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Lee diagrammea suivants illuatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKXOCOfY RISOIUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) Ih u. Lfi UA ■ 12 Hi |Xo lit 1^ u ■IUI4 1& ■ 2.2 2.0 1.8 ^ APPLIED IIVHGE Ir ^S <653 East Moin StrMt 9^^ fothMter. N*w York U609 USA ^B (716) ♦82 - 0300 - Phcm. ^SB (716) 288 - S989 - Fm (Third Edition) "K nWVMCtOFQMIWf COUHU HORTICULTURE ORCHARD CLEANSING REMEDIES FOR INSECT PESTS AND DISEASES Ir \:^ November, 1908- Inspector of Fruit Pests. PREFACE TO THE THIRD REVISED EDITIO N The first edition of thi. Bulletin, consisting of seven thousand copies, was issued about one year ago. Therewa^ such an unexpected demand for it that a second editL " :: 2 rre'trr; "'"'^"' "-" "'^^ '^ r-roTince. * his issue is now exhausted, and it h«« become necessary to issue another thirty thousand copies as to^r'rllT"""''" "^""^ """"'' ^'•''"•le information ^IT „ ""* ™"<'"«'«d successful experiments stti -d . \ '""■'" (Ltae-Sulphur-Salt), both as an "n m rk^'all of h-f :• ^""^ "-" '^™"' "-•^^ » '"<. cultu^I r '.r' ^"""^ '"'■'"''"' ''°""«y' "' Corvallis Agri- oultura College, a most distinguished «=ienti»t and successful hor icu Iturist, published in the Horticultural Press Zft:! wUh tLT"7T: ""'='' '^ """^ -ecessfully inducted valuable at "." '°'"""" "'^ " "■"^"'"''- -P-^'y deldruL:.-" ^'""^'^ '"'''"'^' ^-'"'' "-'■ "P-ieU.dium Acting on the report of Professor Cordley. some of our growers used the Li--8ulphur solution as a Summer sp" mixtutt flft ""'' ':""" "' *^ """''■'-^'' ^"-"'-'-^ h t * PHEKACE In experiments conducted by this Htiiff, it whh found that by adding six pounds of really fre«h lime to the barrel of dilute Lime-Sulphur «olutioi , that in, three gallonH of the " Rex," " Niagara " or"Pendray" mixtures to the forty-five gallon barrel of water, no injury whatever was done. The lime prevented any scorching of the foliage and fruit. The experiments were conducted in several orchards in the . vicinity of Vancouver and at Kamloops. The effect on both trees and fruit was exceedingly satisfactory. I would, there- fore, recommend fruit growers to conduct such experiments on their own account. Test the solution un one or two trees of different varieties, and if no injury is apparent, the spraying may be done with incalculable benefit to the trees and fruit. Our experiments proved the superiority of the Lime- Sulphur-Salt solution, made according to the formula pub- lisheu In this Bulletin. While it may be troublesome to make, it is certainly safe and satisfactory. While the Lime-Sulphur-Salt solution may be used with advantage as a summer spray, it is not intended to recom- mend it as a complete substitute for Bordeaux Mixture The Winter strength Bordeaux, when carefully made accord- ing to formula, namely, eight pounds of sulphate of Copper to eight pounds of Lime, and applied immediately after being piepared, is still the best remedy for Bark Disease, and the destruction of all fungus spores. This mixture should be applied early in the Fall. In addition to our experiments with the Lime-Sulphur- Salt solution, we have conducted very exhaustive tests with Arsenate of Lead, with most satisfactory results. PRHFAOB - 5 1 can. therefore, safely «,oommend th« invaluable in fruit. "'*' ''*^ ^^^'^ deciduoug 1 the Co November 17th, 1808. •'NTRODUCTIO N TO SPRAYINQ BULLET IN To ihe Fruit Gra^s of BrHish Columbia, GREETING t Columbia fr„^ L bl!