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CONTAINING, An Enumeration of the known Qu adrupeds,Birds, REPTitES, Fish, Insects, Cruftaceous and Teftacepus Animals*, many of which are New, and never defcribcd before. To which arc added, SHORT DIRECTIONS FOR Collecting, Preserving, and Transporting, all Kinds of NATURAL HISTORY CURIOSITIES. By JOHN REJNferOLD FORSTER, F. A. S. NoH fiJ ttttom Natura formam 9^us fuum praftat ; fed in ip/a variemu fi jaSat. Seneca, Quaeft. Nat. VII.. 27. .ii.i " .■ t I I ]■■_ .1 III I.. I I .ij Uin. . . t ]■ ■ "H . '• ',;■■" I I - ■ •, ■ LONDON: Sold by B. White, at Horace's Head, in Fket-S erect, ^J.pcc.LXX^, T T T If- r>' 4. •' . r X^i: . 4 1 #' ■ h •i vl 14 to r;i;Jl^nA ;? vfUirn f ;*:!#. y • '^ri ?uo"^:>' ^•* •.) ' .rL.^t^(J b*idhjbb v.' c ; TOfl Ji I a T:Ji o Ha » (1 .' :^ • « ■ / 510 : ^ H -^j^.,4 Mi iv* lfe*«» t«s,-'^vM^ .;v*.i^»/i. v&sttiift^^ , .wi iV.-fe'»^'^'¥ft\*» 'n i^tim^if.- ^■■it vrr- "q * f ^- » I ) /i/M' f^^(f/y}ri/i' '1 c/au\f ^yutiiH'ift/i, LiNX, M^^T^^M*^ / .^• .■4U* - -,.. -.^^«., . IHII ip^i •■■■.« I iW-^nr'*^ «^|i" * #■■».» »tmMW># T O MARMAT)UKE TUNSTALL, Efq. - ,., Dear S I R, i K i ^ H E repeated favours Tou were fo kind to ! X beftow upon me, in the compafs of a fhort acquaintance, and the zeal with which Tou promote the great caufe of Natural Hiftory j encouraged me to prefix Tour Name to this Publication, and give ine an opportunity, thus publicly, to acknowledge the afliftance Tour benevolent and generoua friend- {hip favoured me with. .^ . Nothing is left to me, but the fimple mention of thanks ; and my fincere wiflies for Tour health, happinefs, and the enjoyment of every intelledlual and moral bleffing. 1 am, with the truefl regard, ^ ^'"-''\ "^"'^"' ^ '* --rrnr^ . ; ,,.-;:,...: srh Dear i: I R, jnt, - r^,- ' ?:^/.ii\^i');'j your moft obliged, srfi > 5 Jv^j.iJ ., . • 1 .J / « v» J'^' i: U '4 y: ( ■i •. 'i I i* >' i ii. I LondoHi April 2^,1771, .ft/ • ^ ; • obedient, ta f;nvjr)*a • ' humble Servant, '.. JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER *'t\ty J'e^ ;> 1 To the READER. A >/ i X I Had hinted in the Preface to the third volunlcof JT/i/w's Travels, that I could publifh but an imperfcfl and fmall catalogue of North American animals ; and there- fore declined to give it. Since that time, I have been preflcd by fome worthy friends to publifh that catalogue, fuch as it is ; and what is ftill more, I have been flavoured with ample materials by a Gentleman, who is forming a colledtion for a Natural Hiflory of North America^ and hope? by this to incite the inquifitive and learned refident in that country, to fearch, and to tranfmit to their friends in England^ the produdtions of their feveral provinces. The Zoology of the firft four clafles of animals in "X^reat Britain^ has been very accurately and compleatly pub- liflied ; that of the country of the defcendants of Great- Britain ought with mod propriety to follow, as it interefts the Mother Country molt. Thefe reafons had a great weight with me ; and I offer this fmall catalogue merely as fin efTay towards forming a rnorc compleat Natural Hiflory of that extepfive continent. To inftruft the Colledlors, I have added to this lift fome fhort diredlions for the heft method of prefer ving apd tranfporting the various fubjeds of Natural Hiftory. Thp Quadrupeds of this lift are referred to the Synopfis of Quadrupeds of Mr. Pennant ; the Birds, Fifh, Reptiles, Infects, and Cruftacca, to LiHn<£U5y Brijfon, Mr. Edw^fdsj and y^ i'o the R E A D E Ri And Catejhy\ fomc few excepted, which are referred to the Planches tnluminiesy publifhed at Far'ts^ and marked here P/. tnl, fo as Catejhy with a fingle C*. and thofe which are comrtion to Oreat Britain and America^ to the Britijh Zoology. The Animals which have recently been difcovered in North America^ or overlooked by Mr. Catejhy^ are diftin- guifticd by M S, marking a New species ; ahd by B. and Muf, BL The firft authority is from a Colledion formed by a Gentleman in his voyage to Newfoundland ; the fecond, from a mod: feledl and numerous Colleftion of American Animals, belonging to a Lady in Lancajhire, ' The New Species, in the Catalogue of Birds, I had leave to infert here from Mr. Pennant*^ manufcript ; and thofe of Infefts are taken from my Own manufcript d<*- jfcriptions of fuch Infeds as were not defcribed by Dr. Linnaeus. The print prefixed here reprefents an elegant little Falcon, drawn and engraved from a fine fpecimen latdy brought over from North America, ■ .^•■- , '- : • ■ N. B. The Animals marked E are of European Origin ; having been introduced there by the Spaniards or Eng- lifli, after the difcovery of the New World : and thofe marked Eur. are originally natives of both Continents* ^* t 4 .' I 5 4.1 1- V'-> I VR^H «VR^n WKTfK l,» fit- "';♦'! .•w A3 C|LA^S I' n ■ ■ H ( 6 ) ■ CLASS I. CLUADRUPEDS. D I V. I. Hoofed. S E C T. I. Whole Hoofed. Cenas. I. HoRU Generous X» Aft S* S E C T. 11. Cloven Hoofed. 