1^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ 2.5 US ■^ 1^ III 2.2 SJ lia 12.0 U 11.6 V] rf > > -(^ 7 Photographic „Sciences Liorporation 2r) WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 S-^ \ :\ iV «>->»W^'*»ln ■iitf(*..4iw..-Jii.l-Miiir»ii«U»l»yi4<» Vf ^ ?jl NOBfiH AMERICAN BIRDS. 1^ kLLlofr COUES (^ \\ ^^\ mmm KEY TO NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. BY ELLIOTT COUES, M.D. BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, ' and l8 an exponont of the latest views in OrnltlioJogy. Tlio INTBODUCTOHV part gives n general account of the ANATOMY AND OLASSmOATION OF BIEDS and full Explniiiitionp of all the TerniB Used li. Ohnithokmiv n. kpy , ti.^ Oenera and Sub„enera follows ,n the form of a continTourarliliclklVblf, wh.le » Synopsis of Living and Fossil Birds l»rice (((Y a Copy In Full Cloth Binding. PUBUSHRD BV THE NATURALISTS' AGENCY, Salem, Mass. (Prospectus furnished on application.) GENERAL We givr below a fsw notices op the press which will give J, #DEA OF THE VaLUB OF THIS WOHK. •'The rei.ntation of the author, who ig so well known by his works . sea-birds and, for the anittoBj,:- of thft4po,., cannot but be increased by this prodnction' Z^TV S ,: ^"'!«"'«"'- T"e sjjbject is treated in a manner rather different from that usWlyadopted by sysllmatic writers; • • * there is a ft-eshness acceiSlIf" ■ J"/ ""'""«'•'" ^hich facts are handled, which will be extremely acceptable."— Mature (London), May 8. 1873, p. 22. "Mr. Coues- -Key to North American Bird«.' somewhat curiously entitled, is a veiT large and handsome volume, beautiftilly printed and proftisely illustrated." — Saturday lievtew (London), Feb. 22, 1878. sliirhtl'.u?I,f '''''"'' h''""."'" "*'■• ''"""'*' '^"'^ •^^•"''«- " '« '"'«• here an.I the.-e. « r„iui . , *";«^«''»"«"' »"" "'ey i" "0 wny detract essentially from its ^alue a. th^fl K-rt* •'',*"'* *"" '^"^^ """^'^ '" '»«•" '»»« ''*'>'« ot- beginners in omi- thology whde It aflfords at the same time a standard and convenient work of ref- erence for advanced students and even specialists. • * • The reader ts mad« aoqnamted, in a general way. with the exotic as well us North American fartiilies of the avian class. In the descriptions of the species. Dr. Coues has shown a Icontinucd on 8d page. •t MUmuiit --^-^----^■^--fc,j^i, CHECK LIST cm * IsToKTH American Birds. By ELLIOTT COUES. SALEM. 1873. j^* rniNTED AT THE SALEK PBESS, p. W. PUTNAM St CO., Pnpriatorl. Check List of North American Birds. NOTK. — The species are numbered consecutively fVom 1 to 636. Stragglers have the number in brackets. Varieties bear the number of the species to which they belong, with a, j, c, etc., unless a variety is our only representative of the species, when it is separately enu- merated. Obscure or doubtful species are marked with a note of interrogation after the number. Each species is followed by the original 'lescriber's name; when this is not also the authority for the nomenclature adopted the name of such authority is added, the former being retained in parenthesis. A similar practice is observed in the cases of varieties ; when, as in most instances, they were origi- nally described as species they are followed by the authority for their reduction to varieties, as well as by the name of the describer; the latter in parenthesis. The List contains a very few species discovered since the "Key" was printed; otherwise, it is an exact reflection of that work, the arrangement and nomenclature being identical. The numbers of the genera as used in the Key are given in the head lines of the List in order to facilitate reference. Authors are at variance in the formation of the genitive of Latinized proper names ; in the absence of any universally observed mle, euphony may perhaps he advantageously consulted. L. the Key, the i was doubled in all cases of words ending in a consonant, the nominative being considered to end in -lus; this practice is preferably applicable to monosyllables, as Bairdii, and polysyllables, as Audubonii. But it Is necessary to use single i in words ending in r, as Cooperi, and best to do so in most cases of dissyllables, as Wilsoni, Cassini, Swainsoni. The same is the case with all words ending in a vowel. The following are the abbreviations used for authors' names occur- ring most frequently ; others are for the most part written in full :— All., Allen; Aud., Audubon; Bd., Baird; Bodd., Boddaert; Bp., Bona- parte; Ca?).,Cabanis; Cass., Cassin; Cs., Coues; Gani6., Gambel; 6m., Gmelin; Gr., Gray; Z.,Linnrous; Za/r., Lafresnaye; Za.)Bd. Yellow-headed Titmouse. 38. SITTA CAROLINENSIS Gm. lirhlte-bellled IVuthatch. 38a. SITTA CAROLINENSIS Gm., var. ACULEATA (Cass.) All. Slender-billed IVuthatch. 39. SITTA CANADENSIS L. Red-bellied Wuthatch. 40. SITTA PUSILLA Lath. Brown-headed Muthatch. 41? SITTA PYQMiBA ViG. PygTMj ]Vuthatch. 42. CERTHIA PAMILIARIS L. Broit-n Creeper. 11 % 4J U 45, 46. 47. 47a 48. 48a. 48b. 49. 49a. 60. i % GEN. 18-23 OF KEY. 43. CAMPTLORHYWCHUS BBUNNEICAPILLUS (Lafr.) Gr. nrown-lieaded Creeper-wren. 44. CAMPYLORHYITCHUS AFPINIS Xantu8. Allied Creeper-wren. 45. SALPmCTES OBSOLETUS (Say) Cab. Rock Wren. 46. CATHERPES MEXICANUS (Sw.) Bd. White-throated W^ren. 47. THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Bp. CJreat Carolina ITren. 47a. THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Bp., var. BERLANDiEui (Couch) Cs. Aerlandier's Wren. 48. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp. Bewick's ITren. 48a. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp. var. LEUCOGASTER (Gould) Bd. ^Thite-bellied Wren. 48b. THRYOTHORUS BEWICKII (Aud.) Bp., var. spiLURUS (Vig.) Bd. Speckled-tailed Wren. 49. TROGLODYTES AEDON V. House Wren. 49a. TROGLODYTES AEDON V., var. PARKMANNI (Aud.) Cs. W^estem House TFren. 60. ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES (L.) Cs., var. HYEMALI8 (Wlls.) Cs. IVinter ^Tren. 13 'ik'u^ttiS /*»»-'5 ^. GEN. 23-34 OF KET. 50a. ANOBTHURA TROGLODYTES (L.) Cs., Var. ALA8CEN8I8 (Bd.) Cs. Alaskan IfTren. 61. TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS (Wils.) Cab. ronir-bllled narsli H'ren. 62. CISTOTHORUS STELLARIS (Light.) Cab. Hliort-bllled Iffaritli l^ren. 63. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Forst.) Boie. Horned JLark; fiihore JLark. 53a. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Foust.) Boib, var. ciiRYsoL^MA (Wagl.) Bd. South-western liark. 64. BUDYTES PLAVA (L.) Cuv. Yellow 'fragtall. 65. ANTHUS LUDOVICIAITUS (Gm.) Light. Brown liark; Titlark; Pipit. 66. NEOCORYS SPBAGTJEI (Aud.) Scl. Missouri Skylark. 67. MNIOTILTA VABIA (L.) V. Black-and-white Creeper. 68. PABULA AMERICANA (L.) Bp. Blue yellow-backed liTarbler. 59. PROTONOTARIA CITBffilA (Bodd.) Bd. Prothonotary liTarbler. GO. HELMITHERUS VERMIVORUS (Gm.) Bp. IToriu-eating- 1^'arbler. 61. HELMITHERUS SWAINSONI (Aud.) Bp. Swainson's Hf'arbler. 62. HELMINTHOPHAGA PINUS (L.) Bd. Blue-wlng-ed Yellow ^iVarbler. 15 GEN. 34-35 OF KEY. 63. HELMINTHOPHAGA CHRYSOPTERA (L.) Bd. JBlue Crolden-winired IfV'arbler. 64. HELMINTHOPHAGA BACHMANI (Aud.) Cab. Sachman's DTarbler. 65. HELMINTHOPHAGA LUCI^ Coop. liucy's UTarbler. 6(5. HELMINTHOPHAGA VIRGINI-2B Bd. ¥lriiinla%i ^Tarbler. 67. HELMINTHOPHAGA RUPICAPILLA (Wils.) Bd. IVastavllle liTarbler. 08. HELMINTHOPHAGA CELATA (Say) Bd. Oraiig-e-crowned l^arbler. C9. HELMINTHOPHAGA PEREGRINA (Wils.) Cab. Tennessee Hf^arbler. 70. DENDRCECA JBSTrVA (Gm.) Bd. Summer IfTarbler. 71. DENDR(EOA VIRENS (Gm.) Bd. Blaek-ttaroated Creen I'Varbler. 72. DENDROBCA OCCIDENT ALIS (Towns.) Bd. fVestern Warbler. 73. DENDRCECA TOWNSENDII (NuTT.) Bd. Tovrnsend's W^arbler. 74. DENDRCECA CHRYSOPAREIA Scl. et Sai.v. Crolden-cheeked W^arbler. 75. DENDRCECA NIGRESCENS (Towns.) Bd. Black-throated Crray Warbler. 76. DENDRCECA CiERULESCENS (L.) Bd. Black-throated Blue W^arbler. 77. DENDRCECA CJERULEA (Wils.) Bd. Cterulean W^arbler. CHECK LIST BIRDS. 3 17 f i .1 i 'I GEN. 35-36 OF KEY. 78. DENDR(ECA CORONATA (L.) Gr. Yellofv-rumped lfrttrbl4>r ; llyrtle Bird. 79. DENDROJCA AUDUBONII (Towns.) Bd. Aiidubon'M ^'urbler. 80. DENDRCECA BLACKBURNIJB (Gm.) Bd. UlMCkburnliiii YTarbler. 81. DENDRCECA STRIATA (Forst.) Bi>. Ulaek-poll IfTitrblor. 82. DENDRCECA CASTANEA (VVils.) Bd. * IBny-brvMstf^d W^urbler. 8;i. DENDRCECA PENNSYLVANICA (L.) Bi>. C^hoNtnut-Mldod Iff'arbler. 84. DENDRCECA MACULOSA (Gm.) Bd. VlttcK-and- Yellow liVarbler. 85. DENDRCECA TIQRINA (Gm.) Bd. • CJapo May ¥Karbler. 8G. DENDRCECA DISCOLOR (V.) Bd. Prairie li¥arbler. 87. DENDRCECA ORACIJB Coues. Orace's HVarbler. 88. DENDRCECA DOMINICA (L.) Bd. Yellow-throated DTarbler. 89. DENDRCE3CA KIRTLANDI Bd. Kirtiand's fTarbler. 90. DENDRCECA PALMARUM (Gm.) Bd. Yellow Red-poll l^arbler. 91. DENDRCECA PINUS (Wils.) Bd. Pine-creeping-lfVarbler. 92. SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS (L.) Sw. Oolden-erowned Tbrusli. 19 GEN. 3(5-41 OF KFT. £1 03. SEIURUS NOV EBORACENSIS (Gm.) Nutt. IfTattT WnvtMll; Wutvr ThriiMh. 04. SEIURUfi LUDOVICIANUS (V.) Rp. I.urir<'-I»ill4'd 1% uter ThriiMh. 05. OPOROKNIS AQILIS (Wii,8.) Hd. C'oiiiM'ctlrut Df'iirblvr. OC. OPORORNIS PORMOSUS (Wils.) Bd. 14«>iitucky Iff'urblcr. 07. GEOTHLYPIS TRIOHAS (L.) Cah. iUwryland Yvlluvt-throttt. 08. GEOTHLYPIS PHILADELPHIA (Wil§.) Bd. Mouriiiiiir l^urbler. 09 ?» GEOTHLYPIS MACQILLIVRAYI (Aud.) Bn. MaciriMivruy'it If^urbU'r. 100 ICTERIAVIRENS (L.) Hd. Y4>llow-br4>aNtt>«l C'hnt. 100.1. ICTER^A VIRENS (L.) Bd., via: LUNCJiCAUDA (Liiwr.) Cs. liunK-xtnlU'il I'bat. 101. MYIODIOCTES MITRATUS (Gm.) Aud. lloudc'd Flycutehlnur Ifurbler. 102. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS (Wils.) Br. Crr«>«>ii Ulaek-cuppc'd Flycat(*hinfi: Iff'arbler. 103. MYIODIOCTES CANADENSIS (L.) Aid. Canadian FI^ ratrlilng- Ufarblor. 104. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA (L.) Sw. lIcdMtart. 105. SETOPHAGA PICTA Sw. Pa1nt., Var. KXCUUITOKOIDES (Svv.) Cs. ^ritlte-runiped lillirike. 136. HESPERIPHONA VESPERTINA (Coop.) Biv IJlvenlnir Cirosbeak. 137. PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR (L.) V. Pine OroHbeak* [138.]? PYRRHULA OASSINI (Bd.) Tristr. CasMln's Bullfinch. 139. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS (Gm.) Gh. Purple Finch. 140. CARPODACUS CASSINI Bd. Cassin'M Purple Finch. 141. CARPODACUS FRONTALIS (Say) Gr. C'rinison-frunted Finch; Houne Finch. 141a.* CARPODACUS FRONTALIS (Say) Cab., var. HJSMORKHOus (Wagl.) llidg. mexlcan Purple Finch. ♦ Xot in the Key. See RiUgway, Am. Jour. Soi. Art, v, p. 39. GEN. 59-G2 OF KEY. 142. LOXIA LEUCOPTEBA (Wils.). lf¥lilte-wing-ed Crossbill. 143. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA L., Var. AMERICANA (Wils.) C8. Common Crossbill. 143a. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA L., var. MEXICAN A (Strickl.) Cs. Ilaiid riong-^pui*. 154. PLECTROPHANES PICTUS Sw. Paiiiti'd Lark Bunting*. 155. PLECTROPHANES ORNATUS Towns. Cliei»tnut-colorod I^ark Buntinir. 156. PLECTROPHANES MACCOWNII Lawr. incCown'H I^ark JBnntlng:. 157? CENTRONYX BAIRDII (Aud.) Bd. Baird'H Hiinting-. 157bis.* CENTRONYX OCHROCEPHALUS Aiken. Oclireoiu-iieaded Buntlngr. 158. PASSERCULUS PRINCEPS Maynard. lIlaynard'N filparrow. 159. PASSERCULUS SAVANNA (Wils.) Bp. Mavanna Mparrow. 81 ♦ Not in the Key. See Aiken, Am. Nat., vli, 237. Jl Si^ V ) GEN. 65-69 OF KEY. 150a. PASSERCULUS SAVANNA (Wils.) Bp., var. ANTHiNUs (Bp.) Cs. Titlark Kparroiv. 159b. PASSERCULUS SAVANNA (VVii.8.) Bp., var. 8ANDVICKNWIS (Grn.) C8. IVorthvrestcrii Mparrow. IfiO. PASSERCULUS ROSTRATUS (Cass.) Bn. Meaked Mparroiv. 160a. PASSERCULUS ROSTRATUS (Cahs.) Bd., var. GUTTATUH (La wit.) Cs. St. l.iica» Mparrov*'. 161. POOECETES QRAMINEUS (Gm.) Bd. Uay-ning-ed Biintliiir; C^rass Fliicli. 161a. POOECETES QRAMINEUS (Gm.) Bd., var. CONFINI8 Bd. l»Ve»tern CiraAs I'ln<;li. 162. COTURNICULUS PASSERINUS (Wils.) Bp. Yc>llov«--v« init-c'd Mparrovv'. 162a. COTURNICULUS PASSERINUS (Wils.) Bp., var. PKRi'ALi.iDrs Kklfj. Bleached Yellow-wlng-od Sparrow. 163. COTURNICULUS HENSLOWI (Aun.) Bp. HenAlon 'N Aparrow. 164. COTURNICULUS LECONTEI (Aud.) Bp. l.eCoiite'si Mparrow. 165. AMMODROMUS MARITIMUS (Wils.) Sw. Moaside Finch. 166. AMMODROMUS CAUDACUTUS (Gm.) Sw. l«harp-tailcd Finch. 167. MELOSPIZA LINCOLNI (Aud.) Bd. I.lncoln'8 Finch. Check List Bibds. 3 33 r m 'I '/,jg.. / p.^ GEN. 69-70 OP KEY. 8A 168. MELOSFIZA FALUSTRIS (Wii.8.) Bd. Av^amp Miiurrovr. 169. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (Wilh.) Bd. Monir Mparro tv. 160n. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (WitH.) Bd., var. FAU.AX (Bd.) IlldK. Ciray Nuniir Mparroiv. 169h. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (Wn.H.) Bp., var. GUTTATA (Nutt.) Kklg. Cln«>r«oiin Nonii* Mparrow. 169c. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (VVii.h.) Bd., vit): Rui'iNA (Briuult.) Uidjj. Riitous Nong- M|»arrof»'. 169d. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (VVii.s.) Bd., var. HKKiiMANM (Bd.) Rldg. Hrerniann'H Nonir Mparrovt'. 169e. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (\Vii..s.) Bd., rar. (joui.dii (Bd.) Ridg. €iSoiild'M Monir Mparrow. 169f. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (VVn,s.) Bd , var. IN8IO.VI8 (Bd.) lUdy. BlMoliofr'N Monir Mparrow. 170. PEUCiEA -5ISTIVALIS (Licnr.) Cab. naclinian'N Flncli. 170a. PEUCiEA AESTIVALIS (Licin.; Cab., var. CA88INI (Woodh.) All. Casfiln'8 Finch. 171. PEUC-«3A RUFICEPS (Cass.) Bd. Itufouii-crowned Fincli. ITlbls.* PEUC^A CARPALIS CouES. Rufoias-iv'lnired Mparrow. *>i'ut in the Key. See Am. Nat., vii, p. 322. (^'SS*---^ f V GEN. 71-74 OF KEY. 172. POOSPIZA BILINEATA (Cass.) Scl. mack-throated Fincli. 173. POOSPIZA BELLI (Cass.) Scl. Bell's Finch. 174. JUNCO HYEMALIS (L.) Scl. Snoivbli'd. 175? JUNCO ORTJIQONUS (Towns.) Scl. Oreiiron dnowbird. 176? JUNCO CINEREUS (Sw.) Cab., var. CANiCKPS (VVoodh.) Cs. Cinereuut* i(no%vblrd. 177. SPIZELLA MONTICOLA (Gm.) Bd. Tree iiparrow. 178. SPIZELLA SOCIALIS (Wils.) Bi'. dilpiiiiig* Siparroit'. 178a. SPIZELLA SOCIALIS (Wils.) Bp., ■var. AiuzoN.v; Cs, Arizona Chipping- Mparrow. 179. SPIZELLA PUSILLA (Wn,s.) Bp. Field liparrofv. 180. SPIZELLA PALLIDA (Sw.) Bp. Clay-colored Sparroiv. 180a. SPIZELLA PALLIDA (Sw.) Bp., var. hreweki (Cass.) Cs. Jlrefver's Sparrow. 181. SPIZELLA ATRIQULARIS (Cab.) Bd. lilack-cliinned Mparrow. 182. ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS (Gm.) Bp. IfThite-throated Sparrow. 87 GEN. 74-80 OF KEY. 39 f^ l»c^ (H V 183. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Fokst.) Sw. lif'lilte-cro^t'ned iipari'oi«'. 183a. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forst.) Sw., var. Gamhicli (Nutt.) All. Cranibel'tt Aparrow. 184. ZONOTRICHIA CORONATA (.Fall.) Bd. Crolden-crowned Nparrow. 185. ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA (Nutt.) Gamb. Harris's Hparrow. 186. CHONDESTES GRAMMACA (Say) Bp. I^ark Finch. [187.] PASSER DOMESTICUS Linn. lilnfE-IiAh Mparrow. 188. PASSERELLA ILIACA (Mkukem.) Sw. Fox Mparrow. 189. PASSERELLA TOWNSENDII (Aid.) Nutt. Townsend'H Fox Mparrow. 189a. PASSERELLA TOWNSENDII (Aud.) Nutt., var. scmsTACKA (Bd.) Cti. Mlate-colorod Fox Mparrow . 190. CALAMOSPIZA BICOLOR (Towns.) Bp. I^ark Uiintliifir; IVIiito-w iiiired ]ilack.blrd. I'Jl. EUSPIZA AMERICANA (G.m.) Bp. lilark-tliroatd dirosbeak. 