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V. r->BPKXTER. AsxiSTAXT IIORTICII.TI'RIST. rpiIE »ul>jwt ilciilM priiiciiPiiUy witli tlic pliysioloKy of plants. A simple _L dcfliiltkiii of i>laiit-plij>JolciK.v is Kivt'U by ('(iiiltiT as "A study of plants lit work." TUt'se short icmrst'S, besides beiiiR of a praitlcul iiaturp, are planned to afford an Insight Into the unclcrlyinj; principles of orihard and vegetable- Bardeulng work. In order that the liorticultiirist may earry on his work In an IntelliBent and systeaiatie manner, it Is to Ills advantase to a«iulre a ■•working" knowledge of the strnctnre and growth of plants iu Its relation to aoll-eulture. budding, grafting, prnning. et<-. In dealing with plant-life we are dealing with living organisms. Wlieu the grower has a knowledge of the functions of the different parts of tlie plant and their conduet under different conditions, he Is in a better position to Intelligently and eeonomleallv progress In his work. In the world there are two nniiii divisions of ilft^-vlz., animals and plants. In the animal kingdom ela.ssilieatlon Is made according to differentiation In structure, and there is a variation from anhnals of very simple structure to those of a high degree of complexity. Such is the case iu iilant-llfe. There are classes of plants to be fouml of very structure, .such ii-s the Algsp, some of which are single :: fruit-trees and cultivated jilants are des.^endant from wild plants throi , generations of cross-breeding, selintlon, Improvement, etc, until we hove iHe large variety list of different si>ecle» of cuMvated plants of to-day. rii.lfi- imliiral lill-ns th.' « li iiuri««,. „r „m- friilt-tr.'."* In to llv<- mid rc|iiiKliiic tlMlr kli'.l. 'I'll.' will l« sunoiiiiclnl l.y ii iomtImb of pulp to fimiire Its siitllil.'iit pn.tirtloii iiikI ti. iilliiirt blrils. iinliiiiiU. iK'., wlilcli iil-l In Its aiMtrllmtli.n. Tli.- iininnit cf pulp uivr.-siir.v f-.r llilx pun"'*' l» "niall as niiiipiiri'il wllh lli;il Is ili'slrcil ill a n-inincnliil friilt. TluToforc. In priKln.liitf II .c.MiimTrliil rriiil. wi- rnpiliv the tni- li> form nn nniintiinil proiliirt thiit Is, iiii.ti- pulp ill pr..|K.i-|ic.ii Im scnl tliiiii Is formtHl umliT natural iiinilltloiis: mill as a irsiilt ««• have to siinoiiiul our fnilttri'i'S with uniiat ral lomlltloris. Tlius follows oiio of tlii> tirsi principals of frult-iultnri-, that In oril.-r to iittiiiii siuvrss It Is iiiMi'ssiii-y to follow prmtlci's wlil'li an- rinllcally (llir.Trnt to thoso follow..! Ill oiir so-call..! " ii.iiliit.'.l" of to-day. Takliitf an appl.'-ti is an cMiinplo of a scd-plant. It Is dlvldi'd Into tliri-c niiiiii parts viz.. r.Mits. st.-iii. ami i.-av.'S. .V r.H.t Is situiit.d under tlu- ground an.l funitloiis In tliri'.' main ways; (1» An.liorlni.' of plant; (2) storiW of plant fiMiil: i.'li alisorpllon of li.|iild plaiit-fo.«l fi i tin- soli. The parts of the root that an- Instriinu'iitai in Uu- alisorpllon of i.lant-fiMMl and their comUlet iiii.Ut ililT.T.'iit s.ill-tr.'iit iils at f main Interi'st. If Is the siiiall white root-hairs near the t.-niilnals of the roots and riHit- lets that fniiitliai for this purpose. They raniiot taki" ill tin' solid foinl as nn animal iI.k'S. hut require f.MHl in solnlloii. S.illtreatniiMit which Is conducive to the soluhillty of piaiit-f 1 is iliscrsse.l In th." .ircular on sollK'ultivatlon. The alis riK.t hair Is hrouirht about by osmotic action, by whi.h the presence of th.' weak solution of plant-food on the outside of the root hair (the outside layer of whi.h is a pernieahh" membrnne) and a strong solution of (•,■11 sap on the Insi.le. the wi'ak.T soiiillon will be drawn In by the stroiiir. There are i-on.lltloiis niider which this actl.m Is reversed— I.e., where the solution on the oulsi.le Is more coiicentrat.