsule subemergent with long not defluent neck. — Eur. not uncommon. Switzerl.l Austria: Breidler. Engl.: Rogers. France: Brebisson. Amer. Can.: Macoun. — 311 :t-.i: necl. — Rocks r. Eur. :WrAL * O.SardagiiJD VeLturi. ■" f ;, - ..r-> .. j Capsule with long detluent neck. — Dolomitic rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.l Austria: Venturi. • ;,;<>.u.. i - mmnmtiir}^':^^" * O.Ventiirii Notaris. Capsule with short subdefluent » Austria*: Venturi, b. Peristomial teeth gen. partite and papillose. 53.0.Lescurii Austin; Sulliv. ic. m.; Kindb. rev. bryol. 1896. Leaves nearly smooth short obtusate subobtuse. Capsule immersed with short very thick not defluent neck; teeth erect; calyptra nearly glabrous. Tufts low. — Limestone rooks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. *O.Porteri Austin.' ■•-;-■■ » Capsule nearly exserted. Amer. r. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 54.0.Bai' * O.Rogeri Bridel. Leaves gen. obtuse. Capsule red brown; teeth reddish; sto- mata more immersed. — Trees r. Eur. Austria: Arnold in Ra- benhorst bryotheca n. 1239. Norvvay: Kaurin. Amer. »U. S.»: Cardot. .|,;i' ,*(,?. .•;!! !iv!»-(-i 58.0.<)hloense Sullivant et Lesquereux. — SuUiv. icon. m. Differs from 0. pnllens: Leaves decurrent, nearly smooth; inner basal cells short-rectangular, the outer subquadrate, the alar larger and rectangular. Capsule thick often immersed; neck short; teeth pale; calyptra sparingly hairy. — On trees. Amer. U. S.: Austin, com. C. Mueller. Can.: Macoun. r -isfii 59.0.1euconiitrilliii Bryol. eur. Leaves broadly acuminate, gen. acute or subsubulate at apex, faintly papillose; inner basal cells somewhat long. Capsule greenish nearly or wholly txserted with long defluent neck, narrower than in 0. pallens; stomata much immersed; teeth whitish sometimes not connate; calyptra narrowly conic whitish nearly glabrous. Stem 0,5 — 1 c. m. high. — Trees (princ. Salix alba) in southern districts r. Switzerl.l; Philibert. Austria: Venturi. France: Puget. r. ■ •• i : w • i ,!•! b. Capsule finally strangulate. aa. Cai)sule narrow oblong- cj'lindric, often exserted; neck long; calyptra narrowly conic. CO.O.tenellum Bruch. - " Leaves long carinate very papillose; inner basal cells some- what long. Capsule with defluent n ck; teeth pale connate in pairs; calyptra yellow sparingly hairy. Stem 1 — 2 c. m, high. — On trees princ. in lower diKtri(,'t8. Eur. not common. Switzerl.l SwedenI; Groenwall. Italy: Venturi. Germany: Herpell, Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. rinu ; ^n?-.?'.;*! i« ,, : bb» Capsule thick oval-oblong, us. immersed; neck short; calyptra broad. .,, , u;;:i ^, ;>..;. j, ■u^t ,-ut.. 6l0.8traniineuiii Hornschuch. Leaves us. long acute often carinate; inner basal cells long- rectangular. Capsule piriform more or less emergent; teeth orange papillose; calyptra straw-colored us. with few short hairs. — 318 — S.»: Tufts 2 — 3 c. m. high. — On treeR or r. on mtones. Eur. com- mon below alp. regione. Sweden, France, Swilzerl.! Germany: WarnBtorf. 62.0.alpestre Hornschuch. -'•'-■'- " ■•••^ .*....,.,... Differs from the last: Leaves shorter, less acute and more papillose. Peristominl teeth smooth above. Calyptra us. gla- brous. Stem more radiculose. — On rocks in alp. regions, r. on trees. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.! France: Husnot. Amer. r. »Can. and U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 63.0.pumiluni Swartz. ■ -'•' -^^'^^^i^ - • ^^-^i'w-i^ Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate carinate us. acute; basal cells short. Capsule suboblong immersed; teeth dark yellow; calyp- tra glabrous pale yellow. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. — On trees and roofs. Eur. not uncommon, Sweden, Switzerl.! France: Husnot. »J.mer. »: Venturi. 64.0.BraMiiii Bryol. eur. '-^' ' -'" ■■^•"''s'"i y^^u.:v'u... -unr, Differs from the last: Leaves longer. Capsule thicker, oval- piriform; teeth paler. — On trees or r. on stones. Eur. r. France: Berthoumieu. Norway: Bryhn. 65.0.cylindrocarpuin Lesquereux; Sullivant icon. m. ■'•''^^^'^ '' Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate obtusate subobtuse subcana- liculate; basal cells short. Capsule oval-oblong linally cylindric wholly exserted; calyptra hairy. Tufts 1 c. m. or lower. — Rocks and trees r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 126. Macromitrium Bridel. ^ ' '^ ' ^^ A. I i-'aves closely imbricate when dry. Calyptra with long hairs. — - ■. l.M.Snllivantii ( . Mueller. — »M. Dregei» SuUiv. icon. m. Leaves broadly ovate lanceolate broadly acuminate subacute carinal scarcely rcflexed, slightly papillose, entire, patent-erect when li ist; cells round-oval; costa not percurrent. Perichetial leaves lo i^er and narrower. Capsule oblong-cylindric, contracted at mouth, plicate at it and below v/hen dry; exostome wanting or imperfect; endostomial tube very low; lid rostrate-subulate; pedicel somewhat long; calyptra covering capsule. Branches reddish brown not crowded. Monoecious. — On pine trees r. Amer. »IJ. S.»: Sulliv. ... ■, ■-'-- ;■■ 2.M.Fitzg:eral(li Lesquereux et James. » Differs from the last in its dark brown color; branches vellowish; capsule larger, distinctly ribbed; lid shorter, conic and blunt; pedicel shorter; leaves longer; male flowers not found. — On trees r. Amer. U. S. »: Lesq. et Jam. 21 I 1 ■h 314 — B. Leaves crisped when dry. Calyptra slightly hairy. *;?- 1 3.M.rhal)docarpum Mitten. •Leaves linear-lanceolate acute or subobtuse and snbapiculate, carinate, not recurved, crenulate, papillose above, spreading-open and slightly flexuous when moist; upper cells round, bngal oblong; costa yellowish percurrent. Perichetial leaves narrower, more acute. Capsule oval gradually narrowed to pedicel and to mouth, distinctly plicate; peristome simple: teeth short pale fragile; lid subulate; calyptra covering capsule. Branches not crowded. — Amer. U. S., Florida*: Lesq. et Jam. ;^ ! .--... 127. Schlotheimia BrideL ,u w . ( ,1 l.S.mucronifolia Hooker et Greville. — Macromitrium H. G.; Schlotheimia Kindb. Leaves sublinear or oblong-lingulate, obtuse often eubtruncate, carinate, sometimes recurved, broadly limbate at one side below, entire indistinctly papillose not rugose, patent and faintly cur- ved when moist, slightly crisped when dry; cells very small round-oval, lower marginal narrowly linear; costa dark brown, depressed on npper side, very p'-ominent at back, excurrent to a thick deflexed point. Perichetial leaves similar. Capsule suboblong, contracted at mouth, not sulcate; teeth wanting; lid rostrate; pedicel not long; calyptra glabrous or slightly rough above, laciniate, covering half capsule. Branches red-brown densely crowded. Monoecious. — Trunks of palms r. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. (Cuba: Wright, herb. SuUivant, com. C. Mueller.) 2.S.Sullivantii C. Mueller; SuUiv. icon. muse. .^tii: Differs from the last: Leaves often rugose, neither recurved nor limbate; basal cells rhomboidal; costa short-excurrent or (in perichetial leaves) subpercurrent. Capsule oblong-cylindric; teeth deflexed when dry; segments ciliiform; calyptra lobulate, rough above, covering whole capsule. — Trees r. Amer. U. S.: com. Macoun and r'ardot. (^ ,•!!>,,! <« 128. Zygodon Hooker et Taylor. I. Eu-Zygodon. Leaves green papillose carinate not recurved; cell-walls thickened. Perichetial leaves not sheathing. Dioecious. II. Oymnocephaliis. Leaves nearly plane or somewhat con- cave, bluish when moistened; cells smooth with thin hyaline walls. Monoecious. III. Amphidium. I-eaves green papillose carinate often recur- ved at one side; cell-walls not thickened. Perichetial leaves sheathing. Capsule piriform, long-necked; peristome none. vt m — 315 - ^l\ A. Leaves sublinear apiculate us. not falcate; cells not opake. Tufts small low. a. Costa of leaves not excurrent. Capsule suboval. l.Z.Tiridissimiis Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Zygodon R. Brown. Leaves gen. complicate above, r. dentate near apex, patent or curved when moist, green when dry. Capsule with short neck; teeth none. Often with propagula. — Trees. Eur. not r. France: Le Jolis. Amer. r. Can. Vane, isl: Maooun; Drum- mond 27. •Z.mpestris Lindb. »i 9.Z.califoriiicus Hampe. Leaves crisped more or less reflexed below at one side, with long acicular point, us. red-brown; the perichetial not broader, short- sheathine; gradually long-subulate. — Rocks r. — Amer. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. unitfrf^ri^T^ro.- i\>,yr ,v.\ -jv * Z.caBspitoSllS Mitten. — Didymodon Mitt.; Zygodon Kindb. Leaves not reflexed less acicular. Capsules unknown. — Amer. r. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. B. Leaves acute fuscescent not long. Monoecious, 'vn ».] lO.Z.lapponicus Hedwig. — Gymnostomum H.; Zygodon Br. eur. Leaves crisped entire not or slightly reflexed, sublinear or nearly gradually attenuate; the perichetial very much broader, long-sheathing, abruptly narrowed to a short point; costa faint abbreviate. Capsule scarcely exserted; lid rostellate. Tufts dense gen. low. — Rocks princ. in alps. Eur. not uncommon. ! f ' i U — 317 — Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. Can.,* • * i *1.r\ J> * i I ft U> Sweden, Norwny, 8witzerl. Macoun; Moser. * Z.decipiens Kindb. n. subsp. Perichetial leaves longer acuminate; costa loi ^-excurrent. — Amer. r. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. 129. Anoectangium Schweegrichen. n^ivuu. i.mi I. Plenrozygodon. Leaves small entire obtusate or short- acuminate. II. Molendoa. Leaves large from short crenulate base tape- ring to a long subulate channelled acumen. I. Pleurozygodon Lindberg. ''oi' ^jViiii. » 1 . A.COmpactnm Schweegriohen. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate acute or apiculate, us. spirally twisted about stem when dry; costa yellow subpercurrent. Cap- sule obovate or oval-oblong; pedicel yellow. Tufts us. brownish with green tops, sometimes bright green. Stem often abruptly foliate. Habit of Zygodon lapponicus and Grimmia (Strepto- phyllum). — Rocks princ. in alps. Eur. less r. Norway, Switzerl.l Sweden: P. Olsson. Amer, r. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Greenl.: Eberlin, com. Roell. vIVr^M')-)-) .,1 Jr^riif. !■ a-ijtu; MJiii-;! * A.breTifoliuill (.Juratzka as var.) Kindb. n. subsp. — Molendoa tenuinervis Limpricht ? Stem not abruptly foliate. Leaves crowded much smaller, half as long and broad, ovate-oblong subobtuse nearly all brown, faintly twisted; cells less dusky; costa brown. Tufts more com- pact, ferruginous when dry. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeldl 2.A.Peckii Sullivant ic. m. — »A. pellucidum Wilson*: Braith- waite. in Differs from A. compactum: Leaves sublinear longer and nar- rower, longer subulate at apex. Plants larger. Capsules un- known. — Hocks r. Eur. »Scotl.: Wilson*: Braithwaite. Amer. »U. S.»: Sullivant. 3.A.Schliephackei Limpricht. — Pleuroweisia Limpr. •' '•' ^ Loaves linear obtuse crowded erect when dry; costa yellow not percurrent. Capsule oval. Tufts green above, 1 — 2 c. m. high. — Calcareous rocks in alp. region r. Eur. »Switzerl.: Grffif*: Limpricht. 11. Molendoa Lindberg. i^r tvi vtn Ji Upper leaves green; basal cells narrow; costa sometimes ex- current. Capsule obovate with somewhat long neck; pedicel I * ■ m rr^m — 318 — long (as in other Bpecies), often emergient above tufte. Stem often high. — Wet calcareous alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: ijrciciier. .t.i'"-iw" .'■ .Mi'iiin •i>.ii * A.Sendtneri Bryol. eur. Leaves brown more crisped; oosta not excurrent. Pedicel not emergent above tufts. — Eur. r. Switzerl.: Schimper. -'■' "'^ ^" --' Fam.28. flt66SMiCm.''' '-'■'"::;Z.,:- 130. Paludella Ehrhart. hir.h,K M l.P.sqnarrosa L. — Bryum L.; Paludella Bridel. ' Leaves decurrent crowded; lamina serrulate ovate acute or short- acuminate; costa subpercurrent. Perichetial leaves long- acuminate. Capsule suboblong; lid mamillate; pedicel red very long. Male flowers discoid. Dioecious. Tufts high tomentose. — Very wet svjramps. Eur. Sweden and Norway common! Spetsbergen: Malmgren. Austria: Venturi. Amer. r. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun. .'>,',\>x in r^uitl . >jh',i.v 131. Meesea Hedwig. A. Leaver from dilated base tapering to a gradually atte- nuate acumen, decurrent, not reflexed; basal cells larger than the upper. Pedicel very long. l.M.triquetra L. — Bryum L.; Meesea Aongstroem; M. tristicha Br. eur. Leaves tristichous denticulate nearly around or entire, sprea* ding from nearly appressed base. Dioecious. Male flowers subdiscoid. — Deep swamps. Eur. Norwayl Sweden: K. F. Dusen. France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Dearness. o'i 2.M.longi8eta Hedwig. .-f< ,.'\r-. ,;. .-i! jm; -vmht. mn^- j.P.^ Leaves plurifarious less spreading, entire or near apex spa- ringly dentate. Synoecious. — Swamps gen. r. Eur. Sweden: Lindberg; R. Hartman; M. Hues. Norway: M, N. Blytt. Amer, Can.: Macoun. "t^ tsn-^i'ir/r :.fi ■■:-, -v/A .t i! . •}; •:7f;.;si B. Leaves sublinear more or less reflexed; nearly all cells equal in size. Pedicel often shortish. S.M.trichodes L. — Bryum L.; Meesea Spruce; M. uliginosa Hedwig. Leaves plurifarious entire not or scarcely decurrent, us. obtuse, suberect or open-erect when moist. Capsule shorter than in the last; teeth yellow. Inflorescence variable. — Swamps and wet rocks princ. in alps. Eur. common in alps. Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. Greenl.: Berggren; VanhoefEen. Can.; Ma- coun; Waghorne. :i'ri;i«M ;l — 31?^ — 4.M.A1bertinii Bruch et Schimper. >»* n.H Differs from the last: Leaves more distinctly decurrent us. acute. Peristomial teeth pale very short often confluent. Mon- oecious. — Swamps r. Eur. Sendtner, com. Le Jolis. Amer. Can.: Waghorne. Jv M< 132. Amblyodon Palisot de Beauvois. * f l.A.dealbatus Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Amblyodon Beauv. Leaves narrowly oblong acuminate acute not reflexed; the uppermost serrate at the not long acumen, finally pale green or whitish; the lower finally reddish; costa not percurrent. Capsule thick suboval. Stem about 1 c. m. high. Male flo- wers discoid. Monoecious or polygamous. Resembling Meesea trichodes in capsule. — Wet and turfy soil princ. in alps. Eur. Sweden, Norway not r.! France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. ' ; M 133. Plagiobryum Lindberg. j' ' '. - l.P.ZIerii Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Plagiobryum Lindb.; Zieria julaoea Schimper. Leaves broad-ovate short-acuminate not reflexed; costa not excurrent. Capsule shorter than neck; teeth not much lower than endostome. Tufts silverglossy finally reddish. Dioecious. — Alp. rocks. Eur. not r. Norway! Sweden: R. Hartman. Amer. r. Can. Rocky mts 2250 metr. a. sea: Macoun. 2.P.deilli8SUm Hoppe et Hornschuch. — Meesea Hop. et Hsch.; Plagiobryum Lindb.; Zieria Schimper. Leaves subovate somewhat long-acuminate reflexed; costa ex- current. Capsule longer than neck, deflexed to the ground when unripe; teeth very much lower than endostome. Tufts less glossy. Dioecious. — Earth on rocks in higher alp. region r. Eur. Norwayl Switzerl.: Schimper* Austria: Breidler. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Drummond 250. '. ' ■". ' « • I 184. Mielichhoferia Hornschuch. , A. Leaves small ovate-lanceolate, lesB strongly appressed; upper cells narrow. Peristomial (exostomial) teeth wanting- l.M.nitida Hornschuch. * Leaves gradually acuminate acute, serrulate above often to middle. Perichetial leaves costate larger. Capsule us. suberect when dry; segments not split; pedicel reddish more or less flexuous; spores about 0,02 m. m. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. Habit of Bryum (Webera) but with smaller leaves. — Schistose princ. metalliferous (esp. copper) rocks in alps, r. Eur. Norwayl France: Husnot. ' '^ "»^ . ,h" - > i ;- -^ < •? 1 h ■1 — 320 ~ ^ !»., ),; f! ! 2.M.macrocarpa Hooker. — Weinia Hook.; Miolichhoferia Scliimp. Leaves entire fshort-acuminate acute or sometimes siibobtuse; the periclietial smaller, tlie inner indistinctly costato. Capsule as in the last. Branches clavate. Tufts iibout 1 c. m. hif;h. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Drummoncl 74, com. Ma- coun. li. Leaves short very small strongly imbricate; upper cells dilated. Peristome sometimes double. •■ '" il. Uppermost leaves obtusate, acute or obtuse; costa us. not percurrent. B.Mcoinpactn Hoppe et Hornschuch. — Weisia Hop. et Hsch.; Mielichhoferia Kindl).; M. elongata Hornsch.; Limpr. Leaves gen. ovate-oblong, faintly serrulate near apex. Capsule us. deflexed when dry; teeth rudimentary r. present; segments distantly trabeculate, sometimes split in middle; pedicel yellow ju-cuati: at least when youii^.'; ' res somewhat larger than in M. niiida. Tufts us. low when fruiting, sometimes to 8 — 10 c. m. high. — Growing as M. nitida but more often on wet rocks, r. Eur. Norway! Austria: Schimper. France: Husnot. ' > 4.M.erect». Lindberg. — Pohlia (Cacodon) Ijindb. revue bryol. 1883; Mlelichhoferia Kindb.; Oreas Kindb. Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw.; Mielichhoferia defecta Sanio. Leaves as in the last. Capsule erect when dry; teeth densely trabeculate; segments rudimentary or wanting; pedicel reddish sometimes arcuate when moistened. Tufts very low. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway Wangsfjeld in Opdal: Kaurin. b. Leaves suddenly cuspidate; costa often percurrent. ,i !v 5.M.cu$pidifera Kindb. cat. Canad. m. • ' Leaves from broad-ovate base cuspidate, entire or near apex slightly crenulate. Capsules unknown. Tufts about 2 c. m. high. — Damp alp. rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts 1500 metr. a. sea: Macoun. 185. Orthodoutium Hchwaegrichen. ' ■ • • • l.O.gracile Wilson. — Bryum Wils.; Orthodontium Schw.; Stableria Lindb. -!i'>- ,•,, i '•iLfiituuin v! i.ncf:-^^ itvn) ? Leaves long very narrow sublinear or gradually subulate, flexuous nearly entire not reflexed; lower cells wider than the upper; costa not excurrent. Capsule greenish narrow suboblong cernuous when dry; neck not much narrower or shorter; pedi- cel pale sometimes longer than stem; teeth pale; lid rostellate. Tufts greenish about 1 c. m. or lower. Monoecious or paroe- — 321 — cions. Habil of Bryum (Leptobryuin). — On BoiidHtone rockn or on old trees r. Eur. Enp;!,: Hunt, Fmnce: Camus. Am9r »Calif.»: Howe. ■; , , « Fnni. 29. CinClldiaCeae Kindl). new faui. ■uu/ 130, Cinclldium Swartz. n 4ti»t!inif.f> * A. Leaves palelimbnte not recurved. OapsuleB unknown. 1 .C.Hymenophyllum Hr. eur. — Mnium Br. eur.; Cinclidium Lindb. Leaves spathulate-lingulate narrowly limbate long-decurrent bright green; upper cells round-bexagonal or round-oval, the basal rectangular; costa abbreviate. Tufts high very dense tomentose to shoots. — Alp. rocks in r orthern districts, (» also in Switzerl.»: Pfef!er) r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: E. Nyman. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. iH-unHs-,'/ B. Leaves reddish or finally blackish limbate, more or less recurved when dry. a. Leaves concave not decurrent; costa not excurrent. Synoe- cious. 2.C.8tygiuin Swartz. ••-- ; \ ■ ;; , ; \ ~. ''';'"":^'[{*^ Leaves broadly spathulate us. with nhort acute point, gen. all red; those of stem r. blackish; shoots r. green; costa gen. percurrent. Capsule suboval. — Swamps princ. in northern alps. Eur. Sweden, Norway not r.I Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. ", J 7- - /' , C. latifolium Lindb., hitherto not found in our district, differs in convex shoot-leaves and dioecious inflorescence. B.C.Subrotundum Lindberg. Leaves round-spathulatc obtuse or with very short obtuse point; those of stem green finally blackish; shoots green; costa not percurrent. Capsule subglobose. — Swamps in northern alps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Greenl.: Bcrggren. Can. Labrador: Macoun. b. Shoot-leaves convex somewhat long-decurrentj costa ex- current. Synoecious. ,< " v 4.C.MaC0Hnii Kindb. revue bryol. 1.896. Stem-loaves round-spathulate finally blackish; shoot-leaves pale red or greenish Ungulate gen. obtuse. Capsule suboval. — Amer. r. Can. Rocky mts: J. Macoun 1885. C. Dioecious. Male flowers discoid. Leaves concave. 5.C.arcticuin Br. eur. — Mnium Br. eur.; Cinclidium C. M. Stem-leaves red broadly spathulate often with short- acute \i ? ^i^i\il\Yt^;f't>\-\ * B.brevlseta Lindberg. ,.^1.1* Capsule deflexed when young, suberect when old; peristome simple rudimentary or wanting; pedicel scarcely exserted. (Jostn filling subula of leaf. — Northern princ. arctic district r. Eur, •Norway: Th. Fries*: Lindberg. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: Waghorne. Jli.-i T> 'I * B rigidiila (Schimper as var.) Kindb. n. subsp. Capsule smaller; pedicel exserted. Leaves rigid brittle ap- pressed when dry. — Alp. and arctic distr. r. Eur. Norway! Amer. »Greenl.»: Lange. c>rt»M' vh>,'«tM'i^ i/'U', tv^jul l-iJIi'I' 3.B.Tiridissima Bridel. — »Wei8ia Brid. 1826 »: Limpr. — B. subulata Br. eur. 1846. Differs from B. ithyphylla: Capsule smaller, erect when moist; peristome simple rudimentary us. wanting. Leaves smaller; costa often not defined in subula. Paroecious. — Rocks in higher alp. and arctic distr. r. Eur. Switzerl.I Austria: Breidler. Amer. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. »Ala8ka and U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 2. CrispcB. A. Upper leaf-cells short-rectangular. Leaves crowded very distinctly sheathing, more or less flexuous but not crisped. 4.B.norvegica Gunner. — Bryum Gunn. 1772; Bartramia Lindb.; Webera Halleri Hedwig 1782; Bartramia Hedw. 1789. Leaves not decurrent, abruptly tapering and long-subulate; costa long-excurrent. Pedicel not much longer than capsule. Monoecious or subparoecious. — Rocks often near cascades. Eur. not r., nearly common in alps. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. »Can. Rocky mts: Drummond»: Lesq. et Jam. B. Upper leaf-cells subquadrate. Leaves crisped or circinnate. a* Leaves crowded, not distinctly sheathing. ^ if If ' .£ — 324 — 5.B.poilliforilli8 L. — Biyum L.; Bartramia Hedwig. " ' '^ ' Leaves nearly graHnally tapering and long-subulate, not de- current, crisped; costa not long-excurrent. Pedicel exserted above shoots. Monoecious or subparoecious. — On earth princ. on rocks. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Can.: Macoun; Wa^'horne. U. S.: SuUivant, com. C. M. b. Leaves sheathing, more or less distant. - i B.B.crispa Swartz. i »iU' /slit/iJit H ■ TiCaves nearly gradualUy tapering to a not long subula, not decurrent, circinnate; costa not long-excurrent. Perichetial leaves with very long-excurrent costa. Pedicel us. not exserted above shoots. Tufts sparingly radiculose, green or dark green. Paroe- cious or synoecious. — Rocks not r. Eur. Sweden! Amer. Can.: Macoun. i •. Jii,-,.! aiu-if-iu^ H T.B.glancoTiridis C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves sublinear abruptly short-subulate subcircinnate not decurrent; costa subpercurrent or short-excurrent. Pedicel not long. Tufts glaucous green very radiculose. Subparoecious. — Wet rocks in alps r. Amer. Can. ri. C, near Revelstoke: Macoun. S.B.cIrcinnulata C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves abruptly tapering and long-subulate circinnate decur- rent; costa very long-excurrent. Capsule and flowers unknown. Tufts bright green .•sparingly radiculose. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. ■; I /' .1 hu.i-fihi-ut.n.^ IL Plagiopus Bridel. . .H O.B.Oederi Gunner. — Bryum Gunn.; Bartramia Swartz. Leaves gradually narrowed short-subulate not sheathing, slightly curling; upper cells subquadrate; costa percurrent. Cap- sule erect when moist, sometimes small. Tufts compact. Synoe- cious. — Rocks princ. in alps. Eur. common in subalp. region. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Can.: Macoun. 189. Philonotis Bridel. L Eu-Fhilonotis. Male flowers disciform with more or less patent leaves. Dioecious, wi'di: , ' ■ » ^ ;,' u. . > . ' ju 's • 1. Hoinomorphse. Leaves nearly uniform small narrow, serrate (without double mamilkc at borders), not falcate, often distant. Perigonial leaves acuminate acute. Stem often subcapillary. 2. DimorpbaB. Leaves gt-n. dimorphous and large, r. distant: somt short subovate with us. not recurved borders, the others gen. ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, often recurved at base and sometimes falcate; borders serrate or furnished with double maniillffi. Stem gen. long and tliick with long branches. . ;iuiJ — 325 — II. Fhilonotllhl. Malo ilowors gcinniiforni with erect leaves. Monoecious or dioecious. Leaves small narrow, noarl}' erect when moist, not reflexed, faintly mamillose without double mamillffi, often nearly appressed when dry. Fruiting stem very short. . . . < i .- , .f ■•■-.. '■=-•• . :• -V •• / r. Eu-Philonotis. > .■,•.'' "* i >: ^ ' »Leave8 very distant; costa not excurrent. — Eur. r. Swit- zerl. and Germany*: Linipricht. .... 'i.Ph.Muchlenbergii Bridel, Differs from the last: Leaves smaller, more distant; costa long-excurreni; stem thinner, subcapillary: capsule .-imaller. — Springs in sandy rocks r. Amer. ('an.. U'lcoun. U. S.: Roell; Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. 3.Ph.Macounii Lesquereux et .James. Leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate, long-subulate, sharply serrate princ. above, crowded, smaller and shorter than in Ph. marchica; costa long-excurrent. Perigonial leaves horizon- tally spreading, ovate-hmceolate acute not subulate; costa not well-defined, obsolete not excurrent. Inner perichetial leaves leaching far above vaginula with long-excurreut co.sta. Stem somewhat short. — Amer. r. Can. Pacif, distr.: J. Macoun. \ B. Leaves (at least some ones) recurved, ovate-lanceolate. Capsules not seen. Stem us. Bubc^pillary. a. Leaves nearly smooth and not sharply serrate; costa short-excurrent. 4.Ph.Arneilil Husnot m. G. — »Ph. parvula Lindb.»: Philibert. ' Leaves distant long-subulate short-decurrent. Perigonial leaves ovate- lanceolate subulate horizontally patent; costo excurrent. — Wet rocks r. Eur. Sweden: Zctterstedt. Ah.cr. Greenl.: Wenck, com. Roell. ^qqpQpr^iwiiiii, miif m 1 1 iiMi ijn 326 3 m A V ss .>ty ■ ::■'(.; PI fA^^ i tu. , •9 ill 1 'Mit^'J, iM'-ll V.'^,-- '■;* 5.Ph.8iibeapil1ari8 Kindberg n. ep. — Ph. capillaris Lindb. ? Leaves nearly crowded, shorter acuminate than in the last: perigonial patent erect subovate short acuminate with not ex- current costa, the inner sometimes obtuse. — Wet earth r. Eur. Switzerl. near Lugano! fo. Leaves very mamillose and sharply serrate; costa long- excurrent. e.Ph.vaiicoineriensis Kindb. n. sp. Leaves long-subulate: perigonial patent-erect broadly ovate- lanceolate acute nearl}' nerveless. — Amer. r Can. Vane, isl.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. '^. Dimorphse. A. Leaves smooth or only at borders furnished with few double mamillee; cells ver}-^ pellucid somewhat large. T.Ph.glabriuscula Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves not long gen. decurrent, nearly appressed when dry; those of shoots spreading. Capsules and flowers unknown. — Springs r. Amer. Ca.i.: Moser; Waghorr^. U. S: Roell. B. Leaves very mamillose also at the inner cells. ■ a. Perigonial leaves acute distinctly costate. S.Ph.calcarea Br. eur. Leaves large gen. serrate without double mamillaj, us. long crowded and falcate: perigonial us. horizontally spreading. Tufts gen. very high. — Calcaiaous rocks and swamps. Eur. not r. Swedenl Switzerl.!; Schimper. Greece: Heldreich. A'>ner. r. »U. S.»; Lesq. et Jam. iv. ^ ■ *Ph.molIis Venturi. Leaves of sterile stems very distant. Tufts low and loose. — Eur. Austria: Venturi. Portugal: com, Venturi. Swedenl * Ph.Ci©spitosa Wilson. ■ Leaves more dimorphous, often with some double mamilla; at borders, gen. not crowded: perigonial patent-erect. — Swamps. Eur. not common. Belgium: Gravet. Germany: Warnstorf. Amer. >Greenl.!»: Lange. »U. S.»: Cardot. 9.Ph.alpicola Juratzka. Differs from Ph. calcarea: Leaves shorter and broader, more recurved and us. appressed with patent point, either serrate or partly with double mamillce, r. falcate. Perigonial leaves us. patent-erect. — In alps r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Waghorne. (ireenl.: Vanhoeffen. lO.Ph.acutiflora Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 67. Leaves not serrate and not falcate, recui'ved to or above . "tmmm W\ few — 327 - middle, with double mamillfe, gen. appressed when dry, Rmaller than in Ph. calcarea. Perigonial leaves horizontally spreading. Tufts not high; fruiting stem very low. — Amer. r. Can.: Ma- coun. U. S.: Roell. b. Perigonial leaves gen. all obtuse subovate, the inner not distinctly costate. , ll.Ph.fontana L. — Mnium L.; Philonotis Bridel. Leaves plicate below, us. with numerous uouble nianiillie, mostly crowded: perigonial obtuse patent-erect. Tufts us. glau- cous green. — Wet places common and very veriable. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Swiizerl.! Greece: ileldreich. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. *Ph.seriata Mitten. — Bartramia Mitt.; Philonotis Lindb. Shoot-leaves gen. distant, spirally twisted when dry. — Ri- vulets in alps not common. Eur. Norwayl France: Oasilien. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: .' M. Macoun. * Fh.gracilescens Schimper. — Ph. fontana *angU8tifolia Kindb. Laubm. Sch\\. u. Novw. Leaves (nearly all) small and narrow, often not recurved, those of shoots gen. dift.ftnt: perigonial subacute at least the outer. Stem somewhat thin. Habit of Ph. tnarchica. — Wet rocks princ. in alps. Eur. not common. Sweden, Norwayl France: Husnot. Spetsbergen: R. Gyllencreutz. C. Perigonial leaves not seen. Other leaves not plicate. 12.Ph.Mohrli C. M.; Bartramia C. M., Philonotis Lq. et Jam. Leaves crowded, resembling those of Ph. fontana, but minutely serrulate above, gen. with double mamillfe below, not distinctly plicate, reflexed below, straight, open also when dry; costa long-excurrent. Capsn.le faintly plicate when dry; lid umbonate. Stem not high; pedicel as long. — Rotten logs r. Amer. U. S.: Louisiana: Mohr, com. C. Mueller. Id.Ph.adpressa Fergusson; Braithwaite. Leaves with gen. double inamillce, broad-ovate uniform, distant decurreut nearly appressed when dry; costa gen. not excurrent. Tufts long loose nearly eradiculose. Capsules unknown. — Wet places r. Eur. »Engl.»: Braithwaite. Amer. Greenl: Van- hoeffen. IL Philonotula C. Mueller. A. Leaves serrulate all around, narrowly ovate-lanceolate. a. Leaves subulate at apex; costa excurrent. Monoecious. 14.Ph.rlglda Bridel. Leaves faintly papillose or mamillose nearly crowded, ub. i' ?ffl i: 1) ^M i : Vr 'f 4 , ■ !l r-iji 11 'i ' ■' 1 ^ ^ w' ^' fii :;< ^'Ibr U 'i i i 11 ii,' III- If J I H 1 I i,. iW'i - 328 — iipprepped when dry. Perichetial leaves long from broad base abruptly subulate. Capsule Bomewhat large. Fruiting stem very short with few^ stem-leaves and short verticillate branches. — Wet rocks in warmer districts r. Eur. Switzerl.! France: Philibert. Spain: Levier. Italy: Bottini. Engl.: Holt. 15.Ph.radicali8 Beauvols. — Bartramia Beauv.; Sulliv. icon, muse; Philonotis Kindb. Differs from the last: Leaves more gradually acuminate: perichetial longer-subulate; costa short-excurrent; branch-leaves often open-erect when dry. Capsule somewhat smuUer; pedicel thinner. — Wet places r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. and Vane isl.: Macoun. U. S.: Mohr, com. Macoun. b. Leaves acute not subulate; costa percurrent. Dioecious. 16.Pli.tenella C. Mueller. ■ .V^ '• -/"^ ^ ....-.;. Leaves crowded appressed when dry, smaller than in the last: perichetial subulate not much broader; perigonial sublinear long-subulate nearly nerveless. — Amer. r »U. S.»: C. M. (Cuba: Wright, herb. Sullivant, com. C. 'i'/ t 'jr). B. Leaves entire and nearly smooth in lower half, sublinear- subulate. Capsules and flowers unknown. n.Pli.piiinila Kindb. n. sp. ^„ . Leaves erect, smaller and narrower than in Ph. rigida; costa scarcely excurrent. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. — Amer. r. Can. Ontario near Belleville: Macoun. ' 140. Anacolia Schimper. ' l.A.Menziesii Turner. — Bartramia Turn.; Sulliv. ic. m.; Ana- colia Kindb. iSV ''15,; :. -f" .nii^Uiilh ,Vy.;;^.J l;./!?.-; , . . ui.f Leaves smooth from subovate base nearly gradually subulate, serrate to the plicate basal part, nearly ajipressed when dr}'; lower cells short-rectangular, u])per longer; costa short-excurrent or percurrent. Capsule globose pale or reddish brown; teeth short or none; pedicel us. longer than capsule to 1 c. m. Tufts green soft and silky, tomentose. Dioecious. — Rocks r. Amer, Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun. U. S.: E. Hall; Leiberg, com. Mrs Britton. 2.A.Webbii Montague. — Glyi)hGcarpus Mont.; Anacolia Sch. Dif?"ers from the last: Leaves mamillose brittle serrate in uppei third; cells gon. qua{lrate: nnddle rectangiil ". r'-.psule red-brown; pedicel shorter; teeth L.one. Tufts r!;.';l I bru^vn ^r^.c. i, — Earth and rocks r. iJM;\ Mcditerr, distr. »Sp,ain a. ,?'. i-(U'r.ioa^: Schimp (Canary islands: Huenot). Ull ■A\H. > ! I ' i I -I — B29 — ,1*;..^.., 141 Bartramidula Bi-uch et Sthiniper. -• - l.B.Wil80ili Br. et Sch. — PhilonotiH Braithw.; Burtramia C. M. Leaves from suboblong entire base tapering to tlie serrulate acute acumen; upper cells longer-rectangular, the lower shorter; costa not percurrent. Capsule small globose-piriform with short neck; pedicel longer. Tufts scarcely 1 c m. high. — Rocks r. Eur. Engl.: Rogers; George. Scotl.: Fergusson. .i - .f-sJ .u, ; .■«»!:. .-;:5j;.h 142. CatoscopiF.!!! Bridel. -f*' a^^^^- l.C.nigritum Hedwig. — Weisia H.; Catoscopium Brid. Leaves small entire ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate acuminate acute; costa percurrent. Capsule red-brown finally blackish glossy, resembling a pinhead in size; pedicel red. Spores about 0,04 m. m. Dioecious. — Swamps and turfy soil in alps or as relics from glacial periode. Eur. common in northern alps. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Spetsbergen: Berggren. Engl.: Manchester Crypt, society. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. :• s- -' ■:■' v :,'; ; f. > -i^,., / .rv r;.-:>r'v' j;,,:; * F.calyescens Schwregrichen. Leaves lanceolate short-acuminate not convolute, crisped. Stem higher. — Eur. Switzerl.l Greece: Orphanides. Amer, Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. *F.RaYenelii Austin. ;♦ ,, !..-. Li'i.h- — ;.-* >- Comal leaves narrower, spreading; costa percurrent. — Amer. U. S.»: Lq. et Jam. , . 2.F.COlivoluta Hampe. Differs from F. hygrometrica: Capsule smaller, finally furrowed; teeth yellowish^ eudostome often rudimentary; lid umbonate. Leaves sornetimes short acuminate. — Amer. r. U. S. Pacif. distr. near Washington: Roell. S.F.arctica Kindb. n. sp. — F- hygrometrica var. arctica Berggren. Resembling a small state of F. hygrometrica with smaller leaves and capsules. Differs from it: Spores twice as large, about 0,02 m. m. Leaves ovate mostly obtuse. Peristomial teeth with prominent ribs only near apex; pedicel short. — Earth in arctic distr. r. Amer. Creenl.: JSerggren, 4. F. microstoma Brvol. eur. v . Resembling F. hygrometrica. Differs from it: Capsule smaller, less rugose often pale; pedicel short; endostome very short or rudimentary; spores 0,02 m. m. Leaves smaller, more or i^ss acuminate. — Wet sand or clay in alps r. ^ur. Swit?^erl.i Austria: Breidler. France: Brebisson. Amer. »tJ. S,»: Lq. et Jam. 5.F.flavicailS Michaux; Lesquer, et Jam. _■., Leaves ovate-oblong or obovate, abruptly attenuate to a long subulate or acicular point; costa sometimes excurrent. Capsule not or slightly rugose when dry; teeth with prominent ribs only at point; endostome rudimentary; lid umbonate; pedicel not long. Spores about 0,02 m. iS. oi larger. — Amer. r. U. S.; Vaeey, com. Macoun. 2. Exannulatse. A, Capsule oblique; endostome nearly as high as teeth. G.F.serrata Beauvois; irkilliv. icon, muscor. Leaves ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, gen. short-acuminate, serrate above; costa subpercurrent. Capsule slightly rugose when .. Ji it6x^..^liU&eitLxlii miii-iiViSi fii^kisirnnnm - — 831 — dry; teeth without prominent ribs; lid unihonate; pedicel some- what long. — Moist clay and sand r. Amer. U. S.: Langlois, com. Cardot. T.F.americana Lindberg; Sulliv. 1. c. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, obtusate or tapering to a long acicular point, entire or faintly serrate; costa sometimes not percurrent. Capsule not rugose; teeth sometimes with promi- nent ribs in lower part; lid obtusely apiculate; pedicel short. — Amer. r. U. S. Montana: Williams, herb. Demetrio, com. Roell. ,.:■; , : ^ ^ - . \,"i .-;- •- . . . D'.M,--'"' ' ■' B. Capsule not rugose, r. straight; endostome short. K S.F.calcarea Wahlenberg. Leaves oval-oblong or subobovate tapering to a gen. long subacicular point: upper us. serrate; costa us. not percurrent. Capsule oblique; pedicel short. — Calcareous soil in warmer districts. Eur. not r. Sweden! Austria: Breidler. France: Husnot. Amer. r. »Can. and U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. * »r.Muehlenbergii Schwcegrichen*: C. M. Leaves us. gradiuilly narrowed with subpercurrent or excur- rent costa. — Eur. Switzerl.l France; Husnot. Germany: W. Baur, com. C. Mueller. ; * F.mediterranea lindberg. Leaves us. entire and abruptly narrowed costa. — Eur. Italy: E. Adlerz. Amer. »U. S.>: "' F.coiivexa Spruce. Leaves larger and faintly Huiiate. \M of c«i)i||Lile not um- bonate. — Eur. southern distr, r. Italy: Boitini. France: Pliili- bert. Gree(!e; IhiUHHkuoobt; Heldreich. *F.pulchel!a IMiiiibert. Leaves smaller; costa short. — Eur. v. France: Philibert. Q.F.californica SuUivant et Lesquereux; Sull. ic. m. Leaves oval-oblong or subobovate subobtusate or very shortly acuminate without acicular point, entire or serrate; costa not percurrent. Capsule oblique (or erect symmetric) long-necked; teeth with slightly or not prominent ribs; lid umbonate; pedi- qbl short. — Clay soil r. Amer. U. S. Cahf.: Bolffinder, com. Renauld. — In SuUiv. icon, muscor. capsule is straight, leaves are entire. * F.pallescens Juratzka. — Entosthodon Jur.; Funaria Kindb. Capsule always straight symmetric; endostome very short; spores a little larger; lid not seen. Leaves entire. — Eur. v. Greece: Haussknecht. with abbreviate : Lescj. et Jam. 'M im If *-. . C.Pli.coloradense Britton bull. Torr, cJub 1894. Leaves subovate o})tusate or short pointe/l, pligbtly wrrftlo above; costa percurrent. Capsule f,ubgloboHe-plrifo//o; lid ftpi- J** :;ulatc. Amer. »U. S. r.»: Mrs Britton. 334 — b. Capsule emergent shorter than pedicel. ^''- viu/. " T.Fh.pygniflBum James. * . H ; ,> Leaves suboblong acute or short-acuminate, slightly serrate above; costa not percurrent. Capsule oblong-piriform; lid api- culnte. — Earth in alps i. Amer. »U. S. Utah»: Lq. et Jam. B. Pedicel of capsule long-exserted. a. Lid of capsule flat when ripe and moist. S.Ph.piriforme L. — Bryum L.; Physcomitrium Bridel; Ph. Drummondii Britton. ■' ■' Upper leav'es oblong-lanceolate not sharply acuminate, serrate above; costa not percurrent. Capsule not or slightly strangulate when dry; lid apiculate. — Wet earth and walls. Eur. com- mon in lowei districts. Sweden! Engl.: Rogers. France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. ' ' ' ••;" 9.Ph.turbiiiatlini Richard. — Ph. Kellermani Britton 1. c. Upper leaves iong-lanceolate sharply acuminate serrate above; costa percurrent or nhort-excurrent. (^npsule often strangulate when dry; lid us. mamillate, sometimes short-pointed. — Amer. r. Can.: Dearness. U. S.: com. Macoun; Boll and Brendel, com. C. Mueller. b. Lid of capsule convex us. mamillate. lO.Ph.megalocarpiini Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVL Upper leaves long-lanceolate sharply acuminate nearly entire yellow-margined; costa percurrent or short-excunent. Capsule us. large r. slightly strangulate. — Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. ; * Ph.californicum Britton 1. c. » Leaves shorter, oblong-lanceolate sometimes not sharply acuminate; costa not percurrent. Capsule smaller, slightly stran- gulate. — Amer. U. S.»: Mrs Britton. 11 Ph.Langloisii Renauld et Cardot. — Ph. australe Brit- ton 1. c. Differs from Ph. megalocarpum: l^eaves serrate all around, not or less distinctly yellow-margined; capsule not large, sometimes strangulate when dry; lid sometimes apiculate. — Amer. r. U. S.: Langlois, com. Cardot; C. Roell, com. J. Roell. 12.Ph.platyphylliiiii Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Leaves broad ovate-oblong: upper sharply acuminate serrate above; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Capsule not large, not distinctly strangulate when unripe. — Amer. r. Can.: Flet- cher, com. Macoun, ^ f: ■ — 335 — it Ph. II. PseudoFunaria Kindb. 13.Fh.Bol8Bnderi Lesquereux. — Entosthodon Leeq.; Sull. ic. m.; PhyBcomitriimi Kiiulb. , i Leaves from subobovate base abruptly narrowed to a short Bubulate acumen, nearly entire. Capsules piriform; pedicel not long; lid convex maniillate; ealyptra with very long beak. — Clay soil r. Amer. »U. 8. Calif: Bohender*: Sullivant. ii !>;-fi.,j ;■ 146. Pyramfdula Bridel. 1 .P.tetragona Bridel. Upper leaves ovate Bhort-acuminate acute entire; cells larger than in Pottia truncafula; costa us. excurr( nt. Capsule sub- globose with short thick neck; lid short obtuse; ealyptra verti- cally splitting. Hpores 0,04 — 0,07 m. m. Monoecious. — Meadows princ;. cloverfields in early spring. Eur. less r. Sweden: Flartnian. Germany: Huebner. Amer. r. »IJ. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 147. Discoliiiin Bridel. 1 .D.imdllin Dickson. — Bryum Dicks.; Discolium Brid. Leaves ovate oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate nearly hya- line. Capsule cernuous very small; pedicel thin reddish. Pro- tonema evolute in the autumn. Dioecious. — ^Vet sand viz. by rivers r. Eur, Sweden! Norway: ^. Ny man. Germany: Schem- mann. Amer. »U. S. »: Lesq. et Jam. Fam. 32. BryacesB. 148. Leucolepis Lindberg. l.L.acanthoueura Schwa)grichen. — Hypnum Schw.; Leuco- lepis Lindb.; Brynni Menziesii Hooker; Mnium C. M. Leaves distant long-decurrent simply serrate not limbate. Lower leaves squamiform hyaline, orange at base, gen. long and ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate cuspidate. Upper stem- leaves ovate short-acuminate or filiform-pointed. Branch-leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate-lanceolate acute carinate; costa dentate at back, not excurrent. Outer perichetial leaves long- acuminate; costa long-excurrent. Capsule large Miiium-like brown-red inclined or cernuous; pedicels long, often in pairs; lid not seen. Tufts loose tomentose at base. Dioecious. — Earth and logs in woods. Amer. Pacif. distr. r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Howell, com. Cardot. 149. KhJizogonium Bridel. 1 .R.spilliforme L. — iiypnum L.; Rhizogonium Bruch. Lowest leaves short; the others distant long sublinear short- •in If* ^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. ( 1.0 l.i 1.25 ■£ m 1122 £ US I2.C 1.4 1.6 .*^^'^^ ^ '^V^ ^ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET web:;ter, N.Y. usao (716) 872-4503 ^\^ iV '^ o ^v ^ ^v % 6'^ '1>^ ^ ^^. i^r ^ ^ 336 — m ti Biibulate thickened at the doubly dentate margin?, flexnous when dry, nearly straight when moist; costa short-excurrent. Outer perichetial leaves short simply dentate; costa long-excur- rent. Capsule subobovate faintly curved; lid with short red beak; teeth brown, pale at apex; endostome yellow; cilia short- appendiculate; pedicel subba?ilar pale red very long. Tufts tomentose below, often high. Synoecious. flabit of Hypna -see in capsule and its lateral pedicel. — Swamps in subtropical districts. Anier. U. S.: Fitzgerald, com. Renauld (Cuba: Wright, com. C. Mueller). .t 150. Timifiia Hedwig. A. Sheath of leaves with finally redbruwn cells; costa us. dentate at bnck. Dioecious. l.T.aiistriaca Hedwig. Leaves from broad sheath abruptly narrowed to the sublan- ceo'iate in upper half serrate gen. obtuse and faintly involute laLiina, not or loosely appressed when dry. Capsule sulcate when dry; cilia not appendiculate; lid apiculate. — Shaded often dry locks. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Macoun, ■ , 2.T.arctica Kindb. in botan. notiser 1898. Leaves above sheath tapering to the broad-lanceolate obtuse entire or to Ys f^nntly denticulate not much riarrower and scarcely Involute lamina, impressed at both sides above sheath, appressed when dry and not much open when moist, much smaller than in the last; costa nearly smooth. Stems not or loosely tufted, about 3 — 4 c. m. high. Capsules unknown. — Swamps in arctic districts r. Eur. Spetsbergen: R. Gyllencreutz 1883. Aner. »Greenl.»: Berggren. ..v;^..' . ■■; i B. Sheath of leaves with pale either hyaline or (in elder leaves) pale l)rown cells; costa not dentate. a. Low'.r leaves short gen. obtusate. Dioecious very r. frui- ting. Tufts pale green. »Cilia not appendiculate »: Juratzka. S.T.norvegica Zetterstedt. ^-i -j/- ?nr , i:-' • -a ;)!.*.)■. r- Upper leaves channelled longer acuminate, entire or indistinctly denticulate in lower half; elder sheath-cells partly pale brown. — Wet alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.I Spetsbergen:' R. Gyllencreutz. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. b. Cilia appendiculate. Leaves acuminate not short. Monoe- cious. Tufts brown below, green above. . i 4.T.megapoiitana Hedwig. Leaves channelled serrate in whole lamina; nearly all broadly — 337 — Bhort-acuniinnio, onlj^ the uppermost long-acnmin.-ite; elder phcKth-cells pale yellowish brown. — Wet meadows and swamps or r. on rocks. Eur. r. »Germany.: Limpricht. Amer. less r. Can.: Maconn. U. S.: Roell. S.T.bavarica Hessler. .■ • -ii> •< Differs from the last: Nearly all leaves subconvolute serrate in upper half; sheath-cells hyaline. — Crevices and caverns of rocks. Eur. not r. Norway! Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 151. Alllacoiniliuiii Schwsegrichen. ;. I. Orthopyxis. Capsule red-brown often straight; pedicel not very long. Male flowers gemmiforra. Leaf-cells rotundate green nearly uniform. Tufts green not high. Not growing in swamps. II. Gymnocybe. Capsule brown not straight; pedicel very long. Male flowers discoid. Tipper leaf-cells round-angular, lowest basal iarger us. brown. Tufts us. high large and yello- wish. Dioecious. Growing in swamps. I. Orthopyxis Palisot de Beauvois. '• '!'''•■ l.A.anilrogyniini L. — Mnium L.; Aulacomnium Schwsegrichdn. Leaves broader below, gradually tapering and sublinear sub- obtuse, denticulate above, recurved below to middle. Capsule straight subcylindric; teeth pale yellow; lid conic; pedicel longish. Often with globose pedicellate buds. Dioecious. — Rocks and stumps princ. in lower districts. Eur. common. Sweden, Ger- many! Amer. Can.: Macoun, 2.A.heter08tichllin Beauvois. — Orthopyxis Beauv.; Aulaco- mnium Br. eur. Lower leaves obovate; upper suboblong subobtuse or apicu- late, slightly reflexed near base, serrate nearly all around. Capsule oblong-cylindric often curved; teeth whitish; lid ro- stellate; pedicel not long. Monoecious. — On base of trees. Amer. eastern states. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Green, com. Cardot. II. Gymnocybe Ahnfelt e* Fries. 3.A.palU8tre L. — Mnium L.; Aulacomrtium Schwa)gr. ■■■■i Leaves not cucullate, serrulate above, gen. sublanceolate, very papillose, us. twisted when dry. Inner perichetij^l leaves subu- late; costa cxcurrent. Capsule often curved; lid rostellate. Tufts us. tomentose, often with pseudopodia (pedicellate buds). — Swamps common. Etir. Sweden, Swltzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. > . - . . * A.papniosiini C. M. in Flora 1875. Leaves with longer papilla3, long-decurrent; alar ceils larger, } h '! Si — 338 — Bubrectangular. Capsules unknown, — Amer. U. S. Colorado: com. C. Mueller. * A.fasciculare Bridel. — Mnium Brid.; Aulacomnium Kindb. Leaves smaller and shorter, entire obtuse somewhat distant. — In alps r. Eur. »Austria»; Limpricht. Amer. Greenl.: Van- hoeffen. * A.imbricatum Br. eur. ' -* Leaves shorter, entire obtuse imbricate. Tufts nearlv eradi- culose. Habit of A. turgidum. — Princ. in alps, r. Eur. France: Payot, com. Husnot, Amer. Can.: Macoun. * A.polycephalum Bridel. — Mnium Brid.; Aulacomnium Br. eur. Leaves more acute and nearly subulate gen. small. Capsu- les unknown. — Eur. r. Belgium: Verheggen, com. Husnot. 4. A.turgidum Wahlenberg. — Mnium Wng; Aulacomnium Schwsegr. Leaves mcuUate above, suboblong entire obtuse imbricate nearly smooth; costa somewhat short. Inner periehetial leaves stibacute; costa not percurrent. Capsule nearly straight; lid not rostellate. Tufts nearly eradiculose without pseudopodia. R. fruiting. — Pumid places princ. in northern alps. Eur. Norway not uncommon! Sweden: E. Nyman. Spetsbergen common: R. Gyllencreutz. Amer. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. >(;: -,<:» is ^^ 152. Mniuin Linne, in part. I. Pseudo-Bryum. Leaf-cells elongate suboblong. Leaves large nearly entire not distinctly limbate. Dioecious. H. Eu-Mnium* Leaf-cells ger. round-hexagonal except the marginal and sometimes the inner near costa. ' i ;,! A. Leaves entire limbate; outer periehetial broad not long. 1. Hymenophylloidea. Leaves small, those of decumbent shoots distichous. Capsules unknown. 2. Punctatiformia. Leaves large not distichous; uppermost rosulate. Lid of capsule rostrate or rostellate. ; ■? ! ; ^-i' ;.f.i, B. Leaves entire or dentate us. not limbate: outer periehe- tial long narrow sublinear. Lid of capsule convex mamillate. Dioecious. 3. Siellariforiliia. Leaves bluish when moist; cells not large. ". r.^i-, • w-K Mv.:-: ■ n ''-'.;-'. wW .i ' 1. Hymenophylloidea. .,i. tu;;' o 'i.M.hymenophylloides Huebener. Leaves circular or round-oval gen. obtuse, pale-limbate glau- cous or bright green; costa not percurrent. Stem not tomen- tose. — .\lp. rocks r, Eur. Norway, Switzeri.! Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. ' • 2. Pnnctatiformia. A. Leaves narrowly limbate by 1—2 pale cell-rows, short- decurrent. Capsule broad-oval less large. Synoecious or dioecious, ¥ tii It % 1^ $ in I* h; r mS^ - 340 m \{M, B.M.siib^lobosiini Br. em Leaves green epatliulate nt least the upper; inner cells gen. large. Inner perichetial leaves ovate subobtuse; cells oblong- ovul. Stem often tomentose. — Swamps princ. in northern alps. Eur. not common. Norway, Switzerl.l Sweden: R. Hart- man. Spetsbergen: R. Gyllencreutz. Amer. r. Greenl.: Van- hoeffen. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. B. Leaves broadly limbate by 3—4 often red cell- rows, not ^ decurrent. Capsule us. large euboval. Dioecious. -ritiS^r^ 4.M.punctatnill Schreber. — Bryum Schreb.; Mniuia Hedwig. Leaves broad- oval or round-oval finally blackish or reddish; innermost cells larger than the outer. Inner perichetial leaves ovate- lanceolate acuminate; cells sublinear. Stem us. tomentose. — Wet places. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl! Amer. not r. Can.: J, Macoun. U. S.: Wetherby. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. S.M.glabrescens Kindb. note on Canad. bryol. 1893. Leaves oval-lingulate green or pale red, not nigrescent; the uppermost subobiong or oblong-lanceolate; cells smaller than in the Inst. Perichetial leaves as in M. suhglohosum. Stem nearly glabrous. Pedicel often longer than in M. punctatum. — Earth and old logs. Amer. Pacif. distr. not uncommon. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun; Dawson. U. S. Calif.: Marshall A. Howe. i>ii :vuv:i( -1 -n --H'liif; ' /^ M.clilorophyllosum Kindb. n. subsp. Capsule (unripe) narrowly oblong. Leaf-cells very chloro- phyllose. Stem tomentose. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. On- tario: Macoun. • iij^;wv^ ,:r;=viai;iA ,• f 3. Stellariformia. iuIok .!•>:; ^•r;f:\i 6.M.stel!are Reichard; Hedwig. Leaves not or indistinctly limbate oblong-oval us. entire or the uppermost (of fruiting stem) denticulate above; shoot-leaves of- ten distichous. — On rocks and base of trees. Eur. not un- common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Austria: C. E. Kindberg. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Moser. -jm .'lU ^,'.MHr.'.jfi?q'^>!J'5{uy«.n, l 7.M.BIyttii Bryol. eur. Leaves '' L least on fruiting stem) red-limbate often doubly dentate, us. larger than in the last, not distichous. R. fruiting. — Rocks in northern alps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Can.: Ma- 4. Cuspidatiformia. .^ii'A. Leaves crowded dentate all around, spreading when gen. blong- rthern Hart- Van- 1 — 341 — moist. Ciiphule yellowish finally red-yellow witli red moutlj; neck dark red tapering to pedicel, sterile shoots erect often ciavate. ^t'lti /; m.m;. :■ r. ../> /■ ;i;.,f ,h'> '• i'^'/.- S.M.yenustuni Mitten; Sulliv. ie. m. — M. Neevii C. M. Leaves oval or subobovnte; cells small. Capsules clustered often 4—6; endostomial membrane not perforated. — Trees and rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Howell, com. Cardot. i'> •'''.'.■•',-"i ''H '■ if^'yi.y !!\ '■<>,<, li .'.,\r ."^ B. Leaves not crowded, entire below, patent when moist. Capsule greenish finally brownish; neck not distinct. O.M.cuspidatum Schreber. — Bryum Schreb.; Mnium Leysser. Leaves suboblong long decurrent; cells small. Capsule soli^ tary; endostomial membrane perforated; lid apiculate. Tufts loose us. witli numerous decumbent stolons. — Woods and rocks. Eur. common in lower distr. Sweden, Germany, Italy! Amer. Can.: Macoun. lO.M.Drummondii Bruoh et Schimper; Sulliv. icon. ra. — M. Bubmarginatum Nawaschin et Zinger. /iiVZ *U.''-> .;,;>.'' M-jd Leaves oval or subobovate, somewhat larger than in the last with longer teeth and larger cells. Leaves of fruiting stem short-decurrent. Capsules us. clustered '^ — 3; endostomial mem- brane not perforated; lid mamillate or obtuse. Tufts dense, r. with decumbent or decurved stolons. Sometimes with distinct male Howers. — Old logs in woods. Eur. v. Russia: Zinger, com. Zickendrath. »Germany»: Milde. Amer. less r. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: A. G. Wetherby. 5. Rosulata. ^ ■•■'' '''" ' ■ *.-?,<., ;,t,- A. Leaf-cells gen. hexagonal-oval and seriate, at least the inner near costa. Dioecious, n-. . v- .r^n :iiinr'..:.- :,r;-t.\^i7/o ILM.afflne Blandow. Leaves oblong-oval or narrower, dentate all around (r. entire), us. short-decurrent; teeth us. long; nearly all inner cells suboval. Capsules often clustered 2—3. Tufts loose. — Wet grassy places. Eur. not r. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. ♦M.ciliare Greville. — Bryum Grev.; Mnium Lindberg. »L'^aves with long ciliiform teeth »: C. M. syn. — Eur. »Swe- den»: Lindberg. Amer. »U. S.»: Greville. • H'jitj^fjn.'^ ♦M.Seligeri Juratzka et Milde. Leaves gen. narrow and long-decurrent with short teeth. Capsule us. solitary. Shoots erect. — Rooks. i,Vr. not r. Sweden! Belgium: Gravet. Amer. »U. S.**: Lesq. et Jam. it \\L . I') > 'I ' i'.; ri* I ;1 — 342 — tm 12.M.rugicum Laurer. Leaves oblong-oval or narrower, gen. entire and short-decur- rent; the uppermost faintly dentate and not much larger than the lower, less distinctly rosulate; cells gen. round-hexagonal, the innermost near costa oval. Shoot-leaves nearly entire. Tufts loose. — Swamps r. Eur. Sweden, Norway! Germany: Warnstorf. Amer. Can. near Ottawa and N. Labrador: Macoun. B. Leaf-cells round-hexagonal not seriate. Often synoecious. Leaves dentate all around, the uppermost rosulate. .' <^ a. Leaves very narrow, oblong-lanceolate acuminate; the outer perichetial longer acuminate. Plants robust. 13.M.in$igne Mitten; Sullivant icon, muscor. ^ Leaves long-decurrent. Capsules us. clustered 3 — 5; lid us. mamillate. Stem us. with decumbent stolons. Tufts loose. Dioecious. — Wet ground r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr. in Brit. Col.: Macoun. 14.M.robU8tuin Kindb. n. sp. — M. medium * robustum Kfndb. bull. Torr. club XVIL Leavfs not or very short-decurrent. Synoecious. Otherwise as the last. — Earth in bogs and woods r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. b. Leaves short broad or lv').M.iliediuill Bryol. eur. .Leaves not or slightly decurrent with not ciliiform teeth: lower oval-obiong obtuse, upper subobovate-lingulate, outer pe- richetial short-acuminate. Capsules us. in pairs or solitary; lid apiculate. Tufts loose. SLoots us. erect. Plants robust. Synoe- cious. — Wet rocks and woods. Eur. not common. Sweden, Switzerl.! Austria: Breidler. Amer. r. Can. Prince Edw. isl.: Macoun. .•!!::; • iHi>ji.ii * M.boreale Kindb. n. fiubsp. Pedicel and stem very much shorter; leaves and capsules smaller. Leaves not decurrent. Capsule gen. solitary and straight; lid convex sometimes mamillate. Tufts dense. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeldl * M-CUrvatulum Lindberg. — Astrophyllum Lindb.; Mnium Limpr. > Capsules clustered oblong-cylindric curved very wide-mouthed, smaller and shorter than in M. medium; lid depressed semi- globose conic not mamillate. Stems not tufted. Synoecious. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Sweden in Lapland: Hj. Holmgren »: Lindb. musci scand. Earth in bogs and woods r. Amer. only the uppern i.OSt narrow. — 343 — f; ?; the Tufts loose. — Rocks distr. Sweden. Switzerl.I le.M.arcficiini Kindb. in Biblioth. botan. 42 (1897). Lower leaves decurrent with long ciliiform teeth, oblong obtuse; the uppermost oblong-lanceolate short-acuminate acute; outer perichetial ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate acute. Cap- sule solitary small (as in M. cuspidatum) suboval; pedicel not long. Tufts loose, about 2 c. m. high. Shoots erect. Dioe- cious. Habit of M. cuspidatum. — Arctic district r. Amer. Greenl. Karajak-Nunatak: Vanhoeffen. ;■ .. .^ • 6. Rostrata. h- ; ; ,., IT.M.rostratum Schrader. Leaves not or slightly decurrent: lower small rotundate or broad-oval; upper oval or broadly obovate obtuse, entire below. Capsules yellowish often clustered, and stonewalls. Eur. not r. in lower Amer. Can. not uncommon: Macoun. 7. Undulata. .. V' ' : i.. IS.M.undulatum Weis. Leaves decurrent obtuse dentate all around. Capsules often clustered. — Wet woods in lower distr. Eur. nearly common. SwedenI; J. Persson. Denmark: M. F. Lange. Greece: Heldreich. 8. Spinosa. 19.M.8pin08nm Voit. — Bryum Voit; Mnium Schwsegrichen. Leaves curled when dry: upper subobovate; inner perichetial us. doubly dentate limbate. Tufts dark green loosely cohering. Dioecious. — Earth and rocks in woods, sometimes in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Norway, Switzerl.I Ainer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 20.M.spinuto8um Bryol. eur. Leaves not or slightly curled: upper subobovate; inner peri- chetial us. simply dentate and not limbate. Tufts bright green densely cohering. Synoecious. — Base of trees. Eur. r. Austria: Schimper. France: Husnot. Germany: Progel. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Dawson. 'ijt-t ; i . ;; :; * M.macrociliare C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves dark-green smaller; teeth more ciliiform, sometimes simple. Capsule solitary. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 9. Serrata. ' ' /^' A. Synoecious or paroecious without special male plants. Stem us. radiculose between lower leaves. 2LM.niarginatuiIl Dickson. — Bryum Dicks. 1790; Mnium Beauvois; M. serratum Schrader ? (1791); Br. eur. Leaves long-decurrentj costa scarcely percurrent. Upper i, 51) S L j! Ji'i'Mi'i'i;, — 344 — stem-leftves Hiiboblong subobtuso sbort-ftcumiimto, dentate ubove middle; lower leaves oval obtuse entire; phoot- leaves also entire. Capsule oval-oblong not strangulate, with not or slightly dilated mouth; lid rostellate or apiculate; teeth brownish. Tufts green or finally brownish green us. dense, often high. — On earth. Eur. romnion. Sweden, ^.-'witzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun. 22.M.Niagar(e Kindb. oat. Canad. m. Leaves gen. indistinctly decurrent. Upper stem-leaves lanceo- late acuminate dentate to below middle, crowded and not de- current; costa excurrent. Lower leaves obh)ng acute more or less dentate. Upper shoot-leaves also dentate. Capsule cylin- dric-fusiform strangulate wide-mouthed; lid obli<|uely rostrate; teeth yeilov;. Tufts loose dark green. — On earth under treea near water r. Amer. Can. Niagara: Macoun. .n ' . ,.,i . B, Dioecious (with separate male plants). Stem gen. not radiculose between leaves. Upper leaves us, dentate all around. a. Leaves crisped (princ. on long us. decumbent stolons), gradually larger upwards on fertile stem; costa not excurrent. 2B.M.ripariuill Mitten. — M. ambiguum H. Mueller. .; ; i Leaves oval-oblong subobtuse, dentate all around, often crow- ded and not decurrent on fertile stem; shoot-leaves small distant us. longdecurrent; cells larger than in M. orfhorhynchum. Cap- sule straight oblong-oval; teeth pale; lid rostellate. Stem not high. — Wet rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzcrl.l Sweden: E. Ny- man. Amer. Can.: Macoun, i.,i . , , , * 24.M.Uiiibratile Mitten; Sullivant icon. m. Leaves narrowly lanceolate acuminate very distant and long- decurrent. Capsule curved suboblong large often with long neck; teeth yellow; lid apiculate; pedicel often very long. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col,: Macoun, b. Leaves faintly curled. Stem without decumbent stolons. aa. Leaves distant long-decurrent. Tufts loose us. high. 25.M.lycopodioides Hooker. — Bryum Hook.; Mnium Schwsegr. Leaves lanceolate-acuminate gradually larger upwards; costa gen, excurrent. Capsule curved suboblong, larger than in M. orthorhynchuw,', teeth dark yellow or pale brown; lid rostellate. — Wet alp. rocks r. Eur. Switzerl, near Spluegen! {Asia, Sikkim: Wichura, com, Mus. Berolin.), 26,M.decurrens C, M. et Kindb. 1, c. .,] •.;..'.! iihTf^^ifj avyy-: Lower leaves small oval-oblong; upper suddenly larger, lan- ceolate acute less distant; costa not excurrent. Capsule straight suboval; teeth dark yellow; lid apiculate. Stem often very iibove entire. ililated green eaitli. — 345 — high. — Wet alp. rockH r. Amer. Can.: Brit. Col.: Macoun. U. S.: Roell. bb. Upper leaves nearly crowded and not or shortly decur- rent. Leaves gradually larger upwards. Tufts often low. -s 27.M.orthorhviichiim Bridel. Lower leaves suboval, upper suboblong gen. acute; costa not excurrent, us. dentate at back. Capsule straiglit suboval; teeth pale; lid rostellate. Tufts us. dense. Rocks princ. in alps. — Eur. not r. Norway, ►Switzerl.l France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. ., ,, , , ,, , 28.M.inclinatum Lindberg. Differs from the last princ. in shorter and smaller leaves; the lower rotundate or broad-ovate, the upper suboval subob- tuse. Capsule curved suboblong; teeth yellow; lid apiculate. Tufts often loose. R. fruiting. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Drummond; Macoun. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. 29.M.p8eil(1o-lycopodioides C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. — M. lyco- podioides Lesq. et Jam. Leaves as in M. orthorhynchum but gen. obtuse and more curled; costa not dentate, often excurrent. Capsule curved with distinct neck; teeth pale; lid rostellate. Tufts loose not high, -r- Base of trees in swamps r. Amer. Can.; Macoun. 10. Horna. .< vA SO.M.hornum L. . r .•: : Leaves sublinear-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, not or scar- cely decurrent. Capsule oblong or suboval; teeth pale. Tufts often high. Dioecious. — Rocks and woods. Eur. gen. com- mon. Sweden, Norway! Amer. Can.: Macoun. 153. Roellia Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. l.R.lucida Britton. — Bryum Britt.; Roellia Kind)).; Mnium Brotherus in Hedwigia 1893; M. Roellii Broth, in Bot. Central- blatt 1890. Lower leaves distant ovate acute long-decurrent entire not limbate; upper crowded not decurrent, subs[)athulate with short often twisted acumen, serrate in upper third, faintly reHexed below, limbate by 2 narrow cellrows; upper cells oval-oblong, lower oblong or narrower; costa abbreviate or short-excurrent. Comal leaves oblong-lingulate. Perichetiai leaves erect, shorter and much narrower, long-acuminate: inner nearly entire, neither limbate nor reflexed. Capsule long subcylindric pale rufous not constricted; teeth yellow; lid high-conic nhort-apiculate pale; pedicel very Jong, irregularly curved or geniculate. Tufts green. ■ t' it. lii II "It .j:;JtliJ\ i' 28 II Si ;* ti — 346 — ri '. ', ifU' — Near CftHOftdoK in alp. rcf-^ionH r. Amer. U. S. Or('fj;()n '2100 nu'tr. a. h.: J. Uoell, com. nrotheruH; Idaho 1850 metr. a. «.: Leiberg, com. Mrs E. G. Britton. 'ilLsiniplcx Kiiulb. — iirvum Kiiulb. cut. Cunad. m.; Mniutn (Roellia) Kindb. rcviic br3'ol. 189(5. auii'^nvfr' rnrio, rs, • Nearly allied to the last but well-distinct. DifferH from it: Leaves smaller, crowded and not decurrent. Comal leaves shorter, oval-spathiilate. Shoot-leaves nearly similar, more numerous and not distant, not or indistinctly limbate. Capsule constricted below the wide mouth; lid obtuse. Endostoma hyaline, cilia not appendiculate, spores small, ps in the lafct. — Alp. regions r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col., Gold Range 2100 metr. a. s., Vane. isl. (mt Benson): Macoun. 154. Khodobryum (Schimper, as subgenus) Limpricht. •"' l.B.roseum Weis. — Mnium Weis; Rhodobryum Limpricht; Bryum proliferum (L. as var.) yibthorp; Lindb.; Braithwaite. Comal leaves suboblong or broadly Ungulate, obtusate acute or abruptly broad-apiculate, serrate above middle, revolute be- low it; costa gradually narrower, not excurrent. Capsule red- brown suhsymmetric nearly straight; neck short not or slightly curved; lid conic or subc^nvex mamillate; archegonia 5 — 6; pedicels often clustered. — Wet places in woods in lower districts. Eur. nearly common. Sweden, Switzerl.I 2.fl.oiltariense Kindb. — Bryum Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVL Comal leaves Ungulate abruptly short-acuminate, much more numerous than in the last, dentate with large conHuent often yellowish teeth above to Y4 or Y3, revolute below the dentate part; costa stout excurrent. Capsule pale brown asymmetric; neck curved half as long; lid convex short-apiculate; archegonia numerous; pedicel us. solitary. Dioecious as the last. — Old logs and limestone rocks. Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun; Moser. U. S.: Wetherby; Roell; Marshall A. Howe. • 155. Bryum L.; Hedwig. A. Perichetial leaves few, not much differing from the other upper ones. — Leaves gen. entire or faintly denticulate with few teeth, often limbate; upper cells us. rhomboidal; costa often excurrent. £, Cilia of endostome mostly appendiculate. Spores small, about 0,01 m. m., r. nearly 0,02 m. m. Capsule r. oblique. aa. Capsule thin-walled. Upper leaves setaceous; costa broad. I. Leptobryum. Capsule with long downwards narrowed neck, very nitid (vernicose). Leaves not limbate; cells sublinear.. Stems not julaceous. — 347 — bb. (-npHuh! tliic'kwallcd. Tififtvon not H(>tiic(>(>UH; coRtii luirmw. II. Eil-Br.vuni. Capsule with distinct, alroivdy before Hj)oroHiH downwanlH nnrrowod neck. LeavcB oftei» linil'ate; coeta often excurrent, SteniB r. julneeouH. > i :• III. Pacliylopliiis. CapHulo with very fhort and thick, before Bporoeis not imrrowfd and often indistinct neck. Leaven not limbate, ^'cn. reddish at insertion; costa not often excurrent. Stems mostly julaceous. Us. dioecious. b. Cilia gen. smooth, r. ap[)endiculato. Hi)oref gen. large, about 0,08 — 0,04 m. m., r. snialler (about 0,02 m. in.) Cap- sule not r. oblique. IV. Cladodinni. Capsule gen. with distinct narrowed neck. Leaves mostly limbate; costa us. excurrent. B. Perichetial leaves well-detined jen. numerous. — Leaves gen. denti(!ulate witli numerous teeth, r. (in Epipferi/gium) lim- bate; costa gen. not excurrent. Capsule narrowly necked, not oblique; cilin very r, (in Webera) appendiculate; spores gen, small. a. Endostomial segments broad; cilia us. long. V. Webera. Leaves not limbate, us. denticulate; cells us. narrov; costa sometimes short-excurrent. VI. E[)ipter.Vj?ium. Leaves broadly reddish limbate, entire, the larger us. di:.>.u^hous; cells dilated; costa abbreviate. b. Endostomial segments somewhat narrow; cilia short or rudimentary. • : i- . ,., VII. Pohlia*). Perichetial leaves sublinear- lanceolate narrowly acuminate acute. Leaves not limbate; upper cells gen. very narrow. '-'■ '•■''' ■ ' Eu-Bryum. * . , .. - A. Basal leaf-cells not (or very pale) red. Capsule brown. Leaves gen. entire. Dioecious. 1. Jlllacea. Leaves c-owded small green us. shining, gen. neither limbate nor reflexed; cells mostly very narrow; costa not or scarcely excurrent. Capsule not oblique. Stems julaceous. R. fruiting. 2. Speirophjila. Leaves more or less di^stant, often red, not shining, sometimes reflexed or limbate; cells dilated; costa sometimes excurrent. Capsule straight or (sometin)es in B. pallens) oblique. Stems not julaceous. B. Basal leaf-cells (at insertion of elder leaves) us. deep-red. !i: tti Ff •) ThiB section could be related rb a proper gpiius to fara. Meeseaceee, allied to Flagiohryum and Orthodontium. u — 348 — t\. Capsule gen. red, r. brown. Leaves broader at base, without hairpoint, r. limbate. 3. Erythrocarpa. Leaves often serrulate above; costa thin excurrent. Capsule mostly red. Tufts small us. loose. Dioecious or r. monoecious. i^;7 ^] ' /: ;' j- :.'!i*.I^J♦>j ^f? V 4. Alpiniformia. Leaves gen. entire; costa somewhat thick, gen. not ^,r. shortly) excurrent. Tufts large and dense. Us. dioecious. b. Capsule brown or red-brown. Leaves gen. with a by costa not formed hairpoint, of'.en entire; the lower of stem or the upper of shoots often broader above middle. 5. Tricliopliora. Leaves us. limbate; costa often abbreviate. Capsule gen. subclavate. Dioecious or r. synoecious. Tufts often large and dense. C. Capsule brown. Leaves broader at base, without hair- point, entire or denticulate; costa us. excurrent. Dioecious or sometimes synoecious. 6. Biiiiiforniia. Leaves gen. broadly hmbate and large, sometimes denticulate, often distant. Stem distinct us. high. 7. Csespiticia. Leaves not or very narrowly limbate, gen. entire and not large, crowded. Stem distinct gen. not high. 8. Grenimiforniia. Leaves not or narrowly limbate, small entire crowded. Stem very short with gammiform shoots. Cilia of endostome sometimes not appendiculate. ::,-.< 4«r«i Pachylophus. ( i-t^'j ,1 .h . A, Plants small with small leaves. Tufts low. 1. Argenteiformia. Capsule often red; neck finally narrowed^ Costa of leaves subpercurrent or short-excurrent. Stems julaceous. 2. Yersicolorzformia. Capsule us. (finally) red; neck us. not narrowca. Costa of leaves lo.ig-excurrent. Stems r. julaceous. B. Plants large with large leaves. ._^^^.^ 3. Zoiiatiforinia. Capsule yellowish; neck finally narrowed. Costa of leaves gen. subpercurrent. Stems not julaceous, us. very tomentose. Cladodium. * '/ ' A. Leaves not (or very faintly) red at insertion. Tufts mostly loose. a X. Capsule and peristomial teeth red. Leaves not limbate. Erythrodontia. Capsule short-necked, not oblique. Mon- oecious. b. Capsule and perietomial teeth brownisn or yellowish. Leaves gen. limbate. n4\v« •.wyt^t^i^i'* orjtmus - 349 - base, t! 2. Arcticiformia. Cappnle gen. not longer than neck, often oblique; teeth short; endostome more or less adhering. Us. syn- oecious. Leaves gen. entire. 3. Ceriiniformiat Capsule not longer than neck, us. oblique; teeth long; endostome gen. not adhering. Us. monoecioas. Leaves us. denticulate above. 4. Purpurascentiformia. Capsule gen. longer than neck, not oblique. Often monoecious. B. Leaves dark red at insertion (at least in elder leaves). Peristomial teeth brownish or yellowish. a. Capsule red. Tufts loose. 5. Calophylloideai Capsule very short-necked. Monoecious. b. Capsule brownish or yellowish. Tufts gen. dense. 6. Fenduliformia. Capsule gen. longer than neck, not oblique. Us. sj'noecious, r. dioecious or monoecious. Leaves gen. not decurrent. 7. Rntilantiformia. Capsule gen. not longer than neck, oblique. Us. dioecious, r. monoecious. Leaves decurrent distant. •I" t' i . ■iV;M !t:''n Webera. A. Perichetial leaves sublinear-lanceolate narrowly acuminate acute, longish. Other leaves r. decurrent. 1. Cmdiformia. Capsule indistinctly necked before sporosis, finally not much longer than neck, often yellowish brown, gen. Tiot pendent; pedicel long. Lef.ves often somewhat large; upper cells very narrow. 2. Nutantiformia. Capsule distinctly necked also before sporosis, not much longer than neck, brownish (or })artly red- dish) and somewhat narrow, pendent; cilia sometimes appendi- cuiate. Leaves often distant; upper cells sometimes dilated. 3. Pulchelliformiao Capsule more or less distinctly necked befor'' sporosis, gen. much longer than neck, often pendent and appressed to pedicel, sometimes reddish. Leaves small us. distant.. Stem short. Dioecious. B. Perichetial leaves shortish, oblong-lanceolato acute broadly acuminate or obtuse. Other leaves gen. decuirent; cells not r. dilated. 4. Cucullatiformia. Male flowers gemmiform. Capsule brownish annulate. Leaves green us. short. 5. Albicantiformia. Male flowers discoid. Capsule red- dish not annulate. Leaves us. long, often glaucous green. I 'n it* 350 '.V. *! mm I I. Leptobryum Br. eur. "' ■j-,'^^, .': l.B.pirifornie L. — Mnium L.; Bryum Wiggere. - ■' - Capsule piriform or round-oval, chestnut-colored; neck lonp; lid small; annulus revoluble; teeth pale yellow; pedicel long. Tufts us. 1 — 2 c. m. high. Resembles somewhat Dicranella heteromalla in habit. — Stone-walls and rocks nearly common. Eur. Sweden etc.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: com. Cardot. II. Eu-Bryum. « -.n.- [{ifo icci ■^a,. 1. Julacea (Anomobryura Schimper). }■ .|J A. Leaves obtusate obtuse, us. shining when dry. ^ 'i.B.flLforme Dickson. — Anomobryum julaceum Schimp. Leaves ovate or o vale-oblong, very concave, gen. entire; up- per cells narrow; costa not percurrent. Capsule suboblong. Stemfc longish, tufted. — Sandy soil in alps r. Eur. Switzerl.I Austria: Schimper. B. Leaves short-acuminate or apiculate (or some ones obtuse). a. Leaves of the short fruiting stem reflexed, sublimb.ate, not shining; costa percurrent. ■ ,: ..j,.(... ,.'..'; ■.).[. x\;A., S.B.bullatum C. Mueller. Leaves broad-ovate or ovate, entire; cells narrow. Capsule small oblong-piriform yellowish pendent; cilia appendiculate. Tufts loose; shoots and male plants longish. Habit of the last. — Amer. r. Can., Selkirk mts: Macoun 1890. »Ala8ka»: C. M. b. Leaves neither reflexed nor limbate, us. shining; costa Bubpercurrent or (in B. juliforme) abbreviate. 4.B.juliforme C. Solms Laubach. — A^nomobryum Solras; Bryum Schimper. Leaves ovate-oblong, denticulate near apex; upper cells nar- row; costa short. Capsule claviform. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. — Rocks r. Eur. Italy: Bottini; Arcangeli. Norway: Hagen. 5.B.sericeuiii Lacroix. — B. leptostomum Schimp. Leaves suboval entire: those of shoots often obtuse; upper cells oblong-lanceolate. Capsule suboblong; » peristome rudi- mentary*: Limpricht. Stem us. very low when barren, some- times 1 c. m. high in fruiting state. — Wet rocks r. Eur. France: Berthoumieu; Lamy, com. Husnot. ,...,...,,,. .,^ G.B.concii uatum Spruce. Leaves )vate or broadly ovate-lanceolate, gen. entire; upper cells oft( . rhomboidal. Capsules unknown. Stems longish, often mixed in other moss-tufts, sometimes with greenish bul- billi. Often silver-glosey when dry. — Rocks princ. in alps r, Eur. Norway, Switzerl.I »Amer.»: Lq. et Jam lonp; long. anella omon. dot. _ 351 __ T.B.Geheebii C. Mueller. ■ " ■ — !»/*- » Leaves broad-ovate obtusely short- acuminate; upper cells rhonabic. Capsules unknown. Stem with bulbilli. Tufts 3 c. m. high. Habit of the last. — Wet rocks r. Eur. Switzerland*: Lirapricht. ♦B.Comfcae Notaris. .,. »Leaves ovate-oblong obtusely short-acuminate; upper cells oblong-oval or rhomboidal. Capsules unknown. Tufts 1 c. m.. high. — Eur. r, Sardinia island: Comba»: Limpricht. 2. Speirophylla. -^ A. Leaves finally rose-red, loosely disposed, gen. not lira- bate. Capsule not oblique, longer than neck. a. Leaves long-decurrent; costa not excurront. s,h\ 8 B.DuTalii Voit. — B. lato-decurrens C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves not reflexed, ovate-oblong acute or apiculate. Cap- sule brown strangulate; pedicel often very long. Stems often long and loosely tufted. Not often fruiting. — Swamps also in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Norwayl Amer. Can.: Macoun; iVlOSer. . v.,< ,.• -Si. t; i. :.;■!, I l.)y ¥• vl .,i.?