194. GONIAPHEA MELANOCEPHALA (Sw.) — . Olack-lioadcd UroMbeaU. rz^- W GEN. 80-85 OF KEY. 195. GONIAPHEA CiERULEA (L.). Blue Grosbeak. 196. CYANOSPIZA CIRIS (L.) Bd. P»tnted Fincb; IVonpareil. 197. CYANOSPIZA VERSICOLOR (Bp.) Bd. li^estern IWunpareil. 198. CYANOSPIZA AMCENA (Say) Bd. liazult Fiiivla. 199. CYANOSPIZA CYANEA (L.) Bd. Indig-o illrd. [200.] SPERMOPHILA MORELETII Puchekan. Morelct's ITiucta. [201.] PHONIPARA BICOLOR (L.) Bp. BlacK-faccd Fincli. 202. PYRRHULOXIA SINUATA Bp. Texas Cardinal. 203. CARDINALIS VIRQINIANUS (Brisson) Bp. Cardinal Uedbird. 203a. CARDINALIS VIRQINIANUS (Bkisson) Bp., var. iGNKus (Bd.) Cs. Fiery nedblrd. 204. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (L.) V. Towhee Bunting-; Ctaewink. 204a. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (L.) V., var. ALLKNI Cs. "irhlte-eycd Towbee. 206. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var, ORKGONU8 (Bell) Cs. Oreg-on Tovrtaee. 41 y-sz'^ GEN. 85-89 OF KEY. 43 205a. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var. ARCTICU8 (Sw.) Cs. Arctic Towhee. 205b. PIPILO MACULATUS Sw., var. :,:^,; ALONYX (Bd.) Cs. Spurred Towhee. 206. PIPILO FUSCUS Sw. Brown Towhee; Cunon Finch. 206a. PIPILO FUSCUS Sw., var. ALBiGULA (Bd.) Cs. IfThite-throated Towliee. 20Gb. PIPILO FUSCUS Sw., var. CRI88ALI8 (Vig.) Cs. CrisNal Towhee. 207. PIPILO ABERTIBd, Abert*« Towliee. 208. PIPILO CHLORURUS (Towns.) Bd. Crreen-tailed Towhee. 209. EMBERNAQRA RUPIVIRGATA Lawr. Crreen Finch. 210. DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS (L.) Sw. Bobolink; Beedbird; Bicebird. 211.» MOLOTHRUS PECORIS (Gm.) Sw. Cowbird. 211a. MOLOTHRUS PECORIS (Gm.) Sw.. var. OB8CUKU8 (Gm.) Cs. Bwarf Cowbird. 212. AQELJEUS PHCENICEUS (L.) V. Bed-winsred Blackbird. * This should atm^ aa Molothrtu ater (Gm.) Gr. f< "S^V^ ffS GEN. 89-93 OF KEY. 45 212a. AQELiBUS PH(ENICEUS (L.) V., Var. OUBKKNATOK (Wugl.) Cs. Red-Shouldered lilnckblrd. 212b. AQELJSUS PHCENICEUS (L.) V., var. TiucoLOK (Nutt.) Cs. Red-and-wlilte-Hhoiilderedniaekbfrd. 213. XANTHOCEPHALUS ICTEROCEPHALUS (Bp.) Bd. Yellow-headed Klaekblrd. 214. STURNELLA MAGNA (L.)Sw. Fleldlark; Meadowlark. 214a. STURNELLA MAGNA (L.) Sw., var. NEGLKCTA (Aud.) All. ^V^estern Fleldlark. . . 215. ICTERUS SPURIUS (L.) Bp. Orehard Oriole. 215a. ICTERUS SPURIUS (L.)Bp., var. AFFiNis (Lawr.) Cs. Te^an Orehard Oriole. 216. ICTERUS BALTIMORE (L.) Damhn. Baltimore Oriole. 217. ICTERUS BULLOCKII (Sw.) Bp. Bullock's Oriole. 218. ICTERUS CUCULLATUS Sw. Hooded Oriole. 219. ICTERUS PARISORUM Bp. Scott's Oriole. 220. ICTERUS MELANOCEPHALUS (Waol.) Gr., var. AUDUBONii (Girand.) Cs. Audubon's Oriole. 221. SCOLECOPHAQUS TERRUGINEUS (Gm.) Sw. Rusty^ Crackle. ORN. 93-97 OF KEY. 47 k:r »?,■,. -1 (ih 222. SCOLECOPnAQUS CYANOCEPHALUS (Wagl.) Cab. niue-taended Crackle. 228. QUISCALUe MACROURUS Sw. CirvMt-tailed Crackle. 224. QUISCALUS MAJOR Vieil. Boat-tailed Orackle; Jackdaw. 225. QUISCALUS PimPUREUS(BARTR.)LiCHT. Purtjtie Crackle; C^rovr Blackbird. 225a. QUISCALUS PURPUREUS (Bartk.) Licht., var. AGL.Eus (Bd.) Cs, Florida Crackle. 226. CORVUS CORAX Linn. Haven. 227. CORVUS CRYPTOLEUCUS Couch. l^hlte-necked Raven. 228. CORVUS AMERICANUS Aud. Common Crovr. 228a. CORVUS AMERICANUS Aud., var. FLORIDANU8 Bd. Florida Crofv. 228b. CORTUS AMERICAinjS Aud., var. CAUKINU8 (Bd.) Cs. Kortliwestern Fish Crow. 229. CORVUS OSSIFRAQUS WiLs. Flsli Crow. 230. PICICORVUS COLUMBIANUS (Wils.) Bp. Clarke's Crow. 231. GYMNOKITTA CYANOCEPHALA Maxim. Blue Crow^. /■v r) GEN. 98-101 OF KEY. 49 282. PSILORHINUS MORIO (Waql.) Gr. Brown Jny, 233. PICA MELANOLEUCA v., tar. HUD80NICA (Sab.) All. Aiuerlrun 9Iu|irpi«- 238a. PICA MELANOLEUCA V., var. NUTTALLi (Aud.) C8. Yellow-billed Mag-pie. 284. CYANURUS CRISTATUS (L.) Sw. Slue «ray. 285. CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw. Mteller'H Jaty. 235a. CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw., var. MACitoLoniA (Bd.) All. l.oi>gr-rr«>8ted Jny. 235b.* CYANURUS STELLERI (Gm.) Sw., var. FIIONTAM8 Ridg. Uliie-fronted *luy. 236. APHELOCOMA FLORIDANA (Bartram) Cab. • Florida Jay. 23Ca. APHELOCOMA PLORIDAITA (Bautu.) Cab., var. wooDiiousEi (Bd.) All. li^'oodliouNe'» «Fay. 236b. APHELOCOMA FLORID ANA" (Bartk.) Cab., var. californica (Vig.) Cs. Calit'ornlan Jay. ' 237. APHELOCOMA SORDID A (Sw.) Cab. Mieber'H Jay. ♦ Not in the Key. Sec Ridgway, Am, Journ., v, p. 43. CIIKCK LI8T BIKDS. 4 I •**! «t«*k I GEN. 102-107 OF KEY. 238. XANTHOURA YNCAS (Bodd.) Bp., var. i.uxuosA (Less.) Cs. Rio Orande Jay. 239. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (L.) Bp. Canada Jay. [240.] MILVULUS TYRANNUS (L.) Bp. V'ork-tallvd flycatcher. 241. MILVULUS FORFICATUS (Gm.) Sw. Nwallow-talled Flycatcher. 242. TYRANNUS CAROLINENSIS (L.) Bd. K^ttiitrbtrd ; Uee-niartln. 243. TYRANNUS DOMINICENSIS (Gm.) Rich. €r*'ay Ktng-bird. 244 TYRANNUS VERTICALIS Say. ArkansaM Flycatcher. 246. TYRANNUS VOCIPERANSSw. Ca«»in'M Flycatcher. [24C.] TYRANNUS MELANCHOLICUS V., var. couciiii (Bd.) Cs. Couch's Flycatcher. 247. MYIARCHUS CRINITUS (L.) Cab. €J reat-crcMted Flycatcher. 248. MYIARCHUS CINERASCENS Lawr. Ash-throated Flycatcher. [L'-iy.] MYIARCHUS LAWRENCEI (Giraitd.) Bd. I^awrence's Flycatcher. 250. SAYORNIS SAYUS (Bp.) Bd. Nay's FlycatcluM*. 251. SAYORNIS NIGRICANS (Sw.) Bp. Jtlack Flycatcher. 51 GEN. 107-110 OF KEY. 252. SAYORiaS PUSCUS (Gm.) Bd. Pewee; Pewit; Phoebe. 253. CONTOPUS BOREALIS (Sw.) Bd. Olive-sided dycatciier. • 254. CONTOPUS PERTINAX Cab. Coues' Flyeatclier. 255. CONTOPUS VIRENS (L.) Cab. "fVood Pewee. 255a. CONTOPUS VIRENS (L.) Cab., var. RICIIARDSONII (Sw.) Cs., "Western lif ood Pewee. 256. EMPIDONAX ACADICUS (Gm.) Bd. Acadian Flycatcher. , 257. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII (Aud.) Bd. Traill's Flycatcher. 257a. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII (Aud.) Bd., var. PU8ILLUS (Bd.) Cs. lilttle W^estern Flycatcher. 258. EMPIDONAX MINIMUS Bd. Iicast Flycatcher. 259. EMPIDONAX PLAVIVENTRIS Bd. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. 260. EMPIDONAX HAMMONDII Bd. Hammond's Flycatcher. 261. EMPIDONAX OBSCURUS (Sw.) Bd. TKriitrht's Flycatcher. 262. MITREPHORUS PULVIPRONS (Giuaud.) Scl., var. PALLESCKN8 Cs. Buir-breasted Flycatcher. 53 JT' h GEN. Ill, 114-120 OF KEY. 263. PYROCEPHALUS RUBINEUS (Bodd.) Gb , var. MEXiCANUs (Scl.) Cs. Ternilllon Flycatcher. 264. ANTROSTOMUS CAROLINENSIS (Gm ) Gould. dlUCli-V»'lll'8-f« td-bucked lifoudpecker. 801a. PICOIDES AMERICANUS Bkeum., var. i)OK8Ai,i8 (Bd.^All. Striped-backed IfToodpecker. 802. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (L.] Bd. Yellow-bellied l^Toodpecker. 302a. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (L.) Bd., var. NUCHALis (Bd.) All. IVucbal l^oodpeeker. 303 ?♦ SPHYRAPICUS RUBER (Gm.) Bd. Ited'^breasted DV^oodpecker. 304. SPHYRAPICUS THYROIDEUS (Cass.) Bd. Mrown-bcaded YFoodpecker. 305. SPHYRAPICUS WILLIAMSONI (Newb.) Bd. Ifl^llUamson's li¥oudpeckcr. 306. CENTURUS CAROLINUS (L.) Bp. Red-bellied ^^oodpecker. 807. CENTURUS AURIPRONS (Wagl.). Yellow-faced l^oodpecker. 8C8. CENTURUS UROPYGIALIS Bd. Olla IVoodpecker. * Apparently a Tar. of 302. CRN. 13r)-140 OF KEY. 809. MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS (L.) Sw. Hcd-tacuded Wood|»ei*k«>r. 310. MELANERPES FORMICIVORUg (Sw.) Up. C-ullturiiluii Woodperker. 810a. MELANERPES FORMICIVORUS (Sw.) Dp., Var, ANtUIHTIKUONS Bl). nnrrow-t'rontcd liV^uodpecker. 811. ASYNDESMUS TORQUATUS (Wils.) Cs. r.ewl»' l¥ood|ie(^k«'r. 312. COLAPTES AURATUS (L.) Sw. Oolden-w liig- <>d l!rood|>«>ck4>i' ; Flicker. 313. COLAPTES CHRYSOIDES Maui. (iilld«>d liVuodpeckei*. 314. COLAPTES MEXICANUS Sw. ]t4>d-Hliaft(>d lifoodpc'ckcr. 315. CONURUS CAROLINENSIS (L.) Kuhl. Carolina l*arro(iiiet. 