CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs)


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Issutrt July 10th, till













\'il hi MiHT- 1

Issued July lOth. 1910

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Collembolu of the Cnnuditin Arctic Kxpt'dition, l<M.^-IN.

Uf Ihi I Inn I .till/ I I llli)nii.i.

'riii« i> :i ripiiit (III tli( ( '.illiiiilM.hi •.l.iiiiiD'il l.y llic ('aimiliim Aii ti. r.\|»- illtiiill. Itllii ID. Til)' liiiilrriMJ r<i||i'i'ti>I l>\' Mr. I'. ,lii|i;ili<i'ii c'iin<i>;ii| nj' IilllIH'riill^ \\rll-|)lr-i(rvril >|«(inii'lis, ill i\((l|i|it ciilnlllliili III! -Ii|"l\, .iIhI r.tll-

pri-i'ij tln' tnlliiwiiiii twcl\c' >|)i'(ic>i:

I'mhini iniiiiihtii I.. Ailiiiiiilis liilllii nil SrIiMi.

Allioilllly f'llinills, II. s\). At Inn nil s II: iiiiilnn < Nil', i thnivhniniH ilniiiliciiniiiuiftntH". ii «|>. Tilriirinilhrllii iraliliimn \\r\s. Fiil-^iiiiiiit ijiiit'l iiiriihihi I'l'iill.). Isiilninii rinili-< hiillll I. lull, inn /III hi sir IS ( Mull i. Hnliininliiiin iiiiti jmnilii . ii. ^|i. I.I liiiliiriirliis niniiiiis 'W\\\ Snintllinriih s luiniilicn.-' iHinirl.t.

Tllf l.\ |»> MIkI dIIh'I' spi rimrlis ll|iiill \slliili llii> li|)iiit l- Ii^imiI ;irf ili|ni>iti(i ill tin- N:itinli;il ( (lijicliuli iit' liiMct.*. (MImWm.

Podiira aquatica I.iiiii:i< ii>. I'hiic I. iiii-, I ■;

I'liihini (iiiiiiil;i-(l I.ilili;|ill>. 1 7.".S. Niiolit, IMI, rullliiiu 1^71, \s7'2. - r.iil.lMi.k. IMiS. is?:?. I'iickaid isTii. I'Mn.iiiv Is7!i. isv.'. Dall.i 'j'orrf, l^^,v is'C. Czil, IsiHi. MacCiilliviiiy, IS!tl. IS'.M. llMij. |{. utcr,'). -SihatTcr. ISlMi, ItMHIa. 1110(11). I.ic-l'ittnstii. \S>M\ l'u|>|)c ami S<liartVr, IHttT. ScJKrl.akc.v. IWISh. Carl, IS'ttl. I<M»1, W aliJunii, IMMi. . KMMia. <'a>p.-iittr aiitl Kvaiis. lS<Mt. Al>s..i,>n, IIMIO, jiKll. Will. in. IIMIC. H..iii.r llMlia. KraushaiKT. P.Mtl. .Xunii, KMW. ( iiilliiir. l<.»(i;{. .\\.l-.,ii. liMlti. i.\\ils..iii I.iniianinni, l!t()7. I'tr.'. FoUciii. I'Mti.

If !ll)iiiliistnini niiniilifii Id. INIV.K

llil,ln>i,i«him iiiiHiilini I .r. Mtdlli. \W1. I'liilnni iinnniliilit Mai-< ■iilivra.\'. \S\tA.

HIackisli liliic: aiitciiiiac ami litr> I'lMisli Imiwii; fiirriila pali' lirnwn, Hcail livpdijiiatliiiiis. I'.yi's S -^ S. flciilar areas witli coiiiial cli'vatiuii.-. Iictwci'ii till' cyi's. I'listaliti'iilial orjiaiis appaniitly alistiil. tipnsinliii cxti'rn- ally t>y ininuti' nidiiiiciits. ."uiti'iilui' slmrtcr than the head stmit rylimhii al. with sitiiuriits alxiiil a.s 4:."i:tl:7 in irlati\i' linsitlis. '(Uailiirx lialr> ol I'uiirtli anti'iiiial scjiinn'iit alonif. Sensr ornaii ui' lliiid antmnal sciiiiirni riin>i>lintr nf a pair of sin, it stitT seta'. I^mly slim iml stout. .\ dorsal siilisimtKiit orcurs on till' aiiti-rior part of cacli liodv siiiincnt ixi'cpt tlic ninth, rntiuis din. 1 1 \rry loiiu. loniiir than tlif tiliio-tarsiis. slriidi'r cuixi'.'n, unidihtai' liihind tin-

.■.»(i!t7 "1\


I „,„ili ,,, _\,,h> h.'i/i,,!,!,,,,,. I:il l-l^

'""''"' ",'.'•' "'I' ' '"""'" l-iuuhulM- , |M - „i ,1 ,,nh (.V ;, Lull, Ilk. ni.l,.

I"'"' '■""; '"" -'"il' l|l,kl„,l,lM I I,';,, I ,,„;,.„h„„ .,...M|,,.|,„|.,t,

iir.iila V,,. ..hii ,A, .„|,„it..,, |,.,| ;,. ,h. Ii,-t ,. I.,.- ,|r:,,K !>|..-.„1.,| (.,

h. I..iiril, Ml..|.mi.r,t -mnnt. \|;,i,iil„nMii -I,mi |>,„i.. |..„if. -t,.,.,uU

"'" '' "'"""' .-M" 'IK ...iKriiirnI «i(l, ,,„ ,,l. |. I i,,,H-\.i- l^^.,-

IMII,- h.uu .1, ,,,, ;,„.| «.tli ll„ l.,l„,,|, .,,1 th. .1, |,.,| t|,H.lMM:U.i;'.l M, tf,i,..

'"'; '""'-, ^V,'" ' '"i- - •' ilinr-liiil,. ,„ ua. lun.l i.iiu... «iil, .„it,,

•:'"'"'"■' '•"" II'' -""I "111' :i |.i.. ,1,111. 1,1 ,|,„...,| i,..ilM|,-,|-lii„i,ui|lai !.:,«, I |,,'„ \h:il_-|.,iM^ al.. nl II.mK ,I,,i|,i„i: ..I \,^^ mi,„.|, , ,„ v i„i: -, i;„ .1, ,,. «|,|, |-> 1' '• '""^ '''.n,„ii .|,„,al . la. „„,-, .,1 u|,„.|, a... ,n lu. I, hi-il ,i,|„.al -,,„,"

I'n.h,.,, „.i„„i., , I ,|„. „„„, ;,|„„„|;,„, r,,l|. ,„l„.iai,« ir, i:,i,,,|„. ;,,„!

.N..i,l, \i„M,.a, ,„■,,,,-,,„ ||„. -,i,la,r ,,| -lali.i.l.u ual^a n„ ||„. ,„a,uii,. , I ,„„„l. .•in. I -I,.., IP- liaMliz ~p .lal -liiLtiiial a.lapl al luii- I.., a - Mii-anlial i, 1,1. ||

-"aim- ..h \ u:lan.,„ ,., Milil.i-I, aioim i|„. ,|, ,,., ;„al al - ,> l.|. „„ .,u,,„.t

"" ■'"" '" '■ ' ' ''""• - Milliil.ri- -jhi, ,,,,.„■« , II 1, aiPiMai- ,1, l|. -I,-

"■■" ':-"l''''"^' ■"■' '-■>-nnallv a ll.-li-uat t -p.,.,- th, i.uli il I,:,- l„ , i, |,„|,„| '"' ■■|-l;'l'ail\ III |, I- ,,| l,ia.-kl«li ual i .m l|,,. , ,|-I

Til,. -,,■,.„.» I, a- Im-,ii I,,., 1,1,, I |,,,„, >,l„i,a, I I, ,11, ( ai,a,la I lia\, m,. ,•|- lu ii- I ak,|i at Ai l,;,| „.i . ( i|,l \|a\ I'l l',M7. I.\ Ml. Cliail,. Ma.iiatnaia

•;''■■•" l"lliit..a- .11 p.lhU. I), II, al. 'an, .11 |.,,||||. \la-ka •|i\ i'l l'i||

al.iin.lalit Ian.,. ah.| mm,,;! at l'.,,i,ai,| haih-ii |).,||,|,i„ a'nl ,,,mii'

N,.illi\M-t iiiiit.iii- .lull,. 2.">. i ;;!".. r, ,l,,|,ai,-. II,

Achorutfs tullhcrtti >. Iiali. i.

I'l ," I. tic- I III. |.|:,l. J li- I I .l,7„.,„/, -,/„/„„., 'I'l, |||„ai;. |s7li, I /,.|, js'lll. Si'li,,!! IVll Dalla ■jnin-

IVt.V >,-liall,r, is'.tc. Sk,,nk,,\\, IIHIII. . . .

Ai/niiil,.^ ill, hill.-. \ai, niiinihir ( alliiait a . I'.MM).

.{rliiinilis liillli, i;ii SrhallVr. I'.HMIa.

.l./,„/„/,.v liillh,,,,,, vai. ,inin,l,,i SrliMllVi-. nt:iOa. Walilui.-n |',lll7 liil>,im, htiti,

l'il£lli,.|il,'.| uith 111,-milai |,al"l, ■■. ,,l' .lark Mil,- |,ii.|i„iil .t\f.i, f,.|li,. .„ iiiiit,,iliil.\ |)imii(iil,..l i\ar. n./(,„/,„i. I'lvi's liii. li,i-|,i ,,,1 ,:,<•!, -1,1, I'li^m- I'liiiai ..maii> tin. 1, will, f,,iir , - ,ni,iii,i,.> fjv,. , |,. liph.aal I ,|',.ivl,- \i,t,.|ii,a. .>liMrt,-f lliaii III,. iH'ail uitl, >cir„„.|il- .• s f.:7 :'.(:'.» j,, ;..|ali\,. Irnutti- S,.||,.- ..r^.,',, "I lliii'i ant .III, al - .mn^nt a> i,i tic. :. Iiiuii,.-. itiu. C.i ^t-,iii. >liy|,||v .uiAiiii:

"""■'■ '"''itti'i 11111,1, ■!, tat,' ,,i„. thin! a|,r\. I •|,i;iii,.|ili will, ^ta,- i-|v

|.r,,|,,mi,.,| ,,iiir, iiiarmi, ami with th,. I.asil iMiiirlla MiJM.hh.Mir ,,„ ih,. „. „i .,,„|

•hinl paii> ,,t t,-..t. T,ai.-nt hair- kn,.l,lM.,l; .'.:i.:;. a> a ml,.; ,M-,aH,.iiallv :i li :i '.r l..,..{. Miicr,,!,,.-. 1(1,^-. 7-!i. ,,i|.-il,ir,|,|,.„t,. in h.imih.apicaiK i,„ii„l,:,| „,ih li:ilT,.\v ..lit .r la.n.lla. Ifaiiii ,,f I ,iia-illiini .pia,|li,|,|itat.. ,\ii..,l -pin,- ifi^^

in. Ill iw,,, halt a- |,,nti as hiii.l iiiimi->. anaiap.. .,i, pminiiMnl ,a,i,li!;i -

papilla.. (,iii..i ,,l -pu-. -hiirl nirvinu -t.,'. uilh |,,i,ir..r - la' ,,ii th-. p ,.-.t" part ,.1 llir ali.liiin.n. 1., 2 ni.a.

''"'"• N>';''i""'"- '■'.lh'"t,.,l l,y Ih,. |.Ap,.,i;.- ,,,|,„nj ,,, ,l„. vari,.tv niNmlnr arp.. uhi,.|, |,a> hi.cM takiii hith,.rt., ai I,.,,,/ A. ^,( i;il,Mn,i,. Iai„l H ,li,.tma an, .\la>>a,-l,ii<,lt.-.. Th.. typi,-al l,,rii, ,,|- ,l„. -p,.,.i..- |,;,- |„.,.|, rrp,,rt .1 Ir.ii, .\,i\a /..•iiilila. Spit/(licis:..|i an. I Siln'iia.

S,.v.ral sp,.,.iiii,.|,.s on ami tn,m n.ttin ,lriri u,,,.,!. H. iii..ii,| l|.,il„,iir

N,irlhu.-t r..rnt.,n. .. May. •_':,, I'.llli. .Iim,. I,s. I'.., I'.ij.-,: ;,|„, .,.,,.,...,1 l,,'

'lr,ttw,„M|. Diniaiv.ii p.iini. Ala~ka. Mav H.. mil. I .luhaii-, n

Ailioruii'H M-iiHiliti. ti •\<

I'l,'. .' ».■■ IJ In

I IMl"llll •link I'llli Lv- S » « l'i.-l:illti lilril ..m.iii- hi; I.' -Iliall.

liullllv liihU'l tliMli llic iIkiIIhI'I it :ili i\i. will) liitll |ii il|ilii i:il lillnr>|(». \lilrmiii' -liiiitii lliiih ill" li, :ii|, Willi -<uliiilil- III MJiiiiM jihulli- iili'ill ;i- .'iti.TT. Ilili'l .lilt' iiii.'il -tuiiiiiil with liiMiiV ill-l,'il lull ml -111-' '\ .1 I.I' tiu \A- rillfili- llU M^ i'lllU -liiiilil, li"li|\ rlliMlli;. illi|i|ilil:iti ^ -lillh- In til I lir :i'i' \. t liuil|i'i|lll> lAti'tl'lllli: i>lii'-li;ill M- III :i- till illiuMi- Hith I'HAIIIImI il.'lll -iiImA :it>' Mll'l 'll"!:!! tlilll :iri||lllliMti' 'Mm \i<\\ti kimi'lMil till, lit li.iii Ml llh'

i||-tal tlli|ii-tlil>Ml Tt.'ii' :ilr :i|iir:ill\ Ik lit .iliil liiililll'h klii'l''"'! Il.'illil "I l>'ll:irilllllll II iiji llliili' Dillli- llllii llllli- ;i- I..IIII ;i- IIMIil'IK- I .11 ll With II

liillU iiIIaIiiU -illi.'ijiii al <liil~:il -ill Mii>ii> alMiiit i- :i- liiinl iiMtrUK illll". \Ml'i:il>l<' ill t< till Jlu> l.'i III . Willi I'|i>:hI miiii'i l.itiM'lhi ainl liai< w iiiin i laliii lla. \nal -|Hli' •• ' liu. IT ' "III 1 1 «t'ii|l , ll ilils I'lii \ iim. 1 1 III -(ill 1 1 a- luiik, a- In in I imuM' -. nil iiiiitiuiiiiii" |ia|nll.i iiiir-thinl a- Imiu .i- iIk -|iiiii - ( li.lhiiii: liu In i t ti w -liiilt -liilll rlltvitiu - 1.1- alnl Inlikti r -Inill «iiIm i.i I -. lav iIm' lalt i li |.ilil\ ili'litiiti'. MaMlliiliii li'liu' .' J llilti

I iTuari It'll I hi- liiriii a- I' itiit .1 . i mti ,i- Tiilll.! n; , mil il I I oil in I I h' |ii rilllal -"li-r iirUHIi- 111 llif iIiIhI ;ilit liti.'il -'UMi III. Ill idiliiic. i.l w lili'li 1 liaM' lll.lliv lliliup'aii »|ii riiiii'li-. tin- - ll-" iiiuaii it tin ihiiil aiiti niial -i mm lit i- a- m tiuui' I'.l. with .-1 pail 111 -rii-i' mil-, a -lliuli' tiliiii'l-liki- arii --i l> -ila. .itiil nlii' liilanl -lla. Ill till- IH'W -[ii'i'ii- thi'lr air. ImWi'Mt till. |.l' tUn pan- I - li-f I'lil-. lai'li palf with till' ii-iim! Iia-al ililu' l-'i a ill-lal ii\ali' pilinlat" papilla. -I'.'ili'il III a pit ami Iim^^uIIn with ai. iiti'iriiimiil.'ii'x tnM. .iml iti aililitinii a- liialix a- liim' laln-i ijalr ai-ri'-- il\ - 'Ii-mI'v -'la', with tiM' i;i|ali| -ita' a \',ii|i' ili'paitiiii' ti 111 th I'litiililimi typiral Inr tlir uriiii-. Thr uth't ililli ti'm < » iii'twi'i'ii thr tw.. -p' 1 t- ,.i'i' 111 iiiimii' iitip ■! latirr III -. /•>/^^. a- I'liliipanil with inihiiis, ihi'fi' ail' ti it tlii'i'i' liitiu kiiiililii'il ll mill Il.'lll'-: I'n- t' iiariiliim i- iiiit i|ii.'iilrii|i'iitati ; ami ih" aii.'il -pitir- .'irr -ntinw h.'i' -linil.i-. -tuul'i, ami !i riirviiiu. The I'liilhilin i> ' I the -alin' ilrlirtal t>pi' ill lla- twu -piiii-; lh( -tmil -illicii'i'I - ta' III till' liiiils li'iim. iinWi'Vi r, -iiitii'\Oial -h'llir than in rnihrns ruinpaii' liu I *< "itli tiu. 'Jll'.

Thi- -pci'it- iirriltnil ill ma— I - mi tin' -iitt.'iii' i I a pmnl at In iiianl li.'iil" ur, \ip|'lliwi'-l Ti'i litiaii -. .Iillv .'i I'.iili, r. .Iiih.'ii'-i II

Achoriitfs ariiiiitus Nimlit .

I'l:ili' .i, tli;- -Jl i:,

I'.uhini iiniKilii Niniili'l. iNll.

.\,li,H III, s III iiHil 11^ I 'ii-r\:{\' \s\\. Nic'iili'i, 1M7, l.ulil.i.rk. '^li' In7o

rillllifiH. |S7I. In72. IS7Ii. I'atiin.'i. lN7'.i. iss-', Isvs. IVi.'i I

iNVi. Otiili'Miali-. \S>M\. I /.I. IS'III IMM. Man', 'viav. i 'i S.hnlt.

f*'i|., IMMi. P.iirj. .Muini'/. IVU D.'ill.i rniti ' '.•.'.. Iliii'.i IsiCi

.M.IIirll. IS'.Mi. Si-hariVr. I.S'.Mi. |S'.l7. llMHIa. I'Mllll.. t irprllti'f. i^'C'- I'l itif-i'ii, |s<,H(. 1S<»S, I'lipp.' ami Si'halVir. I.VI7. Si'liirhakus . is'.iM.. iMiHa - ail. IV.i«i, IIMH. ('.'iip.iitir ami i'ivaii-. IVMl. W .ihlmiii. I'.MKIa. I'niiiii'r. HKtIa Ktall-liMUnr. I!"!-'. Wlllilii, IIHIJ. .Vnirn, I'.Mi:!. IIUII \\i Null. I>.MI.\',. P.IO.Mi. l.MHi. .\\il-iitii l.ltinanii'liii. ItMlT. I!t(l!l. Ci.llinui' ami .-lim- liiilhalil. I'.IKI. iiiiiii-. I'.ll.'. >liii('liiitlialM. I'.'ll. I'l l-iiiii. mill.

Aihniiiiis Iml, Inn, us I'ai'kanl. Is7:!. Mai'(liHi\ f.-iv. ls!i|. D.ill.i I'luri'. Is'.i.'). I ;utliiii', ni(i:i.

.Xrl-.ii-iiliis iiiiininiriiliis I'arkaiil. Is7:i. Mani iillivi'a;. . IS'.H. llaiM'.w I.Vi:!.

.Xrlnii, ills U.I' iisis Vnr\^nyi\. Is7:i. \hii'( lilln r;iy . I.VH. I ),'illa ■|'iiifn. IMt.'i.

.lc/..n'.//, .V finiliiiiiiji I'ai'kaiil. I,s7:i. Mai'l ;illi\ra\ . I"»'.il. Dalla Tiirrc, hSd.").

« A

Cninilliiii A relic lixiiiililitni. )!II.>-IS

Uilliiiildstiiirii tiniKilii i.VxcN N'lTV v;iri:il)li' in ciiloiiratinn

ml i; iiiMiiiiini. I'.ill. l'.ll->. (' lltU. ( Icncnil colour viiiMCfous, piilr violrl , urcfiii.-li

with lavcmlcr. witli

ir.lark hliic Oiii- v;iri.'ly is cmiiry yellow iii.iihif<

fwo;w-:nn;. -oni; h:;;:.;^.;.!,:.;;- ti,.. dorsu,,, . ..onnnomy .noni^i ,.

^. IM. ,ul .1... ,.l..-.ra an.l st.-rnun. an- pal. yllnw wHl.roun.l ^P'; ;>';;"';; ^ V ....Irrniil uucl.'i. A lar«r int.Tonilar spot .iccursO.aiiar pat. <•> .on-

•t law vntral cv.Tsihlf'(l sa.'. H."ly stout; ah.l.. ruLrui< ilin- -'-'I '""«• -l<'i"l'''-. siitjlitly .■urviiiK, uin.lcntatf al.'ial Tiiainins ca.'li uni.lcutatc onc-touitli il lam. 'Ha au.l sctaH'.)us ap.'X. On.' l.inu t.'ucnt liair.'s (tin. 'l.i) liall' as l.m)j as inipl.'-. outer lam.lla with a


ant.Minal setiin.'iits i

ill. '11 feeblv (lilat.'.l.

ii.'ar til.' liii.l.ll.' .>t' th.' ininT niar>;in;

from til.' I.ase. rnt:ui.'ulu> with Iws:

ext.'ii.linn as far as th.- to.ith .if th.' .ipposit.' .'law

uiikn.ihlie.l. D.'iit.'s stout. sulM'yhn.ln.-al. Mu.

<lente^ •ini.-illv; inn.r laiii.'lla narr.iw. ,.. ,. , , .,

^ ^; M.i r Sular .l.-rsal loh... A.ial spin., .fi,. 24. l.-.i^j. a httl.. 1""«">; -" li tiniu's in a.lult sp..eim..ns, sleiuhT. .•urv.n«, on lar^.' .•nnt.Ku..usjap.l . e. vl i.. are ..n.-thir.l .' as l.uijr as th.. spin... ( lotlun« ,h,. >.> . l. . .^ ^

nmsistiim ol- :itnin.lant slu.rt s,.ta. an.l nuni.Tous l.,n« hau-s an.l s..ta., whi.h

•in. freoiieiitiv serrate. Lenijth, l..)iiim.

an tr..iu. nti> . ^^^.^ ^k ^ .^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ .lis.-usse.l in a pr.'Vious pap.r i

w.M-.- all .)f the .lark blue variety.

The syiDiiyiny

The si)..eini.'ns oU.'.'te.i I'v the lApe.liti.m

' ,:,rticularly asiaiifs, ttioiiKli It o.'.'urs on /i<-/'7(/N


It oe.'Ur-

inonlv f.iun.l .m funjji,

m,n/.s'. l/'.n/(.//.(;«'in;r-ii's w,.|| ,■ , .|i.,„>i,„

This is one .)f tlie w . ..Iv -list nliute.l simmm.'s ot ( ..lleniho i„ .d vtis oW \ in .<il..Tia. Spit/.h.TK.M.. (;.v..nlan.l, N..rth..rn .\ r^a

T;l.l)^.^.tr <'.;i..n. N.-v Z.^alan-l., Paraguay I ru.uay. UuK iiulZi.ti."'" the Vnit...! Stat... n .t has l.....n tak... at » ( ».,» ;,. >^....ti.n>her hvMr ( lar .'s .Maciiamara.

'""s" :r " ■p'im.S: t: ^p!.n.l. Herm.r.l l.arhour, N..rthwe^ Territor..^ Mav ■>-, I'tlll- .lui... IS. •-'.-.. I'.tl.V Al.umlant m ,n swamp. I'lhu mal.; k^ak i^lan-raWktum! l...i..t.. D.-lpl-.n ami U..i..n strait. N.-rthw^t l..rnt..n..s. Julv 1."), lUlti. 1". .I.>hansen.

Onychiurus duodecimpunctatus, n.

I'hit.' :!. fins, 'Jii :!(); pbi.' I. tins. ;il, Hi'.

Whit.'. I'.istant.'Uiial orpiins (tin. iiumherinK .i2 in on.' exampl.' an.l U hi jim (liK. 27) t> + () ttw.i sp.'cim.'nsi or hi'.'ul 4+4 itw.i spe.'im.'iis) .)r " h.'a.l in l.'njith. Sen

papilla... liv.' jiuar.l s.'ta.', a pair "l/''';;;\ s.'nse .-lulls. l>>eu.lo.'elli .if (hn. 2(») a: lat.'ral, 1 + 1- .M.'xith.irax: ilorsa d<jrsal,'2 + 2: lai.Tal, ! + 1. ah.l.itninal. 4 + 4 ilw.i sp.'cim.'ns) .ir spms.) .ir 4 + 4 (I spni ;") + .') (2 spms. I .ir 4 +

>t)) el. innate, with simple tuli.'r.'l.'s

ther. I'seu.hicelli .if ant.'imal lias.'s

)"4-'.") (on.' spei'iinen); .if p.isterior lior.l.T .it

.-, + .") (.me siMH'imen). Antenna- suh.'.pial t.i

oriian .if thir.l antennal s.-ument (fifi. 2S) with hv

f sense and tw.i eaiiitat.- tulierculat.'

s follow- ~lV.ith.irax: d.irsal. <>;

2 + 2; lat.-ral. 1 + 1- M.'tath.irax:

First ali.l.iininal .s.'fjm.'ut : .l.irsal. 4 + 4. Secon.l

■) + 5 (one specimen). 4 hird. •> + •> f-

,. K.iurth, t) + ti (2 spins.) ..r .". + •'> i 1 spm.~). I'llth.

4 i 1 spill, i. Sixth, t'.

Culli nJiiiln I A

Unguis (fin. :i()i •■ilt'iiilcr, curviiiK, uniilciitati- hcyniid the iniilillc ni ilic inner iiiurKiii. rriKuifulus txcccdinti tlic un(jiii>. >lrii<lfr, (jradiiiilly tapiiintt lri)in tin- liasc into a line lilamcnt. Anal spines (tip. :$l i two, t'eel)ly I'Uivint:. lialf as loiip as liinil ungues, on sei)aiateil pa|>illae, oiie-fouitli as lonu as tlie spines. ClothintJ (tip. :V2) of short einvinn simple set!i>, with hmp erect simple seii-ory seta-. Lennth, 2.i mm.


