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OSTEN SAC KEN, WASHINGTON: SMITIISONIAX INSTITUTION. j.\m:aky, iMjj. ■ifSf.: si*''* .'ii'l 1 •:■■■'■"; Kfii"' ' ■■■-. 1/ iiV- ■- ■ 1 13 ■ Mi-'v''-'"' ."■■*'' 'I (;.■ J :; <, aj)Vi:uti8i:mknt. TiiK jtroscnt i)ii1)li('atit)n is tlic sccoiid part of a Wi.rk on \ort1i Aiui-'ricjiii Diptcrii in pntccss of prcpiiration )iy Dr. Jl. Tioew, uf Mcsoritz, Priissi", uiitlcrliiki'ii at llie ospi-cinl riMpiost of tlio Siiiithsoiiian J lis.. tut ion. 'I'lic nnilcrials liavc Im-cu dcrivoU i)nn- <''I»''"y f' I til*' collcrtii.n (.1' 15ai-i.u II. Ostcii Sacivon, Consiil- (jciHTal of Ifussia in New V.nk, kindly inlrustt'd to the author fill" t'xaniination. Tiic work will appear in monographs of jrcnt-ra and funulios, suiliciciit nnilcrials liciiiu- on hand for illustratin«r particular groups tnily. AiitliDiit rcla'ion to their systeniatic sfMpicnce. Tiic Institution is under oltlii-at ions to J5aron Osten Saeken for Miperintendinn- the translation ..f the work from the German manu- ^••ripT, ami ediliii-,^ it, as well as for eorreetin.u- the jtroof-sl (s. JOSKIMI MKNKY, Hccrctari/ S. I, Bmithsomax Ixstitdtion', Washi.noto.n, January, 18(34. » Pim.ADn.PiiiA: e O 1. 1. J .\ « , • R 1 >• I E 1 i m i PREFACK. ^i I*' I\ tlic present work I have atteinptod to g-ive .a Monnp-ajili df tlio North Aiiicrican hoUchojMxliiln. 'I'he pte(l in IJarou Osti'n- Sai'ken's Cataloiiue, coniprisiiitf Mexie(» and ('ul)a. I readily uekno\vl('di>-c tiiat hy adopting sneh a wide area for tlie North Aniericai! fauna, we introduce many species whicli, jtroperly speakinir, helong to a more soutlieru fauna. IJut I was in(hi<'cd to a(h>|)t this course as much hy tlie circumstance that 1 possessed nniny interestiuii' sj»ecies from ^lexico and Cuha, as hy tlie advan- tage of conforming to the }.ianof the Ciitalogue of Osten-Nackcn. and tlius alfording a general view of tlie fauna of a larger extent of country. As the order of Diptera is remarkahle for the wide; geographical rnnge of the species, and as, for this reason, the limitation of local faunas is more indefinite here than in most other orders, the adoption of this somewhat arbitrary limitation of the Xortli American entomological area cannot i)resent any- thing ol)jeetionaI)le. For the greatest part of the materials on which my work i.s based, I am indebted to the liberal and disinterested assistance (tf my esteemed friend IJaron Osten-Sacken. Some very interesting species were communicated to me by ]Mr. Le liaron, of Jilinois. Tlie greater number of the species from Sitka was collected by ^Ir. Sahlberg, and communicated \o me for description by Pro- fessor Maeklin in Ilelsingfors ; some sjx'eics o*' the same region are in the Museum of IJerlin, and were obtained, if 1 am not mistaken, also from Mr. SahHx'rg. The study of the types of Wiedemann's Collection, very liberally lent to me for examination IH V- !'"l 5 i i," I, ,1 :,l;l UA Iv rUKFAPK, t)V the Directors of tlio Un/'mihinilii-n Knhinvl in Vienna, nlTorded nie iiirorniation of tiie ninst vaiutiliie eliaraeter. Aitliou^ii tiie materials tints pnt at my disposal can he called (ihuiidtint, tliey did not liy I'ar reach the extent which 1 conld desire for the preparation of stich ii monojiraph. 1 hojte, how- over, that new supplies will enaltio me soon to attempt a reneweil and more thoroiijih work on the same snl)Jecl. I luive to thank most cordially all those who have contril)uted by their colkM-tions towards the completion of this monooraph, and at the same timu 1 eai'in'stlv renuest all North American collectors who take nnv interest in the order of J)iptera to favor me l»y sindlar commnnica- tions, They can reach me either thronuh the medium of the Smithsonian Institution or thronuh llaron Osten-Sacken. With regard to the systematic distriltntion, 1 have conrinned to J)nild upon the fotiiidation lirsl laid l»y Mr. JIaliday in his admira- l)le pa]ier on JkiUcltDjitnliilir, contained in AValker's J)iptn-(i Jlri/aniiicd, and later developed by mo in the seventh part of my *' AV»c /»('//n/(v/('." To the jrenera, adopted and defined in those papers, I have added afterwards the genera I'/arjidncurus and Lili'oncnras, based upon North American species. (Conf Wieii. Kntoni. Monatsschr. isf)", ]). 37.) In the eijj,htli fascicle of my " Ne'.ie. Jl(;ilra<'(/r,''' which was a i)rodroine to the present work, I have further added tlie ixvuvra Pclasloin'itrus and l)ii»itr(i<'us ; the lirst embraces some species which formed i)revious]y a sharply limited and well characterized jjroup within the genus Gi/nuxtp- (cm lis; the latter was established for a species which, by its general habitus, reminds equally of 'niinojihilta^ and JjihroKi/lii.^, but is distinguished from both Ijy the iiresencc of distinct hairs on the upper side of the first joint of the antenme. In the present publication I have added the new genus Paraclius, which combines the neuration of the wings of Prlo.stuni'iti'us with some characters of Gi/mtioptt'nnis and at the same time is too distinct from the species of the latter genus, to remain united with it. Thus the number of genera, the usefulness or necessity of which I at present recognize, amounts to forty-three. After a general introduction, I give a table for their determination, and then cha- racterize them in detail at the i)roper place. It will hardly bo necessary for me here to attempt to correct the misapprehension »1 ii .J'-m )W ■':*'■• I'UKKACK. that the clianK'tors used fur the coiislniclion dt" tho inhlc arc iit tlif siiiuc lime tluMiKisl iiiiportaiil ;r''ii<'ri(' fliaractcrs ; far from siu-li liciiif^ tlio cast", I liavo, l>iit mily in a few rare iiistahccs, tried to facilitate the diserimiiiatinii of jicnera liy prefei'fiii^ to use charae- tei's applicable only to North American species (for iii^taiiee in the separation of (I'l/iiiiKiplri-inis from the ;>'enera immediately followinir it). The merit of the adopteil distril)iitioii in [i'diera has lieen tested and proved l»y the circumstance, that all the lu'wly discovered species very easily found tlieir proper place in it. Of course, all the {yeiiera cannot i)e considered as ecpially well estahlished. .Vbove all others, the distriUutiou of the smaller species, for the most part ne;rlecte(l by collectors, as well as dillicidt to e.vamine, still oilers many oiiscure points. This is especially meant for the proper separation of the -eneral the ]iositive assurance, that the location of the species described by me is a natural and not a forcecl one ; the only exception is Sijuniilirua Imrhotiis. in which the thund)-like projection of the second anten- ual joint upon the inside of the third is imich smaller than in the other species of this frenus. I possess this s]iecies oidy in a sinjrle. not well preserved specimen. As it can hardly l)e looked for in any other fjenus but this. I have deeuwd it more expedient to locate it provisionally here, than to f(Mind \ipon it a new, perhaps not jnstiliable fjentis. I have taken pains to elucidate conscientiously the rather con- siderable innnber of species ]»ublished by former authors. Un- fortunately, most of these s'pecies were described withotit any re}>:ard to the most essential iicniM-ic and specilic clniracter.s, so that only in a very few cases have I been al)Ie to identify them. I have preferred not to use specific names the identification of which I .■'.••' ftlifrii" •■' ii ■;■ ^M '• 1 Ti imikk.\(;k. WHS not (|nitc' cortnin, as this wtmld only liavo iiici'cnscd llin cnn- Tiision. ir the identity of one or tlii' other of the species iiul)lislie(l l»y me, willi a previously deseril)ed one, should he satisfactorily |>roved, I will always be ready to grant to the older luiine the priority over mine. 11. LOKW. Musrmr/. Jiilv I. 18ti:i. Rkmai!K>.— I liavi' ;i I'imv words to add n^sjiL't-ting the transhitiou of tlii.-> work, wliicli was done under my rare. The terniiiiolii^'v used ha:^ througlioiit been tliat adopted iu tlio first volume of these • Monoi,'raplis.'' The term onttniinl liristli- ahme has been replaced by tiie shorter one, nrisln, used by Kiiplisli writers. It will perhaps not be amiss also to explain the sense of tlm terms furc and // /lair of'/i' I." which was retained in the translation. Tht' same rule apjilies to lilml (liinln-.^li', jwnliri) as indicating the last pair, and y/i//. r'nr {/iiiiilH for tin- ili'tfriiiiiiaticiii u\' tin- (ifiifra . , Tal)ln for (lie svstt'inatic arramtemt'iit of tlu* (iciu-ra PACK (Ji'ii. I. HYl;U(l('l.:I,l•;^•■nI^^< . 1. latipes /,(/■. ^ . 9 (ten. II. DoMi iioi'i's 1. gratiis f.w. I, 2. laticoriiis /,»•. ^ , '.i. si'tifer Aw. >_, . . 4. alljiciliatuH /.i". 9 f). .\aiitlioeiit>imir», n. s. J, . "^ 6. tetricus, iiov. sp. 1 .^ 7. ncuiniiiaturt /.«•. "^ . 9 • 8. ovatiiri /,ir. ^ i). pachycnciiuis /.u\ % . 9 10. brevip«niiis Mii;/. % . 9 11. loiigiiiianus /.ir. ^ . 9 • 12. breviuiatius /-//•. Tj 13. soeiuH 'J, 14. muiKlus, iiov. sp. ^.9 15. snbciliatus, iiov. sp. % IG. splen(liilnr> /.w. ^ 17. batillifer Lw. ^.9 18. euilactylus f.w. % . 9 19. tonsus / ir. ^ . 9 • 20. tener Lti\ % 21. variabilis f.w. % . 9 22. luteipeiinis f.iv. % 23. raraift-r Lw. % . 9 •24. bifrnctus /,«•. 'J, . 9 '2:<. vitl.itus Lir. Jj . -il. fii[)rimis W'icil. J, . 9 27. loiiu'ilifiiiiis Ah-. ■J, , 9 2s. hastatiis, iKiv. sp. J, . 9 2it. piiiiiiipt's .S'i')/>. J, . 9 .SC. flllvjpt'S Ah\ 'J, , HI. st'sarticiil.'itus, n. s. J, :52. rufu'oriiis Aic. % . ;i:?. scapularis Aw. ^ . 9 lU. fumlitor Lw. ^ . 9 ;{t'5. chrysostoinns Aw. "^ ;5il. i)r.'i'ii.stus Aw. % . i^7. coniatua Aw. ^ . 9 38. SL'oparius Aw. % 3f). vliscift'r .S/(/));i. 'J, . 9 40. lol)atiis Aw. '^ 41. si'tostis f.w. ^ 42. incisuralis I.w. J, . 9 18 2i) 21' r.ii :ii :!i :v.\ 34 35 37 38 39 'IJ 41 42^ 44 4.') Gen. III. fivM-Noi-TKiiMS . 4(J 47 40 .50 ni 1. llaviis Aw. l .'{■ . 2. subulatiis A?c. %, 3. scotias Ah'. )j . 9 4. barl)atiilus f.w. % . 9 .5. tristis, nov. sp. ■Jj . 9 (!. exilis Aw. ^ ( vii ■) I'Al!' iii 1 11 14 I'ACK Ml III) (il (;2 ()3 f;4 •17 (18 ()9 70 71 72 ?•! 74 ~:> so si 82 S3 S4 '''.»■ r|i; '■ '-Hi •' ^'^ 1 ;'|^,;- '■'1 \* !:i " ■ ■ a ^::M i; • ■ !!»•:! 't' ■ .!,'"' i- 1'' ! 1 VIII TAIU.K or t(t.NTK.NT:«. 7. >|M-. tsiiliililatatiiH ^ 111. lii'Vigaliis l.w. ^ 1 1. tHM|lll'llS l.w. Jj . 9 ll!. luiiitcr /."'. 1, lit. rmiliiiatiis /./(■. 5, 14 di'spicaliis /,//•. )j IT), .lilli.ilis l.w. 1 . 11). iiii;iil)arlius l.w. 9 17. iiarviiMiinis l.w. ^ 18. iipariis l.w. Jj . 111. piililiis 9 •JC. .Ifliilis /.(/•. [,.9 21. i-rassicauila l.w. J, . ' 2'i. ininulus /.fc ^ . 23. vfiitralis /,»■. J, . «M!11. iV. I'.\l!.\( \.\V.i I. aii'iiatus /,((•. 9 PAIIK r\..K >>.') iliin. Xn. DmnruAi urt . . I2i" >.1 1. |iia«iiiurt Aw. ^.9 . 121 8lj h7 U.'ii. XIII. Ani;i'hii-(* . , 12:; s,s H!l (it'll. XIV. .AiKiviiA . . 12;l "•ll i. ailii.aii-s /,(/'. Jj. 9 . 12.^ ill I 2. nii;ri|M'.-<, iiov. Kp. \, , 127 01 It. aliiivfiitiis, iiov. np. J^ I2> !»1 4. iiiiiiiita l.w. I . . 12!l . l:H' . i:»l ill .1. calci ll. ca trails l.w. ^ I. •rata I w. 9 1)4 I. CVIUK liii'a, IKIV. s p. I . 1: •'■' (icii. XV. Syntohmon (l.-ii. XVI. ,< VNAIiTIIIMS J It:! 1 1 '.4 IDI ailioiiotatus, 11. s. I, . ^ 102 1. pa'niai is, iiiiv. sp. 'Jj . V ^'•^'' 2. I iiHM't'ivfiitris l.w. 9 • '-H It. Itailiatii.s /.(/■. ^ . . Jits S. 4. r.. (J. XV'II. Kl'TARslrt . cijUOH, 1IU7. Hp. % Will. PlAl'lIOUl'H iiiuii'UiH Alc. "J, . 9 siuM'tiiliilis y.ii'. ^ sodalis /.«'. ^ . y l.'lllK-llntllS, iiov. Hp. '^ ll-lll'llstolMUS /,«•. ^Jj . 9 iutt'iruptua Aif. '^ I'ViiK ir.l (l,.u. XXXV. LiA.N(Ai.r« . l.VJ 1. ^('iiuiiiin I.w. ^ .9 Oen. XXIX. I.rito.NKnd'H 1. laTulertcens />«•. ^ Oen. XXX. CiiRYsoTrs . 1. cormitus, iiov. sp. % '2. l()iiL:iiii:tnus /.»■. ^ 3. valiilus /.»/•. 9 4. olili<|uurt /.«'. % . 9 f). atliiiirt Aw. ^ . 9 • G. vividu.s, IIOV. si>. 7. <'<>stalirt /-«•. ■J, . 9 8. sulifOHtatiis, nov. sp. % 0. discolor /ai\ % . 9 10. a 11 rat ud J.w. 9 • 11 i>allipfS Lw. '^ . 9 12. picticornis, nov. sp. Oen. XXXI. Tkd( hopiiori?,'* Gen. XXXII. Sympvcsih 1. tertianius, luv. sp. ^ . 9 2. frontalis J.u: % . 9 3. lint'atus Lw. 'J, . 9 4. nodatus Lw, ^ . 9 Gen. XXXIII. Campsicsemds 1. liirtipes Lw. % . 9 2. claudicans, n. s. % •'} Gen. XXXIV. Plaoionei-uus 1. univittatus Lw. 9 (Jen. XXXVI. H. i:i,u« . 1. .'xiistiis Walk: 1. 9 2. Hpininiaiiiis /f>fr. ^.9 \.\, avidiH, iidv, xp, ^ 4. flliler, nov. sp. ^ ir.:i 1.-^4 j ir.ijj i(>(i 1(11 lii2 ]tj;i flen. XXXVII. llYiiuopiioiirs lOf) !• iiir.dtatus, MOV. sp 5.9 Idfj I 2. pirata /."'. 9 lilg 3. parvus /.(/•. 'J, ''"'•• (Jen. XXXVIII. Aciiamis 17(1 i 171 174 i7r. i7r. 170 178 17< 171) l^l ls2 IMi 18;} 184 185 18;-. 187 ls8 181) 11»1 103 193 194 190 19G (ien. XXXIX. MKHETEiirs 1. niyrip<'s /.«•. 9 • 2. vules /.(/'. % « Oon. Xli. riinvsoTiMCn . 1. jmsio /.ir. 9 • 2. delicatus Lw. 9 . Gen. XLI. XANTiios Lw. X, . 9 4. tenuis, nov. sp. 9 Oen. XLIII. Psilopus . 22'.> dillusus ll'/V./. 'J, . 9 . :'.:;.■. guttula Wi<OE 2G0 If). scintillans Lw. % . 9 . 273 2G2 16. pallens Wied. % . J 275 205 17. variegatus Lw. 9 278 208 18. bicolor Liv, 9 280 271 19. psittacinus Lav. % . 9 281 272 W. tener Lav. 'J, . 9 • 284 272 21. filipes LjW. 1 , 28(5 APPENDIX. authors, and not contained in this 280 2S9 289 289 289 289 290 290 291 291 291 291 292 292 292 292 293 294 204 205 205 290 290 207 297 MitKpiart, L)!p/f'rex Exotiqiien Ptiilopus sii)ho . radians Chrysotiis viridifemora Dolicliopus heteroneurus Wiilher, Lnsecta StiiDKleraiinia Psilopus lepidus '^ . Medeterus exustus 9 viridiflos 9 Dolicliopus bifrons 9 consors 9 contingens 9 liebes 9 iiieptus 9 maculipes 9 pulcher '^ . 9 varins 9 Wall-ei; List nf Dipt. Brit. Miis Psilopus delicatus 9 gemmifer ^ chrysoprasi suaviuui aniatus % . 9 inficitus nigrofemoratus albicoxa % . 9 Chrysotus incertus Porphyrops pilosicornis . Medeterus glaber . chrysologus 9 alboflorens 9 289 297 297 298 298 209 3(ti' 3(iO 3U(t 301 3(11 3(12 302 302 303 303 304 304 301 304 305 3(i5 300 300 307 307 307 308 308 309 309 no •'■): -m-^^. ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAOE PAOK Dolichopu3 afflnis %,^ . 310 Dolicliopus terminatus 9 31 G cupriuus ]Vied. 311 sequax . 317 lamellipes % . J 311 soccatus . 317 ciliatus % . 9 312 remotus 317 adjacens J , 312 irrasus . . 318 coerceiif, % . 312 Orthocliile derempta . 318 finitus % . 313 distractus 313 Walker, Trans. Entom. Soc. 319 discesus 9 . 314 Psilopus unguliveua 319 contiguus % 314 solidus . 3ia exclusus J , 314 peractus . 311) confinis 9 • 315 hfereticus . 320 conterrainus ^ 315 permodicus 320 separatus 9 31G SrPPLEMEXT. I. General remarks on the Dolichopodidae of North America . . 321 II. Description of some Species communicated after the volume had Gen. II. DoLicHOPua . 43. dorycerus Lw. % 44. spleudidulus Lw. ^ 45. palaestricus Lw. % . 9 46. melanoce-us Lw. % . 9 47* quadrilamellatus Lw. Gen. III. Gymnopternus 19. poliins /,?«. % . 9 24. pusillus Lhy. 9 • 27. chalcochrus Lw, % , 9 » • OJ^ • 323 26. coxalis Lw. % . 335 • 3?,(J 27. meniscus Lw. % . 9 336 • 327 28. hnmilis Lw. % . 9 336 • ) 328 330 29. exiguus Lw. 9 • 337 Gen. V. Pelastoneurls . 337 • 331 6. lamellatus Lav. 9 338 7. abbreviatus Iao. •£ . 2 338 • 332 8. alteruans Lw. 9 • 339 • 334 • 334 Gen. VI. PoRPHYROPS , 340 335 5. longipes Lw. '^ . 340 '. J '• h '■ '.,■'■ ■ ■-. I'Ji " V. . ■'1 I , * i ■!' ■M-, Explanation of the Plates . , • 341 Remarks on the Generic Characters explanatory to the Plates . 345 Index 357 y:.-' .■■■-*"< w p 'r- 'i^.: ■^; i DIPTERA 07 NORTH AMERICA. PART Zl. VI. ON THE NORTH AMERICAN DOLICHOPODIDAE. IXTROPUCTIOX. The DoUchopndidn: arc iiiiKniu- tlioso families of diptora which show l)ut so few points of rchitioiiship to others tliat it is iiiipos- silde to name any family of a particuiai- allinity to tliem. A superficial f^huice, it is true, seems to point out the Ephiidrinidtr. and the genera of the Tnc/n/drimtidtr in the vicinity jf (Hiitocvra as the nearest to iha JJahr/ioiiodiiln ■ hut a clo>;cr examination will show that, instead of a true relaiionship, there arc merely some points of external analogy between them, jxiints common to most insects (and not only diptera) jircfcrring to live in tho vicinity of water. 'I he want of a true rclatiopship licconics immediately apparent when any portion of their inner or outer organization is submitted to a comparative scrutiny. The ncura- tion of the wings of tho Ihdichniiodidtr alone is so peculiar that it is sufficient in itself to distinguish this family not only from the Ephiidi'iiiidtv and the aliovc-mcntioncd gi'oup of Tachijdrit' viidie, but als(j from all other families of the order. This neura- tion, together with the brilliant-green color of the greater part of the si)ecies, renders the Doli'cliojtodidfv one of the moM easily recogiuzable families of diptera. The peculiarities of the neuration, which is shaped in general :^^ i"S»(.' ' :i' m^ ■m : -5 iv;. m *'j DIPTERA OP NORTH AMERICA. [part II. accordiufr to the type of \]w IJiptera aralif/ilvra (r(»iin»arc Mono- gTiiplis, etc., I, jjiiu'c x\iv, lij;'. 1), iire the I'ollowiiij:," in this raiiiily: Tiie costiil vein extends iis lar as tlie tip of the J'onrth h/n^itndinal vein ; tlie auxiliary vein does not run towards tiie eosta, hut to- wards the lirst lonjj:itudiiuii vein, stopping* (piite lar from its tip, and either eoaleseinjj; entirely with it or disappearing without huvinfi,' joined it. The third longitudinal vein emerges from the .seetuid not I'ar I'roni its root, and hoth veins forni at this phicf a more or less knot-shaped swelling ; the small eross-vein (olleu quite obsolete) is at, or close l)y, this swelling, so that the lirst basal cell is unusually short ; the diseoidal cell, much narrowed towards its })ase, is eoalcscent with the auterior of the two small ])asal cells in couseipience of the ahscuce of the vein separating tlii'm. The oosterior small basal cell (the so-called aiuil ceil) is snuiU and . ••.(■d at the end. The sixth longitudinal vein does not generally reach the bonier ol" the wing; sometimes it is en- tirely wanting, and in this case tlie amil cell becomes indistinct. The alar ai)pendage (alula) is so narrow that it may be considered as wanting. Although all J)olifh<>j)0(li(l,r agree in the aljove-dcseribed pc- cnliiirities of neuration, still this same nenration alVords very good and a))undant characters for the distinction of the geiic'ra and the species; the length and direction of the first longitudinal vein vary considerably, the position of the posterior transverse vein also; the most striking characters, how.ever, are t:iken from the structure of the last portion of the fourth longitudinal vein, which is sultject to considerable variation, l)eing sometimes paralhd to the third longitudinal vein, sometimes more or less convergent with it, sometimes straight, often curved or bent abruptly in the midtlle, or even broken. In the latter case, the angle formed by the strong Ih'xure or fracture sometimes bears a rudiment of a branch-vein, which in some cases (as in most Ftiili)pu,-<) is long enough to uudve the vein a])))ear forke" same species; the second joint i^^ sometimes rudimentary. Tiie arista is two-jointed, seldom alto- gether bare, generally with a very short pubescence, more seldom fringed with longer hairs or even plumose; its dorsal or aiucal position aiVords very constant distinctions between dilferent gene- ra ; its length and the other characters Ijclonging to it diller sometimes even in the two sexes of the same species. The face is usually vertical and smooth ; it has often on its inferior third an elevated transverse swelling, or at least, on each side, near the orI)it of the eye, a nodule-like elevation; seldom does the face reach (h)wn to the iid'erior angle of the eye; it is always without any bristles, althongli sometimes it is hairy; its lower edge \a rather sharp, and does not coalesce with the border of the mouth ; from nude" this i!^])^' project the single-jointed palpi, incumbent ujton the pr(»boscis (except in ^lji/iri)^i/hi,-<, where they hang down on its sides) ; they are usually scale-sluipcd, iii<»re seldom lancet- shaped (for instance, in Or/lmi-lii/r) or round, pallet-shaped (in DioKlractiK) ] in the females they are usually cousidci'alily larger thai) in the nmles ; sometimes however (in l)iu.^fr(ict(!<), the oppo- site is to be I'ound. The ])roboscis is generally short and (with the exception of A/i/irosi/lii.'i and Orf/ioc/nlc) stout; its upening is wide, more or less surrounded by the jn'otuberant suctorial lh)i»s, which, by elap- * For the explauatiou of these terms, compare MuiKujinjihs^ Vol. I, p. xii» — O. S. !', . '"'i !'.'.. i r! Dll'TKUA OF NOIITIT AMF.UICA. [part II. ^•ing together, slint tlic opciiiiifj ; the species of the genera with a largo i)rul)()scis, esi)eeiaiiy their feiiiales, can altogetiier engulf siuiiil inserts within tiieir i)r(»boseis, as if they swalhnved them, whereas they only suelv them out iMid throw the reimiin(h'r away. Tlie liorny i»arts of tlie moutli are short. The stout hiliruni luis on its hiteral edge, whieh is Ix'ut (h)wnwards, several deep incisions, thus forndng stnuig teeth. The tongue is longer than the labrum, and lies under it without being encased in it. The u|>per side of the thora.x is convex, witli bristles inserted in rows, Itetween which there are more or less numerous short hairs; in some genera there is a flat, some\\hat concave declivity before the scntellum. I'rothorax and niesolhorax are very eoalescent ; no distinct collarc is |)ereeptible, and the humeral callosities are nut sharply limited ; of the ordinary transverse suture only the begin- ning is indicated on both sides by a large, '.lore or less triangular impression. Scntellum with two, four, or six strong bristles ; more- over, its surface is sometimes hairy. The elongated protlujraeic stigma is closed. Innnediately above the basis of the fore eoxaj there is a strong bristle, seldom several. The metathoracic stigma is unusually small. The epimera of the metathorax have a very large development; they endtnice often the basis of the al)(h)meu from the side to a considerable breadth, and extend as a narrow stripe along the basis of its uj)per side. The abdomen of tiie female has seven segments, the last two of which are generally very narrow and contracted under the pre- ceding ones, so that only five segments ap])ear on the outside ; the sevenMi segment, in the fenuile, bears on its end two snudl lamellie connected with it by an articulatit)n and fringed with hairs ; above them there is, in many species, a fau-shajied row of short, stiff, thorn-like bristles ; in other species the number of these thorns is reduced to four or two; sometimes they are altogether wanting ; the latter is es))ecially the case with those species whieh prefer dry localities, or also those, the hind part of the thorax of which has a flat usually concave declivity; this difference in the structure of the ovipositor has certainly some relation to the difference of the locality where the eggs are deposited ; it is possible that a complete fan of thorn-like bristles coi\stitutes a peculiarity of the si)ecies the larvie of which live under ground, whereas it is wanting when the eggs are laid in decayed wood. The abdomen of the male can also be considered as consisting INTRODUCTIO.V, of seven sepiieiits, if tlie liyjio]iyii'iuiii lie ('(lusidered iis a sin<;le se;i'iiieiit ; of tlie sixth se;;'iiieiit only the u|t|iei' liiilf is distinctly (leveliiped, hilt it is niiieli narrower niid sliurter lliiin llie siirlaeo of tlie iiMiiiediately iinwediiiji' seji'ineiits. \\'lien this sixth seu'ineiit Is eoiicealed under the ujtper half (»f the lifth, or when it is strik- iiiii'ly diil'erent hy its eolDi'ing' fri.'in the iti'eecdiiiji" seti-ineiits and resenil)les in this respect the seventh, then the male alMldineu appears only live-jninted. 'JMie seventh scj^nient cimsists of the proportionally larn'e hi/jinpi/ijium, the structure of which, near its basis, is not (piite syninietrieal. It consists of a rather stalU-liko hasal part and of a clnh-shaped jHisterior part ; the stalk-like part is often very ninch al)breviated, and then not easily jterceptililo ; the cluh-shaped part is nioval)lo towards it ; the Jiinctioii of hotli ])arts lies always above, on tlie left hand side of the clul)-shaped portion. The liyitopy.ti'iiini is more or less inflectecl under the alidomen, sonieiiines indjedded in an excavation of the venter proportionate to its size. At the tip of the indected hypopyuMiim, belnv, are inserted, l)y means of articulations, three pairs of appendages of The outer jtair of these appeiidau'cs is u'eiie- the two others, anl must 1 manifold structure ruliv larger tiiaii wootliers, aiit must be coiisidereu as orpins of a ,u'reat irritability, as the roots of the hairs on their inside arc connected with nerves. 'I'he liasis of this pair is linked to the hyjxipyu-iiim by a free articulation. The two other jiairs, attaclnd ))y u less free articulation, can be considered as oru-ans for the ])uri)ose of seizinu", clutching'; they lie within the former pair and are not .seldom of a very complicated structure. Sometimes one or the other of these j)airs exceeds in leiiji-th the outer pair. Iii- U'rmost betw<'en them, coincidinj; with the middle line of the tlutchiii,t!; ajiparatns, a sinu'le aj»i)enda,L;'e is inserted, which also appears to be linked at its basis. On the upper side of the hvpo- jtyji'lum, which is the side turned towards the abdomen, there are two more ai)[)enda,ti'es, usually in the sha|)e of a jrutter; they have no link at their insertion. Above this <:iitter, (U', more seldom, within it, is aiiotlier appetida.ti'e, in the shape of a spike, which in some eases is somewhat button-shaped at the tip; it is pierced lenjithwise by a channel, and incloses mm-e or less con pletely the ]K'\\\ti, which prcttrudes considerably diirinji- the act ol copulation. This orsranizatiou is most distinctly de )pe Doli- chojius, whereas it is more dillicult to observe in the genera with *■■■.'. .'iff ii.-i Aft . ,; ( "." a- ■"•. I. ■ 1 i '■^A i!i I 6 DIPTKIIA OF N'OUTII AMEIUrA. [PART IL n small niul iinlxddctl liyiinpy^iiiiii. In soino frcncra llic one oi the otlicr of tlic j)iiirf(l orjifiiis tire so snuill as to cscaiJO notict'. A further and more llioroniili invt'stifi-ation lias as yet to show whe- tlicf in sonn' ^i'cncra, ami tliis seems, for instanee, to lie the easo with llijitdjilnjUus, a still larg-er iiunil»er of a|)i)en(la,uTS [ tl 10 iiiiilo ar(! ":oiH'riillv snuio 1)0 (U'liiiod as ruUuws : _ wliat lai'^or, ilie faco and sonicliinos also llio front narrower; ilio contijruity of tlio oyos in tlic iinilo is not fro(|iH'nt ; still it takes place in some J)iopJiorns al)ovo tlio antonnu', and in some (Hir;/- t!o/tis ))elo\v tlieni. Tlio third Joint of the antenna; of the male is lisnallv soniewhal lon"'er, sometimes iiineii l.n'ucr than in the female; likewise the antennal arista of .0 male i,- il'ten nnieli 2)i'olon,n'ed, S(jinetimes extended into a ehd; or hiitton at the tip or t'uiarjjfod in tlio sha])e of a lanu'l, whereas in tlie fenndo the arista is mnch shorter and (init(; plain. The feet of the fenmles ai'e, almost withont exception, plain; those; of the nuilo ol'ten dilVer eonsider- , ably from them, and hav(,' varions handsome ornaments, principally on the fore and ndddlo tibia', and the fore and nnddlo tarsi; the femora as well as the himl tibia' and tarsi very seldom show any- thing imt a plain structnro. To these diil'erences in the strnctnro of the feet ninst he added those derived from the hairs and bristles which they bear; in the fenndo these aro nsnally more sparse, shorter, and coarser; in the nnde, closer, more delicate, and lonu'er; sometinu's also they assume in this sex some peculiar modilled structure. Even tlu' ungues of the nude are sometimes of a pecu- liar irregidar shape; the pulvilli aro in some cases (as in /h'djihu- rus) larger in the nnde than in the fenmle. The wings of the nude often dilfer from those of the fenndo in the outline and the neiira- tion, those of the latter being in geiu'ral nu)r(! jdain, and repro- ducing in their neuration the characters common to the genus; \vliereas the wings of the male show in both rospoots more speeilie l)eeuliai'itics. These consist u-iially in characteristic sinuses of the posterior margin and in a stronger sweej) of (lexnre of the longitudinal veins ; somctinu's the anterior nnirgin also shows a ])ecnliar curve in its outline, or a local thickening, or an elegant fringe of hairs, all of which do not exist in the fenndo. The hairiness of the eyes, as well as the hairs and bristles on the other ])arts of the body, is fretiuently more dense, ften con- sideral)ly longer in the male than in the fenndo. Tin; very nnnute and dense lomentum with a silvery refloctictu, -which adorns the abdomen and the thorax in most species of .Inji/ra, also forms spots on the thorax of some other genera (as Pelaaloneiwux) and, in the species of most gonoia, is perceptible at least on the lateral i'-;l ■.■■,1 'f IV-' i- 'IS;* t ' ' ! !:, -j; i!Vh i; < ll I- I I \-i \ f •v r* 8 MI'TKUA OF NOUTII AMKUICA. [part ir. liiiirjfiiis of tlie ulMlitiiicn, is likewise freiienilly iiioi'l' exteiuled ami liiiieli denser in the iiuiles tliaii in tiie feiiiiiles. The sexual dillrreiiees in the cdloriiij; may he <]esei'ilie(I as Col- lows: The eyes of (he male are fre»|iieiilly of a dilVereiil eolur than tluise of the female, ]iai"l icnlurly so, for instance, in the ^^enu^ JH KIDluU'llS. The enhiruement of the antennai arista in the nnilu instance, in an entire ^iTonp of species of /'.'Uft, (hey are often has a dilVereiit eoiorin;;, nsnally white. The color of (he face in tilt.' nnde is !:'cneriilly of a pnrer. often a lii'iiihter siiade. In many specie>, (he hallercs tif l»oth sexes are colored dlll'erently — for " M.ick in tin- male nnd yclhtw in the fennde. I^ven the cilia of (ho tesinhe have in a few instances (as in sonu' species of J>nlir/iu/>((s) IV dilferent colorinji' in the two sexes. Diifci'cnces in the i)h'ch(>iii(.i, Tfirfii/lrrc/iKs and Si/filcnus, (he males of which have 11 black or white spo( a( the (ip of (he winii' or in i(s jiroxinnty, whereas tlu! fennde does not show any trace of snch a spot. The same pcenliarity oecnrs a!s(» in some other iz-enera. These, often so ('(ms]»icnous dilferences l)e(ween (lie sexes of (he same species, somedmes render the rccou-nidon of (heir speciiie iden(i(y somewhat dillicnlt. In order (o proceed in such cases with some deu,-ree of eertaintv, it is necessary (o i)av a pardcniar >^ «. ' till attention to those characters winch are usnally common to both flexes. The most reliable characters of this kind are: the inurs m\ the antennte, especially on the first joint ; the shape of tlie second antennai joint; the |»osition of the arista; the color of the cilia on the inferior orbi( ; that of the cilia of the tejrnhe, iiotAvitli- standimj some exceptional cases of its diversity in the two sexes. In most jrenera, to these charac(ers nniy be added (he colorinj^ of the feet and of the ludtercs as well as the neuradou of the winjrs. INTUODUCTION. 9 Tlic firsl twi) (tf tlicsc cliiii'iicti'iN will Ir.inlly ever iiiisIciKJ, if it i.-i ItDriic ill iiiinil lliut llicv liiivo lu* value in lln' jiciiiis I'./>iit<, (•s)ii'('iiilly ill tli(^ siilxlivisidii with Ithu-k cilia on tin- It^iiilii'. As l(t till' latter cliaractcr (iicnralinii) it slioiild Itc reinrinliernl iliat, the periiliaritios strikinji'ly »k'Vi'l(»|»('(l in tlie males as >|»eeilic marks uru but .--liti'litly indirated in the female, and eaii he perceived only l»y a very close oliservation. 'I'ho \m\nl^{i\' \\\{; J fnlic/iiipDilid/i are, as far as known, ^•crierally ])rc(hieeous. ^I(»st ttl' them hunt I'or sinallei' diptera or oiher in.-ects with soft bodies and suck thcin (.mt. They are usually rotiml in dani|) jihiccs, covered with a rich vcLi'cialion ; many are jiriiicipally loniid on the leaves of a(|initic |(laiiis, on slmies, jiaiMly overlloun with water, on dams and near walerla II- sonie ol tlieni are able to run rapidly over the water even when it is rippled by wind {//i/(lr(i/i/i(>ni.t) ; other; are fond of salt or brackish waters (Aji/irnsi/h/.-f, Tliiii<)[iliih(!< and some /fi/-h'iiji/inrii.-<) ; the species of Mfdifrriis prefer dry situations and are found on stumps of trees, fences, etc., even in verv drv and hot weather. Litt 0 is as yet known about their ino(Ie of transfoi'inalioii. ?t?ost species live as larva' under theu'roiind; «oine are f Mind in the earth collected in hollow, rotten stumps; others (as ,S'_//,s/c//»,>) in wood underu'oiiiy,i,'iinn nioru or Icsh iniliodiltiil. {First joint of tho hind tur.ii luistly. First joint of tho hiiul tarsi not liristly. 5 Faco duscundini; an far as tlie inferior angle of tho oyo. Ot'ii. I. IIviiuoTEMXTura. Face not descending as far as tho Inferior angle of tlic vyv. (>eii. II. I)oi,i( iioiTs. ( Palpi of the nialo unusiiaUy large (Sen. XII. DiosriiAcrs. ( I'alpi of the male sniall (j [The last portion of the fourth longitmlinal vein is parallel, or almost J so, to the third longitutlinal vein. (ion. III. («YMN(i:''n;iiNrs. The last jiortion of the fourth longitudinal vein is distinctly convergent towards th(i third longitudinal vein. 7 Tlie end of the fourth longitudinal vein is abruptly, or at least steeply detlected anteriorly. 8 The end of the Jourth longitudinal vein is only gradually dellected anteriorly. 9 Arista with the usual pubescence ; the end of the fourth longitudinal vein, beyond the angular flexure, runs in a eurve. (ion. IV. ?Ai!Anil autcnn.'il joint "( the usual transvorso sliajn'. I (icii. XIV. Ak(iyi:a. I t^oi.'onil antt'iinal joint with a tliumli-lilit' iirojcition over llic insiilo of 1^ tllO tllilli. (ilMI. XV. f^YM'OK>U).V, I Tlilivi anttMina! join 'n both si'xcs or at least in tlio nialo, iiroloni;(!il, I i)oint<'il, anil \ ith an apii-al arista. 17 lii I riiinl antiMinal joint short even in tlio male, and if it shoulil ho I somewhat prolon^eil, then neither pointeil nor with an ajtical, hut (^ at the utmost witii a suhapieal arista. -:! / Second antennal joint with a thunih-like jirojeetion over the inner 111 side of the third. (ien. XVI. Sy.naktuui's, '■ Seeoud antennal joint without a tliumh-likt projeetion, transverse. 2S f Posterior tiansverse vein distant from the niaitrin of tiie wini;; iialpi 1^ I ineunihent. 11' I Posterior transvi-rse vein appi'oxiniated to the mari;in of the wimr; [ palpi hauijiui; down. (ien. XXII. Ai' .,l ( llypopygium i>eiluneulatt('; free. ' lIvpopvt,'iuni sessile, more or less iinhedded. lypopVi. ., , ( The male ahdomen has live sej-'nieiils, l The male alulomeii has six sei^ments. palpi hauijiui; down. (u n. XVII. iSYHTKNCS. •20 (1. n. XXI. is.MiMoTiTS. •21 / Third antennal joint jirolonu'ed also in the female. 'Jl ■' (Jeu. XVIII. KuAiMiiiMr. V Third antennal joint of thi' female not prolonged. 22 fThird antennal joint of the male very muih prolon>j<'d (small, lesrf .,., ! liairy speeies). (ien. XIX. XiiMiAMUturM. I Third antennal joint of the male moderately proloiiLred (larger, more l_ hairy speeies). (Ien. X\. I'iiiiiMlYliol'.-i. ,.) ( Fourth lounitudinal vein forkel. 2-\ i l''ourth longitudinal vein simple (ien. Xldll. rsii.oiTS. 24 r I'pper sidi' of the tluuMx convex hehind. 2;") 24- Upper side of the thoiax hehind with a somewhat concavo depre.s- ^ siou. 40 .,. ( Fifth longitudinal vein alt> llypopygiuni distinctly heut imder the venter. 2!) 28 "I llypopygi urn uot distinctly heut under the veuter or entirely imhed- ded. 30 2!) TAIJLE FOn TIIK DFTKIlMtNATFoN OV TIIK (iFAKUA. 13 'Tlio faco of both si'xos very bnvul, not nairowi'il siiiu-rioily. (■I'M. XXIIl. The f'ai'o of hoth hc-xcs rather narrow, sonunvhat narroweil suiieriorly. (it'll. XXIV. l'i:iii)i;:!i. 30 in Outer apiieudages of the liypopy^iiim loni:, lilil'or (ieii. XXV. \i;M.\'roi'KotTfM. ;i Outer appendaires of thi^ hypopVLrimn not iong, nor lilifornt. Tliiril joint of the male antenna' conspicuously lari^'e. (ien. XXVI. Li;i'i()STor..\. fhiril joint of the niahf antenna' small. o.) ( I'ulvilli cif the male fore tarsi conspicuously enlarged :U S3 34 O!) ( I'ulvilli of the male fore tarsi not, or vt'ry slii^litly, enlarged. f I'ulvilli of th(> male fore tarsi not prolonged. (Ien. XXVII. iM'TAi;si's. I'ulvilli of the mahj f ore tarsi proloiigei 1. (it'll. XXVllI. DiAnioiu-; I ( Arista altogether or almost altogether apical, ( Arista dorsal. ( AViiigs of considerahle size (larger sjx'cies). (Ien. XXIX ' Wings of small si/.e (smaller species). (ieu. XX Foet of the male with isolated, strong, spine-like liristles :it) vKoxKrurs. X. Ciiuvsori'.-*. 36 f I'oel ot tlie male witli isolateil, strong, spme-liUe iiristies. }} (iiMi. XXXI. Turciioi'iioKCS. y Feet of th(^ se\es without isolated, strong, spiiit'-like hristles. 37 „- ( Face not narrowed ahovt^ (ien. XXXII. Svmi'vcxis. I Face considerahly narrowed ahov(>. (ien. XXXIII. ('Avi'sicxKMrs. 1- All femora slendt^r, ahdominal segments with hristles liefore the hiiKl 38 -J margin. (Jen. XXXV. IjIaxcam-s. V Fore femora incrassated towards the hasin. '.]'.) ..,. ( Fore tihia' with long thorns. Gen. XXXVI. ScEi.i.i'.ui. ( Fore tihia! with very shoit little thorns. Gen. XXXVI 1, IIvDUoriioiii's. . . ( Arista apical, or at least suhapical, 41 ( Arista distinctly dorsal. 42 /-Third and •ourth longitudinal veins ;,irongly convergent. 41 j (ien. XXXIX. MiMtKTKKi-s. *. Third and fourth huigitudinal veins ])aiMllcl. (ien. XI,. f^iiuvsoTiMr.'^. ,„ f Male ahdoinen with six distinct segments. (Jon. Xld. X ANiiioiiii.diu'.-*, ( iMalo ahdomeu with ilvo distinct scgmeiita. (jeu. XLIl. Saucuui'L'.s. ,, i-i Mh .• H:< ^ ^i^^i^ M,- ' ^bhIf *■ --i^l, ! I SfH. ^ ''•'■' ' ''"! .' m . ».:_TV- ; ■*■.<>>-. *4f ^'' "ti^L 4' ' '^W . !^| '; ■!^:i^ :.- -■: ''■■!■ '(■ ' ^ . I ?<•• 11 u DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. ill I :!' SYSTEMATIC ARRAXGEMEXT OF THE GENERA. I. First joint of the antenna with hairs ou its upper side. A. llypopytriuiii dist'iigagt'il. A. Palpi of tli(3 male small. 1. First joint of tho hind tarsi hristly. Ueu. I. Ilygi-oceleiitliiiH. Gun. II. llolicliopus* 2. First joint of the hind tarsi not bristly. (I. Third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel or sub* parallel. Gen. III. Cliyiniiopterniis. h. Third and fourth longitudinal veins convergent. Gen. IV. Parat-lliis. (Jen. VIII. Syliistroiiia. Gen. V. l*(>lastoiieui'U$. Gen. IX. llei'costuiuiis. (!(Mi. VI. Tacliyti-ci'liiis. (Un. X. II5 popliylliis. (ien. VII. Oi'tliocliile. Gen. XI. Ilultei'iceriis. 1!. Palpi of the male conspicuously large. Geii. XII. Iliustraciis. I?. Hypopygium more or less imbedded. Gen. XIII. AllO|>sills. Gen. XV. Syiltorinoit. Gen. XIV. Al'gyra. II. First joint of the antennaj entirely bare on its upper side. A. Third antennal joint in both sexes, or at least in the male, elon- gated, tapering in a i)oini, with an apical arista. A. Posterior transverse vein distant from tlie margin of the wing, palj)! incumbent. Gen. XVI. !' in the wet) has been fjiven to the genus on account of the species being found ia moist localities. .■.■■:>. 1. II. latipes LoEW. % and 9. — Aeneo-viriflis, aiiteiinis lufis, ciliis oeiilonnu inferioribus palliilis, tegularum ciliis nigris, tarsis iiiteriueiliis maris compressis. Brassy green ; antenna; red ; cilia of the inferior orbit pale ; cilia of tlie tegulie black ; middle tarsi of the male compressed. Long. corp. 0.2(3. Long. al. 0.23. Syn. IIij(jrocdcuthus latipes LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 5. 2 18 DIPTKRA OF NOHTII AMERICA. [part II. .■^'i w Clrccn, sliiiiinji:. Aiiti'iiiiic rcMldisli-yclIow, with a black suj)c- rior odf^e and witli the tip of'tlie third juiiit hliiclc; first j(jint nar- row and elonji'atod. Face white, y<'Ii()wish al)()V<', much hroador in tlic 9 tiian in the J*. Cilia (if llie inferior orhit pale. Fore coxa", tip ofthe middle and hind cox se and feet yellow; tarsi black from the tip ofthe first joint ; the lirst joint of tlie fore tarsi some- times altotrether diiskv : the root of the second joint of the hind tarsi, on the contrary, is pale. On the up]ier side of tlie nuddlo til)i!e a bristle is conspicuons by its frrcater lentrth; tliere are two bristles i)efore the tip ofthe hind tibiiu. Tejruhu with black cilia. Wings tinned with l)rownish; fourth longitudinal vein not broken; hind transverse vein straight and steep. Four last joints of the middle tarsi comitressed in the J*, beset on the upper side with incumbent l)lack hairs; the fifth joint much narrower than the pre- ceding ones. Costa with a .stout swelling near the tip ofthe first longitudinal vein. Ijamelhe of the hyi)oj»ygium of moderate size, white, bordered with black at the tip, jagged and fringed with black bristles. JIab. Xorth Red Hiver. (Kennicott.) Gen. 11. DOLICIIOPL'S. The ])rincipnl characters of the genus DolicJiopus, as it foll(^,ws already from what has been said al)oiit it in the genus I/i/yro- celiiutltuH. are: the ])resence of hairs on the np)>er side ofthe first antennal joint, the shai)e of the third joint, which is hardly ever very much elongated, the dorsal position of the arista, the en- tirely disengaged hypo])ygium, the lamelliform shape of its rather large outer appendages and the presence of spine-like bristles on the first joint ofthe hind tarsi. The genus Dolifhopux, established by liatreille already in ITOl), is the oldest of the family. It comprised at that time all the J)oIich()pi)'li(hi', so that all the other genera have been gradually formed l)y the se])aratiou of some groups ami by further subdivision of the latter. T,i the sense in which this genus was ado])ted liy Wiedemann ami Meigen, it still included the present genera (!i/m- nojito-nxK, Pavaclin:^, rdnntoneurus and Tachnlrcchua, besides some isolated species belonging to other genera, which had l)een erroneously located in it. (Such was the case, for instance, with D. adudua Wied., which belongs to Lyroneurus.) The dcliiii- 1 - ' roLiciioi'us. 19 tioii of DoVichopm^, iti its iircsciit limited i-^ctisc, ^vils jrivcii liy nit.' in iSf)". Still, t'vi'it now, tliis is one di' tlic iiii'.n-cst uciicra dl'iliis family. Altli()U,u'li ixtsscssiiiu' iihiiiKliiiit jiiid striklnj:' spcciric dif- fcrt'iin-s, its iiiimcniiis sjiccics show iit the siimc time so much nuM'ct'mciit ill tlicir •i'l'iici'id oi'u'iiiii/atinn, tlint n suiidiv isioii into f^imdlcr u-ciicrii is imitossihlc iil iircsmt, and in fntnri' an attcmjit of that kind will I'ccinirc^ a jrrcat deal of i-antion. One is easily tempted here 1o establish jrenerie jiTonps founded upon charaelers parently rcfpiires it on aee()unt of !>ome dilVerenees in the nenration and in the structure of the an- tenna% seems hardly worth wiiile, as this is as yet the only species showiau' such dill'erences. The .u'eotiTaphical distribution of tlie jrenns Jhlirhopx.^ cannot 1)0 inferred from the data found in older authors, as this /.s/ of Di'iilcni of t/u; Jh'iliHh Mufit'uni mention at least occasionally sncli spi'cilic cha- racters, and nniy tiu'relore contain some (hita for identifMation ; but their great defect is tliat Mr. Wailcer has not given u coniph'to descrii)tion of those peculiar marks whicli distinguish the males of many species, so that, from his silence alumt these marks, one can- not with safety conclude that they are really wanting. This accu- racy is ahsolntely necessary in order to nud\e a description avail- able. Among tli(! forty-one North American hDlichupodidn now known to me, I recognize with certainty only a i. brcrijicnuiii Meig., and />. (/. vtijin'niDi W'h'd. (= capn'tis Say). This striking result induces me to give a separate account of all the other sj>ecies [»ublished by former authors, in the order of their publication. 1. obscuriis .S«_//. This species, also described by Wiedemann, evi- dently belongs to tlio genus (ii/iniiojiteniiis and will be diseu.ssed there. Wiedeuiann'r: colh-ction alFords no liglit upon this species. It contains, it is true, two specimens of a /Julif/injiiis marked olisriirH.<, but this is no other than a species of Tuchijtrtchiis, from the Cape, described by Wiedemann himself under the name of vlixcwmiti. It is prol)ablo that Wiedemann named this species, as he was in tho habit of doing, as soon as ho received it in his collection, and that when he described it afterwards, he dianged its name to oliscinnis, on account of the already existing vhscunis Say, neglecting, at the same time, to change the etiipiette in his collection. 2. abdominalis Sa;/. The abdomen is said to be reddish. If Say means a reddisli, non-metallic color, iheu it is a distinct species, entirely unknown to me, which will lie easily recognizable even if it is no true Dulic/iu/iiis, as may very probably l)e tlie case. If, how- ever, he means a metallic, copi)ery-red coloring, then the descrip- tion is too unmeaning to jjronounce even about its belonging to DoHchojt\is in the restricted sense ; as to the identification of tho species, it is altogether out of question. 3. groenlandicus Zett. A true DdlicliD/iKs with black as the prevailing color of its feet. It is not among tlie number of the species known 'o me. 4. heteroneurus Murq. is either a Piltistonennm or a Paraclins. 5. bifrons Wal/c. Di)>t. Saund. It may be inferred, from the peculiar coloring of the face of this species, that it is a I'elastonenrus, ^ym roi.iciioi'rs. 21 Rltlioutrli no mention is made of tlm ptH' rourso ot tho fourth loii.'.'itiicliiial vein, wliicli cliaradttMi/t's tliis pcnus. 6-0. consore, contingens, hebes, ineptus, all lour (Inscribed hy Wiilkir in till' liijit. ^^aullll. tVoiii t'l'inale spccjiHcns. Tlie tlt'serip- tions aie so nrctcliril tliat tlie iilciitili ation is iiii))ossilili'. 10. maculipes W'nlk. I)ii>t. Saund. Tlie si)ots on tlie tiliia', niciitioned liy W'alknr, seem to iiulicate tliaf this is a I'l /h.i/dih iivii!i. But tlio Iteeiiiiar course of the fourth loiiL'ituilinal vein, the chief character of the 1,'onus, is again not mentioned. 11. piilchcr \\'ii//r. Dijit. Saund. I take this to lie a true Jiolicliupiin^ allli'iiiiih the datum of the fouith longitudinal vein lieyond its flexure not converging, hut lieiiii,' ]iarallel to tlie third, seems tw in- dicate a (I'l/iitiiiijiii runs. It lit'lonu's to tlic species with hlack femora, but nniontj the species of this description wliit h I possess from >.'orth America, there is none to whi(di .Mr. Walker's description of thH fourth longituilinal vein is apiili(al>li'. 12. variiis II'k//,-. Dipt. Saund. A very distinct species on account of its sjiotted wings and which will he easily recognizahle even if, as it seems jirohalile, it does not hidong to the genus I hilirhdjins. 13. aflinis W(tlk. This and the following sjieci' • have heen (leserihed hy Mr. Walker in the IJ. s/ih ndidi/.i might alone be taken in consideration ; but it is hardly iiossilile that it should be this species, as Mr. Walker's description of the color- ing does not apply to it, and as tin; hind femora of the 'J, of J). ojfinin Walk, are ciliated with only a few hairs, whereas in I). splcnilidiis these liairs are very numerous. If />. aflinis has black cilia on the teguhe, then /.*. ilisrifr and Inlmtiis could he thought of, but tlie hind femora of their males are entirely destitute of bristles, so that the description of Jk affinis cannot be applied to either of them. 14. lamellipes W(tlk. It has the inferior orbit ciliated with black. Among the North American species of Jhiliiluijins with pahscolorcid feet D. jiiirliyciK mils and D. Iircripi nnis alone partake of this cha- racter. The other data of Mr. Walker (h) not aj>ply at all to these species, as neither of them has a white face, the first antennal joint red and the third joint very long. 15. ciliatus Wall.. Very poorly characterized. I suppose that the cilia of the inferior orbit are pale. If the tegulie are likewise ciliated with pale hairs, then IJ. niiidliiUs and />. liit< ijicnuis might be taken in consideration. Ibit I}, raridhi/is has no golden-yellow face, its fore tarsi are not "dark tawny," but always black from the tip of Hi t ■ !■ ■ oo ni'TEUA OP NORTH AMEIlirA. [I'AHT 11. I tho first joint; Iwsitlos, its iiinlo lia.s ciliati'd liin.l foiiora, which Mr. ^\^'Uk»■r ilops not as(3rilu) to his sjit'cics. />. In/i i/iciinls hait a wliito fat o ;ui(l tho hist joint of its I'orc tarsi Ma(.'l\ ; its wiiiu's aro yt'Uowisli iuiil not i,'ray, tho veins art- luti'oiis ami not Macl< ; liiiaily tho liiml IV'niora of its maio aro also ciliatfil. If tlic ti'triila' of />. viliiiht!< an.' L'iliati'il witli hl.ack, tln'ii ««? niiulit jicrhajiS iilnitilV it ■witli /). rilldliis; hut tin' .-iizt' of tlio hitter is too laii^c to ailiiiit «if tiiis i(h'ntilicntion, anil its faic, insti^'iil of hciim ^rolih-n-vi'llow, is whitisli; its fori" tarsi aro not dark tawny hut always hlaik fioiu the tip of till' third joint. Ifi. adjacens Wall:. Very poorly descrihed from a fcniah' spiciincn, so tliat it would ho cntiri'ly useless to nttoni]>t its iilt'iitilluation. 17. coercens Walh. Mr. Walker ^vs that the coxa' are hlackisli-LTfcn towards tho hasis. 'J'his uhaiaeter, conihined with tin- others which aio ^ivun, excludtis at once all the species with the teLriilie frin!.'e(l with hlack, which are known to \m , If the te.L'uhe are fiint:ed with yellow, this species niicht he taken for JK liiiH/iinnitiis ; hut tho last joint of tho foro tarsi of the latter is only moderately enlarged, assuming tho shape of a very small lamella, and its hi ml tarsi aro colored hhiek in a rather striking manner from tho very root of tho first joint; whereas Mr. Walker says that in liis species they aro pitch hrown towards the end. Under such cirenmstanees the des- cription of IJ. Ci.ircdis Walk, cannot possihly he referred to D. loiuiiiiKinna. IS. finitus W'lilh. If the tegnhe ai'o fringed with pale, then, among the species known to me, D, loiii/iimuius, D. sjilciuliilii.i and L>. Iiniilli/'cr ■ have to ho taken in consideration. The face of D. loiniininiius is not whitish, hut pale ochie-yellowish in the % and yellowish gray in the 9 the cilia of the inferior orhit aie not white, hut yellowish, and the hind tai'si are not }iale at the hasis, as in D.jiiiitnn, hut en- tirely hlack. D. .iiilciulidiis is distinguished from IK jiiiitus hy its hind tarsi, which are not pale at tlie hase, and hy the ciliated hind femora of tho male. The face t)f D. hittillifcr is not white ; the hind femora of tho male are ciliated and tlie hind tihi.'c incrassated in a very striking manner; therefore this sj)ecies is also distinct from D. finitus. If the cilia of the teguhu of D. jinitus are hlack, then we might compare />. thsrifrr and lolidtiits witli it. The hind taisi of D. (liacifir are not pale at the hase, and the first joint of the an- tenna) is tinged with hlack only on its upper edge, so that it is hardly prohahle that Mr. Walker should have overlooked its striking red coloring. This also excludes this species from tho identification with 1). Jlnitut^. The hind tarsi of IJ. IoIkiIhs likewise aro not pale at the hase, and the first joint of the anteinne is red, and only somewhat dusky on its iipi)er edge, so that it has also to te considered as difl'erent from D.jiuilus, :'l'i'!i\ roLinioprs. '>3 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. distractiiB Wnik: Walker s;iy-i notliiiij; almnt tlio «ox of tin) ilo- HcribtMl Hi>t'cliiii'n ; it si'ciiis to liavti hccii a t'cinalc Tim (lc>iiij). tion ilduH nut nlloi'il any data lt>r own an aiiin'oxiiuiitivu iilriitilica- tion. discessua 11 '(///.-. Mr. Walker gives a very unsatisfactory il«'serii>- tion uf a female. It is u rather surpri^in^ datinu that the ii|>iier si to hn taken in consideration ; hut its male has fringed Iiinil femura and cannot tliereforo he identilied with /K ciiiiti'iiius. U the cilia of the tegul;e are black then we would have to comjiare JK (lisii/'> r iiiul lubiitiis. Hut the last joint of the fore tarsi of IK ili.~rij'< r is not at all nmcli enlarged, and forms only a small pallet ; tlierefore it can- not be taken for D. coiiti(/i!iis. I), lolititus has a very much enlarged last joint of the niale fore tarsi, but as the first joint of the antennx' is red and only slightly dusky on the upjier edge, and as the lamellre of the hypopygium have a broad black margin, whereas AValker describes the lamelhe of />. rinit'Kjitun simply as whiti.-h, as the wings of 1). /ulmhis, in the male sex, are distingui.-heil by their peculiar sliape, which is not mentioned in the descrijition of /'. foii- ti(jiiiis, on account of all this we cannot consider these species as being identical. exclusus 11 '((//.-. Very poorly described from a female, so that all ell'ort to identify the sjiecies must remain fruitless. COnfinis Wail:. The s^ame may be said of this sjiecieiJ. COUtermiiius 11''//.'. Mr. Walker does not mention the color of the cilia on the tegnliv, and this renders the identilication impossible. If they are black, then the species is not among those known to me. />. iHscijir and /'. IhIkiIus are here again the species with which Mr. Walker's descrijttion agrees in most jiarticulars, but both aie ea.-ily distinguished by the absence of fring(f on tlu' bind femora of the male. If, on the contrary, the cilia of tb(i tegiita* of I>. cdiit. rmiims are pale, then 1). sph lu/idus might iinssibJy be identified witli it, although it must be admitted that the eoloriiiLr of this sjieeies as well as some other characters, somewhat disagree with Mr. Walker's description. ,1'^ u \:'h I ! I ^'>v'.<- .' li; i 24 DIPTKIIA OF N»»UTII A^FKHICA. [I'MIT ir. ilMl nir 2f). separatuB H'x'/. Hail (If.sriiiitiuii of a ffinalo, romlurin^ iilciitilluu- tidii iiii|>iissil>li>, Uii. terminatus W'nlL-. Also n ffinalo ilfsciilicd. The only HjoTicH to whicli it may jiosHJlily lio ri'lVircil is />. rliri/snsliiiiiiis, ami I would liavu no itotilit alxiiit it it' I knew that the rilia of tho tt'^iilii^ of /), t' niiiiiiihis art' black. Hut Mr. Walkci'.s (icsciiiitiou is silftit ahout this; lU'itluT , iin-isurnlis, tho male of which, however, has fringed hind femora and cannot there- fore bo identical with I>. niimiiix. 30. D. irrasxis Walk. This is a small sjiecies, distinguished by its dark blue color and unusually short abdomen, which is certainly not to be found among tho spei'ies known to mo. It suoms probable that it is no true Duhchopus at all. The slender result of the foregoinpf (liscnssion of Mr. "Walker's species is, tliiit there are only Uro aiuoiig- them which, witli cer- tain prohleiiuitical aduiissiuns, may perhaps be identified with species described liy me, namely, I), conlvrminua Walk, with my 1). splendidus, and D. (crminalus with 1). cJn-ijsodomKS. To facilitate tho determination of the species I privo, first, a dichotomic tal)le. I (uiinil it impossible to briiifj it down to tho single species without making use of characters peculiar to tho iSi: lifi,- ."Ill i>(>i,irrt(»iMM. SK iiiaU' sex (.Illy. Tlic systciimtic iuTiiii;rt'Mifiit wliidi rulluu> llic ilirliutiiiiiir taltl*' suliilisMlt's tin* ^^'iiiis in ^Tulips, rmiiHlol ii|iiiii easily pcrcjiililili' (•lini'iictcrs imihiiiiihi to luiili x'Xts. I tliiiik it will lie iiscriil 10 retain tli(".t! n'ruiips, (ir, at least, llie ]iriiiei|ial aiuoii^ tlieiii. Tnhlf for ihlfimhiiiiij the Sjii tif!<, ( I'ri'vailinu' color of tin- f'-ft Mai'k. 2 = { ( I'rcvailim: culor of tlin ftti-t yellowish, (ilia of tlid inferior orl)it black. Cilia of the inferior orbit whitish. Face ochre yellowi>h. l''act' silvery white. I'irst joint of hind tar>i with nntnerons bristles, , First ioint of hiiul tarsi with but ftjw bristlus. 1 {j'r^t^^ts /. 2 laticornis A :i setifer A j^ ( LanielliB of the hypopygiuni jwiuted. ( Lanielhe of tho hypopyifiuni roundud ovate. (. ( Cilia of the inferior orl)it black. I Cilia of the inferior orbit palo, I'ore coxiu blackish. ow. f ( nin xaiithocneniuB, n. .-i). ^ ( A considerable extent of the tip of the femora yellow, (i tetricus, n. sp. I The extreme tip of tho femora only somewhat yellow. 8 LamelliB of the hypopygium jwiutod. 7 acuminatus I.n', fs ovatuB /■"•. 10 11 !^ pachycnemus f.w. 10 brevipennia Mn'ij. 12 23 ,., f Antennie black, at tho utmost, tho first joint almost red. 1)5 t. Antonna» altogether, or at least their larger portion, yellowish red. 121 f Fore coxiB dark beyond tho mid'>er side of the thorax. 30 Humeral callosity yellowish. 35 Ai'ista much enlarged towards tin; tip in the male. 2S hastatus, n. sp. Arista of the male not enlargelain. I''ore t/usi of the male eidarged at the tij). Face dark gohlcn-ycliow. Face not golden-yello\7. 32 ruficoniis Ac. (411 lobatus /.»'.) 33 scapularis /.«'. 34 funditor Lw. 35 chrysostomus Lw. 37 }'^ DOLICIIOPIS. 27 37 38 3'J 40 \ 41 42 Tip of the liiiul fomora iiifuscated above. 38 Tip of tho liiiul femora not iiifuseated above. 39 Fore femora on tlu! under side witlx a blaek stripe. 3G praeustus Lir. Fore femora witliout blaek streak. i>7 comatus />«•. Fore tarsi black only at the tip. 40 Fore tarsi black from the tip of the first joint. 41 Two last joints of the male fore tarsi but little enlarged, feathered with black. 158 scoparius, n. sp. Two last joints of the male fore tar^i enlarged, not feathered. 31t discifer S/aun. Last joint of the male fore tarsi very mucdi enlarged. 40 lobatus /./'•. Fore tarsi of tho male plain. 4'1 Bristles of the hind tibiic longer than usual. 41 setusus Lw, Bristles of the hind tibi.e uot lon^rer than usual. 42 incisuralis Liv. >Mi i>.» Systematic distrlbittlon of the Species, I. Prevailing color of the feet black. A. Cilia of tlie inferior orbit black. 1. gf^tus Lw. 2. laticornis Lw, B. Cilia of tho inferior orbit whitish. 3. setifer Lio. (!. tetricus, n. sp, 4. albiciliatus Lw. 7. acuminatus Ltc. 5. xanthocnemus, n. sp. 8. ovatus Liv, II. Prevailing color of the feet yellowish. A. Cilia of ihe inferior orbit black. 9. pachycnemus f.w. 10. brevipennis Mclij, B. Cilia of the infeiior orbit pale. A. Cilia of tho teguhe pale. 1. Antenn.'o black, the first joint at the utmost partly red. 11. longimainiB Lir. 10. splendidus f.w. 17. batillifer A»', 18. eudactylus Lie. I'd. tonsus Lw. 12. brevimanus Jjw. iS. socius /.»'. 14. nudus, n. sp. 15. subciliatus, u. sp. 2. Antonnne entiiuly, or their greater portion, yellowish red. 20. tener Lw. 22. luteipennia Lw, 21. variabilis Lw. :i:- V\ ■" ■ l- ■ II •; 28 DlI'TKllA OP NORTH AMKUICA. [I'AIIT II. B. Cilia of tlie tcguhe black. 1. Fourth longitudinal vein broken. a. Antenna) black. 23. ramifer Lw. I. Antennae yellowish-red. 24. bifractus A>(t'. 2(j. cuprinuB Lw. 25. vittatuB Ari'. 27. longipenuis Lw. 2. Fourth longitudinal vein not broken. a. Antenn;e red, at the utmost the third joint at the tip almost entirely red. a. Humeral callosity of the same color with the thorax. 28. hastatus, n. sp. 31. sexarticulatUB, u. sp. 2d. plumipes Scnp. 32. ruficorniB Lii\ 30. fulvipes Lie. B. Humeral callosity yellowish. 33. Bcapularis /-"•. 34. funditor Tao. h. Antennre black, at the utmost theifirst joint partly red. 35. chrysostomus Lw. 3!). discifer Stmin. 3(5. praeuatus /av. 40. lobatUB Lw. 37. comatus Lw. 41. setosus Lw. 38. acopariuB Lw, 42. incisuralis Lw, mm ;;if ':y" DOLICIIOI'US. PESCIUPTION OF THE SPECIES. I. PUEVAII.INa COLOR OP TIIE FEKT IJLACK. A. Cilia of the inferior orbit blarl: 1. D. [;ratlis Loew. % . — Kx viridi ch.ilybinis, pedum nigrorum tiMFs anterioribiis totis tibianiimnie jiosticiirum diiiiidio basali llavis, facie ochracea, eilii.s ouulorum inferioribus tcgulaiuuujiio ciliiri nigiiis. Bluisli-areen, feet black, the four anterior tibia' cntiicly, tlie two liiiid oiiei* upon the basal half j'ellow; face ochre-brownisli ; cilia of tlie inferior orbit and of the teguUe black. Long. corp. (1.23 — U.24. Lung. al. 0.21. Svx. Dolicliopiis ijrutiis Loew, Neue Beitriige, VIII, 11, 1. IJluish-orcen. Tlie narrow face ocliro-brownisli. AntonnaJ black; tlie lirst joint rather niirrow. Front metallic liluisli-lack. Laniellte of the liypo|iyn'iiini whitish, of moderate size, on the ni)i)er and the apical nuu\uiii with a moderately l)road hlack border; the apical nnir.u'in somewhat jagfred anil frinj>H'd with numerous black l)ristles. FeuKU'a black, with yellow tip; the hind femora rather stout, ])rovidcd with a bristle before the tip; upon the under side ciliated with lon,- '■■■ :* \IA\i\ ^m. wmm 1-^^ h:^ n 3« D. laticoi'ilis Lokw. ^ . — Viridi.s pedum niarorum tibiirf, oxcepto posticarum apice, llavia, facie alba, ciliis oculorum inferioribus uigrid, tegularum ciliis albis. Green, feet black; tibia-, excepting the tip of the hind ones, yellow; face 'f\-^ r » so ■ DirXERA OF NORTH AMKHICA. [PAKT II. white ; cilia of the inferior orbit hliick ; cilia of the teguhe white. Long. Corp. (1.17. Long. al. (Mri. Sin. I' iliclb '!'• I'iti is Loew, Neiie Heitr. VIII, 12, 2. net' \v liitc, ratlu'V broad lor ii iiiii]( Aiiteiniii! black; the third joint laru-e and hn; id, ovate; arista iiisortfd upon its second tliird. Front metallic jri'cen. 'J'he cilia of the inferior orl)it lilacii. lianielke of the hypoityfiMiiin rather small, of u trape/oidal form, the upper and apical iimrti'in are hut very little bordered with black; their mar-ed with minute black hairs. Tij) of the co.\;e yellow. Femora black, with a faint ji'reenish reflection and yellow ti}). Tibise yellowish, ('riio middle til)iie are wantinjjj in the described specimen.) Tho tip of the hind tibia', which are not thickened at all, is black. I'ore tarsi from the tip of the first joint black; hind tarsi entirely l)lack ; the first joiid is beset with a \V\v tiiorn-like bristles. Ifind femora before the tij) with a stout bristle. Teji-uhe with whitish cilia. AVinii's hyaline; the costa ))ut scarcely thickened about tho tip of the first lonji'itudinal vein ; the end of the fourth lonjritii- dinal vein conver. SCtifc'l' Loiav. % . — Obscure viriilis, pedum nigvonim tihiis an- terioribus piisticiuinnque diiiiidio basiili llavis, facie alba, ciliis oculoriuu inferioribus tegularuuique ciliis albidis, nietatarso postico valde setoso. Dark green; feet black, the four anterior tibia' ,'ind the basal half of tlio two hind ones yellow; face white; the cilia of the lower orbit and of the tetrul.'c whitish ; the first joint of tin; hind tarsi with many thorn-like bristles. Long. corp. 0.17. Long. al. 0.1.'. Syn. Doliclmiiiis sctifrr Loew, Neue Ueitr. VIII, 12, 3. Face silvery-white, lutrrow. Antenna' black, third joint sliort. Front metallic a-reen. The cilia of the iiiferi(jr orbit whitish. The lamella' of the liyi)opy. albiciliatiiH Lok' 9. — 01)scure viridis, poflnin iiitriornni tiliiis, posticarum apice taiui'ii exc('))to, tarsorumiiue aiitcrionmi l)asi fiavis, facie alba, cilii.s ociilonim iiitV'rioribus all)is, tegularuiu ciliiij nigris. Dark groen ; feet Mack, tibi.T, oxoepting tho tip of the liiiid ones, and tlie basis of tlie four anterior tarsi, yellow; face wliite ; cilia of the inferior orbit white; cilia of tin? tegulie l)lack. hong. corp. (MiO. hong. al. l».20. Syn. Diilichujius alliiciHalus hoEW, Berl. hnt. Monatschr. VI, 211, f)!). Dark preen. Face jiroportionally rather broad, white. An- tcnnii; black, third joint short. Front nietalb" u'reen. Cilia on the inferior orltit white. Femora black, with a fi'rcenisli reflection, their extreme tip brownish-yellow; (Mi tli< under side of the hind femora the hairs are somewhat lonj^-cr than in the related species, and of such a kind as to lead to the sniiiiositiini that the male has the hind femora ciliated with black. Tibiie yellow, the tip ol" the hind ones l)lack; this black colorin.ti' occupies on the anterior side perhaps the fourth, on the hind side nearly the third ])art. On the four anterior tarsi the four last joints, includint;' the tip of the first joint, are black; the hind tarsi iirc entirely lilack ; their first joint is as long' as the second, upon its upper side with two bi'is- tlcs, and ui)on its under side with one. Cilia of the teyuUe black. "Winji's hyaline. Jlah. Illinois. (Le ]>aron.) 5. D. xailtliocneinus, n. sp. % and 9.— 01)scnre viriiHs, pedum iiigrornm tibiis, posticarura apice tamen excepto, tars()vnni(|ue anterionnn hasi tlavis, facie alba, ciliis nculoruni inferiori\)US albis, tegularuiu ciliis nigris, fenioribus maris posticis aU)0-ciliatis. Dark green; feet black, tibia-, excepting the tip of the hind ones, and tht) i .'I ^k: IP^ !:>■ il ,1 • (I I I-; 4!'' 32 Ml'TEUA <»P NOllTir AAIKRTCA. [l>AUT II. Ij.isg of the four anterior tarsi, yi-llow ; face white; cilia of the inferior oihit white; cilia of Uie tetrulie black; hind femora of the male ciliated with white. Long. corp. 0.1") — U.IO. Long. al. 0.17 — 0.18. Ill the color and cvon tlie structure of the body this sjjccios rc- scnildcs />. (ilhlcilialun ; but it is much smaller. Face white, that of the male rather narrow, that of the female jtroportionally rather brnad. Paljii blackish at the base, at the ti}) more yellowish and with a somewhat whitish reflection. Antenme black; third Joint railicr short, in the J* somewhat larji'cr than in the 9. Front metallic {rreen. Cilia of the posterior orbit black alxne, white on the sif'e and l)elow. Coxic black, trochanters brownish-yellow. The fore co.xtc dusted on their fore side and beset with black hair. Femora ))lack, with ))rownish-yell(JW tip, the hind ones before the ti|) with a l)ristle. The hairs of the femora are ])lack, but there are on the under side of the four anterior femora of the male some delicate and short white Iniirs. The under side of their hind femora is ciliated with very long white hairs; upon the under side of the anterior femora of the female the hairs are chjser than in the male, and show a whitish a])])earaiice only in a certain direction, whilst in another direction they a])i)ear rather blackish. Tibia) yellowish ; the land tibio) are colored with black at the tip; this l)lack coloriuff has but a moderate extent and is rather sharply linnted. Tarsi plain in both sexes; on the four anterior ones the tip of the first joint and the four f(dlowinji- joints arc co- lored black; the hind tarsi are entirely black ; in the male their first joint has more thorn-like bristles than in the female. Cilia of the tcfi'ula) black, but mixed with nunnte white hairs, as it is also the case with the related species, for instance with />. alhici' lintus. "Wings grayish hyaline; in the nude the anterior margin has at the tip of the first longitudinal vein a small knot-shaped swelling. The white lamelhe of the hyj)oi)ygium are of a rounded- ovate form, bordered with black, jagged on the ujiper and apical margins and friyged with black bristles. Hab. Sitka. (Sahlberg.) OJiticrvafion. — Between the diagnosis of this species and that of I), albiciliatus there is no difference with regard to the female sex except in the size. Indeed the females of both species are very 'Much alike. In order to distinguish them it will be well to bear in mind that the female of D. a-anthocnemus is not only i:i^. DoLicnorus. 83 imicli smaller, but that the iiKMsurcs of its ahdonion nro loss l>lafkeiieil, that the black coloriiifr uii the tii» of its hind tibiiu is less extended and more sliar])!}' limited, and that liinilly the short liairs nj)on the under side of its fore and middle femora have, in a reflected light, for the most l)art a whitish appearance, whilst in the fenmle oi 1>. ulhicilialiiK this is the case univ in the proxinutv of the base of the fure femora. 6. I). tl'tricilA, n. sp. % and $> . — Obscure viridix, rariua cni.ipus, antennis pediluisiiue nigiis, ai)icali ffinoiuui tiieiite testaceo, inlV'iiuiilni* oculorum ciliis llavicantilxis, alls cinoreis. ^. Facio exochraceo-ciiie- rea, laiiitdlis hypopycii alliidis, ultimo tarsoruin anticoriim articiilo dilatato, tibiis posticis cnisi.siusculi^s. ^. Faciu albiila, pedibus simpli- cibus. Dark green, seblom coppery; antenn.T and feet black, the last tliird of the femora brownish-yellow; cilia of the inferior orliit yellowish; wings grayish. ^ . Facre yellowish-gray ; laiiiellie of the hypopygiuni whitisli ; the last joint of the fore tarsi enlarged : hiniie somewhat thickened. 9. Face white; feet plain. Long. corp. 0.18— 0.20. Long. aL 0.20— 0.22. Dark jrroen, Ijrijrht ; the last se and middle tarsi browni^l!-l)lack. still the base <»f the latter yellowish-Iirown ; hind tibiae and himl tarsi entirely black, the latter sparsely bristly upon the first joint. Cilia of the teguUe black. Wings hyaline ; the costa at the tip of the first longitudinal vein not thickened ; the end of the fourth vein con- vertring towards the third; the hind transverse vein somewhat less steep than in D. ovnfus. Female. Very much like the male. The white face much broader than in the male, still not so Ijroad as in the female of 7). albieiliafi(s. The yellow coloring upon the upper side of tli*' fore tibiic is not only generally lighter than in the J*, but also often distinctly observable upon the first half of the U])per side of the middle tibiic. Hub. Washington. (Osten-Sacken.) Illinois. (Lo 13aron.) ;■■ '*'K . Imr.TfllniMS. J.y 8. D. ovntlls liOFW. % . — Ohscive viiiilis, pt'dinn Tiiu'i-oruiii tiliiis nn- ticis ex ti/ivo fusi-is, f.icii' alliil, I'iliir^ ofulonim iiit'eriorilpiis alhidis, teuu- l.irum ciliis nigris, lainellirf liyjiopygii parvis, rotuiidato-ovntis. Dark green ; feet lilafk, forci tiliiie Itrowiiisli-yellow ; face wliite ; ciliiv of tlnj inferii-r orbit wliitisli, of the teculje Mack; luiiiellai of tiie liyimpvLiiiim small, rouiiiU'd-ovate. Loiij^. corp. (Mfi. Long, al. tM4 — U.l.'j. Syn. Dolirlin/Dis nnitiis LoKw, NeuH Beitr. VIII, 13, 5. Fiu'c narrow, white. Aiilciiiiii' Idnck, lliinl juiiit sliort. Frniit liK'tallic frrt'*'!). Ciliii of the iiiferior nrhit whitish. I.iUiii'llie of the hypopyiriuin while, rntlier siiiiill. rotiiKlisli-ovate, on tlie iiii|i('r and ai»ieal iiiar}j;in with a narrow black lionler, on tlie hitter split into a ))ristle-like lohe and t'rinired with hlaek lirislles. I''ect, bhiek ; the femora with a .>ioinewhat jrreenish reflect inn ; their e\- trenie ti^» hrownish-yellow; the root of the fore and inidtlle tarsi are of the «anie color. Fore til)ia' npon the jrreatest jiart of the upper side hrowiusli-yellow. l)eneath dark brown. Middle iii)i;i; and middle tarsi l)rownish-bla('k. Hind tibiu' and hind tarsi Ijlaek. Cilia of the teo-nhe l)lack. Wings hyaline ; tlie cnsta iif. the tip of the first longitudinal vein not tinckened. The end of the fourth longitudinal vein converges towards the third ; the liind transverse vein straight and steep. JTab. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) Observation. — The J of J>. (>r(ili(f>, wliicli is not known to me, must resemble very much that of /). aciimindlnK. IJcsides the but slight discrepancy in the color of the feet, the dilference con- sists i)robab!y in the coarser hairs on the fore co.xie ; at least ih" hairs in the ^^ of D. ov(ifii!< iiit(itii.-i. The difference in the direi'llS(iiiis, ju'di- bus flavis, diniidio tibiarutn posticarum apicali, tarsi.s inteiniediis indrt ab articuli primi ajiioe, posticis(]ne totis nigris. %. Tarsis anticis attenuatis, artieulis tribus ultiniis atri.-^, conipressi.s, ■■ (■' J,- ■■ i':.':i ' ■ -■; ;,■■■■ '' ■•' "" .,■'■' 't-4 m u. 8G DTPTEUA OF NoRTir AMKRIPA. [part It, dunbufl ultitnis valde diliitiitiH, feiuoril)U!i i)OHt!uia nigro-uiliutiH, tibiit 9* IVdibud HiiiiplivibuH, tai'!ti8 autiuL-i iiide ab nrtiuuli primi apice iiigrld. Metallic gruttn ; aiiteiinnD, ciliu nf tlie iiift* rior orbit and of tliu tHgulio black ; all coMu untiivly diuk ; Unai yellow ; tlic wliolu Hucuiid liult' ut tbc hind tibiiv, tliH middle turui from tlin tip of the liriit joint iind the whole hind tarxi bluck. ^ . Fore tarsi attenuated ; the three last joints black, compressed, tlie two last joints much enlarged; hind femora ciliated with bluck; hind tiliiu) incrassated. 5 • Feet plain, fore tarsi from the tip of the lirst joint blackened. Long. Corp. 0.25— 0.2t). Long. al. 0.22. Syn. Dolichopus parhyr.nemna LoKW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 13, 6. Dark metallic grocii, brijrht. Face of the J* narrow, ocliri'-ycl- low; face of the 9 l)r()a(l, •rrayish-ycllow. Aiittiiiiio entirely Mack; the third joint ovate. Front hrij^ht, {generally for the most l)art steel-blue. The cilia of the inferior orl)it Ithick. Thorax with a rather broad brass-cohjred middle line. i\bdomen cojjjtery towards the end. All the coxiu black, only their extreme tip somewhat brownish-yellow. Feet dark yellow ; hind femora on the extreme tip darker, before the same with a stronj;- l)ristle; all tibiie with numerous bristles; hind til)iiu upon the entire second half i)lack; middle tarsi from the tip of the lirst joint black; hind tarsi entirely black. Teji'uke with black cilia. Wii\{?s some- what shorter than usual, in the 9 somewhat more dusky than iix the male, esj)ecially somewhat darker towards^ the fore nmrgin. Male. Fore tarsi not very much loiijfcr than the fore tibiae; their lirst and second joints slender, stalk-like, yellow; the first one much lonfjer than the second; the following joints black, flat- tened; the third iSomewhat broader towards the end; the fourth much enlarged, of a nearly triangular form, beset upon the ui)per side with short, close, minute black hairs; the fourth joint is like- wise much enlarged, still not as broad as the third, and of a more ovate form. Hind tibise much thickened, stoutest in the middle, and marked upon the ujtjjcr side with a narrow pale line running from the middle to the tip; hind femora ciliated beneath with long black hairs. Lamella) of the hypopygium dingy yellow, with a broad black border, of moderate size and of a rather round shape, jagged on the apical margin and fringed with I)lack bristles. jfemale. Feet jdain ; the fore tarsi rather blackish already from ^'di DOLiciiorrs. 