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""■" j'-. -. .r*4 ■ vj*' :; - . *vi< wf^^^^^km L il WILD ri.OWKKS NORTH AMLRICAN MOUNTAINS ^ ^! It •r » ■•"»' Jii-v'i»p-S..--A«FHK.' F\i:ii Im,i\\ I' mm li,.rsii n'.-iti ■ ■ ■ WiiiTi: iMuw I'aim- |||,|^ I'.KAlmi NV'.~ l'\l.\T " iCaslilL-ui pallut.}) '" f-ii' (CasttlL-ja a„-„slil,u,a :,n: linul!;,,; I ) WILD FLOWERS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MOUNTAINS BY JULIA W. HENSHAW Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Honorary SecreUry of the Alpine Club of Canada. NEW YORK ROBERT M. McBRIDE & COMPANY <■ ^■. ■) Copyright, 1915, by Ji I. lA W. Hknshaw C(>pyri!,'ht, C'aTiada, 1915 BY Julia W. Hknsiiaw Published November, 1915 :^wfi:sy^ms^^ TO THEIR ROYAL HKJHNESSES THE DUKi: AND DUCHKSS OF COXNAUGHT this book is, by special permission, gratefully dedicated in remembrance of days spent by THKIR kOYAI. HICHNESSES in the ROCKY MOINTAINS .^'^" w '^^T'-'^^ PRHf-ACR " When the book of life falls open at the,'e of sprin- " the sn<.w-cro\vne(l mountains ml. ,,\er an eiuhantin^r d\ ot foliage, ferns and hnv^i, and the alpine mead. .us are ablaze with brij,Hu-hued flowers that grow luxuriantlv be- neath the broad blue tent of the sky. Held close in the curved arms .,f the cliffs, the patches of verdure, starred with these wondrous-tinted blo.M.nis are a revelation to the traveller. Fro,„ the mountains of the ^nkon and Alaska to the hills of X„va Scotia and Xew I-n^dand. m the Hockies. the Selkirks and the tnountain ran-es of Montana. I)ak..ta. W'ashin^^ton. Orei^on Cali- fornia and other States, you will find that the same miracle has been wrou.i,dit. ,;n the lower levels white-tlowercd scarlet-fruited shrubs nu-n^le with the Winter-reens 1 ark- spurs. \,olets and Columbines; flaminj,' In.lian I'aint Brushes, Gentians. Oueen-cui)s and purple \^etches cover many a slope; here a valley is carpeted with yellow I ilies Uaillardias, Arnicas and Golden-ro reveale.l m iiMJestic uino.j. ,„i.l tin lines ..| the land- scape are sketched nnt rn,;^,L;e.l and se-.ere. Then ernes ,l,e sndden inrn n.un.l the cnuT nf some clilT. the oVrtuppinir -I some steep st,,iu- ie.Ii^e. and helml,] ! la.f,,re ,,ne. in a hi'di alpme n,ead..u. lie. a garden s„ch as kinj;> „,i^ht en^'^• l.ut how de>cnl.e the ecstasy uf stan.lin- knee-deep in the ini^^nmce ..t a thmisan.l tlM\ver>:^ After crossing, tju. hare I'Icak rocks it IS like a triumphal entry into I'aradi-e I lere arc I'.nk (iarlics. Harehells swaying i„ wild uavuardness \cTon.cas an.l „p uiti, wide-open eyes. Heathers red. rose and white, a.nethvst \sters White (.erannin.s and .M.,ccaM-n Idouers. all n.ini^lin- with the sh.nin- .i^reen leaves and waxen petals oi" the Rhododen- drons and the s„,,wy chalices of the ( d..he-llouers and Anemones. It matters not at what hour (,ne -oes to the mountains uhether ,n the amethyst (kiwn. when the -olden jjates of sunrise tall ajar and the first faint rustle of the leaves stirs ti, ■ dreamin.u world to consciou^nes.s. dispersing mists and dew; in the hrilliant noontide, when life marches on with ad IKT hanners unfurle.l. and every plant is Inuldini,^ and hluw- "1.1^- as the sap runs freely, and the sun's ravs t the spantide leaf and bloom, as (;,)d li.i^hts the star-lamps of Hi, h,oh heaven and p, out the day. F ven when we listen t.. the rhythm of the rain all is heau- titul. for the tlowers that -reeled the dawn with opal hearts \vi(k-l)lown: that at noontide were found with m^-f -^afaRKa^-iMPf ■■>■ Pnfa ( t' " i;.ii.'li al'lltuiit ciiil^lrclclu il .iiiil miiniilril To tlic kI'Tv ;inil ^;I;iiliii--> .■iiul slijuc ni tlu- unrM," and that at fvciiinj,' ntYtTi-d up swirtcst l'ra.i,Taiu-i' in tlicir ilialioi-iiips. arc j^iwn a new cliarni hy the ox.l .showers from ahiive. " I 1k' paths, tin- u.mkN. till' (r-I'U, till' hills, An- iii'I a uiirM t^ day, l!i;t jiisi a plai r ( iod ma play." So we may wander in seareh of tlie nionntain wild dow- ers, follow int,^ the trails uhieh lead to the alpine meadows and wrapt in tlie perfect peace vi the hills retnemher that we are walkiiiLf with "In till' frcirldiii (.f the garden wild" " (",ocl (if tlu- (ipcn riir." .\> this hook is intended for the use of the jjencral puhlic rather than for thai of botanists, the llowers herein de- scribed are class, iied acciirdin<,^ to colour, and without sjie- cial reference to their scientific relationship; for the first attrilmte of a plant which attracts the traveller's eve is in- variably its colour, his first (|uestion usually bein;,"-: " What is that red flower? " — or "blue tlower."' or " vcllow llower,'" as the case may be. Of Order. Cenus and Species he probably knows little, and therefore the descriptions Si\en in this ,i,aiide to mountain wild llowers are so sim])ly and -'-.a-ly worded, that any ])lants indexed niav be readily located in one or other of the Colour Sections, to.i^ether with its name and chief characteristics. The i^eneral Key at the befjinnin,!.^- of the book will be of use to botanists. The nomenclature followed throuf^^hout this work is m*::^/-^\'F^-^y'SW''-^' Prefaci stncly i„ .co, with the \icnna K„Ics. in so far -.s thcc have heen u .rke.I out i„ ;:;:;•",;:; r:'rr' ■"•■^'^- -■-■- ''•■- V..i„dl >,,,,.,,,„ c-,,ia.>vc.c.l, Alpin/tai'w^ <.ras.,. P.r„«,„„„n. .\mlr..,ace S-,vifr-,,.,. f , , Sl.mcrron -ir,. nil ;„ ■ i ^.iMtr.ide. f.cniian and h™:f}\ "":"" —••"---"• T.; Air. ,a,;.rr Aiatoun 1 also offer niv heart v tli-.»i. ( \ ■ Siven a. all .„„os .1^/11^^:^':;; '"'^ ^■•^""' "">'- Julia W. IIkxshaw. A^„„ J'lnuarv, iqic \ ancouver, ' -^ -' British C'ohiinhia, Canada. Prcfa It' SiHM V. Ilrili->h ('t told me of ■ our iutfiuiMU ti. writt- a pop- ular iiinimtaiii Mora. I assurc-d ym ^urli a work wmild not only serve a spk-ndid purpose in aUractiiii,' attrntion i.. the nioiiniains. lint that nntil tlie traveller had in his hands some surh hook that would enahle him to identify the many flowers that ji,tow tliere in protusi,.ii. he inn>t feel lost the unnamed heanties which would surround him. It was the one hook needed. liiat the Work should ha\e heen done as von ha\e done it. is more than 1 could have hoped. 'I'he hea.ttv of the photo},rraphs, the correct ji:roui)in,-: of the flowers, the coii- and yet complete descrijuions m.ike it easy for even the visitor of a day to identify all the ])laiu> he is likelv to see. ^'()ur choice of I-jif^ni h names, when such had not hefore heen i,nven to our alpine flowers, is excellent. Tliev are themselves often sufficiently descriptive to enahle otie to idntify the species. I am glad to note. too. that the ,i,a>ncric names von have used are strictly in acconlance with the X'ienna Rules, as are aNo the specific names so far as have heen W(.rke(l out in Canada. "S'ours sincerelv. joiix M.\(Oi-\, Domini m Xaturalist. ■f ♦.«^X!lv'i»^l!'-=-'>&«.«P«WIB5Jc*3BBeE nar^jT^. (■()\"ii:.\'is I'a-.i I.MIKK IKHM rKnl|.»iiN JnllV M\(,., s M, A., |', |„ S., I' S. I I.IST l)l- rNmi.ol'Klli I'l. \IKS I.IM .11 ( ul.ul kKli I'l \l K- tiKNtKM. KkV id nil. I' A M 1 1. 1 h.s \l , Nvii I s. Si. 3 I. I'kkxs ami I'knn \|.1.IK> . II. ^l>K>. SH)I :„> \Mi I\'. W I ilK 1(> I iKKI.N \\|i I'iKllW \'. I 'ink Ki Kill I'l.DW ^;l<.■^ \ I. I'l IK III I'l kl'I.K I"i.(i\\i;ks \ II. S'Kl.l.dW I(l()|<\N(.l l"l,('\\ EK.- (ll.OS.S.VkV Iniii-.x to S( ik.mikk .\\\ik< . Index to I'.m.i.isii X.xmes . I\l >IIK^ . N {"l.OAKKS 47 6 1 Hi jo; 3;r .'fttV!*!,,...' I'^iv -tr .-yr^- ■ :-f' r*BS^MBi"Fr ■ ■..«Vi*i ■'.• •' -■■ .».:>• 3 I I I LIST OK UNCOI.Ol RED PLATHS * s V\ \TF F II. rii. IV'. V. vr. VII. VIII. .\. XI. .MI. Mil. XIV. \V. XVI. X\II. X\III. Oak Inn . . . . S|iiimli)^c Sliitlil IVrii I.-mIkc Pnlc Pine . . I'.iiKdiiu'.in'- '^|)rtui- MaNair I'ir .... Mntintain lltml.K'k Ki Tail .... (irctn I.ily .... Indi.iH IKlMxpfi- . . niuiii-Ciip .... lalsf Snlfiiniin\ .Seal . Slar-li<)v\frtiii I'lowir .... Whit'.- Keiii Orchid . Smilaciiia sti-llaia Shxfli't'us (im/'If.vifiilius ( yfith'tliuiii f'dssci Ilium llal'ciiiiiia (liUilald .\'.>rtliiiii kiin Oniii'. Ilalniuiiia chiiiSi-'d llcxrli-.l L.i.lii'.s' Ircssis SpiraiitlhS h', maiicuffiitud .XIX. Il.iriy C'liral Knot X.X. .Mpiiic- Histort . (ihitiiKiiis .Asphodt'l Wind l-lcwcr White (ilohe Muvver Reii liaiulierry .Alpine .Saxifrage . XXI. XXII. XXIII XXIV, XXV. Cdiiilloiliica ii ,'i,l,i I'olxiioiiHm ztn/^aniin 'liifiiiidii iilu'liuisa .Inciiimic inullifidii 1 lollius hixus :ar. nlhi/Ioiu .litica rul'ia .... ^laxifraijii nnoLs Xaiicy-ov.r-the-groiind Tian-lhi unifoUalu XXyi. Oval-!"aved.\him K,„,i /l,urli:;a ,>zalif,,lu, XXVII. iellinia XXV'III. Hirch-leaved Spira-a XXIX. Goat"', I'.enrd . . XXX. Copim.Mi Serviceherry XXXI. Capherry XXXU. Wood Xyniph Tcl/iiiui (/ y/'iiu-,! luiida . .-iruiKiis sykrsirr .liiii'laiuliicr H.ouia Rubus parriflitrus Dryas oclopctala . (/>((/ l'llclt-ris l>iy,'pt, rii .hfitllUm Sf"7 tfi8 III ".S I If) ii(> '-■7 i.V> KU 141 '4.1 •45 147 1.1 1 I.S.? I.ri l.=;7 '59 !'1 J -X.WJii XXaIV. XXXV. xxxv/. x.wvn. XX.Wii,. XX.\/\. LIST OF UNCOLOURED PLATES Iff I .. ._ "* XL XL/. Xl.U. XI.KI. XI.IV XLV, XLV/. x/.\-ii. XIA//J. Cow I'ar-Mii,, "iinclil)irry '"'lian f'ip^. •■^'""""ain Kl,,,,!,,,!.',, 'Iron -■^''■^1 .\lai,|,„s '"ik(.arlic '■■'y-spo,u.,i ()r,|,is' -''"■•'S (-aiupi,,,, He!».st,aun afUfoUun, ■ ll/racUun, /,„u„,nn ■ \"''>"s ia,u„/c„si, rfl'odoUauh,,,, alhith,,,,,,, Cass,otc Mcrtcusunu, ' pluularis cniorta ■Uliuiii ccniuuin (-''■'/lis rotundifolia ■">'/'■"'■ acaulis . . ' ' I'yii'la as,ni/,,/i,, -■„,■ ' ■ ''AfiE . !()_• . 105 . I f i(j • '71 • ';,i ■ '77 '■^•-4 I ,SS UK) JoX -I J KeJ ■ i'>5 iftfj 177 I ,ss .'((() ;o.X • - 1 _' ' -'-7 LIST OF C'OLOL'RED PLATES Rid Indian ['aim Jinisli \Mmc Indian J'amt Mrn- Hra.ll.try.s I'anited Ciiii I'all l->i(iy.ininn Chalice Cnp . . I'nrplr I lr.l\>arnni U'liitc lliilv-annn ^\''ioIiy I.aljr.i(l(jr Tia Wild liflinir..|)c Calypsi) . . U'lstt-rn Giliiinliiic Water Willuw-luTh N''>rt!iern Iwii, Uh,\\\ Wild Flax . •Miiinitain i'liacelia ^'cII()w Adder's Tdnyi Dnmnnniid's Dryas I'rown eyed Sn^nn llairy llawkweed . iKiiXTI-l'IFl K C (ISlillt-jlI llllllitllil CuslilL-i,! I^illli,/,,. /';/; /■:n\,,/.,nuiii iiiiilu-il.itiiin niiii'is .lih-iuoiir turiilriitiilis Ilri/ysiiriiiii lunailc llcdysaiiiiii siilf-/iiir,:u;-iis /-fdiiiii unnilaiuli, uiii I cli'ii, 111,1 sit.iuiisis Calyf^si, I'lilhosa ■ l'!iiilc(/ia ionnnsti /■til''hiiiiii l(i/ifiilii(iii l.'uiihca h, oralis lar. aiiu-ri l.inuiii l.riK-isii I'lhUiiui snicca liiythl-oiuuiu iH)dioide,>. I"ee. Loug Bcccli Peru. 2. P. alpestris. (Hoi)pe.) Mett. Tujtid Ihwh l-cni. 3. P. l)ryoi)teris. (L. ) I'ce. Oaklurii. II. Adianti-m. (Tourn.) L. I. A. pedatum. L. Maidcniuiir. III. Pn-Kis. L. I. P. aquilina var. lanuj^inosa. P.onij. C'linmnu Hruckcn. IV. ClIEILAN i IIES. .^sw. I. C. I'eei. Moore. Slender Lip Fern. V. Pell.ta. Lin! . I. P. atropurpurea. (L.) Link. I'lirplc Clitl Ihakc. \l. C^KvrrocKAM M A. \i. P,r. 1. C". acrostichoides. R. Pr. Xootka Rock lU-akr. 2. (". .^telleri. ( ( iniel. ) i' Slender Rock Bnikc. VII. Asi'LEMTM. L. 1. A. viri.le. Iluds. Green Spleen:eort. 2. A. cyclosorum. Rupr. La rye Lady Fern. \'ni. POLYSTUIUM. Roth. I. P. Lonchitis. (L.) Roth, llollx Fern. •il % ■i m General Key to the Families IX. X. Asi-llilUM. Sw. 1. A. Filix-mas. (L.) Sw. Male Slucld F.rn. 2. A. si)miilo.sum var. dilatatum. (Hoffm.) Spinulosc Shield 1-crn. 3- A. Oreoptcris. Sw. Scaly Shield Fern. C Y.sroiTKRis. Hernh. 1. C. frasilis. (L.) Hernh. Brittle Pent. 2. C. montana. (Lam.) IJcrnh. Mcnnitain lent. Hook. Bladd er II. OPHIOGLOSSACE^. ADDER'S TONGUE FAMILY Leafy, fleshy plants; leaves simi.le or branched, fern-like erect HI vernation, the hud placed either insi.le the base of the old sf,lk or beside it; sporanj^ia borne in s,.ikes or panicles formed from the main tissue of the fruiting branches. I. BOTRYCIIIU.M. Sw. 1. B. Lunaria. (L.) Sw. Moottivort. 2. B. simi)lex. E. Small Moomeort. 3- B. virginianum (L.) Sw. Rattlesnake Fern. 4. B. lanceolatum. (Gmel ) Angstroem. Sleitdcr Mooit'a'ort. ORDER 11. EQUISETALES III. EQUISETACE.ffi. HORSETAIL FAMILY Rush-like green plants with jointed usually hollow stems from running rootstocks; the branches verticillate, with toothed sheaths at the nodes, and when fertile bearing the sporangia beneath the scales of the terminal cone-shaped spikes. I. EyuisETUM. (Tourn.) L. 1. E. arvense. L. Field Horsetail. 2. E. pratense. Ehrh. Thicket Horsetail. 3. E. sylvaticum. L. Jl'ood Horsetail. 4. E. scirpoides. Michx. Rttsh Pipes. 5. E. fluviatile. L. Swatup Horsetail. 6. E. variegatum. Schleich. Variegated Horsetail. 7. E. hyemale. L. Scouring Rttsh. General Ki'\ to the Ftimllii's ORDER III. LYCOPODIALES IV. LYCOPODIACE^. CLUB MOSS FAMILY Low-fjrowiiifj moss-like ])l;mts with hrancliiii^'. trailing' or erect stems: leaves small, lanceolate, persistenl, entire; sporan^^ia soli- tary in the axils of the leaves, or on their uinier surface. Isopor- oiis. I. Lv'tofonirM. L. 1. L. annotiinim. L. St}fi Club Moss. 2. L. clavatuni. L. Crccpimj Club Moss. 3. L. Selaj,'o. L. Fir Club Moss. 4. L. alpiniim. L. .llpiiic Club .Mass. 5. L. sitchense. Rupr. .Irctic Club .Moss. 6. L. complanatum. L. Tniiliuy Cliristnias Grrcn. V. SELAGINELLACE-ffi:. SELAGINELLA FAMILY Small, leafy terrestial plants with branching stems; leaves -icalc- like, many-ranked, uniform; sporangia one-celled, solitary, axillary or hornc at the hasc of the upper surface of the '.''af. lleteros- porous. I. Beauv. 1. S. selaginoides. (L.) Link. Small .Schufinclla. 2. S. rupestris. (L.) Spring. Rock Sclayiiiclla. DIVISION II. SPERMATOPHYTA (Seed-plants, Piianeroc.mia, or Flowerixg Plants) Flowers with stamens, or pistils, or both. Normal reproduction by seeds c .taining an embryo or minute plant. SUBDIVISIOX I. GYMXOSPKRM/E ORDER IV. CONIFERALES VL TAXACEffi. YEW FAMILY Trees or shrubs; sparingly resinous; leaves evergreen or de- ciduous, linear, spreading in two ranks; flowers dicccious, or rarely ii li ji'i hi . i Irf f. i I 1 ' 11 \ ; H l^:i Orner,,! K,y /o tl,,- Families ::r ""'"^ -->-"."ai«„-c„a,. .„,,„,,, I. Twis. I. r I I oiirii. ) I,. VII. PINACE^. PINE FAMILY TrcTs or slinil,^. iiK.^tlv tvcrLTccti- 1,..,, n . '■ I'iMs. rroiirn.) f.. '• '• ■■'ll'icanlis. V.u^,\nx. U-hitc-bark Pine -■ • """"H-ula. I),,,,;;!. .l/,„<„/,„„ /',,,, 3- '■• p'MKkrosa. Dnii-l. /,'„// /',„,• 4. I'. c.,M,<„-,a var. Murrayana. lin^dn,. Lo,U,c Pole II. L.\ki\. (T.Hirii) Adaiis. ' '■>•'"'■'■ ''•"•I- l-xall's Lanh. Ill- I'UK.\. Link. '• ';• ""^"'^•"^is. (Mill., MSI-. U-kitc spruce IV . 