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Let diagrammet tulvantt illuatrant la mAthode. errata to ) palura. on A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 S 6 ON THE HISTORY -/1-. OF EOZOON CANADENSE. PAPERS BY SIR W. E. LOGAN, F.R.S., F.G.S. DR. J. W. DAWSON, P.R.S., F.G.S. DR. W. B. CARPENTER, P.R.S., F.G.S. DR. T. STERRY HUNT, F.R.S. Jieprinted from Thb Quarterly Journal of the Gkological Socibtt OF London for February 1865 (with additions) ; and from Thb Canadian NATURALiST/or jlpril 1865. WITH SIX WOOD ENGRAVINGS AND A LITHOGRAPHED PLATE. MONTREAL: 1866. ^'l m EOZOON CANADENSE. On the Occurrence of Organic Remains in the Laurentian Rock» of Canada.* By Sir W. E. Looan, LL.D., F.R.S., F:G.S. ; Director of the Geological Surrey of Canada. The oldest known rocks of North America are those which com- pose the Laurentide Mountains in Canada and the Adirondacks in the State of New York. By the investigations of the Geological Survey of Canada, they have been shown to be a great series of strata, which, though profoundly altered, consist chiefly of quart- zose, aluminous, and calcareous rocks, like the sedimentary de- posits of less ancient times. This great mass of crystalline rocks is divided into two groups, and it appears that the Upper rests unconformably upon the Lower Laurentian series. * This, and the three following papers, by Messrs. Dawson, Carpenter and Sterry Hunt, are reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of the Geo- logical Society of London, for February, 1865. Some additional notes by the authors and editors are distinguished by being included in brack- ets. See also a supplementary note by Dr. Dawsoj, on the discovery of Eozoon in Ireland, on page 38. In place of the lithographed plates published in the Quarterly Journal to illustrate the papers uf Messrs. Dawson and Carpenter, selections from those, filling a single plate, are here given ; btsides which three wood- cuts are added. — Eds. The united thickness of these two groups in Canada cannot be less than 30,000 feet, and probably much exceeds it. The Lau- rentian of the west of Scotland, according to Sir Roderick Mur- chison, also attains a great thickness. In that region the Upper Laurent ian or Labrador series, has not yet been separately recog- nized ; but from Mr. McCuUoch's description, as well as from the specimens collected by him, and now in the Museum of the Geolo- gical Society of London, it can scarcely be doubted that the Labra- dor series occurs in Skye.* The labradorite and hypersthene rocks from that island are identical with those of the Labrador series in Canada and New York, and unlike those of any formation at any other known horizon. This resemblance did not escape the notice of Emmons, who, in his description of the Adirondack Mountains, referred these rocks to the hypersthene rock of McCulloch, although these observers, on the opposite sides of the Atlantic, looked upon them as unstratified. In the Canadian Naturalist for 1862, Mr. Thomas Macfarlane, for some time resident in Norway, and now in Canada, drew attention to the striking resemblance between the Norwegian primitive gneiss formation, as described by Nau- mann and Keilhau, and observed by himself, and the Laurentian, including the Labrador group ; and the equally remarkable simi~ larity of the lower part of the primitive slate formation to the Huronian series, which is a third Canadian group. These prim- itive series attain a great thickness in the north of Europe, and constitute the main features of Scandinavian geology. In Bavaria and Bohemia there is an ancient gneissic series. After the labours in Scotland, by which he was the first to estab- lish a Laurentian equivalent in the British Isles, Sir Roderick Murchison, turning his attention to this central European mass, placed it on the same horizon. These rocks, underlying Barrande's Primordial zone, with a great development of intervening clay-slate, extend southward in breadth to the banks of the Danube, with a prevailing dip towards the Silurian strata. They had previously [• This was first shown by Mr. T. Sterry Hunt, after his examinations of McGulloch's collections, in a paper published in the Dublin Quar. Journal of Science for 1863, p. 230. See also Silliman's Journal [2] xxxvi. 226, and Canadian Naturalist, vi. 208. Prof. Haughton of Dub- lin has since visited the islands of Skye and lona, and confirmed the observations of Mr. Hunt. See Proc, of the Royal Geological Society of Dublin for Dec. 14, 1864, in the Geol. Magazine for February, 1865, page 73.— Eds.] been studied by Gumbcl and Crejci, who divided them into an older reddish gneiss and a newer grey gneiss. But, on the Dan- ube, the mass which is furthest removed from the Silurian rocks being a grey gneiss, Giimbol and Crejci account for its presence by an inverted fold in the strata ; while Sir Roderick places this at the base, and regards the whole as a single series, in the normal funda- mental position of the Laurentian of Scotland and of Canada. Con- sidering the colossal thickness given to the series (90,000 feet), it remains to bo seen whether it may not include both the Lower and Upper Laurentian, and possibly, in addition, the Huronian. This third Canadian group (the Huronian) has been shown by my colleague, Mr. Murray, to be about 18,000 feet thick, and to consist chiefly of quartzites, slate-conglomerates, diorites, and lime- stones. The horizontal strata which form the base of the Lower Silurian in western Canada, rest upon the upturned edges of the Huronian series ; which, in its turn, unconformably overlies the Lower Laurentian. The Huronian is believed to be more recent tlian the Upper Laurentian series, although the two formations have never yet been seen in contact. The united thickness of these three great series may possibly far surpass that of all the succeeding rocks from the base of the PaloBO- zoic series to the present time. We are thus carried back to a period so for remote, that the appearance of the so-called Prim- ordial fauna may by some be considered a comparatively modern event. We, howevek, find that, even during the Laurentian period, the same chemical and mechanical processes which have ever since been at work disintegrating and reconstructing the earth's crust were in operation as now. In the conglomerate? -^f the Huronian series there are enclosed boulders derived fro ■ '''^ Laurentian, which seem to show that the parent rock was altd -i to its present crystalline condition before the deposit of the newer formation ; while interstratified with the Laurentian limestones there are beds of conglomerate, the pebbles of which are themselves rolled frag- ments of a still older laminated sand-rock, and the formation of these beds leads us still further into the past. In both the Upper and Lower Laurentian series there are seve- ral zones of limestone, each of sufficient volume to constitute an independent formation. Of these calcareous masses it has been ascertained that three, at least, belong to the Lower Laurentian. But as we do not as yet know with certainty either the base or the summit of this series, these three may be conformably fol- I to CO s I .2 e .2> a .2 C^ a .2 60 I OS ^ a. a o si M a « a) o si 6j^ • -< O] s! bo.5 a 5si 'a 5 s s « « lowed by many more. Although the Lower and Upper Laurentian rooks spread over more than 200,000 sqt ire miles in Canada, only about 1500 square miles have yet been fully and connectedly examined in any one district, and it is still impossible to say whether the numerous exposures of Lau- rentian limestone met with in other parts of the province are equivalent to any of the three zones, or whether they overlie or un- derlie them all. Fig. 2. — Section aavss Trembling Mountain (21 miles). 6. Upper Laurentian. c. Fourth gneiss. d\ Third limestone. d. Third gneiss. e'. Second limestone. e. Second gneiss. f. First limestone. /. First gneiss. In the examination of these ancient rocks, the question often naturally occurred to me whether, during these remote periods, organic life had yet appeared on the earth. The apparent abseuce of fossils from the highly crystalline limestones did not seem to ofiFer a proof in negation, any more than their undiscovered presence in newer crystalline limestones, where we have little doubt they have been obliterated by metamorphic action ; while the carbon which, in the form of graphite, constitutes beds, or is disseminated through the calca- reous or siliceous strata of the Laurentian series, seemed to be an evidence of the ex- istence of vegetation, since no one disputes the organic origin of this mineral in more recent rocks. My colleague, Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, has argued for the existence of organic matters at the earth's surface during the Laurentian period from the presence of great beds of iron-ore, and from the occurrence of metallic 8ulphurets * ; and finally, the evidence was strengthened by the discovery of supposed organic forms. These were first brought to me, in October, 1858, by Mr. J. McMullen, then attached as an explorer, to the Geological Survey of the province, from cne of the limestones of the Laurentian series occurring at the Grand Calumet, on the River Ottawa. Any organic remains which may have been entombed in these limestones would, if they retained their calcareous character, be almost certainly