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': -. - ., ,;, ,;. •■ , , A m y '\ ■ ■ • < »i H »Y 'ii O T 8 .,A«|..iA*Jt.-«-^.--4!{.W» «»i!3, £!?"JW'• *^f "■ f t*- ■''•'#?^^ftR*:'^*''i To TH« CITIZENS or thi STATE V E R M P N T, Thb roLUwiMO OBSERVATIONS^ ON THBIft NATURAL AMD ClU^IL HISTORY, Are humbly In SCR 19 ij> { As a Testimony of fUsrtct For #A«tV many VxaTUBs» • Ai aa Arra MPT to Promote A more particular Ac^^aimtance With Iheir own Ar7A4Rs, And with the moft ardent Wishes For their further Imp ROVBMBif. And pR08PBRtT¥» By their obedient J. V and humble Servant; The AUTHOR. Jutland, fulj t^, a794« \ if% , -^ -<*v r . ♦ . . ^\p I ■-■■m M^-f'f-- :;f^->-*^ f .vt'. • ■•■^■ ^:- ■ - Mn '^^?, : ;. ■ -'i^i:ff <:«>rmtt V ■ ■■ " mi';.. . • • ; ^- ■ ^m1>p^*n,^f -i ■ y'.^:t'^^^-^i^i^mf^:m- •.■^■oi^^m ■v.: ' - ■■ ■ ■ ,, ■ '^Wfi"^' \^' 'c'T-- ;-s ■ I • < -. i :3i.l.A •i< ■ff^^^-l "j^ft'-v :15l ^VJSrf Ij^JR »'■ ,3*^' vn ■ol^fi! ■«>"'■'¥. •n isi#-i;a«i: -t>>.i,^iHlS '?t':>«ryi>:r3 '»» i*^i,f T^ ■^i-* v\. "?4^ ':*!• >c5 -^ii-i m.% ^irj •«or» ■ijiititil.iiimil ill Jf.^-i4fc. ^ .l,A^ ,■•.>.' ■■"< ■«■' *M' ■•■'W*'*-*'*'**'''*'*'''*"''"'" ' »-^ii ^ :f'\ftiii0 f: i:hU.H\l. P * R E K A C3 E* aiiW'fit^l^menba'^^ j[^REE ceAitiaH^* Ik*^^^^^^^ I)Saffi4 by€i/Si«l- miti^hsi:vt engag^ the atteiltiM ^ hiftodiNIi and phiiofbphen.«>^Th(e natutir^itMaions of this cbntinettt, hare been one o^ji^ of general tn* qtiiry. ' Among the Sj^auilh titters, ^ere are fbm6 gbbd efl^s on tM uldural hfi^G^jir'^'tba ibuthern parts of Ati^rki. In C^iftaig (one ^ the phy ficiani and jefuitfirere attrative to tN nat* iiral prodttQibns 0f that part 0f the contineiif ; aiid have left fome valtrabie pieces i»t«t#|if(ifist|ri:. tb^ aadi^Qftgei hy iheif fcnyhiwiltv the aies of Eu^ fyfli«nm«MN iMNMifff^^o ««»iniite littf ap« t^jil partiality } that w^4wi|r^4i|U«i»tflft whait wnair^ ujM^ifh t|)il ^ngi ^ Ibfifli^ ^aml wilat wat di£ul« %' fipi'^rj^' Ff^J^^W nPlR''^P*^ ^W^p^tP^ I^IP^JP^ww^*^** swMwt^pwjpv^"-" .•j"' ■^^ffS'^S'"''-^*'^- WI'8«»St'«'i3BW«» ■' t^ mi m. fimcsum vH twiibiDf • t»|lifeiw ^|ii#7««i •''iis'Jiikrfiiv ftfibfiMd3»t]i^(ftt iimm9Mmmm1iMii»^ fe«^ I fbtiMdM.dit pfiii* (^VtontMPiBfaitaaififlwiiii^^aM pi^mihg4i^ ^ l||b^iiM «ff^| **>tmftt,,wmM$, 4ild^po«r#n ■ Th«cJii^sft p«?^- ^qH Mid Jilitity, ^ptopgr ^bt/ particular .accomiti of each fiarl ^ thdhdwat^witMfcftiai t»^lit Jieceflary i .«iidiroa(d anfwer other valuable purpofes* ^Afl abliB bifto- jtaaoi the Rever«tt(3 Ux, Belkn§p, haf .obliged the . tviMid wkh die ymmy of NmbM^Jh^n, Jfae CoUowing treaife ia^dfifigped tOi defcaribf the ofi- ntioiii of nature inctfocietyt in the adja^ot ftf^ of VtfmMi* Thia is the youngeft of the ft«tes, an inland country* and now rapidly changing froni a vail tfa6l of uncultivated wild^rnefs, to oumerons and eictenfive fettlemeots. J q this ftage Qf foci- ety, indudry and economy feem to produce the greateft effe^s, in the fhortcft periods of time. THB manner in which, the work has been exe- cutedt I am appr^henfive will require much can- dour in the reader. In the variety of fubjefts which have conbe under contemplation, I cannot Hatter myfclf, that I Lave been free from errors _..v and ■*TBi^'^*fr'' ^ '' ♦ /!■ im^ica- in ^# R- -C. P M Oi m ^' tH f AmeticMi wtr «eDfi4ti«# wttb* wTiMA^^i^ its ieau^s, opentioM, or ^^Mts, iprefatt^^^ar Tievr foihe of the mod islpoitMil etCMi, i.:.K*- ■ , -fill ill ;OWi:^; :it^\ 'S-:S!|0»^^?^'VJ i6V.AiJ/.|'i: the CIloe ni»i|nen. cttiioms, namCi, «ilcr potxttRi^ tmong; oilereBt nado% m wKat«¥«r f^n.w ^''^\r ^*fe- txw ^n^^'-^** H ,0 i^\>'^X • *r ^-^^i All ti APWENDIXr .*IAH1 m^M, > ■1* An JMi^W Mi^P^ MiUttutU ' N:U M3 j: R ill. • nounein^jl^i jdljiriB io % a IPrie onj /im: J^l' \-n i^i ..i; ..y>j. THE H. !^|«f,|^»'^S ■>m-^'Hfm*«m*»'^^"' .£,; nm>.i lit f.-' ^ delphim. It II jdlilgeibtf fH^ Uitt country.; (iirroiattdcil bf ^1^8 «lf f B|«i*Jiaii^i#e. M««r«aMBtt«/ |«Cfr- ii; c i ■ If;: ■ 09 iMbQM}bufe|^,^e itlfij^U^ line, pttrfuini th^' ^mirfci pf)MirrimiM:i^nve^^fl^ three loilii diftaiice, o^ lli^ D^h fide tlieiTof/ bf gtnnnig at the A'tlan* ti6 oces%|il^ <^ding>t a^pfof^ ||&. ^r^ of Pa^^ luclket tills s* and a (uaigEt Une drawn* thence due . iy%ft»^ntil it m^els with Bis Ma}ej|^*s other gpvemL saeaiii*/ ;9:}|e poioft tliree tnilet %rt|k^ of i^atackfl iiX&i il!^ fbdfid 40 he In th «i the ^^)ri^ ' a£Siaied : Atid w^ hftratvwed Jf tTdilheaT^iit^i^er; i df^ lane^of 'fifet^ireMes^. hkSead of hieing in a weft line»br h^pdei^te^tcithebbrth »' 57^ of latitude. 71)>s errdit If 4lio dtiv^i^ % the^liiie^ ^cea%iis a 17 wsrea to Yeirntebtji: ■■.,< '■ J- U-' ^e;^a 1»^ bf Cohmaicikt rivfi^ i "Biivl^ lowtnj; the courfe <^ the river, is tt%o^l tiirirjhiiiMiMd mil^s f and ^ deriredf ronw th^ dteee 6f Gei^i|isi«hi thtrdi nOn l4i^B<^h df ijtt}n« r7!6:|»l[hlsi M4m^^ idered A«hd diisl^tedr *-^btt. weflwrnffl)afciliv< w rtveir Ci9nne£Hie«it| ^om nrhere it am^lrs ^fftilvttfie of j^^l^chiifetlsi Si^; ^ far (ndrlhrAiith« |i^n>» JMh degree of northettt latitudd, ^^»^>heilraii|aiiii^'i«ie Id 'j-i*Wiii(Wj«tt»«m»»*t>«»* felt iftAiiifty milfs i|fi#fme;4ttsrl0B oIy »>idii|^i% ltMig|i0i'|iliid^ b^^ii^B^ ;^telf|i||li;Ne8#^^ . .. ^ -Gliafi^lfthf i^tilei|ce tlwiiilblhe micUfo eiMtMi^f tfftciiftmicl c€ Lfttcfe ChttilpUi|ti^t0 tl^ ta^lir^ of jirtftt^twioliilie iikiids l:aH(;i4f^« Sra^Vlf ii and •fAlff iikfia Mott» to the forty fiftli degree of nbrth ^ latitiidi. •---.k:^ r T'ti".' -u" "-'■jMiiai!L;L^ '■7--W '■fti tffi^iiciimiUQ Mi^MmUt .: /!(..■■',> fUmii JiU m *Sni mrm^ * . - -^ ^ o, ^ . . .•^is^-MSiif ■• , • ■J»C-?'#*>^ -■*: ^*U' -,'.^'hi« AHB CIVit century have l|pen foUcitous to deCermtne. Tht noft common method of meaturing their heights, has been by the Barometer. I do not know that in many cafes, a Il|etter method c<(Uld have been ap- plied. The theory however of this, is not attend- cd with certainty, or precifion : And in its applica* tion, it lias generally given very different altitudft, ttxfie fame mountain. Ceometrical menftirationt admit of greater certainty and fimplicity, where they can be applied : But the difficulty and expenfe of making fuch menfurations, has prevented any great -prog^els from being made, in tni& p^rt of the natu- ral hiftory of the earth. Ip^North AipM^a^ t^ height of moft of our mountains, remaip$_ ye|,^t|Qii'lSp^ de^iace iathis-latkpde (430 goT) i^ about SD66>^eft| ibovc tbft4cvcl of.theita. Tbi» is^ probaWJj lotg Eftjbs of a mil^ki bigber than tbe tQp$ of our hi^fl iOfiniain^\jf Bfit altbougb * ibey aue fat bclojc t|| * Mbtttit rBlMe Jn StviTf, is t1ia.bigbeftriiioUiitaiii ia;^ ro|M, ,9»^ of«|ba);ly Che h\gkff^i^ thboUf^ h«»i^|^liet4ti , Ui \787 Its aUU«,w4 l^^nd.by M^^4r,S««^r^to be I5>67|^£b|. mliei trnk tii6lev«Uf t)i6YeaJ In th<$ f<)ti(h«rajffA«^ Lnksrica M. Bomgiut fouml tHe higheft p«rt of the C «( From dati;*' faith hei' "^ Which mtyioariia 4 toleci^ mjcAure, k srpendicuh 'he lyjhite ,11 . , -._ , ^ ^ lire, are geheiilly elfteemed to be the highe(llaildMi^'M«v« Bn|^and. Their altitude has not been tistrTmlhrrll tijr gpOfUrt rical meAfuration, but there is one circumftance attetMij[|f|^ \Bir pWenonien»y which may ferve to denote ..their altiba^' rith ii)uch pfohability. Frpm the ohfeni>Mton« which Myft eeh made Of their tops, ir appear^ that the altitude of 1lh« lifheft or the white mo^MtaitiS, ia below the point of^pttpet- uT confclatlom ' On June t4 xf'j^tsn^'t fouth fidh^^i^^no )f t|i^ gtlUiesf the Cnow was bve feet deep. On ^pt«||JUi|t|«^ I763, the tops of the mountain wM covered wiih ieean^MiJi^, ^ewty fbrmed* In 1784, fnow was fcen on theltiuth'vde of [he largeft mountain, until July isth. In 17901 the fnoW |ky' Sntil the momih of A.aguil. In general, the mountain beglbi S be covered with fnow w early as September ; but it goes off (ain, and fetdom becumes fixed until tne end of 06(ober, Or the egintijngof NoKvnber : 9ut from thattima,*i| ecmaina umif |uly. (Belknap's JfYI|LNewhamD(hire, 3. 46, ^^^J.\^t(Vf^ tH||fe Sffl^elions it is apparent, that tne white oipuntaiai .rife,D^||^r ) the line of'perpfti^ congelation in that latitude^ bul^UJMloi!' illy come npjo,^,. ThcM BlounV«ns artj ia tho btl^^ ' ^ 15' northf ,t>e ]lfqp>ot pf rAfltjual cofigelatiim in 4l *de, «• deduced from t|i4;^tj||(i^2^ jat^h^jifiyfiii '■%'■ Ml ill of tlKMi «rfe 4if the ipet^ m^^hmifi^tmi ^potttti fj^ij^, lieiAl«ii^^Mi#^f^|earfii|^fbMt Bioi^iiefbaiotia, ii4ii|clliiit«iiii Hfbgt fM^« tbt -^0|^ of lN)r ^li^icft ttiooiitafinii ' H i « ^ • Mve laife opoiMircit or cyftoiiMa iiiOjiy illte*t#clti4 AiBot^ thefe fobC^rriiieoli*'-pda|ei» iMo o^otiit pff iptif^tftSalk tM%%nt I^W6 bcto .l(mf|^4 0«f of ,l^e ia^t Cbi»ii4o% oa tX^i (oii^Mt idf b# r flieailitaiB, In 4bt iw^erhr pfMf of 4ii#«M% « /SIk i siO^fh of the cive it not m^rtt Wiirii» fe«^ k^ il|iiri- , tlft^ li^ i^^«!rcti||i 1)9(8 .pafife Qnte iMi|ic)« irilft llMihotuion of ig^ ^r |i6 iMp^^tij |»«i»flontMi* net of acailjf iJie &nit dlan»tir» tiilfoifli tbo ii4N[»lo ttndt ill ,Ettrep«i U rSyi f^t aboi^ tfie 1^1 otttte Ht^ Fram the givifer cbMncliior the Ainarican cKnttie^ theoofntof ^. MItttI cdigelatlM fifa fi»ilari%aiate%itttf^iypiyi^^ Iftpcttrancd dT mitill^ ^h^:^l0li0k'^J^^ The iNM^Ife liHMir 'jM#t* illNitsii^^ llat n. it^Otii^iiiiltWrii iiIiifiM£<«-tflMfii m-^fitfi to ^ . i|^ianMiit>nMitAiMM^ intifye t- iMinfr allttvd bf hrr» «M Btircf InlMibitadlli^ JMby^tiheiiuiiiaiifTise; * : Oat of c&t tnoft curtoQt and important operations W^ich nature canies on in the mountains, is the for* tWati6lii l>f rprings and rivein. Alt ouf areams of . #aaer in Vermont, have their tii*e «moog the green moUBtidai t Ft(ta» a ««mb»r «f tlic^ utiflrag, ere formed ail thdfe^Woeirs and rtvi^r^, wB2tt|'ft|^ ia iiiferliit direOiott* through 4bi Var^f^iis piitf^the D couotrjr : ,i6 KtnM 'miktt!WiJ fsmfffty i And in «eii«i^| the liriiu^- ^^ if M b« found in ae^ ^i«pi^ti^^ In :#bat m^iitmii^t^i^^ t^e^ el^arf And wii^iMI^#f defili^a«44; aM "'fifm: thofe #liH?h evdry^^lKXi; fti|itft|!t^eUl^ «t the 8^ aft^tMsy'#iU!€olleft in fnch quantities, as to form or find for Mhetnfdvta: ft channel, tfaroQ|h which they may be ^chafiiged. The ptace oC this dif^srger can only be ion. the fide ; of a hiU, or inifomtfPOiiiQd ^lew the leVel of tfaiit plac^^ where they. are thus: coHeded s And ist fuch « place the watexs would 'continiieMo. iflue; omt,, * as long as they continued to afceod, whaiCevev mii^t ^ be the fevcrity or dilration i)f a drought.W-Ia'fome fuch way, it appeals probable to me, thatfomefof the fprings are f/urmed in the mountains : By waters which are afcending towards the furfaoe of the earth t . but%yhicb, infteadof going loffal^lhe.top, have their difcharge in fmall quantities, At the fides of the mountains. Any ftrata oftlay, rockier of aiiy other matter,' fceadf iti raiuittr |dif ^ eilolt^ii^aiif Q»&4|^dp^f«^cm^ mttti^^ And leailt tioibe;>y«|qiii^f€a^«rli^h'49iM^^ to j^ ^ %ring« cdMi i^pM^lii ^naecl^ tot; ;pre^ed(» - %^ Mittll^:i III Oi^ iMtoi^ Jittfteid of |)etd| Ttf^ irat|^ tfao eautk^^i^eif^eptltjof :iiBin» fedi^ lai|nicli eitbaiifted piit$pai^wfhY mat, AflAnoirmh can evtf ipliip. di[^^til,^#ii|pOl^ati©Ii4:f^^-n«i■a:^4.♦ -^J-ir-r/: '.•:!; orlillluiilpttiolliaii^ alfbt cp. idtm .laiaili^^^ $timi9mfffiii r^tef apbiwi iQ6oiipitcli4l» doodi khti ^ifa^k«f{ti|f aactli; Whci>jcln> cvapor4tioi:| it ift lBi?iOpeii^^4i«Kpefd^ fCartihe* Ctto and wind^ the ^yiirfMtfcn^lir^.foim pu-riedoff Jh|o the atoifl|(|^iCi^ and (|icfiic«: ft^i r^e dnth is \^> dry^ iWhea thn avaponttioii'isiifiioin' Itoda tovored ov«r:rev8nted f (iiAdit2^j#ateriljftagi»fiie «pOD-theftdtCaci0)df«hc cardi) and render ic/<^efciind miffyiiarlhe IMi of) firaimia, aiidHloQfined urafteri. tWhenithiBicvaporation is from the fid«s and tops of imduatai^^v^covered ««ith.vetataUes» the waters aro i^bttt.flondyiaafried oflFbjr the! neat andirind i nor can -thuTilU^iiate^ but>^i«itti|>f; giiadqall^ and i conftanity >dcteeaMgMlo«^ Ibet^desifii thefl1fbui)tlkios»juii,oat- uealvoiit^aiifeAcNilflehj^^ab !}!iABd#i9((kis(iiv«p^^e iibontifaiiiia c^ alfo^ lie vcoiiAantly/prod«*}i«ilfiulU A ~ I-- , -j.^:' . f^-'^. 0 . ^t^imtm^-jm . ^ fiiicOretM with «tbid| C^^ r#l^ mt^ fo$^9or^mitt •o4'. -toiif itiiC^.i tli».^'iiii^^ iipith fiMJMr ^«^ f% i^lb/xeach Itoq one iJOck to aaqM^ar, aiiidl^^li^; fiHA >» «qn^Ktttm ai tobeijr the wckhfipfratttilQ^^witMiil wh^ pan; of i| riini^^a tbje iUfuM tha ^mm?^. ta^«^ part win be dftajipied by. tlia ^ngf- futfacfitx^ pieiifCratf avd un|( into |hc eartb. Qn tfapa aiccouM, 'andfbr want of a moff^fapid cvsponitioQ^ fiiveral ot I our mountains^ af« txiaQaihtly wet Itm-llijBiTaopa, and We toaribjr fpob^ wlncK #|i| fN^lrtAdt |^ «iiatHC>»<]% c t V fa«. .tQl4l>r^r tbcl9^c^.|ifr«f I .iKbile ih»J|ii|frfinto £'!■■; rr :(.!» ' ** 1 V 'iumt. 'i^di. WggM^ -f ': V -- .T-i^.nt ;;.':^'" 40 .«j[,-.;-:. ' ' ■ i '•' iba-C'-' ■ , : >^'' > ^ . '' t-'V-i^ / ^ ..^^•if ' ^^ ■ . r ; . !'i( . ^ ^ ■ 1 1 f « p /f • ■ ;; ■'■ ! / ' r .■■■,,.! .„ -tXi'.;'! jiv-; H t -.r • '. , , . -4 '- , r'^>i; >,-■: ; ' ■ ^^ /' ' .i ,'' ■ • ij^ ■ f .' \u i 'h'. ; a/. , :" ■ - . -1: a '}■' . ; ' v * ■ - - .J ' • . . L , , ^ -a .., '». .■■^ -■* ,k ..■} 4i ;.. 'i ^t C K A« -Fa ^ V r^M^m^:Tvmj.oAMd(mvtii «.«■ ilf-.-i il. t • ■ ■;/' :i,.. •M-ii {' .! ■ lLL tiw ftrcnas^aid ftirefisoffVer^ iiimft,.}iav«4]ieir' origin ainobg.th^ j^eiMbiMintnak amd f aH itii^(^^i«»dieoti riv^i < ^ Ab^t t#eilty £l(t^ mti we(terl)r^ i^^^CchaVge ftbentTsWet •lato ^ «lijil» CluMiplaiii }' 't'^ brvi^0i moiiiii(ptiinlib}CiJfli^& crly parts of the ftate, there are four or five ftfiaina trmcb have a northerly diredion, and run into the lake Memphremagog % from thence^ through the river St. Francis, they are emptied into the river St. Lawrence. Xhe moft confiderable ftreams on the weft fide of the green mountains, are Ottercreek, Onion riveri^ the river Lamoille, and Michi0:oui.-^Ottercredk rifes in Bromley ; runs northerly about ninety miles, and falls into Lake Champlain at Ferrilburg ; and in its courfe receives about fifteen fmaller flreams. There are large falls in this river at Rutland, Pittf- ford, Mtddlebury, and Vergennes. Between thefe falls the current is very flow, the water is deep, and it is navigable for the large ft boats. Veflels of any burden may come up to the falls at Vergennes, five Riks/fr^in its mouth. The head of this river in Bromley ^ Bfonil^* 1^ Ktoi^ more |]iaijP^% IceC from iht liiM of Bai^iii^iQi»lvH<^ laiiiiiiviif^^Btfkiiyrdintd^ aii# l^rfiiiB IndiaiUi Wtao#fk > It , riftf 4fi CuM. ^lOitofefaMr^eii^ mileKlo^b^weftNP^ Coaneai^at i«r- en to#tMrl)(IiMik8 to the fi«ftx>f^f ielghtnof l^ie green ibiontilB&t. A fmsU^foistliW^ttraiiditiifeSiin W«AuDglidii^aii)cl Conntligj not ignore- thnx lenuiilfes fr^teMs^^attdiipu|;ri»r«t>F^iii this M :. wB^»i ^d^tiiiiptiesi j^fell into lifilte Cfa«iiip!iiti|^ b^- tlreeai^ Juriii^gtoft ltii#! 0otdidi^/i > ^iiir rtvaMT 1*6- eeiiPieislbi^^een imager l|reai]^aa#i»^m for f ma^ vedblsi filve tnilea^fnaiiiiits diont^; It hkp Cef^ enAfM^i^httween whlch'iiii^ pttiri^tible for bo^cs. ' At^ oae . iilv»rj .^hich/fiir fivijHOr.^^inH«id^tni:im« dir^s^ ^^pfi* £te to^ and il««% paimlkl.wtth thstof ijl^iii^ii'ttt'4 iQioaki lmddi(c;^ii|esit(etf la^ Mem]ilhif«f« ;:)i^. :,vfe'i{'tf? !■■ ■■('.I- -l '* -ll.< ■f.-> Mkbiii^t 14 Che Hdiiut ii«Mtlil|ii! liMlilipA :«%Tiver in ihe^iikieilt^ haa^lbli^ mm runi t»vtfy nociheaftittiitll^^it ha^ i^MTeMle nomhUiimtQi Ytnaiil^t^MStlr rnimtiii to #itie ^ tattoii in Ckilid4 itt^cnir wtft^ M imf^0ii&l0hi atod then reenter^ ihcv ^ace xn fittehfol^ i^ «fid%ni isito Lake Chaixiplain at iff tchifdotii bay/io fiighi|ii. This river W uavigaUe for the l^ufeft hOati to the h\U at Swamo;)» feven xnilct frotm itti liiQiitht 'ift^ chifcoiii, LaixKoiilei i«hd or eight fmaller dreams ; and after running aboift thirty feven miles, falls into Conne£licut river at Brattitf- borough. nm ier fii»ter&^ JFaM te;€N^ f^a^ the eaiierti bckitidary of .th« ftatei' ^ TRilttHif* lli^ri^f^ Jiialiti^v^t^ live inifi^s 1^tf|irv^^i4l]^/c^ or onii ^ii4r«^i)t;|o t^^ ritf rgi ftiV ^f H*it- mvig«irie;fif»r I^fs|4)^fck1i|p^ ct^ ti^ fallji nrl^t^ fliff l^lu^Hf^^ i^ Itrve^ to tirai»ffort.jt^ piwi^^, ,i^fit»r^rj^ inajeftic nHnrement M^rough ;an ifsi^eiiiire tnGt of country, it if always acldtng l>ea|it^ aii4,gran^i^tir to J9 thia a^couo^^ jmi! li^ff rs, vft?^ f^M^f^a^ifi inay Mr a|l^ns ai»^ j#iip^ «!i4*Tii . . Wptft^ , tbif obftacle m^y be, it operatea^ as a dam, and^ieit^es to colled the #*|ersM^to a^Ai^i^pQ^d or laktt^ JEVP ..iciaiilesare coniijiijmly.t^G^ |Q^(t^|^jcp|- le^ions : Thttm^ i$jfn^^^hyhrif^^iS9Wf^^ the waters, to tbf boUoni iif ^ijucj^ ppndst,^44l3ie irater is coDftamijf ifiUng by JM t ^n^^mnHllMpIO' When it is raafed »^P t^ bi^mthe wateilftil^ their paffage in elk loweft part, and begin to form a \^ann^ ffiilfp ; and a channel thiis formed, wiU con- -ronnty b« made nk>re and more 4eepj 'by the per- petual running of the watd^'', 'J^^, 0p11^rdti(^tidn inuft take place throiajgli tb;^ ;%^hofe A^^^^ er, from its ^rft rife and iWrce, to its linaliw^fai^e into the waters^ the t>cean. , Their channels muft at firft have been formed by their ivM;<$lr#^ which \M^^^ 1 my tiocfi^ii _ A. & the ie# a^it'jbil^a^e^ fa aimr^^r. ^u th be Y^a^ W^J a«^^^ fbUtti^ at vs#b^^ iflaiids ip thcfe inftt^lei, are ^ i aifferent JbiL and left tktt I a)ld>al% evideii% the tops of fmalf iitl^ mkUh himmn^hl^icmettd by the inunda$toggliy'^iAtt«fi. vT?fe are no«r lltt*i*aM^ WittFcafe^cH tould not fail t«^ fikva « produce^ I ^ 'i^' .-i^^-i^: >i4. ^-'^-r^. *.-•!;-' ^■'*- -^ ■tM¥m h^mffmfi^xt J^ifewf m iW^if w^ «^ M?4vf 99m#? \%r#.^ i^w^i»ii}^^wrt ,W§». .»i>^!y 9oi«>6 <* A Uw y^tnmm to. Aikt r^ tiliiy ^Jbut'thff)r;a^fblrayt|t||eI|4^ M^^M Ipfi in fort^c pttw PV* P^ '!>« W«r*;:i ^1 ' w » -.;' iT^c deptl^ (^q(|^f:baimAl« frliich.>0i^4ift^ ioine pl4ces, and by fortping ^.t^itqg i(|| iMtfffvate l»ntdi ^ ■ . • i^ ■■ 0* 0J^Ib If I iiliiau llm* ie^ ciNi(UE%o^^ oi^y, i^tdb^Ml^ (pmid..^ illbe i^ifoiilir notkm ^^finill lUi^ %^«ii #ii,aNldiPMMit m ttl|tiiiiaco»»oii'ifli lie j# iti -(!>,:'■ # vfii'-nJiMmAL^ ik» xmn. llfftnd1li»^^eQiMl^ Aiicllovttvi^^^it of ttatt Wa «orflrii^|My»f,ib^^ into iMlTdtiii Mj^iOf ^iMii^iBf iif«^i> wd tiw iitit#a|«i wiOeb tii^ %lirti|)|^il»Rdl!tMl»tli« Itokalba ol^tM uKiBl iKli(»|to^itf jiirAatt, ii tlMreiakipiiMfnlwdA tkt tmmb ofitbo^liilirMl^ kb^Mfr tiifii# w- liiiib^ m4km^fttriffa.9i Up Jiean. i • lolr.ftiii4tiiw^>«it iwfhirttfc; nwtww tht mpifh of dieliiie^^wr^Mifi^^ fl«t^ (^ Ifeinoa tieeeffiu^ to ptocbiie .(iMsbta cf^ HMM^ fix tbouTMidi^^ctio.i' IBot if 41 Mi Idbi^ of oiNOMbHioii; t^ ibtat wbiiib.M 9ffuitj$;ypBillfi^ ■toflett^ch ifufiicteor cehaintjr or )iitoml,'t«:i Ivikvli «f loiiaicd %rif1lrlli« jcoDdtifioo.«*«»ThoilMb''of tlio i4v«ri ii|ite.^lie folkl irocb* feew totNliio^i(no«ii^ HgOloniftAitaifbmi. Tbenr abefitMiioitipiitllii^ OQ#iiiHM)rjtairt of AiumpBi mkM i$k0.m0»^hm UmmmmAy to«ii|ig ovtr Ailblid'ildf i^ifMiif oftff iiof lie c(k»iuiflt! of tbc ifvenr v«f<»4cft#rMM odL If /WO fcMir fromtftOtrvafilQli, kW miteK ittdi> rocki r I lte^0n|t^ »» Unglli from Fairhaveo to $t, |oMw » 1«#. IiMS of eimitf vik V AH tbe Areiant,^yNHib froiD4he province of Canada. It h pfabalOftiihii tinn irMdi flow into %\mmJBt M^ymmUmHmm^ ^mm9m9 nnd ^cjueiiave* p ihofe^n MM«aft. ,;Tte .Wfi»4>|ii«forf,^fr^ jh^^^ UNi Chanil^llie Ji .fMrp|t4^ft leainga often oro#ii dangeroua to. the trayelier. Twf feam to be produeedi ht the occafion^ rile and fall of the waten^ in the lake } whiah it they baitnot r^nove, muft operate lo etevati6 and dejirefa* tad thua to bend and break, the ekteaftvi ahd folill body of ice» which aauft hav^ afliimed die fpherical fnnB, whiek lip Irateni haid mrheil ihiy were ir^ frosen* H CHAP. jSvJite:r.t'^:>abi^i'%^|»ir-K?;»jj tf-li+i? ,*]?<.,.'• -*W«" Vi*Y'--t^' ■'■■-■-■■.■■■**• "t ■. ■ . .r« ■ ;'»v^» m.-THC': 2- f .«iil!i^¥«M09 of Mio^coiiairfytlM^MVslioo ntw pll>f« '•bov44iui alJMGvilc )and«, m4 its fxoiKim^y tO'^e «Mi iii«« ^^M iMg«.of iiiKoSiltiiinsj niidr fefglMf thm tbe^ ai- ^ t* The temperature of the climate may alfo be de- termined hy obfervations of ihe heat which pre- <^airs ill 'de%p welJs and fprings. The heat of thej atmofphere, loe beat in Ittidiiusr, or hy tile tofi ^»\9 tfaf Umt air th(e tmntmwar^tp^W'i^^ clttnate ; of th$ i|iean heat'of the atwbfpbefe, in that place. this place, it eitti^iclte tmM mUb^mmi heat of the 4ilmd^ei«.^ n 4c|iit^ a94 i li««^ H^ #a)til4iidd tki:ftf!*b£t >iif|)ft« i«|tf|j|a fiay fv^^tpM tl»i^f)!^ Ui,a fff»i»tiT but lUtl« fuUtv^ted. ;, ' I I>«pth by 9t I Temwift- ^ ^Ai»». ' 'j ' . I -jtimiMifeftB. I attirti Mbwhf)^n» Pi^e/Am't ibtUi. 1 '. i !^offlet 49?^ |ockbria||By TfV SMrdt^, ij * 60 . Iiitfittld, StraHg't Ikitfi 40 4ff TinmoutM/! 7Mr«ilfUr#Vblith cn^deprcttm ;'; dii J6rvati0i£k ^h'fttch pile^bmc&i^'are ap^ajr ti^ ieii b^fervattoiit we cab eveir lUve/tb arc^^iS tH xelacive'niypera^ur^ of diffeteiit diotiate^. Reti^« ring tbofc Which relai^e to the intgratioh of aahiiaii^ ib tliie de^ption of^ the Hrd$; o^e or^^lrd '^all tablets Will fefVe b give lit a VieW ot ^e tMtfii, lirhci ^itfete^t vegetables pro4uce their ftmt^ in thii'pat| of thccontinefat' ' -*^ '* ''" -^^'"^ ' - ' '•■^•^'^^^•*f* l^etaadShndts. Budt. ■ Learcf* Jf Ider, " April 5 April 1 1 Ooofebeny, , Av^ 8 April to Currai^ti A^ril, ;6ApiJl 16 l^afpheri^y, 'April 6 Aprii ijt. $fra^bei^, Apri^ ao A^iril tA Wild Chefrvi AprU so April s» WiW Plumb, Apple Tree» April 20 May 4 April a,a ^(Iax 1, T A B. L a J'UHC; 1 May May 1, May 27 May ^ May 4 May » II. Maturitj^ y 9 y»ty«o July i uneaf Aug.M J I^edt Mid f raitf* ria*, • ' '" Spring Wheat^ Winter Wheats Oat?, l^eaS, Ry<5. I'ndian Corp. Sows. April x6 April i'5 Sept. 1 April 20 A^pril 16 April 2Q Aug. 2b ■•■i May 30* May 26 May ad Jiiqe io May 15 IJuJy 12 Aug. A^. Aug. Aug. 2Q 't 28 t 10 uly -»*^y July •' The Itfe Mftsi ir h^fleft p^^^ high^ind whien tbe laniis are but ^lf^V|$^^#N^ Wet ^m' tm^'m^im^^'f^^^ iiii;l:li more fo tisan th^y ai^ itt lfi|bei>,M^ upon the faiils; The firfl efPeiEb M th« Rbft^arrii^ Cuffi^cient to. freeze; the leaves of the treef^ ^^ 0th^ veget^lesi' tl^ t^'ktli^'avails^l^f l(^ i^ thefe ar&W'l^<^ft WKei^ the fi^'«lR^lSPc)f tlil froff^ Appeal^ %Mh(ighwirif ferircis^^topTii^fll^ effed$, t^ carrying off the dew and va|^fs •' aiid% |og detains the heat in amazing auatititie% and pre« yents its flowing off from the (urface of the earth, d« ther To rapidly, or in fuch quantities, as to occaioti afroft. IHlhpfe places where the earth is pot covered wl$h (no#|i^froi^ penetrates feveral fett below the furface. In the winter of 1 789 t^ere was but little fnow at Rut- land ; and the furface of the earth was frozen almoft ihe whole winter. On March the 19th the ground W4(| frozen to the depth of three feet and eight inches. Th^ ^ce in the lakes and (lagnant waters, is generally froieii in the courfe of the winter^ about thirty inches thick 1 ip the rivers and llreams it is about twenty four { and COmnAonly goes off the laft week in March. The ea. «Pft f*|i^^fW^^*3 iip4 r»Mf9 9^wii Fwi»» #f *f?. vir¥«^;iffr 4t 'i I *i *-3 -;^ Sifl ];»-t: 't ::t :t> .IKvil i «» -,?•.; .)V*5*iX0ii <) ^ -i f|Q"*i «'bHiri ;^1:)-'l) y<»,. ;:fi ihd f^^irte^ iioii)hc»fft.v tfa^ noftcprevaJe^t Of 0ur ' ii^taff^ m^tllei^pii'iiUeL.witfc} :ioi& jjefpeiijaicolfl' to eaft; f dturiiig the dfy*. j iAjt;^(jE|hn£i the^ generidlv feeins^td be a mmti llMUiteven or «i|ht p|elo<% the w^^ b^- Sln tci riTey w^<;h at. nine or ten becomes ii freih reezci: and increafes until one or two o'doch^ Froni >.l ^5 i«. - «■-■*:•■?► ibdiilt ,three or fourg the wind decreafes until: #ight or hisieiHiJhfijgYgni^ i when. U agniii becomei cal^^ and cpn^nues thus through the night; This gen^ ers^ Ki(jiutine ^ems tQ be obfcryed more generally in tb« U^ter part of' winter, and iti the fpring, tbun at otjberltifil^es of the year. But there are times in thofe feafohs of the year, when the wind rages With- out thudh ifitermiffion for two or thr^e d^ys to* tether.' vr.*' A gedef al tUbp -S their dirediofis at different places upfun the contij^ent, will giv^ the bell view^ df ;th€ir comparative dourfitis^ tti * W* 6* ■tiX nArtmi^'WWl& >4 whicl The quantity of rain whi in NortbametSfia^lft i^KU liave been s^rar, q|jM>«^ i ^ ttofe places have been p^^P^ t^^Scllf'f^Mte ^ ^d»i|han doublJs to thlfeiyhich ^liesralljt t^ lat> « ? itudc in %\ao^^7WS^^^W^ »«mnl fot»«hts, t without rup{]^{ph^ ^e^lk^iife %it^^ of Ak ^ mcricay inppiy a, I^rgcrr qiianlf^lpf jrattir folf the formation ofdovbdlL uisr^ ''iS&^^^ihi(k ^o^Vate^ ebsn* tries pf EuropA.^l:^^fp^ ever« ruffer it^xi^^^^ ,^w5^K^^ ftl- dotn the cafe th!^<^tiil:^'ri{^rin^ natntal^ \y ipblftyythe ;|iiountajnt ^TO^j^^^ft ^^ retttlaf' rains, aiii ^hcJbealr' (!f^t|($^ ai fud<%^ to ^^^^Mmm^i^^"^^^ or parcp the land. c^Xhc^^ikindSrf^btnervationff will be redutc;^ tb th6;Miriajkft\iM the moft, complete^ jCQJi^m^^YS €#* by eihibiting them in the fprm of 41 gencrarl^«CcL ^- — "K- O *«••■? -^ h* »^ ^ , -J - ! . •,J ■• J^ ^- • . •- l/,c ^ ' J fr^ ti ^; \s -1 TIf ^ 'rk <• ftj!;g^«:i«?^cg^^ l4-4 ***■ -W>'^«0'^^-.ianii* t< to ^. tto US tK »,.., i^ 'i ' I , I . • M During w \ THE *# "*r K AL AND pll m nil- i* ^uUmljion^ t% earth bni»^e||Ir^^ £Beii^l46-hav«4a]^ea.pUce^ ^ thft^lnfitiir comgluiii^' <:alc^ ^oith^ci^iiji Cpngtie qitrout CaUsQriei^i<:pUQgl|]b^ ^ ^■). «alcj|rioj^a ear^b, 6|ve grains of an oily fublMo iiup gr^ini of ^liae master. Tbe Ur\\^ of fi]|d«r^:caiuiortheref6re be derive^ fif< iytp gr^ini of £iUae master. Tbe fer^ilffiing tfvm of fnjdvr/caiLnortherefdre be derive^ fifonr sipj ' ' trouf jTaks^wtiioli :i| receives ojr ^n^i\ri$ Whefi it iiir ffdf a^y ^^ iJi lalUilg itbrbjagb ^bjB #emofp^w^^^ : i St2|>e^ng [ ife; - ' cartb, Jan. 30, i/f ti^ t^ an' 'bbtVl^etfl covered wikl^ grafs, I co!lQ£le4 4ks much ot (he fnow which Ity jjiext to the earth, as produced fix gaIk>Di of water. This fnow fpread over an area*t)f (ixteen f(}uaf^ feet^ fnd had lain upon the. ground fifty nine days* Upon evaporating the water ther^ was not more (aline mat* %tcr, iA calcarious earth, than in the former experi- mf bt : but a much larger quantity of pily fubflaoce. 7h6 Q^ was p( c^ dark brown colour, not inflamma*) w • f iiiuite 5 ♦vatl, t** 4 4?W]I' - aftl|ftiN grfhisoi ing eff^ they ar«|jfre!^ap- cration f ron< the (urface of the ; Vaf|h* ..^f . je|j|th $hiis pierared by b^at |ind mojUure, and t coUe£fio|i ^ikni^ emviM, li^in f fitiye^f^ t$aft;i^l;n a^ rapid vegtf a^ion» whichl .cak^t plUcie in m .^^ cU- liiAtes^ imihodtiMfly upon itoe.meUmg of (he jjiowf. ^6i?^^V**S^N'K -- ^ 4 ;?•-' . CA'rri ■■':.!*. i**-|' the cafti^m^ "^ aie' arct Atl'* Irtit , CJlCCtlt Ind itditlH iriittei|,lMit ^ liifch p^ltttbef In tiMl ddib of tile dati e titiglitft iMai^. jttber.lreliave ^eiyiwifttlkrturifa ii}«p$iB^,li|t^fiddl with I ^ . %^r tubntbi^ttr^rSaTfiir j[ a^biftttied. TliiKW&ii irr andlfoiitbweft t -the heat in i% tMm very ii^|t]jd^^U^ SuCblter cool ^iSlLi^SiGa S«»teinber, ttatiJb^ib&jniiMl^.qf coiMMy th« ioft %^iai)r& le|fo«|^h iDoamM w^^pM^ windSi^a^A-clcai^ikW ~[']%r1atter {Mtt of Oi^lbr and K^viJq^.lKrrseliefaUyjcOld, wet and uncomfortable ol3 Borealii: it tbt moll common in the;j:itto^hA Of j^ireh, aejptembcr and 0€^ober i butt^ i$ not u^oi^l al othjer timet of the year. - Heavy juid. longjOtOTAi* ff fnoiir, or rain, are fcarcely ever known : But (ii|dcle^ and y-iolent whirl- winds or hurricanes fometim^s af ife, itfid do much damage in the tall ; bptVe fcldohi recei«^e any in* jurv from the tiaih-;;-- Annual courfet of meteoroloe* ical obfervatiot)! properly rednced, will afford the md(l completejinformiition of the w6ither» and me* teort, in the dSerettt parts oif N^thtffiberica. "'--•• fki ■ *». /w, si >i:fitl'C Ur;-^ ['Mifff#»S*' m0i ^.v*.,-.,,...J#?l,... «?f «^V*«'^fl^3»«f )% '^^s ^ life ^'^fl* / Tim Se ib0 .£iqd$«Jti^ ^roa4^ liieepi^^^rp dry aiid htitdi -.r-.' nT-qTi_7T---rr-5^-.-i-.-----rir«'r--T» "-r— r^T.-r-!— "■-^— ^~,-J^T w ** 1l?i "1^* '^ (^ f ^aWlf «w* wa^eri are d|iTJjM| rfiusT^ n«ipbj|t, jn^^^W^iiti^j^ 4 tile fti^lr* 4#t krcafcjs tbe wimMf, ^JBQBive nfiif ^eauont^, aiidi ikp jelleraUy obfel-vcd, i$ an alteration in the tempera- ture. ,,Til«,cald ^ rlie.%f^i;^|Bim deofafe rti» i^era ^re not frozen To foon^ Co thifck^ otr f^ hHkg^ a» iltty [ormerly were I Bnd the^t^afjijiUnmt tofS, in Wery refpea, appeav ^6 he diii^itiillied. ^ rciijfri- H abl» ^■. 6» V 11,1 NA'^^RAt A»B (Jiyit itiie cb»lige of thismnd« lias been oKemd tit aHl «b6^ the mmi of ^teittbeV !^ %1^^^ 'It %ii^ a6#cotittnjD|i1y ix>^der W :tte«^r fM in thai ptaii^ before. ' t1& ice bail eov4 erecTtbe riter on the 13th and i^tfa of^ liftiveniberj but wai carried off by a rndden^haw."|| The rivi is not frozen over no^ nmil (he Utter ehd ;of 'Dc« vembei^ br tlie begtniainf 6f jf M^^^Q^ ICIkaiitieotl |ieo|>le lit iQiiebec, in, ! ]7l9» infornjed Mh l^ftltifj that the winters in Canada' Were formtfiljr lo^cl tolder, than fhey #ere then.J Sinatiar pbftr^llbni bavebeen tjiade in alm6ft ertty nait of j^Joitfa^erti ea, where fettlement^ and Tr«vela, Vol. I. ft. 4rai :N^s*flt*^f«pw^ itm^ 2t^ t|i^ii^^«;^f», the b^iliQiiK Jb^ TbiM^^c ?#9HWf *^!»? m^» ^' ice billiiiie#xecl and p«« aS*? I afljd iii

