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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 6tre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 ^ partir de I'angie sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en has. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaira. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. rata 9 elure. it J 12X 1 ** 2 3 t 2 3 r 4 5 6 IP mmm Reprinted from The Ottawa Natiralist, Vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 71-79. June, 1901, Ottawa, Canada. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN BOTANY. BV James M. Macoun. M-'<<,, ir;* m '^'t','"-^-^'k. ^%Ji» ;^,l'^^i^(.-^ ■■,^: Vr >■* «t»< ffi -; t', ^.""^^ •i ./ Jrt / » -"^,i*J 't •: •'f > ■i' -v. . t' (■ ^■V-y r. r.' 1^ '-^ ^«fc I-'' * * V ? '.-jV- ^^.'K:' '^^ '«'*•- |L^' .; ", ift- ■■■-v.',, 3. !*;< .>'t-:7-' ■/' ' ''iK. ' ■'..'> , \ ■J " . ;"^ "•^ 'v , < '. -. ^7^^ ^'-/'K'': r«t- *\. t * ' f *^r: f.'S't'r*- >.« tf: ■&> . * %^ t'jrt^p: %H<'4^^i n "^V-A %ri,ii-Ti£ik 'V7l0i^*^ii^^fi''i. m^ ■ Jit- <0- ;f ^i«* wt: ■^-m ^f-" mm •I" III l..ll'(l II Olll ■|"m Ol I \\\ \ \ A I ( KAI.IM, \ i>l. W , Xv J Mill-, iijoi, i.>it,i\va, i.'iii)aila. I'l' •'-7'>. COXIKIBl' I ION'S TO CANAD'AN BOTAN^• ^n > f.- ^ ft, J 4 - «■ - ' , 'r I '1^ J, . I .i- My JamIvs M. M\i\U'N, .\s-%i-.i mi X.iluialisi, lu'i'loi^ii al Siirwy of C'aTiaihi, \ I V. TiiAi-U I Ki\i (.omim;, I'Y'rnaUl, Rliiulora, vol. ii, p. 232. Rcmlstock 3 104 cm. lout,'', bv-arini^ 10 to 12 strong'' roots: stem sleniler, ^ io (» cim. lii},"^!!, puherulent, pale-j^reen, olteii finely mottled with purple, leafy to the summit : the lour or five leaves i^-landiilar-pruinose, t,MaiKiHis beneath, the lower, including'' the short petiole ^ to 4 cm. lonj^' ; leilleis sub- orbicular broadly obo\ate or Habellate, coarsely toothed, 0.75 to I cm. lon^, the terminal on slender petiolules, the lateral short petiolulate or subsessile : tlowcrs dicucioiis, «;-reenish or purplish, the panicles 1 to 2 dm. hii;h, with ascendinj,'- branches: sepals ijfreenish, obloui^-lanceolate, caducous: car- pels () to 10, i,^landulat pruinose ; stii^'"matose : tyle lance-sub- idate, 3 to 3 mm. lons^^ ; acbenes ovate lanceolate, excludin}^' the persistent si\le, 4 to 5 mm. loiii^-, 2 to 3 mm. thick, plump, subterete, scarcely compressed 01 ancipital with illected by Mr. (J. U. Hay at South Tobit|ue Lakes And St. John, N.B., and by Bourgeau near Lake Winnipeg. Rani:ncl'Lus Pai.lasii, Schlecht. Mosquito Bay, Lat. 60'-' 42', east coast of Hudson Bay. Aug. 1 8th, 1898. Herb. No. -:3,oo3. {A. P. Low.) Not recorded from I'lastern America. BiiRUERis HRKVii'iis, Clrecnc, Ott. Nat., vol. xv, p. 42. Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mts., 1897. Herb. No. 18,080. {John Macoun.) Sarraci'Nia inui'URKA, L. var. HKTiiRoriiVLLA, Torr, In bogs, Madawaska River, .Algonquin Park, Ont. 1900. {John Mdcoiiti.) Onlv Canadian specimens in herbarium of Geological Survey. DeNTARIA l.HMINATA, WatS. Koksita, Vancouver Island. (A'. //. Jumcson.) New to Vancouver Island. Viola mistassinica, Greene, Pittonia, vol. iv, p. 6. Lake Mistassini, Que. 1885. (/. A/. Macoitn.) Rich- mond Gulf, Hudson Bay. (IVm. Sptctidboroitg/i.) West bran. Ii of Hamilton River, Labrador. [A. P. Loxv.) Banff, Rocky Mountains. (^V. B. Sanson.) Cassiar Trail, west of Dease fjlUH i9oi[ M.