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Un des symboles suivants apparattra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I- I f i ill i I mtr CONSTITUTION MTft BYE -LAWS 9* XtU -SHAinval mi^tots! ^otitis OF MONTREAL. WIT1» I } DIRECTIONS FOR PRESERVING AND FORWARDING OBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1828. I' I MONTREAL: PRINTED AT TIIE MONTREAL GAZETTF. OITTCE. 1823. CONSTITUTION pr rua lN^TmS.&I> HISTORT SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. Article 1*^ The Society shall be called the Natural History Society of Montreal, and its chief object shall be the investigation of the Is^atural History of Cairida. <2d. It shall consist of an indefinite number of Ordinary, Corresponding and Honorary ]\I em- bers, all to be cliosen by ballot. Ordinary Mem- bers arc those wlio pay an annual subscription of five Dollars, or a life subscription of ten J^ounds. Corresponding Members are those who reside at a distance from the city. Honorary Members can be those only, who are distinguished for scientific attainments. 9 Sd, Propositions f'ortlie flection of new Mcn*i=- bers, wlictlicr Oiuinary, Concspondin*^ or ilo- norary, sliall lequire to be made in \viiling i\nd seconded, and the name of the j)erson proposed, togetluT with those of the j)roposcr and seconder, shall be placed in some cons])icuous part of the Society's room, till the next O'rdinar}- Meeting, at which the ballot on the proposal shall take j)lace. 4M, 'I he affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members present sliall be requiied for the elec- tion of an Ordinary Member, and those of thrce- fomths, for that of a (Corresponding or Honorary Member, and for the two latter, the votes of twelve Members, at least, shall be necessary. 5thf 1 here shall be elected annnally, on the 18th day of May, for the government of the So- ciety, the following Officers : viz. a President, a 1st, ^Jd, and Sd Vice President, a Correspond- ing Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian and Cabinet-keeper, and likewise a Committee of five Members, which, together witli the Officers, shall constitute the Council of the Society. (h'/i, Corresponding Members shall have no > ote, and shall not be eligible to office in the So- ciety, but Honorary Members shall enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary Members, except in voting for the election of Officers. 7^/i, In the election of Officers and Commit- tees, a simple majority shall be sufficient. 8A'/, All motions which are not adopted unani- mously, shall be determined by ballot. 9M, The Society shall meet on the last Mon. day in every month, throughout the year, at 7 o'clock, P. M. from the 1st November to the 1st April, and at S o'clock, V. M. during the remain- der, and at evory such Ordinary Meeting, ten Members shall be required to constitute aquorum. Extraordinary Meetings may be held at other times, at which fifteen Members shall be required to be present. lOt/i, Bye-laws for the government of the So- ciety may be made and altered from time to time, but any intended alteration or addition shall be announced and read one month previous to being submitted to the ballot, and the assent of two- thirds of the Members present shall be necessary for its adoption. ll//^, No alteration in the Constitution can bo made, but on the written motion of three Mem- bers, and after two months notice, and with the assent of three-fourths of the Members present. 12/^, Any Member may be expelled by a vote of three-fourths of the Members present at an Extraordinary Meeting called for the purpose . [ B Y E ■ I. A W S. — ♦♦<- - or :\ii:MBi;ur>. 1. All Ordinary Members sliall be required to pay t!it'ir entrance subscriplion within two months after election, and to sign their assent to the Constitution of the Society. Tlie second, and all subsequent subscriptions, shall fall due on the 1st of May in every year. 2. Ordinary Members shall, on payment of their fee, bo furnished with a printed copy of t!ie Laws. 3. Ko Ordinary IVIembcr in arrear for one year shall be eligible to hold oilice, or to vote, and if, after two\vears, his debt still remains due, he shall, if refusing to pay, be Ipso facto ex- pelled. 4. CorresnondinG: Members sliall i)av no fee — if coming to reside in town, or wishnig to be- come Ordinary, they shall not recpiire a new election, but only the payment of the fees. They are entitled to attetjd the Meetings of the So- ciety. 5. Honorary and Corresponding Members thall receive a Diploma gratis, to be forwariled with the notice of the Corresponding Secretary announcing their election. Ordinary Members •hall p.iy to the Treasurer, for a Diplonja, five •hillings.. OF OFnCERS. !>. The Prcfident, wlicn in the Chair» shall re- gulate the order of the Meeting — shall in- ibrm the Society of the proceedings since the last Meeting — shall direct the Secretaries to read reports and communications, and to acknowledge the latter when necessary — shall receive and read irotions, and cause the sense of the Society to be taken on them — he shall announce to the So- ciety what he may think concerns its interests- he shall keep order, but appeal may be had from his decision to the Society itself, provided it be sustained by a written motion, signed by five Members, — he shall have a vote, and likewise a casting vote. 2. The Vice-Pres'dents shall be named 1st, 2d and 3d, according to the number of votes in the election of each. In the absence of the Pre- sident one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside according to precedence, and shall have all the duties and privileges of President. S. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all the Correspondence of the Society — shall an- nounce to Members their election — shall read all communications, made to him, relating to the Society, and shall acknowledge all donations. 4. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of the proceedings of tlie Meetings of the So- ciety, and keep a record of tliem — shall have the charge of all papers belonging to the Society — shall read the report of Committees — shall con- duct all ballots and elections (under the direc- tion* of the Presiding Member) — and he shall I 4 onja, five shall re- ;liall in. ince the s to read owlodgc Hil read ty to be tlie So- ?rests — id from il it be l>y five 'Wise a ?d 1st, )tes in e Prc- reside II tile idiict IJ an^ read o the s. lutes So. 3tlie tv— con- roc - hail fcive notice of the nioiitlil/ and special Meetings vt' the Society, at least lorty-eight hours before- hand. 5. A Secretary, if necessarily absent, shall de- pute another Member to iill his place for the evening. i). J he Treasurer shall have the charge of all monies belonging to the Society — shall collect all fees, fines, &c. — shall pay all accounts which have been previously approved by the Council — keep a rcgidar account of income and expendi- tJire, which is to be made up, semi-annually, to the 1st May and 1st November. lie shall pro- cure the signature and assent of new Members (at the time of receiving their fees), to the laws of the Society. 7. The Librarian and Cabinet-keeper shall have charge of the Library and Cabinet, and shall be accountable for the liooks and Speci- mens— he shall keep separate Catalogues of the Looks and Specimens. 8. The Officers and all the Members of the Council shall be elected in the following man- ner : — each Member present, having written the names of those he selects for the different Offices, shall place the paper folded and without signa- ture, in the ballot-box : the Recording Secretary shall then examine the Lists, and report to the President or Presiding Member, the number of votes for each person, and the person having the majority of votes for any Oflice, shall be duly elected to fill it. OF THE COUNCIL. The Council (composed of all the Officers.and of the Committee elected at the same time), shall s foTiilnct all tlie husiiioss of iIk* .Socit'tv, repoi't- iui!; its ))!•(. fLO'ii?j-i,-s at viwM Ordinary Mcetiiii,^ ibr npprovp.l. 'i iic Council shai'i have th.e direc- tion or' the ra'hiiut, and shaii cai:s<^ tiio 8peci- jJicn.s to be properly arraniV-'d an(i la))eiicd. It may pij;c'h;ise or make ai^recineiiLS ibr ^!j)L'('illle)ls♦ The C(M!iuii siud! choo.-ie a (.Jhairman, who r;h::ii pi-esitie at its Moi tini^-'^!, hut iii liis iibscncc any olhcr Mt Jiiher may be eaileil to the ci)air. Av.v live r'Ieinb(Ms r.iay constitute a Oiioruni at an/ sratod rvk*etii.;:, or alter d;ie notice of a .Specird r.Ieetini'-, '1 Ije Chairman or any two Ti'iemb'Ms mayeaij a rvieelii-f;. l)uttiicre shall be a rei'idar Meetinit on the i'ridav prtcetiinir the last Monday ui e:;eli iV:ontn, lor liie purpose of drawirio' up a r( j:ort or' its proccedii){xs. The (^our.cil shall refer any thing' of importance to the Society ilseif. OF C0.M!\IiTTEES. 1. On the llrst ivlontldy Mectinp^ after the Election of Oiiilcers. there shall be elected five ?»*embers, who shall liave the supeiintendance of the Library, and b3 called tlie LitM-ary Com- luittee. it sh.ali recommend to the Librarian to j)rocaro what B^-ohs it may be proper to pur- chase (^provided tlie Diice of any one >vork do not exceed tv.-eive doiiais, in which case re- ference must i)e Irul to tlie Society, and provid- ed also tliat t!ie amount of money laid out for Books, do not excocil tlie appfopriatioii made by the .Society or its Council). The Library Con)- nnttee shall rcp< it to the Council, any new pur- chases, before the I'riday preceding the Monthly- Meeting of the Society, it shall form a Cata- logue, to be left with the Librarian. It shall , report- Mcctin<^ '.e tiirec-* ^ 8[)eci- JC'J. It Ill, who abS(:llCG J cijair. onim at ice of a v.y two lall boa iiiiT the ■pose of . I'he ncu to er the id five nee of* Com- ian to 3 pur- ' rk do ^e re- rovi ti- nt for !". (le hy -f Con)- "K pur- m\h]y Cata- 'i shali •y 1 9 'dcculc \vl):^t Books may be taken out, and wh/ii not, a:iu I." what terms, and shall exact hues tor 'iion-perforniiiiee oi" the conditions, it s!iall re- i>o!ttotiie Societv the st.ite oi" the Library, o;: the last itlonday i:i A|)ii!. '1. On the last Monday in April, there shail be elected tln'ce Rlenibeis to ferni the ('oiw- mittee ot" Finance. Jt shall exannne the Trea- sin'er's account and report thereon, and likewise repoit on the income and expenditure ol' thvi Society for tfie last yea v. i). On the last iVloiulay in April, there sljall be elected five Members to form the Committee of Pnblicati(;n, to whom all the Essays read be- fore the iSociety, shall l>e referred, to the end that they may select those that may appear of jsufllcient vakie, \\w^ canse tliem to be publislied, OF TIU: ( AHINKT. The Cabinet shall be in charrrp of the Cablnet- ^hall be entered, and nunjbeied, to correspond Avith the number ai-ixed to itself, ^o Sjjeennen shall be allowed to be taken out, unless witii the coiisentof the Couricil, ov ts Conui'lrtee super- intendinp; the particular dcparlment to which the8j)ecimen belongs. Duplicate Specimens may be exchanged by the ( 'onnnittees upon receiv- ing an equivalent. Donations to the Cabinet shall be entejctl in the catalogue ol* the de})art- mcntto which they belong, auci tiie name of tiu; o>c, iUo. tdic of the book and ckite oi' borrowiiifi;, under the name of the said Members. Any [;ojk (except ))eriodical v/orks,) 11::^)- be kept two weeks, and if not then retiu'ued, tlie Members retaining tlie book shall bo subject to a iiiic of Is. Cd. and an additional fine of is. .'M. lor cverv succeedin,rr week, to be imposed on tne ci,7;hth day from the j)recedinf^ one. I'eriodlcal \vorks, v.hicli have jiot been three months in tiie Library, ca'^ bj retained onlv seven ilavs, hut those tliat liavc been in the Library i<)V a lou'.'^er time, shall be sunjeet to the same ndes as other books. Books ret irned at the apoointed time niav, if not wantevl by other Mciribers, be lenewed for another fortnioht. No book shall be ]')urchased i'or the Library, unless it shall treat of some scientific subject, or of some branch of Natural History ; but dona- tions of books on anv snbiect, mav be received. in n 1.1 withaut 13 I.i!)ra- ; IJbra/y atalogiips :■ -tcnniiia "\ <«LcJ, ciilvl rv. -E 'ok, n-,uit ■^. (*(i but ■i^ii) sh.iil the liilc idLT the (excTpt IvS, Jiiid "liiig the iiJiu an "om the eh Iiavo - c?'^ bj 'V at liave :i shall be 'i may, if * ^vcd' for ..ibrarv. "1 ject, or L dona. Proks, \\\\2'A bound, shall have the T/ordi «' Natural History ^Society'* stampeii on their bac Ks. On the r.Tonih'v prccctiln,:? tho TsTcctn)(^of tho Socirty in .