This will givcj uijig degrees ol;#arenbe|^> tlierQiJ9#»t«^ as the mean, heat which took place iduiciog eight or ten wee^s qi the winter^ To £ir backasthe vear (630. By the met0orological ^pbfervations which I iiia.4b in therlintfserfiiy ikt CatnMdge forfevwn years» from 1780 to 17^, I fouiid tMe mean heat in the ttioiitli of December was »9^j4' 1 .in Jami^y it was i8° (' 1 ; - ' " -^ . '• and 2 Wood's Prorpeaip. ^^ i ••A ?|: r mi jf#Ji(* i^iriii^kU^lte^^ i£t^ fifty rr*»i^»i In i(; 1^1 iJti^ii^ feli: viM Wt % Sj^^di^^avm^ ni^de hit thcrifM^' 4 cd f 3 Bft(lmr«, *> is: .• % ST 3 13t 3, .;: ** 5^1 : >.';\^-|iq.- 49. J - d *Y «?!, yp^jjT. ^ : cffie6l of, cultiv«tiaii nidi rejtrd 10 ^e BtM^be :iT i^Biy^i^^iS«Spi^ ■* E iirampiu an dccdihc sum i^mmm^^m^%^^.^m^ ',*• «: vTiii NAttntAL AND civk; ilk m #"»» f »? *»?' d^* I F«c«« • ,^m three iM»!i>!l Mud fUW M|i«|t>«>IHim:(if >«|Meip( the iuilf^ of tl^jsi ^<^, ?S^i^^ ^^ .^^f^^^/^ j^ijiimcf and wihtet, tpHipg an^l laM* tbe prqKlvi(ttiop;j bifthe ear^b^ ^he i^a^e ^ tbe air afnd, weatber»jWiH Be ifiibjt£l tb but.li£^Ie.. annuar^ipaij^'ib or cbangc* iut when the iirhole face and naftie oLa^ country firi^ thJaiiging, the weather and fearons-.win dlfo, clianj^t with tbem.f^t^fs is^h tyttit that has Already tal^eii j>tace ih tjbe^mof^ ancient and cultivate parts t>f A- inerka. IV^beh pur anceltbrs iBrA ciiine f nto 1^eW« ^togland, th^ feafbns audi Weathet* were uniforip anq regular, 'the winter fet in afk^Ht che^ beki^ninff of December, old ^vle* and codtinuev€tioiis.— "Ftff^fVriiRii $Mm/ Nitmher, Agi, mapwaihth EmiJlii»€f AI^^HHt\ n pofleOion of NorthMqerica^ i^ wjiBone c99MW^4 Cqf- f f|, the nreatcd: i^pon ih^ ear^^ , T]l^e coi^it^ W9|i cv^'ry where coivere4 with Wfm9« W planted by the haqd of Qiait ; l^t deriye4 fromi Mid ancient ai the Sowenof nature. T^ S^o^t variety of plants and owers, the immenfe nvunberi^ dim^nqonSr ^i\ kinds cjf trees, whi^ fpre^d ovef >the hills, vM^^y^ and nioantaini, preftnted to the eye, a ii^li.n^ag* nificent andboundlels profpefiL t|ii? is ^Ulo^ cafe with the uncultivated parts of the country. Much the laff eft part or Verqiopt is yet ip thp ftate, in which nature placed it. Vncuftivated by * the hand of man, it prefents to our view a vaft traa of woods, abounding with trees, plants, and flowers^ almoft infinite in number, and or the moft various j ipccics and kinds. It would be the employment of many yean, to form a complete catalogue of them. 1 fhail not attempt to enumerate any, but thofe which are the moft common and ufcful. , FOREST «.; •■ ^ ■*■ « HISTORY Off 1^l5toN3^ 6j^ FOREST ^ REE Si . The TrIBs which are the moft Isffii slid cdm^* mon aretfae \ White pine; 1?Mj>>*iW. Yellow pine. Finns pints. Pitch pine. Pww /rf^<». Larch. Pinns larix, Htmlock. Pinm abiit, . Fir. hiksha^mH. White maple, ^.f^ negund^. Red maple. Acef' rnhrnm. Black maple. Axtr Jntik^imm, 'SlSftS'" } ^"-/^""•""- White aflu Fr4xinnt txul^r. Black afli. Ftixinnsaintrttans. i White birch. BmU alba. Blade birch. St/nla nigra. Red «r yellow birch. Mttuia UutUp Alden BitnU ahnu ^ Red elm."' } Ulmns ammcana. Black oak.' ^iriainlita, : White oak. ^ircns alha. Red oak. ^ircns rubra, Chefaut oak. ^irens prinns. White hiccory, or Walnut. Jnglans alba, Shagbark. Jnglans alba, i^rtia fquamofo. Butternut Juglans alba, cortice fOtbartita, Chefnut. Fagns cajlama, Buttonwood. Planfanus itddentalis^ Baffwood, tr lime tree, tilia americana. Hornbeam. Carpinnt bitnlns, . Wild ,v>- m riu NATURAL and CIVIL Wild cherry, feyeral fpecies. Safl^fras. Ijuaru$ fap^as. V/bite cedan tbtja icddentalh. Red cedn. Jmiip0rMf9ii%inraMSi White poplar, tr Afpen. Populus inmh*^, Black {:S>plar, #r Balfam. . P^uliu lUgra^ , ; RedwUlow. Stiix. /^ White willow. SsOm alka. Hackmatack. ESCULENti , . . • The following are fmall trees/ (hfubs, or vfoes» vaU vaUeon account of their falubrious «Qd pteafanfr fruit. . Primus ^IveJIris. Cita/ui fihtfrn. Red plumb. "^ Yellow plumb. ^ Thorn plumb. Blatk cherry Red cherry Choke cherr Juniper. 'funiperus/aHnm. , liaadenut. Ctrylus avtlhns* Blackcurrant. Ribts nigrtm. Wild goofeberry. Rihtt gloJuUriai ^ Whortleberry, i Chokeberry. J Partridgeberry. Arhnlus viriMu Pigeonberry. Cijfiu, Barberry* Birkerit VMlgarh* Mulberry. M^us nigr&i Black grape. Vitis Ubrufta. Fox grape. Filis vuipiua. Black rafnberry. Ruhiis id^tus* Red rafpherry. RubHS unUenfis, Upright blackberry. Ruhns fruticojus Running HISTORY t^f'feEftll^i^ # r Running blackberiTl E^sH^^emim k^ ^ Brambleberry. i?«jli^|*#ifi«»«/^^ Bum cxllhtxry. f \f'^^^^^^^ cju Strawberry. I^agariavtfcWt-'flH-'"^):'^' Dewberry, Ruhus itefius, -^ 'i "li' ' Goudberry. i{«^«/ tham^emorus. 'y, -^ J 7/ Thcfc fruits are in great ^btindance In tKe «liRCil« tivated parts of the country • but ehe^ fjseai to ar*^ rive to their higheft pertedion of nombers, inagi44 tude, and richnefs, in the new fietdlknd platitatiotiil^ There are other vegetablibwkic^ ar4 alfb ^vlirx^ and valuable, chiefly on sMOCOuiit of ikeir r69Uk ^ fieds. Among thefe arc th^ Artichoke. Melianihus ttthirt/ai. Ground nut. GUpnf afm, WUdleek. -» - Wild onion. Wild oat. Zizania aguMmf ^ . ^ Wild pea. Wil4 liQp. ; HumuJushipulMt^i « Indian cucombcr. ilWriy/tf^ !•■' ^i^'- MED If C LN At. Many of ia^ Vegetables which arie i.ndi^[dnoQiio kpait of America, are apt>lied to medlcitkal {nir'* th»rpait ^^ pofCff ' Of this nature are the Bitter iweet. Solamim. j AQgeiica. AngilieaJyJviftris, Black elder. Samhutus nigra» Red elder. Viburnum opmus, Sarfaparilla. Arafia. Pettymorrel. ArsUanifra, Solomon's feal . ConvallMri^* ^f-j II % i -0 . J»*;> ■ ' Maiden ■#■ ■n 7^ TBI ;N!^URAL ahu ClVlIi ' --'"■.' . . Maiden Wfi AUtf^^^fid^tn^ Wild role. B^nhf^rH^ X MarjSiin^vr. Altkfa. t . Lob^lU» feveral fpeciieji. Senna. Qifia lij^i^rm* Cliven, iralHm /purium. ]ftlueQ^. /fe. Skunk cab1b(^i;e. Arum 4mrictmKm^ . ;, Gargel, P^tpl^ttn^d^ctufdram Btoddroot. SangMii$ari0j , . Pond lily. Nympb^ta, Elecampane. Inula, Black fnake root. u^^T^j raietmft. Sentc^XodkcxQOt, Pftfygalaji^iga, Plenfify toot*. A/cUpias diiumtttH^ l»iquomk rpot. Braeon root. Amur, Oinieng. Psnax trififHiiki Ginfeng was formerly eftcctned a filint ifid%en6iis onlyto China and Tartary^ In S720>it watdif- coverea b^ the Jefait Lafaan, in the forefts of Can« ada s and in 17^ it was faVe'd in the weftern parts of Kewengland. It grows in great plenty aadfer* fe^ion, in Verinopt. The root hai many ^vifmegf but we do not iGnd them to l^ Tq. ex^r^Kiidinaryi «# the Chinefe have reprefenttd. It ^as a Taiuabljs article in the commerce of Cittlid)! in the ^ear i/k)^, and large quantities were pttrchaibd in this fta([e TO(t a few years ago ; an injuaicioni method of ccSlea- ing, curing, and packing ft, has gfefttly injdr^d To tliif * acoHuiifr of iaotdicin|s^^^ipts, k iMi|& kiofi be nmnop^ to fobjoin tbofe, wbi«b in; ttb^ Hatiti^ al fbe«, iurefQtiiia l;o opMsrali^is^^i/^!; tfae ino^ er and dimen- fions of the trees, which covered the ground where I made the experiment, I think it would be a mod- erate computation, to eftimate them as equal both in magnitude and extent, on every fquare rod, to four fuch trees as that which I had examined. This will give fix hundred and forty fuch trees, for the quantity of wood contained en one acre. This ef- timation is lefs ^han the quantity of wood, which is , generally found upon one acre of land, in this pare of America.-^The weight of one pint of water, is one pound avoirdupoife, or feven thoufand grains^ troy weight ; and eight fuch pints make one gallon. Making the calculation. upOn thefe principles, it will be found that from one aere of land thus covered with trees, three thoufand eight hundred and feven^ ty five gallons of v^ater are thrown oflFand difperfed in the atmofphere, in the fpace of twelve hours. This computation, will not appear extravagant to^ thofe, who have feen the great quantity ot juice, which naturally flows outof fome of our trees, wheti they are tapped in the fpriog. A man much em- ployed in making mapke fugar, found that for twen- ty one days together, one of the maple trees which he tended, difcharged feven gallons and an half each day. A large birch which was tapped in thejpring, ran at the rate of five gallons an hour, when firft 'tapped ; and during the feafon of the running of the fap, it difcharged fixty barrels in one fpring. The confequence of this waile of the juices, was the death of the tree, the enfuing fummer. i have this account from the Hon. Paul Brigbam^ Efq; Thefe accounts ferve to (how, what a quantity ot fluid, is naturally contained in fonne of^our trees ; and from a fource fo plentiful, a copious evapora* tion might naturally be expe£led. Emission op Air.— Another curious operation, which nature carries on in vegetables,of the higheft ufe, :, ■ ', , -; -, .-,.— but 3f -TEl JfATUJfcAL AVta ClVII. Imt wlK)llf ifiTifil^te to uif, it the cmiGi *■:;'* mi^khkfl^k !iiiit«qtiiiiCitfdf titer cii^hwini bff it tht^^ Uiett qjiik^f df do-; On tite i5tliof ftt^, i;!^, ! bur tM fdinie ^strt of tht n^Jik triee iSto a bdttle; dii 1 iia j| dlott^ i|i Cl^ <6Stb(fl|r- ithtnt of June i^th. "Tfid 6ottle» mth tM Hm df tlieiaMe thuk ieodoted^ wai ch«Et Mtd iib iirftt^ wat^ir I and idntHerfed iif » Utith ^HAm^^tfi, Whicfil^a-beeti filkd before; : trihil tit^Sof i&0 bbttk iira(8 ioV^tlicd, aiid fixeeeb fouod'that an ahittial wilMive five Itiiuei^ as^Ioiig In this kind of air, as in coinnion ait of the beiR oiiiility. The purity of the atmofphere^ is cohftantly iBipair- tdby the refpiration of aninUls, by coibjbutiibo^ the |>utrefa£iiOn oJF bodies, and by y^tiou^ Other ^aufes. JiVTuch ways, the air over lar^^e and po|>Ulbiis cities, ' is lo grciitly and conftantly corrupted,- tjbiat it i^oul^ ibob hlkliiiaiits, f le #ai doi rei^^^ pr fifinM* ; |^^f^ ! mt baa tiisi^ ilims^3i^ in the itnmenfequantmS of air, which new . eoiMi^. trieft fdpl^* TbAfuMua^i vegetih|ef^|NB^|M^^^ produce It/ in large giianiitiei^ jin^ in;,|)^e pui^ft' fiate $ aM :*he wia^OHTy it fronr €|plt tntap^^to* anottiei;»;w^rej|Ufiioft w^ ■i-0.rK.-i ^ > . HEA;r.*»^The principle Iby which t)iefe q^^tinlii^' arecia^ed 6n|att4^hich leems to h4ve tfaje grieateft effedi in'vegetatioQ, is he^t. Idifei^ent tegfta|ytea w^^ is fne of the ^oft ^umerbiis ascl loFwsard treei of the fdreft, begii^ to but forth its lekve^.f In one pr tw|o da)rs affer, the whole body of the woods, ^^pear of a t:|eautiful light green ; aQ4 arf .cpi^ftant^y ^^t^M"! PM #f>^^r colour, Hat tan orfifteeiiday^^ tlhen qhe dirked Oiades become fixed* #ttrhi|^%|iWberio#, thej juices of Ithe trees a^^ar tp'^ i9 |l df^eof hpgh fernnen(atioi^ their in- tj^nj^h^^ftlp^reMe^ and (pieeffe6lf pf th^r vegeta- tion appear in an infinite Variety of hiids, leaves, and f((wers. T9 afcf rtain the dcj^rees of hea^ ia differ- ent trees, at different times or t^eyear, ajnd tO- ni^|: their efifeds on the leaves, and JPruits, the^fptjpwilig experiments were macle. With mu auger, of one, inch diameter, I bored an hole twelve inches loag^ into the body of the tree : Ic^ this holer I enclofeid a thermometer of Farenheit's (csde, ftppping the'^pfi* fice with^L cork, until the ^ui^iilver had acquired the degree 7« Th'i NATURAL AND CIVIL cTegrs? of heat, which prevailed in the internal part ^ of the tree. The refiilt of thefe experiments, is fet down in the' follomng Table. HtBt M ■ May V27 J 28 jMii 30 July 30 Sept. 15 Oaob.;S 58 72 70 45 Hi'6 ^ich add fisrfile. Thus doc9 't^e folf) in the uncilttiyiitcd parts of ihe countr^^ V" !)• vegeiabtes. — TAii tltttt Has been io great iiierica, that when our lahds are firft cleared of the wood, we ihriyi find a bl^ck, ibft, rich foil, of five bt ^iiK iflches deiith ; Wholly formed of- decayed or srdtteti fea'^fcy, plants, atid treds. ^e extreme rich« liefa 6f tms fidiclous foil, prbdUc^s a luxuriancy of vegetation, and an abundance of increafe in the firft crops, which exceeds any thing that can afterwardf Ite procured, by all the improvements of agriculture* Powers or vegetable Lite. — The power with whith nature a6ls in the produ^ions of vege* iable life, in this pait of America, may be deduced from fuch cirpumitances ks hav6 been mentioned : From the imnbenfe extent of our forefts i from the Inagnitude, number, and variety of our trees, and plattts ; from their ra^id increafe, and duration i and from the total want of Tandy deferts, and barren places. Thefe and other circum (lances, denote an energy, a power in the vegetable life, which nature h&i never exceeded in Che fame climate, in any oth* cr part of the globe. CHAP. «fi « . l^e any avfp thgr m, fweetipi aiiiij^no, the ^t||l In foe pifc to bejpep It af%aysjfoUnd >rns or tits re^pt t natural m^ or ationhe ufes no exen but litd« byi^fp^l^on, ai^ ii af^ays lound with* out an)i^ro#fioiiTaiiid iif i«ii{»t iandl tUe itirmth of tht ffiiring rectirp, t^ he leaVes his retreat, or goes abrG|dj|^^(l c4^ f^d. ^iiH animal is valoglble for its j|PCwa(e» apdMp^ The femile general ly bears "liro cuos^||^^|^|\e bear arrt^ei^;to a great mi^nttude iu thi» p^^of nie continent. The iarg- e^^f which ihc fillers give us any certain 4nfor- mwon, weighed four |iundred ||id fifty fix: pounds. One of the mod coflAtiion aii^ noxious or all our animals, is the Woi^ In t'*'*"^ f^jrfn of 1^8 bod)^ the v/olf much refeftiDlcs the dq^ H)t| has '*'^|ng ^'^'^« * J^^^^ ^^» Iharp ancT ered tars, a mott and ^ for pe «i?e, ina), at wh t!irW of their t^Mier ts, rabM^s, a^i mm'M a of all ;€ail 6A4'-;^^^MC& of.: ^ eri^itetfaiii«#elh, at ;^ttPlk't|fe theix atlai^p ly? auetickct wi%||ie of huntan^fle^ i^iiiha fiate, t£e|^t theifl^'&h tWpay^ but m tbe aWbanlli^Tbere inthtt ftate i they JKi^id h^lpfr^They prntralfy Bee hee of the Mmlinxt wien they h«ve oi tne more ted withL gi^flsef ^ry . ^ftaftccs in Vert |re4' tn^dife tl Bot^^^^te|^^^& feen" VettWP^iito^^^ yarda^ »ve yet i9frea|#umhers, r»^n»aMy>£ ^gwlfe flbc^, in the oighc i| and find » fj#retrfifl|i oi|r ivtoodi^ jtiid mountains ; but arej^raduaUj^dtecitiifiiSf, aa oii^fet«^ tletnenta increafe^ aM |||[^nd^The woi^^ iiiter proiific cnimaL Th|&e^e is iiii||p vi'mter/.':^^4 male '^^^mjmjfifl^^r p^* ■■■'tW\ time of ^ iikion,^ ab<>umtrl|Kp|tf and an halfi and thr voting whelp if 9 fouvff ihrn^tbt ^injAi| of May, until |he nionth of July. The hunicrallie foinettn^es lilnd t#their ^na, a male, a fimalf, «nd a litter Of mrt#*yoting i«Km. One oif ^c hlHl^ woli|M in 'Vermont, we||hed ninety it#o pouiKii. Tmre is nblhiag valuidft in tbefii tnima^ in llHt niefi««^lptil t^« Jeer it ,tlii56* yean oU ^riod, ir nseir ciii ri||| -«^r^^ lourfe j^a year, wtU growr treigh {Ipiftiwo t^fbi*r poup4«.-^ (ba iK^t^ thctie ammaU« 19 ia ^ #1 from^ ^ Sf pt^miber to |i|r#i» Itlf tm, *^d ttic4*)af«g^te ^lmt(elve«iii( fifni their young ; |i$iich g^erall|vha] -#1 (bn«^i^J*ree; at a, birl|^^i^e tafaed..M<9n.(r become aa |f|$le and JMI^^ a »r tpaaaa^raalof gi^t tmUnnU^znd ley We alw&yt in roo^nn i 1^ lea{i f^^im bixNIi fe^es, with the grea^eft eare.. The Uigf ft^^ ly&eh I i^e a^ii^^ular account, weighs ed tinile ^i^ndred and eight poundf. The deer are numerou|iA Veiiigiiti^ i and on accpuot of ifa^ ^eOijADd ftiin, J|re|if iiwch valiwf* T^« reiade«r i» not 10 be found in^lliis part of the contiaenl.'^Bitf there feenis to bi^ another fpecies of the Americaii d«er, diftinguilheichiefly by itii hornS|,ani|Kften.by ita aolour. The hor||t of this deer are never exteofiv«« broad, and branchi^d, likethofe of t^commoi>^deer; Bat they are round, thick, butlttle liyMrved, and not M. morp mtm •"^1 -*^1 -.,%• -Jl (^ff^ffitreitmUts the o#re^m ., . inagttimclii^ llblllltia blatk ^rcak,f^i£n|tr^(Ni ly froi9#QHilld«r%||^tde^ : with WliPti^^si ilwiMM cl H rfa» or more g^ipify of a ^fy coi- ■ Tlkj^; ,„ ^ /»i«»^^:thT ?■>* of dU^^mei'^s dairy aire devoured by him mthjptfit avid4«y.--«Thi8 af^tnial ii very prollic. TheflSaale it isrieafbtt ev^ year, in the winter ( and generalty prodi|cea io the month of April ; the litter it gen« craHy irom three to (i x. ^ The GAtAM^UNTi feems to be the fame anim*?, whi^h th#linoteuts called Lynx, and which is known In Siberia, by the name of Ounce, In the foroi of its body, it much refembles the common cat, but is of a much lat||er lixe. It is generally of a yellow * grey I»rgtr tk^ have i^ Vc calTmit of a pej||w ^dge feet in imhigh t*r afc toen, bip^lMtJisir Im %Wof Ml It oINn the i^lii^^ltlmaiitk kaMg ^...^ a^Kith aftomfe^fwi|J^^ &^ _ did notmafi^^ir wit||||Mj l«ft reiiSrt^ ».^ Is have he^ dftei^lifll^^riB^ •'^-.i:' ifc- mm formition." On ^kcammof thek fid»^ 'H*^±f«iK^-^»j? <^ ,i**oiB^Kl:Th# '^^^g^' ;WNPt|i|^il|^s e|j|(iat€d »M«liii atone 'lundret^p^Hp Tm^'^^ngt^m-ki ^'*#^iPi''^^P^'Qf t^ taiL tllrle r tliP^ii. c»i*n«re» of 'tbcP^dy Atii^ ^%W"^«i^NJt* and tbepg^^ about, tMjrtCf n tnchii ^fc^vv * c Wh« i^l^the WiLttC^T, if a»^ii^ m moft refp .' '^^^^'^m» iBitsl|||j)e t)ie9jPfia| m^ has a larger f^\pr 1^ The f«et have fiv« loqg i^d OitKltir ;^ fenerall^ a m^ wy^^^^lnt^i^^ie Hmaj^ i tJn^s kmg, juid round, i^ith atinular ftfi|ies in ir, t» anknif i^IIs in the rei^edipirt of the #€Kn!^ • tifi tb^liiesimh gr^at agility gjtnd vtmam t^ thej^tiFeines 4>f thebcaighs, l|#|lir istiudklon^ •iifPt; aijdof I dlll%fey caoor. ^ip^igbt 4Bif 6it «f Cj^e !«|ct in V|i|iio«t^ wai^tO^ twtf^ e, he #|tdies £o. r, or tm moofe cotofci thdtr backs, fafl^^i extertty open^ e cSf^eiiPMid nioS cJ|||?avcnoa^©dtoiit^ era! fotep^mlni- if**;. Icih in4?. ipjs oftcfi fo^md in kfi^nmeh and tit u^hjxtfi}^tit(pp4, .... _ . .; r .i;'iv".:: ■ T^e t*oRCUPiNs, or Hedgehog, is not uncon- inoo io^ : Yermoi^t^ . "WJ^ M ^«>|ar «md moll dif* t^Q^tii&i^g in tliis, ^fHoifi^ ar^ the.quilU with which ibe }i ari^^. . Tlieie ^iuilh ?re . a)>Qut fcHir Miches in 'length I j^i,oi,^hf^,pit Qf t|»e quills qS a pigeoa. tVhen.tqt pprcupifi^ i^ attacked by .an coemy, hie places Kis.jif^ |]|^twe<;»i his fore feet, and ere^ chcie qqiljs a^lv uroifi^^ in the forni of a hemilplier^. Jit |ias ijiio; ;P9wer to ^e^, them fr'^'- his body, or Jaf t thf m ??gaif^i(| l>|s foerpy^ as;^a fre^iniMl))^ faicij> fiq^ i|i^nj^ por^upiiie*t--Tbe colour of this ani- ma^^ is^grify : His ^ptiopi is: extfcmely flow. Thge ferpale {^ipdiiccs her ytQiing every year ; the time ©f geidaiiojji 18. abofit forl^y d '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WIISTIR.N.Y. MSN (716)I73-4S03 --^ 190 Till NAt^KAL kiii t>f tht htttfk wliich i hive fe^/^|[]lej f|^|K. en pounds: I bUicve this was OA^ drtj^eliffit^ TUe SKtJliA it otte tf thel^oll ji^|:tli|brflii^Mif «i^^ /imal«, of which We baVe a^i^icco^iit.' lir feetaft^ be of the faitie fpeci^ witb-^e p^^cat4 biitit of k ltf8fize,'and difiPerft from it in Tevei-ar^i«rpcd8.^Iti bair n long, and lhinin|(, of a clbudtldiDi' piityf wrhite, intermiited with Ipots dl blaick. Its taiil is fOdib and iiulhy, lilie thut df the lojK: It lives cfakfiV m thi woods, and hedges, but dftw bgrrbiirt 'imerbiinii find out houfes. SVheii uh)|lfturi; * .WJf » Wteg, an* deli^i0<^ food. V f Mf nimuil i^ yejry prolific. Tho , tii^ 5Xff nation ;is,s^kMitjhir^ clays; tho femaUi Ije^rathrwojiiF^mr^l % bwr/Lh, an0 lw» fipveral Jitterg w>^^;ffi#f X*^ y«5«rf AUrg«,|^are weight eighi pqpndv . Th!^ pwf^m ntid htf^^, numbers, of . thelo •^itnj»lp» Ipitm^ |»af t otft jife country. The H A a a I T is ibmething ie fs than the hare, bu^ in sr^ater niimliiera. l|is e<3aur, botl^ in fumniev and wiiiter, is a li^l^t grey, or A ^irty White, Tho length ol the ral]tbt^ is s^DOUt Ijxteen or feventeen inches ^ oqe of ^|;wb. Ur§dl ql. ^ool ^^ghed feveii pounds, Xfc^.r«bhjit is, fnt^momp^tfi^n th© hare. T^f l««PW o»»rf Jeioiier, anjH^ ftpm^P«^ to eight, «' I "S^»lV'4^^? WW^ W 'ff#»^^ found, in ct- > T'^^yfM*! ^ h¥ the foirii^aii(jl appearance, of n f^irjcfl 4 M 11 moi;« Oinv . f^n^ n^iVe. His cye« • Aftrican t^M(w(m, Vol. V. p. 487^, , >. •^ V *-*t '"f fi ' ! 9ir v»i i^A'#6ftAi}»Ai)riJ idML^ Tious, ihat tlie ^ V:ih "fbta^ty f<^ W&.^^ 1%]| ammii) ^ of a rdl ol' b#o#i c^6b^ a^likii a^ #filti^ Mljr. Its for ts vei^ fifie» am^^foAf;'' ^i fodS n corn, Qutf, egg8» i^nd all km^sof fmidl animiilk. 1%^ W^fet & Irf^eti found in fioH^' ti^¥; ^idbSd ief' f ^. od^ly enters mn msSti^ bar^^ attd ^dtfa^ iM^iltt:' ings. in ftait^df grKK cbld^k V<'^nir m ahtmalt; In Ver^nt; ihl; #d^ Ik iboiil ttHSr iMhes in length ; i^ei^ nTamiW aiftd iKhL-aAi^W^i abotit t#e)re ounces. The ^mafe fi^^iv ttfi^&,'mirft Of five» at a btrth i bit the)rik> not aMi^if'tO^W very numeroos. > ti. .1 - TbeERMXKE ts tfie nibft^ WaiittftrT'yflik^Mto^d. Mrhkth t^feenia bi^ #oOds« m* itr'M^ ktMeli- fionli, adivitV; and fb^hdity^ it i^fil Of the Si^iriRaat we hitr fo^r'ot' live » tfcy, bbck, red, fKrtbed^ and flyihg; ' ' The Grty Sqkirrtlh the latgel^ and' moll^ c6ninion» This fquirrehfs aboltrt thirteen or fbuhc inched ik > length.%itha'hivj;^btiffiy Utl.aiiohg be body' It i« 6f a beaufiiififf fil^Jr ireV ajfl6urLV<^^%' A ^^^ foft fur. h« mt'xi'iniWmm: Slt^^f^M i * tree 1 its food, eotp, acorns, and'nfiK'^ 'itil^'^V.up a* Dore of thefe provifidns againfl l^ihttf, ila'tbefibUow of old trees, 'the f«mal« b^ar^ h^i^'yobog'ltt iltd fpring; and has generally three or foiMf at a birth. Tlie ;ts' .:>, ,-* ^afs'from <^ejifm^ |6 !^ii9^lM|; at, i^ 4^ Americji ; Tmty »r^ CgCmaiK aod well knom^n^. thai they 4o not require a particu)ar4 defcriptiotu Th^ hjunters rnfprin m^ ,tb?^t tl^^^e ,itr« . ft?TrWal kindi of mice,tp hte iQunaiii the ,^Qod«„wl)iph^^|iye iiot bee4 d^r^riUecI,: B^^ lUeiihcr the grey r^n tn^ Uack rat^ Yhe <|uiidcupe'cls which have bern deficribecl, arf to 1^ found only upon the laud. There are others ..:.■■ of . ■* ■- ■'■'■■^iiK'" " ■ >- |i;'uii lur Tbe American be»«r)erfe#bar^tiv, ahd CO rcguilate aU the pt^c^l^ oJfthe^hr|6llmietiet. W^: : menf tMf(^ ilBitnaii s^r^ ce^Va^d to^tf^r, tbtft ^rfitiitehAohU to 4hputtUhJlii0/s and sJfk^iW the fodety, ip which they belong. The beavera at* ftate, H« MCiflM quiet, inol^ilve^ antf Ht^ftlKMit any iJi^f^ fition to -depart. But was moJR of alt pleifed, when haivaa at wee k,- formiog a danii to a fmall ftreaa near the houfe. ':^!*»:W^PM^ f?^- 1, '*if^ ii^' C'-^'k^A li' ■«i'*r«^ ^ebtik^tliit tb^liBaterf may k^yttlvma^tii «ii^nl jwitt of the A](nmsin§Mt^fi[^iAjt^ ]^,jij^ «lilt<^^Mil^ thai no eiij^oeer^iM4 iiy^^yS^ lidt^ |&liia|(iofi arid form^^ 5>^r tor cony^jfc^fv llrcfl||th» or diiratioii.— Th^ tnatiertil* fl, w]$u^ l^e diuii are e<^oAn|£iedAf|re vpod^^iiid eartl^, ' Ir i|ci? he j^trcc on the fi^e.of tl^ nvcl:y^i^|^|| |N^oiiM ^|^ ttrally fall icroft the ftreaoK fevfri^^ ret di^i^felves whhjreat 4ili^iici ,^.,m j* iWf Witlithifeirceeih. Trees to tlj^^^l^ of If ^iy^ inches diamiet^r, i^eih^s t]troi<^ii acr^pfiij^ ]^^. They iiezt» giiavr oi^ the br^n^hes fi^oip tlie i^l^ that the tree may affume a level pp(i|iop. ^ Oth^rt^ attire fame time/iNi^ii(^H^< 'til many ^m«^ 9$-i fltipatfti^iwt^i^vlki;^^!^^ "^- ,f|r9 to threes |M^i|lii*i»^^ r*f , ••:•' '"•i,i» vC In cbancfe. opiietident $ hm ^pmMia m iii^bviv^li^oii tiii^i ibl itil m tarryr vn»i:&6 fall of di* yan #tloie'4lhBil^a«^ lboiitc6ilteaed,a and jam all tfacir lbvtstei^ti&4^rtii#ili|liiyi; ^l]iid»> aff<^ their «oiix«. iioH eiFeii iiiqp|iie|iit intiiqaiiJ^f '^cirfanHltes. iBrwf htng9eri:mmMsWt^tk ^nit^enti and Oore btole>s ai^^liei^|l^a^nonli«m piirii, llkejrtlit|||feii#A%^ tXBMit they aire bfoiiftTS riMpa AMri;tcic£Mj>fe90i« ii^bter as iw^ apprpiicb>tRfvM^;th#ofeiii|l|^^9^ 4m Mrof tw«^ forttttalldliiiliblhflif bo4u»ii;(^M?wh»ii vil loogcftt is g«n«f)al|)|^lMmlilUMtpil|i•«>il^l^ 4|^«oiteiiixig tQwatliv«S'i|iii ilm iou^lnand-iiiilrk #i7d4ng^ qr iquatin^«^«(#,: - Ht lMi9aflMKig tiM nanpfeiHiotti mt^lOli ^liiiMl^atf ]lr««ttl^ mthe lUF^ $|r wafitf'i Mt WW «oi»)^(^^ ]yi> 9^ amt^bioc^ anmial^ifov b6 oiiiin«r^V4<#iai)M» ji^kacipii, asiy i|ior»«bai) thl)toi«dliiiti«ijtlk'^ iltfri ift ciiar«QBth 0^ Mareli r ijli« li^rgcttftti^Ni^oetacfiftl^ U three (» four. The fieHkAtfTii ^ad llfeti|ca'ioi ^ •Id olterii ii .faob,' that tke dog ttny Jrid«^'#^r- coaa ihem : Apd whien th»y catiiiot^aKpit ' -th^ ipiUi attack the hilnter < with • (great fag<^i«-4l^a<«ii>kMir dl Ihh ai^aliis hlacki and its ftir to liNMli ^liettL«d. The otteii formerlyi abottaded irety: trttkif i» o«nr cre^lEi^; aiid^HtMrti and ^tfytiaaX^ in dMl, iprhidl emptied tibfnttfelvea into , Lfiie ChainplaM V Ootfpbk •cco«lot» one o^ thean Aili bean thoi name of 0/lir* ifiiM t bat the animal it noir bicohic fearce. -The ]Mr|cft otter, of which I have a (>artitukr ai^iittts winghed twentjrnine pottodt and an halfr •• ^f>' • To this aecount of the qu^dni pcib of Vmmftaiti I ihall fubjoin fome vtikQions on the gentet^ Hale of theHS animals, in Amerioa.