CIHM Microfiche Series (lUlonograplis) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) CaiMdiM Imthut* for HlMorieirf MIerovaproductioiw / liMthut cmimNm d« mieroraproduetiom MMoriquM 1 Tiw Iratitutt hM Minnpiid to obMin the b«t orifiMl M^araitaMtforfitaiint. FwtMrw of Ms eopy laMali of ttM inMiM in iht rapradMCtion. or wliWi Niay •iflnHioMitlv dMnp ttM vHMl nwtfMd of fHnint. an 0Coloui«d eoMn/ CobMrtiirada r~~1 Cewn □ Co«•rtrwtel•d■lld^rlamin■«id/ CowMmm mtMNte ot/oii pdliMiMo □ CowtittomMiig/ U titra 4i eowMmira □ Cotowod tmtfiU CMrM) □ Cotowod ink liA otlMr tlMn Mw or WkIi)/ Ena« d* eoMimr (i A Mitro qo* Mmw ON noirt) □ Coloond piMM and/or NkMtrMiom/ PiMielMi ot/oM iNustrMiom M < □ Bound witfi otlMrnMiwial/ IMi* mac d'amrw docunnnn □ TiflhtbindintnMv •ioni inttrior mwiin/ La rtUiirt aarrfa dbtonionlalonfdala Of cBitottion I'OMkraeudala D n wHMntiiaiajit. Wlianavari kaan ominad from filmint/ 11 M pant qua aanainai papa Manahai Ion d'lma fonauration apparaiMant dans la taxla, mait. lortqita eala Mait poMiMa. aat pagat n'ont Additional eommanti:/ L'lnttftwt a microfilni* la hiiaMpi I Qui sont paMt Ilia ,oti^ ila ammpWra ^'il LasdHaiiadaeat ••••ar ona modifiaation □ Colourad pagai/ as: and^r laminatad/ at/0MpaNie«Mas •tainadorfmad/ I T| ShowliiroM|li/ □ Quality of print varia*/ Qualiti intflBia da rimprasaion □ Continuous pagination/ Paiination eontinua □ Indudas indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia on haadar tahan from:/ U titra da I'an-ttla proviant: □ Titlapafltof Nfadatitra issua/ *lali«raisen □ Caption of issua/ Tina da dtpart da la iiwaison I IIMastliaad/ I 1 QMriqua (piriediquas) da la livraison This itam is f Mmad at tha Ca doaumant ast f Mm* au taux raduetion ratio rtiaafcad halow/ 10X n: 14X IfX 12X ItX JOX 22X 2SX I 30X 24X 2tX n 32X Th* copy filnMd h«r« hat bMn raproduead thanks to tha ganarosity of: National Library of Canada L'axamplaira flImA fut raproduit grioa i la O«n«roait« da: BiMiotMqua nationala du Canada Tha imagas appaaring hara ara tha baat quality poaalbia eonsidaring tha condition and :«gibiiity of tha original copy and in icaaping with tha filming contract spacifications. Original copias in printad papar covars ara filmad baginning with tha front covar and aiMHng on tlia last paga with a printad or Nhiatratad impras* tion, or tlM bacic covar wlian appropriata. AH othar original eopiaa ara filmad baglrming on tlia first paga with a printad or Wustratad impraa- sion, and anding on tha last page with a printad or Hlustratad imprassion. Laa imagas sulvantaa ont iH raproduitas avoc la plus grand soin, eompta tanu da la condition at da la nattati da l'axamplaira film*, at sn conformit* avac las conditions du contrat da fihnaga. Laa axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura an papiar aat imprimte sont fHmto an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la darnl>ra paga qui oomporta una amprainta dimpraaslon ou dINustration, soit par la sacond plat, salon la oas. Tous Iss autraa axamplairaa originaux sont fHmto an commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraaaion ou dlHustration at an tarminant par la damMra paga qui comporta una taHa an^rainta> Tha last rscordad frama on aach microficha shall contain tha symbol — ^- (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), Un daa symbdas suhrants apparattra sur la danMra imaga da chaqua microflcha. salon la caa: la symbola -^ signlfla "A SUIVRE". la aymbola ▼ signifia "RN". IMaps. plataa, charts, ate., may ba fHmod at diffarant raduetion ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antlraly includad in ona axpoaura ara filmad bagbming bi tha uppar iaft hand comar. laft to riglit and top to bottom, aa many framaa as raqulrad. Tha following diagrams Mustrata tha Las eartaa, planchas, tablaaux. ate., pauvant ttra fHmte i das taux da rMuetion dIfMiants. Lorsqua la documant aat trap grand pour ttra laprodult an un saul cHch*. 