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INSECTS INJI^RIOIS TO ORCHARDS. Bv W. II. Urmtai.n. I1.S..\.. I'.miioukiist .xu Kstomoixioist. IT li;is lii'''ii I'siiiM.ilfd tliiit til.' aiumiil loss to farm croiw In Canada fnim the ravaircs nf inscit pi'sts is snincwiii'i'- !ii tho iifltflilMiiirhiiod of .'(l.'.IKKMNKJ. It Is tluTd'ofi' iilivlons that cvrr.v iira The first Is the egg stage, during wlilcli thi' Insect is usually Invulner- able to attack, but during which some kinds nniy be successfully treated, (2.) The egg hatches into wlnit is known as a larva. If tho adult Insect Is n Hy. the larva is called a maggot; If a moth or butterfly, a caterpillar; If i\ liiTili'. :i kTiili: iiiiil ciiliiT-i have iii> HiM-clii' iiaiiH'M. Tlic liirml wtiitfi' i* till- t:n>wliii; unci I'l'i'ilinc imtIimI «( tin- Insert's \\U; wlifii tlir most liijmv Is iloiif. iiml Is iisiiiilly tlic lliiii' wlii'ii tlit'.v (an Im- must cDiivi'iil.Mitly drsiriiji'il. i;i. I Tin- thifil Nlai;.' Is llic |in|ial cir irsliii« l»'ricMl. ilnrintf wlilili llii- Insert ri'maiiis i|iilesiint and takes no finMl. In this slatfc tlie larval mt'aiis are broken down aiat linlll np a«aln Into the or»iiis of the ailnll. (4.1 Tin' fourth staue is the adult, or i«'rfeit form. The adult Insect Is nsnall.v wlniri'd. and diirlntf this jieriod there is no further iirowth. onl.v snlH- eleid fiHid helm; taken to mainlaiii tlie vital aitlvitli's of tin' insect. Some insects have no |ai|ial stade. and Iln- secoiai periiKl In their lifo Is called a n.vinpli Instead of a larva. K.samidi's of this class of insects are crasshoppers. .scaleinstHts. and aphides. Kxamples of those hnvln« all four stap'S are the tent-caterpillar, fall wi^hworm. pi'ar-tri'e sin;;, itc. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF INSECT PESTS. Tills, fr the farn.ers or frnlt-;:ro«er's slandpolid. Is the most im|iortant side of thi' siihject. There are several ReiH'ral heading's innh^r which such methods may he disiiissi'd. The follow inn an- a few of the st important: — (1.1 Chun (•«////)•('. -This consists In Katherlm; all irop residues — prunins"- etc. — and destroyliiK liy tire or tin- use i>f lime; by reinovlmr and huridiiK all dead wcmmI ami hy scrapinir off the loose hark from tlii" trees. ll'.t Miihiliiiiiiiifl the \ ihililii "f Hk' I'IiiiiIi. — As is the case with disi'ases. plants weakein'd from any cause are less able to withstand the attacks of insect ivests that) those In a visorons. thrifty <-oinlition. (Jreat growth does not necessarily denote health or vltfoiir. awl a tree that has made ii goixl normal siroivth is often In better condition than (Mie that has macb- a InrRe sappy one. The srower sh(ailil therefore endeavour to so cultivate his trees that they will imike a stiM'k.v. normal crowtli chai terlstlo of the particular variety. I» it Invite winter injury hy late cultivation, late Irrigation, or excessive prnidns. Hy observing these pri-cautions the grower will render more Rlniiile the problem of keeping his trei-s free from insect ami fungous iiests. Much has Immmi written conciTtdng the insect Icldal vaiin- of fertilizers, but It Is probable that their chief value lies in the Inireased vigour they give the pbiiitH. CiA //(lH(^;)(c^(/l.f;.