- ' i i > • / u /^ , Stbe nmmtrslkn vtiy impttftSii'^Ou,^ aootwrnts df ,the quadrupeds in tbis, v£pmi»^ the i^iM f tmti^Hr ktm'U^ Imft otit foHiii4 ninrMlie* #» tlierb«re< aiid oms i90 oearlbclppiotf^lMetiiv^ it 4ht b^fe^nilMficcq rfK^ d^cp<. 3 1 Frm lihe fi«e and thiclineft of thefa ^qiifi^ it is ^rtaio 4bgt!tb«y icoi|l4 not Mof^'^>t|iHI rki* pbattij'iJ^t {denote t affifmif^al fivjb f tbe|Ddt|#%dMiitf«cll M, 9iit|fial,ftiWi cxffts>ifilhciir»AerBDai1i« ofAioeri^: vAt>4pf^«if«ill4 , >cootrer^itAjbeii^le:cfpiMmriof!ttai|>if,iDrH^ ' pofe thatTatf^Tpecietof her.mpttiMlpii' ii^ bcffliqie ei^ find. Thiit animal muftifpnDetijr hai# Ipeen mir mcroua, at thofc pbcei, if b«re il)eir jl^iiet ikFf fpipiyi in Ai^h ft«iiibfr»f; ; Tl^ F»M»V »»« i», t^e tne»fie ofiftibGilai^e WfTf iMlr^edj they reiyipved furcbcr to the ,we(i«rard. . i9ff part# <;f A^fsrifr^ Ihall ^p t^\Ql\fii^^}\tti4i}t^m9^qn is tobnesff^^ cd Goiiflfrting tbia anitiii^ of 'th^ inoft| fafrnK^ bulk '. ' And we may, ^ wel^ ci^li it jttie Mufimtiht p^ by any pthf r fiamc ( or jj^ iPfiuiio Elifbmti^ as k ife tfit#i||iri •M^ntii^r^ Nd|Sir^ol^<^Cfie«|{|iMknc^ Ai«t^ «r tdii^fbr the «^6diiaDi»lop^d'f^ni Hke bat etflifatfy, )bdtc^ur^wtsttt€ff^al'Ear to their ]^afD^.-^ '• There >;!.>■■ iMm't ^k^ fHum 'thit'^QM cmmtty ^?iM«itf £^i'd^^ ..... ilfe^q^i^^ ■ " ,; •':- ■ ^;:^: they tin in ^e'(C<^orcable^^ ^t* tioo wKe^>lftaf(^n M><>1i»iitafy, ii klid^yr mtii » favourab^ for <^i(l; g^o^ and^ fbultfplitaHoi^; ! {Iir^{bd[^'li(i^iin4^ OT iiatbi«» tfieir naKxiriii prog- rdi lii nbc to a WOrfi i>ut lo t better fituatiob. tbeV ' idboM leave iHeir.'oAii ciNinfry^ tbfeifctle i<^ oHe 1ej| ' fttited CO their Ajib^lleii^e, and increafe \ biit . (6 ac^^f|^A% ,, &Hcipfrn*i *>«?<«>?? •^w^Ti>^?ijW?^ wU informitipiK , this aMe mmm i mm^ that the whole . %mmUt ^ ^liaajrtopedi which are fpread over the face of *e earth, YV|^*?5R ^?' two bttndr^a different fpeciBi or ^9*^.OfJm^ o^e hiin^rfd arc? fwipd ^n America, fn^ abi>« Urv- cnty five are peculiar to it— It i^e power, the /(prce. or the vigour of animated nature, it |o be emnsated by the fpfcaei of qiiadrwped^ which Afferent cipun- trtei contain, th|B cpnclufion will he, tjat ^^J^ nas lOed with the gf«#teft vigour and energy n|^iner. . ... . . ,. \.-;.»*^«^- • Voi;l5c.4i. ^ - mmm 9f^mm6mj i^ — ™ .wmm «..« wRifettnoiis at fori ^mm I^Wtti^^k>fbH^^ i y6 ihi» Wa^, thf>i^^^ 1^ IbSv^;' or Vtfikii^vliicb '^Q%^i9iiyi Wl£f#fpfiil||baff^ or rail. WHh- which ure mean Ca exprefit; Wh|^ Vfeeill thtdde; t^The Miom«rat)»n j|ff^«drupedt stms to be te» imperfoft * ' iooi Of thi» Wl'* n?t in li ii Epoqut s of qu drupedi. to ^rd any accu4ite<^4cttlatioiit ot thi» M>|d. , , Mcording J I. Buffon'i iatdl opiuplufton?, in li ii Epoquls 4c /• Naturt, . e are three huifdrM ipecies of qu drupedi. Xifi^rica ac* tfbrdipftotbe AbM CSaVt|«rO|Contaiha about oneltKlf of thefe. ■M\ fpijjk «- 9i ^utt ^nvpB, it Europe.., ^'Pey ap^,lhere, 09 O I '■ «■«' ♦ dd ; I Wolf Deer 'Faxj red Porctipine Polecat Hart ' \ v*i' ')"2-{C ■1J t' m i>.iIJ. ^i»3/i of A^, arc mticli '**gTf ihf ri flit irtiffTi||rtfi if <9iti4ni{M» 9f (^HBlhtii^^t, A^A if (the iiuift '^ vo|;|ra;#,io ||ifr,fr0#|iaioi^,ft«d ffowrth of llie m^^m^fi^^^Wi^kmt^* But u^^ frcntea «f dttigvm.ef bfi|h,j;cmiiir4ifft:0f Afia, flIl4^o^ AoMfi^ J T«iffEar4i|»J^if»f;i»l|tTiQH^r*Md|lt4niii»|»^ 1 a parHcul^ i^NTiM^m.ami cb«raa«rt'a%^a to ^hcj J^ WM»re»,lnWib|yvfiited* and irhich diiya* {[uifhet the vihoiie fpocici. Thui fowe ar« natufsl. y fi<*'«y«M>8««»W» aii4<»miv«t>ui^i while ochera arc i^ild, temiierate, ai^ feail« : Aod allsof tfaem. a^e oqt a lUUe ioAuenctf^t: by %h$ climatet they in- habit.<.^Jii thehpttdl climate^ , 9««i in the Whim fan^sof A&ic{i,them«|ft ra¥i|il09«i.attd the 0eioift antmaU aliouiid J! Th^>MlMB»the|yMn ai^d thejiaii. theri arc there i Jn th^ir grwt^Jw, iheir largcft namhera. &im^mmM^^^ ifc2il '^i: ■■i% m. ^^ nlid, and t^^racip, T] QCj«HMtoiMi|t^at ^^eiwOteiM flit b«fl|M'Miii^' %i hatf 4oo* !]li|iWiii7atMn^^cf t AAiei4aa/ %6crA^it .uiJtsiM.iU\i was Mp|iffflft# great^lt if^itude^ and their greate| fi?ciiRiiit^ ■■' i-^"'^'J^'i- \ _ ■ 'H' '.-'?■:- ''■^- ':^%\■l0]^....- ica. make a^MWlit»»iifc^^ hiftonr. O^hasf^ caulogiw^tfcofe ofWtaisJ^^ MoHM^ app^oafi|^j^ip^|l|ll l9Wifd«^frjM»tb^ ki^Mi ♦.ffli**! mn... mm ^19., --y^...:-^,^,,i:,jan^:^if^^^^^^^ "^'-^7 ;t i: ^ ,■' Tuir. ran. 'I : :i^( J Id i« the fiio«r gjMW Ofi^ 10 tbe fpnofc T;be]; Jir^ not. feen in ttie winter, Wiliw ^ie r Fiocki of llM^ni*ifij>i^^1i ' ^on at th« fiA€MiFiiegiiis>«oiall in a|ky^%Qii^forable ' ^iiftiittly.t and geberiiiy a dayorc^blieCbre. Tbty perch on the fptrei of vcgetahies4ho?e'thi £(x>#, 'on^ !)f, . V^^ not. r« tllrottgE, ^P- Dcpiitan* \9- April t* •re. TbiKjr ■ til StBi^:^^ *2^*^l^^ » fft* AUWtiof #m«infaer| wjSA «^ir ia^^ ?^,3^*^^^^*'^«*»^'f <^"*»<»>^ and io 4«flk &(^ P?%%iiPiiif fe^iir «tie aaoiher iTa Kraig^ hi^i^s^mmmmm^ ittaum up in tfce^ foiiB orj|.«jKig|f I a^ led bv one df J^a«#^ Md moft iam. White Acy lee^i fe% iwa j^ biu tf by any «,.„^ tfceir ordiTw brofeii, Mid^t^ »oc* ^%erieiJ| fcy««l of thw in the Wi_to Pjosoh, »hemiWia.in«.pow«T of «d fenrie «lwiy,p«, J .They ff^tttraMiiy np«w - hke«g^,Bdge„^,Uy hatch bttt two at «^ d^: |«»«*l« W ie|!Wt««l fev«»l limu in a fwfon.^Th«' " accoanta ft . • a'K^ 114 ^Ji NMSRAL Jkir^ CHriL gGpountt whfdi arei^c^ of the ii^iblteK olf|^%^ , to iktvincnhii^AWAij^riiM^ i^oll incredible io thoCm wko;hMi:p0ii&:f^^ai^mi Hcftfl f lie foti^)r(^/iilfiM^ IM^ tke lincurfaich dividct Mi^iicilnfeili f tbm VjeritipliCy in *> 74^ * fi^ ve this «ccount of the appea? m^^g^f^hidbf Me inet with to the weAv^aucd df,Coiiiie£|ie|Krtiiien'^l%r three tnibs t<^et|ier vtfae {rf^coin^^ neib were'^'Hitdk, that five hundred miihthav^ been icdd«oil^h(r|>eech I • tneet at due linve iland roonidtiii^y hair^6eefi tt^l*^ cd on the hemlocks, lo weil, I ^ouhtr o(»4-biit ' five i thoti^md^ at one > tutn Toiiad;'*^ . The r?iiiAirka>VJ the firft^ttlers of Vermont, iiiUyiicon^iiii^bfi ic counti The following. rel(i^icMii>if|i«|.|kven me; by] one of the earlieft .^l^ra atl) r^l^jreiidOD^ f :*f The | fitniiher of pigeons Iwai.ioiiBeiilef I ITi^enty^five nelb j :%mre frequently to he found pn mn4 iK^cih tree. . l^he^earth jw^si coveri^d with thefd tpfcs; ' and » "with j hemlodcs, thus loaded 'With' ther'nclli of 'pigeofis. For an hundred acres together, the grooiid was cov* rered with their' dung, toithe dq»tb ^HitM> inchei.; Their noiie in t^ evcni|ig~ wafti>:e3^i:^(^! trioiibli!- ^me^ and (b great that'^ .tm»e!iei^i9rni|d ofigraftjib-a^, Iffi^feathers^^ 1[;h#|g|(a^il^lll«d^ of a dark;bro»»rfi^^ihdWlitej'| ie:4irii^Mj|i^:i^^^f^ piacMn ithich i ' i^^0/^fi^1t!^i^ki\^ 3. Thegrouftdlt^aUowr; 1^:# $^ J^lto^ of the whole ip^ieso. fFbch (w^il^^f&p!p f jM0 in (andy h^tiH&i and on th0* i»d0i#t#^t^ «l*%htfeji or^|!f f ^ty four inches idi Ifiigt^^nvSit^ir ^#< ajsf ii|ade^%l fhe «iarealiiy;'Hbff liflft hp|^ # ^rs|iK and^^th^rsi laid together tin m Ippfp ai|;4 <^MrAie& tl^finer. -TlHir eggS;are perfcaiy w^ite^ t^ i*lie hoi^ in which, jth^ arc iaidi are de« figned 0ltly fo4 1^^^^^ N<»f|e, of thefwrallows eversfef^aininsChemsduri^ the winter. ^ ? 4. The black ttiDrtiit.. This if the largeffe o^ all our iWal* lowi, T^3^ ^)iiii(d tlwlf ^ft»; under the eaves of bpufes, in ^ ^cret or rf tire#:piaices of out houfes^ and old-b<|ildiiigs. Their n^Ajs arp made of ijtfa Mr ^nd f Thfy arrive the lateft, and difappear the^bonlifl^^ialiy of ^!^ fwailows^ which vi fit us. /Theriifiial tinies of the appearance and dirappear- ance of tbefe terd^i^ ferye to mark the tempefaturo of the cli^ia^e^ with as much precifion, as any of the ph^nomena^ aati»«. But they do not feem to be prop^ly hitds Of paSage. At Dattiy in this (late, theiahihiuivts report^ that fome of them were taken out tt0 THE NATURAL ANi ClTIi; oiit of a toebd in that tcnini,Td6»e ^H agO; A miiii was employed in the winter, to prOdire the nwu of the pond lily, for medicinal pnr^tfr. Anioiig thi mud and root* which he threw Ottt, fiftvcrAt firiillows were found ihclofed in the mod ; alive, but kftL tor« pid ftate. The account is not doubtH among the idhabitants ; hot I have not tht teftimotty of any peHions who faw thafe fwallows.—* It has bien doubt- ed by fome able natnralifts, whether it is pofllble for the fwallow to live in fuch a fituation. I faw an initance, which puts the poflTibiUty of thefild beyond all room for doubt. About the year i)|6o, t#otnen were diggiflgili the faltmarlh at Camblldge, ih Mat* fachufetts im the bank of Charle^^ rii^er, about two feet below the furfice of the ground, they dug tip a fwallow, wholly fummnded and coveried with ititid. The fwallow was in a torpid ftate, b«t being hdd in their hands, it revived iH about -half aii hour; The place where this fwallow was dug np^ was every day covered with the fait water i whien at fvttf high tide, was four or five feet deep. The time whcli thii fwallow was found, #as the latter part of the month of Februarv } but the men aflured ide, they had never found any other fwallows in (beh v fituation. The fpecies called the houfe or chimoev fWitlo«r, has been found during the winter, in hoihnr trees. At Middltkury in this ftate, there was a large holloir elm, called by the people iii the vicinity the fwallow tree. From a man who, for feveral years, lited with- in twenty rods of it, I procut-ed this inforn^ation t He always thought the iwallows tarried in the tr«* through the winter, and avoided cutting it dbWn, on that account. About the firft of May, this (Wallows came out of it, in large numbers, aboUC the middls of the day ; and foon returned. As the weather grew warmer, they came ont in the morning #ith s loud noife, or roar, and were foon difperfed : About half an hour before fun down, they returned in milU ioos, ■^i> If f»ydRY Of viXLM&iiri idttf'f idittilil&rif tWd ' d^ HiH^ tilfai^ rcitih9 tibi and tNii cttfftcifiikll Ifte i (UNM^ MilS» i;M« ^ ^ fikty liMt IMi tbr l^ftfdi^ It" #att (dt]ift^^ perfoHt in tlli iHdHi^, 16 Vifii tHb ti^; 1^ dW^m gftidft thti vm^iri^ tbHf a^^ Ifae fiAU^M^ KT ittfli oiitia rt^illidfldi, «fid wH(i a gt^at^^ Iia vembct, 179!, the td^ oflhik tl^, wk| Itfbwil " twenty f6te bdd# #]|«i^^il£e r#«lldwi ^sitUiak^! hai.bdrb tto a^twaMoce df tht WiXIftf^itm. "tfpi on ctittini dbiHk kh^ rm^mt; m tmfWfiift ite^ ty of ei^creiiitiitti qoilN, |i^ fe^tlietl Wfc>^ tbt|^ i but ho appftaraittf^ br ^tHdu of aiiy H^&s. , Abothcrof tbefa fwaHoir tr<^i/#ai ^t WMM^^i! The man who lived Uie^^^fr io tt, gave l^i a4«^ count : The fwalloirt wtH' fi^ft dmrved tvcdoi^ out of the tree, in the fpriiig i klSKkHtht tiiif& t^ the leaves Qra.begai^ tp ^up^t4^iL^jtriti.^fi6A^ that ieafon; tlj(ey eatte Out ih: t|^ tttb^oi; «^ half an hour after fartHl^ f Tfi^y- mied d$ ]i|(^ ^ ftreani,atbig as the hdM Sh *thj^ tf^e itoiil^ i^^^ and afcended in a pdrpf^hdicbH^t Hue^. jintil-thty were above the height of iht* adj|«eitt ti^cs \ th^li afTtiMnie^d m ^rcolaV iSbtiod, performing their revohi<^ tions two or three times, but alu^ayft in a larger ,cir« cle, and then difperlcd in t^rtff dire€Kt)fi. A littjl^ before f^hddiriii^ they rettuftled in iain^diif(^Aiivnb66^ forming feveral circular mottbns, and- then dfeft^n^;^ cd like a dream into the h6lt, ftorti ivhetidd ik^ uint but in the nMrhihg. Aboiit the micfdle of September, they wHttt feen eiktering the tree, for th^ kft time. Thefe biids were all of the fpecies call- ed the houfe or cbimney IWallow.-^The tr^^ was k large hoUow t\m, the hdle at #hich they entered was about forty (tet above the grottnd, and' kbo\ik nine iil^Il^s diameter; The fwalfoWs made tHtif firft apptaranct in the Q^ring, and their lad app^n^ . »nc0 y-- Ar flu. a^^ m^M i^mmtmm v ## b'<.» iW lail m . K ■ .^9? I« '^tcii. iPlfPsr TVwff frxXrl/W. . , , pocuji^iratcfl C|^t€,^d p^rtf of the .ccKMi^ry, tbi» 4e-. h|htful found IS iiot (Q be Iw^rd. Eitlier jifguaed ^ith foglobmy ?i fi9cn€, or diOiking tbefM m jtha unqultiya|ed Iap4f, tjic inuG«?al bir4i do QOt^igii tq iw^i i» frtrK ..i^^e* J 4ih to piit forth tlieif melody to • *tm 'Me% ^u| ao« f^oiifif bas WM '- «;ut doiirQj;^,tr^Aiafl4e^4 =mi^«»Y ■^' viiitiiiicA^: the (S, #n the bifdig^K^^ flpot. and g|ye «tf«?t tM«l^^ nine o'^d^ te^miplf^ )mm^^ ^ ceafes.' ^Wiilflikot and there is iii#i«Miiii»%^^ nMim^l^ML This is one of thA^ilft 4ftlMlilbls4^neiril^ ture affords : But iiMll^lif^ii>ililii^9«^ it is not to be d4^ii^^;^mmm cu»mimim |K»id«. iW«f|.NMidKWr4^«*W^^^ icwinitity dl^gdlflM#« mti^Mmmi^. TtlJb'tSodre, th|w45f|ifeili^ : Hi«^ Duck, eight or ten. J^mii v ^>^n- r « (i*^: j f Ji|, thiritir^'^^ under either of tM' ii^k> &i6ktiptioMi ^' Of<^ kind, tfa^Moiring are the moftcomtnoa and iiu« merous, ' K . ! The Eagle, two fpecies. FaUi. Hawk. four. /^i/r#. ' ' . Owl, threes S&ix. Woodf^ekei'. ftven or eight* FiHis. ^ Kinghtrd.' Lsniiu tyrannus. ^ -\ ^ Crow Blackbird^ GraiHiit qtnfiuJa. Cuekow. Cut-in 4mtrit4imt. Kingfiflier. Alftdo alcyon. Woodcock. ScihpM riyfifa, Woodfnipe, 4 3 V* ' p^t >Jf t l^ltl^ •-'4^d?^.<,>^ i2!.'>^'.., ^*i^; ' 'X. ' .?., 'M irc|t ol 4«Mr- Idl, iMi^K |ni^^ fipom her nKkfrjptQUll, ^mr fiifii|th| ant comge, it t|leJn«ill<|•^ li^ cHiMb m pMlkr to Atnorka. .IRwMditi^ froi» the kailft» the greiteft, throi)|h .iH tW iiM'iP>i#i«« lii| infill^ f^lffk^ oTciihpi. : FISH E S. OF the grttt variety of fifh, vhidk natniw liM |ii9- Sliced in the waters of America, Jtot • fniaU faft are foond in the intefnia ptffta of the oon^HMt. The laifeU ccdlraton of wateit which we hay^ in V^r- niont, are the la|ft 6^ai|itaii^ MeOmhrefnagogi CoffiEie&iait river, wj^h the ftondt^inil llreaBMcoa* aeded with them. In thefc watcra we h^o . ^ TIm Slufgeoo* A^ififffJMiu Silnion* HtStOKY x>f V£ftMOI7T. tti -.«■«« ■ti'** "/.,>jt-*^ ft Sallnott Tk^ti^ i^almfi JkUti, » pi6M«^l, ^ Pike, ^fofi llfdkf. Troiit 3fV Pout. SHurus^feUL l^hiher. Peti^npHih. Chab; PercitpBiiaJilfkia. Bream. Fwa cbtj/oftirs, Bret. ClMped miiiimd, ' Mcrto#, ' Sucker;' '■, ■ ;, : Pace.' ' Migration b i!i6t peculiar t6 this^rils : Several kirtdn oPfklic'Si hkVe as regular periods of approach^ add cle^ai'fiircli ili tire birds of paffage. Tbis is th6 «:arfe iiritH'th¥1^1fhonJ In the fpring, about the 25th hi April, thcfe fifti begin to pafs up Conn^.6^icue river, ao4 proceed to the higheft branches. Aboiti the fattilsiime, or i little later, they are found in Lake Champliiti, and the large (Ireams which fall into it. So llrong is this firftind of migration in the the fact* knon, that ip palfing up the rivers, they force theif palfag^ over catarads of feveral feet iii height, and iq opposition to the mod rapid currents. They arc fom^trmes feen to make fix or fevtfn attempts, be- fore they can fucceed to afcend the falls. When they are thus going up in the fpring, they are round and fat, of an excellent tafte, and flavour. From thefirft week in May, to the fecopd week in June, they are taken in great numbers. When they ar- rive at the upper parts of the rivers, they depofie their fpawn^ a nd remain thcrd during the fummer Q feafon i lit TH« NAT^Ril:!* AiTD mVIt fe^Coo { Imt beoome very lean, and fl^c^d, To«i!l^s ~ t&e latter end of September, they V^fnrn to the oc^in t but fo nm^ emaciated, that they are not ttflEenrPl^ iifed (ioir fo^i. Some of the(e fi^lmoa in tb« fpr^^ will Weigh thirty 6ve or forty potindi. They nil- grate only to cold waters. None of them are ^vfr found to the fouth, or weft, of Conne^icut river. Thofe that go further to the northward, and pad up the river St. Lawrence, are generally more large and rich, than thofe which come from the fouthward. » The Salmon Tr$ut, in its form, dim^ofions, and appearance, viry much refembles the falmon ; but the meat is of a nner grain, and of a more delicate tafte, and flavour. This trout is found in Lake Champlain, and in the rivers and ponds, which are conne^ed with it. Thefe fifh are . taken with the hook and line,; like the cod and haddock. Trouts from feven to ten pounds, are common. In a pond at Leicefter in this ftate, fome have been taken^bich weighed twenty fi^ve pounds : Qtbfrs, much larger have been feen leaping out of the wat«r, which the fifherman- fuppofed would weigh from thirty five to forty pounds. The Piki or PUkenlahonnds much in Lj|ke Cham* plain. It is there called by the name of Mufchilon* goc, and grows to a great fize. They are eafily tak- en with a fpear, and fome of them have weighed for* ty pounds, and were fix feet in length. Of the fmall fifh, which refide in the brooks and fmall ftreams, the moft numerous and ufeful, |r6 the trout, perch, and fucker. The trout, in its colour, form* and tafle, refembles the falmon trout, bi|t is of much fmaller dimenfions. The largeft of them, will not weigh more than two pounds and an half, or three pounds. This fifli is found in all the ftreams, which have their origin in the mountains; and gen- erally very near their fources, in the high lands. The and ulefiif, itid of neiriy t!ie &nie dioMofioiia^ #ii# moSi ttiicoiBiibor it^oncd^ whicit Ijaofecvii^ frntt; of theiiklMi^^^iMi#er of ii^tai«/ih» iii tkc io^ creafe of tll«to Jlli^ Mti UnoioiitH ii a broolf t£dttt tiiren^ ir^tibt^ fetr#ide, madi«ro^r tfarae d^ij i« which titt^tttnitaiid fudeer wtie to bb-lbaiifl 6f th^ comtbOii ifyk, ftted iMtoiber. A idain tvas hniiit acf«^ this ilt'eatli, for tli^pii^i^iof fupplyiiig water for 4 (kwRiftli' This dAiii ^rnM^i pOlild^ #bioh tSv««e€ b^ eftitiMitfkMi, aboift a dioufaad acres, where t^ trees were thtdt, iiifd th« Ibil had nei^er bees CQiti<^ yated. In tWo # ehree^jirs/ibe fifli were mulci^ plied-toan tBCredH>fe niliiaber, ifTbey were becomo fo numerous, that at the upper end of the pond^ when the bfbok fibU into it, in the fpring the fiih are fees running one over another ; etttbarai&d witb tbeh> ii#n nilittbeb t akid unable to e(cApe.6otii anf' ati^iil^fbatitiiiide to take thetn. The^ aretidtefi by WtWa^^^ ^afbre i and the Iwine m^ theni%ithliiit diffieJKk^r, Witb a net, the fi&ep4 men^Oftiett lake i btlfbel at a draugitt, and repeat their |M>Oi.^ with the fatti^ fuccefs^ Carts are load<^ ed with them, in as fliort a time, as the people csmid gather tbem Up, whentbrown'tipon the banks ; and itisttfftoiiiai^ti>iblttbeinin^ fiihingfearon, for a mUn^hy %hh biitiel. Wtide they b^ve thus in« crtiUkd in numbers, they are become more than double to their former fiz£.r*-Tb'S extreme increare does not feem to be derived from any other caufe^ than that of coUef^irilfif the wateiv in Tnch a quantity-, as to form the pood i; and thus Increafe jthe means of fubfiftence, by carrying the water over a large tra6l of rich, and tinted tivated land. Events of a fimilar nature generally lake place, when an arti. iki3il pond is Q^de iii iH) part of the country, not ,}■.;■■■ i \:>i ,-' ■ -before , ■ i 0aife.*, ■- ■ '<•; fi >4 ^ ..rv' ^\ ^^ •?• * -r ;i V ^ ^1« thfprvdxi^&h^k of 6(|^ nt fvliifsh ;^ey Ncome pfitfiict ;«rf^ :lm0lli^iii^ kt^nrMgCi and coflB{iatatKfft.r;i Tlie limollt.^ tl«^r|« ponda, and lak^t^'ofc iever^)i!he)pe/|UMre4«5i>lMN»m« The i'ea co»(l6 artf one £iP# i^r xather to 4h'e guilte9 of the moiitil^iniu J^f%:.pmf idiaSktons requite a coU«£lioot4i| iiateif foe^^foft- lottion. Naturaltlls hAve {tf^^pioM vmoifi ^mtHf and fpe^uiatioiiSi to DipQPitiit tot lthiif(iUc^i«|it|^i«^p ^ ter in (tich places^ where thei«'«k«ftioj«r AQ^.ii^||^9 ances of the^kind.^ ;, .. . ■ ■ r .f^•■-^yn»^i^ In: their defcent Irom the if«Qiiiil%in9»(l}l^ IDK^ and rivers mn^tyftr^whftmhsifiifwmi^i^^!^^ into lakes, pond&,M4,fmaik lioUfcdlilinft of. llfr^^rj *^P}tt nomber of Iffh III fhv tiferi dV' B6ath«fi>«r7^t/^ h •Ailt^ ^q««} lo My thing ** i* *»^ 'pirntifi.1, that, vyitliooc iii]r,.«r^,^t>«y mf isi^t tt^cip^ irhh tuir b^nd*.** . . .. • .'^ . -^.^^ . ■( ^ ^ . *• 1 1 the Orfnoco," <«rt 1*. ObiiiHIt;^ •* ifelMei'in-i^i*iU? »i» rt«ty of oth«r fi(h» torcoifof ior (srits «b S9t M. de la Condaniae confirmi their accouati. ioiig.l|tt^ IllllWldel^ I^Mt^^ in twiw^ Mt^^^ dA^tnltieat^ < ffilief ^dKJipiid^ ttte -k^eM^ hvA am # die lai^gtftif^e^ in tl|e bolttit ^^n* ^ mobi:,£tiiif are 4toii|p»r»tihrefy(4>f bur i 1^ Tpeekfi^ add rm$3l4<> t^ifffi^ j but iUkty f;|i8^# |feat i^iii^. toad, I^JMW. V Frog, pve. fi««#.; ,v / > I^Uard. Lacirti^ ptfn{fat4» < Swift. Lsf4ttafyeiuU, There are fei«era4 accootits in aatoral hiftorjr, «if to?d» b^ing found in the hearts of tree*, ai>d in folid rqclps ; whoiljr i^ciofed^ 9iid (hut u|> frorirthe air. ^ivie,diflt)f^)ftlfchfiKu«ttbiii. Iti fhe^M^nidiri of ^m^U Mewfimu^ li^hbut attj/^^iiilk eiittrailct ^to qdcfyelittded, tfailt the t^d^ittilft liaV« bctefiicdfifiiiedm iSi«t#tuatioo» atl^ft eigllt^ df* ate huiiclrtfd y^irf.* W« iiave fev^ral iirftaAoes ill Vtiriiibtlf ^ tquiJiy ex* Ih^diifvrf. At^iiidfbr, i^ liiiiy^ j6iiiing e& (>bn. H^dicttt river; iii'S^|:ltiiiiberi 17^9, a living fi«>g Was 'di^i u^ ar the dtfp^'bf nine feefci from the filrfarce of i^e^kh. Sttfibtt^jMe^t, Efqr fit^joi whom I have tbiiatcount^ itifolte ttie^^thjil^the fili^ where this ibsg «rat fottiid» #ii4 albitt half a^le from tlie rivi. cr» on the intervale landtf, wki«h ate attnilaUy over- flowed by its waters. At Caftleton, In the year >779* tlie inbal^t^ntl were engag^ft in building a fort, near the centre of the town. Digging into the jeartb iivefor fix feet below the &rfiGe»\ thty found ibtny frogs;; ap|>ariently tna^ivei^and roppofed tabe .dend. .Being expoleato theairfbnimattoin foon a> pear«dj and they urere^ foutid to b^ l^ltve, ztfn bealtby. I have this account from General C/jri(f, and a Mr. Mtttl/eii, who were* prefent; when; tfaefe frogs. Were dug up. Upon viewing the Tpoc, it did not appear to me, that it had ever, been- overflowed with water, but it abounded with fprings. A more remarlcsble inflance Was at Burlington, upon Onion river, in the year 1788, SamutJ Lane, Efq; was digging a well nekr his houfe. At the depth of twenty five or thirty feet^ from the furfacc of the earth, the labourers threw out with tl^eir (hovels, fomething which they farpe£ked to be groundnuts, or (lones covered with earth. Upon examining thefe appearances* they were found to be frogs ^ to - . whi^b, * SmdUe'i Philofophy of Natural Iliftory, p. laa. whkh» the eanfa every where adiiefed. The efatn* ination was. then m^de' nf tkfi ^Tfh«| imtthi^ weO, where |hcy were digging. A largrtmmher |0f f|i||gp were found cdyfj^d, with th<$ «irth^aild A^ HHHQUQ-qiII^ that feveral of thenr were ca^ igf^CfS bji^hirfpidiir of the workmen. Being expoied tp thf , i|jir» thef/ foon became a^ve ; .but ttna|]|c|o.endwr^l|M$di|^ rays of the fun, thempflr ^if th#ai}periPi«4^ ,|r^ account is from }Ar, J^«#,>nd tMr^ ^ipriiff ^^ 'ii the workmen^ who were botl^ |>refiPnt ; piftt (1^ frogs were dug up. From t^^:depth of eaftl^tipfijyi^ which thefe frogs.were covered, it cannot bedoul^^ but that thfy m^ii have been,Goyered over in the. earth, for many ages, or rather centuries. Th^ ap?^ po|^om o(^ § ^^^tUSIil^ or lake, formed ^ the waters^ pf Qijipn .pvoiv hM digging the ianie i^eU» at the ?dept|| >plf Jg^tyj ^cpcr feet and an half fjit^pi the furCac^; j|be worl;^tt fpiiii^ the body pf a tree eighteeii ;9r ||Hrfiity iniHlilaiSf , liif fii^ r \ilii >ar^ lir^eGi r^ ed^a6% ^uhrirg^fdrift th^tkr^n^buriiifiii tateh, apij^ac^lis h^drer i^'VH#^f^{ik^ le^imuts, ifid Is iiirccfikntlf ft)|^4t(^;tiijt#tlfe bird, ^ilfaoiit^atif pow«i^tO'e%^e, csdiiibs withiii thirbidh ^ the .^ora.a» Fkmidi K Aid tlpsttifiiltiirthi Id Vdli^ttin^ Atid th« cpuntf^ o^'Bnill)* T imr Uini^Si ^miMli Mifr liii lira lifbllow 'of; a larfc trc^ thah I0 aRf v of cniiiiBtit* t^M bee liivesv The}» 1U'« iM iboand iiii1Riifl|ii urbeVeittie clifii&te it. iimcb^pore foimife^ihj^wi^iiDm, ibls^rt of AmeHoa : Vhty woMilmmwtiaikwti^ ^tei^ »id Q»r«ed alohg tbe aif^try:; wb|»« ^^jr ciiHild &id cHi tn^iit of fubtiilefke^ andvis dtintit fiiit mifuitld totbeir <«iFiporr. M^m •^^Mjli boen Ibiittdifiiv beyond »bft EngKlli ^ikmnmih Wtm our cirifrftviicciuaiftunci^ with Lake GiMrn^ini, ll uNit^ to b« ' foond ^ in tkt ofKii landt; dbnf i ^iob IHorttf uttftedilUlkciDf a|t bunded iniWt>frai| ^ ^he EftflfKfb ov l^ettdk rettlemef^ii add fbiif >lclbic9 * 'tbofi^ fecdeitienta Ka^ begun K^ attend to,it(&.ci|)|i^ vation or this animal : And from the firHfi^tfeipeBl dlNewenfiand, hunting for) llietr oeRa baa liftb ft •fiiVouriie and prof table aiiuifeiDciit««i— Biib^fll^lb* chkf .WMr'=« 'W*^ ' * > * " i'lU fi]Bfd th« MeM jot idmething^iuiiplMifaiUg, dh^riutifs^* eriodiotti. TheidcG^iit^ tk« mfdornitm thMpiwtt of tlw Crestciv irbnot to bo€llimued% Ibcli fedl'* lBg«;feaft»md prajudteM. ' Thf reptile, th« inle^^ thefifli« thaJbvriiJAnd tbe<^dfuptd^^ bne'^ainiiicll attheothir, d^Hota wi(dom^ power^ aod defigiii in ^•u^JbOrof i\ttigre : And che^«ve!a|tkee«iouOiben and ^ae of lhe(e anitHaU in Aimf# iei« ^nrhefa^eire jttftly ftated^n feveral el febeil' aeoounlai and they onghl t«» have coofdkidid >fydfli thenii that the ^l waa nntfOramonJir M^i : ftfnib, and luKiMiian^* Anxiottt to fiikl'matfli iof d<«rftdbi>> tien in Afiteric^» they have almo^ unkvm(f/A\j^ tdm vaneed' a eontrary coAelnfioil : That thii 'prolific povdr of natnre, deniMed *i^ nficotntnonton^aiisii^ and dbgradation of dimaic* No condlufioa wm ever fnithf r frtMi the trothg or niore tennOte : from prolabili^. It ia on&y a ttich foii and a temperatto dimatr^ which can produce irhai thef tfall a rank vegetation, or nnfiaeroiia reptilei end infe^, of the taigeftifiac^ mtn thia tmperfeCl «iew of onr mMd||Med:i, Uffdi, Ml*, end rafeaa, ioftowi of findinpMii^ but weak and feeble in America, as M, de BufFoa haa "^' ■," -•''•<••■■■■■ ' ■ . < ^ipMii^Mi* lier aoimalt APJj^V' , to b^, Ip^M adias forte.'! HiS. Ntt»;(vm. laa. edii. PvMi if^4> '' ' ' . " *' ■ '.. ■. ) i ;- \" * ^ - . ' . t . <■ .!% 4 Ui N ,^!»V .!J{ ' 'U ? t t ... r. . .< 4K r - r 1 ^ -,M*i,.:. ..t.u.j^^., ..'C'li "■^/F»5t» .».i . . -. ,Aii4U^-iif' li «iife%' f , . iilipidiw«>iii^iici^^ .1^ O R I G I N A' L T M i! A B I T A M Ts .