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SCHUYLER MATHEWS ^ j* ^ ILLUSTRATED WITH PEN AND INK DRAWINGS FROM NATURE BY THE AUTHOR ji ^ ii» J» ^ J»> ^ ^ ^ ^ TABER-PRANG ART CO 5PRINGnaD.MASS. HR^ TWO COPIB8 RBCBIVBU, Library of Coagr««% Of floe of tht JAN 2- 1900 ■•fliUr of Cepyrigbt« ^J-'v^ ^ 1 i 5:^801 CowRiGHr 1899 w,Tab»Pran6ArtCo SPRiNenaj) Mass. VM 0\<\^ /v. \^ o ^ . . i^. I iWj^nrmrj.iiL I ghtft V INTRODUCTION 1 i WAYSIDE TREES. SERIES II. ^1 \ <^ o o )S we advance in the selection of simple leaves we reach a number of trees most of which conform to avery common typt ; Le. more or less pointed-elliptical, or at- tenuated, and evenly toothed. This division com- prises the hom-beams, chestnut, beech, willows, and popfaos. Then comes a t»eak in the rule, and the undivided-edged leaf is displaced by the ornamentally and iq[ularly, though not deeidy, divided leaf of the Thorn famOy. So our system progresses as follows : — Leaves, Simple : i Alternate growing With teeth Undivided edge^ ! Alternate growing With teedi Dhridededge . pi«et 3-«3 15 Then come the oaks which estaUish an independent system of thdr own, thus : — ' -/ / iimiiLiiii -"^ T (Alternate growing Without teeth Undulating edge PV* i7i 19 {Alternate growing Bristle pmnted Divided edge si {Alternate growing Without teeth IrreguUur, undivided edge . sj FoUowbg the oaks are two handsome trees with remarkably ornamental, Urge leaves, which again conform to the system broken by the eccentric oaks. The bnttonwood and the liquidambar may be classified as foibws : — (Alternate growing With teeth Divided edge 9$ With Series II we come to the end Ti,lMlllfliil*tiTilifaitliir *■¥■■' fc p^lll. »-.^ wtm I J ratdwn. W«Ur B«mcIi. Car^niu CartJImiiM. SMd .« • « Hop HornbMim. diA:n> Virg^nUa, bstry y$rpniina, FmOr . . CUPULIFER^ Ode. LMf . . . Dull, dtrk yellow-green, tufts of down at u^let of veins beneath. Like hop cluster, about a ins. long. L^ blown, roughf platelike scales » smooch upper branches marked like the birches. Haiiiit . . ao ft. to 30 ft., sometimes 60 ft. HaUiai . . Me., to the Ddcotas, south to north- em Fla. and eastern Texas. HornbMin. Water Baacli. Carflnus CmrtSMiimt. . CUPULIFER^ Oak. . Pale olive^reen, yellowish beneath, yellow ribs. . Clusttrs, 3-lobed wing, seed at base, usually in pairs base to base. . . Light g^y-brown, dark biown bori- sontal bands, not furrowed, mode- lateiy roupi. FamOjr LMf . SMd . Bvk . HaMtat as ft. to 40 ft. ^f. Y., to _ , Tampa Bay, Fla., west.to Minnn Nd>., Kan., Indiaii Ter., and eastern Texas. (3) i ChMtniit. I IMH rrvk . Bok'. H«Vrt Habtat CliMtniit. OuHmM smAwm. CmtituM dmtkm. . . CUPULIFERA, CHk. , . . Dwk 7ellowrowii, bffotd, flat ridfet. , 60 ft. to 100 ft. Southern Me., Valley of Winoottki Riv., Vt., Mutbem ihore Lake