7 ' • ';"^^'"'"""'- '"a-Tv. /^.^.•/„„„nr..S>n.v. IV. AiiiKs. ( JDMrn.) jljll. ' I. A. lasiocarpa. ,i|,H,k.) Xutt. /^.,/..,n» /wr V- IsrcA. (I'.tull.) Carr. ^■;J:-J;— 'MWulla. ,Ral.) Nar^. //■../,■., //,;;,/„.^. VI ,,:;, •''■'■'"'^'•■'■■'■•'- "■•■"•-» ^■■•'■•••. -v.'-,/,„w/..,/,Hi.. \ 1. I Ml iKiTsn.A. ( arr. • . '■ ••■taxih.lia. I'.riti.M,. />oii,/las l-ir. \ II. I IIIVA. I.. '• I'- I'i'^-ata. Donii. A',„' tV,/,/r. \ 111. jr\ii'KNi>. ( ■{■(lurii.) I.. >. .1. >co,,nlnnnn. Sar^. h'orky .\fo,u,t<,in Juniper -'. .1. l.unxn.ualis, .M,H-nch. C>.v^,„y y,;„y,,, 3- J. cniniunis var. inoniana. .\i,. ,//;,„„. y,,,„y,^.,. (tin era/ Kry to the in mil us sl;iji)I\ isiox II. AX .i()sri:KM.i-: Class I. Moxoioi vij;im,m...i,; ORDER V. PANDANALES VIII. TYPHACE^. CAT-TAIL FAMILY .\(|ii;itiv: (ir marsli lnrli> witli cni piiii; roDtstnrks ; K.ivi> lurvid. linear. m.'>m1i-: lluutr> lUDiicfcious, nuimrdu- mi a ^palix ili^iitnti' 1)1 i>rr.pir lliiral iiuiluin' ; fruit luit like, uMially >|.Iiitm- on uiir sidf. I. Tvi'iiA. (Tniirn.) I.. I. T. latit'i.lia. I.. lUoiid-loiiwi Cat-tml. IX. SPARGANIACE^. BUR-REED FAMILY Marsh or aiiuatic luTh> with trcct or tloatiiiK Miin- ; liaM-s ahirnati.-. linear, lessile. two-ranked; llowers nionl)ular. se»ile or pedunculate heads; I'ruii nnt-Iike. ol>ovnid or siiindle-sh;ii)ed. I. Si'.\K(.\Nii-M. (Touru.) T.. I. .S. .siniple.x. Iluds. Simph-stcmmcii lUii-t\cd. ORDER VI. NAJADALES X. NAJADACE.ffi. PONDWEED FAMILY Marsh or ininur>ed a(|uatic lurhs with slend-r, jointed. Iiaty stems; leaves flat or fditorin. sheathini; at the ha>e; tlndui-cd. li (' i ii ' II d* ii ^^■•■"•"'11 K.y to II,.- r„mili,., XI. JUNCAOINACE*. ARROW GRASS FAMILY i. 'I"ki(;i.()( iii.v. I,. '• '■■ I'al"str>.. L. .,/,„,/, ,,,,^^,.^, ^^^^^^ ORDER VII. GRAMINALES XII. GRAMINE^. GRASS FAMIL\ Herbs with culms closed at the no,l i co..sis,i.,^ of a sheath a,'l - , ^^ ''' ^"^ Parallele.l-veine.l, arran^^ed in sr.ikelets- r / '"■' ^'''''''' '''> ^'"a". SL'BF.\.\fii V i'o.\roinp:,T: TKII!!.; .\(;ROSTIDf.:.i.: I- Pfrr.EiM. L. '• I'. .nlpi,nnii. I.. ,//;./„,. n,,,^// , n. C.\;k()sti.s. Adans '•'••canadensis. (Miehx.) H.auv. W^c-joinl Grass. TRIHR FKSTLTFF HI. POA. L. V. u^oJ^^T '■ ""'-''' '-'""^ ^'--■ '• ''•/i'^'^--'7l-"ii van paliidus. (Hook.) Shear fringed Ihomc Grass. TRIIU: UORDir.K Vr. IIoRi.ErM. (Tourn.) L. •• ". jul.atnm. 1.. S. m,,-.t\\ v.,|i,l cnlins aii.l cloM-d sluaths; tlowiTs .^piki.l in ilu' ,i\il. ,,i tli, inl.ii cati'd liracts. dotitiitc of any luriaiitli : iriut an .1 hiiu'. ■ri!>,i Tkiiii: xiikATRi: 1-: f 'I'OFIKM.IA. Flii.Is. -■ I- iMluMns |,,„U .SV„/n,v/,./..^/„„,,;, ■'^"'"''- ,V I • "CCl.liiit.ilis. \\ .itsnii I'r.w- n- "• ^^---nn-M. ,<.rav.; K;„!,n • "-'•'" •'■^M.'./.V. >. >. occ.lnual... (.ray. Ihoucc Ihll. III. /V.,M.KN,S. Michx. '■ :^- '■''-''"^- ''"r^l> l"I. Crcru Lily 'V. \iKMKru , T V ■ ''"■"'"""•^- (".v// /.,7v. '• ^'^ viri.Ic. Ait. /„,/•„, //,.//,/,„,,. T'^""'i; .M.I.IK.i: \'. .Xi.i.ii-M. rToiin,,) [.. '■ -^^ ^•.^■••>n>nm. Rntli. /'/„/, CarlU: -'. .\. Scli(i>i)()pr,isiim ,..,_ ,,i ■ • (niurnl KfY to the iatiiilui '1 Kii'.i. I. II. 11. i; l.ii i.M. ( rotirii ) I,. I. 1.. iiiiiiii.imiin A. N(N, Mmiiiliiiii l.ilw _• I., i-ojuiiil.i.inuiii. Il.l^^^.ll. II \iltni l.tly. I'ki i III \ki \. I.. I. I'. iiiKJiiM. ^ ;7/i'.\' l-ntilUuy. I'.KVI IIKli.Nlt M. I.. I. I'.. ),'''ii"ii. Villi'U- .lilJir's li'iuiti,-. J. I'.. ur.iiiilitlorniM \.ir |v.irviiliirimi W.ii^oii. Siihil! ) < //ii.\' . Iilil, r's I I'lij/iw. 3. I". iiiDiil.iinmi. WatMiii. Monntam ././,/.» j- T,'iu/ui\ I M c" iiM(u !■', rur-li. I. I', iiiacmcari.ii-. hoiiijl. (,').•. ;j A, /x,/,,/ l/,;r;/',),v.;. J. ( . I.\,il!ii. ii.ikir. /'.;/, M.nif'Kui. \ I. \li \ 111. I\. X. XI. XII. XIII. X I \ . I Kll:i l'< »I.^ lii IN All 1, C'l.INTnNl A. K'.it. I. « '. uiiilliira. Kuiitli. (Jii, iiit tif. ."^Mll. \( i.\ \. I h-i. I. .'^. aiiipit Mi'aniis. Xiitt. /'o/.v.- S(>h>iii,:ci)\il .ShIouk'h's Sitil. DlM'uKIM. .. .Miclix. 1. .'^. .iiui.Iixifolins. (I,.) DC. iriiitr /'.\/,v/.-,/-.v/'. -'. .'^. r()>iti-<. .Miclix. I'iiik 7\\i.v/.-,/ .v/,;//,'. Kniiim- \. 1. K. >trcpt()|i()i(K-,, (l.i(kl).) KiariKv. Slunt-shiiunul Tz.'istCilsUilk. XVII. IRIDACE^. IRIS FAMILY llcrlis with nM)t>ti)ck>. tiiljcrs or curms; leaver i(|uit.iiit. --luatli- iiip, liiR-ar, Iwn-rankcd ; tlowirs ri,!,'ular or imj^Miiar. pirtici. tnim :i .'^iiatlic of two or more leaves or liracts; friiit tlir<.c-cclk«"'- 'IKMM-. c^i'Rii'i;i)i|.:i,: C VI-k/i^KliUM. I,. '• ( . piiliesciiis. ( \\in,| \ L- ■ I / 7 ■ 1**111(1.) Kiiisr It. / iirnr r.//- - r^parviHornn.. Sa,.,,. s,.,U r.V/o. A./,, ^,^. 3. C-. pass.ri,u„„. R.ehanls. IHutc Moccasin flo.rr. 'rKiii|.; ()i-i I R VI ).].:.].■ 'f. Ok. HIS. (Tnuni./ I 3- If. ol.tusatn. (Pursi,.),.,.,. ,, „ Orchis. M^Hanls. \orthcni Rein S. n trracilis \\J r^ ^-''^'fy f^rin Orchis. Orchis. ^ ^^ '''■■'■• ^^'"'"^l-l^'o'^rd Rein General Key to the J'tinii/ies I I TRii'.i'. .\i;()TTii;.i'; I\'. SriKANTiiKs. Ivichanls. I. S. R()m;m/(.tri,iii,i (ham. //.).'(/,•,//.(/,//. .v" //.-.o,-..-. \. I'JMi'AcTis. (llalkr. ) I'.orlim. 1. !•:. (k-cipicns. .iio:. ; Alius. .S/,.„/ /v',;///,-.v)i,;(-.' I'liiiiliiiii. 2. I-;. rciH'iis. i., Crar.u. Small KullUsiuikc J'lan- Idill. \'I. I-i.>^rKk.\. K. I!r. I. L. cc.nlata. (I..) K. |!r. UiiUtlrainl Twayhladc. J. i-. coiivallarioidf.s. (.Sw.) 'lorr. Ihoadlit^t^cd 'ri,'it\- bhidc. Tkll!!". I".I"lI)K\I)Ri:,i': \'II. (.'oKAi.i.oKiiizA. (Ilalkr. ^ I-:. I'.r. 1. C. tritula. Cliatclam, lutily Coral Root. 2. f. niaculata. Raf. Spotted Coral Root. 3. ('. .striata. I.iiidl. St rifled Coral Root. 4. (-". MiTtc'n iaiia. lioiif^r. Sf^urrcd Coral Root. \III.'So. Sali^l). I. C. (L.) Oakos. Cla.s.s II. I)U()tvij:i)()m;.i.: Subclass I. .hc/iiclilaiiiyilecc ORDER XI. SALICALES XIX. SALICACE.^. WILLOW FAMILY Trees or .slinil.s, the wood soft and li-Iit. hark hitter; k-avcs alternate iindivi(k'(l; flowers of l)oth kinds in catkins, one to each bract, without perianth; fruit a pod l)earing numerous seeds fur- nished with lonj.^ silky down. I. S.\i,ix. Ci'ouni.) L. 1. S. Candida, I'hisse. Hoary IVilUm. 2. S. Barciayi. An(k>rs. Barclay's H'ilUnc. 3. S. Barrattiana. Barratt's H'illon.: ( M V k • If jlj M 4^ ^ \ \ i % J2 It!!^Z!iUt!y_!lJ/'^- t''"uiius 'i<-l'l>iat)a. iJ. 4- .^. iithbiana. Sarwut ii r <. ■ .- • 'iij,*.!!!. Jir()7t.'ll U II,,' • 7- >. vcs,,ta. i,,r.,, //,„ ,/._^J>- «• -^^ >.tcl,c„,s,s. Sanson. SiHu, If II '" ' 'i^-^- ( lonrti.) f,. • ■' '"^^>^- llrstcn, Balsam Potior. t ottoiit^'ood. 4 r acuminata, kvdl,. ORDER XII. PAGALES XX. BETULACE^. BiKCH PAM.I.Y -'a"- appearing ..,,; '^l tZT:^^- ^^?'-'— ' ^ '^'-.-s '- '-ile cluster.!, spik.d. oM c ir";^''' ^'^'^''^ ■" "'^i-, ^- f5KTri..\. (Tonrn.) I.. '• 'i- fontinalis. SarL-- ni,.i !,■ , P"Pn-B,;l '''■ '""^^"-- (Marsh.) Spach. 3. n. .Ian,IuIosa. ^fic,,. Z^,,,y ;,,,^., '■ -\- sinuata. { Rco--.! ^ ,.,. „ -V sitc,u.nsis. xu;::\.;:;t/::r''''--^''''- ORDER XIII. URTICALES XXI. URTICACE^. NETTLE FAMILY lfcrl,,s raroly shrul.s. uith u-,„.r, • ■ amily: ieave.s alternate or „ " , ? f""'' '^^''-'.^-'.^ to a lar.e "-vers a sn.all. Wi.cions, n,,^!^ ^^1"" '■ ^'""'^"^- -"!"': tercel: fnu-t an achene. "' I'"lvga.nou.s, variously clu.s- J- L'rtka. (Tourn.) L ,t'^' 'ri.kS' J r-l? >• ^^ w,.»#. (iriu-ral Key to flu- I'rniii/irs M ORDER XIV. SANTALALES XXII. SANTALACE^. SANDALWOOD FAMILY I'l:'"'"' '''\ " '"" "■^■^"; '^■^'^•^■^ ^•"'i'-^'- ^vith..nt Mi,n,i,..: ,],.wct. soluary or cl,.u.n..,. ax.nary .,r ..rnnnal, caKx vaivau. ,n „.. ul N u, ,,,^^ 'r„,.or„.,., tfK .sccl quinary. .Irstilutv ol any proper secd-coa I. Tom \.\|)u.\. Xiitt. '• t;. palhMa. A. IX'. irhitr Conunnlra. -'• * . Kidianl.. .V.-.v;///. („«„„„/,,, 3- C. Richar.lsiana. IVrnal.I. (;;v.„ c',.,;,,,,,,,,,,. XXIIL LORANTHACE^. MISTLETOE FAMILY rhiHb ^lm,M.y plan,, parasinc o„ trees; Laves coriaceo„s. „p. posue regular, ^, or nine hr.nvn ; tlouers !n axillary or terminal clusters or solitary; tiiioiis pulp. I. An Iruit a herrv uuh oju- eKtTnui;ii-M. i;ic-l). I. A. aniericaiium. Xutt. iriuhS Ihoom. ORP- XV. POLYGONALES XXIV. POLi CE.E. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY Hcrhs shruhs or ui.h stipules i„ the for.u of sluaths ahove lartcct. uuh a more or less persistent calyx; fruit au achene. ' I. Kkux.DsvM. Michx. 1. K. luuhellatum. ear. majus. Reuth. T,II linoc,onum 2. E. oval.lohum. Xutt. Silvery lino,,ouum ' TT „-^- '■- ''»";''::;-^-''<--^'">"- '''-nth. Ik^mf Enugonmn. I. (). di^^vna. (L.) [liii. Mouutam Sorrel. 111. Rr.MEx. I,. 1. K. salicifolius. ll-ilhne-lcared Dock. 2. R. \cetosa. L. ^onunon S.nrcl. ( Introducer! ) 3. R. Aceto.sella. L. Vicld Sorrd. ( Introduce,!. )' M 1 i : \-\ ^ i^ f. • ! i I i, ! »! I K ;i I ule opening by valves at liie summit. I. Are.nari.\. L. 1. A. lateritlora. L. Blnvt-Uarcd Saiidxcori. 2. A. ca])illaris van iiardi folia. (Ledeb.) Kegel. A'l;;-- i\yw-lcavcd Siiniiwort. 3. .\. verna var. jji-opinqua. (Richards.) Fernald. I'cnuil Sandwort. 4. .\. sajanensis. Willd. Onc-Iloiccrcd Sandicort. H. Stk!.i.ari.\. L. 1. S. loiigi])es. Cloldie, Lonci-stalkcd Slilcln>.'ort. 2. S. borealis. liigel. Xortitcrn Stitcliwort. HI. Cf.r.vstum. L. 1. t". arvense. L. Field Mouse-car C/i /cA-rivn/. 2. C. alpiiuim. L. Alpine Mouse-ear Chiekieeed. m OcnnjilKcy to the Families 15 1\'. I.VdiMs. (Iniirn.) I,. '■ '•■ aiutala. I.. Xoddiiuj /'ink. -• I- iJriini'iiuiidii. (Hook 1 w-,, . m j,jiil. MiooK.) Wats. Ihummomrs y- Sfl.K.VK. I.. -'■ ^- l-all.i. Wats. /,v„//-,vc „/./,/. 3. S. aca.ilis. |.. .1/,,,,, Ca,np,on. XXVll. PORTULACACE^. PURSLANE FAMILY I. Lewi.sia. l'iir>li '.I- mliviva. I'ursh. lUltcr-root. li. ()iu:oi;ro.m\. [IoucH. |.>vt},. 1- *■ > cotvK'doii. ilorti'll Strlh.i n, I ni. C.^vo.s-,..- ...ronov.. , •^"'^'/ ^'-'■"'""-^ ..r.Ia„o.olata. I'ur.h. /-..v-/..,..,.,/ .V^m, /,,„.,, 3. C. parv.folia. Do„.I. .V..;//-/..:.,/ .V/.n„,; /;,„„,,. ORDER XVIII. RANUNCULALES XXVIIL NYMPH^ACE^. WATER LILY FAMILY •\q„afc perennial herhs u„l, horizontal rootstocks ■ U.,ves ,.el ate or ,l..,,lv eonlate. involute front hoth n,ar J„s 'in , ,' ," ""•"•-V- or in,merse,l: tlouers perfect ax.lla > "' ' l-h,ncles: fruu haccate. .ith a Hr,,; nnil '' '''''''''' ""'' '""« J- Xv.MiMi.ic.x. (l-oiirn.) L '■ X^Hv.epaIa. (H„,eln..) (ireene. JV//.:e Po„d XXIX. RANUNCULACE^. CROWFOOT FAMILY Yv ffki ■•(.. ii! M i() Genernl Key to the Faniiiii's times with stipiilc-likc aijpciulaircs, alti-rnatc or rarely opjHisiti'; tlnwcrs polypitalotis or apclaloiis witli tlic calyx ofti'ii cnlourcil like a corolla, hypi)<,'yiioii.-, ; fruit arluiK-s or foljicks or haccatc. TRiiM-: Axi-.MoM-.r: I. Kantnc fi.fs. (Toiirn.) !,. 1. R. acris. I.. Mctulii:^' lUilli-imf'. (Introduced.) 2. R. Macoutiii. I'.ritton. Muct'iin's lUiltcicup. 3. R. I'lsclisclioitzii. Sclilect. Siinw lUittcrmf^. 4. R. ('Miilialaria. ^llr^ll. Ci\:pi\iii CfiH^'liuit. 5. R. aquatilis. (I..) var. capillaceus. 1 )(, . IWilcr L rori'/ ()('/. 6. R. rejita-is. (1.) Mey. Cri-,piii(/ Spi-i-t. 7. R. rejieiis. I,. yflliKy- Crin.-ioot. (Introduced.) S. R. i)yj,Mii;eus. Wall). I'upny lUitlcrcup. II. I'll AMI TRIM. ( Tnuru.) L. 1. r. occidentale. ( iray. U'cslrni Mcailo:^' Rnc. 2. r. nieijacariiuni. Torr. \'c\\\\ Ma.\doxc line. III. Anemonk. ( Tourn.) I.. 1. .\. occidentals. Wats. Clidlicc Cup. 2. A. nuiitilida. I'oir. //'/;/(/ /"/oa'cr. 3. A. nrumniondii. Wats. .11 pine Anemone. 4. .\. parvitlora. Micli.\. I-eze-thneered .Inenione. 5. .\. l)atens var. WoItj,'aii!.,Mana. (I'.ess.) Koch. Pas- (]ue Floxeer. TRir.i-: cLr.MATii)F..r: I\'. Clematis. L. 1. f. ligusticifolia. Xutt. W'liite Clematis. 2. C. Columbiana. (Nutt.) 1". and G. Purple Clema- tis. TRIBE HKLF.IU)RF..K \'. Caltha. (Rupp.) L. 1. C. leptosci)a!a. DC. Alpine Marsh-marigold. 2. C. palustris. L. Marsli-mariyold. W. Troi.i.ii's. L. J. T. laxus var. albiflorus. Salisb. ll'hite Globe Plox^'cr. ••■'Vflii»,f^ ",■ \ll. Aorii.H.iA. (Iniini. I I.. -■• A. l.nviM.vla. ||,.ok. Hlnc Columhnir V A. Mavc-sccMs. Wats. Velio:, Cohunbuu: \lll- DKi.niiMiM. (Toiirn.) I.. '• '> lin.unii. Rs.ll, .l/„m,/„/„ /.„,/,,y,„, -'• I). Mrn-c'sii. DC. /,7„.. I,„rks[^ur. ,?. I), hn'iildf Viift HI,, • ~. .: I I I IX. A(t.,.:a. I.. '^'"^-"nu-d l.arhs/^ur. '• •)■ •■"'"■•''• '-^i') \\ill'l. A',-,/ />'.,;„7v/n. -'• A. nihra lornia iicf;lccta. ((iill,,,; // ////<■ Ihincbcrrx. Ill- ) t\()|)iiis()ii. XXX. BERBERIDACE^. BARBERRY FAMILY Shrul.s or hcrh. ; I.avcs cn„„,.n„„I „r .livHol. ah.rna,. .lilu..! 5;::;f^:;:;l-r;;:;;:;:::'-!:;;;:::— ^ "H ar..I oppnsUc ,., ,!,.,„; fpu, a hn-.y or a ,„h1. f- liERIlKKIS. ('i'oiiril.) L. '• ';•,.. I.i„.ii. A>„,/,, .i/„,„,.„-„ ^^., -'• I.. a<|,nroliMn.. I'l.rsh. Qn-you (,><,/,,. ORDER XIX. PAPAVERALES XXXI. PAPAVERACE^. POPPY FAMILY umerons seeds ' ' '"'-"■'"-"'■"-; ^""t a dry pod w.,h a or mime I- f'.\i'.\vi:K. (Totirii.) I.. '• '"• •■''pinum. I.. Antic Poppx. XXXn. FUMARIACE^. FUMITORY FAMILY Hclicate smooth lu-rhs with uaterv i„l i ="Cted. usually nltern-.r>. n ' "' ' '"*'"''' '^"'"pouml, dis- se tin Mil! 1k( ! H iifl I.* I 4 I ! I 111 f8 Gftieral Key lo the luimi/i.-s them spurml or saocatr at tlu- Ikim, tlir iniuT pair narn.u.r. iluir calloHs-crcstr.l tii.s utMU.I ..vcr l\u- Mij-nia; fruit a |h,.1 ontaiiiiu); one or more sieds, I. Dkemha. lieiith. I. I), foriiinsa. DC. ll'iLI lUccdnu, h,;i, ;. 2.1) iiiiillnra. Kell. ()iu--lhi:,rr,,l lil,,;li,i,/-luiiit. II. (OKYIIMIS. (Dill.) Midic. I. ( . aiiroa. Willd. d'oUni (\'ry,l,i!i.^. XXXIII. CRUCIFER^. MUSTARD FAMILY licrhs Willi pim.iiriu waitry jiiirc: leave- alternate: llnw^rs erii df.irm. tetr.Klviiamnii.. re-iilar, in terminal racemes ,,r crvnih, ; Irm't a Mlique or Mliele. v,.nielimes nut-like, the j.n.N au;ive tile eiiief nf the i^ener.i. TRIill-: .\i.N ssi:.K I. Dkaha. (Dili.) I.. I. D. inc.tna. [,. //■;((■/,• //7(/7/<>:e Cniss. J. D. ionchocarpa. Kydh. Loiuj-poddcd Whitlow Cnixs. 3. D. pr.ealta. Sfriiif/ iriiillow (iiuss. 4- D. aurea. \alil. Cddiii Whitlow (Jrass. 5. D. alpiiia. I.. .Ilpinc llhitlow Crass. (>. D. nivalis. I.iljl,. .Irctic llhitlow (iniss. 7. 1). Rlacialis. .\.lams. /'„/.• Vdlow llliitlow Grass. TRiiii: iMns.\Rii:.i-: II. I'iiv--.\Ri.\. (irav. I. I', (lidynioc.irpa. (Honk.) Cray. Hladdcr-pod. TRini: i.i:pii)ir.7-: Til. Tiii,A.m'i. (Tourn.) I.. I. ■J\ arvcusc. L. I\;u,y Cress. (Introduced.) I\'. Lei'idiu.m. (Tourn.) I.. I. L. apetaium. Willd. t'cppcr drass. 'I'RUW. C.\.Mi:i.I\F..E \'. Capski.i.a. Medic. I. (,;. Rursa-pastoris. (L.) Medic. Shepherd's Purse. ( Introduced.) Gctwral Key to //,,■ /V/m/V/Vt i<) \i. Si.-'i.w. Dtsv. ■||."a,.,>,n.n>. |!.,.>s. //,./, „/ ,v/. /,.