^p»il, ail books sha'l be called in, ami tile Library examined by the Library Com. niittee. Any rvlrn.lier irijrring or defacing a book shall be ;'t!cd, or :e:|niied to replace tiic work, or pay its value, at th.c dij-crction of tlie ('oniniitt'K\ lints slri'l be paid to t!i2 Lioraiian, and by liini to the 'i'reasurcr. No Member shall be allowed to have out a book, while his fine rcmainy uiip:.id. OF jirxTiNr::! 7. An Ordinary Mcctinfj^ ^f" t'^'^ Sncietv shall be held on the last Monday of every month thron'.:liont the year, at which, ten J\Jtnd:ers siiail be a (jiir^rrnrj. '..'. >pccial rvlcctir^r"' rnay be called by the Presider.t, or one of the V'ice-Prcr^i(!ent?^, pro\iJ- eu>ine^s, which shall not be protracted beyond one b.onr. •J. Tlic nnnntes of tlic last Meeting siiall be read bv the Uecordinii' vSccretarv. .'1 !> lil be t Keporrs ol L-onimitfecs shall Dc anjiouncC( bv the Tresicicnt, and read bv tiio llecoiihnjr JSecrctarv. 4. Conn-in nn" rati on «! and Reports shall be read by the Con-e.sponi'.inp^ Secretary. 5. Report Ol" tlie (..'oLineil shall be read by the Recordin.f:; .Secretary. (). Donations and adiiitions to tlie Mnsenrn or Library sliall be exj)osed on the table ami no- ticed by t!ie President. 7. Aiotions, if any, sliall be iriade, and anyr Miscellancons business transacted. .S. New Members proposed at the la'^t Meeting shall be ballotted for ; antl the names of new Members, pro])oscd for ballot at the next Meet- jnp^, shall be announced. 9. 'J he Minutes ot tlie Meeting shall be icad^ which concludes the priv:ite business. 10. Visiteis may be introduced by permission <)f th.e President. J I. Chair taken for public business. T2. Any I^ssay ])resented will be read, and time being allowed for convcrsatiou tlicrconj the Society shall adjourn. i II l)e oh» y o'clcx'lv taction vV otviwtQd shall be iiounced he read I by tjie ^Cum OF iiui no- titl ail J Tectii)n, the INSTRUCTIONS yoR jprc0crt;ing £)l!|cct0 of J^atura! JpijOftorg^ Ri:srixrFL'LLY addressed KV Tlfi; I7ATi?RAL HZSTOHY COClIiTr OP HEONTHSiLX;, TO PERSONS WILLrxr, TO ASSIST ITS LABOUKSr AND ADD TO 1Tb iMUSKUM. As the Society is anxinus that its Cabinet should contain a Specimcit tif every kn- >vn prociuot of tht three kinjjfdoiiis of nature, it has prepared the f (liowitii: instruetions far the use of those who may feel an interest in the Ijociety's frospcrity and who may be willing to contribute to its col- lection, 'i'hc folJouin^- instructions arc drawn up as sliortly and us dis- liucrly as potsible. I. THE AXiriAI. KINGDOM. PREPARIKC THE SPECIMENS. OF O.l'ADRl'PEDS, Qufidrupofls sufllrirnt'.y small to be inclosed in a bottle ought to be put into s;nr!tuous li«|Uor, but those of dimensions too large to be put into spirits, *h'))iid be skinned and care token to leave the bones of the feet and head (from wliirh the bruins must have been removed) or if that is not /•ossibie, at leust send the jawj. Before you begin to skin an animal, fiil 1 If Sti n!')U'h w"lh .1.11 •ton or T y sn:"t n.bf".~r'e ; 'f ih"*"'; b-? nry wiir- 1; Cai»,ib.i' of ifit!!!;^ juI the '■ oo.l, cott )n nr tow nuist « s'l b*.- ii'lriijuc. i intf) it. This C(.u •(' iimre dc: t' r tv, v U ^vi'l i.l! iiv. ihirt c:\ it. <; t cav2 11 u t 'I i'(t to ii'jiirf til'.: I! l^C I'S 0 •1 t th rrv'jiTse fir th>s 0|i» b'! !v or ihi cHti*:u s wl:\ i'l'i oi t ;iiivl siil t.'sti tkiii ; t'ltsu prccauti W(>n, s-;vi>-:i»-e iIm fc'iin iVoiii the iK?>;i tjtth to 1h" vivht rt"' .ic !i '■ ]y us y HI s'';rrM.t:' it , (is ("ir ns p-.'.,:/b ._• to vu,i\!s the p ,^tl r 'T 'xin<; t!ie mm V]il!ih C't.irat.! (Mfc fully r.- thf i lit;. ti!:e.s. n ;is t > il^p jLy th:it I'l't ill its ni>tM 11. ;ir.-;i!i .--ij'iit'i.t. Cut \i\i tuii aiit.-- n.).' Y 1 tll.^llSOl h t!i ..h lit !t;; jiii;c*io!i 'v th ihe boiH.«. f.i' th" bojy l.'ritii th.s iii(.i," t th'.' adiiiiai li.i.s rciimiwc'l on .t. I):i< k, l>Mt no" luy it on itLMi!', th'j '» • tirrov [xvt t.i ih.- 'eft ai^l lb': ik'u-.n Ivtrnctl t >.• ti):i i ii'- thi:.';hs bciii},' b<.';unitvil, rcecrle towards the r-i.ht, •ir.d g\-;c r.'>:o r;;-;.;',y r,)r ^k'aIlitl:;• !;rj hick; til's .O't ptrrt i.s 'luviys th'^ 'iy in th.' cthvr, ai'd Ity dra"i:i", them in con- tr try dir'.'.'t^):i:, to iiiu-kiii the body a.^ t".u' as (he sh. u iK".-s. V»'hc:i you {,.,. .. .^.. . vd thu; fir, .-lU 0)'-. iir.u <•:• f >'•<■. b'r yt (Ik; ..jn.n ,lor jairt, iheii jl-se.v.i.-rc or svpai'i'..; .'t. i'"- i ihe h d^, pi;t •< a;,alii ii.f) thv ^klll a"(l li;rn th': a:iiiT>:il to pi ri' f 11 t!iv vH^ie w tli tli:: oilier i-'de. ( oi'.t;"ue to uii.-kiu t)i" v^-^':, a" 1 ;ia-s k*c head TniPi '.v.thni the ski'i v.;;t the he.p cd' a knf'i. Ua.lua tlie hjad :)s fir iv^ 1,'r^ end of the \---':, t :k ng care to ci't thr c-i."s as iic.ir MS pw;-ii;e to !!r^ skud ; be p.i.rt.cu'Mr y cuvfui ncd to i; jur-'. thi' i;ye'i!'.', ivi'd not t') cat llie lips teo ciose. Wiit-;! a'l tins is d'lie, •epactt'! tac liLvd fnni tht; t'u;:k, tnkin.;- a'-vay t.'ie i. -j. e'lsin rucii j. m-^iiie!- fh.'t all I'ie biv's 'vr^en c.miD.ise it V'v nakeil or •: (ail. I'.'i ui'jj ;*, th» h-1 e i.l (!■:". sicidl by ineaits of a .'.iii-p ir-, tru.'.'ent b,M'"..<,- . : t'l^' hi .il^e of a sinou a'.d >co;^n tut Ui>'i , - .. - ... ... ,, ., ■ ,. . f^rojxr fcr lbs cper-itiou. ) ^Vh.M t!i', li'.r.i i.s wei] e.o.i'iel, pt;!. d baek ii to (ho >\C'-n \ thtu take oiirt of Hm f,)-,*.' ••;. ,s a, d ilii'i !t as f.ir OS pc^^s b e, a:\vi!>s druwii'i^; it towards TOa arc! ^iip-ii.!!!' (fw; .sMii ihe coidra'v \y;:\; \ tlnu di.ue, tt.o.e awuy tbi w'l «ie of the ik; h. 00 •L't'uiiy piTservi, i^ (!)• li:-airiei.ts wh t 'i unite th^ bo"iP'5, t'v^n riT)'-;ri> i'l the .-ace w-iy—thiit lb to ^ay, t.kuilhem 03 fii" -J tltc; Ciiws. Kciia-vle ih • t.ei dc^.'.-; and ii":aaic; ta from Siie i. u.-c.cs. If.'ivj (he. a Rilii?.'! r^ '"^ "^h" ii<".d « f !.ii.', Uice, thea take ali tfie fu. h c> f 111 ', h-!- .. i...:,;l t'l/a ; t!:: : ;■ \->vk '■: to the tkni. ;t oi.iy rov,' rei!;a.ie.s to .1 oiiiy rov, f r, 1-^ ^ t '> v.-i .l..iaut. 'j'o e'u,b.e y-. u to do .'.■.\ d'ser- (iC b •:•?. the !i"-t t.vr> or tli vc j oir.'.- ; tie iheiii ftrj; g y wiln n ccrd, . '] ^\>t • ) io a rv^.)!;) j,'.-»ii or tT a ^va i hooU ; p.\ s a c: ett st'.k Lt t.v;e')i'a h^'s (1| • t:ii ;md t!i.; .-km, th.i is, na th.- bare j'.>iit:, wh ca .. •■; i;f c.-!\v>.- pace. I w!lh:u the c eft ; w.tli a hand o.i catn s;oa (li-a V th- >t-?k I »,.-irdj thrs e-t;'eriiity and the laii c;.'n't'b ei;t cf .t;. !. heath. Af'er \\v:l 'li tij^ed up th,' hi)dy, thi h;-, hr.iid, and ey.js wdh tov.