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Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul cllchA, 11 aat filmA A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita, at da haut an has. an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassalra. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 iMBmm- '/if "•it m r *-i ^' .•/. ■^ «. ..^'l ;C H^ ' J ' jjp' !*• ■f«««iBa.f*«fciw*« iQ«,,«,. "• i^iHr'aii^. fitM,ito .t' ^> ^t^ f^ ^ .i^l* '-4^ ^/ta.. '.V '■' c'■.v■ &--;<>S'*i P*'?^?-'/-'*;'^.: /■ -,' /' ■- SRAil«>W. % jr. »• Ap^eakance ^ £e«»j<^^-TrSix to six «md m; hatl inches^ abcktt the ^am& ske €0^ Ei^^li sparrow. Colours f^own head wit^ t^iree gra^ ban^ ft bfowa stripe on i!^ ^^des ^#^ ^/ ^^':: :^i.-"X 'ifi,SiV. % , [," M ^■ 1^ ^7|" ;,:;^..v;:,*;y', > 1 V IS "X. aii^ i^tipid^M^ iiHI& vwy ^terk brcyim. Talli litlikiirl^fiihlMKmxL.; wings irithoat bm ; % IUhgs s NoKtii AineriiQa from tlie Arctic Regions toi^e G«df. . \ MioxAiiQiTS : Afiril and October or K^ Song : tJlttally a Mil round note> tltrf^ ti^nes r#eated ioUowed by a suveet, sfiortii iSvely intric9l;e strain in whidi the notes seem to fairly tiimble over one another. It luw few rivals as a saagwfcer. ,: ' NxsT : lB9siii(tmf^-^\s^ or filirulNii. UQ^moktf^w^^i grass, and bslr. Mwf^ whitii^, tinged #i^ blue or green and Housed and marlted witli browi^ There w^ tl^u&i three or font broods in a season, but the |u»t is never used for two c<»38ectttive broods^ FuoHT : Inclined to be htbiCvy^dle^ the tall works ujp and do^ during flight. The bird rarely fli<^ upward when disturbed^ J'ooD : CHit-worms, jda^^ plant^ice, if%)|6f^worins» ground^bootles, i^as^ioppers afi49ies ^^wii^r^ wee<3^se^ " H^m all daplght hours and oftifii in the nighti Very Ui^hbourly. (^ten and nessting^ near I^Htses. V . v„ ■ 4'- '. ■'>>' /J- •«/< » *- ,>'' * -. ' * (_ — , 1 '^^f'^A ^i . ,-^^Y >C'fc*^^***^^'^"' -^^ Ik-^ -^f .-rll ^ ^ r*. p^' ^. f*" t' -J> t 1^;^}!^ .,^=# ^'-'j^l^j^ ^: ■J mW ■,!«'. •■ !1^ i%iJi '' V S'fi- f .•• *••> ..1.1 ^ "'%' iA«« 4rt;te birdb w,! .-:'■ "- '"^ J r Wif'ikf^i^r.: .-•■iti.-: ?^ v^^ f'*H SftS, ':-w'^ ^Vfe ^1 '-^1 ,4- ■&' ■^Sj^t. . '.'l» i'*^..-* ,♦.:* •^^v "^ d. ^^"^ . -*>. i,«'::;^ ^e> "n?^' Afpeakakce : iieiifJii,— 8 inches, ab. Si, "^~ I «6 /w ti»*( ^l !*»*-* ^.V' v^ tt--*tf tu RiasSiBiii m i*i.'i'>-fe;Mi •'■' ! 4 1 'u ?l-*r •:?«'>« '--,► .V,* \ * ^'^-.-v. i*'-"?'^. 3|> *.A r "^'., *] fmt iMb^ Wf (a IM jps^ iMi «te, Aid i|iii»y o^«r ^ J^^ l^^oiitaMrjr ito fuMie o^^Qsi, hd dOM not eat |N|itJi : KUam: A ftfftve 11^ 1>i^ a&d dri'HSftg away hawks^^andcnmiv tliiilt m a£^ ran and walchM fofiasects, wMi a good i^ of n^y caUing white do iniits* Befoi^ aiiil%u|tig nastiDg siwioii^ls rapping dia(^ ig k^ long* rk ^ :^ •>l ,* ■^3'- te'fra i^ i'.«4^'\l*S£ -"iVx'' \Mm ■■■■■■■■■'' /■C^Eli'itAlSH '..^iilw>-*^lli— IM^MI^^^M -I ■ . 1 M'")i ?•*•, -^-f} " '" ^tii'V- 1 - - >r ,"4 v ■. '■■" « 'i * ■ i- ;:?-':^,,., ■■tH- ( Ft".. •»^ *J2[ wWte, tlM Wing iowte .Bd fh«^ ti^ having ttuuqr t,.«a, ♦I* itUte— K fine entt ,, •*^,.„ ■^v" •J ;■ "( --5- , i, ^ ^:'*^;;;. ^^"^iv ■-■'■■.: •Jv^^"*-^7'''T:'^^^ •'..a. ^3 -T 1 1 l*!«**:r; mm ■ #^V"i^;::. 'pR **^r ■■,:•■'-' ' ''!> '*, '' ''*t:r"''^ ' , ':*'>■-' .^/ ■'■■-..■ -^ •^'•4^'. '^ ■""l" /^^ »/' :'i'---> *.*•;..,, ^ ,^v ;./',. 'l|^'"' '; *y " vr--'- ■'•.'■:. ' < t i-' -."'■ ' . "r\ ■ ■» ,-.^ V. 4V /'^^7.1 i'JIk^^Ltff*] ■P^i: .*.'' ' V" ^^^y»^ "-tf^thty- taw to 5SSi%%.#si '^:^ ■..: -J '5 .'T ^■ ^•' f V - T y^ • V - •*■ ^l^s ■ / [rtr-*'',,-*.iiV ~;w- ■'** ',4 J- 'W' ^ » ^'^'''' '- »«; " • jjft^^it *- sf^^M" -"J", te W'' ;- ^^ . fen '-' ^&>> p?"'