CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 1996 ^?^mti;i^jr'r-^^ ■,-.Cfiaim.*^«)e»Si'*' Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. 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Mapa, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartas, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvant etre filmAs li des taux da reduction diffArents. Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour etra raproduit an un saul cliche, il est filmA i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche ^ droits. et de haut en baa. en pranant la nombre d'imegaa nicessaire. Las diagrammas suivants iilustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 {■L'^^imiBM^.mlBt- MICROCOPY RISOLUTION T€5T CHART lANSt and ISO TEST CHART No 7) A APPLIED IIVV^GE Inc ^^ ^65-5 East Ma.r. St't-et "-SIS ■ '''6) *82 - 0300 - Phone ^= 'le) 288 - ?989 - r^. Fruit Farming in Ontario, Canada Frrp.iMil ^ , li'.'.vx t!iin (.1 '. H(.)\'. JAMl.S S. I)i;il-' Mi:u-.tcr " .; A;_; i u u^iun* tm ') P;<,,vin« I- ol Ont.iriM, lOi 1 A-v.-i;.|,Iv . i use, or :iL,Milisl a \Mill Willi the U'st exposure to the sun l!ut iti Ontario .'^ ith lli.-y irrnw ainindaiilly in the open air, and a market may Im' -I'cti in the stnison h heii' hmi.lri'iU of wagons are laden with this delicious fruit, an'l the .nir is tilled with its frairrance. In this favored I'tovinie there are wide stretches of [>each onhanU and l" ip'' siii'^vards extendinj; over tniles. The fruit licit of Ontario extends from east to we^t for a distance of nver |i*i> miles, and from north to south for 50 to I'lO miles. Here is the home of the kiii^' of fniits. the apple, in many varieties; and here also are pears. quiniH's, plums, cherries, sfrawherries and other srnni' fr.-.its in abundance. But the tenderer fniit-^. such as the p< ach, are otilv |)rodiii'ed to p»'rfertion in Ontario South. Much as h the production of fruit in Ontario, the de- mand in the Dominion and ahmad is irreater than the aup ply, and that demand is increasing with the 'cttlement of Northern Ontario and the N'orth-West. Besides the sale of fresh fniit, an amazing quantity is tinned at innumerable Canadian canneries, especially in the orchard sections of the Province, for distribution throughout Canada and for shipment to the "ritish Ibit« and elsewhere. vmrwi -Lrjjg" ^ ■ m^^:^'^in ii'-t.-' g i jc- -,r A'^nvi t:?«M«^%: • •' ^^im . .«. i r ui = li' !.. II ,11 isan (.i,|-<)rMi,.,iiv In, |,,„i,t^ '•• iiiwsiin.iii m "Mr Ml ,hc i„nr..-t iiiM Mi.„i uh.UHiM I "u. iricf, „l ih,. l>o(iiir,ion. If trim h niiiains I'l.ii is primitive i/i tlii« lar^T I'roMii.,., 11 1, ihi- v,.,y real,,!., thiii iiirord.s the opportiiiM IK- I"!- liiiiil«.niiLr. iiiiniii^'. i inn up,' and fniit-^'n.wing. N-t Ilirr.. .-iiv l,ir-.' (Hi,..., louii- aihl MilaiffS vutli all the aiinuiioiH and loincnicncc^ of riiod.Tn i uilizaliuji. And III nTiain „f till, riiiii .li-tri.|w tli.Mv aiv many licaiiUlH' li'.iii.vs Ironi III., fwrrt .otiai.',- »itii lis ,|,i,(||. triM's and finllv :.Mri|.-ii, i.. tlif liandvimr Inick lioiin- uitli its trnni^ iMvvii. beds ,.r tj.iwrr.* and oriianifntiil trci's. Tlit-iv \* niiioh of sorial pnjovnifnf. and llicrp nro no (la«8 distin. tions as in the l)|,| |,and. Not to sii,.;,k- of ordinarv od.iea- """• »lii«'i 1- "( III'' l"-l. li,,. I'loMMcial (lovi.riiiiM-t maintains ont. of tlu> irr.sitc-t Ainniltnnil Cojlefffs of < iiikhI.'i, aii.l a mhiiiImt of ,.\[Hriiiii.iitiil friiil stations wliii-h ii<'l|i till' frnit •.'nnv.T :,, lin.l out (|iiiikly what Huits hi- ->«n luirtiiiihir sod. aini arv of sj^vial lidvaiitiiu'." to th.' ini'.xiifriiMiicd iniiiiii,'nint. And 'Iuti' arr hIm) co-nix't'iitivc so, i..ti,... whirh ciiahlt' the : rodmiT to i.'.-! thi' uliolc profit of his proiliiinion. The man of some capital, and .'.s|K.<'ial!v tlii' man tu- '|ii.iintod with fniit-irrowinu'. will nif.-l with success. The uork is honest effort. Ii.',illlifiil eiijovmcnt and inde|er ih'nt life, h i. apples ^vn.,u Canada. 'II tile -iiiall friiit.H Ontario .s.i per cm. of ., ,he p, ,.r.s ^'nuu. in < unada, Ontario prod.i,,.* :.;. per cent, of ah r!,e p,,,, !,es ^',oul, in ( aiiada. Ont.irio piodieo lei pw ,,.,„ „,' ,,|| ,,,, „,.,.. „_.^^^^^^ in Canada. Ontario Produces 7.S per cent ..f all I ruits (Inm n n Canada. There are rc^i.-ons for the ivm.u kahle results achieved Nature and mankind have joined hands. Tim fruit -rower reaps the henetit of .deal natiinvl condition* and e.xc'eptional ii o-iern advania!,'.** and faciiitien. Kre'v- thin)? contriluites to his su- cess. The Keasons In o Nut ,'■-' ._r.--i"",-('''''*^' l4iii(l lit I i-aMonublu lirici'.M. A bis^ iiiiil ^it)wiii)j riiarl<».'t, riiNMr|iii,-8i-i| tr,iii>|i()riiit.iiiii fu( iliiu'S. Ui'i Ki-ds of laiife ripiniiKTcial rcturrm. CrawfoiHl I'taclii's a To mlar Variety. A ^uHi-i|. A ri'|Mt4t.ii)ii fur I'Mclli'iil inir, |)r.M|i],|.<. rtliich it ii wuiM wiili- a.«tet. iiiliiiii .if fill' I'fiiMiinal lli'|iiirtMit",t nf \L.'ririil tiiri'. Cn i.|MTiiin.. ..piiriic- aiiJ a>-ni 1,1 lii'ii- 1(1 riHdina:.'!' aii tliriM- oil -andv Inaiii. (IllAI'KS \Mi l'iM:s [ind'iT a clav soil. I'l.tlMS L'vow im a variety of soils, Imt prefer tlip lipavior types. (■|m;iiii- till, I il„.ir i,!,.;,' .,M,tiri..ii. ill a liirht. Ji,ir|, irr.ui'l. h,!; .Irjiiri.'.) SriM- nii,'ii> \M, l.'vspiiciciui-. thru Ill !i -illKh in.-Ull. Ontarlit-K lUvnl Rainfall Makes Irri UUtlon InnvieHsary. . mil irrnv\, I . II (tiil.iriM h:i\i' i.'ri:il ii.Kniilairr. .,ur il„.|r ii,.|l:IiI.,,ix m '\'--t>Tli ('aii;i.l;i aii.l \hv li,;|,..| ^'•i''-- ''V n.a.oii ..f It- viiiaikal.U ndvanrairt'iiii^ (liiiiati 0|i„.f fniit- L'i"Uiir,' .|i-tii.|- thrr,' air. particil- !a|-h III (:., H,..|. li.ii 111,,,,, |,„,i; '"'I'l^ "f t!:. hitiiial a"l\aiiIaL'i- uitli "III. \< tlli- rrnMli,,, |< 1,1,...,,,!. ((||. '■"■i" • -iliialiil ailjuiiijii:.' l!ic (Iri'ilf J-iIm'- "I' t aiiaila. ami to lirr nil nliiiMilaiil iiiiil'iill m ,.|h,;n, in-uiv.l. <»iit;irin'> fruit lThuit- ■,,)■.■ imt .mii Ci'.mI.mI Mith aiiv m|' till- )>inli|iaii- ,,f in iLMtioii. or (it'irr aililicial nirtlioil^ nf -I'ciiriiiir iii'Pilnl nmistiirp. Her ''''"'■'''■ '^ "''■"' " "1'^ ro,„l,innli.„i „r rcfn-liin- liatid in 'lami uiih \aliiiv. '1'!,,.^ u„rk Vn'.0„'i- f„r tli.. iHi.l plentiful tMinfai „1 ,!„f„| .,iii-!,irp.. V.ituiv n.|„nfl}■.:■ I'r.-.' vinre. Here he will obtain, free of cost, e.xpert advice and a>si-iancc. Conditions are Congenial. ^ Ontario'., fniit i,'rowim: l,nid< are admirnhlv |iMriat ion for the l'i'"'li"''~ "I' the -nil. Citi,-. towns ami wlla^'es -dot- tin;,' the map e\rr\u!i,Mv all'Mi-.l an ,-.fSvr and ample market. Hood -^cIidoIs. rjuir -Iii.-. mail s.-rvicc. newsii.ipers. t report** an to the frrent pos<:il>ilities prove.l to exist for the sneccssfnl growing of tliese fniits. The Department ol A-iu-ultiiiv uill. „i,„n appluniioN. bo pleased tc fi.rm-h to anyone interested, nmps and literature dealing with ai'd u...-vnl„ng n> detail th. varied favored fruit districts ot (liitariu. The Waiting Maritet. Ti,e exeellenee of the fruit output and the enterprise of the Department has resulte.l m rapidly expanding the i.Nirket. Kvery year has ..vitnes^.,! an increasing demand Kvery .,.ar ha,s hroii-ht new fruits for shipment. The f,'rowth ot iioino population in ...ulivs along ihe raiKvav< has called lor car-h^ds, ,,u\ 1,,^ warehous,.s aiv hein.r I'll! t to distnhule II,.. fruil and more etrectuullv grapple "■'111 the demami a demand so i^reat that Ontario ran- not as yet keep pace uiti, it. The markets of (ircat '"■'"un ••lone call lor all ,hc appk.< whu-h can he I'rovi.led t.hey ar<. of good varielv and well packed F,,r 1"'^""^, ppcs, plums, p ,.arlv apples, etc.. the mar- ket^ of the -rcat Xorthwest are makin- '"'^"'r ^ ""-■■ Mo-eo^er, lar-e .piantities lind a ;-v"l.v • m the l-Mite.! State-, where aceordii.g to I 'Hted Mates authorities. ,he production of apples Ikh -leadily decivaseii eacii yisir froiii ( i,arreN iii '':■' ";;'^"'.'':'"!':'!' ^•'";'- ^."■^'-'"■'•'■i'- ^",d other .mall >it the doors of the giouer. The eeiitral situation ,)f On- l^nio li most advantageous to the Kaste.-u and the UeM.Tn market., and her fruit product.