-, o'-< Ihsr s I't :ii.!i taiee. in th-^ saivo cuaiitdy -.is llie Jle.ii taken f/nia d, u '' r;.t birg we I tae ms le id' t!i". tkiii •.vith pepper or any strimg aro.nat c iiii.'.-taJic-:* v'i):.",ii will keen awv.' ■'eriinri, and spri.. kiiiij; voniti of. the 5,aa:c sti:'.V on th"? ciitv.de and arran^ii"!; fh-:" bf^dy in a convc;dei,t positiou ; the skin '» then iii a iit i date ;'..>r beinj; pueked. "IVhen y-'H rj,i lid' t'l- p 'feet vkelcton rf thr- ^!iir,c 't wrii'd be a ("rrat tervice to toieuoc by aidii.y our oileclion of objects in ("■oniparativ* .'I 'HI t t-5 t^j nv.j n-'iu't: L' ir'lroduc. 4 i tak't"^ i»rf>. it :iHd lo tbn IfiL- i^roin f -. <.'(>iiHr bnnc, '! d scr- i\ a 0(.rJ, Lii t ,v« ci j.-t:. ;. ;,!uutlj. O'- < tJi; r ri:l3JlC.» .'.1i:;V on {■[{in '» a frrat p;ii-ativ« Anatomy. Il it. uot ncccssar; to niL>u it the sk^!tta:is, tut h i.- swffeUjj. «.rt.;r liavi.i;^ LoiitU ihu L.j.ito, i... ci. lli^ ii--ii oii, ;t..il J.icU iii«.ai, tv» {.'Ut •ua iliJb« l...-:'j.ij^in^i; tj liic sau.c u..iii';ii iii a bai; (cu..v.-l.i.^ U'^,i.lh-.i- ini «;ic bjutb (if tii.; uiiiic I'Ji.t,) ii.iiiig it up ^'-tl ••»»^*!»» ^''' -u, f hiiio vi \^..,^ci Of liiy ulhvr b,/ll Ul.ll d."> ^UbttAilO-;, tint tU.;V lUii.v hot li.u.oO ta«,l; .,;.! ■/ l^lVC.OpC lliJos, i-f V.il.4.a ;.."s, VCi"j l.«^^ ,t, 4...d t-Uv. ^.Ttav, i-u.i. ^i/t or n.nns. If ynu can procure bii:is, tJtc Circ- to proport'.on the sh t tj ti»c;r bi/c; rot to il ju.c tlic ^kiu^. \i iic.i tiii biiti ij. i., \.,i. iuc b..)L.d .»..ii} ai 1 lUcli a-j |i <»;..b.c, u.id put a uUc tjltoii, \,,>.:.m< oi lo.v i;i tii.. i.t.jk, tii^i tlic bajod i.i.iv li'A lu 1 iVoiii il ii..d ii.'ja.c tiic t.atl.>;rs {..-ilxu u./ y tij /-fe t,;.^i; a..d v»'u,n.. wut.r. /iil-.r lii^' h^'id i^ co c ;. .tl ti\w bu^d ;s < ^ju^u alcJ., t^Ac it Lv tilt! <- a.vb ui.d tlio ta.i to ;) ;.». j it lu u ji.ipor, cf tuv. tbii.-i ti" ;'. ii^.^ow 4.011C. 'I'liosc iiislrutLio: s rt.atc t > luc; ii.a!.iii.r ui L;iijj;ii[; tl' I .rda l^ las J.iUCe of O,) uAi");!. li;ld» UIC S.U.Iilj'.il liKc (;l.aUil.;';.U.-. AiiC i. :(.»&. uU ij.ay be iiii.d.; cili).:r u oi.;; tho i..;uu c .>i' t!ij L.i.; i.i- u.. •.!.:• I'.io w ;.;^ 1 1 u ti^c !u I'cici.t tu a.ow t.i.. L.'dy to p_jb tli.'cu.ii. i.ul tulk'j ci-ic to j-ic- Sn:i"V\; tin; <\;<.t Ui-ll il>'u.U vr.iil lil.; 5.,»i;il; pi"i.l.aUi.;0'i) li..l l;»c} tii./U ll be ii.Oi'o iailiitlLatcl) t,U.uiitil, I/ci'i-UjC vvli, 11 J'ltlrti.icl.O.. t.^ivcis p.u.j, tno x'wulii^.i'i 1 ill oii'. lu tuUui;,' ti.c siviu, l.'.i.t, c.ic to Ltiid L,.cu ta*. i^i-Ui rt t.;^t tiicy may Hut be tmcu. i*;• i Ik t^i. \v'.iu li:u i kir., otliv-i'ivitc tiio l'ui,lliora ui' II..- l.ii \\cv;.J L. i.uL... t..i i'^ i uj'; Cto 1«; i.vt tiiv.' Lo.iti. at t!u' CAliCii:it' of lliv; \v.,r^b. '-a.; tj.i^vtj a. .J tyi-b ui'e lo bt caixiu 1> rcuanLU. jL 1l dctiiab.c, if po^,^,u c, \.i \-a.k.^:^ at tilt sioic tiiin.', the luu'c a;;d i\;iiia.c, a;id ii uiv.uu.us i.i ti*..' s^u.k. iptCito of ^i-licrc'iit v.^-'i> ; for bii\U a.tcr uiucii aLLur.lL.^' to tu-jn ai.c ; tLcic arc iovcral which ix.ivc. i.\ca Loi a lu.Ucii loi' li-iicic-.l bjiLc.vi. it is >. oo vci^ »i:,clu. to have tii..' lu'bt.i uad i;gj,b. To p.- '.'iVC tile c. •o-^J Inukt; U iltl>e lioic at oaf i.iiJ, e.hptj il and ti.I it up a^^aLi v.'.ia '.va.., o." .tavii it ca.pty. 'rilC blit'iCtoa;. ol tii.>.~.0 bilds too ii.'l"^,^' to uo pUi iu tjvil'ila, iuUtJ a.iO Lc ijat. it la u.-CiUMs to stUil' iho birdj. ""i'ja.y wwu.d lclu,.'} Uij i ,uci» looiii, u.id t!iib o^cia'-ioii, wii.cii taaaot Lc iIji.c vvoa by a..y o.;<. v.u,.- a. aot c«- j'crK; iCcJ ill il, it, liiucii better iiciioru-cu vviicu the biiiiio h.i.\; uri'iVid dt tajir dt ^tiaiitioa. xi t^ i.u.uc-\.ul io> tuw w^.^u.. la., [...l. a^u i>.«a^ Ij ^' tht-.y iiUuLli ; it ;.- ;li-;"cijrc chic^- tial that all oo p.ucurca. i'at lutni iulo tj»:r,t.-, sponge, eaicfa ly wipe the tide;; ot t;ie li;Ji, rai»^ the il...-., ai.d geut.y vi.- tviid ihcai. Thea tut two pieces oi' paper the aha.pe ot' eacli lia, Lui a little larger ; rub a s,olut:oii of guiii aiab.'c on oue of tlie piceo, ta.'ii place it uader ihj ti.i aiHi 5i,;road it out, ))rl^:^ tne tor;-;;, :)oiidiiig piece ou tiic top, wli'ei-e it Will acih..re, and drying ia a fe.v liiiiruLe: . .V;.. Kee^-. lac yartb citeadtd. T.Ac a i ..cc^, of th.a i..i., cr ;: :u-c i i.-t, a.;h on a Sv)rt olotli, vilh the iiiui>»(rcd sid'j up- %v.ird,s ; opira it u':t!i .sliar;) >ti>soi>, iVuia iho tail to near iIk- yo.^c, iiio.i<{ th ' Irttjral liiic, cultiii,j opoa the clic:tli to ciiuii.'c you toe van t'j': chccit of the oppi). lie side uiiilcr tiic bouc ; f)r unless tli'^ be d'J.:e, and ti.e cavity be liileil with tow or colt )ij, it will i!U'\ :ta!.>'y kin as iniu-li ni.at...r a.^ po sibii , ai.«i diM it with pepper, I'ic. StulV the skin to il.i proo.r din i-nsioiis, ivith tow or cotti^n, and s.o'.v \ip the op;:ni!i;4 w t',\ a nicd'c and tiircuJ. In a fjw days it wiii dry, wlu'u tat; papers n..;y he tulvcn < iV by dampir;; tliam Willi a Kpoii^-e. l.'ovcr in tou- and pack in bj.\«.-.. Si r))onlN may be lanajjcd i;i the tame way, or preserved in s])irit.s. It is the same wifli ni ;viul reptiles. In skiniiinaj serpents, t tke care init to injure tlii; .■.cues great caution must be used not to break tlie tails ol" iizards. It i.> dcsir.i b!e to scad liie skeletons of ush and reptiles uiiich are too larj;c to be put into spirit.s ; these skeiet "ns need not be niounted. It is sKt'.'irunt lo takit away the lie, h rudely and to dry the bones ttgetht-r th.irou.h y w.lIkul separating thjni. The wjio'.e skeietui sh. uld be p acid m a bo.i w.th tow, nioss', cotton or very fnie dry s-aud. If it be loj iJ*;g, it n.u.. be lii- vidc;d into tvo or three j)art». VT IXSECTSv Inscfts .ife very vanoxis according to the rliinatc or the niture of thr. soil, ami are ihf most difficult to procure. If V'Hi led inc.inid to collei t. in this branch of Zoolojry do not confine, yourseif to tlie lai'm .^t and richest in colour, but cjilcct all without distiictioa. Tatch th;ise which ai-e furnished with wiii>;s and l!y about plants, w.th small line nets ; tho.