obliterated by crystallization ; and it would only bo by the replacement of the original carbonate of lime by a dificrent mineral substance, or by an infiltration of such a sub- stance into all the pores and spaces in and about the fossil, that its form would bo preserved. The specimens from the Grand Calu- met present parallel or apparently concentric layers resembling those of Stromatopora, except that they anastomose at various points. What were first considered the layers are composed of crystallized pyroxene, when the then supposed interstices consist of carbonate of lime. These specimens, one of which is figured, in 'Geology of Canada,' p. 49,f called to memory others which haf'. oome years previously been obtained from Dr. James Wilson,' of Perth, and were then regarded merely as minerals. They came, I be- lieve, from masses in Burgess, but whether in place is not quite certain; and they exhibit similar forms to those of the Grand Calumet, composed of layers of a dark green magnesian sili- cate (loganite) ; while what were taken for the interstices are filled with crystalline dolomite. If the specimens from both these places were to be regarded as the result of unaided mineral arrangement, it appeared to me strange that identical forms should be derived from minerals of such diflFerent composition. I was therefore dis- posed to look upon them as fossils, and as such they were exhib- ited by me at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Springfield, in August 1859. See Canadian Naturalist, 1859, iv, 300. In 18G2 they were shown to some of my geological friends in Great Britain ; but no micros- copic structure having been observed belonging to them, few seemed disposed to believe in their organic character, with the exception of my friend Professor Ramsay. * Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, xv, 493. [t Reproduced below, page 11, figures 1 and 2.] 8 It • One of tho specimens had been sliced and submitted to micro- scopic observation, but unlbrtunatcly it was one of those composed of loganite and dolomite. In these, the minute structure is rarely seen. The true character of the specimens, thus remained in suspense until last winter, when I accidentally observed indications of similar forms in blocks of Laurentian limestone which had been brought to our museum by Mr. James Lowe, one of our explorers, to be sawn up for marble. In this case the forms were composed of serpentine and ealc-apnr ; and slices of them having been pre- pared for the microscope, the minute structure was observed in the first one submitted to inspection. At the request of Mr. Billings, the palaeontologist of our Survey, the specimens were confided for examination and description to Dr. J. W. Dawson, of Montreal, our most practised observer with the microscope ; and the conclusions at which he has arrived are appended to this com- munication, lie finds that the serpentine, which was supposed to replace Ihc organic form, really fills the interspaces of the calca- reous fossil. This exhibits in some parts a well-preserved organic structure, which Dr. Dawson describes as that of a Foraminifer, growing in large sessile patches after the manner of Polytrema and Carpentaria^ but of much larger dimensions, and presenting minute points which reveal a structure resembling that of other Foraminiferal forms, as, for example, Caharina and Nummulina. Dr. Dawson's description is accompanied by some remarks by Dr. Sterry Hunt on the mincralogical relations of the fossil. He observes that while the calcareous septa which form the skeleton of the Foraminifer in general remain unchanged, the sarcode has been replaced by certain silicates which have not only filled up the chambers, cells, and septal orifices, but have been injected into the minute tubuli, which are thus perfectly preserved, as may be seen by removing the calcareous matter by an acid. The replacing silicates are white pyroxene, serpentine, loganite, and pyrallolite or rensselaerite. The pyroxene and serpentine are often found in contact, filling contiguous chambers in the fossil, and were evi- dently formed in consecutive stages of a continuous process. In the Burgess specimens, while the sarcode is replaced by loganite, the calcareous skeleton, as has already been stated, lias been re- placed by dolomite, and the finer parts of the structure have been almost wholly obliterated. But in the other specimens, where the skeleton still preserves its calcareous character, the resemblance between the mode of preservation of the ancient Laurentian For- 9 aminifcra and that of tho allied furins in Tertiary and recent deposits (which, as Ehrenberg, Builcy, and Tourtales have shown, arc injected with glauconito), is obvious. Tho Grenville specimens belong to the highest of tho three already mentioned zones of Laurcntiun limestone, and it lias not yet been ascertained whether the fossil extends to the two confor- mable lower ones, or to tho calcareous zones of the overlying un- conformable Upper Laurentian scries. It lias not yet either been determined what relation the strata from which the Burgess and Grand Calumet specimens have been obtained bear to the Gren- ville limestone or to one another. Tho zone of Grenville limestone is in some places about 1500 feet thick, and it appears to be divi- ded for considerable distances into two or three parts by very thick bands of gneiss. One of these occupies a position towards the lower part of tho limestone, and may have a volume of between 100 and 200 feet. It is at the base of the limestone that the fossil occurs. This part of the zone is largely composed of great and small irregular masses of white crystalline pyroxene, some of them twenty yards in length by four or five wide. They appear to be confusedly placed ono above another, with many ragged interstices, and smoothly-worn, rounded largo and small pits and sub-cylindri- cal cavities, some of them pretty deep. The pyroxene, though it appears compact, presents a multitude of small spaces consisting of carbonate of lime, and many of these show minute structures similar to that of the fossil. These masses of pyroxene may characterize a thickness of about 200 feet, and tin* interspaces among them are filled ■with a mixture of serpentine and carbonate of lime. In general a sheet of pure dark green serpentine invests each mass of pyroxene ; the thickness of the serpentine, varying from the sixteenth of an inch to several inches, rarely exceeding half a foot. This is fol- lowed in different spots by parallel, waving, irregularly alternating plates of carbonate of lime and serpentine, which become gradually finer as they recede from the pyroxene, and occasionally occupy a total thickness of five or six inches. These portions constitute the unbroken fossil, which may sometimes spread over an area of about a square foot, or perhaps more. Other parts, immediately on the outside of the sheet of serpentine, are occupied with about the same thickness of what appear to be the ruins of the fossil, broken up into a more or less granular mixture of calospar and serpentine, the former still showing minute structure ; and on the outside of the whole a similar mixture appears to have been swept !|'l 10 i;' !'i I,.- 1 by currents and eddies into rudely parallel and curving layers; the mixture becoming gradually more calcareous as it recedes from the pyroxene. Sometimes beds of limestone ("sryeral feet in thick- ness, with the green serpentine more or less aggregated intp layers, and studded with isolated lumps of pyroxene, are irregularly in- terstratified- in the mass of rock ; and less frequently there are met with lenticular patches of sandstone or granular quartzite, of a foot in thickness and several yards in diameter, holding in abun- dance small disseminated leaves of graphite. The general character of the rock connected with the fossil pro- duces the impression that it is a great Foramini'";ral reef, in which the pyroxenic masses represent a more a: cient portion, which having died, and having become much broken up and worn into cavities and deep recesses, afford-^d a seat for a new groy/th of Foramini/era, represented by the calcareo-serpentinous part. This in its turn became broken up, leavir^ n some places uninjured "-^rtions of the general form. The main difference be- tween this Foraminiferal reef and more recent coral-reefs seems to be that, while with the latter are usually associated many shells and otiier organic remains, in the more ancient one the only remains yet found are those of the ani .al which built the reef. 1 On Certain Organic Remarks in the 1 urent'um Limestones of Canada.'^ By J. W.Dawson, LL.D <\R.S., Principal of McGill University, )ntre<'.l, Cunada. n At the request of Sir William E. Lo^... , I have submitted to microscopic examination slices of certain peculiar laminated forms consisting of alternate layers of carbonate of lime and serpentine, or of carbonate of lime and white pyroxene, found in the Lauren- tian limestones of Canada, and regarded by Sir William as possi- bly fossils.f I have alpo examined slices of a number of lime- stones and serpentines from the Laurentian series, not showing the external forms of these supposed fossils. The slices were prepared by the lapidary of the Survey, and were carefully examined under ordinary and polarized light, with [* See a preliminary notice in Silliman's Journal [2], xxxvii, 272.] t Canadian Xaturalist, 1859, p. 300. 