Ontario, to Mutheattem Mich., •ouUi to Del., and Ind., All^i^jr Mtt., to Ala., and Miai., central Ky., and Tenn. u Farflr IMk Fipu AwurUttM. Filfiu ftm^^hum. . CUPULIFER^ Oak. . Silky and thin, straight ribbed, modi- fied gretn, tpreada out horisontally. . Small burr, not sharp prickles, nut aucer..i1iWiWiJiiW«| FlHBQjr M Hiight HaUlat • • • NMirt-lMv«d Wlltow. SALICACE^ Willow. Family Heart-thaped at base, ttipulet (leafy- 1 terminala) at baae of leaf stem, bright green, both lidet. Twig . Light brown, brittle. Gny-brown. Buk . 10 n. to 20 ft., often a ibrub. Common. A widely distributed and H«igiit variable species. Hafatat • • fl Lonff-l«iv«d Willow. SiUi* kngtfMa. SALICACEA. Willow. Attenuated, green both sides, re- motely toothed. Light or dark old gold, often dull purplish red. Smooth, dark brown, ruddy tinged, close scales. Usually 10 ft., often a shrub! 70 ft.. Western New Ei^land, to vaUcy of Potomac Riv., west to Cal., south beside Mississippi Riv., to Trx., rare on Atlantic seaboanl. "; mm Faaijr • • • Twig Crack Willow. SUitt/rigUit. SALICACEA, WUlow. Slender, light green, pak beneath, tinv wart one on each side of stem at baae of leaf. Somewhat, green-yellow, very brittle at base. Dark brown, rough. 50 ft. to 80 ft. Not indigenous, from Europe, exten- sivd< naturalized in noitliau|te.~n States, common in Mass., K. H., and Vermont. (7) ■MM iMNMIi I Bl««k Willttv. mmmmmmimm m White Willow. SiXx ilto var. tariika. TuOkf . . SALICACE^, Willow. LMf ... Smooth, firm, dull bluith green, whitish beneadi. Tirig . . . Olive-green. Bwk . . . Dark brown, itxigh. HeVn . . 50 ft. to 70 ft. Habitat . . . Not inifagenout, but extenrivety naturaliied in N. H., and Mast. Wceplag Wlilow. SiUx BaiyUmea. FamUy . . SALICACEA, Willow. Leaf . . . Slen^r, lyit green, hanging Awn slender bnuichlets. Twig . . . Very slender, yellow-green or lig^ brown, suspoided. Bark . . , Roi^ dark brown. Mdi^ . . 40 ft» to 60 ft. Habiut . . Notind^nous; ftom Syria, qNread> ii^ alMV liver banks, parks, gar- dens, and city streets. BlAdt Willow. SUix lAgra. FamBr . . SALICACEA, Willow. Leaf . . . Tapering tips somewhat curved, roundish or we(%e-fhaped base, Iig^ green. Twig . . SkiMer, stipule ^leaflet) at base of ka^em, deciduous, <^n absent. Ihfk . . . Daric brown, sometimes l^^iter brown, roudi. Kdfett . . 30 ft. to 40. ft., occasionaUy 120 ft. Haliiiai . . Shores Lakes Huron and Superior, noithcm Vt. and N. Y., soudi to Fla., west to Dak^ Neb., Kan., Oklahoma and western Texas. '9) .3 I uniiiii iifiiir mm Famflr Lnf . Balk . HaUlat FHafljr Ltaf . Bwk i Height HikhiUt Larfe-toothcd A«p«n. Pifmbu gratuHdtnlita. SALICACE^, Willow. Dark, whitish green, cotfaely toothed, flat ttem. Grayish-green, fissured, base of trunk brownish. 