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New York 14609 USA •■^g (716) 482 - 0300 - Ph&ne ^= (716) 288 - 5989 - Fa« *%^. \^..' By-Lawh Nabarai History Societ\ ot New Brunswii ^ U ; OJ^A'^ , CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the Natural History Society of New Brunswickwv ST. JOHN, N. 13. Harnes & Co., Ltd , I'ri.nters, Prince W.m. Street. Itilil CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS • n im: Natural l^istorp fto(irtj> o( fit\o jBruiisioicfc. (Ailii|.U'M-.l a> ImIIuvvs;— Honorary MnnkTs, Itfiii-fartors l.if. KiKiilar. ( ..rrc>i..ii.lin;;. AsscK-iatc and Junior .MtinlKr-*. tandidati's for nuMil»iT>lii|. sliall Ik' |ir(.|n.>r.| aio.rdinj,' to Form "A" in the ApiKiuJix lu-n-to. wliirli forni mii>t l.c >uli scribed hy at least two incnil.ers of tin- Sncjity. Atiy pirs..ii shall he eligible for ineinbersliip wiio is desin.ii.-, of for\vardiii« the objects of the Society, (-»). Honorary Mkmiikrs must he recommended hy at least three Honorary. Life or Regular memi.ers. ujio >liall certify that the candidate is a person eminent for his scienlitic attainments. Every recommendation of a canrlidate. as an honorary member, mnst be delivered to the Kecordinff Secretary, ulio sl,ail •submit the same to the Council for emjuiry; and when the rcconmiendation of such candidate is approved by the Council, it shall be sijjned by the cl-airman, and read at the first folKiwint; ordinary meetiuf;, previous to the ballot beinj; t.ikcn. Honorary members sliall have a right u> take part in and vote at all meetings and gatherings of the Society. (3). JJenkkactor.s shall be persons who subscribe not Uss than $5cK>.oo at one time to the funds of the Societv, and have been duly electeil. They sliall have a right to take part in .-nd vote at all meetings and gatherings of the .Sc.ciety. (4). Lii-K Mkmiikrs shall be persons who may make do.ia- tion.s at any one time, amounting to $5o.o(x in money, in articles for the museum, .-r books for the library, (the two latter to be valued by two comjietent i)ersons appointel I I t I |(l\ <5i. kn.ii.xK Ml Mill K, .h.ill 1. |Ki^..ii> ti,.|i|..,.n ^,■.^,^ <>\ a«f. aixl itpwanU, uli.. ..ii i!„ir ,-1, rli..M pav l- ilu^ U,v..r lall !':i.r a ii"hi 1m .,!t,,i,| ail IT.oi-tii:;,'. aiHl ;.'alli. rini;v l.iit im' t- t pail in ilw Imimp^- ..f tin- S>r;V u; S.rn-taix. an .iitratu. l\r ..i ,„i,- dollar, and tlu'rcaMt-r pay . ts av providt-d for l.v \ititli' l\ .,|" this < onstifntion. They sl,all haw a ri^lit t.. tab- pari in an-l voti- at all nK;'tinj,'s and «ai!uTinj,'s ,,t tlif Sonrt\. . x^' ptinf^ tin- Annual MtrtinK. (8). liNioR Mi Miii.Hs shall hv y, hs ,,i ton to i-i(,ditirn yoa^•^ of aKc who on tlu-ir flcrtion pa^ the Urcordint,' Stvn-- tary. an tiitrajici' fee of one dollar, and thereafter pay dues as provided fr>r hy Article 1\' of this Constitution. They shall have a ri^lit to attend all tnectin)-s. hut • i.. lake part in the business of the Society. (9>- I'nless otherwise provided herein, all menihers may Ik- elected at any ordinary meeting of the Society, and the votes re(|uired for the election i^{ any person to uieinberslnp shall he at least three-fourths of the ballots cast by nienibcrs present who ;ire entitled to vote. f 10). Whenever any person is elected a Regular, .\ssociate. or Junior ineinber, the Recording Secretary shall iiumediately inform him of the same by letter (according to Form "R" in the Appendix) and the election of Honorary members, Benefac- tors, Life and Corresponding members, shall be communicated 6 CONSTITUTION. to them by the same officer, by a special letter suitable to each particular case ; and the name of no person shall be entered on the roll of membership until the entrance fee. if any there be payable by such member, has been paid. ARTICLP: IV. THE .ANNUAL DUES OF MEfiBEfts. (I). Each Regular member shall pay annually the sum of two dollars, and each Associate or Junior member shall pay annually the sum of one dollar, dues into the funds of the Society, the .same to be payable in advance on the first day of ( )ctober. (2). The payment of entrance fee by members elected after the first of May, and before the first of October, in any year, shall exempt them from payment of the annual dues for the year commencing the first of October following. fs). Any member whose dues are in arrears for one year shall not be eligible for office or entitled to vote at any meeting of the Society, and should the dues of any member ' remain unpaid for two years, after having been duly notified, the Council nay at its discretion order the name of such member to be erased from the membership roll of the Society, or may exempt a member from dues when from peculiar circumstances they deem it to be in the interest of the Society so to do. ARTICLE V. THE OFFICERS, THEIR OU.