° „^ f " """"''' *'"'"'™' B""»h tnken «„„„d place a " ^h-MLT"'- '"" """»'«' "' Our geographical p<«itio„ to the Great Western P™„- Hi..e.,„rr.;:rar::rt::t:r ih-'^^ pa- With Xt 2r.rterr "4r """" "-" -■»■ The market quotations sh w fi.o<. from fifty to one hundred ^rJt^iuT " '^™'""' This advance in nrice» . r ^ ^ ^' •*" '*" y*""- Unfortunately l:r!:„r^'? ■»"'" ^ ^^ «-'"<"- fruit, the necessity of Tkfn^ITr """ ^'" ''^■' '"•<»■»«<' *« of their o Jardst^rhre^r::::; t'rr '■ --" "uftTota^r ""-- -- "- - -C'L^r ,«..- ^ ill The time has arrived |c»r a FORWARD MOVEMENT all alon^ the line of orchard work, so as to bring profit- able fruit-gro^irig Wltiilri the reafeii bf alt a:n'd It the same time maintain a reputation which has cost so much, and is our most valuable asset. This can only be done by immediate and. Mrsev^ring attention being ^iven by all orchardists and ownSs of fruit trees tobruHirii; aiia;spi4!^iig^to witl^^ucli i^einedies :i^ifi''^^'f^!f^^^ whiih haVei^en l^il^ tested not >nly in biirlo^ oth^r coin- FKititivecouhirf^s: "•"•'"•'" ""''^^"' '■ -'* • =^'^ n,.-! n.^,.,,:,. > .r>.L-Jt, hiwibeon thte -wmi.QfLfehe.writer to. avoid allteohni- V oahtie«,^»d to d^serihe.tbefeevei^Lfoarraute in the simplest l« thftt nii8t»lM».iaay,riot .Ui made by persons of ordinary intelliepnoe. aece^cy, however. to follo^out '.S,®,*^®^?'"*'.^*"9? *» the letter. 'iv>.^If ,i«y.fe«lt.fe^^fc^.^^^„^ Wltfe this list of rem«ii^*it -Win be^w th^iine^«.uit g^ower^rftbtttoero are many t^nrirs <'df garden*, aindipld^ts r,^Mb<«e^).to b« «dTis«d in.the«s«of ■j^iiDpie >i*eiDedie^^oo>j -.o'l hmq uon >.,r,v,q d^,ri ^,|,i ^j ^.„,t, ^ The standard sprays for the fruit growers may b^ re 'm^^tn^^m'%o>i:,{ine,>^^l^^y^^^ Salt fbr l^inter • -mtd^kixk mmrWmiiomwim^dkW^frimet, aria At^n- ^'«te of L'ead fBr '»uriiitt«H" WiiH'Wie««f'thi-efe spi^ys the wliijle Titirdf* #fa6tife«sftrt brbhki^ 'i^^Ti^WhaHl^tfUctfoh of prist^'alid '«ifeett8r6^^'Ay-beU6d^i^U*tt«dP '<'««« -ynLlr.* (<, vchH«n-v./t m,1j -Ki ».iThe fl«r$fc«t^p*^»k«» ipAhls cwaipftigii,have been tq sand out through all the fruit growing sections of the Proyipce <>.? ■n INTRODUCTION! L 9 portem annottooing tbat immediate 8t«n. « . w. ^, prune aikd deaiw* tb^ fr-iffT »t«P« »»st be taken to Any, faLe in^^^r/^Tlt ''"TT ^' **^^ P^^^^^^ o#ne^!r P'^^^"^»°"»^fa««*tm,st«lti«iat«l3. f^n ^„ ^he Sbbuia be thbroiiirli- ciif o'lV^oii i. i i , ;• the h&asof the t^eL T^ ^ "^'* "°°'' '° ^ t" "P™ Urge ,i„b, be ve™ d 7^ ^'' '" """'"« °« "» p.i«t.w^:„r;Lirr:''c'rr„r ™r '""' -- portaht' fdf ft iot ArtW *-*„ raoMtare. This 19 most im- every descrinHon ;« *u , , P'^Mnings and trasb of ' ;-i "Tnr^"* 'r'ifeneral use even wh<»w nn 'i„i„i v • are in evidence A trfii •ii" ''1 ■■.. ~ ^ ■'"•'"ect peste ^■■lu, mTJ:',?™'*' a tml will convince anv trmn,... „e -^ " e^t yalus, Salt is recommeided'hycaSe!!^" .f '^- better t» the surtaci of tie tr^V',^Jl%u °'*'?^*''l*^/ when used in white-wash ^ ^ * """* "*™' " n**e^ n^Ade without s^?. ■^.r'^?'