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BY THADDEUS NORRIS, AUTHOR OF "THE AMERICAN ANGLER'S BOOK.' ILLITSTBATED. I PHILADELPHIA: PORTER &. COATES. LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, SON & CO. 1868. ■y ■■>»■*» »-M ani Entered, acoprding to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by W)RTKR & C0ATE8, in the Clorlt's OlBce of the District Couit of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. HEARS * DD8ENBCBT, BTERI0TTPKB8. RRIBMAIf * CO., PBUITEB8. This Book 18 RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED to STEPHEN H. AINSWORTH, Esq., . IK APPRECIATION or HIS PRAISEWORTHY EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH AS A BRANCH OF NATIONAL INDD8TRT. :^; PEEFACE. The numerous essays and articles on Fish Culture which from time to time, have appeared in periodicals and newspapers, clearly demonstrate the increasing importance of this branch of industry, and have promoted a spirit of curiosity and inquiry amongst intelligent people. Some of the first minds amongst our countrymen are giving serious thought as to the means of arresting the gradual extinction of valuable fishes, and restor- ing our failing and exhausted rivers to their former fruitful- ness ; and are becoming convinced that the culture of water as well as of land, can be made to contribute largely to the sup- ply of food required for our rapidly increasing population. Many of the short essays with their illustrations, which ap- pear m periodicals, claim the admiration and excite the curiosity of readers. But most of them, with their few and imperfect directions as to the mode of procedure, are calculated to mislead rather than direct the inquirer. With these facts before us, the writer, as well as other practical fish culturists, have declined many solicitations to contribute essays of limited space and matter to agricultural and other periodicals ; being impressed with the impossibility of doing the subject justice if thus abridged. In the mean time, those who have engaged in it and have a knowledge of the art, are applied to for information (6) VI PREFACE. if 80 frequently, that much time and some pains are required to put the inquirer on the right road to success. The two little essays which have appeared in the American Angler's Book, and the fact of my having engaged in the business since its publication, has made me the recipient of numerous letters and caused a voluminoue correspondence. This has also been the case with my friend Stephen H. Ainsworth, who informs me that the aggregate time employed by him in answering letters and writing essays since he commenced his experiments, would amount almost to a year. For want of directions as to the details of breeding and rearing trout, inexperienced persons who have commenced it have met with difficulties ; which has discouraged others who were .anxious to engage in the business. With the pushing disposition and impatience of many of our countrymen, they frequently ignore the fact that in experiments we learn as much from errors as success. In view of these facts bearing adversely on this new branch of industry, and with a wish to promote it, I have, at the solicitation of several friends who sympathize in the desire to foster it, given all the necessary details to insure success in the culture of our brook trout ; being assisted, as the reader will find, by one who is as well versed in the art as any of those whose names have become prominent in this respect in France. I have also, as the reader will find in the following pages, drawn largely on my experience at the establishment I inaugurated in Warren county, New Jersey. The artificial propagation of migratory fishes which enter our rivers, is destined to be the principal means by which we are to restock our exhausted streams, and restore those that are rapidly declining, to their former fecundity ; as well as in naturalizing valuable species in waters where they have hith* PREFACE. VH orto not been known. On this branch of the subject, I have brought to bear many years of close observation, and study of the instincts and habite of such fishes ; and have availed my- self of all the knowledge of others that has come within my reach. That my observations and directions may be intelli- gable to general readers, in laying such information before them, I have used as few technicalities as I consistently could. It will be seen that I have quoted largely from the great amount of useful knowledge elicited by the enterprising Com- missioners of Fisheries for the New England States. One of the reasons for laying such information before my readers is, that many interested persons outside of those states may not be able to avail themselves of the importt < '. facts which have been brought to light, as the reports alluded to are published only for their own citizens, or those who may apply for them to the Commissioners. As I have duly credited the various sources from which I have received information bearing on fish culture, I will make no further mention of them here, than acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Bertram's work, " The Harvest of the Sea," and Mr. Francis's book on Fish Culture. Although some statistics respecting salmon, and the con- sumption of Crustacea, will be found in this book, I have deemed that any account of fish that inhabit the sea exclu- sively, would be irrelevant to my subject. The publisher of an agricultural paper has urged my com- pliance with his request, to contribute a series of articles on trout culture, '' if there Were no state secrets." I might here suggest, that my startihg a trout-breeding establishment for one of the subscribers to his paper (as I did for others, and that without remuneration), before I entertained an idea of writing this book, is an evidence that I have never had any •• • VIH PBEFACB. I ''state secrets" on the subject. I have a poor opinion of the man whose narrow mind and heart would prompt him to with- hold any knowledge that would benefit those who should \ engage in th«» business. The proprietors of a similar periodi- cal, who oflfered to pay liberally for like contributions, and who must be aware of the small remuneration I shall receive for the labor bestowed on thi book, I hope, will allow that such reward has been but a small inducement ; and that the reason assigned, that I could not treat the subject properly in the spaco allowed \n their columns, is a substantial one. lu conclusion of this preface, I can truly say that I have un- dertaken the task from a love of it, and a desire to diffuse a knowledge of the art. , That)deus Norris. Philadelphia, July 1868 CONTENTS CHAPTER I.— Introductory Remarks on Fish Culture. What it is.— Its advantages over natural propagation.— Time occupies', in hatching— Number of ova of different species- Consequences of all the ova producing fish that would come to maturity.— Object of Fish Culture.— Its antiquity.— Practised by the Chinese and Roman! .—Artificial propagation discovered by Dom Pinchon.— Rediscovered by M. Jacobi.— Subsequent dis- covery of Joseph Remy.— Alleged discoverers.- Experiments of Shaw and Young.— Patronage of the French government Its effects on Scotch and Irish rivers.— Its use as an adjunct in restoring American rivers to their former fecundity.— Commis- sioners of Fisheries appointed by tlie New England States, and the States of New York and Pennsylvania.— Experiment in arti- ficial propagation and hatching at Holyoke on the Connecticut. —Experiments in trout breeding by Stephen H. Ainsworth.— Progress in trout cuUure.—Fish culture in France . P. 13 CHAPTER II— Trout Breedino. The Trout, Trout Pouds, etc. The Trout. -Its adaptability to culture-Season of spawning- Spawning grounds.- Appearance of the sexes at spawning time habits and condition— Subsequent recuperation— Water-supply! —Effect of the temperature of water on the time of hatching—! Spring water necessary for in al)ation. Series of Pwirf,,— Their shape— Method of shading them. 7?«mmy.,.-Their construc- tion.-Protection of them from muskrats— Screons.-Depth and X CONTENTS. size of ponds. — Transfer of fish from one pond to another. — Estimate of number of troat for a given supply of water. — Jere- miah Comfort's ponds. — Stocking ponds. — Procuring and trans- porting brood trout . . . . . P. 26 CHAPTER III —Trout Bbeedino. Incubation and Treatment of Fry. Hatching apparatus. — French and American plans. — Supply of water for a given number of eggs. Hatching-house. — Illustration with explanations. — Filterer. — Troughs. — Nursery. — Manage- ment of filterer. — Washing gravel for troughs. — Implements. Taking th. spawn. — ^^ction of the female when about to spawn. — Method of catching the fish on the spawning-beds. — Indications of the maturity of the eggs. — Manipulation. — Placing the ova in the troughs. — Packing and transportation of eggs.— Manner of taking a large number of eggs for transportation from a trough. — How to examine them. — Illustration with explanations of the appearance of ova at different stages during incubation. — Table showing progress of incubation with water at different degrees of temperature. — Hatching out and progress in growth and ac- tivity of fry. Treatment of fry. — Their food, and manner of feeding them. — Their disposition to escape. — Transferring them to the nurseries. — Their admission into the first pond. — Trans- portation of fry . . . . . 42 CHAPTER IV.- Tkodt Bbeedino. General Remarks, Food for Adults, Profits and Statistics. Food of adult Trout. — Curd, liver, maggots. — Maggot factory. — Allowance of food for a given number. — Natural food. — Stall feeding and its advantages. — Trout culture a branch of farming. — Facilities possessed by farmers. — Will fish culture pay ? — In- stances of its being profitable. — Estimate of cost of feeding on curd. — Proposed trout breeding at Ingham Spring. — Growth of trout. — Description of Huningiie, and M. de Galbert's estab- lishment, in France. — Heidelberg. — Fish cultural enterprise in Switzerland — Trout culture in the United States.— Notice of Mr. Ainsworth's establishment. — Description of Seth Green's ...... 78 CONTENTS. CHAPTER v.— CuLTCBE op the Salmon. xi The Salmon. — Its instincts. — Difference in appearance and size of those belonging to different rivers. — Their former abundance and cause of decline in numbers. — Their growth and adolescence Migrations. — Time of ova hatching in European and American rivers— Growth of the fry, with illustrations.— Early fecundit;- of the males. — Attempts at artificial propagation in the United States. — Their naturalization. — Fishways, with illustrations. Salmon breeding. — At Stormontfield. — On the Dee. — On the Galway.— On the Doohulla.-— At Ballisodare.— In Australia.— Salmon statistics . . . . . P. 102 CHAPTER VI.— Cdltuhe of the Shad. The Shad. — Its instincts, and analogies to the salmon. — Migra- tions.— Former abundance. — Incubation of its ova.— Its growth. — Its introduction into rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, by Dr. Daniell.— Hatching its spawn at Holyoke.— Ascent by fishways over dam of Susquehanna Canal Company.— Report of Colonel James Worrall.— TAe Alewi/e . . Ui CHAPTER VII. — Naturalization of Fishes. General remarks. Salmonid^b.— 77/e Brook 7>om<.— Instances of its naturalization. The Lake Trout.— Mr. Robinson's letter on its propagation. The Schoodic and SncHi ...... 297 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON FISH CULTURE. What it is.— Its advantages over natural propagation.— Time occu- pied in hatching.— Number of ova of different species.— Conse- quences of all the ova producing fish that would come to maturity. —Object of Fish Culture.— Its antiquity.— Practised by the Chinese and Romans — Artificial propagation discovered by Dom Pinchon. —Rediscovered by M. Jacobi.— Subsequent discovery of Joseph Remy.— Alleged discoverers.— Experiments of Shaw and Young.— Patronage of the French government.— Its effects on Scotch and Irish rivers.— Its use as an adjunct in restoring American rivers to their former fecundity.— Commissioners of fislieries appointed by the New England States, and the States of New York and Pennsyl- vania.— Experiment in artificial propagation and hatching at Hol- yoke on the Connecticut— Experiments in trout breeding by Ste- phen H. Ainsworth— Progress in trout culturo.-Fish culture in France. It may be asked, what is Fish Culture. The reply is, tha. V is the propagation offish by artificial moans, and the 2 (13) w 14 AMERICAN FISH CULTUEE. protection of the young from the dangers to which they are exposed in their natural haunts ; assisting and in a great degree improving on nature. It may still be asked, can you assist or improve on nature ? To this I respond, that if the fish culturist has the impregnated spawn under his own protection and supervision, it will be subjected to none of the casualties to which it is exposed in the stream where the parent fish deposits it. That no flood will sweep it away or cover it with dirt, sawdust, or tanbark. That no fish of its own or other species, sailing around like pirate craft, will devour it as it is ejected. That no eel or lamprey will burrow into the gravel-covered nest to make a dainty meal of its contents. That no duck, wild or tame, or long- legged wading-bird will gobble it up. That no water-rat, muskrat, mink, or other predacious quadruped will feed upon it. I would now in return ask my interrogator, if ten out of a hundred eggs should escnpe all these adverse contingencies and produce ten infant fish, if he supposes their own father and mother or other fish would hesitate for an instant to pouch them, or that aquatic birds which would have gobbled them up in embryo would spare them now? Does he think that three out of the ten infants would arrive at mature fishhood ? Close observers think not, especially if they were ten infant trout or salmon, each weighed down with the umbilical sac of aliment which it carries under its belly for forty or fifty days. But if the fish culturist puts the eggs of salmon or trout into his hatch- ing-trough, he will likely get eighty or ninety young fish from a hundred. If trout, seventy or eighty of the fry INTRODUCTORY RExMARKS. 15 ch they are in a great asked, can spond, that a under his ted to none ream where 11 sweep it . That no like pirate or lamprey ie a dainty le, or long- D water-rat, i will feed Togator, if 9se adverse e supposes Id hesitate •irds which spare them ben infants vers think Imon, each it which it But if the his hatch- young fish of the fry may he growu to weigh a pound or more, in three years, and are worth seventy-five cents or a dollar a pound in market. If my querist reads scientific journals, he will see that Dr. Daaiell, of Savannah, transported the fecundated spawn of shad across the country to a tributary of the Alabama, ten years ago, and hatched them out and stocked that noble river and its branches with this favorite fish. If he only reads the newspapers, he must have found out that Seth Green sends trout spawn by thousands to all parts of the Northern and Middle States. That Dr. Fletcher has brought salmon eggs from the British province of New Brunswick to stock the salmonless rivers of New England, and" that salmon spawn has even been sent from England to Australia to introduce that noble fish there. That barren salmon rivers of Ireland and Scotland have by means of fish culture been restored to their former fecundity ; and rivers, and even brooks,.that before had no salmon, have been made fruitful of them. There is scarcely a month in the calendar in which fish of some genus or other do not spawn. Some deposit their eggs on stones, brush, or aquatic plants, the ova adhering by a glutinous substance which surrounds them. Others, as the salmon family, excavate their nests on gravelly beds in running water, cover their spawn and leave it to the care of mother nature. Some, such as the stickleback, the sunfish, the black-bass, and others of the perch family, build nesta and stand guard over them. Othei-s, including some species of Siluridae, known as catfish, have a parental Tf \ I : 16 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. iM care for their young, and lead them about as a hen does her chickens. The time occupied in hatching the spawn also varies. That of the salmon requires from forty to over two hun- dred days, according to the temperature of the water ; while the spawn of the shad in water at 75° hatches in fifty-two to sixty hours. The number of eggs produced by different species vary as wide as the time of incubation. A salmon of ten pounds only gives ten thousand eggs, or a thousand to each pound of its weight; while a good-sized codflsh gives a million, a herring forty or fifty thousand, and a five-pound shad a hundred thousand. But a small percentage of ova produce fish, as it is food for fishes and other aquatic animals. If all the fish eggs produced were hatched and the fry arrived at mature age, the seas would be so full that they could not be navigated, and rivers and lakes would be plethoric. The object of fish culture is to profit by knowledge of the facts I have mentioned, and to turn a portion of the waste of piscine life to human account. As far back as our knowledge of the Chinese extends, we find that fecundated fish spawn with them has been an article of traffic. The manner of procuring it is by placing fagots on frames permanently fixed in waters where fish are accustomed to spawn. At the proper time the fagots are collected with the spawn adhering, and the ova either hatched out by those who collect it, or is sold and trans- ported in water. The flooded rice-fields are frequently used for raising the young fish. I would here remark that INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 17 this spawn must necessarily be mostly of species belonging to the carp family, which abound in China. By this mode of culture, fish are made so abundant and cheap there that they are the chief food of the people. The Romans, vying with each other in the splendor of their feasts, left no means unemployed of spreading their tables with the best fish their climate aflforded, and fish culture was brought into requisition to a great extent to supply this demand. M. Jourdier, a French writer on this subject, says of Lucullus, " at his house at Tusculum, on the shores of the Gulf of Naples, he dug canals from his fish- ponds to the sea. Into these canals freshwater streams were led, and pure running water thus kept up. Sea-fish that breed in fresh water passed through the canals into his ponds, and stocked them with their young. When they attempted to return to sea, flood-gates barred their egress at the mouths of the canals, and while their progeny were growing the parent fish supplied the market." The value of the fish kept in these ponds, it is stated, amounted to a sum which in our money would be equal to two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars. Fish culture appears to have fallen into disuse after the fall of the Roman republic, as we find no mention of it until the fourteenth century, when, according to M. Jourard, Dom Pinchon, a monk of the Abbey of R6ome, discovered the art of breeding fish in wooden boxes, the ends being of wicker work and the bottoms covered with sand, in which excavations were made and the ova deposited. The art was rediscovered about the year 1763 by Jacobi a German. 9 * B ff ii 18 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Bertram, in his " Harvest of the Seas," says : " Jacobi, who practised the art for thirty years, was not satisfied with the mere discovery, but at once turned what he had discovered to practical account ; and in the time of Jacobi great atten- tion was devoted to pisciculture by various gentlemen of scientific eminence. Count Goldstein, a savan of that period, also wrote on the subject. The Journal of Hanover had papers on this art, and an account of Jacobi's proceedings was also enrolled in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Berlin The results arrived at by Jacobi were of vast importance, and obtained not only the recognition of his government, but also the more solid reward of a pension." It is strange that so important a discovery should not have produced more permanent results, and that it should not have been followed up at that time with the same suc- cess which has attended the after-discovery of Joseph Ilemy- Jacobi's mode of hatching the ova of salmon and trout, was the same as that of his predecessor, Dom Pinchon, using gravel, however, instead of sand in his hatching-boxes. Dom Pinchon is the first of whom it is recorded that he expressed the ova and fecundateil it with the milt of the male fish ; the Chinese and Romans had not arrived at this point in their pisciculture. In the early part of the present century there was con- siderable controversy amongst naturalists and fishermen 7'n Great Britain, concerning a little fish known as the parr; whether it was a distinct species or the young of the sal- mon. Also, whether the young salmon arrived at its smolt INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. jg State and made its first migration to sea the second or third summer of its existence. To decide these points of dispute, Mr. Shaw, of Drumlanrig, and Mr. Andrew Young, of Invershin, Scotland, about the year 1834 bred salmon Irti- ficially in wooden boxes. It is likely they were aware of the plan pursued by Jacobi and followed his example, as their mode was not heralded as a discovery, and was not different in any essential point from that of Jacobi. I will here say that the result of their experiments proved the parr to be the young of the salmon, and that the contestants were both right as to the period of its first migration to sea, as It has been clearly ascertained that a portion of them, even of the same brood, will migrate the second summer, and another portion defer their journey until the following year. It IS stated also, that pisciculture was practised in x\orway previous to the experiments made by Shaw and Young, and that James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, was one of its dis- coverers. It is useless to dwell on facts that the most obtuse have not failed to notice. I allude to the gradual extinction and banishment from our rivers of the more valuable species, and the consequent enhanced value of such fish in our markets, rendering them almost unattainable by persons of moderate means. The old countries of Europe, thouoh more provident, have suffered, more or less, in the same way, and fish as food has become a question of vast impor- tance. The French government has fostered fish culture chiefly for this reason, and to such purpose that in a few years there will scarcely be an acre of barren water in tb« ^ \ i i! 20 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. empire. Not only fish but oysters, crayfish, and other Crustacea are being multiplied by this new science. The discovery of Joseph Remy has produced practical results which did not follow those of his predecessors. This French peasant, who gained a livelihood from the Moselle, its tributaries, and other streams of his native district, La Bresse, lamenting the sure extinction of the finer lands of fish; by long and anxious vigils became convinced of the outer impregnation of the spawn and all the n-lverse vicissi- tudes to which it and the young fry were exposed. His experiments based on these observations were successful beyond his anticipations, and in 1849, when his doings and those of his, companion Gehin were brought to the know- ledge of M. Coste, professor of Biology in the College of France, improvements were made in the manner of hatch- ing the ova, the patronage of the government was secured, and the present establishment at Huningue, and subse- quently its branches, were inaugurated. The efi"ects of liberal and judicious government patronage bave not only been spread over France, but its henefits have reached all parts of enlightened Europe; and our own country is now resorting to this new science to restock its exhausted rivers, and adopting it as a branch of industry. In a chapter devoted .u iiuT aalmon I shall endeavor to give a summary of v h:>t 'o.^^ ^^en done iu Scotland and Ireland in cultivating that valuable fish. In this country, our utter disregard for the bounties of nature so wonderfully lavished upon us, and our inordinate rage for internal improvements, have caused our state gov- id other • practical •8. This Dselle, its trict, La Vinds of >d of the 36 vicissi- ed. His mccessful oings and he know- lollege of of hatch- s secured, ,nd subse- effects of e not only cached all try is now exhausted nd^avor to atland and )ounties of inordinate r state gov- I INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 21 ernments rather to legislate for the extinction than the protection and continuance of the finer species of migratory fishes. Individuals have been allowed, and companies have been chartered, to construct impassable dams, driving back salmon and shad from their spawning-beds; and not only above, but below such barriers most of our rivers have become as barren of such fish as if they had never resorted to them. These are not the natural consequences of civil- ization and progress, as some would urge, but rather of bar- barism and reckless improvidence ; and at last, when a shad or a pound of salmon is sold for twenty times the price it brought when we ceased- to be colonies of Great Britain, our legislators have set seriously to work to regain for nj the liberal provisions of nature which they have tJirown away. Our separate interests as states, it is to te feared, will defer or prevent the restoration of many rivers to their for- mer fruitfulness, as many of them form the boundaries between, or flow through, several states. The New England States, notwithstanding, have at length set to work with a will, and, from all we can gather from the reports of their fish commissioners, there is much good feeling and concert of action. The joint commission have defined the part to be taken by each state. Those to whose territory the spawning-beds of the long rivers arc confined, have a<.reed to stock them with shad and salmon, and are usin^ the fecundated spawn of these fish to do it the more speedily The enormous number of forty millions of young shad were hatched out by Seth Green at Holyoke on the Connecticut II 52 AMERICAN FISH CDLTUEE. W summer a„d turood into the river. The iatermediate states are to constr-act efficient Sshways for the pa».age of the fish to their spawning-grounds. Those owning the „,onths of the rivers are to provide against destructive fish- ing, and give a free pa«ge to the upper waters. All the s«es referred to have enaeted laws, or revived those that were obsolete, to promote the object in view. It is devouUy to be hoped that a liberal spirit will prevail, and that the ■ energy v.hieh now characterizes the commissioners w.l continue until the much-desired end is attained. I shall have occasion to refer to the reports of the commissioners of each state ; that of Maine is lengthy, and contains much of interest U, the friends of the enterprise; the Vermont report is also interesting, and that of Massachusetts inslruo- tive, practical, and spirited. Th" state of New York has also appointed fish commis- sioners. It is to be regretted that Stephen H. Ainsworth is not of the number. Still, from the reputed energy of Mr. K B Eoosevelt and the known experience and skdl of Mr. Seth Green,* we may expect favorable results. If the latter should go to Canada or New Brunswick to manipulate the salmon, and then have charge of the hatching, there ,s no fear that the Hudson and the stt^ams flowing mto the St Lawrence and the Lakes will be without salmon for n.any years after the fry are produced. Of course fishways are to be constructed, and^wsfM^theprotect^^ ' V^nZ:^r'^^^^^'' I "»" "«" '"'""""' """ ''"'■°''."™' Seymour, wl,„, i. i« -.1^, «k« ■»'■* '"'-«' "' "'° "'°"°'' "" '""'° added to thi'- i!umiui^«ion. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. II 23 fry rigidly e'nforced, or no permanent good will come from merely stocking the rivers. Pennsylvania, on the 30th of March 1866, passed a law making it incumbent on the owners of dams on the Susque- hanna and its tributaries, whether companies or individuals, to erect eflScient fishways over such dams by the first of December of that year, and a competent engineer was appointed to see the law enforced. The companies who had bought the diflFercnt internal improvements from the state, contended that they were purchased without encum- brance, and resist the kw, as some other companies also do, and it is now a matter of litigation. One, however, the Susquehanna Canal Company, acquiesced and constructed a fishway under the supervision of the engineer appointed. The report of this gen.' mm to the legislature shows that shad in numbers and or large sizt ascended the fishways in the spring and summer of 1867, and were taken as high up as New Port on the Juniata; the number being vari- ously estimated from ten thousand to eighteen thousand. Numerous fry were also seen in the river during the latter part of the sumiut^i, as well as some bodies of Shad that had died, as they frequently do, from the exhausting efi-ects of spawning. This proves conclusively that shad will ascend rivers to new spawning-beds if suitable fishways are provided. To introduce them into tributaries which they may not enter, or to repopulute the Susquehanna the more speedily, artificial propagation must of course be resorted to. If it should be decided that the Act of March 80th 18G6 is not constitutional, it remains for the stjite to defray nm i 24 AMERICAN FISH CUT.TURB. the cost of restoring to the people who dwell on the river ■ in question and its tributaries, the privileges of which it unjustly deprived them in constructing internal improve- ments, or granted away to corporate companies. This the New England States have already done, and when appro- priations have fallen short in effecting some desired object, commissioners have footed the bill, trusting to the liberality of their state to refund the difference. Although our state governments have been tardy in avail- ing themselves of the benefit to be obtained from this new science, individual curiosity and enterprise have not been idle. From a lack of knowledge of the requirements and mode of procedure, however, success in most cases has been small or unsatisfactory, and experiments have been almost or entirely confined to breeding trout. Our most zealous and able fish culturist, Stephen 11. Ainsworth, commenced ten years ago with whatever light he could get on the sub- ject from newspapers and periodicals, generally accounts of what was doing in France. With a supply of water that does not fill an inch auger hole, and of exceedingly varia- ble temperature, it may be said, he has taught himself this science, discovering many of its hidden truths not recorded by French fish culturist?, and is now our chief authority on all matters pertaining to it. He imparts the knowledge he has gained by years of unwearied observation, to all inquirers, and has done much by his letters and newspaper contributions to create an interest in the art. He has been my preceptor; all that I shall endeavor to teach in a chap- ter on trout breeding are lessons which I have learned of INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 25 him, or from my own experience which grew out of his teachings. I will give a brief description of his establish- ment and that of his neighbor, Seth Green, in a subse- quent chapter. Breeding and raising trout for private use and to supply our markets is destined to become a national branch of industry, and many who possess the requisite natural advan- tages are now turning their attention to it. I shall notice the efforts of many of those who have commenced it, under its appropriate head. I have alluded on a former page to the fact that the French government is making every effort to extend this branch of industry, so that waste waters which were entirely barren, are now beginning to be more productive than the same area of cultivated land. The fish ponds of Doombes extend over thirty thousand acres. Under the advisement of proficient persons appointed by the govern- ment, all kinds of waters are stocked with fish suitable to them : carp, perch, eels and pike for sluggish streams, lakes and ponds ; trout for the bounding cool brook, and the salmon for the clear swift river. France being a Roman Catholic country, with its many fast days, fish are more requisite than where Protestantism prevails; therefore, fish of the cheaper kinds are more in demand than with us, and are used whore meats would l)o bought in our markets. The cultivation of oysters, as well as Crustacea, is fostered by the government; so, also, is that of sea-fish. Experiments are even being .»aade on the sea coasts, in the propagation and rearing of the finer kinds of turtles. 3 26 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. CHAPTER 11. TROUT BREEDING. THE TROUT, TROUT PONDS, ETC. The TrouL-ItB adaptability to culture. -Season of spawning.- Spawning grounds -Appearance of the sexes at spawning time, habits and condition-Subsequent recuperation. -Water-supply- Effect of the temperature of water on the time of hatching- Spring water necessary for incubation. Series of Ponds.-Their shape-Method of shading them. /Jac.«;a^5-Their construction. ^Protection of them from muskrats. -Screens -Depth and size of ponds-Transfer of fish from one pond to another-Estimate of number of trout for a given supply of water-Jeremiah Comfort's ponds.-Stocking ponds -Procuring and transporting brood trout. The artificial hatching and raising of fish, as I have already intimated, has, with few exceptions, been confined in this country to brook trout. These are not only fish of the rarest beauty and most delicate flavor, but tbey also command the highest pr:ce in market and afford the great, est sport to the angler. Moreover, their spawn is more easily procured and can be hatched in a manner more re- sembling that of nature, than the ova of any other fresh- water fish. The season of spawning with trout extends from the latter part of October to the middle of December; and m Bome cases where the water does not freeze, as in Caledonia ■ spawning.' — awning time, iter-supply. — )f hatching.— fronds.— Their r construction. )epth and size — Estimate of liah Comfort's 12 brood trout. h, as I have leen confined t only fish of but tbey also brd the great- )awn is more nner more re- f other fresh- nda from the smber ; and in 18 in Caledonia w m TROUT BREEDING. 27 creek, in New York, to the middle of March.* When they have a choice of spawning-grounds, trout will seek shallow water of gentle current, with pebbly bottom, or the lower end of a ripple where the water is almost still. To occupy such places, they will run out of deeper water either up or down stream, leaping over an obstructing log, or wriggling through water half the depth of their bodies, the males preceding the females some days. At this season the * About the Ist of May (of this year) I visited Mr. A. J. Beau- mont, near New Hope, Pa., for the purpose of inaugurating a trout- breeding establishment. He has a spring which supplies the power for a paper and grist mill, the water flowing in a raceway about five hundred yards to the mill site. This race is w611 stocked with trout, and the water is of such unvarying temperature that the fish know no summer or winter. On taking a few fish with the fly I found that more than half of the females presented the slender body and peculiar appearance of fish that had lately spawned. When I mentioned the circumstance to Mr. Beaumont he informed me thf t only three days before, while cutting water cresses at the spring, his son removed a stone that lay at a sligh-:^ angle with the bottom, and found beneath it a large number of trout spawn. On examining the ova he could not detect, with the naked eye, any formation of the young fish. The conclusion to be deduced from this and similar facts wliich have come under my observation, is that the more equa- ble the temperature of the water, the longer will the time of spawn- ing extend into the spring of the year, and that trout taken from cold forest streams, where they spawn only in the fall, and placed in unvarying spring water ponds, will, in successive generations, breed later and later, until they take on the habit, in this respect, that prevails with the trout in Mr. Beaumont's raceway and in Caledonia creek. 28 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. sexes are easily distinguished, the males putting on a de- cidedly orange tint, their fins brilliantly red, with the first two or three rays of the ventrals and anal vividly white; while the females are of a sober silver gray. Their forms also differ at spawning time — the males deep-bodied, slab- sided, and long-headed ; the females with the usual small head, and the looked-for rotundity and protuberance of abdomen. The males show all the ardor of quadrupeds on such occasions, and in their contests for the favors of the shy spawners the result is sometimes fatal. I have picked up males at the outlet of my pond whose scarred and gashed sides left no doubt as to the cause of their death. A greater part of the time of the male is occupied in driving off rivals, and fish that wait at hand to devour the eggs as they are dropped. A male may have milt enough for several females of his own size, consequently, his milting extends over a period of a week or ten days ; during which time he may have two, or three mates in succession. A female when she is mated and her spawn matured, deposits it all in c« day or two, or in three days at most; if her mate is H that his milt is exhausted before she is done spi. . '^he seeks another companion. As the time for spawning approaches, the fish fall off in flesh and flavor, which they do not generally regain until late in the following spring. When they have access to brackish and salt water, as on Long Island, where they find shrimp and small fry, this may be in March. In fresh- water ponds where there is much feed, as the larva of flies, TROUT BREEDING. 29 worms on certain weeds, and minute Crustacea, or when they are bountifully fed, they are edible in April. In the streams of the forest however, they are seldom in season before the 10th of May. The peculiar habits, appearance, and condition of trout at spawning time can be observed in clear ponds where they are kept for breeding, as well, or perhaps better, than in their wild haunts. Water >S>^/^.— Spring water, whether hard or soft, if not impregnated to any great extent with mineral, is best, not only for hatching but also for supplying ponds. The' warmer the water the more rapid the incubation, though a low temperature conduces to the healthy condition of the ova during this process, as well as to that of the young fish until the umbilical sac is absorbed, as it is not fovorable to the growth of byssus and confervia. In proof of this I would instance the small percentage of eggs lost in incuba- t.o„ by Mr. Ainsworth; though much of his success in hatching is to be attributed to his experience in expressing the spawn and milt, as well as the care he bestows on the ova after taking them. A spring with a deep source will -urnish water of almost unvarying temperature, and will indicate the mean of the atmosphere in its locality In the neighborhood of Philadelphia, this is about 51° or 52° For hatching, the water should never be above 51° • 46° or 47° is perhaps the best temperature. Spring water is almost indispensable in hatching, as few or no brooks are uniformly clear, or have not more or less dirt or vegetable hbre carried along by the current. It is to be supposed that the beginner has a spring of 3 * r I 30 FISH CULTURE. certain flow for hatching, and perhaps a cold brook which he can also use in supplying his ponds. He will therefore wish to know the size his ponds should be, and the best form. Before I give any directions on incubation and its appliances I will treat of ponds, remarking by the way, that if one uses brook water to increase his supply, he should not introduce it, if avoidable, into his first pond where the small fry are kept, and should make some con- trivance for shutting off the brook or confining it to its usual volume in time of heavy rains. He should do this, not only that he may keep the water in the ^rst pond at its usual temperature, but also to prevent dirt from being washed in, which will soon foul the bottom with mud. The plan usually pursued with those who raise trout as a " crop," is to have a series of ponds connected by race- ways, the latter being used as spawning-grounds for the fish. At least three ponds are required. The first for the young fish from the time they are taken from the hatching- trough or nursery, until they attain the age of eighteen or twenty months. The second pond for the same brood for the next twelve months, at the end of which time they will be thirty or thirty-two months old. The third pond for the same fish from the age last mentioned, until they are three years and a half old. From the last pond it is supposed they are to be taken for sale or the proprietor's table. It will be observed, that when the last pond is vacated the trout from the second pond will occupy it, that the second will be occupied by the fish from the first, and the first pond by the new brood from the nursery. TROUT BREEDING. 