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Btat i 1 JtAu 1 Ifrt* sro ,«lef*J Jinparta, -M^ C1>- ^^able i-^^WP^'i >^- H'*^*^'^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^«*^^ -^•Tv:i>a.;;j;;r 6\5 ^y* r ., ' ,i: 63 Published Iry J.Dan'Son Ir Son HiblishedTjv J. Dan-son te Son. \ M \4 i f .■Mil M X.I . . •iVt>iilm TWWCTT" - — ••mt.wmm' iipinUIWr '■*■"!<." \ (I \ a HAND BOOK or TUB GEOGBAPHI AND NATUEAL HISTORY or THE PROVINCE or NOVA SCOTIA. V0& THE USE OF SCHOOLS, FAMILIES, AND TRAVELLERS. By J. W. DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., &c., PBINOIPAL OF U'aiLL COLLEGE, MONTREAL. kt| (Kiitet lltbiwit PICTOU : PUBLISHED W MTHERSON AND CO. 1863. % t^f'm^tm^nfnM^rim^iiftmmf^' I'wi'Wjn I m niinywii «'■ \s? FI057.1i'^ Entered for Copyright, according to the Act of the Assemhly, on the Slst day of July 1852, by J. W. Dawbon, of Pictou. 1,1- >!! PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. W80N, I' The importance to the joung of « knowledge of their own country, the meagre and inaccurate accounts of Nova Scotia contained in the ordinary books of Qeograplnr, and the diffi- oultjr of obtaining cheap and suitable means of giving instruc- tion in this department, induced the writer in 1847 to compile a cheap School Map of the Province, and in the followmg year to prepare a Hand Book of the Geography of the country to accompany it. The sale of the latter has now rendered neces' sary a sixth edition, which has been carefully cexiafi^juid some* what eolacgedt and it is hoped gives a toleralSI^ correct view of the natural features and present condition of the Province. The Section on Natural History, introduced into the first edition with the view of promoting the love and study of Na- ture and of exciting a well-directed spirit of inquiry into the natural resources and productions of our country, has in the present edition been somewhat simplified, and additional ex- planations have been added, though the limits of the work and the presumed capacity of those for whom it is intended neces- sarily render it meagre and incomplete. The statements of temperature, &o., in tne article on Climate, are based on the ob- servations of Henry Poole, Esq., of the Albion Mines, Pictou. The population and other statistical details have been cor- \ / rected according to the census of 1861. ' ' With the view of rendering the work more useful as a School Book, and of adapting it to* improved methods of teaching, some changes have been made in the arrangement, and a few intro- ductory lessons have been prefixed. It is not necessary that the words of the book should be committed to memory by the pupils. When they are acquainted with the names and facts, ana more especially with the Map of the Province, and can ex- press their knowledge correctly in their own words, the end is attained. In the Natural History department, it is not intended that the scientific names enclosed in brackets () shall be com- mitted to memory, at least by junior classes. Their principal use is, to enable the teachers and advanced pupils, desirous of further information, fb refer with certaintj to the descriptions in larger works, and to obtain gener^ views of the arrange- ment of the objects composing the great kingdoms of nature. Some knowledge of the nomenclature, as well as the facts of Natural History, is however, in the present day, a necessary element in an advanced or liberal education. The value of this edition is much enhanced by the neat Map Srefixed to it, and which is a reduced copy of Dawson's SchooAf Up of the Province. Pictou, 1862. go; CONTENTS. Section I.— Geooraphy. General Description of Nora Scotia 7 Nova Scutia Proper ...^ 7 Cape Breton 10 Civil Divisions of Nova Scotia » 11 Counties of Nova Scotia Proper 12 Digby ISl Yarmouth »... 14 Shelburne 16 Queen's. »i.» 17 Annapolis., i.i^ « 19 King^ 22 Lunenburg 23 Hants 26 Halifax 27 Colchester 30 Cumberland i i 32 Pictou 33 'Sydney 36 Gu^sboroughi 37 Counties of Cape Breton ^ 39 Eichmond......». 39 Inverness -. 40 Cape Breton 41 Victoria 43 Sable Island 44 Political and Judicial Institutions 45 The Executive 45 Legislative Bodies « ^ 45 Judicial Institutions 46 Beligious Denominations 47 Section II. — Natural History. Climate .50 Geology 53 Zoology ....63 Botany 85 Roads and Distances 92 Pronunciation of Proper Names ...94 Industrial Statistics 95 .. 7 ... 7 ...10 ...U ...12 ...12 ...U ....16 ....17 ....19 ....22 ....23 25 ,,...z* 80 32 33 1 36 37 ...39 39 ....40 41 .43 ....44 45 .45 45 46 47 ..50 ,.,...5o 63 ,85 GEOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY ov NOVA SCOTIA. SECTION L-GEOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTORY LE&SONS. LESSON I. [In teaching children the geography of their conntr^r, with the aid of this manual, the first step should be to ascertain how much geographical knowledge of this kind they already possess. This the teacher may effect by a series of questions sucn as the following :] In what place are we? In what country is it? Of what province is that country a part? What reads are near? To wluit places do they lead ? What other places in Nova Scotia do you know? What rivers are near? What places do they flow through or near? Where do they empty? What bays or harbours do you know? What mountains or hills? In what direction is ? (naming places which have been mentioned.) At what distance ? What do you know of them ? [The teacher may now refer to the map of the province, lay- ing it down on the floor or on a table, as nearly as possible in its true position, in reference to the cardinal points, and point- ing out, or requiring the scholars to point out, the places men- tioned, if they are marked on the map, and asking them to estimate the size of the whole province from the known dis- tances between the places which the have visited or heard of.] 6 GEOGRAPHY ■«w LESSON II. [May take a vrider range, and refer to neigliboxiring and related portions of the world. The children, vrith a map of the world or of America before them, may be asked the fol- lowing questions :] Of what empire is Nova Scotia a province? What other provinces of that empire are near it ? With what continent is Nova Scotia connected? What jpart of that continent? On which side of the continent is it r What ocean lies eastward of it? In about what latitude does it appear on the map to be ? In about what longitude ? (The process of finding these on the map gives a favourable opportunitv for explaining the mode of reckoning latitude and longitude.) In what directioi^ from Nova Scotia is Newfoundland? Labrador? Prince Ed- ward Island? New Brunswick? Canada? The United States ? Is the size of Nova Scotia large or small as compared with Newfoundland? Prince Edward Island? New Brunswick ' Canada? The United States ? America? [The teacher may here explain that as all maps are very much smaller than the countries they represent, so some maps are on a much smaller scale than others ; and will contrast tne appearance of the pro- vince in the map of Nova Scotia, and in tne map of America or of the world. He may also explain the manner i which portions of the spherical surface of the earth are rei 'esented on the flat surfaces of maps.] LESSON IIL [May consist of the county in which the school is s aaied, as given in the book, with the aid of ib«> map.] [The pupils may then go regularly thTongh the b k, the teacher in every lesson using the map, questioning the chuuren, and giving such explanations as he can, where they are re- quired.— The matter may be divided into lessons to suit the convenience of teacher and class.] MiaiMliMiMaMMiMwiMi OP NOVA SCOTIA. 7 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROVINCE. The Province of Nova Scotia is situated on the east- ern side of the continent of North America, between North latitude 43' 26' and 47^ and between West longitude 69° 40' and 66** 26'. It is one of the Provinces of British North America. It was first colonized by the French, by whom it was called Acadie or Acadia. It was finally ceded by France to Great Britain in 1713. Its principal natural divisions are Nova Scotia Pro- per and Cape Breton. Its area is about 18,600 square miles ; its population 330,867, according to the census of 1861. NOVA SCOTIA PROPER. Nova Scotia Proper is a penmsula of a somewhat triangular form, connected with the mainland of North America by an isthmus six miles in breadth. It is bounded on the north-east by Northumberland Strait, St George's Bay, and the Strait of Canseau ; on the south and south-east by the Atlantic Ocean ; and on the north-west by the Bay of Fundy, Chiegnecto Bay, and the Province of New Brunswick. Northumberland Strait is a part of the Gulf of St Lawrence, separating Nova Scotia from Prince Edward Island. St George's Bay is an arm of the Gulf of St Law- 8 GEOGRAPHY •*« rence, included between the eastern part of Nova Scotia and the western part of Cape Breton. The Strait of Canseau is a passage about one mile in breadth, separating Nova Scotia, from Cape Breton, and connecting the Gulf of St Lawrence with th(j Atlantic. The Bay of Fundy is an arm of the Atlantic, par- tially separating Nova Scotia from New Brunswick. It is remarkable for the great height of its tides. Chiegnecto Bay is an arm of the Bay of Fundy. It is divided into two branches, Shepody Bay and Cum- berland Basin. The first of these branches terminates in New Brunswick, and the last in Nova Scotia. The length of Nova Scotia Proper is 256 miles ; its greatest breadth is 100 miles ; and its area abont 15,600 square miles. Its surface is generally raidulatmg or uneven, but not mountainous; it has numerous small lakes and rivers, and the coast abounds in bays and harbours. The scenery, though not grand, is varied and often beautiful. The most important rivers are, the St Mary's, the La Have, the Liverpool, the Annapolis, the Shubena- cadie, and the East river of Pictou. The principal ranges of hills are the Cobequid Moun- tams, the hills extending from Cape St George through Sydney and Pictou Counties, and the south and north Mountains of King's and Annapolis Counticb. The highest of these is the Cobequid Chain, which attains an elevation of about 1 100 feet. Its principal capes and headlands are. Cape St George, Cape Canseau, Cape Sambro, Cape Sable, Digby Neck, Cape Split, and Cape Chiegnecto. The principal bays and arms of the sea are. Cum- I 1 OP NOVA SCOTIA. 9 Loun- l^ough lorth The btains [orge, feck, Jum- berland Basin and Minas Channel and Basin connected with the Bay of Fundy ; St Mary's Bay, Mahone Bay, Margaret's Bay, Chebucto Bay or Halifax Harbour, and Chedabucto Bay, opening to the Atlantic ; and St George's Bay, Tataniagouche Bay, and Bay Verte, on the coast of the Gulf of St Lawrence. The population is 267,774. Exercise. — Where is Nova Scotia situated? Its latitude ? Its longitude ? Of what country is it a province ? By whom first colonized ? What named by them ? When ceded to Great Britain? What are its natural divisions? Find Nova Scotia Proper on the Map. Find Gape Breton. What is the form of Nova Scotia Proper? With what con- nected? By what? Point out the Isthmus. How bounded on the N. E. and £. ? How on the S. and S. E. ? How on the N. W.? Point out Northumberland Strait. Trace its coast. What countries does it separate ? Point out St George's Bay. To what gulf does it belong ? Trace its coasts. Be- tween what coasts does it lie ? Point out the Strait of Ganseau. Trace its coast. What countries does it separate? What waters does it connect ? Point out the Bay of Fundy. Trace its coasts. Of what ocean is it an arm? What countries does it separate ? For what is it remarkable ? What is Ghiegnecto Bay i Its branches ? Point out Ghiegnecto Bay. Shepody Bay. Gumberland Basin. What is the length of Nova Sco- tia ? Its breadth ? Its area ? How many acres are in a square mile? What is the character of its surface? What is the meaning of undulating ? Are its mountains high or numerous as compared with those of some other countries ? Has it many lakes or rivers ? Are they large or small ? With what does its coast abound? What is the character of its scenery? Name one of its ranges of hills. Trace it and name the coun- ties through which it passes. Another. Trace it. Another. Trace it. Another. Trace it. Which is the highest of these ? What is its elevation ? From what is the height of hills meas- ured ? [the level of the sea.) How much less than a mile are 1100 feet? Name aiid point out one of its principal bays. Another, &c. What is the population of Nova Scotia? [The above is given merely as an example. To append an exercise to every lesson would unnecessarily increase the bulk of the book. The Teacher can easily treat every lesson in a similar manner, allowing the children to answer in their own words, or in those of the book, and explaining any words of a novel or dif&cult character.] 10 GEOOBAPHY ! CAPE BRETON. Cape Breton is an island of a very irregular form, lying on the north-east of Nova Scotia Proper. It is bounded on the north-west by the Gulf of St Lawrence, on the south-west by St George's Bay and the Strait of Canseau, and on the north-east and south- east by the Atlantic Ocean. Its greatest length is 100 miles, its greatest breadth 72 miles, its area about 3000 square miles. Its surface is in general similar to that of Nova Scotia Proper. In the northern part of the inland the surface is elevated and imeven ; in the southern and eastern parts it is undulating, with some ranges of low hills. The eastern coast is very much indented by arms of the sea, while on the western coast harbours and inlets are rare. The most important rivers are the Margarie^ Inhab- itants, and Mir^. The principal capes and headlands are. Cape North, Cape St Lawrence, Cape Egmont, Cape Enfum^, Cape Dauphin, Cape Murgain, Cape Breton, Cape Mabou. The most important bays and arms of the sea are the Bras d'Or Lake, which nearly divides the isknd into two parts, and communicates with the sea by two channels, the Great and Little Bras d'Or ; Aspy Bay, Sydney Harbour, St Ann's Bay, Mir^ Bay, Gabarus Bay, and St Peter's Bay ; all opening to the Atlantic. The population of Cape Breton is 63,083. tl P« th M 001 OP NOVA SCOTIA. 11 CIVIL DIVISIONS OF NOVA SCOTIA. [orth, Cape )0U. )a are |y two Bay, ibaruB itic. The principal civil divisions of Nova Scotia are, Counties and Townships. Counties are the most important of these divisions. Each county sends representatives to the House of Assembly, has a Sheriff and a bench of Magistrates, has two Sessions of the Supreme Court in each year, and has the power of levying taxes within its limits. There are eighteen Counties ; fourteen of which are in Nova Scotia Proper, and four in Cape Breton. Their names are : Digby. Yarmouth, Shelbume. Queen's. Annapolis. King's. Lunenburg, Hants. Halifax. Colchester. Cumberland. Pictou. Sydney. Guysborough, Inverness. Richmond, Cape Breton, Victoria. Townships are subdivisions of Counties, Most of them were originally tracts of land granted to Com- panies or Associations for the purpose of settlement. Townships can assess themselves for the support of the poor ; some of them have the privilege of sending Members to the Assembly. [The teacher should require the pupils to point out the counties on the loap and trace their forms.] n GEOGEAPHY l._THB COCNTTT OP MOBY. ^ ^^ Pigby is l>oundea on the "^JjT^f o^outh by FundTf on ^^^^^1,^ ^t^ ^i by the County rx»:^%Si^S^st.8tM.y.Ba. Thelargestindentafonw^ <=» p^^^y ^ the ^„ow peninsula of Dighy ^ _ its extremity. „„„„vv are Long Wand and Briar The islands of this county are i. s .^ ^^^^^4 IbS separated fr°™^f',^ g'y Neck by the PetH ^^tlSalriveristheSis^oo;..^^^^ S3iLSi.eXree:"oL"^iiesfroniitsniouth, and forms a good i^'^o'ir. p. ^ the county to chief to^"\'''!^;!f Kolis Basin ; Weymou A, to^, on theses ^de;fAnn^,,. ^,^^^^^^ „„ 5^, at the mouth of °is^«"° ^^ coast. Wand; and f ='«> °" *';;^;^re Digby and Clare. The townships of this couny^.^y_ on The soil of *«/»""i;,e1 Ind fertile, but stony ; Digby Keck it is ^a'^'^-^t Ws Bay and Annapolis ontheistbmus ^et^.T ^'?2eraUy fe^ile ; in be OP NOVA SCOTIA. 18 R. 5ay of athby Jounty '8 Bay, by the ands at id Briar ± named :be Petit L part of L of con- ty. It is Lts mouth, ■be county V^eymouth, t, on Briar and Clare. lality. O^ , but stony; d Annapolis tile; in the ate fertility, bead of St tnarsh land. The principal exports of Digby are fish, agricultural produce, lumber, and cordwood. The first settlers of Digby were loyalists from the United States, and French Acadians. The former occupied the northern part of the county. The latter, who were part of those expelled from the province and afterwards permitted to return, settled in 1768 on the shores c/ its southern part, now the township of Clare. The population of Digby in 1838 was 9269. It is now 14,751. The coast of the township of Clare is low. The French Settlements form an almost continuous belt along the shore; and the small vessels by which they trade with the United States are sheltered by piers erected at several points along the coast, which is destitute of good harbours. Near the Sissiboo River, the country is very agreeably diversified ; and in this part of the coast, St Mary's Bay and the opposite high land of Digby Neck present a fine appearance. The town of Digby is prettily situated on a steep slope facing the east ; and the high clifiB on either side of Annapolis Gut, the shore of Granville, the expanse of Annapolis Basin, and the uneven grounds of the Joggins and Bear River, afford many fine views from the town and its vicinity. The town of Digby exports smoked herring, cordwood, fruit, and farm produce, and carries on much trade with St John, to which place steamers ply regularly. Annapolis Gut, the only outlet of the Basin of the same name, is a very picturesque strait, the trappean cliffs on either side rising to a great height. The tides of the Bay of Fundy rush through it very rapidly. 