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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. srrata to pelure, )n d D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEC iv i«y« Q. SERIES III or JVLY AVGVST AND SEPTEMBER i>*' \ 0(^1TH LIFE SIZE PEN AND INK STVDIES FROM NATVRE BY F.5CHVYLEP.riATHE.W5 TABER- PRANG ART CQ B05T0N & SPRING Fi ELD, MASS. ^ r-iPJOMT 18')'*B,TABE! I mammmmx'm fe. . . .. j,. .ij.iww.t". miuiMRW-'w Series 3. Black-eyed Susan Ruiibeckia Mita. Rattlesnake Plantain. Goodyera pukiscens. I Rattlesnake Plantain. Goedyira pubiscens. Black-eyed Susan. Rudbickia Mrta. Family . . COM POSIT^E, Composite. Color . . . Deep golden-yellow, madder-brown center. Blooim . . July, early August. , . . , . Environment, Meadows, pastures, and old fields, poor soil. Height . . I ft. to 2 ft. Habitat . . Me. to Wis., and southward. Character : Very rough, hairy stems and lea- ves! stiff. Rattlesnake Plantain. Goodyira pubiscens. Family . . ORCHIDACEiE, Orchis. Color . . . Greenish-white. Blooms . . July. Environment, Woods, under evergreens, and damp rich woods. Height . . 6 ins. to 12 ins. Habitat , . Me. to Fla., west to Mich, and Minn. Character: A white-veined, dull blue olive- green leaf; insignificant flower-spike. (3' I W!~"WBWWWiii ^■■fe ,»-ji. 4 fii;fi.",- rfa' ^L^*1<"«ft'b;a^^■• •»■ Series 3. I iCMWMfiMMittnaai Common Milkweed. AscHpias CornUH. Family . . ASCLEPIADACEif:, Milkweed. Color . . . Lilac brown and very pale dull lilac. Blooms . . July-August. Environment, Rich ground, roadsides and meadows, copses. Height . . 2 ft. to 5 ft. Habitat . . Common. Character : Rigid ; cottony surface to leaves and stem. r9) Series 3. 5elf-Heal. Brunilla vulgMs Bell Heather. Er'ua tittirea. Milkwort. Pt■^.'-A■K=.J 1 le Bell Heather. Er'ua (ittirea. f 9- Self-Heal. Brunella vulgiiris. FamUy . . LABIATiE, Mint. Color . . . Purple, rarely white, in a somewhat rusty-leafy head. Blooms . . July-September; southward in June. Environment, Roadsides, borders of fields, borders of woodlands. Height . . 6 ins. to 10 ins. Habitat . . Me. to Fla., and west. Character : Low and spreadmg. Bedstraw. Gilium asprillum. RUBIACEiE, Madder. White. July- August. Damp, shady ground near streams, alluvial soil. Climbing about 4 ft. Northern New England to N. C, west to Minn., Iowa and Mo. Character : A rough, sticky, tender vine. Family . . Color . . . Klooms . . Environment, Height . . Habitat . . Family . • Color . . . Blooms . . Environment, Height . . HabiUt . . Bell Heather. Erica cinirea. ERICACEAE, Heath. Lavender-pink, or pinkish purple. July-August. Low, sandy ground. 8 ins. to 10 ins. Nantucket only, adventive from Europe. Character: Small evergreen shrub; minute, firm leafage. Milkwort. Polygala pofygama. POLYGALACE-*;, Milkwort. Dull, crimson-red, aesthetic in tone. July-August. Dry, sandy soil. 6 ins. to 9 ins. Common. Character : Leafy, with fertile root-flowers also. (See Gray.) Family . ■ Color . . . Blooms . . Environment, Height . . Habitat . . (11) . I iiiu—iiiiiii nil ■iiMi niaWMWiMM miitiiiij.Jn»ii tr-*aw" -■ - ■<-■- -g-^----^»»»»T-^ Series 3. "ill I '■ Daisy, Pleabane EtigeroH shigbsus. IMMUfcimWW ' /■■HI n,l(/"'' '-' -' ' iSy Swamp Milkweed. 