11. SttB«p Common £» * ifr. Goat I)omeflIc J?. IV. DztK Elk, or Moofe, Eur, Rein Stag Virg inian V. Hoc Roe? Common Eur, Eur. N. S. jr. fy. l.qtt«A 9 P>4 N'35 3« 3« 39 43 5+ D I V. II. Digitated Qijadrupeds. VI. Doo VII. Cat Faithful Wolf Fox Arftic Grey , Silvery*. Brown Common Lynx Eur, Eur, Eur* N= *..,|*wt - Eur, Bay Lynx N. S. no III tii "3 114 US 129 >33 "35 136 VIIL V ». V .. i/ \ s. .\^ A. ottaA - i p. 14 N* 35 36 3« 39 43 5+ *«• ( 7 ) YIII. BtAR IX. Badger X. Opossum Xr4 Websel XII. Otter u XIII. Hare XIV. Beaver 6Uck Polar Wolverene Raccoon American Virginian Stoat Pine Martin Fiftier Pekan and Vifoa Striated Skunk Greatei- Leffer Sea Common Alpine Rabbet Caftor ' Muflc V ...^ Eitn Eur, N. Sf Eur. Eur. N. S; Eur, Eur* Er-, tmr, E, Eur, ,» A',.,, L 1 S N« no III 112! . "3 ■ ■ 114 US t 129 "33 ] 136 VIIL 4 ■ U ■■■ - ' ' .-■ XV. Porcupine Canada XVI. MARMOt Maryland V Qqebcc t XVII. Squirrel Common d, Hudfon's Bay 4 Grey , ■*, Black ^ Cat Ground * 'v-A. /3 .?. Flying 'fnfj^Miux-; 3 hooded XVIII. Rat " " Black v*. /f Brown? •' ;uM''J^''. Water -^ ;r f'-, ' . Moufe '■i u 4 J 3- -.?«:-' ' ' N. S; ' ^ .1' *> • »3t M9 I40 141 "43 • '44 U'^ 151 »57 166 167 173 »74 i8j I84 186 190 191 '1.6 198 199 209 zio 221 Eur, E. A4 226 227 22li tig fioM t Hi '%*:: %: ( 8 ) ■'",''■• . ,'.- '■■' ' \ Field Short- tailed XIX. Mole fi. yellow Radiated Long- tailed Brown XX. Walrus Araic ; XXI. Seal •J Common Great Roueh Hooded ^. Harp Little Urfine Leonine XXII. Manati Mar.ati XXIIL Bat New York Long haired Eur* Enrt N.S. Eur, Eur, N.S. N. S. N.S. .^ N. S. N. s; N. S. ; 2J0 233 p. 31a NS243 a4S N»263 266 267 268 269 270 i 271 272 283 P-367 C L A S S IL BIRDS. D I V» I. Land Birds. ■Jj. I. 11. Vulture* Falcon SECT. I. Rapacious. Carrion. V. aura. 122. C. L 6, fi.1 Bald Eagle F. leotocephalus. C. 1. i. Sea F. bflifragus. in exhibitions Ringtail F. Fulvus. EJw, I. Black.bellied K. S. While . DuPratZy IL 75. Ofprey F. Haliaetus. C. L i* Gentil 2S0 233 p. 313 NS243 «44 «4S N«*263 «65 - 266 2(^7 268 269 270 CJ «7» 27* : 273 •V85 p. 367 . - '.■»=* I. ons Gentil ( 9 ) m. Owl IV. Shrikb Centil Falcon Gofliawk A^coloured Sacre Winter Doflcy Rough-footed Chocolate Marih Buzzard White-rump'd Fork- tail . Pigeon i Little Great . . Short-eared i Red ; Mottled Snowy ., Barred ;^ Canada Brown . White , Hawk Little. ^ Cinereous. Crefled. t Louifiane. F. gentilis Mr. B F. palumbarius. Law/on EJw, 53. Mr, £, dt Biiffon N. S. Muf.BL Edw* 3. 4. N. S. Mr.B. ■: . N.S. r4,Wj . SECT. IV. Columbine. XVII. Pigeon »>: PaiTengCT Columba migratona . , Caroline C. Carolinenfis .^ T *? " ^/^' White-Crowned C. leucoccphala * »4 yV«l . » K 4 "v.^ A Canada C. canadenfis ^ ^' 10 -M jejnt^i 'Xi Ground C. PaiTerina C.I. 2 J ■I 24 25 «4 5.!jf: »Kl'i ' S E C T. V» XVIII. Thrush Mimic Ferruginous FieldUre Red-leg'd Black . , TV Little Passerine. ;• k arVi , V^;l>: ».;■ Tardus polyglottos T. rufus T. migratorius T. plumbeus , £r. II. EJnv. 296 27 28 29 C. I. 31 ^IX. StARB Golden-crowned Motacilla auro-capillaf/xv. 252 C. I. 33 Crefcent New York ''d: XX. Chatterer Prib. XXI. Grosbeak. Crofsbill Pine Creftcd ?. Mexican ,1 ' i^ Rofeate :* . ^ Spotted Miffifipi ?i - Dominican Canada Black r .i ■ ^i/ Blue t",-. Violet Fan tail Grey -i«' Red-headed Alauda magna N. S. Mu/. BL Ampells garrultts. C. 1. 46. Edi»ft Br. Zool. Ednu. 303 Br. Zool. IV. Edw, 123, iz.f. Loxia cardinalis C 1. 39 L. Mexicana Mu/. BL ii. Lndoviciana N. S. Mu/. BL -A- L. Dominicana L. Canadenfis L. nigra L. caerulca ^ < L. violacea PLenl, PL enl. N. S. Mr.Kuckahn C. i. 68 39 40 380 395 XXII. BUNTINO Snow Winter Rice ' Emberiza nivalis EdiM. 126 E. hyemalis C. I. 36 E. ojyaivora C. I. 14. Ednu. 291 Paiiuei a;- i ■ i ■ t f ■I I;; ( « y i*. ^junted 1 ■■ ■• • . ■' Louifiane , Blue? 1. XXIII. Tanacre ^lue If Creen if Bifhop 1, . . ' , ■ Red i XXIV. Finch Towhe ; Golden .r-2 ■ ■ I Orange Mountain Little ?,- . ^ Cow- pen ->*■-':■ • , Bahama '-*''L^n_: Caroline £. Ciris C. 44 Bd:■ 1 anagra cyanea u. j. j^c Motacilla guira EJiv. ^^i,Mu/ bL T. Epifcopus. Du Pra(z. II. 94 T. rubra C. I. 56 Fringilla Erythrophthalma 34 Fr. triftis 43 Fr. zena * wjit^^f' ;- ^ Fr. montanil Edw. tog C.I. 35 34 ' . ' Fr. bi color 37 P/. f«. 18 1. 223 ? • vl 2u c":^-;-;* White- throated Ednv. 304 Ferruginous jS^w. 354. Br. III. 296 -V ^ - Crimfonhead N. S. Muf.BK Fafciated N. S. Do, Greater red -poll. Br, Zool. Muf, BL y'i-,k.M - '■, ^•■iW XXV. Flt-catcher Tyrant Fork toil Chattering Crefted Black-cap Cinereous Red^eyed Cat Canada Blue Brown ."'ti-^n ■ XXVr. Lark :IXV1L Waotail Shore ,«! Red Calandr6 Lanius tyrannus C. L 5g Mufcicapa tyrannus C. I. 50 < .' V , .^ Mufc; crinita C. I. 5 i C. I. i^ MufCj virens M. olivacea C.I. 54 M; Carolineniis 66 M. CanadenHs Mocacilla fialis C^ T. 4^ C. I. 54 Alauda alpe!lris G. I. 32 i?r. Zoo/ Ed Louifiane m - coo ^^' Great 508 I > .^ , Quebec M. Iderocephala . V >- rj Vcllow-tailed f £./au. 257 ' ■ ^ ,^ jSpotted ^^ £i/w. 257 Cinereous ' * ^r. III. 524, Olive ~" ■ i 'J .•s.'rrft'.'n---' f l^ ^iA. * v.. • i .J ,.ai..»Q Roty-crowned M. calendula. Ed'w. 254 . Golden-crefted. j9r. Zool, C. ^//. Yellow Wren . * -'-v XXVIII. Titmouse Crefted , i I. f Hooded Virginian An)erican panada Colemoufe 1 Br. ZooL II. 266. Ediif, Parui btcolor. C. I. 5^ C.I. 60 P* Virginiaaas. C. I. 58 P. Americantis 64 Br. III. 553. Br. ZooL Mr.B^ Xf XXIX. Swallow >A ii ■ f 2 Houfe Martin! §and iSwift Purple Canada Acule^te^ XXX. GoATsvpK9R. Common Lefler '.' , i' ■.'