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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent 6tre filmis i des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de I'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagramn>es suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 t a 3 [: < : ■ » 6 i;ii W1U.J.J vm, "I L. IIS'/ \ *' DEPARTMKNT OK .\GRICri.Tl;Ki:. CHNTKAL HXl'KRlMliiNTAL FARM, OTTAWA, CANADA P0SSIBILITI1:S OF AGRICULTURE IN THE YUKON DISTRICT EXPERIMENTAL FARM NOTES FEBRUARY. 1898 PUBL.JSHED BY DIRECTION OF THE HON. SYDNEY A. FISHER MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE r^ :n' ^ • I # ON THE POSSIBILITIES OF AGRICULTURE IN I UK YUKON DISTRICT. I5y WiM.rA.M Saindkhs, LL.I)., F.R.S.C, F.L.S., «fer., Director E.i-perimentnl Farms. Many iiiiiuiiics liavc lately lu'oii moivcd at the Experimental Farm, as to the l»ossii>ilities uf agrieultur" in the Yukon Distriet. In reply to these, the following notes have been prepare was sii|i|)li('il with tlicriiioMM'tcrs from the Mctt'oroloj^ical Si'ivicc. Tlio ol>sc'r- vations were he . For Se|itemher il was oidy 4.'i'3 , and winter set in on Se|»t«'mber L'Ttli IHiKi. The mean tem|ieraliire and lowest points recordeil for the winter intMiths were as follows: — Octolier, IHOfi. mean 'J()^ ; zero was first touched on the 5lh. November, 1S!("), mean temperature S-T) ; lowest, .'iS below zero. December, mean 17 -o below zero. January, ISOO, mean ;'8 below zero. February mean -J'.'i-') below zero; and the me.'in temperature for INIarch was 1 •'} al)ove zero ami that for April lo-.j . IJetween Decemi)er I'.ltli, liS!)"), and February (ith, IH'.Mi, it never njse al)ove zero, the lowest reading — O")" below zero — was taken January 'J7tli, and on •_' 4 (hiys during the winter the temperature was at .and below '>u i»ek)w zero. 'ilie summer season of 1S07, as far as heard from, w;is warmer llian in isix;, the mean temperature of May being 4j;!it possilily l»e i^rowii Nevertheless it woiiM appear that the area eapaldi- of <'iillivatioii is very iiniiteil, ami witii a smhlen inlhix of population, much of the vei^etaltie food needecl wonhl have to Ite tak«'n into the (■ountry. ToDDKH Ckoi's fou IIoksks an'o CArir.K. For the prompt prodiietion of fodder for ho'-ses and eat tie, or for yrain where this is likely to ripen, the following early maturing cereals are reeommended, Oats — Tri/e Cluster, White Wonder, llonan/a, Welconu-. and Banner ; Uarley— Sneeess, Odessa, Itennie's Improved, Mensury, and Common ; Spring Wheat — Ladoga, IJlaek Sea, Colorado, and Preston — Spring rye. Native grasses on which horses or cattle could fee(l, are sairon\e grass is a very hardy species which has been grown very siu-cessfully in the settled parts of the Northwest Territories, east of tlie Kocky Mountains; ami if this can l)C grown to advantage, it would prove of the greatest value to that country. When the Canadian (iold Commissioner, Mr. Thos. Favcett, left Ottawa in April, \HU1, for Dawson (;ity, I sent with him for test a package of this Brome grass seed ; also three varieties of oats, four of barley, three of wheat, and two of pease— all early sorts, alst> a number of vegetable seeds to be tested. No report on them, however, hasy."t been received. TlIK r.RoWINc; Ol' VKdKlAlU.KS. In the neighborhood of Dawson City on the Klondike and probably for 2(i(» miles up the Yukon, or further, similar conditions of climate to tliose already flescribed prevail. Throughout this area the following varieties of vegetable I»roducts are recommcncled for trial, all of which mature in a short time and have succeeded well on the Experimental Farms on the North-west plains. Potatoes. —Of these only the earliest sorts should be planted, such as Early Ohio, Early Six Weeks, Burpee's Extra Early, Thorburn and Lee's Favourite. Madixhes.