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C/ Scientific conlribulions from the En^ittiloffial Br^cft, Department of Agriculture, CHkiwtf, Canada^ ^ ,\ •-:. v^j NOTES ON THE PUPATION OF THE HOUSE-FLY {MUSCA DOMESTICA) AND ITS MODE OF OVERWINTERING. BY C. (lORDON HEWITT, U.Sc. Dominion Entomologist. Extract from The Canadian Entomologist, Vol. /,7 March, 1915, pp. 73-78. Siicnlijii: unitrihutious from Ihc Enloniolo'^imt Hruiii h, Dcbartnwnl of A'^riciiltiirc, OltdiJd, Cdiuuhi. NOTKs ON rm: imi'Ation ok thk hoisk! f.v {Mi\SCA DOMESTIC A) AND ITSMOl)!. 0|- OVKRWIX'IKRINO. i!\ ( . (.oKuoN iii:\\ni, I). St. Doininiuii l-*iiti>iii(ilui;ist. Exlruil from I'lir Citiittdian /■'.iilDmolo'j^isl, I'ol. .'I'l March. 1015, pp. 73-7.S. Non s(»\ nil. iM I'AiioN (HI hi; iiorsi.i i.v ..i/rs* .i no \li:si /( .!) AM) lis MODI ()!• ()\ I.U\\l\ II.KI.\«i.' \\\ > . I .' ii(ii( )\ III ■•. ; I I . ;!•■., |i« iMlMi i\ I \ h >\|i il I i(,i-,| , ( .1 I \\\ \. '1 In ini'^i.i'.oi V ImI it il lilt- l.ii\ .!■ ol \l,i\iii ,iii»!r\iiiii ex idciK t il I'vl'iy III |iii|i,ili(i|i 111-. I I'l ,1 iinMT\ti| l)\ IIIO-.I (if llif iii\ oil';;. Hill-. wliM li.iM- (iiiliiil till' iii-.c.i''^ lilr lii>i(irv, ,iiiil iIu'm' nlisrrv .il iitii- ll.SM- Intll ("illnMil Iv 11 illi !lis, .|i |!)| | , \ a\\ .IIkITiK k I T'.II o i ,t|i|) 111 hi' ill'' 1. 1-1 \\..r!:i|-- |.. C'H .it iniiiiMi In llic pr.ici icil \.iliiint ihi- li.iliil ill lis < ciiinii, aiul lliiii>n li.i> lAifiiilfd ilic work .iIiiiil; liiu- lli.ii w ill iiikIiiiiI'IciIK |.n)\ idc in uitii .m ,i.!iliii>Mi,il iiitMii- ()| lc iii\..l\c(| i^ the ( ,i|)iiiiiiv< el liii' m.iiiin' l.iiA.r lf.t\iiii; till' in.iiiiirc i.i |uiii.iii', in .11 I .iiil.iiu f wiiii ilifii- ii-u.ii (ii-.l'Mn, ciilnr in ihr i.K.lcr (iiiltT jMiiiiiiiN 111 till' |)i!(N (ir ill ill,. ■.;ilii.u I'lii -^iiil. Tiu'\' li.iliii nl ilu- l.ux.i li.i-, .lUn .immiIu r iiit,ri>i. ii.iiticlv, ii-> nl.iliiiii lo ill' -.ti|i| rr».i(iii nl !!ii> limdinj; in tlif l\ pc nl iii-.iniruA I'.iiw .iiid ill j.iiriiu -. While .i lew i>.)i.iiiil iiliMTx.ttiniN ha\i' I'liii iii.idc ill liidi.i .md cNiw luic I dn nut knnw 111 an\ cx.ul rcci.rd nt ilic i\u nt in w liii h tin-\ .!■ iiiiwr.ilc fnun tin- siilisi.inii' in wliirli i!u\ li.ivf iui p fciilin.;. lhii(lii>nii (i.e.) tumid tlnit tlu' in limiu nl liic |)iiii,i v.crc sr,iti< jimI .liiciil iliL' driiT iiiari;iii> nl' liu' iuM!i> nf linr,--niannrf. >lulliie.! Ii\ liic nV(Tli.inv;ini,' ^iraw, aw] ih.ii wliirc.i.^, in niu' luMp, lie Imind .ilimii llOOd jiiipr ill th!-^ pn^iiinn. iini innr,' i!i,i:i nil) v.i;. t',,iind lulnw llir snii. In lliis (■(imicciinii tin. I'nilni, ill/ nliMr\.iiinii .i|ipcar-< tn In- wnrtin nl i\'innl. |-n!ln\\iin; I lie (AprliliU ill- V. hi- ii I i.iiriid nlll I'.Uji nil llic (iilllrnl nt ihc latN.r li\ \.ii!nu> ill- ii icidc-., il \\,i, dl'fidcd Id i\aiiiiiu- i!ic snii amiiivl ,;iid luiicaih ilic uiilnMtid .ind (ihim'- (|iKntl\ natural licip nl' linivr-iii.imiir uiili .i \ iiw in .i-^ci riaiiiiii!; tiir distance and dii)ili ir.i\iilfd ii\ liic larva' prinr ic ()ii|)alinn. .Also it was di'sircd tn discover wlutluT ,iin nf the insects were nverwiiuerini; in tlie pupal state: Ici this asiurl of the (jiiestion I sli.,11 return later. Tl'e manure w i- icninxcd mi M,iy i:iih and the -nil >iilii,i(eiil In and .u-nuiid the >ile nl' the pile w.i... larefiillv remn\ed and .in I'o.iiii'.iiai.iii iriuu i!ic l-aiiiiinnlogiiMl I'.i ,ii!;:i, l)e|,.u tiin-iu i,l A^ri iiliiiri-, Olt.iwa. >i|>|>rii\iiii.iii' it'iiiiil \N,i-< kcpi III lilt' .iliiiiiil.iiii t' 'il ilii' |iii|),itia at tlic ilillcnni ili'iiih" ImIhu liu -iirLKi nl ilii' -Miil in .1 (li^Liiirf III .iliiMii Imit liTi .iiiiiiiiil ilic ii.\ riii-. Lcl; w.i^ t.irricil mil till nil- li\ Ml s \ l.oicl, i,> wiiiiiii \\\ ill, ml-. ,iir iliif. riu It-^llll-. Ill llli^ t'S.llllill.llinll i>l lllr lil, V.lliill W.l* .1 s,illt|\ I1..IIII. .irr rr|trf>riitr .; imlii it'-.l. III. I.! I k .|ii|j|ii tin: .^'hI fiM. 1. lit till' |>ii|>itt.i. riijiii ill. A Irw |Hi|),iri.i Wire t'nunil iirf,iic: ilii-. i, i:iapliii-.ill\ -liiiwn in the rii;;iit ; ilic piipari.i \wfc alsn niiiin'inii'- iiiiiiK ili.iicj', lulnw the siirfiirc nf ||ir soil. j lu' nilllllitis tluil Kl''"lllall\ p.ii liriil.u atliniinii w.i^ p.iiil in iniiiliiinii III iIm pnp.iii.i, .im! the llir> Ii.hI ciiuivrii I'lnin all till piipaii.i nilicr ill. in ilrnx- ill. It l.lilcd In i|('\(>|np. ■/'//(■ {)ri-n.'iiitrriii'.[ of tin' Ilmtsr-tly riic tpicsiinii a-- In ihc stall' in wliicli Musm tli'iiir.^lii ii ] -. lilt' winter liccn di-ciisscd rcrcnih l)\ wnrkcis, .ind il M'ctiis ilf^ir.iiili' III rrv irw llir •.tilijfi I .I'^.iin in -i i.n .1- in\ 1 s- IHtit'tUi' n| I niutitixli^ ill iIm- tlll ll'>tlllill\ li 'i;[M'l,tll' l.ltilllllo III ijl^lallil .lllil (',111, 111. 1 .lit (•illll ilml. Ill ll'\ li|l.l|r^.;l,l|ill (11 till- linl|^t'-ll\ il!M|i llli ' l.ili'iMciil i^ hi.ii'i' ill lliri> iiu-i'^ Illll M ilMlli- I'l lllr i|i»,l|i|)i .11.1111 r ■ pI lllf llii » ,|I li:'' 1 li ! • >'. I hi • liMiM.i I , ii.imiK , niriMi iniu liiliii n.itir.i; i|ii.irii r- "f iiiti. p. riii.i,. 111 1", lir. Illll iil.iic-^, II. Illll. li ill .nil, imi ilr.illi lii'iii linil'iiMi ri;i.s..i. I 1I11I-.I (-..Mti--. ill Wi.l'i ■ liiiM I ii.itii.n" li.i- l.rrli 11 III ill Im'i I'lii.iil .1 ■.>n-r li\ lilt'. .1- ii li.i- Illll iiiil\ iiiipliiij I iliiini.iiii -i.iii lilirili;.; lllr willlil, wliiili i- lllc ll^ll.llK .urr|ilr(| iilr.illill;, nl lllr Irllll, I'lll il lll^ .iN 1 icIiniK f 111 .1 pi.^-ililf ,illi| •-•illlilillU - .illll..! si, 111' 111 ,iiii\ii\ (jiiriiiv. lllf wiiiiiT iiiiiiili.. ii i- in llii. -riNf ili.ii till' \\..|i| " hiji.'ni.ii ii.n" w.i^ ii-ii!, ,1- will In- :;,ii hrnil ill re, "fin;.; llir m riinii iimlii I'l'l lu .iiliiii;. in ihi' wnik ittiriid in. II VMiiilil III' |iri'lrr.ili|i' III •^iii.sliliilr llir li-riii "1 'M'i w liilfiiir^," .1-. llli-. will .ll,iii', .mil llli- WDiild lit' K'DMiiuil li\ Icinpt r.itiire .mil ilif pn ^ciuc III lunil. 1*11 111. illcillN .Ulivr llli's ll.lNc lifCIl foimil li\ lil\~rll .lllii III lici i)i).-.( r\ lis ill cv (.rx mnnlli ul tlir v\ inter >i'.isiiii In 1111 .\ii\ 1 iiilu r I'l M.irdi. I illssecli'il Mirh tlies I'ltnii I )eteiiilier in M.m li .Illll iiiiiiiil iheiii r.ip.ilile iil repii i. lin! ii ill ill !ii.m\ in>i,iii< es. Such llii > .lie tipiiinl ill w.inii li.iki'litiiises, hilrlniis, re>i.iiir.iiii-. .iml ■^l.llile.-.. jipsMii (I'.MI'li II. ll >iii !i Ihe.s jnr lileeiliii;; eNperiilii'llI . ill I I'lll ii,ir\ . t. /// //.'(' ilinilil.'liir ,v/./.^,". Tilt pli ', iiilN -.lite-. N'l-. I 111 -J. .ire li.iM'il (111 .utiial nliserv ,ilii)i)>. I '11 m ii ilieii\ l.iiiiinles .1/. (lumiwiii'i nuiy he fuimd in the (li'\ elupmi' st.i^es 'e^'.^, I n\.i nr |)iip.i! is ;i stalcim lit nnh . -... I'.u .l> I kiiiri\ . .1 I • mil experimental li.isi-,, h >iiMiilil he pn-siMe, niie wmilil iliiiik, to lind ,\/. diii.nsliid liiccdliiv, ii; prniMiu iu!\ u.iiiu iil.ui-., ^mli ,1- ^.l.ll)!cs uiuTC l.irv.i! IimmI i^ |,,,.~i,-. 1:1 111,. IIS M.ii^lcs, ll'.VMA.T, ;llr l^'inpcmliin-, ire v,ia >-.,ii,iM,., ,m!,| ihi, 1,1,! v.,,iiM l,.|u;il„;i ;;ic iliticrnu M,,.(- \.T\ (•(;ii^iil, r.ii Iv . I'n s, .;i,i||\ , i 1|,,>,. ,, , f,,,- l.i;!c'I !■. .!i-,v()\ii- ( \ i.ii-ii; ,■ cf .':/. ,l'ii'i->:i,!' hircdiii;' miller n.iiiir.i! cciiiiliiioii- iluriiii: |1.( uiiiiir iii.>:ii;i. in ili,' l.iil; ud, > d (»ii,iv,,i U' liivLnid, Imi m^mtv .nii.n- indie, iir il-,( [.-.--il'iiiiv <,\ Mieh .in Mcenirene" in ilie t-.,-.,- i-n e ■>! ~'.!i;.d'|r .••ndi! icns. '11 'llf l':-:lll "I llle evidence ,.| !.iv-(:il ,|-. .ii! il .1.-, ! iln'ii!. \>,. .i:-e rlil! jli-^lilied iii I' I lie dMinLiiil .ind ! Hii .di( ,ill\ ,ie(i>, -Uile- dliriui; ihe .e, ( rwinurile; jHlied .,, tlir i;.||,;l Mee,, | i; llif in nenlierlv Litiinde^. I'.ni liu-iv i^ ;;,d. ■:!!.' tliiii where eiivnin- >t.iiR-e> render -i, lie \m. :{ p,, ■,-.:! :|e, Ii e.iiwiii.ii!, . MT\ inai.-M,ili\ '" i>" iii -uu'.L^e-Kd l>\ CoiH-llKin ,ii;d .\ii>!(i! (j!li!.: ■■|li,,i ihe r.!,.n\e !,ii,-Me--. nl lile >eas(iii .il \\liieil !,MU-.e;iic> in-iii.iiK i >ee. ,:iu> ,ii ,;:;id,; n! in.i\ l.e due tu llle ■ill.lllne-.- ..i l; ,■ iiil'll! s r ..| illdi-, i'jn.i!- lli,.l, in .Lil ,ieli\e eniiditjim. ^iir\ i\ e 1 Ik- uinu r in in.a-r-- i-.v i.'du i- Iiiiildiny-.." \'\\\^ idea \va> ^ii|)p( rle.l 1 .\ ni\ . -er\ s;-, in ,!:,■ ,i,.i;. ,,1 |!|,. ,-,.:,,■,,- linelixe .a■^.i^^- o! a p' rli'iii r <: ill Hi,. |',,u;.d .III, I ,|i„,., ,,.,] ,|,,|-iii.' I lie w iiuer mmi! 1)^ 1 lie 1.1-1 eelltrdnilicn to ulir kll.,\', I. d-e en llli -lll.jecl i-,|l|r re|Hiri ot .H\i\ .\u>telt. (ill. led ..^, lai llle i\:-llj|-, ot' an e\.iaiiiii.ilion .,| ilu- -p. ; i. . ,,1" ili. .. e.:ll|,|., i in l',:.;!-e., ,!e. duriiij; llie winter ni.aiih,. llie;. M.iie: •■|n . oiu hid. .:i, ii \\.,iil.l .ipp.'. I- i!i,i! die ( ii-i(Mi!ar\ e\])l,!i!,ii ion ,,| i|.,. p,rp,e; n.ii ion .,| ihe hoii-e ii\- |o,;n \ |.. se,;r ha- ih-N I:,-, n lahh le-.i,d, and lli,il the e\idell(e ohi.iine.l lail-, |,i -.!i|,ii,,;-. o. |., 1,, .v^.^ ;.,-, ,;i|,;n,, ,1,,. -e,i-,.,n ,,i ;;re,i|,:-l ll\ prev.ili'iie, . ,. -il..eiio,! v., P.' r.l.i.le of -rver.d (vnire> in wliieli lioiiM- lii, . v.eK pr, leiil in Milliei. nih l,,r-,- iHiniher>, it would l.e worth while .Inriii- the iV.llowiiiL; winier t.. ende.ivdiir to diseoxer whether !i\ in- jinn,!- ,-,,n!d he hmiid in ,mi\ (on-idendiie (|ii,mlit> in ihe h-cil I reediiiK-piaces." < M'( -erio;:-,!i..n prexenl- ;n\ ,1 -ic enu i:l wil'i iheir '"^'•■I*i-i^^'i. i'h, evidcKv e..iii.iiiu.l in iheii opuri poini- lo ih,. '■''I '''•'■' pl. in i\\- (ience siil.iiiiued Kj siiow that ain of tlicir corrfspondenis found ilu'sc lii< •. ,i> .1 r.sii!) ,,f Mairliiiii; h.r ih, i,i in liic liidini; places Inmi J(|)>.iii ,mi(|(r(d a- laiiin- n, -iippoii ili,- cvplaiialii.n iiMiall\ i;i\i'ii. I max -a* | have niuahdly api)!ic(i iIic trM llic\- su.nKol, ami ill III' ra-i- liasc I iicfii ahlv lo liiii! ciilur in i;ri;;l,m(l or Canada lisinii jiiipa' (it M . ,:o))irs!i,ti uiidrr (andi>.,r I'MHliii.iis during tin- winter. Xnr liar, i! vwv iirnt p(i-.>i!)!c in in\ inKdinK cxpiTiincnts ill Canada and in i;n.;l.,ad l..wiir\ lin-in-cci ilirmijdi liic uiiiUT III tiir pupal -Mic. In ihc ( \i); riii;. II! d,-,(rilK(| in llie first jiart pc( ia.l .-liori \\a^ made to lind li\in,L; p.niiari.i ,iiii"iit; M-Nvral tlmii-aiid examined, ai.r! noi a sin.nle lualtlu' piipariimi Vi a- dixnx ered ; all v,i-i.- either eni|.t\ i-.y had l.iilrd to di\c|op. Had speeinieiis Lcdi o\ rrw interim.; in the pii|ial eoiidiiion, it is reasonable to i \p-.u that lixin;.; pnparia would lia\e tieeli loiind in ll;,- iMrl\ |,.arL ol' Ma\ , as ill'- .iilnlls eonld IK, I lia\i' eiiKru..(d cariirr ihan ilial dale nndi r Oliaw.i eoiiditi.Mis. it is .1 maiirr. houc\er. ihai n-ipiires more ■ .■l)srr\Miioiis in dilirreiil loealijics, l,!ii niiiil .AiiKnc- is secured ol ilu iiisc( I ...irwinuiiiii; ill iIk- pupal stale v. r shall he instilled in hiliixin- Iroin ihr facts axailahle that in iiortherK latiindes Miisid dom.-siicti is .irciistoined norniall;, lo o\crv.inifr in ilie .idall slaie. In more sontJiirh laiiuide.s, v, lurr ilu' mtaii temperatniv is niudi hi.-hvr and wlierr tlie acli\ii> of ilu- liifs is |:raeii( al!\- coniinnoiis liiroii.t,hoiil the wiiiler iiioiiths. one would exiHct the occiirrenvi- ol the iiiMci in an acti\e condition .ind of the \arions slai;es ol its li^M-lopment during tliis pi riod, althonyli the diiralioii ol such (k-\eioi) slaKcs would Ik- h iiKlh.eiied. lliis has been lound to Ih- liii- case in .\iw ()r!i-ans, i-'lorid.i. in the \alual)li- in\csti:.;atioii ol tlie Buriaii of j-aiioiiioloyy of the I'liited Stales, Depariiiieiil i.i .\Kriciiluire, accordiim to the \erl>al slaleiiu-iit of Mr. F. C. Bishopp. i.iti;k.\ti HI-: ri;ii;rri;d to: 1. Copcuiaii, S. M.. ,:i!(! Austen, /•."./•:. ■'Do Ilouse-llies Ilil.-einau-.-" R,j.'t>rls U) ih.c /..},, tl I'.oin-unicul I^oard oJ(\ls. Fitiihrr Rcjioils {Xo. ;> (,// I'lics as i'anic'S rf I nfi ition , pf). i;:i;, I HI.',. T). Lcry. E.C.. mul Tuck, ll'.i' .— ■'i he Maggot Trap— A New Weapon in our Warfare ai;ain>l tlic Typlioid I'ly." Awer. Joitni. Public Health. Vol. III. \o. 7. p/). i;.-,7-(!t!Sl..'S!). ,' pp,, nn.'f. '■i. Jlri.'ilt. ('.6'.- "Tlie lIoust'-tl> .\l!is(a ilnmcslica I, inn. lis Structure. Haliils, 1 )c\elopi^i( iii, Relation to Disease and Con- irol." pp. XVl+.iSJ. I'r'i u-'.^-. and imip. Camhritl-c I'liiv. Press {Eiiiilaiid). tm.'f.