14 GEOGRAPHY Q THE \;uui^^*- - - niibv • on the west and »«"* J^ of Shelbnrne. "^"l ts principal riv^ » *« J-;j -f Digby, and Who«e ..LakeWfJ^f -S^oflaLs. Its n«un branch coarse is througn » ^ is named Salmon River. n,uneron8, ocour- ""^e lakes of this co^Vthele^ «»* =*^'"°''- «net«««» ,^£ o" which Ship Harbour Halifax has »»"'7"'jnhe largest. . Lake and Grand Lake f e the 'a |^ ^^^ Dartmout , The principal towns are m important hoth on the harbour of HaUfax. 1 M„«q„odobo.t aSicultural settlements are th-eof^^^^ ^^^ aid SackviUe Rivers On to ^^.^^^^ ^^^^i^yed settlements, the people of whic ^"Xa?of Halifax is the <^S^ TZ JiCSo- ::^5r^nerally uneven ana The surface of this «°""Y ''J^aie. On the mar- rocky, wd in "^"y I"*^ JLcially of the Musquo- Xfjf the rivers, ^o^^^^^f S L^l ; and near the doboit, tbe'^f./'\r;:tony sous have been rendered town of Hahfax, very ^-y ^^^ „, ^he county is the CX^^^^^^^S:^ U i^ the prin- The trade of Halifax is exten ^ ^^uropean, Province BuUding, con^n'"g P^^^^^^^^^ g„p,eme legislative Council, Hou^ » . ^^e Govei-nment Court, and various P^^^^f ueutenant-governor ; Dal- House, or''^^^. utterance Hall ; and a number housie CoUege ; *^J*^|,,iastical edifices, of churches and other eccie OF NOVA SCOTIA. 29 Long bour LOUtb^ 3rtaut ioboit [lerous ployed Scotia, in the U. Its x» Dart- ^even and the mar- Husquo- near the . rendered inty is the •ax are, tue iits for the y, Supreme 3^ovemment ernor-, Da^ ,nd a number es. Tlie British Government have erected at Halifax an extensive dockyard for refitting ships of war ; barracks for the troops stationed at Halifax ; and a strong forti- fication on Citadel Hill, overlooking the town. The city of Halifax was founded hi 1747 by English, Irish, and German emigrants, brought thither at the expense of the British Government. Dartmouth was founded in 1750, but in 1766 it was destroyed by the Indians. In 1 784 it was again settled by emigrants from Nantucket, most of whom removed in 1793. Since that time its population has gradually increased. The population of Halifax in 1838 was 28,570. It is now 49,021. The county of Halifax extends for about eighty miles along the rocky and barren south coast of the province ; and, with the exception of the valley of the Musquodoboit River, contains little fertile soil. Many parts of its coast are, however, of great value for the prosecution of the fishery. The city of Halifax is situated on the west side of the harbour, on the slope of an eminence crowned by the citadel. It presents a fine appearance from the water, and its harbour is one of the best in the world. The appearance of its prin- cipal streets has of late years been much improved, and portions destroyed by fire have been replaced by better buildings. Dartmouth on the east side of Halifax Harbour is a large village, and may be viewed as a suburb of the capital, with which it is connected by a steam ferry. Halifax is supported by its foreign and country trade, the garrison, the provincial govern- ment, and a few manufactures. It is now being con- nected with the interior of the province by railways and a canal. . 30 GEOQBAPBY ,0.-™. »rr.n" *""rs .» jr ^.t bv Pictou County. f„™ine the eastern part east oy * »" „, those fornung ""> , , Its principal hiUs^ x extending vrestward irom ot the Cobequid «^f"' /r, ^ «{ the county, iarlton along tl'^, '[^"^^.rC the extremity of the %s hays -« XyofF-^y'-*?T'?l.te - southern arm f ^''^fChumberland Strait. These Sjs^e^e'^r^^^ours^me^-^^^ Its principal rivers are '^«°'S!toon, North, Chiga- rm^e townships oi v.u^ .^^^^ ,.^,,,,^ed, and The surface ot ^-o'tu l^ a great variety f'^f'-.^ „„ Tatamagouche Bay, ri"ru.l.ra. «"«!'«;?;,».„ W™*"!!* are of great ^^*^y- OF NOVA SCOTIA. 31 the ;adie itbe I patt from of the Touche These The part of the county south of the Cohequid ridge has an undulating surface, generally susceptible of cul- tivation, though in some parts light and gravelly. It includes much river intervale, and valuable marsh lands on the shore of Cobequid Bay. The most valuable minerals of this county are iron ore, a large deposit of which occurs in the rear of Lon- dondei*ry township ; coal, of which there are small beds in various places ; gypsum, and limestone. The principal occupation of the people of Colchester is agriculture ; shipbuilding and the lumber-trade are also carried on, especially at Tatamagouche. Colchester was first settled by Acadian French, who cultivated the marshes of Londonderry, Onslow, and Truro. After their expulsion, these townships were occupied by emigrants from the north of Ireland and Massachusetts. — The population of Colchester in 1838 was 11,225. It is now 20,045. Truro is a large and beautiful village, in the centre of a very fine agricultural district. The Stewiacke River in the southern part of the county possesses an extent of intervale probably greater than that of any other river in Nova Scotia. The belt of country ex- tending along the south side of the Cobequid Hills is a thickly settled and flourishing district, and its import- ance has recently been much increased by the opening of the valuable iron mines of the Londonderry Hills, and the discovery of marble, sulphate of barytes, and copper ores, at the Five Islands. Tatamagouche, on the north- ern coast, carries on an extensive trade in ships and lumber ; and on the banks of the French and Waugh's Rivers, and the hills of New Annan and Earlton, there are fine agricultural settlements. The provincial Nor- mal and Model Schools, and the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church, have been placed in Truro. 32 GEOORAPUY 11. —THE COUNTY OP CUMBERLAND. Cumberland is bounded on the north by Northum- berland Straits ; on the north-west by New Brunswick, Cumberland Basin, and Chiegnecto Bay ; and on the south and south-east by Minas Channel and Basin, and the county of Colchester. Its principal harbours are Pugwash and Wallace, on the north coast ; Cumberland Basin, Apple Kiver, Advocate Harbour, and Partridge Island, on the coast of the Bay of Fundy. Its largest rivers are the Hebcrt, Maccan, and Napan, running into Cumberland Basin ; the Partridge Island River, running into jVIinas Basin ; and the Wallace, Philip, and Shinimicas, running into Northumberland Straits. Its principal range of hills is the Cobequid Chain, which extends eastward from Chiegnecto till it enters Colchester County. It forms a broad and rather ex- tensive tract of broken and elevated land. The principal towns and villages are Amhe^'st, the county town, near Cumberland Basin ; Pugwash and Wallace, on the shore of Northumberland Strait ; Mill Village and Parrsborough, on the Minas Basin. The townships of Cumberland are Amherst, Wallace, and Parrsborough. The surface of the northern part of Cumberland is undulating, and nearly all the land is susceptible of cultivation, though much of it is light and sandy. The best uplands are those near the shore of North- umberland Straits, but near Cumberland Basin there are valuable and extensive tracts of diked marsh. The southern part of the county, including the hilly districts of the Cobequid chain, and the coast of the Minas Channel and Basin, is generally uneven and stony, but contains some fertile land. The most valuable minerals of Cumberland are coal, OF NOVA SCOTIA. d8 iim- ick, tlie , and llacc, liver, coast ^apan, Island Philip, jtraits. Chain, D enters ther ex- E^-st, the rash and ait; Mill jerland is eptible of sandy, of North- asin there larsh. g the hilly oast of the meven and xid are coal, '■rtfe wliich occurs at the Joggins, Maccan River, and Spring Hill ; gypsum, limestone, and sandstone. The principal branches of industry pursued in tliis county are agriculture, shipbuilding, and lumbering, which are extensively carried on, especially on the northern coast ; and the quarrying of grindstones and coal mining, which are pursued at the Joggins. The lirst settlers in Cumberland were French emi- grants, some of whose descendants still remain in the county. The earliest British settlers were emigrants from the New England States, Yorkshire, and the north of Ireland. The population of Cumberland in iodS was 7572. It is now 19,533. Cumberland is a large county, thickly settled along its shores, but having large tracts of uncultivated land in its interior. Amherst is a neat village, on a level plateau overlooking the extensive marshes at the head of Cumberland Basin. Pugwash and Wallace are ra- pidly-growing and considerable villages, carrying on an extensive trade in ships and lumber, and surrounded by large agricultural settlements, the principal of which are those of the Gulf Shore and Wallace River. River Philip, Maccan River, Ilebert River, and Minudie, have good agricultural settlements. The settlement of the Joggins derives considerable importance from its coal mines and grindstone quarries. Advocate Harbour and Mill Village are the principal seats of shipbuilding, lumbering, and the coasting trade, on the south coast. 12. — THE COUNTY OF PICTOU. Pictou is bounded on the south-west and west by Colchester ; on the north by Northumberland Strait ; on the east by Sydney County ; on the south by Hali- fax and Guysborough Counties. L < c ^^B?in— 34 GEOGRAPHY Its principal harbours are River John, Cariboo, rictou, and Merigomish. Its largest rivers are River John, the East, Middle, and West Rivers of Pictou ; Sutherland's, French, and Barney's Rivers. The principal towns and villages are Pictou, the county town, on the north side of Pictou Harbour; New Glasgow and the Albion Mines on the East River; Belle vue on the River John ; and Durham on the AVest River. The agricultural settlements are numerous and extensive. The principal educational institution is Pictou Aca- demy, founded in 1816. It is under no denominational control. The townships of this county are Pictou, Egerton, and Maxwellton. The surface of this county is in general undulating or rising into low hills. In the western part of the county is a group of hills which are outliers of the Cobequid range ; the principal of these are Mount Thom, Mount Ephraim, and Mount Dalhousie. In the southern part of the county there is a more extensive hilly district, which, though not very elevated, often has a broken and rocky surface. The soil in the lower parts of the county is generally of good quality, and everywhere capable of cultivation. In the hilly districts it is often stony; but these districts also contain some of the most fertile soils of the county. Pictou contains no marsh lands, but there are valuable intervales on the margins of all the rivers. The useful minerals of this county are coal, iron ore, iVeestone, gyjjjsum, and limestone. ^-^ The principal exports are coal, ships, and lumber; agricultural produce, especially oatmeal; pork and butter ; grindstones and freestone. MM NWH wm OF NOVA SCOTIA. 35 boo, Idle, and the New iver ; West B and Aca- tional 1 it erton, , ilating of the of the ount In the ensive often imber ; tk and The coal exported from Pictou is procured at the Al- bion Mines on the East River. The quantity shipped in 1850 was 67,382 chaldrons. In 1861 it was 162,870 tons. The first settlers in Pictou were emigrants from Maryland, who arrived in 1765. They were joined, eight years afterward, by thirty families from the High- lands of Scotland. The greater part of the present population consists of Scotsmen and their descendants. The population of Pictou in 1838 was 21,449. It is now 28,785. Pictou has a larger agricultural population than any of the other counties, and in its older settlements the art of farming is in a more advanced condition than in most other parts of the province. The town of Pictou is closely and somewhat irregularly built, on a slope facing the south, on the north side of Pictou Harbour. Its site is agreeable, and its streets and buildings have recently been much extended and improved. Shipbuilding is extensively carried on at the town of Pictou and other places in the harbour ; and agricultural produce, lumber, and build- ing-stone are exported. New Glasgow is a large and thriving village, exporting lumber, ships, and agri- cultm'al produce. The Albion Mines are surrounded by a considerable population, engaged principally in the mining and transport of coal. The excavations at the Albion Mines are very extensive, and are drained and worked by steam engines. A large part of the older works was destroyed in 1850 by the falling of the roof; but two new pits have since been opened. The coal is conveyed by locomotive engines on a rail- road, five miles in length, to the extremity of a long wooden pier on the south side of Pictou Harbour, for shipment. Durham and Bellevue are small villages. Shipbuilding is largely carried on at the latter place. 36 GEOGRAPHY 13.— THE COUNTY OF SYDNEY. Sydney is bounded on the north and east by North- umberland Strait, St George's Bay, and the Strait of Canseau ; on the west by Pictou County ; and on the south-east by Guysborough. The principal harbours are Antigonish, Pomket, Tracadie, Harbour au Bouche ; there is also a pier for the shelter of small vessels at Arisaig. The largest rivers are the South, West, and Right's River, running into Antigonish Harbour ; and Pomket River, running into the harbour of the same name. The principal range of hills is that extending west- ward from Cape St George, and connected with the hills of Pictou County. The only considerable lake is Lochaber or College Lake, a beautiful sheet of water five miles in length. The most important towns and settlements are An- tigonish, the county town, situated at the confluence of the Right's and AVest Rivers, Arisaig, Tracadie, South River, and Lochaber. The townships of Sydney are Dorchester or An- tigonish, Arisaig, Tracadie, and St Andrews. The surface of Sydney presents a large and fertile valley of a triangular form, occupying the centre of the' county, and bounded on two sides by broken and hilly districts which meet in the western part of the county ; these hills are not of great elevation, and contain many tracts of good soil. The useful minerals of Sydney are gypsum and lime- stone ; the former of these is ejcported, though not in large quantity. The principal branches of industry are agriculture aud the fishery. The principal exports are cattle, grain, and fish. ■-rj|f|||M|W(Ggaj*^wrB;«w.'gaE v^^^^^^rHm^.^' OP NOVA SCOTIA. 37^ The first British settlers in Sydney were disbanded soldiers who were located there in 1784. The greater part of the present population of the county consists of emigrants from the Highlands and Islands of Scot- land and their descendants. The population of Sydney in 1838 was 7103. It is now 14,871. In natural beauty and fertility, Sydney is inferior to none of the other counties ; and it contains many fine agricultural settlements. Antigonish is very prettily situated on a raised intervale, at the base of some pic- turesque eminences, forming a spur of the Antigonish mountains. A population of Scottish origin predomi- nates in the large settlements of the Gulf Shore, Cape St George, West River, Ohio, Lochaber, South River, and in other parts of the north and centre of the county. Tracadie in the south is chiefly settled by the French. 