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PAPER v.— LIST OF COLEOPTERA AND DIPTERA TAKEN AT QUEBEC, AND OTHER PARTS OF LOWER CANADA. By WILLIAM COUPER, Cor. Mem. Eiit. Hoc, I'liilaJ. ; Nat. lliu. Soc, Montreal,- A»,i«lcmt See Lit. d- Ilhl' Hoc, Quebec. [Presenteil to tho Society Cth January, 1861.] COLEOPTERA. TilK species with an * occur also in tlio vicinity of Toronto, Upper Canada. Those describcil under genera, witliout specific names, do not appear in Mclsheimer's or LeContc's catalogues, and are, therefore, supposed to be either obscure forms described by old authors or at present unknown to American cntoiuologislB. The species to which M.S. is attached arc now. CICINDELA Linn. longilabris Sai/. albilabris Kirhi/. Taken at Loicttc. June. *8cxguttata Fahr. violacea Fabr. In the woods. July. * vulgaris Sai/. obliquata DeJ. tranquebarica HerLst. Common. *duodccimguttata DeJ. proteus KirJj>/. Quebec. August. Sandy roads, hirticollis Sai/. albohirta BeJ. unita Kollar. gravida Lee. Coinuion on sandy roads in August. TiORICERA Latr. *pilicornis Latr. Carab. pilicornis Fab,: In woods. July. Rare. NEBRIA Latr. castenipes Lee. Helobia cast. Kirhy. Under stones near wood- land brooks. June and July. 4 LIST OF COLEOPIERl. CALOSOMA Fair. * oulidnm Fabr. I u fields. July and August. Comoion. , ♦frigidum Lee. St. Louia road. V«ry rare. I have takcu numerous Hpccimcus of thia iuacct on the ishnd oppo- bite Toronto. CAKABUS Liim. Bcrrutua J^in^. liueatopuuctutua DeJ. lu fields, under stones. July. Comnton. LapWayi L«ij)urtc. Under stones, &c. Juno and July. Unconimou. BllACIIINUS Wibcr. fuiuaus Fabr. libratur. DeJ. Quebec. Attracted by candle light. July. Very rare. liEBIA Latr. *viridi3 Sai/. ; Dij. Taken on flowers. July. puuiila D^-j. floricola Harris. Ou flowers. Uncominou, CYMINDIS Latr. reflexa Lee. Uncommon. CALATHUS Bou. gregarius Dej. Feronia greg. Say. Bare. PLATYNUS Bon. picipennis Lee. Agonum pic. Kirhy. Bare. pusillus Lcc. Anchus pusillus Lee. Bare. sinuatua Lcc. Anchomenus sin. Dej. Under bark of trees during summer. chaleeus Zee. Agonum chalceus 7)*'^. Under stones. Uncommon. *cupripennis Lrc Agon. cupr. Dej. Feronia cupr. Say. Com. *octopunctatu3 Lee. Carabus oct. Fair. Feronia oct. Say. Ago- num oct. Dej. In fields. Uncommon. placidus Lee. Feronia pi. Say. Ag. morosum Dej. Comuon* LIST OF OOLEOPIIRA. Ago- PTEROSTICHUS Bon. *lucublundu3 Lee. Ptjee. lucublandus Kirhy, (See LcConto's Cutuloyuu lor synonyms.) Coiunion. It forms tho sccDud sectiun Puecilus Bon. under this family. stygicus litv.. Ferouia .«tyg. Say, Fer. bisigillata Harris. OuioseuH rugicollis Half. Under loaves in woods. Common. ♦luczotii Lee. Fer. lucz. J)cJ. Fer. oblongouotatu Sat/, llaoo a scxpunctatus (Mann.) PI. obtusaugula Motsch. I have given tho synonyms of thia Bpccics, together with tho form sexpuuctatus (Mann.) whieh h considered as a race. It occurs rather common in fields near Quebec, and also at Owou Sound, U. C. T have not met with it at Toronto. It is placed by LeConto under Platysma Bon., tho eighth section of tho family. AM AHA Bon. impuucticollis Sat/. Am, authraciuu llahl. Am. difficillis Lee. Am. brunnipos Motsch. Uncommon. July. The following species is an addition to our fauna : — IJIack, glossy, without dorsal punctures Tlireo first joints of antenna) rufous, the remaining eight black : Elytra with eiirht striio on cich, and an abbreviated one on each side tho scutellum : tibiiu tinged with rufous. Jicngth '-■_ inch. Quebec. Uncommon. CHL.l'LNirS Bon. *scriceus Sai/. Car. sor. Forahr. var. Chi. pjrviridis Lee. Com, *tricolor Dej. Common during summer. ANISODACTYLUS Dvj. cUipticus Lcc. Common. This insect is placed under the second section Triplcctrus Lcc, HARPALUS Latr. hcrbivagus Say. Ophonus mutabilis Ilald. var. H. proximus Z«c. The two varieties are common at Quebec. 