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TIlUKIToli Y OF OREGON, DOWN TO TlIK SIKlRFS OF TIIK IVVCIFIC, ANO 1 Nl'i) Tirr: confines of camfhrnia, as wi;i.i, as in va- rious PARTS of Tin: INITi;!) STATES. ILLUSTRATED BY 121 F/A'/? PLATES. BY THOMAS NUTFALL, F. L. S., Mi'nil)er of the American Pliilosophical Society, and of the Academy of N.tural Sciences ori'liiladelpliia, &.c. &c. &c. IN THREE VOLUMES— VOL. IIL BEING THE SIXTH VOMME OF MICIIAUX AND NLTTALI.'s NORTH AMKIUCAN SVLVA. 1MIILA1)EL1»IIIA: KOHKUT P. SMITU, 15 -MIXOR STREET, R. IIAI.DWIN, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONnON ; II. BOSSANGr, No. II m'AI VOLTAIRE, PARIS; FERTUES, BESSER & MAUKE, KG. '.iW JUNOFERNSTIKG, IIAMBVRO. isFs. KITE & WALTON, rniNTERS. No. 3, Kaiisteail Place. T. 11. JONUS, Coloiist. :^ !'!" rotuius AiQcricaji ils L(ti lie Uu4eU Cotuiuji Sumu*- b'usUtULfirifri^Uf I'! .■\' .1 5ir ■ \ L/itiffi//s, 'pimicti/ti jyura Inxti. llin s Cnliii()/(k.s, NiTT. MiSS. in Herb. Acad. Pliilad. Rhus Cotinva? Tokuky and CIuay, Flora N. Anier. 1, p. 210. ■^ In the autumn of 1810, during a tour made into tlie interior of the Arkansas Territory, I discovered this inter- esting species of Cotinus, on tiie high, broken, calcareous rocky banks of the Grand River, a large tributary of the Arkansas, at a place tiien known to voyagers by the name of the " Eagle's nest." In this rocky situation, it did not Vol. hi. — I 2 I.ARCK LKAVKD OR AMRRICAN COTINUH. rise hoyond tlu; Ikm^IiI of a slinil), and liaU a yellow, close- •grained, Irii^rant wood. Tlu! hraiichr.s arc smootli ami ijray, tlio youuiror ones brown, and roui^li witli nnmcronrf vosti^'cs of former |)(> tioloH. Leaves II to i inches lonj^, by "2 to 2.\ wide, tlio lower ones rhombic-ovate and obtuse, the npjjcr ones obo- vatc, bnt still somewhat narrowed at the extremity, stronL,dy veined beneath, the veins pubescent even in the oldest leaves. Panicle less compound than in the connnon spe- cies, the hairs of the infertile j)eduncles more straL^i^liii;^, no infertile rudiments of flowers on the adult peduncles. Segments of the calyx linear-oblong. Drupe dry, rugose, brown, oblique, partly reniform, 2-celled, 1-seeded, tlio smaller lobe of the carpel empty. The whole plant pos- sesses the same aromatic odor as the true Cotiims. It is, no doubt, a hardy plant and deserving of cultivation, but as it has not been collected since I observed it, it would ap- pear to be scarce and very local. Another very distinct species of this genus also exists in Nepaul. There is a specimen in the Herbarium of tlio Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, marked Rhus veiuthiumy by Dr. Wallich. It may be called CoTiNus VELUTiNUs, the Icavcs arc oblong-elliptic or sub- ovate, pubescent, beneath softly villous, the calyx and young peduncles are also hairy. The Cotinus of Europe, or Venitian Sumac, forms a tufted small tree from 6 to 15 feet high, and is indigenous to the south of France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Siberia, &c. It has an elegant foliage, an agreeable citron odor, and the singular aspect of its woolly panicles resembling almost a fixed purple cloud, renders it well worthy of culti- vation for ornament. The wood is yellow and green, and is employed by musical instrument makers, ebenists, and turners, kc. It serves likewise for dying cloth a cofl'cc LARGE LEAVRD OR AMERICAN COTINUS. 3 ow, closc- iijTor ones ornior po Avi(l(«, tlio oncri obo- r', strongly ho oIilc.>«t iiiion spc- ;trniri,Hii);T, >c'(Iuncli).s. y, rugose, cdcd, tlio )|jint pos- is. It is, an, but as vould ap- ) exists ill m of tlK3 , marked 3d ic or sub- alyx and brown, and in preparing morocco leather. Tlic leaves and brancbos also, in comnjon with tbc bark of several species of Sumac, answer for tanning. Tbc figure in plate 10 of tbc Atlas to I'allas's Travels, very nmch resembles our jdant, and is remarkable for tbc oblong form of its leaves. Tbis variety grew on tbe ste[»pcs of Kouman, near tbc bor- ders of tbe Caspian. Plate LXXXI. A brancli of the natunil size insccd. rt. TIic fruit. »i forms a idigcnous , Siberia, •on odor, iscmbling rof culti- reen, and lists, and a coflcc STYPIIONIA.* (NUTT.) ■J ?Iutural Order, Anacardiace^e. Linnccan Classification, PexNtandria Trigynia. Sepals (or calyx leaves) 7 to 9, coloured, concave, with scarious margins, imbricated in several series, iicrsistcnt, passing into the bracteolcs. Fctals 5, oblong, subunguiculatc, similar with the sepals, pubescent at base, inserted under tlic margin of the disi<. Stamens 5 to 7. Sti/lc short ; stigma minute, 3-lobed. Fruit a dry compressed drupe ; the pulp scanty, very acid and astringent. Nut compressed, bony, l-cellcd. Seed solitary, suspended from a funiculus arising from the base of the cell. These are low and mucli branched, submaritime evergreen trees of Up[)er California. Leaves simple, alternate, thick and coriaceous. Flowers polygamous, sessile, in terminal contracted panicles. ExXTIRE LEAVED STYPIIONIA. STYPIIONIA iNTEGRiFoLiA, fuUis ovallhus integris utrlnquc ohlusls brcvl-2)('tiuhUis. ^ Stvi'iionia integrlfoUa, leaves oval, very obtuse at cither end, entire, on short petioles. Nutt. in Tork. and Gkav Flora. N. Amcr. 1, p. 'Z'Z^. This is an unsightly tree, with a stem about the thick- ness of a man's arm, brandling in a wide and stragghn:,^ manner, forming impervious thickets, along the margins of * From iTv'lrr/>/i:jO. ing, diflcr- ovatc, ami niucronatc icrrate. PRICKLY ASH OR TOOTII-ACIIE TREE. ■£ (Clavalier, Fr.) I Natural Ordcr^ Zanthoxyle;e, (Ad. Jussicu.) Linncean Classification^ Dioecia Pentandria. ZANTIIOXYLUxM. (Linn.) Dioecious. — Sepals small, 3 to 9. Petals longer than the sepals, or none. Slamc7is as many in number as the sepals, (or fewer,) ojipo- sitc to and mostly extended out beyond them. Ovaries 1 to 5, elevated on a round or cylindric torus, (or place of insertion,) distinct, with 2 suspended ovules. Carpels crustaceous, sessile or stipitatc on the torus ; 2 valved, 1 to 2 seeded. Seals black and shining, globose, hemispherical when in pairs. The plants of this genus are trees or shrubs, mostly of warm climates, usually with prickles on the branches, petioles, and oiten on the midril) of the leaves. Flowers small, greenish or whitish. Leaves pinnate, rarely trifoliate, marked with diaphanous aromatic glands, and as well as the bark, ai'omatic and pungent to the taste. The timber of several trees of this genus is valuable, being very hard and durable. § II. Sepals, petals, ami stamens, 4 or H; ovaries vsually 1 to 3, Slijks short. — Fagaka, (Jacquin), and Ocujjoxvluji, (Sclueber.) ill 8 CAROLINA PRICKLY-ASII. ZANTITOXYLUM Caromniamtm; ramis prtlolisque pfrrisque acuhatis, aciilcis i>lij)nl(i.rihiis o])j)usiliii, fhliis ])inn(Uis iAi-Ji/^is, i;laUfii)ius, J'oliolis ovato-lancmhuis itunpiilaU rails sithfalciitis 2)ctioli(lutis crcnatn- scrruliUis liicidis, //oribtts paniciilatis ; Urvtinalibus sejudis mmutU, (•(qKiills tends sissi/ihi/s. Zanthoxylum Ciiiolinidmim. Lamarck's Diet. vol. 2, pp. 39, 40. Catkshv's Carol, vol. 1, tub. 26. Toukey and Gkay, Flor. Amcr. 1, p. 214. Z. Irkarpnm. Mrni. Flor, Por. Am. 2, p. 235. Puiisii. vol. 1, p. 210. Dkcand. Prod. vol. 1, p. 720. Z.fra.clnifolium. Walt. Flora. Caroliii. p. 243. This remarkable tree appears to be first met with in the state of South Carolina, on Sulhvan's Island,* and in Georgia.t It becomes still more abundant in the forests of East Florida, particularly on the luxuriant banks of the great river St. John's, where my ancient friend Wm. Bar- tram, met with it in every direction in those umbrageous solitudes. In Carolina it appears to be confined entirely to the sea-board, as neither Mr. Elliott nor myself had ever seen it in the interior of that state. It attains the height of about 30 to 40 feet with a proportionate diameter. In 1774, William Bartram thus describes it as it ap- peared on the banks of the St. John's, "The Zanthoxylum Clava Ilcrculis also grows here. It is a beautiful spread- ing tree, and much like a well-grown apple tree."§ It is, however, powerfully armed with prickles and spines, with * Mr, James Rccd. § Travels in Florida, &c., p. 88. t Doctor Baldwyn. 4 ^m «i 5^ ue acukntis, Uis crcnnln. lis ininutls, pp. 39, 40. ir. Amer. 1, I. 1, p. 210. t with in * and in le forests ks of tlie ^'m. Bar- bragcous entirely 'self had tains the Drtionatc IS it ap- thoxyitim spread- § It is, les, witii 1 CtWohita /'/ 1 n lAXxm. Xariihoxvlinu rai'olhiiajoim. uliicli Btonis, tul>orcl( givin^T of tlie c Indian Bolid, a of two India p use of fvvU As a is cons and fob taste, si Balivati( with sn Dr. Ciilll a ^ood is anti-j gives a Ziinlhoj he tiic s inLj mat The nato in pair of tlat tho acnniini unoqua! wide as not con I icle, wit grcenisl to be ui .^ CAROLINA I'RICKLYAHII. 9 nliicli the loaves and lnaiulies nro tliickly hosnl. Strml Kk'tiis, as thick us oiif'f* nnn, Hf'll n't'sont lm«i[e pointed tubercles, oiicc aniull thorns, now becuni*} larire projci tions, giving the stock, all, or nioro, than the ordinary altrd)nlos of the club of Hercules. Tho wood like tliut of the West Indian species, the true Z. Clava llcrcuiis, is yellow and solid, and hence the generic name of Znnthosiilum, formed of two (ireek words, signifying i/cllow wood. TIk; West India plant is considered a valuable timber tree, and made use of in house-building; it attains the height of about "20 feet. As a ni('ii!.((iri1 Inm Hocut. fhnrt/tfi' .4f7.i' ¥ I'll,! f /.,-'. "^ llh; ,: I on the aflbctinj stream, and fom an ordin IS inch( acute ex have bc( Bpecics inhabits ; eea-islan jcct to se of 1819. The 1( species, many as long and petioles above an^ surface is the nake times tht at all ob midrib n( and man shortly si ZANTFIO: petiole c 666, (un BASTARD IRON-WOOD. 11 on the banks of the Arkansas, in the lower settlements, aflbcting dry and light soils at no great distance from the stream. It grows erect, branching towards the summit, and forming a roundish top. The height is about that of an ordinary apple tree, and the diameter about a foot or IS inches; the stem is, as usual, rough with prismatic acute excrescences, which in an earlier stage of growth have been mere thorns. That it must be a very different Bpecics from the preceding, is evident by the climate it inhabits; the other no where extends beyond the warm Bea-islands of South Carolina, this grows in a climate sub- ject to severe frost and snow, as I experienced in the winter of 1819. The leaves are nearly twice as long as in the southern species, they are about a foot in length, with often as many as 8 pair of leaflets. The leaflets arc about 3 inches long and an inch wide, very distinctly acuminated, with the petioles pubescent, as well as the midrib of the leaves above and beneath, and in a young state the whole upper surface is puberulous. The prickles are small and scattered ; the naked part of the common petiole rather more some- times than 2 inches long. The leaflets are also scarcely at all oblique, never falcate, and the two sides from the midrib nearly of the same breadth. The panicle is loose and many flowered, the capsules mostly 1, rarely 2, and shortly stipitate. BASTARD IROxN-WOOD. I i ZANTHOXYLUM Pteuot a, foliis pinnatis, foliolis obovatis cmarginatis, petiole communi marginato articvMo inermi Willd. Sp. PI, 2, p. 666, (under Fogara.) 12 13ASTARD IRON-WOOD. Zaxthoxylim rirrota, (IIumb. Bompl. and KrNTii,) prickly; leavw unequally pinnate ; leaflets 3 to G pairs, ohovate-oblong, obtuse, emar- ginate, glabrous, the nnargins crcnate and glandularly-punctate; petiole winged, prickly ; spikes axillary, solitary or by pairs, shorter than the petiole; ovaries 2 ; capsule solitary, prickles in pairs, stipular, hooked, KuNTir. Synops. vol. 3, p. 325. Tokrey and Gray Flor. Suppl. vol, 1, p. 680. Pterota stibspinosa, foliis minorihus per pinnas marginato-alatas dispo- sitis, spicis gcmbialis alaribus. Brown, Jamaica, p. 146, tab. 5, fig. 1, Lauro aj/mis iasmini folio alato costa media mcmhraiiulis utrinqm exatantibus alata, ligno duritie fcrro viz cedcfis. Sloane, Jamnif. Hist. vol. 2, p. 25, tab. 162, fig. 1. An Sijderoxylum Surinametise Lentiscini minorihus foliis, radchimcilw. appemlicibus aucto. Pluk. Mant. p. 172. single, grain seed SI An imperfect specimen of this species of Zanthoxyluin, was collected in Texas by Drummond. It appears also to be common on Key West, in East Florida, according to Dr. Blodgett. It becomes a small shrubby tree, about VI to 20 feet high, so remarkable for the density of its wood, which is yellow, and close like liox, that according to Sloane it scarcely yields to iron in hardness. Sloane remarks, "If this be the Iron- Wood of Ligon, page 41, it grows in Barbadoes, and at p. 74, he tells, that 'tis proper to make cogs ; that neither sun nor wind hurts it, and that it is so hard as to break their tools." The leaves and other parts of the plant have a strong rutaceous odor. The branches are either prickly or unarmed, covered with a gray bark. The leaves alternate, unequally-pinnate; the leaflets from 4 to 6 pairs, are obovate-oblong, and crenate on the margin, somewhat notched at the extremity, smooth and subsessile, scattered with pellucid punctures ; the petiole about 5 inches long, i-^ margina* ;d. The flower- ing panicles branched, axillary and terniiiial. Flowers 4 to 6 together, subsessile, greenish-yellow and fragrant. The calyx small and 4 cleft. Petals 4. Stamens 4, longer than the petals, with the anthers yellow. The ovary mostly V( IRON-LEAVED YELLOW-WOOD. 13 ickly ; leavfj abtuse, emar. ctate ; petiole rter than tho )ular, hooked, ir. Suppl. vol, -alatas dispo- tab. 5, fig. 1, uUs utrinqm \NE, Jamnic, rculchi media einglc, ovate ; style 1 ; conical ; mature fruit the size of a grain of black pepper, 1-celled, 2-valvecl, l-seeded. The seed smooth, shining, and of a dark brown colour. Plate LXXXIV. A branch of the natural size. a. A cluster of female flowers, h. Tiie ripe capsule, c. The female flower enlarged, d. The mule also mag- nified. i. ithoxyluiii. ars also to cording to , about ],' ' its wood, ording to Sloaiie )age 41, it tis proper ;, and that 3aves and odor. covered -pinnate; ong, and xtremity, Linctures ; le flower- •"lowers 4 fragrant. 4, longer y mostly WALNUT-LEAVED YELLOW-WOOD. ZAXTflOXYLU.AI juglandifolium, acnkatum; folus xilnnalh, foUolis obloiii^ls acuiainatis ohnoktc serratis hasi inaqiKdihiis, ^;c(i>ii'^idis Icnnitiulihus. Willi). Sp. [)l. 1. c. No. 9. I'm- sooN Synops. vol. 2, p. G1.5. Decand. Prod. vol. 1, p. T-7. Clava IlcrcuUs? jVIacfadyen, Flora Jainaic. p. 194. (lion, WiLLD.) /3. Lam. Diet. vol. 2, p. .39. Z. amcricaimm xivc llcradis arbor aculeata major, jiighuvUs fdiis alknih imnim simwuu. Pluk. Almag. p. 390, t. 239, lig. 0 .' Evoivjma ajjiids arbor spinosa, folio ahiio, frncla sicco 2^cntago/ti) ct pen- tacocco, hgno Jlavo santall odorc. Sloane, catal. Jainaic. vol. 1, \). 138. Hist. vol. 2. p. 28. t. 172 ? Specimens of this species of Yellow Wood have been , collected in Louisiana by Mr. Teinturier. It has also been found in the island of Nevis, and in St. Domingo, by Poitcau. In Jamaica, according to Dr. Macfadycn, it becomes a tree of about 20 feet in height, producing a valuable timber, for house-building. The wood is yellow, close-grained, and according to Sloanc, has the aromatic odour of Sandal Wood, and might probably be equally use- lul in driving away moths from chests made of it. lie i Vol. II. — 3 li i I ■' ill' 14 FLORIDA SATIN-WOOD. likewise adds, that it is one of the largest and tallest trees of the island, attaining the height of 40 or more feet, and that it is also indigenous to Barbadocs, where it is ac- counted a good limber for in-door work. The stem is erect and armed with thick spines. The leaves come out principally towards the ends of the branches. They arc unequally pinnate, and consist of G to 8 pairs ; the leaflets arc mostly alternate, and become coriaceous, 2 or 3 inches long, marked with obscure pel- lucid dots and distant scrrulations, the base is rounded and somewhat oblique, the leaves rather downy beneath. The common petioles are beset with a few short scattered prickles, sometimes almost wholly absent. The panicle is terminal, much branched and downy. The capsules arc 4 or 5, rather downy, containing black seeds. 1 ■ ''ii 1 ! ':,. FLORIDA SATIN-WOOD. ZANTHOXYLUM FLonivxyvyi, ificrmeffoUis pinnatis 2-3-ji/gis,foUoUs ellipticis suhovatis crcnulatis jKUuculo-punctaiis, glabris, paniculis tcf- minalibics, multi/loris, inasculis ^-b-andris. This plant is said by its discoverer. Dr. Blodgett, to be a large and common tree on the island of Key West, where it is known by the name of Satin- Wood. A nearly allied species of Guiana, called "Negro Pepper," from its aromatic and pungent fruit, (Z. hermaphroditum), is said to grow 40 or 50 feet high, and to produce white, hard and close-grained wood. The branches in our plant are cinereous, and much cica- trized with the vestiges of fallen leaves. The leaves them- selves almost resemble those of some species of ash, they i tallest trees re feet, and re it is ac- )incs. The nds of the :onsist of G Liid bccoinc ibscure pel- ounded and cath. Tlic t scattered 3 panicle is )sulcs are 4 1^ -jugis,foUolh paniculis ter- Igett, to be ^ey West, A nearly ," from its ', is said to hard and nuch cica- ives them- ' ash, they I ■! 1 1 I iL 0- ■ cr/>/a ,?,//?/, ^ I'l I. WW vri'du SiiUii Uf'wU, XaiiUujxvIuiu FU»i'idn mum. f'//x 5-partc(l, obtuse, ilcciduous, the divisions unequal. Petals 5. Stamein 10, with the iilamcnts naked or partly appcndiculatc. Style and stigma 1. Caiimlc substipitate, 2 or 3 to 5-ccllcd, with 2 to 5 salient angles. Sw/,; solitary, afTixed to the axis, pendulous ; albumen cartilaginous, cotyle- dons rather thick. Trees of moderate elevation, with extremely hard and heavy wood ; the branchlels trichotomous, leaves opposite, abruptly pinnated, the leaflets entire, peduncles axillarand terminal, few and mostly clustered, 1 -flowered, the flowers blue. SMALL-LEAVED LIGNUM VITiE. GUATACUM sAscTvyi, foliis 5-7 -jvgis, foliolis ovallhus ohtnsis mnernnu- hit is ; 2>elioUs ramulisque suhjuibesccntibiis. Deca\d. Prod. vol. 1, p. 707. GuAiAcuM SANCTUM, foUolls multijugls oUnsis. Linn. Cosimel. Ilort, vol. 1, p. 171, tab. 88. Lam, Encyc. vol. 2, p. 615. * Derived from a Mexican name altered by the Spaniards into Guaij- acan. Tan Clas- 5. Staviena k1 stigma 1. glcs. Smh] ous, cotyle- wood; the the leaflets 1 -flowered, ' mucrmm- . vol. 1, p. MEL. Ilort. nto Giio.\j- ^ ^ !|i>i ; I' /,- ii 1i /iiiivd l,i,ii,, I'I.',«.\.V>'1 jr iii '„ Jinniinvm rvsri fuL 139, tab. Ijipiwi Vi f, G. *TXR ptcris. Thiss with a til (who fou flowers, is ca native fica, tiie and in IV Bpccies is Vittc, but the wood the older CuaiacuiT gray, and mostly 3 obtuse, b young hxi pubescent and from nearly sni partly un^ ,6ule is tu) Jor wings. I The w( |8ink in w; ■;rous. It -used whe ^pestles, ^ green, an 7 of resin; i^i SMALL-LEAVED LIGNUM VIT^. 17 Jtamimim vidgo americannm. S. Evmiymo nfmis occidentalis, nlaiis rvsrifoUix, micifcra, corticc ad gcnicula fimgoso. Pluk. Almag. p. 139, tab. 94, fig. 4. Lignnn Vitcc ex Brasilia. Blackwall, tab. 350. fig. 3, 4. (i. G. *rABviFOLiUM, foliis sxihti-ijugis foUuUs obUquis, capsulis pc7ita- picris. This species forms a spreadin gtrce, resembling an oak, with a thick short trunk, and, according to Dr. Blodgctt, (who found it to be abundant in Key West,) its fine blue flowers, in April, make a very beautiful appearance. It is a native likewise of various tropical parts of South Ame- rica, the island of St. Domingo, St. Juan of Porto Rico and in Mexico. According to Plumier, the wood of this Bpccies is as hard and as heavy as that of the true Lignum VittT, but of the colour of Box. Yet Hernandez describes the wood as blue internally, which probably takes place in the older trunks, and thus again resembling the officinal Guaiacum. The bark of this tree is gray or yellowish- gray, and even. The leaflets are never more than 2, or ^lostly 3 pair, somewhat cuneate-oblong, oblique and btusc, but terminating in short setaceous points; the oung branchlets and margins of the leaves are somewhat pubescent. The flowers are terminal, on longish peduncles, and from 2 to 4 together. The segments of the calyx are nearly smooth and oblong. The petals 5, are oval, rounded, partly unguiculate, smooth and perfectly entire. The cap- sule is turbinate, and furnished mostly with 5 salient angles ,..or wings. m The wood of the true Lignum Vito) is so heavy as to ■sink in water, to the taste it is slightly bitter and inodo- frous. It takes a fine polish and turns well, being much used where solidity is an object, such as for ship-blocks, Ipestles, &LC. The centre of the wood is of an obscure green, and is the part which contains the larger proportion of resin; the outer layer or sap wood is more yellow, I ! ii ! ■« II ;■, 18 SMALL-LEAVRD LIGNUM VIT^. lighter, and contains very little resin. It is remarkably cross-grained, the strata of fibres running obliquely into one another, in the form of a letter X. It is usually sawed into pieces of 1 to 5 cwt. each, and seldom presents a diameter of more than 12 to 18 inches. The peculiar substance called Guaiacum, (now Guaia- cine), is procured from this tree. It is friable, semitrans- parent, light, of a brownish-green colour when exposed to to the air and light, and dilfuses on burning a somewhat agreeable odour. It is slightly bitter, and produces in the mouth a sensation of smartinfj and heat. It dissolve; entirely in alcohol, and partially in water. It either flows spontaneously and concretes in tears, or is obtained by in- cisions. The latter operation is performed in May. This substance is also obtained by sawing the wood into billets, and boring a hole longitudinally through them, so that when one end of the billet is laid on the fire, the gum flows readily from the other, and is collected in a calabash or gourd. It may also be obtained by boiling the chips or raspings in salt water, when the gum will separate from the wood and rise to the surface. Guaiacine differs from resins in the change of colour produced on it by air and light, and the action of the acids, in not forming tannin but oxalic acid when treated with nitric acid, and in the large proportion of charcoal it aflfords when burnt. Guaiacine is stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic and purga- tive. The Spaniards first imported the wood from America into Europe in the year 1508. It had then a high reputa- tion as an antisyphilitic, and the names of Holy Wood and Wood of Life were given to it, and it was then in such esteem as to be sold at the rate of seven gold crowns a pound. It virtues, however, in the treatment of this dis- ease have been now wholly superseded by mercury. The decoction of the wood has been found useful in cutaneous diseases and scrofulous aflfections. The Guiac itself is an I I efficacioi atl'cction,' it is the arc a gra the moul body be with opiii exposed Avitii wat( mouth, St It is pr may be more nea no autlie certainly, \ men so n: In the Di '■' is a bad fi ; G.ojficinal I true officii some othe i ■ the Ico7ic. I 540, the s SMALL-LEAVED LIGNUM VITyE. 