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Les diagrammee sulvants illustrent la mithode. 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■gt ■t.r . P\1 *\' A VN s^^ OHHEi^ ^Vi^ ^^ 1^04 6E06^ ^S^ M KOTZEBUFS VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY, VOL. III. ■■"w. Ut#-.; « t.- I LoirsoK: Printed By A. & R. Rpottiswood^ New-Strcet-Square. ''Sfe ..■•.» ; -t ■ t ^ ■. • C/ar* SC. ? Ltrndtr fubUjhtd. ly Longm/in Hur.'!^. Ri'cs. Orme irSnwn. 1S!I . u VOYAGE OF^^ g£06gM BEERING'S STRAITS, FOR THE FURPOSE OF EXPLORING A NORTH-EAST PASSAGE, UNDERTAKEN IN THE YEARS 1815 1818, AT THE EXPENSE OF HIS HIGHNESS THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EMPIRE, COUNT ROMANZOFF, IN THE SHIP liURICK, UNDER THE COMMAND OF THE LIEUTENANT IN THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL NAVY, OTTO VON KOTZEBUE. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS PLATES AND MAPS. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, FATEftNOSTER-BOW. 1821. <0\ [A <fciiiUo... \i>\ir-\«- -fcy ^Uz) t^\ \J.v\\ >,'( V 1 < 7 ^. ^BT-^-? ^f? >s. /"rf *0?- II ' I,, i ^^ K/"/" •>•• y. V. '^ '^Vl ;:.v: .i^aK'i.if>"? JU . jo^r Vi 0 11 ^^jjtM a; :^.t- \ f- ■i '.V UYT , 'v ' ;a ■M'' !'.'. ■ J ' - < n REMARKS AND OPINIONS, V « J *■ i OF THE 1 }'<(' NATURALIST OF THE EXPEDITION, CONTINUED. vj; •''i ; •* TENERIFFE. ■'ir.'i Many learned men have visited and described Tcneriffe. Alexander Von Humboldt, and Bom- pland, were on this island, and ascended the Pic de Teyde. Leopold Von Buch and Christian Schmidt made the whole chain of the Canary islands the scene and subject of their scientific researches, and ascended the Pic several times; the last time, shortly before our arrival, late in the season, to collect the plants growing on it, with their fruit ripe. After the short view which was allowed us, we can only refer the curious to the learned work of Bory de Saint Vincent, and Humboldt's Travels ; and to the fruits of the labours of those celebrated men whom we regretted not to have met here. The learned world now expects an account of these labours from M. Von Buch alone, as Professor VOL. III. B REMARKS AND OPINIONS. Schmidt fell, in his expedition to the river Zaire, a dear victim to the sciences which he served. * The island of Teneriffe extends from north-east to south-west. The south-western part is occu- pied by the Pic and its base ; the north-eastern, by rugged dreary mountains. They are separated by a broad col or pass ; on the top of which is situ- ated the chief city, Laguna, and below it is Santa Cniz, on the south-eastern coast, leaning on the eastern mountains. The town and harbour of Oratava lie on the opposite coast, at the foot of the Pic, in the midst of beautiful vineyards and palm-gardens, which remind us of the insukejbr- tunakB, The way thither, from Santa Cruz, is through Laguna, (a miserable town, with seven convents,) and through the villages of Matanza and Vittoria, names which here, as in other Spanish possessions, indicate the fate of the natives on the conquest : " Victory and Massacre !** The country round Saint Cruz is naked and desolate ; only a few palms and plantains, rising above the white walls of the town, announce to the European who lands there a more southern clime. The Flora, like that of all islands, is poor. It is most nearly related, by the similarity of its species, genera, and vegetable forms, to the Flora * Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire. London, 1818. 4