™ ^^^ » wiii I'Re second sp^av ^naii 'L' ^i-WA^W^ t.i ' ■ t ; > ii ii 10 INTBOnUCTION took the most talented French experts twenty years' e xperi- menting to determine the value of the Bordeaux. We are mdebted to France for this discovery. It is well known that *pple-tree Anthracnose (bark disease) is a fungus disease that may be cured by the use of the double-strength Bordeaux, when trees are dormant, beginning as soon as leaves have Sulphato of Copper to the barrel of water when trees are dormant, if bark disease is in evidence. For Summer spray the dduto Bordeaux, viz., 4 x 4 x 50, is as strong as should be used. The first spraying in Summer should begin after buds open; the second, after the blossoms fall, and it is always better to add five ounces Paris Green to the barrel of Bor- deaux at the second spraying. This is a protection against Codhng Moth and the lesser Apple Worm, and any other leaf eating msect. Follow the directions carefully in keeping the mixture well agitated. f 6 ^ We now come to the arsenical sprays: the first and most valuable is the Arsenate of Lead. We are indebted to our American frienJs for this invaluable remedy, which may be used almost any strength without the slighest danger to fohage. The writer has used three pounds to the barrel of water with good results. Arrangements have been made with the manufacturers to place a stock of it with Messrs. Brackman & Ker MiUing Co.. at Vancouver. Victoria and r^l 71 '°^^ ^* manufacturers' prices with freight and duty added. ® Use Arsenate just as soon as the blossoms fall, then "^T ^«,n. f '" " "'™'^' "-"^ **'' «"y^ P"°«ng up- ward.; fiU the calyx with the .pray and also cover both frnh and foliage. INTBODUCnoN ™"*- ""d most important, sprayinK should h. ^ • August to oatch the secoud brood of wormT it f, T '" we are Dreoarnd M „„„„ . permitted, unless preparea to open our market to diseased f-.,:* . all parts of the world. We cannot in ? '"" fected fruit from other oounWerLd LTT ''"'"'^ '"■ permit our own diseased fruUto be soU """"' ""« afd shipped to the North-wLt Pro! ' 'T™ ""''''^'• the great inju^ of our rlpullu ""^ """ """'"'"^ *° where"v:rZld"'S:du'r'r?^ "^'^ '""' -■«^— «< -eedingly unplel^^'^t af^Iu 7 ■'''''': T"""- " thefruitgrowertoeompe. hfrn top otJhTs' •""'" '^ U'":h7zt:rofTr;rt°°'rr-'" -^Ue^s eommon to .ortieu^r'^T^t:: '^ ^ Jhanking you in anticipation of your cordial». I am, Your faithful friend, THOxMAS CUNNINGHAM Vancouver, B.C., • ^'^^^'^^^^ ^^'P^^'^^'- of Fruit Pests Novembar, 1908. II /;<»('l>'li|(iMT--.; . fli if; // 'lo |k,o-m! lie, )•»..,;. ,,,i ■' ^^''' '-'it >-...»..r:..M,-,,Kl,h!<-.H.„!. .,i h;,.nr. 'i 7 !|:>- ,■(!•, I '!•»(! H( ''fi Kim Hi ■hii'l Itiiul ' ) '>/ ci/l-jf.jri It! •ii tdiiirf. V/ J. •■^'M I Ij.lHi'i ...if j, llii. !>. rxf (, i Itli'i'l ll">ki;'>^!)l fi ,' f > 1 1 ■ I. iH> /. fxh lil t' III! ij-/; f).n •..■..'} ■ Illi'l'MI .IM'I ' r, !!!( !•>■' (iM . '/< ' i'j'l*^ !»lfl-. ■ viii'vi;.. Mil,! ! ) ,v I i ■l-JoJi •ftc'li'i i <■■ / Ifli' ■.!' to :-l t! ■I " I lit'ii i'iij.iMi'i »>,! • ii''i/!7/ it] y(j(i)i«Mi ■: 'i;f ij ■"! Imj; ' ';ri Mi.M ))!/' "■'■"' '.ji» liM- i f.n 'i\,\ )•''"'- ■'!> •• I'M' } .iiin''! ill 'll ) '■ fair-mind^ Bnf h Co umb,a fruit grower can object to the very moder- ate steps that we are taking for the safety of our orchard, and the protection of really progressive oi^hardist, THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, Inspector. REMEDIES K.o„™™ended by th. Provincial Inspector of Frait P«t, for the Destruction of Insects, Pests and Diseases Winter Sprays to be used only when f h« f Vnw^K^ r. ,^ "^""^ <^*>« '^rees are dormant. Number One solution the best of all WINTER SPRAYS. SPRAY No. t. J^Mer Sp»y for Wooly Aphis ^nd Scte Insects, IncrMlients. Lime, unslacked.. Sulphur (sublimed) f '**^- o„i, '' 20 " Salt, coarse. Water .".'.*.■; ^^ " 50 Imp. gals. Dir«oti»ns. 16 WINTER BEMEDIB8 pounl i\rJe •''" ^"-^-«^-'^- Next place twenty pounds of hme mamsk and pour water enough over it to thorough,, «,k it. Add the ^alt, when dissolved to the lime and sulphur and boil half an hour longer Add «nn. K water to make fifty gallons AddW iT / ^ 130° in the tank ^^ ^ " temperature of Oiroctions for Use. Spray when the trees are dormant «». o ' leaves fRp a«^ • • , *' oormant, or as soon as the leaves fall, and agam ,n the spring before the buds swell A good ^orce-pumpshould be used. Ld care must blZen tt thoroughly cover the infected trees from the ground to the .PS of the shoots with the mixture, which shoZ be el„ etantly stirred when applying. Prj. .?t;.2 Nom-The Lime-Sulphur solntion has a very beneflcl.l effect on tue health of the t^es, it acts as a tiic fattf septac, stimulates growth and clean healthy foHage WINTER RBMBDIB8 SPRAY No. ,^-LYE AND SOAP WASH. Por Winter use onJy, -^ n~ Concentrated Lye Whale Oil Soap ^ ^^' 3 Cj '^ r-^ j^ Water ; Hb. 5 gals. Olrvetlona. tu™ i:7„'z td':""" '•""' ■■" -" -" -tor. The ™i. Nozzle will gi.ethe best rLuir On r'""'"' ^"""o™! " Spring should be made when u.!^ """mences i„ the •»d Xr^, eg^, Thi, is als:«nr'r "'""'^ ^P"'"- moss or lichen from trees and bnshr ^ """' *" "-o- i» ''■eZd~!:;:*\tL:L?so?„r ""^ *- '"*»•«»-"« disintegration of the chem'!l 7 '''^' ""'""'■^« »■» Reappointment and failu™ '"" *" '""'"'• <»"«°8 The use of the Lye-Soap Wash Ar„ .t • -ended for successive spray^ « if h ' " ""' ™°'"- eontraot or bind the bark It .T^ ' tendency to PB.CH. .p„eox o« p.™ ™t ""'r"" '^'' '"' «~. « much superior and safer for the*, ^rft^*;^"""'" ^P^^ In order to prevent ihjuir to th» t ^ . u«ng the corrosive sprays 1^^^ "* °' "■« Pe-^" P ays. ,t IS recommended that or^ina^r i. i 18 WINTER BBME01B8 buckskin or leather gloves be steeped in oil for a few hours then dried, after which they will afford ample protection. BORDEAUX MIXTURE-Double Strength WINTER SPRAY For Care of a// Funffas Dlst^sts, such aj Applt Sc»b, «■' u h8;*. C t* M 9^i^iH .ftg •>«,- »i3| 81 SUMMIR 8PRAY8. ^^ '^P^*^ suck ^Gr..nApSis^^iPUni Lie., SPRAY No. 2. For Aphis Mfid mU PtMtd Lie* Quassia Chips . Whale Oil Soap *'**** Water ""' '^^^' lOOgals. Olrvotlonr m hot or boilinir wat«r • «f ..„.• j . ^***"*^« ^^^ soap «|d h« given good „,„,», .g.i„., otW ftrof "Ind wherever tried, with no injury to foli«re ^T "^ i^^ contact in«K!ticide. ^ "'""toge. Thw „ our be.t SPRAY No. 8.