-f - ;jJ.Vi(-:.' D.B.obtnsifoliuin Lindberg. Leaves reflexed, gen. broad-ovate obtuse, r. subacute. Ripe capsules not found; pedicel not long. Tufts us. dense and not high. — Northern alps near perennial snow r. Eur. Norwayl Sweden: E. Nyman. Spetsbergen: Berggren; Gyllencreutz. Amer. Alaska: Palmer (fertile). lO.B.pyginpso-alpiTiuni C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. .....(.. Leaves not reflfxed, gen. broad-ovate obtuse, less loosely disposed. Capsules unknown. — Wet rocks in alp. region r. Amer. Can., Vane. isl. 1700 metr. a. e.: Macoun. b. Leaves gen. not decurrent; costa sometimes excurrent. ll.B.erythrophjilum Kindb. cat. Can. m. Ijeaves (at least the lower) reflexed, subovate scarcely api- culate; cells subrhombic; costu percurrent. Capsule brown sub- oblong finally strangulate. Tufts loose. — Wet earth r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. Alaska: Palmer. 12.B.erjtliroplijiloides Kindb. cat, Can. m. ' Leaves diversiform, not reflexed: uppermost oblong-lanceolate somewhat long-acuminate with narrower cells and short-excur- rent costa; middle leaves ovate-oblong acute with subrhombic cells and percurrent costa; the lowest ovate-oval subobtuse. Capsules unknown. Tufts loose. — By springs r. Amer. Can,: Macoun. :v. i .^t^C) .'■ /jH 'vi i #5 ■■ ■: m sTssm — 352 — ,;/ I ^1-4. >«»?..! I fS f f!1 til H j- * B.GRspeanum Kindb. 1. c. ' Nearly all leaves narrow: appermoRt short-dec ar rent, lower Rublimbate; costa sometimes lor>g-excurrent. Capsules unknown. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. .,,-,». v., ,v»i- -w ? IB.B.alpinifornie Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves not reflexed, ovate-oblong short-acuminate or apiculate; cells Bubrhombic; costa gen. short-excurrent. Capsules unknown. Tufts somewhat dense. — Rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. B. Leaves us. red, gen. not much distant, limbate; costa percurrent or short-excurrent; shoot-leaves us. decurrent. Cap- sule shorter than neck, not or indistinctly constricted below mouth, often oblique. 14.B.palIens Swartz, '>>■> :jjA0'.,'iai);*pnvi3-^>^/('v^'^ h Leaves us. reflexed to above middle, ovate-oblong or Subob- ovate, acute or acuminate, entire or nearly so, brownish or yellow limbate, somewhat twisted when dry. Capsule us. oblique with often curved neck; teeth yellow; endostome nearly orange; lid mamillate; cilia sometimes not appendieulate; spores r. large. Stem us. low (about 1 cm.) and sparingly radiculose near base. Tufts loose. Easily confounded with B. arcticum. — Moist earth, sometimes on stone-walls, often in alps. Eur. common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. *B.rufescens Kindb. n, subsp. -i^v'^ --ri:^ ov'jJ.?:rwfS -- .Um!*! Leaves very distant, entire, faintly or not reflexed, spreading when dry. Tufts dense rufescent 6 — 8 c. m. high. Capsules unknown. — Alp. districts r. Eur. Norway, near Kongswold! *B.fallax Milde. Leaves scarcel}'^ reflexed, oval-ovate narrowly limbate us. not red; costa gen. percurrent. Capsule us. not oblique; lid api- culate; cilia not appendieulate. Tufts low less loose. — Wet rocks princ. in higher alp. region r. Eur. Norwayl France: Boulay. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. ♦B.baldense Venturi. -tt^.t^nn^H^^ ■£)!'■■ i-^Uiiir^ • Capsule symmetric; cilia not appendieulate. Costa of leaves gen. abbreviate. — Calcareous alp. rocks r. E'Mr. Austria*: Vent. C. Leaves us. greenish, more or less loosely disposed. Cap- sule strangulate, not oblique. a. Leaves obtuse: costa abbreviate. » -fs"; ^^i :i;scl „ijiiiVf*>aji*^ 15.B.cyclophylluill Schwjegrichen. — Mnium Schw.; Bryum B. E. Leaves not distinctly limbate, round-oval or broadly obovate, loosely disposed, not distinctly decurrent, not or scarcely re- flexed. Capsule brown-yellow; neck short. Stems not or loosely — 358 '■J tufted, Often long. Very r. fruiting. — W^t places prine. be- low alps r. Eur. Sweden: R. Hartman. Finl : Brotherus. France: Boulay. Amer. Can.: Macoun. Greenl.: Berggren. b. Leaves gen. acute (in B. Schleicheri *laHfolium mostly ob- tuse); costa percurrent or short-excurrent. R. fruiting. Male flowers snbdisciform. lO.B.turbinatum Hedwig. ' '•" ""• Leaves indistinctly or very narrowly limbate, not imbricate when dry, carinate; upper cells rhomboidai. Stem-leaves ovate- lanceolate, refiexed below, gen. not decurrent. Capsule long- necked; teeth yellow, segments paler; lid apiculate. Tufts us. tomentose, often high. — Wet places also in alps. Eur. not common. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I France: Schimper. Eng- land: Rogers. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun, ,»- v >^/i.:>,i IT.B.Schleicheri Schweegrichen. Differs from the last: Lsaves shorter, ovate-oblong concave, gen. broadly limbate and d( current; upper cells often subrhom- bic. Capsule larger, short-necked; segments nearly orange; lid conic. Tufts sparingly radiculose. — Wet places in alp. region princ. in southern districts. Eur. Switzerl., Norway! Austria: Breidler. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. * B.latifolium Schleicher. — Mnium Schl.; Bryum Bridel. ' ^ Leaves larger, subovate gen. obtuse, often partly reddish. — In higher alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.I Austria: Venturi. Greece: Heldreich. France: Husnot. Scotl.: Holt. l8.B.grandirete Kindb. n. sp. ... .. ....*. Leaves acute not limbate, imbricate when dry, ovate or broad- ovate, not or scarcely acuminate, loosely disposed and short- decurrent; cells very large: upper subrhombic; costa percurrent. Capsules unknown. Tufts sparingly radiculose, red-brown below, yellowish green above, not high. — In alps r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. ■ K i 3. Erythrocarpa. ^-j;; v t^ * ^'»--^« '*^ A. Leaves not limbate. "' i'.l a. Capsule strangulate turbinate. Dioe«o-ie. 19.B.K1illggraeffii Schimper. — »B. constrictum Bruchmscr.» Husnot. Leaves small entire, refiexed below: uppermost ovate-lance- olate; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Tufts loose green. — Earth and stone- walls r. Eur. Switzerl.I Germany: Milde. Sweden: Groenwall. b. Capsule not strangulate. n.> U'H I ; i j .' k 354 — Im ■ aa. Capsule thick Rhort-piriform. MonoeciouB.n^;'') ^}y^i'^iii 20.B.Sauteri Bryol. eur. - „..i. -...• Leaves entire narrowly ovate-oblong not reflexed; costa long- excurrent. Tufts reddish green or brownish. — Wet sand by alp. rivulets r. Ev<'. Austria: Gander. „^ .^' bb. Capsule gen. narrow. Dioecious ,,, . '.•r?)«jff— 5.f"-j. «« ^r Leaves narrow serrulate above, reflexed below middle, often decurrent; the uppermost with excurrent costa. Tufts yellowish green. Often with red bud-like propagula. — Sandy places princ. below alps. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Switzerl.! Amer. »U. S »: Lesq. et Jam. 22.B.Illlirale Wilson. '^1 f fYWlry/^, ■ •.••HVf ..;>' «,*|vvvi;i< ,'iumnr,-^ Leaves ovate-oblong not reflexed gen. entire, not decurrent; costa excurrent. Tufts yellowish green, or reddish below. — Stone- walls and rocks in lower distr. r. Eur. Switzerl. I Greece: Heldreich. France: Le Jolis. B. Leaves limbate. Capsule not strangulate. Dioecious. ' a. Leaves serrulate above. Capsvile narrow, utfr'l • ,^/fo > 23.B. marginatum Bryol. eur.; Husiiot m. gall. Leaves ovate-oblong not reflexed; costa subpercurrent. Tufts dense brown-red. -^ Saadstone rocks r. Eur. » Germany: Bruch»: Schimper. Ir^mn- ,'~\\,'>. ,wfJ»,L. ;;..« !)ttr;n^ii!fV ,1v 24.B.Boman8SOllii Lindberg. a a ntMii'T! .-{it. :-'fi-;in{ til Leaves ovate-lanceolate reflexed below; costa long-excurrent. Tufts brown loose. — Eur. r. Finl.: Bomansson, com. Brotherus. b. Leaves nearly entire, not distinctly reflexed. Capsule sometimes thick. 25.B.l'Uben8 Mitten; Braithwaite brit. mossfl. ^t,te ;;f'K'j:ut.ir*,jv^) Ijcaves ovate-oval; costa excurrent. Capsule narrow; lid api- Gulate. Tufts somewhat loose yellowish green, or reddish below. — On ground r. Eur. »Engl.:f: Braithwaite. 26.B.micro-erythrocarpum C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Leaves ovate-oblong; costa gen. subpercurrent. Capsule thick piriform; lid rostellate. Tufts dense finally rufescent. — Wet gravel near water. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. .,,^,44" 4. Alpiniformia. A. Leaves distinctly limbate (at least the lower) and reflexed; costa gen. percurrent. ^-iufA^hr. ^ritnuM^itf uih^m ,:bt»io V a. Leaves obtusate subobtuse; the lower broadly recurved and limbate; the uppermost not limbate and nearly flat. Cap- sules unknown. - ■ A '% -- 355 — often lowish places ritzerl.! i'li imi 27.B.percurrentinerTe Kindh. bull, Torr. club XVII. '^ ' Leaves somewhat large, not distinctly decurrent, nearly ap- pressed when dry; upper cells oblong-oval. Lower leaves sub- ovate finally red; uppermost green glomerate oval or oval-oblong. Tufts about 2 c. m. high. — Dripping rocks near a waterfall r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. b. Leaves (at least the upper) acute, all narrowly reflexed and limbate. ., '.nf:Mt?.-A nUuK^hl aa. Leaf-cells red also those of the limb, vftmi-.n >;<>7*59a 28.B.h[ematophyllnni Kindb. cat. Canad. m. Leaves very small, sc'arcely twii^ted; upper cells subrhombic. Lower leaves oval-ovate subobtuse; uppermost suboblong acute with short-excurrent costa. Capsule (unripe) small oblong-obovate; lid convex hort-apiculate; pedicel thin short. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts and Anti- costi: Macoun. 29.]t.anoectangiacenm C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. '"" Differs from the last: Nearly all leaves acute more distinctly acuminate, less distinctly reflexed and limbate, less crowded and spirally twisted when dry. Capsules unknown. Tufts scarcely 2 c. m. high. — Rocks by torrents r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. bb. Leaf-cells not red.' - .^«'r,.3a. Jl^n^^xls^lil^nlf Ji.Jjo SO.B.haematocarpum C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. "'•"" • •'f-"-<; ' Leaves ovate-oblong acuminate, slightly corrugate and not or loosely appressed when dry: thos<3 of branches distant decurrent. Capsule blood-red not constricted; endostome orange; segments short; cilia often indistinctly appendiculate; pedicel 2 — 5 c. m. long. Tufts tomentose about 5 c. m. high. — Damp rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit, Col.: Macoun. B. Leaves not or indistinctly limbate, a» Leaves gen. broadl}' recurved all middle, not decurrent; costa us. red. aa. Costa of leaves gen. excurrent Bl.B.aciculiiium Kindb. n. sp. Leaves oblong-lanceolate acute recurved nearly all around, nearly appressed when dry; upper cells oblong-rhomboidal, lower basal near co.sta deep-red numerous. Capsule brown; teeth pale. — In alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 1250 metr. a. sea; Macoun. bb» Costa of leaves gen. percurrent. jinof.j(j'.' .imnv.it^ around or to above •'( I IJ j 1 f ' 356 -- .1 ffl;^'. til 32.B.a1pinniifl HiKteon. 1" ' •'■ ^. 'rn^RJtfrO'nrnt'Mi.a T*> LeAves nearly nppressed not twisted wheft dry, ub. ovBte- oblong or ovatelanceolatQ acute and recurved to above middle; upper cellH us. narrow. Capsule blood-red not or faintly con- Htricted. Tufts often copper glossy. — Wet rocks, Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. r. »U. S. White mts»: James. . ,, ^ ..- .-..-, >,„y * B.meridionale Schimper. Leaves narrower with narrow cells; the uppermost often with short-excurrent costa. — Eur. southern distr. r. Spain, Portu- gal: Levier. -.{f; -l-jiKivy: Mhwh vn^sV ^iit^iH' * B.appre88um Kindb. in Hedwigia 1896 p. 66. Capsule brown. Leaves narrow, lanceolate short-acuminate bcute or obtuse, recurved all around, more strongly appressed when dry, gen. not red at base; costa not red. Tufts sparingly radiculose not glossy. - Amer. r. TJ. S. Washington: Roell. B.geniiiiiparnm Not&ris. Ufit'>-i(>n Leaves us. green and not glossy, sublimbate oy one row of narrower cells, less recurved and less appressed, gen. subobtuse: uppermost often denticulate near apex; costa not red. Capsule red-brown. Very r. fruiting. — Wet rocks r. Eur. Switzerl.l Italy: Bottini. Belgium: Delogne. BS.B.Mnehlenbeckii Br. eur. — B. alpinum var. brevifolium Myrir; B. brevifolium Lindb.; B rubicundulum C. M. etKindb. I.e. Differs from B. alpinum: Ijcaves gen. euboblong obtusate or pbtuse, often recurved nearly all around; upper cells more dilated. vljapsule sometimes brown (but often blood-red). Tufts not glossy. — Dripping rocks. Eur. less r. Norway! Sweden: Ar- nelli*' P. OlsBon. Switzerl.: Culraann. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. 34.B.Raul Austin. , ..,,,..v...,v •.,...,.., ...... Leaves very much twisted when dry, subovate broadly ob- tusate subobtuse, strongly recurved all around; cells subrhombic, the lowest near base deep-red numerous; costa r. but shortly excurrent. Capsule pale brown subclavate strangulate; neck longer. Tufts very tomentose, green above, not glossy. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Pacif. distr.: Macoun Canad. musci n. 480. b. Leaves not or slightly reflexed. ' aa. Leaves small and green, more or less twisted when dry. 35.B.flag8ll08um Kindb. n. sp. Leaves gen. ovate; cells subrhombic; costa sometimes short- excurrent. Uppermost leaves and those of tlagelliform shoots — 357 — ovRte- liddle; |y con- ir, not White ovate-oblong. Capsule brown obi ong-piri form faintly constricted, smaller and shorter than in the last; neck short. Tufte dense tomentose. Habit of B. ciespiticium. — Amer, r. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. bb. Leaves not twisted, more or less strongly appressed when dry, large and mostly reddish.. ,,■',, :,;•^v * .., ,•;•,,) rrxw 36.B.Mildei Jm-atzka. Leaves gen. ovate-oblong acute sometimes denticulate near apex; cells oblong-rhomboidal; costa green or brown-yellow not r. short-excurrent. Capsule ceddish yellow finally brown. Tufts green us. silky or golden glossy, often very large. Very r. frui- ting. — Earth and stones r. Eur. Switzerl!; Philibert. Belgium: Roemor. 37.B.Aiwateri«e C. Mueller. <• .■■■■■-' • Leaves gen. arrounded at apex, not r. shortdecurrent; lower cells red; costa not excurrent, finally crimson-red. Stem-leaves Buboblong; cells oblong-lanceolate. Branch-leaves crimson-red gen, suboval with oblong-oval cells, sometimes narrower with narrower cells. Capsule us. red, not strangulate. Tufts 3—5 c. m. high, us. red not glossy. — Wet rocks r. Amer. princ. in Pacif. distr.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. 38.B.lliilliatuiii Lesquereux. Differs from the last: Leaves not decurrent, often green or brown; cells suboblong; costa green or at base red. Capsule smaller. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 1300 metr. a. sea; N. Foundl: Waghorne. ^ :> ii*msitii,<>j 39,B.capitellatuui C. M, et Kindb. 1. c. Uppermost leaves suboblong subacute not arrounded at apex; cells somewhat narrow; costa green percurrent. Lowest leaves small oval round-obtuse distant finally reddish; costa red not percurrent. Tufts low golden glossy above or green. Capsules unknown. — Wet rocks near Pacific sea r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. 40.B.COrsicuill Kindb. n. sp. in litt. ad Levier. ? «? Leaves flaccid pale red entire subobtuse, not distinctly reflexed, not densely appressed when dry; upper cells wide, the others, somewhat narrow; costa pale red or yellowish not excurrent. Stem-leaves crowded ovate-oblong; branch-leaves suboblong di- stant decurrent. Capsules unknown. Tufts high. — Eur. r. Corsica: E, Levier. . ' .'jfinm v'J>«oui r'fijj 5. Trichophora. vjcf vr^^/ , uiwiu ofrm A. Leaves distinctly limbate. :i .-uhlli ttjim.vvy lu i i .f s i Pi - 358 — a. Leaves, princ. the lower of pterm, gon. Bublingulnte with long narrow base, ub. obtusate; basal short-rectangular, upper rhomboidal. Us. dioecious. 41.B.capillare L. * fiiu.>cl^ «; rt ^iiliMfiiij- jif^iif; 1,;.. ruisU .( Leaves dark-green or brownish, more acuminate. Capsule dark brown. Sometimes synoecious or monoecious. — Eur. r. Germany, Switzerl.I France: Philibert. Engl : Holt. Greece: Orphanides. »Am(?r.»: Lesq. et Jam.. * B.restitutum Notaris. 'oii /.iqaiu j.r:»hi('nrnn .<(^^ ^r^viixl Leaves finally brown-red, entire obtuse; limb brown. Capsule dark brown. — Eur. r. Switzerl. near Luganol » Italy near Como»: Notaris. * B.ruraliforme Kindb. n. subsp. s, .ii... , Leaves brown-red strongly dentate subacute; limb brown. Shoot-leaves sometimes decurrent. Capsules unknown. Habit of Barbula ruralis. — A7ner. r. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun 1893. * B.erythroloina Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves purplish red acute nearly entire; limb rose-red. — Amer, r. Can. Vane, it^l.: Macoun 1892. .>hK .t i^rf'ioi t-v;?/ ^- *B.Hai8tii Schimper. ■ .^>m'*d^,.oW''r.if>/f.r.,'^l »Leaves small entire finally red; awn reddish. — Stone-walls r.* Eur. Switzerl. »: Schimper. 42.B.speiropfay1hlin Kindb. bull. soc. bot. ital. 1895. ^ "'■'-^'^ Differs from B. capillare: Leaves narrowly limbate distant decurrent gen. entire, flaccid when moist, corrugate not twisted when dry. — Moist rocks. Eur. Sweden, Switzerl.! Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. b. Leaves, princ. those of stem, subovate-lanceolate with not or slightly narrowed base, often acuminate, not or slightly twisted Vv'hen dry; basal cells short-rectangular, upper rhom- boidal. Dioecious, f^^^^' •' i"/^ •»? «^...t.^ ,,,. i^^.. .^y,.. ..^.t..'* 43.B.Doiiii Greville. Leaves nearly crowded and not decurrent, us. denticulate and broadly limbate. Upper shoot-leaves often rosulate. Cap- sule often very large. Tufts green or brown. — Dry stones in warmer distr. r. Eur. Italy: Levier; Arcangsli. Greece: — 369 — with upper — Amer. Ilnldreich. France: Corhirre. Amer. I'acif. dintr. Can.: Ma(!Oiin. U. \^.\ MarHhall A. Howe; Koell. . . * B.obconiciini HornKchuch. •"' —'.. ' Leavew nearly entire not rosulate. CnpHulo Iohh largti. — Walls and nandBtone roolcH r. Ear, Switzcrl.! Engl.: Curnow, com. Holt. Amer. Can, Pacif. distr.: Macoiin . -' * It.floridanain Renauld et Cardot. ' » Leaves shorter, narrower limbate not recurved, r. U. S.»: Cardot. '?'* "'•' H' : -'i,t;.i fii.t/r-;if) 45.B.eleganN Esenbeck. il'-ori ;; iM •^)ff,>o-^^:>\y_ '/-MiSil \'.'ui<}0 Leaves subobovate not or indistinctly recurved, only the upper limbate denticulate; cells subrhombic. Capsule large. Tufts green or finally reddish. — Calcareous rocks princ. In alps r. Eur. Switzerl. in alp. region! b. Leaves small us. not imbricate; cells gen. oblong-rhombic. 46.B.oregamim SuUivant; Lesq. et Jam. ■■ i>>i,'.n ■, ov.^.-. » Leaves twisted: lower few very small; upper glomerate sub- ovate abruptly acuminate, sometimes recurved. Tufts brown or finally reddish, very low. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 47.B.8treptoi)hylhiiii Kindb. n. sp. a ; ^i fmnHHuit/.HB'nM "^ Differs from the last: All leaves crowded nearly uniform: upper not larger and not recurved, very concave. Tufts green finally brown, less low. Capsules unknown. — Amer. r. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 48.B.trichophoniin Kindb. n. sp. 'li'i' "- >>m, -.v.! vtm Leaves obtusate appressed neither recurved nor twisted: lower distant linear-oblong acute, upper crowded suboval. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. — Amer. r. Can. Vane. isl. near sea: Ma- coun 1893. B. Leaves not distinctly limbate. a^/ .fvji.-rrr ?^ wni? a. Leaves, princ. the loAver of stem, gen. sublingulate with long narrow base, as in B. capillare, us. twisted and crowded. Dioecious |m ''. 'I '!.•' — 360 — na. liBavcs not deourrent; cells large. . .'t ,■ r.*, n 4U.]i.|{ender§onI Ronauld et Cardot. Leaves large Btrongly dentate and recurved, twisted; awn short often dentate; upper dhoot-leaves rosulate, CapHule large. Tufts green soraewhat high. — Rocks r. Amer. Pacif. distr. Can. Vane. isl. Macoun 1887 and 1893. U. 8. Oregon: Hen- derson, coin. Cardot. 50.B.8awyerl Renauld et Cardot. .ur •> u Leaves less large nearly entire not recurved, twisted. Cap- sule less large. Tufts green. — Logs and rocks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun, U. S.: Sawyer, com. Cardot. Sl.B.sanguilentuni Renauld et Cardot. ' .' :> —m Leaves not large, recurved and nearly entire, not twisted. Capsule red not lai'ge. — Logs r. Amer. U. S. Calif.: M. A. Howe. bb. Leaves decurrent; cells soraewhat small. , - . • 52.B.gemmA8cen8 Kindb. n. sp. Leaves small twisted entire not recurved: lower and middle distant short-decurrent narrowly sublingulate aciiminate acute; comal leaves glomerate to a broadly clavate bud, suboval Bubobtuse. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. — Stones near sea. Amer. Can. Vane, isl: Macoun 1893. b. Leaves, princ. those of stem, subovate-lanceolate, as in B. Donii. 53.B.proviiiciale Philibert. : hni k».i .MriUutvt '^av>^,1 *\ Leaves crowded scarcely or not twisted, us. denticulate. Cap- sule often lees large than in B. capillare. Tufts dense us. brown. Sometimes synoecious. — Calcareous soil r. Eur. France: Philibert. Greece: Heldreioh. * B.crassirameum Renauld et Cardot. msiH ?iUfor,.,';* LcavoH Hul)()vute nearly gradually acnininato, entire docnrront Bmall. Tiil't.H brown and very tomentose below, j^reen above, deiiKe and not low. — Amer. r. Can. Rocky nitM: Maeoun 1890. bb. Leavew not diHtinetly twJKted, nearly apprcHned wben dry. r)7.1J.het<'roiieuroii C. M. et Kindb. eat. Oan, ni. . ' - JjeaveH Hnboval or Hnbobovate often obtuRe, entire or faintly dentienlate, crowded and not lar^e; awn Hometinies wantinj^. ('apsnle less large than in li. capillure. Tufts uh. rcddinb, !iot h'liih; HliootH clavate. — HockH and roadHJ''«^8 r. Amer. Can. Brit. ('ol. and Vane. ibI.: Maconn. ' ' ' .- '''<■> r)8.U.cariiiiliiacuiii Bryol. en-. Leaven KubobtuK(! coehlearifonn ^en. not large: lower entire Hubobovate not crowded, upper ovate-oval uk. denticulate. Tufts l)rown with green tops uh. very high. Capsules not seen. — Moist rocks princ. in alps r. Eur. Switzerl.l Austria: Hreidler, com. Warnstorf. - . > ";;;.'>. * B.spi^liigeiiso Kindb. n, subsp. Leaves larger, flaccid and not (ioehleariform: upper subobo- vate, middle sliort-decurrent; cells larger; awn sometimes indi- stinct. Capsules unknown. — Rocks in higlier alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl. near Spluegen 1500 metr. a seal ,..-,'« .i*»/ 59.B.Fercholii Funok. Leaves small suboval-ovate subobtuse entire or faintly denti- culate, gen. crowded and not decurrent; awn us. short. Cap- sule smaller than in B. elegans; lid manniiate. Tufts brown- green us. low. — Rocks princ. in alps, r. Eur. Norway, Swit- zerl.l Amer. »U. H.»: Cardot. *U.suecicum Kindb. n. subsp. ' ' ■ ' " * Leaves gen. distant decurrent entire; awn long Hexuous. Cap- sules not seen. Tufts brown below, dark green above, about 4 c. m. high. — Moist ]>lace8 r. Eur. Sweden Aongermanl. on the shore of a lake: H. W. Arnell. -. ..w... ....;,.,...,,;,. 84 II ( ' ii 'v'v'*i'iit'f- — E62 -»\i concave and large; the uppeririost high. — Eur. r. Norwayl Austria: 1- Vt'r^ \ r -* *B.ovatuiil Juratzka. Leaves oval-ovate more acuminate. Tufts green 't^. Breidler. Finl.: Brotherus. ei.B.denticulatuiii Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVII. »4-: Leaves oblong-lanceolate acuminate acute, distantly denticu- late above to middle. CapBules unknown. — Springs and bogs r. Amer. Can. Cypress hills: Macoun. 02.B.hydrophilum Kindb, bull, Torr. club XVII. .^ £i >- .j.i.) Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate av'juminate acute nearly entire. Capsules unknown. — Wet springy places r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. B. Leaves decurrent, recurved nearly all around, acuminate acute. a. Costa of leaves long-excurrent. Capsule narrow stran- gulate; neck us. long; teeth yellow; segments fenestrate. 63.B.affiue Bruch. — Webera Bruch; Bryum Lindb.; B. cuspi- datum Schimper. Leaves gen. ovatv -lanceolate and not broadly yellowish lim- bate, denticulate near apex, short-decurrent not or slightly twi- sted. Peristomial teeth pale. Stem not long. Habit of B. pallescens. Synoecious. rocks r. Eur. Norway! France: Renauld. Spain near Valencia: Dieck, com. Roell. 64.B.re7elstokeilse Kindb. revue bryol. 1896. i-i-rm^.. .'jfyi^i Leaves ovate-lanceolate long-acuminete entire with pale not broad limb, much twisted when dry, short-decurrent exc. the uppermost glomerate. Pedicel very long. Tufts green tomen- tose 1 — 2 c. m. high. Dioecious. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. / -^;:;r ^ .i- - ^- o*j;ii b. Costa of leaves not or shortly excurrent. Tufts us. high and tomentose, sometimes red. .... ,. , ,., ... . . 65.B.biii]Uir> Schreber. Leaves gen. ovate-oblong and denticulate near apex; limb broad yellowish. Perichetial leaves with not excurrent costa. Capsule brown not oblique; neck shorter; teeth pale. Synoecious. — Swamps and wet rocks not uncommon. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.! Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Schrader, com. CM. GB.B.leucolomatuni C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves as in the last; limb pale. Perichetial leaves with excurrent costa. Capsule as in the last. Stem very high. Synoecious. — Marshes r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. , ij^^ i. ,-; '^ B.hyalodontium C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Capsule pale brown not oblique; teeth pale hyaline. — Wet rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. 