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Contributions from the Herbarium of tl^e Geological Survey of Canada. '^^V

(By Permission of the Dlr^iotor.)

By James M . M^oovv, CurtUor of the Herbarium.


Reprinted from the Canadian Record of Science, January, 1895.





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"J{( printed from the Canadiuii Rtcord 0/ Science, Jannnry, 1895."



Thalictrum yenflosum, Trelease.

In tlik'kots, Seven Persons' Coulee, Meilicine TTat, Assa.; ("rane Lake, Assa.; Cy])iess Hills, Assa., 1S<I4. {John Macoun, Herit Nos. 2i)r>2, 290,"), 2i)r)4.') Our only records between Lake Manitoba and the Koeky Mountains.'

Eanunculus aboktivus, Linn.

Lake Petitsikapau, Hamilton lliver, Lalaador, 1.S94. (A. P. Lf)\v, Herl) No. 4:J;I1.) Most northern record for Eastern Canada.


Our only s]»eeinu'ns of this plant are from Wesley Park, Niaifara, Ont. {John Macoun.)


Mount lta]»ho, Lat. oir l.T, Lon<,^ l:!] 40'. Alt. :-.,800 ft. July, 1804. {Otto Klotz and H. W. E. Cana- van.) Only Canadian record. First collected near eJuneau, Alaska, l»y Miss Grace Cooley, in LS91.

AcT.KA 81'iCATA, LiiMi, var. iirBKA, Ait.

Lake Michikamau, Labrador, 1(S94. {A. P. Loir. Herb. No. 4M:)1.) Northern limit in Eastern Canada.


New stations for this rare ])lant are Loon Lake, C. P. Ey. east of Port Arthur, Out., and Petobi Brook, Gull liay. Lake Nei>i<vi.n, Ont., 1S94. {Win. McLini\)

1 WlieiiL'Vfi- lit'rliariuiii inirnljiis mic jjivcii. tlicy ;iic the iiuinlicis umltM' wliicli simmm- iiipiis liuvi' lifi'M (lislriliiitt'il I'liiiii till' licibiuimii nf tln^ (ii'iilu^iiwil Siirvry nf tanada. - Till' geiijiraiiliical limits givLMi in tlitsf iiajit'r.s iifer to Caiiailii milv.

2 Canadian Jiecord of Science.


Lake I'dilHikuiKui, liuniiltdii llivcT, LiiUmdnr, 1H94. {A. P. Lo\i\ Hell) No. 4."{40.) Not. before recorded from Liii>rii(lor.

Vior.A I'AiusTRis, Linn.

Asliuiinii)i l»rjineli of Hfiniilton River, Labrador. {A. P. Low. Herb. Xo. 4:»4:l) XcjI l)efore recorded from Labrador.

( 'erasth'M viscosum, Linn.

C. glomcrat 11)11, Thuill.

linrrard Inlet, IJ.C, and many ])laces in vicinity of A'ictoria, Vancouver Lsland. {John Macoini.) Not found iinywbere in Eastern Cauiida.idl references but one, under C. ri.^icosinn, in I'lof. Macoun's Cataloj^nie of Canadian Plants <jjoin<,' with C. viihjalxm.

(Jehast'JM vulgatcm, Linn.

C. I'iscosian, Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. 1., paj^e 77, in ])art.

Widely distributed throuo-hout Eastern Canada. Kevel- .stoke, J5.C. (Jo/ni Macoiiii.) North of Finlayson Lake, lie, Lit. r)9^ {Dr. G. M. Dairson.)

Cekasticm xttans, Ilaf.

Sproat, Cohimbia IJiver, B.C., 1<S90. (JoJm Macoun.) Cherry Creek, east of Lake Okana<;an, R.C. {Jas. McEro//.) Only Rritish Culuml)ia stations.

Cehasth'M akvense, Linn., var. orlongifolu'm, H. & B. C. ohlonf/ifoliiim, Torrey ; Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. L, ]). 77.

A narrow-leaved foriu of this variety was collected at Truro, N.8., bv Prof. Macoun, July, 1883. Onlv station east of Ontario.

Contrihutiont to C'lonoiitni Botanjf.


('EKASTir.M ALI'INI'M, Lillll.

Arctic Anu'iicH, from Laltnulor to Alaska. I'cfcrcncos under vur. Fi-^hcrianvm, Macotiii Cat. Can. IMaiits, Vol. I., }). 408, <r(> licit'. This variety is contiiicd to the Pacific Coast.