^—Tke'Emphymints, Civ* and Cuftems if the IndiMni: tbe AivUnfaih^l oitd Vijadvanl^sif'm ; ■'•■■■■*.• ^ ■ ' ■ ! i I N the formation of the tmmntalni, livers, vegetables^ and animais, the powers of nature appear tor. rileitn a deader and :bQautiful proffiefff I'Bii .pip^rfft tts$m% tplbrcoinpleted in thf pi£ii»d« tion ?of «: Tatioii4l)iino«ali'«ii4 acoouotable animal. This ia&ii|ial- "h Manii Aa^ be evidsntl|r «ppdars'ia everv i^artnf vt their ,ca^n^lla1lc• dtfcoveri ibmetbiDj^ wi)d, nerce, and ftgtienf < Koi^t oFitheiB afoftPCQ £riioiedK mutilatedv or^jd^^mwd ( dcMa^^inmy ^ their fenfes, onr dtSft^tm any «f>theitf Ibodtly orfaos ;.bnt Ariight, Mn\X buUt, an« ^obttft \v haldieiwpoarattce, arpKttt, a«4 coumffnanct of ihQ t4ndian^» tH^r^ if> an .uocortiqiOiii ur^t^rtnity, «ndi re%0blaf);Me. ; It .il tb;e (kmeia iU dun^tei^ jAcI ia.all the tribes of America, It ido^i pot varj with iinmi r .^flTke roJIowUi afiODqnt rcf4tfjf^f^ fift; Infill %Jii^1th^irivfr« of Aineijfic* 49iiniled» th« phicer, tb'^iifb ^y mmrptotwttQtthk^t^ p#fe^ AWd fllldftWth^iefadlliW^ d||(^|^ (bme df ilKfil h^l or f^iaiciiQimtiaiiiis jfe^a^d; And tbiiv W^Hi |!^^e^a11^ cliftin^lt^ied l^y &ini( l^aiikuUr od of ftiipj^it. f^ai fidoitP^^^^ tBcf fr^i^ i^kk «tfe earth fpdtitSii^cbiiC^ j^foii^d, Were^ ^^ of (hort coDtiiujuiMk A few tribei o^ly ^oy^cl 1^ ii£cointii0cNite4»l»!^ w vjoinlty and 0»veiiihu:e,of a^ river ^ ^t Jkiiie Wiis ev,lrf wliere to ,'^' fimiid. . The b«ar, tliie ^ej^» tticheiver^^th^ ^i^^p(^^ other ammih, ^e^e ib great-niitttbiitt, and in ii^ part o€ the ^itorthern continent. From thefc, the Indian derived Wj mf^ (hw:^ *pd plcnttfw} . ^pport. But ttua BMVhoid of JfMTOClinng^d, ivemned gr^at effoctt of inveniioot and «£Uvky »^ Tii« ftwngtb, the fierce* ^ offs, md thd fwiftnefii oi the wild anltna^, the fcc« bleners ^•Hp hWBTi^^^ I • and c^lea forth all tHe'iCliire poi>fenM\^1^^^9^ >l«W|!iiiW^I#4|P^«*^^ An 4Mti^S«*i%#4 fiiv|[;^t^% tff^^!i:0 Oiefe 1^ ^^^^^ nfej int. ^%cm^0^ ni^ Miy: if karris l«-i ■lt'rt^«»l<^« mi^m»^^.-il^- _,#»JL^ JI ^_^^ l|lipi|pi |BCOBI^||l(|Mf (MuMplnPp'VK KllR lllQR* firai no ytar, fn whi^h ,1]^ 1r*r« jii»l (i^Q to tMl ftitrcmes, of gr^at IfUnty^ and fev'cjv famiQ?. . » The 4^Ml^eP|h€ Indian cdaforsied to t)i!s ftate of tlings. . ti^ the temm of plentf, iho Tanrage io- dttlged hitnrc^f tO|rea| tJKtCn In the iioeieof fata* in«A,(^ In^n iKni^ ht#'hu9gcr Wtfh aftoot^iiig pa- tiefii^^«ndfitjpherr. $o acoitllotned iras bcf to this tf-i^' «* irregular ■^a^^*«m Hrtb^tnfTta fii>^£«li»-«iiilllNt^1l#^iof govevniiMn^lfUfSti^ rtl«a^^kH^<#||^ the pmpmb^fiS»«mmf^^ri»ind df Micfi^ THftiifly^fa^ ^ Jtvvii 4fe«# the j|4«i« A; th« fM^j S wcr•^ v^l^nt&ofe {eft im ^Vimwu^wm^' -^il^bif^mh^' If ays been the cafe. m^fiMtntf^ilh^^^M^ ermmq^t: |f ia^urie« were 4ow,if ^oof^fl^ 4»i4»'n ■«» * .mmmmmmmmmm y^^ pw*lllp|if*|5.i'{t l^BipflWInmnPCWITf Ul )f ■ll'R' V !« IV 8 "ill v.. ftmmmmt^ . . iBtii bnity, pronounce it wetk^ lboK%'ittd.oiiAtn^pCii^. But m ft^^' fair TtMii fii^riiriiin^rfiiiifi iiWrimlT«m sisiit |eiiM»ta'.cibti$fiQi>ta^! incei^fo die %ir^ ol fKeedcHni#qE9*lii)f^^ii»i)iade^ and to rouler i^ifeoii|^ ifi«icff^^pMaaeii^' lbr^i|^ the whole tiiile„-^'-iia krjii V rnoty^h'^^'' ■ .... , ■•■- i^n.-\i. i ^ SySTIM . ip -trnmamiMi^ mmmiim >«Ii;5.y4-, vin IxuMjuh *WPPB^TW^^^^ hwiliwtthig i>iM l^iiyptiaiiltliHiy 'g|iii!f%|lii^'- ^(^11 |biriiHbcl»'idiiiiJi»£fif«d^^ immmmik' 'Hme^ ^^f^tbii^ produced^ iH»,|Miit1^|Mr^ 'ilwiffiiiMiMr 'iiidfiiiiiiii j K^^^p^i '■^-■W^-, fUM^ilj^ •#■' .jjigl|^rjtTjfriiirhiiiii» tceeivcs. wmm «rtwpiiimiip , ^^ JL£_ .<^^ii.>. J. . t^ ii««^'^*^iai^4f«fW|^^ IP yMlMi^e»«Vi^##*^^^^^*^^f^^«*-^ tljyfWMt'itili 4^ ^^^ ^.H^,, Iit>4i^t|^j,l4^4*«^^ ^'f^r**'^ stBW^ mi W wmw^'^^'^^^mrf^. iiSiSW«^« ..-v.* 4"j.. >j*'i»^ 2a 'iwil^ ■ ' -SsSJ !T:^S5j -4-11 i:«J:i -. i«l*i|«>ti^ ^ej; irtar to n^, sIimK #atte aw^. No ijiri of c^amtiie^ ieetiis td^ haire ^j^^^^ |o^o ^l^eir nuidi. "^Tbia fc^nis to be one ol the ^j(U)tii9;/!redij^ ibiB Imk o^ a^^otive^tbeiai^e al- feiaUa til :^aiif|ig,is fl^ 1^ I|vbizrh0 miiil^ : liidyieiit aiid^dl b» ail^ tbe duifet^ns of labooi, lie becomei dtepy eo j^^ged^ i;^^ and ooify in |i^. fyery tblRg be w)!!^^ ia fta^dlit there liiii^OQa ^ and be kofts bis |eace, bis f^fes» and i^ llAt be is iirortb. fitittbne aibiifetnaala do tiot m^^ conllib^eii 4bdjnarreb rlE^^ 3oin ftth a ftaiitic ea^t^iel!, they are |enciil]|f man- ^a|ed» and terminate, in g^ia«N^^ to d<^>f!tf ; If #ar b j§ be procIaMii^j^ da^ i$l»x^^ tetm^. ncntniid rag#t%1idin,to thfijr eaeit^cs, iad of ^ ^ttilc maaa«r» iA:ifh^|^tKeu^ j|i^u;|b^ treat ^tmi %??<*^i^|!^|Mn^^ Is(this,thCtra^ IWj^of^'iyt liimpalriareto be expredfed; Tke -^-' • 1^6 T«» NATURAL Aiip^glYIJL, of being bairely ah amufetaeBV^i]j| |livi|jrfioiik i^MPP- fciif amongibe lodiafis, *' ^ ^ ' "' " -^^ .^ i »* ? lious ccreiBony s tant tranfaj^ioii. |»i]Bons, wliich ie ttould uatw-^^^ ^.w^^^w,^ *» ., not remarldible. ibat athoiiff tbe ta^j^ iii t^e firii ^agic^dr fociety, dancing uioum be rad|i|tM ^^ P"^ anclimtiqos of it, %iil4 be a^a (g l^fkdl0O | an4[ tbae. Attoi^tMiiil^a iijttl(i£^ aft prl(^ ^D^ no* tioni fbottid be i^rittout 4^pjg^|.ip|^ without any tiieanthg at ajl pl',^ " ? ». (lHotily^a^e Wen varfciii;^ and d)i!ei^iit, i^eG^tfOtlng ititlpnl fbe&r beards, Sc^rpej^ifii jpj^ri ^'^^m Z9 / give ti^e with ' ft^lt 1 ■ 'S .' __ 0 t tt i ' N A tttH A t AH b CI VI L i^iki^^!!^^ lii^ at ^it it ^ J#^ PlaE^tt the hem their ea^vet f and who ;havti t^en all the ibtmt^ o{ aft Ifldian fkniilf , dijifle^ and undrciT- cd^'andia^litiiacioiip. The ililD^ it aflerted by Hubfti^ho htVe li^d aiiibii|f the ^ilised tiribes, and It^ called '^:|^«ifonh offices of httQMiii%, to the |i»liMit of each feic- The heardleft tgvimnaoce of tfoUtldlib tfactt^ k iiot'tb Ibi^ ranled atp<>tig the co* iikk^i^extiioiil^ nature^ but a^tblreplaokdaltion^'rae'cuftoiiit MCtiiiar to the ^!3|kt7yftBiririiit;*;-^ratd:eiinert it o^^^ of IhoTe ^ mm ire my irere acqaamcea . ^, . _^^ hMl qiiodVered m ooBipofi* fi^><^ Ifi^'of^aii'i&^iil kabre/iiiidd out «riiiai^ ^irf^iin^c^. Uttc the dilficul^ of pro- «grniir)i>i|eauii(ti^^d^ my dnlerarHflltMrA^ q^ ekcblt. Np fiMi^er had l^r£l»wer^ cbntUAllv toaiiaa^iitt ij^iexr^*^ people; w1i0 Wwfe hM H^ — ^ ^ .„ „ for a few nioi^iL WVi^W^^^^^ temperance. The Inaiiii;^i-^#et%!h(^y l^p.^ to the trial. UnacoiftotQed Ay % ' a^jf 'ff^flii his appetites and paffiosf^ ad^ iii||i|li ft| Ugar'i fmalf ottantity fof ^be lUmof, tb jrfeilt^ll'^llti Qnafed, he is oirenxmi^ tt|iefith(tf firft tx^ ^Ui} petite, the tQOrelfiiam^by irffi^^lij^ becomes wnoittlt^ and /agio|2 dttfl jmi^M^ puts it out o^ KiifkNTtft'to iaMgi^iiblifftf 1< er. Nothing but a toul change «f the whole tnu.. od of his living, will enable him lx>in^Brre thetiem^ peraoce and legularity^ which to a' pcrfoo furroafidea with all the comfbr^ of life, it en cafy ihd a cOm* mon attainment. Cruelty. —There ate Ao paHoss in the huim^ mind, which operate with fo mueh foice and lleivco neft, as thofip ol anger and revenge. The cttftoms 1*1 ^ vAgcr Qf nis Qw^ in- if^to nrUt be fowpd foi t At a &^< th^^ ra^e >^ in early life, t(i ,,, _ ,,.^ JkJc force o)r ed- cttftom^ hflftt, incl oiapneY of liv- ^^||6r|n^ie9Mkt(^i^;^&e handi or i^o^U and yjiiit of Ibint. . ;0^5|irit of y^geiin^c, all the if if fHtf,}^vt plliced the point of [f •-«ay^ and jimpfePjiDW paffidw, m ^^ : MoKl^Q; tie deftruaive rcjr, tli»o ,P*^?j^,P*''S**n •» '^c ^ - barbaroui deilruQioQ, _„. l;l[eiice the me^liod of carnmaa on bii .^ajr» wm to dcftroy mf n, infonifin, and^c^^tl ': Tp, plunder and bu^a their towijisJa^d vitutges : To torture and torment their ptifiWi: And ttrffverp oQF whole tribes with an ^ * univcrW irip&kt. ^«v ^ ttttirtitOL Isffdr^)^ JT Iti iani4^ f»r exceed^ W ,#rtg wM im im timp^tftAti hf the Indians^; UJt aie td^ Cl|re| .riMUioii^^ 1«0»^ Jk^fihm and ^f|«V7i j»^<^Vy 6iiel,ftr)a ^^ jftfritMi, w^e. the puoifb- menu fhi^ V^P.M# whc;iie«er thqr bad po€er, q^i^f. er failed t6 ififlid vrith greet fjl^ejirttre, upon tbofe ^ho wiere #ife and virtup^ enough io ^ppdTe theiK. The tnafllMire 00 St. Jfartholodiew's dav, ih 157.1^^ wa9 9^ of the mc^ harbarous fnd hbtrid of ^11 hq» man tf^nfaflionsj In the midft of the mou polity tity in Earope, the kintr, princes, nobility, and prielU^ turned monfttrs, aflafTin'.n, and batchers t and mur^ dered thirty thoufand of their felloir men^ on ac^ cotlntof their i^eligion. Their rage was attended W IV ill) ^ Mr, Bur^e, tf ^ thr liiai^nf. ' At ti^Ncdidit^ ir^f nl tfieir^tlvtt, |^iN0 |;tiglifli^]ii(f^; ^oA<^ #^1^^111. demntdC iiid execttte^ «q^ ii^ oths en wcte^iit tv cotiiiitte Ifa^t' astysM^WIhire^ lyf tii« W^fttndiut iilaild» V A >iiJi^^^^ t# Hbiiii anore'fevcye' tifanr-ieitfe^l ■ ■' '''' " .j^iinr;.; rfce, bigotry, and reireiiKe, pfd^iide ftfaii^lwi6 ikjifeirild 'IJpirit among citilized aacrons, trtttoitt appears witb a more diiibolmai arpc^i 1 not like toe ^|e^^f ' witii Beafts/but !13te the ftkry and vengeaii(c;e or a eomli^ natfOD df apofta^te Ibirits^-^The proofs of ^l:6owI- e^e, hmnaiiitt, indfcfinetiien^will sff^Hj^oiify tpftiwlreij^rfofto^fva/ ^^^^ ^ r ^ch were tbe regulations, co Aoniti alrif inan ViO^oyR Of THi Body, tb^:f§Y^»pi i^^^ ma)? jpljr be^ lefteJeaiec) one, and a matter 9/ iilis#k j^por^iic^p tjk^t h was favpuraU? t^ the VJgoi|r«a(SUvitf, aa4J^aIch of thelnidf, ll i| by exei^on an^^xerdrc^ihat the bpdjr. acquires its Kfiofl l^pf^ fta^f <)f f^vity^ firmiie(s,vigoar»ao(I b^^tJI^^ m theforeflsin ^uell ^a^^^^m^! Indian ttcquirfd an babit and adtvit^ in timi^Uiogi, ibat exceeded tbat of any otber peopled ^^r^|M j^ttd^qu^edi tbe ilnmiiean.-^Mo people betf W^m^ fttip^ litigue fo well : Tbe cxtfeoit^ (Mf!)ieai>iadxold^ of honger and ^birft, of bad weaf^ei^ and of ba4 adcfmmodaions, are per- fe6llyfaiiitltirto the Indian: And be bears C^em with a.Q}^leriei9e^,|ipoabis conftttution* than tbe men wfio ^ve 1>e^fi.ii^d to better accommoda- tions«--->l}|||ccuftom«d to the Ibady and regular em- ploymen^ ff jg|riGiiUur^, m$ body does not acquire the ftreng^ (h^t tbe £ttropeant ha^e. And when tbe exertirott)oted m vigt^m^muhdf'mmfi'tk^M to produce itidepcndettd^, l^rtno«()»| A|fidii^t!^od«in the mind; Inured tdTuifeHng»hat^j^¥|i^ diti- gtr, thrt^j^d (^ i^ favd^fi was foirmed t6 ; iir hani- ual firmtr^^ arid bburagfe. Hf» mih^liffriMiiiietoM. " pofed and coff^aecf in crhical and dal^rerdci* fjfk- tiont ; An4 h)^ fuSeted but; little from appreheo- fiohi 6F fear.^tHe'ft»id^^«^ rt(^ a^d in^ cnce, was ial^HM^lkv^ i^timt0tiiy e^ filmed attending fali^du6ittoti, ehibldynii^^.yiMv. ptiitbn. Neimer cbiVed^^ lior cheS^^d % fiiiMy vc?tp» retarded or (lopped in any purfuit, he kne^ dtgnity!, «r^8,hift fovtituiie and , brav^ry^ 1^'4|^ «ilc^ hit f#iiAi% i#i#ifitalifii«^ii^^ m yjfar pin with Uh l^fcliiig^ mi #ith mm:^6)i^i^$tiih$n otfagr totn. theiH: ii ^ Icte^ defieli ik liil cdtiftiltifl^ Hit h6)ti6v»^Vi:^yk ft<^ fiite^fl^'filt b# it «i%^^^^ fbe (bte^dKica>Wl^it^edai&i^|W^ 1^. ^fak. mJmm'^HiekfAtt^^m^^ of nie (Jtyfl^e itl«|%lkii i»Hl^^ mid v'tgbnrupiin^iWmmA fn\nd,iHnM fef 6r acqttiitt miAjft the lififieiiiMft liiid foftttefii of a more poUAi- ed it^te of Ibdefi'. Re6iiem^ti ii^ ^ irtt, Cftft. fen aitid reUit the mind t philofophy dibilitatet iie ^(Miy 'nrhiie It itiHt 1«» tolrea m tl^iiftfkam^ ex- ceiti, m the ilftlid» Ci# to jiv« It a fm hahit Iiii4 tone of'fhittllhliiM ealifit: Wt in th^l^dettefr Of the mggthm^tvtff^Wiltg eOttcten t^g>^ ui uniltet- ^a%Riiiefi to tli#l^y» itid foltfaeiteiiidi the |)rin« kr die %mt»m »P<^ ^ ^)^ |liaiiil;,,h%f j^fi»ci|#f (ieifiel or. #^i2^ ^^e |^Mf|^4<^ i^^j^if ^1^^ «M:«ii{Klli» skU^ll^ If^l^ i«4 f Kaoim^ be«|akKB 4 |)i> iCe$Jm(W4Qfeii:p^^ of hi^ourn jln^i^;^ lib ^h^^ i^^fodoiiii^ loi^b^ '|]Mll0ry MKiQii^M Mi th» fetv^et Jie^^iii^A wilder ,lei|iJ5tA*ilS0 ffMteft 9i;kjD$Mitof9l^e|^tde fiieiii- . |»ev»vOf the faoie tribe : U feenM tp h^ye Nj^'^ '^ #^(| rooti to have a^d wit^i^t^ |refteft force, ■luji (Q have lieiiii the teafticarropted, tii the ^vage y > A|fi^eti,t{ier iQterefts 4>f thek eoiintry «rere lo be fiwMf red, j^p^ lir§4m€$ and w^iMl! were cKttJajr- f$4 fe *W:Poi»nfiiKu J'fcp cyfftii^teldiMff WI»fif!t• -^I»l^higrc^ d^ihw^HWH ^{ iliatujObkr^o^ip^ >»aiMb «poo;©t •1^(1 greyer iMiw^flrpfr*^^ %at^^^ nothraf t6^ be g^i'silMf i)r liitri^tiiS^ Stflimutltiotii, or e knavery. * Ck«rl«vol» iii, ««♦ SAfik^i Hift. Ilewyi|rlt, p. S3* Fhil. SAt* Vrt ^i fallal It n fltiK^tfci^ irfrfit itaffiSyr """^ t i^ MM'HIMMIB|^MV|^II#'9WM JAPifeNM*' €0!Wfl$(K99^ ftH .^m ^^j^^^ nil i ^m^ '«^>; kiff ij^j fwKttn The fur^ pkingiM . *> 0MMSKUt^ 'if^,wm^ riiaM nm. .%^ ^¥-0t' :'im^0l^- mH^^^i tUttM IliA im Mill ^liliMili' I ^^^^m*^^9 im^m^^W^^ AHMKI^m||1P' ^WPBBp^i^PI^^ W^ ./WW^iki. #iiipi j^U i the 4ilier'lifllliiMMr ipl '. ■rm^'^mm»il^'^^ ^, ^ „ If uiiiHo#s^'M^Piiiir Mad i»M4ikidBicl4ii-^tlie»l»i^ treise labour, w^% fermtd into a liollo#^ «itd ilkii wtt6 litter I WMJ^^tyi iraHnr w&i ^•i« lo ^JboUi bx Tlb^fftiteA iMH^ntMicfli of tlib Ifidlmi fetiioa^ was^r eoDtamm f^ iw c9MPe« Wttfar iA&iit» Y ' labour, ll|»»of' invefligation^ Nor wa, tiatt mv thing Mi thing Mi i*» pMi 4.^ ^J^fllo&'f If 9ttl OB VMIinil^ > 160* JMOMllllDaiii « . ^%i ¥fnri T^^fHt' mm 'iPr PM ^''I^^^ It ^^'**€V ■ I :#ife iftfUi fTiUlru; »^i!km| ^. I rivi?j^ Wd'4^t[MlrfPf Jriiftiil;^*^ '^fl^ii-5^ f ]WMrtketchtBHiil.of Mao, Vol.I« Sketch i. VoWltt. N> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) "/ // ,.*%v.. iJfi,g1t4ij^.->..|^^4.^|^ wN 'Min/O s'WCSRf^ffffWv ^^^Kd ■£,|iiM^«;4^i^^f^-n '*ci:»t.',"t,.-...»^^.^' ^:Rf?«f**|^-i<^1i ssriM J"^^<,, '^tm^:> drntii )■ 1 >^T»'f'AW >ii*! € H' A F. ^'Ct? «• I ows ai^ evclidt thick J witli fmin le^ IdttliaAds. ^ Thw^^iatlon hiij fprwd oye? tfeejiiiift norlli^n parts tMAn^^^^* They aF<: found in Qfeetiltirf.iJn the >alUf Labradorc, in ttttcffpi^? bay, and kail tk <^afca a^d fflaiid^s oh%U w4ff 0dr«rmrt*rjiica, op. ^trtpK^AfchatK^ Their ^|rWM? had ei ^-^^ to >Jorton^ foahd, Oaate&l, alia Prince " Wafiam's ViiBtt!i;< «mil«ritfMJNiii«yi^ It ance of cht^if«6ple..^ti4fef tli^al to bc^tlie tiise^rai the Upl«^f» «fo ZiHAUai^ehWaVdf l^ 6dHh; *S%ey HkH of £at^p« ft^^merksa hf land, » aa yet ui^tjcftro. Mj' "^ -^ ' - ' " cirtll fromvl voyage wab mi:^ t^ ^^^^g^^ : And thit vas pr^i^tr* ed from Ibe «iirlteil ^iitd» thaie t^e Nortve- fins ^iQitid|ind%li«!Jktl|0t^ c^Wea In &r^nUnd. Ii6i^ ia litft }^1r«^ thb nati^^f ly^l^^ir,^ de^^^^^ the fame peopl« % tll9iilbil||j^|j| £aropc.«^Thdr defcen^ tii«fef$9, Pere HiU, an aft^omlr^ tlatiittiy, Wai fen^' into Lapla'nd to b>fiCnre tli^t^njlt ha|% Itams ate i(> Vher p^rts of tl^e' globe. But rttdCp differences m«(^ ^ave been fiectvod from cUmatei food, nianncr of living, or fomie other cincttroftanoei for they certait^y were noit d«rit«4fKom • differed cirigio, or amr parfic^laf Ipctl crfta^bjpL . The ccnltitution of ^^(^ apf|e#|i,to be the fame.Ji^ every p?r$ of the flobe.. J^amte h«i l^iven to hin^ th^ faibe phy%iai:aqd mora! ppwtu^ capably: of difit^rei^t degrees of improvemeft| fcjg^a» ing to the l|at|( pf fpciety in vhicp he&aktbe^aced^ 3ut in po cott0^y« pr pirt^pf the globe, does man appear to be an animal of elimatie, Am'oiigiaijtiuh liotbiog is more apparept^ thao that fome azf Imiipials of climate t that is, th^ are iStted by oMure .^a4 conHitutiop to fpme particular part pf the flohe | where alone they caa fttb(i(^, muiHply> and i>btaio their proper perfe^iop« Thus the fnioMda pepuliir to the torrid and frigid zone, never bfve lAcir part tipttlar climates out of choice j andwhon n^chiue of' IF Raimi' Sketches of the Hift, of Man. !• p. 1 1. mm^: M^ iimj^^ bis l^iiep^ emig» 6ttc4 ^o » |i(^«9a tim^^ic, jdi^Mji^ Mi accorijmg a* Jbi* IJitv^loi^ p*y r^g^iff* Jfor '^ 99tiir9 Mpgt)6(S ip liiiii aiijr pi^riiculfr, laVamMip iwiour. m^^ is t^^bTeaice or want, and wiiittp themiT^tm^of »U qild^rs : And tbe& are tbc «sxw tiiemes betwef 9 wiliidl^ #U t^e ?|iri9ii» fiMi^wpoi falL Nature ther#ffii|» lm*»0 0EiipMt0mfmm^ cpgri^ff, pr jtny ifiv9kijai>l« colour, o| anf thing ht kir^mUn^n» that has £tt«perairy or^^i4 90|}6 : But ^sfiytn Um%^a^9Jm «>a#itiitioa, akiaptcd 10 evfi^ jdi^ ipvito. 4^d Ht^vefir iclit^ite winch pmdue^ hi;^ l»"*1^'l%^^*f vMttSf^ re4 a »«i *e Wm^; iiif % w'i^ Svftm mi$jm^ tjNijiiwppir p«iiei»- tioD.^jfuatiirf Em t|p«i& nipid^ nrnk mi^iiiil of aft climate^ wmiUl It not fee alio|ttlier «iiphibfo|i)|ica^' lo look fmmiiws»i c;reatioo| t or^ wtrcMlis^ialj niculotit4otti|)0;6tiooa4>f the Deity, to ttplaja i|o(^ ^Set^ui j^osilfmm iia othc^pU^M, iriii<& m 4meriq|,,we am ceon t|ra^acQ|Cb, could' not be eftio}a1te4 higher . .ahaof onr for ei^^ir j^ j^uare mile. In^eteilind f arti ^Ihi cdUhtry, the Indian populati^ri'certawly did |iot existed thia. Geogra|>hen haire ^omfNttad the tiiiiMber Q^ fouate ii^lai in Atneriei; ,to amiolnit to lbiir(a^ ei^luons, putn^ ' httn4Md^ and ten^^thbufan^ jeighti»in»i* ^i popul«tiii#^iin idir lie %»iy ^, putfiitt0Oi%||^o#tbtt<# ^ „^,, Md inftty «mfty, aan^lljaiiyearri of dotibliijE , Aflttfiiing ^fp^M^ik ceeded frrffroj^e «l»i« ilitfoiMr^tli^ i^Hwi^m tdirtetii c^«ttrieftaiinfe^ in Newengland, and iNrgblia; ^ muft hate amounted to thonran^. , Severil of ifem tribes htid mfefifted fo long in a natidnif fonii, ani as a diaina people, that they bad formed- a >irt2i> «lar Unguagi f» themfelvea. There were thite O- riginal UngmgaiisokeQ in Cjmadai theSioiix» tlie Huron, and the Algonquin,* In Newengland, there wire ■■' • Abbe Raynil, V. to). **!,. ■m # 1^ .f Hi ^f 3 i**j i" wifir the aifUft liMeellil#^»^ %|g oHgin of rpianlttfe M leitictiti^ loom, aiMi tH f«^;: i^eur mm out tiiftoriaii iiio9ii«i^ ^ *t ii IftKil'li '>'i^t irti 1917 DMiOi 1114 be loft. Wttfl iiiiiiii'ifii I pallida, li^^alltii|^«i^ ^ ii^-- ^^ life •-■r,pi 0m: 'H ' loiwiiiMiim I ■iftiliiffdi 'JMIt'i if ' ' '^ "" '~~ ^MivilcgM, pfiw«rf ^ ^ and ' hii0iii!^ iimkr ^ ter#etii]|f^kl»ve #ilng tiie f«ifa nf cl|Pl^#^iMr vdigiim ligre«d t^e^eair Wim CQ^)!^^ ^ 4aotdl 4^iiii«mI fiMft^^^^ sai ioi|i#»weft^f«iM^d 4i%tiif ]^kg% the 4ionofiii%iiii «he f # •otlNiaf ^crreiBem^ th« vengettticii ^ the g^. ^iik o^ mcipareliirillmMpperfl ^ iii^iSB^Altdii, tt ^MilK to iMyii MilR^ iwf o|Mntii|pIflEeyMiiaegrJicl fbc^%^^ tl^r ^#etiiae i^ir tlbe eondttkm «ad iiMiulv ^ n^inb lli 'pli#«tidftaM| wlik%iiilttift4ete^ 4^||a»%M Ar#Mtii«r| hat ahmt te6t^ill««^ itfaa»|ooAaiiily produiSfti fchd fiiMt of war aa#iifei Mdte^i iMil iMCH«|r.diMf^ i^elf ^mmf. -it! ^^ \<%'\. iJ- •% *!««.; ^•■ •^ ^ « A.. 1^tfl[i||g^ -n itaiii iKOMa^llml lift .f»«flPp:»i ftrMfiflftrftinJMlfcfhiiiyliiii nkt nilhiMiiiinBi nirtfiiM b^^u^ij - ■ '^ :^ pile, :"■ #• it, 'W ^*< ■■V r?^- .>■*, tpi ym and mm' inm lli[^li|«oli^ittiil'J.5. ^y*^.- ^4^ m^ ^m^M^ T4-' iMiiit xf A IjpA of clicir wmi totbeir conftiiil^ ; A:tiq#t|lfl|y|o iIm ipmeii^ , al AiMhreoly it wooU^^to ^'SliHl•';|p^a|le'«; feriottt'-at- # o %>tt 'witb Cl|0 lilMlilica, ani «»^' lo^^oiMHitakir the a^RtfSHoa^^ ii iaet^mnd 0ft^om peo^I It ||^.^i*-.i$ry:i|y:t| ^jf^^l-iynf i f#|^^^ ^ ^'v.*^^> » •■if H;l i^il^- iabtes; will flmatiei^, btlween lil) ||it««ii|kiii.proi^ 4b««i^ N«w5%yl^ Hid GAilAto' > Hi #iM» homiibt tfa^ French on tlM river SC Itwww, prrnKtmcdaiy '^ftM'i^sii^iH^Wm^ Sd curly kMlM'^b i6f^ ^tt}U«i nj^ Ha^Uitf* H^^ *B(iltmiiiMblbrt at Albany. Ill i<§40, file Frendi^ badexieiMid^ Inf up ili* riva Sl^ Ltf«i^rence, dtnil ^egan their fettlementa at Moi^ ti^al.i III i%5^ the lltigl{0k* bcga» the town M 8|>riDgfic>l0^m^jK 1^0oi^t^:Nl^f|l^iiliii^%f KMI^ftiiMb^-'aHli baiUf(Hre||l^t«MM<^ttjfKi? Coaii^a^ ii^isr^ lE(hlt ^rt, icHi thdei^tdtfiiied to b0 iritMlt^iiiiffiM:hll^ttf. ifkemirds ic was foiiiif to 1^ m Ketrbsiiiipfliit^'kiid it now up^Vermont. T^it wm tho firft CiilDitieiit, any civiUlK^ natton h?id ever mad9« in thii « fttfii. On the othcKj&de of the ftate, the french made their Ad«anctt»«l|m.lAkf Gh|^i|iUin««iR^ in ifZH ^'^^ their %»^me9mn99inib,^iindk§f^%M^mf^im 4hftfa|kiiejif thtB Mit«; v^I'l^^afiioli^fverifik^ lndia«(tlKoi|,'vf?-.'_, j« ..; : . - : -ji'- t-Aii-r-ni 'i^r /ri Thcip«ortef«-iOl>.Maflaeli«{iRttt.iM ^N«li4MtfiH^ 4hiic^lMM« lM»ftii4 if 4io«ia Q^mmytifytiHfy^Bim fhttr dcMfiotalitQew 3;bis watnoticHMufMttJiikmh «^i74l»^whetpi GfOifft tlto ffliiii toCmenrtt^otiit, and wtn HHpnentlf fplO^ tliMvgllf^li#iihmiti^ and t)poiri|}iift>««flkiil«» «MiM4>itt Um oroiyiir aitd fit4)i9 9biii«:Mioiiii^iM t9i WhKmI hit (accoflbrk! II it b^confiildfed M an I i^AiMimcnl U govaronMiitr it M n^t AlUJblilb Mf «9l«iii9r "it 'ii^^liijt' m mi Wi. '' tJiUnk of Nfiifrjff^ had ai yet ioixnded her cUim to the lamiU, upon the grant to the Duke of York; but that fofaciotis-^ffovernfnent did not chooTo to i^e^*) upoa ^ precarious a ground. AppltcatHnM Wftt xhtda f 1 7^4. March 13, ,^ nciuucw nu " - ■ - '1^^ nination. ili^lftei^#l; Ttri iMrli^i:• i I :•' {hut ., :< ./{:<.« -v '■.'i,..:s.i ..■ ■ i'jiT:.'}),fi ,■ ''(.'i,; /;Ui';j.| In t!}«tr hrlt petition to CoBKrerii Jan. j, tj0k I MMl ;,f fQlliviiiitQ ittifaim Bw >jpinirtpij|ftirliii| lit fmiM%#oiiir^ €^d fiui ftcft leei, ai4««Ni^a ^SMMP<«MMil 4^1 Wilnftlil/^ri |;|toflthfsdQtiiWii»i»fttJi«4ocirN| JJ|)f||#l!#Qi»|ifQttjof »n««eiiefvi^ tiitdiiftotiMt;^ |9f »«< fif ^liiii&fi l»(^ ooj^ jMifo j||ieiqibcy, tile wifidMll^ iq|^ liH|ji99()tt«tton, of a prolriiicial government: Bat mbdcration, and lenderoefi of the rights of in- tfHtmi«#.,tfttAlrfo^^ had _• • ,>f^;v-?->^f^a. 10 iiifcakiiilj9R ^^tt^ntli^i f1i^i«i^^ tixi efiloIliin«iffe of 1 ;fc«?i9«rakl(Pfi^^ m^ ■'>iV ■ tttwAOiip, piimalM^t que handi^ de)|«tt i «i twJfetliouUnd fix hundred d^lUn, ♦'f^il fbtkoettiwk^mrtnp tor itcemjicing to canf^^ .:;I3 ^fj^icioiu iliiMftm^^irfApflWffiv fWnpniefli' wcfetnvm* people. The uncuitt^ed r^li^i^i^ft #hli' of vioi^eei^ mmMht^^^^^^' of |et^o(ft)^ ittehded fils c^fidti6iri%rid;nd'«irer<] Milt M ll|fe Itopetridcc^ ^ I I V- — , — • — 'im^wmnw 1>ilii|<,flWaiii|iil»i^Mjl^^ n but ^liyM^ lliiifliinilliiiii ifiiiititiiiiii sii -'-liMk^ienft a4 iMhieliyttAi ImmI irfirrtiilff nil iJliii i i liii iJitl itti imiiil ifiapiprilii flNirfM^ilb, JJM^i^^ iTilHilfiiiiiii I il iiifti *iwiit*iif "Tth^ limi^ s»iitjQi^wii9^i«l IcB^ Milling -(tti* mA li^'lifiMMi flAMlliaitliB "O'ImMH^ : R^ji^maa. i^g^.^bg^L 4^a4^i»mr ia^^v^a. rM'* too ifjp fiel (MiatU #11 !»4hrcf|«i&^,9»l^lit^^ _-_^ -^-j ,^^ 9wiieiit^ tie conteOed liuidt., QiM^r ftra «prv^ T^Pi^ '^nP^^f^l^^fS^^^*^^^w?' 9mm} 111 Mfiiirtifi (i»rtriiiiiiitoi'M8FiSiim m^^' ^^If^^P^^^T^/^W ■■■' .., . ^ j%i^iliirtii«i^i«iaiiif. ¥it liMJiiiwijiiiiiiinii rfiiWiiii iUiii t Match 9* Allei»V#«tx«ifv«;^f^|$i ,# ¥1$^ ftre^^teli eoiMf of o#er atMl utmrnm^^geimm liltl^VIIIMrlfiWiiliii^ , ^^ ^.^^ nbtbe|»f^fEitif«IMI#l«c«)MK]k^jfn^Muui^ ftfiMliyi prQ^$)lfil)|ii|Cliat are fo indeed ^ ind iIm^ w«^ will > ri>*«¥Ki t SmrrM Jiitjin iVfc 47 It ir\ ^^» IflVQRIr t AiBbiiff otliei' .meafttiteL their caoie •v.^i^ by Reuben Jonei. '• ^J ties I M4iiiftttt? iHitsgiKiife ' mttVMt^u £fi^ diiiMlsite ■wiililitf. hA^mvmmfo^m 4li« ibafi^»f liifiMiit-gowfcat^ ■— <* «n»ftt^^<^^ «^^l)i#rfkfopi« flMb#^ « fNMHHyadCMfioii »« itet iiuv dKActtliy r«Mri» fonnet meatam irtmcHie^^t & i^jft >OttaiiUw^#ftcttlldl«r«tlb9eMv|Mipft» «iicl placwi; 4l» iMelride-of ' Ibi flMNra(iiiM»T a Bi9jlr|io «ni«valfifeir*<«f «6riMiiiiMm,MHl tftiofiihaitldl^ii '|>laee i ai«!*Mbril ftftiHl thai tiiii»agffle ituiMarye^ ti 4iidat>9adBtitftalc.t * Bfitt it had biMMMi vwmttMr^f^fitanBlbik^tf'B^maifpr^ ^Ibni'i Wto fhonU'hi^doiM P Alid)wli«t. ««i%ea > Tliey< jBniewnant»w#ltttiiiy|^hu|? tO'^wctife Ili0<4iclvicf of «€o«fr«£i#:r'|%t|r«dH(l ^ilMr «ilicm^l«9^fDMi)aiMi9 'or^ lidviiif fvoit» tiM^i:bod}^Mt lifRQaft41i«i^mim4irpcrftdt BMHnbet^vf loMMntpvep4< iilDNiitioiii'iild«fo«mimtai b^ coNMmiitiwMlii toAar vcmioiDfj's* ^tlKicirtMmilaneei of clie«^p#l|>l^«f9b^ Codiprtfsji «T|ifir ><*p^^ fliial^M*' Thi hwable^petitfoii^ 'aitfM^^iand mbmiAMMiide^lliiMii iptft of^v^iiM(akJUl^iftirifr,iilltd« JomwHibf llMs^aiti^of < the NvlirltiMpmiMi^thnitijl^i 0Mnnioii «aillbi an^ii^ M4l(iM«iit ts^ lRiii»lkdtifi6»j tl|fiiir .y0^ kh kiknuddbt afumtdt'corfftnieato imply a^MfcboirltdgAKHiftd thiCattifMiriej^/ Whusytm/^^ cMi iM i«q«tftiiigi ^ ^t wlwnivtt lb# OoflgMli IMd^ittd itiitMiairf4o tallriw iMr.fiirpioiif ilKf mfljr «•( |>p c»Ud <»po9 «t inha^iUPf 8 of Ncwydrk, II jiiliiiifMi ifiiliiill^irW#lii#'iriiiii!ii#rffl ' ■ jllliii iw ■uln i.Biflii%#*ff^'y|i tin liiniiiii lndrciMti .iiniwipdjtiflyttii' piiMiiiifitifiii'WWB;Hpiitp|tMt^^ -111111111111111 ^ijfiit»j[aUfeii^ftliilr.iiiiMiibiiBi|ii«i)i£i^ .art^hiitiliiMi^yllKMI) iamik mif^anHm^ ■o>nibiBiii> fi>Kinij^ iifiiiifia>i4 ^P6#rQMl Pilji'dectfimi is{i0Q4)l»x nitttiiirtetiitft t«n0,^te ptiiiiop wftp 1^ iod^ iiiilip>! fiiiwt i^tott^ ^aio^MifE fwtlti iriibMMAt ,en4 611111 1!* ««JUmiimtttai^^^i^ 9 firll pftiUoii to Con|r«fi| dit^d Dorfet, J«n, t;, t77f. i§i timmmm -mwrn. ^entf#d#i llui T «ork w- reviviM. Thb cootciitfefn^ifl ^^^life woul4 orobibLy iiring on, not only a ixNiidl'iii^ ^t(^t[elttrtri^Ne#litft^>aih«;S £yllik»§Unf n&m* ,-^^aP^r^. T^ afceitliii irhtt M frtvMn^ ■ i :.r Vrea, w«' I """"~ !' "i!SI' 'llf< •lH! '!■ IJ ;f^9Mffo': r. (Ip.O' Jan* ,fiO' j|-ni ;fl'yMf|ti«.i5rt biifiv? lakismetatWettiiiiiitter. TMfcatiiiientttflMif^^l^ maty 4M.»l>Mfi{ii r^fehyd rliP9ff t Kfli^illf^p^fr^mr 'jsXtu^coaventK'O, whole members are dulycniH- Dv the free- voice of their J»nftitueiita» in thfe feV*- y^%\ CD cral tonmi'v ^oii^ihe W -^ •Recordt of the Convent iV ' "* aniibwitfj By the Mblutidir hf m^maiMmMi the cv^tf of 1^lttblitaf«l^'thet^«6o€l^^ mt^kti ftbil6iigtr^lM«ai6dietMilior NiiWf^^lWuli Id on MHesimtAVf a^f^t^ t^cHx^l^'^i iiodj#a»Jio# coiiile«^ wkett aitti^tl^^ were reduced to a ftate of nature, ^piiieftyflyi emi^ut^iiu^b^ a^O^ttfd. Tlifc/ fttf^lf^tigls'j t^ dTito^fhe poKrm of gOV^n^fift^ tlMt'ffiy'l6( gn& ihad; q Thte ft^ fi^ilkied : W ^tf^fOib^^*^^ cffii^;for «be itfiiHedtjtie' llft^ MW |^ thepeo^i Atfd iio# was t)^e tini^i wli^'^ eti of government could be aflbtee#^#illktbi^Jnf itt txr k»fi»^kitbpfiottitiittiri whi^ mfi|M^ fiiml jr^i tuhiii iUil >#i^ievtr oppdilifotl^^tti^^tfi^ ticii fDe9ait«i^«iMy;O0tttll tlUid^it tvit^lt^ ihen libev <£i«d' de«d«i^d thetAfdvM' i it^'i^ pcadenl ^«cef «iid kniew hf ^AnS^m^SiOfti^h^i^ tA, £vtif part^of tbe^United' Stitif^^ vrM^^ iNiiil penodj coQCtadiB^t againft oem«(pMi )t iiitd^ '^^^ oonfideratiofr tbat «oiiid juairj? the ptioitiXi^^: Conffrdft^ wai a teafoift^wfay ibe fieo^e of ^^^hiio)^ IhoiSdMe itbttoppoji«ioit]rr%ffeatltf}t)^; to 1^ againA^thdr f^> ■ ^f e ■ mg thek:kldepeRdeivce» ii^iM VMiitcft ^rtt^^ adjacent feared titittti% to adiiiti» imd ackiM^^cf^e it. fo Ma^bttf«ttP iii# GoBoe^tiesy tk^ taeaTure «»» Mtlior af^f^itttte^ciMi coodivtiiitd, ^at to .