68.B.Reyeri Breidler. ^'"' f= '' - Differs from B. ventricosum: » Leaves longer finally reddish, narrowly limbate and nearly entire. Capsules unknown. — Dripping alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler »: Limpricht. C. Leaves not decurrent, broadly limbate and recurved gen. entire; costa excurrent. a. Capsule strangulate with wide mouth. Tufts dense. * 69.B.palle8Cens Schleicher. Leaves gen. ovate-lanceolate, twisted when dry. Capsule pale brown or yellowish us. subclavate and not pendent when young; teeth pale. Tufts us. 2 — 3 c. m. high, often green. Often monoecious. — Earth a'^d rocks also in alps, princ. the nor- thern. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. Can.: Macoun. * B.COiitextum Hoppe et Hornschuch, '"'^^ ' -■ =*'^ ' -^ Leaves short-acuminate smaller. Capsule thicker and more distinctly strangulate; pedicel often only 1 c. m. long. Tufts brown-green often much higher. — Rocks princ. in alps. Eur. Norway! 70.B.cirratum Hoppe et Hornschuch. "'' ;.( - Leaves gen. ovate or ovate-oblong, not or slightly curled. Capsule brown somewhat thick and pendent; teeth pale. Tufts green us. about 1 c. m. high and less com])act than in the last. Si)ore8 in some alpine forms somewhat large. Us. synoe- cious. — On earth princ. on old roads in alps. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. * B.syspliiuctum Limpricht. ^ t- Leaves denticulate near apex; costa shortexcurrent. Capsule smaller thicker and more constricted with shorter neck. Some- times monoecious. — In alps r. Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. b. Capsule small-mouthed not constricted. ' •■''''' ■■ ] E !(l ^<--„..*-u t : — 364 - 7 1 .B.subglobosnm Schliephacke. »Leaves ovate-oblong not twisted; costa long-excurrent. Cap- sule subglol)08e- piriform; neck short; lid mamillate; teeth brown- yellow. Tufts dusky green less than 1 era. high. Synoecious or polygamous. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Switzerl..: Gncf»: Lim- * B-Baenitzii C. Mueller. Capsule oval-oblong finally piriform. Uppermost leaves sub- lanceolate. Tufts about 1 c. m. high, — Arctic distr. r. Eur. Norway: Ptenitz, com. E. Adlerz. . ;<« i.i. fw^. .-vk^vi,,- < 72.B.LisaB Notaris. » Leaves oblong-lanceolate appressod when dry; costa long- excurrent. Capsule ovoid; neck scarcely shorter; lid mamillate; teeth brown-yellow. Tufts brownish loose about 1 c. m. high. Synoecious. — On mountains r. Eur. Italy: Lisa»: Limpricht. , , 7. Caespiticia. ,,, A. Leaves distinctly limbate. Spores about or nearly 0,02 m. m. a. Fertile stem nearly indistinct with glomerate leaves. Sterile shoots elongate julaceous. Dioecious. -,.Hi 73.B.Jackii C. Mueller. ^^.■,yj,vr,:'Vf|i-r '-*: ;w:'|y.v .-d,'-' u • Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate, denticulate near apex, strongly recurved; costa long-excurrent. Capsule oval or sub- cylindric; lid blackish red. Tufts dense 3 c. m. high. — Alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Jack»: Limpricht. ■ • b. Stem us. distinct; shoots not julaceous. Synoecious. " 74.B.8tenotrichuin C. Mueller. »Leaves small from broad-ovate base somewhat long-acumi- nate reflexed to acumen; costa long-excurrent. Capsule small suboblong; neck short; teeth short; cilia rudimentary; pedicel about 3 c. m. long. Tufts low. Fertile stem short with some- what short shoots. Habic of B. ccespiticium, — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska: Krause»: C. M. in Flora 1887. ., . ^, , 75.B.producticolle Kindb. n. sp. Leaves ovate-lanceolate reJexed; costa long-excurrent. Cap- sule narrow strangulate; neck long not curved; lid low short- apiculate; cilia long-appendiculate. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. Spores scarcely 0,02 m. m. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun 1893. 76.B.nia nilligerum Kindb. cat. Canad. m. -^ Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong not distinctly reflexed; costa long-excurrent. Capsule narrow not strangulate; neck long cur- 365 — Cap- fown- Bcious Litn- sub- Eur. ved; lid low mamillate. Tnfts 1—2 c. m. high. Fruiting stem 1—2 m. m. high. Spores larger than in the last, — Damp rooks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mte: Macoun. 77.B.fuscum Lindberg. »Leaves ovate-lanceolate reflexed, denticulate above; costa phort-excurrent. Capsule narrow faintly constricted; neck as long; lid short-conic; cilia long-appendiculate. Tufts about 1 c. m. high. Spores about 0,02 m. m. — Wet sand r. Eur. Finl.: Lindberg»: Limpricht. 'c i^ws.;- »* B. Leaves not distinctly limbate. Qt Shoots julaceous. Leaves not or near base slightly re- flexed. Dioecious. 78.B.Fiincltil Schw^grichen. •- ' J.-^n^U4 -•rf^^K?^^-: 't Leaves subovate very short-acuminate; upper cells dilated; costa short-excurrent. Capsule narrow strangulate; lid mamil- late. Tufts loose very low, Spores sometimes about 0,02 m. m., often smaller. — Sand or gravel princ. in southern distr. Eur. not r. Sweden: R, Hartman; J. Pereson. ff ; : n < ii-?..*. > 79.B.Kunzei Hornschuch. Leaves smaller nearly pellucid: those of stem suboblong; shoot-leaves broad-ovate longer acuminate; upper cells narrow; costa long-excurrent. Capsule narrow or subpiriform strangu- late; lid mamillate. Tufts compact about 2 c. m. or higher. Spores about 0,01 m. m. — Dry earth also in alps r. Eur. Norway! SO.B.occidentale SuUivant. Leaves Bmall oval or suboblong often decurrent; upper cells narrow; costa short-excurrent. Capsule oblong vvide-mouthed; lid npiculate. Tufts tomentosc about 1 c. m. high. — Amer. r. U. S. Montana: Roell. b. Shoots not distinctly julaceous. Spores small about 0,01 m. m. Usuallv dioecious. Capsule us. narrow. Sl.B.eiPspiticiiiiii L. ) Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong or shorter, us. recurved all around; costa us. long-excurrent. Capsule strangulate us. yello- wish brown; lid us. mamillate. Tufts abou; 2 c. m. high or lower. -- Earth and rocks common. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Schrader, com. C. M. *B.badinni Bruch. Caiisnle reddish brown; lid apiculate. Leaves subiimbate. Tufts loose. — Humid earth r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. Switzerl.: Pfeffer, com. Arnell. li I ». ■>. r ■^' — 366 — Jin, * B.comense Scliimper. Leavep somewhat small, often slightly reflexed. Shoots some- times subjulaceous. — Earth and walls r, Eur. Switzerl.I; Philibert. *>.-.j/ih »; J> ^r * B.oligochloron C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. ,, Leaves not or indistinctly reflexed, erect when moist. Shoots subjulaceous. Capsules unknown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. * B.pseudo-Kunzei Limprieht. .',;.. .^^vi >.,.,,.*■„,?):. •.:! » Leaves ovate-oblong gen. not recurved; costa short-excurrent. Tuftb about 1 cm. high. Synoecious. — In alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.: Culmann*: Limprieht. ., 82.B.microceplialum C. M. et Kindb. 1. c. Differs from B. ccespiticium: Leaves narrower, lanceolate very long-acuminate; cells longer very narrow. Stem long proliferous with numerous small male budd. Capsules unknown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit, Col.: Macoun. 83.B.TancouTeriease Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong reflexed below; cells smaller than in B. ccespiticium', costa denticulate above, sometimes short- excurrent. Capsule pale brown not constricted; lid low mamil- late; pedicel about 5 — 6 c. m. long. Fruiting stem very short. — Wet earth in woods r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. c. Shoots not julaceous. Spores about 0,02 m. m. Us. synoecious. Capsule us. not strangulate (exc, B. Culmannii). aa. Capsule narrow. 84.B.intermediuili Ludwig. — Mnium Ludw.; Bryum Bride] . Capsule not strangulate; neck us. long often curved; lid acute; cilia short-appendiculate. Leaves reflexed narrowly ovate-oblong. Tufts green 1 — 2 c. m. high. — On earth princ. below alps. Eur. not r. bweden, Norway, Switzerl.! France: Boulay. Am.er. Can.: Macoun. . , ..; - ,. 85.B.clatliratani Amann; Limprieht. » Capsule not strangulate; neck shorter often curved; lid low mamillate; cilia long-appendiculate. Leaves oval-oblong strongly recurved all around. Tufts brown-green about 1 c m. high. — Wet places in alp. region r. Eur. Switzerl.: Amann»: Limprieht. 86.B.Cuiiuannii Limprieht. »Cap8ule strangulate longer than the not curved neck; lid acute; cilia long-appendiculate. Leaves subovate, the upper recurved. Tufts bright green 2 — 4 c. m. high not tomentose. — In higher alp. region. Eur. Switzerl.: Culmann»: Limprieht, ■ loots Brit. — 367 — bb. Capsule short thick gen. not distinctly constricted, r ; 87.B.synoico-C8Bspiticinm C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Capsule large oval or obovate pendent; neck short; lid low mamillate; cilia appendiculate; pedicel geniculate below middle, arcuate at apex, 5 — 8 c. m. long. Leaves ovate- or ovate- oblong reflexed; costa long-excurrent, often denticulate above. Tufts about 1 c. m. high, radiculose only at base. — Gravel in alps r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col.: Macoun. : .pv. .;.',!. .ui,;* 88.B.loilchocaulon C. Mueller. » Leaves ' inj'U reflexed all around, ovate-lanceolate subdecur- rent; cells pellucid. Capsule small oval; cilia appendiculate, pedicel about 3 c. m. long. Stems subjulaceous elongate ra- diculose. Resembles somewhat B. bimum but more slender. — Amer. r. U. S. Colorado»: C. M. in Flora 1875. .. ., 89.B.dovrense Schimper. » Leaves ovate suddenly short-acuminate indistinctly limbate faintly reflexed. Capsule oval-ovate yellowish; neck short; seg- ments hyaline adhering to the yellowish teeth; cilia rudimen- tary; spores scarcely 0,02 m. m. Stem about 2 c. m., pedicel 1 c. m. long. Tufts tomentose green above. — Wet turfy soil in alps r. Eur. Norway near Kongswold in Dovrefjeld: Lorentz»: Schimper syn. - .:*' ^ ^ii^ii.A>:l'>~«,r.v^s^ '.'^^ 90.B.caDspiticiiforme Notaris. »Leaves subovate reflexed in lower half, limbate in upper part. Capsule subpiriform small-mouthed; neck not long; lid low. mamillate; teeth brown-yellow; cilia not appendiculate; pe- dicel 1 c. m. long, stem not longer. Tufts tomentose yello- wisli green. Monoecious. — In higher alp. region r. Eur. Swit- zerl.: Carestia»: Limprieht. 8. Gemmiformia. A. Leaves not distinctly reflexed at borders, gen. not lim- bate. ■■-'• vn.:'.:-' '-•- . ' ■: -^' '-' '■ ■' Ol.B.snbrotunduin Bridel. Leaves ovate-oblong short-acuminate acute gen. small; costa short-excurrent. Capsule pale brown oval or subglobose, with thick or indistinct neck; teeth yellow; segments long, gaping or fenestrate; cilia short r. appendiculate; lid small mamillate. Spores nearly 0,02 ra. m. Us. monoecious. — Stony ground in al{)s and arctic districts r. Eur. Norway!; R. Hartman. Amer. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. Can.: Macoun. * B.turfaceum Kindb. in Botan. notiser 1896. i; :/i Leaves larger, sometimes narrowly limbate; costa gen. sub- J I .1 — 368 I! percurrent. Cnpsule larger, brown, more distinctly necked and faintly constricted when dry; cilia very Bhort mostly wanting. Spores Bmaller. Stem more distinct. Dioecious. — Turfy soil in higher subalp. region r. Etir. Norway near Kongswold! 92.B.geTniiiiilig'oruin Kindb. n. sp. ., ,X':>ay "i -iiini ^^n^t ,({i -.ic*:^ ,1 B. Leaves distinctly reflexed and limbate. Hipsx m-'lm^ 94.B microstegium Bryol. eur. Leaves narrowly ovate lanceolate long-acuminate acute, reflexed often all around, not large; costa long excurrent. Capsule pale brown suboblong with long and distinct neck, not large; teeth pale; segments long fenestrate; cilia long appendiculate; lid small apiculate. Spores nearly 0,02 m. m. Us. synoecious. — Dry earth in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway! 95.B.subniicrosfeirium Kindb. in Botan. notlser 1896. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, acute gen. long-acuminate, reflexed all around and distinctly limbate (at least the upper of fruiting stem), not large; costa long-excur- rent. Capsule pale brown oval-oblong short-necked gen. small; teeth yellowish; segments fenestrate shorter than basal mem- brane; cilia long appendiculate; lid small mamillate. Spores about 0,01 m. m. Dioecious or monoecious. — On earth in higher subalp. region r. Eur. Norway Tronfjeld and near Kongs- wold by Goverlivandl , ..^ _. ,^ 96.B.acutiuscii1uin C. Mueller. ♦ >> Leaves oblong acuminate; costa short-excurrent. Capsule oval-piriform with somewhat long curved neck, minute; teeth brownish; segments not perforated; cilia long, short-appendicu- '^^ RH9 — Unf late above; lid ^^mnll snbnmte. Dinonioii,'.. Habit of B. suhro- ttindmn. — Rocks in arctic district.- r. Amer. Alaska: Krause*: C. M. in Flora 1887. II Paoh_ylophiis Kindb. ^^//.a;.,! 1. Argonteiformia A. Leaves gen. obtnsatc; co.-ita (exc. B. nitiduhm) not ex- current. a. Leaves sparingly cliloropbyllose, silver-glossy, not reflexed, not r. with hairpoint. Tufts low. .nvw 'v)f. '\ 97.1{.argenteiiiii L. a Leaves subovate often apiculate; costa subhyaline not or r. confluent with hair])oint. Capsule oval-oblong strangulate blood- red or pale red. — Bare earth, stones and roofs. Eur. com- mon. Sweden etcl Amer. not r. Can.: Macoun. U. 8.: Langlois, com. Cardot. b. Leaves distinctly chlorophyllose, not reflexed. Capsules unknown. 98.B.veroiieiise Notaris. — Argyrobryum virescens Kindb. Laubni. S. u. N. ../'.'■.•• Leaves broad-ovate or ovate-oblong, obtuse, reddish at base; cells rhombic shorter than in B. arge,iteum] costa yellow abbre- viate. Branches subclavate pale green. Tufts sometimes 2 — 3 c. m. high. — In water on stones and sand r. Eur. Norway); Kaurin. Amer. Labrador: Vv'aghorne. «i)n.et?vr.H *» '^ C. Leaves chlorophvllose, more or less reflexed. ^O.B.BIindii Br. cur. '— B. Kia^rii Lindb. Leaves oval-oblf)ng subobtuse: only uppermost (narrowly) reflexed. Capsule blood-red obovate; cilia sometimes not appen- diculate. Dioecious. — Wet sand princ. by rivers, r. on rocks, r. Eur. Norway!; F. Kiffir. France: Boulay. Amer. Can.: Ma- coun. * B.obloni^^uiu Lhidberg. Leaves more obtuse. Capsule sometimes subobloiig. — Wet sand r. Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. Finl.; Brotherus. « lOO.B.teres Lindberg. Leaves l)road-ovate obtuse: only uppermost apiculate and reflexed. Capsule pale brown suboblong; cilia api)endiculate; pedicel al)out 1 c. m. long. Resembles somewhat B. calophyl- lum. — Arctic district r. Eur. Spetsbergen: Berggron. - lOl.B.bulbifolillin Lindberg. » Leaves ovate obtuse with deflexed point: only uppermost reflexed. Capsule brown- red obovate; cilia appendiculate. ytem Hi Wl •fSSm — 370 — nearly indistinct with gemmiform phoots. Synoecious, — Arctic district r. Eur. liapland; Norrlin»: Lindberg, 102.B.nitidultilll l^indberg. Leaves subovate subobtuse, narrowly limbate, recurved all around; costa sometimes short-excurrent. Capsule obovate pale yellow or brown. Stem short; shoots subgemmiform with somewhat loosely disposed leaves. Synoecious or monoecious. — Northern, princ. arctic districts r. — Eur. Spetsbergen: Berggren. Norway: Kaurin. Amer. Greenl.; Vanhoeffen. B. Leaves short-acuminate; costa, at least in uppermost leaves, excurrent. Capsule not or indistinctly constricted below mouth. 103 B.atropnrpureum Wahlenberg. >.r ,.f..,. ■<.-. r.w Leaves subovate gradually acuminate, reflexed below; upper shoot-leaves glomevnte. Capsule blood-red suboval; teeth yello- wish or pale red; ;ilia appendiculate. Tufts small pale green 0,5 — 1 c. m. high, often with gemmiform propagula. Dioe- cious. — Sandy earth and stonewalls. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Germany! Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. * vH '1 .H iimrnf. { * B.califomicum Sullivant. Leaves faintly reflexed. Capsule red oblong. » Cilia not appendiculate »: Lesq. et Jam. — Amer. r. U. S.: Bol£ender, com. Cardot. "^ B.arenarium Juratzka.- ...:--yi^s::.''^ :'\-\!^t:^nM-l^ :'M..: »Leave8 subovate short-acuminate, gen. not reflexed; costa Fcarcely excurrent. Capsule chestnut-brown broad-oval; teeth brown-yellow; cilia appendiculate. Tufts small dusky green, scarcely 1 c. m. high. Synoecious. Habit of B. atropurpureum. — Alp. districts r. Eur. Italy: Garovaglio»: Limpricht. * B.confertum Limpricht. ; J«".;'u »Iieaves broader, those of shoots obtuse. Tufts very dense, pale green above, 2—2,5 c. m. high. Capsules unknown. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Austria: Breidler»: Limpricht. 105.B.lllici*oglobuin C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. ' Leaves ovate-oblong short-acuminate, reflexed below; upper cells short; costa short-excurrent. Upper shoot-leaves glomerate ovate obtusate not reflexed. Capsule small pale red subobovate or Bubglobose; pedicel 3 c. m. long. Tufts green and dense, radi- — 871 — irctic high. Earth r. Amer. Can. ItMt culose below, nbout 1 o. ni. Ont.: Dearnesa, com. Macoun. 2. Veieiooloriformia. lOH.B.yerslcolor Al. Braun. • jy i Leaves ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate acute, rcHexed crowded not decurrent. Cai.siile Hnally reddieh, round- oval. Stem very nhort. Tufts scarcely 1 c. m. high. — Wet sand princ. by rivers r. Eur. Austria: Venturi; Gander. Ger- many: Progel. i'( 'ii TJ u 'imHi' .•i.f' M 1 OT.B.Coronatlim Schwregrichen. Leaves as in the last but looser disposed and not reflexed; those of shoots decurrent. Capsule yelloAvish or pale brown, oval-oblong. — ^mer. r. »U. S.»: Leaq.' et Jam. (Cuba: Wright, com. C. Mueller). ■ .. ; x. lOS.B.exciirrens Lindberg. *' *' ' :'i'" - •- Leaves subovate abruptly acuminate acute more or less reflexed, crowded and not decurrent. Capsule small pale red oval or subobovate. Tufts reddish about 1 c. m. high. — Sandy alp. places r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeldl '" ■>^' - . '3. Zonatiformia. , ,, j;,, i;; ,,, A. Tufts dense and tomentose. >, /4 „ .'r ,.,., -v^: ,» set 109.B.zonatuin Sehimpcr. Leaves subovate short-acuminate apiculate, neither limbate nor refiexed, subdccurrent, large and not densely crowded; costa of the ujjpermost leaves often short-excurrent. Capsules and flov/ers unknown. Tufts very compact, zonate, brown belov/, often high. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeldl llO.B.zonatiforme Kindb. in Botan. notiser 1896. Leaves subcircular obtusate subobtuse, sometimes (narrowly) limbate, crowded: uppermost apiculate; costa not excurrent. Habit of the last, but tufts are lower, about 2 — 3 c. m., and wholly brown. Capsules and flowers unknown. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeldl .- , •. ...i...i.. lll.B.IJraprichtii Kaurin. Differs from B. zonatum: Leaves broad-ovate obtusate, either subobtuse or abruptly apiculate, more crowded and less large. Tufts less tomentose often green, 2 c. m. or higher. Polyga- mous. Capsule pale brown suboblong or subobovate, not con- stricted; lid small; ciha unknown. — Higher alp. region r. Eur, Norway in Dovrefjeld 150U m. a. s.l; Kaurin. B. Tufts loosely cohering, not tomentose. vk» ^nv^^'^d — 372 112.B.Ger\vipn C. Mnollor. — ITvpmim C. M.; Bryiim Limpf. LenvcH broad-ovnte 8iihol)tuPO, neither limbnte nor rellexed, not densely crowded, "whitiHli green, sometimes spnringly chlo- roj)byllof!e. Stems about 3 c. m. high. CnpHules and flowers unknown. — Ijiundntcd rooks r. Eur. Switzerland: Gerwig, com. C. Mueller. . , IV. Cladodium Schimper, in part. 1. Erythrodontift. 113.B.MaiTrtt!i Wilson. •' - ■..-^,M -t Leaves oval-oblong blunt not or scarcely reflexed. Capsule Rubglobose; cilia indiFtinct; pedicel 2 — 3 c. m. long. Stem v'^ry short, — Wet places near sea r. Eur. P]ngl.: Rogers; Per- cival. Netherland: Buse. ' '^ ' 2. Arcti'^iformia. ^ ,.. A. Capsule us. abruptly narrowed to the very small mouth. Leaves not crowded. IH.B.arctiCHiil R. Brown. — Pohlia R. Br.; Bryum Br. eur. Leaver- suboblong, more or Ics.s reflesed, broadly red-limbate, finally ro'e-red or purplish; costa percurrent or short excurrent, finally red. Lower shoot-leaves decurrent. Capsule thick sub- oval often oblique, brown; teeth and endostome orange; cilia not appendiculate. Fruiting stems very short, scarcely tufted; shoots short, radiculoso at base. — Earth in alp. region princ. in northern districts r. Eur. Norway! Amer. very r. Can.: Ma- coun. ''■"■''• •:•*?•••« 1 15.B.flavesCcns Kindb. enum. bryin. dovr.; rev. bryol. 1896. Leaves suboblong scarcely reflexed us. broadly yellow-limbate, often finally brown-red, sometimes decurrent; costa sliort-ex- current yellowish or brown. Cai)pule thick subobovate oblique often curved, finally brown; teeth and endostome yellowish; cilia often appendiculate. Stems as in the last, tnore distinctly tufted. — Alp. ro(ks r. Eur. Norway near Kongswold! 116.B.Lin(lberfe'ii Kaurin. Agreeing with the last in often ai)pendiculate cilia. Differs from it in leaves longer, oblong-lanceolate, and green; stems higher, densely tufted. Us monoecious or dioecious. — Moist alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway! B. Capsule not abruptly narrowed to the less contracted mouth. Leaves yellowish green and yellowish-limbate, not red. Stem more distinct, radiculose in lower half. j>y:Ai5iiii a. Cai)sule yellowish; teeth orange; cilia not appendiculate. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, broadly limbate. Us. synoecious. mpr. Bxed, chlo- ")wer8 rvvip:, — 373 - llT.B.Hrenahiliini (Limpi-iclit) Kindb. (now name). — B. ar- cuatuiii Liiiipi-., noil Hooker et VVilKon. Leaves diHtant scarcely rotloxed, decurront; costa often Umpr. excun-ent. Capsule Huix'Iav.itc often obliipie and curved; endo- Htotno yellow. Stems not or loosely tufteil. — iMoist alp. rocks r. Eur. Nctrway!; Kaurin. llS.B.callistoiimiu PliiJiliert. ,, .. . . ^ ,,.. i i^.- DilTers from the last in capHule thicker, subobovate, neither oblicpie nor curved, ])ale yellow; endostome orange. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway I llU.ll.KlmlhPr^ii Philibert. — B. Hchisticola Kindb. msor. Loaves crowded, often rciliexed below middle, not decurrent, pale yellowish lind)ate; cobta gen. long excurrent. Ca|)Kule not (or indistinctly) oblique nor curved, thick and subobovate, faintly conntricted below the not red mouth; endostomo yellow; lid mamillate. Shoot-leaves not distinctly limbate. Spores scarcely 0,08 m. m. Tufts denst). — liocks of micaschisto in alps r. Eur. Norway, higher subalp. region near Kongsvold 1)00 mtr. a. 8.1; growing together with Myurella tenerrima. »Switzerl.»: Philibert. * B.lielveticuiil Philibert. ' ■> » Leaves narrower, subdecurrent and reddish. Capsule sub- oblique. — Eur. r. Switzerl.»: Philibert. b. Capsule brown; teeth and endostome yellowish; cilia often appendiculate. Leaves suboblong indistinctly or somewhat narrowly limbate. Monoecious. 120.]L8teiiocarpuiii Limpricht. >.(.•:•, ') w-.i :*,-.;, fiii.> ,'i;'/»l Leaves not crowded, reflexed, sometimes decurrent; costa somewhat longly excurrent. Capsule narrowly obovate, scarcely obli(pie or curved. Spores large. Habit of B. Sauferi. Tufts low brown-green. — Alps r. Eur. Norway! 3. Cernuiformia. . iJ-i'/i A. Leaves gen. somewhat twisted when dry. Tufts green or brownish, us. loose. Cilia of endostome not appendiculate. Male flowers gemmiform. Spores large. I'il.B.ceruuum Swartz. — Didymodon Sw.; Bryum Lindb.; B. uliginosum Br. eur. .• ■ . i . ^huhii Leaves not decurrent, oblong-lanceolate long-acuminate, reflexed below, broadly yellowish-limbate us. serrulate near apex; costa percurrent or short-cxcurrent. Capsule subt)bovate or clavate, oblique and curved, pale or iinally reildish brown; teeth brown - yellowj lid L^ubconic ujamillate; pedicel long. Tufts olive-green i •MM ~ 374 — TuftH (leiiHe. Male flowers or brown, radiculoRO nt bawp, 1 — 2 c. m. high. Monoecious. — Wet places princ. below al})H. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden!: S. J. Lindgren. Amer. r. Can.: Maooun. 12'2.B.calcareuin Venturi. « .r;;* i j Leaves deeunent, ol)long-lance()late or f^ublinglllato, long-acu- minate, scarcely reflexed, narrowlv linibate; costu sliort excur- ront. ('apsule subolavate r. curved, brown; toeih yellowisli; lid subconic obtuse; pedicel sornowbat long. Tufts green, ra- diculose at base, about 1 c. m. iiigb. Monoecious. — Calcareous caverns in alp. region r. Eur. Austria 2100 metr. a. s.: Venturi. 128.B.liiri(]iiiii Ruthe. Leaves not decurrent, oval-oblong long-acutninate, reflexed all around, broadly brown-linibate, brown at apex; costa long- excurrent. Capsule us. tbiek, suboval or round-oval, not oblique and scarcely curved, ])ale brown; teeth yellow; lid convex or subconic, obtuse or maniillate; pedicel somewhat long. Tufts low and greenish, radioulose. Synoecious. — On earth below alps r. Eur. Germany: Ruthe, com. Warnstorf. B. Leaves not twisted, yellowish or Hnally red Cilia appendiculate. Spores sometimes not large, disciform. 124.B.mee8eoides Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. Leaves not decurrent, ovate-oblong or broadly ovate lanceolate, not distinctly reflexed, faintly denticulate, brown-limbate; costa abbreviate or subpercurrent. Capsule shorter than neck, narrowly piriform or subclavate, us., princ. unripe, arcuate (Meesea-Wke)] teeth pale yellow; basal endostomial membrane nearly indistinct; lid mamillate; pedicel long. Stem often longish. Dioecious. — Wet rocks r. Amer. C.tn.: Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. 1 Purpurascentiformia. "•'' A. Stems not or lOosely tufted. Leaves gen. narrowly lim- bate. a. Spores gen. not large, about 0,02 m. m. Capsule gen. narrow; cilia not appendiculate; pedicel long. Leaves decurrent, faintly reflexed us. rose-red; costa gen. subpercurrent. Stems gen. very short and scarcely or not cohering; shoots long loosely foliate. Us. synoecious. 