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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mithode. 2 3 5 6 '-Wj MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2i A APPLIED \M/\GE. Ir ^^ '6t3 £asf Mair Street S^S Rochesier. Ne* To'k i*609 uSA '-^ i''6) *fl2 - 0300 - Phcne '' •^'^V.MiiMUi^ THE FEEDING OF HORSES UY K. S. AKOaiJJAl.l). li.A.. li.S.A.. I)n . 1 II in: III /I ii.ihiinilnuin. (!. I!. IJOTIIWKl.l,. U.S.A.. I'iisf .1. ^tiiiif. 'I'lic [iriililfiii of tVcdiiitr work I i(ir-t'~ I- iPMc MiViilviiiy; tin' I'l-o of I'Mcrtrv Mini tlic iiiiiiiitiii;nii-(. nl' hcnltli ;iiui wci;.'lit. In tlir nrii-idt-ral iioiiiical •prodiicti. for tlii> piiri )(p>r. i-liuici' i- lnrL:('lv intluriici .1 l.v 1 ..-MlitV efOiioiM.v ]M the piirrli; inn "I till' Iri-U !v tilr-c I'.li'tov- pnidiict ion i.t t [ulntalilc. ra-ily (lip'>lc(l, iiM ; tliat I i-i'il- IS ;;M\('riH' 1. pro; ilnrj' ll constituent-, and that tlii^ u Imlc ln> ii Rations for Draught Horses. !■ iiii.xtiirc- and inctliods ol tccdin^ liavi- rrain nnxtiiri' of ."> part- wiiol pr pir varii-tv m the- varh ■ riMirati'd in a projiorly hahna-id lation ir the larn 1 liol'sr ti, iirrnit/i irij •n fonnd pari icnlarly -:ilisfaiiori ;■/. . tlic foil. win ndrcd pounds li (■ oats, lit. and this fed pari- lu-an. at tlif r; 'f I pain! per tiiiioiliy .ir niiNc'd ti thy unil .•loviT-t'cd at thi' r live uc;l;-|iI. in con.iuni-tion with hay ritlicr ch-aii ito ol 1 poiiuii pir huudri'il pound- thc 1 hir-c on irri/ Iniiri/ iror ucti a- Willi hi 1 iiid fall, the ahov if oats t. I' met uitli diinnir llir -prmi: r nii'Utionccl lirain iiii.\tiiri' should l,i- , ntratnl lis usin wcifrlit. hut ! part of hraii and fid at the ralo of 1 1 pouniU p.r huiidriMl pounds I parl- Thi' lii'st tnclhod of fci'iliufr iiiiy:h; he tahnlatiMl as f. a.m.- 'riircc-ciLditii,s of tot '1 iL' a.m.^'l iirhths of totii ;iy s ixrain niiNtiin . a.v's Lirain nii.\t i:rc, if total if total dav"- hav. (lay - nav. V 11 p.m. Oni'-ipiartcr of tn(al ilay's izrain mixture and ', of total d omI thr hiry-or pro|wirtion of tho hay at niirlr .ly - hay. aioidin:,' i\ i-r-di-trnti. ii of tho niai'li .|u-t i)rr\ lolls to very In Itli.' I avy work, a prrvi-ntivc for -loin.uh t r. Ill lor-rs arc idle, n'diico tin ll d II on(>-hidf. Should the iill vcriil day-, the (' pern ■.liu may he frradiially incroa-rd to nearly full h.ird-sv u-l W intiiiMc ration. as the ■■iniiiials hcooiuc MC'ii-tonii'd to lai'k of oxcr.-i-o. liran. fed too HhiraJly. uh|.n th. irsi's aro on vcrv hard work, is toi> laxafi III wrvcr. Iiraii ma -h,- l„.f, Ipartiriilarly on .Saturday niylits dh iiri' vi'r.v ni'crssarv. For the idl It'Tiiu'd a ni.iino'iiai 111' horse's woii^ht I' horsi' ill winter or for horses that Tiienl y ri'MUire w hat ce ration, it is reeoniii fed 1 ■d that for everv hunilr l>iUIII 1 of lixi'd hay. 1 pound of rlean oaf -tr polllH l|»iund of turnip-. To thi- miirht he added n small feed, daily, of hra Is of d I lliarts. !