40 ft. to 70 ft., rarely 80 ft. Me., to Mbn., south to northern Del., southern Ind., and 111., Alleghany Mts., to M. Car. west- ward to central Ky., and Tenn. Pipuhu IrmmMdes. SALICACE/E, Willow. FwOy Daric whiti^ green, flat sum Lmf . V^liitish-green, dull, horizontal tens, trunk-base blaclush. , Bwfc . as ft. to 50 ft., occasionally 100 ft. Northern States to mts. of Penn., Height northeastern Mo., southern Neb., Habitat the mts. of the West. The moat widely distributed tree of Nordi Amcrtca. Cottonwood. Pipuhu m»niHf*n> SALICACE^ Willow. Finn, light veen, pale beneath, yellow midi%, flat stemmed. hiik^qfKjy yellowish, sometimes tinged. g^«en. 70 ft. to 80 ft., sometimes 100 ft. Shore Lake Champlain, Vt., western New England, N.Y., Pa., west of Alleghany Mts., Atlantic States south of the Potomac Riv., to western Fla., west to Roclgr Mts. ^.• fii) immmmmmm mmm lifannitfftt. Series Z BalMim Poplar, TaowMihac. /►. h^Mw^tr* ytx. Minima. tMm 9t OUmA. ■.ii.^«.iiil»»Hi':Jtei...»»>llM»MI '■ '" " ""■"■"* ■MiaiwMMMrllilliy ■iriUiiaftitfea,.*. ^, - . ,-JM mm tMm •( ailwtf. MMHMaiiii Balm of Qilcad. JVpu/us balsamtfera var. eindicons. Family . . SALICACE/E, Willow. Lwf , , . Broad, ribs and veins downy, deep green, whitish beneath } buds odor- ous. BMk ... Light gray-brown, small scales. Height . . 40 ft. to 70 ft. Habiut . . Northeastern Stttes, rare wild, com- mon in cultivation. Other common vartotle* of tlw IMMm Poplar. P. bahamifera var. intermidut. P. ialsamt/era var. VimtiAIU. P. babam\f€ra vlur. laH/iSa. Balaam Poplar. Tacamahac. Plfuhu habam^tra. Kanily Leaf . BaA . Hdcht HaUUt SALICACE-ffi, Willow. Thin, deep dark-green, shiny, paler beneath. Gray tinged with red, close scales, branches tir^ green. 60 ft. to 70 ft., sometimes 100 ft. Northern New England, N. Y., central Mich., and Minn,, Dak., northwestern Neb., Idaho, Oregon, and Nev. (13) Series 2. ;-^-^v/^^-"^/^. •Ml f>' 7- *v^^- -'" ~''-w%„ w ft, ' !•■ //*lg:„. .4o^.4f/'^ Z'-'M.\< Scarlet Haw. ^t e0€rtntm tar. rnMi. jgjmmM WhIU Thorn, Scarlet-fruited Thorn. Cratagus eaednta. TmOf LnI . Frail Bwk . Haight Hditat ROSACEA, Ro»e. Slender ttein»» thin, light dull-green. Small, duU red. Rough, gny-brown, •mall scales. 12 ft. to i8 ft., rarehr 20 ft. Me., to northern Fla., and eastern Tex., westward to Neb. and Km. i common in northern States. Funiljr Leaf . Fnit . Bwk . Hdght Habitat Scarlet Haw. Crafitgtis tpeflnt0 var. mM's. . ROSACEA, Roee. . Large, firm, more or less woolly ,. beneath, li^ gieen. . Dun scarlet, Ibirae, i in. broed. . Gray-brown, wid ruddy brown, small scales. . 15 ft. to 30 ft. . Eastern Mass., through central Mich. to Mo., central Tenn., Ark., to Tex. ^ (fS) w -.