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J I. CAMAfi*^ fiWCUUtURi giiiiotHiaue %■■' ^k^ l-^i. • » I MUSHROOM POISONING. BY BEAUMONT SMALL, OTTAWA. ■ MUSHROOM POISONING. The subject of mushroom poisoning is of much importance to the practising physician, who may at any moment be called upon to care for such a case. In Europe, where fungi are articles of every -day diet, accidents are conntantly occurring from the mistaken use of poisonous species. In America this form of food is nob utilized to the same extent, and cases of poisoning are not so frequent ; but very severe illnesses and deaths do occur from this cause, and an autumn rarely passes without some such case being referred to in our medical publications. In some instances it is duo to the gathering of poison- ous forms with the common mushroom. At other times it arises from the desire to gather species that are not so well known ; and oc- ci-sionally we find that the attractive appearance of the poisonous forms has tempted a child to gather and eat. In works upon this subject very many cases are reported, and the large percentage of deaths is noticeable. Ziemssen quotes the cases of a mother and daughter, both fatal ; of a mother and child, both fatal ; of five officers, all of whom died; of a family of seven, with three deaths. Blyth re- fers to the statistics of fifty-three cases of poisoning by Amanita phal- loides, of which forty ended in death. * The earlier reports of cases are generally very imperfect and brief, and many of the more recent ones have the same deficiency . Others, however, are very carefully and minutely reported and are valuable contributions to the subject. Illustrative Cases. The following are a few illustrative cases : Two adult males ate, at 8 :30 a.m., at breakfast, a quantity of mush- rooms supposed to be Amanita ca'sai-ea, but in reality A. muscaria. The first man ate about two dozen. At 8:45 he complained of feeling unwell, and at nine was found on his bed in a state of collapse. He complained of a sense of impending death, and there rapidly su- pervened blindness, trismus, difficulty in swallowing, unconscious- ness, and convulsions. Death took place in the evening of the second day. The treatment consisted in the administration of emetics, and apomorphine and atropine hypodermically. r)42 SMALL— MUSHROOM POISONINO. The second man ate about one dozen. After breiikfast lie rode to liiH office. At 9:80 he be^au to coinphiin of diplopia and drowHiuesH. At ten o'clock he was found wittiuj^ in his chair, half stupid, with re- traction of the head. He rapidly became uncouHciouH and remained so for five hours, excepting ui)on two occasions, when he regained consciousness for a brief i)eriod. Cold sweats were a prominent symptom. There was no rise in temperature, no pain, nor any nau- sea. The treatment consisted in the hypodermi(li>it(>l,v ; thiH trcMitinout w»h continued, and in on(> hour tho pulHo wuh (iO \}or minute, the rtmpimtiou iM^oinio sti'oU|,{er, and the putient nillied from the Htate of collupHe. No diur- rh(L'a or vomiting whh present Jit uu.v time." The PoisonouB Principles in Mushrooms. The poisonous i)r()perties of fungi and the active principles that produce the poisonous eff(M*ts have received much attention fronj many careful observers. For manv years a principle common to all 8[)ecies was Hought for, and various cluunists described several poisons under as many titles. Thus we have had miiHcnriHC, hitlhoHuu', attitni- Ifin, (ujdvicin, iKjaryih'nx', and many others. At present all are re- solved into two poisons, vinHcaruic and />/Kilfiit, the former char- acteristic of Amanita muscaria, being an alkahnd ; the latter charac- teristic of Amanita phalloiden and an entirely dift'erent ])oisou. In addition to the action oi poisonous species, very many instances of poisonous effects have followed the use of species which are known to be free from any [)<)isouous pro2)erties. Most of these were un- doubtedly due to gastrointestinal irritation, more or less severe, in some cases leading to peritonitis. All, however, cannot be traced to this condition, and in sf)me cases the poisoning has been popularly explained by the fact that the edible form was gathered from a manure heap or from some other deconii)osing organic matter, which produced