— This method is of value in tlie contnd of large, lenf- eating caterpillars that come In loniparatively small mni'hers. hut may be callable of devouring <-oiisiderablo foliage. (4.) Triippiufi- — This has Imm-u successfully emiiloyed In the .•ontrol of such Insei-ts as cliiuhlng cutworms and the wingless females of canker-worms. The trees are banded with some sticky substance like tree tanglefoot, and in this the insects are catight. (.".^ FaU I'lDiiflliiiiH- — Certain jiests eaii be destro.ved in this wa.v. though not many orchard Insects. WIrewornis. the larvie of <>lick-beetles. may be reached by this practice. .\ late fall ploughing, followi'd by cultivation, breaks nil tile hibernating cases of the grubs, so that tl.oy perish. Other insects that winter in the soil may. in a like manner, lie exposed to the action of the frost and to the attention of various Insectivorous birds. (n.) Cnti) Riiln I inn. ^TU\!t method is extremely valuable in the control of Insects of general farm crops, and to a certain extent of vegetables and small fruits as well. It iloes not, of course, apply to orchard crops. (~.t liastly. we have Spraying. This, to be effective, should be timely, and must be well done. .Vs too often practised, It Is little better than a waste of time and money. 3 r«rrf!«|M>nclln); to the two klmlH "f ln«'it» nlrcndy iiu'iitiniiiil. wi' luivi' two tfcnt'riil t.V|i<'« <>r x|ini.v«. Tlicsf iin-: ll.i ('imtmt InspctirldeH. CJ. i Sloiimrh- l« iiinliM. rmittict lii<«'f<, «i< ili'-iiiHtitM. Miiil l«'nflioi>iicr». Tlicxc Kiiniyw can iirviT Ih' iii«mI iix prcvfiitlvw. Til Iw of scrvli'*'. fvi'iy liisi'ct iniiHt bo tmiclH'tl. iiiiil i-iiro tiiki'ii to spray wlicn till' liisocts can lie tnoxt faslly rcaclii'il by tlio mixture. Kor oxaiiiplc. ilo not wait to si|iriiy fi.r the trni'ii iiplilM niitil tin- loaves liavo all ciirliMl. foriiilni: a protci'tloii artiiiiid tlioiii. or for tlio loaf-hopi»'rM until tlioy licconio niiiRt'il and leave the tree at tlie llrst touch of tlie Mpriiy. Sloniacli-polsoiiM for hltlnc-lnsects are. for the most part, arsenical preii.ira- tloiis. of which lead -arsennte Is prolialily the most valinihle. Paris green Is another In coiiujion use. StoiniU'li-iM)lsons may sometimes he listed as pre- ventives. In the I>ry Helt. a spray of lend-nrsenate. as soon as the trees nrc In full leaf, will remain on the leaves most of the sesison. and Is very us«'ful for destroylnp many lenf-eatlm! Insects. SOME PRINCIPAL ORCHARD INSECTS. (1.) BiTISO-INSECTS. Thr Buil-molh. — This Is n small, cylindrical, cinnnmoii-lirown coloured caterpillar, with legs. head, and segment back of the head bliK'k mid shiny. When full grown It Is nearly % Inch long. The grentest Injury Is done in spring, to the opening buds and tender foliage, the cateriilllar protet'llng Itself by crumpling up a leaf and llidng It with silk, or by tying two lenves together. They become full grown In about seven weeks, and form piipie within their nests. l'[ion emerging, the adult moth deposits her eggs upon the under-side of the leaves. These batch In about ten days. anearly-white eggs of this Insect are laid mostly