11 aat film* i partir da I'angla supAriaur gaueha, da gaucha A droita. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra dnmmgm nAcassalra. Laa diagrammas sulvants NhMtrant la mMhoda. 1 2 3 5 6 ■MoumoN ran CNMT (ANSI and SO TEST CHAUT No. 2) 1.0 1.1 12J u 1.6 a. r ~v f^< , : r ^ ' , '. -<. 'f -r V CAT FANCIERS- FEDERATION OJ^^-^J^^^ I / CONSTITUTION REGISTRATION RULES SHOW RULES * THE STANDARD SCALE OF POINTS October. 1920 s^ CONSTITUTION of tha CAT FANCIERS* FEDERATION ARTICLE I-NAME. Sec 1. This orguiiiation shall be known nnder the name Cat Fan- ders' Federation. ARTICLE II-OBJECTS. Sec 1. The objecu of this organization shall be the improvement of the breeds of cats in the United State and Canada; the registra- tion of the pedigrees of cats and kittens; the adoption and publication of rules for the management of shows; and the promotion of a general interest in cats. ARTICLE III— MEMBERSHIP. Sec I. (•) (b) (c) Sec 2. Membership in this organization shall be of three kinds; Regular Cat Clubs having a bona fide men^rshtp in good standing of not less than 10 members, and such as hold independent cat shows or such as organize and manage shows in conjunction with other pet stock associations are eligible to Full Membership. Specialty Qubs, similarly constituted as under "a" as to membershii^ which encourage the improvement of one or more specially mentioned breeds, are eligible to Associate Membership. Pet stock, or other associations which hold cat shows, are eligible to Associate Membership. Associate members may become full members on payment of the regnfau- due Sec 3. A full member club shall be represented in this organ- oation by three delegates, one of whom shall serve on the Executive Board. An associate member club shall be represented by one delegate. who is not entitled to serve on the Executive Board. ARTICLE IV— ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP. Sec 1. Applicat»ns for membership must be made in writing to the Secretary of this organization; an applicant club must forward a copy of its constitution, by-laws or other rules and reguhtions, a list of iU (rfkers with their addresses, and must state the number of members carried on iU roll, and must further certify the number of bona fide members in good standing at the date of the application Sec 2. AppUeatkms shall b« acted upon by the Executive Board, and a two-thirds vote shaH elect. In case of rejection, the applicant dub oMjr appeal and dcnaad • matt vote by tbc foU bodr of dtkfBtw; M '"ff *^' '®*«»^' •PpUeanl mwl w $5J)0 to covtr tha coal of Mid nail vote Twanty dajra shaU ba allowad aftar mailiiw for !J]*?"u-« ^.*«>*^ •»* • "•Joritjr of thoM received witfaia ttet ir^nZlr *^*" '»«"•<>'•» ■W«J. the Sacretaiy ahall om d«e dilifcoca in formrdint aeticaa of the nail vote ' "*• "^ ASTICLB V— MEETINGS. See. 1. The aairaal neetiiig of this Federatioii ahall be held oa tha Rrtt Thnridajr in March of each year, and member clnba thall elect or anoint their delegates at least thirty days prior to that data^ and most immediately thereafter conmnnicate tha names and addresses of said delegates to the Secretary of the Federatioa These dekgataa shall act at the aonnal meeting. -«<••»« ^ ^..^ ^«*^' meetings may be caUed by the President, or npoo the written demand of three member dobs who uiay name the time •ad place of soch meeting. At sodi spedal meetings no business shaU be transacted except that for wUch tha meeting was especially called, unless a ddegate in parson be present from each member dub and unanimous consent be obtafaied. See. 3. The Secretary shall send by mail to each member dub in good Standing, thirty days before the date for holding the annual or ■pactal meetings, notice of the time when, and the place where, the meetmg is to be held, and. in the case of special tteetiiws. the busiw nass for which the meeting U summoned. ^^ -"'™»% «• "»- u.,.