- aiv eonlinuallv finding wider dutrihutiou. The development aii.i ..eiile' ment ot the great I'raine I'roviiu.. e.x,.a.uii„g ever. }ear -oiler an almo.n limitless Canadian marke,;, and aun'- dred^ of eenires of population along , „. .iufercnt l.uea of railv^-ay have their fruit consigned to them in carload lots. Unvernment Co-Uperation. The Government of Ontario i. doing mueh to develop the ru,t , ami to co-operat.. n,rh the fruit .Grower -n the expansion of his business. ]„ ,.,, ,,,,.1, „;„„,„ sections part of the output m .ail„.re,l togel,i,er.^,aeked and shipped thro,,:,'!, eo-operat,ve ,i.soc.atio„s of fruit growers, ot wluei, there are -ome thn-ty-..,.,, „,„,,,,„„„ at the pres^mt time. The great hulk of the ,,„,,, ,,ue.e,- .. handled by dealer., wl •,, the pr,„|,|,.t „f .i,.: ";'.'''"'^- '■' '■'" ''"''^'"''-V'i.c barrel, base it packed and -iiippe,! in ,,,,inM.| lot, „„ eonsi-nmeni to (;reat Hritun 1 rans,K) i. hecomi,,,- nmreaMnglv eDieient. 'i^ill:^ HI the southern par,, u Ilmv tender fruits are Im.Hlled. io Mvure aeeunte knouie,!,.. „„ d,, ,„.„,,.,„ of ascertain, Mg the .anen,.< „( ,',.„„ he., ada „ed to dille,-ent locahtie- and eo„d,i,o„-. -^.,eniatic ex,,er„„..,„- »cre conducted for a numher of ^. ■:>,-. .,i tlo-t...... auv... . . !'">,it.. umler the auspb-es of ,he (.„tario l.epar,n,e,„ .[f Agnclture. With the rcil,. before hi,„. the .^-oaer is not hkelv to go very far w,-o„g i„ hi. , ■:„„.„ ,,f vaiiefes A.pple-Growlng Without Cultivation. Aid Qlven by Experts. Followiiii; up the work of the local station.-, a reiitral horticultural experiment station has been established bv the Government at Jordan Harbor in tiie Niagara dif- trict to experiment, not only with varieties of fruit and vegetiiblee, but with soils, methods of culture, the improve- ment of old varieties and the originatiiij^ of new one.-. The Ontario Fruit Growers" .\ssociation. the Xiagara Peninsuh Fruit Growers' Association, and the Ontario Veg'etable Growers' .\>sociation are oth.T Ifjtding organ- izations for the pur[x)>e of assisting gmucr.-i and safe- guarding their conunercial interests. The report of the Ontario As.«ocLTtions. published annually !iv the Govern- ment, contains information of value to t!ic i;.- ^71 : and the acreage ■''lOT.T'Tt. From rno.OOO to l.dOO.OOO l.arrel.; of Ontario aripK- are exported annuallv. chieflv to Britain, and frO(;.!l0i bushels. **! Is. Il'l. rhe total iiuinher of acres devoted to the growing of small fruii.< in IttOh was U.l'Jit. Cirowth has been Natural. Ontario'- fruit growing indii-tn i^ that has grown up uaturil!\. without any attempt at exploitation, iis soil and c'linial.. .ondition- have made tlif suitability of the country for this purpov M^lf-ev idi^tit. It will be intA>rest- ing. however, to n.ite individually, -ome of the kinds of fruit grown, and i!i,. results atta-iiied liy industrious' and enteiprisiii;; L'r'iurrs. I:stimates on a lair Kasis. Th lie |i!', man |.Mik< at re-;i'!-. Tpmi wii.u lia- beeii done a ivli.iM.' .■-tim;,!,. for th.- Mituie can lie formed^ What ha- Ontario Irnit ^-rowing a.-romplis!icd in ii:,'ur(r-:- As in all line- n( liiunan c.idi'avnr the amount i.f nionoy to h.' madr m thr hii>im-- drpmd- laru'clv iipmi the man «!io is nui.iiiiir it 'l i- not the policv of the Ont,iri.. hrpai-fiiciit ■>( .'.Lrri. ulliir.' to [)rrseii! tiir ■■ rx- reptiiiiial ■■ li.nires. Thi- lead- to .in e\p,.iratiMU •,( ^u,h result- ,1- ,irr -.-MMin ivaliz.^d. Kiv,|iientl v a ,-m;il| -•. ,,... -.•,)>,._ mcnis supplied l.v thoso « lio have emha-krd In l!i.- Im-i- iif*;- iindiT i--,ndition= similar tn .h..-e iliat wiM i^mrpnit Spring Cultivation. Ml' ■ ■:'^'*'-^:l ,.M!i:^^}^ tlie settler, .\lu.-t uf tiio.-i.- ineii ua\f vvorkcil di a largi- =cale, and ilu'ir teatiinuiiy is that tlie busiiu'v- of fruit- growing iu Ontario is a very protitable one. In all ex- amples it will be noted iliai iiotliiug is allowed foi- iniere-i nil Miotie\ in\e8ted. THE KING OF FRUITS. Ontario is t!ie home of the kiiii: uf friiil.s. The eapacity of the i'rowiice fnr producin;,' :ij)p]es is -implv extraordinary, ;ind tin iput furnishes its !arge-i friiii intere-t. It has vct v,i-t iinplanted areas suitable I'^v .growing thi= fruit, and. in \ lew nf ad\anriiig prices an I the splendid i|ii,ility of the pJ'oduct. umuv f.ii-iiiei's aiv seriously thinkng of devotinir niucli mori' attention to that proniisini; industry. Turning Apples into Money. The apple irn' begins to bear about the tenth 3Xar. and the productive life of a tieo averages not less than liftv years. The Superintendent of the Forest I'riiit (irowers' and Forwarding Association ( Lainbton Ciiinty j, .in e.xperienci-d man who is him.self an apple grower, places the annual cost of maintaining an acre of b<;i!inLr ajiple trees. iiK In I- ing cultivation, mannring. sp^aylll_^ etc., at *$".'•") (£."i). and tlie e(te.t of iiar\e-iiiig, iiiciudinix J'ai-kiriir aini pack- *#4.»6lic-. CI. iliu fcr Ciruefiien'^e th" roini'l liiriire. .s'-, is "iftt-ri u-t-a nlhi^ )>ainphlet. a;,'es, ,it •to.'' '-■".): a t'-la! ■■; '!ield in iWi ,.: liie ori-!i.iid~ ilhludcil in iJuit Association wa.s (Kt barrels [i.-r a( I'e. e\clii-i\c of uindfalls, culls, cir. The .XssorinlJMn markclcl ii- |ir.).|ii.t in i^ngland that year, obtaining !;;•!. >ii il:!-. l-'|d.i |>cr b.irrcl. 'I'he |>n.c was I'onsidered a goud bul tiu- \ield uas dci-med ■.r\\ niclenit-'. The year prc\ioii- the >ame .\-s iciatioii s(dd it-s eiop tn lireat ISritain ,it •*■.'. .".o ( lOs. :]''_,.].) per barrel for Lrrade Xn. 1. iind ••<•.' i ,>s. ;'a|,l., j,,.,. l.arrcl for \o. '.' grade. Ycai- in and year out, w. !: arcd -for oi-i-li.inls. wlierc fruit is iiiarkited properly. \\\\\ net tiic irrower -"filoii (C^'i'M pel- acre. 'I'he rcturiw are occa>ioii,illv much higher. •' Some years ai'o." a irrrwer rcpo!ts. •• our orchard of :;ij_, ncres \icldii| .<|,iinit (tj-.'in;) wortli of apples": an..t'icr th:M "an ,crc of I,';!--,;-. Khilt'- .md Baldwins pioMuicd •'?!,I."(> ( f-.'oi;) of fruit." THROUGH THE FRUIT BELT OF ONTARIO. Viewing the I'romised l.anil. I'urimr the aufiimu of 1!>1<'. with a \ icw to determining at first hand the pro<1ucI iveness and possibilities of the Fruit T/ands of Promise which eoinpoM' so much of On- tario's vast territory, the De[iartincnt of Agriculture 11 foniiuissioiHMl iui i'\|K'rt l.i> travel tlio Province I'icimi end to end an its wortli. Some Striking Examples. Some idea of tiic jirofit.- of fruit growing in this .iection may be gathered from the I'xainples of a few orchards: Ernest Farlinger. Morrisburg^ ^sold the crop this year (ll'lO). from one to one-third acres of orchard, contiiin- ing -10 Mcintosh T?e barreU, which sold for ^-i'.H) (e.")S) ; in r.Miit, V'l,-, !>Mrrcl,- >o|.| for .<-,li; (tloD ; in I'JIO, (esti- mated) 125 barrels sold at $^.;>0 (Us. :>i\.) per barrel. Each year the owner kept 1"^ barrels of apples for his own use. A Handsome Net Profit. John Harkness, Ircna, has a six-acre orchar'l 'if Fanieuse and Mcintosh ifcd. ?ct out by himself in I.-^Tl and 1S72. The trees were . This onjhapl 's very thorouijhly -[)favcil i\\v]\ year. The returns fui- -cveral years liack are a> follow-: l'.tO:..s;l,o<):j ( e-.'.");!) ; 1906. $1.5.33 (£317): 1007. $l.:-.'0 K:l 11 ) : U'OS. .«:»!- (£190); 19U9, iJl.liS;! n:-i77). In each case tiiis is after paying freight and comiiii-^ion. The liarrels arc mail.' on the premises. "Barrels ami work." =aii1 Mr. Harkness. " average from .$300 to .$100 C fOO to esO) a year." 'j'his meaiLi a net jtrofit of $10S to $-.".'o ( e2'2 to £t 1 I an acre The Price of Land. Land in tiiis liistrirt aionj: the ri\i-r front i- hcM at $100 to $12.T (£20 to £■>:,) an aciv. uhile a^ one travels inland the price usuallv joucrs. It -houM furfiii'r tir stated that located at .\lnrri.>hurg i- ,i diNiiut ollice of the L)e]>artmcnt cf .Vi^ricultuic. desiiriicd lo iissist the apri- cullural and fruit ^^rouitii,' int^'rests of the people of the counties of DuiidiL-. Stormont and (Jleii.irarry. The St. Lawrence I'l-uil licit e\t4'nds from tfic iM-tcrn end of the- Province to t-n- city of Kini,'stoii. The pi-iNhiil i< .-liip()#d principallv to the |,i\erpool markit .ncl the Canadian We^t. The Fertile Ottauti S ullc> . ('ro?-inu' fii'in I'rescott, on tin- .>t. Lawiv'icc. norlh- riic ic app'c irrowiti" ward, one enter- the Ottawa \aile belt here extctids from rOriL'tia! mi the i-.i-t to I'emhroke on the we-t. T!ie leailin-r \^;riei,i,-. ;ire the Yclh'u Tratis- parctit. iMi'ie--, \Vcalth\ ari'i M. Inio-'i. ;ind the .iije..