19 imarkably |ucly into illy sawed ►resents a •w Guaia- semitrans- xposed to somewhat IOCS in the dissolves ther flows ned by in- ay. This [ito billets, n, so that gum flows ilabash or 1 chips or e from the Fers from )y air and ng tannin nd in the t nd purga- x\merica li reputa- Vood and in such crowns a this dis- ry. The jutaneous self is an efficacious remedy in chronic rheumatism and arthritic all'cctions, and may be substituted for the wood, of which it is the active medicinal ingredient. Its sensible effects arc a grateful sense of warmth in the stomach, dryness of the mouth and thirst, "with a copious perspiration, if the body be kept externally warm, or if the guiac be united with opium and antimonials : but when the body is freely exposed it acts wholly as a diuretic. The tincture diluted ■with water has been employed as a gargle to cleanse the mouth, strengthen the gums, relieve tooth-ache, &c. It is probable that our variety |3 {Guaiacum parvifolium,') may be a distinct species from the true G. sanctum^ and more nearly allied to the officinal species, but we have seen no authentic specimen for comparison, and our plant is certainly, at the same time, exactly similar with a speci- men so marked and collected in St. Domingo by Poiteau. In the Didionnaire des Plantcs usuellcs, pi. 295, a. 1, there i is a bad figure of the G. sanctum^ which may be that of the ; G.qffici7iale, while plate 294, is made up of the fruit of the true officinal Guaiacum, and the simple opposite leaves of I some other plant foreign both to the genus and order. In i die Icones Plantarum 3Icdicinalinm, of Nuremberg, tab. ^ 540, the same false figure is given as the G. sanctum. I Plate LXXXVI. A branch of ihc natural size. a. TIic fruit. I >" 20 BITTER WOOD. (QuAssiE, Fr.) Natural Order, SiMARuuACEiE, (Richard.) Linnonan Clas- si/icatio?i, Decanduia Monogynia. SIMARUBA.* (AuBLET.) Flowers MONOECIOUS, DIOECIOUS or roLYGAMciTs. — Calf/x small, 5-partcil. Petals 5, soincwlmt largiu' tluin the calyx. Stdiiwns 5 to 10, wit!. scales at their base, St//Ic divkled at the apex. Carpels usually ol'tli same number as the petals, inserted by a joint on the axis, capsular, '.'• valved, internally dehiscent and 1 -seeded. Seeds without albumen, pen. dulous ; cotyledons thick ; radicle superior. ■;;,;'.;;( 'I' Trees or shrubs of the inter-tropical regions of America with a vnv bitter bark and milky juice : the leaves alternate, pinnated, and witliuii; stipules. GLAUCOUS BITTER- WOOD. SIMARUBA GLAUCA, florihus mondicis, masculis dccaiulris? , sligmatc •> partita, foliis ahritpte pinnatis, folioUs alternis sidrpetiolulatis glubiii glaucis. Decand. Prod. vol. 1, p. 733. Humb. Boni'l. ct Kl>tii. Nov. Gener. Am. vol. 6. p. 16. * An Indian name given by Aublet, employed by the Galibis. iccan Clas- all, 5-partcd to 10, wi!;. sually oI'iIk capsular, "■.'■ bumcn, pen- with a vrrv and witiiuiil sfiginatc '}■ '.itis ghihim ct Klm'u. i ! i ! ! libia ! h! i i ■ ' nv'-i .i.i -\ % OLiiwi'ii, ri.l.x.xw !ti SiiiiMrulm lihtirca t//ti I'll I'^mtfiie. 1 I '. i , I. Tm3 p ofllciiK'il of Cuba, the llerl) where it acconhnf^ flowcr.s ill Tiic Si height of pr. Macfi beinif of a but capab is much I bod-posts bitter qua! Diakc cabi Thcofli the prcscn root. It is Tlio piece Tvith warts Alcohol ar maceratioi jnost inten pcrty of a lidvantage fhcea, dysc luch used though the penalty. Every p ind the yc leaflets, 5 )ppositc, 0 |Dblique at Vol. III." GLAUCOUS DITTKIl-WOOI). 31 Tiiifl ppccics of Hittor-Wood often confoundo 1- •!.i ;li ^'(H'r'ololm inviforij 'm. Sf?w, roMcmis fructmini ccrnnis, Jacu. Amcr. p. 112, tab. 73. Mill. Diet, No. 1. CoccoLOBus foliis crnssis orhiculatis dim aiicrto. Bkown, Jam. p. 208. Polygonum caidc arhorco fructibus haccatis. Linn. Sp. pi. Ed. 1. Uvifeha foliis suhrotundis, amplissimis. Linn. Ilort. Cliilbrt. p. 487. UviFERA litorca, foliis amjiliorihus fcrc orhicidatis crassis atncricana. Pluken. Almag. p. 394, tab. 23G, fig, 7. Guojabara raccmosa, foliis coriaccis sicbroiundis, Plujiiek, ic. t. 145. if * The name derived from two Greek words, alluding to the lobing of tin; korncl al the base. 24 SEA-SIDE GRAPE. rmnvs mnritima rnccmom,fnUo stihmtMir/h glahrn, fnKtii minorc jnir- 1 ■jvircn. Sloank. Jamaic. 183. Hist. vol. 2, p. 129, t. 220, C 3. | Catesby, Carol. 2, t. 96. Pqpulus americana rotundiJbUa. Bauuin's Pinax. p. 430. The Sea-Side Grape forms a large and spreading tree along the coasts of many of the West India islands, and on the shores of the extremity of East Florida, where it was observed at Key West, by Dr. Blodgett. It is truly remarkable for the enormous size of its almost round and smooth, strongly-veined leaves, which are often from 8 to 10 inches in diameter. The trunk attains the height of from 25 to 60 feet, by 2 or more feet in diameter ; the wood is heavy, hard, and valued for cabinet work, when of sufficient size ; it is of a red or violet colour, and by boil- ing communicates the same fine colour to the water. The extract of the wood, or of the very astringent seeds, forms one of the kinds of kino employed in medicine. This sub* stance is of a very dark brown colour with a resinous frac- ture. According to Oviedo, the Spaniards, when in want of pen, ink and paper, used to employ the wide leaves of the Coccoloba, writing on them with the point of a bodkin. From its maritime predilection, it is known in the Ba- hamas by the name of the Mangrove Grape Tree, The fruit, disposed in long racemose clusters, is composed of pear-shaped, purple berries, about the size of cherries; they have a refreshing, agreeable sub-acid taste, with a thin pulp; are esteemed wholesome, and brought to the table as a dessert, for which they are in considerable demand, but if the stone be kept long in the mouth it becomes very astringent to the taste. The branches are smooth and gray, but in old trunks the bark is rough and full of clefts. The leaves are dilated, round and obtuse, with a narrow sinus at the base, and upon very short petioles. The racemes of greenish-white i mnorc pur. . 220, f. 3, ding tree inds, and where it t is truly ound and from 8 to height of eter; the , when of 1 by boil- ter. The ids, forms rhis sub- ious frac- in want eaves of bodkin. the Ba- ee. The posed of cherries; with a to the iderable nouth it [inks the dilated, ise, and 3h-whitc t 1 i ■'j ^1 •3 1 r i PILS Corooloba ptii'vilolia. SinaUUtired- Sen Side. Orapc. B>iu, VJCO, t. 69. Mini. l'"lnr. lk»r. Aincr. 1, p. V22. SiDKUoxYLON /trvc. Wai-tkh, Flor. Cnrnl, p. 100. Lvi'ioiuKs. Linn. Ilortus Clillurt. p. 488. A SMALL and rather elegant tree, from 12 to 40 feet hi«fli, chiefly an inhabitant of low wet forests, from Carolina to I'lorida, and in Louisiana, not far from the banks of the Mississippi; but it is never met with in Canada, as stated by Willdenow in the Species Plantarum. It was first intro- duced into France from the Mississippi, by the French Canadians, under the name of the Milk-Wood of the Mis- sissippi, from the fact, that the young branches, when cut, yield a milky juice. The wood, according to Elliott, though not used by mechanics, is extremely hard, heavy, and irregu- larly grained, agreeing, in this respect, pretty nearly with the species of Sideroxylon of the West Indies, deriving their name from the hardness of their wood, which is com- pared to iron. One of the tropical species has wood nearly of the same yellow colour and close grain as that of the Box tree. The younger infertile branches generally produce axillary spines, which often increase in size with the advancing growth of the wood. The bark of the trunk is gray and smooth, at length cloven into narrow longitudinal chinks, that of the branches is brownish-grey and smooth. The leaves, at first somewhat silky pubescent and whitish beneath, are rather narrow and lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, smooth and reticulated above, attenuated below into a moderate and slender petiole, brought together usually in lateral clusters; in the centre of which, sur- rounded by the round clusters of flowers, issues occasionally a spine. The leaves at length smooth, are about 3 inches long including the petiole, and an inch or less in width. The flowers, small and greenish, are in axillary or lateral i roundc as wel numbe on the the res about Botani shady OBLONG-LEAVED BUMELIA. 33 rounded clusters ; the peduncles simple, all of a Icnglli, and, as well as the calyx, quite smooth. The stamens are 5 in number, and about the length of the corolla. The leaves on the infertile branches are more decidedly lanceolate than the rest. The berries arc oval, juicy, black when ripe, and about the size of small peas. A tree now in Bartrani's Botanic Garden, at Kingsessing, in rather an unfavourable shady situation, probably 40 years old or more, has attained the height of about 40 feet, but being slender, is not more than 8 inches in diameter ; it appears, however, as though it might attain a still larger growth, and is per- fectly hardy in this climate. Plate XCI. A branch of the natural size, a, A cluster of berries, b. The flower. OBLONG-LEAVED BUMELIA. BUMELTA oBtONGiFOLiA, spinosa erecta,foliis lanccolato-ohhngis ohtiisis basi attennatis subtus mollitcr pilosis, pcthinculis brevissimis calyci- busqiie villosis. Nurr. Gen. Amer. vol. 1, p. 135. This species, which becomes a tree 18 or 20 feet in height, is by far the most hardy of the genus, being indige- nous about the lead-mines in the vicinity of St. Louis, where the thermometer falls at times below zero. It is also not uncommon in Arkansas, in the shady alluvial forests of that stream, and it is met with on the borders of the Mis- sissippi as far down as Natchez. It was first noticed botanically by my late friend Mr. John Bradbury, F. L. S. 34 RUSTY-LEAVED BUMELIA. I! The bark is rough and gray, and the wood very hard, tough, and foetid, indeed so much so, that it would pro- bably drive away insects from chests made of its wood. In its natural haggard state, near the lead mines, it is an ungraceful tree with numerous tortuous and flexuous branches. The young branchlets, as well as the petioles, are clothed with soft brownish-grey hairs. The leaves somewhat resemble those of B. lycioides, but they are larger, being 3 to 4 inches long by 1 to 1 1 wide, and more or less hairy beneath, even when adult. The flowering clusters are dense, the flowers numerous, on hairy pedun- cles scarcely longer than the ferruginously villous calyx, the segments of which are ovate and concave. The inner scales nearly equal with the corolla, are connivent and trifid, situated opposite to the stamens. Drupe fleshy, purple, at length blackish brown. RUSTY-LEAVED BUMELIA. BUMELIA FERRUGiNEA, incmiis, foliis ohovatis piibescentihus ohtiisis subtus ferrugiiico-to7nc7itosis, corymhis muUiJloris, calijcihus pcdunm- Usque rufo lanatis,Jloribus pe?Ua7idris. Of this apparently very distinct species of Iron-wood, I know nothing more than the single imperfect specimen collected by Mr. Ware, in East Florida. The leaves in the spineless infertile branch are unusually wide, being 1^ inches by 2^ inches in length, those on the flowering branch however, are much smaller. It is quite remarkable for the dense ferruginous pubescence on the under side of the ri \Y Hi I'; '} i i: IJunulia tt'Uiix. ri \n ■ \ SILKY-LEAVED BUMELIA. 35 leaves, young branches and calyx. Its nearest affinity is at the same time to the preceding species. SILKY-LEAVED BUMELIA. BUMELIA TKNAX, crccta, ramis jimiorihiis spinosis, follis cuneato-lan- rrolatis 2)lcruviquc ohtusis, suhtus sericco-nitcntihus, sub-aureis, calycibus viUosis. BuMELiA tniax. Willd. Sp. \)\. 1, p. 1085. Persoon, Synopsis, vol. 1, p. 237. Elliott, Sketch, vol. 1, p. 288. Loudon, Encyc. Plants, p. 149, t. 2394. BuMELiA chnjs(yphylhuJcs, Puiisii. Flor. Bor. Amcr. 1, p. 155. SiDEROXYLON tcHux, LiNN. Mant. p. 48. .lACuriN, Collect, vol. 2, p. 252. SiDERoxYLON chryaophijUoi-lcs. Mica, Flor. Bor. Amcr. 1, p. 123. SiDERoxYi,oN scriceum. WAr.,TER, Carol, p. 100. CiiRYsoPHYLLUM Carolinensc. Jaou. Obscrv. vol. 3, p. 3, tab. 54. This very elegant leaved species becomes occasionally a tree 20 to 30 feet high, with hard tough wood, and tho trunk clothed with a light grey bark. The young branches are slender, straight, flexible, and us in all the species of the genus inhabiting the United JStates, very difficult to break, hence the •^-pecific name of the present {tcnax.') The leaves are nmch smaller than in any of the preceding species; smooth above, beneath silky and shining, with tho down usually of a pale golden or ferruginous colour; add- ing a peculiar elegance and splendour to the foliage, nearly equal to that of the true Chrysophylium, or Golden-Leaf of the West Indies. The flowers and leaves, as usual, are both clustered at the extremities of the projecting buds of the former season, but the older fertile branches do not appear to produce any thonid. The peduncles of tiie ses- 36 WOOLLY-LEAVED BUM ELI A. sile corymbs, are very long, and as well as the calyx, clothed with ferruginous down. According to WilJdenow the drupes are oval. Inner corolla or nectarium 5-partc(l as the corolla, but with the divisions trifid, and the middle segment longest. This species affects dry sandy soils, and is met with, not uncommonly, from the sea-coast of Soutli Carolina to East Florida. Bosc remarks that at the approach of evening, the flowers give out an agreeable odour. In the Baitram Garden, there is a tree of this species, less silky than usual, w^hich is perfectly hardy. Plate XCII. A branch of the natural size. a. Thn flmvcr. b. The berry. WOOLLY-LEAVED BUMELIA. ' I BUMELIA LANUGINOSA, spinosa ; ramuUs palentissimis, puhescrntihiis ; foliis cuneato-Iunceolatis obtiisis ; siihtus Umuginosis fcrrugi'neis nee scriccis calijcihus glal)ris basi pUosiuscuUs. BuMELiA laimgiiiosa. Peiisoon, Synops. 1, p. 237. Pursh. Flor. 1, p. 155. SiDERoxYLON lANUGiNosuM, spinosum ; TamiiHs patmtissimis, 2n/lx'sccn- tibits ; foliis ova/i-kmceolatis, siqjra glabris, subtus lanuginosis ncc scriccis. Micu. rlor. Bor. Am. vol. 1, p. 122. This is a smaller tree than the preceding, affecting the same situations, bushy swamps on light soils ; and is met with in Georgia and the lower part of Alabama. The leaves are small, as in the preceding species, but covered beneath with a dull brown wool, not very thick, nor in the least LARGE-FRUITED BUMELIA. 37 shining; their form is cuneate-oblong, or sublanceolate and obtuse, about an inch and a half long, and a little more than half an inch wide, on short petioles like all the rest of our species. The flowers are also much smaller, and the calyx nearly smooth. In this species likewise the spines are stout, sharp and persistent. Its real affinity is to B, li/cioidcs, but it is in all parts much smaller. LARGE-FRUITED BUMELIA. BUMELIA MACHOCAHPA, (lf2')rcssa, ramis gracilihus valde spinosis, spinis dongatis tcnuibus suhrccicrvis,foUis panniUs cuncato-lanccolalis obtusis junionhiis laimginosisy demicm suhglabm concoloribus ; dnipa maximc ovall. l,n. the met saves leatli least This very low bushy species, allied to B. reclinata^ I give, (though from very imperfect specimens) to complete the history of our species of the genus. The twigs are very slender, at first pubescent, covered with a grey bark, and with the spines long and slender as needles. The leaves, before expansion, are exceedingly lanuginous, and always small, with very short petioles, at length nearly smooth. The fruit is edible, and as large as a small date ! I found this species on the sandy hills not far from the Altamaha, in Georgia, in winter, and therefore do not know the flower. It does not grow more than a foot high, and the leaves are little more than half an inch long. Vol. in.— 6 ■'Mi^m^. 38 •ff Leaves Scmpcrvircyit. NARROW-LEAVED BUMELIA. BUMELIA ANGusTiFOLiA, glabra spinosa, fdiis lineari-oblongis obtusis, Jloribiis aggrcgatis glabris, drupa oblotiga zimbilicata. This tree, according to Dr. Blodgett, is common at Key West, where it attains the height of 40 feet. The wood is probably equally hard with that of the other species of the genus. The branches before us are more or less spiny, and covered with a brown but externally silvery grey bark. The leaves, unusually small and narrow, come out in clus- ters from the centre of preceding buds, they are very smooth, apparently evergreen and coriaceous, linear-oblong and obtuse, attenuated into a sort of false petiole, and are about an inch and a quarter long, by about 3 lines wide. The peduncles are aggregated, rather short, and, as well as the calyx, smooth. Segments of the calyx ovate, the two outer smaller. Corolla yellowish-white not longer than the calyx. The berry, about the size and form of that of the Bar- berry, is purplish-black, and covered with a bloom, oblong-elliptic, by abortion 1-seeded, the 3 or 4 other ovules stifled, and the one large, cartilaginous seed filling up the whole cavity ; the berry is umbilicated at the apex, and terminated with the persistent, subulate, slender style ; the pulp is waxy, milky probably before ripe, as in the Sapotilla. The seed is large, cylindric-oblong, pale testa- ceous, hard and very shining, with an internal longitudinal !wsw, ley d is the iny, irk. lus- Dth, and out riie the wo the ar- >in, ler ng ex, e; he ta- lal iri ^ ..4. A .lir/VH^. havi-d I I'l Xriii -_■-' i ; I Buiiieliii ajig'iistifdlia . IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^ >^ /./ t/ij Ihiniclia Su/>i>U//fr li-is fit I III I'l.Knrl ;sM"<< M' FETID BUMELIA. 39 suture, bright-brown at tlie tip of the base, with a conspi- cuous lateral basal cicatrice. This species has a considerable affinity with SUlcroxyion spinosum of Linnffius, a native of India and Africa, the ber- ries of which are acidulous, and agreeable to eat. Plate XCIII. A branch of the natural size in flower, a. A branch with ripe berries. FETID BUMELIA. BUMELIA FommssiMA, foliis lanccolato-ohlongis obtusis stthemarginatis, jwdunciilis confcrtis axillaribus. Willd. Sp. Plant, vol. 2, p. 1086. Persoox, Synops. 1, p. 237. SiDERoxYtoN FftiTiDissiMUM incmic, foHis suh-oppositis, forihiis patcfi- tissijnis. Linn. Mantis, p. 49. Jacq. Anicr. p. 55. Lam. Diet. vol. 1, p. 247. ) ' 1 This is another species, becoming a large tree, equally indigenous to Key West and the island of St. Domingo, and v/as found by the same person with the former. Poiteau met with it the mountainous woods of Ilayti, and it was in flower in October. It is said neither to be spiny nor milky-juiced, and it bears a round berry almost as large as a cherry. In this species the leaves are very smooth and large, disposed chiefly at the extremities of the branches, they are nearly elliptic and obtuse, somewhat waved on the margin, on petioles nearly an inch in length, and of a thinnish con- sistence, yet somewhat coriaceous j they are 3 to 3i inches 40 FETID BUMELIA. long and from l.j to 2 inches wide. The flowers arc numerous and in dense clusters, produced, apparently, in the axils of preceding leaves, and therefore appear wholly lateral. The calyx is almost entirely smooth, with oval segments ; the corolla very spreading, yellowish-white, with 5 stamens. The stigma, very dillcrcnt from that of the preceding species, is wholly sessile on the summit of the oblong germ, and is membranous and concave. The berry, apparently yellow, is by abortion only 1 -seeded. The spe- cimens collected in St. Domingo by Poitcau, arc marked Samaroy probably from the very peculiar almost cup-shaped stigma and spherical fruit. It seems to be nearly allied to Sideroxyion lucidunii (Solander), as described by La- marck, Diet. l,p. 246. It is also nearly allied, apparently, to B. pallida. V Plate XCIV. A branch of the natural size. 41 STRAWBERRY TREE. (Arbousieu, Fr.) Natural Order,, Erice;*:, (R. Brown.) Tribe Arbute.^, (Dccand.) Limman Ciassijlcationy Dccandria Mono- GYNIA. J i ; i ARBUTUS.* (Camer. Tournefort.) Cali/x inferior, G-partctl. The corolla globoscly or ovately campanulnte ; the narrow border G-clcft and reflected. Stamens 10, included. Antliers compressed at tho sides, opening by 2 terminal pores, attached below the summit where they produce 2 reflected awns. Ovarium^ seated upon or half immersed in an hypogynous disc, 5-cclleil, colls many- seeded. Su/le 1 : stigma obtuse. Bcrnj nearly globular, rough with granular tubercles. Large or small trees of the south of Europe, the Levant, l.^exico, and Oregon. The leaves alternate and scmpervirent ; racemes axillary or ter- minal and paniculate. Flowers pedicellate, provided with bractes ; tho corolla white or reddish. * An anrient name fur the Arbutus Vucdo. Ii1 42 MENZIES'S STRAWBERRY TREE. ARBUTUS MK\/.iE8il, arl)orca^ foliis cllipticis aaitis mthsrrratis Inniir petioUuis ghibriSf racemis paniculatis densifloris axillaribus Icnninali- busque. Ahuutits memicsii. Pubaii. Flor. Bor. Amcr. 1, p. '^'^1. Arbutus kturi/olia ? Jlfiiirbirri '/) .