Lennth, 2.{ mm.

This species lu'lonps near tiie ( to iiclDiiKiiiioliiy 'rulliierti. a ran '

I'ommon (iniidlns Tiillliern. ami comes nearest that lias never heeli fiiily

I conn

... .^ y reconled species that has never I.

rm here described ))roves to apree with nctuinnicldlus in

descrilied. If the fiiriii here described ))roves to apree with iirliii>in((l(itu'' in respect to pseuijocelii and the minute strueturi' of the aiitennal sense ornans, it should be regarded as a variety of that species.

Three cotypes, from rotten driftwood at liernard harbour. Northwest Territories, ,luue l!t, I'.M.j. !•". .loliaiiseii.

Tetracanthella wahlgreni Axelson.

I'lato 4, liK-. ::■'! :i7; lilnte •'>, lits. lis II.'etterseli, bS'lti.

Tilidcitiillirlld jiiltisd Schott. lS<t4 (part), i'.t(>2 (part) Wahlpren, IS'.t'.lb, I'.tOOb, lltOtib. .Vxel.son, I'MM).

Tilmauith,'lln auriilm SchalTer, I'.HlOa, I'.tOttb.

Titnicantliilla inihliirnii [XwUim] I.imianiemi, l'.H»7, IftTi. Hasnall. I'.tU.

Dark blue. Jlody elongate, narrowinn posteriorly (fin. -V-i). ]\ves on black patches, S -f S (fip. 84); the two inner proximal eyes of each side smaller than the others; the three posterior eyes in ;i proup apart from the five anterior, rostantennal organs (fip. ;U> elongate, suliellii)tical, einht or nine times as lonp as i)road. and four times as Ions: as the diameter of an adjacent eye; sometimes constricted near the middle, .\ntenna' shorter than the head, with scfimenls in relative lengths about as !»:1;):1(»:H». Sense orfian of third ;inteiin,il setiment (fifl. I{.')) consisting of a pair of slender curvinji sense rods, subtended by a thick chitinousridKe, and covered with an inteKumental fold. Fourth anteimal segment with subapicai i)ai)ill;i ,intl with sleiuler curving sensory setae. Second, third, and fourth abdominal scjiments sube<|ual in length dorsally. ( ienilal and anal segments coTiHueiit. bearing two pairs of spines (fips. :j(i. :\7). Posterior si)ines a little longer than hind ungues, feebly curving, on stout papillae almost half as loll}!; as the spines. .Vnterior spines similar to the jiosterior, but a little shorter. .\no-Kenital setjment with lonp stiff hairs jirojectiiin beyond the apex of the abdomen, which are simple in some s])ecimens but ai)ically bent and knobbed in others. Anus ventral. Unguis stout, untoothed i fin. :{S). rnpuiculus extendinfj half to three-fifths as far as the unguis, lanceolate, acuminate. ( 'lavate teiient hairs two, exteiidinn as far as, or farther than, the imnuis. Femur with a siiifile lontr davafe hair [i\fi. '^'^). Furcula short, appended to the fourth abdominal se(inieiit, and extending to the jiosterior margin of the third. Manu- brium stout, with several pairs of dorsal seta' (fip. 'M). .Mucin and dens not <lemarkated from each other. Mucro-deiites convergent, in form as in figs, 89 and 40; each with thi ■■ seta-: two dorsal and one ventral. Hand of tenaculum bideiitate (fig. ;{0): eor|)Us with a single stout si la. (Jeneral clothing of few short e(iual curving simjile seta' in the middle regi.'ii of each segment, with long outstanding simi)le sensory seta' in a single transverse series on most of the body .segments (fig. 41). Cuticula not tubercul.'ite, but figured. Length. l.S mm.

The term ./((/»;•('(/, as applied to the cuticula, means that the integument i.s divided into minute polygonal areas.

In two speeiii'ens the long distal hairs of the abdomen were simple; in one specimen, however, they were distinctly bent apically. with a minute terminal knob, as in my fig. :{(). Linnanieini ('12. |). KM), not having seen the-e clavate hairs as described by Schott, suggested that the appi'araiiee of terminal knobs was ihie to adherent particles of foreign matter.




('iniiiiliini Arilir Expi ilil nm . HH-l-IS

\< I.iiiri;iiii.ini i ' 12. |). HTJ) li:is sliowii. llif miuiii;)! d.-n-iplioiw ui Tilni- nintiulln'nilns,, l.V were l.iiscd upon two distilir' -p.ri.s: liuw kliowii r.MMTtivilv :is i»'lus„ Mii.l w,iU,,r,i,i. The >p.<ini.iis ihiit 1 li;ivr slu.lud Mfjnr acci'r;it.l.vwilli llif .IcMTiplinn mikI linuio ;;iv.'ii liy I,iiiii;imcmi ot \\\v hittrr

sp<'i'ii'>. ,. , 111 II

lie -ays tliMt ill I'iiilaiid 7". iriihUj,; in \\\ - uiiiiir iiii.» ami Ih'Iiiik. as well as uiidir stones, on tiir rockv siininiits of the inoimtains. wh.n' it may almost alwiv- 111' luun.l. not iiitrc(Hicntlv in (•oiisi.|i'i-al>ic tnimlicfs. Somclmus it can he taken al-o on tlie snifaces ol' pools of water. It has nia<le its appeal'ancc earlv ill Slimmer, l.eloic the snows have melte.l on the mountain tops. ( ominon as the species i~ oil the summits of the mountams. it is sel.loiii IoiiikI in th-

liiiiKer resiii"!. ''<"""'■'"''■• '"'"■'"^''''' '"''"' ~"''"''""'' ^""'''

V inilil,i,riii lias Imm^ii rejiorted from Norway. Sweden. I'lnland UKrtli ol the .\retie eirelei, Spitzhersieii and Hear islaml. and is e»entially .Vr<-tic in it> distriliiition. . , .

I'-oiir specimens lone -poiled \>\ dissectiom. on the siirlaee ot a pond in a swaiiii). Meinard haiKour, Northwest Teiritorie., .June 1.^. MM.). !• . .I..hanseii.


Folsomia quadrioculata IuIHm iiii. I'Liic .-.. fii:- 12 17.

Isalnnni ,,;u<lri,^.i,liiln Tullherfi. 1S71. IST'i. ISTH. Stuxlierii. 1SS7. rzel. IS'tO Ma((;illiviav. IS'.U. ISOI). Moiiiez. IS'.il. Schott, lS!tl. l(l(r_'. Dalla Tonv lN!t.-,. Heii'ter, IWt."). l.i.-l'etteiseii, lS!t(i, ISIIS. I!M)7. Meinert. IS'Mi Seludl'er IS'lti. I'.MHta. lltOOli. I'ojipe and Si haller. IS!),. l,iihlio< k, IS'ls' S.herhakov, IS'.tSa. ISll.Sl.. Carl, IS'.lll. MMIl. Waliliiien. ISMltl.. IdOOa, I'lOoi) l!»()(ia KMMil.. .\l>solon. I'.MHI. Skorikow. I'MIO. Kornei , l!)()la. Kiausliaiier. I'.MI2. \\in'\\. HM):i. IKO.".. (luthrie. I'.HIH. .\xelM.n. liMII. llKMi. Kvans. HIOS.

Isiiliiniii \Fiil.-<iitiii(i\ iiii(i(li-iiii-iil(il(i .\\elson. I'.KI.'ia.

rnh„ml,i ,i,i,i,lrlnndnli, i.VxelsoM) I.innaniemi. 1(1(17, llUMt. lilll. 1'.I12. ( 'ollilifje and Slioehotham. lino.

Dull Kiev to jrrevish hlaik, pigmented with lilackish spots ol irrejiular lorm. size and distriliution'. Small spei imeiis may lie white, or white with .Mattered MK.ts of urevish hlue. Larsrc speeimens are often Maekish. mottled with white, or unpinm.'nted, spots; pale across tli<' inti'iscumental regions and ventrally: with anleliiKe l<'iis and luaiiiihrium pijimented. and denies unpisiiiiented. hyes •> -(- •' itiji 42 I. one liehind the oilier, each with its >eparale pijiinent spot, the posterior .'Ve heint: the smaller. I'ostaiit.'linal orsrans (fifi:. I2i lony:, narrow, with parallel sides, curving, .\iitenme varying troni a little shorter to ji little lonner than the head; s<M(,iid .s..irm..|it a little loiijl-^r than the third; tourtli setimenl two to three times as loiit: .-is tlie first. Sense oriian ot third ;intennal seirmenl a- in fi^, i:!. Totn-tli anleiiiK'd -eiiinent with .-lender iiiivm>r -eiisory -efe niiidi like the other seta'. Hodv stout. Kourth, fifth, ami sixth alidomma sefimeiits ankvlosed; with a Ira.c of a ders.-d Mitiire hetwcen ll.e toiirth ami fifth -etimeiits. .Vniis veiitro-( atidal. rn«uis ^ti^i. Ill .-tout, curvmi!:, simp e, without teeth, rnnuiculus small, exlemlini: a little ie-s than halt as lar a- t he untriii- lanceolate, i)<iiiite<l, untoothed. Teneiit hairs absent. !• iircula append- ed to the fourth ahdoitiiiial segment, short, exK'ndinc .ilmost to the posterior margin of the second al.doiuinal senineiit. ^ranul.rium ifi}i. t.ii with two pans of venlro-apical diitinous hook- l.etween the h.-iscs of the denies Denies ihj: ■IC) -tout -lidhllv t.-iperiii};:, with a few crenulatioiis ne.'ir the middle of thedor.s.'il rejiion Mllcrones itijr. »ti) liideiilale; apical tooth hooked; anteapical tooth Usually larjicr than tiie oilier, erect or ciirvinn shfihtly torward. Hami ot leiiaen'o!! ,|!!a.lrident;iie: corpus with a simile stout ciirvmn' seta. ( lothinn: of simple -eWe iHtf. t7) of three kinds; (ll moderately Ions: stift' dense seta\

( Hill iiiliiilii

'.I \

~l;iiiiiiii: li;i( k\v;iiil: MliM'iit 1)11 llic ;iiit( riiir and |M»iiii(pr ici:iini> nl' llir iiiln-- mcili;itc liudy ^(•J:lll(■rlt^; \2) fewer >et:e. -iilieieel oi- ciiivitin loiWMnl ; i:i' \<>\\vi. -leliiler ollt^tatuliliu ^ell^(l|y >el:e I.eiiL'lh. 1 ') lulu.

'Hie ^|>(•l iiiii'n> (dllected l.y the llxpeilil ion Mi;ree '.villi my 1 liimpeMii exiiln- |ili'> of llie >I)e(ie~. i ,■ ii

/■'iilsdiiiiii 'iiiiiilrini-iiliilii oi'(iir> 1(11 ilMiiip miiuiiil uiiiier vtom^, wood or lalleii ieMVe>. ill liiiiiiii> ami in iiioj-s. under loo>e liark. in flower pil>. and on itie >ea- >iitire iimler driftwood. >ton'> or >e;iw<ed, 'I'lie >peeie> i> caMJy reeoiinized Ky it^ lnoad liodv. (Iiaraeleri>lic dirty urey colour ami slow moveineiils. When di.-turlied it s|)riiii;> actively, in >pite of its short fiircula. In I'inlaiid it wiiitir- full urown an<l <iiines to life now and then on mild days: never appe.arinti on the snow, however, hut reinaiiiiP!.' aiiionu leave> or in s- in the \\(iod> ^

nanicini. '12i.

This r.pecie>. one of the con.iiione.~t colleiiilMilan> III northern ami mnldle Kiiiope, has lieeii reported from the lollowinu: Antic loialities: Nova, Spitzlieri;en. Kinii Charles land. White i>land. Hear i>l,and, .Ian Mayen and (Ireenland.

From ('••inada. I have received ~pecimens recently from Mr. ( h;irles Mae- nainara, taken hy him in dead leaves. Oetolier. I'.tlT. at .\rnprior. Out.

In the liiited States, the species has heen recoi(le(l from MiiineM)ta liy duthrii'. some of whoM' specimens I have >tudied thiounh the courte>y of I'rot. Heiirv !•". Naihtrieli,

Mernaid liarln.ur, ^'orthwe^t Territories, on the surlace ol a pond, .luni' IS, l<tl.') l2 spi'i inielis). .Illly (1. litl.')il >peciiiieni. K. .lohaiiseii.

Isotoma viridis Hoiirlet.

I'liilc Ii, liuv 4s .VJ.

l.-<iilomii riri'll.< Hourlet. \SM. (iervai>. 1M4, Nicolel, 1M7, J.ilMiock, lS7:i. I'arona. isTU, |.ss:<. Schott. ISdl. l.SiM. I'.MIJ. Dali.i Torre. IMt.'). Renter. \S[Kk'elter.sen. ISlHi. IMIS. I'.IDT. .Mai ( dllivray. IV.Mi. Meinert , IMMi. -Schalfer, \S'M\. liKHta. UMIOl). I'oppe and Schaffei 1S!»7. .■^cherhakov. ISMSa ISMMi IMMl.a Carl. iN'.Ht, ll'OI. .VKxilon. I'.MIO, Carpinter and Kvans. IS'.tit. -Kvans, iUDla. HKIll.. Wahlsren. IMIHa, \SW\,. lllDOa, 1!MH)I.. HMHia. I'.tOtih. lltOT. I'.KHI. Kieffer. I'.KIO. Skorikow. IIKIO, W illeiii, l!M)t). Horner. l!K)la. VMi-i. HHHi. - Fol.som. I'.KL'. Kraii>l.aiier. I'.M)2, \ditils, I1KI2, .\sren. \'MV-i. 1!M)4. .Vxelson. I'.KIH. I'.MII, l!M».")a. HMKi. .\\elMMi i I.iniianiemi, I'.IDT. l!»0",t. Hill. mi'J. CiUthrie. 11M):{. Carpeiiler. 1!»(I7. ( 'olliiiir<', HMll. - ( 'ollinjic and .'shoehotliaiii. I'.'H). Shoeliotham. Htl t.

Is<il(in><i aidiildi ]U)\\v\<'\. \SW. (lerv.ii^. Isft.

Diforid ririsct iis "SiciiU'l. IMl. (;eiv,ais. IMl.

/>c.s(ir/'/ r/////((/r/Vv; Nicolet, l.^tl, (lervai-, ISll.

l)(.<iii-i(i riiiticd Nicolet. ISll. --( iervai-. IMl.

I)i-:iiriii iiiillifia 'S'\vi<\c\. ISll. (Iervai-. isH.

Disorid <'liriiis(i 'S'ui>\f\. ISll. (Iervai-, isll.

Disun'ii iniiiiiliitii \'u<>\v\. ISlt. Cervair-. Isll.

I'liihii-d rin'ilis Holirlet. ISl.'i.

I'liiiiird diniiildid Holirlet. 1S1;{.

lliliriildiiid i-hldnttd (iervais. ISH.

Isiitidtid ])( .■<nidn stii (ivryM>. isll.

l.-iildnid i-lnsc( ds Niiiilet. IS 17.

Isiildidd rillildlnrd Nicolet. 1 S4 < .

IsdUiidd ridticd Nicolet. 1S17.

Isiildiidi thridsd Nicolet. ISli.

IxdUddd dunaldtd Niiolet. 1S47. I.uMkh k. isTo. I'arona. ISSH.

ls<4",m dUijUrndd I.uhhock, lS(i2. !S7:^

10 a

Ciinailiiui Antic KximUlidu, i:>l-l-IS

Isolnn,,! ,m/-/.v(W.. T,illl.cir. 1X71. 1S72, 1H7().--1 /el. IMtll.

hntumn l{,lfn,,i<i VM-kim\. IS7:{. MuH liiliviay. l«»l-

ls.,to„w Irlrolor I'ackanl, 1S7:{ . part). -Mar* -j livniy 1 V. 1 M'^iIk

Isoloma i,i,ri>m;i^<r,ts I'ackanl, 1S7;?. -.Maclollivniy. is'.U.

Isotoniii iihnnhni Packard, ls7;i. -Mar( lillivray. IS'.U.

[.■villoma (■iii>il'>l" MacCiillivray. tS'.H).

/,s()/«m(( y/.n(C(; .Mai'dillivray, IN'.H).

('..lunr v.M-v -lark iin'.'n, «iv...i,sl. yoll.AV. .lull l.lacki-i:'. ml.iisl. i.iirpl.-. l.'ad.'i. pmplr or ilaik hn.wn; usually with pale .I.Msal si)ots. Witi.uut luiiditudinal lin.'s in tlu- typical tnin. si s swIuMpal (fiK. 4S). I'ostant.Minal ..r«aMs dm. 4S) luoadly cllii.tical, ..val,

'' ' •'<■'• I n , I I- i'..i. ,..-*. \i>tiiiiii'n


lilac, small Kvcs

,„. ..irnilar: shorter, to a little l.uincr. than the diameter oi a.i eye. .VnleniKP „ne aii.l one-l.air -o two limes as lonj: as the with semueiits in relatne |,.n,r,hs about MS l;7:7:S. S..nse ortran ..f third anten.ial sei:inen consist mn ,, ■1 mir of slender rods. .Mxlominal sejjmenls without ankylosis, hmrlh ;i,, ,ina seamen, sli.htly than ihe third I n.ues (h^. li»i lon«, slender, sli.d.llv .•urvin^^ with a pair of lar.'e lateral teelli, wi.h '""<''• ;nj>-« 1 i.lentate. and' with paraUel l.asal folds. In^u.culu.s extendinp two- itlhs lo w - I irds as far as wnnuis. laiu'eolate. uni.l.'Utaf the middle o the inner naruin T.-nent hairs ahs.-nt. F.ncula strontrly deve ..ped, appemled appar- ,.ntlv to the fifth abdominal segment. Deiifs .sl..n.ler. ^rra.lually tapering: „„„•;. than twi.'e as loll^' as maniil.rium, c.vnulat.. doisa ly, with a dist. 1 1. is .x,endin« beyond the mucro. silicones ifi,. '''^ =''-'•':>/'•';' 7' '3^^^^^^^ tri.lentate: sec.nd and third teeth opposite ea.'h other. Ham of t.-na. uhm ...ladridentate (fi^'. .-)1); corpus with numerous ventral seta- ( lothiiif: (fiij. o- i ;if llense simple or fe.'blv serrate s.-ta-. with lo.iK outstandl.m Iriimed sensory seta'. Maximum h'lifith, (i mm. (tyi)ical form): 7 mm. ^^■av archrnK

The specimens of this w..|l-kn..wn species ..olle.'ted by the Kx|)edit on agree with niv exam,.les from Europe a^'.'. the n.ite.l Stafs. but are un.l.T the n.aximum si/.'e, beinsj not more than A mm. m length. In colour they ar.' cleai ureen with i)ale spots, or dark blue. . ■, i ...

Havinj^ exaniin.Ml Packanl's types in the .\riis.Mim of ( /oolou> . (••imbri.lgeMass., 1 a^rree with Mact Hllivray CW>, p. .-^S) that I.^olonui Mrarin.

to rlri,li» ]?o.irlet. The Texas specimens, tor which MacC.illivray n-tamed the name of //•/(•()/<»)•, are /"(/('■•'''•/.v Miiller. ,■ „, i

Isotomn aipitoia MacC. is synonymous with vu;d>:< Kourl.. as [ ha%e tonml from a cotvpe sent ;u me bv A[ac( lillivray. ■,• i, i

-I'he form ivferred bv SlacC iillivray to <,hucn Packard is also cn-><U. Hourl.. and is specifically distinct from Packard's (//(H/ca. , , . , .„„.,.,

iJlown rlrullx is one of the most abundant collen.bolans is the laigist known species of its nenus in North .^ .nerica and Europe, an<l may easily !.<■ reco«niz.5d with the n 'ke.l eye. It belongs primarily to the t.una ot the Iminus, and occurs in almost any soil that is not too dry-.n «rass lands w.mds, sua np.^. „r cultiva'e.l fields-connrecatiiiK under stones, pieces ol wood, dead l.a%(s oi other protection, and in piles of carbaK.; or manure. It "'''■"^ "'"';;;;:;, ';' f water, <>.. the seashore under dnttwood (.r seaweed, an<l m umtei on

pools o the snow.

"' The'lvpical form of Isoioirn rirlili.-'. ranninsi throimhout E' and the

rnite.l States, in.'ludinsj .\laska. has lH>en n-ported from tlu- toll.,winK .Vr.'tic

localities: Siberia, Spit/.ber^.-n, Bear island, .Jan Mayn. Iceland an.l ■'T';" ;''';■

One si)ecim.-n under old drift-wood logs in tuit.lra behiiul house at ( olhnM.n

Point. .Alaska, Sept 27, l!ti:?. F. .Johansen. ., i at ic

Two specimens, under drift Demarcation |)oint. .Vlaska, -May Ih,

1914 F, ,lohansen. Hcvn'ud h.rl.oH-- X-rthwest Terri-

A lew .-pel linens, under Inu.-e ^toIHV. .IMUaiu ii.n..uii.. ->

tories. Mav. I'.tl."), F. .lohansen.

( 'iilli iiiliiild

Isotuma viridis v;ii. riparia Nimlii


iJisiirid ripiiriii Niculcl, IMl. ( Iciviiis, IMI.

IsiiIdiiio rijiiiriii Nicolcl, 1H}7.

l.iiiliiiiKi ikiIiikIiI.i viir. rlpnrin 'riilllicit;. IS7I.

[siilmiKi jKiliiKlrls Tillllici'tJ, I.S72 (pall).

Isiiliiiiin riridix var. iniiiatllls Sclintt. IS!) I.

l.s„lni,i<i iiriili.'< vnr. rijxTiii ^rhi>[\. IMII. IS'.Mi, lltl)'.'. Dallii Toriv. IVIo. - l{("iit('r. ISO."). Scli:ttriT. ISfMl. lltnila. -roppc ami ScliiilTcr. :s'.i7. l.ic-l'citiT- scn. IS'tS. -Schcibakov, lS<tSa, ISUHh. -Cari, IS't'.l. -\\alil«icii. isttlla. litlttia, I'tOtili. .Xhsol.iii, I'.ldO. Hoiiicr, ilMHa. \(>i«ls. I'.MCJ. .\urvii. i!H):<. 1<(()|. .■\xrls.)ii. I!»().'{. !!l().".a. llMHi. I.Vxclsdiil Liiiiiaiiiciiii. l'.M)7, l!MM», I'.Ml. IHIJ.

(iniiiiKJ I'dloiir y(>ll()\visli, niiTiiisli (ir lndwiiisli. 'I'iic priiuipal cliaiar-

tcristic of lliis variety is a daik l)lii Mackisii iiiciJiaM ijiirsal stripe. Dark

s|)()t.< on the sides of the l)o(ly sejiineiits may <ir may not lie present. Maximum ieli)!tll, .') mill.

Till' speeiiiieiis of /. rirliliy ri iiiirln collecleii liy the iixpeiiitioii are yellowish or K't'i'iii^h, pale veiitrally. with or without the Lateral dark spots .aiiil with the iiie(li;iii stripe complete, or fading out posteriorly. I eiijitli, 2..") mm.

This variety prefers humid situations, and is found iimle'' damj) wood, in moss, on the surface of fi'csh water, aloii(i the shores of ponds ,ir streams and on the seashore under .seaweed, driftwood or stones.

The variety rii>firiit niniies over north and middle Kurope, .and has heen rec<irded from .\rcti<' Siheria.

In Canaila, Mr. Charles .\[acnaiiiara has taken this variety at .\rnprior. ( till., in March and .Vpril.

Ill the I'liited States, the variety is known to me from New Hampshire. New York, N'iriiinia, and Texas, at present.

A few sjiecimens under loose stoiies, Mernard h.arliour. Northwest Teiii- fories, Mav. lUlo, I'". Johanseii,

Isotoma t,jlustris (Miiller).

riatc I'l, fig-- •')•> ."i7. I'luhirn iiiiliistris yiulU-r. 177t). (iiiielin, 177S-!t:5, - Hoiirlet, |.s|;{.

Isolomii jKihisln's I.uhhock, ]S7:{. -Renter, IS7() (part), ISIMI, ISlll. l.S'.l.'). Heiiter, I,, and O. M., lSS(),-"Tr.m()svarv, 1SS2. -Parona, INS."), I.Sd.-). -( )iide- maiis, ISSS. Dalla Torre, ISSS, ISK,")." I'zel, IWHI, ISill, I'artitt, ISOl.- Schott, ]S!>I, ISOJ, ISlKi, KtO'J.-, ISltfi, ISitS, llttl7. :Mac( iillivray, IS'tti.— S<di;ifTer, IS'Mi, ISHS. liMKIa, MIOOli. Poppe and SchillTer, 1S!»7.— Scherhakov. IS'tSa. Carl. lS!tO, IHOI. ( ■.irpenter and Kv;nis, IS'lit. -.Xhsoloii, 1110(1. -Honier, litOla, liKi'i.-- Kraiisl.auer, l!l()2.--.\nreii. I!t(«. Ciithrie. l<t(«. Wahlsreii, HMHili, 19(17.- ( 'ollinfie, 1010. Colliiifie and Sh<ieli<itham, 1010.— ShochothaliK 1011.

iMliimii Iricoliir l':ick:\ri\. IS7;} (part). Mac( dllivray. 1^01 ip.irti. ISOO.

l.iiit<}i)ia at/iKililis I,ul)lio"k, 1S7:5 (part). Paronu, iss:j.

Isiilonid Stiu-hiniii Tulllierti. lS7(i (

hntonin Tiillhmii Moniez, ISSO.

Isdtomii Sldxhinil Moniez. ISOI.

IsiitoDid a('7(/(;//.>i Mac(!illivrav, INO(i,

/.x(-/r,///(/,i/.v /»////.v7//'.< Morner, lOO;}, lOOIi. Axelson. 10O.'),i. 1000. (Axel.-on) I.iimaiiiemi, 1011, 1012. Imiiis, 1012.

Very variable in colouration. The typical form is yellowish or greenish with Kliic, purple or blackish pigment; iiaviiid a me<liaii dorsal stripe with ivn-iriilar margins: snid fretiiimtly l;iter;d spots, which may coalesc.' to form u stripe on each side of the bod\ . Head often with a dorsal lunate or anchor-

I J \

Ciiiiiiihiiii Aiilif h'..i jii ilil 11,11 . I'il.!-I^


-liMpcil ^|pol. \'.\t> S + S din. •>'^' >illir(| ; (i|- \\\,i inner |)r(>\irn;il eves (if i:i(h i;iiiii|i ;i litlli' >ni;illcr than the iillici>. I'u>I:imI(Iiii:i1 iiri!:an> lii;. 'V.\i iii'iir llic I'vo. ('lli|ili( al. >lii;lillv luntjci' llian. to twite ii> l(*nn ,i>. llie dianietei nl' an ailiaiclil eve. .\iitenna' unee ami nni'-lialf to Iwiie a> liilic a> the heacj. with -etinent> in lelaiive leniith- alicnit a- ;{;l:."i;ti. SeriM' iii(iaii "I thifd antennal x'Unii lit wilii a pail ul' linear feelilv ciirxini: >en>e ini|>. a tliiik lia>al nine, and iwii unai'd >ela'. \ ei y >h(ilt ciliviliu; >en>iirv >eta' orillf on all the alileniial >eiiineiit> a> t'(ill..u>: x'nineiit I. 2-">: 'J, .i-7 : :>. :{-7 ; I. I(l-I.'>. On the tii>t three ^e^lneMl^ lliex- are dii the under >ide iii'ar the di>tal (illtef end; on the fourth >e(iineiit they (ii(iir on the di^lal hall aloliji the onter -ide i.\Kreli. It'Ji. .Mesonotiiin aiino>l loxcrintj the proiiulmn. 'I'liinl alidoiiiinal >e>iinent .1 little lonnci than the loiirth lalioiil a> ."i:li. .\|pdoinin;il >eniiienl> wiliioiil ank\lo>i>. I liHlli> 'liu. "ill >loiil . eiir\ int:. with a pair ot' >niail lateral teeth, and with inner iiiary:iii untoo: 'mmI. riitriii(iilu> lnoadiy huneolale, with inner l,-iiiiell.'i roundly dilated lia>ally. milootlied a> a nili'. I'Ntendini; a little beyond the middle ot the unnili.-. 'reiieiil hair.- .-di-eiit , represented liy a ~iii<;le lon(i simple hair, [''nreiila appai-enlly apjieiided to llie lilth alidoininal M'Hinent. ami (•xtendmii to the anterior jionler of the ventral tiihe. Dentes twice a> loiitj a- maniiln iiini, slender, gradually laperini;, ereniilale dorsally. .Milcro I v.o-tliiuls a> lonii as hind iinnnis. i|iiadrideiilate ifin. ')'v. Apical tooth small, at the lia-e ol the .se<-ond t<ioih; second and third teeth dorsal, laice, sul>e(iiial. sulieonical. sliirhtly liook( (I, in iontjitiidinal alinemeiit ; lourth tooth lateral, ol)lii|Ue, acute, eNfmliiiK ainnist half the leiinlii ol the miicid. M.isal lateral miicronal seta present. I{anii of lenaeiihim (jiiadiiclentate itijj. .■)()!; corpus with many (fifteen or more) ventral seta-. ( h' clothing of aliundani short simple seta' ifin. .')7i. I.oim outstanding I'eatliered seiisor\- seta' (xciir on the last five alidoininal sefiincnts; tlietc lieinji one or two p;iirs of these on ea''li of the sefjmelils, and soiiietimes three pairs on the fourth alMloininal segment. I.entrtli. '.i mm.

J'ackaid's six cotypes of his I .■nitdiiin Irinihir. from \\a((i. Texas, in the .Mil.-eum of Coinpaiiilive Zoology. Ca iihrid^je, Mass., for wliidi Macdillivray i''.Mi, p. 4S) retained the name of Iricclar. 1 found to he iiiil'i.-<tris. In t!ie same tulie with them were ti\e specimens of lantiuiKi rii-'ilis. Irom S;ilein. Mass.

/. iiitiiKilis M;ic(l. is also iKiliislriy. as I have tound from a study ot a cotype sent to me by .Mai » ^illivray.

Istiliintu iiiildMrix hves in moist pl.'ucs. :ind is cspec iallx' abundant alonsr the edjjes of ponds and streams, freiiueiiliiis; the M'jielation in prelerence to the water, ihoiiuh il is at home on the surface of the water, w la 1 e it leaps vigorously ami repeatedly. The spei ies occurs on the seasho'c also, under seaweed, drilt- wooil or stones, and is sometimes found on the snow.

This is one of the dominant species of its order. It i- c osinopolilan in distribution, everywhere (oinmon. and highly vari.-dile in i oloiiration. si'veral \arielies ha\inn reccixcd names. The typical form of the species is known from all parts of luirnpi', finm ('anad.-i and the I'liiled States. .\/ores i-laiids, India, and .lava; the recorded .Vnlic distribution beiiii; as follow-: .'Siberia, Nova Zelnbla. Spit zberycn. Hear islaial.

Isotoniii palustris \ai prasina He utc 1.

I'l:,lr CI. lii;,, X\ .',7.

IsiiliniKi Slii.ilii i-fii var. iiriisiiiii Renter. INOI.

I .luliiiiiii jiiilustris v:ir. i.rii,<,i,ii Schott, lS!t4,- Dalla Torre, ISil.'). lieiilei-, IMt."). M;i((;illivrav. IS!Mi. Sc haffer. IMMl. IS't.S. KMIIla. IdlMlb. I'oppe ;uid Schiifrer. ISHT. Carl. IMUl, liMll. Carpenter and Kvans, ISiMI. W ;ililt:ren, l,S!t!)c. I'.MKib. Horner. liMlla. Kraiisb.'iuer, Hl()2. .\j:ren. iW.i.

I::nt:!nir, pi:' :: .:! ri s \al. pi::!'''it St hitllVr. !S!Mi. i'ottat. litObi. Ki aUsb;tra'r,


( 'iiih tfih'ihi

i;; \

l.^iiti}iiiiinis iiiili(ylri.-< \:\v. iinisinn Am-Nuii. PH).'>;i. HHHi. V, .-ililiifiii. I'.tl»7. (AxcUnii) l.iiiiiiilii.iiii. I'.Mi:. Kill. I!M_'.

^ ('llii>vi>.|| Ulccil Of |i;ili' \i'l|(i\vi-ll. \.ll\illU Miliiiii; ii» ililn \iHii\\i-li icil cil

lirii\viii>li; iliii(iil(iinii~, 111 Willi ;i I r: t llir ini'ijiaii ilm-.i! -lii|ic. I.cimlli :i~

(Ilf.'il ;i> I •") nun.

The »|)iM inicn- ((ijlri Inj ii\ llir ilsi ii c |i I |i iii mIc 111111111111 ulivr ulci'li jn

cdlom. willi iiiiicr liirciila. In ~iiiiii' -jicrnni'ii- ilic nicijj.'iii il(ii«;i! -iii|ii' i- rcprc^rlilcii. \;il',\'iliu lliilii m iiictc Iimii' In :i \Vcll-(|i'Vcl()|ici| Jini'. mi lir:iil .•il:! |iimI\ . Ill Mllnr ill^'.'ini l'> llic |lli-lcliiir Ihi|i|it» nf \\,r liiii|\ -cmnrlil- .III- ciluiij

iiarniulx' with lilai ki>li. Ma\nniiiii li'iictli. '.\ inni.

riloc >|M'rilll(ii-. wllii ll 1 reel uliliiii'il Id ii't'cr In I he --lici ir« jiiil iis!ii.'<. cjirici I'iciin ly|iiral Kiiiii|iran ami .Nnilli .Xinciiraii i\ain|ili> nl llir ^iirt ii'~ n liavi'iu inoic >l('ii(l;'i' iinuilo. r('i;i lively >linilci iniiiiiiiii'>. iiniilciilalr iiniiiiM iili. .iinl |iarli(ulai'l>' in lackintr tin' cliaiaili'ii^iir hinu liiniicil »cn>iir\ -cia'. I'liilln r- iniilr. ~iiiM(' lit' tlic lariic:-t nl' the iiiivini;' limly-^i'la' aii' ti'i'My .li-nl i' iil.alf. In (illiiT ic-|i('( t.~ llic .-|M'iiiii('ii> ayirr willi jiiil iishi.-, a- i> i'\iilrnl liiiiii in\ tiu->. ").'! ."i7.

T' ' varicly \iro.^iiiii lia- liccn ici (irilnl Irnin nnilliirn .ami nmldlr l.niupc. Hi'-liiairk arcliipi'l.ann. .>ilirri.i. Nn\a Zcliilila. ami l-illc-inric lalnl.

Maii>' >piaiini'n>: nii pnml- at Hcrnaiil liailmiir, \nilliui>l 'I'lirilniic-.

.M.av 2."). I '.I Mi. .1 Hi. IS. ■2:>. .Inly '.i. i'.M."i: nmiii- iliiliunnij. I )i'iiiaii .alinn

pninl. .\la>ka. May Ki. hHi. I'. .Inlian-in.

Entomobryu compnrata, n. -p

V\-A\i- 7. Iili-. .'is i;:i

'riii.« t'niiii, like inn.^i oiliri >p<'cic.^ nf it.- jicnii>. varii'> greatly in cnlniiiatinn. 'riiniinh till' cnlniir v.aiicl ic- inlciui'.ailr. I lia\c plaicd llii'in in the fnllnwlnu three }ji()Up> I'nr tlie piirpnx-- nl' dexiiplinn :

'I I I'ale leinnii yellnw. imliidinir antenna' ami leji,-: fiin iila while. Kye- .spnt- liliick; nl>n lia.-al anlennal riiisi and a t iaii>vei>e li.aml cnniieil nm ihe eye- spi)1> ami the lia>e> nf the :inteiiiia'.

t'l\ I.einnii yellnw. with lilack anlennal v'\\\\i> and inleicciihir li.'iml, and lilack median >iiIm|(x cnl ic .•~pnt liehimi lheeye> ititr. ."iM. .\iial M'^nienl lilaek dor-ally. .\ni('ni!;e puipli-h di>tally. \.v\i> and tiiK nl.a yellnw. 'I'lii- i> the (■(llnlnnne^t lolin in the (n'leetinn.

(;{i ( ieneial enlniir lii(iwni>h >cllnw. tainlly and niiniih'lx innilled will, pijiinenl. Se);ineiit> linidered liarrnwiy with lilaek, a- wi'll a> the pn-leiinr linnler nt I he tiiiiilli alidnminal se<;ineiil. a.- in liy;. .")'.(. .\nal and m'u;- ineiil> lij.aek dni>all\-. Kniirth -ind tit'lli .alMlnniinal -eijiiienl> wiih ;i vaiialile aniniinl nf piiiinenl veiiliall\. V\v>\ .•intennal M;(;ineiil lilai ki>li I'einainiiiji ^el;■|llenl,- lilaeki>h. I''etiinia and liliin-tar>i pimneiited and the manuliiiiiin dni>all\-.

i'lve- S + S, unequal ili^. (illi. .Vnlenna' a little innre ll'.ali twice ,a- Inij; :;> the h<'ad. with .-eiinienl- in i'elali\c leiiulh.- .almiil a> t : lll:'.t; 11'. .MHlmninal H'(iinenl> in relat'' ieni;lli> a> K-iil'.l:! 1 ; |l):(i: t. I^'miith ain|niniii;il -itiinent tiieretnfe aliinit three time.- a- Innn a> the third. I njiiii> (fin. til i with .i pair t^i lateral teeth and with inner inariiin Iriih'iitate in prnfile: all three leelh lieiiifi; ailiiall,\- (hillliled. hnwe\-er. riljiilieiiluf. eMendillfc. a little lieynml the miildle nf the inmui.-. Iiiiiadly lam cnl.ate. >imple. ( )lie clavale telieiil hair. Delite- nne third Innjjer th.aii inaiiiilirnim. .Miicriiiie- half a.- Iniif; as hind uiifiilieiili. nf the Usual I'nrm lli^'. ti2i. liaiiii nf teii.aenlilin i|iiadrideiitale ; eni pu> uith nne -Iniit (anviiid >eta (fifl. M\. 'ieiieral (Inthiii}; nf den.-e slmrt i iii\i'iii friiiy;i'd -eta'. I)nr-um nf liead ami Imdy with deii-e clavate friniieil -e1a\ le— .•dmndant nii the- la.-l three alidnminal -eminent-. Anteiina' and leys den-ely -etarenii>. .\ few

!ii!;ir |!j!iirij ,cli-nr\' -e!;r nil IM- ;i^ ll--l|;d I,e!iy,l!l ! 7 IIIHl

14 a

Ciniiilirni Arclir Exix-IiUkii. i:il.!-IS

^'''■'•"::;:n,:;'l;:'ns'un.l,., .1,.,.. 1 ...> ...n,!.:,, l..-an.„ AWka.