a poisonous action. Another exi)lauation is that the mushroom may have been kept too long, and that decomposition and putrefactive changes had begun which rendered it poisonous in character. In the light of modern bacterial science, this idea of a toxic jninciple being generated by the decomposing mushroom is of much import- ance. We know that many cadaveric jioisons are produced in this way, and we also know that the mushroom has been termed a " vege- table beefsteak" on account of the very large percentage of nitrogen- ous matter in its composition. The flesh of the mushroom, in addi- tion to a large j)ercentage of water, about eighty per cent., is made up of a proteid or nitrogenous substance called fmigin, which contains from 3.2 to 7.2 jier cent, of nitrogen. It is to this fungin that the mushroom owes its highly nutritive properties. Muscarine, CjH,,,NO„ the most carefully studied and best known of the poisonous jmnciples, is an alkaloid, first described by Schmiede- berg and Koppe,' whose investigations form the foundation for our present knowledge of this subject. Their work ^as been confirmed by others (I. L. Prevost") and reaffirmed by Schniiedeberg." It is a colorless, syrupy fluid, tasteless and without odor. It is very soluble in water and alcohol, but insoluble in ether; very slightly I THE POISONOUS PRINCIPLES IN MUfiUnoOMH. 645 atinued, Iwcjiine No diar- pleH that Lou fi<>»u lon to all il po'lHOUrt lie, nnnni- ill aro ro- mer char- er I'lmrac- iaou. y iuHtanceH uro kuown le ^vel•e un- \ Hever(>, in le traced to 1 popularly m a mauure 3h produced broom may putrefactive iracter. lu :ic principle Qch import- uced in this led a " vege- of nitrogen- om, in addi- , is made up lich contains igin that the best known )ySchmiede- ition for our 3n confirmed erg." odor. It 18 very slightly soluble in chloroform. It is alkaline in reaction and combines with acids to form salts. The suli)hate and nitrate are prepared for com- merce. They are very hygroscopic and solub'o in water and alcohol. The quantity of musotiriue present in the fungus has not l)een de- termined. It has l)een estimated variously from one-fifth to one per cent, of the dried fungus. The i)ercentage varies greatly according to the season of the year, the locality in which it grows, and many such conditions. Muscarine was formerly considered to be characteristic of the fly agaric and similar fungi, but in the progress of chemical and bacterial science it has been obtained from other and very diffeiv.::t sources. It has been separated as a ptomain from decomi)osing fish and also from horseflesh undergoing the same change (Vaughu.. ). It is also prepared synthetically from choliu by the oxidizing acti(m of nitric acid. Cholin, ueurin, and other ptomains to which it is allied are all of cadaveric origin, and nearly all are powerful poisons. The phys- iological action of muscarine bears a resemblance to that of pilocar- pine, and also of calabar bean. It is primarily an excitant to the nerve centres, the period of excitement rapidly passing into one of depres- sion. Upon the brain it is an intoxicant, causing dizziness, vertigo, confusion of ideas, delirium, disturbed vision, ataxia, and other like symptoms, which may end in convulsions, coma, paralysis, and death. Its depressing action is specially directed to the cardiac and respiratory centres, and its fatal effects are due to paralysis of these organs. The heart remains in a dilated state after death. The vaso- motor centres are also depressed, causing a lo>Vering of the blood pressure. It increases the secretion of the sudoriparous, lacry- mal, salivary, and all other glands, probably witli the excei)tion of the kidney. The muscular system is also irritated and weakened, giving rise to muscular fatigue and cramps of the extremities and of the intestines. The pupils are contracted. The action of atropine upon Ihe heart is directly antagonistic to muscarine, and furnishes us with the physiological and most valuable antidote. Atropine paralyzes the inhibitory nerves of the heart and [increases the rapidity of its action. The effect of muscarine is to produce a slowing and weakening of its action. The opposing effect lis frequently demonstrated upon the exposed heart, which, when fail- ling from the presence of muscarine, is at once aroused into action [by a drop of atropine solution, or, if the atropine has been first ap- [plied, the toxic effect of muscarine is prevented. No cases of poisoning by pure muscarine have been reported. [All our knowledge is derived from experimental work upon animals land man. It has been found that 8 to 12 mgm. (gr. | to \) will Vol. XX.