„/,„,„ ,„. trudiict'l. ) TRIi.i: SIS\ MUkli: •,.; ^111. SiSVMMKii M. I ,,i,r, ) I tdlil. ^. S al„.M„u„n. I.. /„// //,.,/,,, .,/,„,„/ ,,,„^„. (Inciil. ) 3. S caiusans. X„tt. /■„/,• 7„„,v .1/.,/,,,,/ 4. S. .MciM.m. i:,„vlm. HcsUrn Tans, M us,„nl. I A. I.i<.\v\. M.rnl.. .-,n,| ||ni.,,e. '• I'- '".nulis. (ALv.^ ,,^,,„^.^„ ^^,^,^/^_.^^^ ^.^^^^ I ''('A'.S". X. lluvsiMiM. ( r,,uri,,) I.. '• '■:• I'.Tvidnruni. .\,„l. y,v,„/,. .U,M/„n/. TKini; AkAiiiDi;.].: Xf. R.M.Kri.A. (Dill.) 11,11, '• '^- ■'^'f "'■;i"">-a.|Matic,,„,. ,[.., I'.rittn, an,! Rnullc .. „ " '"''>' <->■''■'■■''■ (Introduce,!.) MI. Cari.amixe. (T(nirii.) I.. I. C. pcnnsylvan . M„l,l. //Vu/.- A',//,.;- (>.., 2. (. l.dluh.olia. L. .///.,;,.- /,•,//,, c>,, A 111. ,\r\|;is. I.. i-SS. :ss. I. -\. Horn..m. Sto,n' Roclc Crss ^. A. nrsuta. (I..) Sep. llaux Roch Crcs, 3- A. I)rnmmon.lii. (iray. Dnunmond's Rock C res, 4. A. jrlal.ra. (I..) Henih. .Sm..//, AW O.^.v. " 5- A. LyailM. \\ ats. LyalVs Rock Cress 1 1^ 2f) (icttiiiil Ki\ t'j l/ir ftinii/irs 0RDP:R XX. SARRACENIALES XXXIV. DROSERACE/E. SUNDEW FAMILY llofr IhtIis. iiiii>tl\ vi>ci(| f^l.iiicliilar: Kavrs in Ini.l mll.d up finm ilir apex t(i tlif '.avc a> in f. riis, alicrn.ilc ..r orowil. ,|, niiin-, ilnw irx h>|M)s,'viiui;s. i.tnst.iiiuiMiis, iinliricati.l, p. laN cuiuoliilc; iniii a cip-ulr, s^■t■ll^ miiiKriiii>, aiLiiropini^. 1. l)Kn-Kl<\. I,. I. i>. rdtiindit'olia. I.. h\iiiii(ll,;ivrilSiiiiili-u: -'. I). loiiKiiolia. I., J.i'iu/ li;i:,;l Siiihli:,: i ORDER XXI. ROSALES XXXV. CRASSULACE^. ORPINE FAMILY .u-i'iilriu siiiiiiitli IutI.^, Ica\i'> Miii|,lf, allrniatc. hiumIv scvmIc; tlnwiTs iiMi.illy i-yiius. Mii.ill. |ifri\'(ily s\ miiut ricil ; t'riiil a ti.ll(ipri.-i, : ,. I'lirsli. .S/,-;;,', j ■i/', XXXVI. SAXIFRAGACE^. SAXIFRAGE FAMILY llorhs or sliniljs of various aspect, with IiI.mkI or astrini,'cnt jiii'-i'; Ic.-ivos nlii-rnatr. soiiictiiiu'-, oppo-itr. or iiion- tnipicutlv l)a-.;il; tlowfrs portVct. rai-ritios,-. oyiiio..i. ..r paniculate, st.niuiis .'iiul petals iie.irly always inserted on the calyx : fruit capsular, iisu.illy he.'iked. TRir.i: .sA.xiiR.'Gi-.r: I.'TAKKHKN \. T.row II. I. [.. aiuplexi folia, (.^ternl).) ser. DC. I.cptanJicna. il. IJOVKINIA. Xutt. 1. li. occideiitalis. T. and ( i. H'cstcni lU' .kiuia. III. Saxifkaca. Crourn.) I.. \. S. hronchialis. I.. Common Sa.vifr.ujc. 2. .S. cennia. L. Xoddimj Sa.vt/ni^c. T^^ ^'^ Crrthffi/ Kry If, if,,- h'n,uili,s IV \-, \ I. Ml. \ III, X. .?■ S. I.v.liii. I n^l.r, / W///V A,,.,,/;,,,;. 5- ■^. I. a, ill,. 1.^ ./,'/'/,;.r///,,',/, . <;. >. a•,. |„ .///..,./;,,„,/, .s„,,„,,„^/ "• ■'^- "l'l"->'ii,.l,.,, I.. i/„„„,„„,, ,s„, ■,/,„:..• ..'-'■ -^^ -"'""'^v I.. )V//,..v,s„.n/, ,„/,.. I I \iu I I \. I.. ,,'■ '• """"''•".'. Il,„,k. .V,„;„ ,.:■.,■-//;.„,„„„/ IlK! Ii I |( \. I.. '• ''■ "^■•''"■"''■■'. Xnt,. <>:„ll,;,l,,l .llun, N..,„ , -^^ "■ -'•'''•"•'• l-.m,|.,. /;,... ./v.//,„» A'.-,,/ I-I 1 U-'IIIK M,M \ \,|,, '■ '•■ '^"'■ll''- ^nit. ;/■ //,„;,/ .s7,/r I Ki.M\! \. K. l:r. '• '■■ unuHluI,,,,, ,i',n-.|i , |.,„„i, •/,,/,„„„ •\"i' 1 I \. I I .i,irn. ) I.. '• M. r.r.u.n, (,r.iy. M ii ,,■:,;,, i. -'• -^l- "11. 1,1. I.. /hsli.'pS C.ip. ?>■ M. l.riuaiwlr.i. jiuuk. /■/,■,■ ,,,,„;..,/„•,/ i/,/,, 4. .M. triliil... (.rah.un, .///.,„,■ \ln,,:.;nt (. iiiri,K.\n \i. ( r,,iirn.) I.. '■ *• ""••'""IruMi, i-ri.... i...ld,n Saxnnn,,- I AN.v v.-.~:.\. ( rotirii. ) I.. ■/■/. 21 ■••'"1 I'VrnaM. .l/,,;-.,/, („„,„ „, '• I'. iii(>maiKii>is. Kvd f ';• ''""'na.a. Hanks. />.,,;..,/(;,.„,,„,/,,,,„,,,„, 4. 1. Kot.dmu. (ham. - /'^ur (.n,,.,v . 7 /'„,-„„,,,, XI. RiKis. 'iKiin: kini sii:.].: I- K. .-ct..Mm,. Li„,I!. luuth Cooscbory ^- K. lacMs.r... ,lvr>.) i",„r, .V:.„«,/. (;,„„,/,,nv. II ^' *. ! It i| ■' i"- f ■ J I* I ' 'PI Ml ill'; •V \ (irthniJ KiY /o ///«• la mil its 1 .1 K' lill.l.Miii.unilll.;,r.|>. lUn, k lunant. XXXVII. ROSACEA. ROSE FAMILY Tm-s, s|,n,l.> or lurl.,; Uav.s ,,!,. rna(.., sim,,!. or om.,..,,,.,.!. -n-Mis ln|,.uH.nn> Nu.l. s,i,,„|..,, ,luv,.r> ,Mrt...-, .„■ n.„..xu,,l r.«- •il-n- iM ryuu,. o.,M„l., ,,,„„.!.•> ,r .,,|i,.,rN, u„l, n„„un„„ ,|i, ti.K-t s,.„„,„s nis.rinl o„ ,lu. c-aUx. .. p.-.N „„n.-.l at ilw l.aM- „n. „ ••'l'l''.T.n, .1,,,,!,!. I. ,, ,„u ,.,■ I,ra.-.UN,„MM,I.; ,>„„ ....N ,„|li CK-. aclKiK', or .ini|„ I.I,, urili lutK- or ii.. allnmun. Tlvllll M'IIM:\ '• SiiK!:\, (Toiirii.) I.. -'. >. (liiiMll.ira. \iin. /'//,/,■ .s/^;/„,,. "• Ai>'i N' I >. I I . ) A.laiix ' A- mKoIct. (I..) KarM. (/,.,//•., l'u„,;l. III. I.I I KK \. lamir, I. I- iHTliiiala, rl'iir-li.) Kiiiii/c. .//;.,„.• S[^i,;c,i. 'iRii'.i !'< ).Mi: i-: W. i'vki-s, rrniini. ) !.. I. I'. sanilMu-iioha. ( . an,! S. Wc,tcn, Mount,,,,, Ash \ . .\\IKI, V\< II IKK. .Medic. r. A. tlori.Ia. I.iii.l (,/;;///,,.,; .V,"r /, ,7', vrv. J. .\. ' Msickii. j-rrnal.l. Thnk-Laicd Sn-:u,hcn-x. TRIIll- rOTFXTI! i.' 1 \'I. I'k\(,,\ui \. (Toiini.i I I. I", .trlaiica. U'lhi .S/,,i:,-lu-ny -•. I", l.raclrala. Ildlrr. // •,„.., Mra^Jur, y. \ II. Siiai.xi.iii \. i.. I. S. prociimheiis. I.. Crrcfinq Sihha'.iio \in. iNiTKNiii i,\. I.. I. I". Ansoriiia. I.. .V ;/:.»• //Vc,/. J. I', (lissfcta. i' Common Cinqtu-i oil. 3- !'■ •,■»•.■,/ ( ill, in, I. .il. IX. <.ll M I, ■■ • 1. irillorti "!'■ /'"'y/. (///./;,./,,;/. l:,Hs: ■'■k-n;| Kl|;|: ] ■^- '^I'iiiv (Toiirni I.. '• ^< I'.nMiluni.. x„n. („/./„.,,,. ''• ''■ N-nal„l,v i'„r,h S.,hn,.nh,-ny ■| K'li:i k. )si ]. XI- I)KV^^. I.. '; "■ "^-"n-ta!,-.. I.. //„,„/ A v;/,M.. -'■ I'. I 'riniiiiK.iKlii. I^i.-li n-.u /i ■Ml. K^.>^. , I. „„-„., I '''""•'" /'"""""""/. /;,v.,,v. I. K. • ^- acKular,. |.„„|1. /V,W/v A',,.,-. - Iv- M.iomnii. .1/, „,.,.„•,>■ A',M-,- .^ 1^. iryn,M,,.-ar,.a. \„M. 77,;v A-.m,-. 'I'kiMi I'Krxi: i: XIII. I'kiM„. (T,,„r„. ) I., '■ 'Va"""- '^""■' "'^•'^-''- ^rrsu-n, r/,„/.,. ^} 1 i I •I'l ;,i: '1' y| 24 (iftii-inl Key to the luimilics XXXVIII. LKGUMINOS^. PULSE FAMILY A very l.-.r^-, family -I shn.I.s, IutI.s .-uul vines; kavc-s alternate with siipni.s. nsually conip.nnHl; ll„wors n.ainlv in racemes or .-.Mllary. Urnnnal. solitary „r capita.e. papiliMnacenus or sometimes n-^'Mlar. the sni^le simple free pi>til hecomin.i,' a legume in fruif mm seeds solitary or several, withottt alhiimen. SL-I!i-.\Mli,^ PAI'ILiOXOIDI-.l' I. I.i-i'iNi-s. (ionrn.) |,. I. I., stihali.inus. P. an.! R. Jlfiiu- Lupin. U. TKiroinM. (Tonrn.) I,. 1. T. repeiis. L. iriiit,- Cl,.7rr. (Intro.jnce.i.) 2. T. hyl.ri.lum. L. .Us.,lu,n Clom. ( Intro.jnce.l) 3- I. l-ratense. L. h'r,l Clorn: ( Introduce.!. ) 111. .Ml i.ii.orrs. (Toiirn.) Hi!!. I. -M. oCticinalis. (I,.) )V//,w .1/Wi7.;/. (Intr fluce.l. ) I\'. .\sTK.\i, Ai IS. ('I'oiirn. ) I.. 1. A. al...ri,irin.,rum. l-Iichar.Is. /„,//„„ .1/,//. /•,,,,./._ 2. .\. tenellus. !'„rsh. Loosc-thn.vrcd Milk i\-U-l,. 3- A. a.lsur-ens. I "all. .I.u,ii,liii. po- '"'•^•''- t" "'. -.;/:::;:;!;:' *;;::::;;': *^''-">" «'•'■'■ ^ 1- '■EMNHM. rroiini.} I, 3- <..„.ll„. ]in,„„, /(,■,/,„,„■, o,„„,„„, ^.I. CALLITRICHACE^. WATER STARWORT KAMILV .,":;:";:'":;;::,'■:■:,::;,::"•:''■"*-• --">■ "..u-.h ,..., .„„■„. iiiii "■y i»' 1: !ii '!■ I- 1 .^ 1 : matammm^rM:'! mmi' 26 Gi'tu-rol Key to the Fa nil /in l,r.-.cts; fruit nut-like, c.Mn,,rcssccl. scc.l. pcM.ln I. C'aI.I.ITKK HE. I,. I. C. palustris. L. Water Pcnnd. ORDER XXIII. SAPINDALES XLII. EMPETRACE^. CROWBERRY FAMILY I ONv overj^rcn, shrul.s with tlie foliajrc aspect an,I cvm.pnun.i poIIcMi of I kaths an.l .Irupaceous fruit. I ' just an aprtal..ns and oc-cncrato form of Kricawu and comprising three genera only one ol which is found within the limits of this hook. I. Hmpetri-m. d'ourn.) L. I. Iv. nij,'rum. L. Cro-idu^n-y. XLIII. CELASTRACE^. STAFF TREE FAMILY Shruhs and shruhhy cHml.ers or trees: leaves simple, ever.ijrecn • flowers perfect, re-.^dar. small, the petals as manv as the sepals and alternate with tiiem : fruit free from the cah x. emhrvo lar-^e ni lleshy albumen, seeds arilled. ' " I. r.MIUSTIM.X. Raf. I. P. Myrsinites. Raf. Mountain Loz'cr. XLIV, ACERACE^E. MAPLE FAMILY Trees or shnd.s with watery often saccharine sap: leaves oppo- site, sm.ple. i.almately h.hed or m<.re rarelv pinnatelv divided- flowers axdiary, cymose or racemose, small, re-ular' mostly poh-amons or di-ecious. s<.metimes apetalous: fruit^ two lon^'-win-red samaras joined at the base, I. AiEu. (Tourn.) L. I. A, f,dal.rum. Torr. Dwarf Maple. XLV. HYPERICACE^. ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY Herbs or shrubs: leaves < 'Ppo'^ite, entire, with black dots or lines, mostly sessile, p.mctate with resinous <^kuuh. no stii.ules; "^f. ' ti^B^is^ .* 3r'ii i»afe^^i— w t\ ol t a £!:!!^Z!!Ul!lJtJ^^' /->'""■//>. owtTs solitary (,r cv ' -L.iii.ii\ (,r cviiiosi' rt'Milir I,,, ^I'iiqno. conv..In,e i,; tl>. Inul n m h '""T"' "'^' '"'^"^ '""^^'> -ve parietal ,,iaccnt v s.c.l ,' ' '"'' ""^-'-'^•"^•'1 «-tl, two- ^j,^^_^^^__ cuua. ..c.l. ,u,„HT.n,s. M„aII. anatropous. „o i- IIvi'KRiciM. (Tonrn.) I ORDER XXIV. VIOLALES XLVI. VIOLACE^. VIOLET FAMILY Herbs i)ereiiiiial or aiintii' • I,-,, i I. Vioi.x. ('|-,H,ni.) J.. 3. \ . a.lunca. .s„,i„, j,,^ y.^,,^.- 4.\. Sek.rkM. l-nr.h. .S.//aW/.s- / •/././. 5. .palns.r.s. L. .1 A,.,/, / •„,/.•/ 6- \. ..Leila. Xuu. )V//„v /•„,/,•/. 7- .orl„a,la,a. (ieyer. AV..,/./..„,,,/ j-,//.- , simple. ir, oiie- iriiit a ORDER XXV. MYRTALES XLV„. EL^AGNACE*. OLEASTER KAMILV Siirui.s or stnall trees; leaves silv,>r. ^■"tire. oj.posite or alternate- iIou-.t ''■"''■' '"■ ■^^^■"•"^-P"''^'sce„t. -■^- clustered ,„ .i.e .V ^^^ " ' 7-!-|>"'.v..amo„s or ,l,.ec, reason, rarely solitarv'; irnn 'iZ H' ","' T"^' "^ ^''^' ''"'^■■"- coming thick and ptdpv stri t h ' I' "'' °' '^^' ''^^^ '-- T ^ '• ■ '"cIcMn- the achenc or nut i. Li..i-.\,;.\i-.s. (Tonrn.) I I. 1-:. ar^ontea. I'ursh. SiUrrbcrry '• S. caiiadensi.s. (I i v. it- / Ill !l t>i i M'J.f 'ii i.:' i Ml »' 11 ^ms^y^ms^r 28 Gi-iurdl Key tn the l-diiiUics XLVIII. ONAGRACE^, EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY I Icrl)riCf()us or slinihhy plants; Icivcs (.iitiro or todtlu'cl. alternate or o|)i)ositc ; llouirs axillary or in terminal s])ikc'S. iiirfccl. syni- nu'trical, calyx-tnhc adnata to tiu- ovary, its iohcs valvate in tlic IuhI or olisoli'ti', ])ttal- con\dhiti- in the hnd, soniiliincs wanting; frnit a many s« ideil pod, xeds mostly silky-tutted. I. I'.rii.onnM. I,. 1. I''., .aliiiiumi. L. Alpine Willo-^-hcrb. 2. v.. ant;u>tifolimn. 1.. C,'\iit Jl'illo^'-licrb. 3. !•:. i.atil'olium. 1.. U'littr irHlow-licili. 4. IC. ana;,,',illidi folium, Mniiiitiiiii U'illotK'-lu-rh. 5. I']. Ilornemanni. Reiclienh. Udniciiiaun's /l'/7/(i;iniculatum. Xutt. I'auichd ll"dli)w-hc>b. 7. v.. cl.av.itnm. Trel. l-ciK'-t'ci^'crcd ll'illiKc-luib. H. I'", adenocaulon. Ilaus.^k. Xortlurn irHltKc-licrb. 9. !•". lutenm. I'ursli. Vcliow irHlozc-licrb. II. (lC.\OTl!i;i.irit,.|,a var. mcaniaia < Fisd. > l.' i. ,. •^^•I:i-.\.MII.V .Mc\()TN()|.,,l|„.:.i. Ai.uiTKoi'A. T. an(|(; ,.-• •^'- ">I"'I"'yS. L. /V;u-.-.,/,. I TKk(i.M'(»k.\. \„tt. •■ I'. .\,„ln.„K.,k.a. Xn„. /.,;„, ;, •NKWIiKKKVA. r„rr. '^ '• -N'. cou^vsui. Torr. A\..-./,.-,-;-.v„. SURF.X.MILV KKICOIDK.E TRIIil-: KllODODiixor^,.- ,,- Lkdc.m. L. -'■ I" ?hn:'l!;i,"'"""'v""'"- "■"""■'• '•"»™''"- T.-a M,!. ';.;."':'"'.";;."■ ""*■ ■"""""'"■ «"""»".-«.'™„. - -M. fcrn,nV, Km. .MIA. L. '■ ^- '"''■*"''■•''• ^^■••'"S-- -S-:...,/, /,,„,/. 'ihii:k A.VDRomkij,.-^.. Hrvantiks. (iniol. '• H. fnii)etrif()rmis. (irav A'^,/ ir - 1!. .Ia,uInIiHor„.s. (ir"" ,r • " '?"''''''/^'''''''-- 3. n. in.crmeciiu.s. (Ho^u ' p/V T;""" '''"""'•• l<':i; i ' 1' • I ^ykirik^^^rih^Hi- ^i^tfff'IPUl* .v2«^"':h9fl 32 (it'tifrnl Kc\ to tin- I'tiinilits XIV. C .\s>i(iiK. I). Don. I. ('. MiTtiiisiana. (I'.oiiir.) Don. llliitr ILalli. -'. C. i(.tr;ij,'oii;i. Don. hoiii-tiiujUd Hiutli. X\'. (i.Mi.TirKuiA. ( Kalin. ) I.. I. < i. ovatilolia. dray, h'td hrnicil Ganllluiid. -'. (i. luinnliisa. ((iraliam.) Kydb. Licipiiuj iiaul- lliiiiii. TRII'.I': .\RI!ITK.K X\'I. .\K(TosrAi'ii Yi.os. .\(Ians. 1. A. I'va iirsi. (L. ) Sprcn^. RcJ ncarhcny. 2. .\. aljiina. ( L. ) Sprt'iij.,'. .Ilpiiir Hcnlhiiy. 3. A. t(jnu'ntosa. Douj,'!. Muiicdiiilii. SL-|!F.\.\lh.V VACCIXOIUK.K X\'II. X'ACCI.NtHM. I.. 1. \'. ovali folium. Sni. Orul-h-incil Bhichrnv. 2. y. mcml)ranaccnirn. Dont'I. JiUnk- lilncbcrry. 3. \'. c;L'Si)ito.snni. Miclix. Dwaij lUlh.-iry. 4. \'. \ itis-l(la-a. I.. Moiinlitiii Hilbcrr\. 5. \'. crytlirococciini. .Michx. .11 pine lJilbcir\. 6. v. Uxycocciis. L. Small Cnuibcrry. ORDER XXVIII. PRIMULALES LIV. PRIMULACE^. PRIMROSE FAMILY Hcrhs; leaves sinipk'. o|)iK)site or altirnate. hasal or wiiorlcd on the stem: (lowers racemose or verticillate. .sometimes axillary, reg- ular, perfect, calyx free from the ovary, the stamens as many as the lobes of the j^aniopetalmis corolla; fruit a capsule, dehiscent. I. I'kimii.a. L. 1. I', farinosa. L. Bint's Eye Primrose. 2. V. Maccaliiana. Weigand. Dxearj Canada Primrose. II. .Andkosaie. (Tourn.) L. I. A. cham.-fjasme. Sxeeet Atidrosace. p.. .\. septeiitrionalis. I.. Alpine .indrosaee. 3. .\. diffusa, .^mall. Spreaitin(j . Indrosaee. n ^^w 'K ^W^ W^ iifninil Kty to the l-dniilint n III. I' I,. I. I", arctica. l-iscli. StarlLicn: l\ . DoDECATIlKliV. 1.. '. I). I.aucin..rum. (Di.raiul.) (,r..c„c. Shootuuj Su,r. ORDER XXIX. GENTIANALES LV. GENTIANACE^. GENTIAN FAMILY Smooth hcTl.s wuh a ln„.r cn!o„rkss j^.c; i.av... oppo.,,. sc-ss.Ic-. sunplc. w„I,..„t s.ipuks; ,1.,..,, n.,nl,-.r. .ktUh-, ." c uMcrs. axMIary or solitary a, tlu- n.,I. of th. stems; fnrt usually a tun-valvcl sq.iio.lal i.iany-Mc.lcl capMilf. I. (iEMIAN A. (Toiirn.) I.. I. 'i. Macoiiiiii. Miuoun's CiUli,,,!. -•• <;. Amarilla L. var. acuta. M.cli.x. .V,.r//,.r„ (;.;,. 3- <.. I-ropinqiia. Rid.anis. l'ou,-i^att,d Cuiian. 4- <'. arct..pliila. .///>/;,.• (;.-iiti,ni. 5- ■ (.. atliin.. (irisih. /,,„•,/,. (,..,;/;,//,. "■ r.-,„/(;;y Doybanc. h 1^ it \u I ! ri ^fl f I u Cii'nernl Kr\ to the Fnmilus ORDER XXX. POLEMONIALES LVII. POLEMONIACE^. POLEMONIUM FAMILY 1 |iir- cilkd t frc nads. Herbs; U-avis altirnati' or oiipoMtc, ii'^iilar ; tluwcrs will sistcnt calyx, corolla lohcs coiivoliiti' in ilu l.ii.l. a flirro ovary, thrvf-lolu'd st\k-: fruit Muds ainphitropotis. tlir co. (|itintly miicilaKiiioiis whtii iiioiMiiud jnwl unittinij spiral tli I. I'llK.X. F.. I. I'. Doiiulasii. nsulc, the .seeds mostlv' reticulated or pitted. I. I'ii.\eEi.i.\. Jnss. 1. 1'. sericea. (Craham. ) Cr.iy. Mountaii, Pluieelia. 2. I'. hetero])hylla. I'ursh. Pl„e I'liueelin. II. RoM.\.\zoKFi.