37 the tip of tlic first joint, which is si»iiictiiiu'.s tho case in ^ , l»ul only in vcrv (iiirk-culitrcil siicrinicns. Jlub. Mi(Ulle Slutt's. (OnlLU-.Suri\(.'n.) liiinitis. (Konnifoit.) lO. I>. brevlpeiiniH Mi;io. % and $>. — Aonco-viridis, nutfiuiiy, mnilorum tcgulaiuiiKiiiu ciliis tiigiis, coxiH anticiH prnetei- liiisiiii ptMli- t)usi|u*! tliivis, tiii'Mtti tiliianim ]M)sticai'iiia a|iii'.'ili, tiirsis inttMini-ilii.i indf all ai'ticiili {niiiii aiiice, ]io>ti(!isijiit; totis iiigris. ^. Tai'sis aiitiuis atteiiuati!«, nrticulis duoluis iiltiiiiis atris, coniprMSsi*, ultiiiKi ••\iiiii»' (lilatato, feiiioriliiis ]i(isti(us palliile-riliatis, 9' IV(libii8 »imtilicil>U:j, tarsiH aiitiii.s indu ab articuli ]iriiui a{iicH iiii;rifl. Metallic-gre»'n ; aiitenniP, cilia of Uih inffiior orbit and of tlin tcgul.'e Mack ; foiH coxa?, exit'pting tlie basin, and feet ytdiow ; tbe last tiiird of tlit» hind tibia', the iiiiddlu tarsii from thu tip of thu lirst Joint and the wliolt) hind tarsi blac^k. % . Fore tarsi attenuated, tho two Inst joints black, llattened, the last one extreinely enlarged; tlie hin-cr than those of the 9, but not near so stronjjj as those of the nnile of J>. jni<-h;/<'iu'ntnx ; they have no larl joints an- liliu'k, lltilteiicti IVoiii the side, tlie iii'iiultiiimlt; l)iit liltle, the lust Jiiiiit on the coiilrary vei'y iiiiich eiihirfred. 'I'lie t'oiv tai^i of IIk; 9 lire phiiii, bhickish IVolii the tip of th(! lirst joint. Miildle tursi of liotli sexes pluin, Maek from tiie tip of tiie first joint ; upon llie second iiiilf ttf the upper side id' their first joint a single stnuijicr l)rislie is inserted. Hind tarsi always aitoji-ftlHr Idaek. Cilia of the teu'iihe Idaek. AVinjrs id' the J* somewhat le. Iircri/icniiia may ho cuusidored us doubtless, after the must careful t'oiuparisun. '■•',11' I 'r- 1>. Cilia of' I he iiifcriar orbit pale. A. Cllhi 'if till' t( i/iil:r jin'f. 1. AnttMime black, at tlm utmost tiio liuucr jmrtion of the first joint rod. 1 i. 1>. lUllgilliailllM I.oKW. % anil f. — Avnco-viiiilis, fai'io maris palliile Ofliraut'tl, fconuiifo e.v Uavo ciner/tsccntt', aiitfnni.s iiimis, ciijis oculnruni ititVriorilius ti'unlarunniiiH cilii.s (lavit-atitiiius coxaruni aiiti- carum lUmiilio hasali oliscuro, jx-iiiiius tlavis, tarsis ]p(isticis totis iiicris; maris ultimo tardorum anticoriun artieulo vaUle dilatato IVmori basque posticis ciliatis. Metallic gn'i'n ; the fare of tbo % pal" ochrt'-yt'llowisli, that of the 9 yel- l(i\visli-i.'i-ay ; aiitiMiiia' black ; cilia of tlic inlVrior orbit ajid of the tepub-n yfllowish ; basal half of the fore coxiu ilaik ; feet yellow witli entirely black hiiiil tarsi, last joints of the % fore tarsi enl,ir;,'eil ami ^ hiud femora ciliateil. Long. eorp. 0.2(! — 0.27. Long. al. 0.27 — 0.28, SvN. DolithoiniA liini/imaniis LoKW, Neue Heitr. VIII, 14, 7. Uronze-ji'reen, rather bri^ilit. Taee of the ^ narrow, pale oehre-yellow; face of the 9 rather hroad, liii'ht yellow-gTiiyish, Antenme entirely black, lower corner of the third joint with a scarcely ])ereeptil)le lifrhter colorinii'; third joint of the antenna! in the ^ short ovate, in the 9 almost round. Front bria'ht, green or blue-green. The cilia of the inferior orbit yellow. iHll.h ||Ol>l'S. 3'.> Vitpcr siilc i»r till' tlioi'iix .sniiu'wliiii |»riiiiiuso, witli a ('(ipiK'n' iniililk* stripi' iiiid whii u sonu'wliiit ((iiiptry-nilorcd murk (Hi each n'uU' In'Inrc till' triiii>\fi's<' Mitiiir, suiuciiiiu'.s cuppcry on a lai^irr I'Xtfiil. IJasiil pDrtioii (if thu Unv cuxu' lilarkisli licynml tlif initl- illc; on tiK' iiiidillc ami liiiid ones lliis ciiloi-iii^' cMtinIs as far as 1 lie cM nine tip. Feet ydlitw ; lore tarsi liinck at the tip only, initMIc nm-s I'nim tlii< tip of the first Jnini ; liiiHl tarsi ciilinly lilack; till' liiml IV'imira Im-Ioit tlic tip with a hrisilc. Tt-jrulu' with yt'llnwisli cilia. Winers ratlifi' lar^c, liyalim- ; tlio lourtli Innji'i- tmlimil vi'iii not l)rok<'ii. Male. Till' lamcllii' of the liypopyuMiim wliitisli. on the Ul»p('r mai'u'iii with a narrow, on the apical one with a liroadcr Itlack liordcr, ovate ; their apical marjiin is frinj^'cd with lilack Itristles and jaji'f^ed on its lower part. Fore larsi slender and nearly twice ns lonj? ns the tibite ; the four lirst joints yellow ; first joint as lonu; as foiir-lil'ths of the tibiie; second j'■ Mf 1"1. D. bl'«»vilimiHJS LiiKW. %. — Aeni'o-viiii i>;ile rnsty-ln'owiiisli ; inid- dle oiit's from tlie tip of tlic lirst joint and tlu' wliolt- hin^ onfs, including tlie tip of liie tilii.i', lilack. I.onL.'. corp. 0.17. l.oni,'. al. U.17. y-i-.v. holichojiita lin ri IIIU litis LoKW, Neue Hoitr. VIII, 14, 8. Metallie-,trreeu, brijjfht. Face white. Anteniiie black; the whole lower nnirgin of the lirst joint red ; third joint ovate, not T f ■ i n. ti i'-r iHI 40 DII'TKUA OF NOUTII AMLllICA [part Jl. rduiidc'd at the tip. Front hrijrlit l)luisli-}rrc('ii. Ciliaof tin* in- ferior orl»il white. Laiiieilsi' of tlie liypopyfiiiiiu wliitc, of incdiiim sixe and of oviite form, upon tli*' upper and a|iieal nniruin with a narrow blaciv Itonh'i', and friiifred wilii I)lael< l)risties; on the apical marfrin somewhat jajrfi-ed. Fore ('oxa> vellowisii-wliite, with- out minute hlacl< Imivs ni»on tli" anterior side; miiMIe and hind coxie l)lael ■i) . |! iiiiiiillljiii;. i;j. D. socilis LoKW. %. — A;'ni>o-v! idis, facMe alba, mitcnnnnnn ni- granim artii'iilo i)iinio siil tus lufo. . ,liis ociiloruin infcrioriliiis alliis, teirularniu ciliis tliluti! lla»-it"aiitilpus, jifdilius llavis, coxis aiiticis con- coloril)Us, tai'sis antfrieiilnts iiidn al) artiiaili i)riiiii a]>ice, apice tibiaruiu postioa.uiu tarsis(iui! post^'Ms totis iiigris. Metallic-grot'ii ; fai'f wliito ; the livst joint of tlio Mack niitcDn.T njinn tlie under side red ; eilia of tlie inferior oibit white ; eiiia of the tegulic pain yellowisli ; fore eoxiv and feet yellow, the four anterior t.'irsi from tlie tip of the lirst joint, ilie tip of the hind til)i;e and the whole hind tars-i lilaek. Long. corp. (•. 17. bong. al. tl.lT. Syn. Doiirliopiis suciiis liOHiV, BimI. Miitoni. Zelt>:ehr. VI, 211, tiO. Metallic-green, bright. Face white. Antenmo l)lack ; the whole lower margin of the first joint red, the third joint ovate, not rounded at the tip. Front hrighf, liluisli-green. Cilia of tln^ in- ferior orltit white. Tjamelhe of the hypopygium white, of medium size, ovale, on the '.ipper ami apical nnirgin with a iiarrow black liorder and fringed with black I)risth>s, on the sipical margin somewhat jagged. P'ore coxa^ yellowish-white, without minute black hairs upon the froi-. side; middle ami hind co.xse blackish, with yellowish tip. Feet pale yellow; himl femora ui)on the un- der side with but extremely short liardly visible hairs; hind tibise DOLU'IIOI'US. 41 MiU'kish at the tip; \}\)(m the lii'ul side witliout jrlahrons sti'ipi", I'oro tarsi hut littlo h)n{f('r than tiu! tihitu, ratlicr sloii(h'r, hiackciicil from tiu! tip of tiie first joint, still so that tlio extreme hasis of tlio second and sometimes even tliat of the third joint remain pale ; the last joint of the fore tarsi is lijrht rusty-hrownish ; middle tarsi from the tip of the llrst. joint hlaek ; hind tarsi entirely Itiaclv. Cilia of the tefruhe i)ale yellowish. Winjrs hyaline, towards tlK3 fore inarji'in with a faint brownish-frray tin<;e; the eosta near the tip of the lirst longitudinal vein only very little stouter, but not thiekened; fourth loni^itudiiial vein not broken. Hah. lU-nois. (Ii(; lianii.) ObfierraliDn. — In order to distinfruisli D. .^onus from the very like J). I>rcvii)ia»u.'<, it is only neeessary to ])ay attention to the dilferenee in the length and coloring of the fore tarsi and also to the diflerent nature of the hairs . Hiibcili(iti(!< and »«a/».s they are only slightly infus- eated at the tii), and altogether vellow as far as the extreme tip in D. Kplcndidus. From J), t^uhviliafus and />. f I 1 fU f!> ■1' < 'J ' '1 ' in r ]''■■■ I ii ti;- 1:^ 1 • IK''*' 5| i «■. ' , W' ' r 1: ■- 1 H y^ 42 DIPTEUA OP NOHTII AMKRICA. [part It I '•ll'ti'.^ jniiit rather l)lui»t at the tip. race odire-yolh)\v ; palpi yellow, {'iliu of the inferior orhit pale yellowish. IJypoiiygiiiiii black; laiiieihe of medimii .size, ovate, white, with a rather narrow hlaek hordcr, on the apical niaru'in Ja. haliUij'cv ; \\\nm its upper margin it is beset with appressed minute black heirs, ^liddle tarsi from the tip . mtdu' does not seem to be rubbed off; as, in both sexes, the lirst joint of the aiitennie is tinged with red on the under side, and as there ar<' soiiu' other dilferences besides (which will be seen by the comparison of the descrijitions of both species), I am leil to the conclusiou that there is a specilie diflerenee Iietween I). vinlii.-< and />. suixu'lid/us. It is very striking how closely allied the species of some groups of >'orth American Dolichopus are. Im'^%' \ "■' M| \ Is- R^ f'-w'^i?W>' ' \ :vM-4»; '"n i!>>WT ikxefi''^^^ , J ■Hi^ " \ 15. n. silbriliiltllH, n. sp. %. — Viiidis, iiitiiliis. ooxis anticis jitnli- liusi]ue llavis, apico tibiiirum posticaruui subfusco, aiiteiiuis tarsisciue DOLTCirOPUS. 43 pnsticis nigris, ciliis oculoiuia jiifeiioribus tegularumque ciliis flavican- tibus. % . Tfirsift aiiticis eloiigatis tenuihus, articulo altiiiio diliitato atro, femo- rilius posticis rare tiavo-ciliatis. 9 Green, shining ; foro coxje and feet yellow ; tip of tlie hind tihi.T lirowiiish ; antennse and hind tarsi black ; cilia of the inferior orbit and of the tegulie yellowish. % . Fore tarsi elongated, slender ; thn enlarged last joint black ; the hiuJ femora sparsely ciliated with yellow. 9 Long. Corp. 0.21— 0.22. Long. al. 0.2'). M('tallii--jrrcon, l)rit;lit. Front iiR'tallic-fii'ecii. Anteniiii; black; on till' uiidcr sido t»f the first joint I am not ai)lc to discover any li^'liter colorinjj:; third joint ratlior hlunt at the tijt. Kiicc g-rav- isli-yellow, nearly oclire-ycllow. Palpi yellow. Cilia of tlio in- I'urior orbit palL'-yellowisli. IIyi»oi)y<>;inni black; lanit.-lla'ornicdinnj size, ovate, wliitc, with narrow black border, on the apical niarji'iii somewhat ja,aj>ed and frin<>'ed witli black bristles. The tonr poste- rior coxiL' l)lackish witii yellow tip. Fore coxie yellow, oidv at the extn'me basis somewhiit blackened, upon the anterior sid(> beset with very delicate black hairs, wliicii do n((t reach to their base. Feet pale yellow. Hind femora with a bristle before the tip, u])on the jrreater part of the under side sparsely ciliated with moderately lonji' yellowish hairs. ]Iind tibiiu slont, but not exactly thickened, not hairy n[)on the liist half of the hind side; )»rownisli at the extreme end. Fore tarsi twice as loiio- ns the til)iie; their four first joints very slender, yellow; the lirst joint nearly as loiijr as the three followinj,' ones too^iher; the third somewhat shorter than the second; the fourth hardly half as lonj; its the third ; the liftii joint black, flattened, broad, still not ns lai'fi'e as in J>. hriliUifer ; upon its upper edji'e it i ■ beset with apjiressed minute black hairs, ^liddle tarsi from the tip of the lirst joint Idackeiied. Hind tarsi entirely black. Cilia of the tefiula- yel- lowish-white. AVinjis hyaline, somewhat li'rayish, at the tip of the first loufritudinal vein with a lonf>' but not very stout swcllinir, which fxradually mer,ii-es into the eosta ; fourth long'itudiiml velu not broken. Jlab. Fort iresi>lution, lluilson's Ibiy Territory. ( F\ennic!■?:*{ .m :-4 t':i'- i n '?W 44 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part IX. 16. D. Hplendidlis Loew. % . — Aeneo-viridis, liptissime oupreo mi- cans, pedibiis Uavis, coxis anticis tiliiisiiim jiosticis totis conuoloribiiH, antennis tarsis(jue posticia nigris, ciliis oculorum iiifuiiuribud teii^ula* ruinqiie ciliis tiavicantiliiis. % . Tarsis anticis iiiodict! elongatis. articulo ultimo dilatato atro, femoribua posticis confeitira flavido-cilia^is. 9 Metallic-green, with a brilliant coppery-red reflection ; feet and fore coxae yellow, bind tibise not darker at the tip; anteniue and hind tarsi black; cilia of the inferior orbit and of tlie tefuhe yellowish. %. Fore tarsi but moderately elongated ; the enlarged last joint black; liind femora closely ciliated with yellowish. 5 Long. corp. 0.24. Long. al. 0.23— 0.24. Syn. Dolichopns splctiilidns Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 14, 9. Bronze-frrecn, with a brilliant eoppcrv-rod reflootion, very bright. Face pale-yollowish. Anteiiiue entirely blaek ; the third joint short-ovate. Front hrifxht jrreen with a eoppery-red reflect tion. Cilia of the inferior orbit ])ale yellowisli. Ui»per side of the thorax with an almost i)nrplish spot on eaeh side l)efore the transverse suture. liamellie of the hypo|)yfriuin dinjry whitish, rather larji ; and of an oval form, on the ui)i>er and apieal niarfriu narrowly lio'dered with blaek, on the latter ja. sitbciliatus not only by being much brighter, but i)articidarly by the much less perceptible lengthening of the fore tarsi and by the much longer and much closer ciliation of the hind femora of the male. 'III '-■•• ' . MM ■fWK mm IT. D. batillifer LoRW. % and 9- — Aeneo-viridis, pedibus flavis, coxis aiiticig tibiij-tjue posticis totis concoloribus, antennis tarsisque posticis nigi'is, honiin basi tlava, ciliis oculoruin iiifeiioribus teirnla- riuuque ciliis flaviuaiitibus, maris ultiuto tarsoruiu antiuorum articulo adiuoduni ililatato. Metallic-green ; fore coxae and feet yellow ; the tip of tbe hind tibiie not darker ; antennse and hind tarsi black, the latter at tluj base yellow ; cilia of the inferior orbit and of the tegulfc yellowish ; the last joint of the fore tarsi of the % remarkably enlarged. Long. corp. 0.-(J. Long. al. 0.J5. Syn. Dolichopus latillifer Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, If, \ Metallic-green, bright. Face of the ^ narrow, more light ochre-yellowish than golden-yellow ; the face of the 9 broader and yellowish-white. Antenme quite black, the lower corner of the first joint only some\\ hat lighter ; ihe third joint short. Front green, or bluish-green, bright. Cilia of the inferior orbit yellow- ish. The more bronze-colored middle line of the thorax often hardly percei)tible ; on each side before the transverse suture a bronze-colored spot. Fore coxse yellow, upon the whole anterior side with a black ))ubescence. Hind coxie only at the extreme tij) yellow. Hind femora with a bristle before the tijt. Fore tarsi black only at the tip. Middle tarsi blackened from the tip of the first joint, still the base of the lirst and of the second joints is often not quite black. The hind tarsi are of the same color. Cilia of 'Ua 1. I. ) ■! i: , ■!. "PP I'^'i.: 46 DIPTEllA OF NORTH AMKKICA. [part 11 the tcfrnlto yollowi^li. Wings grayi.sli-liyaliiie ; tlio fourth luugN tudiiial vein not broken. jMalc. liiniielhe of ihehypopyfrium whitish, (jf moderate size and of a ratlicr oviil sliape ; on tlie n|)i»er and apieal nuirgin tliey aro narrowly hor(h'red witli l)hiek ; on the hitter very niucli jan'tifd and frihtrcd witli black lu'lstles. Jlind femora very ('h)sely ciliated with yellow Iniirs on the middle of the under side. Fore tarsi al>out l}j limes the length of the tibise ; their three first joint > slender and stalk-like, the first as long as the second and third taken together ; the second about !{; times the length of the third ; tin) fourth joint somewhat more than half as long as the third and somewhat broader; upon the whole under side and u" the upper side, excepting the tip, whitish ; the lifth joint somewhat longer than the third and fourth taken together, flattened, extrenu'ly broad, black with a silk-like reflection ; U])'>n its outside this reflec- tion takes a handsome silvery hue when viewed in a very oR- li(pie direction. Hind tibiie considerably thickened, the greatest thickness somewhat before the midd'o ; the anterior half of their hind side without i)ubescence. The costa near the tip of the first lonsj-itudiual vein with a rather elonti'ated swelling. JIab. West Point, X. V. ; Illinois. (Osten-Sacken.) C on- nccticut. (Norton.) White Mountains, N. H. (Oston-8aeken.) Ifu: IS. D. eiKlactylus LoKW. % ami 9- — Aeneo-viridis, pedibus tlavis, coxis anticMS til)iis<|ue pc-^ticis totis coiicoloribufi, niiteiiiiis tarsiscjim postifis iiicris, lioruni hasi tlava, ciliis oculoiuiii inferiorilius tcirula- niiJHiue ciliis Havicantilms, tnaris duohtis ultimis tarsoruiu anticorum articulis dilatatis et feiiioribu.s po^iticid ciliatis. Metalli(^-creen ; fore cox se and t'oet yellow; hind tilii.T not darker at tlm tip; the black liind tarsi with yellow root; cilia of the interior oibit and of the teaul* yellowisli; the two last joints of the fore tarsi of tlirt % enlarged and the hind femora ciliated. Long. corp. 0.2ij. Long. al. 0.■2^^. Sy.\. Dolirhopus eudnctylns LoKW, Meue Reitr. VIII, 16, 11. Metallic-green, bright. Face of the J* narrow, ochre-yellow- ish ; the face of the 9 broader and yellowish-white. Antenna; entirely black, the lower corner of the first joint hardly somewhat lighter; third joint short. Front green, or bluish-green, bright, (^ilia of the inferior orbit yellowish. The more bronze-colored middle line of t''e thorax usually but little distinct ; on each side iflfl DOLiciropirs. 47 before the Kiiture a br tizc-cdlored sjxit. Fore cox.t ycllnw, npun the aiiteriur side witli Ijlaek imltescciice. Tlie lour posterior cu.xie yellow only at the extreme tip. Feet yellow ; hind t'cniora w ith ti bristle before the tij). The color of the fore tarsi ehaiijics frnm brown into black towards the ti|); middle tarsi l)!a;in with short api)ressed minute black hair.s. The costa near the tip of the first htnjritudinal vein with a not very considerable l)ut quite di tinct swelliiifr ; the nniririn of the wiiifr iietween the apex and tlu tij) of the fifth lonu'itudinal vein is less rounded than usua',, so i uit there is a trace of a shallow sinus. Hah. New York. (O.iten-Sacken.) Mass. (Sanborn.) .:» W: ■ ■■im- fir- ::Mm )•■ ■•''. \y-' 1!>. D. tonsMS LoEw. % and 9- — Aeneo-viridis, pedibns flavis, mxis anticis tiliiisiiun postiuis fotis concolorilms. antennis tarsis(nie postiuis iii^ris, Imruni basi llava, ciliiH oculonun iiitVriorilxis teu'iilariuiKine ciliis rtavicantibns, maris duobus ultiinis taisonnu anticoium aiticulis dila- tatis et femoiibus posticis non ciliati.s. Metallic-green: fore coxne and feet yellow, tlie liind tit)ia^ not darker nt tlie tip ; antennae and liind tarsi blaclc, tbe latter at tlie basis yclldw ; cilia of the inferior orbit and of the tegulae yellowislj ; in the % the two . 1i" ■: m^ 48 DIPTEUA OF NUllTlI AMKllICA. [I'AKT II. ■ 'its i !iii,:. r .:|:'^" last Joints of tlie fore tnrsi t-ulargeil, uud the liitul ft-inora uot ciliututi. Loug. curp. 0.20. Long. iil. 0.25. Sv.N. Dulicliupus tunsiis Loew, Neue lieitr. VIII, 16, 12. Mftallic-gToeii, bright. Face of the J* narrow, iiioro light, oclire-yt'llowish than guKlon-ye'lhnv ; the fuoeof the 9 hruaUcr and yellowihh-white. Anteniue entirely hhick, the lower corner of the lirst joint only lighter; the third joint short. Front green, *)r liluish-green, bright. Cilia of the inferior orbit yellowish. A bronze-colored middle line of the thoiax is not distinct ; on each side before the transverse snture a bronze-colored sjtot. Fore C0XU3 yellow, upon the anterior side with rather delicate minute black hairs, which gradually disappear towards their base. Jlind toxie only at the extreni > tij* yellow. Feet yellowy hind femora with a bristle before the tip. The coloring of the fore tarsi in the J gradually changes towards the tip into brown antl black ; nud- dlo and hind tarsi black fntm the tip of the first j<(int, still the base of the second joint yellow. Cilia of the teguhe yellowish. Wings grayish-hyaline ; the ftturth longitudinal vein !n)t broken. Jlalc. Lamella) of the hypopygium v,hitish, of medium size and of an elongated ovate fin'ni, on the upper and apical margin nar- rowly bordered with black, on the latter much jagged and fringed with partly black, i)artly yellowish l)ristles. Hind femora not ciliated upon the under side. Hind tibise of ordinary stoutness; their whole hind side uniformly beset with minute black hairs. The fore tarsi more than H times the length of the tibia; ; the three first joints slender, stalk-like ; the second joint is o(pml to about two-thirds of the length of the first, and the third to about three- fourths of the length of the second ; the fourth joint is nearly as long as the third, flattened, at the end somewhat broader, still even here not half so broad as long, white, with a handsome sil- very reflection ; ui)on its up))er margin with hardly visible and short minute black hairs ; the fifth joint as long as the fourth, flat- tened, and somewhat broader than the previous one, Itlack, l)eset upon its upper nnirgin with short and appressed nunute black hairs. Costa near the tip of the first longitudinal vein without swelling ; between the apex of the wing and the tip of the fifth longitudinal vein the margin shows a shallow sinus. Ilab. Washington. (Osten-Sacken.) Obsercafion. — The 9 of the three species described above are i\^'m DOI.K'IIOIT.S. 49 very cn^y to rotifound. Tlio clianictors l»y whicli tlicy cnn Itc dis- tinjriiislicd arc as fnllows : 1. fur />. Uiitillifvr ? : ']l\w costu iiciir the tip of till' lirst loiifi'itiKliiial vein witli ii slit;lit trace nf a swcll- iiiu", |»i'r('('i)til)li' (inly to a very attfiitivc uhstTvcr ; tliis swclliiij^' is ratlicr cloiiu'atcd ; tliu ajicx of tin; wiiifjf soiia'wlial Iiroadcr than in tlio 9 nf the two otluT species; tlie Ion; coxa; Itcsct with ratlier coarse minute l)hicl< liairs reachinfx almost to the base. '1. for I). ciidiiffi/lttti 9 : 'I'lio costii the tip of the lirst: lonjritudinal vein with a sliu'ht 'r-iceot'a swelIin'^ which has only a vcrv trilling extent in lenji'lh; the apex of the winjr sonu'what narrower tiiait in j'K bdliUifrr, Itut i'loniewhat ItroaiU'r than in J>. Iij)ixiix ; tho fore coX'.e covered with rather coarse minute Mack Iniirs reachinif till very near ilu; l>ase. .'}. for />. totisit.s 9 : The costu near the tip of the lirst lonu-itudinal vein witliout any trace of a swellinj; ; tlio tip of the winjr somewluit narrower than in the two other spe- cies ; tho bhick i)ubescence of the fore coxa; more delicate and not reachinji; as far towards tho base as in tho two latter species. AVhether the slidit dill'erences in tho coloriiifj^ (tf tho tarsi, percepti- ble in tho specimens (tf these sjiecies c(»mpared by me, are sullicient for their sure distinction, can only bo decided by tho oxamluatiuii of u larjjor number of specimens. 2. Antenna? altogiftlier or for the most part yellowish-red. 20. I), teller Lokw. % . — Viridis, facie ex llavo albidil, antennis .-ufi;», ociiloruni ciliis inferiorilms tcgularumque ciliis albiilis, iiciHIms paliiile flavis, ultimo tarsorunianticorum articulo maris niodice dilatato, nigra. Green; face yellowish-white ; antennic red ; cilia of the inferior orbit and of the tegnlfe whitish ; feet pale yellow ; tho enlarged last joint of the fore tarsi of tho male black. Long. corp.;. Long. al. 0.17. Syn. Dollchopus teller Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 17, 13. Green, brijrht. Face yellowis.i-whi'.';. i\ntenntc yollowisli-rod, the apical inarji'in of tho third joint Ijlacicenti ; arista with a very short but still perccptiblo pubosconce. Front metallic-frroeii, In'itiht. Cilia of the inferior orbit whitish. Fppor side of the thorax not very bright. liamolUe of tho hy])opyj>:ium white, rounded, sliirhtly bordered with black, on the apical imirfrin some- what ja!irut little shorter than the fourth, somewhat flat- tened, Mack, beset upon its upi)er side with rather ajipressed I)la('k hairs. .Middle and hind tarsi from the tip of the first joint brown- ish. Cilia of the tefruhe yellowish-white. Wiiiji's hyaline, rather narrow; the costa near the tip of the first loiipjitudinnl vein with a distinct swellinj::; tin; third lonright green. Fore coxjc yellow- ish-white, beset, besides the black bristles near their tip, with very (ielicate minute whitish liairs. ^liddlc and hind coxa? of the same color, but colored with black u]ion the greater part of the outside. Feet yellowish ; hind femora before the tip with a bristle, in the J* ciliated upon the under side with very long pale-yellowish hairs. Fore tarsi of the ^^ about 1^ times the length of the tibitc ; those of the 9 hardly as long as the tibitc, blackened from the tip of the first joint, i)laiii also in the J*. Middle tarsi of the same color as the fore tarsi. Hind tibia; also in the J* not stout, l)ut , ■■'•\, rm pmjriroT'l's. il liltoii tlicir basal half nii tlic inside <:-]a1tr(ms. Hind tnrsi usually «[uito black; SdMit'tiincs tjicii' \\v<\ Juint, with tin- ('.Nccptiun (if the tip, i.s (inly hniwnisli or even yrlldwisli ; uku'i' Sfldnni the liasi.> IM- t'val Kill. ■I). I (iridhiliA is more variable in tin* colorinir of the ])ostei'ior tarsi than is usually the ci se \vi Ih tl le siieeies o 111! genus l>iiJirli(qnif(. \ have received a female as lieloiiu'iiiLr to the \ariety of I), varidhilix, havinjr li.u'ht feet, which has the tei;ulio ciliated with bhu'k, and dillVrs besides from the other females un- doubtedly beloii^'ing to />. varialiiliK, by tlu! iiion; clayisli-yellow color of its win.^s. I cannot take it for the 9 tif tiic present spe- cies. In the colorinjr of the wiiiu's and in several other characters it apiiroaches very much I>. Itilripeinii.-^, but as its hind tibia' are without b, ;ts, it may pcrhajis not even IicIoult to this specie I jiossess also some other females which I can only distinii'iiisli from the above described 9 of 7>. rdrinbili.-^ liy their black ciliated teunhe. It seems therefore that either the females vary in the coloriim' of the cilia, or that wo have here two exceedinji'ly similar species. .) H »»ri. ■ I ■J f'' '~ '-i. ■ r ■ i m i If M *Z'i. D. liitt'ipeniiis T. oi;\v. % . — Laete viridi;?, fi U'le alliidf niitoniiift I nil- ocaloi'uui ciliis iiiferioriburt albidis, tt-gulaniiii ciliis llavicaiit ihii.-;, IH'ilibiiH Ihivis, tarsis maris simplicibus, alis lutescentilius. llanilsduie green; face whitisli ; aiitoniiju reil ; cilia (if tbo inferior orbit wliitish ; cilia of the tcgubo yellcw ish ; feet yellow ; the fort^ tarsi of (he % plain ; wings yellowish. Long. corp. 0.10. Long. ;l1. O.l!). ,N, J)(ilirli()jius lutcijicniiis LoEW, Neiie Beitr. VIII, IS, l.' iraiidsome green, moderately liright. The CO|( ir of the face whitish, only upon its iqijier jiart somewhat more yellowish. Aii- teuiuc yellowi>h-red ; their third Joint short-ovate, perceplilily iii- fuseated at the tip. Front bright, green-blue. Cilia of the in- ferior orl)it whitish. I'pper side of the tlionix dusted, and henctj somewhat dull, with a rather distinct brassy-yellow niiddli; line. The pidiesceuce of the abdomen is whitish, not only oii the lateral ii'?ii 52 liII'TEUA OF NOllTIC AMEllICA. [I'Aiir ir. Jiiurj^nii, as ill tlio rcst'iiililiiiu: spcfics, hut also ii|)(iii tlii' ^i'lTutcr Jiai'l ((t'llic iii»|»iT sitlc. liaiiirllu' of llii; liypDpvji'iiilii of oi'iliiiai'V si/.f, rouiidiMl-ovuto, on llif iippri' and apical niai'i^iii iiarmw ly Imr- (it'i't'd willi l)iai-l<, liii' ialtiT ja;ii;'(Ml and IViiiffi'd willi hlark lii'islks. Fort' ••i).\iu }('llt)wish-\vliilt', and i'.\('('|it sunii' i)laclv i»ri,>tl('s nrar tlicir lip. I)('si't witli (tnly very delicate nunnti' uliiti>li luiirs. Mid- dle and liind coxiu of the same color, the I'ornii'r darker only at tin; liasis. Hind femora liefore the lip with a hiaek hrislle, n|Min llio nndei" side ciliated with ai)out ('» to 7 yellowish hairs; hind tihiiu rather stont, hnt not thickeiu'd ; in very dark colored specimens .sometimes near the tip and also n[>on the fore and hind side with a little hruwii blot; upon their hind side only a short ^lalirons stripe, which does not reach to their nuddle; fore tarsi slender, l>lain, al)ont I.', times the len,u-th (d'ihe tibia"; only their last joint black. Miihlle tarsi from the tij> of the lirst joint brownish, to- wards the end blackish-brown, in paler specimens fi'enerally but nnxleralely Itrownish. Hind tarsi generally entirely black, sonu;- times paler towards the end of the lirst joint or also at tiie end of the second joint ; in the palest specimens Itntwnisli only towards the end. Ciliii of the teguhe yellowisli. Winji-s rather dis- tinctly cdiiyish-yellow ; veins clayish-yellow ; the fourth htngitudi- val vein not broken ; the costa near the tip of the lirst longitudi- nal vein with a litth; swellinjj;. Ildl). Washing'ton.^ (Osten-SacKcn.) (tlixvrrnlion. — With regard to a female which may be tak<'ii for that of the j)resent sjjeeies, the necessary remarks have been made in the observation to the previous species. However un- usual the inconstancy in the coloring of the tarsi of />. hdciiicniiiii and of JJ. ruridOilix nniy be, 1 have no douljt that these varieties do not represent dilVerent species. At least the most attentive ex- amination of the specimens distinguished by the coloring of their feet, did not lead to the discovery of the slightest tlilferenco in the plastic characters in one as well as in the other species. wM ^M K mm wM, wm^i ' ■'rBm pVk/. iH sxm ^>' s Ml: III II i',W K W^i H : ^i iir'K : , , m \'':?!^ : '%^ n. Ciliii of the tcijuhr. hhich, 1. Fourth longitiKliih'il vt-in broken. a. Aiiteiiiue black. J4tt. 1>. raiiiif«*r LoKW. % aii'l 9. — Obscure virifli-aeneus, tlior.-icis duiso iii;ii(;o-iiigro, facie albii, autenuis iiigris, ciliis ouuloruiu iiifcriorilius 'm uni.TriioTMS. r.:] nlliiili!*, ti'pularum cillis iiij^ris, ixjililiUH tlaviH, nlnrum Vf>iii\ lonf.'ituiliiiali <|ii:iilil n|i|it'ii of u vciii. Lc^iig. cor)). l). i:t. Long. nl. (Mil. yvx. JJolicliiijiiis niiiii/'fr Li)i;\v, Ncuc Hcilr. Vlll, lH, 1(1. Park l»rnii/.('-|i))ari iitly han; arista inserteil (|iiiti' near lln; lij); in tin; ? it is percept ilily shorter, mid lias a k'ss ]toiiiteil tip, to wliicli llio iiristii is still iiioro approxiiii.iteil. Kroiil hluish-black, very Iiriu-lit. ("iliii of the inferior orhil whitish. Upper side of tlii; thora.v lii'oii/e-l)lii(dv, or iiiorc dark l)roii/.c-};i;ri't'ii. Al)doinen soiiiewhaf coppery. Foro coxu' dark yellow, at till) cxtreiiit' liasis somewhat lihickeiied, Itcsi't upon the fore siilo with short iniiiiiti' lilaek hairs. Middle and hind coxsu hiackisli, dark yellow only at the tip. Feet dark yelhiw; the fore and iniddle tarsi from the tip of the second joint l)hiek ; the hind tarsi, inidudiiif; the tip of tlie hinil tihiie, hhick. I'he hind femora soniewliat hroad, before the end with a liristle. Cilia of the teji-iilie Idack. AVin,!j,'s hyaliiie-ji-ray ; the fourth loiitritndiniil vein hroken, so that its inferior aiig'le is a riji'ht one and the superior is rounded, the former is sni)plied with a rather lont;; stump of a vein. Jliilc. Lamelhe of the hyiiopycrinm white, rather small, round- ish, at the upper and apical mar>;'in only with iiii extremely nar- row dark border, on the latter Iiiit very little jiiL^ired and friiifi'ed with black bristles. Jliiid femora very sparsely ciliated with moderately loii«^ whitish-yellow hairs. Hind femora rather stout, the ji'reater part of their hind side li'hibroiis. Costa with a small tiwellinu; at the tip of the first loii<;'itudiiial vein. J/(ih. Neliraska. (Dr. llaydeii.) Lake Wiiinipeir. (Keimicott.) New llochelle, N. Y. (Osteii-Sackeii.) h. Antennae yellowish-red. 24. D. Ilifractlis Loew. % and 9 • — Aeneo-viridis, thoracis dorso, opaco, alidoniine eupieo-niicante, facie alliida, iiiterdnni ex tlavo cinerea, antennis rails, ciliis ociiloriini inl'erioril)US aliiidis, clliis tegularum nigris, alarum vena longitudinali (iuarta. appendiculatil. i ■'-• I ;!■ ■! •■i;"'i''.i. i -.1 ■■I;-- i, . ( ' 1 ' ':,■■ 1 . ■ 1 ; * ,.mS 54 DIPTEUA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. 'i" Bron/e-greeii ; uppor side of '.he thorax not very bright, tlull ; abdomen with a coppeiy-reJ rellHctioii ; fauo whitish, sotiietiiiies riioro yellowish- gray ; antenna) red ; cilia of the inferior orbit whitish ; cilia of the tegub'=; black ; the fourth longitudinal vela with a stump of a vein. 1 jng. Corp. 0.22. Long. ai. 0.17. Sy.n. Dolirhopiis hifrnclas Loicw, Neue Beitr. VIII, 19, 17. Uroiize-L'"! .'Oil, l)iit little sliiniii"''. Face wliitisli, in not rccciitlv t'xcliuk'd spL'cinioiis fi-cnoriilly more yoUowisli-gray ; in tlic ^ il is ii()'< mncii uaiTowoi' tliuii in the V. Antennie red; tlicif tliird julnl ovate, soniewliat hroad ; at tlie point of insert i(jii of liie arista it is somewhat swollen and blackened ; its apical half is lil'teii brownish. Arista wiih a very short bnt distinct pnbeseence. Front bronze-g'reen, but opaque, on account of a very delicate lig'lit ))ro\vnish-gray dust. Cilia of the ini'erior orbit whitish. Upon the upi)er side of the thorax the ground c(»lor, altliouuh bronze- o'reen, is (piite opa((ue, on account of a dens(^ l)ro\vnish-jiray ilust, which in fresh, nut denuded siicciniens, alto,n'ctlier conceals it. Abdonu'U lu'ifi'htcr metallic-green, in not recently excluded spc(,-i- niens rather coppery. Coxa' and f"et yellow ; the middle coxio ui> to the tip gray ; the front side (jf the lore coxie s|>arsely beset with delicate nunute black hairs, glabrous towards the basis. Hind femora before the tip with a bristh-. Foi'c tarsi itrownish, only the last joints really black. Middle tarsi IVoni the tip of the first joint blackish; the extreme tip of the hind tibia', including the whole hind tarsi, l)lack. Cilia of the leguhe lilack. AVings with a rather dark grayish tinge ; on the anterior margin and along the veins generally somewhat brownish; the fourth longitudinal vein broken twice at right angles ; l)oth angles sharp ; as an ex- ception, the ui)per one sometimes slightly rounded; at the lower tingle there is generally a stumi) of a vein, whilst the upper one for the most part has none. Mule. Lanu'lhe of the hy])opygium while, of modei-ate size, rather rounded, on the upper ami apical margin narrowly Ixir- dered with black, on the latter somewhat jagged and fringed with black l»ristles. Fore tarsi 1j ti: 'cs the length of the tibia-; lirst joint souH'what hmger thai; the second and third taken together; fourth and fifth joints black, somewhat llatteiied, the u])])er edge of the fifth bearded with close black hairs. Hind tibiic plain, their hind side not glabrous. Uab. Chicago. (Osten-Sacken.) Nebraska. (Dr. Ilayden.) •4 DOLICIIOPUS, 55 25. I). Tittatlis LoEW. % . — Aoneo viriilis, tlioracis lineii media vit- tisiiiu; lat«ralilni8 orichalceis, facie albida, anteiini.s nifis, cilii-s oeuloruiu inff lioribiis allndis, tcgiilaniiii ciliis iiii^ris, peilibus llavis, tarsis maris siiiiiilicihus, alarum vena loiigitudiiiali (jnarta t'lauta et appeudiculatii. Broii/f green; middle line and the two lateral stripes of the thorax brassy yi'llow ; face whitisli ; antennae red ; cilia of the inferior orhit wliitish ; cilia of the tegulie black; teet yellow; tarsi of the % plain; fourth longitudinal vein broken and furnished with a stump. Long. corp. O.lii;— (1.127. Long. al. 11.2")— (i.:i(). Syn. JJolirhojiiis vittalus LoHW, Neue Ueitr. VIII, 20, 18. iJroiizc jiTC'i'ii, sliiiiiiijr. Fiicc rntlicr broad for a J*, wliitish. AiitciiiiiO ivd, apical half of the tliird joint soincwhat iiifiiscatcd ; arista witli a short, distinct j'lihcscciicc. Front metallic o'rceii, or ui'ccnisli-lihu', shinin.i;'. Cilia of the inferior orhit ycllowish- whitc. rpjjcr side of the thorax green or hhie, with a consjiicu- ons. almost golden-yellow or more copper-colored middle-line, and with similar lateral stripes. Lanu'lhe of t!ie liyiiopyii'inm white, of moderate size, mirrow-ovate in sha])e, with a narrow black margin on the upper and the apical edge; the latter jagged and fringed with hlack bristles. Coxa; and feet pale yellowish; iho lore coxa' are beset on their anterior and inner si with numerous, on the outer side with very scarce, small, Itlack hairs, besides the white pubescence which clothes them; the middle coxa? upon tho greater ])art of their outside blacUisli. Hind femoi'a before their end with a bristle. Hind tibia' of the ordinary size, upon their hind side with a glalirous stripe, which extends beyond their seciiud third. Fore tarsi ])lain, only very little longer than the tibia', from the middle of the third jnint lilack; the uiidille and hind tai'si are lilack from the tip of the lirst joint. Wings grayi>h-hyaline, towai'ds the fore margin xmi' vvhat nioi-e iii'own ; cosia iieiir tho tip of the lirst longiludinal vein with a very thick swelling; fourth longitudinal vein broken : superior angle of the tract ure rounded, infei'ior one with onlv a short stomp. JIab. Chicago; Gencssee, X. V. (0.-'tcu->Sackcn.) '^' ' ■ It ■(• .1; 1^- :: t-l 2. rJiprimis Wifd. % and 9 .— Aenco-viri.lij, thoracis lineii media vittis(iue lateralil)us orichalceis, facie t>x tlavo albida, .■intcnin's rntis. eiliis ocuilorum inferiorilius albidis, tegul.iruni ciliis uIltIs, jnHli- Ims llavis, taisoriun anticoru.ii apice in mare dilaiato, alls basim versu.s lion angustatis, vena longitudiuali (piarta fracta. 56 DIPTERA OF NOIITIE AMERICA. [PAllT II. Mp*.illic green, mirldle lino and lateral stripes of the thorax brassy yellow : face yellowish-white ; antennaj red ; cilia of the inferior orbit whitish, cilia of the teguhe black ; feet yellow ; tij) of the fore tarsi of the % en- larged ; wings towards the base not narrowed ; fourth longitudinal vein broken. Long. corp. U.^.") — 0.2(j. Long. al. 0.24. Syn. Dolichoptis ciiprcuA Say, Journ. Ac. I'liilad. Ill, 8C, 9. Dolivhopus ciiprinu-i Wirokmann, ZweiH. II, 230, 1. — Walker, List III, CUO.— LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 20, 19. iMotallie grooii, sliiniiif^. Face whitisli, with a more or less ycl- lowisli liiifiT', i)arti('iilarly tliat of the J", wliioli is considerably narrower liian tliat, of the 9. Aiitennu! yellowish-red, the apieal half of the third joint often infuseated. Arista with short l)iit distinct pubescence. Front shininj?, bluish-green. Cilia of the inferior orbit whitish-yellow. Ujjper side of the thorax green, often bluish-green, seldom blue, with a consjjicuous yellow brass- colored, sometimes copper-colored middle line and with similar lateral stripes. Abdomen usually more bronze-green or coi)pery. Coxa) and feet pale yellowish ; lore coxie only on the inner margin of their anterior side with sparse minute black hairs, which are more distinct in the 9 than in the J* ; michllc coxiu niton the greater jtart of their outside, I)lackish. Ilind femora with a ))ris- tle before the tip. Fore tarsi fi'om abo^it the middle of the third, middle and hind ones from the tip of the first joint, bhu'keiied. Cilia of the teguhe black, ^\'ings tinged with gray, towards the fore nuirgin more grayish-brown, not more narrowed than usual towards the base; the fourth longitudinal vein broken, so that its inferior angle is a sharp right one and the sujierior is rounded; the former is supplied with a short stump of a vein. Male. Lamelhe of the hypopygium of moderate size and of elongated-ovate form, white, narrowly bordered with black on the njjper and apical margin ; the latter jagged and besot with black bristles. Hind femora u]«in the second half of their under side sparsely ciliated with very long yellowish hairs. Hind tibiio not thickened, upon their hintl side with a glabrous stripe extending beyond the middle. Fore tarsi not one and a half times the length of the tibiie, two joints stalk-like ; first joint nearly one and a half times the length of the second ; three last joints slightly fiat- tened, third joint upon its upper side very densely fringed with longer, the fourth with somewhat shorter black hairs ; the three p .vti- [itf;,.! DOLICIIOPUS. 0( last joints of the tarsi aro about as lung as the second ; the two last ones as long as the third. Ilah. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) Xebraska. (Dr. Haydcn.) O/iscrrd/ioii. — The determination of this species, tlie most common in the ^Middle States, is not doubtful when we compiiro the descriptions of Saij and Wicdcniann, which servo to complete each other. Tlio 9 is easily distinguished from that of />. loin/i- jicnnix by its less narrowed basis of tlie wings. Jts distinction from the as yet unknown 9 of />. ri/lalus must be very dillicult, unless perhajK lli< )»ro]>ortional length of their feet affords an avail- able nuirk ot' (lisli on. Two males measuring only (\.'2'.\ in length resendjie in aii plastic characters the ^ of i). ciiin-inns so much that I take them merely for asmallervariety. A single, un- fortunately not well-preserved ^, distinguished by a somewhat larger size, may jx'rhaps constitute a piii'licular species, as the fourth longitudinal vein is less broken, and the three last joints uf the fore tarsi are a little broader. It would not be safe, however, to decide upon a single speciuicii. 21. D. Ioiisil»eiiiiis LoEw. % ami 9 •—-^t'lu^r.-viridis, thoracis linei media vittistjue latcralihus oriclialceis plenniiiiue suliobsoletis, facie ex flavo albiilfi. anteiniis riifis. ciliis ocuhirum iiifiTiorihus all)i(lis, ti'irularum ciliis nigiis, jR-ilibus tlavis, maris taisorum aiitiuoium apite dilatato et alls basim versus valde angustati.s. Metallic green ; midiUe linn and lateral stripps of the thorax of a hrassy- yellow color, howivt'r, mostly indistinct; face yellowish-white; ant(?n- II re red ; cilia of the inferior cvliit whitish; cilia of tht; tegulro hlack ; feet yellow ; the tip of the fore of the male enlarged and its wing.s very much narrowed towards the basis. Long. corp. (.'.-iJ. Long. al. 0.2i;— (I.-.27. Syx. fJiilii liopn.<: loiijlpeniiia Loew, Neue Bcitr. VllI, 21, 20. J}ronze green, shining. Face white, often more or less yellow- ish. Antenme red. the second half of the third joint sometime.^ infuscated. Arista with'a rather >hort but very distiiu't ]ndicscchce. Front shining, green or Idnc. Cilia of the iurccinr (U'bit wliitisii- yellow. rppcr side oj' tiic ilioriix with a brass-cnhircil middle lino and similar latcrnl striix-^. w-hich, howrver. are less distinct than in the two previous specif'*. Alxlomen often very coppery, ])iir- ticuhii'ly upon its posterior Iin-l'f. ("oxic and feet ))ide yellowish; fore co.\iu ouij w*i tlio iiwurr luaryiu of their anterior side witli a ^ . ' •! ;■ .-i' t I V 1 It .^t 58 Dll'TKIlA OF NOllTII AMKIIICA. [ PART ir. few indistint't iniiiute black hairs ; iiiiddlo coxa! u]k)ii llic jiTCiitor part (jf llit'ir oiitsido ^'ravish. Hind Iciiiora Ix'f'orc llic tij) wiili a hrisllc. Fore tarsi Ijlacivened fi'din tiie iiuopyginm of moderate size iuid of sin elongated ovate form, on the upper an. srrijiKldri.-!. .\s />. IniKjijxiiiii.-^ sometinu's ociiirs ■without distinct fracture on the fourth longitudinal vein, it happens, on the ('(uitrary, that in some specimens of 7>. sccijuihin's the fourth longitndimd vein is sonu'what broken; they are how- ever easily distinguished from J). l. ,<(if/illar/t(,H lioew, from Siljo- ria. l>roiizo-grei'ii, shining. Face of the J* narrow and Iirassy- vcllow ; tlio face of the 9 is luiu'li broader, and has a •'•ravish-yol- low lingo. ral]»i yellow, in tlie 9 towards the basis blackish. Aiiteiuiio re(blish-yel](»w ; their tliird joint short and rather rounded ; its apical half black or Ijrown ; the arista of the 9 i.s plain and rather stout; that of the (^ is longer and more slender, enlarged at the tip into the .shape of a lancet-like lamel pointed on both sides, the tip of which lias a dingy-whitisli colnring. Fi'DUt shining ])luish-greeii. Cilia of the inferior orbit yelhtw. Fore coxie yellow, upon the anterior side with a delicate black ]ud)es- cence. Middle and hind (•().\je grayish-))lack, only the extreme tij) and the trochanter yellow. Feet yellow. Hind fVnu)ra IjcCore the tip with u bristle. Middle tibiic with black tij), and l)efore it, in the ^, upon the ujjper side with a whitish spot, of which there is hardly a trace in the 9. lliml tibiieat the tip ]»lackish-br()wn, in the J* upon the hind side with a narrow, linear, hardly distinct glabrous stripe. The tarsi have the tip of the first joint, the lour following joints, and lie.sides, the base of the first joint of the mid- dle tarsi, ))lack ; the three last joints of the middle tarsi of the J* are distinctly, although not very strongly, flattened; this is also the case in the 9, l)nt less perceptibly so; this part of the middle tarsi viewed from the side seems distiuetly stouter tliau ■■<■: ; ^ la. .1 ■■.•'!•;■ if'., t A .!<. .';- .1 ; '11^. •; »h:^ h CO DIPTEUA OP NOHTII AMKllIPA. [I'AUT II. Slf•.»'^'.^.,/ , wlicii it is seen from alxivo or holow. Tiio first joint of tliu liiiid tarsi wilii only two tliorii-lilio brislics. Cilia of tlio tcji'iihu l)lack. AViiiU's ji'rayisli-liyaliiii' ; tlio last sc.uiiiciit of the i'ourtli ioiijiiliidiiial vein is iiilk'ctrd hclbrc its niiddlo hut not broken. Tlic wind's of tilt' J* art' sonicwliat narrower than tlioso of the 9, and liave he- foi'(^ tilt' anal anji'lu a very rtniarkalilo lar^'t' hisiiiiiah'd cxcisinn, so that the an.ii'Ic assiinu'S tlit' sliapt' of an indc|»c'iid('iil lolH;-like aitpciidiiL'e. Laiiiclhu of tlio iiypopy.a'iiiin of iiiodcrato size, roiindtd-ovatc, whilish, with a rather broad black border, on liio uj)]»er and apical niariiin jaji'ued anil I'riiiji'ed with black liristles. Jhb. Sitka. (Sahlljerj--.) 29. 1>. Iilmitipos Scop. % and '^. — Viridis, liunicris rmicoloiibus, anteiiiiis riilis, articiilo tertio prajtur basiiii nigro, f'ai;i(( auica, uiliis (icu- lorum iiil'(!ii()ril)iis llavis, tegularum ciliis iiigris, pedibus llavis, artidulo tarsoruin iiitfriiicilidiuiii piiino maris sutulis iiigris jwiiuato, alarum Vena, lougitudinali ijuarta non fra(;ta,. Green, including the huiiieral callosity ; third joint of the red antennre with the exception of its basis, bl.uek ; face golden-yellow ; cilia of tlia inferior orbit yellow ; cilia of the tegnla; black ; fetit yellow ; lirst joint of the middle taisi of tlui 'J, fcatiicred with black bii.stles ; fourth lon- gitudinal vein not brcdceii. Long. corp. 0.17— U.lJ. Long. al. (.1.18. Sys. Miiiird jihuiiijxs Sroi'01,1, Ent. Carn. olU, Si),'). Dclir/nijnts jii iiiiitarsi.i,, Doliidi. 11, !(!. — MKUiEN, Zweifl, IV, i)(i, 21). — Machuakt, Suites, I, 440, 34.— Stanmi's, Isis, Is.'U, <;:i, 14. Zhttkustkdt, Ins. Lapp., 7U!), 9. — Stakokk, Kroyer's Tidsskr. 30, 21. — Zkttkustkdt, Dipt. Scand. II, 541, 3,">. DoUchoims i>lHmi]>cs Wai.kkk, Dipt. Brit. I, 1(12, IG. ]\rotallic-o'rcen, soniotinu's somewhat co]ipt'ry. Antonna3 yel- lowish-red, third joint, exccptins: its basis, I)lackened ; that of tlio J* ovate, with a rather sliar}) anjz'lo at the end ; that of the 9 sliorter. Front metallio-g-reen. The face reaches hnver here than in most other species of DoUchopus ; that of the ^ is rather nar- row and irolden-yellowisli ; that of the 9 is broad and palc-graj'- ish, dusted witli whitish-yellow. J'alpi yellow. Cilia of the in- ferior orl)it yellow. Fore coxie yellow, Avitli a black i)ubef cence anteriorly ; middle and hind coxic blackish, the extreme tip ami the trochanter yellow. Feet yellow. Ilind femora with a bristle before the tip. The middle tibia; are but slip'litly infuscated near tho tip ; the tip of the hind tibiie is somewhat blackish, this color occupying but a narrow extent. Fore and hind tibiic plain in i'i;,i \\ I II P^pi^,n" , DOLICIIOPUS. 61 both soxcs ; the middle tlbiiu only in the 9 ; in the J* thoy arc roniarkiiltly slondor, only sdiiiowhat stouter at the liasis and near the tip; on the upijor side with a hhieliisii-hrown ionfiitudinal line, which reaches IVoni the incrassation at the base to that at tlio tip; they show besides, just before the apical incrassation, a small whitish, not always distinct, crossljand. Fore and hind tarsi plain in both sexes ; the tbrnn'r from liie ti}) of the first joint, the latter altof^'cther, black; middle tarsi also altoji'ether l)lack, phun in the 9 ; tlieir first joint in the J* is sonnnvliat incrassated and densely ciliated on both sides with oldicpiely inserted Idack bristles, (.'ilia of the teji'ula; black. "Wings fi'rayish-hyaline ; fonrth longitudinal vein not broken ; in the 9 they have the usual shape; in tlie J* the hind nnirgin has a sinnated excision before the anal anii-je. The yellowish-white lameihe of tin.' hypopyginni are of niodcratu size, elongated-ovate, narrowly borderetl wilh black, fring(.'d with black bristles along the upper and apical edge ; the latter is some- what jagged. Jlatj. Sitka. (Sahlberg.) ()l).-endages of the hy))opygiuni of the North American specimen!* arc likewise precisely similar to of the European ones. 'W^ .1 ■ • 30. D. flllvipes LoEW. %. — Viridis, nitidns, faoie anrca, .nntonnis fulvis, aiticiilo tertio piv-eter basim nigro, ciliis oculoruiii iiifcrioiibiis tlavis, tegularum ciliis iiigris, coxis antici.s pedibnsque fulvis ; tibiarum intermetliaruin apice albo ; tarsis intermediis slmpliclburi. Green, shining ; face golden-yellow ; antenii;c dark yeilow, third joint, ex- cept its basis, black ; cilia of the inferior orbit yellow ; cilia of the tegulte black; fore coxte and feet dark yellow, tip of the niidille tibiie wliite ; middle tarsi plain. Long. corp. 0.23. Long. al. Stn. Dolichopus fulvipes Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeit. VI, 512, (Jl. ^letallic-green, shining. Face golden-yellow, rather narrow. Antenine saturate dark yellow; third joint elliptical, not rounded at tip, black, with yellow basis. Front metallic-green. Cilia of m- 1 1 ' ' !r" .:(• *^ ',.■ 'i'-* tm "WT" C2 PII'TEIIA OF NORTH AMEUICA. [I'AUT II. tlio inferior orbit yellow. Lniiielhe of the hypopyf^ium rather >ut a slight trace of a swelling of the costa ; the latter, ln)wever, is rather stout from this ])oiiit to the tip of the wing; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is only moderately inflected ujjon its middle. Hub. District Columbia. (Osteu-Sacken.) 4 32. D. nificorilis Lokw. %. — Viridis, humcris ooucoloritins, fmten- iiis rulis, ooulorinii ciliis iiiferiorilms aH>is, tegnlai'Uiu ciliis uigris, ]hhH- liiis flavis, articuilo tarsoruiu antii.'oruni ultimo dilatato, alaruiu veiii longitudinali quarta, non fracta. Green, includinc tlie humeral callosities ; antenna' red ; eilia of the inferior orbit white ; cilia of the tefjul/e black ; feet yellow ; last joint of the fore tarsi enlarged ; fourth longitudinal vein not broken. Long. corp. (M9. Long. al. 0.18. Syn. Dolichopus ruJicoDlis LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 21, 21. :^k- ^f i, ; 1 ■•■i.N 64 IiLl'TKIlV OF N<»ItTtI AiMlilUCA. [I'Altr II. (Jrccii, nitlicr ^liinintr. Anti'iiliu! red ; third ii»iiit sDiiicwluit loti'-'cr tliiiii lilt' two lii'st liikfii tiiu'ctluT, 1)1' nitlicr ('(iiiiil Itrc^idlli; ai'istii distinctly pnlicsci'iil. Frcmt l)fiji'lil bliii-ii-jiTi-cii. Ciliii of llio inl'frior orltil wliilisli. Iliiincri of ilic mimic c(dnr as tlio rciiiuiiidcr (if llic iiiipcr siirl'iicc ^\\' the llinnix. I'lipci' side ul' tliu idtdiimcii more ;j;oldcii urccii ; tlic whitlsli iiiilM'srciicc dii its sides <>(cii|d<'S inure s]iiiee tlinil lisliiil. I-iiliiellie lA' the li_viHi|»yj:'iniii (if tlie (irdiiiiiry size tiiid iMthei' niiinded in sh;i|»e, white, uilh ii nitlier liiirniw hliick liDi'der idmiji' the iiiiper tiiid iipicid edjre ; the hitlrf jii'j'iicd and IVintred with lihi<'k l»rislles. ('i).\;e mid feet jKile yel- lowish ; iinteri'ir side (if llie lore eoxie oidy Milh u vei'v deliciilo wiiitish inil>eseeiiee ; middle (•(•xiewilh si hhiekish situt on iheii' Diitside. Jlind feiiioni with a bristle helore the tip nnd spiirsely ciliiited \\\\\i lonu' yellowish-white hiiir- on the latter half of their under side. Jlliid til)iio of ordinary thickness, on llieir hind side only with a very short g'Inhroiis striiie near the basis. I'orc ti'.rsi more than once and a half the lenjith ol • tibia', slender ; li'.e four first joints stalk-like, yellowish ; the two lirst joints, taken together, are somewhat lon,L;er than the tibia ; the joints diniinishiii;:' in lenit whitiHli ; clliu f tin- tt-^'ul.T Mack ; fcot ynll(iw ; larni of tlitt }) |>liiin; foiirtli longitiiiliiiiil vein not broken. Lutig. curp. O.'iO— o.'Jt;. 111. O.a.l— (i.2t). FvN. iJnlirliopiia srnjiitliiris LoEW, Neun Ht'itr. VIII, 'JiJ, 22. IJrij^lit-jrn'cii (ir bluish-;: iimmi, tlic alHliiincii iikM'i' piM<'U-ur('»'ii, t'spi'ciuU}' towards its tip, sninctinics niflicrcopiicry. Kikt wliitisli. ill tliL' (^ jrt'iicrally sitmcwliat yellow isli upon the ii(i]M'r linif. Fi'oiit ;4iiiiiii>r, ffciicrally Itliiisli-jrrt'cii, seldom frreen or hliic Aiilciiiiii' ye!lo\visli-red ; lliini Joint sliort-liti-litiy iiiruseated nt tlit; tip; arista distinctly pulteseent. Cilia ot tlie inferior orhit yellowish-white, llnnieral callosity yellowish. The callosity hetweeii the root of the winjr and the scutellmii and oenerally also the iiiaiyin of the latter are of the same color. Co.Xii; and feet )»ale yellowish ; the front side of the fore coxa- is liesot with delicate whitish hairs; there are some short niinnto Itlack hairs on their inner side only, which however are not always easily (lisceriiil)le in the ^. Middle c((.\ie upon ilieir ontside with an elon|iiited Idackish spot. Hind femora witli a liristle iicfore the ti)). The two last Joints of the fore tarsi of the ? are hlack- ish-l)i"owii, still the brown color often liejxiiis already liefore the ti]» of th(! third Joint and the tips of the lirst and second Joints are also (tften somewhat infiiscated ; in jiale-colored specimens the ■foloriiif; of the middle and hind tarsi is the same, whilst in darker ones the distinct lirowii color heuins already fii the middle of the first Joint, ("ilia of the tejiuhe black. Wintrs frrayish, towards the fore mai'frin somewhat yellowish-lirown ; fourth loinritndinal vein not broken, still the inferior anjrle of the flexure is some- limes not rounded. Mnlc. Lamellit' of the liypojjyfrimn of moderate size, rather rounded, on the ujtper and ajdcal mar^nn with a rather broad l)lack border, on the latter Jairjred and frinured with black bristles. Hind femora njion the second half of their under side ciliated with moderately lon^ yellowish hairs. Hind tibia> of the usual thick- ness, upon the hind side with a jrlabrous strijie, which reaches nearly to their mi(Ulle. Fore tarsi somewhat over once and a quarter the length of the tibiii;, their joints decreasiufi- in length, the last one somowliat more pale at the tip. Costa near the ti]) of the first lonjritudinal vein w'lh a very slight swelling. Hah. — Middle States; I)istri<-t Columbia (in June; Osteu- Sacken); Illinois. • -.t: '' ''.! ■ l! 1 n lA I V'W V 66 MI'TKllA of NdllTH AMK.IHr.i. [I'AllT If. i| 'I'" ^1' ■Kl 31. D. flinditor Lokw. % nixl 9. Viridir^, linmi>i-i!4 fltiviM, f.KMM nlliiila, aiiti-niiiti mils, ciliiH (iciiloriitii iiit'4'rioriliiis alliiilis, tri(iilanitn ciliin niiiris, |)iMlilius tl.ivJH, tarHorniii aiitii'nniin ailiiiiliH iliiolms iiltimig ill iiiaru ililatatis, nlariiiii veiiil lon^'ituilinali quartd iion Iruutil. (irt'tin, witli yellowish limncri ; faiM> whitish ; niit«Miii(B n"\ ; cilia of th« iiifcrinr oi'liit, wliitish ; iMJia of tli« tfuula' Mack ; IVi-t yi'llcnv, tliti twi> last joints of the fore tarsi of tlm ^ t-iilar^cd ; fourth loiigitutliiuil veiu not hrokon. Long. lorp. (l.2'i. Loiii{. al. i).2'i. Syn. />ii/lrliojiiis /iiiK/ilur LoEW, Neue lU-itr. VIII, 22, 23. IJri^lil jrrccii (ir hliic-^rccn, the !iIh|(»iii('Ii more jroldcn-jiTccii, especially townnls its end, soim'tiiiics nit her cn|t|iery. Fiice whitisli, in the ^ frcncriilly s(»ni<'\vhat ycllowisii upon tiic iippci' hair. Fr<»iit shiniiijr, generally Idnc-^iTccn, seldom blue or jireen. AiitehMii' yellowisii-red ; third Joint short-ovate, jiciierally slijihtly inl'iisealed at tlie tip; arista witli a distinct |)iil)eseenee. ("ilia ol the iid'erior orl>it yellowisii-white. ilinnera! caHosity yellowisli. Tlie oullosity l)t't\veen tlie root of the winji; and tlio scntelluni is usually of the same vuUn' and ^-enerally also tlio iiuiririn of the latter. Coxie and feet ]»ale yellowish ; the front side uf tlie foro coxiL' beset with de!i<'ale white hairs; on their inner side there are also some short black hairs, which liowevor arc md always distinct in the ^. Middle eoxu' with an elonpitcd blackish spot uixni their oufsi(h>. Hind femora with u bristle before the tip; two last joints of the fore tarsi black-brown in the 9, still this brown color often bejrins before the tip of the third joint and the tip of the lirst ami second joint also are nsnally sonn'what infns- tated ; pale colored specimens have the same eolorino^ on the middle and hind tarsi, whilst in darker specimens a distiinit infus- catioii already bejrins in the middle of the lirst joint. Win'in with a narrow black border, on the latter ja^''ii|e with very short anil line niinnte snnw-wliite liiiirs. 'I'lie eostu nt, the tip of thu lirst loiif(itiiilinuI vein only with an insi^nilieaiiL swelliiif? llnh. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) Oliacrrd/ittti. — Of this and of the preeedinir species I ))ossesH 80 many sjteciineiis taken together that I can entertain no dntiltt about haviii;^ the 9 <'f both before inc. riifortiinately I found it. impossible as yet to discover any reliable character to (listiiiiiiii>!i these females. h. Anteiinnj black, nt the utmogt the greater part of thn (Irst joint n»il. 35« D. rlirysostoillllH Lokw. %. — Viriilis, f.-icit' niin-il, .■nitciniis liigris, ciliis oculoiuiii iiil'eriorilins alliidis, tcgularuia eiliis nigtis, \>i'i[\- \)\1A thivlH, tnrsis iiiarLs siiuplicibus. Green; face golden-yellow; niitfim.'p M.ock ; cilia of the iiifciior oiliit wliitisli ; cilia of the tegul.-e lilack ; ftu-t ydlcpw ; tarsi of the J, jplaiii. Long. Corp. ('.18. Long. al. 0.17. Sy.v. JJulichii/ius ckrysimOiiniis LoKW, Nene Beitr. VIII, 23, li4. (ircon, .shininfr. Face narrow, dark udldcii yellow. Antenna! altofrether black; third joint cloiifrated-ovate with a pointed tip; arista rather slender with a somewhat iiii])erceptii»le piii)escence. Front shining blue-green, ('ilia of the inferior orbit whitish. Upper side of the tliora.x l)ut little dusted ; on ciicli side, at the transverse suture, with a co))pcry-browii spot. Abdomen with rather apparent dark incisures, which, in fully colored specimens, nre margined with co])pery-red. The lamella- of the liypnpygiiim are large, rounded, yellowish-white, with a not very narrow black 1)order on the upper and the {ijtical edges; the hitter is jagged and fringed with black l)ristles. Fore coxai yellow, somewhat blackened only at the base, clothed anteriorly with sliort black hairs, middle and hind coxie blackish, their extreme tip oidy yel- low. Feet yellow. The hind femora with a bristle befure the tip and with short yellowish hairs on the underside, iiltlumgh not ciliated with them in the true sense of the word. Hind tibia' not stout; their posterior side without glabrous stripe. Fore tarsi plain, but little longer than the tibiic, gradually iiifuscated towards the tip. Middle and hind tarsi infuscatcd from the ti]> of the first joint; however the second and third joints of the middle and the 1? itt 47- - <' . s I 63 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. soooncl joint of the hind tarsi, except its tip, are still rather pale. 'I'ef^uho with blaek cilia. AViiijis tiiiLfcd with }j;ray ; more brown* ish-jrray along the anterior bonier; costa with a hardly perceptible thickeidng at the tip of the first longitudinal vein ; fourth longi- tudinal vein not broken. Hub. Washington, 1), C. (Ostcn-Sacken.) ^ K m ^p ^!i pf'-i •J' ) Jil,f Sf' * ' ^ . roinatllH Loew. % ami 9- — Viiidis, facie Candida, anttMuiis iiiirris, ciliis oculorina iiil'crinrilnis aliiis, tegulaium ciliis iiigris, pcdilaid flavis, fentoi'um postieorum apiue superne nigro, alarum vena l.1(J. Syn. DuUchojuts comiiliis Lofav, Nene Beitr. VIII, 23, 25. (ireoii or brouzo-frrcen, shiniiifr. Face suow-wliite, tliat, of the 9 rather broad. AuteiiniP altofreiher black, the third joint short- ovate ; arista with au ahn(»st iinperce])tible puliesceuce ; cilia of the iid'erior orl'it white. Front shiuinrray ; fourth loufi'itudinal vein nut broken. Mdh-. Lamelhe of the hy])opyLHum hardly medinm-sized, ovato, whitish, on their apical e(l;fe witli a vestijre only of a narrow black border and very little jared, ciliated with hairs. nioale. liiml tibia* uu their hinomewlia^t liat- 7^ .^lifl TO DIPTEUA OF XOKTII AMERICA. [part II. ti'ut'd. The bristles on tlicuiti»er side of the miiUllo til)iio are very l)r()h)ii. I'ennsylvania ; Maryland ; District Coluniljia. (Osteu- Saeken.) „ .. .,1; 3H. IJ. seoiiarill<4, iiov. sp. %, — Viridis, facie en idida, antennis niu'lis, articiilo piiuio infra rulo, ciliis oeuloniiii inleiioribus j)alli(li.s,eiliis tegulaium nigiis, iti'dibus tlavis, taisis t-x parte iiit,'ris, aiticulis antico- ruiii iiltiiiiis duohus siibdilatatis ft utilinjuu nigio-pcmiatis, veua ala- ruui Idngittidinali (^uarta nou liauta. (ireen, face siiow-wlnte. antenna? Mack, the first joint upon tlie under side red; cilia of tlie inferior orbit pale; cilia of tlie tegulic black; feet _yei- low, tarsi partly black ; two last joints of tlie fore tarsi soniewliat thick- enelain, with rather numerous black bristles; hiiul tibia3 at the ti[) not blackeiu'd, upon the liind side without glabrous spot. Fore tarsi from the tii> of the third joint black, not (juite ouce and a half the len<>'(h of the tibia-; their two lust joints are oidy very sliji'htly enlarged, but closely feathered with bristle-like nunutc i)lack hairs upon the front and hind side, so that they seem to be rather l»road. Middle and hind tarsi plain, from the tip of the first joint black; uixtn the up|»er side of the lirst joint of the middle tarsi, not far from the tip, thei'e is a stoiit black bristle. Cilia of the tcgula; black. Wings grayish-hyaline, of the usual form; fourth longitudinal vein not broken and the fore margin, near the tip of tin; first longitudinal vein, not thickeneil. The lanuilhe of the hypopygium of the only specimen which I possess are almost destroyed; 1 a:u able to state uiily that they 4H'e yellowish. iM\ jMaine. (Packard.) Mass. (Sanborn.) DOLICIIOPUS. tl 39. D. diHC-ifer Ptann. % and 9. — Viriilis, facit* allia, aiitoniiis ui- gri.s, uiliis (xniloruin iiiferi()ril>urt alliis, te^'uhiiiuii ciliis nigris, peiUbud flavis, t'eiiioriiiii po.stiuorum apiue coiiuolore, tarnoruiii aiiticoriim articulo ultiiuo iiii^io, ill iiiare modiue dilatato, alarum veua lougitudinali (juarti uon I'ractii. Green; face white, anteunne black; cilia of tho inferior orbit white, cilia of the teguhe hlack ; feet yellow, tip of the hind femora not blarkened; the last joint of tiie fore tarsi bhick, in the ^ nioilerately enlarged; fourth longitudinal vein of the wings not broken. Long. corp. 0.25 — 0.2tJ. Long. al. (l.-.:4. Syn. Dolirhojms iKih/liiliis Mkiokn', Syst. Pesclir. IV, 86, 22. Do/irli(i])iis (liscifcr iSi'A.NXii's, Isis IH/Sl, .'J7, 10. L>ulirliu/nis roiij'usiia ZlcTrKKSTKliT, Ills. L.ipp., TdJ), 7. DollchoiiiiH i>nli-//iiliis Stakoku, Kroyei's Tidskr. IV, 21, 12. JUulichojJus discij'er Zkttkhstimit, I)ipt. i>cand., II, .'>33, 28. Walkhk, Kipt. Brit. I, lii:}, 20. Dolichopus tanypus LoEw, JS'eue 15eitr. Vlll, 24, 20'. Bright grocii. P'iico wliito, in the % upon tlio iqipor half irciio- rally more yellowish-white. AiiteniuB black ; first joint upon the under si(h' red, third joint elongated-ovate, ratlier large; arista with a very short, Iiiit distinct jiiihescenee; it is inserted heyond the middle of the third joint. Front shining green. Cilia of the inferior oriiit white. Fore co.xa; yellowish, liesct n]ion their front .side with (k'licate wiiite haii's, and only on the inner side in tln^ 9 with soiue black hairs. Middle and hind cox;e blackish, at the tij) yellowish. F'eet yellowish; hind femora with a bristle before the tip. Hind tibiie somewhat brownish-black only at their ex- treme tip, particularly on the inner side. Fore tarsi, although darker from the tij) of the first joint, but only the last joint iihick; middle tarsi from the tiji of the first joint lilack; hind tarsi en- tirely black, seldom oidy lirown at the base of the first joint. Cilia of the leguhv black. Wings grayish hyaline; fourth longi- tmlinal vein not liroken, towards its end soiuewhat more eonverginjj with tli(! third than in most of the other siiecies. Mali'. Lamelke of the livitoiivirium not verv lar U'C, ( lonijated ovate, white, on the u])per and apical margin with a very narrow lilack border, on the latter somewhat jagged ami fringed with black bristles. ][ind fennira not ciliated. Hind tiliia' slender, "ivithoiit glabrous sjiot upon their hind side. Fore; tarsi exceed- ingly slender and eloiigateil, the four first joints yellow, still sonu'- what darker beyond the tip of the first joint, each following joint i\ t , ••■'jii, m t ■}n 72 DIPTEHA OF NORTH AMKHi'CA. [part If. more slender tl'un the previous one; tlio first joint is ecjual to tliree-fourtlis of tlie tibia, and is soniewliut longer tlian tiie second atid third taken together; seeond till I'uurth joints l)ut very little de;'reasing in lengtli ; Hfth joint deep blaek, somewhat flattened, so that it appears like a snuill ovate disk; at its extreme l)asis it is (Kjlored with yellowish-white. Wings towards the basis rather narrow, tlumgh of the usual form. Costa near the tip of the lirst longitudinal vein with an almost imjjereeptible swelling. Hub. English River; lied River. (Kennieott.) Silka. (Sahl- berg. ) White Mountains, N. H. (Osten-Sacken.) Observation. — A very elose examination renders it certain that this species, as it appears widely s])read in North America, is identical with the Euroi)ean D. dit^cifer. I had overlooked this identity, while describing it from American specimens, as d). tan 1/ pus. !l .■■'* ■ . f i,».' 40. D. lobatlis Lof.w. % . — Virirlis, facie dilute lutescente, antennis iiigris, iiiferioribus oculoruui ciliis Havicaiitibus, tegularum ciliis iiigris, pedibus Havis, femorum posticoruin apice concolore, tarsis antitis inde al) artiuuli primi apiue iiigricaiitibus, articulo ultimo nigro, in mare lutis- simo. Green; face pale luteous-yellow ; antennse black; cilip of the inferior orbit yellowish, cilia of the tegular blaek; feet yelbw, the tip of the hind femora not darker ; fore tarsi from the tip of tlu^ first joint black- ish ; the last joint black, very much enlarged in the "J, . Long. corp. 0.27. Long. al. 0.2G. Syn. Dolichopns lobatuK LoEW, Nene Beitr. VIII, 24, 27. Bright green. Face pale yellow, rather whitish below. An- tenna; black, first joint red with blackish u])per edge ; third joint short-ovate. Front shiiung, green. Cilia of the inferior orbit yellowish. Lamelke of the hypopygium rather large, ovate, white, on the second half of the njjper margin and on the apical margin with a rather broad l)lack border, jagged on the latter and beset with black bristles. Fore coxa? yellow, upon the front side with minute yellowish liairs, oidy on their inner side also with a few minute black hairs. Middle and hind coxjc blackish, at the tip yellow. Feet yellow. Hind femora not ciliated ; before the tij* with a bristle. Hind tibite somewhat thickened al)out the middle, and colored with darker yellow upon their second half; th'dr iiind side without glabrous stripe. Fore tarsi hardly once U5;d .i i.olt' L^^';, *'til4_ I ; 'I DOLICHOPLS. IS the longtli of the tibiaj ; tliroe first joints stalk-like and very slen- der; from the tip of tlie first joint hlack-brown ; lirst joint sonie- wluit longer tlian tiie second and tliinl taken tojtetlier ; the tliird only lialf as lonji; as the second; fourth joint very short, somewhat broader than the i)revious one, hrownish-hiaek ; filth joint black, nearly as long as the second, flattened, very much enlarged, so that it has an almost semi-obcordate shape ; the close l)lack jjultes- cenee of its upjjcr edge makes it a])})ear still larger and broader. Middle tarsi from the tij) of the second joint bliick. Hind tarsi entirely black. Wings gray, towards the fore margin more gray- ish-brown, narrow ; towards the base the hind margin has two very remarkable sinuses, a longer one between the fifth and sixth longitudinal veins, and a shorter one behind the sixth longitudinal vein, so that there is a lobe between them ; the anal angle of the wing also projects considerably as a rounded lobe; the fourth lon- gitudinal vein only with a slight flexure, somewhat more converg- ing towards its end with the third than is the case in the related species; the costa at the tip of the first longitudinal vein with a rather impercei)tible swelling. Hab. Englisii lliver. (Ketiiucott.) . Observalion. — 1 believe 1 know also the 9 of this species. It differs from the 9 of I), disrifer, by its somewhat larger size, its somewhat more yellowish face, and by the fore tarsi being not only shorter, but also tinged with black already from the tij) of the first joint. The fore coxie have, upon the greater part of their anterior side, some minute l>lack hairs. Although the fore coxte of the 9 have in many species a more extended black pubescence than the J*, the difierence between this 9 and the above described ^^ is more striking than usual. This circumstance will render it some- what doubtful that the two sexes really belong together, until a positive observation settles the (piestion. 41. D. setosus Loew. % . — Viriilis, nitidu.'?, facie pt inferiorilms ocu- lorum ciliis allii.s, antenuis tt-uularuiiuine ciliis nigris, joxis aiiticis pedibusque flavis, tarsis anteiioril)Urt inde al) aiticuli priaii apiece tar- sisque po.sticis totis cum tibiarniri posticaruni ajMce nigris ; femora pos- tica pilis flavis ciliata; tiln.-e postiuiB setis loiigis armatie, alarum veiia lougitudinalis quarta iioii fracta. Grenti, shining; the face and the cilia of the inferior orbit white; the antennae and the cilia of the tcpuliB black; fore coxa» and feet yellow, the four aDtorior tarsi from the tip of the first joint and tlie wliole hind 14 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMKRTCA. [I'AllT II. ':A i onos, including the tip of the hind tibiae black ; liind femora ciliated with yellowish liairs ; hind tibi«; armed with long bristles; fourtli longitudinal vein of the wings not broken. Long. corp. 0.23 — U.24. Lung. al. 0.125. Sy.n. DoltchopuK silosus Loew, Berl. Knt. Zeitschr. VI, 213, 63. (iroon, Hliiiiiiifr. The narrow fnco wliito. Antciuuu bltu-k, tlie lower edge of tlie first joint hrowiiisli; tliinl joint ovale, nut rounded at the tip. Front ratiicr dark <>'reen, hut little shiniiir bi'yuze grcto, wtU jtifj-crved sj)t'ciru«nrt |mrer gretn, :|..., GYMNOPTERNUS. T5 sliiniiif^. FiU'c wliito. Aiitcniiiii l)liick ; the inferior odjro of the first joint red or rcddisii-Urown, widcli, iiowever, is not distin'-tly j)ereei)til)lo in some spccinicns ; third joint sliort ; arista willi a hardly perceptible i)ultisceiice. Cilia of the iid'erior oi-liit white. Front slender, j)lain, upon their hind side without fi'laltrous stripe. Fore tarsi plain, about once and a cpiarter the lenu-th of the til)iie; their lirst joint is lonji'er than the two followin are parallel «r almost so. The last of these characters is applicable to all the \orth Amc- ficao s;i)ecies of iiijiniu>j^»(('fomg known to me. Ann)n;KRICA. [I'AUT II. '4 I of the old world which have l)eeii placed into the genus (ii/)nno/)- tiTiiHti there certainly is a wliitle group of closely reliited species the third iind fourth longitudiiuil veins of which ilccidedly (,'on- verge. ]Io\vever, as this group must necessarily he separated from the genus (ii/miwjjIcrniiK, it could not prevent nie from adopting the piirallelism of the third and fourth longitudinal veins as cha- racteristic marks tA' (ii/tiinoji/cnius. I'rccisely this character dis- tinguishes in the easiest manner the sjjecies of O'l/niiioj/liTnuti from those of the following genera, which, like Cii/ii'noji/crnus, have the upper edge of the first joint (jf tiie antcnuie hairy, and are without bristles upon the first joint of t!ie hind tarsi. Most of the species of (/i/inndji/criitis are snuill and have shorter antenna', )mt a more distinctly jiubescent arista than the species oi DulichopHH. They are much i)oorer in suita!)le )thistic chaiiu'- ters for the distinction of the species than the latter. The feet of the nniles are very seldom ornamented. The color of the cilia of the inferior orl)it is also of the highest importance for the determiiuitiou of the species of the present genus. Unfortunately it cannot he so easily ol)served as in the sj)ecies of iJolichopus. Its discriniination in some species, of which I have oiUy single specimens, was totally im})ossil)le ; as to others, I often remained uncertain. In the former case I liavo been silent about their color, and in the latter I did not use any l)ositive expressions. Under these circumstances it was impossible to use the color of the cilia of the lower orbit as a basis for a suljdivisiou. This is, however, but of little moment, as the cilia of the lower orbit seem to be black in almost all North American species of (T/y?7i«ojj/r/v;«.s. Another important mark for the dis- tinction of the sj»ecies is the hairy or glabrous surface of the scu- tellum, provided there is a sufficient number of well preserved specimens; otherwise, if the specimens are few or not well pre- served, this mark will be rather uncertain. I did not wish to omit characters of this kind altogether, but have to request the reader not to place too much contidence in them, especially when my expressions seem to imply doubt. The same rule applies to the form of the lamelhe of the hypopygium. In iminy s|)ecies they have the form of an erect crescent, fastened by its lower point. This form will only then be recognized, when tliey are not closely applied to the hyi»opygluin with the concave side; if the latter is the case, then Ihey appear only as snndl lamelhe, with GYMNOPTERNUS. n rounded ends, niid tlio letijrtli of which is jrrontor tlian their hrcadth. I have, then, culled tiieiii rounded, witliout further remarks uliout tiieir form ; to [irevcnt niistal) wliich its sj)ecies fnrmerly i)elonged. The species described liy Sny as Polic/idjiKt^ <>}i.'i(jplrrinis, descrilu'd )iy a previous autiior. This undoubtedly arises from the circuiiistancc! that the species of (lipw }ti)jt/crnan, on account of their small size and their apparent insig- nificance, liave been less noticed by eoHectors. The nunjl)er of Sjtccies known to me sIkjws that North America is very rich iu species of this genus. To produce a really satisfactory treatise on the subject would recpiiri; much more nuiterial than that over which I could dispose, because the i)ositive discrimination and e.vact delineatiou of the characteristics of the species ]U"esent many dilliculties. I will give now a dichotomic tabic for tlie purpose of deter- mining the species, and a synopsis of the .systematic arrangement. As will l)e seen from the latter, the Inilk of the species known to me, are very nearly rclate(l and form but a single group ; whereas but a snuill numl)er show characters which isolate them from the others. ■I'M ■ i'-f : it; ^{ Table for the determinfitioii of the Species, Color non-metallic. 