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DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (HORTICULTURAL BRANCH) VARIETIES OF FRUIT RECOMMENDED FOR COMMERCIAL PLANTING. COMPILKI) IIV U. M. WiNSIi.W, U.S.A.. I'llOVIMIAL HOBTK ir-TlBIST. i> KCAtSK lli'i| I., varliiiix illstrlitM 111 till- rrovliii't'. FACTORS INFLUENCING CHOICE OF VARIETIES. 1 1.1 Thr lliuiriiiii SiamiL—lu tin- cliolic of varli'tlfK. Iln- liMiutli of tin- Krowlnif waw.n U liniiortant, Imhiiiiw many varlctli'K. ollicrwls.- sultaldi', luinnnt rcacli mntiirity In iin Insullli-U'ntly Ioiik wason. The tfrnpcrntiin- of llio crow- liiK wiiHon Is aInioHt of „n nniili lni|H)rtiiinf ax Ittt ilnrntlon. nnil Iuim to l«. taki'ii into ■•oiisl.lfratlon, toRctliiT with tlif iinionnt of HiiiiHliini'. tin- liiiinlillty of till. atinoHiphcrc, iirtviplintl winil or abm'n.f of winil. lafo HfirliiK ami early fall fnwt. iin wrll aH tin- llahlllty to Iiazf. anil fog. wlildi arc iiiorf or li'NN llkfly to iM'inr on tin' CoiiNt. (2.1 Iti lotion „t Wintir rihiiiih- In llir fhiihr of rHnVficn.— Varlflii'N are (■ from tin- Ntainlpolnt of tliclr al.lllty to witlistanil wlntt-r Injnrlii.. wliUli may 1)0 ranwil fltln-r by cmcnnIvc colil or from hri'iikhiK down liy honvy full of snow. (.'(.» Mliliiilr.-^'Vhf nmxli.iiini altltinU' for comnn'rclal fritlt-|.rocliictlon In wmiewhero In 111.- n.-lKlihoiirlKHxl of 2.40(1 feet, cxipi.t in s|K-cinlly favoiirwl liK-alltk'x. Xone of the Interior fruit HettlonN have an altitude of less tliiin ^*(I0 feet, nn.l the iiveriiue altltiiile at which fruit In iH'lm; iiriMluceil with micccNN commercially In hctweeii 1.200 anil I.CiOO feet. (4.) Inftiiriiii' of Orihiiril-sih,, (,n Choirc of Vaiirtiin. — The proximity of the orchard to Inrife bmlles of water liaH iH-neflclal effect In the preventloii of froNts. in the moiimcation of winter temperature, and In increaNins tlie humidity of the air. The slope of the land is also important in kcepiiiK down the .•oNt of o|MTiitlon. as well as In securing the Rreatest benefit frmii the sun, esjieclally In tile Coast districts. (o. ) Fniit-iiroiiiiifi .s' are, Reneraliy siH'akiti);. ;■ tically all of an iinciept variation in ty|)e. («.» 7'///liiliti' l, • iimilr in thh IT.. v inn.. « hm. il iiiki'l U n itlMtiiiit c.iii.. ami hIiiti. IIii< Inill in to Im- liniulltil n.||vi.|,\ hy Ihi' liicwcrs' iiii;;inl/.illi.ii. Il Is liiMnltriy lirltiT fnr i .i. Ii u'r.«"ir In ri'Nli-lii lilinsi'lf 1.1 finiii lliii'i. Ill llvi' vnilitli's. Ill I Infill,, hi' ,,f 'I iiiiixi,,,,!,!!!,,,! i;,' ililh-M.- TUv rimt ..f liMii.>.|i<.i-|.ilii.ii '""* "" 'I'"" In'iirlni; i>n tlir pniilN nlili i.vrr.v t.v|M. iif fnilt. Oi-.-lmnl* wi -Itiiiiliil mill iif siii'li viirli.||i.« Ihi.y iiii i iii:iki. ii|i iiirl.Niil l.ils iiri' limiilli'a|i|ii'il I., mi ,.M,.n| wlilili a man wlm his ..iily rrarlinl ilir i.laiillm: stilU'i. ran lianlly itiiII/.i-. Tlii- |.i'<.|.l ' rarli iirw illstrirt mI Ill url l.,..'..