-':£» Series 2. Po«t Oak, Iron Omk. Wklto Oalir ■Mtai w MP »jMjjJjJJg™^Jy^ \/i^'*^Ji /f]'^ Wklto OakT QuirtMt iltm. Family Uaf . Acorn . Bwk . Height Habitat Post Oak. Iron Oak QtUrtms skUita. CUPULIFERiE, Oak. Class, White Oaks. 5 to 7 round flaring lobes, rough, deep green. Moderate size, short stem, deep cup, small scales. Dark, brownish gray, resembling White Oak. 50 ft. to 60 ft., rarely 100 ft. Cape Cod,. Mass., to R. I., Long Island, and to northern Fla., southwestward to Texas. Bur Oak, Overcup Oak. Qiiircus ma^rocArpa. FamUy . • CUPULIFERiE, Oak. Class, White Oaks. Lwf . . . Deeply round-lobed, large, 6 ins. to 10 ins. long, deep shinjr green. Aeon . . . Stout, round, variable in size, fringed deep cup, nut half or more in cup. B«rk . . . Light brown, deeply furrowed. Height . . 70 ft. to 100 ft, rarely 170 ft. Habitat . . Penobscot Riv. Val., Me., shore Lake Champlain, Vt., Ware Riv., Mass., Buck and Lancaster Cos., fti., west to Montana and Okla- homa. Family Aoon . Balk . Hti^ White Oak. Quirtut iHa. CUPULIFER/E,Oak. Cla8s,White Oaks. 3 to 9 round lobes, bright green. Rough cup, usually long stem, sweet nut. Very light buff-gray, moderately rough, thin scales. 70 ft. to 100 ft., sometimes 150 ft. Me., to- Minn., and south, rare in northern New England. ti?) .. i riiWMMiKv. MMH Basket Oak. Cow Oak. Qmirau Miihaiuck. FwOy . . CUPULIFER^,0«k.Cl»a, Chert- nut Oaks. ObtuM at bate, laige-toothed (about a4),mediuin green, woolly beneath. Rough, tlteUow, tmall-tcaled cup, long nut, tweet and large. Silvery gray, flaky. ' 60 ft. to 100 ft. Swampi, and betide ttreamt, Wil- mington, Del., touth to northern Fla., and from Ind.,, and Mo., •outh to Texat and the Gulf. Yellow Chestnut Oak. Quireus acuminata. CUPULIFER*, Oak. Clatt, Chert- nut Oaks. Narrow (2 inchet wide), sharjpiv toothed, yellow -green, grayiah beneath. Rounded thin cup, covering one-third of nut, dote tcalet. Dull tilvery my, acaly. 50 ft. to 80 ft., rarely 160 ft. Matt., to Neb., and eattem Kan., touth to Texat. FaaUjr LmI . Aflora ■ Hibitat fmOf Uti . Aeon . Bok . HaUlit (10) Swamp White Oak. Quireus Ucoler. CUPULIFERS, Oak. Claes Chert- nut Oakt. Wavy edge, shining, moderate green, whitith downv beneath. Rough cup, bristly edged, usually long rtem, sweet hut. Light buflish gray, moderately rough, short fitturet. 50 ft. to 70 ft. Southern Me., to Iowa, Mo., and Alleghany Mtt., to Ga. Chestnut Oak. Quircus prinus. CUPULIFERffi, Oak. Clats, Chert- nut Oaks. Thick, yelbw-green, 10 to 15 pairs strait ribt, trifle downy beneath. Large, cup thick with rtout scales. Brownish gray, deeply furrowed. 60 ft. to 70 ft., occasionally 100 ft. Southern coart of Me., tti Del. and Dirtrict of Columbia, Alleghany Mts., to Ala., wert shove of Lake Champlain, Valley of Genesee River, N. Y., shmres of Lake Erie, south to Tenn. niTTiii'iiir-- •■ Qnfrtmi M Very dark brown, nearly black on smaller branches. > 70 ft. to Vo ft., sometimes 1 50 ft. . Southern N. E. to Gulf Sutes, west- ward to Kan. and Texas. Aeon • Bvk . Height HaUUrt FiMlly \jt»i . Aeon • Bwk . Htight Habitat Rad Oak. Qnirtus rbbra, CUPULIFERif;, Oak. Class, Red Oaks. Pointed-lobed, bri8tl(^tipped, deep bright green. Two years to mature, saucer-ahaped cup, large nut. Dark, gray-brown, scaly plates. 