4sclipias incttrnala. \ Daisy, Pleabane. Erlgeron s/iigbsus. Family . . COMPOSITE, Composite. Color . . . White, sometimes tinged lilac. Blooms . . July-September. Environment, Fields and foadsides. Height . . I ft. to 1 8 ins. Habitat . . Common. Character : Miniature, daisylike, thinly leaved. Swamp Milkweed. Asclepias incarnata. ASCLEPIADACEi€, Millcweed. Dull, whitish crimson, aesthetic in tone. Family . . Color . . . Blooms . . Environment, Height Habitat . . July-August. Swamps. 2 ft. to 3 ft. Common. Character : Leafy, and nearly or quite smooth. (13> f Series 3. *s I ^ FIreweed. Epilbbiuin anguslifhlium. Hairy Wlllowherb. EpilhUum hirtiitum. Si ^ f Hairy Willow-herb. EpWbbium hirsiitum. FIreweed. Epilbbium angusH/hlium. Family . . ONAGRACE^, Evening Prim- rose. C-olor . . . M;^enta, lighter, or rarely white. Bloomi . . July-August. Environment. In waste places, and fire-swept wood- land openings. Height . . 3 ft. to 7 ft. HaWut . . Me. to N. C, west to Minn., east- ern Kan., and far north. Character: Willowlike foliage, drooping sta- mens and pistil, seed-pod long and curved, wildly white-silky after bursting. Family Hairy Willow-herb. Epilhbium hirsiitum. ONAGRACEiE, Evening Prim- rose. Color . . . Magenta, pale or deeper, of a crim- son tone. July-August. Waste ground, roadsides near villages. 3 ft. to 5 ft. Eastern States, naturalized from Europe. Character : Stout branching, and soft-hairy. Blooms Environment, Height . HabiUt . (15) mammamn ^1 .^i';__'^, ^. ' ^"t^a^'-"- -''"■■' V ' " Series 3. I Meadow Beauty, Deergrass Rhixia Virglnica. Cardinal Flower Lobtlia (ardinhlis. 1 inimiiMrtiiiliKtMB iffnurK Meadow Beauty. Deergrass. Rhexia yirginua. Family . . MELASTOMACEi?':, Melastoma. Color . . . Magenta, paler or deeper, purplish. Bloom* . . July-August. Environment, Sandy swamps. Height . . 6 ins. to 20 ins. Habitat . . Mc. to Fla. along the coast, west to northern N. Y., Ind., Mo. and La. Character: Stem square, flowers and stems with slight hairiness. ' Cardinal Flower. Lob'ftia cardiniilis. Family . . LOBELIACEiE, Lobelia. Color . . . Intense red, very rarely pink or even white. Blooms . . August-September. Environment, Low grounds, beside bogs. Height . .18 ins. to 4 ft. Habitat . . Common. The most intensely red wild flower. Character : Flowers in spikes ; foliage dark and dull. (17) ijjimiHiiiiirniinii ^ rm J m Turtlehead. Chelbne glibra. Jcwelwced. Touch-me-not. Impdtitns pdUid0r Family . . GERANIACEi^, Geranium. Color . . . Hale golden-yellow, spotted terra- cotta. Bloomi . . July-September. Environment, Moist shady places, bending over rills, rich soil. Height . . 