■/rhoiisn'f '!> Mfii w..»- Oregor descril] vary in and oU We of no diametc fruit is only al chiefly All tl particul Europe, Leon in fruit, th when ta Greece i as an as sica an i ries of i spirit an BATODET vol. 8. TREE WHORTLEBERRY. 43 Oregon territory. The young leaves are, in fact, as described, sharply serrate, and the older leaves likewise vary in this respect, some being wholly entire or nearly so, and others distinctly serrulate. We found the wood to be white, hard, and brittle, and of no economical value, except as indifferent fuel. Its diameter was usually from 1 to 2 feet. The pulp of the fruit is somewhat aromatic, but wholly inedible. The cells only about 2-seeded, the seed rather large and angular, chiefly filled with a fleshy albumen. All the species of the genus are highly ornamental, and particularly the Strawberry Tree (^A. Uncdo) of South Europe, which covers whole mountains in the kingdom of Leon in Spain. The peasants and their children eat the fruit, though not very agreeable and somewhat narcotic when taken in large quantities. The leaves in some parts of Greece are employed for tanning leather, and are also used as an astringent remedy in medicine. In the island of Cor- sica an agreeable wine is said to be prepared from the ber- ries of the A, Unedo ; and in Spain both a sugar and a spirit are obtained from them. :| Plate XCV. A branch of the natural size. a. The berries. TREE WHORTLEBERRY. BATODENDRON abboreum. Nutt. in Philos. Transact. Philad. vol. 8. 44 TREE WHORTLEBERRY. Vaccinium arhormm. Marshall, p. 157. Mich. Flor. Amcr. 1, p. 230. PuHSH. Flora, 1. p. 285. Elliott, Sk. 1, p. 495. Vaccinium dijj'usum. Aiton. llort. Kcw. vol. 2, p. 11. This species, commencing to appear on the dry margins of swamps in North Carohna, and extending to Florida and Arkansas, becomes a tree of 1 0 to 20 feet in height, with an irregular round top, and sending out many long, straight suckers from the root. The leaves are nearly evergreen, oboval, or almost round, smooth and shining. The racemes arise from the old wood, with the flowers white, tinged with red, and angular. The berries are round, smooth, black, nearly dry and astringent, filled with a granular pulp almost like saw-dust, yet the taste is pleasantly subacid. The bark of the root is astringent, and is sometimes given in decoction as a remedy for chronic dysentery and diarrha3a. The dried fruit is equally efficacious and more agreeable to the palate, (Elliott.) We have not sufficient materials for a figure of this curious tree. Mountain Laurel, {Rhododendron maximum) " is found, as you know, at Medfield and at Attleborough in Massa- chusetts, and also, / believe, near Portland in Maine." (G. B. Emerson.) I am unable to decide whether this interesting plant is found as far north as the state of Maine, though at is not improbable. On the high banks of the Delaware near Bordentown, we meet with natural clumps of tliis shrub, which in Pennsylvania is scarcely found nearer than the first chain of the Alleghany Moun- tains. Spoon Wood (Kalmia latifolia), "abounds in almost every part of Massachusetts, as far north as Lowell," (G. B. Emerson,) and 1 have reason to believe, also, that it TREE WHORTLEBERRY. 45 extends into Maine. The largest plants of this species which I have ever seen, not inferior to stout Peach trees, were in the great cypress swamp, near Dagsbury in Sussex county, Delaware. In the same locality also grew the Hopea iindoriay Laurus Borbonia, and the Quercus hemi' spherica. Sorrel Tree, {Andromeda arborea). A tree of this spe- cies now growing at the Bartram Garden, is more than 60 feet high, with a circumference of 4 feet. Vol. III. — 7 46 MELON OR PAPAW TREE. (Papayer. Fr.) Natural Order, Papayace^. (Von Martius.) Linna:an Classification^ Dkecia Decandria. PAPAYA.* (Trew, Tourn. Jussiru.) (Linn.) CARICA. Difficiors or polyoamoijs. — Cali/x inferior, minute and 5-toothcd. Co. rolla, monopctalous, with a contorted irstivation, in the stanunitcrous flower tubular, with 5 lobes and 10 stamens, all arising from the same line, with those opposite the lobes sessile, the other alternate ones on short filaments ; antliers adnatc and 2.celled, opening lengthways ; the corolla in the fertile flower is nearly campanulate, and 5-parted almost to the base. Ovary superior, 1 -celled, with 5 parietal many-seeded receptacles ; stigma sessile, P -lobed, fringed. Fruit a succulent indohis- cent pepo. Seeds spherical, enveloped in a looso mucous coat, having a brittle pitted .shell ; the embryo m the axis of a fleshy albumen; cotyledons flat, with the radicle inclined to the hylum. !■! These are spongy-wooded, quick-growing trees of tropical America, without branches, like Palms, and yielding an acrid thin milky juice ; the * The native American name. Linnasus changed the name for Carina, because it was said to be a native of Caria ; but as the plant lias no sort of relation with that country, it is better, with Jussicu and Lamarck, to retain the older and better name. ia:a7i \. Co. crous same cs on ; the Imost ceded Jehis- aving men ; cnca, ; tlie irica, ort of retain M Pi I pan' '/'iff. P;i]»;«va nili^aTis ,<*i*' .J )//imi//(. coa leaves arc alternate flic male (lo\ver.s ii flowers usually solit COMMO PAPAYA vuLOARi acHtis,Jloril)US vi Pai'aya vulgaris. 6.21. Carica Paj'irri/a. Carica frondc como p. 360. Papaya fnida inch tub. 7 ] TouiiN. Papaya maram. R fig. 2, [female]. Afhor mdonifcra. Aihor plataiii folio, p. 131. Meiiian • 't I ' ' ' Tub Papaw brandies to the may be compan ccous Banana, \ Passion flower t out only toward circle like an ai a foot in diamt consistence, and age like hemp, man, and soon magnitude in 3 The root is p agreeable taste whole length, w ill COMMON MELON OR PAPAW TREE. 47 leaves arc alternate and large, digitate or palmately lobcd, on long petioles; (lie male flowers in axillary racemes with clustered flowers; the female /lowers usually solitary. COMMOxN MELON or PAPAW TREE. PAPAYA vclgahis, foliis palmntis l-O-lohis simiatis, hxciniis oblongis acHtis,Jlorll)its mascidis nicvmoso-conjmlmsis. Papaya 'vulgaris. Decanu. in Lamarck's Diet. vol. 5, p. 2. Illust. t. 821. Carica ra'pnya. Linn. Sp. pi. Willd. Sp. pi. 4, p. 814. Carica fromlc coinosa, Jhliis 2>dUUis ; lulls varic sinuatis. Brown, Jam. p. 3G0. Papaija frucia mclo-jvponis ejjigic. Plum. Catal. p. 20. Tuew. Ehrct. tab. 7 ? TouKN. lustit. p. G5'J. Papaya maram. Riielu, Malab. vol. 1, t. 15, fig. 1, [male], Amhapaya, fig. 2, [female]. Arhnr mdonifcra. BouTirs, p. 96. Alitor plataid folio, fnictic Prponis magnitiuline cduli. Bauiiin Pinax, p. i;il. Mekian. Surinam, p. 40, tab. 40 and 02. 64. The Papaw Tree, rising erect into the air without brandies to the height of 20 feet, in its mode of growth may be compared to the Palms, or to the tall and herba- ceous Banana, while its true relations are to the Gourd and Passion flower tribes. Tiie elegant palmated leaves spread out only towards the summit of the stem, and form a wide circle hke an airy umbrella. The stem is cylindric, about a foot in diameter, with the wood of a soft and spongy consistence, and so fibrous as to afford a material for cord- age like hemp. In six months it attains the height of a man, and soon after begins to flower, attaining its utmost magnitude in 3 years. The root is perpendicular, whitish, spongy, and of a dis- agreeable taste and smell. The stem is marked nearly its whole length, with the scars of the fallen leaves, and is of i\\\ 48 COMMON MELON OR PAPAW TREE. a somewhat solid consistence towards the base. Tlic loaves are on petioles which are near upon 2 feet long, they are deeply divided into 7 or 9 sinuated gashed lobes. The flowers are axiihiry, yellowish-white and fragrant; the barren ones in pendulous racemes with the flowers dis- posed in corymbose clusters ; the fertile flowers are rather numerous, on short usually simple thickened pedicels. The fruit, produced throughout the whole year, is about the size of a small musk-melon, usually oval or round, and fre- quently grooved; it is yellow, inclining to orange when ripe, containing a bright yellow, succulent, sweet pulp, with an aromatic scent ; the seeds a little larger than those of mustard, have a warm taste almost like that of Cresses. The fruit of the Papaw when boiled and mixed with lime juice, is esteemed a wholesome sauce to fresh meat, in taste not much unlike apples. It is likewise employed as a pickle, when about half-grown, being previously soaked in salt water to get rid of the milky juice it contains, and is, when ripe, frequently preserved in sugar and sent to Europe with other tropical sweetmeats. The juice of the unripe fruit, as well as that of the seed, acts as a powerful and efficacious vermifuge, and its chief constituent, sin- gular enough, is found to be fibriney a principle otherwise peculiar to the animal kingdom and the fungi.* An appli- cation of the milky sap is said to be a remedy for the tetter or ringworm, and upon the coast of Malaquette in Africa, the leaves are employed as an abstergent in place of soap, they are also used for the same purpose, by the African Creoles of the West Indies. The Papaw, moreover, has the singular property of ren- dering the toughest animal substances tender, by causing a separation of the muscular fibre ; even its vapour alone is said to produce this effect upon meat suspended among * Thompson's Annals of Chemistry, 1. c. the tciu Tl» of bcii {■-■ \ vf COMMON MELON OR PAPAVV TREE. 49 tlic leaves, and that poultry and liogi=i, though old, become tender in a few hours after feeding on the leaves and fruit. Tliis property was first described by Brown in his history of Jamaica, who remarks, that meat washed in the milky juice, mixed with water, became in a few hours so tender tluit when cooked it could scarcely be taken from the spit. The utility of the Papaw is proved by the fact of its being cultivated over the whole of South America, (accord- ing to the observations of Humboldt and Bonpland ;) it is likewise cultivated throughout India and in many of the islands of tiic Pacific, particularly in the Friendly and Sand- Avich island groups ; here it frequently produces fruit at the height of G or 8 feet. In the wilds of East Florida, accord- ing to IJartram, it presents a more imposing and stately appearance, and adds a peculiar feature to the almost tro- pical scenery of the forests of the St. John. It is also met with on the small islands or keys, near the extremity of the peninsula, and is indigenous to many parts of South America and the West India islands. Linschoten says it came from the West Indies to the Philippines, and was taken thence to Goa. According to Sloane, it grows wild in the woods of Jamaica, but is there of small stature. It was observed also at Realcjo in Guate- mala by Dr. Sinclair. In Bartram's Travels, (p. 131,) is given a very ani- mated and exact description of this graceful tree. He adds it " is certainly the most beautiful of any vegetable produc- tion I know of; the towering Laurel Magnolia, and exalted Palm, indeed exceed it in grandeur and magnificence, but not in elegance, delicacy, and gracefulness ; it rises erect, with a perfectly straight tapering stem to the height of 15 or 20 feet, which is smooth and polished, of a bright ash colour. Its perfectly spherical top is formed of very large lobe- sinuate leaves, supported on very long footstalks j the lower 50 COMMON MELON OR PAPAW TREE. leaves arc the larjrcst as well as their petioles the lonurpurasccntihus, ramidis cymisq^te hirsutis ; foliis ovalihus aciitis gUihrinsculis suhtus pallulis hirsuto-puhcscciitibus, cymis dcprcssis, dcntibus ccdycinis mimUis, pctalis lanccokitis acittis, NuTT. in Torrcy air' Gray, 1, p. G52. CoRNUs circitiata. Chamis. and Sciileciit. in Linnroa. 3, p. 139. CoRNUs scricca, /3. ? occukntalis : leaves larger, more tomentose bcncatli. ToRR. and Gray, vol. 1, p. 652. This species is confined to the immediate borders of the Oregon and Wahlamet in wet and dark ])laces. Accord- ing to Chamisso, it also exists round St. Francisco in Upper California. The stem is about 6 feet high, but it lias no pretensions to become a tree, and is only introduced here for want of any other suitable opportunity of publishing it. Its true aflinity is to Cornus stolonifera. The stem is simi- larly reclined and full of slender red twigs. It differs from that species, however, in the nature of its pubescence which is whitish and hirsute, with a crowded and close hirsute cyme, and larger lanceolate petals. The leaves are also oval, or somewhat broad ovate, and merely acute, not acuminate, almost smooth above, whitely and somewhat hirsutely pubescent beneath. The flowers aro v/'iite and rather large, crowded so as to hide the pedicels. The fruit we have not observed. n CORNEL-CHERRY. 55 White Cornel. {Cornus stolonifcra, C. alha, Pursh.) This species grows on the borders of streams in the Rocky Mountain range, and also on the banks of tlie Oregon, and in the Blue Mountains of that territory. The Cornel-cherry {Cornus mascula), is a native of the south of Europe, but thrives well in this climate. It blos- soms early, and bears a handsome crimson fruit, about the size and appearance of a cherry, which was formerly used for tarts and made into a roll. The wood is very hard, and made into wedges, will endure almost like iron. It has long been cultivated in the Bartram Garden, in this vicinity, where fine plants may be seen in the autumn full of fruit. 56 FRINGE TREE. (ClIIONANTE, Fr.) Natural Order, OLEiNBiE, (Iloffmansegg and Link.) Lin- noaan Classification, Diandria Monogynia. CHIONANTHUS.* (Linn.) Ccdtjx 4-toothccl. Corolla monopetalous with a short tube, the border 4- cleft, the segments very long, pendulous, narrow and linear. Stamens 2, sometimes 4, included and inserted into the tube. Ovarium bilocular ; ovules pendulous and collateral, 2 in each cell. Style short ; stigma partly bilobed. Drupe succulent, 1 -seeded, the seed provided with albumen. Emb'yo inserted. Small trees of India and the warmer and temperate parts of America, with opposite, simple and entire leaves ; the racemes or panicles of flowers terminal or axillary. COMMON FRINGE TREE. CHIONANTHUS viiiginica, panicula terminali trifida; peduncnlis trifloris; foliis acutis. Willd. Sp. pi. 1, p. 46. CHIONANTHUS, peduHCulis trifidis trijloris. Linn. Hort. Cliff, p. 17. i * So called from its snow white flowers. {Chion snow, and antlios a flower.) m- r4. '.ens ar; ;ma vith ca, ers Us 17. ;a «5 I ! I A S. / ri n,h- 'J'r, ( liiiiici iitltiis Viruiiiicit I'liiniiii II lln ill li/i/iiiit COMMON rUINOK TUKK. 57 IliiiAMn,, Alb. l,i». l(ir). Di' Roi, llarl)k. 1, p. 130. Lam. Diet. 1, p. 7;J5. N. ciiioNANTiU'H (liUifoliii), foliis ovato-dlijiticis. AiT, Kow. 1, p. ^2. C, maritifiiri; Vvunii. I, p. 8. AmrUinctun irginiuna, Itiwoccrusi foiio. Petiv. Sici. p. 241. Catks- BY, Carol, vol. 1, p. 08, tab. 08. /3. CiiioNANTiius (onj^uslifulia) folm IdnccolatiSy (imrrow-leavcd Fringe Troc.) Ait. Kow. I,p. ii2. This beautiful tree attains the heiglit of 12 to 20 feet, with a diameter of 10 to 12 inches. When in flower, which is here about tijc commencement of June, few objects can be seen more singular and elegant ; the pani- cles of pendent flowers with which it is then clad give it the appearance of a mass of snow white fringe, and, when the flowers fall, the ground seems covered with a carpet of white shreds. It is also highly ornamental when in fruit, presenting, amongst its broad, deep green leaves, numerous clusters of dark purple drupes, which look like so many small plums, but are not agreeable to the palate. Mr. Elliott mentions a variety in a garden near Charleston, (that of Mr. Champney) in which the panicles of flowers were so long and numerous that they appeared cylindrical. The variety ^. C anguslifolia of Aiton, with narrow oblong- lanceolate leaves, and smooth beneath, appears to be a ^''•:'iinct species, and takes a more southern range. The farthest known northern station of this tree is in the woodlands, on the borders of the Brandy wine, near West Chester in this state, where it was observed, many years ago, by my late friend David Landreth, senior ; it is therefore perfectly hardy to the northern limits of the United States. To the south, it is met with as far as Florida, and appears to be replaced in Mexico by the C. pubescens of Humboldt, Kunth and Bonpland, but in that species the flowers are larger and red. Of the quality of its wood nothing is yet known, nor is I ! 58 COMMON FRINGE TREE. it sufficiently common for economical purposes. Accord- ing to Elliott, the root is used in form of an infusion, as a remedy in long standing intermittents. The tree presents a roundish spreading summit; the leaves are opposite, petiolate, oval, pointed at either end, entire ; green and smooth above, pubescent beneath, 6 or 7 inches long by about 3 wide. The white flowers come out in pendent paniculated racemes, of which the extreme ramifications are usually 3-flowered. The fringe like petals are 8 or 9 lines long, sometimes with 6 divisions instead of 4, and as many as 4 stamens. It grows generally in humid places, near swamps and streams, and bears cultivation extremely w^ell. In the fine old garden of the Bartrams at Kingsessing, there is a tree of this species which has been growing nearly a century, and is now 32 inches in circum- ference, and about 20 feet high. A species very much resembling the present, the flowers equally loose and trichotomal, but with thick smooth coria- ceous leaves, according to Poiteau, inhabits the island of St. Domingo, and will probably be met with in East Florida. Plate XCVIII. A branch of the natural size. a. The fruit. ' >n i I riMXiiuis Orci5 Michaux to be preferred to that of other species. Mr. Elliott, however, remarks that he believes they arc all indiscriminately used. Carolinian or Broad-Fruited Ash, (Fraxinus platycarpa. Mich. vol. 2, p. 256.) Mr. Elliott remarks, " I think it sometimes becomes a large tree." 66 FLOWEEING ASH. (Frene a Fleub, Fr.) Natural Order, Oleinej:. LinncBan Classification^ Diandrfa MONOGYNIA. ORNUS. (Persoon.) Calyx 4-parted or 4-toothcd. Corolla 2 to 4 parted, the segments usually elongated. Stamens cxserted. Stigina emarginate. Samara 1 -celled, 1 -seeded, winged. Trees, natives of Europe Asia and Western America, with opposite unequally pinnated leaves, and terminal or axillary panicles of flowers, scarcely distinguishable from the Ash but by the presence of a corolla. :!V5 ■ : CALIFORNIAN FLOWERING ASH. '; 1 1 ORNUS DiPETALA, foliis Z-jvgis, fdiolis cuneato-ovatis serratis ohtusis glabris, paniculis aziUaribus, corolla dipetala, antlwra elongata, Jila- mentis brevibus. Oknus dipetala. Hooker and Arnott, in Botan. Beech, tab. 87. Fraxinus (pr?ius) dipetala ; foliis 3-jugis, foliolis ovalibus obtusis acute serratis glabris basi cuneatis, infcrioribus in petiolidum longiusculum atlcmmtis, superiorihus duobus sessiliinis^ supremo longe petiolulata, ;746 I &/,/,: "nun ;!'( I! '. OrriiiB DijU'liila. by ap mc to elli tur clu 4-t ab( api ant she 0V£ ( the aut ten( plai obs Abi 1 hi noti cau at t CALIFORNIAN FLOWERING ASH. 67 paniculis muUiJloris longitudine fere fdiorum ac infra folio ortis, petalis 2 obovato-oblongis obtusis unguiculatis. Hook, in Bot. Becchy, Suppl. p. 362. Specimens of this curious tree were collected (probably) by Douglas in the forests of Upper California. The flowers appear less showy but more curious than those of the com- mon Flowering Ash, {Ornus Europaa.) The leaflets appear to be small and distant from each other, smooth, of an elliptic ovate figure, with small and distinct sharp serra- tures. The flowers are small and come out in ramified clusters from the axills of the leaves ; they have a distinct 4-toothed calyx, and 2 oblong, obtuse spreading petals about the length of the stamens. The stamens do not appear to be exserted as in the European ornus ; the anthers are also very large and long, and the filaments so short as not to appear beyond the calyx. The germ is ovate, and the stigma merely notched. Of this curious plant we have seen nothing more than the plate and specific character as given above. The author remarks, that it is allied to F. Schiedianus of Schlec- tendal, described in the Linnroa. vol. 6, p. 391, a Mexican plant, but the petals of that species have not yet been observed. Plate CI. A branch of the natural size, a. The flower masnified. h. The germ also magnified. The Ornus abiericana of Pursh. Flor. Bor. Amer. vol. 1, p. 8, is given on the authority of Persoon, who merely notices it as a variety of the European Ornus, and cautiously places an interrogation after americana ? giving at the same time no locality. Pursh, however, adds, " In ■# ! 'ti ! 68 OLIVE TREE. moist shady woods : Maryland and Virginia, rare, b May, V, v." Yet with all this assertion, it continues, as far as I know, to rest wholly on the authority of Pursh, no other botanist having pretended to find this obscure plant, which in all probability, is nothing more than a name bestowed upon a mere variety of the European Ornus, by gardeners for purposes of profit. The Olive Tree, {Oka Europcea.) The cultivation of the Olive has been attended with the greatest success in Upper California, and the olives produced are of an excel- lent quality. It might also, no doubt, be cuhivated in the southern part of the Oregon territory. Around Sta. Bar- bara, the Olive trees were in full flower in the latter end of March and beginning of April, and put on the appearance of a willow grove. Forty barrels of these pickled olives were shipped from St. Diego to Boston in the Alert, the vessel in which I returned to the United States in 1836. I 111 !' IN -! [■ :.l I I TUtrida .Jr 1 , ; 1 ■ j 1 ■ 1 i i ! 