CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICIVIH Collection de microfiches (monographles) m Canadian Institut* for Hiitorical Microraproductiont / Institut Canadian da microraproduction* historiquas 1996 Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes technique et bibliographlques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual method of filming are checl Th« copy fllmad har* hat baan raproduead thanks to tha ganarotity of: Medical Library McGill Unlnriity Montreal Tha iniagat appaarins hara ara tha baat quality potaibia contldaring tha eondltlan and lagiblllty of tha original copy and In kaaping with tha filming contract tpaclficatlona. L'axamplalrt film* fut raprodult grlea i la gintrofltt da: Medical Library McGin Univertity Laa Imagat lulvantaa ont M raprodultaa avac la plus grand toln, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattati da I'axamplaira Ittmt, at an conformity avac laa condltiona du eontrat da flimaga. Original eoplaa In printad papar eovara ara flimad baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or lllustratad impraa- slon, or tha back covar whan approprlata. All othar original copiaa ara flimad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or lllustratad Impraa- sion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or lllustratad imprassion. Laa axamplairas originaux dont la couvartura an paplar aat imprimta sont flimte an eommanfant par la pramlar plat at an tarminant soit par la darnMra paga qui eomporta una amprainta d'Imprasslon ou d'lilustratlon, soit par la sacond pist, salon Is cas. Tous laa autras axamplairas originaux sont filmto an commandant par la pramiira paga qui eomporta una amprainta d'Imprasslon ou d'iliustratlon at an tarminant par la darnitra paga qui eomporta una talla amprainta. Tha last raeordad frama on aach microflcha shall contain tha symbol — ^-Imaaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appiiaa. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparattra sur la damiira imaga da ehaqua microflcha, salon la eas: la symbols -*• signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbols ▼ signifia "FIN". Maps, platas, charts, stc, may ba flimad at diffarsnt raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraiy includad In ona axposura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand comar, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama lllustrata tha mathod: Laa cartas, planehas, tsblaaux, ate., pauvant ttrs flimto i daa taux da rMuctlon diffirants. Lorsqus la documant ast trap grand pour ttra raprodult an un saul cliche, 11 ast fiimi t partir da i'angla sup4riaur gaucha, da gaucha i drolta. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'Imagas ntcsssaira. Las diagrammaa sulvsnts lllustrsnt la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 maocorr risoiution tbt chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAHT No. 2' 1.0 Irl^ 1^ ^ I.I S lis 1^0 IJ.8 im mil u 1^ III 1.6 /APPLIED IM/GE Ine 16M Eait Uair> Strwl °- 'Pathology. II. i The Classification and Distribution THE Intestinal Bacteria in Man, av WILLIAM W. FORD,' M. D., Rekabch«, Johns Hopkins u»i,„„„ 0. T». R.C........ ,».,„„„ ,„ „„,„:•;•;;:.„ L.T. ,„,„o. r...ow, Mc«„u .„,„..,„ o, ,». „„. ,„,„„„ ■ ' °'"'""°" "■"■"' '" -"■«>-=' "=<=-. "».....,rv. MO,,,.., MARCH. 1303 PdlHTCO *¥ J. A, CARVETH A CO., LIMITED, MEDICAL BOOK PUBLISHERS. TORONTO. CANADA. *i; '^ItiOIll I Mrs 1>'I-H \i. K,M Ml 'inriiiN AMI \ V '"' Muh«;A,, I ,,,„ I Ml Mn.ri KMii.nn "^ iMf i:,r, !"► ,H,„,s ^,, I Mh J'si M.i , ■ ' 1^1. V I Av.iK. , , *'". I',,,,,,,,,,,, , M.,ll,.i "■"■'"■ .~,.,„,.n,„. ''■'■" '■■■"•■■■V..-, 1,. ,„., H'"iM,.s,,.l,,l,,,|,.,.,,„ , , "-■■" s, ,,„■,„:, ,;"'= "■■'■'■■'-i i.-.-.i.-..-.,.,, „ ,„„, , "-■i -....,„.,,.„,,',,, H;.,lll„- |,|..| ,, |,,„_| ^^ ^. ■' Ha, ill,,, „ . IV H.iiill.iN viil..,,;, ,11 H-iii.-.-,.'.;;-:,;!;;::;"""^' ''""'" n.„iH„,,,vi„,.i, |,„„| ,'',;. n.„iii„, n„„K,.ri, I,,.,,;, .„ : !!-'■■■; ->«•■ .:■,.,' _ """■'■ ' ^". S,K,.-„., ,«,„ .M'l"l"~. I„,,l ,„., . a,„f,>l,„„i,|,|, M,.,„|„„ ll,„ill Ha,le, H.„ M,«„i ;;:;:;::;■:,;;; '■ / Ha.ill,,, s„l„ Hioill,,, l..|„,ri Hii,ill„s d„l,i„. V * /itti'^ftihi/ /litiUritt. l(. l'.r..,l..|li..n..~,i..MiKill.'... iS .1,.. lS;-| Mii;.rl,i . l'.iM.'.m,.iM,,.l,,l„(K.n 1 Hi,., H„.,i,., ,,,,1 Fl.„l,-,,„ri, l,,,,.„ ,.. (S, K l'»l-'l, I h'l „ II I I.., Miv.ii., ,.„., Il.i. ..■irlii.i,-. ..l.-s(Hi..'|>|..- x «,....! .s>l,,i ,\lii;i,l,, i.,.„, H.i.i. tii'l.fl..iis. H.ii.l I is.^^ 11,1.. ll.i vi... I'i..iikl.,ii,l iW; M.u.ll.i.n. >,,>!, I,.,. HilfcK'- '^'«i M.i. i.'iii .1.11,,.!.,, Mil,,,!., „,,, "■"■I. " i.'imi.Ni.M.' l|-|-..,ikUi.,l iSK.,1, M.Ki.l.i i.,«. . H;.i illi.s iiilK.iiii>. t i.M^.iri pWfS<) ll-"ill' V,., M,K,,1., „,,., U.uiilu, -.,i.l,ll,|i:i„.Mlu-f,; .S;i.. ,,J,„ ,S7J ■■■■■'" 1 .1,. M,Ki.l . . Itl^lH OS n» iM ISMS M Hm 1! UiA : niu'J.-nun 77 7" 7'< Kllll KAI'IIV t.\ IkOlil I I ION. Till', pr.iciical |»iiiiciii of the work re|iori(ul in this |i,i(K'r was cirriijil out wliilc the author lielcl ihi: < iciviirnor's I'ello.vshii) ill l'aiholo;^y, AlcGill I nivi-rsiiy, .Montri-al. lor til' inat(-ria, he is iiulelnetl to Dr. J. (i. Atlaini. I'atholoyist I.) the K. \ ictoria I lospiial. and to tiie late Mr. Wyati Johnston, l'atholoL;ist to the Montreal Cieiienil llos|iilal, who permitteil tlie most liheiMl use if the autopsies iKTlornieil at these hospitals. (Jwin;,' to the r'.hnililing of the l'athoIot;ieai l.aljoratorv ol .McCiill Univer.ity and to iiie iiinsei|nent lack of space for laboratory work at that tune, the authorities of the Koyal \ ictoria Hospital i-.stended to him the facilities of their I'alholijMical Laboratory, ,iih1 it was there thit the actual investit;atiou the pn-paration, isolation and study of the culturt.'s was conducted. The anal) sis ol the notes, the review ui the literature, and the writing of the pa|)er were completed durin,^; the tenure of ,1 I'ellowship in the Rockefeller Institute for .Medical Research, and in this way Ijoth the Rockefeller Institute and 4SS M".ill CmvrM, />,l.od,„„on /hsiorua/ R,-.„„„, V Imv,. c„„,nl,u,„,| „„.,,„.,„,,„., . ■^ l>ruhiniM..ri rr|,„ri oC rh,. „■ ■ -=l5:.;;;/::;'s;,!;;t=^™'''-'''£'K::';l '"'->"w^ ;-a':';:'";;::;::'i;n,"" 'h. i,act,.n„i„.v ..r .^e ■'I'li-rwl thiMii th,. ,n , , • "' '"""'111 '.fc-s in.l 4«9 /uttsiiMiii /iatttria. i bacteria whieh may under diverse cunditiuns be found in he contents of iht* alimentarv tr<*cl, (jessntT (1MM9) made an especial examination of tntr 'luodcnum from which he isolated seven different urj^anisms incUuliny /uui/iHs m/i, /iacterinm yoi^fnei, Strfptonucus PyOj^*:n£s, and two s|)ecies of s|K)rt;l)earin;i UiciHi. Gillespie ( iSgjIcultivaied twenty-four different organisms from the contents of the stomach ranyin^' in their characterfrom fuicii/its lo/i and /iacUruim acrogtmi to Sacc/iaromyces tereiiuae and Pink Toritta, .md emhracinj; Han/Zus i-uigans, Pseiidomonas aeruginosa (Haciilus pyocyaneus), Micrococcus fitm/uiifis and a;^!.' numlx^r ol sporcbc.irinj^ bacteria. In the same year (iilbert and Lion (i^9.>) made a bacterioloy^icjil study of fifteen normal stools, finding not oniv several fnrms related to tiacillus toli but occasional re|ii«- sentatives of the alkalt-prodiutng bacilli, the >iO-callud " Inter- mediate" or Hog -cholera j^roup. During llic following; year Dallcmagntt (il^94) rc|iorted his observations on the stomach, small and large intestine of twenty cadavers ; his elaborate tables ^ive incomplete d :scrip- lions of ii large number of intestinal bacteria, including many of the forms which had alr-tady been reported. I'Vom the surgical stantlpojnt Macfadyen. \encki and Sieber, (1891), on the one hand, and Ciechoniski and Jakcwski (1S94) on the other, have utilized cases of abdominal fistulx where a favorable opportunity was presented of examinin|4 the discharges from tne small intestine. The former isolated six varieties of bacilli and a streptococcus from the ileo-ca-cal region, while the latter found besides Pseudomonas acrny^i- nosa and Haciilus Hquefacicns ilci of Macfadyen, a numl)er of streptococci and dipUjcocci in the upper portions of the ileum. to another fji-mis. In such ciisi-s the name of the eiirlier writer is placed in piirenthesis with the year in which the correct specific name was ffiven. followed by 'he name of the author who ^iwz the correct f;eneric title, and the date when it was jjiven as in the ca^e ot Bacillus vulgaris (Hauser iHHh), Mipula 1900. That IV to say, Hauser in iHHO denominated this form Profeus vulgaris, Mijfula in 1900 transferred the Proteus forms to the group Bacilli. 1 have also found Chester's Manual of Determinative Bacteriolo^f\ of the greatest value and assistance in the identification of species. 490 '.'iiloncal A',s,„».'. ('SS9) has repo?';V .'''";"''=«'■"''' contents l-h "''/■' '"""• very rarely iUs^',! ■' ' ^'"^'^''"""^-•^-^fc „ ' '"'.^ ^^^'""er has repeatedK ; y ' "1 ""''"'a' stools whil.i '■,."= '°"'>''- -or. as it is ni„r. ""^ /""■''<•'-/»;« n',/,;„ "7'""' I'J'cta s Intestinal Hmtcria. be isoliUed from the intestines, the cultural reactions by which the ditterent s|>ecies may be sei)araied have been greatly increased within the past two decades. Of special interest and value are the observations with the "rermenlaiion lube" introduced and applied by Theobald Smith (1895) to the study oi liaiii/us coli and Ihuillu<. i/oaca', and the Durham modit'ication of this appliance, utilized by Durham (1900) for the classification of the mem- bers of the iloi^-cholera, or. as Durham calls it, the " Inter- mediate " or Gartner Group. With the help of carbohydrate solutions Smith has given us a positive means ol identifying the two main groups of JUicillns coli, one fernifMuing three sugars -dextrose, saccharose and lactose the other ferment- ing but two — dextrose and lactose; while Durham has further pointed out the fact that the organism which leaves sac- charose unart"ect(;d is the bacillus originally described by Escherich. I'Vom this short historical summary, it may be seen that considerable contradictions are noticeable in the results of the different systematic investigations of the intes- tines, and that a necessity has arisen for a more thorough study of this subject by the use of larger numbers of bacttirio- logical reactions, and the employment of a broader technique. But the number of new methods which have been Introduced is so great, however, while every new the hands of its discoverer, seems to be so important and far-reaching in its aoplication, as to render a systematic study of the many sjiecies of micro-organisms which may be derived from the alimentary tract, well-nigh hopeless. As a necessary ])reliminary to further routine species work, some rtiliable investigation of the exact value to be ascribed to the various bacteriological reactions was impera- tive. This necessity was met by Fuller and Johnson ( 1900) when ihey published their classical paper on Water Hacteria. embodying the results of a long study of forty-two different species, by means of nearly all the cultural reactions now in us(^ and giving most cop'prehensive data of the constancy with which these reactions iiccur. Stimulated by the publication of P'ullcr and Johnson's results, the writer has endeavoured to apply the principles which thev have laid down to the studv of the bacteria of the T/h- JV„I,,,„, ^>_^/,y,^^^ '"tt.sti,i(. and, workin.r .,| ^"K MAfFMAI, rT„.,SE„ fsSlSSiliii ._ Imnietliatelv after rl,„ ] , . '''"-en, portions o the L:'ji''°""'^'' ^^^"V was opened "rface. a short incision na^:*^ ^.f^ ^^^<=f""y ''fted , t ,e cotton sival) introduced nd '''^'"'estinal wall a ster ,! ,C '•''■'"'"lation. In this u- ^ amoved for bacterio °-'>- In another twentv-fiv,. r-. ^ ^ f''"'"'^' 'he follow ir^ cases the were ex-r„rr h i^ ?'"'^^i '" «" ■' '°"-power lens and lo Intestinal Jlactcnu. the different colonies, even those presenting only minor vari- ations in appearance, were transferred to a;^'ar. 1 he cultures resulting were e.\amined after twenty-four hours' grow th and if suspicion of their purity arose, they were again plated and fresh colonies were picked out. In rare instances the cultures were plated repeatedly before their purity could be assured, such is the tenacity with which microorganisms cling to each other when freshly re- moved from the intestinal contents. The pure cultures isolated from the bowel by this method were now subjected lo \\\k. preliminary cultivation, shown by Fuller and lohnson to be necessary before bacteria assume their normal characteristics and exhibit surely the cultural reactions for their species. Their activity was heightened by cultivation on agar and in broth for three days each in the incub.itor, and in gelatine plates for three days at the tem- perature of the room. After this procedure they were trans- ferred to agar again, from which, after the conventional three da\s, the various cultural media were seeded. Till-: MKIIIA EMI'LOM'.O. The media employed were of the composition proposed bv the 1897 Report of the liacteriological Committee of the American Public Health Association, and consisted of -Agar- Agar. Xeutral Hroth. Gelatine. Potato, lilood Serum. Litmus M7lk. Potassium Nitrate Broth and .Sugar Hroths. made up from one per cent, solutions of De.xtrose. Saccharose and Lactose. The meat infusion from which the broth was mailc was first inocu- lated with fresh fluiU cultures of Bacillus coli to destroy by ter- mentalion the muscle suf;ar and the occasional traces of jjlucose. The stock was then filtered and sterilized in the usual way. Krom the stock the ordin.irv broth tubes were filled and the carbohydrate solutions prepared b>'the addition of the requisite amounts of the three sugars employed. The Dextrose was sterilized for ten minutes in the auto- clave at a temperature of 115 and a pressure of one atmos- phere, the Saccharose and Lactose for fifteen minutes in streaming steam for three consecutive days. The nitegnty of the ' )extrose is maintained at the temperature and pres- sure mentioned, while the use of steam will not ordinarily cause the reduction of Saccharose and Lactose to mono Relative Value of Reactious. II tS^Sknol::'!,^^;'"^ carbohvdnu. sohuio,,. were Considerable bnnvninL' of ih,, .„. r " sterilisation be used, „nd t' I roJ ', , -f"''''" "''■■""■" ""■'l""l "'■ the destruetion of the ca b ,h d" K ^ftl' ""' "'""■"' ^"' '"J" ^'f due ,o some combinaUo between ,h '"''•'«----^">'-' °'' i'- 't is sugars, lor watery solutions of ,he s^ . rs ,1'" 't'"' "'i;'"" '""' "" from sterilization. Mif,.irs .ilone do not ehange colour I haie, moreover, reneati^tn,- , . . rose .Mid l.;,ctose respond re- dilv , , I "^7^ "^'-"^ »olution» of S.-.echa- of bacteria which aftict the^ s'^;"' ,;,;',;f '> '" ""■■ fermentative action ^-^^^^:l^^l:':Z::;^^\ >;f; broth which ■ ation « ithin fortv-eitHu ho;,". .. }"-}> A'"'.''''. "■' >.'"= ■' t-'aseous 'c-rnK.„lat,on within forty-ei^Hu hours, w. re discarded. o.\ Tin; A.M. \.\I,ri: OK RKACTIONS. K.STI.MATION ^ '■ "^r Kr.ALTlONS. -di;^^ tesT^ ;::^;;!ned"-/t,"'^ 'f ^^"^ ■^"'-- sec. „ul, fourth and teruh hs u-"", '^"'' "* ''"= ^'^^' or clt.iral reactions ton, / 1 .'■'^ "'",''' ""''^ ''"^ '"^'J""'^- case of the nue t«i..;ofTi:'^^ '"■•"'^ i" 'he alter a rntich laler 1;^™^ ^ '^''!l '"''''\ -'T ^PP-- tainnts; ^relatine, milk an 1 l,lo 1 "'" ''"' '"'"='' ™"- aeen,idT" '<:^rin;::^""^ 'f ^'^'V ■-''— nawas the; appeared o? the , vtZr ''''vt'", ""^^ '""'= '" "hi^h depend uZtheuse'f^i::':"""^^!'"' '" "«- pa,es and the identitv of the difcn "" ''""''''■' "^ ™''"'-^'' "^^^^^^ ■-' limited series'of react.wT; T"*"^ ""' estabh'shed from manner in whi^h these e^ctblV'"'"" "\^^-,"y ™"-ler the which was ascribed to each ' ""'"'^ ''"'' ""= ^'"'"'^ or st;t;?Sj;;;;;;^::'t,r::r"'7""'°"^ '"'''-''''--"- ducin. bacilh- cloTeK resemble ?'1'"',''S' """"I^K'^ent-pro- the n,icrosc„pe. T n,s IhTle H, ' ' "u T "'''=" ^'^"=" ""der i-^ai, iistinet-'^r^HiirrttE":;?;^^;^ 495 I 2 Intestinal Haileria. cultures are constantly sixn in which th« elements are characteristic, or in which the morplioloj;)- speaks tor one species and the cultural reactions decide for another. More- over great latitude e.tists in the appearances furnished by die same microorganisms under different conditions of jjrouiii. The confusion which arises in estimatiii',' this character is considerably diminished when the bacteria are e.xamiiu-d unstained just at the edge of a hanging; drop where a sli;.;lu dryinj^ of the lluid suspension occurs and the ori;anisnis ,ire deposited in a single layer on the coverslip. In this locaiioii the long, thin bacilli of the Proteus urou]) can easily Ije dil- ferentiated from the shorter, thicker elements of Itacillm "'''■ ■ 11 Certain species possess characteristic morphological apjiearances however, and to them considerable value attache Thus the individuals of Bacterium aerogctus are always thick and stumpy, the capsule surrounding each element con- tributing to this formation, while Ractcrium liijiufaciem of Eisenberg c'.ojely resembles Bacterium aerogeiia in morphology although the bacteria are always consideraljly lonirer. The large sporebearing bacteria can be identified in par" by their morphology, while very minute bacilli can always be differentiated from the more numerous intestinal forms by this feature alone. For these latter, unstained preparations are positively essential, as the contraction and shrinkage inci- dent to the heating and staining, cause them to look almost exactly like micrococci. Size.