.■ ' '■■■.'J., ,. ,C,«; ft'sn ,|»^ ■'■ i?r. Zool. Mr. B* ib, Mu/.BL ib, C. ApU 4ky Lawjon Hirundo purpurea. C. I. 51 H. fubis. Ednv. 1 20 H. pelafgia. C. Hi. 8 Br, Zool. C.I. 8 Ca|>jr« minor. C. III. 16. -itr-^-'-^nU--- CIV, fm SI. t;i ( u ) > v»^* ,1,^ ,1 ,D I V. IL Water Fowl. SECT. VI. Cloven-footed. ■■^i:'' XXX^- ^EilON. Hooping Ardca Amerlcanus. C. I. 75 Canada A. Canadenfis. Ednv. 133 Brown A. Herodias, jE^t .^-^t. .'Minute ' i> > '. . Caroline T ') /if*,.. . Green head XXXII. Ibis , . ^ - - XXXIII. Curlew Efkimaux Wood.--! •^""'Scarlet; White ,, '•rBrdwn I A. Hudfonias. Ed'w, 135 ^r. Ztfo/. Ma/ Bl. C.I. 78 Tantalus loculator. C. I. 81 '''T. ruber 84 ■ T. albus T. fufcus 'TMi' N. S. Mr. 5. 81 XXXIV.WooDcocK. American Snipe oil .wf^a « , ."x Great ' •»?^' »■■ .') * . » s ? :> Nodding Spotted XXXV. Sand-pipe?. Turnftone Common Spotted .. ^ Cinereous Miif, BL Br. ZooL Muf, BL ib. Muf. BL ib, C. App. tb. Ednxi. 138 Scolopax fedoa. EJiv. 137 N. S. Mr. B. ,,., . ., Tringa interpres Ed'w, 141 Br. ZooL Mr. Kuckahn ib, Ediv. 270 , ib. Mr, B. Knot ':^^^' C. I. 75 Ednxi. 133 EdiAi, 136 79 C.I. 77 w. 135 c. I. 81 84 8z Tw.137 Id'Vii. 14' \ahn Knot (IS ); ' * .M " Knot ^ ,\> ^.. Redihank • • ' , Grey PI. u' t .- Purrc V,fA * • Little *."■ Gloffey Green XXXVI. Plover Green Pie Noify (* XXXVII. Rail Golden Lark V. . Sanderling Clapper Red-breafted XXXVIIL Water- Caroline HEN iK. Ediu, 276 jiJ^^aCt .71.1/ , ib,-' C. jipp, Uf, C. Afp, ib.-Muf.DU N. S. Mr.B, N. S.t^ itn .\MX Br, Zooi. Mr. Kuckabn Br. Z0OL Muf, Bh ib, C. L 85 Charadrius vociferus. C. i. 71 Ch. apricarius Ediw, 140 Br.Zcol, Muf, BL .iHiA ib, Muf,Bl. Muf.Bh Am V. I Bdin. 179 Ralios Carolinus. £dW. 144, C. I. 70. CommqU S E C T. VII. With Pm^ATED Feet, ib. Edw. 308 Ed'tu, 142 Edw, 46 .. _ ■ ^' ■- ro'rli Ednu, 96 li »> C.L 91, - . « •• - <;.-« .:•»•' 5]CHL i;LAMMA;NT Rcd •'} » .-JT.: XLiii, AvK^,,^ .,: Qreat , kazor 'T u^uA ft nil Puffin Little G utile mot Black Phsnicopterus ruber. C.I. 73 Br,Zool, Edw, 147 ib^ Edw, 358 ib. Edw. ib» . ; N. S. Br. Muf, • ^r. Zctf/. EdiM. 9 1 i'^. f^/w. 359 ib, XLIT. XXXIX. Coot: '^ Cdtaimbn . >-. Zoo/. Aftj/TP/^^^'^ XL. PHALAitdfE Grey^t/. ,# i Brown XLI. G K E B E . «H ! ! V I Eared PiedbiU > '>-'• SECT, Vm. Webbed-footed, M Si .'' " B [; if! fen ( 16 ) XLIV. DiviR . Northern Immer Speckled Lumme XLV. CvT-wAtm Black XLVI.Tbr* XLVIt. Gull Noddy Black Greater Lefler Great Wagel Herring Kittiwake Laughing Black toed ArOic i Fulmar Shear water £r, ZmI, Muf, Bl, Colymbus Immer. Muf* Ml, Mr, Ze9L Tduf, BL ib, Ed t. Duck ,.'-■->.%: cvi White- fronted ib,EJw.iii^ Mr, Z09K Muf, Bl .XXJOLiK ib, £dw. 9;. Mergus cucullatus^ EJw, $6^ Mr, lool, Muf. Bl, ib, Eihv. ICO Anas Canadenfis. EJw* 15 1,' Mr. Zoffi, Blue .< Bernacle ^"^ Brant .tsd«3 -" Snow , Eider ,,.^yt>.v King.- -^,.,.; ■> iiri Velvet^* ,4v JBIack ' V iitfM > .HfiJhovelcr '\ i^ ,«i'>;V Golden eye, 4*; HarIeo[uin il'iJT. iU'^ \.-v A* cserulefcens. £ 99' ' 57« ?ied i. i' t* 'I > » ■••I .; ! .'J r ( J7 ) .{ T LI. Pblbcast . .' i Pied Pochard ^ i*in-tlil •"' Swallow-tail ,, Buflrel White>faccd Ilathera Brown Summer Widoeon :;^ Teal '■^. Blue-wing ' Mallard Scaup r. . 7/ Pelecan .r:: Corvorant Shag Gannet A. albeola. j?/u;. lOo Jr. ZW. C. i///. /*. iff*/ J?/. M. ^/u>. 280 A. Bucephala. C. I. 9$ A. difcors. C. I. tc6 >*^« A. Bahamtfnfis. C« I. 03 A. fpdnfa. £. Ua^G .V) • '- .-..1 CLASS III. REPTILES. SECT. I. With Four Feet. I. Tortoise ir. Froo '' Greert ■'■. HawkfbiU Logger- head Trunk Cheqdered Mud Rough ? ' Indented? River t Bull i Land Water Tefindo Mydas G. It 3(8 T. caretta 39 4«> T. Carolina. T. fcabra T. deliticulata N. S. Dr. Garden Rana ocellata. £ ".'l ■> \ ( i'8 ) c«r Green * Av -,-;«»4 Allegator ^ ,^. Lacerta Crocodylus. C. II. 63 Lion L. fex-lineata 68 Guano L. Iguana 64 Green • 65 Blue-taU . L. fafciata 67 ""•'•^ * Spotted ' L. punaata • III. 10 Canada N. S. Mr. £//// Mt^ Si } Ahnulated Mu/, BL SECT. il. With Two Feet. IV. SiRiK . V'If. .V Caroline ^t Siren Lacertina. />^. 7r. L VI. «*k 189 ,W SECT. III. Without Feet. ,1^ I. ; ,!• ' I -if? V. Smakb m Rattle LefTer Chequered . +.+ + Striped .it^ T Wampum ?/ * Green •^^ .11.0 z.Ei/^?/i of Chain * t &-U Ribbon \\\>_ -*. Black k,,;i. Bead fOis . «Vj^i .Rii^a: Familiar ^% .\jr'«'d Porraceous » , *i<'Croffcd pfi^f^j.; fimooth-headed ^%vvw a Dotted , Ringed II D .|tJ«iUf»^<,Brown Yellow ) Vittated ■4 "' .J Crotalus horridus C. II. 41 Cr. miliariut C.4 Cr. DurifTus Boa eontortrix ! C c. 56 Coluber leberis Coluber fafciatus C. 58 C. ordinatus 53 C. getulus t f rv C. »urita ^^>yr 52 so C. conilriaor 48 C. guttatus 60 C. aeftivus 57 C. my£ierizans 47 Coluber iimus Uriatulus punAatus doliatus . fipedon fulvius firtalis t Water n. •'M ■ ( »9 ) i' ■■' « ' 1 . Water viper > Black viper Brown viper Copper-bellied Brown-bead ^•^• n if i '.h' Speckled Penfacola 1 1 Coach-whip Corn little • J .r.CJi Glafs ^ ' \ m .