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Laa diagrammae suivanta ilhiatrent la m«thode. 12 3 1 2 3 4 (11 6 MKIOCOPV liSOlUTION TBT CHAIT (ANSI ofid ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ APPLIED IIVMGE ■653 Eost Main Street Rocheiter. N«w York 14609 USA (716) 4B2 - 0300 - Phon« (716) 288 - 5989 - Fok life li PROVINCE OV BRITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BULLETIN No. EXHIBITING FRUIT AND VE'iETABLES. -BY— R. M. WINSLOW, B.S.A.. Provinciat Horticulturist. PHIXTEI) BY AUTHORITY OI' THE LEGISLATIVE A.SSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C. : Printed by WitLua H. Cillik, Printer to the KlDg'i Moct Bieellent Majeitr. 1B13. jT' Depaktment ok Auittcn.Ti m:. Vi<-mi{iA. |{.(".. .lainiiiiv l.-.ih. l<»l.'.. Hon. Price EUisoii, Ministrr of Agriculture. Sir,— I have the honour to triiusniif li> cwith Miillctiu No. Is. entitled •'Exhibiting Fruit and Veiietuhies," ,o.iii.j|t'.l l,.v R. m. Winslow, B.S.A.. Provin.ial Horticulturist. I have the honour to lie. Sir, Your oltedient servant, Wyi. E. SCOTT. Deputy Minister of Ayririilturc. TABLE OF CONTENTS. rAOE. IiitriKliu-iioM Kxhiliitiuii of Krult Stiiiularcls of I'lTfwtion Sc'i>rt'-Oiir(l for I'latt's of Ai)iilt>!4 or Tears Si-ort'-fani for I'latt's of rcaehi's Sporc-canl for I'latfs of riuiiis and I'runcs .. Score-curd for Tlatcs of Seedlings .. I'lute Collections — Score-cards Boxes of Apples. I'ears, I'eaches — Score-curds I'reparatlon of Fruit for Kxliibition . . KxUiliitlon of (Jarden Vegetaliles . . Standards of Perfection for Vegetaldes Prize-list, Vesetaliles Commercial Classes — Vesetuliles Collection Classes — Vegetables Adapting this Prize-list to ludiridunl Fuirs . Mixing Garden und Field Classes Rules and Regulations rtlating to Fruit and Vegetable Sections Prize-lists — Formation Korision of Prize-lists 0 .. 10 iO .. 11 11 .. 12 13 . . 15 15 .. 24 25 .. 26 26 .. 26 27 .. 28 32 EXHIBITING FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. INTRODUCTION. "TT^Oi: a tnmjlMT ..r jciim th.' nortlciiltiirul of the rVimrtiiH.nt X ..!• AtTiciiltiir.' liiiH I..VI1 j..i|.|.|yi,u{ j,„i«os for fruit. luul to a .rrtalii ext.'ii' -r v.wlMl If ih.. ri.irm-rons fi,|r« ..f tlu- I'rovlii.-,.. TIiIh was iimlfTt:ik..|i primarily ii. ,,nl.T t., ..staMlsh uniform ami lorr.vt Htaii.lanl- of pcrfi-cfion. whi.h th.. lii.lis now been .•stahlislifil and maliilaiin'i such ways as to pn.mot.. Ih.. cuitur.. of th.. best varifti..s of fruits an.l v<.);..tal.l..s l,v Riving the prlz.-mon..y to sn.h varh'ties; hy provi.lin« for .ommenial disph.vs '" '"■•'•■'■ • '•"""'• ••xliihltors in the oommer.ial im'tluMls of packliiK- and K..n.-rally to huiid up ..xhil.lti..ns hy insplrii.i; their olll.lals to k.'..p well ahreast of the progress of hortiv-ullure in tlielr distrhts. Til., woriv of the llorti.ulturnl Branch has been of Kreat assistance to In the ld..ntiO,atlon „f varieties; In .lisseminatiim a knowled-.. of the viirlous hl..mlsh..s to which freit is sub.i...-t: and to a verv larce .xtent In I.r..moti:i« Keneral Information on what Is iti frult-pro<]uctlon This work h.ivl.,;: b..en .•arrl..d on for s..veral years, has piven general satlsfa.tiou There "■'•'' '" ■' «'■•'"* In'Provement In the fairs, and the offer made by the Depart- ment to have the i)rl7e-ilsts of the various fairs r..vis..,l „. the end of each yo:,v l.y the Horticul.ural Branch has been g.-nerallv tak".. up This m.tter was .liscu.sse.1 at the last Asricultural Fairs Asso.-latlo.i ,:uH.tlng at Victoria fiTid the following n^solution passed: — •T.e it Ifrsolrnl. That this ni..etlng Is fully In accord with f"> general principles of prize-list revision as stateil before us by the Provincial Ilorti.'iil- turisf. and w r.-commend that the various agrkniltural associations constdt witli !m. iH-partment of Agriculture .>n the nt'oessary revision." o,ir .,tli, ials found nmch room for imt .vement in the choice of products r exhilMtioM. in pri-pantion. nom,. lature, and arrangement, and we i ve i...en abl.. to make many r.H..nimend v..getal)U.s, and It Is to meet this leinaiid tliat the present circular has been prepared. EXHIBITION OF FRUIT, Standards of Perfection. cf rt ru'. CO! inti of pITI ! I. approai .i ttj- «rM .t..p n, pn.paring the exhibit of fruit Is to get a mental picture Hr-i wizc exhibit. Of .ourse. the entry must comply with the •'1st „ of tl,. .issoclation. ;ind be entered In due form and staged » place . but the fruit its.^if must have a high degree of to ...vcel In e,.mpetltion. There are certain standards accei.t...! as ideal, and In proportion as the exhibits they shrr:.-! receive awards. m i : Til:- Hliiii.IiiriN ..r iMTl. ii..ii (llwiixwil liiTc lire fhi- ri'i-iiltr of iiukIi .>ximm '' ■ ''''"•> '"'i*"' ' " i-''ii' hitl ii« thr ri'siilt of ..lis. 'viiiiuh (liirliiB II iiiiiii)M>r of .v.!!!". Ill til.- f.ihs ..I litis Pi-.vln... iiii.l ill tin- ii|>|.l.. rt'cloiw of tho IiiINmI iiii.l ill tlii'iii .•n.|..,.|viii;r I ,1 „„„i,. ,„ ,. „,,|„is|/.,.' i|iiiilitl.>s "f Cnill. Ill their proiHT r.-liith.. |if..i.„rMoiis. wlini kIvi- fruit |irf .•iiiln..|i(c. Ill ,insw..rliiir tli.- .incsli ,, wiiiit Is tli)> staiulnr.l of |»Tf.>l.'tiilsli.-s nn.l h, p„h| .•„i,.lltl..ii, of iioriiitil slitip,. niMl Klz.. f..r tln' vnri.-l.v. nii.l |.iir|»is..s of .oiisuiiii.tlDii of III.. Iiltflifst i...ssil.I l.Mir. iiiill'oriii III all r.-s|Hsts. ninl of l.iirli .l frni, ih.To miifit Ih- In a.l.llti..n I., tli.. form. s|/... .•..n.iitlm,. iiilfornilty. an.l fn..-.Iom from l.l.'iii!- , -pro|..'r iia.kinc ami attrn.ilv.T.css of piu'linB.': so that stamlanls taUr Ml .iiaiiy jwilnts. an.l niiist li.- ..n wlil.h all our stamlanH are 1>iis.mI. ami n|.on wlil.h our s.'or.'- >^ and peaches, tlie size should be large The most desired slz.-s for ea.h ■ ult will he dlsc-ussitl under their separate lipadiiiKs. ('i>LOVE. i,-.lll.v U tii..M -TM,,, ill nil .his...^ .,1 fni.i- iii.lni.l.i.l "'""""""■' "'^" '• I"-'"" ' ""•>■ "I'-mM I... ,1. iH.Mrl.v iilik.- II ..„„. 111. V "'"'"''' '■"'•'' "I'l" 'I' "■ • '"11 1 l.l.'i.l. Willi' hlriii K. of ...mrM,. ||„. ,„.rtv.'t "IM' l..r til.. Viirli-ly .iii.l f.-r Us Int.n.l,,! „«■. r„lr..riiillv alvs Mllr.i.liv..- m--. t.. «hi,t. will,.,,,, 1,. wiM.I.I I... I, ,...||,.,.,li.,. „t ,„„„„.,.,;,,. M|.....|„i..,.s I iiilnl-N.lty Is nl>.. III.. li,ii.|,iiiM.|il„| „f s„i-...ssl„| |,:„klnu'. .ni.l is ||„. |,,,«|s ..f fnill t'ni.lint': |,i ii„.|c u nisi. Ii.'jps in s.'ll ili.^ iriilT. I iiirunulty ii|,,,||..s 11. ii.ii,,,,-, ,.1^.,, ^,,,,,„., „,„, ,; ,.„„ j^„,^^^, ^,„.|,,,|„, ..r fn.ll ,„■.. „„„.|, ,„..,,, vnrh.l.l, i,i sliMp.- ,h„„ ..,|,..,.s, „s. f.„. liismrii,. ""-'•""•■ ' ^''"""^l'- .1- '•'-n.|mr...l with W.-nlihy. .1 ,|,,,ii. ,.,i,i .N..,,|..,,; N.v: Mii.l in MI..I, iin.;.,,!;,, v„ri...l..s s,„.|, |.,.rr...| s, ,|,„ ms Is ..m,..,.|..,| in tl.- 1. „.., »y,.l.-„| ,„■ ,|„. v.iih.ty. iiii.l sn ,vi.ul.l i..s.. ,„.i,„. l■■|(^^:l«lM ni.,>i ItiKMisiits am. ro.\iiiTi„,v, II Is :, llll,.liiii,..,iliil 1,1 ..X ,1,,. ||,:,t I, «|,.„„,, ,„. ,^,,.,.,,,., . ,.,.,^. ''•'"" .••11 I.1...mM„.s. w||- Ihi.y ..,i„s.. n,l„,il ■ ,„..,,.|v .lisim„,v,;i,,„s I IMS s,...,„s I, „„.S| ..l.vll.MS MXio.,,. :„i,l y.., ,„„..,, ,,.„,, I, ^,,„„.„ „.„,, j,,.,^j *" '■;','" '''•'■'"■"*• •'"-' I'"" •" -"'"I "ill, iriiil i.,.V,t...| will, ,||s,.as.. is .,||,„ ■' |.>-'.l.l..n, will, t!,.. j„.l^'.., ..s|,...i„iiy n, fnirs i„ „,.w .Ih.rl. is. ..,• ti„.s,. „|i..,v inilt is ..I s..i„iil,iry liiii.i.rliiin-, . as ii, i„,,i,y (' s,Hii..,is. v,, .iu,„„iiiv "" "","•'"' '■'■"" "■ lis.„„rn«.. ..Mrn-st ..Nl, ,„,.| w,.„!il s„„,..|i,„.; .•.■s„l I,. Mw.„-ils «i,i,i« ,,. ,n,|, „„„.|, i,„vn,„. i,. „ll .,il„.r ..Hs,.„.i,,i , ,s ur ...l|r..s I,.-.. ,|„.,..,-..,-.. l„sin,.t..,i s.. ,|,..i,. i„,s, j,„,,,„.,,„ .,„ ,„i, .,; l|..llm..„s' ■""' '"' "" '""""'''■■ '""' '" •■'*"'"•"-'• ""• '"•■'l'l">- "•• ili-,il ii,.1,„.i„s. s.iil, ..,s l,i,il-,„,..,.Us. I,n,is,.s. ,.„„i.,i„..,s of ,1... ...., Miiil. ...n. .•o„siil,.,v,l III.. I,.:isl l,iJ,„-io„s. Tl,.. :,l.s,.„..<. of ,|„. :,..,„. j. l...w..v..r.,,,.,. of ;„oss ..|i,, ;„i.I s„o„l,. ,lisi,„niifv ..M.M.iis „; ■ tl vVT," !"""■ '" " '"'"'' '" "■"''' •'"'"'- "'' '"" f'-oif- "-"I' I'""'-. . s 1, „., lo ,„,„ ,„„ „„,„, . , „„., ., .^ ,„„„„,.,,,,^j. ,,^ ,,r.,,ki„«.„,r of „„. > ".n .IO..S „o, w„l, ..,,„s,. .,,„.,,, I„ ,,„,. „ri„...s Will,..,. , „.lii.,.i. . st..|,ls .•,,... i.|.i„ov..,l. "" roMsiriN.i. r,.I,.ss liK-nl r..,-i,I,„io„s :i,Hl s..,„i„,..,„ „.,. „is,i,„.,|.v ,^,,i„,f ,,■„, .„„, hs III,. ,i,,„ ..s ..|„., ,.,.,.rs „,..,y .... so ,„...„,,n..I. W.. ,,.v awi.r.. il„.,' , is ■•■■.'•f.'- IS lo,.|.,„.,..„ i„ , . ,„.,,„.„,„ ,„. ,„,,„, ,„. „,„. " '" ;'"':" ■ •'■ """""••"" ■"' •"- •>■•-■"■>' ■'Unn in ,1... ,.: s..rv,.„..,.. ^y,. uLZ COXDITlOK. This ,.,.f..,-s to tl„. st„w .,f ri,„.,„.ss. Sp...i,„..„s of vari,.ti,.s ,,i,s, .s,.aso„ .sli.'iil.l 1... i„ r....,s..n:,|,|y tlni, .-oiMlition. .111,1 i>riz..s slioiil.l I..' i.wiinl,.,i to tho 8 I n m m If entries not piist condition at tlie show. Frnit so fur past season as to be uusiRlitly slioiild not l)e sliown. Winter fruits are not supposed to be of mature eatinc quality at the fali fairs, but tiiey shouid be firm and in a normal stage of growtli for the time of year, not too far advanced, which indicates short lioepiiiK qualities, and not so iuiuinturo as to suggest possible failure to properly mature before frosts. Quality. On tlie score-cards quality is the combination of flavour, sweetness, texture, etc., that constitutes edibility. The term includes tlie quality of the fruit for preserving or cooiiing, as well as for dessert purposes. It will be noticed that there is no place allowed for quality in score-cards for iiiates of one variety, or lioxes of one variety. This is bw-ause it Is as.snmed that all exhibits of one variety are equal in quality. If not, then the one more deficient in colour anortant in giving awards for the "any other variety" class, as well as that for seedlings or new varieties. In conunercial exiilblts. quality also includes shipping qualities and the standing of the variety in the estimation of the market. The variety that ships l)est and is best liked on the market gets favouralile consideration on these advantages. In deciding on quality, which, by tlie way, is a very hard thing to define, and to quite a surprising extent a subject for a great difference of oriinion. the .ludge does not test the different viirieties, but gives each a score based on his knowledge of the general estimate of it. With seedlings and new varieties, however, it is necessary for him to sample tliein, and make awards according to his personal judgment. CoMMEKciAi, Value. This is scored in collections only, as in l)ox oadi variety is supposed to have a class for itself. The judge does not decide on the commercial value of the specimens on exhibition, but takes tlie general verdict of the markets to wiilcli tlie fruit of tlie district normally goes as to the average value of each variety. It is important to note that the commercial value of the variety as lo.-ally produced Is considered, not Its value as produced In frnit districts In ;,'ciieral. Wliere a district is not yet at tiie marketing stage, the judge will make as correct an estimate as possible of the relative com- mercial values of the varieties in competition. XOMKNCLATURE. Fruits shall be correctly named. In iilate fruits, where it is assumed that all the plates are named (and this sliould be required), the judge may dis- qualify for omission or misnaming. In tills latter case, he will. If po.sslble, make tlie ne iMj to l„. in ,u.n.:u»I. .„• wh..,. tli,..-.. an- „„ „tl„.,- ,l,.sin,l,l.. virioti... I„ :; sr'n "" r" •""■• •"•■ ^^'"^"" """"^'^ -' "•"« •■-^-- ^-a. . " -.a^ ., '";:'■'' f"""" "'■ " -PPl.v at all tinu.s t.>ro„,„o„t tho year.- I„ com- P i m ;r' ^"V-T"'''"' ^""•"" --'•■•'•■ t- .>rin...pal ...,.„„H.r<.|a. UinUs. "" III' iiLiiUct at tiK" tiiiifs thoy ui-L' in dcmaiHl. Package and I*a( ki.Ni;. ; " mi Mv „. "":'"'■ '""'' '■" """•'""" •" *•"' ^^•"^- ••-'-"able in n t ■'"'" ""■••""^■"- '•""" l""kau..s „so,l in Itri.isl, <-„iun,bia I'f.Ari:.s Oh Ai'i'i.Ks oit I'imi*! Siz.. •■"loin- ^•' •>• riiil'nniiily "■ I'onii ...' '- KnviloMi rroin l.i,.n,i«.li,.s aiiU rua.lUioii ...............'. 20 M.,n.My ,„s,.,.„r,. ^.n^M'^uu'li ^ ':::Xn!^r;,;;\t^;;Jlr 'h- -— .r.> ...}^ .Vcr (1.. points, .-Ap,.l..s ana poa.-s sl.onld 1„. of nuMiiun. sizos. .Tonatlr.n .•in.I Sp,tz,.nl».rK slionl.I I..- about i:iV.s ; Snow and ( 'ox". Or,> 1— ■ ;'""'""•" M...n,..l. K.,„, j2.-s: ot,u.r d..s..n vat-ioties in sinl,- ^ n i. I" Vj'^,r n..' ... tl,o . n,t,.l States, ol.oose fmits one to two si..os,- luv.nso in It .•.nn.t,-y ,lu,v have a fade that wa.,ts lar^e,- ,,!,,; . ...o, -an app„.-l,ov takes sli^.tly iar...,- of ,o he ter -nl " f.u or ranad-an ..nditions. we i.elieve we a.v wel, advised in .■ o 1 n^ ui Si^ .-.s above lor ..,.„isl, Cohnnbia. It is in n.edin.n tbar tl.e K,-eat< st nMllTv ■;'o...-. a..d len«,„ .,r u„„„i„„ ,r, „.,„,,„ ^,„.^,. tende. - i, B '• i4' .11 .xonni:. In eimkiuK varieties, lai'ser sizes are dema.Mled ms for .^an.. e 1„-s fo,. Kbode Island (i.-eenin., X-a,,,.,ies JuTLZj: sl..nld b. ,. |.„.'e as possd.le. .onsistent will, p,.,.f,.,.t eolon.-. shape freedom o , .ennshes. a,,,, ,,Iinon. Size is no, , ., „„.„,„,„ ll,^ ' ^ ';' ■ '";"'"'"■• "■"•"nnity. a.,d f, Ion, f,-o„, hle„,ish are ea.l, «iven ■, hisi, r s'c'ii .•mil yellow v.irii'lios slioiiltl ;is iiiiiili rcil ;is (-.•iii lio sciMiri'd. Imt the clciirm'ss of till' :,'ri'( -.i or yrllow loloiir is of lirst iinportiiiici' in such varlotii's. Kiissct vMiictits should lio cviidy nissctcd :ill ovor. iiiid hriKht-rcddish russet nithef tlijili ;;reeii. 'I'he smile eoloiir rules iipply to jieiifs iis to iijiples. I iiifoniiil.u I :!." points I.- -Alisoliile iiiiifoniiity is desired, espeeiiilly in loloiir ,'iiid size, heeimse tliesi- lire llie two niiiiii points in irriKlili};. I'liiiii I 1." points).- roriii should lie eorreet for the viiriety iiiiil distrirt. Imt is not so iinportiiiil ;is loloiir iiinl unil'orniity. It would he iinjiossilile to (h'scrilie the lorreit type of emh of the viirioiis viirii'ties. even for one distriil. ami tin- Imiil type viiries. espeiiiilly lietweeii the Coast and the Interior. (Ii'iu^rally. the iijiple whieh ^mws from the centre lilossoni of a cluster is most typical, and should he shown: In fact, to i.'et uniformity in form md type, all apples slionld he so chosen. Type can only lie learned liy stiid.v and prailical handlin;; of the dltVerent varieties. In varieties of irreiiular form, an ideal riilher more leirnliir than the avera^i' is likely to he favoured, hecanse of its uuiforniiiy. I'rcriliiiii fiDiii Ith iiii.iht's mill I'unililioii (HO points i. -The presence of fruit-jiit and wafer-core is especially to he jiiiarded iiaiinst. Stems of all kinds should he intact. Ihonuh the ends may he clipped if lomi. I'l.ATics OF I'i:.\ini:s. Size 20 Colour 'ITt rniformity "JK Form !."> rreedom from hlemishes and condition 20 1(X» Si-c ( L'O iiointsi.— Size is a more imporlaiit point with peaches. The market deniands them of the lar;.'cst size. In the exhlliitiou of late varieties, sizes from r,Os to 7L''s are most desirahle. I'lilour c2'< points I. — Colour should he as Iii^li as ])ossihle. and specimens should he ahsolntely iiinform in all resjiccts. The form should he typical of Ihe varicly. I'reedoni from hlemishes is usiuilly easy to ;ji>t. hut exhihitors iimst he carel'ul to avoid split pits. wlii