•: iiL'iinst f ll-li,a'.ie may eonvenieii eeilin;.'' mouldy i !-ihl tly take the i)laee of the t vliieli iirnip- an ll stn ll oats w. ( ; eipi.i; Hard 1 some authorities ehiim. induees spinal meniii- Isritis. Other rations which have Ihm-u found satisfact A'o. /.- (iraiii eompiseil of :! parts oats and 1 i>,irt harh-y. I)art-. and corn. 1 jiart ( ir.-iin mixture ot oafs -lirain mixture of oats. 10 parts; hraii. l' parts; oilme-il 1 tli Ir.-itioiis as ahove oiitlinei part, hay with Xo. ;..- drain mixture of oats. :! part-; hi-an. 1 part, fed with two L.Teeu-ciireil sheaves and a limiteil aim lint of straw. This Is a ratimi particularly adapted to |iii -ses on very liirht winter work or idle horses, in the western iirovinces. DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. H. GRISDALE, B.Agr.. E. S. ARCHIBALD, B.A., B.S.A , .^ Director. Dominion Animal Husbandman. Director. EXHIBITION CIRCULAR No. 87. n;!);u f.T.inu.Try. mifi.l If- I • m m ! I 'S9 ih J M X'i ! w ..n.-.l,ini l.> tl , / 1 ,; r% ''•■^, T'"'^" "':•' !■'"■•"'' — -iv.. on....,>ur„.r ,„ of this .-luira..,.. an s, ?f ^'/■"■•" ';","- »-''•"'■' '> r,.,Min..l. wh.,, ri.h fn.i.l.r- with ,i.„ ..r^: . : ;.r^ri ;:v'''^M '''S,;:;•''■T^''''^ V'^' "'■'"';'"""■ ■■'■'"■'' tivo ... ..,„n,..,r...l with ti,.. Kr-,' .:■. '" "'"* "'"^'"^ ''"•^- '"•" ^"'-'''">- '-''- Thet,nv)^'i"J'/;' "'" .'""'■'"''''• '" <•'" <■- --'"'ff th.. h,.y u,„i t„ ,„ix „i,h ,h,. ^r,in iiii hiiii.'.iu!/ <>) II,, ■ uniiii niii.v ](t per ,.,.|it ,,f fl... t,,»„l - • t i i • ■ '^'""- it. .llK..s,ihili,,.. Th.. ,n-m/,-,;. o/ ,;,.,„•, iV,t ...r V /"" T •> """'T'"^' will 1,.. Iar,\;a:„..l ' '"'""' "'"' *'" '•"^' •"' ^'■-'"^' "'" >'-»-"■■'> th V r '•v.■r-.lra^v^,^^ ov,.r-t.....ii„^.. th.. si^'ht .,f fn.h h] ...,1. „.li,. ..^iu laeki,,;, i„ vitality n.^ist;,,.-.. "ZZ '""'""^ '"'"■"■"'^ " ""^''^ ^'-'• l-iviiv f '"""">/'""'> ' f II k'-xk an.l th,. ,.s<. ,„ any ..msi.h.rahic A ,lr^"l "* ^f.^^^'^.e^r''" "" ':"'"' '" "^■^'■^' if '"■'■rx^orn. hut <1., not w..rrv th.. mar, A r . .l..aM. , ,.s,nl..,.t,.,l. ,.„„„„rtahh. l>„x.s,all is he.t for f„ali„,.. As soon •, : 1 ".: 7::7 f'u '" ''"■ ^''r'"" ^ ""^ ^^^^^ """^- ^-'- '^ ^..utn:!,,!: ■;,:;,:. Att r t. .ilin- t..,Nl th,. niaro n warm .Irink onlv for tho first f.-w hours T), st.rt a .ra n n.tion. ,ra.h,.lly in-.n-asin,. „„til sh.. is .M/ful] .^ i ..h. ' ! - . I M. . ^an, m xtnn. of oats. .1 part.; hran. A parts: oil-,.., ' m.'. ^ ^ I-nstur,. i> ^'ood at this s,.aso„. littl,. jrrain will 1„. n,.,.,>ssarv \llow tV, ' . > pnstur,. for thr,.o n.onth. pr..f,.ral,ly withont w.,rk. Dnrin Mhi-, ,.1 h '" ''I ' host rnn on p.sfnr,. and 1,.. k,.pt in ^rood milk and fair fh^slr ' "" ^ '' Rearing Foals -Th,. ,.ss,.ntials to su..,.,..sf,d rnisinj. of foals ar.. .-1 ,Iin,.ss ,. • ^ .ommon son... f.,„i,np. «n.i ah„nd..n,.o ,.f poo.l f...,,, an.l oxoroiso All.iw ti,. f,.;] m su.-klf t..r hv.. inniiths. if iM.^.-il.l... T.M.I. it I,. ,ut from tlic sain.^ j;rinn Im.x :i< tl... .Inii) lit . IS ,.arl,v Mil iip- as p„ssiKl,.. A jrrain .Tfcp ina.v also 1„. pr.,vi,l,.,| i„ tlir l,a^tur.■. If Hkiin-in;lk is trach foals h. drink Lcfor.. woaiiinj;. aii tla- l„.-t ^-raii, for tiiis purposo. Com an.l l.arh'v aro not n.arir x, -ood or tho iard-w.,rko,l dnvinfr hors,.. Ad<.|.t tlu- sam.. j:raiu mi.Mur.- a> with ih.- .iraiiL-ht h.>rs,.s. I.d as r...,uir..d from s to :;o ,K,,,iids .laily .l.p. u.linj, o,, th.. m/.., iin.l «ork .Ion... 1-.....I only half th.. ;.'rain niixtur.- .lurii^r the id!., .lavs and a.liniiii-t.r l.ran mash..s Satur.iay niphts. K....,i hay m.,r.. spariiiKly thai, with ih,. .Irau'dit hors,. -No straw siioiiM 1,.. f,.,] thf. ,|rivii,L' h,,r>,. unl,-s idh.. as it i- too hulkv a f..,id K,.,.fs an. a most h.aithful f,.,.,l ; for th,- i-U.. or lifjhtly drivn hors,.. rarrots are l„.st il..\v,.v,.r. sll^Mr h...'ts, turnips. any f,.(.,liiifr and exer,.isin^' \v,.|l. Th,. hest rathm is ...uiiposed rrtuou8 fat durin- th,. i.lle wint,.r months. Wher,. li-ht work i> impossit.|,\ exen'ise regu- larly in a pnddoek. As thi. hn^'dinir s,.asoii approaeh,.s. frra.lually inereas.- the fe,-,l to ensiir,' vitrmir ;uid tiard fhsli. Rules in Feeding.— Th,. in his attitud,. to man ,liff,rs froin all other elassivs of st,>(.k. in that he pro.luei.s ,.n,r!.'y an,l not fo,,,!. This fai't alon,. ,.xplaiiis to a lursro d,.f:r,.,. the trrt.ater prt.valen,.,' of ,lis,as,. with li,irs,.s than with otlar animals. The proper r,.alizatioii ,if th,' r,.lati,iii ,>f f..<.din>.' i,, work don,-, th.' avoi.lin;: of over-fe,.,linjr ami watering:. ..r makiufr sudil.'n ra.lie^d .■haiif.'(.s. ami n.^ularity i,, workiufr and fcdin;,' penerally. will p. far towaul th,. ,)i,v,iiti,ui of ,.,.minon ailments ,,f th,. workin- hors,.. eaus(.,l in many ,.as,>s hy failure to o|.s,.rv,. just ^wh points as enum,. rated"" The same would apl'ly to Ln-ediiifr stock, in a.ldition emphasizing the question of rcL'u'ar exercise or work as o,',.asi touil.e.l upon. In ill ,.,s...; iirfVentioM i« thJ keynote. ' ''"'^■o'"" '» ^'le Spasmodic Colic. Ill (luarililifs. Of t xposur -Freiufntly inei with in horses, ('(iiisrs.- Ill ihauKllts wliiTi animal is heated. ."h.itiKe of food ; eciUl water SympK, m!<.---Sud,U-n alliek, iiawmt;. stampinK. stretehinc, kiekintr at liellv ; lookins round towarii Hank, throwing, lolhnR, per.spir.ition. Painful period ilisappears. animal ai.i.e-irs nor mal, oaly to he affeeted again. .'ppeais nor- ! ]- fi i iii \.\ I ; * .^^EV^i^f^.rvfe ^s^-'i^e^ Ticniinint. luiiuli. Sul|ihuric i-th.-t. 1 i., _• .uiihi-» . lauilaniim. 1 to L' : raw Hn- ■et'd oil. t til I |> lit. uiioriliiiK tn nize iiiiil hkv, di I in I4 ouiuv KiiiKir, iir :: tn 1 ilr h.ikiiiK aM''a In I pint walt'r hiii,n,mii. On.. kMllmi warm wiitiT : :' to 4 ouini-« flyii-rinr or Hiiap , r.'|ii- itcil hourly re- dmiiiB itlyiirln.' to ..n.-lialf at h.t.iihI an. I omiltlnK al Ililnl. Kuh aldom.n ».ll. dlv.' no fooil liut plinty (if «al.'i in small annmnlH for nevi^ral Iionra Tnat pmninily to prevent i)08- Blliil ly of Inllaaiinaliiin nf Die |i"«"N Flatulent Colic or Bloat, roimmm ('(iiia<'»,— Suilili-n . haiiK.' of f I l,onK faHt.s followeil hy iiiil;iil.l ' n I. w.t lii.ox, 111 w hay or Kralli. .■!.■, )iyii,f,io.„a. N. M.ihnl as p, ,•. .■ilinw. Kiilln.'s.s. pawliiK. h iiii; ilown an. I rollmK Pain continu..ii!<, ahli.Tii, fnliss reheviil. puis. uui. k.iiM, In .allnia; is .lilll. nil, prmpir- atiiiii 111. urn Willi tr. iuIiIiik in. I siaKKi'mm. ■/'..ridii. n(. f inllir to -| nil ■ i-nli, , 1 -.ivi. imrKativi' : s .Ir. Marlia.lo, s aliirji; 1 ilr. ■oil.) rxt-a.l of I. I'a o lia . 1 .Ir. KliK'-r as a' uilli s> iiip nl klyiiMin.- Ill ill a .llellrli Willi wal.-r. InJiTtiiins iisinit KlyiiTnc as il.'s.rilii.l an. I i I'l. at inK iisinu snap, IfsiVen- iisv limar on r,KM ■ 1 :.■, I!ist .Inn,- liy y.l, nn.ii mii KlanUil tin- animal ..n.l walk m-nth In prom. Ill- a. 11.111 (if niirriial inn linns .mil |. I'M nl iiijiny Acnte IndlKeatlon:- dfur. (iv..i fcnllii);, ilianKe if I'oml. inw liay or oais. icc.lini; , l,,si. textur.'il r.Hiils. Mil li as 11, I'll ulii'ii not prnp.'rly liulki- ..s .ri, r.lin" wilh .OHM. .11 I,.:. s:ili| ■ io,.,|. ,. .1 willi k. k of ..vmisi ami ualii, Sl/iiilil, ,,„.■, .\l..|,ini. n lull but witlHHit I.I .atinn. s:ii;lil p.iin. li.s II. il 0.1 .is, on. illy lookiiK |..wa..l Hank, r.,-.s, piws li.-.l, 11114. lu'.s .111. 1 pns.-.s tail ,ii;ain-l w.ill. itiv T...i'.ii. M(. liiw. s ilr, Ha:l.iilo.s alms, L' ilr. timui » ill] l-I.n ■■■i ai.. nr syrup, a^ .1 liill. ,.r as a iln-mh In I pii.- wa'in u.itir ..r tliin i.tu.I ; or ] '. pnt^ raw lins.....| oil Willi L' io I ilr, KiliK.'r, i;i\.. fi.. inert inj.. 1 i..iis : 1; to t oune.s Kly.i.rine in .; .pi. iris waiin wal.r .v.i\ l.our usiiiu snap 111 pla.e of |.,1> , irin.. after the -.•eoml ilijei'tion, i:ive w.ili-r ami I.e. I liuht mashes, !■>( .rim-, pyln.a' pine ami .aieoline are powerful nine.lies ..rsneh rases. Imt re- iiuire lijpo.l. mil.' ailminislrai ini l.y a v. leiin.ii iaii, Constinatlon. Tmnlil, s„,„c i,i ii fi„ils.- <;i„s, - H.-privinc ilmfoal nfnrst milk, iilminw- tr.llinn of . oiistiiiil inis' me li.iiie or tn Ih.. .lam. .1., Sy,,,/,!, ,,„.-, I!estli»-, swipliinu. slieti liini:. fle.iuenl atletnpls al nrinalion ami iva- ruation. T,' ,ili„, nl. lnj...l 1 pint uirm wal.r .ml I to J Klyeenni-. Hepeal. Iisseniio; k'ly- ccrine. in one hour. If e.,li is 1 1.. L' weeks ..M or nv.r. .Iremhim,' is i.os^il.le w.lli L' lo 1 oum-i.K .■aslor ami J lo 1 .lunee Kly.eiine. i;ive ini,..tioii, Trevent over-f lin« liv partiallv milk- IHK mare; te.-il the laller l.ixallve Ino.l, I. ran iii.ish.s. 1 |,- Diarrhcea: ('hhk'. chany frozen f..n Is, el.- TiKiliiiini Co r ■. t impr..p. r fe.'.l iiir. .live i.hysi.' of raw Iiiisi-eil oil. I pint, lanilannm. 1 oume, l.'e,.,| small .lUiniiilis «ooil lia.v ami l.r.m mash, Wal.r spariiifh K...-ii warm ami unit Aiotnria 1 HIaek Waier) iml LvniphanKitia 1 .Monl.iy .Mn'Minij I)isea:.e) are l.olh si ri..iis e.aelili.n -. Ii~s ;ii,|ueiitly inel Willi than lliosi- just'.l upon. Thev are .aus.,1 l.\ s.ini.'- s niilar eon !il oi.s. i.e., lli.. eonlinu ition of heavy f.nlni: t.. the hanl-wnrkeil hors... iliii ini; shori per, oils of ina tivity. Heaves, so lounnon in, :e fri'iiiii nily ian,-eil l.y repealed uoruine with fo...! .ir water or liolli. Iiusiy e'iiin or hay als.. prelisjios.. to this iroiihle. r intiiiinl. IH:,„nr is ,71' » (ib/c— .May he eherke.l by earpful feeilinff of elean hay. ilainp- "■lieil with weak lime watir. wal.-r n sin.ill ..u:i nl il ;. s. o'leii; lools in winter, witli seiiii-w .eklv feeils of l,iiil,.,| I, als nr biiiey, Tla- a.|nli^i^ 1 : al ...1 of I .Ir. Kim^e- ai-il J ili-. bikiot; srsia. iii fool al ninl.l is r.eoiiim..n.ieil (i,l of lar in rl-s..,.on iloses niiibtly. is also helpful An esi-elleiil Ireiimen' is Kowl.r's s..|.ition of aisaii.'. -J I. I si .0011 fills ill foixj thr.'.. times ilaily for one to two niolillis i;ia.ln,i]!> iii.r. ,.s.. 1.1 n. .ii;y on.- tal.les]ioi>iiful at .-a.-h Slop shoulil any symptoms of poisonaiK app.-ar. Worms. — Fre.|U.nily afl'.'.-t the bealth of horses, Kor intestinal worms K'ive ilr.'iieh of eenliaii L' ilr.. nnx vomlia 1 ilr., ealoiiu-l. 1 .Ir., J innt w.iier. one.. ila.ily for four .lavs, Kollow with 1 pint lii s e.l oil .ml 1 1 ime.. oil of tnrpeniine. Hive nieiliiines on an emiily sionia.-h ami a eoimlp of hoirs bi-''ore fe.-.lin^- Kor pin-worms i;ive saim- Inalim-nt willi i.iie, -lions of in- fusion of iiua.s.sia ehips. Kiisl tiiatnieiit als.i us fill in pa'lially ri Idins hors.-s 'of bois PrPvention of Joint or Navel HI. — I.' ili.. nav, 1 or ro;-,| is not rupiurnl sever by seiapiiiir wilh a snarp i>liifi- afl r liaviiii,' inevionsly tied a ilisinfeele.l stnm; .ilmul 111.- .or. I an inell ami .1 half or s. f:oin ■.'■.- nav.l. I )isinl'i-.-t wilh .". 0.- 1- nl so'uli.n, ,.•■ .r.-o'.in. i-ar- b.ilie. or w th indin.., Ke.-p II:.- f al in i-li-.-in surroiin-limis. a-i, .lisinfeet navel .-i>.,l ami parts wilh ", per rent ereolin solution twire diilv for a iv-i-k. .loint ill is infeetioiis. inaiiilesls itself in swi-Ilimr ot 1 ne or more ioinls wilh niu.-h pain ami ..11s formation and -s usually fatal unless sii -i-essrnllv hv a v- le-inaian wilh livno.h-r.. , - -nji-eiions of s.-ri-m or a-lniinistration of inl.--nal .lisinfeetants. nf food . f.isl dr.vinu nn full stoinaell ; iiioiiMy. wet or I i Published by authcrity of Hon. MARTiN BURRELL. Minister of Agriculture, Ot'.?wa, Ont. - -n s'j*?/*?