^,v.,., -. < ./• Little Sloewori _ 't '.■l,» . . ..'' r ■HM^ .r'"' C.43 4* .. . 45 46 ^•» iif ^ »jc. 49 N. S. Mr. Ellh C. 54 C. 55. t ttt Anguis ventralia C. II. 59 tt ttt .-.l,.i:.'S CLASS IV. FISH. SECT. I. Cetaceous. I. Narwhal Narwhal ^\ ..It II. Whale /"""''' Common 5r. Zool Pike-headed ? ih. ^ Fin M. Beaked ib, III. Cachalot Blunt-headed ih, High-^ finned tb» IV* D6LPH111 *" 7;^" Porpeffe *'"' Grampus ib. H .i: r / t\\% J COO -i ; •■ 'iv<-',li^» \- • SECT. II. Cartilaginous. V, Lamprrtt Common £r. ZoeI» C. Jpp, :il.Ui%-. B a VI. Rat ,( 20 ) VI. Hat Thorn-back Sling Devil* fi(h C. App, C. Afp» ..•ii-ry *' VII. Shark White ? Saw VIII. F18HIK0 Frog Common JX. Sturoion X.. Balistei XI. Tetrodon European Blunt- nofcd • Unicorn Hifpid Old C. jipp, Squalttt Priflii. C. App, Br. Z09I. C App* Muf, BU '. \ .<^ i 1*. . . Smooth Globe Sun B. monoceroa. B. hifpidui B. vetula. T. laevigatus T. lagocephalui Br, ZooL C. A^^, C. ir. \9 c. n. 2« C.II. 2» XII. Lump XIII. PiPi-risN Lump-fifli Br. Zool, . Shorter ib. SECT. III. Bony. XIV. EiL • - XV. Sword XVI. Cod Muray EeJ Conger Sword.fifh mm Common Froft Tau Apodal. ^ *' Murasna Helena. C II. 2«. f 1 Br. Zotl. ih. i ' .' A !' Jvcui^ar ib. Gadus callarias. Muf, BL C.:'!^ Tau. ' XVIL Blemny puftulated .M. Z. Mr. B. XVIII. Remora m m m Thoracic. Remora Ech. neucrates. XlX CoPYPHJK'^'s Parrot Blue Lineated C. Pfittacus C. II. 18 C. lineata C. II. 26 C. II. 29 XX. Bull- 1 . ' ( ai ) XX. BULL-UtAD Father- Uflicr Sr, Z##/. XXI. Flovnoir Holibat Br, ZitL Flounder t^^ a. /T, ■ •,' Plaife ib. • s -■ 1 Rough Plevrone^s p lag in fa Sole Sr. 'Z.ool, •. » Lineated PI. lineatui - ,,_, Luiiattd PI. Innata C. II. 27 XXII. Ch-«todok Scalclcfi Ch alepidotus Angel Ch. trioiteguj C. I 31 XXIII. GlLTHlAD Lane fnapper Sparus fyna^ris C. II. 7 > .^.- Pork.filh Sp. rhomboiiles C. II. ^ Porgy Sp. chryfopa C. l. 16 Silver , Sp. argyrpp$. Radiated Sp. radiatus. C. II. if .. %'>.': i'l ■': Virginian Sp. virginicui XXIV. Wrassi Mutton Labrut anthias C ^^ ?f Mangrove L. grifeui C L. Havus • s C. 1 9 9 ; J,.- Hog 11 • s Gaper L. hiatula ; ■ ' ."■ ' ■ Drum L. chrom'.s C. jipp» XXX ■ f Yellow L. fulvus C. \i .0 •/v ' "i '• .,/ .'s^n' ■ A'- Cinereous C. II. 11. fir, 3 Bone C. H. 13 '* Great ? C. II. IS 1 XXV. Perch : River ? Br. Zool. C Jpp, V • Yellow-bellied Labrus auritus. C. II. 8 Dotted Perca punftata ; ' ' . ,'•■■• Whiting? P. alburnus. C. II. 12 .' 1.' • " Crolccr P. undulaia C. 11. 3* Eyed P. occllata ." • ./. ." Noble P. nobilis • -3 Philadelphian P. Phi.adelphica Black P. atraria Margate P. chryfoprera C. TT. 2 1 Negro P. punaata C. II. 7 Hind P. guttata C. H. H x; ••> ^.;* ;■' . Venemnus P. venenofa , ..., C. II. 5 Black- tail P. melanura C. II. 7 ' B 3 Rudder .^H, I '■,'il'' t « ) 1 XXVI. Stickle-back Rudder Striated Grum Trifurcated Bafs ? Apodal Crevalle Canada Skip-Jack Two-fpined P. feftatrix C. 11. g '.^^X^ P. ftriata P. formofa C. II. 6 •2>.^-' P. trifurca Br. Zooh C. App, XXXIII. C. II. 4. Gafterofteus Carolinus G. Canadus G. Saltatrix. C. II. 14 Mu/.BL • XXVII. Mackrel XXVIII. Gurnard Yellow-tail Scomber Hippos w. *--\ '-*" XXIX. Loch -- XXX. Am I A * XXXI. SiLURE XXXII. Trotjt I XXXIII. Pike XXXIV. Elofs XXXV. Aroentine Flying Rough Beardlefs Mud-fifh Cat Armed Salmon Trout White fifh Long Fox Green Sea- needle Under- jaw Barracuda Common JForked I Caroline Trigla evolans N. S. Muf, Bh ABDOMINAL. Cobitis heteroclita ^ Amia calva Silurus felis. S. catas. C. 11. S. cataphraflus. C. III. 19 J?r. ZooL Br. Zool. Mr. B» Salfno lavarcttus ? ' S. fee tens. C. II. 2 . Efox vulpes. C. II. I E. Offeus. C. U. 30 Br. Zool E. Brafilienfis. Mr. B. C.II. I Br. Zool. C. App, £1. Saurus Arg. Carolina. C. IL 24 * * Peihaps a herring. XXXVI. t • • "V ■* ( 23 ) XXXVI. Atherike Silver- fi(h Ath. menidia XXXVU. MULLIT White Mugil albula. C. H. 6 Common * £r. Zoo/, €, App* XXXVIII. POLYNEMg Virginian P. Virginicus '^i-M XXXIX. Hbhrinc Common * Br, Zool, Shad ':;; lb, CJpp.XXXIl XL. Carp. Common ' Br, Zool, C, Aff, Roach ib, ib. ©ace ib, ib, T? ** Mummy-Chog. N. S. Muf, Bl, r ••• -■ \ ..V^->- -•* .'vl *». - A-w. . . - :xvi. CLASS V. INSECTS. SECT. I. Beetles. I. Chafer Scarabsus lunaris. Mu/, Bl. -■'-■,, — H _.. ,._^- .aloeus - *""ir''' " ' ' ' lancifer [ naficornis ■ Carolinus » '' mimas - / carnifex nuchicornis Marian us ftercorarius Amazonas wu .. Sarinamus nitidus fepicola hordeola, a variety occidentalis lanigerus fafciatus Indus ' brunnus ^ t^ • ,. . pundatus B4 .^jifcrlVl ' -"i*. :, *» BIBTLt XIIL BtUTER-BEETLB Meloc XIV, Stinking-bbbtlb TcQebrio occidentalis Boleti Philadelphica 3>inacu]ata Americana lineola bicolor, variety with red thighi, fcopolina obA:ura lo-macalata iz-punAata JPhellandrii tomentofa Rhoi. N. S. tiuf, BL fpinicornis. N. S. Muf, BL lepturoidcs. N. S. Mu/. BL hneato-pundlata. N. S. Muf. BL trifurcata. N. S^ Mm/, BL Jaticlavia. N. S. Mu/. BL fimbriata. N. S. Mu/, BL frontalis. N. S. Mu/, BL Hudfonias^ N. S. Mu/ BL :'Z veficatorius majalis cincrca* N. S. Mu/ BL[ chalybeus ._ . j . * ^ - Mauritanicus Cttlinaris .^ ( 2,6 ); 'Cf'f.?