1: Plate CII. A branch of the natural size., a. The flower somewhat enlarged. ]gett, sleva- ed in klajor [ was stinct rdisia nd in [er in laller, vhich aches g> or short ;stige m A, )wers I, and jp of ength aflets Drolla Imost large, The inicle ubes- ,200, asant ■I ed. ■ I ' 1 ■ t : M 4 i PI. m ! i ff t -;"IV 71 CALABASH TREE. (Calabassier. Fr.) Natural Order, Solane^e. Linnc&an Classification, Didy- NAMIA AnGIOSPERMIA. i H CRESCENTIA.* (Linn.) Calyx 2-parted, equal and deciduous. Corolla large, somewhat campanu- late, the tube unequal, ventricose and incurved, the border 5-cleft, un- equal, its segments dentately-sinuate or torn. Stamens 4, (sometimes 5), as long as the corolla, 2 of them shorter, anthers incumbent. Stigma bilamellate. The berry large, l-celled, resembling a gourd, with a solid bark, within pulpy, many seeded. Trees or shrubs of tropical America and the Caribbean islands ; the leaves large, alternate and fasciculated, the flowers mostly solitary arising from the trunk or branches. LONG-LEAVED CALABASH TREE. CRESCENTIA Cujete, foliis cuneato-lanceolatis confertis. Swartz. * Named in memory of Pietro Crescentio, an Italian writer on Agricul- ture. i- !' 72 LONG-LEAVED CALABASH TREE, Obs. p 234. WiLLD. vol. 5,'p. 311. Laepling's Iter. p. 225, Jacq. Amer. p. 175. t. 111. C. arborescens, foliis confertis obovato-obhngis hasi angustioribus, /ructu sph.crico maximo. Browne, Jam. p. 265. CuJETE foliis obhngis et angustis, magna f ructu ovato, Plumier, Gen. 23, ic, 109, PiGO, Brazil, p. 173. Arbor americana cucurbitifera, folio longo mucroncUo, fnictu oblongo. CoMMEL. Hort, Amst. vol. 1, p. 137, t. 71. I' *i This species attains the ordinary height of a pear tree, being 20 to 25 feet high, and about a feet in diameter, with the trunk crooked and dividing with great regularity at the top into numerous, long, thick, almost horizontal branches. It is indigenous to the Antilles, New Spain, Guiana and Brazil, and has also been recently found at Key West by Dr. Blodgett. The wood of this species is said to be white, hard and susceptible of a polish. In the countries it inhabits it is commonly employed for saddle-trees, stools, chairs and other articles of furniture. The fruit varies in form and size from ovoid to round, and is from 2 inches to a foot in diameter; it is covered with a thin, even, smooth skin of a greenish-yellow, and under this there is a hard and ligneous shell, which contains a soft yellowish pulp of an acrid and disagreeable taste, which is, however, considered as a good remedy in a great number of diseases and accidents, being employed for dropsy, diarrhoea, and inflammations of the chest; applied e-xternally it is thought serviceable in bruises, burns and head-aches. Cattle occasionally feed on the fallen fruit, as did the Indians in time of scarcity. In an unripe state it is also candied with sugar. The Indians made use of them when hollowed out for rattle-boxes in their noisy superstitious ceremonies, in the same manner as our northern aborigines used the calabash for the same pur- pose. Alvaro Nunez speaks of their being thus employed in Florida. Hughes remarks that the fruit smells like wine and that the juice is even relished by some as a beverage. 11 LONG-LEAVED CALABASH TREE. 73 The shell of the fruit emptied of its pulp, is used in the West Indies for various kinds of domestic vessels, such as goblets, coffee-cups, tobacco-boxes, dram-bottles, Ajc, and it is said even for kettles to boil water in, it being so thin, hard, and close-grained, as to stand the fire several suc- cessive times before it is destroyed. The external surface is sometimes finely polished and ornamented with figures, coloured with indigo, rocou and other pigments. The Mexican Chronicle published by Purchas, (p. 1092,) records that the shells of this fruit, out of which they drank their cacao, were rendered as a tribute to the Mexicans from the towns of their hot countries who were their sub- jects. The leaves grow out in clusters of 9 or 10 together at unequal distances, and are from 5 to 7 inches long, and about an inch broad, narrowing very gradually towards the base, where they are almost sessile, ending in a rather long and acute point ; they are also entire, very dark-green, smooth and rather shining. The flowers come out on the trunk and branches, are of a dull greenish-yellow, about li inches long, marked with brownish streaks or veins, soli- tary and of a disagreeable smell ; the tube is almost glo- bosely ventricose, with the border 5-cleft, each of the divi- sions trifid, in long filiformly acuminated segments, the central one being longest. The stigma is deeply bilara- ellated. :| Plate CIII. A twig of the natural size, with a flower. 74 TRUMPET FLOWER. i-' (BiONONB. Fr.) Natural Order, Bignoniace^, (R, Brown.) LinncBan ClaS' sification, Didynamia Angiospermia. i M ), Hi TECOMA.* (JussiBu.) Calyx campanulate, 5-toothed. Corolla with a short tube, towards the orifice campanulate, the border 5-lobed, unequal or bilabiate. Sta- mina 4, didynamous, with the rudiment of a 5th. Stigma bilamellate. Capsule long and cylindric, resembling a pod, 2-celled, with the dissepi- ment in a contrary direction with the valves. , Seeds transversely dis- posed in a double series, imbricated and winged. Very ornamental trees, or rarely shrubs, mostly climbing or twining, often producing hard and valuable wood, inhabiting the tropics of either hemisphere ; the present species, ( T. radicans), extending farther north than any other known. The leaves opposite, mostly unequally pinnate ; the flowers terminal, clustered, or paniculate, yellow or red. * From Tecomaxochitl, the aboriginal Mexican name of one of the spe- cies. CiaS' irds the StO' mellate. dissepi- lely dis- twining, if either ;r north •innate ; the spe- , ! IM CIV I \ ^ TfC'ojua THilteaii*. Common D'untpet Ffotffi' Bi^noru. dfTirqime- n \\\ i 1 1 'f'.. >' "¥' 'X m> :1 75 COMMON TRUMPET FLOWER. TECOMA RADICALS, foliis pimintis ; fulio/is ovalihiis rlcntntis acumi- natis ; corij)nl>o tvnnlnuU ; tubo curolkc cahjcc trijtlo lofigiuic, aiuic geiiiculis rtuUcatis. Tecoma radicans. Jussieu, Genera Plant, p. 155. BlONONIA RADICAN8. LiNN. Ilort. ClilF. p. 317. WlUD. Sp. pi. vol. 3, p. 301. Walter, p. 109. Micii. Flor Bor. Amcr. vol. 2, p. 25. PuHSH. Flor. 2, p. 420. Elliott, Sk. 2, p. 108. Curt. Magaz. t. 485. Nouv. DuiiAMEL, vol. 2, p. 9, tab. 3. Millbr. icon. t. 65. Wangenii. Amer. p. 68, tab. 26, f. 53. BlONONIA fraxini foliis, coccinco Jlore minorc. Catesby's Carolina, vol. 1, p. 65, tab. 65. BlONONIA americana,fraxini folio, Jlorc amplo j^Jucniceo. Tournefort, p. 164. Gdscminum hedcraceum Indicum. Cornut. Canad. p. 102, tab. 103. PsciulO'Apocynum h:d''r'icmm amcricanum, tubuloso flore pluinkeo^ fraxini folio. Morris, Hist. 3, p. 612, f. 15, tab. 3, f. 1. Gelsemifium clematitis, (J-c. Barrel, Ic. 59. This beautiful climber is indigenous to all the states south of New York, and westward to the borders of the Mississippi. By means of the radicant fibres of the stem it clings to trees and walls, ascending to the height of 30 to 50 or CO feet. In favourable situations the main stem thickens and takes an independent stand, so as sometimes to produce a woody trunk 20 feet high and 3 feet in cir- cumference, with a deeply furrowed grey bark. About mid-summer it sends out from its elevated summit a bright green mass of long depending twigs, producing from their extremities, for a long succession, clusters of large, brilliant red flowers, something in the form of trumpets, to which are continually attracted flocks of young Humming-birds in quest of the honeyed repast they so long afford. As a hardy ornamental climbing tree, few plants deserve better 76 COMMON TRUMPET FLOWER. to be cultivated along walls and trelisses. In the Bartram Garden, (Kingsessing,) there is one of these trees, probably a century old, with a thick, short and nearly erect stem, its summit spreading out into an independent airy bower. A familiar retiring place for 3 generations of the family, it scarcely presents any sign of decay, being only stunted by the thinness of the soil in which it grows. May the vener- able groves, and splendid and curious trees of this patri- archal residence, long survive the waning existence of its present proprietors. But I fear the love of change and of gain, will at no distant date turn these remarks and refer- ences into a matter of mere historical recollection in place of existing facts. The wood of this species appears to be hard and fine- grained, but it is no where in such quantity as to make it an object of economy. That of some of the tropical species is highly esteemed for it durability and hardness. The leaves, which drop oft' in winter, are opposite, un- equally pinnated, with 4 or 5 pairs of leaflets, these are oval, long pointed, serrated and acuminated, smooth above, beneath a little hairy along the vessels. The flowers are large and of a bright red, with the tube inclined to yellow, disposed in clusters at the extremities of the branches and coming out in a long succession. The corolla is partly funnel-formed, with the tube about twice the length of the calyx. The capsular pods, somewhat cylindric, are about 6 to 7 inches long, about an inch wide, and pointed at each end. This species was introduced into England as early as the year 1640. According to Loudon, there is one of the finest specimens known in Europe trained against the Palace Pitti at Florence, which, in 1819, was upwards of 60 feet high. B in CI dc 1p: A w; ve is gr lia Tl fu le< to Plate CIV. A branch of the natural size. •'1i CATALPA. 77 Bartram jrobably stem, its wer. A amily, it anted by e vener- is patri- ce of its e and of iid refer- in place ind fine- ike it an 1 species )site, un- hese are th above, wers are D yellow, ches and is partly ;h of the re about i at each Catalpa, (Catalpa syringmfolia, Sims. Bot.Mag. 1. 1094. Bignonia Catalpa, Mich. Sylva, vol. 1 , t. 64.) In a journey which I made into Georgia, Alabama, and West Florida in 1830, at Columbus in Georgia, on the banks of the Chatahootshee, I for the first time in my life beheld this tree decidedly native, forming small haggard crooked trees leaning fantastically over the rocky banks of the river. Around Philadelphia, and other parts of the middle and warmer states, it appears to be perfectly naturalized and very common, particularly in rocky and gravelly soils. It is a tree of rapid growth, with the wood remarkably light, greyish- white, of a fine texture, capable of receiving a bril- liant polish, and when properly seasoned it is very durable. The bark is said to be tonic, stimulant, and more power- fully antiseptic than the Pernvian bark. The honey col- lected from its flowers, like those of the Gelseminum, is said to be poisonous. Vol. III. — 11 rly as the the finest e Palace f 60 feet 18 AVICENNIA. (AVICENNE. Fr.) Natural Order, Myoporin^. (R. Brown.) Linncean Classi- fication, Didynamia Angiospermia. AVICENNIA.* (Linn.) I "i. : •tT Calyx 5-parted, permanent, leaflets subovate, concave, erect. Corolla mono- petalous, with the tube short and campanulate ; the border somewhat two- lipped ; the upper lip truncate, flat and emarginate ; the lower trifid, the segments ovate, equal and flat. Stamens 4, with subulate filaments in- clined to the upper lip, the anterior pair shorter ; antliers roundish, 2- celled. Stig7nn. bifid, acute, the lowest division reflected. Pericarx) a coriaceous, somewhat rhomboidal, compressed capsule of 1 cell, with 2 valves. Seecl one, large, without albumen, taking the form of the cap- sule, the cotylcdones in four broad fleshy folds, germinating while on the tree ; radicle inferior, bearded. Maritime tropical or subtropical trees with opposite entire leaves : flowers in small terminal and axillary panicles, with the calyx subtended b^ three bractes. A genus of 3 species chiefly indigenous to New Zealand, tropical India and America. '4 1 il -'-. 1 ! ■*'' ?'t * So named after the famous Oriental physician Avicenna. lassi- mono- at two- fid, the !nts in- lish, 2- xarp a with 2 le cap- liile on flowers \ three ;ropical ?.^,"^ Aviecmiiii I onieiu uau So/} Imreil ./i^'t're/iHui ■ . ti'ifhiiif Coloiuieii*' {'(thtiuii'ii.f 1 ; if.i l|r A I 79 SOFT-LEAVED AVICENNIA. AVICENNIA TOMENTOSA, {Jacqidn\ foliis obhngis dbtusis subtus tomcn- tosis. WiiLD. Sp. pi. 5, p. 395. Jacu. Amer. t. 112. Palis. Beauv. Flor. t. 47. Brown, Prod. p. 518. BoNTiA foliis intcgris obhngis oppositis, pctiolis crassis brcvissimis sub- ampkxantibus, Jloribus raconosis. Bhown, Jamaica, p. 263. Halodendrum. Thouar^s Gen. Madagasc. No. 26. Mangle laurocerasi foliis, Jlore albo tctrapetalo. Sloane, Jam. p. 156. Hist. 2, p. 66. Raj. Dendr. p. 115. Anacardium. Baithin, Pinax. p. 511. Oepata. Rheccl, Malab. vol. 4, p. 95, tab.'45. Sceura, Forsk. iEgypt, p. 37. Mangium album. Rumph. Amboin. vol. 3, p. 115, t. 76. Rack. Bruce, Iter. t. 34. The Avicennia or Malacca Bean, according to Rheed, becomes a tall and graceful tree on the coast of India, risitiir to the height of 70 feet, with a trunk of 16 feet in circumference, sustaining a pyramidal and somewhat orbi- cular summit of dense and dark verdure. The wood is whitish, covered with a grey bark, and is employed for many economical purposes. The kernels, naturally bitter, deprived of this quality by steeping and boiling in water are then sufficiently edible and known to the Hindoos by the name of Caril ; an oil may also be expressed from them as from the nuts of the Anacardium. The leaves are opposi;e, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse or lanceolate and acute, entire, smooth and shining above, on short petioles, beneath more or less whitish with a short close tomentum ; they are about 3 inches long, and from an inch to an inch and a half wide. The flowers are rather small and whitish, with an agreeable odour, and disposed 80 SOFT-LEAVED AVICENNIA. In . I at the summit and axils of the branches in panicles or short racemes which grow often 3 together, the divisions of the panicle, as in the branches, are opposite, the peduncles and the calyx are whitish and tomentose. The fruit resembles in form, and is nearly the size of an almond. Scarcely any tree is more widely disseminated throughout the tropics than the Avicennia, it is commonly associated with the Mangle or Mangrove, affecting the saline borders of the ocean in India, America, nearly all the groupes of the South Sea islands, and extends on our part of the con- tinent from Texas to Florida, and New Orleans, near to the estuary of the Mississippi, where it may often be seen brought in the oyster and fishing boats and called usually the Mangle. The roots spread out in all directions in arches over the surface of the soil, and send out from the mire in which they grow, numerous erect naked shoots resembling asparagus in appearance. I have not been able to ascertain its size on our coast, but I believe it attains there a much smaller elevation than in India. In the Herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences, are fine specimens from Surinam, collected by Dr. Herring. In these nearly all the leaves are acute, and are furnished with conspicuous, rather long petioles ; yet, as on the same specimens some bluntish leaves may also be seen, it probably merely con- stitutes a variety which may be termed A, tomentosa /S.* longifolia. The plant of India seems truly identic with our own. Forster discovered in New Zealand a third species which he calls A. rcsinifera, from its trunk transuding a green coloured gum, which the natives esteem as food. In other respects it scarcely diflfers at all from the present species. Plate CV. A branch of the natural size. a. The flower, b. The fruit. or short i of the ;les and sembles jughout sociated borders mpes of he con- near to be seen usually 1 arches mire in embling scertain a much 1 of the IS from / all the jicuous, IS some 3ly con- tosa ^.* ifith our s which 1 green )d. In present Ult. i m Tordia Sehesteiia , PI. I VI r^/■ i t ^, ^^i^^o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 III 1.1 1.25 12.8 no li^ 12.2 ^ Ufi |2.0 SS ^ ^^y ■> '*;. ^ '..« /A 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S72-4S03 4^ 4ir 'V- p > ^ o ^ ^ V li'i ! ■I|l m MS: ^ iinl'i 81 C 0 R D I A.* (Plumier, Linn.) (Sebestier. Fr.) Natural Order, CoRDiACEiE. (R. Brown.) Linrvzan Classi- Jication, Pentandria Monogynia. Cahjx tubular or campanulate, 5-toothed or S-cleft. Corolla mostly funnel- formed, the tube as long or longer than the calyx ; the border usually 5-lobed and more or less spreading. Stamens 5 or more. Style once or twice bifid, with obtuse stigmas. Drupe globular or ovate ; the nut 2 or 4-celled, some of the cells often abortive, cells 1 -seeded. These are trees or shrubs chiefly of inter-tropical India and America, with alternate leaves, the flowers disposed in axillary or terminal corymbs or panicles and subject to vary in the number of their parts. ROUGH-LEAVED CORDIA. CORDIA Sebestena, foliis oblongo-ovatis repandis scabris. Hassel- auisT, Iter. p. 458. Miller, Diet. No. 1. Willd. Sp. pi. vol. 2, p. 1073. Plum. Gen. p. 13, ic. 106. Lam. Illust. tab. 96, fig. 1. Botan. Magaz. t. 794. Botan. Repos. tab. 157. *Named by Plumier in honour of Euricius Cordus and his son Valerius, two German botanists of the 16th century. Sebestena is from the Persian name Sebestan. i; i 1^ 83 ROUGH-LEA VKD CORDIA. CoRDiA foliis ampliorihus hirtis; tubo floris subeequali. Brown, Ja- maic. p. 202. Sebestexa scabra, Jlore miniato crispa. Dillen, Hort. Eltham, p. 341, tab. 255, f. 331. Canjoph/llus spiirius inodoms, folio subrotundo scabio, fore racemoso liexapctaloide coccineo. Sloane, Jam. 13G. Hist. vol. 2, p. 20, tab. 164. Raii. Suppl. p. 86. Catesby, Carol, vol. 2, p. 91, t.*9l. Novella nigra. Rumph. Amboina, vol. 2, p. 226, t. 75. Burm. Ind. p. 59. This fine ornamental species is a native of the East and West Indies, and has recently been observed on Key West in East Florida, by our friend Dr. Blodgett. It becomes a tree about the size of an ordinary apple tree, with a spreading dark-green summit, and affords, in the tropical regions it inhabits, a most agreeable shade. Bruce remarks that in Abyssinia and in other parts of Africa, this or a nearly allied species is held sacred, and commonly planted before the houses of the inhabitants. Without being venerated, it is in the Sandwich islands a favourite tree of common occurrence in the vicinity of the habita- tions, and admired for the beauty of its flowers. The leaves are large, ovate-oblong, and scabrous to the touch, nearly entire when fully expanded. The flowers are deep yellow or orange, in large terminal corymbose racemes, in form very much resembling those of the Marvel of Peru, (M/ra6//ts), being funnel-shaped, with the border of 5 or 6 oval, obtuse, waved and crenulated divisions. The stamens are 5 ; and the stigmas are twice bifid. The fruit is a round or pyriform drupe containing a deeply fur- rowed nut. According to Catesby, the wood of this species is of a dark-brown approaching to black, very ponderous, and containing much gum, in smell and appearance resembling that of Aloes, and it is by the inhabitants of the Bahama islands, where it grows, called Lignum Aloes. Brown ;iii .1 ;i;!ii!! ROWN, Ja- m, p. 341, ; racemmo p. 20, tab. •91. UHM. Ind. last and on Key ;ett. It pie tree, !, in the . Bruce •ica, this mmonly Without ivourite habita- s to the flowers ymbose Marvel border ivisions. 1. The ply fur- is of a us, and embling 3ahama Brown roidiii FUu'itluiia. I'l rvid ^^ /fy l''fi>ritl<'>^ »r FLORIDA CORDIA. 83 says, timt n snmll piece of the wood put on a pan of lighted coals, will perfume a whole house. From the juice of the leaves, mixed with that of a species of fig, is prepared the fine red colour with which the natives of Tahiti dye their tapas or cloth. The drupes are said to be eatable, and also to afford an excellent glue when they are ripe. A syrup of the fruit is, in the East, reputed as a remedy for the same diseases as that of the Cordia Myxa. Plate CVI. A branch of the natural size. FLORIDA CORDIA. CORDIA Fx,OHiDANA, foliis oblongis ohovatis parvulis integris scaberri- mis subtus glabris, conjmbis tenninalibus dichotontis, stijlis bijidis. This species, which does not apx-rr to be described, was found at Key West in East Florici v, by our friend Dr. Blodgett, who remarks, that it becomes a tree of 20 feet elevation, and if at all like the C. gcrascanlhus or Spanish Elm of Jamaica, is entitled to consideration as an excellent timber. The twigs in our plant are slender and diverging, covered with a brownish-gray, smooth bark. The leaves appear to be thick and rigid as in evergreens, an inch to an inch and a half long by a half to three-quarters of an inch wide, they are oblong or obovate, obtuse, and often rounded above, narrowed below into a minute petiole, very scabrous on the upper surface, dark-green and shining, V 1 i- • ',\ ||H : .,a 1 i ".e ' ": lii i ■ 84 CORDIA MYXA. beneath paler and very smooth as well as the young twigs. The flowers, rather conspicuous, are bright yellow, and formed into a terminal branching corymb. The calyx is campanulatc, with a O-clcft acute border, nearly smooth externally, and villous within. The tube of the corolla extends beyond the calyx, the border is 5-lohed, with obtuse, broadish segments ; the stamens 5, are linear, long and acute, situated above the orifice of the corolla. The drupe is about the size of a pea, and contains a nut with 4 cells and 4 seeds. The style ' > bifid, and the stigmas capitate, flat, and emarginate. Plate CVII. A branch of the natural size. a. A transverse section of the nut showing the 4 seeds. The fruit of the Cordia Myxa or Assyrian Plum, which is of an agreeable taste, has been esteemed a valuable medicine in disorders of the chest and urinary passages, but is not now used oflicinally. The East Indians eat it macerated in salt and vinegar as a remedy for diarrhcea. An excellent glue also is made of the pulp, which is more viscid than that of the jujube. The West India species, Cordia collococca, or Clammy Cherry, has an edible fruit from which also a glue has been made, and hence also the specific name. 85 THE YEW. (If. Fr.) Natural Order, Taxinr.k. (Richard.) Liniumn Classifica- tion, DlOCCIA MONADELPUIA. TAXUS.