  • ">1II N'l.iiil.l lie l.n's,.|-vi',l. '■''"' '"'•'"■' '1 1I..1 I,,. 1,.!! „„ pi-mii's. I' ,„ s,:,„,,x,.s ,su V,,us ,,.„:„ , x„ , -Axv ,„„,:« V.vrcn.v." •■nl,,Ml' I'lii/uniiity riiriii I-'rcf(lii]ii ||-,,||| |,i|.|i]is|ii •Jll.llily SCMMl'l . . . ir. . . . I'O .. 10 . . 1 r. . . 10 •> 11 |.|-l.>. ^.■ .1., i„.t ..„„sH|,.r this ,.l„ss of ,„„.h v:,h,... ••-n-i ti.Hr ..w .s f...., I,,., ' /;;,':;• ■'•'"■\-"""> ^•"•"■"'■^ -" "".v,.,..„i.,.,i. I'l.AIF. ('ill I ' noxs ,„. A.MMKs. l.,:vKs. P, , „s. ,.,:u„Ks. .,x„ otmkk r,„„s Ulit IloMK OKI IIAI!I>. Sizi" • '"Iciiir ' riiifoniiiiy '■' r..nii ...'. '" rr<'<'iMiiii'rciiil v.ilii.. '■' lo Xiinii'iirlMhin' SrilMill 10 III tlii.- 100 .,1.1,, .., ,„rietu..s „v..r ,|,o sonso.i i.s ,,v,l. an.l .o i.s n 12 i-iim{f over till- (litTcrt'iit uses t.> which the fruit is put— cU-ssert, cooking. jiiinuiliiK. prcscrvliiK. t'tf. Colloctioiis of not more tlmn twenty-five varieties ;ire expei-ted. tinil a iiunilier of vjirielies l)e.vonil sucli limit should not he encouriKit'd. Xomi'niliiture should he correct, for one of the «rfiitcst values of such collection is to aid new-comers and intending planters to dioose the most desiralile varieties for the purpose. rolI.KCnoXS Ol- AlM'I.KS. I'KAHS. ril>rs. AND I'KM HKS FOK CoMMERrlAI. VsK. Size 10 Colour 15 rniformity 10 I'orm 10 I'reedonv from hiemish and condition 10 (Quality 10 < 'onnnercial value 20 Nomenclature 5 Season 10 100 The reiiuiremeMts in this connection are in some respects like those of the previous one. The intrinsic merits of the fruit must meet commercial rciiuirements. as discus.sed under plate fruits, hut quality is less considered, .ind conunercial value is given a higher score tlmn in liome collections. The rei|uirenients of season are somewhat different, fienerall.v. a list of over ten varieties of apples or four of pears is not encouraged, while the longest keep- ing connnercial kinds should he given most consideration. HOXKS OK APfi.KS. Pkaks. or Pk.\( hks. Fruit- Size lit « 'olour 20 rniformity 1"> Freedom frnni hlcniisli .ind i-ondilion 1." <.>;iality 1.". ".'> I'.ickage and paikini: •"• Ilcidit at ends 4 Fullness or hulge Solidity or compai'tncss .\ttr.ictivencss and style of ) :ick Alignment _ 4 2.-) m 100 .\ll liox displ.iys ari' inlended to lie in connncnial ii.ickages. and the ohject of these l)ox displays Is to encouragi' the hisrliest types of fruit and pa''king for market purposes. Tlie sizes of the fruit should he tliose of tlie greatest commercial value, usually 104 to 12>< to the box in sncli varieties as .Tonathan, Spitzenherg. >[cIntosli, Wagener. Northern Spy. Large varieties, such as King. .Mex.'nider. Wolf liiver, etc., may go as Idgli as 72 to the box. while small varletii's. such as Snow. Tox's Orange, and Winesaji. should l>e 17."> to 188. The best conunenMal size for the variety should he the guiding rule. Markets for British t'ohunbia fruit prefer 4- and 4V2-t'fr apples. For Amerienn exhibi- tions, in standard dessert varieties choose tlie dose 2—2 packs. 0*5-120. 13 , 7"!'; '•"';;'"• ^"-'"l<> '- l'i«h. aiMl it will IK. „o...,l that colour is .,.w«l higher rn,U.r ..Mifonnity „>• ...xiKHt fruit to ho .s evo,. in colour, sl/.e sIuum. anil ('ondition as t is nossihli. t.> ,»..t -im.i i .1 .■ niuiim*. .n-..lin„ M , Iiossihi.. to ^'ot. iiils is the tntnuhition of SUWfSSful . .nl,n«. Mor,.ov,.r. in evry n.s,„M.t. tlu, fruit in tho lovvr lavors shonl.l l" K sanu. as ,1,0s.. m tho to,, rows. W.- an- v.ry «Ia.l to seo'tl at 1 i u , yory «.n..rally r..,.„«nix...I In Hritlsh .-o.un.l.ia. an.l it was ov .„u Iv .- I., .'"s ,.ast season ,0 tin.l a l.„x of a.-pU. that was not ...uallv s ," o , in tl.o lo«..r layers as It was In tlie to|. I lit, as 1, Ml a M'or.. as m plat,, oxhihlts. an.l a sll«l,tlv Kn-ator •in.onnt of l>l('nnslit's Is allowoil. ^k.ihi .iniount 01 wl,..,?!'^"'-'' '":,""'"'" 1'' >"'"'»'< ''• '"'""••■'I. i-^ taU nto .•..nsi.l..ratlon ,lv , ;"'■ r '"'" ^" '""""■•"•' ■ ■'" ^"'-■-vari..ty onlrv „Malitv Is rat I ;::m. :,;:,. ::r:':^, ''"•■" '"■'"•'"^ '"'""-"•• """"•^- •••"'- "> -- s.;ls.ras «;,; ""•"■'■"■■"•'^' """ "'<"'"- '-pins quality an.l ran... of ''"'■''■"'" "'"' /•"'■/.'■».'/ C! „olnts,.--Tlu. box should bo of s„ru.-.. rather tinn ho o, 0,1,. r ,n,..rlor wo.«ls: In all enslons sl.oul.l he eorre. st n r . U... ..venly .ut. an.l with sl„.le-„leee sul.-s. tops, an.l hotton s 1„ i n« we exp....t it to he pian,..l ..n the inside and tho' on hi H^d.- , t c oats: prop..rly nall,.,l: put toKVlh..- to n.ake a strong, attra.tlv.' Z,,.., ' e U.u.^w.,.. n..,st he elean. It is pref..rah,e not t ,ve the hra-al i.;,:;:;-;;; wl.leh'tl^'fnllf' ""/;* P0i:.fs..-The hul«e slope «ently to on.Is. at M.ah the fnilt he only ahout U in.h ahove each end This Is sufli.- le t'< .;■•-• ases the attractiveness of the PREPARATION 01- 'UIT FOR EXHIBITION. Tlu. a.tual sekvtion .-.n,! preimr.n.ou of fruit for e.xhlhitlon is ■, mntt..r ■- "'..". a n>an shouhi learn 1. experl..n..... Actual prn,.icol;:d ^h^ ^Z i 14 111 slinwiii;; I'lir m .vciir or iwn si'i-m jiliimst iii'i-i' li« the rrciilloii of ilic |it'ii|HT iili'.'il III I III' iiiliiil i>f till' hitcniliii;; cxlillillur. 'I'lii' Inlliiwiim :ir)> sui:;.'i's- liiiiis wlii -li III ;i jiri'Mt liiMli.v ciiscs wiiiilil liMVc Kivfii lilllill lii'ttfl' results if liilliiwi'il : - I 1.1 ilrl a rii|i.v 111 till- iiri/i'-list nf till- liM-al liilr as somi as it Is iml.- iislii'ij. ami sillily II i iircl'illlj'. Mark tlir classes jmi exiiect tn emiiiiete In. I J. t Keail ami re-reail the rules ami rei;iilalliiiis ol' the slmw. Mure mislakes are iii.nle frmii earelessmss in this res|i;'c-t than any other. Some e\hilillors till not seem to realize that the i.lijeit of the rules Is to iii.lUe i'iini|ietitioii ei|U.'il ami fair, aliil when :iny exlilliilor falls to eiiin|ily with tlielii ami is still ailmilleil to i'oiii|ietilloii. he has :iii ailvantiiKC to wlileli he i< not eiilltleil, 'I'hr rules slimilil he eoni|ilii'il with in makiiis; entry. In |ire|iariiiu' the s|ii.iininis lor the vIk.w, ^niil In aetiially settiin; "1' the exhihit at the riiiht lime ami pl.-iee. I .'!. I Keail earefnlly the |i;ir.i;:raiilis in this eireiilar re sinre-earils ami slaml.-inls of |jeifei tion. ami '.'el lirnily tixeil in niimi as nearly ;is you lan what Is rei|iiire(l. I'lAIKS Ol .\l'l'I.KS .