^ *' ^.** ""■*' "^ •" •»*«*»' meetings, Regular Quba shaU be entitled to representation by three ddcgates and Associate Members ^ one ddegate. Ead. ddegate may be represented by a prow to act in his or her stead, such proxy to be appointed by the ddegata or dub. Proxies shall be members of member dubs^ but hi no case mv one persm act as ddegate or proxy for more than on* dub. Proxies must have written authority toact.btttthisnaednotbein •ay particular forai. In case the fuU representation of a Regular Club be not present, the one or two ddegates present shaU imn tha right to cast the fuU three votes for the dub. Set 5. nw delegates or thdr proxies, present to persDo. if representbg four or more dubs shall constitute a fluomm. ARTICLE VI-^FHCERS. Sec 1. The officers of tiiis organisation shdl be elected at tha unual meeting, and shaU be a President, a First Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall serve as members of the Execu- tive Board to bdtalf of the dub wfaidi eadi representa. Sudi officers ShaU hold office tmtil thdr successors are dected, unless by resigna- tion, deatii, or otiierwise, any office shall have been vacated; to whidi ease the vacancy may be filled by die Executive Board. The Preddent of averjr member dub shall be a vice^esideat of this oiganisation. and may cttend aU meetings but shaU not be cntitied to vote. Thera shaU also be a Recorder who may. or may not, be dected 880930 ARTICLE VII-DUTIES OP OFFICERS. PwMe-t .nd ^r^k!^p^J,';^'^Vl\ I" *»- •»-«»«• of the the delecte. vru^t/^^'^*' *^ *'**™" •»»« bt ehoMi b, o« an paper. (««^tl2 W^i^J^L^.Sf''.'*'' «- ««««y o«t the order, oftte ^.Sfea ^**^^ «- A.11 ew,y pUeatkHu for aciBbcrshiiiL I«d ^wT . ^^* "'' •« "Pon .U .p. Pedemtioii m WbTn^J^ ^ u*T^ •«* •»«'™" <»' tK of meabtr elate is the mm«««. /r?^ of the rulei or eoodoet tta right to WroTe7iljm^L2L^»T!i ThV dun d«, h.« J-. '^Wder^alii^^SSSSni^^rho^ir^ ARTICLE Vni— DUES. V^^ A^lTTl^^ :±?^ aub .h.,, be ten doII«. •fter December of wy ywSl^iSS ^* "'^, ■'*"*»°» <^"'> «»«3 •»|»«Idi«dnai^r-?S,iraSlte Payment of the •ich fi.e.1 re«^, hot -hould ftbSd «^ thT* •^\«"<^» <««iriag Jed j^^ ««ioo fee of t« iZTZ^^JT* ^"J" "^ •« ■how. Show nnctions will n«» i-T^ ^ ^ '*''* 'o*" ■«* »obMfloent "«=«»» will not be i«ued to club, in arrew^l^ A dt* laiUac to pv iu doM withia aioMy day» iteU aoi bt wtilM to VAitidpaU fai tht procMdh^i of uy mmtiag tlMmftar. ud If, at *• «id of ate «Midi^ • ek* i» ttill fa wrMrt km^U dropptd from ■wabmliiv. bat dtic notiM of Mch iatcaded iltioo shoU bt ftnt givca to tbi dabcoBMrMd. Soc 1. AMoetatt If tmbm ihdl pay Svt delhn aimiitl dots fa w* rmn m ttor do not boM ihoira. or bold tbm in eoajaactioa witb otb« BMabtr dnbt. bat tboald AMocteto Mcmbm bold fadtptadcot now^ tbo anaod daM sbdl bt tta dolkn. Sboold aa AMoeiatt IfcaH bor bold aMrt tbaa oat fadtpmdaat dww fa ai^ oat flMal mar. a Mae. tfaa fat of tta dollan abaU bt paid for «acb rabMqatat ibow. ARTICLE DC-DISaPUNB. Sw. 1. Tbb onoaiiatioa at iu anaoa], or my apadal mcetfag; by a two>tbirds vote of tba dtlcgata* prcMnt our raspead or txpcl aay cli^ tbt Mid dob baviac bad opportonitjr to dcfcad itMlf agaiaM wba^ tw dfargcs that oMjr bavt beta broagfat agaiaat it 8oe.& CbargMagalaMfadMdaala,tbMroflkfab,orJadtM,awbt ■adt to th- Exceativt Board by aqy txbibhor or by aoy fadividoal aum* bar of tb« OMaibcr doba of tbb orgaaintioa. provided radi dMina w accompaaled by a twora alBdavit anegiiiff bdief ia their troth. At taut two copin of tba diargM mxM be iUed. together with tea dollars, t^di rara ehall be retorned if the diargee arc sostaiaed. bat otherwfae •ban bt forfeited. Aoy iadividnal foond goflty of fafractiea of these rolM, after doe notice and opportunity for defense has been afforded, •hanbt 80sp«ided for at least one year or nay be pemaaeatly deaied M rtghte aad privileges of shows onder these rales, at the option of .?