14. — THE COUNTY OF GUYSBOROUGH. Guysborough is bounded on the south-west by the county of Halifax ; on the north by Pictou and Sydney Counties ; on the north-east and east by the Strait of Canseau and Chedabucto Bay ; and on the south by the Atlantic. Its principal harbours are Milford Haven and Crow Harbour, in Chedabucto Bay ; Canseau, Whitehaven, Country Harbour, St Mary's River, Liscomb Harbour, Wine Harbour, Marie Joseph Harbour, and numerous others of smaller size on the Atlantic coast. Its principal rivers are the St Mary's, a river not inferior in magnitude to any in the province ; Country Harbour River ; and Liscomb River. The principal towns are Guysborough, the county town ; Sherbrooke, at the head of the tide on St Mary's 38 GEOGRAPHY Kiver ; and Canseau or Wilmot, at the extremity of the peninsula of Cape Canseau. The townships of Guysborough are Manchester, Guysborough, and St Mary's. The surface of this county is in the northern part generally cultivable, and in some parts, especially on the east and west branches of the St Mary's River, and on the North side of Chedabucto Bay, both beautiful and fertile. The southern half of the county, including the Atlantic coast, and the south shore of Chedabucto Bay, is rugged and uneven, but has some useful soil on the borders of the rivers. This county was first settled in 1784, 1785, and 1786, by loyalists and disbanded soldiers from the United States. Most of these earlier settlements were not very prosperous, and the county made few permanent advances till a later period. The population of Guysborough in 1827 was 5657 : in 1838, 7447. It is now 12,713. The south coast of Guysborough is in most parts rocky and barren, and inhabited by fishermen. The villages of Canseau and Sherbrooke, however, in this part of the county, are very thriving and prosperous. The northern half of the county, though in many places hilly and rocky, contains much fertile soil, and some fine agricultural settlements. The harbour of Guys- borough, or Milford Haven, has much natural beauty, and the town is picturesquely perched on a steep rising ground on its western side. Granite for building and millstones abound in the southern part of the county ; and there &^e large beds of limestone near the town of Guysborough. Important gold discoveries have been made at several places in this county. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 39 some COUNTIES OF CAPE BRETON. 1. — THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. Richmond is bounded on the north-west and north by Inverness County and the Bras d'Or Lake ; on the south-west and south by the Strait of Canseau, Cheda- bucto Bay, and the Atlantic ; on the north-east by Cape Breton County. To this county belong Isle Madame and Janvrin's Island, both situated on the south coast. Its principal bays and harbours are the West Bay of the Bras d'Or Lake, St Peter's Bay, and Arichat Harbour. Its principal rivers are the Inhabitants and Grand Rivers, both running towards the Atlantic coast. The principal towns and settlements are Arichat, the county town, in the Isle Madame ; L'Ardoise, St Peter's, Grand River, and West Bay. Its townships are Arichat, Maitland, Lennox, and Hawksbury. The surface of Richmond is generally low, with some slight elevations at the eastern and western extremities of the county. The soil is generally cultivable, the best tracts being on the shores of Bras d'Or Lake and the margins of the rivers. The inhabitants of this county are employed chiefly in the fisheries and coasting trade. The agricultural settlements are, however, increasing in importance. The principal export is fish, which is sent to Europe, the West Indies, and the Brazils. Richmond was first settled by the French, and a great part of the present population consists of their descendants, — the remainder of the people are chiefly emigrants from the Highlands of Scotland. The population of Richmond in 1838 was 7667. It is now 12,607. 40 GEOGRAPHY \l 1 The most remarkable natural feature of this county is the isthmus of St Peter's, which connects the eastern and western divisions of Cape Breton. It is less than half a mile in width, and boats passing between the great Bras d'Or Lake and Arichat are frequently- drawn across it by men and oxen. It has been pro- posed to connect the Bras d'Or with the Atlantic, by a canal crossing this isthmus. The scenery near St Peter's, and at some points on the shores of the West Bay and the Bras d'Or, is pleasing ; but the greater part of the county is bare and uninteresting. Arichat consists of a long and irregular street, extending along the shore of the commodious and very accessible har- bour of the same name. Its principal trade is the export of fish and furnishing supplies to fishermen. Many coasting vessels are owned at this port. There are valuable beds of gypsum on the northern side of Isle Madame ; and coal measures, not apparently of a very productive character, in the western part of the county. Limestone abounds in many places. 2. — THE COUNTY OP INVERNESS. Inverness is bou'ided on the north-west by the Gulf of St Lawrence ; on the west and south-west by St George's Bay and the Strait of Canseau ; on the south- east by Richmond County and the Bras d'Or Lake ; on the east by Cape Breton County. Its principal bays and harbours are Whykokomagh and Basin St Denis, on the Bras d'Or Lake ; Ship Harbour, in the Strait of Canseau ; Port Hood, Mabou, Margarie, and Cheticamp, on the coast of the Gulf of St Lawrence. The largest river is the Margarie, which issues from Ainslie or Margarie Lake, the largest body of fresh water in Cape Breton, and runs into the Gulf of St Lawrence. « OF NOVA SCOTIA. 41 « The principal towns and settlements are Port Hood, the county town; Mabou, Margarie, and Cheticamp, on the coast of the Gulf of St Lawrence ; Ship Har- bour, in the Strait of Canseau ; and Whykokomagh. The townships of Inverness are Port Hood, Canseau, Margarie, and Ainslie. The surface of this county in the northern part, be- tween Cape St Lawrence and Margarie, is generally elevated and unproductive. The southern part of the county is lower, and the soil everywhere valuable. The greater part of the population is employed in agriculture ; but the fishery is also pursued to a con- siderable extent. The first settlers in Inverness were French, but the greater part of the present population consists of emigrants from the Highlands of Scotland and their descendants. The population in 1838 was 13,642. It is now 19,967. ^1 The county of Inverness presents much bold and ro- mantic scenery ; and the soil in the vicinity of Mabou, on the Margarie Rivisr and Lake Ainslie, the shores of the Bras d'Or Lake and the River Inhabitants, is not surpassed by any in the province. In these districts there are fine agricultural settlements, usually export- ing considerable quantities of cattle and farm produce. Port Hood and Ship Harbour are small villages ; and these, with Plaister Cove, Mabou, and Margarie, are the principal seats of trade. Coal occurs at Port Hood; and limestone, gypsum, and freestone are found at Ma- bou, Port Hood, Plaister Cove, and several other places. 3. — THE COUNTY OF CAPE BRETON. Cape Breton is bounded on the north-west and west by Victoria and the Bras d'Or Lake ; on the south- ' 42 GEOGRAPHY n*i h ! west by Bras d'Or Lake and Richmond ; on the east by the Atlantic. Its principal bays and inlets are Little Bras d'Or, Sydney Harbour, Mir^ Bay, Louisburg Harbour, and Gabarus Bay, on the Atlantic coast ; and East Arm on the Bras d'Or Lake. Its largest islands are Boulardarie Island, between the Great and Little Bras d'Or, and Scatari, which is the most eastern part of the province. Its principal river is the Mir^, which resembles a long and narrow lake. The surface of this county is generally undulating, and often very fertile. The valuable minerals of Cape Breton County are ooal, gypsum, and limestone. The first of these is extensively worked at North Sydney by the General Mining Association. 53,000 chaldrons were raised in 1851. Mines have also been opened at Bridgport, on the south side of Sydney Harbour, and at Boulardarie. The principal towns and settlements are Sydney, the county town, on the harbour "of the same name ; the Bar and coal mines at North Sydney; Boulardarie, Bridgport, Mir^, Louisburg, &c. The townships of Cape Breton are Sydney, St Pat- rick's, and St Andrew's. In this county are the ruins of Louisburg, founded by the French Government in 1720, as their principal naval and commercial station on the coast of North America. It was taken by the British Provincial troops in 1745, restored to the French in 1749, and retaken and destroyed in 1768. The first settlers in this county were French. The greater part of the present inhabitants are emigrants from Scotland and Ireland, and their descendants. The population is now about 30,509. The return in 1838 was 14,111, including Victoria. OF NOVA SCOTIA, 43 *at- The town of Sydney is agreeably situated on the eastern side of the south-west arm of the harbour ; and the neighbouring country, on both sides of the arm, has a pleasing appearance. The Bar at North Sydney is a rapidly growing village, being the principal place of the shipment of coal, and the seat of the largest mercantile establishment in the harbour. The coal is conveyed from the mines to the Bar by a railway. The mines are situated at the very mouth of the har- bour, on a rounded promontory, on one side facing the Atlantic, and on the other the harbour. The natural features of this county are very varied and often of great beauty, and its mineral resources are not inferior to those of any other county in the province. 4. — THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Victoria is bounded on the north-west by Inverness ; on the east by the Atlantic ; and on the south-east and south by Cape Breton County and the Bras d'Or Lake. Its principal bays and harbours are Aspy Bay, St Ann's Bay, and Great Bras d'Or, opening to the Atlantic ; Baddeck Harbour, and St Patrick's Chan- nel, in the Bras d'Or Lake. Its principal rivers are the Bedeque and Middle, both small streams, but with fertile soil and fine agri- cultural settlements on their banks. In this county are the promontories of Cape North and Cape Enfum^ or Smoky Cape, the former the northern extremity of the province — the latter said to be the highest headland in Cape Breton. The principal towns and settlements are Baddeck,* the county town, Bedeque River, Middle River, Boul- ardarie, St Ann's, Inganish, and Aspy Bay. tm ^— — ■■■■»! ■■!■ ■ lll»»— ^— ■ I ■! I ■■■■■■ II 11 ■!■ Mll^— — ^M^M^^— * So spelled in the Act establishing the county ; in maps usually Bedeque. 44 GEOGRAPHY The inhabitants of this county are chiefly emigrants from Scotland and their descendants. Their principal occupation is agriculture. The population is about 9643. The north side of Boulardarie Island, the peninsula of Washabok, and the country near the mouths of Be- deque and Middle Rivers, are low and fertile. The remainder of the county consists of wooded hills and elevated table-lands, with belts of low and very fertile soil in the valleys and along the coast. The north side of the Great Bras d'Or, the coast extending toward Cape North, and the hills in the interior of the county, present much bold and romantic scenery. SABLE ISLAND. Sable island is a dependency of Nova Scotia. It is situated between north latitude 44° and 43° 54'', and between west longitude 60° 12' and 59" 40'. It is distant from Cape Canseau about 87 geographical miles. Its breadth varies from 1 to 2 miles, and its length is 25 miles. It consists of sand thrown up by the sea and wind, and forming hillocks, some of which are 100 feet in height. The greater part of its surface is covered with coarse grass, and cranberry and whortleberry bushes ; and this vegetation supports a few herds of wild horses and great numbers of rabbits. Sable Island is best known as the scene of numerous shipwrecks ; its position in the usual track of ships sailing between Britain and Nova Scotia, and the shoals by which it is surrounded, causing it to be extremely dangerous to navigators. For this reason there are stationed on the island a superintendent and several men, who are supported at the joint expense of the governments of Nova Scotia and Great Britain, for the purpose of rescuing and aiding shipwrecked seamen. Jl OF NOVA BCOTIA. 45 nts Lpal >43. 3ula Be- The and irtile .side ward anty, It 18 t', and listant J. Its I miles. L wind, feet in id with ►ushes ; , horses merous )f ships shoals tremely island a orted at 'a Scotia ling and POLITICAL AND JUDICIAL INSTITUTIONS. THE EXECUTIVE. The chief executive officer is the Lieutenant-Governor, appointed by the crown, of which he is the immediate ri^presentative in the colony. He administers the government with the advice of an Executive Council, usually consisting of nine mem- bers, appointed by the crown ; but whose contiimance in office depends on the wishes of the people as ex- pressed by their representatives. The governor has the power of appointing the judges of the courts of Common Law, the Custos and Magis- trates of the Counties, and generally all such officers as are not usually appointed by the British government. These last he can also appoint temporarily, till the ap- pointments in Britain are made known. He can pardon criminals, except in cases of murder or high treason, and has the power of calling General Assemblies. The governor may also act as commander-in-chiuf, in which capacity he has the command of the militia ; and, if a senior officer, of the army within the province. LEGISLATIVE BODIES. The legislature of the province consists of two branches — the Legislative Coupcil and the House of Assembly. The Legislative Council consists of members appointed for life by the crown. It has the power of rejecting or amending bills sent to it by the House of Assembly, and also of originating bills, which must, however, be submitted to the Assembly. It cannot originate money bills. The House of Asse^^ibly consists of members elected every four years by the counties and town- '^ 46 GEOaKAPHY ships. It has the power of investigating the public accounts, appropriating the provincial revenue, levjung taxes ; and in general of legislating on any of the inter- nal affairs of the colony, which may be l)rought under its notice by the government, its own members, or the petitions of the people. The acts of the legislative bodies are subject to the approval or rejection of the government of Great Britain. JUDICIAL INSTITUTIONS. The principal courts of justice are the Supreme Court, Court of Vice- Admiralty, Probate Court, Court of Marriage and Divorce, Court of General Sessions, and Justices* Courts. The Supreme Court consists of one chief-justice and four assistant judges. Its jurisdiction extends to all criminal and civil suits, not including debts under £5, except in cases of appeal from Justices' Courts. Its proceedinpjs are regulated by the forms and rules of common law. The Supreme Court also exercises an equity jurisdiction in cases which cannot be justly settled by the rules of common law; the Court of Chancery having been abolished. The Court of Vice-Admiralty has one judge, holding a commission from the governor. It decides maritime causes and the disposal of prizes taken in war, and has jurisdiction over capital offences committed upon the high seas. The Court of Probate relates to the disposal of the estates of deceased persons. A Judge of Probate is appointed in each county to transact its business. The Court of Marriage and Divorce consists of the governor and council, and has jurisdiction over all OF NOVA BCOTIA. 47 Uc ing er- der the the :ain. reme 3ourt 8, and le and to aU • ier £5, J. Its lies of ses an justly )urt of matters relating to prohibited marriages^ matrimonial rights, and divorce. The General Sessions are local courts held in each county by the justices and grand jury for the regu- lation of county taxes and other local affairs. Justices^ Courts have power of adjudication on debts not exceeding ten pounds. When the debt does not amount to three pounds, they may be held by one jus- tice; when it exceeds that amount, two justices are required to form the court. An appeal lies from them to the Supreme Court. The justices have also power to investigate trespasses committed upon lands where the titles to the lands do not come in question ; and they are empowered to in- stitute process at the suit of the crown against persons committing an assault and battery, and at their discre- tion to bind parties over to appear at the next sitting of the Supreme Court, or to fine them in any sum not exceeding two pounds, with costs. From this decision no appeal lies to the Supreme Court, except by a writ of that court, ordering the cause to be brought before it.* RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. In the present work, religious denominations are noticed only in reference to the geographical distri- bution of their adherents. The people of Nova Scotia, in reference to their religious profession, may be included under the two general heads of Protestants and Roman Catholics; the former being much more numerous than the latter. * Technically called a Writ of Certiorari. " ■— .----i~.:-i^-^rr:----'3Sfc'^=aa5s 4d aEOORAt»HV mi '^ PROTESTANTS. 1. The Established Church of England. — The adher- ents of this church are scattered through all parts of the province, being most numerous, however, in the central and western counties. I'liis church had, in 1856, settled clergymen in about 50 of the towns and settlements, under the control of a bishop, who exercises ecclesias- tical jurisdiction over this church in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Number of adherents, 47,744. 