\. Cham. I. R. sitchensis. Ilonj,'. Mist Maiileiis. LIX. BORAGINACE^. BORAGE FAMILY Chiefly mucilaginous herhs with h.iiry stems; loaves arccrna'e. rarely opposite, entire, without stipul's;' (lowers perfect. .s\minet- rical. mostly on one side of the branches in a reduced cyme, occa- sionally leafv-hracted. in.itatinjr a racen: . rolle.l up from ilu> tip and .straiKhteniuff out as it flowers; fruit four nutlets, sometimes armed with barbed prickles, o i drupe. , 4f General Key to the F am Hies %<^ Tkll'.l, I;()K\(;|M.- K r. I.Ai'Ptr.A. (K'iviiiins. ) Mociich. '• '- "'• ( ) (ironic. False I-onict-mc nut. 2. |.. (IilTtisn. ([.dim.) timno. A',..^ .S/,Wnv./ V I., cchinata. (.il.kTt. /(,ro,v./. ( Inir.Mlua .1 ) II. -Mvi.MMis. ( K,i|,|, , i_ >. M. alpcs.ris. .Sdnni.h. .l/..»/,/.,m /.W^,/.,„,.„,„. III. Mkrikn^ia. '• ■^l. I.anin,lata. (.\i,.) (;, Hon. T.,ll L,„„,u:„t. -v M. <.l.l..n^,Ml.>lia, l)n„. lUuc Lunyx.wt. I\. I.niioM.KKMrM. (Toiirn.) I.. •• i- anKM.stii,,!,,,,,,. .V./m.:,-/,.,;,,/ /•„,,■..„« 2. I-. nuKralc. lJou«l. l.dun. //,„rv /'/uv.h.,,. LX. LABIAT-ffi. MINT FAMILY Onrdy IutIks with s(,„aro stnns: l..-..vos simple. op,,o mat.c. mostly .lottd with sn.all ^la.-.N cuntai.m,,^ a v..latil ,rr.^M,lar. p.rtVct, a.xillary. chiulv i„ cvm,.sc ch,st.r> often a,l,^^;rc■K'at.pikcs or racemes ; fruit four' smooth s.-e.l-l,ke mule.s or achenes, each co,„ai,n,.,^ a MMt;le .seed. -^ Tf^nu' .sT.\ciivi:.K I. nR.\co( Ei'itAi.rM. (loiirii.) I,. I. I>. parvillonim. Xntt. lh;i,io,i //.-./aliistris. 1.. IWmwiwoyt. \y. Mo.VANDA. I,. I. .\I. Cistulosa. L. [[7/,/ lUniamot. V. .Mh.ntiia. ('roiirn.) I.. 1. M. cana.leiisis. I.. C.nuuia Mint. 2. Ar. cana.lensis var. lanata. I'.per. ILury MuU. . aro- e oil ; these small (feet I, I' i: A' 'S'j III • t ^1 T I f ! '^ ^ u :Ali .^^> (i,n,r(il Ki-\ to tin- I'dmilit's LXI. SCROPHUL/ lACEJE. FIGWORT F/ MILY H.rl,^. shrnl.s .,r rarciv : ..s. |„„..ri,h, ,K-.-.,si..n,.IIv ..arcu.i. I'ois.mons; l.av.s aitrrna!,. , , .,|„,s„.., H.ll.Mut st,|M,l.■.^ , rv ^ar. oMs; iK-rlVrt. „>,|.Utr. irn^-nlar. curnlla tu ., hpi-. ,| indnrrsccMCi' v.ry var,ou>; „ a tuncdU,! an.l „Miallv many- siiilcd calsiilc. SfP.f\MII I'lK'lliNi iini;.!-; ONI. v; ■-(■Vi"(/ i/i/rv. 'I'. /'/'f/i- I'lirflr IK I. (nlllNsiA, \iitl. I. «'. tiiulla. I'l '. 11. rKSMKMdS. ( Mit ;, I. I'. IruticiiMis I't (Ulf lillKJ .V IV prccoriis. I ), ,^-1. ,,,/ to,,,,,,,'. 4. I'. Iniiinlis, \, ,. .,;,„,,, , , ,,„,/-/,.„',/„.■. 5. I', oiiiirtiis, ihnv^]. Yrll, :, H,ard'loi„i,„: I'Kiiw: ' 1 /,.„/.■, y /7,-:.v>-. X .M. iiio>eliatii>. Dnii-l. I/,,,,/,. ri,,:,,T. 4- -M. .-ill'imis. (,ray. .///>,„■ I/,-;//;, v I'tnu;-,-. sriij- amii.n; riiix.w tiioidi:.!.; TKIIll', DKil TAl.!:.!.; I\'. \'ERONir.\. (Tniini.) I.. 1. \'. ali)iiia I., var. iiiiala^clRii.sis. C. and ^ llfinc 2. \-. luimifusa. Dicks,,,). Tl,y,„c-lr.,:r,l .S>.v,/r.r//. 3. \'. anuTicana. .Sclnvcin Water Sfrr,{:,;-ll. Ctftinal Ki\ I', thf r,tmili,s .?7 i lillii. I.l J'llKAMI.J. ^ • • ^-111 I I j \ Mutis, .^ < . pnr[M,ra^c,,w. ..r.TMina.i. r^r'n l,„lu,„ l\unt /'rii.\li , 4. r. Iannh,l,a kv,|i, /„..,/.„;.,/ /„,/,„. /'„.„ 5. r anv;„-;,tnl,a ^ar Kroll-urn , .\mu , lu-iiaM. Ii),i,ll'\t>\\s /\iiiil,;l ( /,/.. '-. I , nipu-nla. I'i|,vr. /.', (,;/,/ /'„,)//,•,/ ( „;. /. C. onupala. ( .miunan. M,„j,nl.i r.nnt„H nf \ ■• ' 'lii 11(11 \i. ( Inlini ) I.. '■ I". r.a-nn..>a. I),,„^|. // /„/.. /.„„,,.,■,.„,/. - I', contnrla. Ilnith. C -n/,,//.',/ l.o„,,:.o>i .V !■ i-racl.nsa. lU,,,!,, //v.,/.-,/, //■„,„/ /;, ,,„,^, 4. I', ur.inlan.lica. i:l,/^lu,„rs Head. \ 111. Ki; I.N \\ I ni>, I I. K. ( riMa--;,!!, 1.. )-,.//„,.^ /,.,„//,. LXII. LENTIBULARIACE/E. BLADDERWORT FAMILY S„.mu,.:-I,,v,„,,,H..u,n.n.,l;l,,..-.,,,u.,,„,:.,l.,iu. up,,., >ur.acvo,v.n,, a ^,.-,.1 ...,.„„„ ..1, nil,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ;^^ P^.h,ncK.. o.rolla .!..,.,, ,„,al„a,.. „„ „,,,.r I„. .,.,allv .Jc, Ma,, spurn.,! a, ,.,.1... ,„ rn,„,, ,„. palau- ,: -.k.Ik' ,,.anl..l • tnn. a caj-M,!.. ,.„.„ ,rr.,nlarK,,,,, ,.r .Mn.c.„, l,y vah.. ' I. I'lKh II. SKI A. I.. '• ^'- vul-aris. I.. var. aiiu ri />7i((/i/i/\\.,)j7 -^. r. int.T„u-.i,a. ilavnr. )•.•//,-:../;/,„/,/..,:.,,,/ ^J- I !" '.I'll ri..\. I I ,„„-,,, ) I. 1. r. vul.^ari^. I.. Ilittcrwi.rt. '■ ''ra\. Grc.ili-: i« .!< {•i i I 1 1 ilU 3« General Key to the Fnmilie. LXIII. OROBANCHACE^. BROOM-RABE FAMILY Herbs (root parasites) destitute of green foliaj,'e: (lowers soli- ary or sp.kecl. corolla t.,ln,lar. more or less tuo-lippcd. the lower three- .bed; fnut a capsule one-celle.l, two-valved. seeds numerous, minute. ' I. Oroiiancme. (Tourn.) L. 1. (). unillora. I.. Onc-thK.'ncd Omccr-root. 2. (). fasciculata. Xutt. Xakcd Cauccr-root. 11. P.osciiMAKiA. (Jray. I. 15. strobilacea. (,ray. Bosclniiahia. ORDER XXXI. PLANTAGINALES LXIV. PLANTAGINACE^. PLANTAIN FAMILY Chiefly stemless aquatic or terrestrial iicri.s ; leaves ra.lical si)readnM;-. (u:,i;: or linear, entire; flowers small, regular in hracted' sinkes or heads, rarely solitary on scapes or scape-like pe.luncles; iruit a i)yxis or an indehiscent nutlet. I. I'i.ANT.u;o. (Tourn.) ].. 1. P. major. L. Common Plaiilain. 2. V. major var. asiatica. (L.) IX'ne. .Isialic Plan- tain. (Introduced.) ORDER XXXII. RUBIALES LXV. RUBIACE.ffi. MADDER FAMILY Herbs, shrubs or trees; leaves oi.posite. entire cnnnectecoMs. Ky,|l, .V,.„.,//,-/,„,.,,/ Ilonrxsmklc - 1-. mvoncra.a. (RicharcK) llanks. /„;.„/...,:/ /•/v i/oiuysKck-lr. 3- I-. nta'icnsis. Wats. />,a/, /-/v //-.;„-v.wu /,/.• 11. SYMl-lK.KUAKl.lS. N)!!!.) l.u.Iui- '. Sracnnosns Mid.x. var/ ,.auci.l..rus. Rol.l.,,., ■iiidU'Oi-ny. 111. LiN.N.KA. ((iroiiov. ) M-.l™iis I var a„u.ricana. O'orl.s.) Rdul.r. TRii!!-: s.\.Mi!L-ti:.i-: I\'. \'nirR\i-M. rroiirii.) I.. I. \. pauc/l) .riiiu. Rat. .hrow-,,-ood V. (Toiini.) I 1. S. raccmosa. L. h\ .i-hcr; icnUd.r 2. S. mdanocari.a. (,ray. nUnk-bcnu lUdcr. LXVH. VALERIANACE^. V/LERIAN FAMILY Herbs uiti, sonu'tinu-s n,lnrous an.l a.ui-.,,as„„„li. n.,.,.- l...,...- oppoMto. s,:nplc or divi.!.!. without Mtp,,,.- .!;";„,; l-uclcs or ..ichoto„,o„s cy,„.s. corolla \.U,.r .; ,, : " i,-, -•ten ,rro,.,Iar. the !,.,,c> i,„l,rica...,l in ti.c l,n 1; ,>,•„ „, , , ous or corriaccoiis. iiuidiisccnt. I. \'.\I.KRIA.\A. (Tourii.) I,. '■ y. scptcMitrionalis. Xoythcvu ffcfiotropc 2. \. s.tchcnsis. WuuiT. irUdlLliotrot^c 3- \ . .Scoi.Icri. Rydh. CmuHia Heliotrope lii i 'U Ai "•'ii r'ifJ iW 4 ' j I ! ^ 1 : li • 40 General Key to the FamUies il ORDER XXXIII. CAMPANULALES LXVIII. CAMPANULACE^. BLUEBELL FAMILY Ilcrhs usually with milky jiiicc; leaves alternate, siini)le. with- out stipules; tlowers scattered, ]KTi'ect. the re^'ular five-lohed corolla !)ell-shai)e(l. valvate or induplicatc in the hud; fruit a small nia-iy-seeded capsule or herry. I. C".\Mi'.\NL-i.A. (Tourn.) L. 1. C. rotuiuli folia. L. llnrchcll. 2. C. lasiocarpa. Arctic Harebell. LXIX. LOBELIACE^. LOBELIA FAMILY Ilerhs usually with acrid milky juice; leaves alternate, without -stipules; Mowers j.erfecl. .scattered in loose hracted racemes, corolla irrei^ular, ,t,oiiuopetalous, five-lol)ed, somewhat two-lipped; fruit a many-seeded ])od. I. LoiiEi.iA. (I'lumier.) I,. I. I-. Kalmii. L. Broolc Lol-clin. LXX. COMPOSITE. COMPOSITE FAMILY The lar^'est family of |)h;eno<,'amoiis plants; herhs. .shruhs or small trees; leaves various, alternate, oj posite or hasal ; flowers in a dense closely involucratc head on a common receptacle, the head often resenihlinj,-- a single flower, surrounded hy an involucre of few to many hracts in one or more series, the p.-ipjuis crown-like or wantini,^ heads with ray-flowers are radiate, when without ray- flowers are diso id ; fruit an achene containin.^-yF^^.im!^ a f i Gi-iiifdl Kc\ to the l-ninH'us 41 II. S(ii.ii).\(,(). I.. 1. S. caiiadi'iisis. L. Ctiihuin Ciohhii-nul. 2. S. (k'Ciiiiil)iiis. (iriciic. I'lcld {iol,lcn ,„d. 3. S. niiihiradiata. Cray. Xinthcni (,../,/,;; nul. 4. S. misM)iirici)sis. Xmt. Mountuiu Liold.n-tod. 5. S. iK'iiioralis. Ait. (.my Coldcnrod. (k S. clontjata. .\utt. SIrihh-r CJoliL-ii-n„l. III. AsiEK. (Toiirn.) L. 1. A. conrmitatiis. ( T. and ( ;. ) Cray, iriiit,- .Islcr. 2. \. alpiinis. Alpine Aster. 3. A. consiiicuoiis. I.itidl. Large I'lirph- Aster. 4. A. I'rcnioiiti. ( T. and ( i. ( (,ray. I'reiinnifs .Ister. 5. A. frondfiis. ((iray.) l.rcciie. Leu/vhracteJ As- ter. 6. A. Knsolmaniii. Hiif/leiimiiii't Aster. 7. A. I.indlcyamis. T. and ( i. J.iiiciley's Aster. H. A. l;uvis. I.. .Smootli Aster. 9. A. Kichard.sonii. Sprcnij, h'iehardson's .Ister. 10. A. major. (Hook.) |',,rtcr. Great .Wntlieni .l.^. I.. />'/((,■ I'leahaiie. 8. !•:. pliiladi'lidiicus. !.. Lavender L'leahanc. 9. i-:. miinonis. L. Aretie Lleahane. 10. !•■.. lanatiis. Hook, .llf'iue Lleahane. 11. K. salsiij^dnosiis. (Richards.) Cray. Laiye Purple 1' lea ha lie. TRHU'. ixui.i;.!-: y. A.VTENNAKiA. ( laortn. I. A. raccmosa. Hook, ll'iiite Lverlasting. -p .1 i i't 5 \'i ilr ' III I I .! Ill . f s 42 General Key to the I' a mi lies J. A. iluucllii. (.nriK'. Moiisc-ciir I'.icrlastm.^. 3- A. parvilolia. .Vmt. Muinituin Evcrhisttiuj.' 4- A. lai.ata. ( i (,ricMK>. .hrtic lircriaslin^. 5- A. ]),ilclicrrinia. (tctiic. Tall lixcyhistiiuj. (i. A. ,J,.iiia. (,,ay. .l/fiiw J:;rrli,sliii_^. /. A. iiK-dia. (irciie. Silk-y Ir.rrtaslnl:;. >^- \. .' M-a. (Jririic. /'//;/.• J::rrUisliii^. \'l. A.\ Ai i.\i >>. DC. 1. A. niaiKaritacca. (1..) ]:. andll. I\a,lx Ezcrlast- IIUJ. T\U\\V. II!:!.I.\XTIIi:.K \'l .L-I)HErKI.\. I,. I. K. hirta. I.. Bhuk-cxcd Susan. \ III. Ill 1.1 Willi s. I.. I. 11. gigaiitcoiis. L. (;/„;,/ SKiifhnccr. TRiiiK iii-lkxixi:k IX. CiAII.l.AKDIA. l'"oU};. 1. C. aristata. I'ursii. /',•,;:,.;;-.■;•.•'s .Uniai. 5- A. I'arryi. (iray. J\iny\< .hiiiai. (>. A. loiiisi.ana. l-arr. S\ I ui, ■/};-, S .hiiica. 7- A. fiil-fiis. I'lirsh. Xi'li.'i,;! .Uuiiii. •'<. A. .irracilis. Rydl,. Slciuhr .Iniioi. XV. Skn-kcii.. (r,,iirn.) I.. 1. S. Maisamit.iv Mnhl. Golden Raijwoit. 2. S. triaiiKularis. ||,;,,k. Chiut RiUjwoit. 3- >• caiuis. Hook. Sih\y\ Groundsel. 4- S. luj,a-ns. Richanls. />'/,/. A--//>/sou(laiirous. Rydl). Cnnada km/icort. 6. S. .liscoiclciis. (Hook.) liritton. Xorthcrn .S\ina:.- 7- S. Ilavovirc^ns. Ry,ll,. ll\slern Jlalsom Groundsel. TRH!!-; CVXARK.!.; XX'I. SvrssrREA. I. S. (Iciisa. Hook. /'urrU- Snnssurca. X\ II. C'.\h!i)!i s. ( Tourii. I I,. 1. C. KoKtyi. Uliitc '/liisllc. 2. (". foliosiis. Hook. Lrafx Tliis/lr. 3- <-■. iindulatii... Xiitt. ir'ary-learal riiistlc. SERIES II. I.KiUI.IFI.ORA trh;!-. cicii()Rii:.i: XN'III. Ci( HOKUM, rroiirn.) I.. '•<-'• Intyhiis. I.. Cliiiorv. XIX. TARA.xAtiM. ( HallcrA I.tuKviff. 1. T. otricinalo. \\\],vr. Common Dandelion. 2. T. nipestrc. .llpine Dandelion. XX. S(i.\(iirs. (Toiirn.) I.. I. S. arreiLsis. L. Soic Thistle. 11 * ki:im ■■ ■' I J', ■ '^i\ nKr^ii'^i^ 44 Cii'iurnl Kt\ I'j tin- I-\inii/ii'.s XXI. Ai.osKKis. kaf. 1. A. fjlaiica. (I'ursli.) Stni.l. l.iiiiiLli.i» ' tv ^»-* '^5*ij p m ;' 1 Mi WILD ri.ClWI'RS ()!• TIIK XORTII AAJI'kKAX MOIXTAIXS SIXTIo.V I FF.RXS AXD l-l'kX ALLIES r H i I * 1 *l ♦1 -V"^*5^1e ^^ il! WILD FLOWERS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MOUNTAINS SIXTH ).\ I FKRXS AND FHRX ALLIHS LONG BEECH FERN l'lic,i. into oblong, entire segnunis. Sori: Mnall, borne near the niarRm. A conim..n fern .,n the hillsides, and in moist woods. The fronds ar- fmni six to nine inches lonj,'. and the two l.nvest pmn.-e are hent downwards and stand forward, a trait which gives the i-lant a most distinctive ai)i)earancc. and by which It .nay always he readily recognized. Phcijoptcris alf^cstris, or Tutted IJeecli I-ern. has ol)long leaves which taj/er towards the top. Phcjrf^tcvh; Dryoptcris, or Oak Fern, is e.xtreniclv attrac- tive, and grows very thickly in shady woods. The leaves are delicate and broadly triangular, the three primarv divi- sions being stalked, and the terminal one slightlv the largest. In Shakespeare's day " fern-seed " as they called the spores 47 ,1. \yMki. pr.ATi: r ??; • 'aK I'HK.N (I'lu'g''{^t,-iis Dryol^tciis) 48 i .1 '. ^Uj' .1 Ferns and i\rn .llluf V) uiTi- sni)|i<»<.-(| t.i r..iitaii) iiiir;nii|. ii- as \\r!l a- nir])CTtii'>, anl ttTn--rf.l, ui' walk iti\ i^ilik','" \\\n \\\~. faitli ua> -|im-kl\ c<.'i|. I'l If \M;ir w.ilkiiii- iii\ i^iliU." i};^ MAIDENHAIR .hli'inliiiii f,il:tiiiii. I'l'in l-.iiiiily Rootstock: ^Iriiihr, iTt(|>ini;. ili,iiT\. Stems: 1ir..\vn. ih'Ii-Im.! I'.rkcil :il till -niiiinit Leaves: ■ liii(nul\ ..rl.icuK-ir in ..nilmr, llu- I'llllllll. - .i1i|.i1;l;. Illr lr|-mill.l! MM -llalir(|; ihr i.,\\,-| iii.iruiii 1 iilin . till ii|i|ur iii;iiK;in cli It. l-ln'l ..r il, . In .iMtik; tin- i.liliillU «nri. I Iii> .i^rari'fiil frrn. win. 'i is t, ,m u dl-kiic i\ ii t'^ iuh'<1 miioli (k'scriptiiiii, (iv\i'> ii- spfcjiu- namo t" llii- I'ai i thai ilic ri'ul- stiii-k n.(il> al'Mii,^ its \\\\,,\c IniL^th, llu' Maidc-iiliair i> Usually ImuikI in ilcl't-- aiiinii;,- tin- r'H-ks lu-ar riinnniL,'^ uatcf, wIkti- it> fra.Lrilc, ffatlicrv i'i-.^ikU ainl i^liMciiiiiL; lip>\\n nr Mack stalks arc al\\a\s ttcasurc trii\(.'. H^' COMMON BRACKEN I'lnis ,i,iiiiliuii, :,ir. L:in(.,iih'Sii. I"crn I'aini'y Rootstock: -i"iit,, liMn/nma!. Leaves: ii-.n.ill\ .'lalirniis. tnaiaic; tlic upper pimniii's uiKliviilfil ; tlic |..\\ii- ..m uhmi ..r K-- piinialirid. The nid-t Cdiiiniiiu of all I'cnis. this I'.rackcn is rathc-r a plant, usually found v^rouiu"- in open \\o,m1s and stnmv places, in till' \ alleys it .attains a heit,dit of live to six feet, hut at hif,di altitudes is much smaller and more delicate. In the spriniL,'-tinie the fionds are always an e\<|nisite jKile i^reeii, hut ,ijr:i(lually turn darker and duller of asjxct as the sf.isou advances. What the orit,Mn of the .scientilic name is. no on |i |] lo turns fin J l-.rn .lilies Hcms o .cninudy know. >ay it i. .Icrunl h..,,, a fanncl I,.tu.n, ,l,c .n.n.l an.l a„ c:.,-lcs v^,„,, ^^ Ink- ,„,aK,„c ,1,.. , ;,„ „aa- .hc ..ullinc of ,1,, hcr.J.l.c" I'aKic Ml a cn.»-!,cttiuii .,|" tlif stalk. SLENDER LIPFERN (lu-lunilh,-s /,,/, IVrn lainilv Stems: till ly Roomock: rnuT.-.l unh l.n-wn m.I.s |„„,| with 1,1 uk Stem . cMM-lv ,u.u..I. Leave.: ....u..!,,.,, .,,...,, i„ .„ .., „,.,;,,, f*'^ tlH- P.nnnl.-s ,„„„a,..i.l. ,1,.. up,,.,- M,r,-..a. ..,„,. ,|,, | , ' ,'• . •"■'ttr.l «„|, wiMiish-l.ruwn u,..,|ly |,,,irv ' u tlw.,„dMlu,,M leaves. an.l,l..^nmd,.,s,.h^^^^^ fiKis lit the vi'iiis. PURPLE CLIFF BRAKE A nH-.Iiu.n-si.c,I fen, ul.osc .listin^nishin^„ros are •^ Pt"l>I^' stem. an.l a., undui.k.l leaf hunlcml hv hn-Mu iTovvn sp.,ran,.a. It is usually foun.l .^rouin,. on lime- >tone rocks. an.I. unfortiniatcly for the fern-huuter. in very macress.hle places, where the hushy tufts of its j^revish'- green .oha,i(e ilourish in the crannies anionj^ the cliffs' Rootstock NOOTKA ROCK BRAKE Crypt,u/ri,,n,i„i airostiihoul.