on the leaves near the fruit. Upon hatching, most of the larvte enter by the blossom end of the apple. The larvie usually bore dlnn'tly toward the core, around which they fi^l, and upon rea<'hlng full size emerge through a hole In the side of the a]iple. The newly hatched Inrva is about 1/1(! Inch long, with a shiny black head and whitish liod.v. having numerous dark-coloured tubercles scattertnl over it. When full grown. It is about % in<>h long, of a light flesh colour, or iH-casioiuiliy whitisli. with head glossy brown. The tubercles are more Indistinct than in the .voung caterpillar. The numb«T of broods of this insect varit.- ■ ith climate and season. There may be as many as two complete broinls. aii . a i)artlal third brood I" the interior of British Columbia. The work of the second brood is similar to that of the tirst. but a much larger percentage enters throngh tlie side of the apple. Till- 11.1 ;rcil in|l>ij«l> III ;l »|UMJ ill' Icilll lllWIKltf. J III. 1.1 4ll ;;;l|liills 111' wiiliT. Hllliiii a wirk iiftfi- III.. Ii|ii»«iiiii iK'tiiU liiivi' riilliii. Siilliilnil |iri'!"iiri' liiiiNi Ih- iiiiiiliiji'il til ilrlvi- till, iiilxlilii' iiilii llii. Iimi'i- calyx 111)1. Tliis siiiay lliil.v III' iisi'il ill I'liiijiiiirtliiii Willi liiiii.-NUl|iliiir iir iilliiT riliiiil. Iili-. Siiiiii'tliiii'x a WHiHiil !-|iiay may in- mii.«saiy ii.|i dayH ariir llii' lirm. 77/1 / 1 ,««. 1 l;i;i/i im/di. Tlii* iM'Kt has i.l' ii lii^i-ii iiiisijij,, I'm- tin. I'lKlliii:; iii.illi. ri'iiiii till' niiiiilarily nf Its lialiltH .iii<| a|.|.i'al'.'iiiri'. 'I'ln- i,'ir\a iit' th.. Ii>.!.fr i|i|ilf\viiiiii illlliTi lr..ii til, It 111' till liiiiif iiiiitli ill lifliii; si«'iii.«|iat inure 1111.1 iiv • iwa.ils I'arli I'lnl. anil i.f a lalln'r ilr iht tli«li inl •. It ilms nut. as a nil", |i.iiiliali- a-i ilnply liitu tlic lni;i as tin' millliii.' » uliii. tlii' liiilTiiws lifiiit' usually ijiiiii- slialluw. t'ri.i|iii.ntl- niiisiiis iiu'ly lilutiln-s tu a|i|Nar ii|.iiii tin. siiilaii. if till- Iriili. Tlii. sann- iMrlliiHls „f nmtrnl I'liijiLiyiil f..i- tin' I'lKlliitv' iiiiitli ai'i- aisii iiscit fur liiis iiisi'it. Ti iitiiiti riiilhir iiiiil fiill \\il,ir<,nn. Tlnsi' may In. imilriilliil l.y .iittim; ulT anil ili'^triiyiii;: tlii'ir wriis. ur siiii|ily liiiniiiii; mi iln- tni' with a lurili. Tlii'sc ami nil ullnr li.if i.atliitf rati'r|iillars may In- raslly ilrstr.i.vwl i«y a s|iray iif li'ail-aiwnati'. 2 tti. in Jo iialliuis. w lini tliry tli-st a|i| frill- mill rhiiiji Shii/. Tin. ailillt uf lliis IiisitI. a small. I'm 'winKi.iI lly. (Ii'|iiisi|s III. I- vstzH in 1 fCMfiitii- «|ii« liiinatli till' skin i«f tin- ii'af. Tlii" iana Is (laik luliiiirril ami shiny, with friuit part of tin' lifxly iinirli swi.ili.ii. aiiiiost I' •■aliiiu' till, :.'ivim: tlir iiisnt tin. a|i|n'nraiiii. of a nilniiti' tailpiili'. Till' yiMiii); simis I'l'iil iiikiii tin- iipiicr siirfaco of tin- leaf, ski'lcluiilzliu; It. iiiilhir« ri.maliiiiia I'xii'pt tin- veins am! lower e|ilileriiiis. The leaves will tlieii hiivf a lirowii. seoriheil aiipearame. iiiaiiy ilyh g .niil ilropiiliii; off altotfether. so that the tree. In some eases, is t'oreed to put otit a new set of leaves. There are two hroiMls. oi.e appeiirliis in .Iiiiie or early .Tilly, ami another in Aiisust, Thonu'h this Is one of the easiest pests to ( Irol. tii," ilaiiiairo It will ilo. If iimhei-ked. Is eonsldcri^hle. A spray of ieiul-arseiiate. 