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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKIOCOrv RHOIUTION TBT CHAIT (ANSI arv^ ISO TEST CHART No. 3) A /APPLIED IIVMGE I 1653 Ent Main SIrMt Roch«it€r. New Yorh 14609 USA (716) ♦aa - 0300 - Phofw (716) 2U - 5989 -fax CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES OXOLOOIOAIi BUmVBT BBAHOH Hon. W. TiMrLiMAN, Ministee: A. P. Low, DtroTT M^niotu; R. W. BiocE, Diucio*. MEMOIB No. 14-N NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS COLLECTED BT MB. JOHN HACOUN AT BABKLET SOUND, TANCOUTEB ISLAND, BBITISH COLUMBIA DESCRIBED BY WILLIAM H. DALL, and PAIJI BARTSCH OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1910 Ni'. 1U3 1 I CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES OSOI.OOICAI. BUXVCT BBAH OH Hod. W. TiMrtiMAN, Minimtci; A. P. liOW, Ditdtt Minutu; R. VI. Buck, DiMciot. 1 MEMOIR N<». 14 N NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS 1 COLLECTED BT MB. JOHN HACOUN AT BABKLET SOUND, TANCOnVEB ISLAND, BBITISH COLUMBIA DESCRIBED WILLIAM H. DAIX, and PAUL BABTSCH OTTAWA GOVERNMENT I'RIXTING BUREAU 1910 No. 1143 4194—1 1 To R. W. Brock, Esq., Director Geological Survey. Department of ^[inu!4, Ottowa. Sir, — We beg to gubmit the following memoir deRcribing a number of new species of shells collected by Mr. John Macoun, at Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. The ilhi! faiiiin of nt'pnnir niurKiti. and ii. |M-lngo, nmrkt'dly diffi rvnt 7 <'iiiiMr (if iliffMrpritiatinn 7 llikfory of rRical pxphratioiik on the coa«t 7 Four new upecieN cf Pyrf/olamproi diitcriminatfU 8 Cnllaborutioii nf Mi'Min, C. H. YounR and Sprnadboruugh with Mr. .lohn Moconn.. 8 On thp namiiiK cif the newly dincoverrd fcpecies.. 8 Acknowled|rm«nt of Misn Mitrhcll'it work 9 npfirriptiiin nf Now S "^ie* — Leila pi-nrffri, Dn , 'd Bfirtuch • Rfia mntirrllfi, Du.i and Bartwh 9 Uannili" hrclir. Dull and Bnrtsch 10 Manqilin artenua. Pall and |iart By psrmission of the Director of the IT. S. National Haseum. 7 g OEOLOOICAI. BtJBVEY, CANADA Victoria, and Nanaimo. and Sitka sound in Alaska; but there «e lonir stretches where the collector has never worked. On the oceanic border very little collecting has be«x done, except by Sr. Geo'ge Dawson about the Queen Charlotte islands; and by W H Dall at the entrance to Sitka sound. Barkley sound is on the southwestern e'lBe^f Vancouver island hence the collection of Dr. Macoun is one of the first n>ade along the '-'t^eZ'Tt sn^all species showed not only a number of fls ^no.. hitherto, only fron. considerably farther sou^h ; bj. an unexpected number of species hitherto unknown, especially among the Pyramidellida. . p,,,„„. In the present collection there are four new of Pyrgo lampro which raises the number to twelve for the Oregoman f aunal aT Two of these. Turlonilla iPyroolampros) macoum, n^ Zunilla iPyr,olar,^pros) talama, belong to the f'O ng ^ r.bbed group; the first being nearest related to Turbomlla (F,r,oI«mpro.) ;• D. and B.. of California, from which it ^iS- b^^-^;^ larger, and in having ^^"^ ^^,f^^^::Z S" lamvros) talama ranges nearer luruonut'i \iryiy , ., D and B.; but is stouter, with a less number of much stronger r>bs^ The o^her two species belong to the obsoletely nbbed group of PyrgoUmpros. Of this group, only one was known from the Ore gon an faunal area previously, namely. TurUnHU ^^y^^^^^^"^ legonens., D. and B. Two other species belongmg to * W^^ TurUnilla (Pyrgolampros) Utuyana, D. and B. --^ r-^on.H^ i^Pyrgolampros) halistrepta, D. and B. come .rem Al-"^ > -^J^« ' fornia. respectively. Both of the new species are nearest related o TurUnillairyrgolampros) halistrepta, D and B-; j-m whch Turhonilla {Pyrgolampros) pesa is at once distinguished by its more sltdir form and smaller size; and TurlonUla (P.r.olampro.) rinella by its more pronounced ^^^^^- ^^^ ^^,,^^,^ ^, Mr John Macoun was assisted in maKing xne Me^^. C. H. Young, and WiUiani Sproadborough, and at h„ request their names have been associated with two of the new '"'I'he case of others, we have availed ourselves of the harnonv^ ous Lmes of some of the early Spanish explorers ^o co-o^^a^d with Vancouver in his survey of the shores of British Columbia. NKW SPECIES OF SHELLS 9 Arteaga. Maurelle. Hecta, and Caamano. One of the new is named after SUfi Commander Pender, R.N.; who was engaged for some years in hydrographic surveys on the Columbia ''""ihe illustrations of the new species have l.een drawn l.v Miss Evelyn G. Mitchell, by the aid of the can.era luc.da. from the aetual type specimens. The following species appear to be new :— Leda pendkri, Dall mid Bartsch. Plate I, Fios. 3 and 4. Shell, small, solid, equivalve, nearly equilateral: the posterior side slightly longer, lighter or darker olivaceous .u -l-"'' "-'^^ with the anterior end rounded; the posterior angularly rostrate, the extreme end slightly recurved; anterior and postenor slopes nearly equd, the former a little convex, the latter slightly concave the base eouvxly arcuate; lunule, not defined, represented by a lanceolate narrow space, longitudinally striated; escutcheon similarly .tnated impressed, broadly lanceolate, bounded in each valve externally by a stout keel, the apposited margins hardly pouting m the median 1 ne beak« low, and adjacent; sculpture of th. di.k oomprs. of nume'rous ;onoentric ridges, less arcuate than the inercmentaUines. and separated by wider interspaces; more adjacent near the n "rior end of the shells. An obscure radial ridge extends rom the bel toward the anterior end of the base. Interior, polished, bluish^ with entire margin. Ligament, small, wholly internal Hinge-teeth ri V-shaped, numbering sixteen anterior (of which six are sm 11 Zi crowded), and fourteen posterior (of which six are very small), sepa ItedTy he ligamentary pit, which is small and not projecting. inXof average adult. 9-2; of beaks behind the anterior margin, S! Maximum height. 6-0. Maximum diameter, 5-0 mm. Some specimens are proportionally less inflated. Collected by Mr. John Macoun. Nos. 38 a- in 8 to oO fathoms, Ucluelet to Ship channel. ^^.^^^^ ^^^^ Pan^rrVrh^s'sreU::'^^^^^^^ a sharper posterior Lraldrt-a rostrum, fewer postenor a^^^^^^^^^ teeth, and more deeply excavated escutcheon. With the pres 10 OEOLOOICAL SUttVEV, CAN,U>\ species was associated the widespread L. acuta, Gonrud, which is a more elongated and less inflated epeciea. Bei.a M.\i hi-:llei, Dall and Bartsch. Plate I, Fio. 6. Shell, small, fusiforn., greenish white, with about six whorls. First whorl of the nucleus, flattish, minute, apparently smooth; second whorl with a sharp prominent shoulder-keel, crossed by numerous minute riblets, much lower than the keel. On the next whorl the periphery bears a keel like that at the ahoulder, and the riblets gradually become stronger, and fewer in number, diminish- ing, however, on the following whorls to mere axial striatians; the peripheral keel also losing its prominence. On the later whorls, which still preserve — though with less prominence — the keel at the shoulder, the spiral sculpture becomes predominant, and on the spire there are about four spiral threads between the shoulder and the suture in front of it, and on the last whorl about ten between the shoulder and the beginning of the canal, which is also spirally striated. The prominent shoulder gives a turrited aspect to the whorls: the aperture being narrow; the outer lip sharp; the anal sulcus shallow and feeble; the pillar white, and attenuate in front; and the canal short, and wide. The operculum is ovate, somewhat concave, and with an apical nucleus. Height of (not quite mature) shell, 8-5; of last whorl, 5-5; of, 4-0; maximum diameter of shell, 3-5 mm. Collected by Mr. John Macoun, No. 28a, in 9 fathoms, gravelly bottom. The sculpture of this little shell being rather unusual for a BeU, the dried animal was soaked out, and proved to be white, with promi- nent black eyes. The radula had broken up, but enough of it was found to show that the shell has the typical dentition of Bela. The species obviously belongs to the group represented by Bela grippii, Dall, from San Diego, California, which has a somewhat similar sculpture. Manoilia hecet*, Dall and Bartsch. Pl.\te I, Fig. 6. Shell, small, thin, acute-fusiform, externally of a greyish colour. Whorls, about seven, the initial whorl minute, and smooth; the NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS 11 second bulbous, and smooth; the next, finely reticulated by fine spiral threads, and somewhat protractive arcuate fine riblets. Thia sculpture gradually merges into that of the adult whorls; the latter comprise— on the last whorl— eleven or twelve arcuate ribs, retrnc- tive from the suture, protractive from the ohoulder of the whorl forward to the canal. These ribs are narrow, low, rather rounded, and with interspaces of about twice their own width. The whorl slopes in a somewhat excavated manner from the suture to the shoulder, where there is a moderate angulation, sometimes forming a rather strong spiral cord; the rest of the surface is covered with very fine, close, even, spiral threading, a little coarser on the earlier whorls; aperture elongate, and narrow; the anal sinus wide and shallow ; pillar white, with anterior end attenuated ; interior of aperture white, with three brown spiral bands, wide and dark, on the inside of the outer lip, but not visible on the exterior of the shell; the outer lip is sharp except when a varix is formed, when it is slightly reflected inward; operculum, nono; canal short, straight, and rather wide. Height of shell, 90; of last whorl, 5-3; of aper- ture, 4-6; maximum diameter of shell, 3-25 mm. Collected by Mr. John Macoun, No. 33a (part). A few speci- mens were obtained in 8 to 34 fathoms. This species does not agree with any yet described from that region, and is iierhaps nearest to the next species, which has tlie spira. sculpture conspicuously unequal. Ma.vgilia abteaga, Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fio. 4. Shell, small, acute-fusiform, having about eight whorls, the initial whorl extremely minute, subsequent whorls slowly enlarging, minutely reticulate. The later whorls have a strongly marked shoulder, and are, when young, of a reddish-brown colour, which gradually changes with exposure to a light grey. The sculpture of the adult whorls consists of (on the last whorl about ten) promi- nent, slightly arcuate, nearly axial ribs, rather sharply lodose at the intersection with the angle of the shoulder, with wider interspaces and continuous to the canal. As to the spiral sculpture of major and minor threads, there are about ten of the former in front of the shoulder, of which two are visible behind the suture on the spire; la -£.* OEOLOOICAL SURVEY, CANADA he ren.a.nder-which are much finer .nd minutely rugo«H-occupy he ,nte«pace« of the wholo surface, the major thread. bei^IX hat" r '!'r """ '""^ '•'"'= ''^''^^ --w; ana lus band under the suture; outer lip sharp between, and thickened at Collected by Mr. John Macoun. No. 33a (part), in 8 to 34 fathoms, rather common. * Alaska, .n «h,ch. however, the minute rasplike sculpture is absent ana the shell considerably larger. ' BoHEOTHopiroN, Dall and Bartsch. Pj.ate I, Fio. 7. ahofl^"' '?u""' '^"I'' ''"'^''' ^'"^ '^^ prominences white. Whorls whors^wit 'r^t"/"""*' ""' submamillary; the succeedi . whoHs „uh (on the last, nine) prominent, thin, sharp varices sharply angulated at the shoulder; whorls subtabulate. the su ure but not deep; seulpture (beside the varices) of two o seven low revolving flat ridges which appear whithh agai^ the purple ground-colour, and numerous fine, spiral, almost mTo 0^ hues often obsolete; beside the angle at the shoulder there a^e h rd^ ;; f " ""''' "'' *'^ ^^"'^ •-•'•"J *he last whorl, theT hardy mod.fy tho varices; aperture small, subovate, with the outir dLtT :''""'''= '^''"^' ^■''''^' '«*''" W and n. rot last whorl, 9-0; maximum diameter. 6-0 mm. 19 t?STi'' '''•/'''"* ''"°""' '^°- '^' '" *>>« Ship channel, in 19 to 34 fathoms, soft, muddy bottom. of r'!! '"If '!•"* u" *^""' ""■' ^'"'^""^ "'''*">': tJ'^ deep purple of f.,.s collect,on bemg rather exceptional. It is quite marked^ There are usually four spiral ridges on the last whorl; but one specT-' men has seven, and another only two. NEW SPECIES OK HHELLS 13 Epitonium (Scala)' caamanoi, Dall and Bartsch. Plate I, Fia. 1. Shell, small, rather eoiiic, white, with thirteen broadly reflezed, axiolly conspicuously striated varices; nucleus; (lost); whorls, more than six, varices '-ontinuous up the spire, narrow near the suture, more than doubling in width at the shoulder, where they are provided with a small spine or pron'inent nnprulation, then continu- ing to the base, where they are ngain narrowly contrnotcd; there is no basal cord or disk, the umbilicus is closed; the surface of the whorls between the varices is smooth ; the whorls are evenly rounded, and the aperture, if perfect, would probably bo nearly circular. Length of six whorls (decollate), 9'5; diameter at base, 5-0, at decollatian, 0-7; of aperture, •2-0 mm. Collected by Mr. John Macoun, No. 77o (in part), with four other species of the genus, and two dead specimens, in from 7 to 10 fathoms. Though both the specimens of this species were dead, and more or less broken, it is evidently distinct from any other yet named from the coast, and for that reason it seemed desirable to describe it. TuBBOMLLA (PvRooLAMPROs) TALMA, Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fio. 3. Shell, broadly elongate-conic, dark chestnut brown, wax-yellow at the apex and the columellar area. Nuclear whorls decollated. Post- nuclear whorls moderately rounded, feebly shouldered at the summit, marked by strong, well rounded, axial ribs, of which eighteen occur upon each of the turns. Intercostal spaces about two-thirds as wide as the ribs, well impressed. Sutures strongly impressed. Periphery of the last whorl well rounded. Base moderately long, and well rounded, showing scarcely any traces of the axial ribs. Entire surface of spire and base crossed by numerous fine, closely spaced, spiral striations. Aperture oval; posterior angle acute; outer lip thin, showing a lighter band half way between the periphery and th. I ^e name Scala or Scalnria has become so familiar in the literature of conchology, though untenable for this genus, that we have thought it best to insert it in parentheses as a synonym, and not at a section of the genus properly called Epitnnium, Bolten. 14 OKOLOOIOAL 8CSVEY, CANADA coloration ; columella slender. summit, in the general chestnut twisted and slightly rerolute, white. Two snecimens of this species were dredged in Barkley sound. VancouTer island, B.C., one of which is in the Geological Survey Museum, Ottawa; the other in the collection of the United States National Museum. Catalogue No. 211837. One of these has lost the nucleus, the ten remaining whorls measuring: length. !t mm., dia- meter. 2-8 mm. TuBBOMLLA (Pyroolampros) PE8A, Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fio. 6. Sh^ll, elongate-conic, small, chestnut brown, with a slightly paler, broad, obscure band half way between the sutures. Nuclear whorls decollated. Post-nuclear whorls flattened, slightly shouldered at the summit, marked by feeble, almost vertical, axial ribs: of which 22 occur upon the second, 24 upon the third, 80 upon the fourth and fifth, and 26 upon the sixth of the remaining turns. Upon the penultimate ium the ribs are subobsolete. Intercostal spaces feebly impressed, of irregular width. Sutures well impressed. Periphery of the last turn somewhat inflated, well rounded; base short, well rounded. Entire surface of spire and base crossed by numerous very fine, closely spaced, spiral striations. Aperture broadly oval; pos- terior angle acute; outer Up thin, showing the external markings within by transmitted light; columella moderately strong, slightly curved and revolute. The unique type was dredged in Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. It has eight post-nuclear whorls (having lost the nuc- leus, and probably the first one and a half post-nuclear turns), and measures: length, 6 mm., diameter, 1-6 mm. TuRBOxiLLA (Ptrgolampbos) rinella, Dall and Bartsch Plate I, Fio. 2. Shell, elongate-conic, reddish wax-yellow, a little lighter on the posterior half between the sutures; anterior half of base almost white. Nuclear whorls decollated. Postorier two-thirds of the pc-t- nudear whorls between the sutures flattened; anterior third round- ing moderately towards the periphery; whorls marked by feebly WEW SPECIES or SHELLS 15 developed, low, brosd, retpsctive, axial ribi, which are teparated by narrow, ihallow, intercoital apaces. Of thuse ribf, twenty-two («• r upon the fourth, twenty-four upon the fifth and sixth, twenty-six ui n the seventh, and about forty-two upon the last of the remaining turns. Upon the last they are very irregular and even less strongly developed than on the preceding. Suture well impressed. Periphery of the last whorl somewhat inflated, well rounded, with scaroely any traces of axial sculpture. Entire surface of spire and base marked with numerous wavy, closely spaced, spiral striations. Aperture broadly r,val; posterior angle acute; outer lip thin; columella oblique, slender, and revolute; parietal wall covered with a fairly thick <'allus. The unique t.vpe was collected in Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C., and is in the collection of the Geological Survey, Ottawa. It has nine whorls remaining, which measure: leufrth, 8-5 mm., diameter, 2-8 mm. TuRBosir.LA (Pyrooolampbos) MACDiM, Dnll and Bartsch. Plate I, Fig. 9. Shell, large, very broadly elongate-conic, pale wax-yellow, with three chestnut bands. The first of these bands extends over the posterior fourth of the whorls between the sutures, and is less strongly coloured than the other two which are very pronounced, about half as wide as the first, and occupy the space immediately anterior and posterior to the periphery; the space which separates them being a little narrower than the band. Nuclear whorls small, almost two; depressed helicoid, having their axes almost at right angles to that of the succeeding turns; scarcely at all immersed. Post-nuclear whorls flattened on the posterior two-thirds between the sutures, slightly rounded anteriorly; moderately shouldered at the summit; marked by strong, well rounded, somewhat sinuous, almost vertical, axial ribs which are about as wide as the spaces which separate them. Of these ribs, eighteen occur upon the second, twenty upon the third and fourth, eighteen upon the fifth to seventh, twenty upon the eighth and ninth, twenty-two upon the tenth and penultimate turn. Periphery of the last well rounded. Base of the last whorl moderately long, well rounded, marked by the feeble con- It OKOLOOIOAL BUBVKV, OA.VADA tinu«»,.n« of the <.,..! rib«. Kn.ire of and b««o m.rk.l by numcrou,. oIo«,ly .paced, vry «no. .pir.l .tri.tion.. A.^rtn,. mo'«'«"^ Survey Museum, logue No. 211642-were dredged in 18 to 20 fathoms in Ship I'|.\TI1 I. 44!'4-3 I'l UK II 6 NKW Sl'K.ClK.S or SIIH.I.M 17 channel. Barkley sound, Vancouver inland, IJ.C. One of these speci- mens has seven jiost-ntiplear wlicrls, mid incasurow: lens^th, ti.r> iiiiii.. diameter, 2-4 ram. Named for Mr. V. II. Younir, of tlie (ieologioal Survey, Ottawa. at the request of Mr. John Mncoiiii. OiMMisToMiA (EvAi.EA) srni;M>iM)H(iriiiii, Dall and Bart-^cli. Pl.ATK II. Fid. 2. Shell, elongate-ovate, somewhat translucent, bluish-white. Nuc- lear whorls small, deeply, very obliquely immersed within the first of the Ruoceeding turns. Post-nuclear whorls inflated, flattened in the middle, rounded strongly at tlic summit and the suture, marked by decidedly sinuous, exceedinifly fine lines of growth .nid fine spiral striations; the latter are less strongly developed on tin- iiosterior two-thirds between the sutures than on the anterior third and on the ba>c. Sutures strongly constricted. Peripliery of the la-t whorl and base inflated, well rounded, the latter deeply and strongly umbili- cated. Aperture oval; posterior angle acute; outer lip thin, show- ing the external sculpture within; columella very slender, strongly curved and slightly revolute, provided with a very faint, oblique fold a little anterior to its insertion; parietal wall glazed with a tliiu callus. There are three specimens of this species, two of which an' in tlie (ieologieal Survey Jhiseum collection at Ottawa, and one (Cala- logue No. 211541) is in the United States National Museum. All three were dredged in 18 to 28 fathoms at Ship channel, Harkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. The specimen figured has five post- nuclear whorls, and measures: length, .3.8 mm., diameter. 1-9 mm. ()lx)SToMj.\ (KvAi.KA) vuADR.t:. Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fio. 6. Shell, elongate-ovate, milk-white, umbilicated. Nuclear whorls deeply, obliquely immersed in the first of the post-nuclear turns, above which only the tilted edge of tlic last volution projects. Post- nuclear whorls moderately rounded, moderately shouldered at the summit, marked by faint, slightly retractive lines of growth, and UH-i 18 CiCOLOOIOAL SURVEY, CANADA numerous, exceedingly fine, microscopic, spiral striations. In addi- tion to this sculpture, the last whorl shows many weak malleations Periphery of the 'ast whorl and the moderately long base somewhat inflated, well rounded, marked like the spire. Aperture large, oval; posterior angle acute; outer lip thin; columella very oblique, slightlv curved and strongly revolute, extending partly over the umbilicus, provided with a moderately strong fold a little anterior to its inser- tion; parietal wall glazed with a tliin callus. Fifty-three specimens of this species were dredged in 18 to 29 fathoms at Ship channel, Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. Part of these are in the Geological Survey Museum collection at Ottawa; the remainder are in the United States National Museum collection, Catalogue No. 211540. The figured specimen has six post- nuclear whorls, and measures: length, 6-2 mm., diauioter, y.2 mm. Odostomi.\ (Evalea) vancouvehexsis, Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fio. 7. Shell, elongate-ovate, very narrowly umbilicated, turriteH yellowish-white. Nuclear whorls small, obliquely immersed in ' first of the succeeding turns, above which only half of the last volu- tion projects and extends beyond the outline of the spire. Post- nuclear x^linrls broadly, tabulatedly shouldered at the summit, moderately lounded, marked by almost vertical lines of growth and numerous exceedingly fine spiral striations. Sutures rendered verv conspicuous by the tabulated shoulder. Periphery of the last whorl well rounded, base moderately long, well rounded, marked like the spire. Aperture large, elongate-ovate, somewhat eflfusc anteriorly; postr- ,r angle decidedly obtuse; outer lip thin; columella slender, obli,|,i.-. and somewhat revolute, provided with an oblique fold a little anterior to its insertion; parietal wall glazed with a thin callus. Specimens of this species were dredged in 18 to 28 at Ship channel, Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C., part of which are .n the collection of the Geological Survey, Ottawa, and others in the T mted States National Museum, Catalogue No. 211530. Tli,> spcinien figured has five post-nuclear whorls, and measures: length. 4-7 mm., diameter, 2-2 mm. NKW SPECIES )I" SllKM.S 19 The strongly tabulated summit of the whorls separates this species from all the known Evahns of the Oregonian faunal area. Odostowia (Evalea) babkleyknsis, Dall and Bartsch. Plate II, Fiu. 8. Shell, small, regularly conic, bluish-white. Nuclear whorls deeply, obliquely immersed in the first of the succeeding turns, above which only the tilted edge of the last volution projects. Post-nuclenr whorls slightly rounded, marked by fine retractive lines of growth and numerous fine, spiral striations. Sutures strongly impressfl. Periphery of the last whorl subangulated. Base rather short, slopinjr from the subangulated periphery to its anterior margin, with a tumid area bounding the narrow umbilicus, marked like the spin . Aperture oval; posterior angle ocute; outer lip thin; colum- ella decidedly curved and reflected, provided with a strong oblique fold at its insertion; parietal wall glazed with a mod rately thick callus. Specimens of this species were dredged in 18 to 28 fathoms in Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. Part of them are in the Geological Survey Museum collection at Ottawa, and others in the United States National Museum, Catalogue No. 21154.3. Tiie spo.-i men figured has five and a half post-nuclear whorls, and measures: length, 31 mm., diameter, 1-4 mm. BiTTiUM VANcoi VERENSis, Dall and Bartsch. Plate I, Fia. 8. Shell, elongate-conic, greyish-white outside and dark purplish- brown within. Nuclear whorls at least two, appar.' ■'"/ smooth; worn in all the specimens. Post-nuclear whorls sligi.tiy rounde^l. ornamented with three strong, equal, and equally spaced, nodulof*'. spiral keels, of which the first is a little below the summit. The spaces separating the spiral keels are of equal widths. Immediately below the third kee! is a strong peripheral sulcus, which equals those between the spiral keels. In addition to the spiral sculpture, the whorls are marked by almost vertical, axial ribs which are not quite as wide as the spiral keels. These render the keels nodulose at their intersection. Of these ribs, twelve occur upon the first, fourteen upon 20 0E0I.001CAL SURVEY, CANADA tlic second and third, sixteen upon the fourth, eighteen upon the fifth, twenty-four upon the sixth, and thirty upon the penultimate turn. The spaces enclosed between the spiral keels and the axial ribs are well impressed, rounded pits. All the tubercles are truncated on the pos- terior margin, and slope gently anteriorly. Base of the last whorl moder- ately long, ornamented with seven spiral cords, of which the two immediately below the periphery are the strongest and broadest, while the two bounding the umbilical area are wider than those intervening. Sutures channeled. Aperture irregular, channeled anteriorly; posterior angle obtuse; outer lip thin, sinuous, show- ing the external sculpture within; columella stout, short, twisted and reflected; parietal wall glazed with a moderately thick callus. The specimen figured has eight post-nuclear whorls, and niensurcs: length, 7-8 mm., diameter, 2-7 mm. Specimens of this species were dredged in 8 to 27 fathoms from Ucluelet to Ship channel, Barkley sound, Vancouver island, B.C. Part of these are in the collection of the Geological Survey, Ottawa, and others are in the United States National Museum collpction. Catalogue Xo. 211.''>4.'>. N'Kw sri:tiis (II' siiKi.T.s 21 LIST OF SPECIES IDENTIFIED. BIVAl.XKS. *Leda penderl, D. aud B. Leda acuta, Conrad. Knther rnre. Pecten cauriViu.*, Gould. A very youni? sIm 'I. Mytilus edtills, L., var. htcidas. Sookc, P.( '. Psephidia lordi, Baird. Coiiiiiinii in clean s^mid-. Thracia curia, (/Onvad. Tlnrp. KntoJesma iii/lnla, Conrml. Southern fauna. Cuspidana planelica, Dall. Two specimens In flltllOUls mud, near Forties island. Not inicomnion in Sdutliern fnnuii. (iASTHOPODS. Volvula cylindrka, Carpenter. Snii'hciii liiiiiiM. *Bi?a maurellci, D. and B. Kare. *Mangalia hecetie, T). and B. Kiire. *Mangilia arteaga, D. and B. Numerous. Asfyris tuherosa. Carpenter. Southern faunii. *Boreolrophon macouni, D. ami B. Tritonalia lurida, Middendorff. Tritonalia lurida, var. asprra. Baird. Tritonalia viunda, Carpenter. Epitonium (Scala) indianorum. Carpenter (youiiijK Epitonium (Scala) acrostephanux, Dall. Rare. Epitonium (Scala) sawina, Dall. Soutliern faun.i. Epitoniiim (Scala) crehricostatuin. Carpenter. *Epifonium (Scala) caamanoi, D. and B. Turhonilla (Strioturhonilla) vancouverensis. Baird. .Vliundant. Turhonilla f Strioturhonilla) sernr', J), and B. Abundant. South- em fauna. Turhonilla (Pyrgolampros) vicloriann, D. and B. Rare Turhonilla (Pyrgolampros) valdezi, D. and B. Rare. Turhonilla (Pyrgolampros) newcomhei, D. and B. Rare. Turhonilla (Pyrgolampros) taylori, D. and B. Abundant. ' New species are indicated by an asterisk— thus, ss OEOLOOIOAL BUKVEY, CANADA I *Turhonilla {Pyrgolampros) lalama, D. and B. Rare. •Turhonilla (Pyrgolampros) macouni, D. and B. Rare. *TurhoniUa (Pyrgolampros) pesa, D. and B. Rare. *TurboniUa (Pyrgolampros) rinella, D. and B. Rare. Turbonilla (Mormula) eschachoUzi, D. and B. Abundant. Odoitomia (Evalea) valdeti, D. and B. Abundant. *Odostomia (Evalea) vancouverensis, D. and B. Rare. *Odostomia (Evaha) spreadhoroughi, D. and B. Raro. *Odostomia (Evalea) youngi, D. and B. Rare. *Odoslomui (Evalea) harkleyensk, D. and B. Rare. Odostomia (Evalea) tenuisculpla. D. and B. R«re. Southern fauna. Odostomia (Evulea) angularis, D. and B. Abundnnt. Odostomia (Evalea) stephensi, D. and B. Abundant. Odostomia (Evalea) deliciosa, D. and B. Rare. Southern fauna. Odostomia (Amaura) kennerleyi, I), and B. Abundant. *i. lostomia (Amavra) quardrce. ]). and B. Rare. Odostomia (Amaura) canfieldi, D. and B. Rare. Soutliern fauna. Bittium munitum, Carpenter. Southern fauna. P.ittium esuriens. Carpenter. Southern fauna. *BHtium vancouverenais, D. and B. Ccecum crehricinctum, Carpenter. Rare. Alvania compacta. Carpenter. Common. Barleeia haliotiphila. Carpenter. Southern fauna. Leptothyra carpenteri, Pilsbry. Dark variet'7. Southern fauna. Halistylus suhpupoideus, Tryon. Lepidopleurus internexus, Carpenter. IschnocMton radians. Carpenter. Albino. Ischnochiton radians, Carpenter. Normal. Trachydermon fleciens. Carpenter, var. monlerei/ensis, Cp". Southern fauna. Mopalia ciliata, Sowerby, var. elevata, Pilsbry. e CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES QEOI.OOICAI. 8UKVEY BRANCH Hon. VV. TlMPLlMAM. MINIRTM; a. p. Ix)W. DlMTt MlMliTU; R. W. BUOCK, DtMCIO*. SELECTED LIST OF WVmm AND MAI'S OF HPECIAI. FXJONOMKJ INTKRKST Pt'HUSHED UT TIIF. OKOIiOGICAIi HUIIVKY. No. 245. Report of Mine.. Sect Ion . ism N'o. 602. Re^rt of Mine,, 272 ! . ];;l Jo . " 1W<9. " IHOI). ISOl. " 1892. " )S9S-4. • lS9.->. " LSiOO. .Srii inn •300 301 334 335 360 872 602 626 098 71.S 744 800 83.5 S93 928 971 BUnerml Prodnotloa of 0»»«a«»- No. •414. •415 •416 •417 •418 •419 •420 •421 Year 1886. " 1887. • 1888. • 1889. " 1890. « 1891. • 1886-01. • 1892. No. ^422. Year 1893. •5,55 •577 •01 2 623 640 671 086 1894. 1S95. 1896. 1885-96. 1897. 1898. 1899. No. 719. Year !90(>. 719a • 1901. SI3 " l'.»02. 861 " 1903. 896 " 1904. 924 " 1905. 981 " 1906. Mlnana BeionroM BnUetlniiv- ^"■'lifSlai""^- '"'ir.olMio;- •854 A^stos S72. Molybdenum and m. Inn^^al Earth. t""^""- 868. Manganese. '"T. Graphite. 869. Salt. ^0- P*»" B«po^ of tbo Soetlom of OheBiUtry uid Minowlocyi- No. 169. Year 1882-3-4 *'" ''■«" Y,»r 1H07. 1 i08. IH99. mill), 1004 19(W No. 881. Phosphate. 882. Copper. 913. Mineral Pigment*. 953. Barytea. 984. Mineral Pigment*. (French). No. •102. Year 1874-6. •110 ■ 1876-6. •119 * 1876-7. 126 • 1877-8. 138 • 1878-9. 148 • 1879-80. 166 * 1880-1-2. 222 246 273 299 333 369 188.5. 1886. 1887-8. 1888-9. 1890-1. 1892-3. No. ."iSO. Year 1894. C16 " 1895. 651 ' 1896. 695 " 1898. 724 " 1899. 821 ' 1900. •95S " 1906. * Publications marked thU3 are out of print. B^PORTS, OEWERAL. Ttf. AhHudM of Cuiads, by V.-Jta iggg ^ »-«%i^;«-t-ot«. of Mli..r.l.; „d Rick., by R. A. A. Johiutoo .nd O. A. }22" nS!?!S«y of Publlc«t»oii»: Report* uid Map. (1843-10081 lOM. D^-^P^^SkiiUho tl»OeoC.nd EcoiSili SSiKf Unad. byQ A YUKON. 884. *«0B. 943. S5I. 1016. lOSO 1007. •23a. 236. 263. •271. •294. 743. 03C. 040. 986. 088. 006. Map. No. 274, svale 60 m.-l In.; Map No. 304, acal* Map No. 688, 1889. 1900. •aeO. YukOT district, by a. M. Dbimoh. 1887 *«u V I.'*"*- ^S»"<" "7, Kale 8 m-1 In. YukOTand_Macken.leba»ini.byR.O. McConneU. 687. Klondike gold fiel.U (preliminary), by R. O. McConnell. wte^f'S''*'J?'!y'.:^y.'*°"'=Connell. I90I. Map No. 772 «aUe 2 m - 1 1» m'-wi. '«''** '*'"• '"' "• ° «-«<•■>"•"• lSS» M.p'i5^916";ral.'2 Upper Stewart river, by J. Keele. Map No. 938. 1 scale o m. « ] Iq^ *^ ' i Peel and Wind rivers, by Ch»B. Camaell. Map No f Bound together. Bfm V, "**' "'"'" 8 m. -1 In. 'i '''°Yoil,2:fe''4Sl^'l'r''"''"'''^«««'^»""- <^'~«"')- «-PNo. Whlteho«e Copper Belt, by R. Q. McConnell. Map, No.. 1,026. 1,041. 1,044- RMonnalasance acroas the Mackenile mountains on the Pellv R»« ._j n_ ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA. 212. The ^ky mountains (between latitudes 49« and «1» 30») bv Q M n...™. - v^co^ristTdf^^rt^-}^. MolV^Vis: F • Nr''/48"°iSjr?'rJ?^rn'' '*'""""'' ^^y^^-^^^y ^^ &^&«M.Vk*^-°'- >««^ Maps Noe. 278-281. Weet^Kootenay district, by O. M. Dawson. 1888-9. Map No. 303. scale 8 •673. K.mloo^dl.trict.byO.M.Daw«,n. 1894. Maps Nos. 866 and S57, scale 4 m. 674. Flnl^^d Omlneca river,, by R. O. McConnell. 1894. Atlin Lake mining dlvblon. by J. C. GwllUm. 1899 o^j^^:VW.r^i9^.%- ,„. • Publications marked thus are out of print. Hap Map No. 567, scale Hap No. 742, scale 4 103S 1003. •337, 834. 703. *e40 008. loss. rool.ft«ld» of M»nhob», SMkatchawkn. Alln-ri., wd KMtern Britinh Cohuiibi., ^°'W;,r°**r""' ^P^"* of Hedtev Mining dNtrl.t, British Columl.ia, by CS*rlc. CiiMel Mku Noi. 1C*» u,d lOWl, K.-alo 1,00() ft.-l in ; \o. ""S? Jl"'',"?" "•"• '": ^°- "OO. •<'»l'- ■'<«' '«•-! In.; No. 112-, »,»W I ,iMni ft, ^ 1 in, ALBERTA, Untrml pprtioD, by J, B. Tyrrell. 1S80. M»pa .No- 249 uid 3W. nrale 8 ni. ""I In. *''^,¥^ *J'^J?'''» •"*•" dUtrict, by R. U. McConnell. J890.I. H*p No 336, icala 48 m. - 1 in, *^ Yallowhcwl Pan rout*, by J, HcEvoy, 1808. Map No. 676, Kide S m -1 In C.«md« co^.fi.ld., by U. B. Dowllii. M«p« (8 ,heet») n'oTmO-OM. «ah 1 ID. Ml In. HooM Mountain dlrtrict, by D. D. Caimea. Mapa No, 963, wale 2 m, -1 in No. 966, scale 1 m. — 1 In. Coal-field, of l^toba, Saskatchewan, Alberu, and Ea.t«m Brltwh ColumbU by D. B, Dowllng. Hap No. 1.010, scale 3a m.-l In """>». 313. 601. 1887-8. Map No. 282. scale 8 SASKATCHEWAN. ^''T''^ '""'5 !S^ ^°9** mountain, by R. O. McConnell, 1885. Maps Nos 226 and 226, scale 8 m.-l In. "^ '^'"i'^n'^i.'"' Ath«»>«»ka lake and Churchill river, by J. B. Tyrrell and »-o = J* J- !'<"•'-«• »89«- M»pNo. 857. K-ale2»m-I In 868. Soutis River coal-field, by D. B. Dowllng. 1902 1035. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Sa^^iatchewan, Alberta, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowllng. Map No. 1,010, scale 35 m.-l in. MANITOBA. 264. Duck and Riding mountains, by J. B. Tyrrell, m.-l In. 296. Glacial Lake Agassli, by W. Upham, 1889. Mapa Noa. 314, 31S, 316. 325. Northwestern portion, by J, B. Tyrrell. 1890-1. Mapa Nos. 339 and ,350 scale 8 m. — 1 in. 704. Lake WmnlpM (west shore), by D. B. Dowllng, 1898, 1 Map No, 664, scale 8 m,- 1 In. I„ j 705. Lake Winnipeg (east shore), by J. B. Tyrrell 1898 f «"""> together Hap No. 664, scale 8 m-1 In. ° J 1036. Coal-fields of Manitoba, Saakatchewan, AlberU, and Eastern British Columbia, by D. B. Dowllng. Hap No. 1010, scale 35 m-1 In. NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. 217. Hudson bay and strait, by R. Bell. 1885. Hap No, 229, acale 4 m. -1 in 238. Hudson bay, south of, by A. P. Low. 1886. 239. Attawapiskat and Albany rivers, by R. Bell. 1886. 344. Northern portion of the Dominion, by O, M. Dawson. 1886, Han No 253 scale 300 m,-l in. 287. James bay and country east of Hudson bay, by A. P. Low. 578. Red lake and part of Berens river, by D. B. Dowling, 1894. Map No 57fi scale 8 m. — 1 In. *5?i' L'brador peninsula, by A. P. Low. 1896. Mapa Noa, 585-588, scale 25 m,-l in, 018. Dubawnt, Kaian, and Ferguson rivers, by J, B. TyrrBll. 1896. Map No. 603 scale 25 m.-l in, . 667. Northern portion of the Labrador peninsula, by A P. Low. 680. South Shore Hudson strait and Ungava bay, by A. P. Low. 1 Hap No. 699, scale 25 m. -1 in. „ . . .u 713. North Shore Hudson strait and Ungava bay, by R. Bell f "o""" together. Hap No. 699. scale 25 m, -1 in, 7M. Great Bear lake to Great Slave lake, by J. H. BeU. 1900. 778. East Coast Hudson bay. by A. P. Low, 1900, Maps Nos. 779, 780, 781, seal* 8 m. — I in. 786-787. Grass River region, by J, B. Tyrrell and D B. Dowling. 1900. •Publications marked thus are out of print. si». Kkwan riv.r ud Button Ukim, by U. I». Uowllnit. I00«. M»P No. .41, «;»»• S() ID. -I In. HJO. Nrwupokn bUitdi, Huchon b«y. by A. P. Low. 1900. 005. Th« Crul» of th. \.;t coa^t of Hudson bay, rrt>m Cupe WolMtenliolmn to the «>utti mil of .lumps boy. by A. J'. I.OW. Mapn Nos. 77«. 780, 7HI, nrxle 8 m.-l in.; So. 7Ha, ..'alo 80 tn.-l In. 1097. KcconnalMancc ai'rosa the Markenai* mountiiln< on the Pelly, Uosn, mhI (Iravel riven, Yukon, ami North We«t TerrltorleM, by JoM'pli Keelo. .Map >o. lOeO, iraleSnt.-l in. ONTARIO. 1885. Map No. 337, wale 3 m.— tale 4 m. — 1 in. Maps No. 28fi, 078. 733. 739. 741. 316 . Lake of the Woodi region, by A. C. Lawnon. 1 In. ♦2«1. Ralnv Lake region, by A. C. Law«on. 1S87. Map No. 2H.j 260. Lake Superior, minea and mining, by I'.. U. In«aU. I88S. male 4 m.-l in.; No. 28tt, .oaleSO ch.-l in. 830. Sudbury mining diitrict. by 11. Hell. 1890-1. Map No 343, Miale 4 m. -1 n. 327. Hunter WandTby W. 11. C. Smith. ISDO-l. Map No. 342, »ralo 4 m.-l n. 332. Natural tia* andVetroleu.n, by H. P. H. Brumell. ISWVl Mm« Nos 344-.149. 3*7. Victoria, Peterborough, and {{utlnin counties, by t. I>. Ailam». 1S92-J. 027. On the French HIver eheet. by It. Bell. 1896. Map No. 070, scale 4 ra.-l in. Seine river and Lake Shebsndowan map-sheete, by W. Mclnnes. 1897. Map* No». 589 and 800, acaie 4 m.-l in. . r. r> i ii Iron depodta along the Kingston and Pembroke railway, by E. D. IngaU. 1900. Hap No. 026, icale 2 m.-l In.; and plan* of 13 minee. Carleton, RuhmU, and Preecot: counties, by R. W. KU. 1899. (5«» No. 739, QueMc.) Ottawa and vicinity, by R. W. Ells. 1900. 790. Perth sheet, bv R. W. Ella. mM». Map No. 789, scnJo 4 ra.-l In. 901 . Sudbury Nickel and Copper deposits, by A. E. Barlow (Reprint). Maps Nos. 77*, 820, seal'- 1 m- 1 in.V No.. 834. 82.5, 864, wale 400 ft. - 1 In. 902. Nlpisalng and Timlskaralng map-»he*ts, by A. E. Barlow. (Reprint). Maps Nos. 899, 606, scale 4 m.-l In.; No. 944, scale 1 m.- 1 In. 905. Sudbury Nickel and Copper deposits, by A. E. Barlow. (French). 970. Report on NIafftfm FaUs, by J. W. Snencor. Maps Nos. 926, 967. 977. Report on Pembroke shert. by R. W. Ells. Map No. 660, scale 4 m.-l In. 980. Oeologicai reconnaissance of a portion of Algoma and Thunder Bay district, Ont., by W. 3. Wilson. Map No. 9C4, scale 8 m. - 1 in. 1081. On the region lying north of Lake Superior, between tlie Pic and Nlpigon rivers, Ont., by W. II. Collins. Map No. 964, scales m.-l In. J 992. Report on Northwestern Ontario, traversed by National ..-j..-.j,-v„ railway, between Lake Nlpigon and Sturgeon lake, by W. U. Collins. No. 993, scale 4 m.-l In. _...», «„„ i 998. Report on Pembroke sheet, by R. W. Ella. (French). Map No. 000, acal* 999. French truialation Gownnda Mining Division, by W. H. ». olllns. BJap No. 1076, scale 1 m.-l In. 1038. French translation report on tlie Transcontinental Railway location between Lake Nlpigon and Sturgeon lake, by W. H. Coillna. Map No. 993, scale 1059. Geologic^ reconnaissance of the region traversed by the National Trans- continental railway between Lake Nlpigon and Clay laU Ont., by W. U. Collins. Map No. 993, scale 4 m.-l In. 1075 . Gowganda Mining Division, by W. H. Collins. .Map No. 1 ,076, ac^le 1 ra. -1 In. 1082. Memoir No. O.-^Oeology of the Hallburton and Bancroft areas, Ont., by »™nk D. Adams and Alfred E. Barlow. Mape No. 708, scale 4 m.-l in.; No. 770, scale 2 m.-l In. Bound together. Tran.wontinental Map / .'u, scale ^ m. — i in. 1114. French translation Geological reeoimaiaaance of a portion of Aigoma and Thunder Bay district, Ont., by W. J. Wilson. Map No. 964, scab 8 m.-l in. 1119. French translation on the region lying north of Lake Superior, between the Pic and Nlpigon rivers, Ont., by W. H. Collins. Map No. 964, scale 8 m. -lin. *PubUoationa marked thua are out of print. Bound together. 310. 340. 3U8. 297. 338. A70. 891. 870. 707. 7H9. nna. •23. •03. 074. 075. 098. 1028. 1032. 10S3. 1144. QUEBEC. Mbtauiol exp«lltloli. by A. P. Low. t8*4-a. M.p No. 22s, .r.1. H in. -1 In. Coinpton, Ht»n«t»««i, Ita»u«, Ill.hmoDd. mmX Wiilfe loumiii, by II. W. Ula. 1H.S«. Map No. 2.'il (Slierhrooka nheft), m-ole 4 m.-l In. Mntuitic ll.»ure, t)orch««l»r, Levin. l*elleeh»*M!, unci M.mtma(ny counllM, bv li W. KlU 1H87-8. Miip No. 2.S7, ••••le 40 ch.-l In. PortMur, QuebtT. aiul Montn.«Kny roimliei. by A. P. Low IhJO-I. EMtern townMlilp*, Montrcol ohvrt, by II. W. Ella and F. U. Aa»mii. !«»». L»ur»nt?»n ar™ north of the InlanU of Montreal, by K. l>. Adamn. ISO.'.. Map No. ayo, i«-nlo 4 rn, -1 In. ,o„, « v„ Aurlferoiw deposit*. »outliea»tBrn portion, by R. Chalinen. ISO."i. .Map No (67, hiulc H iii.-l in. Ea«t.m •r..w.HhlpH, Tlirro Rlvcri .hret, by R- W. hU.i. 1W.S Arjeuieiill. tJttawn, and Ponllac countiea. by It. W. I-.IU. 1880. (««« .No. 7J», Nottaw!"l»»ln, by U. R«ll. IWK). 'Map No. 702, .rale 10 m.-l In WelU on Island of .V real, by I . U. Adwiw. 1001. Mapi .N<«. S.4. n7.>, »*7tJ Chlbouguniau rmion by A. V. low. lOoS. TlmUkamliig rnaV''«t. by A. E. Harlow. (Reprint). M,ii« Nos. ..09. fi06. ■rule 4 m. - 1 In ; No. 944, Bralo I in. - 1 In. , . ,, .,.„ Report on Copprr-btarinn rorlu of Ett»tem Tow^hlp*, by J. A. l)-e«ier. Map No. 976, »rnle 8 m.-l In. . _ „ _ . , ... t\„.^-. Report on toppcr-bearlng rock, of Eiuit«rn Towiwhip., by J. A. Dre.^ser Report "n the I' aheet, by R._W. ElUi. (French). v AdMus and O. F.. Lclloy. Maps Non. 874, «cnle. 4 ra.-l In.; No. 375, wale ."(.(XH) It.- 1 In.; No. .S7(l. ,.,.„., r. u- k« Reprint of Summary Peport on the Serpentine Belt of Soiitlicm Quebe--, by J. A. I>re»«5r. NEW BRUN.SWICK. Weatem New Brun-^wi. k and Eaalem Nova Scotia, by R. W. ElU. 1885. >Up Carlc?o"n Sd'viKorlt J^u^tlel^by L.W. Bailey. 1885. Map No. 231, scale Victoria!' Re»tl«ouche, and Northumbertand counties, N.B., by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnee. I.S86. Map No 254, srale 4 ni. -1 In. „ . „., Northern portion and adjacent areas, by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnnes. 1887.8. Map No. 290. scale 4 m.-l In. ,«,.,, „., i«on.i Temlscouata and coupJes, by L. W. Bailey and W. Mclnne.i. 1H90-1 Map No. 350, scale 4 m.-l in. , Mineral resources, bv L. W. Bailey. 1897. Map No. 676, scale 10 m.-l In New Brunswick geology, by R. W Ells. 1887. Carboniferous system, by L. W. Bailey. 1900. / Coal prospects in. by Hf 3. Poole. ,1900 I Bound together Mineral reMurces, by R. W. Elb. Map No. 969. scale 18 m.