> ti'^r/fit > culinarb foflbr 'tI-% fCr^ul >1 't; XV. ToRTOisE-BEBTL* Calfida viridis ^'' ,; bi|»uftula? Mu/.Bl. • # * ♦ XVI. GiossY-BEETLR Cicindcla hybrida Germanica xiparia ■-.' . J- V Jr J^ XVII.Grovnd-beetle Carabus i. t '-^■vu:/^ ,/>-,.,, ■! , i-s .." .j^ I n ^^^ ■ iv: '. ■« * *' * •, ■■■ji.,.-.",-: C .n\ XVIII. BuRN-cow Bupreftis I y t* y I"' ^- ; pv.'ji : granulatus, y, hortenfis leucophthalmu). . inquifitor livid us, fmall variety jnarginatus crepitans Americanus cyanocephalus vulgaris piceus iericeus. N. S. Muf. Bh fafciatus. N. S. Mu/. Bh gigantea mariana chryroftigma Aullriaca r-> IX XIX. Spring-bbbtlb Elater . .. > iss >«> » s -.1 oculatus phofporeus ligneus ? obfcurus J" XX.Water-beetlb XXI. Softwinced- Beetle / Dytifcus fufcipes marginatus Malacopteryx Amcricauus. N. S, JHu/l Bt, Cantharis tropica XXJi. Wood-beetle Leptura myftica detrita '■» ' «■-*♦• Robinis. Cx /id 'd\ « 31. i ^r » XXIII. Capricorn. Cemnbyx 3BETLB. ^-1 - --...,.,„ k .'- .;i XXV, Clipt-wingsp Necydalis Beetle .~.,-„-*^. Robiniae, Drurf, t. 41. f. 2. N. S. Muf, BL Americana. N. S. Muf, BL nitens imbricornis coriarius, variety melanopus ^ lineatus 7 ,-?» %ir4?; %yjil fpinibarbis araneiformis 4-maculatus iuccindlus ' fuaveolens CoquQS hifpicomis. Drury* t, 41. f. 4. rufticus bajulus tetrophthalmus. N. S. Mu/, SI, bwnnus. N. S. Miff. BL palliatus. N. S. Muf. BL clavipes. N. S. Muf, BL ■• T» ■ - -.- ■ t '^ ' "'C # # # * XXIV. RovB-BBBTLB Stapbylinus hirtus ^ - »» • • •■* (U A -' i::x :x erythropterus ■. collaris. N. S. M«/ BL XXVI. Earwig «.. V; > I.' t *> ) ri: :y \V .'. .v*'--V *3i;a''i3H citrifoIiM Uarifolins myrtifolius? • -^ ' /Al^^il^ fnccindut •,A.:^^ '''\ criftatut "i-^s ■"'*.■ *■''' ?- V;l-»i;i,v ,-•.• ,',.':vCii;) Carolina* << • XXX. Flia-locv&t Ckida (quamigera ■t^'y .'p' ■' , V'*'"*' tibicen ieptendecioi violacea fpumaria phalaenoidei - Lanio »k .1 .:.& J . . i .i:.rt^r>-;'--'. . carinata. N. S. Muf. B/, ' . ^ ; ^,w;tv- gattata. N. S. Mu/. BL coccinea. N. S. Mu/, BU XXXI, BoAT-rLY Kotonefta ^laaca lineau. N. S. Mu/. BL XXXII. Watbrscorpioi» Nepa XXXIII. Bv« Cimex grandis lefticalaris. Kalm, bidens iflericus floridantts hxmorrhous baccarum >rafinus ,, V ^ . i. -.^ <«> biguttatns, variety with red dots and marges ' criftatDs trifafciatus X fuccinftut lacuftris ?r XXXIV. ?LANTsvcKiR Chermes AIni. Kalm XXXV. CocHiN£AL Coccus Cdt^, Bartrom^t FltridA SECT. III. .4 ■ W» - , A ( a9 ) ■^m^-x SECT. IIL Papilionaceous. Insects. XXXVI. BuTTSRFLr Ftpilio ■ . < I XXXVil. Hawk. MOTH Sphinx XXXVIL Moth Ajax. £4/w. 3^ "* Podalirius Apollo. ^IfV^^/. ^^ Sralfice HyaJe Eubule • BccKplis v' { - Midamus P2«xipp«t •' ''» '1; /• ; Mi£ppat Chryfippiig Caathus i\l«an« Orithya Cardui Andopa. i[Jm, urticae C. album. Atalanta Bwphrofyne. Kaim, n i .li iX Cupido quercQs £chion . r Virgaureas Bixs ocellata Populi Carolina Celerio Pinaftri fuciformw. (i. Tit/ui ■ T r- «■ -? '"J/; ,!.i.t ;C Phalacnt Atlas Cecropla Paphia Imbm I': f >4I ' ( SO ) ■ / •: J Luna '' • , , Virgo , *. , Chryforrhosa t '>^\:\ ,tf J r v^^ .$3lrcVr lubricipeJa . ..t5. i a^' .* ;7X;' •^ . f •?''x4 rr*:'. paranympha **^ ,1 .1 Ji.t* 5 -v'*^ •"'^'"'^ Gamma » fei»:u.w:.o'f bilineata \»r ."^.st 1 — ;v<\ .K'ait^?o.I viridana s.^a^ili pulchclla SECT. IV. Insects with nervous Wings* XXXIX. Dragon. Libellula FLY flaveola deprefTa aenea umbrata Americana Carolina XL. Cambl-fiv Raphidia cornuta XLLSpring-fly Phry gaaea bicaudata XLILPbarl-fxy Hemerobius pedlinicornis > 'Vi XHn. Scorpion fly P^anorpa communis SECT. V. Insects with Stings. XLIV. Bee Apis iMiV/i i ft^VIv:--' m - ■ ' T . £jii V .&..y,'y-.-.; f illuceni. Dniry* 1 44. f. 1 leucopa^ vomitorift > carnaria domeftict • • - r LVIU [, WHAMf Tabanui , Americanas. N. S. Mu/, Bh 1 tix. Gadfly Oellrat Tarandi *i SECT. VII. Insects without Wings ft LX, SUOAKMITB Lepifapa faccharina ' '. . .. . / r LXI. Ground- Podiira PLEA -4" ' dotted C. punAatus 1 rj .-♦i^ »vi' i'M®<;>^ C. Grapfm, Co/. II. 36. N» I. , |n,\ ^,j reJclawcd CIypheii^us. AT/^.S/. LXXII. MiLLK^BE dnifCKs''- -.^'beftrnm. Mu/. Bl. .^..'".'I!- Phyfodes.A/i^/i?/. ■"•"*""' ^" Ceti ^ Afellus LXXlM. esstlPEe Scoiopendra forficata ^ Aiorfitani. Cai. II. 2* „,.,;.' i.c '....,.■^'''.-.,1 occidentals LXXIV, GalltwoHm Juliii jnarina trains .. vv - i Ji U U i> I,. .-„ i-V' '}■*- TESTA. ■, vf • • (( » ) / • % ■' • 1 ■ .teii^I/r 3 -M/.I E S TAG E 0 U s. > RifEiLBNCES tg American Shells, ^ .'^\k Hift. Conch, «». "! • • ei^raved in Lifter's LiWNb ^•^^•*' *i*l9 .;'< V ^. Sei Bivalve.. N* 34. «79 4$ ^•"'' » 196.358 u"> 69 is 93 RiYit ^ s River Bivalve i; TwtinfATBD 4 ;.. ... 6 ^ I ;^^^ .2 7 »5 . 35 tja-H'it^ i:-i .1 JT >/. til >[.!».*> u '.:3 300. 434 277. 436 Sea turbinated. 855.8. i« 1058. — 10 1059—2 A -^ .i:>//vf )• T -.-^ / I SHORT I ,.\l/vl Lifter's 34- «79 196. 358 too. 434 »77- 43^ 55. a. 11 >S8.— 10 I0j9— 2 I • t ■' •' /.f ORT < 35 ) I ^' ■ . *i • I ' ..