125.B.piirpura8Cens R. Brown. — Pohlia R. Br.; Bryum Br. eur. Leaves short-decurrent suboblong or oblong-lanceolate, more or less limbate. Capsule suboblong pale yellow or Anally pale brown; teeth yellow; lid large deplanate, mamillate or subapi- -- 376 lOUH. denl: culate. — Sandy plaooH by rivci-H and rivnlotn in noitlxTn alps r. Eur. Norway; Sweden: Arnell. Finl.: Hi-oflieruH. Atner. Urcicnl.: Berggren. Alanka: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. and J. M. Macoun; Breutcl. i , . - * B.opdtaloime Litnpriohf. LeaveH Kliorter, more dihtinctly linihate, CajiKule with Hhur- tei- neck. — Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. * B.autumnale l.iinpriciit. — »Webera heraiaphrodita Ren. et Card.»: Waghorne. • . f v j- r . Leaves Huboval, longer decnrrent. Shootn shorter, yellowish green. Capsule Hoincwhat longer necked; teeth brown-yellow; lid apieulate. — U. b^ur. Norwayl; Kaurin. Amer. Can.: Wag- horne. r26.B.SUbpiirpiirasceiliii Kindb, cat. Can. m. Leaves long-decurrent oblong-lanceolate reddish linibato rose- red; costa scarcely exourrent. Capsule very narrow, distinctly strangulate, curved when unripe; teeth orange; lid large conic obtuse. Spores 8n>-iller than in the last; fruiting stem more distinct. Dioecious. — Wet earth r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. by a railway: Macoun. b. Spores gen. very large. Capsule gen. thick; teeth orange, incurved when dry; pedicel us. very long and thick. Leaves gen. not decurrent, more or less reilexed. Cilia gen. not ap- pendiculate (»in Californian specimens sometimes long-appendi- culate*: Lesq. et Jam.). Stems and shoots short. 127.B.warueiim Blandow. — B. oelandicum Philibert. Leaves not crowded, gen. narrow-limbate and faintly reilexed, sometimes short-decurrent, suboval, sometimes denticulate above, often finally rose-red; costa percurrent or short-excurrent. Cap- sule large oval-globose reddish yellow or finally reddish brown; lid convex mamillate. Spores often about 0,05 m. m. Some- times synoecious. The ifiageiliform shoots*, delineated in Br. eur„ not are essential. — Wet sand, princ. near sea, r. in alps, r. Eur. Sweden! Germany: Warnstorf. France: Boulay. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et J. I'iS.B.Biddlecomise Austin. — B. Edwardsianum C. M, et Kindb. 1. c. Differs from the last in leaves narrower, longer acuminate, entire, more distinctly limbate and reflexed; costa long-excur- rent. Capsule narrower, less inflated, more strangnlate; lid lower. — Damp sandy soil r. Amer. Can., Prince Edw. isL: Macoun. »U. S., Colorado*: Lq. et J. ;f - 376 — r29.B.mamiIIatnm Lindberg. Upper leaves glomerate not decurrent, broadly limbste, re- flexed ovate-lanceolate entire green; costa short-excurrent. Cap- sule thick pubovate brown yellow; lid deplanate mamillate; pe- dicel long. Spores less large than in B. warneum. — On shores of Baltic f^ea r. Eur. Sweden; Zetterstedt. ISO.B.serolinuill Lindberg. Differs fi-om the last in leaves narrow- limbate, cells narrower; capsule longer necked, pedicel less long; stems more distinct, less loosely tufted. -- Wet sand r. Eur. Sweden: H. W. Arnell. • B* Tufts dense. Leaves gen. broadly limbate. a. Fruiting stem distinct with somewhat long loosely foliate shoots. Capsule gen. narrow. • ISl.B.Brownii Bryol. eur. ^■{.,^^^i >.rr,.. H^rrvff.ss,-^¥*iMW>i ,'>v| . Leaves g" en not crowded, subdecurrent and narrowed at the ^range-colored base, reflexed below, ovate oblong or narro- wer; costa yellowish often long-excurrent. Stem-leaves broadly limbate; shoot-leaves less distinctly limbate with siiort-excurrent costa. Capsule pale finally brown-yellow; cilia not appendicu- late; lid apiculate; pedicel often long. Stem and shoots radicu- lose in lov/er half. Us. monoecious. — Wet rocks and swamps in alp. northern regions r. Eur. Norway! Amer. Greenl : Berg- gren. 132.B.erubescens Kindb. cat. Canad. m. t-ff* Stem-leaves red-brown crowded not decurrent, broadly reddish or brownish limbate, s.iarcely rellexed, ovate-oblong; costa red- brown somewhat long-oxcurrent. Shoot-leaves narrower limbate, sometimes short-decurrent. Capsule finally pale brown, distinctly strangulate; cilia appendiculate; lid mamillate; })edieel not long. Spores large. Dioecious. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Rocky mts: Macoun. -H-/)' ^•??<4!?' n^^'Vi a-yiiij::. .i^iii^iiu^jan' 'xy^no-XiOijr b. Fruiting stem very short with short shoots. Us. synoe- cious. 133.B.Limlgr('llii Schimper. — »B. purpurasccns*: Lindgreu musri sugc. exsicc. ^. Leaves crowded not decurrent, often reflexed, ovate-oblong short-acuminate, often denticulate above; costa snbpercurrent. Capsule suboblong not large, pale brown; teeth brown-yellov/; ciha not appendiculate; lid deplanate n)amillate; j)edicel some- what long. Tufts small yellowish greuu or pale red. — On the shore of a lake (Wenern) r. Eur, Sweden near Lidkoiping: S. J. Lindgren. ., -y ^m .pa i*wm>'t«fisiji ^,^-^^^^: ■^miw4**^** — ^77 .:., i-fr rf.ltl '- - >^'. •- v*- - •..■ * B.Axel-Blyttii Kaurin. Capsule subobovate shorter-pedicellate. — Sand by rivers in alps r. Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. 6 Penduliformia. • '''*.^- '- A. Leaves gen. not distinctly (or very narrowly) limbate; costa gen. not excurrent. Us. synoecious. . -,. a. Spores large, about 0,04 m. m. ' ' ' 138.B.brachyneiirOll Kindb. Ottawa Naturalist V. ' •'-^-" Leaves small broad-ovate short-acuminate refiexed narrowly f mm 378 lirabate, nearl}' crowded, sometimes short-decurrent: comal ^glo- merate; upper cells subrhombic; costa often abbreviate. Oap- sule thick round-oval or subobovate, somewhat long-necked and constricted below mouth, reddish brown; teeth broader than in B. pendulum; segnients also orange, adhering; pedicel about 1 c. m. long, scarcely emerging above tufts. Fruiting stem di- stinct and tomentose; shoots short. — Arctic district r. Amer» Alaska: J. M. Macoun, ii : .--..i*.-*: » b. Spores somewhat small, about 0,02 m. m. Leaves not decurrent. 139.B.lacU8tre Blandow. — »B. Barnesi Wood»: Limpricht. Leaves ovate-oblong short-acuminate acute not or indistinctly limbate, broadly recurved nearly all around, entire; costa gen. subpercurrent. Capsule small suboval short-necked; lid small; teeth pale yellow; pedicel long. Stems very short, loo^oly ^Hed; shoots filiform. — Wet sand often near lakes, princ. 1 ur ,..ps.. Eur. not r. Norway! Finland: Lindberg. Germany: Warnstorf. England: Rogers. 140.B.KllOwltoni Barnes hot. gazette 1889. ,, i . ; <; » Leaves ovate to obovate-lanceolate short-acuminate, us. in- distinctly limbate, slightly revolute or plane, entire or nearly so; costa not or shortly excurrent. Capsule oblong-piriform; cilia rudimentary; lid small; pedicel about 1 c. m. long. Tufts 'dense and tomentose, 1 — 2 c. m. high. Spores about 0,025 m. m. — Crevices in rocks r. Amer. Can. N. Foundl.»: Barnes. 141.B.flexuosum Austin. Differs from B. lacustre in leaves pale jed not reflexed; cap- sule narrower; lid large; tufts dense less low. Dioecious. — Gravelly ground near water r. Amer. Can, Brit. Col.: Macoun > B. Leaves broadly limbate, loosely disposed and decurrci t (at least the lower). Us. monoecious. 142.B.Mo6i Schimper. »Leaves very narrow, ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate entire: upper reflexed; apical cells suboblong; costa long-excurrent. ' Capsule thick suboval not constricted; lid small flat mamillate; teeth orange. Tufts sparingly radiculose, 2 c. m. high. — Northern alps r. Eur. Norway: N. G. Moe»: Schimper and Limpricht. 143.B.paludicola Schimper. ^ • - * • ^ »Lower leaves small, subovate short-acuminate acute, loosely disposed: upper somewhat large, crowded, gen. broad-oval, re- flexed all around, yellow-limbate; costa short-excurrent. Cap- i,U-i'M(:-'W{ '^(liK iHjj! iiii'iuv O' i: a — 379 — Bule , Bubpirifonii dark fuscous; lid mamillate somewhat large; teeth yellow, orange below; pedicel 3 c. m, long. Tufts dense 2—3 c. m. high. Spores about 0,03 m. m. Sometimes syn- oecious. — Swamps in alps r. Eur. Noi-way near Kongswold: Lorentz»: Schimp. and Limpricht. C. l^eaves gen. narrowly limbate not decurrent us. crowded; costa excurrent. Us. synoecious. rt;;; ;*/ a. Leaves not (or only at base) reflexed. Fruiting stem nearly indistinct with very short shoots. Capsule thick, smaller than in B. pendulum. Spores large. Comal shoot-leaves gen. not glomerate. 144.B.archangelicuill Bryol. eur. — »B. Holmgrenii Lindb.»: Kaurin. r,-';'- t ;» t:,;j,:- i:^ Leaves ovate-oblong short-acuminate; apical cells subrhombic; costa long-excurrent. Capsule subobovate; peristome pale yel- low; segments free; lid tlat mamillate; pedicel short. — jiare earth in alp. regions r. Eur. Norway!; Kaurin. Sweden: E. Adlerz. Russian Lapland: Aongstroem. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 145.B.plailifoliuill Kindb. Laubm. Schw. u. Norw. Leaves broad-ovate short-acuminate; middle cells rhoniboidal, apical scarcely narrower; costa not long-excurrent. Capsule sub- piriform; peristome orange; segments adhering; lid apiculate not deplanate; pedicel not long. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway, Dovrefjeld! b. Leaves reflexed, us. all around. aat Peristomial teeth pale; segments yellow. Capsule sub- globose very small. Spores somewhat small, about 0,02 m. m. 14G.B.glob08uni Lindberg. .-•.-. ,.•.-■ Leaves oval acuminate acute, reflextd to above middle, entire; costa of uppermost leaves short-excurrent to a detlexed point. Capsule pale reddish-yellow; lid small; pedicel short. Stems very short; tufts dense about 0,5 c. m. high. — Arctic district r. Eur. »Spet8bergen»: Lindberg. (Asia, Sibiria: Sahlberg, com. Brotherus.) bb. Peristomial teeth brown-yellow; segments yellow. Cap- sule suboval. Spores about 0,03 m. m. 147.B.Grsefli Schliephacke. .^■m^uur. Upper leaves gen. ovate-oblong, reflexed all around, entire; costa more or less excurrent. Capsuio brownish not constricted; lid small; pedicel about 1,5 c. m. long. Stem very short with short shoots. Tufts about 0,8 c. m. high or lower, sometimes loose. •— Schistose rocks in alps r. Eur. Norway: Hagen. — 380 - 7 I i m 148.B.Lorentzii Schimper. Differs from the last: »Upper leaves longer acuminate. Cap- sule constricted below mouth, longer necked; pedicel about 3 c. m. long. Stem with longer shoots, their leaves decurrent. — Turfy soil near Atlantic sea r. Eur. Norway*: Jorgensen in Christiania Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl. 1894. 149.B.Kaurinianiim Warnstorf. Differs from B. Groefii: Upper leaves with long-excurrent costa. Pedicel of capsule 4 — 5 c. m. long. — Schistose rocks in alps r. Eur. » Norway near Kongswold in Vaarstien»: Kaurin; Sweden in Lapland near Virijaur: Miss A. Cleve, com. E. Nyman. CC. Peristome gen. orange. Capsule sometimes narrow. Spores gen. large. Fruiting stem us. distinct. 150.B.pendllIum Homschuch. — Ptychostomum Hsch.; Bryuni Schimper. Leaves ovate-oblonjr narrowly acuminate, refiexed all around: comal (also on shoots) glomerate; apical cells narrow; costa often long-excurrent. Capsule thick suboval; neck short; seg- ments often not well-evolute; lid us. apiculate; pedicel gen. not long. Fruiting stem tomentose in lower half; shoots short. — Earth and rocks also in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerl.l France: Renauld. Araer. Greenl.: Berggren. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. 151.B.compactum Hornschuch. ni*^lUui! Differfi from the last in leaves narrower and longer acumi- nate; capsule narrow subclavate; segments not adhering. Us. monoecious. — Alps r. Eur. » Germany*: Limpricht. Amer, Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. 152.B.Roellii Philibert. y. "; i ;^,^>i^v. ,v*«,*tfA>i!-.jj f; Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong, longer acuminate than in B. pendulum, reflexed nearly all around, not distinctly limbate in upper part; upper and middle cells narrow; costa sometimes short-excurrent. Capsule narrow snboblong, sometimes scarcely longer than neck; lid apiculate; pedicel somewhat long. Frui- ting stem nearly indistinct with gemmiform shoots. Spores smaller than in B. pendulum. — Amer. r. U. S.: Roell, com. Brotherus. Can. Cypress hills: Macoun 1894. 153.B.angU8tirete Kindb. bull. Torr. club XVI. Differs from B. pendulum: Stem-leaves more distinctly limbate and strongly recurved. Capsule narrowly oblong; lid not api- culate; pedicel long; spores smaller. Shoots longer, not thicker :"-. " ■--'.' Jit* jil J. j,i.i ' -«i«» ■■?.-;'•.' r.;,;, .-■^'nwifi'' .\ 0'i:|;»?».,^f*-'"w.«'»w«'--Tr-, -■-'-■»-.-*-«»'.■ ■■r ,.-.,,»-vJi — 381 — above; their leaves longer acuminate with narrower cells. — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 154.B.a1askaniiiii Kindb. n. sp. » ' Leaves broad-ovate apiculate or very short-acuminate, reflexed all around; cells wide, the upper subrhombic; costa sliort-ex- current. Capsule short but not thick, subclavate-piriform; lid convex mamillate; pedicel not long. Fruiting stem tomentose with shorter and longer shoots. Uppermost leaves of stem and shorter shoots glomerate; those of longer shoots not glomerate. — Arctic district r. Amer. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. D. Leaves gen. broadly limbate and not (or only on shoots) decurrent, us. crowded; costa excurrent. Us. synoecious. a. Spores very large, about 0,04—0,05 m. m. ''«• ' ■ 155.B.longlsetum Blandow. Tjeaves ovate-oblong acuminate, not reflexed above, smaller than in B. incUnatum: the uppermost not distinctly glomerate; upper cells narrow; costa short-excurrent. Capsule thick sub- oval short-necked; lid convex apiculate; teeth yellow; pedicel us. 5—10 c. m. long. Stems very short or nearly indistinct, not densely cohering; shoots short. — Swamps and turf-moors also below alps r. Eur. Norway! Germany: Holler, com. Warnstorf. "^' ' ^' * B.labradorense Philibert. * Leaves somewhat shorter and broader; costa longer excurrent. Capsule shorter; pedicel gen. about 3 c. m. long. — Alp. swamps r. Eur. Norway! Amer. »Can.»: Philibert. 156.B.miirmanicum Brotherus. vi'> u >.>? ■ »?v>- :;r'-^r? Leaves ovate acuminate, reflexed all around: the uppermost glomerate; upper cells suboblong; costa short-excurrent to an often deflexed point. Capsule broad-oval somewhat long-necked; lid flat apiculate; teeth pale; pedicel 3 c. m. long. Stem about 1 c. m. high. Tufts dense blackish about 2,5 c. m. high; shoots glossy green. — Wet sand by rivers r. Eur. Russian Lapland: Brotherus. b. Spores less large, about 0,03 m. m. or smaller. Upper leaves reflexed all around. aa. Upper leaves obtusate or short-acuminate. Capsule sub- globose scarcely longer than neck. " • ' ... - .. >».». :i57.B.salinuin Hagen. Upper leaves ovate-oblong acute; costa somewhat long-excur- rent (in lower leaves not excurrent). Capsule pale brown not constricted below mouth; lid small apiculate or rostellate; teeth I — 382 — orange; pedicel about 1 c. m. long. Tufts dense greenish about 1,5 c. m. high. — On shores of Atlantic sea r. Eur. Norway: I. Hagen. bb. Upper leaves us. long-acuminate. Capsule gen. sub- oblong, longer than neck. ; 158.1i.incliiiatuin Swartz. — Pohlia Sw.; Bryum Br. eur. Leaves narrowly ovate-oblong, the uppermost (also on t:b'^ots) us. glomerate; upper cells narrow; costa sometimes not long- excurrent. Capsule gen. suboblong; lid short-conic; pedicel about 3 — 4 c. m. long. Stem very short with short shoots. — On earth also in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Sweden, Norwayl Finl.: Brotherus. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Waghorne. Alaska* J. M. Macoun. 1 ri9.B.lapponicuni Kaurin. I- ^i^mau- ^{ Differs from the last: Leaves broader, subovate not long-acu- minate; pedicel of capsule 5 — 6 c. m. long; lid mamillate; stem distinct; tufts more dense, about 2 c. m. high; spores some- what larger. — Eur. Norway near Tromsoe: Kaurin, com. N. Bryhn. \^ -..r-i }^ '^ B.subinclinatum Kindb. n. subsp. v'i-iilru ■fh(4f^^i iov> Spores smaller about 0,02 m. m. Endostome adhering to teeth; lid apiculate. Tufts very dense and tomentose. — Ame}. Can. northern Labrador: Maeoun 1896. IBO.B.Hageuii Limpricht. -<.■ •-.'.■ >..(-- -i.-i «.-. r Differs from B. indiyiatum: Leaves longer, often denticulate above; the lower on shoots (barren stems) short-decurrent. Lid of capsule low; spores larger. Tufts higher. — Rocks r. Eur, Norway: I. Hagen. * B.curvatum Kaurin et Arnell. ^ is- ..v*a...v,m,.(.. Capsule and its neck sometimes curved or oblique. — Eur. r. Norway: Arnell. lei.B.Froudei Kindb. in Ottawa Naturalist V. Leaves ovate-lanoeolate, twisted when dry: the uppermost not glomerate; upper cells very long and narrow; costa long excur- rent. Capsule oblong-obovate; lid flat mamillate or subapicu- late; pedicel about 3 c. m., not much longer than tufts. Spores scarcely 0,03 m. m. Stem distinct and tomentose with longish shoots. — Amer. r. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. Can.: J. Macoun. 7. Rutilantiformia. 162.B.rutilan8 Bridel. — B. oeneum Blytt. U .' V Leaves ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate, broadly limbate Jind retiexed, gen. entire, twisted when dry, finally coppf r-red; costa a i: sub- f — 383 — short-excuirent. Capsule hiown. Stem us. high, often with filiform propngula. Tufts dense tomentose, often zonate when dry. Us. dioecious, r. fruiting. — Wet rocks in northern alps r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld!; R. Hartman. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. 168.B.campy]ocarpum Limpricht. — »B. angustifolium Kaurin» (not Bridel) ? ^tarth ,1 Differs from the last: Leaves denticulate above, not or indi- stinctly reflexed, less twisted when dry; costa subpercurrent. Capsule sometimes shorter necked; lid more deplanate. Stem lower, less radicuLse. Monoecious. — Wet rocks by rivulets in northern alps r. Eur. Norway! V, Webera Hedwig; Schimper, «»-»». t'>Ui' 1. Crudiformia. '■ A. Leaves serrate not reflexed us. crowded; costa not per- current. Capsule subclavate; cilia us. long. a. Leaves short opal-glossy. Capsule gen. cernuous. 164.B.ci'Uduin L. — Mnium L.; Bryum Hudson. Leaves suboblong short-acuminate: comal and perichetial longer acuminate, Capsule not constricted. Perigonial leaves patent. Tufts us. loose. Synoecious or paroecious but often also with discoid male flowers — Earth and rocks common. Eur. Swe- den, Norway, Switzerl.I Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. b. Leaves long not opal-glossy. Capsule gen. suberect. '' lG5.B.nitescens Kindb. in botan. notiser 1896. — Bryum (Webera) nitens Kindb. Laubm. S. u. N.; non Hooker. Leaves oblong-lanceolate acuminate: perichetial long. Capsule not constricted; cilia long. Perigonial leaves erect. Tufts dense tomentose silky or golden glossy. Dioecious with gemmiform male flowers, r. synoecious. - Alpine and arctic districts r. Eur. Norway in Dovrefjeld! Sweden: A. Grape. Amer. Greenl.: Vanhoeffen. Can. northern Labrador: Macoun. 166.B.loilgicollum Swartz. — Webera Hedwig. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate: perichetial shorter than uppermost stem-leaves. Cirpsule faintly constricted, narrower than in the last; cilia sometimes short. Tufts spa- ringly radiculose silky or golden glossy. Paroecious without special male flowers. — Schistose and siliceous alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway! Switzerl.: Schimper. Austria: Venturi. Amer. » Cascade mts»: Leo<\. et J. ''^^^^^ 1^ — 384 167.B.BolflBiideri Lesquerenx. '"' ' " .-.,-.v.M^.f^ Differs from the last: Leaves loosely disposed more patent. Capsule thicker more inclined. Tufts looser. Paroecious or dioecious, — Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 168.B.loilgibrRCteatUTli Brotherus. — Pohlia Broth.; Bryum Kindb. Leaves linear-lanceolate short-acuminate distant long-decurrent. Male flowers discoid; perigonial leaves long linear-lanceolate. Tufts loose glaucous green. Capsules unknown. Dioecious. — Amer. r. U. S. Oregon: Roell. B. Upper leaves faintly serrate reflexed nearly all around; costa subpercurrent or short-excurrent. Capsule suboblong; cilia rudimentary. : , 1 69.B.cra8sidens Lindbc-g. — Pohlia Lindb.; Bryum Kindb. Lower leaves small ovate apiculate not reflexed, distant, finally red; upper sublinear-lanceolate acuminate green silky glossy. Capsule often suberect. Tufts often dense. Male plants less radiculose; leaves gradually larger upwards; flowers discoid. Dioecious. — Alp. rocks r. Eur, Norway: N. Bryhn. Sweden: E. Nyman. . .; 2. Nutantiformia. "* "* A. Sterile stems us. with bud-like propagula. Leaves loosely disposed, only the uppermost glomerate; cells somewhat dilated. Dioecious r. fruiting. Stems not or loosely tufted. ITO.B.annotinnm Hedwig. — Webera Bruch. Capsule suboblong red-yellow; teeth yellow; pedicel pale red. Uppermost leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate or sublinear-subulate, sometimes decurrent; lower subovate-oblong not decurrent, not appressed when dry. Bulbilli us. red. — Sandy or clayey soil. Eur. not common. Sweden, Norway! Amer. r. Greenl.: Berg- gren. Can.: Macoun. ITl.B.proligerum Lindberg. — Pohlia Lindb.; Bryum Kindb. Capsule broad-oval dark brown-red; teeth brown-yellow; pe- dicel purplish. Leaves broader than in the last, more erect when dry. Bulbilli us. greenish. — Sand or clay. Eur. probably not r. Switzerl., SwedenI Norway I; S. O. Lindberg and E. Nyman. B. Stem without bulbilli. Leaves crowded, at least the upper of fertile stems; cells narrow. Tufts us. dense. a. Upper leaves serrate. Us. paroecious. Capsule with apiculate lid. 1 — 385 172.B.1llltans Schreber. — Webera Hcdwij?. Leaves ovate-ianceolute acuminate acute: upper narrower, faintly reflexed; costa r. subexcurrent. Capsule oval-oblong us. brown-red sometimes bicolored; cilia r. appendiculate. — Eartb, rocks and swarrps common. Eur. Sweden etc.! Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. U. S ; Rocll. * B.cuspidulatiim Kindb. n. subsp Perichetial leaves long-subulate gen. not reflexed; costa gen, long-excurrent. Stem very short. Dioecious. — Alps r. Eur. Norway! * B.canalicnlatiim C. M. et Kindb. — Webera cat. Can. ra. Perichetial leaves with thicker, canaliculate sometimes excur- rent costa. Cilia long-appendiculate. Lowest leaves short-de- cuvrent. Spores larger. — Wet earth r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. * B.camptotracheluiii Renauld et Cardot. Leaves erect but much longer than in B. annotinum; periche- tial gen. with excurrent costa. Capsule sometimes with cur- ved neck. Stem very short. Dioecious. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Cardot. ^B.Macouuii Kindb. n. subsp. All leaves, also on sterile stems and shoo, distinctly ser- rate, not glossy, finally red, densely crowded, ..ppressed when dry. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: J. Macoun. b. Leaves nearly entire. Dioecious or polygamous with sub- discoid male flowers. Capsule with mamillate lid. 173.B.Schiniperi C. Mueller. Capsule brownish narrov; teeth pale. Leaves reflexed. Tufts often high and purplish. - Alp. swamps r. iJ^r. Scotl.: herb. Milde. Amer. Can. northern Labrador: Macoun.' »Greenl.»: Berggren. 174.B.Spha|S:ni »Bridel»: C. Mueller. — B. sphagnicola Br. eur. Capsule pale brown; teeth yellowish; pedicel yellowish often very long. Leaves not reflexed, gen. distant. Stems r. tufted. — Turf-moors r. Eur. Sweden, Norway! Germany: Geheeb. Amer. Can : Macoun. 3. Pulchelliformia. «]«ft;? *J**> h >r^?**# A. Capsule strangulate; teeth brown-red; annulus none. Leaves crowded; cells wide, the upper subrhombic. 175.B.carneilin L. — Webera Schimper; Mniobryum Limpricht. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong short-acumi- nate not decurrent; costa red not percurrent. Capsule broad oval ss — 386 — red-yellow or finally brown-rod. TuftB green. — On enrth. Eur. not common. Switzeil.l Sweden: M. Huss. France; Le Jolis. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. B, Capsule not ftrangulate; teeth yellow; annulus us. pre- sent. Leaves more or less dintant; cells nirrow or not much dilated. a. Shoot leaves and lower leaves of fruiting stem distant naiiowly long-decurrent. Leaves finally red. Tufts dense. 176.B.C0luiiibiciiin Kindb. — Webera cat. Can. m. *'*^ Leaves sublinear-lanceolate long-acnminate serrate reflexed; colls narrow; costa red subpercurrent. Capsule red or red-yellow broad-oval or subglobose; annulus broad; cilia in pairs. — Moist banks r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. b. Leaves not distinctly decurrent us. green. Tufts us. loose. aa. Capsule more or less distinctly annulate. amMRH ' 'If .* 177.B.pulc1ielllim Hedwig. — Webera Schimper, in part. '*• Capsule subglobose or oval red-yollow or finally brown-red; neck shortish. Leaves ovate-lanceolate acuminate: upper denti- culate faintly reflexed; cells narrow; costa gree.i not excurrent. — Earth in northern di.str. Eur. Norway!; E Nyman. Finl.: Brotherus. Sweden not r.: P. Olsson, Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. ITS.B.lutescens Limpricht. — Webera Limpr.; Bryum Kindb. Differs from the last: Capsule suboval paler; neck us. longish. Leaves more distinctly serrate and distant; costa red, in comal leaves sometime? excurrent. Tufts less loose. — Earth also in alps 1". Eur. Norway! 179.B.Le8CUrli Sullivant ic, muse. — Webera Lesq. et Jam. fi. Differs from B. pukhellum: Annulus broader, wholly revoluble. Leaves longer: lower less distant, upper more subulate not reflexed; cells wider. — Wot clay soil r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Sullivant and Austin, com. Mrs Britton. bb. Capsule not annulate. 180.B.Bi'iiminOiidii C. Mueller. — Mniobryum vexans Limpr. .