0 LIST OF COLEOPTBRA. I' ' viridiacDous Beauv. viridU Say. aNHimiliH D«j. Two varieties of this insect occurs coniiuonly ut Quebec. STENOLOIMIIIS IhJ. huuilis Dfj. This spcci s u pluctnl by liC (!uuto uuder the second section Acupalpus Drj. IIALIPLUS Lat,. imroaculioollis Jlarrin. Amoricanus Auhr. Couinion in puiulH in the neighborhood of Quebec, Of this genus I have also two species Inkeu in company with tlio ubovo. IJoth nro twice the nize of •' iunnaculicollis." The hirgcst has the tliorax yellow with a transverse oval black spot on the anterior margin behind the eyes. — The elytra arc closely punctured, and possess the char- acteristic markings of the genus. The thorax of the other is yellow, but with a central black circular punctured spot ou each nido of the posterior margin, and the latter within the spots is also black. In this species the elytra arc more coarsely, but less densely punctured. LACOOPIIIJillS Lcadi. nniculosus /. \'ery abundant in the woods in June and July. OSxMODERMA Lrp. *&cabra Dej. Trichius sc. Deanv. ^ (lymnodus foveatus Kirhy. Q Gymnod. rugosus Kirhy. pet Found LIST OP OOLEOPTERA. illUa Fahr. n rpr- *pigor Fair. DruiumoiH" Oortf. votundicoUis Kirhi/. Coinuiou on flowers during midsummer. DICERCA J57«c-A. ♦divaricata Lcc. Uuprcstis div. Say. August. Riire. ANCYLOCHIllA i,Wi. maculivcntris La'. Buprcstis mac. Say. Bup, sexnotata Lap. August. Jtarc. MKLANOPJIILA E>^ch. ♦longipes Gonj. IJiiprostis long. Say. Ap. appeudinuluta Lap. IMcl. immuculata Gory. This spcM^ics is very common during the latter part ol' July, rt elevates the elytra somewhat similarly to (Ihrysobothris, and it is also difficult to capture. Some years ago, when the cabinet factory of Messrs Jacques k Ifay of Toronto was being consumed by fire, which happened just as this insect was appearing in its per- fect state, the heat from the flames, in addition to the warmth ot the day, irritated them to an extraordinary degree. Their bite became so troublesome to the spec- tators that many liad to leave the immediate vicinity. The bitj/. Cdinmon about lumber wliarvcs. atrata Lee. Fomxl at Laval. Umvc. chrysoconia Ki'rhj/. Qiioboc. Connnon on flowers during mid- suninior. montivagans n.s. Black ; head and thorax pubescent ; antouna? black, slightly I'orruginous ; body beneath glossy. Taken at Bay St. (!atli!irincs, mouth ot* River Sague- n.iy. July. The specific characters appear in the cljtral mark- ings which are well developed in the 5 and arc as fol- lows : — On a yellowish ground, black dentatcd marks occupy the shoulders, and a longitudinal oval spot on each side the suture behind the region of the scutel- lum, — the centre has a wide, black, irregular band, reaching (in the males) the suture, and the apex black, toothed anteriorly. The elytra arc prolonged, exhibit- ing a large triangular space for the scutclluni, whieh is not elevated. Length of (^ 2 and § i inch. I have failed to di.scover the tree in which it goes through its stages, however, its name is applicable to its occurrence so far on the mountain regions of the Saguenay. I n h 16 LIST OF COLEOPTERA. •i qiicbcconsis vi.s. Black; head nml tl'.orax (lcn?ely aud minutely punctured, the liitter has a Hinooth, narrow, longitudi- nal line on its disc ; laMal palpi yellow : elytra dense- ly and minutely punctured ; anterior fcmoroo yellow bcncBth, black above, — 2n(l and 3rd yellow at the joint attaclicd to the coxa). Quebec. Kare. Leiij'th of (^ ] inch. The Q of the above have the .