IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // «// %.<.<^ ^ .*'-.^^^ k C.S 1.0 I.I I^|2j8 |2.5 18. IL25 il.4 >lanches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fllmis A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre repioduit en un seul clich6, i! est film« A partir de I'angle supArleur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. ■ 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 kStrmsM 1 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICIETURE, bTTA^^^A, - - - CANAi:)A. BULLETIN No. IS. Lj^DOG^ ^\^HEA.T. FEBRUARY, 1893. 1 1 To the Honourable the Minister op Aqrioulturb. Sir, — I have the honour to submit for your approval Bulletin No. 18 of the Experimental Farm series, in which I have endeav- oured to place before the public in an impartial manner the particu- lars relating to the introduction and dissemination of the Ladoga wheat, and the efforts which have been made from the outset to obtain information from those most competent to judge as to its quality and from farmers as to its earliness in ripening. 1 have also embodied the more recent report of Messrs. McLaughlin & Moore, of the Royal Dominion Mills, of Toronto, Ont., on the thorough test made by them to determine the relative commercial value of the flour of this variety of wheat as compared with that of the Red Fife. I desire to acknowledge my obligations to Messrs. McLaughlin ercentage of gluten, however, it is fully equal to Ked Fife — see Bulletin 4, K.vperimental Farm series. 3. The Ladoira is drier and conse<[uently takes up more water and yields a larger weight of bread than the Red Fife tlour. This I surmised from my analyses of the Red Fife and Ladoga flours given in the lluUetin ahove mentioned. Your obedient servant, FRANK T. SHUrr, Chemist JJominion J^xperimentnl JAwntii. Ottawa, January 2nd, 1893. On the 0th of Mav, IMr. McLaujihlin wrote as follows : — " Mr. Coleman has tried the flour, so has Mr. Nasmith, but neither have yet made tests satisfactory to themselves. So far as we have seen of the bread it looks as if the colour was going to prove very yellow and the strength better than we anliciipated, but nothing positive can be said until these bakers have made satisfactory tests." On the 10th he says : — " In our yesterday's letter we said that so far as we had yet seen of the Ladoga bread it wns going to prove very yellow . To-