1 flavus ^.w. Color metallic. 2 Tliird joint of the antennw with an elongated point. 2 subulatua /.n: Third joint of the antiMiiire without elongated point. 3 Prevailing color of the feet lilaik. 4 Prevailing i^olor of thf fcft yellow. (J Thiril joint of the antenn.'e remarkahly hairy. 3 scotias /.»: Tliird joint of the anteiiiiie with scarcely perceptihle hairs. o WliigH grayi.sli hyaline. 4 barbatulus /.»•, Wingd somewhat tinged with blackish. !i tristis, n. sp. IS T)irTKnA OF NdRTlI AMKUICA. r ^ ( Tip (if flic liiiid ft'iiiorn Mnckinh. ' T\\t (if tilt' tiiml feiiKini not blackish. ^ ( Tlionix (lark violet. ( Tliorax not vioU-t. Q { Coxa' up to tliii tip soniBwliat liluukiah. ( Coxa- ,vi'll(i«'isli-\vliitc. / !''()r« coxai up to tlic tip Mackish. [r.AHT ir. C exilis hi: I 8 () 7 spectabilis f.n: >^ albiceps /.»•. 0 BubdilatatuB /.ir. 0 -' Fore coxa! ciitirt'ly yellow, or at the utmost somewhat iiilusi;att'il near ( tlii^ haHe. 10 /■ Hind tarsi from tlu' tip of the first joint hlack. lO laevigatus /.»•. 10^ Hind tarsi t'lwards the tip but Uttlo dusky, at the utmost brownish, I never blauk. H f AntcnnjB entirely black. 12 H> ] 1 frequens /. »■. i;j 12 lunifer Lw. U Interior appendagea of the hypopygium ptmicillate. 13 fimbriatUB Lu: ppendacres of the hypopygium not penicillate. 15 Third and fourth longitudinal veins but slightly converijing. 14 despicatus /.«'. Third and fourth longitudinal veins altogether parallel. If) difHcilis /.(/■. f Middle and hind coxre from the basis distinctly blackish, 17 1() J. Middle and hind coxre yellow, or, at the >itniost, the former witli a t grayish tinge. II) j_ J Lower jiart of the face of the 9 distinctly hairy. 1(5 iiigribarbua f.x: ^ The lower part of the face not hairy. IS 11- <. Antenna' partly red. jn/ Lamella' of the hypopygium l)lack. •■ Laiiiellie of the hypopygium not black. .„ f Lamella' of tln^ hypopygium dark yellow, I- Lamelhe of the hypopygium white. {Interior appendagea of the Interior app<'ndages of the J 18 pari f Antennre small. I- Antenn.-p of tolerable size. jq ( Venter and posterior maruin of the pleura? not yellow. I Venter and posterior margin of the jileune yellow, f,.^ 5 'I'liorax brightly shining, front while. ( Thorax rather dull, front gray. 2^ f Hypopygium remarkably stout and large. l Hypopygium of the usual size and thickness, ijo f Antenna; very small. I Antennae of middle size. 17 parvicornia Lw. Is opacus hr, 110 21 10 politllR 20 debilia /.»•. 21 crassicauda /.ir. 22 minutus Lw. 23 ventralis Lie. Vdf' , f ■■ *.■ : -1 ill OYMNorTKKNrS, Fiisfenuitir tirriunirm'iit nf thfl Specie», I. Coloring of tlic \«><\y iion-iuotallic. 1. flavuB /.»•. II. Coloring of tlm body tiM-tallic. A. Tliinl joint of tlif niitt'iiiiii' witli an clongatt-.l point. '2. Bubulatus A'/'. B. Tliinl iniiit of tlin aiitfiiim' uitliout an t'loiiuati-d point. A. I'l-fvailimr color of thi' fet-t Mack. 3. Bcotias /."'. 4. barbatuliis /.»'. tristis, n. sp. B. Prevailing color of the fci't yi'Uow. fi. exillB /.". 7. apectabilis A"'. 6. albiceps /.»•. !'. subdilatatus l.ic. In. laevigatuB /."■. 11. frequenB /.«•. 12. lunifer A"-. i:^. GmbriatUB Am. 14. debpicatus Lw, 1."). difflcilia f. W. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) y ^ m> (A i.O I.I l^|28 |2.5 •^ In III 2.2 :? lia IIIIIM 1.8 !iill= L25 IIIIU IIIIII.6 V] <^ a ^l. ^, '/ A f// W Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WbST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ & \ ^ "> 80 DIPTEUA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part ir. :!|, DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. I. CoLORlXO OF TIIK HdDY NON-MKTAI,LlC. 1. (a. flavUH LoKW. % and 9- — Fliivus, ahduniinis si'gmeiitia interme- diis pleriiiiuiUH viresceiitibiis. Yellow ; the middle segments of tlie abdomen usually greenidh. Long, coip. 0.1(1—0.11. Long. al. 0.12—0.13. Sv.N. (iijmnnplfrnuxjiiiviix LoKW, Neiio Ueltr. VIII, 28, 1. I'ulc ycllowisli. Fair \iiitisli. Aiitciiiiii' dark yollow, the third Joint with a wry ixtintci hrowiiisli or l»hu'ii»car dull and altojrcther lijjrht {rrcenish-jrray. Cilia of the inferior orbit white-yellowish. Thorax entirely yellow, not unfrc- <|uently with a sliirht trace of a jrreenish lustre, its Itristles l)Iack, the .snuill hairs pale, scutellum provided witli two Mack Jiristles, otherwise jrlahrous. Abdomen with yellow hair, the stout liairs on tlie incisures somewhat darker, but not black ; the middle and sometimes also the posterior sefrments of the abdomen show a frreenish lustre; hyi)opyfrinm yellow, lamelhe small, yellowish- white, without a dark umrfriii, thinly ciliated with short yellowish hairs. Feet white-yellowish, their scanty bristles black ; the smaller lutirs yellowish. Cilia of the tejridie yellow. Wiupr.s towards the anterior nuufrii' yellowish, otherwise more yellow- grayish. Hab. Pennsylvania. (Osten-Sacken.) II. Coi.OUINCJ OF TIIK noDY METALLIC. A. lltird joint of the nntrunfr in'th on rlmif/atfd pnhit. 2. a. SP.l1»lllatllH LoKw. % .— Viridis, tliorace snl.opnco, antennanim arficulo tertio acutissimo, hirto, setd subapicali instnicto. Oreen; thorax rather dull, the third joint of the antennie very pointed, CiYMN01>TKHNlS. 81 rnnL'li1\' hairy, witli a sultnpioal arista. Long., forp. 0.13 — 0.14. Long, al. (».li;. Syx. (n/miinjifiriiiis suhniiit'i^ Lokw, Ncue Reitr, VIII, 20, 2. (iri')-ii, iiiiiiU' (lul |i!UL' uniy-ltrowiiisli dust, (.'specially upon the tliunix. Fnct.' ^rny-wliitisli. Tliu first joint of the ;iiiteimi« hliiek-ln'owii, tlie second red, the third dark brown, jit the' root red, hnnsually lonjr and shar]»ly jiointed, and covered with nuich lonjicr liairs than is tlie case with the other species lack hairs and have no dark edge. Interior appendages simi)le. ])rovide(l with (Uie hair ujtoii the u])per side and with two hairs ujion the ]»oint, before it is bent down. CoXiO and feet i>ale yellowish, fore cox-.e with black hair. Cilia of the togidiw black. Wings sonu'what yellow-gravish, large and broad, especially towards the tip; the anal angle rounded olf. Hah. Trenton Falls, N. Y. (Osten Sacken.) -, '. !'■ (: iia|:i.i Vi. TllTUn JOINT OF THK ANTENN.K WITHOUT EI.ONOATET) 1H»IXT. A. Prevail 1)1(1 color i>f iJir fi'ft }>liu-l\ 3. C«. scot ias LoF.w. ^ and 9. — Atro-virens, peililms nieris, troclian- tcrilius, genilius, tiliiis, tarsnnitnque antcrinruni l)asi llavifantilnis, tertio antennarnin articiilo hirto, facie non iiilosa. Ulack-creen, foot black ; trochanters, knoos, tiliiro, root oT the four anterior tarsi yellowish, the third joint of the antenna- routrlily hairy, face not hairy. Long. corp. 0.13 — 0.14. Long. al. 0.14 — O.!."). Syx. (liimnoptvrntis sculics Loiow, Neiie Beitr. VHI, 2'J, 3. Dark black-green, or almost metallic l)lack. Face and front gray. Antcnnio entirely black, the third joint elongated, ovate, 6 ■ji,. i^ wr 82 DIl'TERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. not very In'oad, pointed at llii; end, witli loiifjer hairs than in most of the other si)eeies ; the arista is inserted in its niichlle and has a rather indistinct pnbeseenee. (.'ilia of the inferior orl)it bhiok. Seuteilum witii tiie usnal two bristles; otherwise I cannot per- ceive any hairs ui)on its snrfaee. Feet black. Trochanter with tiie e.Ktreme tip of the lirst joint of the coxa, tip of the femora, the tibiie, and the roots of the fonr anterior tarsi, yellowish, l)nt, on account of the density of the short black hairs, of pretty dark :ipl»earance. The hind side of the hind til)iit' is clothed towards its end with dense black hairs, so that it ap}»ears p''''tty black ; the root of the hind tarsi is brown. Cilia of the pale yellowish te^nhe black. Ilalteres yellow-whitish. Winjrs {rray-blackish, a little darker towards the anterior margin. The small lumellui of the liy})opygium are black. JIab. English River. (Kenuicott.) 4. ii. barbatllllis Lof.w. % and 9. — Atro-virens, pedibus nigris, trochanteribus, geuibus, tibiis (excei)to tamen posticarum apice) tarso- ruiuqiie anterioruin basi tlavicaiitibus, alis ex einereo-hyaliiiis, iiifera faciei parte uigro-pilosa. Black-green ; feut black, trochanters, knees, tibite (with the exception of the tip of the hind ones) and the root of the four anterior tarsi .vellowisli, wings grayisli-lijaline, the lower part of the face with black hair. Long. Corp. 0.12. Long. al. 0.12—0.13. Syx. GynDioptcrnus barhatiiliis LoEW, ^'eue Beitr. VIII, 29, 4. Dark black-green, face gray-white, the inferior part of it some- what swollen transversely, and with small sparse black hairs. Anteniue entirely blue!:, their third joint broad, pretty rounded, and only with short, scarcely percei)tible hairs. Pubescence of the arista extremely short, hardly ])erce])tible. Front dark me- tallic green; the dust on its surface can only be perceived in an obli(pie direction. Cilia of the inferior orbit black. Besides the usual two bristles upon the scutellum, there are a few short, extremely slender, and therefore scarcely perceptible hairs. Feet black; the tip of the first joint of the coxa;, the troclianter, the tip of the femora, the tibise, and the root of the four anterior tarsi yellowish, the tip of the hind tibiie to a moderate extent black. The cilia of the yellow tegulie black. Ilalteres white- GYMNorTKllNLS. 83 '■1 yellowish. Tho wiiijr.>< tliisky with jrniy ; tho sinall lanu'lhu of the liy|Ki)tyjriiiiii l>rowii. Jiiilj. Middle States. (Osteii-J^aekeii.) t». <». tristis, II. .tles, also some shorter hair. Feet l)lack, tip of the eo.\;u and trochanters in well maturecl s]»ecimens hardly much paler; tii» of the femora, the tiltia", and the root of tlie four anterior tarsi brownish-yellow; tip of the hind tiliia^ brownish, the ro(»t of the himl tarsi sometiiiu's brown. In less matured specimens the lower side of the femora is mostly pitch- brown. Cilia of the te^ida^ lilaek. The small brownish-l»lack lanu'lhe of the hypopyjiium are crescent-shaped, and adhere with the concave side to the hypopyu-ium. i^(t that their true foi'm cannot be easily perceived ; uii their convex side they are fringed with small blackish hairs, lait not jac-tred. The winjrs are comparatively loiijr, distinctly tinged witli smoky black; the third ami ftttirth h)n;^'itudinal vein.s show towards the end an iiidicati(»n of a slipht conver ; the male furtiu'r diilVrs hy tlio <,nvatet length of tiie laiiu-Ilaj oftiio hypojtyfrimii. From (I. nfofins it dif- I'tTs hy th(.' third joint of tlu; aiitt'iiiiiL', which has not ilio long hairs, so apiKirciit in (/. scolidfi. (Hnii-rro/ion '2. — A niak; from the same locality shows a con- siderably stronger eonverffcncy of tlie third and fmirth lon^ituilinal veins, coinciiles, however, so mnch in all the other characters with the rest of the nudes, that I cannot consider it for more than u variety, although a very striking one, of (i. Iri.'-lis. 15. Prevail i)ui rolor of the feet ijeUow. 6. <■• oxiliH lionw. %. — Viridis, ptxlibus llavis, coxaruni intermedia- rum basi tVmorumiiue posticorum apice nigricaiitibus, tarsis fusuis. Green, witli yellow feet, tlie basis of the middle eoxie and the tip of the hind femora blackish, tarsi brown. Long. corp. 0.10. Long, ah 0.11. Bvx. (iiimiinj)tviniis ij-ilix Loew, Meiie 15eitr. VIII, 30, 5. (Jreen or bluish-green, not very bright. Face ami front light grayish. Antenn-.e brownish-liiack ; the second joint and tlie root, of the third reddish-brown ; the third joint comparatively rather large, not very broad in proportion to its size, not rounded at the tij), distinctly hairy; the ])ubescence of the not very long arista is diflicult to ])erceivo. Cilia of the inferior orbit l>la(dv. Tho- rax, in conse(pience of a light cover of dust, somewhat dull, and grayish-green. In one specimen only, J ))erceive upon the scutellum, besides the usual bristles, a few snmll hairs, which are rather indistinct. Feet pale yellowish. Middle coxae upon the outside distinctly blackened beyond their middle. ]lind coxa^ darkeiu'd only at the basis. Tip of the hind fennira distinctly blackened upon the upper side. Fore and middle tarsi infuscated from the tip of the lirst joint; hind tarsi black-brown to the same extent. The row of .short small bristles which is usually found ui>on ijjo u])iter side of the fore tibiiu in the species of Gf/mvop- terni(.-< is less developed here than in most of the other species. (Mlia of the tegular black. Wings gray. The snndl lamellae of the hypopygium yellow, fringed witli rather ai»parcnt, snmll black bristles; their form is rather kidiu'v-shaped, still tJiey have in the lower corner a very snudi, somewhat protruding black flap ; the B?''' H 1 GYMNOPTKIINI'S. ^i) interior nppon(la black, cox;l> blackisli, feet yellow. Long. corp. 0.17. Long. al. (t.l7. Sy.v. (ij)niioi>tt'rntis spi-rtnliHis LoEW, Neu« Reitr. VIII, 30, C. Is aiii .11^ tlio larjrcst Norlli Aincriciiii sitccics of tliis liTiiiis known to me. Face and front witli an alni(»st silvtry-wliitc dnst, thoui^li upon tlic latter tlie dust is less tliick. Anteniue altnuctlier black; third Joint short; the arista is somewhat stont at the ha>is and has a plainly pereeptihle jtnheseenee. Cilia of the inferior orbit idat'k. The npper side of the thorax metallic violet, the scu- tollum likewise; the latter lias some short hairs in the middle. Abdomen blackish metallic jrreen. Iirijiht. All tin; coxa' np to the extreme tij) blackish. Feet yellow, tarsi from the tip of the first joiid inftiscated; tiie usual row of bristles up(Mi the upper side of the fore tiliia' complete and distinct, llioni>- livhopus obscurus Say to be l{r line, I woidd have most certainly believed that my G. .sy^iv/o/^/Z/.s is the />. i>h,<<-uriifi of Mr. Say. Nevertheless the statements of y\M. Wi«'demann and Say about J), uhncio'itft do not apply so closely to Ci. sjicclahilis as to waive such an important difference and to consider both species as one and the same. ■ r V f:ui ,.■1 ■ •■ I ■ 1^4; -I 8. <». albiceps Loew. 9 • — Thorace violaceo, antennia rufis in apice fuscis, coxis pedibusciue (lavis. Thorax violet, the red antenna? brown at the tip ; coxa; and feet yellow. Long. corp. 0.17. Long. al. *>.17. Sy\. Gi/niiioptcrnus aVnaps Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 30, 7. Face very broad, more so than that of (1. ftible, extremely short pul»esceiii'e. Tho cilia of the inferior orbit seem to be bhnk ; upon the scutel- hini, l)esidc.>5 the usual two bristles, a few small hardly ))erceptible hairs are inserted. The rather large lameihe of the hypopyginm arc more kidm'y-shai)ed than crescent-shaped, upon their lower side brownish-yellow, upon the upper i)art brownish-black, closely fringed with black bristle-like hairs; the interior ajjpemlages are simple. The fore ooxte lilackened as far as the middle, middle and hind eoxie almost as far as the tip. Feet yellowish, a little more slender than in the allied species. The hairs on the hind feinoi-a are also blackish upon their under side, and more distinct than in the related species. The usual row of bristles on the upper side of the fore tibiic is extant, but the single bristles are very short. Fore tarsi from the tip of the tirst joint strongly infuscated, towards the tip black, very sit iider, but hardly longer than the tibiju. Their first joint is as long as the two following taken together; the last joint is flattened and a little enlarged. ;t4^?:?lt ?c OYMNOPTEUNUS. 87 the pnlvilli also larger than usual. Tlic luidtUe and the hind tarsi strouffly infuscated IVoin (he tip of the first joint, towards the tij) binclv. Cilia of the u-guhu blaek. Wings tinged with )>lackisii-gray. JIab. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) OhKn'rafiun. — A single feniide s|>e(iinen agrees with the just deserilx'd male of (t. suhtlilalalua in the eolor of the eoxa», and cannot therefore belong to any of the other species known to me; I am prevented, however, from taking it for the ? of O. subdila- talus on acc(junt of the more clumsy shiipe of the feet. ^■■mi •■•* ;''r m I's, -iti m in, lO. ii. Iwigatlis LoEW. % . — Viridis, thoraco subcrenilesscente, niti- di.ssiiuo, aiit«niiis parvia iiigiis, articulo socundo et teitii liasi obscure rnlis, coxis aiiticis totis i)e(lil)U!i(|U« jKiUide Davis, tarsis posticis inde ab articuli piiini apice nigris, lauu'Uis hypopygii pallide liavis, apjiendi- cibus iuterioribus siniplicibus. Green, with a somewhat violet, very briirht thorax ; the small antenna) black, the second joint and tlie root of the third dusky red ; the whola fore coxa) and the feet yellow, the hind tiirsi from the tip of the llr.--;t joint black ; the lamella- of the hypojiygium i)ale-yellow ; the interior appendages simple. Long. corp. 0.12., Long. al. 0.12. Syx. Gi/mtiopterniis Iwviijiinis Loew, Neua Beitr. VIII, 31, 9. Green, bright. Face and front covered with whitish dust. An- tenme small, black ; the second joint and the root of the third dusky red. Arista with a short but distinct pubescence. The cilia of the inferior orbit seem to be bliick. I'i)])cr side of the thora.x ))luish-green and very bright. Vpon the surface of the scutelluni, besides the usual bristles, there are a few quite imper- ceptible little hairs. The snniU lamella) of the hypopygium are ligiit-yellowish, with a scarcely jjcrceptible blackish border ami crescent shaped. Co.xie and feet white-yellowish ; the mitldle coxie on the outside ahnost as far as tiie tip, and the hind coxa^ at the root, blackened. The hairs on the feet are somewhat coarse, and the usual row of bristles on the ui)per side of the fore tibia' con- sists of comparatively long and rather strong bristles. Kind tarsi l)lack from the tip of the first J — Oltscure viridisvelneneo-viridis, itcimis iii^iis, fiicit! ft IVonle ex albo cineruis, pedibus flavis, lanu'Uirf ai liypopygii nigris. Dark-grt't'ii or broiize-fjret'ii ; aiitenna> black ; face and front whitiah-gray ; feet yt'How ; biiiiolbc of the hyi>oi)ygium black. Long. corp. 0.1-. Long. al. (Mli— O.L'J. Byn. < iijiuinijiti lutts J'r<(jii(tii LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 32, 10. IJlackish-jrreen, recently develo|»ed s])cciinciis ratlier hhiish^. green, more aj^ed specimens darker l)roiize-};reeii. Face and front covered with u whitish-. llliiifor liOKW. 'J, .— Oliseuro viridis vfl aenco-viridis, aiiten- iiis iiii;iis, t'acio ut frontu ciiiereis, j)LMliliiis tlavis, lamellis liypopygii obscaio liitt'i.s. Daik-givcii or l)roiizo-grcen, aiitcniiro lilaok, face and front f,ray ; feet yel- low ; lamellro of the liypopygiuiu dark-yellow. Long. corp. 0.13 — (i.l4. Long. al. tM3— 0.14. SvN. Gymiioptcnuia hiuifir LoEW, Neuo Ik-itr. VIII, 32, 11. Dark-g'reen, rather hrijrht, face and front with wliitisli-jiray dust. Antenna' rather short, entirely hiack, the third joint small, not ntunded at the einl. Arista with a short, Imt distinct ))ul»es- cence. Cilia of the inferior (U'hit Mack. Upon the sciilellum, hesides the bristles, a few not easily perceptil)le hairs; the lamelhe of the liypoi)ygium a little larjrer than those of the kindred species, crescent-shaped, I)\it rounded on the ui>per end, so as to hecome somewhat kidney-shaped, and thus to api»roach the shape of the hunelhe of (/. .viilxJila/alK.s. They are of a dinjry hrowidsh-ycllow color, and u|)on the u]»per maru'in somewhat hlackish. Their black i'rinjro is not so strong: as that of tii>, lil.-u'kisli ; tlio iiittM'inr m|)|i)'iiiI,'il;*>s of tli<* liviiopvgium cloiicatol, liaiiy, |iiMiiiillat«!. I.oiiu'. corii. 'Mo. Long. al. 0.11. Sv.N. (ii/Hiin'fiinniiinJiHihrifihis LoKW, Ncuo Heitr. VIII, ',i'2, 12. Ilallicr liirlit-^M'ci'ii, liri^lit. l"'«cc tiiid Iniiit CMvrn'd with a wliiti-;rniyi>li dust. Aiilcnnii! oiitin-ly l.lnrk, slmrt, tlio third jtiiiit I'liiitidtMl. Arista with an ('.xtrciiicly sliort and vitv iinpcr- «'c|itiltli' iHilK'sccncc. Cilia of llic iMlcridr tirl»it lthici\. 'I'lit' iippoi' ti'iiU' of tlif tlinra.v niiMlcralcly Itrioht. r|iiin the sciitcllnni only traces nf very iiniicrccptilth' liairs. 'I'lic hiiiicjhi' of the hy|)o|)yi>-iiiiii whilish-yt-iluw, (Tcsccnt-shaiH'd, ciliated with stilVltlack hairs; tho intcrinr appciKhijfcs somewhat ehmji-atcd, with a hnish-liko tnl't of lonir hairs at the oiid. ('o.\iL' and Ici-l vi-ilow, inori' sli'inU-r than those of the next foliowinff species ; most of the outside of the middle coxu' Itlaekish ; tlie fore and hind coxa' hardly somewhat lilackened at their oxtreme hasis. 'I'arsi somewhat infuscated towards the tip, ('specially the hind ones. The usual row oi bristles (>n the upjier side of the fore tiltia- is extant ; the sinfrlo ])ristlos of middle si/A'. Cilia of tho tegtdiu black. Wing.s tinjred with trray. Jiitfi. Maryland. (Osteii-Sacken.) 14. a. tleH|>ic(ltll» LoKW. %. — Viridis, nntonnis nigris, facie et fioiiti' .•illiiilc-iKillinosis, pedibuH flavis, tibiis posticis jjropu apicoin supra paulo lonuius pilosis, (luani in sjx'c^iehus ad quas acccdit ; alarun» vciiia lonuitudinaliltus tertiilet quartfi subconvergentilius ; laiuellis hypop^-gii pallide Have.seentibus. Green, anlfiina' Vdack, face and front covered with a whitish dust ; feet yellow ; Jiind tibije on the ui)per side towards the end with longer hairs tlian in tlie allied species ; tlie third and fourth loiigitmlinal veins of the wings show a slight couvergency ; lamella) of the hypoi)ygium pale yel- low. Long. corp. 0.12. Long. al. 0.12. Bvx. G>)mnoi>t(rnHn dcspicatus Lokw, Neue Beitr. VIII, 03, 13. Green, ratlier brili. 'I'lio usual row of l)ristl('s ou the upper side of the loro lil>ia' is eoni- plele, and consists »»f coniparalively larjfc Itristles. 'I'lie usual Kliort liairs upon the last third of the upper side of the hind lilaa! are not only a little denser, hut also visil)ly loiij>er, than in the allied Hpi'cies. Tarsi towards the end a little lilaekish. Cilia ol' the tefi'ida; black. Wiujrs tinp'd with jfray. Third and I'ourth longi- tudinal veins towards the end u little nn»re appro.xinnited, and Iherel'ore a little more converjrinjr, than in the allied species. JIuh. Midtlle States, (Osten-Sacken.) 15. liick, face ami front covered with a whitish dust, feet yellow, tarsi l)ro\vnisli only towiinls the tij>, third and fourth Ion Uudi- nal veins perfectly |iaralU)l ; laiaelhe of tho liypopygiuni iiale-yellowish. Long. cor]). 0.12. Long. al. 0.12. Sv.\. GijmHiiptirniix tlij/icilis Loi:w, Neuo Ueitr. VIII, li3, 14. Is so extremely like the preceding' species, that the stutemoiit of the dilVerences will l)e suilicient for its recognition. They consist in the followiuf? : the usual row of bristles on the upper side of the fore tiliite consists of much smaller bristles. The hairs o.i the upper side of the hindtiliia* are, towards their end, less dense and lonj; ; the third and fourth longitudinal veins are perfectly parallel towards their end, and all the louyitudinal veins h-ive a i)uler coloring. JIab. New York. 1; I 16. fw. liigribarbUH Loew. J . — Nigro-fpnous, thorace cnDrulescente, subopaco, Inferd faciei parte pilis nigris barliata. Bronze-black, tliorax rather hlue and somewhat dull, tho lower part of tlie face bearded with hlack hairs. Long. corp. 0.09 — O.lO. Long. al. 0.12. Sy.v. Gymnnplernns iiiarhiis LoEw, Neuo Beitr. VIII> 315, l.'i. IJrouze-blackisli, th(jrax rather blue, and rather didl on account of a dense, brown-gray dust. Face covered with a whitish-gray dust, rather broad, upon its inferior portion convex and beset with ^l\ " "TO 1)2 DllTKUA OF Xoltril AMKItlCA. [I'AItT II. #PI 11 slinrt lint distinct, iiinl nitlicr slrikiiii; jmiIm'sccmcc. Aiitcn iie siiiiill, l)liii-lv-lini\vii, sccoihI Joint iiiid tlic root nl' liic tliird red; (lie lliird Joint rounded at the end and licsct with vcrv distinct )inl not loULT hairs. Arista with a <"oin|iaralivclv lont;', very dis- tinct |)nl»csccncc. The front seems in most directions liiiht. hrownish-irrav ; in otln'rs nearly whitish. Cilia of the inferior orliit ItlacU. rpiier side of the thorax rather l)lne a!id dull on nccoiint of a li'ray-lirowiush dust. S<'nlellMm apparently jilahrous upon its iip|»er snrfaee. The color of the alidonien vai'ies Itetween Itronze-ldacU and hroiizc-irreen. Fore coxa' yellow-lirowiiish at the liase; ndddle coxa- almost up to tlie tip, hind coxa' altont as far as the middle, l)lackish. Feet yellowish. 'I'ar:;i moderately infuscated towards the tip. The usual row ol' bristles on the upper side of the foro tibia*, consists of comparatively short liristles. (.'ilia of the tej^uhe black. Winu's with a rather stroiij^ blackish-ii-ray tinu'c. The third and fourth lungitudinul veins j)arallel towards the eiul. Ihtb. Pounsvlvunia, 17. G. iins'vicoriiis Lm-.w. -Viridis, tlioraoe crprnloscente, iiiti- |:pi!'-- ilissiiiio, oiitcniiis jiarvis, nigris, iirticulo Sfcii'.ulo ft articuli tcrtii l);isi rulis ; coxis ;iiiticis totis, ]iiMlil)US(iue {>alli(U> Iltivis, tiirsis a|)iceni versus iiiluscaiis. lanicUis liypopygii pallide tlavicantihiLs, appendicibus inte- riorihus siiiiplicil)us. Green, ilio V)luisli-grt'en thorax very liriiilit ; tlio small autenn.i> black, the second joint and the root of the third red, the whole fore co.xa) iiiid the feet pale yellowish; tarsi towards the tip brownish; tlie lamelhe of the hypopypiam piile yellowisli ; the interior appendages jjlain. Long. Corp. (>.12. Long. al. (1.12. Svs. (ii/!iiiii>plt'nius parricnniis Lokw, Nene Beitr. VIII, 34, 16. (Ireeii, brig-lit, fnce and front with a white dust. Antoinia^ small, l)lack; second Joiid and the root of the third red; third joint remarkably small and m)t rounded at the tip. Arista with a short but distinct i)ubesceuce. Cilia of the inferior orbit black. Upper side of the thorax bluish-ercei»til)le bla' k nmrniie(Uis, j).isticnruiiiasi iiif,'riiantilius ; alls c.\ llavo (lilHti.-<<'riiui^ ojxirns Loew, None I?eitr. VIII, 34, 17. (i!re(>u, nidy moderately shiiUUff ; the dust ujiou the face s(>eins to be whitish-<>-ray, but in an ob!i(pie lii>ht it has a more juiri! white api»carance. Antenna' brownish-black ; second joint and root of the third red; third joint of a considcralile size, rather broad, foruiintr a sharp anu'lc at the tip, beset with not very lont:: but very distinct hairs. Arista with a rather short but very dis- tiiu't pubescence. Front with a yellowish-u'rjiy dust. I'iliii of the inferior orbit black. Thorax dull on account of a yellowish- frray dust. I cannot discover any hairs upon the -fUtellum. La- mella' of the liypopy,!;inm snudi, paie-yeilow, shoi't and sparsely frinjred. Pleurtc witKnut yellow colorinir on tiie posterior mara'in. Coxa* and feet ))alo-yellowish. Middle coxa' on tin' outside almost up to the tip and hind coxio at the basis, of a dark color. Tarsi hardly infuscated towards the tip. Cilia of the tt'u'idif black. AVinys with a slight ji-ray-ycllowish tinge. The third m 1. .■ ir: . . 94 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMKRICA. [part II. and fourth longitudinal veins towards their end almost entirely parallel. Hab. Xow York. (Ostcn-Sackcn.) Obao.rvotion. — A sinji'le 9 whidi I possess I believe to be that of the present si)ecies. Tiie circuiiistanee that the sinirlc bristles of the row on tiie upper side of tiie fore tibia' are some- what stroii«i-er, the third joint of the antenme mueh siiorter and the arista more distinctly hairy than those of the above described ^ , connot justify any doubts, as the females of nearly all the species dilVcr in tl)is way from the males. The only objection which mi-in<>: together, is the more whitish color of the dust upon Aiee and front. 19. a. politll8 LoEW. 9- — Viiidis, nitons, faciei albne parte infer^, sulitilitcr pilosil, fronte allio-pollinosa, antennis ex fusco rulis, apiceiii versus t'uscis, i:o.\is pedilmsijue palliile flavis, alis majusculis ex t'u^uo cinereis, appendiuibus analibiis duabus styliformibus. Green, briijlit, tbe lower part of tbe wbite face with delicate hairs, front with a white dust, tlie brownish-red antennre brown at the tip; coxie and feet pale-yellowish ; wings soniewlu't large, brown-grayish ; at the end of tlm abiloineii two styloid appendages. Long. corp. 0.14 — 0.15. Long. al. 0.14—0.15. Syn. (lymnoptcniiis politus LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 34, 18. Green, very bright ; the moderately l»road face and front covered with white dust ; tlie lowest part of the face l)eset with minute pule hairs and a few biackish ones. Antenna\ at least for a female, of middle size, dusky bntwnish-red ; third joint with short but dis- tinct hairs, towanls the end blackish-brown nnd the tij) sharply angular. Cilia of the inferior orl)it black. Thorax only a little dusty. Ujjon the scutellum I cannot ])erceive any hairs at all. The anal appendages distinguish themselves from those of the related >i)ecies by consisting of two slnu't black styles. The ])os- terior margin of the i)ieura! is not yelhuv. Coxie and feet ]»ale- yellowish. Tarsi but little infuscated towards their tip. The usual row of liristles on the upper side of the fore tibia) rather prominent. Cilia of the teguhi' black. Wings rather broad and ])retty strongly tinged with brownish-gray. The third ami fourth longitudinal veins towards their ends with a slight indication of convergeiu'y. Hah. New York. (Osten-Sacken.) ;•.^^ ■'■■Alt kM,' GYMNOPTERNrS. 95 Ohscrrntion. — It is i'einarka))li' lluit tlio circle of sliort thorns oi\ the tip of the al)(h)men of the fciiiiiU', which l)eloiinfuscated. The usual row of bristles on the upper side of t'lo fore iihuvi rather pronnnent. Cilia of the tegu- lic 1)hK'k. Wi'.gs only with a slight yellow-grayish tinge. Third and fourth longitudinal veins towards their end almost entirely l»arallel. The small lamelhe of the hypoi)ygiuni are pale-yellow- ish and frinjred with little black hairs. Unh. Pennsylvania. (Osten-Sacken.) Ohxcrration. — G. dchilix can easily be distinguished from G. opdriiH ))y its smaller size and smaller antenna- ; likewise from G. r7as>ii<'nuda by not having a yellow venter and the ]»os- terior margin of the pleunc not being yellow. From (/. /loh'tna it diOers by a more light-green color, less brightness, snmller size, (fee. &c. SI. <». crassicailda LoKW. % and 9.— Viridis, modioe niteiis, an- tennis rufis apicem versus fuscis, pleurarnm margine postico, ventre, ooxis pedibusque pallide flavis, hypopygio maris vakle incrassato. ^' Sri M-k'/" H 'i ■ i . Wf w ■i 96 DIT'TKHA OF NORTH AMKlUfA. [part II. Oreen, inodfiratoly shining ; tli»> red antcnn.'p lirown towards tlie tip ; the jHistiTlor ntargin of tlm iilcUiJi;, tlie ventt'.', tin; ooxie ainl the I'ect i>ale- yi'llowisli. The liyiioin-giuiu of tho ^ ,-vry niiudi thickened. Long. Corp. (1.1; Li il, 0.14— 0.1; SvN. (jijiniiDjiti^rniis rrasslciiiida Lokvv, Neuo ]?eitr. VIII, ^.'J, 20. (Jrt'cn, niodiTatcly sliiiiiiifT ; face and front with some whitish dust ; ill wi'll itrcscrvcd 9 a dclieatc and imio-coiorcd pnbcsccnce can l)(; seen upon the lower Jiart of the fi ice Antenna' red, of very iiu»derate si/e, the tliird Joint at the end r(»unded and infiis- eatcfl. Arista of the J* with a short but distinct, that of the ? with a comparatively lonjr and very strikinu* juiheseence. ('ilierceive. ]Meura^ fi'ray, their whole posterior inaririii (epimera inetuthoracica) yellowish. Venter yellow ; ujion the anterior seirmenis of the ahdoineu this color extends somewhat upon the upper side; in well preserved specinieiis, however, it is c(Uicea]ed l)y a whitish dust ; in the 9 this yellow eolorinp" some- times extends further, so that there is upon the first segment a complete, and uixtn the second an interrupted yellow band. Coxa' and feet ]iale-yeIlowish. Tarsi towards the einl scarcely a little infiiscated. Cilia ol the tet-'iihe lilack. Win with a s liuhi vel- low-leiira; yelhtv iiieiits of the alxloiiieii the lateral iiiarrous, which constitutes a very strikiuff character of tliis speeie.s. The tarsi towards their end are scarcely somewhat infuscated. JIah. .Middle States. (Osten-Sackcn.) 33. IrJ. ventral is Lofw. %. — Viriilis, modic. nitens, anteniiarnm articiilo tiTtio latiiiscMilo, ri)tiiii lato, pleuraniin inarginn postico, ventre, ("oxis, |>i'(lil)us(jue palliile llavis, liypopygio iiiarid noii incrassato. Oreo::, ••Kidcratel y shinintr, thinl joint of the antennnp rather broad, roiimled ; posterior niarpin of tlie pifur.e, venter, coxa- ami feet pale-yeliowisli ; hypopyiiiuin not thickened. Long. corp. OA'.i — (1.14. Long. al. O.l.'). Syx. (iiiiiiiKi/itrniiis vfiilnilif. LiiKW, Neue Ueitr. VIII, 3(5, 22. Green, not very brij-lit. Face with a whitish, front with a pale yellow-urayish dust. Antenna' brownish-red, of moderate size; the third joint, which is risimded, is rather liroad ; arista with a rather short hut distinct pid»escence. Cilia of the inferior orbit black. Thorax (piite didl on acc(mnt of a yellow-frrayish dust. Scutellum with delicate but distinct hairs. The entire pos- terior mart, and distin ;■ ■' '■^ /,( j\ '" 1 . • ', '1 i 1 ■,' 1 defined the fharacters of this peiiiis and its differences from tlie neif^lihoriiiff jrenora. America jiossesses species whicli necessarily come within tin; ddinition of the jrenus (Ji/m))o/)tv?'n((n, as under- stoud in tiiat i>ul)iication, but wiiich, at the same time, diller too mucli from all oiher species of this frenus, to find a natural jduce anion},' them. The most striking, although i)erhaps not the most im])ortant, character wlscrel)}' these species differ from the others, is the course of the 'ast scfrmcnt of the fourtii longitudinal vein. At or Iteyond its middle it is suddenly deflected anteriorly, and its enil is so near the end of the third longitudinal vein that the first posterior cell a])pears almost closed. In order to separate these sjx'cies fr(»m the genus (ri/mnoplemuti, 1 have added ahove to the characters of GijmnojiternnH the complete, or at least nearly com- plete, parallelism <,f the third and fourth longitudinal veins. A more minute examination of the species in (piestion shows that they should form two, or perhaj>s more correctly, three groups ; still, before we are able to jut'ge with certainty about it, our as yet im- perfect knowledge of the species will require a considerable in- crease. In the m"antime, however, if we draw our attention to the clnracter which distinguishes all these si)ecies from the other fri/mu()}>fi'7')in>i, that is, to the course of t'^e last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein, we will soon find among these s})ecies two principal modifications of this course. In one case the deflec- tion of the fourth segment at or beyond its middle takes place iu a stt p curve forward, and the vein then runs in a straight direc- tion to the margin of the wing, which it reaches very near tlie tip of the third longitudinal vein. In the other case the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein forms beyond its middle a but slightly rounded angle, and thence, in the form of a curve, ti.e concavity of •liich is turned backwards, it runs to the margin of the wing, which it likewise reaches in the immediate neighborhood of the third longitudinal vein. Those species which show the first of the above mentioned neurations, ])ossess, moreover, many other characters in common, which distinguish them from the spev'ies of GynDwptemm, and thus they form the genus I'riasfonevi'us. A^i the most imi)ortant of these characters nmy be mentioned the feathered arista, the broad face, which is c<»mmon to both sexes, strongly convex upon its lower part, and provided with a sliarp, curved inferior margin ; also the elongated and distinctly j)eduncii- lated hypopygium. On the contrary all those species, iu which the I'AKACI.irS. !•'.» end of tlio fourth loiiiritudinnl vein forms n enrve, tlie concnviry of which is turned liiieivwnrds, and which in tliis respect dilVer more tlinn tlie others froni the species of (Ji/mnoptcrnuK, i»p|»roach thci.i very oh)sely in the structure of the face, and are easily distinif<, if the face was not sonu'what less 'oroad and more narroweu below. The structure of their hypoityirium also ap- proaches more to that of the species (»f (ripnnojjtcr)iii>i, than to yV/«x/o»c?/r?/s, the liypo})yfrium not bciufj eloufrnted aiul beinp^ provided with a shorter jtedunde, so as to appear sessile or almost sessile. The outer ai){)endafres of all the species have more of the usual form of a shell than those of the sjiecies of ri'l(iioIi- chopus hcteropterw< Maccj. undoubtedly belonjrs to this <>roi,p. but whether it is more related to the two species described below, or to G. lt'i(coxpilHi<, cannot be decided without the comjiarison of the specimen ; however, accordinor to the statements and the drawinj? which Mr. Macquart furnishes of the structure of the antennif, the former seems to be the case. Mr. Bijrot foundele {reiierie distribution of the already known North Anieriean species, 1 will merely have tiie latter in view in estal)lishin}r the characters of J'ararliuK, and leave out G. leucox]tiluH for the present. The discovery of a larj^er numlter of related species will have to decide whether the character of raraclhi>t is to l»e modified so as to admit species like G. leucuiipilus, or whether a new genus is to be founded for such species. The following are the characters of the genus : The (irst joint of the antennie hairy on the upper siile ; third jtdnt of the antennie rounded ; arista dorsal, with the ordinary }>ubescence, not feathered. Face of very moderate breadth, narrowed towards the mouth, not convex in its lower part and not reaching to the inferi<»r corner of the eye. The lirst Joint of the hind tarsi without bristles. The last segment of the fourth longitudimU vein, beyond its middle, is bent forward in a rounded angle, thence running in a curve, with the concave side turned backwards, towards the nmrgin of the wing, and reaching it (piite near the tip of the third longitudinal vein, so that the Hrst posterior cell has but a small opening. Hy- po|)ygiuni entirely disengaged, not prolonged, with a very short pedicel, so as to a[)i>ear sessile or nearly so ; the exterior ajjpend- ages lamelliform. The characteristic differences between Paraclius on one side and Gi/mnoiifernux and J'elastoneurtix on the other, will be easily understood from the foregoing. Besides the sj)ecies of the latter two genera, there are those of the genus HercoKtomua, which re- semble the species of Paraclius ; but in this genus the last seg- ment of the fourth longitudinal vein only very gradually approaches the third longitudinal vein, without any vestige of au angular flexure, and reaches the margin of the wing not so near the third longitudinal vein. Only American species of Paraclius are as yet known. The name of the genus (from napo — xXftu, I close), means that the flrst posterior cell of the species is almost closed. u 1 i * PAUACl.irs. lul TdhJi- for the ileterminntlnn of thf S/nrirs, r Arista with long liairs ; first si-gnn^nt of the costa not swollen. I 1 arcuatuB /.»•. I Arista with short liairs ; first segment of the costfi sfroiiiily swo'Icm, I - albonotatuB, n. sp. I)psrrijiti(>n of the Sperien. 1. P. arc'liatllH liOKW. 9' — Ol'scnre virliiij^, ju'dibus flavis, ex parte fnsc'is, alls nigrican i)us, primo cost."!) seginento iion incrassato. 1 ark preen, feet yellow, partially dark-brown, wind's Mafkisli, first seg- ment of the costa not thickened. Long. corp. 0.12. Long, al. 0.11. Sy.n. Ptlastoneiirus urciiatus Lokw, Neue Heitr. VIII, .'5!), 4. (ireeii, l)ritrlit. Face narrow, still narrower lielow, covered with thick white (hist. Front jrreen, rather (hill IVoin u whitish (hist. Anteiniie eoniparatively .sniall, bhick, tlie third joint nmndcd. Arista witii coniiiarativi.'ly ittnressiou on each side near the transverse suture is thickly covered with white dust; a snudi sput in the vi- cinity of the ])osterior c(trner of the thorax is dusted in a sinular numner. In hxjkinir at the thorax from behind, a deep black strij)e-like double s))ot above the root of the win^' becomes appa- rent. Scutellnm rather bright, of copi)erish color with a jrreen middle line. The extreme tips of its lateral corners are d«'ep black, and the hairs on its upper side are jiarticidarly distinct. Altdomeu brijrht, rather dark jrreen, alonir tli<' incisures blacker, the lateral niarjrins of the single sefrmeiits with not very distinct s)>ots of whitish dust. IMeune frreenish-black, and ratlier irray fi'om a thin whitish dust. Fore coxie yellowish-brown, towards the tip lighter; middle and hind coxie as far as the tip black. Feet brownish-yellow ; fore and middle femora on the upper side, hind femora rather dark brown upon their wliole latter l»art. Hind tibite, with the exception of the root, dark l)rown. Fore and mi(hlle tarsi from the tij) of the first joint dark brown; the whole hind tarsi blackish-browu. Cilia of the teguhe black. "Wings blackened, towards the anterior margin darker ; the last £ '■'t 'J 102 MI'TF.ilA (»r NdKTII AMi;UIl'A. 1 [I'AIIT II. almost nt a riu'lit uiijjlc, and this scfjniciit t'i)riii.s u curve, (lio con- vexity iif \vlii<'li is turned backwards. Ilah. Cul.a. (I'ney.) "Z, I*. allioiiotudlH, n. sp. % nml 9 .— Obxi-iiro viriilis, pi'ililma totis iii^ris, iilirt iii^ricHiitilms, |>riiii() cont'n dixti.uo v.;ld(imen on the posterior nnir^in of the siny:le setrments usually rather blackish-blue-^'reen, upon the remaininfr part of the seunicnts more golden-ureen or coppery; rn the lateral nuirtrin covereil with white dust. Ilypopyfriuni disenpi^red, sessile, ••■reenish-lthick ; Inmella' only of very moderate size, rounded, brownish-l)lack. Coxte and feet bla< k, the former covered with black hairs, the latter with a f>-reenish lustre ; fore til>iie only with a simple row of bristles ; middle ami hind tibiae with numerous bristles. Teout its middle is bent forward nt an obtuse an^Ie, and its tip, which readies the nmrjfin . In the % the portion of the costa which lies before the end of the first longitudinal vein sliows a very stron*; swelling; ia the 9 this swelling is mueli weaker, Imt still of a rather conspicuous size. Hub, New Orleans. PKLASTONtl HUM. 103 Uen. V. l*KI.AMTO.\i:illl !4. The characters of the jfcniis arc the lonowiii^j : First joint of the uiiteiiiiti! short, hairy on the nppcr side; tliinl joint roinuh-*! ; arista dorsal, ilislinct I) fealhered. Face in both sexes coni|)ara- tively broad, upon its lower |»art stroii;ily convex; its lower unir^in is sharp, and t'ornis a curve. I'mhoscis stouter thxn in (.ti/nniojilrnius, and approaching- in its structure the species of Mrilrlcnis. The lirst joint of the hind tarsi without lirislles. The last seg^nu-nt of the fourth lonjiiiudiiial vein turns forward at or beyond its middle in a stron;; curve, and runs tlu'ii almost in a strai^'ht line towards the nnirgin of the win^, which il reaches closely in the vicinity of the tip of the third lonpendajfes, which, in most of the species, have a very elonpited form, and are of a more solid suiistanee than in the allied jfcnera. The next related jrenus is I'arncliiis. The diiTcrences of both have already been detaile(| alxtve. J'tlunlom-urus can haruly l)e mistaken for any other jrenus. As yet, only American species of Pi'los/oncurKx have been made kin»wn. Amoufj; the species describ- d by former authors, Dolit/iopus UKiriih'ju'ti Walk., and />. hi/'rons Walk., seem to l»e- lonij here. The name of the jienus (from nfXaSi«, I approaeh, and vivfioii, the nerve) has reference to the position ami the peculiar course of the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein. '')■ 2 Tithle for 'lie detennimittoii of the Speciis. Cilia of the infi-iior orliit lilatk. 2 (.'ilia of tiiH inft'rior orliit jiale. 4 Thorax with a largo siM)t of wliite dust on the posterior margin. 1 longicauda /.«•. Tliorax witliout a spot of white dust on the posterior margin. H Wings l)htckened. 2 lugubris f^w. Wings gray. 3 laetus A«'. Fore coxie lilackened at the basis. 4 vagans /.«•. Fure cuxic uut blackened at the basis. ^ cognatus A'^'. ■^TTTTr 104 IMPTKIIA UF M»KTII AMIillK'A. [I'AUT II. Si/ntimiilic arroiiyemtut uf tht S/ticitt, I. Cilia of the inffrior orbit Itlack. 1. longloauda At. D. laatus f.u: '^- lugubris Aw. II. Cilia of the inffrior orltit pal'). 4. vagans Lw, ft. oognatui /.w. /trsrn'/itiiiti of ihf S/itriis, I. Cilia of tiik infkiiior ((Hhit ulaik. 1. P. loilfflt'aillla I-oKW. %, — A«'iUM)-iiii.'(T, I'iiciH arct'iitco niicantp, Hul) aiittiuniii triuugulum ni^TUiu i^urt-iittt, ciliis ouulurum iuluriurilui!) iiigris. Hroiize-Maik ; face with a Hilvery liistri-, witli a Maik trianu'iilar fpot UDilfr the aiiteniiif ; uilia of tiio iiil'oiior orbit blui^k. Long. corj). I). 17. Loiik;. al. 0. hi. Sy.n. i'vlastoneuina lomjlcunda LoBW, Neue Heitr. VIIF, 37, 1. Face, fur a %, extrciiu'ly broad, the inrcrior two tliinls of it an- stroll;;!}- convex and liave a brijflit silvt'ry-wliito ivlli-ctioii, wliii-li sliows a suUR'wliat olive-brown a|>))('araiice only in a ct-rtain oi»- liqiK' li;:lit ; tlio ui»|tL'r, flat jiortiuii (»f tlie face lias in each lower coviier a deep, triaii^rular spot with a silvery lustre; that trianu'ii- lar part of it, which is not covered l)y this spot, appears deep- Ith'ck, when seen from altove ; seen frtjiii lielow, it appears less dark and somewhat dusty. The lower marjrin of the face is very sharp. Palpi larjre. on the outside with a silvery-white lustre ar.d covered with black hairs. Front shiniiijL!; blackish. Anteniiie brownish Idack ; the under s'ide of the first and second joints brownish-red; the rountlcd third joint rather laru'c. Arista rather short, very much thinner towards the lip, and upon the last two thirds feathered with short hairs. Cilia of the inferior orliit black. Thorax bronze-black, rather shiiiinii:, with an almost imi»er- ceptible white dust ; the upper side of the thi>rax shows live spots covered with snow-white dust, namely one on each side near the transverse suture, one in the shape of a dot, on each side above the root uf the wing near the posterior corner, and iinally a hirjje triaufruhir spot iu the middle of the hind margin; the velvet-black strii)e-like double spot immediately al)ove the root of the wiiigr, j-o common in the species of this genus, is very distinct here. ■"'> PEr.ASTONEiniB. 105 Toxir nnd pli'iinu bliK-k, with a Hilv«'ry liistro. Sculilliui* with vi'lvi't-hhiclx lati-ral spots niid with a Vfivt't-lthifk inii|tllt'->tripf, sinuotli sti'cl-liliu' lit'twi'cii the cnriicrs and tiic niiddli' si ripe. Ali- (iMiiifii with a viidct lustre. ]|ypn(h-r, black, provided at the tip with not very numerous hut lon^ hairs in the shape of a hrush. Feet hrownish- yellow, hind t'eniora hhickened on the upper side of the extrenie tip; the liristles on the upjter side of the tihiie are inserted upon irreirular small hlack-hrowi: spots; tarsi dark hrown, paler at the hasis. Cilia of the tejfuhe hhick. Win>is comparatively small and narrow, tinjred with hiackish-gray and darker towards the end (d' the anterior nuirgin. Jlolt. New York. (Osten-Sncken.) Olwrrafion. — 'I'lii' ])unctation of the tihiie may remind one of Jhilii/iojiiift )n(ii-ulijK's Walk. This species is descrilied as only one and a half lines long and hronze-green, and with all the femora having Idack tips. \o mention whatever is nnide in .Mr. Walker's description of the very peculiar structure of the face and id' the striking white spots on the thorax, which are peculiar to l'il(istum'(trKf< Inm/irdKih. Under such circumstances thu ideiitilication of these two species is impossilile, the more so as all the species of J'l l(i)art of the third ji)int hrowinsh-hlack ; the third joint i.s small and rather rounded, beset with short hut distinct 'l!:i 106 Dll'TLIlA OF NORTH AMKUICA. [part ir. haws. Arista towards tlio tipluathcretl with shorthairs. Cilia of tJR' inferior orbit black. The spot on each sidf near the transverse suture *tf the thorax is covered with white dust, however this dust is Mi)t distinctly seen in every direction ; the usual d(ej)-ldaek stripe-shaped double spot ininiediately above the root of the wing bcconies distinctly visible, when looking at the thorax from be- hind ; likewise the usual little white spot in the iieighljorhood of the hind corner is sehh»ni distinctly seen and is always very small. On the posterior margin of the th<»rax there is no spot with white dust. Scutellum bluish-black with velvet-black lateral corners, ill well preserved specimens there is a miildle-stripe with grayish- white dust. I'leurte black, giiiy t)n account of a thin whitish dust. Al)domen bronze-black, each segment on the lateral margin with a small spot covered with white dust and not visil)le in every dire<'lion. Fore co.xiu brownish-yellow, with an almost imper- cepliljle, very thin covering of white dust. Middle and hind coxa' black. The color of the feet is rather varial)le ; usually they lu'o yellowish-brown, the upper side of the anterior femora, the tip of the hind femora, likewise all the tibiie atid tarsi bhick-brown ; 111' vert heless there are si)ecimens in which they are more of a brownish-yellow color and where the tip of the femora and the tarsi, with the exception of their roots, are blackish-brown, while the upper side of the tibiie is indistinctly sjxjtted in consequeiict! of the brownish color of the places of insertion of the bristles. Cilia of the teguhe black, llalteres blackish. Wings rather small, narrowed towards the bnsis, distinctly blackened, darker towiinls the iinterior nnirgiii ; in more faded specimens dark mar- gins appear around the veins, as is also the ease ia the other species of the same genus. Jlab. Trenton Falls, >'. V. (Osten-Sacken.) 3. I'. Ijrtlis Lt'Kw. %. — Viriili><, ciliis oculoruin inforioribua nigrLs, tidiiti- ft ilimidio tlioracis i)ti>:t'.'rioie violaueis, alis ex fusco cinereis. Cii'Hii, lilia of tiie inferior orbit l)lack ; front and hind part of the thorax violet ; wings brownisli-gruy. Long. corp. O.l'J, — 0.13. Lor,j al. 0.1- —(MS. Svs. J'lldstuiimnis h'tug Loew, Neuo Beitr. VIII, 38, 3, l)!irk-gr<'en, rather shining. Face considerably l)road and covered with a dense snow-white dust, the inferior third convex. PELASTONELRrS. 101 as l'al|)i of moderate size and y(!llt)\visli color, covered on the outside witli snow-wliite dust. Antennse yellowish-red, thf third joint a little lonjrer than broad, at the tip altogether rounded, its apical half hlackish-hrown ; arista towards the tip rciillirrid with short hairs. Cilia of the inferior orl>it hlack. Front violet, soinetiines almost steel-l)lue. I'ltju'r side of the thora.x jrreen with a thin gray-brownish dust, ujton the larger portion of the posterior part violet ; the spot on each side of the suture is covered with white dust ; the usual deep black, stripe-shai)ed donble spot, immedi- ately above the root of the wing is very distinct ; thf small dot of white dust in the vicinity f tlie hind corner, however, is seldom distinctly visible ; on the posterior nuirgin of the thora.x there is no spot of while dust. Scutellum shiidng black-green with deep- black lateral corners; oidy in faultless specimens there is a middle stripe of white-grayish dust, surrounded by a more black c<»lor- ing. IMcuriC black, gray on account of whitish dust. Kach seg- ment of the abdomen has on the lateral margin a spot of white dust, wiiich is not very sharply deliiied, and the sixth, snndl seg- ment, is entirely covered with whitish, dust. llyiKipygium shortly ])edunculate(l, greenish-black ; on the under side; gray from pale dust; it reaches with its tijy as far as the middle of the abdomen; the long browidsh-black lamelhe are luirrow, at the end gently bent upwards, reaching the basis (»f the abdomen; the slender interior ai)pendages are also blackish-brown, beset at the tip with a few long hairs. Fore co.xte yellowish, middle and hind coxa; blackish almost as far as the tip. Feet i»ale-yellowish ; the tiji of the hind femora is not of a dark color, and the bristles on the upper side of the tibia; are not inserted on dark sjiots ; middle and hind tarsi, with the except ion of the roots, black-brown ; fore tarsi brown oidy at the tip. Cilia of the teguhe black. Wings with a more lu'ownish-gray than blackish-gray tinge aiul darker towarils the anterior margi.i. Ikib. (Jeorgia; District Columbia. (Osten-Sacken.) m fA II. Cilia of the infekiok ounix i'ale. 4. P. varans Loew. % mid 9* — ^l>f'iiii'« viridis v»'l JiiL'ro-spnens ; aiiteiUKiruii: basi iiita, ciliis oiulorum inteiioribus pallidis, coxis aiiticis, excejito apice, nigris, alls cinerei.s. Dark-green or bronze-black ; the root of the autenuae red ; cilia of tlie iu- .i 1. ■ f > 1C8 PIPTKRA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part 11. •'•rr ferior orbit pale ; fore coxve with the exception of the tip black ; wings gray. Long. corp. 0.14— O.lf). Long. al. 0.15. Syn. J'clastoneiirus vugaiis LoBW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 39, .'5. Dark-frrcoii or Jilackish broiizo-colorcd, moderately sliiiiiiifr. Faee broad, with a snow-white dust, in the 9 with a broad {trav- Itrownish middle strii>e, which is wantinj; in the J' ; its lower part convex. Palpi rather larjre, ])lackish, yellowish at the ti)), on the outside covered with a dense snow-white dust and black hairs. Front covered with a brown dust, sel(h)ni entirely ooneealiiifr the jrround color, which is steel-blue, excejjt in the vicinity of the upper corners where it is violet. AntenniL' not very lonjr, the third joint, however, which is rounded and distinctly hairy, is rather larjre ; their C(dor is red ; the up|)er side of the first and the greater part of the third joint are black-brown ; sometimes the upi)er side of the second joint has the same color. Arista feath- ered with rather long hairs. Cilia of the inferi(»r orl)it whitish. The color of the upper side of the thorax, in recently excluded specimens, is more jrreen, and shows then two lonu'itudinal lines of a violet color, which increase in breadth backwards and become visibly divergent ; in more faded si)ecimeiis this color is more dark lironze-black, and of the two violet longitueculiar structure of the head, deserves in this respect especial attention. A i)articiilar mark, which distinjruishes the jyenus Tacln/hrrhufi from all the other related jrenera is, that the face reaches as far as the inferior corner of the eye. Tlie sjtecies of 7'ncfii/'frcrhii>i known at present ai'c found in K.irope, Asia Minor, Africa and North America. The name of the «renus (from raxvt, rai)id, and rp(%io, I run), has reference to the habit of many species to run along sandy and muddy banks. Table for the (htermliialiim of the Sj)ecies, ( Antennae for the most part dark yellow. 1 moechus /.»•. 2 t. Antennio altogetlier black ( TibifB brownish-yellow almost to the tip I. Tibiie black, with a gieenisli reflection. 2 voraac /-«•. 3 angustipennia Lie fpi/Htew(it!c tirnirKjement nf the Spr.cies, . I. The second joint of the aiitennse rudimentary, 1. moechus Lw. II. The second joint of the antennae of the usual structure. 2. voraz Lw. 3. angustipennis r.w. Descriptltni nf the Sjiecies. I. The sepoxo .toint of tiik antennM'^ ri'Dimentakv. I. T. inoeclllli^ LoEW. % and 9- — Viridi-aeneus, anteiuiis maxima ex jiarte tlavis. ^ . Set» antennalis tenuissimie apice in lamellam atram dilatato, pedibus llavis. 9 . Seta anteunali simplice, pedibus nigro et testaceo variegatis. Bronze-green, antenn.-e mostly yellow. % . The tip of the very slender arista enlarged into a black lamella, fett yellow. 5 . Arista simple, feet partly black, partly brownish-yellow. Long. corp. 0.24—0.2(5. Long. al. 0.22—0.23. Svs. Tnchytrechus moechus Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 40, 1. :. ■'■- ^ "■! •* r ■ . ii: TAniYTttEcms, 111 JA//c. Fnc(! very loiisr mid narrow, more hroad helow, nliiiost frol(k'ii-y('ll(»w, lint without any lustr<\ I'alpi small, Ithickisli. AntenuiL', in conscciufnce of the ru(lini<>ntary condition of the second joint, apparently two-jointed, aj< in the nial<' of the fronns JldHrn'rmi.'^ : the first joint elonjrated and somewhat swollen, of a brijrht dark-yeljow, hare on the under side, on tiie up|)or side covered witii hiack hairs; the rndinnMital second joint of the same color; the third joint also extremely snndl, rounded or somewhat kidney-shaped, hrownish-black and only at the root yellow. The arista very slender, bare, half as lonjr as the tiiorax and abdomen taken toii the fore tibise. Hind femora liefore the ti]» with a single Itristle. Cilia of the teguhe black. "Wings tinged with gray. Tlie tip nf the fourth longitudinal vein is nciii" the tip of the third. Fcninle. It differs renmrkalily IVnni the male in color. Fare very narrow for a female, a litth- broarire}-u.<, with which it nearly coincides in the structure of the antennai. I consider the estal)lishnient of such a genus as un- necessary, as this species agrees in all other respects with the already known species of Tac/ii/lrvchus, which, however, are as yet not very numerous. II. Tr/E SECOND JOINT OF THE ANTENN.E OF THE USUAL STiaCTUUE. 3. T. vorax Loew. % and 9 • — -^neus, aMomine seneo-viridi, anten- nis pedibusijue nigris, fenioruin apice tibiisque prteter apicem flavia. % . Apioe alarum guttil caiidiild niaiulaque adjectd alia ornato. 5 . Ali.s immaculatis. Bronze-colored. al)d()inen bronze-green, antennre and feet black, tip of femora ami tbe tibi;i>, with the exception of the tip, black. % . Tip of the wings with a snow-white drop, and with an adjoining deep- black spot. 9 . Wings spotless. Long. corp. 0.26— 0.27. Long. al. 0,23— 0.24. Syn. Tachytrechiis vora.v LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 41, 2. Face narrow, but considerably broader than that of the jircvious TACIIYTUECIirS. 113 f!))(>('i('s, bnmilcr iiifcriorly, in hotli sexes covered witli a ymlo yel- liiw (lust, and without lustre. J'aljii small, l)Iaek. Antenna) of the usual t'orin, Itlaek. Arista in l)oth sexes i)Iaiii and Itaro. Front covered with a dense yellow or l)rown dust. Cilia of the jiosterior orbit above black, below white. U])]»er side of the thorax with a gray-yollowish or l)n»wnish-yellow dust upon a luetallie-frreen or partially co])i>er-coli)red and lustrous frround, very dull. The seutellum luis a similar colorinjr, still its ground color can some- times 1)0 distinctly recognized. Abdomen green and coppery, dull with a gray-whitish - ,.|iu;m-('il, sessile, its exterior iijtpenduii'es liiiiieilit'onn. The first joint of tin.' liind tarsi witlnir.t In-isties. Tlie lust sejrnieiit of tiio fiirtli lonu'itndimil vein converu'es towunls tin- tliinl, iiltlioiii:-li lint liraihiiilly, still snilieiently so ns to I'eiu-li the niiiru'in of the winjr (jiiite fur fnnii its tip, in the iininedinte vicinity of the tip of the third Innu'itndinal vein. The whole structure of tlio liody approiiches rnther closely that of the sp<'cies of J/rrrostiiDiii.t, still the species of Orlhufltili' distin^'uisli themselves sutliciently by the extraordi- nary elonu'ation of the proboscis and of tin- palpi, and by the j)re- seiice of narrow cheeks; Ix-sides, the tips of the third and fourth lonu'itinlinal veins lie more closely toj;'etlier and farther from the tip of the winu', than it is the case with any of the sjiecies of I/i'rr()sft'- (luiiclo; its oxtorior ajipoiKlajiCS hiiiicllirurm. 'I'lic lirst joint ul' tilt' iiiiid tursi without bristles I''irst posterior ct'll narrow, towards its end very narrow; nevertiu'less tin' last sejrnient oltlic fonrtli Ion};itudinul vein only very gradually a]»i»roachos llio third ion^ituilinal vein. The next related ji:oncra arc //c/ros^^m ((x and Ilii/>ojihi/lli(ti ,- their speeies were fornutrly located with Si/in,'>ti'oina. Frtnu lioih these p'uera Sijhifttroind, dilVers, besides the peenliar structure of the antennit' of the nuile, by the very distinct hairs on the scutel- luni. 'Ihis (renus was hitherto c(»nfincd to the Fuirojiean Si/hiaf/'dnia luxh'roj'iu'x, uidess perhaps Si/hidroma JiiiJ'oiirii belouffs to it. Tiie derivation of the name of this genus is not clear txoi, wall, fence, and nTojuo, mouth) has reference to the oral oiienintr, surrounded, fence-like, by the suctorial surface covered with rows of hairs ; this being the case with those species on which 1 had originally established this genus. ■■j;t; ■,i ■.■' ■' :- " ». ■'&; ' 1. II. linicolor, n. sp. % . — Ol^scure viridis, nitirlns, aiitennis, ocu- lorum ti'gnl.'irunKiiie ciliis in'ilil)us(nn' totis iiigris, jilis ciiiereis, liinieliia liypopygii ovatin, nigricantilius, in ili.-'co sordidissime exalbidis. Dark-green, bright; antennrr, cili.i of tlie inftirior orbit and of tlie ti'guhn, also the feet, black ; wing;? gray, lanu'll;p of tho liypopygiuin oval, blackish, upon their middle very dingy whitish. Long. corp. 0.11 — 0.12. Long. al. 0.13. Dark metallic-green, almost black-green, bright. Front me- tallic-green. Antenna' black ; third joint oval, at the tip only with a blunt point. The color of the narrow face seems to have lieeu • IC- -:1 '•;( lis DIPTEUA OF N(»IITII AMKIIK A. 'imii'. m [I'AiiT ir. orijiiiiiilly ffniy. Cilia of thf iiilVricir orl>it, as far as I ran (lis- tiii^ui>li, iiiack. Sciitciliiiii witlimit iiairs. II y|Mipy^'iuiii i)lai-k ; lis laiiK'iia! nitliiT iaijif, oval, iiiirruwnl at llu' runt, IViii^'nl wiili i»latk hairs; tlicy have a lila(ki>li a|t|M'araiii<', aiT liuwcvir rially l)lai-k only on tiic niar<:'iii, wliilr in tlit> initMIc, at least wlit'ii son in a iMTtain (iirt'ction, tlicy Itmk dinji-y wliilisli. Coxa' ami I'lct Idark, the latter plain; I'eniura \\itlia jireenisli rellectinii ; tlie upper side (if the lore tiliia- only with two small Itrislles. The yelliiwish-white tejrula' have l»laek cilia. Wiiius u-rayish hyaline with railier delieate hlaek veins; they are cdinparalively lunji' and narrow and have a very re;iidar elonjrated elliptic outline. The last sc^nnent of the fourth lon^i'itudinal vein is especially lon,-:•, f ''<' Ittii; ■■': ■]) i|;';^> n . (ien. X. IITI'OPIIYI.l.t S. This frenns may l»e characterized in the followin.u" uniuner : The lirst jointof the anteinue distinctly hairy on its upper cdji'e, the second joint of the antenna) transverse, the third not elouiialed ; the arista dorsal, very bare, rather strousj; as far as its end ; its lirst joint in the male remarkahle either for its jireat length or its incrassated tij). The face of the male very narrow, especially Itelow ; the face of the female broader, sometimes much broader. Sculelluni not hairy. Abdomen elongatid, that of the nnilo rather strikinuly pointed at the end. The entirely disen,u'a'ated lamelhe; the interior ap- pendau'es are rennirkablo for their extraordinary development, are nnich loufror than the exterior ones, either strap-shaped or broader at the end and beset with long hairs. Feet comitaratively lonj? and slender; the lirst joint of the hind tarsi without ))ristles and shorter than the second. The last segment of the fourth longi- tudiiml vein has only a very gentle sweep and very gradually aj)- proaches the third longitudinal vein. The narrow, stretehed-out shape of the body, the peculiar struc- ture of the arista, the long pedunculated yellow hypopygium and II.\I,TKtll('KUrS. 119 tlio pccjilinr sfnirtnro of its iippi'iKliif^cs, (listiiijjiiisli thus genus sulViciciitly rroiii all tlir oilier rrliitcil p'ciici'ii. Only Kiiropcaii species of //i//)iipliifUu!< iiro as yi't known. 'I'lie niiiiie of the jj:enns (from vno, nnder, iind trxxov, the leaf) has relereiiee to the niodt.' of life of llie speeies, fonnd in shady places uii Ituslics und horljs and rnnning on IkiiIi sides uf the leaves. Oen. XI. II il.TI.RK F.lll N. This genus was estaldished l)y Mr. Ilomlani, in tlie year 1H44, in the \\\\ volnnie ni' the AiukiU ilillf siirii:f NdhiraJi tli /So- 1(11/1111, nnder the luune of Linlni-iriiix, which afterwards, in the first vidnin(,' of the /'riiilrotiiiit< Jh/ilrroloijuv lldlicir, he changed into /Ifillrritiriix. His statements with regard to the characters of the geiins are not snilieient ami not allonelher correct. 1 am ulile to complete and t(» correct them as follows, from two Span- ish species of my own collcctittn, one of which, accoriling to Mr. llaliday, is also fonnd in Tpjier Italy. The face of the nnde very narrow, that, of the fennile compani- tively very liroad ; in l)oth sexes it does not (piile reach the lower marii-in of the eye. J'alpi snndl. The lirst joint of the antenmii of the nnde large and very inncli inllaiecl, in the female mnch smaller and less inllated, in Inith se.xes however beset on the npper side oniy with extrenu-ly slmrt, rather imperceptiltle hairs. The second Joint of the anteinne in both sexes very snnill, rathi r rndi- nienlal, somewhat imi)edde(l into the lirst joint and only dislin- gnishalde )»y the l)ristles with which it is fringed ut its end. The third joint of the antenna- in the females of all species appears to he ronnded ; in the nmii'S it has.citlier a more elongated or almost a conical form. The arista of the I'emale is plain, dorsal, two- jointed, its lirst joint short. The arista of the male is also two- juintecl ; its lirst joint is liliform and very nnn-h elongated, the ab- lireviate(l second joint forms a Hat lamella; the position of the arista in the nudes with an oval third joint is distinctly snliapical, in the other species it is apical or appears to lie so. 'I'iie nenra- tion of tlie wings resembles that of the species of Si/flriiiiK, the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein being gently, but still sulliciently inflected forward to approach with its end closely to that of the third longitudinal vein. Feet slender, with sctirco bristles; the first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles and much ' » Tfff^ 120 mpTERA 01' NOHTir amp:rica. [part ir. shorter than tlic second. II\ i)opvn:ium entirely disengaged and jK'ihinculated ; its exterior appendages are hunelliibrni, the inte- rior (»n('s nineh less developed than those of JI/jpopJiijllus. The species of J/allericcrus are related to the species of the genera JIijpoplujUus and .I/i'rcotifhrofiostract:s I'Jl liypopyjrium short, stout, ratlier diseiigiigi'd ; its outer apin'iiilajii'S are suuiU lanu'lla'. The {reuus J>iostraci(K is so i)e('uliar tliat more drtailiMl statf- uu'iits are unnecessary to (listiujiMiisii it from other fi-enera. Its UKtst strilving character is the peculiar (lisk-lilie Inrni of the ]>alpi and their very consideral)Ie eiilar,u'cnient in tlie nudes. The name of the ficnus (from 61.;, twice, 63T|iaxor, potsherd) iuis reference to this diaracter. 1. I>. prasiims LoKW. % and 9. — Prasinus, subopacus, abdoniiiio iiigiii'iinti', in'ilihiis llavis, maris tertio tarsoruni antiforiiui artiuulo coia- presso ft in luarginu supero pilis nigris barbato. Leek-green, sotncwbat dnll, with a blaekisli abdomen and yellow feet ; third joint of the fore tarsi of tlie male compressed and beardeIi(pu'ly, somewhat darker, without dust. Cilia of the ui»i>er orbit black, of the lateral ami inferior orbits yelhtw. I'ppersiile of the thorax of a s-aturate leek-green or parrot-green odoring ami with very little lustre; on its anterior nuirgin there is some gray-whilisli liolleii, which is interrupteil l)y the anterior end of a not very striking and not far-reaching dark-ctdored middle stripe. The usmd )»lack bristles 011 tl;e u|)p( r side of the tiH)rax are few and sl.'irt ; there are m) liair,* ujiou it. If exanuned from liehind, a sti'ipe- likedark scarlet-brown spot, immediately above the root of the wing, may be noticed ; on the posterior uiargin of the Miora.x tlie;'e is also a more distinct covering of brown-grayish dust. Sciitellum with tin; usual bristles, olherwisu bare, >ioiuewl;ut sho'-t, usun.'ly of a mure '•! h i^''' miff^jm : i ililiil i; (i lii^;^ ;(i 122 DIl'TERA OF NORTH AMERICA, [I'ART ir. dusky color tlian the uppor side of the liionix. IMotiriu wilh frrayisli dust upon black ish-jfreon ground. Tlie nictatlionix is of unusual Icnu'tli and slopes but very gradually, so tliat tiie lenjitli of the thorax, as compared with that of the abdomen, is unusually lar^e. The color of the abdomen is dusky bla('kisli-rendiiges are lamellii'orm, ))lackish-bro\\n and liairy. Fore coxiu long, pale yellow ; on the Iroiit side they are Ix'set Avitli so short and delicate white little luiirs that they appear gl.i- broiis ; at their tij) there are black bristles. ^Middle and hind coxie yellow, often brownish as far as the tip, es])ecially on the outside. Feet yellow, rather long ; middle and hind fenioru very slender ; fore femora considerably stronger ; all the til'iie < ;. under siile very l)are, otherwise beset with (piite short little black hairs ; tore tibite rather stout, somewhat comitressed and curved inwardly, colored with brownish-black u])on the latter half of the upper side and most of the hind side thickly bearded with long yellow hairs. I^Iiddle and hind til»ia; plain, beset oidy with few and wea'c bristles, infus- cated at the end Fore tarsi black, only at the basis of the first joint )>rown ; the urst joint oidy a little longer than the second; the second at the tip with a vestige of a slight conijtression ; the third joint strongly compressed, broad, bearded on the ujiper i'(\i<:(i with stitV black bristle-like hairs ; the two last joints very short, and of the usual form. ]Middle tarsi somewhat longer than the tiltiie, the tirst joint alxnit as long as the other three taken <>igi.(lier, yel- lowish-brown with Idacktip ; the last four joints are M i i mid the noddle tai':;i on the hind side rather thickly covered >v,i' long hairs, liind tarsi black, about as long as the tii)ia', of plaiu struc- ture and not unusuallv hairv ; the first three joints are of araduallv diminishing length, the fourth about half as long as the third, and the fifth again somewhat hdiger than the fourth. The teguho have brown margins with yellowish cilia, which assume, in some directions, a brown tinge. Wings grayish hyaline, long and nar- row with rather strong brownish-l)lack veins ; the first longitudinal vein reaches far beyond the third ]»art of the anterior margin ; second longitudinal vein straight ; the third longitudimd vein at its end only very geidly curved backwards; the posterior trans- verse vein lie.s far beyond the middle of the wing. ANKPSIUS — AROYRA. 123 Female. Face liroadcr than tliat of the male, with a more devL'loiii'd traiisvrrso swell in i>ears to be entirely black. The sixth segment of the al)- doinen, although very short, still distinctly perceptilile. The hairs on the anterior side of the fore coxic longer and coarser, yellowish. Tibise and tarsi simi)le and with the usual short hairs; the joints of the fore tarsi gradually diminishing in length. The wings usually a little duller than those of the male. Hab, 2se\v York. (Osteu-Sacken.) Gen. XIII. AIVEPSIUS. The genus Ancpsius shows the closest relation to the genus SiiKtcnux, from which it differs oidy l)y the structure of the first joint of tlu! antennae Its characters are the following: The first joint of the antennie hairy on the u|)])er side, the second transverse, the third rather large ; the arista inserted on its ui»])er side, (iiiito near tlie basis. The abdomen of the male appears compressed from the side. IFypopygium short, not entirely iiidjcdded ; its outer appendages very snmll. The first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles. Wings not enlarged towards their basis; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein not inflected and jtarallel to the third vein. Tlie name of the genus (from djf^/to;, cousin) 1ms reference to its intimate relationshij) with Hiji^tennx. No si)ecies of Anept^ius has yet been found besides those known from Europe. 