'o ft. to 80 ft. le., to Tenn., in Alleghany Mts., to northern Ga., westward to Minn., and cen. Kan. Scariat Oak. Quireut e0<€tiua. CUPULIFER^ Oak. Chss, Red Oaks. Dee|dy and broadly cut, br%ht green \ in autumn bright red. Two yean to mature, deep oup- shaped cup, close scales. Red inside,' light brown outside, small scales. 60 ft. to 80 ft. Androscoggin River, Me., southern N. H., Vt., and central N. V.*, west to Mich., Minn., and south- eststem Neb., south to Dist. of Coiumba, northern III., and Alle- ghany Mts. to N. C. Pin Oak. Qmrreus ptMshis. Family . . CUPULIFERi£, Oak. Class, Red Oaks. Ltaf . . . Rather small, dark lustrous gree», pale below with tufts of light hain on veins. A«ani . . . Two yean to mature, cup shallow, saucer-shaped, nut round. Baric . . . Gray-brown, small, close scales. Hei|bt . . 60 ft. to 80 ft., sometimes 120 ft. HaMut . . Connecticut River Val., near Am- \ herst, Mass., to southern Mo., south to lower Potomac Riv. Val., Va. , and to central Ky., northern Ark., and eastern Indian Ter. Character: Branches are set with short qpun or pinlike branchlets. (21) i WntM-.Ofk. rmOtt Aoon • Stack Jack Oak. QiOnM nigra. Qiuretu MmriUndicm. CUPULIFER^ Otk. Leather-leaved Oaki. Thick, firm, dark oUve-freen, brown- iih ydknr beneath. Two jreart to mature, shallow cup small Males on edge, round nut. Veiytbrk brown, ao ft. to 30 ft., occaaionUlj 50 ft. Long Uand, N. Y., northern Ohio and Ind., to southeastern Neb., central Kan., and Ind. Ter., south to Fb. and Texas. WHImrOak. ^•»* f':,Jip' Buk . Hdght JHabttat CUPULIFER^, Oak. '- Letther-leaved Odes. Dull dark green, pale beneath, hairs at junction of veins. Two years to mature, shallow cup, close scales. Brown, smooth, small scales, slender bmnchlets. 35 ft. to 50 ft., occasionally 80 ft. Southern Del., south to Tampa Bay, Fla., Gulf States, to Val. of Colorado River, Tex., Ind. Ter., Ark., Mo., and to central Tenn., and Ky. Laurel Oak. * Qtiirevs imtrieMa. ttmOf . . CUFULIFER^ Oak, or Shingle Oak. Class, Leather>leaved Oaks. hui . . . Pbin edge, thick, stiiF, ^iny dark green, pale and downy beneath. . , Aflom. . . Squttty-dMped, scaled, thin cup, rouM nut, bitter. B«k . . . L^ brown, ruddy scales. Hdijht . . 30 ft. to 60 ft., rarely 100 ft. . . Lehigh Co., Pa., to .Wis., Mo., and noidieastem Kan., south in AUe- dhany Mta., to Ga; and Ala., and bom Tann. to noidiem Ariu , Willow Oak. Quirau JPUUtt. FuBBjr liMf . ^Aoont • Bttk . Haiilit Habitat aass. CUPULIFER^ Oak. Iieadiei4eaved Oaks. Bri|^ moderate green, dull, pale below, tenacious cdor. Tiny, saucer-shaped cup, round nut, orange-yellow, and bitter. Reddish brown, dose scales. 