*! Capsule sometimes larger than in B. pulchellum. Differs also from it: Leaves erect distinctly reflexed and serrate; cells wider; costa finally red below. — Earth also in alps r. Eur. »Germany»: Limpricht. Amer. Can.: Drummond n. 261, com. Macoun, v$<4 4. Cucullatiformia.^ ,E iitiKjfrtti'i.H x";Tl . -i; A. Leaves very distant, us. broadly long-decurrent; cells ^en« very WlOe, .j ,jiinjaj,ijv.",j >*;;;» u^i-t >rrjnv>' ,js.j»'iiiy /'*< ri-jii «siimA "* — 387 - i ! 181.1J.Lui(Ies Kindb. — Webera cat. Canad. m. Leaves ovate-oblong acute or subol)liise; costa not excurrent, in the longer and narrower perichetial sometimes excurrent. Capsule ubleng yellowish brown; teeth pnle; pedicel about 2 c. m. long. Tufts dense 4—5 c. m. high rufescent below. — Higher alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 2250 metr. a. sea: J. M. Macoun. bb. Leaves more or less distant and decurrent. Endosto- mial membrane elevate; cilia long; lid conic. IM. t I • — 888 — ISB.R.conilnntatnin Schimper. — Webora Sch.; Brynm Bonlny. Leaves oval ovate or suboblong us. short-acuminate and erect when dry. Pericbetial leaves oblong-lanceolate more distinctly denticulate. Capsule suboval dark or blackish brown. — Or. earth in alps. Eur. not uncommon. Norway! Finl.: Brotherns. France: Hupnot. Anier. (Jreeni.: Berggren. Can.: Macoun. * B.iiiicrodoniium Kindb. — Webera microdenticulata C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. Leaves more glossy, patent when dry: pericbetial somewhat longer. Tufts looser. — Higher alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 2100 metr. a. sea: Macoun. * B.gracfle Schleicher. — Webera Notaris. Leaves smaller narrower more acuminate, appressed when dry. Capsule narrower sometimes reddish. Stem often with us. red bulbilli. — Alps r. Eur. Norway, Switzerl.I Austria: Venturi. Amer. Can.; Macoun. * B.HUbcucullaiuni C. M. et Kindb. — Webera cat. Can. m. Leaves small suboblong gen. obtusate, appressed hen dry: lower obtuse. Capsule smaller. Stem without bul' Tufts dense. — Higher alp. region r. Amer. Can. 2100 n a. sea: Macoun. *B.Cardoti Renauld. — Webera Ren.; Bryum Kindb. " Lower leaves often subobtuse. Capsule sometimes erect when moist, sometimes pendent when dry. — Amer. r. U. S.Oregon: Henderson, com. Cardot. • •» >" *B.flluni Schimper. Leaves not reflexed, often subobtuse, more distant or less distinctly crowded; cells wider. Tufts high often loose. Capsules unknown. — Alps r. Eur. Norway! Switzerl.: Culmann, com. Husnot. '^" -'-■'• '' " :■'■■'■' "'" iVnA'-^iP: * B.carlnatnm Boulay. — » Webera cucullata var.»: Husnot. Leaves carinate not reflexed nearly appressed, very glossy. Capsule thick; pedicel short. — Rocks r. Eur. Mont Blanc: Payot, com. Husnot. * B.Paj'Oti Schimper. -r— »Bryum Blindii var.»: Husnot. f » Leaves broad-ovate long-decurrent nearl}' entire, imbricate when dry. Tufts 4 — 6 c. m. high not tomentose. Capsules unknown. — Alp. rivulets r. Eur. France: Payot»: Limpricht. 187.B.microsporiim Kindb. — Webera pycnodecurrens C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. i .';l<; ^■^ .1 ; Differri from B. commutatum: Leaves distinctly serrate longer- decurrent, more glossy and finally reddish, patent when dry; — ^89 M. y(!llow; cilia Boinetimes kuIj- — Alps r. Amer. Brit. Col. Wcbera micro-ai)iciilata C. M. et or celJH narrowor. Capsule roddJHli appendiculate. Spores very small 2100 motr. a. sea: Macoun. IHS.B.canadense Kindb. - Kindb. cat. Can. in. Leaves small suboblong or oblong-lanceolate apiculate narrowed to a abort gen. entire acumen, finally red, appresscd wlien dry; the uppermost denticulate faintly retlexed; cells very narrow; costa faint, vanishing far below apex. Tufts dense not high, green above, reddish below. Capsules unknown. — Rocks r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col: Macoun, 189.B.norveglCiiin Kindb. — B. micro-commutatum Kindb. botan. notiser 1890. Leaves small oval-ovate obtusate or short-acuminate faintly denticulate nearly crowded and gen. not decurrent; cells not wide; costa not excurrent. Tufts low green. Differs from B. commutatum: Capsule subglobose or broad-piriform purplish or finally dark brown-red iften erect; neck very short; teeth brown- yellow; pedicel us. sh-Ttish. — In alp. region r. Eur. Norway Dovrefjeld and Tronfjeldl 5. Albicantiformia. '■ 190.B.albicail8 Wahlenberg. — Mniobryum Linipr. *■ Leaves not glossy, often glaucous green sometimes finally red; cells rhomboidal; costa not percurrent. Lower leaves ovate or ovate-oblong; upper acute not reflexed, distant short- decur- rent, us. narrowly ovate-lanceolate. Capsule glaucous finally reddish or orange-brown, blackish when old, thick piriform; neck thick; teeth orange; lid mamillate; pedicel long. Tufts loose often high when sterile, about 2 — 3 c. m. when fruiting. Dioecious. — Wet places princ. in alps. Eur. comm.on in alps. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l Amer. Can.: J. Macoun; Moser. Alnskn: .J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. * B.sparsuiii »Hampc»: C. Mueller. Leaves smaller; cells narrower. Stem short. — Amer. r. U. S.: Roell; Bolsender, com. C. Mueller. VI. Epipterygium Lindberg. i 191.B.Tozeri Greville. — Webera Schimper. ^' Leaves pale green; the larger oval or obovate abruptly short- acuminate acute decurrent; inner cells wide rhomboidal. Smaller leaves oblong. Capsule small obovate rufescent; neck short; lid conic; annulus very broad; pedicel not long. Stems short not tufted. Dioecious. Habit of B. carneum. — Wet earth r. ; ) i: I — 390 — Eur. France: Philibert; Du Noday. Engl.: Cuniow. Amei'. Pacif. distr. Can.: Macoun. U. S.: Henderson, com. Cardot. « VII. Pohlia Hedwig, in part. i A. Capsule large narrowly oblong. Upper leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate distinctly reflexed. Tufts loose. 192.B.eloilgatuiu Hedwig. — Pohlia H.; Bryum Dickson. ^ Upper leaves sharply acuminate more or less denticulate. Capsule not pendent, with us. curved longer neck; lid r. ro- Htellate; pedicel long. Us. paroecious. — Earth and rocks princ. below alp. regions. Eur. not r. Norway! Sweden: E. Adlerz. * B.ambiguum Limpricht. — Webera Limpr.; Bryum Kindb. » Leaves denticulate only near apex: upper suddenly larger. Cilia split. — Eur. r. Austria*: Limpricht. * B.Bcuminatiim Hornschuch, — Pohlia Hsch.; Bryum Br. eur. * Leaves denticulate near apex: upper often suddenly larger. Capsule not shorter than the us. straight neck; lid often ro- f'tellate. — Earth and rocks princ. in alps. Eur. Norway, Swit- zerl.i Sweden: H. Nordenstrosm. Scotl. Rogers. Amer. Can.: Ma- coun; Fowler. B. Capsule not large, suboblong or subobovate. Upper leaves faintly reflexed, broadly ovate-lanceolate. Tufts dense. 193.B.polyniorphiini Hoppe et Hornschuch. ~ Pohlia Hop. et Hsch.; Bryum Br. eur. ^'< ',4^ nuHXh , su*k» ^wf. Capsule gen. suboblong and pendent; neck shorter, r. curved; lid not rostellate; pedicel us. short. Leaves crowded us. ap- pressed when dry; cells very narrow. Stem us. naked below or beset with very small leaves. Tufts low. Us. paroecious. — Earth and rocks in alp. rep;ions. Eur. not r. Norway, Switzerl.! France: Husnot, Amer. ^. Greenl.: Berggren; Vanhoeffen. * B.brachycarpuiii Hoppe et Hornschuch. — Pohlia Hop. et Hsch.; Bryum Kindb.; B. nudicaule Lesquereux; Sullivant icon, m.; Webera microcaulon C. M. et Kindb. cat. Can. m. h-AdM "" .Capsule thick subobovate. Us. monoecious. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Norway! France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: J. Macoun. Alaska: J. M. Macoun. U. S.: Bokender, com. C. Mueller. * B.pseud-acuiiiiiiatuiu Kindb. n. subsp. 1... » «f n , Capsule larger, suboblong and gen. not pendent. Stem and pedicel longer. Us. monoecious or dioecious. — Alp. rocks r. Jilur. Norway! 1:-. ;., • ,^ir- r,.,,;.v.- 194.B.$ubpolyuiorphuiii Kindb. n. sp. Capsule oblong pendent, smaller tiian in B. polymorphum- T — 391 — . neck Bhorter; lid rostellate. Leaves less crowded and not ap- preBBed when dry, sometimes Bubdecurrent; cells wider. Stem uniforml}' foliate, not naked below. Dioecious. — Alp. regions r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 1950 metr. a. sea: Macoun Canad. musci n. 468. 156. Leptotheca Schwa^grichen. ,v l.L.Wrightii Sullivant. »Comal leaves oblong-obovate or obovate-spathiilate, narrowly margined, recurved, serrulate above; costa excurrent. Capsule erect cylindric; endostome rudimentary. Tufts low dense to- mentose. Pseudo-monoecious. — Amer. r. U. S. Florida »: Lesq. et Jam. i Fam. 33. BuxbaumiaceaB, i^ 157. Buxbaumia Haller; L. ^^-*".:^'^^ l.B.aphylla L. Capsule brown, depressed on upper side witli thick border and persistent cuticle; teeth short in a single row. — Bare earth esp. in fir-woods or on decayed wood. Eur, not r. Swe- den! Austria: Schmidt. France: Brebisson. Amer. r. Can.: Ma- coun. '*■ 2.B.indusiata Bridel. Capsule green neither depressed nor margined; cuticle split- ting; teeth in 4 rows, each row increasing in length. — Rotten logs. Eur. not r. Sweden! France: Husnot. Amer. r. Can.: Macoun. 158. Diphyscium Ehrhart; Mohr. l.D.sessile Schmid. —Buxbaumia Schmid; Diphyscium Lindb.; D. foliosum Mohr. Leaves small linear-lingulate, curled when dry; upper cells rotundate, lower oval-oblong, outer basal linear pellucid; costa not percurrent. Perichetial leaves very large not chlorophyllose, from ovate oblong base long-acuminate ciliate near apex; costa excurrent to a long rough hairpoint. Capsule large ovoid small-mouthed often curved; endostome white. Dioecious, ■^■f Earth and rocks. Eur. not r. SwitzerL! Amer. Can.: Macoun. ^,, , .^ ,n, Fam. 34. AndreaBacBSB. ^j^*; * ;. 15y. Aiidreiea Elirhart. - r ; '^^ At Leaves nerveless us. appressed when dry. t*'^' .^'ttikuiJ^ \. Petropliilae. Leaves more or less papillose. Us. mon- 'A oeciouB. ^>y tti'M'^t.i^P' ** -: ?(*'**' ' -'»*'- ■ •' rfft B. Leaves costate, not oppressed when dry, often falcate. 2, NiTales. Leaves papillose, crisped or flexuous when dry; the perichetial costate. Dioecious, r. fruiting. litun.; 3. Rupestres. Leaves smooth or (sometimes in A. frigida) faintly mamillose, not crisped: inner perichetial convolute and (exc. A. Bothii) nerveless. Monoecious. 1. Petrophilae. A. Leaves broader above base, somewhat large; perichetial obtusate. Stem often longish. '"',,' 7" a* Leaves slightly crenulate at base; cells small. ' l.A.alpilia L. — Jungermania L.; Andresea Smith. ; Leaves short- acuminate obtuse crowded nearly smooth, us. appressed when dry. Tufts blackish; stem erect not much high. — Rocks near Atlantic sea r. Eur. Norway! R. Hartman; F.Kiffir. ^ J v..i tir/ri«jii.?l.i .^ D. Leaves entire; cells somewhat large. ,ir^m4 Mvmi^) 2.A.Hartinani Schimper. Leaves large gen, obtusate and distant, nearly smooth and not appressed. Tufts brownish. Stem us. very long and floa- ting. — Stones in rivulets in northern alps r. Eur. Norwayl Sweden: K. F. Thedenius. = :>^ ihhH^ lhTmn>hmM.l: ♦A.Thedenii Schimper. H •!rirfji6n r^a^M- ^^^i^'^'J*^''. Leaves less large and more distinctly acuminate, crowded, faintly papillose, often appressed. Tufts blackish brown; stem erect not much high. — Wet rocks in norther alps r. Eur, Norwayl S.A.obOvata Thedenius. ^ nixuiy>i^-iiA\ -- Mmiim f*fi^^^)«JA i Leaves less large gen. long-acuminate, crowded, dit'inctly papillose and appressed, reddish or brown-red when moist. Tufts blackish when dry; stem erect not much high. — Wet rocks in northern alps r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: R. Hartman. Finl.r Brotherus. Amer. Greenl.: Berggren. :?^'it'UfO*>? ^> (not} JB. Leaves broader near base, gen. small and appressed when dry; perichetial sometimes acuminate. Tufts loose; stem erect. 4.A.petropIuIa Ehrhart. Leaves ovate oblong or ovate-lanceolate acuminate gen. sub- obtuse distinctly papillose and crowded: inner perichetial us. obtusate. Tufis gen. brown and low. — Siliceous rocks com- mon. Eur. Sweden, Norway, Switzerl.l S})ain: Levier. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Waghorne. I wm — 39B — ten falcate. 3 when dry; I A. frigida) nvolute and ■i .,».. 'M I ^ i; perichetial smooth, us. )t not much R. Hartman; .,:.:•.-'■■■,: 7 h\li'. Bmooth and ong and floa- Eiir. Norwayl i* late, crowded, 1 brown; stem T alps r. Bw. ded, dirinctly i when moiBt. high. — Wet : R. Hartman. and appresBed ifte loose; stem linate gen. Bub- • perichetial us. J0U8 rocks com- : Levier. Aviier. I I t * A.alpestris Thedenius. * "* " • ' ■*' " -• - » - Leaves smaller and less papillose, ehort-acuminute obtuse; cells smaller. Perichetial leaves obtusate obtuse. Stem thinner. Tufts us. blackish. — Northern alps r. Eur. Norwayl Amer. Can.: Macoun. *A.papillosa Lindberg. Leaves very papillose often nearly subulate-acuminate; cells somewhat large. Perichetial leaves acute short-acuminate. Tufts often high and blackish. — Princ. in arctic distr. r. B%r. Norway! Spetsbergen: Berggren. Amer. ^Greenl.*: Lange:.-. ^ .^* * A.subsparsifolia Kindb. n. subsp. '" ' " Leaves gen. long-acuminate: perichetial acute acuminate; cells not large. Tufts brown somewhat high. — Eur. r. Norway oi:; recks near Atlantic sea in Oerkedal!. .y, ; ; f.Tri'^i'/ .-wa .t * A.tenella Kindb. n. subsp. Leaves narrow long-jvcuminate often crenulate above, very small; cells small as in A. alpestris. Stem capillary. Tufts low blackish. — Alp. region r. Eur. Spain hospice de Venasque in Pyren. mts 1800 metr. a. sea! f. - ;. -i';!- . i;I/i »Plant very small. Leaves minute from oval biventricose base narrowed to a suboblong round-obtuse acumen, very pa- pillose: perichetial subobtusate or acuminate. Capsule minute; pedicel very short. Dioecious. — Arctic distr. r. Amer. Alaska»: C. M. A.iJ■i^ ']i'ifHilKv:Ji'\-i.l.^H .::;i ■•■:,'] ' .'^■•'jivl, ■■■ 2. Nivales. A. Leaves papillose on whole lamina, not densely crowded, more or less crisped. Tufts loose and high when sterile. G.A.nivalis Hooker. Leaves ovate-lanceolate gradually narrowed to the subulate acumen, papillose princ. at borders; costa not or slightly excur- rent. Tufts us. blackish or black-red when dry. — Wet sand on alp. often inundated rocks r. Eur. Norway! Sweden: JB. Adlerz. France: Zetterstedt. xVustria: Husnot m. Gall. i;i ;y^e, vi 96 'i^iuii MHHil - 394 — T.A.Macounii Kindb. bull. Torr. club 1890.' "" * * ^ ' "* Leaves from short ovate or broadly ovate-lanceolate base abruptly narrowed to the sublinear acumen, papillose princ. on upper part of costa, whick is purple red gen. long-excurrent but not filling whole acumen below. Tufts brown or brown- red when dry. Capsules unknown. — On inclined faces of rocks by rivulets in higher alp. region r. Amer. Can. Brit. Col. 2250 metr. a. sea: J. Macoun. U. S. Oregon: Roell. »^ B. Leaves smooth on lamina, papillose on the long-excur- rent costa, crowded, slightly crisped. Tufts low dense. > ri S.A.Blyttii Schimper. Leaves from short ovate base abruptly narrowed to the ex- current costa. Tufts us. blackish when dry. — Northern alps r. Eur. Norway: M. N. Blytt; Zetterstedt. Amer. Greeul.: Berg- gren, com. Nathorst. u im .:>vi »»i 3. Rupestres. A. Leaves with not or slightly excurrent costa; the inner perichetial with percurrent costa. O.A.Bothii Weber et Mohr. .; Leaves crowded us. ovate-lanceolate broadly acuminate sub- acute and not falcate. Tufts low dense blackish or red-brown. — Siliceous rocks. Eur. not r. Norway! SwedenI; R. Hartman. France: Husnot. Amer. r. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. * A.falcata Schimper. Leaves falcate smaller, from ovate-oblong base abruptly nar- rowed to the subulate acumen. Tufts us. blackish. — Alp. rocks r. Eur. Spain, Switzerl.! France: Husnot. Amer. Can.: Macoun. Bi Leaves gen. with long-excurrent costa: inner perichetial nerveless. -.^r ^.i^rym'^mi i^sifiMfj a. Leaves short ovate or ovate-oblong crowded often sub- erect when dry: perichetial us. smooth. -i iO.A.crassinervis Bruch. '* ' Leaves subovate; costa thick terete long-excurrent. Inner perichetial leaves long-acuminate, outer costate. Tufts dense blackish. — Rocks princ. below alps near sea. Eur. Sweden less r.l; M. Huss. Norway: E. Nyman. Finl.: Axel Arrhenius. Amer. r. N. Foundl.: Waghorne. ILA.obtnsifolia Berggren in sched. .^:-^ai^^^,m^^...^i^ai f' Leaves ovate-oblong; costa faint applanate excurrent not fil- ling whole acumen below. Nearly all perichetial leaves nerve- less: inner obtusate or short-acuminate. Tufts loose blackish. i . r. Anier. Greenl: Berg- — 395 — — Dry siliceous rocks in arctic distr. gren, com. Nathorst. b. Leaves gen. ovate-lanceolate patent also when dry. aa. Leaves somewhat distant: inner perichetial very papillose. 12.A.Uuntii Limpricht. Leaves falcate; costa not filling whole acumen below. Tufts dense blackish. — Rocks princ. in lower districts r. Eur. Swe- den: C. Indebetou. Norway: E. Nyman. Engl.: Holt. Portugal: Levier. Amer. Can. Vane, isl.: Macoun. bb. Leaves crowded; the perichetial smooth. ! -' 13.A.frigida Huebener. ^ Leaves broadly acuminate subobtuse; outer perichetial costate. Tufts dense reddish brown or blackish, — Siliceous alp. rocks. Eur. not r. Spain! Portugal and Corsica: Levier. Germany: Limpricht. Austria; Breidler. 14.A.angustata Lindberg. Leaves narrowly long-acuminate subacute: perichetial nerveless. Tufts loose blackish very low. — In alp. region r. Eur. » Austria 1600 metr. a. sea: Breidler »: Limpricht. Fam. 35. BruchiacesB. -w ''''*'■' 160. Brnchia Schwsegrichen. A. Calyptra hispid. Capsule with nearly indistinct neck. I. Trachyniitra. Capsule wholly immersed; pedicel very short. Upper leaves long-acuminate subovate-lanceolate; costa percur- rent. Spores nearly smooth about 0,03 m. m. Monoecious. B. Calyptra glabrous. Capsule gen. distinctly necked. IL Pseudo-Trematodon. Capsule with narrow often defluent neck; pedicel gen. long-exserted above the upper leaves, ^'pores about 0,02 m. m., more or less papillose. Us. monoecious. HI. Ell-Bruchia. Capsule with gen. thick (not defluent) and not longer neck; pedicel short-exserted or immersed. Paroecious or (B. Drummondii) monoecious, r. dioecious 1. Trachymitra Kindb. l.B.Bayenelii Wilson; Sullivant icon, muse. Upper leaves nearly gradually acuminate; costa nearly filling upper part of the serrulate acumen. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sullivant. u- ..mnu'^^r. ■■. nfw,,-ms ^'(^^^ 2,B.Caro1inaB Austin; Britton in contrib. from Columbia coll. Upper leaves gen. from subobovate base abruptly acuminate; costa broadly bordered by lamina of the nearly entire acumen. — Amer. r. »U. S.: Austin*: Britton. n\'i: »*ti T i — 396 — II. Pseiido-Trematodon Kindb. A. Upper leaves slightly sinuolate above; costa not exourreut. S.BBolaenderi Lesquereux; Sullivant icon. m. Upper leaves ovate-lanceolate nearly gradually narrowed. Cap- sule shorter than the not defiuent neck; pedicel longer. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sullivant. B. Upper leaves us. entire r. denticulate; costa excurrent. 4.B.longicollis Eaton bull. Torr. club 1890. r. Upper leaves ovate-lanceolate nearly gradually narrowed; costa tilling upper half of acumen. Capsule shorter than the defiuent neck; pedicel long-exserted. — Amer. r. »U. S.v: Eaton. 5.B.trobasiana Notaris. Upper leaves subovate-lanceolate gradually narrowed, costa not filling whole acumen below. Capsule not shorter than the subdefluent necL; pedicel scarcely exserted above upper leaves. Sometimes paroecious. — Eur. r. Austria: Breidler, com. Warnstorf. G.B.YOgesiaca Schwsegrichen. T Upper leaves ovate-oblong abruptly narrowed to a by costa filled acumen. Capsule not shorter than the defiuent neck; pedicel long-exserted. — Eur. r. France: Boulay; Buchinger. III. Eu-Bruchia. A. Costa of leaves excurrent. 7.B.curviseta Lesquereux et James. j .iifnmiiHmV ■ k- >Upper leaves subovate, denticulate above. Capsule wholly exserted, longer than the thick neck; pedicel curved or genicu- late, not shorter. Spores papillose. Paroecious. — Amer. ^J. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. «* n S.B.DrumniOlKlii Hampe. — B. brevipes SuU. 1. c. (non Hooker). Upper leaves entire from subovate base abniptly narrowed to the subulate by costa nearly wholly filled acumen. Capsule wholly immersed; pedicel short. Spores kss papillose. Mon-. oecious. — Amer. r. !>U. S.»: Sullivant, c> B. Costa of leaves not excurrent. *^ i iiii\*w a. Leaves short obtusate or short-acuminate. Ur?*«^y^jEII.'J 9.B.breTifolia Sullivant icon. muse. Upper leaves from longer, ovate-oblong base nearly gradually narrowed to the short acumen; costa percurrent. Capsule partly emergent; pedicel very short. Spores nearly smooth somewhat small. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sullivant. ' * lO.B.fusca Britton 1. c. ' -n Upper leaves ovate or brouJ-ovate obtusate or very short- i y ,. .. — 397 — aouminate, often obtuse; costa abbreviate or scarcely percnrrent. Capsule exRerted; pedicel nearly immersed. Spores as in the last. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Mrs Britton. ll.B.Hallii Austin; Britton 1, c. Upper leaves subovate very short-acuminate acute; costa per- cnrrent. Capsule wholly exserted; pedicel nearly emergent at apex. Spores large papillose. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Mrs E. G. Britton. b. Leaves long-acuminate. Spores somewhat large, us. very papillose. 12.B.texana Austin; Britton 1. c. — B. flexuosa var. nigricans Sull. 1. c. Upper leaves from ovate-oblong base abruptly subulate-acu- minate, entire. Capsule wholly exserted, longer than the thick neck; pedicel subemergent. — Amer. U. S.: com. Macoun. * B.Donnellii Austin; Lesq. et Jam. * »LeaveB sinuolate above, sometimes faintly papillose. Pedicel often emergent. — Amer. r. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. * B.SulliTantii Austin; Lesq. et Jam. — B. tlexuosa Sull. 1. c. in part. Capsule partly emergent. Spores larger, more papillose. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: SuUivant. 1 S.B.flexuOSa Schwiegrichen. — Phascum Schw.; Bruchia C. M.; B. Beyrichiana Sull. 1. c. Upper leaves from ovate-oblong base nearly gradually narro- wed to the linear- subulate by the (not excurrent) costa nearly filled acumen. Capsule oval piriform without distinct neck, partly emergent; pedicel not shorter. — Amer. r. U, S.: Lang- lois, com. Cardot. 161. Pleuridium Bridel. Ji W v / - A. Monoecious with gemmiform male flowers. a. Branches julaceous. Leaves obtusate or short-acuminate; upper cells small rhomboidal. l.P.Sullivantii Austin. - Brid. Leaves subovate crowded: upper with thick excurrent costa, perichetial abruptly acuminate much larger. Capsule broad-oval thick-pointed; pedicel nearly half as long. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sullivant. b. Branches not julaceous. Leaves long-acuminate; the upper larger; cells rectangular. »P. nervosum » Sull. icon, m., non — 398 — 2.F.alternifo1ium Dickson. — Phascum Dicks.; Pleuridium Rabenhorst. t. Upper leaves somewhat abruptly subulate gen. serrulate above; costa sometimes excurrent. Capsule subovoid with straight point. Tufts green. — Eur. not r. in northern distr. Sweden I France: Lamy. Finl.: Bomansson. Amer. U. S.: Howe; Sullivant, com. C. Mueller. S.P.BolaBnderi C. Mueller. f*v^iff^i Upper leaves gradually subulate nearly entire, shorter than in the last; costa excurrent. Capsule ovoid with oblique point. Tufts dark green. — Amer. r. U. !S. Chicago: Roell. B* Paroecious or synoecious. ; .i<,g a. Upper leaves not larger than the lower, .v., -„rh r , 4.F.axil1are Dickson. — Phascum Dicks.; Pleuridium Lindb.; P. nitidum Rabenhorst. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate acute; costa faint not ex- current. Capsule ovoid often lateral. — Eur. not r. SwedenI Engl.: Rogers. Austria: Schmidt. c .,«,{, ... nT.u.!i.rf.. /*>*•«!'♦» b. Upper leaves larger than the lower. S.P.palustre Br. eur. — Phascum Br. eur.; Pleuridium Husnot. Leaves crowded: upper ovate-oblong; costa long-excurrent. Calyptra mitriform. Capsule round-ovoid; pedicel very short. Protonema often persistent. — Wet earth. Eur. not common. Sweden: S. Berggren; J. Persson. Belgium: Gravet. Amer. >/U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. G.P.silbuIatuni Hudson. — Phascum Huds.; Pleuridium Ra- benhorst. Leaves gen. distant; the upper from ovate-oblong base nearly gradually subulate; costa not well-defined above and scarcely excurrent. Calyptra cucullate. Capsule ovoid apiculate; pedicel us. very short. Protonema not persistent. — Sandy soil. Eur. princ. in southern distr., r. in northern. Switzerl.l Sweden: M. Hubs. Engl.: Whitehead. France: Husnot. Amer. »U. S.»: Lq. et J. * P.anonialuni Kindb. in nuovo giorn. bot. ital. 1893 (as var.). Capsule with distinct lid; pedicel arcuate emergent above leaves. — On sand at a stonewall, mixed with P. subulatum and Ditrichum pallidum (hybride form ?). Eur. Switzerl. near Luganol * P.astomoides Limpricht. ni;u .^/iJiiiM i;i;ir;:iaif r-i.:!: It »Hybride form ? Capsule without distinct lid, shorter than the straight not emergent pedicel. — Mixed with P. subulatum and Ditrichum pallidum. Eur. Austria; Breidler»: Limpricht, ! 399 — i\:t\ i r t^ '■'*♦' T.P.Ravenelli Austin. -^ ^ i » Differs from P. subulatum: Upper leaves with longer sub- lanceolate base; costa exourrent. Capsule broadly npiculate, a little larger. — Light sandy soil r. Amer. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 162. Archidium Bridel. A. Monoecious with male flowers on separate branches. Leaf cells subrectangular. l.A.ohioense Schimper; SuUivant icon. muse. Leaves distant patent sublinear-subulate serrulate above; the perichetial from ovate base abruptly acuminate; costa gen. not excurrent. — Clay soil r. Amer. Can.: Macoun. 