2 ft. to 4 ft. Hkbitat . . Common northward. Character: Pale blue-green leaves, which ap- pear jeweled under water, limp, watery-stem- med, often covered with purplish-blue bloom, fading quickly. Turtlehead. Chelhne gldhra. Family . . SCROPHULARIA, Figwort. Color . . . White, dull pinkish or lilac-pink tinged. Bloomi . . August-September. Environment, Wet places, roadsides, river banks. Height . . I ft, to 2 ft., rarely 6 ft. or 7 ft. Habitat . . Me. to Minn., south to Fla. and Tex. Character: A tunle-back-shaped flower, re- motely resembling Gtntiana AnJrnusii ; tall, smooth stem. C19) multm IF- -tTA ■■■ -Iff a*."»r* Series ^Y'^ 11 li I i I llii Purple Qerardia. Geriirt/ia furfurea. MM ite 5nake-root. (irium ageraloidts. Purple Gerard la. Gerdrdia purpurea. Family . . SCROPHULARIACE/E, Figwort. Color . . . Magenta-purple, and purple, lighter or deeper. Bloomi . . August-September. 'Environment, Low grounds, roadsiJes. Height . . I ft. to 2 ft. Habiut . . Near the coast, from Me. to N. J., and in region of the Great Lakes. Character : Somewhat downy flowers ; long, rigid and widely spreading branches. White Snake-root. Eupatbrium ageratoides. Family . . COMPOSITE, Composite. Color . . . White. Bloonu . . August. Environment, Woodlands, copses. Height . . 2 ft. to 3 ft., rarely 4 ft. Habitot . . Common northward. Character: Smooth branching, long-stemmed leaves ; ageratumlike flowers. rei) ,.A^„»i;^j,:.a t;-''ir :i ■"■"^v^ftS ?! I Series 3. ii I Brythr*a. Erythraa sficaitt Sea Lavender. Marsh Rosemary. Statiee Limcnium var. Carfllinedna. •^MMBBKltigtilHiiaiM*'-.- M IMHW ^^■mii.f&>i- ^ \y Erythrsea. Erythraa spicdta. Family . . GENTIANACEiE, Gentian. Color . . . Pink or reddish magenta. Bloomf . . August. Environment, Sandy soil, and seashore. Height . . 6 ins. to 10 ins. Habitat . . Nantucket, Mass., and Portsmouth. Va., naturalized from Europe. Character : Flowers spiked along one side of the simple or rarely forked branches Yellow or Mop Clover. Trifoli.tm agrarium. Family . . LEGUMINOSif:, Pulsc. Color . . . Pale, dull golden-yellow. Bloom* . . July-September. Environment, Sandy fields and roadsides. Height . . 5 ins. to I ft. Habitat . . Me. to Va., naturalized from Europe. Character : Low, spreading. Sea Lavender. Marsh Rosemary. Stdtice Limonium var. Carolineana. Familie . . PLUMBAGINACEvE, Leadwort. Color . . . Lavender, much eclipsed by the green stems. Blooms . . August-September. Environment, Salt marshes. Height . . I ft. to 2 ft. Habitat . . Along the coast from Me. to Tex. Character: Very branchy, naked stems; tiny flowers. (23) r. Marsh Rosemary. mm var. CarolineAtia. msmmmmsmmsmm^ w r 1 watmm^Dtmtmm ll J*' I : t»ll ]? r Series 3. i .1 Wild Sunflower. HtUdifthus giganttus. Lone-leaved Sundew. Dr6se,a inUnnidia var. Anurieina. "mm am f ived Sundew. idia var. AnuricdHa. Wild Sunflower. HeliAnfhus gigantius. FtmUy . . COMPOSITi*;, Composite. Color . . . Golden yellow, light in tone, yellow center, greenish at times. Bloomt . . August-September. Enyironment, Copses, low thickets, swamps. Height .. 