-s. Rri, Family Kootstock: stout, chafTv short <5»-.,„». i Leaves: ovate in o„tli„.. thi,,.; ,.''",; t^^t /"'"'' ''''''V' f-tiU.. the .nar^ins involute ,o he n.i.l i V. f .^c an ' I 'I '" ""' and exposing the sporanKcs. * '•'''•""'^■■' ^'^ '"atnr.ty. lu'rns i tln^ |i.ilc '^r^iu ;iI|miu- ft-rn an- \«Ty i'j,MiK-tits uf till- .tt-rili- ..tics Uvuv^ iimh nit aixl imicli hmaiU-r than tli. -m- "i tlic tVrlil.- .iu-,. whirh latter have aliimst strai,uiit tiiari,'iiK tliat are r. llcl in;., the i-eiitre when the |)lant i> \..iitij,, and llalten ..nt ;,- it itiatiirts. expusint,' the lij^rht l.n.uii spnn- (;,-e> with uhiih these ter- tile iea\es o.vered. The .\m,.iL, | |ir>t f.-nnd I.y Dr. Arehih.dd Meii/ii > when lie eani.- t-. \aii- ei.n\er Island with Caiitain \aiu. .iiver in \-in) Cryf^t.t.jiiiiinii,! St,-ll,-ii. ..r Si.-iider I ' .. k Urake, ha- a thread-like ereepnii,' rn,,t. uhuli tiie seattered MeiiK ^n.w np at ejose inter\..l>. 11^ !i i^i • 1 I GREEN SPLEF.NWORT .tsf-l.lliuill TIM,/.'. I"r Tl !• lllllly Rootstock: s|. lilt, iTi. pin;;, .ImiTv. Stems; nnv. ., ii«. lU-n-. K, l.r..w,ii>li KnciiiNli .iliuMv Leaves; iim ,! . . ..I.,!,-, h, rli:,co,.i ; l.iiiiia' n\;u,', (Kxply ir.iiat.'. iiiKM,ti,[l m.!. .1 Sun; ,,|,! - iitii. r.m,! The aneient Creek name ..f this lerii hi. n f-i.nre {<, the faet that it was supposed to he a t"..r eertain diseasi- <>i tlie sjileen. The leaves are pale ;4reen and soft, the upper edges (if the i)inn:e,' suddenly at the l.ase, the lower oti'-s heinj4- ..hlicpiely trnneate. that is ha\inj,r the ap- jiearanec of heiiif,-- ent off at the t..p. .Is/^li-ninni cyclosoniin. or,t,a' I.ady I'ern. has nnieli I)ij,',t;er and more (laecid leaves than the ( Ireen Spleeiiwort. It is fre(piently eon fused with .Istlciiiniu Jilix-fnniina. the trne I^idy hVm, from which, h<.wever, it is really <|iiite M,n nnliMK hall In.l i„ tlu «ru,„,.l lint ot all the «riTi) Kraduns thai ri-,. l,v tin- b„n, CinmciKl i.K al.-iic t., ti,c suca Lady lirn. l'"lyp-'iimii iii.kiiti'.l stands stilY ,,i, tlu- r,,ck \\..h i„s ,,,,-i ,,,„„,,, ,,, „,^. ,,,„,„,^,.^ ,.,„;„|^ ^i^^^j^ On the uHlc, cinlly lua.h .\,|nil,na Man,K s,,n, ^"t ",ur t,. W ,K,nK,l uul, il„. ,,,,,,., 1,..,^. ,.;^„ Hlix-Mias in a cink- IJUs up hi. j,,-,,,,, ,>,„„,, An.l th. I K-ath Fun .Mights l.y ,1... |.,„. ami tl,c,,„„,ls- 1 In-n, h ,lu.„- .l,a,l„uy tun. tlu.n.h w,tl, pl.asn.v 1 .„n,. ilit l.ahn must >i,|| ,-,..t ,,,ii, ,,,,. ,-.,j,. ,_^,i_^ ,,^,^^^ \\hcTf thf waUT is ]„,uriuir i-,„vmt sl^. sii, An.l l,osi,le i„.r ,1,^ Ou/d. the Kini;t,slRT I'lits ■ he-v, s,,p,i,„,- in hvr heanty. l,.si,l,. ,lu- full ,;ni 1'. llic shade of the P.ek .s,a,„ls the tall Lady Fern'. Xoon hums up the nmuntain : b'.t here hv the tall 'he l.ady I'ern llourislu., yraeelul and tall Jlnurs speed as thuuol,,, y,^,.^ ,,i,|,„„^ .,,,^ ^.^^^^.^ _.^ An.l lluat like the spray ^li.linK past the ,«reeu IVrt,'." HOLLY FERN Polysluiiiui! I..'iu!iilis. l\ru 1-auiily Rootstock: sh..rt. s.,-.ut. .len^ely chaffy, hearing, lar^e l.rown scnies Leaves: n..d leathery linear-laneeolate .n .uln.e: ou^fn™ hi I .adly lancenla,, scy.h.-shape.l, ac,;te. >,r,„„,y auru-I.d ,.„ U, up " sule, sp.utdnse.len.a.e. Sori: hiseriate. a, length SHhcHUlnent. The Holly I-Vrn has rioid c-ver-reen le.n es. each of the l"nn;e emhno- i„ a sharp ,,.,i,u. and havin^^r a ronnded lohe Ferns find Firn .lllirs 53 (HI the ui)|)cr side at the base, tlie lower side ha\ iiii^ an ahii«>>t straii^lit edge. This fern is densely spinex -ti.utlied. MALE SHIELD FERN .Isf'tiliidit rili.v-iiuis. l'"irn l'"amily Rootstock: >t'.iit, a^i-i-iulins,', i-liaffy. Leaves: rirni. lin.adly-iiMdnu, laiuoilati.', acute at tliv ajux. Son: lar^t'. Im'Tiu- mat tlic iiihlviin. 'riii> fern iLjrows in the woods to a hei<,dit of three iVet. It is a handsome i)laiit. s])rin^in,i;- from an a^eendinij^ root, and has rather coarse leaves. Asp'uliuiu spinitlosHin lor. ililatntiiiii, (T Si)iinilo>e ."^Ihield I'ern. has a stout root, and loni,'. rather thin Iea\e-, the lower ])air of which are trianijnlar in outline. Aspidii 11} OrcDplcris, or .'^caly Shield i'ern, h;i> \crv scaly, stniw-coloured stems and rachis. The leases ate one to tx.o feet lonj,'. and taper from near the middle to both ends. BRITTLE FERN Cystofli-iis fiir^ilis. Ihtii Family Rootstock: short. Leaves: thin, ol)1tiiii, |>inii;i!i-. with iwn to cii;!]! ii.iir> i.t Imiait- lolir-, creiiatc or ciiliri', iVrtili- porlinn (Khm-; \nu\ fir the |. dlowiim \iar tii- doM-d ill the ha>e of tlie >tem. 'V\\c Mooiuvorts are cxtrcindy curimis plants .L^n-wiiii,' from short, erect npotstccks, and tliHtcred iK-Iiv rnMt,. The name rel'ers t<> tlie nuimTdiis Iialf-ni wherewith dwellin.-,^- lionses are made fast, if it he put into the keyhole."' Drav- ton called it " Lunary,"' and thu> refers to its wouder- workin.t; p-uuer : " I lien sprinkled --he the iiiice of me With nine drlll.^ of tiie iiiiilinj^hl dew From I.iinary distiliin).;." Bofrycliiiim siiiif^Irx. or Small Moonwort, is also called Little Grape Fern, in allusion to its <:]^rapedike clusters of spore It is a graceful, variahle plant, and has ;i single lohe on the stem, the fertile portion heing a spike with spore cases in rows on either side of its hranches. Botrycliiitni virginiamtin. or Rattlesnake I-'ern. is a much larger, and more rohust plant, with a nmch-divided sterile portion, like a fern leaf, its segments more or Ic-s toothed. Botrycliiinn lanceolatimi. or Slender MiM^nwnrt. ha- sm.ill fronds, and the sterile segment, which is clo-.-lv sessile at the top of the long sletuler stalk, is tri.ingtilar, ternately i ml «^l< f^i 56 Ferns and hem Allies twice |)iniiatifi(l. witl, acuti- lance. .late ln|,c-s that are iiui.e-l ..r toutl,e fork fruin a a.ntimmns mi.lNein. FIELD HORSETAIL liiltli-islll III (iirriisr. "■"'■tail l-'amilv Stems: am,„.-,l. I„,ll,nv, .,.,int.-.l, ,,r.,.i,K.,| with ..ait.-n,! .,„n,ata the fcT„k- appc-an-.K in early .prin,- hefn,-. the s,.,,!.. Leaves: n.Uu;':] ,„ slicaths at tiif jniiit-. This is a ni^h-hke plant of a verv rank coarse nattn-e which -rows in .jitches and al..n- the wavsi.Ics Thc' fert.le stems, which appear in the earlv spring'. ir,,.u- tr,,n, to ten inches hi.^h a,ul are li.^ht l.r.,un*in clnnr I hey are n..t hranche.i. tenninate in a ,s,,li,;,rv cme-like spike. I he sterile steins, which appear later n„ i„ ,1,,. sc-,- M.n. are ^^reen and rather slen.jer. a^er;,i^i,,^• .i^hleen inches in hei^dit. I hey have mnnerous verticillate I.ranches. the sheaths ..f whicli are f.uir-t.Mithed. luiiiisctHm tratcnsc. ,,r Thicket I ior>etail. has inanv cup-shaper N'arij^alcd 1 lorM-tail, has rimi^h. ];cT(.'iiiiiaI, cwri^n'on stcni^, f^ndwiiiL; in tufts, and rc- sfinliliN Uii^li !'i|n.'v, licini^'. luiwi'vcr. a imu-li talk-r plant. ]i(/iiisi-liiiii /,'\'('',7(//(\ <>r Si-Miirini,'' l\u>li. has >titt. slender stems, and pointed -.pikes. It> name dennte> that it is nsed liy l'".uriipe;m pea>ant^ l^r >eiiurinf4; llnur.^. I' i t: n 4 STIFF CLUB MOSS I.Vi ■'p:'ifiinii anih'iiiiiiiJi. I'Inl) Mnv- |-",iiriil_v Stems: mnih, vIcn.kT. |iio>ir,iti- Mini orifiiiiii;, ratluT stitT, tin- lir.mclu- .1-11 inluiL;, ^parinuly I'urkiil Leaves: uiiiii irni. ^liri'ri.liiij,'. ti\ r-ranki (1, iiL:iil, liiu-ar-l.imi'i'l,ili', mimitils -iTnilalo, iitTVi-d lii-lnw ; -])ikr> -iilitar\ at tlic cniK ni tlii- iiraiii-ln'-, i .lilMn^-,-yliii(lrio, niinim-cil 111 ov.itr lirait-, iMcli witli a -|i"raii).;c in it- axil; ..s.~-ljlhiirt l)ran^•ln•-^. which termin.ate in dense, oh- Inn.n;' spikes (iimpii-ed i<\ ■-mall Iitaet^. eaeh one with a sae cuiitainini; >p"i-ev in jt-, axil. I.ycof'iiiiiiiiii cl(i:'iihiiii. nf Creepint;' ("luh Moss, has exten- sixely creepin,i,f -terns and >lmrt. irregular, densely leafy hranehes. The lea\es are much emwded, incurved, and tipped with tiny hri-tles. and the spike> j^'nnv in clusters of from one to four on loui^- peduncles. Lycof'ixlinin Scldi/a, or j'ir Cluh Moss, has thick. ri»jid. erect --tein-, the forked luanchcs forminy level-topped clus- ters. /.ycdf^iufiiiiii alp'nunn. or .\lpine Cluh Mos<, has elon- i;ated, creejiim; -tcm>, from which the den-eh' chi-tered hrauches ri-e. Ihe lea\e- are closeK' imhricated, and four-ranked. an(l the --pike-^ >o]itary at the to[) of the hranehes. Lycopiidimn siuhcnsc. or Arctic Cluh Moss, is found at «^l< 5.;, I' i! i 58 _ Ferns and Fern Allies ''i^'li ahitiulo. like Alpine Cl.,1, M TT l-ycopodium amphmatim, or Traihnrr r. • 's a n„ fascinati.u. plant uifh f ^ ^ Christmas Green. •TC forked, .-nul eve l" vi • "" '''''^' '^''•'^"^h^^- ^vHich ^'•'•-•'".tips:,:.;:;::':,: ;--^,;^-^^^ '"•■'^ ^'reen lies in the clnst.-r r '■^'''"^' ^^''''^^- SMALL SELAGINELLA •^ nioss-iiki' plant Leaves- i it Si'hK/inclla nihcstrh or p^.i c i • iV A i If: W'llJ) FIJJWERS OF THE XORTII AMERICAN MOUXTAIXS SECTION II TREES if ^ iSi^T'i. 7^^^* h Sl'.c Tl< t\ I! 'ri,iy I,, liny hi-t hmli. uilh -lMiin\\hal tlatlciicl. A hcamilnl tree with t!,.,) I.ark. aii.l dark m I.- 1 m q .k- scik's, \\h,,^c i,„i- I)ranJu'- arv i^ially horizontal. Tlic li-avfs a:o l.ri-lit \ c!!o\\ -;^^:.,,^,„ .j|„,^.^,_ ^-..v^rfd willi a wliilt- I'l'M'iii hnicatli. and arc pi-rsJM ;iii for four or t'lw \c-ars. I 1k' trnit is a lovrly red, \k--hy ciii>. i-oiita-'uiiii,^ a hlack. lion\ -v.-oati'd >c'<.ik WHITE-BARK PINE /'iiiiis (;/7v,-,;/(/m. I'liu- |-aniily An c\iTi;ricii itcf with lailuT .niiM.ili. liulu->-. .lonn',! I)ark. Leaves: -K-ii.liT, rii;i.l. uiih a Ku p,u^ mI ,1,,,-al -,l..,i,ata u,, tlu enlirr! nr iii-arly ., . Flowers: >o,rl,i. Fruit: o.n.- maiurinu U\v mo.ii.1 year, sf-il.'. l..,ri -i;tal. >ul,iu-mina!. oval m >.l,,l,nlar, pnrpli.h-hniwn ; seeds ..\al, aniti.', tiiriiid. 'I'liis tree -ro\v> from twenty to fifty feet hi-Ii, usually at altitudes hetween 5,<)()() and y.^oo feet, anil is distin.unishe.l hy the ereaniy-uhite. plate-like .>eales of the I)ark : very llexihle stout hranrhe-: slightly ineurved leaves,'i; in Inindles of live; and horizontal ])ur|)iisli-l)r -\.n cues Hm I ii ff^k 62 Tnu •s I' I. rx.. s>v„, stoN are ...,„•„ I,, ,],>■ l,„li;,„- m ,,,,, MOUNTAIN PINE /'/;/,<, /"■ I'nic 1 .iiiiily Fruit: ,.„,,,,,,,,.,,•,;;:,;;••;,, •:-;'-^ ■>■'-.>.....,...,,.,.,. 'I lit' Miiimt.iiii I '"^- ''^ 'all and !i,„. uitl, s,.n,,l,..u an,! soinruli-if Ir ■ 1 I -^l-'^.i'imj,' aiK M)inc\\nat .ln„,,i,|M- I.raiK' ht-s. I I|.. l,,.!. ,.„ ,. ■ . I ■-■ • 1 111 IMFK Mil \(H|n; Platos o,«™n,, „„..,,l, „.„. „„r„lc ,cak.s. 1 1,.. „ ' -HH,l™.-,.r„.„.a„Wvnc™l„i,|,,-,l,,v,.|v;,l,,.,,,, ,,.. I >tl)r"- Tlu. l:„ll I'ine „,,,„. fr,„„ „„, |„„„!,,,| ,„„, ,;,.,^ «" u,„.lml fee, hi,.i, a„,| has ,|,„„ ,„„.|< ,„a„v- ,1 larly ,l,v„lc,l nu,, Wa,c.s. and ,se,„ra,c,i nu! ,,,iA ..i;,-:;, (I T rcis fn sralcs. Till- Ivavcs arc .lark >*ll..u-;,TiTn. and m nknl li., rows of stoiiiata iili'il,i :ar. ^'iiii\i\.iiui. i'iiic I"iinil\ A Mnall. •.irniltr tnc, with vtiv titin l>.irk Leaves: clilio.iitly -t-r- nil.iif, Fiui»; . n.-. olilunK-oUiulii.,,!, hlixlitly at Of I^m', t.i|)»TiiiK tiuvariN iIk i ex. I lie L .(1-r I'nlr I'liR-. ,,fnii r;,iu.,l |;i;,ik > l>o rcrogni/cd !)y its liglit ..rai!gi-l)r<.\vn Nark, 'ijie hrainlivs arc spreading holow. growing uiivwirds near the top, and forming a pyramidal head; uhilo flu- loaves are light green. and the small, yellowish-hrown cones ;ire ova! and shining, LYALL'S LARCH /.(j//.r Lynllii. J'liif I'.iniily A -mall trii.'; In,. k-Ius luiri/ an hn.l- like hr.-iiu-hlcts, ck-iiilu. > - Flowers: in aiiU'nis, short, lateral, nmnn- oioiis, from Km -,, tlic fertile hnd- .oiiiinoiily lealy at the h.ise, red. Fruit: eoms ohiont;, pr.iin|)tly dnidiioii.s. Lyall's Larch is a \ery lo\eIy tree It is not an e\er- .green. Iji Se|)teni1ier. if yon look u\) to where the conifers greet the edge of the great white tti'ri's. yon will see a zone of glorious flaming yellow adonn'ng the crags ;uid cliffs, and s-parating tlu- rich green Hemlock. Sprnce, I'ine. and l-"ir from the purity of the perjietiial snows. This yel- low slieen is the autumn (hcss of the Lwill's L.irches: for when the hrief al|)ine suutmer is past the leave> of beautiful trees, which gn ^ in clusters out of woodv cujjs. 4S If; MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TSST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2) ^ APPLIED IM/IGE Jr ^^. '653 East Mam "Stfee? 5r,S ''ocheslc'-, Ne* "oru "4603 ^3A '-SS ;^i6^ 482 - 030G - Pr^o-.e ^^^ '^16; 288 - =■-98-^ - Vo, 'v-ms^w3c-waF=~:is'. ■-gwa^^M'Bji a-vm piiu.hiiji ■■.»- ^'aaivtH.-.s.'. • PLATE III Lpy: I-(||k;e Poi.k pixE il'iitHS cuiitoria r,;r. Murniy.uia) 64 ''^r^±''iwi *■ ■^«i'?vsswsi;ir'. Trees (>; and in July ;iri- a tiMuk-r pale j^rt'en, turn .Ljiildcn-lnud lict'on.' llicy fall. TIk' coiifs are small and daintv and -iinn drup ,itY, It i> very pleasant to pan^e awhile anmn^rst a i;rip\e aid : " I'.fliird iiu' lay llii' force's hii>lu'l uil!i slcrp ; \'"'\c nu' in it> nr.niiU' inau' ly. rpliiii\ liki'. tlic peak llirn' -iU iit ci iitiirii- Mel !!:c liiTiial (pii'^ti'iii ni' tlu' ^ky. XiclMf at la^t — tliroiH'il nn tlie iTaHijiil lu-ii:lit I scan till' Kricn ^tii'ii> i>f tlu' nii.mitaiii ^i(U WIktc late I ti'ik'd. TIr' tMrcsl lan(K -trttrli wide, And in lifip \alk'.\s farms ji't-'ani far ,-,nd uliiic, Vistas nf di->t;uux- lircak niion my >iiiht. riu' piiii)lcd plain cri-cp> lo tlio -ky's Mnc rim, W'luTc new l)cak^ j^atlicr stili-tanrfle--- and ■nni, As lialt-rfnH'!nl)eri,'tle-> Imman will — Oidy the virgin (piiet, e\eryuhire — I''artll never seemed --o far, or Heaven -o near. In the awed silence of this dim high place One keeping vigil might not tear, indeed, If it hefel! hint as man of nld, \\'\U) in the motmt.iin met (lod face to face." WHITE SPRUCE r'uwi iaiiiulriisis. Pine I'amily A tnll tree. Leaves: incnr\ed, acme, terminating in rigid cillons tips. Flowers: staminate jiale red, >onn ajipiariiig yellow from the thick covering of pollen. Fruit: cones nearly ^es-ile, pendiiloti-, ohloiig- cylindrical, ohtnse at the apex. The White Siinice has im])lcasant-sinellin,cf fnlia^e. 'I''ie branches sweep nut in .i,Taceful eiir\es, and the tree is \) ■ - , y t ■ i ^%4 k i i PLATE IV Iff" Engelmann's Si-rice (Picca Engelmatini) 66 Trees 67 iiiidal in outline. The sharp pointed needles, which are inserted sin^dy, are crowded on the upper side of the hraiiches I)y tlie twistinj^f of those on the under side, and are hglit hhie-j;reen or hhiish in colour. The pendulous cones are ohlonj; and j^reen tinj^ed with red, becoming pale hrown and lustrous at maturity. HI ' -^ ENGELMANN'S SPRUCE I'icca liiii^i'Iiiianni. Pine Family .'