«anie characters except- ing that the whole of the tibia) and are yellow DOxNAClA Fahr. juncina >i. s. Jhad black, minutely puneturtil, with a short cavity between the eyes : thirax violet, punctured, with u lonyituilinal inipres-^ed eoiitre, and the anterior angles tnbcrcnlute : Eli/ti-d violet, densely punctured in rows, having four central depressions : body and legs sparsely covered with white hairs. Length over J inch. Lake St, (!liarlcs, eommon. GALKKUCA i^mffr. guttulata Lcc. Common in July. SYSTENA Chevr. frontalis Fohr. Common. CALLIGRAPirA Chevr. Philadelphica Linn, ('ommon. , ' ' *multipunctata »S'(f//. Common. CIIRYSOMKLA Lhm. *elcgans IkOf/rrn. Common. KlMOLPl S Fahr. '''auratus Fair. Gregarious on Dogbane. GASTROPHY.SA C/ievr. '''caeruleipennis >SV>y. polygoni Jyinn. Common during midsum- mer. I.tai or OOLBOPTBBA. If HIPPODAMIA ifu/i. Leeontii lUuli. On thorn hedges. July. Rare. *13-punotata Linn, tibialis S'li/. Common, ^parenthesis •SiU;^. tridons Kirbi/. Common. COCCINELLA Linn. laoustria Lee. tricuapis Kirhy. On thorn hedges. Rare. *no\romuotata Herbst, Common, tratisvorsoguttata Falderm. 5-notata Kirby. Common, "^bipunctata Linn, bioculata Say. Common. MYSIA J/«/». *15-punotata Oliv. mail Say. Uncommon. CHILOCORUS Leach. "'bivulnerus Mult. Common. IIELODES Payk. modesta Lee. yar. rare. PENTHES Fahr. obliquata Fahr. Not common. It is found amier the bark of ; > ^ . r dead trees. , ' ' : V TENEBRIO Zinn. *molitor Linn. Common. '•"' UPIS Fahr. *oeramboides Linn, rcticulatus Say. Common under the bark of dead trees. BOLTTOPHAGUS Fahr. *cornutu3 Pz. Found in boleti growing on trees. - PHELLOPSIS Xec' obcordatus iTtV&y. Common in fungi. MELANDRYA Fahr. striata Say. thoracica Meh. var. a. bicolor Meh. rar. h. -< M u i i'l <.^r. , i it LIST OF OOLEOPTBRA. EMMESA iV^cwm. oonneoteDs Nexom, Rare. DIRCAEA Fair. 4-inaculatuH Say. Very rare. MELOE Linn. uDgusticollis Say. Common on the potatoo vines. EPICAUTA /?ci/uragc others to do so, you will render a service to science. We want material.'*, especially frouj your Northern re- gions." LIST OF DIPIfiRA. m The following is the first dipterulogioal list published in thit Protince : TIPULA Linn. •bdominalis jS'oy. albilatus Walk.. Common oo tlic Gomiii roud during midsummer. . GERANOMYIA O. Sackeu. rostrata Sai/. Taken in the swcop-net Gomiu Koud. UHYPIIUS Lafr. penestralis . Taken in woods Gomiu road. * , LBPTlS/\i6>. Bosoii Macq. In the woods on St. Louis road, proxima ITa/Aic/". Taken at Bcauport. . 4^ • ,. TETANOCERA Dwmcr. valida Lw. ^ombinata f^w. plumosa Z/w. In woods north of Quebec. SARGIS Fair. viridis Say. Beauport. Common. TABANUS XiHn. lasiopthalmus Afacj. ? Very common in July. BOMBYLIUS Linn. fratelluB Wied. Common in sandy places in woods. j LAPHRIA />«6j-. posticita Say. In Oomin^oods. ANTHRAX Linn, f^WianuB ^ay. On fiowewfa the xrocyds. 'I 20 LIST OF DIPTERA. MERODON Latr. carvipcs Wieil. PoIydoDta bioolor Macq, I^ower St. Lawrence. SYRPHUS Unn. quadratus Suif. Neur the MoutiuoroDci rivor. ERISTALIS Latr. diiuidiatuM Wied. Common on flowers in July. Baatardii Macq. Ou flowers. LAUXANIA Latr. lupuMnu Fiihr. Takcu abundantly in the «wcep-Det. cylindricornis Fahr. dc. do. > TRYPETA iVriV/. Hparsa Wcid. Tukon commonly iu the sweep net. S0ATOPHA«A Latr. stercorariii Linn. Common everywhere. DOLICHOPl'S iia^r. cuprinus Tf ted. Very common. ' , TaCHINA /a5r. rivida Harris, (vid, T. hirta Drury.) Rare, CONOPS Xmn, Sagittarius