^m^ jotki tm towdvt&^oB Ihe peofitlaa m |t|«inptinff to .fernt attvewi^^tei appfarad as% f^m§«pp«i» revival of lifte^fbitmcv «ppii4kioti «|id nmUon lo^ lawful au- Thlt*nomimktf of fait^ l»r; ikat^ftater iMr« then fitting.*: Afiptcticnriv^ oiF tlic co&ll^vmicci^ they lititxittdf^cdy' took lip^ the Matt^ ; anidtby tb«ir dired- tibnf tbt^|(toildeiitvt>f^ iImn Mvwyo^ eoqvtntion, oh January aotb, 1777, gave this information toCoa- grcts, ** fam difc£icd by the committee of fafety ot p'f' ^ ' Newyork, jmtm^oi ymma^fi «is Muence of certdn dtfigiihif men^ • 'pi^ of tl^ ftate hath been prevailed on to revolt^ and dIfiMFtfir ihe.antlioiitjr of kt le|^afeiire^-Wlhe ^attoat ivi- dencea aiid informalloni wf havo feoeivid woirid lead us to beiia^e thai perfoni of gttat mfitM'Ate IH (brae of our fifter m^ faavt Ibfterad and In- giettted tliefe^dtfificins.«»«^i]|,ai.^% ^^illi||^|M lend to ai^fe fbme ineteliiaia oC yw^ hteRtoiililt bodyw ol^hiBtoff ;$oiaMia«k?^ii 1^ ^isic^ (iB6«ii«f ohligen Oft to iiirimttd o«nr ft^ief.rKFhe cn^M^ikMii ffe^ lorry to obfinnr^, tint Imt ^onltff!»i% « €(»3fM^ iioiLi^fiMaCfi^ ^lr«^^ Of* officers of a reg{opt«^r, lo, he iraiftd ittiB|pi|iiiei|tty df the legriilatiirc of ihia ftate, ai|djdl|l^ that pi||i of it^ifvih^Jiath la^ty ^9fe4viiik^^^t»kkk loireriiiiiciit ti«ie. Oom gii^idr €<^: Wallik>j iad^^ him, as nbtifi^^fe lir^ difl^iiUii iBr^ii^ awl^ ^MH^ #inee thofe deMdiii^i^itt thii €oiig^lfo>iiiNf^idt heeaprev^edtii^laffift iri^'dfttkMh^pittf # llile>, liMh'df ail iOthers, hin^^lW^ithw tti^ *l file tofonmts^m^*^ T#|iiHbadi€lid|i«firy> 90 fiMsans geiicfid irT-iiaC die-cocmfyt of « Glouceftcv, ^sd:* v.ei)E^ieat pai^ of^C^'UniberliHid, aii#:Ciiarlotte coi}iittcf« iCoattniMNl Aea^faftitttbeh'a government of Newfrorki wtid diat tbete watr: not ti» Itilftiprobabidlty, iM'Col. Warner couldl raife fuch'^lljiiii^it^ofnieni' as would lie aniotged jof MXhs^t^i^oaHDdinga'of^^rmont had noir afiiimeda Yl^lav ^Bii and^becomr aa^ obje^ c>f general *at« teot^n^' ^n Aptii^»'^pct wai printed at ;Phiia* 4e|p^ia, ilihferilitd^^omaa Yoniigy andaddreffed^to the jiiibid>itatttl dfv Vemu^nT ^s1«^«^IIi^i addreiit^ wan |]f^|^ la* lerotetton^fivJikb Congreft th|ld paffed M^'^i^t tw(>i(r6toamimd&6^ to the refee6lti« af« itmMsB afMrrcottventibas o§ iho il^ntieflr Cblonie^' IKii^nO'foirefllineni^ Ciiffioffent'to ^^^stij^cies of Ifhi^iX aiNo^ bad ^eir : idwady efla^tlhed. ia adopt fuph goyei^BteeB%as iatlbc 6piliio^(#^e reprefen- ts^vesioftAhte ps6pk» Ihoitldtbi^ eonduce to the ^tappMieft Mid tafety of thetr conftittieiitf. In tht 9ddre& t#lhe itfhiibitasita'lof \Verniont, i^ thefe paragraphs : "liiaire tal^i^Atbe thindt'df ftveral kfdi^^efl^btets io'the bonoitrable the^dontinenul Coogrpfa, and t^h affure you, that you liave nothiDg tOtdo^ Init'to fend jattefted>^6c^cia^ the r^oommeit^ Ration to tafci^iifi^^^overiMiieht to evarj^^townCbfp m your difirid, and invite all your freebdders and in* inbitants to meet in their refpe^ive townfliips, apd .,.. -.-:.• .: •..■•.,... ^ - W' \ , HISTORY Of VEEMONT. cfaoofe memberi lor a general tonveiH^, to meet at an early (hy, C<» choofe delegates for the general Congrefs, rcoinlAiClee of fafcty, and cb forte a con- ftitution for your iSate. Your friendt heiie tell ftie, that fome arectn doubt, wbettier delegates from yoiir diftrtft, would be admitted into Congrefs. i tell you <«> organize fairly, and make the experiment, and 1 will>«nHi«eyoarfuccefs, afe the HIk of my reputaf^ tion as a» man of honour Ov common fenfe. Indeed they can l>y na means reftiie you ! You have as ^d a right' to choofe hoiir' you will be governed^ and by whom, as they had.*** Publications and meartt#es thus iiTOwibg the caufe^ afid ^figned to eftablifli the independence of Vermont, were beheld by Ne^york; wkh great in- dignation and concern. On May the aStb, the council of fafety for that date, made a third attempt to en^ge the attention of dotigreft: By their dt« rcQion.lheirprefident wrote t6 Hiat body, that a leport |>revailcd' and^daily gaincid credit, tmrtthe re« vohers w^ne pri^itttely countenanced in their de£l|[tis. by certain members of Congrefs ; that they effceemed it their duty^ give them &ch infortnatibn, that by proper refolutions on the lubjed, Congrefs might ceafeto be injured, byt imputatioiis fo dirgfaceful and difhononrable.' ''However un%i^lliBg wc may be to efktei tain ftsfpicions fo difrefpe6irol to any member of ^Congrefrf yet the truth is,^ that no incoil- fiderable numhera «f the people of this ftate, do be- lieve the report to be well fOttnded.*'t To bring Congiefii to fome decifibn tipcm the matter, on Juneigd, one of thd delegates ofvNew- yotk laid before thatbodyg the printed letter and publication of rXhomas Young. Congrefs took up the * Prints letter to the iabsbitsnts of VermoBt, April tt, 77, by T. Young. T Vltrte Van GorthndtV letter to Coagrsri^ MayaSj 1777* Bifi Tiis {NATURAL iiin^^#lt the matlpn aiil md^nd th^pM^Sti^^^^tifmt^l^^m^ which ha4. beoi r«ceiv«d mn tki$ ^^ovci^Soi ef ihfewhlil^r ftMl i#ef icinflit i<(y^lMi^^ 36tli| fMSbd €hif felk>#i|i| fefehr«t ^^^ ^v. c^ldfbi b)^^; Bttil^ire^letting tSle cMntuutiefe re- i^p«rica^ 6f Newhanp* lhtr% MikffinriHifettt Bif | RlMHleiflMid Mid Pravj. dftnee PlaiiU|tiott% G^a«4Nbitf NewywI^^'Nieirjer. fey, Pennfylvanta^ D#laW«re»i ifaryfan^ Viigmb, l^rthdi^oHii»t $«vitlMaroliiHi» tod Oe9f|ia^ at they vefpeaively ft^qcl M 4hft «itoe cf I ttairft tliariit,WM^iiiAit«(Ml Ut vIm^ (Mlrpvfe of fecavtng an4 liefindUiig/ clie^^<»tei»iit^i«i^^alor^^^ the iifa#paltdf|t» ot^pnsiicMMi'^ttii iMftHv' intaibni of Cvrelitbritain i uA UiertfcTM It cavnoi %e tmended that Congrefa |»r«ivy «l lit prOWfedlUgi' f^Ottkl do, orvecdttiMeiiiyOV Vm^mtiiMt^ ttay Hfiing tBJurious ta i^l^^rig^•^aMK^fl|i^ioll'<>ff''«lki' £9re#ili€tiiiiiiiii- lii Mj|^g/twfe,T|iU^tfa» bo elbMiffli«d %y tlM )iiii«ple^ ftyiitog chettMvi6tiababiiiiiii*dl tlM Ntfwlbaiilpaire fnium, can de^e iii>^alMite»anc^^ov MfohHiot of Congliff.' ** Rt/ilved^ That the petition of Joiiai Fay, Tbom- at Chittendfffi Hftman AHeii,'iadR^bett JoBes, ia tb* abifte tnd b«baif of the oMptei ftyling them- iiilves.4Ni>«fbMfiiid, »rayiii|^ eaat ' thdi^ ^tSbratkm lb«t tbfy iroMidCtonuder iMmfelvM «s a fvM and in- dtfpfvdetit (late, may be received i that the diftrift iirtht raid petition defcribed, maf be ranked among tifB Aire aitfd ImKif^deat ftxtcf ; ttA. ihjkt delegates ,^'>.w ■•. ■ ■ -ifcwtfwiii .•'W ''■if ir"- ' W . ■ . .-, ■■.,•■■■.,■■ W: iing tip tigliiini!^ foi^piitpiWH^C^. Wawwiv nejirer me|H^; t(y|iv« any enc^ragemeiil to ihe^Mm of the people al9fip^i4» to |^ coiSif iiP Vermoi^, way tbeo fittiof , at Wiadfpr.J Th«r cqLmmittee irirote in th^ t|ioft preff. ing termt.f ^ the con^mUtee otCifety. at E.|Keter ip, Kewhft^C^irei^for jiiQIC^lices ioforiiiiiig them it the fame tinie^ if nonjB ffmi^i be affpn^^ect^ diey muft immediattl]^ retire iiitb;thf Neweag^Md jlfk^s. for fapport and fafety. The attembly of Nhirhamp* ihire was imiiiediately called together : They put a Uige body of their militia juind^r. the oommand of Creneral Stark; and gave him orders to ** repair to Charlellbwn on Conne^icut river ; there to. cpnfult witii a oomipittee of tl^e New^an^pfliire grants, re- fpediojS bM future operations, and the fupply of his men with provifions^ to take the cofumaUd of the militia, an4 niar<;h ii^to tbe grants ; to; adi in coti- junQion with die troops of that new Iiat6» or iny other of the ftate's, or of the United States.^t Aboat the fame time,1; Mr. ff^iare prefident of Kewhauip* fliire, in behaifof the counqland alTembly^ wrote to Jra AHiM, fecreury of the ftate' of Ve^rnqnt, an* nouncing the alliance they were fending j the ftyle eind exprelfions of \nt \ttitr were addrefled to Ver- mont, as a free and fovereign, but ^ new ftate. From tbefe events it was not doubted in Vermont, but that Newhampfliire iiad already acknowledged her inde- pendence t and would ufe her infltience, to have it acknowledged bv Congrefs. Bjut the conau£i of fome of the , inhabitants of Newhamp(hice, foon occafioned a controverify of a "•July If. ' « ' -f B«lRnap*i Hiftory of Newliampfliirr, Vol. II. 413. riis*dif*i>rlFt!ikyif: tp.thi? Mok Mh ^fip^fnlltiti|iif, vi«s»i^||^< a ;dafi|er^ nMirun i totOitt tiiaj^itj^ of thiililliiU^^ K«#hai|i|»|ihf^i Tie lOirtit bi Venaoiik ^blch ad- jp^tii tb Cofftiedleat rh»r» weref ^tielikllv it favour c^ttceivm(( thOB tbwns froth Ne^hAi^^iff ; and wentfo far as to prpppfe WttlldrawioMfni^ conneiion with Vermbnt, and fidt^iiig another ftafe. Thei^ wMs no metlf6d to ^fefit^i^ ihoh- own union, but to refer the quiellioli to 'f he dtUflon of the people: And tl» party in favour of ihc New- hampftire propofals, were entrei^ely '^diltj(em and afiive, ilk fifalriilg a majority of th^ ffittnbefs, agatoft the next meeting of the affemM^. When the af- femUy meti'it was reprefeftt^d to them»'tll;at the in. liabitantii 6f the towiis which had applied for a nnibn with Ve^mOnti were al mod unanimbus in 4heir votes, and that NeWhampfhire, a« a ftttte^ would not obje6l agaihfl (aid toWnsioining wkh Vermbnt.* A vdiie was^ carried in favour of theii^HAio^ii^ con- federation :t And the aifembly of YeirnioniM*troIv^- ed further, That any other to#n^6W the aid fide of ConneHicit ritcr, might alfobe Aditiitte^'ioto the «oion, on producing a vote of thi ttiijoricy of the kihabiiants^ or on their fending i repretmative lo the affembly of Vermbnt.^-^Having thna effeded 4heir purpofes, the fixteen towns altaioiintiNl to the govervment of Newhampfhira, that ^ley had with- drawn from their jurifdiAion, a»ftMMriflM :t» have '# diviContr lint eftabliflMd, and ift friciid^ voiref- ^ipOQtfiftiMe kepi up.]; Thefe / ■ ■ . * Atlan's viodicalion of th« conduft of the gaoeral afe»* Ujr, Ac. pagt f |. i Tuna ti, 1778^, ./.-•^ li ^!l| ,* ♦ HlStdl^ Of ^iRSidst^ M3 viOimh *^iif liN Vakeel ;^|ef ir;»^ tl^^ jBf% mdvei Mil^ a^ipii)^ W l^^iirt^iM ^ il«{|lf^7>*i^ tiiiiC|f«6cNs|il«f that OitCrCfMitt^iiia^^r^J^I^ ''"^ *I>A Vifi^ IntheAftiMiOfllM afleiiilily 1^^ ifrol» to^lilr, Cllfr townt M liirt^of tthi ftate of liM'hanipfiiker Hit datm -mm fymftM op tiw kaowii>yiiiida|ief of iliat ftate» NM6 llie ffV^Mnim J oatfefiif femgiig 4^ gatci ititii«^coit,#tfpB, b «m i ^^^m^rm y thr afiii^)^ <| Nf^aTOOiN. ^r i|fn» «iiiii>«fi% munitioo t on thfir receivifig c^t^omiflp^iit from lb* governQiMit»aodliaviogaliirays a%d as a jMft cjt it; He five mfofoiatioa attbe fame timet^ tj|i«( t^ iniBority^Mliore |Oww,l>adclMtpcd pisfttcatoi^^ that JUtfti L»h»* *« JiflijmW^ of New||impimi4 oil #tWr»:Cpni^f«i*ttfp««il»«»^^ f^vici, and pr#«ritbt.ijtte|^pn 9f CoWrefsi, ;f>*Hlfe-; iQg hU appieh^tew^«t>||w^wd|irdJm ti|p onty method, t« wiijc*t*t|f-i^|r?^wf^ I^puW^^^H f«<4;4 withotti Ae 4if jififji i>f il^qo^, w all altempM fof recoQciliatidii Jhai been ,iii^i/i«i|9v Nor ««^ t|ie joffnimoc f aA 5^«ial c< VermoiM! without their difScttlties, in the m^Mjtm^fi tMp alfairs. To glifde the movements ofa people, irrH tated by a loog feries of injuries, and now too much^ elated by ^o6e(l, ^as a critical and difficult tfiifineft. 4«7aTt «f the applications that would be' mide t^o Congrefff eAi^ftsf, tAagttfti9t -'iaNM^ IT .none ^ saore, to paeui their junidiSion to tli)^«aft of Ctia. — ^ -^ - - -Tilants, The aflcmWvflffcycr wmcn were ncwOary to mat^e a^houtb. to Ob Kufi. irlen the fyctqitgmmu^i,h^6i%itMMym» Xhp xemammg liiemberi wei^t op with m pa||i€i l^ufi- ^fe«?^% ^^ ^»^ruMem <^^^^^^ witjb J«Wfe/4^;W°«^ y}^^ New;l?aMpif,^ at their »!«» fit ' ti 'i! ..^ ; iirf.^/ i YOft9b«rio. i-AUen'iV p.i4.i§.,%|,4(lj,., • BlSPifPiV o| V^ljlOJ^^^ ^ fivnp /I gp;^eK;u|i^|i^ tt^ ccnttrr -fid leair of i^icli^ Etieea ca^^a* t;^^ i^ (j^iib, one oC Abe fixt^di tiM«|»jh t^ s^tprol^ tp^ unite, lyithout any regard to iha koMto w^l^ hjM^ bee n affigned to Newha|]^>ilikre, ii| 17^41 »mt9m^^$!^lc>llowi^m^ td thai or lo 4r||tt^|bi|j;rij^ttiaUy chdf^^ If n^tl^ of Owtij j^i^jfwj^ and t^cjr (fii^oJd s^^erifipli)^^wj^ii^ upon a, plan pf 'fpir#na^ menf, tW r|&^cid farther, ** We mmU confeot llut tiie^o^bf t^e,g|-f|iu« connefk with Newhampfliire^ and ha?q(^%f|ath^theni one entire ftate, at it waaliin. ited IP^ l|QU<^4'9i More the lettling of ttie faid ^mk in 1764/* tlfitilvOpe of th^fe propofals Qipuld be QOfngQedl nm^ tfaejf refolved to truli in prpvidene^* ao;^ ^l'^^ f^'^^^^'^'-**^'^^^'® ^^'^ l)ut eiglil? towna rroQi; yfifi«Qnt» which were reprefented 10 thia cbnventi^p ; 1^^ fome of theni declined to ^St Ui tvMnfji 9dy ovextHrej to Newhampfliire^ to extend tliqr Jttri^£^ep over the ftatc of Vermont. But the proceedipl^ of the convention, ferved to .diCcov- ertot^ifh(ue,1k>ody of the people, what had been tbe^viewa otdie leading men, in propofing the union * AUen'i yiadicatioRf p* 8*i.d9t ii'i^iertjRAL Aif» eivr k %at|ii;> MJ^cii to eerier aii4 feat of whieb, ltti|l|i^(}cl«i^% ^rt of iS^t^l^OTiAy W^Utiof up m^^m^^^m^^fo^^fo^ ■ Jlafce. tlis wbicE divides t|f tw^ (^^SirrrXo iftt ifd dfj f '<:qii* it(|iiqn^yh|cb had.^^ tiiucl^ traulilt mi, ^otedto atlSToIve tlic ^|iipn, wb}«h Im4 fiif»G|l|!ji| be<^ itnetn |h<^.aiid |hc itoyiriis jn N^ifbatnpfl^fe i^ and tQii^edp^|ei^ j^ tJi«Mr^|enBJj|^ to that g^^^ift> ^ g^cpuraged by thcfcdivifai), the i^bty^t 5^ct^^n)f>ftiir^ waa per^i^edivby feme *^ J^si^ mfmjbcrs. Id piaim tpa ^WM^baa of elprjI^Hflncfa l^boged to,b|erb«for|!it)i< royal de- ^pifi^ii Bi J 7^i 1^ Accpi^dMfl^ ibat ft^s put H>i6' Gbrfgtifls, i| claim to «c wbole ^rf^torjr of Ver* o^bnt. m'vryotk tqiok the fame Hep. and put in her dam ^ tb^ Wbqle of the lands. /^ Ne^hanipfbire hl^iibt^tie lead pretence, up^on any principle what- ei^eK tb hl^ake fucn a claim it was not donbted in V*i'^mmf7i which they had aOutfi^i^ Apd if Hmk mid h« ufti*t^lii*isl% flili^ " "^ ^* reft #l«iHl%i?ettetteifett|g fifoVi trbubifeiiieW'jC^li hailiplhire :^fV>riith6u|h t]^ Uiel^l^ clttfettltaiit Ne#him|miiir#^#^:^^ b«i^fl«ttl^, v<^t ibeelinll^Cwteeiir liipii Ne#yiHi M ncfvir httcfil cH^tei^iiiillf N«i^atki|»iiire, the'dt^t^te kith imM^m ^r?i--^ V*?^ oceaain^^tttem^^ticotnnieita a fiikinrprili refi%iM^$o'^ilie iHi^hcing of tii«o, mfi^^n and the ^omft^ of ^vSy aS d^ g^MeC «^r tteideal Ver^i^fetlftatelf anr^pilioitil: w^ ir f^Uds ar« futfcientfy po#iribmr itie lu^SE' oitr rpal^ii, ui|ed Cbfig^y ^ a>me ro1oliS:'a^fii^ coAtroverfy Witli VertiiodI j; laatiild th¥1i^alit^aii(i for the violeuee^^th^ P^eeanis. ^i^ t&lil r ' wduld (boil brini oT a dvir#pv&4 t^it >ll 'i)i|r grievaiic«i of the {^eiple df Vtmo^iMmmM^* arofe^OiiY tli^ (brtnerijid'mtimeiit of Kewyolk inll not ft-om the prfeRiit.1r "^^^f^T^ * Copy of a Itttcr fnm ^at nar C^alia, to Palatiab Fitc^, EHu tAUefttdcopy. . ^ I ■ I Patter iVm's letter to Cov^viHir CikMtoti Mitiot's petition of May 4* »l770. ,^ 4' C l(ntoii!*' ktiercta 3w' Mi anc :i4ilu»frtifm^v^ .r»v-. ^4^i^vi^i^^^ii» ^ isdiiMiitlte» li« I|fmat0a{ to ifiSiimilk^ of (1irKeiiphampi(if« gifnt^^frnf 1%^ il^M'i^i^ Dfeiliire M»|>toi^eaii ain'^ ^..iiiliirirSll dii»• •t«r tWfmtit Oli^dlirl^ of'VtMiEtili Jm^I^ of ill wis itiiy 1^'adiinit^^^ atteUiiiflH Jif^ f fiiacpf nd^ difH. a^Nncld tiMr^ opveii of gov^rto. 'p9^l^%t H^t fliiej^* tod ftliiiid)^:'tfbtiii«^^iliir yfhit^ Coiigreff j^nypdfed, wM itec^fiMpiffHkle^ "vrtUi %ifyilait of fedilf I ktnA tiM racirc diiigtffiiii^ ii ^ewyork trat (conftantly aiming to braak up tiie .f JournilofCoB|i«^8i^tfi!ibcrB||i779« •«\vt*«t iiriifm . iiiaiftCMittidiirei^ii IB i"t i ' Vl tQ iWHiwiH m~iiiwi, iiini|i pwwcr. ' grcf8>ir«tttIielt|«lri^rei^Udv«lio4y/*t vo * Joimial oF Congr«ri, March ti, ijtQ, p. 8t» 8fl. 84. i Con ClitMa4«i'« ^4Uer t« C«i>|ftl^ ^ July ii^!u.i|^« t / 'If d b I > thttt by the mode of triil Wl^b Wat adopted, tkf . ftal^ot Vcriaoat could hiive no bearing, without :t ^ ' ' |A%,'^.lP!i^#i#17lowi. isfi %mmmmii»' S1#ilif«**?^i)»t llSfihiiii 'JilfeiTiiFifnlriilif riThiirrWilSiiniHi- xnictee' was appointed to confer with irer aife^iSlty, mhtce A^j^jilStlriFtNil^^ .>iiiiiiiiiMiBiiiii Miffiwliiririii itihjithtitv fniiitdfltiiiiiiiiiiiitti jjifi 111(1 Ji.l|wih>i|ii(i| II nil ithaIliicA.6|M!i"i.i1(iiii ijiiil (ifflilm iiffli^ iii4 Ibuth. 0f Utittt^ ^f I and tii|i,tp^4l| and iiii4Fdb^^f^4Mi^j.tbffiiMAiciito lifb tmmmm^mmmxL : ii/l. Mhi i ilitfljiiilliwi^ liiiiii iimiilHi' "' "' i- l^W^^ff t^r!^^PBfllSBSl» tS^^W^WMff l^p*flwwR ^WWWw: ' «^1 in the adjacent cewmtteHtfenqMbfalliitij iCftftei^ j%|e ^mi^; .ito-^>f«»»t>ii^fftiMwi>ip''ft>eipi iwiiiliBliilii^MWi' union wero agreed to/ iMr th^ i«)^«ftotiliiw»7df « twedt^diftri^ in IHWfom, and tlie^OiiiDftM!»^m Vermont. this ^pmfiimcfMmt u^imm^m^^w^ htd now ike^iil««aj tl^Mie Irid ki €b#*^^ tb 1 tl.i.^->^ I ii iifiilfg ^^1 i'i4 II iiiiH^^tHlii Ifc'iil ^^ liiifc" MitfwhiiMititiitptli iiiiitffiiiilMimiilit-^*'*^ -- iliii TiiiiiiiitiiiiitiliMiriiMii iJiiit iarliaf ■ liiiJaiihiht ki^ iMUifeiB^iky' viMfc Mtml d itifli I'll imiiriii ■ f i* tf to iJiaiitmA J ■ to j^V. Iklllil |A»i#w ?roiur iei^fMiM^ilplI WKINPI^ if |4|^l^ a friend of yaur own, here, wkh propofals to tFc genera], he fh^ll be pmte^ecf^ andrimf^ 1^ en.*! iMAfe iliifiliiMi'fi jtiytiiiMi Mtfiiiiiii bit MiiffittiiMiaf'b< tMtm^^iiMi^i m^ I i^jllhoMi they w-uNl #Hlfll>fift'^fiw'ftniitif^ii»m ■■Hill riiiiiiiiii Mil i ■ tfit iiiilj^Ai tinm, aiSa had tieithicr ina|A«infts^ K k norihvard. / lai Of. Ne f'itti a4% i^Uk ft «aa»nUp|5ri|iai tAi&'^Sfllsr%iriikIi hfi4 been enti9|te4 lo^Hini t Mii h«^kh9i*ndtMs§msfhy«ttf^ yrcrftj»inQii|'|i^ f^m^ Mererl Okc Bist|ifll«genM tp,<|pcwvf tfeBi^folM^ wi^ sK^'bifta of Ahoh* own li^cfm^ai?^ <^mp^f f# i#<£^. «1 ^f cMn iiifw«,ni^ le^dhig the «^^y 'mo ^t Bgr^MOf «t, Aat no hqHilmiBtJi Qm^d \iteQp^^x^%^ agaiaft tb« ftaictpf yermwt.jr^U Hy|. ft^#r J9r f"^|* Fiy WM fewt t|0 tfee ijnpmf ,9S %^l^conf, f«WfriH^ ^witb IM, Brt^ agcnts^r wmcJr file *« f45>*fn<[r^ left ^ BrUiih ir| high e xpea^g^Bf <^ nia|^ i;i h:v. •:^-n':4^'■] ■ * /.■ ■ ' %i;ipont :. 'r. T -*?*JI|^IX^ :^«- \:m and wm Imh it ,&c^n4crM». 1^ Don M^li lifaM^^vig^ ^mm^m tl&^ rojml ^£feiiv«$iiiM^ riiMMi^^^liM^ iltni»|j fitii ,_.-. ,^^, w«!l» fold ittxitt^er, ih4i^il»uiii^ cibie f 1^ fpit}teii^^M()^t^dl l|r ih #^a#ri ^ were ofthe fimle of Vcriiiont. In F^uar^r and itt Apr^^j^ mUfh ayepta wrolo^ inib^i mo^^ {>rei&«g cermi, m i^t<;»-ination^ Their %mk0f Md wm^ vill.bift ai)pear« frbm the %lf of their letters : Tha foUonring ,^w« »»^J hm m^M^i iftfe if '^i j*)?iifat iUM m prodamatiotts ? I repeating fti|[ti fa^cifiAaint y^ W tlNe ftiitfif)Hr^ 6f Ms l^ceUenc^ |Mnitid ihtlb !>•• i^mr^anii lnymafl^ imgliiiiitidiie, am. iiw Cbcf ^ W WWww. olBRiliJf alTvre yoof durt or«nMMf4 ?) yp» i» Wi«w»»(C0CK't fonier of. |UWi«t»iil Mc ftMls9ft iiiaitfi^ fiUli^ ^t^ inad ]mi^a»aUy complM With.— Wi huat, jm^nfrnk aybofuch, ai^ l6 fn#Br, to«ii ff|iiiit<^t(iSil^ij^ lflh^j^i#5 Dejodaiion were iMifitof ei| mf iif «)|i« u^^i f^ Ipr^Me Vcrmimt, to k4 M4#, mtfi^ biin^ on « Mtfwgl 0f hoittiifei. ^feet^^ 1?.^'/ aoi BMKh urg#MI»i let (Eur ^^I^A C?^^ ^"^^^ *** ctom^ tit liif|iei««ti ^ r**^' * «fd i^«t« A vary l»j«iif]^ lm^t# Oofi fMt»^ pow^ttr, to,£Hfve you. y ' oncerUm. Wh% m e^qtlOfm^ Mfiterely re» i(^Mnk»|kct of r^fiMug to ytou cha fc: I9^|M^I^U ^ to Gov«iMr ab^^ Vf}''3i amb(gu(>|iij#^idiifi^«tilli^ cd» not to liS^y^^^ Ib^StSil'lil^i^ a time wh^ fli« fti^df reithoii\ defe^il^ W conUocn^ piid iiitttile to d^fiNid mfill tky it 'th« mercy of th6>nii«^lhCatil^. ^Eightlwfeiii ctely m VerWrtik, #ef^ Si the fpcret of^ic«WrilSp0ildeii8i. Eadh of tlcm war. -di^ii to be aiaottt tlM^M^i^oiifli mtd frfe^di; t6 tli^' A^ rMtm €»m lliey Hid aivo#cd\te ftyiijiotip, and ebbraced the caurc of their country, from th«. be|iiipi||^|f t^ A«iieficfiiiifMir { Tliey iMd^fiiillteidl I ;-«#SV' ^/^, 'M^\ yjn^^m-i 0 r- -v' '0?tl i^ . fy^ ;vi * .i WMIIf. or in nM^h mP9 ifa % M I a SI m irtbeWjWV no otbir, a|t£y #« T<>Uw,J»ppIe # I, CO prevcnt.iucn an , « ^ . tiiiH-air'^'Rga^'i^n.tb i^tefifc^ Acmretvcfs, to' >r«i»cufe ^ iliUy I J JtWitMllil^#iliiiilgiby^ lip m^mm j:-,«..^-.,A.3h^ m^k^^m^m^ Iiiiitii Tiiiiiiimlriiliilli fiilfiiiiiiiiMiiilirMtiiM< '' ' pto o|iyiaiiiiimJDa 'Piid|itiii(|n*Aj 3«hI ■■ 'wN^' *h^r'3 'iMfli cvtfif/nHb^me^' ^mii lit^<»iwtA'pi§niuir»-^ ^.- .a ■ m iCBIlBP llffipw fWIIIlp confer -**.■ ^»-./l . ' k: -.». . m ^i ^bGd»< ||et|idiiiltl«#i4aitesi4tl|0ii^^ Iwfe^i^ \mo^ .:imff^mM . _ .^., ^ 1t'^'?2'a'3 4MMMMM|2^J^^^ ^J|. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /> ^ .^. // V* W A ^ 1 1.0 [^KiliS 2? lift ■" 1.1 L*""^ = m mm Ih \iL « ^ 6" ► Fhobgraphic Sciences Corporation 4^ 4- ^. L1>^ <^ as Wm MAIN STRUT WIUTH.N.Y. MSIO (7U)I79-4S03 v\ ) iii ■■it*."?.. v:^«i ■■•:»«»■ .- -i lft» ji ■■»■ . ) *Jf !^.,:, ■i***^,**,* ¥■%,, , gi-^*ii^:*;i^^rf^^< ^r . flf^r^M*- ^**^uf 1,..MN.i^i ,.%, ^.;. - ••'j*W.i, •»te '..!»-*''*ii/f:|^,"*(a. t .jmL* J^.SsI, ^.,%... ik..?' :*^' *.. *'. . 4 ..*' lk>^ - k,*; '*!.. ,'.i» '^'^iWswiNiill^fcf'ifSli^^ 'Ul f|i .^?»*r if't^iMHit m^ .«* *V"'-5i\ ij».-.4^ .ll.ii.3-> t'/*Li'].«iA I -^'> **»• ji ^ Vi ftft^^ J .fl* Mi m f«^.;u4^ ^l*^ftdl^^ «t6* iff It tdifit.t^Ms* <^ r^rSSfflssfi* 'iw«i> ^t4%t^^ ^'00m^*^^^^^^f0ir' ,TSEr^E*S^- ,^pif®^?f^^ of Auguft IftOy in |ttlur«flt^^igio t 4 riwdlti^idKliif^lf .•■ W5J3D^J.0,O| iMlMpi/iiiMnWiiMirr -m^ Jt .^ 4^ i !: ^■■, foil, tm mm «tt« -^wmUm >iiil-:4fflBtfiML: thwiiliflttiiititiii'-tt by force agiinft any Dodjroi nco vllo bI|^P^ ^* # ^ . . • deavour t., * ^mV3^^i^ ^^^w^m M^.^MhfwmM * *,* m 1^ '%. . w ^4 »ji«"'i # V. <9f»,.,„,M» liAfuiiAL Aw*,cnrtt; ^ , iSt ► .-, f •'■ ' - <»3 $^. Htm ' .• ■ = ■ • '^ f •■ Im ml «i# intlitiff ?iMI<#i^^^ i^ \^n conftantlv gaining ,^ftfengtll, n^t only amoJll tte tMi«|»k WBo fmjt atetd)r.*<lcd\iii*the territory, but by the acccfllo» of large numl^rs of peoptl m ^ ** ♦ people from otl^ ftate^ )mt clildly fm'tioiitiei df thofe 1^0 bftd ^eii in o|nM»fitldti toi^b^rtriiiiiiilif* tnigkt1i0,or «f to iveoQ^^tiidr^it^liiM^i^ttd were now ftiDf cmivliiee^ thatnbtMof c6m lie carried^igatiift Ihifovernnieiiti hy force tnd djMO* fuch pttmi mSk'ike ftati, il1iii#>t«vj«yii%iiii«le . m(mtiHtL ^ Wifti^ril^^ f^ tilii ^pmm acquiefce in the ^ifi^ilf (^i«^iM hi^ \ Conmrs had withdraurn all th^contiSninit t!^0(^» and Im the ittliabitanti ^ take carejil tb«m&|#«i. 'In their expe^ fixation, tt becfeme n^oeflkrt : ti rai(^«%aiyfflil^ i#c^ for the ~d«fej|ce of the mjfr tiers/ The Itfttiiiture oiiiefed diem tp he '" fohn thtf foi^mtbllrilfc iq the J^^ the nuh^ if Iheilr Inhabif aat|« '^h Hii perfottf in tl^ fontbeifterly parta of me J^ oppofetd thenifinf ind piyi^iot of thefe men, governor of Iffewyoik hy letten M^ thfto^ an4 i vMei Itttn-fered in the biifineil. To ioof of ti#i diOrffe^itf fperfoot he gift: ciift j»d , iplifiw^,«j|i- «iiflMi#, and eneoinnaged ilmm wtt^ Ihe pr(>Q|<|l9ynr promtfe o|* fiif^ti ind pti||(^^tO|i»^ > Jf w imb* ]ent%^t&ia%i^$of %|K>tt indiiiM fbe governiDMttt ofJIfirmli Ij^meof theieipMiBtt- ed peribni,:hed th#effromry |;p itteai|it to exjenBlfo th6|airslQf-^!feii^rork,cfMFer the atiieni of Veri»f^tp « ^ fo «i» I file ^ 4Ui» tbe comdiittee nported^ *' that t|»e if V ^ : ^%4-d 'i«^ .. of ^».ih^(»^i»t#i€«^^ of db<^ iipMiiitti tfliift Mlk op' - ^ .^^ ,.'"1 % P'vn<- V ^^ of the fiiie. • J***- ^ ^ ^lf«ijlyl% /Kbit jt^ Hbfcnstif «|i^f 4uB ^fiirpatioiliri^t] WMh regard to that part of the rcfolf #s» wli&?b declared ** tlie proceediogs of Vet^ont^ to be,4erOg-^ « atory to lilt authority oC Ibf yiifr^ird Srateik. and ' «» # «^ ,. , I-.-! ■..\..^:^ .i._ 1- anc moft -§^%« ^mi^: mod «r -^. I '^IP** ;?»vit-f'^7i%'^4 ^« >>-V^|'i#--ii5#l I 'i^B |fiTt>iiibii^ i^-i JtLi .4 ^?i* "<»^l <'t^All>^ -^\ ■«.*^^'i^ ,i -^ «<;if ■<;?v V 'I i.^.s.r^ttf ;;*'<4(ki^*'^'<,»Ti'^'-'' ;'.|r*«4^4|#M*'»» ■ ,.y ■■.,-'-^;, JV*-- !«' >n -^■--■— ■ -■ --<^ — "-*----■ --■ ^^.^. m4 , . ^.i»4!H4^^-< *'^'J;.i« «iii«n|a,)k,*|£ ,,j||ij^##vi )»>».*f.'j*-*^ sTfl^ )f. ;. ♦:«!«*»";'•-**'. V.^|*«-< «4 ■* ...^.■iL,Ji'l^*i-lS'ii-&ji: !i- ftsk-Xi, flrt^ ^^Si mmm :^i^^M'dk'C<.iii^i''iL, i' '■ '-'kwi^iad^rim-'' "i^jf r,*-«3^r Pl^lifliW ji'iffitit^|^1IR#% 'i^ .« mM.i ,«tft'^^ . 4' \rihify^. m^m^ m'vmmnt si jM f« c. •'^M-i^- 4. ' >l 'I V- 6. ■#-■* ItiifiillMilni^l' Jt^- a ' I T ^rt*r^ %:?r?i»r » II r^, J 7i| '!- it ^ If' Iw jJi^f'^'Mf is^utiati Pfclwflli' ■' ^'*^ JRV JlflMnl '" ^^^nlkl mO^^'^-.flH i^ ^^M^niw^^V iSS'i2K^i 1^1 m %%^H:\r m.! Li' i„- ■ ILL-L- *" \ m HB^"^'! rr. T-^d IP^ ^»*^kI fi^«**i''^' ^'"PlS^W^i ^^^; ^ Mo ^^^^ ^1 ^m r 4 ^i. <> ^i will! n'^i * facial ^ H. #. ^?^" '^•^^m *^ I^^:5^^' v.* flPMli (i 0#>^' '« ^. n a 9tMHMlr9ftMit '4^«j^'-, »?w« 1^^-:'^ i r '1 ■ ■■•1'- - • *' f _i?> 1 ■ ' 'ft f-'^lsl* 1fell« KllJ »i^4i>»;i. ill ,«fl 'ir'-'*r "m^mm^ m^y^ it^4miim%, y^ 5 l"*ff^'"^'^^ijHff' ' "f^'^lff"^ 'il^cliitfBfi I 'a^^^^P^^f^ "" '*■ is ■.«»^ «« ^ #' ^ 1a I t ^ Mm^rnm' i*M it(* <« *«•■: ■V »/ i#*T^ ^ilLifi! ' ^ ^ ■*'* iiLk ■■ y lo ^*^k-|4#^ iimoifftlwli 2. fcf^ *■ ■** .z^ 4-I4 iheif ei&|tif«i i«ffeii %^ «o lie «r lent. ^M^ jfe» ■» >« V V- ^-:*t;^r^ ^ Wfy^ - H*'^'*?fi^ '^w^/' : ■ ^*^^"i -,.. ;.y-' w mm F< All mm m'' K'*^-? %ff H^^ W[ B'^ w mm m mm ikaa|PNp^' ^QitPi WL^^ki iMmj W^'-f^mj^ ft ^mmmr ^^f^MB$ M^. s^^'v^^^ ff'l ^.1^- •# -■%♦:,- ^- /,- 1 %?• «ai . «-^^ ,^ •^•^Ol^g the liptlif ttticUif A P^eQWpipS: ^ih^ woi^ct aSM a proMr ao W ©f J# iiirf orpity^ia this pa^ 6r Afliatck ^-^-^ ^;>^^ . EMPLOYMENTS ;^ i «^- M #ii#w .^i" ■fS- w '^m> 'W« rfl .1 . ■ *■ i: m^^u^^^ VWJiT at\ , A '■ I i iS.:^'m^ iii^^ftMm :m^: j$i#» ■i., I *^* ^ i ^.i f' if-* ^ hh . P:4^^1^, fs f' iifl I^V^ if-if-'' ^ it:.. *1m^ i^k\i'f'?^.l^^vMi^''^i^, (*##'' ^ . the' iSJFiii*"'- ^^ -%« ■m^ t m* ^ UM i*i;mi yw^- hil»sall m m jnl '"" — --■ - - -^i^i^i^tispintwttron ]^l0t:mm$: bill '1i" 'Cti«<^4iisg *v?«^iN #*y^^^ iiMppfit ttid dl 3£UI ^fi0mi^^,mmmBim the iii$ii«iiior}ir6$i^^ ^ ■ii 0f ttfiab^ ift toi m '^ rtl irtQ et^iti^ .r^t ml ie« r*fi ■JtsfJ*,ii2'^ij Itl !:li'41 w Pi T'^^iv|?(^.4B%^^ ^^^■^rfrHr the .aibef, **3 I to hav|j|toide( bcj H !(-! \ytt\ m ;J!t#qQait. ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ .liliioni': TmldUtiocbbitlng . .ana sMMittf jHfWtlWKenl if»i 10 ti^9Lti»MP^i»^5F^P<'* « '^^Jr /TO^ *^^ '^^ wmm •• lOlMI l^l the vHus fivmv vDa mpc i«[ in focaarJni^i^jas tliat it iciii am Me. , inmt towp of Civ«iidi(li, to t' the yair i|i^ die qilan^ *iat > |ftbeftimf|l#:iii 0f ||llier 6^ i \i N* ^ tm^Mmm ^wwin* itmm»mmm ,., >|^ aie *dM|^ML ' ^1 liviog^ but uipciiafi |»rc^rcjr to mamtak f miil^«-.s The pl«iiiif hibtiif wift>'iliipyi«iiieaff • ^pmrtUA (but «j||| jaibmi ■ 4iy't iMpk^ i«Mil/ &id>«iiipfojf(« t\m }^(mfi^$, S^n giwrm^ (tvMi^ty [£d&iM -Moy^it (m hi liQfl^iiB^ulil^ value tCNg&e faoodred aii4ii|^tN arc dotift«Qti)Tihepioiii atcme to tMi'itid * -■» jtx^W^rifMw tmtt^ l^ii^VM^kriNKteOn^ of l^d^ ffiimtie^tiMa^ mmWmiklk every loii^lft^VMtK (b€ llitrcir Mk^#^ tht IftgfMpetty^ Oiat'bbi)!