31 It requires careful forethought, that the size of tho ponds may be in accordance with the .v ,)ply and temperature of the water. The cause of failure in most cases has been where persons have attempted to supply large ponds with a diminutive stream ; thus exwsing a large area to the heat of a summer atmosphere and the rays of the sun. The shape also of the ponds has much to do with the tempera- ture of the water ; an oblong is preferable to a circle ; if the width of the pond is one-tenth of its length, so much the better, as the water passes through quicker, and retains its coldness to a greater degree. Trees, though they may shade and serve to beautify, cause much annoyance, as the leaves falling or being blown into the water, sink and accu- mulate on the bottom, or are carried by the current against and clog the wire screens which are placed in the outlets to keep the fish in the ponds allotted to them. A cheap and efficient method of diminishing the surface exposed to the sun is with floats or platforms made of rough boards, moored in the ponds ; these also make an acceptable shade and hiding-place for the fish. The race-ways, which, as I have before remarked, are the spawning grounds of the fish, should be five or six inches deep, from two to three and a half feet wide, and from twenty to sixty feet long, according to the size of the ponds and the supply of water. The bottoms of the race- ways should be covered to the depth of three inches or more with fine gravel for the trout to make their nests in. The sides should be of boards an inch thick and twelve inches wide. If the slope of the ground is such that there 32 FISH CULTURE. I will be much fall between the ponds, the water should dis- charge at each outlet into a box or pool, and flow through the race below in a gentle current. The water is thus aerated without creating a rapid, which is unfavorable to a spawning-ground. When ^e supply is small, the water in a pond may back half way up the race which feeds it. At the end of each raceway strips should be nailed perpen- dicularly against the board sides, one set on each side at the entrance into the pond, and another set three or four feet above, so that wire gratings can be slipped in to secure the spawners when they are driven from the race above. I would here impress on the beginner the necessity of not allowing toe rapid a stream in the raceways, or having the water shallow, or gravel in the ponds where they enter. If he does, the trout may find a more acceptable spawning- place in the upper part of the pond, even in broad sun- shine, than in the covered race above ; and if he attempts to secure his spawners at the head of the pond with a seine, he will frighten back into deep water those that might, perhaps, enter the raceway. If the sides of the raceways are lined with boards, it will not only secure them from the effects of frost and prevent dirt from falling in, but will also be a protection against muskrats. A hundred feet of hemlock or third quality pine will cost but a trifle, and will line a raceway fifty feet long. This is also the most eff"ectual way of pro- tecting the sides of ponds from these pests. On perfectly level ground, however, if the water comes within a few inches or a foot of the top of the bank, there is no harbor TROUT BREEDING. 33 for them, as they burrow under water only where the bank is high enough above it to allow them room for their nests. In severe weather, when the ground is covered with snow, muskrats are driven by hunger to feed on grass, which may even then be found on the margin of spring water, or they may come into it for the warmth it aflFords. When they nib the grass, much of it is set adrift and clogs the wire screens, at least I have found it so in my experience. On this account it would be well to have the margin of the raceways and ponds gravelled. A great inconvenience is experienced in keeping the screens at the outlets from be- coming clogged with leaves and floating trash. There should therefore be a coarser screen to act as a leaf catcher, placed before each of those intended to keep the fish in their respective ponds. Seth Green, at Caledonia creek, that he may prevent the fish in his ponds from running up into the mill-pond that supplies them, has a water-wheel turned by the current at the head of the raceway, the edges of the buckets or paddles coming so close to the concavity of the frame in which it revolves, as to keep the fish from ascend- ing, while those from above can descend between the buckets. Floating grass and leaves also pass without obstruction. This contrivance, however, although it will keep the large fish in the last pond, will not prevent those of pond No. 1 from tunning down into No. 2, and the fish of both from getting into pond No. 3, where the yearlings would be devoured. Pond No. 1 being for the small fry, from the time they leave the hatching-troughs or nursery, until they are some- 0 IHiit :||ii . ! t There should not be more than two inches fall from the upper U. the lower end of a trough of tbirty-two fee Tf tto aperture though which the water enters'is a hjf in b « If the supply be doubled, the fall should not be more than an nch. This irill „;„» • , . e uth of an i„„h deep over the strips dividing the trough ."to nes^. The bottom of the trough should be per ety true, and the strips fit neatly, so that the water may no^ liii'i 60 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. flow beneath but over the top of the strips. The strips should also be exactly the same width, so that the ripples over them may be uniform. They should be made of half- inch pine, and should slip out or in ao that they can be removed at one's option. The gravel should be about the sire of peas, and if possible of some uniformly dark tint, that the eggs lying on it may be the more easily examined It should be thoroughly washed, by shaking and turning it in a basket in clear running water, and again, by stirring it after placing it in the hatching-trough, commencing at the upper end of the trough and stirring it in each suc- cessive nest until the water runs clear. Mr. Ainsworth is so careful as to boil the gravel, that he may destroy the eggs or larvae of insects that may possibly remain after the gravel is merely washed. When there is sufl&cient fall i"»;om the spring to admit of it, it is better to have the hatching-troughs elevated about three feet, so as to allow of an easier examination of the eggs, as it is no small labor to attend to them on the ground if one has four troughs to go over daily during the incubation. A few simple instruments are required by the flsh cul- turist. For examining the eggs i small vial, two or three inches long and a half-inch in diameter, is used. The eggs are taken up with a small pair of pliers and dropped into the vial nearly filled with water, which, after replacing the cork, is held horizontally before the light and turned so as to present different views of the eggs. The pliers can be made either of single or double wire; if of the latter, a small bowl can be formed at the end of each prong by bending TKOHT BBEEDINS. 5, the wire into the required 'shape tor olaaping the egg. My fnend Chnst.e, of Dutche. eount,, New Yort, "with a ttle m,tru„.ent made by bending a thin bras, wire into T0I7I r'""'""' '"""" ""<' '-•"-^ " '— " wooden handle, removes the addled ova from his troughs he says, three times as fast as he can with pliers. For dip! p.og up young fish in the troughs, a small net is made by bend,„ 3t„ut pieee of wire into the shape of the letter D for the f,,,, ,^ ^„,^ „^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^_^^^ ^^_^^^ on the onve. for the handle. The material u^d is „ etr : r r """"' '""^ ^'^--^-"^ "^^ ^-^ -^t need no be larger than an ordinary tea cup, and is used by mov,ng the straight side along the bottom of the trough. Tak.n,tke Sj,a.n.-In autumn when the fish work up towards the heads of the ponds, and some of them ente «^ raceways, ,t,s time that the Utter should be covered loose boards, and that persons should show themselves a httleas poss,b^3 to the fish in that vicinity; they can be ob.ervei through the cracks between the boards. It will be seen that the females only prepare the nests. This is done by laymg their sides against the bottom and rapidly «» their tails to displace the gravel, the males in the and fish hat are ready at hand to devour the spawn. The pccnhar motion „f the female when she is about to -pawn or ha, con.mcncec-, is a I„„g, ,,„„, ,;i ■onofte body from head to tail, resembling the mov 1 o a snake along the ground, although she doc, not pro! nr«, her ven. being down in the excavation she Z S2 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. I 11 made, and her abdomen pressed on the gravel to help the emission of the ova. When this is observed it is certain that the trout have commenced spawning. The lower grating or wire screen should then be slipped into its place at the end of the raceway, and the box or trap which I have already described should be covered with a platform made for that purpose. The boards covering the raceway nearest the trap should then be removed, when the fish will run down and find cover under the platform; the upper screen is then quietly slipped into its place and the fish enclosed. On removing the platform the fish are dipped out with a net made of gunny cloth or sea grass skirting, attached to a square frame, which should be as wide as the trap ; it should also be tied at the bottom so that the string can be removed and the fish dropped into a tub of water. As the fish are manipulated they are returned to the pond or placed in another tub, which is to be emptied into the pond after the spawn and milt are expressed. A milk pan of the ordinary shape, holding about six quarts, and filled a fourth or a third full of clear water, is also provided for the spawn and milt. It is better that the water should be fecundated first, 80 that the eggs may be brought into contact with the atoms of milt as soon as they are expressed. The manipulation should be quickly and carefully performed. Putting the hand into the tub and approaching a mule, close on him g n- -t^™. again, and indnoeleri ::' " 7-»-«-P>-ee in the pond, where the eggs or th! young fry at all events would be devoured. The disposi """ "'" ""» "-^-S «"> to enter the race aj i h T ever, ,s ve^ strong. I have seen scores of thcnf th t hal been handled and not ,„ite ripe, on being returned 1 1 pond, wa, for the grating .„ be removed, and would rl up as soon as it was lifted. If there arc many ripe fish running up the race, they my be taken and manipulated once or twice a day. VI. I ere arc fewer spawners. it may be as well to L t cm only on alternate days. After the eggs have remained in the fecundated water for twenty minutes or a half hour or until fh. T from f],o U .. « ' " *"®^ ^^^ loose from the bottom of the pan, they should be washed- a board extending across the race, or the platform of th t;ap a convenient place for doing so. The ed. f ' pan »h„„ d be lowered gently, beneath the surfaerthat th f^sh water „,»y enter. It is then poured off, allowing enough to ren.ain .. keep the eggs well covered. Aftc: this several times, until the water is clear, the I 56 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. eggs are ready to be placed in the hatching-trough. Al- though they will be whirled about by the influx of the water in washing, they are so much heavier, that they will remain at the bottom of the pan. The washing should be done with an effort to give them no more motion than is required in the operation. There are sometimes four or five times as many males as there are spawners taken in the trap, particularly at the first of the season. An additional tub should therefore be provided, and the excess of males placed in it for the time, so that their milt may be used or not, as may be required. The plan pursued in France of holding the fish pendent by the head, as is illustrated in the lower figure in the frontis- piece, and allowing the spawn to fall into the pan of water below, is not practised in this country by experienced fish culturists. By the improved method of holding the vent beneath the water, the unnatural falling of the eggs from a height, and bringing them in contact with the air before they are impregnated, is avoided. It is obvious also that the new mode is more in accordance with the natural way of the parent fish. Before depositing the eggs in the trough, an extra strip an inch and a half, or two inches wide, if a notch is cut out of the upper side, is placed above the strip at the lower end of the nest, to dam the water and increase the depth. The edge of the pan is then gently lowered beneath the surface that some of the water of the trough may enter, and the eggs poured slowly out, distributing them as evenly as possi- ble over the nest. A more equal distribution should after- TROUT BREEDING. ward, be „ade by uaing .he soft .ide of a .^„t feather A n.«t fourteen inche. wide aad eighteen inehes long, wili uffioe for fonr thousand egg, without their lying oiZ of each other. When the strip used for the temper ' ally tha the e^ u..^ „„, he ai^turbed, as they would be should be m the lower nest »nA ^u • , ^ luwer nest, and then in each suopps«)iV« r; ~ *^ '-''. - «■- the fry beiow, hat^ before those above, can have aceess to the nursery when 0. enough, without passing over and disturbing In A trout, the second autumn, when twentyone or twentv ^months ..d wiU give fro. two hundred' to three hul Ihe fourth, frem a thousand to twelve hundred. The fifth from two to three thousand, aeoording to its size. ' The fUh euIturistwiU not be able to procure all the eg^ that h,s spawners have, for his hatehing-treughs. A g'o'd tbe fmes of dr.ving them into the trap. Mueh of it will be devoured as soon as it is emitted, or will be thrown out by repeated nest-making on the same bed of gravel and e„ eaten hy the fish. Notwithstanding all this, hj Cl find through the winter a goodly number of young fish in h. raceway and at the heads of his ponds, that have come from eggs have escaped these dangers. It we H therefore, be as well to exclude the fish from the raceways' "uppppp 58 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. at the close of the spawning serson, and prevent the fry thai may be hatclied out from "oming down into the ponds. This can be done by putting in a fine wire screen at iha lower end of the trap, and a coarse one to catch the leaves and drift at the upper end. The race will thus be turned into an out-door nursery, and the young fish can be taken at the trap and turned into the first pond, when those from the nursery under roof are transferred. Paching and transporting ova. — As soon as the first for- ir'»tion of the young fish can be seen, eggs may be sent off, although some persons think that the eyes should be plainly visible before transportation. The plan now pursued at Iluningue, is to pack them in short wide-mouthed glass jars. In this country shallow tin boxes are generally used. Both here and in France they are packed in damp moss, the top and bottom of the jar or box being perforated so as to admit some air. The bottom of the box is covered with moss, well washed and water pressed out, but still quite moist ; on this the eggs are spread so as not to overlie each other. A layer of moss an inch thick is then placed on the eggs. Then comes anothev layer of eggs, and so ">n until three or four alternate layers fill the box. The tin boxes are Sv3curely closed and packed with saw-dust between, in a wooden box, a layer of saw-dust two or three inches thick protecting the top, bottom, and sides, from exposure to extremes of heat or cold. A tin box six inches in diameter and three inches deep will, with the moss, contain easily three thousand eggs. At a temperature from five to fifteen degrees above freezing point, a box of ova, if care- TROUT BREEDING. ^ »o^, m h,8 hatohing-housc, for more than six ^oeks and en placed then, in h..„n,hs,wWo>a„econ. „;;::' Now York, .ent n,a last fa!l i„ an old tin tobacco b« L large as n,y three finger,, one hundred and twentyeglbT mail ; which fmm a^i i. "^"vy eggs Dy week on the way. On opening them they were 111 i„ good cond,tion but one, which had been n.afhed A few that I i "" P™'^"'™ "'^^ P-king them in moss than I have recommended above If ,h. „ ,, <^^r, the eggs will nndonbtodly ;rish - " '""""^ In manipulating fish by the side of the stream if at a d .tanco from the troughs, the ova is necessarily cald „ water. Care should, therefore, be had that th. , .- ... .. .w ir :;i:; :r •"«"""-- bucket and Mr n i,- ^ ^ "" '" " "" '=«'•"-. .ao 'ke young «3„ emerges from .he ^X L Tv ' "™' ""' g «gg With the yolk attached. II 62 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. figure 1. Looking down on the egg, the speck is seen in the centre, apparently on top, as in figure 2, " Seven days after the ova is taken, (the water at 47°), a small circle is seen around the speck, whether the egg be impregnated or not, and the two are so much alike at this stage, that it is difficult to know which are the fecundated, and which are not, and yet a very close examination will show a difference. The fecundated egg has a clearer speck in the centre, and the ring around the speck is larger, as will be een by referring to figure 3. The unimpregnated is illustrated by figure 4. " When nine days old, the circle in the impregnated egg has enlarged, a slight brownish or bluish gray tinge per- vading the interior ; the germ having spread over a sixth part of the egg, presenting the appearance of figure 5 ; while the unimpregnated still remains as pictured in figure 4. The latter never change after the ninth day, unless to become opaque, which they continue to do during the in- cubation of the fecundated ova, and are as easily distin- guished from them in the hatching-troughs as a few white beads would be if scattered amongst those of transparent glass. " On the eleventh day, the first formation of the fish can be seen ; a brown line extending from the circumference towards the centre of the circle, which now covers one- third of the egg. The appearance of the egg at this time is exhibited, up by figure G, and sideways by figure 7. *' When twelve days old the circle will be seen to cover one-half of the egg. Front view shown by figure 8, side view by figure 9. TKOtTT BREEDINa. "On the thirteenth day the eircle ha, passed three f^^s round the o,„ hem, rented ;; "0" the fourteenth day the eircle has parsed entirely «e egg and the yonng trout i3 Wd, as sho.nt "On the twenty-fifth day, the eyes, heart, arteries, red blood, e.rcuiatl„n of blood and motion „iU be observed 1^- About the fiftieth day the young trout will begin to ::rei:f '""^ '■■'"■ ^'•-"''™-^»---C T: that i b ""'"/ " " '"''' •"'' y' - -'P-hen- «^ , tha I have preferred giving it. I„ referring to the t "1 1 r\"'- ^'■■™""'' =- » -- '-t ».ys . It would have been a great advantage to me in the of my e.perin.en^ and I hope it wm ^of -oh benefit to those who at.».pt the artifieial pr a^n of trout, as they will see at . glanee what hJtalTl" nine years to learn." ° Mr, Ainsworth ha, also arranged the following table |( the ten-perature of the water fro. 37o to sI' sh 1 ■ng the progress of development, the tin.e of ^J^^ 1I..S table „ ,„ade fron. he has kept of all tlfe '"7" '■•;.''"' '""■- f- f"-- years; he says, 'x h vo e of >«tch,ng, as n.y water did not hold at those degrees 1 ' enough to hatch the ova." * I 64 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Average tempera- ture of water. No. of days to flrgt forma- tion of trout. No. of days to formation of eyes and red blood. No. of days to hatching. No. of days af- ter hatching to feeding. 37° 43 81 165 38i» 39* 29 64 135 77 28 62 121 41^ 27 54 109 60 21 49 103 42f 19 42 96 43}« 17 37 89 46 440 16 34 81 45 i° 15 31 73 46P 13 29 65 48= 11 26 56 50' 10 23 47 30 52" 8 18 38 54<» 7 15 32 Appearance of Bpawu U8 tig. 3. as figure 7. as figure 12. By comparing the top with the bottom line of this table, MO reader will observe the large diflference in the develop- ment of the embryo and fetus, and the term of incubation of water at 37° and at 54°, as well as the difference in the time occupied by the young fish in absorbing the umbilical sac and beginning to take food. The time of incubation is five times as long at 37° as it is at 54°. During the time of hatching the fish culturist should examine his troughs daily, removing the addled eggs, which can be easily detected from their being perfectly white and opa(i[ue. A record of the estimated number of eggs deposited should be kept, and the number of bad eggs taken out also noted, so that the percentage of loss in incubation can be arrived at after that process is completed. Pijery ( c t V TROUT BREEDING. 65 precaution should be tatpn *« i j and deatroj, the vitality of the e^l Z"tT "'"'' tliP rlnnj ^^^ ^"®" ^°® IS destroved eM:f """"•''' "^ ^'"'^^ ^-'"e ^-'ruotio/of "taers, until a score may be ch^r^aA u u . T),« , ^ Clasped by its Ions? fino-ers be rem :: hv „" r""""!'™ "' "'""'"' '" "^ •- - f^::;.n:i:t::i:i:-~T .goj.0. .t™gg,. f„. iihoHy. At ,aat tho^sh,, ilir ".e head appears, then the pectoral B.s, then the aTl ^ onh and its honse float, away. Although heils It IS not needv an nmKn: i , o" "cipioss, i'» body is pLided ^ '"' "! ''''" '™- "•« bulk of i provided. Apparently exhausted by its lat» effort a„j „,.^,h,, j„„ ^.^,_ ,^ of provisions t -t, or rests on its side, or stands on^i/hl: :;;lr "'"■ '••"""'^ """-'^''^-f «n ineh Ion,, .„7J II 66 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE, larger than a "wiggle tail" in a barrel of stale rain-water. Poor helpless pigmy ! will it ever rise to the angler's fly, a monster of four pounds, and give him a half-hour's hard fight, or smash his tackle ? Not one chance in a hundred if born in some pebbly brush-covered rill. How many such would its. own father or mother, a foot long, devour at a single meal ? five hundred ? yes a thousand ! If such was not the law of nature, trout would be as tlAck in our streams as mosquitoes or midges sometimes are in the air above them. They would be dirt cheap in our markets — they would be a nuisance. Therefore, He who made nature's laws is all wise. Shall we thwart these laws or violate them ? Did we do so when we made a Newton pippin of the crab apple of the forest? or produced the cabbage, that grows tons to the acre, from a trifling plant found on the sea-shore ? In a week or two, the troutlings begin to move about, then to flit through the mi'uic brook in tho hatching-trough as you cast your shadow over it, and, true to instinct stick their heads under pebbles, or hide under the fall made below the strip at the head of the nest. They become more vgile as the sac is absorbed, and at last, when the whole stock of pabulum is exhausted, they begin to seek their own living, darting through the water after micro- scopic insecfs, groping in the gravel for larvae ; or rising at some minute gnat, or at atoms of blood or curdled milk or yolk of egg, that are fed to them. As soon as the first brood appears in a trough, a fine wire cloth screen should bo placed acrosr the lower end. When F o 8 TROUT BREEDING one part of the trouirh Th« . J '"^ ^°^ those where the screpn. ' ^"^ *°P ^^ Where there are nnt «. . removed into another when two „,o„I . "^°™"' "* ""• ^'■« '""e^ '---:!:: ret: ::■,::;:;-- ^° -" «eae.a,„ «„eceod i„ doing V,! "'"".l '""' »"" or two should elaw i i """«>■■'>>■? a month ft wicn eggs, It IS necessary to nrotpof yh. } ^ v early comers. When th. f u ""^^ ^"''"^ <^^« -.o.h he:ot:\r:::h;rr^^^^^^^ «-a. and .:::ir;c;:th"'" ""''""'" clear. ^ '' "' ^^^ ^^ater becomes Treatment of the Fn/.^Whor, f),« Peared, a little food should ! o^^^^^^^^^^^ ^.^^ '''-^^ of two or three days; when they b^i , : ^ "'""'^ should be supplied U> ther ^.^'^'^ '° '^^^^ '^ -«dily it IP ta tothei twice every day. They will I Ml I 68 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. rise with avidity for the particles that float, and seize those that are carried along beneath the surface. This is a critical time with the fVy, and some, perhaps many, will die from no ascertainable cause. Great care should be taken that they are not washed by the current in numbers against the screens, as many are too weak to disen- gage themselves, the stream pressing them against the wire cloth until they die. It would be well, therefore, to place something in each nest to make an eddy for those that re- quire still water, or have two short bulkheads, as pictured in plan of the nursery. Four or five difierent kinds of food have been recommended. Liver or lean meat boiled hard and grated ; the yolks of eggs boiled hard and reduced almost to a powder ; raw liver chopped fine with a long sharp knife; fresh or coagulated blood; fresh shad or herring roe, raw or boiled : thick milk or bonny-clabber, and curds. The best way of feeding bonny-clabber, is to dip out two or three spoonfuls from the pan in which it has thickened, into the small net used for transferring the fry from one apartment to another. The net is held in the water, and the clabber, by breaking and stirring with a spoon, is reduced to fine particles, while the whey is carried off" by the current. By shaking the net and canting it, the atoms float out and are borne along mostly on top, when the fry will rise eagerly at them, and also take those beneath the surface, as well as the particles that after awhile sink to the bottom. This is the lightest, and, I think, the most suitable thing for fry when they first begin to feed. Curd, which may be fed to them a few vvcvks or a month later. TBOUT BREEDING feeding, „„e e.oeeding a h ," hj ' ^^^-d at each »»».ber two or three alrt I T . ® ™ ''"'S^ " " i"".p of curd J l;:?::' ?t '^ ''°'''''' '-" each, half-full „f „,.,: '^°'- forefinger dropped into triturated sueee.irrand the" ,:" "'' ''°"' '= *™ -'t^e parties .rji^rr-::;- turations rediiM if »„ » ' ™'o* tn- "s reduce it to atoms sufficiently small T„ r j- " '0 the try, the rim of the bowl l/ !' . '"^ surface; the influz of ,^ '"'""' ''"^''^»"' ""« 'fe-t P^ticle a :nd ^nr; hT"'^ """ ""'* '"« - distributed in dirt;r::ir":"r"'- of curd each as large as one's forefinger ftdt th "' floes for forty thousand frv when thev "'' "'• - the, grow, the quantit/sllTd he' Tdrr- ''''""'■ .■>«' double this ,„.ntit, i enough as W a l'"""'' in the hatching-troughs Wl, 1 ^ "^ "'""'"" -ser, the ,ua„t t;"!, h! ^ ' "^ '" '"'° '"^ enough to foul'the botC An h! T"""' '"'■ ■"" if '"e gravel i, stirred Ti.htt th "V? """'^ '^''"°="' have settled to the bottom tLr't^ "1 '"" """ ^"''eit again. If ,„„ much „ t^f 7 ! ^^^ -" A stnp four or five inches wide should now he placed 70 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. fi above the wire screen at the end of each trough, as the fry will leap over the top if it is only an inch or so above the surface, and thus make their escape. When, from their numbers and size, the hatching-troughs become too small to accommodate them all comfortably, they may be lifted out with the small net and placed below. It is well, also, to keep the bed of gravel at the top of each trough an inch or two above the surface, as they ha\e a disposition to wriggle oyer, if it is even the eighth of an inch in depth, and run up the little jet from the supply-trough, then into the filterer, and even into the supply-pipe. Concerning their disposition to escape from the nursery, Mr. Ainsworth in- formed me he once missed many of his fry, and found them in a pond where he kept his large fish. After many days* search for the place of exit, he found that one of the planks had a hole the size of a quill in it, eaten by a wood-worm before it was placed there ; through this, an earth-worm which had found it, made its way, and then through a bank of clay five or six feet to the large pond ; the fry had escaped along this narrow channel. I had a like experi- ence at the establishment which I Sviiied in Warren county, New Jersey ; many thousand of the fry escaping through a crack in the mason-work, not more than wide enough to thrust fh" blade of a stout breakfast-knife in. These little matters of experience I jot down to show the necessity of having the sides and ends of. the nursery of sound plank, and of providing against every chance of escape. A month or six weeks after the fry commence feeding, 71 TROUT BREEDING »«>•?, or, as some call it tho " ' "•" '-"'"' ""o "■'^ »"- «^-eab, the pu ;::;:::;«-;«''•" /'^ earcely e«eeds that of the two trolTV ^'^^ "»s is that the fry mav h. ,^ ''""°° *" '%are.o.„„aroi/i:::;v-v^''''"'''^''' whole width of tho hat.1,- T '"■«'' ""'•''■■y *<> »'--.h3. ih!:et:tz:rr^^--' ■"""l. of the food thrown il ^^ ''''" "'^''" ' «mai„s only to fo„, the h V . " ""' ''"*°' ""^ i' J "J loui tiie bottom ; besidpi it i.„ "nd little eddies, which the tr, ' "" """""^ i-« iu tho „„rse ies i t^. ' "" '" """"' '"■ ^ "" ''-''- After al, the: Jir^T'^r ''-™»S'''- '<■« %H and the windows rd2r.:;;\" ''''"''' weather is fine. Part rf ,t ''''' "'""' "•« -"-or, should be p„t on i °" "* ^'"^ »™' 'ke ^ootwidef„r.i„;:::;:-;-;.;>"„fa "^^ o-ough. Each slab n,av h ™ '=""'' '''^' hi"ges to admit the sun V ""'°™'' " ""^^ '"™ "» - "-ki-g in the sunshine orfhlr^l''"'^™"^"'"- does not cover the grave 1 ""' '"' ""' "■"*' gravel to more than the depth of an 72 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. inch, and su'dli contrivance (which I adopted at my place in Warren county, New Jersey) will meet the case. fraurponation of Fry. — A large number of young fish may be transported in a few cub' ' feet of water. A sh©rt time after they commence feeding, I have no doubt that a thousand or fifteen hundred might be sent off in twenty gallons, if care i? taki^a to renew the water, as I have re- marked on transporting adult fish. A hundred might be taken in a jar holding a gallon, if the water is kept cool and aerated. On one of the plates of the Massachusetts Fish Commissioners' Report for 1867, is figured a tank a-fourth wider at the bottom than at the top, with a pump inside for oxygenating , the wate;r. It is an excellent contrivance for conveying either young or old fish. Care should be taken that the vessel in which the fry are carried is free from any strong taint. A new red-cedar bucket for in- stance might prove fatal to them.* According to the system of rotation in occupying the ponds as already given, pond No. 1 will be vacated by the latter part of summer. The fry should then be admitted from the nursery, care being taken that none remain behind. If any should linger tht^y will become attenuated and ill- favored from lack of food, and may, if they survive, bo hungry devourers of the fry next season. *I this day (May 2gi]i 1868) noted a gre;u disparity in the size of the fry in Mr. Comfort's troughs and nursery, the largest being at least four times the size of the smallest. Mr. C. assured me ho has seen within a few days,, tlie larger endeavor to swallow their smaller brethren of the same brood, and supposes they have suc- ceeded in their efforts in some instances. TKOUT BREEDING. 78 CHAPTER ly. TROUT BEEEDING Allowance of f„„j ;„^ "l '""•> °"'eS<«..-M«ggoW.„,„^._ ^«ili.ies p„.e.ed b, ft™™.™;"' "" '^-'' "^ ''""in,.- of i" "eln, profiuMe-Es.,-™,.:''"'""^ '-'-»"'■'«- Proposed .,.„u. b,eedl„, „ "^ ° ^ °' '"^"^ '"' •=««- rraoce.-HeUelberg.lF Lh"!,!' T '""'' «"'«*«„., i, ...MUb.e„.._.e„ip«orof ::;^:,: " "^- ""-°- -nd can hardly be driv.n > *-^™»' "^ oarmvorous i-»- thou, i^ „;j r,"" '"* '*S-'^'"« food. I have™::::::;;*----" attracted no doubt bv ih. V ^ ' ""^"^ «^^''Ped; -•.'■.eve^eeai^lXrh'^rr P""-*- When the weath rh 111!""' """"" """ '"e *« Orin, .ie. on the „ater and Zlt I """'' '"'"'''■ Ae month of the branch „ r"""'™ '■""»«»■>. P-'..opnre,an;:;;;:,~ ^^ — P" 74 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. at moderate rates, it is the cheapest strictly animal food for a large number of fish. When trout are raised in ponds of the dimensions I have given, it is evident that little or no dependence is to be placed on natural feed, such as flies and their larvae. Hence, the necessity of providing curds, or liver and lungs of animals at prices that will not cause too great an expendi- ture for the value of the crop. I have found that the curd from the milk of one cow which gave fourteen quarts, would feed bountifully % thousand or twelve hundred trout, averaging five-eighths or three-quarters of a pound; the smallest being seven inches long, and the largest from two to three pounds in weight. The food should be chopped or crumbled to the size of peas. In feeding, a good plan is to have a piece of timber extending over the pond ; the person giving the food stand- ing on it, thus familiarizes the fish with their presence. They soon become acquainted with sounds or objects on the bank which indicate an approaching meal. The sight of a person with a basin or crock, or the sound of the chop- ping hatchet, causes a great commotion in the finny com- munity; when a handful is thrown in, heads, tails, and bodies immerge in an upward shower. When they are fed from the cross-timber, they soon become so tame as to take the food from one's fingers — with risk to the feeder, how- ever, of receiving some severe scratches or bites from their sharp teeth. The larvae of the common green fly, known as maggots, are hatched in putrid flesh or animal off^al from May to TROUT BREEDING. December, and are more rutritious as well as mor^ n«* i , M .od dehcous » fish .s a trouv, fed „„ maggot,. Does Trrri *" "' "•"' " ""^ '=^''' "''^° - "-o --ages I have often f„„„d, would exhibit rather a heterogeneou assort.ent,-„„t o.ittiog . few green ea,»rpi,>a^, and d pos.t then: for ineubation in waters that are natural homos for trout. If these diminutive larv. give grorh and flavor ^ trout in wild streams, what would the Zp of green flies do, if fed to then, in stock 'Z I have found then, ta he taken with as n.„eh gusto as " „ turtle was taken by London aldermen in olden L they no doubt produee the same aldermanio proportion" Fron, my own e.perienee, I would say that ten pountof beef s hver produces more than that weight of maggots If boxes are provided, with bottoms of woven wire s!Lien% open to allow the larva, to drop through when shaken ad out, these boxes may be kept as worm-produee. i„ some out-of-the-way place, and taken to the pond and shaken after removing ehe sliding bot.m. Seth Green find:;: head of a beef productive in this way, dipping it i„ t},e water and shaking the larv« off to his fish and setting i away ,„ a box to produee more. An old friend, who tak - .nterest ,„ all that pertains to tront-hreeding diseou.^ 7^ 76 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. on this wisey on maggots as trout food : " The City of Lon- don contains about three and a half millions of people ; its citizens are great ogg-eaters, consuming more than a million daily. To supply this demand in part, egg-producing com- munities have grown up on the opposite side of the British Channel, in France and Belgium. A man, or a family, may own a thousand or more hens ; little or no vegetable food is given to them, but they are fed on maggots, which stimu- late the laying of eggs. This food is obtained in great quantity by digging trenches or pits three or four feet wide and as many deep. The bottom of the pit is strewed with fresh horse manure, and into it is thrown all manner of animal offal j a dead Cat or dog, or any animal that has died naturally, is eagerly sought after. The maggots, which are produced in great numbers, are raked out and fed to the hens." As the matter of food is one of importance to those who intend breeding trout in large numbers, an experiment of this kind is well worth the trial. In ponds of large area, much natural food is found on aquatic weeds and ether plants. The long green silk-like growth, as fine as human hair, which we observe in some waters, and generally in the spring of the year, we find filled with little red coiled up worms; yo"ng periwinkles and snails abound on certain weeds. The larvae of flies are also found on weeds, as well as on decaying brush and logs. Min- nows, and the small fry of harmless and worthless species, wan also bo grown as trout food. It follows, then, that when fish have more range, less food is required to be given them. But in such ponds they I're less under control, and TROUT BREEDING. y^ ; '°. ""';« "■^"- »-"-. if -h pond, are ove.teckod i?r " "A . "' '°°''- '" '""■■ ■« I >-« rec„„,„,eaded .t . provided for them. I„ the former they arc at „ .» the >at,.r, stall fed, under eontrol, and Liy for Cto when wanted. .yrormaiket farmer, have for hatehing trout spawn. Taking the. a, a class hey are far more favorably situated and eirl st^need for the whole routine of breeding and growing an persons of a.y other oeeupation. As re^rds the r «.s.temostofthemhavespringsof„.oreorle..vo,„J ad of the proper temperature on their premises, and goner ally near their dwellings. Labor with them i, eheap ..- can be done at different season, of the year w iho .t ...rfe™,witb their ordinary farm work, „r hiring e::: Jh,eh hey keep of necessity, would, therefore, cause „„ expend, ure, and fill up their leisure time. The 1-ttl -aliet, b.sel, saw, hammer, and j.ek-plane. The only out %-uh, be for lumber, and trout 0. spawn to eon,, eet Jour men, with „ span of horses, a pl„„gh r„a,l ponJ" f l.« »..e I have ,le,eribed. if the ground i, „„t over stony, in less than ten davs Ifth,.f„r„ u oal skill . , ""'" 'armor has no mechani- »k.ll,^. country earpenter, with' the assistance of two 78 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. farm hands, would put up a large hatching-house in a week. The time between corn planting and the first ploughing, might be put in to advantage. After hay and oat harvest, another turn at the ponds might be taken, and the lull after the crops are in would sufl&ce to finish them. Winter, in which the farmer has but little to do, would be pleasantly and profitably employed in attending to the hatching. He would have a certain supply of fish food from curds, and an occasional one from the animals he would kill. Using milk does not rob the butter jar or the pig pen, as it can be turned into curd after skimming, and the whey can go to the slop barrel. A friend in an adjoining county keeps forty cows to supply milk dealers in town. He has embarked in trout breeding, and says if his hopes are realized, and the matter of food should require it, he will make butter instead of selling milk, and turn all the latter, after skimming, into curds. Farmers, taking them as a body, are slow in receiving a new idea or adopting new theories. Wheat and corn, which they know all about, are pretty certain, although they require much labor, and some outlay in their production. But here is a branch of industry which can be grafted on, aqufficulture an adjunct to agriculture. It can be made as much of an accessary as keeping bees or poultry, and with no more labor. Trout are much less mischievous than the latter, they do not invade the garden or a newly sown or planted field, and can always be found within their circum- scribed bounds. " But," says the farmer, "folks w^Jl steal toy trout," a town or manufacturing village withia a short TKOUT BREEDINO aistance suggesting the fear Ti,;. • » also steal vour JlJ ™ ' """ ""^ ""y the neillt '^''^^^^ '"'^« " """derful effect through the ne,ghb„rh„«l, and even through the eounty. The question asked by „any i,, wi„ j.^ „„,.„^^ 1' wll eertaanly pay i„ ,,,,^- ^ J y' y~r ''T ':"""""- "^-^--"^ - I will .iv^ K . ^ ^ " answering this question, I will a bnef summary of what kas been done and then endeavor to show what can be done. A few years since, Seth Green nfta. . • r>hpn W A • , ' ^"^ ^^®'"g what Ste. phen H. Ainsworth was doinc^ nn^ i« • , ij /. . ""'"g) and learning whatevnr ho :;"■ '"'",,"'« ""'» «"■ -tura, estah,ish,„ent, h an la"'" : r'""'" "''"^' '- '"» ">- d. S.OUS and barr.ers to their escape in the old fi.rebay and -way, he soon had an abundant .,pp,y „f ,,,,,J;^ f;"""''"-""^"— ed artificial propagation wl.e a fr """'"'"-'; "■« P'aoe, which was bought for " housand. be,„g valued at twelve thousand. LJ^^Ti -n learn, his pr„fi.i„,«86 were about. thousanL:! 