- •. whi<'h swim in the water by the same means. .Seise those with pincers which live on putrid and disi^Osting .'iib.staiict.s and throw tiiem inio aov kind of spirits to clean them. A multitude of insects nounsh themsehts ■on trees ; procure the greater part by carefully searcliing under the old bivks of the trunks and by shakint; the braiichi-s over a cloth or reversed uinbreHa. Insects may be kilicd by iiivrrtin;!; over tiiem a j^iass tunibier or other vessel and brinain;:; it to the ed;.;e of tlu' tabic, ho.di.ig two or three li^liled matches uiidcr it, or they may be killed by touchuiji,- their heads w.th spirits of turpentine or iinmcrsiii!; them in spirits of wine, "When you take an insect, sei;:e it by the breast and stick it in a bo.<, on cork, or wav., with a Ion;; pin. To prevent tiic injury from the wing.i continuing to flutter, pin a small strip of paper aear^s them wh ch mu/ remain tiii they are dry. AVhcn th-; iissccts are dry put them into small thin boxes, with cork or soft wo^d, a;, the cross-cut of deal, yt the bottoo', pinniiiii; them very securely, t(i prevent tiieir bein;>; tletaehed. It is very useful to procure the caterpillar a.s well a:, liie buiter.iy. V.'lieu yuu lind the caterpillar onl; , it should be put ioLu a b )v veit ii some leave:, of the plant on which it was found, that it may traiibfonu itself. A small Loic should be made in the box to udniit the air. All insects, except butter- tiJes may be put into spirits ; it is the best method of send-ng tliosc which «a-c large and it Lus the a.lvanta^e of pi^icrvin;,^ the interior oi.,uns, which !i> Jl 17 r^ tlj,! .SO;»I,», "I wfii.c yua > y O/li; ,)!• Ilk-.) I'll l/uy are *«'ii.d siiJ.j up. 11' (•'': vhocrt *•"> iind the I'll' iiii lji)i,i', P" ■'ii'.'' , ai..l liili I'MnIoiIn, ^ikI throaJ. ! Iiy Jawipii;!' II' siiuii: w.fli : M- ;u:s ; anJ 't i.> ilo.ir.i •t butter. osc vvhicli lis, whicli m:iv 1)0 cTftmincil wIh'ii lime is. ooc.ision. As hcuxy in^ctis may mifl^ tli< nisil\es fioiii tlic fork or \v;u in tlio Miiiill box and one lo(»c iiisn i ni.iv biciik aH tlic rtht, it i^ a nioic simple method of pieytrving tlio^e of thf beet'e kind to plaet.' them, when iliy, in u liii\ of very fine saiu!. Fust put a low of inseets on a hijer of Mind, tiuii cover them whh ttn.lher laverofsnnil about an inch tliiek ; then place a second row t>finoeet:> and continue this met liod until the l)ox is (luile full: tlie sand n.ust l»c well henpeii up, thiit notiiiiin may lie deiiin:;vd by tlie earfiune. 'I'hiN is a s.» a v,ood m<'thod for eiai)s and such like aiiimals. It is e\idei.t tli.iL vdu canmit employ it for butterflies or any other animals of a soft sub- stance, 'llu: fu-,-t ou^hl to be put in boxes — the latter in spirits. Send, in pait'cu'ar, spiders and insects siiid to lie \encnioiis : those wli'ch aiu mot destrueti^t', sueli us iint:, ic. ami add the nests when they arc suHi- c!.troyed ; after which kt thciu rcn'uiii for two or three minutes to cot)l ; tlicn pick out the aninail with a poiiilcd instrument : put them in coid water, in which they iiiUy lie till they are taken out to be cleaned. Shell.s cni'rasted with extraneous matter, slnui'cl be allowed to ^tecp tsvo or three minutes in warm Wiil^r, i;i order to moisten these sub>tances-, and U) extract, ils much as ])o.>s.ble, the marine sa ts. Hrush tlieiu wcil with a soft brush ; strong soaji may be U!A'd, with a piece of woollen or linen clotl:, to rub tliem. l'"iiiish them with a soil brusli and tine emery or sand, ami pack them in cotton. J.aiid sli(l!> aic particularly va'uab'e. As to cra'-)s anil lobsters, note the names unde.- wh'cli they are known ; tliosc which inhabit the sca-shores, tlio>e of fresli w.iler, those whieJi live wi land and thosc. vvh'eh arc eaten by the native.-. Content yourselves with sen.liiiif the shell only of those which are of hirj^cr siiie and was!j them well in fresh water before you dry tliein. The smaller kiuil shou'd be put in Si)irils ; bvit In fore you do so it is very mcessary to c'caiise them i'l fresli- water to free llicm ciitire'y from the dirt or marijic sat with which they arc imprej;nated. "Without this, the t;ieatcr part would be destroyed, even in the spirits. It is to be desired that every animal which issci.tin the skin, inspirits, in the skeleton, c^-o. sh' u d be accom|)anicd bv u note, statuij; preciieiy the eouutry in wh eh ill ' animal was fcund ; ihe .->ea'.on in which it was taken ; i!ie manner in wlrdi .1 luurished itse f ; its habits ; the nan;c it b )re in it-; o.vn ccuntrv ; if t be useful or de, tiuetivc ; llu' u.>es that are made i.f it>skin, its lic.'i, its fal, i^ c. ; iIk- popu'ur opinions or ;-uper:titIoiis which reiate I ) it inioiigtt th'i iiulives ; thee notes should each have a number orrespoiidini; to that of the animal to which t!uy icl.itc. It in C:scr.t!al that llh>c nu-iibeis ;,hou'd not be written on vvlute paper or on piiciiiiiciit but cither pauiti.1 in oiloa wo.-d or nictai or -tamped oa hard 'ub- tt-i.iC'.;; (lid fi. teiu'd witli a brass wiri or very -lion;.; cord, e 'tlier Lo tlic L-kii s t.'C.os'j.i ill the case-, or t'; the bottler, dc. wh.ch cji.taiu t':*.- aoiniaii. c «l . IS or PAChiyC /.()() l.tnUC AT. Oh.ll'.LTS. AT I't <• lia^'t' prfvidusly om1> iiHuiiid to till- jncparinu of the Sptviiiirnt ?li uJiidi (nir iViriiiU Ilia* he wiliiii;; to t'.iMjr our .\;u>»uiii, but \sc mutt, lio^v Kpi'iik of ihv int'tliod ol piiclvui); ihisi: cLjccts, to tlial tlie) inuy ar- rive in u jiouil ."-titi- of incMTvalioii. W !uMi ytu puck tht ^kiu ol uu uiiiiiia'. coainiciicf \i\ iliul.Iiig avvuythe i.Mcfs iiliiaily li>J;ctl ; ii nil! liiou oi- •uilicitiit to y.v.-^ ail over the ii: - lido cf fhc skin vvi'L ;: bru-.h dipind in spirit* of turpfi.tir.c. I'utk the tkiu lightly in cotton or any soft fcul.vtaiice iinprci'iuilcd with turpculiiie, CHi-iphor, or a ly iuch uilic'c. 'I'lii ti p'ficc the ;kin in th c cu.se, vhich cover all <)\ci with pitv.'h to ili-foiid it limii daiiip, ntid to prevent the iiir fruai pcttiii;; ill. For vviiut of spirits of tuipcntiin , uj^c adecoctiouof very tiller and ai(»iiiutle lurbs, VN til which wet the shins before vou enclose them, and bi ikic thi nlei and exteriiully with pounded to- Jespiuiklc tliei biirco, pi.pptr <»r ailspi«e. 'I he; Miinc precautions arc u-td for birds; ♦'»<:h bird naisl Jiave a little cotton inside it, not to j;ive it entirely its form lilt to prevent the dillereiit puts of the skin fr.mi touching. It should then be phi';etl in ti puper ba;; weil closed and the bags put into u case covered with pitch. The ubjve inithods are simple and easy and takrt bill tittic tii-jc. AstotliL- pi'd.rvuti'jii ofaiiiniali. in spiriluou.. liijUnr.