\X1) I'K.VKS. lieiiuire live siieiinieiis to a plate of one variety. It is hest to seleif (lireci friiiii the tree, ehoosiii;; a ilozen most like the ideal. Handle them larefully — rollou-wool Is ^ood. Keep early kinds in ;i eool |ilaee until exliihi- tlmi. in inld-stor:ii.'e If neeessary. Leave late kinds on the tree as Ions -'n* liossilile. riik iralis and oilier varieties of aiiples silhjeet to water-iore early enoiii;h to prevent its developnieiil. All apjiles and pears sliould he wiped hefore exhihit ion. and this is hest done at the time fruit is hein;; jihued on the tahle, I'or jilates of plums and prunes twelve fruits are iei|uired. Clioose a lonslderahle niiiiiher and select from them the most perfect twelve. I'.e careful to preserve the hloom. ami on plums the stems also. If early varieties, stow larefiilly In a cold place. Avoid hriiisiin:. and handle as little as ]iossilile. At shoulimc select the twelve hest. watchliii; carefully fo'- skln-imnctures. slight hriilses. and other iilaces where rot may coumieiice. r.OXKn I'lUlTS. .\ftcr dicidii'i: what chisses yoii ,ire to enter, clii ■■ the fruit on the tree, iisiii;; callijiers to i^et the correct size for the imck yoi, liave decided to dis|ilay. Handle fruit carefully into clean hoxes. and remove to the packinji-house. .\fter the fruit has hecoine cooled, p.iek the specimens hest suited, wrapping all apples ,ind pears except the top row. which should he paclied unwr.i|iiied. I'hice thick felt ji.ijier ahove the lop row. and nail on the lid. iisini.' cleats under it if necess.iry. For live-hox. teii-hox. and larger lots, fruits may he selected from the orchard run in the |iackiiiK-liouses. tliou>:h this Is most satisfactory if com|ielillon Is to he keen. The show fruit may he selected from the hoxes as the halame is jiacked. heiiis; phicfMl in .separate onhard- hoxes .'iiid afterwards packed for exhihit. When the toii layer of apples and pears is wrapped for shipping; to the show :iml is cousei)uently somewhat slack when shown iinwraiiped. .jud;;es are instructed to make the iiecess.iry allowance. In liri'iiaiinj: lor a show, skill and experience are hoiinil )o win. 'J'lie novice m;iy. however, by taking care to follow the hints fjiven in this eircuhir, and hy ohservliitf their practical ai>i>llcatioii in exhihltions. prepare some extremely s.-itisfactory exliihits. 1." In «..,M.r;,l ,|is,,i,,.vs ,„■ fniit ;,ihI h, ;.v,m.,-,,I .lisin.-t .lis,.|,M>, „„.. ,„.,„ls ;■" I- nnn„.,iv.., ,„„I :.,•,•:,,..,.,.,..>„. This is . „.:„„. „r .n n, , EXHIBITION OF GARDEN VEGETABLES. Ii. r.ritisi, i:,Uui>UU, tl,.. I,,.,,,.. i.M,-.|,.„ l,;,s „.., V,., ;„.i,i,.v,.,i ,|„. ,.v,,.,.,M..u- '":"""""•■ '"" "M...■■' • '■'■-"> i" i-—. Tl.,. nm ,-:,i,. ,.„ , , , ,,, M-l'l.ll.ll 1 I.-ISSCS lla\-.. lint iri'li as iMMi'l-ir -IS ll,..> > hill 1 ii. I ;.... .1. . ., . II' '•" ''^ ' ' ""•• '""■"Ii":. llHT.,;i„u|„^asa.i ;;tl„. m ,„■, I 1.1 Tlinv i> l'l"iiiiiiri iliili iilij, „,„.■;,:;;;■;,";';';:": "'^ ^' -•■-•n,if„f,iia,i,„i as a:i,„,.si,- I'liiai i;!.i Many ..ri.i-li^ts a.v ,i„i ,!,,,i„i„. ami rlraf. TIilv Ii,-!. ,.|.,-,.... ,• , ;:;:::.;'■';',;:::-■ r\ -"' -- ^' " -■ ^> "'"•••■•- ■-- -! ..■ :,i : "■l^s's. III,. |,nz,..||sls ,,,.,.,1 ivviMiili VITV ||„„.|, 1-4.1 I'l-i '"*•' ' "'""'" -^ i^ "•^"■■ill.^- ■■••"IHT sMiMll. ami .i„>; as nimli is , .,i,| ,i„. ,|i.. ~ .^^ I:,,:.::!,;, : 11 'IMI l«Ml,l>. Ill ,vlll,-|l ,M||l|„.||ti,„| is U,.,.|| i:^. Til,..-,, lias ,„.,.:, nn,.. ,„|„,, ,„ „., ,„,„., „ ^,^ ^„,„ '".,"■" '"■•■."'"-I" '■• ^l-w til.. v,.....,..„ , ,s ,„ ,„ , ,,|,,„„,,,.. M.I. . .1.1,1 I,, I,,.,,.,, .,,„|,„. |,,..|,,,,,„i„„ ,„„, ,„,„.|.,.,i„^, .^.^ ;;-;iui..un ..,,,• a.,,, i,,,..,.,. , i„ .,,„ ,„,.„„„,.,.,.... ,;;;„ ';.;;;' i„s, .' . • -'""' '"■'''■' ""■ ^■'-'■'•■"'l''- ill .-.II .-i-ial ,,a.Ua;:..s •'" ' ■"■ '^ '"■'"- '' ". <-,.....iM...,ial -lisiilav.s „(■ ,ni|, ' ""■ -l.ii.'l..nls „|- p,rr..,.,i,a, >l„„. ,■ ,„„,|, „s., i„ „„„,„„. „, ,''"'■.'" ':'""""^ '--"" ' -"••'- ••• :.iiM..i,l ,l,..i.- „w.i i„ ,, , '! "illi llii- ..,.11.. .I-,. nil. Ills ,,f ||„. l,„.a!ii\. Sl.l,,,,i,i^ ,iiva,.i.a.i„„s sli„i,l,| sM,,,,,,,., any .ii„v,.,m.,i, ,„..„„ „„. ,,,„ -I- -;'nss,.s ami l,y assisU.i. p,-!...,,.,,,,,,,. -,„;. SLi-Cta .:;,.• sh, ,11 ,-,v.. v,..,.,al,|.. s..,.,i„„s s .iai a.,.„i,i„„ ami ........a.-a...,,;,.. s,., ,' , ; :; t".,^";:"n """"V '" ^' "" "■■'^"^ ^•"- ''"■■■'• -•-• v"' ."'i-i.^ t II" i"- ,l.s„lay l,y a s,.„|.... i., ,,is nrs, ya,-. a.i.l als„ f..,. s,.,„',.s i,. ' -•"->•-;• ••■.•n„,.,vl.,l .•xlnli... .„■ a va,-i..,y i„ a ,.„,l..c,i.„. ...„i,,i, s,„„„„ ,.. „„ir„n„ i„ si" "oru 16 1 I SIZK. size slionlil 111' iiiiiili'nitf. not liiw; In fnct, tlint mIz In whli-li all tin- otliiT i|Miilltl<'s of the viiflcty nr«> fonntl to their Kri'nfj'xt porfwllon. In pnir- tii'.illy nil pirili-n vcgi'tiililcK. ovcisl/cd vogctablt-s tire foiirwo iintl of low iiinilit.v. anil roiiiili. Tliosc iwhIit size are very often so bwanso of poor cnltnre. ami then are often (oiish. of luw ipnillty. anil even nialfornieil. Colour. The colour slioulil he lirltfht. ilear, and attractive. Colour in vcKetahles is a niattv-r largely of i niiilltlop, anil It is a «i>od index of liow ve«etables liaM- heen cared for. Form. The primipMl reiinirenienl of form is that It should he economical with as little waste as possilile. It nnist also approach the correct type of the variety, and be attractive to the consumer or purchaser. Freedom kro.m Rlemlsiiks. Tlii.s is not so Imiiortant with vejjetaliles as with fruits, hut still It Is very Important. Potatoes should he, however, free from all diseases, such as bll;;lit, rot. scali. and rhizoctonia, all of which are far too conunonly seen at the sliows. All vctfet.'ililes should he free from brtilses and breaks ca'-.wd by roiiHh liandlins. Tliis is particularly true of squash and others of that family. COSDITIOX. Condition should be good. VoRetables Intended for lontf lieeplng must be firm, matured, iind in every respect In api)arently sood condition for the purpose. Canlltlower and similar vegetables should not be past their prime, as is vcr.v often the case. QUAMTY. Tills is tlu> most important tliini; about .etfetables. We camiot undertake to«ive a Reneral score-card showing the relative Importance of all these points, l>ecause they differ nuilcrially in dllTerent vcKetables. but In every case qmility would rank hi;.'her than .-iny other point. What constitutes (pnility in each vegetable we will discuss under its sepr-ate heading;. Preparation of vegetables lot show is a point which really should not be scored, because they should all be proiM>rly prepared. All root-vegetables should be w.ashed free from dirt. I'brous nnits and toi)s removed. Cabbage and caulitlower should be properly trinuned. and every vegetable should he so handled as to make It appear most .-ittractive. In connnerclal packages all the al)ove jtoints are of importance, and in addition we exjiiHt tliat tlie i>ackage will be clean, well constructed, and witli the contents firmly |iacked and of full weight. In collections of vegetables of all kinds, there are, in addition, to be con- sidered the variety display, which should be large, suffldent to cover different uses throughout the season, and display should be made In an attractive and conveiuent maimer. It might be well with specially goml wliniiiig displays of vegetables to have neat labels indicating tlie varieties of different vegetables for the general information of In attend;ince. POT.\TOES. These should be uniform, particularly in shape and size. For most main- crop varii.t's tliey slioiild run about s i.r !) oz. in weight, this being the most 17 «l-l.