80 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. iQ 1867 five thousand. This year he sells three hundred thousand spawn at from eight to ten dollars per thousand ; and two hundred thousand young fry at from thirty to forty dollars per thousand j the sales amounting perhaps to ten thousand dollars from spawn and small fry, to say nothing of the larger trout which he sells from his ponds. Mr. Aiijsworth experimented in fish culture for recrea- tion, with a desire to difl^u§e a knowledge of the art, and to introduce it as a new industry, and does not follow it for any profit it affords. Still, with his small supply of an inch of variable water, he assures me he could have sold five hundred dollars worth of spawn and small fry every year, if he had applied himself with that object. He has generally refused to sell spawn, unless the object of promo- ting fish culture induced him So his sales have varied from a hundred to five hu ii ^<^ collars per annum. In the mean time, in a quiet way, he has stocked streams and ponds without remuneration. From his largest pond, which contains about fifteen hundred trout of various sizes, he has this spring taken two or three messes every week — eno^h for his family, and a dozen men who are employed in his Dttrsmies. He t tkes them all (^from three-quarters t« a pound avd a half), with the artificial fly. When food- mg them, they ame so tame that they will allow r lady, who is his neighbor, to ift them from the water, and appear to like to Iw fondled. I have just returned (May 20th) from a fishing excursion, wiijre I met him by appointment, and he gave nm these items ve? bally. In the town of Spring Water (I think, in Ontario TROUT BREEDING. county), New Y„,i, , few yea„ ,i„„e, a farmer „w„i„. eh, «trea„ at ^aU„«e, and ,„,<, the property, whoh oo,t h.n. two or three thousand doliars, for ten thol^ d o wonderfu,,, had the trout increased b, natura. p^ t.on .„ a few years, that the place, otherwise of littl vake commanded this price for ite fi,h. ' On Long Island, near the city „f New York, a person culfvates trout and allows anglers to fish his ;„„dT P-o per day. His income from this source ahl --.-«veh„„dredd„,larspera„„um,soIamior: ' T .e amount of h,s sales from young feh for stocUug the ^™ds of gentlemen, who leer «.ese preserves for flyVs . York Tnbnne, reads.- " J 0.000 Live Tr„ut.-Po„ds o„ Lng Island, or no. New York City, stocked with li Book Trout of one year's growth. Address Wm. Nic o W.P, New York... I „ould say that trout of one vea ro!;r„r""-"""^''^-^-^™«--po--n' Mr. Ainsworth, in a letter to the Vermont Fish Commis "T; ''™ °" "'™"'» "'■ "■« P^fi*" -".ieh may be de As h.s figures have connection with the description of the o^s and hoth would ocoupy s. eral pages, [...ust ol tI: t , "'": '"■ ""' '"''° ^'"'"^ -■" «~-e from it. The following „ „ esti™te of my „w„, hased on my "per.onoe ■„ feeding curds. The „,.n,bcr of trout is t!!o F 82 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. same as those intended to be raised in the ponds of my friend Comfort, described on a preceding page, using round numbers. Food — Curd for one Year. Pond No. 1 — 10,000 yearling, 3 quarts per day. Pond No "Z— 8,000 two year old, 6 " » " Pond No. 3— 7,000 three year old, 12 " " «' 21 X 4c. per quart = 84c. X 365 = Attendant's wages Annual Sales after the Third Year. = $.306.60 400.00 $700.00 7000 trout from pond No. 3, 1 lb. each, 7000 lbs. 76c. per lb., $5260.00 Sales of small fry, 3,000 yearlings lOc, 3,000 three or four months old 5c., 60,000 eggs, $8 per 1000, Deduct food and attendance as above, 300.00 150.00 400 00 6100.00 706.60 $5393.40 An intelligent lad of fourteen, under the direction of an experienced person, can manage hatching-house and ponds, and not occupy more than half of his time. Such a lad can generally be found amongst the sons or lads employed by c farmer. In addition to the curd, the offal of the kit- chen, and livers and lungs of animals killed on the farm, as I have before said, can be used to hasten the growth. The foreman of a tannery near Lehigh Gap, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, last summer sold to a fish dealer a number of large trout, which he had kept in a rapitlly growing condition by feeding them on the fleshings of hides. I give these few instances of fish culture paying, as they have come under my observation, or as they have been TBODT BHEEDINO. g, Wd to n,e by others, a„d this is all I can do, as it is jet a branch of industry, which I n,ight say, is " i„ emb,yo;" but r a™ so well convinced of the profltobleness of a lar^ and well-organized system, that I am about engaging iolt aga,„ with Mr, A. J. Beaumont, near New Hope, Bucks county, Penna. Mr. Beaumont has a spring on his property known as the Ingham Spring, which flows about, or over^ three thousand gallons per minute. I have alluded to it m a note at the bottom of a preceding page. He has ample room and favorable ground for the ponds, and I d„ „„t thu,k .t at all unlikely with such advantages, that twenty- five or th,rty thousand trout, averaging a pound, can be taken from the third, or it may he a fourth pond, after the enterprise has been in operation three or four years Of eourse, the question of food is the most important. In th>s connection, I would remark, that Mr. Ainsworth told me a few days ago, that he kept an account of the expense of feeding h>, fifteen hundred fish on beefs liver for one year, and that the amount so expended was only seven do lars and a half But in his neighborhood, he can buy . beefs l,«r fo, .en cents. He fed his trout two liver" per week as a gen.ra, rule, chopping up a quart or so for aoh meal, hut in extremely wa™ weather L in winte he gave It to them but sparingly . that rout kep. ,n ponds will aver^^e a pound, when a few month., over three years old, if well fed, I am confident from my own experience, that the allowance of curd just g.von, for the different ages, will produce that weight 84 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Still, they are like pigs in more respects than in greediness in their disposition to eat offal, for their increase in flesh will be in proportion to the amount of food given. A respect- able old gentleman, who, I think, would not " fib," tells me he has had them of four pounds, when as many years old ; but they had the run of the spring-house, receiving many a spoonful of cream thrown to them in removing moats, much curd, many worms which his boys fed to them, and the whole population of many a big catterpillar's nest cut from a limb in his orchard ; as well as young wasps and hornets. Per contra to this, a trout will live in the bottom of a well, or in a spring, without being fed, for years, and show no growth. In stocking my ponds in New Jersey, several of my trout received unmistakable marks, which they never got rid of; two of these, which were not over eight or nine inches long, and not over five or six ounces in weight, grew, on the amount of curd already mentioned, to thirteen inches in length before they had been in their adopted home a year. They were very stout, and doubt- less weighed a pound. Here the weight was more than doubled in a year. Mr. Ainsworth stocked a pond near West Bloomfield, New York, with fry as soon as the um- bilical sac was absorbed, and three years after caught them, weighing two pounds. In stocking a pond for angling, on Long Island, a fn'end of the writer bought yearling trout not over five inches long; the following spring, say in twelve months, they were about eleven inches long, weigh- ing a full half-pound ; in twelve months more, they had grown to average fourteen ounces, some of them weighed TROUT BREEDINa. «« »or» than . p„„„d. As a fi.h i„„r.aaos in «zo, it, p„. P^.s.ty for further growth also increases. A young salin .tar. or sou.etiu,es even at two .ears old, L no^ «,gh three ounces, u goes to sea and frequently returns' m su weeks, or at least the following summer, a fish from hree to e.ght pounds. The abundant and nutritious food burned at sea causes this wonderful growth ; if i, ;. p,e. vented from to sea, it does not grow,, „,<„, ,L„ twelve mches, or three^quarte. of a pound, in a year from he t.u.e ,t we,ghs three ounces. Thus .n abundance oT food causes a rapid growth. The enemies of larger trout in stock ponds, are fish- hawks and ,ight.herons. Water-frogs, snakes, and du^ , may also be iestruotive to the fry when «rst turned out of m "^'^' "" '""' ""^ "' "<"-• A duck also '!■ r^'-^- ^ f'°e, in solemn silence, waits for he.r approach to shallow wa,.r amongst grass or weeds, and pounces upon them. The little king-fisher may also eapture some. But the foe which it is the most difficult ^protect the fish from, is the species of heron alluded to. Though not numerous, these wading birds, when they have ound a feedmg place so well stocked, may come for maJy evenin,., and prey upon the trout. Other ene mies are more easily provided against estabhshment, where fish culture, it might be said, was ■naugurated, is from Bertram's -■ Harvest of the Seas." The senes of buildings erected at Huningue, a.e 86 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. admirably adapted to the purpose for which they were de- signed. The group forms a square, the entrance portion of which — two lodges — is devoted to the corps de garde, and the centre has been laid out as a kind of shrubbery, and is relieved with two little ponds containing fish. The whole establishment, ponds and buildings, occupies a spaco of eighty acres. The suite of buildings comprise at the side, two great hatching-gallerieu, 60 metres in length, and 9 metres broad, containing a plentiful supply of tanks and egg-boxes ; and in the back of the square are the library, laboratory, and the residence of the ofiScers. Having minutely inspected the whole apparatus, I particularly admired the aptitude by which the means to a certain end had been carried out. The egg-boxes are raised in pyra- mids, the water flowing from the one on the top, into those immediately below. The grand agent in the hatching of fish-eggs being water, I was naturally enough rather par- ticular in making inquiry into the water-supplies of Hun- ingue, and these I found are very ample ; they are derived from three sources — the springs on the private grounds oi the establishment, the Rhine, and the Augraben stream. The water, of the higher springs is directed towards the building through an underground conduit, while those rising at a lower level are used only in small basins and trenches, for the experiments in rearing fish outside. Being uncovered, however, they are easily frozen, and besides, are frequently muddy and troubled. As a general rule, fish are not bred at Huningue, the chief business ac- complished there, being the collection and distribution of TROUT BREEDING. gy their eggs; but Uhere is a large supply of tanks or troughs, for the purpose of experimenting with such fish as may be' kept in the place. The waters of the Rhine being at a higher level than the springs, can be employed in the appareih and basins. The waters of the Augraben stream which cross the ground, are of little use. Nearly dry in summer, rapid and muddy after rain, they have only hith- erto served to supply some small exterior basins. Of course, different qualities of water are quite necessary for the success of experiments in acclimatization carried on so zealously at this establishment. Some fish delight in a clear running stream, while others prefer to pass their life in sluggish and fat waters. The engineering of the differ- ent water-supplies, all of them at different levels, has been effectually accomplished by M. Coomes, the engineer of this department of the Rhine, who, in conjunction with Pro- fessor Coste, planned the buildings at Huningue ; indeed the machinery of all kinds is as nearly as possible, perfect. '' The course of business at Huningue is as follows : The eggs are brought chiefly from Switzerland and Germany, and embrace those of the various kinds of trout, the Danubl and Rhine salmon, and the tender ombre chevalier.* Peo- ple are appointed to capture gravid fish of these various kinds, and having done so, to^ communicate with the authorities at Huningue, who at' once send an expert to deprive the fishes of their spawn and bring it to the breed- ing or store boxes, when it is carefully tended and daily *An exceedingly fine species of largo laio charr, one of the genus sahno. ^. *;v5- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 4if ,vv% I.I 1.0 [^1- 11^ 1.6 1.25 1.4 % y >> 0/f//// PhotDgraphic Sciences Corpordlion aa WEST MAIN STREPT WIBSTIR,N.Y. '.4580 (71C) 173-4903 i\^ ^ -o^ '^ A k- V <^ 8^ AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. watched till it is ready to be despatched to some district in want of it." After describing the manipulation of fish to procure the ova, and discussing the probabilities of exhausting the streams of Germany and Switzerland by receiving such large supplies of fish-eggs from them, this writer continues : — " It would scarcely pay to breed tha commoner fishes of ^he rivers, as carp, pike, and perch. The commonest fish bred at Huningue is the /em,* whilst the most expensive is the beautiful ombre chevalier, the eggs of which coat about a penny each before they are in the water as fish. The general calculation, however, appertaining to the operations carried on at Huningue, gives twelve living fish for a penny. The fera is very prolific, yielding its eggs in thousands ; it is called the herring of the lakes, and the young, when first born, are so small as scarcely to be perceptible .... I inquired particularly as to the Danube salmon, but found that it was very difficult to hatch, especially at first, great numbers of the eggs, as many sometimes as 60 or 70 per cent., being destroyed; but now the manipulators are getting better acquainted with the modus opsrandi, and it is expected, by and by, that the assistants at Huningue will be as successful with this fish as they are with all others. . . ." " Up to the season of 1863-64, the total number of fresh- water fish-eggs distributed from Huningue, was far above 1 10,000,000, and nearly half of these were of the finer kinds of fishj there being no than 41,000,000 of the r— ■ I. J I I I. ■■ I * A species of Coregonus, similar to our small Whitefiwh. TROUT BREEDING. gQ eggs Of salmon and trout. Subjoined is a tabular state- ment of the fish-eggs collected and distributed at Huningue for the season of 1861-2. Speoiei. Connnou Trout 'Ireat Lake Trout Khine tjnlinon Ombre Chevalier Time of operatioaa. Kura 'i'oto! r Oct. 2i •) < to March 7 V I 135 days. I f Nov. 16 ) i to Dec. 25, I ( 39 days. J Ov» pro- vided. Lou. Qnantity despatched from thees- tablisbment Retained for experinic'ii at Uuntnguc 6;a82,900 2,602,400 11,995,000 18,377,900 12,000 2,614,400 3,360,000 9,619,000 12,879,000 430,600 2,464,000 2,884,500 I The establishment of M. de Galbert on the Isere at Buisse, in the Canton Voiron, is one of importance. He has a hatchingvhouse and a series of ponds; selling ova and young fry, a^ well as adult £sh. Five years ago, he could sell 50,000 young fry every spring or summer, without interfering with his crop of mature fish. Many of our countrymen on their return from Europe, speak of the trout-ponds at Heidelberg. The following is by Ptof A. D. Hager, one of the Vermont Fish Com! missioners. " Ih Europe the experiment of raising fish in artificial ponds has been successfully made in tnany ihstances. One of the great attractions at Heidelberg, in Baden, is the fish pond where the fish are trained to take their food from a person's hand. " Near Neufchatel, in Switzerland, Prof Vouga has been employed by his government for the past sii years in pro- 90 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. pagating trout artificially. When hatched and of suitable size they are turned into Lake Neufchatel and the streams emptying into it. At the time of our visit to his establish- ment, he was greatly enlarging and improving his ponds, hatching-boxes, &c. The result of his experiments had satisfied the people of his canton, that the project of stock- ing the lake (a body of water twenty-eight miles long and seven miles wide), was a feasible one, and would richly pay for the expense incurred in rearing the young fry and turning them into the waters, notwithstanding the people of the cantons of Freyburg and Vaud, that joined upon the lake, would also get a considerable share of the mature fish. " V/hen we witnessed the outlay of money to fit up the hatching establishment at Prof Vouga's, and realized that it was done by a people numbering Ics^ than 80,000 per- sons, and in a territory of less than three hundred square miles, we could but contrast that people with those of New England." The first experiment in fish culture in this country, from all I can learn, was made by Dr. Garlick and a friend, at Cleveland, Ohio. Owing to the death of one of them, the enterprise was abandoned after a season or two. Mr. Kel- logg of Hartford, Conn., Mr. Pell of PJsopus, and Mr. Ains- worth of West Bloomfield, New York, commenced a few years later. Following these, came Seth Green of Mum- ford, New York j Mr. Vnil, of Long Island; the writer, near Asbury, New Jersey ; Rev. Livingston So.)ne, Charleetown, N. H.; Benjajnin Kilburno, Littleton, N. H. ; D. G. TROUT BREEDING. gj Bridgman Bellows Fall, Vt.; J. S. Eobin.on, Meredith, N. H.; J^ge Tildeo, Loekport, N. Y.; P. H. Christie, Clove, Dutchess ceuMy, N. Y.; J„e„iah Comfort, nea^ Sprmg Mills, Montgomery eounty, Pa., and others Mr. Amsworth eommeaced nine years ago, with a d.m>nut,ve supply of water eoUeot^d from a dozen or so of small springs in his nursery of fruit trees. Leading these through glazed tiles underground to a reservoir, he obtained ..areely water enough to fill a hole an ineh in diameter, and that, of exeeedingly variable temperature, in winter, only » few degrees above freezing point, and in summer, qui,; warm. Mr. A.'s mind is partieularly constituted ^rex- pernnent and analysis ; with this imperfeet supply of water, he has unwear,edly pursued L. objeet of making fi,h eul- u e a b.auoh of national industry, and may be considered the father of t^ seience in this country. The following nofce, taken fr.m the Rochester Democrat of May, 1862 shows what progress he had made at that time, and gives 1 tolerably accurate account of his little establishment, ^n Mtraclion in the Country-Vi^u to a Trout Pond "T; "": ""''"'""• -"" ^ «=" ^^y^ -»-. that within twe ty rndes of this city there is a trout-pond in which sport hundreds of the speckled beauties, fed every day by the generous and enterprising proprietor with as much «8»lanty and care, as he feeds his horses and cattle Having been posted upon the subject, and, moreover' hav,ng been summoned by a polite but pressing invitation,' Chap"; rr y "''-'• '" ''°'"''»»^«'"' !-»- Chapm, is,,., to the v.Uage of West Bloomfield, and with- 92 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. out delay reportecl ourselves to the Hon. Stephen H. Ains- worth, whom we found at his hospitable mansion, in the quiet and pleasant village aforesaid. Mr. Ainsworth is by no means a novice in anything pertaining to the tastes or the wants of the disciples of Isaac Walton. Hence, while aporeciating the anxiety of his visitors to hasten to his trout-pond, he was thoughtful enough to feed his guests before he did his fishes, and we can testify that he does both with a liberality which always characterizes the large- hearted man. And while waiting a few moments for the coming demonstration of hospitality, there was just time to look at a small part of Mr. Ainsworth's horticultural depart- ment." He has over one hundred varieties of grapes — among them, the choicest to be procured anywhere — pears, peaches, and all other fruits grown in this region, in the greatest variety and profusion. And we are pleased to know, that within a few y^ats, his industry atad enterprise have been generously rewarded, by returns which consti- tute a fortune, which we hope he and his amiable family may long enjoy. " The inner man refreshed, it Was quick work to prepare for a visit to the trout-pond, situated a short distance from Mr. Ainsworth's residence. Besides the usual food for the trout, Mr. Ainsworth produced a fly and a bait rod, reels and lines, with permission to do what he had scarcely be- fore done for himself— take enough trout for a generous mess. The pond covers something oVer sixty rods of ground, and is filled by conducting the water from thirteen different springs in tile laid under ground, and brought into TROUT BREEDINO. gg poob a short distance above the p„„d. IVo„. thenee it Sows over a prepared bed of gravel to the pond. Perhaps one »an m a million „igfc, h„, ,^„^^^^ ^^^^ ^ J and above all, a place for speckled trout, could have been made .„ the spot where this is located. The water is four- teen feet deep i„ the n,ain pond, and this depth has been secured by e„avatio„-the original depression being ve,^ shght, although the spot was swampy and of little valne As a means of saving every drop of the small supply of water, two parallel walls have been built around the pond sunk .nto the blue clay, and the space between them' g^uted, so that not a drop is wasted e.cept by solar evapo- te afford h,d.„g.p,aoes for the trout whenever they choose te^ret re from the hot sun. In this respect, Mr. Absworth has studied the habits of his finny stock, and as far as he oould, compensated them for removing them from their nat,ve streams in Victor, Springwater, and other places, where they were captured. The walls around the pond are carr.ed te the height it is intended the water shall reach, and then a sufficient quantity of earth placed over them te snstam shade trees, a large number of which e « a thnfty condition. The water omes inte and p. ..m te d through fine sieves, through which notMng out the water can pass. ° "Inside of the paraJlel walls there is a slope wall, and :: *^ '°- "■" ^"""^ -odes in an direetfons, so th" osurfteew^teris washed into the pond. In plac^ wber " " '''"'^ *" '"^"^ *»» '""S it is carried off by tiling. i 94 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Altogether, it is a perfect gem. Nothing has been ne- glected, and those who have the facilities, the good taste, and the enterprise to follow Mr. Ainsworth's example, would be greatly aided by paying him a visit. Re will, we run no risk in assuming, take great pleasure in giving them the benefit of his experience. " It is, so far as we are advised, an unsettled matter how many fish can live in a given quantity of water. Mr. Ains- worth has placed nearly eleven hundred trout in his pond, and some additions have been made by the process of arti- ficial fecundation; and this process he will continue to follow until his pond is sufficiently stocked. If it were possible to protect all the spawn deposited by the small number of trout now left in our streams, we should quickly see them restocked to their full capacity. But it is known that even under the most favorable circumstances, only a few of the eggs hatch, and of those which do, much of the product is devoured by snakes, water-fowl, and the larger fish. It would be a very easy matter to resort to artificial fecundation, by which an immense quantity of the most beautiful and delicate fish known in American waters could be raised. " But to the sport. Both bait and fly were taken the instant they touched the water, and had a hundred hooks been upon each line, each one would have had its victim. They were of various sizes when put into the pond two years ago. Those of three years, are now plump pounders. A majority are of three-fourths and half a pound. Mr. Ainsworth knows their ages as well as he does those of his 1 95 TROUT BREEDING. oolts and oattle. In swift running water, however, the, do not grow as rapidly-thoy are longer and leas pl«n,p There are a few two and three pounders, but here as in other waters, these seldom honor the angler's hook with . mbble. Of course we could not think of following up the sport for only a few minutes-just long enough to try the game „f the ten noble fellows which were seen in the show wndow of the Arcade House yesterday. And they were game Every one of them made the rod bend and tremble. The females were invariably returned to the water But more editing sport remained. The food for their evening repast was now dealt out by spoonfuls at a time, and the moment it struck the water, dozens of great fellows darted tor It They knocked against one another under the water and above the water, and a person standing close to the edge would, in five minutes, be well ' spattered' from head to feet. The 'whipping, had made them a little more shy than usual, but they will feed from the hand of their owner, and leap from the water when shown their food upon a spoon ! " Mr. Ainsworth is a public benefactor in what he has done. While constructing and filling a pond, at a large e.pend,t„re, for his own amusement and gratification, he has demonstrated the fact tha^ under ciroumstances more favorable as regards water and places fbr making ponds .mnjense quantities of the most delicious food can be raised at almost a nominal cost. When this country becomes as populous as France, such advantages as we possess for the Propagation of fish will be appreciated and improve.). 96 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Until then, we can only hope to see here and there a liberal and public-spirited citizen like Mr. Ainsworth set the example. *' We will only add, that an evening pleasantly spent in the family of our friend, a refreshing sleep, an early break- fast, and a ride of twenty miles, ended this delightful ex- cursion to the country." The following extract from an article on fish culture, which appeared in the New York Tribune, in January 1866, is from the pen of Mr. Ainsworth, and will give the reader a general idea of Seth Green's establishment and Caledonia creek. " The most prolific stream for trout that I have ever seen, or of which I have ever heard or read, are the Caledonia Springs, and brook from them. This celebrated trout brook rises from the rocks in the village of Caledonia, Livingston county. New York. Its whole length is but one mile, when it unites with Allen's creek, one of the tribu- taries of the Genesee, in the village of Mumford. The stream falls about 50 feet from the springs to its junction with Allen's creek. The country is all thickly settled, and one of the richest and best farming towns in the state. The surface of the land is quite level, with banks but little above the surface of the water. " The stream in places is very rapid, and in others has quite a gentle current, of a mile or more per hour. The springs, as now situated, cover about six acres, being dammed slightly for milling purposes. They afford about 80 barrels of water per second, and make a creek from TBOHT BKEBDINQ. three to fo„ ^da wide, and from 18 ioohes to 6 feet deep' the „1. . ten.perat«re at the spring, i, 48» i: if" '"""?"' """» *' -'-^. three^ua^el by night, but It IS down in the morning to 52' T„ „• . it settles at times t„ doo i, . '"8 «» »^ • In winter ve y even the year round, but very cold in summer, and Z isa, Vr" ''"'''' ^'"''' "''^■''■"' Wade of and Jarva> of, summer and winter, so that the trout hwever numerous they are, easily obtain all the f J te ' want all times of the year. ^ "There is but veiy little surface water that males into the ereet hence the volume of the water is very even and -Idem roily. The first settlers of the countr/f „d 1 oreek hterally filled with trout of great size 7. ami ;+ I, • . ^ ®^^® ^^^ beauty, and It has remained so to this day, notwithstanding it ll hee„ almost constantly fished, night as well as day fr I Dart niV rtf. I '''" °"''"'^' '"''» " *^-^ »"'"■ often hoed with fishermen, when they reel in the «* G 98 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. speckled beauties, hand over hand, and often carry them oflF by back loads. In this way they sometimes take them that weigh four pounds each. The most ordinary pupil of Isaac Walton can take them in the evening, when in the mood of rising, with the right miller, and with a small piece of angle worm on the point of the hook, to induce thorn to hold on to the hook till the novice can make his twitch to hook them. But in the day-time none can succeed but the expert. The water is so dear, and they are so shy and so well educated, that it requires a 50 or 60 foot line, a fine 10 foot leader, and very small flies, or hackles, and those must be cast upon the water so gently and life-like, to induce them to rise and take the fly, and when they do take it they discover the deception, and spit it out so quick that but very few are ever able to so cast the fly and to jerk quick enough to hook them. The fishermen among the oldest inhabitants tell me that at the least calculation there are 4000 pounds of trout taken from the creek yearly, and yet they compute the number of trout to-day at 1000 to each rod of the stream, or 320,000 in the creek, of all sizes, from four or five pounds down to five inches in length. On the 18th of this month I took 110 fine trout in about three hours, with the fly, from the creek, and put them into one of Mr. Green's ponds. The day was clear, and the water so clear and transparent that I had to fish with a 60-foot line, which took the most of the time to get the line out to this length and to reel in the trout against the strong current after being hooked. "The next day I took 85 splendid fellows from one I TROUT BREEDING. 99 place, hardly moving from my tracks. These facts show how plenty they were, and how ready they are to take the fly in winter. These trout were as fat, active, and gamey as ever I saw them in any other stream in May or June. " Seth Green, Esq., the celebrated marksman and fly- thrower of Rochester, bought this creek a year ago last fall, for the purpose of growing trout artificially as well as naturally on an extensive scale. Pie has since prepared ponds, races, hatching-house and hatching-boxes, and troughs for 3,000,000 of spawn, which he expects to fill during the spawning season, which is, with him, from the 1st of November to the 1st of April. Last winter his tv. g best months for spawn were January and February, and he expects they will be this year. " He has one pond, only 75 feet long, 12 feet wide and 5 feet deep, that has 9000 trout in it from 9 inches to 20 inches long, that will weigh from a quarter of a pound to three pounds each, all as fat as seals and as beautiful as trout can possibly be, all caught with the fly, by his own hand, since he bought the creek, and all can be seen now, any day, at one view, by any person who will take thi trouble to call on him. Only think what a sight— 9000 such trout all in the eye at once ! What a gigantic and magnificent aquarium ! ^' I am certain that this is the largest and finest exhibi- tion of trout in America, and, probably, in the whole world. This alone would well pay a journey of any lover of Walton from any part of the country to see. But this is not all. He has another pond, right by the side of this, 100 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. 80 by 60 het, which contains 20,000 beautiful trout, mostly one ai>d two years old, from six to nine inches long, all taken by his uwn skill, as above. He has still another pond, filled with last spring's fry, ^om three to five inches long. " It seems incredible at first thought that such a vast number of large trout could live in so small a space, but it is all accounted for and made plain, whch one learns that the water in the ponds is changed every minute through the day by the large current constantly pouring iu upon them of this cold, pure spring water. " Some of the trout produced 6000 spawn each, and from that down to 200, according to siz-^. Last year Mr. Green hatched ae high as 98 per cent, iu some instaaGes — in others, about 80 per cent. This year he expects to hatch nearly all, as he has become master of the business, and knows the right time to take the spawn to insure per- fect imprc;,nation. I could see the young trout in almost every egg that had been taken fifteen days, with the naked eye, so ihut I know his success is pe.fect so far. With this continued success he will very soon be able to stock all (he private streams and ponda in the country with spawn ar.J young trout, as well as to furn'«h tons yearly for the table of this, the most delicious and costly of all the finny tribe." The culture of trout I have conceived to be of so mu'ih importance, that I have gone muuh into detail in every thing bearing upoii the subject. It may perhaps be tire- dome to a portion of my readers, but my excuse is, that it TROUT BrvEEDING. 101 is in these details, which are so necessary to succes's that most of the essays on trout culture are deficient. As I have already remarked, it is an industry which is yet in its infancy, and although I have given all the directions which have arisen from Mr. Ainsworth's and my own experience, and much that I have learned of Seth Green, there will still be additional discoveries in the minutise of the art, as progress is made in it. I deem it a branch of industry that should claim the attention of our national government. If the agricultural bureau has no discretionary power to foster it, special legis- lation should be directe-; to it, and appropriations made for the purpose of experiments, and its promotion. 102 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. CHAPTER V. CULTURE OF THE SALMON. The Salmon.— Its instincts.—Difference in appearance and size of those belonging to different rivers.— Their former abundance and cause of decline in numbers.— Their growth and adolescence. — Migrations.- Time of ova hatching in European and American rivers.— Growth of the fry, with illustrations.— Early fecundity of the males.— Attempts at artificial propagation in the United States. —Their naturaliiation.— Fishways, with illustrations. Salmon breeding.— At Storniontfield— On the Dee.— On the Galway.— On the Doohulla.— At Ballisodare.— In Australia Salmon statistics. An intimate knowledge of the instinctive habits of this fish is required in repopulating rivers from which it has been expelled, or naturalizing it in others. The most im- portant instinct in this connection is, tiiat it is anadromous,* acquiring its wonderful growth and excellent flavor at sea and visiting its native rivers for the purpose of reproducing its species. This it will unerringly do if no insurmountable barrier opposes it, nor stop short of the pebbly shallow where it emerged from the egg. Many of them will go beyond, as was shown by their ascending the fishway at Lowell on the Merrimack last summer, and as I have wit- nessed b" observing their attempts to ascend impassable * This term is applicable to the shad, salmon, alewifo, and other fishes that enter fresh waters to spawn. I use it to distinguish these from the migratory genera that live entirely in salt water. '^-<:\. ■IWli'lu. / CPLTDRE OP THE SALMON. j^j «alway ,„ Ireland, to »,„re than the feounditv „f it. Hone, da,,; that M. Cooper has estahHshed ^.I ,: ""r: rt^r^r ™^ '^ '"-> *«' una, a httle stream ten or twelve feet in width has een made a highway for sateen which now spawn in' there ,s a large .ncrease in the nnmbers of sain,on in Seot- d rr; '■" "" *"' '"'""»'' -* '■"= ""^ of fi">.wt " fifh -It"-, the New England states now depend T Kstoekmg their salnionless stream. If» • '^°f^'" prevent sataon from g„i„l asTi; " ",""P''^»'"» <'™ ^ ^ *" "'S'' as their native snawn "g-ground and no favorable place be found below or il . tributary entering below, the, „i,| desert the rive I some other. Thus a few stray salmon driven off ^^^ «b tr„ct,on or by some natural enemy may cn,.r some Iw ban the,, stream, as they have been known to e te Lowell Of there are no spawni„„u„ds below on the '^^^;^;;^^)^^^^h^Uen natives of some other river '*"... .•„„„ .he, .ere »„ .a™ ,C 1 Z^ "^ "' "" veiy nsri had come back acain nil fl.» , i circuit of fotty miln, «. . . , ' '^ "^"^ '"""«' « 'uny miles at least, t iron eh f|,o „ ^"^.^at Atlamic, passing ^ -....„I • • ''"''"^•^'' ^«^«'-'' «f 'he t»-ymi,„;e " , , / ""' '" »'-- Jo-ney, up which / '<»,iii nave gone had thev not ovefen,-,} t^- 104 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. In seeking the mouths of their native streams, the salmon of two or more rivers may pass a point in bay or estuary where a net extends from the shore, and the catch may embrace a portion of each. When this occurs, as it frequently docs on the Bay of Chaleurs, one of the habitans, who may be standing by, can easily point out the fish of each river : this, he will say, belongs to the Ristigouche, and that to the Nipissiguit. The difference is as clear to him, as the dissimilarity between a Durham and an Alderney cow would be to one of our farmers. There is a peculiarity in the formation and general appearance of the salmon of a river which is transmitted to their progeny j therefore, if we are successful, as we will no doubt be, in introducing the sulmon in our waters, the fish of the Con- necticut, in the course of some generations, will differ from those of the Delaware. Those of one river may be short and thick-set, while those of the other may be long of body and twice the average size of the former. Salmon at one time, north of the Hudson, were not ex- clusively for the opulent, they were as much or more the food of the poor, because they were cheap. Even now, when in season, on the coast and in the rivers of the British Provinces they can be bought for four or five cents a pound; and the angler from the States, as he takes his hook from the mouth of a pretty ten-pounder, on a stream of the Bay of Chaleurs or the north shore of the St. Law- rence, turns the fish over with the toe of his boot and men- tally says : " Well, it is only worth fifty cents, now that I have landed it." He would give five, or even ten dollars, CULTURE OF ^HE SALMON. 