\i oiN -Canapian Botany. 73 I.ake, B.C. vS*-' ;,o . {Dr. G. M. Dincsd/i.) The western speciiiicns ililTor slii,''luly from those from the east, but seem reterable liere. This plant is readily distinj,aiishetl irom /'. /f///n(/t/, r. rcfi//i)//tf, and V. (inKrnahy its " stout scaly lookinfi; and eliMij,'ated root stock and hy its ni>tanly toothed foliaj^e, the leaves in all the others beintj crenate, the proper teeth never salient hut on the contrary almost obseletc." The lowest petal is not only purple-veined but the purple colour is diffused iner th.e whole petal. Viola Watsom, Cirecne, Pittonia, vol. iv, p. 5. Boj^j.j"y meadow near Charlottctown, IM'M. iSyS. {Laiv- rctice W. W'afsoit.) Viola cvclophvlla, dreene, Pittonia, \ol. |V, p. 7. ^'ellow Head Pass, Rocky Mountains, July 13th, 1S98. Herb. No. I9,2()8. The t\pe. {W. Sptrdiihorous^h.) SiFiiAKiA sunvKSTiTA, (Irceno, Ott. Nat., vol. xv, p. 42. Common in the Rocky Mountains on both sides of the How River Pass. Stellakia media, Cyrillo. Attention is aj^ain drawn here to Mr. Theo. Holm's paper on "Allies ot Stcliaria media'" in the last number of The Ottawa NAruRAi.isT. These plants should be carefully studied everywhere in Canada. Ami>nij our herbarium speci- mens labelled S. nwiiid, S. nt'jnlcr/u was found from Victoria, Vancouver Island; Hurrard inlet, B.C., Killarney, Man.; Sable Island, N.S. Rapiola linoioks, (imel. Alonj; a ditch near the old fortifications at Louisbur»»-, Cape Breton Island, N.S. 1S9S. Herb. No. 2n,2i,2. {John Mdcnmi.) New to Canada. Prob.ibly introduced by the French. Spir.i;a salkiioi.ia, L. The readinj^ of Mr. \Viet,^and's note on S. suUcifoliu in Rhodnra for May, 19^0, suj^^ei-ted an examination of the 74 Till' OriAUA IJ line sheets in tlie herbarium of the (.ic*olo«4^ical Siirve\ of Canada. This examination has fi>rcetl nie \o I hi" eonchision that we have uo true S. sulicifoliti in t.'anaila. There are, however, three or lour well ilellneii varieties or species of which the most abuntlant in the east is S. siilicif'iy/ia, var. /ii/ifulm, Ait., cvimnion from Nova Sti^tia \.o I.aUe Superior but not found in the Northwest Territories. The form most nearly approach- inj^"- .V. sdlir/f'o/iii is var. /niiccn/iifii, \it., representeil in our herbariimi by specinu-ns from \eu louiullaiul west to Prince .Albert on the North Saskatchew.iu. rhoui,'h the herbarium material is ample no attempt will be made at pre»*ent to char- acterize the other forms .is like some other j^'-enera of the /\*i)Stiir(C, Spincii must be studied in the field. The part of the plant which can most easily be made inti> ;i herbarium speci- men is not always that most necessary fiir the proper ileter- mination o\' the species. Ai.RiMONiA niRsirv, liicknell. A. Eupd/on'ii, Macmin, Cat. Can. Plants, vol. i, p. 142 in part. Trueman\ ilk', N.S (//. Trucnuni.) Hillinsifs' Hrid^e, Ot- tawa, Ont. ; Pt. Kdward, St. CI lir River, Ont. ( /. M. Maioun.) Belleville, Ont. ; W'cmler, Northimibcrland Co., Ont. {John MiHomi.) lulmonton, Ont. {Jus. While,) Ai'.RiMONiA HuiTTOMANA, Hicknell. Hoylston, X.S. [Dr. (\ A. Ilnwillon.) Bii,^ Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; I'iat Rock Portaj^e, Nipiijfon River, Ont.; Killarney, M.ui. [John Mtnouu.) The western speci- mens in the herbarium of the Ceoioj^ical Survey include several species. MVKIOPHVI.I.IM AI.TKKMII.OIU.M, O.C. (iolden Lake, Renfrew ^o.y Ont. {John Macoiiu.) The western limit of this seldom collected species. ' Triostei'M AURANTiAir.M, Bickncll, Torreya, vol. i, p. 26. Rich soil on the rockv bank of the Nation River at ' Tlu' j^eoifrapiiic.'il limits i,'-i\i'n in llu'si- p.ipois ri't'or to L'.'iii.'ida only. (jniu I « »i> i i Mai'hi'N Cwapiw J>lV| \nv 75 ^\v oi' C';m;icl;i. !ire, lunvtner, of which I he lofitolid. Air., t lU't rmind in irly approach- 'Onfed in mir <-'st to Prince le hcrl)arium '«ent to char- enora of the K' part of the arium spcci- ■>ropcr defer- '. P- 14:! ill J^ridj.e, Ot- it- (./. M. eriand Co., /7//A-.) ■ Intervale, ii^on F^iver, ^tern speci- ey include WW.) The 16. River at da only. I Casseh-nan, 0\\\ ( /. M. MdCDini.) 7. /»f/ii//(//i//ii \s rcprc- sciitod ill iIk- hvrl->ariuni of the (ii.'i>lc^j.;ical Survey by speci- mens Ironi lu'lk'villc and C'luirchv ille, 'Int. lu'i'A roKii \i i;iMured, ;, or 4 inches lont;, often finches hroul towards the base, broadly subeordate mate, abrupllv acmninate, coarseI\ anil e\enly serrate, the serra- tures JO lo _'5 on each side, some ol the Iarf,''er with a second- ary tooth ; peli(^les ^j lo 1 'j inches Ions;-, si>me\vhat ascend- inf,--: cymes terminal, but with one pair from the axils of the uppermost leaves: peduncles and pedicels rather densely pubescent, but involucres i,Habrous, their bracts thin, iinly i^bscurelv striate; ti|is of the corolla-teeth somewhat hairy: achenes darU-brown, sharply thin anj^ded, the anj^-les of those of the i>uter series remarliably setose hispiduK>us, the surface j.;^labrous. Represented in our herbarium by specimens from Hass River, Kent Co., N.H., collected by Prof. J. l-'ouler. Most ot what has been taken to be A". iii>tr'iit>i(ii's in I'^astern Canada is probablv this species. Svti.inAoo i'iniM">s.\, (Ireene, PittiMiia, vol. iv, p. 70. Krect, ^ feet hi}.,^h or more, very leafv up to the dense short, pvramidal panicle of short, spreadiiii,"- or slii^'-hlly recurved abrupt I V ending; and obtuse racemes of rather larjje heads: leaves ascending, 2 inches lon<^^, elliptic lanceolate, acute or acuminate, slii,>-hlly but evenly serrate from near the base to near the apex, distinctly 3 nerved and canescent or almost hoarv on both faces with a dense, rathe; soft puberulence or pubescence: pedicels and branches of the inllorescence almost tomentulose : bracts of I lie more t'lan middle-sized involucre in about ;; series, the short outer ones subulate-linear, the inner KMii,' ones also visibly narrowed tVom base to apex but obtusish; l1(nver>- apparently lii.^ht yelKnv. Moose Jaw, .