* (TouRN. Linn.) Dioecious. — Mak flmcrr cnmposcd of imbricated bud scnlos, connntc at base. Staniinifcmiis coluinu cxsortod, tho stavinis 0 to 14, forming a capitate cluster. Anthers peltate, 5 to S-colled, tho cells opening from beneath. The Pistillate (or fertile flower,) the same as the male, but solitary. The fruit a nut imbedded in a translucent succulent cup. Einhiijn inverted, in the axis of the perispcrm : cotyledoncs 2, very short. Trees or rarely shrubs indigenous to the temperate and colder regions of both continents ; leaves narrow, rigid, acerose and sempervirent, near together and disticlmlly spreading; the buds axilliiry and sessile, com- posed of imbricated bractcs : the leaves in vernation or before develoj)- mcnt, appressed. The plants of the present order, Taxine.e, inhabit temperate climates over the whole globe, but are most frequent in the southern hemisphere ; between the tropics of the old world they also occur, but rarely. * Probably from the Greek, Toxon, a bow. Vol. in.— 12 8G ,1 \vi:sti:rn yiav. TAXUS BRF.viroT.lA, fdiis Imraiihus hrrrihits planiiisnilis ahniplr vmcronuhUis ilistkhis, rcirptdcidis vuisculis sHhuMiosis, aufhcris minu- ribus. Taxus iiaccata, llookci-, in jmrt I'lor. Hor. Aincr. iJ, p. 107. This spncics of Yew, so miicli like tliat of liUropo, occu- pies a distiii<5uisheil place in the dense maritime forests of the Oregon, and probably extends to the north as far as Nootka, bcin«^ hardy like its European prototype, but incHned to grow taller, and more slender. Its usual iieight is from 40 to GO feet, and we observed no trees of more than about 2 to 3 feet in diameter. The wood has the same close, and almost invisible grain, as that of Europe, of a beautiful white colour, sligiitly inclining to yellow in the branches; with the character of the older wood I am unacquainted, but believe it to be extremely similar to that of the Common Yew, {Taxus baccata), for which our plant might easily be mistaken. The leaves are, however, shorter and thinner, sharply and abruptly terminated with a bristly point, and below attenuated into a short but more distinct petiole. From the European plant it also differs in its leaves acquiring when dead and dried, a strong and bright ferru- ginous tint. The male flowers are much smaller and more similar to those of the Canadian Yew, (T. Canadensis), with the scales of the perianth imbricated in 3 pairs instead of 5. The stamens are 9 to 11, with the anthers only about half the magnitude of these of the Common Yew. The nut, as usual, is seated in the bottom of a translucent red succulent cup. The leaves are from 5 to 7-tenths of an inch long. s (ilintp/c vtis mino' p. 107. c, occu- tsoftlic Nootkn, lined to from 10 n about ic close, )cautiftil anclics ; uaintcd, !^ommon lasily be tbinner, int, and petiole. \ leaves it ferru- nd more idensis), I instead 3rs only 5n Yew. nslucent enths of •• V 1 ni I //r.i I'l IVIII. I'iixiis U«Ti(l('nl:j lis. If li (Wuienf . n n a t\ ai ai fu V( It sc hi to sli cc w re sc m tu in pe mi w w] is th el: Tl se It f0( 1 a: h WESTERN YEW. 87 The Yew of Europe, indigenous to Britain, and as far north as Norway and Sweden, usually aflects rocky and mountainous countries. It is very robust, grows slowly, and is attacked by no insect. In the sombre valleys of the lower Alps, the Yew is seen in all its natural majesty, among steep rocks in forests as ancient as the world, and planted by the hand of nature. The wood of the Yew is considered one of the most valuable in Europe, and for beauty not inferior to the finest and most curious sorts of India. Both the root and trunk furnish, at their ramifications, pieces of wood beautifully veined and marked, which are highly prized for furniture. It has in a high degree all the good qualities which we find so seldom united, such as durability, solidity, elasticity, hardness and fineness of grain, even when exposed either to the air or water. The sap-wood or outer layer, is of a shining white, the inner or perfect-wood of a fine red colour, and both take a polish as perfect as marble. It is wrought with facility, and is suitable for every thing which requires strength and durability, such as wheels, axle-trees, screws, the teeth of mill-wheels, and for water-pipes. It makes beautiful furniture, vases, &c. Inlaid work, sculp- ture, and ancient coats of arms of this wood, may be seen in the old churches and halls of Europe, in a state of perfect preservation, and free from worms after a lapse of more than 500 years. The sap-wood though of as pure a white as that of the Holly, is easily died of a jet black, when it puts on the appearance of ebony. A single tree is sometimes worth £100. The bows most esteemed among the ancients, were made of this wood, whose perpetual elasticity rendered it unrivalled for this important use. The aborigines of Oregon are also now in the habit of selecting the Yew of their forests for the same purpose. It is the heaviest of any other wood in Europe, a cubic foot weighing 61 pounds 7 ounces French weight. \ i 88 WESTERN YEW. The Yews for their use, no less than their sombre gran- deur and funereal aspect, were planted in all the old church- yards. According to the ancient poets the Styx and Acheron were overshadowed by its enduring and lugu- brious verdure. The conic form of its summit, and the density of its foliage, always green and insensible to the changes of seasons and of years, gave it a character of solemnity and repose, characteristic of tombs and mortality. It was formerly much cultivated about gardens, houses, and pleasure-grounds, and clipped into various fantastic shapes of beasts, birds, &c., but this taste for the grotesque is justly exploded, and the Yew is now seldom seen in cul- tivation either for use or ornament. This usage still, it appears, exists in Flanders and Holland, and we see very large Yews representing colossal figures of animals, globes, towers, chandeliers, armed warriors, hunters with their guns, men smoking their pipes ! &c. The antiquity of the Yew is as surprising as any other of its properties. Mirbel counted in a slice of Yew, 20 inches in diameter, 280 annual layers, and Mr. Pennant mentions a Yew in Fortingal church-yard, in the Highlands of Scotland, whose ruins measured 56^ feet in circumfer- ence, and was in all probability a flourishing tree at the commencement of the Christian era. The ordinary height of the Yew is, however, seldom more than 25 to 40 feet. In 20 years it will attain the height of 15 feet, and it will continue growing for 100 years, after which it becomes comparatively stationary, but will live for many centuries. According to Loudon the largest tree of this kind in Eng- land is in Harlington church-yard, near Hounslow, which is 58 feet high, with a trunk of 9 feet, and a head of 50 feet in diameter. The oldest are at Fountain's Abbey, where they are supposed to have been large trees at the time the abbey was founded in 1132. The trunk of one them is 26 feet 6 inches in circumference at 3 feet from WESTERN YEW. 89 the ground. The Aukerwyke Yew, near Staines, is sup- posed to be upwards of iOOO years old. Tlie leaves are poisonous to horned cattle and horses, though the berries are inoffensive. Cattle so affected run about in fury and delirium, and at length drop down dead. Three children, according to Di. Percival of Manchester, were poisoned dead in a few hours by taking a small dose of the green-leaves, as a remedy for worms, but they appeared to have suffered no pain, and, after death looked as though they were in a placid sleep. The best antidotes to this poison are oily substances. Plate CVIII. A branch of the natural size. a. A twig bearing a berry. ■" 1 I.f , 1 ■ 1 1 : ■ 1 i ■ j 90 T 0 R R E Y A.* (Arnott.) Natural Order, Taxineje, (Richard.) Linnaan Classifica- tion, DlOECIA MONADELPHIA. Dioecious. — Male amcnt subglobosc, at length elongated. Scales stami- niferous, pedicellate, subpeltate, one-sided, each bearing a 4-celled pen- dulous anther. Female ament ovate, 1 -flowered, the base with imbri- cated bractes in the same manner as in the male. No fleshy hypogynous disc. Ovulum erect. Seal naked, large and ovate, with the bractes at its base not becoming enlarged, the shell thick, carnosely coriaceous, within fibrous, integument hard and crustaceous. AUmmen ruminate. Embryo subcylindric and short ; cotyledones connate. An evergreen tree resembling the Yew, with spreading distichally forked branchlets. Leaves distichal, linear, rigid, bilincate, mucronately pun- gent. , * Named in honour of the well known botanist, Professor Torrey of New York. issijlca- )s stami- lled pen- th imbri- )ogynou3 •ractes at riaceous, uminate. [y forked ely pun- 'orrey of Hen'- Leaved- Torrm'o, Torieya Taxtfoltii, Torreiyi \i /Imt/rs i^fl ■ I'li.x rQ^ vaV/fi- d,T/ ■ ^ f c ]) ii G V ii tl ii V Ii o r( \^ tl e: ir fl fc V( ai ri I 01 YEW-LEAVED TORREYA. TORREYA TAxiFOLiA. Arnotf, in ITook. Iron. Plant. Inrtl. vol. 3, part 5, tab. 13'^, 133. (Exclude the Synonym of Tiuus tnontana, Nutt.) This stately evergreen, resembling the Yew, was disco- vered in Middle Florida, by tbe lute lamented II. B. Croom of Tallahassee, and is suHiciently abundant around Aspa- laga to be used as timber and sawed into planks. Accord- ing to Professor Torrey and Mr. Croom, it is a tree of from G to 18 inches in diameter, and from 20 to 40 feet high, with numerous spreading branches, the branchlets dividing into threes : its appearance at a distance is not unlike to that of the Hemlock Spruce (Abies canadensis). The wood in the section given me by Dr. Torrey is rather light, not very close-grained, and of a yellowish-white colour, almost like that of some of the Pines ; it is, probably, however, only the sap-wood, for in old trees it is said to be of a reddish colour, like that of the Red Cedar (Junipcrus vir- giniana) : It has a strong and peculiar odour, especially when bruised or burnt, and hence it is frequently called, in the country where it grows, " Stinking Cedar ;" it makes excellent rails for fence, and is not liable to the attack of insects. A blood-red turpentine, of a pasty consistence, flows sparingly from the bark, which is soluble in alcohol, forming a deep clear solution, and when heated evolves a very powerful terebinthinous, but unpleasant odour. The foliage is much like that of the Yew, but the leaves are broader and marked with two longitudinal lines. The ripe fruit, or rather seed, is as large as a nutmeg, it has no 92 VKW.LRAVr:i) TORRKVA. (Icshy cup, as in llic Y<;w, but tlic nxtcrnal coat f)r the socmI itself is carnoHe or rather leatliery, and covers the whole, lcavii)(T a minute perforation at tlic summit. Tlie seed, when deprived of its succulent external covering, bears a strong resembhincc to the gland of a largo oak. The round male aments resemble those of the Yew but arc much larger, and furnished with imbricated scales or bractcs at the base. According to Mr. Croom, it is found on the calcareous bills along the east bank of the Apalachc river, near the confluence of the Flint and Chattahoochee, and on Flat creek of the same stream, as well as copiously on the borders of the Aspalaga. Besides these localities of this fine tree. Professor Torrey writes to me, that it has lately been found south of the Suanna. lie also adds, '^ I have another Taxoid yet undescribed, given me by Croom. It is an erect tree, often 30 feet high, with foliage and male flowers resembling the European Yew." To this plant I doubtfully attached the name of Taxus monlanay and a recent specimen from Mr. Croom, accompanied by a paper of the fruit, now in the Herbarium of the Acad. Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia, is marked Taxiis *Jloridana. This species, from what I have seen, is scarcely distinct from our 7'. hrevifolia^ but yet it occupies a very different geographical range. 1 .I '1 ■ 1 ^'^^^B lil; I- Plate CIX. Torrcya taxifoUa. A branch of tlic male plant, natural size. a. Malo amentum, h. Back view of one of the stamens magnified, c. Female ament and ovule, magnified, d. Section of the ripe seed. e. Germi- nating seed. Taxus nucifera of Thunberg and Ksempfer is, accord- ing to Mr. Grey, also a species of Torreya, as is likewise according to Zuccarini, the T, nucifera of Wallich from TAXUS NUCIPERA. Nepaul. The former is a native of the northern provinces of Japan. Kiempter w'nscrihes it as a lofty tree, witlj many opposite scaly hronchcs, producing a hght wood: the nut is said to be coated and nbovo an inch long; the oil of the kernel is in use for culinary purposes, but is too astrin- gent to be generally esteemed. Vol. hi. — 13 94 J U N I P E K. (Le Gexevriek. Fr.) Natural Orders CuPRESsiNiE. (Richard.) LinnoBan Classi- Jication, Dioecia Monadblpuia. i JUNIPERUS.* (Linn.) Flowers mostly dioecious, — Male amcnt globose, small. Stamens many, naked, inserted around a common axis ; filaments excentrically peltate, imbricate, cells of the anthers 3 to 6. Female aments axillary, ovate, the base surrounded with imbricate bractes. Scales of the involucrum 3 to 6, united at the base, with 1 to 3 ovules. Fruit drupaceous, scaly at base, the involucrum becoming a berry, umbilicate at the apex, and with bony seeds. Seeds 1 to 3, erect, subtriquetrous. Embryo inverted, situated in the axis of a fleshy albumen. Cotyledones 2, oblong, radicle cylindric, superior. Large or small trees inhabiting the mountainous regions of the ancient continent, more rare in North America ; the branches erect or pendulous, leaves imbricated, mostly minute, rigid, and scmpervirent, resembling scales, of a linear-lanceolate form ; the buds naked. * From the CQ\\\cjcn€prus, rough or rude. Classi- ms many, ly peltate, iry, ovate, ivolucrum )us, scaly apeX; and J inverted, ng, radicle ;he ancient pendulous, resembling Hi TIXX ^l| Jiuiipenis ^^ndina. Jiock\- Mou/tbiuc Ju/ufur. GtJU v-rur JtJ O-i*^ Pl.CX tf ll'rr/n Gtntvrter t/tjaM 95 ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER. JUNIPERUS ANDiNA, ra77iis patentihus, foUis quadrifariam imhricatis ovatis ohtusiusculis convexis apice subcarinatis, eglatidulosis, baccis magnis, caule arboreo. JuNiPERus occiikntalis ? Hooker, Flor. Bor. Am. 2, p. 166. On passing a gorge of the Rocky Mountains or Northern Andes, and approaching Lewis's River of the Oregon, we first observed this curious and elegant tree, accompanying groves of the American Cembra Pine, spreading for miles along the declivity of the mountain, and in an opposite direction ascending well towards the summit of a moun- tain, Avhich still presented patches of snow in the month of July, under the latitude of about 42 degrees. It attains nearly the height of our Virginian Juniper, or "Red Cedar," growing up about 15 to 20 feet, but presents a very different aspect, the stem ending in a roundish, and not a conic top. The foliage is also of a glaucous or bluish-green. The leaves are all closely appressed, and imbricated in 3 or 4 rows, the older ones on the stem acute, the proper leaves minute, rather blunt, remarkable for their convexity, and without any glands ; the branchlets are numerous and complicated. The berries unusually large, larger than those of the Common Juniper, (/. com- munis,) dark-brown and glaucous, with distinct vestiges of the scales which compose them. This plant is, no doubt, the Juniperus excelsa of Pursh, but not the plant of Pallas, according to specimens which I have examined from Tauria. He speaks of it as col- lected by Captain Lewis on the banks of the waters of the M Hi 96 BARBADOES CEDAR. Rocky Mountains, and calls it a lofty elegant tree ; but we never saw it near any stream, but on the dry declivities of mountains, and as a tree it is neither tall nor elegant, but sufficiently singular and interesting. The plant mentioned by Pallas was observed in the Crimea. It grew erect like a Cypress, with the trunk often a foot in diameter. Com- paring it with the Savin, (J. sabina,) he says, the leaves are more slender and distant, acute, and rather prominently im- bricate like the leaves of the Tamarisc. The opposite applies to our plant, the leaves are thicker, shorter, and more closely imbricated, so as not to be visible in profile. Our plant appears to be nearly allied, if not identic with the /. occidentalis of Hooker, but the leaves are certainly without any appearance of glands, and the branchlets are angular. Douglas's plant was found on the higher parts of the Columbia and at the base of the Rocky Mountains, where it attained a height of 60 to 80 feet, and a diameter of from 2 to 3 feet, dimensions also greatly at variance with the present species. Plate CX. A branch of the natural size, with fruit. Barbadoes Cedar, (Juniperus barbadensis.) With the leaves imbricated in 4 rows, the younger ones ovate, and the older acute. This species of Willdenow, said by Michaux and Pursh to inhabit the coast of Florida and the Bahama islands, appears to be me»'ely a variety of J. vir- giniana, our common species. Ii uny thing, the leaves are somewhat more closely imbricated, and, apparently, none of them spreading. The same variety is probably more or less spread over the whole of the United States, as I have I SAVIN.— RED CEDAR. 97 collected specimens in Massachusetts, which cannot be dis- tinguished from others from the West Indies. Like our ordinary species it also becomes a tree of 20 or uore feet in height. Savin, (Junipenis sahina.) This species, apparently the same with that of Europe, is indigenous from Canada to Maine. It is not uncommon in the vicinity of Portland, retaining its usual dwarf habit. Pursh's variety, procumhens^ I have seen along the shores of Lake Huron. It is a very distinct species, being wholly prostrate, and spreading along the ground in very wide circles. According to Pallas, there is also a procumbent species on the borders of the Tanais, with the branches extending on the sand for several fathoms. Red Cedar, (Juniperus virginiana.) West of the Mis- sissippi this tree appears on the high abrupt banks of the Platte, particularly at Scott's Bluffs. The « Black Hills" or most eastern chain of the Rocky Mountains, are so called probably from the dark Red Cedars and Pines with which they are thickly scattered. The borders of Bear River, of Lake Timpanogos, and, in short the whole range of the Rocky Mountains, clear over to the borders of the Brulee, a stream of the Oregon, are ail more or less clad and decorated with our familiar Juniper. It is also said to become one of the highest timber trees in the island of Jamaica, affording very large boards of a reddish-brown colour, of a close grain, odoriferous and offensive to insects and is therefore of great use to the cabinet maker. In Sussex county. New Jersey, near Franklin Furnace, I have seen trees of the Red Cedar 50 to 60 feet high, and with a diameter of 2 feet. There is now in Germantown, in this vicinity, on the estate of Mr. Shoemaker, several 98 RED CEDAR. trees that are 140 years old, and 75 to 80 feet higli by 2 feet in diameter or upwards. With Mr. Crout, a cabinet-maker here, I have seen a small table made from the heart of Red Cedar, which receives an exquisite polish, presents much variety of figure, and is of the most beautiful crimson that can be imagined. 99 EVERGREN TAX ODIUM. Natural Order, CuPRESsiNiE. (Richard.) Linncean Classi- fication, MONOECIA MONADELPHIA. \'< i TAXODIUM sEMPEHviRENS, folUs perennantibus distichis linearihus acutis coriaceis glahris apacis. Lambert's Pines, (ed. 2,) tab. 64. Loudon, Arborct. vol. 4, p. 2487, fig. 2340 and 2341. Hooker and Arnott, Bot. Beech. Suppl. p. 392. CoNDYLocARPus. Salisbury. This remarkable species, which is said to be evergreen, was discovered by Mr. Menzies on the north-west coast of America in 1796, and immense trees of it were found by Dr. Coulter in 1836. The leaves are linear, acute, and distichous, coriaceous and smooth, opaque, and shining on both sides, keeled beneath, flat on the margin, half an inch to an inch long, half a line broad and decurrent on the branch. The gal- bulus (or fruit) is terminal, solitary, roundish, with short imbricated scales at the base, the scales trapezoidal, pel- tate, thick and woody; rough above, and radiately striated, depressed in the centre, terminating below in a thick angular pedicel. Seeds many to a single scale, angular and yellowish. Probably a different genus from Taxodium, as conjectured by Salisbury. It is thus alluded to by Douglas in the Companion to the Botanical Magazine, 2, p. 150. "But the great beauty of 100 EVERGREEN TAXODIUM. the Californian vegetation is a species of Taxodium^ which gives the mountains a most peculiar, I was almost going to say awful, appearance, — something which plainly tells that we are not in Europe. I have repeatedly measured specimens of this tree 270 feet long, and 32 feet round at 3 feet above the ground. Some few I saw upwards of 300 feet high, but none in which the thickness was greater than those I have instanced." Bald Cypress (^Taxodium distichum, Cupressus disticJia. WiLLD.) Doctor G. Engelmann informs me that the most northern station in the west for this tree, is at the mouth of the Ohio, and between Mount Catmel and Vincennes on the Wabash. 101 which going y tell3 asured und at of 300 X than isticha. e most outh of nes on ARBOR VITiE. (L'Abbbe de Vje. Fr.) Natural Order^ CupsESsiNiE. (Richard.) Linnaan Ciassiji- cation, Monoecia Monadelphia. THUJA.