\ii evergreen tree, fifty to one luuulred and tilty feet liigli, two to five feet in diameter, vvitli spreading branches in regular wliorls and piil)escent Ijranchlets. Leaves: keeled above and beneath, tretrai-VMial, acute. Flowers: staminate ones dark purple, axillary and terminal on the pres ions year's branchlets, oblong-cylindrical ; pistillate aments bright scarlet, borne at the ends of the branchlets. Fruit: "-ones pen- dulous, seeds imbedded in the membranous base of the wing. Mngelmann'.s Spruce grows between 5,000 and 7,000 feet in the mountains, and is a very disagreea])le-smelling tree. It is widely distributed, and has rich cinnamon-coloured bark, and sharp pointed blue-green leaves which are in- serted singly and stand out in all directions from the vigor- ous branches, that grow in whorls round the stem. Many tiny branchlets hang from the main branches. When you take hold of a branch of this tree the leaves feel harsh, and the ends of them will hurt your hnnd. The drooping cones mature the first year, they are green tinged with reddish- purple, and when mature become a light chestnut brown. BALSAM FIR Abii'S lasiocarf^a. Pine Family An evergreen tree fifty to seventy-five feet high. Leaves: those of the main branches linear, rounded or notched at the apex, those of the branchlets flattened, and with long rigid points. Flowers: the staminate indigo-blue, from tiie a.xils of the previous year's leaves ; the I llff' i (.1 bit's /(/.v(()^(I.■•,^,7) 68 ', I! il gr/iiJ^mt -T'Ki-^lttjaM'i -&rau Tri'dt fn) lii^tilliite with vink-t, uliuvati- mmIi-s, latiT.iI, rrert. Fruit: (.•nc^ trrit, c\ tn dvni"!, tlii-ir liniad nlittisc scalis fli'iidiKni-- lri>in tlu- pcr- >ist<.'iit ciiitral a\i^. This small conifer has sniDoth Iiark (h\i(k which are rounded or -hallow - notched at the apex, are whiti>h lielow with a i;rei'n niiilrih and the two resin-ducts are iinhedded in ihem. The hud- are -mall, round and .j^iiininv. WESTERN HEMLOCK Tsioni lu-liTi'i hxiui. I'iiu- I amily A t;'.ll, i'\iT'4rccii tret' Leaves: llat or -■ anyliNl, linear, aliruptly pftinKil, iiiliro <>r .siiiiuiIuM'-srrratt- tuvvard^ tlu' iMnndcd afix. Flowers: the -taininatc < nt la-I year'> leaves: the pistillate imes ir,\ the I)re\iiins year's liraiielilet-. Fruit: eoius pendnlnu^, very sm.ill, (ililoiiK- eylindrieal, acute, >li^htly pnt)e>ceiit. This tree has reddish-hrown hark ami conspicuouslv fjrooved leaves, which are rounded at the apex, dark ^reen, and very lustrous on the top, and marked I)elow hv hroad white hands. The folias,^' has a i^eneraily feathery appear- ance, and the cones are \erv small. M ! MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK Tsi(:^ti M cririisiana. I'iiie I'^aniily A larifc, everi:reen tree, with >lender ixiliesant hranchlets, .Mid dark ^recii foliaiie. Leaves: aii.mdar, aeiiti>h, ;ittennate ,it tiie li,i>e, often curved, tumat()>e and kee]e ilirti- Immlnil lii't liiuli, tu" lo til'tccii fi'ct ill (li.iiiuttr. Leaves: lunar, oIiIum', uitli t\M) laiiral roin-ihicls cIum- tu tlie I'f tlii' li>\vir nuIc. Flowers: iii"iiii- cioiis, fmin the axiK of tlu- prcviniis yi-ar'> kave^ ; tlit; -l innnati nms an oliloiiK column Mirromifkil ami partly tiul .,t'(l l.y nmmrnii-, imh- spicuon.s l)ii(l-scalcs : tla- jH'-tillati' uni'^ willi scales miuii sii^irtir lli an tlu- iini-ar, ari>tate lirafis. Fruit: tlu' i-oiics maturing tlit- lirsi year, witii persistent scak-s aiul cxscrted kracts. 'I'his j,'rand tree is one of the glories of the forest, with its j^lossy, crowded leaves, which are rounded at the apex, yelhnvish-green on the top and have a j.,Meen niidnerve he- neath. Its enormous tnnik. covered with rou.i.;h, brown bark, stands up tall and straij^ht like a |.,n.iiantic shijj's nia>t, while the cones are pendant on lonj,' stout .stems, and have fident-shaped bracts below the scales. RED CEDAR Thuya /'/iki/cJ. I'iiic I'nmily ' tree, with thin, tikrons k;irk-, .and scattered kraiulu-.. Leaves: site, ovate, acuminate, snk|)nn>»eiit. adnate, iiukricatid in l"nr rows Flowers: terminal, ikc staminau (nie^ numerous, very ^umII. Fruit: cones maturing tlie first season, small, soon strongly rellexed A tree which grows as hifjh as two hundred and fifty feet, and has very beautiful, shininp; everjjreen foli;ij^e. The cones are cinnamon-coloured, and thickly clustered at the ends of the branchlets, the seeds being compressed, and ^ ' PI.ATK MI n f L I\'kii C"kiiah ( ■/'Aim,, />//,,,/,; ) 72 7 ties lU'.'irK n|ii;ill\ \\inu:iil. I lu' lliiii li;irk i> lMii,'lit iiini;im'>n rc. ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER Jiiiiip, I ii.s M •■[III I mil. I'liu' I- .mill) A III' uii I'l I'.i'iv iiiiliiLili. Leaves: ■.|i|i">itf 111 p'l'''-. -piiii > I'Pin'iI, iln-iK .ijijiii -•(•cl. inil.ri' .(.1. 1. i!ir 1 ii'kr.l, uiiu. Fruit: luirj like I'liiii--, i;l.iiu'"ii-, Ip.iiiii- 1.11 -IV,, milt inili!iu-Ir like liraiiililcl ^. riii> i^ lilt' luiiiprr \'r^\' <-f Iiraiu'lu'^ aii|nar i|!Milraiii,nlai "U iii^ 1' i llic tlatliiii'cl iiiauiuT in wlncli tlu- t'l lur-raiikril k'a\i'> •j.r<>\\ mi tlu- twiu- I ln' ln-rrv -like iiiiii-. ari' iirij^lit liliu', ^wi-rt, ami (.'in crcd with a uliitixli llll icilll. Jtinipcnis lu>ri:ontalis. '>r ( ri'i'i'int; luniiKT. is a (lr|in.'s>«(.'il. ami ii-tia11\ ]iri>rniiilRiit -liriili, -.(.•Idnin ,L;ri)U iii<,f nmrr than thrt.'c tcft hi.^h. It> Kmm^ an- similar tc. tlmsc ut' tlu' Ki'iky Moiiinain Jiuiiiiir, ami it^ fruit is a hhic hcrry-liki' i mk.-. niiilainiii;^ mu' to t'lHir sfids, whc-rcas iho prci'CMlini; species is 1 inl\ c piu- t'l t\\i ' si'dlcd. junil'cnis iniiiniiinis :ar. tiwutana. nr Alpmc Juiiiprr, is a \cr\ (k pressed, aliiinst pnistrati- spoi-ies of Inniprr, which fiTiUs (ill tln' i;iiiti"i| lar;4e lircular iiaulu's that sdnu'tiiiK's extiiul til t(.i; Iret in iliainetii . It ,L;ni\\s at extreiiifl} hii^li altitmks, ami i^ > iiu' of the last sii^ns (.•! in \i.'rticils ot three mi the twi^^s. 'ihe emies are herrx-like, heiiu' munded. siiKioth. anI.nK.a,|,!u.n,|.tvloi.tluvc 2;- '•'--;''- >'iKnK.s. Tl.c..I.k.r.ui^s..f,|,is.I,n,l, an. t K- yonn;;cT ...ks arc- u h,tcMv....||v I.kc- tl.c loaves JaUs /u,nlayi, or DardaVs WiHou. ha. .lark i.rown jjsa,u .nalU-avc.. winch arc a pale, rcnH.n^ ram,..s.,hcscarcMla.rc.suh..fthcuorkofa^^^^^^^^^^ Kan an.l look exactly like re.Mish-.reen roses. .S„/u l.rrattnnu, or narratt's Willow, is a s.nail tree andTlT. '•; ■;■" *" '''' '''•' '■•■^^"- -^" '-^"^^ ^-v hark. . oh .,.. . ark ^ree„ leaves, uhich rusty heneath . n^ tl T": "■' ^"'■^' ''^"^<^'>-'l"-^recl. the scales ' n.' i.lack or red at the apex, an.l woolly with Ion, white .y.,/M- nchhiana, or I'.rown Willow, is sometimes a shrnh a".l son,etnnes a hushy tree twenty-five feet hi,h. It has ^•"•l;-'l. l><>."t.-.l. ,ray-,reen leaves, often tinned with red <"' the npper surface, and w.,ollv underneath .S.///.r mralis. or Alpine Willow, is a small species ,r.-w- in, very high up on the m..untains .SWm- f,ctn>f^i,iia, or Dwarf Willow, is a low creeping s K narnnv leaves al..>.,t an inch Ion,, which Lve Saliv rcstita, or Hairy Willo„. .s a low shruh with four- .s..led green tw,,s, and thick. e„-shaped leaves, which have mm.'^ ^y-iM'^'. iJIL^' Trt'fs •? >lij4hti .i\ V^iiH dark ^n-tn ami ".mmilli t.ti tlu' tr Sitka \\ ■" <\\ , \> a stra^jj^Iiiiij -hrnl). or a iiunli-'iramlu'il trvc, iili n-ddisli-lirnuti liark. -'■ ndcr, (li-wiiy Itraiulu's, and Iravi's wliirli arr dark L^rtrti alimc. and tliiikly tii\ci»(| lii-iifiili uilli ln~u i«. ».itiin 1, iir>. Salix iiritiiii, nr Antii' \\ dl^w. j, a l^u liraiu limi,' slirtil>. with cjl:,l,'— liapitl Iia\i's narrowed at tlii' iia--i'. and L;ro\\in.L; on lon}4 lial'-stalks. ASPCN POPLAR l\<['\ilus III iinil,iiil,-<. l'"iM,ir l'";imily A sicivler tm- wiili ■ . >fll"\vi>li Itmssii cir |>.i!c I'.irk. Leaves: ovnti-, slinrt-licnmiiKitc at ilic :iiii\, liiu'lv (Ttiiiilalr, numili-'l '.r >iili- i >r '>m- of the prettiest trees aniniii; the monntains. and when the wind hlows its tiny heart-shaped leaves, j^rowiny; ta,n.Ma,e a-nents cInMere.l ui,l, l,,lu l,n,wn .caks. ,„.>illat ..nens .h,„t-.talke.l. ui,l, ..ate anUe .ree„ .-al.. Fruit truh. cylMHincal. ,,ul.erul,.„s, erect ..r ,e,u'„l„„s .,„ slen,ler stalks. Tlu' lilack I'.irch is a small tree with slender spreading 1)cndtd..ns branches and Instnms copper or hronxe hark Hie leaves are and pointed at the apex, pale -reen aI.ove. and yellowish with minute -landular d..ts below t KMr short stems often sli<,d,tly reddened, and thev turn com- pletely yellow m the autunni before fallins,'. Bctula alba var. M/^yrifrra. or I'aper "liirch. is a lar-e forest tree, with outer lustrous white bark peclin^r off ?„ thin layers, and iU'> arc nmndcd .and vvvvi. .Ihiii.s- siliiu-ii.sis. i>y Siic'ckU'd AIcUt. has hmun l).ark. .and broack'r k'axrs the prcrtvhni;- -pri-ies. these k'.aves are acntely di nihly-tnMthed h.i^ht .i^reen on h. ith -ides, and speckled with white. iliis tree .urows in wet pkiccs. WESTERN MOUNTAIN ASH Pynis s<'iii!'iicif,'liu. Ro-c l^iinily Leaves: alli'rnato, iiinnati-; Icalli-t^ m.'\(.'1i to tittron. laiu'i'olali'. sliort- l>oititi il at till' a]if\, sharply si'iTatt'. iilalnons ami daik yrci'ii ,il)o\c, pale .-md iiiorr or K -- piiln-rrnt iiciuatli. P'lowers: uliilr. iii tiriiiiiial com- poiiiid I'viiivs : calv \-tiil)r nrn--liapi-i!, t"i\ t'-lolird, not Kraitcol.itc : pftaN five, sprcadiiiL;, -liort-clawid. Fruit: a >niall, n-d, iicrry-IiUi- poini-, liiitiT. This is the Rdwan 'l>ec of the nionnt.ain reqinns, and a very haiKNoiiH- shrtih or tree it is. soinetinics attainini,^ ;i hci!.;ht of twenty feet, hut i;n)wint( onlv from six to llfteen feet hii;h. 'i'he k-a\es ;irc (kark i^recn on the top .and a much p.ak'r hue ^eiieatli. The llower-hnds ;ire a (k'hcate sh.ide of creain\- pink, and ttirn whitr when thi'v CNp.and in the sun- shine, the \\ide-o])en lilo--, ,!ns havini,^ a (kirkened appear- ance in their centres, caused by tlie numerous stamens. This sliriil) is found at ^rcat altituik-s. j^rowinj^ ck)se to the edije of ])erpetu;il >now ;md ijcarinj.,'' (piantities of splctichd f(jha,::,'e and huq;e chistcred cymes of soft-tinted flowers, which (h'ffu'e an extremely puniLTent odour. ;h' Id ^■\u 4'i pn • 'I 78 T rees |;: The Kowan Tree is famed in verse and lejj^end. hut surely no tenderer poem was ever penned in its honour than the old immortal sonjj;: "() R,.\v,-m tree! O K..\van tree! tlmu "It aye he dear to me; I'".titw!tiewan tree ! " WESTERN CHOKE CHERRY J'lunus driiiissd. Rose Family A small tree ..r shrni). attaiiniijr ;, heijj:ht of thirty feet, hut usually smaller. Leaves: ohovate, thick, acute at the apex, short-serrate. Flowers: racemes densely-tlowered, terminating leatly hranches. Fruit: a drupe, glolmse, stone ^lohular. This Cherry has lonj^-shaped clusters of small white flowers at the etuis of the leafy hranches. and the edihle frtiit is tleshy, dark purple, and sweet, hut slightly astringent, the seed containing pnissic acid. DWARF MAPLE -•/<■<•;- i^labnim. Maple Family A small tree or shrnh, with a maximum height of thirty-five feet. Leaves: opposite, simple, palmately lohcd, the lohes acute, sharply ser- rate. Flowers: in numerous small, lateral and terminal sessile, corymb- like racemes. Fruit: of two long- winged samaras, joined at the base, one seeded, glabrous, shining, little diverging. This is the Maple of the mountains, and has lovely foliage, greenish-yellow flowers, and quantities of long-winged fruit. """nliBiaiiu i llr WILD FI.OWRRS OF TIIR XORTII AxMKRICAX MOUXTAIXS SI<:CTIOX III REEDS. GRASSES. SEDGES AXD RL'SHES ' ;' ! mer^\mf^'m['jiki^'r'i - ->'^''"ie- ti si-:c"ii( ).\ III REEDS, CRASSI'S. Si:i)(,i:s AXI) RL'Slll-.s BROAD-LEAVED CAT-TAIL lyrlui lali!,'ii,:. Cn-t.-nl I'.niiily Stems: stout. Leaves: nearly c,|nai;i„« ,,r c-xaH.!in- thf ,.. Flowers: vorv i.MnRT..n. in • Irnsc, tunnnal s'iU-. Fruit: nnt likr. .small, mm,.,,:, ^plntin.n ,,n uir. A oniniiK.ii niarsli plant, with hm- ril.l..m-likc k-avcs, and a tall >lc'in Minno'intnl l.y a (kiiM-. .lark-l,rMun i1..\vit spike. 'I'lic .)!(! Italian .Makers fiv.|unitly jKiintul the Cat-tail in flic hand ui the Savieur as a ni(,d<-sccpti-c in tlu-ir pirtnrcs of tile Cnmiiin^r oi the Christ with 'Ihonis. It is ottcn (.■oiituscd with the lltilrush (Srirpns). SIMPLE-STEMMED BUR-REED Stari^aiiiniii siiii/^hw. I'.nr-Rcivl I'amily Stems: cm-t or lloatins. Leaves: nior,. or Ics- tri,nu-tron.. al- ternate Flowers: cKn^K cruu,!c.l in l,l,,l.,„c. a. tar n|,|„-r pari of till- stem. Fruit: nni-like. onc-cilU'il. I;i h".i:-. .ind at the ci:;l,ulmi t<,iliistns. Arrow-Ki >^ Family Ju!rte^: Rootstock: .hort. ..Mi.,,,, .i„, sl.ukT, f„«,.ui„us jnn...,t,. neH.ace....s, ..f three o.ncavc ...a.s a.ui .... petal. Fruit: A marsh plant, with narrow loaves tapc-rini,' to a point and j,n-c-cn,>h-ycIIou- llowcr.> nrouin.t,' in a lon-shapcc! hcacl.' ALPINE TIMOTHY I'hlcuin iil/'iiiiim. (iiass l-"amilv Clum: Rla1,ro,,s. erect, .i.nple. sheaths .,f,en u.nU shorter ,han ,he mt rn .1,, s,„„ei,„u., 1„„,,,. Leaves: sn,....,h hc.a.h. scahn.t.s al.-ve S>pike: sliort. ovoi.l to <.l,l<,„p. cylin.lric. A pm-nnial -rass, with Hat leaves, and numerous dense one-dowered .spikelets. CaUwnu/roslis ca,mhv,sis, or Bhie-foint Grass, has Hat leaves, and open panicles of a purplish colour. It ijrows principall in wet meadows. Poa alpina, or Alpine Spear Grass, has short, pointed iii^xy^^, and panicles from one to three inches in Ici-t!-. 1-cstuca ovina. or Sheep's I-escne Grass, .i^rows in a tiifted fashion, and has thread-hke leaves growing, fron, the hase of the i.lant. its panicles heincr often one-sided and tlattened. It :s ahundant in dry meadows, and rockv places Bronius Rkhardsonii, or Frin-ed P.rome Grass, resem- bles oats, and has wide leaves which are sm, ih beneath a"^clnllle harhs. and these awns turn to a warm, rich red(h>h hue as tlie stiniiiicr advances, and present a heautit'nl appearance as lhe\ swiiij,' and s\vay in the wind. " In the snniiiKT of the sumniiT, when the h.i/y air is swcit With the hreaih of ■•rinisoii vlover. ami the ilay's a-^hiiie witli lieat, When the sky is hhie ami htiniiiiij and tiic ilmuK a (l'n\n_\ ina>s. When the bree-^e is idly t a tliistly, wliistly -ound In the laiiHk-. near the Kninnd ; And the tiittinK fairies often >tu|) to li>ter. as iliey |m>> ; Just a lisping, whisp'rini; inne, Like a imnihleliee's ha.s-oon. In a far-away fantasia, is the inii>ic in the yrass. "Would you know wiiat make-- tlie innsic? On each slender, (|uivering Made There art notes and chords and phra-es hy the he In their hrav intcrpietalii'U of the niu>ic in ilic .uras-.. " Hy the roi,'uish hree/es tost ^'ou might think it would ^ct Inst, But the careful fairies guard it, watciiing closely as they pass. So on every sunmier day. Sounding faint ami far away. Is the mystic, murmuring marvel of the nui-ic in the grass." I \\ HARE'S TAIL Erioplionan callitrix. Sedge Family Perennial by rooistock. Culm: obtusely triangular, stiff, smooth, slen- der. Leaves: filiform, clianneled ; spikelet terminal, solitarv, erect; involucre none: scales spirally iml)ricate T.