^ ,>f Oltaua and pnahle '-.w^r !u,ai markets, and alone' all the fniil lvow n in in- di-lriet. What Single Trees Have Done, On the' Ceiiiral Ivvpci imenta! I':irii;. 'eAiuil and oper- ated iiv the Doiiiinion (lovei-nmeii! ju-l mit.-iile the citv of Oitaua. ii-eijid- are kepi of liie \ieM- nf individual tree-. T'lr c\amph>. a Diiehess tree, pl.intid in l.--.s^, has the follouinir "eeord for -even con.-e.iiii\e vcar<. ending 1910. in liusiicN; H. 11. 11. 10. ;1. t!. 10: tliat i.^. it pro- duced never le-< tlian \\y<< i.arreis .i \ear. and up to three and fMU!-. .\ MeTn!'i-:i Icii at T,' Mar- of aire produc'd 1'j barrel-: :i W liite tre.-. nf the -ame aire. 13 HiST'S^'l^l^^'!?!^ Fni!" I'aiiiis. '^P^^P^^*!--"!-^ " .M^m^- ga\e six barrels, wliile a W'imIiIiv urciiiinl. rld-i'i) phiiitiMl, .it)pli> r\ i|)( iii the ...uiii>. tlic'-t :im\iii,l.' .i i-apiii itv lit' ".'."■. iiiMt iiii-liil-i :i reason, ami tlir i>i!iim-~ I'roti. ;iO to il'l |M'r :rllt. ■'( I'll-. ^Mlllf (if till- witltiT applr virliU ruti at tiv.- harrrl- t^i t:u' tn'<>. Siiiall I'niit^ arc al-o irmuii vitv ^u. rf-^!'iillv. A -amplr \ir|l ..f .licrrit'- !iv (', A. Prttcn^'ill, Wi'lliiiiriii!!. I- I'rt'i iioiiti_'. Hi- 'HviL- a r.' \car- ruit Kelt. ( iii>-in:^ file narrow in,!; nf lanil \\!ii(ii etiiiiiert- I'rini' in its tenth year, irave a net protit of !?".'>■:(.:! t (4>ver i'u) per acre. Results from Market (iardeninu. In this -eition there are a luunher li ri-i.h'lit.s wiio have iiuilt up t-pleni.iiil honirs fr'im niarkr' j-aideninL'. all lie- ginning in a sinail way. One exanijih' is tiiat of I'i'trr I'arstesen. a native nt' (irrinaiiy, \v]\n, .m eoininu' tn On- tario, (Ir^t worked on some of tlir ' irir'M- farms. Then li<' bought ten acre- of bar.' land ncir Hillinir's Brid.'e at a price of $100 ( V2**) . Her.' iie and iiis wife, a lirii,'!it Kngtish woman, by llnar indii.-trious ellal- have iiuilt up a conifoi'tpble home. 'I'hey have a fine, large briik house. i;,|\\:ii,l u,ih lii, maiiihind, t' c (■■«ii of Tn nton i- reached, large i;reenh'>iis''. -tab!i'< aiel -torehuuse, the prnperty From t.his t"wii t!ie apple -hipneni- frcipi'mly reaeh being free from i.iiv incnmbrani e. and ■Mrrlh ii>-da\' fr^m -.'oii.nin l.arr'l- a viMr. a't'id'i.^h t.lio ne\t shipping' tentrr $15,000 to .■i;-.'ii.(iOO (f:!.ilOi> t^ 'Jl.ooil). T'.w annual is onlv eu'ht inih-- awav. Westward thro\ig;i ih.' emmties .«ale.= from this small aMa-aj-o ■•*:;. nini (ri'ioii). The (jf \,ii-i!iiii;/!ii i-l,iii.l, I liu-'am arel ilnlario the apple belt yearlv laioi' bill for nut-idi' iielo dn.-- uif ..xeerd f-\~,i) r\f,.nd- Ice k {wtv. ihr hik.' ;i di-I.;ia'-i' c'f over •.'o inile-, (£30). mil even biM.nd -mall fraits l'i-ow in profusinii. N'l-ar Productive Count> of I'rincc lidward. liriirhtiui th. '.'o :\. ]•>■ on haid of Mr. Solomon, iicarls all rrime Fdward To^nf, i- a'l b:;t .v.: i-lai: ! on :he ■^VV^'-- "^'- 1'^"^'^'" it- o.,,,,,,- a- hi-h a- A^.0(>^ (tl.Oi.n) shore of Lake Ontario, being separated fron, the mainland in a -in-le -ason. The l!^!, .mp w,u< l,l!n harreU. bv the F.av of Qninte. a 'on.' inlet. It i- remarkabU- pro- w!,il,. I'MO p,od i a $I.Oi o , i>oo, , mp. duetive. the dairvin^ and fmit ,-annln- industries b.i,: r ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^__ carried on lu irreaa c\ient. riiiii .fnnviii.' o| ,ui niiei- i- carried on mwt sueee.ssfullv. Tl \tcnt of the ,i:.i.|.- Followin,' throuirh apple orchards the traveller crop may he estimated from the fa. i ihat there a-.. I ."i come': to tlie ei!v of 'roronto. capita! of tfic Provim-e, wi;!i 15 s ir.'^iiA77iiSf%^'i^i<^r%>?a«feaws?i4f^T^ ^j^fKS^m a [io|iu lilt loll It i- on- of taldt'?. Froii 1)1' !•.';!.( Mil I. ] ' III' (iU ill! Hiiil jirowiii, .il inarkots cl.itric rai |)itl strides, and vege- IwHV runs out a dii*- ; witli ra))i for fruit:* l.':uke(l lJas|il)t'ni(s. tante of U' miles to Port ('redit; tapping a portion of the most fertile land. The Hamllton>'rult Helt. At I'ort Credit bejiins a new type of fruit country. The apple belt does not end, for apple orrhards of both fall and winter varieties are found in (■oii-iilor;ililf extent, and there is a la PL''' :!( rea^je of yoiin? orrhards. Rut there is a st"!)' of land al^n^ the lake to the rity lip nf f-rm-: r.f IftO in ■?■?() nrrr<. given to dairying and the growing of general farm, crops. Now the rule is 10, 1") and 25 acre liohlings, and most 16 •*^\.-^>-^'ivirj ot' tlif (iwiiMs of tlioM' ^iiHiM l'aI■lll^ iUr iiiakm^ a;; iiucli as their jiri'Jcifssur-i iliil olT itn times the airrajft'. The Usual price quoted for laml luMf is iii;iiHt to $|(MI (t(!0 to I'Mt) an acre, hut it may (h^ lmii;,'ht in icrtaiii s'Ttimi- for It'se. Hut at these [iriee-, or even hii:hei- it is a |irn!it alih- iii\eftnient. Man and Hoy Keap HiK Uesults. Mr. W. M. Siiaver. I.uriie Park, l:'.i/^ acres of fruit farm and j{ardeii near l''iit Credit, and .'i aires ol' orc'iard and LTarden at liortie I'ark. where he livi*. lie and hi- son, who ip just a yomi;; lad. iln all the work on tlie place, e\rcpt the pickinj: (L'."iti) jirr ai !•■ clear of e\peii.scs of picking', etc.: •." _ acre- of lihicklicrrics ( I'linililehcr- ries) avcraL'cd al-" >'''"ii' t'liM per :e ri' : '.'on hu-!ies of red currants, -cl "Ut tuc vcar- ws". i:a\c |so i|ii.irt-. There i- a fuh- \iiiiTiLr orcii.ird >>( huchess and Siei.v apples, with cuciiiuUcrs and il'icr vi"_'ciaiiles irrnun hc- tween the trc- until tliev cuiue into bearili;;. Mr. Shaver does iiol pretend that !ic is w.irkiic.' !ii- farm in its capaeitv. hut snys tliat ic unull he iiujie readv [n take five acvi's and make a iri'id li\in;,' (nr iii- family hy more intensive cultivation. Kriim Hired Man tn ()w ner. It 1- inlere-'tiri;,' and mspirmj; to learn tiiat rii«a_\ of the men who iia\e huilt up line homes in ih,. Clt-kson district are l'!n;,'lis!,iiieii who c.ime t>i iliii.irio with "ili inj{ hut their laUir lo depend ii|Kin. dames Lii^htfuf t, a ruitive lit ( 'iimherland, Kn;;latid, n.>w ihmis 1:! m re- ef ihe iiriiiinal (>rr farm i. i- i)Pil k iM»li.-« . -. 1.5 IS prt 'lack a-rti<>. talilti '!"• " ■ >■.» . ■ - ' -.1 I' _ , -.c ,d \p 1 !'■ ■11 -. ^I'.t'rft t ,1 < ".Oil .\rthiir .'. ('ii\. a nci'.'liiior. liii- ! Orr farm, lie came in Ontari" •' land, ainl uorkcd ;i- a farm ! tie^an here w it'n ( c I'--.' 1: Peach Oix-hard. , E»ftr»r,^''* • ": n -asfrv^' " vMifTmsssM^^. ,1 T««i iMiiic LanJ Owners. (£'v'S) an air.- for !ii- l\uA. II. imi.i ,i l.ri.k' .iii.! .,.|.ii.i u.,- >^-m... |.:|i.,. in- .iiuiij:- il^ a farm !at...r. r m »(al>l.', anil within f.nir \.ar- ha. I .•v.-rythiMir pai.I f..r. ihv M.iiiity. i.i- litth- furm. «hi.h hf n»\\ ..wi^- Sin.c tlion he ha- .■(liar^'.'^l h'f h.-u,-.'. puliiip.' in h..t fivt- ..l" .i.-ht. h- ii,a!>i- ,i . ..iiiAiriah!.- liMn-., -.•liini; *>"" water h.-atini,' and all .-ity .■onvcni.'n.r^. at a t..tal ..uthi> to *>.Mi ill.;" t.. VKiM uoiih ..f [.r...|u.. warly. of $:!,()0() iftKiO). The jirc'.'fil ^ta-.i!!'.- |.f..lit- «-i!l [>av the hiilnti..' "ti the-c Hi- >al.'> ll'ii'.' wfMv $'?.(l(H) iCMKi). an.l p.-. lit- *1..miO (f-'Od). Ili- n.\! ii. r-''i!...i. WiMiani I' i- a n.iVv ..f Warui, k^hir.v V.\r\,u \.Mr- ai'.. !i.' h...,''it I"' a- r.--. StorteU Without Anylhlnu. i ..nini. ii. in.' aiI:i >!|'i..i iI'Imii ■ .r- '.<• workcl four \'at- f..r An.ll■l■^v Orv. t'l.^ nri-jinal nwn.'i% , h-aiv.! -il' i Minii^a," ..:' *"'ii"i ('-'l-.'iH. Hi- him-r an.l Then h.- Iwiuirht i:l am- fpMn hi- .•mph.'. .T. inarri.'il a harn ar.- ^.i' ! a! >;|. (•.•■.'""l. A! I a •mh .l.twn hriu'ht I'a !.an irirl. an.l -..-t n|. h,.u-.' f..r .'lirn^.K. Hi> t!u' .•! v.:u\ ;- ..n.' ■■( i-n- piviti. -! l- n. v. f.i'-in>- .n is .loin? '.veil, a'thonirh. a- !ie >ai.l. when h.' . ame t.. On- >hr .li-'ri. t- II i- ..un..| •.■\ l;..h,rt I'.iiri-.n. a iiai.u. ..f tario h.' ;,,i.ln"t tn.inoy (.•noiilh to tak.' him ha.-k t.. \ m l'..!:,. an.! ;- a p..iii..ii ^^hl.■h ii.'lit -. wni.-. n y.-ara lan.1 if !).• uantcl to L'o. For tin- fir^t y.-ar. '■'.•■ ^-ays, h.' airo ..(' th.' farm ..n wiii.-h h.- unrk...! a- a hih..r"r. II'- hail i'l lake -n:all wa-.'c-. l..Maii-.. he uas in.'\p.Tien.-.'.l. now ha- a h.-aa! i fai 'ion..'. t!i.. cnni'.' pki. ■■ I'.ni:.' -'•t •■'it hnt aft.!