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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely Included In one exposure are filmed beginning In the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmte A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, II est fllm6 A partir da I'angle supArleur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 I /v6 ^ CONSTITUTION^^^''^' AND -IjA.-V57-S -.-... -~,,..j.,.„,-^^„ OP THE I Art. V, — ITiere shall be a general Fruit Committee, consisting of the Office-Bearers, the President of, or a special delegate appointed by, each affiliated Hor- ticultural Society, and not more than two Members from each County represented in the Society, to be elected by the Association, at the January meeting. Art. VI. — This Fruit Committee shall meet immedi- ately after the General Meeting at which they are appointed, and choose from among themselves, by nomination and open vote, a Sub-Committee of Ma- ' nagement ; a Sub-Committee on Orchard Fruits ; a Sub-Committee on other Fruits ; and a Sub-Com- mittco on Publication ; each to consist of three Members. The Members for each County, with the President or Delegate from each affiliated Horti- cultural Society within its limits, shall be County Sub-Committees. . Art. VII. — The Officers of the Society, with the Sub- Committee of Management, shall constitute a Board for the government of the Society, five of whom, including the President or one of the Vice-Presidents^ shall be a quorum. Art. VIII. — Any person may become a Member by an annual payment of one dollar ; and a payment of ten dollars at one time shall constitute a Member for life. Horticultural Societies may be affiliated by the annual payment of one dollar. IX. — This Constitution may hf amended by a vote of a majority of the Members present at any regular Meeting — notice of the proposed amendments hav- ing been given at the previous Meeting. • ♦• I. — ^The general Fruit Committee shall thoroughly investigate the subject of fruit culture. Each County Committee shall collect such useful and interesting information within their county, in reference to this subject as may be in their power, and embody the same in half-yearly reports to the Committee on Publication. II.— The Committees on Orchard, and on other Fruits, shall respectively examine, test, and classify such new fruits — in a natural or cultivated state — as may come under their notice, and report at each regular meeting. In the consideration and naming of new seedlings they 6 shall be guided by the most approved rules of Nomen- clature. III. — ^The Committee on publication, to whom all the Reports of the Sub-Committees must be sent, ten days before each general meeting of the Society, shall examine these Reports and embody the information they contain, illustrative of the condition and progress of Fruitculture, in a general Report, to be submitted to the Annual Meeting, and, after approval, to be printed in pamphlet form, under the superintendence of the Committee, for distribution among the Mem- bers. IV. — ^There shall be an exhibition of Fruits, Mi;» • ... \U'H\i!n nth Vice-President. J. HuRLBURT, L. L. D., Hamilton, and l|7- George Lesslib, Esq., Toronto. ,,% /, >. ,r .•1*1 Recording Secretary. «r v.riY/ /■ Arthur Harvey, Esq., Hamilton. ^ '?• jf^^ Corresponding Secretary. J. D, Humphries, Esq., Toronto. Edward Kelly Esq., Hamilton. I J.tui t ,; ^4 ^i ( -> •!. , Sub' Cotnmittee on Management. Messrs. Fleming, Hurlburt and Lesslie. .'J Sub- Committee on Orchard fVuiis. > ;; i . i •:> I /i Messrs. Arnold, Lesslie and Kellt. ^