CIHM Microfiche Series (lUionographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Mieroraproductiona / Inatitut canatfan da microraproductiona Natoriquaa TtifciiiMi lid llbllupairtiiit M biMio«n. lortqua a pat aia nimaasi lataxta, n'ont □ Additional eommanti:/ Commantaiiai tuppltmantairai! Thi« itam it f ilmad at ttM radnation ratio Ca docomant att film* ao tauK da r Pfm pamant modtf iar «i'il W HlMhOM □ Coloorad a □ Papt rattorad and/or laminatad/ Njat rattaortat at/oo paMleaHai n OM piqirfai raiai ditacli>ai 0Sliowthroy|h/ HOoality of print variai/ Quality in««ala da I'imprattion □ Continuovt paiination/ Nfination eontinua □ IndodK indaxlat)/ Comprand un (dat) indax Titia on hiadir takan from:/ La titra da I'an-tHa proviant: □ Titlapafeofittoa/ Nfla di titra da la I r~~| Caption of mm/ livraiton Titra da dtpart da la livraiton □ Matthaad/ G«n«riq«a (piriodiquat) da la livraiton tax MX 22X MX 30X aox y 34X 28X I] 22X TIm eopy fUniMl har* has to tiM gMMTOsHy of : boon raprodueod thanks Tha imagoa appaarlwg hara ara ttia poaaibia oonaidaring tha condition of tha orii^nal copy and in Itaapins filming contraet spaeifieationa. quality iagibillty Original eopias in printad papar covars ara fNmad bailing wMi tha front eovar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or IHiistratad Impraa- skMi, or tha baeic covar whan ^>proprlata. AN othar original copiaa ara fHmad baiHnning on tha first paga with a printad or Hluatratad hnpraa- slon, and anding on tha last paga with a printad or Wustratad Impraaslon. Tha laat racordad frama on aach microficho shaH contain tha syml>oi -^> (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), IMapa. platas, charts, ate., may ba fNmad at diffarant raduetion ratios. Thoso too larga to ba antiraly incltidad in ona axpoaura ara fNmad beginning in tha uppar laft hand comar, iaft to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The foHowIng diagrama INustrata tiM 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 L'MMnptair* Mm* fut raprodult grto* i la Lm ImagM auivantM ont phM graifKl tain, eompt* «to la iMttaM da I'axamplalra oonfofinlM avac laa fNinaQa* raproduHaa avae la da la cofMlMon at fUfiiA, atan du cantvat da Laa axamplalraa eriglnaux dent la couvartura an papwr aat Ifnpnniaa aont fNinaa an coninian9anl par la pramiar plat at an tarminant aeit par la darnttra paga qui eamporta una awpralnta dtnpraaalon au d1lluatratlan> aalt par la aaaond plat, aalen la eaa. Taua laa autraa aKamplalraa arlglnaux aant fNmia an comman9ant par la praml^ra paga qui comporta una ampralnta dTmpraaalen au dINuatratian at an tarminant par la damMra paga qui eamporta una taMa Un daa aymbolaa suivants apparattra aur la daml^ra bnaga da ehaqua mierofleha. aalon la caa: la aymbola -»• aiflnlfla "A 8UIVRE". la aymbda Y slgnifla "HN". Laa cartaa. planchaa. tablaaux, ate., pauvant Mra fHmte A daa taux da rMuetlon dIfMranta. Loraqua la deeumant aat trap grand pour Atra raproiduit an un saui elleh4, 11 aat filmd A partir da I'angia aupdriaur gaueha, da gaueha A droHa, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra dlmagaa nAeaaaalra. Laa diagrammaa auivanta Muatrant la mAthoda. 2 3 5 6 ■MuinoNnn oumt (ANSI ond HO mr CHART No. J) 1.0 1.1 U12£ IM lit [22 IM |j£ IZO IhLb L& ^ (7tDaM-MM-r«. fa Government of the Province of Saskatchewan OIPARTMINT or AQMOULTUIW Horse Breeding in Saskatchewan .11 ♦u?'!^* " gwwwlly ooDoaded that the Ouudian Weit poMeMM .1^ ««««7 «?>««««« in the w.y of eoil, feedt «m1 dimetTforihe *i^^ P-^Wion "^o™*tion and wund. 2. Should weigh 1,800 pound, or over. tiniofm, Th« dnft ham ■boold haw • wUi$, dtm, ihort badnd bo^y, Nk flB pofwriy nlMad UihIm of ttMUnm kaglL witk obu joints baid, iliaty bone rad laqg^^ MHud lest TW fteUioii Uiat doai aot poiMH dMM qaalitiM U aot • dnft un. It ootto jnat m moA to niM • poor colt u a good (mo, uid the poor oolt at matarity is wmrdi about makes the monqr la the end, you or bet . Remember, also, tbe draft stallion should be a good free walker with a Imig, easy, springy stride. Tbe draft horse does his work at a walk, so tbu is the impOTtant paoe. Ton like to drive a free walkiag horse and so does the man who wOl bny.your colts. Above all, don't use a istaDion beoanse it is convoiient, <»r beeauae a friend owns it or beeauae it is dieap, or beoanse yon don't lilw to turn the owner down. Remember you are not in the business for your health and if you were baying seed grain you would not buy weedy or froaen seed beeanse Tom Jones owned it or because you got it at half i»iee. In paying your service fees yop are buying seed. See to it that it is tbe best Sthetion of Jfarss. It should be borne in mind, that in <»der to produce good stock the oane should possess at least some of the blood and dwraetoristios of the breed to wbioh the sire used belongs Hm begimier will do well to start with grade mares. Tbeir'initial ooat need not be high >Bd the loas is-li|^iter£f one dies. By the time two or diree years' aetaal work has domnsteated a man's fitness tot stock raiaiBg, it will be 6me en «*"*'**« for the atod. St Mm ij ci.e to kMp hi. mn^llnn and hard and giTe him plenty of poominf. StaUiona muat reoeire exennw all the year ronrJif theyWto ft £an?r*H23^JE^~"4'S«^ Do^lot be afmidTZr ti: draft it^on. Hia ofepring wiU have to wiwk and work hard and the The feed for •talUooa in anmmer, faulind winter should not differ a iwrae ■boold be f.d on a larger grain ration andleaTluy at in «om- f^l^^ the remainder of the year, «,d mn.t be well ^r^J^ SSrli;.H*" f ***?u>*^^'' '•"'^ '♦•^ Increa«A?gnS ration gradnajly, not to the maximum in a day or two, or even a ^ Baiion$ During Beaton. t^ t^^ ^ ^?^ that can be ui«d in getting ttallion. in diape 2LS.!T" ^^ »».««npo.ed of three parU^t ehop, ooe^ liTe weight per day should be fed from thi. mixture if the hone iToS inf«,««ditioB. After the fint of AprU the bari^d^dbTd^ 2Silil"iJ['*'°?Jf% ***.«^" •»*'*°«' three part. oat. .TS. pwthran by weight After the ooomm i. over continue to e>erci» a»! ISSy^i; Sf^ti;:!"- ''^^^ ^-^ *^« ^-^ Feed^^STwat ^;LC Si t^^^ttTnelSt^ -- ^ - "»* Don t let the stallkm box go undeaned for nx week, at a .treteb- DonHlTth^foJ?^ «8"l«rly «t lea-t'every two Sy. * the hone-keq) them Smmed. Trim'SncJ^e^.S*w3^ Don't «rd^ the lM>ne on the end of a line for ezerci*^ You wiU t.kefxe^^'aSrio'siri^^^^^^ •hould be fairiy wlid up to five feet nd then mav fe O^ed 4^^ ^ tt «.y rate, in o«ier that the hone may l»«LI. ^Sil^rt ordinaiy nghti around the. farm. ^^ •oourtomed to TbeNfdiuioBoftlMMrTiMfllliMttalUoaiiafMtmtkatiiMt thonMfUj aadmtood OT prMtiMd bgr aaay hmfMnm. SooMitalUoM wbi«h M* v«7 atRMg tad vifotoM wi do • moA iMvicr MMon'iimk teothm. OiMt om ikooM U tiAm daring Om flm two wMki of tht MMOB, M that it tho hardwt tiiM A Urge nninlwr d hoNM wo injand ia Oo brooding mmob both bj ouoidTo Mrrioe and trardlii^ too gnat • diftoooe. Ootridooftbo MOMB, work oqnol to a walk of four or ft?o miloa oaoh d«T it roeom- moodod to horn a stalUon is good oondition. ' . Wbere a borto is averagin* mm maiv pw dar or tbrao maroj in two dajra—ten milaa travol par day is snffloiant. l^nendy an animal inUbo fondered in^wtant for a fow d«js w poriiapa Imgar, aftor wUok pi^potonej rotoma-^tUs may be oaosod bj oxoassiTe sertriee or oror fatigue or both. For a two year old stud 8 to 6 mares in a season is cnffioient. For a thrco ywir old stnd IS to 90 mares. For a four year old stud 80 to 50 maves. For an adult year old Mud nerer more thav 100 mai«s in a season is suflkient Nerer use drugs to stimulate the sexual appetite. Do not let the staUion serve more than 6 or 8 mares the fi#st week of the season. Care of PregnMU Man. The pregnant mare must have regular and sufficient exercise and It is usually considered pvaferaUe, when possible, to give this exercise in harness, as br so ddng the amount of aaereise the mare takes is under control, at is also the amount, quality and time of feeding. By this means of exernse also, the mare, when oarofuUy handled is less liable to injury and helps to pay for her kaep. Authorities on the subject agree that s mare can do a good heavy day's work without unneeessaiy SSl.^***J^"^^**^'"°*^- After that His mi advisaWe and the mare should not be pat to work again for at least two tracks after birth occurs. In woridng, strenuous eSrt, such as entailed by a dead puU, working in mud, booking heavy loads or going thromdb deep mud or snowdrifts should bo avoiM. ^^ P09d for Pregnani Jfors. Feed tegnlarly and UbwaUy, remember that the brood mare has a douUo function to perform and it is not sensible to ask her to do it on wheat straw and water even though she is not working. In winter some palatable roughage, such as sheaf oats, weU cured hay or fodder com should be fed st least onoe a day. Hay is a searoe article somotimeB but the man who makes money out of horses does not feed wheat straw three times a day all winter to hir brood mares. 1 • . ,^1" ^**'*°8 *^ "»»» limldi be turned out on grass and fea nain hghUy for as long u possible. It is not advisable to leave on grass Wone without p-ain. Do not work tho brood maro aU summer, uspc oisUy if she is breeding owitinuously, as tho mare is suolding one odt buildinjs up the fortiis for another and doing the work »t4heMme time which 18 altogether too heavy a strain on the system and shonld never be attempted. ' •« " BfMiing gjwd^ for tte Am trial, aoiM muM mm in m ntIt m tlM iftli IITl^ T^iJT*^*'**' P^«* «*••»«» •«»<» ■••» from two iSftf Bntdtn. i# J?-!-"!!!*!^ ■? »«n^ into mmoo utimUy it i« Tory donbtfol I'JLSIlJr*'*' '^^^^'•'^ Fo«i.f7h!Z£i l.^J!&L?*2!T /'*>"*"**' lli**' *•* •*•"*<» " • food metliod of ta^SKlP;iitilr*T*' ,Tbo fTMt thi»g i. to St. thT^taS J»J^ ■btpe, the blood cool and the geoeml functiom of the bo^ PoaUng. •TOW 01 111M7 oliypod or ihort ttnw bedding It it not onaMllv ^"?*,'"*" fodwf for the ibit time. J""*"-^ »■«■ '"w . wif^?\]?!f "* ?• '?^ ""^ ''■^ *^ «*<»" i» Stowmrdi' Crude Pie m (' » w wa£ HwoKgUy with ft tkiM to foor per eeat tolBtioB of ZMwienm. rA« Fm< 0/ Oe Cett. --m.ST'SiL!".!^"" to the feet of oolu ie abMdately oeeemiy in (hi* •wmtry. The hoof* often tend to gimr ia elaofnMl wew, too feu y»de to etr^ the lifMoeiite tad tbo towla to prodoee fealtr MtioiL Ai . fw,,,.! rnfe the fbet dMwId be «»iaed etST-i* or «SSt tSE Light Htrm Bf$dmg. «-«! iJ! ♦' "S*!**"! '■!*'»«*•'•<*•»»»»•"»•. that the IIMU.U for •PJjd he. tenoed to niiD ligfat hoTM on the eoMiiMiit of North Americiu The aTenge farmer doee not etop to think thiu • iraedr, curby hoekwl TH J! r^ *^i7" ~''*'/ "**• ^ »•** " tfc^bout. i. little or SillE. L w!? S*!^ ^** r^"^ '^'^ ^^ i. the clei. of light •tolliwtoirMdihebijedehiidriTiiiginoreorlightoretoek k««.^!!f^^«*'*^ ^.7°* »ikei to own • good light horw but if that flvea (he oboMe «rf ipeed M,a littfe el«e on the one buid andgood eon- ^^i;iS£ "^"^'^ "*^' "^ P^'""*- «* onrTnner. »hi. Si!?' "*.^ V ''"" '*^* *»^ *^» •«» •!•«> -IH^dy* bot in tttti prorinee today there are too many underund, weedyT iwonnd ■toUioM that have been puiehaeed for either their own .pJUTSt of their parent^ irreepeetire of oonformarion. K««J° "^i"!..*** '^* ■*^"'*' Pi«k ont the full bodied, elean is .S* *tS*** ««»*«™*t»«. w«i«l»in« from 1,100 to 1,260 pound* wUl alway. find ready .ale and will be able to do a day'. ;ork on the xarm u neoeaWiTj. •^i^rfj^ «a*er 2h)rate of potash three times a day. Always have freah watar before patient Qlre a hot bran mash to which a teaspoonfal of turpentine has been added, twice a day. If swelling contianes hud. steam by tying head in steam from mash of bran aad boiling water, but see that animal doaa not choke. 9LSOK(MP1IXDM01IIA. Oa«M«.— Bipoeure. Contagion or infection. Also (oUows tnan^^«a or aay low fSTor. «y«»ptoiiM.— Slight dttUneos. Hi^ temperature. Poor appetite. Animal wiB not lie down. Cough sometimes present Quick pulse and iwiid abdomlaal breathing. rreotMeat— Place in well ventilated box or romny stall. If ia wtatat- blanket patient Apgly strong linimoit or mustard plaster to sides Just baA of fore lega. Give stimulants such as: Spirits aromatic ammonia. 1 ounce. Sulfuric ether. S ounces. Mix with a little raw linseed oiL Repeat above dose every six hours until improvement is noted. Kem patient front draughty or cold stallb. If appetite impaired, give: Fluid extract nux vomica. 4 ounces. Fluid extract gentiaB. 6 onnoas. Add to 16 ounces water and give 8 tablespooafuls at a dose four times a day Rsoina: Printed by J. W. Ram, Government Ftfatsr.