-„l,l.. ,,v,.rM«,. si... ,„,. „.,„„.^., f,„ ^,..,„.,.,„ -n.,H,il, fh.. '""•'••'» ""•'"•" "I'l-. -",.1 I'li i,.,.,„.s „,|,.u. ro,„„i,..i ,„„| t ,,si.... i, „„|| . , . ': '• ""' "'" «"-""'• "'"' "'"r.- watory tli.. ,»,t,,t... sl.u.iNl I,. , '"" "'■"■"""• *'"' '""•"" «''"""J ''"t lmr.I Tli,.,v r';^:;:r'";;.r;:;S.':;'r:,;™r ;■"- '"'"'""-" ■.•■. ,■ ..,„„. ■■,.',,,''■''' "■"'" " '■"■"•■ "" ■"•■ ""•< .J....- ,1,,,, 1,1 „„„/„ ,,;",',';■ ,'","'r ""■ "■■""'"-■ ""■ »■"' ""■■ .1-. n;;r;;:i;::;:r ^""""" - ^"^"^ ^■■■' •'^" *■— •• -^ '>'«'- '.u.,u, ol l(M1-m. lots, thfle shonld lH> f„!l „...i(;lit jiii.l tlio <,u.U I , , ""^"^ '" ' '^' ■ ■•"•nnu.niMl ola.s... , ... T. V > , I-roparing exhibits of „otatc«.s of Osioxs. is ns„.„v thol-iaLMn' if ,.:'''" '""""■""" '" '"^■•' '""^'"-''J-- - '" tl.e st..,n on., an.l bv I l ,m 1^ , •,';, )''' "•^'f*"^'''- -'-""»• ■•-r..,.n,l tin. an.n„ta..r. Xo -.on ..s^a ■■ ':;:::ir^%,.o ^ t^z::T' "" "^^■• TUP Shaw s!.o„!.1 Ih> tyi,i-u! of tho varWtv .-.";:':r,r::;!,r„;i;;;.' » "■■" '- — »- - - -., 1> i^ \\ Inn iiiill ii«iiiill.v iloiii' In Jinlirin);. tliiTi' slimilil Iw II liirtfi- iMiiiitii'r iit rlnirx. iiml rm li nf ihcw slniiilil In- mm njirn.w :is liMj'-iiilf. iiiiil ilif iciiiri- Willie r.iiliiT ilniii irri'fii. All Mm- ri""!" sliiiiilil Im- ri'limvi'il. iiinl III"' Klt'lii* >lii>iili| 1m> iiil ulT mIm.ui ''i liii'li frmii ll iiloii. 'riiiTr xliiiiil.l III- III) linilsts m- l,n:iks In tin- sUln. tin' iiUti'l' l.'I.Vl'I'M III' xvlili'll «lliillli| lull lie I'l'llKivi'll. lUl IS (iMi'ili'ii Im'i'Is niiixt III' iiiilloriii. iiMi'tii'iiliirly in rnloiir. mIim|ii-. hI/.i-. iiml iiiiii'iill.v. 'riionirli n>iii;illv slinxvii In iiiik li lMimIit s1/,i's. iiiiilciiiiiliilly lln' IhsI lor ;ill |Mir|Mi>ii-i is ^.''i, in ."lij iiiilii'* in ili.iiin'liT. r\ir|il in riinmiiTi i.i! i'\lilMi«. \\ lli|-|' IImV slmllM lie fmni .". I" '■'•■'t IimIiis. 'rilr inlnlll' slmlllil In- il l|ii|i I'cil. iind lln'l'i' sliiiiilil III' .-IS lillli' \\:isii' ti'ntii lTitii mp ;i< |i(is!iii.ii- I"!- Ilir l'IhIh' hrrts. iinil l.v|iiiMl nl' till' vnrli'ly in till' loll.: iinrs, wlilcli l.iiirr sIimiiIiI 111' li 111 7 hirlii's l"in« mill iilmni •_• Inili s in itl.iiiii'li'r. Itrilx slnmlil In' Iri'i- rrnm UIi'iiiKIu'm. i's|n'i-liilly -i|ililiin:; a ninili M iifriil lii;i\y lop. wliii-li Is piiniii-iiry nil wiisli', 'I'lii'y sliuiilil In' pn- pMI-i'il li> Wiisllili'.'. Till' lop sliolllii 111' Iwisliil oIT iiImiIII "i illill Irolll llli' ln'it. Inn Ihi' I Is shoiilil III' li't'l oil. ll Is ilosinilili' Unit llii' top slioiiM Imvi' Ihi'II .IS siii.ill .MS possihli'. .IS I'viili'iiii'il liy siiinll sti'ins. <;ii.i!:iy Mini inslili' .oloiii' nri' lln- most iinpoi't.iiit puinls iilioiii tin' lui'l. Wlii'ii ri'oss -,.,!{,, II,., I. It sliiiiilil III- I'i'il Ml! llil'ou;.'li. Willi 11 i:ilniiiniiii ol wliili'. II slioiilil rill I'.isily. Willi ;iii .iliscnci' ol' lllii'. iiinl tin- riiiiis siimilil iii' niinriiiiis iinil iinn-ow. wliili' llii' lli'sli slmiilil lif sm-i'l iiml .inli\ ;is wi'll ;is I'i'il <' I'Xiiilills of lii'i'ls slioiilil roiiiply willi nil lln' .iliovi' ri'ipiiri- nii Ills. s:ivi' Unit ipMlity is not ;:ivi'n so liiuli ii plmi'. ninl iiioi'i' I'liiplnisis is Iniil on iiiiit'iiriiiily. siiniMiii'ss of lop, iiinl i-orriii si/.i-. iis sivi'ii mIioM'. Swiss Cm Mil". This is n iniiiilii'i' of tin' lii'i'l I'Minily. nl' wliiili tlii' sj^ilUs ,ii'i' nlilili'. Si\ st.'illis slioiilil III' ilispl.iyi'il Willi till' li'iivi's li'tl on. Tin' sliilks slioulil In' Ions;. tliirU. wliili'. iiiiiroi'iii. triiilir. iiiiil rli'iiii : llii' li'iivcs siiiiill in pi'o|iortiiin. ('.Minors. • Jmi'iIi'Ii iniTots. .IS shown, slnnilil lii' viiy iinil'nnn. I'spi'iinlly in si/.i' .-inil forin : tin' short vnrii'lii's I'riun 4i._. lo ' imln's loin.', tin' liili'nni'ill.iti's from i; lo 7 iinlirs. .'inil lln- Iiiii;; from s to '.i Imlii's. Tln'ro is not iinnh iliffi'ri'ino in loioiir. wliiili slnmiil In- liri;:ht iiinl lii-nlthy in toiii'. Tin' form slioiilil In' tiijH'rim; to n lilniit point In tlm short lypi's. Init lo n Ion:: (>< -it in tin' nilnr typi's. Fri'i'ilom fi'oni hli'inishi's is nsinilly I'lisy |o si'inri' in tin' niriliiini si/rs iin-Mtioni'il iiliovi-. tin- iliii'f lili-mishis foiiinl Si-iiitf m'ri'ii tops ninl n splitting, iliii- to too nipiil sjiowtli. Cnrrois slnnilil hi- wnslii'il. tlii- tops of tln' roots n'Miovi-il. iind till' sti'ins twisinl oil". Tin- top slnmlil In' ns smnll .is possihli'. wliii-li is shown liy tlii' siinillni'ss of tlii> si-.iis h-fi. Ill iiiiiinn-ri-hil i'.\liihits of i:irriils iiniforniily is most imporinnt. In sizi- till' spci-lnii'iis shoiilil wi'liih •'', Iti. r.-nli. wliili' in form tln'y slnnilil ho -hurt iinil thii-k. Qinility in i-iirmts is in ' ' l-y l.ikiii;: n rross-soilioii. Th,. hi'.irt shmilil he siiiiill :iinl tin- ll.sji s. .-il. As ti'sli'ij hy tnsti'. tlii' lli'Sli slionhl In- swci'l itiiil iiiilil in fliivoiil T.XIILK TlH.MfS. Till' swcili' viirh-tics shoulil hi- .-ihimt o inrhi's in il'. im-ti-r. with a small top. clean, imifiirm. free from all hleinishes. espt'i-i ili^ the work of tlie fruit- 1!» lli:il-'l.'"l. tirill illlll «||| IIm' Hliit,. .,,,.1 , H • I 1... ,n,.. „. „,... ' ', ' •'"'"" *•"•"""' '■' " '■!'•• "ir , , ,. • ' ■ ' '" ""''■'■ H"'liiiiii t,.r till. \iii,.u „. •■""".M-nr,.,.l.M,.-.,l,. „„.,.,. ,, „.. „,, , , , -h ' iM. H„i,„n„ „ , ; ., ■ . ""'' •'■■'^^ '" '■■"''■•■'^'■•' ■'■'"•V '«^H v;i,.i,„i... „„:.,;.';:,"":; "••■•"7'';-i,.,i,., ,■,■„„, s,„ „.„„„.,, ^'■■•irii.i,. . „.'ii". ' """: "' """" l"i|"'l'l.i"'" Kuili iilililiiiii. (■'•Iii..\...| .11 III .Mil, I'l'i'lVrml. I'llI'lM.V, S. I, III' Wcil II, "■ly linn |„ Sino).- ^ IMWSlllll'. J- ill till' iinjh . ^•.•l^i(•||l•s. >.i 'I'iii',.vviijK l|i<. ,,|||•,•|:_.^^ ll:l\\, 11,1 ||i;|(|..r ||ii< ^lll il,.. Vf !,■:. >cs ■\llil. 1» i;,f.l., -I I'll fll ..f 1 vv;ls: n-,.,,, " ■•|-'"I"M>I.V l.^l,,|. Ii, i'lJlll-i-: III.' s!Mlk> -.llnlll.l |„. "I'ii-'liiiii.' ii-iijii :',t. I" •*- III. .M.'li :i|v .iMiii-. -• sli., tii.-il li '••i»''* iMi-iv il,,i„ is ii.|,,,i r,.r,.M|i!,i,i,„| ' -siv. .!,,„,.. «|,;i,„,,.,.. |r„.|,,„,,, ,„„^, ^> •!!"■'! "Illl UMilnni,. ,.|,,,,, ,1,^ ,,,^,, '" 'M-'l.'.i III tlli.s.. vni-i.-lirs ,|H -'I'lii'i-.i! r.'.|nin'ii|..||is r..r Hji •1 i'''il ■ .,s |.,,ssii,i,. '" -^"' I'l-SLS is MIUM.V, •i linn HiM. Mr .1 ,, -j... T«u «i |(» ,1.,, 1 IcilVfS ll-l. ,, .,„,, ,1,, linn. . sci -I-,.. .IS |ll.. 'I'll.' iw,, i-jin! '■"'"tir. ••iinl |irf|i.-i •"^n.'oi Is. .Itts "'"' '"I"'- li-...-,s. ,„nl,:; „s ||,.:,vy ^ ^.^hk II ! .!» I |{. :,M.':"'..r!"."''''. '":.."""■'"•■"• •-> '"".• in .>■.... '! '"; "■"!" •' '" '■•'-■ i'-h..s i,i ,ii,„i,..,..,. ,.,„,: 'Z "";'■" ^' '" '"• Mill..' s„i,., ,,„„ ,IJ .- ^'i'-., Uy s„n, ..iii.) .,, ,, ,,,„ >h!iI lint wliilf ill ,o|,„|,-, ll'llVeS sIll.willK I' Mli. <';iulitl..w,.|- inisi ,.„^Uh„ Im' :m'('<>|iI<>,|. Ill pivp.-ifini: .•:ni .,„•,.,■ f,„- si ,> ,,. ,, -v-p. s,„.i,. six ,„■ s..^,,, „|,i..|, s, ,„, '" ' '" •■'"■' "" 'I'- l"'-""s -HI. ...Mviii. ,„..„. ins,.:;, :i ;,;:,:'■ ;;:':; ;:;;;; ••" ■''- '"•'- "■•• • .m. ^' •'!. II Kai.k. ..H,.^:;; Si:::;^" ;;;;;^ir;j:.;:;::i::-^ ■- ^-b- m s... , .„.. .lark, w.-l, .,„.|.