3 ft. to 10 ft. Habitat . . Common northward. Character: Straight, tall, hairy stems i showy flowers, few and slender-stemmed. Lons-leaved Sundew. Drdsera intermedia var. Amerithna. Famtty . . DROSERACEiE, Sundew. Color . . . White flower, plant with reddish stems, reddish bristles. Bloomi . . July-August. Environmem, Bogs and wet places. Height . . 3 ins. to 4 ins. Habitat . . Me. to Minn., Ind. and southward. Character: Flower opens only in sunshine-, the leaf-glands exude drops of clear fluid which look lik«; dew, hence the name. It is an insect-catching plant. (2S) fV' SYSTEMATICAL INDEX. RANUNCULACfe>C. Crowfoot. Herbt with numerout lUmeni, and usually more than one putU, all the parts of the flower distinct, and inserted on the receptacle. Calyx often colored like a corolla, when the latter is wanting. Thimble-weed, AruHumt y&- gmiatta 11-ai Wood Anemone, Wind-flower. AniiHont ijutnqut folia . Ant' ittaHt ntmorosa I- '3 Liverwort, Hepatica, Htpatita triloba 1-3 Rue Anemone, AnimotuUa Ikatklraidis I-U Marsh Marigold, C'aMa^a/"*'''" I- 5 Goldthread, Coptii Irifoiia . . I- 7 Columbine,/Jy«i/ya united into gusti/o- ilobium . 111-15 HOlhira 111-lS IV- 7 iley. jwers in com- wlth 5 minute tals, s stamens usually hollow, ore commonly rta . ■ I-J5 oneysuckle. bs ; stamens as the corolla and >aves opposite tor talis I-13 rbs, stamens as ' the corolla and Entire opposite between them, um) the leaves ules. Houslo- . . .11-3 rtllum . lU-II >site. Howering plants, liar (or ftinnel- or strap-shaped, ids in the same marginal strap- I nnat are called the central part ed disk flowers, ays five stamens, united In a com- which the style paterium . . . III-2t isfaUata III- 7 rod, Sol- ■ IV-19 ■rod, Sti- . . . IV-ai SoUdago . . . IV-17 Si/lidago ■ . !V-f3 ftuo ucm- . . . IV-15 SYSTEMATICAL INDEX. S«tl«.Pp. Heart-leaved Astw, Atttr (or- di/olnit '*-'J Purple-stemmtd Aster, Asttr pMnicnu IV-17 Rouih-leaved Aater, Atttr rt- 4^ IV-a3 WiUow-leaved Blue Aster, Ailir Nmi-Btki* '^"'^ Whl'* Heathlike Aster, Astir truoiits IV-" Panlded White Aster, Asttr pamculalits IV-15 Robin's Plantain, Erigtron M- UiHfoliiis '-'? DaUy Fleabane, Erigtron stri- gosHS »'-'3 Black-eyed Susan, Ktutbttkia hirta Ill-'9 Wild Sunflower, HiUanlkus gi- ganltHS "'-»5 Beggar-ticks, Bidins fromhsa . IV-ii Larger Bur-Marigold, BiiUns cHrysatUhimoidu ■ ■ ■ . IV-li Fall Dandelion, Ltonlodon au- tumnaUs 'V-'S LOBELIACE/e, LobelU. PlanU with milky, acrid juice, alter- nate, simple leaves, and scattered, racemed or panicled flowers. The corolla irregtilarly 5 'o'^<' »■"* mostly split down, on the upper side; the 5 sumens united into a tube commonly by their filaments and always by their ,anthers ; style only one. Cardinal Flower, Laitlia cardi- natis "[-'7 Indian Tobacco, Loitlia inflala ll-i 5 CAMPANULACE^, Campanula. Herbs with milky juice, and scat- tered flowers, with regular 5-lobed (blue or white) corolla, and 5 sU- mens borne on