^ fli liaei jit I^M^t^ enters l^tlHnmnd e<^n(itti»bai^. ii i^^^ ilibi^ jitte^ fti tfte iU#.^Talce ff^m'tH^di; illMar ai^j^ritei^^ the pi^f^pTt!^if!f\thoif,*tiim bopf ofieliMRi ^fii and pr6fKHft^ tl^ ltd tbe £tro- ^an ttmTe^tilsQtfcs will fotfow : Hbt ^#m every wheft Aouid, the wealthy muft liMiiAtiiil tbetn, and bot^ ■ f «,;- ^ -''SfH-t-^-' fw-i-c S*.'. -jrf r ^'^f*^ to ntult/inOs ii*>ill?rc>' itaif ik • ••?-f>f-ij>.r ^ -; i-trnifii| "Hi* iv, %'^kyM i^iv-'-t vrtiS^ '«&■', lK:-vif tri a. M^ » ' ';.; i^ftffff^ :>■• *r- , '^ «Ilt,l^ftfl^bl^.4^ 1^'iKf «A' ,fi !;, -.r? f<; t^? 't^-; ^^'^ ■■'■ ^- "V '^in !^ bl^ftlh'>*i-: "c»V' *73 i!|>3 iotaili fiotiv oiiiiiJerhred ifrotir MMtt^ til#{ tgft tte^ le^v^ aderof iliotioaf^'itid to dttiliii^ tlie Bl^ if fS^tjf cict^ irhicb taksBfilMis Mi«>n| tbtffad^rl In i iie# uhiyevfal ainodig flie p«c»|ik/ iif' all< piWl^dF thh ao^atnttd mkh te IHMiml im^iilt fi^««cci i 1^* to ha»»«lMiniiU tbo^hB lo nsiA^^ At^li ibfe feii^ f^ftUH t«frio«rHt^ % pUm ifttif legflit'hiild i alldtdbat^ tiiei|i aeqauntdl «Ath tli«>MiWi d^ IfmtSl^il:, to fitt ^^\\mik9aakrfximt kiiid«rlliii»ilrledg^^ Tftr^ ^ J arc \i$§^^ft0, tlikr tra^itH^ fmito readl the '"***" i--ii Vri^taJ pu1)licati<«»i^ newfpji- ceeP^»# flitloafi^ #|iillit^,dft!ic general »C. kttMfhtMfUic, itiA dt the Congreft, &c. Such a ktM^of «^idiH6ii is cemit^on and uiiiverfai in ev* errMi df lib^^i^ ': Andtidehliig would foe more feteief^'a^iiitta|il^MB^^iMy^^^^'^^^^ itiua t1ieirebildit(ii III the ar^ of leading, writii^^ and itithmetic : iltii wiei^ thev mMoi able td^ pro- 5wre^r,.i^^iil sill^iyitwi^ attend to a (?||^ c Ufi^^p[^a^%m iimsAtoMi udil>lKiD,re8d| wri^,|i«Mti]»^miil^^ HeUs^ibeinexiaKDo* ^f^m^,mi4im^^mmHltfy faifttionftoiiilaeH^ ^a4fi| MfMifrll^i^ gi«ii« to^evtfjr One th|^.lc^tt|^.|[di:rBattO^ liiKd^jbai^i^lldl^l^fiir.f^ wWe t|if «^^;atf ,«^ will hav^ iefa advanlagea, and of confeqi % pmmn^l^mh9 fifidiNiinrtlM older toMul^ 9ei0o^rW$& ^rlietter^ adlpt^dtoiprivtee^ifinr |mhlicfOpd« fSiigfovfei^tdof edoottbiitrinllnio^ fpeculi»li^^idi^te^««d^dlftia(^p^tM Bietipb)r& ^* J^S^Cp HaAt iebolftftic! tlMMoglr* !luMf#cvecfpro» jwc^,^ tulli^ fdffimeoi«9>oii g09d;&iife^pi0inoted hy toe^^virHHE;, vti|^|.fi(fedotn»i«i^ pttfolie)h«||4 mneff^ Iii^r# mm ^wmimni* ia m n&leit foei^ ttuttio)M\|>r«i#ieed |»x the Qlbor^ cnwUlin tefe If iO% luifniHedgeare.dMtocdiiiiAflDigotii • - nyfb ^iF' Eaaly / mm mm' my mtm mmmtwwmm men. \ tipi^t "^^^ f^^umw it maa mmmumtt^Oir van [my itrrsini'Tr ff ^finilwfitcw^ slot MouMmyfl iNrincii ntfwo itiibi^jM fWkwhti f>Mip]f ar jiM^ ^Hdiir^^i^Hi tNt^i^C«lil HBtT^t^iMt t^ffiaii* ' 9Nh ftuescfe att4 tStai^'fheki^.^^'p^^ ind iCHVif^/of bofdy, will alf^Have idTifotagel pe- ^]iak» vEa^i^j^f/ 331 4u<;c ^ llf^^K "gjww^^o !«cQft9iiijp, III j|H thefr ,fx* pi;q%5, b§bit#» 4tii4 cmilpWs.-^The in|[(i^Q<;^ i|]j|fc 4his ^as Qo iJii^ ,«0air9 md on m be f<}iial to t|i«r,a^i|iaip)iijif^ waiter* have fpgqitijijnl^ ly 4Tfp^ ^t luxury j^?s pf ml fey vic^-ti^ . the t!(f^ tiQUi, /pf JE^iop^ f tJiaf; tt i^endecl to fipfl enwWypltnls for t^e ppor» f nd wa t pecf^iry to keep t n« ipcfiVy ip circulation. Tbis r^^fpping cannot be contra- dided : But,^| fuppofcs'tlie i^atc of lociety to l>e et- i^iW be f Aip6raie jBver fa topfa^i^feRnji ,i«|eifct fl* « idpbftrir; aid ^t^pmy^ wUl pf^jtnl , Cucb at |acc in'Mf of t|hft iiQ#,^M of America^,. , , v-m i « i « pbsptT ALiirv.«!-Tlwi beoeiif^^ itimdfy >di^ ^iety. IiIlM Bfll coii|btiMit|Oiii ef tnanluod, when all are cxpofcd |o danger, fuffefingi) aod want, it lippeari in one of ict moft amiable lonni, and has been called horpsCality. In this fonn it estfla among the people wbo are fubjeQed to the comnion dan- ger, fatigue, and futferingf, which attend the form- ing of new fettlementt. Feeling every moment their own wants and danscri» thev are led by their fituation, to aflift each other in their difficulties and danger The trf«vcller finds among tbem, all the relief their circumftances will enable them to afford him : And befo|« they are able to ereft faOufes for public entertainnaent^ the Arangcr is fure to ^nd the peft accomroodattons, the fituatioci of private fam- ilies will admit.— This hofpitable difpofifeion fcemi ^o b^ «)^v>«f Al, in all the new fcttkments : And the utifor^unate bee«pofcdfoTtifeon Tucri^X^% ar»d.ci,flJpaMon. hm rtlitytt i^q^M aancei »tquirfc refitt^ '1^ Wktmim rrrnn, ^;:;jrf^ 1 ( i ill *J «!»■,' '» b*^ ■u}, fi ca A p. T^E^N^Wfi^^L mmiEfl^ ji?c>r'|iiAi» "jHt>,v ■ . -. . " ■ -filial' ^ofnit^'isrti •i^ot^o^ ferf ^asfstlo ijti&li iwtt gttjritti arii-6) i>f>tt|RbK Jlir^ifi -orit i«> <;i d;t*d«7 j«Hj /rr^r^fcjis bits ^l« ioVfc%. tfiO •^st^ Ion «i '{In ' ill '« gcMrfg^mff**.^^^^ Whtre my thtis eiicer iueo the tuMngi ancl concluS ^211 ktie meoibers, ch^ wltl unavoidably hjive a gftat lW!lu«^ce utabit the flate and con4u£l of focie- fir. N^or can TodMy dchef fee them 9,^^ or cany Vnithe public t^afih^ft i^h^t eheni. jfnilead of Wi, in tMkfdnkot aftorlllT. r6clety will he perpeu liiiHy^illid^ WH^ildi of reii|ion. When bumiin td^ctataffoni Irtd 6videiic6 are t0 r^e^ive their high- tlt fdrci^, ind Moil fotettn fb^, or when the noft ihtpoHaflt' innfa^Orti are to be berformed» and of- fees of ihe'hiffbeft tHrft Md cohfequcQce are com* ^OQ The moft pniiv anil iHstHMNsIM fytim of vtHgkMl, which hws ever |irei^ftUed »iM^^' tti^ii; ii tlml^ if Chriftianity. i/Fla't religton l^illhd |tt imth,Udl adapted to the nature and flpitte dl ioian, hit jpMfM^ cd tor its end and aim, that winch U of the hi0x9tt ttnportaiice to men aaid to fodeiy^ uni^inlld imn^ o}ence» the love of Cod aiNl flMn,' or iioii^itiht Wh- 40*. VlOi^ilNiilfKr fM^^^ilnr^ill|^l)ll# ^^^ piflMfl»it%iih,^««tfitlM»tftttftll^ ttke iHien thii^^^Mli «a^)nqMn|ilMi# j^^ And inftead of being above aR^fMilml^^^illor^ tbey wtO " nd that infolttbiltty belongs only to'lli^ govemn^f ^ '^ God ; and thit iJtcertaiitly u not en^ tailed iipf /partifV9Vd«notnl4Kui|d oot iqi rcnccfr or ad- mit anj^ niirb a«ithor% in mpM^rscof religiom The obligations ot religion are antecedent to, and more Itrong \* Mm^-ti*iii>^'f^^^im^^^p^^^^ M the ggiig^yiiy^yfitli^ con- €ip^lli4iif«ril«Rr«x«^«iitiof^ li^ fqyriiwi»|iilllwi»i fmpwgtMWMaifti^i of heri aw of pfu^y «r9 iivpofltwonof ihe truth, and that jU»4he isih^wmim^rtiwfK M^ ^^i^hu^m^h the liitiM^Hiihflire :l<^ tiiajiii»ly Jiibme^hi right and the lipurc;!^!^ liiki(tifQ(«Mf> >y cQa^UdvediaiMKin^ forms m l4«i^ii4 Ue JMx^ the pfopit, lit thai com- ii|o»iifjM^i> Mrry: tMwif iileiia pf rcUgioifi liberty p^ih lW»l^^lhli|i^l HrT^I^ n* 1^11^. fl»|i have an|idP(HvflMP afU l4#«< Pf vf i^vom lf» oblke anotberi tJ^at,«#(i;^.4e!np^lMlMPi».P»ay lay thtmiflvet under mI^ civiifxilf^^;^^ an4|ol4igav«tn th«ro ) , that, jiU dcasipminations (hall cnioy ai I k equal iwtiiffiliKo Mirti II il»yiiit1iiiiliiiiiiiliiiii(iiiiiini iiiiii i idon^ kts^^imi^mwimifi^^lmm fill #«ieii^44tt|^ diii|gjtlwi| iiiHi Ul Aii#BotuMnii^ iMdi>tiwMipiMMMMr|N|M^r W^VI^^ UIAVNIV «nOSIMOV|*MIIViHHPilHVwOHIOIlBVB i^^SPI^ Ktn^hiAjpfllir^. l^itpmcimk #1^ of t^<«6tii^ tntrtKoniiNlle^fhiJIth'triLnglilM. JntmigHimi6f land tlii<%«r«1lla4r b/flikni cl«eMM»er« J»NlM(b iwm^ in M«V lt#tilliif '^fervai ^^ f^lghii^ f^tfbmt frirrigrt t»iHs i'infH6tkf^m^(-Mgh^ 1^ '¥hr ttib nf an^^C^at'dl^gf I H HKfr#' fbl^^h# 6i^'1^ctl^ '^^^^^^^KKStw ^W*#-r TngimiiiitiiiB fybea t# the es€«pftiOM^if»||ii|im|| ^if^yr^m^ j(H)i«f4¥4U M^iywimid pii|r«ffioi^^f^ ilm>«4;'i. flutter fikMh^mm^^^ the (ld#W dii^le^fAutbWr t^M^;fi#v'*^rtiit-*rrft ;i ;f13?: t.^ .M-IJ! •p"*!"!" ^ r. ^ t » .i ■■ * > • ' -^%*r te4l«^ ■'^«i« f'"**'^'.'' '*-:?l''^ ' ''^ ; :'>v*''-' ■'^aff»'^* f0irfK';lufit-'|*«#' ■^-^'■■' "■ ' ■ ■ •"• •-' ^■- ■ '*^r'f n. ■» 1,, «, »€1ttAi^**^ % :?.j.4*. HI TH^umifmh m ^^m ■ X^ .>a-*^«**MA4ij:i-.i^^, -^rf^^^lt^^m'^'-^if^^^ ^'«(0^.;i{», ,^?^iJ4M'*-l;^i'jM^Wff • -^..©j, tf v^%i^.ebi..>m>; limit ofity is the public bufinefs ; not ilM^miEil^flili «liio^tfaitlf, bi" th0 ilif tif);f iM»r^l»6 >.^ i^^ii« 0% tbatkp^blii^4«^fM^%li^iSiiiceN#«i^ ^mot adWttt Tf^, ndbiltlf, ^ti*iJ^ tihd of i^redit^t y ^Mfwretff^ * bdt oiti^ of fMiwett gitmted ' ^overnfne«[^sJa(tii«kd 4!ib tMs ^KliitMe,^ do not ii«»c«(r!Tilf iifl^ty rile (a#i«^iirj Th(tyd6hot a#. rtiir*^ !*%*(? w^wi called iembCirafcf^lbj^ 'tlii6^^qint/e^ts« }i«i«li«'iim!iet}t d«mcyrf»ci^s^th«« tiablit^ftn^rs w^t t*4h0rafcd ir tiM »lf«»ih*le'i «# liwi fM^>le : The whole body a1KitiiH}«dl t6 jui^ ^lld 4m^^ upon pilUid a^i^j|« : Upon fcM^ 6t<:<}iiMt^ ehe%liffi«ntd^2 iDocfadies were fottiifd ro be Wttfiti a^l inid^qatfe to! t^ 0|v8riiiit«t^ of si Uiige fi(i|t0]iri i Jhi! Aiiienea thif iTlmii ' difficult/ v^4lw ,fe!^.i|^N&8ff n^ ■ i)iiM»iii;iii|,piiif*#i>r ^' .i^i^iiv^QiiMP^piiilf into ji^io^; 1^ JifTfaMfH^rd^ to fav^r i|ip li^s joi l^i fitoj^^/liiiitfdfrtbod^ft fi|jHM<|;i^i^«f )Boal4i4^n^ to iinfii/^^ iThe monarciif «r^o> t^» iBtiodiioeid it, iwH^ # -vieiv^ lo c^e^^.^iiKioiif $t^mM9iptmplPt^ \9Awfw tmktm^ '^ cbcckfiMiMtt it f ^ntitf«4t4t^MiiiiR» t^ oiigHi ikB4 c xtfnt qC rlllt p^H^gcf ^irtll$' foi^freign, mi ^h%h9 e4io ifi^coskim, »o4 to^oomfiote ibe fylkti^^of 'N{>«; lefei^atioR*, M*^ efiMil in their rifbtt.b^ nai^ff, Uif^l»iij|fF,/Q|jf»t]M p«Qpl% wert in » £tii«iioii ^i^ « Hv fimilar '^ ]|fiQ^S ^Httilitf f ci8i||iii^fiAaftp«M(i^«]fil»ctccmoaiio< wUl fiKiri? madi]^ «lfHcisrfi!.iKbA^ thtcr i|Di««dV is^ and ed fr^in tnegiiMvho areipkcad nmoStcen^^ bonoiir vii; cr #^« «^lcl^4iNi« dtfig^ iMAt aiiiilicd^ to iiuMUi|i^t]t#fim left It contains ftrithiir^ to; aic^iieift#<)f i #14^ makiiiig jradtltUnd coiiftMi(^?:ili)si«V0t^#>^ro l»itft^i' (idgry ta th^ Idetieei^ tnd iii «ff' tilt Iftl'b^ #hieii Hfii of ^efxtnidnti ilrfifi:!! Wa^byt^^^ ihtktmtW in one i^ge dl foti«ty|^brres^(» Mf %itl iflcMh^t^tl^ ADd tral^fk chef dveminentit^f ^ph»^;#kh'tlli^ gradual imf^ote^ettt of f tad QQ|^io^ (rf frQveii)<:o& of fodel^; m^kU i;|i«^t«^i«i. Mtat, fl^ keeo gi^ >f^Ub t|i4 kaptt>V(U|ic|^t of f(|- l^wiy ia -Amenc^. And «6 policy Y«f>uld w pibre ]|M^eri[f or coeCM!i|ttible c^ tlie people of A- TJherica^ thin an attoaipc to bin^ pofterfty to oor Ibnns^ oi^to-jEOofiof them la our dcgreei of knonrt- i^p aiid impt-oveinetit>^ The Aim » ah^etfaer the -feV6i1e»,tonn|lie provifionfot %h€ fttpi^V(U\ improve- ' ihcnt and progr, liter, ttidHb, n. llie'ftii$c Qi:4b»ft(i|4e^ibo«h|ilM09iif!4iflM« ci»t,liiii^»ciA M6tffMf w^r^ withi^i^nii fktif HI9f^C^||^'> aridP1fiill«rotti ftate tilfQewtrv fl|itMi'#^^ one Jmotaiiftd fixty oriintt are mtMifk^^ aoath. §aa|ttj||ary law« Mfitatortioorl^fW^clreiiiade deal^ lb' common ind ivwiiiar, fhit^tiyittil to havc^^oMii one of tliofe Bommuft'^Wi^ij^TOei, which ii eoQftantly to be cxpdded, antl tl'i^ltttlt regardl^ '^veral of tlic>tM«iiiiaeiiftL|Bl^ llieir cruel- If > are fallyiWariywMf thing thai mf^eVer been perj»liraMlif#irlMlttmof Adl^Hieii fin bratal rag^ ami inbaman tonan, the ptfhIlbniiNi aUGgned la high toeafoii, foMf Mceecb anjr tlph^^|^ Indian 0emaac«iil4'«?er coiireiTe.«»SaaiVf|^ crimi- • ■■ Mi irb ._ . i . ' '. r ■1'*'V' tirir^ l^fmn *•■• ^-^ •; 10 rsk'm potindt. They way alfo bind mtm^^ltMt .^ _, power to try. No judRtolntjrei^ifii^l bf ^l%iBfkt of peace, mti^ tmtm by writ dTiil^^fiuf ap. pc^« are »»^«jF^ne« coi^^^ cafen «rherertb« |iB|^m fq^^ debt m cUp>f|e«i thill exceed the niiri of-for^ fliillings. ^''^' \0,^K In each couAfy there J& a]roa^ouf^J^oq>i|r^; 6on< fiftiog of thritje Jiidges^ Who are alfd: annually ap< pointed by the a^ifebljr. The coatiey cotirts, with. in their refpeOive (tsc^imties, are to tiAt cbgnizancc of all crimimi'^iMs^of every eafnO and nature (except fucb caftia iiia'i^ cogmzable only tn the (u- preme courts or before a J u(t ice of the p^ace) and awrard fenlence. But any peiTon proTccutcd for a criminal otfcnc^^ may u^^peal frota th« juiSgmcnc d \ a 'But ap< iH^?} con- ully ap- rts, with, ignizance d nature I the (ti- acej and cd for a {mcnt: of a 8^ tBB ^^m-' ■^^*I^?!^:^^P^'; --^ ;3r_f*^jn ''""^^^^'8**\**" !»/ .^ W<^ i4 m^^ v^^ r ''%0^\. "^ mf' % 1'^ *.. n 4%ii m 0^1 ,fM \ .< WM^ '■•»■-■* ,m-^ ^-^ M«StlM. %■*. \u ^^^' .^yi 'if.,,.. ' .. .*. 4i. ,:* m'^m \ ^m>- ""^77*^;., 'J ilff^'^m [^ •fe*. i£»i ►4' t r * '\ ^ \» .1) * >^''« ii* I,' .^' *. :^ ^Jm\ I* _»- iT ft • 'i^saF^^n^ ^■[^fa&^^ll^^fttf AMr 4^flP^ 'ife'i*^ -Vy i ■W|BBRpW^ff ^^ ' $i*^^* * j& f^^BS^K^^^^'K '**<'-MU^ #■•■ tKlfl Mh Sm¥i'^m~^:^'''^ m * , .#> «l" -•W*-:f^V=^"m*:; ";t > ■" '^ ': !'^'^" f#J-i "M^ •'"'f?s^ ^,, *;4-,:jt|^^\i^T'»,*./-*^ '"^il*- I- 'V iih^ •jM-JA -^ .^■,., y^'^^^^K^ L^^vJ'.^'. £i£li.1 iv» •y '^T n' !*-V ^/-Mh' iistrrr ^w J» fs# ■#* <» ol^e Th»himtdi0,mn^Ddt that confined wfttd# c€tliin1K0ite W' klitlff^, mal^ veiy nttch affiled' by die fta^ Df liocielir^ The condition of the body- / . .^ .. »--, t%d»fficuU| with which MF^««iitki|i|r« familf , the ^ntnt, the fpitit and r^gn. I^bltn eni|Md^ aiid the wai^the Itficdiiont of and cnftoiftiof tjhe neo^ f eiy dfic^n#Wtl^ IHh^ a^iC«» at "^difllr^t; tiniei. ^ ^ ny^ ciOlibitte, and "oili^e 'i ijSd in fudi a manndt/thltthweeinoSt Te^- rir iElfi«6U ; or determine hoir nrach ia to be d iptthe \iw of nature and dimate, and what reif from the ftate Of focietf ; Thti difficulty aiMirti iH th^'^talSlea which have bee^ made of ^rth^ ^m,Mnd mitd^t. ; ^hr^ oflthti UM^ IhiiflHielimfide 1^^^^ Matop^ ftodlir ftritol placet III ^eriCa. Thief appeal to( kvelfcen the reQilt^^f eccurate ohf(^>Hon» and cali^latidrr. Btit the reTuhs at different j&lacei in the fame latitude and climate, have been fo dtflf^rc'nt,' that no general (kmclufidiflTdtn be'drawo from them; ^rpe£ling the hitural increafe of the human race : They Inark what has taken place at a given time; and pla6e; but they afford little infDrmation of what is to be expe6ted^ from the general courfdi of nature, in any particular coun|rv> ot climate. By the late enumeration of tne inhabitants of thd Utrited States of America, a perfcjd has been found in the conrfe of human life, above, aild below which the nu^dier of the males are neatly equal. This pet iol istielHy at tneageof fixteenyeari. Canwen^tdem't romeiaformaiion^frorAfo Remarkable f faSjre(]^e£lin^ the inci eafe apd population of the people of the United States ? And may it not be determi|led what X B. mull ii m ^ i 8?a TH» NATUJIAL kwn 0Vm mail be the operation of imjMii^i tp. fisfiduce and prefervo thii cqoriity #oiiirt>(|f% liAprJ ioi aj^ovf '4>*lJtt, u»«t(eiii|i£ . to;tc«9iipiite;.AH»ott' i-^fMi'^fe* iitppofe tbe^iibolt aw^l^f^igf ip^ tovl^ it^ Ifete lUtea o^ AnwrMiiiMioiiail^ ta^fi|Mf|[|{ilitrfilM^^ i om MI.'«9^«.lMil|*M»ki0^^^ the en4i>of,,l|i^^«JU1ivM^^^ number 'WI^>mi age^-^ifi lybfVf^i^^ifi^llif^i^ er thirty tiiwyAcw«itd.^'^»ri^ ti|MrpMh9r, nature muft have {^o^ucdl rift 4lii%#Tti#e^<#a equal numbes wfalofe age iiirill ^ bcljoiif. ibiH^^: Tha: iini during thitpeciodi, of tht^tmf-^m^f^im^ two thou(and mud haveJietn^borikMi. fiift^fiityftiiie then tliat hiui palled the )p«u?io4 of 4|itf ^ fWt> nktura muU h«ve prodiacf^twor o(|wrifffiir^0Of^lMik* Jance, or an equalitf in thenumh^ni heloir.aAll i#9Vie f hftt age, cottla ooe be pr ^Der vfiji. A#d 4^ tr^i^ ^Co be the exaft period of .doiabUag tiM wunkm^ ; the. inhabitants.- 'T . '^i<^< ' ' i:l' 'i^oic y' T^smuft be the operaliot* of iMl«lre» iCtihyeCitb. .|e£l u^ whom the ealcuiatioii waa> «||Mte,had bfcm iifvariahie, or fubje^ tontt dimiQMticn. S^i. this is not the cafew Death ia €0nRant|f diminiihiBg the imtnber of tbofc whofe age Is aboirft fixte«n, of tbofe whole age ia below fixtceo t and it dtnioilhe> thsm boih» in the iatne^ proponion. Thii cuiriotii fa^ i» afcertained kfn a toorCc ofobfervMi^osi made in fev- cial itowos i9.4bei«aftf«n parts of Ne«rbamp(hM^' i^t /f««^/M ^an MCttratMaMe of; deaths, with^ the j^e orcaeir.pe*roiilwtt«^bept by Chie miniUeraof the pariflivfro»^^>« y««f« '^M^*> ^5^9** * Sii»||f, bills were tiapt kt Mafikiiig/lcn^ horn Afi0l^ tjjit i At Ncwm0kifi fi<^«« t/a* M t:r70 :* At Dawr, from 1767 10/1786 .♦ The tttfuU of jhj^§,ohC^«vatiQn» « tidJbnsp'i HiA. of Nawb ti)|9i|KS» III* pt »z%^H^» HISTORY o? VERMONT. 4ki "it^ tihsA the wiidil imiiibar Wbtck dtedin tiior«!4d#i^« iltn-ing thofe )r^8, war two rhoufaitd abd nhety e^lfhr; OfiriMmi ^e trhQufkiid andtBftjr were ubdir itteeik ;;^iitt W'ligfll^ itid iiiie ^o^raitd and forty ^he idh>«ri#t1tlff'te. lt| the* rerulr tiffo long a d&rfe c#i^tfOr#iciSni^-lli»dcf ^^^^^^ Ibwns, #e mkytiipM'Mki^'tM i^Tar^courft bf tiature, o^'the hiti&irt^OMEN^^ of diB«tb, well arcettained« Alad'thlfiWiii mliy fhivt eftabiidltid tfiUcariods fb€l^'T|totVfeitb hit e|jf'dtf)nfifiilkhi^ the numbers of mankind, iiwill every^^wberc proioAgtbcr 'period of doubling, btyond the mean period of human life. Bue to what degree will it retard this events or to what length of thhe will it protong the period of doub- Un^ ? It wib prolong the period of doubling, esafl' ly fo tiitft titfio« wbieb the deaths fball bear to the births, in the fame period of time/ — Tbe'bills which were kept in Ifowhtimpfbire; do not c6nMin an ac* curate accotint of the birthit, butionlyof ehe bap. tifmi i and th«rt«fot« wlH not ferve to difcc < what proportivirfhe deaths bear ^otfic blrtbr, m Hu>re toivnl. ftift from the bdia nf mbrtntftty, wliicll have been lotptiir MafTachuretts, it h^s b^en found ihHC the noMiber of deaths, are >innurall> n a conftatit. iind (^cHed ratio to the number of fainbi: ' At Hin^» him, tbeifedattd venerab1l»*Dr. ^/ 1 , to Sept. i it ly^t. The auotbtr f^jmtm wre one buadtcd M3d 1^ rI¥UWt^kAL i^PbWlL •^dai^tty fdi". the s^btriif ttart||«li«e» kundred ^Htmr^km^F.ml^lm, Mi^mirtjBevaaiialiie 'tic^ Wl^^#i^ ft|rT«folr cif^^a^ 'inl'riecl dH iHfllttiet 4iffie<«ttC flMMti. dwrlsg a. period dr fiit^^ yiBiRi: > tins jMbft of tbf wbSt, n» that the deaths were out choufaodfix hundf»d^an I mvtca fiifpe^^ * tVut thvT age at which the luimbert of ' people are e- qualhr divided, will in «¥ery country projYie to be the time, which nature requires in that iclimate, to produce doublf the aumber of. people that .are then iivltig'; That the a£lual period of doubling, will in fi^beietardcd'tn^eaud proportjpn to that,,,i^hich dci|h» de«th|^hear.ta the btvtbi : A/yd. tjiat tbif rao. ^ Wi)l very n^rly d'etctnio^hMt inflv^emoe the (late i' of focietf haa« on (he incr^f;? of matikin^ .lu ^ny > coinitiy or town* imnv ^^.Memotriof Atteriean Academy/ vft'/JTiit'cii.'*"* ""^ * '•, , ,t-.' Jacbufctti, Rho4^; i) i^ibw And ««• was |n«fb^##iiRtliyb^«l| ^'^M^t^^t^,p AmeriDiNiii tj^ §<>» im «||!i^ lif^iiflK s|p^^,«lM»f|J|i^ \ihe Mar^Idmr, ". ''•' ti StHillUrn StalMii*^ « From tMi< vi«ir ^^ llMMnifiiit, if (hoold -feen* i^ the midd:«3°attd ^f)(ln hern ftates^ircre tbe moft fa- vourable tO) Icnlget^fi^t and cfad '^r«ren'»^n cf Kfo? And that the 4^£ii!lbettr flatei were the moft fcveufa- ble tKi a ripiditjT t?f pircMhs€lM«i, and incrMfe. WheUi<^ er thefe etfCutnAandBt wHi 6ot balNiwee each otbfr» and pvodtiee «m «qifati»y m ihe |iieriod Df doi»blilig carnioi' be del;eiitlfnfiii te examined^ -kWfc^Kift no; populideis toWnc, ^a^ts/^f |#i||s nij^^ to cottea the peo- ,p¥ 4ti&tW. Thky »retfpresd over the wht>Ie '^untry^ forcing (ball ^ajud fi^i-ale 'I«ttietnent8. Bu^f^jjr arepinqhedfor watit of ths ,|ie^ffarie^.iof 1t£e, ^^pQ^notliing lilj^ ^luci^ry lias yet taken pUtje am^ng us. The government is highly democratic. In religion ^he mol^ perfe^ freedptn afifl ^q^uality mHp^W ,W9^ ^^ ,jrhc taxes' ,are oo ihQrf tlMvi wliat are |iiiavoif4bIy i|e(iefl&ry» . t& pi^> are eaFy to i^ prociueol, md thfl|,roiii t$ |!$ch and ftinte.-^£V»y raniily knpytjntdfly \ibit wbel^ prod- f^pf^ ^ tbeir labour. , ; f^M ulimate' ^« faliibckms and J|iea|tby« And. tteithfr war, (icknerSyOrplei.r-^I do> t»9t JUow that we can .fnd any new cpuptr^^yia whicb^; every- ctrcnmllanQe deema^fni^re f yourrblc t^^increate 3 Or any* in 4v^|c|[vMfe cna^. .ipr^ prot¥ib!v, expe^ Iq; 6tid the mai^ifHi$m, whif ■* nature and iu»ciety caii produce in iiic|^ a l^itude itod^UcnattrsrFjEoaMtbe enumeration «»f tbe inbabttants ukeaia lygif we^ have the fblf- tr-^q, ib%' •04! i - - -V 1- - HISTORY or VESM^NT, ' VERUQNTf Males. be-iM«Ic» %r ''•* -^ «!?*^ iboff vein «r- *.'i. DUIeraoc^ i«7: M 0^ iAMbiM|H4Q^bl4B»tia.«atro of thdl^iMof ddMMIiik From this takit it itppean tbsn the dejidn iRiV^tf tnont, are to the births, ii» the porportioo of i |o 4,85 I of confcqilflficfr e^ period olmttiof IfttAis iUte> at prefeiit) is nineteei^ years and five months.* From fuch viewfr of the incfeafe arid population in America, we can (carcely avoid comparing the ftate of things in the United ^ates; with that of the ancient and populous countries in Eu^pe. In the city of London, if we may judge from the annual bills of mortality, the human race are annually d<^- creafing ; the deaths generally exceed the births^ about one tenth every year. The lavage ftate was Icfs ttsfavourabie to theincreafe of tnankind, than fuch large and '{!Wp^]ou9 cities : (nftead of preft^rv* iDg, they tend to de^lfey the hmtnan race. In mod of the atieienc and populous nations of Europe^ their forms of government, their ecclefiaf- tical * Sineo wfhiitg the ftbvive I hsTo received from Or. Afaph Fletcher, an accurate obleiver and able phyfician, an account oF the births and deaths in the town of Cui/tiidi/b» In the courfe of feven yean the number of biuhs in that town was two hundred and len ; the number that died in the fame pe. Tiod, was thirty. The ratio of deaths to that of births in that towo, during this period, hai b««a but as one tofeveo. "t *>'■ 3^r ^'^wm^^'t^v%9^^ tical eftabHI^inetlts, tl^e riKtretne luxury of one part dp tHc people, ah4 ithitxtrtme poverty of the other* their Imij and bloody wrars, tlieir numerous fleets aiid armiu. i^e npmbeii firbich ;are re^^^ to fer- vitude, an4/c^c^ pf a, Itate. of fotiety. iirm^b deftrojra the'nableft friiit and pro- ds^fl^ cTWatttre : It muft be eFentially, and fun- dame&tally bad. The' fiifftft ^rOt>f of the profperity of miij^coitiltry, is a sapid increafe ojQJje people. ♦ V *■ V * r"' ,1. . ... r «< ^¥v /»>-f^ fi >. 3;- t ♦ .«' j£i&'^^rifMi«>.^ »^«^f*<»* ' !( .v«** •if,?' , ' ' C U A p. ,** » ^li .^noi-ifrnja -•'i:%M' .^B-n- 'ihfoid M\&.^t;iol 'ti^^ T _ H E emplot iiient«» f ii(^^e|rpmeiif i the religion, the cttihy^is; btli^ ^^lb«»k1^]i^^^^ tion of the peot>le, conftitute their fU^f of A^clerf . .^ inr the ilate of fociety which had taken place in Am^ric*, the foundationi of hfji? freedom were laid, Ioif|^f6r# the natlbns of Europe had any fufpicion of whai^ was taking place in the minds of nieo.-^Conque% religion, law, cuftoro, habits, and manners^ coofirm'<| ed by military power, had eftabliflied a (late of ^foci- ety in Europe, in which the rights of men were ob« literated and excluded. The property and power of a nation bad pafled into the hands of the fovcr* e%o, nobility and church. The body of the people were without property, or any chance or prorpe€t of fccuring any ; and without edttcation or knowU edge to form theili. to any rational principles anil fentiments. Without property and without princi* pie, they were of little or no coniequence, in thi view ofg«rernment. ' When the contefi was wheth- er the king or the Ctmnnens (hould gain more pow- er, the meaning was not at all whether the body of the people fltould be raifed out of their degradt^' *^ ' ^ *" * » •* ♦ ^' '^ «(t4ft " fj 370 THs NATURAL ahI C1V1|u ftate of ignorance, poverty, and inlignificai.ce ; buK whether that part of the nation, which had acquired much wealth and firoperty, thbuld ha^^e more tn- fluence in •the affairs of governiiitnt, ^.Thc bo^y of the peoplei?crc efteemed as Mere nl6h, wholly inadequate and unfit for the affairs or government. The king/l6rd3;ard commons, were agreed in view- ing the mafs of t'hc people in this light. And as they had neitherpropetty, prinpiple, or knowledge, it is prob»h)e that th^ opiniop Which their rulers focmed of theniy was? bat fbo juft. f Such had been the ftateof fociety in Europe^ for many ccnturiej. Time, law, religion, and power, had combined with every other circumftance, to de- grade the people ; and to reduce lite body 9^ them to the lowefl (|,4te of abafeTftent,'ari«! contempt. — In s^vftafe of fociety, in whith tvtxy thing had fo long, deviated from the defign and law qf nature, it cuuld not be, tntt thatrthe rights of men (hould be loft ; andthe idesi oflliemhadneaiiv perifhed. Nothing was to bf: feen biiit one general^ degradation of the body of the peo^e, ^nd an unnatural and ^celBve e^sakai^nn ^\ thofe who had acquired pbwer 1 every where t^fiding to corrupt both, and to^glvc the moft tinfavt^urablc idea of the capacity of the former, and of the ai^po^lioo of the'latter. * It required the dar- . i«g fpirrtof Mijton and Sydnev, and the abilities of Lockclind l»4ontefquieii, to diicever the rights 6f men, when kieit themfelves for many centuries, had madts the ftate of fociety wholly o|}pofite apd con- trary ro the ftate bf nature. The philofopher l|jad tOi deyti€e them fi^m the'cr(ratipd,atid nature.. Ori raati, Itt this inquiry, the ptdgi^fs,^ like difcoverips . inotber feiences, was extremely flow an^ P'recariqiiW ^■ Intsreft aiid reputation #er« aigainft t^^ieprf^grefs of thisskind of kntowlcdge. ; The law,4$'e chareb^.Md the governnfent, were not ^nly oppofed to 4*» ?;^f;0 they punilhcd the dilcovidrers and wnters, by whiJR-. ../■;*^, -^.^ ... )H$#_^<«m«^ \i -<- -^^ ■^tffrigr 'JPi ■p * iVi ^ It ^. n*,:. rniftikto. VERMONT "■•/ tji - ^ ^ i'mprirohrii^nts, heavy fine«, «nQ dfiath* Nont Wt^cgreateft and moft virtuotif., pf^jiuji^ avow eUhc^ atSlf ^o inveftijgat^. or «fO«lii ^arc to afl«rt wRMbetoi^^edto ilie nat^^^ ^i^^ved from the nature qF (pcietyv ..h» o.,ir,.ii^i' in AT^erlca^ every thii^jjad. aff^ffjedavJiflSerfj^^ tetidenqy and , pperaiion firft fettleir^ ^ tbfi colonies^ lj|q fuffered fev€;rely iindcr t! bigotry #n4 intolerance of fcc^jcGaftfcal pdwer the da^s- of Eitzkbet'6, ^ames/and Charles ^e Xh^y had not at fir ft, anv more knowledge qf the . of huflBan natu'r(B than th^iir iieigF^bours, and they were a^nfiM from the fpirit of candour arid toleration., Bu( wh^n they were '^ipxpofed to fevere f^(Fer^|lgJ on ac^ , count 6f their reunion, thjSy wer? pl|CiCd i^.« fifua^ tion, in i^hich ihtn fitfiUn^s would perron for t^m§ what tlieir reafpn had not acquired, ti^AientlQX)G voice of nature, which J^ad ap e(Fe^ upo^jho^iA *power^^'and pi^ohably would h^ye ha^ "idre up0Hi f them^'had they bee^ in the ^ajf^e^ (l^^te.