- ''il ua'ji--: ".t. l'o-^.1 iUiil h" -a\.'.l I'liou^'h in in -.i,.ill I'.-m:!- nf \,.i.'ii,ii.'.- h.- •_'i..\v- ..nl_\ .■ii..'i._':i !i.r irivr hii': a -tavt. hi- -.Ml IK-'. Another Man Who Succeeded. The Niagara Iruit lUlt. Vhout a ;..ih. OakviH,. railuav ^M'h.n i^ rh.. neit T-. . uv ..i Hamnlon. uimh ii.. .^ lae liea.i ..f H ir- little farm an 1 h..m.. nf Tlmma- lir.-n. II,- ha- M a.T..^ HniTton Iki^. ihirni^h.- a I.h.iI nmrket f..r fruit, oflan.i ..n uh:.h h.. ^ro.-. . iierri-^. pliiin^. p.^ar-. straw- Ka.k ..f th.. .atv In- t.he - M..„nta.n. wh,._!. n n, V.,>rr;. - Kla..!.!.. .M- an.l N.^-etlhl,-. !!.■ i- a proi.erlv a tahh'lan.l. m a -I.Tp ehfT liKe ri.l-e, n,lti^. ,.f niou.i -shin.. Fifteen vear^ a-,, h.. -tai-te.l whi<-l , r - l '„. . .-unt rv t.. Via- ara ImII-^, F-.ent'ie , 111,- i,a-(. .,f fh.- ri.l'.'.- a '•\r'' (h.i.r run- t.. th.. ,.f Lake 111 rtie ha-, .aihl. pnvin? *U" ('--.':;) an a- 19 ,,,,..n.> tin- ua- „n,v a lak. UM. a..l ,- now the fa,- S.-,„lan,l, a,.l work,.! a. a laluuvr on fruu faun^ M ve n U'ued -l-ui, 1-1. •■ of Ontario. Throu.^hom thi. whole Il.a.n-vilu. an.l Winona. ImI.....,,^ a?.; 1-' r.'nto.l tlu ' t- of all kin.l- flo.n-h to a r.markablo plar,. wl,„h ho now own-, pay.n,' $-"3.> (to. yearly irntal. an. I " inakin.' nion.'V al llial. hf >ay>. .\fl».T three district frui (■v'...nt. V\here Hruit Land is in Demanil. The viilaire of CniM.-liy. in thi- di-triit. i? tiie central ofiiec of the On'ario and We-i.Tn Sliiiijiin;? A-s<>eiation. which ha- 1 I" fniil L'niwer- a- mmih.T.- ami which oper- ate- from l'..Mni-Mllc to Stoiicv Civk. >''_' fruit to .,] ,,,|,.,^ ,,f ( 'ana. hi. Thi- i- wibMv t'.ic fani-.n- p.Mcli hiiel i^ locatv.l w'lere owner- A1.i»(in (C-2("1) an acre an.l upwanl- for hare l.iij.l, an^l tret it. An1 tiie huvers are ^ati-ii.^l with il al that tirirc yar- he l.,n-hl ih- farm. payuiiT $l.(MMi { ii'mw down. Ho now own:; It clear, ami lia- al-o It acrc,^ of land near i,v parilv [Kiid for. On thi- •.' 1 acre- he has two fine iou.-es. a lar-o -liihle and a Lnendiou-o. lie keep- •.' eow^. :! hor-.-, and ra;-c- -e\era! hou'-. He -'low- jieai hes, clier- ne>. oeai- and ra-ph-rrl.-. lie -old *-'.:o" ( t'^.VM w. -h of friiit otV hi^ -.M-aere farm la-t year. Mr. Sti'j)hen i:,.v..> thai a nnndier of tie- nei-hhorin- l'..rin.s >:rnU he v-irke.l to aihanla-e in Miialler holding'-, and that tlie |'=-o\ince ,ould eii-rv -iipi«"'- ■'>' '■'""■'' ful'i^iitio"- ''^"'' time.- the of ] p!e it lia- now. '-Give me $3(10 lo.'^liHi I cciii lo C--IM and I'le land." h<' remarked. ■' and 1 w 111 lio o\,>r a'.^ain «hal 1 eaNe doni' ! e!e. What Ten .\cres has Produced. A- an cXLiiniile of ihc relurn- from llie fruil farm; in th:- distriet tiie record .d' llami;t-n rieminLT for hi- l«t- :i, !-e farm for the vear 1'.»ii!> mav he cited. Hi- ncd ,\ Co operative .Association. je.cil- from tlie -ale of Id- produce uere; St rawherries. ,|.|^^^ ^.^^^ ^^j. ^^ Caihnrine-. -iuiated in the Xiatrara dis- *l'.'1'?"? i C".'o I : eherrie-. *To.."ii> I ei n ; r i-pherrie-. tricl. !■ a' \erv larL'e -hippin,^ e.^dre for fruit- and ve^e- .•-:;-li.s!i I c:Si ; currant-. >f au'.'. " 'iie ^' ^^^. ^^ „„,„i„,,. ,,f |,„a! fruil e'r..w..r- e.Mnliined into a hea\iiv 'a.h-n t iv.. ha.l '.M ha-K.f-. \[]) c.eop.u-alive a--oeial i..n. l'r...lii..' i- shipiH'.l in earl.iad Could do it Over .^sain. h.t-. and, the .-liipper- are imi- enal.l,.d to .v'.l cheaper f .. ,. ■ . i „.i - .„ 1 .,.; .I-,," -■.,vv!.... 'I'l.f. I oiiij-ianv - manacrer I nil.-- s;i,.iilien wii.i-e farm .on-i-i- oi -M aci.-.- oi triC irc:;;;;-. y,.. ■■ ■ .... . „i,, „ ■iZ. wilier Ma,., cam., t,. Ontari.. fr-m Caithne=.. .iv,- hi- tin,., to the -hippin. an.l -.dim. of the produce. 20 HI lib' V |{;i.-i)b(rrii f !-u ihiil It 1- iii;irkflr(l lu llii- :pr>i ad \ .iijln::'' ail. I I'll; llie tin- ri'st ol' tlii' I'liriu (\i'>0 acre- 1 in a I'cu Vfais, tiif pur- highest iiriic-. The fruit growers bolongiiii; to (lie a?;soi'ia- tliascr makiiiir but a small jiavinriit dcuii in I'-Mi.j. and lion buy tlinr siipplii/s in large iniantitif-, and thus i-iVect (icariiig nil' tlu' ri'sl from the iinidiirc ot' the oi'ehanl. On eun.siderable saving. A eliarge of '.''' i^ made lu all p.'r- another larni is a U>-acre orehard. whieii wa.s planti-d '■io Si^ns wliost stuff is handled by the assoeiation. After ex- yeai> ago by a man wlioni his neighbors dublK'il as cra/.y [HTises are jiaii a rebate is iiiadi' to those u ho are share- for so iJoing. The farm has ehangi'd hands within the last holders in the association. lew years ,it iiiireasiiig priee-, *1(V)00 (tVjOOi)). am! ^K.oon iL':;.|oii) Ikmhj: |iaid by the last two .)u-ncrs. The District of Lake Hrie. .,., I 1 ,■ 1 • i 11 ,• .1 Returns /More Than Uouhleii. I hi- Ivake I. Ill- distri(-t is a vi-iitalde ■.im- nl suree^slul fnnt LTowiiii:. in the eoiiniy nf .Nnrl'olk. and parlii-nlarly IN-ai-li LMuwing is on tin- in. rease here, iteturns from in llii- ni-i::lilMiHiood of tin- town of Sinui" . bi-sidi- lln- ii, ..riiiu'' oi'i-hai-ds wananl n-'- iiurea-e. Mi-^.-i-, Smitli bi-anni: on hards, are liundreds upon i;uiidn-d« of mhiiil: Brothers, of Town-rnd to-' p, have :! 1 pearh trees set trees. ,ippli-. i-lii-ri-y. pear. pi-a(-li and phiiii. -.en on ine , .m .-donu' » M li ap].!.- I iv(-> i ;. a -^niall oreha i.l. Th.- fourth ditTerent farms. \ear St. A\'iliiani-. not far fiDiii tiie \,.ar. afti-r pianiiiiL'. ihes,- ti'ir- ir.ivi- a >,-paM m.-nt of .\L.'riciil- \rhi|,. tb,. jinh vrM- iIh-v r--,ili>-(-.l '^IM' i '.".'i; i u..i-ili. th.- tiu'e ha- a f..i-i'>!ry farm, pail .if wh'r'- i- bi-iie,' m1 oat n-iurns mm-.- i'kim .imibliiii:- in a \.'ar, fii-j-.t appN- in-i.- with pini-. ;ni.i pai-l n-e.l for ;:riiuin_' ,i -t.n-k ..f al! kind-^ i,, ji^, i.,,,,,, onhanl 'ralninn. Sp\-. Kinir and Hie^set — of Canadian tr.'i-s. wliirh are -upiii'.-' ai th.- ...-i nf i-ar- vi.-l.jed -.'1 bari'i-l- last vi-ar. riage to anv .m.. in tla- I'roNin.-.- appiyin- I'a-m to ^^^ t,,-,,!--.- ll.-aih. a, Isis a pea.-li orehard set plant upon i.i- ..« n ju-emis,... Tiie 1 i-i.aM im-nt has al-o _^^^j ^.^ |,„,,,_ ^.^^,^ ^.^^^, .^_^ ,,^^, ^^,.,^„„^ ^.^.^^ Ix-tween ■1 Di-triet Olliro at Simrop. .-s|.:;(iii i,, .■spino i evi;o -o I'-Jxii from -.MO tret-; one trei- piii.liirin-i s^ "lO ('Jl. 1 I-. lli|d.i worih of {>eaohes. Tle The Romance of l^ruit (irowiny. |^^^^ ,^|^^^ ., ^^i^.^ ^|, , , ... ^^^,_.^,_ ^,|. ,,,,„,j,„,,i,,,. .,ving a> •riii-ri- i- mot-,, than one roniam-.- (-ouii.-did witli the ih.'ir lli'-t . roj) Ihi:- \.-ar siioo iirMi. ^trawhi-rries on awakening of fruit growing in tin- ..mnty of .Norfolk. l!ii- farm avera-ji.l >;:'.-.'"i t. s:;:.-| i CCi.") to L':,"ii p.-r ai-re One o:v!iar.l of pm tn-es is pointe.l out as laniiig pai.l for in the last two year-. 23 Productive Land at Cheap I'rice. A four iurc onluml n( winicr variptip? at W.-iIsh M:\- MMv and -ells in i!„. North-Wpst ninrkpt. (ipiipral farm- lU'j and stock-rai.-iiii: |ii-pvails in tlii- section. Imt evpry farm lias iis applo ordiard. A Peninsula of Productiveness. tion. [dantpd i:, ypa-. Mil not ■/,^vt^ anv atlpnti.,n. was iKH.-lit III IJH. sprin- ,,r i;m,;, i.v |),.. Uili.aii, |!„rt. ,.f >nnr„r. Ii «;,. ,,,!|n,„,,| ,,,„| ,,.,,,,, ,•„,._ ,,„,j |^^j ^.^..|_. i-'iivc Iroiii tlip III.-, iiv. .s-.-nii (i:4(i,. Thj. vpar's crop -ii • ,. (liot all pa^^-k-fd at tin- tiniP of writin-) i^ ps'timated at , ""■"""""' '•-"'■^•- '^""l •nid F.aiiiMon. wl,i<.|, ,on- nir, barrels. .\n onhard of two acres on tlip farm of ,'' -"';il'-"-"'n, pemn-ula of tlip I'rovim'P. forin Alfred Rol„.ri> rrtunicd tioii, :!!. ,,■„,.. „f winter'v i'. " ''' '"' "' '"''' ""'■ "'"'■ '"' ••""''''"* ^"^'' '"''• 1:10 l.anvN i„ P.ios: l.-.O in |;mi|.. uhil,. ,|„. ,.iin,atp for • '"'" " "'"?" "'•' '"'■"-'^'■'^ ''"' -'■"" '<' "'"!<'■ '"--"'fl 101(1 i« ,it l,.M.i loo ''"■ ""-- wlihh ai'r nii-id here in irreat iMinher- ,in,t the ...rn -lalk^ to m.ik.- fodder fn,- ralth'. .\loii<' -he lOlfi IS ,it Kmm lull. The eoii,,;; .i line :; j;,;; „ , r:;: x:;: ■ ]::? 1- 1 ''t^ ''-'• ■%^' ^-' •"•'■ ^ -'-" i-^ H-ed for liirhlin, and heal,,,-. IJ.iral „.h.,.ho,ic< ,. iwid '",'">■ '•'""" ' l.