*^- • '•'"" '**"* •'^ •" *^ manner shall act as Jodgt or ether ofidal at any diow hdd nnder the roles of this organisation for •t taaat osN yaar after raspeasion. -rB-w-noa lor ARTICLE X-SANCnONS. See. 1. Sanctions for shows under tfie rales of tfiis Federation dnil. •voaappliation to tiie Secretary, be gianted to all nembers fa good zTV^* "T* ^ *J«* wi*J» tiie application at least tiiirty days prior to the date of the show. See. i Sanctions for shows may be granted by tiie Execativc Board teorganiiations not members of tiiis Federation, upon application to tiit Secretary, accompanied by a fee of ten dollars, and upon tiie written agreement tiiat tiie rales of tiiis Federation will be obeyed, prizes said. •odBone bat approved Jodges be allowed to oflieiate. The namerof lodges mast be filed at least tfiirty days prior to tiie date of tiia Aow ARTICLE XI— AMENDMENTS. M ^i^.'^"?'*°*5** *° *• constitution, rales or regulations, of ^Federation in order to be acted upon at tiie annual, or at any •pe^ meeting must be filed witii Uie Secretary fa time to be tian^ mfttoJ to an tiie ddegates at least tiiirty days fa advance of sudi meetag. A two-tiiirds vote of tiiose present is necessary for adoption. Muadmeate may ba amended at a aioeting as to wording bat not as to fateat. t REGISTRATION RULES CAT FANCIERS' FEDERATION ARTICLE I— STUD BOOK AND REGISTERS. See. 1 Thk Fedtntion undcrtaket the conduct of, (a) Stud Book . .i!J!? '"** u***i" "' *""• ^*'**^ <•»> • »««*»»"• 'Of atrand kittau iaelifiblt to th« Stud Book, (e) » Regitter for kittens. ARTICLE II-BREEDS RECOGNIZED. Sec 1. Long hair; Periian or Angora. See. a Short hair; Manx. SiaowM. Russian. Abyssinian, Australian and Domestic ARTICLE III-REGI|TRATION IN THE STUD BOOK. B^ ^ '■ ,^** ■"** kittens uuy be entered in the Stud Book of this Federation in accordance with the following conditions: Rule. 1. When the sire and dam have been properly registered toj_(a) the Stud Book of thU Federatk>n. (b) the United Sutes SfS^^f^ ■"* ^*^ ^o*"^ Vo'- '• («) Th« Beresford Cat Qub Stud Book, (d) the National Cat Qub Stud Book, (e) the 2.'J?'c2!?'»'^**'^ "' ^'«'*^ •^ <'> *•» Cat Panders' Asso- oatkn Stud Book, prior to February. 1919. _i^ *"I*; ^' ^^*" ** •''« ■"<* ••»"> ■•« «' *•»* ""»« «>««l "nd re- gistered in, (a) the Stud Book or the American at Association, fu i^.*^ Stud Book of the Cat Fanciers' Association or (c) «ie Stud Book of the Goreming Council of the Cat Fancy of England, under rules that cmform with those of this Federation. • ^ f ly*^ *•* •'" ■*"• '•«" •'»" »»« won a full Cham, pionship in England under the rules of the Natfonal Cat Oub «i« ti.^*"^?* ^^" *** ^ ^* ^"^' •' *» America under i?i L^ r^**™.,'*^ *^'* "* ^ Federation, no further trac ing back of the pedigret of that partkdar ancestor shall be neces- ■try. .« ??!i.*' ^'*^*« •« "nd dam, and grandsirrs and granddams, rt ! bL ."^ 'T'^ "^ properly registered in the Register of the F«f««tioi^ or in one of the books referred to fai Rules 1 and Z h^\^JL*!^J^l^} •'~*' *•"** *°P "*»»«• «' »««• of one b«M properly registered in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 ana z. Rule 6. WTien a cat shaH have won a full championship under the rules of this Federation. -.^^S.^ ^*" "** "* imported from European countries, provided that tii^ «j, .how six ancestors of the same breed, diYid. registered in one of the books referred to in Rules 1 aiS i JS? S^JJ^ i* T^*^ *■.**• S*«* »«"« of thi. Federation ARTICLE IV-R»;iSTRATION IN THE REGISTER. Ftd^iJn .Si tL'^ff ."