2. The Presbyterian Church. — The majority of the people of Pictou and Colchester belong to this church ; and its adherents are very numerous in the island of Cape Breton, and the counties of Cumberland, Guys- borough, Halifax, and Hants. In the other counties they are comparatively few. The Presbyterians are subdivided into, — 1st, The Established Church of Scot- land, having about six settled ministers ; 2q, The Pres- byterian Church of the Lower Provinces, including the Free Church and Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia, and having about sixty settled ministers. There are a few congregations not connected with any of these bodies. Number of adherents, 88,519.* 3. The Associated Baptist Churches. — The adherents of this denomination are most numerous in the western counties, in several of which they form the majority of the Protestant population. It has about forty settled ministers. Number of adherents, including the bodies mentioned in next paragraph, 55,336. There are, in the western part of the province, four smaller bodied of Baptists, not connected with the As- sociation, and having in all seventeen ministers. * Established Kirk, 19,063; Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces, 69,456. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 40 heir- fthe atrat ittled lents, esias- a and 7,744. of the hurch ; Land of , Guys- .Qunties ans are of Scot- tie Pres- ncluding of Nova There of these adherents [q western lajority of ^•ty settled the bodies Lers. 4. The Wesleyan Methodist Church. — The adlierents of this body are most^numerous in the central and west- em counties. It has about forty missionaries. Num- ber of adherents, 34,055. 5. The Congregational or Independent Church. — The adherents of this body are most numerous in the town- ships of Queen's, Yarmouth, and HaUt'ax. It has only six ministers in the province. Number of adherents, 2183. 6. The Evangelical Lutheran Church. — A consider- able part of the German population of Lunenburg be- longs to this body. Number of adherents, 4382. There are in the province members or societies of several other Protestant denominations, but their num- bers are comparatively small. • ROMAN CATHOLICS. - ■ ' • The majority of the people of the county of Sydney, and of the townships of Clare and Argyle, belong to this church. Its adherents are also very numerous in the city of Halifax, and in the island of Cape Breton. In other parts of the province they are comparatively few. It has an archbishop and bishop, and about forty priests. Number of adherents, 8C,281. SECTION II-NATURAL HISTOEY. The Natural History of our country is worthy of study on account of the great importance of many natural objects and processes to our subsistence and comfort ; on account of the interest and beauty connected with nearly everything in nature ; and on account of the evidenc*^ which it affords of the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Creator, t v • j •r In m NATURAL mSTORY L— CLIMATE. The climate of a country depends mainly upon its ^istailce from the equator. In going from the equator toward the poles, the climate becomes colder, and its iextremes of cold and heat greater. On this account^ the globe is divided into zones, usually named the Torrid, Teinperate, and Frigid. Climate also depends on the comparative surface of land and wateif ill ol* near a country; on its height above the level of the sea ; and the prevailing winds. Thus a large surface of land is warmer in summer and colder in winter than a large surface of water ; and a large extent of land near the poles makes countries lying to the south of it colder. High mountains and table lands are ialso coldel* than low grounds in the same latitucle ; and countries in which the prevailing winds are from the sea are usually moist, while those in which the prevailing winds blow over much land are usually dry. Nova Scotia is nearly in tlie middle of the temperate «one, but its climate is influenced by the position of the province on the eastern side of the continent of North America, by the great surface of the northern part of that continent, and by the prevalence of west- erly winds. From these causes, its winters are colder and its summers warmeir than those of countries in the same latitude in Europe &A^ the western coast of America. It is also influenced by its nearness to the ocean, which modifies the effects of the preceding circum- stances, and renders the climate somewhat less extreme and also more variable than that of Canada. The extremes and means of temperature are as follow : the mean temperature of the year is 43° of Fahrenheit's thermometer; the extteme of cold 24** below zero ; the OF NOVA SCOTIA. 51 in Us aator adits jount, d the ace of height winds, ler and ; and a 3untries lins and 3 in the revailing le those land are jmperate jsition of [tinent of northern , of west- ire colder ^ies in the^ coast of hie ocean, [g circum- Iss extreme as follow: ihrenheit's zero; the extreme of heat 95° in the shade. There are in the year about twenty nights in which the temperature is below zero ; and about 100 hot days, in which the tem- perature is above 70° in summer, or above 62° in the remainder of the year. The annual amount of rain is about 41 inches. Of the above quantity about 6^ inches fall in form of snow, making the annual depth of snow about 8^ feet. The prevailing winds are the south-west and north- west, though in early spring easterly winds often con- tinue for some time. The north, north-west, and west winds, are in summer cool and dry, and in winter in- tensely cold ; the south-west is mild and agreeable, but in spring and autumn sometimes showery and violent ; the south and south-east winds are rainy and often stormy, and on the Atlantic coast frequently accom- panied by fog. The north-east wind is in summer wet and disagreeable, and in winter brings heavy snow- storms. The first quarter of the year includes the depth of winter. January is often the coldest month, its mean temperature being usually below 20°. February is sel- dom much warmer than January, and sometimes colder; and March is still cold and wintry, though its mean temperature sometimes rises 8° higher than that of January. The mean temperature of the quarter is 22°, and the weather is generally clear and frosty, with occasional rain and snow-storms. The second quarter includes the transition from win- ter to summer. In April the snow and ice of winter generally disappear, migratory birds begin to arrive, and the temperature rises to 35°, though there are still occasional falls of snow. In May the remainder of the migratory birds arrive, the trees put forth their leaves, and sowing is usually completed. In June the country t<--l»U— UJJJ..I 62 NATURAL HISTORY fi presents the aspect of summer, the trees being in full leaf and many wild flowers in bloom ; and the mean temperature exceeds 50°. The mean temperature of this quarter is about 49". The third quarter includes the warmest part of sum- mer and the commencement of autumn. July is the warmest month, its mean temperature exceeding 65**, and the heat in sunny days becoming oppressive, though mitigated by occasional showers; wild strawberries ripen* In August the temperature begins to diminish, cherries and other early fruits ripen, and harvest begins. In September the mean temperature falls to about 56°, the nights become sufficiently frosty to destroy tender plants, though the days are still warm ; and migratory birds begin to depart. In the latter part of this quarter there are often violent storms ; its meaa tmmperature is about 62°k The last quarter embraces the autumn and earlier part of winter. In October the temperature falls below 50°, the leaves of the trees change their colours and begin to fall, late fruits are gathered, and harvest is concluded. In November the days are still often agree- able, but the nights are usually cold, and in the latter part of the month there are violent storms of snow and rain. December is a winter month : in it the tempera- ture falls to about 26° ; the hiland waters freeze, and there are usually heavy snow-storms. The mean tem- perature of this quarter in about 35°. The local varieties of climate are considerable. In the south-western parts of the province the climate is more equable and mild than in the eastern counties ; but in winter there is more wet weather, and in summer the coast is often enveloped in fog. In the eastern parts of the province the winters are more steady and dry, and fog scarcely ever appears on the coasts of OF NOVA SCOTIA. as nfull mean ire of f sum- is the \g 65°, though berries minish, begins, out SG**, f tender igratory } quarter jrature is d earlier ,11s helow lours and arvest is en agree- |the latter snow and tempera- •eeze, and iiiean tem- tlie Gulf of St Lawrence; but the accumulation of ice during winter in the gulf causes the spring to be colder and more tardy in its approach. The agricultural productions of Nova Scotia are similar to those of the middle and northern parts of Europe and of the Northern States. The staple crops are wheat, oats, barley, the potato, and turnip. Apples, pears, cherries, plums, all the small garden fruits, and the ordinary garden vegetables, are produced abun- dantly. Early varieties of Indian corn ripen. The peach, grape, and melon, do not rip* in the open air except in the finest exposures and seasons, . .- . ,.,- II.— GEOLOGY. ' >H Geology treats of the nature, arrangement, origin, and uses of the rocks, which in all parts of the world underlie the surface soil, or project above the surface.* r Rocks may be arranged, according to their origin, in three great classes, viz. : 1. Igneous, or those which, like the lava of volcanic mountains, have been poured from the interior of the earth in a melted state. They usually occur in the forms of large irregular masses and thick veins, and are often crystalline in their texture. Granite and trap belong to this class. 2. Aqueous, or those which have been deposited by water, and have become more or less hardened. They are usually found in the forms of beds or layers. They often contain shells, impressions of leaves, petrified wood, and other animal and vegetable remains, which * The word "rock" in Geology includes hardened clays, marls, and similar substances ; and rocks in place or in mass are distinguished from loose stones. This part of the work may be made more interesting and instructive by school collections of the rocks and minerals of the neighbouring country. ■I) ■, ■I I- h 4 ' 54 NATURAL HISTORY are called Fossils, Sandstone, limestone, and gypsum, are of this class. 3. Metamorphic, or those which have been deposited by water, and afterwards much altered or half-melted by subterranean heat. Slates of various kinds belong to this class. Rocks of all these classes are arranged, according to their comparative antiquity or the order in which they rest on each other, into Formations; and these are again united in Systems of formations. The principal rock formations of Nova Scotia belong to the following geological systems, in ascending order, or proceeding from the older to the newer. 1st, The Coast Metamorphic series, probably Lower Silurian. , ; 2d, The Upper Silurian series, 4f 3d, The Devonian series. -. 4th, The Carboniferous series. 5th, The New Red Sandstone. ;v ; 6th, The Post-Pliocene or Drift. THE COAST METAMORPHIC SERIES. f This series of deposits consists principally of granite, gneiss, quartz rock, clay slate, and mica slate. Granite is one of the most ancient products of the volcanic or igneous forces of the earth. It consists of three minerals — quartz or flint, felspar, and mica. In the granite of Nova Scotia the quartz is usually colour- less, the felspar white or reddish, and the mica in dark coloured or silvery shining scales.* Gneiss is a strati- fied or laminated granite. The gneiss of Nova Scotia ' * These three minerals can be distinguished in any piece of granite, and form an example of the fact that rocks are usnally mixtures of minera ' substances ; and also illustrate what is called crystalline texture. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 55 oBited nelted belong ding to ch they icse are a belong ig order, [y Lo^er of granite, e. acts of the consists of . mica. ^^ ^\{y colour- ica in dark is a strati- ;ova Scotia any piece of IS are usnaliy trate what is is properly a metamorphic rock; the granite an in- trusive rock of Devonian age. Quartz rock is a hard flinty rock of granular texture, and usually of grey or whitish colour. It generally occurs in beds or thick layers, and is probably sand- stone hardened and altered by subterranean heat. Tt is sometimes improperly called whinstone. Clay slate is distinguished by its fine texture, and lamination or property of splitting into thin plates. Some of the varieties found in Nova Scotia are fine grained, with glistening surfaces ; others are coarse and hard. The prevailing colour is a dark slate. This rock often contains iron pyrites or sulphuret of iron, which, becoming decomposed when exposed to the weather, gives it a rusty appearance. In consequence of this, some varieties of slate are locally known by the name of " ironstone." Mica slate is a mixture of mica and quartz, divisible like common slate into laminae or plates. These rocks occupy the counties of Yarmouth, Shel- bume, Queen's, Lunenburg, and Halifax, the southern part of Digby, Annapolis^ King's and Hants Counties, and the southern half of Guysborough. They also occupy the northern part of Cape Breton. v ' ; In all these districts rocks of all the kinds above described occur. Granite is, however, especially abun- dant in southern Guysborough, Halifax, Shelburne, and southern Annapolis; quartz rock in southern Guys- borough, Halifax, and Queen's ; clay slate in Halifax, southern Hants, Lunenburg, and southern Digby ; and mica slate in northern Cape Breton, Guysborough, Queen'G, and Shelburne. In the quartz veins traversing the slaty rocks of this series, gold has been found in remunerative quantities, more especially in the counties of Halifax, Lunenburg, ■L'PII tUMgpi iJ) lit It. ■ * . i 56 NATURAL HISTORY and Guysborough. The gi'anite which abounds in it vis often of excellent quality for building and for mill- stones, but has not yet been worked to any great extent. The surface of this district is usually rugged, and uneven, and its soils very stony. The districts in which clay slate prevails, for instance, Lunenburg and Yarmouth, have, however, much more productive soils than those in which quartz rock and granite prevail. THE UPPER SILURIAN SERIES. Tn Nova Scotia this series consists principally of slates, shales, grits, and thin bedded coarse limestones, sometimes filled with fossil shells. In many parts of the province these rocks are very much altered by heat, being converted into quartz and slate much re- sembling those of the older metamorphic system, and associated with granite, syenite, greenstone, porphyry, and other igneous rocks* The slates of this svstem in Nova Scotia are often ft/ as perfect in their slaty structure as those of the coast metamorphic series, but dilFer from them in containing fossils, and in presenting a greater variety of colours. Its shales, grits, and limestones, are mixtures in various proportions of clay, sand, and carbonate of lime. They arc usually liard, thin^bedded, and dark-coloured. Syenite is a crystalline igneous rock nearly related to granite, but containing a black or dark green mineral named hornblende, instead of mica. Greenstone and porphyry are igneous rocks generally less perfectly crystalline than syenite. The first is a mixture of felspar usually white, and hornblende usually black or greenish. The second consists of a base of hornblende rock or compact felspar, with crystals of lighter coloured felspar dispersed through it. The fossils of the upper silurian system in Nova 'v^-ftetm-vm OF NOVA SCOTIA. 57 Scotia are marine shells, Crustacea, and corals, all of species now extinct, and regarded as equivalent to those of the Clinton and Lower Helderberg groups of the American geologists. In Nova Scotia Proper, the upper siluriau system and its igneous rocks occupy two long and irregular belts, one extending along the Cobequid cham of hills, the other extending through the centre of Digby, Annapolis, and King's, the south of Hants, Colchester, and Pictou, and the hills of Sydney. These two belts include the highest hills of the province. In Cape Breton the silurian system probably occupies a considerable space, but its general limits are not yet well ascertained. The useful minerals of this System are iron ore, which occurs in large quantity at Folly Mountain in London- derry, and at the East River of Pictou; limestone, which does not, however, abound in this system ; and roofing slate. Copper ores have also been recently discovered in it. The surface where the rocks of this system prevail is generally hilly and often stony, but affords soils which are always much superior to those of the coast district, arid are often very fertile. > . i' v , r -■(.