1>^ Gen. XIV. ARUYRA. The species of Argi/ni are easily distinguished by the dense silvery-white dust, which almost in all the species covers head and abdomen, in many also thorax and scutelluui. The majority of the sjtecies of the genus Jjcwoxtola resenil)le in this respect those of Ar(iyra, and differ from them oidy Ity the first joint of the antenuic of the former being entirely l)are, while in the species (jf Anij/ra it is covered with hair on the upjier side. The following are the most important characters of the genus Ar^iyra : Second ■mm W tl 124 Dll'TKRA OF NORTH AMKHICA. [part it. joint of the antonnic traiisvorso ; tliird in tlic male rather lar^'^o, baro ; the apparently liare and distinetly twn-jointed arista is in- sorted elose to tlie tip of the antenna. AVinji-s l)r()ad, the posterior anj^le ratlier stron;.!;ly projeetinji- ; the first hmjjritndinal vein is ratlier more distant from tiie nnirgin of the winj^ than in most of ihe otiier jj-enera, and is longer than usual ; the fourth longitudiiud vein is inlleeted forward before the middle of its last seirnu'iit, thence however it is (piite parallel, or almost parallel, with the third longitudinal vein ; the posterior transverse vein is not ap- pro.ximated to the margin of the wing. The lirst joint of the hind tarsi without bristles, llypopygium small, imbedded ; its outer appendages are two very small, narrow lamelhc directed downwards ; the interior appendages are of rather simple struc- ture and often not distinctly ])crceptiljle. The name of the genus (from aijyvpo;, silver) has reference to the beautiful silvery lustre of most of the species. The hitherto known species are distributed over Europe, a part of Asia and North America. I know seven North American species, of which the first has a hairy scutellum and therefore ))elongs to the relationshii) of the European Anpjra dinphana. The other six species have jio hairs upon the scutellum ; the upj)er side of the first joint of the antenmc is, in some of them, so scarcely provided with hairs that they can easily be mistaken for species of Leucostola. Table for the determination of the Species. , f Scutellum hairy. I Scutellum not hairy. 2 ( Feet mostly hlack. I Feet entirely or mostly yellow. 1 albicans Ln 3 4 'The entire fore tibite and a part of the four posterior tibire yellow. 2 nigripes, uov. sp. All tlie tibiiB entirely and the root of the fore tarsi yellow. 3 albiventria, uov. sp. , I The whole feet yellow. 6 l Not the whole feet yellow. 6 fThe first joint of the hind tarsi only with the usual very short hairs. 4 minuta Lie. The first joint of the hind tarsi with longer hairs than usual. 5 calcitrans Lw. n ) Tip of the hind femora not black. 6 calceata /.«•. I. Tip of the hind femora black. 7 cylindrica, nov, ?p. o <, k m ARGYRA. Systematical arrdiiijewcnt of the Species. I. Scutelluin distiiK^tly hairy. 1. albicans /.lo. II. Scutellum without haira. A. Abflouien somewhat nonical, white, glittering. 2. nigripes, nov. sp. 5. calcitrans Lw. 3. albiveiitris, nov. sp. 4. minuta /.w. 125 ■: ] 0. calceata Lw. B. Abdomtn entirely cylindrical, without white glitter. 7. cylindrica, nov. sp. Descrijitioii of the Species. I. SrUTKLLUM DISTINCTLY HAIRY. 1. A. albicans Lokw. % and 5. — Scutello piloso, tibiarum postica- rum apice tarsis(iue posticis nii;ris. Scutellum hairy, tip of the hind tibiae and the hind tarsi black. Long, corp. 0.2:5—0.24. Long. al. 0.23—0.24. Syn. Arijyra alhicmis Lokw, Neue Beitr. VIII, 45, 1. 3foh'. Covered all over with filitterinjr, silveuy-wliito dust. Face and front of niiddl:' breadth, silvery-white. Palpi black. Pro- boscis brownish-black. Anteiuue black, the third joint more In'own-bh^'k ; arista distinctly inserted before its end. Cilia of the superior orbit Idack, the hair-like cilia of the lateral and infe- rior orbits snow-white. Fpj)er side of the thorax and scutolluni shiniuu: ubescence. Fore- coxa' yellowish with white dust and with black bristles and little hairs. Middle and himl coxa* black with white dust; th'Mr hairs and bristles black. Feet yellow with bhack hairs ; upon the under side of the fore and middle femora are iu- m I ',5 it I' . ililli 126 DIPTERA OP NORTH AMERICA. [part II. sertod Mack Imlrs of jrveatcr lenjrth than those on tlie unck'r side of the liiiid fi'inom, wliich are brownish-bhu'k at the tip. Tiliite moderately provided witli l)ristles, tlie hind tibiie blaekened at tlio tip. F(tre tarsi towards tlie end only sliji-htly infnseated ; tlie (Irst joint is at least H the lenjfth of the fonr f()llo\vin«^ joints toji-ether, npon the nnder side with a row of delieate, l)nt rather lonjr little hairs, which may be easily overlooked. Middle tarsi from the i\\) of the (irst joint blaekish-brown ; however, the root of tiie ne.\t followinjr joints somewhat ])aler ; the first joint is at least by one- third lonji'cr, than the ft)llowin,<; fonr joints tojrether. Hind tarsi entirely blaek, first and second joint of about the same lenj^-tli, the followiiif? of a decreasiiijir lensTth. Cilia of the tegula.', which have a l)la('k nKiron tlie thorax and the scutellum less thick, so that the /ra dia/ihana by its somewhat smaller size, the paler color of its fore eoxie and of the cilia of the teguhe. Xevertheless it resembles it very much. As Faliricius, in his S;/»fcma Avtliaforum, states America to be the home of his 3/iisca diaphnna, it might well lie supposed that he meant Argyra alhi- '•V AUGYRA. 127 cniiH or some similar American species, and that Mcifren was mis- taken when lie believed it to be itleiitical with the cdinmon Kuropeaii species. Such a supposition, however, would be erroneous. Fabricius in his older works (of which at present I cannot com- pare <»nly the Manlisftn II), mentions everywhere Europe as the habitat. The statement of the Si/xtrma AntlintoriDit is, there- fore, either a mere mistake, or Fiil>riciiix confounded later an American s]»ecies with the European one. Even in the hitter case the name cannot be transferred upon the American species. The first, however, seems to be more pi(il)al)le, because Faliricius in the S;/fti'vin Antliatorum, (piotes his former works without the least liesitation, and declares that America is the habitat ot this species, without mentioniiifr at all that he is thus in contra^ diction with his own previous statement. II. SnTELMM WITHOUT HAIRS. A. Abdomen somewhat conical, glittering with white. 3. A. nigrilM'S, n. sp. %. — Kx viridi l.npte chalybea, abdomine allx - micantc, t'lonte et f.'U'ie atris, velutinis, pedibus iiigris, tibiis anticis totis, reli(iuis ex parte Havieantibu.s. Green-blue, with the abdomen glittering white; front and fane velvct- blai/k ; feet black, the fore ti bine entirely and the four posterior tibia; partially yellowish. Long. corp. 0.17 — 0.18. Long. al. 0.17. Green-blue. Front and face velvet-l)lack, without pale dust. Palpi and proboscis black. The first jiu.' yellow, only the extreme tip of llie hind tibia! hiaekish-hrown ; the lore tiltia' «r(! heset with four or live bristles oidy ujioii the upper side ; the snnill l)ristles upon the middle and hind tihiiu are likewise lait short and very scarce ; the hind tibial are not in the least thickened. The four anterior tarsi are brownish-yelh»w at theliasis, a little further l)lackisli-l»rown, of ]ilaiii structure, the first joint upon the underside witlnuit l»ristles. Jlind tarsi entindy lilack. Teguhe mostly l)lack with black cilia. "Winjis hyaline, a little more distiuetly tinged with gray than in ^1. Hitfrijicx. llab. Sitka. (Sahlberj,'.) KM '\>W 4. A. niinilta Lof.w. % . — Scntdlo mulo, ppdit>iis totis palliMf tlavi- ciiiitil)us, niutatarso iniiria posticn siiiiplii;!, lnvvirtsiine jmIoso. Scuteliiinj l)iir«; tlie wliole feet jiale-yellowisli ; tlie lirst joint of tlie liiiid tarsi of the male .simple, with very short hair. Long. corp. tMG. Long. al. 0. 14—0. 15. Syn'. Arijyra iiiiiintd LoEW, Neue Beitr. VlII, 4ii, 2. Mdlc. Faee very narrow, silvery-white. I'alpi Idaek. Tro- boseis brownish-black. Anteiinte black, third Joint more l)lackish- brown ; arista distinctly inserted )>efore its tip. Fnuit silvery- white. Cilia ( n the upper orbit black, very short and delicate ; cilia of the Ir.teral and inferior orbits white, 'riiora.x and scutel- luni shininp: green, covered with white, not very thick dust, which conceals the ground color at the utmost oidy in the vicinity of the shoulders. Scufellum, with the exception of the usual liristles, bare. The giuiuiu coioi of the abdomen apj)ears to be blackish- green, is however so thick. y covered with white dust that it can- not be distinctly perceived ; the second segment of the alxlomen has on each side a very large rounded yellow lateral spot ; the third segment has a similar spot, lait smaller. The very small and narrow lamella.' of the hypoiiygium are yellowish-brown atal but little hairy. Fore coxse yellowish-white, with white hairs and black bristles. Middle and hind coxa? also yellowish-white, but blackened from the basis to a considoral)le extent ; hairs and bristles black ; feet ]»ale-yellowish, oidy the end of the hind femora has a vestige of infuscation on its ujjper side. The hairs upon 9 I ■ I TWfwr 130 DIPTKUA OF NdllTH AMERICA. [I'AUT II. the feet arc not entirely bluek ; the fore femora linve nj)on the hind side more, the iiind feniora »tii the nmh-r side less nnmeroiis blnckish hairs of jrreater leiifrth. Fore tnrsi not infusealed ; the first joint has searcely l\ the lenj^th of the fonr lollowinj^ joints put tofrcther. Oidy the last joint of the middle tarsi is somewhat infusealed. 'i'he lirst joint is fully as long as the others together. The last joint of the hind tarsi is lirown ; the lirst joint is of sini- jtle structure and beset with the usual short hairs, searcely a little longer than the second, hut eiuisidcraldy thicker. Cilia <»f the teguhe yellowish-wldte. Wings hyaline, scarcely a little tinged with yell(j\vish-gray, with brownish-yellow veins; the last segment of the fourth vein is very abruptly bent forward before its middle, Hub. District Columbia. (Osten-Saeken.) * ■%" ' ft. A. calcitrail8 Lorw. %. — Scr.iello nuilo, p«ililins totis pallide llavicnntihuH, inistatarso jxistico iiwiris paulo incra.ssiito et valde liirto. Scutellura bare; the whole feet pale-yellowisli ; the first joint of the hiinl of the male foinewhat lIiickKiied and covered with rough hair. Long. Corp. 0.14 — 0.15. Long. al. 0.11. SvN. Arijyra cdleitruns Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 46, 3. Male. Face narrow, silvery-wlute. Thorax and proboscis black. Anteiimu black, third joint nnire blackish-brown ; arista distinctly inserted before its end. Front silvery-white. Cilia df the upper orbit black, very short and delicate ; cilia of the inferior and lateral orbits white. Thorax shining green, covered with thick white dust, so as to make the ground color invisible in some directions. Scutellum also shining green, or blue-green, with less dust, and bare with the exception of the usual l)ristles. The ground color of the abdomen seems to be blackish-bhic, but cannot be distinctly seen on account of the thick white dust which covers it; the second segment is and transparent, with a lilack- ish border on the posterior margin and with a blackish middle line, which is sometimes wanting; the third segment is of a simi- lar color, only the margin on the ))ostcrior border and the middle line are broader, though the latter is sometimes interrupted. The small lamella) of the Itypopygium are brown. Coxte and feet white-yellowish ; fore coxa) with delicate white little hairs and delicate black bristles ; middle coxa' ou the outside with a black- ish spot ; liind coxie scarcely a little blackened on the extreme .1 i .1 i(= AlKiVRA. l.]l liasis. Foro nn«l middle fcinora witlioiit nny lotijrcr hairs oti tlio under side ; the hind feiiKira have a row of hhick hristle-lil\e hairs, inserted rather more on their hind side tliaii ii|Min the under side. Tarsi towards tlieir end not infuscaled, hut onlv very litth' darlser; the lirst Joint, »»r the tore tarsi is 1.', the lenjrlh (if all tlie t'ojiouini^ joints tal\en to;rether, <»n th(^ uiaN'r side with a row of delicate ]iairs; the first joint of the middle tarsi not (|uite as lonu- as all the otiicr joints t(»jretlier ; hind tarsi unusually short, the first joint not much shorter than all the others, a little thickened, on the under side with rather loiirs some- what tin^retl with yellowish-frray, with yelhtwish-hrown v<'ins ; the hist sejrmont of tlie fourth lonjritudinal vein is l)Ut jrently inllceted forward. Hah. New York. (Osten-Saeken.) 6. A. calceata I-oew. 9.— Sfutello nu, grayish-white dust. Fore coxa? yellowish, with some very scattered black hairs, and, at the tip, with lunger black bristles. ■V, I ■ \ eVNToUMON. l: Mi)lill«' 1111(1 hind ni\u> liliickish-ltriiwii witli y(>]lowi>li lip. Feel yrlldwish, tip iil'tlit' liiml rciiniiji iiniwnisli-ltliu'lv to a coiisiiirnilM! extent. Til*' l>liiek liiiir> mi ilic t'cet nrc . .it Wiy- " The generic character is as follows : First joint of the antenniiB with hairs on the upper side; the sccmjikI reaching on the inner side of the third in the shape of a tliumli; third joint of the an- tenna^ elongated and jKiinted in the male and shorter in the fe- male; the position of the arista apical. Scutellum bare. The first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles and a little shorter than the second. The hypoiiygium small and imbedded, with very small, often not distinctly perceptible appendages. The next related genus is Si/naiilirKu, the .species of which differ from the species of Si/nlortiion only by the absence of hair upon the first joint of the anteniue. Although this character may appear trifling to those who have not studied the family of the '■%y\ 1 !• ' .1 -n i;i DII'TKlt.V OK NdltTII .\:\1I Kir.V. rmmm {■■ ai:t ir. Ihiliitinptuliiln ciircriilly, iicvciMIh'Icss its -like projection, and in the femiiles a more iminth'd jnlte ; tiie third joint of tln^ aiitenme in the males elon<:-ated and poinle(l ; aristii apical or so near the extreme tip of the aiitennie, as to be taken for such. Scutellum usually liare, first joint of the hind tarsi witliout lu-istles. 'I"he hy|»opyijiuiii small, imiteddeil, with very small, often not distinctly perceptihie appendaiies. TluM Si/ii(iiiliriifi tlilVers from Si/nlnrinoii onlv hv the al»s( lice of h"iv upon liie Iirst joint of the antenme, has already lieeii stated. Of the three species (h'scrilted helow, two undoulitedly lielon"" to the n-eiius Si/iKirtlirus. This cannot lie said with i'e<; and lu North A incrini. Tiilili fur tlic ilftninlndtiDii of thi- S/>icnn. . ( I'ostorior i)i;iii;in (if Mn^ pIciirM' yi'llow. 1 palmariB, iiov. sp. ' I'dstfi'ior iii;ii>;iii of lh« |il('ur;u not vcllow. 2 ,, I Hi 11(1 f((m()i;i yellow. 2 ciiiereiveiitriB /."■. •■ Hind HMiiora gnM-ii. ;{ barbatua /.»•. \i' ; f . .■ :■[» S)/slrniiit!riil iintiuijrvirni nf llie S/nrir-i. I. Lower lialf (>r tli(^ (icciput only with tlic iisiim! cilia. 1. palmaris, nov. s]i. 2. cinereiventris Au'. II. Lower half of l\w occiimt with a strong Iteanl. 3. barbatus Ai». I}. I,V W ITU TIIK, ISIAI, I'lMA. 1. N. pallliariH, n. sp. % and 9.— Viridis, pUiuranun inar>;ine pos- tico, coxis, pe(liliiis(|iie llavis. ^. Tarsis inttMiiiediis apieeiii vursns dilatatis. 9 . 'I'arsis sinipliciliiis. (ireeii, tli(i iMisterior margin of IIk* pleura', coxa- and feet yellow. ■J,. TIk^ middle tarsi towards tluMreiid eiilari;e(l. 9. Tarsi simple. Long. curp. (M:{. Long. al. (1.14. Male. It can !)(' cnsily rccooiiizcd l»y its strikiiif; rcscniltliiiici! to tlic iMiidpcaii Si/iiloriimii /(irsaliis Fnll. Ilutli r diiik Itroiizc- grccii, little sliiiiiiij; ; tlic uImIoiiicii nsiiiilly rather co|»|)cr-c()]()nM|. Aiitcmia' hlack ; I'.rst j(»iiit on the upper side entirely hare ; the Hocond with a lonir tlminh-like pi'dji'etidii which overlaps the inner side of the third ; tliini joint rather loiifr, pointed, very l>iil»c>- eeiit, ; the arista has not |treciscly an apical init a somewhat siilt- n|»ical ))osition, as it is the case with Si/n/orniDii /(irsahis. Face covered with whitish dust, narrow. I'alpi and proboscis hiack. Front steel-ldne. The delicate cilia on the inferior and lateral orliits pale. S;Mitellnni of the same co!or as the upper side of the thorax, and lieset, hesides the usual h; islles, with a few short hairs. Pleurae frrayish-frreen, their posterior iiiartrin yellowish. The sid;'s of the al)d(tmcn near its hasis sonn-wliat yellowish and trans- parent ; on the posterior margin of il.s first segiiieiit there are long iitlii i;r> PirTEIlA (IF NORTH AMKUIf'A. [part ir. ■^ 0 1 ■ im ■■■ l)lii(;k Itristlcs, on the posterior Jiiiiiyin of the other sofriiiciits there are only very short ])ristles. Venter as far as the tip yellowish. Ilypopyjfiuin rounded, small, rather imbedded; its Itlaekish a]»- peiidajres very short and therefore not distinctly ]"jrceptil)le. Coxie and feet yellowish ; fore coxie oidy at the ti}> with a few hlaek l)ristles, otherwise in front with short and very delicate white hairs. The short hairs upon the feet are black ; umhfr side of the fore femora glabrous ; middle femora upon the under side with a row of short black bristles. P'ore tibiic on the upper side with a dense row of black hairs, upon the lirst quarter of the hind side with a single very small black l)ristle. ^Middle and hind tibiie (»idy with a few short black bristles ; the end of the latter is some- what thickened and of a brownish-black color. Fore tarsi plain, from the tip of the first joint blackened; the first joint not quite as long as the other four taken together. The lirst joint of the miihllo tarsi nearly as long as the other four taken together, stalk- like, a little thicker at the end and of a whitisli color; the second joint very much llattened, whitish, the apical margin bordered with Idack; the third and f(»urth joints also flattened, and, with the fifth joint, which is not flat, of a deep black color. Hind tarsi as far as the middle of the second joint brown, then black; the first joint is a little stouter and shorter than the second and has upon the middle of its under side a black bristle which is a little curved backwards. "Wings hyaline, tinged with lH*owuish-gray ; the third and fourth longitudinal veins show towards their end a slight eonv"rgoncy. Female. The third joint of the antenme rounded-oval, very much shorter than in the nuile ; the second joint of the antenniD overreaches the inner side of the third only by a rounded lobe. Face less dusty than in the male, very broad, by i;ir not reaching the lower corner of the eye ; its lower part is voy conve.v and protrudes in the shape of a njof, wherelty the mouth becomes very large. The black palpi consideral)ly larger than in the male. Feet j)lain, the hind tibiie not thickened at the end and only very slightly infuscated. Fore tarsi from the tip of the first joint gra- dually becoming more infuscated ; middle tarsi from the tip of the first joint blackened, though the root of the second joint is some- what paler ; hind tarsi at the root brown, black towards the end. The little black bristles upon the under side of the middle femora are missing. The rest as in the male. llah. Sitka. (Sahlberg.) P'lrlii- SYNARTimUS. ]:]7 Ohxervafion. — Si/nlormon tarsatuti 1ms upon the upper side of tlie first joint of tlie antenme, (juite in the vieinily of tiic Imsis, ii few almost imperceptible little hairs, which I am unable to per- ceive in the present species, so that I am compelled t(» locate it into the genus Si/narthnof. It is further distiufruished from »S//"- tonnon tarsa/ua by the shorter arista and by the broader winji's, which are less narrow towards the root. Besides, in the male the tip of the hind tibiie is less thickened, the second joint of the mid- dle tarsi is l)roader, of a whitish color, and has only at its tip a black marjrin, while in the male of S;p>lormoii ta7'satuti it is less ))road, yellowish upon the middle of the root and black u]»on the whole apical half The relation which exists l)etween Synai^lhrus jHilinaris and Sijnloruion farsatut^ is exactly the same as that be- tween Hynarlhrus pallipes and Hijnl'eue Beitr. VIII, 48, 2. Shininj? nietallic-frreen. T'ace green, and dull on acconnt of a moderately thick yellowish-white dust, which however docs not conceal the frround color. V'a\\V\ a little larjrer than those of the nnilcs of >';nKirtlirus in general ; they have also a more disengaged j)osition, a bright yellow color, and are beset with a few black little hairs. Antennie black; the second joint reaching only a little on the inside of the third, almost of transverse form ; the rather strikingly hairy third joint is l)road only about the basis and Ix'coMU's elongated into a narrow and very long point; the arista is entirely apical and only half the length of the third joint. Front metallic-green, little shining. Cilia of the U|)per orbit ))larist!es. Hind til>iie yellow, oidy sparsely bristled. Hind tarsi yellow at the l^asis, from the ti[> of the lirst joint Ijlack-'orown ; their joints (le<'rease in leiijith, the first considerably lonjier than the second. The cilia of the whitish te,u:ulie show in most directions a brownish-l)lack colorinjr, while in some they appear with a yellowish lustre. Jlalteres yellowish. "Winffs fiTayish hyaline with l)rownish-black veins ; the posterior transverse vein is straifrht and has a very steep jjosition ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein shows upon its lirst third an almost iinpercepUble llexure, otherwise it very little approaches the third longitudinal vein, runs parallel with it and terminates precisely in the ape.\ of the wing. Hub. Middle !Stu^. .. (Osten-Sacken.) '^11"' ^ .?' : Gen. XVII. SYSTEXl'S. This genus, hitherto coiiiined to European species only, may be characterized in the following manner: First joint of the antennio without hairs on the npjter side; the second joint transverse; the third large, ictnger in the male than in the fenude, in Itolh se.xes broad at the basis, ending into a point, distinctly hairy; arista completely apical. Feet rather slender, in l)oth sexes plain and beset oidy with very few and short bristles. The lirst joint of the hind tarsi without bristles and scarcely half the length of the second. The sixth longitudinal vein of the wings distinct. The abdomen of the male towards the tip and laterally much com- W ■ •!. ■* Ifffl liQ DII'TERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [.'ART II. pressed, its last segment mirrow. Tlie basal portion of the entirely (lisens and Xiphandrium. With the species of Porjihijnip.f it shares the larger size, the greater number of bristles on the feet, the broader wings, less narrow towards the basis. With the species of Xipfunxlriiim it has in common the great elongation of the second joint of the antenuio, the lesser density of hair on the occiput, and the shorter hair n])on the coxic and feet, also that the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is less inflected. From both these genera, however, lihaphiiim is distinguished by the somewhat longer first joint of the aiitenme, which, particularly in the male, is rather swollen : 'iv the great narrowness and the glabrousness of the third joiiu, wliich is uncommonly elongated not oidy in the male but also in the female ; by the glabrousness of the arista, and finally, by the more narrow and more pointed palpi of the female. The other genera most closely approaching Ithophium, as Sysfeniis, Synarthrtis and Smilintiis, cannot be easily confounded with it, the hypopygium of the male in the spe- cies of St/.'^tenus being very much pedunculated, the second joint of the atitennte in the species of Si/narthrus reaching over the third, and the abdomen in Smiliutus having only five segments. RirArun.M — xipnANnnnM. 141 The nnme of tlio gt'iius (I'roin ^utioi-, siiiiill iifrdlc) has rofort'iiee to tlie shape of the untoiimi', which distiiijfiiislK's it. Only a siiiglt' European and one North American species, de- 8eriijed below, are known at present. \ I. R. lllgllbre Loew. f- — ^^^ viridi nigrum, nitens. pedibns nigiis, anttii'iuruiii tibiis iiitern)mli(' this genus. As it has lost its antennaj, its systematical locatinn could not be ascertained. » ■fltti' ;•■ ^■As I iiL.-''>' \ Gen. XX. PORPIIVROPS. The genus Porjifn/i'o^ts com))ris(.'s species of at least middle sixe, rather stout shape and very hairy. The first joint of the antennae has no hairs on the u)>iier side ; the second is transverse ; the third is moderately elongated in the male and shorter in the female ; the hairs upon it are very short and the whole under side (with the exception of a few s|)ecies) is entirely bare. Arista altogether apical with an almost imperceptible and very sh(»rt, pubescence. The under side of tlie occiput more or less densely fringed. Scutelhim without hairs. Coxa^ and feet with rather much hair and bristles. P"'irst joint of the hind tarsi without bristles. Wings conijtaratively broad, towards the basis only a i»0HPUYll()P8. Ui little narrower; the last sofrinoiit of the fourth longiiudimil vein niodenilely iiiHeeted. llypopyjjiiiiu simiil, roiiiulcd, rather im- bedded, its outer a|»iteiuhi>^es almost in all the spceies more I'll- form than lamellirorin ; the outer ap[)eiidajj:es smul!. With ref^ard to the mutual relation of the three kindred genera namely, Jilniphiiim, Xijihundriain and rorj)fii/roj)s, all the re- quired iid'ormation inis already been furiushed, so that a repetitio \ of their distinetions is not neeessary. I have vindicated the naino of l'urjtlii/roj)n for this jjeiius in the tifth volume of the Nrue Heitriige. An entirely unfounded opposition had been raised against it. The following are the reasons by whieh I hnvc been governed with relation to the luime rorpliifropn. Mcigcn, in the fourth volume of his works, luis taken a wider view of tho genus Porphynqui ami divided it into three sections: 1. With a subaj)ical arista. 2. With an apical arista; and, J], With an arista inserted dorsally on the third joint, near the basis. In his seventh volume he ado])ts the genus Arrjiira, which M. Mac(|uart had in the meantime established for the first of the three divisions ; the third division he unites with Mcdeh'ru>i ; and for the oidy renniiinng second division, which j)rinci]>ally contains sMccies of the present genus, he retains the mime of P(»r])h!/ro}»- ; at the same time he uintes with them the species of his genus Ithnphium (that is the genera lihajihium and XipJiandniim in the sense adopted above). As I cannot Jigree with this reunion, I am com- pelled to retain the name of /'orphi/rops for the genus, which embraces most of the species contained in Meigen's second division and this is the present genus. The name Porphi/rops (from jtoptviio. scarlet, and w^, fa<'e) lias reference to the beautiful scarlet color which is peculiar to the eyes of many species, especially the males. The hitherto known species of Porphjp'opit are distributed all over Asia Minor, Europe, and North America. ' •' > M • ! ll^^^^B^^ r 15 1 Table for the determlnutiou of the. Specicx. ( Feet black. * Feet yellow. (All t ( Fore I Fore cox * Fore cox All the coxiB black, coxfe yellow. cjB not blackened at the basis, coxffi blackened at the basis. 1 melampus /"•. 2 2 nigricoxa / "'. :i 3 fumipennia /"•• 4 rotundiceps lie. m .'i^ 144 PIPTKK.V OF NOUTU AMKIIKW. [r.VUT n. Dencrl/itlon of the S/iecies, 1. P. llielunipilH LoKw. % iitid 9 .— I'tMlibuH atria, alls iiigricantilius. I'V.'t liluuk, wings blackixh. Long. oorp. 0.17 — 0.18. Long. al. 0.14 0.15. BvN. I'oriifii/rops milampns Loi:\v, N«uo Ik'itr. VIII, .')(•, 1. Male. Metallic bliu-kish-f^roeii. Fuco very narrow, with white (hist. J'alpi hiack with wliite (lust. Aiiteiiiiu; l)hick ; third juint ratlier loiij,' and pointed ; arista more than half the lenfrth of the third joint. Front hiack-ffreen, with white dust. Cilia of the nj»por orbit black, those of the inferior snow-white. Upper side (if the thorax shininj?, only on the anterior and lateral niarf,nn with more distinct white dust; on the former the Itc^rinnin^ of two darker colored lines is per(.'ei)tible. The scutellum has no hair besides the usual bristles. The brijfht and dark->^reeii abdomen has scarcely a trace of white dust ; its last sef?ment is alnntst l)lack. The hypopvfrium is a little lar^jer than in most of the other si)e- cies of this ffcnus, brijjht black ; the outer aj)pendages are ex- tremely snuvll black laniello! frinji^ed with black hair; the brown interior ap{)cndages are also small, turned a little uj)ward.s at the end, Imt pointed and uj)on the middle of the lower side fringed wit!i a few hairs. The hair upon the abdomen is black, only on the lateral margin of the anterior segments and upon the venter whitish. Coxie black, with a rather thick white powder, the fore and middle coxiu with considorai>I(' white pubescence and without any black bri.stles. Feet Idack ; femora with a trace of blackisli- green lustre ; the tip of the trochanter, the tip of the knee, also tiie extreme tip of the fore and middle tibiaj brownish-yellow ; the first joint of the fore tarsi a little longer than the three following togetlier, at the end of the under side dilated almost in the sha])e of a tooth ; otherwise the feet have no particular distinction. The cilia of the pale-yellowish tegulaj have whitish hair. Halteres pale-yellowish. AVings blackish, in the vicinity of the second half of the anterior margin rather bla(;k ; the last segment of the f )urth longitudinal vein only very little inflected forward in the middle. Female. The only specimen which I have ])efore me, strikingly diflers from the described male in the color of the body ; as all the other characters coincide jjcrfectly with those of the male, I have not the least doul>t that both belong together and consider the m ■■■ I' mM: ^ jfe^:: In rolU'lIYROl'S. 14: (lilVcrcnce in tlio color as only uccidciitul, ns it so often occurs in tlio Jh>lii;hoj)oih'(lit Fiicc iiiodcrntciy broad, with silvcry-wliitu (lust. I'ttlpi Itlacli with white dust. AntcnMiu sliort, the tidrd joint small and uvute ; arista three tiines the lcn;;th ol' ihc antcn- nie. Front bine with thin white dust. L'pperside uf the Ihora.x steel-blue, upon the middle and towards the hind inar;fin more violet. The steel-blue scutelluni uiton its iniildle is also ofa vio- let color. The alnlomen is dark metallle-j,n'een, its la.U .scj,nnent rather l)laek-{ircen at the basis, bright steel-blue. 'I'lie iiuir.s on the fore eoxte are like of the nuile, only less dense and shorter; the hair on the middle ti.xie is also whitish, the wi-ak brisilcs in the vicinity of its tip arc, however, l>lack. The wings are the same as those of the males, only the blackening of the second jmrt of the fore margin is stronger and the fourth longitu- dinal vein with the posterior transverse vein have a darker seam. Tin- remainder like in the male. llab. District Columbia. (Osten-Sacken.) 3. 1*. nigricoxa Loew. J- — PecHbus flavis, coxia omiiilms et totia uigris. Feet yellow, all tlie coxa) entirely black. Long. corp. 0.22. Long. al. 0.23. Sy.n. Porjihyrops nigricoxa LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, ,>], 2. FoHitli'. Metallic-green, front, thorax and scutellum very cop- pery. Face with yellowish-gray dust ; the sejtanition between its upper and lower part is jiarticularly striking. J'alpi compara- tively small, black with yellowish-gray dust ; antenna; black ; third joint ovate; ari.sta Ij the length of the antcniuv. Front with thin dust, t'ilia on the upper orl)it black, on the lateral and inferior orbits white. All the coxoe entirely black, with gray dust and whitish hair; at the end of the fore and middle coxa! there are no ))lack l)ristles. Feet yellow, apical half of the hind femora black, the last third of the hind tibiii) aiid the hind tarsi altogether arc of the same color; middle and fore tarsi strongly infuscated from the root and towards the end black. Cilia of the yellowish tcgulai white. Ilaltcrcs i) Wings gray, on the fore margin more brownish gray ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein, beyond the middle, gently inflected forward. Ilab. Maryland. (Osten-Sacken.) 10 #1 :f,!ii 140 MI'TFRA OB' NORTH AMF.RK'A. [I'AUT ir. :i. V, fiiniiiteniiU Lui:\v. 9-~''"*'>^u^ lliivis, ooxis anticln toti« roiicolorilnis. Fuet with the fore coxo) altogothor yi'llow. Long. corp. 0.18. Long. tx\. 0.17—0.18. 8yx. Piirpltijrops/nmipriiiiis LoRW, Nouo Heitr. VIII, 51, 3. Fcmnlc. Urifyht int'tallie-grcen. Fuci' with pale yellowish*, frniy dust. I'lilpi lihu-k, witli yt'llowisii-gniy dust. Autcniia! Whu.'iv ; the third joint suiuil, rounded-ovate ; arista at least three times the lenj^th of the unteniue. Kntut hlue-frreeu, with a pale yellowish-}?ray dust. Cilia oi" the ui»per orbit bhiek, those of the lateral and inferior white. Tlnjra.v with a thin but rather distinet j^rayish-yellow dust. Fore co.xie yellowish with white hair ; on their tips anionj? the white luiirs there are a few black l)ristles, not easily perceived. Middle and hind eo.xie blackish with yel- lowish tip ; the front side of the middle; is clothed with white hair and toward.s the tip with a few black bristles; hind fenioni blackish-brown at the tij) ; fore and middle tarsi infuscated, black- ened towards the end; the last third of the hind tibiiu and the hind tarsi black. Cilia of the pale-yellowish tcuiihe whitish; halteres ]»ale-yellowish. Winj^s tinjred with browiiish-ffray ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein gently inllected fur- ward upon its middle. Hah. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) I'vV ', ' .■ 4. P. rotlllltliceiis LoEW. %. — Pedibus flavls, coxis anticis conco- loribus, basim versus nigris. Feet and fore coxie yellow, the latter in the vicinity of the root, black. Long. corp. O.IG. Long. al. O.lli. Syx. Porphyrops rotundiceps Lokw, Neue Beitr. VIII, 51, 4. Male. Bright metallic green. Face very narrow, with silvery- white dust, palpi black with pale dust. Antenna; black; the third joint not very long for a nude, rather rounded at the end ; arista about as long as the ontenuic. Front metallic green. Cilia of the upper orbit black, of t!ie lateral and of the inferior orbits white. Upper side of the thorax bright, with very indis- tinct white-grayish dust. Scutellum in part steel-blue. Abdo- men bright metallic green ; in the vicinity of the lateral margin with rather distinct whitish dust ; the narrow last segment rather steel-blue ; the liair black, on the lateral nnirgin and upon the m'v^^. .s'iii.Kiri f». Ut itor wliitish. li hhuk ; til VPiitor whitisn. I he siiiiill liy]ni|»yirMiiii hltick ; the exterior iip- jM'iidiiirt's lire of 11 dusky j,n'uy-y('llo\vi,v|i color, coiiipiinitivrly Iohl', forlv-sliii|)c(| and split into a sliorirr mid a iiiiirli joiiirtr iiilrriial liilio ; tlio lionilikc interior appendu^^'s are Idaek and pointed. Tlie yellowisli fore coMe are npoii tlieir wlicdu liasiil half (»f a l»ro\viiisli-ldack eolor, and fringed on the front side with loii}? whitish hairs. There are no black bristles upon them. .Middle coxa' blackish with ycdlowish tip, the hitler with a considerable iilack thorn, which seems to be composed of several conti^nioiis bristles. Hind co.Xie of the same color as the middle coxie. Feet yellow ; hind femora almost upon the wh(de apical half black ; hind til>i!e altiioiiygium is imbedded and has only very short apjiendages. All the tarsi are short, esj)ecially the hind tarsi, the lirst joint of which has no bristles ; the pulvilli of the fore tarsi of the male are enlarged. The wings are ehuigated, of rather eipial breadth, and have a distinctly protruding anal angle ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is somewhat in- flected, ends beyond the tip of the wing and runs upon its middle over a large but flat impression. •n- '' r'J'^'ff 148 PirrEIlA OF XOKTIt AMEIirCA. [part ir. This genus has been cstablislied l)y Mr. Hiiliday, and, in con- sideration of the almost swordlike f'»rni of the antenna; of ihe species which became first know" was called il/«(V /rr/»m (from ndxai^a, the sword). As ///(/,s agree in the following, in part rather striking peculiarities which conslitutc tlu^ character of this genus. Tlie first joint of the antenna* without hair, the seccmd of tlio usual transverse form, the third tapering at the tip ; the arista entirely ai»ical. The face narrowed above, esjie- cially in the male. The proboscis turned towards the breast. rali»i disengaged, hanging downward, in the male larger tlian in the female. The alxlomen of the male shows six segments ; the siiort and rounded hypopygium ends it in the shape of a knol»; its exterior appendages are clont>:ated, parallel lamelUe, fringed with rather long hair. The female abthjmen has only five seg- ments. Wings of rather e(pnvl breadth ; the posterior transverse vein is less distant from the margin of the wing, than its own length ; tlie eml of the fourth longitudinal vein is parallel with the third. Feet with rather coarse bristles; the first joint of all the tarsi is much longer than the second ; the first joints of the hind tarsi without bristles. The structure of the proboscis and the position of the palpi distinguish the si)e<'ies of Jjihrof<;/li(.-i sulliciently from all the other genera of Jtolichojwdithc. Hitherto only European species have been described. The name of the genus (fri)m ati'05, the froth, and ovxaw, I rob) has i"ference to the habit of these species to pursue their prey along the shores of a surging sea. Gen. XXIII. TIIIIVOPIIILI S. Chnrocfers. The face in both sexes broad, m)t reaching as far as the lower eye-corner, and ending below at an obtuse angle. ■j. TFiixonnn -I'EODES. 14!) Piil)>i ill both soxos lurfro, reposing upon \hv pmlMsris. Aiitciiiiii! voi'v t-lit»rt ; the lirst jctiiit without liair, tiic second sliort, tnius- v<'rse, h)n,uTr aliove than below; the tliinl joint circular, tlie bare arista dorsal. Winji's of ecjiial l)readtli ; the jxisterior transverse vein is distant from the maririu of the wiiii^ more than its own IcMjjth ; the last se.u'ineiit of the loiirtli lonji-itudinal vein is rather liandlcl with the third. The abdomen of the male has six seji,-- nients ; the liypopyjriuni small, rather iml)ed:inm. They live priiicii)ally alonjr the shores of tlie sea, whence their name (from ^ij, down, sand hill, and ^i.-Koi, friend). As yet only European species have been made known. ': 1- Gen. XXIV. PRODEN. Characters. Face not reachinj? as far as the lower corner of the eye, rather narrow in both sexes, tlioutrh a little broader in the female, and more enhu'fred lielow ; the lower marji-in is straiopy<>'iiiiu is not imbedded, but disenfraire(l and a little inllectefl ; its <'Xterior niipeiidaii'cs are two small parallel huuelhe aloiij^side of cacii (ttlicr aiiulvilli of the fore tarsi not enlarged ; the first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles. The species of Nemafojn'ocfus mostly resemble in their habitus the species of PorphyrDps ; they differ from them, howevei-, by ww altogether different stru<'ture of the antenna'; the third joint of the male being also very short and the position ut entirely dorsal, the first longitudinal vein of the wings not ehtngated, further, the exterior appendages of the hypopygiuni Imve not the sha])e of short lamelhc, but of long threads. The species of XiniatojiroctiDi agree with the s])ecies of LcKcoHfola in the glabrousuess of the first joint of the antenna) ; otherwise they 4 ■Ifi LETJCOSTOLA, 151 differ from tliem prceist'ly in the same manner as from the species Anji/ni. The name of the genus (from vr^fia, the thread, and rtpwxroj, po- (h':v) has reference to the threatl-like form of the exterior ap- pendaffes of the hypopygiuni. The species hitherto known are all European. Gen. XXVI. ].EtTCOSTOI.A. The species of Leuroslola, like those of Aniyra, have usually upon the abdomen, and often also upon the thorax, a thick hril- liant silvery dust, which renders them easy to i'ecojrnize. The lirst joint of the anteinue is entirely hairless, the second is trans- verse, tlie third bare, rather lartre in the male ; the ai)i)arently bare and distinctly two-jointed arista is very near the tip of the antenniB. AV'injrs broad, the jjosterior anjrle rather protrudiiiji; ; the first longitudinal vein is farther from the margin of the wing thi'i in most of the other genera, and is also much longer than usual ; the fourth longitudinal vein is inflected forward before the middle of its last segment, thence, iiowever, again parallel with the third ; the posterior transverse vein is not api)roxiinated to the nnirgin of the wing. The tirst joint of the hind tarsi has no l)ristles. lIypoj)ygium small, imbecUled ; its exterior appendages are two small narrow lameihe, bent downward; the interior aj)- peiidages are of rather simple structure, and often not distinctly visible. The c-lose relationship of the genus LeucoHtola to that of Afgi/ra can e esisily jierceived by a com))arison of their characters. There is .-ciirceiy any difference between them, but that the first joint of tiie antenuic of Lcitcoxtohi is entirely without any hair, while in Arijiira it is distinctly covered with hair. The niime of tiie genus (IVoni Xfvxo;, white, and sroxr. dress) has reCereiice to the beautil'id silvery lustre which covers the abdijmen and sometimes also the thorax of most of these species. The known species belong in part to Europe and in part to America. 152 DII'TKUA OF NOUTH AMERICA. [part iT. >.r'tv" a':i,-*,»,..» '■,*,: ^:Mii 1. I^. ciiigulata Lokw. %. — Viridis, Isete splendeiis, aMomine Kon, ciiigulis llavis. Green, brightly shining, abdomen without white dust and with yellow bands. Long. corp. 0.19. Long. al. OIG. SvN. Lcticostola ciiKjuldta LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 53, 1. 3[oIe. Fiice very narrow, silvcr\--white. Palpi snow-wliitc. Proboscis brownisli-blaek. Antoiuiaj blaclc ; the tliird joint blac'k-lu'own ; the arista inserted close to its tip. Front black with silvery-whito dust. Cilia of the upper orbit black, extremely short and delicate; cilia of the inferior and lateral orbits snow- white. Thorax metallic preen, very britiht, dusted only on the lateral marfrin. Scutellum of the same color, without hair, besides the usual bristles. Abdomen without any white dust ; the first sejrment mostly black ; the second yellowish, transparent, with metallic black border on the ])osterior niarf«-iu and with an indis- tiuct blackish spot near the middle of the anterior margin ; third seirment also yellowish, transparent, and at the basis with a rather broad violet-black transverse stripe, bisinuated on the hind side, and with a narrow blaekish-grcen border on the posterior margin ; the coloring of the fourth segment of the abdomen is the same, but the bands on the fore-margin and the posterior border are broader, h» that the yellow ])art of the segment has the ai)pear- aiice of being divided into two spots ; the fifth segment has no yellow color, but is violet-black near its basis and black-green towards the tip. The same color prevails on the small hypo])y- gium, the extremely small lamella; of which are brownish. The rather Wng bimt not very coarse hair upon the abdomen is chiefly black, oidy upon the fore part of the first segnu'nt and upon the venter it is yellow-whitish. Coxa^ and feet ])ale-yellowish ; fore coxic with white hair and yellowish-white little bristles. Middle and hind coxa; near the basis a little blackened and also fringed with pale hairs and bristles. Femora slender, the hind ones slightly infuscatcd at the tip on the upper side. The hair u])on tlie femora is blackish on the upper side and near the tip, whitish near the basis and on the underside; the very delicate wh'»i^h hair on the umler side of the fore and middle femora is rather long. Fore tibia; without any bristles ; middle and hind tibia; only with rery few delicate and short bristles. Fore and middle ta'-si si mi- der, but not very long ; the first j(jint about as long as the others EUTAKSUS. 152} lakoii tof>:ctlior. Tlio first joint of tlio liiiid tarsi is sliorlcr tliaii the socoiid and a little stouter, especially towards the tij); it is frin<,^ed with the usual short hair, which is however unusually dense upon the latter part of the under side. Cilia of the black niartrined tegula; yellowish-white. "^'111)^:8 short ami broad ; the posterior transverse vein strikinjfly far distant from the nuirjiiu of the winft"; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein be- fore its middle gently inflected forward. Hub. District Columbia. (Osten-Sacken.) Ob.serration. — A rather badly preserved female, which I pos- sess, I su])pose to be that of Levcoi'tola cinifulafn ; it shows, how- ever, some differences, so that it nuiy belong to some other closely related species. It differs from the above described male by the following characters : The face is comparatively l)road and covered with a dense glittering silvery-white powder. The white palpi are larger than those of the n)ale. The third joint of the antenme is very short ; the position of the arista almost apical. The ab- domen is yellow with the exception of the last segment which is of a metallic-green color, shows however, when looked upon in an obli(iue direction, an indistinct greenish lustre ; its penidtimatc and antepenultimate incisures are greenish-black towards the lateral margin. The ])osterior nmrgin of tlie pleurie is mit gray, but yellow. Among the whitish hair of the fore coxse there are a few light- brown bristles, which, in a certain direction, have a black ai)j)ear- ance. The tip of the hind femora is not darker and the first joint of the hind tarsi is of the usual plain structure, however compara- tively of the same length as that of the described mnles. Other- wise it coincides with it perfectly. The only character wliich makes it doubtful whether they belong together is the yellow color on the hind margin of the pleunc in the female. Hah. District Columbia. (Osten-Sacken.) Gen. XXVII. El'TARSUS. Characters. Face narrow, esjx'cially in the male ; a little broader u))wards. Palpi very sn\ail. The first joint of the an- teiHiai without hair, the second much overreaching the third ; the third rounded ; the arista dorsal, thouu'h rather closely a))pro.\i- mated to the tip of the third joint, distinctly two-jointed. The elongated, cylindrical abdomen of the male consists of six scg- n ^ ^ •' '!-•■ m ' i - 1: i!< 154 nil'TKUA OF NUllTII AMKUICA. [r'R r ir. nu'iils; the liyiM»|nMriiiiii is very siiuill, oiitiri'ly imbedded and witlioal bristles ; its appeiidiiffes are extremely small, almost eom- j)letely liiddeii. The lemale alt(k)iiieii shows only live se;i'iiieids. Feet rather lonji:, moderately bristly ; the lirst joint of the hind tarsi wiliioiit bristles, mneh shorter than llio second; the i»ulvillL on the fore tarsi of the male are enlarged, but not elongated. AVings of rather uniform breadth or narrower towards the root ; the (Irst longitudinal vein not elongated; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein tho\igh somewhat indeeteil, still rather parallel with the third. J'Jtdarsas a}>i>ears to be nearer related to Didp/ionin than to any other genus. The striking smallness of tlie palpi, the faee narrowed belov/, the hypopygium covered with but delicate hairs, the very small and almost completely con- cealed a])pendages of the liyi)oj)ygium and the not elongated pul- villi of the fore tarsi in the nuile distinguish Eittarsus from ])i(i/i/i(tntf< sulliciently. From Xcnui/ojirorttts, whose exterior appendages of the hypopygium are long threatls covered with hair, /-Jutartius is distinguished by the snuUl and concealed ap- pembiges of the hyj)opyginm. The species of Saucrojius cannot be confounded with the species ul' Uutaraus on account of the en- tirely disengaged hypopygium. The genus has been founded upon tlie well known European Juilai'sus aulicus Meig. The name (from d, handsome, and ■roprxij, foot) has reference to the structure of the feet of the male. As yet no North American species is known to me, but I know a species from Venezuela, the liind tarsi of the male of which have a remarkable structure, and of which 1 furnish a descrii)tion. 1. E. eques, u. sp. %. — Clialylnnis, niodice niteiis, alxlominis ex ■iMieo iiigri maculis latoralil)us, ventre iXMlibusqiK^ llavis, feinorilms pos- ticis supra til)iis(jue posticis totis fuscis, tarsis auterioribus priPter basiin, posticis totis nigris, articulo hoium priiuo brevissimo, quarto in aculeum prodiicto. Stoi'l-l)lue, moderately shining; lateral spots of tht^ bronze-black abdonieii, venter and feet yellow ; upper side of the hind femora and the whole hind tibiie brown ; the four anterior tarsi with the exception of the root, and the whole hind tarsi black; the lirst joint of the latter very short, the fourtii joint produced into a point. Long. corp. 0.27. Long. al. 0.2(i. j\f(ile. Front shining steel-ldue, not very In-oad, not excavated ou the vertex. Antemue only of moderate length, black ; the m k-\\' ELTARSUS, l->5 jiarrow mid a little oloiifjated lirst joint is entirely l)are on the upper side, on the lower edjre of a ratiier distinctly reddish-yellow color ; the third joint is short ovate ; the arista is inserted upon the baek of the third joint, nearer to its basis than it is the case with t'uldrsK!^ aiilicu.-^. The face is very narrow ininiediately below the antennie, and jirows more and more so till it becomes ouueiforni, so that the larjj,e eyes are entirely conti}i:uous on a lar^e extent. Palpi very suudl ; proboscis rather small. Thora.x steel- blue or violet, little shininji', ujjoii the shoulders more blnc-;^i',.cii and more densely covered with dust; the extreme cornea' of the shoidder brownish. Scutellum of the same color as the upper side of the thorax and with two bristles. ^Metathorax and ])l('ura! black-green, the latter with whitish dust and a yellow hind mar- gin. Abdomen eylintlrical, blackish bronze-colored ; the second segment has near the basis a narrow yellow transverse! stripe, which is somewhat dilated near the lateral nnirgin ; and upon the hind comers a large yellow spot ; there are similar spots, but diminishing in size, upon the other segments. The sninll liyp(»- l)ygiuni is rounded and rather imbeddetl ; its apj)endages an; short, indistinct lamellio. The short hair upon tin; abdonn-n is black; longer black l>ristles only on the hind mai-gin of the first segment. Coxa- and feet yellow ; fore coxie with \nik' hair, at the tip oidy with a few thin I)lack little bristles; middle coxa' with a large black spot, which covers about three-(puirters of their (uiter side ; the hind eoxse with a small blackish spot. The hind femora on the upper half of their hind side blackish-brown ; fore and mid- dle tibia; only at the extreme tip slightly infuscated ; the hind tibia' totally black-brown. The fore tibiie are without l)ristlcs; the middle and hind tibiie are but sparsely beset with short bris- tles. J'Ore and middle tarsi from the tip of the first joint l)lack- brown, ])lain ; the first joint of the fore tarsi is .somewhat shorter than the following taken together, the first joint of the middle tarsi longer than the others taken together. The hind tarsi are bla<'k, very much shorter than the hind tibitu and of a very pecidiar sti'ui- ture ; the first joint is remarkably shortened, the second 4 j the size and the third 2h the size of the first ; the fourth joint has only the length of the first, its end, however, is produced into a stout thorn, so that with it this joint is not much shorter than the third ; the fifth joint is not at the cud of the fourth, but attached on its under side at the place where the fourlh'joint begins to be pointed ; ii i ' j^^^Uj , .'>■■;. I ■ ;• i lofi DII'TKHA OF NORTH AMKUICA. [i>ai;t ir. oi) )»uili tarsi if is nillici" siiijiiiliirly jit ri.trlit tuij-lcs with the foiirtii joint, is soiiicwiiat loiiiriT than tho tliird Joint and Iuik the I'oiin of a sit'ndcr cliil). Tho {jrayish-liyaline \viim:s arc nitlier hn\^ and narrow; llicir anal anjile is rather rounded nil"; tlio last sofrnient of tho fonrth lon^;itndinal vein runs upon its iniddlo over a dis- tinct convexity of tho wing and is there a little inflected ; towards its end it does not mnch approach the third lonp-itiidinal vein, which is here very gently carved hackwards ; the sixth longitndi- nal vein becomes entirely indistinct at a considerable distance from tho nnirgin of the wing. JInJ). Veneznehi. (Moritz.) Ohftrr I'd lion. — Altlntngh tho present species differs in some re- spects from J'Jiifarsiis aKlirUf!, still it coincides in nnniy imp(»rtant characters with it, so that it cannot bo located into any other genns, nnless, rather preinatnrely, a new gonns is created for it. J'Ji(/(irsKi< nulicHti approaches the forms which prevail in the genus Diaphorus more than the above described species. Gen. XXVIII. DIAPHORUS. At the time of its adoption, and long after, tho genus Diaphorus was considered as one which was very distinct from tho genus Clirynutiis. The characters which Aleigen uses for tlieir dis- tinction are the following : for Chrysotun, arista apical, the eyes of the nude contiguous under the antenna}, and the wings some- M'hat divaricated when in repose ; for Diaphorus, arista dorsal, eyes of the male contiguous on the front, and the wings reposing upon each other when at rest. The more species of these two genera have become known and the more carefully they have been examined, the more unsatisfac- tory Meigen's characters have been found. North America is particularly rich in species belonging here, but showing important structural deviations. Besides the species showing a different structure of the thorax, and which were formerly classed with Chrysotus, but are uinted now in the genus Chri/Hotimiis, the other species of Chrysotus, agreeing in their habitus, are divided in such, the males of which Imve eyes contiguous under the antennix?, and in such, where the eyes are separated by the sometimes broad face ; the position of kLSI^'i.'iiii DlAPIIOIirS. l.u the arista is likewise by no inciins nlways npionl ; on the contrary, it is even subapieal in the majority of tlie species. The same happens to be tlie case witli J)i(i]>horiiff, wlierc the eyes of tlie males are contifjuons npon the front in some of the spef'ies only, while in others they are separated by the broad front ; ih"i arista likewise is not always distinctly dorsal, bnt in iiiany species snl)api('al, and in some truly apical. Thus nonr' of the distinctive marks, which Meijren had established for these two genera, holds good, except for (Jhrysotus, the wings divaricated in repose, and the parallel wings for Ih'apfiorutf. As this churac- ter can only be observed on living specimens, it is, even if proved to be correct, entirely iasullicient for a systematical distinction of both genera. In order to escape this difficulty there arc two different ways to be followed : either the species, with the eyes of the males not separated upon the front, must rcnuiin with Diajihorua, and those the eyes of which, in the male, are contiguous below the antennic, must go with Chrynotua, and a new genus must be estal)Iished for the species of Diaphornn and Chrijiiotus, the males of which have the eyes distant above as well as below the antenna'. The other way to follow would be to discover characters for the ^ l^p ' . lil.'f.'-V.k; Ijv;' ;■■■':.': M ^^■ iM^;> -! m^.. ^ ?v/.s' nro oompnrntivcly liii'frcr, and Imvc a dillVront outliiio, bccauso the anal aiifrlo is more protrudiiij^. If, separating the typical siiccies of Diaphoritu from the typical spct'icrt of Chri/Hotus, we follow out these characters throu^ih a series of those species, whicli, notwithstanding the sei)arali(in of tlieir eyes upon tla; front, are pliiccil into the genus Ih'ajihdnis, on account of their general lial)itus which nppronches the typical species of Jfidp/inriin, we find that tiiose among the ahove nicii- tionecl nnirks of distinction, which are peculiar only t(» the males, hold also good among these species; at least I do not know of atiy species which, being placed on account of its general luibitus among the species of /Hfiphoriis, had not on the pos- terior end of the liyi)opygiuni bristles of irreater length and remarkable strength, or in which the pulvilli of the fore tarsi of the nia!(> were not elongated. It i< dillcrcnt, however, with tliosc marks of distinction whicli belong to b. 1 sexes, as also with the more slender form of the body, .the greater length of tin; feet, and the more projecting anal angle of the wings of the species of IMaplwrus ; each of these charac- ters gradually fades away from species to species so that, taken singly, these characters are utterly Insullicient to decide whether a s]tceies belongs to Diaphorux or to Chrymtus. As it hap))ens, however, that where one character decreases, another one liecomes more salient, it follows that in their totality they are suilieieiit to distinguish the fenndes of both genera, with the exce])tion, j)erlia})s, of a few is(dated cases. In doubtful cases it will be well to compare the deseri])tii)i'ci('S the same is tlic ease with tlie pulvilli of tlie middle tarsi ; in some with the iMdvilli of all the tarsi. '|"h<' hyi>o|»ygiiun small, indied- ded, on the jjosterior end with stouter bristles. The name of the genns (frmn ai«>o, oj, dilVerent) siici}jlwri(s are found in f'nrope, Asia, Africa and America. Table /or the dctcrminatiou of the Specien. Color of the body non-metallic, black. 4 4 6 1 opacuB 2 mundus I Color of the body ui«tallic-green. I'Y'et entirely yellow. Keet not entirely yt'llow. Tegul.-e with black cilia. Tei;ul!e with whitish cilia. Kyes of the male contiguous. 3 spectabilis Eyes of the male not coiitigiiou-S. All the tibire yellow. 4 sodalis Only tlie first half of the four anterior tibia' yellow. f) lamellatuB, nov segment of the fourth longitudinal vein not interriiiitcd. (I leiicostomuB Last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein intfrrii|it.d. 7 interniptus l.w. :i 4 l.w. sp. l.w. Lw. Systematical arraiKjemint of the Species. I. The eyes of the male contiguous upon the front. 1. opacus l.w. 3. spectabiliB Lw. 2. mundus Lw. II. The eyes of the male not contiguous upon the Iront. A. The last segment of the fourth longitudinal vnin not interrupted. 4. sodalis Lw. C. lamellatus, nov. np. 5. leucoBtomus L.w. B. The last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein interrupted. 7. interruptus Lw. ■' 'mn i s rfi!4:-l 100 l)ll'TK.Il.V OF NolVni AMi;UI( A. [I'AitT ir. DeHcrijilion of the S/ieclen, r. TlIK KYK8 OP TIIK MAI.K CONTIOroJ S I fON TIIK FRONT. It l>. opacilH Ldi'.w. % . — Toturt iiigtT, tibiirt picois. I'hitin-ly black, tiliho pitcli-brown. Long. torp. 0.12. Long. al. 0. Ill— (t.i:{. SvN. Diiiphnrm opncm Lokw, Neue Heltr. VIII, .'id, 1. Mdlf. Entirely Itliiclc. Kaco with tlu; )»iii|M and the jti-Dlioscis Itlark, t'litircly ^iiild'dus. Aiitciiiiii' black ; third Jniiit small ; |tiisi- tiou ol'thc arista iiioro subapical than dorsal. 'I'hc cyi's arc com- l»lctcly contijrmius on the nppcr jtart of the f'rniit ; iniiiiediatcly above the antciinic a bro\vni)tffics is In liu ri'n)jriii/.<'il ns iilcniinil witli u l']iirii|M'iiii sin'cics. Nt'itlici' niii I iiiciitinii liny n-linltlc rluiriictors I'm* llus (listiiiction til'ltulli species. I liejieve tiiilt tlie eXilinilltUioli of 11 iitr^el' lilllil- I'er of speeinielis will eslaldish tlieir identity. OliKcrrafiitn 2. — I hoiieve I kimw the female of P. oporii!*, nm Intwever not certain, t)ii aeeoiint (tf tin; smaller leii^'lh of the lirsl liiii^iliidinal vein ami the ])alei' coloring of tiie liiml til)ia>. The jiroboseis of this female is remarkalily stout and |»rolriidiiijf with a Mattened tip; palpi rather lar^'e and limad. Face with an almost impereeptihle urayish dust, with a distinet transverse swell- iiiir upon its middle ; front with ^■ray-l)rown dust and with a trans- verse furrow below its middle; all the tibia* yellowisli-lirown, vvin;i's tinned with a dusky blackish color, tlioiin'h not s(» much as in the above described male, and towards the fore mar;!'in not much darker ; the lirst lon^-itiidinal vein reaches ultoiit as far as the middle between tlici extreme root of the wintrs and the end of tho second lon«;itudinal \v\i\. All the rest as in the male. JIab. reniLsylvania. jt 'Ik. t:. \ *2. D. lllUlldlls LoRW. % and 9. — Laotn viridis, j^'dilius totis tlavis. Light inttailio greeu, all the feet yellow. Long. corp. 0.12 — 0.13. Long. al. 0.12—0.13. Syx. iJinphorns mnndns Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, .'57, 2. Liffht .metallic :i:ilirA, [part u hut cliiricnlt to perceive; llie cilia of the lateral and inferior orbit.s are whitish. Up])' ' side of the thorax and of the seutelluni j)ale- jrreen, with nietallie lustre, covered with rather thick oehre-yeliow dust. Alxlonien somewhat (hirker metallic green, often more gold- green, or coppery-hrownish. The bristles at the end of the liypu- ])ygium are not very long; its exterior appendages brownish and very small. Co.xse and feet yellow; the first two-thirds of t lie middle coxiu blackened, the hind coxic near the basis infuseated. The hair on the feet ai)pears black; when seen by a reflected light it changes on the til)iie to brownish and on the larger ])ortioii of the femora to fallow-yellowish; the root, a part of the under side of the femora, also the fore coxse are distinctly falh)w-yel!uw- ish. The tarsi are scarcely a little infuseated towards their ti()s. though their last joint is of a dark brown color. In the nuile tlie ])ulvilli of the fore and middle tarsi are consideraI)ly enlarged and elongated; the ])ulvilli of the hind tarsi are much less sn Ilalteres and teguhe yellowish with black-brown cilia, which in some directions have a yellowish lustre. Wings grayish-hyaline. on the anterior half usually somewhat yellowish with y»dlowisii- brown veins; they are rather large and towards the biisis a little broader, but their greater breadth is not so n(>ar to the posterior nuirgin as in the previous species ; the ])osterior transverse vein is not nearer to the extreme tip of the wing than it is to its root and the first longitudinal vein reaches scarcely above the hrst third of the length of the whole wing. JIab. Pennsylvania. iigl^ 3. D. spectallilis LoEW. %. — Aeneo-viiidis, f«n)oril)US uigris, tibiis tarsorumque omnium basi tlavis, ciliis tegularuiu iiigris, oculiu maris in fronte contiguis. Bronze green, femora black, tibiae and the root of all the tarsi yellow, cilia of the teguloe l)lack, the eyes of the male contiguous on the front. Long. Corp. 0.13—0.17. Long. al. O.!.*)— O.ltJ. Stn. D-'nphorus spectahllis Loew, Neue Beitr, VIII, .IT, !5. Dark metallic-green, thorax and abdonu'u more bronze-green, the former sometimes more coppery. Face blue-green with thick white dust, which conceals considerably the ground color. I'aini and proboscis black. Antennie black, small; arista almost com- pletely apical. The eyes meeting u])(ui the front to a large extent and sei)arated oidy b} a very small triangular spot, immediately in APIIOUT^S. in3 above tlie antcniiic. Cilia on tlu' upper urbit l>hu'l<, on the lowci- and lateral orbits white. Upper side of the thorax and senlelhiin covered with yellow-hrovvnish dust. The stouter l)ristles on the posterior end of the very small hypopvffiuni rather strikiujf ; hi exterif)r appendages brown and verysinall. ('oxte black and wit!i whitish dust; the hair on the lore eoxie ap]>ears in most direclioii.; black, in others fallow-brownish. Keniora lilack, somt^what witii ii green redection ; the lip of the Wn'c and middle femora lirownish- yellow; their black hair, even on the under side, neither of con- siderable length nor density. Tildse browidsh-yellow, ratiier slender, \vith a few liristles. Fore tarsi very slender, from the tip of the first joint black-brown, though the; basis of tiie second joint, is again paler than the tip of the first ; their lirst Joint is as long as the other four together; the pulvilli are M'vy much cnlai'gcd and elongated. Middle tarsi of an entirely similar struct iirc, ui' the same color, but their judvilli are somewhat less enlarged ; hind tarsi from the tip of the first Joint black-brown, their pulvilli but very little enlarged; the yellowish teguhe with blackish cilia, which assume a yellowish glitter in a rellected light, llaltcrcs yellowish, the tip of their knob usually somewhat iiifus<'iilcd. Wings tinged with gray, with blackish-brown veins, along which, in faded specimens, there are blackish-bntwn margins; they an; broad, though their greatest breadth is not very close to the pos- terior angle; the space between the third and fourth longitudinal veins is rather wide ; the last segment of the latter shows a very gentle flexure ; posterior transverse vein rather long and somewhat beyond the middle of the wing; the first longitudinal vein reaches somewhat beyond the lirst third of the whole lenglh of the wings and is not very far distant from the anterior margin. Ilab. District Columbia. (Osten-Sucken.) ■'i »;¥" ■■■"■' ■ ■ «; .%. • H! V, ..' r, I"- r 1 r '■ ■); ; '.i-' II. The EYK.S OF THE MALE NOT CONTIOT'OIS WON THE KlloNT A. Th« liist segment of tlit^ fourth longitudinal vfiii not iiitiMTUpteil. 4. D. HOdalis Lokw. 'J, and 9- — Aeneo-viridis, fciuorilms iiiiiris, tiliiis ornniluis tarsornmqne antfrionim basi flavi.s, tarsis jiosticis totis i-x nigro fu.sci.s, (uliis tegnlarutn nigris, otuilis maris in fronto scjtaratis. Bronze-green ; femora lilack; .all the tiliiie and tlie basis of the four antf- rfor tarsi yellow; all the hind black-brown; i;ilia of tbe tcgiil.H • ^- ' .1* .41 ■" i a\ 1G4 DIPTKUA OF XOUTII AMKRICA. [PAIIT IT. black; eyes of the male separated upon the front. Long. corp. t>.14 — 0.15. Long. al. 0.15. Syn. Diaphorm sodalix Lof.w, Neue Beitr. VIII, 58, 4. Kiitlier (lark int'ttilli(.'-p,Tt'oii, tlio alxlouu'ii and .sometime.-^ al-io the thorax more bronzo-fjroeii, the t-'(;.ti'lhiin in one .specimen violet upon its middle. Face of the nude ofunirorni l)rea(lth, fiTeeii-hiue witli thi('i\ wliite dust; tiie face of the fonnde visil)iy broader, more green, with lust, below the middle with a transverse swellinjr. Pali)! of the nnde whitish, oidy near the extreme basis somewhat blackish; the palpi of the femalq much larger, oidy at the tip dusky-whitish, otherwise l)lackish. Antennse small, l)iaek, with an ai)ical arista. Front of the male of uniform breadili, somewhat exceeding the breadth of the face, blue with yellow- brownish dust, and green and shining upon the vertex. The front of the fenmle is considerably broader, more green and less thickly dusted, the dust has in the vicinity of the antenna- a whitish api)earancc. Cilia of the upper orbit black, those of the lateral and iiderior orbits whitish. Thorax distinctly, but not very thickly, dusted. The coarser bristles on the posterior end of the snuUI hypopygium are less striking; the very small exterior a})pendag(>s are ln'ownish-black. s^oxie black with whitish dust ; the fore coxa; indistinctly dingy v '..te-yellowish at the tip; the sparse hair on the front side pale, but the bristles of the tip, black. The tro- chanter of the fore and middle feet dusky-yellowish, of the hind feet more brownish. Femora black with green lustre; their black hair is comparatively short; oidy on the under side of the femora of the male, very closely to the tip, a few somewhat longer bristle- like hairs. The tips of the four anterior femora and the tibiie are brownish-yellow, but the tip of the hind tibiic is rather dark- brown. The fore tarsi of the male are slender and elongated, brownish-yellow at the root, then gradually becoming more infus- catcd ; their first joint is about as long as the two following taken together; the pulvilli are but moderately enlarged and elongated. The middle tarsi of the male are of the same color as the fore tarsi and of the same structure, Itut the first joint is almost as hmg as the f. leilCOStolUUS LoEW. % and J . — Laute viriilis, thorace ft scuIhHo intenlum Cijeruleacontibus, tegularuiu cili).s albidis, vena loiigi- tuilinali (luarta nou iuterrui)tti. Lii-'ht greeii, thorax and scuti'lhun sonietinies more lilue ; cilia of tlie tegtihe wliitisli, tlie fourth longitudinal vein not interrupted. Long, eorp. O.Oit— 0.10. Long. al. 0.1 '.2. f^v.v. Diaphurns liuroslDiiius LoEw, Neiie Beitr. VIII, 58, 5. Mdlr. Li<;'ht green, metallic, shining, thorax and seutelliim sometimes sky-blue. Face for a male very broad, deei)ened length- wise, without transverse swelling. s(v thickly covered with snow- white diist, that the ground-color becomes invisii)le. Palpi protruding, inucli larger than in the males of other species; l»rolK)scis very snndl, black. Anlenme black, larger than in other species; the third joint is ])articularly distinguished by its more consideralde size and is cxtcndeluc-green with yellowish tip, with very short hair. Tibiie ami tarsi yellowish, the latter towards (he end gradu- ally somewhat darker, but oidy their last joint brown ; fore til)ia^ without strong bristles, middle and himl tibite with a stronger bristle on the exterior cd'fCH of their uj)i)er side and n(»t far from the root ; the hind tibiie, on the c t> rswi edge of the u]»per side, are sparsely Ijeset with shortei I'v-l weake; );,';!jtles. Fui ..' tarsi J • DIAPIIURLS. ii;t loiijf iuid slender ; their iirst joint about as long as the other throe together, the pulvilli (•(iiisiderahiy enlarged and elongated. Middle tiirsi like tla,' fore tars' and of a similar color, but their Iirst Joint about as long as the other four together, and the j)ulvilli not ({uite so large and not ([nito so elongated as t)n the fore tarsi. Jlind tarsi more infuseated, only the root of the first joint l)ro\vn- ish-yellow. Tegnhe whitish with whitish cilia. JIalteres also whitish. Wing.s hyaline, but very little tinged with gray; veins i)rown-blaek ; the jtosterior transverse vein rather e.xactly in the middle between the root and the tip of the wing; the Iirst longi- tudinal vein reaches but very little beyond the third part of the length of the wings. Fi'iiKile. Face very little l)roa(ler tlnin in the male, with thick white powder, although apjx'aring gray on account of the appa- rent dark ground-c(»lor ; it is somewhat deepened ujiou its larger up]>er ])art and gently convex upon its snndler lower part ; both parts are divided by an imperfect transverse swelling. J'alpi whitish, near the basis somewhat gray. Antenn;e considerably .snndler than in the male, the third joint much snuiUer, rounded, with an almost inii»erceptible angle below the insertion of the arista. Front inor.' broad and more green than in the male. Tarsi shorter and usually somewhat nn)re infuseated than those of the male. The pulvilli not enlarged. Huh. Maryland. (Osten-Sacken.) Oh.-etation, they should prove as not belonging together, then the name must remain to the male, which I consider as typical. OhKcrriifion 2. — />. /c'/ro.sVo/»''.s a))proaches in its entire hal)itus severjll species which 1 believe must l)e referred \{> (.'/iri/snliis uutvr than any other species of the genus J)/(i/t/i<)riif<, known to me. The elongation into a point of ihe third joint of the antenna' in tlie male seems to indicate a reIatioiishi]» to Si/iiarflira.-< Imrhafus; neverthe- less the latter ditl'ers materially by its n,,' row, not deepened face, by the cons])icuously elongated third joint of the anteuuie and also by the entirely apical insertion of the ari.sla. I ^ i(;8 DIl'TKHA OF .NuKTII AMKKK'A. [I'Airr !i. B. The List segment of tliu fourth loiivjitmlinal vein interrupted. 1'. D. illterruptllH Lokw. %. — Oliscurt! viivsccns, iiiodici! iiiteiis, feuiorihu.s et tibiis coiiuolorihus, geiiilniij testatuis, taisi.s fusci.s, vena alarum loiigitudinali quartfi. interrupta. Dark preen, moderately shining ; femora and tihife also preen ; knees brownish-yellow ; tarsi brown; the fourth longitudinal vein interrupted. — Long. corp. U.2I5. Long. al. 0.20. SvN. Diaphtinix lule.rnijHun LoEW, Wien. Eut. Monatschr, V, 37, i). — Loew, Xeue Beitr. VIII, 59, ti. Male. Ratlior dark osition and the course of the third longitudinal vein recall the ueuration of Lijruneurus. Gen. XXIX. I^YRO^fELRCS. The followinp; are the characters of the freiius Li/rouriiruK : The body is elongated. Eyes upon front and face widely sepa- rated in l)oth sexes. Antenna; short; the first joint not liairy, the second transverse, the third short, rounded, distinctly ])ubesceiit; arista ajiical. Wings very large, at the tip l)road and very ob- tuse ; the posterior transverse vein does not ap])roach the margin of the wing ; the third longitudinal vein very close to the s'"ond and very much turned backward at the end; the s])ace between the third and fourth longitudimd veins reumrkably broad; last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein distinctly in(lecte. ndiishit^ AVied., seems to contain only American species; they appear to ))e particularly numerous in South America. The name of the genus (I'roiii xv|ia, the lyre, and itvpov, the nerve) has refereiK'e to the lyre-shaped space between the third and fourth longitudinal veins. I.V ■ 1. I... i'lCI'lllesceiiS Lokw. ■^ . — Viridis, thorace et alidotiiinis doiso fii'i ulcis, IV'iiioruiii apice tibiisque totis testaceii^, tar.sis ex ni^jro fuscis. (iiei'ii, tlior.'ix anil dorsuin of the abdomen sky-l)liiH : tip of tbe t'ciiiora and tin; wliolc tibiie brownisli-yidlow ; tarsi blauk-biown. Long. corp. (K'l'J,. Lon.L'. al. 0.125. Sys. J.i/roiti itnis cirruhsreiis Loew, Wien. Kiit. Mon. I, 3i). — LoEW, Neiie B.'itr. VIII, (JO, 1. Light metallic-green, most of the upper side of the thorax, of tlie scutelliim and the greater part of the upper side of the abdo- men sky-blue or violet. Face of considerable and uniform Itreadili and so thickly covered with gray-whitish dust that no trace of the l)liie-green ground-color is left. J'alpi l)lack, with white-grny dust and with strong black hairs. Antenniu black, short. Front of uniform ))readth, equal to that of the face ; the dust upon it is so thick that hardly a trace of the ground color is left. Cilia of the u))per orbit black, cilia on the lateral and inferior orbits white and forming a rather thick beard. Thorax ])ale green, upon the middle line and ujion the whole hind ])art sky-l)lue, or shifting to violet. The rather thick dust on the ujjper side of the thorax has a gray-brownish tinge. Scutellum blue or violet with gray-brown dnst, on each side with a stronger and with a weaker bristle, tm the surfiice bare. JMeura; green with rather thick gray-white tliist, Alidomcn cylindrical, metallic-green; its upper side shining liliie or viidet from the middle of the second segment to the lip. The jiiiir upon (he abdomen is lilack ; tiie bristles on the lllliil lunv^hi uf tho single segments are but of moderutu length. 11.'; T II, riiiiysoTUS. in 1 III iIm Inn the '/V/,S "htft • to the iril 'I'lif lateral iimrfriii of the altdoiiicii shows a distinct ^[ray- whitish (lust. The small h)'|»oiiygimii is coiiiplctcly iinhcddcd ; it lias (as J now iKTccivt' on a wcll-pri'st'rvcd sju'cinicn) lour strong' hiistlts on the hind niar^'in, like tlic liy|m|»y^inin of the nudes of />my//(o- riis; the ajipendaj^es oC the hypoitvfi'inin an' e.Mri'niely small, and completely hi to' a consideralde extent, and - eated, all the til»ia' with but few bristles. Tarsi Ithnk-lirowii, the first joint of the nnddle tarsi uji to its first third, that oi' tlie Inrc tarsi up to the middle, yelhuv-bnjwni^h. Fon' tarsi but little lonji'er than the fore tibia', and their lirsf jnint not (piile so hmi:" as the rest; their piilvilli not eniarjicd. 'reiiuhe wliite-yellowish with br<»wnish-l»laek cilia. W'in^s prayish liyaline wiili a u'reasy lustre; veins brown ; the first loiijritudinal vein lies do>e to the marf^in of the wiiit (piarler of the len^-th of the wiiifrs; the costa is rather stout, particularly near the end of the second loiiffitudinal vein ; the jiosterior trans- verse vein is straifrht and is ])retty much in the middle between the root and the tip of the wing. Ilah. Mexico. • Gen. XXX. C IIRTSOTl S. The prenus Chi'i/sotiix ciMitains on the average only small spe- cies. 'I'lie eyes of the males in many species meet upon the fmnt ; in males of other s]tecies they are sejiarated. The front beconu s iu'oader towards the vertex in most of these specit's, and more so than is the case with the species of Dio/ihorus. Antenna' very short; the lirst joint with()ut any hair ; the sei-oiid tran-verse ; the third n)nnded, often rather kidney-shai)ed, sometimes pointed and distinctly hairy ; only in /«- phoriis, and (J. abdominalis is j)robably a (JJinjKotinnis. In the ne.vt place Mr. ^Slaccpmrt has described a female as Chr[/Koliitt ci rill if e morn ; if face and front are covered with white dust, as it seems to follow from his descrii)tion, this character and the color of the feet may perhaps help to recognize the species. Finally, Mr. Walker has, in his usual careless nnmner, i)ul)lished a Chrij- Kotus incertuH, which probably will remain incniiis forever; as he has not even stated the sex of the specimen described, his descrip- tion is of no use whatever. I know, tlius far, twelve North American species of Chrysotus, of which live are represented in both sexes, three only in the male, and four in the female sex ; two of the latter offer but so little l>eculiar characteristics, that I hesitate with their publication, while the two others are striking enough to preclude the possi- bility of a mistake. CIIHYSOTUS. Tnhh fur the tlrtenhiiinlii'K nf the ^^fifrifM. it;] I cornutut, nov. {Tliird joint of the !iiiti'mi,-(' t'l(ini;,iti'(l. Tliiril joint of tiu' untcnna- nut ('lungatL'd at all, ) I'Vniorii of iliirk cojnr. t- Femora of i>alt) color. I (iround-color of tin- palpi pale. i Oround-color of tiie piilpi Itlackish. ( I'alpi whito. ( I'iilpi yiOlow, near tlif liuhin ' lackish. ^ Cilia of the tegiiliP black. ( Cilia of tlio tegulip pale. ( Kyes of tliH male separated. I Kyes of the male contiijiioufl. ( l''our anterior tihi.i' of the male and all tlie tihifP of the female yel I 4 obliquua 2 longimanuB '.'• validuB fi vIvlduB, nov 11 2 8 U 4 ft /.ir. () 8 sp. 7 Ow. I.w. Both the fore tihire of the male and th. four anterior tihiie of the female yellow. f) afBnis l.u\ VVintfs of the male with thickened costa. !) Wingrt of the male without a thirkenetl costa. 1(» ("ortta of the male vc ly mnch incrast>ated. 7 coBtalis /."•. (^osta of the male moderately incrassated. 8 Bubcostatus, nov. sji. Smaller species, with about three bristles on the upper side of the liind tibice. i) discolor l.w. Larger specie.s, with about live bristles on the upper side of the hind tibiae. 10 auratua /.»•. Aiitenn.-e entirely black. 11 pallipea /,'/'. First joint of the anteunje red. 12 p'oticornia, nov, .sp. 'W R'fK Systeimitirdl nrrnnrjement of the Species. I. Third joint of the antennie elongated. 1. cornutus, nov. sp. II. Third joint of the antennaB not elongated at all. A. Femora of a dark color. A. Ground-color of the palpi pale. 2. longimanuB f.w. 3. validus Lw. B. Ground-color of the palpi blackish. 1. Cilia of the tegulse black. 4. obliquua I tc. 6. vi vidua, nov. ap. 5. affinis Lw. 2. Cilia of the tegulw pale. •h IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^fvf ^ ^--/. ^ ^ko 6U 1.0 I.I 1.25 l^|2B |2.5 1^ 1^ 12.2 lAO 12.0 i.8 U IIIIII.6 V] of the first joint ; the hind tarsi are of a black-brown color. Cilia of the tegula; black. Wings ot the ustial structure i)eculiar to the genus ChnjsodDi, hyalint; with a gray tinge ; the small vein is before the middle of the wing and is short. JInb. Illinois. (TjC Baron.) Ob.-irrrafion. — This species is distinguished from all other sjie- cies of the genus Chrifsofus in a striking manner by the unusual elongation of the third joint of th" antennae, agrees, however, coin- ])letely in all other respects. I have hesitated to establish a new genus upon it, as but a single character constitutes its difference from Chrysotus, which character belongs proi)al)ly only to the mult. CHRYSOTl'S. 1(5 II, The third joint of the antknn.k not elongated at all. A. Femora of a dark color. A. Ground color of the palpi pale. !!i. €.'. longinianiis Lokw. -J, .— Viridis, nitens, palpis albis, tnrsis anterioribus tenuibus et loiigis. Green, shining, palpi white, tlie four anterior tarsi long and slender. Long. corp. (1.14. Long. ai. 0.14. Sy.v. Chri/sotus lofijliiianiis LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, (!2, 1. Sliiiiiufi^ lue-green metallic lustre, which is more distinct on the femora; Uie tij) of the fore coxie yellow, the tip of the posterior coxa; dusky-brown. On tiie anterior feet the tip of the femora, the tibiiu and the greatest part of the lirst joint of the tarsi are yellow ; the remainder of the unusually slender and long fore tarsi is dark brown ; the hind tibiie are yellow, but distinctly iiifuscatcd at the tip ; the hind tarsi are dark brown. The hair ui)on tlio feet is .short and the bristles very scarce. Cilia of the teguhe l)ale. Wings distinctly tinged with gray and with rather black veins. The posterior transverse vein is more distant from the Y')i)t of the wing than in most of the other species. Hah. Middle States. .i. 3. C< TaliflllS LoEW. 9- — Anreo-viridis, nitens, palpis flavis, basim versus nigricantibus, pedibus tlavis, fenioi'ibus i)()stiuis exi'epto apiue nigris, viridi-mieantibus, feuioribus anticis nigro lituratis. Qolden-green, sliining, palpi yellow, towards the basis blackish ; feet yel- low, hind femora with the exception of the tip bliick, with cn' lus- tre, the anterior femora strijjed with black. Long. corp. 0.1. J. Long. aL 0.13. SvN. Chrysotus »'«//(/«« LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, {j'i, 2. Golden-green, shining. Face for a female of moderate Itreadtli ; *;,';, ■ ; 'i IS if ■flfi'i 176 DII'TKUA (»F NOIITU AMK.KICA. [ I'AUT II. its c'uvcriiig witli wliitisli dust dt»os not cntiri'ly conccul tlic bhic- grccii jrroiui(l-<'t)l«jr ; tlio usual tniusverse swolliiig lies, as in ludst of the otlicr sju'cies, usually nitlier far heluw its middle; pulpi Inr a fcuuile of moderate size, yellowish and blaekish at the root. 'I'l:e third joint of the auteiiiia> eomjtaratively not larj^e, rather rounded. Front metnllie-fireen, with thin dnst and towards the vertex a lit- tle enlarjred. I'pjter side of the thorax only wltii thin, lirownish- yi'llow dust. Coxa; and hind fenntra Idaek with metallie-jrnen lustre, which is most rown veins. The posterior transverse vein approaches but little the root of the winjr, and is somewhat farther from it than in most of the >ther species. JJab. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken.) n. Ground color of the palpi blackish. 1. Cilia of the tegulse black. 4. C. obliqiHIS LoEW. % and $.— Viridia, nitena, tegnlarum ciliis nigris, feiiioiilms nigris viiidi-mil)li(jm', its upper margin iiiiich iiiDrc arclu'd than tho lower iiiarjriii, wliieli is aliiiust straijiht ; the arista is siil)apic"al. Front d I) iiictallK'-jrrci'ii, without a .!■ I' ■ .1 I ■• ),' i . L' ' ';.' .Mir" ■l '» • I. •. 180 DIPTKRA OF NORTH AMKIltCA. [I'AKT n. ruee broad for a iniilo, though a little luirrowor downwanl ; tlie (lust is of aljout the sauio eoloi* as the rest of the hotly, usuallv, liowever, souiewhat i>aler. I'alpi hiaek, of uiithlle size. The tiiinl joint of the uiiteuuiu suuill, kiiluey-shapetl, with an eiitinlv apieal arista. Front (juite opaijue on aeeount of its thick dust. Ti»e nietidlie-green ground-color of the upper side of the tlidrux l)econu>H iuore visil)le only when seen from behind. {Sculelliiui and abdomen less thickly covered with dust than the thorax, so that their metallic gnnuid-color becomes more apparent in most direc- tions. The hair ujion the aljdomen apjiears, in a reflected light, of a pale-browidsh color. Co.xa; and femora black, without a arallel with the third and ends rather exactly in the extreme ti\» of the wing ; the posterior transverse vein is almost at an ecpial distance from the extreme root and from the tip of the wing. Hab. Florida. Female. It resembles the male very much, only the dust upon tlie whole body is more thick and the green ground-color of the abdonu'ii less bright. The face is not very broad for a female ; its covering of thick dust has the same color as that on the rest of the body ; although the usual transverse swelling lies somewhat below the middle of the face, it is considerably higher than in the females of all the other species known to me, so that the face is divided by it into two almost equal parts. The wings have the same shape of equal breadth as in the male, show however no trace of a thickening on the fore margin. Hab. Maryland. (Osten-Sackeu.) \i \ ix^ CIUIYSOTIS. isl i M. I". silbcoslatllH, nov. sj). ^ . — Viridis, iH)lliiio raro ex fiisco iis, fciiioribus nii^ris, viricli-mifantilius, g(Miil>iH tiliiisiiiio tlavis, iiiiiiis ociilid (listjintibuii et iiUMli4 {larte l'osI.i) iiiodiuu iiicrii.sisiitd. (Jri'i'ii, sparstjly imivckmI with bniwuisli-gray dust ; Iciiiora })la(:k, with gri'nii liistrt! ; kiicis and tii)ia' ycllnw ; the I'/fS in the male sf|iaralcd, and the c^>^stu niodciattdy thickened. Long. corp. O.Oi). Long. al. O.dl*. Mi'lallif-;^n'('ii t»r hluc-^Tci'n, iiintn tlie tlutnix willi in»l vt'i-y tliick l»rf the wing; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is scarcely a little inflected, parallel with tlie third, and ends a little before the extreme tip of the wing; ))osterior transverse vein rather etpiidistant from the root and the tip of the wing. Hdb. Illinois. (Le Baron.) Ohtiervation. — C. i^iihcostnfus is easily distinguislied from tJic male of G. c(»i(alis by the smaller antenna', the less thickened cos*a, the thinner cover of dust, and the green nu'tallic lustre of the femora; from all other species it is distinguished by the thickening of the costa. .■^ ■ ^1 ■ '1^^ ! t l! '■ i u r. 4 M 'Sit I llii?^ llii'C: 182 ItllTKIlA <»F NdUTM AMKIIHA. />. CoMtn of thn iiiiilu not t]iick. <". diHC'Oloi' I.oKw. % ami 9. — Viiiilis, uitfiis, fcniorilms ((iin olnri- Ixis, i;tMiil)US, tibiiit vuiiiH4ii«! iiliiium thiviM, iiiuris oi.ulis tlistiuitiluis vi nliiloiiiiiie viuliiuoo. Shilling urtM-ii, also tin* femora; knet's, tibiii- ami veins of tlie winus v.l- low; eyes of tlu) niiile Ht'i>iiraU'il and itrt alidonu-n violut. Long. t(iii>. (t.Oi)-(t.l(t. Long. aL O.lO— (Ml. Syn. Chri/siilu.i ilisiolor Lokw, Neno Ht'itr. VIII, (if), (i. Mtilr. Sliiiiiiij^ jrrocii. The face rallicr broiid for ii iiialc. 11 lit! It' iiarntwcr tttwanls the Inttttnii, witli ycllow-ffrayisli or lailn r wliito-jrrayisli dust upon grccii p,-n)Uii(l. i'alpi rallicr siiiall. Mack. The third jitint of tlic aiitcmiii; not very hirjuc with an apical uri>la. Front with rather tliick Itrownish-ycilow (hi>t upon {irccii jirnund. The upper iis of th(! first segment and tlie lateral iimrgin stecl-ltliic or l)lue-grccii. (,'oxa^ hlaek-grecn. Femora dark metallic-g-recn. The tip of all the fenn»ra and the tibia) yellow; the four anterior tarsi bccnme dusky from the basis so gradually that it is dillicult to state where the infiiscation begins; on the hind tarsi the yellow coloring ex- tends much farther, so that only the last joints exhibit a distinet dusky tinge. The imlvilli are rather large, esjiecially on the fore tarsi. The hairs and bristles upon the feet are everywhere very short, on the tibiie and tarsi yellowish, with the exception of the stronger bristles at tlie tip of the middle tiltiic. The cilia of llu; tegruhe are pale. "Wings hyaline, scarcely a little tinged with grray, with lutcous veins, which ))ecome a little nuiredark towaiils the tip of the wing; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is parallel to the tiiird and ends exactly at the tij) of the wing; the posterior transverse vein lies rather exactly in the mitl- dle between tlio extreme root and the tip of the wing; the anal angle of the wings is rather ])rotruding. Fcmah'.. It dilfers from the male by the following nmrks : The face broader, but not too nmch for a female ; the usual transverse swelling is far below its middle. The third joint of the antennaj somewhat smaller than that of the male. The abdomen goltlen- V.' \il CIlUY.snTIS. Is;{ The pulvilli of ali friTcii, williont imy trine of u vinlit colnriiifr. IIh' liirsi niM! very siiiall. Jlah. Middle States. (Oslcii-Sackcii.) lO. ('. aiirallls Lnmv. 9 • — Viridin, thorncit et noutellonurntiH, pollina lutfsoMiti! suli(>]);u'is, ffiiioniiii iilt;i(>i'iiiii i\\wy'. tibilHijuu uuinibuit tluvis, fat'iu liitiu.sculii alliiilo-iiolliiiosa, j)itliiis iiigris. CirctMi, thninx niid scutulluni gildetl, Hiiiiifwliat dull on acruunt uf a liitfous (lust; thu tip of tlif black t'ciiiuru uiid all tliu tibiiu ^ullow ; thu rather broal faoo cuvurud with whito dust; paliii black. Long. corp. U.ll. Long. id. (I. II. Svs. Cliry-otiis niiriilns Lop.w, Neuo Ht-itr. VIII, (if), 7. Mc'taHic-jfrci'ii. Face even fur a female ratlier broad, with {rray-white dust ; the usual transverse swelliuf; lies very far lielow its middle. I'aljii Idaek. The third Joint of the uidennte rather largo for a feunile. with eomparatively lonj:; hair. Front pildeii- ffreen, rather dull on aeeouut of a yellowish dust, (»nly a lilth; Itroader upwards. The ujiperside of the thorax ffreenish-jridtlen, lint thiekly covered with yellow dust and tliereiure opaijue. Cnlur and dust of the sciitcllum the same as those of the tln»ra.\. Alido- men of a purer mtdallic-j^reeii and with less dust, near the Itasis Jisually more golden-green. Coxiu hlack, the extreme tip of the first joint and the second joint of the fore eoxiu yellow, the second joint of the hind coxio yellowish-hrown. Fcnnira black with in- distinct green or bronze-colored metallic lustre; the tip of the four anterior femora is to a larger, and that of the himl femora to a snniller extent, yellovv. The tibiju and the tarsi have the same c(dor, but the latter, towards their end, gradually l)ecome dusky. The hair ujjon the feet is everywhere very short, and the bristles very scarce. Cilia of the teguhe pale. Wings soimnvhat grayish with brown veins , the posterior transverse vein lies about midway between the extreme root and the tij) of the wing. IJab. New York. (Osten-Sacken.) B. Femora of a pale color. 11. r. pallipps LoKW. I and 9.— Viiidis, nitens, coxis auticis pe- dil)UsqHe flavis. Shining green, the fore coxJC and the feet yellow. Long. corp. 0.09—0.10. Lonp. al. 0.10—0.11. Byx. Chrynotua paUipcs LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, G6, 8. 4 1 \ ■ f t'] l>it lill'TMt \ OK Niiinil AMKIMCA. [I'AIIT II. llfitli scvcs ri'>;riiililt' ciK'li ((IIht very iiiiirh. M('tiillic->fn'cii. sliiiiiiijr. TIk' fyes uf llic nialc mccl aliunst (•(iiniilctcly, so that tlir lai-c appfars sniall, liiifar ; in tlic It'iiiulc it is lu'oailcr ami has tlic usual traiisvcrso swt'lliii};' far l»t'h>\v its niiddh'. 'riic dust upon it is white in both sexes. Tlie palpi are rat her small and eovered with whitish dust so as to t'oneeui tlie ffroiind-ecdor, whieh appears to ite iiioi'i! Yellowish than hiaekish. The third joint of the an- tenini' is not lai'fjre, (>veii in the males, and liut litth; ohliipu'. Front green, rather dull IVoiu whitish dust. The upper side of the; thora.v has a tlistinet whitish dust, whieh however does iKtt <'oiieeul the ;rroiind-c(;>iil)as(iU(i lliivi.s. Small, bronze-green, nindeiately liright ; tlio eyes contiguous below the an- teniijc ; joint of the iinteniiio red; foro coxie ami the feet yellow. Long. corp. U.08. Long. al. 0.08. Very small, bronzc-prccn, moderately shininp. The eyes con- tifruous helow the nntennu'. Tin; antennie small, the first joint red, the following two black, the third rather small and a little oblicjue ; arista apical. Fore eoxa; and feet somewhat brownish- yellow. The tij) of the hind femora on the upper side and all the tarsi from the tip of the first joint, brown. The hind tibiju arc fringed (»n the upper side only with a few delicate, not very con- spicuous bristles, and show a dusky tinge at the tip. The color of the cilia of the teguhe I cannot ](ositively state. Wings of the usual structure, grayish-hyaline with brownish-black veins ; the posterior transverse vein is rather short and lies before the middle of the surface of the wings. Jiab. Illinois. (Le Baron.) Observation. — This description is made only after a single spe- 11 \.d- TKtTIIol'ltiiUrS- SYMI'YCXrH. Is-i ciincii, iuhI will pniltalily r)M|iiii'r smiic curiTrliun ; tin- cnldr nf the tii'st J'>iiit of tilt' iiiili'tiiiic is so fliiiniclci'isiir I'ur ilii>t >|ii'('ioH, that tlu'iT is at) ])r*)l)al)ility of its luMii^i^ iiiistakrii l\>v aiiotluT. Oen. XXXI. TF.I C IIOPIIOKl M. The fjcims Titiihuithitrii!< rciiiaiiis liitlicrlo niii(iii»' are cnrved and adorned in various manners. ISesides, in all the hitherto known species, the costa of the male is thickened in the same manner us that of the previously deserilx'd ('. ii).i/iilis. The other churucters of the genus coincide with those of C/iri/- SdluS. The name of the penus (from ffixoi, armor, and ^t\'u, I hear) has proliably reference to the peculiar orj^ans with which the nude is provided. Oen. XXXII. SYMPYCXl'S. Charnrfvrs. Small, In;* little shii\infr species, of a rather slender shape. The face is not narrower upwards. Antenna' rather small, in the fennde shorter than in the male ; the first joint with- out hairs; the arista is inserted upon the edjre of the third joint in the vicinity of its basis. The metathora.v is not unusually pro- trudiiiLC nor (doii,L'ate(l. The altdonien of the nuile is more or less compressed laterally. The hypopy^ium is snnill, more or less im- bedded ; its outer ap}»en(la and tiieir lirst joint without 1)ristles. Tlie jrenns Si/nij)i/riins stands in the (dosest proximity to Anc})- siux, is, however, very easily distin,i,Miishe(l from it ))y the ffhibrons- iiess of tJK! lirst joint of the; anteinue. Amoii}; the {i'enera whieh liavc no iiair upon tlie lirst joint of the antennae, Xdiilliixlihinitt, 'TcuclitijiJiiirus and (Jdiiijisiciiciniis are the next to it; they dilVer from Si/iiij)>/cn IIS ])y ilm following elniracters : 1. XdntJioclilnrus liy the depression on the ](osterior end of the thorax and the pre- vailing' yellow color of tlie body and of the bristles upon the thorax; '?. TciivJiDiiliorKH liy the steeper positit)n of the posterior transverse vein, the thiekenin<^ of the eosta in the male, the isolated and strikinji'ly strong bristles ui)oii the feet and the entirely hidden liypopyjj:iuiii ; .'J. CantiixicuoiiKu by the elon>tematic(il urrnnijemvnt of the Species. I. The fourth longitudinal vein ending before the tip of the wing. 1. tertianus, n. sp. II, The fourth longitudinal vein ending into the tip itself. 2. frontalis f.w. 18T 4. nodatUB Lw. b. lineatus Liv. Dcscrljilion of the Sjiecie.-i, I. The fourth lonuitldinal vkin knuinu befoue the tip of THE AVINU. 1. S. tl'I'tiailUS, iiov. sp. % and 9- — ^''^ cinereo viresceus, suh- opacus, thorace non liiicato, duolnis i)riuiis antennaruni artiuuiis, jial- pirf, ventre, coxis iiedilju.sque dilutissiuie ilaviuantibus, tarsis inde ab artieuli prinii apice nigri(;antibus. 1 . Articulo tarsorum postiuoruni tertio abbreviato et prope apicem pilis paulo longioribus liirto. 9. I'edibus siniplieibus. Gray-greenish, ratlier dull ; thorax without dark lines ; the first two joints of the antennie, palpi, venter, coxic and feet pale-yellowish ; the tarsi from the tip of tht; first joint blackish. ^ . The third joint of the hind tarsi shortened and rough on account of some longer hairs near the tip. 9. Feet pliiin. Long. corp. 0.10. Long. al. 0.1(». Dark frniyish-f^rccH, 1 ithor dull. The front seems to I)e of tlie same color. Face fjrayish. J'alpi and the lirst two joints of the antenna' wliite-yellowisli ; tlie third joint blackish, in Iiotli sexes rather rounded. Arista in both sexes plain. A'enter whitish-yel- low as far as its tip. The liyp<>pyedded ; its lancet-shaped e.vterior lamelho small, but distinctly percejitiljle and of rather dark color. The posterior maru'in of the j)leuric and the coxa' wliite-\ell(»wish ; the four posterior coxa; near the Iiasis more or less i'lfuscated. Feet wlnte-yellowish, with Idack, somewhat scattered hairs, on the middle and the hind til)ia> with a few black bristles. The tarsi from the tip of the first joint very much infuscate(|, the hind tarsi from the same spot almost entirely black. 'I'he joints of the fore tarsi of decreasin; Icnj^'th in both sexes. The first joint of the hind tarsi is, in both sexes, a little shorter than i! \m.' m WM\ . 1'' '^K^^. . ^ Hv K "ill B: ' •H'. ■ »* ■ S»". f ■ ■ fm ■ ;llll m 1 - :■■( .;'«i , '-; . icr, ..1 188 PTPTERA OP NORTH AMERICA. [part ir. tlie second; tlio rullowiiig joints niv, in the female, of deereiisinj^ lenji'tli ; in the mule the third joint is sumewhat shorter than the fourth, and at its end, on the posterior side, l)eset with lonjrer blaek hairs. Wings towards the basis very much narrowed ; the posterior transverse vein is before the middle of the disk of the wing, Ijut rather exactly in the middle between the extreme root and the tip of the wing; the fourth longitudinal vein ends some- what before the extreme tip of the w;Mg; in the female, however, at a very small distance from it. JIab. Sitka. (8alilberg.) II. The fouutii lonuitudixal vein ending into the tip of THE AVINO. S* S. frontalis Loew. % and 5*. — ^'ig^icalls, fronte lajte violaceo splendente, auteiinis totis nigris. Blackish ; the front bright violet ; the antenna! entirely black. Long. Corp. 0.11. Long. al. 0.12— U.13. Syn. Sijmpi/cnuH frontalis Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, G7, 1. Face in the fcnuile of moderate breadth, in the male below very narrow, towards the antenna? broader, with white dust, so that the blue ground-color becomes very little visible. Antenme black, larger than in the next following species ; the first joint rather long ; the third joint only with a very short pubescence, larger and ovate in the male, smaller and rather rounded in the female. Front bright steel-blue or violet. Cilia of the inferior orbit whitish. Upper side of the thorax dull on account of a thick gray-brownish dust, nevertheless the green or blue ground-color is distinctly visible through the dust. The scutellum is of the same color as the upper side of the thorax, and has no hairs besides the usual bristles. Abdomer b'ack or greenish-black, the second segment usually with a comi)lete or almost comi)lete yellowish transparent transverse band, the third segment with one, which is interrupted in the middle ; moreover the first and fourth segments arc usually yellowish-transparent on the lateral margin. The venter is always white-yellowish. The hypopygium, of the s iue color as the abdomen, is somewhat larger than in the other species of this genus known to me, and but very little im- bedded ; its outer appendages are so small and hidden that I can- not distinctly porceive their shape. The posterior margin of the IJiL SYMPVCNUS. 189 plcuroj, all the coxre and the feet yolluwisli. Fore coxik only with j»ale hairs. The foiiiura Iiavo, besides the usual small bristles im- mediately before the tip, no other bristles. The fore tibiie are without bristles, the middle and hind tibia; with but few In-istles. The fore tarsi are more or less infuscated towards their tip ; in the female the joints are of decreasing length, the first nearly as long as the three following together ; in tiie male, on the contrary, the first joint is extremely shortened and not (piite as long as the last one, the second almost as long as the two following together, the third considerably slujrter than the fourth joint, which latter is fringed on its upper side with little curved hairs. The joints of the middle tarsi, which towards their end become more and more dusky, are of decreasing length in the fenmle ; in the male their first joint is considerably longer than the following four joints together, the second as long as the following three together, the third and fourth of almost e(|ual length, but very short, on the anterior side bearded with delicate little fringe-like hairs; the fifth joint is somewhat more slender than the two preceding joints and almost as long as these taken together. The hind tarsi, from the tip of the first joint, are more or less infuscated, the first joint much shorter than the second, and the following joints of decreas- ing length in both sexes. The teguhe with pale-yellowish cilia. Wings rather long and narrow, but moderately pointed towards the root, in the fenmle less tinged with gray than in the male ; the fourth longitudiiml vein is parallel with ii."e third and ends rather exactly into the tip of the wing; the posterior transverse vein is perpendicular and lies before the middle of the wing. Hah. Pennsylvania. (Osten-Sacken.) 3. S. lineatlis Loew. % and 9 ■ — Cinerens, fronte nigrd, antennarnm basi, sciitt'Ui margine, ventre pedibusque Uavis. Gray, front black ; the root of the antenna*, the marpin of the scutellnm, the venter and the feet yellow. Long. corp. 0.10 — 0.11. Long. al. 0.11—0.12. Syn. Sym/iyrniis Uneatua Loew, Neue Boitr. VIII, 67, 2. Brownish-cinereous, opacpie. Face c '••■• -i with whitish dust upon black ground ; in the female it is rather narrow, in the male so much narrowed that the eyes are contiguous on the lower part of the face. Palpi rather blackish. AntenniB rather short, the 1^ ! ; ( 1 * t. ■ 1 - ,i ,' I n m\ ■^n :C"-:n^ , ■i.flv'ii.:* i1 ■ ' -'■.** ^:\i- ■ 'i ■ '. "i ^ '■' l')0 DIl'TKUA (IF NCtUTir A^IKUICA. [I'AliT ]I. third joint smaller than in the next proced •;■.;: specios, in tho \\\\ chmtr'atcd-ovatc, in llio female eonsiderahlv shorter, in both sex xes with a hasal arista; the lirst joint is always of a yellowish eolur, the two followinir ])aler or darker brown, sometimes rather black- ish. Front blaek. Cilia of the inferior orbit pale. Upper side of the thorax brownish-cinereous, entirely uj)a(iue ; the humeral eorner usually brownish-yellow ; on its upper side there are several dark Ioii. Face of tlu! iiialo vitv nnrrow, upwards a little broader, with white (lust ; tiie faee of the feuiale much l)roatili!y narrowed Itelow, jiiul much less thickly (histed, so that the i'lack frround-e(dor is distinctly apparent. Antenuic of a stouter struc- ture, and even a little larjrer than in S. /'roiitalis ; the first joint rather lonristles, but they arc mostly very sht;rt ; in the male there is oik; bristle on the nnder side, not far from the l)asis, \vhieh is rennirkaltle for its lenj^th. Tiie fore tarsi have l';the lenji'th of the tibia'; in the nnile the lirst joint is very iiineh shortened and not as lone second at least as long as the third and fourth together, llal- teres yellowish. Teguhe with a narrow black margin ; their cilia appear yellowish in a reflected light, seen towards the light, however, blackish, in the female even often Idack. Wings grayish hyaline, in the male with the posterior margin somewhat wavy, and towards the basis much more pointed than in the female ; the fourth longi- tudinal vein is parallel to the third and ends precisely at the tip of the wing ; the posterior transverse vein is perpendicular and lies upon the middle of the wing. JIab. Illinois. (Le Barou.) liii'-,-/ CAMP.sic :r,:.iu8. m Gen. XXXIII. CAIVIPSICWCMrS. Chai-arters. The first joint of the antennae without hairs on tlic upper side ; the third more or less pointed, distinetly hairy ; the arista inserted on its l)aek, near the basis. Faee npwaros very narrow, especially in the male. The metatliorax is flonjrated ; tlie abdomen flattened. Tlie snmll hypopyginm inibi'ddod ; its appenilaj^es extremely small. Feet slender; the first joint of the hind tarsi witlutut bristles. The males are usually remarkai)le by the peculiar structure of their tibiie and often also of the tarsi. The last se face oclirc-^cllow ; wiiiiis iiifiiscafcd. with n Mack sjiot tipiiii tlie liiHt Hfgiiieiit of tli» fuurtli l()iii;itii)liii:il win ; (nm cuxw ici yt't (»nly in (he rcinule sox, l)Ut the extnionlinarv mi'l |K'<'ul!:ir tlui- rncters of wiiich rendered the cstal)lishnient <-t' u new genus neees- sury. The whole hiihitns nj)i>roaehes tlie species of G'/innojifi-r- vijn and I'cliniloiu'Krtai most, dilVers, however, fnnii both liy tl'e lirst joint of the antenme heinj? entiivly without iiairs and liy tiie posterior transverse vein havinj; ^n iinusnally ol»li(pie position ; from (ri/iini(>j)ffrin(n it dill'ers ni treover l»y tiie course of the la>t sojfinent of tiie fourth lontH'iir>i,'\ The peculiarities (if the fcnnile seem to indicate that the ii' popygium of the male is disenjrnjicd. The estalilisliment of th • characters of this geims on so scanty materials ])resents nniny (illiculties. I believe, however, that the followiuff nmy l»e regarded at least ns a temporary delinitimi. Tiie first joint of the antciiiuv without hairs, the second not reach- ing tliuml)-like over thij third, on the uj>per side nuich longer than on the under sid' ; the third joint short, without distinct hair an(' with a dorsal arista. The ]iosterior transverse vein very ol)li(pie ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein runs much forward in its ec jiid portion and ends in the vicinity of the third longitudinal vein, so that the first posterior cell hecomes very mirro>v near iLs end. The first joint of the hind tarsi is without bristles. The name of ' iie genus (from nxoiyioj, oI)li((ne, and vtvpov, the nerve) has reference to the extraordinary oblitiucness of the pos- terior transverse vein. « \-.U 1. p. Iinivittatus Loew. 9- — Viridis, thoracis vit(a mediA alulo- ininisiiue fasciis lati.s purjuireis, aiitennis jyediliusqiie nijiiis, feiuorilmrt viresceiitibus, geiiibus tibiarun)(jae ant»^iioium basi testaceia, alia cinerei.s. • Green, middle stripe of the thorax and broad bands of the abdomen of a purple color ; antennfe and feet black, the knees and the basis of the four anterior tibiae dusky yellow ; wings gray. Long. corp. 0.25. Long, al. 0.23—0.24, Syn. Plnijionniriiit imiriUdtiis LoEW, Wien. Ent. Mon. I, 43. — Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII. 69. ' M" ^ \ ![• PT.ACnoNElIirS. lf>7 I'lU'c iiut very hrntid fur a fciiiiilc. snmcwlint clcvntt'd, ii|inii its larirtT upper purl willi an improsctl nrHldlc lint- ; the >iiiallir, cdii- vcx liiwcr part is srparali'il IVmiii the upper part liy a transver>« swelliuf?, iuniiiiplelc in its niitldle ; the dense, almost silvery-wliilo dust, enneeals a jrreat deal of tlie ^ruund-eolor of the f'aee, An- tenuiu Idaek. The third joiut with a short, liut sharp lip; thu arista rather strong', with a very short lait dislinet pulit seeuee. Front Itri^iht nielallie hlue-frreen. The cilia on the uppi'r orliit lilaek. on ihe entire lateral and lower orl)its white. 'I'lntra.x n»e- tallie-^rreen, only on the lore and lateral luariiin with a litthi whitish dust, upon the niichllu with a not very sharply detined longitudinal stripe, which in some directions ap)»<'ars more l)la<'k, ill others more l)rown and pur|)le, soinetinns of a lieantirnl cinna- nion-browii color. Scutelhim inetallic-jrreen, with the usind two strong bristles, otherwise ]>are. On the segments of the al)doineii the two lirst thirds have a dark, the last third a more ))ale color; the color of the former i)art shifts from black, throngli bronze- brown into a boatitifiil dark vi(det ; on the lust third the color is chielly metallic-green, nevertheless it changes on the anterior part into stccl-l)lue, and on the hind nnirgin of the segment into golden- green or almost, a co|)pery color ; on the lateral margin the last third of the segments is coveri'(| with winte dust. Coxa' Ijlack with a rather dusky-green lustre; the forenu)st with white dust, clothed with delicate white little hairs, and at the tip wiili a few black bristles. Feet black; femora, with green .K.^tre; knees brownish-yellow ; this coloring extends on the fore tibiii; as far as the middle, on the middle tibhe as far as the first third, while on the hind feet it is confined to the tip of the knee. The femora liave on the under side from the basis almost as far as the tip, erect, but short, whitish hairs ; otherwise their hair is black; mid- dle and hind femora have on the front side before the tip a few insignificant black bristles. The hair u]>on the til)iio is altogether black, very short, only on the u])]»er side of the hin k t :i •i ■' :.J! f*k ;'? .■f"! H '.■.■.1:1 ■: ;'r , i VI' 1 IS" 19S DII'TKIIA OF NORTH AMiaiirA. [I'AKT It. tnwanls the fn»iit, sn us tn cimI nitlicr fur rnmi the lip of tlu' wiiijr ill the vifiiiity iirtlii> third li. Tlio (rctins riiinralux slinws tin? closest rclafifiiisliij) to tlio frciicra Scrlhii^ uimI //iiilro/i/mrus. It aj^rccs with tliciii in tin- rollowiiiff cliuractcrs : Tiu' Ixidy in jrciicral is l)osct willi ncitlitf iiiiiiicroiis nor lon>f liristlcs. Wiiijfs t'lon)fat«'(l ; tlic posterior transverse vein very elosely npproxiiniited to tlie marfrin of the winj;; feet ehiiifrated and slender; the first j(»int of the hind tar>i on the upper side willntiit bristles, not shorter than the second, lint in the majority of tlie species, loiijrer. Fa<'e in l»oih se.xes l)roud, provided with a small tnl)erele npon the lowest third of each side of thoorhit, and with an indistinct swelling' running' from one tnliercle to the other. Antenniu rather j^hort, the first joint witlmnt hairs; the apparently Ijare arista dorsal, distinctly two- joinled. The hypopyuinni (tf tln^ male iiiihedded. The aliove mentioned three n'enera diller sufliciently from the other freiiera of the Jhtlii Iiii(hf Ity the altovi; stated characters, which they have in coninion. The jjeiins Liancnlun in particular, however, dilVers from Sirlhiit and I/i/tlrniihonift in the followinjr jioints : 1. All the femora are slender and unarmed, while the {renera of S<-cllu>i and Hndrdji/ioriix have the femora very much thickened toward the basis, which at least in the males, is armed on the under sido ; 2. The sejrnH.uts of the uialomeu are beset with bristles before the posterior marjrin, which is nut the case in the s|)ecies of Srrlliia and of J/i/drophoriis. The freiins Liantaliis contains as yet only three European and one North American species. They form two g'i litis riTcroiKT to tlif uiianncd Ton; I't'i't, by wliicli it is (listiiiguishtHi from llic next rt'lulcU gciiuru of Svellua und Jli/dru^jliurus. I. li. KCIIllHliH LoEW. % und 9- — V'ir<>s(;«-ii8, tlmrnciH lineix (|uiittinr iilMloiiiiiiiMiiiii! fjiKciiM oliHcurir*, |i»iili()UH ex iiigro viridihux, gciiiliui* IIhvis, aliit iiiiii'is iiiiiuulil upiuiili iiigiu, guttuiu fiiiulitluiu iiicluilttntf, oinutirt. (i iiisli, four liiu'S upon tlu' thorax, iiinl tlitt ImiulM upoii the nli(loni»'n (lark, fi'i't lllacki^'l•-gr»'^•ll witli ^t-llow kiif«',s ; llin tip t»f llie wiiii? in tli»» TiiiilH witli !i liliK k Mpot, wiiicli contains ii snuw-wliilu drop. Lung. uorp. (i.:2(J— 0.28. Long. ul. o.:ii. Sv.N. Lidntulus yennutis Lokw, Nfue ndtr. VIM, 70, 1. (Mosi'ly rclntcd to tlic Kiin>|n'aii A. r//v'//s Scop, and very iiiucli like it, tiioiijrli dilVcring froin it in tlic nciiration and the iiicturi' of the wiiijrs, as also l)y the frreatiT Iciijfth of the lilifonii appcnd- u^e.s of the niut'-jircenish, soinewhat jrray from pah' tlust. Face jrreeii or l)liie with rather \vhiti>h dust, which, how- ever does not conceal the >rround-cidor. Tim larp- black palpi, fringed with black and conipnratividy htuji; hair, when seen from the sid(!, usually appear entirely fjray-yellowish on account of tlu; dust, with which they are covered. Front jrreeii and somewhat spotted witii whitish dnst. Anteniue entirely black. The cilia of tile posterior orbit black aiiove, whitish ijclow. The upjier side of the thora.x has two narrow, linear loiijiiliidinal stripes, separated i>y a reddish-frray middle line; these stripes are rather black in fully colored specimens ; there are Ix'sides two lateral stripes, the posterior ]»art (tf which is bifurcated near the trans- verse suture. Thus, not much is left of the beautiful blue-jjreen color, except two l)road longitudinal stripes, bearing the stronger bristles. Sciitellum with si.x bristles, as in A. virciiti. The ab- domen is jirovided with broad, cop|»er-colorcd or l)roiize-l)rown, sonietiuies almost black, transverse bands, on the jtoslerior margin of the segments; on the edge of these' Itands the ground-color of the alMloineii changes often into yellowish-green. ('o.\a', femora and tibia; metallic! black-green ; the knees yellow ; the tarsi black. Fore ct).\ie elongated, cylindrical, on the front side with long whitish hair, at the tip *■■' fv- ^.:;..:j| ■: .■'■'4 200 inrrKUA ov N(»KTii A>!i:in("A. [lAI-.T II. Wiiifrs with l)Iiick veins, liviiliiic, in tlic fVniiilc with Init fVw irrc- ffiiliu' j?ray spots upon the iipiciil Inill', in llic nialc niDrcuvcr n(;ir tin' tip uilli a few ,- near tlic end ot' tiic ionrlli lontrilutlinal vein antcrioiiy a i-onnd drop, wiiicli, llu- Ijnlit ralliiif? 'irou}j:l» it, l>as a snow-while relh-etion ; on the anterior nnir};i;i of this (h'op, in the Idaek, there is always a smal! paler spot. The oiitliiu' of the win^s in the male dilVers eonsideralijy from tlnit of tiie female, heiiiu; not oidy imrrower, hut also sinnated on their whole jtosterior nnir;:-in in a peeidiar nninner. 'I'lie ex- terior ap|)endafres of the short hiaek hypopyj>-iuin are two very loni; threads, which reach liaek almost as far as the hasis of the al»di>nien, and whieh are beset on their whole k'ngth with very h)nelonjrs to the males of some species, they are more slender than the fore feet ; fore femora thickened towards the hasis, on the under side with nume- rous hristles; fore tiltia* on the under side with bristles, elonjrali'd at the end into a larfr«' tooth, which is still lar), mm M* ' i : ; ■'I. ■ ■: .1 ■ I ■■ i'„ ■ ■ . i ■ ' ." '/'■'• *-.' ■ 7 litn- '!(<■ ..' 202 DirTF.UA OF Nr.r.TU a:\:;::!I(\v. [part II. sixili iilinost entirely obi iterated or existing only as but u short riKJiniciit. Jii till! genus Lianraliis we have already mentioned the eharac- ters wliieh this genus has in eduinion with I^ccIIks and Hydm- phoius, as als(j those which distinguish Scelliis from Liaiualiis ; to the latter nniy be added the jiresenee of the two ajuiendagi-s, peculiar to the nndes of t^ct'ltua. The presence of these apj)end- i\^v^ also distinguishes the species of Scellus from Ilijdroplmru.-i, where they are entirely wanting. ^Moreover the under side of the fore femora and of tlie fore til)iie in the species of SccUn.-i is besot wilii long spines, catching into each other when the knee is bent, while in the species of JJijdro/ilioni.s there are at the utmost some spine-like bristles on the under side of the fore femora near the basis, otherwise the under side of tlie fore femora and of the fore tildic is only beset with very short thorn-like l)ristles. 'I'lie name of the genus (from oxfxxoj, with crooked feet) has reference to the peculiar structure of the fore feet. 1 kn<»w as yet only si.\ species of SrelliDi, of which three are peculiar to North America, one is common to Europe and North Anjerica, and two are e.vclusively Eurojjean ; one of the latter species, occurring in Sweden, is as yet undeseribed. i ;'■■■ ^ ^;-. Table for the determination of the Species, , ( Wings entirely blackened. ( Wings not entirely blackeneil. 2 ( Apical half of tlie wings black. ( Apical half of the wings not blai:k. o ( Wings entirely tinged with blackish gray. I Wings scarcely a little tinged with gray. 1 ezustus Will/:. 2 spinimanus /^ '■ :5 3 avidus, n. sp. 4 filifer, n. sp. Dcscrijiliiin of the S/iecifx, 1« S. exiistlis Walk. ^ and 9- — Thoracis dorso aeneo-nigro opaoo, al)domiiio cupreo, latera versus viridi, nitidissimo, halt^iribus nigris, alls nigricantilius atlversus costani nigris, latnellis analilms maris alhis, ill basi uigiis, apicem versus flavis, in suninio aj)ice puneto nigro notatis. The upper siile of the tliorax bronze-lilaek, opaijue ; the abdomen f'opi)er- colore.i, laterally green, very bright ; halteres lilack ; wings blackish, towaids the fore margin entirely black ; the anal appendai,"'s of the male are white, near tlie root black, towards the tip yellow, at tho extreme tip with a black spot. Lung. corp. 0.22. Loutj. al. 0.2tJ. 'v*' BCKLLLS. 203 Sy.n. Miditerux cxiistus Wai.kkh, Ijipt. S.iiiiul. 211. Si I Has (jiixliin LoKW, Nt'tie Ik'itr. Vlll, 71, 1. jMdlc. Ijlack. Tlio faco ratlu-r narrow, o])ain itself then^ is a broad lonjritndinal strijjc covered with white dnsl. Scutellum with two l)ristles, opacpic ujton the middle, with a thin, almost im- ])erceplil)le coat of white dust, briji'ht on tin; sides. I'leunu bronze-black, on the upper half with a dusky copper-colored reflec- tion, on the lower half with a thin j;-ray-whitish dust. Alxlomen l)rillianl coppery-red, in a certain lijz;hl ii ai)pears i)rass-colored upon the posterior segments, in an ol)li(iue direction even jrreen ; its first seninent almost reddish-violet. The upper appi'iidiifjes, )>ecnliar to the males of Sccllux, are of a very considerable lenjrlli, white, near the root black, somewhat eidarjred at the tip, curved towards each other and of a yellow color, at the extremi; tip black and i)rovided with a tid't of pale hairs, which are turned back- wards. CoXie black, with a thin white-frrayish dust, the foremost with extremely short pale hairs, with a few stiff l)lack little hairs and near the ti|) with a few black bristles. Feet black, the femora more m;'tallie f>'reen-black, with copjjcry reflections; the tore femora but short, very uim-h thickened, toward the basis on the whole under side beset with bristles of different len,trth, on the an- terior side with a row of stift" black l)ristles ; middle femora elon fyated, thin, gently curved, on the under side almost entirely bare; the hind femora near the basis of the under side are enlarired into a hirjre blunt appeiulage, l)eset with larjre black spines, lu'vond this appendage there is an arch-like excision; then again they are stouter and beset on the under side with l)lack bristles. The fore til)ia', which are comparatively stout, bear on thi; front side, not far from the basis, a stout black thorn, their tip is elongated ;nt(» a coarse tooth and their under side, which is beset with black bristles, has sonn-what bcfure this tooth a small excision ; mithlle tibiie long ami rather slender; their first half has only three short bristles; the second is fringed on the front sich; with a row of short black bristles ; upon the posterior side somewhat beyond tho I.--, i -i 'f • 'il \^r: -'"111 I ■' ■! •'••.. 204 niPTKIlA OF NORTH AA.KHICA. [>• AiiT ir. middle, tliorc are a few lonp; black bristles, and between ll ICSC iind the tip (tf the til)ia, some lou^-, eiiily iilack hairs. The hind tibia; are niueh stronger than tlie middle tiliiie, their lirst half is st(»utcr than the seeond and the front side l)efore the tip is armed with a strong black bristle. Tarsi jtlain, their joints of decreasing length, the lirst joint of the middle tarsi with a few bristles. Ilalteres ])rownish-black. Wings bli! kish, all their veins l)roadly margined with black ; the nuirgins of the costa and of the lirst fonr longitu- dinal veins are entirely conlliient, so that the anterior part of tlio wings apjiears altogether lilack ; upon the ndddle of the i)oslerior transverse vein and u])on the curve of the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein there is a black sjxjt ; the costal cell is of a dark brown color. Female.. The only female which I possess, is not as well pre- served as the described male, especially the characters of the face cannot be recognized with certainty; I would therefore recall the circumstance, that the face of most of the fennvles of Sirllioi is less yellow than in the males. The first joint of the anteiiuie in the female is considera)»ly shorter than that of the male. Fore femora and fore til)iie less stout, though the tip of the latter has also a dentiform, but less stout elongation ; their under side has no excision before this tooth and the front side of the tibia- no thorn. Middle femora not curved, on the larger half of their under side with a few sparse bristles. Midille tibia' plain, upon the lirst half with a consideral)le number of black bristles, upon the latter })art of the posterior side without the curly hairs which are found in the male. ]lind femora jtliiin. slender, towards the tij) but very little stronger, upon the second part of tlie under side with about si.x rniher strong black bristles. Hind tibiie without the strong bristle which, In the males, exists at the tip of the front side. Ilab. Middle States. (Osten-Sacken) ; Illinois. (Le Baron.) "Z, S. spininianUS Zktt. % .uid 9. — Thoracis dorso obscure spneo, albido-jKitliuoso, opaco, aV)(loniine ex viridi cupreo, iiitido, lialteribus subfuscis, alls iiigris, basi et costre diniidi.'e limbo gu>)albidis. iiiargine postico into cinereo, lamellis analibtjs maris albis, basim versus infra nigro-marginatis, apicein versus llavis, in suiuuio apice puncto fusco iiotatis. The upper side of the thorax dusky bronze-colored, with whitish dust ; SCKLLUS. 205 aliilonicn coppery- green, briglit ; halteres lirowniVh : wirfrs Mack, tliouph tilt! mot and the iiiargiii of half the costa is whitish, the whole posterior iiiaruiii «ray ; anal ajipemlages of the male white, towanls the hasin on tlie under siile with a hlack margin, towards the tip yellow, at the ex- treme tip marked with f hrown spot. Long. corp. (LIT). Long. al. 0.1'.'. Syn. l/ijilro/ihoni.-i iiotdhm Zkitkksi ki>t, Ins. Lapp. 701, 4, //( olm. llijilidjihorua sjiiiumnniiii ZKTiKusrKirr, Dipt. Scand. II, 44.'), .I. Moh\ Blackish hroii/.e-culonMl. Tlie fmn- is ('(mijtnralivcly a littio Iti'uader tiian in S. e.rttstus, covoitmI vvitli brifrlit (tcliro-ycllow (lust and opa'jue. Antonmu Idack. Front with whitish tlust. The fri'oinul-c'uior of the thorax is (»f a cMHtpery-hronzc ; u))on tlu' niicUlit' of the ujiper side more of a hlackish-lironze, l)ut almost everywhere so thiekly covered with dust that the copjx'ry lustre is only very little pereeptilde ; tiie dust on the upjjer side of the thora.x is snow-white, ui)on the two longitudinal stripes near the lateral marj^in it is less thick, so that the coppery reilect ion of the {iround-color is more distinct ; upon the middle there are two nar- row, dark longitudinal lines, close to each other, which do not reach as far as the posterior nnirgin of the thorax. I'pon the ]»leura' the color of the dust is more yellowish. The scutcllum has two l)ristles, is rather opaque, with a thin whitish dust. AI)do- men green, mostly with a coi>j»ery lustre, which l)ecomes much more i)right near the lateral margin. The anal apjtemhiges are of middling length, white, near the i)asis on the lower nnirgin with a narrow black bcn'der, and on the upju'r margin usually nuirked with a blackish spot ; beyond the nuddle they are inflected uj)- wards and gradually assume a yellow color; their extreme tip is marked with a snnill ))rowii spot and bears a small tuft of delicate ])ale hairs, which are turned backwards; about the nnddle tif the interior margin there is a similar jjubescence ; between them, towards the anal region, there is a snnill tuft of delicate whitish hairs. Coxte bronze-l)lack ; the four anterior with yellow and the two hind ones with a rather whitish dust; the fore coxic with very short and delicate i»ale hairs, near ami ujion the tip with a few black bristles. Feet black, femora and tibite more l)lack-green, the former bright coppery. Fore femora short, towards the basis very much thickened, beset on the under side with bristles of dif- ferent length, on the front side with a row (»f stiff l)hick bristles. Middle femora long, stronger than in ,S. cri/.s/w.s and more curved, on the latter half of the under side with erect black Ijristles. Hind ^ f ' ' 1 i k '■■■ ■' ' ; r' h *. .; ■ . ■ ;i ■ w ;:■'.'■ Ml. I. . '■■ h' it if"-; 1. ':^i ■:'i ;;<': 1: m W'.y- m 20G DII'TKRA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part ir. tViiujra (if a plain structure, not stouter than the middle! femora; tiieir under side lias only close liefore the tip, a few lilack liristies. The eoiiij»iiratively stout fore tihiiu have on their front side, not fiir from tlicir hasis. a stout black thorn ; their tii)is elonjjatid into a very stout tooth, !)efore which the underside of tiie til)ia', which is beset with strong Ijristles, has a small excision. Middle til^iie not (piitc so long and slender as those of S. cnixdis, on the up^ier side only with three or four short bristles, on the under side with a row of extremely long, straight, erect black bristles, and on the hind side with long curved hairs, which latter are more dense near the tip and curl tij) to the shape of a lock of hair. Hind tibiie plain, scarcely stouter than the middle tiidai ; on their upper side, not far from the basis, there is a strong bristle, and on the latter half a few small l)ristles ; the under side is beset with short small bristles, which are isolated upon the first ))art and closer together and in more regular order uixm the second half; at the end of the under side there is a considerable number of less strong and less short bristles, of which the last is distinguished by its greater length ; on the outside of the tij) of the tibia; there are several short and tine longer anci curved bristle, which has almost the thickness of a thorn. Tarsi plain, the joints of decreasing length, the first joint of the fore and of the middle tarsi with more, that of the hind tarsi with less bristles. Ilalteres yellowish-brown, the lower part of the knob more dark. The wings of uiuform breadth and at the end more rounded than in the other species ; an nii- connnonly large black spot covers their apical half with the excep- tion of a l»roa(l gray border on the posterior margin, and extends as a broad cloud along the fifth longitudinal vein almost as far as the anal cell ; inside of the discoidal cell it is somewhat ))alcr, otherwise, however, so dark that the two black spots, peculiar to this genus, upon the po.sterior transverse vein and upon the last segment of the fcturth longitudinal vein, can oidy be ])erceived when the wing is held towards the light; the anterior part of the wing from the basis as far as the middle is dingy-whitish hyaline; the anal angle and a broad border along the posterior margin are more hyaline-gray. JFlab. Fort Resolution, Hudson's Bay Territory. (Kennicott.) Female. It is distinguished from the male by the following characters : Face with pale yellow-grayish, front with brown dust. The middle of the upper side of the thorax with yellow-brownish SCELl.US. 2CT dnst, marked with a few spots of wliitisli dust. Its latoral stripes are eoverod with brown, the edjre of the lateral inar};iii. however, again with gray-whitish dust. The al»drth American female of S. Kjnnipcs, I have prepared the above description fr(»m Swedish .specimens. 3. S. aviilllA, nov. sp. % . — Thoracis dorso a?reo-ni,irro, nitido, mar- gitie et linea media cinereo-pollinosis, pleiirariim plaea suiieia, atxlo- inineque t'X viridi Iwte cnpreis, iiitidissiiiiis, haltorihus all'is, alls finf- rei.s, piuic-tis duolius iiigris, altero in vena tranrtVHrsa postiTiore. altnio in uUiiiio vt^iiie longitiidinalis (luartre segniento; laiuellis aiialilms maris albis, basi et apice tainen nigris. Upper side c>' tlie thorax bronze- black, shining, its margin and a middle line du8i with gray powder; a large spot on the upper part of the pleurae and the abilomen bright greenish copper-colored, very shining ; halteres white ; wings gray with two large dots, one on tlie posterior transverse vein, the other upon the last segment of the fourth longitu- dinal vein; the aual appendages of the male are white, but their basis and tip are black. Long. corp. 0.17. Long. al. 0.21. Male. Face somewhat broader than in the previous two spe- cies, dusted with bright ochre-yellow powder, op;uiue. Front with white dn:r.iurA. [ I'Airr II. rubbcil (iff; the oilier jtarfs of tlic ))UMirio arc dusted with jrray. The sctili'lluiii, wliich liiis two bristles, is j^reeuish Itroiize-eolored and opiuiue. The very shining" alMlonieu is of a l;ries are very loii^-, somewhat lilaekened at the basis, and still more so at the tip which is turned upwards, and there beset with a small tuft of l)lacki>h hair directed backwards; otherwise their maririns are not hairy, althoiijih there is a sinjile black l)ristle where the blaekenin;; of the tip l)egins on the under side in the vicinity of its inner iiuirj.'in. Near the anus between the above mentioned two apix-nda^es there ore a few small black liairs. Coxie greenish-bhudv, with white-yellowish dust ; the fore- most have besides some |talc hairs, almost inii)erceptil)le on account of their shortness and delicacy, a few black bristles before and n}»on the tip. Feet black with a metallic-^reen rellection, which gra- dually disa|)i>ears t poii the last joints of the tarsi. Fore femora towards their root lot so much thi<-kened as in the two precediufj; species, lieset with stroii;; black bristh's of diircrent lenji'th on the under side, on the front side with a sjiarso row of short black bris- tles. Middle and hind femora lonu:, slender, straif>'ht, of a ])lain structure, beset on the second half with a imxlerate number of short, scattered black bristles. The moderately stout fore tibiie bear on their anterior side, not far from the basis, a short black thorn and are prolonj,a'd at their tip into a larfre, somewhat clumsy but sharp tooth, before which the under side of the tibia, provided with bristles, has a very small excision. The middle tibia) are long and slender ; on the upper side they are beset with only three, on the anterior side with about seven scattered bristles of very moderate length ; on the other half of their hind side they bear long curly black hairs. Hind tibiie slender, straight, rather long, only on the second half witli a few isolated black bristles; the bristles on the outside of their tip are also only short. Tarsi l»lain, their joints of decreasing length ; the first joint of the fore and middle tarsi on the under side with numerous black bristles, the first joint of the hind tarsi oidy with a few and much shorter bristles. AVings hyaline-gray, somewhat darker towards the tip on account of the gray margin of the second, third and fourth longitudinal veins ; upon the posterior transverse vein and upon SCELLUS. 209 II11' middle of llic Inst sofrinciit of tlio foiirtli longitudiiml vein tliuru is ii ^•riiv-ljlii<.'lvi.>li spot of (Miiisidci-ahlt' si/c. Hah. Fort Kcsoliitioii, Jliidsoii's i>ii}- Territory. (Ivtiiiiicott.) 4i §. filifrr, nnv. sp. %, — Thor.icis dorso clni-n'o, opnrn, abiloniine ciiprco, fiiiorfo-polliiioso, sulxipaco, lialteiihiiH alliiilis, alls livaliiiis iu luisi subaliMdis, apicciii versus ciiu-rea-striatis ])iiiii:tis4ii(! (IikiIuis iiui- jusculis nigriciintibiis, alteio didyiuo in vciiii tniurtversii posteriore, ftltcro simplici in ultimo vtMue loni,'itudinalis (]uarta' segnicnto ; lanudiis analibtis niarid angustissiuiis albis, in basi nigri^, la etuniutu aiiit;*; lla- viuantibus. Upper side of the thorax gray, opaciuo ; ab(h)nien copin-r-colored witli gray- ish dust, ratlicr opacjun ; lialterfs whitish ; wings liyaline, wliitisli near the root, with gray striiK-s towanls the tip ; upon tlit^ jiostf'rior transverse vein with a donbh? blackisli sjiiit of considerabhi size, and witli a simi- lar, but single sjiot upon the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein ; the anal appendages of the male are very narrow, white, blai;k .at the basis and yellowish at the extreme tip. Long. eorp. 0.15. Long. al. 0.20. The narrow face is ochro-yoUow. AnteiiiUK Ithick. Front with wliitc dust. Tiiorax l)lackisli hronzc-colored with coppor-culonMi rolloctioiis ; on the iipi)t'r .side with tliick wliitish dust, whicli almost c'OiK'eals the groinid-color, opatpie ; upon tlie jdeura' with a somewhat thinner dust of tlie .same color. \'\\n\\ the middle of the njtper side there are two narrow parallel lines of a darker ['olor, which do not reach as far as the posterior maro:in of the thorax. Tlie sctitellum, whieli has two bristles, is of tlie same color as the pleunu. The frround-color of the ahiloinoii is like that of the thorax, is, however, more distinct, not lieinj;^ so thickly covered with dust ; towards the lateral nuu'fiiu of the abdomen, where the dust almost entirely disappears, there is a briuht eop- l)er-colored lustre. The anal api)endages of the mule, which are turned upwards at their tip, are not ribbon-liko. as in the ])re- viously described three species, but liliform, white, black at the root, at the tip pale-yellowish to a snniU extent ; on the middle of their exterit)r nnirgin there is a dense beard of delicate little white hairs ; there is no tuft of hairs at. their tip. Between them, in the anal region, only a 'noderate number of .short delicate little hairs, which may be easily overlooked, are inserted. Coxa3 of a bhick- ish-bronze color with whitish dust ; the fore coxa3 have, besidcd U m \M • (. :«fl^- ■I'-m. 210 DIl'TKRA OF NOIlTir AMKIUCA. [PAUT If. 1lit' i>:ili', nn(1,nn nreojiiit of its sliortucss and (Icliciicy, jilinost im- ]»( r(t|ttil)l<( iHiboHconci', (luitf a iiiiiiiIh'I' of black bristles. J-'dt black, the ft'inora with a nioro coinjery, the tibiie with a jiiorc mctallic-fri'ccMish tiiijre. Vura femora rather stnnijrly tliiekeind tiiwanis the l)asis, on the under side with stnni'i' black bristles of dill'erent lenjj:th, on the front side only with an imperfect row of short black l)ristles. Middle femora moderately thickened and stroiifrly curved, on the under side of the basis with two or tiiree Hot very lonj?, on the apical half with a larji'e nundier of loiiu', straiii'ht and erect l)ristle-like Idack hairs. Hind femora plain, of middlinf^ stoutness, on the under side with bristle-like short hairs; on the up))er sid(! with two lonji'er black bristles, of which the larf?cr is not far from its tip. J'ore tiljiiu stroufr, with a laruc and sharp thorn on the front side, not far from the basis ; elongated at the tip into a larjre clumsy tooth ; the under side of thetiltia, pro- vided with bristles, has no distinct excision before this tooth. Middle tibia' lonu", straifi'ht, a little stroiifrer in the neighltorliood of the basis ; tlse lirst two thirds of their under and jjosterior side are frii.ucd with lonji* curly black hairs, the end of the under and front side, however, with lonn' and stiif black bristles ; on the under side, where these bristles beji'in, there is between them a some what curved black thorn. Hind tiliia' straijrht, on the under side witli short b\it very stronjr black bristles, one of which, beinears sonu-what whiti.>y dentiform jjrotuberanee ; usually no other appemlajics are ^I'cn besides these. Feet generally bare; nuddle aiul hind feet much longer and more .slender than the fore feet ; fore femora gradually rather thickened towards the root ; on their under side, either in b(»tli sexes or at least in the nuile, with short, thornlike bristles; sometimes they are beset with a few longer and thornlike bristles; fore tibiiu on the under side densely beset with very short thorn- like bristles; mithlle til)ia' never beset with longer hairs, even in the nnde; tarsi plain, their joints very much decreasing in length; the empodiiim very distinct. Wings long and narrow ; the pos- terior transverse vein close to the nuirgin of the wing; the thii'd and fourth longitudinal veins usually somewhat converging towards their ends; in some si)ecies they are parallel ; the sixth longitudi- nal vein usually apparent as far as the nuddle of its course. 4 212 Itll'TKKA OP NdllTII AMKIIICA. [I'AKT ir Jfifilmphorus dillVrs fntiii Si-cIIkk liy tlic font femora and IWro til)iii' iiol Ix'iii^ provided mi tlie under side with Inii^ tliuriis, cuteldlif? l)et\veei» eiieli otlier, hy tlie tip ot'tlie (ore til)ia! lint Itein^ flitiipited iiiti) 11 eliiiiisy |ir(ijeetiiistine viridibns, tarsis nigris, facie supra viridi-sp'.i.-ndente, polline pleurarvim albido, venis alarum cineraspentium atris, longitudinalibus tertiii. et (luarti apicem versus paulo couvergentibus. Metallic olive-brown with greenish scutellum and preen abdomen ; femora and tibiie green; black; face shining green above ; pleurre with whitish dust ; wings gray with black veins ; the third and fourth longi- tudinal veins somewhat converging towards their end. Long, corp, 0.13. Long. al. 0.22. The dust upon the face is ycHow-brownish immediately below the antenna) ; otherwise everywhere white in the male, but so thin upon the entire ui>})er part of the face that its metallic-green color l)ecomes distinctly i)erceptible ; in tiie female the face is covered with white dust only along the sides, upon the middle with IIYDUUPIIOIUS. 218 liria»iiisli(liist. Aiitriiiiiv entirely liliick. Fmnt frreenish-lilnck, ilirectidii ilie euveriii^ of lirowii dust ll|Miii il lieeoiiics )M're('|ilil)le, wliifli otiierwise is visilile niily iiii tilt; iiiileriu,- iiiiir^iii. The ^'I'ltiiiiil-color of tlie oecipiit is green himI lull lillleeovered willi l)lii\Miisli-jfriiy (lllst. Tlie ciiiii of tlie ll|»|»er url)it are, as usual, liliiek, llio donst" and lialr-like eilia on tlie lute- riil and inl'erior orltits, liowever, nit. Alidomen metallie-greeii. sliiiiiiifr. espeeially on tiie sides; tiio short hair upon it is Maekish, upmi the sides of tlie first segment, however, I'allow-yellowish. Fore coxiu on their front side with a very short ami delicate whitish piiheseeiice, Iiesot on the upper half of their exterior side with a moderate numlter <»f eomparu- tively long Maek liristles; a few of iIk'Hi are also at the tip. Femora slender, green, with an almost iinpereeptilile grayish dust ; the fore femora as usual thickened towards their l»asis, and beset on the under side near the Imsis with four or five rather long thoniliko l)ristles ; Iiesides these there is, nearer to the anterior nnirgiii, an apparently inconijilelo row of very short hristle-like little hairs, which are biitdiflicult to perceive. Til)ia' dark green, the foremost on their under side uniformly fringed with very short, lilack thornliko bristles. Tarsi black. Cilia of the tegiihe yel- low. TIalteres with a dusky yellow jieduncle and with blackened knol). Wings very long, tinged with gray, not darker towards the anterior margin and with veins which are lilack up to the ex- treme root ; the end of the third loiigitudii.uiI vein is somewhat curved backwards so as to converge distinctly towards the fourth longitudinal vein ; no dark spot is to be seen neither upon the fourth longitudinal vein, nor niton the convexity, crossed by the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein. Hah. Sitka. (Salilberg.) Ohscrrafion. — Notwithstanding the not unimportant dinVrence in the coloring of the dust on Mie lower part of the face between the two sexes described above, I have no doubt that both lielong together. From the other Xorth American species, known to me, //. innofatiis dift'ers by the shining green color of the uitpor part of the face. AiiKjiig the Kuroiiean species it can only be i'.f' ■;■■ \ i\:i S * t ■ t ' n 214 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMKRICA. [part II. compared to hallirus Moifj^., atpinun Walilh. and calloalomits Lvv. It can easily be distiiig-uished from b(illicu>i hy the dark knolj of tlio lialteres ; from (tlpinun by the want of a curved tlinni at the end of the fore tibiie ; from calloi^loinu.s Ity its more con- siderable size and a comparatively narrower face. 2. II. pirata Loew. 9 . — Olivaceo-seneus, thorace et scutello cnpico- spleiitlt'iitiliUH, abdoinine viresceiite, t'eiiioribus titiiisciue viiiililnis, tarsis iJgris, polline faciei opaciu ex fusco ocliracoo, pkuiraium ijollinu alhido, vunis alarum cinurasctiiitiuiu nigris, loiigituiiinalibu.s terlia et ijuurtii apicem versus paulo convergentibus. Metallic olive-biown, thorax and scutellum with a copper-colored rcllt^x- iou ; abdomen greenish ; femora and tibiic gretai ; black ; the dust upon the opa(iue face brovvnisli ochre-yellow ; that of the jiiiHirie wliiUsh ; wings gray with black veins, the third and fourth longitudinal veins somewhat converging towards their ends. Long. corp. O.I'k Long. al. o.-i-i—o.-m. Syn. JIijdro])horus pinila Loew, IS'eue Beitr. VIII, 71, 1. Face v.itii l)rownisli-ye!Iow dust, entirely ojjaciue. Palpi black aid covered with black hairs, on the ui)i)er side with Itrownish- yellow dust. Antennte entirely l)lack. Front brownish-l)l;ick, opa(iue ; when seen in an obli([ue direction, it seems as if partially covered with brownish-yellow dust. On the occiput the ground- color is green, however almost entirely covered with grayish- yellow dust, or rendered very opa(jue. The cilia of the u})})er orbit are, as usual, l)lack, the dense and hair-like cilia of the lateral and inferior orbits however, yellow. The upper side of the thorax is metallic olive-J)rowii with a copper-colored reflection ; the scarcely perceptible dust upon it is brownish-yellow. Scutel- lum with four bristles, shining, copper-colored upcju the middle, on the margin green. IMeurie and coxio with whitish dust. Ab- domen ujore green than the thorax and with a coi)pery tinge, upon the greater portion of the last segment and upon the posterior margin of the preceding segments usually beautifully green ; its short hair is l)lackish, oidy upon the posterior margin of the lirst and of the last segment it is i)ale. Fore coxa? on their front side with a very short and delicate whitish pubescence, on their ex- terior margin fringed with black, stiff, but not very strong, bris- tles, of which there are also a few on the tip. Femora slender, greer, and covered with thin, almost imperceptible, whitish dust ; HYDllOl'HOULS. i>15 tlio fore femora as usual, tliickc'iuMl towards the Itasis, on thoir umk-r sido with two rows of tliorn-likc hristlos, the inner row of which I'eaclies as far as their tip, while the exterior one stops already on the nii(Mle of the femora. Til)ia' dark-green, tlie fore- most uniformly fringed, upcjn their U'lder side, with very short thorn-like l)ristles. Tarsi black. Oilia of the teguhe fallowish- yellow. JIalteres with a dusky-yellowish ])eduncle, and witii blackened knob. Wings very Ictng, tinged with gray, not darker towards the anterior margin, with black veins up to the extreme root ; the end of the third longitudinal vein somewhat approaches tin; fourth, so that these veins converge distinctly towards their ends ; upon the posterior transverse vein and upon the convexity, which the last segment of the fourth longitudinal veins crosses, there is a somewhat more gray sp(jl, which in almost invisible to the naked eye. Ildb. Pennsylvania, District of Columbia. (Osten-Sacken.) Ohscradioii. — It is dilliciilt to d(;termine, whether 7/. jufn/a is not one of those four species of JJi/drop/iondi which Mr. Walker has described as si)ecies of Mi'dcleriiH. They agree in a good numy resi)ects not only anH)ng themselves, but also with 11. ])iral(i, while each of them exhil)its also some distinguishing feature. //. viridijla.'i must be much more green, according to Mr. Walker's statements, than //. pirala; besides, the cilia of the inferior ori)it of the former one are white, while those of the latter are yellow; moreover, its abdomen is conical and longer than the thorax, an entirely uncommon character for a female of JJiftlrop/ionis, anil making it ahnost doul)tful whether it really behjngs to this genus; finally the veins of the wings are said to be brownish-yellow near the root of the wing; these discrej)ancies are altogether too great to justify the sup})(»sition that JJ. jiirula can Ite identical with vu'idijIoH Walker. The faci; of \Valker's fenuile of II. (jhibcr is said to be covered with giddeii-yellow dust, the abdomen on the ui)i)er side clothed with brownish-yellow hairs, the femora rather stout and the halteres brownish-yellow. These dilferences are likewise too important to adn;it the identity of il. pirala with //. (jlahcr. The fice of Walker's fenuile of II. cfiri/.sohMjun is said to be also covered with golden-yellow dust; the wings are said to be brown along the anterior margin, and to measure only three lines in expanse, whereas they measure six lines in 77. pirala Under such circumstances the identity of these species is out of question. >■: 'ki ■\\M ^^ ■•■■!|i?f!fS 4m 210 DIPTKRA OF NORTH AMKRICA. [PAUT II, ■■J. In Walker's description of H. albojlnrens, the brownish-yellow color of the dust upon the face, the color of the haltercs and th(3 black color of the hair on the upper side of the abdomen, agree better with //. pirata; but it is added, that the thorax is covered with brownish-yellow dust, that the dust upon the femora is of the same color, and finally that the pulvilli are of a pale-yellowish color, of all which there is no trace in H. pirata. 3. II. parvus Loew. % . — Olivaceo-aeneus, thoraoe et scutello cupreo resp'.endentibus, abdomine obscure vire3oente, femoribus tibiisque viridi- bus, tarsis nigris, polline faciei opaoseex fusco ochraceo, pleurarum poUine albido, veuis alarum ex uigro cinerascentium nigris, longitudiualibus tertia et quarts perl'ecte parallelid. Metallic olive-brown, thorax and scutellum with a copper-colore''. re- flection; abdomen dark-green, femora and tibise green, tarsi iilncV. ♦i^; dust upon the entirely opaqut- face brownish ochre-yellow, that on the pleurie whitish ; the wings blackish-gray with black veins, the third and fourth longitudinal veins entirely parallel. Long. corp. 0.09 — 0.10. Long. al. 0.13. Syn. Ihjdrophorn>i parvus Loew, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. VI, 214, 67. Resembles in the structure of the body //. pirata very much, but sufficiently distinct from it by its smaller size, a more blackish color of the wings and the complete parallel course of the third and fourth longitudinal veins. Face with brownish ochre-yellow dust, entirely opaque, very much narrower upwards. Paljji black, antenme also black. Front almost velvet-black, with yellow- brownish dust, which is not distinctly perceptible in every direc- tion. Ground-color of the occiput green, covered above with yellowish, below and on tlic lateral margin with wdiitish dust. Cilia of the upper orbit black, of the inferior one white. Upper side of the thorax metallic olive-brown with almost violet and coppery reflections, the latter of which form two indistinct longitu- dinal lines and are more extended near the posterior margin of the thorax. Scutellum shining copper-colored, with four bristles, the lateral bristles much shorter than those which are nearer to the tip. The abdomen is green, rather opaque, upon the middle somewhat coppery, on the lateral margin and on the under side distinctly covered with white dust ; the very short hair upon it is black. Coxa3, femora and tibios black-green. The fore coxrn arc fringed on their front side with very delicate whitish hair ■K' m -^-h tM^' t '''l".y'i' 'tu'"' \ m ACIIALCIS, L>17 which, on account of its shortness, is difficult to iicrceivo ; (in thoir exterior side some short white litth.' liairs are also inserted; one of the uppermost, however, is sometimes of a lilaeU coliM". The fore femora, which are moderately thickened tcwivrds the root, have, on their under side, a dense row of verj' short, straiji'ht, erect little bristles, and near the basis two or three longer bristles. The under side of the fore tibise is also provided with a dense row of very short small bristles. Tarsi black. The haltcres appear to be black. Wings long, tinged with a gray-blackish color, not darker towards the anterior margin, and up to the ex- treme root with black veins ; the end of the fourth longitudinal vein is completely parallel to the third ; the posterior transverse vein is perpendicular, without dark margin and dark spot upon its middle ; the convexity crossed by the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein is not darker than its surroundings. Uab. reuusylvauia. Gen. XXXVIII. ACIIALCUS. Characters Color non-metallic. The first joint of the an- tcnnte glabrous, the third pointed-ovate ; the long and slender arista subapical. Face narrow. Alidonu'u with six segments in both sexes ; the female aljdomen at the end without a coronet of bristles. Ilypopygium small ; its exterior appendages have the shape of small lamelhe. The lirst joint of the hind tarsi without bristles, shorter than the second. The sixth longitudinal vein of the wings is wanting. It is impossible to overlook the relationship of the genus Aclialcus with the four following genera, which are distinguished by the posterior end of the thoracic dorsum being provided with a concave area. This relationship is also illustrated by the want of the coronet of bristles on the posterior end of the female abdomen, which Ac/iali-Uf^ has in common with these four geiu'ra. 1 have only a few speci- mens of Afhalcufi Jldficollifi in my possession; the manner in which they are ))inned renders it iinpossil)le to ascertain whether the posterior end of the upper side of the thorax has a concave surface or not ; it seems to me that the latter is the case. The name of the genus (from a, iion, and ;ta'^«05. brass) has refer- ence to the nou-nietallic color of the species. ■' i; * ll lu^ t -If J!'?f>i, 1.5 i; ■■ ;'':K^ ^' i':i^::!=- 218 DIPTKUA OF XollTir AMERICA. [part II. The few spi'cics of Avhalvua as yet known, '>elong all to the European fnuua. Gen. XXXIX. 9IEDETERUS. Chnrncterb. Face of both sexes rather broad, and in both with a transv(!rse swellinu: l)elow its middle. The jtroboseis very niueh swollen ; when in repose, both sides of its ojjening are so close tojrethi'r, that its lower surface forms but a sin«>-le convexity. The first joint of the antenna' jilabrous, the third rounded or scjmewhat ovate, with a slender apical or subapical arista. Eyes not hairy. The upper side of the thorax on its posterior end with a concave declivity. The hypopyjriuni with a short peduncle, entirely dis- enlack, shining. Antenme black. Front opaque from brown-gray dust. The upper side of the thorax is marked in a similar manner as in the preceding species, l)ut the dust on the anterior half is more gray and that on the posterior half and on the scutellum, at least in the described specimen, less f II ..■mUmhi-i 220 mPTEllA OP NOUTII AMKRICA. [part II. striking. The upper part of the pleiuje is covered with jrraydtist aud the bristles ai)ove the fore coxa; are of a pale color. The ahdoiuen is less thickly dusted tluui the thorax, appears however rather j^ray in some directions on account of its cover of dust. The peduncle of the hypopyg'ium is so short as to appear ses- sile ; it is rather stout, ovate, almost reversed-pyriforni, hhick, polished on its entire right side and on the latter half of the lefu side. Coxie black. Feet brownish-yellow, all femora, from the root as far as the middle, pitch-i "k, this color vanishing gradu- ally. Cilia of the teguhe whitish ; halteres whitish with a darker peduncle. Wings hyaline, scarcely tinged with a little gray, veins brownish ; the posterior transverse vein distant from the margin of the wing more than its own lengtli. The third longi- tudinal vein ends a little farther from the ti}) of the wing than in the ])reccding species ; the last segment of the fourth longi- tudinal vein is also very straight, converges, however, less towards the third longitudinal vein than in 31. nUjripes. Hah. Florida. (Osten-Sacken.) Observation. I have received from Mr. Lc Baron two females, captured in Illinois. They are somewhat larger than the al)ove described nmle, and the lower part of the face is greenish-blue, but very little .shining. Otherwise they agree with it perfectly. The ditferent color of the lower part of the face would be a sufficient specific distinction, if the bad condition of the above descril)ed male of M. velcs did not admit the supposition that the diiferencc in its color is an unnatural one. I j)refer therefore not to consider these females as belonging to a ditterent species. Gen. XL. CHRYSOTIINEUS. Characters. Size of the body small. Antenna? small ; their first joint glabrous ; the third joint very short, usually broader than long, distinctly hairy, with an apical or almost apical arista. Eyes with a very short pubescence. The posterior end of the thorax with a rather large, distinctly concave, sloping area. The bristles upon thorax and scutellum yellow. Abdomen in all the species partially yellow. Feet not elongated ; the first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles. Posterior transverse vein up(m, or more or less before, the middle of the wing ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein neither broken nor distinctly bent \ Ll CIIRYSOTIMUS. 221 forward, parallel to the tliutl vein ami endiiip: into, or somewhat beyond, the tip of the wiii^. llypoinginm small and imbeilded. The species of Chri/mdimus were formerly nailed with the species of Chrijsolus. The principal dill'erenee between these genera consists iu the structure of the thoracic dorsum. Cliri/- sotiis has immediately before the scutellum a small, more or less distinct, transverse swelling, which is separated from the rest of the surface by a rounded imi»ressioii, and the convexity of the thorax begins here. In Chri/sotimufi this transverse swelling is entirely wanting, and the thorax shows iu the middle of its hind- most part a rather conspicuous, distinctly concave surface, slop- ing towards its posterior margin. Moreover in Chri/solinu(s the feet are much less hairy, the wings comparatively a little larger, tiie appendages of the hypopygium more concealed, the integu- ments of the whole body softer, the bristles upon thorax and scu- tellum not black, but yellow, and the abdomen always, at least partially, of a yellow color, which is uot the case with any of the genuine species of Chrysotus. The name of the genus (from X9'v96i gold, and ti(iri, honor) re- minds us of the coloring of the species, as well as of their former connection with the genus ChnjaotKH. Besides the two North American species, described below, only European species are known. w ■Af.' 1 Mil 1. C pusio LoEW. 9 • — LfPte viridis, abdominis flavi segmento ultimo viridi, anteunis palpisque nigris. Bright green ; abdomen yellow, tlie last segment green ; antennae and palpi black. Long. corp. 0.07. Long. al. 0.09. Syn. Chrysotimns pusio LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 74, 1. Face dark-green with a thin white-grayish dust. Palpi brown- ish-black, appearing rather pale on account of a white-grayish dust, Antennaj entirely black ; front shining metallic-green ; the frontal bristles black, in another direction fallow-brownish, with a yellow lustre. The cilia of the whole orbit yellowish. Thorax and scutellum pale metallic-green, with whitish dust, but shining and fringed with yellow bristles. ^Nletatliorax and pleura; of the same pale-green color, the latter with thick whitish dust. Abdo- men uniformly yellow, only on the upper side of tlie last segment green. All the coxaj and feet yellow, only the last joint of the 'I' .1 i ; * ' " ■' ' ■ ■■ 1 i i '■^n ii*.' i \ yt ! », 000 DIPTEIIA (IF NdRTH AMEKICA. [PAllT II tnrsi ))ro\viiisli-bla('k ; all the liairs, as well as the few sliort bristles upon tlicm, are yeUowish, th()U<^h the hitter aiipear dark when hehl towards the liglit. Ilalteres and te^nihe yeUowish, the hitter witli yeUowish ciUa, Wiii ci'ding species, and is a Utile more distant from the tip of the wing. llab. New York. Gen. XLI. XAXTIIOC^IILORr^. Characters. Color of the body non-metallic, yellow, often with green spots. Antenna; very short ; their lirst joint renuirkal)ly short and withont hairs, the second transvi'rse, the third very short ; the arista, which is diietinctly clothed with hairs, is inserted upon the back of the third joint, in the vicinity of the basis. The thorax has upon its posleril villus LoEw. iiiL;i'io.-iiitil)U.s. 9. — riftvus, fronto, facio et setis thoracis YtiUow, fiont, faco ami the bristles of the thorax bhickish. Long. corp. (Ml. Long. al. 0. IM. Syn. ^aiit/Kichloriin lielfiiim LoKW, Noue Ikltr. VII, 75, 1. Altctfjctlier yelh)\v. FrDiit and faco hiackisli witli whitisli dust, winch is moro distinctly visiltlo in an ()l»li(|no direction. Tlie arista, the bristles on tlie vortex and on tlie upper side of tlio tiiorax. black, lait shifting? into lirown in a rellcctcd li^ht. A snndl l)lackisli spot en the pleunu, immediately below the root of the winj^. Jldh. Chicago. Olm'rcatio)). — This species resembles the Europoan A', frnrlhi)^ AVied., very much, and Is probalily a slijiht variety of it. Xo ])histie distinctions at all are to be seen ; the only dill'crencc which I can perceive, is the darker color of the l)ristles upon the vtitix and on the upper side of the thorax. The comparison of the male is necessary in order to determine whether this species can be con- sidered as a variety of X. lenellus. I: i *i ll'-'.; ■'• ■ t-' ■ 1.% i.' Gen. XLIL SAUCROPrS. The species of this gcnns, which older authors have united with Porphyropa, agree in many characters so much, and differ by these characters so sharply from the related s])oeies of the Doli- chopodklfe, that their claim to form a se))arate genus cannot be questioned. The following are the principal characters of this gemiK : First joint of the antenna} without hair on the upper side ; arista dorsal. The thorax with a sloping area upon the mid- dle of its posterior end. Feet very long and slender ; hind tibiic elongated ; the first joint of the hind tarsi without bristles, shorter than the second. Abdomen elongated and narrow ; especially in the male. Hypopygiuni disengaged, short and stout, indoctod, with short, very little developed appendages. Color of the body principally, or ut least partially, yellow. Kairs and bristles chiefly black. s.Mri'.di'i'H. 2'2.i TIh' cliiii'iii'tcrs l»_v wliirli the ;;'(iiiis S(i iicrnpiis is flisliiifi'iiislicd IVdiii llic rclnU'd jiTiici'ii, nwA iutt lie rcpcntctl licrr, it,-, they liiivc iilrcinly lt(M'ii sulli('ii'iitly fxplaiiu'd iiiiinn^' tin' cliiinirtcrs dt' tliuM' u I'll era. 'I'lic unww'iA' J^inici'it/itii^ (from navxiio,-, (li-liciitt', mnl «'»r<. \'nn\) liiis rt rfiTiUM' to the HTciit slciitlcriicss of llii- H'l-I, wliicli (li>tiii. jiiiislics nil llir s|H'CU's ol'lliis ^iciius. Tlic kiiDUii sjM'cics lift' (listrilnit('(| over Jjii'dpc, Aiiii'ri<'H, iiiid Sdiitli AlVica. 'I'lic Aiiicricaii s|M'ri('s rcsciiildc iiidrc tlidsc of I'lui-dltc tliaii tlidso df Sdiilli Africa; in tiic laltrr llio lliinl and fdui'tii !dn<:,-itiidinal veins an- )iai'idl( I. while in the I-]iii'd|ii'an sjieeies the last sejrmenl of the fdiirth ldni:iliidinal vein a]»prdae!es the third Idnjiitudinul vein, allhuugh vi'r\ gradually, still, in gene- ral, very strdngly. ]. S. (lilllidiatim Lni-.w ^. — P;illiil(< tl.ivus, tlinracis liiuu iiifdiii ct inaculit iKKstiiii iiii/iis, aliiloiaint) iii>,'r(ita!-(.'ial<>, setis coxaruiu auterimani alhiilis. I'alc-yt'llow. tliorax witli a Mnck iiiiddln line aiiil with a Mack sjidt apon tilt' iiosteriiir cnil, aliiloint'ii with lilack liaii'is ; tlic anterior cdXii' witli whitisli liristli'S. Long. <'ori>. OA^, Long. at. (•.17. pv.N. Sinicriij)iiii ilimiiliithis Lim'.w, Ncnc Heitr. VIM. 7.'), 1. Pale-yelldwish. Face very naiTdw, white. Antenna' bright- yelldw. Front black with white dust ; frontal bristles lilack. (.'ilia on the posterior orliit as well as the two stronger Ijristles liehind tlie upper corners of the eyes, yellow-whitish. Fjnier side t)f the thorax reddish-ycllow ; th middle line and the sloping area oil its posterior margin are i)lack. Sciitelliim wliitish-yellow with two strong lilack bristles; on the outside of each of these lirislles tliere is a very small delicate hair, easily overlooked, which in all our Fiiropeau species is luuch stronger. Metatliora.x black ; the pleura' have a snudi Iihick dot above the middle coxse. Abdo- men with three lilack transverse bands, the first in the vicinity of the basis of the second segment, the two following near the basis of the third and fourth segments; the two last are somewhat emarginated on the middle df their jxisteridr margin. Jlypojiy- gium short and clumsy, shining black ; its small (\xterior appen- dages are while. Coxa- and feet )iale-yclldwish ; on the fore and middle coxje there are altogether no black, but only whitish liris- 15 U-'.i I : ^ 00( rtll'TKHA (IF NdllTll AMl.lMl'A. [ I'Aiir 11. llt's ; tlif liiiirs dii tlic IVunt side of tlic lure cuxii' arc iilsd wluti>li ; (III \hv (Hit>i(l(' of tlic hind coxiu tlicfc is a .solitary It'luck l)^i^li(', Tiltiu" and tarsi t'loii^iilcd and vcrv slender; middle and liiiid tarsi stronj^ly inriiscated I'roni tlie tip of the first Joint; the fore tarsi from till' tip of tlie lirst joint hecoine likewise more dark, though their color changes much more fi-radually into lirown. Cilia of the teji'iilii' whitish. Win;ji:s hyaline with a sliji'lit }i'ray-yellowish tiiiu'e ; the end of the fourth lunj^iludinal vein approaciies rather strongly tlie end of the third. Jl(il). Florida, Uistriet of Columbia. (Osteii-Saekeii.) *2, H. riltielllis Lokw, 9.— P.-illi.le tl.ivna, thoracis iiiaful4 pcistlc-i, iibildiiiinis tiisuii.s st^tis(iue coxitiuiii niuiis. Pal(j-yt'll()W ; therax witli n Mack sjiot iiikhi tli(* posterior siile ; aliilotneu with Ithick bands; uoxie witli lilatk luistles al. Ii.t23. I.on rj). U.2ri. Li Sy.n. •iaiicriijiw riihrlhis Lokw, Neue Beitr. VIIL 7ing an>a on its hind margin lilack. Sciitelliim yellowish with two sli'oiig black liristles ; on the outside of each there is a very niiiinte delicate hair, easily overlooked. Metatliorax brown only on the upper margin and upon the mid- dle line. Pleura' witli a lilack dot above the middle eo.xa'. Al»- domeii wilh four black transverse bands of uniform breadth, of which tlie lirst near the anterior margin of tlio second segment, llie others on the anterior nuirgiiis of tlie following segments; the last of these bands is sometimes indistinct. Coxa; and feet pale- yollowish. The bristles on the fore coxa' black ; the hair 011 the front side blackish, towards the liasis of the coxie pale ; middle coxa' with black bristles and hairs : the hind coxa» on their out- side with a single lilack bristle. Tibiu' and tarsi elongated, very ,sleiidcr ; the tarsi from the ti[> of t!ie lirst joint infuscated. The cilia of the tegula' yellowish. AViiigs with a very distinct gray- yellow tinge ; the end of the fourth longitudiiial vein rather strtnigly api»roaches the end of the third one. JJab. Virginia. (Osteii-.'-iackeii. ) rmv SAI iltiil'l S. 4>.) -'7 3. H. siigiprltirilH ].<>r.w. % and 9. — Kx planro vlrMis, nliilomii).) lii'li" it'iifd , iriili, lii^iiii vt'isim lljivn. (irayisli-gn't'ii, tin- aliiliiiiifii s-liininc inctallii'-^'rffii, tovvanls tlm lia^is yellow. liOii),'. imp. (M;;—n. 14. |,c.iiu'. al. iM.'i. f^v.N. Siiiiirii/ius si(})i rliints Lmiw, NtMic I'-fitr. VIII, 7t!, IJ. Fare of llic intilo t'litircly linciir; llmt uf tlic I'ciiiiilc iilsn very narrow, smnv-wliitc. I'ulpi and iiroboscisdark-ycllnw. Anirmiii! brij!;lit r('o rather thickly covered with j:'ray-whilisii dust ; it has two stroni^ l)lack bristles. 'I'he pleura", wliicii are covered witli thick white dust, Iiave a grayish-jjreen ; J liiS '^''' ■ ■f? ,^ 9- ■•":■:■,'';'■ ■ ..■»^-"— • ri-/^A 1 '-m-/ (.' " ■■'■ t t >i i 4; 228 DIPTFRA OF XORTII AMERICA. [I'AUT H, they oxpocfl tlio tibia? m length not inconsiderably; the hind tarsi are but a little l()iigmentorum abdoniinalium nigris. Pale-yellowish, the front, the back of the thorax, with the exception of the lateral margins, and the sciitelUini with the exception of its ni;.:gin, gray-greenish ; the upper half of the plenrae and the metathorax ereen- ish-gray ; al)doniinal see? .ents at the basis with black bauds. Long. Corp. 0.13. Long, al- 0.1 . Pale-yellowish ; the face, very narrow for a female, and the palpi have the same color ; both are somewhat covered with whitish (lust. iVntennire pale-yellowish, the third joint somewhat infus- catcd. The ground-color of the front is greenish, metallic but not shining, covered with rather thick white dust, so that the ■whole front assumes a pale grayish-green appearance. The greater part of the ui)per side of the thorax has a similar, but somewhat more green coloring ; however, the humeral region, and in connection with it, a large lateral spot near the transverse suture, the lateral margin above the root of the wing and the posterior corners are of a yellowish color. Scutellum grayish- green with yellowish nmrgiu. Almost the whole upper half of the plcuric is greeni:di-gra\, yet tlie color of the described speci- men IS not sufliciently matured for a more i)rccise statement about the e.\tcnt of this color ; the metathorax is gray. The first al)- dominal segment is blackish at its basis ; the three following segments have each on the anterior margin a broad, black baud, which is gradually tapering towards the lateral margin. Feet I'siLoins. 2'20 palo-yi'llow ; tavsi tDwai'ds tlie tip only vory little dnrkor. but their small last joint more of less distinetly infuseated, esi)eeially that of the fore tarsi. Cilia of the te-rnhe whitish, llalteres white-yel- lowish ; their kiiol) infuseated on its lower half. Winroved by those exotic si)ecies, where this ap[)eudage is entirely wanting. The species of J'Kilojiiifi exhibit in the structure of the head and of its i)arts, es|)ecially in the anteniue, as also in the structure of the feet, of the wings, and of the male organs of co})ulation, numerous plastic diU'ereiiccs, which may easily mislead to the for- mation <'f snndler genera. The greater ])arl of these characters are merely ornaments of the males and exclusively specific distinctions, so as to l)e of little use I'iir the delinition of smaller genera ; this apjilies even to the most striking among the other characters, as, fi)r ii'staucc, to the e.'ilii'r dorsal or apical position of the arista, the either very s!'i)rt or very long iiulteseence of the second Joint of the antenmu ^v. ; lliese also all'urd no sharp limits, and there 'i^M .1; • \|v^ i'': ■■■■,■(.' ■(. t , ■: I ' -.1 ,1 ! > i!:s • !/ •H.jt.- '■■■n^y. i:iO DIPTKUA OF NOUTII AMKllICA. [part U. are species, whoro the two sexes do not ajj-ree in tliose eliuraeters. Mr. l)i want of plastic distinctions, winch may be used for such a purpose, but they are so manifold and of such an intricate nature that I believe to have found a more useful nunk of distinction in the color of the cilia of the teguhe, which in all the species of the first branch known to me are whitish, in those of the second branch however black. These characters have been used by me merely for the establishment of the two subsections of the genus Pxilopm^. Although the species of Pxi/opn,^ are so numerous and appa- rently resendjie each otlier so much, nevertheless they can be easily distinguished, if only the necessary attention is paid to the ])lastic difl'erences and not nierely to the diff'erences in color, which are often insignillcant and more or less inconstant in ahnost all the spooies. The nniles of the diflerent species especially can be easily distinguished, as they are remarkable by peculiarities in the structure of their antenna', wings and feet, which belong to their se.\ only ; they offer, besides, usefid marks of distinction in the anal appendages ; among the fenndes of the smaller species, how- ever, the distinction becomes sometimes rather diflicult. Of the characters taken from the cohiring, the most, unrelialile are those taken from the coloring of the head, thora.x, and alMlomen, espe- cially in those species, the metallic coloring of which is shifting- between the bine and the green ; a little nn)re available are tli(? characters bused upon the picture of the wings, if only we do not ^<§^; ^■WP^Wifi^^nB^"' ' F"*'*^* ■•- rsii.oiM s. 231 neglect to observe that this ])!eture, at least in ninny species, varies a great deal not only in intensity, bnl also in extent ; nse- fiil and rather reliai)le are the characters based npon the coloring of the feet, bnt of course then only, when the sex is stated, as in a good many species the leet of the remalos are much paler than those of the nniles. The genus derives its name (from 41X05, slender, and noii. foot) from the great slenderness of the feet, peculiar to all the species. The species of J'silujui.i are numerously represented in all jtarts of the world. Huy has described several North American species of Puilopns. "Wiedemann has adiled a few nnjre. His descriptions, even if judged with leniencv, will be fouiul verv nnsatisfactorv, as thev relate merely to diU'orences In color, and often do not even state to what se.\ the s)»ecinien belonged; some of them can be applied to whole series of closely allied species. Mr. .Mac(iuarl's anil Mr. Walker's descriptions are not much Itet.ei ; those especially which the hitter published in the Diplera Suiitidcnpeiisal)le fi>r the re- cognition of the species of Psilopus and for their di.-5tinction from each other. The insufficiency of the existing de.scri|»tions renders the ileter- miiuition of the species very dillicult ; generally we reach oidy possibilities, sometimes probabilities, very .seldom certainly. As I am able to identify oidy a snnill number of my species with those which have been des(M'ii)ed before, I deem it necessary to give here the results obtained from the comparison of the species in my possession with the descriptions of the jtrevious authors, and for this purpose I shall eiuimerate these descriptiiiiis one after the other. The species heretofore published are the follow'i>g: — If,..,, li ■■;" '5 •■ . I; ■ f \ l 4;: 1. longicornis Fnhr. Irnliponous to the .Aniorioan i .lands ; it has been rles(:ril)eii hy Faliriciiis, ainl afterwai'ils ai.'aj:. liy Wii^iU'iiianii, from a spcciiiit'ii ill tliH colhMUioii of l'iii)ri(:ius ; the sex was not stateil, hut I'"alirifiii .'s exj)i'ession '^nniilii iinriii'itn." sl^iw^i tiiat it was a male : ill til,. (li-MTiptioii (if Wii'ij.Miiaiin tin' lulhiwiiii: avaiialile clia- racters fouiul : tlie fac-e only little dusted with white, tin' hasis of the ahdoiiiiii.'ti seuiiients hla(rk, wiiitrs without dark |i:cturi', li.J teres yellow, fuel black, fore tibia? luluoua. These charaulens agreo .1 )-'V "i mi r 1- Vim Mi J, "♦1 PIPTKUA OF NORTH AMKRICA. [I'Airr It. tolernMy well with tlu' two sexes of a speoies from Cuba, desfrihcil lielow as /'. iliri/^ojinisiii-i, alllnm!.'h the tart! of the male of this s]it'- fies is distinctly covered with dii>t and the lialleres are lilai'ki.-U with a dark yellowish-gray knob, lint it evidently results fiom the statements of Fabrieius, that his /'. huKiivoniix belongs to those sjie- eies, the arista of whitdi is very elongated and but little shorter than the rest of the body. In /'. cliri/sd/irdsinK, on the coutrary, the arista is not even as long as head and thorax together. Thus the latter species must be considered distinct from that of Fabricius, as long as their identity has not been proved by the comparison of typical specimens. In Winthem's collection there is a male specimen, marked /'. loiKjicurnis, and designated as Wiedemann's tyjie ; it is 7*. (7i(v/.so;(;v(,s//(,s-. As Wiedemann, in the description of /'. lom/i- rornis, refers only to the specimen from the collection of Fabricius, it is eviilent that Winthem's specimen came only later in the jios- session of Wiedemann, and was i)robably named by him /', lniKji- cornis, after comparison with his own descrijition. This is no proof at all of the identity of the genuine /'. hini/ifoniis Fabr. with /*. chn/soiii-(isii(s. The specimen in the collection of Fabricius can alone afford light upon this subject. 2. sipho Sii;/. The frequent occurrence of tlio species described below under tins name, and the characters which result from a compari- son of Say's and Wiedemann's descrij>tions, leave ine no doubt about the correctness of my determination. That Say did not dis- tinguish it from /'. scdlxr, a very closely related, but more rare species, results from the fact that there are two speciiuens in Wiede- mann's collection, namely, a male of P. scalier, and another of /'. sijilin, both communicated under tlie latter name by Say himself. The name which Say has given belongs naturally to the common species. The species whicli Macquart (in Difit. ejot. II, '1, Hi)) described as P. si/ilio, is an entirely dill'erent species, probably the one whidi I described below as P. JhcuikIiis, from Cuba; however, it may also represent a mixture of several species, as the localities of its occurrence (l^euusylvania, Cuba, (tuyana and Brazil) seem to indicate. 3. unifasciatus ■'^'t;/. Say describes this species without stating tlie sex, Wiedemann as P Sni/i, after a male specimen, obtained from Say. As there is no sufficient ground for the change in the name of the species, introduced by Wiedemann, the name given by Say must be restored. 'J'his species cert'dnly belongs to tliose with pale-colored cilia of the tegnlje. I know tliree North American species wbich answer more or less Say's description with regard to the color of the body ; in all three only the tirst joints of the antennje are yellowish, the third joint, liowever, brown ; thus all three could not lie iden- tified with P. iini/'dsriiitun Say, if his statement, ^^nntenntK irhili-lt,'''' were to be taken literally, which certainly oui^ht not to be done. < IP ■:. • psiLor-rs. 2.'!;J The first of my three species is described below as P. psiihiviina ; the male is remarkable by a very uncommon structure of tlie wio'^'s ; as Wiedemann's descrijition of the male says nothing aliout such a structure ; umreover, as neither the dust upon the face, nor tin- color of the first abdominal segment, nor that of tlie feet agrees with the male of P. jisilldi-iiiKs, it is therefore impossible to identify it witli Say's species. Of /'. hholor, described below, and distinguisbi-d by its slender tarsi, I know only the female; it is very nnuh smaller than /'. inii/dsciiiliis slionld be, according to Say's and Wiedemann's statements; moreover, the wings are not light-yellowisl;, tlieir veins, liowever, daik-brown, tlie face covered with more dust, and the tarsi mnch paler than they sliould be in the species of Say ; tiierefore both cannot be taken for one and the same. The third of my spe- cies, P. varicijatus, of wliich, however, I possess also only the female, has tarsi of a darker color than the two pieceding species, though tlie fore tarsi are not altogether and the liind tarsi not only at the tip, black-brownish ; on the contrary, the fore and middle tarsi are blackish from the extreme tip of the first joint, the bind tarsi, liow- ever, entirely blackish with the only exception of tlu; root of the first joint; moreover, tlie face is very tliickly covered with dust, the color of the wings not yellowish, and tlie color of the veins of the wings not dark-brown, so tliat it would be entirely inadmis-iible to declare this species for P. uni/nsria/iin of Say, which therefore can- not be found among tbt; species known to me. Neither is tliere any inform.ation about it to be derived from Wiedemann-Winthem's collection; there is no specimen in it which bears such a name, nor is there ^ny other to which the description of P. uiii/asciatus might apply. 4. patibulatus Say. Say's description agrees well with a species wliich is very common in North America, similar to s////io, but with black feet and smaller; it is described .lelow more in detail unot mention , .' ■ ''•I'lfflW . ■'W'lr'i 1 > . ► I ,, 1 1 1 fl f i ' . . \ i'i;:, \ .:■ 1 ^ •^"' ■ i ; •; ; m : .; 1 it 5 1 ' 'r'. I ■ Ii',A. li!il^- .'■/"■ ■l,!-> •t-:' m , •i .1 1 Si' ;' ; « ii 234 DIPTEHA OF N'ttRTII AINIF.RICA. [PAUT II. tlu'in, it is impoHsilde to determine which of the compptiiii,' spHcies ho li;i(l 1)1- lore him. Wii'deiaanu'.s tie.-iuriptionufthuMiiiiie species ull'ord.s no liglit ; lie does not ;tate tlie sex of tlie described speeiiiieii, hut it is evident from his statemenis alxiiit tlie color of the feet, that it was a male. If this male specimen were still in his collection, which iiiil'oituiiately is not the case, the species, which lie obtained from >t\y as I'.J'nudnHits, could be easily jletermined. Coi..,idering the great similarity of the species belonging to this group, this would by far not settle the (piestion, whether Say liad described as P. fimiiriitiis one of these spe(;ies, or whether he liad mixed it up with others. I regret to say that in Wiedemann's collection there are, under the name of J', fimuridiis, only two females, which, judg- ing by the pins, came from Jjay ; one of these females i believe to be J'. SI I'liiiKitor, the other J', ctiudatitlu.i • nsidering, however, the great dilliculiies attending the distinction of the females of this groui), I cannot render a positive decision. Thus P./'cmorntns o( Hay, as a species, will have to remain unnoticed, as it cannot be determined with certainty. 6. pallens W'iii/. This species i; easily recognizable as one of those in my possession. Wiedema'iu furnishes only the description of the male ; in the following I communicate tlie description of both sexes. 7. macula W'ii'd. This is a species entirely unknown to me, and remark- able by the unusual picture of the wings, fci. diflusus W'ied. In ^V'iedemann's collection there are two totally dif- ferent males under this name. That whicdi bears the etiijuette is remarkable by the more diluted, as if diffused, picture of the wings, so that it may be supposed that Wiedemann had this specimen par- ticularly or exclusively in view when he described and named this species. I accept this specimen without hesitation as the genuine P. rum perlongis, halteribus nigris. ^. Luolius ullimis tarsorum interuK^diorum articulis postice caudido- pilosis, appendiuibus hypopygii m.ijusuulis, fuscis. 0 . Tibiis tarsisijue interuiediis piceis. Green, very shining; both blackish bands of the wings very ditliised, but united in front, abbreviateiis (i:j/'iisiis WiRO., Auss. Zweifl. II, 221, 17. Metallic-green, brij^lit, i^hiiiinu'. The lower part of the face, the posterior corne's of the tiiorux and the sculelluin (in one of tho males) steel-bluh The very nuich cxcuvated front Ix'set, he- sides til'' usiui! ?>; 'ck J)ristles, in tiie male with lon<>'('r, in the female with somowiat shorter and more sparse hairs, which are, on the mid(,!e of the front of a whitish, on the sides of a more l)lackish, in the male even of an ainnjst black color. The rather broad face is "•lal)rous and only very sparsely dusted, its lower part rather distinctly separated from the upper part and the latter rather coiive.v. Antennie black, rather siindl, the second joint with rather Ions; l)lack bristles ; the arista is of more than middlinir Icno'tli, aiul has a sidtapical position. Palpi hlack, with nnmerous black hairs ; prol)oscis brown-idack. 'i'lie iiristles of the thorax and the four l)ristles of the scutellum are l)li!ck, and rather lonu-. I'lemu' with white dust. The green color of the ubdouieu changes ''i;i ■>: '). . * ••1::' t , m 236 DII'TERA OP NORTH AMKIIICA. [I'AItT If. jrnuliiiilly upon the posterior segments into frojdon-grocii, iiiid llio Inst sr^iiR'iit is usimlly entirely, or lit leas, piirtiiiljy, of a stccl- liliR' color. Ill till' iiiale tlicn,' is, near tiio basis ui' lacli of the al)(loiuiiiaI scuinciits, u narrow, l)ut distinct liiaclv I»aiid ; in tlic female these hiack bands are still narnnver and less strikinj;-. 'i'jie l)lack hair upon the ulidoineii and the black bristles before the; )>osterior nnirjiin of each of the seiiinents are of considerable leiiffth. The hypopyji'iiini is ratln.'r small, its appendajjes are not snrticiently well ]>reserve(' in the described nude specimens, to re- cofj^nize their structure accurately; I perceive oidy that IIkt are of middling lenji'th, rather broad, of a dusky brown, and at the tip of a more black color. Co.xie black, ccnered with a thin whitish dust ; the anterior co.xje with comparatively lonj; white hairs and towards the tip with a few black bristles. Femora black, on the under side with lonj^ erect hairs, which are white near the basis and black at the tip, and are much loiifrer in the nude than in the fcnuile. Fore tibiae and fore tarsi brownish-yellow, the latter blackened near the extreme tip ; the fore tibiie have on the upper side a row of five or six very lonji; black bristles, which is inter- rupted lon.'rt'i'n ; face glalirous, feet jiiaiii tiiid dark colored ; the two broad black baiMlsi on tlie willy's art- united in front and shortened behind: on tlie fomtit hmgitudinal vein tliey again run toHetiiur, so as to enclose u rather lar^ti hyaline drop. ^ . Tibia- dark pitch brown, lialteres brown-black ; abdomen with black bands; the small hytK)|)ygium with small black appendages. 9. TibifB yellow-brownish ; halteres yellow; abdonnMi with but rather indistinct black bands. Long. corp. O.IH — 0.22. Long. al. l».17 — (M!». Sy.n. /'sihi/iiiK ointed ; its color is usually cliicdy coppery, c.t the ti]) always violet, near llic basis often a-reeii ; sometimes tli(! violet color extends almost over the whole abdomen, but even then the posterior margins of the fore and middle abdominal scu-menis remain of a coppery color In the male each of the abdoiiiiniil scfrinents has near the basis abroad, but not sharply delined bhick ]>and ; there ire also traces of them in the female. The black hair on the abibmien and the black Itristles before the posterior inarLiin of each seirment are but of middliufr leufi-th. The extremely sniiill hy])opyia- uii thi.> out- Hide witii a re^iilur row of i)hli*|iiely inserted Iduek l)l'i^llt's ; uii tlie outside of the fore til)iu; there is u low iif five or «i.\ Idark Ijristies, which does nut reacli as fur as the lip ; the hind tiSiu' are witlimit ln'isties. Tihiiu of the female yellow, near the foot liritwn ; the fore and middle tibitu with a few sparse bristles; the hind tiiiije, ns in the male, without bristles. Tarsi l)laek-i)rown, those of tho female less dark than those of the male, in both Hexes plain ; tho foro tnrsi of the male are about 1^ the lenjrth of the til)iu', ilieif first joint is alxmt H the len|;th of th<' followinjr j(»iiits tntrether, and beset upnn the middle of the ontside with two black bristles; its middle tnrsi are not (juite ]}, the rnjrih of the tibia-, their tir>t joint is more than U the Ien;rth of all the jther joints tojrether, and beset with a few black bristles; its hind tarsi are somewhat stout, shorter than the hind tii)ije, and their first joint not iiiiich lonf^er than all the others tofrether. The fore and middle tarsi jf the female are somewhat shorter than those of the male, a!id their first joint is much less eloiifrated ; its hind tarsi are more slen-rees towards the lip of the wiiifi, pursuiuL'' this course in a rather straiirht line; the posttrior transverse vein is ,-lraijrht, has, howin'cr, a somewhat obliipie position. Huh. Rio Janeiro. (Coll. Wied. and Winth.) 10. caudatus ]Vir(l. Wiedcm.itin's statenn'iits sppm to ]irnvc 1 pyoml doubt, that this species l)el(iiii:s to tlie ri-l.-itiimship of /'. .-<■■ I imif'/r ; among the species of this kiml I know Imt one wliicli, lik.- cnmlniiis^ is distinguished by tlie extraiirdinary length of the hairs at tlie e.x- I-' [ i. IJ. 1m ►!; !l ,fl; K' 1:1 '1 J. •] .•■■I' ■ ;■'.■ A--'- ' i fir : ... i;]i8iiM; 240 DIl'TKKA HK NoItTir AMi:i!I('A. [I'AIIT II. trt'iiii' tip of tlu' mull' nliil>itinMi ; this spinier*, which I have ciiII'mI J', riniiliiiii/it'i, (lilt'crs, hoHi'Vcr, fVoiii /'. niiiilnlii.s by its siiiiillcr si/.o too milch, to lie iiiirtlakcii tor it. In WiiMh-niniiii-Wiiitht'in's colleo- tion no inrorinittioii whatever is to lie t'ouinl ai>oiit /'. iinnluhm, \\\ tlie Herlili Muselllil thent is ii Hpeciiiiell of/'. imiKihis, nxuU'r the liaiiie of /'. riiiiiliiiiis ; I eauiiot, howtn'er, nckiiowledge the correct- iiess of this ih'tei'iiiiiiation, as Wieih'iiiatin (li-tiiii'tiy says that tliH feinahf of liis /'. riniilnhis has no hlaek femora, likii the male, hut yellow ones, vliile this is not the case with /'. cnniiitiis. Tho typical Hpeiimeii of /*. eiiiiitnhis is in Westerinann's collection. 11. virgo Willi. The description of a female, which also seems to helong to the circle of relation^'hip of /'. srnhluiitiir. The statements which Wiedemann gives aliont it are so uncertain, that no conclusion as to the species to whiidi tho described specimen heIoni,'ed can Im drawn from them. The size, as stated by Wiedemann, is uiortf con- siderable than the size of the females of all the npecies of this rela- tionship that are known to me. The typical sin-cimeii is not to ho found in Wiedemann's collection, so that a satisfactory solution as to this sj)ecies is iirobably never to be expected. 12. mundus Wii'd. Of this species there are two males in Winthem's collection, tnarked as Wiedemaini's types. Had I known them be- fore I published the Kighth Cart of the " Neue Heitiili^e," I should not have ventured to describe in that volume /'. ri/inhis as a species dill'erent from /'. miiiiilu:i. Certainly both specimens in Winthem's collection are very much smaller than the male, which was the tyj)e of my description of P. cilin'ii.i, and their coloring is darker and more distinctly violet; but in all the plastic characters tliero is much similitude betwe-n them and tho male, which I have de- scribed. The only pi ■ ic dill'erence, whicii I can discover, is the followiiii;; in P. 7niiiiili(s theio is, besides the row of bristle.>( on tho outside of the fore tibia;, also a second row, placed further towards the inside, and which is tolerably complete ; in /'■ ciliattis this second row is also present, but it is as complete as in /'. mididus only in the vicinity of the root of the tibi.-p, further on it is (appa- rently) more incomplete; however, no accurate judgment can bo based on a single specimen, and moreover the difference is so trilling, when compared to tlie great conformity in the extraordinary struc- ture of the wings and of the fore tarsi, that too nundi stress is not to be laid upon it. As tlie name " riliatns'^ has already been be- stowed upon this species, I may be permitted to retain it, until the identity of the species, so named, with /'. miiiKlus has been more positively established. A separate description of the latter is unne- cessary, as no mistake can occur if a proper attention is paid to the description of P. cilialiis, as well as to what has just been said about these species. 1?'. radians Mmq, First described in the " Suites i Buffon ,-" the same I'SU.dlMS. 241 ilKscriptioii irt fmiiid in the hijitlnn fxatiiiiifH II, 2, 122, only in tint latter it is riiiiil "Jiimlifn I'osi'KHiKUlii;.-' «< inh rmiiliniii s Jiiuudivi s," iii'* ntfiul «( " JdiitlirM A.S'i i:mKi'i;i:s (7 iiili nnriliiilrin Juuiiiiiri .■•." Tliat tliit* is nii'i'fly fi>riiit, is (U-idciit t'loni uiiHt Mr. Maeiiuart hiivs in /h'jii. cjriit. //, 2, 1-li, at tilt) top (if tliH jxik't'. All tlin iliaiaitiTrt btated liy Mr. Mau(jiuut am also those of J', lo.i;/ironiin Fiibr., 80 th.1t Mactiuart's species cannot he distinguislieil from it. 14. portoricensis Mn'ij. A very inroniplete description of a fcniale (irst j^iveii in till) '• Siiltts i) Jiiiif'iiii," and then repeated in the /tijil'''n^ /•.niiitiiics, J/, '2, 121. Mr. .Ma(:c|iiart au'ain mentions this sjH-cies in J)/))!, (.ml, Siijiiil. I, l:ii>, and furnisheH there a llgiire of tiie wing (tail, xi, tlic. 17). Tlie only (diaraeter eontained in the description nnd which may leail at once to the recognitiun of this spei'ies, is the puhu.scencu at the hasis of the arista ; another character of this kind may perhaps he found in Macipiart's llgure of the winir, where tini anterior hranch of the fourth longitudinal vein is closely ajiproxi- mated to the margin of the wing. I know of no siiecies possessing these charactei's. 1.'). sipho Mocij. I have already remarked that the species, whidi Mr. Macqiiart has described under this name, is (juite ililt'enMit from tlio genuine siphu Say, and prohahly identical with /'. jiiciiin/iis, with whicli it will liave to ho united as a synonym. 10. incisuralis Mmij. Tlio description {JJijil. ixut. Suj)/!!. I, 120) has heeii drawn from a female ; in an observation, however, Mr. Mac- quart declares that )io possesses a male belonging to this female; the characters, however, wliicli ho furnishes render it very doubtful that they belong togetlier. I tliereforo take into account the de- scription of the female only. It belongs to the group of sjiecies which resemble by the picture of their wings /'. ilij/'iisus, .sh/k rhu-t, &c., but does not seem to bo identical with any of these si)ecies ; it lias also some resemblance with a female in my collection, from Brazil, whicli Wiedemann himself liad deterniine tibia? being yellow. It is easy to perceive that this is no variety, but a dillerent spiicies, aii ^ probably the male of ?H(r/«/.s-, which will be described further below. As in this species the tijjs of the fore and middle femora oidy are yellow, therefore the femora of iiiiirnj) iimni- tits Walk., in conformity with its description, must be of an entirely dark color; thus niifrnfintoratus cannot be mistaken neitlier for scubiiKitor, nor calcaralus, nor cdtulatut:, the femora of wlucli are jire- PSILOPl'S. 24.} cisely of the same color as those of incriiilr:. I (iannot therefore ;e- coi^iii/.e this species of Walker in any of the si>et;ies known to nie. 24. albicoxa Walk. Male and female. Of the HjKnies known to nie, only P. sriiitillinis apjiroaches tliis species. Walker says of his sjieciea tliat tlie fore and middle tarsi are hiack only at the tip, the hind tarsi, however, entirely lilaek with the exception of tln^ lust joint. In my species all the tarsi are of a uniform color, namely, yellow near the root, hnt from the tip of the first joint black-lirown. I cannot therefore^ take uriiilillniis for Walker's (illiicorn, and the men! so, as Walker's description contains no statements about any plastic distin(dions, which might servo as a clue to determination, wliiln sciii/ilhiiis j)ossesses so remarkable and so striking plastic cliar,'u;ters. 25. lepidus ]\'it//,: The described male seems to belong to a species very nearly related to jintiliuldtus, or to be this very species. After Walki'i''s dcscripf ion nothing more can be said abinit it. 2(1. ungulivena W'ullc. The description agrees with none of the species known to me. 27. solidiis Ma//.-. The description of the female of a species with en- tirely black feet, from the r(;lationship of jKitiliiilaiux, which seems to he distinguished from all similar species by a more robust struc- tur(! of the body. Tin; description, however, contains nothing which would make it possible to determine this s]>ecies with more cer- tainty. 28. peractus Wall. A female from the relationship of /'. Imniiroruls and chiysfijiritsiiis. The characters stated are insullicient for its deter- mination. 20. haereticus W'lll. A female from the relationship of the ])rcceding species and similar to it, also described in a very unsatisfactory manner. 30. permodicus U'allc. The male of a species remarkabb? by the slen- derness of its body, anrred. "in, Tints, the scanty result of tlio iiKpiinVs att('nii)t('(l on tlio ])ro- vioiisly pultlislicd tliirty .Xoctl) Anicriciiii species is tlic lolluwiii^' : Two species, (UjI'iikk.^ VVicd. nit^J (jatluld Wicd., must bo stricken out from the list of Nortli American species. Of the other species 1 recognize live anioii<>' those in my possession, nanu'ly, aiplio Say, patV ulahix Say, y^r/Z/c/j.s Wied.. and ('■/(/v/.s'o/y/Y/.s/ Walk. ; the lirst throe are reproduced liolow ninlcr th<' same nnnics, the last one as chri/Kopra.-iiiis. There is a species which, very pr()l)al)ly, is the same with ono doscribod by mo as now, nanioly, mundut^ Wicd. Pi i ,. m\ 244 DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. with ciliatus. Five species have to be recorded as ■.ynonyins )f others; tliesc are radians Macq., as a synonym of longicoi'm's Fab., sipho ^lacq. (jf juvundus Ijoew, gemmij'ei' Wall<. of sijiho Say, amalus Wiillv. of iiatibulalus Say, aud inficilus AVallior, likewise oi palibulutus Say. Table for the determination of tlie Species. 2 15 3 S 6 10 11 12 13 ( Tegulfc witli black cilia. * Teguhe with pale cilia. ( Wings with a Si///. First joint of the middle tarsi of the % closely ciliated with short erect bristles on the anterior side. 3 scaber /.«•. I Face hairy, 4 patibulatus >«//• ( Face without hairs. 7 {Feet in both sexes entirely black. 5 melampus /.»•. Feet in both sexes not entirely black. 8 Middle tibise and lirst joint of the middl'j tarsi of the % ciliated on the upper side. C pilosns /,«'. Middle tibiip and first joint of the middle tarsi not ciliated on tlie upper side in the % . 7 jucundus /.n: First longitudinal vein much prolonged beyond the middle of tlie wing. 8 ciliatus /."•. First longitudinal vein reaching at the utmost as far as the middle of the wing. 10 t Arista extremely elongated, apparently apical. 9 comatus /.«'. ( Arista not very elongated, distinctly dorsal. 11 ( Fore tibiaj >f the ^ , fore and middle tibi;e of the 9 » yellow. I 1<" chrysoprasins Wa/L: ( All tibife of the % , in the 9 'I'so the femora, yellow. 12 f The first joint of the middle tarsi of the ^ beset with crooked bris- ] ties. V.i ' The first joint of the middle tarsi of the % plain. 14 Tip of the abdomen of the ^ with moderately long hairs. 11 scobinator JTm. Tip of the abdomen of the '^ with exceedingly long hairs. 12 caudatulus Lw. PS1L0PU8. 245 14 15 M 20 1 Middle tibire of the % with strikingly long spurs. 13 calcaratus /w. Middle tibi;e of the ^ without long spurs. 14 inermis Lw, Antennse entirely black. 15 scintillans Lw. Two first joints of the antennae yellowish. 16 Fore femora without thorn-like bristles upon the under side. 17 Fore femora with yellowish thorn-like bristles upon the underside. 20 Atidomen at the basis not yellow. Abdomen at the basis yellow [not metallic]. Tarsi for the most part, black. Tarsi but little infuscated towards the tip. Ail the coxse entirely yellow. Mi'M'e coxa; gray with yellow tip. AU 1 ■ cox;e entirely yellow. Midd-rf and hind coxai blackish. l(j pallens Wied. 18 17 variegatua Lw. 19 18 bicolor Lw. 19 psittacinus Lie, 20 tener J.w. 21 filipes Lw. Systematic arramjement of the Species. I. Tegulie with black cilia. A. Wings with a dark picture. A. Wings lilack, only the tip and the hind margin hyaline. 1. dimidiatus L.n: B. Wings hyaline with two fascise connected at the anterior mar- gin. 2. sipho Sin/. 3. scaber Lw. 4. patibulatus Say. 5. melampus Lio. 6. pilosus Lw. 7. jucunduB Lie. B. Wings without dark picture. A. First longitjidinal vein reaching far beyond the middle of the wii 8. ciliatua L.w. B. First longitudinal vein reaching at the utmost but to the mid- dle of the wing. 1. Arista apparently apical and remarkably elongated. 9. comatus Lw. 2. Arista distinctly dorsal and not remarkably elongated. a. In the % only the fore tibire, in the 9 also the middle tilii.''' vf'llow. 10. cbryBopraBtus Walk. i. In the '^ all tibinn, in the 9 ^'^o ^^^ femora, yellow. M. Bcobinator r.n: 13. calcaratus I^w. 1-. caudatulus Lw. 14. inermis Lw. ^' !» '', M^' '; J. 24G DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. [part II. II. Tegulae with pale cilia. A. Anteniije entirely black. 15. Bcintillans Lw. B. Tlie two first joints of the antennae pale. A. Fore femora in both sexes, or at least in the % , without yellow thorn-like bristles upon the under side. 1. Abdomen at the basis not yellow. 10. palleus Wied. 2. Abdomen at the basis yellow, not metallic. a. Tarsi for the most part black. 17. variegatUB Lw. b. Tarsi towards the end but little infuscated. a. All the coxffi entirely yellow. 18. bicolor Lw, B. Middle coxa gray with yellow tip. 1''. psittaicinuB L2u. B. Fore femora in both sexes with yellow thorn-like bristles upon the under side. 1. All the coxjE entirely yellow. 20. tener J.w. 2. Middle and hind coxse blackish. 21. iilipes Lw. Mn Description of the Species. I. TeGI L.E CILIATED WITH BLACK. A. Wings with a black picture. A. Wings black, only the tip and the hind margin hyaline. 1. P. (liniidiatus Lokw. ■^ .— Nitidissimus, capite thoraceque vio- lacelrt, abdoniine viridi ; pedes simplices, graciles, femoribus nigris, tibiis fltivis, tarsis fuscis ; alae ex fusco nigrffi, trieute apicali et margine pos- tico hyallnis. Very shining ; head and thorax purplish-blue, abdomen green ; feet plain and slender with Mack femora, yellow tibia; and brown tarsi ; wings brownish-black, the last third and the hind margin hyaline. Long. eorp. 0.17. huna,. al. 0.19. Syn. IVdopns dimidiatus LoEW, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. VI, 216, 70. psiLorus. 247 Head purplis]i-l)luc ; the front has, besklcs the ordinary black Jjristk's, no ituhcsci'iu'e ; the naked face is rather densely covered with whitish dust. The small antennui are black ; their second j(»int is beset with only a few short lu'istles ; the arista is of medium size only and has a dorsal position. Proboscis, brownish- yellow ; palpi, blackish-brown. The coloring of the thorax is puri)lish-blue, shining, but changes ui)on its posterior lialf into steel-blue, and before the s-utellum even into a bluish-green. Scutellum greenish-blue. Pleurie black with a greenish reflec- tion, dusted with white. Abdomen metallic-green, shining ; the bristles of the single segments before the hind margin are but of medium length. The hypoi)ygium is small ; the form and color- ing of its appendages cannot be distinguished with certainty in the described specimen, still the si^e of the appendages seems to be but small. Coxie brownish-black, dusted with white, the fore- most with minute whitish hairs and bristles. The slender, rather glabrous femora are, but at the extreme tip, yel- low ; the yellow tibiiE are slender, beset with very short black hairs, which are somewhat more erect on the middle libi*. Tarsi plain, slender, brown, somewhat more brownish-yellow towards the basis ; the four anterior ones are much longer than the tibiie, and their first joint much longer than the four following joints taken together ; the hind ones are hardly of the same length with the tibia), but their first joint is likewise perceptibly longer than the four following joints taken together. Teguhe l)ordered and ciliated with black. AVings brownish-ltlack, the last third, the hind margin, and the greatest part of the anal angle grayish- hyaline ; the fore margin of the wing is fringed, almost ciliated with comparatively long, minute hairs ; the hind transverse vein has a very oblique position. Hah. Mexico. (Collect. Winthem.) B. Wings hyaline with two l)lack bands connected on the .anterior margin. 2. P. sipllO Say. % and 9. — Chalyheus vel viridis, rarius aureo- viridis, nitidissiniiis, alarum fasciis dualius nigricantilius, aiitice con- junctis et po.stii-e. abhroviatis, facie nuda, pedibus iu iitroijiie sexu tlavis, maris metatarsis interniediis non ciliatis. Steel-blue or green, seldom golden-green, very shining ; wings with two l)lMi:kish bands, connected in front and abl)reviated behind ; face with- out liairs ; feet yellow in both sexes ; the tirst joint of the middle tarsi of tlie ^ not ciliated. Long. corp. 0.121— U.:24. Long. al. t).li2— 0.'.24. 1 ' '.' " t IH ff m pH fe^lf'^ "■ ' ; • 4 ■ ■" i'l ' \^ i-. \) . ■ • ' ' ' '■ii«*^.. 9 I:' ':i.i'^if^:'|- 248 DIPTKHA OF NOKTir AMKIUCA. [part n. Syn. DnUcfiopifi si'jihn Say. Journ. Ac. Pliilad. Ill, S4, 1. Psi/o/)tis sijilio WiKDKMA.N.N, Aiisirt. ZweiH. II, 218, 9. Psilo/ms (jcmmifir Walkku, List, III, t)4G. Psiliipiis sipho LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 83, 1. Saturate green, often bluish-green, steel or even purplish-hluo, seldom gokl-green, always very shining. Faee without hairs, its ui)i)er part but little convex and separated from the lower part by a shallow impression. Proboscis brownish-yellow. Antennte black ; the pubescence of the second joint only of moderate length; third joint rounded; arista distinctly dorsal; not par- ticularly long. Abdomen with black transverse fascia; on the fore margin of the segments, which are so narrow in the j, tliiit they arc entirely concealed beneath the hind margin of the pre- vious segment ; in the J* the hind segments of the abdomen are often gold-green; the same is sometimes also the casein the 9, where this gold-green color sometimes also reaches the anterior segments of the abdomen. The pubescence of the abdomen is generally black; in the male it is whitish upon the first segment, on the basis of the second and of the third segments, and on the anterior half of the lateral margin ; in tiie 9 , the pubescence of which is in general shorter, minute whitish hairs arc to be found only upon the hrst segment and on the anterior part of the lateral margin, which hairs are less perceptible than in the (-f . The black bristles before the hind margin of the segments of the abdomen arc only of a moderate length. Ilypopygium small, black ; lamelhc small, black or brownish-black, ciliated Avith black. Fore coxie yellowish, with a delicate white pubescence and a few black bristles near their tip. Middle and hind co.Tic, including the trochanter, dark. Feet yellowish ; all the femora are beset with delicate, minute whitish hairs upon the under side, which are distinctly longer in the J* than in the 9 ; the fore femora have a row of four to five black bristles upon the hind side ; on the middle and hind femora a few thorn-like minute black hairs are to be found upon the hind side, as well as uv)on the anterior side before the tip. Fore tibite entirely yellow ; in both sexes, three snmll bristles are generally to be found upon the upper side ; and whilst there Jire likewise but three upon their outside in the 9 , in the (^ , about six much longer biiotles are usually extant. The fore tarsi are yellow at the basis, but be- come black already before the end of the first joint ; in the ^^ iiwy rsiLopus. 240 ni'( once and a liulf llic l('ii;.r;li of llic tibiir, in tlic j only iiI)out once and a third; tlicir lii>t joint is very elun<;'at('(l, so liiat it is much lonjiXT than tho rcnniininji' joints talJl'Ti;ilA dl" NOllTII AMKlUl'A. [part ir. Ix'iiijr hIso proloiifjcd over the lirst Joint oC llio larsi, wlicro tlio brislk's are iiiucli sliorti-r, and tlicrc arc altout ten Itrislk-s in all. As, in otiior r('sj)(.'cts, this specimen anTces itcrlcctly with iho others, and as llio row of bristles in (|ne>tion seems liable to vary as to its closeness, 1 take this sin'cimen Ibr a variety of P. kiji/io. OhKervation '2. — It has already been noticed above, that the sjiecies described as J\ si/i/io by Mactjuart, is not synonynions with the present one. Walker, in the Lisl of Dipt., lias also u ]'. sipho, but as he (piotes Mac(piarl's J\ to Say, marked as beinjj; from New Holland. As there are also two specimens of 1'. palletK^ with a similar habilal, one is juslilied in supposinj^ that these indications are erroneous. 3. !•. scatoer Loew. % . — Clialybeus vd viridis, nltidissimus, alarum I'asfiis duabus iiigricuintil)us, antice conjiuu-tis et postice al)breviatis, faitic mida, la'dihus in iitnujiic sf.\u tlavis, tarsoium intermediorum niarij^ ai'tiitulo primo iu latere aiiteriore pilis niiuutis erectis confertiiu ciliato. Steel-blue or green, very shining ; wing.s with two blackish bands, which are connected In front and abbreviated behind ; face without hairs ; feet yellow in both sexes, the liist joint of the middle tarsi of the % closely ciliated upon the front aide with short, erect, uiinute hairs. Long. corp. 0.2-4. Long. al. 0.24. Sv.v. J^ilnpus scabir Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 8.J, 2. This species is strikin.. ^ a^ PSIL0PU8. 261 very rough fringe ; towards the end of the joint they are decreasing in length, and can hardly be distinguished at the end. The hind tarsi of the only specimen which I possess, seem to be somewhat shorter than those of a mule of P. xijtho of the same size. In all other characters the agreement is coni|)lete. IJab. I'enn.sylvania. (Von lleyden.) 4. P. patitolilaf MS Say. % and 9 . — Obscure viridis, iiitidus, alarum fasciis duabus iii^'ris, antice conjunctis et po.stiuo abbreviatis, facie pilosil, pediburf nigri.s. ^ , lliilteribuii iiigris, primo tarsorum anticorum articulo elongate et api- ceiu versus in latere exterioro setis uigris armato, articulis duubus sequentibus brevissiniis. 9 . Ilalterum capitulo llavo. Dark-green, shining ; wings with two black bands, which are connected in front and shortened behind ; face hairy ; feet black, ^ . Ilalteres black, the first joint of the fore tarsi elongated, and towards the tip, upon the outside, beset with black bristles, the two following joints extremely short. 5 . Knob of the halteres yellow. Long. corp. 0.20 — 0.23. Long. al. 0.20 —0.23. Syn. Do!u:hopu-< patlbulntus Say, Journ. Ac. Philad. Ill, 87, 7. JVilopun patihulfitus Say, Journ. Ac. Philad. VI, 1(J8, 2. Psilopus putibit/atus Wikdemann, Auss. Zweifl. II, 225, 27. Pxilopiin (uiuiliis Waf.kkr, List, etc. Ill, G48. P.-iili'pus iiijirilus Wai,kek, List, etc. Ill, 049. I'silopus patibul(iln.t LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 85, 3. j\[(de. Bright, shining, dark-green, often steel-blue, particu- larly the head, the posterior part of the thorax, the scutellum and also the front and hind segments of the abdomen. Proboscis and palpi black. Face beset with long whitish or pale fallow-yellow- ish hairs, but little dusted. Second joint of the antenme with rather long bristles, the tliird joint small and rather rounded. Arista distinctly dorsal, of moderate length. Front at the upper eye-corner with a long, black pubescence. Upper side of the thorax and the scutellum with long black bristles. Pleurjc black Avith a green reflection and slightly dusted with white, which gives them a somewhat grayish appearance. Abdomen shining green, the first segments often, tlie two last generally, purplish-blue ; on the anterior margin of the single segments there are black, not very im 252 DIITKIIA OF SOUTH AMIMtlCA. [I'Airr ir, slmrply limited tnuisvcrst' Itiiiids, wliicli arc bi'diidrr tipnii tlio hind s('i>'iiK'iits llinii upon tin' iiiitcrior ones. Pultcsct'iicc of ilio ultdiiiiicii hltiok, whitish only uii the iiiiterinr part of tho latcrul iiiarjiiii and (if tlic venter; tiie hiaeli lii'istles i)eferted some hlaek bristles; on the under side of the femora there id a loiiji" erect puliescence, which has only very near their tip a black, otherwise everywhere a whitish coloriuff. 'Piliiie, besides the usual short black pubescence, with a moderate iiuinber of black bristles, which nuiy lie easily overlooked on the hind tibia*, as they are rather short and to be found only uixiu their out>ide. First joint of the f(jre tarsi • \tremely elongated, aliout as Ioiil;' as the til)ia' and nearly twice ti leuj^th of the four followin<>; joints taken together; ui)on the outside, towarils the tip, frinlh'S upon thorax and seiiteUuni are likewisf of a lesser hiifftli and tlut>o 1)elbre the inei>'ires of the alHhtineu still luueh sliorter than in the ^ . The black Imuds of the ahdonieii are not apparenl when tiie hitler is not more stretched out tiiau usual ; still the narrow, sharply limited hind nmrji-ins of the seji'uieiils appear rather lihni. in a certain lifjfht. Feet plain ; pulieseenee and l)ri.-iles of the femora and tibial as in the (^ , Itiit shorter. Tarsi shorter than in the ^ ; fore tarsi at least onee and u third tin' lenji'tli of the tihiie, the lirst joint aI»out onee and a half the length of the tour follow- inli-black, knob yellow. H(ib. Chicago, Nebraska, etc. [Comnuju everywhere in the .Mi(hllo States, O. S.] Ohserrafion. — Say mentions the occurrence of P. po/ihuhifiis in Mexico. The specimens seen by him nuiy jxrhaps l)elong to the following species, which is frecpuMit in Afc-'xico, and he may have been mistaken about their identity with his P. ]>atibiilatHii. ,K'., m 5. P. melampiis Lokw. % and 9.— Viridis, saopp ex clialybeo viridis, nitidiis, facie luidil, ahiruui farfciis duabus nigricantibus, antice coiijuni'tis et postice abbreviatis, pedibiis totis nit^ris. 'J,. Abdoiiiiue fasciis aequalibus nigrirf oriiato, halterilnirf e.\ fusco nigris, primo tarsoruni antic-orum articulo sotis nigris armato, artiouli.s se(iuen- tibiis duobiis 11011 abbr«viatis. 9 . Fasciis uigris abdominis angustis, subobsoletis, lialte rum capitnlo flavo. Green, often bluisli-green, shining, face without liairs; tlie two blackisli bands ui the wing connected in front and shortened behind ; feet entirely black. % . Abdomen with black bands of equal breadth ; halteres brownish black ; i \ m 254 DIPTKRA op XOIlTIf AMKIITCA. [r.AllT II tho first Joint of tlif fore tftrni lu'Hot with blnuk lirintles, tlie two follow- iiiu' not fdioi'tt'iicd. 9. 'I'lio M.ick l),iii(lrt of tilt) (ilidoninn narrow mid ratlifr indistinct ; tlio knol) (if thu haltoreH yellow. Long, corp, 0.17—0.22. Long. nl. 0.21 0.2:i. Sv.N. /'.li/oiiim mildwiiiis LoKw, UitI. luit. MonatHchr. VI, 215, (iO. Mdlr. Sliiiiiii}^ inctiillic-jrrci'ii, sonictiincH partly Iduisli-frrccn, llic ]M(st('riitr itiirt oI'iIk' n1i<|oiMt'ii jfciifriilly stccl-ldiio. I'mboscis iiiid |iiil|ii l)lii('lv. Fiicc ratliiT cldscly (jusfcd with white, liut with- nut liiiirs. Aiitcnmc Ithick ; the second joint with niunerous unci lonj? black Itrislies. Arista distinctly dorsal, of a more tliaii moderate lenirtli. Front, iiesides the usual bristles, with a deli- eate pulieseenee, which has near the upjM'r corner of the eve a liluck, towards tlio middle of the front a neiirly whitish colorinjr. Tpper sid(! of the thorax and the scutellum with ionj^ black bristles. Tlenra' with a greenish rellection and dusted with white. Abdomen shining green, the antei'ior segments often, the hindmost usimlly, steel-blue; on the anterior margin of the single segments there are sharply defined transverse bands, which are broader upon the hind segnicnts. Pubescence of the abdomen blaek, only on the anterior portions of the lateral nnirgin and of the venter, whitish ; the black bristles before the hind imirgin of the single segments are of a considerable, but nit striking length. The small black liypopygium has snnill black himelhe. Cnxiv and feet blaek; fore co.\u; and all the femora with a bluish-green or blue rellection. Fore coxiu with a considerable whitish j)ubesceiice, amlack. Fore tibia* upon the outside with a row of fiMir, or at most live, long black ))ristles ; the last of which is inserted at some distance from the tip of the tibial'; ujton the upjx'r side with three or four (piite sliort bristles, whieli may be easily overlooked. The pubescence (tf the middle tibia? is some- what more erect than that of the fore and hind til)iaB, and upon the upper side, especially towards the basis, longer ; upon the tipper side there are four or five longer bristles, the of which is inserted at a considerable distance from the tip of the tibiie ; upon the under si(h' are four or five shorter bristles at erpial dis- tances. The hind tibiiB have, besides the usual pubescence, upon their outside about six bristles at equal intervals. The rather psiropi'fl. 255 sIl'IkIci' fore tarsi iilduit once ami u half tin; Icii^lli of llif (iliiir; llii'ir lii'st j(»iiil is niiicli Idiig-ci" tlian tlic roilitwin;;' talicii lnjiM-liii'i', ami is friii^n'd ii|m)ii its outside witli six or seven Imijr l»ristles, insei'te(l sdiiiewliat closer lowanis its tip; the lour last Joints of tlie fore tarsi are of a fi'radiially deereasiiin' leiijrth and t)f au en- tirely plain structure. Middle tarsi plain, alxmt once and a lliird the lenu:ih of tli*! tilme, their first joint aliout \\ the lenu'tli of tlie followini; taken top'tlier. It has upon its front and upper siilu an exceedingly short and therefort! not (piil(; easily perccplihle frinji'i'-like lilaelv pnltcscenee. Hind tarNi sliortei' than the hind tiliiic, the fonrlli joint ultont !.{ tlie lenulh of the following; taken to;r<'tlM'r. Ilalteres hrownisli-lilaek. Teji'uhe willi a very broad ithick inarii'in and with lony lilack cilia. Win^s liyalino with the usual siplion-Iik(! pi( tare j both bands forininfr this pic- tun; are perpendicular, jicnerally of (tnly ni'.ldle breadth, always connected on the fore inarfiin, sometimes also upon the fourth loufritudiiial vein, and abbreviated l)efore the hind nniruin of iho wiuf^s. The first loiiu'itudinal vein reaches somewhat beyond tho midtlh' of the aiderior marji'in ; the anterictr branch of the fourth lonji'itmlinal vein diveru'cs at an aiijile of about TO", and turns afterwards at a somewhat. rounde(l riu'ht an^i'lo towards the mar- gin, which it reaches before the extreme apex, near the lip of tiit* third loniililnilnU(i^, but sonietinios interrupted between the third and Inurth lonii'itudinal veins. ( )/)sfrffi//\tii '2. — I was in possession of the j of this spec ies a U)UiX tiiiHJ au'o, but allhoujj,'h convinced of its speeilic disliiiclne-s (vid. Neue I5eitr., N'llI, SC), i woidd not deseribi; it withoul llie male. It is easily (listin,i>'uished in both sexes from J\ ixitilxildhi^, with which, anionu' the spi'cies known to nu', it has the do re- niblauce, bv it^ -fni abrous face, and besides, in the mah diU'erent structure of the fore tarsi. J presume that Say luis con founded tliis .Mexican species with his J'. jiaUlndalii^s, tif which h savs he has seen Mexican si)eeiniens. \v. Face rather doselv dusted with wliite. in the described specimon without all ]»ul)escence, which howcvei may have been rubbed oil'. Second joint of the auteniuo upon the under sido witli rather long, upon the ui)per side with shorter bristles, these curved forward; third Joint snniil, rounded; aii^ta distinctly dorsal, of medium length. Front with a black piiliescence in the upper comer near the I'ye. Thorax and sculeliiim with rather long black bristles. I'leuriu black with a greeu relleetion, I'SII.dl'IS. •)( "•.iincwluit ,uriiy, liy liciiiL;' .-I'u'Iidy diislcd witli wliilisli. PiiIh'scciico ci" tin; alidomcii iiioi'o ('[(ci aiul lonii'tT ihaii ii.-inil, hhidv, only v.liitisli 1)11 llic [interior piirt nl' llic lalcral iiiar,u-iii and i>\' llic vciilcr. Tlio .small liypopy.u'iiim lilack, with liiackisli-hrowii laiiulhi'. ( 'o.xa: and I'l'ct black ; <'().\ii! with a firccnisli icllcctidii, raliicr closely dusted with wliitu; the forciiiost with a distinctly whitish piiliescencc and with some stout lihick ln'istlcs. ruder sidi- d' t!ie t'eniura with a delicate, ioiit^, erect |inl)escencc which, (|iiite iicai' the lip of the leiiiora, has a hlack, otiu'rwise everyu here a whit ish cidorin^-. I'"ure tihiii' yellowish-hrowii, upon the upper side dark-hniwn, and near the Itasis almost lilack, npiti the ontside rriii,u:ed with not, very nu- iiicroiis, liut proportionally loiiu' black bristles. .Middh; tibia; lilack. oidv vellowish-browii at the end oi' the inner side, ciliated niton Ilic iVont si(h! with a reundar mw ol' inodcrMtcly lonu' black bristles ; upon the upper side Irinu'cd with moderately loiiji; and somewhat erect black hairs, upon the first third of the hind sidt; with some moderately lonj^ black bristles, !it the tip with three loiiji'cr black liristles, of which oni; is inserted on the inner side, tlu! two others upon the I'ront side;. Hind tiliia; entirely black, rather loiiir, with somewhat coarse Idack hairs and a l'cv\ short lilack bi'istles, which are inserted lietwceu the upper and the hind side. Fore tarsi slender, nearly twice the leiiji'th of the tibia;; the lirst joint alom; is some- what loiiii'er than the tibia and about once ami a third the lenjith of the four following taken to.ti'cther, tho lenu'th of which is rapidly decreasing ; no unusual pubescence or bristles are to lie seen on the fore tarsi. Middle lai'si twice the h'ligth of liie tiiiia-; their lirst joint alone much loiiu'cr than the tibia, about once and a half the length of the four following taken together, brownish-yellow, straiglit, somewhat stouter than usual, upon its upjier side regularly cilialeil with erect, iiiinnte, black hairs ; the four last joints black, of decreasing lengtli. Hind tarsi entiridy black, much slnu'ter than thetibiiu; first joint once and a half the length liyaline, propor- tionally larger than in /', fKitihuldliiH with the usual siphou-like black ]iiettire ; tiie two liliick bainis not particularly broad, as usual, shortened l)eliind, only coiineeteil (Mi the fure margin ; the n Xi ,. RpT ■ m ?■ ... . ■ V I i ■■ ' ' *' f ^ ii; >)■■■ HV It • ! H i; 'f ! ill ^1 H "iM ■ ,1 - p •) jC. ' ,i fc ^ .[ 258 DII'TERA OF NOHTII A:\IKRICA. [PAKT II. anterior branch of tlic fourtli loniritiuliiial vein divorg'os from tliis at an aiiprle wliich a})j»roaolii's a riu'lit oiio and turns iiftcrwarils towards the niarfrin at a rounded aii ; their first joint is yellowish-brown, darker at the tip and not tpiite as long as the tibite, also hardly longer than th(! four following joints taken together; it has upon its hind side three' rather considerable bristles of increasing length; the four follow- ing joints of the fore tarsi are l)lackisli-l)rowu, more yellowish-brown at the basis, at least once and a half the length of the tibia' ; their first joint nearly as long as the tibiie and once and a third the h ngth of the following joints taken together, which are of a decreasing length ; no unusual pubescence or l)ristles on the the middle tarsi. Hind tarsi brownish-ldack, distinctly shorter than the tibia"; first joint hardly longer than the four following joints taken together; the length of the l-atter is rapidly decreasing Ilidteres dingy- brown. Tegnhi' with a narrow black margin and l)Iack cilia. Wings hyaline with the usual sii)hon-like blackish ])icture; the two bands are peritendie'ida**, of medium breadth, still rather dis- tant from each other, connected only on the anterior margin ; tin' anterior lirancli of the fourth longitudinal vein diverges from it at an angle of about 1^)° and turns afterwards towards the nmrgin of the wing at a b>it little rounded angle ; it reaches it liefore the apex, near the third longitudinal vein ; jiosterior transverse vein moderately obrujue and nearly straight. Female. Face likewise without hairs. The bristles on the second joiut of the aatennai much shorter than in the male ; the ! ^m* .(:i <)■ 200 niPTKRA 01 NOllTII AMEUICA. [part II. ar'.ita, tlic bristles ii])on tlie tliorax and itjion the Hcutolluin are iisu distinctly sliurtor, those liet'ure tlie hind murgiii of tiie se<>-- mcnts of the abchtinen much sliorter than in the male. Transverse 1)auds at the Ijasis of the segments of the ul)donien are iircscnt, hilt very narrow. Fore coxa- yellow, with a whitish i)ul)esc('ne(' and a i'^^w black bristles. Middle and hind coxuj black (tr black- ish-brown. Femora yellow, the extreme tij) of the hind IVnioia dark-brown, the under side of all beset with very short minute whitish hairs; on the hind side of the fore femora there are only ii \'itw minute black hairs near the tip, itut no bristles. Tibiie yellow, the extreme basis and the apical half of the hind ones brown ; the fore tibiic near the basis with a small minute bristle upon the upper side and, farther towards the midille, with two such bristles upon the hind side. The middle tibite have, besides the ])ristles at the tip, a few more bristles, which are longer tliiin In the male. Hind til)iie U[)oii the outside with two, 'xt the utmost with three, quite short black bristles. Fore tarsi about once and a half the length of the til)i:e, dark-brown ; the first joint as long as the four following taken together, upon the hind side with three hardly perceptible, short bristles. Middle tarsi blackish-brown, only brownish-yellow at the basis, distinctly longer than the til)iie; their first joint over 1^ the length of tlic following taken together, which are of a decreasing length. Hind tarsi blackisii-brown, otherwise as in the male. Wings exactly as in the male. Hah. Culia. (Iliehl.) Obt^crralioi} 1. Brazilian specimens of P. J unoidus are to he found in Wintheni's and Wiedenmnirs collections. Ohscrratinn 2. I hope not to have been mistaken in the siiecitic identity of both sexes, althougli the 1)ristles of the tibia" in the 9 do not corres])()nd exactly to those in the (-f , as is usually the ease. The great resemblance in the neuration and the picture of the wings seems to warrant the specific identity. Should I be mistaken 1 beg to take the J* for the type of the species. B. Tr//(f/.s ivithout dnrk picture. Ar First longiindinal vein cxii'nditig fur hei/ond the. middle of the wing. 8. P. ciliatlI8 LoKW. % . — Chalybpus, nitidissimus, alls immaculatis, vciua longituilinali prima eloiigata et costS, pilis .'irl)t'!->,i'iriia ciliat^, peflibus iiipris, tarsorurn ai)ticoruiii articulo pri'j:n nigio aauK^^t*, articulo secundo perbrevl. ;?;■*. "•i.i;f'i PSILOPUS. 2(;i Steel-blue, very sljinin? ; wines witlimit jiicture, tliinl l(iiigitiiiliii;il vein elmigiitt'd, uosta ciliated with exticiiK-l y dclii-ate, minute liaiis. Ft-i-t black, the lli'st joint of the Ion; tarsi with black bristles; the second extremely short. Long. eoip. 11.17. Liiig. al. U.IS. Syn. (?) Psilopiis tuuntliis WiKi)., Auss. Zweill. II, 227, 31). I'siliijjiis (ilialu.^ Loiiw, Neue 15eitr. VUi, fcb, (J. Very shining .stt'cl-hluc, the uijpcr jtart of tlio f;ieo, tho middln of tlic front and tlie liitcra! nuiru'in of the iilxlonicn ^timmi, tlin sitk's of the front and tlio niiddic of tho al)(h)Mi('n of a Itcautifid jturpii.sii color. Face witliont liairs, oidy tlic lower jiart sdniewiiat dusted with white. Talfti ))lack ; j»rol)o,artl v steel-blne, xfry shining, without dark bands on the abdomen : wings without {lictiire ; the elongated arista apjiarently ai>ical ; feet long, slender, pale-yellowisli, cox.t and t'eiuora black ; the bristles upon the vii)per side of the four anterior tibiic very long. % . Bristles upon head, thorax, scutelluui, and abdomen slender, extremely PSILOPUS. 