||ii.r mill plan tin. i|..vil,,piiii.nt ,,r tin. illstrl.l In siirli a way that Inil IVw varli'liis will 111' iilaiili'il an.l rarl..iiil sliljii is maili- |i.issll)l|.. "-■' ""'•'.■'■'".— I > I plant a vmlrty lai Ilii- t'aslili.n nf llii. ii anl, hut plant vnrli'tii.s liavi- a rral Intrlnsl.' mi.rit. ami fi-.aii tin. ihar- iirtiT i.f tlMlr liiilt. niv llki'ly t t a sialili. niarkrl for a iniislili.nihl,. IM'fllKl. Thi' ili-inaiiii ror friilt finiii tlii> I'liiirlis is In, rrasiiii; tri-niinil.insly willi llii'lr i-nplil uTiiwlli In pupnlatlnn miil in Hniltli. \Vi' liavi. ni'vi.r Hiippil|.i| nm-tlftli of tin. ilnnaml for straw In-nirs, ami tin- ili'iiiam! fill- iitlnr small fruits Is larm'ly snpplli.|| l,y liiiporl|.il frnit. Swivt ilii.rrli-s iiri. In coikI ili'inanil. iliirk Viirli'tirs 1ii.|iik pri'lVrri'il. Kariy pliiiiis liavi- always palil a ri.iiiiim.ratlvi- prin-. ami tlip saini- Is triii' In iiinst lasi's of late plums ami priim.s. I-raili prlivs an- llaiili" ti. Iii. i-.imparallvi.|y ui.ri.mum.rntl-o fur Hi.yi"riil yi'iirs. Tl nimnl f,,r prars lias I n fairly wmhI, ami wi. Im-IIi-vp tliat |-|.ii.|it. as wi.ll as fiKiiri-. |..\ti.nslvi" plaiitliii;s iiri. warraiiti'il. We liavi. alsi. tlii. Cimst luarki-ts to look to. as wfll as fiiroltfii liiarki.ts. siiili as <; Itrltalii. Aiistmlla. ami Xi-w Zcalmiil. i.aili of wlili-Ii will liavp to I». , to aivori|l„K to its ilfiiiamls. Tin- iiiarki.ts of Cliliia, .lapmi. riilllpplm.s. .mil Imlla have Imri'ly Im-|.|i toiiiIuKl yet. hut pronilsi. to tiiki- iiiilto II largo iiiinntlty of nfiplcs In n tvw yonrs. LISTS OF VARIETIES FOR COMMERCIAL PLANTING. VaNioivkh Island— S«iTii-K.\sT Skction. Strawhi'rrlt.s — Sliarploss. Magooii. liasplM'rrips — Cutliht-rt. I.iiKiiiihi'rry. (Joosi-hiTrlos— OroRori riiniiiplon. ITescrvlin; Clicrrlcs— Ollvi't. Eiidllsh Mori'IIo. Clicrrlcs — Royal Aiiiii.. HIiik. I'luPis ami rniiics— KiiKlohi.rt. Italian rrutip. rears -Ilarllctt. Tiouisp Ronm.. Rosi'. ClairKeaii. Anjiiii. Appli's— IMiclipss, Wealthy. King. I^OWKB Maintani). StrawlM'rrlcs — Diiiilop. RasjilMTrii's— Cutlihert. CiKisphprrlt-.s— Orctioii riiainpion. Blackhcrrlos— Siiyili-, Taylor, Kvi-rjrrwii. Spy HwtTt ( 'liiTrlm lliijill Alilii', IIIiik. I'liiiiH mill I'niMipi- Mmiiinli. Itiillnn ITiim-. I'l-iirx- lliiriltit, ItoM.-, IliiiiMWH'k. CLilrit'iiii, Anjnii. .V|i|iloi— Vflliiw Triirmimri'iit. iMii'hpw, Kliitf. l-vrrii.x, |,uiKF. Mtrnwherry — Mn8iw>:i. Uiidiil.. rry— CntliliiTt. l'riili-ii|i|ilcii — TrniiMo-iiiloiit. Ap|.lei^-W..«liiiy. Miintoiih, Jonnthnn. Grlm«.ii Oolilen. Wn«i-ner. Northern I'FPBE Okanaoax Lakk. ApploH— MtliitoBh, .loiiiithnn, (Jrlnwn (Jnl.lpn, Rome Bcanty. Lower Okanauax Lake. Apples-. M.I ntodh. Joiimlinii. w Newtown, Wlnesnp. Kettle RivEn Valley. A|ipl..K--.M,Ii,t(.Hh. .loiiathiiii. Rome Reiiuty. Rnl-.heeked Pippin. (Inturlo. West Koote-nav. rimns mill Prunes— Itnlinn Prune. Apples— .Mcintosh Red, Grnvensteln. North Spy, Wngener. Ontario, GENERAL SUQGESTIONS TO OF .aRD-PLANTERS. Buy from reliable, estat.lish.'