\:i. (hiii'fltonii! caUitnx) 84 fi "WHHJ <*- Reeds, Grasses, Sedtjes and Riishct Hj; Close lic'sidf till- iii;iry;iiis nf tlic alpiiu' I.ikcs ami ^I^^.lln•^ may this >< iti tltilV) IicaiU'd Svilj^v \k- lumi'l. It lia> a I. ill culm, tun I If tliri'i- >Kii(Ut c'lianiiclk-il k'.i\r>. .uul a >iiij;k- terminal white ur eream-eitlcure'l head (.••'iiiiin-ed i>\ line silky bristles. liriophonnn (iii/iislifuliiiiii. or ("nttun ( iras>. ha^ \ery iiarruw lea\e-.. and i> a mailer, ni<>re delicate jilant than the p'ecedinj; >liecies. ARCTIC KOBHESIA Kiil'ii'.uii I'if'iirhl.i. Sfclu.- l'.imil\ Culms: quinary dP tni'icil, ^iii."iili. Leaves: iini'ililfl, -Iii.ihr ili.m tile cnlni. Spike: I'diiipuMil i.i -i'M.ral limar. .iiipii'^-iil "r a-.iinliiiK siiikclit-'. Fruit: aclu'us >t^-ili'. This slender moniitain Sedi^'e has ;> nnniher >'\ short, nar- row leaves, .and (lowers .^rowini,' in ;i ter-'iinal spike. A \erv comiui m plant. Kiihn-sid lu'lliirdi. or Ari'tic h'.lxtia, is more drn-^ely tnfied than the precedin;.,^ specie^, .md the m.iM;in> <>i i\\v li;i\es are rcM 'lute. TUSSOCK SEDGE ('ijr(M- fcsli;,!. Si'<1l;c I'"aii;il\ Stems: triansn, ar. Leaves: tin- iqiinr ImiLji^t, i-niiniKiiily -linricr Miaii till" strin. Heads: ilark. kiriiyindns, ^;)ikl■^ ovoid, i-oiiiij^iiou, in an ol)- loii^j or crowded si>luTic,d ilii'-tiT. These q'rass-likc Sed„,h on .lu- vny .harp an.los, The ^:n- a,^ hrna.l an.| ,lat. ;m.I ,hc. spik,. .h...,.p,„. ,,, ,,i„^ stalks. I, ;;rnus at the v,h^, „| hij,^, ,n.,nntai s.rca.ns ( <»r.y ,n,ru„ns. .,r S.,I«c-. i. |.,,fv at the I.a.ethe |-au-sU.rMnn;.tM.^„Mc.ry sharp pom^ "• ",rou.,nu.tnK-a.lousathi,^hck.vat..,ns (>'rrr ^/^ •./,-,., ..r R.,,,, Sc-,l,v. ha. leaves which often nii\( and enil. an.! a s.-htarv. tenninal spike. IH ALPINE BOG RUSH J nil, IIS,-iisi,niiis. K'livl, |-.T,„ily Stems: wc.iK fn.ii, in,-,it,,| |.|,„.|, L*av«. i; i .••I'ln.lati- ;it iMcli i-ii.l. t«nm. ni,my-Mr.l,..l, A plam. with lo„. .rass-like leaves, and a single. M. -unt.n^ ''-P'tl. 'ronMhe stems ..f the Fnncns ua.,Jonnerly used as w.eks f..r the old-fashiuned ^ rush- J>nuus Iri.iUnni., or Three-llowered Hoj, R„sh. has all '.>a caves vv H, Hasping sheaths, the l.lades short and blunt. I IH three-llouere.] hea.l f^nuws at the t.,p „f ,he stem slen l"'";" '!;'"""""""'■ '- l)nnn,n..nd-s H... Rnsh. ha's very ^".Icr tall sten.s. and si,eathinj, leaves. The panicle i^ j,'reenish-l)r()\vn. Junius I'an-yi. ..r Parry's Ho. Rush, .rows from three to Un n.ches h,oh. an.l has inner leaf-heann- sheaths The leaves are ^rooved at the l.ase. an.l „n,cl, shorter than the stems ; wlule the panicle of inconspienntis l,losson,s is loosely- Houered. the tloral leaves hein,. ti.i-ed with hrown Ri'fds, Grant's, Sfilfft'i iiml Rushes H7 SMALL-FLOWERED WOOD RUSH l.uzuLi f'iK I itl>\i. Un^li I'.iinily Stems: ■.innU' or ffw in a tni'i >t..|MiiiiiTi.ii», cir.t Leaves: uli'inm-i. Flowers: 1" ■■ sjnylj nr ^niiu'tinu^ tun nr thnr t'^vntlur mi ilir liraiK'lii'- (if tin- iiitliri'-ii'iKH" on ■^llnlUT pulicil^. Fruit: -lul- i irr.iwly A |KTi'tiiii;il pl.iiit, willi k';i\(.'< f;ii»friiii,^ to ,1 sli,ir|i puiiu, and a ii'xldinj,', (ItcoiiiiK im , ^rri'iiisli-hfiu ti |i;iiiii!f. I In- W'ootI Uii-lir-. arc rat'uT dfi^fiuTatt.', a> llir -milk'^-, 1imiu-v- k"^'^. roldiirk'ss cdiiditifin of thrir tiiu' li1o>m.:iis i'\ idi-in'cs, and ihry (k-prncl altoj^vtluT nitoti w iiid-firtiIis;ition. l.ii'iilii . from oiu- to thrtT irrass-likc leaves on the stems, and a noddin;,' spike- Iinc i)anick'. ill hi 11 Hi c t ""'^^^S ^ • l.mL . 3Ui^£ivi % W ILI) I'l.oW I:KS ( )!• Ill|-. .\( )U III AMl'.KICAX MolXTAlXS mi I ! I, si:cTi()\ !\- WHITE TO (iui-:i:x axd hrowx i'i.owi-.ks < 1*1 HI] •-^■*j«f- .— '5»i-_' ir-i • "_'« ... 1 r I- 'f SI-lTK )\- IV wiiiTi-. TO (;ri:i-.\ wd i-.rowx m.ow !;rs RICHARDSON'S PONDWEED !'i>til h'irluir(ls,ii:ii, ri.ii(hvi.i'nn I'oiiilweiMJ, lias nii- nicrons \ery narrow leaxes, and tlower^ wliieii L;ro\v in tiny whorls near the top of the- >lender stems. Ill GLUTINOUS ASPHODEL Tcfithlut iilutinosa. I.ily {•'ainily Stems: visi-id-imhi'-rent with lilack i;hind-, iKarini; tun to f^iir Ica\f< near the ha-c. Leaves: hasal one' tnlted. Flowers: termnia! rarenu-^ oI)l()n^r. the upper llowers o|ieninH: hrM, hedminL' Ioniser in frnit ; iii\..- hii-ral liraet- mimite. united at the apices. Ii .rue inst lielou ilu^ iL.uer' l)crianth--e>.nnent- ol.joni;, ohtn-^e, nieniliranMti.-.. Fruit: -eed- t.uK-d ,it each end. .\ traveller cantiot piek tiie lont;- spikes of tinv white Mo^- sonis which heloiii; to (his plant w ithont at oiiee reco^mzini,'- its name hy the e\ceediii^d\- sticky and hairy nature of the stems. The Latin designation glutinosa exactly de-crihes 91 i 92 iriiiti' to Green and Broiin Flo^^cri It. Ihc- Asphodel grows along the banks of streams and in wet places. 'I'cfiiidiii pdliistris, or Scottish .Xsphodel. has lealless stfiii> and tutted leaxes. 'i he ,i;reeni>h-\\ Iiite tlo\ver> -n.\v in a dense oMoni;- chister. lofu'lilia inailcHtalis. ..r Western Asphodel, has a stout Mem our L- three leet hi-li and l.,ii- i^^ve.s. Jt i> found in mar>hy pLues. BRONZE BELLS Stcihiiilhiiiin iUiuli'iihili-. Lily I'.iiiiily Bulb: nl,l.,ni;.,,v,.i,l. o.aii'.l. Stems:, cm-t, i:lalM-,.iis. Leaves: u-u. lnuMr, lance.', aamiiiiatc. Flowers: racfiiic Minplo, >am],annlaU', iiodiliim, -i-i,K'ni. ..f iIr- ,„riamh l.vnsuu^h-'^y.^-u- I'l-a.-is niruhal -.r.,ri..iH ; polj. ■,, ..inca.lni- l,m^,-r than ihc lir.Kiv Fruit: mkN liiicar, ilai, IIn> plant -rows only in shady places and is tall, with many hrowni-h-reen hells nodding ,,n its slender >talks. It has very narrow rihhon-like leaves growing from the l)a>e and ;d>o up the stems. gri:en lily Zy:^dilriiiis ,'li-:^aiis. I.ily I'amilv Bulb: ..\ni,|. tiuMiiliranniis, o>atol. Stems: ^UwU-r. Leaves: very ylanoin^, narmw ; bract- lMnL:-kcclc-,l, lanrclali-. rather laryc. Flowers. ni a sui-K' r.K-ciiif, ,.r a laryc paiiiclc, ii, l.r.anchcs -Irndcr. asa'.i.liim' the perianth a.lnate f. the hase u| ,Iie ,,vary. it- >eu,nent- hr.^adly ", the inner ahniptly CMntraele.! to a -h..rt cl.iw, t;laii.l ..ho.r.jate Fruit: -ee.l- cihl..]]-, .ni^nlar. A t;dl atlracnc plant whose hranching stems are covered l)y many rour,., creamy tlowers splashed with green. These tlcwers are six-parted and have a numhcr of brown-tipped stamens clustered about the large green base of the pistil. The capsule, or dry fruit, which develops as the tloral leaves PI. A I i: ix ll • ii (iKi;i:\ l.ii.-i- 93 94 Jf'liite to Green and Broun Flou^ ers (lie ami (In.p ,,fi, is thrcc-Iched and very larjre. The leaves (.f the r;reeii Lily are lung and narrow and are covered with a whitish hlooni. Zxiliidcnus vcncnosus, or Poisonous Crcen Lily, is a slij,ditly shorter, smaller species of this f^a-nus. also fre- quently f(.nn(l in the uKumtain rej-ions. Its vellowish-jrreen flowers <,rrow cl-.^tly to.;,'cther and it has rons,diish leaves. So poisonous is this plant thai animals fre(|ucntlv die fr the effects of eatinj/ it. oni INDIAN HELLEBORE Vcrtitruin 7 hide. Lily Family Stems:„t. tall, very leafy. Leaves: acute, strongly veined, slmrt- pctiole.l. sluatlunir, the n^.r ".us stK-ce>Mvely narrower, tliose of the mflnrescence small. Flowers: ,,a,mles long, pubescent, densely many- Howcred, its lower hramlie- spreading This is hy far the largest and handsomest green-flowered plant which grows in the mountains. Its foliage is im- mense in size, hright green, and the leaves have a peculiar plaited appearance. In the early spring the stout .solid -spears of the Indian Ilcllehore push their wav up through the soil and s..on hegin to unf<,id with the increasing warmth of the sun's rays. Then the long stifT spikes and graceful pendent tassels of flowers commence to lengthen and unfold, yellowish at first, and later on hecoming greiner. 'I'he flowers are comi.o.scd of six petals and have .si.x whitish stamens. linrton in his .Imitoiiiic of Mclamiioly refers to the al- leged curative properties of the Hclleborc'as an antid.jte for madness. " I'.oratje and helleiiore fdl two scenes, Snvereiirn plants to purge the veins Of nicl.nicholy, and cheer the heart Of those hlack fumes which nwke it smart." ri.ATi'; X .-.4-k f Imji.w Hki.i.kiidkk ( I'craiium viridc) 95 i . i' 96 White to (iiti'n an J Ihfjicn Flourn \\[ aanr(lin,i,^ v, the prim-ipk- that those hcTh> whiih aire may als., kill, du- I k'Udioic is lK>t kii..\\ii to us as a very ltiiisnii(ni> plant. MOUNTAIN ADDERS TONGUE /;.'.\ //;/(>/;/(/;)( iih'iif.iiiiiiii. l.ily l'".iniily Stems: -calc sKmlcr, ,i\ to t'i,L;litri'n iiu-lu-. lii-h. Leaves: l.rM.i.lly l.nuv,.|,,tr I., ,,s:av. Flowers: iKri.nilh ln^..,.lly inundh.nn, ,,t -ix .|k- Inu-I l.,-...„lly l.h'.-rulati- -lynicnl-, -lo.diTly .■..■ninin.ilc. llu' iiMcr mhc- with Mii.ii; i.rlli Mt Imm'. Fruit: ^-apMik' tin nil.r;Mt;,>v..ns, <,\<\u-ch tri- .•.ii..:Mlar. mt.K in f/.- r..«s in v.,ch cell, a -rin.lin.LT, ui,i, !„■,,„,, ,,r M:u\- rn^iilii-r lt>ta MiiiU'wliat l..i.^c at tl.c a|ir\. 'I his Adder's T-.n-tie lias Imely white tlouers. the >e-- nieiits of tlie i.eriaiuh heiu-- m-ire or ie^s revohite, and oran-e at the hase. The leaves are i)ale -reen. and not mottled, tliey are oval and ahrnptly eontraeted at liie hasc into a uin-ed petiole. One to three llower- -ruvv un the slender stalks that are six to twelve inches hi-h. GREEN-BANDED MARIPOSA (■(//. '.7;,'///(.v iiiacr.H-iirtiis. l.ily I'.amily Stems: cfc<-t. ri^;i,i. Leaves:, M,litarv. .I.rnlv diani.clrd o:iiili„r -.lain.w. oMunlntr. Flowers: ^imK!,-.' .lounn.atc.' IKlals onuMi, uocvate. Fruit: c.qiMiic laiiccohitc, attcmiate. ni.vvard. M't'ils miiiii.Ti)iis. 'I he ( ireen-handed Mariposa is a very heautiftil i)erennial lily, with one or more tlovvers qrowinj,^ on a stiff erect stem, and the sin-le ion- hasal leaf hein,-,^ deeply channeled. The three narrow pointed sepals are inirplish-.^reen with a dark hase in-ide. sometimes spotted and hairy, and the three hro;id, more or less concave petals are pale lilac with a .t^reen- iMi line down the centre, 'idle .inland is ohlon:;' and densely hairy. 'I his lily -^rovvs in very dry places. Its lar<^e hiilhs PI.AI 1 M a Oi Ki;\-Ci !■ {t'ltiih'iiia uiiith'id I mm AA 9^ Jriiiti- to Green and /?rou« Floiiers III arc- cnnM-.k.rc ,„, ,1, • j^rassy slopes ,,t In-r), ni..iintains. It has a slni.l.r Mnn iK-arm- tliur to liw tlouns in an nnilu'l. cad. l,l,,s.o,n o.n, l...>ni oi tl.rcr .^rm.ish-pnrpk .rpal. .tron^K ardu.l I,do<.v can.ll.nn.^ also ardic-d hdo-,,. '^ QUEEN-CUP Clint, .ui, „iatl,,r„. I.,K I.'a„,ily Stems: villous ,,„l,...n,t. Leaves: .Vu, I:„ ..■,,l.-„.. .u-nf, .u.nnat. ^low ,., a .Iu..,„n« ,..,i,.l... Flowers: .,l„..n. ,„..i,„K.U. ...„Jl U s |r,.., ,I,a„ ,IK. 1...-...: ,,.n,u.,l, .-.nnpan,,!.,.., „f .,. ..,,u.:n.\un' >fvlffMnalIinKil,c.taimn>. Fruit: lIir. InTry. . nm'U . An cxr,nisitc- six-partc.l uhitc- Howct uith a heart of ..,,i,i ^nnul ^n.uinj^ in the woo.Is. I,, leaves tairlv carpet the jrround in the localities uhere it al.onnWs; thev are lar-e aiKl f,^l..ssy and resenil.le those of the i.ilv .l-tlie-\-alle"i- 1 he stems, which usually hear onlv a sin^de ilower. are verv hairy. I horean has complained hitterlv that tin's heautifnl (hvdier of the forest should he calle "<'t know. There is nothin- " f.-.Ise " al.out it except .ts name; and while its luxuriant folia^a« resnnhles that of hoth the True Solomon's Seal and the Twisted-sfi'k still ,ts llowers are entirely different. K-rowin^' in dose ter- ni.nal panicles, whereas those <.f the other plants mentione.l f,'nnv in small individual l.dls fro„, the axils of the le'ues irowever. I'alse Solomon's Seal is its name, aiul hv such It IS known all over the world. Smilacina stcllala. or Star-tlowered Solomou's Seal looks to ordinary eyes very lile a wild Lilv-of-the-N/allev and grows near the hanks of mountain streams and in the moist meadows. It is a lovely plant, stands u,. verv stifi" and Ki ^5S 102 Jf'hit,- to (ircn fin J liroiin FIrju;- rs •1 >lra,j^ht ..lit Ml the- ^ ;ui,l ha> st..„t m,ii,s whirl, arc It-aly all the- way fr,.,,! the I.a.r t.. the >In..Kr tlnwi-r ra.cim-s. 'riu-^i. raanu- ,nv|M,sHl ..| live t,, \\i. im. httU- Marry 1.1...-,, „is. t-a.!. .„h' haviii- a wl.itf six- l-arti-.! iRTiaiiih. TIu' Uavc. arc nt a wl„t,.|, .;uTn hue. aiul the I nut is a l.ri-ht n.j l.iiry rlMihr.l uiili |.iir|.l.. FAIRY hVA.l.S Ih.^r-'iiim l',i,liy,,iifiiiii. I.ilj I .Hiiil) Leaves: ,,I„ri,.-.ti-. ,.v„„ ..r .n,,l, ,„•„.,. .„ ,i,, ,,,,,. „,„„,,,.., ^., „,^. ..^.•. hu-,u..|,.w„ „.ru.|, M-il... Flowers:,,,,;,!. .„„■ t.. ,hr.x -„ l..nK,.o.lKd>.Ku-,,,,.h „ln,.-, .run,., ,i-h >..ll,,u ; ,...n;,n.lM,,-.m.uIv .;„..- I'.mnl..U-. It, MX M-uniinu „,,rn,.ly .,I,1,,„k, .unt... litil., si.tva.linK • .ta- "h:.^ s.v. hy,..,Ku,.,„s: s,yl,. .K.p.Ur. three lol,c.l. Fruit: L.rry umgU- find, liavi- a l.i-rry with a r..ii;^.h cat: it is api-arnnly k-atliery ratluT than pulpv. an.l (-..mains '••iir tu cij^htm, smis, Thi. plant is ,i..t a real shrnh. hnt IS a shnih-likc IktI) with >Ini(lcT r....tst.,cks. and hramhinK' stt-nis that art« scaly |,d..w and leafy almve. It nsnally J^ ni the dense and attains an averaj^e liei-ht of tu.. feet. The leaves, which s..niewhat rescni,!^ ,, oi Slrctt,>pusnmth:yif,>lius. are ..\al and stn.n-lv nerve.I. very pointed at the apex and n.nn.Jed at the l.ase.' The iL.wers nsnally -n.w in tw..s ..r threes at the <.f the slender uand-like hranches, where they han- pendent on their thready stalks. They are creamy ,,r -reenish-yell..w in Ime. an.l have a fL.ral cnp that is cut int.. six e(|ual narrow se,!,nnents and h.>l(/,(• tlilifli-xifolius) lOJ m^ .*- ^ ^«f mmsm.mmm^ ^^mLM^r^^^^ m IM.A I F. W ^4 WllllK MniVA.MX |-|,,UKK ( ( y/'ii/^,;/iiii,i f^iissri Ilium ) 104 ^JV^ < A m..:4t While to (incii and lirox.n /-V^K.-rv ">,'; -■III"!!- i...imnl aii.I lK-art->Ii;ipnl at tin- l,.,,r. tlu' rrvam- o.l.miv.I ll,,urr> arc luiiiuli.,nii aii.l \\w Ihtpicv arc c;^-- sliapcd. WKITE TWISTED-STALK Sf.,!-, ,M, , ^ , ^/,.| l> iMIIlllN Ki"it-i(H-K -!, _ ''• '■'■"'• • '•""ntal, >■.->, I,.! uiil, tiiir', n,.,t. Stems: ^lal, ■ :- '„.„.!, in. h,I,,u th.. n,„l,ll,. Leaves: ,„ „nn,;a„ ;u titr .-M'.N. runlatt-.-la^p,,,^' ,., iIk- l.a^. , uI,,,,. , „,. i„„....ti,. Flowers" ,„„. tn tu,., .vncn.h-ulntc-. Fruit: icl nxal lurry. niany-M olr.l. 'i'liis 'lui.inl-Malk i. a lai-v plant with inaiiv rl:,spin- IKMiiIc-d k'avr. -TMuin- all the uay iii. .,ii l„,il, m.K.. ,,,■ j^ li.n- hramhiii- Mnii-. with mu- >,~huuy lr;it at the apex. Tho^f leaves are liaii.Isnnie. -reeii an,r,-l,,>sv , „, the t.,p. with sti-on-ly iiLuked vem.. aiul are mvered with a l'l""iii on the ini(Ier>ide. I..M,kin- at the plant iV,,,,, It appear, in hear u>> flower, at ;dl. Init turn ..ver it. stems and y..ii ^\ ill (ii„l heneath eaeh le;il' ,me -r tu^ linv -reeiiish- uhite hells, han-in.ii "H sharply hem lhre;i.l like Malks that spriti- the axils ni the leaves; tlu-e H.-uers in time turn into hri-ht nd n\al iierries. The name Tu isted-stalk is derued IrMin its ahniptiv hent llower stems. ii •f: m WHITE MOCCASIN FLOWER I'yf: it>'/'iiiii p.i.^.uri.iitiil. ..lii,-,ry nr tun; |„.,al^ an.l -r,.aN pal. yrru, ; 1„, ,1„11 uhilo. mmiu-cI. an.l wul, l.ri^.l.t rc,\ .,,n.s: aiillKT nvau-trian,L,r,,Iaie, ycl!,,w with ml s,„,ts. Fruit: capsule (Inxipinjj:. This is the small white I.adv's Slipper, anrl its diso.vcrv 111 the ni..untains is ni" suftleientlv rare id the other a couple of inches lower down I licre is a rich tn.pical beauty al.out orchitis stron-lv suir- Kcstue of the Orient. They do not seem to he at home m tlie northern monnta.n fastnesses, hut rather to helon-^ to a world ot cloudless skies an will llonrisli so far from tiieir native soil. \\onl> fail to truly desorihe thc. It lia> a stout juicv stem. l)road leaves, and many Ion- pointed l.racts 0,1 its tlower- spike. I 'sually found in wet jilaces, this ( )rchis mav ahvavs I'c distin,^ui>he that may alwavs he l.y it> sin-le hasal leaf. It is very like a white'and ,!,m'en I.ilv- of-theA'allev. and its flowers -row widely separate.l on the slender stalks. llahciHvia Itypcrborca. or Leafy Rein Orchis, .somewhat reseml.les //. obtusata. hut may easily he distinguished hy tlic fact that it has several leaves -rowin- up on and cla>p- nig its stem, which is also decidedly stouter than the stem of the i.recedin- species. The Leafy Rein Orchis grows in the open woods, preferring a moi^t spot. It ha> many tlowers on each stalk, and they grow closely set together. Ifahaiaria (/racilis. or Graceful Rein Orchis, has a tall slender stem and long narrow leaves which are gradually reduced as they grow upwards and eventually pass into the ♦ < .■...•^^I ,-..*■»•■■ MO White to Green and liroun r/r,,,rr. I'racts of tiK. narrow sparsdy-.luu.rcl spike. The .lower, arc sn,all. .^rcc-nish-ydlow. an.I have a short .p„r rcachl^ he eco.n,.e.l hy us two very lar^e ,Ii.,eni,K, orhic^ r I ves that .prea.I out nat upon the ,ron„,I. ami which K lar.;e ,M-een,sh-whue llouers of this han.I.'onu. plant .- „, a n.ceu,e on the slen.ier ..ape-lilun.,ed„,,H.r.epal an., spreading ^ t"t cntne ohtuse uhue hp hein,Mon,,a.r than the petal.. HOODED LADIES' TRESSES Sr^-ant/irs Komauroffiaua. Ordii.l Family Ro'lt IiiIkTuUs. Stems- ..l-|l,r,,n I .- < , I.CR:m> 1.. «■,■„,.. 1, ,s a lH..„„,if„, ir „„„ .. .Icnse s„,„v, spikes, an,l has 1,„„ „,,-„,„ i,,,;,^" " ,^ s..lern„j ,I,a, .to rccl<„„c,l as a,„„„,s, ,„;. „r , .•.n.i.-,cl,cs, treasures .„• X„„„,, i, is s,ra„;. I,,; [ , spcc,cs„f,,e„,on,„ „i,.lin ,l,e„„„„„ai„: n e hoy are al! ,erres,r,ai „,„■<; we have „„„e of ,|,e k J "Ineh gr„„ „„ ,rees a,„l .level,,,, false l„,ll,s. STOUT RATTLESNAKE PLANTAIN lltih-lis J,;ifi.„s. Ordii.l Family ■ir-T" iM.\rK win I (i. .1.1 IfiionKi) I,\iiiKs' Tkk.~>ks I -^r-'f utiles Kumanzofftana ) III ■ if fl 112 IV kite *o Green and Brown Flowers Ih.s plant Ims a cluster of leaves at the l>ase only; these are covere.l with a network of white veins and frequently also have white blotches on then. The Howers grow in a Imicted spike, are greenish-white, and have a very hairy Epipactis repcns, or Small Rattlesnake Plantain, has also pecuhar wh.te-veined leaves, hut in this species they .^n.w "1> 'c stalk as well as at its base. The whole plant is smaller than E. dccipicns. and its insi^niHcant .lowers ijrow only on one side of the stem, which is much hracted and ha.ry. 1 he name " Rattlesnake " applies to the resem- blance between the airiously veined leaves and the body of a snake. This plant frequently grows in decaying wm^d. HEART-LEAVED TWAYBLADE Listera cordata. Orchiil Family Root: fleshy-fihrons. Stems: very slen.ler. Leaves: sessile cord.te ov.-.,e, „„,cronate. Flowers: in racemes. n,in„te pedice K bra tl laU and petals oblong-linear, -ip narrow, the segments'setaceou; i-lnd dliXe A small orchid with two large leaves growing midwav up .ts slender sten. by which it n,ay always be readily recog- n.^ed. 1 he flowers are purplish-green, very tinv. and are set m a small raceme at the top of the stalk. It grows in the cool woods. ^ Listera convaUarioidcs. or Broad-lipped Twavblade. also has the same two distinguishing stem-leaves, which, how- ever, are rounder than in the foregoing species, while its flowers are yellowish-green, fairly large, and possess a broad lip with two lobes at the delicate apex. The Twayblades present a strong contrast to the Coral Koots. fhey are conspicuously groen and hcalthv of leaf frhite to Green and Broun F I on- ers "3 EARLY CORAL ROOT Corallorhha trifida. Orchid Family Root: coralloid, l.ranclMiiK. Stems: Rlal.roiis. clothed with closdv ^hcathiiiK scales. Flowers: in I.mir racemes on short minutely hracted pedicels ; sepals and petals narrow, lip short ; spur a sac adnate to the summit of the ovary. Fruit: capsule ..j.Iomr. A plant ijiipossihlc to mistake, for its roots arc exactly like hr.nciies of coral, cotnposefl of thick, white, hhint f-hres. and ina> he found in moist shady places. The (lowers jjrow in a raceme on sinj-le. thick, fleshy stems, that are clothed with closely sheathed hracts and are of a queer ptirplish- ^M-een colour. fre(|iiently marked with white. It has no leaves. The Coral Root is a sa/^ro/y/iytc: that is to say. it lives upon the dead and decomposing^ forms of other plants, and this explains why it is such a vejjetahle dej;enerate of the beautiful of orchids. It has lost its leaves, also its chlorophyll, or honest ^aeen colourinjj matter. throuj,di its had habits, and to-day belongs to that pirate tribe which feeds upon food already a.ssimilated by another, and thereby incurs the displeasure of Xature. whose laws demand conduct in her kinj,'dom as sternly as do those of man: and so. wheii he Coral Root refused to manufacture its own upbuilding materials out of the carbon dio.xide of the atmos- phere, and proceeded to prey upon decaying matter. Xature took away its leaves and chlorophyll and only left it suffi- cient branching extensions at the base to secure it in the soil. Corallorhha maculata. or Large Coral Root, grows as high as twenty inches and has purplish-green flower-.stalks clothed with scales. The numerous flowers are purplish- brown, and the lip white-spotted and lined with purple, the ii ' ?! it 1 ' i 1 1 ii •.laL^a^- .isr .. •> *, L -1 i tiirvtd. I Ik- >|,ur is \ tll,.u jsh, CoraMica sIru.U,'. .„• Stnpo.l C.ral K„.„. 1,,, ,.,rV rnnj.^^^^^^^ ^_,,_^__-;; C-.r<,//.rA/,r<, .l/.-,-/r„.v/.,„.,, or Spnrrc! C.ral l^,.„ 1,.. m»ner..ns r.Idi.i.,r..n n.-allv :M.onJ ,, \^^ •••^vc.i to a clau an.I a utv n,arkc-l .pnr. COMMON NETTLE f''li.,i /.y,ilui, Wtil atnilv Flowers- in I . ^"^«s. M\;,(c. u-iito. o.;ir-(lv sor.-;itc ^.^. ,U.,„1.., panirlr.. Fruit: ;n, arlur.r, '""-■ ^■""1111. .11 \,.,,K. j, „ 1 ... 1 v.iii Kill. Wit ji. rrniiirf .•iiiv '''■"^", ' """ "^ I-K-l- .'f -mall „v,.„i,„' „„„ WHITE COMANDRA C..;«„;/,/,„ /,„//„/„,|;,lu,„„| |-,n„ily .c'r'Fiorr;.:,';;:'"' ~"'r';- "■'""'" ■-""- 1™»- ^ -■ »n„„i,.,!;z"::i;;:;, ""■"'" ""■ '■'■'■™' ••■ "■'""■•> ■ .■ The C„M,an,lra is parasMic ,.„ ,hc r„„,s „f „il,,,. ph,,,, 1 1- P-cuy ii„.c „i,i,is,,-,a.,„ „„„„, „i,i,,,;,,;™' , .su-rs a,„l arc l,„lh-shapul a, ,l,e Lasc. spn.a.HnJ,,,, „ t ve l„l,cs a, ,l,c ,„p. The loaves are verv „arr„„ ^...l ,. "„,,,all,he„ay,,p,|,es,afca,,;i,lK.fn,i,isa™- lilse^herry. „|„eh,. a. i,s tip ,|,e ,,„„ sh„r, par, of Cmmuln, Ihhla. or Swan.p G.,„a„,lra. .iiffers frn„, ,he orcg,„„(r ,pec,e., i„ ,l,a, i, has wi.lcr leaves, eael, „„e -ro ! "W "n „s ,.„„ „„y slalk a„aehe,l ,„ ,|,e ,„.„„ s,e,„ Zl ;-!3«Njra.2. ri.MK \\K Maki.y Coral Rikit (Ctirallorlu-ii tiifidnj ij. j m >i Il6 ir/iitr to Grrrn ami lir'n.n llouc rs wiurt-as iIk' !l..\vtrs i.f tliv W liitf ('..m;m. tliMsf ,,f till- Swamp ( omaiidra k'r"u ill till- a\ils ..t tin- U-.u,., l.^it ,|,,\\ii ,,n \\w sirtiis. and its iViiii i^ a r.iiiii(||,h rnl and r.lil.Ir Lcrrv. It i>. a |)arasitf on tin- r.H.ts ..f ( oruiis anuhlnisis. L oiiiiiiiiira h'uliiirilsiiiiiii. nr (iiv.ii (■..maiidia. Iia> vt-rv li-afy hraiu-liol slniis. ..|,I,,ii- pMinlcd lia\f> and -rtrnisli- wlntc or pinplish iloutr, -rouin-,' in llal-topind iln^tcrrd hi-ads and aNo in flu- a\iK of tin. Umvi-s. Tli,. f,,,,, j. .., nmnd Irmtv o.niainin- a sionc. Ihis plant is nMiallv I'nnnd in dry opin plaiis. WITCH'S BROOM Jit.-ulli.'l'iuiii ■mil li, ,1111(111. Mi^lktMi- I'.,inil\ Stems: ^U-n.l.r, imuli ImmiuIk-.I, Flowers: i!i, .,n.l pis. I' .>n sciMralc plain,. |„,nic ,.■ i.Tiniiia! poImh. I,- l,k,. |,„i,t.. Fruit: a n(-|,\. ilaiui.ol lii-rry l.-nn' parasitic on /V///(.v c,>nt,n-ta ;■< Miinayoua. It has niiKli-jointnl l.randu-s. an small srak-s in the pKirc o| Uavcs. Mu- imv llou^rs arc ydlouish-rccn and tin- Irnit is a pnriijish Iiroun I-i-rrv. TALL ERIOGONUM liri,uio,unn uwh.ll,ilin„ ,-,;/■. iiuiw I'.iirkulual |-amily Stems: .|fpri--o| and sL- ;,l,y Ini.-w. mmk-Ii l,r., ., 1k-.1. Leaves: ..!,- Innu. wliili' tnnu-nP.M- Ld- u . khvii ai.-l Jain..,,- al> -v : p,,lniu-lr" mx t.. tifu-1,1 iiulu's IhkIi. naki.l. I.iariim a > iimlui ,,f tlircr p, umi rays, sulii ended i)y a wiiorl df Icaxo. A MMm'what rare ami most cnrions plant. In dry sfnny places and on rocky slopes y, will fin.l the lon-stalkcd l)lns.^()ms of the Tall l-.rioL;' .num. with its h;m, llat- topped clii.ster. of cream-ououred lloweis, tijiiKd and tin.i,ai' tiiiv iiarmw Icaxcs set just uIhtc tlif littk- stems of the indi- \i(hial tloucr-innhcls spring,' from the top t^i the main stalk. It is also a iiKKt faseinatiiii,'- plant, hoth hv reason 'if the laet that its fine eream and rose hl(»s<.nK L,n(/()uiiiii oralifuliiiiii or Silverv I'Tio^onnm, is n densely woolly and silvery plant with very short stems and oval lea\es crowded on the ninnerous branches. The flow- ers are yellowish-white, tinj^^'d with rose-colotn-, and .qrow in a sinj^de head on e.acli stalk. Iinix/niiiiiii audrosacctnii. or Dwarf l'>iolcn^«ves, and green flowers tinged ».th red wh,ch dce,>en in colour to a purple-red as The sea on advances. The leaves and juicy stems are sligtai; rea d>e. Ihis is an introduced plant Rumex Acetosella, or Field Sorrel, has a creeping root- tock. and halberd-shaped leaves which are pointed 'at X raceme Th'T T""' "'' ^'"^ ^"^' ^"■^^ '" ^ ^o^se TTlu I P''"' ^^""'^^^ '" '^' P°°'-^^t soil, and to- wards the end of the summer turns a rich red colour. TWs IS an introduced plant. ALPINE BISTORT Polygonum z-izifarum. Buckwheat Family dense, «„.„e<,, ...j^r^^ j':7:-/— x,rL^. 21'r- '^ in—trwwf •i^inrrr timuti • ii"TriiT-"r ^n ^iC' PLATE XX Alpine Bistort {Polygonum zivifarum) Glutinous Asphodel ( Tofieldia glutinosa) iig m ^.-j?»^^,=fi'^;*4^X^ A^ 'f I20 White to Green and lirrmn Flouu-rs The „anK" roly.jonum oo.nes fn.n, the (Jrcek. its nicaninir .e.n,. .nany-kncc.,1.- a.ul refns t.. the nilar.e.l joints ui t a- stems, are >heathecl hy the stalks of the lo.u.- shape,l leaves. The flowers are verv .nunerons in the ""••'"tarns, are white to rose colo„r. .^row in dense nar- rnu- sp.kes. which have several little hulhs below the full- l.lown hlossonis. The seeds are red. rolynes narrow and son,ewhat heart- shaped, a rolled-hack nvar^ins an I,ra,ul,c.l. Leaves- rlmmhic- ovate the upper ones lancenlate. ol.tu.e or acute. Flowers 1 " t s k^Z ' 't:^' ■" Y"";.-n.l paniclcl ,.i.e; cah. seine's :^;:^^ Keeled. Fruit: sce.i hnnly attached t,. the pericarp. A weed that abounds near habitation, even in the nionn- ta.n re.t,nons. A commonplace plant, and vet one that is not altogether witlmut beauty, since its foliage is of an ,m- iisiially dehcate tender green. The white tlowers which .£jrow m dense spikes, are inconspicuous. This is an intro- tliiced plant. ChcnoMunn capitatiiw, or Strawberry Blite is a very appropriate name for this plant, which "flourishes best in newly up-turned or half-cultivated soil, where its pale green foliage and bright red fruit render it con.spicuous >he leaves are halbert-.shaped. thin, and pointed both at the apex and at the ends of the basal lobes, the margins being more wm If /lift' to Green nntl Hroun f lowers \Z\ or less indented. 'I'lie tlowcrs ire small and t,aeenisli. hut the (le\el<)|)ed fruit is extremely attractive in appearance, rcsemhlimj a strawherry and coiisistini,' m' a hrilhant red pulpy herry, which has numerous -^eeds emhedded in its wrinkled >urface. siniilar to those which cover the exterior of the Garden Strawberry. BLUNT-LEAVED SANDWORT .hi-iuiriii Ui!,-rithi),i. I'iiik I'';miily Stems: tTi'ct, >I(.ii(1it, sinii>lc ..r hr.unlnd. Leaves: thin, oMdhij, nlitiise, piiiu-tatc, li.iiry mi tlif iii.iri,'iii ami iiiidnli. Flowers: |>t.tals ()l)li>ni;. cilitn^c, twite lc>;ij,Hr tlian tin- ^i'|ial>. Fruit: a capsule. The S;uid worts are rather insi,!,Miiticant plants with more or less riii'u] leaves and small white llowers j.rrowinv.anklin. he foiiii.I this tinv plant j^nmini,' close to the iceherj;s. Ik- says in his J..ur- nal: " liiitton Pc^int looked as j^reen as any Kn-lisli meadow, and the <-rass iiix.n it was not one whit less liix- nriant. Tlie hoxtail Cra.s and the Chickweed {Ccrastium iill^imim), and hcsts of other f,'rasses and herl)aceous plants. ,i(row anion.t; the hones of animals, and are stimulated hy the oil and animal matter which they contain, and hy the filth which is inseparahle Ks