11 objectives made by Ross, and by Smith and Beck ; and also with good French objectives. 1. Weathered specimen of Eozobn Canadense from the Calumet, of the natural size. The replacing silicate is white pyroxene. 2. Vertital transverse section of the specimen figure 1. The 8pecinr»ens first mentioned are masses, often several inches in diameter, presenting to the naked eye alternate laminae of ser- pentine, or of pyroxene, and carbonate of lime. Their general as- pect, as remarked by Sir W. E. Logan (Geology of Canada, 1863, p. 49), reminds the observer of that of the Silurian corals of the genus Stromatopora, except that the laminae diverge from and approach each other, and frequently anastomose or are connected by transverse septa. 12 w If M Under the uiicroscopo the resemblance to Stromatopora is seen to be in general form merely, and no trace appears of the radiating . cells characteristic of that genus. The laminae of serpentine and pyroxene present no organic structure, and the latter mineral is highly crystalline. The laminae of carbonate of lime, on the con- trary, retain distinct traces of structures which cannot be of a crystalline or concretionary character. They constitute parallel or concentric partitions of variable thickness, enclosing flattened spaces or chambers, frequently crossed by transverse plates or septa, in some places so numerous as to give a vesicular appearance, in others occurring only at rare intervals (figure 3). The lamina) them- selves are excavated on their sides into rounded pits, and are in some places traversed by canals, or contain secondary rounded cells, apparently isolated. In addition to these general appearances, the substance of the laminae, where most perfectly preserved, is seen to present a fine granular structure, and to be penetrated by numerous minute tubuli, which are arranged in bundles of great beauty and complexity, diverging in sheaf-like forms, and in their finer extensions anastomosing so as to form a net-work (plate, figures 2 and 4). In transverse sections, and under high powers, the tubuli are seen to be circular in outline, and sharply defined (plate, figure 5). In longitudinal sections, they sometimes present a beaded or jointed appearance. Even Avhere the tubular structure is least perfectly preserved, traces of it can still be seen in most of the slices, though there are places in which the laminae are perfectly compact, and perhaps were so originally. Faithful delineations of these structures have been prepared by Mr. Horace Smith, the artist of the Survey, which will render them more intelligible than any verbal description. With respect to the nature and probable origin of the appearances above described, I would make the following remarks : 1. The serpentine and pyroxene which fill the cavities of the cal- careous matter have no appearance of concretionary structure. On the contrary, their aspect is that of matter introduced by infiltra- tion, or as sediment, and filling spaces previously existing. In other words, the calcareous matter has not been moulded on the forms of the serpentine and augite, but these have filled spaces or chambers in a hard calcareous mass. This conclusion is further confirmed by the fact, to be referred to in the sequel, that the ser- pentine includes multitudes of minute foreign bodies, while the •i 13 iating calcareous matter is uniform and homogeneous. It is also to be observed that small veins of carbonate of lime occasionally traverse the specimens, and in their entire absence of structures other than crystalline, present a striking contrast to the supposed fossils. 2. Though the calcareous laminae have in places a crystalline 3. Nature-printed section of a specimen of Eozodn Canadense from Petite Nation Seigniory.* [* The replacing mineral in this specimen being serpentine, the cal- careous septa were dissolved from the polished surface by the action of an acid, and the iiiiu material replacing the tubuli having been removed by the aid of a brush, a wax mould of the etched surface furnished the electrotype cast from which the above figure is printed. The lights thus represent the calcareous skeleton, and the shaded portion a thick massof3erpentine,which is distinguishable from a contiguous thin stratum of the same mineral, that seems to form the base of the Eozodn. The gradual passage from the wide chambers and thick septa to the nar- rower and thinner ones, and finally to the irregularly aggregated mode of growth, designated by Dr. Carpenter as acervulinv, is well seen. The white patches in the upper portion of the figure do not arise from any imperfection in the electrotype, but represent the irregular growth of this part of the calcareous skeleton.— T. S. H,] «^ 14 ijl cleavage, their forms and structures have no relation to this. Their cells and canals are rounded, and have smooth walls, which are occasionally lined with films apparently of carbonaceous matter. Above all, the minute tubuli are different from anything likely to occur in merely crystalline calcspar. While in such rocks little importance might be attached to external forms simulating the appearances of corals, sponges, or other organisms, these delicate internal structures have a much higher claim to attention. Nor is there any improbability in the preservation of such minute parts in rocks so highly crystalline, since it is a circumstance of frequent occurrence in the microscopic examination of fossils that the finest structures are visible in specimens in which the general form and the arrangement of parts hav' been entirely obliterated. It is also to be observed that the struct e of the calcareous laminaD is the same, whether the intervening spaces are filled with serpentine or with pyroxene. 3. The structures above described are not merely definite and uniform, but they are of a kind proper tu uuimal organisms, and more especially to one particular type of animal life, as likely as any other to occur under such circumstances ; I refer to that of the Rhizopods of the order Foramini/era. The most important point of difference is in the great size and compact habit of growth of the specimens in question ; but there seems no good reason to maintain that Foramini/era must necessarily be of small size, more especially since forms of considerable magnitude referred to this type are known in the Lower Silurian. Prof. Hall has described specimens of Receptaculitcs twelve inches in diameter ; and the fossils from the Potsdam formation of Labrador, referred by Mr. Billings to the genus Archoeocyathus, are examples of Protozoa with calcareous skeletons scarcely inferior in their massive style of growth to the forms now under consideration.* [• The following note is inserted in place of another, which, by an error of the printer, is in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society inccrporated with the text : Mr. Billinijs has ascertained, since this paper was written, that one of the species included in the genus ^rchceocyathun, has silicious spicula which would place it with the sponges. But two other species of the genus have, in accordance with his original description, a chambered calcareous skeleton, which is, in my opinlun, similar to that of Foramin- ifera. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Canada, Nov. 1861, and reprint of the same in 1864.)— J. W. D.] 15 These reasons arc, I think, sufficient to justify me in regarding these remarkable structures as truly organic, and in searching for their nearest allies among the Foramini/era. Supposing then that the spaces between the calcareous laminae, as well as the canals and tubuli traversing their substance, were once filled with the sarcode body of a Rhizopod, comparisons with modern forms at once suggest themselves. From the polished specimens in the Museum of the Canadian Geological Survey, it appears certain that these bodies were sessile by a broad base, and grew by the addition of successive layers of chambers separated by calcareous laminae, but communicating with each other by canals or septal orifices sparsely and irregularly distributed. Small specimens have thus much the aspect of the modern genera Carpenteria and Polytrema. Like the first of these genera, there would also seem to have been a tendency to leave in the midst of the structure a large central canal, or deep funnel-shaped or cylindrical opening, for communication with the sea-water. Where the laminae coalesce, and the structure becomes more vesicular, it assumes the ' acervuline' character seen in such modern forms as Nubecularia. Still the magnitude of these fossils is enormous when compared with the species of the genera above named ; and from the speci- mens in the larger slabs from Grenville, in the Museum of the Canadian Survey, it would seem that these organisms grew in groups, which ultimately coalesced, and formed large masses pene- trated by deep irregular canals ; and that they continued to grow at the surface, while the lower parts became dead and were filled up with infiltrated matter or sediment. In short, we have to imagine an organism having the habit of growth of Carpenteria, but attaining to an enormous size, and by the aggregation of indi- viduals assuming the aspect of a coral reef The complicated systems of tubuli in the Laurentian fossil indicate, however, a more complex