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Lea diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ -^ LIST wt COLEOPTERA TAKEN AT QUEBEC m mi\ PARTS OF LOWER CANADA. BY WILLIAM COUPER, CrjRATOR, QUEBEC BRANCH ENT. SOC. OF CANADA; COR. MEM. ENT. SOC, PHILADELPHIA; NAT. HIST. SOC, MONTREAL; ASSIST. SEC, LIT. AND HIST. SOC, QUEBEC. fo \\\t |.ifeip^l*() qi|D Jflsfol'Icql Socleijj, Qiiebec. ^m '^'\ V^\ ^■i^' 3 n" \ \ -.-111 U"' •r;-/ ■*.■/> i Ht / QUEBEC: PRINTErr B%6UNTER, ROSE & CO., ST. UR3ULE STREET. 18G5. 4ii Ci LIST OF OOLEOPTERi^ TAKIN AT QUEBEC AND OTHER PARTS OF LOWER CANADA. Bt WILLIAM COUPER, Curator, Quebec Brauck Eut. Soe. «/ Canada; Cor. Mem. Ent. S^c, Pkilad.; NaU Hut. Soe., Montreal; A»eiet. See., Lit. ,t HUt. Svc, Quebec. [For former Ll»t5, 4e., .eo Transactions of Literary and Historical Sociaty, Quebec, Now Series, Part II, 180J-4.J {Preeented to the Society, January 18, 1865.) • - CICINDELA Linn. repanda DeJ. Collected by Mr. A. L. Russell, Quebec. BLETHISA Bon. juUi Lee. Rare. Found under stones, &c., in marshy places near Quebec. Dr. LeConte lately described it from a specimen taken in Nova Scotia by Julius Ulke, Es.^., of Washington, D. C. NEBRIA Fahr. moesta Lee. Collected at Gaspo by Mr. Denis Gale. It also occurs at Lake Superior, Saskatchewan river and Russian America. Lee. Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pbilad., 1860, p. 318. LEBIA Latr. tricolor &a!/. Collected at Portneuf en haut, by the Rev. Mr. Provancher. Mr. Krieghoff had a specimen taken at X«ake St. Laurent. * 4 LIST OF COLEOPTERA. PTEROSTIOHUS Bon. luoluosufl DeJ. ; abjectus Lcc. Boauport. UnoommoD. Placed by Mr. LcCoDto in § Omaseus ZUgl. AMARA Bon. pyginca (hnpcr, C'auadiau Naturalist, Vol. II, No. 2, New Scries. Bubicnca Lcc. Quebec. obesa Sai/. Pereosia ob. Ilald. Quebec. indistincta. Mann. Quebec. iutcrHtitialis Dfi/.f var. splcudida UalJ. Occurs at Quebec and Fort Simpson, Mackenzie river, masculus Sat/. Quebec. The above are now classed by Mr. Le Conte under § Celta Zimm. CHL^.NIUS Bon. "'litLophilus Sat/, viridanuh DeJ. Banks of Montmorency river. Rare. HAPLOCHILE Lev. pygniea Lcc. Quebec. Rare. AGONODERUS DeJ. pallipcs D(j. Quebec. Rare. RRADYCELLUS £r. quadricollis Lee. Quebec. cognatus Schiddte. Aculpalpus longiusculus Atann. The Quebec . specimens are identical with the Russian American form. HARPALUS Latr. laticeps Lee. Quebec. PATROBUS Dej. tenuis Lee. Very Rare. BEMBIDIUM Latr. ^impressum Gji/ll. LIST OF COLEOPTERA. • • lucidum Lee. Banks of the Montmorency river, bimtcttlatum (iSTtriy) Portncuf m 6a». rupcBtrc (Fair.) transvcreale Dej, § PEliYPilus Mes No. 3 on the above page. 0 LIST OF C0LE01>T£RA. • • No. 1 ia biforis Newman. DONACIA Fabr. piscatrix Lac. Lake St. Joucblni. Comiuou. SYNETA EhcL tripla aVcj^. PHYLLOBROTICA DeJ. discoidca Fabr. tlccorata Sai/. Quebec. August, on the Mad- dog Scull-cap (Scuttclaria latiflora.) HALTICA Fabr. alternatii III. 5-vittata Soi/. On Willows near the Hermitage. CRYPTOCEPHALUS Gco(^r. formosus Meh. Ilermitage, June ; Goiuin woods, July. OURYSOMELA (Lina) Fabr. iutcrrupta /(zi/-. var. 5. scalaris Lcc. var. MY8TA Mnls, Hubvittuta Mills. St. Louis road. Ran'. LIST OF COLEOPTERA. 11 i- (fc HYPERASPIS licdt. maculifera {Mula) Lcc. Hermitage. Ilaro. MOP.DELLISTENA Lcc iuscipcDnis Aids. biguttatus /SViy. niclanura Linn. puncticoliis Say. ENDOMYCHUS Van/c. NACERDES Stevtn. ASOLERA Schm. SERROPALPUS Hellev.ius. substriatus Ilald. PilLOEOTRYA? Lee-, sei'icca Ilald. Seminary Garden, Quebec. Rare. DITYLUS Fisch. coeruleus Randall. Collected by Mr. D. Gale. SCHIZOTUS Ncwm. cervicoUis Newman. STENOTRACIIELUS Lee. arctatus Say. St. Foy Road from 20th to 24th September. I found four specimens of tbis rare insect between the above dates. Its rarity may be attributed to the late- ness of its occurrence. Few entomological excursions arc made at this season, Avhich may account for its Doing heretofore overlooked. Dr. LeConte, in a letter says : " I am glad to learn that you have found two more specimens of S. arctatus ; it is a very interest- ing insect, and was known to me previous to receiving your specimen, only by fragments which I cut out of a dead tioc at I -akc Superior. The subsequent reception X8 LIST OF COLEOOTPRA. of a specimen from Russian America enabled me to establish the synonymy which is as follows : — Stcnoirachelus arctatus Lee. Class. Col. North America, 252. llelops arctatus Sat/, Long's Expedition. St. Petors, 2, 283. Stcno. obscurus Mann. Bull. Mosc. 1852, 317." DACNK Latr. fasciatus Fair. Quebec, under bark, rare. D. heros S>i>/, occurs in Upper Canada. MICRORHOPALA. interrupta Couper. Can. Nat., Vol 11., No. 2, New Scries. ii