*^'» b SHORT DIRECTIONS ■ ' f •# » J For Lovers and Promotbrs of NATURAL HISTORY, In what manner Specimens of all Kinds may hi colledted> preferved> and tranfported to diftank Countries. : , : !»' * h f-f .!, I. AL L Quadrupeds of a great bulk muft be (kinned as foon as pofTible after death y the tail, claws^ teeth, horns, ears, bridles on the nofe and chin, are carefully to be prefcrved •, the hair of the fur as little flained with blood as pofTible ; the opening is to be as fmall as it can conveniently be without hindering the ope- ration ; the infide of the fkin may then be waflicd or brulhcd over with a liquor, made of an ounce of Sal Ammo- niac, difiblved in a quart of water, in which afterwards two ounces of corrofive fublimate Mercury muft be put : or four ounces of Arfenic may be boiled in two quarts, or two quarts and a half of water, till all or the greater part of it be difiblved, and the liquor may ferve for the lame purpofe to wafli the infide of the (kin : then the whole cavity mufl: be fiiuffed with oakum or tow, likewife fa- tMrated with the above liquor, afterwards dried and mixed C z with • I r' ,'111 *'■' • V ■■.« ■.■■*■ , ■ -''V V." f •• with a powder of four parts of Tobacco-fand, four parts of*poundcd black Pepper, one part of burnt Alum, and one part of corrofive Sublimate or Arfenic : laftly, ^he whole is to be fewed with a thread dipt in the above liquor, and the fkin thus ftufFed muft be gently dried, and a day after put into an oven, whofe heat muft be fo gentle, that a hair, or a feather put for trial's fake into it, will not crifp,' or' ciirl, or bend; and thus it will be 'perfe<5fcly dried : the eyes may be filled up with putty, which, when dry, will look like the white part of. an eye, and will bear painting, to exprefs with oil-colours the ins ajid pupil of the natural eye of the animal in queftion. The whole animal muft bfe put into a box, filled vyith tow or mofs, pr oakum fte^ped in the above liquor, and perfe6bly dried. The box muft be bruftied over on both fides with the above liquor, and dried ; and the crevices fhut up with pieces of paper pafted over ; the pafte muft be made either witli the arlenical liquor, or that made with corrofive fublimate inftead of common water -, and I can afilire thefe pfecau- |j/3Tis, though cheap and fimple, will ke^p the animal in •tlie'beft prefervation oh the lohgeft voyages, and for many ;^3gWirs in a colledlion. This way of preparing and fecuring t|^ boxes for fending fpecimens abroad, the prepared fi^kum or tow, the powder and liquor mentioned above^ #fe always to be underfiood when I afterwards fpeak of prepared "boxes, prepared tow, mofs, or oakuni, alid pre- paring powder or liquor.' ' >, , II. Small Quadrupeds may be plunged into a keg of brandy, rack or rum, and thus fenc over: obferve how- ever to put them firft into the coarfer kind of fpirits ; and af 'er they have been therein for a while, and parted with fOnrte impurities, you muft put them into another vefiel with new clean rum or brandy, into which fome r^.\um may be put; and they will keep thus better, and be lefs fubjeft to. change or decay. ' • "V " « • ^ III. Birds muft be opened at the vent, their entrails, ' * lungs. 1^ parts , and r, fhe iquor, a day , that ill not feaiy when 11 bear ipil of whole ofs,9r dried, above ;ces of ith the >liniate >recau- mal in many curing epared above^ ak of d p re- Leg of how- )irits ; [parted lothcr fome and itrails, llungs. «| ' ( 37 ) liihgs, and craws taken out, waflied with the above pre- paring liquor, ftrewed with the preparing powder, fluffed with the prepared oakum or tow ; their plumage kept clean during the operation, fewed up with thread fteeped m the preparing liquor; the eyes taken out, with the tongue, and both places wafhed with the fame liquor •, the mouth mud be filled with prepared tow in great birds ; the eyes filled up with putty, and, when dry, painted with oil-colour after the natural colour pf live birds of the fame fpecies, and then dried in an oven: however, as. there is all the meat on the bird left, care muft be taken not to take too plump or too fat birds, and dry them flowly under the fame precaution as mentioned N° I. The operation muft be repeated till the bird be per- fedlly dry. The attitude may be given to the bird before he be put into the oven, by wires thac are fharp on one end, and thruftcd through the bird's legs, body, breaft, and neck, and others going through the wings and body. Small birds are like wile well p refer ved in brandy, rack, or rum-, and when arrived at the place of their deftination, they muft be v/a(hed and fweetened in frefti water for fcveral times, and laftly dipped in the preparing liquor, the plumage laid in order, the atdtude given to the bird by wires; and then dried. Care muft be taken to kill the birds with (hot proportioned to their fize, and at a reafonable diftance, that the fpecimen may not be mangled and torn. Young birds which have not yet moulted, muft not be taken, but old birds in full feather, and, if poflible, a fpecimen of each fex \ for the fexes often vary Very much in fize, feather, and colour. The nefts of birds, and their eggs would likewife contribute towards pertedb- ing the hiftory of this branch of zoology. IV. All kinds of Reptiles, as fnakes, lizards, and frogs, and fmail tortoifes, muft be put into brandy or rum with alum in it : obferve not