„, u-^iZ ' ''"""• ■•'■"' ^'""'y- "''I' l:"';;". IJaimmi. ■l'h..,nnii,.vnn...i..s„n.n,|is|,,sni M,i,,i„..i I i 20 hiiuu i'iiili>>li<>M iiiii«i iiiift Willi ilif Hiiiiii- tfi-iK'nil rfiiulrPiiiiMitii, mivc Hint tlloy hIiiiiiIiI I i> I||i> Mliiipc t,V|ilrnl of ili«> ty\>*\ Siji \sll. A urt'ir iiiiiii\ >!irl«'lif»< i>f winusli iiiiil iiiiirniw iir«' hIdwii. iiinlcf iimn' nr li-xN Kihliisfil lifiii||iii.'s. at iiiiiii.v mIiown, iiikI .IidIkIiiu l^t In i' liiiv*> rt iiiiiicihIinI r lain • lniiii:<'K in ilif prl/.<-'liMt. I'liiliriKln;; four viirli-llcn of Miininifr wiuaKli ami iim- winter \ai'ii>lii>M. wlilcli. tiiuellii'r, Kiv<> a eoiiipU>te ■.iii'jp of i|iiiillly over tin- ''ntlri' wawm. Ill L'linli'ii Mpiuwli. of wliioli twii of a l%liul iiri> hIiowii. tli<>n> hIioiiUI Ik>. pi'ini'liially. iinlt'orinlty In hI/i*. colour, ami xliupf, n iniNliTMle ilccnv of «lz>> for t1ii> variety, ami rri'i'ilcini frotii »klM pnm'tiir(>M aiiil Hlinlltir lilt'inUhoH. which arc very (IcMlriictlvc, cf<|M>cl;'lly to yimiKli liitcmU>p'V'olih'ii colour, about 12 liicheK ioiij;. nml iiKHh'i-ntely crooke uiiiforin. esiieclully In size. form, and a» warty as possible. .\s the slightest liiemisiies are alinust surely followed hy decay, the entries showiin: sncb blemishes should lie cut down heavily In proportiiui. The colour should Is- a i.i'cp Idack-creen. with a lulnlmum of while on tiie underside. Tliere slimild be about 1'... Inches of stem attucheil. Ill size they sliould be about 14 to Hi i lies ion;: and 10 to 12 Inches In diameter. Tlie tiolden Ilubitard must comply with the same Runcral characters as the (;reeii Iliilibard, save in colour, "likli must be a deep noideii-yellow. For tlie Hoston marrow, tlie same ;;eneral ree uniform, from ItJ to 2" inches louji. ■ ""•«•• ""- "•■•• nn. u, .,.. .„.. ..,>•', ;.,., V : :,;;;: :;"""; "• '^ """ "• -"•"■ "*■'-". •>• i.-r ,., ,:. .i. ' i">iir>-nii. /ii,.!-.. Hi 1,1 |„. ,„, tijit ..ill.'. I.f I II IK. ...If........ .. ,„..„,., ,,„.,„, ,,.,., „ „,„^ ,,,^^. ,. ^ ^^^ .,,.':;,,,; ;;:in:':;;.:;:r' "^ •'■*• ^''''''''■•' ^'■" ■ ■- "-i In fli.' I,..,„| ,1... ,„ a.l. h1„miI r ;. , ,;,„ ,i,,„ „„. ••I- II"- «.-l«l... ...Ml Hli.Mil.l 1... W..1I l,l«,„l,...l, ' >'l < I Mill IIH. „,.„;■'"•'" ''V""'" '"■ '"" '"■""• ' '■^''- •"•■ -•• -' -I,, .hnu. ,•....„. " '.'V; ''""^" •>"•■• ""■' ""• ^1 v,.rl..,l.... wl.i.h «r.. sI„.,M..,-. U.l.k.M- MiiiflL's, nic llnpi'il hy v.m-.v sli.,ri s|,lii..s. •" '••"' '.M^-s .l...,v slM.i.l.l I., iinlr.inul.y. i„..,lHn.l.. .,.:... ,„ • „, "',""' ' '"•• '\ ' "•'"" "''•■"""ii-. •■ .-.i-.v.. „ii. ,i„.r. s , „i„„„„„; I.I |M ■klhi,.'.,n,„„,l«.rs. ,h..s.. .1 I.I u. HMil-nnM. ..f „|,,. ..„l„„r „i, .,„ II..-.V Sll.MlI.l 1... ..|..,,„ ,in,l ,11.. „l,|,..|-...l |,I„ss si 1 I... ,,l.s,.,„. •'AM AI.OI I'S \M, .Ml >KMi |,„^,. T1I..S.. ,w.. iViH.s .,-. ,..,„..-;,lly ..n.„„...l ,.,,,,li..r. 1:,,, ,1,.. „.,„, •■ ,.:„„.H..m. - n';:;!'',''T''r '•'■'■'■''•' '," ","■ ""'"■■"'■" •■ ^'^ """•■ •"" "•■•"' •■ ^"^-i- •• I ."!>• 1 l..l..i,«,i,« „. ,1,.. Hnn..,-. y,.|l„„,..,| v,irl...l.... I„ |„„|, ,,„.„ ,„.,,„ M 1,.. ,1.,. „s„Ml , .lifnn.ii.y in si... „„., ,■.,,,„. Tii.. „..„l„. s|.,„„., ,.., ,1 .l.|v..|.,,„..l all .,v..,.. an.. In ,,.,|.,„ ,|,.. „..,„ ,„.„„,, ,,. .,, ,,,„,.,,,' "•''" --'"I'l''".-)''!!""-. thi.k. an.l ..!• Iii;:|i ,|„aiity, t'lIIDNs. TI.0 two .•Kn.n.s ..M,ll,i„.,| .s|,„„|.| I .. nnif.iri:: In sW.,: sliap,. : „„ ., ,,,,., s..<-ti„n Simula sh.nv .|..|„i, .,f ,|,. This mU'l,. „ih..,.wis.. I i^i iv w.>iKlil>i« tl.o.n. 1:1.1 as ,a,.ili,i..s ■,„• ,v..|«l,|„« s,,,!, fnilis as ,.||,,,„s v,,n.,sli 1......PUI..S. ....... a.-., nsiially als-n,. i, is , •,.,-a,.„„.v „. ...arn ..v, I-p.s s...n..n wl,l.-li is ,1,.. I,..avi..s.. SI;,., an.l w..|,-l,i aiv .1,.. l,M,,oi-.a„. ,|,a.-a. ...,-s. 'I'li.MAIOKS. Th...... may I.. .•Iass..s f,.r , ,,i„u. ,,„., ,,i,.kiin;: ,„n,a s. W,. ,|„ nut ':"■'"" ,"•'.""■ '■'••'^^ '"■ """^ ^•"•'••"-- ^'^ '""-.v .•..■■• P.i...' MM ,„• ,av,.,ii- „ ,. the ixiiiiilarily nt tlio rt..| Tl..^ r...l and pink vai'l-.tLs sh..ul,l he unilonn in siz,. an.l slnn... TIh.v shoni.i U. rruo I.. ...l.,.,.-. ..r si....s va>-yin« ui.l, ,„.. variety. I,„, i.snalh al,.,n't a lni-h,.s in .liai.K.tor. Tho ni...v «l.,l,nlai- l„rnis a.-.- luvf..,-....!. The.-..' s1k.i,1,I be lr«..lo,n from hlomish. es|.,.,ially l.l.,ss.,m-,.n.l n.t. spiittiiiK ai-,>un.l tl.o st.-n, ...1,1. nn.l „iM.n .-r... They sli,„.l,l 1 .. tiini in .•..n.lill.m an.l sl..„.l.l U- exhil i,..., with the stems reiimveil. nniiiicss is the ni.pst iiiipurliiiil |M>iiil. uiid l.iktMi willi if llii- Ilii.Uiii'ss i<( Ilic llcsli, lolli of llii> ..iilfi- Willi ;iii(l ol' till' sccti.iiis. 'riic ihiiiiImt «( scilioiis sh.iiilil In- l.iip' Mini ihi' J ml (,(■ piilp :iiiil seeds liiiiiti'il. I'i' Ulilii.' loiiiiiliies. wliellier of I lie plimi. ilien-.v. nr pi'iir lypes. slmiilil lie iiiill'dini ill sine, ol' pro|iei- type, iiiiil linn. ri:iM'i:iis. ■Ihe prill. Ip.-ll Villielies ;ll-e llje l.-ll-i:.. -l li iiii,| H,,' pi.klii];:. In llie I'oniiei- il.-iss the Iwo exiiiliiled should lie .-is l.iriTe ;is possilile. ::i-een. uiiiforM,. and shoiilfl \veii,'li up well. Ill pielJinu'-peppel-s llie prize iisiiMlly i;oes lo llie cpi.-in wliieli is iiiosl illiiroriii. Kl,(. ri.A.NT. This is 11 rl;iss whleli is round only in Hie Dry Itelt sections, .-in. I tiie jvv.ird shoiilil ;;o to the two wliioli ;ire l;ir;.'esl ,'iiid most imilonn. tinnesr. :ind inosl tree Iroiii lilemish. • !m!Ipi N I'l vs. In liie (hiss of •• one iptart of ;;i ii peas in pod " tiie [lods should he laf}:e. tre.' fi-oiii hleinishes. very well tilled with lar^re. clean, wiiole. nniloi'iii peas, ot deep L'reen colour. 'llie iinalil.v "f the peas is tile iiiosi inijiorl.-int tiling', and tliey siioiild lie M'ry sweet and ol' liifrii llavonr. In the class lor ■• one cpiart of shelled peas ' tliese slioiild he uniform, deep i:ri'eii in i-oloiir. cle.-in. wholes and of hi;;h cpnility. as ilescrilied ahove. I!i;ans. .\ qii.'irt of -reeii lieaiis is usually supplied, and this applies tipially to scarlet i-iiiiners. hroad l<'ans. wa\-podded hush, and irreeii -podded hush, into wlilch four classes this section slioiihl always le diviiled. In evi-ry case llii' lioils should I f 1 lerate size, iniifonii. of clear, deep rich colour, si tli. and in .Mlihle coiidiiioii. They slioiild espeiinlly he free Iroiii siii-li hleniishes as anlliraciiose. Coliditioii or .|ii:ilily as deteriiiiiied h.v snappiiii: l.l V. ; ,; ', '""" '""";" "•"' """ ■^'""^ '^ "" "-= '^ • ""•'■•'■ ■'■' i..u,- .•;t';:?''''''v:r ':';:' ''''•■^''■''•■'•- ''''"— ■ '■- -^ 'I'.n.v. .\,.,;nM.s> iM |,iv|,,-,r:,th„i is nri .ill-iiMi.oiM.-nit ].,,i,„. AlirK iioKis. .Ii.iji sAi IM. , .,, i ' ■- :'^ "" r '''"■ ' ^'^"■'" »"" s ,1,, ,-,.„. ,■,.,„„ I .1,.,. t:s::::!::::l::'-^ ^" "-■ - '-■ ^ -■• .: • 'I 1.1 liV. This .-hiss in .■..I.Tv-^rrowi,,;: ,|is,ri,-,s sli,,,,,,, ,,. ,,1,1.,..,, i,„„ „|,i,., ,„,l„w '••'"'.- " '"; ""'"■■•,.,l,.s. 1„ ..,„nM,,.,l-,.l,.,-y ,lis„-i..,s ii ni.-iv I,.- ';:'-!""^- - ''"-'•-"■ -p-i'"', ill si.,.. ,.„„„. „r ..,u. „.„, ,';„;' ""I' - I '""illll.iM MM. I lini,iic.>s ,,r sl:,lU, '"""•■" '!"■ i'"'-l. shunl.l 1,.. I,,,,.- MM.l s„„n. I,„, ,1,.. si..„|.s ,„„s, I,,'., ■ - .M,i ..,s ,„,„,v ,,s possii,!.. .„■ ,i„.,„ si„.„i,, ,,. n„i ,„„„;,, .,,„. , „ „„„„;, ■'" ; "• "■''• ""• '• -""•!> '"■'"'-' •■■i,i„„.. „ ,„.. iisiiMl ,.,.,ii,,,l „„ln. ^""' " '""■■ ^i"^"l ">• l'.-..U,.M smiles sl,„„M l„. ,VII,„V..,| ■.'"■•Hil.v is niosl iiMpoi-uiil. ,.|,„1 is i,s„,.,||y ,|,-l,.ni,i 1 Uv a ,,.s, „r .,v..,-,-.. sin I.S ,,•„,„ ,,„.