105 if he could lay it, bright and silvery as it is, on the table of some friend at home. Hendrick Hudson, when he sailed up the river that bears his name, wrote in his journal: "Many salmon, mullets,* and rays very great." When he got beyond the Highlands he wrote again, « Great stores of salmon in the river." Alas ! where are they now, or those that swarmed in the lakes and streams of New York which connect with the St. Lawrence ? But it is useless now to rail at internal improvements, chartered companies, and enterprising indi- viduals who have been instrumental in banishing them; our object, at present, is to induce them to return. Salmon commence to make in towards the rivers from which they migrated at rather a later period than shad. Of course those of a more southern latitude are earlier comers. On the Bay of Fundy, for instance, at St. John, N. B., some are taken in May, in June they are abundant.' If they are introduced in the Hudson and Connecticut they might, doubtless, be taken in Long Island Sound and iu the lower bay in April. They continue to come in schools and ascend the rivers all summer, the earlier comers being the earlier spawners, while the late spawners fre- quently remain in the river all winter, and go to sea in the spring. The latter, as has been ascertained in Scotland may not spawn the ensuing fall, a period of two years ex- piring before they reproduce. From the information gained in the British Provinces, I am of opinion that there is only one, and that an annual, migration of the same fish to and * Most likely shad. 106 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. from sea on this side of the Atlantic. This is necessarily the case, as most of the rivers are rigidly closed with ice for some months, and many of them for half of the year. On the coast of Great Britain, where the rivers are always open, their migrations occur nearly every month ; still there is a throng time v.hen the greater number enter fresh waters. Smolts and grilse have frequently been marked and have gone to sea and returned in six or eight weeks. In Ireland there are fresh run foh in January and fair fly- fishing in February. In the rivers of the British Provinces north of us there is also what may be termed a throng time. This, is gene- rally when the first schools come in. In some rivers they are found at the lower rapids within a week (earlier or later) of the middle of June, and in others, even of the same latitude or district of country, somewhat later. There are different "runs" up to the middle of September; the schools being influenced by easterly storms to enter the bay, and by a rise in the river to ascend. Unlike the shad, which are deterred or driven back by a freshet, salmon seem to delight in a heavy rise, after which, there is always good fishing as the water clears. When a school of salmon, coming from sea, reaches a bay or the mouth of a river entering the sea, some weeks are occupied in working up towards the head of tide,* the fish in the mean while undergoing a change of system which fits them fot their habitation in fresh water. Dur- * As the season advances the time so occupied grows shorter, until only a few days are spent in tide-water. """^""""'^''n'^'mfmifimmmr CULTURE OP THE SALMON. jqj' ing thi. time they feed on smete, sparlings, and otl,er small fish as well as Crustacea. After entering fresh water no food .s to be found in their stomachs; notwithstanding; they win rise occasionally at a natural or artiBcial fly and W.11 sometimes take a worm bait. I„ their journey upwards they generally linger on the way, at the foot of many a rap.d or just aboTC, nntil they reach their native spawning, grounds or go beyond. They lose the silvery brightners they bnng from sea, and continue to grow darker and fall off as the summer advances. A fish that was a twenty, pounder, when fresh run, in three weeks will be one of seventeen pounds, and so on to the time of spawning, when they have lost half of their weight and are scarcely fit for tood If their native water is some inconsiderable brook which is frequently the case, they will wait for a rise or wnggle over shallows scarcely the depth of their bodies The canoemen who have attended me on my fishing excur. s.ons have told me that at spawning time they can be cap. tured with almost any kind of a net; no donbt persons whose object it is to hatch the ova in the States could then procure it in any quantity. The spawn of the salmon, as all experiments have shown can be hatched by artificial appliances as easily as the ova of our brook trout, the term of incubation being somewhat o»ger m water of the same temperature. I have no doubt that m spring water, uniformly at 60°, the time would uot eicceed fifty or sizty days. I„ Scotland it has extended to 130 days, and in the almost Arctic winters of the British Provinces it is likely that six months or more is 1 ^ m 108 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. required. The short time which, under favorable circum- stances, would be requisite in artificial incubation in New England and in the Middle States, where the salmon could be naturalized, would produce the fry in winter, and give them such a start that nearly all would probably reach the smolt state and go to sea the second summer. In my remarks in the " American Anglers' Book," on the time required to hatch out salmon ova in Canadian rivers, I have alluded to the fact that many of them, where the water is shallow enough, and where it affords the requisites for a spawning-bed, freezes to the bottom ; and have inferred from this that the eggs do not (at least not all of them) lose their vitality. In proof of this theory, it is stated in the London " Fisherman's Magazine" that sal- mon ova had been kept in ice ninety days, and that half of these frozen eggs were afterwards hatched out. When the young salmon frees itself from the shell, it is about three-fourths of an inch long, and has the same um- bilical sac which we observe in the fry of brook trout. This it carries for about six weeks; during this time it refuses all food. As soon, however, as this sac is absorbed, its predacious instinct is observed, rising eagei-ly at the smallest insect or atom, and seizing animalculae beneath the surface. In pisciculture the food of the fry is much the same as those of the trout ; I therefore refer the reader to the directions for feeding the young of that fish. Although the incubation of salmon ova is similar to that of he trout in breeding them artificially, the manipulation of the fish is different on account of the large size and vigor f CULTULE OP THE SALMON. iQg of the salmon, requiring two and sometimes three persons to perform the operation. If the fish is held pendent by the head, the ova, if mature, will distend the lower portion of the abdomen, and some of it flow without pressure; and this, from all we can learn, is the position in which the sal- mon is generally held when it is being operated on. Mr. Francis, however, gives an illustration of holding one some- what horizontally, with the vent beneath the water of the basin, and raising the head and tail slightly, as is done with the trout in this country in extruding its eggs. In manip- ulation, Messrs. Martin and Gillone, on the river Dee, use a box about three feet and a half long, seven inches in breadth, and of corresponding depth. It is filled with water, and the eggs are pressed out of the fish in the posi- tion in which it swims. The young of the salmon, as long as it retains what are known as the finger-marks on its sides, is called a parr. When these marks are no longer visible, and it assumes a silvery coat, it is a smoU, and is sufficiently advanced for its first migration to sea. On its return, which may be after six or eight weeks, or not until the following summer, it is a grilse, its average weight being about four pounds. After its second visit to its marine feeding-grounds, it is a salmon, weighing from eight to fifteen pounds. Immediately afte^ spawning it is called a kelt, or a black Jisk; the latter appellation is given to a fish that has spawned and remains in the river for any length of time, which generally occurs in the winter months. 10 no AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. H The figures on this and the opposite page exhibit the growth of the young salmon ab ovo. No. 1 is the egg; No. 2, the fish when it casts off the shell ; No. 3, after the umbilical sac is absorbed; No. 4, the size when three months old ; No. 5, when five months ; No. 6, when ten or eleven months old; and No. 7, when it puts on the silvery vesture of the smolt and is ready for its first migration to sea. Figures 5, 6 and 7 represent the growth under favor- able circumstances, and of such as go to sea the second summer, when somewhat over a year old. Experiments in Scotland and Ireland have shown that only a portion of ♦he fry become smolts the second summer, the remaining por- tion, which is about half, not arriving at that state until another year has elapsed. It was supposed at one time, by those who conducted the salmon-breeding establishment at i« ' '*■ be Be or to n r CULTURE OP THE SALMON. Ill Stormontfield, that the latter might be the produce of parr with grilse, or either of these with the salmon, v^hile the early immigrants were entirely the offspring of mature sal- mon. It was found, however, on impregnating the ova of the one with the milt of the other, that the produce of each of these minglings at the age of a year were about the same size, the largest of them, which was but five inches long, being from the ova of a salmon impregnated with the milt of a large smolt taken from the pond. Owing to the limited extent of the single pond at that time, however, the rearing of the young fish was done in such confined space (as in small ponds or boxes) as evidently stunted their growth, and the riddle, why a part of the fry become smolts when a little over a year old and the remaining part not until the following summer, is still unsolvec Those who are not conversant wi«h the nat- ral history of this fish will no doubt be astonished to learn that the male parr in Scottish rivers has milt sufficiently mature, at the spawning season, to impregnate the ova of a grilse or full-grown salmon. Whether this be the case on this side of the Atlantic it is difficult to say ; I am inclined to believe it is not. In European rivers the female grilse has also mature spawn at the proper season, while the female grilse in the waters of New Brunswick has not, although the male grilse may be found with well-developed milt. In examining; a dozen or more through the summer, and as late as the Ist of September, I did not find one in which the ova was in more than a rudimeubary state. Whatever may be the difference between the growth or adulesence ■P! 112 AMERICAN FISH COLTDEB. Of the salmon here, compared with Europe, the same rule holds, that the males precede the opposite sex a year i, their power of reproducing. In the supplement to the second edition of the American Anglers Book, I have alluded to a discovery made by Mr. If- F. Whitcher, that the salmon in Canada frequently express their spawn and milt simntoneously, by bodily contact, the male aud female lying partially on their sides. I am also strongly impressed with the belief, from the long term of incubation required in the rivers of our eastern coast, that the fry do not come from the ova until the summer has set in or advanced somewhat, and that this retards their growth so much that none of them come to the smolt state the second year. In fishing from June until September I have taken many of the fry on my sal- mon flies. I have had them, in some pools, continually jumping at the knots on my casting-line; and at the en- trance of small spring brooks, when there was a good cur- rent m the river, have taken them when fishing for trout- but all had the usual finger-marks of the parr, none the' Bilvery garb of the smolt. Nor had any of the canoo-men I have employed at different times ever seen a young sal. men with the bright vesture that is significant of its inten- tion to make its first trip to sea. The migration of smolts therefore, must be before the rod-fishing commences, which .s in Juno or after the middle of September, when it is over. If they migrate in May some of them may return as gnlse in August or September, but the large schools which come into the rivers in July are doubtless those that CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 113, have remained at sea all winter. At Ballisodare, in Ire- land, marked grilse have not returned until the expiration of sixteen or seventeen months ; and the question has even been mooted whether some smolts, when they go to sea, do not remain long enough to pass through the grilse state and become salmon before they return. After all the experiments, and the close observation of the habits of salmon, there is still much uncertainty as to its growth and its migrations. What modifications may be made in series of generations by artificial hatching and raising the young fish in ponds, remains to be seen. With water for incubation at 50°, and chopped liver, «&c., fed to the fry, it may make a whole year's difference in producing mature salmon. Inartificial culture in Scotland, the fry, as a general rule, are not turned into the river until they become smolts, being kept in ponds until that time, and thus protected from their natural enemies, which would prey upon them if turned out to shift for themselves as soon as the umbilical sac is absorbed. In the short account of the salmon-breeding establishment of Stormontfield, given on a succeeding page, it will be seen that a pond covering an acre, and having the average depth of four feet, is deemed suflicient for the feeding and rearing of three hundred thousand young salmon. The salmon of the Danube,* which migrate to and from the Black Sea, are said to grow to double the size of those * This is doubtless the *' Salmo hticho,** described by Sir Hum- phrey Davy in his " Salmonia." 10* Hi ."< *MS!R10AN FISH ODLTOKE. %atta.„ the weight of a p„™d-their subsequent iu- crease.,, s.ze .s slower. I«rge satoou of the Danube must therefore be fish of advanced age. The first attempt at breeding salmon artificially i„ the by James B. Johnston, Esq., of New York eity. F„ur years s.„ee he i,„p„rted the ova of salmon, salmon of the Danube t.ut, and eharr. A part of these were hatched out a the studio buildings ou Tenth street, New York n troughs similar to those at the College of France, but 'the Croton water was fatal to most of them. The fry which M.Joh„s,.„. moved U> Long Island were p Jsing ^ conliuement, he s.ivs '< hi,f a- ^ r ^ when liberated "'' "' '""° "''=""'',''''' -"- the'f!ro"'f:;;:'"f'' ":" '""'^' ■'" '-^ ^-'Sewassetin the fall of 1866, .t .s thought did well, as Dr. Fletcher of Cone d „.^ ^„ ^^^ ^^^ ,^^ ^^^^_____ ^^^^ e 0. ^ who had the matter in charge, also brought home from th wtTi r r"''"--^ «^^- Half of thl! were placed under charge of Mr J .9 R„i,- dith ivr R J .u '"■■'■''•Robinson.of Mere- N. H., and the remaining half were put into the hatchmg-troughs of Rev. Livingston Stone, of Charles "own, N. H. The first fry hatched in siny.t:„ days from ■».pregn.t,o„. I„ a letter to Mr. Ainsworth, dated Feb ..ary 6th ,67, Mr. R„bin,o„ says . . The hatching of the »lm„n ova has concluded and the result is very gratifyin/ »- «9 ,». cent, have hatched and seem to e'^ fy' CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 115,1 healthy. I do not mean of all the eggs, but 99 per cent, of all the impregnated ones, which was 12 per cent, of the whole. One-half of the eggs were sent to Charlestown, N. H., and are designed for the Connecticut." There cannot be a doubt but that with experience in the manipulation of salmon, and in the transportation of ova, we shall be able to introduce them into our rivers as readily as we can trout into brooks which they have not before inhabited. The naturalization of this fish in rivers u few parallels south of those it once visited, would be an exceedingly interesting experiment. The expenditure of a few thou- sand dollars in this way, and strict enforcement of laws, provided for their protection, would add largely to the value of our fish product, and make salmon cheaper than beef in our markets. Let any one ride in the cars from Easton to Belvidere on the Delaware, and see its fine pools and rapids, and then explore its bounding upper waters and tributa- ries, and speculate as to the vast area of spawning-ground this river affords, and say if the states bordering on it, or owning the tributaries, are not closing these natural salmon nurseries against a wealth of delicate food we might enjoy. The experiment of introducing salmon even into the Sus- quehanna is well worth the trial. When the question of fishways is settled in favor of the citizens of the state, as it must ultimately be, the many noble creeks that feed it (they would be dignified by being called rivers in Europe) would afford extensive spawning-beds The summer tem- perature of the water of these is but little above that of ^^^ AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. some of the fine salmon rivers of New Brunswick or of California. If part of the expenditure of the agricultural bureau, which produces no immediate benefit to the country, was appropriated to building an efficient fishway around Niagara Falls, and salmon were introduced by artificial culture into the many fine rivers entering the chain of great lakes above, it is difficult to estimate the numbers that would make the Niagara river a highway. At throng time it would be like the waters below the falls ol' some of the Oregon rivers, where a spear thrown at random does not fail to impale a salmon. In France such a national enter- prise would not be thought chimerical. Within a period often years, the salmon fisheries of the British Provinces had declined so much as to create fears of the gradual, but sure extinction of this fish in many rivers. By legislation, strict enforcement of laws provided for their protection, and the erection of a few fishways this decline has not only been arrested, but the numbers of salmon so much increased, as to bring back the prices at Quebec and Montreal to the point at which they stood twenty years ago. To Mr. W. F. Whitcher, the able and vigilant head of the Fisheries Branch of the Crown Land Department, much credit is due, for his efficient agency in arresting the destruction, and re-instating most of the rivers to their former fruitfulness. The St. Lawrence at this time has eighty-seven tributaries well stocked with salmon The summer of 1865 was favorable for the salmon fisheries of Canada and New Brunswick. The rod fishing on most CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 117 of the rivers, surpassed that of any former year. The sub- joined is from a Montreal paper : " Salmon Fishing at Goodhout — Season of 1865. — The following record of 22 days' salmon-fishing on the Good- bout, has been transmitted us for publication. We have to direct the attention of the editor of the Field, and the sporting community generally, to Mr. Gilmour's magnificent day's sport of 46 fish, and to ask if it has been beaten else- where ? We believe it is the largest on record : ? ^f ^? h ?» June. s. er 4 n 0 1 Sio B 93 pa 0 3 20 21 7 0 1 0 6 22 10 1 2 0 7 23 7 1 0 4 2 24 8 0 1 3 4 Sunday- -no Fishing. 26 11 2 3 3 3 27 20 0 5 9 6 28 28 a 8 6 9 •29 26 5 6 6 9 30 22 0 fi 10 6 July 1 17 0 2 6 9 Sunday- -no Fishing. 3 30 7 2 9 12 4 31 2 16 6 7 5 44 5 1 30 8 6 23 1 7 6 9 7 18 10 3 1 4 8 26 9 12 4 10 Sunday- -no Fishing. 10 54 1 4 46 3 11 28 1 4 7 16 12 20 8 2 4 5 13 21 0 21 0 0 14 23 0 2 5 16 478 49 109 165 155 ^ 118 } AMBKICAN FISH CULTURE. Total, 478. Pish weight Noble, . , Cross u» '»" • • • . 1551 . 1567 '■ng gross 4665 lbs., riz. : • 588 Gilmour . Total . . ^"'••Ki°««'»>"«9}ir«.e,cha,h."' ' ■ r^'. and , eft off during . ^ ,„„ „, ^, "; *; »- oo« I w„„M Wo „.de an„.di„ar, .ore J of m7°-' °' "^ «-»-»-. of Pi^terie, for the oo^vo pages, and contains so „nch valuable info^In Pa«.c«.ariya, ,Wing the feasibiliey of ..took gte J Van ::: trT "'°'°" ''"'^' «""' ^^ "•»•■" '« - ani: e'a^-riAtrr'"'- ^■■^- ^--^ ". izea tie J • ^'P""* *'"'"' »»" "ka'acter- 'n ■'°"""'«^"»«'« ""-ti-uea, we may, ,„ the course of Ave or s« years, have abundant sport in the fin. of Maine. "" "''™ 1 have obtained from Theodore Lyman E,„ «. • :r:z:is:::::;r.r-"r"^'^'""" M20,area,sofro:rs;::,'''''^'''-''«™-'' ^ CULTURE OP THE SALMON. I fg. i. 119 ~l ' '' 120 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Fig. 4.— Diagram of the double Fish-steir «* t „ the arrangement of the tanks and 7 ' '^"^'"^ far,i, *"" *he course of the watPr ti, tanks are somewhat over twelvp f„o. ^'^^ - .. .o™ .. ... ::r irrrr/r- da. („; "'"'""' "■'"•""»««" W Placed „„ .h! below the dam. "ver bed. e, the water-line, Fig. r.-Pian of Foster's fishway, showing th. . of the cross-bulkheads (/) and the '°^*^' '"'"''''^^ «!««* "" '^y > ana the course of the wntA^ *i. dam. g, the flood-gate. ^"^^ ^' *^« Fig. 8. — Flood-gate of VnitPt-'^ ft„u .he dam (o) • „ „ ^il . '' "''° ''■■'"" "«' '''«' °f 7 "r —> ">-« '■ -e dou.. -v,e.:r , j: : : r "' through so narrow an onenino. a.,u- , ^'^ P*®^ -.".on Win. The c oTblr "'" *°'" = '"' "'^"^ "■"' of the pa„ ,„ .hi T °" °'°*' " "'"• •" "" •"'- pass, so .hat ihe water rans deep. Fiirs 6 7 . ., . drawn „„ . .eale of 20 feet u> .„ ' ' "' CULTURE OP TUB SALMON. 121 Salmon hreoding at Stormontfield.* — This establishment, which has been in operation about fifteen years, situated on the Tay, about five miles above Perth. The ponds occupy a piece of ground which slopes gently down to the river. The ground is bounded at the top by the Stormont- field mill-lade, which is led from the Tay at a point a uiile higher up ; the space between the lade and the river being about five hundred feet. Within these limits the whole of the operations are carried on. A pipe from the lade discharges at a short distance the water into a bed of gravel, from which it rises through two openings into a channel supplying the hatching-boxes. These boxes are three hundred in number, and lie in twenty-five parallel rows of twelve each, at right angles to the lade, and have a considerable slope. Between each row is a narrow ^oot- path for the convenience of examining the boxes, which are six feet long, eighteen inches wide, and twelve inches deep ; the division between the boxes of each row being cut down half way, so as to allow a free flow of water. The boxes are filled to within two inches of the surface of the water, first with fine, then with coarser gravel, and on the top is a layer of stones about the size of road-metal Amongst these stones the impregnated ova are placed, about a thousand in each box. Running along the foot of the rows of boxes, is a small channel which joins a lade leading to the two feeding-ponds, one occupying about a quarter and the other a full acre, the latter having been added * A condensation of a description found in the Fisherman's Maga- zine, London, with some additions from '* Harvest Qf the Sea." U !l, ! I ^22 AMERICAN PISH CULTUJIE. Within a few years. A channel connects the ponds with the river, for the passage of the smolts to sea, a perforated sluice being opened at the proper time for their egress The smolts can be detained by a sluice near the river when any of them are to be marked. The time of incubation here, is from a hundred to a hundred and thirty days. The fry remain in the hatchin<.- boxes five or six wee:cs, and then find their way to the first pond, where they remain for a year, and are then turned into the second pond, that the succeeding brood of fry may occupy the first. From the second pond, when they become smolts, they are turned into the river through the channel referred to above. Marking thc:n is done generally by clipping or notching the adipose dorsal fin. The fry are fed regularly on boiled liver grated fine, rising to the sur- face in thousands when it is thrown in. The spawning fish are taken at Almond Mouth, about three miles distant, with the common draught net, and manipulated there. When a rise in the river sufficient to interfere with taking the fish is apprehended, they can be taken some days before they are fully mature, and kept in the mill-lade mentioned at the beginning of this article; being kept within bounds by two rows of iron bars set across the lade, one row about a hundred yards from the other. Mr. Peter Marshall, the superintendent of the works, > the operator. Holding the female firmly or having her held, he brings his hand with a gentle pressure down the belly, when the ova are ejected into a pail of river water; manipulating the male in the same way, he extrudes the milt II fc CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 123 and sets the pail aside for awhile, when the water is pou. .. oflF and fresh water substituted ; after renewing it a second, and it may be a third time, the eggs are ready to be placed in the hatching-boxes. It is estimated that the female salmon has about a thousand eggs to each pound of her weight, therefore the ova from fifteen fish of twenty pounds, or twenty of fifteen pounds, or thirty of ten pounds, will give three hundred thousand eggs. When this fish factory was first established, the single pond could only be stocked alternate years, from the fact that part of the fry became smolts the second, and the remaining portion the third year. The latter of course would destroy the brood of young fish if turned into the pond from the hatching-boxes. This led to the construc- tion of the second pond for the accommodation of the parr that remained until the third summer, so that the produc- tion of fry can be increased from three hundred thousand every alternate year, to three hundred and fifty thousand every year. From the information I can gain as to the loss of sal- mon-eggs in incubation, it is about ten per cent, in Scot- land and Ireland, and more than double of that at Hun- mgue. One of the consequences of the operations at Stor- montfield, up to 1865, was an increase of ten per cent, in the number of salmon taken in the Tay, and, of course, a corresponding increase in the rental of its fisheries. It has also opened the eyes of owners and lessees of fisheries on this and other rivers, to the availa- t 1 I t ir '24 AMERICAN FISH CULTnEB. Mity of fish culture, i„ rertoring them to thoir f„™er fecu„d.ty. Amongst those who have adopted this mean, are Messrs. Martin & Gillono, lessees of the river Dee sal^ «o„.fisheries. Their establiahmeut is at Tonguelaud, on he Dee. In 1865 thoj produced frou. ova laid down the previous autumn, over 100,000 joung fish. They do not expose the ova to the weather as at Stormontfield, but occupy a room seventy feet long in a lumber store-house connected with a J«„^ w«y. j^ ;, ;„ contemplation' by some spirited gentlemen, to endeavor to increase the produce of the Severn, and to stock some of the other nvers of England with salmon. Even the polluted Thames « mcluded in the number, side drains for the filth dis- oharged into it by London, having been talked of The Thame, M.jling Pre^rvatlon Soc{e>,j have a hatching establ-shment, and have introduced the grayling I„ the season of 1863-1 they turned out about 40,000 yon„« ^«V 12,000 of which were salmon, the remainder comml trout, sea trout, Rhine salmon, ombre chevalier &c The following account of Mr. Ashworth's undertaking on the Galway, is from Mr. Francis's book on Fish Culture. Several successful undertakings in pisciculture have been carried out in Ireland. The first of any note, perhaps w;;»_^ten^omM}alway, i„ 1852. The Oalway •Mr. Franci.,, writer on a'^^iii^ii^^^TTT^^^" .0. through .„„ ,„,„„e „.,er „,■ .,, ,,.„„,, „^^„,,„ ^ ^^^^ g.vcB a„ unfavorable rcpor, g„„e,„„y, „f „,o re.„I.. „f m. cater, prise thus far. ' i CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 125 river is the channel through which Loughs Mask and Corrib, two enormous lakes containing a vkst area of water, discharge themselves into the sea. The fishery of this river belongs to Mr. Ashworth. In 1852, finding the stock had been terribly reduced from a variety of causes, he established a breeding-place at Outerard, in a small tributary stream. Here twenty boxes were laid down, after the same fashion as the plan, already explained, adopted at Stormontfield. This plan, carried out by Mr. Ramsbottom, was the model whence Stormontfield was taken. These boxes were stocked with about 40,000 ova, which in due time came to perfection. Subsequently, owing partly to the opening of a wide Queen's-gap in the weir, Mr. Ash- worth's fishery multiplied itself in value manifold, and he cast about, adding a still larger area to the field of his operations. "Lough Mask, which discharges into Lough Corrib, is separated from it by a very rugged channel, and a lofty, impassable fall; consequently, although Lough Corrib abounded in salmon, none had ever been seen in Lough Mask. Moreover, the .many gravelly tributaries which salmon love to spawn in, rather discharged themselves into the upper part of Lough Mask, which again receives the waters of one or two smaller lakes, than into Lough Corrib; and as the capabilities of production of a fishery are bounded by the area of its spawning-beds, this proved a serious check to the further increase of productiveness in the fishery. Undaunted by difficulties, however, Mr. Ash- TTuitii Bcii TO Tvuia., aiiiciiuiuiuu iiiv su'caui, put saioion- 11* ^26 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Stairs to the impassable fall, and stocked the head waters of Lough Mask with half a million of salmon ova. These operations have been so lately completed, that we hardly know as yet what measure of success will attend them ; but 1 see no reason for doubting their success, and, if so, a capable area of about thirty square miles will be added to Mr. Ashworth's already valuable fishery, and in a few years' time the fishery will realize a handsome fortune. This shows what can be done by pisciculture, in its broad sense, and a little practical common sense combined." To the foregoing I would add, that from information obtained from another source, Mr. Ashworth laid down in the season of 1861-2, no less then a million and a half of ova. I would also state that Mr. Frank Buckland, a naturalist who takes much interest in fish culture in England, has, since the publication of Mr. Francis's book, examined the' ground between lakes Corrib and Mask. His report is adverse to the efficiency of the fishway there used. Ho says that the natural outlet from the upper to the lower lake, is underground, through broken and cavernous rocks, and that the channel for the fishway is in the bed of an aban» l"""' of enter ng the nver and running up to the lower falls, and he plan adopted to stock the river was that of oat hLg hat they unght spawn in the river. After sundry 4i,„ es e ladders completed, and several fi,h being put ! above the falls, and son.e feeundated ova deposited in the nver, a large quantity of saln,o„.fry was observed to be in the r.ver. These, at the usual tiu,e, became sn,olts and «ppeared^ This was about April,, 857. On June 26th *o first grUse was observed at the fall; by J„lv they were plont,ful, and so continued till the end of the s'eason Th nver was not fished in 1857. " I had much more and interesting particular, from Mr for n here. The account was fully given in " The Field" in Uecomber, 1858 and from ♦i...* t »ng table, showing how r^nmr^i * i xi_ vv n„ now compl,,fcolj the experiment sue- CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 129 ceeded. The table was kept by an agent whom Mr. Cooper appointed : — " ' 1857. August 24. Saw several salmon in the hole under the fall of CoUooney. " ' September 24. The river between Ballisodare and Collooney is now well stocked, salmon being visible in almost every deep hole, and a number being congregated between Collooney Bridge and the hole under the fall. " ' October 3. A flood being in the Owenmore, I shut the water oflF the Collooney ladder to see if there were any fish passing up, and found seven salmon and one white trout in the pond Of these seven, five were males. " ' October 13. Examined Collooney ladder, and re- ported to Mr. Leech that thei*e were salmon in it. Twenty - seven salmon were found in it, the great majority of them being females. " ' October 15. Lowered the sluice of Collooney ladder again, but got no fish. " ' October 28. Again examined the ladder, and got three male fish. " ' October 30. Four male and two female fish taken out of ladder and put up. " ' November 3. Sixteen male and eight female. " ' November 4. There were ten fish in the ladder, which were not removed, as Mr. Leech was not present. " ' November 5. Nine fish, not removed. " ' November 6. Seven ditto, ditto. " ' November 7. Eleven ditto, ditto. I went to Balliso- I ^ 'll i I ff I ;!i I 1 I I f i 130 AMERICAIT FISH CULTURE. dare on this day, and saw several large fish leaping at the upper ladder. " 'November 9. We put up from the ladder twenty, four male and fifteen female fish. " ^November 23. Lowered the sluice again; twenty, five male and twenty female fish found in the pond. A few of these were large fish s..,, U 1b«. or 15 lbs. weight. ^ "' November 30. Th. . ' 9 now beginning to spawn m great numbers in the O^.uoeg river. " ' December 3. Thirty-six male and forty-five female fish found in the ladder. 1858. January 5. Saw a few spawning-beds in Owenmore. " 'January 9. In river Arrow and tributaries found twenty-nine salmon redds. " ' February 14. Walked the Kilmorgan river (a tribu- tary to the Arrow), and counted twenty-one redds.' " In the early part of this year, 1858, we seldom fished. In the month of February we took five fish ; in March three; in April two; iu May ten; in Juno thirty-nine. ^ We did not, in fact, begin to fish regularly till the 1st July. During this month we took 868 salmon, and up to the 20th August (the close of our season) 530 more— the year's take averaging very little more than 4 lbs. each. Mr. Culbertsou's notes on this year are: 'Spring-fish showing in February. One of 9 lbs. taken in the net*^ was a fry marked by Srown in 1856. In March got another about the same weight. Only a few fish through this mouth. Fry coming down in April, and more plentifully I Ji CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 131 in May : but I do not think so many in the river as last year. On 13th May saw nearly one hundred jumps from six to eight o'clock in the evening; they were from 8 lbs. to 121b3. weight. On 9th June was first grilse at lower fall ; about the end of the month they were very plentiful. Among the fish taken by the nets on 6th July, seven were fry marked by me last year, and they weighed 5} lbs. to 6 lbs each.' " Since the end of the close-season, many reports have been sent me relative to the numbers running up. From my inspector's book I take the following : ' Aug. 28. At Ballisodare, numbers of salmon in every part of the river between bridge and lowest fall. Sept. 1. Collooney ladder literally full of fish. They did not run in such numbers last year until November, being over two months earlier this year. Sept, 6. Plenty of fish immediately above Collooney Bridge. Sept. 25. Collooney ladder swarming, and plenty showing in every place between bridge and fall. October 3 to 6. Heavy floods. Collooney ladder resembles a steeplechase, as we see them clearing the steps in pairs, and some very good fish. Oct. 8 and 9. Plenty of fish still on the run. Oct. 16. I have been watching the salmon jumping and playing at Collooney fall and ladder. I have visited the ladder daily this week, and from the numbers in it, am convinced that they could be removed from top of ladder with the hand. Nov. 27. Great numbers of fish in Collooney ladder.' In addition to these notes of my inspector, one of my water-keepers reported having counted 207 salmon in one 1 ! i ! if 132 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. hour ascending the Collooney ladder; and Mr. Culbertson has written to me to say that he reckoned 100 in less than half an hour making up the rapids at Ballisodare. On yesterday, Dec. 2, there were so many fish in the po.^d at Collooney, that Mr. Leech took up no less than six at once in a common landing-net. "Edward J. Cooper. «' Markree Castle, December 3. " P.S.— Since my letter was written, the Earl of Ennis- killen has visited my fishery; and I extract the following from his notes, entered in inspector's book :— " ' On the 9th (Dec.) I visited Collooney ladder and saw immense quantities of fish running up. Frequently saw four fish at the upper step jumping together. On the 10th again at Collooney. Not nearly so many fish moving this day; counted at upper step nineteen in five minutes. Turned off the water, and put up 256 fish. This day (11th) counted 102 fish jump at the upper step in five minutes. Turn.d off the water; the pond actually alive with fish, in general larger and fresher from the sea than those of yesterday. Put up 246 fish, and then stopped, as the fish were getting sick in the pond. I am confident that we did not take half the number out, and that we left from three to four hundred in the pond.' " Introduction of Salmon into the Doohulla.—The follow- ing extracts and condensation of letters to Mr. Francis on the subject, show the origin and early progress of this enterprise. The subjoined is from Mr. Ffennel, inspector of fisheries. -^^^^s= CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 133 " In relation to the DoohuUa river, — I should rather say the DoohuUa waters, because there is nothing which can well be dignified by the name of river connected with the concern. There are several small loughs or lakes which now discharge through two artificial cuts, one connecting the upper lakes with the lower one, and the other connect- ing all with the sea, and more in the character of mere ditches than of rivers. The whole catchment area (as engineers call it) of these small lakes is very inconsidera- ble; they always contained some white trout which ascended through a tortuous stream or brook, when heavy rains created occasionally sufficient water in its rugged bed J these favorable opportunities however were few and very far between. This place was purchased some years ago by Mr. John Knight Boswell, of Monkstown, near Dublin. He requested me to assist him in such measures as might be adopted for the improvement of the fishery. " The main principle carried out, was that of connecting the waters of the several loughs; cuts were made to eflPeot this — the old stream was dammed out, the water was run through an additional lake before unconnected with the others. The speculation was a complete success, though a valuable white trout fishery only was created when Mr. Boswell sold it, realizing a large profit for his outlay." The following, which relates to the same waters after coming into possession of Mr. Cooper, is from a letter of Mr. Ramsbottom : — " It is four years this month since the first lot of ova were deposited, viz., 18,000. These, when hatched, were kept 12 . AMERICAN FISH CULTURE, in the nursery beds and ponds for about two years and three months as smolts, and then turned into the river per- fectly ready for sea. It was from the above lot of smolts -76 marked 700 in March, 1862, and which have during the season just passed returned as grilse, being now a little over three and a half years old.* I am also happy to in- form you that I have just received a note from my son to say that he has for the first time seen grilse on the spawn- ing-beds of the river at Doohulla. " That your readers may more clearly understand, I append a table of the dates :— " 18,000 ova deposited in 1859. " Ova hatched February, 1860. " Fry kept in nursery ponds until May, 1862, being nursed for two years and three months; but I would here remark that a few of the fry, and only a few, appeared to be ready for sea when about thirteen months old. " Turned out of nursery ponds ready for sea, May, 1862. " Returned as grilse (after being at sea from thirteen to fifteen months) in June, July, and August, 1863. '' You will see ^bat when the first grilse returned (in June), it must hay. been three years and four months old." It will be seen from the foregoing how small a stream can be made exceedingly product've if net-fishing is pro- *^- It w.- b3 seen by this, that it will sometimes require three years and a half from the time of hatching to produce a grilse. On the contrary, a smolt may go to sea when something over a year old, and return, a grilse, in two months; making at least, two years and four months difference in the time of maturity. CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 135 hibited for a few years at its mouth, and the salmon pro- tected on their spawning-grounds. There are no doubt many such along the coast of New England that could be stocked, and salmon cultivated with as much profit as at DoohuUa. The project of stocking the rivers of Australia with salmon was commenced in 1864. After a long discussion as to the manner of sending out the ova, a hundred thou- sand salmon and three thousand trout eggs were packed in two hundred boxes ; moss being used in packing, much as we do with the ova of trout in this country. The two hundred boxes were closely surrounded by thirty tons of ice in the hold of the ship Norfolk, which sailed on the 21st of January. The ship was seventy-seven days in making the passage, and arrived at Melbourne on the 15th of April. The greater number of the boxes were at once sent off to Tasmania, reaching Hobart Town m the 20th, where suitable arrangements had been made for hatching on the liver Plenty. On opening the boxes it was found that more than two-thirds of the ova had perished. This occurred where they were tightly packed and the moss was deadened and had assumed a brownish tint. In the boxes where the moss was green and somewhat loose, they were still alive. The temperature of the water in which they were hatched varied froui 46° to 49^, some of the ice left from the Nor- folk being vsed to keep it below the latter point on warm days. Mr. Ramsbottom, son of the noted fish culturist, had charge of the hatching; but with all his care only I II I ; lllf : \ ^36 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. three thousand fry were produced from the thirty thousand eggs that arrived in sound condition. These were healthy, but did not grow as fast as some of the young trout. While the friends of the enterprise were congratulating themselves that at any rate they had three thousand young salmon, there was a mysterious disappearance of the greater part of the Some, it was thought, found their way into the river; only about five hundred remained in the pond, and these also after a while were allowed to escape to the river. To this " small point," as a Yankee would say, had this much-talked-of introduction of salmon into Australia been " whittled down." The enterprise, however, was commend- able in those who attempted it, and we say all honor to its patrons. There are reports of grilse having returned, whether from this small migration, or from the hatching of subse- quent importations of ova, I have not been able to learn definitely. But the five hundred even, if protected, will in due time make salmon abundant. The following, copied from the Hobart Town Mercury, I have clipped from the report of the Vermont Fish Commissioners :— " The first batch of salmon hafe teen sent out to sea, and we shall have a second batch to let loose at the end of the year. When Mr. Kamsbottom, in charge of the sal- mon ponds at the Plenty, turned the first batch into the Derwent at tlie close of 1865, he fixed upon February, 1866, as the date of their return from the sea, and they have been true to their time. They began to return in the I i CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 137 month of February, and now seem to be returning in con- siderable numbers. " After enumerating the instances where salmon had been seen, the writer concludes by saying : — " All doubts of the return of the first batch of salmon in greater or lesser numbers are therefore at an end. We cannot say that the Derwent swarms with them. But enough has been said to show that they have returned in considerable numbers." The following statistical information is from the report of the Vermont Commissioners of Fisheries : — Mr. Ashworth has communicated to the International Congress to Promote the Cultivation of Fisheries the fol- lowing table of the number of salmon taken in fisheries of the Galway : — In 1853 the number taken was '' 1854 " (< u « (( a 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 u (( a a u u « « (( (( (( « (( (( a n C( a (( (( (( 1,603 3,158 5,540 5,371 4,857 9,639 9,249 3,177 11,051 15,431 17,995 20,512 During the past two years the number has been in- creased, but we are not able to give the exact figures. 