''^'\;;;.,v'ip;.Ji;..;'s'';:;;::"- ."..>-• - ^. '-■ '• ^"■" "'"■

t.Mi.-. M.iy I'.M.V 1".;.ns.>ii.

I.opidocyrtus cyaneUH TnlH" ri:.

l'l;il.- 7. Ii«v (.1 tm •1- III .. r W7I IS7'' ISTCi l{«lll<l. 1^~''- l<<'"l«f.

,,„.,...„..,>..,. ISO.;, is,^. " ^., -,':^; ^; ,;j^,,|„ ,„,„.!iL,.,..i

,.,,,3, l!,..., li.(),-^. I'.HM.. ■^«7%, ;;,,,'; SmIO^V I.i„na.,

.. . - IIMIT. ( 111 imn' .'111(1 >ll(l('IH>ni.llll. i.'i".

lltOT, litll. lOl'J

S'lo- rz.'l, IS'.tll. Piiriitl. isitl.- (..iilmr. 1 tl.5. mS7 l/cl 1890. 1 sill, 'roiiiosviiry. ISS...

^;;;;:;:::;:!;;;';:i;";!::s;-S; ™^^^ ■• ■--■'-^

]S.Hi.-(.\vclMMii l.i.Miiini.'iiii. litll' WMlilun

1SS7. Hciii.M-. ISOO,

SSS. ( »Ulll'MKIllS,


l,i("-rt'lti'isini, P.*(l(i.

Walililirii. llMtS

Dark l.i.u. .1.- v.nli.t wit . .n.lcs.vnt .<• 1 > '.,',•„.,„,, ,..,i,,.,v; first

vollow: fifth =Mul sixth ahiionmial >'■«'■"">' J " l ' ,ni pn'scit. Th.'

v.'llow. Naiiow y.'llow 'am

„,„.„ v.'llow. Nain.w XV''''^ ■"'',■ v. U, M.'so....t...n

„n,„jr„i..n....i .virions may h.' uh.t,. '■'^'™ ';,';'" ^.J^nt-'lv ov..' th.. li.a.l.

Kyos .fiir. .it> S -^ S .„. -la.-k 1'=^ ■„.,',; „' „'on.-hMlf I......-- .h=...

„.o„„ sM.all..,- tha.i .1- . h.->. -i ' I .,„..„„al s...,.i..„ts sul,...,

he:.. I. .Xiil.'iiiial lia-^.' lila


th.' IK'M... .\."H ■'■'■■- , ... ,„.„ ,i,;,.,l, loiiti.r than th.'lliir.l. i hcmis

i„ l,,„th; f.i....h -.'...-•... ''•;'■-':;.,','-.',. two pans .,f Min.T ....'th. th.'

ifisr. ,;,-„ with a pair oi lait:.' la.< . 1 ' ^ V; , , h^m . rM(r..i...h.s na.Tow, ,,n.xi> ,.air l..i..t: Mt th- '7;''' '''';' li"'" ,,!•.' h. .. far as th.. u.i.uis 'uhla.i.M.oiat... po.iit... . ..... ..X ... .«...' ,,,. ,,,,.,

iw, .1.;>.,I i,..,ii- aii.l almiil halt as ial o.i t"< "i ' "' .,, ' ,■„,., ...

on th.' thii-.l pail-, ami a

!„„.as.h.'thif.l.'l....«.'. ^^_^^^ ^^_^^^, ,,..v..l.,p.'.l

l,.,v..,l .pin... .Vnt.'iio,- .-.■jrion ot h,.a.l "'» V, f T v.t.' s.'ta. .Xni-'.i- An;:' ...M- l..,r.l.'r of tn.'.,..-..-.... with a "•--;;•-; ; ^ '\ i i a sH;... D.'...- „,, ,.,,s ami J- j;^;; :'-;-.); 'i,;;:; >,,.„„tn,.n, a.i.l ,1.'....'S ^^lir^nual ;s;m...:^.......'.•'.l.n^^^^ ...'...'1..

< iilli inhiilii I -, ^

TIlc plfccdiiiu (li'xilplii.ii i> Ipiixil ll|i<ili ijllliii'loii. -|iii iiiiiii» III lyiniMl /,. villi II 1 11.1 tiiiiii iMiriipr :inil I lie riiitcd Smio.

I'lickiinl'- /,. Ill, lull, rii.s i> i|ii> >|htics. i- I li.ivf tiiiiinl liv ,i >iuilv i>\ lii> riiivp(> ill llif .MiiMiim of ((impMr.'iiivi- Zim.Iuh\ , ( Miiiluiilm', .M!i>». i"

Tlif >pccimch> iif llii« >pc(ic.-. (Millcclcd liy llic i;\|Hililiii|i jilr :ill Ivpiial ;ir» ii^jinl,- >^tni( i|ci;iil>. lull iii()«l of thrill :tir iitvpicnl in ic-prci in coluiiialion. 'riiii>. ill ii hcMvily pitciiii'iitiMl spi'i'iiiii'ii. :il| foiii'aiiiciuiiil MmiMiit^ arc villi.w : anil liin>I of ihc ili'iiliiicil >piriiiiciis ari' olivacfous. llir ctfid of tlir yellow iiioiiiiii coloiir ill I'oinliinalioii wiili miiiiitc ^.p(ll^ of \iolci pimiiiiii.

/,. vijiiiiiits i> piiiiiaiily a ^pciio of the Iiiiiiill>, lull oniii- aUo in nlhii -iliiaiions, as iinilcr loo>c ilcail Imik or in ino-s. Tlic >piiii> i> i oniinon nnilii' -licks or stones on the uroiiiiij, and is often found on .-oil that i- loo dry for the e\i-lenee of eolleniliolalis without seales.

Li IHiliiiiirliis iiiuiiiiis has lieeii reported from i.oilhern Siheria. (Ireenland. ino-l parts of Ijirope. the liiiled State-. Africa Ktrvpl. Kanieriiii. (htiikiii i;a>l Africa! and the Hisniarck archipeJaKo.

Nine specimens, iinilc- driftwood on hiuhei, di\ tund/a, Demarcation p<imi, Alaska. .Ma\ Iti, Id! I, K. .loli.iii-cn.


Sminthurides aquaticus Hourleti.

l'l:ili' s. tic-. (i7 7.'.

Siiniiiihiinis iiiiniilinis \K\,\\y\i'\. \S\:^. l.iililiock. lN7:i, t |.S>7 I'zej. IS'.M).

Siiiiiillnirii.. iiiiiviilis lieilter. ISM). Le\ander. IMU.

Swiiiillninis aiilcdlis r/.el, IS'.MI.

Sihiiifliiini.-' iiiiniiliriis lieuter. IS',11, ISll.'i. Scholt. IStM. I,ie-l'etter-en IMMI. IS!»S. Schat'fer, ISlKi. I'oppe and SchalTer. I.VtT. Scherliak<iv IMlSa I.VtSli. Carl, lS!t<t. Krallsliaiier. I'.HI'.'. Kvaiis. MMIS.

Siiiiiiilhiiriix aniiciin Folxini. IMMi.

SiiiinUninix iSininlhiiriilist nijiiiiliins Hiirner. 1!M)0.

I'riisiniidhiirii.-i iniuiitinis W'illeni, IIKIO.

Sniiiilliiiriilis iiijiiiilii-ii.i Ui,vt\fv. Htdla. l!i(H>. Aiiriii, IlKW. .\xeiron. I'.tOI I'.'O.-ia. Wahltrren. I!lllti;i. Htlliil..'etterxn. I!i(l7. lAxelsoii) ijnnan- lemi, 1!H)7. llHMt. I'lll. ntl2. ColliiiKe, l!»l(l. ( •ollmite and Shoehot liain. Htlll.

(lelieral colour .\cilow. Iirownish yellow, meeiiish. ro.-e. or \iiilet. liye- -|>ol,- lar(£e. lilack. Kye- S -f S. two in each lil'oiip lieiiii; >maller th.aii the others titr. ti7i. Antenna' iiiiiple, -liirhily lon^rer ili;in the with toiinh -enmeiil lint -iilisesiniented. Antenna' of male with -ecotid and third sejiinents tiiodiaed to lorm cla-pins oi(;an.-. Alidon.ei: >ej'iiiented dors.'illy. I'n^iiis of (ir>t and -ccdiid feel ititr. liX) slender, with inner inaruiii unideniate a little lievond the middle: iiii)rniciilii> extending; two-thirds as far a> the iinuuis. lanceol;ite. acute, " ilh a siili.'ipical lilament as lonn. to twice as loim. as the claw proper, and exlciid- llii; rilicii ;, Ijitic licyuiid the unguis. riidUes of third feet ifiy. (i'.li I liiee-foiil I lis :i> l"ii- as tho-c of the other feet, slender, feelily ciirviii);. uithout teedi; un^iii- culu- exteniliny- not <|iiite as far as the unguis,'idly lanceolate, imloothed. Willi .iiiical fil.'iment exceeding the un)jiiis. 'reiient hairs ;ili,-ent. Tliiid liliio- ':ii-i with a peculiar di^tal .sense orjian ific tii'i con.-islinn of a pair of -lipper- -Icipcd structures, with a .-tout .-eta exteiidin(r lieyond the tiliio-tarsiis, \entral lulie . niittiii): a pair of short rounded sacs, Fiircuia reachinji lieyond the nioiiih. Denii - tlirei' times as lony: as iiiucrones. Mui'rone- coincificnl, spoon-like in Kciieia! liirm ,(ins, 7(1.71 i elliptical from ahove. wiili stout piuniented midrili, and tliivr colourless lanielhi- as follows: ill inner dor.-al. with radialiiiti rilis terininaiiiiir in maririnal teeth: i2i outer dorsal, with faint radiatiiitr rilis due to doisal ridjies. hut with entire maifjiii: WU venti-d lamella, narrow and entire. ]^:>.>:i\ \:i<:-f:,\ !,,ii.r.->n:il -<'t:i jircsent. itami of icii.-iciiiimi ! .-idcnijitc itiy;. 72:;

n. \

r„„.<J-.n, Arrl,.' /■,./..'/,/ , //'/;■/>

:;::::;::';:i';:::':,.;;;i:';-«-'-ivVr, «

Smint1u.rUk.s ..K,iK.tici.s v,, K-vandori linn, .


.,,i-i..'in.i, I'.Mrj.

H:, \vl- I'""

I iiMiT I'.'ii'.", I'M I

Snnnllnniis ,„,nah, \.il. ('"//- l!,„nri' I'."

II / ,i,,,,iit,( IK \al . Iiiinnh ' ' l>i>l Hi i . i.

,,.Hr'Nv;:i;.t-^. !;•-'.■ "-•'•■ '■^-' ^'""■"'

III I > i I 111 I' I III' t \ III! :il toriii

S^:::,;::;;.i::::l;:x;;:;'"i;/K;;-;:i;'- ^

, -,.v..|m1 um>>. 1" 'I"- «;""; r i , >• ii l.Mni.t.T, <«•'. IhIi-

;::rr;;;;;;:';;::it,::;'r"='"''';-'^^ ' -' '

■Sdi anil I.cvanil.T ( '.>ti. . , ,,„ ,iir miiImi.' ot thr

S, „,„„/;,■.>. l.k.' til. ""'"■'.^'"■' '^ ' ' ' ,„ M livtv Miau.M.,. nWHIU <"

Mn.-,|..aU,.,,>ut.M.|UMi.a .^.^^^

':.^^''',;:;j ;;::;:• ir;,:^ .:";;:'.>":•- •'■•-'7 "- -■'"■' """'"' '"





lrf>!i water

S ',„,,wln-Hs i^ a .■uM.iim,, .p.'.i.'^ u. moM |

,;,il-uf Kun.P' •""' '- '""""""

>, iiininni II.-- i^ •■ - . , ., ,

aUuinMia.oimvt-.niw^linl.'. >ta-. ,,, HiMna

Ill liai

l.iiur. Niiilliwr-I

, ^^|,,,^ 1^ ,,„)(!, StiMi.- 11 j.-Kv„lllrll -.Mill

i;i;ri.iM.N« 1-


,,1- .1,11 ll'Mii'ii ... - c.ii,.,,,!,,,!.!!