„ ..,„,,, .,,,„ „,,„^ ,„„^, ,,,. ,.,.,^^ ^._.^,^, ^.^ ; •- :;;:::;•;,,'; 1 ;—->•'■'- m,.,.. ',., ,,■.,,::: . . „ „. ,„ , „ , ,„iy ,,is,..s..s ,„■ l:,..|nis|,..s, n,sr ,,..i„. „„. „i„s, Imp.,,.,:,,,,. "" ,'' ' '■■'^"•^ ^.'■"' •■'-""^'' •■""M,„ll.v M11VH,.| ,.,„,.i,.s si,„i,l,I 1,,. ,|is,,„,.,|iM,.| '" -,„l,„.,vi;,| |,,.|,.i;,.,^.,.s ,.r ,-,.l,.,.y ,|„. , i„,„.siz,..| |„,,,. | ^. ,.. ,,^. .„' ihHhs ,i,s„|,.. is iisimily .•l„,s..,i. |i sl„,i,|.| ..,„„,,i„ inll u,.i^-|„,"i:,.\,,;,.,,;,i\.; '— n, ,,..., Iy,„.,.,,.n.,l. m,„I pmH...,I. s„l..h ,„■„„., vM,-i,.,y. «i,,i ,„„,„. .^i,;,,, „„ : III,.!-,. Sll,,l||<| 1„. M sli.^lll I, III-,.. ('(ii,l.i:(ii.,.\ III Si.\si>,\i.\i, Ill.iii;.s. ■'■'''" '''' ■ ■■''" '" ''■'■^' 'I'" 'iv,. iiiiisi i,„pi„.,..,,„ s,-,;.-.-. lln s„, „„„,. s.-n..ry. iMiiit. Mhil su..,.| iiiii|..|,ii-iiiii. A ii,.,ii ii,,|,. i,,,,,,-!, ,„■ ,..,,.i, .i,„„i., , .'''■'■i'="-"'i- """ ""• "I- i'<'".'iit or ,!,.. ^.,.„..,.„i p„i,ii,. pi,,i„,j. „„., „..,„|,. ,^„,;.||,.,; I .-.•.. sl,.,„l,l I.,. p,i,i,.ipMiiy ,„i.l vi«„ur .,r «..„wll.. fn.,.;i„„, ,r„„; M..|iiisl„.s ,„• .|,.s,...,s,..| l,...,vi.s. I..,-.. M„.| i, p,.,.p„,. „,,.,. „,. ^.,,,„.,„ f,„. ,1,^. ^^,.^^^^^_ it i s. "1. 1(1. n. V2. i.'{. u. 1.-,. !•;. 17. lit. I'll. L'.".. 21'. .•{l>. .••.I. ai'. as. :!!>. 41. 41.'. 4:!. 44. 4.-.. 4t:. 47. 1^. 4!l. ."It. .-.1. 24 FULL PRIZE-LIST, VEGETABLE SECTION. Prlzps. I'oliitoes. mc1i varloty. . 3 r> iin.v otluT variety, white •.' t> .. .. .. coloiirod 2 Onions. C. yellow 3 "■> red 3 <; white '_' t! liriiwii 2 (|iiart of iiickliii^'. red 2 yellow 2 white 2 sets, quart 2 inulti,«li"rs. i|iiart 2 s-'in'lols 2 Reels. «> ioii^' 2 r> Klolie 3 Carrots, (i Iodk 3 0 intermedia. e ;{ ti short " Oreeii corn. 2. .MiLskuieloiiH. 2 P^lze*. •TS. Citron. 2 ......!.. - •"4. Tiiiiiato(>s, 0 r«'(l '* ^f>- ■' (5 pink ^ '^} .. 1 dozen pickling, phini o 58. 1 •• " '•'"^'■'•y 2 -,j ,, •• •• pear o ..!». I'eppers, 2 larse green " '0- ., 1 ijuart pickling " •>1. KKg-plant, 2 * •12. I'eus. 1 qnart green. In p(Hi "..". Z "•'^- •• 1 ., shelled . '!4. Uean-s. 1 quart scarlet runner •", ".'■ " 1 •• Wind.sor or liroad ." |.'l'" •• 1 '• ''"xli. wax-podded ? ''■,,•' ^ •• •• S"t'n-podde. Swiss ( 'hard. 2 stalks " 77. Collection of .svasoning herbs " 78. Artichokes, tl . "* *» COIVIIVIERCIAL CLASSES. I'OTATOKS. lOf, lu r^'T "'"■' """"" '•" •"'^"••■" '"•"''"' "•^'"•o"' <•'»• entries of n V. or Heets and Cabbots. Cabbage. One crate of 20.) lb. net weight, for shipping. Three prizes. Tomaioks. One-crate, two-crate, or live-crate lots: 23 lb net of t^ m.o Three prizes. The four-basket crate should be used "' "'"''■ O.MONS. In sacks of 15, 50, or 100 lb. Three prizes. 26 UiiriiAHii. One liox. 40 U(. net. Tliivp iirlzcs. COLLECTION CLASScS. n.i Collection of ^'imlen vejsetiililes frrowii liy ii settler in his lirst year. (2.) Collection of fiiirilcii vcjjetiililes jjrown liy n settler i?i his second .venr. ('.'.) Collection of ^rarilen vetfetiiMes jirowii on a town or city lot hy an anmtein-. f-l.i Collection of vetjetal)les from a rancher's ve}:<'talile ;:ar(len. (.".I Collection of ve^retahles jirouii liy school chllilren on ;:Mrilens culll- vntetl l>.v themselves. Classes for school children ndsht he made in iiolatoes. onions, heels, and other types of veKotahles. as well as this collection. The object of prizes for <'ollectlons of veKetahles is iirincipally to stinnilate an interest in the home ;.'arden liy making lietter known what can he prodnced, and liy enconra^in;; tliose who intend to pxiiihit to maintain the parden for the necessary season. COMMENTS ON ADAPTING VEGETABLE PRIZE-LIST TO INDIVIDUAL FAIRS. (1.) We recomme'id stron;;ly that the qnantlties specified in ea ho followed. These have lieen adopted in liarmon.v with the liirp'r sho>vs an in general practice, hnt in tlie .vounjier associations tliere is a tendency to adopt ninisnal iiuantities. so cansiii^ considerahle confusion. (•2.1 It will he notenUl >:et a sum of money. Where two prizes are indicated, the competition is usually less keen, 1 anse the x-ejjetahie mentioned is less iniportaut. In these cases the first prize should he ahout half that of the major classes, say $l.r.O, and no third should he ^iven. iK'cause there is usually not nearly as great competlti'ni. These prizes should not. however, lie made so small as to disco\n-aKc exhibitors. The idea is that in tlie more impor'ant classes prizes should be increased slif.'htly. and in I'le minor classes they should he decreased sllRhtl.v. as conipai-ed with present prac-tice. in liotli cases beiuK increased as the finances of the assoclalion warrant. The importance of the difl'erent classes varies witli the locality, and the dassitication Into major and minor given here will have to he adopted willi discretion. (:$.) Many classes here named would lie of little or ;io use In many districts, such ns egfi-plant and tomatoes in many <'oast and cooler Interior se!t">|; ciiiilji;:.'. Tli..iisiiiiillir,ii|..,l ii„|,.. SiiiiHi.wcis. I-'ifl(l-iic:ms. Hops. RULES ANO RHCULAT,ONS RELAT.NO TO PRU.T AND VEOHTABLE SECTfONS. In "'■'I''l- I'i silliplif.V 111,. ,;,SU .,(■ in, Xil.h nil,.s ;||li| r..;;ii|..||i,, ■•md llif li;iriii(iiiii)ii; . . _ '■"■"■Mill..,. wh..s,. ,|„ty i, i^ ,., „ , "'I P.-..v< -IMTMII,,,, „,■ ,|„. >,|,„„. „^^,|.^, j^ ^^^|^_ iniipciiiiiiii ■■'■PiU-t.-illI „f |l,„s,. ,.,.i,.s vvl,|,.l, if f.l ■ '•'■■'■■MII...I I,,.,-,. |1„. ,„„^, Hi i.,:n HK,,Mmi.\(: Kmi!ii:s. "»f -r;::;;;:"::;;:^;::^:;::;;:; ':r-rr '■ ' '- ::i»i'r:;:;':;:»^;«r:;;;:;7^'^f"-;::rx.;::;rr'^ -.-:r":SJS::';:;;;-;;;-- ; ^V ^r iitui.Tijir f..r ,.xhii,ition. "-T.iM.s fnr ,„i,„„,„.r..., „., ,,r,. -i,,^, .™".,;;;;',:';:;. "l,;;";;; j;;;™;;,:;' ; '■■"■"- '■-■.< , "v''"r™-::r::-:;rrr"F;==:^;^: - ..«,;»,,::-^;:,::.';r:,:;tr;r':,;;;;;;^;;;:"r'7- ^^ Of i.l..".l.ay,uvvl,,„s,,>.VK.,inl ;;.,;' I "'""" ^"""'" "" ^'■•'-" ".v " .'.-. ...-u;:: :;;::;:r d;n;:i::,:r;;n;;,ir'r"" •"■ ''-"^ ■ •"" --'•<- '■>■ -No irdivi,ln;il in,.iii!;.T slm„|,i », , '"'-"""''• "»";■'« ■■■• ' «'; • ' . ;. ™^™r;:;;;:,;:r,,'::;:.;;;: ' '■ .I..-';,,, ^;,; ::r ;;:;;:;iv;;;:;,','':; r","" "" "" >•'••■■ ••«"•"«. -..i o,,,. 28 11. ■/M'/fff.-i.— .TiMlci's will lie Hnppllfd liy the AsHorlatIo:! In loiijuiKtlon with the nt'pnrtiiiciit of AKrlciiltiire. Xo imthoii shall art n» jiulde In any unce, or If the articles exhibited be of inferior .jaallty. the Judges are instructed to awiird only such premiums as they consider merited. They may exercise their discretion as to whether they will award tirst, second, third, or any premiums. l.">. Growers are Invited to exhibit such productions not sjiecially men- tioned In the prize-list as are likely to be of interest, as novelties, or for any other vide amusement; to advertise the ndvantaces of the district: and to stimulate the culture of the liest kinds and types of acricultural produce by exhibiting what Is belnj; produced, and by awardlnj; prizes to those of greatest merit. Of these various functions, it is i)robable that the fruit and vegetable sections are most valuable in promotint; the culture of the most meritorious products, and their principal aim is therefore educational in character. To s.vstematlze the showing of products and so to distinguish those of greatest merit, it has been found necessary to Issue lists of products, and by rules and regulations to guide exhibitors Into making uniform entries, which can accordingly iie Judged on their merits, not only by the judges, but by the more casual onlooker as well. The prize-list names the various products and the awards attached to them, and it thus becomes one of the most important factors, almost the central factor, of the show's organization. On the prize-list much depends, for. If it is seriously defective, the u .