to take fuch fnakes or lizards as have 2ccidentally loft their tails : the fcales of thefe animals muft be carefully prefervcd. V. Fifh :iti-' I- ■ ■ •% , 'Vi.: ";i, •>i: ^. ' »., ^'V (' 3? ) V. Filh of all denominations will likewife bear fending in bottles or kegs with brandy br rum. The fins, and tails of the fifli, their fcales, and in Ibme kinds, the beards, or other fmall charaderiitic appendages, mud not be rubbed, lorn, or deltroyed. VI. Infeds may be caught in a pair of forceps covered with fine green or white gauze, which for better ftcurity may be fewed over either with filk or thread. The coilec-, tor muft hwve a pincufhion, with three or four different fi^es of pins, calculated for the different fizes of the in- fers i one or two chip-boxes lined on top and bottom with cork, all fleeped in the preparing liquor •, one or more larger ftore-boxes at home to put therein the infe<5i:s caught in the various excurfions ; a large Mufcheto gauze-^nec made in the Ihape of a bat fowling-net, which is to be got ready made in London •, and a thread net with fmall mefhes on a round wire hoop fixed to a long pole, in order thus to catch infedls that live in water. With thefe inflruments all infedls may cafily be caught. The beetles muft- have the pin run through one of their v/ing-ihelis ; the half- ringed infefts through the thorax, and lb iikewife muft be done to butterflies, hawk-moths, and moths, to the in- fers with four and two membranaceous wings, and fome of the infects without wings. As the papilionaceous infefls very frequently beat their wings, and thus rub off the fine Icales covering them, it is neceffary to give thefe creatures, when in the forceps or ner, a gentle fqueeze at the infertion of the wings in the body, and to put them, when returned home from an excurfion, on a large pincufhion, by which ipeans they will be enabled to reft their feet on, and this will prevent their fluttering. Beetles, and many of the half-winged infedls, may be dipped in the preparing liquor, which will kill and put them foon out of pain and pre- vent fmall infeds from dcftroying them. The greater part of beetles may with as great propriety be plunged into a i : bottle. ending id tails, rds, or ubbed, overeci L'curity collec- ifFerent the in- bottom 3r more c^iiight uze-nec )be got L melhes ler thus •umcnts ft have le half- muft be the in- nd fome s infedls the fine eatures, infertion returned ►y which and this \f of the y liquor, md pre- ater part d into a bottle. ( 39 ) bottle, wit' rum or rack, and thus fent over. This can, likewife be done with all marine infe«5ts, fmall crabs,, millepees, eentipees, fpidcrs, gaily- worms, fcorpions,^f,. ajid many curious grubs or caterpillars, which arc the fii:ft ftate which beetles and butterflies, moths, ^c. live in. To each infe6k, not in fpirits, put a fmall paper, on which is m^ked the time of the year it is caught in, the ^lanc oir food it lives upon, its changes, and what animals feiaft again iipon the infedt, and other fuch particularities. . \ ' VII. The fhells, both thofe found in frefti watCN lakes^ ponds, and rivers, and thofe that live only in the ocean, mufl not be chofen among thofe that lie on the fhores of the fea and frefh Waters, and have been broken and injured, or rolled by the waves and expofed to th^ air and &m and thus calcined ; but rather as frefh i.% poHible, and with the animal in it: one or two f^eci« mens of which may be preferved in Spirits: from the reft extrad the animal, and keep the meli, when per- fectly dry and fweet, packed up in cotton, tow, or mofs. The fame is to be done with the echini or fea^eggs, and other cruftaceous animals ; efpedally be careful to pre- lerve their curious fpines, .^^ >- .suii^^tui •J. Vlil. The karder and ftohe-like animal produf^ioh^ of the fea, comprehended under tlie names of Madrepiores, Millepores, Cellepores, Corals, and Gorgonias^ are either without its inhabitants, and then they want no other care but a good packing in cotton or tow; or the ani« mal is ftill alive, and then it would be neceflkry to put the fpecimen in a flat vefiel filled with Sea-water^ and to watch the moment when the animal puts but its arms or branches, and then to pour inftantly a good quantity of ftrong fpirit into the water, fo that the acid of the liquor may prevent the animal from drawing in its brs^nches or arms : after this, the animal may be put !f: )«' 4- If:*" "** f * :■•■-■ ■ .r„li <' ' ;■ 1, .vf' >..■■■', ( 40 ) put into another glafs, with new ram poured on it^ thftr glafs muft be well corked, and covered with putty and a bladder. All the alcyoniums, fpunges, hornwracks; pipe-corals, coralines, fea-feathers, and other curious zoophytes, muft be . treated in the fame manner ; a* this would be a means to acquaint us with the varxousi inhabitants of this curious tribe of marine prododiions/** »' :' IX. The various worm-like animals comprehended under the name of Mollufca^ may be bcft preferved in: rum or brandy : only obferve to pour the rum on them, when they are putting out their arms, eyes, horns, tenta-' cula, and other parts of their frame. "^ iu^Hiu^a ,r-:i^;j * X. To the quadrupeds, birds, reptiks, fifti, and in" general to all the fpecimens, muft be fixed lead ticket? by nieans of a wire, and a number on the lead fcratched in-, which muft be referred to, in a paper, where under the fame number the colleftor would be pleafed to write the name by which the animal goes in his country, or among the various tribes of Indian nations, with the foodj- age, growth, nature, manners, haunts, how many young or eggs it brings forth, in what manner it is caught, what it is'ufcd for, &c. &c. g^w?