-, of all vessels, g'.i.-s bottles ai'o the b'..:>t, fur wi;:ili'\er pn.cuiitioi'.s are tcil.m, *• pciiioii of the li(;ijor will e* ;ii)'.n"ati' t!iruu_,ii the pores of wood ; .-xjUaro bottles are to be preferred, if easily hud, because they arran};e belter in Cii^es. The pt vfeet prescrvalion of the unir.al depends on the tjUa',;t'ty of the !i(;uor, tiie nuinni.;' "f !)'..'.ir,;', i!v,in i:i ihe I'-Ulea and tlic melh'jd ot teuHng the l.ult'es. ('in, Ku;n, JJiandy, in re you put thf ai.iniiil i'l the iT';uor take r.wjiy nil the li.lh and free it tVcm uil duT which would soil it: then take precautious that it may not touch t!)^ hvttoni of the vestei ; without this it -!<,t or.iy sinks down but becomes c jnu;.i;cd : or if i.uin(;'e);t!y strcrg to 1'ff.r il, a tiircud may be pa^st^d throu;^h the cork I'-ud throUj^h the object so ns to suspend it, and thua you laay p'rice scv^th! aiiinia.s in the (■uiuk vessel either liy tlic side of cne another or i.t «'iilcrer.t he i, Jits ; t!iey v.'ill lloat in the ii^i.or with- out tor;cliinfr, and ths ri,ucou5 ^ub•.i.a^ccs which detach then- eves from then!, fail u> the bottom of th': ve^sc', or yrii may content your; elves by piftcit.p; each animal in a kind of i et or buj; ; tie these bays to th-:- c;,ik »T3d thry rcnialn S'.rpcrded in the vofsc!. i'iak« a I'tt.'e ii;ei.s:oii in the belly of animals wlik vtrtelirne or central ccuiLn cf the tkeltto!', ti:..t this liqvior viav penetrate iiit>) t!ie ii.turior of the body. t'aUiphoraicd «? rJLs arc [v-od becnusc the oai=j-iior aUj;:i;e!;t3 the pve;,fr\i;;g ijUa.ity of the l;quor w.tliout ac'd'.ng- to it;, force. It is rcuuisitc to add to the ii(,uor c.ft«r ino r,;.iuu: has been iu it 5.jn;c f':r.;\-, to ei cure its prestrv.jt;on : this J-'.'et?aition is c;prc'a;)y iKcrtt.'iry for (li:-.ro v.h ch ar;.' p:ost smcc't'b'e rf corrupt'.o:'.. Then teul the bott'cs : y-ushcu d Lave a sluiVc.isiiy pro- T'-rei, which (lr"c3 and aci^uircs ail its EOJdity even in the moirent of ••innlcylr,;- it ; c;i vvlrr h the cp;nt:> i^is no t ilect, and wlilch perfectly ud- I: Tjt, to the rlass. The f illowl.i w;:i do : coniiron rosir , yeLow wax, ar.d Xtti ochre, or potmacd br.cU. in the povt;i,i..\ .■■iecordir.;^: to consistence, ard it nray be aj-.plie«t by n. liricn on a rtclr, or if to a f.n:all j.iiiii', by in- " ig ils licck. Cork ttcppcrs vj\' prctcrable to all otiicrs, because lU' irisss often break fiom v,..r:cu.- Ciuses. Jt is useful acain fr> cover the - *• t> -..>*-.-».-■- — — — *■ ■ - - — -■ ^. — th'^ hot"-'"-- (hu.v c'o-:ed with a pion^ ri iinon, (Inriy tied, .nnd imbued with j;>i'i i! j.-ui', a-.id lor lar^t l!L:tl.e^, to .■iiv;^oit the cork v.lth a stroi-tj picvi I Mi Hi 19 '.c r.-?. Kf till Ulll, liut. llu) iiiuv ar- uiM, biu vvc imitt ^Iml.Iiig avvuv the HiJ o\cr the ii; . i.tir.c. J'uck the w'lh turpciiliiic, the ru; c, which o I'rtvint the uir dcciiftiou of very fore you fiiclose illi pounded to- Ubtd for birds ; ; entirely its form liiiiK. Jt shouid I'ut into II c/'ve tiisy and tain* iUbi liijuur.-, of all '.s are tul.ui, » I' woihI ; aijUure ian;;e better in lithe iiiui!:tityor ! the ii;ith(jd ot iit^iir Ji. i;> r: are. ffneU. Ilc'Vre d free it iVcui : niuy iiot tcuch vn lut becoiTiCs imy be pn^std t, luid thi!,-; you iy t!if h-do of e ii^i.or witii- itn^icves from youn elves hjr |,;h to th'j c:,rk iicitiiQii in the i\<:kinvj tl:..t Cm-iihoraicd i"K <,i;.i.;ty of to the iiijUGr crvution : this i.st Miierpt'b.'e ili' ta.si;y pro- le nioijcnt of ry Ucia^ fa-lfiuil i.< the i irrmnfcreiic? if ilic liott'c, foinis a crosS above the cu;li. Holtli ■. thus iire,Mr' d, I'luy without inci.- teilifiice, be turned over ill till dire vf ibc tciuptsst» or IruHsportulioii, and »iii>;)iiects tlioii ,li »ii'»rc iiuiiicnuj, t.r>; moro caii y procured and transported. Ail p:ants v.-h'ch aro dejiuied fj;' iirei>cis'u.t;oii, oujiht, as often as possible, to be j;athered iu IIo\/i:i' mid iu tVu't. V» Ji-.-n tbi; piaut is small t::ke it entire, t\en with tiie root; when it is \a.r^^i, Cut branclr.'s about 1- to la itielv, -. low^. 'J"he c.).;.,i.»t li.ell.ud hi.d oi.c m; i.'i; best is t') u-v an oil b 'ok Miited to the size of tlii„ p':i;.t. I'.uce ll.'o p'ai.l with the parts .vu'.iltient-y sjjiv.id out on a leaf aud c'.osc tlic bjol; Ujo^ it. Then put over it iv pice; of wood us inrj,^e or lar;;t.'r tlr.u tht: b;iok ca which tli'j wciylit is to be i>'iice'I, and th-j wii.i'.v: ta r^ri.aln lO i.» a dry plftc^ for five or ^J.v dai>. .Sev^j/.i! p'ants, if r.ct very tli.ik, ttiay Le put iiitJ the san;e b;)i)k ar.d prcsed at lii2 Siinit time, tukiu;.^ tare to put tiiuai in dilVoreat nartj uf the booA. After iL^y arc dry they luoy be ti::.i:y k.. j.t in a book, and any ll•)tt'w".;^, Wi'iU.eJi oa paper, and a'.ilM'dtu tiiem by a lu.c in the j)i;-)er xpA lursin!; ihi; st-i'.k t'.i;'ou,;h it. Wiien no L:;vk lar^■,c enough i> at h:ii;d, puL'-iu p.ar.ti svull e:.te::U:d '/.'tween leiwes of '.'o;ii;;.on r.evvs-papcr or h.olunjr-piipcr, using s.;nii.ar jiror-'urc a.s rlovc, which mu't not be remove! til! they h:i"-i become dry. It is ^eueraily iur.'ii;iei:t lof their p:'ru.'ct drying;, th-it Jie spccimciif. sliouid Ix- .^cparatiJ Ly iceral sheets of bro.vji 'vjpei'. In hu:iial rouutri-s ui:d :.v.'.:. ;-ns, it is d;.siribie to accclcrat'o their ilryl'ig by an ai'lilie?.! heat, ior that p'ar;;',sti, jf.aoo • number of pia-.ts betueen t.vo pian'-i., separate from tucu ctiier Ijy two or three sheet., of piijier, and piacc tli-.s piioked in a stjvo ov o.ea, af'-cr the bread is taken cut ; th's quick i..(.t>..:d u.;es not even a ter the coif.'^r. When th-y a.', dry, ch:i'.;^c tiie paper. Tii-'re arc .sfjiie p:ai.ts which arc very watciv. and wli. ell cjiitiiiu;; lo \e; iiilc. in the lierbi'j tcv.;ral months alter thoy h.wo lieon placed tlier?. V. lien thc/j p ai.ls ai'o guthered in the state i.i wli'ch you with to jTcscrve thci;!, p]uiu c then £jr a rninu'e iiito boian.T water, thc.i p'.it th'.':.i bef.veen two jCivcs of brown paper, tlioy will i.rc-'r\\M!ds dry ru'ck;\, as the action oi lii.: boijin;; ■water wid have djstroyod the life of the p -ii.t. Yu'a wili take r.otcc that in l-iyin;; out any plant f jr di-yjr.i;-, you wid put it i'ito juch a pciit'cn as; will at Ica^t shew to udvaiiia.v.o tiic f.,rr.i cf tiu flo'.vers, Iclt.s, c.c. without piittin;i; it into a;;y u:ii...tui'al pcs-'tioii. Grasses, vvh'cii .