^ ^ "*«'«» *° »«* R*P»ter of this federation under the following conditions: Stn/^ Tl? "S^*' the sire or dam is registered in the i?^„? h"'' t*^ ^ r.cogni«d hy this Federation. «r nhS federation, or when its sire or dam have been ri»!«t««^^ ^°^ '"''^ ** " '^**««' « not «B«ibIe for the Stod Book, may be entered in the Register npon a swwT ^^ ment that it is bred of long haired sire S^dL "^^ Re«£i*lj^°' **" '"''*** "* or kitten nay be entered b the Sr^TLJeS'^***^ *^» '^ -^ •«>---«>' the nnJf^.l'^^*! °' ""^ •**• "•' •* ««»«<» « the Register J^J^nrom statement to that .ffect and that their pert^ST^ fa i!£t !!L"*?J*»" <»'•"'«*«»•' he entered in the Register ARTICLE V-THE KITTEN REGISTER, Kit£^L^^ ^*',*^^ "•"*^ of age may be entered in the Srof'^Sr-.rScS^* »^ ^ »->« «- register. ARTICLE VI-REGISTRATION FEES, Ac tion^/be'SL/'SoiSr."'^"' in the Stud Booi of this Feden. be ^e.tfiS'cS^'" "*""? • «**" ^ *«^ Ki«« R^iri^er shaU Sec. 4. If a cat be entered in the Register of this Pedcratkm and ~^u«nly can be proven to be eligible for the Stud BoSLJ^'S IfMSferred on payner.t of the additional fee of Fifty c2ii i«-^ *'k/2[ ^^ *°*"'^ " *^ Ki**«» R«K««ter of this Federa- « JS«Jf. *r"r? t« the Stud Book, if eSible. on Twt^ S1^^!S? '" **' Seventy-five Cents, or it may te tranrfo^ral to the Register on payment of Twenty-five Cents. «'«"«™» «> No at eligible for the Stud Book wffl be accepted for the Sec. 6. Register. Sec. 7. Entries must be made on the bfaudci of this Federation which will be furnished by the Recorder on application. Sec. & Duplication of names will not be allowed in the Stud Book and Reguters of this Federation, and no unregistered pre6xes or af- fixes may be used. See. 9. In order to use the numeral aflbces, or any other variations, Ae written permission of the owner of the cat bearing the original name must be obtained. Sec la On application, a certified copy of registered pedigree will be issued by the Recorder for a fee of Fifty Centt. Sec 11. Certificates of Oiampionships, when won under the rules of this Federation, wiU be issued by the Recorder on payment of a fee of Fifty Cents. ARTICLE VII-NAMES. CHANGE OF NAMES, CATTERY NAMES AND OWNERSHIP. Sec 1. In order to avoid conflict of names, due to the existence *'. f™*f **** '*°'" *"** registers, no name will be aUowed. if after publicatfcm, protest is made by the owner of the cat bearing the pro- tested name, provided proof be afforded that said name has already been accepted elsewhere. ' Sec Z No change of a registered name will be permitted. In case of change of ownershv, the new owner may register in a subsequent volume, using his own registered prefix or aflix in addition if desired, for one-half the original entry fee^ the registered number remaming the •]> Sec 3. The fee for registering a cattery name shaU be Two Dol- lars. Recognized English cattery names, and those registered in this country, m^ be used only by the owners for socb stock as tb^ register. Cats or kittens procured from catteries with registered names must retam Ibe cattery name. Sec 1. cated feline A kitten u eligible for montlu. See. 2. Canada, of of mating. Sec 3. the dam at SHOW RULES of the CAT FANCIERS* FEDERATION ARTICLE I— DEFINITIONS. The word "cat" is used in these rules to indicate a domesti- of either sex. or a neuter, of adult age (over eight months), an unmature cat under the age of eight months, but to be •howing It must be between the ages of four and eight An American cat is one bom in the United States, or a dam resident in the United States, or Canada, at the time The breeder of a cat is the person who owns or has leased the tune of mating. ARTICLE II-EUGIBIUTY FOR EXHIBITION. h-M^***..*' ^^ ^} *** *""'' •**■'* '• «"»*'>'« *o' exhibition at shows ^UtleTtT ^••™'" **/ *^" Fedomtion, and may compete and U entitled to win m any class. «« ♦£*''K?ii'°*'^!*.'