-d than the cell-sap Inside the root-hair— wllh 111.' r.'sult that plasniylosis an.l death of the cells take place. A g.iod .'.\ani)'Ie .>f this is foiin.t In the action of alkali soils on plants. Tlies.' roof-hairs will not form ini.U'r vi'i-y dry s.ill conditions, neither will they live In wat 'r-iogued soils or soils devoid of .Ir. Their development Is Impedisl in very compa.t soils. The relation of this to soil-culture and Irrlga- tl..n l.< of great Imiiortati.-e. Over-irrlgat.'d soils re Instrninental In causing a dlseastMl condition of the root and Its poor i mental to the and m.' eonil lllwratlon of pliint-f.MHl, A prop.'i system ot nient of a larg.' root system capable of olitali ^ of soil. r.Hir .ultivatloii r.'siilts In w.'ak soh. waste of water In supplying the plan! with the required amotmt. It also results in a waste of wa'.'r through evaporation, and a root system will not develoji well In a vt>ry dry soil. The iiitlniate relation of nnderdralnage, soU- cultivatlon, supply of humus and plant-foiHl. pro|H'r irrigation methods, etc., to the ilevelopment of the root system and the economical growth of plants cannot be over.'stimafe.I. Uoot-prnning. both of tin' old and young tree, r.iot-graftiiig. etc.. can also bo discusstHl III tii.'ir jiliyslological relation to th." plant. The stem and branches of the free. Iiesid.s forming the structure on whi.h the fruit and leaves arc prodii.ed, contain organs for the conduction of foi«l. the growth of the tree, anil the storage of plant food. One of the most ini|Mirtant organs from a practical staii.lp.iiiit is the cambium layer, which Is the only part of the stem and Iiranchi's of the tree In which new cells are forni.'.l and growth t.lkes place. (When a tree is barked during the raiild growing seasim it usually separates hi'sldes being detrl- ill and the proper ■suit-! In the develop- ! from a large area ,ilant-foo«l, and thus a 3 111 tin- <'tiiiililinii liijcr. I Tlic ri'Uilliiii of tills to tlif prartlics of hii.Mliitf. (triift- liii;. dr.. In iiiiiMt liii|i<>rtiiiit. Tlir iipiiroxliiiatf ItM-titlciii of tlir iiuMim for the I'liiKliii'tlim (if iihiiit-fixMl mill sap Is liii|i of tlic most liilcri'stliii: aiitl most I'ssciitlil parts of tin- irw. It Is licro that the raw plaiit-fo(Hl as It iimii's from tli ■ soil Is triiiis- forniisl into i'arlioii,v<s, ctr.. whlcli aii' usi^l for tiic tfrowlli if tin- tret- ami lilt- lU'Vi'lopiiiciit of Its fruit. M itiioiit Iravcs dnrimt tiic srowliiK season a plant nmltl not live any Icnittli of timo, as tin- plaiitfisNi. as It is alisorliiil from the soil, Is of little use for the Rrowtli of the phint. The outside accessories to tlie elaboration of jiIant-fiHNl in tlie leaf are mainly I t, IlKlit, and nir. Situated on tlie leaf are iiiimeroiis lireathiiiK pores, which. iH'sides fniictlonln- for the takimt-in of air, ijlve off liy transpiration tlie exi-ess niolsinri' from tin- plnnt-fiMHl ill the leaf. The huds for the following season's crop of fruit ,.ni! leaves are formed In the n.\il where the iietlole of the leaf Joins tlie t«l«s. branches, etc. The amount of iilaiit-folant- fcWKl in the leaf, it is ne