- %• - - ' #i * '.* li^'^ • If^^ ■' Iv ll^'.. li ' [:%• "I!* 1- -•«■' SdAltBi^T TANA^iR. Ai>3?EAiiAKC£ :£dii|;<*»— Seven to seven md a iiatf inches, about three quartos the size oi a rob&i. Grftf«f5,— Male, twight scartet in sppng, with black^ wings and tail, and under piurts greyish white. In autumn, oUve brown above, with wings and-^ail dark, with olfare. margins, and uudemeath greenish yellow. The female, similar to the male as he appears in autumn. RaiyOe : North America as far n(Mrth as Northern Canada and southward in winter to South America. . * MiGBAtxoNs : May and October. A sum- mer resident. FupHX> A swift fl^h d! beauty. 10 '-^ » r^tt' ^S-5 m>f X r-.-. 3i *F^'V»,J r yf*. r :-*' t»^-"%.^^i \ • V > ...( V. • ~^, $0M% ; A il^t met iiMkted:^, A to^ a ]^roachhii^ hortofeedh^ l!1ieycNmg^!>ird8j^ cokmr^ imd s^fy i&(K>nspiottb^ >■' 75 >3^ ^■^^4: .s. 4. --(I ^ J" ^m I --^ 'J X ^ rrrr. IX Hi ^^fliPl^w ^S'; '"f^ "' ' '*'T'' ' /* '""'v - ' „ ' . , /'^. ; ^, , '"'"^"**^'" ^^^B HHS.-'' "1 * " " * ' ; If'- ^ JUL^^^f^j^^^ * ^^rfiW^«(- ■* 'i ' '' r H^ '.i- •:r' r*.^ Ai^EASANCE : I«««!^A,— sk taseveii inches, ab^it the size ot the Eaglfeh grpamw. C$h MATtyir^Hack above, striped.' with white. We^e<«lu#d taS has ou^ fei#^ni white, hacted v^ black. Middle tail feath^ Uftck. A lUack stripe 6ii top^thahead aiida ^sUiict whi^ baiid over ««id under the e;^ ^^ has a red patch on the ia|>^ of ^e neck. W^ ^avc^^k whH» bands crwfiiing thwtl trj|^ire|fld^ and Jre i^ite^^i^^ Ra)^ : BM(^ NcMTth America from Ls^brador to^ F^ ^i ' .*"^.^J n ' • »ri - ^f , *'f,' "■^.^A Af'"'! «»f( fc: 'A.. ^ Ilo^: A ilior^ riiaf^y ifedl, ^i, eon* tiiHH^ <)Ct0n Into itf^ dsriii^t 1^1^^ % i^ dntait, h^B^hg a rd^ t«libo with liii bSI QQ ifome rttosaiit limb. TUikhlaloTt t(mg. But he BkiS 4mm& to tett whom a ti^ Is decayed and I3c^ to he an ea»y spot to chisel o^t a nest, and to startle horem «Mier^ the bark, so that they may OKOve. I^ shai^ earn detect the faint nom mhich tiiey make and he knows just wh^fe to tSiimMd for them; NusT J PoiUumr^in & ps^ally «»eayed tree, which he ^M^ "«.1 . M \r' -?'.. .n'-'\> / 1. J* I*' i •J \ K" ,1, -C/T**^^-' 1 r'.*i ittf^ WRtTBS&IM^StBllI tf&fttitCK. '^ App£ASAifCE: J^ni^^Fiye and a h^ to 1^ incli^. A little siuialler than the EngJMx npaxtaw. C^hur-^V^er parts slate; top (tf head and nape of tieck^ blade. Wiogs/diufker >late, edged with l^acki whkh fades out to brown. TaU, brownish black, .barred with white, gides of the head and nmdemeath parts, whi^te, shading to pale reddUsh undor the tidl. The body ia flat and c^ely built. The bill is i S 'sf ■m 1 ■.h. TT'; ^w <* K 0^ '^ ■^.- ^mzi CmMti, l^Mitam tfnTtol m^ Mia|iAXiON$: Octaber, A^. A cosmiioii resi^t^ mdst promtnttiit in winter. 9mQi A nasdl, expfeBstonleis ank-ank, N£8t: P— Deeply htddea in the woods. Jfarali^fa^^--A<:avl1^inatiee, a wo^ pedc^s (^ holt, or one/|tiadje|^tiieia^ witli tli€fc siiarp bills, fin^ witli leavw^^ feathers and hair, ^ Eggs : S to 9, creamy speclded.^ j^ Fiumt: Short, 4>usine8S-Jike flights, from tree to tree. ' v Food: During summer and early autamn, insects which they And in the bark and in ^acks ot openings of trees. In winter, they have also a store of 4iutd and larger grains, which they have hoarded away as does i| squirrel or woodpecker. Often they wedge nut or grain securely into some hole or crack. HabitiS: Nuthatches are sometimes^ciilled tree mice from their way of travetting up and down and around the trvtnl^ and bran^es of trees. They az