the summit of the calyx tube. Style i ; stigmas sev- eral. Stamens separate. Leaves alternate. Harebell, Bluebell, Campanula rotundifoUa IV-S ERICACEiC, Heath. A large family of shrubs, herbs, and small trees. Flowers almost all regular with as many or twice as many stamens as there are petals or lobes of the corolU. The heath and heather belong 10 thU family and are distinguished by needlelike evergreen leaves, and 4-lobed corol- las. Mayflower, Trailing Arbutus, Epigaa rtptns Shin Leaf, Pyrola tUtptica . Bell Heather, Erica cintrta Indian Pipe, Monotropa nni flora TT.UMBAGINACEiE, Leadwort. Known by the regular flowers with S-lobed plaited oJyx, 5 stamen* opposite as many petal* and almost separate from them, and j styles. Sea Laveuder, Marsh Rosemary, Statict Umaninm var. Caro- liHtana "l-»3 PRlMULACEi€, Primroae. Herbs with regular perfect flowen, the sument borne on the corolla and 1-9 11-13 u many as its divisions and opposite them ; one style and stigma.- Sur Flower, Tritnlatis Amiri- tana Four-leaved Loosestrife, Ijisi- machia quadrifoUa ■ . ■ Common Loosestrife, Lysima- ckia siritta ll->3 APOCVNACEit. Dogbane. Herbaceous or woody planU, with milky juice, opposite (sometimes whorled) simple and entire leaves, without stipules, and regular flowers. Calyx, corolla, and stamens in fives, but the stiginas and often the styles united into one. Spreading Dogbuie, Apocynnm androsamifoUuM . . . . II-15 ASCLEPlADACEyE, MUkweed. Plants with milky juice opposite (sometimes whorled) simple and entire leaves without stipules, and regular monopetalous flowers with five parU to the calyx, corolla and stamens. Anthers connected with the stigipa. The short filamenU bearing curious appendages behind the anthers forming what is called a crown. Swamp Milkweed, AscUpias in- carnala III-13 Common Milkweed, AscUpias Cornuli IH- 9 1-3 11-7 UI-ll Il-as 11-9 11-11 11-ji 11-7 GENTlANACEiE, Gentian. Herbs with regular flowers, having stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them. Leaves opposite, simple, entire and sessile. CenUury, Erythrsea, Erythraa spicata 1II-20 Sea Pink. SMtatia sttllaris . Ill- 5 Slender Sabbatia, SaUatia gra- cilis Ill- 5 American CenUury, SaUaiu ckhrouUs Ill- 5 Fringed Gentian, Ctntiana cri- m-ta IV-19 Closed Gentian, Bottle Gentian, Ctntiana Andrewsii . ■ .IV-19 SCROPHULARIACE/E, FIgwort. Known by the i-llpped or at least more or less irregular monopetalous corolla, 3 or 4 stamens, single style entire or a-lobed stigma. A few have the corolla almost regular, and one or two have 5 sUmens either complete or Incomplete. Turtlehead, Chtlone glaira III-19, Purple Gerardia, Gtrariiapur- purta Ill-" LABIAT/€, Mint. Herbs with aromatic herbage, square stems,opposite simple leave8,2-llpped corolla, the upper lip divided into 2 lobes, the lower into 3. 