-^Wwii*^ 'Vkws^'t^ey c,ame.*into Atnenca. Situation and^pn^ . pU^metit in nie" ' The .Mriidernefa .was. fo be cl^iretd *upi #haBitatibp8, #iMf| ttltiiip^chief^fiil^cott^ lie" ^iniie to th«i|wl d«tioiedNlodi(^i¥dli^ ^fttyfltf. NocMiigW Mfor tIMtii Wlo pQi^ tH^ m$ anii eour(^4»Fmtiif«i«riii6hwM lliilt oC tK^ity iHd fiVbij^i And tliii o^ proJicoffoai^ luat fi^l^lt;i^idrfitu|^tioo;fkHif, t>^iviltfg|i^ a«d f^am. ^lknr#ft&t^«dr fiikict)^ r ^od aociHtli^itt^ 4^f^- MpailMl Ktlietfer«n«e of^^royal iiatlidrijf Jiir^tT^ tbu% 'Mi^rtft^d to 0|i^^^ thut^jiNM^ ef^^depinideot '>«^t#lF»ind^MM«iip the Atiwrian wMi^«e#miMQ - tM'i^ll^^inm, tbt ttoiniiio»lliriliff te Hmffka ^ ^ i(&j^^^ co^i# llave df ilMrfkbfi^ ^li« oise was *^ lfl'4 fittilKidn/Tlil^fft'^Mi^ilftiMM^^ diaiiltit, flidf ItfcMifliimitf -mSm- # f* -1 i»' tv«i*. M- i.y .%' ^ A. |£«c49'n of.Ainericii wUl prov^fttificieafr'tb fti^^ » C9ufi^ |tom ifiif ti«e it Arffel { 9itA%)X ^tfaDi|^tiiu^^^ ««|iajiil^«viti;«jito a9te jmcloottdittoaof >tiii|<^^^ T^Miloriii qf. gQiieh»meiit^bv which th« ^^(l1:^ti<^>hti^C sieft if to J^ d(M»c^ ft bilbor rightt^^i^iafett^lti ' tH^ j^^^pMi^ of Ihe piOfAtt, ft coiift^itllotf 10 dit^^ rej&roin (aeaegUUmi^, a imde of% la#j^td|^idt^|^a dire^ the executive authorlCf^ fti^iiiaHift^bf^ i% iapportaoce to any people j and are ' jdftly eft^A|«i^ eqioogtbe wiC«ft produ6lioi», of anefeilt'^rrittdde^^ rtines. ButAO peo^e oudii M> eifie^ IM "^ny- Mi'itlf ;^^t»v i^llum Witt; aviil^ lMttr#,' ov ti^^ pe¥^ PfttH^te-tlietr lii»ettiefl^ Suoli tbingi «r«r lUMifeffi^'i^ cfvn<^ dKe«£liiire8 { the evidenced^ not ' tli %H^t^ ^%|^iiMli« «Hh« people, ThefderiiNftfl^iriEtdt^' authority and force, from thepuMie fetttiitidtiri'ltod^ aij^jOf , nqilurtjier avail to (ccure thift libeyii«bdf^Mtlie'4 pc«^M»4Mn^ ^^r^»^«o «»prt%i«i«f^ tqmrer^iyi^^i puhlic^iiiioiu^ Hi#<»tlif^^litiri^ Attd chai^a^ aiiy bill of lighl^ anf OQB(Hit^oii^#«fe¥«|' of g^f rpj|ien%4fi4 W, «Miy ttS^f ^tH^^tt W ci)i^nged,^r he «iftde 6f mone effe€k/) l^c^ It^ t^' nejr^r, (^ 4ange»Qttt lor^llie |(oireniiiitiif ^ 4aij^0*Y^ pl^ toifijikei ftoyalfcrationl o»iohli|i|^^'whitli >the : pu^ic opHiioo will either aQowi jttti^i 6tf ftife^rr. '^ Nor pugjbf^liy .peapleto cxpea, thie flidir le^OI-'^ toill QrtgPMfTVi9ll« willibii able to pi«f« IKdr lib'' -^ crli^, ^ f Aon^peiiiidofttme. A^y^^ titmh^ ,. whgl^iQi^o^ |he fwwetff and ipfoto of puMicriNnpfejr*^' (> " tnenff^^ifl. HnaiKoidably» wifliilo Uttt fhdfe ptbfit^*^ ^ an4>.|K>wersi^iiicraftfedi T^ difioaUiM thtty^Mll '^ me$^,i^th; tn.UieneitocutioB of cVeir^oAeek mFtHi^^* ^ TcaipitMibleeoppofition that Will be mtO^bf tl0(^W^ iktkmitii^ ni Mi^iiiei^rores, tad tM ^tiftHiiil'MI^'^ -4 <* tempti t»- % '"<'^. .^.^J(ii,4s if^ fticcciMl tbcm; ibch ifaioga^ joined!' f |f)i a n§liftf«lfl|iif>fi nFpowiir an4 |Mro% ^ c % f^f ^ ta«^?¥ice M^ qnti in pul]^ cnt^to^tif r, tbat It i»m9«!«?^ in !tb4iii. White tbty^ti^ttiOWlib'im aini t%lM|^4«f(B|ai^ idaf#r#ngctif li^ lii^ tMMi polffc er(^ Jindeiiriolumtiitr, tbofe po#tit tfadi^i^tiM^tl w4|lb«calM the powers and tht digttiftyiOf gorctto- 0^11^4;, .Itmaabt^libtei wKp^rmeii^ii^iitiiiE , t^ bfapvi for. wiOaog^d atming •! llMt^iwbicti tb^i^ %|^o««aQ4^liipIoy,meft^QaMAfa)b^liail H>;^ T^^ e|<^ feftqaa ^^\im^asi^z%W \l^^ , l^^^^P^'!^^*'" i»«»^* wvwwiei, and intiiieiiw. N^nPci^W jWiibt to cz^a diAt tl^^i^ wmii^#ia di^r«l^i I midf pen , atnong /4heiii 0m^tt « i^en l^ilf ' ce^fft^^^e o^DyOf become a more fnireM^c^rfe^ #or^er #f blin^, beeaiiri? tbey beveftbo bcm S^ g9^m9ri|i|ieii|^^^|f»ini»iMed iio tbem. , , *-WP9i> «Mibei» can the people Repaid, for th^ "Wortaii4 preservation of tbear rigbti andft^dbib ? A ^W ?^ >^>«|« <>» PwcaMtioni under leaf Iblbi^ "» th^Pll^Mreer , iWbt &iriliof M^ I* i^ liyjogpriidi^ «^ pl% ^h Hiwi-JH Jb^ ;inind«, piiiMplel^i mSL UH^ ^ ^^* % # mfi^i of the pecn^. i It li«ct in tbeb induiirk i{k^ tue,fa4 i^blie lenttnent ryQrfathcr iiii m;^^ prc(ierve4 endlMsplaltucbjr^beftatoolfoeiety. tf ^ ft^ho^ ifOf the people %11 lofe their property, ^f »lw>wledge,, and tbwp virtue, their igreateft and ^2?*/tJ«^*^«^t¥^^ i»»« Joa el ll^ faine^time: ^. ri^d: .With the corruption of ^tfae pnbtif (^mE^ ^^^^^-^ -^ — * of iSitdftiSk^tiJl laffe »Sl* h '^ m . yv^^'^'^P' "Their gqyeillmenCffciMilnitffedKty^ 'u**JW*.*^^^»*' And^wbek tbiJ oioplc h^t T^ *t ■ W A "* J ^^^ . %» "f^. ^ .:Ull' .n ^ ^ TUB KUTUItAL AMI^ kcS of liii^iFlMRin^ thtSr t l.tAi.kM:ii ■^'»'>^ ft^-S^^.. y.A, ;«.a'f -HI*:! . i-Mtfitiim'tiiiititi I ^''^JSi' 1 m'l i ^, J* f. hm^H i^fwt tOMi^k ik m^WH^^^'Smt^ ..H' 1f^- ! >• ♦. 3 ••!i<^' 9^ Af *^ l. rvz" *'j#;^A.. ■ij^iiiiiiii|iiiiiii.|iii..Km -m '■• m: ^ i-:i;-f|:i: j^'jfemitfmfmMtd 'iiln: **i 1 '1^ ^•^i m^t m .r ^^ ■ ytt .If jm i» ,^v tBtl b wh^i SflST^ PA^ Mini to Ik* M|t of tfct eartl^ dr fitily pihhJM mm mmm tilt wtft of iImk atim, f ton that tUb* IHi v«rMtiiia4tfia W . -bt •Me/vfi> aad bcdiiii noiv m4 aMPilia«fa* f «r'tM k||| *^ , >nt«fv aiii n bftl^ fli«tli«i|iiltclaii 1^« jbfdf ic i ^itrnm ))•»( of chttr bailQtfs ta*obf«rvc. it, to aieYtitl farti ^tbf carih {'with tht tfiiMito/ altf rlilon^, tlMt «r« ItoHaftUy lakiat n, Movartd-tUt Pm mafiaiia aaadla lU a ^inu/, at f «l .'2- a ^ .^''^ . a don 2a If.-' I * - *■ * ■■«^ ,.- - ^ •I*. jW t . » %c 0fi ' ir J'B* m 1^.§:% ,A ^^MHiidH^ ti fBi|Ni • « '^1 . r I "■■ » f-j.vrx»,iap)Bi»'## 'liliiiiil liiif I 8 £*!..,# all ^i t**J ef -^{^--Tt ith ifk ;4«.^ii, ifSt, >flE64 I I'^Zl^' > ..-Hi Si tlt^: i«. ■* p4 ^/ftl^^l . 'l**.: r «5 -, ' ..'** *v -11- . .. !^ ■t--'i J!; --jnun J,- "% • • . •*^' »•* « , . is*- 1. *- . * « . \a^ t^l^:'}'t^}f^J^'^'^:. * ^-'')ft»-AQlialif%ii^*lfiiv« r«(k^ #^ ^^:.iv«iMii*ii»A' ; ^ riiiihtiiyf illiiiiriiiiwrri fh 'WMrJ t<|i ;«l^/ ?Si .m ■nmi *v te. of iifi«< IP whjclr tht '■ -••" 'ere- lir th« Und Of Pa/;^ : Thit four eentoriei Uforl, It 0 the WitfliK N #lfll i( ftowe, U4^«^ |l>f ftw of the deep to bf frojjett ; *■' until S( Bat tUlliow lftD|k««% tpTi^ 'me l^i no^Jf oir «y(. ' tIne»Mtt *t^^#*- '«. . [ yii j|yi»f .■ tMr*f fill MWJKiMit • 0 |Jm| _ . ' ft^i^^Ki' i fliiiiin JiJiWii iii> iiililiAhiiiiiirfitlilKII'liii . III jM^iyjf Mill 'i4tir1if^i|t*i^^ i* flafe8ji»6i<'l»li»#ii«^ N'^ m i^: xiv . il(giibili*^^f9^^(M^ fai >«|w iMtt^ off Jiumryi irak foMmi 4^ to if^i ^hafe «0 r«lMiir^«w •«o,3t^ At mfeiifrurf, latkaie ivp^9^ aoreb, fmn the y«ir 176ft l#t]f>y^tli« oMav JuMiii \}aati«r]rj'W«»^ii|0^t in mn»>y.' «Im »ttiMi Iraat win| t0f|i|(« TIm aun of theTe a4^8 in JftiniM9>«i*d ilMt»Feb#ilanr i* the ^)ittp«rftti|y M'JOffnnSv Otat thla wMtto W wyirmrayil %» C^i wwi .WhiMt i| t|i» ditft^ ^Mtf^, i9f ofnniriM Mpv Ifino^ tli«j4i»CP«ifll W cUaiate m Gormtny %H at t1i»AlM,MdHkl^^vall.^/itMit^: Tk^^ ^tl Uiiky«^ «flMo«t oft«6|ifitry.,tV «H««I« |» nf^ Mc^i^« 16 Of «▼ ^1^ mummth9» it pM at ctateifEi^ ag^ llie conti- dtgnw of «oM^ if ;«M «oiaor9lo|ic^ tlttUttMi^n^ Which hava been oMJe ■t^'Wiilimiflwtg, C'ati^lfrfdge. Quebec, and UiKifqfi'* 9iiy. to Aioerkaj^lMc^'iiiMreti with thofe which have been MO -U Alfi«x«» Romi| *f^i^(trt| and Solyflumflci. p\^m whofelplMta^se titit\y •{ml if it wiH be found ihM ihe''£aiopaiMl fO«iii|i>tt it now ia'ilegiMea wamar than that «f Ammi^ Muhnn^uiriei atU fpecutationi Have beei^ )»rop^i«d to aBewmt mrTK^» ektreine ««4a of AA^iea. From thcaoeoimt&wMBliiMWbcGii meiUionc4. it appeafa that if or tS iceoiMtiaf agOk^tliA a5btineo( Ol Eiir^ naiiee, There areoth^i^ fhsdei ami tinftui'es to be found fai each quarter of the globe, befidea ^oTo tnentiomed above : But thofe that hive been nienftoited «rethe moft gener^ and* prevMlent cotourl, unde^ which ntn appeal^, hi tho four gen- eral divifi^ of the globe. Varii^tv or CoLotrai.-i^The moft' di(lin|aiftiing, per- manent, and general colours of the humain fpeciea, and whtck' are at the greeted extremes from 'i^aCh otW| are Mack amff while. Between thefe, or rather as dirflFerient d'egrtfitSLand va<' ristiooi of them, are all the orher cotetufi of (he bu«la«n roun- (enance : And they may be reduced to fwanhy, re^, copper^ and hrown.'^SlacA is the colour of the AfHcanS under the equator i of the inliabitants of NCw^inea, and' tfeWholland. Afivartly colour includes the MoOrt in tbe Dorrhern parts of Atrrca, and the Hottentots in the Toulhern pans of it. RtJ diftinguiihes the Indians of Northamerica. TJie fame, or perhaps more accurately a copfer fo/.ur denotes the cuioplexioii ^J"thc Iat.'i^ s of Af>«. Bicn'.t CuiKpteher.dii ilic Tait^r*, Ifci . A a 4 .; "^. r*" iidtii, / ■A..* ' »i m A:.^'"]5 E- N >. I.% iif^t, Arab*, ^r)c«n» An thjj coail^ thei\fledUerra|f)eant^§nd tHeChinefe. 7h« ioliabitantt of |b«,^»ii4i Jn t|i9 PacifiG; ^€fa% tre al]^ chiefly of thU colour.: UnAsr t1h^i> cbtoyr ii ci>mpi^h0iMled^ljthofe*dif¥er«nt tti,a4ct,k>yna|i9bitatits i»the fo^)h^r|l pprt« of £u;0P«,; She .S^tpiU^M^f ^ ^ymniana, Spabiarda, Ifurks ;..|ii}d alfoj^ Sainoj^d^f,, i|nd%apjand^^^ W^it*ii» thjii colour, of mpft.of the , l^urdpefn iiatibiii ; at 6wede«, jlttlfifnat JDaiieSfJBngliJlh, Germans, f oTes^ i&c. Kk> bardiniki,. and Geor^aiif. . it U obfervab)e tha^al^ thefe col- euM are. inc^iuied' between |he two exttemes j or r»|t> tfity 9re diflPerent degreea or variationa of black and wbite.. ' Changs or Coi'ouji. A cb%n|e of colour is always pro- duced by the mariiage or mixture of perfon»of diiTerent com* plexionti. Ithiil the p^spring of the Eyropean and the negro, is of a yellow comn|4j(ion } ld|» whit4k than the Eiiropcanj and kfs bUtcli th^n the. negro^ ; or rather of a dark cream colour. This race are nUme^iua in,fome,,parta of America, and arer called MulatfHs. fhe offspring of ao European and an Indian l«alfoft* At the end-of thefe ^ (ferent periods, the offspring can «f,no longer be diftingui^ed,fiom;tbo£ui'opean ; bdlisconfid- M;«r«d as iuch« arul entitled to .al) th^ir privileges.*—- In thit V iphange of cblguft produced by the moft powerful of alt nat- ■ r^vral caulciP, the mixture of peifur^^f different complexion.* ; pfo gradual and Aow is the ou||r«j^ipi^^that thp black mufl bo fubje6lto Bvedivifioni, ano the operation ntuft be continued y; .through five gcnerationii before th6 colour is completely. } «han§ad. Se kt * Voysgr (It Vlloa, I. ty* RobertTon'i Hifl, Amcr. II. 3^9< , = > ■ ■»;4fl' A P P E N tl 1^ :^ If^ ftntr Vjfliillatfti^ t^legumitar. ana 1 vi^hl^ t n iemd^^of kit «oi; li ih#m&rane. Ii^ whites (Hil Tettt of the ^Idttf is trAfiBfti^ik#» andeitYi^r ^»ully dejpdvtid (if viflblft, ordnfy fut^iChed nith a very few ; as the yetldW colour «|ipearili|^ Wj«uii4ii:owri/colbu'r, and lender it thicker. Thefo are ttie lealof tUe fun,^theaeec^ k)f air, ahd naftiner*; ' A^4Pin g»n-. ^rat My thtni that'op^raiea to (>roduie* or tb deftroy the paliicidity of me ikini witi t^il to yelfy aUd/fchtoge th«%dt> ^r of the human body. " • " ** • * -j .1^ > Colour connected with CLik/Crir.-'i^'Anioili^ the caufet which ttiay aff(& the colour of the'htimiiH'body, it has been gehf calty fu^i^dred that the inflaeerce df hest or tiimate, hasVconftderable eff^. Concerning *^rs itifluence br con- nexion between colour and climate; the folfowing obfcrva- tibnt may be made. ' 1. 0iftereot colours are 1)ell ftiitdd to diffictrent climaiMs. untry. Ic is the fame with animals. 'Some are fitted for the heat of the tortid tpne. Others require th^t fevere eold df the frigid cone, to give them their greateft perfedion. T6 alt thefe- an- imals, nature has jiiven the proper clothing i which admits of no other variatioii'lhan what the fekrorts of the year raw quire.— Man is an animal inada for every clieMte t Infiead pf being foirmed for the torrid or frigid^ sotiay he ein live, multiply, and arrive to hii ptoper pemftionj in any climate: And It is left to his own Milim and induftry to provide him- felf with fuch clothing, as his condition may require^ in ev- ery climate through which he may pafi { or in which he may •nd t|i*t 1*1 Cftlour.>^TJip nan whofa coleor m ^lack^ it: batftar fiiltad«»4lif ffaatfM liaat of the hotceft cKnutt* thai Anfc^licr tf cli!*lM|i»lMi.raic».. TJtia ha« btta Jen<* ^itnutni* 9t^». Thnro it a teadcncy in climate loprodace the colonr »hicl» it reqolrei, Ahtmal beat la derived b«t little from the iun^ or Irani tb« at«ol{kheM i bnt chiefly and nninly fnom originiai con- Jftiuioik > Tlw deign of covnrinit nnd clncbfng, ia to detain «nd prererve abc hear of tbe animal body, in i^i .•atuml > fitoaiioa, dagret, and qaaiitity ; and to prevent on cxtreaae •rnfle or di/- fMnfionof it. Black readily reoeivea and abforbatke heat of (ho nnimal body \ and in tbia wnyt tmda lo exhaiiii and dii^wrle it. White reflcAi andrepela ike raya of light and^iaat moie rh*n nny otlmr colour, atid that prevonia and pppofet their ptf- iagc ( and in ihit wny, mnda lo prefenrt nnd dotnin tbe coafli- tutionclheat of iba^ antnal bodjr. Hence the cbvcring, which nature h« aSgned. to the ear^ in cold climatei, ii Tnow : Ay ill colonr it bocemai beA of nil adapted to prevent the beat from tfonring one pf thn tarth inio tba almofopbere. And hence the «oveeing ofnioft^ anlaMfai in Ibn fevoreft ftnfon. end coaotry . is gnnoeaily while ; tte eobarivhick noft)t>f all pralbrvca the heat •f ikn nnimai bodyr and pcevnatt in flowlitf eni. U eonforni. lay to the iiaiM lnw< of iuinae^ aunf nnimaU ebangc their ool- «arni febe anpwaobof winlar ;«idJKMi.Uack,bro«M, or gray, bocome wl»ie. Tbii ia ibt cnib with ike rabbitt, fexea^ and boMTH fcOi nc Kudfon't bay. Raffia, and Siberia. Fron^the darker coloori which they bear in fooiMer, they tnrn wMn at bn approach of winter \ and rtnain fe,. natll the rttom of fprtng. i^: IP P E' Nr DP Wi XI lAToebcalWircrimftitaApeartlo hf^ • ppirtifi^ t«d i. IjuUiii •ntfiAt^Q* to ^redoce tne cojofirtit •itqtti3$f*.,i{^j.! » if A(if f Tbf^«)>»ate o£ coloipr ifi nutq* u morcllo* iiM BrA4o«l.f It It li«fpft#r MTMin tnd •^»fen. "tbe niii i t« iMn «rno ftf^iiivirii caqp^M^o tlie l^iai j|[adVM|«f lU A)Q*iim() t»4b# iii|yniMin)i|iflat|di^ loon |ofi«flide^M»|^4n the EtAitiietf bflcowe pf tbe fiiaw cJreMn colowcd conHiftyi^* w« h«v« tn acc«f ate accoont'of theueffitfii produced b/'CslinifB in Southamertcni by Dr. Miteheli \ ^ The Spaniardi fvbo bavo ittbabiccd America ninder tbo icnid boc« for any cofiftdtrabb tioM, arp become as dark coloured ai oor native .Indiaop of Vir- {[ioia« oif wbkb I ioyfelf havebeep^a witiiefr/'* > Ap accopiu rom AfricP4 ii eqatUy autbentic apd aocoratet ** TbtN^ pne fevcfal other (ipall PprtoMefe fetUenentHa and one of lome nole at Mstomba* a riv^i in $iepiia L«oA>^ Tbe poeplf hero waited P9rtugtu/itU9 ptiflpinillf fOtfippi bred Ifom a mimnre'of tbe £rft PortttgPefe dlfcovertfi^iWiih. tbp.«etives#an4 now lice^aiie, in febetr conrplexion, and wholly ^oalitif of- their hair* ptileft aegroeiy retaining bop'tvar* • rpiattefing «f ebe Portagnefie ^lai> gttage."f Here the operation of mittArc by ipaniage^ lade- teriPined by cltnat^ in, ftvopl* of tbe Ait^hcapt'QoloWx There pre fiiPilar acooonti df 4be fippfplexion «if tbpv^tngoefe> wbrt fettled at Senegal in ifoo } and of tbofe'wbo^rp ietiled[oa ibe coafli of Conto* Tbe varying^ oopipleaion. of the Jpwt ie< alfo very rppiifkablp. ]>ercepdbd' froai oaa iktkf their reHgkyi liie prertnted their marrying Mvitk oUerfeople. la ,firt|ain pod GerpUnvi they are while. In France «nd Turkey^ dtep probcewn. In &paia pad faPW'^t ibPir ookmr it Aiiwtby. In Syria pod Chaldeai tbe oliwp coloor p revaili t I« AepMa aad Rgypt tbpy araof a tavrny or oppper leolour^ Amppg • every npiiop they ieepi to pprtake of tba colour of tpp eliapip. , Aad oiie of iham, Tudeta, rplate« that bit opuptryaen in Ab|Nbiic, bave acqaired tbe dark eomplorbn of ibe origipplpMi«M* f It iaobferraUe thai all tbe/e chaPgfif Pro Irppi' o-iigbt^to p more dark complexion* ftipiilpr cbaagui hpva ppt biPw * oMmm. ed in the pemmik that have bCPP btpi^tht iatpi )th«< tpmpenMP diroacer of America. It Aoidd feepi libereiere tbpt the trpoA- tioa ir Pafiar from tpblte to bkedt, than ftom bioick ta^wiiita i cr that the npgio colour it the nog deeply impreied of any ; or that heat bat p mocb auirc Aiddan aad iwwerAii'OCi^l ibP»cold4 UjOigbi howpvpr to be obfiimd tbPt ii it ottly in wbite and liit '^' ity-. - 'ceaptoPioiW9?'f • PhH. Tirtnf. Mo. 47d« . . i ^ i » .o t' Aeeeant ef tbe trade ef OreilhiitaiBlo AWccibf pa Jb^jumiw fbaPt. iBaffbpNit.HiftiVol.III. . .. ^:. 1tb6ir£M't>Kt or si %n intinWUtt, is ^etltbti ^ram <^r any »)Bar w^^^ Aadiliat white is s^dr^ib6ft li^if^Qry fuilied^ ttid than|e(k tl^aa vQ/aif the other <«!6ufi, WitN #hkft ««^ bt|ea> inykc^^^ ' -: '"^. i\ Uimi idhi 'i^oMrmtWtih hf xhtti remarki, tlial: t1ie col- -61^^09 tA^ti in dW«tthi"c\tmitet» are UjiB. facti, as iKof*^ c)i. KtMtei^etd i&tmm'. ' tJhder tTi^ eouator tW dirkeft' (hade, ^^{^ binillt e4k«l lilic:^; 7I14 heg,V6 of Africa is placed ip the %ii^ft'1iifttfiile1i«l^;''tiiiik'taNs pikceoq thtaelobf j and tiie cqIqu: ^xkiMt^ U Ae d<^lj|»>(t ki)d tftfli^A bTftc^, tlOkt any where ap. pbi1^ t^e 1i^ii;\i il<»untMn\:e.- Adrlncinip fiiom the eqji^tqr <(;i#l^drlhe pbl^t the ebldtiV of ttte Immln' rpeoM fecqutrcs § com* ^K^lblt more a^d Acre light ; dnttl haviog pafled throag^l^M^^ ititcii'rtietJhte gfadtHonstM (hade, \i terminate! in the whitenefi ^t i tem^erkte'AMd ^61d climate. -^Tbere ar» iiidee^ variations miii t3^ltipt\6iiiYir^ this, and' from every other {general, law of ^atd^r IhthrniMcirei or dHFerent nation^ migi^ation^ ditferen- i«l i« fbf.tfV dfi^i^fe, tf1eM(iKH«lft. ;%ffeUb«rind raa«iy>^^ local «?itiiitt(ldrttei aAdiifUreii; iVilT ^rddi«ie tfa^ . ^ijich vitiations Bfei6^t hjreelblief'llb anyeen^i'al law of nature;, they are neither «vWene#r6f. (Ji-^iib^totts tb ruch.Ttijri j but derive'their origitr ffbhr hJca1^aria'j>&fti6i}Ti^r cadie's^— ^ai it is impblBble not to dif. «t!fn thV|^n«^aFr^gu^irity, (ehdeocy, and eifefiiof the I«ws oi «lafQreri'»>^iiilkciink)H!e andoolpor/ The mbft intenfe black, Is the |#Me^ar(^iiaKor man in jthe hbUeft part of the globe. •Wheirm^ beat ri'ibriiiaeribly abated, the black abates too, and tbe collMft'Vteebbies rWilrthy. ToHhii fdcceeds the red or copper eraiaaently fettled. «rhe ntn^if^ililttfi^H tl brown, dibpretiending the olive, and dark y**lfH^^ • w*!1]|b Ibidfe, or , a brown approaching nearer 10 "•R hlVe/annti^imhfcth a'cif Aate linl yore tcuperate. The whole itermmatei in the coldnefs. andlq the wbitenefs of the European «Wdltb^(1tetd'Wi1l6lniri b«yMd Which nature has not praceeded. V^n^d Wher^a cU^ntr/ Is Of grent extent, as India, and Chiaa, ^he ^^^WOt'cff f»e fame people ii dark in the foolhern, and n\pre ^Ir rrt the northern parts. Whatever partUolar exceptiona and *eVUIibrf#*itoi/^fcfduAd;fhefliii«r«lW of nature refpeOi^ 5;. wrf: ..vvo'ii W ' qolo^r, Arp p EN- I> IX, .q4 m wUt, afi^lfi^, tf «it)) other law of nicbri, wj)l< ;^r3*iitiv 4l^iMon,and cfe^ of cliiba je lilttft ^^ fii^tli and fiy thi coioart of m^,^ha|^ ar* c#»fe| w^l^ injii^i''atibii, iittk w4 biKSttia^ng^of tli«,ef«ittOf^fvr t%e! wfi^ tny Aifiiraoeai i% tl^ tt|aMMl4^^|^QM aJWfoli^^ poftd rata* of man. ■ ]fiheiflyk>ftjbc«^p<<^|i^j^ , t)ti« ckofe Qiuft nave baeAo^ratiai^,iimitatml|,^»«f fiq( i«ftdeiice becama fixed^fh iny paMimr ^tot ike aartli* faime raiqack will apply, to a^jrOtW T^ppMied caa^i* j|i|^ ._ _, ittfliayl u^on every nation. «vhofara0daiiee|iav ^n 0x^ l^^iji^/ h%.^e been operaiag'ever finca thclf fit^afM^lMMpynf f^i^fiL^ ^ith regard then to |U tiiof^liji;la ^qim, M^^f mean to inqoi re, carefully into tha operation! ai»4 e^Mai^ q9«r tore* moil pat on the patience pf t(|a.ao|^qttiwifo» wA l^atll^tp compuit time with W ird faffic 'efrl'#yri«!^ff (^ itKdtti^, in'Mnf vUw !h ^^Vi(^ tile tbaudr: "mMm^iMm tkvmt^zi{ii^i^c6rM^ifCy^4*.^m to' tN^Rjfi and wind, in the ufe of paint an^ oiT, or in an habiu llrnfri otfilthiners, that tends to darkcoi or to render i4S||foi|;'«o#/yir;"tT»|8, ina^ eithctwifH ot ,„ , , ^ wi? »F™'*^*»^J*' of; cliiifi^c, Accord'tig ?» the nature an<^ t(mlmiiey;m iiwdb«w(lofa or pvafticc may be. And we ought aQl*t«'M«BfllMit)iat'tOf or make that any objrAion to the fn« ibeMi of eH«Mte> which may l>e derivedfrom other eaufes.- 'yh#r4w^feeAliiMi} thentAueftoe of ditnattt is in fayoorof** *tfN»iW##1lit« WWplWtfoti. iWtirt^the cbhakM aohWc^ttfeii'' «ri^»iW^iin'^i«tf Wift?«(i«, ifofl»rF^i^Ji» «ItliMl» m^Mk* * Ana it ii uM9j^i0^ x: »(>& *1lW imn ^^mw* to #ri|« in diit taafaige^bal i^M^laV f(jp( heipg ccitain thM it It either accurate, or proper^ It h«a MAi'til»to for granitili hot it hat nefcr been examined, wMthcr ilia Indtth coltiof tt tlie/hliiefttefc^y part of America.' An icc^4t^ hitd In^iimtiV* dliAiOn tbe nerihweft part ^fxM Ameriesn continent, il haa bbMi found, that ** ibt edfnpkxfon of ~the Indians it lighter than that ttf tbt r»Hi»hern Indian*, and fomeof tbcirwonienhavei^ycheHtai^'w-Aiorfe^a (^cogt I. 99^ to5. Edit. i79S^^->tM' ibe It>diane of Paraguay wc ba«e this ffcoiivt t ** They art f «nar«Uy of an oiive eumpUxioo, fatnc daifccr^ ttkbet* l^^tcr, and A me ai white aa the Si>aoiardt."»-Ibid. p. li. «^. .■/ ■;> m ta A P P.E N I> I JC... il fliouM liavt 13)^ cflMi u^ tW lii«n»R My^ i^ Ml0tnfl«Mflceof.eii« Tiw an4 wind, ia rM. m %iHi|i«i^. thpiftiiiNbajv J Mffm»i4hmi^rm fliM. lb« jmo4«Q«<^ ^ ibv i«f«ir. $mi luavwig UmMjt diMrarlivr tii«» av« iiil«i»r<«tMedi by^ lii« flMmactiOF htim t«« fMwerfy» MoAt* «y^u»MNttMi itik^ t GastKTer iHlkHill frofli due «iMil>«r ^ Md tte AirtMr f(f«4«€iii9 MWlf >« tim iiniiii «iStas '» 4i«t«t;^ttiM colour W 4k« Jh^Kmm wa» ^i!«b«My; •mpp^ffalv^a** «d^«Mi^i»iw)^ &M ««!*«> ipcowSuiierififo > TAe)»{«iBr««i/tha^6i»ii)i» until g#if|^i»t»ty fofOii^tiMl fisiwK Nfew ^tnty^akme trnm^Ammr tea; . Tkitcoloar AttMi^M >tavfr iMrn ^Mkffti Mmt^wmm itfhMita a^ACar raii4 ffCMatheliatiii^ IMitf «aawMly^H«^A«}e»iam. TMir teiidir therelto^nuill have been feltlid, and mihrm r Anc^tho V^ol^effaft'olf plt{pa1«tioD mafthivabeea to fpread* propagat breathe* ^ aire- ^9»1^ jnyd«nd iciP4»ffai«. h^ il|»^ff»tttaily fltaded aw^r a c«»«- »pp et«i»r ciottds« wbioh. iateraepuhe *ffc« btamaof »« foa^ 'io 5tri- <.r. ^t^.:*;^ v.G»»h <^fm^ in* ^fii'tMfaik e !''4 ^li# «liMif»^ cotObf' imH 4ifliialiUf ft lie ««f •••A'i^pmU li»«f «li»«MMf»ry kliKir «ec -to'bUule/tiactovbkrrrMlmliiii* •4%ht)»rilMdiitliaff wlMttMli|»lie»ii«i»rtk«->«qwior»/ if tMii 1^ Mif kiiHitntt or iMdeMy ift Mtrnw «olA kk 'phHi«c« « Mr •Ml MAit* cMw^ftJiicHr, tliitwig^ bwt^lMMi ffspiAe^ r^^iM* t«« n6 tolderelinaiw Apoii iHifiec of nhw esrtMI»«o-t^ofo vf ikt MNbtrtt ftm of A«i«fica.<^8M »lMtev«r iiii]|*it be ^tmk^ ibettceof tlk« eMfli«te to piMJoce fodi ■'Coai(>le«ioR> ttw iiMUwM flhttfe itAr of f«v4»r«t oavttki •Ml ciMiitftt Methods to pnTtntiik Oiif^Wii^ilielreAirtsiii lialMtol livkig^ttMl'WM^rinf ibooeki the wvii; expofed to the fill imct vf «lie «rindti atMl-finr s kt^ irnktr/'iviiilieir extrtiie m4 fft»p$f;ut^Wtk, wn& cdld| aiM 'RtaUN««i for^haehlhejr HKMW ooAlhmtlyetpoM; i9or<«iidd«hef4M*e|Mrb«idod'^»y botw ttf ^l«leao«< •i^tkfki ^lifit, eoldi raitii' aail ^ f nifeas» 3thd» ^hoeiio «Mr^»l1»}r hodieffpith » gftitinoae liin^olearffilh; ^ Ami iiidi*. Iiiff ihia, thoy^odki a fiiM in<* t eercaltt itf«fliatf^ foMiv^ Aree their tokler^^'frefti eny apMoithN «« • wfliite^dr i» » ^Mr «a«jp1*itoB. Wb«i ekireairidmlneAi «r4# added td' that freait^ «lt; end pailm^Mfher^liittete or aflf och*' eaefls fiosM^todoee #tilrlo«plejiioi», aatil Oiefe weforeiMfO^d Md^fafbdj ^^km Iwfhe lBidiab«ofttoiMi and nerhott of j;««rd«a8th%eek!)r«patt»df Amerka. No ■ceemne Ootipirtfoni hate ever %een iMde>bo> l#ee«f the eoletr of tiw ^ddiaaf ir thtHotfeft^artb- undn* the it. ^aatori •Ndthofe'lo the remOie riglMttof Owtadawnd Hadii^t hfi Their ooloitribeett'ed!«pi#e(l laiiiy aediviae eiid 4liio«i AoodtH ^ and fttMll! ytriatieM in a daHc vqaifpieiioo. w^nM not be a natter of comaion ol>rervation.— But whether the Indian colour be the faane in evorjr pare Of Arfleriflj. pfii^ It is peri|ii»l7 morf ch«ingeablef and oot fo deeply fixed, ai that of the .<-«» ..•u •»■* ^ AaP^ ptliP^ N^ 01 IIXA 8Mckbrt^Mk' liivMiAtthaAttH^^I'lM^liibiii »d4 Aimitio d IHi^tirv tfUforcM (imm^'iMltiof ^4nMta»%> mk^ ttfiiM in ite £)rcil*. , They live ia Iwofft, luve a fixed» place of^elli^ettee*^ «N» |a#i4lKK MM llliii^^fiidMrind^ot^i««l llic«w 'Tli» feddiXh eift I* ibcicdv 7ltf* liiviiy tTfwa tppein^ ttbre ^diflli fetoi >iMl cl«adi«< ; Tk» > ciiMf0 teitfli^ ha»>4trtpf6tr«d| Md ibey have approMhaaM aMMifr^^tteiier tdrViN eotoufef tkelMMer tiBong tiM «»MMi,ibni tli#«i^ K^Q tatain their aKivnt caAomi aad ^labiti. Thif clMh je^»f coiaoff ie the Indiia* who have livedo long aaioag^4ha iiMiet} iaaippaMiittoodmnion obfervation. Add it is apparent^ If ttfetfihia fraai theebaktge in their Aran neNrdaibni»»#iid iMb^ ifi<^^ Tlri»'chfcafa>«jf cii«4ndiAar^o«pkxioB»^ eleavly 4kom wjtw lii»'bit4M)t%hr«M(«f(vtttoi»,:-aiftd'fa«m^^^ ^-.u^mAiu *-. 4f |tf-{hJe'Mrtiicnl'p4rc»>of Ailiei^ thetc are pevmtiwii phe* dbiit«ha.?«(rHtth' will (br^ tAkk to (how wbftt hM been the effeft of «l{Safl»0)idi.>' tittd Kii# thclii, *trodeteend« od^li««r^e^amr»1tf Iheeail.' Thffii^'ideft«M>lii««'waeproh<^ aiblf^fiiiMil^hof4ffleaior ; laore iieli«iiii lO'^^hie BmrOpriaa wbiteneft^ fbaw fflbrbt biowaifli ni di^tbii AiiiiOi«ci##M»Tb%har irt> and anoint their bocfier* #itbfit«ar*» tk6 §K'M ^ ^Hetlribd train oil ^ and are as filthy m the lo4ltni« Hot only lb, bat they driak the fit of the Mf Md iheiftMtnoil^^Mfteftaeni lithe ttoft plealant li^oor. Can itiio dooh«ed erbit nrofl be tbi^ effoA opon their colour f Irop- oratiiaf^fk tbriaflaeee*«f''dittatek In tl^t part of the earth wkafft cHivate operalel>«|i61lpi»wellblly *« predtfce a while «o««. Cexion.^ThelttiliietfceOf' ^twocaofea ii dieldcd, but the iHaace ii in fk«onr of ditt«tO» Oftd'Ihe Euroaeaft complexion* Thoain two t»fmfin$nmi wnieroni kfooi of fliwi, derit« «d from the £iae notion, etNAete, ciiloni,^>d habit, iii onf fnn of i^mcrieat ha^e^piodeccd oe'iprefcrve* the dark crimioft of the Indian ) but in the moft northerly ikld leos^^rta Ot^ cOQiiQioti tdc fame caufes b«v« oftabliAcd the fallow pUvc colour ^•J •£ih*t&foiitniiii3i»ift reft i«bUM. iht XiifQpttii wlutip^^ than t|t«Tii)tiaarpd» Uf^Mitm^ •ttfBiioB ihto, U>tk«vMiit a0««Mi4iic» t«iMnftK«i^iJi%i«acr«l cqnntxlliiiiwbich lMU,t«li«» pU«C'V«Mr«M c)i«iaui.i«iAc;DkMr« iA^tb«v«'ioiM ftWH#l.«i)fittlht •f-JMMiifphera.v;; :.': .,',;,i ... i». ,„.. .tr-;. .,.. s;TlM*>parC;ofiJbt Mt«v«l hiAoffjr.oC ««•» 4b«id» to bc^bat V0nr^ tbt«wM W *Rf leM !m4 a«Ciirati aecoHprci* I| 4oc» ii^'4: MIm» v tftit,prfit)r well fl9teriai«ed4 thai ftb« «o^r «f tb« white jptft-l^ cftfiljf ft4iidio(M) «h4ingfl(l> CO a dark 90ffiplc«ion « J^nd |h|if ihii. colotir^ol the iAdian it chaagtable, ioro a^ lighter co#p oaght i^poa any hjrpoihf6s.