^-' """' "•'•l''^'""- ■""! '•"^»1 all over ihe eouniv "'■"■ ''' '"'■^ ^"" '"^'""•' " '' ""^ P^"'' <''' 'I- l''--i'"f. I A \eritable \ euctahle Ourden. Other (iood Orchard Land. .,., .,, , , An.iind l,.ai,iin-lon i- tli,- ve:,'.tjih!,. ir.nrd,.,, ,,i Ontario Ihe vila^,. of v,n,.,n. ,„ l-J^i,, ,,„„„,. ;, ,|,,„|, |,,j„^ ranh.s, -o„;i,. :i„d almo., PompMch- surrounded kmnvn in Kn^land N.r the nnniie-. and dep.ndal.le ,,,ial- hv w.,,,,.. ,:„ ,, ,„, ,,,„.|„„„ ,„,, L,,.- o,i,door "..p: IV of , s apple. .0,,^ ,he .:iiHy and -.n,-! rid:.,- t. laMe.. SM-awi„ ,-r,e. rip,,, here ahoul ,..\ u,.';. ear'i, r ti.e norih ., ihi. Mlla... ,-,„u .ph.:d,d e,-op- of pcaehe. ,n n,h,.,- „;,... ,„• ,,,.. |.,.ovin,.„ Ton, ,.,„.. pL.oJ ^^o^. NPar St. I lioma^. l!,e .onnly ~eat. is a eheny li'th. uhile re.nilar -hipnin.^ of ihis t. .„,,,,„ ,.r„p „,,,.,. ,„, orchard of 100 IP,... and a p , ..vhanl of lik.. ,„„!„,. .,„,y I-t. [.ar.e ,p,an.i„e. of carlv v,.,etab!es are 'r.^.-A thp fruit of whi,.h t!ip -mwrr puis up in hi- priNat,. ,,,n- m -i-pcnhoiisps. 23 irw,i»?si'-'*«»*i TTTTSS^TJTV F„w\i'i>'-*' %■ Came Hack to i'roductive Pnivince. Kad-i speak (nr ihcmsi'lvos. Mr. W. W. Ililhorti lias a (ii'w i.'n'('iihnii.-c, liiiilt last vi'ar at a ids! o! $i;.n(Mi ( t'l.v'itO). Mr. Ililhorii spent fonie tiine in f'alifdrnia. lint raiiie hack lo Ontario lieeaiise. lie -av-, • 1 can innk.' iiiui'i' iiinney in rniil-irrowinir ail'! iraiileninLT In'iv." Mr, I!., II. I'",lli-:. irardener, sol. I Ihi.- year illllsl) ri-,,in two greenhouse-. IsC hv •,'(» I'eet ami Inii liv -.'il I'eel. over *l,Oi"i (£-.'0(M uorili of earlv toniat.,.-. Hi. , urnnih.r eroji. I'roni a L'reenho.i-e liii l,v llKt IVrt, linm [\,i- mid,!!,' of May to the niiiMIe of .Inlv, hrou.'ht liiin *l.-.'(li) (l--'10i. What was Done on Small Harm. Mr. K. I-;. Ailatns, a nierelianl, beijaii I'rrit lai-iniii.' and lyanliMiin;; 11 ;{■_:,•,. ^nd ha< made irood pMlii- on a v'.i-aerr farm. Hi- la^^t yi^ai'V sales tntnl!el >;|..m»: iC'lV.'). Mll-kl!h Ion-. eahlia^'e, \V;l\ I'l ,1(1,-. |i |l|ier-, onions and other Ni'iT'dahles are ^rrnvn. 'I'lu'-r avii-a.'i' $'.'0i) (ftiti an acie: some ero])- nnd snnie -..i-on- run- ning hiirher. I'eai he-, jienr- and pliim> ai-e tlie prim ipa! fruits, while tohnn o i- one ^d' the -iaph- i-rep- of K--r\- anil Kent comities. Tlii- crop hriie,'- trom .*■.'.",() lo s:Mn ( Cr.o t,, £r,o) iin ,„TP. Lake Huron Dlstrkt. Tho foitnty of Lainhton produces a l.iru'e 'pinntitv nf apide>- of hntli nntuntn and winter varirtjet. Tlii'i-p a'-p si.x co-operative Fruit Associations; at Forest, Watford, .MvinsloM. \\yoiiiini' with a fondness for niakinu' 1 ii rci(u-ds, lt< la-l year's crop wa= I'n harrels, hut in i:'o,s it ,.\,vediMl ihi-. yhldiiiL' '.'S harrol.s of «pple-, mo-lly of the lir-i u'rade, -(dlin;:: at *,"i4 (£M). iTuit Industry is Developini;. riiinis also do Well, the 1.') aero plot niakinir this year over i?L'.'i'rt (€-'lo) profit, while near Forest one orchanl of :'.IHU\ peach trees was planted this sprinir and has done .'4 ^" »ii: iliat tlip invMcr inti'ini^ |iIhiH ill;: oiii -.'.OiMi uwr>' vrw vcar. It is said that orders »rv now m the hands nf nuixTviiicn fur (un- • poach tnvs fiir next >|H-iii;,''s phuitin<^ with- in i\ rnAiu< (if three i,. hmr miles nf li'i'i-t. Throuirhciiit !:ie eoiiniv ii i- ■-tiiiiiiled thiit -Jim*, (KM) trci^s l"Mrh.'-;. apples and phini- will h, pl.iiif.-d no.vt spriMiT. Chance lor the Tenant. iCcnting onliards i~ a prnfitahle in- dii-trv in this <'on!;ty, A seven-aer.- oivhard taken on -liares. the ownn- (aking one-third of ili,. _r|,w.. ivtiirn-. ?ave a^ retital fm- t!i,. |.i,id .-isi i;:',.:(; ( '-'o.'l I tu I 111' ou niT and a in'i prolii "f ••«-.M.-..i;i (CliM tn the twiant. The '"111! ' "-' "I' rulii\atin'_'. pruniri::, serapiiiiT t,-,.ps, drawing,' hni !. .- \ .- :• h.r anothrr term hiM war at the expiration ••( ihr lir-t nn-hard-. everv I'ann liavinLT ai li^a's^ a'few'a.r,- lea-:, at A":.(i (Crm year];, ivrital. 'i'hi^ in, r.^ase is a -oinr a- hi-h a-^ ;r, acres. M :■ |; [; also grow well in this district. NN'hat a Poor Alan has Accomplished. I'iruoe county has nuuh the same fruit conditions. T'eaches are grown Iiere in the \i(inity of Tort Klgin. At Walkertcin i~ a spleinlid example of a <\iicis-ful -mall farm, -hewing that the pus-iliilities i<\' small frni: L'row- ini: and gai-dctiing are iinl re>lri(ted to aiiv parliriilar part of the Province, lii'i-e. ,l(,sr i,, ih,- i,,an, Mv. A. E. >lierrington. a Canadian farmer, hmken down in hi>altli frem the care of a heavy -tuck farm. Iic^'an I'.' vear- a^ro on a -mall ph't o," -I'ven acres. He ha^. iria.luallv addei] t" this until new has •.' 1 acres. He has fl\e aires of apple trees Ar, \ears old. •.' ' - acres (an e.xperimental plot I one to ti'ii years ohl ; two acres of ]ihniis and clierrii'-. (looselierrii'S and ctirrr.nts are grown a- " filKi-- " in the vuing apple erehard. Tliis year he li.icl tun acres of strawherrie-. ■." ', am'- of ra-plierrie-. -.'i , acre- of toma- toes, 1 aire of potatoe-. lipside- a pint i,f alfalfa and other crops. TTis orchard ha- refurned ^;oii to $>!0o (£140 to LltlO' a year for the last ten years. Other cropji give gross returns of about $-.'."iil (f,5l») an acre. N'early all of this liroduce is sold in Walkerton and the neighboring towns. Farm property here runs in price from $(;<) to $.sn (£12 to I'K!) an acre. (icorjilan Bay Fruit Belt. The (ienr;:uiii Hay tniit ImIi skill- tlie shore of the Georgian I'.av and I'elloH- th,. vallev- iidand a di.-taiice «{ twenty miles and more. Winter apples are tlie prin- cipal fruit crop., but lar^re (|uantitie- of plums and pears arc shipped from Owen .'>oiind. which is the L'atewav to the upper lake traflic. 'I'here i< a very -ucressful eo- opeiative .■is-oeiatioii in this di-triet. whicii owis a hirsT'' ,-toraire plant, with .-i capacity of Iv'.dfid barieU, All fruit is packeil at the -hippiu',' house, and thu- a iiinforni u'rad- itii: i- secured. 'I'iie as-ociatioii has a paid manairer wlio supci'iniends the pa, kiiiL'. -elliii^' and -hippimr. As a re- ■^nll of this co-nperal ion the member- -ecure a mucii liiLdur priie for ihrir frtiit than iho-e mIio sell to tlip appli- ipiiver. r.e-ide- tin- they liaM' th.- pickin::r done f..r them at actual co-t l.y thr as-o.iaiioii. This association also owie; a i ooperaL:e and an apfilc' i\ iiimratinLT plant. Where - ;;>■ '^-'-rv -r r- "- "■"•' '''-'"'''■ Imaii.i.:! -y ail. I pliy-Haliy. I i,-,.! ,„,h-i !m-iict u iiwi uori, Results ,n S.x OrcharcN. ,:,: ,„„ , ,,,,|„„ „, ,,. .,.„„„„,. ,^,„^ „,^,„ ^^.|^,.,^ ,,^^^, .''!'' ll'l'nil'Mrv -,-,i llicl-.r,.- 11,1,, ll,r ( nlli..^ru,„, I 1 li - il' I ,• r I n \ 1 , , I 1 ,01 1 ... I I, I i H ■ U i II I ,• r . M V h, l\ -. a> I I „■ V di>tri(;l. Ajii,!,- aiv .lill l!H- -ia|,l- ■ i-,.|,. !,iii |ii,,i,,., |,..a.>, \vc"v -rnwiii.r ha\,. a]ua\- !„.^n ;. ^r,.,,,',t !i[.|p to r„, ptMc),,-^ an,] -;-a;..- aiv r\tcn -It .,!' .\u-,ir,ill mv l,a\,. ., r\i.U'ir\ ,.lli,-,. in (".,1- "■'" ' 'n- -' i,.'! - ati.| Lr;n.. il„-iii t!„. ,.\,r. i-, r..,|,,i iv,|." j,:,,,.] ImiTuo,"! ai,.!. I;,!-,. ,!-•!: ij, iv|,,v-,.|,l all \ ,-. \i\~ look ^■lin'- ! !ii..,i^'ii,.iit tl,i- .li^lrid \;,-v r,-,„„ sin ,„ >:|,i,i',r. rliar;:,' ,,'' -i.\ ,)ri-!ianl- in \,)l!a\va-aL:-,i -..wn-'iiiV ■I'li.'-c :■• '-".'" > .ni acP'. wiTv caivl'iuly -io-ay,-,l a;,,! lm w .j,,.. ; !v-ii!n. l,V,i Asti'a '■!iiin t:v.- in ,,ii,. ,,i\l,ai-.i |M-o.|i, ,-,.,! Si; ,,, s> , >,• l . ), .,.|. ,,, \\ ,.-iuai ;!;, "^:, ';'^"'.' "."■■■■ ;"- ^'it^- -m a, s-..:,„ ,„|„„| ,„■ ,,„-„,.„, ,,„„„„_,,■ i;,,,,,, „,f,„,, ^,„| •'"-■ ■'':.■■!•» '1 '■■in'"'. la'llin;: t!i,. .,ui„T >:i. Ml I ;-. ('..l.i. .Mi,|,lv.,,> ..,•'- an aM-i'iii;-,. n,-t pi,, lit nf ••*■; (tl. s-, ;ii|il., ., nv,.. Ihc InlaiKl Ciitinlics. I. aiv,' linlari-i ar.' -,-\.-ra' .oiinl,.- Iviii V-hat a Woman has Ajcn.TiptishciJ. aihl f!,,- -oul'i,,!, i„, li,,i, .,( \\:,i,.ri,.,, an,l IVi't"', l'"ni, an ,.v!,ai-i,,M ,,f (!„. :,i,|,!,. !„.I,^ .,,,,, ., ,,,,,,., .|i,„,j, ,1,,, nm-lli >lnn'i' ,, th,^-,. ;'air;:;:i . , ,, 'ii'' main a-ia.-iiitiiral in.lii-tn,- aiv ,lair\in-. n,is,..l fjiMii I ho cxperunu,- o! Mrs. I). T. V^ Mil, hall i- an ,.y,-- in^- ah.j -lo.-k rai-inir. ih.,v i- a lai-, a.T.a.v of on-hanN ojvner to Ontario - pos-ihiim,... Sh,> ha> a li>,-a,nv wini.-i- appl,- ,!,an- parti, iilarlv u,-!; an,| th,. FanHM,-,' ?ar,l,.n w.w C'liinu'woo,!. Il ua^ !„,ii^r:,, | ■_, v-ar- a.',-, I'o- ii.