63 Q': 0 310. STRIX PLAMMEA L., var. AMKiiiCANA (Aud.) Cs. IBarn Owl. 317. BUBO VIRQINIANUS (Gm.) Bp. Great Horned Owl. 317a. BUBO VIRQINIANUS (Gm.) Bp., var. AKCTicus (Sw.) Cass. Arctic Horned Owl. 317b. BUBO VIRQINIANUS (. H,..i'lan's Buzzard. 351. BUTEO BOREALIS (Gm.) V. IKed-tailed Buzzard ; Hen Hawk. f> GEN. 159-161 or KEY. 351a. BUTEO BOREALIS ^Gm.) '., var. cALi'ra's (Cass.) Uidg. l^restorii JRcd-tailed Uuzz.trd. S51b. BUTEO BOREALIS (GM^ v., rnr. lucasaxus Riilg. ^t. liuoas ]BiizKui'^ 'H Oiixzard. 352. BUTEO -.INEATUS (Gm.) Jard. Rcd-NltuMldci'cd Kiizzurd. 362a. BUTEO LINEATl;S(G.«.) Jard., var. Ki.EGANs (Cass ) Ridg. 'Western Ited-Mliuiildered Oiizzard. 353. BUTEO ZONOOERCUS Scl. Hand-tailed Hank. 354. BUTEO SWAINSONI Bp. MnainMun'M Ituzzard. 355. BUTEO PENNS\ LVANICUS (AVils.) Bp. lii'oad-wlng-ed IBuzzard. 356. ARCHIBUTEO LAQOPUS (Bkunn.) Or., var. SANCTi-JoiiANNis (Gm.) Ridg. noug-h-les-jjfed Ituzzard. 357. ARCHIBUTEO FERRUGINEUS (Licnx.) Gr. Ferriiifineous Ifuzzard. 358. ASTURINA PLAGIATA Sciilegel. CJray Hawk. 359.t ONYCHOTES GRUBERI Ridg. Ciiriiber'M Huzzard. 71 * Snic. Not in Ki'v ; not publielied at date of going to press. tS5a. Qtii'btii)niibly Xortli Ainericaii. 'I ' f s n I €) 300. 301. 3G2. 3(13. 3fii. 305. 3GG. 307. 308. 309. 370. 371. 372. 373. GEN. 1(52-171 OF KEY. PANDION HALIAETUS (L.) Saviony. Fink Haw k ; Osprey. AQUILA CHRYSAETUS (L.). C( olden Cag-Io. HALIAETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (L.) Saviony. Wklte-keaded Kairle ; Maid liairlv. POLYBORUS THARUS (Moll.) Cass., var. AUDUBoxii,(Cass.) Kidy. Audiibon'N Caracara. CATHARTES CALIPORNIANUS (Shaw) Cuv. Calif'ornlan Tiiltiirc. CATHARTES AURA (L.) Illigkr. Turkey liuzzard. CATHARTES ATRATUS (Bautr.) Less. Slack Vulture ; Carrion Crow. COLUMBA PASCIATA Say. Hand-tailed Piireon. COLUMBA PLAVIROSTRIS Waglku. Ited-billed Pig-con. COLUMBA LEUCOCEPHALA L. l^Vtaite-crowned Pig-eon. ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIUS (L.) Sw. IVild Pig-eon. ZENiEDURA CAROLINENSIS (L.) Bp. Carolina ]>ove. ZEN^DA AMABIUS Bp. Zenaida Dove. MELOPELEIA LEUCOPTERA (L.) Bp. IVhite-wing-ed Dove, 78 lt»t:«f3»i N f> OEN. 172-178 OF KKY. 874. CHAMJEPELEIA PASSERINA TL.) Sw. ov«. 375. SCARDAFELLA SQUAMOSA (Tkmm.) Bp., var. iNCA (Lews.) Cs. (■ic^aU'd Move. 37C. GEOTRYGON MARTINICA (Gm.) Rkich. Key l^Y'Mt ]>ovc>. 377. STARNCENAS CYANOCEPHALA (L.) Bp. ]iliao-Si(>adod OroiiiKl Uove. 378. ORTALIDAVETULA(Wa(Jl.). Texan Ciuan. 379. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO L. Turkey, 379a. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO L., var. AMEHiCANA (Bartr.) Cs. Common iW'lId Turkey. 380. TETRAO CANADENSIS L. Canada CIrouMe ; Nprucc Partrldg-e. 380a. TETRAO CANADENSIS L., var. FRANKLiNi (Douglas) Cs. Franklin's Orouse. 381. TETRAO OBSCURUS Say. Dusky Orouse. 381a. TETRAO OBSCURUS Say, var. RiciiAHDHoxii (Duiijrl.) C.s. Rickardsou's c;rouse. 7fi OFN. U'l -184 OF KEY. 882. CENTROOSVCUS CTROPnASIANUS (Br.) Sw. MtiK-e < c.a; '.'ock-ur-thc>-l*lMlnM. 383. PEDICECFTES » ilASIANELLUS (L.) Eix. IVorthcr ,< >ii»r|»-tall«>cl -tHil«>4l Cirouwe. 384. CUPIDONIA CUPIDO (L.) Hn. l*iniint<>(l CiroiiMo ; Prnlrle livu. 885. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Stki-ii. Itiift'vd OroiiNc ; PnrtrldK-o ; Pheasant. 385a. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Stei'H., var. tiMBKi.LoiHK8 (Doiigl.) Bd. • <^ray Iliiftc'fl fiirwuMV. 885b. BONASA UMBELLUS (L.) Stei-ii., var. SABINEI (Dou^'l.) Cs. Or(>K-oii RiiftVd fiiroiiMe. 386. LAQOPUS ALBUS (G.\i.) Auu. l^lllow PtarnilK-an. 887. LAQOPUS RUPESTHIS (Gm.) Leacii. Rock Ptarmlg-an. 888. LAQOPUS LEUCURUS Sw. Ifriiite-tallcd PtariulKran. 389. ORTYX VIRQINIANUS (L.) Bp. Tirff inta Partrldife ; ^uail ; Uob-ivhitc. 389a. ORTYX VIRQINIANUS (L.) Bp., var. Fl.OKIDANUH Cs. Florida Partridgre. 77 I GKN. 184-192 OP KEY. 79 r\ 3s'Jb. OSTYX VIRGINIANUS (L.) Br., var. TEXANU8 (Lawr.) Cs. Tcxun Pifti'tridg-e. OREORTYX PICTUS (Dougl.) Bd. Plumed PartHdire. LOPHORTYX CALIPORWICUS (Siiaw) Bp. Californiaii Partridife. LOPHORTYX GAMBELI Nutt. Oambel'M Parti'idg-c. CALLIPEPLA SQUAMATA (Vm.) Gu. »»ealed Partridgre. CYRTONYX MASSENA (Less.) Gli>. MaM.«tena Parfridg-e. SQUATAROLA HELVETICA (L.) Cuv. Black-bollicd Plover. CHARADRITJS PULVUS Gm., var. viRGiNictJS (Borck.) Cs. Crolilen Plover. -EGIALITIS VOGIPERUS (L.) Cass. K.ildeer Plover. 390. 301. 31(2. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. ^GIA- • ^S WILSONIUS (Oui>) Cass. ^VilMon's Plover. 399. 400. -aSGIALITIS SEMIPALMATUS (Bp.) Cab. Memipalmated l>lover ; lling-ncck. iEGIALITIS MELODUS (Oiid) Cab. Piping- Plover; Ring-neck. 401. JEGIALITIS CANTIANUS (Lath.). fiinowy Plover. c % GEN. 191-202 OF KET. 402.* JEGIALITIS ASIATICUS (Pall.), var. MONTANU8 (Towns.) Cs. M0»iintaln Plover. 403. APHRIZA VIRGATA (Gm.) Gr. murf mrd. 404. HJEMATOPUS PALLIATUS Temm. Oyster-catcher. 405. a>:iMATOPUS NIGER Pallas. Alack Oyster-catcher. 406. STREPSILAS INTERPRES (L.) III. Tiinistone. 406a. STREPSILAS INTERPRES (L.) III., var. MELANOCEPHALUS (Vig.) Cs. mach-headed Turnstone. 407. RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA Gm. Avocet. 408. HIMANTOPUS NIGRICOLLIS V. mtnt. 409. STEGANOPUS WILSONI (Sab.) Cs. ff^llson's Phalarope. 410. LOBIPES HYPERBOREUS (L.) Cuv. IVorthern Phalrfrope. 411. PHALAROP JS FULICARIUS (L.) Bp. Red Phalarope. 412. PHILOiJ - .o.'' MINOR (Gm.) Gk. American lif^oodcock. [■Iia.] SCOLOPAX RUSTICOLA L. fe:urt<. f) GEN. 203-207 OF KEY. 4U. QALLINAQO WILSONI (Temm.) Bp. Aiucrlcnn fUnipe; l^lIt»on'i» Snipe. 415. MACBORHAMPHUS GRISEUS (Gm.) Leach. Red-brenMed Nnlpe. 415ii. MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS (Gm.) Leacu, var. SCOLOPACEU8 (Say) Cs. K.ong--bllled Snipe. 410. MICROPALAMA HIMAWTOPUS (Bp.) Bd. Stilt sandpiper. 417. EREUNETES PUSILLUS (L.) Cass. Seniipuinintcd Sandpiper. 417a. EREUNETES PUSILLUS (L.) Cass., var. occir MS (Lawr.) Cs. 'l^^'estern SeneA(i»a£i iated Sandpliier. 418. TRINGA MIW ^ iLLA V. KieaMt Sandiilper. 410. TRINGA BAIRDII Coues. IXaird'M San«Ipiper. 420. TRINGA MACULATA V. Pectoral Sanai»iper. 421. TRINGA BONAPARTEI Schl. lif' liite-runiped Sandpiper. 422? TRINGA COOPERI Bn. Cuoper'H San«lplper. 423. TRINGA MARITIMA Brunnich. Pitiit pie Sandpiper. 424. TRINGA ALPINA L., var. AMicKiCAXA Ca.fs, American Uiinlin. 83 / o GEN. 207-217 or key. 425. TRINGA SUBARQUATA Guld. Curlew Sandpiper. 42G. TRINGA CANUTUS L. Kefl-brettRiteil Sandpiper; MLnitt. 42Gb:s.* TRINGA CRASSIROSTRIS Sciileqel. Thick-billed Sandpiper. 427. CALIDRIS ARENARIA (L.) III. Sanilled Curlew. 442. NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS L/m. Hudsonlan Curleiiv. 443. NUMENIUS BOREALIS (Forst.-) Lath. Kgqiiimaux Curlew. 444. TANTALUS LOCULATOR L. fTood Ibis. 445. IBIS FALCINELLUS Auct., var. ORDii (Bp.) All. Crlossy Ibis. 446. IBIS ALBA (L.) V. liThlte Ibis. [447.] IBIS RUBRA (L.) V. Scarlet Ibis. 448. PL AT ALE A AJAJA L. Roseate Spoonbill. 449. ABDEA HERODIAS L, €rreat nine Heron. 450? ARDEA WURDEMANNI Bd. Florida Heron. 87 f fl ^ • - > It > 1 GEN. 228-238, 223 or KEr. 451. ARDEA OCCIDENTALIS Aud. Cirettt HThite Heron. 452. ARDEA EQRETTA Gm. Oreut; l^hlto Kifvet. 453. AIIDEA CANDIDISSIMA Jacquin. I^lttle limtte Krrct. 454. ARDEA LEUCOGASTRA Gm., vai: LKi'CoruYMNA (Licbt.) Cs. liOulMittfia Heron. 455. ARDEA RITPA Uodd. lleddliili dg-ret. 450. ARDEA C^RULEA L. lilttle Ulue Heron. 457. ARDEA VIRESCENS L. Oreen Heron. 458. NYCTIARPEA GRISEA (L.) Steph., var. x.KviA (Bo(Ul.) Allen. ]llirlit Heron. 450. NYCTIARDEA VIOLACEA (L.) Sw. Yellow-crowned ^iiflit Heron. 460. BOTAURUS MINOR (Gm.). Uittern; Indian Hen. 401. ARDETTA EXILIS TGm.) Gn. lietist; Bittern. 462. GRUS AMERICANUS (L.) Ord. l¥liite Crane; l^liooping* Crane. 403. GRUS CANADENSIS (L.) Tkmm. JBrown Crane ; Sandliill Crane. 89 ^. O^, *^.^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) m o > '^' y<^ < <^^ m LO I.I ^ US, lis 125 2.2 2.0 IL25 i u 1.6 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WkST MAIN STREET WEBSTkJR, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4^ iV iV \\ « ^^\^V '1^^^ V^' /A IN GEN. 239-247 OF KEY. 464. ARAMUS SCOLOPACEUS (Gm.) V., Var. GIGANTEU8 (Bp.) Cs. Scolopaceous Coiirlan. 465. RALLTJS LONGIROSTRIS Bodd. Clapper Rail ; Salt-water JMarsli Hen. 466. RALLUS SLEGANS Aud. Fresli-water Marsli Hen. 467. RALLUS VIRGINIANUS L. TirsTlnla Hall. 468. PORZANA CAROLINA (L.) V. Carolina Hall ; Sora ; Ortolan. 469. PORZANA NOVEBORACENSIS (Gm.) Cass. Yellow Ball. 470. PORZANA JAMAICENSIS (Gm.) Cass. Black Ball. [471.] CREX PRATENSIS Bechstein. Com Crake. 472. GALLINULA GALEATA (Licut.) Bp., (ciiLOROPUS varf). Florida Oalllnule. 473. PORPHYRIO MARTINICA (L.) Tkmm. Purple Oallinule. 474. PULICA AMERICANA Gm. Coot. 475. PHCENICOPTERUS RUBER L. Flamlng-o. 476. CYGNUS BUCCINATOR Richardson. Trumpeter Swan. 91 s GEN. 247-250 ' i)' KSY. 477. CYQNUS AMERICANUS Sharpless. liTtalstling* Swan. 478. ANSER ALBIPRONS Gm., var, OAMUKLi (.Ilartl.) Cs. American IVtilte-fronted Ooose. 479? ANSER CJERITLESCENS L. Blue Croose. 480. ANSER HYPERBOREUS Pall. linow Ooose. 480a. ANSER HYPERBOREUS Pall., var. ALBATU8 (Cass.) Cs. liesser Snotr CrOOse. 481. ANSER ROSSII Bd. Ross' CrOOSe. 482. PHII 4lCTE CANAGICA (Sevast.) Bann. Painted CrOose. [483.] BRANTA LEUCOPSIS (L.). Barnacle Ooose. 484. BRANTA BERNICLA (L.). Brant CrOose. 485. BRANTA CANADENSIS (L.). Canada Ooose ; IFTlld Ctoose. 485a. BRANTA CANADENSIS (L.), var. LEUCOPAREiA (Brandt) Cs. friiite-collared CrOOse. 485b. BRANTA CANADENSIS (L.), var. nuTCiiiNsii (Rich.) Cs. Hutcliins' CrOOse. 93 GEN. 251-259 OP KEY. 48C. DENDROCYQNA FULVA (Gm.) Burm. Fulvous Tree Duck. 487. DENDROCYGNA AUTUMNALIS (L.) Eyton. Autumnal Tree Suck. 488. ANAS BOSCHAS L. mallard. 489. ANAS OBSCURA Gm. Dusky Duck. 490. DAPILA ACUTA (L.) Jenyns. Pintail; Sprig-tall. 491. CHAULELASMUS STREPERUS (L.) Gray. Oadwall; Oray Duck. [492.] MARECA PENELOPE (L.) Bp. European f^ldg-eon. 493? MARECA AMERICANA (Gm.) Stkph. American KVldg-eon; Daldpate. [494.] QUERQTJEDULA CRECCA (L.) Steph. Eng-Usk Teal. 495. QTIERQUEDULA CAROLINENSIS (Gm.). C^reen-wlngred Tieal. 496. QUERQTJEDULA DISCORS (L.) Steph. Dlue-^vlngred Teal. 497. QUERQUEDULA CYANOPTERA (V.) Cass. Cinnamon Teal. 498. SPATULA CLYPEATA (L.) BoiB. Shoveller. 499. AIX SPONSA (L.) Boie. Summer Duck ; l^ood Duck. 95 GEN. 260-268 OF KEY. 600. FITLIQITLA MARILA (L.) Steph. Crreater Blackliead. 801? FULIOULA APFINIS Eyton. licuser niacliliead. 602. PULIGULA COLLARIS (Donovan) Bp. Rlng--iieclied Duck. 603. FULIQULA PERINA (L.) Sw., var. AMKRiCANA (Eyton) Coues. Redhead; Pochard. 604. PULIGULA VALLISNERIA (Wils.) Stkph. Canvas-back. 605. BUCEPHALA CLANQULA (L.) Gr. C^olden-eyed Duck. 606. BUCEPHALA ISLANDICA (Gm.) Bd. Barrow's Oolden-eye. 507. BUCEPHALA ALBEOLA (L.) Bdv Buffle-lieaded Duck. 508. HARELDA GLACIALIS (L) Leach. liongr-talled Duck. 609. CAMPTOLJEMUS LABl.ADORIUS (Gm.) Gn. I^abrador Duck. 510. HISTRIONICUS TORQUATUS (L.) Bp. Harlequin Duck. 611. SOMATERIA STELLERI (Pall.) Jardinb. tsteller's Duck. 512. SOMATERIA PISCHERI (Brandt) Couks. Spectacled Kider. 613. SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA (L.) Lkach. Elder Duck. Check List Biros. 7 97 n &' ■s , OEN. 2G8-274 or kkt. 99 n ^r > > 514? SOMATERIA V-NIGRA Ghay. Pttciftc KIdi'r. 615. SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS (L.) Ijbach. nLIng- Kldcr. 61C. CEDEMIA AMERICANA Sw. AiucricMii lllitck Mruter. 517. (EDEMIA PUSCA (L.) Sw., (?t)a»'. VKI.VKTI.SA Cn88.) Tvlvct Mcoter. 618. CEDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (L.) Futmia. Miirt' Duck. 618a. (EDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (L.) FLioirao, var. TU<»winiiO(iKi (Btl.) Coucs. I.ong--blllcfl Mcoter. 519. ERISMATURA RUBIDA (Was.) Bp. nuddy Duck. [520.] ERISMATURA DOMINICA (L.) ErroN. Mt. UoniliiK'O JUuck. 621. MERQUS MERGANSER L. JWcrg-anser; CrOOMtinder. 522. MERQUS SERRATOR L. Rod-breaMted Tlvrirnniier. 523. MERGUS CUCULLATUS L. Houdi^d Tlerg-niiHcr. 524. SULA BASSANA L. Craniit't; Molan Ciouiie. 625. SULA FIBER L. IBooby Ciaiinct. 526. PELEGANUS TRACHYRHYNCHUS Lath. D^hice Pelican. . I I " ♦ / P..JI^ l> OEN. 274-280 OF KBT. 101 ♦ ) f l> 627. PBLEOANTJS PUSOUS L. Brown Pelican. 628. ORACULUS CARBO (L.) Gray. Common Cormorant; Hhar. 629. QRAOULUS CINCINNii.TUS (Brandt) G«at. It'hiee-tufted Cormorant. 680. ORACULUS DILOPHUS (Sw.) Gray. Double-crested Cormorant. 680a. QRACULUS DITOPHUS (Sw.) Gray, var. fj.okidan? ^ (Aud.) Coues. Florida Oirmorant. 681. ORACULUS MEXICANUS (Brandt) Bf. Mexican Cormorant. 682. ORACULUS PENICILLATUS (Brandt) Bp. Brandt's Cormorant. 638. ORACULUS PERSPICILLATUS (Patx.) Lawb. Pallas' Cormorant. 684. ORACULUS BICRISTATUS (Pall.) Bd. Bed-faced Cormorant. 635. ORACULUS VIOLACEUS (Gm.) Gu. Tlolet-ffreen Cormorant. 636. PLOTUS ANHINGA L. Anhinira; l»arter. 637. TACHYPETES AQUILUS (L.) V. Frig'ate. 688. PHAETHON PLAVIROSTRIS Brandt. Yellow-billed Tropic Bird. 689. STERCORARIUS SKUA (Brunn.) Coum. Skua C^ull. r ^ GEN. 280-281 OF K^Y. 103 <^irs I if 540. STERCOEARIUS POMATORHINUS (Tfmm.) Lawr. Pomarinc Jaeirer. 541. STERCORARIUS PARASITICUS (Brunn) Gray. nicliardsofl'H Jaegrer. 542. STERCORARIUS BUFFONI (Boie) Coues. Arctic Jaeg^or ; I^onsr-tailed Jaeg-er. 643. LARUS GLAUCUS Buunn. Olaiieoiis Criill. 544. LARUS LEUCOPTERUS Fabkr. IfTliite-wlng-ed iinll. 545. LARUS GLAUCESCENS Liciit. Criaucous-wingred Oull. 54G. LARUS MARINUS L. Oreat If lack-t»ac*Kcd Oull. 547. LARUS ARGENTATUS Bkunn. Herring* Otill; Cunimon OuU. 547a. LARUS ARGENTATUS Brunn., var. 8MITUSONIANUS Coues. American Herring- Oull. 547b. LARUS ARGENTATUS Buunx., vnr. occioKNTAi.is (And.) Cones. "Western Herring- dull. 548. LARUS DELAWARENSIS Oro. lting--l»illed C^nll. 548a. LARUS DELAWARENSIS Oud, var. CALiKouNicus (Lawr.) Coues. Californian Oull. 640. LARUS OANUS L., var. HiiACHYRUYNCiius (Kicli.) Coues. American mew Crull. ♦ ' f\ b GEN. 281-291 OF KEY. 105 ♦ I f S I.) 650. LARUS EBURNEUS Gm. Ivory Oull. 551. LARUS BELCHERI Vigors. IfTlilte-lieaded Oull 552. LARUS TRIDACTYLUS L. Klttlwake Oull. 552a. LARUS TRIDACTYLUS L., var. KOTZEBUi (Bp.) Coues. Pacific Klttlwake. 653. LARUS BREVIROSTRIS (Brandt) Couks. Short-billed K^ittlfvake. 654. LARUS ATRICILLA L. liaiigrliing* Oiill. 655. LARUS PRANKLINI Eicn. franklin's Rosy Oull. 656. LARUS PHILADELPHIA (Ord) Coues. Bonaparte's CruU. 657. RHODOSTETHIA ROSEA (Macgill.) Bp. ^Wedg-e-tailed Oull. 658. XEMA SABINEI (Sah.) Bp. Fork-tailed Oull. 659. XEMA PURCATUM (Neuoux). Swallow-tailed Oull. 660. STERNA ANGLICA Montagu. OuU-bllled Tern ; Marsli Tern. 661. STERNA CASPIA Paixas, var. iMi'ERATOR Coues. Caspian Tern. 668. STERNA REGIA Gambel. Royal Tern. / / % I i tr - -i i a i i / GEN. 291-295 OF KEY. 5G3. STERNA QALERICULATA LiciiT. Eleg-nnt Tern. 5G4. STERNA CANTIACA Gm. Sanawicli Tern. 5G5. STERNA HIRUNDO L. Common Tern ; (ie» Swallow. 6GG. STERNA PORSTERI Nutt. ForNtei''»i Tern. 567. STERNA MACROURA Naumann. Arctic Tern. 568. STERNA LONGIPENNIS Nordmann. Pike's Tern. 5C9. STERNAJ»ARADIS^A Buunn. ite Tern. 107 NAPAR. 570. STERNA SUPERCILIARIS V. licast Tern. [571.] STERNA TRUDEAUI Aud. Trudeau'i» Tern. 572. STERNA ALEUTICA Baird. Aleutian Tern. 573. STERNA FULIGINOSA Gsi. Hooty Tern. [574.] STERNA ANOSTHJETA Scopoli. JBrHlled Tern. 575. HYDROCHELIDON PISSIPES (L.) Gray. Black Tern. 576. ANOUS STOLIDUS (L.) Leach. ]Wudi»ed Petrel. 686. HALOCYPTENA MICBOSOMA Coues. Wedg^e-tailed Petrel; I^east Petrel. 687 PBOCELLABIA PELAGICA L. Stormy Petrel; Mother Carey's Chichen. 588. CYMOCHOBEA LEUCOBBHOA (V.) Coues. I^eacli's Petrel. 689. CYMOCHOBEA MELANIA (Bp.) Coubs. Black Petrel. 109 OKN. 305-310 OF KEY. 690. CYMOCHOREA HOMOCHROA Coues. AMliy Petrel. 591. OCEANODROMA PURCATA (Gm.) Bp. Foi'k-tailcd Petrel. 692. OCEANODROMA HORNBYI (GnAV) Bp. Hornby's Petrel. 593. OCEANITES OCEANICA (Kuul) Couks. 'WilMUii'M Petrel. [594.] FREGETTA GRALLARIA (V.) Bp. 'Wliite-liellled Petrel. [595.] PUFFINUS MELANURUS (Bonn.) Coues. Itlacli-talled s»liear» ater. 59G. PUFFINUS KUHLII Bp. Cinereous Aliear^vater. 597. PUFFINUS MAJOR Fabkr. Cireater Sliearwater. 598? PUFFINUS CREATOPUS Couks. FleHli-t'oote«l Mliearwater. 599. PUFFINUS ANGLORUM Ti:mm. Manlis SJliear water. 600. PXJF JINUS OBSCURUS (Gm.) Lath. Dusky wiiearwater. 601? PUFFINUS OPISTHOMBLAS Coues. Mlaeit-veiited wliearwater. 602? PUFFINUS FULIGINOSUS Strickl. Sooty WUear^vater. 603? PUFFINUS AMAUROSOMA Coues. JUarli-b(»died Wliearwater. 604. PUFFINUS TENUIROSTRIS Temm. Slender-billed Sihearwater. HI I:j / ^ I) OEN. 311-314 OF KEY. 605. COLYMBUS TORQUATUS Biuinn. liOon; C^reat Mortlivrn Diver. 605a. COLYMBUS TORQUATUS Brunn., var. ADAM8II (Gray) Coucs. Yellow-bllled I^oon. 606. COLYMBUS ARCTTCUS L. JBlttck-tliroutea »iv«r. 606a. COLYMBUS ARCTICUS L., var. PACiFicus (Lawr.) Coucs. Pacific Ulvcr. 607. COLYMBUS SEPTENTRIONALIS L. Ued-tliroated IMver. 608. PODICEPS OCCIDENTALIS Lawr. Ifl^cstern Orcbe. 608a. PODICEPS OCCIDENTALIS Lawr., var. CLARKii (Lawr.) Coucs. ClarhCH Orebe. 609. PODICEPS CRISTATUS (L.) Lath. Crested Orcbe. 610. PODICEPS GRISEIGENA (Bodd.) Gray, var iioluUlli (Ueinh.) Coucs. ncd-necked Orebe. 611. PODICEPS CORNUTUS (Gm.) Lath. Horned Orebe. 612. PODICEPS AURITUS (L.) Lath., var. CALiFOKNicus (Ilcerm.) Coucs. American dared Orebe. 613. PODICEPS DOMINICUS (L.) St. Donilng-o Crrebe. CHECK LISTBIUDS. 8 113 ■ft; J U ! 1 OEN. 315-323 OF KEY. flU. POniLYMBUS PODICEPS (L.) Lawh. l*dCMl-bill4'fl l»ul»«*lii<>k. 015. ALGA IMPENNIS L. [Extinct ?] CU). UTAMANIA TORDA (L.) Lkacii. Utizor-bllUMl iuk. C17. PBATERCULA CORNICULATA (Naum) Ghay. lIoi'ii«'d Piiftln. 018. PRATERCULA ARCTICA (L.) Stei-ii. C'oiiiiuun I'utHn; N«» Parrot. 618a. PRATERCULA ARCTICA (L.) Stkpii., var. oi.ACiAi.is (Leucli) Coiios. linrirc-blllod Piiltin. Cl'J. PRATERCULA CIRRHATA (1'aij..) Stkph. Tufted Piiflln. 115 620. CERATORHINA MONOCBRATA (Pam..) Caps. llor^i-blllcd Auk. C31. PHALERIS PSITTACULA (Pall.) Temm. Parroqu«'t Auk. 622. SIMORHYITCHUS CRIST ATELLUS (Pall.) Mrk^t. Crosted Auk. 623. SIMORHYNCHUS CAMTSCHATICUS (Lepkch.) Sciil. lif']il«»k<>red Auk. 624. SIMORHYNCHUS PUSILLUS (Pall.) Coues. Knob -billed Auk; licnst Auk. 625. PTYCHORHAMPHUS ALEUTICUS (Pall.) Brandt. Al4Mitlan Auk. ; ') GEN. 324-328 OF KEY. 117 626. MEBQITLUS ALLE (L.) Vieill. Sea Dove ; norekie. C27. SYNTHLIBORHAMPHITS ANTIQUUS (Gm.) Bbakdt. niack-tliroated Cruillemot. 628. SYNTHLIBORHAMPHUS WURMIZUSTJME (Temm.) Coum. Temminck's Auk. 629. BRACHYEHAMPHUS MARMORATUS (Gm.) Brandt. Marbled Murrelet. 630. BRACHYRHAMPHUS KITTLITZII Brandt. Klttlltz's JHurrelet. 631. TJRIA GRYLLE (L.) Brunn. Black Ouillemot ; Sea Pig-eon. 632. URIA COLUMBA (Pall.) Cass. Pig-eon Cruillemoit;. 683. URIA CARBO (Pall.) Brandt. Sooty Oulllemot. 634. LOMVIA TROILE (L.) Brandt. Common Oulllemut; Iflnrre. «35. LOMVIA ARRA (Pall.) Couks. Thick-billed Cruillemot. EXTIKCT SPECIES. ' N (/> 1. UINTORNIS LUCAEIS Marsu. 2. AQXJILA BANANA Marsh. 3. BUBO LBPTOSTETJS Marsh. 4. MELEAGRIS ANTIQUUS Marsh. 6. MELEAGRIS ALTUS Marsh. 6. MELEAGRIS CELER Marih. 7. GRTJS HAYDENI Marsh. 8. GRUS PROAVUS Marsh. 9. ALETORNIS NOBILIS Marsu. 10. ALETORNIS PERNIX Marsh. 11. ALETORNIS VENUSTUS Marsh. 12. ALETORNIS GRACILIS Marsh. 13. ALETORNIS BELLUS Marsh. U. TELMATORNIS PRISCUS Marsh. 15. TELMATORNIS AFPINIS Marsh. (119) f\ . - ..» V-l.«i«(» (t3tKl|< •"t\ EXTINCT SPECIES. 16. PAL^aiOTRINGA LITTORALIS Marsh. 17. PALiEOTRINGA VETUS MAnsii. 18. PALiEOTRINGA VAGANS Marsh. 19. SULA LOXOSTYLA Copb. 20. GRACULUS IDAHENSIS Maksh. 21. GRACULAVUS VELOX Marsh. 22. GRACULAVUS PUMILUS Marsh. 23. GRACULAVUS ANCEPS Marsh. 23bls.» GRACULAVUS AGILIS Marsh. 24. ICHTHYORNIS DISPAR Marsh. '24bis.t APATORNIS CELER Marsh. 25. PUTPINUS CONRADI Marsh. 36. CATARRACTES ANTIQUUS Marsh. 27. CATARRACTES APPINIS Marsh. 28. HESPERORNIS REGALIS Marsh. 29. LAORNIS EDVARDSIANUS Marsh. 121 ♦Not in the Key. (Marsh, Am. Jour., Sci. and Arts, v, p. 230, March, 1873.) tNot In the Key. This species, with No. 24, represents a new order, Ickthyor- nithet, of a new subclass, OdonlornitheB. (Marsh, Am. Jour., Sol. and Arts, v, p. 101, Feb., 1873.) I JL: N f APPENDIX CONTAINING ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE CHECK LIST. f Prepared under circumstances of remote isolation wliidi deprived the autlior of tlie advantage of certain worlds of reference be desired to consult, the CHECK LIST contains some names for which no authority is cited, and in a few instances a change of the authority given may be required. One new species has been added to the North American fauna during the printing of the List; five additional known species have since been ascertained to occur in this country, and meanwhile several new varie- ties have been published after the impression had passed the page where they should respectively appear; these are brought into the present connection. Most of them appear entitled to varietal recog- nition; but in printing the names formally, for the convenience of those who may desire to use such names in labelling, the author must not necessarily be held to endorse them in every instance. The body of the List was printed, and some early copies distributed, In Dec, 1873; but the publication of the volume was held over until 1874, to insert in the Appendix names then about being published. No 41? The query indicates a probability that this is a variety of "^No'^r Ke Sited St'S"; form constitutes a variety of true mexi- caiiuF. Sec llidgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 603. Ifi i '■ 7 APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 125 O 46. OATHERPES MEXICANUS (Sw.) Bd., var. CONSPKU8US Ridg. frhltc-tln'oated l^ren. No. 53a. The pale western Eremopliila, not the same as the small bright southwestern var. rufa, may be distingulshecl as 53b. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Forst.), var. M5UCOI..EMA. Coues. Prairie liUrk. No. 55bis. The following species, a straggler from Asia, is 'n tho Smithsonian Institution from St. Michael's, Alaska, and should take place in the list. [55bis.] ANTHTJS PRATENSIS Bkchst. Meadow Pipit. No C8 The Pacific form is varietally distinguishable. See Ridg- way, Am. Nat., vii. 1873. 600. The Floridan form, later distinguished by Mr. Ridgway as var. obscnrus, seems hardly worthy of recognition by name. 68a. HELMINTHOPHAGA CELATA (Say) Bd., var. LUTESCENS Ridg. Ooldcn Orang-e-crowned lif'arbler. No. 88. On the Mississippi Valley form, see Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 006. 88a. DENDRCECA DOMINICA (L.) Bd., var. ALBILOKA Bd. ^Thlte-browed Yellow-tliroated Warbler. No. 99? The probability mentioned in the text may be regarded as '^^nTi02. The Pacific form is varietally distinguishable. See Ridg- way, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, G08. 102a. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLXTS (Wils.) Bp., var. FiLEOLATA (Pall.) Rldg. Pacific Flycatchlfiff ^Varbler. TNo lOG.l According to Balrd and Ridgway, Am. Nat., vii, 1873, 612, this should stand as C. hahamcnsis. [106.] CERTHIOLA BAHAMENSIS Reich. Honey Creeper. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 127 I W>> h No l'55a The C. tXvnan» of Biiiril (not of Swalnaon) has been ro- „aSd'S7u,iS'v,a;u;/var. r.Uu.U.X name which however, it may va UlUv cl ed ami achnftocl in the Key. may have been made by Dr. SSm^onVrounds hehl in the Key to constitute on Y gcogniphi^a varieties; so that we may revert to the view ol Its original dcstrlbtr as P. foccfHca var. casixni Bd. [138.] PYRRHULA COCCINEA, var. CASSiNi 15d. CttHttln's Uullllucli. No U4. The LcucnMkte tepliromtis var. anntmlia Alien, lately de- viir AwcMWH.s probal)ly Is of .1. /:H'(ri'<. No 55. i.'o,- che.stnit-coloied ,v«.i chestnut-collared. .^" 157. omit the ([uery, which should have Ix^en alHxed to the next ''"No'TsTbls. To be cancelled. See Scott, Am. Nat., vil, 1873. 664, Ccmcs, i|m/., p. «%. j^ j,^^^ ^^ ti,i, gpedcs from Flortir.';hlVKs bJc^l'llstlngulshed (Bnll. Ess. Inst., v, 108) as lC5a. AMMODROMUS MARITIMUS Sw., var. NiGUESCKNS Rldgw. ]>UHky SeasUle FIncli. NO. ITOa. Mr. Rldgway ha. huej. demonst^aUd^^ «-^?r^f !! ^:;;!|;^A S S^Sch J; proposes to caU var. an.oncc. TimNat!' v^l, 1873^ «16? So the species and varieties will stand :- 170a. PEUC^A JESTIVALIS (Licnr.) Cab., r(()-. auizon.t; Kldg. Arizona I»l»« Fincli. ITObls. PEUC^A CASSINI (Woopii.) Bd. Cn8!»in's riiic Flncli. ,-o * .nrv nntahlo variotv of Poof^pha hrlli, from Nevada, has Ut^W i en c\ acte?Sd (Jilb is. Inst.,^v, 108). It is much larger. pSaud gniyer, with streaked Interscapulars. 173a. POOSPIZA BELLI (Cass.) Scl., var. NKVAPK.N'sis Ridg. T*eva«lan FincU. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 129 No 174 The form of Junco with white wing-bars, noted in the Key?p 141, IH named J. hye.malin var. aikeM KU gway. Am. Nat., vll, 1878,616. See also Pr. Boat. Soc, xv, 1872, p. 201. I74a. JUNCO HYEMALIS (L.) Scl., OTC. AIKENI Uldg. 'Wlilte-wlnB'ed Snowbird. Nos 175? 170? The queries indicate the gradation with No. 174 Inst., V, 1!)8) as 188b. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forst.) Sw., mr. INTKRMEDIA llldgW. nidirwny'» Sparrow. oryzivnriis var. alhinucha Kldg. (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, lao;, mav not bo necessary to adopt. No "Ifi. For Dandln rea(« Daudin. t' 2'>0. Jfoc Glrand re«rf Glraud. " ''2»J. ForNuttallllrcrtfZNnttalll. .' 2'.".)a. For Galrdncrll read Gairilneri. ^^^ " '''■ ''r ?"Afun";' :'lus? V 1 oTas lolSwff^'X soraiaa'' been d.-ternilned (Bull. I';^«- ^"^^•' "L, uUramarina, the true sordifJa SLf,'';S„!r,;r™r;"5'S'.r»rUec\e.. Acco,d,...y, No. « should stand as 237. APHBLOCOMA ULTRAMARINA (Bp.) Cab., var. AiuzoN/K (RUlg.) Arizona iTltramarlne Jay. V, 199). 239a. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (L.) Bp., vitr. oHSCunus Rklg. ]>iisky Canada Jay. 2.S9b. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS ^u.) Bp.. var. CAPiTAi.is Bd. Rochy Mountain Jay. Check list birds. 0 APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 131 No. 274bis. A fine species of humming bird has been discovered by Mr. H. W. Hunshavv to iuliabit Arizona, and has been determined by Mr. Lawrence to be Eugenes fulijens. (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, in press.) 274bis. EUGENES PULGENS (Sw.). Refulg-ent Humming-bird. No. 279. The authority is (Less.) Bp. " 281. The autliority is (Less.) Gi.D. " 292. The autliority is (Lath.) NtJTT. •' ;50;5? This species, queried in the text, and in Key, p. 19o, may be regarded as a variety of 302, the intergradation, tlirough 302a, prov- ing complete. See liidgway. Am. Jour., iv, Dec, 1872. 302b. SPHYRAPICUS VARIU3 (L.) Bd., var. uuiJKH (Gm.) Kidg. Red-breaiit«d ItVoodpecker. Nos. 304, 305. Observations hitely made by Mr. H. W. Henshaw (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, in press) are to tlie effect that Sphijrupicus thy- roideus is the female of .S'. u-inianmnii. The opposit*; sexes of each of these species have not been satisfactorily recognized, and upon examination of Mr. Ilenshaw's material, I lind almost conclusive evi- dences in favor of his views, substantiating his observations, buch sexual differences arc unique in the family. As the older name, ,s. thijroideus will stand for the species. S. mlliamsoni becoming a syno- nynie. No. 30."> is therefore to be cancelled. "No. ^07. The authority is (Wacl.) GUAY. .a No. 3 IS. A dark Floridan form of Satps has been charactenzea under the following name (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 200) :— 318c. SCOPS ASIO (L.) Bp., var. I'LouiDANUS Ridg. Floi'idnii Screecli Owl. No. 320. The autliority is Fleming. " 321. The authority is (Bucusr.) Bp. . " 322, The term cim'reMm has priority over ?a;ipontc«m , tlie bird should stand as 322. SYRNIUM CINEREUM:'(Gm.) Aud., C^roat CJray Owl. No. 327. The authority is (Gm.) Bp. •' 32!). The authority is (L.) Bp. " 330. The authority is (M vx.) Kai:p. f> APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 133 V. f'f ^ I 9 Nos. 343, 344. The dark northwest coast forms of duck hawk and pigeon hawk respectively have been named (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 201) an follows:— 343a. PALCO COMMUNIS Gm., vat. PKALKi Ridg. Peale's Duck Hawk. 344a. PALCO COLUMBARIUS L., var. sucKLEYi Ridg. Suckley'tA Pig-eon Hawk. No. 351c. The authority is Hoopes, Pr. Phila. Acad., 1873, 238, pi. 5 (Iowa). No. 381. A dark form of 'Mrao ohscurus, from Sitka, has lately been characterized (Bull. Ess. Inst., v, 199) : it is more like true ohscurus than like var. richardsoni, having the broad terminal slate bar of the tail. 381b. TETRAO OBSCTJRTJS Say, var. FULiGiNOSA (Ridg.). Sltkan Husky Crrouse. No. 384. A pale form of Cupidonia, from Texas, has lately been characterized (Bull. Ess. lust., v, 199) :— 384a. CUPIDONIA CUPIDO (L.) Bd., var. PALLIDICINCTA Ridg. Texas Prairie Hen. No 400. A variety of this species is described by Mr. Ridgway, (Am.' Nat., viii, 1874, 109), as A. melodua var. circumcinctus, having the black pectoral band complete. 400a. iBQIALITIS MELODUS (Ord) Cab., var. CIRCUMCINCTUS Ridg. imissourl Piping- Plover. No. 400bls. A new species of ^iJgialitis is described from San Fran- cisco by Mr. Ridgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 109). 400bis. iBQIALITIS MICRORHYNCHUS Ridg. Slender-billed Plover. No. 401. The American form of uE. cantianus may be considered Hi llti Bli APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 135 varletally tUstiuct from the European (see Rklgway, Am. Nat., viil, 1874, lO'J). 401. iEGIALITIS CANTIANUS (Latu.), var. Nivosus (Cass.) Rulgvv. Snowy Plover. No. 402*. As intimated in the text, the Nortli American mountain plover is perfectly distinct from tlie Asiatic. I have only lately seen it in breeding dress : it has ito black pectoral band, but a transverse black coronal belt and black loral stripe. 402. EUDROMIAS MONT ANUS (Towns.) Hauting. fountain Plover. No. 415a. It Is not necessary to recognize tliis even by varietal name; " 31. scolopnceus" being merely longer-billed specimens of M. (iriseus, such as may be shot out of almost any tlock of tiie latter. The range of variation in length of bill is no greater than that occur- ring in Ereu:ietfspiisilhix, as noted in the Key, p. 254. No. 442bis. A well known Pacific curlew, before overlooked in the Smithsonian collection, was taken at Fort Kenai, Alaska, May 18, 18G9, by F. Bischott", and should be added to the last as a straggler. [442bis.] NUMENIUS FEMORALIS Phale. Uristle-bellletl Curlew. No. 445. According to Mr. Kidgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, 110), the ordinary North American glossy ibis is absolutely identical with that of the Old World. He, howevei-, finds two other species in western United States, /. gnarauna and /. thalassimis. According to this determination our species vt'ould stand as follows: — 445. IBIS PALCINELLUS Auct. Crlossy Ibis. 445bis. IBIS GUARAUNA (Linn.) Ridg. Ifriiite-faced Ibis. 445ter. IBIS THALASSINUS Ridg. Oreeii Ibis. No. 448bis. I am informed by Prof. Baird that the Jabiru, of Cen- tral America, was taken some years since at Austin, Texas. It should enter the list as a straggler. [448bls.] MYCTERIA AMERICANA L. Jabiru. APPENDIX TO CHECK LIST. 187 No. 450? For occasion of the query sec Key, p. 2C7. No. 40G. A pule form is describeU from California. See Uidgway (Am. Nat., viii, 1874, HI). 4CCa. RALLUS ELEGANS Auc oar. 0US01.ETUS lliclg. Ciallf'ornlaH Rail. No. 470. A peculiar variety of the black rail is described from the Karalloiius by Mr. Kidgwuy (Amcr. Nat., vui, 18/4, ui;. 470a. PORZANA JAMAICENSIS (Gm.) Cass.. var. coruuNicuLUS lid. Pacific llBack Kail' No 472. The relationships of this form to the European G.chloropuH rcqui'rc furtlier investit,'ation. It will probably .stand as 472. GALLINULA CHLOROPUS Lath.. vav. GAi.i^ATA (Licht.) llartl. So ISr r liSKS SrJIi Snu of dusuy duck, with a buff throat, i. deserU,edlroml<"lorida (by Mr. UiUsway, I. «.), where it is resident. 48l ili.-lill.iiti.>n oC ciich siioi'icH is Kciicnilly fully Imlioatcd, and occii- fiiouiilly iin; iu\>U->\ Ifi-.-i,' cliiiiiicHii/.i.titinH or ilicir linbits. ♦ ♦ * Oiio of tlio mohtiiiiporl.iiiUo.iluivMof thirt poitii.ii of the work, iincl one iilmoot for the flibt time iulroameil into ii general wm U on oniilliology, in the eiiticiil .li-eiinilniition maile between spceiex, and varietieH or geoKiaiiliieal laecs. Ueccnl advanccH In the scienco have made tlic>(> supplies (lie wauls of the mobt udvauced scientiot."— /Jmcneim Sliort.iiiMii, Nwv. -ii, lH7;i. , . , , '•This book will be welcomed both by the amateur and the professional orni- thologist as a valuable conlribnlimi to iJie li^t of books treating of North American IJirds. While Dr. Couch has modestly called his work ii • Key,' it is iu reality much more than tlie title indicates. * • ♦ The book will doubtless servo as a manual to many who lUuX ilieir recreation In obscrvnig and studying the habits of birds, an.l lia-e not the nutans to purchase more costly works. * • * The typographl- cal execution of the work is in every way woilliy of it, and tho cuts aio very clear and instructive."— 77(c .\atioii. April, 187:5. •' It is wluit it purix.rl.-, to be, an exponent of the present l^tnto of American ornl- thologv and a perfectly reliable guulo to the study of our birds. It is e.-pecially adapted to tho use of students and amateurs, and is, in fact, the only text book or manual of ornithology arranged with a view to educational purix.ses. Tho autho)'s hl!,di reputation as u naturalist, and his well 'aiown devotion to the do- pavtment iu (lue.tion, guarantee the thoroughly scientinc character of the work. While ranking with the best 6l:uulard authoriticB in accuracy »>i«l completeness, this treatise presents the science of ornithology in the most attractive form, its ob- ject being to rc<(c/i, to clear away the difficulties and explain the technicalities of the scieiue. * ♦ ♦ I'rofuscly and beautifully illustrated by the untlior's own hand."— Portsmouth Jouruol, April 'i'!, 187.'!. " In tho present woi k we have the erowniug rcsidt of the study of North Ameri- can IJirds. upon which Dr. Cones has been engaged during n any years pa,-t; for, although still a vonug man, he has long been known as oueof ti.jmost industrious of American n'aturalists. * ♦ • Appears to represent his late.-t views upon matters of synt)nyuiy, of zoological relationship, of geograi)hical distribution, etc. * ♦ * Perhaps the nest original feature in the book is the artillcial Key to tho genera of North American Uiids. ♦ * * We liave gone more into detail in our notice of this work than is our custom, from our impression of its scicnlillc and practical value, and wo can cheerlnlly recommend it to those who wish a reliable manual of the birds of North Anieii(^a. in a snllicienily portable form for ready reference."— The Indipnidint, .'March 1.!, 187.!. '•This work, to wldch the author has brought the accumulated experience of years of ornithological study and the adv.autages of a thoroughly cultivated mind, is what it claims to be. * * * With the hell) of this ' Key ' the veriest tyro can, with very little tiouble, identify his specimens, and obtain a knowledge and under- standing of American bird^ impossible to be found in any other work. • • * Such a book has been long wanted, and, as it has been practically tried and found of great service, it is earnestly reoouimendcd to others." -/Irm?/ and Xiivij Journal, March LI. 187:!. "Dr. Elliott Coues, one of the most distinguished of our younger naturalists, nk P '^ 8 ►'^% iP h«H written n work on ornlt....loKy. giving a .....,nHci.';n-c.,unt of the ,.tCH nt ntato tine! ".1 I 1.0 u^c^u. .la.s« of ...mmuuI., an.l 1.. ,.M"Mially ■uUipfcl to th. m„.r... "or '....•.,,....... an.l tculuT-. N. wo>k ol this .•Imra.t.r. ,uo.e..ii|K r^:^ronutho„.«y t.. .lu. nninitiat..!, an.l -'-'•^''''V;' ;':^,;':;;,;';; j^: ^,^ oau.<.iilonal iu..tiluti..ns, Ims hitlu-.to ai-pianMl. 'JIi^.m' «ltli a ta.^U l..i lhi« .tu. >, i t r'.n ,Ka..n-e,l tVom it. „u>vuit by the .lim..,nl,y .-f ---^'^'^^^^^y'^^ ci'litl'.s in the al..c.n..c ..f a HuitaWe Kui.l., will lln.l the way ma.l.. ,...1uctly .tear "rc.:;r;;";St:;f;i;::Xi;;ru>«u ... N..t.. A„.eHc.. «..,..--.««<. '"°:;::";:i:::;::::;:.5.;^..-ea ... t..e .ropavation or t... vo.u„.o '^i^;;;-;:-- arc HO well cxcrut...! Ih.y w-m.UI oa.ily l.a.« for «omctl.».g btUer. ll.o ..mK x is 1110 m,»iui ,.|oailv niut.'iht.ioil, and llie vohiini' i^ a iUustrat o.iB BLTVc ta n.aku tlic toM inoi> iilmhy , V ..V vaU.'.blc contiibutiou to ornithology."- ISo^t:^.se.i..,t.,.fo^ M.D.. is the ""I'""-- '"■'";; :'y '\t ' ' r . .. '-• of pI.tcH an.l of Hoo.lcutH, ;^r: it::;r.::uy i::;v;i;;;:;:a..i';^; :^u^ ... - .nb}a.ation . ..... .... '":: s:n;:o?T.SnBui.ho,l .ncn of .■lon.o ...... to hav ...aca tUoi,- coHectU.ns honi.oi "''-*' ^p,.vico of M.-. Coues, but ho is fu.Hliuncntally ni. ana the..- ''"^^''Zu.S^^M oL .he beautUul book without teelins .hat orig...al exploic. . V lHal> " ' '^ lurni-hca it« North An.eri.-an • Key.' Wo Nvi-h wo k..ew enouf,'h •;"■ '^ . -"^li^^, „.„ ..ever venture to intrude an opinion we have "" --^J, ;; .''Ji we k. e w th sati'iaction. It would bo '"'"?"" T.:" ;:r.t.^.r.h ':.'.. ■.•■^tition ...at nolux. of book, are om.ns. r'iL^io'u;"; ol'a::'.-:,:ion and its eont.ibutio... to the work of i„te,.,«ent •^'" w';h:'h;i ":Z::uaL a ..a. received, fro... ..on,pete..t authontios i„ this And tIK. iiini. ' on i.wtiiied by tlie aeeu.'acy ol dc.-eri iliou, count.y an.l K..;;lan,l .s even ■'•"''-.^''""J-^'^ ,";,,, ,„„, i^c a.l nirable arrange- the fnl.t«s« of .Jetail, the -•-- ^^ ;' ^ ' ^ ui:^ ..-. ""d conneeted with ment of the volume. ♦ D' • ^7*^ ' \ ^^^, „ obtaining the material.-^ for hid the United States A'»^>^ ''''V''' 1 , "J^^^. !"■ , I to ^eniu,,. He is a born work; but in it in.U.st.y is '^"''"'''";'^ '"';'„'; 'i, aural i-henomeua. a.ul were „at..rali>t. He is a .lo.e an. ..c ^^^^^^^^^ ,,,„,„„ ,e.oar.he.s be- '""r''";':r:::;:;;^'d.r * * Andt! w.;te. as wen as he o.,.erves, in a T n .tv e loile.s in itKdl-. but trans...itting the native hue., of tho clea.-, aeeu. .te ^' '''''''''', '.'" „t„,, ,„.,, i„ the work before us, to en- r^" Mi';'^""*" ^ ie h V ':o ha.,d.b'ok of Mumar character, and none S^^JC^'uio place it co,nplotcly tlil ."- C-^>^«^'^ A,jc,..^^- 0, 1.73.