\LIFIC.\TIOX .\ND ELECTION. (i). The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, ist Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Correspond- ing Secretary, Recording Secretary. Librarian, and Curator; who shall be elected yearly by ballot, at the Annual meeting; a majority of the votes cast by members present and entitled to vote, being sufficient for election. {ONSTITUTION. {2). The officers and members of the Coiiiuil. hereinafter provided for, shall be selected from the male members of the Society over twenty-one years of age, who are in g««>d standing, of the following classes— Honorary, 1 5ene factors. Life and Regular members ; .provided always that the nominees for the office of Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Curator and Librarian, shall be proposed in writinj,' l)y the Council. And, it shall be optional with the Coinicil u, noininate am mir- person for any two of these offices. (3). The officers shall enter upon the discharfje of their respective duties immediately after the close of the Aimual meeting, and shall continue in office until the election of their successors. ARTICLE VI. THK PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. The President shall take the chair at all meetings of the Society and Council at which he is present, and shall regulate and keep order in the proceedings. It shall be his duty to state and put (juestions. according to the sense and intention of the meeting, and to carry into effect the Constitution and By-laws of the Society. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President shall preside; and if the President and Nice- Presidents are absent, the Members present may elect a chairman. 1 I ARTICLE \ [I. THE TREASURER. The treasurer shall have the custody of the money, bonds and other securities of the Society, and dejMJsit same in the name of the Society, in such chartered bank as the Council may direct. Funds so deposited to be withdrawn by clie<|ue signed by the Treasurer. He shall keep regular accounts of Iiis receipts and expendi- tures, in suitable Ixwks provided for the pur|K)se. o CONSTITUTION. All hjlls paid by him (except those for fixed charges for which a standing order may from time to time be given by the Council) must be initialed by the Recording Secretary and the officer presiding at the meeting at which they are passed. I fe shall, at a meeting of the Council, previous to the Annual meeting, present general statements of the financial transactions and standing of the Society, which statements, together with the books, bonds and other securities, shall previous to such meeting, be laid before the auditors for their inspection and audit. The Treasurer's books shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the in.spection of the Council, or any member ..r members thereof. ARTICLE VIII. THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The duty of the Corresponding Secretary shall be to conduct the correspondence of the Society with other learned .societies, or members thereof, also with contributors of articles and manu- script papers, and all correspondence in connection with the scientific and educational work of the Society. ARTICLE IX. THE RECORDING SECRETARY. (i). The duty of the Recording Secretary shall be to attend the meetings of the Society and of the Council ; to take minutes of all their proceedings, and to enter them in the proper books; to read the minutes of the preceding meeting, and have them signed by the chairman ; to record donations made to the Society ; to give notice of any candidate proposed for admission, or to be ballotted for, and to read letters and papers addressed to the Society, in the order of time in which they were received, unless the Council shall determine. Also, to keep a list of the members of the Society, and an CON'STITITIOX. ,, account c,f the fee. aiul duos paid and payable by each one- to collect the same in manner directed by tlic fcuncil. handing the amounts collected to the Treasurer, and taking his receipt there- tor; to keep a separate cash book showing all moneys received and paid by him on account of the Society, and to conduct any correspondence pertaining to the above duties. (2). The Recording Secretary shall be paid a .salary t<. be determined by the Council. ARTICf.E X. THE Cl'RATOR. (i). The Curator shall have the sui)ervision of the buildin.' and museum; he shall take charge of all articles given ul aaiuired by, or deposited with, the Society, except when the same shall