-ini: a -,i,.,l pr,„h,,a.r. 27 y*:\ Apple Hacking. Prult for the Festival of ,:„,pire Exhibition. ,,an-..l> ; Mr. W „,. N„t,, /,.,„1., : .„ ,,. .ni.a,,!, ..rop ,i,i, 'Pi. Northen, S,,v, wl,i,.|, i. |,n,l,;,l,iv tl„. ,„om popular \Z;'r,'lm''.^''"" '^'^"" ""' '"" '''" ' ''"'^'' I^'""'^'"'"'^ "•iiihr applr, .liM- pMrticiiIiii-ly well in flii- .liMri-'l, hcarii)- '"'"" '"'' ''"" Willi jront rcjnlarin :iiu] prmlii, in.' fruit of !ii:.'li roior nii.l fine llii\..r. Mmiv ntvlianU in t-lio vi,initv ..f the town of IniT'T-nll i-ontiiin ;i \,\r'_'r proportion of tn^'S of tlii- Viin.'lv. Lake Siincne I'ruit Itelt. Aroun.l t'lf -ontiuTii rn,! of |,a',,- Sin arr n nunilMT of lar;,'. appir nr.hanl-. hot!i antninn jjm, vvinicr .ipplc* Tiif l>anv ar;.l C.l.l Snoml'.' I ■oMinii-i-.n.-r fi.r Caninii ''"'"- "''"' \'>''i'-, plnin-, ,in.| .Imtm- ar,. irrown -u. v--^ Mr. J. A. Wn.l.lirk.on l-lialf of tho Dominion (iov,.n.n'H.nt ''|'".^' '"" i'' -niull.r .pnintili.-. \,,,r Suilnn, .Mr.^.rn. Fecurcil from thr of Mr. .1. ('. If arris In<'.'r- .^ihi'r iiM i.i\.' an ..rrhar.l i.f onii 1 1,.,.-, :;.", vrar< o'l a parload ..f applo, o'' a<, y^'arly rrop from .'l.".!! in ('.(Kt narrr!-: Mr. M, .1. Clrar. IK, a' it-. .'..", n.,- . winter \ari,'ti.-, 100 to l.i.-. harrrN. av.i-.iL.'r for r, y^ar- ln,s liarrcU; \\y. ^\ in. Batt)>n. 115 tn-o-;. winter varipiio;. four coiLsocuiivf voar- I'lidin;: IMO. coo harri'Ii. 100 Karrcls. 'JOO KarrrN, -.'-.'O t>arr'>ls: >rr. C.-nv^r iliv-i:. •-> am-, awra-v f..r a nninli.r if Vf-.-^ (.. 1 .ui 1 1 . varii'tv In-.-, ,,.,■■■ 'loii l.arivl- u.iv -,,1 I i, l;iii!i. !inn::in- ■■^1 '•'■"' il";- '■■'■pi. I p.!- iMir-l HI r., \\,.-i,.rn market. Sirauli.-rri.-, ra-p!.i'rri. - and oliicr mh..,: friiil- -nov well ill till- .h-'i-ir! an.! uiu\ a 'j 1 mar.'..rl m llir -umnifr t"iiri-' iv.-ort- .i!.,!,- til,- li\,-. lirn- i- uortli ■•^70 to •"^l"" I '-'M '■■ '.-.'111 ;in ,1. rr. in, lii.l:n.' laiiMinir-. A p!..i of -Ir.iulM-r'a,- in a fa\'.r;,!il,- '.M-ali..n v irMnl •II 'ill- f^tl.' nf .Sr-.'ii ■, i.-llli an a.iv; raspl.erri,..< l.r.niL'llt •'i'l"'" I'-'VO) an .-nr,'. .iiiiaiiN. 1:0,, -.!,.. rrii-< and l.laek- lurri,-- \i,ld s-.'.-,o p, fi:\:,i) I i;,-.(i (,, {;;(,! an a;i.sO OJ.'l'! ) : Mr. Ilarrv .^aire from ■.'(! fre.-. Fanien-.^ tlii- yar. K'-i r-i/ion. (iood nppK- lirc -rown on .h-. Miii-h Wil.i I'luii-, -mil •!- tv|.<-uf snil. .iii.i il ivmaiiisl -mi « ■m-im.t. vwlti h^.t- nis|.l"irius ''iii.iii'-. "•Ill'" i"i"-- '■''•' -1"'^ III ill. nil. Ian. ■.', liraiiiintr, ^luh .-oil- <..n\>\ iiui i.r -u. M.-fii!l\ p'antrd to aii'l -mall fruit- ha\r lion Liiinvii hui re— lullv wIump cul- pi'aclii.'^. ti\alc'i. I'otatiM'-, ,■■111, li.aii-. toimltor-, ami all kind- of The Cnmmcnts "f wcrs. \r;rcl::l'l''- ili-i " liaml- nf tlir . ar.' fill •2f"\^i-r. f.nir . iMp- ..nt ..I' \'.\r may -at'.'lv \i al"a\- hav- a yi.d.1 futniv uill sIh.w a .■..iiliniial in.iva-.- in t'..' anraL."' tl..- ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ j,^^. i;^,,,,,.. I,,, ha- -ivn. Imt t'.-\ da.u v.liat ciin votcl to t'li- fiaiit. l„, ,),,,,,. |,v iii.ln-lfv and ./nteipri-c. The Ideal Peach Si>il. Tmk f.sT. 'I'tm i.lcal p.' -..d i- a -amly i..aMi uith a L:ra\.-1 .i" .'.-■ i"i' .n i".' "f ti'^ariiic: tr.'i-s: (lav -•ll)-..i! at -.'I ■ to I f.-.-t. Soil nt' tlii= . iiara. t.'C i^ of ^,.■^ unev.n .H^tribt.tmn. A- a rid. ,t uill n.,t 1... ...nn.l ,n ^''''^'.^^'^'^-.i/^,;;;';;'^;,;;::- ^■"•, ,'""": $^s a- the projio.-ti.m ..f iimf than tu.aity a. r.- .ni a'lv immlrt'.l i-ii-kini.'. $f.; i.a.kinc. $S: iia.K t -. f1. acre fiirin il.-m . . lam ol tin- . la-- i- nnrh iii pri..'. raiiL'- a^is, $.a. ■ atltiaini. M . .._„'„„, 1 llaiiliiiL- II, slali<.M {.ii p-'nli"" ^""l- iM.m -r-nii ill" I ;.-. •'.'.-•'- i '-•.••. _;-■. .■■■■■v imp... ^^^^.^^ ^^^^ i.H.-noni and even iiiLrlier in .^.iim' 'i'hpi-o arc h..«.\.v. min-.' i'\t I'll. ait r.'>nlt- .>n the h.'a\i".' Total .-o-t .-,:; an t.. i: !»••>; _'roui'r- " li.-' .'If.' . . $st; nil ',tT i;t 30 Peach Tree, « Vrnr- flld, YieliliiiK 17 Hask-ts d' II (inaiis K:i, li Tilt KMIH^. ■'"► lUHHN. £ .. d. « ^ J- 7 uiHk.t. (11 miart,. at 5(.. »3:.0 00 71 18 P. As^..^^ >i.l.l Hiu bush.U. «u bu-l.el.s Lens th.. ..xp..n.ll.un. »« 00 17 U 5 a,*,,. I"- « 2 » - - - — - 411 bii«lM-ls c nils ■' "" ' ' ' ' ' » T,„al „-. ,.ruli, i-r a... .$-J04 UU i:,4 i im ^^1^,^,] ^.^^^^ g^ I..SS iliH .xp.t.(liiur.- 4;< IH) lU 1^ 44 " r.iial 111 I inotll |M r aire ... $«•'■ nu £13 T I'j I f^A^S- GRAPES. Profits on |.«urs. ^^^^^^ 1^^,^^, ^„^ Thf p'ur i- lint oii'y in -rcat a- fr(";h fruit, but ()i,taii<>'- L-nip.' .uitiMii i- uut -.'(HiiMt U)i\< .' >..-ar. is one of thf ^tii!''t' priMluct- for t'n> fiuit-ciilminj; indiihtry, ^^^,^^^^| ^^^ ^ ,^"_^ ^^^^ .sji/i.Mi.ddd. (;,«.! -rai" lain! i- iileiiti- Thf fi-urrs of a I'.nrliliL'ton ..'i.,urr aiv ii.iv -uliin il !.■.!, ,'^| ^^^^^j .^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^^^^ favon-l .li-lii.I- ma^ '•.'<■ i'llr. !ia«.-.l till' f. !;.i\. .". toii.^^. or I. .".("I l,„^k('i^ al 11. ■. (M.) ..r •'f-.Mii itK^ .-.-.I ;..t a-n-. AiHiual rosl |,rr acre of l.i'ariiiK li >, 1"" irt-v:^ to Itu' a.rr: ^^^^^^ _^ ^^^^^^^ ^^,,_^^^ _ ^^,^ .^^.,^ |.^,i,| .|,..,.,|,_,,.,1 i>,.. ,0,1.) pef i' s, d. ■ . ;.■ ruliivation. $.'; iiiaiiurinu'. $'.; pruu ^ _^^ .\ ^.^ruuri' ,<{ Lrrap'- n.;ii- \\ tuiui-!.^- t'-- t..l!.>\- . iiii:. tt; spi-ayliiu', $'■. .. *-" "« 4 2^, j,,,, ti.r,irc- ol.taiin'il froiu lii- iv-ults : rirkliiK. RradiiiK an. I liaiiliim to rail- ^ _ ^^ _^ ^_ ^_^, - " £ ^ ,i. wa> al.iti.-.r. '2 - :j -j :^: ,'„st of liririL-im.' an .'i. r. nt irrap. s into I'a.liages j f,,,, ,„.;,,.|np, jn. Indiiu; siipp.iri for Total .ost ; Mfta, £10 1 4'^ $- "" 1- ^ ■ 32 (irapt- Villi' Aniniiil outlay i"r ai ic wlicn bearing;: I'riiniiiK ami fylnj; $'i "" (^iiltivalioii '' ^'^ Sprayinj:, tlircf tliiu's 3 i>i> E'liUiiiM and packams 45 00 STRAWBERRIES. Success With Strawberries. Tin' ,4rawlii-Trv bears the =ei.'oml year fiMin planting. «.".H .'lO 1:12 II £ s. d. ,.12 4 1 10 10 ';, ; 3 and many "irouer* tako the crops from tlie?e plantings for two seasons. (Itlwrs (iloufrli the pfltilie? up at the end of AviTa^i' at 1' 'I'm KiniiN. 1(1, ;! tons, or Tr,(i haski'ls . avora.Rc prirc $112 .">0 2;i ii. 4 Total n^'i piiilii |i' r a.r.> i''i mt tH ' ' Another irrnwrr. Ii\in'j ihmi- St. ('at!iai-iiu-, i-linialfs Ihr cost •■'' [ivixhirtiiiii a< foHow? : TiiK Cosi. Maiiaf^cinriil ■rrlmiiiiiit;, lyiiii;. etc Cullivaiimi ^Pra.viiiK' FcTtilizliiL' '■■ "" l>iikiii«. iia.kini.' ami dclivcruis to stations C. tons) !■'' "" $.", 00 7 .".0 11 r.o r. III! Ha.-^kr ;i2 lilt £ s. 1 II 1 111 2 7 1 " 2 1:', :; 1 1; 1! (1. 6Vi 10 3 (11 . 5 ' I % C $g9 00 £18 5 8% TiiK Kin liN. .■>. ton?. p'T n.'Tc, nr 000 baskets at 1 tc. .$12f; 00 Less exp'iiilittire , *■' "" £ s. 2r. 17 Total net profit per acre $37 00 £17 12 tlie first ,-easoii. 'I'he followiiior e^timal^• is ftirnislied by a Ik'ains\ iUc vrrower : First year's outlay per aere: .Matture I2n 00 Plants, 4. Mil per 111 17 00 SettitiK iilanis 2 00 I'knving, liarro" iiiir and lUltivatinK. . 24 00 Two sprayiiif-'s with bordeaux 4 00 £ s. d. 5 2 9 3 » lOVi S 2% 4 IS it; -hi 5 ',4 Total rie((Mlil 'e outlay per acre: $72 no £14 IT' 10^4 CultivalHUi and ueeditiK $32 00 Spray iiik- luiee ■* OO Total $3f. 00 £ ^. 6 11 It; £7 ll'i Tliiril year's outlay per acre: (■•ultivauoii and weedinK $8 00 . ,. .- •> nn ^praylI:^ oti- f - - - £ s. d. ; 12 low. ^ 1 14 T-ctal $10 00 £2 0 11% ux-i;il5r5 i" S (j, krIJI U I'. Ill IMrkinn 7 8 0 l'a.kiif;..s I'arkim; and il.lh .tIii! :;:' :i m^. Tu-;,! . . '.Hi 00 i!t 14 <;i^ , . icii no :;2 17 111., . IH) ;> I 7:1, ■. 00 ir. s 2\ :■ (III 1:, s -.■< First year's outlay J72 on Serond yiar'.s outlay nij 00 Cosi of picking,' sfcoiid and lliini voars' •Tops. I!t,200 quarts at Ir. , .', ... joo ini Incidental rxppnsis connortpd with plrkiiiK 800 rrates .'.t 2i»c Packing atid hauliim to ^tati, in at .",■, '' '" '' " ' "' l.t'a\:iii: a ml |ir.dil of •■ilT;, ( c;!,", |;k. •,',!. )^ „ ^i,,,, •"''■'■'"■"'' ■«" 00 s I ii._, ahich c\cn .-vtrn-i^c culliviitni niav r,iM|i,lenllv r\^H'vt to l'.\<'Pcil. "11 l"i: 1 11 21, Total cost, thrc.. y,-:os Rkti its.s. Se(>on(l and third ,\ . ;ir . rops;. Iiio crates or 9.600 quart hoxc^, I'ai-l, year. .junr, nn CI21 p. I ; d 800 crates, delivered ai nearest railway stati per awv, and tlie averaffe ]>ri. 1 at iic. at r;iiiwav station, wo iret tiu' ^ittii of >:|."ii 1 i,':!