12* \ 138 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. Bamodare.~J),,rmg the eleventh year from the time these fishways were built, the number of salmon taken in these waters was over ten thousand. StormontfieU-Mv. Ashworth also submitted tables' giving the yearly renta' of the fisheries on the Tay river Scotland, from the year 1828 io 1864. « In 1828 the an- nual rental was £14,574 10. In this year an act was passed which made net-fishing legal up to the 14th of September instead of the 26th of August. The annual rental gradu- ally dropped off from year to year, till 1852, when it was only £7973 5«. The public mind then became awakened and the law was repealed, and all fishing ceased on the 26th of August as before. There was great opposition to the repeal of this law. The fishermen insisted that it was an unjust abridgment of their rights. They could not perceive the necessity of protecting the breeding salmon that would be likely to pass up during this interval of nineteen days. They insisted that the more they were permitted to fish the more fish they would catch. In ad- dition to this wholesome law, an establishment was com- menced at Stormontfield, for breeding salmon artificially. The annual rental steadily increased under this new system as follows : — " In 1853 it was £8,715 17«. 1854 " 1865 " " 1858 '* 1859 " " 1860 " (( (( >( (i 9,269 6». 9,977 13«. 11,487 2.S. J 2,884 Us. 13,827 10«. CULTURE OF THE SALMON. 139 In 1861 it was £14,109 15«. " 1862 " ^* 14,080 12«. " 1863 " « 14,257 16«. '' " 1864 « « 15,000 00«. " These oflScial documents, the concurrent testimony of all whom we heard speak upon the subject, and the great abun- dance of salmon we saw in the market of England, convince us that good results have followed the efforts to restock the streams of Great Britain. It may be proper to remark in this connection, that we estimated the amount of salmon for sale in the London markets to, be more than double all other fresh-water fish on sale. The price has been affected by the increase of supply. They were selling in July last at one shilling (twenty-four cents) per pound. Six years ago salmon were sold in London at over a dollar per pound." From B. J. Lane, one of the special commissioners for Irish fisheries, we obtained their reports for a series of • years. In them there is evidence of steady progress. In the report of 1865 they commence by saying: — " We have great satisfaction in being able to report the steady and progressivo improvement of the fisheries com- mitted to our charge. That improvement is, however, more real than app'arent. Its proofs are found in the shoals of smolts that descended to the sea last spring, in the multitudes of fry that swarmed in the rivers during the summer, and in the unprecedented number of breeding fi^^h that have so lately thronged the spawning-bods. Its effeotto appeaf in (iiu inorease of the number of men living 140 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. on the fisheries, and of the funds collected for the purpose of preservation. In no previous year, as far back as living evidence will take us, have the rivers of Ireland been so well stocked with salmon, young and old.^* That their anticipations for a continued increase were well foundfcd, is evident from tables submitted in the report for last year. From them it appears that the whole amount of salmon shipped over the seven railroads in Ireland in 1865, was 790 tons, 14 owt., and 3 qrs. In 1866 there were shipped over the same roads, 1092 tons, 10 cwt.j, and 2 qrs. CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 141 CHAPTER VI. CULTURE OF THE SHAD. The Shad. — Its instincts, and analogies to the snlmon. — ^Migra- tions. — Former abundance. — Incubation of its ova. — Its growth. — Its introduction into rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, by Dr. Daniell. — Hatching its spawn at Holyoke. — Ascent by flshways over dam of Susquehanna Canal Company. — Report of Col. James Worrall. The Alewi/e. An account of the specific characteristics of this fish is unnecessary here, and would scarcely interest the general reader ; we will, therefore, allude only to its instincts and habits, bearing on the subject-matter of this chapter. The shad belongs to the great family of herrings (CZm- peidse), so useful, and it might be said, almost indispensa- ble to man. Although there are two varieties which visit our rivers, i. e., the white shad, and that with a row of spots on its sides, they are known as the same species Alosa prxstabiKs, and, doubtless, occupy the same spawning- grounds, at the same time, and breed promiscuously the one with the other. Its geographical range extends all along our Atlantic coast ; and through the laudable efforts of Dr. W. C. Daniell, has been introduced into the Gulf of Mexico, by stocking the Alabama river by means of arti- ficial propagation. This gentleman based his hopes of accomplishing this enterprise, on his knowledjiie of the un- erring instinct of this and other anadromoua fishes, return- ing to their native rivers to reproduce their spec? .. 142 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. The Clupeidse, show many analogies to the salmon family, not possessing, however, the adipose dorsal fin. The most noble species of each — the shad and the salmon, — resemble each other in their migratory habits, and both attain that rapid growth and excellent flavor, for which they are dis- tinguished on similar feeding-grounds, and likely, to a great extent, on the same food ; although the locality of these feeding-grounds, where they do not overlap, may occupy different parallels of latitude. There can be no question that soft-shelled Crustacea, the young of molluscs, small fish, and the lower orders of marine life, are consumed in large quantities by each. It is generally believed now, that the shad, as well as the salmon, does not wander far at sea from the mouth of its native river; and in seeking it may coast along for some distance from the north or south, and thus give the impression that the great shoal may come from either point. At the north, the old theory was, and still is with many, that shad come from the south, while Dr. Daniell alludes to the supposition on the coast o :* Georgia (though he doubted it), that they come from the north. Notwithstanding the analogies of the shad and salmon just mentioned, it is surprising that the former retains its fleshiness and delicate juices quite up to the time of spawn- ing, while the latter continues to fall off from the day it enters fresh water. It has even been insisted on by many, that the longer a shad has been in fresh water before spawning, the better its condition ; as many of those taken just before the season closes, and high up the rivers, are CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 143 finer than the early run. This is likely erroneous, as the late run proceed at once to their spawning-grounds, not lingering as the great body do, but travelling hundreds of miles in a few days. Fresh run shad have been taken at the head of tide on the Susquehanna, with small salt-water fishes in their stomachs so perfect that their species could be identified. I mention this fact as an evidence of the rapidity with which shad sometimes travel. After they enter fresh water, it is generally believed that they do not feed, as they are invariably found with empty stomachs. It is true that a shad will rise at an artificial fly occasion- ally, or take a minnow, as I know from experience, but on opening them, these, ai^well as other anadromous fishes, are found without food. Amongst these I instance the herring, the alewife, the salmon, and Canadian sea trout. It is reasonable to suppose that shad are omnivorous, and that some of the algae which are gelatinous and highly nutritive, contribute to their rapid growth. Shad, at one time, entered every river on our coast which furnished the requisite spawning-beds, and ascended until some barrier opposed their course; every tributary was crowded with them. Civilization, and its attendant enter- prise, prosecuted without provision for the passage of the fish to and from their spawning-grounds, have driven them entirely from some rivers, and lessened their numbers sp materially in others, that shad are now considered rather a luxury, than one of the chief staples of life, in their season. In view of this alarming decrease, many of the States have appointed Commissioners of Fisheries, and are constructing 144 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. ni fishways over impassable dams. The New England States, by concerted legislation, have a joint commission, which gives us hope of a speedy restoration of shad and salmon to rivers from which they have been expelled. In the report of the Commissioners of Fisheries for the State of Vermont (October 11, 1866), it is said of shad, that they " select their spawning-grounds in bodies of water deeper and warmer than those occupied by salmon. The deep eddies beldw dams and waterfalls are generally selected by them. The eddy below Bellows Falls was for- merly a favorite spawning-ground for shad. The one below Holyoke dam in Massachusetts, is now occupied for that purpose, and thousands of shad are now annually caught at that place." This was also the case below Fair- mount dam long after the Schuylkill was obstructed there, and hut for the city gas-works, it would still have been a spawning-ground. Even now, a few shad continue to spawn there. A few years since, when returning from the dam where I had been fishing for white perch, two or three young shad (likely pursued by rockfish) leaped into my boat. This occurred in the latter part of May, and the fry were then between three and four inches in length. The remarks just quoted, as well as my observations, are corroborated by the experiments in artificial propagation at Holyoke last summer, and prove that shad instinctively deposit their spawn where it is kept suspended by the action of the water, if such a place is accessible. The short term of incubation (60 or 70 hours), and the fact of this fish being so prolific, are palpable arguments in CULTURE OP THE SHAD. 145 favor of its artificial propagation. By such means they can be immediately introduced into upper waters and tribu- taries of our rivers, if fishways are provided for their passage up and down. In eddies where sun-fish, perch, chub, roach, and other small fish Congregate (being led thither, no doubt, by an instinctive knowledge of the food they are to find), the suspended and moving ova of shad must offer easily attained morsels, and it is not hkely that any large proportion escape the ravenous devourers, or that one out of five of the helpless fry live to migrate to sea. All Philadelphia fishermen know how tempting a bait shad roe is to any fish, from the splendid rockfish down to the grovelling catfish. That it would pay to keep the fry for a short time in ponds of river water, is problematical, but well worth the experiment. The Massachusetts Commissioners of Fisheries, in their last report, comparing the statistics of Mr. T. D. Stoddart, as given in the ^' Harvest of the Seas," with other autho- rities, estimate that of the eggs of salmon which are not devoured, one-third become parrs, that two-thirds of the parrs become smolts, that one-twentieth of the smolts be- come grilse, and that one-tenth of the grilse become salmon. Thus showing that only one out of fifteen hundred eggs produces a full-grown salmon if deposited naturally, and the ova, fry, and grilse subjected to the usual chances. Or, that the produce of twenty thousand ova at the end of the third year is only seventy grilse, seven full-grown salmon, fifty thousand new parrs, and two hundred thou- sand eggs. The twenty thousand eggs thus producing 13 K 146 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. only seventy-seven fish fit for the table in three years. To show the advantages to bo derived from the artificial pro- pagation of shad, the report alluded to continues : — " By the shad, thanks to the admirable experiments of Green, we may illustrate the results of natural and artifi- cial propagation side by side. We assume that the male is fecund at one year, that the female carries spawn at two years, and lays from 10,000 to 12,000 eggs to each pound of her weight, and that males and females are in equal numbers. Considering what is known of the hatching of the eggs, by the natural process, and assuming that the young are destroyed in the same proportion as those of the salmon, the following fractions may be deduced :— • f I of all eggs laid, get impregnated and escape being eaten by other fishes, ^'jj of these hatch. ^jj of those hatched grow to one year. ^ of the yearlings grow to two years. ^ of the two-year-olds grow to three yeois. " It would hence appear, that of 40,000 eggs of shad laid in the natural way, only one arrives at the age of three years. Now suppose two pairs of adult shad should come to a river each year, for three successive years, and there breed; what would they and their descendants amount to at the end of that time ? The following table, calculated from the data foregoing, will answer this question. Il CULTURE OF THE SHAD. N^atural Breeding. 147 B'Slnning of First Year. BegiunlDgofSecoud Year. Beginning of Third Year. End of Third Tear. 4 Shad. 1760 Young. ) 4 Shad. I 1760 Young. 36 Yearlings. f 4 Phad. \ 17 SO Youiig. :<5 Yearlings, f 7 two year-olds. \ 1760 Young. 4 Shad. 35 Yearlings. 7 two-year-olda. 3 three year-old*. 35 Yearlings. Total 84 "Even at this rate, and allowing that all shad die at three years old, the number of three-year-old fish in a river, derived from a single pair, would double in about eight years, although, for several years, there would be, of course, no three-year-olds at all in the river, the original pair having died. But, since the number of the largest fish is always small, compared with those of less size, and as these large ones are most liable to get caught, it may well be understood that the river fishermen think that both shad and salmon have * decreased in size,' and that they are obliged to make their net-meshes smaller. The gain by artificial propagation of shad, lies at the very outset, and consists in the increased percentage of spawn that may thus be hatched ; the ratio of the artificial to the natural being at the most moderate estimate, as seventy-two to one. Starting with this difference, and taking the other propor- tions just as in the above table, we should have the follow- ing results from the artificially hatched spawn of two pairs of large shad, taken three years in succession, added to the spawn of their mature progeny within that period :— 148 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Artificial Breeding. Beginning of Pint Tear. Beginning of Second Year. Beginning of Third Year. End of Third Tear. •126,000 Young. ♦126,000 Young. 2620 Yearlings. *120,000 Young. 2620 Yearlinsrs. 504 two yciir-olds. t3,969,000 Young. 2f)20 Yearlings. 604 twoyeiir-olds. 252 three-year-olds. 168,7(JO Yearlings. Total 162,036. " Compared with the foiaier table, the results in favor of artificial propagation are as 162,036 to 84, or, as 2000 to 1, nearly. This is nothing unbelievable. * * But it is a diflference that ought to call the attention of all thoughtful persons to this subject. It would be very little labor or expense to set free 100,000,000 young shad in the Connecticut, and these might reasonably be supposed to return us nearly a half million of two-year-old fish. Fif- teen hundred large females would yield the required amount of spawn, and this is not more than a half of one per cent, of the females now yearly taken in the river." The supposition that shad remain at sea two years is yet to be proven. I know, from personal observation, that their growth is rapid, for I have taken scores of them in August, when fishing in a deep tideway for white perch ; the size averaging six or seven inches in length, which at least equals that of the generality of smolts. If the * From the eggs of two females : — f^ of 140,000. t From the eggs of the two-year-olds. CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 149 smolt returns the following summer a grilse of from three to five pounds, why may not a shad attain a weight of two and a half or three pounds in the same time ? In a report of the Fish Commissioners of one of the New England States it is said that a few male shad nine or ten inches in length are sometimes taken in the Connec- ticut river; and it is assumed that these have spent one winter at sea. On this, which is a i-iere supposition, the theory has been started that the females and most of the males remain at sea two years. May not these males have remained in the river all winter, the milt developing in the mean time as it does in the male parr of the salmon ? We kno^^ how much shorter time is occupied in the hatching of the spawn, and the more rapid growth of the fry of the shad. In three or four months a young shad will grow to a size which a smolt only attains in fifteen or it may be in twenty-seven months. With this wonderful precocity of egg and fry, I cannot see why its growth at sea should not be as much as two or three pounds by the next spring or summer. If a few thousand shad fry could be confined to a limited space by leading off a side stream from one of our rivers, and marked, after they had grown to five or six inches, by cutting off the hinder part of the dorsal fin, and then turned loose, it is quite likely that some of them might be taken in the river near the place of their nativity the following summer, and the problem be solved. The following, from the proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, communicated through the Smithsonian Institute, shows how the pioneer movement in 13* 150 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. 1*'it! :>4troducing shad into the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico was made : — " On the Introduction of the American Shad into ike Alabama River. By W. C. Daniell, M. D. of Savannah^ Qa. — My success in establishing the white shad in the Alabama river being now complete, I propose to give you a detailed statement of the matter. " Having long doubted the generally-received theory of the annual migration south from the northern seas, of the white shad, and of the consequent annual migration thither of the young fry hatched from the eggs deposited by their parents in our fresh-water streams, I made inquiry of our fishermen, and learned that minute but distinctive difler- ences were readily detected between the white shad taken in the Savannah river and those taken in the Ogeechee river, eighteen miles south of the Savannah river. Fully satis- fied of this fact, I readily concluded that the young shad that descend to the sea never go so far from the mouth of the river descended as to lose their connection with it, and that they ascend in the spring the same river which they had descended as young fish the previous summer. Then the feeding-ground, so to speak, of the shad is in or near the mouth of the river. If the young shad does attain its growth at the mouth of the Savannah and of the Ogeechee rivers, may there not be equally good feeding-grounds at the mouths of the Alabama and other rivers flowing into tbd Gulf of Mexico ■(' To solve this question, I, with the aid of my friend, Mark A. Cooper, Esq., whose residence on the Etowah river, in Barton county, supplied an eligible CULTURE OP THE SHAD. 151 locality for the experiment, in the early summer of 1848 had placed in a small tributary of the Etowah river the fecundated eggs of the white shad, which I had myself carefully prepared at my plantation on the Savannah river, ten miles above this city, from living parents. These eggs, so deposited by Major Cooper, were daily visited by hL until they had all hatched. I sent another supply of fecundated eggs to Daniel Pratt, Esq., at Prattsville, near Montgomery, Ala., in 1853 or 1854, as he writes me, which he deposited in a small creek. Inasmuch as he left home soon after, and was absent ' some ceks,' he can only report that during that absence heavy rains raised the waters in the creek, and washed away the ' pen' in which he had placed the white-shad eggs supplied by me. Nothing can therefore be safely affirmed of the success of this second deposit, nor is it important, as in 1851 or 1852, the white shad had already been taken in the fish-traps at the foot of the Falls of the Alabama, at Wetumpka, and of the Black Warrior, near Tuscaloosa, though unknown to me at the time of supplying Mr. Pratt with the fecundated eggs. " Through the kindness of a friend at Montgomery, Ala., a shad taken from the Alabama river was sent to Professor Holbrook, of Charleston, S. C, and he wrote mo that he 'felt certain' that the fish received and examined by him was identical with the white shad of our Atlantic rivers. I have a letter from Charles T. Pollard, Esq., of Mont- gomery, Ala., of 6fb inst., in which, speaking of the white «had in the Alabama rivor, he says: « They have gradually increased in quantity since they first appeared, and havo 152 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. year by year increased ia size, until, to use the words of a native of South Carolina, who lived many years near Sis- tera Ferry, on the Savannah river, they are now equal to the best Savannah river shad.' " The white shad have chiefly been taken in the fish- traps at the foot of the fall at Wetumpka and near Tusca- loosa. One, I am informed, has been taken from a trap at the head of the Coosa river, near Rome, in this stp+e, and only some sixty miles below the locality in which the eggs were deposited by Major Cooper, in a tributary of the Etowah river. I also learn that some few have been taken with a dip-net near Selma. " I think that we may safely conclude that the white shad may be as successfully established in the Mississippi river as it has been in the Alabama. Since feeding-grounds for that delicious fish exist at the mouth of one river flow- ing into thz Uulf of Mexico, may they not exist at the mouths of other or all the rivers discharging into that sea ? Time must answer that question. "Savannah, April 19th, 1866." It is to be regretted that some memoranda concerning the incubation were not given in this communication. It would have been a matter of much interest to compare observations of this kind with those of Mr. Lyman, of the Massachusetts Fish Commission, who says, " Green was not able to hatch more than 2 per cent, of the ova deposited on the natural river-bed." The following account of the hutching of shad-ppawn at Holyoko is from the admirable report of the cnmmissiou CULTURE OP THE SHAD. 153 just named. All the facts connected with the incubation are so interesting, and at the same time so new, that I quote Mr. Lyman's observations almost entire : — " Artificial Breeding of >S'/iac?.— Early in last summer, Seth Green oflFered to come, at his own expense, and try to hatch the eggs of the shad at Holyoke, provided the New England Commissioners would furnish the necessary ap- paratus. " Green began his experiments the first week in July. He put up some hatching-troughs, like those used for trout, in a brook which emptied int(i the river. Having taken the ripe fish with a sweep-seine, he removed and impregnated the ova in the way already described for trout. These, to the number of some millions, he spread in boxes j but, to his great mortification, every one of them spoiled. Nothing daunted, he examined the temperature of the brook, and found, not only that it was 13° below that of the river (62° to 75°), but that it varied 12° from night to day. This gave the clue to success. Taking a rough box, he knocked the bottom and part of the ends out, and replaced them by a wire gauze. In this box the eggs were laid, and it was anchored near shore, exposed to a gentle current that passed freely through the gauze, while eels or fish were kept off. To his great joy, the minute embryos were hatched at the end of sixty hours, and swam about the box, like the larvao of mosquitoes in a cask of stagnant water. Still, though the condition of success was found, the contrivance was still imperfect; for the eggs were drifted by the current into the lower end of the box, 1(1 i;S III 154 AMERICAN FISH CULTUIIE. Fias. 1, 2, 7.— Orocn's patent hatching box soen from the Bide, end and bottom. Scale, t-20th. a, side floats 3 4" long ; 2" by 3" square, set with screws, b, bottom croHS bar, bevellpd, to throw the ciirront upward, c, wire-net bottooi 14 wires to an inch, rf, trap in hlml end for escape of young fish, covered by wire-net, 8 to an Inch, and with a covering slide, e, anchoring cord. /, water-line. G, spawn. and heaped up, whereby many were spoiled for lack of fresh water and motion. The best that this box would do, was 90 per cent., while often it would hatch only 70 or 80 per cent. "The spawn-box he at last hit on is as simple as in- genious. It is merely a box with a wire-gauze bottom, and Steadied in the water by two float-bars, screwed to its sides. These float-bars are attached, not parallel to the top line of the box, but at an angle to it, which makes the box float with one end tilted up, and the current striking the gauze bottom at an angle, is deflected upwards, and makes CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 155 such a boiling within as keeps the light shad eggs con- stantly free and buoyed up. The result was a triumph. Out of 10,000 ova placed in this contrivance, all but seven hatched. In spite of these delays, and of the imperfect means at hand for taking the fish, Green succeeded in hatching and setting free in the river many millions of these tiny fry. "As no way is now known of keeping shad in ponds or pools, they must be watched at their breeding-grounds, and when the spawn begins to flow fre-ly from them, operations may commence. The fishing must take place by night, because (near Hadley Falls, at any rate) no ripe females are captured by day; those taken are all spent, or not yet ready to lay. This may be because they are in the deep holes, spawning, or because they are above, in the quick water. The seine must not be hauled quite ashore, but the bight of it must remain in the shallow water, that the fish may be kept alive. Thence they are taken out, and the spawn impregnated in a tub, or a large pan of water. Many scales will fall in the water, and must be carefully picked out, before the ova are distributed in the floating boxes, wherein they may lie about one-fourth of an inch deep. The boxes must be lashed end to end, in lines of convenient length, and it is well to surround them with a log boom, to keep oflF rubbish brought down by the stream. They should be placed conveniently near the shore, in a gentle current, but not so near as to risk being left dry by a fall of the river. Thej viU now appear as if they had nothing in them, for the eggs are almost as 166 AMERICAN FISH CULTURB. transparent as the water itself; but if they turn milky, and look like half-boiled sago, they are spoiled. <'The contents are not, however, to be thrown away, without taking up some in the hand, when it will likely appear that but a small part are addled, while the rest re- main transparent. With further progress the embryo may, with a weak glass, be easily seen moving in the egg, which then is not so clear, and at the end of sixty hours (with sunshine and water at 75°), the box will be found alive with tiny fry, almost transparent, except the eyes, swim- ming freely, with their heads up stream. In confinement they cannot be kept, because the yolk-sac does not suffice for their support for more than one or two days. But care must be taken to liberate them in a mfe place. Green observed that, on setting them free among the shallows near shore, the dace {Argyreus) and other little fishes rushed to the spot, and commenced jumping at them. In the stomach of a dace, he found fourteen shad fry. Then, by a series of most ingenious experiments, he discovered that the fry, so far from frequenting the shallows, like many minnows, made directly for the main current, in mid- river. How different this from the young trouts that lie aJmost helpless for forty-five days, and then are fain to hide behind stones and roots ! Whereas, these minute, trans- parent, gelatinous things push boldly for the deep, swift current, where they are too insignificant to be attacked by the great fishes. Will the physicists tell us what ' corre- lation and conservation of force' produces thh;, or will the Darwinians set forth how, some millions of }ear8 gone, a narfinnlar shiid ^rv, finding by accident th-.t he did not get CULTURE OP THE SHAD. 167 eaten in deep water, transmitted a deep-water instinct to his children, who thereby flourished, while the shoal-water fry got in due time exterminated ? " So the fry must be let go in the proper way by towing the boxes into mid stream, or by liberating them during the night, when their enemies do not feed. In either case, the trap-slide must be raised, when they will be carried gradually through the coarse netting by the current. This operation must be performed as soon as all the ova are hatched out. There ends the nursery care; for we kaow no method of keeping the young till they have gained size and strength. What we may hope to avoid is, the enor- mous loss which the eggs themselves suff-er, when deposited by the natural method.* " The ovaries of a full-grown shad weigh at the spawn- ing season about thirteen ounces, without the membranes. With a common lens, three sizes of ova are at once distin- guished. The first have a diameter of ^-g^ to ^-g^ of an inch. These are transparent and ready to be laid; the second, y^5 to ^^^ of an inch; the third, ^§„ of an inch. These two smaller sizes are opaque; they are still found after the fish' hns spawned, and are the crops ready to mature the next year and the year after. This state of the * With the utmost care to secure every favorable surrounding, Green was never able to hatch more than two per cent, on the natural river-bed. Only those eggs hatched that chanced to catch in an angle of the gravel, where they had the current all about them. This does not take into the account those that are not im- pregnated, or are devoured, or covered by mud, &c., &c. 1^ - • 158 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. ovary has its parallel in the turtle, and possibly in all of the vertebrata. "It is scarcely necessary to add that the microscope shows other and smaller ovarian eggs. An ovary of the size above mentioned contains about 70,000 ova, ready to be laid. Their diameter increases, as soon as they are put in water and impregnated, from yg^ to -^^ of an inch. This is by the endosmosis of water between the yolk and the shell membrane.* Of the embryonic development, we have, as yet, only an imperfect outline to present. Forty- one hours after impregnation, the condition of the embryo is, on the whole, in advance of that of coregonus on the thirty-third day. , The under surface, from the nose to the beginning of the ventral, is in close contact with the yolk, which is composed of a great number of rounded divisions, such as are seen in the complete segmentation of that body, while its surface is flecked with pigment stars, of which a less number may be distinguished on the forward part of the trunk. That part of the embryo which swings free makes a spiral half turn, so that the dorsal fin is turned toward, instead of from, the yolk-sac. The head, which is pointed in front, and flattened, bears no res'>m- blace to that of the grown animal, and it would be, perhaps, fanciful to compare it eve lo such forms as Petromyzon (Lamprey eel.) A large portion of it is occupied by the * The same takes place in a less degree in the egg of Coregonus (white fish.) (Carl Vogt, loc. cit. p. 27, PI. I. fig. 9.) Accus- tomed only to eggs of trout, Green was much astonished to behold the mass of ova swell to near twice its first bulk. CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 159 eye, which fills proportionately at least four times more space than in the adult. The choroid coat, not yet closed below, partly encircles the crystalline lens, above which may be distinguished a clear space, which is a portion of the vitreous humor. The form of the brain may already be distinguished, especially when fore-shortened from the front. It is probable that the pectoral fin already exists, but, from the extreme transparency of the tissues, its out- lihe could not be caught. From the well-marked nuchal bow, the flattened body tapers gradually to a fine point, and is bordered, above and below, by an embryonic dorsal and ventral which spread into a spatula-like caudal fin, and it should be observed, that neither in this stage nor in the newly-hatched, does there exist any unevenness of the margins of these fins, that should indicate their approach- ing separation ; whereas, the newly-hatched salmon already shows very distinct dorsal, adipose, caudal, anal, and ven- tral fins ; and the little Coregonus, though less advanced in this respect, shows plainly the boundaries of these organs. Near the base of the caudal is now to be seen the end of the alimentary canal, passing at an angle across the breadth of the fin. The heart may be observed beating, and the embryo itself moves itself round and round within its prison, by a series of convulsive jerks. This motion is called by the breeders, ' life in the egg.'* * In this stage Green succeeded in keeping eggs aHve in damp moss for six days, in a low temperature. But they are very hard to transport long distances, and cannot be hatched in cold water. 160 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Ili!!l " The specific gravity of the eggs at all stages is very small — barely enr.»!gh {,o sink them in still water — a great contrast to ^ ^ . P < lie trout, which i^o down almost like shot. " The newly-hatched young is //^ of an inch long. It swims actively by a continuous and rapid vibration of the body, and keeps its head to the canent, perhaps to get the food that is carried past.* The yolk-sac, whose longer diameter, already in the egg, was parallel with the body, now appears still more ovoid in form. The pectoral fin is easily seen, and the finger-like canals in it indicate that its rays are forming. The embryonic, dorsal, caudal, and ven- tral fins are continuous one with another, and extend round the whole body, back of the yolk-sac. In the caudal a few faint, radiating fibres indicate the formation of rays. The choroid has completed its circle, and the eye has nearly the outward look of that in the adult. Along the course of the alimentary canal, quite to the anal opening, and over the yolk-sac, the pigment stars are more numerous and defined, A littia indentation indicates the mouth, which lies under the eye, and opens as a curved slit. The general mass of the brain is easi'v made out. Along the centre of the body, a more translucent stripe indicates the dorsal cord, above which the range of muscular bundles begins to be distinct. *' The current carries the fry gradually seaward. Hence it is, that since the erection of the Holyoke dam, young shad are no more seen there ; because, by the time they are large enough to be noticed, they have all drifted lower down the river. CULTURE OP THE SHAD. igj " Within eighty-two hours after hatching, great develop, ment has taken place. The tail, though not forked, haB taken on its triangular form, and is n.ade up of fine, radiat- ing fibres. The embryonic dorsal and ventral are reduced in breadth, whereby the anal opening is brought close to the body, the base muscles of the true dorsal may also be seen as it begins to form. Along the body the trans- verse muscles show themselves distinctly both above and below the lateral line. The pectoral fins have now their fibres complete, and resemble two little flat brushes. The mouth is pushing forward towards its normal place. It seems to have, in the under lip, a notch, perhaps the point of future union of the mamillaries. The yolk-sac no longor plays an important part, and is reduced to very small dimensions. But the most striking change is the develop, ment of gills, four on a side, and each in its gill-pouch. Ihe gills themselves can be distinguished, like little bows along which run their veins and arteries. These, together with the size and position of the eyes, give the under sur- face of the head rather the look of that of a skate embryo than of a shad. - Such is a hasty sketch of three periods of embryonic life m this Alosa. Of the young, at three months, outlines have already been given.* It should be added, that their jaws ure, at this age, rrmed with fine, sharp, slightly curved teeth, nearly continuous along the upper maxillary and intermaxillary pieces, with a few at the point of the * See plate at the commencement of this chapter. \ 162 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. lower maxillaries. None, apparently, on the vomer. These are necessary for the capture of the water beetles that then constitute a part of their food. The jaws of the adult are, as is well known, smooth. " Of the further growth of the shad, we cannot as yet speak with certainty, although there are pretty good grounds for an opinion. Mr. Frederic Kussell, late Com- missioner from Connecticut, first called attention to some small Alosse, about nine inches long, called by the fisher- men, ' chicken shad,* or ' Connecticut river alewives.' He was led to consider them partly grown fishes, from the fact that they all were males. Of many hundreds examined, only one female could be found, and there the ova were not developed. The fish taken for artificial breeding at Holy- oke were then compared, and it was found that they were of three, if not of four distinct sets or sizes. The smallest were the ' chicken shad,' and were all males; the next were but half the size of the largest, and were males and females j so also were the largest of all. Hence we may at least guess, that the young of the autumn go down, as min- nows of four inches, to the sea. The next spring the males are fecund (so too in the salmon parr), and seek the fresh water, urged by the sexual instinct, and are the chicken shad or yearlings. Not so the females, which, not yet sexually developed, remain in the salt water, or in the estuaries. When two years old both sexes are fecund and seek the river together. These are the half-grown or two- year-olds. The third season they are large fish, and may be termed three-year-olds. But these three-year-olds have, n CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 1^3 in the ovary, at least two crops of ef,gs ready, though undeveloped, for the next two seasons. N'ature does not prepare her seed only to die ! Old fish become barren. These two crops of eggs are to be laid, and for that the fish must live at least two years more. The impression that prevails among fishermen, both here and in Europe, that shad die after spawning, the first year, comes only from the familiar fact that fishes are in meagre condition after spawn- ing, and that some of the weaker probably do die, and are seen floating. There was a similar idea about lamprey eels, which was to the efiTect that they made fast by their sucker and then slowly decayed."