<9 fatavc btiefi ^ • p«l9bd»iA th^cOMfe o| four AT five geiievatioiis* And yee, ttqii^j fone^f thefe hSU Aall be a^certaini^lr ivf eao bardlv^eKptft that the Iftwi oik QAiiire wbiich ap^ly tc^ihif fiibjc^^ ^iu be#itn. dffftoodr-nplaipaiieattoll the- fatigue of inquiry:, eo}Jif|liji| fgdu comparing phenomena, Ibma philpibpihef i^ witb|[ieaic|)i;fi^l^Utw: ticp^jha,«eiprct«ided todeoideit l^Jflm^ :,^0^61ve.>^ idif^ &Cttlite» k hat beea declared by (bme^ fi\m.th9t9^m'^Wnt»ililf^ cMaliooir eai)>raee».<^ men : Tbatlhejwhite maoh^on^liUM^ theiiegroiraneKbcr, «iid the |iK}iia«a thir4> AfC*1?)e biifiiieiaoC. nuHciMiydema lb».«ftiire> h«# Jeldom a«fi««r«4.:aoy ^h(ir#«rfi po(^e»; thto lo^dikoverlhe prefemptipn of thoCt« fihathMe^,vMdivdecidA b| aefeaphifiealdirpetei nodifpecHlations. But it ie the Qii|yjnet&« odv sin whieh»weq^|«t^,.^^tt*>.^-V - - - .. 'f^ jo* to a^«c ^tjimkfmdnt^iam ■ •€•*♦•. IX. p« 199. ■•» ■ >^ ^'i ■ «|f^ f^i^ iSdnouw^lf the Coi»^i^f*iij4*.Go#iwii»r,'^*'^* ^(nr^H^^MUratiott «m1 potUipnoC that part of Nortlwmwl ^JL.'^V'fituMtiiMithoif Cwada InM, weft of Ooimeaieiit fiv«4>>9'^ o' M»* Maflachiiteu* bajr, aad «ail of a twenty |rU« boe DnNB HucUoa'a riyori- fiootaixunf about ono ttundrad HOMji-^^f foux^townfliilWi of tho concent* of li« mtlea ^uaret M|fc)^cf»nt«dyourpetitioaetib)r the authority of Ncwhampi. ibira/befidet feveral grants made by the authority •f NajMryoric, ilfid 1^ qmotUy of vacant Und« humbly Qiewrethf ^ » i" 3'Ui&ir> ,^,j(liilit,ypiarpatiti9nen« by virtue of feveral granti made ijbl|b hy llio authority Iforeiaid* have riiany yeara finee, with iheir familiea, become attual fettlen and inhabitaata of (t* ;v'' • . > ,'t->i d. , Tint on jthM-atwriuion of jnrtMiaiMi the laid Lieotenaht- fpwrnor^ol ui'dw^'by nuAiaig fcveral granea uf. the p*iohib»teAynMiif>i, °<»d ogon* teButttinsao a^ual invafion of your Mtkioncriktov fj^itet^* ariiu,l6%tY« theia off froB their pofleffio^^ 'J^'S^-Z-^ Tho£a violent proceedtnga, (M^I»tlMiGcAeniliABmyRoii|ol^ tlk»flapfaaaecd«rto# Ncwyorkf that the dbartCfi^' et^ntcya Jlea &o*«t ^ur potaaioBerk' laiiida, wero ittt#i/«^U iffld'fbifHoii' whitth they wmre fourtidtBd, n4aeed your petitMiMn'tQ ttoi' difia^nauAiltt-necci&ty of taking ti» araia, «t thar iMili^ ttMtiii left tot ahrfcc«r«ay of ihaii- p^effion** Tb« cOofiM|M#d#(il|' tktftAap avaa the pafltng imulvt eAa of ootlatMiy, by rtM" 'k»l gtOatuteof KcwyotJtyOn the ninth dhiyof Mar«Jh/i^ }^id» wove net intendei for the ftate in ge»cfel» bokMiy -.klf 'fm^ of tht cooiitieaof Albany and Ch«rloite» ir». r«ck|«f«i thtfii^ of^aa tweoovenad by the NewhampAlirecharterK " '- -> ^ipmt pethionort heving ha4 noropitfiMitiliv^^farttinli feaAlv) vrhctt thde ada weio paili^ they fhflk ^mm*\6(H^ kwmledge of thorn by public papera, in which tHey W#r4it feirtod* ifty thefe, they weee (erforaiodi that if three or 1IMV# of ihcea aiteoaUed together to oppefe whei IM alCilbUv 4tBK^ ed legal authority, that Tuch et iiouM'bC fMnld'irifcliiliii 't» the number of «hrae ciDnieee^ ihouM bo edhiN^ai friwu i And that in cafe they er anyof them, fltouhl oot ftmiaaiiler hfiB» filf or thcmtolvea to cenein officer! appointed for thMrptonxdii of fecuring them after a warning of Mrenty dayii tbar UMp it Ihouldbe lawful for the refpcAivo jodgoi of the ftlptia* court of the ptovmee.of Newyork, to awand Mdcotion'^ttf JCWeri^, the iameaa though the or they had been otttrfotiid bcferf a proper couit of judicatory. Thefe lawa were ovtdantiy eakulated to tnttnatdate your petitioner* into a laaM fitrrendor of (heir «^gh(t, and fuck* a (iaie of vafiUage, at would ehtail laifery on their lateft pofterity. h eppcara to your petitwrnenythen an InfrinMrneat ontbeit righta la Aiil meditaied by the ftcte of Newydrk t » we ftndl that tnlheir general convention at Harteai, the ftcond day off Augul laft, it waa utianimoufly voted, •• That all ^itremi formerly due and owing to the crown of Gfoatbriiain'WithiM Ihif fkate, are now due and owing to thia ootiventhm, or fbdi foture government aa may imrcafter be •AabUilied in (hil Itate." M.310 • ■'■J5 iii .««(«* M.i^^,fc a| fiv a fubmiflion to the chdon of Ncwyorlf, your petitiottert would be fubjcfkcd to the payment of tvro lhill1n|a and Rk peoce fterling on every huKdred acvea annually } which, conk* pated with the guitrentf of Leving^ott'i^ FbilUpa'!, and Ram -I ' Oear'a so:' Ai^ ^ *- ii-i J |Ot6«a6h other, by all the tier that are helo lacred among men, and refolve and dvla0e» thet> folutiona, which we conceive our enemies have extorted frtrta your honourable body, and on which the trial it now plaieed^ would be in faft, taking upon ourfdves that humility and Mf abifement, at to 1o(b our political life, in order to find it. We believe th/ wifdom of Cotigrafs fufRcient to point ouf^ that purfutngthe prafent mode^- it deviating from every prin- ciple of the laws of nature, or nations: For if the dripute if between the Rates claiming on the one part, and the ftate of Vermont on the other, whether the latter be a ftate dtjurt^ as art independent jurifdiAion tit /hat ; they ought to be confidered in the courfe of the difpute, until the powers interpofing, havd determined whether the UtteV be if\ independent iutiidiffcion dtjurt, if not they of courie ought to annihilate the jurifdir^ tion dt fatu \ but to annihilate the ftate dt faHo in the firft filace, Js fu^marily ending the difpute ; to deny the latter any ndependent jurifdi6lion djJuQo, is to iwiy there is any longer parlies in the di/'put A « ^^a*. > C c e ' '^ ^ A^a'n 1 i A P F E N 0 h ». Agiin we concdve th* means coimefitcd with ifaa- end, and upon no principle whatev^ can 4ve juilify>, that ctdier part lnoidd1feA>bli(h the modusi or rules to be purrued in dctermi»^ )i!^ difpoiesy without IhMifounding every idea of iHght and ^ofij^.^tn the prefetM cftlTe^ on the one part night the end aajuftW l^ave been eftabliflied at the wy and means to cffcEt ■ theenjA. ■''■ -■ ■ •■•'■ •■ ■■■' !■'.•■^l^■^..> / '^■'> a ur ».,.-: ; We ve far from being willing thoifiB brare and firenuous cfforis made by theiUte of Vermont in th««onti:ov9ffy with Greatbritain, /noiuld be buti^ by our grafping adverfariesi j[ihir(tmg after doteination and prey) in the (pecious pretext (>f riotoudy afluoiing government ; and we thereby fofe all credit for the men and money we have expended. Thiis while we are ncceflitatcd to remonilrate againft the pro* ieeedings of Coogrefi on the prefent mode» we are willing at the fapie (in^c any equitable inquiry (houid be made, the (late of V.ermbQt' being allowed equal privileges with the other ftates ia %hc difpate. ^ . . , .^ ■-'■ And that the Aate of Vermont might ftand juftified to yoar llt^nottraMe body, and to the world, both as to her prefeot' and feiere condedt «t9 are iildacedi ai well itooi princjples of at- tdcbmeajij to the A(ncrican caufe, as a regard we have for peace •hd harmony among the ftates of America bow at war with GreatbriiafHt to make the following piopoialf, viz. :. I/?. That tl e itate of Vermont will as Toun as m?/ be .for- ward (o the fitcretary of Congicis, an atteQed return of all male per ionst liable lo do duty agreeable to a mi^iia aft; here, tofore exhibited to Congtefs in a code of laws, entitled <*. The jL^wsof Vermont {'' and the flate of Vernront {hail 'for and durine the prefent war with Greatbritain^ from year to year furnifli an equal number of troops in the field in proportion to their numbers, as Congrefs {hail edimate the quotas of the ifeveral United States in proportion to their numbers i which .Jlroops fhall be clothed, quartered, and paid, by the flaie of liVermorit. And at the clofe of the war, the diipute (hall be ' equitably fettled by the mediation of fov^rf ign powers; and • {nothing herein contained, (ball be conftrued to take away the right any of the United States ciaim to have in or over the z Aate of Vermont : Or V 2//y, We are willing to agree upon (bmeone or more of the ; iegiflatures of thcdifinierefted ftatea to iaterpoie as mediators, and fettle the diipute : Or ^irrV. \Vc are willing Congrefs, being poflciTcd of fovereign- <9ty, (hould interpofe to prevent the eftuftoii of human blood : ,','At the fame time, we reprobate evary idea of Congrefs fitting ijis a court of judicature, to determine the difpute hy virtue of authority given them by the a£l or a£l&of the Uatcor ftatfsihat xnake but one party. U ^-H" "». •, .♦^ I. • Vt^ A P F E N D I m '< ft giTct yi pimteat )^tef tb«t fuch aa impoirttDt cimfe «t diic jundfnra of affatrii on which our «// depends, (hould b^ forced on by any gcntlemen profclfing tliemfelvcs friend» xo' tfaednMeofAinefic*, with fuch vehemence and f pi rit as u* pears on the park of the ftate of Newyork : And (h«U only, add, that if the matter be thus purfued, we ftand raady to ap- peal to God and the world, who muft be accountable for.tho awful con feauences that may enfm. ^* Sirntilat thUadd^bin tkii ts%J Jay ^/Sfptimier, A. D,.i 780. V IRA ALLEM, STEPHEN R. BRADLEY, 3*y ^' ■ N». VI. • ^tufiUus pripa/tJ h tit Cemmitttt t/ Ctngrtft to tbt Agtnti on iht ^^'/ tj ytrmtnt^ ■with tht Jinjtotrso/tht Agtnts, Auguft t8, 1 781. 0 a- .a A RE the boundaries fet forth in the written Siuijtion ijt, 2\ propofitions delivered in by the faid Agents at this time, claimed by the ftate of Vermont as the Jine^i of jurifdiftioo, the fame as contained in the refolution of Coia- HFefs of the 7th of Augud infUnt ? Aii/mr. They are the fame, with the addition of part of the waters of Lake ChampUini for the benefit of trade. ^ ai. What part do the people of Vermont mean to take %i to the paft expenfes of the prefent war, and what aid da they propofe to afford as to men and m«ney to the commor.\ ' defence r J. Such proportion as (hall be mutually judged Cf^u'tabte after their admiflion to a feat in Congrefs -, which has been at feveral different times officially pnopded by agents on the part of Vermont. a g(, ^J, What are the ideas of the people of Vermont rela- tive to the claim of private property, under grants or patents from NewhampfhiijB, or lyewyork previous to the prefect mvolmion p A, Although the ftste of Vermont have not hitherto aU' 4hort'sed any courts to take cognisance of fuch cauies as re- fpe^itles of lands, neverthcleCi they have had, dnd ftill have it in contemplation to adopt fuch modes as the circumttancri arifing out of each f afe m«y juftify, without adhenag to ttie ftrift rules of law, '"■ ^ 4/'^> What are the intentions of your conftiitients in re- gard to the patents that were granted on conditions of fettle- ment within a given time, and which have been prevented by the claims of Ihapaopla of Vermont^ and the prefent revf- hittoa? >:k«> ^-m * ^' '%. ^^^ * f. .W ^ P If E N B I X> ^ 4*rj,|liA W^twfW J>»vo b^en Ukcn by *(h« (^9iie of VtrcMMit ,Ota,,fj||i|(ti^ijrfi)Bt»:ii|)r 1^ conditions of fet- tlJBin^^ and we cdncoty^ it to be the intention of our con^t- tll^U lof rapt f,furthe|r rcafonable tique for fulfiiinc whalt time ? . • < ^ • ^ , \ ^t } , ( A» The numbet of militia within the lines herein limifcd. 9V8( fuM>ofe to be about feven thou(and ; are in .£eneral well ftmea and accoutred, and have ever (hown themTelyes fpirit- cdjn ca£i of alarms, &c.^ Jn regard to proviGons, the coun- try is fertile, but new, amd cdnfiderable emigrations from oth- er «ftates to Vermdnt.— The le^iQature at their fe($on in Oc- tober left, levied a tax on the inhabitants fufficient for vi£lu- alling one thoufitnd five hundred troops ui the field for twelve months, and we are of opinion a larger ftore m4y be ii) the i^ame manner colle£led the enfuing aututtw. * >■<. N«>. VII. Aft Accftunt of tie rttuahli Proper ^jf^ and of the Nt^mhir of Jtibah" \' itants in Fermont. at differ4m Periods of time* BENNINGTON COUNTY. lismssofiht Towns. BenniniKton Shaftibury Value of the rstabh property in the yea 1781. ^.11898 o o gitS o 0 Valtio of the rats I Numb, of bit^ • , ,liLe«i.fi>3r0ogh Woodford Claftonbury, . J^taadgrove Tctal ^ e WINDHAM Tiluedfl^ o o o t o 9 o o e 433* 49*9 ^.45.111 a 6 o \£.6A,Z 4016 15 i93« »« 9«4 o •677 5 » 2.254 GuWcfford ^rattleborouzh pWcftminfter *'Putnfey f Halifax ^'Rockingham , Dummerfton < Matlborough ' tVilmington *Hinfdal«^ Ijl^wfane Tbwtibnd LoHdonderiy Whitingham " Athena Thdmlinfon Jamaica Wardiboro* N. D. Wardfboro' S. p. Somerfett Stratton Johnfon's Gore 5836 4999 4083 4835 3509 3363 2970 tUi 18W 1869 1687 146a 886 693 44a SCO 186 kit ■VAn N& 10 0 to 0 S 0 8 0 16 o^i 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 o' Q 0 6 0 5 0 10 0 to 9 »7 Q 0 0 10 0 C O U K T V. 6717 no 5969 19 6 609$ 10 o jSigt 10 o, -4640 to o 483a 15 o 4978 o o 2676 • o 1908 o o 2597 o o 24^3 16 o 1560 10 o »35« 5 o iaji2 5 o 1422 15 o 063 15 o 1750 10 o 1009 15 o a4t« »5»9 i(wt 1309 1235 IfOt 099 483 270 itt 49 Total^ (;.4i>738 I7 o |iC'6'»a3» 9 ^ 1'7»69^ ^ '-'1*., .4 , v* . W.i|»IDSOR ( 4085 3 COUNTY. o I 6667 8 o I 5695 0 Namoi •%•♦, 4 rf ^^ AK: B: F^ E^- 'N- D^'-ri- Xi- |f«amefth»W0«nM. *f '.* ^ *^ Uvproiiertf la tlM| b1« pr^i^rty in the t VUot of the rata. Hartford " Wooi«Aor V Tomirtt Weathersficld Bprnaid ■ Sharon Koyalton Cavtndifli IVeailing An^bvei^ Bciliel Qridgewatar Ludlow biiUafb j - S4o9khvMsp ^?^'.. i : Total t*i '• RiMtand I Clatendbir-' Tinipoulli^ r&liiet ftuhney .■ «C Wells ^ ^tftletoli Wallingford Pituford lei; ShfewflMiry Hirwick Middletowa Otwell BMndo4 FafrhavQti ^uifon Htfbbardton Sudbury- Chittenden ?i^i$eld ;^\ i> 9770 5 «549 »o 9139 10 1884 to M9S o ia79 to 1097- o 8^3 o 8>i5 o 502 o 358 ta 301 to o o o o o o JO o o o o o Vahffrof Vli» i>ata>>tNtig6,78t 7 6 |,C.63>a'5 *9 o I >5»748* KUTI-AND COUNTY. . -i ■ ■Jt 1 fpb . = 3975 «o 0 6324 10 0 r «w^ ■' 4- >? 374« 8 0 6083 • 0 1478 * :- r 3507 5 0 4410 0 0 935 V r 3841 0 0 *\ a$07 5 0 44«6 15 6* 6038 5 0 I2b6, 145^^ . i '•■; «S96 5 0 4619 17 6 2089 0 0 ji2i;^ : 1390 0 0 «z».; ' IS57 0 0 3386 n 3 80^: 1200 0 0 2087 2 0 $379** Totali;f:»4,<;49 3 r.<)i.g44 t4 1 i um Wewbury Thetford fir<^furd ^«if<>rd Corinth B«rnet Fiirlce Rykfie}d Tuobridge Vcrfhire IVnyillo , \yilliamilown firaimree ^^ john^ury LMontpelier Topiham ik Cabot WlUerlburg Wamintton firunrwick Littleton Lyndon Concord Dewey 't Gor« CaUis Groton ^ Northficid Wheelock Welden'i Gor« L«taiingu>n • "* . 'j% > OR'ANCiE CaUNTY.j «4J» o 30^8 o «7l» o sos8 o «4>9 J hf «o lOjrt 9880 <9 6 id6a S 0 1450 0 0 »349 15 0 1075 10 0 651 5 0 $08 0 0 4»7 0 0 4*6 10 0 365 0 0 2ao 0 0 214 10 0 v4-ik >< i«: % 0 $ »S i4<|o 12 fot 15 719 • Sjo o 1 11 * » ■ -t^#< e o o o o o o » II p o o 9 o o 6 ot 6 o o «, ■. 'J.: 86t «4« w7?R 8fs 4SI 4t7 MS lit 7« .-nil .1 I 9f ^tnta » 3 A"'^p p' K ^N n'li '■'x.k m^ Qreeaiborough Roxkury VfthM^f 'Mm bte prafiertf in Total ibi Vlh« Af fh« fata bit property in the vear tjtflv »V' \ Nuil0>i of inhab. in i79». 19 19 14 II 3 f*'"4954> '7 6 |^»3Z470 '8 'o 1 '^'^'<> lS««rhaven StmbMty mm^H lIllOMctoa^^ AMtfoo Pefttibarf "Willing f V#Mnncil MliilkWtou|h IViybriidge iMtoni ^ 9ciflol ' ItNiftfton^ Haacock ' 1 Jo'Jrtl IS ON COUNTY. ,>^ /! f.ii. /■ 'A 33*4 «S 0 2939 5 2850 IZ 0 f 6 2422 11 0 2008 ■ 0 0 1985; 5 0 1915' to 0 »843 5 0 f m'' »385 5 o 1053 10 o 940 16 0 859 o o 817 s o 785 o ,0 ■ I 7*1 446 ftt mf 4o< 491 l4j left '7S Sib \£' 25. "3 »9 6 I 6,449 CrilTTENDEN COUNTY, CMrlotle Wiltiacia Soiith Hero Mielburpe Jericho' Mteelbtirg Cajmbrtdge £fex ' Oiorgia B»rHng^n lUilton t Sl> Albans North Hero (kUlchc flier • 2767 12 6 <535 2Z06 0 0 471 1979 5 0 637 1507 16 0 3«9 1728 5 6 381 1697 15 0' 444 •534 5 0 359 J 487 15 0 354 , ,- , 1312 16 0 340 • 1258 0 0 III 104 1 0 0 914 0 0 256 878 10 6 354 569 »5 0 125 P^ 5111 10 0 •57 Mames !,•'*■«% ^■■*;. V > ^ ; ' *" - :- ;^-t: ^ • -■ / ^' ^ A p. P E U.:)mii :Xm 4i» ifaMtif iltTMros. Kewliuntiqgtali Munmutotk johnTon Bolton Middlefex lae Mott Allbui^ WaterbUrjr $waoton UndttrhiU Wcftford Waitc^etd «t. 0«orgo Ilcudiipr . Huntfimrg Hyderpars StarkftoroQgh . puxbury . Wolcott ^* Huntington G Moretown Minden danbridge trore Bakersfietd Blmore Morriftown TotalintheCotinty. prop«ctyiadH.|««r 300 o 275 o if 6 ,d ■ ■ -J' . a o o o o I 24,358 8 a 4<^r I- is IS 19 I 7.3O' Total in the State. ^,149,54.1 17 6 i;£'»324>796 18 ioiS5»si9^ The aboVe are the lifti whkh were giveh iri to ihe General AfTembly, by the particular towns, in conforfliity to an aft o^ thelegiflature.-*-In computing the value of the lift taken iit ij^t the pricei of fome of the capital articles were thus stat- ed by the AITembly :-«»Improved land, ten (hillings per acre. Neat tattle^ one yea- old, fifteen (hillings per head ;twQ ytifi old, thirty (hillings per head ; three years old arid upwards, forty (hillings per head : An ox^ four years old, and upward-v three pounds. Horfes, onnr property of the ftate, «t either •I'thife Heriodif^ ttakr wil| give the loore^e^ V>f ithe reiiitrve , irl&ie of Ihi treble propjerty at thpfe ttnies : Apd we <«ti dAeily d^ifcefroM thenHj (hat from the ye|r lylr, the whole tplpUbifal pi|DperNr o£ Vermqnt became d9ublBd, in eight yeaie aim an hilK In Virginia] the period ak which the value of thftlr lan<|a Una 'O^vea tak^n conjunftiy, dqubles, ii ftittejd lny Ai^* JeSip'fiSo*'^ ^ abau(( twenty yeara.* ' ^^fhe nunlben:4lf Ibwm reprefented in 1781, wa» fixty throe : TBe.Munper repreifented tp 179 r, was one hundred and twen- tf§Bt» Thofe towns whi^h are not taxed or reprdfented, do <' air give in to the afiembljr any account of' their rat^^l^ prop- 1^ proper enumeration.' of the inhabitanto of Vermoi^t, wajl fliade, before the ceiiffua taken in lyoe* 'The general e^im%* 9|6as of tfie aiTenblies ana agents belore thiiu time, were mere- lv'eonjeAuraU'-»From a report, which Qovernor Tryon ojF •C tlM>fe.foutttie9> Cumb^land, and Glouc^fter, were in Ver- jafont ; aj^d contained the trad of country, "which lies oiy tb|| #1^ fidepf the green mountains, and is n^w formed into thp counties ^f Windham, "Wlindlbr, and Orange. The Mi|imli|i^r ff people in thote countie^ in the year 1771, was, as fioUtf^s \ j %Not«M«VirgJpia,p.i.8g^ ••■^' ' jr^^*,], j •"' '^*'' (WJiif t^S»»J>: ft 'i'-f'i I^U^U ' fefW'JS K.VS*;J Si Whitet; ' ' I, (town IS tlie lifti ^Ml givo d w« c^ the whQlo j^t ycatt ftate4 ^y xty throe : atij twen> r*6nt6(r, do momit, waj|. Ml eftim*. vere mere.. Tryon oJF |at94gif thjij^ >roeured ^ pee: Tw^ ttt in Vcr- ' into tfcp B ttMhiber A P F £ N 0 I X. 4U Thefe two Counti#«,i^at %pt ti]lfie, ctffttainad ibOtt|4wo «liir4e vf the peo« pie in the. whole diftrift. The %lrhoI« nuMbir of llUiabitante thefefore in J771, muft have i>ee« about feven th6afind>-^ii.tlM CenAu takiea in 179s, the numbers ftood thua : Countiet/<^' ^ \ itflrN/.'o-t w'ia'W A^ldifoo, Bennington^ "Iphittendea^ Orange* Rutland, windfor, Windham* Page line for 58 II lahontau 61 30 eight 37 dele eight. 70 SI Amur 76 4 and fot 9 Hquative 103 5 all 3S PJIniJtt 104 28 Laaxa lia 13 Hibro 134 >o mode |v^, i+i 31 fat ^^ * iji 6 a4a|>ted £ JC X if r if. wad ^,„ , , ^^ Page Ime for read labotttaii. ^ «S4. »i band mind. eight teiithe. ifid 9 to for. 169 IS adapted adopted* Amim* V96 fi have l«avc. ■re, ..VI ,.VM. 24t sa ^at were. ■quatie. «44 3a he tbejr. ■ble. |.; . '. »5» 10 fiee th.M. P^«*, ./.-■>..< »7i 17 contreverfy eorrefpoDdenee. Zaara. \, a7» 5 brided bribed. 3t« 8 refolution T5 Ore refolationa. ocre. forr, '** ^ 5' , $35 36 renew revere. adopted* if. ;^ : «->^ - $y» b6 mote none. NAM£& r> ,. .a 3i^/^ v.. ':r M-xmim ?^ d"^ t'i'i Vk ibir THJ5 SU?SC|tIBEH.Sr irf ' ^;4LU* S^NAjTORS tftBiVmriti STATES. . H^WW^MI^ypHN MMW^. iN.Hamplhir., .i-^-tiv^ Ptitie Wing«e. . ; f . » J '^ ♦ OlwrHlfwortb. 1 Coni»aieW.roKA Roger Sherman, J iSS^^-w^'*^^^^* * copier 1 v«rii««^ ' Aaron,3urr, , copie< 1 N«S«70ifcv:.^&6 Jufm King, J ^ r ,^,| • T , Knbert Morris. Pannii, DeUwar*. .•vH i t «'.'.; riohb Rutherford, ; *"T'*^; Robut Mortis, Pennl;lvamb ,,,„,„-„,., ^ |!2i'^R*it' 1 '"'•«'•• •;^ ohn Henry, Maryland. , . , <. -CI )i • copi • J SSh&* "^^P^ jSouthcaroUrtii. lam Few, Georgia. .|4.«,.^r;':^ ,^'. [fimc* Munroe, • copies, Virgifiia. t^,j,v5{ 1 n^Oc^^l ■:.'ii V U R M O N T, Hit Ixeellenoy Tbomu Chittendert, 6ovtn)or. it Exeellenoy i Domu The Honoutable Peter Olcott, Licutenantgovemor« ^he Honourable Tunothy Brownron, iv SaoBucl Safford, John Stronff, Kbeneaer WalbridgOi t a cop. [ooathan Arnold, a copiei, raul j^rlgham, Ibenwar Marvin, >«ot f«)k^. t>uke Knowlton, f copief, > ,^ .Jtbeom Porter, , ;, , , ^i^, . n ;io J a i ^.'4/..J,^^l ► Counrellori^ The I- i SUBSCRIBERS* NAMES. 413 ^ni«lF^onbu^rai)lel5imuM Mattock " Rofetv«ll Hopkins, £rq; Secretary of State. Jofeph Fayi Eiq; Secretary to the C»bvemor and Coun- cil. . • The Honourable Gideon Olin, Speaker of the Houfe of Rep* ^ - feferitatives, 3 copies. ' , . '>■ ' { % "-iSaniuel Knights, Chief Juftict of the Supreme ^ Court. ^^<|m«B; J^tijih Pain^ Juil ice of the Supreme Cdurt* If^ac Tichenor, Ju (lice of the Supreme Court. .,^'*v^ fjath. Chipman, Judge of the Diftrid Court, 2 copies. Samuel HitchcAck, Elq; Atterneygeneral. A. Aaron Adam«.>- Jeremiah A<^ams* • £iiwar •^'''^ James Allen, * Caleb Aliin.f" '^Ji* - Rev Jonathan Allen. Majorgeneial Ira Allen* Levi Allen. • . • ' William Alyord, t. Pr. Abel Alli8,ji '■'■'• Robert Ah^caffctr. '^'' "*^ ^ Reuben Atwaterj £fq. Capt. EliihaAveril, JElijth Ayery* v« 1 ' o, ' •■II iohn Benedift. iofes Bennett. Alfred Bingham. Silas Bingham. Solomon Bingham. Elijah Blake. John W. Blake. Rev. Enoi Blifs. Charles Boyle. . Jofeph Bradford, Ifaac firevoort. John Bridgman, Efq. Rev. Aaron Jordan I Samuel Brown. Profper Brown. Bryant Brown, Efq. Ebenezer Brown, Efq. Eliflia Brown. Booge. Benjamin P. Baldir tti* ^* iH Daniel Buck, Efq. -- * Kajor ElJM Buel. Thomas Bull. Frederic Baldwin, William ftaker. Titley Ballard^ — . John Hao^rofU. )^#i Kev. Thomu Barnard. '^' Jonathan Bftrrett. Thomas Barrett*'* * < - John Barron. Dr. Prefcott Barron. Frye Bayley, Efq. 'ohn G. bayley, Efq. faac Baylev, Elq. Joleph Bayley. ' ' ^muel Beach. i Moody Bedel, Efq. t - < Jonathan £ell| Elq. t coplef* Abbe Ca4y« Abxahtm fiurnham, Efq, John Burnam. Benjamin Burt, Efq, Jonathan Burt. c y Jofeph Cable' < Doftor Jofeph Caldwell. Dr. Alex. Cfampbell, a copiat. Dr. John Campbell. Matthew Carey, 12 copiea. Philip Carigain. BiflVf Cafe. Lotiden Cafe* Nathaniel |t| S^a](^]^jpC»lfEH^ NAM«». Nathaniel Chamberlain* William Chambedain. Cf rdtier Chandler, £rq» JetTe Chandler. ThoAiaa J«< Chandler* Ifaac Cliarterton. Pf. Cyjrtta ChippiaA. Danijei Ch'iptatPf Efq. Daritii CfkipmaA, Ed^, Lemuel C^rpmtn, Eia. Ibhrt €hipmin. Efq. oamuel Chipman, Efq. Col. James Claghotn. Sleazar Claghofli, %(a, Jofeph Cla.k. ' Oaiaa Clark. John Clayton. Edward Clifford. Capt. John Cobb. Samuel Cobb. ,1 Rev. Daniel Vvtwm* I Daniel Ferrand, fifa^,. .., .; David Fiik. _,H H.-.5 John Fiwhi Efq. M , ,.uJr ^*^ M»lUD.ro«*ft.EA|;ji^^,^ JabeeFotter. ;j .^.j^i Rev. Robert Fowlf. a nitof \ .•.■s'jtn^.*t2 1 '.'^> Col. John FuHer C. Jonu Galu(ha, Br* • Elijah Garfield. Jonathan Gatei. wiUeby Goodwin. Nathaniel Gove. .^ John A. Gralum, Efii. i ^^ Afa Gravoi. _s £rigadid)-gen). Eli Cdgf^ell, Benjamin Graen, Bff» ..uocJl Wiliiaro Coir. John Cook. Caleb Cooley;» Stephen Cdolidge. ' OwM Crampton. Samuel Cutler, jKfd; Tohn Curtit. "* Zebina Curflt. D. Eyra Dean. iVilliam Denifon. Xlijah Dewey, Eri|, Ormond Doty, felec Dougtaiff. Moles Dow, Efq. Tafon DuncaD* Ilaac DuflFs. Jofiah Dunhani, t a copier Ifaac Griseb. Nathaniel Green, ISt^ Sylvanua Greg«H7t "" " " , Bf ».. ,, - ■'.'»>!. J«bnGrifin,Bf4« ^A Ho3«l H, -■•' ".!/' Nathan Hate, ||k. /; Lot Hall, B%. i Mpiit(t6^bf. Joel Hamill^. jih.kw Dr. Z. H||iniltoa« \ Aui\i feHal4l% 1 • fcopiti* IV I iJ ekiel Harmon. Joel Harmon « ^^ William C. Harrington, £0^, Alex. Harvew, Bfn. s copies. Or. Aacoo HaOalnji. » ' Anthony Hafvrel^ la copt^ Reuben Hatch. 9i^\ lalmon Dutton, £l lohn Hunt, £r^. John Hurd,Eli|. it co|Hei« Richard Hurd. Robert HultQM* Aaron Hufoht»roii, Efa. Stephen Jacobs, tX^ Leonard Jew4tt. A fa Johnfon, EH). Col.ThWMi JoHnlba. Ferea Jones, Ebeneser W. Judd, Sfifi Bradford Kelk»g|, Rev. Dan Kent* Jacob Kent. i Col. Stephen Keyeib William Kilburn. Nathaniel Kingflty. Aar0n Klunnin^ ' Ephraim Kirbvi Efa. Elijah Knight. Calvin Knowlton, Zt%, Rev, Nathaniel Larabertr Luther I Afa McFarland." John M«Nei), Sfew Jeremiah Mafon, R^ Joel Marfli* Nicholas S. Af afters, >£(^« 'r Capt. Ifaac Meachas». . c' Moulton Mbrey, ,E^. %' Brigadiergn). LeW. R^MORifk James Moffe^ . Conftant Murdoolt,' »' Beniami|i iAuztj^ '-■■ W. Mynderfe. N. John Nantottw Nathan NeKon^ Oliver Noble. O. David Okka. Eliai Oleott« E(^ Henry Olin. lonathan Ormfly. >iMathan Ofgpod^ g «opiM^ Jofiah Page. lienjamin'Paine. Amafa Paine, Erq. Gamaliel Painter, Efl^. Col. Stephen Pearl, Chauney Pier. William Pik«. John Pomroy. Afa Porter, Efq* Benjamin Porter* Dr. Esekiel Porter^ John Porter, Ef^ , ofeph Porter, jun# lofewall Poft. Dr. Cefttias Prendfi. Samuel Prentifii. Nathaniel Prefon. Jofeph Prince, Martin Reed. Dr. Daniel Road. Stephen Rice. Amos Richardrom Joftut /T ■7/ - ■ . » Joflxui Ricker« .'. *fohn Ripley. Fhineas Ripley. Chriftopher Roberts.: Jod Roberts. Hon. Jeffs Root. William Round. S. Silas Sa^ord, £rq, Pavid $anderron« A^^jor James Sawyer.. Col. ThoOias Saw>'«r. , ' Andrew Selden, £iq. Jofeph Selden. Aaion Sexoa. David Sheldon. . Nathaniel Sheldon* Samuel Shepardfon. : John Shumway, Efq. Rev. Samuel Shutttdwofth. Walter S1om« Jacob Smittt. \ \^, John Smitli* ' . Joiyithan Smith. ^ Ifaac S(bith\ Efq. Jfrael Smith. Simeon Smith, Efq. Prince Soper, . > Col. John SpalFord. Simeon Speoepr. Eliakim Spooivsr, Efq., Trunatj S^uier. John Stacey. Alias Steven^i Abjah Stone, Efq.,- . David St9ne. Phineas Stone* William Storer. Seth Siorrs, ^(q. . Cliiptnan S\A>)ft, Efq. , T' Mansfield T'P^uii > copies. AU\ fenny. Eiilba Thayeri. Rev. Lathrop Thomfon« Thomas Thomfon* Stephen Thorn. Timothy Todd. Thomas Toleman. Col. Oran)te Train* NahumTraflc. , • GeorfM Trimble. Tureli'Tufti. U. JamM Underhill.. w. : Siamuel Walker. Samuel Ward. Asel Wa(hburii# Calvin Wehb. lehiel WebK Efq* Dr. Jofhua Webb. Noah Webfter. Efq. . Jabes H.Weld. Shiptoy. yVeUl. ElijaTiWeft. Jedcdiah \Vert. ' ' * Eli Wheeler, A fa Wheelock, Ef^* John White, E(q. Nathaniel White. Dr. Samoel White. James Whitelaw, Bfq. t cojt* Rev. Sapucl Whiting. I^cnjamin Whitman. John Whitman. Brigadiergenl. Dav. Whitney. "ohp Whitney. ames Whitley. emucl Whitney. Richard- Whitney, Effj. Elias WiJlard, jun. Sx'nuel Wtliiam?, Efq. < Di\ JaiAcs VVhitherel. Enoch Wopdbrjdge, Efq. ]