-.' 'i, ;; ■ 1 , as the L'fo-- rcee|],(, j,,.,- acre. Vron-. sVi- dcliiot i'lO fo!- lo'.vjllir ehar^es : ri.inis f'^,, III) Cultivation 2.'i 00 Fertilizers 3" 00 CURRANTS. Uiu rii;urc\ Irom Little Cm nils. Seire ie;,,ai-!,,-,l,l,. ro-ii!t- !,:i'e 1 '1 o!t,-iiiio.1 in Oiitan.. I' '■"til I''" 'jrov-. HI- of the stnaller fi-iiil-. The l'olh>uiii^- ^••■'"■i' fe|iMr| ,,n re, I rufraiil- i- I'unii-i'Oii h\ ,1 I'.urliiiL'toii L'l'o'.Ver. Wllh l.-.'ll(l iHI-hels [ler nele; \^ \l M Ci.vl ci 1; .\, I Ciili i\ .Manure . . . I'runint . Sprayins; . I'ickiii.y raekini; . . liaskets . . .t^ en ,n 1 n I MM 1 M fii 1; nil nil I 1 12 8 1 4 (in 1 it r. 1 11 III) 2 '1 ■' I ■I'liial *'M nn u?, 1:. 4', 3.-. AVM \l Kl !■ liN l-y.K A( KK. £ s. d. Average yitld, 2,.".(Ki quarls at .".c $125 00 2.') 13 S'j Less outlay 67 00 13 15 4 1, t'ruitu: Total net prolit per acre .... $58 00 £11 18 4Vi .\pple.s, .")"!•. !o tior. per cwt., or 2s, O-'id. to 2s. '>h^i. I'.ars, I'-jc • • 21...I-. per lb., or %ii. to IVid. I'.a( tus. a . to 5'jo. per lb., or l%d. to 2%d. I'liims. :'.0c. to 4oe. per basket, or Is. 2-Jid. to Is. 7'%d. Con.sebcrries, 3< . to 5c. per quart, or IVid. to 2^4<1. UaspbiTries. Sc. to 9o. per quart, or 4d. to 4V2d. Blai kbeiries. To. to 12r. per quart, or 'iV^d. to 6d. Strawbeirie.-J, ."< . lo Sc. per quart, or 2'bd. to 4d. CANNING. Canning and Preserving Hruit. 'I'lie rajiid ilcvilojiirient nl' tlif ■ iiniiiiii: iinlustiv has ,, openofl tip a iieu niid pi'iiliinMr ilcjianiucuT: of I'aniiiiig ojieratioiis in many secti'iii- nf the I'roviiipp. \i \< one tliat will yield llic lii'iiwei' ffoin In in ^O \iv ( rut. on I'lO .apital iiivesti'(l. Tliore are (i-1 .-iirli factoi-ie- -lattcred |iiett\ «e!l uwv tlie Pi'oviiice. lint they are iim-t iniiiieiMiis in l!io Xia-ara di,-- trict and in Prince Ivluard Cnnnly. hi the ai'irii -'ate th<'V p:iv the fai'iiici'- and I'l'iiit trinuci.. s-..hi,()iiii (UU!.- II ilii'T. W'cl! inulon i •„' ) , .'^i m I h I'.ay {'2). Location of tiie Kattories. 'I'iie jnralinii .il' tile caiminL' fa I'liic.- ihi-(:iiirhout the l'i-u\iiHc of (hiiaiio i< well scaitricd. V'ov convenience in i-i'l'ci'ciicr then- iiii-iiion !ias Imi'M a.-si::-neil \v four -nh- i!i,i-iiiii~ u( the l'i-o\inci'. a- follow.-: I'.asl, ni ()i,liir\i<. e\clii-i\e of I'riiic,' Ivhvard county: ri:i'.'hl'in (•.'). !,ak.|>,,rt. 'rriTloii. I'ovt Hope, liellevilie, Xabatiec. O-hawa. I'ninr i:,ltr„i'i Ciiiiihj: i'lcinti (i'.i. I'dooHifield (?■), (ioit ) pel' vear I'lW ihci i- priidnic The aver.-iL:e cannin;: radniy prin- :ni a- follows: Vegrtnhlrs: — Tomatoes. 25c. per l-'istiel. or Is. l',d. Peas. $25 to $."." [ler toii.oi- £5 2s. !l(l. lo £6 ;!s. ,'','...d. Corn. $7 to $S per ton. or £1 Xs. 0>,d to £1 12s, lOiid. "leans, $25 to $:Ui per ton. or £5 2s. 9d, to £fi 3s, S'-id. Pr,n;c.(,-ir,-. ?? 5e t.-. %^■. ppr •■r.v,, .-.r 1"= "■'■:A »o £! 4=. %ville, Saiidwicii. I'hatiiiini, l.eaininsrtnn, St. David's (:>). !^t. Catharine- f.Ti. nresdeii. Sinnne. .Mvinston. l!m-- ]iri>.'|iiii (■,'i. i".-:-e.\. Weiiarid, St. 'riirHiia=, Winona. Beariis- ville. 'recuin-eli. 'rh,nn)e.5vilh\ Wallacehiir?. ^!.>j:js^Wi r^'cacs, uraprs aini iCa&ijht n 'n'n r^«£^!iW^ii^--iL^ ■^^^. 9irm STORY OF VWO FRUIT GROWERS. Writiiiii to the I'idviiiciiil hirtHtor ci Coloiii/atioii in Xovcnilier I'.Mii, twiJs ijf fniit nTduiiiLr in < >iii,iiiii. uAl tlicir oxtH'riciK cs a? fo.lo" .- : Prom City to Fruit rurm. "'I'o iiMXc lii'.'M lorn in old l.oinlon and apparently des- tined to live one".- vvholi- lil'e therr, and, in -pite of tlie promise of a linaneially sueee-sfnl career, t" ' ave left all and taken np frnit farrninir in Ontario, is jieiliap- a suf- ficiently iniere-tinj:' fait to lie uortli recordinir with sonu detail. To hjok back, afti'r a nninher of year.s of tlie new life, and lo lind that r\ery din- of these yeai's has hopn suc- cespfnl fi'oni tl e monetary point of \ie\v. and, what i- even more, to nuist people, to llnd tliey are year- of deliirhtfTil freedom, robust health and honest eoniradeship with othei fniit jrrowers, is a stMpienee o facts whieli will surely he intere-tiiiLT to nn.nv w!o look ilh lon'jinjr from within i , eit\ I .i iho-e who li'ain a livelihood in the open country. I.onned for the Out-of-fVmrs. "Ill writin,L' of so dra>tie a ehani'e in life as this, it is almost imjiossihle not to mention ideals, for they play an important t^a.r! in the :U>r>!'eeiali'M! "f a. pew countrv. We have felt for a Iotil' time, that town life wa- arlilieial, con- ventional anil lackinj; m the simplicity which is necessary for a heaithv, mental and phy>ical existence We desired the countrv, hut it could only Ik.' ohlained in the fcu'm of an occasional holiday. We wisherl to simplify our habit?, hut were fon ed to be conventional in our commercial posi- tion. We felt stron<:ly that U'tter than a hicrli salary with the cram[iiiiir conditions of the city, would be living on our own liind, w'illi till our eneriry ;.'iven to the cultivation of fruit. Prom HriKland to Ontario. ■'We th Tefoie left IviiLiland and sailed for t'>ntario, ar- riiiuL; in the Xiairara fruit district just as the peach or- chards were in their i^ala dre.s? of pink blossom. We had nn introduction to people interested in fruit growin;:, But preferred ;:,iil found it better — to u'o to actual farmers and emiuire whether they wanted hel;>. Maliinu a (J(h>U Start. "\\'e expiained our intention of ptittitiL.' in a sea-oii of work on a fruit farm with the jn-ospect of matcing a start fiU' ouimIm's if it proved satisfactory. Our case was reudilj understcod, ami we had no diiricult". in '_'c!tinLr on just such small fruit farms as we hoped to possess ourselves. The work was Itard, for every detail was new to us, but from the first we liked it, in spite of ailies ,nid pains from un- tried muscles. 38 The Start of a Fruit Farm. '■ In the fal! of the saino year \\v piirclia^ed ten acres of hind, partly phinted witli fruit, hut without huihl- ings on it. We came into posses.sidn in November, and inimcdiatelv started to h';ihi a house for niir ne,] o'dv one hor-e. anr only these fnini inijilinients which are ah-ohitely npco?=a'-, . This fir,-t year was perhap:; the tnnst interesting' in oiii- !n-e=, for, -ike u-.oH Li-inncrs, wc had in mind Die idea of making ours an ideal farm, and ample ..pportniiitv wa- Orchard rultivalion 1 iiefoi-e u- to jmt tlie-e idea- into ready enon;:li to t I- vines and fruit trees. We plant iierrie.s; we sowed a kitclien gard hiwn and flower garden for (he 1 39 in-a iiii e. .Neigidior - were le- -ol s in pnining gra[)e ed str iwlierries an. rasp en, an d even atteni pted a lOtI se. Wo cultivated and .■i£d. Writpr of this Story at Home. intense i)li flicrrv trt'o asri'i- ... j!,. ^,,1! , of hiirxi-; tiiiir our ,1 . I.. U . 1 .1 i:\ :mu lii-st fruits from our 41) First Year BrouKtit a Balance. ■■ Uur tirst feas^mi we cou>iiiered i|i.:(e a .«uiiess, for we had good avti- age crops of flierrics, plums, [X'aclies, pears and grapes. After all the sea- son's e.xpeiises had been paid we had a balance at the bank, wliich we intended to devote to further improvements on the farm. livery Year Better than the Kirst. ■■ The succeeding years have all k'en better than the tirst, altuough tliey lunc naturally dilTcred one troiu an- "llici-. \\ (• liaM- imprnved our iiouse uith till' addition of more roiii-. and ha'.c it more pii-tun"^(]ue, witti a prorch, slin'i:a Heaped Many AUvantajjes. ja^g,. ,ts happy, contented. sucTL-ssful, hon,e-owning c.ti- '•Hciiuwin- uiir puHiiun in-,lii_v, wu should say that '^^'"''""'l' 'I'o the nuw-ionuT it otTe.'s a pLicc anion;,' tlicni. nt'ViT for uiw niuriiriil Ikim- ur ic-iviicd loavin"- titv lili' ''** ^'"•' '""" "''''""1 nnHirv ji all\ud- liic (ipi>orlnMiiy hv for fruit -rowuiL;. ( )iii- ucrk nl' i.i.j.ji, hil: ;,'o(m| fruit'ha- ii ""''it niid pcrsfM-iiiNi r lo i i.-c ri-..|ii thr pu-iliun uf lann primal sinipli(ii\ ahuul li thai iiiaki- \'nr incnlal rasu and l''''orrr to thai of indeiicndml land-owiicr mi a ffVk vi'ai.s. true retinenicnt. 'I'ho uul-d.ior lab..!-, the puiv air and '''" 'I'l' nian u ith Miiall lapilal it -i\('s the . Iiancu of slarl- thu proximity of the hd^' lor hoalin;:, roniMii.' to fdim a '"- "'' '^""'^' ''"' lin"-''!'', ^md payin;: for hi- farm out of hi-: pi'i'fcct jihy-iiil lultiivc, and i; I lirailh is nurs, (»iir I'lolits from yi-ar to yi'ar. 