2r)» long ; the appt-ndages of tlit^ liyii(ii)vgiiuu i)alo ; the first joint of the fore and niidille tarsi (.-iliated upon tlie upper side. 9. Uristlt's uiiiin liead, thorax and uhdonieii, slender, of medium length; the first joint of tlie fore tarsi indistinctly ciliated with very short minute hristles, middle tarsi plain. Long. corp. 0.18 — 0.113. Long. al. 0.20—0.24. Sy.v. Psilujnis cdiiuitns LoKW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 80, 7. Male. IJrijxlit sliiiuiijr-}J:recn ; tlionix and Kcutclluin (in the (loscrihcd sitecinit'n) iiiorc stccl-bliio, and llio head liiindsume ]»urpiisli ■hluo J'iilpi lilack ; jJi-oliosciH brown. Face; williuut hairs, liroach'P than usual; its small under side is dusted with ji,'ruyisli-\viiite, the npix'r part more convex and, iVom a side view. more projeetinji; than usual Tl le second joint of the iintenntu with a small number of rather loiij^, Init not very stout hristles ; the third joint ovate; arista ajtparently ajjical, but, in fact, oidy sul)apical, still consideral)ly shorter than the b(t(Iy. Kroni with a scattered, very delicate white ]>iiltescence ; the black l)ristles, inserted upon the ocellar tiil)ercle and in the immediate proxi- mity of the ujiper corner t)f the eye are hair-like and of a (|iiite unusual lenf!;th. The l)lack bristles upon the ni)per side of the thorax and of the scutellum are of the same hair-like descripticjii ; also those inserted before the incisures of the alidoiiien, the latter are oidy of a still more strikinj; lenji'ih than the former. T'lion the upper side of the abdomen there seem to be, besides the loiiif bristles before the incisures, onlv sin >hort hairs of a lilack color; u))on the iirst scii'inent, however, as aho on the lateral niarfrin and on the venter, there is a very lonir whitish ])nbescence; lonji-, hair-like, black bristles are also to be found on the hind niarii'in of the segments of the venter, similar to those upon the upper side of the alxlomen. No lilack bands are jjcrceptible at the base of the aliiloininal segments. The hypojiyginm is jiartly destroyed in the described s))ecimen ; it seems that it was ish-l)lack, and that it had liorii-shai)ed yeli ow aiiiieiulaL^cs. br ( own- oxa» ))lack, the foremost with a long white pnl)esceiice and with some black l)ristles. Femora black, with a green reflection ; th»f very extreme tip of the foremost ones yellow, all fringed with a scattered erect pnliescence of a white color, which is evervwln re of a con siileraole length, but longest uiion the under -u\ Tilii, e an d t 1 rsi very slender, yellowish ; the usual black hairs ratiier scattered and very short. The fore tiijiie upon the Iirst two-thirds of their 2G4 DII'TF.HA OF NOIlTir AMKUICA. [I'AllT II. \i\)\)ov si(U', fi'iiifrcd with a row of liair-likc Itristlcs, which ar(! ahcriiatc'Iy of I'ciiiai'kal)!^ h'iii;'th, and iIk' hist of which much o;- (mhmIs all the others in Icnjith. Alitldlc tiliiiu with a moderate nuiiihur of hair-like blaek bristles, which are als(j (lihMii^iiishcil by their iiniisiial leiiii-tli, especially those upon their upper side. Hind tilda^ only upon the upjier side with short bristles, wliicli arc but little distinji'iiished from the usual uunute hairs. Fore tarsi at least twice the lentfth of the tibia-, very slender; their first joint somewhat lonji'cr tiiaii the four fidlowiiiu- taken tofjfcther, upon its upper side willi a regular row of pi'opor- tionally very lona' hair-like black bristles; the followino- j(dnts of rapidly deereasiiifr lenuMJi ; the third, at the upper side ofllie tip, with a siiiji'le bristle-like bhudvhair; the lifth joint blackish-brown. 3Iiddh( tarsi Vf'ry slender, al)out once and a third the lenjrlh of the tibiiu, from the tip of the third joint I)lackish-brown ; their lirst joint about ov(!r \^ the leiifrth of the four followinii' taken to- frether, the leiitrth of which is ([uiekly decreasinir ; upon its upjier side it is rej^ndarly ciliated with bristle-like liairs; this frinji-e con- tinues over the upper side of the three following" joints, Imt there it is shorter, more delicate, and closer ; the last joint is not ciliated, but has upon its up])er side a sliort, appressed, snow-like ])ubes- cence, which is not very distinct. Hind tarsi not (piite as Ioul'' us the til)ia' ; their first joint yellowish-brown, distinctly loiiji'cr than the followinji^ taken toji'ether; tliese arc blackish-bnjwn and of deereasiim: lenji'th. llalteres yellowish ; tefi'uhc with a bnjad blaek margin and long l)lack cilia. Wings somewhat narrow, hyaline, with blackish-l)rown veins, nt)t ciliated on the fore mar- gin, the first longitudinal vein reaches nearly to the middle of the fore margin ; the anterior brancli of the fourth longitudinal vein diverges at a rather acute angle and turns towards the margin at R rounded right angle, reaching it before the apex, near the tip of the third longitudinal vein ; hind trans\orso vein very oblique, little sinuated. Female. It resembles the male very much. Face somewhat broader. Bristles on the second joint of the antennas, the arista, the bristles upon the ocellar tubercle, at the ui)jier corner of the eye, upon llie upper side of the thorax, and u))oii the seutellum shorter; the l)ris(les before flic IliclsiireH (d" the alidomen are very consider- ably shorter ; on flie veidcr, ns it seeinH, there are none at all. The black pubescence upon the upper side of the abdomen is less T^ pcrlia 2C5 )S soiiicwlint niblx'tl psiLorus. pcnrro than in llic male, if it Iins not Itccii nil' ill tlic lattc'i"; (lie wliitisii idilK'scciict' of tlii' voiittT iiiiicli sliortrr. Frrt of tlie same coloring as in the male; the wliitisii imljcsccnco of till' fciiioi'ii is nuicli shorttT, still ii]»oii tlit'ir under side of t'onsicloniblo loiifrtli for a fcmalo; upon tlic under siile of the fir(> fi'iiiora, near the liasis, t'lerc are also some stilf, nearly liristle-like whitish hairs of a reniarkahle lenj^th. I'lilx'seeiiee and bristles of tlio tiliiiu f^eiierally like those of the male, still all bristles are not so louf^, and ujioii the ui)[)er side of tiie fore tibia", the alternating^ shorter bristles are very small. Fore tarsi hardly once and u half the leiifrth of the tibiiu ; their first joint much loii;rer than the follo\vin;i: taken tofrether, friiifred upon the u[»p(r side with a re yellow. 10. P. clirysoprasilis Walk. % and 9- — Viridis, vel ex viridi chalyheus, nitidus, alis iiniaaculatis, facie nuda. %. Abdoinine fasciis latiusculis nigris ornato, halterum nigrorum capitulo fusco, peilibus nigris, tibiis auticis tlavis, tarsorum internu-dioruiu articulo prime superne pilis eroctis rigidis ciliato. 9 . Abdominis fasciis nigris, angustissimis, halteribus flavis, pedibus nigris, tibiis anterioribus flavis. Green or greenish blue, shining ; wings without picture, face without hairs. % Abdomen with rather broad black bands ; knob of the black halteres brown; feet black, the fore tibiiB yellow, the flr.^t joint of the middle tarsi upon the upper side ciliated with upright stiff liairs. i W] ■ HI ' f : J ' Mit: UJt:i ■J Hi 2r>o DIl'TKUA OF NdllTH AMF.IIICA. [I'MIT n. 9 . AIpilfHiieii with cxtrciiu'ly imridw li.iiids ; lialteies yellow ; ft-ct lilaik, foiv .iiiil uiiddlo tibifo yellow. Long, wiy, u.l'J — U.23, Loug. ul. 0.18 — (».:!(•. SvN. PsilD/iiis rhrysoiiriisl Walkkk, List, etc. Ill, il46. J'siliiims chri/suiirasius LtiKw, Neue beitr. VIII, 90, 8. .}f(ili\ Very sliiiiiiifr, frrccii, tlio liciul, tlio liiiid psirt of tlio lliorax, llie .scutclliiiii, and tin- mitcrior st'};ini'iits (if llu; hIkIoiir'ii iiinro stocl-ltliic, tlio last scjiiiiciits of tliu uImIoiikmi soiiictiiiics froldcii-iiTct'ii. I'alpi black ; proboscis brown. Face witlioul liairs, tliinly (lasted with white; its upjicr jiurt rather convex. 'J'lic bristles on the second joint of the antenna; rather lonin and the venter there is a delicate white pubescence, while the hind part of the venter lias a black jtubescence of considerable Icnj^th. The black bris- tles l)efore the incisures of the abdomen are numerous, but ratlier short. The small hyi)opyjj:ium black, its lamelhe dark-l)rown. Coxie black, the foremost with a considerable white ))ul)esceii(.(j and a few black bristles. Femora black with a prroeiiish reflection, upon the under side with a lonj,', upri<>'ht, whitish ])nbescence. F<»re tibia' brownish-yellow, frin<>-ed with oidy a moderate number of short black bristles. ^Middle tibiiu brownisli-black, sometimes nearly black, beset upon the front side with a rcfrular row of black bristles, otherwise only with a small nundier of them ; upon the ii])per side with rather bristle-like black liairs. Hind tibia; black with coarse black hairs, upon the outside fringed with a regular longitudinal row of black, only moderately long, bristles. Fore tarsi rather slender, about once and a third the length of the til)ia' ; the first joint brownish-yellow, much longer than the fullowing taken together, ujion the hind side with three or four sliiut black bristles; the following joints blackish-brown, from the sccoikI to the fourth of rapidly decreasing length, the fifth as long as the fnurth. Middle tarsi about once and a half the length of tho tibia) ; the first joint black-brown, nearly twice the length AH (llO U'll ics 'III '.V. le rtiii,(»i'i a JOT of tlif fdllowiiifr 1 ilicii tt)ii'<'tli('r, upon its upper <'uh with a I'l jrular IViii;;!' nf stilV, pcrpciKliculiU'ly civel, luistlc-Iikc, minute liairs, npiiii tlio uikIci' sidf willi ul)out Hcvcd niinutf Idiick bristles; tiie joints of tlie tiic.-i fniin tiic seeoinl to the ruiii'tii very rupidly (h-crcast! in leiitrth. so tiiat llie second is still Miincwhal loii^rer than tlu; third and fourth taken toffelher ; tliu lifth joint not shorter tlian liie Iniirtli ; the eiiiiitiou of tlio lirst inint ul' the t irsi continues also over tlw; up]ter side of the xcoiid and third joints, hut C(uisists there of litlh miirs of frradually diniin- i.>hinj; len^ytli, so tiiat linally it heconies alnin-i inipci'eeptihio. Hind tarsi black, pereeplihiy shorter than the iii)ia! ; (heir lirst joint soinewhiit htn<;'er than the followin^r taken tuirciher, tlu; ieiijXth of which is fi'radiially decreasing'. Ilalteres lil;ii-kisii, the kiiol) brown or dingv brownish-yellow; the teji'idie witii a liroud blii'k border and loiiii' lilaek cilia. Winj,rs hyaline with black veins; tiie lirst longitudinal vein reaches nearly to the middle of tin; winj; ; the anterior branch of the fourth lonuiiudimd vein diverj^es from it under a nearly vi;i'ht aiiffle, aixl turns afterwards in a curve towards the niarji'in, which it reaches rather hir from 11' ' apex, immediately near the tij> of the third loiifritiidinal vein ; hind transverse vein rather obli(|iie. hardly somewhaL sinuatcd ; the si)iice between the nuirjrin of the wiiij:^ and the third lon^itu- diii al vein, bey(iiid thi; tip nf the lirst loiif^itudinal vein, is S'juie- what more frrayish than the reiiiainiiiir surface of the winj."" ^\'mah erv like the IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 ri8 1 2.5 Hi ». i 2.2 I.I 11.25 1.8 1.6 ||i4 - 6" d(iniinalilins niu'ris nnllis, <.-nxis anticis, feinorilms tiliii.«iiue onniihus tiavis, e.vtremo tihiarnni postioaruin apice tarsisi yellow, the spur of the midille tiliifc extremely long ; tlie first joint of the mi still the basis of the fore and middle tarsi yellow. Long. corp. 0.15 — U.IG. Long. al. 0.15.— 0.16. Syn. PsilnpHS scobinator LoKW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 91, 9. Male. Ilaiulsonie shining, frrecn, sometimes pnrtly stcel-bluc. I'iilpi hhick ; i»r(»l)osois browiiish-yellow. Faoe with a loiif^ whitish j>iil»fS('i'iiee and not very ch)sely dusted with white. The second joint of the antennie witli moderately \o\\^ bristles; the arista itself only of the usual length. The delicate scattered pul)escence of the fr((nt generally yellowish, more seldom whitish; the usual black bristles upon the ocellar tubercle and in the upper eye- corner rather long. The bristles upon thora.x and scutellum are also rather long. The hind part of the abdomen is more ))ointed in the shape of a cone than in most of the other species ; the black bands at ♦he basis of tlie segments of the abdomen are narrow, broader only upon the segments. The short |»ubescence of tho abdomen is black; upon the first segment, as alsl) on the anterior part of the lateral margin and on the greater part of the venter it is i^'. V. rsiLorirs. 2<;9 wliitish; the 1)lack hristk's l)ofurc tlie iiicisurps niT not rriiiiP'kalily lt)ii]Lr ; the l)ri.stle-like hairs ul tiie cxtrt'im' tip of tin- alKloiiuii ave mtlior loii^. The small liy[)o|»\ jrium is hiack, wiili extrcinciy small lihick ni>iK'ii(la}r("<. Coxa- Ithick, dustfd with white, the ibre- niost with a white pulK'sceiiee and a (t'W i)liick bristles. FeiiKini Itlaek with a preen relleetioii ; the anterior ones lijiht yellow at the extreme tip; upon the under side of all there is a delicate, ereet, rather sparse |)ul»eseenee of niediuju length. 'I'iltiie yllow ; the hindmost colored with hlackish-hrown to a rather consideralile extent at the tip. Fore tihite upon the upper side with al)out four short hhick, minute bristles, upon the iiind side with about six still shorter ones. Middle tibiie upon the first half of the hind side with three not very lonjr black bristles; a perceptibly longer biis- tle is to be found upon the first (piarter of the front side, another near its end ; innncdiately before the end on the under side an unusually long, straight, «liverging, black bristle assumes the shajte of a rather striking s))ur of the tibia. On the hind tibiie, besides the black bristles inserted at the tip, there is but one bristle de- serving to be noticed, upon the first third of the outside. Fore tarsi slender, somewhat longer than the tibia^; their lirst joint yellow, only at the extreme tii> brownish-black, nearly once and a half the length of the following taken together ; the latter are brownish-black; from the second to the fourth of rapidly decreasiiig length, the fifth as long as the fourth. There are no bristles nor any unusual i)ul)escence on the fore tarsi. Middle tarsi brcwnish- J>lack, considerably shorter than the tiJtia^; their first joint nbout once and a (piarter the length of the following taken together. Its whole length upon the under side fringed ras])-like with short idack bristles, crooked downwards, and inserted in a rov.- on both sides; the four following joints of decreasing length. Hind tarsi lilack, hardly two thirds of the length of the tibia>; their first joint little longer than the following taken together; the second to fourth joint of rapidly decreasing length ; the two last joints of an e(pial length, somewhat flattened. TIalteres yellowish with blackish ])edunele ; tcguhr with l»lack cilia. Wings hya'ine with bla'-k veins ; the end of the first longitudinal vein is a c((nsideral)le dis- tance before the middle of the wing . the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein diverges from it at an angle which is vr-ry nearly a right oiie, and turns then arch-like towards the margin, which it reaches rather far before the apex, (piite near the tip of W. ^il ^: ^j -. ' !', i Ml'TKUA OK NdUTII AMKIUCA. [PAir; the third lonyitiidiiial vein ; liiixl truiifversc VL-iii iiiidcriitcly nli- litiitf ami iii'iiri}' slniiglil. I-'rmalr. Kacu soiaewliat broader tliaii in tlie J*. All liristii s |K'rct'i>iil)ly sliurkr. Abdoiiiuii, in the usual posiUDii of iliu r-f^-- uieiits, wiihuMl IjlacU hands. Fore eul)esceiiee uiucii ■>U>) rter and the hhu-k bristle: more sirik in< the I enima aliogeiher yellow, I'ring'ed upon the under ssitle with but very siiuri, ereel, whitish hairs. Til)iiu (juile yellow, the lundniost somewhat inliiseated only at the extreme tip. 'I'he l)rislies of tiie tibise are (jiiile like those of the ^, still .some of the bristles are missing, nr at least shorter. Tarsi plain, somewhat shorter than in the ^ ; the lirst joint of the middle tarsi bntwnish-yellow, up(»n tiie mukv side with but a few very short blaek l)ristles. JIah. yii'W York, Illinois. (OslenSacken.) Olfin'rration 1. — With J', xcuhinatnr Itegins a series of vcrv closely resembling species, which agree in a remarkalde nunint r not only in size antl coloring, but also in the nmjorily of the jdastic characters. The structure of' the middle feet in the J* shows dilVerences, which leave no doul)t as to their specilic d !.■>- tincUies.s. I he distnietion of their icmales (jjiers such diirKiil- ties, that I am unal>le to overcome them with the materials at my commantl. I have received 1'. xi-olniKitur in so large nunilu rs, that the 9 belonging to this species is surely al)undantly ri'pre- sented among them ; but whether I have not confounded with it feuniies of the three following species, I am not al»le to nil. Some of the females, I suspect, belong to 1'. i-aiidd/iihix, i>tliers niav be I', incniiii:, but I am not nositivi'lv certain al»out anv mm of them. Positive characters for the distinction of the females of these species ca'.i only be accjuired by the observation of tlio s]»ecies in life. Ol). I 1 13. P. caildatlllllH Lukw. \,. — r.-iivus, iiiticliHsimas, viri.lis vd ex viritli cli.'ilybfus, facie pilosii, aliH iinniacultitix, aiiteriore Vfiiii' loiigi- tniliiialis ijiiartip rainiilo arcuatiiu f.-iiHiriiiu anterioruiii a|>ifo tiliiistii'ai-ii!ii tarsis(jiie oiiiiiilnis t'x ftisco iiiirri.i, tais(!rinii aiitfriorum basi taintii llava. calcare tihiarutn iiiterinediarnm Idinisniino, priuio tarsoiuiu iiiter- lueiiiurum articulu sutulia inuurvia licat :u. 9 Suiall, vtry sliininfr, gn'en or bluish-Kreen ; face liairy ; wines uitlidiit picture; the aiiteri'ir brancli of tlie fourtli loiigitiulinul vein ai'cii*<(l ; lialtere.s yelbiw. %. Abiiiinien with narrciw black bands, at tlie tip with much loncer liairs than usual, femora black, witli a greenish retlet^tion, the extreme tip of the four anterior femora, and all tibije yellow ; the tipof the hind tibi.-e, and all tarsi brownish-black ; still the lirsf joint of the fore tarsi yt-lluw, the spur of the middle tibias very long ; first joint of the miildle tar^i beset witli crooked bristles, rasp-like. 9 Long. corp. 0.15. Long. al. 0.15. /5y.v. I'sihipus cinutatulua LoKW, Neue Beitr. VIII, \Ki, 12. It rosi'iiilil'S the 7*. sfohinafor so much, that the statement of he slijrlit diirereiioes will lie perfectly suHicleiit for its rccou'iiition ; the liairs at the tip of the alKlomeii are much lonr, the two which are longest among them are Itut little longer than the la^t segment. Ifah. Missouri. (Schaum.) Illinois. (Le IJaron.) Ohxi'rrnlion. — The name w'iiirh I have given to this s])ccies is intended to retnind of P. cniKlntiiH Wied., which uinlonljtedlr belongs to the saiiK.' grouj) ; but. 1)\' its larger size, it seems to be dilferent from the species known to me. In the AV'/r /iri/riii/r, in consecpience of a mistake, some incorrect statements have been made by me al)out I\ cniiihitulim. Its rcseiiildance with P. scobinnlor is so great that one would be very much inclined to take it for a mere variety of it. if the ditVcreiicc in the length nf the hairs at the tip of the abdomen was not so coiisideralile, ami if the distinction of the other sjtecies of this group, otherwi>e agreeing perfectly in all characters, did not likewise rest on some single plastic character. w m .■•" # '■ I »; * ■\' i : '. ■ * \ ■•'■ m O-'l Dll'TEIlA OF N(tKTIC AMIHUCA. ri'AUT II } li M. i I, 13. I*, en lea rat II H Loi:w. %. — Parvus, nitidisHiimis, viiiilU vd vx viridi cliiil^'licus, fauie pilosA,, nli.s iiiiiiiaoiilatiH, anlfrioru vuiiiu ioiigitu- (liiialis (jtiartie ruiiiulo an^uatiiii duulo, huittiiibu!) tlavia. ^. Aliiloiiiii^u fanciiM iii^riH aiigiistis oriiato, ffiiioriliua iiigri.s, viridi- iiii(-aiit'i)U.s, suinmo feiiioruiu antfiiorum apicH til)iis(|iiu oiiiiiiliiis tint is, tiliiarum postiitaruni apice taisis.juu oinnilius ex fu.sco iiigris, priiiio taiiitM) tarsorum aiiticoruiii artii'iilo llavu, calcaru tiliiarum iiitfinii^dia- ruui loiigi.ssiuio, piimo tarsioruni iuturiuediorum artiuulo 8iui]>liui. 9 f^iiiall, very sliiuiiii;, grt'cn or grt'enish-blne ; faow hairy; wings witliout liii'tui't^ tliu aiiturior braiiuh of tliu fourtli luiigitudinal veiu arched; ha'. teres ytillow, %. Alidonieu with narrow hlaek hamls ; femora Mack, with a greenish lustre, the extreme tip of tlie four anterior femora and all til)iie yellow ; the tip of the hind tilii.-e and all tarsi hrownisii-hlaek ; still the first joint of the fore tarsi yellow ; tlie spur of tiie middle tibije extremely long ; the lirst joint of the middle tarsi plain. 5 Long. Corp. M.l.'i. Long. al. O.l.'i. yv.v. rsil(>iiHs ciilraratiis LoEW, Neue Beitr. VIII, 93, 10. I am unabhj to luontion any (linVrcMK'O from the male of the P. Kctihitwior, except that the middle tarsi are somewhat longer, namely, as lou};; as the til)ia!, and that their first joint ui>(»n the under side is not frinjred rasp-like, with numerous, crooked bristles, but has oidy a few scattered siraijrht bristles. JIab. Carolina. (Zimmenuaini.) 14. P. inerniis Lokw. % . — Parvus, nitidissimus, viridis vel ex viridi chalyheus, facie pilos^, alis immaculatis, anteriore veujp longitudinalia cjuart.TB ramulo arcuatim ducto, halterihus llavia. ^ . Abdomine fasciis nigris anjiustis ornate et in apice pilia solito longiori- bus nuUis vestito, femoribua nigris, viridi-micantibus, summo femorum anteriorum apice tiliiis3, the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein arched : halteres yellow. ^ . AVxlomen with narrow black bands, at the tip withont liairs longer than usual ; femora black, with greenish lustre, the extreme tip of the four anterior femora and all tibire yellow, the extreme tip of the hind tibiae and all tarsi brownish-black, still the basis of the fore and middle rsii.oiM's. tarsi yellow ; tlu- spur of the uiidille tihi.f very .short ; tho joint of tint luiiiillH tursi ]ilain. 9 Loiii?. Corp. 0.1 f). Long. al. 0.15. Sy.v. ]\siloj)its liurmls Lokw, Neuo Ueitr. VIII, 'J3, 11. TIlis Specie i is liirevious species lies in the strnclnre of the middio feet. Whilst in the latter that lirisile, which is inserted near the tij) of the tibiiu upon the inner side, forms an nnnsnally lonlain, as in va learnt ui^, but lias upon its under side a still smaller number of very short, straight bristles ; the foro and middle tarsi are somewhat lonp:er than in the two previous species, still tliis dilferencc is but trilling'. Hub. Pennsylvania. (Osten-Sackeii.) M-f'-' m -''3- Ht II. Tegul.t; -vvitii pale ciua. A. Aitlcnnoe entirely blaik. 15. P. scintillaiiH Lokw. % and 9 . — Totu.s nitidissimus, virldis vel ex viridi chalyheus, alidotuiiir interdum ex aurt'o viridi, anteunis nigris, coxis anticis jiedihusiiue llavis. %. Alarum costa breviter ciliata, hypopygii appendicibus atris. (■ Alarum costa noii ciliatd. Very shining, green or bluish-green, abdomen sometimes golden-greeu; antenme black ; fore ooxa? and all the fe"t yellow. % . Costa with short cilia ; appeinlages of the hypopygiuiu black. 9. Costa not ciliated. Long. corp. 0.14— o.ltj. Long. al. O.l'i — 0.17. Sy.\. Psilopus scintillans Loew, Neue Beitr. VIII, 94, 115. 18 . ! :■[ 1:1 274 Dtl'TKKA OF NltUTII AMKUK'A [I'AllT ir. a H f I ■)■■ a .1 Jf(flc. Very ImiHlsiMncly sliiiiiiijr, ^rccii, the aldloiiicn, exccpt- iiiu; the two last sojjiiu'iits, g-ikli'tl. I'rolioscis diiijry yellow, (he Kiiiall ]m]\n black, wilii white hairs. Vnvv. without hairs, dusted with white. Antenua; entirely Idaek. kuuiII ; the se(!oiid joint with short, minute bristles; the arista itselt" of only moderate lenj.';tli. l''ront with the usual black bristles, Avhieh have but a incjderatc l»:'}fth, otherwise bare. IJristles upon seutelluni and thora.x of moderate length; upon the latter there are only two bristles. The; black hairs of the abdomen are very scattered, and tl le black Iiristles bef( 'ore its incisures are rather short. The small hypopyjrium is black ; its external appendajres are very narrow, black, and with black hairs. Fore coxie pale-yellow, with scattered and rather sh«)rt whitish hairs, and beset with several white bristles. Middle and hind coxiu black, i'eet very Ion;; and slender, i)aIe-yellow. Femora slender, upon the under side sparely frinj^fd with short, minute, whitish hairs. Tibije likewise very slender, without bristles, with a very short Idack i»ubeseence, which is diver n|»ii(|iK> tliDi'ux, (lusttMl with ^I'liyisli, has two Iwn^i- tii*liiml liiu's, distant IVoiii nich otlicr (i|m)ii the iiii(l, iiml iwu other iiic()iii|ilfli' inii^,-itii(liiiiil iiiirs nt' a lirowii nthtr, ucciiiiyiii}; ihu place ol' the hiteral stripes. iJristies of the tliorax pntporiinti- iiily short, Sciitelhim with two bristles. 'I'lie aluloiiieii, »iii>ieil willi grayish and rather opaipie, Inis upon tlie seeond se^rmrnt u hu'fre liiaekisii, triaii^idar spot, with its point directed hackwanU ; upon eacli of the t'oiiowing segments tlu>re is a siniihir spot, which is connected witii tiie rather narrow Itiaciv anterior nnir^in of the scffnient, and the cohir of wiiich is ciianfrinjf from a dusivy-lironzcs into frrayisii-^rrcen. The structure of the hypopygium and of its appenda;ji:es is nearly as in J'. alhij'rini.< Meij;'. ; the external appenda;:'es are hardly half so long as the inner ones and ha\(> the form of a small elliptical lamella: their color is brown, their pubescence near the basis more delicatif, shorter and pale, at the tip coarser, hmj^er, and black; the inner appeialajres form a brownish-yellow forceps, (lark-l)rown at the tip. (Vtxa' and feet yellowish, still the middle and hind coxtu rather broadly infuscaled. Fore coxiu beset only with u delicate, nioilerutely lonjr, yellowish- white pubescence, without stouter bristles. All femora slender, upon tlie under side very glabrous ; the I'vw pale hairs which are to be found there are extremely short, and tlierefore hardly pcr- ceptil)le. Pubescence of all the til)iiu very short, that of the middle tibiiu somewhat h)iiger uiid more diverging. F(»re tiliiie upon the upper side with a few slender minute bristles, one of which is inserted at their tip. Middle tibitf generally iidnscated upon the two hist thirds of tlieir upper side; upon their ante- rior side, not fur from the basis, a more i)erceptil)le small black bristle is inserted; otherwise tliey are without bristles. Hind til)i.e with a few very sumll bristles at the tip, otherwise ns good as without bristles. Fore tarsi slender, double the length of the tibiio ; their first joint somewhat longer than the til)ia; the three following joints of nearly the same length; the fourth joint some- what flattened from the sides, whitish ; fifth joint only about half as long as the fourth, dark-brown. Mili-wlilt(' cillu. Wiiiir< ru'liir Iiirirc, 111' nil <'lli|itiriil niiiliiic, tiiiji'i'd wiili limwiiiNli-jriiiv ; tlif iliinl lniiii<.te- rinr triiii>verM' vein lies iirupitrtiuiiiillv I'jir iiwnv from the niarniii, is iiiit liiuiiei'iiteiy )ii)li(|iie ami not ilitleeted. Fiiiiiili'. It resemliles tiie (^ veiT liliir-Il, )iut shows the rnlhiw- iiiir (lilVereiiees : The eitlor of the (hist iiiiitii jioiit, thorax, siiiti!- liiiii ami alHloiiieii is more yeihtw-jrrayish. The IdaeKi.^li, triaiijiii- lar al spots of llif aliilomeu are imli>liiiet. 'I'lie Inre eo.\n! have, besides the yellowi>li-\vhitc plllieseeiiee, on the iiiliei' and outer maru'in. as also at the tip, iiiimeroiis yellow lirislles. Feet shorter and of stouter struetiire than in the ^. I'piui the liiM lialt' of the under side of the fore femora there are live diverjiiiii; stout thorndike hristh'S of veijow color. All the tiliia- are siiardv heset with siiitrle Itlack Itristlcs of medium leiitith. Tar,-i di.-- tiuctly sliorter than in tiie ^ , from the third Joint iiifii>catcd, the last joint dark l»rown, the sec(Uid to fourth joints of the lorn tarsi decreasiiiL' in leiijrth more rapidly than in the ^ . W"\\\y[<. somewliat smaller and less ohtiise than tliose of the j^ ; tke iieiira- tioii does not show any jicrceptilile dilfereiice. J[iih. New York. (Osteii-Sackcn, wlio found it frerpieiitly in fTiiiie !>ii(l .Inly in tiie iMiildinu's near tlie Howiinjr (Jreeii and the IJattery, 011 walls and windows in tiie rooms.) ()l).V NdUTir AMKUICA. [I'AKT 11 (listiii^ruislicd from others, itti 2. Abdomen at tlio basis yellow, not roetallio. a, Taiai for the moHt part black. It. P. VnriPRatllH Lokw. 9.— Viridi, clialybeo et onprco varhis, iiindiet) nitens, iticlxwiido, palpis, i)riMiis duobua ant»innainin articulis, al)dli);lit \vliili>li (lu>|. 'I'lit! |)iilios(.-i-iict' of tli(.> lii'st sr^rijD.iit ,,\' tlic ii ImIomd'Ii is wliitisli uml (k'licatc, upon tlif rciiiiiiiiiiiv^ ><'^'iiit'iil.s it is cournrr iiiid lilar|{ ; tlii; iniiiiitc Itlack ItristJcs licfnrL' tlie m'coikI aii; black brisdes. Pleura' closely dusted with wlii(e, (heir hind marfiin yellow. First se;reeii hind mar- gin ; (he second seti'inent likewise; yellow, with Ji very lar,ti-e nn'tallic- H-reen spot, which only leaves unoccnpied (he basal one-(hinl, \\w, anterior corner and the lateral maririn ; \\\v two following seu- ineiits green, with a yellow anterior corner and yellow hUeral nmrgiit ; (he lil'th segment oidy with a yellow hUeral nnir- gin. A'enter entirely yellow. IMie ]MiI)eHcenee of (he abddmen is scarce, delicate and shor(. upon its npper side black ; (he minnie l)lack bristles before (he incisures arc so short that they distinguish themselves but litde from the renuiining pubescence. All (he coxa' and the very glabrous, huig and slender fee( pale yellowish. Fore coxa' with a shor( whidsh pubescence and wi(h a few hair-like whitish l)ristles. Vuder side of the fore femora with ex(remely shor( minide whitish hairs, under side of the mi«hlle and hind femora glabrous. Fore lil)ia! entirely without brisdes; middle and hind (il)ia' wi(h o\w short niiuute black brisd-; upon (he ou(- side, not far from (he basis and with some similar minule bris(le^^ at (he tip. Tin; very slemler fore tarsi over once and two-(liirils the length of the tibiie ; their lirst joint a little longer tiiaii (he PsiuiPt :s. 2H1 tiliia, the fnllowinjif JMiiits of n (Iccrcasinjy Iciiirtli, tlic liflli juiiit intuscatcd. The slciidi'i* initlilU; tarsi nearly oiict' and a-lialf llie Iciif^tli (tf tlio liltia'; tlicir lirst joint (iistiiictly sliorlcr tiian tlic tii)ia; the folluwiiiir (incs of (Iccrcasiiij!: Iciijrili, tlic last ont' sitiiic- wliat iiil'iiscatfd. Hind tarsi alxtut tlircf-loiirtlis tlic Icii^Mli of the tiliiu' ; their first joint lonjrer than the followin}^ taken toirether; these are of a decreasinj^ lenfrth, somewhat, infiiscated, still only the hist is really lirown. The i)nl)eseeii(e of all the feel is of a rather strikinji^ shortness ; its color npon the under side of the liliia! and tarsi is not Mack, allhonfih they take IIk^ appearance of tids color in some relleete(l liirht. Ilalteres pale-yellowish ; tejinhe with an e.\cec(linj:ly narrow lilack horderand with yellowish-while cilia. The third lonjritudinal vein of the winjrs curved jrently backwards at its tip; the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein diverjjres from it under a rather acute an}ile and turns then al a rounded rijilit aiifile towards the mart!:in, which it reaches ininie- diately before the extreme apex, near the tip nodi(!t> nitens, j)rot)()s(!id'', jialpis, diiolius inimis aiiteniiaruni articulis, abdominis liasi, V('iitr(?, coxis aiitii'is i)osticis(iiH! et in'tlilms Ihivis, coxis interiut'diis cinc- rei.s, in apico llavis. ^ . Alariuu costil eoncavil, bnn-iter (dliatil. J. Alaruiu codta ni^c coiicavii, uea ciliata. Golden-given, moderately shining, proboscis, palpi, the ♦wo first joints of tlu! aiiteiin.T, the basis of the al)(b)nien, the venter, the fore and bind coxjc, as also tbe feet, yellow ; the middle eox;e gray with yellow tip. ^. The ant(M'ior margin of tlie wings tieieave, with a fringe of sliort cilia. 9 . TIu! iiiiterior margin of the wings neither concave nor ciliated. Long. Corp. (1.2(1—0.22. bong. al. O.IK— 0.2(t. Syn. I'siloints jisitliicinns Loi-.v,-, Neue liiMtr. VIII, iKi, Id. Mule. (lolden-grt en, moderately shiidnjr. I'robo.seis and palpi yellow Face greenish-blne, closely dusted wiih yellowish-jfray, reaching much downwards, with. I] ,'■. t 1, ■ i' iilSl i'.'l • Ml;' 1*1 s; I!' i< i ■: 289 DIPTEHA OP NORTH AMERICA. [part II. hairs, its usual black bristlos of a very moderate length. Thorax, scutt'lluiii aiitl ul)(loineii with a slight yellowish dust, which moderates the lustre of these parts. The Mack bristles of the thorax of moderate length. The scutellum has only the pair of bristles at the tip, which is of a consideral)le length ; immediately near each bristle of this pair a much shorter black hair is inserted towards the outside. Pleune black with a green reflection and with a grayish-white dust ; their hind margin gray or at least only in part yellowish. Abdomen green, towards its end generally some- what gilded ; the fuvt segment yellowish, at its basis blackisli, on the hind margin metallic-green; on the second segment the ante- rior margin and corner, sometimes also the lateral margin, yellow; the third segment has generally, on the anterior i)art of the lateral margin, an elongated yellowish sjujt. The scattered ind)esceiice of the abdomen is rather delicate and long ; ui)on the upper side it is black, whitish only upon the first segment ; the pubescence of the venter is whitish near its basis, but ))ecomes gradually darker towards the end. The black bristles before the incisures of the abdomen of a very moderate length. The external append- ages of the hypopygium small and very narrow, brownish-yellow. Fore and hind coxie pale yell()w, the former with a shorter and more delicate whitish pubescence and with a few light-yellowish bris- tles; middle coxte gray with pale-yellowish tip. Feet yellowish. Femora slender, upon the under side si)arely fringed with i xceed- ingly short, minute whitish hairs; besides, upon the second half of the under side of the middle femora there is a sparse row of minute b'ack hairs. Tibiie slender and long ; the usual black pubescence of the fore and hind tibite is very short and appressed, that of the middle tibia; somewhat longer and more erect, there- fore almost fringe-like. The fore tibiie, with the oidy exception of a rather small minute bi.ick bristle, inserted upon their outside, near the basis, are entirely without bristles. The middle til)iie bear no bristles whatever, distinguished from the other pubescence. Iliad tibiaj upon the front side, not far from the basis, with a rather apparent little bristle, whilst those upon the upper and under side are less numerous, extremely small and therefore more difiTicult to perceive. Fore tarsi slender, nearly twice as long as the tibial ; their first joint for itself alone somewhat longer than the til)ia, the following ones of decreasing length, the last one brown. !Mid- dle tarsi slender, about once and a half the length of the tibia) ; *n.\i: psiLOPua. tlie first joint distinctly shorter than tho tibia, upon its front sido somewhat sparsely eiliated with ohlique minute black liairs ; the followiii}^ joints only with the usual short pul)eseence and of de- creasing length,* the last one dark brown. The length of the hind tarsi somewhat exceeds three-fourths of the tibia' ; their first joint is oidy somewhat longer than the following taken tugcther ; these are of decreasing length, somewhat infuseated, still only the last one dark brown. Ilalteres light yellow ; teguhu with extremely narrow black margin and with yellowish-white cilia. Wings with brown veins; the anterior nnirgin is gently sinnated upon its larger second half, ami forms l)efore the tip of the second longitu- dinal vein a i>rojecting angle, so that the whole wing ac(piires a quite unusual axe-like shape ; the whole anterior margin, as far as that angle, is delicately and eipuilly ciliated ; the third longitudinal vein, near its end, is turned back very abruptly and un.isually far; the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein diverges from it under a rather acute angle and turns then in a curve towards the nnirgin, which it reaches not far from the tip of the third lon- gitudinal vein ; posterior transverse vein rather remarkably oltlicpic, gently sinuated in the shape of an S. Female. It resembles the male very closely. besides the lesser length of the bristles on the whole body, and besides the somewhat lesser length of the feet, which are of the same color as in the J*, there are only the following diflerences : the whole hind margin of the pleura; is colv-red with yellow. The middle tibiiu are without the longer and erect i)ul)esccnce of the^, but their pubescence is short and appressed as on the other tili;e; there are, however, upon the front side near the basis one, and at the tip of the tibiaj a few more distinct minute black bristles, l)esides some smaller ones upon the hind side. The anterior margin of the wings is neither concave nor ciliated, the wings therefore of the usual form ; the third longitudinal vein, near its end, is much less sud- denly and much less strongly curved l)aekwards; the course of the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein is somewhat Icsa in a curve, and the sinuosity of the hind transverse vein uot so strong. Eab. Florida. (Osten-S^.L. ) l''$ hM ,M :. m i; rs TT 1 284 Dll'TERA OF NOUTII AMEIUCA. [PAIIT II. I • 1 '! ■ i'i !il !li ■ ! In'' n. Fare femora upon the under stth with thornJike bristles in both sexes. 1. All the coxae entirely yellow. 20. I*, teller Lokw. % and 9- — Laete viriilia, proboscide, palpis, piiniis (lu(»l)us antennaruni articulis, jileuraiuni niargine postico, abul)escence ; in the 9 there are, instead of the longer hairs, bristles of u white-yellowish coloring. The fore femora of the % have ujion the under side near the basis, three thin yellowish bristles of decreasing length ; in the 9 there are in their stead four stout yellowish bristles. The hind femora of the % have upon the upper side near the basis a few long and very delicate white hairs, which f\re not present in the ?. The plain and slender fore tarsi are in l)oth se.xes much longer than the tibis" • they arc still much longer in the % than in the 9 ; the first joint of all tarsi is very elongated, particularly in thw Z ; on the fore tarsi it is about twice us long as the following joints taken together, on the middle tarsi about three times as long, besides they are distinguished by their slenderness, and apparently comi)lete gIal)rousness. The hind tarsi in Ixth se.xes are nearly as long us the tibite, their lirst joint in the % somewhat longer than the fol- lowing joints taken together, but in the 9 somewhat shorter. Tegulo! on the margin with only a single quite small Idack dot; their cilia whitish. "NVings hyaline, long and narrow, towards the basis still more narrowed, particularly in the % ; their anterior veins are yellow, the posterior ones more infuscated; the anterior branch of the third longitudinal vein is very long, rather flat and but little curved; the posterior transverse vein is far remote from the margin and has a very oblique position. The % possesses, as a particular distinctive nuirk, upon the under side of the basis of the wing, a crooked, black, rather stout thorn, in- serted near the anterior margin, Jlab. Pennsylvania, ((.'oil. Winth.) Observation. — The P. ilelicaius of Afr. Walker, who described a 9, has an entirely green abdomen, can therefore not be (cner, as the basis of the abdomen of its 9 is always colored with yellow. i]ii|: r -J' wr 28G II il M[ k I ?;.^* DIITEUA OF NORTH AMKUlfA. 2. Middle and hiud coxio Mackisli. [I'AUT 11. *2l. P, (ilipeH LoKW. %. — Oracilia, loni,'ii»'s, iiitidus, capifo, tliorace .scutf!l{)(]Ut' chiilybeis, abdoiiiiiie viridi, i)rob()scide, duolms juiiiiis ai»- ^ennanmi aititulis, coxis i)('dilins(iuo llavis, ffiiiorum intermediunuu l)asi nigra, tiliiis iiitoriiiediis t.irsi;;iiue oiiiiiil)US fuseis. Slender, long-leggod, sliiiiing, lit-ad, thorax and scutellnm stool-blue, ab- domen green ; proboscis, tlio two first joints of tliu antennic, coxa' and feet yellow, still the basis of the middle femora blackish ; middle tibiiu and all tarsi brown. Long. corp. 0.2(5. Long. al. l>.2tj. Syn. l'siloi>iisjUi)>es LoKw, Neue Beitr. VIII, 9!), 18. Of slt'iulcr shape iuul very long-lofrf^ed, sliiiiiiig. IFead ])ur- plish-liluo; proboscis yellow, palpi brown, both bosot with miiiiito lij^rht hairs. Face without hairs, very l)roa(l, covered with deiiso yellowisli dust ; its upi)er part is (piite unusually convex. The two lirst joints of the antenna) yellow, the second frinj^ed witii short minute white-yellowish hairs ; the snndl third joint rounded, bntwnish-black ; arista dorsal, proportionally of insit^nilicant leufjth. Front without hairs, with grayish-yellow dust, which does not cover the shining purplish ground-color upon the middle ; the usual black bristles of moderate length Thorax and scutel- lum shining, with a yellowish dust, which does not cover the lustre of the ground-color. The black bristles of the tho- rax rather long. The scutellum lias but two bristles, stiil near the lateral corners, on its margin, some long hairs are inserted. Ab- domen shining green with a very slight yellowish dust ; if the light falls upon it from behind, narrow black fasciic on the anterior mar- gins of the segments become apparent, which are invisible, if the light falls from the opposite side. The delicate pubescence of tho abdomen is whitish ; ujwn the upper side of the two first segments, on the lateral margin and on the venter very long, otherwise short ; black bristles of moderate length are only to be found before tlie hind margin of the third and of the following segments, llypopygium with white dust; the externa! ap- pendages st}' liform, but little shorter than the inner ones, their basal half light-brownish and hairy, their apical half white and glabrous, their extreme tip black ; the inner appendages form a brownish-black forceps. Fore coxie yellowish with a yellowish- white pubescence, which has on their outside a rather unusual length ; there are no bristles upon it. Middle and hind coxte m PSILOIMS. 2H7 bliu'kisli. Ft't't j-('ll(nv, very luiijr iiiid Ix'sct with Ijiit cxct'idiiifrly xlmrt, ior tlu; greatL'st jmrt luiiiutu lijilit-ooNtred liuirs. All IViiiuni slender; the foremost ones tuperinj^ towards the end, llie niidillo ones from (ho l)asis as far as the first third, lilaek ; fore femora npoii the lirst lialf of the under side with six perpendienlar, ereet, lon. sipho; when living, and in the sun's rays, it resembles bur- nished gold, nervurcs nearly as in sipho. Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phllad. Vol. VI. Page 168. Psilopiis feiuoratus. This brilliant species varies in the color of its thighs, which in my description are stated to be green ; a specimen taken in Indiana has whitish thighs. ^ Al'I'KNPIX. 201 1()8. (liryNotiiH niiliiliiH. lllnckisli ; feet dull Iioiicv-vcIIkw. yA//A liidiaiiii. IJudy ItliirUisli ; lu-ad didl ]»limil)('ons ; tliornx ciiicrcniin, witli tlircf liriiwii lilies ; wiiijii's iimiiacidatf ; jioiscrs wliitc ; Ifot dark limicy-yiliow ; tlnjriis Itliick at i»aso anody briirlit . ItltMleteriiH iiiiiictiiu'iiiiiH. Thorax vuricffutctl ; wiii^s with hruwii spots. Jldh. Mexico. 'riionix olivo-browii, triliiicatc ; miiMh' line Kicnilcr, .<.' Wiedemann, AufsereuropaiftcJu^ Za'oiijli'ujUin', Fnacclcn, Vol. II. Page 210. Xo. 1*1. l*silo|)ilH lliucillu. Yiridaureus ; autenuis nij,'ris, pedibus llavis ; alls niaculA iuan prct'ii, with Mmk niitt'iiiKi', yi-Uow fi-ct ainl a lnri.'f liii(\\*iiislil.ln<'k !<|Mit on tin- wind's ; li'iii,'tli tlirt-ii lines, ^. From tim ('nil. I.t'Il fartliiT lu'liuv, t'Vciywlicii' witii !i silvery renectinii in a certiiiii liglit. Front golden- j;reen, with .1 Miiisli rellection ; thorax likewise, Imt with a silvery rellei'. tion anteriorly ; iil.'nr.e ot' the same eolor, altok'ether with a whitish rellec- tion. AlMlomiMi gohlen i^reen, hlacU at tho iniisnres, in a eertai'.i li^'iit rt'ilili^tli-c'opiiery. Ffft yellow ; himl tiliiai anil I'eet gradually infuseateil. Winu's hy.'iline; the ilark spot i.i alon^ the costa .'iinl estends to ahout two- tiiirds of the hre.adth of the winj.'; it i.-t eipially distant from the liase and the tip, and occupies nlioiit two-fourths of the length of tlie winu' in the niiddlf; its inner border is rounded. (Ilornbeuk'u Collection in Copen- liagi-n.) Page 21',). !Vo. i:i. rHilopilH Majl. J'liit'iis ; [iiitoiiliis, iihdnniiiiis \m<\, im-isiifis pi'diliiisciiic (luvis. Kiv.o-riiii, mit ot11»cii Fiililcrii, Iliiit('rlcil)s\viirzt'l. J'iiiisclniittcu uiid l)iiin'ii. lisiiijii' iij liiiiit'ii %. Alls I'cniisylviinicii. J>iilirhiij)ii.< Kiiil'dKciiitiix Siiy, .fMiini. Aciid. I'liilml. Ill, s."(, -J, I'lililcrwiirzci, alter iiiirh wnlirsclicinlicli das vfrltireii frt'^^aiifrcno Eiidu'licd, ^rdli. Viitcrirt'siclit lidilinft civ.oTliii, iintcii wciiiji: wciss- .^(•liiiiimi'nid ; Stini sinaniirdjri'iiii, iiiit -Mclallo'Iaiiz. Uiickcnsrliihl in'.s (Jriiiij!;iild('ii(.' iilicrj^t'lii'iid ; die jrriiii)-'' h towards tin; base, cha'itiing into golden-grt't'n towarils tlio tip. Wilms vi'iy liglit yt'llowisli, with yellow vt'ins. Feet yt'ilow, tori" tarsi altnirctluT blaukish-browu, posterior ones only at tho tip. (AMust'iini of rhiladcljiliia.) Page 220. !Vo. II. I'silopiis loiiKicoriiis Fai:u. .l']neiis ; ahdoininc iiicisiiris atris, alis liiiipidis. KrzfiTlin, init ticf schwarzcii lliiitorK-ihscinschiiiHiMi uiid was- scrklarcii Fliiuolii. Liiii f;;riiii,tfoIdi'n, differ an dcr Wiirzcl der Altsdiiiitti! tirf scliwarz. Kliif^td ungcfarht ; Scli\viii;i'cr jrcll). JJciiic scliwarz an den Hcliciikilii last nictallj^lanzciid an dcti vurdcrsti'ii JSt'ldciuii loImiL^'Ib. (In dcr Fabriciiis, schcii Saiundiiiijr.) {Trausliition.) — Bronze-green; abdoTnen with deep black incisures; wings liyaliuo ; length, two and two-thirds of lines. West Indies. Face bronze-green, with a slight whitish lustre on its lower part. Front bronze-green. Thorax and abdomen golden-green ; the latter deep black at the root of tlie sc^gnients. Wings hyaline ; haltercs yellow. Feet black, almost with a metallic lustre ou the femora ; fore tibiie luteous yel- low. (Fabricius's coUectiou.) Tage 224. No. 33. Psilopiis caiiilatiis. Tliorace junco-viridi, abdoniiiio viridaureo; iucisui'is atris, tibiis fiavis. Mil crz^n'iinom liiickonscliilde tnid fr'.'iiiifroldtMicin, solnvarz t'inoTSciinittonoui Ilintorkdljo und tiTlbon Scliieuen. Iiiin<>;i> 2 bis '1\ Liiuen. Von Savannah. Dent r. lowiicornis vorwandt. Fiililcr sdiwarz ; TTiitcrjrcsiclit orzfrriin, silbcrwcisslioli soiuninK'nid ; sUin priin. Fiisso schwarz. Am AV('il)rlicn sind audi die Sdienkd gdb. (In Wostcnnann's Samm- lung.) ;i APrENDIX. 295 {Tidusldtion.) — Thorax liroii/e-gioon ; abdomen goldon-green, with liliicK iiiuisuros ; tibi^u ^'ellow ; k-iigth iioiu two to two and one-fourth liiu'H. (Savannali.) Related to /'. luni)ironiis. Anteiin.-c hiack. l-'ace bronze-green, with a silvery-wliite rellection ; front goldtsn -green, more so in the 9 than in tlie ■J,. Tiiorax of Jj more . steel-blue ;Misteriorly ; of tlie 9 'I't^'gylher golden- green. Pleuraj Hilvery-white. Ab(h>men golden-green, with the segments deep-black at the basis. Ilyi)opygium b<^set with black hair. Wings liyaline ; halteres ynllowish. Femora of the male bronze-green ; tlui fore- most with the tip yellowish ; all the tibia; leather-yellow. Tarsi bluek. The femor .>f the 9 '^'•■'" yellow. (Westermann's collection.) Page 224. :\o. 21. I'siloiius Yirgo. TEnoo-viriilis ; pcdihiis hiitc fliivis. J']rz,i;;riiii, init scln'tii gL-Ilu'ii IJcineii. Liiiifj;'c 2 Liiiion, 9. V(»ii Xi-w York. FiilMcr scliwarz. Unlcrgi'sii-ht griiii, mit sill)cr\vcissom Scliim- HK'i'. .Mittelh'ilt schuii iTzgriin. Ilintcrh-il) griingoldcn. Fliigol \iiig('('iirl)t, Adorn ))riniii ; Spit/ciMnicriuk'r kciiii'ti winkcligoii ijogcii bildcnd. Schwiiigcr uiid l>ciiu' loI)li!ift gcll), iii's liostgclho lalk'nd. lliiilorsto Filssio .suhwarzlicliln'iiuii. (lu mcinor iSaiuin- luiig.) ( Traitslalinn.) — (Jolden-greeu with handsomely yellow feet ; length two lines, 9- (New York.) Antenna) black. Face green, with a silv<'ry-white reflection. Thorax handsome green. Abdomen golden-gretsn. Wings not pictured ; veins brown ; ujjper branch of the fourth lonu'itndinal vein not forming an angular curve. Halteres and feet bright-yellow, somewhat reddish-yellow. Hind tarsi blackish-brown. (In my own collection.) (i.i* '•,,,/:'/■ Page 220. l\'o. 2K. Psilopus fenioratiiH. J'iiK'o-viridis, iuitcTinis nigcllis ; pi'dil)ns lluvis, fcniorihiis basi viroiitil)US ; alls liinpidis. Lchhaft orzgriin, mit schwarzlichiMi FiihhMMi, gcUxMi Ilcincn, aii dcr Wurzol griiidichcn Sclicnkclii mid wasscrklaroii Fliigolii. liiiiigc \}r Linifii. A us I'l'iinsylvanicii. Aut'h dk'se klcinc Art ziclit dcr Farltc nadi stark inV. (iriiii- goldciio, Z'uvt'ileii an Stirii uiul lliickciiscldld in's illiiulichc. Vi\- ((.]-o;,.siclit und IJnistscitoii wcisscliinmicriid odcr bcrcii't. Iliissol golblich. Fliigel uhne alio Zoichuung. lioinc bloicb golb. f t^f p ■i I 1 9 1-- 1 ' Hi JHwl'' ' 1 "' Jm 1; Mi mi Wi ■ n ■H>. 296 DIPTERA OB' NORTH AMERICA. [part II. Sflienkel griinllch, die vordeni niit gelber Spitze. (In meiuer Sammlung.) {Translation.) — Brilliant bronze-green, with blackish antennre, yellow feet, femora greenish at the basis, and hyaline wings. Length one and one-half lines. (Pennsylvania.) Tlie color of this small species also approaches the golden-green ; front and thorax are sometimes bluish. Face and pleurie have a \7hite reflec- tion or are pruinose. Proboscis yellowish. Wings not pictured. Feet pale-yellow. Femora greenish, the anterior ones with yellow tip. (In ray own collection.) Page 227. No. 30. Psilopiis muiidus. Omnino clialybeiis, veni\ apieali in anguluni obtusum flexA. Uebcrall stahlblau, niit stumpfwiukolig gebogcncr Spitzen- qucradcr. Li'iiige 1^ Linicn. Von Savannah. Fiihler schwarz ; Untergesicht und Stirn satt stahlblau, dcr iintorste Tlieil jenes nur schr wcnig weiss-schiinmernd. ]\Iittel- und llintcrleib satt stahlblau, an den Seiteu hin undwiedor griin- lich, doch so, dass ich kaum glaube, dass cs ganz griine Abiinder- ungen gcbe. Fliigel ungcfarbt. Die Spitzenquorader bildet keincn so gleichforniig gekriinnntcn Bogcn, wie bei P. virgo, sondorn macht eincn stunipfen Wiiikol. Schwinger gelb. Boino schwarz, an den Schcnkeln stahlbliiulieh. (In meincr Samndung.) {Traimlafion.') — Altogether steel-blue, with the anterior branch of the fourth longitudinal vein angularly curved. Length one and one-half lines. (Savannah.) Antennae black ; face and front saturate steel-blue ; the lower part of the former with only very little wliite reflection. Tliorax and abdomen saturate steel-blue, in some places on the sides greenish, still so as to make me doubt whether there are entirely green varieties. Wings not pictured. The branch of the fourth vein is not regularly arched as in P. vinjo, but forms an obtuse angle. Halteres yellow. Feet black, femora steel-blue. (My own collection.) Page 232. "Xo. 6. Dolicliopiis obsciirus Sat. ^neo nigcllus ; capite niveo-micaute ; alls infumatis, pedibus flavis. Erzgriinlich-schwarz, mil schneeweiss schimmerndera Kopfe, rauchgraulichcn Fliigeln und gelbcn Beinen. Liinge 1^ Linien, 9. Aus Pennsylvanien. Fiihler tief schwarz ; Untergcsicht und Stirn schwarz, bcide APPENDIX. !97 schneeweiss scbiminornd. Kiickeiisdiild aiis doiii Scliwarzlifhon ill's Gi'iiiie und riUhlicIi stalil'jhiue sitit'lcnd ; Ih'iistst'itcii wciss- bcreift. llinttrleib inetallisch schwar/licli, iii\s diistcr griinliche zieliend. Fliigel satt rauoligi'au ; iScliwiugTr und IJeiiic golb (Im riiiladt'lpliisfhon Musoum.) (Tiaiislatl',11.) — Blacki:
  • rcsil. (_Tntiisliilion.) — Bright hionze-grcen. Wings with two al)l)n>viateil fascia'. Antoniia) black, l-'ect yellow. Femora lilack('^); liiiid tihim black ( I ). (Tab. XXI, fig. 1.) Wiedeiiianu described this species as having yellow feet in both sexes. According to iny observations on a considerable number of specimens, the females alone have; the feet of this color, with the exception of the black tarsi ; the males have black femora and hind tibiic. This species is common in a consideralile j)art of America. We have specimens from Pennsylvania, Cuba, Guyana, and from dill'erent parts of Brazil. Page 121. ]Vo. IS. Psilopiis radians. liietc-iencus. Antennarum artlcido secundo setis clungalis radiati.s ; stylo longissinio. L<)n,ir. 2n. ^. D'lm vert on (run lilou violet tW'S brilliant. Antcnnes noires; dcuxif'inc article g-ariii de soies allong-oes, rayoniiant a Tentour ; style fort allonge. IJord des seg-ineiits de Tabdonien noirs ; orgaiic copulateiir peu (>pais. Pieds noirs, janibes postih'ieurs ct iiiler- niediaires jaunatres. Bord ext(?rieur des ailes un peu bruni\tre vers re.YtrcMuiti}. De rAiuericpie scptentrionalc. (Cabinet do M. Pcrclieron a Paris.) {Trauxlaliou.) — Bright bronze-green. Second joint of the antennaj with elongated, radiating bristles ; arista very long. Length two and one-half lines, %. Purplish-green or blue, very brilliant. Antennse black. Second joint fringed with elongated, radiating bristles. Style very long. Margin of the abdominal segments black. Ilypopygium not stout ; feet black ; intermediate and hind tibia) yellowish. Anterior margin of the wings somewhat brownish towards the tip. Is'ortli America. (Collection of M. Percheron in Paris.) Macquart, Diptcrra exoliques, Siippl. IV. Page 124. No. 3. Clirysotiis Tiridifeinora. Viridi aureus. Antonnis nigris. Podibiis rufis, femoribus viridibus. (Tab. 12. lig. 3.) Long, uiio 1. 9. i< ..'{ APPENDIX. 299 Face et front verts, u .luvct blunc. Anteiines ct style iioirs Thorax ot abiloinoii d'uu vert (Ion;. (run vert brilhint, a jvenoux jivunes ; jiunbes fuuves ; tarses d'un juune brunitre; posterienr' bruns, ;i premier artiele jaune. Ailes elaires, I)e rAineri([ue septenlrionale. (Colleetiou ties M. Jloll'nuister lie Nordhausen.) (Traiisfatliin.) — OoMen-green. Antennre Mack. Feet rufous, femora green. (Tab. XIl, fig. 3.) Length one lino, 9. Face and front green, witli wliite down. Antennjc and arista black. Thorax and abdomen golden-green. Femora brilliant-green ; km-es yellow ; tibia) fulvous ; tarsi brownish-yellow ; the hind ones brown, with the iirst joint yellow. Wings hyaline. North America. (Collection of Mr. Hoffmeister in Nordhausen.) Page 128. No. 5. Dolicliopus lieteroueurus. vEneo-virlilis. Tlioraee vittis violaeeis. Pe(lil)us ilavis. Alis cellula postiei prinii subelausi. (Tab. 12, fig. 10.) Long. 1^ 1. Palpes noirs. Face et front larges, d'un vert noinVtres, a It'ger duvet gris. Antennes : les deux premiers articles fauves ; premier un pen allongi'; et menu ; troisiunie ovale, assez large, iioir, a Ijase fauve ; style noir, i)eu allongt-. Thorax d'un vert funcc, a Ijandes violettes. Abdomen vert ; ventre a duvet blane. Pieds jannes, handles anterieures noinUres ; un pen de brun a rextremito de.s cuisses ; tarses bruns. Ailes assez elaires ; premii/re cellule |)ostc- rieiire presque fermee ; deuxiemc ucrvure transversale eluignee du coude. De rAnierique septentrionale. (Collection de M. Hoflnieister de Xordhiiusen.) (Translation.) — Golden-green. Tliorax with violet stripes ; feet yellow. Wings with the first posterior cell almost closed. (Tab. 12, fig. 10.) Long. lin. one and one-half. Palpi black. Face and front broad, blackish-green, with a slight gray down. Antennte ; two first joints fulvous : the first somewhat prolonged and slender; the third oval, rather broad, black, with fulvous basis; arista black, not very loner. Thorax dark-green, with violet stripes. Abdomen green, venter with whitish down. Feet yellow, anterior coxa blackish ; tip of femora somewhat infuscated ; tarsi brown. Wings rather hyaline ; first posterior cell almost closed ; second transverse vein at some distance from the flexure of the fourth vein. Ilab, North America. ->w ' 800 DIPTERA OF XOUTII AMKUICA. [I'AUT II. ■ii Wal/>cr, Iiiscda Saioulrrsiana. Page 207. PAilopus Icpidlls Mas. Tiridis, alKlominis soginentunim nmrgiiiilxis anticis nijrris, antfiiiiis pc'(lilni,s(iiic iiigris, alls liiupidis fusco-hilhsciatis. JJi-iglit-grt'L'ii, beset with bhick bristles; li.jad Idue, tiii. bij'rons; chest brassy-j^recn, blue in front ; abdomen obcoiucal, clothed with short, black hairs, a little lonfrer than the chest, sutures of the segnients blackish ; legs tawny, c''»thed with very short black hairs; shanks beset with black bristles; wings grayish ; wing-ril)s tawny ; veins black, tawny at the base ; poisers tawny with yellow knobs. L'cngth of the body one and one- fourth line ; of the wings three lines. United States. Page 213. Dolicliopiis contingens F^m. Yiridis, vertico purpureo, antennis pedibusquc fulvis, alls suljcinereis. Green, beset with black bristles, adorned beneath with a whitish covering ; crown purple ; eyes black ; mouth tawny ; feelers tawny, sixth joint black, feathered like that of/), consurs ; abdo- men obconical, clothed with short black hairs, a little longer than the chest ; legs tawny, clothed with very short black hairs ; shanks l)esctwitli black bristles; wings grayish ; wing-ribs tawny; veins black, tawny at the base ; tip cross-vein less angular than that of I). couHors ; poisers dark-tawny. Length of the body one and one-fourth line ; of the wings three lines. United States. Page 213. Dolicliopiis Iielies Fem. JEnens, vcrticc cyanco, abdominis segmentorum raarginibus posticis viridibus, antennis pedibusque fulvis, alls cinereis costa venarumque marginibus fuscis. Brassy, beset with black bristles, adorned beneath with a whitish covering ; crown of the head blue ; eyes red ; feelers tawny, sixth joint l»lack, feathered with very short hairs; alnlo- men obconical, longer than the chest ; hind borders of the seg- ments green ; legs dark-tawny, clothed with very short black AI'PKNDrX. 303 liiiirs ; shanks beset witli black bristles; wiiifj^s gray, b^()\v^ beneath the lore border, and alonj,' the iionlers of tlie veins; wing. ril)s and veins blaek ; poisers tawny with pitchy knobs. Tiengtb of the body one and une-t'uurth lino; of the wings threo linos. United States. Page 214. Dolichopiis ineptus Vem. ^Encus, vortiee pnrpureo, alxloniinis lateril)us albo niaenlatis, npiee viridi, antennis pedibuscpie fulvis, tarsis siibpieeis, alia einereis fusco vittatis. Urassy, beset with blaek Ijristles, adorned lieneatli with ft whitish covering ; crown purple; eyes rod; feelers tawny, sixth joint black, feathered with moderately long hairs; alidoinen obeonical, longer than the chest, green at the tip ; a white spot on each side of every segment ; legs dark-tawny, clothed with very short blaek hairs; shaidcs beset with blaek bristles; feet almost pitchy; wings gray, tinged with brown along the third and fourth longitudinal veins; wing-ribs tawny; veins black; poisers tawny, with ferruginous knobs. Length of the body one and one-fourth line ; of the wings throe lines. United States. 1*1 '(i-i' i-;ni m Mr Fage 214. Dolichopiis luaculipes Fem. Aeneo-viridis purpurco variu.s, antennis fulvis apice piceis, pcdibus fulvis, tibiis nigro maculatis, tarsis piceis, alls einereis costi nervoruraque marginibus fuseis. Brassy-green, beset with black bristles, adorned beneath with a whitish covering ; crown adorned with blue and purple ; eyes red ; feelers tawny ; third joint pitchy ; sixth black, feathered with moderately long hairs; disk of the chest partly purjde; abdomen obeonical, a little longer than the chest, clothed with short black hairs ; legs tawny, clothed with veiy short black hairs ; slianks beset with black bristles ; feet almost pitchy ; a black spot on the tip of each thigh ; five or six black spots on each shank, these spots are most distinct on the hind legs ; wings gray, brown beneath the fore border and along the borders of the vein,-* ; vving-ribs and poisers tawny ; veins black. Lengih of the body one and one-half line ; of the wings three and one-half lines. United States. ■ V ■te' ! /; TT 304 Ml'Tl;ilA OK NollTII AMI'.ltlC.V. [I'AllT II, Page 215. l>olicllO|iUH |llllc-lll>r, Mnn. ut Ft>in, Cyiiiioo-viridis, antonnis iii>rris, reiiioribus virklibus, tiltiis fiil- vis, liirsis picc'is apico iiijrris, alls liii)i>klis. Uri^^lit giTi'U with a I)liiish tint, Ixvsot with black bristles, aih)nu'(l liuiioalh witli a whitisli covt'riiijj; ; oyes ))ri>fht rc(l ; fcch-rs black ; sixth joint bare; abdoiiicn of the male cyliiidrifiil, of thi; foiiialc obcuiiical, t'lothod with short black hairs, a little Iniiiicr than till' chest ; scales of the male white, bordercil with Ijlack ; Icj^-s tawny, clothed with very short black bail's; thiji'hs gi-een ; shaidvs besot with black bristles; feet )>itcliy, black towards the tips; trocliiintors of the male yellow, uf the fennde tawny; wiiij^s colorless; wing-ribs tawny; veins ))laek ; fourth lonjritudinal vein not as usual converging to the third after Its curve, but almost parallel to it; poisers yellow. Length of the body 1^ line; of the wings ;} lines. United States. • Page 215. Dolicliopiis vai'iils, Fern. vKnco-viridis cyauco varius, abdoinine fasciis albidis ormito, antcnnis pedil)us(iue fulvis, tar.sis nigris, alis cinereis, costi macii- lis{pie quinque fuseis. Brassy-green, tinged with blue, beset witli Idacl. bristles, adorned beneath with a whitish covering; eyes red; feelers tawny ; sixth joint black, feathered with moderately long hairs ; abdomen oljconieal, longer than the chest, adorned with bands of whitish hue ; logs dark tawny ; clothed with short black hairs ; shanks beset with black bristles; feet black ; wings gray, brown beneath the fore border, adorned with four or five brown spots ; wing-ribs pitchy ; veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body l^ line, of the wings 3 lines. United States. Walker, List of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, Part HI. Page 645. Psilopiis delicatiis, n. s., Fern. Yiridis, gracilis, abdomine aureo-viridi, autenuis fulvis, articulo tertio nigro, pedibus flavis, alis limpidis. Body slender, bright green, clothed with black hairs and bris- Jl: '• ''(•jr. m m AI'l'F.NKIX. 305 lies; crown (if tlic Iicad liliic ; vyv> hri^Iil ri-d ; inoiitli yi Ilnw ; (ccltTs tawny ; tliinl joint l>lack ; Itristk' lilark, shorter tinin llio clicst ; alMlnnn'ii ^oldi'ii-jrn'cii ; ley's pale yellow, lonjr and slender, clotluMJ with short hiaek hairs ; I'eet jiitehy l(»wards the tips ; \\in lines. (I. New ^'ork. I're.-ented liy the Kntoniolotrieal Cliil). b. New York, rresenled liy !•]. I)oiil)leday, Ks(|. Pagt' fj4tj. l*silo|»UA Ki' III mi for, n. s., .Mas. Viridis, cyaiieo pnrpwreiMpie varins, aniennis niLTis, pedihns Ihivis, alls limpidis, costi\ apicem versus nervisipie transversis fusco-iieliulosis. l)ody l»ri,ij:ht frreeii, l)eset with hlaek hairs and liristles; head covered in front with silvery down; i'yvs red; mouth tawny; feelers lilack, as loiijr as the head and the chest, disk of the chest l)hiish-j!-i'een, tinu'cd with purple; scutcheon purple; sides and lirea>t covered with silvery itlooin ; ahdoineu slender ; tip hlinsh jnirple ; appendajres dark tawny; leji's yellow, lieset with hhick hairs and bristles, which are most thick on the feet ; four hinder idps {ireeii ; thi<>iis clothed with white hairs; feet towards the tips aiul liind feet pitchy; wiiiirs colorless, clouded witli pale hrowii towards the tips of the fore liorders and aloiiy the cross-veins ; win,!r-ril>s tawny ; veins l)lack ; jjoisers tawny. Leii<,^th of the liody 2.7 line.-;, of the win^^s f)^ lines. a. Trenton Kails. Presented l»y E. Douhleday, Ks(i. Page ti4i). I'Milopii^i clirysoprasi, n. s. Aurco-viridis, capitis vertice jturpiiren-cyanco, scutello nl)(h)- ii)iuis((ue basi })urpureis, alMlominis segmentorum suturis seneo- jjurpureis, antennis nius, tibiis aiiterioril)us tarsiscpie anticis fulvis, alis suljcinereis. Body frolden-le ; legs pitchy, tlnckly dotlied with short l)lack hairs ; hips and thighs green ; liijis slightly covered with white bloom, thighs fringed with white hairs ; fore shanks ])ale tawny ; middle shanks and fore feet dark tawny ; wings sllgiitly gray ; 20 ^V-l^ •• 1 1 ' " ■ ' ' 1 ; i I t, i III niii m Nil til !' i 3no DII'TKIIA OF NnllTH \MKHirA. f I'AKT 3: win}r-ril)s mid poisiTs ])itcliy ; veins lilm-lv. T,fiijftli )f tlio hotly i li'ifs, of tlic wiii^rs 4^ lines, a. West Iiidii'S. Kroiii Mr. CliiMrcii's collcclioii. Tngft (i48. INilopilH Niiuvilllil, n. n. A'lridis, ('ii|>ilis vcrlicc cviiiico-iinriiiirco, nltdoiniiic npicctn \vr- sii> iiiirpiirco, uiitciniis iicdiliuscjuc nigris, fi'iiiuribus viridibiis, ulis liiiipidis, I'lisco hifnsfiatis. IJody brijrlit jrrccn, Iic^ct with lijnck liristlcs; liciid lijiiisli-inir- j)l(' on llic (Town, clotlicd wiiii wjiitc down in IVoiit ; eyes red ; intMilli jiitcliy ; rccjcrs l)liick ; Itristli' nt'iirly i»s loiii; us tlie clicst ; breast iind sidos of liie cliest eovered with a white bloom ; hImIu- nien purple towards the tip; Icjrs l»luck, beset with black hairs and liristles; hips and Ihi^-'hs j^reen ; hips eoveretj with a white blonm; thijrhs clothed with white hairs; winjrs c(»l(»rless, adorned with two brown ImiimIs, which art' joine48. PsilopilH ailiatlis, n. »., Mn». et Tem. Yiridi.s, eajtitc ])urj»ureo, abdomine nijrro-fasciato apice pur- puroo, antennis nifrris, i)edil)ns pioeis, feniorilius viridibiis, alis siib- cinereis, costfi ajticeni versus nervisipie traiisversis I'lisco nobulosis. Hody britrht g-rceii, beset with black hairs and I)rist]es; head ]»Mr))le, covered in front with white down ; crown of the male adorned with a frreon s])ot on each side ; eyes red ; mouth and feelei black ; bristle a little slnu'ter than the chest ; hind ))art of the elicst tinjred with blue and juirple ; sides and lireast covered with white down ; abd(»men at the tip ])urple in the male, bluish- purple in the female ; hind liorders of the sejrnients in the male adorned with black bands ; loffs pitchy, beset with ))lack hairs and bristles ; liii)s and thijrhs green, the former covered with white down ; wiiifjs slitrhtly gray, indistinctly marked witli brown towanis the tips of the fore borders and along the cross-veins; wiiig-ril»s l^itchy ; veins black ; poisers of the male pitchy, of the female tawny. Length of the body H — 1 f li'"', of the wings ;i;J — 4 lines. n. New York. Presented by K. Doubleday, Ks(|. b. Trenton Falls. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. AIM'KNKIX. rn^e r)4:>. INilopUH iiidcltiis. v)^ n. ». Viridis, cnpito iiiirpiirro, iilidDiiiiiM' iiiir|»mrn,* iilMlniiiin(> pur- piirco-ryiiiiro. lusriis iiit'ris, aiiti'iiiiis |»('tliljiis(|iit! iiivjris, iilis siili- cincrfis I'liscd Itifiisciutis, llcinl iiiitl clirst Im'scI willi lilin'k lirisllos ; liciid ]iiir|ilt', IViiiLrid iili.tiil tlic inoiilli will) lioarv liiiirs ; eves dmI ; iiioiilli niid t'ci'lriN Idiu'k ; l)rihtle ii litllc Innircr tlniii tlic clit'st ; clicst frrccii ; sides utid Itrciist cuviM'cd witli \vliiti>)i down; niidniiicii d<'i'p piirpHsli- liliic ; siitiircs of llic sf'L'iiH'iits Itlack ; It'u's Mack, clutlifd with black liairs and Itristlcs; \viii<:s f.liu-litly jri'ay, aduriicd witli (wd Itmwti l)aiids, which are united on tiio fore bonier, l»ut do not reach tlie hind liorder; winir-rilts and veins I)lack ; poisers pitchy, with tawny knobs. licnjftli of the body 2,1 lines, of tiie winj^s f) lines. a. Mexico. I'resejited liy K. I*. Collin, Ksi]. Page ortO. PhiIoimih iiiKrofciiiorHtiiH, MSB. Cyaiii'o-, ant anreo-viridis, aniennis ni^rris, eapite dupio loniri- oribns, pediltus nijrris tibiis fnlvis, alis linipidis. Head and chest briu'ht Idnish-frreen, aniie(l with black bristles; head covered in front witli white down, elotheil l)eneath with whito hairs; eyes red; month tawny; feelers black, abont twice the lenirlh of the head; l>reast and under side of th<' abdomen covered with white bloom; al)domeu jrolden-preen, blue at the base, cop|)ciy at the tip ; lerigii( green or coppery-frreen ; sntiires of the setrments sometimes black; breast and under side of the al»donien covered with white (htwn ; legs yellow, adorned witli rows of minute spines, clothed with a few white liairs, and beset with a few black bristles; four hinder lni)s frreen ; tips of feet black; hind feet black, first joint brownish ; wings slightly frniy, wing-ribs tawny ; veins black ; poisers yellow. Length of the body 1:J line ; of the wings 2}j lines. (I. North America. J'resented by tlie Entomological Club. />. Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. .Massachusetts. From Prof. Sheppard's collection. (f. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Hcdnum's collection. Page (i5L Clirysof ilH inccrtlis, n. s. Yiridis, antennis nigris, femoribus viridibus, tibiis fulvi.s, apice tarsis(pie obscurioribus, alis limpidis. Allied to C. femoral iff. JJody green, beset with black hairs and }»rlstlcs; eyes red; nn»\ith and feelers black; hips and thighs green ; shanks tawny ; feet and fi])s of shanks dark tawny ; wings colorless; wing-rii)s pitchy ; veins black ; poisers tawny. a. United State- Presented by the Entomological Club. Page (if)."?. I>or|»liyi-o|is pilosicornis, Rarnston's MSS. yEneo-viridis, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsis piceis, femoribus posticis apice fnsco nuicnlatis, alis limpidis. IJody brassy-green, beset with black bristles; eyes dark-red; mouth dark tawny; feelers black; bristle downy, proceeding from the base of the third joint and more than twice its length ; breast an.d sides of the chest covered with a white bloom, which ajipears also on the chest, but is there very slight ; legs tawny, clothed with short black hair, beset with a few black bristles ; feet pitchy; a small brown mark on the tip of each hind thigh ; fore hips at the base ami the other hips green and covered with white bloom; wings colorless ; wing-ribs tawny ; veins black ; poisers yellow Length of the body \^ line; of the wings 2i- lines. a. St. Martin's Kails, Albany llivcr, Hudson's Bay. Presented by G. IJarnston, Esij. ArPKXDIX 30!) Page (!.'),'■). IVIedoteriiH ^labcr, Baunston's MSS. "\'iri(lis, lliKi'iK'is disco iiij:;r(»-ii'iu'(). iilKloiiiiiie ai'iu'o-viridi, iiiittii- nis nijjris, pcdihiis viridibus, tjirsis iiigris, alls cincrcis, I'lisco hiiiia- ciilatis. l>ots, one on tiie cross-vein, the other on the fourth lonu-itndinal vein, u little before half the di.-tane'j between the cross-vein and the tipof the win^-; winjr-rilis piteliy; veins black ; jjoisers tawny. Lenjilh of the body 1.^' line; of the win;j^s r> lines. o. St. Martin's Falls, Albany ]Jiver, Ilndson's IJay I'rcMiitod by (1. IJarnstoii, Es(i. ill' m: Page G5r). IHeiR'tei'lIs elirysolomis, Rahnston's MSS., Vem. Ni<;ro-aMieiis, antennis niirris, ))edil)us viridibus, tarsis idjjfris, alis cinereis, fnsco biinacnlalis, ad costam subfuscis. IJody brassy black ; head coveri'd with n'olden l)looni, which is jniler and l)riirhter tctwards themo'.ilh ; eyes dark-red, covered with white down ; moutli and feeh'rs black ; sides of the chest covered with tawny bloon\ ; lireast and under side of tlw; al)dome)i adorned with white l)looin ; a row of black ))nnctnres on each side of the abdomen, as in other species; leirs green, clothed with Idack hairs and bristles ; hips and thiirhs covered with white Idooni ; feet black; winirs rown aloni; the fore borders, each with two darker brown si)ots, like those of Jf. (jhihfr, lait larj;er and more distinct; winir-ribs tawny; veins black; poisers j)itchy. Leiifrth of tlie l)ody 1 j line ; of the wiiiirs W lines. ,7. St. Martin's Falls, Albany Uiver, II udsou's Day. Proacntecl by G, JJarnston, Esq, wwr, DIPTKUA OF NOKTII AMERICA. [I'Aiir II. ill rage (i'lG. Ulc'tleterus ulboflorens^, n. s., Fein. ^Eiit'us, fulvo ])ul)e,sec'iis, siibtus ull'us, alKloiuino ciiprco-viridi, aiiteniiis iiigris, pedibus viridibus, tui'sis piceis, alis ciiiercis fuseu sidtvittatis. Jload and chest bronzed, beset witli a few black l)ristles, thickly covered with tawny bloom ; eyes dark red, covered with wliiu- down ; mouth and feelers black ; abdomen rather light jirecii, mingled with copper-eolor, thinly clothed with short black hairs, not longer than the chest ; hind chest, breast, and under side (if the ai)d(»men covered with white bloom ; legs long, slender, green, slightly covered with tawny bloom, ])eset with short black hairs and liristh's; I'eet pitchy towards the tips; claws black; foot-cushions pale yellow ; wings gray, very slightly cloud.-d with bnjwn along the borders of the veins; wing-ril)s pitcli\ ; \cisis black; poisers tawny, pitciiy, and covered with white bloom towards the tips. Length of the body 1 ;',-!. y line; of the wings 4-4^ lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Rednuin's collection. m h ■ ._ HMi \ lK:i'll : Page C'lO. I>olicllopus aflillis, IIaliday's MSS., Mas. et Fern. Cyaneo-, aut cui>reo-viridis, antennis nigris, pediims (lavis, femo- ribus posticis tarsisque fulvis, tarsis anticis, mari. apice nigris dilatiltis, tarsis posticis nigris, alis limpidis. _}[(il('. — Head and chest green, armed with stout black bristles ; head fringed behind with pale tawny hairs, covered in front and beneath with white bloom; eyes red, covered with white down; feelers black ; chest bluish-green on the disk ; abdon; n .