^hruld alway.s be gathered in flower and fruit, need no further p.cpEiralon th^.i *liyi.:ii; ?.rd not pressed. To suit tiicm to tiie si/j of tiiv; bo.!; ov parcel t'i:^t is t3 hold tliem th;y !!:ay It dcu'j.td t >•.; cr t :.c-i tinics ; mosses, like./;.;:', ;'.eo:l 1:0 lu.-lhc; prcj a. •.:,'-. •.i than r.crc 'a^yji';^ and ni.-.y be packed by rolling the heap cf moss in a paper inclusiiig the necc.^s.ary jDOtices of its locality, time of gathering, abuudar.ce, 6.c. ccc. Oa each packet of plants of the sauu'. species, put a note iiid'cali:ig the naiKC the plant bears in its own country, thj height of tlie couiitry uh-jvn tba level of tkc sea, if kaown j in i^Jiort the same notes which are ;ew 20 llitvvii> III, I lianu'il iVtiiM tiriitl >]>iiiiiM !n. I( i> iil-o ii^rful l.> iKilrr llif liiij:lils of llic |>liiri), the I tlu- uilour llii N « \li,i!i, us llicM- liiniitit iil\v.iy» lic ii>. Iltrliuls, v*litii lluy HIT |«Tfiftl> dry, 'lioiild In- )iiu Ki«l in lasci «M\iri(l Willi pilili t.i ill IVikI lliini iVum iiiiti- iiiul insects; iiiid it will he pKidi'iit lo luld II lilt c coUoii iiiiLucd uilli liiriKiiliiic or tiny aioinulii; nili>liinfr. V a'so he scut, the dried in cases wilii tickiti 'J'lie fruits of trees niiiy a wli-eh iiulieiite the hnuit'li or s|>eciiiieii to whih they hejonn ; the pu |iy shdu'd he put in siiirils, in si |mrate phia's. (.'ums, resins aiul other c\- ircMiciits of trees, sliou'd also he sent in the same niunuer ; und uKu pite Ked siniiliiriv to the herh.iis wilji .similar notes. As seeds inny enahic lis to propupite plants not Ixfore known ; they will he *ery acceptahle. They shou d he f'uthered when perfeiliy ripe, und Will wiaiiped up (with a paper ni^*"}> '''*' "»"ie, hitalily, properties, ^c. of the p'anl uhiib produces), to keejt them from the Utvt exposure tu danip. Vou euiuiol take too much care of assurinj; yourself of the ripc- i:ess of the seeds as it is Ubcless to send seeds not arrived at nmtuiity. I'laiits which are used in medicine, niiJ are used liy the inhahitants for Kealin:i pu: j>oms, and ail vei^etuhle poisoii.s .should particu'arly be senl^ v>itli inilic"- .«f their propcitie.-. iittach.'d. It is also ilisiialilc t;) send -peeimcns of useful woods, 'J hesc spcriniens «tuy;ht lo he ahout four inches lonj;, umI if po.ssihie, the usual wiJth of tin* tree ; a'so a lonu,itu(linal und tninsvcrMil cut of the tree, hut it is most es. senlial to put a nu'iilier on llie wood, torrespoiidini; to the 1 ranch of the tree in tin; iierha!, Ibr Ixitanists sire still i^iiorant to wln.t trees several ot the woods heloiiu' wiiich are made it>c of ly tile natives or used ill the toinmcree ami trade of the touiUry. ii ill' III. MINKUAL KlNtJDOM. Minerals form the third kingdom of natuie and are ctiiiaMy interesting and Tipially i;scful as the i)roi!uetion.s of the other two kinv:donis. In collect- ing frii;;nients or spccin'Ciis of roeks, minerals, volcanic productions or I'ossil t>ri;ani.sed h >dies, it is most essential to note their st;atiticat'.oi» well, th.it is to say, the nature of the i)lace in which they are found, and tlieir rela- tive jiositioii with the mincra's wjiich environ llieni. In ditaeliinj; speci- mens from the n:as>, Like care to leave round the principal metal or cry^t:ll, if sueh is tii-- nature of tlie niineral, c'ther portions of the ot'.ier metais or minera's w]|-oh are associated with if or of the .stony >ul)staiices wlueli often accon:])aiiy it, especially those which are cristailized. If you find earths vvliitli ctuitain the remains of or;.i;a>.ii/ed heinjis, such us the hones of animais, shells, iuipressiuns of fish und \eu,etables, collect, with eare, i;j)ec!niens of their dilVerent bodies, having ihein euvelo])cd in II portion of the earth or stone in wliich they were lived. In case you vhould find nay traces of volcanic origin, jjrocure specimens of the ilif- IVrent substances thrown iij) by exp'tvions, some of which are in a state of *tone, (.tliers similar to glass, ollurs in u state of .scoriiv or lava. A ticket sliou'd he lixed to each sjjecinien indicatinji tiie liunic of the country where it was found, the spot from which it was taken, niid when, M'herever warm or niincial waters are found, care slnud I.e t.iken tQ. fill i)]iiu!s vvitli them, wliidi should be well corked mid seukd. A note of -St' I ] 21 if the plant, I he aiiiiiit uiwavk l)C I'lu kid ill i-ahth ; iiiid it vm'II lir II' »ii!\ urmiiuUc IN Willi tlikit* mu ; the |)ii |)y i> iiiul oilier «\. iiicr i mill ulso I' ki;()wn ; llit-y pirlVctiy ripe, itx, piiiptitiis, lia.-t i'\|nisure clfoftlii' ripc- niatinity. iiihaliitaiitN Tor 'hi'I} be Milt, U'SC SJKTillU'nS ilnijitli i,lili(. 1 it is iiionI cs. I'laiK li of ill,. ITO MMTal ol r" lIMlJ ill tilt; lorcsliiioaiul 111 (Olil'ot- ioiis or fossil > well, tli.it I tlu'ir ri!a. hiiij; s|)on'.. ':il iiii'tui or 1" tllC i;t!uT Mihstaiiccs iUiztil. if >> fUcll US fs, coiled, imlojiid in III ca.si- \(,ii ''f tile (jir- II ii .'tatc of line of the and when, i' t.tlven Iq. A note of ttc plarc wlicr!' fouiul, tin- time aiiti llieir ]>iobal>U' caii-c, »(h»t\i m^ 4-oiiipuiiy « «eli pliml. Ill hiiiiie p'lu'cs loiii nr hi^h'y impi'e;;iiiitiil nases ui im' Iroiii tlic ■IjosM U 'if the I'wrill ; thoe emi In* t.iKeii li\ p a^ iiiu a »mail tula or pi|w i;>lies ; lii"» llii.e ie.uiilii; into the imuith ii] ti reversed phial, ti'Ud v\ilh viiiln', vvill then n.ialtiet tin' (.as, and l.v the jieresition of j;"") the wuUr bti-onits iJi>pa*.Ad. It •h.nid I*. iJiai \.<.U 4'()rkeil ami sealed. It woii'd l>e iiM Idl to i iliect llie saiid of small riwrii, cspe/ially tlioe which earry iiutaliic spaiii;le.>i with theiii, Lut tlv ^.uid i.,ii't he taken u* (ar t'it>iii their iiiuiitlH a> jiossilile. ill Monii- (ountries, so.itary iiiii^sok are I'uiind, to uliiili tlie piopU- itt. tribute a siii^ful ir orijj,iii ; lake JVai;iM«iits of them; simi nj' iheiii leaj ila\e fallen fiolli the s!>y, olIliTs may h:i\e been t I'alispoited l>\ tile roviv lutioiis of the (ilobe. 'I'll >se \\h;eh haM iutii poMliM l\ know ii to liavt laiien slini'd lie also i.otieed. A note iiieiilioniii;; thi' proliubU sue uj 'their ni!is!ie>i, when and where liiuiid, sii'mld act-on. |)an> them. In futheriii;; the frauiiu'iif-. of rocks, mines, \oIcaiiIe protlnetiims, f^sw «)r;;aiii/eil Itodies, th • mt;^t essential tliini; i;. to not ee tluM' luariijc,, tli.UL Is t') sa>, ih." n.iliire of the soil wlure tln'\ are f.iinal, ami thuir pioitiou relati\L' tj th^' niin» rals wLicli en\iron tluni. ^ t;u neeil iiol lioi.ble >ouu self w.ih luriiC specimens ; as |)ieces iVoin .! to « inches, and I inch tiiick iire 'UlVieieat. 