•- fulness of the show is lessened, exhibitors become dislieartene .-...„. T:::::; xjit- i", "■"""■ """-" • ' «-■ .i«-.e ...Me,,,., ■„ , ;J tiv ,'iT' T ■ ' " ' '■""«■• ;;.::■■ -■""-";'■;;;;;;;::;:::;■;;;;:;;- .».. ..; .:~;::;'«,,rTj:t:r.;'';:,i',:': -r" """^- ■ '•'• "...1 the r.o,„,nio„ I>epart,u.„( of Asrieulrnr^ " '■■""'"■'• '^""'"• .ar... fa,..s or rrovn.ola, or .nterna^ion'l/ir'o.'.'.e; '^"•"■■"■'-'"•'" ^:"- -'^' Of Xit^r ;:;r" ^""'*""""^ *""'•" ^""^ ^" "•"' ""^ "- '-- "^ -."."s va- J s:.r:'si;r:i: ^:::z:z :::=:;-:;--"-"• SrEciAi. Classes— ri(rn.s. In iiears there should also he oue -box. tuo-l.ox. au.l five-box eM,ll,U« .. , =^.:r'i;r '-"" -^^-^ --- - r;;Lr:;;;r !:r^ in ,.":;:;'r'o;;r:itu;;r'"^" '- ""™"""^ "•'^" "- --"-'-- «-.. 2. r.//,,//.„ r/«.,„..,._A colleclion of plates of apples for ho,„e oreh.r.I to l,f j»,lf;e,l acconliiiK lo ihe re•■"". Collections of plates of ap„ies of eonunercial value, to Ih, jndgoa hv the score-cards given for such eonunercial collections. ^ i 30 ('oll.'.tl.iim of ii|>|>i.-H for ho uw may lie mil.tllvlilfd Into flv.. varL-tli-M "f fall nppies an.l (Iv.-« of winter npplw.. or IIiIk niav Ik- Ktlll further Miil«llvl,l,Hl for ,oll..tIonK of fall .l.-Mwrt. fall ^hMw:. winter .lesHert. nn.l winter .•.H.kli.K apples. These coll^-tloiiH may all he score.! on the iH>lntH clveii There,l. In a.l.lltlon. I.e prl/.,.s for the l«*t ul.l he j.lalnlv and .orrectly lalielle.1. or lie .lls.|nalllle.l. The pyraml.I ..f ninel.v-one apples makes a very attra.tlve .Itoplav. an.l may very w.'ll le lnr.' Joniimwla' apple-i.a.'klnK Is .nrrhMl on, an.l f these the followliiK niles are sntKested :— (l.t The manaj; of the fair to fin-nlsh ne<-essary tahles. pajx-r. lH).\es. an.l apples the cmtest. as follows: — (U.I <»ne tahle f.)r ea.h cHniH' al.Mit :!ij hy 4 f.^'t .llnieii- slons. with hiirlap cover, after the usnal pattern: ih.) Stan.lar.l Canadian I oxes, 10 hy 11 hy a) In.-hes Inshle .llin.'nsl.ins. care helnn taken to have h.ixes pr..i)e:ly made of c..rre.t nniterlal. as the character ..f the l,.)x materially Inflnences the work lit the packer: (c. ) l'ap«'r: each pa.ker al..)nt ."{ 111. of jiaper. !» liy !t .ir f> hy 10 Inches In size. dei)en.lln>; .m ap|)les : <)l.) .Vpph's: Six box.s tirade X.i. 1. l.'o to the Im.x and hirer. !ind Kia.led t.> afford variety .if pack. (2.) Kntry f.'e .)f Jfl : entries t.) close aUmt one week before fair. Con- testants to draw lots f.)r places and numbers. (."?.) Apples to be place.! on the taliU>» by dlslnter.'st.'d iK>rs.>us. alminj; t.> place .m each table a fair average of the whole lot. (4.) All apples to be packed dlaR.imilly In the standard C'aiia.llan boxes. (5.) Ea.h contestant to pack three boxes, time t.) l>e taken when .•.aitestunt places last box on the floor. (I!.) To se.ure perfe.-t or :iO points f.)r speed, the contestant must pack the thret> b.txes within twenty-flve minutes every three ndmites louRer will reduce tlie sore two p.>lnts. an.! if not finished within sixty minutes, the cmtestant will be ruletl out. The followliij; score-card to apply : — Speetl 20 I 'idformity j-, Alignment 10 Hnl«e ]0 Height at enils ](, Firmness jO WrapiiiiiB 15 100 4. Sixrinl PrizcM to niroiiiuijv Ilipli-ilass /'acfci/i./.— Two-box or five-box display .)f apples .)r pears of one variety, commercially packed, all layers wiapi>e.l, covers to l)e removed In the presence of the judge, scoring to be made as follows : — (Irading 2.'; I'acking 7.-, (suLdivlded In the usual wavi. 100 31 plare o,-,.„„l..,l |,y |„,i„strl..s l.a«Hl „ ' '-^•""'••"""- '•'<' Pr.'.«.-..t ..Ml,n,H„„,„t "'<•••• T v..|o„ „... « - , 'l VJ ". '"'•'"""''" *•'■■""*■""' '■' """ '•'•■-V- '-">• 'n ......i.-Monr: :,.::■ :;:':i:;';;'''7;;v'^ •■ "■"• ""^ '"H..« .... Ii.U.r,.M, in „„.... ,2; „t ,. " T"'"' """"■•""'">• '•' H.lMu,. :r;-:^ ;;■..:-:„•::-, r:::":r.::r ,::;-::: (■•liinnl r,iiit.s hi (ihisM— 1. ISiis|.lit.ri-|..s. i-,.(l. 1 ,|i|„rt . '■'■'.''" -'. SI rawlicrrics, 1 ,|m,rt •' ••!. I!lls|-N.iTle.x. |,lii<-l;. 1 ,||,,,,., ",[[]] •"; 4. I'nwrvliiK . riiiiiis, 1 .jiuirt ■'■ ". I't'iKhfs. I i|iiiiri ■' S IVars. I qiiin-t " " ■' "• Apples. 1 ,,i,)irt ;' Ii>. Apricots, 1 qniirl •' a.„i p...,.,„,.,,. ru„ wouM .";;;;';,;";. ■ '""^ •"•■ •"■"•'■'' "•""''> -"^ •■.■ - ..„•«... ■IdiHK in GInKx— 1. I{P(I ciiiTant. 1 pint rrlz.x. -. UUuk ciiiraiit. 1 pint •' •"{. Sirawl.ciT.v. 1 pint '•' ■1. IJtHl raspli,.,T,v. 1 pint l] •">■ I'Inni. 1 pint •' ^^//.'..-(V,IIe,.tl.„. „f r.,„r varlefles.' '.noir.Kin Jeilv'-'^'eJ ' ' '' oorn. carrots. ^"-• Honie-niarr.v viiiejjar '' •Ixed pickles, sweet. 1 pint'i„ 'j^iass '^ MiXHl i.iclOes. s„nr. 1 pint in rIuss . . . .' ." •• <^ -^'lection of |.lclvle.s. f„ur varieties ''at-sni). 1 pint In Klass •' f'lifll sauce, 1 i)lnt in glass •"* I'iclilea .uilons. wlilte. 1 pint in glass' '.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. !* O CoMMEBCtVr, P,y-PBOUlXT.S oiiei-ated to offer these protlurt* roiiiiiierclally. Thiw faitnrl*'* hflp n Breat deal lo give stability to the fruit ludimtry, and It Ih to the ailvaiitnue of all to encourage them. REVISION OP PRIZC-LItT*. The .|nd(ten of fniltM and f>t'etnlile« at enih fair, on Ifn ronrlimlon. reported to the I'rrniiulal Ilortlcnitiir r. hicIomIiiu u eopy of the prlzcllgt, IndloatlnR the nuniher of entries In eiirh clasH, and making reconiniendatlons on many polntft coniH'cled with thi- t'xhIl.ltH theinwlve». and with the orcanlzatlon of the fair, ItM iirlze-llnt. rules anil re)rnlatlon». arrnnKenient. etc.. ^hlcli Iibh put at our dlt<[K»Hal a jfreat dei.l of liifornmtloii that should Ik» of vii'-ie to every fair In preiiarlng for a larger exhlhlt next .vear. The othclalH of the liortlinltiiral Branch are at the wrvhv of Uevlslon roniniltreeH to assist them In makine their prlz»'-llsts and the rules und regu- Intlotis Mior. t>ducatloiial and more proBrcsslve. This work In the past has hail the synipath.v of all fairs, and has had the henrtlesi support from those which are most progressive, 'ihe reconmiendiitliMis wMch arc made In this circular have Ihmmi Inrgely gleaned from e.\i>erlence in the Judging of fairs In this I'rovince. It Is ho|K>d that arrangements can lie miule for the Judges of fairs, especi- ally those who are connected iieinianeiilly with the Horticultural Itranch. and the I'rovlncial Horticulturist, lo t-onfer with fair olllclals throughout the I'mvlnce, so as to give more direct assistance In rccominciidallcms and in revision. The Horticultural nrauch Is arranging to deliver Icclun'S throughout the I'rovlni-e on frult-juilging and exhlliltlou staiulards. We e.xpect that this work, espwinlly with the hearty cr -operation of each fair, will not only ■iicrease the educational value of the rnlrs. hut will greatly stinnilate the numlM-r and ipiality of the exbllilts and the Interest and atteudaiu-e. so creat- ing a greater degree of local support for our fall fairs. VICTORIA, BC. : Printed lij- William H. Cillin. Trluter ti. the KIiik'b Most Exctllent Mi^jisty. 1U13. it ■■ m '