-* t , THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM. Rocks of Devonian age have been recognised in the western part of the province, more especially near Nictaux River, and westward of this stream in Anna- polis and Digby Counties. They contain fossils iden- tical in some of the species with those of the Oriskany sandstone of the American geologists. The iron deposits of Nictaux and Moose Rivers, which are of great economical value, occur in these rocks, which are penetrated by the granite of Paradise, 58 NATURAL UlSTORY a district notecl for its magnificent crystals of smoky quartz, THE CARBONIFEROUS SYSTEM. The carboniferous system is newer than the silurian, and in most parts of Nova Scotia rests immediately upon it. The rocks composing this system in Nova Scotia are red and grey sandstones, shales, conglomer- ates, gypsum, limestone, and coal, All of these are stratified or bedded, and alternate with each other. Conglomerate consists of gravel or rounded fragments of stone cemented together, and forming a rock often of considerable hardness. Sandstone is silicious sand cemented into stone. It varies much in colour and hardness. In Nova Scotia its usual colours are red, buff, and grey; and some varieties are so soft as to crumble in the fingers, others nearly as hard as quartz rock. The coarser and pebbly varieties approach the conglomerates in their texture, and the finer, composed of fine sand intermixed with clay, pass into shales. The shale of the coal formation consists of clay of various degrees of hardness, and often divisible into thin layers. Its prevailing colours are reddish brown, grey, and black. Gypsum is the sulphate of lime. Two species are found in Nova Scotia — common gypsum or " plaster," which contains about 21 per cent, of water, and is so soft that it can be scratched by the nail, and anhydrous gypsum, or " hard plaster," which contains no water, and is much harder than the common variety. Both varieties of gypsum abound in the carboniferous system of Nova Scotia, forming in some places very thick beds. Limestone is the carbonate of lime. Numerous beds of this rock, varying much in colour and quality, occur in the carboniferous system of Nova Scotia. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 59 moky iurian, liately Nova lomer- ise are her. gments k often me. It I Scotia id some 8, others i pebbly texture, xed with f clay of ble into h brown, )ecies are plaster," and is so .nhydrous no water, y. Both )us system hick beds, erous beds ,lity, occur The coal of Nova Scotia is of the bituminous variety. The beds hitherto discovered are not numerous, but some of them are very large and valuable, and are extensively worked. The aggregate thickness of the carboniferous system in Nova Scotia is very great ; and it may be usefully divided into three subordinate groups, named respec- tively the older, middle, and newer. In the older carboniferous series, the prevailing rocks are reddish sandstones, shales, conglomerates, and marls, including beds of grey and dark shale, limestone, and gypsum. This series includes all the most important beds of limestone and gypsum, and in some places its fissures contain valuable deposits of brown hematite, a variety of iron ore, and sulphate of barytes, a substance used in the manufacture of paints. The middle carboniferous series includes the coal measures, properly so called, which contain productive beds of coal. The prevailing rocks in this group are grey and dark coloured sandstones and shales, with a few reddish beds. It includes all the valuable beds of coal in the province, and also layers of clay ironstone and beds of freestone and grindstone. ^ In the newer carboniferous series, reddish sandstones, shales, and conglomerates, again prevail, though there are numerous grey beds. This series contains a few beds of coal, limestone, and gypsum, but they are generally of little importance. It affords, however, valuable beds of freestone and grindstone. The fossils of the carboniferous system are numerous and highly interesting. The limestones of its older part contain great quantities of shells, corals, and scales and teeth of fish, often in a very perfect condition, as well as a few fossil plants ; its middle and newer parts, beside large quantities of vegetable matter in the form of coal, "^■»> ni«M»a«a 00 NATURAL HISTORY include a pjreat variety of leaves and trunks of plants, having their forms and sometimes their internal struc- ture very perfectly preserved. All the fossil remains of the carboniferous system are of species now extinct. The carboniferous system occupies a small part of the east of King's County; the north and middle of Hants ; the greater part of the lowlands of Colchester ; the lowlands of Cumberland, Pictou, and Sydney, and part of Guysborough. In Cape Breton it occupies much of the eastern part of Cape Breton County, and a great part of Richmond and Inverness. The localities of valuable beds of coal are the north- ern part of Cumberland, especially the Joggins and Spring Hill; the East River of Pictou, where the thickest bed yet discovered in the province occurs; the eastern part of Cape Breton County, especially at North Sydney ; the northern part of Colchester, where some small beds have been discovered ; and probably the south of Inverness County in Cape Breton. The localities of the iron ores of the carboniferous system are the mouth of the Shubenacadie and the East River of Pictou, where veins of hematite occur in the older carboniferous system ; and the coal mea- sures of Cumberland, Colchester, Pictou, and Cape Breton, which contain beds of clay ironstone. The principal localities of beds of gypsum are the north and middle of Hants, various places in the south and middle of Colchester, the northern part of Cumber- land, and Wallace in its eastern part ; the East River of Pictou, the neighbourhood of Antigonish in Sydney County ; various parts of the northern shore of Bras d'Or Lake in Cape Breton ; and Plaster Cove, Mabou, and Lennox Passage. — Useful beds of limestone occur in all the localities of gypsum above mentioned, and in many other parts of the carboniferous districts. OP NOVA SCOTIA. 61 ants, truc- nains tinct. irt of lie of ester ; ^ and cupies y, and north- ns and 3re the occurs ; iially at r, where irobably niferous and the te occur oal mea- nd Cape are the the soutii Cumber- ast Kiver n Sydney e of Bras e, Mabou, one occur ed, and in fcts. The surface of the carboniferous system is undulating, and sometimes rises into elevations of 500 feet in height. Its soils vary from sandy loams to stiff clays, but are almost universally capable of cultivation, and include the most valuable uplands in the province. THE NEW RED SANDSTONE. The new red sandstone is a much later deposit than the carboniferous system, and probably corresponds with the upper new red sandstone or Trias of Europe. In Nova Scotia it consists entirely of red sandstone and red con- glomerate, and is associated with great masses of trap. Trap is a dark- coloured rock whose principal con- stituent mineral is augite. It is similar in composition and appearance to the lava of modern volcanoes ; and has, like it, been ejected in a melted state from the interior of the earth. In Nova Scotia extensive erup- tions of this rock have occurred during the period of the deposition of the new red sandstone. The new red sandstone occupies the isthmus con- necting Digby Neck with the mainland, and the long valley extending from Annapolis to Minas Basin ; it skirts the shore of Cobequid Bay, from the mouth of the Slmbenacadie to Truro; and extends along the north side of the bay, in a narrow though continuous belt, from Truro to Moose River, and beyond that river in isolated patches as far as Cape d'Or. The trap associated with the new red sandstone forms the range of hills extending from Cape Blomidon to Briar Island; and on the opposite side of Minas Channel and Basin several isolated patches between the Five Islands and Cape Chiegnecto, the Five Islands, Two Islands, Partridge Island, Spencer's Island, and Isle Haut. In most of these localities the trap rests on the new red sandstone. if 51 62 NATURAL HISTORY Neither useful minerals nor fossils have yet been found in the sandstone of this system. The trap con- nected with it affords abundance of agates, jaspers, and other forms of quartz, which might be used for orna- mental purposes. It also contains veins of magnetic iron ore and copper ore. The soils of the new red sandstone are light and some- times gravelly, but in general fertile. Those of the trap are rich, though the surface of the hills of this rock is often too precipitous ta admit of their easy cultivation. POST- PLIOCENE AND MODERN. In addition to the formations above described, there are superficial deposits of two kinds — drift or boulder clay, and river and marine alluvium. The Drift is spread over a large part of the surface of the province. It consists of clay with stones and boulders, op of beds and mounds of gravel. This deposit marks the last change which the surface has undergone by the agency of water. The Alluvium consists of fine mud deposited by the tides and rivers, and whose deposition is in many places still proceeding. Of this nature are the large and valuable tracts of diked marsh, and the intervales on the margins of most of the rivers of the province.* Note, on Gold Discoveries in Nova Scotia. — The actual dis- covery of the precious metal in Nova Hcotia dates, in so fer as is now known, from June 1861, when a nugget found in a brook at Tangier led in a short time to the discovery of gold in veins of quartz traversing the slates of that district. This discovery was followed in the same year by others at Lunen- burg, where gold was found both in veins and in recent marine alluvium, at Lawrencetown, Allen's Farm, near Halifax, Wine Harbour, Sherbrooke, and numerous other places, all in the coast metamorphic district. The whole of this district, indeed, appears to be more or less auriferous ; the gold occur- * For more detailed information on the gi3ology of Nova Scotia, the reader is referred to the " Acadi.'in Geology " of the author. OF NOVA SCOTIA* m been con- I, and orna- jnetic some- e trap ock is iration. i, there joulder surface les and , This ace has i by the y places rge and vales on ice.* ictual dis- , in 80 for 'ound in a ry of gold ibt. This at Lunen- ent marine f Halifax, places, all lis district, gold occur- y of Nova "eology" of ring in narrow but often rich qnartz veins, associated with iron pyrites, mispickel, galena, blende^ and small quantities of sulphide of copper. The attention of miners has hitherto been directed almost entirely to the quartz veins ; and the application of improved machinery is rapidly developing the productiveness of many of these to its full extent. It is certain, however,'that vast numbers of veins remain to be discovered ; and it is quite probable that iu many localities productive alluvial vashings may be found. On the whole, the facts which have been ascertamed appear satisfactorily to establish the probable permanent importance of the Nova Scotia gold-field. Skill, capital, and industry are, however, necessary in this ds in all other departments of mining enterprise ; and, in the first instance, all the prudence and intelligence of the people of Nova Scotia will be required to guard them against the exaggerations and errors of the many interested and ignorant adventurers and pretenders who always flock to regions of reputed mineral wealth. !-'' ' III.— ZOOLOGY. Zoology treats of the natural history of the animal kingdom, which consists of four great divisions or sub- kingdoms. I.— THE VERTEBKATED ANIMALS, Forming the first great division of the anunal kingdom, are distinguished by possessing an internal bony skel- eton. They may be arranged in four classes. Ist, Mammals, or those which bring forth their young alive and suckle them with milk. 2dly, Birds. 3dly, Rep- tiles. 4thly, Fishes. * CLASS I. MAMMALS." The animals of this class indigenous to Nova Scotia belong to the following Orders: — 1st, Camivora, or flesh-eating animals. 2d, Rodentia^ or gnawing animals. 3d, Euminaniia, or ruminating animals. 4th, Cetacea, the whale tribe. * Several changes in the nomenclature of our mammals have been proposed by late writers ; a few of which have been intro- duced in the following pages. 64 NATURAL HISTORY I Ordcfi* 1. — Carnwora. 1. Tlie Bat {Vespertilio Subulatm). — The bats are distinguished by the broad membrane stretched over their legs and the lengthened fingers of their fore feet, which enable them to fly. They prey on insects, which they take on the wing ; they are active only in the summer evenings, spending the day in hollow trees and similar places of concealment, and passing the winter in a state of torpidity. A small species is not uncommon in Nova Scotia. 2. The STAR-N03ED Mole {Condylura Cristata) is a burrowing animal, spending the greater part of its life underground and feeding on worms and grubs ; a mode of life for which its broad shovel-like fore feet, its tirm and thick fur, its small and deeply sunken eyes, and the delicate feelers surrounding the point of its nose, ad- mirably fit it. It spends the winter in a state of torpidity . 3. The Shrew Mouse {Sorex Thompsoni, d-c). — There are two species of shrew mice in Nova Scotia, both very small animals, one of them being the smallest quadruped in the pi'ovince. They are noctural ani- mals, and prey on insects. . ; .;, 4. The Bear {Ursus Americanus). — This is the largest carnivorous quadruped in the province. It frequently destroys sheep, but is not dangerous to man, unless when attacked by him. In summer it subsists \j\ part on berries and other vegetable substances. In the depth of winter it becomes torpid. The bear in Nova Scotia sometimes attains the weight of 600 pounds ; its flesh is valued for food. 5. The Raccoon {Frocyon Lotor). — This animal much resembles the bear in its structure and habits, but is much smaller, beuig usually about three feet in length. It subsists in part on the flesh of smaller animals, and in part on nuts and fruits. It becomes OF NOVA SCOTIA, 65 ts are [ over e feet, nsects, jnly in w trees ing the 3 is not • yistata) xt of its rrubs; a B feet, its eyes. and nose, ad- torpidity. va Bcotia, e smallest ;tural ani- his is the )vince. It )us to man, it subsists ances. In he bear in 00 pounds; :hi8 animal and habits, three feet in of smaller It becomes torpid in winter. It is a nocturnal animal, and during the day conceals itself in hollow trees and similar places. Its fur is used, but is of small value. 6. The Wolverene or Glutton {Gulo Luscus).—- Tills is a rare animal in Nova Scotia. It is sly, cunning, and voracious, but its strength and ferocity have been much exaggerated. It feeds exclusively on the flesh of animals. '^^ ; >' '- 7. The Weasel Family (MmteUdae). ^Of this fam- ily seven species are found in Nova Scotia, viz. : the Ermine {Mustela Erminea) ; the Weasel {M. Cicogna- nil) ; the Martin {M. Maries) ; the Fisher {M. Pen- nantii) ; the Skunk {Mephitis Americana) ; the Mink {Mustela Vison) ; the Otter {Lutra Canadensis.) All these species are very active and voracious, and destroy great numbers of the smaller animals. The two last named frequent the water ,v (^ irey on fish. The furs of all the species are useful , • )8e of the martin (called sable in Europe) and of the r ,er are very valuable. The ermine is brown in summer, and becomes white in winter. 8. The *Lynx or Wild Cat, and the Loup Cervier or Lucifee {LynxCaiiadensis, LynxRufa). — The lynx, like other animals of the cat family, is exclusively car- nivorous, and secures its prey by springing upon it. It subsists on hares, partridges, and other smaller animals. There appear to be two species in Nova Scotia, known respectively as the wild cat and lucifee. The skins of both are used as furs. v^ ^ -^ : - -- ^/ v. 9. The Wolf {Canis Lupus Americanus) is rare in Nova Scotia, and was not known to exist in the province till 1835, when a few individuals made their appearance, and are supposed to have migrated from New Bruns- wick. Their nuinbers appear to have increased since 1845, and in some settlements they have destroyed ■'1 ^. NATURAL HISTORY bo -• i. V, on The shyness and Nova Scotia, and subsists ons^^q V ^^^ occasionally destroying aomesUc ^^^^^^.^^^y pox (V. Decussate') and the B«i« ^^^ species, but (r. Ari7e««»«»)f « ^»"f;'' f^, of the fox is valuable, CtthrtSi-uchlesssotbanthatofthecross ^rThe s.^.s (i'-s-Kar:irpi-d are found ou the «oastof ^ova » , ^_ ,j,j^^y ^^^ ^i for the sake of then: «''^"^ *"„3'; „a the greater part carnivorous, feeding <>» ^^^^^^^^t ^ome seasc ns they of their lives in the ''»te•^ *» „„ j^e. The Sea- are fond of reposing on t^e^ ° ^.^^ belongs to Cow or Morse iTf>^J^^\^,^g the animals SS^S^^tCidSUlytohavebeenfound o„ sable Island. ar^^.-Boaen^^^ i„NovaScotiathe "BabV«^ /.^f, ^d growth, and especially in ^^S 72^ by wire-snares in winter. . great numbers are taken Oy ^^^^ ^^^^ lis, Ihough it is ofU«lej^-V(^,,,„.,,).-This 2. The MAB^<>^.°' JSer Lll«' '^ *' '""*J is a burrowing a«™f ' '*f 'j ,„tsists on roots and and of a duU 1^'°'™;°1^"'{„ ^'Ler. Its Besh is eaten leaves, and becomes torpid in wm OP NOVA SCOTIA. 