... , , ,, „,.,, ,,,„| ,.,iii.'.- Mmi.-..ii::'i'" .1.1 (..::. niiM'i

T I >■, . . .til I lilt. 4 H"! K-'Ul' 1 UM'l " 1...—

,|i,> (iMtiiiiii; li'iiii.l'.iiiyji"';^'-' "

■A.,.1 \n/. -1, PP ■'•"■'' ■'^'

HI. I 'ill

|-':,iuia Su.l--^.'li^^'' It'"-

nil /.i-ii. ,,1 J. PP 1 ■••'>

,, ;,„li„.|„.C„lkMilM.:., \rUi\ ,''•' . \,;,V '; ,„. (■„l|,,„|„,l..|,-l,.r,ii.n :.u

Vav''-'' ^''''^^-J::';;; ^i!. a;:'.':,:.-^;;n:rs,.'Jn....- -v .a,-i.i v,.,.->..,

,„:',. \W\n-.-'A'- /ui K.'"Hii" .1.1 , ,. I, ,„

1-...1. Mil 1:. nl , , , - V , , iii.'i-iiliiln.l'.'li ' I'P''"

.„.i , ;„|,,,. „„ M.,1 .MliilMM, ^...^^.•lI■ n . in;:t-:nn.n.n. Ill J.'i. PI' '■'"' .^'

...,.i:"Ul. r,,,|..,,i.,..|.n.u,linn,.i,,,l /...;l_A;:;:VM^^

i.H)i> H.Mtriiii zia-K..iiiiini-'i;;H ':"■-''•;; ■"■:,.;■

rmiiKi l-l'»-:i IViimrii. vol. -N. N" - PI' "-

Ciilli ii(l"ilii


II lUIK'll. |{ S, I'.tlt I'll.' lillll^li Spi'ii.'- <fl III. I..IIII- 7W/.r.l>.'''W/> ('..||. III. .1. I.. Ill

h..iili . \<.l 'K |>|i "i li .iiiir, < UtiMt \< iliK.' Niiitlii'ilniiK xiir S\.iriii.iiik ill .Mii..ii|iiiii.|:i.- I .illli , iii.ti.«.. I l.-r.' .!•- (iniii- .•<./.ii.»/.i. ic l.iiir /<Kil All/ . J ; iiji lii.'t ..1\ IM'llii /.111 Ki'iiMllii^ ilir Aplirvuiilrii-I'aiiim vtiii Hiriiii'i Mill Nil \.i Ui.iii.'ii.

Mil 17. |1|1 I III llHIIIi Ni'iii' i iiIIi'iiiIm.Ii iiliinii.'ii mil />ii N.iiii.ii. I iMii .1 i < '..ll.iiili.ij i l.nlili /.»il

\ii/ \..l -M. |i|i iitiii TiJ ».' IiImt .111- \iitiiiiiii| III .1. r ■ n mil .li.' -y-i. iii;iii-. In- Si.lliintf .|..f (iiiltmiKi'ii Tiliiiiiiiilhilhi S.-lmii mil .l.f.i'. » I ii:ir I /..».! \ti< , '.'."i. \i\< !•.'-

I Hi

IM!»:t NiiH- ;iti«ilil|r|ii' ( 'iill.-.iiliiil' II Uiiii rkmmiii /iir S\ .i.iii:iiik .l.r I-..1.1111111.11

mill l:illiilll..lil\IIirll .Sll/li < .. » .|;il 111 I I Uirll'l, |i|. I.Mt Isj

PMNi |>:i. S\-i.'iii .l.r I '..II. Mill..! II Miiili S:iiiirli Mil- lliiiilmm. Mil .'I. |i|i 117 iss H..iirl.i \i.V.\ Mi'iiiiiirr «iir Ir- l'.i.liiri- M.iii «iic -.i- am .111- l.ill. |ii l.|i|i .177 117

|s|:i \|i 111.111. -iir I.- I'.iiliir.lli- -.m am . .i.- N.irl S.|i l>.iiiai. p|i I 7> I all. . I IVHI I .Imt -.liw.l/.rll-illi' ' '..ll.iiil"il:i K"Vi|.'" Z.i. .1 . ' li. |il .' [iji .'7.1 -lii.'

rill /,«rllr; H.lllali /.I'l l\'lllll 111- .|.'l I '..ll.'liili .ril'.lHlia 'Ifl .m.|/ li^MI.' .111

/,.... I . V..I 'I, |i|. ■.'!:! .'7» * ai'.ili. I'. I'M) I'liiiil <'<il|.' r.i.'..>lii ii.'lla l.iliia iialiiiiia Ann .Mil- /....I li I iii\

.\a|Hili ill - .. Mil I. |i|i I III Caiii.'iii.'i. (I, II lvi7, 'I'll.' ('.ill' Mill.. I.I ..I Mil. Ii.l-i'.»ii ( iM' In-li \ ii . \.,l r,. |>|i

■J.'."i -j:!:! r.i;HI. Colliliili.ila fliiiii 1 I iii/-.lii-.l' l.aii.l .>i I'l...' IC S... Duliliii. vil '.I 11 - , |il :i,

|i|i 2~\ 27s. I'.xC .\|ili'r.i lri»li N.ii . li'i. pp M 'ii'i i .iip.'iil.'t, ">. II.. ail. I Kvaii-. \\ IVi'.t Till' < iilli'iiili'.l.i ami rin-iiiiiia ..( tin- I . liiilHiriili

l)i.'<lrirl. I'mr II. I'liv- So.- ImIimIi. m.I II. pp JJl -''Iti I Mlliiiir.' \\ V, l!tln Tlir la ina i.f tin- .Mi.ll.iii'l I'lal.'au Hiiiiiiiiiiliaiii \ 11 lli-l .>.ii-

S.p. pp I It I .illiimr. \V, K . aii.l ,>li.irl).illiaiii, .1 W . I'.'HI 'lli.' .\p:.TS k .l:i "i ll.ii f ir Mm :■ I. .11111

liimi , vol .-., pp .■) l:iJ !>alli-r..ri-.'. K \V. V. I.S.S-S. |)i,. rii\-aiim-.-ii Til- .1- r.Til. Z.iiv. -it :!. :i.'. pp I 17 liiU |N'i."i. l)i'' < iattiiii|£i'ii mi'l .\rii'ii .l.r \pi r\ ii.iu.'ii.-.i I'.raii.T ><\i p; I'r.i! k k .■'i

( Iviii lMii-!iriii'k, pp I '.'I I, van-, \\ . i'.HIIa. S..iiir It nl- .if t '.I' .imi 'rtiv-..iiiira tr.iiii ill.' I'is.l.' .\iim .■«

\at . pp l.'il I. '17 I '.HI III. .\ I'r.-lmilnarv l,i-l uf I'lTlli-liir.' I ■ .mil 'I li\ - iiima 'Iran- I'.ti li-liir.^

Sii.v Nal Si . ;i. pi :>. pp I.MI l.'i* |.i|-.illl. .1. \\ . IS'.Hi. Nrw Sllivlllllliri, ilirlil.lllllj MviilliTiiplllliill- .\||..illr .<p.'ii.'-

r-v.ii., 7. pp »ni 'i.'io

I'.H)'.'. I'apiT- Ihilii till' llaniiiiaii .\la-ka I'Ap lilinii. .\.\\ll A|i|ir> unla I'm.-.

Wa-li .\rail S... v.. I I. pp s7 I Hi. IllHl. N'liilli .\iiiriiiaii ( "iilli Iii' lii-.'.-l- III til' Siilifaiiiili •- ,\.li.ii iiiia.i. . N.Miimin.i'-,

ami I'lnlminar I'm. I'S Nal \lii-. .'lU. pp. 177 .V.'."! iiivii-. r. ISIl. Ill Wali-k.-iiarv: !li-l'inv naliin-ll'- .ir- ii:-iti.- .VplT -. v.. I :i. pp.

.177 l.'iii ( .iinllii, .1. I' I7XN 'M. Ill l.inii'': .-iv-l".iia Nat' .■ I 1^!. Mil I l.ip-ia'-. l.iitlinr, ,1. 1;. •I'li.'C.illiniliiili .1! M -.ii.i. li.'pt. t^'iil N:ii Hi-' Smv, .Minn . Z.1.1J S r.,

N.i 1, pp I 110 II rv.A.r 1. IstC! A N.» Aili.inilis. Km. Ni'«s. vnl. 1. p|i 1 vj jsl Inrn-, \ I) I'll'-'. (1,1 .Siiiiii- ( 'iilh-mli.ila fr.iiii Imlia. Hiir.iia. an I < 'rvliiii; willi a ( '.iialimiif

..r ihi- Oni'iii .1 .SpiTii's .if ill.' Oril.T. I'm.-. /, .<ii.'.. Lui I..11. pp nI IZ'<. KhiT.i-. ,1. .1. PI'MI. H ■llr.atr /.ill' Ki'iiiitni-- .liT nni Hil-i'!i vnrk'nnm 1 Im t i.llf n!, i|..n

-111 Z.alv. vi.l. l.-i. 1.1-, I ■-'. pp ll-i 111 Ki iii-liaiiiT. T. I'.NIJ. UriiiMi;.' /Ill- Ki'iiiilm- il.r Cilli'nili.ila in .I.t I iii«i(;"iiil v.m W .ill. urn

a. I,alin. .S,ml :il U.-r < HiitIii--^. ( i -. Nat llrilk, ( iii— rn. pji ■-'.• MM l.'A imlir, K. M. IVtl Kimni'lii- Hc.liai-litmiK.'n iili'i Si>,n,ilmr;< ,ii„,;ih< Iti-ui.r.

.Vctii .-i.ic. Kailiia I'l.ira r.-;itii.-a, v.. I. 'l N'.i. ',•, pp I 10. l.i'-l'-ii.Tn..|i. (I. .1 Is'.tii. N.iini- C.illi'Mili.ih. linn.'ii- Mil-. .\aili..i'«. Nil » pp 1 J I

'M.s .Kpirrvjjiin.'iira in S.njii mil Ni.vilfjiir.l 1V,I7 11. IVts .•iniri-..! li li-iti-n- Mn-,

.\arli.ii(;. No. li. pp IIS. r«t7. Ziir iMiiiiini- iliT .ViitiTyK.itcnfiiiina il.- mU'lli.iii'ii NmiM-um- -- liDni- o -Mn-i-

11111,- .\ai-lii'M 1. , .'s, pp. .'il -711. l-iiina.M-, C. I7.VS. ,«;vsl,iiia Natm-aiv I-'. I. X, 1 . pi 1 . pp. ti'ls :i Id. Iliiliiiai- I.Hinaniiani i .Vxi'Isiitn, \\'. .M . Hi:i7. Die .\pli'ryy..l.'ii-lamia Tinlan I-. I- .\llu" ni"m..r 'I'nl.

I Hi pp. I!.l-iin;i'..i-. lilO'.l Ziir K. inliii- ilrr ( ■..llriiili..|i'n-f.imia .Irr llalliin-fl K.iimi Jii I li ■nai-li!. iri"l'

'li'liivtr. Ada S,,.'. I'aii!.:. l-j..!:. I'.^iiiii.-.-.. :i;!. N.i. J. pp I 17

."iKi'.tT 2

,,„„„/,„. .\r.h. h:r,„'l>ho,>. r>l.{-IS

'** * V . II, rm II- M'i» A»r»"'*'' ^" '■

Kill /iir K'l'iiini- 'I' r \p" rM«'" , ...

PI' ' - . . I ,.,1.11,1- II S|»/i.llir I'll \"i''"

l(il> Dir \|>i'rMt'>t"' I "•'"'"'" " ' ,1.. v.,1 '.l

' :J;'ik::\C\ ' ' '■■■ "'■■""■

- .- '^;"rrt:;;;xi:«"ls:::' 'trz~.ri:'\^^'- . - -

'••"•;•'';, „.„ A.u.,.l..KU...,nl..Tl.> .n...fN..r.hA....r...


^ -'■ \s^:.^r{'-^i v\ '" > ' ■: "-

;:;'-S:;i;~'ui.^.K,r.5.. ..-. - '■

^"■"''■'' "s.'^!. v.,1 .^ pp. > ;;- , ,,., „,,.„., ,„,r.., .1.. ,l.. 'n.v. in. Ann

U.i.l'iiia"-, ■','•'-', .;..,,„„.,, „f ihr ll.vwiiuini '•[ I."' \ <""">•

l',iikiir.l, A > 1^'» I . ' , jii ,-,1 n„v.,i.-liirr V"-""- ^''^ "'

/'Vvll T:';^V^^-^^^^^ , •lV,un..r:.. In.... 1)--'-

. ,HH^ >\|''''7:, "t's:; '< ■m'a.vol. IS. PP t^< "•«,, ... ,„., ,...1 2V PP :l^ -'■

_ ,ss.^■'r^.^:;':..:..;^■■■^.y-...7.:ll,--!l-rTl.;^;:^r;l;..:^^ •■• '-•- •^•'"■ """"• ? --if ^F^li:^r•n,u:^...l.!i.^:n.F'^i^.vI:; ^ ,„ s ^ ^ ■•'

IVtl l'...l..ri.lrrfni.. nonlv > r.>"in.i..

