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At a Meeting of the Trustees of the OTTAWA MECHANICS' INSTITUTE and ATHENJUM, held on Wednesday, the 3rd October, 1855, it was


That this Society do offer Prizes for the best col- lection of Insects. Reptiles, Crustaceans, Shells, Plants and Mineralii, made in all or any of the I'l lowing Counties: Renfrew, "ontiac, Carleton, Ottawa, Lanark, Prescot^, Rnssell, Leeds, Gren- ville, Argenteuil and Vaudreuil, the said collections to be sent in on the 1st of October, 1357. The pri- zes to be as follows :

1 . Insect.s, best collection of

I Ex. Beetles, Earwigs, > Bugs, Locustr, Grass- ) hoppers. Tree Lice, &c., £2 10

I Moths, Butterfljos, Drag- on Flics, May Flies, &c., I&c


and Hemioptera.


and Nouroptera.


2 10 0

Ilyinenoptera ^ Bees. Ants, JFJies, and > C'entipedes,

Fleas, DipterafcAptera.; Spiders, &c., . ... 2 10 0

2. Reptiles and Crustaceans,

E.v. Snakes, Frogs, Proteus, Crayfish. f.-.o., &c., 2 10 0

:t. River and Land Shells, 2 10 0

■I. Best named collection of dried spe- cimens of Indigenous Plants, 10 10 0

(). Best collection of Mineraloi^ical spe- cimens, with the name of the locality where found attached, 10 10 0

The successful collections to become the prf perty of the Society, Any of the unsuccessful collections may be acquired by the Society upon paying half the foregoing prices.

Should the best collection under any of the fore- going heads prove palpably inferior, the Trustees reserve the right of refusing the premium.

That the foUoving directions be issued for the guidance cf those who compete :

To Preseuve Insects.— Get a box made of White Pine or Spruce, fifteen inches square, and one inch deep. Line it with paper, pasted in. Trans- fix the insects through the breast with a pin, which drive into the bottom of the box. In the case of such insects as butterflies, moths, beetles, &c., it is necessary to arrange the wings, feet, and feelers in the natural position before they dry. To kill in- sects speedily, qnd without impairing their value as specimens, it suffices to touch the mouth with a drop of spirits of turpentine. Insects too small to impale, may be fixed in their places by a solution of gum arable or comuivjii pa.ste. Keep similar in- sects as much together as possible, and number

them distinctly on the paper nnde/neath, beginning at the upper left hand corner. When the box is filled cover it with a pane of glass, which fix in its place with putty, having previouslj' fastened a small piece of tallow by a. pin to the bottom of the box.

Reptiles and Crnstaceans are best preserved in the strongest high wines, ts'.king care to cork thu bottle closely.

For preserving plants, unsized paper should be used. Books of Botany give the necessary direc- tions for making a Hortus Siccus. The locality where found must be carefully noted.

Mineralogical specimens must be wrapt up sepe- rately in paper, and when fragile add cotton wool, as th(! perfection cf the angles and fractures are of great consequence to Ihe scientific. Althongh the society do not demand the scientific names, it must not be overlooked that they rigorously require the locality where fonnd to be '> > ly written and en- closed in the wrapper; writing the locality on a long riband of paper, and rolling it round the spe- cimen, previous to wrapping it, is most secure.

Shells, like Minerals, should be wrapt up sepa- rately, and furthermore, require cotton wool in ad- dition in every case, as the edges and hinges ofttn determine specific differences. A label should be rolled iround, stating where found, and whether on land, or near, or in a river or brook. Fresh Water Mussels, technically called " Unio," are at present of great scientific interest ; and as the spe- cific differences rire so trifling, as to be undisccrna- ble cxcep* to a student, it is advisable that all spe- cimens found by any competing collector should be preserved and sent in

The Society, in offering the preceding prizes, do not pretend that they are proffering anything like the money value of the collections solicited, but they desire and hope, that the prizes offered, may be the means of exciting many to embark in the pursuit of science, who otherwise would never have thought of 80 doing, at the same time, that the Mu- seum of the Society would be enriched by their la- bors, for the mutual benefit of the inhabitants of the Ottawa country generally.



And be it further Resolved, That one thousai.d copies of this resolution be printed for circulation among the leading inhabitants of the aforesaid counties.

R. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Please show tlii.? to whuiu it k likely to interest.