67 , and ler its lant in [birds, Cross y Fox les, but Biluable, tie cross > of seals pursued i jy are all jater part sons they a%e Sea- pelongs to Le animals een found aiy named numerous, rovrtb, and in winter, rom brown is used by rw2,8).-This .n the hare, )n roots and aesh is eaten s remarkable for the strong and sharp spines intermixed with its hair, and which serve as a defence against the attacks of dogs and other carnivorous animals. It feeds on bark, buds, and nuts, and prefers rocky and secluded locaUties. Its flesh is eaten by the Indians, and the spines or quills, after being dyed with gay colours, are used for ornamenting baskets and other articles of Indian manufacture. 4. The Squirrels. — Of these, three species are common in Nova Scotia : ti-e Ground Squirrel {Tamias striatm), the common or " English " Squirrel {Sciunis Hudsonicus), and the Flying Squirrel {Pteromys Volu- cello). All these species feed principally on nuts and seeds, and make their nests or burrows in the roots or hollow parts of trees. The flying squirrel is nocturnal in its habits, and remarkable for the expanded skin of its sides, which forms a broad surface supporting the animal in the air, and enabling it to make extraordinary leaps. 6. The Beaver (Castor Canadensis) is a social or gregarious animal, and inhabits the margins of brooks and ponds, where it subsists on aquatic plants and the bark of young trees. Families of beavers unite in making artificial ponds in the courses of lakes and streams, by constructing embankments of wood and mud ; and in these ponds they build neat and strong winter habitations of the same materials. Their remarkably strong and large incisor teeth enable them in the execution of these works to cut down trees of twelve inches in diameter. The value of the beaver's fur, which is used by hatters, and its stationary mode of life, have caused it to be extir- pated from all the settled parts of the province, and it is now rare even in the most secluded localities. » 6. The Musk Rat or Musquash {Fiber Zibethicm) much resembles the beaver, but is considerably smaller. 68 NATURAL HISTORY It inhabits the banks of rivers and lakes, and constructs a house of mud for its winter habitation. Its food is roots and other vegetable substances, and it occasion- ally eats shell-tlsh. Its flesh is eaten by the Indians, and its fur is used by hatters and furriers, though it is less valuable than that of the beaver. 7. The Burrowing Field-Mouse {Arvicola Ri- paria f). — This animal, which is much larger than the domestic mouse and more clumsy in its shape, is very abundant in the woods as well as the fields ; it exca- vates buiTows, in which it constructs a warm nest of hay. In winter it burrows under the snow, and subsists on the roots of grass. Another species of Arvicola {A. Gapp&rif) is also found in Nova Scotia. 8. The Leaping Field-Mouse {Meriones Lahrado- ricus) is more rare than the last species. It is a pretty little creature, of a light brown colour above and whitish beneath, and has a long tail and strong hind limbs, which enable it to leap with great agility. There appears to be a second species, for which tha name M. Acadicus has been proposed. . , . Order 3, — Ruminantia, . , v * 1. The Moose or Elk {Alces Americana). — This is the largest quadruped indigenous to Nova Scotia . It is a majestic animal, though of rather clumsy form. Its principal food is the leaves and twigs of trees ; its flesh, when in good condition, is excellent. Moose are still numerous in some parts of Nova Scotia ; and in winter, when the snow is deep and they are unable to advance rapidly, they are pursued by men on snow shoes and killed. 2. The Caribou or Reindeer {Cervus Tarandus) is much smaller than the moose, but is of more elegant shape and greater swiftness, and its flesh is of superior OP NOVA SCOTIA. 69 jtructs food i» casion- ndians, gh it is )ola Ri- chan the , is very it exca- n nest of 1 subsists Arvicola » ■■• , '■'if'' ' " Lahrado- Ls a pretty nd whitish fths, which appears to . Acadkus j).^Thisis Scotia. It y^ form. Its es; its flesh, )Ose are still [id in winter, e to advance w shoes and IS Tarandus) more elegant is of superior quality. It is probably identical with the reindeer of Lapland, and might, like it, be domesticated and rendered useful to man. It is now rare in Nova Scotia* Order 4. — Ceiacea. ^" The Cetacea or Whale Tribe, though they somewhat resemble fishes in their external form, are true mammalia, breathing by means of lungs, and suckling their young in the same manner with land quadrupeds. The species most frequently found on the coast of Nova Scotia are the Whalebone or true Whale {Balaena Mysticetus), the Finner (J5. Phy solus) ^ the Grampus {Phocaena Orca), the Porpoise {Phocaena Communis), the Sea Porpoise {Delphinus Delpliis), . CLASS IT.— BIRDS. Note. — The birds of Nova Scotia are too numerous to admit of an account of each species in a work of this nature. I shall therefore merely notice the different families in which they may be naturally grouped, and give examples of each. Birds may be divided into six Orders, viz. : — ■ Ist, i?«ptores, or birds of prey. 2d, /wsessores, perching birds. 3d, Scaiisores, climbing birds^ , 4th, Rasores, scraping birds. 5th, Grallatores, wading birds. 6th, iVatator<35, swimming birds. Order 1. — Birds of Prey. 1. The F ALCO'SB {Falconidai). — This family includes all the diurnal birds of prey, or those which fly and feed by day. The bald eagle, the fish-hawk, hen-hawk, and sparrow-hawk, are examples of this family. 2. The Owls {Strigidm) comprise the nocturnal birds of prey, or those adapted for hunting in the evening or n m If n I. '( If! 70 NATURAL HISTORY by night. All the species found in Nova Scotia are known by the name owl, as the common grey owl, horned owl, &c. Order 2. — Perchers, 1. The Shrikes (Lamadae) much resemble the hawks in their habits, but are smaller and less powerful. They prey on small birds and insects. Only one species, the American shrikeorbutcher-bird,isfoundinNova Scotia, 2. The Thrushes (Merulidae) feed on insects, es- pecially grubs, caterpillars, and worms, and are also fond of fruit. As destroyers of injurious insects they are of incalculable service to the farmer, and the song of many of them is pleasing. The common robin, the cat-bird, the woodthrush, and the blackbird, belong to this family. 3. The Warblers (Sylviadae) are all small birds, whose food consists of insects, which they hunt with great activity among the branches of trees and bushes. They are often brightly coloured, and many of them sing agreeably ; they are very useful in ridding gardens and orchards of insects. The wrens and titmice, the garden yellow birds, the black cap, and a number of other species of our small birds, belong to this family. 4. The Fly Catchers {Muscicapidae), like the warblers, are small insectivorous birds ; the fly-catch- ers, however, feed on winged insects which they take in the air. Among the most common species found in Nova Scotia are the king-biri, redstart, and wood pewee. 6. The Chatterers {Ampelidae), — These are larger birds than the warblers, and feed on fruits and insects. Only one species is found in Nova Scotia, the cheiTy- bird, cedar-bird or wax-wing. It is well known as a devourer of cherries and of the blossoms of fruit trees. 6. Finches {Fringillidae) are readily known by their short and conical bill; they subsist chiefly on grain and seeds, and are numerous and conmion in every OP NOVA SCOTIA. 71 [ia are lorned hawks Tbey 5168, tlie t Scotia, ects, es- tlsofond By are of of many cat-bird, , is family, all birds, lunt with ^d bushes, r of them g gardens ;mice, the lumber of is family. , like the fly-catch- ley take in nd in Nova pewee. e are larger Bind insects, the cherry- inown as a • fruit trees, known by efly on grain ton in every country. Among the numerous species found in Nova Scotia, are the song sparrow, Savannah fuich, snow-bird, red linnet, and pine grosbeak. "' 7. The Crossbills {Loxiadae). — The species of this family found in Nova Scotia are the American and white-winged crossbills, which are both small birds, and much resemble each other in appearance. They are re- markable for the singular structure of their bills, whose curved mandibles cross each other at their points. This form of bill enables these birds to extract the seeds of spruce and pine cones on which they feed. 8. The Crows {Corvidae) are active, shy, and wary birds, and are nearly omnivorous, feeding on nearly all kmds of edible substances. The raven, crow, blue jay, and Canada jay, belong to this family. They are all highly useful as destroyers of carrion and of noxious insects. 9. The Creepers (Certhiadae) are small insect- ivorous birds, and obtain their food in the crevices of the bark of trees, along the trunks and branches of which they climb in the manner of woodpeckers, using their bUls to remove portions of the bark which con- ceals their prey. Two species common in the woods of Nova Scotia, are the white-bellied nuthatch and the brown creeper. 10. The Humming Birds {Ti-ocbiUdae),— This fam- ily includes the smallest of birds ; one species only, the ruby-throated humming-bird, is found in Nova Scotia. It subsists on insects and honey, which it extracts by means of its long slender bill and tongue from the in- terior of flowers. The humming sound produced by these birds is caused by the rapid motion of their wings. 11. The Kingfishers {Halcyonidae) are remark- able for the great length of their bill, and the shortness of their feet. Only one species, the belted kingfisher, III' It: I It 72 NATURAL HISTORY I ii I is found in Nova Scotia. It frequents the shores of harbours and streams, and preys on small fish, in pur- suit of which it dives into the water. 12. The Sw^ALLOWS {Ilirundimdae) are remarkable for the great length of their wings and the rapidity ot their flight. They pursue and capture insects on the wing. The republican, barn, chimney, bank, and blue swallows, are found in Nova Scotia, 13. The Night-hawks {Cajyrimulgidae), — These resemble the swallow in their manner of capturing in- sects on the wing. They are, however, nocturnal in their habits, coming forth in the evening and returning to rest before morning. The night-hawk, sometimes called Mosquito-hawk, and the whip-poor-will, are found in Nova Scotia. Order 3. — Climbers, The Woodpeckers {Picidae) subsist on the grubs or larvae found in the wood and bark of decaying trees, and which they extract by means of their strong wedge- shaped bill and extensile barbed tongue. The species found in Nova Scotia are the downy, hairy, golden- winged, yellow-bellied, three-toed, and red-headed woodpeckers. , .:.:>:; -^ Order 4. — Scrapers. 1. The Grouse {I'etraonidae). — The species of this family found in Nova Scotia are the rufted grouse, com- monly called the birch partridge, which inhabits the hardwood forests, and feeds on various seeds, leaves, and berries ; and the spotted grouse, or spruce partridge, which subsists on the leaves of spruce and fir. 2. The Pigeons {Columhidae). — The only species of this family found in Nova Scotia is the passenger pigeon, usually named the wild pigeon, which in sum- mer is found in the woods and burned barrens. Its food is grain, seeds, and berries. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 73 >re8 of in pur- irkable idity 01 , on the nd blue — Tliese iring in- ;urnal in eturning )metinie8 are found the grubs nng trees, rtg wedge- le species golden- ed-headed jies of this ouse, com- ihabits the eds, leaves, partridge, fir. nly species e passenger ich in sum- ns. Its food Order 5. — Waders. 1. The Herons (Ardeidae) are the largest and most beautiful of the wading birds found in Nova Scotia. They subsist on fish, which they capture when wadhig in ponds and estuaries, by means of their strong and sharp bill. The best known species is the great blue heron, often called " crane," which frequents many of the harbours of this province. 2. The Snipes {Scolopacidae) are characterized by their weak and slender bill, with which they bore in the mud in search of worms. This family includes the American snipe and woodcock, as well as the various species of sandpipers and curlews. 3. The PiiALAROPES {Phalaropidne) somewhat re- semble in their habits the sandpipers, but have their toes fringed with a membrane which enables them to swim. The hyperborean or brown phalarope is found in Nova Scotia. 4. The Plovers {Charadriadae) are less aquatic in their habits than most other families of this order, and often frequent fields and pastures, where their food consists principally of worms. The golden plover, ring plover, and black-bellied plover, are among the species occurring in Nova Scotia. Order 6. — Swimmers, » 1. The Ducks and Geese (Anatidae). — Of this well- known family, numerous species frequent the shores and lakes of Nova Scotia, especially in spring and autumn. Among these are the wild or Canada goose, the brent, the black duck, eider duck, wood duck, pintail, teal, bufiel-headed duck, harlequin duck, &c. 2. The Divers {ColymUdae) in form resemble the ducks, but have a straight and strong bill, adapted to capturing fish, and are altogether marine in their habits. iM i 74 NATURAL HISTORY The great northern diver or loon is the most generally known species. 3. The Auks (Alcidae). — These are marine diving birds, which use their wings as well as their feet for propelling them through the water, and feed exclusively on fish. To this family belong the birds named guil- lemots, auks, puffins, and sea doves. 4. The Gulls {Laridae) are long- winged birds, flying to great distances, and feeding on all kinds of garbage and on small fish. The terns or sea-swallows, the vari- ous species of gull, and the petrel, belong to this family. 5. The GANNEts {Pelicanidae). — These are large, voracious, and wandering birds, preying on fish and spending the greater part of their lives on the sea. The gannets and cormorants are the principal species. 6. The Grebes {Podicepidae) are swimming birds of small size, whose toes are not united by a membrane, but merely broadly fringed by it ; they are expert divers, and feed on small fry, insects, seeds, &c. Of this family, the red-necked grebe and the dobchick or water-witch are found in Nova Scotia. CLASS IIL — REPTILES. The reptiles of Nova Scotia are not numerous, and neither of large size nor injurious to man. The prin- cipal are the fresh- water Tortoise (Emys), found in the rivers and streams, and a few species of Snakes. There are also several species of frogs, toads, and newts,- which, though usually included in a separate class (the Amphibia), may be mentioned here* - . .*, , CLASS IV.— FISHESi* The animals of this class are numerous, and very * For some of the additional facts in the present edition, the writer is indebted to Perley's Report on the Fishes of New Brunswick. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 75 erally living et for sively iguil- flying arloage ,e vari- family. large, sh and he sea. jpecies. g birds nbrane, expert fee. Of shick or )us, and he prin- d in the There 1 newts, lass (the md very Jition, the 58 of New important to man ; it will therefore be proper to notice particularly the principal species found in the waters of Nova Scotia. Division 1. Fishes having a hony skeleton and homy scales, 1. The Yellow Terch {Perca FlaveMens), a beau- tiful little fish, yellowish, with dark transverse bands. It inhabits lakes and streams. Its flesh is much esteemed. 2. The Bass {Lahrax Lineatus) is a large and beau- tiful species allied to the perch, easily distinguished by the broad stripes of white and brown extending along its whole length. It is found in many harbours and estuaries, especially those of the Bay of Fundy. It is a bold and active fish, and readily takes a bait. Its flesh is excellent, and it sometimes attains the weight of forty or fifty pounds, though usually much smaller. 3. The White Perch {Labrax Pallidus).— This little fish abounds in lakes, and may be taken with bait or fly. It is excellent for the table. 4. The Stickleback or Finfish {Gaskrostem Bia- cuUatus). — A very small but t.ctive and voracious fish, found in creeks and estuaries. It feeds on small Crus- tacea and other minute ac^uatic creatures. It is used only for bait. 5. The Mackerel {Scomber Vernalis) is found on all parts of the coast of Nova Scotia, and sometimes appears at particular points in immense shoals, whose appearance is nctj however, very regular or certain, as' this fish is very irregular in its migrations. Large quantities are annually taken by the fishermen of Nova Scotia. Several other species of mackerel occur on our coasts. 6. The Albecore or Tunny {Thynnus Vulgaris) is a large and powerful fish, sometimes attaining the length of ten feet. It is found on the Atlantic coast of the 76 NATURAL HISTORY -ft . , m lis 'S province, and is occasionally harpooned by fishermen. It is sometimes called " horse-mackerel." 