— 35 T^ 546 SMALL— MUSHllOOM I'OISOKING. cause the death of a cat in about eighteen miuutes, and 3 to 4 mgm. (gr. 5^ to -^g) will have the same result in a few hours. Five milli- grama (gr. /j) taken by an adult man causes in a few minutes pro- fuse salivation and lacrymation, increased freiiuency of pulse, nausea, giddiness, confusion, determination of blood to the head, and perspira- tion. There is no vomiting or diarrhoea. Fatal doses in cats cause salivation, contraction of pupils, vomiting and purging, rapid breath- ing, and dysjmoea; as death approaches the respirations grow slower, iue i)upils become dilated, and convulsions usher in death. The poisonous lu'inciple ol Amanita phalloidcs has been frequently investigated, and the poison obtained has been variously named. Biilhosin, amanitui, phalloidln, and several others have been described, but no satisfactory result was reached until Kobert ' ' i)ublished the results of his researches and named the poison phallin. Phallin is an entirely diflferent poison from muscarine. It is a toxalbumin, a member of that group to which belongs the specific poison of cheese, meat, rattlesnake i)oison, as well as the toxic agent of diphtheria and other bacterial poisons. Tlie action of phallin is directed to the blood corpuscles, causin, ; their destructiijn and setting free the hajmoglobin. It produces such changes in the ])lasma that the serum escai)es from the vessels into the various tissues and cavities, and a condition resembling i}vA pro- duced by cholera is the result. Its action is slow, and the symi)tom8 of poisoning do not appear for an interval of from three or four to twelve or fourteen hours. They begin as severe abdominal ])aiu, prostration, vomiting, free watery evacuations, and symptoms of col- lai)se. Irritation to the nervous system is shown by muscular cramps, tetanic in character, and convulsions. Consciousness usually remains unaffected. The i)ulse becomes weak and flabby. The kidneys secrete much less urine, and there are signs of albuminuria and luemo^Iobinuria. The presence of this second poison ex] plains the symptoms of many cases of poisoning that were obscuie when muscarine was con- sidered the sole poisonous principle of mushrooms. At present A. mnscdvia and A. panihevoidt'H have been studied as the source of muscarine only, and A. pludloidcs alone has furnished pliallin, but it is not i)robable that either poison is limited to these particular 8i)ecies. There is much more reason to believe that each jioison is widely dis- tributed. MuHcarine is certainly the chief poison of A. muacana, bat many of the symptoms that follow poisoning by this fungus can be explained only by the i)roKeuce of phallin. I CI SYMPTOMS. 547 4mgm. e milU- ies pro- nausea, lerspira- ,t9 cause 1 breath- jv slower, requently y uauieil. lescribed, iaiied the Phallin is Llbumin, a of cheese, theria and B9, causin,; (luces such vessels into ig tV.^'t pro- s symptoms e or four to niual pain, ;oms of col- ilar cramps, (lly remains |he kidneys pinuria and ^■mptoms of tue was con- present A. \q source of jlUn, butitis Liar species, widely dis- miisecwia, fungus can Pathological Anatomy. The post-mortem ai)pearances are not very definite. By some it is stated that rigor mortis is absent. Others have found it to exist, but to disappear early. There are evidences of gastrointestinal irri- tation, and portions of the fungus may be present. The various organs are congested, especially the kidneys. The abdominal and ])leural cavity may contain lluid colored by the transuded hfomoglo- bin. The heart is dilated. In a series of autopsies, when death probably resulted from phallin poisoning, there were numerous small ecchymoses on the pleural surfaces, and also in the lungs, heart, kid- neys, liver, and other organs. The blood, also, '"as found to be of a dark cherry-red color and fluid. The veins were full. Fatty degen- eration of the liver has been found in some cases. Symptoms. The