* (TOURNEFORT.) Monoecious. — Male amcnt terminal, small and ovoid. Stamens many, naked, inserted on a common axis, filaments cxcentrically peltate, loosely imbricated; anthers 4-celled, opening lengthways. Female ament terminal, small ; the scales spreading, imbricated in 4 ranks. Ovules a pair at the base of each scale, erect. The strobile formed of imbricated woody scales, each having a reflected mucronate subterminal point. Seeds under each scale 2, with a long or membranaceous testa, on each side winged. The embryo inserted in the axis of a fleshy albumen of its own length: cotylcdones 2, oblong; radicle superior. Scmpervirent trees of Asia and North America, with compressed branchlets, clothed with minute compressed and imbricated ovate leaves, with the buds naked. * Derived from iucf sacrifice, in reference to its use in the East. Vol. III. — 14 102 GIGANTIC ARBOR VITiE. THUJA oiOANTEA, (NuTTAit, Plntits of Rocky Mountains, p. 52,)» ramis ramulisqiic cmnpressis ircctis, Jhliis ovafis acutis arete quculrifa- riam imhricntis intermcdiis cotivezis jmficto imprcsso ctuberculati3,stiV' bills arete rijlcxts. ITookkr, Flor. Bor. Am. 2, p. 165. Thuja Menziesii. Doit»;las, MSS. TuuJA ^j/ica^rt. Lamuekt, Pin. No. 01, (in part.) This is one of the most majestic trees west of the Rocky Mountains, attaining the height of 60 to 170 or even 200 feet, and being 20 to 40 feet in the circumference of the trunk. On the shores of the Pacific, where this species is frequent, it nowhere attains the enormous dimensions attri- buted to it in the fertile valleys of the Rocky Mountains, towards the sources of the Oregon. We seldom saw it along the coast more than 70 to 100 feet in height, still, however, much larger than the common species, (T. occi- dentalis.) We observed it also on the banks of the Wah- lamet, and according to Douglas it is found north as far as Nootka Sound. It appears to have been also collected bv Menzies. The largest trees seen by Captain Wyeth were growing on the alluvial borders of the Flat Head river. Its general aspect is a good deal similar to that of T. occi- dentalis, but the branches are rounder and more erect, less flattened or ancipital ; in their colour they vary, for while some are green others are glaucous. The seeds are elliptic, and furnished with a wide alated margin. The leaves are always destitute of the glandular tubercle conspicuous in Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philad. vol. 7. p. 52,)» quculrifa- latiSt stro- I Rocky ^en 200 ) of the tecies is IS attri- jntains, I saw it ht, still, T. occi' 3 Wah- s far as cted bv th were 1 river. T. occi' set, less ir while elliptic, ves are lous in 7. , I Thiijn C.iiiaiiU'y rimiii qx(fiintestjn-r.. 1 1 NEE'S ARBOR VIT^E. 103 the common kind, and the cones are more drooping and more clustered. Young trees have the usual pyramidal growth of the genus. Of the qualities of the wood, in the wilderness it inhabits, we can say nothing from experience, but imagine it to be very similar with that of T, occiden- talism The inner bark of this plant is much used by the natives of the Oregon both for food and clothing, for the latter pur- pose it is split into narrow strips like a long fringe and tied together in a belt round the waist, to conceal the wearer from absolute nudity. According to McKenzie, the abori- gines of the West, likewise employ the inner rind of the Hemlock Spruce (^Ahies canadensis^) for food. It is taken off early in the spring and made into cakes, which they eat with salmon oil, and consider almost as dainties. The natives of the Oregon probably use the salmon oil they col- lect in the same manner, with the inner bark of the Arbor VitfiB. Plate CXI. A branch of the natural size. a. The seed. NEE'S ARBOR VIT^E. Thuja flicata, foliis rhomboideo-ovatis acutis, adpressis, quadrifariam imbriceUis, nudis medio tuberculatis, strohulis oblongis nutantibus, semi' nibus obcordatis. Lambert's Pines, 1. c. No. 61. Donn. Hort. Can- tab. 6, p. 249. Loudon, Arboret. 4, p. 2458. i'l This tree, of which very little is yet known, is a native of Mexico, where it was found by Nee, and also of the 'I (■ 1: V- 104 NEE'S ARBOR WTJE. western shores of N. America at Nootka Sound, where it was collected by Menzies. It is described by Loudon as a very branching, spreading, light-green tree, the branches being crowded and covered with a reddish-brown bark; branchlets dense, often divided, pectinate, compressed. The leaves are rhomboid-ovate, acute, closely adpressed, imbricated in 4 rows, crowded together between the nodes, glabrous, entire, shining, and tubercled in the middle. The cones are solitary and scattered, oblong and nutant ; the scales elliptic, obtuse, flat, obsoletely furrowed. The seeds compressed, winged all round, obc&rdate-oblong, and emar- ginate at the summit. Scarcely distinct from T. occi- dentalisf of which Loudon imagines it to be a mere variety. 10; NOOTKA CYPRESS. Natural Order, Cuprrssin^, (Richard.) Linnaan Classi- fication, MoNOECIA MONADBLPHIA. CUPRESSUS NuTKATENsis, Tamis mberectis tetragoms, foliis late-acatis acuminatis quadrifariam imbricatis dorso carinatis etuberculatis, gal- bulls magniiiuline pisi majoris globosis ramos breves terminantibus, squamis umbmatis kvibiis. Lambert, Pin. n. 60, Sine ic. Hooker, Flor. Bor. Am. vol. 2, p. 165. Thuja excelsa. Bongard, Veget. de Sitcha, p. 46. This species, which I did not meet with, was collected at Nutka on the north-west coast by Menzies, at Observatory Inlet by Dr. Scouler, and as far north as Sitcha by Bon- gard. The branches are sometimes a little compressed, nearly erect and tetragonal. The leaves broad ovate, acuminate, imbricated in 4 rows, the back carinated but without the glandular tubercle ; the fruit about the size of a large pea, terminating short branchlets, and the scales are shield-formed and even. It has a near affinity with the Common White Cedar, (C. Thyoides), but that has shorter, flatter and more spreading branches, with tubercles on the back of the leaves, and smaller fruit. {|i m (m 106 w\ t ! PINES. (Le Pin. Fr.) Natural Order^ CoNiPERiE. (Jussieu.) Linncsan Classijlca- tiOTlt MONOECIA MONANDRIA.* PINUS.t (Linn.) Staminate flowers in clustered cylindric aments. Anther scales crested at the apex, each bearing two masses of pollen in cells, and opening lengthways. Fertile flowers in ovoid aments, the scales imbricated, 2-flowered, becoming woody, embracing the seed, and forming a cone or strobile. The mU usually winged at the summit. Trees of various dimensions, natives of Europe, Asia and America, some of them among the largest of known vegetables, bearing leaves which are evergreen, dry, and needle-like or acerose, at first single, but afterwards produced from 2 to 5 in a common sphacelous or membrana- ceous scaly sheath. » The aments or flowers are lateral and terminal, con* glomerate ; the fertile ones persistent and becoming woody cones. * It was referred to the order Monadelfhia by Linneeus, but is, in fact, strictly Monandrous. t A name derived from the Celtic, pin or pettf a rock or mountain, in allusion to the usual place of their growth. m ^lassijica- ales crested nd opening imbricated, ing a cone 1 America, ring leaves single, but membrana* minal, con* I, but is, in lountain, in ' I -I! ' : :.;f.iUH IM rxii Ui'' I Piiiiis bUexilis. JM rxii 1! ? .li. /jTi^'ru/ue. p' si i^ k mm 107 AMKKICAN CEMlillA PINE. PINUS FLExiLis, foliis quinis levibus, vagina abbreviafa, conis ovatis, squamis crassis umhiliccUis suhcarinatis incrmis clongatis gibbosis, nucibus duris, seminum alls oblilctatis, antlterarum crista lacera acuminata parvula. PiNvaJlexilis. Torrey and James, in Long's Expedition Annal. Lyceum, N, York, vol. 2, p. 249. PiNus Lambertiana, /3. Hook. Flor. Bor. Amer. vol. 2, p. 162. This species of Pine was discovered by Dr. Edwin James in Long's Expedition, chietly in subalpine tracts, and ex- tending from the lowest range of mountains to the region of perpetual frost. In my western tour, I met with it also in the first range of the Rocky Mountains called the "Black Hills;" a high broken country, commencing about 35 or 40 miles from the usual ford of Laremie's fork of the river Platte. Scattering trees of this Pine, mixed with clumps of Red Cedars {Juniperus virginiatia), communicate a sombre aspect to these high hills so much in contrast with the grassy plains around them, and hence the above appel- lation by which they are generally known. We met with it afterwards on the granitic hills of the Sweet-Water, another northern branch of the Platte, from whence it con- tinued to the lofty hills of Bear River, which empties into the Lake Timpanagos. The American Cembra forms a tree of moderate size, 40 to 50 feet high, with a large dense summit, and having a smooth bark like that of the White Pine. It is remark- able for the flexibility of its branches which are leafy at their extremities. The leaves grow by fives in the same 108 AMERICAN CEMBRA PINE. very short sheath, and are rather short and stiff, perfectly even on the margin, triangular and glaucous within. The anthers have a small fiiirorm bifid or trifid crest. The young cone is almost acutely ovate, greenish and smooth, with thick protuberant scales which exude a clear resin. The older cone is thick and ovate, the scales stout and woody, about twice the length of the seeds which are as large nearly as peas and without wings, except in an early stage, the scales are terminated by Hmall umbilical eleva- tions but have no prickles ; on the lower portion of the cone they also project considerably. The seeds are agree- able and eaten by the natives and the hunters who frequent the mountains. So nearly is this species allied to the Pinus Cembra^ or Siberian Stone Pine, that we were for sometime doubtful whether it was more than a variety of it. Like that spe- cies it produces wingless seeds which are eatable, the leaves of both are in fives, but in Cembra they are serru- late, in ours even and more rigid. The cones of both are very much alike, but in the present the scales which com- pose them are twice as long as the seeds, in Cembra they are much shorter, and when young pubescent ; the nut in Cembra is also probably larger. According to Pallas the Cembra is found on the western side of the Uralian mountains, and in the northern and alpine parts o( Siberia, it is of frequent occurrence, some- times with other species, at other times forming by itself extensive tracts of forest. A dwarf variety exists through- out Kamtshatka. The trunk of the ordinary kind is per- fectly erect, nearly free from branches to the summit, and not unfrequently attains the height of 120 feet, with a diameter of 3 feet near the root. The nuts are sent to all parts of Russia as dainties, and are greedily sought by various wild animals. In Siberia the seeds of the Cembra are sometimes produced in immense quantities, at which 1 -a 1 AMERICAN CKMDRA I'INE. 109 perfectly in. The St. The I smooth, lar resin. itout and :h arc as an early ;al cleva- )n of the re agree- ► frequent emhroy or doubtful that spe- table, the ire serru- both are lich com- nbra they he nut in e western hern and ce, some- by itself through- id is per- nniit, and t, with a ent to all ought by e Cenibra at which time thoy form, according to Gmclin, about the sole winter food of the poasjiutry. From the very resinous immature cones is obtained a very frngrant and celebrated oil, known under the name of Car|)atliian Balsam. The Cembra grows slowly, the wood is white, somewhat resinous, and of a lax texture, similar to that of fir wood but less tenacious. Mr. Lambert, however, remarks that it " has a finer grain than common deal." It yields abun- dance of a fragrant, yellowish, hard, pellucid resin. The variety P. Cembra helvetica of Switzerland, grows with remarkable slowness, according to Kasthofer. A tree with a trunk of the diameter of 19 inches, when cut down was found to have 353 concentric circles, (indicative of so many years growth.) The wood is very fragrant and retains its odour for centuries, which perfume, though so agreeable to man, is so ofl'ensivc to bugs and moths as to deter them from infesting rooms where it is used, either as wainscotting or as furniture. The variety /3. of P. Lambertiana^ Hooker remarks, " A Pine in many respects similar to this was found by Mr. Drummond in very elevated situations of the Rocky Moun- tains, near the " height of land'^ yet there growing 50 and GO feet high. The leaves are, however, shorter (2 or 3 inches) and more rigid, and the specimens have the closest afiinity with those of the European P. Cembra, No cones exist in the collection." Flor Bor. Am. 2, p. 1G2. Plate CXII. A branch of the natural size. a. The cone, of the cone. c. Back view of the same. Vol. III. — 15 b. Front view of the scale d. A cluster of leaves. ■ii no SABINE'S OR PRICKLY-CONED PINE. PINUS SABiNiANA, ybZm ternis prcehngis acutis margine scdbris, strobHis maximis recni-vis cwatis aggregatis, squamis patentilms latissimis api- cibus longe acuminatis incurvis spinesccntibtis, nttcibus duris. PiNus Sabiniana. Douglas, Lin. Transact, vol. 16, p. 749. Lambert's Pines, (Ed. 2,) t. 80. Loudon, Arboret. vol. 4, p. 2246. It I This splendid and useful species was discovered on the western flanks of the Cordilleras of California, by the late Mr. Douglas. It was found at e great elevation above the level of the sea, being only 1600 feet below the range of perpetual snow in the parallel of 40° ; likewise on the less elevated mountains near the sea coast, where the tem- perature is higher but more uniform, in the parallel of 37°, inhabiting the summits of the mountains only, it also occurs in some part of the range of the Blue Moun- tains of Oregon, as the Indians brought bags of the eatable kernels to trade on the Grande Ronde Prairie. Dr. Gairdner also collected it on the Fallatine Hills of the Wahlamet. The stems of these Pines are of a very regular form, and grow straight and tapering to the height of 40 to 140 feet, and are 3 to 12 feet in circumference when standing apart, clothed with branches down to the ground. The largest and finest trees are seen in the Mountains of California. The wood is white, soft, coarse-grained and not very durable. A copious transparent resin exudes from the tree when cut; and the nuts, like those of the Cembra Pine, are in great esteem among the natives as food ; we found them nearly as pleasant to the taste as almonds. n E. yris, strcibilis issimis api- is. Lakbert's 3d on the y the late on above the range 36 on the the tem- arallel of only, it le Moun- s of the ! Prairie, lis of the form, and 140 feet, ng apart, e largest fornia. not very from the Cembra bod; we almonds. I PI. ('Mil. rums S;il)iiM:niti /ri<-/,-/t ■ iiutt-i/ /'lilt' Dii ill' Si//>iii<' II i/m/iilif iimi'S i-f.iufii.>' M k' I SABINE'S OR PRICKLY-CONED PINE. Ill except that they left behind a slight resinous taste. They are of a roundish oblong form and about nine-tenths of an inch long by half an inch broad, being much larger than the seed of the following species. The leaves grow together in 3's rarely in 4's, and are 1 1 to 14 inches in length, serrulated on the margin, the sheath of the leaves Ij inches long. The cone very resinous, ovate, recurved, pressing on the branch for sup- port, growing 3 to 9 in a verticillated cluster, and remain- ing on the tree for a number of years ; 9 to 1 1 inches long and 16 to 18 inches round. The scales of the cone are spathulate, 2| inches long, with a strong, sharp, incurved point, which, near the base of the cone, exceeds the length of the scale. The wing of the seed is short, stiff, and about one-fourth its length. The seed leaves are 7 to 12. It was named by Mr. Douglas in honour of the late Mr. Joseph Sabine, Secretary of the Horticultural Society of London. I had not the satisfaction of seeing this tree during my visit to Oregon. The species in the gardens round London appears to be as hardy as the Pinus pinaster. ' (I '^i m u m Plate CXIIL A cone two-thirds of the natural size. a. The leaves, b. A scale. • 1 iil 112 COULTER'S PINE. PINUS CouLTERi, folks tcrnis pralongis compressis, vaginis ftlamentoso- laceris, strddlis oblongis solitariis maximis, squamis cuneatis, apicihus elongatis incrassatis lanceolatis mucronatis ancipitl-compressis aduncis^ Don in Lin. Trans, vol. 17, p. 440. Lamb. Pin., vol. 3, tab. 83. Loudon, Arbor. Brit. vol. 4, p, 2250. This magnificent species of Pine was discovered by Doctor Coulter on the mountains of Santa Lucia, near the mission of San Antonio, in the 36th degree of latitude, within sight of the sea, and at an elevation of between 3 to 4000 feet above its level. It was accompanied by the Pinus Lambertiana. The tree rises to the height of 80 or 100 feet with large permanently spreading branches, and the trunk is 3 or 4 feet in diameter. The leaves of a glaucous hue, are longer and broader than in any other known species of the genus, and the cones which grow singly are likewise the largest of all pines, being often more than a foot long, half a foot in diameter, and weighing about 4 pounds. Travellers compare them for magnitude to sugar loaves, which they resemble in form, suspended as it were from forest trees ! The spinous processes of the scales of the cone are very strong, hooked and compressed, 3 or 4 inches in length, and about the thickness of one's finger ! characters which essentially distinguish it from the preceding species. The seed like that of the preceding, to which it is closely allied, is about the size of an almond and eatable. 113 SMALLER PRICKLY-CONED PINE. PINUS MURiCATA, foliis ternis ? strobilis inceguilateri-ovatis aggregaiis^ squamis cuneatis apice dUatatis umhilico-ekvato mucronatis ; baseos eztertue clongatis ancipiti-cmnjrressis recurvato-patcntibus. Don, in Lin. Trans. 17, p. 441. Laubert, Pin. 3, tab. 84. Loudon, Arbor, 4, p. 2269, fig. 2180. This belongs to the same group with the preceding, but the cones are not larger than those of Pinus inops, and are remarkable for the squarroso spreading of the basilar scales, which present long and sharp points in all direc- tions. This singular species was discovered in Upper California by Dr. Coulter at San Luis Obispo, in latitude 35°, and at an elevation of 3000 feet above the level of the sea, distant about 10 miles. The tree is straight and rather stunted, not exceeding 40 feet in height. The cones grow 2 or 3 together, and are about 2 inches long and 3 inches broad, the scales are wedge-shaped and very thick, dilated at the apex, obscurely quadrangular, mucronatcd, and with an elevated umbilicus, those at the base of the cone elongated, compressed on both sides, shining, recurved and spread- ing. -i i 'ii : i !;i 114 HEAVY- WOODED PINE. PINUS PONDEROSA, foliis ternis prcelongis tortuosis, vaginis brevibus, antherarum crista rotundata integra, strobiiis ovatis rejlezis, squamis compressis subqttadrangulatis apice spinulosis recurvatis. PiNus ponderosa. Douglas, MSS. Loddio. Catal. ed. 1836. Loudon, Arboretum Brittanicum, vol. 4, p. 2243, fig. 2132 and 2134. This species was discovered by the late Mr. Douglas, on the banks of the Spokam and Flat-Head rivers, and near the Kettle Falls of the Columbia, in the territory of Oregon, where it grows in abundance. The same species, I believe, grows also near Monterey in I'pper California, where it likewise gives support to that curious parasite the Arceuihobium *americanumi which exists on one of Doug- las's specimens. The timber is said to be so heavy as almost to sink in water. The tree has proved quite hardy and of rapid growth both in the climate of London and of Edinburgh. It has a very elegant appearance, even as a young tree^ and seems to surpass all others in strength and luxuriance. The leaves are disposed in parallel spirals, from 9 to 1 1 inches long, 3 in a sheath, which is from half an inch to 1 inch in length. The scales of the cone terminate in flat- tened processes scarcely ribbed in any direction. In the centre of the process is a protuberance, large in proportion to the scale, which terminates in a sharp prickle pointing outwards ; the scale is an inch long. The trees I observed in California, growing in a poor soil, were not more than 12 to 20 feet high. 115 OREGON PITCH PINE. hrevihus, s, squamis LovooN, Douglas, ^ers, and ritory of species, ilifornia, asite the f Doug- sink in if rapid inburgh. ig tree, luriance. 9 to 11 ich to 1 in flat- In the iportion tointing la poor I PINUS iNsioNis, foliis teniis clongatis tortuosis, stroHlis ovatis acutis dcjlexis^ squamis tubcrculatis rctusis incrmihus inferioribus conicis re- Jlcxis. PiNU8 insignis. Dotto. MSS. Loudon, Arboretum Brit. 4, p. 2265, fig. 2171, 2172. PiNus tvherculcUa. Don, Lin. Trans, vol. 17, p. 442. Lamb. Pin. 3, t. 85. Loudon. Arbor. 4, p. 2270, fig. 2181. This species was sent by Douglas to the Horticultural Society's Garden in London in 1833, and is said to be of vigorous growth, and as hardy as any of the Californian Pines. The leaves are of a deep grass green, thickly set on the branches, of different lengths, and twisted in every direc- tion. The leaves in the dried specimen from Douglas, are 3 to 4i inches long. Cone 3^ to 4 inches long. In the young growing plant near London, 5 to 7 inches. This is, I apprehend, the Pinus resinosa of Hooker, Flor. Bor. Am. 2, p, 161, as far as the locaUty of the north- west coast is concerned, for he quotes Douglas as finding it growing with P. Lambertiana, It is however, I imagine, sufficiently distinct from that well-known species. The cone appears to be much larger, and the leaves are in 3's. I cannot perceive any specific distinction between the present and the cone described by Don of his P. tuberculata, figured by Loudon, It was collected by Dr. Coulter, with the following, which it resembles in size and habit, on the sea-shore of Monterey. The leaves of this or the follow- ing species, which I collected during my very transient visit to that place, are usually in 3's, slender and about in V u M \t ! 