Ceuastiim ALi'iNMJM, Lillll., vav. J5keuin(;ianlm, licgd.

Arctic America, and on many of the higher Kooky Mountains.


The only stations for this sj)ecies in Canada are Strat- ford, Out. {Burgess). Iloadsides and hallast heaps, Nanaimo, Vanconver Island, 1(S<>:!. {John Maroiin.)

Stellaria nitens, Nutt.

Dry slopes, Agassiz, IJ.C. ; Kamloojis, Ti.C, hS.SO. {John Macoun.) Not before collected on mainland of ]>ritisli Columbia.

Stellahia longipes, C.oldie, var. l.kta, Wats.

aS*. longipi's, ViuVVw; \d\\ Ell iranhii, T. i^' (J.; Macoun, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I., ]>p. 70 and 49<S, in part.

From Xew Jirunswick and Labrador to Pritish Columbia and throughout Arctic America. Our herbajium speci- mens are from Petitcodiac, N.P. {Britfuiii.) Pack's Harbor, Labrador. (A'^'i'. A. Wagltornt.) Ford's Harbor, Labrador; Digge's Island, ]\Iansiield Island and Xottingham Island, Hudson Hay. (JJr. B. Bel/.} Lat. 02 O:!', Long. lO;'." IT)'. {J. W. Ti/ire/I.) Summit of South Kootanie Pass, ll(tcky Mts. {Dr. G. M. Jhiir,soti.) Saddle Mountain, liaiiH', Ivockv Mts.: Kicking Horse Like, liockv Mt.s., alt. 8,000 feet : Stewart's bike Mountain, P.C. {John Maeonn.) Mountains at Koger's Pass, Selkirk Mts., alt. 7,">00 ft. : Mount (^ueevSt, Sliuswap Lake, B.C., alt. 0,r)00 ft. {Jas. M. Macoun.)

4 ('anuiHitii J!iri,r(l nf Srirnrc

Stkli.mma loncii'Ks, (l.ildic, var, KDWAki.sii, Witts.

I'"i<»)ii Liil.ifidor to liritish Coluiiiliia iiiid iioitli\vMi<l to the Arctic icH-iniis. Oiii' (,iily specimens of iliis variety are fl'oiii Qilesiielle, |5.('. (Jnhii Maruitn.)


In sandy W(»(mIs, Fort (JcMu-re, Hudson I'.ay. (Jas. M. Mmoini.) I'n.Lal.ly indi<reii(,us. Only record north of Xo\a Scotia.

Stkllakia ulkjixosa, Murr.

This species is conhned to the Atlantic slope and is not of its wide distril.ntion as is oiveii it hy Trof. Alaconn, Cat. Can. Plants, V(.l. 1., pp. 7-> and 4!»7. Our si.eciinens are from Hunter's Ifiver, Prince Kdward Island, and Point Pleasant, near ilalifa.v, X.S. {John Maajuii.)

Stkllaiua itoitKALls, 15ioel. var. coiiOLLiNA, Fenzl.

S. hona/ls, Pin-el. \ar. a/jxsfrls, ( Jiay ; Macomi Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I., j,. 74.

Dr. llohinson j.laces the eastern liniit of this variety at Lake Superior. We haye, however, sjx'cimens from P.rackley Point, Prince Edward Island. (Jo/tn Mnru„,i.) Lake Mistassini, X.RTer. {Jan. M. Muroan.) The oidy western reference for this variety «riven hy Prof. Macouii is ^ale, P).C. Later collections show it U) he a common l»laiit in many j.arts of the Xorthwest and Pritish Columhia, and espt'cially ahnndant wherever collections have heen made on Vancouver Island.


>S'. !/racl/is, Pich., Macoun Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. I, )>. 7",.

Pelly Hanks, Lat. (iP, Vukon J)istrict. (7>. G. M. Uai'-son.) Xot liefore recorded \vest of the itrairie re<n(>n


f'liiifrihiifliiiiH ft) ('niitii/i(tii Jhi/ifin/. y

StkIJ,AF{IA m-MIFl'SA, ll(.ttl.., Viir. OIII.ONCIFOMA, Kcll/I.

lUillkilisup |',i,y, |',.('., ISS:.. {/),: a. M. /hnrsn,,.) Not iK't'div rcc.nlc.l t'loiM CjiiiiKlii. ifffcnvd tn .S'. ,ili)/iinmt, I'V I'n.f. Macniiii. Cut. ('.III. I'liiiits, Vdl. I, p. 4!)7.

StkLI,AI!IA OIITISA. Kll^'t'Ilii.

Xi'ur MacLi-uds Like, I',.(". {J,,/ui M,tri>ini.) South Kootiiliio I'ii.ss. ]:ocky Mt.s. (Dr. (1. M. Pinrso,,.) Tlio only Caiiiidiiiii .-^tatifui.s.

Akfaakia fii.iATA, IJnii. \ar. iiiMiri sa, Ifonicm.

Ci-i'a.sHii,„ triijuiniiit, Macouii Cat. Can. I'laiiLs Vol. I., I). 49H ill ]iart.

Stflhiriti liiiiiiifiisa, :\Ia(ouii Cat. Can. I'laiit.s, Vol. I., ]•. 49H ill i»iiit.

Mount AlliiTt. (la.sju', Qnc [Allni. P,>rtn\) Lake Mista.s.sini, N.K.Tcr. (Jas. M. Maroini.) Sitcciinciis col- U'ctt'd at Kicking' H(tr.s(' Lake, llocky .Mt.^., and on the siiinniit of Mount Aylnicr, Hanir, IJocky Mt.s., all. S,;;00 feci, have hccii doiihtrnlly icfcnvd here hy Dr. Uohinson.

AhENAIMA CONdKSTA, Xntt., var. siiuoncksta, Wat,^.

(fi-avelly hunks, Lcwi.s ilivt'r, Lat. 02 , Yukon District. (Dr. (I M. JJairsun.) Not hefore rec'(»r(k'd west of AllK-rta.

Arenaufa Sa.ianensis, Willd.

A. ardka, Maeoun, ("at. Can. Plants, Vol. I., p. 71.

A. hljluf.i, WaCs., var. (ihlnsu, Wat.s. ; Ahiconn, Cat. Can. riants, Vol. I., ])j). 71 Mild 4!)().

A. irnui, Macoi.n, Cat. Can. JMant.^', Vol. I., p. 40G in i)art.

A. rerna, y.v. ri(bc/la, ^racoiin, Cat. Can. I'lants, \'ol. I., p. 72 in jiart.

Monnt Alhert, (}aspt', Que. {Porfrr. Maeoun.) The.so speeiniens were referred to A. airtica and ./. rn-nn, var. rubella, hy I'rof. Maeonn. Cape Chndleioh, Hndson


('(UKifiiaii /tVcon/ uf Scii'firc.

Struit. (Dr. Ji. Jirll.) Ki'fciivd to A. mm by Prof. Mhcoiiii. CoiiiiDoii nil iiioiiiitaiiis tlii'oii^rliiiut iiridsli C'oliiiiiltiii.

AccoidiiiL; to I >r. Kulmisdii A. tnrflni, Sti'\'., is ii<>l I'oiiikI ill British Aiiiciicii.


A. jMlrhoiuii, Hook., Miu'oiiii, C'iit. (,'an. IMiiiits., Vol. I., J))!. 72 find 4!M).

Dr. Itohiiisoii niiiki's Miiiiicsota the wcstcni limit of this s|)('('it's. It is ii(»t iiiicoimiioii in tlii' Iiocky Mts. iiciir the line of the, ("aiiadiiiii Pacific Ifailway, our sj»cci- , Ulcus liuiii^' from several stations in and near tiit; National Turk at r.aiiir.


Gordon Head and Cedar Hill, N'aiicoiiver Island. (Jo/ni Mau an.)

SaGIXA LiNNM-lA, Tresl.

Mcaint Aylmer, Iiocky Mts., alt. .S,:;00 ft. ; Kickin-f Horse Lake, Kocky Mts., alt. 8,000 ft. ; lio^er's Pass, B.C. ; lietweeii Sjnoat and Nelson, J>.C. ; Burrard Inlet, B.C.; Xaiiaimo, N'ancouver Island. Herli Xo. li>. {John Mdconn.) Summit of South Kootanie Pass, Pocky Mts. ; Queen Chailotte Islands. (Dr. G. M. iJaicson.) Mountains north of Crittin Lake, B.C.; Mount Queest, Shuswap I^ke, B.C. {Jas. M. Macoun.)


Gordon Head, Ks(|uiniault, and CJoldstreani, nearVietoria, Vancouver Island ; Como.x and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {John Macoun.)

Note. The references under these three sjiecies are in })art in addition to those given l»y l*rof. Macoun .under ^S*. oceidentalis and *S^. Linncca, Cat. Can. Plants, Vol. 1.,

CinifrihiifiotKi to CtdnulUtn Uutttiti/. 7

1>|». 70 and l!l!», iiiid tlu' iiniiiij^cinciit ii(»\v ^'ivcii is

illtciltlctl In takf tin- IililCf of tllill in llic CfltillnjrMC.

Hvi'KKK I'M ( 'anahknsk, Linn.

In sandy soil al Kandoops, |».('. ; wet n^ioiind, Spioiit \j\k{', \'an(<ai\cr Isliind. {Jo/in Maeouit.) N(»l lieron- r('<'<»i(U'<| west of Alliciia.

Mai.va I'AKViki.oka. IJnn.

,1/. liD/yfi/is, Maconn, ('at. \'oI. II., )». .'il.'!.

Spt'cinM'iis of this plant were collected on hallasl heaps at Nanaiino, Vancouvei' Island in 1S.S7, Ii_v I'lof. Macoini, and called J/, /mrrd/ls. It was aj^ain fonnd l>y liini at the same place in IS!):; (IIer!». No. 4())antl c<»irectly deter- mined liy I'ldf. ( Jreene.

Mai.va iioTi ndii'oma, Linn.

Waste places al Ileaccai Hill, Vancouver Is] -nd, IS!»;!. (John MiiCiiKii, 1 1 ell I. No. 47. )


Common at Kevelsloke. (Jnhn Mnvoiin.) Not lu'fide recorded from interior of Ilritish ('oliiml»ia.


On dry soil, 7 miles fiom the month of Deadman IJiver, near Kandoops Ld<e, \\.{'. {./as. MvKcoii.) Not hefoic recordeil west itf the pDiiiie re^'ion.

LiNi'.M Lkwisii, I'ursh.

A white-tlowered procnmlient form of this plant was collectetl in Lai. ".() on the west side of Hudson Uav, l.v Ja.s. ]\r. ALuMMin, in 18.SG. No plants with Miie (lowers were seen.

Gekanh'm ehfantiiim, DC.

Alice Arm, Oh.seivatory Iidet, Il.C,. Jnly 7th, ISO.'). {Jan. McEl-oi/. Herh. No. (iU.) Soiiihern limit.


Caiiculian Record of Science.


Ajfiissi/, I^C. (Mncoioi.) We have no other record of this phiiit hetween Ontario and the PaeiHe C*oast.

Gkranium JiicilAUDsoNi, Kisch. & Mey.

In o])en woods at Jiotanie, near S]!enee's IJridj^c, li.C, Ah. .'),r)00 it. (Jas. M. Macoun.) Xot hefore reeor(U*d west of the llockv Mountains.

LiMNATHES ^NIacounii, Trelease.

First eoHeeted Ity Prof. Macoun at Victoria, Vancouver Island, in lS7r». Found a_uain hy him in May, 1S!):>, in ahundance in (Utches and swanij)y ])laces near Victoria. Xo other stations for this s]H'cii!s are known.


Wet place.^ near s])rin,L>s, Ca.ssehnan, Out., in flower, May 14tli, 1M91. {Joint Macoun.) Only record from Eastern Ontario.


On l)allast heaps, Xanainio, A'ancouver Island, LSO."). {Macoun, Herh. Xo. f)-!.) Only record from Jiritish Cohuidiia.


In (lam])ish s}>ots near Indian Head, Assa., 1S92. {W. SprcaiUiorouyh.) Xot hefore recorded west of the lied Ki\er.


Anstey Creek, Shuswaj) Lake, li.C, LSSO. {Jas. M. Macoun.) Agassi z, 1 5.0. {John Macoun.)

Ceaxothu;; sanguineus, Pursh.

Sicamous and Iievelstoke, P).C., 1889. {Joltn llacoun.) Eastern limit.




C;nitril)utio)is to Canadian liofani/.




In wnods ill Itevt'lstoki', C'oliuiiltiii Hiver, !>.('. {John J/aconn.) Kiistci'.i limit.


v/. sarr/iariinnn,V^'^;\u^^.,}^li[vnnn Cat. (,'uii. l*laiits, Vol. I, ]K !H) ill ])art.

./. s(((r/i((rlniiin,\\'^;\\\<i.. vnv. iilf/n/in,T. iSc G. ; Macouii Cat. Can. I'laiits, V(.l. [., p. <)!).