symptoms that follow tlie use of poisonous fungi coincide with tlie results of tlie experimental work with these poisons. In the majority of cases the symi)toms are distinctly those of one or the other poison, sometimes complicated by the irritation of undigested portions of the fungus. In poisoning by muscarine the diagnostic iwints are the early onset of symptoms, the signs of intoxication, and the functional weakness of the heart and lungs. In i)oisoning by phallin the symptoms are delayed; there is an absence of cerebral disturbance, .and severe gastroenteric irritation, becoming choleraic in character, is the prominent symptom. In nmscarine i)oisoning the alkaloid is very stable and is excreted with the urine, which retains the intoxicating properties. This, it is eported, the inhabitants of certain districts of Siberia take advantage f in order to prolong their intoxication. The fly agaric is a com- on fuugns in northern Asia, and furnishes the natives with a sub- titute for the alcohol, o])ium, and the narcotics of other countries. The duration and termination of cases of mushroom poisoning ary greatly according to the quantity of poisonous material taken into 10 system. Tliey are also influenced by the health and strength of 10 patient. Cases due to muscarine run a more rai)id course than lose due to phallin. The symptoms begin ahnost at once, and death ay take place in five or six hours ; more frecpieutly a fatal termina- on does not take i)lace until the seccmd or third day. Convalescence always slow, more ])articul}iily in severe cases. Wlien pliallin is 10 poison, the course is slower. Death may take place on the 548 SMALL— MUSHROOM POISONING. ijii second day, but four or five days is the more common period. In some instances the ;)atient has lingered seven days. Of five officers poisoned by eating, A. bulbosa, symptoms did not begin until eleven hours had elapsed ; two died on the second day, two on the third, and one on the fifth day. In another case a child died on the second day, the mother on the fifth day. In still another instance, one vic- tim died .j'ter forty-eight hours, one at the end of sixty hours, and the third on the seventh day. >i I I Treatment. The treatment consists of measures to allay the gastrointestinal irritation and overcome the depression, and also the employment of special antidotes to counteract the poison. , The stomach should be emptied as rapidly as possible for the purpose of removing all jjor- tious of the fungi that may remain undigested. Castor oil and ene- mata should be used with the same object in view; milk, barley water, and other demulcent drinks, bismuth, magnesia, and antacids are to be given for the double i^urpose of soothing the irritated mu- cous membrane and of retarding the absorption of the poison. Mus- carine becomes very soluble in the acid fluids, and for this reason acids should not be given. Alcohol and ammonia may be required to stimulate the heart and respiration and lessen the general depression. As special antidotes, tfinuin, charcoal, and permanganate of potas- sium have been recommended. The first two are ot value in render- ing insoluble the poisons, and the latter for the i)urpose of decom- posing the alkaloid; their value, however, is as yet uncertain. When the poisoning ii> due to muscarine, the only antidote to de- pend upon is atropine, which should be immediately administered in all cases of suspected i)oisoniug from this source. Experiments have proved conclusively that wlien the inhibitory nerves of the heart are dejjressed by atropine the effects of muscarine are almost entirely counteracted, and when the heart and respiration are failing from the poison, the atropine helps to restore their tone and force. In the cases in which it has been employed, even when death has finally taken place, its favorable effects have been specially mentioned. It should be administered hypodermically, in gr. y), „ to -^^ doses, re- peated hourly, according to the symptoms and its effect. When A. phalloldes has been taken and phallin is the poisonous princii)le, there is no drug that can be employed with the same feeling of hopefulness, as there is no known antidote to this i)oison. As soon as the poisoning is suspected the same general treatment is iudicHted for the purpose of removing any portion of the fungus ^ CLASSIFICATION OF MUSHROOMS. 