'i'ake lari;e masses tiiily wluii tlie> cuiil.iin a Ion il n iin.ui. To pack the >peeiim'iis, coMrthini lirsl wt!i nai>s, er Mift m.Ij^Lu.i es^ Mii'ii ri>!i them in paper ; u ul u\er tli.il hroAii paper, i..c'osiii^' with- in th • |>,ickit the note de.-.eii|)t:>e of the iiiincivl. Arranv,e e.irel'nl.'y all the specimens in it ca-e, dose upon one aiiolJier, t'illini; the inter.t^ccs weil *>itli mos.s, t\»'. so th'.il the wh:ile forms a iiiiiss, wliiiL notliiiiL; iaad!.roiIt.( l.f.ii.-; i f liir i-n'^Ivej will always be h'i.;h!y uceeptaloe I > ihe Sjiiety. To taeh arl.ce s.'iiu.fl bi' allaehcd a small note .•ta1iiif>- the Use i-f ea»h uriij.'Ic, ]: jvv uiiu where Jiiade, ii'id any other i:if.a-aj.aioji co:iceruiii.u' it, that i.i.iy \vo\v Uscl'iii. ^Ve shall alua^^ feel ;irnt. !\i!, even fa- lii • sli^jhtcyt faMi;-.- aiaia(K,.uw- li'd;;eni< Ms, but i.l ihj same liaie w 'j would hint, ih.l ike im.ri utieiitiou >ou ctii afford to our iiistriit tio.is, the laore ■ . ti will re.iii/e our \icvv-, f,r llic beiicMt of science uiul o'.ir c>iuiitry. 'lh.se iii'tiuelious LaVe been omipilcd tor tLc Usc of thjsc wJio lii\e not hiUierto de\ol..d themseives !• liie study of Nalu.ui Ili>,tor\, buL it is hi.i».d liuy n.av piu.e ii(.itiiitf Ja'oli.v, iiur obscure. NVe siu'l always firalelii'ly retn'.n, wlii'.e in our pow»r such duplicati* iis vouinay desire, to enrich ymir own Cabin-.l, if mju ha\c eo.iiiiaaced an*. S. Si.w 1.1.1,, rrr.^iJciit ^S. .Mhsi;, Treiisiiter. II. IL Cln" iiNciuM, l.i'iruu.in and Calir.e! MoKTiiKAL, March, if2 ., -Iwcjirr. s|>F I ''I f r>i iri il I I I lf;|: iK:. LIST OF THE MEMBERS tff TH& Z^itTUHAA HZSTORT SOCXSW; PATRON. Hit Excellency the Earl of Dalhouste, G. C. B. Govemor-in-Cliiet I i ORIGINAL MEMBERS AT THE INSTITUTION OF IHlfi SOCIETy, MAY 18, 1E27. Stephen Sevvell. Hugh Hill, A. C. G. Will. McKay, Lt. Col. Ind. Dep't, "\Vm. Caldwell, M. D. J. S. McCoid. A. F. Holmes, M. D, H. H. CuiininghaiiK H. Corse. Rev. H. Esson. J. Stephenson, M. IX J. M. Cairns. Rev. J. Soinerviile. Rev. A. Mathiesoa. I>. Bcithelet, IVL D. John I'ry, R. Clcghorn. I'atrick II. Ogilvic. R. Armour, Jun. James Scott. Wm. Robertson. David J'rown. Jaiiics Campbell, M. D, Glc. Vallce, M. D. Wm. Delin. Peter Dichl. J. R, Spoouer. MEMBERS ELECTED SINCE ITS ESTABLISHMENT, HONORARY MEMBERS. Basil Hall, F. R. S. Capt. R. N. John Franklin, F. R. S. Ci\pt. R. N. John Richardson, Tti. D. F. R. S. John Torrcy, M. D. Profc-ssor of Chemistry and Botany, NVw- Jorw, Ja5. Fu-Ihs, .".]. O. Iiisp, ♦•lor of Hospitals, ' % Wi ^I ■|! I n 21* Will. Diiii'.op, M. D. M. \\. S. W.mlfu ol llic C'liiiaiia Cunipmi) > ^^;|■(.•^l^, V/ jir-( tniai/::. /ohu (.'ait, Siiju-iiiiU'udiint, (an.ul.i (iompany. ^Vlll. SpciK'c, F". Ij. S. Lniidon. ilobert Junicsoi:, W 11. S. K: I*. W. S. Professor of N'liUinil IIistor>, Kdinbtir'j^ft. n[ol).'it*Ka.ve t='rovil!c, I., f.. I): F. U.S. F;. Kdinbur'^h. W . .1. Honker, I . 1.. I>. J". I\. ;*. :iM(l I,. S. I'li'iVssor uf IJotiiny, London. J>n.i;iK>l J,. Mu-c.iill, ,M. \). F. 1,. S. 'Scu'-York. fclciijiiniiii Silliiiuui, M. D. I'rofi^sur of (.'liciiiislry, Y;ilc ''olIvHf, Con- i.ccticitt. Paiiur (. Ifinliind, iM. W. S, Professor of 'Niitiiral Pliilosopliy, Uowckiiu t't>iieitio, MuihC. Thomas Naltall, A. M. V. I.. S. Camtridi^c, Maisachiisetls. lion. Ji'siali t^,uiii(\, linyfoii. Jacob Hi^<.'!ow, M. D. Profc>sor of Mat. .Med. and Uotaiiy, Harvard I'lihTr-^ili/. lion. Caduallndcr Coldcii, .\cw-l'ork. >ili CO R RKs poyin xa mem be us. David Tlionipson, doif^arj/, V/.pcr-Ca/if'dti. (■'coi'i^L' Aiidt r.Miii, I''. H, s. F.. I/iiTriics^, Scot/ami. .><'lin t'o'd.-trcajn, W. 1>. J £it,'i. I'dvvard (iiii'\c, T/irc^-H in r.-. Ci'forj^c J,or;;nioro, ('a|/t. II. S. C. Mauriliua. Jas. Ff. Ktir, Thrcc-liivcr^. P. C liasscur, (\tnhiC. Al»;.\. StiMLMsoii, L'hiunbly. Ui'v. I'u:;li l'r<,uliart, L'oDiwall^ Vpicr-Canada. Hon. MatlK'W ik-i!, (Quebec. I.. C. I5..(.k, :\I. J). I'roffssor of Ilnl,iiiy, Trnti. 1'. R. lUik, i\r. D. Profi.-ior of .Medicine, \Vtbteni College, Xeie-1'ork, Itev. An'.os An.iiey, Hull. "Will. Slu'ppard, Qi'fbi'C. .Ter. \'aii Renselacr, M. I). S^nr-YorA; i). (.. Ifavdi'ii, JVilliaiii lichrij. ¥. H. l!adddy, J-t. R. K IIwi;h Hone, M. D. Inspvetor of irospitals. llcmy Wo'siy BayfieUI, Capl, 11. .S. I.itut. (:(,!iim;s, \i. X. l.'eornc Rolpli, liundii:'., Vppcr-^ unndr. Afartyn Paine, .\'. H. Xrir-Yurk. Will Lyons, M. I>. Staff Si;r';ei>ii, Edi;>l>f/n:fi. P. .VteXau.Liliton, Al. 1). Prof, of .Aiiatoiny, We; Icr'i Co'lr^r, Xt;/i.. rjt/c. .\rfijor (;< air.il II. ('. Dailiiiy;, Alii.UaN Iken lar>, (^/a'J'cr. (.'eor;,e Scott, ^t. Ja/ins. .Tames Had.ale_\, I.I. 11. N, AA'm. Frasrr, ^tl:ri■u,; nui:. Aiulrev\ Stiiail, (inilnc. Pa\ii! Stiiail, f,',7i/><-c. Alex. AlcNalili, Htilnti'!!., I ypcr-Lanadu. \^n\, I uu.'..i.ek, y>tti'f, ill Ilistnr\, i-, Loridoi'. v'^f, Con . J Bowdoin , Ilatvard ORDINARY MEMBERS. S^eiP-Yoik, Itoft. thief Justice Jas. Rcid. | Hon. John Richardson. 1 Hon. C. W. Grant. Hon. Lewis Gugy. Hon. John Forsyth. Hon. James Cuthbert. Ri-v. J. Bethune, Da>itl Ross. Wni. Rad.^lcy. J. C. Grant. M. O 'Sullivan, J. Boston. James Stoil, Samuel Gale. il. Sweeny, Jun. William Pardy, M. D, 1). Traccy. James IjCslic. R. U. llarwood H. Gates. l». M'Cill. M. J. Hayes. John Fleming. v.. Figg, Col. R. E. Samuel Gerrard. D. Bolton, Capt. R. K J. I'arktr, Brigade Major, Isaac Valentine. George Simpson, Governor, Budso Bay Territory. John By, Col. R. K B. Workman. J, T. Barrett. Wm. Pcddie. T. G. Kccgan. M. D. Alex. Skakel. Nelson Walker. Wm. Fartjuhar. Hugh Taylor. C. D. Day. John M'Taggart. Win. King, Capt. R. S. C. Robert S. Piper, Capt. R. E. E. A. Clark. L. G. Brown. Benjamin Holnies, Samuel Ilatt. Lt. Col D. C. Napier, Indian Deparlment W. B. Alarlow, Lt. R. E. James Hohvell, Ordnance De- partment. Wm, Hedge. Wm. Wallace, Lt. 71sl H. L, I. James Barlow, Surgeon do. Arthur Ross. F. C. T. Arnold!, M. D. Rev. A. Gale. A. Jones, Lt. 71st H. I'. I. Hon. H. 1). Byng, R. N. D. Jearrad, Surgeon R. S. C E. Cicather, J.t. R. S. C. Anu^s Li>ter, I). A. C. G. Charles Tait. Wm. Frecland, R. Phipps, Lt. R. S. C. F. W. Porter, M. 1). W. H. Dcnnison, Lt. R. EL Turton Ptnn. Wm. Luuu. Sc>i'-Y>)rk. I