—'Vhe size of the different organisms was estimated in mi^ro- millimeters by a Bauscli & I.omb eye piece atuiched to an oil immersiiMi lens, and twenty-four hour a^ht cultures were always employed. The length is subject to the jfreatest variations, while the diaineier is fairly constant in different cultures of the same s- cies ; to the diameter must therefore be attributed the j;reater differenli.,, value. Motility.--^ oung cultures on agar or in broth, twelve to eighteen hours old, examined in neutral solutions, offered sup- posedly the best means for a diagnosis of motility. It was soon learned, however, that these should be supplemented b>- an examination of old cultures, where active motility may be observed, when young growths show only sluggish or merely vibratory movements. Possibly during the greater interval of time, longer and more vigorous flagella develop, or possilily the chances in the reaction of the medium occasioned by the 496 J Value of IJiJ/cnnI C„//„n Maim. .ppe^::;;:^r.,f?^:;:;-^j;:;^;'f:™-"^ ^^ ..i...,. tmal hacl.-ria develop on t ,is ml ^',,r„ V f ''■'■''" '''^'^■'^■'- '" "">•■- or^'an!»m» like ,1,0 •• pro,"u^ vp .' j ", ', "" T"'"' ""'> ■ '■'■■"'"» to th. bottom or ,he tuhc whil^r ' '■ 7" "''' '"'"'''"' "'"' -'"r-' almost imp.Tcenliblv "ri, ,' '^■"^V^P^'^'" '>' very minute hadlli ..row little impof:^::cr"'rhe ^arxier'n'r"^ "" "^ '^ '■^--- ^' acteristic lor each species .,„i , ' l'''™'"'"'''' "'■^' "Pl to he cl,;,r- -Ite separation of cLelv'a ed for, ,' tLT ':". '"'"''''' ■'" '" -"l'l>-- hacteria are especially of dia^nosUcJah.e "" "' ^P^'^'^l'-'-''^.' and ftt te^r^iri^r zZ:'':;:^T' "" '""-'"^^ "'■ "- n-cipi,ate hro.h inoculated with the anu, .'^r^-mi'nr'l'h: T ^"f— ,-P«i"'-s of vaue of this mediim,. Z- X ^™^^ ™"'"^ pellicle as distinguished from 1 sc,m I'.™'' V^ '"" "' ■! Jense surface hottom of the ttbe, and tlTe nrZ ^■■'"'> ^''"1>-"^J --'"d settlinj; to the "ith the clearness k^t I o '.^a, i'm e ',^,,1 ", T"'"'"' '"■ ^^"^^"•-" t-n^ m.ty b«h He empfoyeS. l.o::;;.::?';i^'^™:?;i:^--;:''-'>T- -r ^T^^;^z:^:"?^,;":s^: t- -^^^^ ""■'"-' ^ •" «ith .t. It, variahilitv is so Lre I,! ' m' """J'"''' "'"''' ^■■- '""''= to be of little imnort-tnce Th , ™'"^.l"»'ons from ,ts use are apt growth produced 'iTX,-;yJt//:u,d'M?''''^' I;'''-' .vcllo„ ish-bro„!; tite Petruschky Bacillus "hen ', lu-; K s "•''''""'' '•"■°^"'' "^ ; the same culture other po, noes sh„,h '■"■' '"J/'f "^in^-i-J:. vet It ■« offfreatest value in th ; I .^^,■ '^^ ''"''^''"'''^^ •"™»tions. other .sporebearingbacteri" "''■"'""••^'">"> of A"///,,, ,,„/^„„„ „„j eighth „. .e;:th't wi^"^:;;k^^s^,^'-i:; '" ";',ti^: Full "™r 1^"°'" ?-"'"^^ ^"''' ™-'-'t 'ha, o. .a "as S/-:i,Sr Jrx;;nr;t-;! t:? '"- -'^^ positive diagnoses established "'^ sometimes »am/;^^:;r-°:^i;-^;,S--n;; *:-■ on blood serum in much the -Action occurs Ler ^-^^'^^^f 'SJi^^i!^-;-^'-- i ™;;:-;; '4 Intestinal llacleria. assov-ialcd, and with nil li^uctviii^ spe^ for a iiinsidt'rabli; time bctort; iic^'ati\c tubes must bv; observed oils tail be drawn. oilelus l-'eimeiilatioii Tube: Dc.\ii-oi.c llrotli. — Thu iisl- of this appliiiiict: ami tliu plu-iiomena observiiblu in it have not oiily iiicrcasetl our kn(nvlud:;(; of funiieiitiii^; microort;aiiisms, but h,iv(j i^iveii lis ccriain groiip reactions whicli may Lie applied to all species. Three {jnmps of bacteria may lie distinguished. In the first group are the organisms which ureipiite i, apable of attacking the carbohydrates, their growth being limited to the Iniib of the fermentation tube where it e.vtcnds as far as the neck only, the broth in the closeil arm remaining perfectly •■'•■•- The reaction in the bulb is usuallv aU:iliiie. The clea second group incluiles the bacteria w' ich ferment the carbo- hydrates, with the production of acidity but no gas. the growth extending not only in the bulb but throughout the entire arm. The reaction in the .irni is always «,(,(', and in the bulb either acid or alkaliiu-. In the last division may be placed those species which show a gascom fermciilatioii of the sugars, coincident with an add production, the gas collecting in the closed arm and the broth everywhere becoming turbid. Slice I/a rosi- and Lac/osc ///-o///. -While the reactions with the other carbohytlr.iies are generally supplementary to those obtaintil with De.xtrose. the capacity of fermitnting one sugar being accompanied by a similar capacity for others, the use of IJe.vtrose, Saccharose and Lactose together gives us far more information of diagnostic value than the employment of Dex- trose alone. Provided the steriliz,ition of the'double sugars be conducted with the necessary precautions there is every reason to believe that diflerent micro-organisms will possess peculiar affinities for each sugar. A species which exhibits ;-t one time an ability to ferment for instance, will alw.iys possess that property when brought to its highest point of .ictivity by preliminary cultivation. \Ve are thus able to divide the "coli" group into two sidvdivisions, by observing the action of the different cultures on Saccharose, as Theobald Sinith ha: already pointed out. This diversity of action on Saccharose expresses a general rule in intestinal bacteria, for members of the Hog-cholera, Proteus and C:ioacae groups may be judged by the same criterion. The action of bacteria on Lactose is more uniformly associated with a splitting of Dextrose than is the fermenta- """■'I Saccharose, arul onlv ; • ""■'^■>. That such an aJtl „ ' '../t^ '" '""'''"^ ^'-•'"■""^ fcnnems Saccharusr with l """"f ."^ SH-TmIjitm, „.hirh "■"* and l-actoscscluti, .;"-■" "■'":" «■■"«" '" IV-N ■h"* "/ /.W//„,v .«/v,//,, '''''.'■' '«""■■« an., similar to ■.''""•^ "itii the nrmkict ion , -^ '' '•''■"'<'•" '■'^ Saccharus,- <7- ln,i,bl.,s 0/ .„r""^, ',;«="'">■ -'..d th- .solution ,. ''"•■ a«:..M,. data for .h^'id,;; r', /;"'"^1?'-^ '"« ""Iv valual,le "'■^■■•...,r^anisn,,s, h,t a hr^Ln r". "' l'''"ici,lar s,„xirs of non-sporebearing bacilli mat T^V^"^. 5^ which'all the groups, the acid?a„d th^ a^Kli'jroS, '"*" *"° ««»' ;-^"":.t^':';^::'^;::;:i-,:'Tr'^^^^^ 7- -a,r within ^^t:^ C^^\ '''"^ "^-^"la.lon rt-pre...ntative, which, iaili le iVtru.schkv li, tht- ■acillus is the e tr.iccs of oil ''zyi^^i^'-^^.^^ lucose in the milk main or -•'V..ur hour. . pronoun^^ aS^- :^;!^^ talj- , ^" ,^'llV-"l't IM^ h,v„ ,„»,,., , , »iin)p,v. r III,. 499 ■ 6 /iilisliiial Hailiiia. pII imrr'asc's from day in day. In ihe srrond subdivision art- included bacilli which, like \\\v. Shij^M ll.icillus, split up the iluxtrosu in ihu milk lo the i)oint of an initial acidity, but whosr alkali-production is sufficient to sui)S(,-()iiently neulr.di/e the acidity ant) cause an alkaline reaction. In both these divisioiH the alkali-production may be so jj^reat as to saponify the pro leids in the milk and simulate a peptonization of the casein, or rather the caseinoj^en Xeutraiization with weak .icid shows the casein comjiletely intact. In the third subdivision are found organisms, which, like /^roh'its tu/i^ar/s. pro- duce an initial acidity and a subsecjuent alkalinity, but whicli further peptonise the caseinogen and completely reduce the litmus: with such cultures neutralization of the alkali revt-als only a thin, ropy lluid. Production of Nitrites. -Tested in the nitriito broth culture hy mt.-anK of naphthyhtmine and sulphanilic acid. Few specie's of it)tL-stin;(l bacteria tail to (five this reaction, no matter how carefully it f ■ carried out and its value in species differentiati.m iscorn'spondinjfly dii inishod. Indol. — This suostance, while usually produced by cul'ure-i o\ Bacillus coli, and other inteslinid bacteria, is completely la- kin^- at times with positive indol-producinj,' orjjanisms, and its differential value cannot be considered very ^reat. It was found repeatedly with cultures of Bacterium acnigcnes, ordinarily supposed not to produce it, even when such cultures were isolated from the stomach and duodenum. Ficcat Odor. — This is more noticeable in cultures Treshlj' ijunvn from the intestinal contents than with any particular species. It ocjurs indiscrimatelv with bacteria of the stomach or of the rectum. IN THi-: MICROORGANISMS ISOL.ATEU, Nearly seven hundred cultures were obtained from the fifty autopsies studied, each or<(anism being brought to its highest activity by preliminary cultivation, after which its cultural reactions were estimated by the methods already indicated. Eliminating minor cultural peculiarities and a few anomalous reactions due clearly lo deficiencies in the culture media, these seven hundred organisms were found to belong to practically 50 (fifty) distinct species of bacteria. While it is possible that a number of other species may exist at times in the intestinal contents, the results here described Ijeing obtained from but one series of cases, t ::eems probable both from the actual number of microorganisms studied and from the constancy with which the different species were en- -•-'•?p'aiM,I':;;fi;',;:^;rr7 ';"■'"'• '- '-'-i »'"-h,.„l iHMMtol „„( ,1,:. ,1 r ■•'"-■™''. "" ^^'^■'■'■."•nsr. !■> 1-^l.ericl, .|,„..s n ,. ,, r«;"."^'" ;"'r"'^'"> . s,„., ic, 'nic of li^lifriLl,, ^ ' '"""' • -"■ '''i- Ier,n,,.,ui„. cl.vvt,-,s,..-^.^i, '""■■^ '■"""-•'•'"« -rKanisms 71'ns<-...ino die main ,v ,';/,; ■'"".'""■«<-■ alik. .-.nd •'"■, "an,,. li«c,cr„n,a^^J,M^ T'"''^- '■'■'■ 'hi^ form ■""I l"r another or,..-, m'sm .n, ■'"'^■- '^oo* n,av h. r-servecl, the intestinal tract. '"iem.;ar;w;h |)rodiictl,Miandits|iepton /''"(■///«.. />/cl,i_ of H auser. (•■ ferm '"'.'■ ma\- be ir the 'atte these iznijv propertie.'- of 'i"|,l.ned, while for ■r species the n. and lactose 'l ;"lieal »„h /,'„,,//,„ ,.„/, i«e l)ut not third l>itii//,is III/. ei/iiiin is su.j ''"■« in othe i'esteil. >accha ame species and respects, the name i8 lulislinal liiUlitia, The more cnnmioiily isolated cultures ol' /ia;rou|)." and indeed to be classed with it, is an organism with tin; same properties of liquelactit)!] aiul milk coagulation, but which is ilistin^uished by its morpholoj,'y, its colony I'ormation and by its failure Id ferment lactose, while lermeniin^ dextrose and saccharose. This ornanisiM originally cultivatcil from the snail intestini' may approi)riately be know[) as tiacilhis i/tatiis. Two other or^'amsms, lliuilliis ii/ca/i!;iin:' of I'elrusclikv ,ind liiUltriuiii /ii/m/aiitiis of lusenberi;. «iri^ culti\aii.d in ,i considerable proportion of cases, their cultural readions a;;nrein;( willi those _L;i\eii ftir these species by their itis- coverers. In two instances orManisnis wer(r isolated which correspond in cultural features to liatilhn cnlcrlluiit of Gllrtner, and broadly represent the ;.;roupof " Paracolons of Widal and (iwjini, llacilliis O. of Cushin;;. /hui/l'ix Ultroiiiis of .S.inarelli and the various " l'ar.ilyphoicls " of .Schottnuiller. While minor iliflerences in morpholoj^^y and in cultural appearances enable the sepanition of these or^'.inisms from each other, a separation made more pronounced i)\- tlxir serum-reactiitns, nevertheless the prupertie.s of the different organisms are so much alike as to show that all mav be iiicluded in one yroup. This j^roup has lon;^ bei-n recognized in .America by Welch. .Salmon and Smith, as the llog-iholcia ^ronp, or Siii/>csli/cr j;roup. from Its pathotjenic represent. i- tive, the liiuilliis of Ilogcholera. The same K''""l' l^''* recently been calleil the " lintcriltdis" or iiartmy ^roup. b\ Durham in Enj^land. from Haiillin tiileri/idis of (.'lilrlner. that memberof it which is chiellypaihoyenicfor man. Or;^anisnis belonging to this jj^roup are normal inhabitants of the hum.ui intestinal tract, and froni the lack of further anil tn{)re accurate means of distini^uishinj^ the \'arious members of the ^roup. the facts of priority may be considered of ilecisi\e value : the ^roup may therefore best be known ;is the Hojj^-cholcra fjroup. and its intestinal representative in man. as Itacillin ifilt'fitidis of Gllrtner. In addition to these organisms which have for long been known to occupy ihe intestinal canal, several species of .SOI /'• OyuiiUtiif ami /I /> .. J J '9 ;»•<■• already be.,, r..,..,„o ■;,""'" "■••■"•'«-» "t «l>ich that ,iiH '"isi-mial, - "■•-■K's have l,„.„ J,, •f '•■illi, vvhi.h. i„ ,|„.i „ ''^","''"'^ '" '!'<= lirsi caif.H„-v ,. >bMTVat,„„so,-Krus,.(i,K»l L.' ■ ""™ '■"'"■"•""' I In l),e ^; t^ I hiiippi,,,. isiaLiH, u'Ti'r' '"■ '^'«"-('".^ ) «|>ose .lci.c.a h. 0„„| „"^;" "f •;.':^'-l-«l>M.„,„i" ■, ''r;,'a,„s,„s of this-,,,,. M 'i/'"''"''^ ■" a«,^l,„i,u„,.. 1 , '': '•■'"Plovecl f,„- all those •;,'•■"'"; "■'?'^'' "•"^' therrf,,;' ,*: ■"."' c-ltural features of ;SX "/ 'V"*-' "'^- ""'n-hol,„-ic; ^'ve characteristic se,„m-":;|^:;,;^'^''"''-"^' '"" »''i^'' <^t '" "■••''""„.,, f„r ,1,., „, „ , , ,■•:"••■■ .i.-,>ril„.d ,,v oS- ■'"'"""■'"■'. .MiK„l , 5»J 30 htti\\tiini/ /i'.i(/(/V(i. m pp t liiscK rclaicil ii> llatillm tHltrilidii. .iiul in Ik- incluiliil ill tlv- lliij; iliiili:ni nr"iil'' ^flli"' "Ik.ili iiniiliii iiiy, mm li(|iul%in;^ mii icwirj;anisiiis. wliiili ilillir from llir ll.icil- l^l^ III (i;iriiiiT, -.(iliU ill llirir iliHrrint r,i|i.ii iiif> .if briMkiii;^ up llii' larliiiliydr.ius. < )nr nf thi'v rcrniiiils ilcMnisi-, siiciharuM! aii.l laclnsf alikr, anil is fairly frcM|uiiil ill llic Limieiils iif ilir liowyl. In it llir naniu lUinlliis iiUiilnciH^ may !■'■ ;,'iviii, a|>|ilyin|,' to llir clnsely relatril s|iri icH nut fcrnu'iiliiin sac'clianiM'. iIk' name liaiillm >ii/iiiliii/isiiii>. A ihiril s|n-Lifs was fiiiiml which also lirliiii;^s in this ^!rim|). hiii whicli iliffrrs markc-illy in innriiliiili)v;y. inutillly and CDlniiy formation, j-'roin ils alkali-iiroiliictioii ami noncoa^iilation of milk, ami friiin its Irrmfiitation of saci'harosf ,iml lactosp. it imist 1)1- classed with limillm cHliriltdii. i'or it till' name Itatleriiim •^aliiclof'lv'iini. iiroposcd liy Dr. Welch, ma; he employed. We may iie.\t consider a number of mii. .lor^janisms which resemble the I'roteiis KToup in certain reactions but which can be accurately diffirentialed from this nroup by other properties. The formation of colonies on ajjar and jjelatine is somewhat similar, the colonies, however, Ixiinj; distiiiKuished by their failure to spread over tin.- surface of the meiliiini. The lii|uefyin(i; powers ,ire e.serled on i^'elatine alone, both casein and blood serum rem, lining unaffected. These bacilli are active fermenurs, one spei ies breakinj^ up dextrose, saccharose and lactose, thi- other (je.vtrose and lactose. l''or these alkali-producers the name llaciHiiseiiliri- «,< /so/.,M. )l '•'""I""" I'TiiHol iru.--iii,l I,... • ;;'-.".i.iv.u.-.i whid, ::,"L ;;";■.;;. ':"■:"- ^.r«a„i,„. '••■ ,„,||i. i„t..sii,,, >• '"" "'"'■•■• wroun -•'"'■'O. rr,„„ ,1,1 •."^';'' -;"'-'^ - .l.e,r h.-bi/i. i? •;; "' •■»>• J;r,.,„ im,.or,,.„c i , • . •'" ''-'^'"y I- r, ;;.ml«,| Keprrs.,,,,,!,,,,,,.,' , „^ " ' • •xonomy ,„ ,!..■ I,u«el. h^'V" .0,.,, ..„cou„,..t,.,i ,i,„r -.ills ^::;;;''"' ''"^ ''"-'"^ "vhich >-'s pHKluai,,,, .,r^,. ,aity "'">'''^-"'' ^"'"""n t,, il„. |„,„„ „,• I";" ■I"' names, //,„,//„, "^ /t.M '"■'"''^"•"i- ^'"'1 .- •''••i---o;;::i:;;;;''rT"r''''^''^'^^ ^i °l"""-l I.U. once. I..,, n •,„/;'"''■'■""" ""•'^'"cU v.-.s '•■"""•'-• «as f,„„„l in seTrr - ''''•''''''''''"'■■■'' -.s. .1,. ,noa. General n-pre e ' iw- "^T^^"'"™'-'' i" rare ;-"'"■•" « aifierrd consul! 'k V h "7?"'' '^'•■"'K a" i"= -l-cu;.s ,nc.,ui„n„i, l,„ wh u. , ™ ""•■■ "^^'■"'■es from ^."V/„.v ..n^/„/,„ ,,^^ ^^i^.^.^^*;.-"- ' '■ tl„s s.Mecies ,h, name i 22 Iniesimal /uuUria. cation and coagulation of milk, its li(|ucfaction of various proteids and its fermentation of the carbohydrates with the production of acid alone, thus difierinj^ from Jiaci//ns cloac(C. The nuMiibers of this j^roup already known are Bacillus leporis, originally found by dibier, and later bv Stern berj^ in autojisies on yellow fever [latients, and Buiillus dildius of Kruse isolated from f;eces by Bleisch. Three other representatives of this t^roup li(juefying different proteids. but ai^reeiny in other particulars were occasionidly encountered, and to them the name Hacillns ckylogcues. Bacterium chymoi^enes and Jiad/lits Jcjiinalis were severally applied. Heyond these specie's of microorL;anisnis the bacteria cultivated could in all cases be identified with well-known spore-bearinj^ or pi^ment-producin,i( species whose habitat is the air. the soil, or water. The only exception to this was th(! isolation in one instance of Bacterium liat-auieuse, an organism producinj^ a carmine-red pioment which Sternberjjj originally found in the intestines of yellow fever cadavers. Pseudomonas aerujriuosa (commonly known as Inuilhts pyo- cyaneus) was repeatedly i^rown. and Psendomouas ovalis of Ravenel and Bacterium hUesccns of Migula were each cultivated but once. Ten different species of sporebearing bacteria were found, but their cultural features pointed so positively to their identification as e.xtra-corporeal microorganisms that they could not be considered peculiar to the intestinal contents, but rather transitory inhabitants of it. The Staphylococcus albus and Staphylococcits aureus were present in a number of individuals, but no evidence was present to show that they were not the ordinary species. The Strepftococcus was rarely found and it is highly p.obable that its slow-growing colonies were either overlooketl or crowded out by the hardier species. Their presence in the intestine has been attested bv numerous observations.* •No attempt was made to cultivale anaembicaUy any .if the many organisms jjrowingi'xrlusivety in Ihcabsenffof oxy>,'cn, altlioii^li ihcirtVi'quenL'y and iniporlanie in ihc inteslinal tnut are well knov n. It lunvever. tjiiite beyond the scope of this work to consider any species of bitileria requiring special method-; of isolation and cultivation, and hence this very large and important divi^iion was left for future investii^ation. Sclia,,, of C/.,su),;at,o„. 2,? >il'KI II/ i'iii-i:i' '"''^ "'^^^ '^ class,hcat,o„„r,|,^,,,.^,., '™M''"j; '" make a systematic exam,-,,e <1><-- main pHnCr wh^ch "''h' " "'^'>" '^^^ »-" '" .Y'Hips „f microns, „is,„s it, n""'''' °'"^ '" arran^i,„r uroiiyht out than bv 1 «li,.,-, . , /^ '" "" »av better ^-f<.^.;«.;::^t^ ■::«;;;;;™- i" the san,e .rot,p „,.h identical w th t "'."^'''^"'"fX ""d ."oclerate .>'l';Ka Haciilus whid, , h, e ev/ '''''r"' "'''"''''■^ "'" 'he their cultttral reactions. fh , i ''T'"'' ■""' '"■'^^'"=*'^ "f -™'"- On Helati,,rhe :i?,r:''; "" l'"'^to and >Cd juncture, \ery slightly on ,^:i::'""V ''"' "'"^ "^ t on of either gelatine or 1 f l' ^"'■' '' "" h'ciuefac- al>unclant turbich'ty and s ,i;„ '"""'■ '" ""■' th an ^"rface pellicle or' s,„ ^^,^^ !"' -<= I'-luced witho t^i'ce of indol occasio,Jdi; ' ; od ,;ed T "'^"' "* """•-• ^ Characteristic reactions occur w ,h 1 r' "° '''■'^^'' o' "" ^' ''^"^■>- '^"hment throughout the closed an ''"'7'-- K'-"«th rapidly e..tendino- branch acid bu o .■•,! '"'"'"i""" '" "^"'1' ''ulb and ■"' '"'fi"! aciditv is prod c f , 1 'T' '■","'■ '" ''""'- " k t";-- hours) bvan ilkri i *"'' ""'"" ■' short time o^ •h'^ acidity :,] ;™,t^ ,^:i;t::™ :,''i^'' ■•"'";!'>■ -''"otif 'h'- nil k at no time ensue V ? ^v""-. C'-agulation of t:;:^:^^' ■'--semisu::;; :,K.,^"^;-'7 "f the alkah le. <'om of Jlacil/us dysc- "W^^ f-^ "' =4 Intestinal Bacteria. The cdldiiy I'ormiuion of Jlaii//iis pseiidoityseiiterniis differs sdmewhut from that of Hacil/iis liyseiitene, althoiij^li cunsklcrable variations aru seen in this respect with both species. The agar aiul gelatine colonies of Baci//tts pH'tuio- dy^ictiteriiits. are usually round antl regular with clean-cut circular margins, reseinhling those produced by Bacillus typlwiiis. Occasionally the colonies spread slightly with crumpled (jr faintly striated edges. It never proiluces " proteus-like " colonies. While the variation in the size of the colonies ma\- be considerable, the circumscrii>ed clean-cut colonies are typical of thct species. Tratisfers from the spreading colonies will always later throw down colonies of characteristic formation. .Similar variations in the appearance of the colonies ot Inxtilliis dyscvleriie have also been noted. Thus Shiga ( i Sc;,S) tlescribes the colonies of his bacillus as small, round, finely granular and yellow, l-le.Nner (1900) calls them "typhoid- like." Kruse (1901) speaks of them as "spreading, leal-like, typhoid-like." and fmally X'eclder and Duval (1902) state that the colonies of the organisms which they have isolated more closeK- resemble those of Jiaci/liis coli. from which they are distinguished with difficulty, than they do the organism of liberth. Lastly. Bacillus fscudodyscnlcriciis is distinctly patho genie. Dr. Cantlie. working with it at the Royal Victoria Hospital, found that i.oo to ;.oo ccm. doses of a 24 hour lluid culture constantly killed mice, guineapigs and rabbits, the animals dying in 1-4 days from a general infection, thi! typical organisms being recovered from the peritoneal cavity and from the internal organs. The cultural reactions of those recovered organisms were identical with those of the bacillus injected. In contradistinction to these cultural and |>athogenic eharac:iers. Bacillus psendodyscntcricus jails to ai^j^luluialc with blood serum of patients suffering from dysentery, which blood serum gives a positive reaction with Bacilliisdysenleria-.* The two species are thus positively dijjerential. From their cultural features, however, it is apparent that the organisms must be classed in the sattie group. m indelilt'd 1 s Oflhisorg.-i Flexnor pf PliiliiJ.-lphin lor ; sUidv of llio M-n I" classification. 1-ron, S;;" 1 T"''"^' " '''^'""■"^ I'l^'ce "" 'he one hand, it n,a,. be it i„f ''te'' "^ ''«n,scl,l; "^ '''^-V *'l ' '".'"^ closed arm of the W„, I ' ?' ^ "''1'"''^"" '^^-•l. j'c'd production in dextroT bo I, "■'' ^'."' '"^ >•■' ■'■'"-■'''"" "« - ^""" '" ■■t'"" tube, with a,ro„,h n,h^':\^;;V",: '" "^ '— - ■'Ik.d, production in |,t„,„s nX >■, 1 ''"'".'''■■"' i,n,„ed,ate red growth ,m potato and iZld sea,;;"'' """■'' ^'^''"'V --' a •he ''^J^hr;;:;^on;:!;;'?e^^'"V''V;'nous n,en,bersof |'»." ""l.v in solu.lV,„s f?K L^ ''" '';""'• '^>' ''-^ ^'^''^1 1'^-d'.c I'en^at no time evolved h '"■ "''"■'' '■•"•'^"'"■dra e., ,,„ .^'mup invariablv fer e,^, ' '"embers of the Ho..-chole ' P"i»' "f «as an^ S ' ^'i';'--!^ "'-'hecarbohydn^^s to U " f""" the IVoteus ,.r tip I itfr."','"'^^' <-■-'!>• 'lifferentiated casern and blood senm,. ' ^'"^""^ '° '''I'^-fv -elatine features yet separated fn " ch ' h "7'^ ,"""'^"- "''•"-'! ""'- "f more specifical l" ,h ' "^ '-^''^^ -nMn-reac- "'S- _, .n produces in an art ici d v "■««'""""'^ "I'ich each already been emphasised In ,■• """"""«-'l animal, has 'he Hog-cholera'^,:::"^/ tdm m3 f '"^?' "' '- --'> '" '" his tnvestiiratons of he „ V ■-■ '"'^'""'^ ('^".o^oM »">e,t|roup, It has been show^'t th'''"" ''™',"'-"'^-^ '"' "^e a number of different members of ,^,il' '"'■" "'",' '"/""-'"'''f /-<'"//,„ „,/,^,/,y„ Gartner 7n /A ,7/""^'; "':'>• '^'^ '"""'I i" I tirham, the - Paraco^r of U-hl' ?'';'"' ^"'^"" "^ /ian/ns a of Lushin,,. w", 1 '''•'' ^""' <■»•>•"".■ and ;i>clude,l /,WM,s /r/,W,.v ,,f i 'hese or-amsms must be '"'" '" he the cause of ;±„. fc;:;':'''^<^'''- ^^''-'v ~d by • rfia,,.d ro Baci s6 Intestinal Jiaclcriii, III Althou^ih distinct differences in morpholoj^y and colon) formation, and mi[)or differences in cultural reactions, exist anion;; these different organisms, yet from the characters of nonpi^iinwnt production, non-ligucjaction, fermentation of vari- ons carbohydrates to the point of acidity and gas production anil of /;«■/;'«/ n; 3-4 /i ■'i 3 ]i X 4-6 yi X 2 4- 4- + + + 4- 4 4 4- -1- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- + + 4 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- + 4- 4- 4 4 4- 4- j. 4- 4- 4- liacillus brcvis .... Bacillus sublilis liacillus arachnoideus ' HlOLOf.Y. 1 crLTlkAI. l-'KAirkl'.S ItloCHKMICAr, KKATI-KE8. 1 B nui ■a A s: 1' Si 5 z <« It 'J a" 3 0 I i s -> s < i E i- i < 1.11,1 j UTION I'M i 11 •?. i 1 < 3 A J 1 5 + + - - - + + - + + + - - - ~ - - - - 1 _ _ _ + T _ _^ + - - - + + + + +• + - - - - - - + + 1 - + - + ~ _ - + - - - + + + + + + - - - + + + + + ] + + - + ~ _ - + - - - + + + + + + - - - + - + + + + + - + - _ - + - - - + + + + + + - - - +• - - + - - + - + - _ _j^ + - j2_ - + - - + + + - - - - + + + + - + - _ - + - - + + + + + + + + - - +■ + + + + + + - + ~ - - + - - + + + + + + + + - - ■f - + + + + + - + - - + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + - + ~ + + - - + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + - + - + - - + +_ - - + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - + ± + — _ - + - - - + + - + + + + - - - - - + - - + _ + T _ - + - - + + + - + + + + + - - - - + - - + - + - - + + + - + + + - + + + + + + - - - + _ - + - + - _ + f — ~ f + ~ + + f f + f - - — — 1 — + - + — - ■H + + + f f + _ + + f f + _ _ — + t] — + + — — - + + + f f f + f + + + t - - - - + + - + + - - - + + - - + + - - ■t- + + + + - - - - - - - - - + _ _ + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - + - - + - + - _ + + + + + + + - + + + + + + - - - + - - + + - - - t* - + _i. - - + + + + + + + + + - - - + - - + + - - J + + + - + + + - + + + + 4- + - - - + - - - - + - f - + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - + - - + - - / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - + - - + + 7 - + + + + + + + f f + + + + _ + _ + _ _ + + / L ^ ^^ 1 h ~ — ■■^ "^ ^^* ^"* ^J S,lu„„ of Croupuig: Aauilil'.odm.r^ ,7 ni..v.-mc„t of the bacilli, that „„.. u ImtilVe T ' ;;^an,s,„s who. c.l.u.l ^at^es'l^'t^^li;:;, 'T^ In this coriiicctioii with rc<'aril to thn ,■.,„ ,1 • ; m-re„t ,„ic..o.«anis„,s a. .,i.e;::u ^ e^^i^s ri^tv:^';; mi.ulestcn Ul,er,U,ssi«, .„,seh'„ XVIa, u,u -Va^.tt t ti:" •akterien e,„e„ L'nterschi,-,l n, machen, - ^°'"l>'-'= -heme of The first group of Ai.KAi.i-i.koi.iVEKS. on the one hand i, ep'-esented l>y liacillus „lcal,,.;,cs of l■etruschk^^ an o an sm which ,s characterised, as has already been s't .ted b^ 3 lmefacl,o„.i theproteids, by>,/„,r'to /..«.„/ anv'v a", to the point of acdity and conse,|uent limitation of thegXh ... ... .he co,„e,„„„ of i„„„di„, „„,He and non^S X,!,' '"'JSc'Tar^'r;! tS liitisliiia/ lladtriii. Ifr lE'li of ihe DrKaiiisiii to the bulb of tin- fcrmuiitatioii tube- ; and by the imrncdiaic prwluciion of alkali in litmus milk. Next to this Kftip stands the uroup which we have considrred above, represented by /lacil/us pseuiMyieiilniciis. the "Dysenteric tlroup," characttrizcd by niin-lii|uefaction of proleids, by the fermentation of carliohydrates to the point of acidity am! by an initial acidity in litmus milk followed by Intense alkali -production. This '^roup will naturally be Inllowed by a jjroup embrac ing thosi. orjj.uiisms endowed with the capacity of splinui({ up carbohydrates to the point of acidity and gas production, but at;reL-in),' with the previous ..r!L;anisms in non-lii|uefacliipn of proteids and in an initial acidity iu milk followed by alkali- production. Such orj^anisins are included in ihi- I loy -cholera ■ ■roup, embracin.,' Ihuillin al,aUi(iii>. fermentiiiK' de.Mrose, sacch.irose and lactose : JUuiUm >i(lHi/se. ami lUidiniim xalaiio/'/iiliim. rerniemins.; only saccli.irose and lactose. l-'ollowinj; the same line of ar;.;umenl we ne.\' h.ive ,)r>'anisms whTch likewise ferment the carbohydrates, produce aiMniiial aciditv in litmus milk, followed by alkali-production, and which are further endowed with the capacity ol liquelying the proteids. In one j;roup liiiuefyiuK gelatine alone' the ■I'.ntericus Clroup." two ori,'anisms may be distm^juished. the Ihuilliis iiiUriais. fermentin|,f dextrose, saccharose and lactose, and liacilliii siihentcricns. breakiuK up iiis. Bacillus jejuiiaiis. Pigment-Producing Bacteria. PsLHulnnicinas acruLiinn I'suiuloiniiiias ovalis Macieriuin h,i\aiiu-iist' HactLTiuni lutesccns 'j \ I- \ 2 + •I- + 'i " 2 .? •^ ^ -'J '+ ^ .;-4 J X 4-0 ^4 \ J '-• N --4 IllOt.O .V. M tl. t i:ai I HK« lll'il'HI Ul> Al KK \ 1 1 Mho 1 1 1 J ■ f ij if * ^ ■ l>rMi lull*- i f-' M I t * ! \l J i « < l.l... i \ ! \ I'NO ! ♦ -t ■ 1 S i I'M > y, 4 1 < 1 \ ) ' 1 , + » + + + - - - - - _ f +- i . - - + - - + + + - - * - - - - ' - +- + ■f * + - - + + + + + + - '■ _ - - ^r - 1 - + 4 t +- - - + + + + + + - - - - - - - 1 - ; - ■f- + ■1 -*- - - + - + + + + - - - - - + " ! ~ + + f - - - + + + + + + ~ ' + - + + + + -t- f *■ - - + + + + + + - - - +- + f + + + + +- f + - - - + + + + + + - - - i + + +- + ' - -f + - - - <■ 4- - - - + + ^■ + + + - - - + - + + *\ ^ r + - - + - ' + + + + + + + + - - t- + + + 1 + 1 + + -t- •f - - + + + + + + + + - - + + f -t- •f 1 + + + - - + - - - + + + + + + + - - + + + + + + + + - - - r - - - + + + + + + + - - + - + + + + -t- T - - - r + - - - f + + + + + + + + f + + + + 1 + + + - - f + - - + -r + + + + + + + + - + + + + -f + - i- + " - f + + + + + + + + + + + - + - - f + - - - - + - - + - + + + + - - - - - - -(■■ + - - - - + - - + + + + + + + + - - - - - - + + - - - - + + - + + + + + + + + - + - - - + + 1 - + + - - - - + + - + + + + + + + + + + - - - + + + 4- + - - - — + ~ — + + + + + + + + + + - - — + — '^-- + + - - — — + _ — + + + _ f + + + + + - - — — - - + + + - - - + + - + + + - - - ~ - - + - - - + - + + + - - + - - + + + + + + - - + - + - + - + - - +• - + + + - + + + + - - - - - + -l-r - + + - I K irggm IJ Sc/umc- oj Groiipiiio , /I's ateci anj llaci//i,s lloohn casein and blood serum. L)Otll li(]in;|y 29 »g ,;4<:liitine, In the sami; way the various v. H,.iT,,ni , ,v, , be arranged in certain ..r,„„, r, • ^ ''"""' ^ '"''y ■:^-.J.tions in reac b ?• ' [ h""" '^°"' ^^'f'' """^^ ''^ b.= i.i.c, d <.r,:,!^s' i^ 'Z;,;;-.;, ;---k ^--'p-' .....y p.'oducrs analogous ,0 i t ' V 'y/ ;^";""'" "'<-■ ^"^i'^" '!^- .'^.li-prodJ^ers. , t llw " ^''^^'^'^^ ^""""Si th. acicliticatio,, and ,.„,;■•'":■• ■"': ''"■'^ '^I'aracteri.ed 1, tllo ■.ci.liticatio,, and Co, ,.,;■;, of ,n^ characterised l,y of the proteids and the u ""^' '''.'=,""'>-l»l"c-laction soluti,L in the .er,U,u;:!::'„l'""''""^ ^-"' '" -rbohydrate of ack;;fi:a;;:,n tf c:;':,::;;';;- :;' r^^r"' r""''-- ' ■"- "f l.roteids, but .M e i whi h^^ ^ ^">'' ""■'-'■■'l'"^laction Kydrates to the pouu nl^a' d v o c ^"7;;""" "' ""' '^"^'"'■ sented bv three member. /' , "' -''""I' '- ■•c|in..- non-l!;;:e,^;;;r;I;:;^;;;;:!,*'l^'"!-.'"- characters «e next have butle^men ;:, f "Z^h-'al-r "1^ ™a^..latin, n,ilk. The four nt'nb^. ' "^ „ r'/' T' ^^'^ j"-"^'"""""- have already been conside;ed" i™ ew!, ;'''", t'""' occupies anion" ihe w-iM , ,. 1 ""'c jenyin. 1 his ^r.lup ,y;c!atine. casein aiuf bio, , "'' "''"'^'' '' the vaH;:us-c:iw::!s^h:'r?^T""^ ';"•"'• "''■''' '-'-'« ii|iieiy -o Iiilistiinil /liulcriit. media Tliis .'roup incliules /ladcrinm chy/ogcms Bite teyiiim ./iv'io^vms. liqiicfyin;,' -elatine, />Wi//ns Icporis. luiue- fviii" Kflatini- antl l)lc)ocl surum, ami liatillui diihuts ami hadlhis jejmtahs. li.iuefyiTi.s,' -elatine. casein and blood serum. We thus mav tabulate the various acid ami alkali-pro- duciuu bacteria of the human intestine, isolated in the course of this work, as follows : — Ai,K\i.i-PKr>i>ii'i;Ks. GkolI' I.— Organisms producin;,' alkali in litmus milk not liciuefyin" anv media, not fermenting carbohydrates to the point o{ acidiiy : v^■y^\.^> M.. Ar.K^i;xi:>^ or rirrui s< hkv GKnii'. Represented in the forms isolated during the course of this study by 1. Bacillus alcaligencs, Migula, 1900. f.koii' 11 --Organismss producing alkali, not liiiuefymg anv media, fermenting carbohydrates to the | of acidity l^^t „o.n,s:— i.vsKNTr.Kiiis or siuc.a cK'-H'. Represented by 2. fiacil/ii! fisciuiodyseitleriais. Muller, U)02. Gkoii' 111 On'anisms producing alkali, not liquefying anv media, fermenting the carbohydrates with the production of' acidity and gas: -. iioi.ika or snrivni i:k <;Korr, Represented by 3. /laiil/us akalcscais. Ford, 1903— I'ermenting dex- trose, s. charose and lactose. 4. liacilliis i,iha/uilcsn;,s. I'ord. 1905— Fermenting dextrose and lactose. 5. Baa//i,s i-nteriluiis. (iiirtner, iSSS— I'ermenting ilextrose. 6. Bacterium !;ahulophilum. Ford. 1903— Fermenting saccharose and lactose. Groii' IV —Organisms producing alkali, liquefying gelatine, fermenting carbohydrates with the production of acid and "AS ; km i.kicus (;uoli'. Represented by Tlic I'arioHs Gro,if.s. /!«a//„s enlvrian. Vor,\. ,90, tn«e, saccharust a,„l -i t'nm-iitiii! (lex- Hermefuin;.; cle.\ trose and l.ictus,., ■'""'■ '"OJ l-enne.u„,jr Jex- the prod.oio,, of acid Tn 1 , is^" ""'T -^'-''vdrates 'wit,, Represented by '■' "^""l '^ or HAfsjik ,;,;,„ ,, 9- JSacil/us p/el,ei„s. l-„r,l jno- trose. saccharose and lactose. " 'O. /;««//,„ i,,in;,„c„s. I'ord ,on^ P trose and lactus,.. ^ •' '^'■''mentiny de.\-- "• /!«<-'^/iis tn/j;.,,-,!. (Hauser ,SS-^ \r 1 Fermenting dextrosl;:,:f::;cS^''""'^'' "'°°~ vnrio^ media l!m1'?^™:!:;;ir'''T";" /'"^""' "'l"^f^-i"ff •■^^^■''■'>--' --.-n R;^;,:Sr^'°'''^'^-' ;:■ f 'f — "^ l-rd, ,,03 l.i,ueAi„g„.,ati„e and caseii: .4. A,„vA„,v«v; Ford, „o,;_r.i,|„eA:„; casein and Mood serum. J!aa//„s Jlookcri. l-„rd, ,n, casern and blood serum. tlatine, Liijuefyint; ,s,relatine. *' ll'-l'l;ol.