* * Concerning the indisposition of some persons to believe in the utility of fishways, Mr. Lyman, one of the Massachusetts Fish Com- missioners, gives the following : " When the fishway at Lowell was building, some of the factory superintendents (very intelligent men about factories), said, that the fish must have a schoolmaster to teach them to go up those steps ! The next year shad and salmon did go up, and without any school- master. The nearer we get to the truth, the more it stands out, that artificial propagation and free passage over dams, are the two great conditions of restocking rivers." The same writer takes the subjoined "fling" at certain slow, cautious peopla : — " This feeling gets strength from the loose impression that game, like the Indian, is doomed, and that the last shad or trout is soon to be caught,— a sort of Dr. Fear-the -worst theory,— ' Tho former did maintain The man would take all medicine in vain.' " This kind of sentiment is shown by the uncomprehensive way 164 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. The subjoined reports for the years 1866 and 1867, made by Col. James Worrall, the Commissioner appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 30th 1866, contain information of much interest to the citizens of the state. His description of the fishway at the Colum- bia dam, will show the reader how such means of passage for the shad are con:jructed, and how the fish find their way up. He also explains the reason of the delay in build- ing fishways at other dams on the Susquehanna, as pro- vided for under the above Act. For these reasons I have deemed it advisable to give both of his reports in full :— r. *« Hakbisburo, Pa., December 3d 1866. " Dear Sir :— In fulfilling the duties devolved upon me under the act of 80th March 1866, ' relating to the pass- age of fish along the Susquehanna and certain of its tribu- taries,' I have the honor to report as follows : in which legislative committees often receive applications from peo- pie who petition for tlie control of particular streams, or creeks, or ponds, for the purpose of raising fish or oysters in a systematic and economical way. At once the members begin to ask whether this control would not abrogate some grant of the Pequot Indians to Fear-the-Lord Crowell, in the year 1639; or some ancient right of the inhabitants of Harwich Centre to dig one peck of quahogs per man on that particular ground,. " These same committee-men would not treat a petition for a railroad or a cotton-mill in this way, and simply because they believe iu the success of a railroad or of a mill, bat they do not believe in and do not know about the success of fish or oysters." CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 155 « Immediately after my appointment, by your Excel- lenoy, I coi^sulted all the authorities on the subject within my reach, and finally devised a plan which was in the form of steps commencing at the comb of the dam, and falling or stepping down, one after another, at the rate of six inches per step; eroh of the.o steps being also a trough ten feet wide, to contain a constant supply of water two feet deep for the fish to rest in during their ascent. " The width of the flight of steps was to be from two hundred feet on the main stem of the Susquehanna to a proportional width for its smaller tributaries, and the whole was to be constructed of good substantial crib work, such Bs is employed and approved in the construction of dams in Pennsylvania. " I had this plan carefully draughted and specified, and before the ist of June I sent it in, plan ard specification, to the following corporations owning dams on the streams mentioned, namely: The Susquehanna Canal Company; The Pennsylvania Railroad Company; The West Branch Canal Company; The Wyoming Valley Canal Comj^any, and The North Branch Canal Company. As these corpo- rations owned all the lower dams on the river, and which, if not altered for the passage of fish, there would be no use in altering dams located above them, and as I knew that they all, except the Susquehanna Canal Company, held their property by purchase from the state, without encumbrance, as alleged, and deemed themselves, there- fore, exempt from the operation of the law, I did not notify individuals or corporations owning dams above them ; if ifHl 166 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. for even should such accept notice, comply with the law and alter their dams, fish would be debarred from reaching them by the neglected dams below, and there would be expense and trouble for nothing. " In pursuing this course I have not obeyed the letter of the law, but I trust to be forgiven when the circum- stances are considered, " My surmises in respect to these companies proved to be correct. None, except the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany, regularly acknowledged even to have received my notification, nor have I heard from any of them since. " The Susquehanna Canal Company, owning the dam at Columbia, however, have complied with the law in every respect, as far as I was able to direct them how to do so. " On or about the 1st of June I met Mr. B. Andrews Knight, their president, at Columbia, and conferred with him on the subject, and he expressed his willingness to carry out the plan, but suggested some modifications, which I did not like to accept, until I could sustain my- self by other authorities on the subject, and our meeting was adjourned until in July, that I might be enabled in the mean time to do so. " I proceeded immediately to the New England States j conferred with the chairman of the Fish Committee of the Legislature of Connecticut, the Hon. Mr. Avery, and pre- senting credentials from your Excellency to the Governor of Maasachusetts, Governor Bullock, was introduced by the Hon. Oliver Warner, Secretary of the Commonwealth of CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 157 Massachusetts, to Theodore Lyman, Esq., who has charge of the subject in that state. " In Connecticut I was informed by Mr. Avery that they did not consider the river (the Connecticut) obstructed by any works of theirs which existed in it, and that they so intended to answer the state of New Hampshire, that state having officially requested to know if any such ob- structions existed. " In Massachusetts I found that they had not advanced in these improvements further than we had, they being just then engaged in devising plans for the Merrimac, and* perhaps other of their streams. "They, however, had given intelligent consideration to the subject. "Mr. Lyman is well known as a naturalist, and he had availed himself of consultations with Prof Agassiz, whose reputation, I need not say, is, in the same pursuit, world wide. I could not learn that in the other states of New England I would be able to add to the information obtain- able from these high sources in Massachusetts, so I pro- ceeded no further than Boston. *' In July I met Mr. Preddent Knight again on the dam at Columbia, and there, in consultation with himself and Mr. Daniel Shure, the able superintendent of the Susque- hanna Canal, a plan was devised, chie% by Mr. Shure, with some modifications suggested by my New England experience, which plan has been since carried out, at a cost of some «5000 to that company, and I have reason to hope that it will prove to be a ' success,' 168 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. "If my hope should prove well-founded, some small number of shad will make their way as far up the river next spring as Duncan's island, a distance of nearly fifty miles higher up than they have been able to reach for many years, and this number will increase from year to year, if not too much thinned out by fishing, until we may hope for an adequte supply of this spring delicacy, being brought back to localities so long unjustly deprived of it. "I say small number, for I have recently received a letter from Mr. Lyman, of Massachusetts, the gentleman , before alluded to, to whom I had communicated the progress of our operations, warning me that I < must not be disap- pointed if my shad do not go up so fast or so far as I hope. It is not the tendency usually of fish to make much exertion to pass beyond the beds where they were '••^«wned,' and he particularly wishes me to 'causa re ^ -^ -aervations to be made on this very point, and if the fish do go over the dam and pass far above it in really large numbers, that I would tell him of it, as it would be a point of interest in natural history* — (8«e last number (October or November) of the proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science, on the planting of shad In the Alabama river), and he adds, ' if they do wt go freely over, being satisfied that they could if they dmge, you must transport some from below into the basin of the dam above, and then let your legislature forbid fishing above the dam for five years. That is the term allowed In Maine to restore bar- ren rivers.' " I think we need hardly take the trouble to transplant CULTUKE OF THE SHAD, 169 fish from the lower to the upper leveis, for once or twice that the Columbia dam has beer* broken, they have made their way above it, and have been caught in small numbers at Duncan's island. " But what Mr. Lyman says is nevertheless true ; that the fish will make almost irrepressible exertions to return to the beds where they were spawned, while to pass beyond there, they will take but little trouble. " The spawn (fry) of the few, however, that make their way up, will return by resistless instinct in the following season, and it may be well to consider his other recom- mendation, that the fishing above the dam should be some- what restricted by legislative enactment for a limited period, until our great Susquehanna shall be cured of ' barrenness.' " It remains for me to describe t you the device which has been inserted in the Columbia dam. " The dam itself is about six feet high, and about a mile and a third long, and is located on a rough, rocky bed. The channel below is rapid and much interrupted by large rocks, worn by the water. The fish channels in these rapids are tortuous and much spread over the whole bed of the stream. " A point was selected within about a quarter of a mile of the York county shore, where the fish ' most do congre- gate' from all the lower channels every spring, uad where many of ' .ei. have been annu ''y ^akenj and at this placu a seocifn;, forty feet long, was cut clean out of the 15 J70 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. dam, a coffer dam li?ving been first erected above to keep off the water. " In this opening, a new subdam was erected, so that ita comb or highest elevation would about equal the level of the water below the principal dam when the fish are run- ning (a little ovc r three feet ^ay). The lower slope of this subdam was placed at an inclination of one in fifteen, and the sides of the aperture in the main dam were dentated or framed in a series of offsets, so as to promote the forma- tion of eddies in the current passing over the subdam. " When the fish are running then, in the spring, the water in the r.perture will be under the influence of gra- vity in oppos t?tion3. The lower water will try to attain its level, the top of the subdam and the upper water rushing through the aperture will meet and certainly drive it back, but with a force considerably impeded by the cushion, so to speak, of lower water. " The fish will be nosing along the foot of the main dam, as is their wont, and finding its passage open, agitated though it be by these contending currents, they will endeavor to pass up, and let us hope they will succeed. But should tliey fail in the first few trials, there are the recesses at the sides where the eddies are sure to be formed, and where they mav gather strength for a renewal of the trial. I am informed, by persons in the neighborhood of Columbia, who have seen this aperture of ours with the water running through it, that there are many passages in the Oonewago rapids below which are much more difficult of ascent than this isj and which, of course, the fish must CULTURE OF THE SHAD. 171 easily pass, or they would not be caught, as they now are, at the base of the Columbia dam, their next obstacL\ "Such is the result of our labors at the Columbia dam, and we have but to wait now until spring to see what action the fish, our long absent friends, will take upon the subject. " If our inducements are not suflScient, we may, in the future, be able to improve upon them, and Mr. President Knight has expressed his willingness to render all reason- able aid in making such improvements as, after experiment, may seem to be required. '* The next two dams in streams, contemplated by the act, are first: the Middletown Feeder dam, crossing the Swatara a short distance from its mouth, and the Duncan's Island dam, crossing the Susquehanna at or near Clark's Ferry. These both belong to the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company, whom I notified, according to law, and who acknowledged the receipt of the notification. On Novem- ber the 1st, nothing had been done to either of these dams, and immediately after that lay I had placed in the hands of the district attorney of Bamphin county, J. W. Simon- ton, Esq., a written account of my proceedings. If the case be carried to the courts, and a decision smmld be had against the constitutionality of the act, there will be no use in prosecuting the companies higher up tie «to-eam If the act should hold, and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company be compelled to alter ite dams, the point will be settled for the upper companies, and there will be no more trouble. So I did not initiate legal proceedings in respect 172 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. I to those companies, deeming it better to await the decision of the courts, in reference to the case of the next dams above Columbia." II. "Harrisburo, December 18th 1867. " Sir : — Having been re-appointed by your Excellency to the position of Commissioner, under the Act of March 30th 1866, relating to the passage of fish in the Susque- hanna and its tributaries, I have the honor to submit the following report : — " The passage for fish constructed in the Columbia dam, and described in my last report, I have every reason to believe is a success. "It is notorious that shad have been caught of the very finest quality and in respectable numbers as high above the Columbia dam as Newport, on the Juniata. " The numbers actually taken, during the past season, between Columbia and the Juniata, are variously estimated at from ten to fifteen or eighteen thousand, by men in whom full reliance can be placed. " In my last year's report to Grovernor Curtin, I stated that the various companies owning the lower dams on the Susquehanna and its tributaries were duly notified, accord- ing to law, of what was required of them, under the act, and that no company had responded except the Susque- hanna Canal Company, who had complied with the act to my satisfaction, by the construction of the designated weir. " I laid information, strictly in accordance with the act, against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who, at that CULTURE OP THE SHAD. I73 time, owned the next structures which barred the access of the shad to the upper river. "This information was duly reported to the District Attorney of Dauphin county, but was not acted upon last year, and thus one season has been lost in the progress of our * reconstruction.' " This year, however, true bills have been found, both against the Pennsylvania llailroad Company, the company owning the dams last year, and the Pennsylvania Canal Company, the party owning them at this time; and there is every reason to believe that the question of the consti- tutionality of the law will very soon be settled in the courts. "Should this question ,)e put at rest so that this cor- poration shall be compell.J under the law to erect the weirs, I have not any doubt but what shad will make their appearance once more above Duncan's Island, in the Sus- quehanna ; and if this first company constructs, the others who were duly notified, as stated in my last year's report, namely, the North and West Branch Canal Companies and the Wyoming Valley Canal Company, must also comply or otherwise stand a lawsuit, which it is not supposed that they will do with the record against them. " The whole matter then depends upon the result of this suit. If the law now in existence be inadequate to produce the desired result, it will be for the legislature to consider the matter further. "The people on the Susquehanna, between Columbia and Duncan's Island, and up the Juniata, as far as New- 16* 174 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. port, have had a taste of fish ; and those living above those points being informed that with an expenditure of a few thousand dollars at each dam, this delicious luxury can be brought again to their doors, it will not be at all surprising if they should feel exceedingly anxious that a law should be passed benefitting them in the same way. " Large numbers of the spawned fry of the shad have been observed at various points making their way down the river during the fall, and the bodies of the old fish — those that had fulfilled their mission in spawning — were also seen at various points, in large numbers, late in the season, floating down with the current. " I should not be surprised, therefore, if the catch in the coming season would double or treble the number taken during the season last past, for it is a well-known instinct of this branch of the finny tribe that they return unerringly to the localities in which they were spawned, unless prevented by some insurmountable obstacle inter- posed during their absence. " The erection of fish dams (weirs) in the river, how- ever, will tend very materially to diminish this desirable result, and public opinion in Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry counties is so strong against these devices, that I believe but a single one was erected along the borders of those counties this year, and that one was promptly sup- pressed by law. *' Having heard, however, that some of those nuisances were about to be, or had been erected, along the river nearer to Columbia, I caused the citizens to be requested to lodge information against them. CULTURE OF THE SHAD. j^g "No such information has been lodged, and I have not been able to ascertain to what extent the downward passage of the spawn has been interrupted in the localities spoken of. The main dams in the river are scarcely a greater obstruction to the passage of shad than these fish- trap«-they catch the spawn (fry) in their meshes, and there the little creatures die by the thousand. " It is in the hands of the people to remedy this cryin^^ evil. The laws against the erection of such structures are 8ufficie;itly stringent to put a stop to them altogether; but unless those interested will lodge information, the system will continue, and although the most efficient weirs (fish- ways) shall be made in the large dams for the passage of fish up the stream, unless the way for the spawn (fry) to get down be left open, no increase in the catch from year to year can be expected. "There i. „„ state, county, or township officer whose bnsmess .t ,s specially to watch this infraction of the law and I would suggest that it be made the duty of s„u,e' such officl .n the counties bordering „po„ the river to have an eye upon it-notifying all persons against puttin. up such structures, and that if they should still pe^ist in do,ng so they will ho proceeded against in the n,„st sum- mary manner. "A little active interest taken by the public in this -gard ,s all that is necessary, and it cannot be many years un ,1 the shad shall be fully reinstated in the S..,JJZ: and Its tributaries for hundreds of miles." I IMAGg EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 I' !■■ mil 2.5 2,2 WUl- 1.4 JIIIIL6 ^>5 ales to one female. The amount of spawn I should judge would be about the same as salmon, say about 2000 for a two-pound fish and upwards, to 10,000 for u ten-pounder." There is bat little doubt that any of the species referred to can be naturalized in lakelets that are suitable to the black ba«s of the northern lakes. They do not appear to be pro- .ific, as they are not found in great numbers in the hikea 188 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. they now inhabit; nor is the flesh ol any of them com- parable to that of the true salmon, the land-locked salmon, or the brook trout. The last' report of the Maine Fish Commissioners contains the following remarks on their habits : — " Late in October they resort to shoal water, and spawn on rocks and ledges. They come suddenly, finish the operation in a few nights, and immediately retire to deep water. It has been noticed that the females come to the spawning-grounds first. The first night of *heir appearance nearly all will be females, and at the last nearly all males. They are accompanied and followed by a motley throng, composed of nearly all kinds of fishes in the lake, eels and hornpouts predominating. Probably few of the eggs escape them." The Sohoodic Trout, or more properly salmon (;S^. gloveri), and the Sebago salmon (*S^. Sehago), I am in- cliued to believe are identical. Both are doubtless land- locked salmon, having lost the instinct of migration to sea many, many generations back. It is likely that at some remote period natural obstructions prevented their migra- tions to the ocean, and the habit of reproducing in fresh waters without going to sea to recuperate was forced upon tliem and became an instinct. These modified salmon (if I may so call them) are now permanent in Sebago and Schoouic lakes, although there appears to be no obstruction to the marine migrations of the latter. 7hese fish could probably bo naturalized in the smaller lakes of New Eug- laud and Now York. lo the Umbagog region they would, NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 183 without doubt, do well. Chautauque Lake, near the divid- ing line between Pennsylvania and New York, could likely be stocked with them; at all events such an enterprise is worth the experiment. The following interesting account of the Sebago salmon is taken from the Maine Fish Commissioners' Report:— "This species was once quite abundant in the waters connected with Sebago Lake; but torch and spear, and exclusion from the spawning-grounds, have made great inroads on their numbers. Probably not more than a thousand of them are now taken annually. Nathan Cum- mings, Esq., of Portland, has given us much information about these fish. He says that when the Cumberland and Oxford Canal was building, during the first winter the workmen sent away fifty barrels of them. Mr. Cummings used to fish for them very successfully at the outlet of Se- bago Lake, but for some years he has tried them there to no purpose. They are still brought in limited numbers into Portland each spring and fall, mostly from the lower part of Crooked and Songo rivers. " The principal breeding-grounds of this salmon at the present time are on Crooked river, below Edes Falls, in the town of Naples, and in Bear brook, at the head of Long Pond, near Harrison village. They make their first appear- ance in the direction of their spawning-beds about the Lst of September; in Crooked river a little earlier than in Bear brook. In the latter stream the males come first alone, and run bank and forth in the mouth of the brook until the last of the month, when they are joined by a few 190 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. females, but these are still very few until the 15th of Octo- ber. Soon after this date they begin to ascend the rapids to spawn. It is not often, however, that any of them are ma- ture and commence spawning until the 20th. They come then in eonsiderable numbers, and soon finish spawning. Very few are found in the brook as late as November 14th, although probably they sometimes spawn later. Crooked river is a larger stream, and they report different habits in some respects. The very first that come into the stream are males, but after that the females seem to head the ad- vance, and the males follow them ; taking the whole of September, the males are not more numerous than the other sex. In the whole season there are more males. They sometimes continue to spawn very late. The state of the water has a great influence on their motions at this time. A rise i followed by a plentiful run of fish. " Their beds are made in the gravel where the current is rapid, but just on the verge of a ripple in the water; rarely seen on the lower side of a ripple. They make large excavations, the sand and gravel from which are carried out by the current, and form a mound below. These excavations are sometimes three feet in diameter and are made by more than one pair. A large number of both sexes are sometimes seen together in one hole. No fighting is observed amongst the males. It is more com- mon, however, to see a single pair working together, lying side by side in the nest. They make the excavations by fanning with the tail, no digging with the head being ob- served. On favorite grounds the nests encroach on each other NATURALIZATION OP FISHES. ,9, on =11 sides frequently Iyi„g „„^.b„,3 »est has not been ascertained. The work of spawning is c«..ed „„ at night, and by day the fish are rarely t! be soon on the beds. Their ascent of the strcan. also occurs but sn^al males are taken with their stomachs full of eggs The adult males are very different in appearance from the other sex, much deeper and thinner, with larger and -ore pomted heads.* The lower jaw is furnished at the spawn,„g season with a singular recurved process, some, tjmes near an inch in length, which shuts into the roof of the mouth ; it is conical in form, either truncated or with the ape. bent backward. On an adult male of one pound «o,ght th.sw.s present, but not so fully developed as in tho la-Kcr specimens. In younger individuals it was want- ■»g. Both jaws in this sex are so curved as to prevent the closmg of the mouth. A male of si. inches length had a forked tad, cght or nine black bars across the side, twelve large vermilion spots „„ the side. One that measured e.ght and one-half inches in length, has the same forked ta.l and the bars on the side, but they arc very faint and the vermilion spots have changed to maroon; the Hook on the jaw not yet visible. " The spawning-gvounds of this species arc very limited. Th,«e of Long Pond are confined to Bear brook. Those of Sebago arc mo.,tly lin.itcd to two or three mile, of • T^i, .iiffor„„c„ i„ *, .,,.„,, „,. ,,„ „;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:—;- to .11 tl,e .pccc. of ,he geau. &/.» „, „,. ,p„„„i„^, ,„.,„„_ n 192 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE, Crooked river. In formei* times they ranged at the spawn- ing season the whole length of Crooked river, as far, at least, as North Waterford, and great numbers of them were taken at many points ; but they were never known to ascend the river at any other season than fall, farther than the first gentle rapids near its mouth. This is rather singular; for the sea salmon (/S^. salar) ascends rivers of smaller size than this in June, and passes the summer in them. The grand fishing-place in May was from the junction of Crooked and Songo rivers several miles down. The fish took bait eagerly, and were then in superior con- dition. They left this ground as early as the last of May, but at the outlet they were taken much later. In the lake itself they were only caught in the track of the rafts that came down across the lake into Presumpscot- river, and the arrival of the rafts at the outlet was always the signal for good fishing there. In Long Pond they are never caught — only when entering the brook, and in. the spring only a few small ones are taken there. " The size attained by the Sebago salmon is very con- siderable. The average of those taken in the fall is, for the males, 5 pounds ; for the females, a little more than 3. A female 25 inches long weighs 5 pounds ; a male of the same length weighs 7 pounds. Of two males 29 inches long, one weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces, the other 11 pounds 4 ounces. Some extreme weights may be given. One was taken the past season at Edes Falls that dressed 14 J pounds. The largest on record was caught by Mr. Sawyer, of Ray- mond. Its weight was 17} pounds, and is vouched for by NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 193 Franklin Sawyer, Esq., of Portland. These old fish are seldom caught with the hook; and of those taken in the spring and summer, when they are in season, the average weight would be less than indicated by the above. " These fish are said to be about as plenty as they were ten years ago. But it is strange that they can maintain their numbers against such persecution as follows them. The spear is very fatal. In Bear brook nearly all the breeding males are destroyed before the females are ready to. spawn. In 1858 a law was passed for their protection which would enable them to recruit their numbers were it enforced. '' We consider this variety worthy of being propagated and disseminated through the state."* The Sea Trovt (Salmo Canadensis of Hamilton Smith)._From all my researches the only scientific ac count given of this fish is by the present writer f Hamilton Smith, though he named it, scarcely refers to Its specific characteristics. It is decidedly distinct from *^:!Z!!!!!!!!_l^j^^ and from * Mr. Nathan Cummings, of Portland, Maine, has communi- cated to the Massachusetts Fish Commissioners the following con- cernnig the agility of the young of this fish :- " The young are very agile. Some of them, bred artificially by Mr. Robinson, at Meredith, N. H., were put, when quite small, in « tank, into which, from a height of nine inches, fell a stream of water flowing through a one and a half inch hole ; whereupon the .ve y parrs leaped up the stream, and into the upper tank, like liarlcqum going through a clock-face." t Sec American Anglers' Book, page 238. 17 N II 194 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. salt water, and which acquire a larger size and darker tinted flesh by feeding upon Crustacea found there. Nor has it but slight affinity to the sea trout {Salmo trutta) of Scotland and Ireland. These fish come in large schools into the Canadian and New Brunswick streams. On their arrival they are beau- tifully bright and of surpassingly delicate flavor, but like the salmon, which they precede a month or so, they lose their brilliancy and flesh up to the time of spawning, which is in October. As far as I have examined them tlieir stomachs are empty ifter entering fresh water, while an occasional brook trout taken in the same pool has a well- filled paunch. They are, therefore, purely anadromous, and like the salmon attain all of their growth and flavor at sea. On this account they ore desirable subjects for naturaliza- tion, and should be introduced with the salmon, and be made to participate in the facilities which are now being created to enable them to ascend our rivers. Four pounds is not an unusual size ; they are sometimes taken as high as six and seven pounds. In ^he summer of 1865 I stopped with a friend at Harris's, on the Tabasintac, an inconsiderable stream half way between Chatham and Bathurst, New Brunswick, to enjoy the sea-trout fishing. My friend captured a goodly number of them under a pound weight, near the house after taking our tea. The next morning we travelled seven miles down the creek in a large " dug-out," drawn by a pair of stout horses, rumbling along over cobble-stones down to the junction of the Escadillach. Here, in less than NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 195 four hours, at midday and under a bright sun, we captured four and a half bushels of these handsome fish and left off from pure satiety. A hundred of these fish were over two pounds m weight, and many of them four pounds, although our attendant lamented that there were no large ones in the pool.. In fishing with two flies on ordinary trout gut the fish, having a dead pull against each other, would break loose. After losing many flies in this way, we each fished with a single salmon fly, generally a worn-out one, left from my former summer's tackle; and as long as there was dubbing or feather ^n the hook they would seize it treely. Their sharp teeth, which are much more formida- ble than those of our brook trout, made a frequent renewal necessary. We would have ceased this havoc sooner, but young Harris, who drove our aquatic vehicle, said he hauled the pool with a seine two or three times during the summer for a stock of trout to salt down; we accordingly kept on until we had taken the quantity above given, to save him the trouble of making the pool a visit with his seine. These fish frequent and spawn in the Miramichi, on which river (I have been informed by Rev. Livingston Stone, of New Hampshire), a salmon-hatching establish- ment will be started the coming autumn. Of course it is to be supposed chat those who have charge of it, will not neglect so favorable an opportunity of procuring the eg.^s of the sea trout and giving them the opportunity of makinl sufiicient progress in incubation to insure their safe trans! portation to the states. At the time of writing the foregoing chapter on the 196 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. cultivation of the salmon, I was not aware that so spirited and praiseworthy an undertaking as the one alluded to was contemplated, and gladly make this digression to commend it. The necessity of manipulating salmon on the stream and transporting the spawn immediately after impregna- tion, when the ova are so apt to lose their vitality by being agitated, and not allowing sufficient time in hatching- troughs for the early development of the young fish in the eggs, has been almost the only bar to the success of those who had the task of introducing salmon into the rivers of New England. It is a matter ofigratulation that this diffi- culty is about to be obviated. Not having Mr. Stone's letter at hand at the time of writing this, I am unable to say whether it is an enterprise of his own, or of the New England Fish Commissioners, but shall throw some light upon the question in an appendix. Thymallus. — To this genus belongs the English gray- ling. Dr. Richardson, in his " Fauna Boreali- Americana," gives an account of two species. Another has lately been discovered in some of the affluents pf Green Bay. It is described as a fish of rare beauty and excellence. While on a trout-fishing excursion lately in the north-western part of Pennsylvania, I met with a very intelligent, though not scientific person, who informed me that he, last summer, while exploring some timber lands on the Oconto and Au Sable (though I can find no such stream as the latter on the map), met with a new kind of trout, which he had n( /er seen before. From his description it was, doubtless, this new species of Thymallus. He informed me that it NATURALIZATION OP FISHES. 197 took readily a bait of the flesh of one of its fellows, a worm having been used to capture the first fish, and that It was very beautiful and of delicious flavor. Cannot some of the spirited commissioners of fisheries of the New Eng- land States introduce this new fish into their waters ? WHiT^-FiSH.-Lake herrings, Otsego bass, and species known by other local names are included in the genus Coregonus. It is likely that we have no less than ten dis- tmcfc species, from the fat-beladencd C. albus or sapulissimus and a quadrilateralis of the Arctic regions, to the little lake herring found in the Saranac lakes. They are all peaceable dwellers in the depths; approaching the shores, or the rapids of some afiiuent in autumn to spawn, at which time most of those found in our markets are taken. It is said that no food has ever been detected in the stomachs of these fish. In this respect-^ they show a marked analogy to the shad and herring. It is said of them also, that on rare occasions they have been known to take a bait and even to rise to a fly ; their food, though, is a matter of mystery. They are not predatory, as will be seen from the mouth and jaws. Although their food may consist of minute Crustacea, they are, perhaps, to a certain extent, herbivorous, as cyprinoids are,* and may find cer- tain fresh-water algao in the deeps where they feed. * Fishes that are considered purely pred^t^rTitTtheii^ Mts, are, in some degree, omnivorous. A striped bass will take a bait of shad roe; I found once in the throat of one, several roots and stalks of some succulent aquatic grass. A trout or a salmon will also take a bait of the roe of one of its own species. 17* II 198 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. I \M\\ The Large- White Fish (C. alhus), is a fish of rare delicacy. Its flesh and skin contain a large proportion of gelatine. In autumn, at spawning time, it is difficult to broil it because of the fat ; which dripping on the coals ignites and frequently envelopes gridiron and fish in a blaze. Its fatness even disfigures it. With head sunk in its shoulders, it presents the appearance of the body of a shad with the head of a herring. This, with its congener (C. quadrilateralis), furnishes a large amount of food to the northern Indians. Twenty-five years since a goodly portion of the Chippeways, who were permanently encamped at Sault St. Marie, subsisted chiefly on them, taking them in large numbers in the rapids with dip-nets. In the regions around tht lakes of northern British America and Hud- son's Bay, it also furnishes a large proportion of food. Its flesh cloys less than that of any other fish, and it can be eaten for months without getting tired of it. The average size of this fish in the upper of the large lakes of the great range, is somewhat over three pounds; they have been taken in Lake Superior weighing as much as ten and twelve pounds. The usual size of those brought to our city markets is about two pounds. They should be naturalized in every lake that will aflbrd them a suitable habitat. The following from the last Maine report throws much light on their manner of propagation : — " Mr. Clark is engaged in the fishery in Detroit river He estimated the total catch of whit.e-fish in that river aloue, this year, to be half a million or more in number, NATURALIZATION OP FISHES. 199 weighing a million and a half of pounds, or seven hundred and fifty tons. At the retail price in Boston these would be worth $250,000. Mr. Clark has a pound with an area of an acre and a half, six feet deep, made by enclosing with stakes a portion of Detroit river, in which he keeps white-fish from November until the last of the winter when they are caught out and marketed. They are first taken with a seine before they have spawned, and most of them spawn here in the pound. The operation is in the following manner: the opposite sexes approach each other turning partially on the side, and the male appearing to attach himself by his soft flexible mouth to the female near ter gills; then both fish dart oflF through the water together, and as they go the female ejects the eggs and the male the milt, in such a way that they mingle together and fall to the bottom. They move ten or twenty feet at a time, and each time eject several hundred eggs. Mr Clark placed sieves on the bottom at night, and in the morning found many thousand impregnated eggs on them. Mr. Clark has taken the pains to procure, pack, and send to us two separate lots of these eggs, to assist us in ascer. taming the best mode of packing and transportation. Of the first lot, packed in cotton batting, in sand and in river grass, a few survived the journey, out of fifty thousand; but of the other lot, packed in river mud and partially fro^n, not o^e^uiW*^ «^P«"«^ent would, no * The only mode of obviating this destruction of ovaln"^- portation, is to have them partially incubated before sending them away. 200 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. doubt, bring to light a method bj which they could be successfully brought." The Otsego Bass {C. otsegh).—Th.m fiah bears the very inappropriate name of "Bass" :n Lal:e Otsego, while it does not bear the most remote affinity to any of the numerous genera of bass. Thus fer it is unknown in any other water than that which gives it its speciSc name. It is said even to surpass the larger white-fish in excellence. Its average size is not much more than hulf that of C. alhus. Ic could likely be naturalized in small lakes of a more southern latitude than the large white-fish, and is well worthy of the attention of those who take an interest in diflFusiug the best species. The smaller species of this genus are not unworthy of the notice of those who would like to see a variety intro- duced in the many lakelets which dot our Northern and Middle States. The fcra, of which millions are hatched at Huningue and sent to ail parts of France, are similar to those we call lake herrings. The Smelt (Osmerus). — Of this genus we have two species. Those usually found in our markets {0. viri- descens) are taken in great numbers on tmJ. rivers north of Boston, and along the of the British Provinces. The annual value of those sent from Boston exceeds a hundred thousand dollars. They are retailed in our mar- kets at from fifteen to thirty-three cents a pound, and make a most palatable dish for breakfast or supper. The roe is particularly delicate. They are so abundant at the head of tide, where they come to spawn, on some of the rivers NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 201 emptying into the Bay of Chaleurs, as to be used for manure ; a barrel of then? in abundant seasons selling for sixty cents. The average length is not over seven inches, although they have been taken as long as twelve inches. Both here and in England the smelt has been naturalized ia fresh-water ponds and lakes; although an interference with their partially anadromous habits, produces genera- tions of smaller and, perhaps, less palatable fish. The reports^of the New England Fish Commissioners give several instances of their naturalization in fresh waters. The Maine report for 1867 has the following :— " Pnelts are scattere(f all over the state. It seems pro- bable that we have more than one species. Whether either of them is identical with the salt-water smelt we cannot say, but the resemblance is ver, close. In several localities they attain a large size. Those of Harrison are said to exceed half a pound in weight, and those of Bel- grade to measure fourteen inches in length. In spring they approach the shores, and are sometimes thrown upon the land by a heavy wind, and perish in great numbers, the shores being lined with the dead. About the 1st of May they ascend the streams. In Monmouth they run into some very small rills that lead into Cochnewagn Pond, and are dipped out in considerable quantit*eB. In May 1867, after it was supposed they were all gone, a fresh run occurred, that yielded thirty barrels. In quality the fresh- water smelts are fully equal to those from the tide-waters. Those from Monmouth ha^p been placed side by side with smelts from Damarisootta, ai>d received the preference." 202 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. The smaller species, 0. sergeantti, found in the Passaic and Raritan, and discovered lately in the Schuylkill and tributaries of the Delaware, is preferred by many, to those brought from the north. The pecuhar odor of a freshly taken smelt, resembling that of a newly pulled cucumber, is observed readily in the more southern species, and epi- cures accord to it a great superiority over the northern fish. They are found with us only in winter and early spring, when they spawn and then disappear. They nevcF ascend above the head of tide, neither do the northern species, from all I have learned of them in New Brunswick and Canada. From the success thaif has attended efforts to introduce the northern species into fresh water, it is evi- dent that these are not without claims to naturalization. In this notice of these beautiful and delicate little fish I may appropriately allude to their food. An examination of their dentition, and I may say of their stomachs also, evinces an extremely predatory nature. During the last winter I took from the pouch of one of the northern spe- cies, three undigested shrimp, two of the small fry of some marine species, and a half a dozen ova, as large as the eggs of our brook trout. Some years ago I made a similar examination of a number of smelt and found that all of them had been feeding bountifully on shrimp. I was not aware uutil then that these lively little crustaceans could be found in winter. The fact of their being found along our north-eastern coast at this season of the year is sug- gestive of the vast amount of marine food accessible to pelagian and anadromous fishes at all times. Small !1. NATURALIZATION OP FISHES. 203 Crustacea, both in winter and summer, and the larger when they shed their hard coats, must contribute largely to the sustenance of fishes that inhabit salt and brackish water. PERCID^. We have many fishes included in this family that can be readily naturalized. They are found both in salt and fresh waters. Our fresh rivers, lakes, ponds, lagoons, and bayous are rich in genera and species. They are all hardy fish, firm of flesh, and excellent eating. The Rock Fish, or Striped Bass {Lahrax lineatus), is " A fish of wonderful beauty and force, That bites like a steel trap, and pulls like a horse." ^ Some ineffectual attempts have been made to naturalize it in fresh-water ponds by those who have not taken into consideration that it is to a great extent an anadromin, and that to continue its generations in size and perfection, it must necessarily make yearly migrations to salt water. I have no doubt it would deteriorate in purely fresh water as much as the salmon or shad, if this law of its nature was set aside. Still if it grew to half its accustomed size, when prevented from going down to salt or brackish waters, it might bo profitably naturalized in fresh ponds and lakes. From all I have learned of its habits, it re- produces in tidal creeks and coves where fresh streams enter, and not above tide, as the salmon. A friend, whose statement I consider reliable, informs me that in some of the shallow waters along our southern coast, he has dipped I "% 204 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. up a hand-net full of the fry. They are seldom found — at least not in large numbers — above the head of tide until they have attained some size ; and their pushing, predatory instinct must induce them to ascend so far only for feed. This species- is rare in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico or the rivers and bays connecting with it. The White Perch {Labrax palUdus). — This is a beau- tiful fish ; silvery bright in tidal rivers, and on open rocky or sandy bottoms ; of greenish or golden hue where it lives amongst grass and aquatic weeds; and of darker tint when it inhabits discolored waters, and muddy or peaty bottoms. Southward, in tidal streams, it may be enume- rated with anadromous fishes. In the Middle and Eastern States it is not unfrequently found in fresh-water lakelets or ponds having no communication with salt water. At the south its average size is larger than at the north ; and it is with surprise that we find northern ichthyologists underrat- ing it in this particular, and fish commissioners alluding to it as a fish unworthy of their consideration for culture. A white perch of twelve inches will weigh nearly a pound. I have taken them of this size in numbers in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which in its coui*se occu- pies a considerable length of an old mill-pond and St. George's creek. These fish breed here in the coves, and the canal no doubt receives fresh accessions from the Dela- ware through the locks* at Delaware City. South of * A singular fact, I am credibly informed, is noticed here every spring. Tho alcwives, or herrings, as we term them, collect NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 205 Philadelphia as far as Savannah, white perch occupy an important place amongst " pan fish." They are hardy and prolific, and much better eating than the yellow or barred perch. If they could be made to take the place of the latter in ponds or lakes where these now abound, it would be a great desideratum. a. The Crappie, so called by the habitans of French extraction in Missouri, and " Sac a lai" by the Creoles of Louisiana, is the Pomoxis hexacanthus of Cuvier. This is one of the most beautiful percoids known. It is found in sluggish waters from the Carolinas southward on the At- lantic, and in the bayous and lakelets of the Mississippi Valley, from the Gulf to Minnesota. An excellent en- graving and a full description of it can be found in the " American Anglers' Book," p. 111. It exceeds some- what the white perch in size. It bites freely at a baited hook, is a good pan fish, and well worthy, if only for its beauty, of naturalization in the eastern states. The Black Bass of the Lakes {Grystes nigricans) has been naturalized in many of the lakelets of New England and New York, and might be introduced in such waters further south. These fish, some years back, made their in largo numbers, apparently with the effort of passing through the locks into the canal. It is said that a herring fishery might bo established here that would be worth some thousanda of dollars, but for its interfering with the passage of the boats. It may be that some of them pass through the locks and spawn in the canal, and the fry pass out, thus keepiug up this yearly crowfl of appli- cants for admission. 18 206 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. way through the Erie Canal into the Hudson. They appear to prefer the mouths of streams entering this river, and are but seldom found in the tideway. Professor Agnel, of West Point, about nine years since, procured a stock of them from Saratoga Lake, and introduced them into Wood Lake, a beautiful sheet of water some six miles west of the Hudson. Here they thrive wonderfully, and have been taken four or five pounds in weight. The Pro- fessor, who pitches his tent every summer by his pretty lake, uses the artificial fly and his trout-rod exclusively in taking them. — May his shadow never grow less, or the bass refuse to rise to his red hackle ! On a preceding page I have given an extract, which shows the progress the Cuttyhunk Club* had made towards * The Cuttyhunk Club takes its name from the island where it has been established ; the most westerly of the Elizabeth Islands, off the coast of Massachusetts. It is about four or five miles long and half as wide. This association was established here in 1864, its originators being induced hither by the fine striped bass-fishing to be found along the shores. Besides the trout and the black bass pond, the club controls by lease of land and otherwise, the shoot- ing on the island also. Originally there were twenty-five members, the number has since been increased to sixty, and the capital of the club to $25,000 ; each member contributing twenty dollars annually. The comhaodious and comfortable hotel of the club, with ice house, fine spring water, and other accessories, is near the beach, and opposite some of the best stands for striped bass-fishing. A tariff of hotel prices is fixed every season, and each member is allowed to invite a friend who is not a member, to accompany him and par- take of the sport. The club also, at their meeting in the mouth of NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 207 Stocking their trout pond. The following is from the same letter : '* Our baas-pond of sixty acres, and twenty feet deep in some places, adjoins that intended to be occupied by the trout, and is separated from it, by a small embankment extending across a narrow neck of land, which, in low water, is sometimes dry. Early in the spring of 1866, we put into it twenty-nine large black bass, and as many more during the summer, to make the number exceed one hun- dred. We think those we put in early spawned the same season, as a numerous progeny (about one and a half inches long) were observed by the men who had charge of the pond. The young bass are readily distinguished from the perch, which had already occupied it. I can not say how large the bass have grown by this time. We shall restrict the fishing to the fly. As regards the perch, we have no apprehension of the injury they may do the bass, but have fears that those in the smaller pond will be destructive to the young trout. We shall therefore try to seine out ^.he perch from the latter, during the coming summer. As we do not contemplate feeding the young trout after we put them in the pond, we will rear them in troughs until autumn, by which time, we hope they will be large enough to take care of themselves, and escape any perch that may be left after dragging the pond with the seine." It will be seen by the foregoing, to what an extent the May each year, occasionally extend special invitations to brethren of the angle. Wholesome regulations prevail, and good order characterizes the assemblage of the memlx-rs. 208 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. artificial propagation of trout, and the naturalizing of bass may be made to contribute to the sport of the angler. In a few years, a pond of sixty acres will afford abundant bass- fishing, and one of nine acres a fair amount of trout-fish- ing. As the angling in both will be subjected to whole- some restrictions, the ponds will not be depleted as those have been, which are open to all fishers. The example of this club is worthy of the imitation of other associations of the kind. These fish have also been introduced into small artificial ponds with much success. A few days since (June 15th, 1868) I visited a friend in the neighborhood of Newburg, N. Y., and found his pond, about three-eighths of an acre in extent, well stocked with bass, which were a little over a year old. Although they did not rise well to the fly so early in the season, we caught enough for a mess, and found them in excellent condition. These fish had grown to the size of a half pound in about thirteen months. The margin of the pond was dotted with numerous broods of this spring's fry. The lake bass will grow to the extreme size of seven or eight pounds, though four pounds is thought to be a large fish ; one and a half or two pounds may be considered a good average. They rise at an artificial fly in July and August. They generally come with a rush, and are taken also by trolling with a gang of flies or with spinning spoon. Crickets and minnows are used in fishing at the bottom, which is generally done after the 1st of September. When hooked they leap high from the water, shaking their heads NATURALIZATION OF FISHES. 209 to free themselves, and are plucky and die hard. The last Massachusetts Fish Commissioners' Keport says :— ^' In 1850, Mr. Samuel T. Tisdale, of East Wareham, succeeded, after much care, in bringing twenty-seven from Saratoga Lake, alive, to his place, where he put them in Flax Pond, close to his house. In 1851, and again in 1852, others were brought, and several of the neighbor- ing ponds were stocked. The matter was kept secret, and a 'jubilee' of five years given to the fish; at the end of which time, they were found to have peopled these ponds, and to have grown finely. So soon as this fact was known,' all the neighborhood at once gave its assiduous attention to poaching, indignant that any one should be so aristocratic as to try to furnish cheap food to the community. Their efi-orts were so far successful as much to reduce the num- ber of the fish. " During May they come by pairs, and make a spawning- bed on a sandy bottom in from four to six feet of water. This they sweep with their tails after the manner of trout, and the male remains on guard over the spawn, and drives away the many intruders which hang about, greedy for this savory food. In June, the young— recognisable by a black band across the tail— are first observed, and these, by autumn, have grown to a length of three to four inches. At one year old, they weigh from } to i pound, and in- crease about i pound yearly, till they arrive at 6 pounds, according to food and water. They are in prime condition in August and September, but in winter are black and lean. The objection in certain cases to this species, is its great 18* o 210 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. voraciousness. It destroys almost everything before it, except the perch, and even kills out pickerel by devouring the young. But in ponds already infested with pickerel and abounding in 'shiners,' it may be introduced with much profit, because it replaces bad fish by good. It should be carefully excluded, however, from all waters that contain trout, white fish or other valuable species, and from ponds communicating with such waters, for it is a most restless and pushing robber, eagerly searching and follow- ing the inlets and outlets of its pond. Of this propensity the Brookline r pebbles should be raised at the edges of thcrio ftiri'v-i. By means of tLese contrivances, trout, especially, would often be attracted, an^ be content to stop and spawn in places which they would not otherwise fre- quent, and where it would be convenient to keep them/ VT. THE GOURAML— ITS HABITAT, OR NATIVE COUNTRY.* Among foreign fishes, none has excited so much interest, in an economical point of view, or has been the subject of so many attempts at acclimatization among the French, as the celebrated gourami — the Osphromenus gonrami of natural- ists.•]" A somewhat extended notice of its peculiarities and relations to other fishes, its habits, and of ilio attempts made to a'iclimatize it in France and her colonies will, therefore, doubtless be acceptable. The native home of the gourami is the fresh waters of the Malaccan islands — Java, Madura, Sumatra, and Bor- neo ; and froin the inhabitants of those islands we derive the name as well as the fish itself | It has been attributed as a native to China, but erroneously. It has been intro- duced into China, however, us well as into Pinang, Ma- lacca, Mauritius, Keunion or Bourbon, Martinique, and Cayenne. The gourami attains a very large size, and reaches, it is said, five or even six feet in length, and a \rrom Agricultural Report, 1866. By Theodore Gill, M. D. t This species is also known as the Osphromenus olfax, but the prior name is that here adopted. X The proper prouunciation would b'i best indicated by gurahmee. APPENDIX. 251 weight of more than 110 pounds. It may be readily understood, however, that it attains these large dimensions only under very favorable circumstances, and fish of 20 pounds weight are not very common. The gourami belongs to a family of fishes which has always provoked interest by the singular adaptations for holding supplies of water in peculiar reservoirs or organs developed from the first of the gill arches, and which has obtained for the family the name of fishes with labyrinthi- torm pharyngeals," or Lahyrinthici. Like other bony fishe., the gourami and its kindred have four cartilaginous arches, and each of these bears on the external or convex edge a gill which is double, or composed of two leaflets; behind these arches are two somewhat flattened bones, con- tiguous at their internal edges, and bearing minute teeth, called the lower pharyngeal bones, and above, connected with the ends of the posterior gill arches, are other flat teeth-bearing bones, known as the upper pharyngeals- hese, too, are shared with most fishes; but, in addLn to these a peculiar superbranchial organ is developed from the third or terminal portion, or articulation of the first branchial or gill arch; this organ is composed of thin more or less expanded lamina, or leaflets, which form more or less complicated chambers or cavities. These chambers receive and contain a supply of water which furnishes sufficient to moisten the gills and enable them to perform their functions of aerating the blood long after the fish has been isolated from the water ; this structure is also asso- rted with contracted branchial apertures or giU-holes, while the gill-eove.s are closely appressed to the shoulders and the fish is thus enabled still better to eke out its sup- ply of water. As a consequence of this beneficent pro- vision, we find that the fishes of this family are enabled in an extraordinary degree, to sustain deprivation of water' 252 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. and that some at least can leave the waters, or the places now dried up which they have inhabited, and travel on land for some distance, to seek more favorable resorts. It is to this family that the celebrated climbing fish of the East Indies (Anabas scandens) belongs ; and to this same family equally belongs the Pla Kat of Siam (^Betta j)ug- nax), which is raised by the Siamese for game purposes, individuals of the species being pitted against each other, and fighting with as much vim and animosity as their warm-blooded rivals, the game-cocks. Still another species (the Macropodus viridi auratus) is said to be reared for ornamental purposes by the Chinese, like the goldfish, and its beauty is sufiicient to entitle it to such a distinction. In form these fishes somewhat resemble the Centrachids, or sunfishes, of our streams and ponds. They differ ex- tremely among themselves in the development of the fins j this is especially the case with respect to the dorsal or back fin, for in some it occupies the whole length of the back, while in others, as the Pla Kat, it is confined to a short space near the middle j the anal and ventral fins are little less variable, but it would lead us too far to detail such modifications. Characteristics.— The gourami may be said, in general terms, to somewhat resemble a rock-bass or sunfish, but having a smaller head and a still smaller mouth compara- tively, a very long anal fin reaching from the breast nearly to the base of the caudal fin, and the ventral fins inserted nearly on a line with the pectoral, the first soft ray being very long, lash-like, and almost or quite equalling the whole length of the fish. There are from eleven to thir- teen spines, and an equal number of soft, jointed rays in the dorsal fin, while the anal has from nine to twelve spines, and from nineteen to twenty-one soft rays ; the ven- tral fin has a spine and five rays, the first of which is the APPENDIX. 253 elongated one already referred to ; the others are short and snmll. The color of the old is a nearly uniform dark olive green or brown, but the young is ornamented by seven to nine slightly oblique blackish bands crossing the body • at the base of the pectoral fin there is a distinct black spot and another roundish spot exists on the side of the caudal peduncle in front of the fin and abbve the lateral line ihe jaws are armed with a band of fine teeth; the roof of the mouth is smooth. The gourami, in its native country, has always been esteemed for the delicacy of its flesh, and Commerson. the traveller, to whom we are indebted for our first precise de- scription of the fish, has in rapture exclaimed that he never tasted, among either salt or fresh water fishes, one more ex- quisite in flavor than the gourami-" r^iM inter phccs turn marinos turn fluviatiles exquisitius unquam degmtavi" In such esteem is it held, that the Dutch colonists at Batavia are said to keep them in very large earthen jars, removing, the water daily, and feeding it with aquatic plants or herbs'" and especially the one called Pistia natam, a species be' longing to the Aracese or Arum family. ^ In a state of freedom, the gourami lives, by preference m warm, still, or stagnant and somewhat muddy waters It It very sensitive to changes of temperature, and even in the island of Bourbon retreats in the winter toward the bottom of the ponds where the water is warmest, and bury- ing itself in the mud, if present, seems to remain "in a torpid state while the cold lasts. The greatest heat appar- ently does not incommode it, and in summer it ascends to the surface of the water, basking in the sun, and, often protruding its mouth above the water, swallows the atmo- spheric air. While^ the gourami is essentially a vegetarian, and its diet .s^^dicated by the extremely elongated intestinal £54 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. canal, which is many times folded on itself, it does not confine itself to any special plants, nor, indeed, to the vege- table kingdom, for its sn.pply of food, and on account of its miscellaneous feeding has obtained from the French the epithet of water pi(j, or Pore des rivieres. Besides the leaves of the Pistia, already mentioned, and all other species of araceae which it seeks with avidity, it will eat cabbage, radish, carrot, turnip and beet leaves, lettuce, and most of the wild plants which grow in the water, nor does it refuse earth-worms, frogs, or even cooked meats. In its movements, the gourami is usually slow, swimming leisurely and majestically along, and takes its time in mak- ing its meal ; it is, however, capable of rapid movements, and when frightened or disturbed, will dart away with great swiftness ; when first confined in narrow quarters, it will also attempt to escape by leaping out of the water. It will take the hook baitod with worms. In its sexual relations, and the care which it takes of its eggs, it somewhat resembles the sunfishes of temperate North America and the Cichlids of the warmer portions of the continent and of Africa. In spawning-time, the males and females pair, and each pair select a suitable place and construct a rude nest. " Like all intelligent animals, it will only propagate when it is insured a suitable temperature for its eggs and young — a fit retreat wherein to build its nest, with vegetation and mud to make h, and the aquatic plants suitable for the food oi the young. The bottom must be muddy, and the depth variable; in one place at least a yard, or metre, and convenient to it, several metres deep. It prefers to make its nest in tufts of the grass called Pdnicum Jumentornm, which grow on the sur- face of the water, and whose floating roots, which rise and fall with the tide, form natural galleries, under which the fish may conceal itself." In one of the corners of the APPENDIX. 255 ponds, among the plants which grow there, the gourarai attaches a spherical nest, composed of plants and mud, and resembling in form those of certain birds. Each nest is about fourteen centimetres, or between five and six inches in length; the male and female labor assidously in its construction, and continue their toils till it is completed. In five or six days, or a week at furthest, it is finished. This aptitude of the gourami to make a nest is facilitated, when the pairing-seasor ha^s arrived, by placing in the water, almost at the surface, a large branch of bamboo (Bamhma arundinacea, Wild.), to which are attached bundles of fine dog's-tooth grass. The gouri.mi takes this grass and forms with it its nest in the branches of the submerged bamboo, in the same way that the silk- worm avails itself of the branch which is presented for it to make its nest on. Toward the end of the months of September and of March, in the island of Bourbon, propa- gation takes place. The nest made, the female deposits its eggs, of which there from about 800 to 1000. After the eggs have been depodted, and while they are becoming matured, the parents remain near the nest, prepared to drive away intruders. The eggs are soon hatched, and the young then find in their nest "a refuge where they are free from a thousand dangers which would threaten them for the first days of their life. Uesides, they find in the macerated vegetable matter, which partly composes tiieir nest, their earliest food, and which is most suitable for their delicate con- dition. Soon afterwards they make short excursions from the nest under the guidance of the mother fish, who ^r^ pre- pared to give them aid in case of need. They do not dis- perse, but keep together in bands. The young still retain the yelk-bags, which trail behind like two long appendages 256 AMERICAN FISH CULTURR. I from below the anterior portion of the belly, and seem to assist them in maintaining their equilibrium/' The rate of growth is not rapid, and at the age of three years, the fish is only about nine inches, or twenty-two cen- timetres, long ; but at that age it is said to be able to pro- pagate its race. Those kept in vases or small ponds are still slower in their growth, which is even arrested at a comparatively small size. The small fishes are most es- teemed as food. Their flesh, it may be added, is firm, and of a pale straw or yellowish color. Attempts to acclimatize the ffouramt. — In such esteem has this Jsh been held that nom . save the goldfish, has been the subject of more exertions to acclimatize in differ- ent countries, and if we literally accept the word exertion, even the goldfish cannot be excepted, for, although it is true that that species has been more generally introduced into foreign waters, little or no exertion seems to have been necessary to eff'ect that object. The history of the attempts and success in the acclimatization of the gourami may not only be useful with reference to eventual eff'orts to introduce it into the United States, but the experience gained may bo of advantage in the treatment of others. A somewhat extended narrative, compiled from the writings of Cuvier, Rufz de Lavison, Auguste Vinson, and others, is therefore submitted. As already remarked, the gourami is now found in south- ern China, but has been probably introduced into that country, although the date and circumstances of its accli- matization are unknown to us. It has likewise been intro- duced into some of the islands of the same archipelago and near those of which it is a native. IJut the history of its introduction into the dominions of the FriMjch in different quarters of the world is better known and of greater lu- te roust. I APPENDIX. 257 The first effort on the part of the French of which we have knowledge was made in 1761, when several nav.x offi- cers-chief of whom were Captains De SurviUe, Joannis; and De Magny— took some fishes to the Isle of France or Mauritius, but, it is said, rather for the gratification of the sight and for exhibition in vases than with reference to its eventual naturalization in the island. M. De C6v6, who has been accredited with the introduction of the goldfish into France, and who was at the time mentioned com- mander of the French troops in the island, also interested himself in the introduction of the species. Individual fish placed in ponds propagated; some escaped into the con- tiguous streams, and the species had become already domi- in the island when Commerson, the naturalist traveller, visited it in 1770. The gourami was next introduced into the neighborino- island of Bourbon or Reunion in 1795, at first throu-h the efforts of 31. Desmanieres, a resident of the island, an"d who nnported specimens fro-i. iMauritius ; but his example was soon followed by others. His experience has been given by Mr. Vinson, and, on account of its important bearin- on the subject of its acclimatization in <»ther lands, is re"^ peated in his own words. M. Desmani^Mcs had, "on his estate of IJellevue, situated on the upland of the quarter Samte-Suzanne, a magnificent natural body of water with two islets abouuding in a(iuatic plants. Evorythin.^ -.p pearod to be propitious for the raising of the gourami^ but the low temperature of this part of the island had not been taken into consideration. The fishes lived, but did not propagate. M. Desmanieres at first thought that the lar-e size of the pond might be the cause of this, and ho had made two vivaria, which may yet be seen, and which were supplied by the large pond. In these vivaria the ifourumis were placed, but th(^ result was no more fortunate Ho 258 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. received from the Isle of France additional fishes, but still had no succes3. Finally, having transferred his fishes into a vivarium near the seashore, he succeeded in inducing propagation. This experiment had, however, taken thirty years, and during this time, success in propagating the species in the island had become despaired of. As has been seen, acclimatization often depends on causes very simple in appearance, but which are only discovered after a long time. Since the period named, the fish has been widely spread through the island," and is now abundant. The next earnest attempt to introduce the species into a distant country was made at the instance of M. Moreau de Jonnes, who, in 1818, induced the " minister of marine" of France to order the transportation of specimens to the French possessions in the West Indies. Accordingly, in April, 1819, a hundred small fishes were intrusted to the care of M. De Mackau, captain r^a store-ship — JjC Golo — and the interest and zealour c >■ nifested by that officer were rewarded by the comparatively slight loss of only twenty-three fishes during the entire voyage to the West Indies ; and when it is recalled that a slight blow, an ubra- Hion of the sides, or loss of a scale may ^^ausc death, and the difficulty of adjusting the supply of fresh water, kc, to their necesHitief* is tjiken into consideration, the small per- centage of the lost must be considered as remarkable. Of the 8eventy-«even which remained alive, twenty-six wet* distributed Wj the islands of Martinique and Guade- loupe sev«n-ully, audi twenty-five to the colony of Cayenne. The fortunes of the strangers in their new places of abode were various. Cuvier and Valenciennes, in the seventh volume of their " Histoire Naturelle des Poissons," pub- lished in 1881, acknowledge the reception of one of the fishes originally taken from Isle-de-France to Cayenne. The belief that their acclimatization in America had sue- 11 APPENDIX. 259 in ceeded has even found utterance in the statement as a fact which has obtained currency in several publications Al- though the fishes introa.ced conUnued to live, none seemed to be fruitful m their new quarters, and there is no pub- ished evidence that any individuals of the species are now living in America. We have the fullest and most authen- tic details concerning its fate in Martinique. The little fishes, on their arrival at Martinique, were placed in a large basin of fresh water; the largest of them was only about three French inches long. Some months after, they were transferred to a small pond in the botanic garden of Saint Pierre; all were still alive and healthy arid had attained a length of from ten to twelve .'nches^ Iheir subsequent increase was, however, much less rapid and nearly six years were required to little more than double thai, length, for in 1827 the largest had only gain.d a length of from twenty-four to twenty^seven inches. The subsequent rate of increase was still less rapid, as mi.^ht naturally be supposed ; and the last survivor of the original twenty-six, which was served on the table in 1846, twenty- seven years after its arrival at Martinique, measured about a metre or somewhat more than thirty-nine inches in length. None of these fishes had been able to propa-ute their race in the island during all this time. Five years after their introduction, a formal announcement was, in- deed, made that numerous young gourami had made tlieir appearance in two broods, at intervals of only six months but it was soon discovered that the supposed young gourami were native fishes that had gained entrance into the pre- serves of the.gourami. The sudden revulsion from ^l,, Mm uk^ high expectations to which the sn , .sh h^.d^;.ven rise, to chagnn and despair, unhappily re.cted on the poor fishes, and was doubtless enhanced by the ridi- cule which the exposure of the nature of the discovery 260 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. I 1 t entailed on the historian of that discovery, and which en- gendered a proverbial expression in the island. The pros- pect of propagating the gourami appearing hopeless, one after another was caught and served up on the table of the governor when a distinguished guest was to be entertained, and thus was the last disposed of in 1846. Although equally full details have not been published concerning those introduced into Guadeloupe and Cayenne, no greater success appears to have rewarded the attempts to propa- gate the species. As to the latter, it has recently been stated that tl e fish known as connani is the same as the fTourami, and occurs abundantly in the rivers of Guiana, but the connani is evidently an entirely different fish, and even a member of a very distinct family. RepvH^'-id attempts have been made in recent years to introduce the gourami into France, Algiers, and Egypt, but the fishes have either died on their way to their re- spective destinations, or have survived for but a short time their introduction into the new waters ; a sudden diminu- tion of the temperature has proved disastrous in its results to them, and the greatest care and precaution are necessary to protect thom from the changes of the weather. The last attempt to introduce the gourami into France which has come to the knowledge of the compiler was made in the ppiing of 1865. Nineteen young fishes, in a glass vase, were consigned to the steamer running betweeq Mauritius and Suez, which left the former place on the 20th of March. All survived the perils of the voyage as far as Alexandria; but on the route from that place to Marseilles, where a comparatively low and unequal tem- perature prevailed, eight of them died. Of the eleven that arrived in safety, one other died the following night; but the fate of the rest has not been recorded in the PVench periodicals yet received at Washington. 1, APPENDIX. 261 Eleven young gouramis were also safely transported, in the autumn of 1864, from the island of Mauritius to Al- geria, but their fate is likewise unknown. Attempts have been made to introduce the species into Egypt ; but the results, so far as known, have not proved favorable. The interest excited in the gourami, and the attempts to acclimijtize it, have not been confined to the French. The English settlers of Australia and Tasmania have endeavored to introduce the species into their waters, and individuals have survived the voyage to those distant countries. At Victoria, Melbourne, and Hobartstown, there are acclima- tization societies which have undertaken the introduction, into their respective districts, of desirable plants and ani- mals ; and of the fishes, the gourami has been one of the most sought for. Individuals of that species were secured for Victoria, through the exertions of a merchant of the " town, but the history of the undertaking is unknown. At Melbourne, after unsuccessful efforts, the Society of Accli- matization finally received, from Mauritius, eighteen living fish, out of a total of thirty that were embarked for that place. No accessible record exists of its introduction into Tasmania. The impracticohlh'Uj of naturaUzing it in cold countries. —Such is the hist^^ry of ;1 more prominent attempts to introduce the gourami into foreign waters. The narrati-e will readily demonstrate that its acclimatization in even warm temperate countries is by no mQmm easy ; aad the natural inference, resulting from a study of the fate ^ .. ^/^^ / Photographic Sciences Corporation # V <> Cv » . ^ ^ ^ °^^ l"-'^-^ O^ 33 WIST MAIN ST REST WIBSTIR.NY. MSaO ( U) •75-4503 4^ M O^ 266 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. pound and upwards. It is expected that a very large supply of spawn will be taken from them this fall. There is connected with the Cold Spring Ponds, a farm of five hundred or six hundred acres, situate on a spur of Monadnock Mountain, sixteen hundred feet above the level of the sea. Through this farm, runs one of the finest streams for growing trout that can be found in New England. It is the outlet of Monadnock Lake ; famous for the extra- ordinary clearness of its waters, and the superior size and quality of its trout, and not being exposed to freshets, but supplied wholly by springs, it never rises nor falls the year round. This last circumstance makes the stream a safe one for trout growing, while its great size makes it capable of sustaining an almost unlimited stock of fish. The object of having this place connected with the Cold Spring Ponds at Charlestown, is to try the experiment on a large scale of raising trout as an article of food. All the condi- tions here are favorable to the experiment, and no pai>is will be spared to give it a fair trial. If trout cannot be raised here successfully on a large scale, it seems safe to say that they cannot be raised anywhere successfully. There is a small stock of fifty thousand trout on the stream at present, which it is hoped will be increased by an addi- tion each spring of a quarter of a million and upwards. They will be kept till the first of December in learing- boxcs, when they will be transferred to ponds built for them. More than usual interest is felt in this branch of the establishment, from the fact that no attempt to raise trout in large numbers from the eggs, has ever yet suc- ceeded. Here let us say a word about the use of a rearing- box in growing trout. It is the firm conviction of the writer, that a is indispensable to the culture of trout in largo numbers. As all know, who have had any experience in raising trout— • when the young fry are APPENDIX. 