^»ii*?yuiiij:) iimi ^vi^J '4 XL The vegetable W 3 make getable , their old cli- y one^ beyond ( 41 r bi^yOnd the Atlantic: riothing is therefore more ne- teflary than to facilitate the tranfportation of feeds and plants into diftant countries in a ftate of vegetation. The ingenious and great promoter of natural hiiiory^ John Ellis, Efq; has favoured the world with a curious pamphlet, containing the bed dired:ions for that purpofe > it would be therefore fuperfluouS to repeat what he has already faidj were it not neceflary to make my perform- ance more compleat; by inferting a few hints abftravSled from his ufeful publication •, and adding to it fome re- marks of my own. >-u: jifji ; . . . :\-i V Seeds of all kinds^ intended to be fcnt abroad, muft be. coUeded perfedtly ripe in dry weather^ and kept dry without expofmg them to funfhine. Hard nuts, and leguminous feeds^ may be plunged for a moment in the preparing liquor and then dried again^ as this would prevent infeAs from attacking them. In general muft the feeds be previoufly examined, and care taken that no infefts may be fent with them ; this can fometimes be difcovered by the naked eye^ fometimes by a magnify- ing glafs; and by a little brown or black fpot on the oiit- fide of the feed •, fuch ripe and chofen feeds, if of a good fize, each of them may be wrapped in a flat piece of bees-wax; if Imall or quite minutCi many may be put together! in fuch, a piece of bees-wax^ or, what is ftill better,, in a piece of cerate paper^ tie. paper fteeped in melted bees-wax^ and all thefe parcels muft be put in a pot or box, proportionate to the quantity of feeds you have, filled with melted wax, to the iieight of about the fize of the feeds you are to fend* t>r,u:it parcels you have made ; and when the wax is ,pretty ,copl, bp: ftill fofc, lay your feeds or parcels in rows in the foft wax^ and then fill 'again fome melted v/ax in^aji^procctfd to lay feeds in the fame manner till your pot or box Be full. Pulpy kcds, as thole of ftrawberries, mulberries, arbutus's, , D may *'• ; :»^«* I « . lii ' ■ ' ■> ■«, " i-f ■ ■!.■■';■.■>■ •It ■ 4 'v <<* !'■'.•'*' ( 42 ) inay Ijc fqueca^d together, prefling but the watci^ par- ticlcsi drying thelc fmall akkcs, and then putti/ig chcm in the abovemtntion^d cerate paper. Or fmaU fced^ mixe4 with dry fand^ and put in cerate paper, packed in pro- portionate glaffes, and covered with a bladder or father, ind all fuch glaiTes again packed ip a vefl^l, filled with a imixtui-e, cdnfifting of half culinary fait, the other h^lf pf two parts of ialtpetre, and one part of fal ammoniac^ will keep the feeds cool, and prefervp jcheir vegetative power. •'■. • ' :i \ Plants or fhrubs that ar^ to be tranfported, hiuft i)e taken out with a lump of foil covering the rpots, which muft be wrapped in wet fnofs, furrounded with paper or a Ruflian baft-mat and packthreail ; plants thus packed may be put in a cheft or box upon a iayer of three inches deep wet mofs in clofe pws, fill- ing up all vacancies with mofs. Soipe holies or flips u) the lid of the box, covered with baft-mats pr fail-cloth^ will give them air^ and a direction muft be fixed on top, to keep the lid uppermoft, and the 1:)0X in an bpen S)ut fhady airy place, out of the ipraypf the fea:'the ame caUtion, in regard to air and fea, m^flt be takeq with the boxes containing feeds. ' "^im-j'm^^ XII. Minerals, foflils, and petrefadkions of all kinds, buglet to be wrapt feparatcly in papers, aiid the whole coiledtion packed in hay, tow, hemp, or cotton^ in a box, fo that none of the fpccimens may touch or rub one another when the box is tranfported by land-carriage, or fhakcn hiy the rdling of the fea. Clays, earths, fands, and fafo, arc j?eft prcferved in glafTe^, or little glazed gaUy-pots coy^rpd With a bladder. Mineral wa- ters may be fafely fUled in glafs bottles, immediately ^• ter corked ujp and pjtched, or covered with putty round the cork. , ■• ^" . ^ • -• »ws, fill^ flips in il-cloth^ Lxed on m open fea:' tiw »e taken 1 kinds, e whole n a box, rub one carriage, earths, or little leral wa- ately af- ty round ( 43 ) ■ XIII. Though antiquities are no ways i^ eonncaiqn with Natural Hiftory, it will however, be very accept- able, if the curious of North An^erica will collcft and communicate to their friends 1q Great Britain, all the in- fcriptions, arnis, yafes, utenfils^ idols, and other things, found in that cpntinent, capable of throwing a light on the hiftory and antiquities of its ^rft inhabitants. • - .* '{" • .^.- .-^