116 SPREADINCCONED PINE. 4 inches long, witli tlic margin and inner ridge finely serru- lated and grooved internally on either side the mid-rib. The cone figured by Loudon is indeed more oblong than in P. insignisf but we have no doubt they vary as much as the figures given, and the leaves appear to be wholly similar. It is also nearly allied, apparently, to P, patula^ found by Schiede and Deppe in Mexico. SPREADING-CONED PINE. PINUS RADiATA, foliis tcmis, strohilis inaquilateri'Ofvatis sguamis radiato-rimosis umhilico dcp-csso truncatis ; bascos ezterncB triplo majoribus giblmsis subrcatrvis. Don, in Lin. Trans, vol. 17, p. 442. Lambert, Pin. 3, tab. 86. Loudon Arboretum 4, p. 2270, fig. 2182. I':i This useful species of Pine, as well as the preceding, grows abundantly in the vicinity of Monterey on the sea- coast in latitude 36". Point Pinos, at the entrance of the harbor is covered with them exclusively. The trees of this species grow singly or together, and attain to the height of about 100 feet, with an erect trunk clothed with branches nearly to the ground. In its foliage and general appear- ance, as well as economy, it is allied to the Yellow Pine, {Pinus variabilis.) It is also scarcely distinct from P. patula and the preceding species. The cones as described by Mr. Don, are said to be aggregated, of an ovate form, about half a foot in length, ventricose at the base with spreading obtuse scales. According to Dr. Coulter it affords an excellent timber, which is very tough, and well adapted for the building of boats, for which purpose it is much used. TVVISTED-BRANCllEI) PINi:. 117 ly serru- mid-rib. tng than as much ic wholly "*. pahtluy Of the PiNus Californiana of Loiacleur Deslongchamps in the Nouveau Duhamcl, 5, p. 243, too little is known to consider it as a well defined species. As a tree it is pro- bably identic with one or other of the preceding species, being observed in the neighbourhood of Monterey, and seeds were collected by the gardener Callignon in the expe- dition of La Peyrouse. The cone producing eatable seeds like the Cembra, is, however, a character wholly at variance with any species growing round Monterey. lis sqiiamis erncB triplo 17, p. 442. fig. 2182. ireceding, the sea- ce of the es of this height of branches 1 appear- ow Pine, from P. id to be n length, 3. i timber, uilding of TWISTED-BRANCHED PINE. PINUS coNTORTA. Douglas. Loudon, Arbor. 4, p. 2292, fig. 2210 and 2211. This plant is considered by Hooker, 2, p. 161, as a mere variety of P. inops with the leaves less rigid. Growing at Sitcha, and along the shores of the Pacific, from the con- fluence of the Oregon, and around Observatory Inlet, (Dr. Scouler,) fi. forms a low scrubby Pine along the north- west coast ; on Mount Rainier, near the snow, not exceed- ing 10 feet in height, and according to Hooker, the speci- mens exactly agree with the same species from the United States. Vol. III. — 16 118 WHITE PINE. PINUS arnoBva, foliis quinis gracilibus,vaginis millis, strohilis clovgatis stibci/linclraceis cernuis, squamis laxis planiuscuUs, antficrarum crista minuta, sctacea, bifida. PINUS Strobm. Linn. Sp. pi. Pursh. Flor. Am. 2, p. 644. FIooker, Flor. Bor. Am. 2, p. 101. Lamubbt, Pines, tab. 32. Micu. Sylva, tab. 145. /}. MONTicoLA, yb/u'5 brevioHbus obtusis vix serrulatis. Pinus monticola. DouotAs. "The Mountain, or Short-Leaved Weymouth Pine." Loudon, Arbor. 4, p. 2291, fig. 2208 and 2209. Lambert, Pin. vol. 2, p. 3, tab. 87. Respecting the geographical limits of this species, Hooker adds in his Flora. From Nova Scotia and Canada, to the Saskatchewan of Hudson's Bay, in latitude 55", and the east side of the Rocky Mountains. {Drummond). On the west side of the same great chain of mountains, (including only the variety ^. monticola)^ from the sources of the Oregon to the alpine range of Mount Hood, towards the north-west coast. The largest trees of this towering pine which I have seen, are on the borders of the Androscoggin near Paris in Maine, where they seem to emulate in elevation the vast Firs of the Oregon. In the vicinity of Portsmouth, I am informed by John Elwyn, Esq., a tree was cut down some years ago which measured 200 feet in height. Naugen- heim also remarks, that from the size of two masts for 74 gun-ships, that he saw in the Plymouth dock-yards, which measured in the whole piece 108 feet each, that such a tree must have been 200 feet long, and 5 feet or more in diameter. WHITE PINE. 119 Us clongatis arum crista , Hooker, icii. Sylva, 3 monticola. [)Uth Pino." IT, Pin. vol. s, Hooker da, to the and the On the including es of the mrda the I have ear Paris 1 the vast ith, I am ►wn some Naugen- ts for 74 ds, which it such a more in No tree approaches so near to this well-marked species as the IJhotan Pine {P. cxccisn,) a native of the mountains of Nepaul in India. That species, honoured with tlie native title of the " King of the Firs," attains to the height of 120 feet, and unhke our White Pine in its pliysical pro- perties yields an abundance of hquid resin. According to Mr. Lambert, who has made the Pines and Firs a special study, and illustrated their history by a splendid mono- graph, P. excclsa approaches so noar in habit, and in the shape of its cones t > P. Strohus,, were it not for the simple, round, mem.branaceoui; crest of the anthers, it would be almost impossible toc'ialinguish them s|)ccifically, still the leaves are lon^^^er ano the co, s tin. ker, and in its native soil it is remarkable for it drooping branches, whence it is frequently called the Weepin':: Fir," by tra- vellers in the Himalayas. The timber of the Weymouth Pine continues to be exported to Britain in immense quantities ; but it is consi- dered as very inferior to some of our other species, and to the pine timber of the north of Europe, Mr. Copland, an extensive builder and timber-merchant, (according to M'Culloch), when examined before Parliament as to the comparative value of European and American Timber, affirmed, that " the American pine is much inferior in quality, much so^*er in its nature, not so durable, and very liable to dry rot; ^vS.lyed it is not allowed by any professional man under government to be used; nor is it ever employed in the best buildings in London ; it is only speculators that are induce J to use it, from the price of it being much lower (in consequence of its exemption from duty) than the Baltic timber. If you were to lay two planks of American timber upon each other, in the course of a twelvemonth they would have the dry rot, almost invari- ably, to a certain extent." M'Culloch adds, that " many passages to the same effect might be produced from tho I i:; 120 WHITE PINE. evidence of persons of the greatest experience in ship- building." (M^Culloch*s Conimer. Diet., article Timber Trade.) There is no doubt a good deal of truth and some prejudice in these statements, particularly as regards the durability of White Pine timber, as any one will acknow- ledge on inspecting the present condition of the Schuylkill bridge at Philadelphia, which, after 37 years have elapsed since its erection, is apparently as sound as ever. From S. W. Roberts, Esq., civil engineer, we learn that the superstructure of the large wooden bridges, so nume- rous in Pennsylvania, is principally constructed of White Pine. The lattice bridges are built of thick White Pine planks, for which use this timber is well adapted on ac- count of its lightness, freedom from warping, and the ease with which it is worked. The Yellow Pine being harder is better for the posts of the bridges, because it undergoes less compression. These bridges are generally roofed and weather-boarded, but not ceiled, so that the frame timber is protected from the weather but exposed to the air. In such situations good White and Yellow Pine posts and beams of moderate size, season without injury from dry- rot, and last so long, that Mr. Roberts has no experimental knowledge of their comparative durability, but he supposes that the Yellow. Pine will be the most durable, as it con- tains the most resin. Mr. Roberts remarks, that the thin weatherboarding of White Pine on the sides of frame houses, although thus exposed, remains sound for a generation, even without paint. "One of the greatest wooden bridges probably in the world, is the aqueduct over the Alleghany river at Pitts- burg, through which the state canal passes. It has seven spans of one hundred and sixty feet each, with a water- s in ship- 3 Timber and some gards the acknow- Schuylkill re elapsed learn that so nume- of White hite Pine 3d on ac- [ the ease ig harder pndergoes Dofed and ne timber 3 air. In »osts and rom dry- erimental supposes s it con- irding of ugh thus without y in the at Pitts- las seven a water- WHITE PINE. 121 way sixteen feet wide and four feet deep, having a towing- path on each side. The whole structure is roofed and \feather-boarded, it is thirty feet wide, and built of pine brought down the Alleghany river. The entire cost of the aqueduct, including the heavy masonry of the abutments and piers, was about $110,000. " I have lately erected several very large bridges with wooden superstructures of White Pinej the piers being built of stone ; but one of them, put up in a peculiar place, has two piers, the foundations of which are of stone, on which are erected piers of timber, framed with half-lap splices and lock-joinings secured by screw-bolts, so that any stick may be replaced. The sills are of white oak ; the posts, standing in cast-iron shoes, are of white-pine, and so are the braces. The wooden portion of each pier is one hundred feet in height, and each span of the bridge 127 feet." S. W. Roberts. Mr. Roberts remarks, that the Yellow Pine (P. varia- bilis,) which grows on the hills bordering the Susquehanna in Columbia County, (Pennsylvania), is a fine, sound cohe- sive timber; but that the kind called Norway Pine, (P. resinosa ? Ait. P. rubra, Mich. t. 134,) from Steuben County, New York, is inferior to the Yellow Pine, as the layers of the wood are more easily separated. He also adds, it is well known that the quality of timber depends very much upon the age of the tree, the soil in which it grows, and in some cases the influence of the sea-air. Generally speaking, in Pennsylvania, the timber grown in the river valleys, and still more that grown in the moun- tains from 1500 to 2400 above tide, is inferior to that from the hills at intermediate heights. I'M 1 ' il 122 GIGANTIC PINE. PINUS Lambertiana, foUis quinis rigidis scabriusculis, vaginis hrevis- simis, strobilis crassis hngissimis cylinclraceis, squamis lazis dilatatis inferiorihus suhpatulis. PiNus Lambertiana. Douglas in Lin. Trans, vol. 15, p. 500. Lamb. Pin. (ed. 2d), vol. 1, t. 34. Lawson's Manual, p. 361. Loudon Arboret. vol. 4, p. 2288, figs. 2206 and 2207 (reduced), and figs. 2204 and 2205, natural size. This majestic pine, according to Mr. Douglas its disco- verer, covers large districts about 100 miles from the bor- ders of the Pacific, in latitude 43° north, and continues to the south as far as 40°. He first met with it towards the sources of the Wahlamet (called also Multnomah.) It grew sparingly upon low hills, and was scattered over an undulating country east of a range of mountains which ter- minate at Cape Oxford, in a soil of pure sand, apparently incapable of supporting any vegetation, but here it attained its greatest magnitude, and perfected abundance of seed. The trees did not form dense forests, in the manner of the other pines of the north-west coast, but were seen scattered singly over the plains in the manner of some Californian species. This stately species attains to a height of 150 to 200 feet, and varies in circumference from 20 to 60 feet. A specimen overturned by the winds was in length 215 feet, its circumference at 3 feet from the ground was 57 feet 9 inches, and at 134 feet from the ground, 17 feet 5 inches. The trunk presents an erect shaft, devoid of branches of from 100 to 170 feet elevation covered with a very smooth ,ii I ginis brevis- ixis dilatatis •00. Lamb. 1 . Loudon id figs. 2204 its disco- 1 the bor- itinues to k'ards the nah.) It 1 over an 'hich ter- jparentJy attained of seed. 3r of the scattered hfornian to 200 feet. A 515 feet, 7 feet 9 inches, iches of smooth *! ■f'M GIGANTIC PINE. 123 light brown bark. The pendulous branches form an open pyramidal head, like that of a fir-tree. The leaves arc between 4 and 5 inches long and grow together, like the strobus in clusters of 5, with similar short, deciduous sheathes ; they are rigid, of a bright-green colour, but not shining, with the margin slightly scabrous to the touch. The cones hang pendulous from the ends of the branches, and are two years in acquiring their full growth, they are at first erect, and do not droop until the second year; when ripe they are about 1 1 inches in circumference at the thickest part, and vary from 12 to 16 inches in length ! The scales are loosely imbricated, dilated and rounded above, and per- fectly destitute of armature. The seeds are 8 lines long and 4 broad, oval, and like those of the Stone Pine, the kernels are sweet and pleasant to the taste ; the wing is about twice the length of the seed, and the seed leaves are from 12 to 13. The whole tree produces an abundance of pure amber coloured resin, which, when it exudes from trees which are partly burnt, by some chemical change, loses its usual flavour and acquires a sweet taste, in which state it is used by the natives as sugar to flavour their food. The seeds, (like those of the Cembra in Siberia,) are eaten roasted, or pounded into coarse cakes for winter food. Its timber, like that of the White Pine, is white, soft, and light, abounding in turpentine reservoirs and has a specific gravity of 0.463. The annual layers are very narrow, presenting 56 in the space of 4^ inches on the external side. It is allied to P. strobus, from which, however, it is essentially distinct, but almost equally hardy in cultiva- tion. ( I : I Plate CXIV. Cone half of the natural size. a. The leaves. I S! 124 BANKS' OR LABRADOR PINE. PINUS Banksiana, foliis brevibus geminatis rigidis divaricatis obliquis strobilis recurvis tortis, squamis inermihiis. Lamb. Pin. (ed. 2,) vol. 1, tab. 3. PcRSH. Flor. Bor. Am. 2, p. 642. Loudon, Arboretum, 4, p. 2190. PiNus rupestris, (Gray Pine.) Mich. Sylva, tab. 136. PiNus hvdsonia, Lamarck, Encyc. 5, p. 339. PiNiTs sylvestris i" divaricata. Solander in Ait. Kew, vol. 3, p. 366. Notwithstanding the dwarf size of this species in many situations, Doctor Richardson* describes it as a hand- some tree, with long spreading flexible branches, generally furnished with clustered and curved cones, of many years accumulation. It attains even the height of 40 feet and upwards in favourable situations ; but the diameter of its trunk is greater, in proportion to its height, than in the other pines of the country j and in its native situations it exudes much less resin than the White Spruce, {Abies alba). Dr. Richardson found it exclusively occupying dry sandy soils, and it occurred as far northward as latitude 64°, and was said* to attain even higher latitudes, on the sandy banks of Mackenzie's river. Douglas found it on the higher banks of the Oregon, and in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains. We also met with it sparingly in the same great chain of mountains, towards the northern sources of the Platte, and forming considerable trees in the valley of Thornberg's ravine, in the western chain of the Rocky Mountains. * Narrative of a Journey to the Polar Seas in 1819 and 1822. TABLE MOUNTAIN PINE. 125 Doctor Engelmann of St. Louis, informs mo, that this Pine accompanied by P. slrolms, P. variabilis and Abies ca?iadensis grows on the islands of Lake Michigan. In tlie famous Pinetum at Dropmorc, in 1837, according to Loudon, there was a pine of this species 27 feet liigh, with the diameter of tiie trunk 18 inches. It forms an elegant tree as described by Richardson, with long spread- ing flexible branches. Another tree at White Knights, has attained the height of 30 feet. Dr. Richardson remarks, that the Canadian porcupine feeds on its bark ; and the wood, from its lightness, and the straightness and tenacity of its fibres, is much prized for canoe timber. Titus Smith adds, that on the shallow soils in the vicinity of Halifax, (Nova Scotia,) when not reduced by fires, it produces timber of an useful size. As an ornamental tree it is prized in Great Britain ; but with us, as yet, the appearance of pines is too plebeian, from their abundance and predominance throughout the barrens and uncleared lands by which we are still surrounded. 4 TABLE MOUNTAIN PINE. PINUS Pt'NGENs, foliis gcminis brcvibiis aciitis, strohilis ovato-conicis, aciflcis squamarmn elongatis suhuldtis incurvis, wferioiibiis rejlexu, PuKsii, Flor. Amcr. Sept. vol. 2, p. 643. Michaux, tab. 140. Lamr. Pin. (ed. 2,) 1, tab. 17. Loudon, Arboretum, 4, p. 2197, fig. 2079, and figs. 2077 and 2078, (excellent figures of the cone, &c.) iii A tree 40 to 50 feet high, with the habit of the Scotch Fir, (F. sylvestris,) but with a rounder and more branching summit, by which appearance in its native sites it is readily distinguished. The quantity of this species on the Table Vol. in. — 17 \ I 126 TABLE MOUNTAIN PINE. Mountain, and on a wide stretch of high mountains for many miles north and south of this iocahty is very great, and no apprehensions need be entertained, nor is tliere tlie most distant probability of its ever being extirpated by the puny hand of man. On the vast precipices, slopes, impend- ing rocks and chasms of the Linville, a brunch of the Catawba, it darkens the whole horizon and preseiils an imposing mass of intense and monotonous verdure. It generally occupies the summits of the highest rocky ridges, and sweeps over the most dangerous and inaccessible declivities to the margin of precipices, some of which, over- hanging the cove of Linville, are at least 1000 feet perpen- dicular. To the north, its peculiar verdure enables us to trace it by the eye continuously to the vicinity and summit of the Grandfather Mountain, and it seems, Mr. William Strickland, who introduced the species into England, (ac- cording to Loudon,) stated to Mr. Lambert, that he observed large forests of it along the Blue Mountains, on the frontiers of Virginia, so that it is by no means a scarce species, but affects the alpine heights of the highest of the Alleghanys, which can never be cultivated or made use of by man except for wild pasturage. At Dropmore, in England, in 1837, there was a speci- men which had attained the height of 34 feet, with a diameter of 1 foot 9 inches, (Loudon). In the character of its cones it approaches the P. Sabiniana of Oregon. The quality of its wood is unknown. John Lenthal, Esq., United States naval constructor, informs me that the Pine timber in most general use in the United States Navy, is the fine-grain long-leaf yellow-pine, {Pinus palustris,) from the southern parts of North Caro- lina, South Carolina, and Georgia, which is fully equal, if not superior, to the Baltic timber. Upon this point also an incorrect idea prevails, founded upon the yellow-pine i TABLR MOUNTAIN PINE. 12: that finds its way to the European markot from rana PhotograpMc Sciences Cbrporation 33 wiST ma:n strest WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4S03 ^f^" 0 F.% ^ % Ss 134 THE GREAT SILVER FIR. lock timber was rejected in the construction of the railroad, and to get rid of the trees they were consumed in immense fires. White pine, while oak, and locust were used in the timber structures of the railway. Locust, from its hard- ness and great durabihty, was preferred for the cross-sills of the track, but the sticks were too small for most other uses. White oak came next in order, and then white pine; good yellow-pine we could not get; and rock oak is classed with white oak for railroad sills, and is probably somewhat more durable. *' Since leaving the mountain I have laid down railroad mud-sills of Hemlock, being sound sticks of small size, and they will last as long as white pine." THE GREAT SILVER FIR. ABIES ORANDis, foliis pectinatis plants obtusis suhtus argenteis, strobilis erectis cylindraceis elongatis, squamis compactis latissimiSy hractedis ovcUis acuminatis erosis squama multo brevioribus, Abies grandis. Lindley, in Penny Cycl. No. 3. PiNus grandis. IpouoLAS, MSS. Lamb. Pin. vol. 3, tab. 94. PiCEA grandis. Loudon, 4, p. 2341, fig. 2245 and 2246. A TALL stately tree, akin to A. balsamea^ and attaining a height of 170 to 200 feet. According to Douglas, a native of Northern California, in low moist valleys, but we found it abundant, and constituting considerable tracts, betwixt Fort Vancouver and the neighbouring saw-mill, 6 or 7 miles above the fort, where many logs had been cut down and sawn into planks, which were taken for sale to I THE GREAT SILVER FIR. l?.5 le railroad, n immense used in the 1 its hard- cross-sills most other white pine; i. is classed somewhat irn railroad .11 size, and nteis, strohilis niSf bracteolis 4. i attaining Douglas, a 3ys, but we ble tracts, saw-mill, 6 d been cut for sale to Oahu, one of the Sandwich islands. It also grew in the pine woods of Wappatoo island, in both which places it was frequently about 240 feet in height. The wood was found to be soft, white, and coarse-grained, yet very well suited for flooring and other purposes when better timber could not be had. This tree mostly presents a tall naked shaft of a 100 or more feet in height, when it commences to branch with a high spreading pyramidal summit; the bark is smooth and brownish, the leaves pectinate and spreading, in about 2 rows, linear, roundish at the point, and often notched, green above and silvery beneath, some- what dilated towards the apex, and about an inch long. The cones lateral, single, cylindrical and obtuse, something like those of A. ccdrus (the Cedar of Lebanon,) about 3^ inches long and 2 inches broad, of a brown colour ; the scales transverse, very broad, deciduous, and quite entire. Bracteoles ovate-acuminate, irregularly notched along the margin, and much shorter than the scales. The Pinus amabilis of Douglas, is probably a mere variety of the present. Loudon gives two figures from Douglas's specimens in the Herbarium of the London Hor- ticultural Society, (2247 and 2248.) The cone is, how- ever, said to be twice as large as that of specimens of A. grandis sent home by Douglas, namely, 6 inches long and 2i broad, the leaves are likewise entire, instead of being notched. In other respects no difference is visible. Young plants are growing in the Society's garden at Chis- wick. 136 DECORATED SILVER FIR. ABIES Nouitis, fdiis fdtcaiis brevibus acutis subtus argenfcis, strcbilis erectis, ovato-cylinlraccis elongatis, squamis latissimis, hracteolis dilu' tatO'Spatliulatis dejlexis sqiiamas trge?Uibii$, erosis medio subulato-acu- minatis. PiNus nobilis. Douglas, MSS. Lamb. Pin. vol. 2, last figure. Hooker, Flor. Bor. Amer. 2, p, 162. PicEA nobilis. Loudon, Arboret. 