30 ft. to 60 ft., scmietimes 80 ft. TottenviUe, S. I., N. Y., to north- eastern Fh., Gulf States to Tex., sotrthem Kan., to southeastern Mo. (23) mMmMwM MM«WiliaHH«IHHHH«J»M Idamlwr. Ur x/rriifH/iiit. AJ 4 Bnttoaweod, Sycamore PUtamu tceuteniaiis. FaaBjr Lnf SMd Hdilit Habitat PLATANACE^, Plane-Trce. Shining green, tmooth, iirm. BaUf Mtpended with wirelike Mem, pin4mKl nuurkingt. Smooth, thin, brown, scaling, leaving smooth gray trunk beneath. 80 ft. to 100 ft., occasionally 170 ft. Southeastern N. Hm, southern Me. to northern Vt., westward to eastern Neb. and Kan., south to northern Fla., central AU., Miss., and Valley of Brazos River, Texas. LlquMamlMirl Liftttdimktr styraclfiua. Faadir . . HAMAMELIDEiE, Witch-Hazel. LmI . . . One-sided star shape, 5 to 7 lobes, thin, br^t ne^n, smooth. SMd . . ^. In a spbmcal pod-cluster, mostly abortive seed. Safk . . . Gray, rough, corky ridges on the bnnchlMs. Hd^ . . 60 ft. to 80 ft., smnetimes 140 ft. Hdrftat . . FairiieldCn, Conn., to southeastern Mo., south to Tampa By, Fhu, dwDUgl Ark. and Ind. Ter., to Valley of Trinity Riv., Texas. Character: Leavec and bruised branches exhale a iwimNF* odor. (25) J, MMHMMIM y^mmmmmn A REVISED LIST OF BOTANICAL NAMES OF THE TREES. THE botanical namet at tree* luv« been icviicd according to certaiA^lawt now adopted by many botanttts, and a moat important revitioii, according to the Check Liu made by Grorge i1. Sudwoith, pre- pared under the direction of Prof. R. E. Femow, for the United Sute« Department of Agricukute, it given below, accompanied by a revition by Prof. C. S. Sar- gem (lee Silva of North America), and the older names according to Dr. Am Gray (lee Manual). The pieterence given in this book to the nomenclature of Dr. Gray, i« naturally cun*ervai..'e, but contiMem with the fact that Dr. Gray'* Manual i* it* itandard of authfliity ) at the *ame lime the reform in the uie of namet it ture to be eitablithed in time, and the accompanying liit it etKntially valuable to a popular work of thit kind. AilanthiB or Ailantui. Alder, Black. Arbor Vit*. or While Cedar. Aih, liteck. Aah. Blue. A*h, Giaen. Aah, Mouataia. Aah. iUd. A«k. Water or Swamp. Aah, White. Atpen. Aapn, Lane-loothcd. BalmorGUMd. Baiawooi], SmaO-leavcd. Beech. Bu^jre, Ohto or Fetkl. Buekcye, Street. Buroiag Both. Bulteraut. Battoamod or Syeamaie. Birch. BhKk, or SiMei. Birch, Europtan. Birch, Cray. Bfadi, Paper, Ctaoe, or While. Birch. Kcd, or River. Birch, YeUow. Cedar, Red. Ctdv. WMie. CbeiTjr, Black. Cbeny, Cooke. Cherry, Red, or Bird Cheny. CbcstMt. CMioowood . OMnmbM' Tree. DogiMod, Aileraale-lcavtd. OogmMd, noMriak. da, AMriean. orWbile. Bfaa,CMiyWhtae. Ela, Red. or Sl^^. Wr, Wahw. ntamTne. ' HMMfjr, or Senrheny. Haw,nKk. H«w,Sca4M. Haodecfc. Hkboey, Brwm, «r Picmt. H^cfc^lly.e»S^iMl. tUcfcoiy, SaMapk oe Bitleraai Hhhey, WM>e.keart, or Mockenvt, HoB{y. AaieiieaB. Hoi^iui. erWatar Beech. >.