-HELLEBORE Dlr«otions. \>.ZZ T '^"' ^^""^ P-^P- '•''« "»• ounce fresh white hellebore to one gallon of water, steep the hellebo™ in on^ 22 HUMMER BisjluEDIBS pmt of boihng water for one hour, then add the balance of water cold. Hellebore may also be used in the powder form, dusted on the trees or plants treated A machine or powder Kun ,s used for applying hellebore on a large scale, and is very satisfactory. In all cases care should be taken to get tresh hellebore to ensure the best results. WHALE OJL SOAP SOLUTION. Summer Spray for Scale Inseds in the Active Breeding State, Directions. Dissolve one pound of whale oil soap in four gallons hot water, and spray at a temperature of 130 in the tank. SPRAY No. 5.-KEROSENE EMULSION. men Carefully Made is Useful for Scale Insects in the Breeding Stage, F.ant Lice, S^iealy ^gs. Red Spider, Cabbage Worms and Currant Worms, Directions. Hard Soap, shaved fine » Ij, Water ^ . Kerosene o i <2 gals. Dissolve the soap in boiling water, add the kerosene to the boiling suds, then churn with a force pump for a few mmutes until the whole forms a creamy mass, which wiU thicken in to a jelly-like substance on cooling. The emulsion jm^ ,■ m SUMMER HEMEDIE8 23 to ...awe .. per^a.::::' l"^,!:"'- '" ™^^ "-" '' « dimeuU It is advisable, therefore to ,.,. , • hard water b^ adding ,„da or blr """'-• °^'""™ on the Pacific Coast t hi 'r "' " T^'^ '"' t"-" «-■ ""' to foliage i„3o„eei:::ra:::e~^^^^^^^^^^ SPRAY Na 7.-RESIN WASR i^or ^^& and Scale Instcts, Directions. Resin Sal Soda •••4 lbs. 31b8. o. eo;rt:;;:r„: Tirx: tr "" "■- ''- until thoroughly dissolved. whlrTt tin l::rr ^'""'^ -da wiU adhere to the sides o/ tie JeTtW^' '""'"" "craped down. When sufficiently boilt^L ""f ** completely dissolved, add enough wlter to "■""". ^ gallons. After adding the water it I^ K ""''' "'^ g me water it will become thick, but 24 SUMMBB BEMBDIBS after boiling again it becomes thin. The above is ready for immediate use and should be used lukewarm. NoTE.-Resin Soap already prepared for use is made by Pendray & Co., Victoria, B.C. IVORY SOAP WASH For PUni Lic< md Soft Sczte Instds on House Plants, Olrectloits. Dissolve one cake soap, weighing some ten ounces in seven gallons water, and apply with a syringe or spray pump at a temperature of 130 degrees. NoTK-Thi« is a very cheap and simple remedy, eaeUy apphed without danger to the moet delicate plants. rfKiJira'-f A -'•-r* '■'^•M^ / / ■I 'M, SUMMER aJHfBDIES ARSENICAL 8PRAYS.-80MWER. 26 For Co4Un, Jm ^ A^. v^^ ^^ ^_^ ARSENATE OF LEAD. This invaluable rema^ir !. t superior to aU other Tr^t^M ""*'" ""^""very. and is Codling Moth. aU tpi^wr' '^r""^ '"' »P".yin« against P-U«™. ana insect. ^ eltX.'trorie" ""• '^"''^- that the calyx cup ia full and al7 ^ '"""' ^''"- ^ completely coverL wi!h The tiyTe''™" :""""""«' '» -oe to the .™it ;it;:::^::^rthr:s„r -•- Oir«ctions. e-e "™ 'r: "ri^T'" °' ^^^ --'«" «— m with the water, whfchfi " ^i:" tr'™t"' "^^^'-^ xir-jr - «--~::r:tt::t ■• P"t.«P in five, ten. twenty flv!' J t\ T u°' "^ pound packages. Messrs R. I' ^ °"^ '"'°^'-«' -« iMessrs. Brackman & Ker MiUing Co.. - SUMMER REMEDIES Z7 -' V ^'"""^ '" *^*' manufacturers at Vancouver. V,ctona. Nelson and other points, and other merchant throughout the Province also carry it in stock. ,. f ,r'"^'/^'^"^ ^ ™'^« *»»«i^ o^n Arsenate of Lead, the following is the formula :- Dissolve eleven ounces of Acetate of Lead (Sugar of Lead) ^n four quarts of hot water, using a wooden pail. In another wooden pail dissolve four ounces of Arsenate of Soda. 50 per cent. pure, in two quarts of water. Pour the solution into from twenty-live to thirty-five gallons of water and the mixture is ready for use. SPRAY No. 9.