—AW the early sorts, notably the Rosy (rem, Scarlet Olive Shape, Pearl Forcing and Scarlet Globe. These when sown at the Experimental Farm at Indian iTead, Assa., N. W.T., from the LTith of May to about the 1st of June have usually been ready for use by the 2Sth to 3uth of June. By sowing at intervals of a few days, a succession of crops may be kept up for some time even in a very short season. Lettuce. — All the earliest varieties are likely to succeed. The following are early sorts : — New Sensation, Boston Market, Black-Seeded Simpson, the Deacon, and All Heart. These when sown at Indian Head about the 1st of May have been fit to use during the first week of June. With repeated sowings, successive crops may be produced. Tur)iips. — Only the earliest maturing varieties should be sown ; these will pro- bably make a growth of 4 to (5 inches in diameter before the season closes. P^xtra Early Milan, Early Snowball, and White Six Weeks have succeeded well in the North-west. Early turnips sown about tne middle of May, at the Indian Head Farm, have been fit for use by July Ist. 6'(«?'A«//e.~ Improved Jersey Wakefie'd, Extra Early Express, Early Epping, Extra Early Etampes, Henley's Champion. These varieties sown in hot bed on April 10th and transplanted to the open ground towards the end of May have been fit for use from July l.")th to August 1st. • • T iSpiniirh. ~Th\H provos ;iii acceptable vc^'clahlc «liiiiiig llic .siiinmcf sca>-uii, nit, and used as m-ccns. Tli.' rollowiiifr varieties have l)C('ii grown very micccshFuIIv at, tlio Kxpcriinental Farms at IJrandon and Indian Head: Improved Victoria, Sa'voy Leaved, and Hound Summer. 'I'liese, sown on tlie lotli of May, have been 111 to use by the 15th of June. Ganfen Pcasi-. -Of these only tiie short growing and earliest varieties sliouhl l»e planted. Among the l»est of those tried are American Wonder, Sunol, Carter's First Crop and McLeairs Little (}em. These at the VVestein Kx{)erimental Farms, when sown about the miiT JHisli,'!. .-.■.l ll.s. S;iin|ilc fiiiily |>|iiiii|,. I'n.:" ('/nHttr />/,*,s. One |ioiiii(| «.o\vii Miiv 7tli ; liaivcsicd Aiiu. I Itli. N'icl.l, \'-'>\ lbs. Weiylit per iiusliol, l(i.\ llts. SiiMi|il('' I'iriu'lil in coldiir ;inIiiim|i. lioiHUKcti (hit». One |i()iiiii| sown Ar.'iy Ttli ; luiiv ostcij Anu. ! Illi. Vii-id, U 1I»N. \V('it,'lit, jKT biiMlicl, 4_'| U.S. Siini|il<' i.iitjlit ;uii/. — \"w\i\, 1(1 lbs. from one piMuivl nf seed. Grain fairly plum[) ; medium in eoloiii. Weight per bushel, ,■.!,• lbs. SpHnr/ Bye. — Y'wU], IH lbs. from one poun.- ^o\\i\ ,\\i\w 1st; liarvested Sept. Ittth. Vield. 4 lbs. from one pound of seed. Sample too small to ascertain weight per bushel. Grain rather small, but fairly plump. From Four Simi'Son, on the Mackenzie River, lat. 61° ,")'2', about H18 miles north of Winnipeg. Ladoga Wheat. — Received in IBlt.'i. This was sown June 7th and harvested Sept. 22nd. Yield, 12 lbs. from one pound of seed. Weight per bushel, f)2i llis. The sample was plump and a small percentage of the grain was frosted. These are the farthest points north in the North-west Territories from which I have received samples of cereals. m . 41