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" "^ "'"'='* '""*"' ^ ""^ "»'» «ven v«y ijt. w^en'tie price VI^l, u 'eduJ^d ^o'^r*" ''"' ^'*'' °' '"'^^ '" ""- •hould prove a profitable undertaking. * *"* "*""• P'oducUon Under these clrcumatancee it would appear that the next st^n .„ »h tor more alfalfa should be the enPni.r»»oJlVr . . " ^ '•** Propaganda our hardiest varieties were available ?!«.« ''^** P'<«»»etion. If cheaper seed of •own. Until seed s avilllbir .t » l. "^ "'""'* '^" ""»" *»'»"» '^ouW "e allalla will continue to hi » - h "'r"»»»'« »''«« »»>« ««>«' of putting down land to «».« will continue to be a serious obstacle in the way of alfalfa production. POSSIBILITIES OF SEED PRODUCTION In the year 1912 a yield of 300 pounds of Grlmm-ii Aifoifo from a farm In southern AlberU- In 1913 1 .k. ^' *"* ^"^ reported and in 1914 about 40 pounds pS^kc^en m >' v",T fT. '"' "'*'" '''' ''' •""""•"' Avonlea and In 1914 an eauar™n; ^ * ** **' *° """'"'^ «»« '•^P'>"ed Tom in Manitoba. I lluLlZ:7^^11!T\'t "' ''"^"^'"- ^"^'^ ^^' •^'-'•--• Grimm-. Alfklta. *^ ""'*•' *' '•'^ ™'« °f 300 poun.l« p*r or u. ^^^''Si:^:^:;:^ - 7- '- ^^ unu. none ripened; In 1912 Grimm's Alfalfa yielded »t fh^ '''"°f»°'=« "^ ^' -^ •''^n'ed. but 1.X3 at the rate of 50 Po«nds^r;erlTnr.?tL^^y7ea:^rl9^r Zr'' '" from 20 pounds to 116 pounds per acre acnrrtin^ L .7 T ""^ ^'*''^ '■^"^^'^ The nature of the alfalfa Zt is su^h h^ i a rhe'trlrT ''" ^^^^"• into bloom, or even if already in bloom ,,.«!« ^"^ *'*"'' *»'"'' *="'»"•« th. base Of the plants and sLifoZion stops" L't^ '"""' ^"" ^"°" °"'"- " a. : th" =^:r;err :le^™ ^^^ r irnrnort. a. .11 prevalent. Prom these^l:;rio's^t''^wo: ;':«:;' thTlI """^'""'^^ "'' "'"- aoutwrn and west central Saskatchewan th» „ !. . ^ **™^' ""^ '^P^ '" a very paying proposiUon. ^"'"''•^"^"""'' '•>« Production of alfalfa seed should prove SUITABLE VARIETIES FOR SEED No figures on the relative value of different varieties for ,»<.h able. It has, however, obserT«! on th« nL. ! ! *** Purpoae. are avail- other variegated soru seem lo gllleeJ much n^L! , ', ""T"'"^ "^ """^ "-^ varieties. Similar observations have ten T^ira? ilT" "'"' "^ "' '''' ^°'^«- P«IH. SUtM. All information Z ht beergJ^erld"'"* ''T *" "*" "'"^•™ "u u»i aas Deen gathered seems to point to the one 630 A oimT^^'^rHJ' '.'k"""" ""^ Preffble wh.n growing alhiif. for .eed. to u.« {h* unmm sort rather than any other variety. SIIOINa IN ROWS LOWCRI T«4I COIT OF SItDINQ AND INCRtAM* THl YIILO ob.."^r/!!'7\f° '"" '""* '•P'«>«'«» here Jllu.trate. what ha. commonly b«n rther ^r a1 n f, " ? """^ ""'"'' "*"* "tl.factory then when .own in an, ll^l I *,K ! "' " * '*°"""' »•' "'• '» ""^ »>•«»« 'own on .ereral farm, in ;^e Of , T " '• •"" "'""""' '•••' ""•""•^ '" ~*- 30 «' M lnche.?parrt th! I!l^ nJiT ••" •"•• '" "**"' '° '~^«' '»•• "«»•' .at!.factory method in alfalfa aeed production on our lighter, drier land.. "einoa in aiiarra PREPARATION OF LAND UnJ^^t^^ali^ Vl ^" '""^ '" ™''" '*"' "^'* " '• ""^ "-"■•►'y '»«■' the land be n?„wS^ , ?.w • '* ''*'*'' '"* ''™'' " '«»' '" •» *">« '»'•• The land .honid he the land packer 1. advisable and the aurface soil should be made quite mellow bv aurface cultlvaUon with the disc, cultivator or ha.-row. ^ sklDINQ of tl^l^l r/Jl? TW'l '**" °""°"^ '^•'" "'"' "y «=•»»»"* ""her four or nve U 1. «!^..^^ f * "*• "" *" ^''^ ™°- '" °"»" »« ""^ " thinly as suggested lrJ=k«T H ? °"""" *"" '"•''' ''^ '•»« "«» "y «"»"« to 't cracked bariey or cracked wheat or some other material. """"j or The'^tl7hlM°.!l^'*' '""'"7«'y '"'»»°«'- preferably not more than an Inch In depth le n ♦ M^^r" "" '"*' "**"""'■•' *° germinate the seed will be available a ;;: garn^;r:, rd.'" -^"'"^- "•""" -'^ - "-- — ^ •• ^^ ^- -: MarwdlJe'^Ir/r "'"I!"* ""'"* '" *" *'" "'"^ '"'«"' »' "^tween the Wth of May and the 20th of June. It may be sown rather later when the soil 1, in a Dartleulariv favorable condition or In years when the rains are delayed beyond "he usuaf time INOCULATION IMPORTANT For the ume reason that Inoculation Is advisable when sowing alfalfa for f«r.« jmjo«.. it is al«, important that it be used when growing the crop S^2i Z !^«Z ^ IT'"^'"' '"*"* ''*'* """^ ^« •»•"«• ''"'' th« »ee»•* "^"tloned. although expensive hal crUulSyroru'teS.""""' "^"" '"" " *' '''^ ^'"^ -"' - — the CULTIVATION «o,^th«T'I* '" "T *" "*''" '*" •••"'• *''«^'' «" "k«ly to make considerable growth the first year, unless the land is particularly clean. To control thfwe^dt » as ...ble the aUa^lfln^Lr H^uLtr:^^^^^^^^ Tie'^StTe^'i'*, ^'^- ""»" ^""-•^'^ to control the wt^sTn C. ^Z on tne land to leura the lou of moi.tar» by erapormtion. If weed, grow up In the row. It I. .dvUable to clip back the air.if. ir .n „«*, . le.TO It uncut "^ * " ""' '"""" '" •*" """'»' «••«*'" 't «• betUr to to conserve n. sVure a„d to rnl^r Plants make mucn growth. IntertlllMe a. needed •ummw. '""''"' *'^'* «•■ •"» 'hould be glveD throughout the HARVI9TINQ (..bLdU'^'^itrrrTre^T " r " '"" »■ """ '"""•■■ •«■•'«" THRESHING V •t .s TL.r;Zli: iVZl^T ''^t, " *'" ''*™- " ""-P »' tough, dr. and we„ matured. Si. l.'l Lrnre.irrTiru^S fh' '"? " '" •"•""'' aUaUa .. not eeono.lea. of a^T^t J^ reirof^lrr/ i; be c'.:srwt"thf:::x oraran^-^r ''- "^^ '"■'''•' «'-"--" •--'-' •» Similarly b* Co.^ " tf h" exceptTon of a"-™.^' ""*'' "' "'' '' ""'' '«'*='' •"<""- compel, the alfalfa to pass round th! 1\ *"*" "* '"* ""•^""^ '"«• ■""» the body of the macWne In of JheL .'"'?"" """* ""'"« " ««»••«» '"to It 1. « to Te a wide chaffer »nr'","^""'^ '' ""•" •"* *" '"°««<» »'• *•"• through. The Wind Should be adJued.o*tw7„.?'\"!," ''' '""^ '"'^''"•'>-<' ^' paat the taUlngs auger The delS^ n ♦ M^ ""threshed pod. will not be carried pod., and a. PointTout befoi Ze atnM ^ '*"7 * '"«* ''"^'*""' »' -*"">«» the pod. are broken. W tJI^grblLeJ thi o,? *', '" ""^ '='^"'""" "»"• "^ «»' screen In the bottom of the mifshouU L t ""' *" "^""^ accomplished. The betag collected at the scln.nis IpoT "'*' '"""^' '° •*"'""" ""» »'»'«•'»«'• »«- Of e^^ r joKeVs^rbu: thiTm^uZer '""' i'' '''^^"' -«^ ^ ^--^- »in. Threshing with the grain separar'. ™the;%'^^^^ TZ'^k '' "*• '""^' acrwge to aaaured iU u.e In nreferJnop t " ♦? '°^ '•"^"' •*"t until a large adrteabto. Preference to the purchaae of an alfklfa huUer aeema • ■ ALFALFA FOR FORAGE AND SEE J^t«. per a#re 1914- * 1^ ) iiSiiwmaQ \ ^ Hmi Cutting Shuiu l^'ST'f'^^^^**^ •'^''^^ tS^'i* ^^ .£^: .■^A ^»?v^. le oport «?^'3toi(rJ K?^ ^«2^ •H^HrOe Untuerstli) c>r< growing MMon the district has known. ^^ PriNTED BY THE TIMES COMPA^fY LIMITED. MOOSE JAW