1 lb. to 40 gallons of water. Is very elTeitive. Contait In.sectiiiiies. like whale oil soap, or Itlaek Leaf, may also he iiseil. Simjiiy iliistlni; the foilace with lielleliore. slaked Mine, or even roaddnst. wlil destroy tlip slugs. I'iiu-hlnr Bo; (•;■.«,— There are tlirtH' of these and their life-histories differ; the lontroi iiietliiKls ii .nimnieiided are muili the same. The preseme of the iKirers Is revealed by i xudations of gum about the liase of the tree and iiy the dust-like eastings of the Inseits. Careful eiittliig-out of the liorers in the spring with ii sharp knife and a pieie of short stout wire should lie praetlsed. Do not eiit away any more of the hark than is ini-essary to get at the horers. ^rollnd- flat, shallow tunnels in the trii.ik and lower brain-hes of the tree, .sometimes girdling It, Its preseme is revealed by its sawdiisl-like castings, by small depressions or disioioratioiis of the li.irk. and sometimes by the exiiilation of sap. The fiiii-siz.eil grub is of a pale yellow colour, legless, and with the head end of the body greatly eiilaigcil and llatleia'il. I' iirchard slioiild be carefully watched ami the liorers iiit out witii a sh: rp knife and wire when first deteetod. Itepelleiit washes have bei'ii ilSi.. iiikI cii'iiisli 1 rnilc iMrlmllf mi lil|iil In irivi' It a iIIiIIim t ..I.nir. li.i* l>rii\ril nry fiilNfintMrv. 'I'lif irifs iiiii.v mI»ii Ih> «ni|i[H'i| with niiff Ihmwh |iii|i«'r for ilif K.nm- |Mir|B'ic. I'i'Irll illin-hillll. Tllis i« till- [M-M) III' 11 sllLlll lllillll Wlllrh illjliri"! Illf irt'.' h.v iMirliJi.' ii. the l\vl':!<. Kllluik' til. mm. .hi. I latiT in 111.. w:i»..ii iittaikx tli.. fnilt. 111 111.' i'mII 111.' Iiiiir itr.iHii larva' iiiak.- Miiiall t'.v.avallniis in tlic l.ail,. ii«iiali.» at tin' I r.iti-lHx. wliiTf tiic h.'h kiowiIi .|.iiii« the i.lil. Tlie.v l..u'iM "nrk very early in the .icaMnn, ami. ii|Min ri'a.hiiia lull size. ><|.ln their (•■hih>ii"< Inr llie iiii.»f |iart iiihIit the .nrls .if tlii' l.iirk .hi the iriiiik. Till' remilar wiuier siirayiiitf „( lliii.' -ail|iliiir is ti«iially hiiiHi i.'iit l'>|. il'iHii llil.s j.est. If a >|»'li.i| s. ■ • aii.l the i;iirii|i.;i m - li.' .ire two seal.'- inserts fiiini.l air.'iliiiK i.r.hanl tr.'is n llrilish 1 ■.>|iniilii:i Ihi'lr .'hlshiries illlTer. lint Ihi' inelh.iil iif lreiillii« anil i.ih.'r ». .ile-instHls is tlie same. Til.' lime ■.iili.hiir. lisiiin; .•S'J'a" r..'aiiiiie. shi.nlil he ililni..) with nine ii.irls nf wal.'r. This may extermliiiiti' the siales the lirst hut In the .'11(1 It .1111 lie ile|ii'ni|ei| miiiii III rill till" iiriliaril nf these ih'sis. If a|igiliei| int.' in the s|irliia aN the ImiN are swelliii).'. It will kill many apliiiles ami rill spill. 'r I'lTKs. It is also a very v.iliialile rnniriiide. l;;/(i.'. y. -We have several s|ieiies i.f th.'se ii its affeitiiitf tli.' ililTereiit .inhanl trees, tin 111.' apple, w.' have the -leeii a|iliis. the ri>sy a|i|i|s. ami tlie wiH>lly aphis; mi the iiear. the creeii iiphls: on the plum, the Imii Imise ami the mealy aphis ; on the peiieh. the lihuk iiiiil grc'ii aphides. The inethmls used ill iiimiiallmr the variou.s forms are slinliar. The sprim; nppiiealion nf llmesulphiir will kill some eiitfs. iiml over wliiter- iiiK forms, hut caiiiiot usually Im' ile|ii'iiileil upon ti. kis'p the Inseils In loiitrol. The iill.ii ks of the ajihls in the sumiiier are eoiitrol!iil liy the use of Hlai-k Leaf. Itia -k Leaf 4(1. or other u'ikmI lontai't inseitii-liles. The il.irk-eoloiireil .peeles. or the woolly or mealy kinds, usually rcjuire a somewliat slriiiii.'er spray than Hie others. As hlith a pressure as possMile should also be g'vvn. With tli.w that cause a lurllin; o! the leaves, spraylm; should lie done liefore this has -on.' tisi far. else it will he next to linimssihle to loiuh the Inserts with the .|,.a,< even thou«h a liiuh pressure he empi.-yed. For ilip rix.r form of the \v.«illy appleaphls aid the lilaik p.'aih-aiiliis. 'I for a few liiilies over the ufTcted roots, and the Ml (I k Lent' solution, or other irooil lontact liiseitiii.l.'. also I" used. The apiile leaf Imiiper is caiiahle of ilolm: aii|ireiialili' lanie niiiniier-. :is it often Is In the Dry Itelt. Tli.'y 'I' 'he live- - nklna the sa|i and lausinK them to If iiij I 1. iv eiioiurh. the leaves may fall as - ae earth 111 "■ Iw^ rem Krouiid ».ii -.akiff Refuse lot. m .|i|s| il'lih-haf ll.,p,„ 'dania-^' when |iii — iit 1 live ii|Kii: the |ii«i.i heioini- sjMitted wp result of the ii .|ii Til i-.iiirol. spi still .viiniit' and Ii.-I Insect is actimlh t-.u spraylnu Is I'ciirliiif niixli,-, 11:' on the leaves In tlie >pr dark brown or black, ar. In large niimhora they mn times attack the young ^rul X Leaf I" or I'.laik I.caf while the lns«'ifs ace -■ i'.ciiuired their winjjs. t.-ikina 1 :ii" that every ir!i the s)iray. After they have l.c, me wlii;;cil. The -mall reil.lish tilist.'r like sp.>ts that appear liii h irradually (h.«nge In colour until they are ■ rk- the pear-leaf bllster-mlte. When present ■ a pr^ iiiiitnre ilr.ip of the leaves. They some- Till' n'lriiliir »|irliiit upriiyliiB of llrii<>-Niil|>hnr will ii»iiiill,\ i Hutrnl fli.. thHp If n siMHliil iiprii.v Im mi'..»Hiir.v, it «! miIiI 1m. npplli'il In flu- full, iifi.r iiKMt ■ if till- li-iivcK hiivf fall.'ii. Applliil .. iliN tliii... II will ilivrroy tin- iiilt.w nmrf ri'inllly. nx imwt nf thctii linvi> nut inkm "lii'lttT iMHlrr the linil whIihi. wIi.ti- tlu-y lire I iiriliT t" rt'inli. H)il Siiiilim. 'fhi'Di' wHiM'tlinm Ih'<' ii wrlmm iMioiiirli ptyt of cmliiirii frnltM lo ili-niiuiil sixiliil tr<-nltni>nt. Tin- wIntiT upray of Hint' Miilplmr will (li'xln.y »-irni' of fl «•.'*. Itliii-k I,t'iif Molntlon or tin- wnninicr NtrcnKtli of linii'- "iilphiir will inniTiilly n>ntrol the m'' •« llifnwlvfu. KnxtliiK with iNiwcml Milplinr hiiM Klvi'ii kihhI rr»nlt». iind n .iisli of iimiiH l of snliilinr. 1 ITi. to 4 KiillonN of wafer, with 1 Iti. of whin-ojl or ordlniiry liiiindry xiHip aililnl. liuN iilw) Klvi'ii xntlfifiK'tlon. Viiliiriii. H.r.. Ihrimhir. lOli. VICTOBIA, B.C.: rrlntnl tiy William H. Ccllin. I'riiiipr In th« Kliig'i 1»I2. F.xicllwit Mnjful.v ■s