° J'. ''*'"• *° «>"***« «°'"» registered in one of the books of this Federation, but the Show Mani«er may acc^t provisional registration of kittens, at time of entry, if^per ^is S HA ^^ ^1.^*? f '°**'°' *°*"^ ^°' """petition must be the bona f.rll Tr'^ ?' 1!"'°" """^ ^ *"*'y- " ownership be tr«». «li?r to uTSo^^*" ""'*'. "'^ "T'" ""»* ^ "^^^ "y the seller to the Show Manager prior to the opening of the show and SrwS „^ S'^ '^^^^ accordingly, but suS transfer of :;n^ ship wfll not be considered m altotting any prise for "display". ARTICLE III— ENTRIES. th.J^,t^' ^ **""" «»t«™« cats or kittens at shows held under 251^.;!^°""^ "^•* X,"^^ ^ *••' "^"- Names of the cats Z ^„H^f K i "•*"; **'""'• **■** **' ^^ ««"«• o' "ire and dam. and of breeder and owner, must be given. ♦h. S!" ^ The date o£ closing of entries having been duly announced, the show management cannot be compelled to accept entrL madT or «uled after «idnj*t of that date, postmarks to bTSeS ?s ^de«l All entries should be made on the regular entry blais furnS W the show management. No telephone nor telegraphic entries wW Z accepted unless immediately confirmed in writing h. ^At ^■*' •" ^T l"**^ '*" competition and present cannot ^t o^ST ?"" *u *^ "^«'°« '»'*" *»»« •'»«rti«S judge doS not oflSciate, In such case, the exhibitor may dectore his «t "f» «hft.t.on on y- and shjill have the right to plaie a sign to thS effS on the animal's cage, that exhibitors may know that i^d cat has n^ bf«n defeated. In toch CHe^ if » luriced catalogue is nsed. stating ■;wards, the word "withdrawn" must be set opposite the cat's or: Idtten's 1 I Se^ 4. When entry u received, acknowledgment of same must be forwarded at one. Each shipping tag must bear the name of the cat and number of its cage. Exhibitors who do not personally accompany their cau should attach a number of other distinguishing marie for each cat to facilitate correct benching. Sec. S. Where cats are shipped by express, the return address must be written on the reverse side of the express tag. ARTICLE IV-CLASSIFICATION. . ^*^. *' . ^"^^ «•«»»«» 8'»ll be recognized for each type: Open. No- vice and Kitten. »-.*«- Sec. 2 The Open Class is for cau of either sex over eight months old. Sec. 3, The Novice Chss is for cats over eight months old that have never won a first prize, Idtten wins excepted, at any sanctioned show m the United SUtes or Canada, previous to the opening day of the show. Imported cats may not be entered in novice classes. Sec. 4. The Kitten Class is for any kitten, male, female, or neuter, between the ages of four and eight months on the opening day of the show. Sec. S. There may also be classes for cats not eligible for cham- pionships, also for neuters, at the option of the show management but none of these classes shall include kittens under four months of age. ARTICLE V-CHAMPIONSHIPS. Sec. 1. Any cat which wins 10 points in the same color class, under fte conditions specified in this !ule, shall be entitled to the prefix Champion upon receiving a certificate of championship from the Recorder. Championship medals shafl be awarded only on the completion of the first 10 points: claimants for each extra 10 championship points shall receive certificates as provided in the rules, but no more than one aiampionship medal shall be awarded each cat Sec. 2. Of each color, recognised as entitled to championships, the winning male m the Open Class shall compete with the winning male in the Novice Class, and the better of the two shall be awarded the ^mpionship point, at that show for his color and type, and shall be female m the Open and the one in the Novice shaU be similarly wm- pared and the pomts allotted. .i»ii^ 3. At ganrtio^ .h,,^, ^ winners of championship points three pomts for 125 or more, and four poinu for 150 or more, cato and £ Sl'JI^'"* Tn ""P!!'"