:iirT'A.;n. ....--«"• "'-•'^"-^"^■■■^^::r;:.-

^" !:r ::.B: „?tS.»t^'f»i». •- •- v < ^..m... ' - '

■■■•'■■■ I- » 1 . I T

1 S*J .1. is'.'l H-''[i!«V''''s ■•^^

llnicli. vol. 1-, No. >. I'l ' -'■


- - ■•••■'•■"• iilH' II U' > ■>>'l'i'lt ' II «< MM lUlfOltM f,tntl

.\nr. . vol JA, lip .V.':l, .V.'l \\:ililKriij. !•: IVKhi llriinia /.iir iMniilni-- dii < 'i,llriiil„,lM.l .miii 'U-, iii—iiiri Si Inn n lint IhUki . Mil ■.'It. |i|' l^:i |!i:t

IS!l<rtl I iImt .III' Mill .III Si li«(.||»i|ir|l I'lihir l\|icilll|iill IVIN l(i-.,iliilii. |i. h I, ,11, III-

iiiiliii <lfv l\ \ii -Ak.iil liiili . Mil ."Hi, Nil I, |i|i .l.l.". .(lU IVHIi- Oil •Miliir .\|ili.r,Mt"Ki'li'a inlli i Iih| hi llir \.ilni..|ill:i :iii,| „, Tnii,-. i.|„., |,\

Dr !•: l.iitiiiliirK. (»lv. K Nil -\k;ii| Inrli ,!■: v.. I .'ill, N.i s. pp sl7 s.Mi \'M%>A. ( 'iillrtiilMilH. walirriiil ilir «rli«iili»i|irii ( iriiiil;iiii|^i'\pi'<liliiir IMMt uiit .Imm M.iwii

iiMil 0-|.(;ri.iil,iii.| 1 iiiiii-Mimiiili Ofv l\ Vit-Ak.i.l Imli, miI .-i;. No t. pp

:t"iM :i7"i MKMrti. !', iliT Hiirrii-liiMl Hili K Sviii-k.i \ ii - Aki.l ll.iihll m,| Jfi

Nil, 11. pp .! s •MH>:x Ciilliriiliiihi Iniii 'riirnr hippiii.iik mli iiiii:i:iii«.iiiilr Irakirr \.u\ I iij-kr Mil

L'7. pp. JPt JMI liKHjIi Sviii-k iii-ikllaunii Ijil 'I'lil-kr , vnl. JT. pp. ^Xi JTll

UNIT ( 'iillrliilml.i friilM till' _'lli| I'lalii Kvpi-illl Inn l.S!tS MH).', pp 1 li. I\ri-ll:illl:l. llHts .VpIrrVKUKinia I ( iiljiiinliiihi \\|.« lirnrli -rhwiil zimiI Kvpnl Kiliiiialiil-

jalii, ilr , pp I III I pp-al.i l!HI1» MainUka f.ill.iiilinlir Km . Inl-kr . Mil :ill, p IMI W ill. Ill, \ . I<MM) Jill hir. Ills Mil- Ir, ( ■illinili.ili > ii li- Tin ,ai n - .\l. in . mir .\lii.. mu .

rlr .\lail my. Uiluillll.'. vnl .'(H. pp I III l!H(J Noll- pii'liiiiliiairr -iir li- « 'olli'iiili.i|.-> ilc- (irnll.- .ii- ilaii i-l .1.- i(.>i-|ii-lon .\i n.

Soi- i-iil IIi-Ikii|-ii , Hi. pp JT.'i JVt




Md'.t;— 2J-

2(» A

('(iiiii)liiin Arclir H.rprditioii. lt>l.i-IS

i:.\l'l,.\N.\II()N oi ri.ATKS All Ihr l,«mr> rvr,.,,. \„,. M.. JO. ,i7. 70 at„l 71 arr IV..„> si.mmm.m, ,„II,.,„.,| |,y ,l„. Ia,,,. IiMum.

lift. 1. »

"i. 1

s. it,


I'HTK 1.

I'ixliini luiuntini. rialit liarnl fixil. X :i:;7. I'lulum iKiiiiitini. (Icii'^mI :is|>i'ct <if Irl't iimini, X .".77 I'mliini iiiiuiilini. Ict'l iMuiTo, X .'177. .\il„„'iti» liilllxriii. fvry ,,f |,.fi >|,|,.. X .".77.

.Uhnr.hs l"lll"r,r. >r„>,. ,„-«„ri of thinl anirniml m.^m,,'!.! „i nu.\>i >i,lr. X iH»S Arhiii-Kt,.-, tulllnriii. ruihl niiil limi. X .'177 \<-liitriili.-< lullli, 1-1)1. Icl'i iniici-i., X .■)77

.Xihnndrs hilllii nji, riiilil iriiicni, X .">77. Achiinil,.^ Iiillh.iii,. iiiucni, X ."i77, Aihnriilis liilllitiiji. anal spines, X !II)S.





i:. ir, 17.



I'l \TK J

.\,l„„;,l,s hillh.r,/!. linliT anal ^piiic-. X ."i77.

Arh.irul,.^ .s, „.s,/,.., pci>iarilriiiial nrcaii .iii.l m., (.v.> of si,|,. X .-i77 •'■""'"''•■' ■•""■-■'"■ S.MIS,. oru:ins of tliinj ariti'inial sckim,.,,! of left sj,|,., X .-,77 Achiirnli'x .■<insilis. \c\t I'lriil looi . X :il 1 . Aihiiriiliy ,<,/,.v/V/,s riKlii miicTo, X 077. Ailiiinitis .„7,.<//,.v, ||.|| iMiiiTo, X .■,77, A<h,iriilr.-i siii.sili.-<. left anal s|>ini>, X .■|iiO.

Arh,„;,l(s .s,7<.»/Vm. cl(,i-.sal seta' of ..^ccon.! al,il.)iiiiiial H'.Mncm X •>'I7 Arhnrnti.i iiiilii-i,^. sciisr oryan of lliinl anlcnrial si jii'iinicii, X Itos

(lini'iii of lialii svW. from a Kiiroiiran

L'O, ,t.7„„„/,,. n„li-ii-<. (|.,r, scl-.r of sivoirl ahiloiiiitial Mien. X :i.'!7.

■(■liirjcni. from a liuroiM'aii >pi.ii-

•j:l Jl


I'l. VTK :i,

.Ii7/.,n//,,- „nii<ili(.-i. left posL-iiitctinal iivjr.aii. X .Mi.',,

Arhnnil,.- iiniiiiliix, ij^ln for,, f,,,,,. X :ilt(l

Arhiii(il>:< (iiiHiilns. left nmcro, X .■ill.'),

Aihnrnh.-, (irimiliis. left spine, X .VTi,

Arl,„nil,^ nrmnliis. ,lor-al n-Xxv of first alMloininal -irnjeni, X •JIC, <>in/,hnini.-< ,l„>Hlrrimini,irliil,i.-<. riylit X .'i(l."i 0„, /,■„,„■,/,- <ht„.l,<,,„i,„,„t„l„.., p,s,.il,|or,.ll, of ri^rlil ,.„it,.iMial lia>e X ■•<).-, ,,,vr ,„„■„,. ,/,„„/,,„,„„„■/„/ „.v, sens,, or^an of i Inn! aniennal s.^.m.,,! of lef, si.le, X SOO

I )„,,,/,,<,„.. ■h.n.lnnnpuwMlu.-,. ,lorv,-lal era! as t, ,o sliow ps,.||,lo,vIli, X .V,

Oiii/chiiiniK ,hi(iiliri)ni,ii,„lfih<.-<. Ivfl liinci fo(,l . X .Vl.",,

I'l.ATP; 1,

liH. :il. (h,!/,l,,un,^ ,lu,„l,nmii,i,„i,il„.^. rialit anal spine X li:!.",

■k 7' inlnniri! '''"'' n''' '-"'w' ''"'"^'' ""^ ' -"'"'"I ^'''•l'>'" M-..M,en,, X -.o.

t.i. I > fifinitifht (In irnh/i/ri ti/ . / (_*,

.;il. r,tn„„„lh,ll,, ,n,hh,rn,,. ..yes an,| or^ar, of n^lit s„le, X -.'.V.'

..... I.U-,,,,u,l,,IU, .n,l,U,r,,n. .en-e o,u,>,l of lliu',! anlenrial .-eun„.nt of i,.f, .„|e X S>.-,

■it. /''"I'V/,,//,,//,/ ,/„/,/,„,„,. eMreilMtV of all.loMlen X I S,",

:i,. T,h„ni„!l„ll,i „■„/,/,„■,„;. ,|or-al aspe,i of anal spjn... X 'CO

Ki«. :!s. :!'.'. 10.


I.i. II




I'l.ATK .'.. Tilninn.Unlhl n;ihl,ir,l,i. left llinij foot, X .",().•,.

T<lni,,i„ll,ill,i unl,l(iniii. fniMMil.-i anil, X .',l)."i lilnu„„ll,ill,i fitihl,/,;,,,. ilorsal a.^pert of nnieroijenlev X .■)ir, hlr,in,„>l„ll„ ,n,hl,,rnn. ilorsal seta' of first .il.ilouiinai semneni

h,ils,ii,n,i ,/,„i,lnw;il,il„. eyes anil posianteniial of left miIi

A ,./.M,„„„ (j,ii„/n,Hii/,il,i. >ense ornan of tliiril ar.lenn,-,! seL'tiient ,

/■i/i.M.//,,,/ ■/fHiiln,ir,ili:l,i. ritjht liiriii fool. X .lO.-,.

Fol^niiun ipdi.iniu-.ilnlii. portion of fiinail.a. X .■.().■,

A„/..,.w,„ ,y„„ lri„r„l,il,i. left aspeei <,f fnrciil.-i. X ■.'■».-,,

/■•,U„w„i .,„„./r,„r„l,il„. seta, of sei-oiHl al,i lonii„,i I segment, X ■_>!•.->

, X ■-■!•.-,

■. X .-111.-, f riithi ^nle

X sj



21 A

1';: 11.

Fi(J. 4S. fsofiiina nntlis, eyes ;iti<l |M»tMMt('Miial nr^an of Iffl >nU\ X In")

4!l. ImiloiiKi liriili". Ii-ft liiixl fiiol, X J!*.").

,'y). tsntntiiii ('/*■/>//>, Icfl Miiiiio, X tiii").

51. Ixiiliimii ririilix, left aspi it ol tciiai'iiliiiii. X Iv'i.

r)2. Isittntnti nriftis, (iorsjil ^^til' (if third ulxloiiijliat scyinciit

rtii. I stthunti juittistns,

r»'4. Isiihnnii ittih'.^ln.'i.

.")"». I stitftiitit fHihi.<lri.-<,

5(i. Isotinntt fHihislfts,

."i7. I sitlitimt jutluslris.

iif Irit >iilr.

(■\t-s aiitl piistaiitctiiial or^aii

Irft liiiiil fiKit. X t<l.").

left iimiri). X M't.

left ;ts|>((t of linaiiilmii. X I'M.

(Iiii>al sr\[.v (if siToiiil alMliiiiiitial scmiiiiil

I'l.ATK 7.


X lllti


Htilnitiiihri/ii ninqmriiiii. tloi>ii! pattern nf ln-ail. X 77.

Kiilttitittiinjn riiniimrnhi, to A\u\\ pi^i)H-ii1;itinti. X iil.

KnIinntiUnjii tani imnttii , cyrs (tf rijlhl >i(ir. X 27S.

Eiitnimihi-iin nniiimnitii, Irfi liinil I'luit, X 17.").

HnliiiiKiliijin (■iiiniHiiii'ii. Icit jiHicrii anil I'liil of ili'ii.'^, X 7 IN.

Klitttntoiinjii nniiimrtitil. li'ft a.sprri of tf'liai'lliuiit, X '-^7 .

1.1 iiiiliH-f/itiix riiniii IIS. ryes of left siile. X 'JvJ.

I.t ftitliinirhis njdtii IIS. left hiiiil foot. X 7 IS.

Li iiiiliirt/rtiis iijiihi IIS. Ii'f! aspci't of left iimero aiiil einl of lieii-

X 71S.

l'l..KTK S.

ati 1-1-

I'iy. *>7. Sininthiiriih s iiipnitiiits. eyes of left .^iile. X 400.

lis. Si/iiiifhiiriilis iiiiniihnis. ri(!lit iiiiil foot. X 1010.

ti'l. Siiiiiithiiriilis iiiiuiilinis, left liiml foot, X 1010.

70. SiniyilliiiriiU's iiijiiiiliriis. ilorsal a^peet of nulil iMiiero. X ."ill

71. Sininlhnriili s in/iiiifl'-iis. left iituero. X ."ilil.

72. Siiiinlliiiriili s 111/1111111 IIS. rl>;lit ,i~peet of teiiaeijliiin. X ti7.{.

Ki(£iires (17, 70 ami 71 are from .Ma-nuelmsell.i .speclinens

T^^^ -"^sj*

22 \

Canadian Arctic Expedition, l!)lo-IS

I'L\Tt. 1


*~ ^ O O O o o "^

**^^^3t2i. '"' *• •""


23 a

I'latk '-'







» a





I "



24 a

CiliKididn Airlir Kxiinlilloii, l!ll.i-IS

I'HTK 'i










25 a

Vl.\tT. i


Cunoilian Airlic Kxiiitllliini, }!ll.i-IS

I'lmi; "i


27 a

I'HTK li






2S A

('ainiiliiiii Aivliv Hfiiiiliimn, l!>l,i-IS

ViMt 7

Clllll idIiiiIii

•_>!• A

I'l 111: 1



w, roi^AM



'"^^TJ"*":"-' 'z:
