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FROM: REPORT ON CANADIAN ARCHIVES., 1892, BEING AN APPENDIX TO THE REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE; 1893. This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filmd au taux de reduction indiqu6 ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26X SOX I 12X 16X 20X 24X 28X 32X The copy filmed here has been reproduced th:: -^ks to the generosity of: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto Library L'exemplaire film^ fut reproduit grdce d la ginirositd de: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto Library The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. Leu images suivantes ont 6t6 reproduites avec le plus gratid soin, compte tenu de la condition et de la nettet6 de l'exemplaire film6, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. 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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derni^re image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole y signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., ^euvent etre filmds & des taux do reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop gra.-.d pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il es'. filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de iiaut en ba^ '^p prenant le nombre d'impges n6cef sairu '.es diagrammes suivants illustrent la method* ^ 1 2 3 r- #. 5 6 i^"^ NOTE F. PROPOSED GENERAL FISHERY AND FUR COMPANY. X... 1.— SIR ALKXAXDKR MACKENZIE TO LOIW IIOBAKT. {Canadian Archives, Series Q., Vol. tiO, p. ;>7.) Norfolk Strket Ttli .lun, 1802. Mv IjitRii, — III obi'dieiK'o lo Comniiind. 1 liiive now the honour of trunsniitting \i> VoMi' Lordship, inclosed, a Projoot of " Preliminaries to the establishment of a '• iierinumiMit Fishery iV Ti'ade in Furs &c in the interior ^ on the West Coast of " Xortli America" — expressive of the result of my experience & ileliberation on that li'reat National olijisot. It will require some management to mediate the Coalition of the two Companies at .Montreal in such a manner as to fix the System of Enterprise necessary for earry- iiig the combination of the Fishery and Fnr Trade into effect, as some of the oldest members are likel}' to prefer continuing in the Reatcn track. Let such be at full liberty to do as the\' please : but if (iovernment should think tit to confide to me the Uci'tires in question for tiie behooff of such as shall accede, iV at tiie same time to recommend it to the (lovernor of Canada to countenance me in my endeavours to bring it about, as a measure which has the sanction of, Ik will be protected by Gov- ernment ; I have not the least doubt of succeeding with all those, whose personal exertions are essential : inileed, infinitely more essential than the Capital of tlie otiiers, since the former can only be i-eplaced by Juniors successively growing up in the Service, during a period of six to ten years; whereas the latter, and any larger sum that may bo found to be necessary or employed to advantage, can be raised at any time by recurring to London, and might be i-aised in London before my depar- ture, wore it not thought tiial those al read}' in trade at Montreal ought to have the preference, and others only the accession to it. T intend to embark on mj' return !o America, towards the end of the Month; aniisigiiee or Conductor, indorsed with his Visa & Signature, under the seal of the Company, to servo as a passport, jiroducible at every, but not questionable by any otiier station of the Company, commonly called Trading Houses, inter- JDi'ly or oxleriorily by any Governor or nther officer or servant of the Company within the limits of their jurisdiction. 4. To grant those Licences to a Company <tablishmeiits to be made at King (teorge Sound Nootka Island, under the ju'olection of the supremo Government ; A: on the liivor Columbia and at Sea Otter Harhour. under the i)rolection of the subordinate Government of those jilaces would o])en iV i'-stablish a Com- mercial Communication, through the Continent of North America between the Atlantic it Pacific Oceans, to the incal- culable ailvantage it furtherance both of the Pacilic Fisherj' it American Fur Trade of Great Britain, in ])art directly it in part indirectly through the (/hannol of the possessions it Factories of the Kast India Company in China itc, it being ])erfectly understood, that none of these 3I.aritimo or inland Establish'nents r-hall be made on territory in the j»osses- sion of any other Euiopean Nation, nor witliin the limits either of the United State^ of North America or of the Hudson's Bay Company. 149 4. There are at present, vide Mackenzie's Voyages, two Companies at Montreal, engaged in the North American Fur Trade, both of which are chiefly com- posed of men, who by personal exertions, no less hazardous than laborious & persevering, have contributed to the extension of it into formerly unknown parts ; and who, if not the onl}' men able to extend it to the Pacific, are at least the most likely to succeed, as the best quall'ied to undertake it. These Comi)anies have not heretofore had any idea of embarking in the Pacific Fishery, but if they shoultl succeed in combining the Fur Trade of the East with that of the West they would find it highl}' beneficial to combine the latter, if not both, with the Whale Fishery, and in so far as they may not be pos.sesse(l of a Capital sufficient for carrying on both the Fishery & Fur Trade, they would be at no loss for Partners in London who would raise the deficiency. The Whalers might carry out from Hngland al' the British articles Saleable oi- rather barterable for the furs and other Products of America, k bring back such part of the latter as would best suit the British Market ; while other vessels of such a size & construction as may be found best adapted might be employed to carry the samples to Canton & such other of the Settlements of the East India Company, as offer the best Market, in the way either of Sale or Baiter. But as it is obvious that the two Companies already embarked in the Fur Trade from Montreal, including their several connections in London, must find their interest in coalescing, ma}: that the great national object in view, in the first instance, if not wholly unattainable without, will at least be best attainable through, a voluntary connection & con- solidation of the two Companies into one for such a number of years & on 'm 150 CANADIAN ARrniVES. siicli oilier terms as they may ai;iv,. upon ; .so is there not the least reason lo doubt; That under such Licences 1st oi' Fi^hing Trade iS: Navif^ation \- 2rKl it Transit, they would unite themsc'Ivo> \ succeed equally to theii- own ]irn|itr ,v to the public advantat^e. London 7th Januarv 1802 ALMX. MACKKXZIK. No. 2.— SIR ALKXANDEi? MACKHNZIK TO JOHN SULLIVAN. (Canadian Arrhires, Series Q., Vol. 2113, //. 225.) MoNTRKAi- 25th October, 1802. Sib, — My Lord Ilobart having done me the honour at parting, to exp.res- a wish of hearing from mo, on this side the Atlantic, I take the liberty of address! iiir you, enclosing copies of two papers, which, on ihe substance of which, I presunjc will be transmitted through the Lieut. Governor, tho' not perhaps immediately, and which I beg leave to request, that you will please with this to lay before His Lordship. The papers will explain themselves, and I am sorry to say show that f have not succeeded ; as also evince the impiobability of my being able to succi'f.l in bringing about the union between the two Fur Companies which my Lonl Hobart so strongly recommended to me as the first step towai'ds the acoomplisli- ment of my favourite project: Without the aid of Government, by granting the Licences (I had the honour of proposing) to one of the conten