structure than that ol any of the forms mentioned above. I have carefully compared these with the similar structures in the ' supplementary skeleton' (or the shell-substance that carries the var^cular system) of Calcarina and other forms,* and can detect no difiierence except in the somewhat ♦ I desire to express my obligations to the invaluable memoirs of Dr. Carpenter on the Foraminifera, in the Transactions of the Royal Society, and in the publications of the Ray Society ; without which 16 it coarser texture of the tubuli in the Laurentian specimens. It accords well with the great dimensions of those, that they should thus thicken their walls with an extensive deposit of tubulated cal- careous matter ; and from the frequency of the bundles of tubuli, as well as from the thickness of the partitions, I have no doubt that all the successive walls, as they were formed, were thickened in this manner, just as in so many of the higher genera of more modern Foraminifera. It is proper to add that no spicules, or other structures indica- ting affinity to the Sponges, have been detected in any of tlie specimens. As it is convenient to have a name to designate these forms,^ I would propose that of Eozodn, which will be specially appropriate to what seems to be the characteristic fossil of a group of rocks which must now be named Eozoic rather than Azoic. For the species above described, the specific name of Canadense has been proposed. It may be distinguished by the following characters : — EozoiiN Canadense; gen. et spec. nov. General form. — Massive, in large sessile patches or irregular cylinders, growing at the surface by the addition of successive laminsc. Internal structure. — Chambers large, flattened, irregular, with numerous rounded extensions, and separated by walls of variable thickness, which are penetrated by septal orifices irregularly disposed. Thicker parts of the walls with bundles of fine branch- ing tubuli. 'i^ I i: These characters refer specially to the specimens from Grenville and the Calumet. There are others from Perth, C. W., which show more regular lamina9, and in which the tubuli have not yet been observed ; and a specimen from Burgess, C. W., contains some fragments of laminae which exhibit, on one side, a series of fine parallel tubuli like those of Nummulina. These specimens may indicate distinct species ; but on the other hand, their peculiarities may depend on different states of preservation. With respect to this last point, it may be remarked that some of it would have been impossible satisfactorily to investigate the structure and affinities of Eozotin. I have also to acknowledge the kindness of Dr. Carpenter in furnishing me with specimens of some of the forms described in his works. 17 the specimens from Grenville and the Calumet show the structures of the laminae with nearly equal distinctness whether the chambers have been filled with serpentine or pyroxene, and that even the minute tubuli are penetrated and filled with these minerals. On the other hand, there are large specimens in the collection of the Canadian Survey, in which the lower and older parts of the masses of Eozoon are mineralized with pyroxene, and have to a great extent lost the perfection of structure which characterizes the more superficial parts of the same masses, in which the chambers have been filled with a light green serpentine. Dr. Sterry Hunt has directed his attention to the conditions of deposit of these minerals, and will, I have no doubt, be able satisfactorily to explain the manner in which they may have been introduced into the chambers of the fossils without destroying the texture of the latter. It is due to Dr. Sterry Hunt to state that, as far back as 1858, in a paper published in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,* he insisted on certain chemical characters of the Lauren- tian beds as affording " evidence of the existence of organic life at the time of the deposition of these old crystalline rocks"; and that he has zealously aided in the present researches. I may also state that Mr. Billings, the palaeontologist of the Survey, has joined in the request that I should undertake the examination and description of the specimens, as being more specially a subject of microscopical investigation. Before concluding this part of the subject, it is proper to observe that the structures above described can be made out only by the careful study of numerous slices, and in some instances only with polarized light. Even in the more perfect specimens of Eozoon J as those accustomed to such researches will readily under- stand, the accidents of good preservation and the cutting of the slices in the proper place and direction must conspire in order to a clear definition of the more minute structures. It is also to be observed that the specimens present numerous remarkable microscopic appearances, depending on crystallization and concretionfiry action, which must not be confounded with organic structure. It would be out of place to give any detailed description of them here ; but it is necessary to caution observers unaccustomed to the examination of mineral substances under the microscope, as to their occurrence. I may also mention that the • Vol. xr, p. 493. B 18 ;M serpentine presents many curious varieties of structure, especially when associuted with apatite, pyroxene, and other minerals, and that it affords magnificent objects under polarized light, when reduced to sufficiently thin slices. In connexion with these remarkable remains, it appeared desir- able to ascertain, if possible, what share these or other organic structures may have had in the accumulation of the limestones of the Laurentian series. Specimens were therefore selected by Sir W. E. Logan, and slices were prepared under his direction. On microscopic examination, a number of these were found to exhibit merely a granular aggregation of crystals, occasionally with particles of graphite and other foreign minerals ; or a laminated mixture of calcareous and other matters, in the manner of some more modern sedimentary limestones. Others, however, were evidently made up almost entirely of fragments of Eozoon, or of mixtures of these with other calcareous and carbonaceous fragments which afford more or less evidence of organic origin. The contents of these organic limestones may be considered under the following heads : — 1. Remains o{ Eozoon. 2. Other calcareous bodies, probably organic. 3. Objects imbedded in the serpentine. 4. Carbonaceous matters. 5. Perforations, or worm-burrows. 1. The more perfect specimens of Eozoon do not constitute the mass of any of the larger specimens in the collection of the Survey ; but considerable portions of some of them are made up of material of similar minute structure, destitute of lamination, and irregularly arranged. Some of this material gives the impression that there may have been organisms similar to Eozoon^ but growing in an irregular or acervuline manner without lamination. Of this, however, I cannot be certain ; and on the other hand there is distinct evidence of the aggregation of fragments of Eozoon in some of these specimens. In some they constitute the greater part of the mass. In others they are imbedded in calcareous matter of a different character, or in serpentine or granular pyroxene. In most of the specimens the cells of the fossils are more or less filled with these minerals ; and in some instances it would appear that the calcareous matter of fragments of Eozoon has been in part replaced by serpentine. % 19 jcxer, were 2. Intermixed with the fragments of Eozoon above referred to are other calcareous matters apparently fragmentary. They are of various angular and rounded forms, and present several kinds of structure. The most frequent of these is a strong lamination, varying in direction according to the position of the fragments, but corresponding, as far as can be ascertained, with the diagonal of the rhombohedral cleavage. This structure, though crystalline, is highly characteristic of crinoidal remains when preserved in altered limestones. The more dense parts of Eozoon, destitute of tubuli, also sometimes show this structure, though less distinctly. Other fragments are compact and structureless, or show only a fine granular appearance; and these sometimes include grains, patches, or fibres of graphite. In Silurian limestones, fragments of corals and shells which have been partially infiltrated with bituminous matter show a structure like this. On comparison with altered organic limestones of the Silurian system, these appearances would indicate that, in addition to the debris of Eozoon, other calcareous structures, more like those of crinoids, corals, and shells, have contributed to the formation of the Laurentiaa limestones. 3. In the serpentine* filling the chambers of a large specimen of Eozoon from Burgess, there are numerous small pieces of foreign matter; and the silicate itself is laminated, indicating its sedimentary nature. Some of the included fragments appear to be carbonaceous, others calcareous; but no distinct organic structure can be detected in them. There are however in the serpentine many minute rounded siliceous grains of a bright green color, resembling green-sand concretions ; and the manner in which these are occasionally arranged in lines and groups suggests the supposition that they may possibly be casts of the interior of minute Foraminiferal shells. They may however be concretionary in their origin. 