\Hopk Of HoneCheatM. Ilea. MoiMiaki.\ KaaMaekyCaabaTiw. Dr. aaa «ut. AUanlhua elaDduhjeu*. Ilea vertii'lllatt. Thuja occUenlalit. Kraxiau* lamLaciiigUa. Fnaiotti quadranitulau. Fraabrat viiidi*. Pyroi Americana. Fiaainut pubcscens. Frasinua plaiycarpa. FraataiM Anericana. Popukia ttemUcMci. Populua mndhieniatt. Pepuhia bahamUna var. can- dicaaa. TiUa polwicent. Fagn* ferragiata. iEtcuhw liava. EuoayiMa Eoropoui. Jntlaai dnctea. Ptatana* oeddcntatit. Betulaknis. Betofaialba. Betalapopidifelia. , Betula papyiiina. Betuliaigta. CWalpa bbaeakMe*. JuMpafoa Vii|iahUM. ChaaMcypada qtbnoidaa. Pnwat ttrotlna. Ptuana Vkglnfauu. Pnam Peaaayhraaica. CBataaea aaKva var. Amtri. FiBpuhM aMailifoa. .M agaoiia acmai««ia. Ceraut altamifclia. Ceniwloi^.^ Ufaaaa AaMricaaa. ^ UbMa nmmoaa. UbaocMva. Ahicabalauaaa. CUewMtthM Vintaiea. Celib ocddeaiafi. CM«g pin Oak). Papaw. or Caaiard Apple. AiimfaH trihiba. __ *\ "^"^ IHoapyfoi Vlrginfaiaa. Diaqmaadiginiana. nae.Ciay, orjack. Pfaiot Bankaiana. Pinos diwicatft* Plniit dlvailcata. , riM. [eiaey Scnio* PUic, UbMly. or OM FUld. PbMMfaMpa. PfnwTcda. Pinoi Vhginfaun. PhMttn^. nne. Northern Pilch. PiwwrighU. Piao, Red, or Norwn-. Plac, Soatham YcBow. or Pinntnalnoaa. Pinnt pahMrit. Geoi^a. or Loaf4eaf . PfaM, Table MwMlain. PlM^WUtt. mma stfomit. PhmtaltoboB. PiM,VflBo«r.Short-lMirPlBe. PlaatMitia. PfaMtacbbnia. Pinna ecUaaia. Pli»,OMMda. FtiMaa AaMricatta. Pmnaaign. Pranoa nigra. Poplar, BaiiaM. Poplar. Bataam-Variellea. HinwJIt ■ POpnliM babamifara ear. vi- Biaalia. Poplar, While. POpahitanw. Pepufaaalba. W"""*- . RadBtAorJudasTNe. sssksr^a SateaAw Satcafraa. Ccrdacaaadenaia. towcKack. Pi««a nigra. PkwiMaihmB. Pieen nariaaa. SrHa,Whila,orat. TiMb WUli, or Scarlet- PicM nigrn var. nbra. Pkaaidwna. Pletarubana. Picaadba. PlewCanadeMia. Pken canadenaia. CtatKgnt cocdnM. irvHiB* ■Mbttaa. 'ni^q^jarSoarCmi. UMteSaTM*. Nyita MrhMica. MMndbUmbicna. Itagnolia iripetaU. Vlharaaw, Sewct. or Sheep. VnNHwni Leniagn. Vlbanmrn leniago. benr. WtfM^llack. Wmwe, Mack. laK^r Vn»$m,CnA. SalfailMlit. WOm, BMM^ved. . w»M>,w« Oadtaaiia hitaa. (&7) Mi|>k, Kock Ill-ii M*|>h.Sil<>M 9*aMM .... 1-5 (M^B«ll«t Il-if (Mi.BlKk Il-*| CMi,BlKkJidi .... Il-aj (M,Bw 1I-17 OaktOMMial II-19 OA,Om 11-19 (Mi.lna 11-17 (M^LmmI Il-aj Oik.Of««ip 11-17 Oili.ni II-il tUk,pV-I7 Amn Aratat ..... IV-15 KmmMJ* IV-15 I-IJ ll-lj Wkila .... Il-tl 11-11 Mfm^firm . . II- 1 J iliftilm Mmmlfirm,y II-IJ 'nfmhu Uutmyir»f Tar. <• ll-li Mumifin, Tar. /•/<• /UU 11-lj ttbmmifera. ll-ij II II 02S) ■^-y^^ wmm bed --^--^