649 iod. In B officers ;il eleven he third, 16 second , one vic- ours, and I )intestinal oymeut of should be ng all por- l and ene- ilk, barley id antacids •itated mu- ion. Miis- ;his reason required to depression . te of potas- in render- of decom- ain. Ldote to de- inistered in iraents have 10 heart are ost entirely Qg from the >e. In the has finally tioned. It u doses, re- a poisonous ^1 the same ^his poison. il treatment the fungus and preventing further absorption. Stimulants should be freely ad- ministered. Nitrite of amyl and nitroglycerin may i)rove of service to maintain the cutaneous circulation. When the severe symi)tom8 supervene and collapse is threatening, intravenous injections of deci- normal saline solution or its subcutaneous use will prove of great ser- vice, and upon this procedure will depend the greatest hope of suc- cess. Transfusion of blood has also been recommended. Classiflc!xtion cf Mushrooms. The higher forms of fungi which grow so j^rofusely throughout the whole world are classified into tliree groups, according to their mode of producing spores. These are — Hymenomyceiea', in which the spores are external to the lining membrane, which membrane is o;i the under surface of the pileus or cap and folded as gills. This comprises all such as are commonly called mushrooms or toadstools. Biscomycetece, in Avhich the spores are also formed external to the membrane, but in depressions, or lacunsB, on the upper and outer surface, as in the ordinary morel. Gastromyceteaiy in which the spores are contained in a cavity formed by the membrane, as in the well-known puff-balls. Of the many thousand species that are included in these three classes, only a few are known to contain an active poison, and nearly all these are closely allied and form a single genus of the hymenomy- cetesB. The most important of the many generi of hymenomycetese are Agaricus and Amanita. The former contains the ordinary edible mushrooms, the latter the poisonous forms. These genera are variously arranged by different botanists, and this want of uniformity has led to much confusion of names. For- merly all were included in the single genus Agaricus, and we will find the poisonous forms referred to as Agaricus muscaria, etc. It is nov. more general to regard the Amanita as a sub-genus, or as a separate genns, with its distinctive name. Distinction between Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms. The structural and botanical differences between the amanitas and agarics are very slight, and their resemblance is the cause of the many accidents that occur. Between the common mushroom and the fly agaric the difference is very marked, and one should never be mis- taken for the other, but there are many other edible mushrooms that bear a close resemblance. The danger is also increased by the fact .r 650 SMALL— MUSHROOM POISONING. I'* H u Is that certain species of the amanita), as A. ca'sarea, are edible; and unless the collector is a skilled mycologist a mistake may easily occur. Man}' suggestions have been offered to facilitate the recog- nition of the poisonous and edible species, but none is sufficiently trustworthy to be depended ui on without some knowledge of the distinctive characters of each. The most important sign is the pres- ence of the I' ^Iva which is formed on the poisonous species, but is absent from the others. When young, the growing fungus is envel- oped in a membrane, which is ruptured as the plant expands, its traces remaining as a cup-shaped ring, or sheath, around the base of the stem, and as excrescences on the upper surface of the cap. This volva is often below the surface of the soil and is easily over- looked. In gathering the fungus, the stem is generally broken off, and the characteristic base with the volva is left behind. The color of the gills is also suggestive, those of the edible forms being pinkish, while those of the poisonous species, with few exceptions, are white. A disagreeable, noxious odor and sharp, acrid taste also indicate a dangerous species. The points of difference between the common edible mushroom and the two poisonous forms are very concisely described by Dr. W. G. Far low of Harvard University, as follows: " (1) The common