4. In some of the Laurentian limestones submitted to me by Sir W. E. Logan, and in others which I collected some years ago at Madoc, Canada West, there are fibres and granules of carbon- aceous matter, which do not conform to the crystalline structure, and present forms quite similar to those which in more modern limestones result from the decomposition of algae. Though retain- ing mere traces of organic structure, no doubt would be entertained [* This is the dark green mineral named logaaite by Dr. Hunt.] 20 'I, I l:li iljl as to their vegetable origin if they were found in fossiliforous limestones. 5. A specimen of impure limestone from Madoo, in the collection of the Canadian Geological Survey, which seems from its structure to have been a finely laminated sediment, shows perforations of various sizes, somewhat scalloped at the sides, and filled with grains of rounded siliceous sand. In my own collection there are specimens of micaceous slate from the same region, with indications on their weathered surfaces of similar rounded perforations, having the aspect of Scolithus, or of worm-burrows. I would observe, in conclusion, that the observations detailed in this paper must be regarded as merely an introduction to a most interesting and promising field of research. The specimens to which I had access were for the most part collected by the explorers of the Survey merely as rocks, and without any view to the possible existence of fossils in them. It may bo hoped, therefore, that other and more perfect specimens may reward a careful search in the localities from which those now described have been obtained. Further, though the abundance and wide distribution of Eozoon, and the important part it seems to have acted in the accumulation of limestone, indicate that it was one of the most prevalent forms of animal existence in the seas of the Laurentian period, the non-existence of other organic beings is not implied. On the contrary, independently of the indications afforded by the limestones themselves, it is evident that in order to the existence and growth of these large Rhizopods, the waters must have swarmed with more minute animal or vegetable organisms on which they could subsist. On the other hand, though this is a less certain inference, the dense calcareous skeleton of Eozo'On may indicate that it also was liable to the attacks of animal enemies. It is also possible that the growth of Eozoon, or the deposition of the serpentine and pyroxene in which its remains have been preserved, or both, may have been connected with certain oceanic depths and conditions, and that we have as yet revealed to us the life of only certain stations in the Laurentian seas. Whatever conjectures we may form on these more problematic points, the observations above detailed appear to establish the following conclusions : — First, that in the Laurentian period, as in subsequent geological epochs, the Bhizopods were important agents in the accumulation of beds of limestone ; and secondly, that in this early period these low forms of animal life attained to a development, in point of magnitude 21 bssiliforous 0 collection ts structure forations of with grains re spccimenti 3ns on their detailed in n to a most pccimens to ;he explorers ) the possible erefore, that ill search in len obtained, n of Eozoon, Accumulation svalent forms I period, the ed. On the ded by the the existence ; must have sms on which a less certain may indicate s. It is also ition of the en preserved, ic depths and ! life of only onjectures we vations above ; — First, that il epochs, the )n of beds of ese low forms Df magnitude and complexity, unexampled, in so far as yet known, in the succeed- ing ages of the earth's history. This early culmination of the Khizopods is in accordance with one of the great laws of the succession of living beings ascertained from the study of the introduction and progress of other groups ; and, should it prove that these great Protozoans were really the dominant type of animals in the Laurentian period, this fact might be regarded as an indication that in these ancient rocks we may actually have the records of the first appearance of animal life on our planet. Since the above was written, thick slices of Eozoon from Oren- ville have been prepared, and submitted to the action of hydrochloric acid until the carbonate of lime was removed. The serpentine then remains as a cust of the interior of the chambers, showing the form of their original sarcoJo-contents. The minute tubuli are found also to have been filled with a substance insoluble in the acid, so that casts of these also remain in great perfection, and allow their general distribution to bo much better seen than in the transparent slices previously prepared. These interesting prepara- tions establish the following additional structural points : 1. That the whole mass of sarcode throughout the organism was continuous ; the apparently detached secondary chambers being, as I had previously suspected, connected with the larger chambers by canals filled with sarcode. 2. That some of the irregular portions without lamination are not fragmentary, but due to the acervuliue growth of the animal j and that this irregularity has been produced in part by the formation of projecting patches of supplementary skeleton, penetrated by beautiful systems of tubuli. These groups of tubuli are in some places very regular, and have in their axes cylinders of compact calcareous matter. Some parts of the specimens present arrange- ments of this kind as symmetrical as in any modern Forarainiferal shell 3. That all except the very "thinnest portions of the walls of the chambers present traces, more or less distinct, of a tubular structure. 4. These facts place in more strong contrast the structure of the regularly laminated specimens from Burgess, which do not show tubuli, and that of the Grenville specimens, less regularly laminated and tubulous throughout. I hesita o owever to regard these two as distinct species, in copscquence of the intermediate characters 22 presented by specimens from the Calumet, which are rogularlj laminated like those of Burgess, and tubulous like those of Oron- ville. It is possible that in the Burgess specimens tubuli originally present have been obliterated ; and in organisms of this grade> more or less altered by the processes of fossilization, large series of specimens should bo compared before attempting to establish specific distinctions. Some additional specimens, from a block consisting principally of serpentine, diflFer from the ordinary Grenville specimens in the more highly crystalline character of the calc-spar and ser- pentine, in the development of certain minute dendritic crys- tallizations, and in the apparent compression and distortion of the fossils. These appearances I regard as duo to the mode of preservation, rather than to any original differences; certain portions less altered than the others presenting the ordinary typical characters. Two slices of limestone from the British Islands, and supposed to be Laurentian, liave been compared with the Canadian lime- stones above noticed. One is a serpentine-marble from Tyree. It appears to be fragmental like some of the Laurentian limestones of Canada, and may contain fragments of Eozoon. The other is from Ireland,* and presents what I regard as traces of organic structure, but not, in so far as can be made out, of the character oi Eozo'un. Both of these limestones deserve careful microscopic examination. Notes on the Structure and AJinities of Eozoon Canadense. By W. B. Carpenter, M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. [la a Letter to Sir William E. Logan, LL.D , F.R.S., F.G.S.] The careful examination which I have made — in accordance with the request you were good enough to convey to mo from Dr. Dawson, and to second on your own part — into the structure of [• Given by mistake as " lona" in the Journal of the Geological Society. It is a specimen of Connemara marble from the collection of Dr. Hunt, who supposed it to be Laurentian. See note on page 4, and for further observations on this marble see below, page 38.] 23 the very extraordinary fossil winch you have brought from the Laurontian rocks of Cuna«]:i,* enables iiio most unhesitatingly to confirm the sagaciou." rlotcrmiii/ition of Dr. Dawsou us to its Ilhi- zopod characters and 1 . iininiferal affinities, and at the eamo time furnishes ne\«' <'videnco ni r»o small value in support of that determination. In thi^ fxnniinatiun I Imvc had the advantage of a series of sections of the ioisil much superior to those submitted to Dr. Dawson ; and also of a largo scries of decalcified specimens, of which Dr. Dawson had only the opportunity of seeing a few ex- amples after his memoir had been written. These last are pecu- iarly instructive ; since in consequence of the complete infiltration of the chambers and canals, originally occupied by the sarcodc- body of the animal, by mineral matter insoluble in dilute nitric acid, the removal of the calcareous shell brings into view not only the internal casts of the chambers, but also casts of the interior of the ' canal-system ' of the ' intermediate' or ' supplemental skele- ton,' and even casts of the interior of the very fine parallel tubuli which traverse the proper walls of the chambers. And, as I have remarked elsewherc,f " such casts place before us far more exact representations of the configuration of the animal body, and of the connexions of its different parts, than wo could obtain even from living specimens by dissolving away their shells with acid; its several portions being disposed to heap themselves together ia a mass when they lose the support of the calcareous skeleton." The additional opportunities I have thus enjoyed will be found, I believe, to account satisfactorily for the differences to be observed between Dr. Dawson's account of the Eozoon and my own. Had I been obliged to form my conclusions respecting its structure only from the specimens submitted to Dr. Dawson, I sliould very probably have seen no reason for any but the most complete accordance with his description : while if Dr. Dawson had enjoyed the advantage of examining the entire series of prepara- tions which have come under my own observation, I feel confident that he would have anticipated the corrections and additions which I now ofiFer. * The specimens submitted to Dr. Carpenter were talien from a block of Eozoon rock, obtained in the Petite Nation Seigniory, too late to afford Dr. Dawson an opportunity of examination. They are from the same horizon as the Grcnville specimens. — W. E. L. t Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera, p. 10. u if nj'-i Although the general plan of growth described by Dr. Dawson, and exhibited in his photographs of vertical sections of the fossil, is undoubtedly that which is typical of Eozoon, yet I find that the acervuline mode of growth, also mentioned by Dr. Dawson, very frequently takes its place in the more superficial parts, where the chambers, which are arranged in regular tiers in the laminated portions, are heaped one upon another without any regularity, as is particularly well shown in some decalcified specimens which I have myself prepared from the slices last put into my hands. I see no indication that this departure from the normal type of structure has resulted from an injury ; the transition from the regular to the irregular mode of increase not being abrupt, but gradual. Nor should I be disposed to regard it as a monstrosity ; since there are 4. Diagram illusthatino the structure of Eozoon. A', A', A'. Three chambers of one layer, communicating with each other directly- at a, and by three passages through a shelly par- tition at b. A^, A^, A^. Three chambers of a more superficial layer. B, B, B. Proper wall of the chambers, composed of finely tubular ehell- substance. C, C, C. Intermediate or supplemental skeleton, traversed by D, a stolon of communication between two chambers of different layers, and by E, E, a canal-system originating in the lacu- nar space F. many other Foramini/era in which an originally definite plan of growth gives place, ia a later stage, to a like acervuline piling-up of chambers. In regard to the form and relations of the chambers, I havp little 25 jular ehell- to add to Dr. Dawson's description. The evidence afiForded by their internal casts concurs with that of sections, in showing that the segments of the sarcode-body, by whose aggregation each layer was constituted, were br very incompletely divided by shelly par- titions ; this incomplete separation (as Dr. Dawson has pointed out) having its parallel in that of the secondary chambers in Carpen- teria. But I have occasionally met with instances in which the separation of the chambers has been as complete as it is in Foramin- ifera generally ; and the communication between them is then established by several narrow passages exactly corresponding with those which I have described and figured in Cydoclypeiis.^ The mode in which each successive layer originates from the one which had preceded it, is a question to which my attention has been a good deal directed ; but I do not as yet feel confident that I have been able to elucidate it completely. There is certainly no regular system of apertures for the passage of stolons giving origin to new segments, such as are found in all ordinary Polytha- lamous Foraminifera, whether their type of growth be rectilinear, spiral, or cyclical ; and I am disposed to believe that where one layer is separated from another by nothing else than the proper walls of the chambers, — which, as I shall presently show, are tra- versed by multitudes of minute tubuli giving passage to pseudo- podia, — the coalescence of these pseudopodia on the external surface would sufiice to lay the foundation of a new layer of sarcodic seg- ments. But where an intermediate or supplemental skeleton, con- sisting of a thick layer of .solid calcareous shell, has been deposited between two successive layers, it is obviois that the animal body contained in the lower layer of chambers must be completely cut oflF from that which occupies the upper, unless some special pro- vision exist for their mutual communication. Such a provision I believe to have been made by the extension of bands of sarcode,^ through canals left in the intermediate skeleton, from the lower to the upper tier of chambers. For in such sections as happen to have traversed thick deposits of the intermediate skeleton, there are generally found passages distinguished from those of the ordi- dary canal-system by their broad flut form, their great trans- verse diameter, and their non-ramification. One of these passages I have distinctly traced to a chamber, with the cavity of which it communicated through two or three apertures in its proper wall * Op. cit., p. 294. 26 I 'I (plate, figure 3. c) ; and I think it likely that I should have been able to trace it at its other extremity into a chamber of the superjacent tier, had not the plane of the section passed out of its course. Riband-like casts of these passages are often to be seen in decalcified specimens, traversing the void spaces left by the re- moval of the thickest layers of the intermediate skeleton. But the organization of a new layer seems to have not unfre- quently taken place in a much more considerable extension of the sarcode-body of the pre-formed layer ; which either folded back its margin over the surface already consolidated, in a manner somewhat like that in which the mantle of a Cyproea doubles back to deposit the final surface-layer of its shell, or sent upwards wall-like la- mellae, sometimes of very limited extent, but not unfrequently of considerable length, which, after traversing the substance of the shell, like trap-dykes in a bed of sandstone, spread themselves out over its surface. Such, at least, are the only interpretations I can put upon the appearances presented by decalcified specimens. For on the one hand, it is frequently to be observed that two bands of serpentine (or other infiltrated mineral), which represent two layers of the original sarcode-body of the animal, approximate to each other in some part of their course, and come into complete continuity ; so that the upper layer would seem at that part to have had its origin in the lower. Again, even where these bands are most widely sepa- rated, we find that they are commonly held together by vertical lamellae of the same material, sometimes forming mere tongues, but often running to a considerable length. That these lamelleD have not been formed by mineral infiltration into accidental fissures in the shell, but represent corresponding extensions of the sarcode- body, seems to me to be indicated not merely by the characters of their surface, but also by the fact that portions of the canal-system may be occasionally traced into connection with them. Although Dr. Dawson has noticed that some parts of the sections which he examined present the fine tubulation characteristic of the shells of the Nummuline Foraminifera, he does not seem to have recognize^ the fact, which the sections placed in my hands have en- abled me most satisfactorily to del ermine, — that the proper walls of the chambers everywhere present the fine tubulation of the Nummu- line shell (plate, figs. 3, 6) ; a point of the highest importance in the determination of the aJKnities of Eozoon. This tubulation, although not seen with the clearness with which it is to be discerned 27 in recent examples of the Nummuline type, is here far better dis- played than it is in the majority of fossil Nummulites, in which the tubuli have been filled up by the infiltration of calcareous matter, rendering the shell-substance nearly homogeneous. In Eozoon those tubuli have been filled up by the infiltration of a mineral different from that of which the shell is composed, and therefore not coalesc- ing with it ; and the tubular structure is consequently much more satisfactorily distinguishable In decalcified specimens,the free mar- gins of the casts of the chambers are often seen to be bordered with a delicate white glistening fringe ; and when this fringe is examined with a suflScicnt magnifying power, it is seen to be made up of a multitude of extremely delicate acicnli, standing side by side like the fibres of asbestos. These, it is obvious, are the internal casts of the fine tubuli which perforated the proper wall of the cham- bers, passing directly from its inner to its outer surface ; and their presence in this situation affords the most satisfactory confirma- tion of the evidence of that tubulation afforded by thin sections