*- Special ratings for specialty shows may b€ allotted as follows: Two poinU for 25 or more, three points for 40«.«o«.fo«rpolm.for50or«ore.c i and kitten.. piSenTanJ .i^^\^* ••' ""^onwl "how. not nMUer than a two-nafait %X Lwi^iriSLT «*^'<»»WP Pofat In addition totte «««u«r altotmcnt prorided tor in Section. 3. w «■ «r M^^ni.f'7.*'?'^* "^^ •* '•'"'^ to file with the Record- Z» XrZ T •*' ? *■*! T*"^ d»«Pion.hlp pointy wiX« «.d proof of the n«nher of point, to which th^clSm to be^JS ARTICLE VI-COLORS, ,u,^^'ut^ following cotort are recognized as entitled to win White, blne-cved White, yeOow-Qrcd Black Blue Silrer Shaded SUrtr Silver TaUgr Smoke Red Red Tabhr Cream Brown Tabhjr -^ Tortoiteshell and tS;^:i..J!!l "^^■'W]* ««««»«»ted are applicable to both the long •ml jhort-hah^d. and in addition championship points may be won7t «^«ed^ show, br Siamese. Manx, RnssiaJ !fS.SS: S^d'^ll* ^j^* CaU baring a white button should compete fa their regnlar Noa*Cl»nvioiMUp CluMa. o• •"'«'' *»*«^ Of «»»«* contrary to !7J?^^«?* ?'~* Committee shall disqualify such exhibit iTLs^ of disqualification, the animal next best ma/ he ^»«r*fc *° though the di^Mified «.imal had nev« b^in^'co'SSitS: '^ " rotJ^tu^"^ Officials must not transfer cats wrongly entered m to eotor. Exhibitors must themselves decide as to the wtors of thei/.. hibrts, and must abide by their own errors of iuS»S^^cJts w^J entered ., to color must be marked -wrong J^^^^jlT^' Sec. S. Any cat which shaU have won a first prize in th« W«^- ^.J^^'J^ f!^ of entries, may be fclS^Tth" SL S£ on Wll^tion of the owner or agent to the Show M«uS^^re^ J!i XT ^ ^^"^ Committee. Should the cat have beenTnterSdi f^shSr^reTisr ^ -- *-- '- ^.-tiirNo^^^r^ .fter^^atSe. S. iTTl^'-Au't^iefSl ^^ ?£ S£^2^ h?"J?^ in jjssffication. except as provided fbTin th«2 e«t.y'^t;out\"ii^'if:Ur' — «•* 'W'* to «ie«. -r wwi!"i; *" ^'"!*^i^ *^''" •*««^ « *n Adr Jodgment the ex- S^ ^1JT?L^^^ " to color or sex. but questioS. TZ age or eligibflity to novice, kitten or special classes must be ref!rrM SSJli! /"^■•..♦*»o«»«»i the doubtful exhibit were eligible ^^ ^^\ir^ i^T^ r *^* ^ "•« *« protested wtoaTS JJ! qtttlified, the regular list of awards may be made. .«hS1!' -^"r **?■?«" •« forbidden to accept substitute cats •nd kittens m place of the original entries, and no £ n«rU««. SS be altewed in the show-room, miless p^periy Z^ *" *"' Set. la Judges shall completely disoualifr for eon«>«t*.i -.-* .^ and penalize pobto where th# A.*««^^^^ j v "*"««"•*" defond "-bbons or cards designating awart. Class on ribbons or cards in Kitten, Neuter, and A. O. C Qm^ ♦ • ^ }^.J^' *° *''* judging, there shall oe nothing on cases to mdicate the identity of the cat. cattery or exhibitor. Sec. 19. Cats entered for exhibition are entered with the distinct iS. A. 5 • "*'' '■'"^^ "*• ■* »«^* ^ depositing five dollars w^ the show majugement for each cat. said deposit to^ retumedlf the cat u repUced in ita cage by nine o'clock on the day follov^- rX^rjorfd^' •"cl^'^t;?' ""'jl" ^'' *°° ^^ thatiSuS!;^ aiso oe forfeited. Cats shall not be removed otherwise excent unon • eS ctS r"* "^ the vet«4nari.„. It shall, however beTpSnTwit; S?„^ tK ^L"""™" » ■«'«"« « its premimn list whether ^ Sd J^^ thMJ^JL™^ be immedmtely delivered, or whether exhibiS^. ^ remove their kitten entries at the end of the first day of the show! Sec. 20. Exhibitors announcing fai the catalogue the sellimr oW^ of «jr entry may not duri^g the show facreaK^e ^<2^SS and any person shall have the right to purchase at this ca^!