2 or 4 sta- mens inserted on the corolla tube, 3-lobed stigma. Flowers from the axils of the leaves or bracU, In clusters or spikes. Self-Heal, Bruntlla vulgaris . III-I I ORCHIUACE/e, Orchis. Perennial herbs more or less de- pendent upon insects for fiirtilliation. S«riH. Pp. The six-parted perianth composed of three outer divisions answering to sepals, and the three inner (which alternate with the outer divisions) answering to petals; one of these which Is larger and diflTerent from the others is called the lip or label- lum. There are one or two sUmens which are connected with the style ; the pollen is mostly coherent in masses. Calopogon, Bearded Orchis, Calopogon pukhtUus . . . U-ii Snake's Mouth, Pogonia ophio- glossoidts 11-11 Ladies' Tresses, Spiranthis ctr- nua IV-ii Rattlesnake Plantain, Goodytra pubtsttns Ill- 3 Greenish-White Orchis. Habt- naria tridintata . ■ . 11-9 Smaller Green Orchis, Habtna- ria Hooktri H- 9 Ragged Fringed Orchis, Haht- naria lactra Smaller Purple-Fringed Orchis, Habitaria psycodts ■ ■ ■ Showy Udy's Slipper, Cypri- ptdium spictabite .... Moccasin-flower. Lady's Slip- per, Cypriptdium acaiilt . ■ IRIDACE/€, Iris. Flowers perfect and showy, from a spathe of two or more leaves or bracts ; divisions of -the perianth in two sets (answering to sepals and petals). Style 1, or rarely 3-cleft; stigmas 3 opposite the 3 stamens and the outer divisions of the peri- anth. Anthers face outward. Blue Flag, Larger, Iris vtrsi- color '-^3 Blue-eyed Grass, Sisyrinckium angustifolium Il"3 LILIACE^ Lily. Large family with regular symmetri- cal flowers, usually with perianth of 6 parts, and as many stamens stand- ing in front of the divisions. Chieflv herbs with entire leaves. Solomon's Seal, Potygonatum biflorum I-'9 False Solomon's Seal, Smila- etna stillattt Canada Mayflower, Maiantkt- mum Canadtiut .... Bellwort, Oaktsia stssili/olia . Adder's Tongiie, Dog's-Tooth Violet, Erytkronium Amiri- cannm Wood Lily, Wild Red Uly, Ulium Pkiladtlpkicnm . . Canada Meadow Uly, UUum Canadinsi Wake-Robin, Birthroot, 7W/- linm trtctum Painted Trillium, TrilUum try- tkrocartum 1-9 I-17 I-iS 1- 7 11-25 n-23 I-il I-il ARACE/t, Arum. Herbs with pungent watery julce, small perfect or imperfect flowers In a fleshy head or spike called a spadix, usually furnished with the colored envelopiag bract eaHed s sps'tw. Jaek-ln-the-Pulplt, Indian Tur- nip, Arisama tripkylimm I-*l C27) ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE FOUR SERIES OF WAVSIUE FLOWERS. u i ScriM Pp. Adder** Tongue .... I- 7 Aiumtnt ntmorosa . . . t-13 Anemone fuin/ia . . I- 1 3 Anemone Virginiana . . 11-21 Anemone, Wood .... I-13 Anemonetla Ikaliilroidii I- 1 3 Apoeynum androsctmifotium ll-ls AquiUgia Canniieniii Arbutui, Trailing Aritama trifkylhim AuUpiat Cornuti Asclefiai incarnala . Alter eordifolim . . Alter eritoides . . Alter, Golden . . . Alter, Heart-letved . AiUr Novi-Belgii Alter, PitDicled White Asler panietUahu Alter puniieui . . Alter, Purple-itemmed Alter radnia . . , Alter, Kough-letved . Alter, White Heathlike Alter, Willow-letved Bl BapHiia ttntloria Beditraw .... Beggar-ticki . . . Bellwort .... Bident thryionthemoidti Bident frondoia . . Birth root .... RIack-eyed Suian Blood root .... Bluebell .... Blue-eyed Grais . . Klue Flag, Larger Bluett Brunella vulgaris Bur-Marigold, Ijirger Cahpi'gon fuUhellus Caltha palmiiis . . Campanula rotundifolia Canada Mayflower Cardinal K lower . . Centaury, American Ckeltne glabra . . Ckryiopsii faltata . Gover, Yellow or Hop Columbine .... Coptit trifrlia . . Craneibill .... Cypripedium aeaule Cypripedium tpectabile Daily Fleabane . . 11- 5 I- 3 III in -9 ni-i IV-2, IV- J 111- IV-3 IV-i IV-i IV-i IV- 1 IV- 1 IV-2. IV-a. IV-2 IV-I IV- III-II IV-ii I-I5 IV-II IV-II I-ll III I IV II I 11-3 III-II IV-II II-II 1- 5 IV- 5 I-17 III-17 III-S III-I9 III- 7 in-23 11-5 I- 7 1-25 II- 7 11-21 III-13 Dandelion, Kail . , Deergrau ... Ditenira CucuJ/aria Dogbane, S|>reading Drosera intermedia var Americana . . . Dutchman'! Breechea Efigaa repens ■ . EpiloHum angustifolinm Epiloiium hirsulum Erica cinerea . . Erigeron betlidifolius Erigeron Itrigviui Erythraa spirata Erythronium Ameriianum Eupatorium ageratoides Evening Primroie Fireweed .... Flowering Wintergreen Foamflower . . . Galium asprellum , Gentian, Bottle . . Gentian, Goied . . Gentian, Fringed . , Centiana Andriwiii Gentiana erinita . . Geranium maculatum Geranium Reberlianum Geranium, Wild . Gerardia, Purple . Gerardia purpurea Gulden-rod, Blue-itemmed Golden-rod, Gray . GoMen-rod, Lance-leaved Golden -rod. Smooth . Golden-rod, White . GoUllhread .... Gocdyera pubeseeni , I/abenaria Ilookeri Habenaria tacera Habenaria psycodei . Uabenaria tridenlala Hardback .... Harebell .... Heather, Bell . . . Heliantkui giganteus Hepatica trikba . '• Herb Robert . . . Houttonia ceerulea Hypericum adpreiium Hypericum ptrftrotum Impatient pallida Indian Pipe . , . Indian Tobacco . . Indian Turnip . . . Strict Pp IV-25 III 17 1- 5 II-iS III-25 1-5 1-3 III-15 III-15 III-II I-17 111-13 HI-23 1-7 III-21 IV- 7 III-15 I-19 I-17 III-II IV-19 IV-19 IV-25 IV-19 IV-2S 1-25 IV-9 I-2S III-21 1 11-21 IV-2 1 IV-I5 IV-19 IV-I3 IV-I7 1-7 III- 3 11-9 11-9 ll-ii II-9 11-19 IV- 5 lll-il 1x1-25 I- 3 IV- 9 11-3 IV- 7 IV- 7 III-I9 11-25 11-15 I-3I SntetPp Indigo, Wild IV. Irii veriiichr .... I-; Jick-in-the-Pulpit ... 1-: Jcwelweed III- Ladiei' Treuei .... IV ■: Ijidy'i Slipjwr II- Ijidy'i Slipiier, Showy . . II- /.eontodtm autumnalii , . IV- t.ilium Ciinademe . . . 1 1-2. I.ilium Philadelphicum II-: Lily, Canada Meadow . . 1I-: Lily, Wild Red .... II-: Lily, Wood II-: I.inniea borealii .... I-i Liverwort 1- l.obelia cardinalii . . .III- Lobelia injtala . . . . II- Looieftrife, Common . . II- LouMitfife, Four-leaved II- LyiimacMia fuadri/olia II- Lytimathia itricta , . , II- Maianthtmum Canadenie. I- Manh Marigold .... I- Manh Roicmary .... Ill-: Mayflower I- Meaduw Beaut}' .... III-i Meadowsweet ll-l Milkweed, Common . . . Ill- Milkweed, Swamp . . .111-1 Milkwort . . .III-li,and tV- Mitrewort, False .... I- 1 Moccaim