-PARIS GREEN, For Codling Moth, Apple Worms. Caterpillars and Other Leaf- eating Insects, Inffrttdients. Paris Green e • o ozs. Fresh Slacked Lime 2 lbs ^^"^^ "'*■■■■. ■z.::":50gak. Make a paste of the Paris Green with a little water. Make the lime into milk of lime with water. Mix all to- gether and add water to make the required quantity, viz., forty-five to fifty gallons. Paris Green is a heavy powder and does not remain long m suspension hence it must be kept constantly irred^ ^ SUMMER REMEDIES o? WHEN USING. Be sure that good fresh hmo • vent burning of foliage. llTZtl! " "''^ "" P"" "VERMORAL" nozzle. 'P***^ P^^'P *n^ Pari. Oreen^to one' ^Z J^Z:'ZZ:' ^ ~ ^' b«ed insecticide and fungicide. exceedtTval^ar ' ^°"^- to th?bTttot\1%LTrrtnni:* '^"^'^^' ^^ ^« '^P^ ^"-"^ up. This is very im«orT«n i '''°'^*'"* agitation is kept to, else thereTs unepua? d1". •^'I'' ""' ^"^«^"">^ -"«n ■ POISONED BAITS. *ngrmttlmnu Paris Green Bran '" 1 lb. Cheap Brown Su^ar*! ^ ^*'^- ■■ 5 lbs. Directions. Mix the bran and Paris «».«« ^.i. the ,ug«r in muffle Jj ITIT^" ."■"'""KWy. then dissolve ■istency of mu,h i^uu T,"^" ""^ "»"» '" the con- the bJe of the plan, ^3"?' "' ""^ °" '"« «-"■«» at Win do weU ae » sub'tU„:lT,;r '' """" ""-"^ POISONED BAIT FOR GRASSHOPPERS InAredionta. Paris Green Salt " lib. F.esh Horse Droppings";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J}^- Olr«ctions. the r:a t;er:r;rLrirr<::r r ■•'"- - 30 *~ SUMMER REMEDIES BORDEAUX MIXTURE-SUMMER. Summtr Spr»y for »U Fungus , Plum Rot, CuA-Uaf, aaid Shot-Hole Fungus, In^rMllsnta. Sulphate of Copper (Bluestone) 4 lbs Fresh Unslacked Lime 4 lb ^-^^(-oH) 'zz:zzm^. Dirsctlons. 1 (Which must be followed to the letter to secure the best results.) Dissolve the four pounds of copper with boiling water in a wooden vessel, and when thoroughly dissolved addl^S^Pl ficient water to make twenty-five gallons. In another vessel dissolve four pounds fresh ninslacked une (Marble a.y Brand is very superior). Use boiling water n slackmg the lime, and when thoroughly dissolved-it hould be as fine as flour-add sufficient water to make twenty-five gallons. Into a third barrel or tank let the two solutions be poured simultaneously so as to mix as they are poured. This ^11 give you hfty gallons of first-class Bordeaux which should be used immediately, for it is a well-known fact that Bordeaux Mixture begins to decompose within twenty-four hours after it has been made, and gradually becomes worth- less. Much disappointment has been caused by inattention SUMMER BBMBDIB8 -training, for the lint isTaWe ^ ^^ '"'^"'^ °°* ^ "-'^ « and cause much trouble "^"""^ ^'^^ *»>« nozzle e JetH:^rrtr:hrt:r°^ .^^---^ --^e- ^-o. tributes the spra, in a fl 7 J^ tL^"^'^''"" '^^ ^^ ^^- GOOD SPRAYING. ^'''^ ''' ^«« SECRET OF SPRAY No. 16. Por Sprzying against Mildew on Goosebtrn, P. a. . Pf. 4 !^''^'^' ^''*' ft'*^" a/i