.l. and H-sponRlble firms. Buy only stoek whioh ha.. .v nto k is subject In buying from ngents. remember thnt the aart-dlte.. Iiirij.- nnil with pl.-ntr c,r ttUrm* nnilN Tlir "UW Mkh.O. on th.. tniiik- ..f til.- tr... h 1 ii..t luiv.. 1 i..i„.>n.,|. „r ill ''■""' "i"'i«li "' llii'in xl Ill Im. I..rt to form n liniil nt tli.' |iro|H.r liilsfht. Xiir-ry M.Hk Nlii.iil.l !..■ r.-mov.Hl from tli.. riillwiiy-Miitloi. |.roii,"|,i|y „„ "'" '"'*■''•'• ' • «"•''<: It Hli'Mil.l In. Ink mt to th.. |,l«.-.. wlim- It i* to I- pl..nlf.l, ,„„1 If not to I... |,l,illtr.l Imi ,it..|y Ml 1,1 h.. liMiNl In TIil ■''""' "'"'■■'■ ""' "•'•"■' '"•<• I«''l I'l -1 1 I.- hlirli. w.'ll >ir,ilii..,|, ,„i,| protwtwl irom iiiUi'. F..r III., tfrfiifr imrt of tlip I'rovlnn., i.lanlliiR xlioiil.! I,.. ,loii,. m th.- »|.rl.ii:. KnIl i.hintliiK nmy |« ,.. ,„, ,„ „,„,„, „„. ,^, „f .v,,,...,,,,^.^ „.,„, "..f.'ty III II,,. K.H.ti.imyH. „„.| „,,o,„ „„. ,„|,,.„,. „f s„yvmt»'t on Vi.n.onvor ft Hill Itll, <.urnnr«..rym,.„. ,., „ ml... .„„k il,,.|r tr«.s .•.ir..fully, ,„i,t with due «.«■ ' .. til., tin,.. il,..y will Ik. In ir.„,.H,M.rt„tlon. ho timt. ,,« « r.ilo. ,to, k arrh.-i It. K-Ml .■on.Iltlon. A tfr...,; nmr.. .Imni,^,. U ,lo„.. to m- young trw« hy c.„n...HM,..«H III li,i„,iii„B „„., ,.,„„„„«. .„„,.,„„,. „y „ryin« ont. than o..n be rea.llly lK.||..v,.,i. The Kr..Ht...t ,,.«mII,|,. ,.„r,. t., prownt .Irying out. to k«.p the tr..t.H vl«„ro„., „n,l to prevnt U»h of vitality In any wny I. the be.t P<«Hlt,l.. liiHummv for a vlgoroun Btiirt. r/(<«r/u, n.r.. nencmbcr, lOli. houticultunal circulahs. i»is. N' I. Hlmrl r,.iir-.>« In llortii iilliiri'. .. L!. riittiiiit'rriiii Mill III ciiihtri'. ;i. Hi'liM'iliiii of llrrlijinl MIli'N iiiiil HiiiIh. 4. liiMilH IhlnrliMiN III Itri'lianu, ■V I'linilKriinlli, II. S|irii.v r.ili'iiilnr. T. Kimitiiim IMwii«f» i>f Orrliiinl niul i mill >*|irr,\ iiiu. 111. riiiiiiiiiri'lal riii.iiii-iiiltiii-r. .. II. rriimi«« mill I'riwiMfli. n I'riili mul Viwiiililr (iruwhiK. ., 1:.'. (iri'liiinl liiii'ri i'ii|i». .. t;:. Till- llniiii' \f|{i.|iil>lii iiKiitliiii mid Hflii-tliin of Nurm-ry HtiH-k. .. :.1i. )irrliiiril riiliUiitiiiii iimi Ciivfr <'rii|>M. .. Jl. I'i'iiiiliii: Kriiil iriM'K .. L'J. TliliiiiliiK TriffniliM. .. 'St. Klri'lilltflit iHiiriliiin iimiiliirmiin—UnrrlM). ■■ -*■ 11 <• Vi'iri'tiilili' CtiriliiiiliiK for liili-rlor lilHtrlrtN. .. -'.-. riiltiin- iir Hiiiiill KrtiltM fur tln' Interior KlxtrlctH of UrltUli t'olllllllllll, .. I'll. Tii|«-v, irkliiK iif Friilt-tm-H. .. 1*7. .Mi'IIkhIm (if Kriilt I'li-kliiK miil llniiillliiK. .. JH. Fi-rtillzfrH fiir Kriiltn uml VrKi-ttililcN. .. at. Viirlwlfx of KriiU rf('iitiiiiii>ii<|iHl for <'iiinimiri-liil IMmitliiK. ColiliH i.f the iilHivf niii.v In- liml liy u|i|>llnitliiii to tbc Ih'iiiirtniiMit at Victoria or to iiiiy .\!.i«l»taiit IIortlriilturlHt. > ^ VICTORIA, n.c. : rnuliHl liT WitMAM II. Cll.i.l.x, ITIulcr In the Kliin'a MiKt Eicellmt Majmlj. 1013.