Flower .... II- ifonctrtpa unijiora . . . II-: Oatetia leilili/olia ... I-l (EnotMera biennit . . . IV- Orchii, Bearded .... U- Orchis, Greeniih- White . . II- Orchii, Ragged Fringed II- Orchii, Smaller Green . . II- Orchis,Smaller Purple- Fringed Il-ll Oxalii atetouUa . , . I-2I Oxalii ccrniculeta var. ttrieta I- 15 1-25 II-II IV- 5 I-19 I-19 111-11 1-19 11-17 11-7 II- 3 III- 3 111-17 I-17 Pannip, Wild ... Pogonia ophic^leiuidei Polygttia cruciata Polygala, Fringed . , Polygala pauti/elia , Polygala polygama . Polygonatum bijhrum Purple Flowering- Raspberry Pyrola ellipliea . . Quaker Ladies . . Kattleinake Plantain Rhexia Virginica . Robin's Plantain . . Stritt Pp. Kcia Carolina .... Ill- 7 Roae, Wild Swamp . . . Ill- 7 Kuius odoratui .... II-17 KudiecUa kiria . . . . Ill- 3 Rue Anemone .... I"I3 Sabbatia ekhroidti . . . Ill- 5 Sabbatia gracilii . . . . Ill- 5 Sabbatia, Slender . . . Ill- 5 Sabbatia itellarii . . . Ill- 5 Sanguinaria Canadeniii . I- 7 Sea Lavender III-33 Sea Pink Ill- 5 Seir-Heal III-ll Shin Leaf II- 7 Siiyrimkium anguitifolium II- 3 Smilatina ttellata ... I- 9 Snake-root, White . . . Ill-ai Snake'i Mouth .... II-ll Solidagt Utoltr .... IV-I 7 Stiidtfo cetia IV-31 Solidag* lanceolata . . . IV-19 Stiidago nemoralii . . . IV- 1 5 Stiidaga lerotina .... IV-I 3 Solomon'i Seal .... I- 19 Solomon'i Seal, False . . I- 9 Spirira lalicijilia . . . II- 1 9 Spiraa Itmentota . . . . 1 1- 1 9 Spirantkei etrnua . . , IV-a I Star Flower I- 9 Slatiee Limtnium var. Cart- Hmeana 111-23 Steeplc-bnih II-19 Slillaria longifolia . . . II- 5 Stitchwort, Long-leaved II- 5 St. John's-woit, Common , IV- 7 St JohnVwort, Uptight Sandew, Long-leaved Sunflower, Wild . . Thimble-weed . . Tiaretta cordifiUa , Touch-me-not . . . Trienialii Ameritana Trifolium agrari^m ■ Trillium ereetum Trillium erylkretarput Trillium, Painted . . Turtlehead .... Twin Flower . . . Violet, Dog'i-Tooth Wakr Robin . . . Will w-herb. Hairy . Wind-flower . . . Wood-Sorrel, White Wood-Sorrel VeUow Zitia aurea ... W'd IV- 7 III-2S 111-35 Il-ai I-17 III-19 1-9 111-23 I-il I-l I I-il III-19 I-13 1-7 I-ii III-15 1-13 I-3I 1-1 s I-«S '28) StriM Pp. in- 7 'unp . ■ . HI- 7 u . . . . n-17 *!.... Ill- 3 .... 1-13 tidu . . . Ill- S His .... Ill- 5 der ... in- 5 rii . . . Ill- 5 Canadtntit . I- 7 III-a3 in- 5 m-ii n-7 angutti/olium 11- 3 llata ... 1-9 mxt . . . Ill-ai h . . . . II-II «-.... IV-17 a IV-Sl tehia . . . IV-19 araiis . . . IV-IS tina . . . . IV-13 «!.... I-19 111, Falw . . 1-9 ifolia . . . 11-19 i/oM .... II-19 •mua . . . IV-ai 1-9 Mt'um var. Cart- 111-23 11-19 gifilia . . . 11- S .ong-leaved II- 5 Drt, Common . IV- 7 >rt,Up»iglit-Wd IV- 7 Dg-le>Ted . . III-3S Vild .... UI-JS td . . . . II-21 ■JifiUa . . . I-17 ot III-19 Imtritama , . I-9 ^ariftm ■ . . 111-23 ■KtHm ... I-ll ytkreearfum . I-ll inted .... I-ll III-19 :t I-«3 VTooth 1-7 n I-ll b, H«iry . . . 111-1$ t I-13 b1, White . . I-21 el VeUow . . 1-1$ ...... 1-2$ I ti'' " 1 -^ «-^MBfit.