'I'o tlic nii..i wiih moni.'y it hoiis,' i- ill 111,, hiid-i nf iiiilr- n! iH'.hard hincs; I'rom our ''"'oi'ils a lii'ld of iM\f,-lini'nt uhich \wll ;;i\L' sine ri'turns liviiii: rniiiii u iiidnu<, lipyniiil ih,. lawn ainl thiucrs, ln.yond '""' l-'i'.-'i' diMdund- than any ntluT riunmiTiial I'lDcr- \incyard ami p.^arli m-i hard-. \\v -ic ilic hliii' >vatirs of 1"'-^^^ wliirfi lir may iindtM lakr. Onlano's nidurcments ,10- ilnlaiiii, and il -mns a lillin- iiu ii-.mimiil for tlir hcidtliv, I"'''' '^' ''^'''y niaii. llrr o|>|ioi1iiniti('- ar.' for ail aliku. \ irih' ail i'( Iriiil l'ioh in;;."' 'j'hi' fiiiv-i.ili- !rl|c r hdl- ils ou 11 -turv of what I'ncr^'V What Ontario Offers to Sou. and aiid>itt.m .an aii iini|i!i-h li\ rriiil n'"!' in^' in Ontario. , 1 1 ■ ,■ ,. ,, , ,. .Are yii'. looknii: lor a Ihimr , llonii.' of luiir M« 11, a Home of Plenty, a Ifomr of llappini'-s. a II. nm- .if Cim __ _ (eiitfd I'rospi'rity ': If s,, this |,:i;i,| ,,f i'r,,i|ii^r ih,. Tin villre id' l'!nd.M\..i an. I A. hi.'M'm.'iit ha- a M. — a".. f..r Y.)n. OPPORTUNITIES. The Oppiirtunttic'N offered h\ Ontario. ^ou Should Come to Ontario. I", aii-i it is not a far olf coiinlrv: il i- onh,' seven lay- fidm St. Paul's, l.iindon. li.'caii-.- it i- liir I il !ii.-i. m.vsl pupiihiii- and he-t de- Onlariu ha- ih.' laml \a-! .|iianlilie- of it, mo-t pro dinlivi. ill'r. ihitinin ha- the i-limai.- iini'.jiiallr. fruit L'r.m iiiLi' ,111.1 larinini:' |.iirn,.-.--. ( liitarhi i- -cttli-.l \'|ii|i('.l purliim (if ["irilain"- iieu '.u'-ti ri, \u>rl.l ami it- pcdpi,' HIT (M|iiiiiiH,l uilii nil ilir I'milities ,,r mod- I'.im ans,' its p,,ssiliiliii,- .-iri. v,'t inihcr.nded iTli lifi>. Put Oiiiari,' 1- lint y,l. hy any m.'ans, ,|cve',ippd Me.'aus.. it olfns Voii Ihc uhir-t po--ih'c chid.,' in au'ri- l(. ils full s|;iiiii-,., Il 1 Is nmr,' p.'uple. It seeks to en- iiiltnrHl ai-hieveinent. 41 lifcause it is the FHLIT GHOWING section of Can- il'':l. JiKMlii. Ill- ;:, |Mr rrllt. nt nil (run- -r,,wil 111 111,. l»n. niiiiioii; <;o jiur iciit. of llie |ilunis: M ppp cent, of the iijipk's; su |i,-i- (•.•lit. of tlic pciir.-i and nil -mail fniits, and '■>■* j»T I fill. i)f I he praclir.- iind f;rapes. Kuril ii.<(. you uill he .\T llOMh:. Voii wir Ik> nnionj,' llntish i)ci,|,|,.- uho will !». jslmi to make yon wuhonip. ilfraiiH' you will have iliu hi',istaiice of sciciililic kiiouli'd:rc in all hraiirlu's of .\;,'ficiilture, and the ailviir of (•\|icii-: at any linn' for tlie a-kiiig. liriiiii'-f it olVt I- yon niori' of tiie social roinforts and iiiipioM'inciii- anil niUantajrt's of i odiTii livilizatioii tiian any ntliri- pin^pci tur lirlil for eniiirralioii. I'liMaii-r it- pi'opir arc priiLjrc^sivc and prosperous. KciaiiM' it ha- r i lor MII.J.IO.NS .MORE. TOBACCO, T()bak;c<> (iriiulni: In Ontario. 'Toha. ro ha- hciii -nr.c--riilly L'linvn to Rome extent for many ycar< in South Wi.-tcrn Oniario, hut it was not '' oil .i''"iir Irli yi.ii's aii'i WiAl li look il^ piacc a- a ^lapif ci <]> ill the coiintKS of hisscx ami Kent. As tlie?e counties are at the most ..ioutherly j.xtreniity of the whole Hoiiunion of Canada, their mild climate and rich .soil .*ecMi to iii-nrc' the tinr-i ^'rades of tohaceo. Tiie tirtii of Walker and .s,,„.- |,a\c located what is l^|;i-- lill ilirv iirc fraijv fi) phint in the lieTil, whirh ^S'jil.) price per lli.: ')'•.' l'.'.."iii (L'i:>) anioii'il per acre: I- ii-'.iallv ahuni .hme ir)tli. ,,r a total nf .*>■; i.-.':,i) ( t;n i.-.TiO |. KKN"!' COTNTY- ir the si'a-on i- lavoraMc it refpiiro:^ about three months '-'**" aereai-'i': 1."-"''i Ih-. per acre: IT cciit< (S'^l.) price for the tohacco to r.iatiirc and ripen In'fore cuttinj,' and per Ih.; $-.'I'.'.otl (L'i:i) amount jier ac iv : or a tntiil of har^cstin-. $'.i!ir,r.()0 { tnO.oO!)). Most fai'inri-s haicj' the ]irnilii,t in harii- t(p drv. while It will thus I,,. -,.,.n that an nci-e ]irodneed this year a I'cw t\\-\ hy heal in l>arn- -pcially i-oiislrncted for the (jDWO •*•.' r.'.-'ai (t'hi). iHr lotiil c o:-t licin^r •■*•"'• (tlO), piirpH-c. Ica\inj,' the irrowcr a prolit of ^lO'.'.oO ((.'33) per acre. The maj.M'ilv ni' i! .rnicr- ral-e their own tolnicco | „ .,11 i;_.n; ,,, iito II,-. u,rc ^rowii in |-'.->e\ and Kent plant-, hnt -cm. lovfcr lo Imiv I' then- ih'lcrlihors. j„ \',)\o^ ■,,„,] four line's ihi' amount rMii easily lie prodmed in these ciuieties hy iie rea.-cd aercaii'e. A Uoril on Whut has Keen I>). Xiimliers of in-taiire- wrr.- i ,. , o-rl in H'l'i where The crop vields from i.OOll lbs. to •-•.nOO lbs., but an farmers realized o\er .$-.'(l(i (Ulii) per acre on their tobacco a\erage crop would be 1,?50 lbs. to the acre. crop. 44 i m^>.^M^MLmy x.A llauliiiK Tobmco to thi- Curing HarnB, 4S : Mr ■ jShm M Ih. lnl!,,«in-.nv il„ ,..|i„,,ii,- -i\,.„ !.v n fru r.n'iriri- -Tlir l..|l.,«i,i- |,.t ,,r |,,ir,- |Mi.| i,, ,:in.Hi- u, II '■'"' '-""."''I' l"-i''es: k-nown K.-nt fnnii..r-." -.w\ Mr. (ii-.-orv in his |uil,lishH stilt''lliclil, ■■\m1I ;:i\.' .-(ilMi !mIic rif tin' Jiinllts of til ''i'tuo '''""' -''""'"- ''"' .'"■■"■: 2,S8u "'' ^^ ArnuM, Ivoii i-mIIi', innc iiciv^, ri'ci'iveil $'.'.|i"' .. l!u2U ( fl^ni I,, I- :-i- , ■..!,. ■■ . I'li, "(miii'l'!- Ilia- kliuiii. L(iiii-Ml!t', iniit' .ii ri>-. rcceivi'ij 2.r,60 *'.';!i"i ( f|t;ii| I'l.: i:i- , !oji, ''•''" "^\ I'll ki-niiir, ( iiiiliairi 'I'owi -'ii|i, «( iiTi aire-, rcceiv • !'',',^|'J '-1 $1.i;mi (f.i.'iC) for hi- ,n.p. . 1,2S0 ■•(H-ir;',- Stcphi-n-, Ham II h. Icii iK -. i-fn-ncl fri>ni .. l.suii si.MMi :,,*•/. I Mill I i-:!i;ii i,, fiiini f,ir hi- vn\\ ■ ■ 2. Mia , M ,,, , , 2,.)mi ' ^' "■"" "^ii"^". Mill I. •nil ili(io irillii) f,,. 4,01111 a,:; (.Ml l.coiianl .MaliiH, l.>aiiilii>;loii 1.'. 22.iii.lii 3,74u l!h haiil I'ln-,. I-. l.iaiiiiMi."(iIi t! .ii r.'S S.OOO lbs 10,0111) •• IH.iMJO ■■ t;,ooo •• 5,IIU0 " 7. nan "• Ifi.OlM) ■■ 6,000 " 12,000 " 20,000 ■• .S,000 " :;n,onii ■• 17,0011 ■■ 20,000 •■ :!o,ooo •• :;o,ooo ■• i."i,iMMi •• .;,"., nnii '■ ir,,niiii ■■ 2."i,non ' •_'ii,iiiin ■■ 22.1100 .liiliil .Mdoir .S l.l'llllll'l Sloiili l:! K\ 1 i.ll liii .-^-ir 4 llarn.s Wilkiii.'io 1 ;j 1 .1. Wllkln.soii 4 UnliiTI Ulalll II 1 'ull).-n While 1 Kr.'il \VI«lf 7 1 !• oim- K\ alls i:: i;|ili,'aiiii Slorliv. •11 ■• ,-, laiia ^ i low a-. 1 lai 1 o\\ J 2 W all. I' Ml CoiMiii l> 1 1 Kill- 1 1 H.iny Kll.' 2,1 Ii .Man 111 2n 11 llniuii In \V. It, .\l, (i|.i;i,| Ki'lK'^Oiu ti :;., .1' wi-il i Snow ;i,« ,1 W. Stivciis IN .\ .M Caiiiiilirll 1,". hi> rrop. Statement <)f a lobucco Hu>er, A HOME. Ill a statt-iiinit hv Mi !•". I,' (',vfjnr\. icpi. ■ i.itu.' r .1 I 1 'I' 1 i t \i 1. I r- 1 J ^^^ \ 4>u l.iKtkini* for u (uhuI Home? of the Inijiira! loha..> ( ..iiip,iny, of Montreal, puolished ill tlir Chatham I'hiiioi. in t'lo niitiinui of IIMO, that jren- 'I'h.^ I'iomi,,,. ,,f Dniano oITit= every inducement to lliOi:in -i .1 hi- ' "!!l!'a!!Y hl!(! !^ll !T! :a-vl! "^ ! ( M!!^ I !OI l l!,;. j 1 „,,,,. v, !•!,;. :• \ I ^ ^r;!;:i,H,! v..,^:: r/.^^ rL.h ; .J ! ,,.,! (l-.'(lo.(Mi,t) wortii of lohaf'co in thi- .oiinta- of F.-.,.\ ainl (liinair m,ikr •inrr- for ihr imlu-I rioii-^ -••tt'or a- KiMit, am! wen' •^lill hioking for more. siired. 46 r :pc^-^' M^. 1 Old I'Kuti Or, liard Orilii'io jKwsfssos iill tlie advnntiiire?. Tlip pioneer Ontario needs populRtion- inrreased population. The work i> ilone. The coiintrv is opened up. All portions Province will extend a welioino and ;.'ive an une(|unllc(' are now served with chiirelies. ■ichooU, raihvav.s, te!e;;rapli, o]ipi)rtiinity to those wlm would estahlish a good libnic of telc|ilii)nf. daily new- pajier, and all other advantajjes of their own in an ideal British countrj'. nuidcrn civilization. heir further particulars write to DONALD SUTHKRLAND, Director of Colonization, i*ariiament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Or to N. B. COLCOCK. Ontario Qovernment Aiient, 163 Strand, London, W.C., Hngland. Priuted by WILLIAM BRIGGS, 29-37 Richmond St W.. Torftnto. 48 w •JW!^Seass«;^»a5»!^jr^ -. ""^ — ^ -1 ■-,'■ 'H^. ' J.I Ill '\ ml .111' M( t.', ,.■, 1.1 I'rniU'il L ■hi^^^im. ■Vitik'ftiAL^ a^' .^: ,^^.-^:^ (:■. .G-tj'.- '-•-•J .1 3^ lasu! if:;jii y^§^g^! tan Sit SssSS 5a ••r. f;