\ssa., Aui^-. i;,th, 1H115. Herb. Nos 10,892, i(j,893 and 10,894. {J»/iii Macorii.) • 7'' TiiK t)ir.\\\A XviruAMsi |Ma> Kiri;i-:iMlAl.l's MAioiMi, diooiK', Pithini.i. sol. .v. p. 7,,. .Wou^ loiK\'>, Si-a's l'"arm, lu-ar X'icloria, Vaiicoiiwr l^laiul. Ilcih. No. .}47. {/oAi/ .\/,i,n,iii.) Disirihiitml as As/cr nuiiiiinus. CkNI.M KI'A Si.MMdSA, K. Wou^ the Canailian Pacific Railway at SiicIIj.,'tovi>, Ont. (Jtis. ir////i:) New \o Canaila ami known I'roni »>nly one lather locality in America. OeterniineJ In Dr. Robinson. SK,\i:tio ovi.Mis, (Ireeno, Tiltonia, vol. iv, p. iid. .S'. n\sc(i//hliiis, MacoLin, Cat. Can. Plants, \ol. 1, p. jO; in part. Mountain slopes, western suniinit of North Kootanie Pass, Rocky Mts., iSS;,. {/)r. (,'. A/. /h,:,r ANV. 77 p. 7... oiia, V'iiMi.-«ni\ cr Distrihiiti'il as Siic'llf^Tin A', Out. ) lri>in t>nly ono ► r. k()|-)insiiii. \ol. I, p. J67 ii) North Kootanie '/.) ••i},^li slopes Mis. Ilcrh. No. lie Shci^p Mouii- at. Can. Plants, le nrct(.>n Fslaiul, , and at Niaj,''ara, Out. [jr. Srof/.) an. Plants, vol. 1, liens as we have :h, Ont., i'l \\\st Kiver into New (ierniany Lake, N.S., July i,Si,i. lleih \o. J3.5.S1. [/)r. ('. A. I hiniillon.) N\w to I (.'.mad. I. \'M\ riliM A C I \ lAI K-ll M. Pers. \'er\ alMuulanl on the old land the in.iin lij^hthouse i station, Sahk-, X.S. rSt)(). {John .Utnonn.) Owv only § l".in;i(.lian spi.i.nnens. 1,1 1 iiosi'i imr\i i.A 1 11 oi.iiM, Mx. I.ortlti.' I'"alis, near Onehee, Ijne. iHi)5. {A/r.\, /irtK/ic.) Not before ireord..'d exeept \\o\v Ouiiu'io. lllU.IOI Ki)l'HM ClK \ss w li I'M, I.. Saline soil, .\kL>.iHl, .\lla. Herb. No. i'j.yji. {John 1 Mtiiiiuii.) Western limit. Cow 01. \ 11. 1 s AK\ INSI^, I.. - Open pi.iuies, Morris, Man {/nhn .Udcuun.) Not re- eorded Iroin .\Ianitolia. I'llSsAl.lS l\lH AKIA, Hri't. Ko.iilsides near tiu' hotel, liolden [.a'i\ss.) Only Canadian reeiM'd. lil'KAKPIA I'AlI'l'IU ri.A, Britt. 4 In marshy plaees near the main station, Sable Island, N.S. i8()9. Herb. No. j 2,57s. [John Mucoun.) Not recorded east o^ Ouebec. lai'IMA I,AMKOI.AlA, Mx. % Wet plaees, i.uamini^'ton, Ont. i8()_'. Herb. No. 24,- I 270. [John .U//(o//fi.) New to Canada. 7S ■'■"" 0''"'> N.vr.„,,us,.. <^ypre.s.s Hills, .Ass-, • k' ^^'ncly uoodlands, I>t p.' V''' "■"'•■'-^'''^•■^^ Wats ^'^nainio and Vict i " f.A//// J/,,^,,,„, . No, ,V"''; '^''"'^■"i'^'^-'- Island Br w ^ '■'■--■";-;;:"•--;«■;;- » I>orders of v-.r f/ 1/ J/ '"'^^ P^^"^'n near L' -, (y- ^'/. J/-/r^7/// ) \T , ^'^'^ '•^.iinloons H r ^^^'-'^•OKx,. ,,„,^,.^^ ^j^ "^"" ^>'-'(,sl, CoUMnbia. Lonp- ,\rni CI.- I "&:',/;■^ "■"•■""■'■-- i • Ijuiie iMn Macaun.) ^''"■Ic, Lower >rtietl west o/' 1 ^'. VVats. '^ f.s'sr,. (/;^. '^^"J from On- 1901 Macoin Canapian Botany. 79 B.C. I8g^^. 'I'"", Sable ■^- '890. iibia. ti Islands, '•Jn. X.S. o. 3) '1*^92. i i l\)DOSTEMO.\ CKR.^TOPnVI.I.rM, Mx. Ov\ stones near llie nioulh of l^el River, 12 miles below Woodstock, N.B. Herb. No. 22,593, iS()9; Pctawawa River, .Alironouin Pari<, Ont., iqoo. {Jolm Macouii.) Our only other specimens are from Hi:ll, Que. C\PKiPi:nuM i.L'TTATL'M, Swartz. Shore of Cireal Slave Lake. i8()