7. The Wolf Fish {Anarrhicas Lupus), — This is a large and voracious fish, remarkable for its powerful teeth and jaws. It feeds chiefly oh Crustacea and shell-fisli ; and in the Bay of Fundy and Atlantic coast it is often taken by fishermen. On account of its hideous appear- ance it is seldom eaten, though said to be excellent food. 8. The Monk Fish {Lophius Americanus), sometimes called " Sea Devil" and " Fishing Frog," is a creature of most unsightly form. It haS a huge mouth armed with numerous long pointed teeth, its body is short and broad, and its pectoral fins project like arms. It devours large quantities of hemngs and other small fish, which it is said to attract by waving the slender womi-like appendages attached to its head. 9. The Blue Perch {Ctenolabrus Cceruleus). — This little fish, often simply called the perch, is found in great abundance in all the harbours and estuaries, usu- ally in the neighbourhood of rocks and wharves. It is often caught by boys, but it is almost valueless for food. - 10. The SCULPIN (Cotius) is very common in har- bours and estuaries, where its voracity and hideous appearance are sources of great annoyance to juvenile anglers. It is not used for food. - **^ 11. The Sucker (Catostomus) is a fresh-water fish, distmguished by the peculiar form of its mouth, whose lips project beyond the jaws, forming a semi-cartilagi- nous ring, by which the animal fastens itself to rocks and stones, a habit which has given origin to its com- mon name. It is useless to man. There are more than one species. 12. The Mtmmachogs (Fundulus). — These little fishes abomic: ' creeks and estuaries, and are some- times taken for bait. V OF NOVA SCOTIA. 77 raien. is is a I teeth l-fisli ; 3 often - ppear- it food, letimes feature armed ort and ievours I, which ►rm-like I.— This bund in ies, usu- s. It is for food, in har- hideous juvenile iter fish, h, whose cartilagi- to rocks its com- aore than ese little ire some- 13. The Salmon (Salmo Salar) is found in most of the large rivers of Nova Scotia, and is also taken on the coast in spring before it has entered the rivers, which it does annually, for the purpose of depositing its spawn, returning to the sea after this purpose is accomplished. The salmon is usually taken in nets or speared, and in Nova Scotia considerable quantities are preserved by pickling and smoking, 14. The Trout {Salmo Trutta and Fontinalis), At least two species are common ; the salmon trout, whicli inhabits harbours and estuaries, ai»d ascends rivers and brooks for the purpose of spawning ; and the common trout, found in all tlie rivers, brooks, and lakes, and varying very much in size and colour accordmg to the nature of its food. 15. The Smelt {Osmerus Eperlanus). — This pretty little fish abounds in all the mlets of the coast, and is especially plentiful in spring, autumn, and winter. In harbours which are frozen at the latter season, great numbers are caught through the ice. The flavour of the smelt is very delicate, and in the seasons when it is abundant it is much u.sed. ' : 16. TheCAPELiN {Mallotm Villosus). — This is a pretty little fish, smaller than the smelt, and more slender in its form. It is a northern fish, and js more abundant in Greenland and Newfoundland than on our coasts. It is taken as bait for cod ; and in Newfoundland large quantities are dried and exported. 17. The Herring {Clupea Elongata). —This highly useful fish is found abundantly in spring and autumn on the coast of Nova Scotia. It is taken in seines and nets, and its capture and curing form a very important branch of industry. The herring, like most other migratory fishes, prefers shallow water for the ,nd this is the reason of its dijpositi spawn 78 NATURAL HISTORY appearance in large shoals on the coasts at particular seasons ; at other periods of the year it wanders more widely over the ocean. 18. The AleWife or Gaspereaux (Alosa Vernalis). —This species is nearly as abundant as the common her- ring, which it much resembles. In spring it ascends rivers and streams to their very sources for the pur- pose of depositing its spawn, and is then easily caught in great quantities. It is not so much esteemed as the hefring. 19. The Shad {Alosa Vulgaris) is nearly allied to the herring, but is much larger. It is found most abundantly in the Bay of Fundy and its tributaries, appearing to prefer muddy bottoms and turbid water. It is taken in nets, and in wears or enclosures made on the shores below high-water mark. It is equal to the herring as an article of food. 20. The Cod {Morrhua Americaim) is one of the most valuable of fishes. It is found abundantly on all the coasts of the Province, and on the banks in neigh- bouring parts of the ocean. It is taken by the hook and line, and when dried is an important article of commerce. Considerable quantities of oil are made from the liver of the cod. 21. The Hake {Phycis Americanus) is a species of cod often caught with the common species, but less esteemed as an article of food. 22. The Haddock (MorrhM Aeglifinus) is a species of cod of smaller size than the common one, and when fresh and in good season preferable to it as an article of food ; in the dried state, however, it is not so much esteemed. The haddock feeds more exclusively on shell-tish than the common cod. 23. The Pollack {Merlaji/jus Carhonarius). — This fish abounds on the coast of Nova Scotia, and is taken OF NOVA SCOTIA. 79 and dried in the same manner as cod. The pollack is much more active than the cod, and swims near the surface. • , . 24. The CusK [Brosmius Vulgaris). — This is the finest of the cod family as an article of food, and is much more rare on our coasts than most of the other species. It is distinguished from the other species by its rounded tail fin, margined with blue and edged with white. 25. The Tom Cod or Frost Fish {Morrhua Pru- inosa) is also a small species of cod, and abounds in harbours and estuaries. It is nocturnal in its habits, and is of little value. 26. The Flounder or Flat Fish {Platessd) is com- mon on all sandy or muddy shores at all seasons. It is easily speared or caught with the hook, but is not generally much esteemed as an article of food. There arc several species. 27. The Lump Fish {Lumpui Vidgaris) is remark- able for having the ventral fins united into a cup-shaped disk or sucker, by which it can adhere to rocks and other objects. It is covered with spinos, and of a short and thickened form. It is caught on the Atlantic coast, and when in good condition is eaten, though not much esteemed. 28. Halibut {HyponJ^ssus Vulgaris) is the largest of the flat fishes found on our coasts, sometimes attain- ing the weight of 500 pounds. It is found on the At- lantic coast of the Province, and is caught with the line. It is much valued for food. 29. The Eel {Anguilla) is found abundantly in the muddy bottoms of harbours and rivers. It is very voracious, feeding on all animal substances, living or dead, and fretjuontly eating fish which have been caught in nets. Eels aie spcmred by torchlight, or through holes tut ui the ice. 80 NATURAL HISTORY Division 2. Fishes having a cartilaginous skeleton, and bony plates m' points on the skin, 1 . The Sharks {Squalides). — Several species of shark aro occasionally seen on the coast of Nova Scotia, though none are abundant. Among the species occasionally seen on the Atlantic coast are the White Shark {Car- charias Vulgaris) ; the Thresher ( C. Vulpes) ; and the Basking Shark (Selache Maximtis). The first two are dangerous to bathers, but are very rare, and may be considered as stragglers from warm climates. The basking shark, which usually exceeds thirty feet in length, is supposed to be the creature to which the name " Sea Serpent " has been applied. 2. The Dog Fish {Spinax Acanthias). — This is a small species of shark, which abounds on all the sea- coasts, and is often very annoying to fishermen by scat- tering shoals of fish and injuring nets. Large numbers are taken for their oil, and to be dried as food for hogs. 3. The Skate or Ray {Maia Batis) is common on -the coast of Nova Scotia, and is often taken by fisher- men, but is not much esteemed. The sting ray, a species having a serrated and pointed bone attached to its tail, is also sometimes taken on our coasts. 4. The Sturgeon {Accipense^ Oxyrhyncus). — A large species of sturgeon is found in the Bay of Fundy, pre- ferring, like most fishes of this genus, soft and muddy bottoms. In some countries the sturgeon is much es- teemed for food, but in Nova Scotia it is very little used. IL— THE ARTICULATED ANIMALS, Constituting the second great division of the Animal Kmgdom, are named articulated on account of their being covered by a jointed case or crust, serving the purpose of a covering to protect the body, and ot a skeleton to support tiieir muscles. OF NOVA SCOTIA m , and shark lOUgh )nally (Car- ad the 5V0 are Qay be . The feet in Lch the tiis is a the sea- by scat- numbers •or hogs, nmon on ly fisher- ray, a attached sts. -A large ndy, pre- id muddy much es- ittle used. le Animal It of their erving the , and ot a This division includes the Worms, the Crustacea, the Spiders, the Centipedes, and the Insects. 1. — THE WORMS. The most important animals of this class are the earthworm, which burrows in rich soils, feeding on de- cayed animal and vegetable matter ; the leeches, which inh&,bit fresh water, and subsist by sucking the blood and juices of animals ; and the marine worms, many species of which are found on sandy and muddy shores. The operations of the earthworm, by loosening the soil and throwing up new mould to the surface, are very useful to the farmer. The medicinal leech has long been extensively used in the healing art ; and the marine worms furnish food to many fishes, and are used by fishermen as bait. 2. — CRUSTACEA. , These animals are all aquatic. The best known species on the coast of this province are the common lobster and crab. There are, however, a great num; ber of small species, as the shrimps, sandhoppers, &c., some of which are so small as to be scarcely visible to the naked eye. 3. — THE SPIDERS. There are many species of spiders, all subsisting on flies and other insects, for snaring and entrapping which they have been endowed with many very singular in- stincts. This class also includes the flour and cheese mites. ' 4. — THE CENTIPEDES Have worm-like bodies and very numerous short feet. The most common species is an active little creature, found in manure heaps, decaying wooc!, &c., and prey- ing on small insects. There are other species of more bluggish habits, and feeding on vegetable substances. 82 NATURAL HISTORY 6. — INSECTS. Insects are distinguished from other articulated ani- mals by their complex organization, their adaptation for breathing in air, the smaller number of their legs and segments, and by their metamorphosis, which consists in a change from the worm-like form in which they at first appear, and which is called the larra, state, to that of the perfect insect. They are divided into orders. Order 1. — Coleoptera, Includes those insects which have the upper pair of wings forming a strong horny case for the lower pair, which are thin and membranous. They are usually named beetles, and the Great Water Beetle (Dytiscus) is the largest of the order found in Nova Scotia, The Fire Flies {Elater)^ the Tuniip Fly {Altica), and the Lady Bugs (Cocdnella), which are useful in destroying the lice that infest trees, belong to this order. The larvae of the water beetle live in ponds and ditches, and prey on small animals found there. Those of the turnip fly are little grubs which burrow in the ' leaves of plants. Those of the lady bugs live on leaves, and feed on the little insects which they find there. There is a vast number of species of beetles, many of them of very singular appearance and habits. Order 2. — Orthoptera, Or straight-winged insects, are distinguished by pos- sessing two pairs of wings, and jaws fitted for masti- cation. The crf'^kets and the grasshoppers, of which there are several species, all very injurious to vegeta- tion, belong to this order. Order 3. — Neuroptera. Consists of in.iects which have botli pairs of wings membranous and delicately veined or netted, as the name of the order, signifying uerve-winged, intimates. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 83 The Dragon Fly {Libellula), and the short-lived Day Fly {Ephemera), are the principal genera of this order found in Nova Scotia. The dragon flies prey on small insects, which they catch on the wing Their larvae, as well as those of the day flies, live in water. The latter are light and delicate creatures, often appearing in great numbers in summer by the sides of rivers and lakes. Order A. — Hymenoptera Have four membranous wings, less netted than those of the Neuroptera, and united to each other at their margins; they have also jaws adapted rather for suction than mastication. The Wasps (Vespidae), the Bee {Apis) J the Humble Bees {Bonihus), and the Ichneu- mons, are examples. The wasps and bees are remark- able for their instinctive powers of constructing nests and cells for the reception of their young, and of the honey which they store up for their use. The ichneu- mons deposit their eggs on the bodies of caterpillars, on which their larvae feed, and thus greatly reduce the numbers of these noxious creatures. The ants also belong to this order. 07'der 5. — Homoptera, Includes a number of curious inaec. 5 which subsist by sucking the juices of plants. In No\ .. ttcotia, the most common members of this order are the Cicadae or Sing- ing Locusts, and the Plant Lice (Aphidae), which often swarm on the leaves of trees and vegetables, and by sucking theii' sap greatly weaken and injure tliem. Order 6. — Heteroptera. The insects of this order, like those of the last, sub- sist by suction, but differ from them in the structure of their upper pair of wings, which arc homy and coloured at the base and membranous at the point. This order 84 NATURAL HISTORY I includes the Bug (Cimex) and the Frog-Spittle Insects {Cei'copidae), which in their young state inhabit the frothy substance often seen on the stalks of grasses and other plants, and which In all their stages are very injurious to vegetation. Order 7. — Lepidoptera Have their wings covered with minute scales, often brightly coloured. All the insects of this order are known by the names of Butterflies, Moths, and Millers. In their mature state they are beautiful and harmless insects, but in the larva state they are the greatest pests of farmers and gardeners. All the varieties of cater- pillars, and most of the grubs, cut- worms, apple- worms, and pea- worms, are larvae of the moths and butterflies. Order 8. — Diptera. These have only two wings, which are membran- ous. This order includes the Mosquitoes and Gnats ( Culecidae), the Crane Flies, or Harry-long-legs {Tipu- lidae), the Horse Flies {Tabanidcie), the Bot Flies (Oestridae), the Flesh and House Flies {Muscidae)^ the Wheat Fly, improperly called " Weevil," and the Hes- sian fly {Cecidomyia). The larvae of the mosquitoes inhabit pools. Those of the Harry-long-legs burrow in the ground, and eat the roots of grass. Those of the flesh and house flies, commonly called " maggots," feed on decaying animal substances. Those of the wheat fly live within the chaff of the ear, and suck the juices of the young grain. In autumn, they descend into the ground, and reappear as flies in the following summer. The remaining orders of insects include the various species of Fleas and Lice, and a few other creatures of comparatively small importance. OP NOVA SCOTIA. 85 III.— THE MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS Form the third division of Animals, distinguished by the absence of bony skeleton and external articulated case. The want of these is supplied by a shell, or by a tough skin or mantle. This division includes the squids or cuttle-fish, the marine and fresh-water shell-fish, the land-snails and slugs, and several other groups of animals found in Nova Scotia or the neighbouring seas. The only useful species are some of the shell-fisli, as the Oyster {Oslrea Edulis), the Mussel {Mytihi» Edulis), the Sand Clam {Mya Arenaria), the Razor Fish {Solen Ends), the Quahog {Venus Mercenaria), the Scallop {Pecten Magellanicus), the Large Clams [Mactra Solidissima, dc.) IV.— THE RADIATED ANIMALS Are distinguished by the arrangement of the members of their bodies, which generally diverge on all sides from a central point. These animals are all aquatic, and many species occur in the waters of Nova Scotia. The sea urchins, star fishes, and jelly fishes, are the most common tribes. IV.— BOTANY. Botany trftats of the natural history of the Vegetable Kingdom, which forms two great divisions or sub-king- doms— the Flowering and Flowerless Plants. These are subdivided into classes and orders, and also into smaller groups named genera, each containing several species or kinds. The wild plants of Nova Scotia are too numerous to allow even a list of them to be given in this work. A few of the principal orders only will be mentioned; and 86 NATURAL HISTORY ; ) species which are remarkable for their value to man, or for their interest and beauty, will be given as examples.* 1.