|( Ku,^. notlS^^-i„„"';^~,^t'"^'"'^-""'' "«?^"l'«i"g milk, point of acicHtv :' ' h fus , ';''";'"''"*'''"''''"''>''^^'« 'o 'he Kepre,sented by "-^^'.K.M-s or miknst.kk croup. ljlj 32 /tileslinal Ihuleria. .UMiOKlUMANS or ST1.I-''^^"<-'^ " i,|, .U' /laii/Ziis /,fiori\ \|; i •'■"e and bl„:,| ,,„;„';t>"'^'' "'°o l.i.|,Hryi„, „,.,a- '^^^'-•i" and bl„„d scTLMn. ~''"''"'> '"« .yl^.li.u:, '^■■'*'" and b|„„j „.^,,;,'' '9".> l...|.„.(y,n^ .,i,„;,„. ''•'VMli.aiion ;- ''"''"'-^' '"'t ■ir,. not i„c|„ded \n Z '^72). .M,;.,,!,,, f ^^■""^"'"""'■'^'"^■'(Ra^encl, ,s<,6) fh,,, .'^'^ /W..,.,, /.„.-„,„„„,, (Sternbcr . ■ ""'• 1901. l--'tcrnbi.Ti;, iSt,2), Chcsier ;; ;f'f '''"'""•^"^■"-■900. •*'i.yula. 1900. i"ii<|>()<. \ Wood, issi), 34 Inleslina/ Hiutn-iit. 4,;. Inuillm leriiis. Fr.uiklaml, iSSj. 44. />aii//ns nivtoiiifi, l'Ui^^L;t', |SS6. 4v /lac/triiitii /tiifiio/a, Mi^ul;i. 1900. 46. liatleriiim vcrmuiilayc (Fr.mklaiul, rSSq), Mij^ul.i. igoo. 47. Ilacil/iis viilgaliis, Trevisan. iSSg. 48. liacilln^ brevis, Migula. iqoo. 49. /)'a(/7//M .(«(5/;//s, (lUiriMihtTg, 1X3.;), Cohn, 1S7;. 50. Hacilhis araclmoidcui, Migula. 1900. 518 '■''nii-fj(,„ I Non-Mrbotiydmte f, ••"•■i• "'■"'"■■"■ '.-..rur,., of ,„..„, Mon-oRrboh)'drate fcniientlnff. Nun-Ill) iMfylmt, N-"S-l.l„MKVr.| ■. ,v,, s„v ,„:„Bi,K.U.l.V„. ('•rbohjilratc fiTiufiitlnK. l.tlMUftlM. IK. ■ .' I • tTiNiii(|n«ariii. t'nteatii , Ileal ia»7in or m .„.. . ^ Pftriuehku group. HtidodjMiHriCM. l*r(i(liiL'ltitriu'iri ni„\ ^it- Hith Lju'hiNi'. >■'"« •""■"■"" " rro™ a theoretil, ».andplt peXt,: p^'^' ""' '""""■"''■ ^^ '■ ^ ='"»'> .va.,;;ft;::r,rm--::7:;-:--i;.. .p.he.^r..,„ ^^'^aoi^:eXrrLr"^rir ri= -^- - ' .ro„p„ are likewise perfectly able to ^l i:„;te, ' ""■"' """"'""•^ ' ■ 'line have been divided, it bee ""'•P""'«-«"ed. .A. a ntatter ■'"'"• "W-h are neither alk. '«'r- ■ »'«t«iii- B.iiim,..,. ■.T.i„rl. i'r.,frw or li,iH»»r U'o-ip. feliilllic. iii>d ifitM DcxtroH B inticutiiCBr ■ct. iBMitBefacleat. t'nxhirinif itrjd. Biel. clirnioreBM. „*'«l«tine. Produ-lnn add, B-Itporli, Dubiut or KruMe group. I'rodiiclrijf acid. Bd«Mu. B Mmnuu. (lelMtliKt. Hlowl Heruni. IVodmlntrwrid mid «„« wuh ■Sii'chnrowf. Idtl'lltKV. B. cleicic. I'l'xtrow, NuirhiiruHe. B. wftclBBcte. B.nilcar ' "'""Cue or Jordan uruup. id-red. Thu, whil., he "Booker Gr ■■• , ' ''"""""'''"» ""i'l"' «»..//« d blood .e™,„,.„j i„ he .K^rro^''™''''''''- "'''■'''"■■ ■■"■■■ !>"' «^-h i.'h-at^ted r.lT"' ""'''''' ""'"'""■' I' l-HrmlH^f „n,l \y. '• ''""•^"'' *«At.CENES. Ml^uia, ,900 I', I'.i l™l:-.IW,„i M„ |l.,|,.,.,„.|„ «'...//.. „/.„/,4,v,.;vv„„„,,^, ,, > H.,Mll„ ' l"'-k ,-k,' M'K..! liiM„.,l.,r..,il.i IVin l/">d/„,/„,,. 11,,,,, II, ^^.^^,,^, '. Iiki "I iml.n.l,,,-,! I„„ ,11 ^'»'-(,., A,„v..,y „u„i,,. ..Ih,„„,,|,„„„„. ■Ifi'SI,,,,,, »liiT,.,|,li„,.„i„„ ■'■■•■■•- " *■ '■'"""' ' I ■.' Iin,. „| ,„,„,„|., .1 I" 1,.,!^. Iil;iii„.,il, "'""< -■Mm,,::: *■■■•'' ""■'"""'" "-II ■Kl».rly,.|..;,r ""'.'nt;;;,i, "•••■'"•" - I. I'.-.- Irom „.,li„„.„,. "'""" ■""■" ''''•"'■■" *"4.Al,„„da,„„p„„, I, .,™, <■''■"'"' 'W«.,/,i; I),...., ,.„, ^ '■ 'r..n,li,....,„, „i,|, ,«il.,„n„ ai.;,.;,',",",; ,:""' '-'••"'■"• M,,».,.|i, ,,| ,.„,,„„ '*"•'",■'■' l'>---..o„,,,J, '■ , , '"'""»■•"■'"■ •;•■•""■■■ -.rir,;;;::;,::";';';;:;^ '-'v-...,,™,,,, wrt„;?t/'-;- "'"« '^ \Lz: ' :""' ■ ■■>i;,/i,ifv\,- fttii] /.luto^f „.)( t..,„ ■" ^•'^"""' IN tl.'M'.l ami «W*,.,„ Abundant „l,i,, ,„ , ,, ' ", , '° " ' ■" " '' K-. —•'"t'r/,„li„„. '■ l'.'»|.,l, |,ro»„ Kr„„,|, .,|^,„^. 1,^, , ,|,^^^ •^'■"""•' R-'l".vJ,„„i,ri,,, '■"I-'- IVoducvJ ,.,r,.|v ,„ „„„,„, '""'"■'"'"■ "■'-■-.-IT.-.. ,d..„„ ^^^:^^^^^^^ "....« cotiiiniic'. lor soil,,, ilav, \-. ^, pr''!iniinarv aiklitv ■ -.ri i «.«*-.-./o-.' w„ „.„„ ."™; '■- '■ """""■'■■ //J../,,*,,,,,.,, , K ,, ;■'•' '■'"«— ■-■■'■ -.;■-.. ;,!,,„,. i,, ,i, „„; ,„,;;:„;;™;;;;,;; ••.- ..I iiiu ,.„„ J 'l""d.-. , n in "^ '" """'•i".'li.'. ,..',,? '■;-■-■ '" ''"'"I"" ,..,.,, V' ■'"■'"" ■'"•I .ln,.,l,.num ,„ V '' ■""™"li. in r,r. , '■"'""'■•nly pr,.„.„r ,„ , ', ''""'I''"'"', and „„n,a,l, '■•'"■IvapiH-arn.K in .1,. n|.|,.T ", „ ) " I"""-"- of ,1,,. ,„,tM ,.l •pf l,« 36 liiU^tiiutt /ititti-ria. 2, BACILLUS PSEUDODYSENTERICUS. Mullir. 1802. I.ll„„l„; .<.„y.. ,.„,, \l.-,l..„. 1 „i,.r.,,,l,„..K.n ..Iv. .l,.- K„l„ „„d K I,,,, ,11,,,. K.n.l. W. W.. ,iK,,. ll«..,>„.,ll I li,„ ,1 H,„i,.„,,. )„,„„. ,„ M,.,|„„| M„ll,.r.'F'.„',l''Th..;|d.'„','. '.'•'„;. 1VI«„ ,l.„ |:„k,..„„l„K,,.l,..„ H.. l«.i ..;„,, "' ■'■'"'■' |','l'„,„- ,„ >','l-. ,i,,,rk. .■..„ii.,lhl.„t ri,r 14«ki,.r,..l„i(ii', vr.l I,. X„, ,j. |.. MN. I <,,-J l„ Kn , ' , I,.„,l.'„lv Miiffthiiio^y : H,i.ilt, ,iit>it,«,ii. .•„,.■,,.' .,,1,1 E„ K,.,,l l,„i ni,.. , I-J ,,,,, rttl, ,t,lt„r,s. in.,til,n ,„or,' m(»rk.-.l i. i.iul,- 11,.' ,, k'„l,ir M.'tiltiv . M.'Htv ,i,„tiU> irt t,«ii,L- . ,.!,i ,„ii„,,.v Sfi"^r, .\„| t.„„„..|. 'I«'" ■''•"" ■■ WIM.: iih X Kr,'»ll, ■■I.'"!.- I„ I i„.„-„l.,li, ^|irt-,4it i,r lUnM-. As'i' ' '"/.'Hri't: IV-.-p ,-i,Ioi,i,.>. r,„„„l, ,-f((„|,,i iti,.l „,,.„(,„■; m,|„tI r.»„„il, iv((uliii. ti„,'lj Kr(i„„lar. tia,i*liii .-m. ,M,h ,!,■;,„., ,,i .l;„k .iv-lr,-. «,lh sliKliil, .|.,.-..,li„k. |v, ,|,l„., > . i|„. I.,,,,-, , -i,rla,,- ,.l ll„, au.i,-. ..,. f i.,, i..„, l,i,..,r.- , I, .,,«■.. | I,,. |„ ■'""'■'I I' ■•,la,-,„l.,„i, ■>..,„, 1,11 l„.,..,„-,..i,-,| «,,P, ,>.„ii,„: I'''- I','", ■""■ i.,,i.-li .,1 , „■. n ill l„i,-t ,.,,Ki„ ,.,, „.ni-.|.r.'.,di„« , „1„ „.,i I,, r, ,[„,,|,.,| .„ ||, ,„,. ,.|,.,,.,„ ■'«•"• '"'•• ",- ,,'H.-,nl,l,' ih.,-.- „t llarilli:, tifli,..i,i. Ilrulli l.,i„,r;.,„, K,„„tl, »,||, ||„. |,r,.,l„. , ,.| ., !„■.,>, „ ,1„,„.„1 , „„,„//„/,. iii-liilhi,' St„ tl,.' S„,)il.i' ot 111,' x.'litli,,,- ; »i< li^i,^f,„iinn. tibial, »,■ (»/„.,„.. |),.,.|, ,ol,.lli.■^ ,,.„,„), ,,.«„|.„ .i,„l ,.|M,,,„. ; ^„pe,ti,i.,l ,..|,.T1,.-, ir.,,isl,i,,.,ii, li„,'lt jf,.,„„l„, >|„-, Milirijj Ijkf lh,.s.' .11 /;„, /,7,... /v/,A„w... P»lM,i ^,,...11,. frrmrHl„ /„ .. . />,,/».,„■ Iln.lh ■ Ch.ira, 1.., ,»ii, r.'.,.li,.„. .\hi„i,l.„>i |;r..«lh In h„lh .villi ., ii,„ k ..•.l,„„.„i „.Mli,.K ,l„..„ i„ il„. |„,„„1,, .\\jp,Hi,l.: K„„lmn .1,1,1 l.r.,, .-M,.,,,!, i,,,., ,.i„,rj .ir,„ „,„.„. ,|„. |,r„||, ,|„,,.j,|>. |„.^„me, I„,l.„l. AV.../«..,,.l ,l,„..,l.,,m„,i./,„..|„.,.l,i,li..ii ,.|„„-. .l.,..//,m..„.;,n.l /.,„/„.,.„„i l„-,.k..n „|. ..„!, ii„. ,„„.l„,h,„i .,|„.;,1 .„■ ^-a,. Hlonit Siriiti ■- .\h,tt,di,m wliil." ..r y.''.!,.i.t„i.- v.'i,,,. „-, /„/«,■/,„/,,„/. t'ir.,..lli tifi.T iH''s r.'il. XHr,it,s : U..|„.-,,il i.. i,;irit.'^. /«,l„l.- l',..a„.r,l rar.'ly i„ sni.ill ,|„:,iiiiii,.s. F,r,,i/ ll,/„i,r .- N..I ni,,.t,i,,-,l. /.//<«».> .l/;rt .■ l',i,t.Ti,ii, r.-.„li..ii. ■rr..„.i,nl ..,,.111. |>r,.J,„ ,.l ..,i„,i, ..,,1 , hoiirv .,..KIinj; lo „ ,„nli„,„„i, alk.ili pr,..!,,, li„„ wlii. I, i„rii< ll„. liim,,, milk hliif . .\« ,,„n;nl,t/i„H ,.l til., milk. .\.'iit,-ali/.>ti..,i sli.uvs „„UiHy.,tv.-J .■.is.-in. Pi,lh„xr,ii,ilr: .Mi.:.-. K„l,„-a.|,i|,„ a„d ,«,■ all,',- .al^-ulaneou. iniHulalion w,Tli„i J4.4H l„.„r.. ,.l a s.'pl.,';i'mi.,. Ha.-illi i,i p„r.' I'ulliir.' mav be .ibtained Iron, III.' i„|i'r,,al ..i^;,,,., Or,Hrr,n„ ,„„l niilnbuli,,,, . K,.„,„| i„ i,'„ dill.-renl .as.-s. Pr.'s..,,! i„ r.'.lum in to,,,- .as.'s. i,) .'iL'.-ii,,, ii, ,.,,«., and in sii.ii.a, I, in ..,it'. K..,it,il in .'Onihinati..n in'iiuni an.l .i.nna.l,. It is Hn,. ....... ,i, i„. present I'.p.'.'iall.v in ll,i> lower p..,t,.ins ..I tlie h...vel, b„t als., t.. ap|H'ar in (he and d„...U',iwm a-, well. Strum A'fiit-fhnx : l),.es n,.t a^^r'nlinate wilb the sernni ,it palient. snilerinir from di s.'nl.T.-. ^ 3. BACUUSALCAtESCENS.ForU. ,903,,„,p, '*^-Vk:;::„:\„L, ;;';;■•: , ►■"-' I-..I. n, .'/".M..„V, 11., ■ !• '".1.1..„,,|„,| |„ , I "i.i'>i.iu.,i., i.„, ,„ ' .u,,,,"!!" "'' ' ' '" ■■ - 'I- V ■I'-"'./.- .\.l,„.l, „ ',,' ' """""'•■ « ''■■ ' ' '' " " """'■ ^IM'*>: Noi r..rti..-d, •'"" «'"' HI..1.. i,,,„.|,„ "'"'■■"''"x'.ipi.ii. i,„.ii III., I,,'; '"■'II'" iiiiiii,,! I,, I , ■""' « '" 'I'" 1 1 11;,. ■;„;,::" '~ < i.,.i.'".;''','""; ■■; .'.'»t'';.v "'■"'""' - ■••"".I. -K..I,, „., ' '''■•"'■ I'l Ji'v a,„l „..j„„ ,,„ """"•■""'■ l-.i|ili, .,, "■ '""■' '""■ '■■■"'"■■;•■"•"■■ ^i-".! ..-, i, ',',' „'■""■ """" ■ ''"•":;:'■■'• -'v.,,,,,, , , > ;:t,:::::,r, -'■- - ■- '"";'■;;''''•"' ■'■'',''• "■"•■ '■■'..«, i-voi„,io,,of>;;;'™,;, ,,,'■''''''■, ■"■• ■■■■j t.,,'.,";,!";,"" ','"■' • 1 *,„w^;';::;'',',t;,!-t',';'r •" :■';"" "' "■■■ m-ml S..r„„ , .M,„iu|.,i,. ,. „„ „,,„'„ ■ '" "'"■ '"■ I" • "■■" " /-,/(„, ■\'ilr,itfi • Ki-.|(i.,..| , , ' ' ^'''"' ' ■^" '■/"■'"■'luH. I'"l«r R.1r,-|, |>,.„li„,.,|. '•'■""■"■'"'" H l.|..,.,l,„.,i />/».«, Hill,, I'lvlii,,,,,,.,,, „,| I 'i.'ii ; »/«.uflv«^"^.i-i ..I'll', ",',,'11'"'''""*' '" P '"'III, I rt, ..,„,n , . A^"..,--.-/,.., ,„ ,'•.,-'■ '"-' "■"iiii'.i'.M,„''' 'I'l'!!',!;'""',".;,',"!' '1''' '"" '''K'""-'"'!! ■"'•'"■■I !"■".■, I,,l,.r ,,,,,.,,1 A Mllllll,,., *■ BACILLUS SUBALCALESCENS, l.itftnlure .■ v"i. I. ,...?:.""" ' ' -""" II."-,.., Jr';^:'.":'i,|- ,,.,. Ford, 1903 (n.sp.) ■'. I'""". ■'! .M...lit..l 1;,.,... i»^:;.'s''r '•'■■'■•■•'"■^™'<-'"i'-v.^ ■•' '■' '--i. -n.', ..„ 1 .'|.|V.,„J ,„.,,.,. i„ tliJ^.V-ll;"',''"'" ";''■" "'""'■ roin'V.i.l ,' ,'''" "T"""' "" -'^^ -"J™"- ;..,,."■;■.'"" 3^ /tite^titnt/ luKUria. 5. BACILLUS ENTERITIDIS. Garlner, 1888. i;.irhi,.r, iKSS, (■■■Ik-i- ii;,- Kl, luvrBilhri,!; In KiMiik. ,1,.,, Kr,VK,-r ,l,T.,.|l.,.,i, Cnvs,,. ,|. .,1k'. A, /I I. .Miunl,.. 1,1..!, .Si ,,,■„, ,l,.| H.,ki,.,i,-n, |.. ;44. .1,1 Kvllli.ii .Tl,„,„,v t"l,ist.-r , .M:,„„.,l i>f \\-\ ■H^"'.-' t S;:;;';:;:;;;:;l,:: - '-''- ■ ■ -™ IUuiUHsp,ir.u.,l..n., iS,i7, I.,, SrtiMiii.- M,ilu,.l,.. Ai.kuM _ill,. //,/,-/V/w.s^,A,„../,.H. i;w>n,.. iS.iS, Johii^ Hopkiu, l!os|U\nn, i<».">. ihul.. July. Aii^usi, [>. , ;;. /{,in7/i,s i,/,-foi,/.:y, S.-.naivlli, iS,,;, Umi^l, M.-di.-al louitiil. |ul> ',1.1 ■ rS< l.Viilr..ll>kill III.- M.iki.-rii.k.Ki,-, j>,. |i. .j;!.. /.■(ir////<,v />«fr./i'M"'"'. ^''"'"iiiiiliri, i.ioi. /.■itsi'lirllr [i,r I ! viru'ri,- vcl p. .v«. Moyf^holoi,-,- : Hiu'illiis iiUMsiinin; 0,5 l-v 1.5 k. ^ mlii-ri,. ;i|.|.,.,„ ,„i; ,.j,|ht a- ,1m M:lilily: Ai-li\,'l> ,n..ill,.. .(A"f-SV<.'//.- l-.ivn>h-vvliif.> Kr"«Mi ,,,' Ij,,,- .,1 lii,vul.ih..ii nilli...,! I.'i.,1>ti,> spr.-i.d .., si..,,... .IV'"- ''"/"""-•■ l'.V|. .-..I..,,,..,, roMiul. ,v:iul..r. ..riil.un, ,„„l ..n.,,,,,.. ■ m,,..., ti.- i-.^loiiie-.. roiitul. iriuisluivnl, wirli d.i.k, 11, .1 s|iif,uli,i'i;. lirolh .- Tiiil.ii!il> . lu- Slum. Gfhi/hir Stah: .\h.Mid;ml ^^-.mth. no li,,,t.f\„ lio>t. (:rh,tiu,-C..!..„i,:: I)....,, o.ln„i..s n^yular h.-.nv,.. sm|v, li.'i^Ll .■..K.nirs. roirul. i:r.. rotiiio: .Miuiidanl l.rown or y.-ll,.w,. wn i;i-,M\th. F.-nH,HlnlioH Tube- Ih-.x/rosi- llroth: \hun.l;.ril i;ro\\l]i in Inilh «ii|i h.-iv\ s.-.ji,„..i r,:>.li,!i. \o ivptotii/ .'( k\(si'in. OccurrcHit- ami Dhtrihuli.iii ; IsnlaU-d frDm Ihe cfLiim in iwo ."(s,'s i mnnbcr cultiirws Irom ih<- oiij,' pl^ii-s ^nvitiK idcnlicil re.utiittis. ■l/ta/i.Pro,Uuer, /Uj^-CA,,/,,,, ,;,., e. BACTERIUM GALACTOPHILUM. Ford, 1903 (n.sp.) "-i'-^^;- - -> M „„. „ l-"-M„.| ,, ,,„ V:r/,l,vkf.j.; |i,„.,,.,i,, „„,,,^,,, _ '" ' ■""' 'I'''' r,l„,| |„ |.„,,| ■'>>•»"■.-.■ \,., r„r„,.,|. J""-"!.!!,. i„ ,.„!„" „,;' ""•■'■"'■ " Ill r,.„„,l ,„„;,. ,, , /'-«.. r,. ,„„;;,,";; ^^ '■•■ ■'■■ > ■.;-'..:,,' -'■■'■' r.cuii,,,. c,.:„„i. „"'-n'V;i- i. -k.'iii-iik,. ,vi,h , „,,, "'-•<■"""■ A ,.,,,„,„, '" :■'"■ '"• i-j,.-, .„,/„„„.,,„, AVM,,,.... u,,,„,,,., ^^^J^^ ■'■"""'■'■"'•„„„.,„,„„„. /W,./; \.„,„„J„„J '""""■ '■"■'""*" ^.'i n-..Ju,v,i. /.//«//« .1///^... (. li „ '"'■ --i=;^.:;::::;;-;;:;!^-;:;!:> --. ^,„.„„. •"r^ir""""*'""- "'-i i .., ,„,.,., , 40 /itU'stiiia/ JUulci-ia, 7, BACILLUS ENTERICUS, Ford. 1908, (n. sp.) I.itrrii/un- : l\.ra. W. W.. irmi, fliimifiiiilroi, ,11 |,ii,-. KoM!;,reh, vo), ,, |,. .11. Kirsl isolitlcd Ciixn intt-stiiial coiiii-rits ; Mnpl,„hey: Ru-illi „i,.,-,.„riii);o.s bv I.; ,, loiij; i-liaiiis. - - , , ihlililv: Atliv.-lv niolilc. Sp< ,„uc-l, ;.s ,l,o-e or //„.///,,, t.,,/.,,,/, ,„„1 ,,r;. J.iW di-,i„t,„ill /Inl/, M.irkcd lurWdilv, lui scum. i".d li.ui.ii... Jo„rn.,l of i"ldr~,Ml„.d l.v Kord. ■i 111.- Mirfa.',- ol .ijj.u 1 n„. mil,.. „|„.„. |,\„ ii]).'rficial colonies liiive of li.,i>elio.l Kfl.uin.. is pro.lm-.-.i :.„d hv tl.,- . -ul oVil ' ""*■ '** of ^r,.laun^ 1-* ir.uislorm.'.t to .i lliin tluid. Gihithu O'h.ncs: Siii.ill, Kivin^^a -'hrok.-nir ul. r.-Kular, I aiipcar.Hico tiftli Jay iliL' t-nliro i luc'L'iii c(i]uiiii>s otlirn in rouleaux mid ' i'"^. ^'"'"""" ''''■•>-'"""■" «-™«"' 'Treu.IinK rapi.lly over the surface of ,he r.«t//o" . V'-'Z/'in Xo U, pon neutralization casein found nnd r/ DhtribufioH : Isolated fron, nine cases i from rectum alone in thr. wo cases, from cecum aionc in one case, fro ime case, and from stomach, cii'cum and rcctui que- cases, from stomaeh ali stomach and civcum lojfcthcr in in one case. r'l 8, BACILLUS SUBENTERICUS, Ford, 1903 (n. sp.) Li tern I un- Ford. W. \V.. looi, Classification of [nlestiiial Kcsearcli, vol. i, p. 21 i. t)ri,'aiiism similar to /i.vilius e,i/i-nf this microorffanism. " case and in (he cecum of another. nacteria. Journal of Medical he tnajorily of their reactions 9. BACILLUS PLEBEIUS. Ford ,903, n ■V"'". \,.l l,„-„„.,l ""■'"' M .■Nl..,,,.,, '"•''■ • ■'S«'Sl.„„: Wl.i,,. „,;„„„., , ""'I »i"pi..>,. u. bo",,,,,,, w'";^;;;.'""'-'" i.,>v. -|,r,..-„,,„^. „,..,. '■"f"p,U|uuwlii„. ,.,.,„''•."""' "'"v..!, Ii,,n,„ ,„ ..„, "'■"'• ■■ "-K r„i,,i,v, ,<,,,';■ '" '— '"'i-.''';;;:;."'"' "- ""'t^'-^ i^^zj^"^'^'- K ,.::':;■';::::";"" ■'"■ " - "■■ ».-. lWri„i,„v. ,;,...:>,'""'■"» col,,,,;,,, „.„. ,._,' """«>l""„„„rd. '"' '""""K l>r„„„ „,- „j '■'"".'"■ ■"-.I v.„„,',,,,„ ""■■"•"'""■'•"""-•I "' "Id .■„l,„,-cs. ■ '"" '■'■'■■■"■,,1 «!,„,. J,,, /■"nriiianm lubt . /,,,,,,„,,,., , "P,J Kromi, i„ ^.|„ "/''"""' . i" bM a„j ,/„,,„,■;";;, j'!j' pro,i„..,,„„ ,„. :;";',;™""<-"i m op„, i,,,,,, . —-»■"";:!;;"'""" """^'■- '-.-. '-'"/.• Rardy „rod„ced '■"■"""•'■"■' -V"! nro.|„,,.,|, o,|„, , --'■n....,;:,!:^.;^;^ R^;;:/!^^-'-''''H^. :i:;;^;,,;;'';^''';p-'^ xo 1 III. lid In. HK .-lei '-iviroii 'iJllfreiil r;t^<.^ .1... . . ' '" - til,. "■ I'l.icc ai ,1,,. villi '- /!.■/>/., T- 01 oil ■■""*: present i "J'-niim alone i '■ound in ci — "■'vlialCol.l,. pen, 0,1 of (he i This hacill,, •Ppc.iring mos, iroo, f"->l„fnl in ,ho lower iti'sfiiies 'c^'ii.ith a,iti r ^ •■""I I ''X;,m,nt;d, sd ■■tful dtjiido, l.n lliro,. , occupi,., r,*l„ti,,.,,. I",, d„„j,., portron t Inniacl, ami il„„j".'. '1,1' bowfl. '"„ni. and br, ■^. I,,, 4' liilcsliiul llaihria. 10, BACILLUS INFREQUENS. Ford. 1903 (n.sp.) f.ttfrntui Ford, W. W.. I,,,,, ^■l;,,^i^n■.ln..l. K.-»ra,,l,. ,.,1. ,.,,. ..,,, IVKaniMii, ,liir,-niin hoin il.,' m, .V,.../,„r,„v, |,„, .,K,-,.,-inv „,.|, •n,;, r,„„, „„, ..i.i;,;„'.,i ;„ „i„,. .iiiv, "I l.i'.-ii n. .■- Journal ,.| M.-,li,;.l ri'i I lu ni.H.- tr,i(iifinly nii-l willi in iltf up boioH- o^iirfi.illy oonndon In tin- dimdi II. BACILLUS VULGAR'S (Hauser. 1885). Mlgula. 1900. /.;/.™/,,„,„„/.v,.„„„ ,.,„,, /V,./,-,,.v ,.,„V„„V, 11,,„„.,-, ,8Sj. l'..h,.r l.\.„lnis-l,.„.|,.,i,.„, l.,.i,,2i,,. /.W,/A,../ir../,„,. Tr,.ii,.-,n. 1K8.|. l-...M,.r;, ' "^ «„, ,7/»,< ,■».,.„„■< |||,„,„.r| Mi„,.|,-,. ,„„„, Sv.l,. ,.r U,,k,,.r,..M, „. -„- l„iriJut-'i,l,;,in, (ll.i,i„.rj. l-h,.,i,.r, i,|„„, N[„„„,,| ,.| II,.,,.™,!,,,,;,';. u-.r "'■■ I'- -«■ I-"--' i'"l"''''l Iron. pniroliinK n,.,-„- 1.,- ||.-.n~or. ' lr,.ononllv in ...n..; ,l,„inv Imv.u .lixoi,nv in nn.rM|,„| .^ ."^^ ;|:;;..;|',''"''' l '■' "- IV.-.I my lo..kinK ni*".. n,ioro',v,-i ,,r v'.'rl "°""Ziy„ .^'°""*-' "'^"•"■- 'I'""' -lUKk-i-li .nolilily, ol.l ynlimo, olion ,|„, IK in pal., y Sf-wf^ : Not foriii..d. .iK'.ii ami slopmn Ui tin- h.itioin i»t tin- tul>.-. Aiiiir Colonics ■ Tvpiral spr.Milinti: colonii-* witli op;,.,,!,- «hit,. cviwit-^ nrul ...,ilvi„.- I.luish-Kroy p,TipluTV. IV<'p .-olofii.-s, rourul o. .n ..I l>to« n in rH.?, " ^ A'w//; : Ti.rhkiiiv niark.-tl. rar.-ly a >-ciini '''•";;;;;;o,.;^l:;:tuiK,;n;:w..:;;i;lx',;."£;:iS";,';;;:r- "•■"' »= "' •^•• '^'"S.^^aKn.; rll™'''""' ■'l«-»''"'« '"I" ^ >v /,V,„y„, „„„ ol ,l,e ""t.L;^';: ""' >'-""»'>"-«-l.i-. ... o....n.y.>y,,l,e ^row,,,. „,.„in^ ,,„„,„ „, „,., Fn„„Hlni:,m Tub.-, li„fm„- ISmth : Kapid ^rowil. wiH, prod,.cli,.,. of a he.iyy bra'.ich "" '" ''""■'' '"" I*""'*"" -■' ■ ■'"'' "•«'''■'"• in L""' and .V.i.f//M«.,v,.bn.k.... np inlo .rr/rfand cn.v. iMtost .101 ,itr,.ti..d Si Ihis haoiljns. HtmtSmm: Abundant Rroivll.. Sl„^. ,„„l ,,„„^!,.,,. ,i,.,„.fi„lw„ Xifnile^ : RodiJoed 10 nllriu-s. Indol : \oI prodnrpd, F.rcal Od„ur : .Vol produced. I'ulrolafllve odo. ooninion. '■"TL:!';?; l'''li!"i"»0\. •"■"';'> Iblloyvod 1,y i„„.ns,.,.clion ,vi,l, A././0., .-„/™„ „r 1„. ,.,„..„, an.i r,.du,.iion of ll.r liin„„ \\«-A\i a .,.1. .•...•,l-u1.,„, i~ produc-..d, Allor i,n .lays milk l.-an-formod lo.-iil,in . ..|,.'. iy.» lio , , V few oil drops lloatioK on llie surface. ' Oaurrfnir ami Disfrihu/ion : Found In lour ditlVrei.l ca.f.s in], of wliidi several .idiures »erc oblaimd, Oblain.d frrn. 'o.ue. civcum twice and from sloniacli and cx.cum in conibinnlioii once. "ton. Ford, 1903 (n. '•'"rd, \v. w., , .„ ««— ..v,;":;;'^;;; , .n.,, „,„.,.,,, '/■■ /.ileftiturr Kurd. li. '■■' ''■"li r..|,.„i„.,, ■",'rplM,,;,. , „.,..., '"' ■'"•!. l.-.oil„.,n ■"Id .■l.,M,i. ""..«..,■„,,,„,. I,, ^ _ •"■"'■'"-- A,-,iv,.,, ,„ *"'■■'■■ .Vi.M,.,„,„j, •'V'" SVa,,/: lMvvi,|,,„|, sp. I '"""■'' "I M.-di,v,i ■^; '•"■"■- i>,v„,„,,„i "'»« ^ T„ri,idi, ,„„ ""' '■■" -'■>:''■" -,-^-^:z;^:r ::!!":]) •■•" .■ :^^"'^'- «".'»' ^ „:„.„„,, -'*■ "■■"! -11-,.,.. "•"■''■■ .- I,r„„ , ""■""■"■ ""■"": ].iiv,„-i-.,„ 1 " ""'' "'■''"',,,,. ''/"''■"" fufit- : 'II brl>lvrli^lI rfd >,,,, "'"■■''•«' -■••'>;-«;t;:,,t:;* ;,,,'■"*'''''':■"... ■*""■''"""■«■. ind /.„, :";„t;;'- -■ l'l";l S,.r„,„ ; Vb„„d- "'""'"'" ''■""'■"l.'d ■''■"■"'•■<■■ K,.d„..,,i'i''"!i,"i!'r''' "" "'" '■'"'""■' ''r.r,.,.,i.... '•'"'I- .Vo. pr.,d,u.„,. ;^™' "''■"- ^ r l-">„H:i Milk: \o „r,r /'*//»« oCtllOniilk ' """■"■>■ ;i.'Hlin. I,„„„,.l:,.. ,, , "" ''"- ■■^'--'1 .1'l ;;X l'!" c;:",'.'"- "— ^.' !■ K „. 'i^l 44 /n/esfiua/ Hacte* J. 13, BACILLUS PYLORI. Ford. 1903 (n. sp.i rtial of Mrilroitl nil. -; "p.Tlki.,1 ™l,. :tnclo.ilh,iitr .-.Ik.-s. •-pri-ai! I l.iUmlure : Ki,r,l. W: \V.. „ioi, ll.f..;ii,;.i Ko,..„cl,.v„l. ,.,,...,,. l-irst nl)l.'tiiit.-(l troiii init^stitiHl cniileiiti l>v (■oitl, Morphology : l.jir^ff b.u-illi iniiasuriiig i... Iiy 1,0 4.1) miiioiif,, iu-\er i.piu-ariiiu Motility : \\.ry ,u-.iv.,ly motile. Kiuill. shoo. ra,.i*lly Iron, on.- ,.ortion ot ,l,e tie to atiotiier vvitli ihe v.-Ioi-ily ot ;i cholerjt vilirio. Sfhirfs : N'ot t'ornik-U. Af,'ur : S|)rL-adiiiK wliitf Iraiisliuent K" .lifUf Cohnies : IV,-p toloiii.-s roiirul mid r.'Kulii ttie surfat-f with oiijujiil' wliiu- /trot/i : Tiirljiiliiy, no sl-uhi. tifl.ilinr Stub: Ahuntfaiii jfrowlli. k'npid liijuvlmlin,, |r Gftatine Colonies: Dt'cp loloiiies loiuid and rejriilar ; Willi dark ojiaiiut' uoiilies and outlying iraiisluitrnt 1 Piitato: Liixuriaiil dull whilo urowtii. F,-r„Hntali.,f, Tube: Prxtrou- /hoth : Clro^vtli li.inl,.d to oi.eii 1...II, wlie M'dmietil IS produced. .\o jjrowlli in iloscd ai n " - . .. Sill thti rose iu\<.\ /.mfo-eu^l liroki-ii up, iilooil SrriiiH : Abiuidani wliit«' growlli, 11,, /i,fiie/U,tii»i. Xifnit.s: Ueduced to nitrites. Itiiiol: Not produced. Firtiil Oiloiir: Not produced. Utmus MM : I'n-limiiiarv aciditv followed hv alkali-prodiulion. \o ,o„L'ul„tio» , Ihe K.ipi,l p..t>toni:,ition ot the ,„M-in iind reduction of the litm,,,. Oixiirr.nre ami Dixlril},iti.,H : K.nind hut once In the intestinal content;.. InliiK isolate Iroin Ihe stomach of one case. coloiiirs jjreyi! spreading'. -.- -i luM i.f bi,l6 alialiHe. 5a8 45 Kuril. \\ 11- , R... ,■• "'• '-'""ili.ii;,,, . . ^•■-■»n-l,. ,„|. , "'■■".■n... I„u.„i,„.| I,,, ^ '■''■■" •""•""••'I /™.i'„,™i',l„,.„„„ rn,,i. ^:;'.::z,:;r ' ■ -l.f'-.S/,,,,,: i,„,„.„ ,„.„„,. '■'"'■'"'"i"M u„h,„ ^iqitifaif ■I'o'Hr /in r»/,.,, "(■ inoc 'nvifula K..pi'l . •*Pn-=.di«B or ' comple; Pern »"-»t.ui„„ Tub.': Hirhiji Saafi, ' P''«>tliji i-,l. V(, vrli 1, iriiiiffd r. f-if»iHs- Mia- '"•'"■■"• nor hrokoi "" rt'I'owrsJi-Kliii "■"-'-d:r :!"--";""> -H T-n. -t' II null arm : ^^„r/,i,„ „/^^^^ pn.diufd. slow hi,; Ovv, K.ipid I " proiliK-eiJ. 'I"<'f-'a-rinii ,i( , |>. ^ First isolaU-J from alviiit- di^diarifes otdiiUln by Kookff. M-rf*h»l.i\;y : Small bjnilli nu'ii* .tintf K% \\\q 2 niikrims. Molilily: Atiivi-ly motile. Spi'fis .• Not formed, .l^ir S/,n,/ : Abundant yellowisb .,r yfUo« isli-brown Krouil, alori- li.u luin, not spn-ailinff or -.lopinj^, " .IC" (../-»,/,■..■ IVep colonies, round. OJMliU itb .'I'litrf & and trans pa rout ibi iirrotniditi^' agar K'vin^ an it ri'ttiilitr. opiunu' ; s film in peripbcrv. lis ini-l bluish look. rficiiil I cb Ktat nies bave l> mt'r)feM B'oth: Marked turbidii>. no ^ CvluliiH-: Abundant Krowib along line of inoLiilalio lion iilon^c liiiL- ot punL'inrf. GcliitiiH- i\i/'iiii,:\ : Uoinid brown colonics of various Puiii/ti ; Luxiiriani yellowi^li wbite jirowili. FvrmfHlnti,.,, Tulw ih-x/n..s,- //«,/A .■ Abundimi ^r. duction of a tit-avv X'. lin.i.'lli ,/o«, slow but bi|uefac- open bulb witb ibe pro- '/. .l/iii/iin- rfiutiuii in Siifr/i,rn>M- „»,/ /.iiif„.s,- ulsu „„( hmii-ii up. Hl.miScni,,, : Vellowisb-brown xrowth. Gradual lii|uefaotion Xi/riilfs : Not reduced to nitriti.--., I nihil : Not produced. Firciti Odor Not produced. /:(/«»is .y//* : ^" pr'^liminary acidity. Intense aikali-produclion. No .J. „>. .....»■. -,.,i,u„i.,,i,ii. 1^0 coagulation. ol tbe casein with reduction of the liimuN, Slow and complete lii/ui'fitct. Oaurrtnc- «nd DiHriiuticn : llsolaled from one case, the siomnd. of a foundling, Ki,.„ :■"'■"■""■'•'■- 'IV' ' ■■"".in., a,e, r-c;'r,::rr'^- '.-.. ■' '^"'i-moiil,.. ■" J.o microns •*■»""••.■ Xo, ,„,„,.,, ■!>.■'■■ i7„n,.. Ti„.k„,„., "lu-li look. -P'u^Jir.K o,„ ,1,, ,„?'■"'»'■ i -"PTIicial . , ^""ifitaf,,,,, T 1 '•■™-".. ^.pull, ,o,„,.„^ 48 hitiilinal liaiUria. 17. BACTERIUM BIENSTOCKII. Sohroter. 1886. lAltritlttu- uiui Svnnnvm'i : lliui/hm III,, /.r.'i-t. No, lii, Bienormk. fiitclfriutt flifayt'fkii, Kchroti Silir..l.;r. iNWi. I'iU* Still. n.ifillui ..'/»»•-/(■.■«,■.» K,rfii)i, HiBtmock, , p. 4J.1 n. p. H.j, lock, kriii»r)fitil«men. j'ul fdiM,iii. p. jfi-i, |H>((,, irj .-iliti.ii ii,trt,ri„m Bi.-n^h-ikii, Sihroitr. MiK'nlii. "»<». Sysiem ilor It.tkK /l»cf,nnm Uieniloekii, Sihr..t.-r. L'liL-M.-r. I'KX. Manual »r IVti>r < r- jai- K.V. P- 144- 7i tiiiiron*. in st, .ned '!■ Burierioli First ohlaifii-il liy Hi.-nsl.n-k IViiiii human fucoH. Afiif/i/i'i/ofU' : \',Tv short thu- Ivu't.'ri.i rnoaturini,' o.^livo prcpnr.iiioiis t'i.r.-ly \o I..- di-.iinKi.islt..J from mi.rocnrr Motility. Non-niolilf. Spares : Not formcil. Afii>^Sl.,»/: IVrowtli very .l.,w ; afu-r 4s t>. ji I,.,,,.-, o.ilv ., t.uni tilr» pr.iduced on aKnr. Ai^ar Cilotiies : Small, fine, l-rown. nim.sprc.idin^ loloims, Ar-)M; Tnrbidiiy, n.. Mnm. Crlulinr St>it> \ Mow ^^rowtli alonj; line .>! •nljitii>fi. A,. }i,,ufl,tilinn. Cthfinf ii-luiiirs : Small fine r<>);iilar pal >wn rolonicK. Potato: Hardly ptn-eptiMf, (jrryith.« . ffrowtli. FerH,enl„tio>, Tuhf ■ A-./rotr J}r.,f/, -. growth in t.iilh. where f.ii.ii Uirhidity \% pro- dru-.-d. A\-mfi„„ aiiii/i,,,-: .\o gr.mth \n .Ios,;l arm. Siin/iiifoie iinii Lacto'^e not ff rmrntfd, BliHtdSfru'ii ; Faitir wliii.- film. Xuiii/HPfitction. Xifratfs : N.n reduced lo nitrites. /ntfo/ : Not prnducfd. . Facal Otiiiiiy : Not produced. Litmus. ^fi/k: \,-i )-r .>.l.h ion. I'veniual production of a dun^t firm mass \o Uquffaciton of the casein. Occurren.e an,/ Disirihution : Nolaled from the cnecum of one case. '"• ""'""' """"'^"S. Kord. .903. ,„. ,p. "'•••■'■reli. »„l. ,. ,,, , > l»lo,r,„„l ll.ulona r , il;,/,/,^,^. B,.Mll, „„..„„, "'"'''f""l JUitlihij : 1.,,.,, ""'""''"■^' I" - 'Mliu;,,,,,. ■>/>"". I X.„ ,„,„„.j ■'*■"*"" •»l'™,l„,k „,„„ ""'"> '■■".■„|„„^„; '„';;" >.,, „,„, f->."',-„iv„,,, u„„,„ ,„,„;„,,/ (.■,u,i„„ r,,.!,,,;,,. , , *• "'""'M, ,„,^^^ ^ '^"■'- <-„,„ ,„„,„.,, , ■ -' " ■'•™«l-.. '■""''"'"'■■•■. r„«, , /J , „ ' '■ "Ili'rNJirv.i,,,], , '""Ill: li,„„iJ, , ■■■'•'■ .^"i-.;""■"' ■"■ "■ "■ ;:^ ;;;;,;;';;;"„;•": "■'■" , ■>"'»,,,„„,/, , ■'""■ *■' *'""'*'■'»'■ U« "^.i'ii-h'Ji ""'■ A-ilnl,-,: H„d,u.,.d,, n, ''" '"''' K'"« H'- M' .,,■„,„„,„,„ '•"'•■'■ No, ,,rud„„,|. t-'it,nl 0,l„f V,,, ^li.,.,.ll. ..,. ., """• "'"'"-4 W,. .V. hpl-'nuili, • I'om llu-sloni iHltSliHttI lUulil IB. BACTERIUM ACIOOFOHIIANS. Starntxrr. 1(02. //,„/*' 7"I";'"' '"•"0'"",'"' '■' ''■"■'••""I""?, p. vn. llir.l.r, .<»!. »r ,„„| „f IVrcrmiii;..;,,. Hiul,.„.,l..,, , p. ,,,,, '•"'»"■'' "•■"" "■' "' ■' V.-I1,.* K ...r ..„l,„„ 1„ SUThb,,,. ''"''^'rz.\,,i^:''t^T::L "" "■•■ "■« "•■' '•>■ ■■" '" "■"»•"• «.'./, Noi, m,.lil.. Xhiiitil.-iiii iliii'k wli unil hrowtiKiii JV"' f "/..««;*; |>,.,.p,m.-*. n .'p;i.|,u'aii.l 4 irviimMnbid. a™/* i Turbidity, MithoiK s. i.rii, a:'i,tiH.Sh,6 I tlrowil. aloHK linr ..| ,noi,.lalu»i.. ,\.. I,^,.,;,u„..n. III n-o)iii-Mtitii|t. A.W,,: l...xi.ri.„«i.h«hit,„, y,.ii,..i,l, l„„«„Br,.«,h. ii",;;,:.";;: -J. ";;'„;•,';':::::;;,,.*'"■""• ■"■'■'■ ■»'"■"•'-"' "~»"- - ^■''•>.'' .S„nkii':w»u,l iMet:^. „ol r.-rmeiuetl. fi/nr,,/ &,„„ : Hew xiiil,. ^ro»llj •./4,,/,/ l,^Hr/ml,m. tiilmitt : Noi rt'Juiril rn nilriu-^. /«i/»/: \..i i)r,.,l,„..,; />(i7/ (W.,«^ : Not pio.hii-*d, '■""'fi",'„ ""*' A.i,l r.a,,iOM „„lm, ,4 hour,. Co.K„l.,Um of lh« milk ,o „ O,, nr,,,,,, ,„^ n,.,„i,„/„, ■ Ko,„„l i„ ,wo «„,. i„ ,„. c.i-cum i„ on, ca,. . the .loni;icli. duod.-ni.iti aii.l tjixutti alike in the olh.-r. It l.tUSt'.l'n'y'.'S'iJfj',!';.' "" ■ ■■'«■""» l" i-ltidoformauu (;,.„„/,, ,, 20. BACTERIU* IIINU.,M.«uil m , .,./v,., «'"««. Mljul,, ,900 f.ilfrt,f„r,- ,*,,/ y, ^ • '■'•"»"'■ v. l.-m J,., 11,,,,'"; „ ^ „„,,/■'" ••-«K-r.,..i,„„, ,,;■'•■ ^'» *""''.l..r,.d. l-'tmutMilk- B,„ .. ".••.."Mr-^rf /,,„„,,,, ■>■■/',-/...„,„. 52 Intestinal /iactct 21, BACILLUS :OLI, Higula, 1900/ LlUralHre ani Synonyms : liacU'rium tali loimnmu: Esclicricli, iH!^, Oarinbaktcrieii de» S;tii)(liiiK)t, Stuttgart. yeupi-l,'- JS.inllux. Kiiinioricli, 1SH4. IV'iilMche tned Woclioiiscliritt, .No. 50. Bacillui .Vi;i/>-i/,/„iiiix, Fruunkel, 1SH7, Gruiidri-<> der HakltTk-iikundt-. KUfiibtTn, iSSb. Bakioriolo^'isclii; l>iaK"*"'i'k. l'as-.t;t. tK8,v .Kti»l oiteriKL-n I'lik'^moii dt's Mt-iisclu'ii, Id-rlin. /All ///(/» <■»//. *■ Aa< /t-ii)oi. Ji)uriial of I'xpLTiinciital .Mctliiino. vol. \'. n. liaiiltus o-ii ( Ks,li,>ii it ). L'liebtor, Kjoi, .Manual ot OL'tLTmiiiativt- Hai-iL-violo^y, p. iu$. First isolated tiy Ksclieriih from llif iiitotinal coiilents of infiiiil> Marp/io/ujfy : Slioit ^tuiiuu' bai'illi : ill -.iiiglf viciiii'iits bill liei|ii iitis1iiiiiL-d llif loii>; i.-ii.-iins a linked D^'ellier. .\(ay appea ■. dipltx'Oi-fiis. Tlie dipl Adaiiii has pointed onl, art^ Iretpieiit tisfiiiL's or from the ^idl hiadd. 1ea.MirinKO.5hy 1.0 j.oniiero..,. Ocvins nlly in pairs and stioil or lonj; chains. When e seen to he made up nf i^ ui jo separate baeilli as adipiobaeilhis wh.ili when stained looks like ■nid foiriis are eoiiiiiion in yoiin^ euhiires. or. as n.u-iiius •spe lallv . aUv I" sulVi In the joo e-slnn-esnl ibis I iiTii(uesiioried moliliiv was detiionslraud in ever iisiiallv les^ ihati that of Buriitiia /rplwsu>. (/i.u,i!i,s /,y..rv„u,-us ) but oceasionallv "eulliires baeilli novo aiross the tield with the 'velocity of moihrate motilily. jen in alleniialed culm . .1 well detined iiioiil ienl .0 dilTerenliale li fr hieb were nbiaiiu-d at \ I the that ol /'.v. iii'ii^/iiosa e etieountcred where the choli-ru vibrio. Tsually a Spores: At no time observed. The diploeeeioid lorm is eonsidered by Ad.imi to represent an attempt on the part of the baeilbis, when grown under'itnfavorable conditions, 10 assume a more resistant state, but one distinct from spore Agar Shiiil: Glislenin^ white or yellowisb v\bite urowth extenibrij; rapidly alon^ the line of inoculation, spreading and sloping to the bottom oi tlie tube, where it developes luxuriantly. In old cultures the >,'rovvth beeomes dirty brown, especially after drying. Attenuated forms grow as a faint while film on the surface of agar. Agar Colon ifs: Deep colonies, round or oval, regular, sharply cut edges, slightly brown in color, nail-form growth often seen: superficial colonies are slightly opaqne, brownish, either circumscribed or spreading over the surface of the agar and assuming diverse farms, sortietimes occtipying the whole plate. flrit uieof a tiinoi t-Hiuruli Group, li, Co/, filmy Miini „„ ,1,1. >uri;„.."' , """'« '" ""■ lvil,„, ,.| ,1 5j kfii itp III riilju ■culmiiii and spre^idini; > ael.,l,„,s,„b: ,\l,„„da„i „,„„„, .,, „ , «"."": i;™„i|, „„i,., ,,-„„ "•-l'KliM,v»|.„....di„^.. al>ijji.1;,ul VL-llowi'si, i.V'l' .''"'" *^'''''" Kl'^lMiii,.. l,;,,,.U „... , »""...■.■„,■„,,,„„,,';;'■"" •"" ■'■•I'l-i' !"..«.. „.,.„\ ,';•;;.;,';;';' ii-i.lil":;;i;;;:;'r,:;'!^;;'' y lubi-,i, fXti'til " "P"" ■ il. IIr" '11 11..- iMilil,,. ,.| K,, iiul coin|iositKin ol lllllllb,', i.J |H,l,ilo ■iI'li-Kii.dali,,,, i„ y,,,.,, , ... , " B'"naiKMl JJI ■■"■iiiii .i.v,v. ,M„„ .„'';■ "'".•"•'■"'■•"■iiiii'ii..n ,. r.'"'"'°'^'"'" '4v.„/,„„i„Ho„.d.,r, .J'""' '" --i"-"!^"... «i,i, ,,,,,d ,;, ■ *■;'■""- ri. .'1 '„;'„", - i.llow ,-., .Idi,^^ , d,', U'i,;,1 , "I'l 'i.h III, ■*""*■"•"»•• mil liiiikoii i,|. -.> of iiie iii™ .r* iM„" ''^''"''"'l'"•'''■■•'• s^j^- f i;i~wri^™?";j;r;:,;- •"■« "; »p;™'"''i,";"s,?ir;,;; i .' ii 54 tnlesliiial liaclciia. the coaKulum remaining while and ™lorle«. In all olli,rr<» thiiorEaniim fhTvSf; '° " ''■'"'•■'" """""■■ "''■■ ""'"'"• "*>■ >■" "I"" r.?eSd ,o ... y^" "":'!:"""''■""""•' P"^''"'"" ■■r«'idilyn„l Ih, nnruhlhn <,/ milk aiiiilt a/ unv ptntuf. .^u /y,fi/e«, ■■..■., in over ?:,™,.™'i'l1rrh'am""""''''"'' """ '~ "'«""' "■-' ""1"="' •"- «'""" ■ =a J."fl.',""',i"",' "T "■'""", "'"'" '" "" '^^»"'- '■'"■" 'l'« '^■'«'" "l-"' i" f"" one m1" J"»'l'ni'n, alone ,n Iwo and from Ihe slomach alone in Isolaled from Iwo porlion, of lh« inleslinal Iracl in ten caie, ; from eieenm and 'm',:"','" "'I ';•■''?• '"■■'"'" "■"' ''■"■J""""' once. ree,„m and ^oriael.'nc" and stoni.ieli and duodennm Iwice. Il wa, oi.lained from ll.ree porlion. of Ihe inleslinal Iracl in foar eases i r..', ...V','"'.'" 7;P''""'|"' and e.ecum Iwiee ; from slomaeli. duodenum and [„Vh^ L, ,m h T ''""''»"'""• '■••I™"' ""J reelum once. In one case found III ine slomaeh, duodenum, e.-eciim and reclum. i„ ..''JL"'"" "™ ",', •'"' ""'• "' ""^ """" '-'""■'"on inhabilanl. of Ihe inleMinal and r^T 'Si'"" 1 '■•■>."<"'». bal especially favourinRa location in ihe cecum where T;,f"l"'."-'","'"'"? "■'■1"™"> '" ""= J^denum and s.omach. rt«fo,',',r™,;;;':'':era.'- ""'' ""-■•■ '- '"'"-' ■""""'- ''■"«=■«-•- SJ< ^(id I'rodiu, t-scluiic/i (, nnip. 22. BACILLUS COMMUNIOR. Ford, ,903. Littrnlhr,' „„d Sftw>,y„, ■ ""'■■""■ "»o-iqoi. Journal of K. S':;-' «.«■■• .0,0. c,:'i'r:"";"'-''^'"-"'- v., ..,«. \sih d ''■ '• r'- -'J r. "'it-un.1. Journ. ot "•"""'"■"■ " • ' '"" """".v p™po«ed "ri'Ci,,";;;' ,!"■ "'■'-'■J. f^f'""<"«''"fKHcl,„rid, ','■," '""""hat l,.„ ,'o,,ml ,', "'"■''■ The ■nrerprwed „„„,„i,a,|v il ,'^ , 'J- ,vno /'..m.^ZZ",.'"" "" ""^ *"'''■""»■ is r.T,no„„.J h " " "■'!'' •^•■"■ro«c hroil,' i„ ™^-'"l''''lacl,on. aoid. compared uiih f«.'„ ' "'""'"ed m tivenivsix .■«. "lomaoh iwic-e .-a . "Olaincd from Ihree n„„i """ ""I .acnm lw,ce. "bUined from', Air'diCr" ""'' 'I™''"" m wio^' "j"""' "^■""" "« "n,„„en>lyi„ ,h, ,„„Zh 7 ?""""• "' "" in,.s","ej,n, "',"-' '' »" '" ■•'II porrion, of ihe h ';''■ 'l"oden„m. .a-cum and recL? '*,''■ -'PP^i-mg <'"up,,h,dn„de„i;trd:';oX;''^.:7"''' ■-•' io-;.„j:i':'^ Intestinai Ihnti'ria. 23. BACTERIUM AEROGENES. Higrula, 1900- r-.l;, i»' l>,irnih.nli.Tk'ii tlex SaiiHlinys. SluilKari, p, 57 .terium iin-li, lini. Urtlimsky, i?1;iled bv K^clic iv.- ll:ul.-.i..U.«>. p. ,jS 111 i)u< iiiiL'-iinal ooiu cm s ol inlaiit- M,..'^li„l.>iiy : Slu)r[ >.Hil»by bji.-letia usiiitlly mt-af, - .liLU'ii 1I1C-L' loims rfii-mbli- iarjjo t'lKii, ■•hurl bai-li-i'iu. Lunger baiteria ot tlif ■.aim- l'rt;qiiL>tilly iiu-t wilh, tlioir lL-ii>;tli appi xxiiii^ liowevor, Ih'iiih; iili-iiiiial wirli liiat nf ilu- ^ slii*w the iii.'\flopmfiit ol a lapMik' tiu' pri'> peculiar tliick Uwm of ili.- tiikro orKani>m. Till- iiutrpliiilojiy of /luhrium .irru^.fiir: v>f priiiit-' iinpot-lanct! in its iafnliliLatioii. liii^o.js; 1)V 1.0 ntii-ron IVhoti iinsiainuii arc ■ liaiiiiMcr as Hit- lypii' \Vh«n on to be oliik not be del isiriiip.l ,ai liic diameier, Milk ciluire* liilnites lo llio teri-tii- and is j-a, a.Kl broth Sfiores: Not I'ormod. -li""' ■'>'''""' • Abundant tliii'k whilo ^bsi.-niiiv,' ^rowlb. uMially licapeii up .11 ihe edses and ;i\i>\\ii tlur line ol' iiioriilalion. It oiieu sprt'ad> o\.t the s.,rtaef aiid ^lopi^s totlK- iHillomol' ibiT tube. Il raiei\ peneliaies d.oply In-m-aili ilie Mirlai't' of tile ajfar, and il reeovfis iis \\ |neal appeuraiiLt' alter ^ever■al iiuuiiiation-. AS'if Ciil'iHtes : Peep coloiiie'. round anti regular ; superficial colonies ibiik, opaipie, raised uli^htly from the surt'acr anil cjvumbcribt'd in outline. Broili : Ureal turbidity, abundant sediment ana usual prodnclion of scum. Cehilhi,- : Thick Krowth alonj: line of ineiulaiion and spreadirj: over llie surface of the ^elaline. Xo liijueJH' lion. Gelii/hie Colonifs: Deep colonies, round, regular, jrreyish brown ;! superfiLial colonies, Ihick, opaijue, porcelain white. PdUi/' Illicit, yellowish-white or \el!owtsh-bro\vn j;ro« ih with peculiar wart-like . vaiions along the edges and upon the surface Firiiienfatiitu Tiibt- : Ihxtnisv lirolh : Turbidity and sediment in bulb. l\fa> Hon acid in bulh. .Abundant growth in closed arni'wiili the production of an tuid reaition andmuchi^-n. Sii.i/i,'ive chaiactefistic and positive reactions lor indol. LiimiisMilk: Acidity produced within tS hours, (.oagulalion of the milk usually within the fir^t 24 hour^, the coagulum being a pale pink in color. The color deepens with Ihe production of acidity and by the free access of oxygen to the coagulum. The coagulation may be delayed 15-^0 Jays, but always eventually Aad Prodmcrs : lischerul, Gron/,. £^S.,!',;;'^;:,l::;iZ;';;;-;;;„';;-;; ','•> ' .1.:... r .,.,- '■""K" ""■ . ' 'i"i »nn,ri.-, «iii.„, js ,™,'' '■',';'«"'•"•■ '"i; ■■" ^1 l.,l.- ,l;„, coaffiihini IN prodiiieil in ihctir^i 1 , ' "*■ "'■>iiNioti;,IK .-, n,.. I" c.rtain ,„liur.-, „f «„, ,//,„ , „/, ' x.'^^,^i^„f!^^J^ i..i,„n. Oni„n„,, ,ni,l lihlribulh,, -. |s„|,„,.,] ,,. ■ , ■■u.,i lro,|„c„i microorKani.n, iiir. '■,'""' '''"'■'■■"! '■■'-'■~- ' "IK Ihr It) .'l III.' .. s,o,„a.M i„ fiv,. oases, f,.!:" fJ.ZZ, ,„ „ mlhr,... ami from Ih.' m i„m i.i ,.„ . ■ i "'f'''' 'a-.'s. from lii,. , , , ,,,„ r.'K»>ns in fifreeii .-asos m si .„ i , ,' "■''' '"'""' i" '■""il'iiialion i,i ,„ aml.M.-am lo,,r limes, ;,,\,,.,,,,,.,',', ■'" ''»"'''■"'"" lour limes, i„ .,o„,,'.! l.'ur limes and in li.e eiivum .ml '. ,'"''"""" ' » i"'. i" dnoJeimn, an,| e ,'■',„ lliree limes ii was seen ii,ii,r. i n- stomach, .iin.demim md e- 'Htfereni portii ami in tl,,. -ei "spending in i,'s ", nut diflermL' n ret'irli 1 . ;, ■ VV iitl.abiiantoltheimJstine ",■'""'"'"> '" <""'m, Saeeliare-, is":;'".' "■»y be Riven, i„dica,i„„ i„ nm!; i';;.;;i^;;'i;;i;;,'!," ,i;;";;;; ';-'■"""■ -;>r^. -^^H^^::::,^. and n.„m f,„ stomach in five, in the d„<,dei mn in"l, ee Z",!"" "" '" '■'"-"■""'i '"ses 1 rie / tf/t„i/..„„/. ;_ ,i. intestines, ' "" '^^'■•*- *"^»^«Vc-r, a location in tli upper pon i.Uars.a I'limion ilh the . in the icitum cp and gioris, ffdim u-Ii and Like i»f(he 58 /iitesliiia/ Intdcria. 25. BACILLUS GAST8ICUS. Ford. 1902 (n. sp.) Literature : Kord, W. \V., i.ioi, ^JIa^sificH^illll of Inipstitial Hitci«ri Kt'^fartli, vol. i, p. ;ii. Kirst obtaini'd from the inlenlinal coiiii-nij, by Ford. Atorfihvhfiy : Small bacilli mt'aMurinjf o..^ hv j-3.0 miironi c-U-nii-nls or rHrtly in iliorl chains. Motility : ailOtlK! Vclive nioiilii y; bacilli movt S/»-ns : N >t formed. .lg, general cultural features was isolated trom two cases. To this bacillus the name Bacillus subijastriats may be given. It wns obtained from the stomach and duodenum in one case, and from the duodenum and cwcum m another. ^"•' '''■'"'""rs.- U,,,.ef.,cu;n Croup. /'".i/Vn, /„,„,.,;„,■;„, ■r'""""""' ■""'•»" I"- '>i..« k.p. ,, Onk.,,,,,1,, „b,,,i,n.J |„. Ki,,.,,, ■ .M.,rph„l„^,... „,„„j ,1,;^.^ |_.^^.^-^.^ >•"•"" '"o-s. I.,„.rl,„„, „,,„,, MoiMiy: .\o„.„,„,ii,.. " '■""""'•'""''.> -■■""Mli,,,,.,,,;,,,,,, Sf»»VS ; Not f.lrilli-il, 1, „ ,, ' "■ "' ' >P'«->li..K ..r Moping" ''"'■ ' '■■■»r.'d ..,. „l„„s ,„„ ,„ -n::;;-:^"'^^'^'-'- " - ^^ -.-L„.:;::x::r:::;::,;;:"^'"----'Kr^ir --'■•" '•" ••"I- '.•,„./„,„ i„ 1 „!,",> ■\''.""'I"V'>'''"»"' i" '"■lb Hill, „„r, v™ ,„d ,h,. pr„u„,,i„„ ;;;';;;-';^ _^;;™h i,, deed ar„, „i;;,';^;';;;;;;';;!;, »■"[ //■../ C -"t"'.U .llsi) tlTIIH-iUfJ If, ,/,/,/ ..„,| ''"""'■^•■"■"'^ ,ll,„„d»„,,.elU,„.M, ..„„,„ '"'"'■•""'■"•• '■'"■■"■■'< Rtj^cca„.,„uiw. ■^" 'i( Ma^s.■lcllll^t•ll•», l'«rt ii. p. H>.. MiKi>''>i I'Kin. Svili'nulor Kaktrririi, p ;jj. fiTfstiT. ic)in, M.iiiiiiil i.f l>.-toriniti;iliv»r Hjirteriol.>ny. p. iyi. Y\x>\ iilil.-tiiii'tl hy Jordan from scwiifjf. Morplio.'ofiyi Sliorl iliin l>;.cilli, m.-aniir iiij.' "-.i i.<'1m i - .'... mltmiM. Muhlity: Airiv.'ly moiil.-. Sf«')-fs : Not foriiu-J. /^.V'J'- S:.irt/ : Poi-.-.'l.iiii.wliili- lilloifiiiii); urowiii. spn-a.linjr o\ir ilu- Mirfiice of /I^fur ( w/Hn'cs ; IVt-p i-olonii'«i, round and ; Mtirfaii- fulonii^'. iliirk, opatjiir, rounil or wiih op»i|iit' wtiili- (fnln-s willi Ihiii oiitlyinj,; prripln-iy. Hiyith : , iirliidily and fri>im.'»tiy a lliin soiuii, Gfht" . Slnb : t'ltnipl.'io, iisiiidty rapid liquffaition, llnid Ki'I'T'"'' lv'"B •tl't've tli» solid nii'dlnni. In ii'rtain iidiurt-s tli(> liipn-rai tion is \i-iv slou. Gelatiui- Co'-i„:t; IX-ep i-ol.^ lliin. bluish, tratisliifonl. , round, nxnliir, yclUuvisti ; sup.Tfu-ial lotonie Po/,i/o : l.nxiiriani ilnll-wliiTt' or > filow isli whil.- ^rouili. Ffrwi-'i/iifi-'H Tub,-: Ihx/n'Sf iitulh : Si'dinu-m and tnrl.idilv in Inilh ; r^m/ion Abundant Krowlli iti closi-d ami. Kvoliitiou vi _i;iix and an n.iti ',,i.ii,.n. S„ , /,- »',./ /.„ lusr alik.' forn.onlfd lo ».ul and ,ii„s. fllix-e/Si-fH'u : Ahiindanl ^'rowtli. /r,/ii./ii/ioii x.'oti: hut oimplflf altor lo to 12 m m Sitr,it,s : Redni-.-d lo nilrilfs. /«,.,,. col,„„„ , ""■•''""■ "''"'I'-urtui-,,!,],,., ■'-"--.r ' ■■ » cK ■•Se'l;;;;::::-,;]-^;;;- lirlliiljiv .-..,.1 .i.r ■ " "'■'III lurl.iJiiy "Jlllkk,,-,,,,; l'i-.T .'..I..! "I"'r( toloiii. „, C.,1, , ,,„,._ . . '"'"•■■ '"- •■'" J^ V^'Z;;- ''■*"' %!■"! '""'""''"'•! I>:tln,w/ln,fl,- I! . ■'•™Mi;,„J,„M,i,|j„, ,,.,,,"■ , ''l":'>l''""-llHiib,ilb«.i,I,il,. „ , '•!*■.'. and ,|,e for„,,„i„„ „, ,, 7 " "'^ """"I' i" 'los^.J ;,™,»M,ff ''''''■';■''' "' ■SJ./l,/«nVal,„,,.„,„„||,,j ;. . -W.W..:''.:::,;:;;::;;,:;"" - -...„,„ •'■'"■"" ■ l<.-.'" i,„ """ "'■""'" ""' '"' ••"•' • •• I.-.- li,„o,WM„„ /•.*/: N„, |„.„d„,,,,,| '■•'■■■' Oi'-iir: .\ „,,,;„.,,. I l.ilmu.MiH., Rap„l„i,|,li.., " •i'"iar.-,l,„-,i„„,;i il,';"' '"■'«" "" "ill. an carl, &..,„ ,. U'i"r,-vf„„,t/i;.,„A..._ .. wine "Id „, ,J„ in III"""' ""'"*"'"'"■ l-'"illld n, l|„. I " aciioi,,U,„ proved I,, l,,Md.i,,;''d''' '"■"'""•'•- " Hr.l and ||„. i;,,^,,,,, „f ^'vnijf .i,]|,|„rtl.„„ 62 hiftsthia/ Hactfri 32. BACILLUS CHYLOGENES, Ford, 1003 in- ap.) .Journal <^i MrUU » Koril. \\. W., i<>oi. i'la.*<.;Ki',tii,)i) i>r liiU-Hiiiinl Itiui Roooarclt. ^ol. i. |>. m. Kir^l iihtiiitK'd I'rutji inli'iitriid i-nnicnui bv KorJ. Morphithiri- : Small, Hiu" Imiilli, nirn«))riiiK (ilunH o. ^ bv i.o iiiiL'rtin>>, appr^iriDtt it* JiploX-u-illl Mliiib. ulu-n ^r..i)U.I, l.'ok likcitirlo'.o,.). Muliiily: A.iivflv niotil.-. 5/*i.^v ; Nol l.iriii.'.t. A^.ir Slit 11/ \ I'.tlo, itliiik'si tntnipurrnl film, iilmci^l )n\isi))li> cvrn alter ihr lii|isc of .I^r C'i'.'"i'i' : |li-fp I'tilioiii'o, \t'ry lliu- p»lf brtn»ii ; «ii|ii'tlk'iHi colonii*, or n)iil>^bii|>eil, vrry <>iiiall, pair biowti in cclor ; ({niwlh v*'t\ slow. ttmth \ Miirked turbiiliiy nlu-r ^H lo ;j hour-. No stiim. (rf/iifiif S/ah: Slow ^jrowili nlonfc lint- ol' iiiocutHlion. wllb hi>f(tni)iN)( hi/ut/.i limi, wliiili i- coniplfti'd only atu-r (i-M djiys. ;ular, iion-i-harartpri: t-rowth larlv-- trum n si-jinty wliiir to n pitlc yellow brown iippearin]( i*ftrr ^H lioiirs FfrnirntiUiuH Tiihf : lit.\lfis,- Uruth : Turbidity in bulb \\\\\\ a -lanty H.diinent. AV'ii //"K '• id ill bulb. Slow ([rowlh in cloird nrm. AVo. Cmw in ■irm a id. ,\» gas, S.I. ' li'inae and /.<»• /•:ii- noi ff rmt-ntfd to mid alort- nor to in id and v" •■ B/iK'd Srntm : Abundant pal* wbit*' ){rowtb devvUipinjr vtrv slowly, but nm pro- dia'tn)[ any liipiefactinn, A'i/r,i/f\; No reduction ro nitrites. /ndii/ : N'ot produced- h'a,al Oduiir t Not produced. /.Umus Milk : Within 4K boiirs prodtiction of a sliffht acidity whii'h con«(anl)y incrra*te pure cullurcH from the stomach. 54' ■IttJ Prodiinr^ k'tu,- ,• nins, (iroiifi, , 6j 38.BACm,UMCHy«00ENES.F.^.,.0,,,.,, Liter.ttHrf : *^' ■■•'"1. W. \\.. „,„ ii. ,, R'-Td,, ,.',. '..V ,7,''" ' '"'"imai H..,„i., I , , l"-*:.M„Jb>.K„,j,,„„ , , ' ' "' *'"'"•' ^/"'M"/..,.P : H4,.|r,i„ ,„H „„r " ''""'•""• ."""//<. : \,.„.„„„i|„', ""'"""•' " ' '" '■'■ '"'"""• <" 'lin...„■">■. : \,ii loriiM.U. ■If'S.,,,,., Abu„d,„, whil,. .|i.,r,„„„ •'^."•(....«m. 11. , ""'""■"'■ '"'■'iml„n,,b„v, I , ' ,.„....,'".'r.-.""T..o.l.m,.,.„,„„j„„j^ ^,, "^ ■""""'■"-"''"»...;..„„„. . ■"'"■■'■.■ .-..l,,,,;,. I "' ■ K' ■ "iMi Lie. •iiitd. iiriiint>,'Mi„.,( """i : Ti.rl.idi, viiiK Kn "Her 7.JI,I..,-, " ' ■"""" '""■"' 'noculali,,,, ; ,,„„ =■■/.."...-:,„., 1^ ,,„ '"■'"'"■"' '••■".pl... ""'"'■ •'•■"' I .■du.ej, f""'*"'^ ••^•.•> pr„J„,.j. t-tfmus A/i/k: \..,,\,R c.sein. ■ •''''""■"" ■■""'c»-.«,io„„.|„,i„ ,,,„„„, .. ^, f''"n Ihe J„,Hie„„„, ' :. ,/,""'!'' '" '"" o«»e., from „„.. ,, . i. l hili-iliiial Ihiilitia. 'ii; in ykuin^ ihIiiik-s, linl r;i|>iklly '4 roiiiiii, Bli^lil'v 34. BACILLUS LEPORIS. Ntffula, 1900 ^,MV »*,'.>■'.. vm..;m. SK-rnUTK. tH-tn. l\-ntK*Mk »! H». ipi y. p. ijW. MiK>il'>. I'KJfl. >*»ifiii -I' T H«, )i, 6(1. ilihi.-r anJ lalfi by Sr.. nt.«..,i Irnm ilitf coi'r.nti of thi iiilt'tiKiP ill ifilt'W (*■*••!. M„r/>/io.'.xf ■■ \'''* '""K- ''•'" ''"*'"' '»'*"«"fi""K o S I'v 1 (>.o murtini. iil».iy» ni»d« np.WloiiK -.ii.k'lf'-li'""-"»'i""' "»'>'■• ■'l'l'*"-"'"K '" ''>■>"' V I/..M.//I' : H.*i iili .tfi* viTV .tilivclv ninlitf , sli.u'lHUf r;i|iiii;y fmni onr pitrliiin nf (h« rt.-ij to .iii.illirr Willi Ih* Vi'lOiily .>( Jt . ..Itun- ot /'«. .i, ru;\»".t ili. />r.'i !■ fW^M.I. .V/k.r, « : Not fonlit-il. .Inn Suiiil : Alinnil.ini whiu- trli-U-ninK driin<.itul InrnniK Lrowii in oUl tnlmr.-., r^.,*!- (■'.'".*(.. -, l>f.'|> .-.•lotiics roiiiui -iml milorm ; MirLiti.' tol»t *prr,ulinK. wiili » . Jk''"- »i-f)» coloni.-.. round, tianiliiii-tit, liKlin.'lUm ; Miit.iii' lolonu-s tran-.paTpni. npriMtlinji;, with hroken-Kln'" iippfiiritn..'. /U.if: : l.uxmNinl yellowi-li-l-rown Kro«lli will. in ,1-4 .ln»v />,„„..,/,,/„„/ n.fu I lh.vlr..<. {troth: ..nd s.-dhn.-m in I..1II.. A ,.l r,-,.li.H. 11. -will ,n I loH.-d ;ii Ml wiHiil.r production ol an,) ulr,:,. I,.„'U\ ?".. S.i./,- .ui,i /,i./"sv allkr ftTiiirnlrd lo.t/./ bnt no v'-- /J ,H.,i S,-ri,m. Abiindiint Kr"«lb '" ^4 'iPur*. Kiipld .mil romplt-U- !i,iii.-l,i. li-'i of tho l.loodwruni. X,/r<,frs : K.-diu.-d lo ililriles. /»./.>/: rs»;.lly produttid. f-'u: a' (M-r : Karfly prodniod. /.i/mi,s Mi:k: Kapidiii-iditualionnndioiiKul.iiiotiof tlienulk. No f>,f't'-iuili-' 0I tilt' I'ii^pin or rrdiiciion of tlir litmus. (y.iirrvn ,■ .,ii,l : Found in .iiif CA-e m wliiili il w.ts i-olaled troni lb.- rf.inni. .v*s ./(/./ /'nti/kicis /h,/,i„s or A'l.-ru- ti, 0(1/1. 05 86. BACILLUS DUBIUS. Kruu. 1896. t.ih mfHtt : Hi.gB,-. i«,„, |>„ .M,k,„„,,„„„,„,„ ' "'• '■'■ !■ "■ '■""'"• '■«"• «"•"•"'»' "••'"- 1 o...,,.,w,,;, hir-i .1 lai^iUri'in Inn* In Hi.i*,|, rijf 0.75 l.v J II miiron^. \biiM.J,.(n ^.| .. ,.,1,,,^ , , 11^,^, /.'."-! r.irl., I x "'""■'" ■"' ' "•''■J " 11 ,1...,. i:.i,,i,. . I „.,„„ , , I,,,, ,„ " '' '' ' -!"■ '"'K. ^T.' l„„„„. ' ' '*i^'' ' '■ »iiKlf> K"';«>H. '"""■",'"""" '•''"■ "■" AV..M: A „|,„i, .,,„„,,, ,„ r;!;'";;';.,,,";;;:; :;;:;.:;; '"" '■ -* ' ^^^-I' ." ■V"../..."..,.. ml /,„,.,„ , „„ , ^ , «W.V„„„: V,.„„„ „„„,„„, .,,,,„ , ■V/rr,,l,,: K,..I..,,J|,. nilnli-. /"./W: l'r...l,i,v.l„, „„;.|l,|a.inlii„,, Fieiat th/nt,r: I'l.nlu.ftl ill ,,i,.,|| ,_, , "";«;;o;^t;, ■^"i':r" ""'"•"K..bM„„«i,i„„ ,« ^ ,., ' '""""■" ' '>"■ I.. mill ,, ..-.liu |,„„ „l 1|7,- lilNM «'.'le eli-mi-iit-> or as loii)^ rtiains. MoiilUy : Aolively inolilf. Spuns : Not fornieil. Agar Slant,: AInindani ihiik while urowtli within 48 lioius. Agar i'u/.inirs : IVop Lolonii-s. round r.-K"!-"". d-irk hrown ; •.tiperluial lolonios. iii.iy bo larxo, translucent, trait- liluf. or sproadinj;. willi opatjuo centres and filmy transpareni niarjiinx, assnminj; 9li..p.-. or hi/arre stiajws, Ji>;>tA : Tnrhidily hiil no scum. Celiidnf Stiih : Al>imdanl ^ro«tli. l^apid and i ompli'li" liipiftaiiion. Ge/ii/iiu- ('■>l-r,l,-s: Deep lolonios. lino, brown,; superficial colonies are larjfo. irregular, slij-lilly spreadin^f, »lark brown in cotoi . Point > . I.uxuriant >;lisleninf: wtiitt- (frowlh. f,rn„>, Tuh,- : P,-x/t...s<- /ln>//i : Turbidity and scliment in bulb. AVrtf//«i in bulb(»/rf, Abundant^v r**w'h in closed arii; willi ibe production of oiiiii/y but no.(,w. Sua lifi ririant atl.r ^-lo days, and caiisint; .1 conipli>lo liijuetaclion o1 the medium. .Vitrtttfs : Reduced lo nitrites. fniiol ■. Not produced. Firra/ Oti"ur : Not produced. /.i/m„s Milk \ Aciditicalion and coMKiilaiion within 4S hours. Slow )>epton!/alion ol'ihi 0,',i,r> vdnciion of thf litmu' ■md Disfrihulio- : l-ound in one case from which ii was obtained in Ciromogiiii, Forms. g, 37, PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA (Schrbter, 1872). m^ula. 1900. LiUriiiur,- iinsi SvniiHvma : ''"'^":i,;:?;;,.',^Xi;'"i!3:,:'ir!^.""""'-' «■""•' •- -■ ^- « Kaiilliis atTUKiiiosus, S.linHfr, if<-j, S.lir..UT, iSHh, KryplOK. Klora v.mi S. hL-sioti, HJ. ,j, |,. ,5;. Il;u'illu*i [>yoivatU'ii«i. (;.-,.uJ ,88., I,,. ,„ ,,,,„■>.„„„. ..t ,, ,„,,,„,„,, .,,,, ^ ,,, I if'kiLliinuiiKti nvoi'vainM. Mi>ful.i. rH<)0. I>u* \'.itiiili,hi-ii I'n.tii/.-iifain. l*•«■^ldoIllona^ pvo. yan.Mir.e^sanli Mijiula. Ch..M.T, M,„. Manual ..1 IVuTtniaa,,..- Ku u-rioU^Kv. ,>, ,.,, MiKula, 189!.. Syslotii der Baktcrieit. p. m^. Kirsl a.i-iiral.'lv descnlii-il ll in iJix, !-■ i , ::"!"■ ,;;!,:"'■ ""•"• ■" ■ --i" "-■»^-. ^;.;u";; .n;;:;i"™;,'i;,„:;,s ■"■Tar::^;;;d':i;:;;.r;S;,: -« --^ '- - ■- —. .■•• .■ M.,Hlity: Arliiviv iiL.tii.-, ati»ihiT. sll.>.>li..,r rapidly Ir, 11 '>r ti„' lit-id ■'""brii*;' K,v';;";';,;;:,^!;r:;i;;;ti, t';;;,f;;;';::;j' ,:"li;;: •i^.iZm "'it' ■' '"""T"* ;• rapidly iiirnxiaik 111,. wn. "lu. in, tii. ainni. I In- ^.towiIi itsell arK,., ,|,r,./,.lii,^, „ i,l, ,l.,rk.T ,-,-iiir,s aiid iraiisluV-.'nl Xl- ' ''"^'' ^"'"""-s l.i/air, l,.i„,.,i,„i,> .,,,,1 |,n,„|„,.i„^ „ ^„,.„ ^.„|,„. j„ ,|,^. ,„r7„„;,j;;''^, ',;;;'« '■*"""» ""■'fla-.t;™.:,;;:*:;;;;;,;;;:' '■•'-'' -— — ".-"> <- ,. „H.h, «„e„ /1i/.i/..: '•" dlirvlirowi, „,.iwiFi, ||„. |,o,aU)a^,ul,„„. , ^iveni,:, , asHunu-s a l)ritfht jfr.-.-ii i-..:..r. K>^'-^li* m «/.«,(/ ,./■«,. D.-xtros.- broth S.., /,,,..,. and /,„ A.V also sl.ow a lu-a.y scum and assan,.- a bri^h. ^r.-.-n lU.HHi S.rum : urowll,. ,he s.-r, liiju.'hfil. SilrtiU-s'. Noi pfdiicfd 10 nitni.'s. iHihil : .\„i pitnlmi'il, '■"■'■" "•'■"■'■■ ^' '" "1. -la-- a ,l,aia,„.ris„. „d„„r .„ ,i ,i„„|„ ,,„„„ '"K I'liKhi Kri'eii iinil r,i|„,l|y bc;„j 68 Intestinal liactcria. Ulmus Milk : K.vulio.i ol l.ihmis .itu li.iiiB.-d ; iu*aiiJ |>r..du.lkin, no «lk;tli pr* lion, no (-oii>;ul;itioii. Kiipid JiK'vslioii of (he t',-i<.fin itnd rvdiu iixii kI'iIh- lilriius. Fhiortmimv und C/iniui'^i'Uinixt ilriH-tiisli. (h, urn/,, •■„>„/ /h\/rifii,/i."i : l-'rvi.|iu-nlly pr.->i-iil in llu- inl.-,tiiial lontiiils, ('oimuI in iiiiu- I'liM-s, lH-iil>; isol;iti-il liotll oiu' |H>r1iiiii ot ilii- iiili'-tirun .ilonc in lui- 1 iCt-N, loin- tinu-. horn llu- i.-.lnm ;.iul onif (torn llu- , a. mn. In on.' .;i-.' loun.l in tin- .hioiU-nuni atid n-ctnni. In tlnci; i-a-rt-^ it wa-. ist.liil.d lioin i\.-n |>oilion .»! ilu- illtl■^lint■••, iippeatini; sininllani'nuMly in sttniKicli, iltioJi'iuini. tiiiiiiu and roi-ltnn. 38, PSEUDOMONAS OVALIS (Ravenel, 1896). Chester. 1901 f lt;i,illns l1noit'sri'n> i>\alis. Kawnol, iS>,ii, M.'nioif-. National A. adonis of S.i.'n.v-, No. <(■ L'Ik-M.-i. m,.)!, Manual i-r IVlorniillaliM- H;i. l.'i iokx> . p. .i.-.^. Kir-.! ol'iain.'d iVoin llu- ^oil l>y Kavi'ii.-I, Morf an>.llu-f. .S/V./T.V : Not tornu-d. .\^»rSli,Ht: Tliii'k, «liit.'al'nndant ^mwlli. Nopij^meiit p. odiutiun. l.ivrn tliu'i ■ .lV"'-(-/...v/.-.M IV.-P .olonl.-N lino, ,■olork■^^; Mip.'.li.ial . oloni.'> r.-jml, iVi:ul.M. i-iri'iLinsi-iilwd, Ol^aqUf. )iradiially pi-odu.iiii; a );i i-fni-h lluor.'-t rru.-. Iir.,lh\ and lilt hidity. I'fUilo: |.u\niiant dirty hiowti j,'Totttii. h\r,„.>.l.>'-„ Tiifx-: A.t/mw /.>"/// ; TurLldiu jn I..1II'. s. uni on -i,, t.i, 0 ot l.ioih. h;;>.t>, .•mhu\h.ili:in'„: No^'lO^Vl^1 in.lo-..->l.ii[n. Ahimaanl -r.'.-ii lliior ,-^. .'ii. ,■. S.i..iiu1 no I.Titu-nlation, {;,!„i;»fSl.ih: AbnndanlKrowil.alonjilinoor puiuuno. \., i^., „f.u .'.■ ii,-Uil<.H- ( ../.,»,/,, : noi',.,oloni.--, lit..-, M-tiular. . ..lorl,->s ; ^. lar, wilhfainlp'.'lon^alion,, rt liioli ^iv ■• i;i anularapp.' HI-uhI S,>-d. /.//»,„. .(////■ : Vo pivliininary a.-,dily. .Mkall prodn.lion nn.n.'diaio No .■oanula- Uoii "I' llu- rnilk. No dijioxlion Ot tlu- i-asrin. .No n-iln.lion ol 111.- litrnn>, riw.r.M.,n, : C.i.-.-n in all tlnid cnltnrosand in oM aijar l.ibi--. No >■lu■onl0^i.■no^i^. (J,, ■/,/-.■'.-. '<",/ i>i.-lnh„li-'< : Konnd in ih.- oa-. nm ot om- .av. 5.S' m.-.'lik.' hi-oki'i C/iroiiioxiiif\ l-'ofiiis. 69 39, BACTERIUM HAVANIENSE (Sternberg, 1892,, Chester, 1901. '/'. .Old S ,„y„i, Sl.TnlHTj;. iJiM. M.u.ualol Hat f,-. loLi^, , ,,, ;,s. (Not //.. .,/».//„:.„„,,„.„, „|.M,j,„|;,. ,,„, I tli.'M,-,-, i,„i, M.Mii,.,! „l ll,.i,.,„ ,,,>,, n,„.,,.,-,„|„.^ Fir-i i„il;.l,J !„■ SUTnln-.^ |,..„„ n,,. ,„, ,„ . .,ul.u.-is, '^"''' .l.',../i/;,,/..4n- : lin,- I..-,.|,., i., ii,,. ,„„,„., , - i lion, i.>„krriK Ilk.- nm-r. .,■,.,,;„, ,|,„i„,..,..;' ' i!'' '?,","■ ' ■", " '" l'"T'"''- M'.lu.-, ■ \„n. lil... .S-v-'-cv ; \..| ronn.J. ,-,1 |., .lf;,ir S/,urt: H.i.i.Tia tr. V'..;r,i..n.,lly ., .ariiiii niii.K .. .I..1!. ili^.k. .ih.i.,. Jl;i..»ll, i, |„„,1,„-,.,| ;„ ||„. I..,',,,.,.,,,,' 1.0..... I^Kn»'lll i,l..rm.'.l ',1 ii,,. ' .. I"""'"l'"" '- .l.■l;,^.■.i I,-, 4> ,„ -, : IV..|, ,„i„„i,., „„„„| , 1.1 rfjjtikir. .-..iork-ss; ,i,|.,Tti.i,,l i,,].,,,!,., I. «,il, .,|I„T .■„|„„i,., ,|i,„viiiK »n,.laci,..i'. .i-,.ally .>I„|,. „,il, ,-.,.|.i,,i, „,;„^.i„,. r„ ■■,„■. may h's,.,., I. .M,,, ll,,. i.,p.,. ,„ ^s /!rol/i: T„rl,idir> a,„l li.-avy ,o.m. \., ll,,,,, ,.„■,.„ &/„,;.,,■ .v.,/,: u,,,„,i ^,„,„,|, ., ; bnll,aiil r...l. ' ,H|,,, ir,,m„,.hMllV'|''l'al'o". " " ''■"'" '"' '■"■'""■■ ■""' I'UI"''' |V,i|.l„,i,., \„ """■■" '■ '■'""■"^"" t:'">vil'. a. liiM „l,iu. h,.,„„„„„ „ .l,,i ,„,,, F,„,„-,i,:,..„ />,/„., A,,,,,,,. /,■„,„,, ll,a>y ,,,„„„„.;„,,,„ ,„ ,„,, *■•""" "■■ '■'-""lliiiwl ,1a, ,„ I, ,„>,■„,,/, v„j,, . \a-.*,.„„-,.|..,- „|,.,| ,„„ „,,„„| ,„, /.,..•"..' .,..1 l.-,ii„-„i,..|,„,„„/„r,,,„. '■ '■•'•■' ' ■^'' '^ »"■" r,l„,„.,|, X. ,,,„ ,;„„. \il',>l,'^ : Keii„.a.l ,., a,,,,,.., /.,./,./: \„l ,„„,;u.a..|. />,„ IM,,r: .N„i |,r...|i,. ,.,! /ilmus .l/,/l : K,.acii,.„ „| .'f a.iil .ir all r.-.l„cli.,„„|i "■r;;:: """*■'—'■ ^ .,„„,„..„ „> Ki'.-ICtii.n (ifniiik rfiiiinn-. iifi li;,.|..,-,l \,, ,), .....jiht , .1,; 1 ;•";»"• i'-^"'. .1 «„i, ji,! ,' ■ : ;,:;;;•:;;,';; ill llif liiniii>. '^ " ■'"" 70 Intestinal llaclcna. 40. BACTERIUM LUTESCENS, Hlgrula. 1900. ':% I.Ufrulurf iiHii SyiiOHViii : /},>■ Ciki- /l,'ui7lus. Migulu, 1900, Sv^leni der Bakleriei), p. 4;(>. Lusti^, i8c)j, I>iaKii"ilik tier HaknTiuii tl.-s \Vass.?is. f. First isolated by Luittig Ironi water. Murphology : Shorl hacieria measuring "-5 ^y '>-'5 mii ions, ; i proparalionk. I'aif yellow at tit- upL-.h.ial I diptoeocci in Hiaiii Motility : Non-miitik'. Agar Slant : lirowtli slow S'o ftHor.->iCf»,.: Agar Colonies . Deep colonic*, round, ri'fjiilar .md pali- circtiniSL'ribed, wliitt- lolutiie!! laier betominn );oldei Brull, : Turbidiiy. .No si-iini. No tiuoiescenie. Gelatine Stah : Slow jjrowtli. Gradual lomplete lii]iiL'tai.lion. Gfliitine Colon i,-s: Deep tolonies rotind, t.-irciimscrihed : superliiial .olm round, wilb sIIkIu peripheral extensions, gradually beconiinn golden > Potitto: Luxuriant goldt'i) yellow growth. F>i»ieiit,iti..,i Tubi- Ihxiruse Broth Turbidiiy and sedini.-m in bulb. 'tlkalinc. So growth in closed arm. Sua Itii rote unti /,oo, Synlem der Haklcrieii. [i. j8i. Ihicilliis ,i»//ir,i,oi,/i-s (KniHo), Che.U-r, ,901, Manual of Delr rminalive BacieriolOKV, n iq, l-irM isolated by Hueppe and Wood from mMI and wal.-r. ippearinjf as sinj;le Hemenrs irons. Tl„- individual bac ni'd form bipolar bodies Spores : Formed rapidly in alt media Motility: Non-moiilc. J--- Slant: Dull while, non-yli^ii-ninir irrowili di-ii-., .. „ n. 1 1... .-.Kar, ,,„d „...!;,„„„, ,hukh :;!;;Mcd- ,:,';.,.".5':ii.;\,,-''''"''' " Morphology: Long ihick heavv bacri-ri chains, meaiurinjf i.c; by' a 4,0 n granules al either end which when sta m loiijf I show opa^ii pon Agar Cvlonifs: Pe coi.viie-i -.pread ov.-r ih,. ^nrtaiv!,,',he"av:ar* a'^Muni coalfsiins. (ormiriK a d.-ns.- f.-lr-work which appiars ^ /i-olh : Turbidily and wrinl(l..d scum after 4N l.oiir-. Gehi tint Stab: Kapid and loniplcle liipieraclion, Gelatint Colonics i De.-p colonies round and regular; sunerti.i.l colon,* hruSiJ""^'"*-' "'■'■^'"""' '"■■"""« '■» ^'*-" '■'**■ -•work. S Potato: Abundant ji wrinkled. Fermentation Tub. D.xtrose l^roth : lurhldity ,n bulb UVin.,1 i m bulb No growth n, closod arm V ■^i,,!;"^'''' - fermented bv this ■^atmaraxe . supfrfivial ■fr>v ohapf!t and ilie naked eve. opaque, rapidly t'ddisli-wliitf, KrowHi. organis Blood S,rum : Abundant while or redd Xitrates: Reduced lo nitrites. Indoi: Not produced. Fatal Odor : Not produced. /Mmus.}fi!k: Acidification ard co.-ieul tio.i of .he casein and reduction ot Occurrence uvd Distribution ; Found in in tin- cecum and twice in the r ca-cum and rettum together, and i i-M hile urowtli. ,\'» li,/w/„,ti,; viihin 48 hoi -apid diges. 72 /u/is/inn/ /liideria. ' 42. BACTERIUM I.MPLECTANS, Burchard, 1898. l»«t.>l. I\','lin. Mo.h UUr„t„„: Hiir.liaul. i".*;. Uritr..«.' /ur K'ht .U-r U.ikl.-n.-.i, Iii.i>ii:ur.U |ti<.'..TU. Biirfh;.rJ, iH.,^. \Hn-ite.i ..,., d.-iii Iwkl Ud. J. p. i.). Mi^ula, [iio". SvNti-ni ilt-r M^kl^rii'ti. p .■^4. Flcl i-.ol.>t.'.l 1>> MutvhaiJ tr.^m dnKklMi; » AI-i<-photngy : B;nl.'ri,i iiuM'.ur irij; o 5 .'.yshv x +...!HM'"l.-.rK..u,ui..s. Molili/y : XniimoTilo. Sfmres: Form.-il nipidU on ;i!l moiii.-i- Agtir Sl.iHl : niill>r,v>i^li-wliiu- Krowtli \vririkli.i_« ,1, ,>;.! culiui. y(i;'<.'-r.-/H«/.-. : IV.-p lol.MU.-H rmnid .nut r.-«i.i..i. v.^llxwish; spread ov«r Ihi- -.urtkL-f ol «illi wiiiic i«|.;i,|i,i' leriHi miirjjin-,. oti.-ti «>s,iniinfj bi/ant- ■.li..|>.-,. : Tnr-lmllty wiili,.in ^>-um. (:,-l,if,:,Slti/': Kiipid ;iiid . .-mpU-i,- li,|u.M..i-li.> /Il Kulsruhtf, nT.'il->, ^;n-\siil)i; ill n-liy f :ul nr.-Msli liln.y spre;.dinn, K'«">i-li. -l^-iii-lik.-. trt] i.llv litjiK'lxin}; h'.- K.' iiiii iiprrlu Poful-: LiLxiiriitut wliilf ^'lowih. r.n.' V Iwir.'iiiinj; >.-l .)»isll lr.M 11. {•Vriiii-utatiox J'lih,- : I ),- x t r.,s,- f!fotli : Inilli .;,/,/. lirowrti it) ilnspd ;irm lurhidity and ^ \iili ilu- produi .-dim.- 11. buUv \u,.Aa^.MV;,Tul /.<»./.>-,■ 11. .t Cm ll.-ll!..d. /ilooii S,-n,>ii : Al>iiiul..iii wlilt.' hiosmIi .„llOUllK|...f. ,-l|,Tl, Xi/rii/i\ : kt-diikfd tu riiiril("« /«./"/: IVoducfd ill sni.-ill iiti,intiii,-s. FiTi ,r : Not prod 11 1' I'd. /.»/'«»> ,!//// A^-idiiv .-Hid i-.>.ti,-i,l,.tioi and r.-diiflioTi ot tlu- liiniii> ^Mihi„4Sl,.,u,> \mMi iin. MOII .') (h-cwr,in,- ,imi l>i^trihu/i-'i : l\.iiiid in rectum, oni-i- in 111.- iliii>detiiini;iiiil iJKCumandrei-lumalik.-. z:::z^^z ':.■;;; ■ -r "'■"■','■ S/forr-/>nniii;^ /•'ontts. 73 43, BACILLUS CEHEUS. Frankland. 1887. Utrr,„„r,-. (ir;.,,-,! |',.r,> K,;.nki; ,W-. Sr„,|ie,',.„ ,„.,.. ,, ..l.i...n..d 1,,„„ A„. ]'hil..v.phi.^.l T..„, ,.f 111,. K ,,.,1 i„ •' "/i"i>:.."i.m, MiKul.i, ,,,,»,, sv„ ,|,.r Baki.-n.-n. ,.. ; ,;. Cl„..„.r. ,.„,. M,,„„,,| „f |,H,.,„„„., i:!„ „.,„„„,,, ,, ,.., KirM „„l..i,d IT,.,,, il„. ;,;r hy ,}„. F.,.,„l,ian.l- ,l/.ir/S//.,/..^'r : t..Ml« thu-k l-.tiilli, iil.M,ur.,i.. ,, -- 1„ . •'"'""'K ■"■ -i^'"i''K I i.'ii".-..,i, J,.,,:,;", ,;, i;,,^; ,'i,„';;;;; M»tiHly : AL-tiv.'ly ,ti„iil,-. 5/>'.^.v. ; Kurmpil rupiilly on i<]I ni.'iti.i * in ilim,-nsiitiiK.n,it .Itfiir S/,in/ : .Alnniil.-tni ^r.uvili ;ii (i,^i ^^\,,t,. ,,,,] br,.«n. \,.i ,li.ll,.r nnnki.'.!. unj,., I.-M,..- I.,. /'■"'//' ; luih.diry miuI ^,nm. (.■.■/„/„„..«„/,; .\t,„n.l:M,l „„.„,|,. li.-.,,„ I ,,.„,|„,„„ |„|,.„,„.,,„„ Ii;.v.. .lark ,■,■1.1,,., .,,1,1 ,r,, ui^,.,. ,'■ .,'„ i '"'I "'Viil.i, ; .„|.,.,11, i„i ,„|„„i,., ... " r" '""K |,ii|'li.-,.,-n.,.l,.,i|.„|i„„ il,.„il„,;„K F,r„t,„l„li„„ Jul,,-. /). 1, /.■„„;,: •|,ii|,;,iM, ,-,i„| |,,,,„ „,„ 1,,^ I, KiiHli<",,ilL,ihu. N,. ^;, ..„,!, 1„ :,,„,|,T,ni ' " S,,.h...... ,„„| /„„„„.„,„ „.,ni,„„,|. A, ,,„ „ . /.'w.v, :, 1 ii,,,.. „,„;„ ^,,. „,„ ^,^_, " ' 1^';'" •' ' "'>■■■" ■■"■'"•-'• .\V/r„/,.,: , ■,.,1,1, ,.,1 ,„„„,;,,„ /«,/■■/ 1 |H„.t„,.^.l. /■>,.,/ (W,„: \.„ ,„„,|,„.,.,J i''i;-"™iorii„.. „.,„ ,„, ,,„,i„. ,„„„„ "• i :i 74 hiltstiiial Itacttriti. I t ^1, M, BACILLUS HYCOIDES. Flu^e. 1886. l.Hrriilun- : Kli>KK<'. i*^'- Miln. J Aull. MiKtihi, unto, Sv'.t.-m tier Baklrrt^ii, p, 5.1K. N.ilittftI from i\jtii'r Mini «i>il hy FIu){k>'. ,l/tfr/t/W"v.r i Itni-ilii m.-asuriny 1 1 '* by j 4 itiiirons in ilimi'ini.-iis. Ml p.iir* aiitl *li«in>. .!/,-/ »■) .I'l im-Jiit. /tfdr S.""/ : trr.ntll) aiuti^' li'.t.- of inociilatiiMi iliili, wrinkU-d and tfiia< dilli.iilM i.ii-.«*.l from llv -.iirt.ici- ol the Mliii-li .li,'iff ("O'l'i'v: Pi'op (-nliiiiit"< rniind, rc^fular and i>|).K|iie ; snpiTlii ial colonifs i<\>-r 1)11' mirljcc oi (lie H|;ar ifsuniii)); diM-rsp -i/fs and shapi-M, hii) ^radiiallv tii'>iii^ and iDniiinK n 'l>ii'k iii-lwork. fl«i/A i liirbidin .ind wniikU-tl sciini. (7i'/ii/f»'- V/iiA : K.tpid and (utiiplclf lii|iiel'ai;lion willi a liciivv «(-iin) on llii' Mirl.-itc. (iflati'ir C'j/.iii/i V : D.u-p coliiiiit-i loiiiid. rettiilar and upaipic ; i.i)!oniis liliii»h-urf \ «iili linlii iipiUpio I't-ntri'i and dark tpreadinK prriplKin-. A- L-olonici betoiin' ciUii-r lliey loale-.oe lorniinK a tkeiii-likf mvri'liuni. Potato: lliii-k w liil.- almndant urowili. Fertnrntntuiti Tiih,- : D,:\lr.isi' ilr-'th : Turbidiry in Itidb nilh a h*>av> •■turn on the HiirtMi'e. A'liir/iiiH miii. firnwih in cloird arm wiili lli# priidiiition ot acid but no ^a's. Sill i lilt riisi- and /.ai/ not ftfrmrntcd Blooii Sfrum : Ahtindani while Rrowtli. A'a /i^ui-fuitioii. Xitrali'^ : Rcdtivil to nirriic^. Hciivy scum on niiratf broth. Indol. Not pri^d",-.'d. Ftrcal Oi/or : Not produced. Litmus .\f ilk : Tri'linunarv acidilv followed by an aofaiiue reaction. No coRf{ula< tion. Di^tesiioii ol the t.i%ein and reductiot, .-f ih* I'l.nius. Oceurrrner unit Pis/ri/tufint ; Itoialed from two La«i a . from one troni I lie tlomach, and from one fri>ni ilio ca-cum. IS< I l.ttfratt<'t anti Svn Spore hearing /■'oriii,. ♦6, BACTEBIOM UCTICOLA. Mlgul., 1900. .■ rVirmlMkt.TltfM llr. S;i,l| ru,«. IS,,,. KluifK,-, Mi, r„ iliKula. i.TOo, Sysu-ni tlrr |(;,kti, m^rn tlir Mikln 'rK»,iis,i„.n. , .\u)l. Hd. K.rsl „ht,,ii„.,i hy l-l,,,;,;, rr„„, „,i|t. tlcflu-h^.,. ; |,„„, ,|ii„ !,,„ „.,;,, ,„,a«„r;„„ •h.>ri ,h.iiii, ;,„,! ,li,.„i„i. |,„|;,r „„;„|„;, .'/,.(,/,>,. : X„„.„„„i|,., ■Ifrr, : K,,rrn.-,l ,,„i. |,|, „„ „|i „„.,|i„ Ak>,'SI.„„ : 1)„|| „.,,„u,..| ^nraih in ,,.„„,. ,. "■>. rapiillv ,|,r,,a.|i„B n, llir s,M H;:"':;;:r::^;;l;;;,;'u!:rr'7- «v ^ f. .i-i-^iiiMiii^' inverse si ,ipf » :itii iiin.rii ,;.,,. ■ //-M: T„rhul,.> .uula «r,„, 'Vr/,,,,,,,. (■../„.,/,.,: (;r..visl,.|„..„„...,l..„.. . ■„ i"*:« r..|.id li.,.u.,.,:-.i. K.'la.i..'- ■"""■■ ''"••■■"'"'« r— H,.s ,, /'••/ir/.t : Ahiiinl;ii,r irt-aiin Wiiir,. or r..,l,l..k u . rertnfiiiiitioH Tiih^ ; />ci/„,,, ii.,,ih . v u i W,.W ,V, v„„„j„„ ,„,„. ^^„„„, ^.^^^^ _ A-i/r,,/,-,: R,.d„.-,.,|,„„i,,il,.., ' '"l"ii."i.,vi. /•irfo/ r \,>i pr,>,1,ic,'d. /•», ,./ (),/or i X,,, |u„di,cr,l. ■,."''*^ A,idilicali„„ .„d co»K„l., r,>diifti,in I'fihe litnnt 'Vptonij °'":^::::;r:^^r*:;ti,:;:""^ - ""- "-■ '™- I 'h' ihi* en* A '-'1 P ' it 7* h:l,iliii,l/ llilihfiil. 48. BACTERIUM VERITICULARE (Frankland. 1889), Hlg-ult. 1900. 11,1,, Iha ,;.mi,Hl,„„. l'i.|tTkl..ikl. i.i'....- uiid I'.'i... iHW., rfluT Ki' tvpi., !,.■ Micr,.,.,K"lJi.| Kxliisfiirn in \V „,.T H,.>l,-,i, /rii,. I,r, i ||. |i'< !'■ S tt,l,<,riui'l ',;rmi,„/„r,' I Kr.inklallJ, iKHt|| l.l...M,.r loil. M..fiiMl,.l IVl.Tlliin,,!!,,. IWl.l ol...;. n I..1 ""'Ct:';; • ';■;;;;;; ';',:■;;;: ' ""■'• -- "" ■>■* "> ■■ - '.-. »"-. .M„lililr: \..,i.,ii,iiM,.. .S>.r,, f K..ri.l.-,l i.i|.i.lK on III. | ni,.li;,. ''"""■'""'"■"■■''- ■'"•'«'->•""« K'"»,l,.n..,..,h,.-.„,ii„,.,i„t|,d. ''■":,";;;;;,„: Iir;:::^;;;::;:':;;;:;^.;:'' '- r ...i .,.,0,.., „„,,.„. r,r.,ll,: ruihi,liu. 11.. „i,ni. """wn,^:^ ■"■■• ^ '•"- • •'"""'""' " • ■ « ■■' <•■ " I"- /^,/„/„ : l.u«,irKiiU r.-il,i:,l, ,„ ll,-li.,„|„i,.,| Kr,.«ili, /■■,,„„ „/„l„,» l,il„-. Itrxliaa- llr„(li: Ti.rl.i.liiv ami ..■,l,in,-i,i jn Inill. /• , /, .,,,./. l-,r..«ih In .l„...,l i,„i, .III, il„. ,„.,d,„. ,,, „a,, *■■"""" m S,i,;h,tr„u- it 11.1 /.,„ /o,„. „.,| l..r„i..,, '"'■;;,*;;■:.„„;;: ' '■'''"■" '="•»"■■ ^ « » '■••■"•"■■'- '■ '•" ■ ".•■ .\ilr,il,s : K.-.l,i,-.-.l 1,. iiifnic^. l>i,l„i : \.,l |.r..dii.-.-.l. /■■,r,,i/ll,l„r: N„i pi ,„l,„-..,|. "•'-', "' ■••'!•■■■•■';'■ "I 'I..- Iit.1.11-. W i ,1.. , r,., ,1,;. .!,iii.,„i,t ,.l a.idiiv r^iuM „„.,i,. 111,, inilk g ,,,,, , ,„ , ,,,„. „,„,. „,„ „,,,,,,, ,.„..,^,„,„„„„ (i,inrr,ii ,■ „n,f 11i^lnl,i,li..,i : l-oiiiul in .in.- ■- i»i- ti.n.i w l.i 1. ;. .. ... i . i f •', 47, BACILLUS VULOATUS. Trtvlun. :899. 77 ii.uiii,,; »,,,;„/,■„,„, ;.,./4„„,,. Flii«K,-. ilM,, .Micr...H-„«„i>,i„..,. .. (ufl. '■•' '•"«■ '*!'• HMkl,.r„,|. I.,,.K k, I A„lt. /.'... ///..,. i;,li!„l„i. IV.-VI..I11. iHhi, li,„,., .,.,,. ,,,. /.',„;//«j iK/jpti/i,. (ri,,j[„,. ^1,^, iriK.ila. ,.«,, Sy.i.rii J,., ll„k„.,„.„. ,, .,,,, ili.-,i»r. i,|.ip. \r.,ri.,;,l „i IVr.nn i,.- B..,c.n /^W- /.',„, /„„„l>,„i„„. ilu.pli,,!,,,.,, : H.I, .11, m«;,H,iriM "••1,1, 1, : .\,-.n,-|, „„„i|,.. .VA", . : l-„rni ,,1,1,1 „ „„ ,|,„ .IV"V/„i/- Al.muli.i,!. .|,„k. „„„„ „,„„, ,1 ,, li:,,' (■../,.„/,. , |l,v|. i',.l, r,.,„„l and rfitnl.r i • ,ii.,.rli,, ,1 ,. ,i „„ «'"•"•• '•"'"■■■It ii.i. k ,.■«,,,., I „,i„ i,,„|,„| ,,;-, ,^; _;■•■••'• k- /■-..» : Ti,rhi,liiv .„i,| i|,l,k wriiikl,.,! „ ,„„, '"'"""■ *'* ■ """•' -'"''i™ "il ■ f,.r„,.„ „ „„r„,, „,„ ' ' '""-.lit,! ,„.ll,,„j; |,r,.l,.|,^;,t,o„s «t ' .1 >■' ■ |»tl^, app. IK k'i'Mi.h ;,n,l '■"■ ■'/,/-;'.„„,: I., N wlii, li ,„i,.r 1)1,. ,, ll,lal,,.l,.„„., 1,., > ilii,'k ,k,-ii>. iaiu J.,Mp,-,(.„,,. piiik ^,.,,,,1, i>rruKaI,-d .v..,,;,„ '"■Ih. .Ui,,!,Ht ml /.„./„, '■■'"•■'■''■■' Ah,„i,laMI Kr„« .\'//^<,/,v, : Ke.l.,,-,-,1 („ „i, ,.;,,.,, /«./»/ : \.,t pr,„l,„ i-J. II ter[|)i>titftl. Uh.,u.M,/t: \.» ,,r..|.niiii ' '["oiiizatioii i>( ttii li^IiU. R;ii.ulpr..d.uiu.nof;,lkali. I ami rfiliiiiioii of rhe iiimus 'Mii'.iliod'^:^'''"";'" '■ I^"'"'-'' •'■'"" •*" ^-^-'•s. in ..„ wl "im. ..luf in fi„. other in tlif Moma. Ii .uul .len und LeistuiiBcii der Milchsl fur Hy};ie:ie, Bd. 17, [». n^. M)|jriila, iQoo. System der Bakrerit>n, p. 58:1 Fir>t oblfiincd by Flii((Ke from milk. Mi>rphi}l»gy '. Lon^ thin baciiii nieasuiing ti.s bv ,vo microns, ofun appearing lonn chains. Motility • Aclively motile. Spans : Rapidly formed t I the iisuul media. AgarSlniit : Abundant .lofi glisleninff brown f{ri'\ becoming dull or wrinkled. Agar Colonifs : Deep colonies rcund and regular ; non-spreading. Broth : Tinbidiiy withoul scum. (lelatineStab: Slow but complete liquefaction. Gelatine Cn/oniei : Kound irregular brown col' nii threads. Potato: Little or no growth. Fermrntation Tube: Dextrose Brvtlt : Turbidln a Reatlion alkaline. No growth in closed arm Satcharoie and Lactone not fermenled. Blwd Serum : Abundant growth with complete li< Nitrates: Reduced to nitrites. Indol : Not produced. Fatal Odor: Not produced. Litmus Milk : Slight acidity without coagulation and reduction of Die litmus. Occurrence and Distribution : Koimd in the reclui th covering wh i>iiperficialcoloi >edinient in bulb. followed by digestion of the casein 1 of one case. 56" 79 Spore-beat iug Forms. 49, BACILLUS SUBTILIS. (Ehrenbenr. .838). Cohn, 1872. Literalure ami Svnonvm : I 'ihrji, snblUis, Cohn, ,«7,, Beilriijte .„r UioloBie, bd. ,, p. ,„. Bacillus sublilh (Ehrrnb.l Cohn Mignia, 1900, Sy.lem Jer Baklerifii, p ,,, ■«"r'V/"i.i,«A,,(Khreiiberi.l, Cohn ' Che«er, ,<„,, M»„„„, „f D„„^„i,„„';';; B,aen„,„„>, p. ,,e /■""', a,.r,.arl„K r.„,ly in shorl chainv "* '""^'•<»". wnhoul polar s.aining, MolUily: Acliielv motile, Spor,, : Formed rapidly, lying i„ „,, o,„,r„s„r .he bacilli ^.-«rS,„,„: cii.teninj,, d„M whi.e,, ...u-J ,„„adon. ,r„„,h ^Igiii' Chiim: De,-p colonies r„„„ I j , Sronin. «liKh,ly, "i.h opa^no While 'ccn,r",;s"„n,iSf '"•',*''£?'■''''»' ."'""i" »?'«»■< «»//; : Turbidi.y and heavy ,cnm, "''"' '•*"■ '^^Z.;;^*: Abnndan, ,;o„,„ .,„ . „,,, ,,„,,^„^„ ^^^ ^ ,^^^^^ ^^^^^ ____ ^^^ Grialh,,- c„l„„l,, , au,„„t„Ulu „«,,,„,,,„ n , ■ '"'^™^r;:r;,:;;i;:f 5;^5f :;i^:;™^l; ''-j,.p,h ..ich i„ oid cn„„r., *'"'""•">•' »"'! /•■"■'".■.• 1101 lermenled, ^^»«,.„„,, Abnndan, „.hi,e^r„..,h. AV.-//-V„r/iW„„„ A//ra/Vw«j .i/,/i ; Rapid acidiRca.ion aud .-.v...,,!-,,- c;iBeniandreduciionoftht.,irmu^. *■ "* tl.e mdk ; pepioniz.-.tion of the Occurren,,- and Dhtrihution : V stomaili and duodenum. casj; where ii wa olaied from the 563 So Intestinal Baiteria. 60, BACILLUS ARACHNOIDEUS. MIgrula. 1900. Litirature iiml Svioiivw : (BacilluH N\). ml. Khig:>:e, i8()4. Die Aut>;abeii iind l.fistun^in Uer MilclDiiei lur HvKiene, Bd. 17. p- 304- Mi^ula, ic)00. Svslem der B.iklerien, p, ^Sj. First isilaifd by Fliigj^e from milk. xMorphology : Fine bacilli measuring 0.5 by .;. jfriiws in sliori chains. Motiiily : .Aciively molite. Spves : P'ormed rapidly on the usual media. Agar Slitnl : Dull wrinkled tenacious growth. No pola the anar. nkinjj dt-eply bet Llh ihu ,-!?, irfact; of fjreyish, O'lonies : Deep coioniei round and regular ; superficial colon spreading, with white opaque centres. Broth : Turbidity without scum. Giliitlnf Slab : Rapid liquefaction. Gelatine Co'oiiies : Deep colonies, regular, uniform; Miperficial colonies sllghily spreading, greyish with opaque centres, suintwiiat resembling colonies of Jiiici/his siibti/is. Potato : Luxuriant yellowish-brown growth forming huge blebs, Fcrmvntation Tube : Dextrine Broth : Turbidity and sediment in bulb. KeartioH in bulb flr/rf. Abundant growth in closed arm with Uie prodiiciion of an acid reaction but no gas. Saccharose fermented with the production of acidity and a small quaniii y of LiHtose not fermented, Blood Serum: .Abundant white growth. Rapid liquefaction. Nitrates : Reduced to nitrites. Indol; Not produced. Fiscal Odor : Not produced. Litmus Milk : Acidity and coagulation of the milk within 48 hours. of the casein and reduction of the litmus. On urrtnce and Distribution : Isolated from ihe stomach of one case. Peptonization 564 OtJit'r Forms, 8i St\ u> Al: )ir~ AMI .Sr.M'in i Alkl Ls. The St;i|)hylpear in the Intestines but seldom. Among these minor intestinal bacteria, Bacillus alcaligenes of Petruschky and Bacillus pseudodysentericus are encountered with some frequenry, while the various liquefying organisms. Bacillus 566 DislriliHlioH of Fornn. «3 gaslrtciis and liacillui cntericus, seem tn possess an especial predilection for the gastric contents. In rarer instances, various acid-producinjj bacteria like llaiitrium oxyxtnes. liaettriiim acidoformans of Sternberg and limilliis th\loi;euts, are cultivated, bu. from their infrequency they cm h'lnllv be said to play any iin[)ortant part in the econony of the ali- mentary canal. On the other hand, the "transitory inhabitants' of the bowel are constantly introduced in jjreat numbers throu^rh the mouth and either find a proper soil for jjrowth and muliipli- cation or are destroyed by the intestinal secretions and the more resistant microorganisms. Thus Slafi/iy/oioaus al/ms and aureus and a large number of spore-bearing bacteria are nearly always present in combination with the purely intes- tinal bacteria, while liarillus cloacie, Bacillus pyocyaneiis and the members of the I'roteus group, liacillus vulgaris. Hacillus pkheius, are isolated from a considerable proportion of cases. The stomach is thus seen to not only possess a certain number of characteristic inhabitants derived from the intestinal tract, but to serve as a great receptacle for the microorgan- isms of the e.\ternal world, introduced with our food and drink, the various species meeting diverse fates in their passage downwards towards the rectum. As the products of gastric digestion are poured into the Duodenum profound changes occur in the chemical constitution of the intestinal secretions, while t.-.c absorption of the chyle through the walls of the duodenum causes a considerable loss in the amount of material available for bacterial life. The result of these influences is two-fold. Primarily the actual number of bacteria present in the duodenum is much less than in the stomach, the culture plates being but sparsely Piled with colonies. In rare instances, indeed, the duodenum is sterile, the post-mortem examinations thus bearing out the suggestions already made, that this region is free from bacteria at certain periods of digestion and secretion. Secondarily, marked alterations are visible in the s|)ecies of bacteria which are cultivated. While "liacillus lactis aerogencs" is still the predominant form, developing in almost the same pro- fusion in the duodenum as above, Bacillus coli is considerably increased in frequency and appears in a large number of cases. The Petruschky bacillus is similarly increased. The SO; 84 liiliiliiial liaKei »|l : ^1 liS 'i othi-r species of imt.-stin;il l)actiTi;i, huwever, which were fuiirul iiccasiDiially in the sloinach, art- but rarely (jr never present in the ihiodenuni, such organisms as lintilliis i;aslritiis and lUicilliis tiiliriciis Ijeiuj,' entin-lv absent. 'I"he greatest chani><:s are seen with thi: •■ transiciu inhaljilants " of the bowel whici are either destroyeii in the stomach or are unable to develop beyond the [lyiorie orilke. 1 he StapliyltHOuiis alhits and aiimis and th(- many species of spore-beariiiL; bacteria are cultivated in but few cases in comparison with their almost occurrence in the stcjmach, while Inuillns doacct is but rareK' present in the duodenum. The alkali-producinj; hactetia, however, especially the members of the I'roteus >,'rriup, lUuilliis iiil- garis and lUuillus fi/i/xiiis, find here more favorable conditions tor their survival and develop in considerable numbers. The liacillHSpyotymiens ( /'.ieiiaomonas aeriiffitiosa) is likewise more abundant. In general, the duodenal llora may be said to consist of the members of the " liacillus lactis acrogenes " };rou|) in combijiation with either liacillus coli or the I'roteus Group. The (]ualitative chan betweeli the small and larj^'e intestine. The ■■ I.a'ctis aeroj^enes" group is but rarely encou'itered in the terminal portion . if the bowel, precedence b-;ing jjiven to Inuilhis eoli which fnids in thir rectum its most favorable habitat. It is probably present indeed in every case. At the same time the .Sta|'>hvlococci are practically never found beyond the siynioid llexure. and the spore-bearing bacteria are only present wher. carried down from the cacum. The rectum, however, isthe favorite seat for Bacil/iis alialigciies and liacillus />scinu„iysfii/i-rii us while Haci/liis pyocyaiteiis is more fretpientK present here than in any other region, as a result of its steady increase from the stomach downward. l-'inally both the I'roteus and the Cloaca; Groups diminish in numbers in the traversal of the large inte.stine. 86 inteslinai Jiadiria. Si MMAkV, Irom the survey (if the diffeniu re^nons of the alimen- tary canal wi- see that the vai s|)ecies of intestinal bacteria undergo constant change in their oassaj^e from the stomach to the rectum, and that the bacteriological phenomena exhibited by the several regions are subject to mi)re or less definite laws. On the one hand we find " Kactis aerogenes " inhabiting by preference the upjjer portion of the bowel, the stomach and the duodenum, but occasionally carried beyond the ileo-cacal valve, where in contact with Hactllim (oli it gradually l)ut constantly disappears. On the other hand, HadUus co/i whose habitat is essentially the c;tcum and rectum, at times finds favorable conditions for gro.vlh in the duodenum or stomach, and maintains an independent existence there. The minor intestinal s(>ecies. while in exceptional cases showing decided preferences for particular localities (as in the case of iiaciiius i^astricus for the stomach and liaiilhts alcaligenes for the rectum), in I :ralily appear in those regions which furnish the greater nutrition, and thus are cultivated in the greatest abundance from the ca-cum. On the other haml. the "transitory inhabitants" of the bowel, the Staphylococci aiul the spore- bearing bacilli, are most numerous in the stomach, constantly diminishing in frequency along the iendy«ni#riiim. Case No. j, M. jq. .S'*-^//. I'trHoniltx iind /'»,umoni'i. Stomuh: H. picbfiiis, Bail. diik>dt>nMltf, B K"''lri«-U'. «iid B. iloavae. Duodrnum B i-r. airo((ene% and B. pleb«iiia. (Wru^H .■ B. Ka-irif 1 , Bad. aeru)(i>nc». B. alcaliKenr- and B. plebf itii. Kntum r B. ifa'.iriiUi. B. |iU-briut. Bact. duodcnaltr and B. iiM-.idodvirnr.Tli.ii. CamK No. 3, M. 50, A'.mVw > /«>'J'- Stomach ■ B. (ilt^beius. B. cluacar. HaL-t. aero^rnea and Ha.l, lutesceni. DuodfHum .■ B. cerrui. B. pl.-beins. Bact. duodenale und B. ^kaliKCnes. Cafriim , B. pleheiuo and B- mycoidtfs. Afi/um : B. p^eudtKi. tenlcricu!) and I'. aeruK'noKa. Cask No 4, M. 48, S,o/s<>.iij •>/S;-in,; S. : B. co.iin.gnior B. ...I,. Bav". diiod«n«le. B. -.ubliiiuefadfin, B. n,eudo- dysenicncu^, Baot. vermiL-iiiare and J^a'-ina luica. I>. ■■ Batt. oxynene-i, H. liijurfaciens. C. \ B. communrir and Bact. oxtymeH. A'. : B. communior and B. alialinene*. Cask No. 5, M. ,11. Srfilu /'nfumonia und Empyrmn. S, : Pseudomnnas acruftino'ia. A : K. alcaliKenet .-ind P. aeruKinoHa. C, : B. ali-ali>fenes, B. psvudodysenltricuN and P. aeiii)iino>ia. A'. : P, aoru)fino<(a. Cask No. 6, F. 41, Aor/i. ami .\tilral EHdoatrditis. S. : Bact. aerogencs. Had. duodenal? and Bacr. inipl«i-lan». D. : Bact. arrogenes. C. : B. i;]oacae and B. vtil)(ari>. 1^'. : B. cloacae, B. picbieus. B. subcloacae, B. Ka'tfi'i's. L- eiut- rit-us and Hact. havanicnsc. No. 7. K. 44. Afifrai )•>, : Bact. aero({enc9, B. B. ali'alescens, B. pleb^i Kacl. implectans. i/miirdi/is, cloaciir, B e Tie infreqiii . B. plfbeiusand B. mlKaiu^. s. Et. !>ubak-alesi'<.-ns, H. vu\^!Uu%, : B. clo.icae, B. alcal-scens, B. pseiidodvtentoriLii*. Bat-t. aero^ene-s, Bact. oxytfenes. B. ojiyphilu?. H. ((a^tricus.' B. Niibal<;ile^cens. H. alcaliirenes. Bact. implectjins. : B. pseiidodysenierici I and P. aeru^inos 57' f 88 InUsttnal liadariit. Z\%f. No. «, K. St, l.-^ir l'n,;i'n-ut„. S. I H. pl.'K'iii-. H KH-tri. no iini)iKti. 1 HacI. ituftiK' ■■("■■ H, iiilt>'k|iu-ti«, II. sub^n*ii)cu« and H. t^yinnifriiet. A". ; Hmi. iliymoKt'tic*. Ca-K No. <(, M. Ji, U'l'hcuv li mry, S. t K^u-t. H>T.>ilyM>nti>riciii, Katl. tmpli't'liina, K |nl»n. P. ! H. pMMidiidvtvrtifriciii, Had. impUcirtiio, H. inlr«:nu«iM, H. pU-bcmt, H. aUiiliKt'ni'-, It. I'oli. ( . ; H |iU-briii*, H. |iH('iido*ly<>rnlericu^. U, cnli'rtikio iinU IIml'i. impleclAn^. A'. : H.iit. iiii|>l.'i't;ui'. ,iiul I', jutuk'"""*' it Cask No. io, M. 4;. Em^y.-ntu ,in,i /.••h„r I'Mtiiiii.mii. S. : Hni't. (iert>K*'neK<-'iif ■• Hrul r. acriiginOHii. C, : K. lortfiiH iind i*. acniKinoMi. A'. : P. aoruKtiiosa. Cakk No. ji. M. ,irt. /:tnh.ay a^riu^Ht. S. ! H. loli. A : Bact. aeroKenes, iiifrei|tiens anil B, pscHdodywntericus. r. : B. pst>udi)dvn(prii.-tiii, Bai'l. aeiOKent>it, B. (c^^fiiuv, R. cA«ci, and I iliaOK.. R, : Bi'ci. duodonalo, B. coli, H. brevi*. B. taeti. H. ^iihli^uctaiiciK. I commiiriior. Cask No. ij, M. 76, i'irrbnsis nf the Liver. S. : H. pH(MidodyHorilrriL-iis, H. Loli and R, alcaHgenaa. />. : B. coli. C. : B. pseud ody4en(erit.-u!i, P. aeru^inoia and P. ovals. A*. : B conimunior, Bact. duodi-nale, B. akali^enes. Case No. i,i, F. iq, Appi-ndicUis. General PerilonUis. S, : R. subcloacae, B. plebeius, R. infrequens, Bact. anthraioidt;! /). : Bacl. iierof(ene:« and Bact. duodenale. ('. : Bjict. aero^enei. A', : H. inrreqiiens, Bact. a«ro^cnc M 60, C niirene oj Lhhit. S. : B. i-ommunior, Siapn. aureus, Bact. antl)racoide<4. D. : B. communior and Bact, anihracoidKs. ('. : B. communior, B. plebeiu'*, H. coli and Bact. anthracoidet. K. : H. coli. 57* ItiiiUriii I'oiiHil m Ciitea Sliitimi. f^rnt No. 14. M, !«.. \,.rtk rdihf. S.: n. iXipliiUi. «iiJ II. •ulilil.. D. : 11. .'Kitimiinior. H.ilI. ju'r..|ir>i<'. an,l II. luhllliv t'. i IIml'I. diintlriiiilr, H. Ciili. II. iiiminunior. S9 C'akk No. Ill, F^ttiiuffd ft^ivis. S. 1 H. ciiniiiiuiiior niuI Mai't. ;ii*rt>K<-iir«, /> I H. ct»mmiiriior uiul II. rlrln'tut. C. ! H«,l, ;i.-n)Ki-m'*, Rati, ilii.xlvtiitli- uinl H. cm A'. : H. L-kili MHil H. tro nntunior. Cask Nh, ij, .Si,/<,r/i,,,it ttitr»i, S. : It. |ileb(tiiin,, ..fiin S, ■ K. coli nnU Kiici, duodciiiilr. A : B. folt. r. 1 H. I'Oinmtmior und H. ai;idoliirmaii«. A', : B. loli iiriJ B. I'oiumimior fASK N\-. K,, M. 3«. Fibruid Tiibtf, ul.ish o//.iiitgt. S. ! B. chyloifenri. /). : B. coli. C. : B. toll. A'. : B. coli. Cask No. jo, F. 46. Afitn,! .,„h.or,iifis, S. : B. conimiinior and Slapli. albuit. D. : B. {ilebeiuit, B. cloacae and B. Mibcloacif. C. : B. coli and B. entcTitidi*). A'. : B. coli. Case No. at, 1'. 47, /-nhitr Pneumonia, S. ; Staph, aureus and B. D. : B. Communior, C. ; B. coli. A*. : 6. coli. 90 Intestinai Bacteria. Cask No. 2j. Tubercuh^ix -,/ l.ung!:. S, : B. cloacae and H. commurtior. A : Biift. Acrotfenen and It. coli. C. I B. inrreqiieiis .-itid B. siibc]oai:ae. A". ; B. pli'beius ai)i.l B, inlV^qiu'ti^. Case No. zy. V. bo. Mitr .v.: Bncr, aerof;(>iu"> /). : R. iilcbi'iii%. C. ; B. koli. i^'. : Bad. at-roL^em-s (/ Aiii/jiardi/is. and Bact. duodeiiale 1t Cask No. 14, K. n, fSfomath. S. : HaL-l. afroKt'ii.-s. />. 1 Biu{.d,iod.-nal.-. V. : Bai't. diiodeiiale. A'. : Bad. duodenale. Cask No. 3(., K. Ks. A/ilml S. : Hai'l. aei-ojjenes, Siaph. auivtis. Staph, albiis, I). : B. iliaciis, Staph, albua and B. plebeiiis. ('. : Staph, albiis, B. comniunior, H. dnbius and K. /(. : B. comminiior. B. pNendodvsentfriciis. B. sub B.aU-allff.-nss. Bait, ^alai-iophiln akalescc , B. t-:' Cask No. j;, M. 67, A/i/m/ and Jo^iic limioiiiniitis. S. : Staph, albiis, Bact. inipleilaTis and Bait, diiodoiialf. A : B. alcaliRcnes and Miioor. C. : B. tob, Baci. duodcnale and B. ox> philus. A". : Bact. dnodenale and B. coli. Cask No. 2S, K. 20. Si-ptic Periton if !'.■:. S. : Bad. dnodonalo. Bait, aniliracoidi-s. B. vj.!t,'aris, B. coli. /'. i Bad. duodenate, B. coli and B akaliffetifs. C. : Btd. atTOKeiiBH, Bad. dnodi-nale, vulgaris and B. picbeiii.i. A'. : B. vulgaris. Bad. aerogoiics. B. eiilericus and B. plebeiiis. Case No. aq, Atrophic Cirrhosis of the Liver. S. : Bad. dutKli-nale, Bat't. inipleclans, B. subentericus and Bad. atrro^encs. D. : B. communior and Bact. inipled-tns. C. : B. entericiiK, B conimuniur, B. coli. Bad. A'. : B. entericiis. Bad. imploctans and Bact. a .S74 ■» and Bad. aercyenes. Bacteria Found in Cases S/ndied. 91 Cask No. .^n, M. 54. llnemorrhagi, r,mcreutiUs, A'. : Bacl. atTUfffnes and B. communior. />. : H. viilniiiiis, B. pl»?beius. H. siihlinnelaiiens, H. loli aru C. : H. subKar,irkus, Siaph. albll^. Ha.t. anihrai-oid.-,. R. 1, A'. : Bact, anrhracoidt's, Siajiti. a|l)ii%, H. toll, B. n-cti ai>d 1 Cask No. 31. K. ^g. Ciinin.imn o/A.-.twi. S. : Kaci. duodiinaltf and Raiillus etilfrii-us. />. B plebeius, Batt. diiodi>nale. ('. : B, cnrericiis, R. akalijffiifs. H. plchciiis, B. loiiiiminiot a: : B. coli and B. plebt^iiis. Cask No. jj. K. ii. /'cri/^/ieful X,-unfh. (Culriirt-s I " . lumrs |io9i.nior(fti). ) .?. : Bad. aero^enes and Bail, lai-titola. /). : Steriltr. C". : Ba.r. lailii-ola. Bai:l. .Iiiodoiiale and Bad. A'. : Had. miimtissirnimi. ['. at'inciii..^a and Bai . laciiii.ia. Cask 33. /Vr«,-, ,„,,,wI„„^„;/„. S. : R, aoidnformans. /■>. I H, ai:idol'orm'iii<.. C. : R. atidororniaii-., Bad. dnodt-n It. : Bail, dmnlfnal^and B. itid Slap)), albii-.. iK»"i Cask No. .14. M. 81, Di,i>,hu,il Cl.vr. S. : Rail. Iliiodeiiale and Bait, aniliraioidc.. D. : Bad. diiod.-nale and Bad. ilu nu.^'e.if ^. r. : Bail dwodcnak'. A'. ; B. ptf bfiiis and B. infi-.',|uens. Cask No. 35. [■■. y,, Ga»gn'wm^ >-hoU;ysliHs. S. : Slapli. anri-ii-i and Bad ani)iraioidcs. A : Staph, aureus. (. : R. oxypliiliis atul Itad. diiodonaU- A'. : B. coli and Bait, dnodfiialc. Cask No. 36, F. 30. ih/.o-sanoi S. : Stapli. aureus. D. : Staph, aureus. S. : B. plebeiusand B. coli a: : B. coli and B. coniinun I './ !.umh„r W-rU-lmu: Cask No. 37, M. 14. Appemihili.^. D. : B. coli and Bact, aeroj^cnt-s C. I B. coli, A'. : B. coli and B. cotiiinunior. 92 Intestimii /iacti'ria. Cask No. 3S, K. 14, .I/ch/mj,'-///.! (serou*.). C. : B. coii iiid BuL-t. aeroKfiii Cask No. .iS, V. S. : B. mycoides. D. I Bad aerojfenes, C. : Bact. acrojjeiie^-. A'. : B ci)tiiiiiunior. Lurynt^fil! fiifillllltrif Case No. 40. i". : B. comm D. : Stapti. ii r. : B. X.: B. ■ommunior, .otiimunior. C vsE No. 41. FiiHiidiinfi. S. : Slaph. aureus. Bookeri. A: Bad. duodL-nale C : Bact. diiodeiiak^ A'. : B. coiiimuninr a B. cnitriciis and B. Bact. aero^'eiii id B. siibalcalf^ Cask No. 42, Foutid/ing. S. : Staph, aureus and Bact. duodenale. D. : P. aeru^'inosa, Bad. duodt^nale and B. foniamiiinr. C. : Bad. duodenale, B. coli and Bad. aero^jenes. A'. : P. aeruginosa. B. coll, Bact. duodenale and B. comniunio Case No. 4,^. Fomuniiii'. S. : B. conimunior and Bai:t. aeroKene^. D. : Bad. aerogenes and B. cominnnior. C, : Bact. aerogenes. K. \ B. coli and Had. aerogenes. Case No. 44, Fuitudling. S. : Staph, aureus. D. : Bact. aerogenes. C. : B. communior. A*. ; B. communior and B. plebeUis. Case No. 45. Foundling. S : B. gastricjs, Bad. anthracoides, B. cloacae, B. liquefaciens and Staph. aibus. />. : Bad. aerojfenes. C. : Bact. aerogenes. A*. : Bact. anthracoides, Bad. duodenale, B. entericus. S7^ liachria Foi,„d ,„ Cases Sludici. I ASK No. 4b. FtiUndliili-. ■V. Sliiph. ;uireiis. and Ra* t. aeroKfn**, />. : B plebeiiiN and Siapli. .lureiis. C..: B. .omminiior and Siaph. alhi.^. h\: Ba.l. anilir.nnid.-< ,ind Ha.r. a.-, >.,;,. i\sK \o. 4;, Fitumilinfi. S. : H. d.todenalf, and I', a.-n.jrjnos... />. I'. aeruj^inosA. ''■ : I', acru^finosa. A'. : P. aeriiffinosa. t'vsK Xii, 4S, FoiiHiiliug. ■^- ; Khci. acroK^Ko- /' : Hat-r. aerofjfiu-s. (.'. : H. etiteriiidis, Bai- A'.; Baci. impleciaits. and K. Mlb!i.|ii,.favirn% Cask Nh, 4,,, F<>u>,ii!i»s. iJ. ; B. pltfbeiUH, Baci. aerotfcnes and B coli /\', : Bact. duodi-nale. Cask 50, FimndUn^. S. : B. ooli. />. : B. coli, r. : B. coii. Bad. aerojienes and Baft. Bipii«u.i-kii. A'. : li. I'lXiimuniiir. i •)4 Jtiltstimil Inutiria. HIHI.UH-.KAI'IIV. It MIKNSTOl'K, iNKi: I'l'Ki- Uii- ll;ikltikM ckr Kiivcs. Xiihilirill liir kliiiisihr M,,l,iiii. liJ. Vlll, Holl i. BOOKICK, iSSq: A ^nuly nl m'iii ■ ol' i1k- H;ii.lLriii finiiul in Ihi- I-mh^ ol Ititaiils afrectOil with Siiniincr l>iarrlux'a, Truiiaiirliun^ c/ tfic Amrrhun l*ediiitric SiHicty, \'ol. i. p. H)S. Cll-XHOMSKI A., .V M. JAKOWSKI. 1K114: Unijvvv.ihnlichc lanijo dauerniie kunsttichtT AtU'i- iK'bM ilicmiMh-hailcriuli'^ischcii Untersuchuii^j iihei' ilvii lilllalt iler I)iiiiiKiariiie, .Irr/iiv /fir klitiische Chinirgip. HJ. \l.\'ill., >. 1 ;,h. ll'SHlX(i. H. V I.IVIMIOOI), I.., i.nx); Kxporiin^iival aiij Surirical Notes iipiMi tlK- Hactcriolo^'v ^-ii tht; Upper portion of the Alimen- tary Canal with Observations on the Kstablishment there ot an amierobie State as a preliinliniry to Operati\e Proeednres on th ■ Stoinaeh and Small Intestines, t 'mttribulionx to the Science of Medicine bv the I'li/tils 0/ Williiim H. Welch. 1 /ohns Hopkins HospiliU Kcporli S. I I'.' 54,5. 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