mushroom has a pileus which is not covered with wart-like scales; gills which are brownish-purple when mature; a nearly cylindrical stalk, which is not hollow with a ring near the middle, and without a bulbous base sheathed by a membrane or by scales. "(2) The fly a«?aric has a pileus marked with prominent warts; gills always white; a stalk, with a large ring around the upper part, and hollow or cottony inside, but solid at the base, where it is bul- bous and scaly. " (3) The death cup has a pileus without distinct warts, gills which are always white, and a hollow stalk, with a large ring, and a prominent bulb at the base, whose upi)er margin is membranous or bag-like. " (4) Other points of difference are the different places in which these species grow, and also the colors, which, although they vary in each case, are brilliant yellow or red in the fly agaric, white varying to pale olive in the deadly agaric, and white usually tinged with a little brown in the mushroom. "(5) In the mushroom the pileus averages from three to four inches ixi breadth, and the stalk is generally shorter than the breadth of the pileus and comparatively stout. Ihe pileus remains convex for a long time, and does not become quite flat-topped until old. ^ POISONOUS MUSHROOMS. 551 lible; and lay easily the recog- iufficieutly Ige of the 1 the prea- iea, but is IB is envel- :pau(ls, its i the base )f the cap. sasily over- broken off, liud. The Drms being exceptions, I taste also shroom and r Dr. W. G. not covered leu mature; !g near the )rane or by uent warts; upper part, e it is bul- warts, gills ring, and a ibranous or !es in which ihey vary in Hiite varying [nged with a Iree to four the breadth lains convex [l until old. The substance is firm and solid. In the fly agaric the pileus, at first oval and convex, soon becomes flat and attains a breadlh of six to eight inches and sometimes more. The stalk has a length ecpial to or slightly exceeding the breadth of the pileus, and is comparatively slenderer than in the common mushroom. The pileus of the deadly agaric is thinner than that of the mushroom, and, from being rather bell-shaped when young, becomes gradually flat-tor)i.3d with the cen- tre a little raised. In breadth it is intermediate. The stalk usually is longer than the breadth of the i)ileus, and the habit is slenderer than the other two species." The special characteristics of the amanitas are as follows : " Pileus (or cap) at first campanulate, "then plane ; fleshy towards the centre, attenuated at the margin ; gills ventricose, narrow behind, free, nu- merous, at length denticulate, the imperfect ones few, of a deter- minate form according to the kind, and, with one exception (A. ctesareus), white. Stalk generally enlarged at the base, frequently bulbous, solid, or stuffed with a cotton-like substance, which is at length absorbed ; ring descending, imperfect, fugaceous ; flesh white, unchanging" (Badham). Poisonous Mushrooms. The following species, growing in this country, comprise all that are known constantly to possess uctive toxic proi)erties. There are othfs that are probably poisonous, but as yet they have not been properly authenticated, nor have any deaths been* attributed to their use. Many of them often produce distressing symptoms, but they are uncertain and may often be eaten with perfect safety. Amanita muscaeia Grev. Agaricus muscaria L. Fly agaric. This is a large showy fungus, very common in some localities, grow- ing in oak and pine woods from June to late in the autumn. The pileus is of an orange or yellow color, sometimes becoming brilliant red, in others it varies almost to a white ; it is covered with warty ex- crescences, generally whitish. The under or spore-i)roducing surface is white. The pla'^.t is very free from insects and flies and does not blacken when broken. In early growth the pileus is convex, but be- comes flat and sometimes concave. The stem is bulbous, white, and I and springs from a volva. It is rough and covered with warty growths on shaving-like shreds. It should be readily distinguished from [ the edible species by its color and appearance, the color of its gills, ! and its place of growth, as it is never found in meadows, nor does I the mushroom grow in woods. The flj? agaric is of sturdy growth, ranging from four to sixteen inches in height. Mistakes are more 652 SMALL — MUSHROOM POISONINO. 