of the shell- wall. The successive layers, each having its own proper wall, are often superposed one upon another without the intervention of any sup- plemental or intermediate skeleton such as presents itself in all the more massive forms of the Nummuline series ; but a deposit of this form of shell-substance, readily distinguishable by its homogeneous- ness from the finely tubular shell immediately investing the seg- ments of the sarcode-body, is the source of the great thickening which the calcareous zones often present in vertical sections of Eozoon. The presence oi this intermediate skeleton has been correctly indicated by Dr. Dawson ; but he does not seem to have clearly differentiated it from the proper wall of the chambers. All the tubuli which he has described belong to that canal-system which, as I have shown,* is limited in its distribution to the in- termediate skeleton, and is expressly destined to i-upply a channel for its nutrition and augmentation. Of this canal-system, which presents most remarkable varieties in dimensions and distribution, we learn more from the casts presented by decalcified specimens, than from sections, which only exhibit such parts of it as their plane may happen to traverse. Illustrations from both sources, giving a more complete representation of it than Dr. Dawson's figures afford, have been prepared from the additional specimens placed in my hands (plate, figure 7). Op. r.it., pp. 50, 51. 28 il t 1. It does not appear to Qie that the canal-system takes it? origin directly from the cavity of the chambers. On the contrary^ I believe that, as in Calcarina (which Dr. Dawson has correctly referred to as presenting the nearest parallel to it among recent Foramini/era), they originate in lacunar spaces on the outside of the proper walls of the chamburs, into which the tubuli of those walls open externally ; and that the extensions of the sarcode-body which occupied them were formed by the coalescence of the pseu- dopodia issuing from those tubuli.^ It seems to me worthy of spciial notice, that the canal-system » wherever displayed in transparent sections, is distinguished by a yellowish-brown coloration, so exactly resembling that which I have observed in the canal-system of recent Foruminlfcra (as Poli/stom- ella and Cakurimt) in which there were remains of the sarcode- body, that I cannot but believe the infiltrating mineral to liave been dyed by the remains of sarcode still existing in tlie canals of Eozoun at the time of its consolidation. If this be the case, the preserva- tion of this color seems to indicate that no considerable metamor- phic action has been exerted upon the rock in which this fossil occurs. And I should draw the same inference from the fact that the organic structure of the shell is in many instances even more completely preserved than it usually is in the Nummulites and other Foramini/cm of the xVummulitic limestone of the early Tertiaries. To sum up, — That the Eozoon finds its proper place in the For- aminiferal series, I conceive to be conclusively proved by its accor- dance with the great types of that series, in all the essential charac- ters of organization ; — namely, the structure of the shell forming the proper wall of the chambers, in which it agrees precisely with Kummullna and its allies; tlie presence of an intermediate skele- ton and an elaborate canal-system, the disposition of which reminds us most of Calcarina ; a mode of communication of the chambers when they are mo^t completely separated, which has its exact parallel in Cychdi/peus ; and an ordinary want of complete- ness of separation between the chambers, corresponding with that which is characteristic of Curpenterld. There is no other group of the Animal Kingdom to which Eozoon presents the slightest structural resemblance ; and to the sugges- tion that it may have been of kin to Nullipore, I can oifcr the most distinct negative reply, having many years ago carefully studied '^*^ * Op.cit., p. 221. 29 the structure of that stony Alga, with which that of Kozo'dn has nothing whatever in coninion. The objections which not unnaturally occur to those familiar with only the ordinary forms of Foramini/crn, as to the admission of Eozooii into the series, do not appear to me of any force. These have reference in the first place to the great alze of the organism : and in the second, to its exceptional mode of growth. 1. It must be borne in mind that all the Foramlnl/vra normally increase by the continuous gcunnution of new segments from those previously formed ; and that we have, in the existing types, the greatest diversities in the extent to which tliis gemmation may proceed. Thus in the Ghihigvr'ma', whose shells cover to an un- known thickness the sea-bottom of all that portion of the Atlantic Ocean which is traversed by the Gulf-stream, only eight or ten seg- ments arc ordinarily produced by continuous gemmation ; and if new segments are developed from the last of these, they detach them- selves so as to lay the foundation of independent Globigerincc. On the other hand in Cycloclt/jievs, which is a discoidal structure attain- ing two and a quarter inches in diameter, the number of segments formed by continuous gemmation must be many thousand. Again, the ReceptncnUtcs of the Canadian Silurian rocks, shown by Mr. Salter's drawings* to be a gigantic Orbitolite, attains a diameter of twelve inches ; and if this were to increase by vertical as well as by horizontal gemmation (after the manner of Tlnopnrus or Orhitoi- dcs) so that one discoidal layer would be piled on another, it would form a mass equalling Eozoon in its ordinary dimensions. To say, therefore, that Eozoon cannot belong to the Foramint/cra on ac- count of its gigantic size, is much as if a botanist who had only studied plants and shrubs were to refuse to admit a tree Into the same category. The very same continuous gemmation which has produced an Eozoon would produce an equal mass of independent Glohlgerinrr, if after eight or ten repetitions of the process, the new segments were to detach themselves. It is to be remembered, moreover, that the largest masses of sponges are formed by continuous gemmation from an original Rhizopod segment ; and that there is no i\ priori reason why a Foruminiferal organism should not attain the same dimensions as a Poriferal one, — the intimate relationship of the two groups, not- withstanding the difference between their skeletons, being unques- tionable. First Decade of Canadian Fossils, pi. x. 30 2. The diflSculty arising from the zoophytic plan of growth of Eozoon is at once disposed of by the fact that we have in the recent Poli/trema (as I have shown, op. cit. p. 235) an organism nearly allied in all essential points of structure to Rotalia, yet no less aberrant in its plan of growth, having been ranked by Lamarck among the Millcpores. And it appears to me that Eozoon takes its place quite as naturally in the Nummuline series as Pohjtrema in the Rotaline. As we arc led from the typical Rotalia, through the less regular Planorbtdina, to Tinoporus, in which the cham- bers are piled up vertically, as well as multiplied horizontally, and thence pass by an easy gradation to Poli/trema, in which all regu- larity of external form is lost; so may wo pass from the typical OpercuUna or NummuUna, through Jleterostegina and Cyclody- peiis to Orbitoides, in which, as in Tinoporus, the chambers multiply both by horizontal and by vertical gemmation ; and from Orbitoides-to Eozoon the transition is scarcely more abrupt than from Tinoporus to Poli/trema. The general acceptance, by the most competent judges, of my views respecting the primary value of the characters furnished by the intimate structure of the shell, and the very subordinate value of plan of growth, in the determination of the affinities of Fora- minifera, renders it unnecessary that I should dwell further on my reasons for unhesitatingly affirming the Nummuline affinities of Eozoon from the microscopic appearances presented by the proper wall of its chambers, notwithstanding its very aberrant peculi- arities ; and I cannot but feel it to be a feature of peculiar interest in geologica' inquiry, that the true relations of by far the earliest fossil yet known should be determinable by the comparison of a portion which the smallest pin's head would cover, with organisms at present existing. I nead not assure you of the pleasure which it has afforded me to be able to co-operate with Dr. Dawson and yourself in this development of my previous researches ; but I may venture to add the anticipation that the discovery of Eozoon is the first of many discoveries in the Laurentian series, which will vastly odd to our knowledge of the primaeval life of our globe. And I am strongly inclined also to concur in the belief expressed by T- w Dawson in a private letter to myself, that a more thorough ext;uiination of some of the Silurian fossils (such as Stromatopora) hitherto ranked among corals and sponges, will prove that they are really, like Eozoon and Receptaculites, gigantic Foramini/era. hiiii 1 «f -I i- (',iii,i(li;iii .\'.iliir;i!isl Api'il , ImIi.) . P.i-y LH), ■■■\ ■:^;'^.^^'-;^-'- .^^•' ' 4 ' ' w ^ ^f/f^ g«i^|&-- 4. ,1 :.Si EOZOON CANA^!'