I>avk urav : internode.s inostlv slender and elonifated, (■(iiiiiiKtiily u'ldssy and ri'ddisli.: laids ,u;ray, ectiiieal, slender and acute : jx'tioles, little dilatiMl at lia.se, n(»t ('((iieealin<i; the nialure l)uds, without stipules; leaves, thin, typieally lart>;e (usually 4 to 7 inehes broad), lint, dull, usually lin;lit L!,reeii alM)\e, the lower surfaee grayish, glul irons to puhes- ceiit, <tr e.\ee|)tionally (|uite hirsute when yonnjj,', isodiaine- trie, truneale at hase to sli«rhtly cordate with an o])en sinus, or hioadly cuneate, ratluM' deeply o-lohed, except for some smaller ."'i-lolK'd lea\"es near the ends(»f the hranches, with typically narrow sinuses, the thrise larjifi^r' lohes with parallel sides or dilated upwardly and each with a slender apical acuminatioii often sinuously liidentate on tlie sides and two similar lateral aeumiuations, or the lateral lolies merely sinuate on the u])]K'r mar<i;in, the smaller outermost lolies mostly sinuously 1 to 2 toothed on the lower margin: fruit, large (G to 1U mm.), the outer lines of the large wings (S to 12 x IG to 2S mm.), nearly [larallel or sjireading' to something less than a I'ight angle.

From Xova Scotia to Lid<e Superior.

Alkr SAccilAiif.M, var. liAltisATr.M (Alichx.), Trelea.se.

.1. mcfkarinnni, Wang.: ]\Iacoun, Cat. Can. IMants, Vol. I., p. 91), in part.

liark, gray to almost lilack : internodes often shorter and stouter, commonly dull Init reddish: liuds gray, jiubeseent or dark, conical ovoid, often obtuse: petioles as


Canadian Mcconl of Science.

in the last Jind without stiimlcj.s: leaves firm, of inudiuiii size (usually alxmt 4 in. hroad), Hat, somewhat ^'lossy and of various shades of <vi(.(;ii ahovc-, jtale or j^daueous and downv to <ilahr(»us heneath, luostlv Itroader than Ion*' cordate with shallow open basal sinus to truncate, .")-lohed, with very ojk'U round sinuses (the u])i)er inii)<^dn of the lateral lohes often sjnciKhno' nearly in a straJtiiit line), the IoIk^s sinuously narrowed from the base to a single acum- ination, or the mechan lii;.! sometimes (Hlated hy a pair of hiunt shoulders, one or two similai' (hlations also on the lower marj^in of each lateral lohe, and exceptionally developed into short coniplementaiy lobes; fruit as in the last.

This tree ran«^a!s in the United States from Connecticut tf> Missouri and Michigan, and j)robalily throws in manv [«irtsof Eastern Canada. Specimens intermechate lietween this variety and A. sarc/ianrni from JJelleville, Ont. (Jo/ni Maz-^oK/n), and Xiaj^'ara Falls, Ont. (Jos. Schroik) have been referred here I»y ])r. Trelease. These are the only Canadian si)ecimens of this variety in our herltarium.

Acer sacciiaru.m, var. nkjhum (Michx. f.), liritton.

liark, nearly lilack : internodes, stout, sometimes short, dull, bull': l>nds,dark, ovoid, often ol>tuse; petioles dilated at base so as, usually, to cover the buds, with adnate trian«^ular or ol)lono' foliaceous sti])ules; leaves soft but of heavy texture, lar*fe (usually "> to G in. l>road), with droo])in<,' sides, dull and dark ^n-een above, clear green and usually i)ersistently downy b'dow, isodiametric, the larger deeply cordate with (tften closed sinus, 'A to o-lolted, with shallow l>road sinuses from wiiich the lobes are un<lulately narrow(Ml to an acute or acuminate point, rarely with sliort lateral acununations; fruit, as in the last.

lianges in tlie United States from New York to Missouri and Miciiigan, but not known certainly to occur in Canada, though freipiently reported.

Contributions to Canadian Botany. 11

Noti\ Tliese descriptions of the several forms of Sui^ar Maples have Ueeii rejirinted from J)r. Trelease's Mono^a|)h in nth Annual liejtort of Missouri Jiotanical Garden, and space is <^iven to them as they chanife very materially our kno\vled<i;e of these trees, and hy ])rintin<f tlie deseri{)tions in full it is ho})ed that Canadian botanists will \m led to carefully observe the su^jar ma])les in tiieir vicinity.