1 i t i •'I ' liable to arise in mistaking the fly agaric for some of the edible ama- nita, us Amanita coisarea and Amanita rubescans. Amanita phalloides (Pers.) Fr. Death cup. This species is not so large nor so brilliant as the A. muscaria. It grows from three to six or eight inches high, and is found in woods, but often extends into meadows and fields. It may be gathered in summer and is very common in the autumn months. The pileus is white or fawn-colored, sometimes becoming yellow or greenish and smooth, and the invest- ing membrane, separating from the cap, remains as a deep cup-like volva, which has given it the name of death cup. The stem is white, or tinged in the darker forms, and smooth, excepting when the invest- ing cap is closely adherent, when it has a bulbous appearance. It also is very free from insects and remains of a clear color. Its odor and taste, when fresh, are not noticeable, but after it has been gath- ered they become disagreeable. Its gills and spores Bre white. This species is likely to be mistaken for the common edible mush- room, but it bears a much greater resemblance to Lepiota naucina, another fungus having white gills and spores, but quite free from any poisonous properties. Another source of danger is that in some im- mature specimens of A. phalloides the gills are of a faintly pink color. Amanita verna Bull. The vernal or bulbous amanita is consid- ered by many to be simply a variety of A. phalloides, and is one of the most important of the poisonous species on account of its resemblance to the common edible mushroom. It is smaller than A. phalloides, more delicately formed, and of a pure whit.e color. It is found in the early summer mouths and is very common in many localities. In Europe it appears in the spring, from which it derives its specific name. Its distinctive character is the manner in which the sheath adheres to the stem, giving the stem a very bulbous appearance, and depriving it of its cup-shaped volva. Amanita pantherinus Deb. is a common species with many va- rieties, lo is of a yellowish-brown color, over which there are many markings of a darker hue, which give it a mottled appearance. The gills and flesh are white. The following instance of poisoning is quoted by Christison : " A boy, having eaten some of the fungus, be- came delirious and maniacal and gradually passed into a condition of trance. Recovery took place." Boletus luridus Schoeff. This fungus is of a different class from the agarics and amanitas, as its spores are formed in lacunae on the under surface of the pileus. In its shape it resembles the agarics. The upper surface varies from an amber to a brown color; the under surface and stem are of a bright red or ferruginous brown. The flesh is yellowish ; when broken and exposed, it changes to a blue. The BIBLIOGRAPHIOAL REFERENOEB. 658 dible aiua- )oie8 is not m three to »n extend^ and is very vn-colored, the invest- ep cup-like in is white, I the invest- arance. It :. Its odor been gath- nrhite. dible mush- ota naucina, ee from any in some im- f pink color, a is consid- is one of the resemblance phalloides, 'ound in the alities. In its specific the sheath tarance, and pileus is from two to six inches broad. The stem is solid, bulbous, sometimes quite smooth, and more or less mottled. It grows in woods and thickets. Bibliographical References. 1. Prentiss: Philadelphia Medical Journal, September 24, 1898. 2. Plowright: The Lancet, 1879, ii., p. 941. 3. Norris: Philadelphia McdicalJournal, October 22, 1898. 4. Bhadle*: Therapeutic Gazette, May, 1893. 5. Berry : Philadelphia Medical .Journal, September 24, 1898. 6. Delobel : La Presse Medicale, September 30, 1899 and British Medical Jour- ; nal, Epitome 52, 1900. I 7. Schmiedebcig und Koppe: Das Muscarin, das giftige Alkaloid des Fliegen- I pilzes, Leipsic, 1869. 8. Prevost . Transactions of the International Medical Congress, 1878. 9. Schmiedeberg : Transactions of the International Medical Congress, 1881. 10. Vaughan: Twentieth Century Practice, vol. xiii., p. 16. 11. Kobcrt : Ueber Pilzvergif tung, Dorpat, 1891. ^. Ih many va- |re are many ranee. The )oi8oning is fungus, be- jondition of U class from BunsB on the [the agarics. the under The flesh I blue. The