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Laa axamplairaa originaux dont w \hK ll 11. iJ C. .V:vl> WHAT THE LECTUllKR co?;sii>i:iib TO BE THE CHIEF CAUSES OF TU/iT DECLINE. By JAMES WIXTEK, Eso., Of Her JJcJc-jfj'';^ C (oiii'i. [DtlivL-rcd at the FisiiLnrtiLN'.s IJall on 1 F*.' bruary, IS ('.3.] Si. John's, Xfr/cundhnd : J. \\. M'cLLituv, ;'i;int::u. ''/ "t\ I . J:. o. _._:;-? Mr. I'rcn'irid, ond Gc)ilJ>:»iiM 0/ Hr C'.m/,!'/'''V', Ladir-s and (Jcnlkmcn, Hy (lie kiixl permission of llic Fislienji''ir.- Sucic 1 1 was allowed llic u=o uf their hall, last yc.;i-, tn (i liver a lecture on the pnmc suhjoct a.-, that to whirli 1 liave to request your kind atteiiMon thi- cveiim-. 'liie lecture was, "irom several cuu.scs, hut juiorly aMeiidcd, and its contents obtained hut little puMiei- tv. I nni happy to say, however, that they have n-l been altogether forgotten, and that the Fishermen s .^oeietv, oncouragcd, no douht, hy the lively interest which'llis Excellency the Governnr has lately IIl:vlll- a■ ic.tcd towards tliis important .-uhject, are cnde vouring to gather all the information tin ir ]f;\ch, with the view of doing something, it pojsihl-, tu alleviate the distress which at pre-'nt prevails r.mong (.11- fishing ])opulalion, from the loss, to a great ( x- tcnt, of tireir principal mear.s .^f :ni.].ort. In yv.r<\^- anceofthat object the Society ret 1 considered as tn-- liiohcst compliment that could bo paid to me, an! M-hich I need scarcelv say. I fully appreciate. Jn compliance with their recpie.t I liave again bo.n m- duceil to appear before vuu, a.iid, in doing so. 1 nee. I hardly say that the oitinions 1 then oxpres>ed. sn- 1, lined by the circumstances mentioned m sup[>u!t nt iliem, remahi unaltered; and as 1 find that 1 ^-'^ '";: able to do anv thing bv way of imi'rovemeiit, l^.i'dl -ivc them to von jii^t as I then gave them, with tne addition of a litth-'t-iher matter which has .Muee coi.,.« under mv notice. From the large extent to which ail classes Jf our cummmiity are uiformed en the .^ui • / I / I "-7""- •f jcct r.f onr fiiiljcric.y, I ain awMve Hint hi \eiuiirji,j; (•» Ireat of fi I ivti e:.i:o;;i!!;C'iiv •c 1 .-i. i' ,*' t' 'Ii'j (l;',iig';T orjuueii i^ !l'.''i into ;iii\" ciTiw, C i i!g- C'ln-cct'-Ml ; — iiU'l 1 ,, , wiLii yonv kiu.'l }>oniii~t-ion, proccei witli !;iv si :[.—" Tic d'^dhic nf the C:id-;ls/:c)>/, o-.'jJ ic't'jf I conu'.vxr to he the dtlcf' C'-'i'^C- Of' ('"■t duli ir." ■ The giMiliial (Ircliiic of the cod-ii.-iicry iei a Imncnta- li!.? Piet t!.'\!; v, o tw j r.'i <■ /-ai'c of. Almost evciy year t'l'To is iv gT'-it faHii:;.:,- oil' in llie qi'.aulily (.aT;:,!! cauglit in t'tie ts!:J:J, c:-.jKciii!Iy. in particular districts. Somo yei'Vc;, liowovor, tliere ^^ecTu^ to bo an iiaprovcuient ; I'v.r, on l!io ^vlioIe. I tiiinl: no one will diopute the Jact th;ii <')y a great many year; ]; lliero !;a:j bcou r stea'-'iy and gi-adual falling oifin tl:is most important ''i \;icli I't" oui fi>.]icrie.-;. It rcqnires ii.o argulr.ent^^ I could produce to prove that such is the deph.'ra- Mc fact. The most forcii.ilc and strildng- ma'aner in •>\!'ich I cordd brin-r this beioro vn;i ij? bv drawiat; n sorl of comparison, from \. hat h:'.s come v.dthin liiy o\mi ''Xj'.Tiencejbetueen thijVoi.diti )M of some of the i)orta 'd'tlii:; I^laiul, some oO or '(» yciirs ago, and their ])re- scnt condition. A ci'rrcspondcnt of the Tchrjroph wrote three letters, in the fall of ISGO, on nearlv tlio same subject as lh;it I am now speaking of. The " Piacentia P.ayman" seemed very well acfpiainted ^^itll hi:; subject, ajid gave a good deal of very u^(■f^d inlorjiiation. 'V loiters were v/ritten, as the writer .•■.-ys. "with the view of btingingthe subject bcforo the legislature, in or oii'Oit'.^d aiimialiy soino f/'l'.'m (Si.M-ii'^i"). which wi-.s then cou.-itlur.j.! uuo o! til., virhest in the Islan.l, is tio^v no liioro ;--t!ic uChor <.i;il , .-l-nn.;a a iinirh-rnv^!:lle.l l.i:::ii:'j:--, but l::ulcr Mno;l cv linn. Ki;o.)KiXO t Co.; au'Ulio evi-oi-tot holi froP! Trliiitv i^ now only iihuiit 20,0u0 qtls. n-yciir,--- M {lilli:i;:; -olV of iivc-f^ixtLo ot the iiiuiitlity h.-iincrly expo lied. •, ^ ■. • • ■> Ai Cavboncar the trade and fi--norie:; %,-cvo cniyivu on n.Mch more extensively thin at the pre^enl lime Thcro w^ic two Invg.; inerci.ntilo cstabli.nnient^^fl.r- ,„nv!v flcuvl.dd:is in th;U place, -tliO£0 of 00;^^; 1.V.-K .t Fkiai:, und ^laoi:, I'r,-,)-: A: Co..-Loth of whu^h liavc since declined. They have been cUjceedcd, it i-; true, bv othcvf., but the bn^ine..s nuw < ,r,T}.;i on ther'e i'^ bv no nvj.ans .^o c:-:ten£iye. ..,,,, J i.',w coine to St. Jo]in\<, whciv I ro; i; tbrt_,:i.' ti-pdo liar, somewhat increased; but I inland, r.i ;i futna- part, to ^^ay a little about the flsLen -., wanni h:,ve lUlh'U Ofrto a great extent in ti.:.; as JN-eii as ]u other parts of the Island;] In riaccniia^ and rurcn...- BavH the contrast between the trad.o an:; t.s.ieri-s, ;^a> can-led on at the time I speak of) and _ Up n present condition is. perhaps, still la.nv sinbiaL:;. In day-- the trade and (islu-nes of the:e ],ay, were m a fio-n-hiiK- condition :— tle^ mcrehai.'s uaportm- an. I Mipv\hHrex{oi,::iveIy, and tho 1;-lu>;iaon pio>ocuti!.- tho'lislii.ries with ener-y Mid sne.v-s. L:-t US first look at Cieat ^ Idact i.ti.i. CMioo t'o' capital <>f Svwioxw i li,^ w;s v.hrrc Ihe tra^:o roi'it .--eale. and lis!i(M-ie.s woro (iioe oonooctK. .■!• a , _ doekva.rd in ^^h;.•l^ vi-. oh. ot Iar-i> f-i ru- |-o \vas a nocKNa.i' ]1:il^c \\i'i e ballt ; and the [-e.^plo (■It iiif.'i to ,ind iiidi'peiident. At pr> -oiit it i- ofenirvlor Nova S.-rtia oialt. ;,nd tlio iaian,-. c . ..'i'l'' p i ./ ri, .1 on 1.V tlioso.togd!.cr Willi u e-mail coa^fin;^tra|lo. JMill thnt" now remain:? of the cxtciidivo tn-lr ihat onco tlii-I^cil ill ilii^^ jil;u'',\ ^ ^V.. com.' nrxt to LuWo I'hc.'Uf.a. NviiL'ru_ t hrvo was rU,cn u^;'^ afloat extcn on »"y;;"\ :,,, ^t Alai-v's. where tI»ov sent a uuml-er 'l-n^'oWK Tbe^Kn.ityof [no'llouso of the head of tl.o establislunent ,s all .h.u ^'TSreuhlanaandMevoshccu Ihevo were tw. ,ner a i 0 establishments, which have smee dechned It Olerin business was carried on by the firm o I ^r^KiKU uit- ^>me Uha^al^rTshared the eommon fate, and a smaU u with Halithx is all that Oderni can now boa. oL "'^^;o eome to 13nrin,-ti>at celebmted harbor r \\a^ .,nd shiPPin-. where the last mentioned in-s ire in ruin- The houso of I all cV LO. stiu il vdns an is 1 mav sav. the only importins =md ex- ;wlins^ mercantile- establishment in Placent.a and ... ''^:S"st I^u-rrcnce, Messrs. N f:wm an c^ Co earned on .. l,ro-o trade, which they liavc ?inee abandoned. ;°Fo tune Bav the houses of NkwmaNcV Co. and \,roii F & Co. 1 avc greatly eurtaded then- bnsnie» 'del; they fornK.rly carried on to ^n almost unnmcd .>v'ent Nr.wMAXctCo. have closed their :,;,ont at Little Hay, and their business is now chiefly rnn'med to a barter trade. Th"'e pro some of the principal mstanees of the •neat falling olT of the trade of the colony. I con U n 01 tion se^ral others, but 1 consner tl-e ^^^ ; rosliowhowourniorchants have cither totall} failed ui si-hi -lii 1 pi iiii.Moc;, liavu iMllier gi', ■ii up ijc j^icatly cnr- ■:iili;ii ; In'if I'll ~;iliess, in COHSuriUuti'V- m!" tin-. <.|_!-il(lu;il clc- •.•liuc'it t.lii- .-Lil-lishtM-v, But 1 ;i!!i .^ori-\ ■ to suy tii:a tho luercijants me not the only, su fie rurs 'oy this unluitu- iiiite state >)rairairs. Tiie pC')[)lc (.>t' the cuuiitrv liavo cufii'- Id such a state ut' clo.stitiitioii ami \vant, inat it requires nuthiiig that I could say to iapress y(.u juoro Has I'lf'^at ly f(M-cibly with Ihe flietthaii youi- exp-'iieiieo Auieial;ei I'or J'oole, in a speech u.^adu in the LloUsiO orConiiiioiis said, that if something '.'us not done for Newfouiidla.nd, it would go to tho dogs.7 The houso in a roar of laughter. His speech \vas made. ;ui ! 110 lurthcr notice was taken of it. Odicrs who. pi'- bably, look tlic same basis for tlieir calculations, liti\o made similar j)rophecie3 ; and T regret to say that in most instances, whcu the country ■was in a prosperon-. condition, and things looked pleasant, those propli. - cies have been treated with an cijual amount of con- tempt,— and no more notice taken of tlium. IJut how ]iave these predictions been fulfilled ? Let us loolr at the former condition of the country, — a land t!in;. figuratively speaking, " flowed with milk and honey."' or, in other words, abounded with far more useful articles,- — fisli and oil. Every man, woman and child then fared sumpiu- ously, at least as compared with how they now lar... A want of the commo!-, necessaries of lil'c was not then known liy the poorest ii;ha1iitant from one extre- mity of the land to the other. When we contrast this picture of the condition of the peo}>Ie v/ith thai presented by their present condition, the result shov, ^ us how sadly those prophecies have been fullillo!!. IJut I will not trespass on your time and attention 1)_\ roi)eating this oft-told tale of want and misery at j'r.- pcnt perv iding our unfortunate country. Let mo unw ask you to turn your att'Mition to St. Peter's ;-- Id iis take a retrospective glance at the past condition ol tliat little settlement, and contrast it witli i!s present 1 ^ 8 louaitif.n. Up to tho porioil to wluel. I have rcfcn e.!. arvoars.-^Soltl.c Fivnc!. .o>l l.v t!., Kn<,!i-I, M Caj^o St. Ma. y . :u. which were ;.>Lcerlys,.:>-ut .n..' 1-v th- French Uu islicvv t(' carry nn the i' th- K;r.';li-'li. 'A'ith tho 1,. s:..h' to thciii oi old boats '.vhich !-.:ul ti:^ St. ivtcr'. ] Fisiuvy. The '''^'^^;'<^;;;'^^'^;=^)i. „,,,,,.lo" tho i\xAvA P>ank was about 40 or 50, ol '.5M t:.'i:i»0 ton. each. Tho St. Peters Bankers luun- ', .■•n,l -xbt.ut ('^> "V 70. auil wore cliiefsy thc^o old ;;; to whLl> 1 ju^t no.- a!ludoa,--St rotors bomg then htth> better than our outharbor fl^.hin_s Botik- u^uts now aro. The shore Oshory was corned ou m_ J ts or llat-boltoned boats ;-ana St Peter's in itselt nhserabhi h-oking place, (.o was ;i poor u, the siurie i see ,u i.l:>.ee'now, in tho Sprir^ anrl wh; The contrast is as striking as that bct\v UK- past and present cordilion ot New(bu-lkuK: UnVh unfortunately the other way. Wenows.e ' he irrop.rations for' the Bank fisheries c-arried on on : uu.Piificent soulc,-a roadstead with some o( Ba ke'rs anchored at a tin.e :-tho harbor so ful o ^ ippin-, that it is with dimcuity a vessel ol any kur. can -et'to a wlKvn, to d^-schargc or take in. ^\Ve see ;len ling iVnn, onv civ! o the 9 ]\ bc'Cii going u\K >.'0\\TnUn(l!:tl|(l Ni'wriiiiiiiliaiiil liiwl'ui' to til'- iiiln-r ;- soiuu ut llnin lai i \ in- uii 1 ii-i- ncs.-i ;is c-\t>'ii- ivi-Iy :i> any in X'-wi'iivin'],!;!!;!. 'lii.i town is full (.il" .^Ihijis, (^r.umiM'l wiili ;j,outl , "if cverv doiiCriptiun, cliii.fiy Fnncli iuul AnuMicau,-- ihc rwiiin-r l»cing far snjMiior to most ol'tlio Uiiiish guuds unv, iiiiporli'l into XtMvf(jiinillaii'l. 'I'lio sLiXH-ts arc full of Ji.'iii-li siilijects, iiul (■)iily IVoin ihis l,iil also tioiii the nuighliouriiig colonics. ^Villl the latter there is an oxleiisivc trade canicd un, by ihc ii- Mur- tatioii fi\'in colonies of lumber, SL-antling, s|/ar:i, <^c., foi- wliirli tiify give in retiii'u ih'dr I't'onch and. Aiatiii'aii goods. 'J'ho Jieople of Plaetiitia rind J'ur- tnne ]!ays also trade to a gr-Mt cNtinit with th.j Fient h. roceiviiig, in i\durn Wiv the bail sii|i| to them, tlii.ii' sli(i]> goods and jjro\ i.-ions. Tim.-,, it \\ ill he porcivod. that, acroiding as Xc\v- foundlaiid h IS 1>CL n going dovu hill. Si. rcriji ',- Inn and iirogre.-sing in the .-ame latiD tha! has been declining :~aiul aci iding a.s l;as lieon becoming pooler, and our fl.sheries liave be'/n declining, so St. IV-tcr's has fccMi incre;ising in Vt-.dlh, and jnijiulati .n. 'J his being the catiun would naturallv su'-- 'et su[Kilieial nbser\er. -what is tlio cau.^e (U' causi' , pioducing these efl'i't- ? Is thero jHjt some ag. uev \'. hiih, at the '^anu; time it has been bringing abuut the }ire.ent unfortunato condition of Newfoundland, has liecii producing the opp )sito resullsV And i". it not natural to sujipose ilial tho French are eniicliing themselves at nui- expense ? 'J'IkI'' may be soni3 who w.uild atti'iiipt to ilispose of the matter liy a to hiy able in u measure to su.sbun that opinion) tlioro are other causes apparent to >H, nnti ('ver whicli wo 1 ivo soniowhal control, that are natura'ly piodticiny tliest? eflVets. Tho cliief causa, in my opinion, of the falling oR'of I" \ al I iu' • >;iii' I i;a .' tli.- iiii;iii 3 I i !i ! I'l'Oii il;l i-iiiJ:;; tiuMiis, Ives), tvlli-il f'.t; 1 . i> tii,.' It-; \. : ;• t';-' Fioiii'Ii, of (!;•; liuh j\v o'.i t!io Dniiks, }i\o>*. A' \\ ••■'.. i: ' ;.'ii''t, nro in-'inaiiitoi! v.i;'i flip r,ia!cc auil iimiiJirr rf ".v.-rkitij;" tiif I';i!t;;\v : i'lit I'lr tiio,-i-! wIjo are r. 't. i! !r.:V.- !;.it in- c;,! ol" jl:'-;.^ U, ;^m\i' a fort, (>1 ihi.S'jrijii it'll «'{ ill.- Wiiy it is IikuIo liiui Imw it is TI.'i ]>•!l^l^^■. c ■ ti-i-d liv tliL' I'rorK'Ii. coii'^is'.s of a IJM!', :■: littlo ii'.i\c:c-r t!i;ui \vJ!.!i \w ca'i I):uik liii',', or a little j;iia!l(,r t'ia;) r.itliiu.'. To this lino are .itlaclto'l Pimli'M' liu.-.-.i, i^r ?0'1 linos, wliirh aro al>«)ul n v; a 111 i; letip;Ui. a;. 1 soj>ar;^}i''! a liitliMiioro tliau a yanl IVnai oach i^t'ivr. To thcso r. : attoclicl lion!;.-', cil' a poou ?ort, \'. Ii;.:li. I'Oing of a softci' rial.iiai tiian the coiiuiioa fish l;ouk, are iiioro s\;itaMi; IVn- their pur- pose. The I'lilli^w is put into a lioat, < f whlrh every vos^ol has fiiiir vv Ave, an anchor or grapnel, whieji i^ atla'-ia' 1 t ' tii • '.ailfdW , i-.thro',vii overl.oard, aial at, the sanvj ti:;S'' a huoy, with a eoKiu; llyint;, attach- nl to tlio Inilto'.v, is also thrown oxeilioani to mark iho j'la'.'e ".'..v:-,' vw: enJ of llio liiiloov is moori^il. The L'f>at is tli^^n rov/cd away, and the bultow, in lu<^ laeantiiuc, is Lein.i' all paid out, wli. ;i tlie otliei' end is moored an J marked wit'i a buoy in th.o same man- m-r a tlio fir-*. Wlien it is fhr.n:;ht that ih.- Iniltow is pictty well fi-lud, or gencraily oueo a day, tho ll.-lierm.'n t!ii:-n take the rop" whieli n* laches the buoy to tlie bultow. — (Tin's i-opc. wl.ieli is r:i!Ied the buoy- rop-', is about the same longtli as t!ie dei'tboftho pea, so that the Lultow lie^ on lae bcttom.) 'J'iiey tako this rope nn.l r;iisc the biiilo\\ iu the tu]> uf tho Av.ifer, without sfartiii'T the nmorinsr. When tho fish, erni'-'n come to the (Irst hooks, the bultow u hooked I'll along the side of the boat, so that the hooks aro just about the surface of the walei'. Mn'h man has UU own iiumli r of hooks to attend lo. Wl en they 0»>mt: to a ho. k with a fish on it the fish l^ lilted out ol tho water inti< tlie fishiii}; room. Soiin? time.s. when tlie ii !i is very large, a gufl* is used. The woi-ht vl' / V » \ i ill \\ \ • I it, .1; \\1,;. 11 Hii]'- i- \\v.i\\ a- 1 !,;i\0 I ! 1 1 1 ' 1 ill'' • tit iiiti; it:-; ,,i-ui)Ci- sli^lM, Willi a, chvas. on !.u. : tur tl,u miposo. un.l ^^lli.;Il reqnhvrf ^.^\}- a M<.viMn.;i' M tnn an.] tln-wn >> v, ibcun!, an.l tlipy at ..uce i-.^s ca to U,e ii"xl ^' t c ! liool:-', aii^ f-0 om till they h^ivo souo ri-oia uiM of tlu; ImiILmw t,> t!..; -tl.'.!'. Tlio ha.tuw c-ni tla:> b^' kept in l!i_e same I'laeo until i! .i>ocos.-;m N' OOOIiKM ijlUl'.l, (.11!:; o means than by 'a' to iciiiove it, In go to II bett-r [j ^ Tl.cso bulto^v .. lu in- each abont a inilc m Irngta. contain, eaM;, about l,5i)0 to ll,0(m_ b'-.k-^ NM-n „,„,,b,.i. ofthe.c avoset in all (I'lvet.on^, ^,lt!. luni:- fbalte.! books, it will ivti Hicir iuo..l u greater tjuai/Lily .'l i!>h c-:n ■■. -"-o ^ ■• ■ ■' -.linarv incth..'! n(].;pte(l b; olV the bottom, '11- ^!i are nevri', -ji' Very t^el'loni, caii-ht v.iili the hook aial iin.. ; and the bultou' !rcM bin- on the bott.^m, as I havcalreaay shewn, is a certain mea.i> c,l catchiag th^so li^a. 1 bus tlio fi.h caught with the bultow.. arc always tlio birg.'M yroni this ih-'t. an.l the great nunil^.r ot hsl cauglu l,y this ni. :in-, it will at once be ^een the iiununse ,Tof,t -a.imM! bv lisliing in this manner. 1 he .h-truc- lion ol'tlie breeding iidi is therefore, th;' uiost ruin- niltows, willi !, oUB olVeet la-oduced by this system, in. luorcovcr, cxlonding IV.v miles in all duvet ion millions of bailed hooks attach.d tu them, have tnc evil c'art, xvh.-n put out early in the spring, ol stop- .„,■- tho ii-h.nth- r.anks, ulii. h otherwi^se uvuM appn.aeh the shore at tho usual seasons, and bo cali-dit by cur own nshennen, or allowed to spawn. Tho l->cn.dt arc well aware of the f.. t of the ti-li u_: ....,...,.1 ;.. flw.ii- LiooTPs.-* b\ lb' lii'tow: and being -flopped in their piogros.^ 1 llit'ir I'lif MS riii'Iy ;i< jki.-siI' iJaukr- ill tiiiu' til .-li'|i llu: li sliuies ('ii'|i'a\"' ur IP I'itii'iii'c (.'. Ill I'TiIi'i' 1. 1 ,i:t'l t'> tli'^ li tVulii ;i]>[>i-L>;u;!ii!:;j,- niir I have 111") duiilit tliul ino>l dl' vuii arc a\Vii;e ot llio efh'i.'.ts jHL'iiucoil by this ?yt;lo-'\ U \vouM, 1 think, he wiuxMsnnalilo ti« ^-uiipose ttiat any other re- eultci than iho.-t' tiiat I have eouM iknv fioin a ^\-ti'ni such as this is. J will, howcvo'', mon- tion the l'oih)\vinj; ciiiMiinstances in further Fiipport vi this a-^s,>rtiiMi. It is, I have no doubt, -within the ro- (■.iII-Mtiou of many oi' you (say forty years ny;o) that the iishi^ry (if iSt. Jolin's was caiiie fish thus taken Averr much larger than those now caught on thcj f-horc, and similar to those taken by the French ontho Hank-. Till-' fisheiy was carried on in tin' same man- ner, and with like results, out of ever;. liarb(;ur and (live between .'-^t. .lohn's and 'J'repassey. '1 he (Uianti- 1y tlius taken before caplin scull being enual to the quantity taken oi late }ears, in the i-ame ports, for tho whole scasdu. 'J'his (ining ti-hi'iy had been carrit,'d on as far back ns thf oldest, li.-herman then cnuld recollect, and was equally productive every year until abiuit th.e time of the introduction ot tho bultow on the J)anks, about fortv year.s ago ; and siii'-e then there has been a pradu.d filling off evi'iy year, till nov.- there is not a fi-;li to be caught in the oih:ig. It is nut in the qiian-, titv cnh tint t!io loss f,f the (dliiig flluiy is ielt. Tho (piality of t'li' l.^'u caught in thr idling was supeiior to any nmv I'aught on the shore, .\nother advan- tage of tho oiling fishi ;iy was that we were enabled to .•^erid thiiusand.s of qtl>. <){ li~li tn maikrt at least a fortin'glii e.irlit'r tleoi w.- now can; and consequently it, f»'tehed amu 'h highn price, as the firhl fish i.- gciiC' s (ri v.'iiiy rnii-i.l^^rc.'i ihc lies'; mul I'h-if was ;il\\ ,i\ > ?<' ccintentioii bct'A'Cn our ind'ciiuiils to ;ro wliu i.-imld j'.ut their li-h "H" fii.-.f. In a-Iiiltion to tiii.s, tliei'c, wcro liumlrcils of liikii;-^ cif f^iv.nitl-, ainl t<'tiauo;( cxjKirteil annually, which vc ha^u also Ki.^t, 1-y the failuro f)!' tho (ifling fishery. 'J"he failure ol ihe fishery ii\ the oflin^, where fi?h were cauglit :r;iiiiil;'.r to those now caught on the Banks, and which, no doubt, used to strike in I'roni the Banks, is a striking proof that the buitow,- when used on the Banks, lias the elTecL . Thus I have endeavoured to siiewsomo of the most ruinous cfleets jn-oduced by this uuf'tii- niRtlud of catchii.g fish. It >tops the j^rogress of the nsli on the Banks, and by this means a much greater quantity of fish is rauglit than by our method ; — and, worse than all, the breeding-fisli are destroyed,-- \vhieh otherwise would not be tiiken, and v.-ould niultij^Iy in numiiers. This is a serious matbjr, JiUd one \vhich demands onv gravest consideration. It rstrue that ■""cannot in- terfere with the French in tl '.'ir nietho 1 ofcat'diing fish, as tliey have a right to fi.-h as they please ; but it would inalce rio ditference to us wliat liieaiis they uso to catch lish, when there is no fisli f.r them to catch. f\*e may laugh at their bultows, or any other ap{):iratus they may have for catching f;di, when we know that the li.-h they e.\jiei.'t ti) ealih are already on our ov.-n shore's. We have the means in orr power (it' jiormitted to !;-;•.> theml of producing this mo:-L beneficial e(fei;t. By rit'using them tne bait, or even detaining them a -^hoittiinc widnnit it, which iiii^y have been in ih<' habil of ret'ci\ing from ii- and can- not do witliout, the fish, nnw iletained osi li;e Biiiks by the millions ol baited luixks finm \\i<' bidtow, would come in to our sho>fs, aufl w c v^iuihi again bo t'njoying the plenty we rejoiced in before this .sy.-lcm was introduced, 'i'his will be more (-;i>ily \indrr.-toi' } by observing llio .system udopfcil by the l''rrny are enabhjd to catch a lull trip oiiisii. Th^ fiist vessels loaded, or out of bail, then oonie ou to St. PetyrV, wh.ere they discliar-e their ilsh and talco in a siiflicicnt (iiiantity of caph'u to cateh another cargo. 'J'lius there i.s almost a constant goiii'4 in and out of bankers at St_. Pete/ks, till the end of the caj.lii; scull. _ Tlie stoi)[):og of the supply of tho ciioruious quan- tity of bait whhdi the ]''reiich'rei]uire fur tiieir systeju of fishing on the Panks is, in my oiiirion, the o^h/ 77icans of chocking Ik- rapid t .such means as 1 thought advi>:ible. 1 accordingly KUggestetl that 11 cruiser should be staficyued at l/imalin<> to crui.-e I'Ltv/een rortuMc !»ii.-,el \\i\a, therefore, sent, which, thMti^h I'adly auifed for the puipo. e, was no- vmtholos.N ably ruiuni.iiid- 1 !\ Mr. Ou, b\ whoso / I I' lit. •■.\ a i I I , :i ■ fni, 1 , ■ t ,..,1 1 A i', W. ■:\\ fi ■ )• 1 on ■li o:\[H)i't ar.fv o ii-i ii'ii^M's WL'Ve to !• h:il :is ;;f (ii'.-^i, iji oHbci, :i I'l'Diiiliitioi! fruni expoilin;; thi.- i:!, iVoni i.1'0 tact I'la! llio li.'iit-cu'i'ici's v/ero :iot cor- o'jt'iiiiiii^ a [jri^-i' for t'le bait suflicieuL (u covoi I'o-;. per cwL. oi- G-;. j^'.-i' I'lr- cxpoi';:'!. 'i'lio iii,j>i/-itii)n ot tiiis Jiiiv I, f-'tiii til',' Jiity: .•i.; 1 also that tlioi'e was a great ilcLiv in <;;i'it;i-- to t'nj (.aistoir.-liousL' .station- i'or tlio purposo t)rgLttiiig a cloaraiioc. At the cii'1 of about threo Weeks, liowovor, tiic French ofi'crcfl t'uo ctionnous price of H> francs i)or ban'e! fs that the French bankors wei'c .letaine.l three weeks later tlian usuaL They had, as 1 b.ave said, to pay -10 francs per bar'-el *ih this end our ti duties will g'j on deeiining just as U<, or fa-itt-r, than they have liiti)erto, until «! la-*t tiiey v.'ill becouu a t.'td tiilure. 'J'he French thcniSLMves are awar(> of (he I'vil e.iiiM' puMieor* ivccru- ing to th"m by siudi a pr.a-eediiig ; and hence it wa.-> lln.t alter l!ie \ ear I uavo lueutioiied thev, becoming \ \ lii'V >ln.u!it lose llir b;iir, fitVurOil 0 11 r ii-oui;!i Mr. ()i:i:, whu was in CMininaml ■ilarui'Ml l(-t \\'.c\ Covcrurn'-n ofllie cnii-cr, tlio ononnons sum of XoUOO per un- niiiii, mor.'lv to be uUowed to buy bnit from our fisli- criueu without obstruction.— tliy.s shewing the value thev set u}ion it. It is iini^ossible to s.\y to w.iat nniount this ofVer would have been increased, had it been insisted on; for 1 think the Freneli would pay nnv amount rather than be deprived of this inaispeu- pablo r.iticle. The Freneli thomfelves acknowledge the Banks to he an inexhaustible treasury, the key to which is our bait ; and it i< only in proportion to the bait we give them that thev can procure the fish from tho Banks. _ Tt has l«een"argu*^l by some that they can got their bait, i.e. herring? at St.'Oeorge's Bay. This I admit; but in doing so thev would not be able to get to the Banks witir the bait till a month kuer than usual, ■when thev v/ould iind that, like tiic year I have men- tioned, the fish' wo'ild be left the Banks and their bait would' be of no use to them. Supposing, however, for ar' unicnt sake, that the fish Lad not Irft the Banks when'thfv arrived tlicre. the t^me they would get there would be just about the same period that m.ost of them now leave with t'leir first trip, so that they would be able to make but one trip for tho season. \nother disadvantage to them would be that at tho time of their arrival on the Banks tho herring would be out ol snasoii, it being t!ien about tho commence- juent of the raplin seull. and in all probability t!;6 tish would lint take the bait at all ; in which case thfir fishery wuu'd be a total failure. It has also been said that if we ^tof. tho bait they can get mackerel m Kn.-land herring in Seothui.'. sanlines in France, or .clams in Aiiierica. K\en so, that would only have tho flleet of sto|.ping the f.idi on the Ikuiks early in the ppring, until t'.io usual time of rcet'lving our trrsla lu-nlng; or. at furt' e^, it would only enable th.> .i to mahi' one trip. Th^ii, if we don't give tiiem caphi,, Ivw iwe thev to umko the second trip" -Nnd to thud: / I l^^ ! i *_ I \ '\ IT Ol ralc'iili;'; li-'i ill cMlilin Seilll on lllSty luacl"!"! ;i!i:l li'_Miiiig, v.DiiKl lie iiiMilii'-ss. 'i'liiis Li.u (iiU'-tiDii is f^ettliii,— ti;oy cannot do wit'ioiil, cmr licn-ing uaiK' in l!io .> ouj^lit to liavc in vi(j\v, (or rutiicr ou^^iit to liuvc had in view some thirty (jr luity yi.^ir.s ago) is to sto]) tlic siii>i>!y of l;errin<^-, irfM.-.-iMo, vc-ry early in t!ie sprini^' ; by doing so tiic fisli would fctriko in, and tho caj)lin, even iftakoii to tho IJanks, woidd be of no use, as in the }ear IS-IG, wiiicli 1 have relui'red to, wIilmi tlie French caught little more than onougli lish to pay lor the bait. It is also essentially neces.-aiy that tin's baitdianling praetico should l.>e put an cm] to, even it it v>as n^it the cause of the evil rosidts 1 have spoken ol', for another important consideration,— -that liy this means the baiting-places in many parts ol' the island have been, and :ire being, either totally drained of the Iiait or else arc very sensibly decreasing. Every yeai, in addition t the complaints we hear of there l)eing no fish to catch, we also hear of the scarcity of, and our fishermen are often obliged to "tay on shore idJe, knowing that there is fish outside to be caught, but luifoi'tunately not having the means ol catching it. About foity years ago, about t'le same time as that of the iiuroduetion of the bnltow on the IJanks, b\ the French, there was a baiting-[»lace about St. I'eter's and Mi.juelon e^ual to any in tlie island, 'i'liis sup- jilied the Freiiih \\ith bait, but they riTjuired souiUeh ot it, and incon-eiiurnee of the immense (juantities taken from this plaea'. coupled with the taking of cap- lin so early in the .-pring. the}' had no time' to spawn ; the quantity began to fall oil', and continued to do so every year till, ;it the end id about tv.enty yeai's, there was not a .japliii to be got there. Since that time the French have beiM sup[ili(:!d by our iishermen fiom tnir liaiting-placed. 'J'here \vvi\- but few who engaged in ce.rryin-- (he bait to St. Fetei's at lir.-t, but the .-uei.-i.--; thc\- iiiei with indie'ed other,^ to fviHow \. V I.,- IS .'\.im|MO, :i:i 1 lli' muii'.i T .il" Iku'. (.MiTin's li:is i,i,T^Miii •>■, 111! at liisr tho iiuiMU'T ,.11-m-vl i:i tlii^"t!-;''ii • in F.Mtnii ' aii 1 Pi.i-riitia \'>.\y : i-i iilino-t as ;;-i-o it as that ct tli;; HsIkmihlMi. Thy ((Uaii- litv of bait thii^ taken ironi our l>aitin;-r-l>l:V"Os is t.Mior- i.ious. The iiinn1>.ii- of bankers enga-ed ii\ the Hank iishcry is about iioO, of about ^.lO to .-'.oO tons each. 'rhcsG tike with thcni. for the first trip, on an average of lOil barrels of herring eacl\ : an. I for the sceoiul trip 100 hhds. ot capUn, ciiual to 200 barrels : so that the quantity of bak taken by thesc_ bankers is about 105,000, aii.l the quantity lequireil for t!ie Shore fish- crv'is about .3000 barrels. To these wj may safely a(M 20.000 barrels, being the supposed quantity^ de- stroyed on their way to and at St. Teter's. (Such was'the extent of the destruction of herring and eaplin a few years ago at St. Tcter's, that the Government would allow no more to bo thrown overboard m tho harbour, as tho anchorage of shipping was afVected thereby.) Thus the whole quantity required to sup- 1.1 V the bankers, or lost in doing so, is equal to 1".0,- OOObirrels. The 20,000 barrels thrown overboartl, to which I have alluded, can be accounted for in several wavs. In the first place, it frequently hap- pens that 'when a large haul ir< made there are only one or two boats to take them ; and when these are loaded tho remainder, often several hundred barrels, have to be thrown away. Another frequent occur- rence is, that there arc some 50 or GO vessels loaded with herring either at St. Peter's or on their way there, after the last banker has been supplied ; and there being lu^ sale for them they are either thrown Dverboard or tiiken home for manure. The same ob- servation maybe applied to tho eaplin scull, when an equal (piantity of ca[ilin is destroyed in the same way. J5esides this, it often happens, particularly durmg eaplin srull, that numbers of vessels loaded witu bait are on their way to St. Peter's, when they are metbv adverse winds or delayed by calm weather, m which caso thoy have to thro'w the capliu oveibuard, as the 10 / > '\ If 111 111 il III Wll l,i!.ti ll CMVLIl). iK-tWl'Cll oT ll rt'i' iiiil tci till! fiilruuce o iiiiahiic aiiM 1 OMi it ;mx Cliuil:-, a disditico 1.- a .-iii^u li;iV or --fVcllI tlnMK f li'cinialiiiu liai!'(Ji' i.- a •(.'III in.iliiiii )i' roe' nil 1 slitials ; itisiilo 1)1 ^Villc•ll IS ticf wai'.r, It a:iiii'.allv to tliirf place the caplm re iibuixlaiico than at any otl er place i Ih 111 [icatiM- II tllO \^'c.-tCI!l vfoundlanil. 'J'liis wuuM aji shore, or perhaps in .sev to ho destined by Providence ivs a breedniyplacc Ibr capliii.— tlic rocks and sjioal.s so protectm- tliem ity, ^vl iile that thev lie in deep water in jierfect secun thev have a fine btrand, ui)wards of a nide m lengtii to spawn npon. During tliat reason tins strand iu meriv looked like ubedofsiiawi 1. ^v hile in the deep ■wateV niicrht have been seen tens of thousands oi barrels ol' caplin, w hieh .Avere only disturbed occasi- onal.y when our fishermen reqni red a little tor bait. From the commencemeu t to the close of the caplin ncull, (when the eyes o fthe cai^lin become red, denot-_ no lack of ing the time ot their departure) there wa^ either fish or bait,— it was load and go all the time. "NVhtu the Cruiser was discontinued this little boy became the chief place of resort for the vessels en- gaged in supjilying the French with bait. 'J't'e caphn iio^'sooner a}.proached the shore than tiiey were haul- ed, before tiiey had time to sjiawn ; and the result is, that the place I have described as being, when i)ro- tected, a bed of spawn, has, since then, no mor.- ap- pearance of spawn than the 3Iall in St. John s. Ihe iunacnse quantity of caplin taken to St. Peter s. before allowing them to spawn, has already _ produced its natural and serious consequences —viz., the great scarciK- of bait throughout the length and breadth of the Western thore, so much complained ol the last K'vv- vears. The baiting-placo about St. Petev's, which was as well stocked as any iu the island, was, as T have said, fompletclv ruined'in about 20 years. Since then tln» otlic; ': 1 in 'J" ii . Ill VC V-Cfil't-Hl fidin \vlii(;l: the .■() Ill-ill Uf(_'i'c;.s- aiul I Ii:ivo no U' the > ■ qu;p.;*i iiA)vr: to bai: ill it>. -iivuu;- tlia! iflhi.- (U'croa-^o cuiiimnrs iii .vil;;!ilv iiin>t if the iiu:ucnso ;;il'in'.''-]''a'.'c^ uu hcoii lala II ho I'.iai ncr I Iia\.- 'h ;i i'. :,.^ ratio. !is it iia; . , n :,-. of bait be itil! la.keii, in ten years hence tic ■,:i<.[ tlio W'j:-teru shore wili not have a caphn th.eir liooh-s. Tills evil, wliieh is u serioiis ono_ ; i< also the cause of anotiier. 'i'lio scarcity ol bait tlo-- in(hicecl, and wh.ieh is more ami more :r "'arent and jvlanaing eveiy year, oi)eKitcs ni unot: ^ana naae direct xvay t( cause a s.'arcity ot fish at least on the grounds about tlie baiting-i.Iaees iVoni Avhich the bait is taken. AViien lish ai-proacii the =' • re and find no caplin, they naturall\ move on to another place in order to lind it. Tliis ^va_s cxeiii- i.lil^ol in a. striking manner in the year IbJi, wlien the French, having smarted severely by tlie means tiscd bv the r.ritish' government the year ])revious, m kccpin"- them without the bait, were out t.. fct. 1 eter rf much earlier than usual. The r,ritisb made great cllort- to supply thoni with liait before the arrival o the Crui-er, which thev expected from .^t. John s, and uliieh did not arrive till much later tlian the year before. Bv this means the French were enabled to get to the "r.anks as early as usual. The conse-iucncc was, tie French fishery that year exceeded that ol former vears, and the fishery of Nowioundhuid was ahiK-ia total failure, with the exception, however, ol Lamaline. where the Criiiscr was stationed to protect the caplin. and wliero an unusually large cr/ di was mad.^: while olV the adjoining harbours, ircm wnenco the caplin had been taken, iiardly a lisli was to bo caught. But, here, it may naturally be askcil,— Jt this be the ca-o, and the people are thus seeing their incan^ of subsistence taken from them, how is it that there i- not more said ?— and huw is it that this mon- fcuous evil is allowed to continue, and no reiuesenta- tion ir,:ide rvbout it? This may be answered m this wav :— The 'diiof place of iv.-'K for ihe bait-carricrs. * r \li ■M m r ' > HI n S I 21 ill giltinp; tli'-ir rn;pb' Tt tii'^ Vionc!., i> ;ii-n\it, l/nua- liiic. 'I'hi- liciiiu- llic l''-t I'ui-iii-- |jl»r.' irniii tliut Wrsl wiinl. l!n> li.-Iuiiir ii IVmi-i I'ortiuio MU'l lloniiil- iiii;o r.n.vs, iuid 'it!',' !■ pLivVs \V.; -! \v,;v!. rc-ort licrc il'uriii-" tlic li>hiii;' -'■;:i^iiii, aii'l tli-j." <-hIc!i ill" lar-L'.it portion ol' ir.e vc.yfiL':i:. '\'lu> \ !-■-■'-' l",-'i;:;': .-nM ■]in."Ity well st'j'-l:i;'l v/i-Ji Ciipliii tho fi.sliOMn'jn pon.;ia!- Iv ^-ut ii'jiirly cnou-'i IVu- llicir cwii u.-;.'. auil w'hi'U tlicy arc luiablo in [hmchi'o it t;i'-> ;^-- ycnf, tri;-tiau- t.i cliaii'/o t^i got tiicir su])pl\ (.if halt : aiul so l";i.,' a^ tli' y -lac'ca in cloiiii:'- tlii.-^, tiicv will \\('i (hiak it w^atli while to iiiakf any stir in tin: iaatter. Aii"tacr oau-o tu w inch tlio i-ilcncc of the ii-inniu'U "ii ihi,- laattLi' laay ho atlrihutod is, tliat the lishin- ahioat La!,i.i!iia;, where this baiting-}>lacc is. h;;s contiiuiol to ihiivc v\..ry u], yoar, while the other I'arls ot' tii-j i.-Ia/a^l iiavo aliiaisr totally fjiiled, — from ilic oircii!ii.--t;-.i)ee tlie lith are generally titop'v'l in their nsiutl \\'es|\-,aril euiirs.' by t'lo quantity ot Lait they liinl lid-.,', anl also l>y the large nuinl.icr of nshcrrnon alwa.y- eii_aj.eil heie, and who arc continually lhro^villL: hail overhe;;;.]. The number of iar-o boats that o.'iao to I.aiirdine from the {ilaces 1 have mentioned i^ al i 'i;t ■' '^h I '' tin's place bo do.rtroyed (aadi it canial hold out long, as th(.' fisli iiui-t. a- a coii.-e^inonce, follow the baitj the serious (inostion t'-en pro.-onts ii-ell'. - Where are die laigi: number of li-!iona n, w lo' d 'livi^ their subbi.stencc iruiii this plaee. te ^i' to. to !oo!; for tlieir sujiport ? 'I'hc tiuo^lioii is lar n;oic easil\ asketanco that i'ii,i:ht t" receive our consideration is, that (he oilci- kiiid> et bait, of wliieji we ''ormoily had p'I'.'ii!_\ . hi\c ak-o Iiecn rjecliniti.u. .Sonio oO ''X K' " car.s n;'" v\o had dani'luicr "firaek- X 22 Orel oil our coa^t,— now V\cvc i> nunc lo lie iaiis;!it except oil ihf Labiiidui-. 'I'lie bill ii.-li, t to shew another of the benelits derived from the Cruiser having been stationed on tlio_ coast. 'J'hus. out of live dill'erent kinds of bait ^vhich We could formerly calculate upon getting at the dill'erent seasons of the year, wc now have only two ui)on which we can at all relv - ■ .iz., herring and U). Taking all tlicso things into consideration, it will be obvious to every one how inipen'.tive it is upon us to use every means in our power to protect those indisp. nsabic articles, and to put a stop to those mea- sures by wliicli our chief suj.port, the fisheries, are being so seriou-ly anbcteil. I have, 1 ii!ii afraid, ueai-ied ycui with this recapitu- lation of the can OS whieli operate against our staple article. You \\i!I intiirally be of opinion, ho^vever, that these are sufiicient to ellect the most disasti'ous results, without any help IVom other sources. It is a lamentable tact, moreover, and a ?ul)iect of sad reflec- tion to our fishernien, that our chief de|^cndai;':e is uttac'.ccMl on nil .-idi's ly enemies as maiiifold and dif- ferent in tlieir nature a-: they are destructive in their elfects. In leeil 1 think it would I'c hard to find any other creature v.lioce very existence is thieatcnod by •2;' ,.,,;.,l>!!iiti-'!' "'' "•'''' •a, lis- infill'"'' '•••^ i^* •■'^>^' .1 1.. .» I,, , .lit ii 1 li'( I <- M-^-^ "" ' . II- _ il ,,., ,,iKvs i.ouesl i.shMMno . :^^^^;,,^ -,.,;„, {he.u^.lve., tati.>.. inu.iujvcortam m:-A>^i^' en ^^^^^^^ ^^. t.t.Uy v.,.u-aie^s ot t - . - ,^ '';^,;eet. ta.y .ro do- t,„.v a.cnu'l.^l' tlii . t''^'\ ,^"' ,^,,,,, . of .uUi.tenee. l''-'''-"''7^1:""aS>e;-n::u.ofanyexrH.i.^ Tlu-iv !.■ nut, 1 f^^Pl" '• ■' u„„,,. th;xt t:.c use of tlie ii.rls the r.i-eait-siac o( h - .icyouui ,|,, .^ ,i„.le.,:Ui.llo.s every yoHV Tliis is •-•'■•-^^''^'"'•'''''''^'' vVuon-,, ami vet we find - that '^/^'"^^^^^'^ J;'tl jl brea.l in the san.e who are too ''^^^'/'Y. t u 1 luu-.I-Viuikin;,^ noi-h- n,:u,ner as their "^^^'c;'^ '^^^ho ate at whid. they l.ours or are not cout.nt ; ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^Iv discrcdit- .ue nilin^Mhc.r purses, o. '^^ ^'^ ;^,; , Su;: nelarious ^^,,^, ,.,.,^,,„, ,„,iple >';^\^' . ,^„,„oditv,ai:lthu. nu.thod ofdestrowi.^ "'' ^n xih v in ^vorh.,^ out ,,,,a>oinga,n.therpowe,tula M^^^^^^^^^^^ U,.unlortuMntestateofouroa,nh . ^^^^^,_^^^,^^^ Tho 1^''^"^1\^^-1'«'^'-^' ^thAr^vn shore, as veli a. within three 1^--'^^'\':V*' V . to voars, have at- son^eof onr oun '^ 'e'^;:-:''! . maline audthe aMJoin- ten.pted to u u. the ^>^ll\^^\:^,\ ■,'.'.' . ,,,otosted a-uu.t i,.,i.arho,s;lmtourfi^he.. -M^^ it, knowni- n-ht ^^^' /"; .,n,l that n- Csh can bo efTuet the bnltows w-M.d 'p*^;'; \ ; ^ ,„„d ^vhoro caught .Uh ;l- ;- ; -^, ^ ;, ilorelb.^, do not he.i- tliey are used. Oui li>'»^>""- ' . ., tohe|>thoni- K-0, .0.1... "-'■;, -'^.Y^vo, I,oivcvcr,..uc. tliBin. !-<•""■ ."I ,"» , '.' ,. ..fill.,- IS^iv, l>y mnsl.-:i:ii; ^ strong f,.vc= 7\'°fr;"f,,^"„":-: ol-.w to ,.revo„t \ ^. \ •_'l la uiiu-r 1, u liiU'l' ;iii' •iiii croJi!' iiiionin .1 it i> to t'li; .iLLf 111 the (lotenninati It ut" tlir .-.iHiu' [uirl •this systiMii tu a um.'li gro;iter extent liiis wiutei- — aii> accoiiijilish the ~ainc purpose at aiiiaiiuo next siininKM-, Now, F.ainalin.', a- I have ^aid. was the only part of llie country where tlie iisliery had nut Tailed, to a eertain extent, la-t season. '1 iii? has, thcrelore, l»eeii the cau-o uf seiiiiii^ a|)i>rehoiisii.iiis en the pait, not only of'the llsheiiiKMi of Lanialine, but also of the lariio niiiiibeia wliu eunie lieie from other ports, and to indulLre in tlnMr wontt'd boast of had I lo iK'ee: .itv, It •11 •nee nd that thev a!>o will have to bi an neii: ass ist- intdinlcd in the li-( of recipi'Mits of CJoverm ance. 1 am i\lni'tant to miki' this prediction, but a sli-ht obsurvati. , only of the resiills alieady accru- iii!!: from this svstem Avill not admit of my coming to any other conclusion. "Then; i^ another soure(> of annoyance and our patient lishcrimn, ami one which ouglit certainly 'ij \]VV \o to li(> rcmovcii I; — 1 mean the cJicronchmcnts (d" tl Klc!|.-h ,'1 I ( an r li-liHig grtMiiK , lit-reb i ling groum an\' III tl le i>l MK iboui St. IVtor's nK jnotluctivo as ill con.*CfiU': rice, however, of llio bait having been taken nway in the manner de?cribcd, and from tho circumstance of the French splitting their fish on tho gronnd wlicre it in caught, (which Ins a great tend- K ( ' \ . f ;i. \- |i] .-[),. il ;i (i ;i: l.i-( bii;u iiltoL'ftner (It'Struycd, ainl ll,.- !''■ m; -m !i;i\i; siiu'i; 1 rill u< fling !lie l;irgt'>t portimi nfturii' vw_v;i-i! fVcia I'Ui' l']ii;;Ii>li groumls, ^u that i)f IhIl' vcirs llio \\'c. <-\ine rn'l Ihi'i!!- i\es to our rcsoi-vcd Lail, v/liicli we, in Western j>l)i'a?co!ogy, tcrni " coeks nu'l liens.'' (|ti-. ;uinn 1h-1|) our AVli'i • engagei! in tliis business tlioro uit'ii uiisc?; r\not!icr evil, and uveiy crying one, esjiccially aniong f>ur voung men. that tbey carry otl' nunilieis i.t uiir fair iluighteis, whom lI:Ly itieeL wliii in thi.-ir uigging cceaiial inns. It is tru'o that for ni:.ny year.-^ th -re ]i;v^- i'Oimi a inan- (if-war, or nl least, a I'oal's crew. st.itioiieil on dilYerent j'arl^ of the coast to prevent these encn.aehnic-nts ; — liut this h.ns been dono. more for the name of th.o thin-. 1 think, than ironi any goo.l ih;'t l;a^ (-ver resulted from it. I>i-i'h'S there are many^ to vhieh this want of vigilance on the \>:.vt oi'tlie Britisli oflie.r may be atlributei!,— some of wh.yh archest known to th.-m-olves in tln.'ir jiri\.tte in-;iaet:enymi>ath\ than in;,ny are r.ware ..f. The French are a vei-v gcnerou«« tiiidho-iata'ole |..-Mple, csjK'cially t>> ibiti^h nllieials of rvc.-V deens that wiien Fn-ich cruft aro cn-'iK-ed in their illicit prnciice on ^:--o|-|;:' :^"';;"-/'^'A':.^ Uilijili'- or t; "\' SH -''l •.-3 f' . o:iK oftl t)l;i: n- tv V'.\>d •-•-'■"iiioiit i- II I'ceui » u t,l|: t'-UeJ oC I'.irl at '"■'I'U U/»0H fit Jai-. — '-"^•luc'ij \r!,o j iv Hi I *"'i u- aij 1 I '■•lIlK'iit tVoi laviii; KM- Olli 10 (.U \ i ut ^ *^"OU'jn-- ],-(^tj "MM'y •■^itiiaf '."» -l Sllliil.i,- CMit C.Ul t SCO II '(? 'Speaker ^' coiivei\-;a( '<"i \va.s \\\ ni- f I'- ll .-J - lOl), tii fort.- tr so -«.'■. sp„,i,-;^;;''7rH^, "■'^■fii/ios 1 'J^'i'^Us, I " f'iO cxt ''^'■^ ii"t indul y, I ;^'i' n\ (I Can sec t tiiat \iri you wo. <^v le ""I- /I'/on.J. at r.'l t Be; t> I III ii;j> ill nil tiiat V'! ^:ce:i ar some uij/;,,-! '^:"t.'.v ncuto t ^•J'ea(iire-c„n,. <-'t'J'tJoiiaie jiot ^vise. h I. ise.- ""■ito Fiviici :;,:^'r'^'^^''"^^o«tiuub "",'111, wlio "^^' tile ciWj.ii -'^'V'^' i.'oubtfui ^;,"'« '.^f;.mv „,,;;; ™,.^?" wav J.o «»^vm;f.sMoofnieb '%^<'"o''t. Tin-.s I; »oini(|, io es- or otlicr- oiiiid, ff'-l^'^r-'H- gcf. tfie { ii\- \v\. ii;< t t/io ], dutv '-' <-oiiv!iice J '•-' i.'iui'e (1 i-'.>t o/'tl 0!ir "Ji-o, f|,e '<-'i"o: iia/f. 0/fj( lan '-^'0" of the J! "■•^ 0/)ji ' JiaKc ;;;^;;^N,:;eMt,ashos.ld '"eiit tliat 1 'M ntLsij oOI s I leicjiro (,) tl uid u- Stated in "^0 corno " Us li • iniuji' "' f'l'iiin^iis I '."-■•''. ^vlii/e t, K'V ^•M^rcssed. I"i - 1- nriotJier I, I'usirion i„ uiiioh Uo o n.jfjeo ii g to Lrin- uiid 1 J- IV tni- '■a!i:-Ii c^^ i'lil an J '■'•y-'iir ol niir H- !1CI "■'•lure, and >■:■•■•.'" c«,i.i,i,,'':.''r",''''"-.;>"'''i.-.t y that I oniif. >vliir|, J now IX, our 'CCTjtia L' ^y^, Here in tLo hab o»,?u)- to ]• It of g'-^u- to f'> use uf]ierr;i)-s(jiiu,vs froiu tlio I,-i-t „f0.f oi-lo lliu last or. May, (alu.uL lavo wliioh tunc lluj I -euoiMily spau-nlul.) 7b yvrcr,.:,*/ t/ic u-.c of toanu timcshoit of the smlI period, i::,>:dJ ] tiic inoat Cf/ec(i(ul i.i parties that have b( 0- sei/iis cun.sittcr.Oi: can.-i^ possible of scrcimj (he cod and hi IP ore luij to our ci Fr '"/ /i.^h 'cn indrunieidid i vet y eru'-s to what Ihc/j no n reaacuuj our am. ai(|ueiicos rcsulliii; siicriL': oncii witli ait loiiiir 6(.) tLi s ovL'uiiiLr. ton but t 'V I, • vsi;|)j.iyin^ line will not aduiii of ti 10 uw umg to prutluoo tl tl nil iC'fe are otluT causes 10 results we aio i mg,— one ol" them is the use of cod-seii Kaiuo ground, where the hook and 1 liie cllects i»roduced bv tl testify to. I 1 low les arneiiL- 10 on tl ino aie used, lis pnietiee, I can myself lave oJten observed upwards of tl hundred punts togetl "lo morning, the 'fishermen catehing"]]sh as^la^t tl tl ler on the sai lev could li lul tl ekiir makes its app lemm; w.ien presently a cod-sei ireo ae ground, early in as no describe t! earanee. 1 \yill not atlc 10 ve.\atnjn ol tho.-c hundre.Js ot fisl como si2,lit nt this most unwel niciice to talk to each otl of th -thev at 01. iil)t to lern.en ee Com- ic cause ot their annoyance, and 1 lor ni not very mild term.s eomotl 0 may as well nisli by aynu give up our .s[jert for to-dav imgof the sort. A very short time are riLrlu 'J'l they ehoot the seine, and at tl le si Lilf or shows that comos alongside, the men tlie d owser, stones. A'c., into th le sanii.' time begin to thr the fish inttj tl th seme. Whether they d e water, to fri:rhl ow ey invariably frighten the ii.- o so or not, and hundreds of poor iishermen, who 1 111 the full c.\peetati(m of loadiii"- their 1 olf t)f the ground. mortification of th .'eing the fi>h dariii •egan the day punts, have the ig away before cir eyes ;— their expectations are thereby fru^traLed and they are obliged to haul and thus o vere lik< Iv to be fav npan I leave tin :':r()uiid no of the few days guod lishiug \vliirh tl oured with for tl X'remonii.ujly taken from the ev (' sra.-.nn I- uii- 111 ptns that \n the voiy seiu- whicli 1 \\liile J' (dt"n hap la.^ cau-t.(l ai tiiKi / P r.iv>cl;iof, uo! a quir.;;i! of i' is ulc^n -,^- l:ikc". ill ' lili;^- ivre foiitiiiu n'lii arc .<;rii' riilly rri<> c« 'I-.-'^i.ios is, l!i;ii. tlio tl-^h. liy being tliiuv.u, v. iijlsilli* qni'lMv .)!■ llioso tliut ;i saved is -rjicialh; iiilcri^.V to lii'it oiiu-'it wit'i llij hook aii-l liuo. Ii i.^. cci! ii-.i!/!.;l!i;:t Ihis in--Lhua of .-at-Ian- tish .luui!.l bo disconliune.]. as liO s-i ious inconvcai.-nce vr.ulu r^- tn!t to those who use it,— at loa:>t as cyni^uv.! wilh- tho general beuelit thus deiivcl. As tho.e ^vho .k..j tho " orl-seine are generally inJ^peuMeut, airl cnulJ vcrv well airur.l tu do wilhout theni,-~L ever have or ewr wdj .trdce .n Ironi tho Banks. In support of the a^:^.;uon 1 i.aNo alrnulv made, that the li.h .?o stril<^ m. n.^ato make a few ob:^.:-vaiion. althcugh por'mps ut the :.-L oft.rin.'someufvuu who are ahvadv convinced ot the fact" In the vear which I have b.iore menf.oneJ ISin, the unusually large ^uantitv o! fI^n caugat all along our .hores did " not furm^h -^'-'^.f-''^^- l/:;';; that tlioso lish camo from the Banks. Ihe Iieud f lerv on the ^>a.>k^^ as before sta eJ, wa. .Mo ul Hare; but in addiuon to tins, the JM. caught ihn v^ w re unnsually large, and of a .hncront sort In^m \h. conunon shore f.h. What w.s .- '<-' siioro. "-' year 1S4S, tl y were Jjank ti su. and nicuiato con- iniaccu.itoniej eoraewhat Prcnt sinniar ) that of t!io J- late wor '4( ■0 prevented i >, "\\lieii, ii-()ja i\'ucli revoJiiti un, Avas «oiuo causu, th '; v.nen tJie sam nal!y j.roduet. Ba nl n.i eh arc I: nee i.s. t ii>h. vo J. are now ilO'.VIt iWU 1 fi ''^-^'lueleu-of this do- U) all our ih]ier lool aiK "^vith tlio French 1 ";o"tn^; Ulhofu-ldrir'i nt OIK ' * banker... A good i,r.,of, ] i'^n caii-ht on our >cin! 'ciir. ot lill 'men as K'oi^nd.s "10 .sed-hnu in tl ^liheren( iioni o tl ur leir i'orward in co :t. Jol in' a Ire a iinection with t eequ ace of the b' i-^'t o' tho^e of the French '^';vover, may he brou-du "^' ohiuo- ii.,he,.v about edfr '-^ io. 8|,ii J^-o, t;-e French bank ';^- in con- oin anehoring on tJie J as early as iLsual,f:-the iitnat prevented the ii,l 10 year tl inotli bef owiiio. I,,, (hi, i;^!,^^^,.^. ^^..j. ler- ei" and nm-r oi"u mentioned (\Sl 1 .-iieee; C<'UM|j;;ium;- piouf is fl leinseive.s J,av observec predicted, uhat in. irr , 1Mb; some of ti,e Freiudi ^ tiiat the li>h had left* tl '1 at .-^t. J'ot 10 J age would b J'lioivs. 'i'l,,. of tliij (Nirrecl 1 UMK ■I'uai'. ■d an 'an! t-'r s so late, > and at ou'jo circiim.Uanee '"""\'IouMhat their V tiie hsh come in ( lie lia t I 1 wlule It .se ivos a,s •y- o our ia\ •^ i^tated, al::o j1 ■I proof lUWi .1 flsl. .U'l tM.-il-!.ul"^>..M.'ii'.^AM,n_, ...... lit 1-- i French. 1-1 .l^o ,n t.. 'i '; ; ^{,.;'V „„;,i, govora- ^- \ V \ ili'V bit iCM\' dl .1. ■it!, tl: it (Mit. ■J' ll e nwiuMJ, ^vlu III It til lie 1 1 U '. > 1 1 (.' I' J s 111, i-|i;Lllt'li;;i-.i lllllii-.lii.'il svilli n in. ii-O li inn !S') t:i;it K.V MO;-t r\ei;v ti-^ii (ti:it. CfosfCH llie gioiin.l. :iit ;i gicMt quaiility. wliil-.' our fniks liavo Tl tlo:a) hc::-ove C'f 1 Jll? rficn, V. biihr.w. fl. Ti Fov[!ir,i •.t ot our months, by a riictliod we disu; o:,e wliicli we caiiuot follow ?"' tliat tlic o[)inioii3 of the fl^lie h ro,:;ard .o tlie cHects of the ll;-0 of tl 10 ic as tliopc ■\vliic!i 1 liave cxpro: I'cv lisiiorv at I3iir;2,e<'> and Lv.l d t oil m IV b 0 s:r. ber 01 t.>: nd tlic smniacr fislicry at Lamal bo ilic sole support of the l:ii-,!;-o n and ino, virii- R( liar adv nun to the \Ve.~;t of Capo Ciiapeau e. 'i.'"-^ tishinp: gromiu at I.ninalino oiTers jic to tl 10 ;\\' C\l- .siiermoJi ; — a lar^o •extent olb'u.k on M-hich In luv tlie bultow. but two iijiles frotn to tiie Shouid .-ato mc :1 c«:;nio.>rtabIe roadstead, and cl crood '^'ijtinc:-))]; ice bm: the Ar.iencans c; iii; y (^lit the tl a Iar;_'-' Minibor of bankers to HAi o neat o oso e coast. f I niii; n our groun'U in the v.-Hitcr. tnere is no doubt tiiat, if tlicv arc all cd tv' d,. tO. "i ow- wiiuer tisMorv wi soo nn dti i.-.t Ol bv t: tin n b iiiir found out the advantat 0 ruiiic( :es 0 nsh lUi mild in tl 1: fiered 10 Ruiniiier. thi.- (-;il '^Vc^tcn: cc cntirelvilo; ining fishiupground along the wholi ^vhicll tliou-ands of fisl lennen are y op-nuig vj anot! ler ono iing. must iiievifably share the samefrtc not r.ioiie by ;;'o doijtruotion ol llie cod-fish, but a!s II' A IVill b: lou- drain on our alreadv ly c:;hau.-tod baiting-j.Iaees. li' the int"r.lioii of nieiic;::!-: ho earned out. as in all probability it e, r.nd that tliia very winter antl next suiuinor. y 0'> '\ 11,; nniabcV of iMiennen who will 1 l,n. he m n'.Ul.K / ■ deprived of thoir only means ol supLMai . i " Anotlior circMuu.tiince, and ;i .mous one lo nm.u .1 / our Wes em fi.iioi.non. i., th.twUhui ho I'-^t ^u c .. . / .nonth. three out of the only .,x sui>i,lyin^ e.tabh^ - \' ineut. hctAveeu St. John's nn.l Cape l..v h:ueh.u Uu-Iv closed up. an,l the l>usn>ess o the .vnumnn , Mn-ee' oroatlv curtailed. Xkwman ct Co. 1k;n e ^in eu up tlH^ir business at IJur^eo and N.coi.i. : ct Co a'o windi.-- up theirs at La and Je ..> lK,,hor. 1" inentiou this circuni.tanro to sR n , ,h.t .Vo.a the present aspeet of our the.o ,norchants must have i^iveu up ^ ' "^1^ .h' , ^^X^ ^. romi.'u- to auv tlunn- but run. it those h.he.u. * were k^ft as they now are.> sueh p.^si^^-^s ,; .ntinuallv before them, the v/onder is that the did not giVe up Thuse merehants, v no he •pcntso^muehofthei. 'Imo and n.onoy n, those pU- COS. have had the be.t op.oortun. .es ol looking' mt. Iho prospects l>efove them: and the o thev have been so long vai.dyeudeayuunng to avoid, vi/' the alnmdonmont of their business al k-e h_. . I would indeed be mad.ness for any merehant to think >f oarrvin^? on bus:.<><-. ^^lli dealers v.ho,e, et >vcrc simihn- to those oi our onee-prosperous h>ho.- aen What prospeets ean br- more gloomy hau tiiOM,- • ;:;^"betore our fishermen 7 Tll-'-^-^Vt.thln" ' the cod-fishery, rapldlv dwn. hn^ '^"""/^.d" hi:^; the wh.desalc dostruetion ot herrm-and ea,'!'.'- •'' ' ;:;^.v year results from the -^^''^ V^ !- , V, ^ - Trench -- t'ac alarming scarcity o( l.ul m tne b,n. n.,- ,1^^-1-tho nu.nb.v ;^f F,eneh lid.ermen l;n-eeutin. \\l fishery on our vcrv shores, taknig, as it were, t!' l;;;ad from oni own fiJu.rnien-s mouths,--and the onl> • fishin- ground, of any con^e luence along t'^' ^\ • ,. , CM .l^nre threatened with the appoaram-e other pro>pect_befurc our fishermen than tin '■m'mi'' rr'''':""'"/^' '''^"' ^"^^ valuable iishing d ice ;'l I •■'^' of decrease in this our chief p>u^ vhc^llV ''' ^'''l''"' ''''^ '^ "'^^"'^'^o h. done to s,' nf o I' 'v '^ '■'^'■^' ^''''' y""'''^ 0"^- fi-l'^nes will net Ml lite to keep our people from starving. nnoth"; '""''f';'^ this subject by merely noticing another powerful auxd.ary in the general work ol X \ / / / .^y V 35 1.' I ii~, II jii lln Ir^tit ill tilt. -.Hi IC, 1 .ci:t tl;<; (•ii':'r(.';u'liiii'.'iit-i ^i' tiio Laii-cai'riers,- -l»jt u^. put ;. ^te'l by ourselves, — iln> hmk and line,— let us keep tho Fieiich. v.ithtlieir ,nll'.>\vs, from our li^iiiiig groun'ls, — and let us put ;; >to;,. to the disgiac.'ful practice of using our jnvaii: M ■ capli'- for laaiiurc,— and, above all tilings, let i.s l.n.hibii the v^c of heiring-soincs until alter tii<: 1.* :• ling sliuU have sitawne'l. When ^vc tiav'> done ;.'! tiii? then, and, I say most eraphatically, /.;;k^ /.■'■/ lh< u. may v.-e rcasonahly expect that '• ProviueLeo will smile upon us,"' and that, in spite of what thoso interested niay nov.- say to the contrarv, our Jisheru s v.ill ag^iih thrive, and our country be saved. " SuccKSs 'JO IHE FisiiEKii:.- :'■ 516 /