-l In. mZ^ ^"tik by R. W. Ells. (FreSch). Map No. 969, scale 16 m. - 1 In. NOVA 9(X)TIA. 243 Ouysborough, Antigonlsh, Plctou, Colchester, and Halifax counties, by Hugh Fletchir and E. R. Faribault. 1886. 331. Plctou and Colchester counties by H Fletcher 18W>1. 358. Southwestern Nova ScotU (preliminary), by L. W. Bailey. 1892-3. Map :*a. 628. Southt^'stemVo^siitiS; by L. W. BaUey. 1896. Map No. 641. «=.le 8 685. SydnTy "id-field, by H. Fletcher Maps No«. 652, 66.3. 654, scale 1 m.-l in. 797. (imbrian rock., ..f Cape Breton, by 0. F M»"t'«w 1900. 871. Ptoou roal-field. by it 8. Poole. 1902, Map No. 833, scale 25 ch.-l in. •Publications marked thui are out of print. 218. 319. 242. 260. 330. 661. 790. 803. 983. 1034. MAPS. 1043. OuBioloa of CMwla. Mlii«r»l« S.«U IM in.-l in. dUft. H«l. HM. *oia. 000. 001. 1011. 1033, 1041. lOM, Exptoratioiu OB MsrmUUii, YUKON. l!jip»r.iKi» «• »^»...«.. Upp.r P.lly, .nd SWwwt rlv,r.. ««!. S .i> • 1 Ir. Portion of Duneu Cn»k Mlnloa dUtrfrt, w»le a ro.-l to- akatoh Msp Kliuao Mlnloc dktrlct, sraU n m.-l In. Wuld? Arm Minln. dUtrirt. Sk.teh Cl«,loi,Ual M.p, «;.- 2 n..-l ir. ConrMl and Whiuhorw Mlninc diitrlcu, w»l« 2 m. -I In. T«nt»lui and Klv. Flni«ni rod mlm», via 1 n| -••»•. .„„,..i,.._i i„ BonMiM Mtd Hunker rmlu. Aurlf«rou« fr»veU. BmU 40 rji»liu-l in. Lower Laka LabarRa and vicinity, wala 1 m. - 1 In. Whltehonw Copper belt, icala 1 m. -1 In. 1044-1040. Whitehorea Copper belt. Detoili". 1 in. I In. BRITISH COLUMUIA. Cariboo Mining dlatrict, aeala 3 m. -1 In. Bhuawap Oaoloftral ahaat, acala 4 in. - 1 In. Pralbninary Edition, Ka^t Kootenay, «cale 4 m.-l in. (ieoloilc'al Map nf Crowiinaat coal-fteldn, uralo 2 m. " 1 In. WaatKootenay Mlnerali and Strto, scale 4 m.-l I". Weet Kootenay (laologUal sheet, «ale 4 m.-l In. Boundary Creek Mining dl^trlit, »cala 1 m.-l in. Nicola ooal basin, scale 1 m.-l In. . , , ,. i . c^i r, Preliminary Oeoloalcal Map of HosaUnd and vicinity, acalo 1.6«l ft Princeton coal basin and Copper Mountain Mining camp, scale 40 ch. Telkwa r;var and vicinity, "■•!« 2 m -1 in. Nanalmo and New Westminster Minmg ilivislon, ivale 4 ro.-l In. Hpecial Map of Rowland. «1 sheet. 8«»^ <«> '»■ T} '" R^lal Map of Ronaland. Oeologi. a sheet. 8c^ 400 ft^ 1 In. Koaaland Mining camp. Topographical sheet. ScaU 1,300 .t.-l in. Roaaland Mining camp. Oeoloilcal sheet. Scale 1 200 ft. - 1 n. Shaap Creek Mining camp. Geological sheet. Scale 1 m -' 'n Sheep Creek Mining camp. Topographical sheet. Scale 1 m.-l 1"- 1 A,-Hedley Mining district, topographical sheet. ,8<*1»1.<» > '»• " » '" ?A.— Hedley Mining district. Geological sheet. Scale 1,000 ft. -1 In. 4A.— Golden Zone Mining camp. S<-ale «00 ft. -1 In. 3A.— Mineral CUIms on Henry creek. Scale «» /»•, -» '°; , . Hedley Mining district: Structure Sections. Scale 1,000 ft. -1 m. ALBERTA. S04-fiOA. Peace and Athabaska rivers, acale 10 m. -t In. •808. Blalrmore-Frank coal-fields, scale 'f" h. i i. 803, Coatigan coal basin, acale 40 ch -1 In. 930-036. (Sacade coal baaln. Scale 1 ro. - 1 in. „ . „ ,, 003-060. Moose Mountain region. Coal Areas. Scaij 2 m. -1 In. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Coal Areas. Scale 36 m. - 1 in. 1117. 5A.— Edmonton. (Topography). Scale i m.-l in. 1118 6A.— Edmonton. (Clover Bar Coal Seam). Scale 1 m. - 1 In. 1182. 7A.— Bighorn Coal-fieki. Scale 2 m.-l In. SASKATCHEWAN. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Coal Areaa. Scale 35 m. - 1 In. MANITOBA. 804. Part of Turtle mountain showing coal areas, scale 14 ra^l In. 1010. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Coal Areas. Scale 35 m. -1 In. •Publications marked thus are out of print. 378, 604, •771. 787. 701. •702. •838. 800. 041. 987. 080. 007. tool. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1068. 1074. lOOS. 1006. IIOS. 1106. 113S. ONTARIO «7. L«k.ortb.Wood.ih»t.«»Wam.-ll»- 343. Buabury gheet, »n\»*m.-\ In. 373. lUlny Rlv»r «h»et, •'•»1» 3 in-» "»• 600. HelDf Ulv»r iih««t, tcale * m.-l In. Krrnc h Rlvtr .hret, u-*!* 4 m. - 1 m. I ike Hhebandowim •hMt. «•»!• 4 m. - 1 in. Tfn.l.k«.ta, .h-t. «ia. 4 «"• 7 > In. ( N.w t.liiioo U •< , NS'ImIok ohtul, icnU 4 lu.-l In. (N»w Mitlon Iikiti. p. .nbrok* •hwt, urnl* ♦ ">,• T' '" ' »re «lifrt. tcnU * p- ~ ' '"• . , ilkllburtun nlwet, KnU ♦""■-« "> , , «/. M»nitou L»k« A-i, »c«l« *">,-' '»• •780. Orcnvilte ihttt, «•!• 4 in. - 1 In. 770. Itancrofl nhert, •r»le3 m. -1 In. , ,„ , ., 77ft Sudbury dhtrlct. Vlctorln roln««. «■•!• I -n -I In. •78B. Perth nheet, umle 4 m -I In. ,„_,,„ 820 Sudbury dl»trl<-t, Sudbury, «•»•• J m. -' ">• S£i.:aM HTufhurv dUtrlrt. t'oprer (^IIB inlno*. iimU 400 ft. -I In, '"^■'NortW /r^ of vVr;,lKn -roa r.n«.. Tln»«.ml «.U 40 oh. -I 1, SudburJTdUtrirt. EUle Mid lurr»y mlne», »r.6 400 ft.-l In. Oowcnndm MInlni OlvUlon, •> »le > m - 1 In. 570 •StW. 008. 005 flO« 000 SA3 708 720 8S3. M4. 903. »44. 064. 1033. 1078. •261. 287. 37ft. •ft71. •MA. M7. •«08. 018. 076. 1007. 1030. •67ft. 060. QUKUISl. T?*tfor3 »nd Colemlne A.bwito. dUtrict. «c«U 40 ch. -1 In. OurbM .hMt, f«t«m TowMhip. M»p. •«•••♦«;-'_'?•.. \Iontml sheet. l':Mtem Town»hlp«i .beet, wmta 4 m.-l In. tC Kive« IhieT Ewtem Township. »i.p. «.l. 4 m. - 1 In. 8°44':^^iu.T^'u{:;£?s?ntr^^^^^^^^^^ ^ferCoV,S'°«Si^H;:Jrn^k.7f l"b. E«t.m Township.. «».o 8 ». -I ia. Lnke TImUknmln. rerion. scnle 3 m.-l In. Lnke Hegwtic and vfclnlty, scnU 2 m. -1 In. NEW BRUNSWICK. Mnp of PrinclpiU Minef.1 Occurrence. Scnle 10 m.-l In M»p of Prind^ Mlneml Locnlltlw. Scale 16 m. - 1 In. NOVA SCOTIA. •812. Prollmlnnry Map of SprlnghiU cpal-Beld, scale HO ch. -1 In. ^7: ^XlSi""™*^ '/i^'oTiuaux and Torbrook Iron district, ^ 2ft cb. «7. OenerJ Map of l-roviuc. -I'owjng fold dUtrlcts, scale 12 m. -1 In. 937. Lelpslg»te^6pld district. «»'• «0"J»j: \ '»• 046 Harrican Qo d district, scale 400 ft. - 1 m. SSa^old district, scale 250 ft^r » '» , BrooMeld Gold district, wale 250 ft. - 1 In nSffax Geolorical sheet. No 68 Scj^e 1 m. - 1 jn. Wnvertey GeoTogicJsheet. No 67. *ate 1 m^-^ in. St. Margaret Bay Geological sheet. Jf",''.- , in .«. . Wind^TOoj^ .heet. No 73 Sca^e 1 m.^ ^in ment olMinee. Ottawa. , . •PubUcatlona marked tbu« are out of print. oes. 1013. 1010. 102ft. 1036. 1037.