fall under the supervision of the Librarian. He shall also in concert with the committees, in the various de])artments, arrange, label and catalogue the articles and specimens contained in the museum. ARTICLE XI. TIIK I.IIiRAKIAX. (i). The Librarian shall take charge of an books, papers, maps and drawings of the Society; shall catalogue the books of the Library, and issue them to the members of the Society in accordance with the rules n..w and hereafter to be enacted by the Council. ARTICLE XII. THE COUNCn.. (\). The management of the Society shall be vested in a Council, consisting of the oflficers of the Society and five other members, three of whom shall be elected at the Annual meeting. The members of the Gnmcil s.; acting ex-officiu and elected. to CONSTni-TION. shall at their first meeting after tiic Annual meeting elect two co-operative memhers. which election shall complete the organi- zation of the Council, provided always that before the selection of the two co-operative members, the ex-officio and previously elected members shall hold and exercise the power and authority of a conijilete Council. (2). The Council shall have the general direction and management of the affairs of the Society, and the o iitn.I of all property belonging to the same. (3). The Council shall m.-t at least once a month to conduct the business of the Society, and any two members thereof, may by letter to the Secretary, require a special meeting to be called, two days' notice of which must be given to each member of the Council. f4). At any meeting of the Council, five members thereof shall constitute a quorum. ''5). The Council shall appoint standing committees to pro- mote the study of the different branches of science, and shall have power to appoint such other committees as thev may deem desirable in the interest of the Society, and may publish bulletins in the name of the Society. (6). The Council shall have power to make by-laws for the government of the officers and members, or of any particular section or department of the Society, so that such by-laws be not inconsistent with this constitution. (7). The Council shall draw up a yearly report upon the state of the Society, in which they shall give an abstract of all the proceedings and of the receipts and expenses of the past year ; and such report shall be read at the Annual meeting. ARTICLE XIII. ladies' .\UXILI.\RY ASSOCIATION'. (i). The Associate members of the Society, shall form an Auxiliary Association to be called the "Ladies' Auxiliary Asso- CONS r IT L THIN. 11 ciation of the Natural History .S,x-ictv of Wu lirunswick " which shall elect its own officers, thus constituting a separate organization within the Society, for the purpose of more effectively furthering its objects, and extending its usefulness. (2). The Ladies' Auxiliary Association shall ftirnish to the Council of the Society two weeks before each Annual meeting, a full report of its operations during the preceding vear, includ- ing a statement showing all receipts and expenditures resulting from or incidental to the work of the Auxiliary Association on behalf of the Society. ARTICLE XIV. MEETrXGS AND NOTIFICATIONS. (i). The ordinary meetings of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday in each month, excepting the months of luly. August and September, at 8 p. m. The chair may be taken when' five members are present, and the meeting shall 'be conducted in the order prescribed in the By-laws. Every member shall have the privilege of introc'ucing two friends to be present at the meetings and gatherings of the Society. (2). The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the third Tuesday in October, at 8 o'clock p. in. (^). All notifications re(|uired by this Constitution may be given by letter or post card addressed to tne members respectively at St. John, N. P... or at such ..tiier address as such members may respectively designate in writing to the Recording Secretary. ARTICLE XV. .\UDITORS. The Society shall elect yearly at the Annual meeting two Auditors, and in default of such election, or should a vacancy occur, they shall be appointed by the Council. CONSTITlTTioN. ARTICLE XVI. AMENDMKXT TO ( ONSI I TITIO.V. No alteration of, amendment of, nor addition to, this Consti- tntion shall be made, except at the Annual meeting of the Society, and after a previous notice of at least one month given to the Council, stating the subject and nature of such alteration, amendment, or addition, by the member or members proposing the same; and no such amendment nor addition shall be adopted, except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at such Annual meeting.