2.A.Hallii Austin. ■ -r-ri-lw". ri-'j ^ H: , Leaves crowded suberect sublinear-subulate nearly entire; costa Bometimes excurrent. Perichetial leaves not seen. — Amer. r. U, S.: Henry, com. Cardot. B. Synoecious or subparoecious (submonoecious). 3 S.A.alternifolium Hooker et Taylor. — Phascum H. T.; Ar- chidium Schimper; A. phascoides Brid. Leaves distant patent sublinear-subulate gen. entire; cells sub- rectangular; perichetial leaves from ovate oblong base abruptly acuminate; costa sometimes excurrent. Stem with numerous flagelliform shoots. Habit of Pleuridium alternijolium. - Wet soil vi'/. near lakes r. Eur. Sweden: France: Berthoumieu. , 4.A.longifoliuiil Lesquereux et James. » Synoecious. Leaves narrowly lanceolate-subulate; cells gen. rectangular; costa excurrent. — Amer. r. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 5.A.tenerrimum Mitten. * ;r i.^r '1 ^ » Differs from B. ohioense: Subparoecious. Leaf-cells much shorter and closer. — Amer. r. U. S.: Drummond»: Lesq. et Jam. e.A.Ravenelii Austin. ■ » » Synoecious. Lower leaves ^vate, upper ovate-lanceolate or acute or obtuse entire; cells round-oval or rhomboidal; costa sometimes excurrent. — Amer. r. U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 163. Ephemerum Hampe. ■ £costata. Leaves nerveless (r. faintly costate in upper Costata. Leaves costate. Spores papillose. <.-> '-!!-» 1. Ecostata. * •?* _. Leaves serrate above middle; cells wide. ..--.-..^-^■..-•.t -^^^ l.E.serratum Schreber. — Phascum Schr.; Ephemerum Hampe. Leaves narrowly suboblong not long-acuminate. Spores pa- 1, half). 2. " - 400 - pillose 0,05—0,07 m. m. — Eur. not r: Sweden: Hftmnptrcem. Austria: Schmidt. France: Bertiioumieu. Amer. »U. 8.»: Leeq. et Jam. f''fW V^''-'''^^^ ^^iM^.'if.) ,Jii-',i>: •xa u-o;? y.tni tvl^i' *K.priPCOX Waltlier et Molendo. — E. intermedium Mitten, Leavep faintly costate in upper Imlf. — Eiir. r. »Engl,»: Brnithwnite. 2 E.minutissiniiiiii Lindberg. ". ff» . ! I Leaves n.irrowly lanceolate long-acuminate. Spores nearly pmooth smaller than in the last. — Eur. r. »Engl.»: Braith- waite. Amer. Can.: Macoun; Drummond n. 10. ^. - • -, B. Leaves nearlv entire; upper cells narrow. ~" •*'i*5ur>/t) a.E.stellatuni Philibert. '^ uUuU^k/: .' LeA,ve8 from subovate base abruptly narrowed to a long subu- late acumen. Spores smooth 0,04 — 0,05 m. m. — Eur. r. France: Philibert. - • • •: • .... 2. Costata. ' , »«* ■ 'Ai'^ Leaves from broader base gradually subulate. ti*»n/vJ» a. Leaves nearly entire. Calyptra campanulate. "* •'''' •*"^-' 4. E. sessile Br. eur. — Phascum Br. eur.; Ephemerum C; M ; E. stenophyllum Schimper; Braithwaite. Leaves with long-excurrent costa; cells somewhat narrow nearly uniform. Capsule sessile; columella rudimentary. Spores 0,06 — 0,08 m. m. — Eur. r. France: Camus; Philibert. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. ■' >i' <•'• >"' x;r^/-i:5i;>v?:^* ■nMmM^nmtr^ \^ b. Leaves serrulate nearly all around. t)alypira subcucul- late split at one side. S.E.crassinerve Schwa^grichen. ' '■*'' " ' ' * v Leaves with smooth not excurrent costa; cells rectangular nearly uniform. Ca})sule very short-pedicellate; columella com- plete. — Described to figures in icones muscorum by Sullivant; his own def'cription not is agreeing. — Moist clay ground. Amer. »U. S. common*: Lesq. et Jam. 6.E.Spinulosum Bruch et Schimper. ■ '' '•:;!>. -i.;. >ffv;r: » Differs from the last in leaves narrower; costa excurrent into a long hyaline spinulose arista. — Amer. Same locality as the preceeding»: Lesq. et Jam. B. Leaves from long base abruptl}' narrowed to a shorter often deflexed acumen, more or less serrate above middle. a. Calyptra cucuUate. Costa of leaves excurrent. T.E.recurvifolium Dickson. — Phascum Dicks.; Ephemerum Boulay; Ephemerella Schimper; E. pachycarpa C. M. Leaves sublinear-lanceolate often somewhat long-acuminate, ■ 4 i !• M; II J 4 » — 401 — pomotinip" fnlo.ite whon moist; ce\h subroctftnjjiilnr or the up\t^Y shorter. Spores nbout 0,04 m. m. — Eur. v. France: BrebisBon. b. Calyptra campnnulnte. Costa of leaves faint gen. not oxourrent. 8.Fi.coh(eren8 Hedwig. — Phnscnm fFodw.; Kphemernm HampP. ■'> LenvpR suboblong HbortncnniiMiite; cells irn-gnlar: upper rhom bic. 8poreP 0,05—0,07 m. m. — Eur, r. Austria: Breidler. Artier. »U. 8. common*: I>epq. et Jiim. '■' •■♦vr, »,i • *E.Flotowll Funck. — PhaBcum Funck; Ephememm Limpr. »r.eaveB sublanceolate somewhat iong-acumiiiate, often nearly entire. — Eur. r, Germany*: Schiinper. 9E.Ruthei Schimper; Husnot m. Gail. .■ - • ;.;"'>.•'(:,:,} Leaves eublinear-lanceolate long acuminate; cells nearly uniform. Spores about 0,05 m m. — Eur. r. »G€rmany»: Sohimper. 164. Nanomitriiim Lindberg. l.N.tenerum Bruch. — Phascuin Bruch; Nanomitrium Lindb.; Micromitrium megalosporum Austin; SuUiv. icon, m.; Epheme- rum longifoliuni Philibert. liCaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate faintly serrulate nearly all around, suberect when moist. Capsule with hyaline walls and very short subacute point, sometimes transversely splitting when pressed. Spores faintly papillose about 0,08 m. m. — Eur. r. Prance: Thcriot; Philibert. Amer. »Q. S.»: Sullivant. 2.NtAllstilli Sullivant. -- Ephcnierura SuUiv.; Nanomitrium Ren. et Card.; Kindb. revue bryol. 1895; Micromitrium Austin; Sull. icon. muse. Differs from the last: Leaves longer-acuminate, more subulate, entire below middle, spreading or dcflexed when moist; cells of capsule larger, not hyaline; spores smaller scarcely 0,03 m. m. nearly smooth. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: SuUiv. B.N.synoicuni James. — Ephemerum Jam.; Nanomitrium Ren. et Card.; Kindb. 1. c; Micromitrium Austin; Sull. icon. muse. Leaves narrowly ovate lanceolate long-acuminate subulate en- tire, suberect when moist. Capsule neither apiculate nor regu- larly splitting; cells as in the last Spores about 0,02 m. m., distinctly ])apillose. — Amer. r. »U. S.»: Sulliv. • ■"•* 165. Ephemeridinni Kindb. revue bryol. 1895. •'»'' l.E.papiliosum Austin. — Ephemerum Aust.; Sullivant icon, muse; Ephemeridium Kindb. 1. c. Leaves long narrowly ovate-lanceolate, tapering above middle to the subulate acumen, sharply serrate nearly flll around, sub- erect when moist; cells rectangular nearly uniform; costa per- 402 current Berrnte nt bnck. Capsule pubnpiculate; cellR Bninll; ca- lyptra covering half capsulo, laciniate. Spores about 0,02 m. m. nearly' emooth. Confounded with Ephetnerum crassinerve. -- On thin soil and roci:^'>h'.j ■''' 166. Voitia Hornschuch. /-^* ^"'"•'^ ^^^'^i'' l.V.nivalis Hornschuch. '" -"'— ' ' , Leaves distant long-acuminate not reourved; cells oblong- hexagonal or subrectangular; costa gen. long-excurrent, in up- permost leaves sometimes not excurrent. Capsule subovate- oblong; pedicel thick 2 — 3 c. m. long. Perichetial leaves ob- tusate; costa long excurrent. Spores small. Tufts tomentose 3 — 8 c. m. high. — On animal dung in alp. region r. Eur. Austria: Breidler. 2.V.hyperborea Greville et Arnott. Differs from the last: Leaves broad-ovate obtusate gen. api- culate; costa per< i'reii+ or short-excurrent. Shoot-leaves small obovate; costa vanishinj; far below the short point. Capsule subglobose smaller, sometimes shorter rostrate; pedicel thin less long. Stems us. not tufted. Perichetial leaves not seen. — Arctic distr. r. Eur. Spetsbergen: R. Gyllencreutz. Fam. 37 PhyscomitrellacesB. ' ^7^;/ i 167. Physcomitrella Bruch et Schimper. '■) » l.Ph.patens Hedwig. — Phascum H.; Physcomitrella B. 8. . Leaves sublingulate or sublinear acute or short-acuminate; costa Kubpercurrent. Capsule apiculate; pedicel more or less distinct. Stem us. wmple. — Wet clayey soil. Eur. not r. Sweden! Finl.: Bomansson. France: Brebisson. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 168. Aphanorhegma Sullivant. ; u 1 . A.serratum Hooker et Wilson. — Schistjiium H. "W.; Apha- norhegma Sull. icon. ni. Leaves linear-lanceolate gen. with long subulate acumen; costa ■ »,.:• ih'M'i cells sninll; ca- )out 0,02 m. m. crassinerve. — J^nip. muficor. 2 et Jiim.; Epho- h et Sch. ?), nulose at mar- capsule; costa iilose at baok. )ore8 minutely ia»:Lindb. 1, c. :'- i'.'-'i >ti') f cells oblong- current, in up- sule subovate- >tinl leaves ob- ufts tomentose egion r. Eur. i! I ill \iil !-t-^i isate gen. api- at-leaves small oint. Capsule edicel thin less not seen. — tz. per. • T ;rella B. S. 3rt- acuminate; more or less Eur. not i-. mer. »U. S.»: _...H; •).ifc'i,ii' H. W.; Apha- icumen; costa I — 403 — often porourrcnt. Capsule globose obtusely nplculate; pedicel short or indistinct. Stem often finally branclung. — Wet clayey soil r. Amer. U. 8.: Suliivant, com. C. Mueller. 2.A.Hainpei r.impricht(»lMiys(()mitrella patens + Physcomitrium Hphn)riouni»). ~ Physfiomitrelhi Linjpr.; Apiianorhegn.a Kindb. Calyptra as in tiio last. Capsule oval with short conic point, pedicel not much shorter. Leaves as in riij/scomitrella. — Eur. r. » Germany*: Limpricht. («', Fam. 38. PhascaceaB. 109. Phascum L. A. Leaves close to an head-like bud, us. smooth and ser- rulate. L Acanlon* Capsule immereed globose not or indistinctly mamillate; calyptra very short mitriform. Leaves us. serrulate at the mostly recurved lM)rders; costa r. longexcurrent. Mon- oecious with distinct male flowers. Plants minute. B. Leaves not densely close, us. papillose and entire (or faintly sinuolato). i- r, -, ■, i^.. "t/.iw . .r,. ..; .i a* Capsule not rostrate. IL Aschisma. Capsule immersed subglobose apiculate; ca- lyptra broad short subtnitiiform, often cleft at one side. Leaves papillose involute; costa subpercurrent. Monoecious with distinct male flowers. Plants minute. . ■>■ , .,[ ,':;.) ^uu:'[ III. £u-Fhasciim. Capsule often exserted, oval-globose api- culate or r. mamillate; calyptra us. broad subcucullate or r. mitriform. Leaves us. papillose often reflexed; costa excurrent. Paroecious. Stem often distinct. b. Capsule obliquely rostrate. . . , ?'; ■ il IV. Mildeella. Capsule sometimes exserted, suboval or r. globose; calyptra narrow cucullate. Leaves mostly papillose; costa gen. long-excurrcnt. Monoecious with distinct male flowers, or dioecious. Stem distinct. j^a'i.ii.;,.. >. V . I. Acaulon C. Mueller. r vi. gi A. Leaves smooth; cotta complete. . , ■; : ■ .u'fw a. Leaves concave; costa subpercurrent. l.Ph.muticiim Schreber. — Acaulon C Schimper. Upper leaves subovate acute or short-acuminate; borders re- curved (sinuolate or serrulnte) above; costa short-excurrent or percurrent. Inner perichetial leaves of same length, not wholly convolute, us. serrulate and much longer tlwui the short-pedi- M.; Sphajrangium m ii ;1 'M I fi — 404 ~ cellate capsule. — Eur. Sweden: Berggren. Engl.: Rogers. France: Br^bisson. Austria: Schmidt. Amer. »U. S., Calif.»: Lesq. et J. '^ Fli.inimiS (Hooker et Taylor, as variety) Jseger. — Ph. miiti- cum var. minus H. T.; Acaulon Jeeger; Phascum Kindb. » - Smaller in all parts. Periehetial leaves entire scarcely rea- ching above capKule. — Eur. r. »France and Engl, »: Limpricht. * Ph.rufescens J£eger. — Acaulon Jseg.; Phascum Kindb.; Sphoerangium Lesq. et Jam, furrfni re?u/vurao;f. » Leaves mostly not revolute. Pedicel of capsule sometimes curved. — Amer. U. S. verj^ common in eastern and central states*: Lesq. et Jam. 2.Fli.inediterraneum Limpricht. — Acaulon Limpr.; Braith- waite; Phascum Kindb,; Acaulon Holtii Lindb. in litt. .'^-'^if* Leaves smaller and narrower than in Ph. muHcum, entire, gen. not recurved; cells smaller. Periciietial leaves unequal in length; the upper one much longer, wholly convolute and nearly entire. Capsule mamillate; pedicel indistinct. — Eur. r. Eng- land: G. A. Holt. ^ 'PI ■^'' ."w;' ' .14^0 5n-, vrni'M .ir. b. Leaves carinate; costa excurrent. '"• <-''■• S.Ph.triquetrum Spruce, — Acaulon C. M.; Sphferangium Schimper. Leaves suboval subacute; borders recurved and sinuolate often nearly all around; costa excurrent to a short deflexed point. Inner periehetial leaves us. 3 of same length. Pedicel of cap- sule curved. Plant resembling a triquetrous bud. — Eur. Austria: Breidler; Schmidt. France: Goulard, com. Husnot. Amer. Can.: Drummond, com. Macoun. * Ph.piligerum Notaris. — Acaulon Limpr. ''''' •i3'Kn:);'i Leaves with long-excurrent costa. — Eur. » Italy »: Notaris. B. Leaves papillose on both sides; costa not evolute in lower part, long-excurrent. 4.Ph.Schiinperi Sullivant. — Acaulon SuU. icon, muse; Spha3rangium Lesq. et Jam. Upper leaves concave, serrulate and recurved above, subovate with narrow subulate patent or deflexed point. Periehetial leaves subobovate not convolute. Capsule mamillate; pedicel curved. — Amer. »U. S. r.*: SuU. T'. Aschi^ma Liudberg. ., .i.nsu'''; o.Ph.carniolicuni Nveber et Mohr. -• 'n=- -.'■■-; -i-nuf^ '■ Upper leaves co.icave oblong-lanceolate subobtuse, not close when moist; upper cells green ronnd-<]uadrate, lower hyaline short-rectangular. Capsule subglobose; pedicel very short. Plants 1 4\ i V f 'S a .. ~ 405 — . minute cespitulofcie. — On sand and earth r. Eur. »MediteiT. di8tr.»:Hu6noi Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. III. En-Phascum. A. Capsule with distinct lid; calyptra very papillose. '"^^ G.Ph.rectuill Withering. — Pottia Mitten; Braithwaite. '.' > 'i Leaves entire papillose Buboblo-;!^ or subobovate. Capsule oval-globose exserted; pedicel straight; calyptra cucullate. Stem simple. Eur. r. Engl.: Wood. France: Le Jolis. Greece: Orpha- nides. Italy: Arcangeli. B. Lid not distinct. Calyptra smooth or faintly rough. a. Stem and pedicel indistinct. Plant '■ubgemmiform. T.Ph.FIoerkei Weber et Mohr. — Microbryum Schimper. ^^ Upper leaves papillose us. oval-ovate acuminate gen. entire, erect or patulous; their point reflexed when dry. Capsule %uv- globose immersed; calyptra short us. mitriform. — Eur. r. France: Brebisson. Amer. »U. S.»: Lesq. et Jam. 'y^ .i b. Stem distinct often divided. Pedicel distinct. S.Ph.acaillon L. 1753. — Ph. cusi)idatum Schreber 1770. Upper leaves entire erect oblong-lanceolate often nearly smooth. Capsule oval-globose not or scarcely exserted above perichetial leaves; pedicel sometimes curved. Calyptra gen. broad sub- cucul'.ate, r. short mitriform. — Eur. common in plains on fields. Sweden! Amer. U. S.: Sullivant, com. C. M. * P.piliferum Schreber. Leaves narrower, piliferous by costa; upper cells smaller more rotundate. — Eur. Sweden! Amer. Can.: Drummond. O.Ph.curvicollum Ehrhart. Differs from Fh. acaulon: Upper leaves longer acuminate slightly sinuolate near apex. Capsule wholly exserted; pedi. Peristome rudimentary.: Limpricht. — Eur. not r. Germany: Ahnfeldt; Roell. Austria: Schmidt. Amer. A). S.»: Lesq. et Jam ,„, ^ ll.Ph.SUbexsertum Hooker; C. M. syn. ^ * "' Differs from the last: I j)per leaves crenu late-papillose above, sparingly chlorophvllose. Capsule globose; lid not distinct; beak thick; pedicel recldish yellow. Stem 5—8 m. m, high. —. Amer. r. Can.: Drummond, cona. Macoun. M i-WMBW*'*'"''" •1 (nU -.A-.V t — 406 — Glossary. Alar (cells) special group at basal angles. Alate (stem) bordered by leaf-sub- stance. Angular (cells) those of basal angles. Apicnlate with short point. Apophysis basal enlargement of capsule. Appendirulate with small spurs. Areolation tissue of cells. Arista awn. Attenuate tapering. ' • ^ Aiirlcled with ear-like angles. Barren sterile. lleak tip of lid (of capsule). Bifarious placed on two sides. Biiid cleft to middle. Cancellate latticed. i Cernuous drooping. Cespitose forming matted tufts. Cilia hair-like appendages of inner peristome. Circinnate rolled into a circle. Comal (leaves) the uppermost. Cochleariform concave as a spoon. Complanate flattened. Complicate folded together. Connate united. Costa rib of a leaf. Cribrose sieve like. Crijiiyed strongly curled. Cacnllate (calyptra) cleft at one side; (leaf) involute at apex. Cnltriform like a blade of a knife. Cospidate tapering to an acute point. Decurrent (leaf) prolonged down- ward upon the stem. Deflexed bent downward. , Defluent running downward. Denperculate without lid. Dimorplious of two forms. Disticlions in two opposite rows. Emarginate notched at summit. Entire without incisions. Eradiculose rootless (without rhi- zoids). Exannulate without annulus. Excnrrent ending beyond apex. Fasciculate collected in small bund- les. Fenestrate with diluted apertures. .* -1 V • Filiform thread-like. ' ' Fimbriate fringed. Flagellffi like a thong of a whip. Flexuons bending inward and out- ward. Fusiform spindle-shaped. Oemmiform bud like. Glabrous hairless. Habit general aspect. Heteromorphons of different forms. Homomorplions of like form. Hyaline clear as glass. Imbricate disposed like tiles. Immarginate without special bor- der. Immersed not emergent. Juiaceon^ like a roller (by appres- sed leaves). LamellaB small thin narrow plates. Lamina part of leaf (above a sheath). Lateral placed at the side. Limbate with a list (border). Lingulate tongue-shaped. Mamilla small nipple on lid or at apex of a leaf-cell. Mnticons without hairpoint. '-'^i- Nodose nobbed. Oblong 3 times as long as broad. Obsolete indistinct. Obtnsate not acuminate. Oval twice as long as broad and broader near middle. Ovate egg-shaped. Papilla small rounded prominence. Paraphyllia leaf like appendages. Pedicel stalk of capsule. Percnrrent reaching to apex. Pinnate branching on two sides. Plicate folded lengthwise. ..^ Pulvinate cushioned. * '" '' Piriform pear-shaped. ' \«!|:' llamose branching. Recurved, revolute, reflexed bent back on the border. Rimose with narrow apertures. Rostellate (lid) with short beak. • > Rostrate with long beak. ». ,*i I , Rugose wrinkled. ;( s Spcund turned to one side. Serrate with teeth as a saw. Serrulate with smaller tjeth. •■^.'-'.tf^fl-f,''. .»> >ng of a wliip. iward and out- aped. ). different forms. ike form. as. like tiles. ut special bor- jent. ler (by appres- narrow plates, ibove a sheath). 16 side, (border), aped, le on lid or at • ., lirpoint. "" -^^ ' long as broad. late. as broad and lie. ed prominence. e appendages, sule. to apex, m two sides, iwise. i. I ^X'#fq^* reflexed bent apertures, short beak, beak. i4"f ■. i » le side. ; \ j IS a saw. ler Ijeth. ' — 407 — Setaceons bristle like. Sinnolate not wholly entire. Sinnons crenulate at walls. Sqaamiform like a scale. Strangulate strongly constricted below mouth. Striate with fine furrows. Stromose with a swelling below. Sob-; nearly (suboTate nearly ovate). Subulate awl-shaped. Salcate grooved. Terminal placed at top. Tomentose with soft matted liairs. Truncate transversely cut above. Tnmid, turgid swollen. Umbraouliform as an umbrella. Wing: border of leaf-base, prolon- ged on stem; (in Polytrichacece) prominent part of lamina; (in FissidentacecE) stipular appendage. Synonyms of pleurocarpous genera or species. j; vjti I 'M Acrocladium . Alsia 9, Amblystegium . . 121, 127- Anisodon Anomodon 44, Brachythecium coUinum . . densum erythrorhizon . . . . ,''l Geheebii . s glaciale isf , harpidioides . . . . V;. idahense lamprochryseum . . . olympicum . _*,,,• i • • Payoti . . . . . • pseudo-coUinum . . . pseudo Starkii . . . reflexum, Roellii . . Roteeanum spurio-acuminatum . . Starkt .... 100, trachypodium . . . . tromsoense . . . . utahense ^fe> tM*- vagans .... Villardi .... Bra inia Bryhnia ...... Camptothecium .... Chrysobryum .... Claopodium Climacium Cry ph sea Cylindrothecium . . ■ Entodon expallens . . • Eurhynchium circinnatum colpophyllum . . crabsiuerve . • Page 81 20 -130 14 46 105 130 133 90 100 133 106 88 118 100 106 100 101 109 89 102 100 106 105 118 98 6 94 43 85 54 43 7 29 65 33 111 111 Eurhynchium germanum myoeuroides piliferum . pseudo-serrulatum revelstokense semiaspevum striatulum . striatum subintegrifolium Vaucheri . Elodium .... Fontinalis .... Helicodontium . . Heterocladium . . Homalia .... Homalothecium . . Hookeria .... Hylocomium . . . Hyocomium . . . Hypnum acuminatum acutum . . alaskanum . arcuatum . Bigelowii Bolienderi . Boscii • . brevifolium californicum caloosiense . cliloropterum coloradense curtum . . curvisetum . cylindricarpum distans . . Duriffii . . FitzgtutUdi . flacGum . . 88, Page . Ill . 36 . 110 . 67 -. 67 . 114 . 48 . 40 . 68 . Ill . 58 . 151 . 26 47, 49 18. 19 90, 92 22, 23 . 134 . 42 . 88 . 107 . 41 . 136 . 20 . 102 . 124 . 130 . 117 . 66 . 94 . 124 . 100 . 103 . 65 . 95 . 121- . 120 .123 — 408 — ^}saf!;<^ifr Hypnum flexuosam Formianum fulvum . . Haldanei . Heufleri . . bispidulum homalostegium bygrophilum Jacquini Kegelii . . Erausei . . lentum . . Lescurii . . Lorentzii Macounii . meridionale \0 "it' m m m micans . . microcarpum Muehlenbeckii nemorosum Novse Anglia; '^btusifolium occidentale . oedipodium oxycladon . pallescens . planum . . purum, Scbreber Sommerfeltii striatulum ■ Btriatum tenellum Wagbornei . Wrightii . m Page 130 128 73 122 137 120 48 121 102 65 .-fii , iii.i. . 105 ^H 97 . 79 64 135 41 85 . 63 . 119 . 123 . 94 . 98 . 48 . 100 . 88 37, 138 . 69 / 42 . 120 . 38 . 40 . 102 . 138 . 74 ...... Page Hypnum (Limnobium) . 79, 68 Isopterygium 72 Leptodon 7. Leekea algarvica . t ij-tit « • 67' Austini ...... 46 cyrtophylla .... 49. denticulata . <<: v,. '« «' B. Acrocarpous. 15. Scbistostegacese. ^6. Eusticbiaceaj. 17. Polytricbacese. 18. Geor- giacej". 19. Fissidentaceee. 20. Splachnacese. 21. Dicranacese. 22, Seli- geriacese. 23. Grimmiacese. 24. Weisiaceee. 25. Calymperacese. 26. En- calyptacese. 27. Ortbotricbaceie. 28, Meeseacete. 29. Cinclidiacete. 80. Bartraraiaceae. 31. Funariacese. 32. Bryaceee 33. Buxbaumiaceee. 34. Andreseacete. 35. Brucbiacese. 36. Voitiaceai. 37. Physcomitrellacese. 38, Pliaecaceae. „,„ P«ge 79, 68 . . 72 . . 7 . . 67 . . 46 . . 49 . . 47 . . 65 . . n . . 12 . . 137 . . 49 . . 71 . . 26 . . 12 . . 46 . • • ' . . . 110 22, 31, 151 . 27, 121 . . . 15 . 119, 120 48, 49, 57 . . . 13 . 51-54 ... 62 . 123, 140 14, -(OS, 104 98, 99, 117 33 4, 136-138 . . 39 ,.,. . 61 Be. 4. Ptero- ;e8e. 8. Hoo- ai. 12. Thui- ese. 18. Geor- ese. 22. Seli- ceee. 26. En- Cinclidiaceee. ixbaumiaceee. jomitrellaceee. 409 - fi? mM. Synonyms of acrocarpo Acaulon ........ Amphoridium Anodus Anomobryum Aongptrcpmia AscliiHina Atrirluiui ISyH - Barhnla . . 247-272, 278, Bartniinia 327, Brynm . .319, 345, 346, 302, CalytnpHres Canipylopns . . ■ 176, 188- Ceratodon Cvnodontium 201), DesiriHtoion . 252 -2f)9, 277, Dichodontinm Dicranodontium . • 190. UM, Didymodon Distich iurn Eiitostliodon . . Epiplervgiiim Eudadium . . Glypliocarpus Glyi)iiornitrium . Griniiiiia . . . Gynino.stoinum . Gyroweisia Hyiiienostoiunrii Hyophila . . . Leptobarbula . . Leptobryum . . Leptotiichum Macromitrium ,331, 332, 236, 2(51, 177-181, Fage 403 316 211 350 191 404 -156 291 328 363 290 -190 260 210 282 '206 202 2H(i 181 33.^ 347 284 328 243 241 288 290 286 289 2<)1 346 203 314 IIS genera or species. Pane Metzleria .... T . . .187 Miidet^lla 405 Mniinn 321, 335, 345 Molendu.^ 317 Oligotrichnm 156, 164 Oncophorns . . . 182, 191, 211 OreoAveisia 184 Orlliopyxis 337 Pharouutrinm 272 Philonotis 184 Pleuroweisia . . . < « . . 317 Fleiirozygodon 317 PoKonatum 157—160 Pohlia 320, 347 Potiia . . . 272, 284. 285, 289 Ptvchoniitriiim .... 241—243 Raconiitrinm . . . 225, 228, 229 Scliiytidium 232 Sphijerangium .... 403—404 Stahleria 320 iSlyloftej^iiim 214 Syslegiuni 285 TetraphiH 104, 165 Tetrodontiutn 165 Timiniella 2.M, 2.V2 Tortnla 260, 274, 291 Triciiodou 178 Triclioslou.um 251-254, 273-281 riota 305-308 Webera 349 Weisia 211 Zieria 319 Til Corrections and additions. Page 49, 1 27: Negmpnts n«. split; p. 92, 1. 41-42; pedicel rongb; p. 94 1. 14: Awer. N. FoiniiU.: Wajrhorne; p. 119, 1. 34: alar cells large; p 138 i. 24- C.n)siile Hinall ohlotig pale, fiiudly whitish; teeth very pale; segment, hvaline; p. 101, 1. 14: cell or lamella-; p. ^^^ J. 23: Leaves entire; p 180. 1. 40: Leaves of sterile shoots; p. 33o, 1. 23: JS. J^ounUl.: Waghoine. ,7" 1 1^ '!, Ui — 410 — Index of acrocarpous genera. !, a Aloina . . . Amblyodon . Anacolia . . An'Jreaia . . Anoectanijiuni AongBtrcemia Aphanorhegma Archidium . Aulacomnium Barbula . . Bartratnia Bartramidula Bartramiopsis Blindia, Brachydontium Brachystelium Breutelia . Bruchia Bryum Baxbaumia Calympert'H Campylopas Campylostelium Cathariuea . Catbarinella Catoscopium Ceratodon Ciuclidium . GinclidotiiB . Conomitrium Conostoraum CoBcinodon . Crossidium . Cynodonlinm Dermatodon Dialytrichia . Dichodontiuai Dicranella Dicranoweisia Dicranum Didymodon . Diphyscium . Disceliiim Dissodon . . Distichium . Ditrichum . Drummondia Encalypta Ephemeridium Ephenierum Eiistichia i 213 Page 270 819 328 d9l 317 177 402 399 337 245 322 329 lf)6 214 241 322 395 346 391 292 202 240 153 156 329 268 321 291 171 329 240 271 182 282 291 185 20S 209 186 272 391 335 174 176 178 243 292 401 399 153 Fissidens Funaria Geheebla Georgia Grimmia ........ Haplodon Leptotheca Leucobryum L*»ucolepiB Macromitrium Meesea Merceya Mlelichhoferia Milium Nanomitrium Octoblepharum, Oedipodiuui , Oligotrichum Oncophorus Oreas . Orthodontium Ortbotrichuui ...;,. Paludella Phascum PhilonoiiB Physcotnitrella Phypcomitrium Plagiobryum Pleuridium Polytrichum Pottia • . Psilopilum Pterygoneuron Pyramidula Racomitrium Rhabdoweieia ....:. Rhi;- )goniatn Rhodobryum, Roellia . 346, SchistOHtega ... . . Schlotheimia Scouleria Seiigeria Splacbnum Syrrhopodon Tayloria, Tetraplodon . 173, Tunmia Trematodon Trocliobryum Voitia Weisia Zygodon . . . . > . . • Page 165 329 269 164 215 173 391 176 335 318 318 207 319 338 401 175 155 210 211 3-^0 298 318 403 824 402 832 319 397 1.57 281 156 272 335 235 211 335 345 1.^.3 314 244 211 172 290 174 177 214 402 283 314 •edipodi tellia lodon uui ;,*;' 34tJ, 173 Page 165 329 2G9 164 216 173 391 176 335 313 318 207 319 338 401 175 155 210 Ml 820 298 318 403 324 402 332 319 397 157 281 156 272 335 235 , 211 , 335 345 153 314 244 211 172 290 174 33K 177 214 402 283 314