-oppery- grecn, clothed with short black hairs, covered with v\ iiit' iiUiom l)eneat!i anil on each side, where there is a row of black j»u('( utes; appendages ])ale yellow ; legs yellow, clothed with short black liairs ; four hinder hii)s green ; hind thighs tawny, furnished with a few tawny hairs ; shanks and feet armed with lihick bristles ; feet tawny, darker towards the tips; hind feet black ; tips of fore feet black, widened ; wings colorless ; wing-ri js and poisers yel- low ; veins i)itchy. lu'mole. — IJody coppery -green ; legs tawny; shanks darker than the thighs ; hind feet pitchy. Length of the body 2-2^ lines; of the wings 4-r) lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut, llcdmau's collection. AI'PKNDIX. nil Page 600. Doliclioiilis cil|>l'iilUH 7 Wii-n., Aniss. Zweif. ii, 230, 1. D. ctipreiis ? Say, Joiini. Ai-ad., I'hila., iii. 8, (J. Aureo-viridis, tlionuc vittis tri'tuf cupivis, aiiteiuiis fulvis apico fu.sei.s, pi'diljiis (lavis, larsLs apico iiiyris, aiilicis aiiice iiigro-fasoi- t'ulati.s, alis suliciiioreis. JJixly {^riH'ii, c'ovt'i'od above with jroldcn rlown, hcncatii witli ■white down; head and chest armed with stout I)laek l)risties ; Iiiiid part of tlie iiead Iriiijifd witli white hairs; eyes red ; iiioiilii yellow; feelers tawny, covered with short l)lack hairs ; tlieir tips brown ; bristle pubescent, pitchy, lon^'er than the rest of the feelers ; chest adorned with tiiree coppery stripes ; abdomen g-olden green, ehjthed with short Itlack hairs, white l)enealh and on each side, where it has a row of Itlaek pnneiun's ; appendages yellow; legs yellow, ehjthed with black hairs; four hinder hii»s green; feet towards the l)ase and shanks armed witii Idaek l)ristles; four hinder feet black towards the tii)s ; tii>s of fore feet adorned with tufts of black hairs ; wings slightly gi-ay ; wing-ribs tawny ; veins pitchy ; poisers yellow. Length of the body "J.V lines ; of the wings ;") lines. a. St. Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's I>ay. Presented by (ir. Barnston, Esq. Page (Ji;0. DoIicllopilK laniellipes, Bak.nston's MSS., Mas. et Fern. Yiridis aut viridi-cupreus, abdoniine sul)tus allto-pubescente, antennis nigris ))asi I'idis, articulo tertio niuri. longo, pedil)us fulvis, tarsis nigris, interniediis basi fulvis, auticis }iiari. apicu dilatatis, alls linipidis. Body green ; head and chest armed with black bristles ; head covered with silvery down, fringed l)ehind with black hairs ; eyes red ; mouth tawny ; feelers l)lack ; lirst joint jiale red ; third joint very long ; abdomen chjthed with black hairs, adorned wdh a coi)pery tinge towards the tip, which is I)liick. covereil with white bloom l)eneath and on each side, where there is a row of black punctures; legs i)ale tawny, four hinder hips green, clothed with black hairs and bristles; feet black; tips of fore feet widened; middle feet tawny towards the base ; wings colorless ; wing-ribs tawny ; veins pitchy ; jutisers pale tawny. Fi'inalc. — Third joint of the feelers short, nearly round. Length of the body 2^—3 lines; of the wings 5 lines. '0':, W fv'l , • i j - :,,) '\^A J m i% 312 DIFFKUA (IF XORTir AMERICA. [part ir. '■'^ h < ^vUi Var. /3. Clicst and abdoiiicn ('(iiipcry. a. St. ^lartiii's Falls, Albany ilivor, IIirIsuh's Bay. Pri'sou'ad by G. Uanistoii, Esq. Page GUI. Dolichopiis ciliatlis, Bakxstos's MSS., Mas. et Tcm. Viridis, capitis fronte aurco-pubesceiite, aiiteiiiiis fulvis, arti- t'ulo 3° supra nigro, jx-dibiis fulvis, tarsis piceis alis suhciiiercis. Body frroen ; head covcrod in front witii frnldcn down ; eyes rod ; mouth l)lac'k ; feelers tawny ; third joint nearly oval, Iilaek from near the base to the tip above, and from half its lenfrth to the tip beneath ; bristle black ; breast and sides of the ehest and of the abdomen covered with white Ijloom ; ai)])ondai[. Page G()2. Uolicliopus discei^siis, n. s., Fem. f'yaneo-viridis, thoraee onpreo bivittalo, abdoniinc aMioo-viridi, nntcnnis pedibus(iue fulvis, tarsis i)ostieis ])iceis. alis sul)cinereis. Jiody bluisli-g'''en ; head covered in front with white down ; eyi's brigiit red; uuth and feelers tawny; bristle black ; chest aditcliy ; wings slightly gray ; wing-ribs and j)oisers tawny ; veins black. Length of the body 2}j lines; of the wings 5-^^ lines. a. Massachusetts. From Prof. Sheppard's collection. Page (i(>3. Doliclio|iiis contigiiiis, n. s., Mas. Aureo-viridis, thoraco viridi-cyaneo, lateribus purpureo variis, abdoniine cyaneo et cupreo vario, antennis nigris, ])edibus fulvis, tarsis anticis apice nigris latis, tarsis mediis piceis, basi fulvis, tarsis ))osticis nigris, alis linipidis. Head golden-green, covered in front with pale tawny down ; eyes briglit red ; feelers black ; third joint oval ; chest greenish- bine, with a slight purple tinge on each side ; abdomen golden- green, slightly bluish and coi)pery here and there ; breast and under side of the abdomen covered with hoary bloom ; tip black ; appendages tawny, scales whitish ; legs tawny ; four hinder hips mostly green, and tinged with hoary bloom ; tips of fore feet lilack, much widened ; middle feet pitchy, tawny at the base ; hind feet black ; wings colorless ; wing-ribs and poisers tawny ; veins ])itcliy, tawny towards the base. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. Page G63. Doliclioiiiis exclusii^i, n. s., Fem. Cupreus, nonnun([uam viridi varius, abdomine purpureo-cupreo, antennis nigris, articulo primo subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, tarsis nigris, alis subciuereis. VM-i APPENDIX. 315 l»(iody brassy, mingled here and there with g'rceii ; head green, covered in front with white down, chjthed along the sides of tiie eyes with white Inurs ; eyes red ; month pitchy ; feelers l>laek ; third joint nearly oval, rather short; breast covered with white bloom; legs tawny; feet pitchy, tawny towards the base; hind feet and tips of hind shanks black ; wings gray ; wiiig-ril)s and ]ioisers tawny ; veins black. Length of the boily '2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. (I. St. Martin's Falls, Albany Kiver, Hudson's IJay. Presented l)y («. IJarnston, Esij. rnsH Cii'A. Dolicliopiis conteriHiniis, n. s., Mn». Yiridis, thoracis disco al)domine(pie aureo-viridil»ns. Inijus apice UMieo, tntennis nigris, pedil)us fulvis, tarsis antiei> apice nigris latis, tarsis mediis a))ice ]iosticis(pie pieeis, alis limpidis, /mi. tarsis ))iceis basi fulvis, tarsis postieis nigris. IJody brigiit green ; head covered with tawny down, fringed o.long the sides of the eyes with white hairs; eyes iirigiit red, covered with white down, niouih ])itchy ; jtalpi tawny; feelers black; third joint rather large; abdomen and disk of the chest golden-green ; breast and sides of the chest covered with hoary bloom, which also slightly tinges the under side of the abdomen ; tij) of the abdomen brassy ; appendages tawny ; scales white, slightly bordered with black; legs ])ale bright tawny ; four hind hips mostly green, and covered with a white bluoui ; thighs friiigod W': ft iv.|. I y.M H"-*; •^»i* VV'.f \' ': ( ■ • - 1 •!i 310 DTl'TKUA OF NOlVni AMKUirA. [I'AUT ir. with wliitc liiiirs, fore fcot .slender, with l)hi<'k ami much widened tii)s ; mi Idle feel pitchy towards tlie tips; hind feet ]iitchy; winj; cohjriess ; winj;-ril)s tawny ; veins l)!ack ; j)(Mseis pal(; tawny. Ft'in. — Feut pitdiy, tawny towards the hase ; hind feet black. Leii. Dolichopiis terminatiis n. s., Fem. Aureo-viridis, capite cyaneo-viridi, abdomine cu|)reo basi viridi, autennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tarsis ])iceis basi fulvis, alls sub- cinereis fusco subvittatis. Head l)luish-green, covered in front with golden down, fringed on each side with white hairs ; eyes bright red ; mouth pitchy ; palpi tawny ; feelers black ; third joint nearly oval ; cliest golden- green ; sides and breast covered with hoary bloom, which also ai)pears beneath the abdomen ; abdomen copper-color, green at the base ; legs tawny ; four hind hips green, covered with white bloom ; feet pitchy, tawny towards the l)ase ; wings slightly gray, indistinctly tinged with brown along the borders of the veins ; wing-ribs and poisers tawny; veins i)itchy. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. APPF.NniX. 317 Page GCC. Dwlic'liopUH Hoqiiax, n. s. ryanoo-viridis, thonu'C ii'iieo-viridi, al)(loiuiiiis apicc u'lico, aii- tciinis fulvis, articulo tertin iiiirro s\il)tus Culvo, peclibus fulvis, tarsis iiifiris aiitic'is piceis, alls liinpidis. ]Jo(ly bluisli-grec'ii ; lioail covered in front with poldon down ; eyes red; ni(Mith piteliy ; feelers tawny; tliird Joint black, tawny l)eneath towards tlie base; bristle black; ciiest with a slius fulvis, tibiis posticis apice tarsiscpic postici.s nigris, alls limpidis. urn 11 ^1 ' mi ii: mi ' 318 mPTKUA r»p NoiiTir amkuipa. [I'AHT M. llcnd Iiliiisli-^rccii, clotlicd in frmit with white ilnwii ; friiijrcd nil ciH'h si(l(! with white hairs; eyes red; rcch'rs hlack ; chest brassy frreeii, liliiish-frreen (iii each side; l»reast envefcd willi lioai'y hlduiii ; alidonien brassy, jrreeii at tli(! base, tiiifred witii j^reen mi each si(h', eovered with wldte bioniii Ix'iiealh ; tip lihiik; appeiidafres tawny ; scales white, burdei'ed with bhiek ; le^s lawny; lips of feet jiitcliy ; hind feet and lips of hind shanks lilaek ; wiiitrs cdlorJess ; wini;-ribs and poisers jude tawny ; veins bhiek. Lenu'th of the liudy I.', line; of tlie wind's 15 lines. a. North America. Presented by llie Kiiloni(doj>-ical t'hil). j I pi f ii K' ii 1 I- Pago (;il7. Dolicliopiis irrasiis, s. n., IVm. Cyaneus, abihunine u'lieo, aiiteiinis nigris, pedibus fnivis, tarsi* pieois, alis cinereis fnseo snbvittatis. liody deep blue, beset with blacK hairs and bristles; head eovered in front with a silvery l)l(M)ni ; eyes red ; iiioitth a!i(| feelers black ; eliest covered with fernijfinoiis bloom ; sides and chest c<»vered with white bloom ; abdomen dark bronze, sli^rhtly covered with white bloom, not lon's tawny, clothed with l)lack hairs and bristles; feet pitdiy ; winijs jzray, lirownish alonreo. al>doniine ])iirpnreo, Itasi apiceipie cyianco-viridi, lateribus aureo-viridilms, antennis nijrris. i>e(iibu^ fnivis. fenioribus viridilms, alis siibcinr'ris. Body trreeii ; head and chest ix'set with black bristles ; eyes and mouth black ; feelers black ; third joint very short, round ; bristle proceeding: from its tip ; disk of the chest copper-colored ; abdomen purple, clothed with black hairs, blnish-n-reen at the base and at the tip, jrolden-irreen along each side; legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs; hips and thighs green; wings slightly gray ; wing-rilis and ]>oisers tawny ; veins pitchy. Length of the body 1:^ line ; of the wings 3 lines. a North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. AI'I'ENDIX. .'UO WulLrr, in (hr. Transact inn a nf l/n; Kntomoloijival Hovichj, Page 149. PsilopiiH iiiiKiilivenn. .!/(/.«*. — Lii'to viridis, iintt'iiiiis iii^:ris llKtrucc Icmj^ioriliiH, lli(»riwt' siil)('yiiiu.'.>(<'iit<', iiltddiiiine sulmiinito, pi'dihiis tostiu'cis, iilis siil>- ciiicri'is, vciiis nijrris. Male. — IJrijrht gi't'cii ; nntomiiu lilack, iiiiich loufjci* tliaii tlic thorax; thorax slightly bluisli ; ali(h)iii('ii soiiicwiiat gilded ; hgs testac'L'ous, long, shMidiT ; wings grayish; veins l)lack, t'ori'-liriinch of the |»riubra('hia! vein very much IxMit, nearly rectangular ; discal transverse vein very dee}»ly undulating. Length of the body 4j, lilies; of liie wings 7 lines. L'nitcd Slates. WulLcr, in the 'Transactions of the Entomological Society, Tovu V. Pape 287. l*HilO|iiiri solidiis. F(rm. — Cyanoo-virldis, robustus, subtus albido-toniontosus, aii- tennis pedibuscjuc ingris, abdoniiuis lateribus basi cupreis, alis subcinereis, fasciis duabus (P media lata, 2* apicali latissima) uigris antice connexis, halteril)us testaceis. Female. — Bright bluish-green, stout, with whitish tomcntuin beneath ; aiileiin;c and legs black ; alxlomen bright cuiircoiis du each side at the ' aso ; wings slightly grayish, with a brnad black band in the middle and a very broad apical black band, the two bands connected in front ; fore branch of the pra'ltrachial vein almost rectangular; discal transverse vein straight, ol)li(|nc; inilteres dull testaceous. Length of the l)ody 8 lines; (jf the wings 7 lines. Mexico. I,. lit ■)■(■ » 1^ ., t ■ . V i :v i^l! Page 2S7. P»ilopiis peractiis. F(em. — Viridis, robustus, snl)tns alltido-tonicntosus, cajiito cyaneo, antonnis, ))edibus halteril)us(|ue nigris, abilomiiic leiicd- viridi, alis subcinereis, venis nisris. Female. — Green, stout, with whitish tomcntuin Iienciitli : head blue; antenine and legs black; abdomen ivneous-grecn ; winj^s -.:.;-i! &JK, 890 i)Ti»TKiiA OF Nonrrr amkuica. [I'AIIT II. (rniyisli ; veins l)lack ; forc-brimcli (if the i>nrl)nu'liiHl vein nhtuscly I'rctniiuiiliir ; discul truiisvrrsi' vein (tl)rK|iit>, nliiiust strui^lil ; lial- tercs liliick. Loiij^lh of tliu liody 2^ lines ; of tlio wings 4 lines. Mexico. Page 287. PMilopiiH hopretlciiH. Frrm. — I'nr])nreo-niger, latns, nitens, sultlns alitido-toniontnsus, capite, antennis ju'diltiiscine nigris, ulnloniinu iiigrieuiite imrpureo, uiis snlieinereis, venis nigris. Fcmah-. — I'nrplisli-lduek, brond, sliining, willi wiiitisli tonien- tiini beneath ; head, antennie and legs blaek, the latter rather Htont ; thora.x rather thickly beset with blaek l)rislles ; altdonnwi blaekish-j)urple ; wings slightly grayish; veins blaek; fore-branch of the pnebraehial vein rectantrnlar, but with the angle somewhat ronnded ; diseal transverse vein obli(jue, nearly straight. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 3^ lines. Mexico. Page 288. PsilopuH pernio 'ciis. Moji. — Anreo-viridis, gracillinins, antei e(libus(pio flnves- ocnte albis, nlis linipidis, venis hnlteribuscpie pallidis. Male. — Golden-green, very slender ; antennie and legs yellowish- white; wings limpid; veins pale; fore-branch of the prtobrachial vein obtusely rectangular; diseal transverse vein oblique, straight ; lialteres very i)ale. Length of the body 1 J lino ; of the wings 4 lines. Mexico. I i- t^ SUrPLEMEXT TO TlIK iw •Mi? ; I'.'t' ; iH MONOGRAPH ON NORTH AMKRICAN DOLICHOPODIDJ..' i 11. I, General liemai'li'ti on the DolichopittUiJiv. of Xorlh America. That llin Nortli Anuricaii thuiia of Jhilirhn/xxh'dfv is nii vx- ceeiliiijrly rich one, is proved l»y tliat jiortion of it ii|tiin wiiich I liavo l»a.s('(l the prc^int jxiljlicatioii. I am satisfied that this fauna far I'xct'od.s tho Kiiropoaii fauiitt in tiu; variety of forms and in the number of species. 1 take tlie following,' points to be peculiar to this fauna : 1. Tho apparently ratlior numerous species of l'c/(is/n)iei(riis; 2. Tlie re- nuirkahle al)undance of closely allied species of true (/i/mnopler- hkk; 3. Tho niunher of species of CIiri/Kotua dislinjrnished by a variety of plastic characters, which is not {renerally the ease in this genus; 4. The abundance of species of Diii/i/ionit^ and (tf forms related to this jrcnus. Our kno\vled distinctly perceive that the North American fauna closely approacln's the Kuropean and the North Asiatic fauna} in the si)ecies of the genera Ifi/grorcleidhun, DoIicJinjiKu, T(i<-h;/lir- rhiix, Cnnipsirncmu.t, Scdlns, Jli/draphorux, Ltanraluft, CIii'i/sdH- 7/)«.s, 1 id Xut scantily represented in Europe. The North American species of DiapJio- riiK agree in i)art with the Euroi>can, in part with the South American species. The North American species of Argi/ra, {'or- pJii/roiis, Leucoxtido, and Lioncalus do not show any striking dillerence from the European species of these genera, but juft as little from the South American species. Of such species, as are connnon to Europe and North America, the following have hitherto conu; uiuler my observation : ])nli- <'hnpiis brcripr)))i/.-i Meig., D()licJiO])iif< jdioiiipefi Scop., DoJiclu)- puH (liscifcr Stann., ^Sc(7/»x xjjiiiiinamis Zett., and I'Kilojnm pnllcns "\Vicd. The first four of these species belong altogetlicr to specifu' types commonly represented on Itoth continents; but this is not the case with PsilopiiK ;)f///c».s. This species un(|Ut's- tionably Ix'longs to the circle of European ty})es of Psi!i)pu.<, whereas all the North American l\- JJiiroii Osten SackcMi's statoniont, is not unconiiiion in the lower jkuMs of New York City, should liavc been accidentally ini}>oi'tcd in siiips from tlie south of Europe. As species coninion to both continents may perhai)s be also re- liiirded Pidjtlioriia niijrivona ^lei, setifer /.»'. 4 s t First joint of the hind tarsi with a few bristles. 5 , f Hind tibi;c black onl v t the tip, 0 \ Hind tibia) entirely black. 7 f The black color at the tip of the hind tibia> is rati er oxtendeil njid 1 not very sharply limited. 4 albiciliatus /.»•. j The black color at the tip of the hind tibia) bnt little extended atid sharply limited. 5 xanthocnemua n. sp. „ f A considerable extent of the tip of the femora yellow, (i tetricus n. sp. t The extreme tip of the femora only somewhat yellowish. 8 „ f Lamella) of the hypopygium pointed. I. Lamellic of the hypopygium rounded ovate. „ j Cilia of the inferior orbit black, t Cilia of tht! inferior orbit j- lie. ,,. f Fore coxa) blaidcisli. ' Fore cos.x' yellow. ,, f The first two joints of the antenn-e yellow. ' 'i'he whole antenna) black. ,(, f Tecnlic with pah^ cilia. " t Tegulie with black cilia. 7 acuminatus r.w, i- ovatus /.((•. 10 12 0 pachycnemuB 11 4:? dorycerus 10 brevipenuis .lA /i»er side into long lobes, which are velvet-ltlack on tin; third and fourth joints; on the liftl. joint tlio lolte is hlaek only at the baso, otherwise* whitish. JSIiddle and hind tarsi, from tho tip of the lirst joint, )j!avk. "Wings grayish-hyaline with dark-hrown veins, tinged with elay- ish-yellow ii! the costal, marginal, and sul)n)arginal cells, the C(jsta only slightly iiicra>sated at the tip of the lirst longitudinal vein; the tip of the third longitudinal vein strongly ilellected backwards ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein not broken ; the posterior margin of th(! wing has a deep sinus before the unusually }»rotruding anal angle ; the latter is again siuiuited, so as to api)ear bilolx-d. Ildh. Glen-llouse, White Mouutaius, New Hampshire, July 2, 1803. (Osteu-Sacken.) 44. D. spleildiflullis Loew. %. — Viridis, nitidus, coxis anticis pediliuscjue flavis, tibiis postiuis totis concolorihus, iintcnnis tarsisijue postieis iiigris, ciliia ouuloiuin iiiferioiibus tegiilarimniue ciliis ttavi- caiitibus, alarum vena Inni^itudinali quarta noii fiacta. ^. Tarsis aiitii'is eloiitratis, articulo quarto pra;ceilentil)us latiore, quinto compr«sso atro, femoribus postieis minus coiifertim tlavo-ciliatis. 9 Green, shining, fore coxhb and feet yellow ; the hind tibire not hhickened at the tip ; antennjo and hind tarsi black ; cilia of the inferior orbit and of the tegulfe yellowisli. %. Fore tarsi elongated, fourth joint broader than the preceding; the fifth joint laterally compressed, black ; hind femora ciliated with rather sparse yellowish hairs. 9 Long. Corp. 0.22. Long. al. 0.22-0.23. Syx. Ihlichiqnts splfinlidulus LoEW, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. VIII, 91, 82. JFdJe. Metallic green, bright, shining. Face rather bright- yellow. Anteiui!T2 altogethir black ; the third joint short-ovate. Front shining green. Cilia of the inferior orbit pale-yellowish. Lanii'ilu' of the hypopygium broad, ovate, whitish ; on the upper and the apical nmrgins with a very narrow blackish border; ajjical margin jagged and beset with bhick Ijristlc. The four hind coxai are l)hickish, only at the extreme tip yellow. Fore coxa' yellow, somewhat blackened oidy at the extreme basis, beset with short ^ rn' m ' 'mi' 328 DIPTERA OF NUUTII AMEIIICA. [PAIIT II. ■■>''y\ Nlii black littlo hairs almost upon the whole front side. Poet yellow. The hind feinora Ix-fore the tip wi h a hristle, upon the greater part of 'h(^ under side sparsely ciliated with ratlua* l<»ng yellowish hairs. Hind tibise of ordinary strength, not infuscated at the tii>, with a long glaln'ous streak upon the hind side. Fore tarsi abundantly one and a half the length of the tibioc ; the first four joints yellow, on the inside with a somewhat whitish reflection ; stalk-shaped from the firht to the third joint ; the fourth joint late- rally comi)ressed, somewhat broader than the preceding, especially towards the tip ; the first joint nearly as long as the three follow- ing together; the fifth joint black, compressed, broad, especially towards the tip, beset on the upper side with closely appressed little hairs. ^Middle ta...-i ulackened from the tip of the first joint. Hind tarsi altogether black. Cilia of the teguhe whitish. "Wings hyaline, somewhat grayish, of rather uniform breadth ; the costa at the i\\) of the first longitiulinal vein with a weak and very short swelling; the fourth longitudinal vein not broken. Hab. "Wl.lte ^Mountains, New Hampshire, July, 18G3. (Osten- Sacken.) Observation. — This species has an extraordinary resemblance with D. sploididtis on one side, and with D. sitbciliatus on the other. It diflers from D. sj^Ioididiis, with which it agrees more with regard to the structure of the fore tarsi, by the less densely ciliated hind femora, and by the smaller extent of the incrassa- tion of the costa. I), sitbriliatiis has longer and more slender fore tarsi, the fourth joint of which is as slender as the preceding ; it has the hind ti))iic infuscated at the tip ; the cilia of its hind femora are not oidy more scarce but also shorter, finally the swell- ing of the costa is more extended. ^loreover, not only D. splendi- dus, but also J), subciliatus are considerably larger than D. splcn- dididus. This character will enable us to distinguish the female of D. ftpleiididulus from that of D. splcndidus, as well as from the female of D. suJiciliotus ; the two latter, however, cannot be confounded on account of the diiferent color of the hind tibitc. V 45. D. palacstricus Lokw. % and 9, — iEneo-viridis,pedihus flavis, coxis anticis tibiiscjue postieis totis concoloribus, antennis tarsisque posticis nigris, cilii.s oculorum inferiorilms tegularumque ciliis flavi- cantibus, vonA alarum longitudinali quarts, iion fractil. ^ . Ultimo tarsorum anticorum articulo admodum dllatato, nigro, in latere SUPPLEMKN'T. r>29 externo aUio-micante ; femorum posticorum cilils llavicantibus, iion conffi'tis. 9 . I'tHlilius simplicibus. Metallic green; feet yellow; foro coxjp ami the ■whole hind tihi.T of the same color; antenna) and hind tarsi black ; cilia of the interior orbit and of the tegulje yellowish ; the fourth longitudinal vein not l)roken. "J,. The last joint of the fore tarsi very much enliuged, black, on the out- side with a white rellectiou ; the yellowish cilia of the hind femora sparse. 9 . Fe(>t plain. Long. corp. 0.24. Long. al. 0.23. Syn. Dolichojius palwstrlcHS Lof.w, Berl. Entora. Zeitschr. VIII, 02, 84. Metallic preen, bright. Face of the male narrow, more pale ochre-yellowisli than fjcolden-ycllow ; the faee of the fcnnile hroader and paler. Antennie entirely bhiek ; the third joint of the nip'e ovate, that of the female shorter. Front green, bright. Cilia of the inferior orbit yellowish. Fore co.xa) yellow, on the front side with a .short blaek pubescence. The four posterior eoxte yellow only at the extreme tip. Hind femora with a bristle before the tip. Fore tarsi of the female and middle tarsi in bntli sexes blaekeni'd from the tip of the first joint. Hind tarsi black, ex- cepting ot.' ' the extreme basis, which is yellowish-brown. Cilia of the teguhe yellowish. Wings grayish hyaline ; fourth longi- tudinal vein not broken. 3rale. Lamella; of the hypopygiuni whitish, of moderato size and oval form ; on the upper and apical margin they have; a nar- row black border, the latter is jagged and beset with black bristl .'S. Ilind femora sparsely ciliated with yellow hairs. Fore iarsl )nce and a half so long as the tibia> ; the first four juints yello-'V', with a white reflection on their sides, slender, stalk-like; the first joint as long as (he three following together, Ihe second abundantly one and a half so long as the third ; the third some- what broader than the preceding, os])ecially toward its tip ; the fourth considerably shorter and broach-r tiian the third ; the fifth joint laterally compressed, very much eidarged, black, with a silky reflection ; on the outside this refle<'tion sometimes appears almost silvery. Hind tibiic somewhat thickened ; the two thirds of their hind side without any iiubescence. The costa at the tip of the first longitudinal vein with a rather ehmgated swelling. Hah. New Hampshire. (Osten-Sacken.) ;;:-:i : bit « ■ ( 1 . "i i f. -n Ik k I. Wb' ^ 1 flU Hii' ^^H> : ^1^9 HB^ '' m ^^B* ' 330 DIPTEBA OP NORTH AMERICA. [part ir. Ohxcrrnliftn 1. — J>. pal nslricu s 'lAVL'ry much ]'\h^ T>. hnlilli/fr. It ilill'tTS from it in holli i-cxcs by the sniiicwlmt lurjiiT iiiitciiiia', and |»riii<'ii»ally by the liiml tarsi, wliicli arc liliM-k as far iis tlie extrcmo l»asis; inorcnvcr the iniilc has distiiictly sliortcr lure tarsi and tlicir (irst three jctiiits are somewhat stouter ; tiie eilia of tho hind femora ar(( more scarce ; the liind til)iie are less thickened, and tiie }i-laltrous spot on their hind side is loiifi-cr. Tlio femah; may he distinjfuislied from the soniewiiat uncertain female of J). splcndiihiti, and from tlie as yet nnknown female of 7). xplciuliiln- lus l»y the ))ul)escence on the sides of the abdomen, winch is, to a greater extent, of a i)ale color; from tlie female of I>. nu(liii< it dillers \)y the under side of the lirst joint of the antenmu not bein^f red. Ohscn'dtion 2. — The discovery of the present species makes it necessary to mention, in the diaj^nosis of J). bulUlifcr, the pale color of the first joint of the Innd tarsi, and the very dense Iringe of cilia on the hind femora of the male. 46. D. melanoceriis Loew. % .and 5. — iEneo-viridis, .antennis iiigris, int'erioribus ouuloruin ciliis Havicantibus, ciliis tt'gularuin iiigris, coxi.s aiuicid pedibusqiie thivis, tarsis anterioribus inde ab articuli priuii apice, til)iaruiQ posticarum apioe tarsisciue posticis totis nigris. % . Fai-ie subaurei, tarsis simplicibus, femoribus posticis tlavo-oiliatis. $ . Facie albieante, femoribus posticis non ciliatis. Metallic green ; antennoe black ; cilia of the inferior orbit yellowish ; cilia of the tegula? black ;. fore coxte and feet yellow ; the four anterior tarsi, from the tip of the first joint, the tip of the hind femora and the whole hind tarsi black. % . Face almost golden-yellow ; hind femora with yellowish cilia. 9 . Face whitish ; hind femora not ciliated. Long. corp. 0.20. Long. al. 0.20. Syx. Ihlichopus melunocerus LoEW, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch. VIII, 93, 86. Male. Metallic green, bright. Front l)right green. Antennaj entirely black, rather large ; the tliird joint elongated-ovate, rather of equal breadth. Face rather narrow, golden-yellowish, but not shining. Cilia of the inferior orbit yellowish. Lamelhc of the hypopygium of medium size, ovate, whitish, with a narrow black border, jagged on the ai)ical margin and bi'set with black bristles. Fore eoxie yellow, somewhat blackened at the extreme basis, and clothed on the front side with a black i)ubescence. Feet yellow ; hind femora before the tip with a bristle, ciliated on BVI'VLEMENT. 331 llie uiulor side with scattered ycllowi.sli liairs. lliiul tibiie at tlie til», to a eonsidenihlc extent, blnek ; on the liind side with a jrhi- hioiis strealv, wiiieh reaches from tlie basis iij) to tlie tip. Fore and niiihlle tarsi blaclvened from the tip of tlie lirst joint; hind tarsi altoirether Ijlaelc. Cilia of the tefZ'nliu black. AVinjrs with a rather dark-gray tinge, and with black veins ; the costa has, at the tip of the first longitudinal vein, a very short knot-like swelling; the fourth longitudinal vein i.s not broken. Feinalc. Tlie plastic characters, which distinguish the male are wanting hero, otherwise it resenililes the male very much. The antennie are considerably shorter and their last joint is much smaller. The face is very much broader, grayisli-white, with but little admixture of yellowish. JIab. Canada. (Couper.) Obtiermlion. — The male cannot bo mistaken for any other species. The female differs from that of />. comattin l)y its more consiling the male. Antcnnro some- what shorter. Face broader, whitish, not yellowish-white on its upper i)art. Fore tarsi from the tip of the first joint, blackened. JIah. Palissades, New Jersey ; in June. (Osten-Saeken.) Ohxcrvatiou. — The female will probably have to be distinguished from the still unknown female of 7). itcopariuii by its larger size and the smaller extent of tho black at the basis of the fore coxa'. I- Gen. III. GYMXOPTERjVITS. Corrected Table for the determination of tho Species. Coloring non-metallic. 1 flavus r.w. Coloring metallic. 2 n ( Third joint of the antennte with an elongated point. 2 subulatus Lw. X Third joint of the antennse witliout elongated point. 3 4 7 '{ „ ( Prevailing color of the feet black. ( Prevailing color of the feet yellow iling color of the feet yellow. Third joint of the antennre with a very distinct pubescence. 4 J 3 scotias Lw. (■ Third joint of the autenniB with a scarcely visible pubescence. 5 gUI'l'LEMENT. {niij^ht mnlallio green. Hliuik-grt'eii. ( WiiiL'H tinu'cil with gray. { WiiiK Mackish. 333 24 pusiUuB II. Hi>. barbatul r< tristi ns f.w. f, i Tip of tlif hind femora blackish. ( Tip of the liiiiil fi'tuura not blackinh. 'I „ f Tiiorax dark violet. I. Thorax not violet. 0 ( Fore coxa) as far as the tip, Mackish. ( Fore coxto yellowish. I Aiiti'iina> entirely Mack, ( AntonniB entirely or partly red. (J exilis A"'. 8 0 10 7 spectabills f.i(\ ^ albiceps /.w. 11 21 1 { '' „ ( Lamella) of the hj " I Lauielliu of the h^ Fore coxfo at least at tlio basis distinctly blackened, ore coxa) entirely yellow. 12 IS Lamella) of the hypojiygium black. Sfi chalcochrus, nov. sp. iypQI>ygiiim yellowish. 13 Last joint of the fore taisi of the male somewhat eiilarired. 3 I 1* Bubdilatatus f^w. Last joint of the fore tarsi of the male not enlarged at all. 14 21! coxalis f.w. -7 meniscus Aw. 11 frequens Aw. l(j 28 humilis, nov. sp. 17 1- lunifer Aw. 18 , ^ Fore coxa? as far as the tip, blackened. I Fore coxa) blackened only at the basis. f. ( Lauu'll.i' of the hypopyginm black. ( Lamella) of the hypopyginm not Ulack. „ ( Hind tarsi entirely black. I Ilind tarsi not entirely black. Lainelho of the hypopyginm dark-yellow. {Lainelho of Lamella) of the hypojiygium whitish-yellow. Internal appendages of the hypopyginm penicillate. i:! iitnbriatus Aw. Internal appendages of the hypopyginm not penicillate. 19 29 ezigiiuB, nov. sp. 20 20 q ( Face yellow. ( Face whitish. Third and fourth longitudinal veins strongly convergent towards their end. 14 despicatus Aw. Third and fourth longitudinal veins altogether parallel. ITj difficilis Aw. f Hind tarsi from the tip of the first joint black. Id laevigatus Aw. 21 < Hind tarsi towards the tip a little darker, at the utmost brown, never i black. 22 /• Middle and hind eoxfe, from the basis, distinctly blackened. 23 22 ■>. Middle and hind coxce yellow, the former at the utmost somewhat V grayish. 25 4" tk yv;' m f; > ¥ I -1. ^^L ( V «. ■i li ! ;• ; Mi* '' 24 Th<; lower lart of tho fauo not hairy. ( AnttMiiiit' small. 334 DIl'TKUA OF NdllTII AMKIIICA. [PAIIT II. Tim lower part of the fuce, in tho fcniali', (listiiu.tly clothed with hair. 2:1 1 1*< nigribarbus /.w. 24 17 parvloornis /.w. { Antcunm rather lurg<'. l** opacuB /.«'. Of ( Venter iiml posterior Tnari,'in of tho phmrro not yellow, iJii ( V'miter and jiosterior margin of tho pleurie yellow. 27 10 politUB 21) debilis /."■. 21 craasicauda Lir. 22 minutiia /.t, 23 ventralia 2i ( Thorax Hhinim,', front white. (Thorax rnthor dull, front gray. „» f Ilypoiiyiiium very stout and lari^o. ( Hyiiopy^ium of ordinary thicknuss and size. 28 f Anteniiiu very small. I. Antenna) of middle size. 19, «. politus LoKW. % and 9. I Imvc DOW ol)t!iin('(l also llic iiialo of tin's spocicf*. Tlio rros- (■{MU-sliii|)t'(l liUMcllir oftlK! liypopyiriiiin arc wliitc-yellowish, tlioir interior ai)peii(laj!'»'s not iiciiicillate. Th<( dorsum of the thorax is not ([uitc so l)ri,irlit as lliat of the fonuilc, which otherwise it rcscinbh'.s very much. 21. •». iiilHillns, nov. sp. 9 .— L.tte viridis, nitens, faoie alh4, coxis prreter apicem femorihusiiue nigris. Bright green ; face white ; coxie, with the exception of tho tip and the femora, ' aek. Long. corp. 0.10. Long. al. 0.11. Bright mctallic-g'rcon, by no moans lilnok-prrccMi, Khiiiiiif^. Front with a not very conspicuons jrray-wliitish dust. Aiitcniim black ; tho third joint not very small, with an almost imp(>rccptiblc pu- bescence. Coxa) black, their .second joint yellowish. Femora black, the tip of the four anterior ones to a considerable extent yello\,'ish. Tibiie yellow. Tarsi at the basis yellow, from the tip of the first joint blackened. (The hind tarsi arc wanting.) AVinjrs with a l)rownish-irray tinge. Hab. Illinois. (TiC IJaron.) Ohxervcttion. — A single fennile of this species is in my posses- .sion for some time; but the rather imperfect condition of this specimen, and the hope of obtaining better ones, induced me to delay the publication of this species. As m\' hope has not been fulfilled, I furnish its description now. It is easily distinguished Kir'IM,KMF.NT. .!.>.) from (ill tllior ppccics with liliick feet, l»y its stiinllcr size, iiml liy its cdlor, wliicli is not Idiifk-ijn'cii, hut pure f^rccii. aft. a, clialCOflirils, uov. sp. % mill 9. — Jliifo-viridis, nitciin, aiitciiiiis nii;i'i^, {ludibutt llaviM, cuxiH oniniliuri, |)m>ter uplcum, liiinflli!«4iiu liyiKipyuii iii^'rirt. Metallic Rit'nn, .sliininc ; nntcntin' Mnck ; fi'ot yellow, nil tli« coxni with the eXL'fptioii of tlu) tip 1111(1 thu IniiifUie of tlit) liypux>ygiiiiu black. Long. coip. (.1.15— O.ltJ. I.diig. 111. (i.l.'j— (t.lli. Mctiiilie green, sliininjr. Antennie entirely blnek ; llie third joint short, with 11 not ensily pcrecptihle pulx'scenec. Fntnt covered witii white dust. Fiiee (»f'the % oehre-yehow, sometimes rather hrownish-ydlow, that uf the 9 firayish-white ; eiliii of the inlerior orhit hlaek. Ujtper side of the thorax covered wilii jrniy or i)ro\vn-i's tinj^ed with Ijlackish-^^ray and with hrownish-hlack veins. Hub. District of Columbia ; New York. (Osten-Sacken.) Ohticrralioii. — The female has, in the plastic characters, much in common with tht; fenude of (l. t<]ircf(iliilit<, of which I have now three specimens ; but the latter is somewhat larger, and the third and fourth longitudinal veins of the wings seem to be somewhat closer to each other ; I cannot, therefore, believe that G. xjuclabi- //.s is oidy a variety in color of G. cJialcochrns, and ho])e that my view will bo sustained through the discovery of the still unknown iimlo of G. upectabHia. !26. G. COXaliH LoF.w. %. — iEneo-viridis, nitens, nntennis nisrris, coxis omnibus pnt'ter .npiceni iiittris, pcdibiis laniellisiiut; liyjiopygii flavis, articiilo ultimo tarsorum aiiticonini maris non dilatato. Metallic green, shinini; ; antennip black; all coxiP, with the exception of the tip, black ; the feet and the lamelh-e of the hypopygium yellow ; the last joint of the fore tarsi of the male not enlarged. Long. Corp. 0.14. Long. al. ('.H — (>.1"». SvN. (I'ymnopteriius caxulis Loew, Berl. Knt. Zeitschr. VIII, !U, 87. ^letallic green, shining. Front with whitish dust. The an- tenna) altogether black ; their third joint ovate ; the face some- ' t ■ .. ■.' '' ' ! . ■ ■ f ) , , Pi.-:--- . 3.S() nil'TKKA (IF NOirni AMKllICA. [I'AKT II. wluit brondcr tliiin in the in.alcs of iiii»st of llio otlu'i' species, and white. All tlic e(j.\;u hhiek, only fiie '.vtreiiio tip yellow. Feet yellow; the four anterior tarsi, fmni the tip of tl • first joint, blackened; tlie hindmost ))lack, with the exception of the liasid iialf of the lii'st joint ; the last joint of the fore tarsi not enlarged. Jlub New York. (Osteii-Sacken.) Ob/^rr ration, — T dare not i)ositiveIy decide Avliether a male, vhich Mr. Le JJaron eaiiu'ht in Illinois, l»eloii<;s to this species or not. It dillers from the aljove desci'ilied typical males in a re- markahh; deji'ree, as it has the first two-thirds of the fore femora and the upper side of the hind femora infnscatei, with the exception of tin; extreme l)asis of the first joint, of a black color; moreover, the third joint of the antenna! is a little shorter. 1 would not venture to estai)lisli a separate species upon this single speoimeu. Uf. <». lllclliMCUH LoF.w. % and J. — .Thu'o-viridis, niteiis, nnteiiiiis niirris, coxis anticis pra'tcr basim, pe(lil)iis lajiicllirtiiue hypopygii llavia. Metallic grt'l'ii, sliiiiini: ; antciiniP l)lat;k ; t'oro (.'OXH!, with the I'xcejttion of the l)«, feet, and lamella' of the hypopygiuiii, yellow. Lonir. eorp. Clf). Long. al. 0.1.'). Sy.v. (!i/miiojiterniis mcniscini LoEW, Borl. Ent. Zeitschr. VIII, 04, 88. Kesenibles tlie (r. ro.nilix very much, but is somewhat larger and more of a bron/.e color. Fore coxse black always (jnly at tln^ l)asis ; the third joint of the anteuiue a little shorter and Itroader, all the rest like the preceding. Hub. Distriet of Colnnil)ia. (Osten-Sacken.) ^S. IK.\T. 3»" liiinl ('o.\:i> at least on a jtarl of it, lilackisli. Ft'ct yellow; tlic liiiid til)i;i> of the feiiiiiie are iiiaron). 2!>. Cii. (>xi;;iills, nov. sp. %. — ^Eneus, iiitc^ns, aiitennis iiii.'ris, facio ochrat'cd, coxis aiitiuis totis, pedilms laiiiBllisiiuo liypopycii llavi.->. ]ii()ii/t'-((il(ii'('il. sliiiiiiiu' • ;!ril('iiii!o blauk ; facu (Hjlirc-yelliiw ; tlio wlml'? f{ii(? cox.'i', tlio ft'ot, and tlu( laiut'llju of tlie liyiioiiygiuni yellow. Long. coip. (1.1:2. Long. al. (KVl, More l)r intVMior orMt lilndc. 2 Cilia of till' inft'iior orbit ■wliitisli. (J A bright white, glittering .spot on the posterior margin of tin' (borax. 1 longicauda /.oiiu. No such whito spot on the posterior margin of the tlioiax. ;{ Wing.s blackened. 2 lugubris /.our. Wings tinged with blaekish-gray. 4 Fore cox* altogetln'r yellow ; lamella; of the hypopygiiup. loTig. .'! leetna f.orn\ Fore coxae not aUo^iether yellow? ; lamella! of the hypopyu'iinn .sjioit. ■'> Only the basis of tlie fore coxa' blaekeiied. i) lamellatus /-mir. The whole (l'»r« co.x.e blackeni'd. 7 abbreviatiis /.ocio. Fore coxa- bb'ickened at the basis. 4 vagans I.oi'w. Fore coxai entirely yellow. 7 Dorsum of the thorax of a uniform color. ,'j cognatus /.oew. Dorsum of the thorax copper-colored, with blue-green strijies. a alternans Locw. 22 m 1,1 '.4 f i ;,:!■ ■I'} wt 338 inPTEllA OF NOUTU AMERICA. [PAUT ir. 6. P. laniellatlis Lokw. %. — Ohs'^'. re viridi-a-ons, postica thoracis parte et scntello violaceis, seta aiiteiinarum pilis loiigioriliua pluiiiata, ciliis oculorum iiiferioribus iiigri.s, pedilius flavis, coxis anticis coiicolori- bus, basini versus uigris, lamellis hypopygii brevibus, nigris. Dark 1)roiize-green, the hind part of tlie thorax and the scutellum vioh4 ; arista feathered with ratlier lung liairs ; cilia of the inferior orbit black ; feet and fore coxai yellow, the latter black at the basis ; the short laiuellse of the hyiiojyygium black. Long. corp. U.12. Long. al. 0.12. Syx. PelastoneuruK lamellntus Lokw, Berl. Entom. Zeitsch. VIIT, Df), 00. Dark grcon, Ijronzc-colort'd, tlio larj^or portion of the poi^terior ])artof'tlio dorsinii oftlic tliorax and the scutoUiim videt. Front dark violet, sliiiiiiijr. Aiitcniue dusky rod, of the third Joint ))]aclv-l)ro\vii. Tlic feathery pul)escence of the arista rather loiii^. Face witli a wlutc rclleetioii. Cilia of the inferior orbit blaek. Tlie iiupresriioii on the lateral end of tlie transverse suture of the thorax with a brifrlit white refleetion. The lanu-lke of the liyj^o- pyu'iuni ishort, rather ere>;eent-shaj)ed, blaek and covered with blaek hair. Fore eoxte yellow, blaekened from the I)asis up t,o the middle. Feet yellow; the extreme tip of the hind femora black, ^riddle tibiio at the extreme tip, hind libia' at the <'xtrriue ))asi,s and tip, brown or black-brown ; fore tarsi, towards the end, stronjrly infusciited ; the four posterior tarsi, wiiii the exception of the basis, brownish-l)lack. Tegula) whitish, with black cilia. WinfT.s tinged with blackish-grny ; the s})ace between the third and fourth longitudinal veins comparatively broad. Bab. New York. (Osten-Saeken.) ■y. P. al»l>l'eviaace between the third and fourth longitudinal veins rather narrow. Huh. New I*ochelle, X. Y., in June. (Osten-Sacken.) 8. P. alteriiaiiS Lokw. 9- — <^l>scure viridis, vittis thoracis alter- nantibus seneo-cuprei.s et ex cferuleo viridibus, seta aiitemiarum breviH- sime sul>pluinata, ciliis oculoruiu iiiferioribus albidis, coxis anticis peiUbuscjue flavis. Dark greon ; th« thorax alternately with dark copper-red and blue-green longitudinal strii)es ; arista feathered with very short hairs; cilia of tfie interior orbit whitish ; fore cox;e and feet yellow. Lon cor-p. 0.13. Long. al. 0.13. Syx. J\lt of the third joint black-brown; the arista feathered with \ I'l'v short hairs. P'ace narrower than in the females of other species, dark gray. Cilia of the inferior orliit whitish. Scutelliini blue-green, almost steel-blue. The impression on the lateral iiwirgin of the thorax has a bright white reflection. The whttU' fori' coxa' and the feet yellow ; hind feiiioi'a sciircely some- wliat blackened at the extreme ti}) ; the tarsi from the tip of the irst. joint bhu-k. Tegiihe white-yellowish, with black cilia. Wings tinged with lilackish-gray. JIab. Xew Kochelle, X. Y. (Osten-Sacken.) M) I ^ii Ik- -■• ■ ;, it-' -i; I i! iM 'fl ii • 340 l\ ^li .31! DIPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. Gen. XX. PORPIIYROPS. [part II. 5. p. longipes Loinv. % . — Viridis, facie alba, coxis ex viridi nigris, peclibus anterioribus llavis, iiltiiiiis tarsoruni articulis nigrin, piirlibii,^ posticis uigris, feiuorum basi tibiiscjue supra (basi taineu excepta) testaceis, apice hariim tarsiwiiue fuscis, exterioribus liypopygii appen- dicibus filiforuiibus, bipartitis. Green ; face white ; coxne black-green ; the four anterior feet yellow, the last joints of the tarsi black ; tlie basis of the femora and the upper side of the tibiie, with the excejjtion of the tip, brownish-yellow, the tip of the tibite and the tarsi brown ; the exterior ai)pend;iges of the hypopygium linear, bipartite. Long. corp. 0.2(J. Long. al. 0.21. Syn. Porphijrojis lonijipes Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. VIII, 95, 92. Dark green, shining ; lliorax with two narrow approximated darli streaks. Front covered witli white dust. Anteniue bhiok ; the third joint lanceolate; the arista a little shorter than the anteiMine. The narrow face Avhite. The lower part of the occiput clothed with dense yellowish hair. Abdomen above with black, on the sides with yellowish-white hairs. Tiic exterior appendages of the hypopygium dusky yellowish, linear, bipartite, and betJct with delicate whitish hairs. Fore feet 3'ello\v ; the two last joints of the tarsi black ; the tip of the preceding joint black-brown ; the fore femora upon the latter part of the upper side, blackened ; the tip of the first joint of the fore tarsi iiierassateil, almost denti- form on the under side. Hind femora blav'k with brownish-yellow basis. Hind tiltia^ and liind tarsi comparatively stout ; the tibiae black, on the upper side, with the exception of the tip, ))rownish- yellow or yellow, tiie tip brown ; the tarsi brown, their tips black. All the feet longer than in most of the other species o{ ForphyrojiK. All tiie coxa> greenish-lilack with a pale pubescence ; the middle ones, at their tii)s, with black, approximated bristles, forming a tuft, not unlike a thorn. Teguhe yellowish, with whitish cilia. Wings tinjred with browMiish-gray and with Ijlackish-brown veins; the e?id "f tjic third longitudinal vein gently curved dow'uwards ; the last segment of the fourth longitudinal vein inflected. Hab. White Mountains, Xow Hampshire. (Osteu-Sackeu.) m EXPLANATION OF THE TLATES. PLATE III. 1. nygroceleiitliiiH i.atipes Ln: % . a. head 'Jj , b, head 9, c. antenna ^ , and (/. wing ^ . 2. DOliChopilS FDNDITOR Lw. % . a. head % , h, head J , c. antenna ^ , and d. wing J . 3. Rliagoiieiirus polychroaius Lu\ % . a. head % , b. antenna % , and c wing 9 • 4. Gyninopterniis lunii-er Lw. % . a. head %, and /). head J of (Jiintnnpternns crast^icdnrld Lw. — c. an- tenna % of 6^. liiiii/er, — (/. antenna % of G. sttlmlatKs Lw. — f.'. wing 9 of 6'. crassicaitda. 6. Pelastoiieuru!^ vacaxs Zw. -^ . a. antenna ^ , /*. head % , c. head 9 1 ''■"•1 ''• wing % . 6. Tacliytreclius vouax Lw. % . a, head % of T. vorax. — /). head 'J, of 7. moechioi Lw. — c. antenna ^ of 7". vorax. — d. antenna % of T. muechus. — e. wing 9 "' T. vorax. a, Paracliiis alroxotatus Ln\ % . a. head 9 > ''• antenna 9 i •in'l f^- wing 9 of P. arcnatus Lw. 8. Ortliocliile soccata Lw. % . a. and b. head % , c. antenna % , and rf. wing ^ of same. 9. Ilercostomus i-nicolor Lw. % . a, antenna %, and b. wing of same. PLATE IV. 10. Sybistroma nodicornis .lA k/. % . — a. and b. head 9 > <'• head 'J, , d. antenna 9 i ^- antenna % , and /. wing % of the same. ( 341 ) J-i- , :.'•.■ lii 15- ' '■ - .|i vvi ■ . 'V, i .■ §]■ >'■ ' m .•..> : ;■:;.' ; i.i ^ 1 'H \m ■I 342 DIPTERA or NORTH AMERICA. [part II. 11. llypopliyllus nisciPEs yl/ir. %. a. head 9 1 ^- autenua J , c. autenna % , and d, wing % of the same. 12. IIaltericerii8 EccKRus Aw. %. a. head % , b. auteuua f , c. antenna % , and J. wing 'J of the same. 13. Diostraciis pkasin-us Lw. %. a. antenna %, h. head %, c. head 9» and d, wing ^ of the same. 14. Anepsiiis flaviventkis Mel and e. wing ^of the same.' 16. Syntornion metathesis Lw. % . a, head % , b. head 9 > c- antenna % from the outside, d. antenna 9 from the inside, e. antenna % inside, and /. wing -J, of the same.* IT. Synartliriis palmaris Lw. % . u, head 9 i and b. head % of . pallipes Fabr. — c. antenna 'J, , and d. wing ^ of S. paimaris. IS. Systenus Scholtzii Lw. %. a. head 'I, of S. bipartitus Lw. — 6. antenna % of 5. Scholtzii. — d. wing •£ of S, adpropinquans Lw. I« i W . := w PLATE V. 19. Rhaphilim lonoicorne Meig. % . a. head 9 t ''• head % , c. head 9 » «?• antenna "^ , and e. antenna 9 of the same.— y'. antenna 9 of R. lugubre. — g. wing 9 o^ R. longlcoriie. 20. Xipliandriiini qpadripilatum Liv. % . a, head"^, and b. head 9 of X. caliginosum Meig. — c. antenna % of X. quadrifilaium. — d. antenna % , e. antenna 9 1 and /, wing 9 of -X^. caliginosam. 21. Porpliyrops melampus Lio. % . a. head % , b. liead 9 i c. antenna ^ , d. antenna 9 > ^^"^ ^' ^'"S '^ of the same. ' The antennal arista of the % was made by the engraver a little too long, that of the 9 ^ little too short. ' Owing to a mistake, which was discovered too late, the posterior trans- verse vein is wanting in fig. / in some of the impressions of this plate. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 343 22. Siniliotus maiutim^e Hal. % . a. iiiiteniia % of S. thinophihia Lw. — h. antenna %, c. bead ^, d. head 9 , and e. whig % of S, luuritimas. 33. AplirosylUS KAPTOK Wall:. %. a. antenna % , b. and c. head %, , d. wing ^ of the same. 34. Tliinopliilus flavii-alpis Zeit. % . (/. antenna % , h. head %, , c. head 9 1 '^^ wing J of the same. 25. Peodcs foecipatus Z,w. '^ . «. head '^ , 6. head J , c. antenna % , d. wing ^ of the same. 26. IVeniatoproctiis DisTEXDKNs J/?/"<7. %. a, head 'J, , b. head f , c. antenna % , rf. wing % of the same. 2T. Leucostola cixoulata Aw. ■J, . a. head ^ , b, antenna % , and c. wing ^ of the same. PLATE XL 28. EUtarSllS ACLICDS Mfir;. 1 . a. head ■J, , /). antenna 'J, , and c. wing % of the same. 29. Diapliorus spectabius Lw. % . a, head "^ , Z». head 9 of D. soilalis Lw. — c. head ^ , and d. an- tenna % of Z>. spectabilis. — e. wing 9 of A*, interruptus Lw. 30. liyroneunis f^RULEscENs Lw. 9 • a. head 9 > ''• the same from the side, c. antenna J , d. wing 9 of the same. 31. Chrysotus oDLiQUDs Aw. %. a. head 9) ^"'^ ''• head % of C oblifjitus. — c. head 'J, of C. vivldiis Lw. — (I, antenna % of C viridiis. — e. antenna % of C. ohlifpins Lw. — -f. antenna % of C cornutus Lw. — ^. wing ^ of C. vividus. 32. Teuclioplioriis moxacaxthus Zw. 'J, . a. liead. '^ , i. antenna % , and c. wing '^ of the same. 33. Campsicneiiius claudicans Liv. % . a. head % of C. rlaudicdiis. — b. middle foot "^ and antenna % of C. hirtljie.-! Lw.— (/. antenna % and wing 9 of C. claudicaiis. 34. Synipyciiiis nodatus /.w. -j, . a. head % , 6. head 9 » c. antenna 9 > '^' antenna t, of S. nodalus.— e. wing "J, of S. iir>i and c. wing 9 of the same. ■■J- -il: ?? E, :- rt'^ t ■ I, f :■•:■- I- - ' ' t i1. 344 UU'TEIIA OF NORTH AMKUICA. PLATE VII. [PAUT II. 37. Scelliis Aviprs Lw. % . a. huail % , I), antonna % , and c. wing % of the same. 3S. Ilyflroplioriis innotatds /^!<;. %. ((. .luteniia %, b. head 9i ''• wiug % of the same. 39. IVIedeterU!^ ihadema Linn. % . a. and />. head % , c. antenna % , and (/. wing ^ of the same. 40. Aclialciis FLAVicoLLis Meig. 9 . o. and i. head J , c. wing J , and rf. wing 9 of the same. 41. Xaiithocliloriis ukiaixos Lw. %. a. head % , b. antenna % , c. wing % of X. ornatus Hal. 42. Chrysotiiims pusio Lw. % . a, head 9 > ''• antenna % , c. wing 'J of C. molliculus Fall. 43. Saiicropus dimidiatds Lw. % . a. antenna 9 from the outside, b. antenna "^ from the inside, c. head 9 » <'• head % , and e. wing '^ of the same. 44. Psilopiis FiLiPKs Lw. % . u. head % oi Ps. Jilljies. — I), head % of Ps. scobinator Lw. — c. head "^ of Ps. palleiis Wied. — ta of till' ant(iiin!c and th« dillifi't'iit structuro of tlio niah' ahdoniun, wiiioh is a little I'oiniu'c.-'stMl laterally, as aljso by the fracturo of tliB last segment of tlie fourth longitudinal vein peculiar to it, and in whitdi it is not ciiualli'il Ity any of those species of Dolicliopns wliich liave the last segment of the fourth longituilinal vein also fractured ; in the structurw of tho head Hha- goneunis agrees with Dolichojius, in that of the hypopygiuiu with Doli- cliojius and Tuchytrechus. ' ' Mr. Rondani has estahlislied tho genus ithageneura "U those Kuropeaii species of l»olicho[uis, the fourth longitudinal vein of whicli is broken. This genus cannot ho retained in this sense for several reasojis. 1. Because these species do not dill'er at all from tlio otlior si)ecies of the genus in tho other parts of their organization. 2. Because tho fracture of tho fourth longitudinal vein of these species is very dillerent in kind as well as in degree. '••. iecause this fracture in some sjiecies is sometimes present, sometimes not. I have already stated above, on p. 10, that Dol. ziczao Wild. ri-i]uii'es the establishment of a new genus. At that time I knew only this one si)ecies of the newly proposed genus, and considered thereftu-e its establishment as premature, yinco theu 1 liave become ac(]uainted with several species, so that 1 feel prejjared now to introiluco this now genus, and take occasion at the same time to furnish a description of the typical siiecios which I have figured. I projioso for this new genus the name of Rhageneura, introduced by Rondani in a somewhat different sense, modifying it only in tho more correct Rhagnneurus. Tlio characters of this genus aie : First joint of the antenna? with bristles on tlie upjier side ; tlio arista of the anteuiiie fealhereil or hairy; lirst joint of the hind tarsi with a bristle ; fourth longitudinal vein twice broken at right angles, with a considerable stump of a vein at each angle of the fracture ; abdomen of tho male a little compressed laterally ; hypopygium entirely disengaged, as in Dolichopus. Tho figured species is the following: — Rhagoneurus iioli/rhromns nov, sp. 'J, and 9 • — Viridis, thoraco violacpo- et ciipreo-variegato, fronto violaceA, antennis rufls, pedibus llavis, alis cinereis, venis transversis non infuscatis. %. Facio ochracea, hypopygii margino supero et apice flavis, lamellis parvis, alliicantibus, teuuissimo uigro-marginatis. 5 . Facie alliida. Green with violet and coppery spots on tho thorax ; front violet : an- red ; feet yellow ; wings gray ; the transverse veins without a dark margin. ^ . Face ochraceous ; upper margin and tip of the hypopygium yellow, tho small lamellfe whitish, with a very narrow black margin. iYn REMAUKS ON THE flENERIC CILVRAPTERS. S4t Tlio pocuHnr ornaments, which the figured males of IlygrcKeleuthus and I»oli(.'li()iius jiosHosH, as well as tlio strong swt^lling of the <'()sta liefore tlie tip of tilt! fust hnigitu linal vein in llygroceleiitiius are not geiK-r e, but merely specilic cliann.ters wliiiili('lio|>u-(, wliii-li Iii-Iiiiil;s to tlit) liist gi'iiiip, ililVt'is fioiu it, liowi'ViT, not only liy llic want of Inistli-s on tiiu Ilist joint of tin' l:lnil tiU'Hi, liut also \iy tin> snialltT si/o of its spcciuH, tliH nliortness of tli« llr.Ht joint of tlni anti'iin.'i!, ami usually liy tint niont (listiiict pnlM'sciMK ( tint arista; mornover tlio lanmllii' of tin' liypopyfiiuni aro usually snialliT ami not jauut'il at tlie eml. Tliu ^'cnus Faraclius is ilistinuuisht'il liy a piTii- iiatf or snlipt.'itinate arista of tliu nntunimi, by tin* face, narrowml liclow j'Vcn in tin* fcnn'iln, ami liy tint l^'fuliar course of tint fourth lonnitmlinal vi'in, the cml of whieh forms a curve with its concavity turned hackwards. Closely related to I'arailius is Felastoneurus; the distinction between both cenera is easy, if attention is ]iaid to the essentially dill'erent conrso of tho fourth longitudinal vein, to the very muidi nn)ro bioad face, which in also more convex uimn its lower part, and to the not Bessilo but pedun- culated hypopygiuni of tho species of I'elastoneurns, whidi have tho feathered arista of the antenn.-e in common with the species of l'ar;iclins. The genus TachytrechuB is very easily recogniz('d by the great length of the perpendicular y tlii'ir jii'iliinciil.'itdd, iisiiiilly yt^llnw liy|iti|iy,i;iiim, wliiili is |(i(>- viilcil witli niirrnw, liiu'iir tixlcnial aiii»'iiilagf.s itinl cloii.'.itf.l, iiiuro or liss iiciiicilhitt'il, liitHi'iiiil nji|>fn(liii,'t's, likmvirto hy tin; iilwiivH vfiy pro- iiiiiH'iit (l('V(!li>i)iiR'iit of tliu Hint joint of till) nristii of tlii> iintfiii\!i', wliich is (liircri!iit, liowovtd', in dilleieiit siM.'cifs ; tlm Mcutclluni is glaljiourt ainl tlio lower jiart of tint Icnialt! faio not j)rotruilin,u'. Tlio Hpfuii's emled Dlostraciia (ll'i), as an unomalnus genns. The very broad face in both sexes, tho })ali)i, mu(di liirger in tiie male than in tlie female, the very small thinl Joint of the antenna-, tho incrassattfd fore femora, the rmuided, bnt nut imbedib'd liypojiyuium, with its \t.Ty small aiipimdaites and tho lonu nar- row wings, with tho posterior transverse vein very close to the margin — all these characters render this genus very easy to recognize. To the Second Sub-dlviaion, which is distinguisheil by the small, more or less imbedded hypopyginm, belong the following genera : Anepsius (14), Argyra (ir)),and Syntormon (ItJ). In Anepsius the second Joint of the antenna) has the usual transverse form, and the arista is inserted very close to its basis ; tiie third Joint of the antenna' sliows a distinct puljes- cenco ; the first longitudinal vein is short, the fourth jiarallel with the third; the abdomen of tho male is laterally compressed. Tho Jelation- sliip between Anepsius and the genus t5ymi)ycnus, wliich belongs to the Second principal division, cannot be mistaktMi, though the distinct imlies- cence of the first joint of the antennic distinguishes it very easily from the other. The genus Argyra is distinguished by tho transverse form of tlie second and the rather considorablo size of the third joint of tho antenna?, its subai)ical arista, the broad wings — particularly towards tho basis, the length of the first longitudinal vein, its distance from the eosta and tho inflection of tho fourth longitudinal vein ; to these characters may be addeil, in most of tlie species, tho delicate, but striking silvery white tomentum, spread over a large part of the body. Argyra is closely related to Leucostola, the first Joint of tho antenn.'c of whidi, liowover, is glabrous on the upper side. The genus Syntormon dilters from all tho other genera of the whole first jirincipal division by tho form of the secnmd joint of the antennjp, whicli, on its inner side, overlaps the third joint in the shape of a thumb ; tin; face of the male is narrow, that of the female broail and protruding below like a roof; the arista of the antenn;e is com- pletely or almost completely apical ; the third longitudinal vein is parallel or almost so. ;ij m t,:'i '!',,.» TI ;}')(> DIPTKUA OF NOHTFl AMKIUOA. [PAllT II. The SECOND PRINCIPAL DIVISION of the Doliiliopoilid.T U (lividt'cl, ;ic('()r(liiig to lUe sliajK! of the tliird joint of tliH a'lttMiiui', into liro sii!'-ilin'yioii^ ; tlio pcnora of ilw JirsI .suli-dicision (No. IT-liii) liavo tliis joint, citlit'i- in both sexes or at least in tiie male, jwiiited anil provided with an apical arista ; in the geniM'a of tho seroMl siili-dirisinn (No. -4-44), it is short in hotli sexes, and if it should be somewhat elongated in tho male, it is not jioiiited, and the arista is either dorsal, or, at the utmost, sub- ajiiial. The genera of the First Sub-division are divided into hm i/rou/is. To tht' fir^il iiriiii/i b(d(ing those genera, the posterior transverse vein of whiidi is distant fiom the margin of tin; wing. 'J'hey are the following: ^ynartlirus (17), Systenus (IS), Khaphium (111), Xiphandrium (2(i), Porphyrops (121), ami Smiliotus (-:'>). Synarthrus shares with Syntormon not only tho peculiar structure of the second joint of tho antenna>, but also the remain- ing characters, with tho single exception of tlie first joint of tho antenna', which is glabrous. Systenus strikingly dill'ers from all tlie other genera of the group by the pointed abdomen and the very p( dunculated hypo- pygium of the male; to its distinguishing characters may also be reckoned t\n\ distinct jjubescence of the third joint of the antenua>, aud the remark- ably sharp dividing line between the lower j)art of the face and the; ujiper one. Rhapliium stauds iu close relation to tho two following genera, is liowever ilistinguislied from tlmm by tho very elongated antenna", even iu females, aiul by the still more considerable stoutness of the female pro- boscis ; 11' t, 'cover from Xiphandrium it is distinguished by a less slender structure of the body, a much strongt>r pubescence, and a stronger llexuro of the fourth longitudinal vein. The species of Xiphandrium ha >e, like tlie species of I'orphyrops, only in the males an ehuigated third joint of the antenna', in the fenuiles it is short; their dill'erence consists in u greater slenderness, less pubescence, and less llexure of the fourth longitudinal vein ; moreoviu- the largest species of Xiidiandrium are scarcely e.jual in the len.;,th of their body to the smallest s|iecies of l'ori)hyrops. The dis- tinguishing characters of the genus Porphyrops become manifest from what has just been stated about the two preceding genera. The geiius Smiliotus has the antenna) of eipial size and form in both sexes ; tiiey have on the under side, from the tip almost to the base, a distinct ex- cision ; the face of the male is broad, and its palpi are as large as those of the female ; linally, the abdomen shows externally one segnu'Ut h'ss than the related geiiera ; the feet are comjiaratively short and rather vigor- ous ; the small hypopygium is deeply imbedded and its appendages ans often dillicult to perceive. To the secoiiil (jroii/i, which is characterized by a close proximity of the transverse vein to the ])osterior margin of the wing, belongs the only genus Aphrosylus (-!5) ; the third joint of its antenna' is but little elongated, but pointed ; the ])endant ])al[)i are larger in the male than in the female ; the proboscis is beut towards the chest, the face is narrower above, and AiiT ir. ilid.'c is into iirt, ivt! this 'I Willi •1), it is inalc, St. suh- llEMAUKS ON TIIK (iKNKIlIf" ClIAItACTKliS, 351 and tlio eyes avo excised near tlie anteiiii.e ; the feet have renLrii hiisti the first joint of all tlie tarsi is niindi hnitrer tlian tin- second. Aniont; all j^eiKM'a of the Second Sub-division I'silnpus is distin giiished hy tlie slender structure of its body, and ■iailv of its feet, its very hroad and more or less excavati'd front, the sniallness of its aiilcun.e, and linally hy its foiiitli longitudinal vein, which is jiroviileil with ;' pos- terior iniiiitdi. 1 have assii,'neil to it a jiosition altoLrether at t he end id" the seconil sub-(livis'"n, and will revert to it there. 'I"he other treneia of this sul)-di vision may he distriluited into Urn i/rintjis accord ini; to the stnnt- ture of the thorax. To the first gronj) helonj^ those u'eiiera, the ii]i]ier side of the thorax of \vlii(di is convi^x, as far as the sciitellum (No. lid-IlD) ; to the secoml tiiose, where the njiiiei' side of tluf thorax, het'ore the s<-uii'lluni, bears an inclineil, nmre or less concave, area (No. 4(i-d;i). The irenera IxdonLrini; to the flist group, and possessini^ a sixth Ioiil;!- tudinal vein, form ilw jirxt snh-yruiip ; those whero this vein is wanting, form the sccimd siih-i/riiii]), Tho JirsI sidi-iiroHj) contains either such genera as have the transverst* vein not close to tho posterior margin of tin! wiu;,', or su(di where an approximation of tiiat kind takes place in ;i striking manner. 'J'he genera, Avliert- theie is no striking aiiproxiniation of the jiosterior transverst; vein to tlie margin of the wintr, are: Thinoi)hilus (-4), I'eodes (2;')), Neniato- ]iroctus C-ii), Leucostfda (27), l^utarsus (-^), Diaphorus (2!1), J.yroneuius (:5n), Chrysotiis (151), Teuchophorns (Ii2), Sympycnns (:!4), Campsicnenius (315), and I'lagioneurus {'■ii'i). Thinophilus has the small and hut littlo imbediled hypopygium in common with I'eodes (in all the other genera that belong here, it is inucli more imbeihhid) ; it dill'ers from I'eodes by the structure of the face, whicli, in botli sexes, is hroailer below, and has an angular margin; by the large i)alpi of both sexes, and the very small size of the interior appendages of the hypopygium ; the first two joints (jf tho ant'Muue are small, the third somewhat in th(,' shape of a lens, and tho arista dorsal ; the last segment of tlu; fourth longitudinal vein, towards its end, is parallel, or almost so, to the thinl longitudinal vtdn ; the fi'ct of tho male are usually variously adorned. The structure of the body o( Peodea resembles in general that of Thinopliilus ; the structure (d" the antenn.'u and of tho winu'S is also nearly the same, only the j)ai'all(dism of the third and fourth. Ion ifudinal veins is still iimre complete than in most of tho species of Thin(i[iliilus ; both of the interior a|i|iendages of the hy]ioj»vu;iuiu form a lartre horny triceps; the tarsi of the male of the only s|iecies hitheito known an- plain. The species of Nematoproctus, in the whole structure of the body, are nearest the species of I'orjdiyrops ; they can be, however, easily distintniished. from them by the roundeil, and in both sexes small, thinl joint nf the antenme. and by the arista, whic h is inserted in tin! neiglitiorliood of the basis. Tliev are b in from tlio species of Artryra. The gt'iius Leucostola .stands to Argyra in tho same relation as Synar- thriis does to Syntornion, that is to say, it dilTers from it only by the first joint of tlie antenna; being without hairs ; the considerable si/e of the thin! joint of the anttMina', the subajiical jxisition of the arista, the great lireadtii of the- antenn.'u towards the b.-sis, the consicb-rable length of the lirst lougituilinal vein and its great distance from tlie eosta, are charac^eis shared by Argyra; moat of the species of I^cucostola have also, likit the siiccies of Argyra, a delicate, almost silvei'y whitt; tomentum, wiiicli covers a considerable portion of tlie body. Eutarsiis is very near to Iiiaphmus ; the dillerence is, that the former has tiie third joint of the antenna.' some- what larger and that the transverse vein is a little more removed from the jiosterior margin of the wing ; moreover the face of the males of luitarsus in narrower, the bristles of the imbedded hypopygium are less >trikintr, the lii'st joint of the hind tarsi is shoiter, and the pulvilli of the fore taisi are, alth(}Ugh also enlarge-e of a more considerable si/e than the species of Chrysotimus and Aaiitii, l>u/rus, and their feet are comparatively longer ; the second j>iir. of viie uutK^nr.,o somewhat differs M RKMAUKS ON TIIK (ip:Ni:i?lC CIIAKArTEIlS. 355 from the usual tiaiisver.'e foiiii, as, on the inside, it reaclifS a little over tlie third joint; the ari^ta is dorsal; the sixth longitudinal vein runs as far as the margin of the \.'ing ; the course of tlie last segment of tlie fourth longitudinal vein varies in the dilFerent sj)ecies, nevertheless it always shows a distinct convergeucy towards the third huigitudinal vein; the first joint of the hind tarsi is always consjdeiahiy shorter than tlio scioml. The color of all the species is either entirely yellow, or reddisli-yellow, i>r partly so. The genus Psilopus (-44), closing the series, has the last segment of tlie fourth longitudinal vein i)rovideil with a posterior branch; this cha- racter is not wanting in any of the American, European, or African species that are known to nie ; in some South Asiatic species, however, it is repre- sented only by a fold of the wing, which sometimes is very indistinct. Besides, the species of Psilopus are very easily recognized by the slender- ness of the wliole body and especially of the feet, by the very broad, more or less excavated front, by tlie small antenn;e, provided with a long, thin, dorsal or subapical, rarely almost entirely ajiical arista, and by the entirely disengaged hypopygiura. In the living state they keep the wings divari- cated, which gives them an entirely ditfereiit aspect from all other genera. The males have their feet variously adorned, and in some species they are distinguished by a structure of the wings peculiar to them. { ■ ■ i: - - ' I- I ';' > tit m rl ' SBIBH ^'' !'-' ISHBi -' • ^jf^MBH " ?.n ^^ ftk,3t^ mm ■'If I N D E X. il Achalcna, 2'J7 Agoiiosoma, 230 Anepsius, 123 Aplirosylus, 148 Argyra, 123 Argyra albicans Lw., 125 albiveiitris Lw., 128 calceata Lw., 131 calcitraiis Lw., 130 cyliiuirica Lw., 132 diaphana Fbr., 12(j miuuta Z-!/.'., 12!) nigripea Lw., 127 Campsicnemus, 193 Campsicnenius claudicans Lw., 194 hirtipes Lw., 1!)3 Chrysotiiuus, 22U Clirysotimus flelicatus Lw., 222 pusio Aw., 221 Clirysotus, 171 Chrysotus abdominalis .9'///, 172, 291 ailinis Lw., 17S auratus Lw., 183 coiiciiniarius 6'f(//, 172, 291 cornutus Lw., 174 costal is Lw., 179 discolor Lw., 1S2 inuerus HV^., 172, 308 longimamiri Lw , 17r) mibiliis S f;i(i'iil;iii(lirtis Z//., 20 liast.'itiis /,((■., f)!) lifl.HS ir//-., 21, 302 lit!ti'i()inniius Miini., 20, 2i)!l incismalis l.w., 74 iii.-pliis 117/.:., 21, 303 imisiis H7/,-., 24, 318 lanu'lliii.-s U7/-.,21, 311 Laticdiiiis Lie, 21) Idljatiis 1,11'., 72 loiii.'iiiiaiius />!('., 38 liiiiuipciiiiis Aw., .'')7 hitciptMiiiis I in., .')] luaculiiit's ir//-.,21,303 inclanoctM'U.s l^iv,, 330 mid us Aw., 41 obscuius Sui), 20, 2!'0, 2tl(j ovatus Aiw., 3.5 jiachyciit'iiuirt, f,w,, 35 ]ialu>stiii;us A«'., 328 patcllatiis Mill)., 71 pcmiitar.sis /'«//., (JO jilmiiipes Srn/i., tjt) jiluiiiitarsis /•>(//., 37 pijeu.stus A((i., (i8 puUdier 117^-., 21, 304 quadrilauiellatus, Lw., 331 ram iter /^w., 52 reinotius ]V/k., 24, 317 rufK'oriii.s Lw., 03 scapularis Aw., ()4 suoparius, 70 scparatus H7i-., 24, 31(5 seiiuax U7/.-., 24, 317 setit'er /jr., 30 Betdsus A(('., 73 sexaiticulatus A?/"., 02 soccatiis \V/I.:, 24, 317 SOCMIIS Aw., 40 6]i!fndidiis Aic, 44 Sjileiididuliis A«'., 327 Btilioiliaturi A»'., 42 taiiyjius Ai/'., 71 ft'iicr Aw., 4!> teriuiiiatiis \Vlk:,2-i, 310 li'liioiis Aw., 33 fdlr.-^ilM Ah'., 47 linif.'isidiitim .'-Vn/, 28? Tun'iilMlis tw.^ 5lj Doliuhoiniri variiis H7/.-., 21, 304 vittatiis Am'., 55 xantliDciieiiius Lw., 'M ziczac iri'd/., 10 Knrostomenis, 230 I'liit.iistis, 153 Miitaisus tMiues Lir., 154 Oyninojitenius, 75, 332 (iyiuiioptuniu.s alliict'ps Aw., 85 l)ail)atulus. Aw., 82 c)ialt:(M;hrii.s Lw., 335 coxalis /.UK, 335 cra.ssic.'uida Aw., U5 dtdiiiis Aw., !»5 di'.spicatus /.!.•., 00 dirtitdii.^, /jW., ill exiguii,>i A(/'. , 337 exilis Lw., ^4 fiiiilniatun /.»)., 80 tlavu.s Aw., 80 fieiiiH'iis A»'., 88 liiiiiiilis y,w., 330 lieviiiatus Aw., 87 leiicospiliis Lav., 99 huiitVr Aw., 89 nieiii>cus Aic, 330 inimUus Aw., 90 iiigriliailuirt Aw., 91 op;i(;us Aw., 93 parvictornid Aw., 92 politus Aw., 94, 334 pusillu.s Aw., 334 scotias Lw., 81 ppectaldlis Aw., 85 sulidilatatus Aw., 80 suhulatus Lw., 80 tristis Aw., 83 ventralis Lw., 97 naUericeni.s, 119 Ilei'costoiiius, 11(5 Heicostouius unipolor Lw., 117 HtHei'opsilopus, 230 llydropliorus, 211 llydropliorua alboflorens TT7/-., 216 chrysoloiiiis IK//-., 215 glalier \V//c., 215 iiiiiotaturf /.w., 212 notatus /iell., 305 parvus Aw., 210 j)irata Aw., 214 I spiiiitnanus Zilt., .3(^5 ' viridiHos Wlk., 215 , Hygroc(d«utlins, 17 I llyijrdctdcutlnis latipes Lw., 17 ' ll/pi)iiliyllusf US INnKX. .i.j ; Leiicostola, IT)! L<'ucnst()la fiiiKulata Lw., IfiS LiaiicaliiM, l!t"> liiaiicahis gcmialiH Lw., V,)\) liyroiKUinirt, liil> Lyroiieiirua cieiuIeMcens Ait'., 17D Maclw'Primn, 148 MaiLTaiitostylurt, 230 Medt'tciMis, 21 « MbdeterUH allpollor.'ns 117/.-., 2](s:no flirvs()l(H^us||7/,-.,2ir),S(i!» fxiistiis 117/-., 2(iM, \M) plalitT 117/., 215 ;{iil) lat.M-aliH .«.-'i//. 2!tl iiiLrii|ms A"'., 21il iniiirtiiii'iiiiirt Siiij, 202 v.'lf-i iir.. 21!) viri.lillus 1I7/,., 21-,, 3111 McsistostyhH, 2:!(i M('snl)k'pli;iiMls, -I'M) " Miisca, 2S1) Murtca IdDglroinis /■'///•., 289 NematopiOL'tus, !"/() Oaristylii^, '2.W Oeili]isilo|)iis, 2')0 Oi-tliocliilt-, 114 Oithochile denjinpta 117/.-., 11.% 318 Paraclins, !t7 Paraclius allioiiotatus Lir., 1(1?. arcuatus Lir., lOl Pelastoncurus, l(i:{, 'M~ Pelastoneuru.s al>l)reviatiis Lir., 338 alteriiaiiH Air., 33!) I'ognatus Aii\, 10!) l.Ttiis All!., Kill laiiiHllatiis All'., 338 loncicaiiila Aif., 104 liiu'iiliiis All'., 10,") vagans Air., 107 Peofles, 140 Placioncnnis, 10(i Plagioiifiii'iis iitiivittatn?* An'., 100 Poi'phyroix, 142. :-!4(i Porpliyrop.s tiiiiiipi'iiiiis An'.. 14') loiigipes All'.. 34H mt'laiiipiis Alt'., 144 iiicricoxa Air., 145 pilos.c'oi'iiis 117/,-., s08 rotuiiilict'ps All)., 14(J Psilopus, 220 Pailopus all.ifoxa 117/-., 243. 30" allioiiotatu.s All'., 27.') aiiiatus U7/., 242, .306 biuolor'., 2fcW Psilopus calcaraliia An-., 272 caiiilatiilu-i All'., 271 camlatiH W'ml.. 2:10, 2!)4 CliiVM(ipra!*i(us_) 117/-., 242, 2ti.'), 30.') ciliafMs All'., 2i;o cfitiiatn:^ All'.. 2(12 (l.'licatiis 117/,-., 241, 3(4 dillnsiis KVii/., 2:i4, •23:) diiiiiiliatiis, 24ii fcniniatiis .<-///, 23:), 2!t(', 20.5 lilipcs All'.. 2s(i gfinniif.T 117/,., 24), 3(i,') giittula, Willi., 237 liaT-ticiH 117/., 243. ;!20 ini'isni.ilis Mi'if.. 241 iiit'iiiiis I ir.. 272 ill Iir it IK 117/,-., -242. 3(17 jui'llli'lll-^ /ir.. 2''>* If'pi.hiM (17/.. '243.300 limL'icnrni.s rir., 231. 204 itiaciila W'lnl.. 2:\4. 2'.'2 lllrl;illi]ins /,>('., 2.'')3 uiuii.liK Il7'i/.. '240, 2!ti! iiiifKifiMiHuatus U'l/., 242, ■307 pnll.-ns H7Vi/.. •234. 275 patilmlatiis Su,/. 233, 2.'il pt-ractus 1(7/-.. '243, 310 p.TiiKiiliciis M"/., 243, 320 jiilosus All'.. 2.'(! jinitdliii'lisis .]/iiri/ , 241 ]isittaiiiiii'< All'., 2isl .l/wr,y..240, 297,2:'8 Ir^ayi HV.-/., 2:;2, 203 scalier All'.. 2')0 scintillaiis /jr., 273 scolilnatiii' /jr.. 2(18 siplio Soil, 232, 247 sipl.d Mi'ir,/ . -241. 207 solidiis 117/ . -243. 310 piiavimii 11'./.. 242, licJ tciuM' All'.. 2.'^4 iinguliv.'iia M7/-., 243. :no Uiiit'asfiatiis Sm/. 232, 1>>'.) vaiicgafns An'., 27*^ viiL'o Willi., •24i", 20.') Rliatriiiii.\ir;\. IIK 'M''< Kli,iL.M)ni'H' ns pdlvi-lirninnr; Aic. 34') Khapliium. 1 to HIiapliiiiMi iiii-'tiliri', 141 Saucropus. 224 Sauciopiis iliinidiatn-; An'., 22.'> lulicllu- /."•.. 2-I('i siip.'rliic'iis Air.. 227 i I'l r* ■ 'i ^l ■ i vi ■ 1 i! 3'»0 INDEX. Hcfllns, 200 buelluM nvidiis Aw., 207 exiistus nik., 202 fUiffruH Ah-., 2(t!t si)iiiiinamis }Cit., 204 PciapiiH, 2;jo SiiiiliotUH, 147 t?yl)istroma, nT) ^iyiiipycnus, IS.*! Hyinpycnurt frontalis J.w., 188 liuHatuH Ai/>., ]81» iiodotus J,w., 1!)] tertiaims Aw., 187 Synarthrus, 134 hynartlirus barbatns Aw., 138 ciiioroiventria Lw., 137 Synarthrus pnlniaria Liv., IS.") Syntornion, I'S.i SystHnus, 139 Tacliytrechns, 10!) Tachytrechus angnntipennis Aw. ,113 moct'hnH A//'., Ho vorax Aw., 112 Touoliophorus, IS.*) Thinophilus, 148 •Xantliochlorus, 223 XantliodiloruH lielvinua Aw., 224 Xiphandriuiu, 141 It t :' w y \ ::-^-l o> \" ■^■ '\ \ 'cyO -~^ / '^'i ->^ /'/ /'/ -^. 'S., v^ , ■<: 5> ■L. / :/■ \ ' p 1 >1 i; \\ wl i\ 1 1 rf. >il^l .f ■ f * , ^'■f 1 itt ' J ', * ■ 1 \- ,:r I, ■; \ ?; J 1 ■ ; ■ ; \ 1 •;;, «r . 1 ! ^ ■■ J, I ■\ / ■w 1-.',T 'J-' '■ ■ '(•'" t-- • '\>:> ' - / ■ j'-y" I \ ■ :i. .(• ■ . I u '■■-' >/ <*-: 1 j^ HUtff •Mv/f* <• IMA6i EVALUATION TEST TARGET V.A if ^*«^ 1.0 1.1 i^ |J0 '■"■ >^ 1^ III 2.2 1^ 2.e I. U III 1.6 III V] <^ /J 'c^ 7: O^ >«^ Photographic Sciences Corporation S3 WEST MAIN STRECT WEBSTER, N.Y. H580 (716) 872-4503 f^ €^s> i I a w « -4 k^ ♦ Ir . / / 3 .1 / ^5 ♦*- V* i*-- J^ d ,^ - — ^- . ^ #« ,> ^ r; u I > I- 1 \^ \ r i ■ -J, M ^.' ■ /# ^*v ] «^«4C. •• V //*.,^* .(Tip/ 4^ %*.*' 4 • ; 1 1 i Y 1 , 1 i1 1' k 1 1 i 1 .'V. \4 '.XM V*. ^«» N f « «• » ^ m- I'-'. '■'/'■ 4 y ■*'♦- 4»» -; ,va' ' '* 4 « • i v-^ ■ . , V. it-;, . I'- ■ ^"^' > • 14 i-.^ ♦• <4 '■.•'!. '%'/'■ ¥ii a^^J • 'f y -♦. ; • k «»w "■« I >»* t • .••' ♦ « ^i!V>'- ■■|- *^ <« -^ •r '•'♦^ .»;» -J- *^ ^ •H^ ^ si' "1 * » ./ ^ ^ «r;'f ^'l ;fi ■ K:j m^- 1 ■ '•! ■ ■ n ; i i-l ..*• ' ; 'K :■ :■ ■•' -f ■' 1 '* ^ m ,#.•' -m* \ \ J, i'' it: - j» "^ N' 41 -• 1^ i *. ## <^ if f fe^' /.I- * -0 •I ' .•^: •• jij.^i '•ii