Knus i;i AMHA, Linn.

R. (jlabra, />., var. oiridcntdliti, Torrey ; Macou*'., Cat. Can. I'lants, Vol. I., p. ."iO").

Deer I'ark, Lower Arrow Lake, I5.C. : Kandoops, IVC., and Spence's ]irid<;e, W.C. {John Afacoun.) Only refer- ences west of Ontai'io.

Khus copallixa, Linn.

Kocky hillsides at Lan.sdowne, Onl. (liev. Chas. Yoitno.) Very rare in Canada.


Addiiional stations for this species are Up})er Liard Kivei', Lat. (iO', Yukon District: forks of Stikine lliver, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Doirson.) Fifty miles l)elow T^ower Iiaini)arts, Mackenzie River. {li. S. MnConnel.) Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie liiver. (J/"i.s'.s E. Taijlor.) Sj)eci- mens collected at ^Medicine Hat in Howcr, May :itst, 1H04, have been referred here by Dr. Kobinson. {John Macoan, Herb. Xo. 4190.)

Saxifraga Tolmj:i, Torr. & Gray.

On Mount Head, alt. 4,200 ft., Lat. 50° OH', Lon^'. 13r 09', 1894. {Ofto Klotz and H. W. E. Canavan, Herb. No. 4197.) First authentic record for Canada.

Till.ea si.mi'lex, Xutt.

In mu(l in a mill pond at Mount Stewart, Prince E<lward Island, 1888. {John Macoun.) Xew to Canada.


Canadian Record of Science.


On Uallast li('a])s at Nanainio, Vancouver Island, 1893. {John Macoun, Horh. Xo. 24;j.) Introduced from the south. Xew to (,'anadii.

Thacema Hisi'iDA, (Irav.

()n ballast heaps, Nanainio, Vancouver Island, 1893. {John Maronn, Herh. Xo. 054.) Introduced from the south. X'^ew to (Janada.

KitVXITZIA AMlUdl'A, ( Jrav.

On l)allast heajts at Xanaimo, Vancouver Island, 1893. {John MMoun, Herl). Xo. 072.) Introduced from Cali- fornia. X\'\v to Canada.

Amsinckia bahhata, Cheene, Erythra'a,A^)l. it Xo 12 p. 192.

Stout and coarse, erect or decuml)ent, the branches loosely tloriferousthrouo-hout, all excei)tino- the uppermost pedicels sul. tended each by a broad ovate-lanceolate amplexicaul foliaceous bract: sei)als 4 or o lines lon^r, nearly linear, without rufous or fulvous pubescence, but densely white-hirsute along the margins, sparsely hispid with whitish laistles an the back; corolla small; nutlets ovate-acununate, closely muricate-tuberculate, without transverse rugosities, !)ut with an elevated "and toothed dorsal I'idge.

Collected at Cameron bike, Vancouver Island, loth July, 1887, by John Macoun. Ty])e s|)ecimen in the herbarium of the British Museum. Distributed l)y Prof. Macoun as Amsinckia lycopsoidcs.

Zaxxiciielia palustris, Linn.

In tlie Spullamacheen liiver at Enderby, RC, 1889. {Jas. JI. Macoun.) X'ot before recordedwest of the Sas- katcliewan.

Contt'ihuHoHs to Canadian Botainj. \:\

Naias ilexims, Jfostk. & Sclmiidt.

EniU'rl.y, B.( ', 188!). {Jas. M. Macoini.) Kimilc.oi.s, ]{.(". (Ja.H. MeEcoi/.) llL'vt'lstoke, li.C. {Joint Maroioi.) Not before iccoidtMl t'nun interior of liriti.sli Coluinliiii.


Z. marina, Maeoiiii, Cut. Can. Plants, Vol. II., p. 00, in jwirt.

Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; E.s(iuini;ilt, Vaneoiiver Island, {John Macon n.)

I*IIYL1.()SI'A1)I.\ TORRKYI, Wats.

Anionu-st roeks helow half-tide, Stul>l)'s Island, west coast of Vancouver Island, 18!):^.. ( ir. Sprnu/boronf/Ii, Herb. No. 4o02.) New to Canada.

BeCK.MAXNIA EKl'C.KFORMIS, Host., var. r.NIFI.OUA, Sci-ib.

Sea's Farm, near Victoiia, Vancouver Island, 18<»;!. (John Maconn.) Xot bc^fore recorded west (.f the Kocky Mountains, rerhajjs intro('uced.