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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKROCOPV •ISOlUTKm TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAHT No. 2) A APPLIED IIVHGE Inc ^— ; 1653 CoX Mom Street gVS RoctiMttf, Ntw Yorl( 14609 USA '■S= (716) 482 - 0300 -Phone ^= (716) 288- 5989 - Fa» Circular No. 12 Ext«iuion Serrio* '■aiat /'/''/'^i''''"'7'/ 'I y Poison Ivy AND Other Poisonous Plants Ut "d bt: Botany Department Manitoba Agricultural College HLWIPEC, CANADA // PuMisho,, ,,v authority „f „o„. \,.,„„ti„,,. Winder, M-ni stpr of .Axriiultiire I Poison Ivy lV»is<)H ivy i- lixiiul cvfrywIiiTK flinmnlumt llif I'loviiicc iiiid rvcryitiic should know how to i. I'onnizc it. its rtTccts, ami how to treat it. Kvciy miminrr iiiaiiy iliildrcn ai. poiHoiu'd with it. ami (iiaiiy a holiday at Wiiiniinu Hcach iind ••Iscwhcn' is -poiird liy not rccouiiiziiiK the thnc waxy uncii |( •v«'M whith mark this plaiit as diffrrcnt from all others, 'i'lifvc ilirce h'aves hunRdown from erect stems six inches to a foot hiKh. usually tlirc, from a woot and is M'ldom over a foot IukIi. l>ut in our parks and luitive Muffs it is often thicker than the wild strawherry. The rooi is woody and touxh iis leather, and can be pulle*! out of the uround in hmm strinns. and this i- the Lest way to eradicate it. The flowers form a tiny white cluster in the axils of the leuf-.-^tocks, and these turn to greenish-white herries with meridian lines. The berries stay on the plant all winter and any part of the plant is jxiisonous if broken. The usual poison is, n<» doubt, from shoe laces which have strii)ped off the leaves in passing through them, and the hands thftt luce the shoes transfer the jjoison to the face. The poison is insoluble in water and so washinn only spreads it. The hands should be washed in methylated spirits, strong soap or hyp./ *uli)hite of soda usetl in iihotoRraphy. The druKRists sell sugar of leail COWBANK % Poison Loco Weeds 8TIMLBU LOCO I.fM'o is 111,. Spani,-li niiiiM' U,v ' la>{ljerinn uait. '•|'ii>lipatii.ii. rniinh euat. tliiriiie- and -low dealli. lino lc.| liy tin Iiit|iiiii<« to ()riivuki >tii an- i-vi'ii iimn poisonous; in fact, it ■.fcins that iiio-* sinali prairif piivimials with «lti'p riM.tsain ilnis... low tuft of Iravi's rios.- to tin- vroumlV air poisonous. 'riircc siirli Were scut in iVoin Suskatchcwan last suniincr as liaviiut kiijcil lour horses on a farm. h BPtTSOl Spurge ( 'apcr si)urttc, cypress spurge. Icufy sjiurKc s|)ott('il spurKc, poison mercury, ip«'cac, croton and castor oil plant I; Iohr to another poison- ous family with uilkv juic.- [spotted spur^t is a tint cnH'iiaijj ttiiBual .und in gardens i'vcry where, ami th,. tall ^ v spn'm' ha.s been intro caascs skin poisoniuK like poison .> and has heeii used hy ([uacks to remove ^^ »-ts It is one source of poison in honey ami , ^s 'vi.a.hers" in horses. Send in suspected plants to Prof. Jackson, Botony Departs MANITOBA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE