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Maps, platos. charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axposura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod; Laa cartaa. planchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant dtra film4s A das taux da rMuction diffArents. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour dtra raproduit an un saul clichA. il ast film* A partir da I'angla supiriaur gaucha, da gaucha it droite. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOTY RESOIUTION TIST CHART iANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 21 ■ IS 12.2 _^ ^^lPPLIEg_|fVHGE_Jn ^^^ '653 EasI Main Gtfee^ ".^= l"6) 48J - 0300 - OBone ^S ('16) 288 - 5989 - Fa. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART C: DIPTERA Crane-flies Mosquitoes ....... Diptera (excluding the Tipulidae and Culicidae) C. P. Alexander H. G. Dyar J. R. Malloch SOUTHERN PARTY- 1913-16 ij 670 1 ■'•» I :■; C2t V . !"'>;' ,,1, .1 OTTAWA J. dc LABROQ- "RIE T.'VCHfe PRINTER TO THE KINGS : . T EXCELLENT MAJESTY I' Issiirrl July Ulh, I91<). REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME III: INSECTS PART C: DIPTERA Crane-flies Mosquitoes ... Diptera (excluding the Tipulida and Culicida:) . C. P. Alexander H. G. Dyar J. R. Malloch SOUTHERN PARTY- 1913-16 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIK TACHft PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Vol. iii ~46%.3 -1 Issued July 14th, J919. ^ i t t c / V II II II The Crano-flies collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. My ClIAKLKM r. Al.KXA.MlKll, I'll. I). IVTIIODI (■•|l,.s Till' (•' 'lection (if tranc-llifs iii:tii<' l.y the ('aii.'MJiaii Arciic KxiM' is «|iiiic cxtci. IV', iiiiil iiii-liitlcN iiliiiiit KM) -piTiiiii'iiM (il ailiills. larva'. .iihI |iii|m-. The lyiM'M and uniciucs have lii-on placcil in llic Canadian Naliimal ( '.illi' ' certain (if tin paratypcs and duplicatc.-i arc retained in the collcclidn (if llic author. The present report han lieeri divided into two treneral portion.s, the first on the ta.xononiy of the adidt flie>, the second a con-ideration of the iiiinia- ture staues and the liiolonical data secured liy the collector. Mr. Frits .lohatiscn. The material repre.-cnts as satisfact(n-y a collection of Arciic .Vinerican Tipiilida' as has yet l.ceri linmnht toKcther. The ilinerarv and jteneral narrative ol the Southern Division of the Kxpedition has lieen recortU'd liv Dr. U. M. Anderson (|!)I7).' II niBLIO(iK.\l'IIV. There have heen rather numerous .speci( s of crane-tlies descrihed from the Cunadian .Xrctic Northwest, the more imp( rtani reports on these c(dlecti(>ns heiiijt as follows: — Kirby. Will., (IsJIj id the siip|ilrMii'iil tdCiipl. I'lirrv's Hrst Vdvimc (|csH-4(m) I have .li.Meuss(^l I.,«.w'« Hpecies and their |,.-e-l^Mi<.),l .Imribed most of the lamnobiiiue eolleited bv KennicotI and al.«o (I.H7tl) TnniUi licMiUi, from Polaris Imy, Creeiiland, at about S> d(Ve<'s north latitucie eolleclcd by Dr. K. Hes.sels in IH72. ' Borgroth (ISMH) described several new species mostly from Sitka, .\la.«ka. Most of these were rediscovered on the Harriman exp(Hlition (see Co(iuillett). oton (1H!);j) (lescribed Slygrroins hnf/rolhi from .Mi'..-), two Limnobii'ie crani'-Hies coUect ■-flies of the Pribilof Lslands, now in the collection f ilir cruiii 'ly ritiiiiit iif till ('iiniiiliari Aniic NottliwfHt iiim\ I Ittaiin'il. Tlii' f«|).(it« arc tiliiumt, if mil all, foiiiif iiiliii' loliMiralioii Imiwiix nr kitvm aixl iiionI i.f llinn arr i.f ximplf. priinitivc ui«aiii^ilii>ii. A (•i.ii>i(|iral.l(' -how iimiiistakalilc hinn.- of ilcKciiciai y in thi' wiiiu^. ilii:< r tniliiioii hfinii paitiiiilarly' in the I'lihilof i«lancl<', wIkmt fully half »( tin known .N..i..s have the wiiiKK more 01 lr>s atrophi.d In llic prrrriit rollrriinn, iwo oC'ilic l.iniiio- l>iini' forms sliowcil the tir-l slaiirs of wiinj-atrophv, l.ut all of tlic ten Tipiilinr MH'.ics art- fnll-winKi.l, Soim of llirs|«Tirs of Arrtir I' havr the head, the Ihoracir intervals, the pleura, roxa'. ete., clotheil uit|| an aliumlaiit lonn, ereit pultescence. Many of the Aretie crane-tlies seem t of the species taken ilsev here In the Canailian northwest iwitli the possihle exception of Trlchoont). Similarly, the collections of the JIarriman expedili.m anil the present collections show that the species are in lartfe part very local ill their ilistrilitilion, the natural harriers of miiuiitains ami larue water-l.oilii-s huvinu proveil a very etiicielll check u|>i n their ilispersal. In the present co|- le'-tion there are a total of sixteen species, only two or thri f which have heen fiiuml el. '.'where; of tin -c Tipula iintii-a ami SliiiiinipiK jiiiith are rather well- kmiwn .Vrctic Aiiiericaii -peciee, ami the Trirhnnnt is pmlialilv Mularctic in its ilistriliulion. The collection that i- reporteil upon in this paper is consliiiiteil as follows:— Hhijiihiilit - Ti'iihiH'Wltitl' Trirhnrltil Tii'iiliilii l.ittitittftiinit' ~ l,nnufimin . Kriititttrini. LittitiiifihihiH I'liliriiiii. Ti/Hitniti — Tifnihtii. I >nninottn/itl Kriii/ttirn LimHojihiltt Triiiiiihiiiin Sti/fii rofthH \i iitinihunil Ti/iiilii I »|M'('il'S. sprilc- The jjeiieral lemlencies of ilistrihiitioti of crane-flies in the liitfli Arctic renions are will shown liy the aliove list, the nmnipriwnt Trirhiircrti. a ilominance of IViliciine ami Tipulin (lenera, with a sinatteriinj of l.linnobiini. Krioptcriiii ami Limnophiliiii. The extensive trilies Autnrhiin and lli siitumiiii (in the strict .sense)' seem to he entirely lacking .so far as known. The /'tiirhopUri'htc are likewise lacking ami the sinnle recoril for the Tiiniiilni.lir i /'nitopldsii) \s iinsatitjfactory. Ai>ri,r Fi.iKs. Family TIPULID.*. SuWainily LIMNOBIIN.«. Trihe I.IMXOimSI. (leiiiis Dicranomyia Stephens. Dirriinoiin/iii .■rt; wints nearly livalino, with a larfje. oval, brown stinma : Sc ... remote from 1 he tip of Nc, ; w\\ JirM .1/., closeil : fomora yellow, tipped with luown. ■ CoiicriiinK liic status of the Irihr 11, .n,t,„ri„i. rciid the rcimirks iiinlci- tlii. Kcnus I'fMalmtiilii. luige (MMl. < iiltii -Jllix .'> C FkmaI.k. I.i'IikIIi, .'i'.'i mill.: winu, ti-H imn. Himlrillll Mini |i!il|ii lilark. Alllrllllil' liluck. llic litlr'tll tlMUrllnr >i'KliH'lili ^l M'Uliicut cIm!!".!!!' II' lI •I:ii k-<'ti!t)lini|. .<('iiliiiiri'i| in llic i.\|m\ |hiiIimIiI\ ({ir\ |>iiiipii»r: plnii'.'i Ki'i'.v |iniiniiM'. IIiiIIi'M's rilniit, piiir nt tlic li.')-)', llii' riiiiMniili'i' liinwii. \.*'Hs tt ill llir ciixii' ami lidclianlcr^ m'IImw; IViiiuim (lull M'IIiun. llir li|>« lnoailly liriiuii, miiiii\vi-l III! the I'luc iVimira, lnnailcr on tln' im-iriinr IVinnra; liliia- aii'l lar-i vitv liulil luiiwii, tlir lirmiiial scumriii- "I tin' lalirr ilarki'mil. \\ iiiif> iicailv livaliiii'; ^tiKiiia laiyc. t.val. Iititwii: vciii" lii'ii\ III' N so that Sc, alonr i* al>oiit t'i|iial hi llir liar-al (li'tli'xioii III ('((,; .S('i rml.x juf*i o|i|iosit<' llic oiiuiii ol' Us : r at till' lip ol' U\\ l{x al>iiiil Iwiri' Hfi loDK na tin- liaj-al ilrllrx'oii ni !{,■.. rrW Jii'.->f M. cio-cd; lia!«ul ili'tlrxioli of Cii, at tlir fork of M. AImIoiiii'ii ilark lirowii. prilitiim', thr pleural iiiti'KiiiiKiit ami tlic >-'ll\T^i of till' ovip'isitor yi'llowisti. Lo.alitv: llnlolvpi'. ., Nome, Alaska. Aiii!ii>l 21, J.'i. MM' i oliaiisi'ii). No. 7S. Ill till' cloiiKatr .N'('i tliii spcrii'.s siiuncst^ h. hnlti rnhi Os,, .i-Sackcii, luit tliJH i.s alu'Ut till' onlv feature that tlic two spcr-i's havt- in common. In oilirr r»'s|K'cls '■ 'ciiiH closer to I), iniiiiln Diclz' from 'I'altsoii river, .Mackenzie ili«- trict (iiol '.ocker rivi'r as st.ileil in the criuinal ilescription ). Imt it is a miicli ciiialler fiv ami the details of liolh colour ami venation are ilitTereni, Tr'ie KIlloriHIUM. ( leiius Eriuptera Mei^en. ."p. (iciieral colouration dark lirnwn wil (trey pruiiiosity ; wintis very loiin ami narrow. M.\I,K. I.ciinlh, 11 mm.; vvi..i;. .")• I i .... Hostruiii iiiid palpi Mac]- .\Mt'. .lue Mack, the flagellar secmeiits ov;il. Head dark (in-y. Mesonoliim hrou" more (ivi . : i, en the sides; pseudosutural fovea' con- spicuous,, I i.mi . IMcir;. •' ill jrrey. Halteres rather elonpite. hrown. I.ejis dark lirownisli I .. throiiiihoiit. W'inns ver\ loim and niirrow showintj the first .staijes ol atrophy althoiiuh ihe \enalion is normal; nieiiilnaiie slinhtly suffu.sed with lirown : stitjma indistinct : veins dark lirowii: vena;ion fl'l. l.fiji.'J) the veins are all very elongated due lo the nre;it narrowing of the wint;. Alxloineli dull liiey, Ihe secmenis indistinctly paler caudaily and here with frillies of Idiin (joiden hairs that are more sparse elsewhere on the surface; male hypopytiium with Ihe pleural appendages slender, poiiiled at their lips. Locality: Ilololype, ', Mernard harl>oiir, |)ol|)hin and Inioii strait, North- west Territoiies, .Vii)iusl 17. I'.U.') ( F. .lohaii.sen). No. lOl.'i. Hetidily distinnuished from all other memliers of the genus liy the lolin. narrow wiiuis. Tlu second anal vein is straight as in the suliKeiiiis Aciiphinia to wliicli group the species may perhaps he hetter referred, ' ('iiiiiiiliaii KiilciiiiciliiniKl, viil. 47, ' .. ;i;!l-;!;i2. fin-, Oitolnr, 191."). ( un,„lni„ Arctic Exi>c,liti,w. Wl.i-is Till),. LIMS01>linjsi (i<'ni..sLimnophila .Mar,|„art >mI,k,.,i,i, Dactylolabis Oslin-Saikcn, l>i"l!iMnhis {)s\vu.^..,.\^,.,,. 1,,.,,. ,■ , , ■<)W, the Limnophila .Dactylolabis) rhicnoptiloides, n .„ '■•'"(•lal ,.ol.„i,ati()ii black dust,.,! uitl, „.. • , .';'...^!s:""i,:;::i !:al';;.:;;:M:^;;;:;rt.!t'^ -^V-";" '■'-^- •"<• «- « /^/'/c.././//;imsno;ta;;;;;;airahllhH!;Ml:'''^-^^^ '" 'V>-, "I""i<- tl... na,.... '" nun. (lark Drown Crane-flies Hostniin and palpi dark brownish black. Antenna' black, the flaKclluni broken. Head small, dark brown, somewhat paler laterally. Mesonotal praescntnm pale brownish urey with three dark brown, very distinct, stripes, the median one broadest in front, narrowed behind, anil endiiij; before th<' suture, very narrowly bifid behitid; lateral stripes shorter and narrower crossing the suture and sutTiisinn the sculal lobes; scutellum and postnotum dark brown. IMeura dark blue-nn'y pruinose. Halteres linht iirown, the knobs darker. Lejis with the coxie sjiarsely pruinos(>; trochanters dark brown: reiniunder of the legs very dark brown, oidy the fore femora a little l)ri(;hler at the extreme base. Winds subliyaline: stifima rather indistinct, pale brown; -4 darker brown spot on the r m crossvein and the basal deflexion of vein l{ 4 ^r,; vein Cn indistinctly seamed with darker: veins brown: veniition (I'l. I, fij;. 4) crossvein r near the tip of liy; vein U \ + -, a little lonn type are badly broken, but otherwise the specimen is in nood conu T"":! """ " '"■■■■— "'-■-.,:..«.,«, ""itinfT tlu. Lno ;,ii,i r//,,,/,, tyjios. ^ '''"'""' '" "atun., in .son,,. Stygeropis parril ( Fvirhx ) CrTT"'"" "•'-'■■" ■— v™. 1. '^ '" • I'alj.i short l,l.,:kr,"'"^''^'^-^ "''''■ Crniu-iliiH !) <; a >ui>()val fiiittciicd lolic, dull yellow in colour, slijilitly hroadiT at the hasc than at the tip which is obtusely rounded; the outer face of the aijpendage with sparse, short, scattered hairs; inner i>leural ai>pendaRe (F'l. II, tic. '.'4) a large, l)ale brown lobe, flattened, .at the ti)) produced into a long, ciirvecl ])oint that is slightly expanded at its ti]), the inner face with almndant lonj;. pale hairs. Ninth sternite extensive, a dee]> split on the mid-ventral line, the margins closely aj)proxiinated or contiguous. The following ten s))eciinens are in th<' collection.: Localities: Nos. 4;{4, 48."), 48(>, and 4:{S, west of Koiigcnevik, Camden bav, Alaska, ,Iulv 4, l head light brown: antenna- short, the flagellar segments with an inconspicuous transverse ridge before the middle, this bearing a fringe of short, pale hairs; mesonotum greyish yellow with a narrow, dark brown median line, the sternites and pleurites clear, light grey; abdominal tergites with a broad, dark brown, median line; wings reddish brown; ])etiole of cell Ml very short or lackiiig; jiile on the body short, not cons])iciious as in piirrii. M.\LK. — Length, 14 1.') nun.; wing. 11 12 mm. Pali)i short, dark brown. Frontal i>rolongation of the head light brown, short; nasus distinct. Antenna' (PI. II. fig. I'A) dark brown segment one elongate, transversely wrinkled; segment two cyathiform; segment thr"e elongate, broader distally; segmei\ts four to seven broad basally with a trans- verse row of i)ide hairs befctre mid-length of the segments, on tiie ventral face with one or two small sincules; terminal segments gradually attenuated. \'ertex greyish brown, with luiinerous black bristles that are lacking on thi' median line; vertex jiroduced forward on the UK'dian line into a tongue between the anteiuval bases; gena^ with numerous black, bristle-like hairs. jiraescutum yellowish grey, brightest before the pscudutural fovea', the three usual thoracic stripes not distinct, ,nly a \(r\ narrow dark brown median line running the entire length of the mesonotum. Dorsal |)leurites concolourous with the notum; sternal |)leurites and sternum clear light grey. Halteres dark brown. Legs with tiie coxa- clear light grey; trochanters brown; femora brown; tibia" similar, darker at the tips; tarsi dark brown. Wings with a strong reddish brown tinge, cells C and Sc more saturated; stigma brown; the membrane along vein ('i< more greyish; venation (I'l. I, fig. S) Ha elongate: cell ,l/i sessile (as in the genus .\< phrnloinii} or very short -])etiolate. Abdominal tergites reddish brown with a broad, distinct, dark i)rown, mednin line; caudal margins of the segments less distinctly brownish; a narrow, sulilateral, brown line; extreme lateral margins narrowly dull yellow. Sternites somewhat similar, the basal two-thirds reddish brown, the apical third dark ' Kansiis I'liiviTsity (inartcrly, vol. 'J, i). til; IN'.M, I H) ('(iiiinlian I ,;/,,■ /.• ''""■"■■1 .■.■.i..i, ,1 ,, "■,-■" ;■' f»ii..T , „,, , ,""': i""i«T,„„ ,;„;/ '; "■ v- » -".r '^^.-y f "=;^::7;i;t s?"-"""' ;n;;;;;;i;r^ *" -^ •"'*'^""^ .-'■ -'.i-'; ISO,, ^'ephrotoma arcticola. „. (' ^""'3 arcticola faiiitiv,),, ;'"'"'"• of th,. ,1 ''•'"'i"l<>-lack: lat,.,-..i --r.i, kii j/, ,s,..s,s |,. ••'PP.-n.laK, J> ' ' ';.'"'" I".int that ' ,•„, "{•••■•'"•I, Anclv j,, t"' ^ -''ape,], ■'■ -""--^^^^^im^^^ """••''•"' "'ivo,! slightly Crdiit-fliix 11 . (lorsiid. ICiKlitli sicriiilc with tt-.c ciiikIiiI margin hroadly coiicavc. llic lateral audit's hcariiiK small tufts of hairs. The female is similar Imt of a less heavy huilil; the alxiominal termites iiave the same orange-yellow stripes on either side of the hroad median area, these most eonspiciions on senment.. three to five where they ai)pear as l>ri)jht triangles. iiOcality: Holotype. ,'. Bernard harhour, Northwest Territoiies. .Inly 1-14, 1<.»U) (F. .lohanseiij." No. 42."). Allotopotvpe. ;. .lulv. .\iisnst, 1!H.'). No. S2:{. Paratopotypes, five o', }, Nos. 41!», 4-2!t,'.lnly 1-14,' l!tl(i; Nos. .S21, S2.">, and S27, .luly-Au(just. VMr). This intcrcstinti .\ri'tie .\( iihriitniiKi helonns to the s;ime uroup as the J'ala'arctic .\ . prdliitsls (I.iiinu'ns) and .V. *(iu" ( Hiedil) and the \ . ixniiinhni Alexander from the liijjh mountains of Northeastern North .America. I have seen specimetis of a species of this same firoup from (Ireenland that are close to priitnisi.f hut seem to represent a new species. ( ienus Tipula Linna-us. Tiimlii I.imuiMis: Syslciim Niitiirii', edition II). p. 'tS'y; 1".")S. The present collection included seven species of this fjenus. the oidy des- cribed one oeiii(i the common and api)arently widely distrihutecl Tijiuht (irvtini Curtis. I expected that 7'. jiratoruin ICirhy' woidd lie found 'imoiiKst the material hut such was not the case, there lieinn no species having the antennal scape yellow. The only species in this collection with any yellow on the antenna' is T. lUllaca which does not afiree at all with Kirhy's rather imsatisfactory description. Tipula johanseni, n. sp. Aiitemue hlack: head (irey, along the inner margin of the eye hroadly jjaler; thorac' dorsum with four dark lirown stripes; wings with the tip of vein li-: pale, suhatrophied: crossvein //( obliterated hy atrophy. Mai.k. —Length, IIS mm.: wing. 12-4 mm. Palpi black. Frontal prolongation of the head dark grey, the iiasus short, blunt. Antenna' (PI. II. tig. I,")) black; first segment of the scape relatively short, not as long as the first flagellar seg-nent; tlagell;ir segments rather elon- gated, the basal swelling oval, shorter than the remainder of the segment. Head dull grey, paler along the inner margin of the eye; sides of the vertex with scattered long, coarse bristles. Thoracic dorsum dull grey with four dark brown stripes, the median pair narrow, separated from one another by a broad stripe of the ground colour. Pleura dark grey, the dorso-pleural membranes dull yellowish. H;ilteres r.ather long, brown, the knobs still darker brown. Legs with the coxa' dull grey and jirovided with long pal" hairs; trochantei's black; remainder of the legs broken. Wings light grey, the costal and sub<'ostal cells a lilile more yellowish; stigma brown; an iiidistiiu't dark cloud at the tip of lis: veins dark brow- venation (PI. I, fig 11) tip of vein A'-., pale, subatrophied; crossvein in (■' .ited or nearly so. -Vbdoininal segments blackish, the caudal and lateral marg.ii, broadly paler; hypopygium yellow. