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V ^■^'^"'^'^^riVE VAr.L'E OF LARD AND mr rm.''-'^"''''' ^''»'^^RV^ PUBLISHED BY niL LIBRARIAN, i,j,f, COMMimi OP MANAOBMBNT CM iVMidMt or ttw Uaiwaiiy »'>M»««0« W. J. AUSMMR, PfcD. P»»«»o« W. H. Bun. II.A., M.B. I J. J. MAcmmn, B.A., M.B. J. P. McMunuiai, rti.D. 1 0. H. Nmun, fti.D. Pkorancw Gbomm M. Wiiono. M.A. Gmmmtmm^, H. H. LAJieitw, It A. ""'»•• 'f>t. rni »<, "► llflKM.Ii tt « ~MK """»•■*••' XXWI N, I ,.„„ STUDIES ON GROWTH I" «\SI\UI( KM, '" ^"*""«AI.I) HIMCK \lA(VM.r\l. "I'lUli U.x.r^H, II,,., J ^'y, "•'?:": "'"■"■* /""'■•"."" y I<"h„l,.ir,c„lr>„„us,r„. rnarr„t,..,:r',r„n,,. (Hecm-o.lf.,rp„l,l„.,„o„. Vu«„., ;, ,.„n ■ • -I"- lir«t c.ri.rnuniration' „f till, «,.ri,.s „ , "" "''"'i-l with .,',;' ? "' " ''"''''"'" ^"^V ^""il'T ..,, if • •'-'•'.p'-di.;;;;: .jrr'''''rr^ n""--^- ''"- "■""tauMn« l,n.,;.r. ui |,. ^ ;,'^, Z f "'"' ''^""'"'' l''""'l I'v lar.l with ,.,.. " """ '''"••^"•'- '""«.T ,■,.,,1.1 l„. r... '■""' •'"■•' "'Hi l.ut. . 'V""'7 ""•••'''••"• •■•"P'".vinK '""• <'X|H'n..n,v .l..ii.„n.sf rates that ihnr.. ... -i .\s a ,„atl,.r of fac-t in .^v.l ""■''''"/'»'• ""« I'lass of u„rk. '■'"■"f of phv..i,.al ,lcf,.,. 1 ,1 f ,'" '''■'■" '■'■J'"'^^""' <•" ••"- t'- -xp-r „.o,.t. W ;l l'"''''"''"'"''' '"•^"^^' '*"• "'itiation ,.f .'.I ■i 52 Hfiulii'M on (Jrowth III Ml riitK i.uu liml to n c«rMli.imuili..ii <.f tl.o clmt; wlicrfa* u.iu «li<- roliilltlfiti roul.l »». rcm.Mli,.,! witliiMit rlmtitf.. of ,||,.t, If wiTi- iihl,. I.I rrroKnii.. im i,u(„n-. ,\« un .-XHinpl,' „f thir , oil iirfifirial .lirtii frc.|in'ni ly •■..iiimpt nil ..yii ji(fi.<.Tiiiu.fitit w,.r.. inrrii»«l out on .i, ••..fifMinir.K liir.l hh tl... fj.t r.,i„|, ,,ii.| .Iri.-I p,n^.i., y.|inK from tli(> ey.^. i,..,. III..I ,;.rH, |«-i...|i„i' iiii.l l...m<.rrliftK.-»( utuU-r th«. Nkiii of tl... t , whi.h iiiiitl.t !)<• r.'Kar..V.| ,i«K,-,.rlMiiir Tliis t.-riiiiimf|..l f ,i If no .l.anK,. ,.f ,|,..| „,., ..fT.Tt.-.l. Wh,.,. nioint y.-ant wn« .„i Htitiit.-.! for tl... ilrir.1 i.r.'pan.tioii ih.' ral« coiil.l 1... ki-pt foi I h. dayH and u»luiti«| approx.inaf. !v a.tiiit miz.v Aiitolyj!,.,! v, ,.. wns .-fpialh ..m,.i,.nt in tl.w r.-H,Mvt. Similar ■-.■milt, wvrv ..i »aii.<..| on a.l.lifi..n of ..raiiR.. jui,.,. to lli,. .IrinkiiiK wal.r , thoiiKh orai.Kc jui.-.. itwif Iihm nnitht-r urowth-proiiiotinK ,, ,i maintaining pror«'rti.-H, iiiiI.-hh siippI,.tn..nt.Ml l.y ycftHt. Di.'tM in vvlii.l, l.utt.T partially or w|,o!lv n-plarcn lar-i h.s, , sIiKht Mupfnonty ov.-r ttio,... rontaininK lar.l, whirh in ,„,„.• li, ,-, can I... oxplained by tin- unti-forhiitic prop.'rti.-M of tins l.iiit. . It/its ..n yeast an.l l.utt.T .{i.-t^ oft.-n mIh.w tli.. .-v.- aff.'.tioM ,,. »iar.l...l l.y n.o«t of tho inv..» i., I ... .i. "! 64 Mfinlir» on (iniHiti III SSSB-, < K.ii.k,,ndA. II. Mncall,,,,, .•»d 1 *|-l ■ft t ^?i* S.JJS " 4"- -a 4. . •■ 3 ^ » "* o r s C; c 3 S i « '-3 ^ r - ?^ i-c t -5— K '•~-2-C - • "^ j; ; X ^ " ^ 1- s ■" --S „...■- - ; f ^ i; -— - ^ j-» 5 a 7 -_ S 1 1 1 ^^mmmm&M •a -c 66 Studios on Crowth. Ill l>irl^ (dm). C'liHci >^I1K1. Hl.irih I.iinl Suit AK'ir \ I'liHl (ilry) VciiHl (uioi.,!) c()iml to 1. 1. 'J'2 •>•> 10 in M) •J7 .10 •1 •1 .< (i Iliitij •!() Mini ."id. MiiloM. 0 (IS iliiyx Diet U »• 'W " " 4 !<(>-I.V) •• " ,-, l>i>yii. 0 4 S 12 I(i 2() 21 2S 3'2 :w 40 44 48 52 00 00 ft» tw 70 .SI IINI I JO MO l.W Woiiht. tfm 44 SI 00 lot no 1.12 no I.V) lOJ 170 I7;t 177 17S IS2 IS-, ISO IS) 100 201 :.'( '7 2(H> I'l! 102 ■Mi .■iS sr, 100 no 121 1.(7 t.'>0 I.VS 10.1 171 170 ISO isi I'll 170 I.S2 200 20! 2(l.'i 211". 201 20.! 10 27 ;io 0 4 9 ■hi .».i 10 10 20 27 :io 0 ,•10 ■J ■ 1 f .Iry 1 of '.'IHt. 'lo y('a>.l HiitH .">! Mild :,'. Miilrs. 0 ■|2.( tW " •• ,t 00 IIS •' •• I 00 |.-,0 •• .. r. Avcnwf- I") intiik.. |i.T.|;iy coUtrtea 77 I 02 ( 10.) 2 !().■> 7 I to .1 no .j no 0 111 0 100 ;i III (i III :i III 1 o;, 1 1 10 s 101 s 7S,7 o;) II n.-, 0 OS.-, s.-, I) 10.-, 7 70 .1 7.-, s WrIKhl. gm. II 02 72 01 102 no no i:t2 I. IS IW i.-,o 100 io;i 170 170 17S 17.-, 102 ■Mi 200 210 210 221 iim. 10 .-,.-, 0.-, S2 01 100 no 120 I2S I. IS 117 i.->o l.-iO I.VS Hit 10.1 101 107 lo;) 102 I'll) ISO to:) Av..| .,,. f.». I .„. I»r.|, caU SI : 07 . 07 I lOJ J 100 s liKi :; IIMI \ 112 J no _■ II.'. J 1 17 .. Ids I, 120 ; iiiii ., mi; 'I ijii ;■ in; ; Ills , 'M 11 III.; 7 ta-ftT ('■ I'liiik iiiui A. H. .Mi U-Hlluili 57 liirU (dm.). liillllT r;it II) IS III IS \tf:ir \ c'liat (ilrv im.ii»nc(|ii,.i| to; 12 LI) LM 11) ■IS lil SI UN) iL'i) I.V) II) IS I.' I .if 10 IS 1.' :t „f ilry yra^t. KiitH rii ai i| "il. K,.„i:,|,. <)-•"•- lIllVH Dll't I ."..t IW " •• _. Il'.l IIH) " •• .( nil I.V) " " I V\..iKlil l.t l>t XI) 1(K) IIMi ini r.';t i;is 111 111) iir tilt 11)1 nil) 11.' iiii l.T. i.i.-) Ill) l.Vi Av, rinpilailv (mi,! intiiki' •» :i :_' I) SI I :ii ,-) 02 H s.m J)f', iMI -^-^C Cairin Stiirrh MiKtcr I.iir.l Salts Naliro, ....". Veiisi f(lrv) Yeiwt fautol, i!o.l; eciu.d I.. 0 4 8 1-' 16 30 24 28 40 44 48 52 M Hats J7 an- Ki.lnvs Diet 1 I& li'i ' ou 114 64 ll.i 68 Il!t 72 ll!» 76 ll'I. 80 11.'4 84 I'" 88 ll-'S 92 120. 96 128 100 i:iO , 108 IIG vu 124 i:i:> i;i2 i.'io.: I in I2K Avanwe :irrli ""ilfiir liiittcr l/irri Vtfiir S.lltM NilK'U, ... ^'"iMt (drv) Vnist fautnlyzi.rl) pq,,,,] |„ i. >. 'h> <») £i 30 10 10 30 ao 2 1 3 of dry yrntt. KatM 5!» unil IK*. .Mule 0-44 (liiya Ui«t J. 45-64 " "1. I )«>•.. Hnts 61 and 62. Fi-nmloi 0-44 days Dint I. 45-ftl " " .) Wpijhi. 1) ttm 4 s 40 47 1.' .Vt I«i 70 -•O 81 . -'4 !>4 :'.s KMi 114 127..- 1(1 i;i!» .- U IS l.V> Ui7 ".:.> 180 ">fi 102 k) 100 ^' 2o:) AveritKo daily fiKxJ I intake. 31 3-, 42 48 .w ; (iS 7,5 . ; 82 ,■ •to 100 r, m 124 138 IM I. '.7 165 ffm. 6 7 8,2 0 7 II 2 13 8 14 8 16 2 17 2 20.1 20 8 r)«y». 0 4 8 12 16 :'o 24 28 32 36 Avprtfft ilnily food iiiults 1 23.8 40 24 0 44 23 7 48 21.8 52 22.0 56 21 I 60 21.1 U Experiment II. w .s^^^rfn ".'■'-^?''°" "«''^' '" this series wa.. purified bv «.. slung, following the method of MeCollnm and Davis.* In 'M.'ColIu.n. K. v.. and D.uis, M.. ,/. /;,„/. (7,, 101.'), x\iii, L>;ji. T^ m Studios on (Jrovvth. Ill .»n« ,.«,u.r the aujhorn cUm that purification of c„«.in hy ,,..,l :;f::i,',;:;:iLr::i;s:::;rz::::-''^,;;ir l>ietii ((Jm.j. CnM'iit f.MrCollun,;. .Stiir.h . Salt VciiHt (ilry) \owst (moist) p(|im| to iHyt. 0 4 8 12 16 20 34 28 32 40 60 80 100 140 1. ». i. ■■i-2 22 22 10 1 10 10 ■.T Lit 27 .'JO II - ■> '> t) I of .1 (if dry ypa»t. ilr V yciiMt Huts .M anil :s. remalcs. 0- .Wday^Dict 1. 00- 87 " " 2 88-140 " " 3' M gm. 48 67 80 80 00 104 107 100 115 120 140 14-1 i.ii Weinht. S6. 71 S2 01 itO 102 lilt 10t^':^m > '^ ' ' C. Funk and A. H. .Macallum oi UV..H n.o...v..d ..,.«...„ whiH. ha.l l...,.„ au„„.|,u'..l for , Z / n ;;:"! st- ""'^"r *•?'-'"""•"" -"" ''-•- • >•' • ^--ii ' Ml. rutM f,uM to Krow, hut iiftcr 2H .lavs I r,. of fr,.-h »r . JU.CO WHH „,l.i..,I. ,u.,I nonnal growth was r urn •. t Z pro^. , . t hat tho i,„pair..d vah.o of heated n»ei„ i not .1 o ;;:i;-t;!rr "-'- '--— he,o.of.t.a„t- n«yi. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 I. 2 < ii.irin •"inRnr 22 10 30 ■iO 3 3 22 Sfiirrh 10 Ur.l 2!t S,ilt» 30 Agar 3 Yeant (l .' no 3 7s (> IJ)) (1 h(» .t l.'Ul 0 ■tl f. l:l(» n fW.ti i.i; 1 in.) ,K MO 0 1 IIJ 1 IM7 117 II M-. 0 111* s 147.0 12.1 0 SUMM.VUy. A »•«««, Uilyr. IMInki' ~ — tm. 12 4 12 !• 15 tl 11 1 I-) 4 II !l 15 1 118 112 11 2 11 4 ho f ilure of ratH to ^row o„ a lanl ,.„.l ye«st di«t i., parti.lK H . , .„ ,|..volop„,on, of .s,.orl.uti. symptoms. Th J c. M.ll .noro so hy „..,.« „.oist y.-nst ...n.l hutt.-r. ICven in , . '•"t"' .ase the ,..M.t.nK .i,.firi,.n,.i,.s ar,- ,.ot ontin-lv co r "t l"'-if.i.- that y,-a,st on am,„„t of il.s 1,;^!, ,.,„„ent in purin-s •,• fjr.ap« other constituents, is not :uud,.al additiol/ZZ^U .'^r t\l\IU««ll\ Ol litKOMv) MfDIlS I'm --r.M ,'. Ii M Si Kii ~ N'o I rhi >lrii. lull', iiiii i(>-. In llM^ll > .iikI ilcv clupiiK'Ht ot iier\.'-.elU. wuh sp^^,,! uUriTi l- !.■ ih,it niKkiii .om- pi'Uiul-., In I II Si ,M I ,, z,, No -• . i>n !li, .Mi>l,i^\ Hi cu>ii-im>u'.itii.l ,.r^.iiiiMiis, h> \ H, M \. \l I 1 M Ni>. ; I'll'-Li •, .ilu'ris I'll hloi'J [Mi'^siin-. In !\ O (•iiiioii ViV ) I he vlll'ltll^trv >'l ulU 1 l;Iii|.;,|. In ii I, \a«Mi1,I.. u.-, No i I Ik- u'Oiluiii'sliK ol ihi' .'>i.Mn, In \ ll M \. \i i i \i ....•! No. •> I Ik- .li's.rplu'M ,'l I it m iIk- iiiU Mini.-. In i, i: \\ ii son ■> ;, I 111 ili-lr ilni!K>n t.ii, I lik'i ulcs. plu'>nhal plu'>[ihaiv.--., |M(.i>-iiim .inJ iinii III -.111,111.-11 inu-iJc, In ,\) \i |. I M No. H Siirt.Ki- trillion .itij Ml. ll plu-iu>nii-ii.i. In \ I! M \, \i i i \i i, No I i^n tiu- ilixi t iImjIi.'ii .i| p.i' I, c I' i;i,>.>»s No. in; l>ii tlu- I'lolvihlc ii.iliiii- ^.\ ili itll III lill.ll vi-l!s, tv .I--I, tun- pi.Miuiiti^ N. Urowlh III \oiiiij,' .iiiiiiiaN, In C Asimh,- t i nk .,ikI .\ |i|. M \i Mill I lie voinp.iratuc v.iIik- .-t l.iij .iikI InitU'i ui ^-lowlli hv (.'.\-.i\iiu l-'i \ K iikI a Kki > I M \i \i I IM No. I J : I lu- .u luiii ,ii > ,-,ist tt.u ! mils on tlu- ljiou til ol rats, h I' v-niiK I- INK .iiul .\ |ii;i , I \1 \> VI I t \i .\o. I ? -^ IK-U ton. cptlOII ol tlK- ^'li r I. i; iiK-i luiK tKui. In On iliin-i-s 111 i1k- ^;lonn.-Mill iiiul tubiilis ,.l ll. UuliK-'. .1.- oinji.iin 11114 .1. !iM|\ , In I li I .M xi ki \, >KO|i||, ,111 J I J M.r\ itioip- 1 n i!k' J:lt, aJrciialin, |.\ Ikwk .\ I1\i \K1\M\ .iikI I ,.|.. MvI'iiiokan- |-k\,h ^%*ju'.i3; ^