2'^7 thrown promiscuously into a pond, there is an inexplicabio but constant waste going on all the time, and the greater the number of fish, compared with the size of the pond, the greater the waste becomes. Then, again, the streams which are generally used for growing trout are too small to supply natural food to any large number of fish, while at the same time the ponds built on them, are too large to allow of systematic artificial feeding. The consequence is that the young trout above a certain numerical limit die of starvation. It is therefore very desirable — indispensable we may say — to confine them where the waste just men- tioned may be prevented or at least observed and accounted for, and where they can be held well in hand, for the pur- poses of artificial feeding. It is with these objects in view that the rearing-box is construcled, and it is thought that it will revolutionize the system of trout raising, as from 60 to 80 per cent, of young fry can now be raised, even when millions are experimented with, while by the old method of pond growing, it was difficult to rear any con- siderable percentage in so limited a number even as ten thousand. The rearing-box now in u?e at the Cold Spring Ponds, seems to combine all the requisite points, and is recommended to all, who prefer to adopt this method of rearing trout or salmon. Another branch of the Cold Spring Ponds is the black bass department. The stock of black bass breeders at the ponds is nut extensive, but large numbers of this fish have been caught, and are now confined in ponds in the state of New York, and in the northern part of Vermont, for use during the spawning season, which contrary to the usual statements in books, is for that latitude, during the month of June, instead of April and May.* From these *In tlic chnptcr on naturnlization, I mentioned tlic? sixo of basa at a year old in u poiui near Newburgh, and rcnuirked ulso that I 268 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Bpawners a large number of ova will be taken, and trans- ferred to the beds at Charlestown to be hatched ; but as bass hatching has not yet been reduced to a science like trout and salmon hatching, no such results are expected as have been obtained with these latter named fisii. The hatching-beds for the bass are built on the lower stream of the Cold Spring Ponds, the other being too cold in the summer to answer the purpose. There is still another branch of this fish-breeding estab- lishment, and without doubt the most important one, viz, ; the salmon breeding ponds on the Miramichi river in New Brunswick. Here a salmon fishery has been secured, and everything put under way, for carrying on large salmon- breeding works, on the same principle but on a larger scale as the trout-breeding ponds at Charlestown. A large quantity of salmon ova and young salmon will be taken here this fall, and it is hoped that those who arc interested in restocking the American rivers with salmon, will not be slow to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining the ova or young fish. It is very gratifying to see the daily increasing interest in the community, in having our barren and profitless streams and ponds replenished with fish. People seem to be waking up to a sense of the value of water, as a food- producing agent, and all are beginning to understand, that in our lakes and rivers are to be found a source of revenue too promising to be neglected. Indeed a fish-raising fever saw numoroTis fry of this season near the margin of the pond. These young lish were not less than an inch long on the 12th of June, and consc(iuently must have come from spawn deposited the latter part of April or in May. I do not mention this fact in opposition to the rfhovo remark, that bass spawn t.i June in New Hampshire ; a few degrees of latitude will make a great difference in the time of lish that spawn in the spring or early summer. — T. N. APPENDIX. 269 is springing up in this oountry, and people are as eager to procure fish to rear, as ever they were to obtain fancy stock in sheep, or horses, or poultry. This fever will have its rise, culmination and decline without doubt like others similar, but unless the signs of the present are very delu- sive, its results will be of a vastly more important and sub- stantial. Suppose for instance that the original conditions favor- able to tlie existence of salmon and shad, were restored in a river like the Hudson. Who can estimate the immense .value which that river would assume in three or four years ? Millions of dollars would hardly buy the millions of fish that could be taken from its waters. There is nothing to prevent these original conditions* being restored in many at least of our rivers. The food of the salmon and shad L ound in the sea. Here they get their growth and vigor, and until the illimitable stores of the sea begin to fail in their supply of food, there will exist no necessary obstacles to the restoration of their former fruitfulness to our great rivers. It is the same in our lakes and ponds. Where a mere bagatelle of sunfish, and pouts,* and small perch are now caught, thousands of dollars worth of black bass might be reared. It is hoped that all who have the time and opportunity will spare no pains to do their part in replenishing the waters which lie within their 'reach. The fi^h-raising fever may have a similar run to many others, but it is one which every one should encour- age, inasmuch as in its consequences, it will react in the most beneficial manner upon all members of the community, both rich and poor, but especially upon the poor. The great desideratum which is now sought, is, to brino- fish culture out of the province of mere fancy work, where * Catfish. 23 270 AMERICAN PISH CULTURE. 'I I it is only the amusement and recreation of a few wealthy men, and to make it an every-day practical thing with every one who has the water facilities for engaging in it. What we want, is, to have poor men earn their living or a part of their living by fish culture. If this end can be reached, then the new fish-raising movement, is worthy the attention and encouragement of every public-spirited man. All that is needed to effect this end, in the opinion of the writer, is, care, study, and perseverance in the work. Nature supplies, in the countless numbers of ova in fish, boundless resources to start from. All that man has to do, is to provide the conditions requisite Id avail himself of nature's vast supplies. It seems as if he might do this, as yet no insuperable obstacle has presented itself. Every- thing conspires to confirm the most ardent faith in favora- ble results. Let every one who is interested in this move- ment give what time and effort he can spare, and in less time than we suppose, a complete revolution may be effected in our American waters, and our barren rivers and profit- less ponds be made the repositories of great wealth. • The Salmon for the Connecticut River. — The salmon spawn sent to the Cold Spring Trout Ponds by the N. H. Commissioners in the fall of 1867 to be hatched for the Connecticut river, arrived at their destination on the even- ing of the 22d of November^ They were taken in the Miramichi river, on the 10th, 18th and 22d of October, by Dr. Fletcher, of Concord, N. H., by whom they were care- fully packed in wet moss, enclosed in champagne baskets. On their arrival at Charlestown they w^re unpacked as speedily as possible, and .after being thoroughly separated from the m^oss, were deposited in the hatching-beds pre- pared for them. Large, round, plump, and of a beautiful salmon color, they looked very prettily resting on the clean gravel, in the clear running water. But a more gratifying APPENDIX. 271 Bight still, was the egg by itself, when held up to the light and examined; for there within the thin transparent shell, could be seen the curled body of the young embryo, and the two distinct black specks which were to be its 'eyes. It turned out, however, that only about twenty-five per cent, of the ova were impregnated. This, however, experience has shown to be as large a percentage as could be expected from fish caught with a spear, as Dr. Fletcher was obliged to take them. The unimpregnated eggs gradually became opaque and were removed from the beds, although some remained unturned long after the good eggs were hatched, and could be clearly seen then, as all along previously, to be perfectly empty. The impregnated eggs did remarkably well; almost all of them lived, and hatched considerably over ninety-nine per cent. The newly hatched salmon were very lively, and the loss by death, while the yolk sac remained, was very small, even less than when in the egg state. After the sac disappeared there was a sli, they present a very playful group. The person feeding them is often mounted for their food, and their tenacity of hold is so strong that they niiiy be drawn about or lifted without releasing their hold upon the food. The nest of the female is very peculiarly constructed of grass, leaves, or straw, with a lining of her own fur so firmly compacted together as to be with difficulty torn in pieces. The aperture lead- ing to the nest is a round opening just sufficient to admit the dam, and is provided with a deflected curtain, which covers the entrance and effectually secures her against all invasion when she is within. About the middle of March the females are separated from the males until the young are reared. The necessity of this arises from the fact that the male seems inclined to brood the young almost as much as the dam, when both are permitted to remain together. " The expense of feeding the animals is almost nominal, being supplied pretty much entirely from the usual offal of the farm-yard, with occasional woodchucks and game in general. They eat this food with equal avidity afV«r 24 278 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. decomposition has taken place, devouring every particle of flesh, cartilages, and the softer bcnes. The flesh and bones entire of the woodchuck are consumed often at a single meal. While the expense of keeping is thus trivial, the profitable yield of ^Le animal is immense, it being consi- dered a moderate estimate to claim that one mink with her increase will equal the avails of a cow. Should this calcu- lation hold good when the propagit'on of the mink is carried to a large scale, the business will become one of the most profitable in the world. " So far, the experience of these gentlemen with the undomest5c{>ted mink has not been satisfactory, as their shyness cannot be overcome, and they have never obtained any increase from the animals in their wild state. They had tc bci taken when young and domesticated. " Casadftga, the scene of this novel experiment, is a pretty village very pleasantly situated v.pou the shore of Casadaga Lake, which is three miles long, abounding with fish, and its waters supplied entirely by springs. It is the very dividing ridge of waters between the great courses of the north and south. Thj town will be reached one year hence, probably, by the Dunkirk, Warren, and Pittsburgh llailroad, now distant ten miles from Dunkirk. It has a population of a few hundred, does some manufacturing, has two dry-goods stores, two groceries, and good fishing, us many a Butfalonian can attest' . i> X. AMERICAN FISH FOR ENGLISH WAIERS. In a chapte; on the naturalization of fishes, I have alluded to a suggestion which I made to Mr. Fnvncis. joncerning the advantages of acclimating the smaller epeces of catfish APPENDIX. 279 in the waste waters of England. As it may be a matter of interest to some persons to know what other fishes are recommended, I give my letter as published in " The Field" with some few corrections, as well as Mr. Francis's very sensible remarks prefacing it. I also give some extracts from Mr. Francis's letter in reply to mine, which I regret to say, does not show that the acclimation of fresh water species is making the progress we had hoped for. Sir,— The accompanying letter from a gentleman in the United States contains so much which cannot fail to be exceedingly interesting to a large portion of the readers of " The Fiold," that I have no hesitation in making it public merely suppressing the name of the writer. The question of whether salmon can propagate when cut off from the sea receives here a very valuable reply ; for although we can- not of course be certain that the fish noted by T. N. really were true salmon originally, there is a great air of proba- bility in the surmise ; and it seems difficult to understand what particular effect upon the constitution or organs of generation of fishes the salt water can have, that any par- ticular fish which breeds in fresh water should be inca- pacitated from procreation by the want of a trip to the sea. My own theory is, that it is sin.ply the want of that profuse nourishment which the sea affords which is felt by the fish ; and until the experiment suggested by me some time since, of confining some kelts* and feeding them abundantly, is tried with a view to see how far the fish can be restored to condition without a visit to trhe salt w.itcr, we can form but a m( re conjectural opinion on the subject, which is of little value^ No doubt the fi«h noted by T. N. here, are the ^' This term in applied to salmon which have recently spawned X • IN* 280 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. I same as those mentioned a few weeks since by your corres- pendent " A Wandering Naturalist," who speaks of a fish which he calls "the silvery salmon trout" of the Schoodic Lakes and the St. Croix. As regards the introduction of American fish, there are undoubtedly many which would be of great value to us; and, if we had any piscatorial society in this country! iinmense benefits might be conferred upon our rivers and akes by means of it. One or two attempts have been made to introduce American fish, but they have failed, for the want of the commonest care. Ho^e is an account, from another correspondent of mine in the States, of the failure of an attempt to bring over the bass : « f, ^.^^ ^ misfortune before he left here. He got a letter of mtroductjon to a person in , who had black bass for sale, and he employed mechanics, who constructed a water tank* for transporting his fish in, and started after the bass. The gentleman who owns the bass ponds entertained him hospitably, made his men draw a pond for bass, and presented the bass to _-, who started with them for this c.ty. After three hours' travel by rail the fish appeared sound and healthy ; and, being then on board a steamer which would reach here the next morning, he did not think it neces- sary to change the water, add more, or vivify it by an air pump The result was, that when he arrived here the next morning Cs'i; were all dca.1, and his water tank, which cost forty dollars, a dead loss. Myohagrmor regret hardly prevented me from character- the affair as it deserved. But, '« /a«x pas notwithstand- ing, I can send back bass to England." Comment upon such a wretched failure is scarcely neces- sary. The worst of these failures is, that they deter others from attempting again a thing which, after all, with the *Fi6h with sharp spines should have twice as much room in transporfng ti.em as soft finned fish, as they are apt to wound each other if too closely confined.— T.N. APPENDIX. 281 commonest care, may be comparatively easy. The stocking of the Potomac with salmon bass is an instance, on the other side, of what a little shrewdness and readiness in resource may do. Many of these American fishes, as the bass, shad, &c would be particularly valuable to us as estuary fish, and there are very few of our rivers which they would not suit; and, after being naturalized in one or two, they would spread to others of their own accord. Unfortunately, how- ever, if they get on but slowly in the progress of piscicul- ture in the United States, we do not get on at all. In fact, if we are doing anything, we are going back. This is most unfortunate, as there really is a splendid field of opera- tions in this country, if there were any means of directing, assisting, and encouraging those operations. . Francis Francis. Dear Sir,— In the second edition of your valuable work on fish culture, page 21, you speak of a species of salmon above the Falls of Niagara, in the great lakes, visiting the vicinity of Salt Springs, &c. I refer you to the passage. In accordance with the wish you express, I would nay there are no salmon above the falls alluded to; that they were never known there. The only species of salmo attammg the size of the salmon are Salmo naymarush and another lately detected by Professor Agas^^iz— I forget the scientific name just now, but previously it was confounded with ,S'. nni/macuh. Both of these species grow to the weight of 801b., and have been known larger. They are inferior fish, both in beauty and flavor, compared with the anadromous salmon. In habits, and in fact in appearance, they are very like your Salmo fcmr of Scotland. Now ,18 to a salmon wo have, which does not and place them side by side the whole length of the race ; which may be from ten to fifty feet long, according to the number of spawning trout. Il APPENDIX. 289 "Then make another set of wire screens, of about three wires to the inch, so that the spawn will fall through with ease, and nail these on to a frame one by two inches. Have handles on all of them, so as to take them up easily! Place these over the fine ones, which will give a space of one inch between the top and bottom screens. Now sift gravel through a sieve of two wires to the inch, so as to be sure to get out all the gravel that would pass through the upper screen. Wash this coarse gravel clean, and put it about two inches thick on the upper screens. Then make small nests, within every foot or eighteen inches of each other, by digging nearly down to the wire of the upper screen. " The female trout will whip the gravel in these nests clear down to the wire and deposit their spawn, wffich will mostly fall through to the lower screen, and be plainly in sight. The male will eject his milt as usual upon them, with the whip of his tail to agitate the water, and thus impregnate them all. The female will now cover them up, and likely sift all the spawn that has lodged in the gravel, through the upper screen on to the lower one, and thus in time deposit all her spawn in perfection and perfectly imprcff- nated. J t b " The water should be from ten to twelve inches deep over the gravel in the race, with a gentle current. Should any spawn remain in the graVel, they will be very likely to fall down by raising the upper screens up and down a few times in the water, or with a little sifting at most, so that nearly all will find their way on to the under screen. I would take out all the screens in from one to six days, and place the spawn in my form of hatching box. " Firstly, this method will always ensure perfect impreo-. nation ; '^ " Secondly, it will save three-fourths of the time at least ; £90 AMERICAN FISH CULTVJRE. " Thirdly, it will save all the parent trout in health, whereas, in artificial impregnation it kills some by constant handling ; " Fourthly, the young will be more perfect, stronger, and healthier, from the perfectly mature spawn ; " Fifthly, the trout cannot get at the spawn to eat them ; " Sixthly, it saves a world of cave and watching. " These screens can be placed in any stream, and the spawn i.s taken in perfection. They will handle best the width of the wire cloth, and the length the width of tho race, with handles at the ends." M XIII. CRUSTACEA. The following extracts from " The Harvest of the Sea," will give some idea of the immense number of Crustacea consumed by the people of London, as well as an insight of the natural history of some of the members of this class of animals. I am not aware of any statistical information having been furnished of the amount of this kind of food, in the Unitod States, but the number of lobsters consumed east of New- York must be immense. Crabs are more commonly eaten south of that city along the whole extent of our coast, and are generally considered a delicacy, soft crabs particularly so. Crabs are found in immense numbers in the shoal waters of the southern sea- board states. In some of the creeks on the Chesapeake Bay, I have seen them so numerous that some thousands might have been counted on the area of a single rod of the II ei 8( 1! APPENDIX. 291 bottom. There is no doubt, that where they are so abun- dant, enclosures might be made of hurdles, and hard crabs collected and kept until the time of shedding. Soft crabs, as they would then be, command a high price in our city markete, varying from seventy-five cents to a dollar and a half per dozen. Shell-fish is the popular name bestowed by unscientific peisons on the Crustacea and mollusca, and no other desig- nation could so well cover the multitudinous variety of forms which are embraced in these extensive divisions of the animal kingdom. Fanciful disquisitions on shell-fish and on marine zoology have been intruded on the public of late till they have become somewhat tiresome ; but as our knowledge of the natural history of all kinds of sea animals, and particularly of oysters, lobsters, crabs, etc., is decidedly on the increase, there is yet room for all that T have to say on the subject of these dainties ; and there are still unexplored wonders of animal life in the fathomless sea that deserve the deepest study. The economic and productive phases of our shell-fish fisheries have never yet, in my opinion, been sufficiently discussed, and when I state that the power of multiplica- tion possessed by all kinds of crustacea and mollusca is even greater, if that be possible, than that possessed by finned fishes, it will bo obvious that there is much in their natural history that must prove interesting even to the most general reader. Each oyster, as we have seen, gives birth to almost incredible quantities of young. Lobsters also have an amazing fecundity, and yield an immense number of eggs- each female ])roduoing from twelve to twenty thousand in a season; and the crab is likewise most prolific. I lately purchased a crab weighing within au ounce of two pounds, 202 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. and it contained a mass of minute eggs equal in size to a man's hand j these were so minute that a very small por- tion of them, picked oflf with the point of a pin, when placed on a bit of glass, and counted by the aid of a power- ful microscope, numbered over sixty, each appearing of the size of a red currant, and no* at all unlike that fruit : so far as I could guess the eggs were not nearly ripe. I also examined about the same time a quantity of shrimp eggs ; and it is curious that, while there are the cock and hen lobster, I never saw any difference in the sex of the shrimps : all that I handled, amounting to hundreds, were females, and all of them were laden with spawn, the eggs being so minute as to resemble grains of the finest sand. Although the crustacean family counts its varieties by thousands, and contains members of all sizes, from minute animalcuiae to gigantic American crabs and lobsters, and ranges from the simplest to the most complex forms, yet the edible varieties are not at all numerous. The largest of these are the lobster (Astacus marinus) and the crab {Cancer pagurus) j and river and sea cray-fish may also be seen in considerable quantities in London shell-fish shops j and as for common shrimps ( Crangon vulgaris) and prawns {Palsemon serratis), they are eaten in myriads. The violet or marching crab of the West Indies, and the robber crab common to the islands of the Pacific, are also esteemed as great delicacies of the table, but are unknown in this country except by reputation. Mr. Cancer pagurm is watched as he bustles out for his evening promenade, and, on being deftly pitched upon his back by means of a poie, he indignantly seizes upon it with all his might, and the stick being shaken a little has the desirable effect of causing Mr. Crab to cling thereto with great tenacity, which is, of course, the very thing desired APPENDIX. 293 by the grinning " human" at the other end, as whenever he feels his prey secure he dexterously hauls him on board, unhooks the crusty gentleman with a jerk, and adds him to the accumulating heap at the bottom of the old boat. The monkeys in the West Indies are, however, still more inge- nious than the " fisher loons" of Arran or Skye. Those wise animals, when they take a notion of dining on a crab, proceed to the rocks, and slyly insinuating their tail into one of the holes where the Crustacea take refuge, that appendage is at once seized upon by tiio orab, who is thereby drawn from his hiding-place, and, being speedily dafehed to pieces on the hard stone, aflFords a fine feast to his captor. ********* The west and north-west coasts of Ireland abound with fine lobsters, and welled vessels bring thence supplies for the London market, and it is said that a supply of 10,000 a week can easily be obtained. Immense quantities are also procured on the west coast of Scotland. A year or two ago I saw on board the Mesman steamboat at Greenock a cargo of 30,000 lobsters, obtained chiefly on the coasts of Lewis and Skye. The value of these to the captors would be upwards of £1000, and in the English fishmarkets the lot would bring at least four times that sum. As showing how enormous the food wealth of the sea still is, notwithstanding the quantity taken out of it, I may cite here a few brief particulars of a little experiment of a charitable nature which was tried by a gentleman who took a warm interest in the Highland fishermen, and the results of which ho himself lately made public. Commiserating the wretched- ness which he hud witnessed among many, who, although anxious to labor, wore unable to procure work, and at the same time feeling that the usual method of assisting them was based on a mistaken principle, this gentleman under- took the establishment of a fishery upon a small scale at 294 AMERICAN Fl^fl CULTURE. his own expense. He therefore expended a sum of £600, with which he procured eight boats, completely equipped, and a small smack of sixteen tons. The crews, consisting of thirty men, he furnished with all the necessary fishing materials, paying the men weekly wages ranging from nine to thirteen shillings, part of the sum being in meal. The result of this experiment was, that these eight boats sent to the London market in a few months as many lobsters as reimbursed the original cost of the fishing plant. The men and their families were thus rescued from a state of semi- starvation, and are now living in comfort, with plenty sur- rounding their dwellings ; and have, besides, the satisfaction of knowing that their present independent condition has been achieved principally by means of their own well-sus- tained industry. A very large share of our lobsters is derived from Nor- way, as many as 30,000 sometimes arriving from the fjords in a single day. The Norway lobsters are much esteemed, and we pay the Norwegians something like £20,000 a year for this one article of commerce. They are brought over in welled st-^am-vessels, and are kept in the wooden reser- voirs already alluded to, some of which may be seen at Hole Haven, on the Essex side of the Thames. Once upon a time, some forty years ago, one of these wooden lobster- stores was run into by a Kussian frigate, whereby some 20,000 lobsters were set adrift to sprawl in the muddy waters of the Thames. In order that the great mass of animals confined in these places may bo kept upon their best beha- vior, a species of cruelty has to be perpetrated to prevent their tearing each other to pieces : the great claw is, there- fore, rendered paralytic by means of a wooden peg being driven into a lower joint. I have no intention of describing the whole members of the Crustacea; they are much too numerous to admit of APPENDIX. / 295 that, ranging as they do from the comparatively giant-like crab and lobster down to the millions of minute insects which at some places confer a phosphorescent appearance on the waters of the sea. My limits will necessarily confine me to a few of the principal members of the family— the edible Crustacea, in fact; and these I shall endeavor to speak about ia such plain language as I think my readers will understand, leaving out as much of the fashionable " scientific slang" as I possibly can. The more we study the varied Crustacea of the British shores, the more we are struck with their wonderful forma- tion, and the peculiar habits of their members. I once heard a clergyman at a lecture describe a lobster in brief but fitting terms as a standing romance of the sea— an animal whose clothing is a shell, which it casts away once a year in order that it may put on a larger suit-an animal whose flesh is in its tail and legs, and whose hair is in the inside of its breast, whose stomach is in its head, and which is changed every year for a new one, and which new one begins Its life by devouring the old ! an animal which car- ries Its eggs within its body till they become fruitful and then carries them outwardly under its tail ; an animal which can throw oflF its legs when they become troublesome, and can m a brief time replace them with others; and lastly an animal with very sharp eyes placed in movable horns' The picture is not at all overdrawn. It is a wondrous crea- ture this lobster, and I may be allowed a brief space in which to describe the curious provision of nature which allows for an increase of growth, or provides for the renewal of a broken limb, and which applies generally to the edible Crustacea. The habits of the principal Crustacea are now pretty well understood, and their m.,.lo of growth is so peculiar as to render a clo^o inspection of their habits a most iuteresting 296 AMERICAN FISH CULTURE. Study. As has been stated, a good-sized lobster will yield about 20,000 eggs, and these are hatched, being so nearly ripe before they are abandoned by the mother, with great rapidity — it is vsaid in forty-eight hours — and grow quickly, although the young lobster passes through manj changes before it is fit to be presented at table. During the early periods of growth it casts its shell frequeutly. This won- derful provision for an increase of size in the lobster has been minutely studied during its period of moulting. Mr. Jonathan Couch says the additional size which is gained at each period of exuviation is perfectly surprising, and it is wonderful to see the complete covering of the animal cast off like a suit of old clothes, while it hides, naked and soft, in a convenient hole, awaiting the growth of its new crust. In fact, it is difficult to believe that the great soft animal ever inhabited the cast-off habitation which is lying beside it, because the lobster looks, and really is, so much larger. The lobster, crab, etc., change their shells about every six weeks during the first year of their age, every two months during the second year, and then the changing of the shell becomes less frequent, being reduced to four times a year. It is supposed that this animal becomes reproductive at the age of five years. When the female Crustacea retire in order to undergo their exuviation they are watched, or rather guarded, by the males ; and if one male be taken away, in A short time another will be found to have taken his place. I do not think there is any particular season for moulting; the period differs in different places, according to the tempera- ture of the water and other circumstances, so that we might have shell-fish (and white-fish too) all the year round were a little attention paid to the different seasons of exuvia- tion and egg-laying. APPENDIX. 297 The mode in which a hen lobster lays her eggs is curious : she lodges a quantity of them under her tail, and bears them about for a considerable period; indeed, till they are so nearly hatched as only to require a very brief time to mature them * When the eggs are .%st exuded from the ovary they are very small, but before they are committed to the sand or water they increase considerably in size, and become as large as good sized shot. Lobsters may be found with eggs, or '' in berry" as it is called, all the year round ; and when the hen is in process of depositing her eggs she IS not good for food, the flesh being poor, watery, and desti- tute of flavor. XIV. SALMON HATCHING ESTABLISHMENT ON THE MIRAMICHI. Just before going to press, I have received the following additional information from Rev. Livingston Stone con- cerning this project. It will be seen from his remarks, that all the difficulties which have heretofore existed in the transportation of salmon ova to the United States, are soon to be surmounted. AH of the Atlantic states north of the Chesapeake bay may therefore have an opportunity, at but small expense, of restoring exhausted rivers, and trying the experiment of naturalizing salmon in those which were not its natural habitat. '' The salmon breeding establishment on the Miramichi was started^by^yself, and is owned nominally by myself, * Lobsters collect in large numbers'rti^^^ii^irth^^^'^l^^ ow water along the sandy shores of the bay of Chaleurs, to deposit their eggs. Such a place is called by the habitans "a lobster cumpa 298 AMERICAN FISH CULTUKB. although others will be interested in it to some extent. The object of it is, to supply salmon spawn and young sal- mon for stocking the American rivers. The present plan IS to collect just before the spawning season, as many live salmon as possible, in a large enclosure provided with arti- ficial spawning-beds, and to take the spawn from the parent fish, after the manner that trout spawn are taken. "The eggs will be kept at the Miramichi until old enough for transportation, when they will be brought to headquarters at Charlestown, and placed in the hatching- beds, there to be hatched. "There are at present thirty-two troughs, each twenty feet in length, prepared to receive the salmon ova, with provision for more if needed. These hatching-troughs are in a building made for the purpose, sixty feet by twenty, seven wide. The troughs will be able to receive 2000 ova to the foot. The spawn will be ready to transport from the Miramichi about twenty days after being taken, and will be ready for the second transportation any time after that." St INDEX Alewife • • • Great haul of . j^merican fish for English waters Appendix . . . , Bass, Striped . Black bass of the Lakes . Naturalization of — By Cuttyhunk Club Prof. Agnel Samuel T. Tisdale . Introduction into the Hudson Black bass of the South and West Introduction into the Potomac Catch of, in summer of 1865 Brook trout — Naturalization of . Carp .... Culture of . . , Catfish . . Transportation of Clove Spring Trout Ponds Cold Spring Trout Ponds Comacchio . . , Crappie Culture of the shad salmon eels Cuttyhunk Club . Cyprinidae Eel culture Esocidse PAOB 176 177 278 231 203 205 207 206 20U 206 211 211 212 184 217 244 213 215 272 264 219 205 141 102 219 185, 206 217 . 219 218 Kzj'jj 300 INDEX. Filterers . . . PAGE 49 Fish culture ..... . ■ 13 What it is . 14 Its advantage over natural propagation 14, 15 Object of . . . . . 16 Its antiquity . . . . , 16, 17 Of the Chinese .... 16 Of the Romans .... 17 Practised by Dom Pinchon . , . 17 bj Jacobi . . 18 by Young 19 by Shaw 19 by Hogg 19 in Norway 19 in France 19 by Joseph Remy 20 A new science .... 20 Importance of . 25 Its utility in stocking rivers . 16 Food, allowance for a given number of trout 76 For adult trout 73 For young trout 68 Natural . . . . , 76, 231 Frozen salmon spawn . . . 108 Fur-bearing animals, cultivation of . . .274 Gourami . . . . , , 250 Adaptations for living out of water . . 261 Habitat ..... 250 Characteristics .... . 252 A fighting fish .... 252 Grayling ..... . 196 New species of . . . 196 Hatching, time of .... 15 Time occupied in . , , , 16 EflFect of temperature on . , , 29 Spring water necessary for , . , 29 Apparatus, French . ... 42 American , . , , 43 In-door . , . 45 Hatching-house, plan for . , . 46, 47, 48 Hatching-troughs .... 49 Herring ...... 176 Huningue, account of . , , , 85 Hybrids, remarks on . , , . 183 INDEX. Incubation .... Instruments used in Time of, with salmon spawn Time of, with trout spawn at different temperature 'of water Introductory remarks ... Jacobi, discovery of artificial propagation Lake Fusaro . , Lake trout Lucrine Lake Maggot factory Maggots as trout food Manipulation of salmon of trout . , Manner of feeding young trout Martin & Gillone's establishment Mink — Cultivation of • • • Naturalization of fishes of brook trout . of lake trout of Schoodio and Sebago salmon of sea trout of Canada of grayling of whitefish of Oswego bass . of smelt of rockfish, or striped bass . of white perch of crappie of black bass of the Lakes " " West of catfish of carp . of pike Osmerus . , . Otsego bass Ova— Consequence if all of them produced fish Of whom the, can bo procured Packing and transportation of Placing them in troughs Manner of removing them from troughs for How to examine them Appearance of during incubation 26 transportation 301 PAQB 42 50 107 64 13 245 227 186 227 75 74 109, 122 52 69 241 275 178 184 186 188 193 196 197 200 200 203 204 205 205 211 213 217 218 200 200 16 41 58 56 60 60 61 "^i 302 INDEX. PAOB Oyster culture . 225 An hermaphrodite • • 226 Fecundity of . , .V 22e Manner of incubating • • 225 Growth of . . 220 Chief object in culture of • • 227 Culture at Fusaro 227, 229 at Isle of Ree • • 228 at Bay of St. Bruio . 228 English and French • • 229 Decrease of in Eastern States . 380 Value of in Virginia • • 230 Percidae . 208 Pike . . . . • • 218 Ponds— Their shape 41 Series of • • 33, 34 Method of shading 31 Depth and size of . • • 87 Transfer of trout from one to another 85 Of Jeremiah Comfort • • 87 Of Peter Christie . 272 Of Dr. J. H. Slack • • 287 Of Rev. L. Stone 204 Seth Green's . . • • 96 Stephen H. Ainsworth's 91 Protection of from muskrats • • . 32 Stocking of . , . 89 Profits of trout-breeding • • 79 Replenishing Weatern waters . . 179 Rockfish t • 308 Salmon — Culture of . 102 Instiiict • • . 102, 103 Of different rivers . . . 104 Former abundance of , • t 105 Inward migration of . . 105 Marking • • 100 Long time of incubation in American waters .108 Growth of fry of . . • • • 110 Of the Dunulw • . m Naturalization of in rivers of Middle States , 115 Fishwaya for • . 120 Early fecundity of males • • • 111 Statistics • . 137, 138, 139 Hatching of the ova on the MiramichI • 195 INDEX. 803 PAOB 225 225 225 225 226 227 7, 229 228 228 229 230 230 203 218 41 83,34 31 37 35 37 272 287 264 96 91 32 39 79 179 203 102 2, 103 104 105 105 106 108 110 113 116 120 111 J, 139 195 Salmon culture in the United States PAGE . 113 Worthy of government patronage 116 Salmon fishing on the Qoodbout • . 117 on the Nipis8i|,ait • 118 Salmon rivers of Maine . • . 118 Salmon breeding at Stormontfield • 121 at Tongueland on the Dee . 124 on the Galtray * 124 at Ballisodare . • . 127 on the Doohulla • 132 in Australia • . 185 on the Miramiohi, N.B. 195 Salmonidse • . 184 Salmo Canadensis . . • 193 Schoodio salmon . . . •• . 184 Sebago salmon . . • 188 Sea trout .... • . 193 Qreat abundance of . • 194 Sea trout of Canada . . • . 193 Shad— Culture of • 141 Instinct • . 144 Analogous to salmon . • 142 Former abundance of • . 143 Incubation of its ova f • 153 Introduction of into Gulf of Mexico . 150 Ascent over dam of Susquehanna Canal Co. . 172 Reports of Colonel Worrall on fishways for . 164, 172 Two varieties of . . * 141 Migrations of . l ■ . 142 Food of . • 142 Advantages of artificial propagation of . 146 Growth of . . 162,148 Hatching of at Holyoke , . 153 Fecundity of 158 Size and expansion of ova . . 167 Embryonic development of 168 Hatohing-box for . . . 164 Siluridaa . . ■. 218 Smelt . • . . . 200 Striped basi . . . JOS Taking spawn . 61 Taking trout from spawniug-raoe 62 Thymallns . . , . 188 Trout— The 26 Its adaptability to (niKure . 29 Its season of spawning . 26 '^^ 304 INDEX. Trout— * Appearance of sexes at time of spawning Habits ... Subsequent recuperation , Transportation of , Growth of . , ^ Enemies of . , ' Natural food of Trout fry— Treatment of Feeding of . Disposition to escape Transferring them to nurseries Transportation of Naturalization of Trout-breeding A branch of farming Will it pay . . ■ , Importance of . , Trout Dale Spring Hatching-House and Ponds White perch , , , , Whiteflsh PAQI 28 27 ^ 28 89 88 86 231 67 68 7a 71 72 184 26 72 82,79 100 287 204 197 Ml gn uni aut J the THE END. PAOI 28 27 28 39 83 85 231 67 68 70 71 72 184 26 72 79 100 287 lU 197 ERRATA. The plate facing page 141, is taken from the first Report of the Massachusetts Fish Commissioners, and represents the successive growth of the young shad from the age of two or three weeks until the time of migration to sea late in the summer, or in early' autumn. '' Page 48, line 17, for ..bey„„d to the middle," read ..beyond the middle."