4, p. 2343, figs. 2249 and 2250. According to Douglas, this singular species is a majestic tree, forming vast forests on the mountains of northern California, and produces timber of an excellent quality. " I spent 3 weeks in a forest composed of this tree," he says, "and day by day could not cease to admire it." According to Dr. Gairdner, specimens were brought to Fort Vancouver by the Indians, from the Great Falls of the Columbia. (It is known to them by the name of Tuck- tuck.) The cone, 6 to 7 inches long and 8 to 9 in circum- ference, is quite peculiar, having its scales entirely con- cealed by the large reflected and even imbricated brac- teoles (or inner scales), torn on the margin and terminated in the centre by stiff* projecting awl-shaped points. The true scales are broadly lamellar, stalked beneath, copiously covered with minute down, incurved and quite entire on the margin. The leaves are crowded in 2 rows, linear, somewhat falcate, usually acute, compressed, trigonal, flat above, and marked with a depressed line, silvery or paler beneath, and scarcely one inch long. To me this species appears very evidently allied to A. enfcis, strobilis bractcolis dila- ) subulato-acu- urc. Hooker, id 2250. s a majestic of northern ent quality, lis tree," he admire it." brought to eat Falls of ne of Tuck- in circum- ntirely con- cated brac- i terminated oints. The ih, copiously te entire on rows, linear, trigonal, flat ery or paler allied to A. If. n rxvii .. ;i^% y^^'** .^P*'*^ .kk\ 8^*^^^^^' Abies Nohilis //(\;initi'4f Si'/ft'rfir. Juyin ?!<*/» A ri rxviii \ ,i; Abips Bractca.ta. Lt'tUV confi SHwrH'r Sapi'jt hraeiff: n r XVIII inUtfit. / ,-■?»■ - *'.*'' .»•«■• %,.... /: ...-U I.F.ArV.fONKD SIIAKR IMFl. i:n Douirlasii^ particularly in that stage of its growth where the bracteolcs arc rcllcctcd. Plants of this species are also living in the vicinity of London. Platk CXVII. A branch with fruit, a. Tho leaf. b. The bructn. LEAFY-CONED SILVER FIU. ABTES BHACTEATA, fo/iis bifuriam pntctitihus mvcrovatis planis sublun argenteis, str(J)Uis ovatis erect is sqiiatnis rrnijoittiibus, brcicteolis t/i- lobis, lacinia intermedia longissima foliiu:va rccurvata. PiNus hracteata. D. Don, in Lin. Transact, vol. 17, p. 443. Lamhert's Pines, vol. 3, tal). 91. Loudon, Arborct. 4, p. 2349, fig. 21i5n. PiNus vciiusta. Douolas, in Compan. to Botan. Magaz. 2, p. 152. Tins curious and interesting species of Fir, was it seems, discovered by Douglas, in March 1832, on the high moun- tains of the Oregon. Dr. Coulter, from whose specimens it was described by D. Don, found it in latitude 30° on the sea-side mountain range of Santa Lucia, about 1000 feet lower down than the situation of the Pinus cou/lcri. Ac- cording to this gentleman, the nearly naked, slender trunk, rises to the height of 1120 feet, as straight as an arrow, and not exceeding 2 feet in circumference. The upper third of the tree is clothed with branches, giving it the appearance of an elongated pyramid. The branches are spreading, and the lower ones decumbent. The bractes are long and recurved, and but little changed from the character of ordi- nary leaves which gives the cones a very peculiar and sin- 138 DOWNY-CONED SILVER FIR. gular appearance. It is only the middle branches that produce cones when on the tree, being in great clusters, and seen at a great elevation, the cones strikingly resemble the Banksia's in their inflorescence. The leaves are crowded, but in 2 rows, linear mucronate, flat and rigid, 2 to 3 inches long, one line broad, light- green and shining above, silvery beneath. Cones on adult branches only, single, lateral, almost sessile, erect, ovate, and turgid, 4 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, scaly at the base. Scales of the cone kidney-shaped, roundish, concave, stalked, thick and indurated, pale-brown, incurved on the margin, crenulate and externally glaucous. The bracteoles wedge-shape, coriaceous and rigid, of the same colour as the scales but shorter, 3-lobed at the summit, the lateral lobes short, roundish and irregularly dentate, the middle segment recurved, an inch and a half long, and resembling a true leaf in every respect, but only half their breadth. This singular tree is not yet introduced into Europe. Plate CXVIII. A twig with the cone reduced, a. The leaf. b. The bracte. i' I 11 t; If DOWNY-CONED SILVER FIR. ABIES LAsiocARFA, folits obtusis preelongis concoloribus, strobilis? squamis latis suhrotundatis extus dense fusco-pubescent^ms, hractedis late oibovcUis vix denticulatis squama subduph-brevioribus apice mucro- nato-acuminatis. PiNus (abies) lasiocarpa, Hookeb, Flor. Bor. Amer. 2, p. 163. ranches that reat clusters, igly resemble ir mucronate, broad, light- >nes on adult erect, ovate, meter, scaly ed, roundish, wn, incurved icous. The of the same I summit, the dentate, the If long, and ly half their Europe. 3 bracte. )us, strdbUis ? ''hus, bractedis s apice mucro- .163. t^r t K h f^ li Abies Fra si-ri. fj Fnigers Hal^iuti Fir. Sapiit c/t fhixer Pi.rxix ^N,V J I n FIIASER'S BALSAM FIR. 139 This renmrkable species, as it regards the character of the scales of the cone, was, it appears, discovered on the nortli-vvcst coast, (probably in Upper Cahforriia,) by the late Mr. DougUis in his last eventful journey. Little is known of it, as there are no entire cones accompanying the solitary specimen of this interesting plant. The scales of the cone are clothed with a dense and almost ferruginous down. Tlie leaves are longer than in any other American species. FRASER'S BALSAM FIR. ABIES Fraseri, foliis emarginatis subtus argcntris, strc/fnlis ohhngO' oroatis, bracteolis obcordatis mucronatis exsertis rcfexis. PiNUs Fraseri. Pursh, Flor. Bor. Amer. 2, p. 639. Lahb. Pin. (ed. 2d,) vol. 1, tab. 42. PiC£A Fraseri. Loudon, Arboretum, 4, p. 2340, figs. 2243 and 2244. This species, so nearly allied to the Balsam Fir, (^A. bal- samea)j was discovered on the high mountains of Carolina, by Fraser, and on the Broad Mountains in Pennsylvania, by Mr. Pursh, who first described it. It is a smaller tree than A. balsamea, or rather compact bush seldom exceed- ing 10 feet in height, the leaves are shorter and more erect, and the cones about one-half the size. It was introduced into England by Mr. Fraser in 1811, and the original tree in the Hammersmith Nursery in 1837, was 15 feet high, and had for 2 or 3 years produced cones, but no male cat- kins. It is omitted by Michaux, who probably considered it, 11 til ;'i 140 FRASER'S BALSAM FIR. as I did, a mere variety of A. balsamea. It is, however, a perfectly distinct species. Leaves short, secund and crowded round the branch, linear, subfalcate, flat, emarginate, rarely entire, the margin and rib prominent and obtuse, beneath silvery and some- times bisulcate, about half an inch long. Masculine aments terminal, crowded, oblong, subtended at base by numerous obovate fimbriate membranaceous caducous scales. An- thers 2-celled, opening longitudinally, with a small subreni- form, entire, callous crest. Cones aggregated by 2 or 3 together, sessile, oblong, obtuse, cinereous, puberulous, about 2 inches long ; the scales cuneate-rounded, below subcordate, and unguiculate, the margin entire and inflected. The dorsal appendage or bracte, oblong-obcordate, carti- laginous, subfoliaceous, with a thin erose margin, twice the length of the scales, reflected, with an abrupt subulate short point. Seed black, shining, with an oblong striated wing, with an interior straight margin. Plate CXIX. A branch of the natural size with cones, a. The leaf. c. The scale and bracte. b. The scale. If I' ' I If : i It is remarkable to find that the Pines, by mountain elevations, extend their geographic range even to the tropics, and we have thus, in the Pinus occidentalism a pine indigenous to the island of St. Domingo; it, however, inhabits a range of mountains on which snow occasionally falls, notwithstanding the warm latitude in which it is found. In the Herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, we have a specimen with staminiferous flowers, also from the island of Cuba, collected by M. La Sagra, which appears to be a variety of Pinvs MontezumiR 11 SINCLAIR'S PINE. 141 h. The scale. of Lambert, discovered by Humboldt and Bonpland, on Orizaba and other mountains of Mexico. As this variety appears distinct I propose to distinguish it as Pixus MONTEzcM.f!, /3. CuBENSis, folus tsmis prtthngis acuminatis striatis, margine scahris intus carinatis concoloribus, amentis mas- cidis fuscatis elongatis, antherarum crista rolutidaia convexa integrius- cula maxima. Leaves always in 3's, 7 to 8 inches long, rigid and serru- lated, with a longish rigid acuminate point, the keel shallow and also rough ; sheath persistent, rather short, the outer stipular scales torn on the margins. Male aments about two inches long ! the scale-like brown summits of the con- nectivum of the anthers imbricated almost like the scales of a fertile cone ; two-thirds of a line wide, rounded, almost reniform, the border equal somewhat paler and membrana- ceous, slightly eroded, (as seen through a glass). Anthers 2-celled. SINCLAIR'S PINE. PINUS SiNCLAiRii, fdiis iernis acicularibus rlongatis gracUibus supra canaliculatis dorso convezis margine asperis, strobilis basi obliquis pedalibus oblongis, squamis cuneatis ehngatis, apicibus crassis ekvatO' tetragonis centra ttiberculo spinuloso uncinato instructis. Hook, and Arnott, Bot. Beech, p. 392, t. 93. ■%. This species, according to Dr. Sinclair, covers the hills from Monterey to Carmel, and Point Pinos. It is the Vol. III. — 19 :i 142 SINCLAIR'S PINE. supposed p. rigida brought from California by Menzies, and forms a stately tree 70 or 80 feet high. The leaves are ternate or occasionally binatc, 3 to 4 inches long, rigid, sharp but slender. The cone is about a foot long. The scales 2 to 3 inches long, three-quarters of an inch broad, cuneate, thickened, and quadrangular at the apex, with a short reflected, sharp, rigid mucro. It appears to be allied to P. Montezumce, by Menzies, The leaves cs long, rigid, t long. The n inch broad, apex, with a s to be allied I ■ \i I>!l L a rix occidentalis. IM iXX Ht' tifn'ii4»aii . PRICKLY PISONIA. 147 RifAMNUs scii li/cium, fngrigo jatnaiccnsibiis diction. Pluk. Aliriag. p. 318, t. 108, f. 2. Paliuho a/li?iis ; arbor spinosn, Jlorc hcrhacco, pnitoj)ctalo'ule ; fructil sicco, nu(/i), canaliculatn, hq^pacco. Sloane, Jam. p. 137. Hist. vol. 2. p. 25, t. 1G7. Rai, Dead. p. 95. This inelcfrant, but curious trailiug branched tree is in- digenous to Jamaica, Cuba, and other of the West India islands and Brazil, where it attains the height of 12 to 20 feet, with a diameter of 8 to 10 inches. It has also been observed at Key West by Dr. Blodgett. The spiny branches droop and trail ditTusely, so as to form thickets which are very troublesome to traverse ; the spines short and crooked seize on the clothing of the traveller and the gluti- nous capsules adhere to every thing they happen to touch. The wings of some of the birds, particularly the Ground Doves, are sometimes so loaded with the burry capsules as to render them incapable of flying. With its uses and other properties we are unacquainted. Other species, allied to the present, also inhabit the West Indies, of which the wood is said to be of inferior value. The bark of the trunk of this tree is even and of a dark, brown. The branches are almost opposite. The leaves simple, petiolated, oval, somewhat rigid, often shortly acu- minated and acute at the base, nearly opposite, 1^ inches long, and sometimes nearly as wide ; the midrib beneath is often covered partly with short, close hairs. The spines are short, stout, and recurved. The campanula te flowers appear with the expansion of the leaves towards the ex- tremities of the branches, in rounded downy corymbs, they are small yellowish-green, furnished at the base with 2 or 3 small scale-like bractes, and have somewhat the scent of Elder flowers; the border is 5-cleft, the segments very spreading, short, oval, and acute. The stamens about 6. ii- , r.! 148 fruiting The dichotomuus. having its 5 PRICKLY PISONt^. corymb becomes widely divaricate and The fruit is dry, club-shaped, pedunculated, angles beset with rows of very glutinous asperities. The seeds are even, oval and oblong. THE END. k^aricate and pedunculated, )ry glutinous ong. INDEX TO NUTTALL'S NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA. A. Abies, Acacia, Acacia, Broad-podded Acer, Acliras, jli^scuius, Ailanthus, Alder, Aider, Oregon Alder, Riioinbic Leaved Alder, Sea side Alder, Tiiin Leaved Almond, Indiua Amyris, Apple, Crab Arbor vitte. Arbor vita?, Ginrantic Arbor vita;, Nee's Arbutus, Ardi-sia, Ardisia, Florida Ash, Alountain, American Ash, Prickly Ash, Prickly, Carolina, Ash, Prickly, Long Leaved Ash Tree, Ash, Oregon, Black Ash, Small Leaved Ash, Three Winged Ash, White Ash, Oaroiinian Ash, Flowering Ash, Flowering, Californian Avicennia, Avicennia, Soft Leaved Vol. Pago. iii. 128 ii. 84 ii. M ii. 77 iii. 27 ii. 6!) ii. 7G i. 2(i i. 28 i. y:i i. H.-j i. 32 i. 110 ii. 114 ii. 22 iii. 101 iii. 102 iii. 103 iii. 41 iii. 69 iii. 69 ii. 25 iii. 7 iii. 8 iii. 10 iii. 59 iii. 59 iii. 61 iii. 62 iii. 64 iii. 65 iii. 66 iii. 66 iii. 78 iii. 79 B. Balsam Tree, ii. Ill Balsam Tree, Yellow Flow ercd Balsam Fir, Frasers' Banyan Tree, Birch, Western Birch, Oval Leaved Birch, Canoo Birch, White Birch Tree, West Indian Bitter Wood, Bitter Wood, Glaucous Boxwood, Jamaica Box Elder, Californian Buck Thorn, Buck Thorn, Carolina Buck Wheat Tree Bully Tree, Biiuiolia, Buinclia, Smooth Leaved Bumelia, Oblong Leaved Bumelia, Rusty Leaved Bumelia, Silky Leaved Bumelia, Woolly Leaved Bumelia, Large Fruited Bumelia, Narrow Leaved Bumelia, Fetid Bursera, Button Tree, Button Tree, Silky Buttonwood, California Calabash Tree, Calabash, Long Leaved California Bay Tree Californian Umbellularia, Californian Box Elder, Calyptranthes, Calyptranthes, Forked Carya, Catalpa, Vol. Page. ii Ill iii 139 ii 5 i. 22 i 24 i. 25 i. 25 ii. 117 iii. 20 iii. 20 ii. 42 ii. 90 ii. 50 ii. 50 ii. 92 iii. 28 iii. 31 iii. 31 iii. 33 iii. 34 iii. 35 iii. 36 iii. 37 iii. 38 iii. 39 ii. 117 i. 115 i. 116 i. 47 iii. 71 iii. 71 i. 85 i. 87 ii. 90 i. 101 i. 101 i. 38 iii. 77 ii III I N I) K X. Vol.". Catappn, j. no CcaiiotliiiR, ii. 41 Ceiinotliua Tree, ii. 4 1 ColtiM, i. i:jv» Cerasus, ii. lo Cercocttrpiis, ii. 28 Cherry 'J'rcc, ii. 1,') Cherry, Soil Leaved ii. 15 Cherry, Ilod or Northern ii. 1") Ciicrry, Holly Leaved ii, 1(5 Cherry, Almond ii. H Cherry, Cornel iii. f)") Chestnut, Dwarf i. 20 Chesntit, Golden Leaved i. 21 Chionanthus, iii. nti Citrus, ii. 1()5 Clitlonia, ii. 92 Clubia, ii. Ill Coccoloba, iii. 2^ Coliibrina, ii. 47 Conocarpus, i. 114 Conocarpus, Silky Button Tree i. IIG Cordia, iii. 81 Cordia, Rough Leaved iii. 81 Cordia, Florida iii. 83 Cordia, Myxa iii. 84 Cornel, White iii. 55 Cotinus, iii. 1 Cotinus, American, or Long Leaved iii. 1 Crab Apple, ii. 22 Crab Apple, River ii. 22 Crab Apple, Narrow Leaved ii. 24 Crataegus, ii. 6 Crescentia, iii. 71 Cyrilia, ii. 95 Cyrilla, Carolina ii. 96 Cypress, Nootlca iii. 105 D. Dogwood, West India ii. 31 Dogwood, Jamaica ii. SI Dogwood, Large* Flowered iii. 51 Dogwood, Woolly Leaved iii. 54 Drimophyllum, i. 85 Drypetes, ii. 66 Drypetfs, Small Flowered ii. 66 Drypetes, Glaucous ii. 68 E. Elder, Box, Californian Elms, Elm, Opaque Leaved Elm, Thomas' Eugenia, Vol. Pnco Fugcnid, Smnil Leaved i. lii;j Mii^'diiin, Tiiil i. 1(10 KiiLTiMiia, Box Leaved i. Ms Excu'cariu, ii. 60 F. Feather Bu-sli, FiU 'J'rees, Fii,r 'I'rc,., Cherry Fig Tree, Hhnrt Leaved Fii,' Tree, Small Fruited Fiiigrigo, '•"rii.\imi.s, FriDife Tree, Fringe Tree, Common G. 28 1 1 .') 4 iii. 110 iii. i'lO iii. 50 iii. 56 II. ii. ii. ii. ii. GenipTree. ii. 71 (Jrapc, Sea-^ido iii. 23 Grajie, Sea-side, Small Leaved iii. 2.') GuaJHcum, iii. 16 Guava, i. 9S Guava, Florida i, 98 H. Hawthorn, ii. Hawthorn, Siberian ii. Hawthorn River ii. Hawthorn, J /tnce Leaved ii. Hickory, i. Hiokory, Small Fruited i. Hippomane, ij. Hippophoe, i. Honey-Berry, Round Fruited ii. Horse Chestnut, ii. Horse Chestnut, Californian ii. Indian Almond, i. Inga, ii. Inga, Blunt Leaved ii. Inga, Guadaloupe ii. Iron-Wood, Bastard iii. Iron-Wood, Southern iii. Iron-Wood, Smooth Leaved iii. J. 6 (.: 9 10 38 39 54 120 74 69 69 110 38 38 40 11 31 31 ii. 90 Juniper, iji, 94 i. 35 i Juniper, Rocky Mountain iii. 95 i. 35 I Juniper, Carbadensis iii. 96 i. 37 ; Juniperus Sabina, iii. 97 i. 103 ' Juniperus Virginiana, iii. 97 Vol. r«^) iii. 511 non iii. OU ii. 71 iii. 'SS Small iii. a.') iii. 10 i. {)S i. yd ii. 6 n ii. (? Leaved ii. ii. 9 10 i. lid liied i. m ii. 54 i. 1-JO d Fruite( ii. 74 ii. 09 ilifornian ii. 69 i. 110 ii. H8 ii. m ii. 40 1 iii. 11 rn iii. m 1 Leaved iii. 31 111, 94 untain 111* 95 is lll> 96 iii* 97 I N I) K X. K. Kalinin Latifulia, Vol. Pago. iii. 44 Lnpimcularitt, i. 117 Laiiri'l, ii. 17 Liuirt;!, Mountain iii. 41 l/ircli, iii. li:l Lurcii Treo, Western iii. ll.J Larcli, iii. li:{ Ijii,niiiiii Vito! Tree, iii. 10 Li;,'!)!!!!! Vita;,ymail Leaved iii. 10 Liiiio Tree, i. 90 Liniifii, i. 90 Liiuii'ii, l.nrnrc Leaved i. 90 Linden, General (Jbserva- tiuns on i. 0-^ iii. 97 M. Mncliira, Muirnolia, Majriiolia, Large Flowered Magnolia, Long Leaved Magnolia, Ear Leaved Magnolia, Umbrella Miijriiolia, Tulip Tree Maliogaiiy, Munglf, Mangle, American Mangrove, Mangrove, White Mancliincel, Maples, Maple, Large Leaved Maple, Round Leaved Mai)le, Mountain Sugar Maple, Drummonds' Maple, Currant Leaved Maple, Dwarf Maple, Bearded Maple, Sugar Melicocca, Melon Tree, Mountain Ash, Myrtle, Candleberry Myrtle, Inodorous Candle 'i'ree Naseberry Bully Tree Negundo, Nettle Tree, Nettle Tree, Small Leaved Nettle Tree, Long Leaved Nettle Tree, Thin Leaved i. 120 i. bl i. 81 i. 8;} •i. 8:j i. 81 i. 84 ii. 98 i. 9-) i. 95 i. 95 i. 117 ii. 54 ii. 77 ii. 77 ii. 80 ii. 82 ii. 83 ii. 85 ii. 86 ii. 88 ii. 88 ii. 74 iii. 46 ii. 25 i. 42 i. 43 in. ii. i. i. i. i. 28 90 132 133 134 136 Nootka Cypress, O. 1 Oaks, Ob^^ervations on the Oaks, Additional ( )bsurvutiuiii on the Oak.s, Hsrtraiii's Oak, Dense Flowered Oak, Doiigliia' Oiik, Holly Leaved Oak, Lea's Oak, lilvo Oak, Kocky Mountain Oak, t^niall Leaved Oak, Wofstern Oak, Willow Oak, Olive Treo, Orange Tree, Orange Tree, Wild Ornuti, Osage Orange, Pa paw Tree, Papaya, Puvia, Long Spiked Pines, Pine, Sinclair's Pine, American Cembra Pine, Sabine's or Prickly Coned Pino, Coulter's Pine, Smaller Prickly Coned Pine, Heavy- wooded Pino, Oregon Pitch Pine, Spreading Coned Pine, Twisted Branch Pine, White Pine, Gigantic Pine, Lambeitiana Pine, Bank's or Labrador Pine, Table-Mountain, Pisonia, Pisonin, Prickly Plane Tree, Plane, California, Button- wood, Plane, Oriental Plum Tree, Plum, Mountain Plum, Sapota Plum, Wild Prunus, Poplars, Vi.l Vncr. ill . 105 i . I i 13 i 19 i 15 i 11 i 10 i 5 i. 13 i. 10 i 8 i. 7 i. 1 i. 15 iii. ()8 ii. 105 ii. 106 iii. (iO i. 120 iii. 46 iii. 48 ii. 71 iii. 100 iii. 141 iii. 107 iii. 110 iii. 112 iii. 113 iii. 114 iii. 115 iii. 110 iii. 117 iii. 118 iii. 122 iii. 122 iii. 124 iii. 125 ill. 116 iii. 140 i. 48 i. 47 i. 49 ii. 19 i. 124 iii. 27 ii. 19 ii. 19 i. 51 u INDEX. fl' Poplar, Narrow Leaved iliilHam Poplnr, ('otton Wood poplar, UnlsQin Poplar, American Aspen Poplar, VVIiito Poiboii Wood, Sliininjr liCavod Pyrud, R. Rabbit Berry, Rlioclodcndron, Maximum Rhus, S. Sapindiis, Snpota IMum, Wupotilltt, Sns8nt'rnH, Silt in Wood, Florida Si'hii'fl'cra, Silver Fir, The Gront Silver Fir, Dccortitrd Silver Fir, Fieiity ('imod Silver Fir, Downy Coiad Siniarubn, Sincliiir's Pine, Slie|)lier(lia, Canadian Slieplicrdin, Western Snake-wood, Soap Herry, Florida Sorrel Tree, Spoonwnoil, Spruce Fir, Spruce Fir, White Spruce, Douglas' Spruce, .Menzie's Spruce Fir, Hemlock Stillingid, Stilliugia, Privet Leaved Strawberry Treo> Strawberry, Menzies'd Stypbonia, Stypbonia, Serrate Leaved Sumach, Sumach, Coral Sumach, Venitian tSwietenia, Vol. Page. { II. ii. I, ill. ii. 11. iii. iii. i. iii. ii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. i. i. ii. ii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. ii. ii. iii. iii. iii. iii. ii. ii. iii. ii. 55 (iO 119 44 I'Jl 72 27 •JH 88 14 42 1:m I'M I'M 138 20 141 122 11!) 47 72 45 44 128 120 129 131 133 62 65 41 42 4 6 120 121 1 98 Tnxodiiim, Evcrpfrecn Taxo i . 87 i S7 . 50 . 58 , 1 . 61 . 63 . (it . (J5 . 66 . 67 . fi7 . m . 69 . 71 . 72 . 73 i'} . /.» . 77 . 78 . 79 . 80 ii . 43 i. 124 i. 126 Tallow Tree, ii. 62 I Zanthoxylum, 111. iii. iii. 13 85 n 4 I i'., i: Vol. Pnnr. Tccn ill. \M liurn iii. luo iii. U'J iii. 74 ii. tl iii. 101 ii. lit rida ii. iii. HI ill) avcd iii. Ul iii. 74 Common T iii. 7."» J, i. 87 iforniaii i. S7 r^r, ■•nved i. r»8 :iv(>(i Hiiy, 01 Yellow G3 i (it 3aved (i.'i i- 0(J 07 Pond f)7 vc'd as 3 0!) javod 71 kcd 12 r.i 75 eavcd 7.1 77 78 79 8(» JC, iii. 43 i. 124 ir. i. 120 Valnut iii. 13 iii. 85 iii. 86 ni. I .? '■^