^^ All Mies niut be reported pronpttjr to the Show Manager, who shall dednct 10 per cent comminkm. Sec. 21. Show Uanagert faUfaig to comply with the provbiona of any of tficM rale* shall be liable to a cash fine or sospension at the option of the Executive Board. Sec 22. Judges are prohibited from exhibiting "for competition'' at shows where they are officiating, but may enter their cato "For Sal^ or "for exhibition only". ARTICLE IX-PROTESTS. Sec 1. ProtesU against the management of shows held under these roles must be made in writing to the Executive Board of this Fedefi- tion withm 60 days after the bst day of the show. Sec 2. A protest against the show conduct of an individual hav- tag bem duly lodged and the person having been found guilty by the Executive Board, said person shall not be aUowed to exhibit, judge, nor act m any official cap«:lty at shows held under these rales, unless formally reinstated at a reguhr meeting of the Executive Board, held not less than six months after the date of the suspension. Sec 3. Protests to the Executive Board of this Federation must be accompanied by a deposit of five dollars. If the protest be sustained, the deposit will be returned; otherwise It wiU be forefetted. .*[ THB STANDARD. i«« IP15: i'** f'**.* *l* **'"''* ** *»' ~"V type, that Is to say. low on Ae legs, deep m the chest, massive across the shoulders and rump, with a short well-rounded middle piece. In site, the cat should be laive or medram. but there should be no sacrifice of quality for the sake of mere sixc H*»»*r iwr * 2.^!. P* ^^^ '''°"''* •* '*""'' "^ massive, with great breadth ofdroll. and be well set on a neck not too long. EARS: Neat, round tipped, set wide apart and not unduly open at the base NOSE: Short snub and broad. CHEEKS: Full. JAWS: Broad and powerful EYES: Lvge, round, full, set wide apart and brilliant, giving a sweet expression to the face. ^^^^ .u I^}^: ^^^ carried without a curve and at an angle lower than the back, but not trailed, when walking. BACK: Level LEGS: Thfck and strong; forelegs, perfectly straight and ^o« tehiiJ.'^ ~""'* "^ *™' "^ ""''^ *•"-' ^ ^ '««* cl c^A^L^ ^\7i! c«it should show, primarily, perfect physl- cal condition. It should be of fine texture, soft glossy, full of life and riwuM stand off from the body. It rfiould be tonj JlovS Z body, mclnding the shoulders The raff should be toawise «dco«J the ■«€ tone M the fwTTi! «-!^. "i'''' *^ *^''* ««« <««• to be ^ BED TABBY: GrcT^ ^ rj""^, "' "•^ "*»«* dee» oni«c; ^ "« red. No tickuig; B;ye* copper or l« 2^;«Sr ^•^ '^ •'•^ " »-«-^ E^co,. »-l^r iJ2^ dS:"lS:'*S',„f 12^ ««- -0 ch^ rich n*"ow I^ndlings^ UaTwSSr »f ^ ''5'""* "«' >>«>ed (not "^ chert, or 'Wkleces- diSTSe I^.^. ^"^ «» »«* a»eek twirl. «,d nrfrl. on riS ^^ ^. '^'* »««» ««'wd. ^\rNr. The»«rk.„p':L"i'^'~°»r^«««n^ down the neck to meet the^^.^.» ^T !^ •>«^«««n the em «nd *• head «e. from Ae .LttT^^B L*' •^""«" *««W> dwS 5*'^'^ «» «i»>w.«ide of it. and bh* iLTfi St-^T* *' *^ No tkktng. Eju, deep oni«i. ^ **" •^^ •«•• •' them. V TORTOISESHELL: Bl^lr «— ^•«n«I ud well broken, thMfa iSE .^ *'*!S "^^'^ «»«riy «m copper or deep oru««. ^^ ' '*• **^ »i»rkfap. lor theM color. den«ndi m f«L^.!f""^ •««• Th* -Mdwd of the Minal •^ »•**•"» •' «»*rf«ta« on botTrida "^ "^^^ •^'-^ «- --» coof o«n to tW. at^hnt MANX STANOAfiO. '"^•r »h« 'ore .'^Ji^'^^^j/i^J' LEGS: Hind I.^^ t«il. lad .light d.p«Mion tt ImlTof tSl ' '*^''*' ■^•'«*» •' MAllBSEiTANDAlU). CONDITION: Not toTfat faSLfi ^' ^OBJECTIONS: Pireye^^ ""* *» "^•• ^> m.. Biotd.; or Sed Sitllhr^ 52:. '^ ^^n**^ timdhist. Extra or white to«^ wi.^^ ^'^ " ***«^ mridng. or 1^ .ppeerin, in the'S^IS blJ^^pTi *" "^^ *" ^'"^^ AUSTRALIAN STANDARD. «»e hair onfS^ »P« "«» very thin, hairier i„.id^ covered with ^ODY: S-«" 1- .i^ l«:llned to length, deep h. loin, .houlder. LEGS: Slender, hind leg. h^her. TAIL. ,^ *!!**'****• ""^ •" Wwu«; diwi P'^'h^rSoi'^ «o . A^ potat. »tt., fc, fc. ^ CC \T: V«y abort and opMndiM j^jO"*"- ■"»" «»rt-d wWi .1*. « dUiN. » dMiplo-l* ABTMIHUH ITAMOAKO. •CALB OP POINTS. Color Coat mad Condition _ H«id (induding siM tnd"*il»pe oTeye.) 2S -.. 2S - 20 ~~ ao - 10 Toty 100 ^ If .\