^:NSE riAWSON '(). \ 81 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE, Illustratino thb Struoturb and Affinities of Eozoon Canadbnbb. Of the figures here given, 1, 3, 6 a, Gh, and 7, are selected from two plates given by Dr. Carpenter to illustrate his paper ; while 2, 4, and 5, arc from the plates accompaning Dr. Dawson's description, and are from drawings by Mr. Horace II. Smith, the artist of the Survey. The figures, with the exception of 7, are from transparent sections of specimens in which the original shell was well preserved, and its minntest cavities infiltrated with serpentine. Figure 7 is from a speci- men from which the calcareous skeleton was removed by an acid, and represents the internal casts of the tubes, as seen by reflected light. Fig. I. Vertical section of regularly stratified portion of Eozodn showing the ordinarily continuous connection of the cham- bers of each stratum ; magnified 10 diameters. 2. Horizontal section of Eozodn from Grenville, magnified 25 diameters ; «, systems of tubuli ; b, secondary chamber. 3. Portions of two chambers of different layers, showing at a, o, the proper walls of their chambers ; at 6, 6, the intermediate skeleton ; and at c, c, a stoloniferous passage : mag;iified 25 diameters. 4. One of the systems of tubuli cut transversely; magnified 100 diameters. 5. Part of a system of tubuli cut transversely ; magnified 200 dia- meters. 6. Portions of the proper wall of the chambers, showing its Num- muline tubulation, as seen at a in longitudinal, and at b in transverse section; magnified 100 diameters. 7. Cast of the interior of canal-system ; an entire group magni- fied 10 diameters. On the Mineralogy of Eozodn Canadense,'^ By T. Sterry Hunt, M.A., F.R.S. The remains of Eozodn Canadense, a Forarainiferal organism recently discovered in the Laurentian limestones of Canada, pre- sent an interesting subject of study, both to the luineralogist and geologist. For a zoological description of this organic form the reader is referred to the preceding descriptions by Dr. Dawsou and Dr. Carpenter. The details of structure have been preserved by the introduction of certain mineral silicates, which have not only filled up the [* See preliminary notice, Silliman's Journal [2] xxzvii, 431.] 82 I -i, clmnibcrs, colls, and canals left vacant by tlio disappearance of tlio animal matter, but have in very many cases been injected into the tubuli, filling even their smallest ramifications. These silicates have thus taken the place of the original sarcodc, while the calcareous septa remain. It will then be understood that when the replacement of the Eozoon by silicates is spoken of, this is to be understood of the soft parts only ; since the calcareous skeleton is preserved, in most cases, without any alteration. The vacant spaces left by the decay of the sarcode may bo supposed to have been filled by a process of infiltration, in which the silicates were deposited from solution in water, like the silica whicli fills up the pores of wood in the process of silleification. The replacing silicates, so far as yet observed, are a white pyroxene, a pale-green serpentine, and a dark green alumino-magnesian mineral, which is allied in composition to chlorite and to pyrosclcrit^ , and which I have referred to loganitc. The calcareous septa in the last case are found to be dolomitic, but in the other instfmces arc nearly pure carbonate of lime. The nlations of the carbonate .ind the silicates are well seen in thiu sections under the micro- scope, especially by polarized light. The calcite, dolomite, and pyroxene exhibit their crystalline structure to the unaided eye ; and the serpentine and loganitc are also seen to be crystalline when examined with the microscope. "Whea portions of the fossil are submitted to the action of an acid, the carbonate of lime is dissolved, and a coherent mass of serpentine is obtained, T.''ich is a perfect cast of the soft parts of the Eozoon. The form of the sarcode which filled the chambers and cells is beautifully shown, as well as the connecting canals and the groups of tubuli ; these latter are seen in great perfection upon surfaces from which the carbonate of lime has-been partially dissolved. Their preservation is generally most complete when the replacing mineral is serpen- tine, although very [perfect specimens are sometimes found in pyroxene. The crystallization of the latter mineral appears, how- ever, in most cases to have disturbed the calcareous septa. Serpentine and pyroxene arc generally associated in these specimens, as if their disposition had marked different stages of a continuous process. At the Calumet, one specimen of the fossil exhibits the whole of the sarcode replaced by serpentine ; while, in another one from the same locality, a layer of pale green translu- cent serpentine occurs in immediate contact with- the white pyrox- ene. The calcareous septa in this specimen arc very thin, and arc my 33 trunsvorso to the plane of contact of tli«! two minerals; yet they are seen to traverse both the pyroxene and the serpentine with- out any interruption or change. Sonic sections exhibit these two minerals filling adjacent cells, or even portions of the same cell, a clear lino of division being visible between them. In the specimens from Grenville, on the other hand, it would neem as if the develop- ment of the EorMoii (considerable masses of which were replaced by pyroxene) had been interrupted, and that a second growth of the animal, which was replaced by serpentine, had taken place upon the older masses, filling up their interstices. The results of the chemical examination of these fossils from ditlcrent localities may now be given : — I. A specimen of Eozodn from the Calumet, remarkable for the regularity of its laminated arrangement, gave to warm acetic acid 27'0 per cent of soluble matter, consisting of carbonate of lime 971, carbonate of magnesia 2-9 ; = 100. II. Another specimen of the fossil, from Grenville, replaced by pyroxene, yielded in the same way 12-0 per cent of soluble matter, which was composed of carbonate of lime 98-7, carbonate of magnesia 1'3 ; = 100. III. In this specimen of the fossil, which adjoined the last, sorpentine was the replacing mineral. The soluble portion from this equalled 47*0 per cent, and consisted of carbonate of lime 9G0, carbonatcW magnesia 40 ; = 100. It thus appears that tho septa in these specimens of Eowon are nearly pure carbonate of lime. The somewhat larger proportion of magnesia from the last is due to the use, as a solvent, of dilute nitric acid, which slightly attacked the serpentine. The pyroxene of the above specimens is a very pure silicate of lime and magnesia ; that from I gave, by analysis, silica 54-90, lime 27-07, magnesia 1G7G, volatile matter 0-80 ; = 100-13. A partial analysis of tho pyroxene from II yielded lime 28-3, magnesia 13-8. This specimen was interpenetrated with serpentine, amount- ing to about 10-0 per cent, which was first removed by the suc- cessive action of heated sulphuric acid and dilute soda-ley. The serpentine from III yielded silica 42-85, magnesia 41-68, protoxide of iron 0.G7, water 13-89; = 99-09. As already mentioned, this serpentine had lost a little magnesia from the action of nitric acid. A similar serpentine from the Calumet, associated with the Eozoon, gave silica 41-20, magnesia 43-52, protoxide of iron 0.80, water C !' If. 84 15*40; = 100'92. Those sorpontlnos from tho Laurcntian liinc- Btoncs arc remarkable for thoir freedom from iron-oxide, for their their largo amount of water, and their low spccifio gravity.* Specimens of Eozobn from Burgess differ from tho foregoing in tho oompoHition both of tho replacing material and ecpta. Tho latter conHist of a somewhat ferriferous dolomite, tho analysis of which was made upon portions mechanically separat'jd from tho enclosed silicate : it yielded carbonate of magnesia 40-7, carbonate of lime,with a little peroxide of iron, 59-0 ; = 99*7. The septa of tho specimen from this locality arc in somo parts more than 30 milli- metres in thickness, and exhibit the chambers, cells, and septal orifices ; but no tubuli are seen. The replacing material has tho hardness of serpentine, for which it was at first mistaken. Its color is blaokish-grecn ; but olive-green in thin sections, when it is seen by transmitted light to be crystalline in texture. Its frac- turo is granular, and its lustro feebly shining. It is decomposed by heated sulphuric acid, and was thus analyzed, yielding tho re- sult I. The centesimal composition of the soluble portion is given under XI. I. II. III. fcJilictt 33-75 35-U 3G-50 Alumina 9-75 1015 1080 Magnesia 30-24 31-47 28-20 Protoxide of iron 8-19 8-60 0-54 Water 14-08 14-64 14-62 Insoluble sand 2-50 98-51 100-00 99-66 i The silicate which hero takes the place of tho pyroxene and ser. pentine observed in tho other specimens of Eozom is one of frc^ quent occurrence in tho Laurcntian limestones, and appears to con- stitute a distinct species, which I long since described under tho name of loganite, and which occurs at the Calumet in dark brown prismatic crystals.f I have since observed a similar mineral in two other localities besides the one here noticed. The result III, which is placed by the side of the analysis of the Burgess fossil, was obtained with a greenish-grey sparry prismatic variety from North Elmsley, having a hardness of 3-0, and a specific gravity of ♦ See my descriptions, Silliman'a Journal [2J xxvi, 236, t Phil. Mag., 4th ser., vol. ii, p. 65. j'i 35 2' 539. These hydroun aluiiiino-n)n