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RUTHERFORD C'hicI Vrtci-iiiiii-y Iiispiclor "? m ^ ■f the horses puichas...! for use in Africa the Doiiiinioii has l,y no means furiiish.Hl her fair share, altliou<.'li in adilitioii to tlios.- taken hy our own eontiiij.'ents, a considerahle niimU'r have Ix-eii picke.| iiii in hjistern Caiiailu hy I.t. Col. hent of th.' Iteiiiount Kepartment of the Hritish Aiiiiv. It is ii..f, however, an easy matter at present to ohtuin in this countrv aiiv lai'Ke iiuiiiImm- of liorsel altop'ther siiitahle for army use. No eiieoura),'eiiieiit t.i priHiiice them has, until very recently. U'eii shown to hieeilers. aii.l there U^iii;; ii.. \erv active home d ami for anv hut the very U'st of the sorts now asked for, they haw not Ueli hied to anvthili;; like the extent of which the country is .apahle. .\fter the visit of Colonel Havenhill in 1N."'7 the western ranchers, in exiie-tatioii of a market, went to much ticuhle and ex- pense in seeurinj; ami iiiii.oitiiiK suitahle foundation sto,'k. and as a result were succes.s- ful III prckluciiit; many first class cavalry h..ise.s. As however, U'Vond a limited iiuiii IxT tak.'ii hy the North west .Mounted Police ami a few hv foivi|.'n'l)uyers, there was no sale for them a.s such, till- l.reedeis have laij,'ely turned 'their attent'ioii to other and. under the circumstances >re prolitalile lines of stock. The natural conditions in Canada ;ire, it need hardlv he said, most favourahle for the i)roductioii of the animals wanted, while in the event of serious international dis- turhance Canadian horses would always he availahle tor lm|ierial use while it miirlit Ik- iinpossihle to procure them in foreign countries. Ajraiii, throuj;h the medium of our t'lvat tians-contineiital railway they could he shippi'd from either Atlantic or Pacific^ ports to any jmrt of the world where they inii;ht lie ie.|uir(Kl. In view of the .stroll]!.' prohahility that the dem.ind hitherto lacking will in the future 1m' such as to warrant the hreedin;; in fair numlM'rs of the horses needeil for military use, a hrief description of those now heinj,' .souj.'ht for and i-urchased hv the a-eiits of the Hritish war . tlice, ami a few hints as to how thev mav he pr.xluced.' will not he out of place. They are of three fairly distinct tyjK's as rei|uired for artilhVv, cavalrv and iiioiint»'(l infantry. At the Canadian horse show held in Toronto in April, I'.KMl, the l>oniiniori • ioverimient ;.'ave special prizes for each of these classes, and as Lt.Col. Dent, tin- -V 1: [■1; ^ llll|..'liMl fill r Mill. , I i|.l;ill.-.| I" I'Mt. l.,.».- Ill Ciliail,!. »ii- "111' "t ill.-, tli'i- nmkiii;.' til.. ..I.Tli. H- .•iilli..iil.iMv.'. .1 .l.-.ii|.t,..i, ..f .Hill liiO |.ii/.' t.iii.lli.'i witli It.- Ill Ml'- Ill- "ill I'-' ;il'|''''"l"l '■' ''" -:''ii'"il li-t ..I i...|iiuviii.iil- ill nil llnvi- ili\ l'ii- Tin; .\l!Tll.l.i:i!N llnlisi; 'I'll, .iilill.'i V li.pi -.■ .i-li.-.l I..1 l.v ill.- •iiiiiv l.iiMI I- i.mIIv il >iii.ilt. iirtiM- Mill .1- 1\|.|.-- Il.ll-. ^Il.llt I'U-. «ltil |.l.llt\ .it I". II. Mll.l Mlll-.lllll.'l- llll.l .■ll.limll '|'"''1''> '" cn-iiiv -i.ivii'.: |...».i III tniilv t'l-t u..ik 111- -I1..11I.I M.iiiil tr.iiii I "1 -' l.. H. luimU. wi-i;.'li 11..1 l.» tliiiii l..l'iii II.-.. 111. I 111. -H-iii.. lit I.M-I > null.- Ih.|..« til., ki mill 7l' iii.'li.- Ill iiiitli (■..ii-i.|..nili|.. »:iii,iti.iii HI l\|" 1- |...|iiii>-ilil... til.. «iirk lit tl... Ii. .!■-.■ iiitill-iv .l.iiiiiinliiiii -|...iit..| -I I .111.1 tlii.iit'..|v 111..!-., "iinii lil'"''l tliiiii 111'.' I1......--1IIV f..|. ..i.iiiimv li.l.l i.itill.iA. «liil.. Ill .ill|i..- |.i.,|«.|ly, til.' I.'iiil liiiil "'iitr.. |.U1I- aiv -lu;lltlv tilllrl mill III.H.- lall.^\ lliall tll. « llrrl.Ts. I In- ImII.t i...niiiltii.' -i..|it..r >tr..iii.'tli mill Mil.-t,.ii.... Til.. Ili-t |.ri/.. iiitn at I".. unit.. lii-.t -|imi- »a- .if lli.' Iil.'lit..|. Nurl, Ixiiit; ill tint till- |.iiii. I11...I lla.kii.A 111.11. ■ • < ii-iin.lrii. S|,. -I.hmI |I'., w..ii.'li...l l..l-'."i 11'-. ami -iilluil 7''. Sli,. iiii.ii-iir...l .>", iii.lii- 1,..|..« till' kiiiT uii.l •jnl nil h..- niiiiiil III.- 111111 , tV .-i.-.t t.. uilli.-i-- .it;, \Mlli..|- t.. ..|-..ii|i ■-".• iiK-lii's. |.|-..ii|. I., tail, an iim|-..i taut |...iiit 111 all iiiililaiv li..r-..-, I'.' iinlir-. .Mtln.iiyli ill tlii>. luiitiiiilai iii-taii... til.. |.i-i/.. «.iil t'. .. II i.-kii..\, it iliM-s iii.t, liv any m.-aii-, t..ll..« that Villi li'ii-'-- -li.iulil 1... .-itli.-i- »li..llv ..1 |.artly ..t' tliat I11-.....I. Tlii.y may U- ..l.taiii.MJl.y tli.. |<-i..ii- 11-.- .'f 111.. Tli..i-..ii^lii.ii..l>.' "11 iiiMv- ..f -i/... --iilistaii.-.. ami a.-ti.iii, ..I- l.v -tilitini.' li.HHJ halt liiiil ..1 -ti..iii; |-"a.l-t..| iiiii-|.> t.i a hi-;.'i-li lla.-kii..y "i l.|-.-...|y Mil'. S" l.iiii.' a- lli.-\ sli.." -iitlii.i.iit .|iialityt< ..n-iiiv a..ti\ ity aii.l .•mlinanr.' mnl nt till, -a tiiii.. III1..-I ill.. i'...|iiii. 111. lit- a- t.. -!/.■ ami iil.-tan.-... tin- .|ii..-ti..ii ..f |....iii;i-...- i- ..t' -...-. .11. Ill ry iiii|i<.i-tani.... INK ( W Al.liV lloltSK. i if ill I-.' Til.. .-a\ali-\ i- "f a - " ililli.i.nt ty]!.., ami .ni.' at i.i-.-.'iit t.i.. i-.ii-i' in Ciinaila, ..uiiii.' t.. tin- |.|..-t'..|...n.-.- -1i""m liy iiianv liirlit li..|--.f 1)|-.'im|.t> f..i- tli.' Aiiiiiiian Intlini; -iiv, an animal |i"s-.-— inu l.iit i.-« .it' tin- j|iialitii's ami cliaiarti.ii-tii.- "t' tli.. liiliii:.' I1.11--1-. (■.,1.111.. I l!a\..nliill in In- i.| -ay-: • .V inalt'..iiiiati..ii ill tin' » 'aninlian ln'i -f- wliirli iiiiylit aiUaiit.i;.'...iii-lv lir In ..iiL'lit t" I li.. li"t i.-.- "t' l>n' i^ that th.'ii- .niait..|.s ill., -h.iit ami M.iv il|..Mi|ii. .;, a -.11. .11- i|. L.-t in a military liiil>f. Iniii-ril «c hail t.i [..•ji-.t a- im-iiitalil.. .1 i..iii-i.l..|alil.. |.i-..|..ii t i.n .ni thi- accnmt , this is ii..t .mly a jiifat (lissiiiht, hut wh.'i-.- a uiitiMJ -.ilili.i ha- t.i lariy a kit mi hi- Imrsf's hark it a uiits t.i an iii-iilH-"i'l'l'' "''i'''t'"" ; >' li"- iiiis.ti t'l.Hii t hr t.K. i'xtfiisi\c iisf .if tiif tr..t t.i- fill- stiul |.iii-|M.-..-, \'n- .l.f...-t l..iim \.Ty apiiari'tit in that h.ns.-. Thi- is an ii.|.liti..nal i.-a-.m t"i- tli.- im. -.• .-" intr.Mliictii.ti .>f the En;.'lish Th.inni;.'hhri'.l, iiii'li..- Ih'1"« ill.' kn.'.' ami "H im-hr- in iiirth. Thi- lii-t |.ri/.' at ■i'..|-"iit.i "a- tak.-ii liy .1 lir.i«ii j,'..|.linL,' nam...! '(I.'ii.'fal -aiii t.. 1„. l,y a ■|'h,,i i.'liliii''l li.. ua- a i.-niaikal-l.. «..|1 pr.iii.nt'.l wt.iv'ht caiTii'i- .if ci.tisi.l.Tahl.. I.'iiulh ami ^'i-i'at suli-tan.-.'. Mi- m.'asun'iiii'iits «.'i-c as f.ill.i" s : h-'iiiht l."i-.i, .-aiim.ii li'im- > im-lii.-, arm L' 1 in.-li..-, rri'-t t.> witliffs :i7 im-h.'s, withfis li. i-ini]. ."i:! im-h.-s. (-I-..11P t.i tail L") iiirli. -. u'iilh 71 inrh.--. li.ii--..- "f llii- -taiiil) rail lu'-t li.. |ir.H-iii.'.l liy thi' iisf of si-I.tIi-.I'lil'ii'il nIi-.'s "11 sti-.iiii.' halt hi-.-.l iiiai-i'-, "ii the li.'tt.-r rla— .if i-.ia.lsl..i- mail-. ..r .m man's fi"iii llai.kni.v "I t'.iai-h sir..-, ih.a i.l.-.l tlu-v -h.iu s.nii.- IiIihmI ami .luality. «>ii iiiari- ha\ini,' ^. f ■ !,'■ ; I?; 'It* m^ i •.lirM If. .1 pi'i'jmn'li'i'jinci' iif w;irin I)I(mmI dv thiisr Mlii>\vin<.' ;inv iiicliiiation to wi'cdint'ss, ii i;ik«1 lliuklicy lioisr iiiij.'lil lie ;i(lMiiitin;(Mmslv ust'<|. THK MOl NTRl) INFANTHY MOIISK. Till' nioiintcd intiiTitry liiusc t'nr wliicli svicli ,iii iiii]ii<'C('(l<>iiti'(l i|(^n;inii h;is rcrciitly tu'isc'ii and wliicli is likely to In' cvi-n iiiiifc s(pii;;lit after it' iircsiMit war cnriditiiins (■ >riti.>ui' til jiri'Viiil, is 'i siiialli-r and clicaiirr atiimal tliaii fitliiT of tliosi- alicadv dcscrilH'd. He is in fart ;i col), a stronj; |ioiiy on short le;,'s, with as iiiueh iiuality as can consistently 1m' liKiked for in conjunction with the siihstance iec|uiie(l to caiiv an armed man. Ilenuist lia\eafair shouldei- and a ^ore(l sire fiom French Canadinnor otlici' stronj; pony mares, or hy the judicious use of the Hackney horse on the smallei- roadsters and on thosi' little mares too connuon in Canada, resultinit from the ill advised use of the raciiiir or rather splinting' type of Tliorou;;lil(reil on lijiht mares of trotiin;,' lilood or other mixed hri'edin;;. '^- ( i i;n h i{ .\ l k K(^ r I u km kn rs. In times of peace no horses are l)ou<;ht at less than four noi' more than se\en vears old. As ref,'ards colour, hays, hiowns, chestiuits and hiacks are prefeired : a few itravs lire re<|uired for special corps, hut imIiI coloured horses are not wanted. No unsound or- seriously lilemished horse will Ix' taken ; the veteiinarv examination is fairly sti-ict hut is also strictly fair. I'li docked horses ai-e preferred and no Ikiinc with a very short diH-ked tail will he taken. In time of war, however, when tlu- demand, as a rule, exceeds the availahle su)vplv, jiurchasini; otlicers overl<«ik many minor defects, piovided the animals oU'ei'ed are sound and serviceahle, while conforminu' ;,'enerally to the re(|uirenients of the ser\ ice. AHVICK TO HI{KKI>KKS. Hreedeis on the Western ranges will, no doubt, tind it ]irotitalile from this time forward, to devot nsiilerahle attention to the iiroduction of horses es]vecia!lv adajited for militaiv use. In the other jHirtions of the Dominion the supply of such Iiotscs can be eni>rm(aislv increased with but little extra efTort or expense on the part of the breeder. Innneiise numbers of lij;ht horses and |>onies are aiinually bred in Canada of "Inch, many when <.'i'own are, owinjr to their noil de- cript character, of but little \alue. If the breedi'rs of these animals would send their Ii; lit<'r mares to pure bred stallions, of the Hritish breeds, intellii,'eritly selected with a view to the ]iroduition of a delinile tvpe of mili'ary horse, a vast improvement in our cleandei;j,'ed stock would s]ieedilv manifest itself. Hifih prices would then as now be easily obtainable for' r'eally supcr'ioi- animals; most of the other's would tirrd I'eady sale for' ai'rriv use as well as foi- other' |iui'poscs, while the misfits and object lessons wiaild U' less irumei'ous and, except by compar'isim. not less valuable, than they ai'e at laesent. .1.