— FLOWERING PLANTS. The order Nymphaeaceae, or that of the Watt ■ Lilies, includes the fragrant White Pond Lily {Nym- phaea Odorata), and the Yellow Pond Lily {Nuphar Advena), which ornament the surfaces of our lakes and ponds. The order Sarraceniaceae includes the singular and beautiful Indian Cup {Sarracenm Purpurea) of cur bogs, whose cup-shaped leaves and "side-saddle" flowers are among the most curiouiH vegetable productions of our country. A yellowish sarracenia is sometimes found with the crimson kind. It appears to be merely a variety. The order Anacardiacae mcludes the Sumach {Rhits Typhina), a pretty ornamental tree; and the Poison Vine {Ehu8 Toxicodendron) . The latter is a creeping plant growing in fields and woods. Its juice is very poisonous. The order Aceraceae contains the White Sugar Maple (Acer Saccharinum), the Black Sugar Maple (-4. Ni- grum), the White or Soft Maple {A. Dasycarpum), the lied Maple {A. Ruhrum)^ the Moose-wood or Striped Maple [A. Striatum), the Mountain Maple {A. Mon- tanum). The first two species are large and beautiful trees, aflfording valuable timber and rich saccharine sap, which on evaporation yields maple sugar. The third and fourth species are also large trees, but their wood is less valuable. * It will be found a pleasing and instructive amusement to collect specimens of the leaves and flowers of the plants named under each order, and compare them so as to discover their family resemblances and specific difference. "Wood's First Lessons in Botany, or anv other small work containing de- scriptions and figures of the structures of plants, will be found a useful aid. OF NOVA SCOTIA. 87 Tlie order of the Leguminous plants {Leguminoaae) contains the pea and bean tribes, the prettiest wild ex- ample of which is the Beach Pea {Lathyrus Maritimvs), and the Clovers {Tnfolium), The Ground Nut {Apios) also belongs to this order. The order Rosaceae contains a great number of plants, distinguished on account of their beauty and utility. The Rose family includes the Wild Rose and Sweet Briar {Rosa Parviflora and Ruhiginosa), the Wild Rasp- berry, Blackberry, and Dewberry {Rvhm Stngosus d'c), the Wild Strawberry {Fragaria Virginiana), and other less important flowering and fruit-bearing plants. The Apple family includes the Medlar or Wild Pear (Aronia Botryapiiim), a tree which is worthy of cultiva- tion, as its fruit, though small, is agreeable and abundant and its flowers very ornamental; the Choke Berry {A. Arbutifolia), the Rowan or Mountain Ash {Pyrus Mi- crocarpa)^ and the Wild Hawthorn {Crataegus),^ The Cherry family contains the Wild Cherry and Ciioke Cherry {Cerasus Pennsylvanica and Serotina), both fruits of little value. The order Chroasulaceae includes the Wild Gooseberry {Rihea Triflorum), a small but agreeable fruit, and two species of wild currants, the wild black and red or rock currant. Both are much inferior to the cultivated currants. The order Araliaceae includes the Sarsaparillas {Ara- lia) and the Ginseng {Panax), which are abundant in our woods and swamps, and well known on account of their medicmal virtues. They have elegant divided leaves, and clusters of small white flowers succeeded by berries. The order Cornaceae includes the Cornels or Dog- woods, some of which are shrubs, others, as the Pigeon Berry, herbaceous. The order Caprifoliaceae includes the Black and Red- berried Elder {Samhucua Canademis and Pubescens), IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ** ^' ^A ^ 1.0 I.I IA&12.8 |2.5 ■50 "^~ M^H ■UUl- 1.8 - 6" IL25 mil U IIIIIL6 4 ^ '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ m A V \\ 6^ '^.^- 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716)872-4503 88 NATURAL HISTORY the Moose Bush {Viburnum Lantanotdes), and the Tree Cranberry (F. Oxycoccm)^ whose berries in appearance and taste resemble the true cranberries. The order ComposUae includes a great number of plants having heads of compound flowers ; as the Star Flowers {Aster)^ and the Golden Rods {Solidago), A number of weeds introduced from abroad, as the Dan- delion, White Weed, Thistle, and Burdock, belong to this order. Many of these plants are remarkable for their bearded seeds, which are carried to great distances by the wind. The order Ericaceae contains a number of berry-i bearing species, the principal of which are the Red and Grrey Cranberries (Oxycoccus), the Blue Berries and Whortle Berries {V^accimum)^ the Winter Greens or Tea Berries (GauUheria), It also includes the fragrant Mayflower [Epigaea Bepem)^ the Sheep and Swamp Laurel {Kalmia)^ the Rhodofii {R. Canadensis)^ the Labrador Tea {Ledum) y and other interesting and beautiful plants. The order Labiatae contains the little Self Heal or Blue Curls {Prunella), so frequent in dry pastures; the Horse Mint and Spear Mint {Mentha), and the Ground Ivy {Glechoma). The cultivated Sage, Marjorum, Lavender, &c., belong to this order. The order Oleaceae contains the White Ash {IVaxinus Acuminata), a very useful timber tree ; and the Black or Swamp ash {F, Sambucifolia), whose wood is less useful, but in consequence of the facility with which it can be split into strips, is used by the Indians in basket-making. The order Ulmaoeae includes the Elm ( Ulmus Ame- ricana), one of the most beautiful trees found in the Province, and very common on the river intervales. The order Cupuliferae contains the white and Red Beech {Fagus Sylvatica and F. Ferruginea)^ the White i OP NOVA SCOTIA. 89 and Black Oak {Qttercu8)y and the Hazel (Corylus Ame- ricana). Theiirstfour speciesarelargeand valuable trees. The order Myriccuxae includes the fragrant Candle- berry or Wax Myrtle, and the Sweet Fern {Com^nia). The order Bettdaceae contains the Yellow Birch, Black Birch, White Canoe Birch, and Poplar-leaved Birch {Betula Excelaa, Lenta^ Papyvacea^ and Populi- folia), and the Alders (Alntis Serrulata^ Sc). The first two species of birch are valuable timber trees, and the canoe birch produces the bark used by the Indians for canoes, boxes, &c. The order Salicaceae contains the Willows (Salix), of which several small species are native, and some more ornamental species have been introduced; and the Poplars, of which the principal species are the Aspen {Pqptdm Tremulaides), the Tree Poplar (P. Grandi- dendata)j and the White-leaved Poplar (P. Candicans. The order Coniferae includes all the evergreen or softwood trees of Nova Scotia. Many of these are valuable timber trees, as the White Pine {Pinm Strobm), Pitch Pine (P. Eesinosa), Hemlock (P. Canademia)* Black Spruce (P. Nigra). Red Spruce (P. Rvhra), White Spruce (P. Alha). Black Larch or Hackmatack (P. Pendula), Bed Larch or Juniper (P. Microcarpa), Cedar or Arbor Vitae {Thuja Ocddentalis), Other species, as the Fir (P. Balsaminea), the Scrub Pine (P. BaTiksiana), the Ground Hemlock {Taaus Canadensis), and the Ground Juniper {Juniperus Com- mtmis), are of smaller size and less value. The fir, however, affords the Canada balsam, and the ground juniper bears edible berries* 90 NATURAL HISTORY I The order Araceae contains the Indian Turnip (Amm TriphyUum),axidthevnldCcillaoHhQ swampsand ditches. The order Orchidaceae contains the beautiful La- dies' Slippers {Cypripedium), Grass Pink {Cymbidiufn)^ Habenaria, and similar Plants, distinguished by the very- irregular and singular form of their flowers. Most of them are swamp plants* The order Iridaceae has the beautiful and common Blue Flag {Iris Versicolor)^ and 6lso the Blue -eyed Grass (Sisyrinxihium Anceps), The order Liliaceae includes the beautiful Orange Lily of the river intervales {Lilium Carhodense), and the Solomon's Seal and Wild Lily of the valley {Cmi- vallaria). The cultivated Lilies, Tulips, Hyacinths, and Onion, belong to the same order. The order of the Grasses {Gramineae) is one of the most important to man in the whole vegetable kingdom. It includes all the numerous species of grass properly so called, as well as wheat, oats, rye, Indian com, and other grain-bearing plants. In the grasses, those parts of the flower which in the ordinary flowering plants are most showy, have the form of chaffy scales. The Sedges, which are closely allied to the grasses, form a separate order {Cyperaeeae). The Cotton Grasses (Eriocaulonaceae), the Rushes {Juncaceae)^ and the Cat-tails {Typhaceae) are also separate orders. 2. — FLOWERLESS PLANTS. These are extremely numerous, but in general they are less showy and important than the flowering plants ; though the beauty of their stems and leaves often com- pensates for their want of flowers. The following are the principal tribes of flowerless plants. 1. The Horse Tails {Equisetaceae)^ whose hollow- jointed stems, surrounded by whorls of leaves, may often be seen in wet and swampy places. OF NOVA SCOTIA. n \{Arum ditches, ful La- bidmfn)y :he very Most of jommon e - eyed Orange se), and ly (Cow- jacinths, e of the ingdom. properly om, and >se parts plants grasses, Cotton m), and jrs. ral they ; plants ; en com- ing are hoUow- js, may * i 2. The Club Mosses and Ground Pines {Lycopodia- ceae)y which are usually trailing plants, intermediate in appearance between mosses and the fir tribe. They are very abundant in the woods. 3. The Ferns or Brakes {Filicea), of which there are agreat number of species, whose elegant leaves ornament the woods, plains, and swamps. 4. The Mosses {Mu8ci),anA Lichens {Lichenes)^ which clothe the surface of cradle hills, bogs, decaying woods, and stones. The mosses have usually small stems and slender leaves. The lichens have generally the form of fiat crusts, in some species sending up irregular knobs or branches with coloured extremities. 6. The Fungi, including the Mushrooms, Puff Balls, Touchwood, &c. ; as well as the Bust Brand, Smut, and Rust of Grain, and Common Mould. The seeds of the fungi, as well as of the mosses, are very small and dust-like, and excessively abundant. This accounts for the rapidity with which they spread, and the singular situations in which they are often found. Most of the fungi grow from decaying substances, or are parasites on living plants, into whose stems and leaves their minute seeds pass with the water taken up from the soil, or are carried by the wind. 6. The Seaweeds {Algae). — ^These are the peculiar vegetation of the sea, though some of the smaller species are found in fresh water. There are numerous species on our coast, some of them, especially the smaller, very beautiful in their forms and colours. The seaweeds furnish food to a great number of marine animals, and when washed on shore form a valuable manure. Some of the species are used for food. Kelp or soda for soap- making is also obtained from the ashes of some of the most common kinds. 92 APPENDIX. PRINCIPAL ROADS AND DISTANCES. NOVA SCOTIA PROPER. 1. Halifax to YarmoutJi by the Sau0i Shore, Miles. Halifax to Lunenburg, via Margaret's Bajr and Chester,. . . 72 Lunenburg to Liverpool, via La Have Elver, Petite River, and Mill Village, 36 Liverpool to Shelbiime, via Port Mouton, Port Joli, Sable River, and Jordan River, ^. 40 Liverpool to Lawrencetown in Annapolis, via Brookfield, Northfield, and Nictaux River, 63 miles. Shelburne to Yarmouth, via Barrington, Argyle, and Tusket, 58 Total Halifax to Yarmouth, , 206 2. Halifax to Dighy and Yarmouth. Halifax to Windsor, 45 Windsor to Kentville, via Lower Horton and Wolfville,.. 23 Windsor to Maitland on the Shubenacadie, via Newport, 40 miles. Kentville to Annapolis, via Aylesford, Lawrencetown, and Bridgetown, 60 Annapolis to Bigby, 20 Digby to Yarmouth, via Weymouth and Clare, 67 Total Halifax to Yarmouth, » 215 ES. Miles, er,... 72 iver, 36 Sable t "^ dield, t, and .... 58 206 ..... 45 ville,.- 23 iwport, vn, and 60 20 67 215 PRINCIPAL ROADS AND DISTANCES. 93 3. Halifax to Cumberland. Miles. Halifax to Truro, 65 Tniro to Amherst, via Onslow, Londonderry, and River Philip, 60 Truro to Tatamagouche, 27 miles. Truro to Parsborough, via Onslow, Londonderry, Economy, and Five Islands, 56 miles. Amherst to Fort Cumberland in New Brunswick, 7 miles. Amherst to Parsborough, 34 miles. Amherst to Wal- lace, 46 miles. Total Halifax to Amherst, 126 4. Halifax to Pictou^ Sydney, and Chtysborough. Halifax to Truro, 65 ; Truro to Pictou, 40, 105 Pictou to Antigonish, via New Glasgow and Merigomish, 52 Pictou to Wallace, via River John and Tatamagouche, 42 miles. Pictou to Amherst, vta Wallace, 88 miles. Pic- tou to Gharlottetown, P. E. I., by water, 52 miles. Antigonish to Plaster Cove, C. B., via Pomket, Tracadie, and Canseau Ferry, 32 miles. Antigonish to Sher- brooke, via Lochaber, 35 miles. Antigonish to Guysborough, 34 » Total Halifax to Canseau Ferry, 189 miles; to Guys- borough, 191 5. Halifax to Guysborough, via Musquodoboit and Glen- elg, about 134 miles. CAPE BRETON. Plaster Cove to Port Hood, 30 Port Hood to Margarie, via Mabou River, 41 Plaster Cove to Arichat, 28 Plaster Cove to Sydney, via St Peters, 78 Sydney to Margarie, via Sydney Mines, Boulardarie Island, and Bedeque, 65 94 PRONUNCIATION OF SOME OF THE MORE DIFFICULT NAMES. Anna'poIiB. Ard'oise (Ardioays). Ar'ichat {AiHtihat), Aspato'gon. Bras d'Or (Brordore). Co'bequid {-kid). Can'seau (so). Chit'ioamp (-kang). Enfa'm^ {Ang-foo-may). Gabarns' {rooa). Oasperean'x {ro), Hebert' i^Jkire), Harbour au Bonchd (o booahay). « Isle Madame' {-dam). Inganish'. Jebo'gue {Shebog). La Have {La-haav). Locha'ber. Minu'die. Margarie' {ree). Mire {ray). Merigomiflh\ MusquodoVoit {-it). Port La Tonr [Toor). Port Jo'li {Zhd-lee). Port Moutbn' {Mootong), Peti'te {-teet). Pic'tou {PiJcto). Shubenao'adie. St Croix {Kroo-ey), in N. S. generally pron. Croy. Tatamagou'che {-gooah.) Trae'adie {-dee). "Whykok'omagh {maw)y some- times pron. hog'oma. 95 INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS OF NOVA SCOTIA, Fbom the Cenbub of 1861. IE ng)* in N. S. ih.) lo), some- Profesaiana and Trades.^ — Cler^j;yTOen, 385, Lawyers, 147. Physicians, 170. Persons employed in manufactures, 3500. Mechanics, 8920. Merchants, 1472. Farmers, 37,897, Fisher- men, 7Q59. Lumberers, 507. Seamen, 5242. BuUdinga and Property. — Inhabited houses, 49,569. Unin- habited houses, 1918. Houses building, 1738. Stores, barns, &c.. 63,293. Schoolhouses, 1227. Churches, 831. Agriculture. — Acres of dyked land, 35,487. Acres salt marsh, 20,729. Cultivated intervale, 77,102. Cultivated upland, 894,714. Tons of hay cut, 334,^87. Horses, 41,927. Neat cattle, 151,793. Milch cows, 110,504. Sheep, 332,653. Swine, 53,217. Bushels of wheat, 312,081, Bushels barley, 269,578. Bushels rye, 59,706. Bushels oats, 1,978,137. Bushels buckwheat, 195,348. Bushels Indian com, 15,529. Bushels apples, 186,484, Bushels Timothy seed, 9882. Tons hay, 334,287. Bushels pease and beans, 21,333. Bushels potatoes, 3,824,864. Bushels turnips, 554,318. Other roots, 87,727. Lbs. butter, 4,532,711. Lbs. cheese, 901,296. Lbs. maple sugar, 249,549. Pisheriea. — Number of vessels, 900 ; number of men, 5633. Number of boats, 8816 ; number of men, 8689. Nets and seines, 43,965. Quintals of dry fish, 369,425. Barrels mackerel, 66,108. Barrels shad, 7649. Barrels herring, 194,170. Barrels alewives, 12,565. Barrels salmon, 2481. Boxes smoked herring, 35,557. Gallons fish oil, 230,979. Manufactariea* — Number of sawmills, 1401. Grist-mills, 414. Factories, 66. Tanneries, 44. Foundries, 11. Card- ing-mills, 77. Hand-looms, 13,230. Yards fulled cloth made, 281,709. Yards unfulled cloth made, 1,039,214. Minea^ Qtiarriea, &c. — Tons coal, 195,445. Tons gypsum, 85,076. Bushels lime burnt, 136,848. Grindstones made, 46,496. LwnAer Manufacture. — M. feet of deals superficial, 25,072. M. feet of pine boards, 46,607. M. feet of spruce and hemlock boards, 36,422. Tons square timber, 22,592. THE END. 4 Lately Published : ACADIAN GEOLOGY, An Account of the Geological Structure and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Part of New ^ Brunswick. With large Geological Map and Woodcuts, and Supplementary Chapter to 1860. 12«. DAWSON'S MAP OP NOVA SCOTIA AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 2d Edition, greatly improved.— Size, 19 X 24. s. d. Coloured Outlines, >.. 2 6 Full Coloured and Varnished, on rollers, 7 6 In Pocket Case for Travellers, 4 0 THE HARMONICON. THIBD EDITION, BEYISED AND ENLABOED. A Collection of Sacred Music, consisting of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, &c., selected from the best Comi)osers, and adapted to the use of the Churches in British North America ; with the In- troduction to Vocal Music of the Boston Academy's Collection, which the Editors and Publishers of that work have permitted to be re- printed for the Harmonicou. A SELECTION OP SCRIPTURE DOCTRINES For Families and Sabbath Schools. 2d Edition. Contains One Hundred and Sixty-nine Doctrines, with References to the Chapters in which Proofs may be found. Brice Id. Sold by the Publishers, Macpherson & Co., Pictou ; A. 4& W. Mackini,ay, Halifax ; And Booksellers generally in British America. A ineral Resources id Part of New d Woodcuts, and lA AND D. 19 X 24. s. ».. 2 a. 6 ,...,. ,7 M 4 0 ROED. Psalm and Hymn osers, and adapted rica ; with the In- i Collection, vrhich Qrmlttcd to be re- ; I Edition. dth References to found. )., Pictou ; menca.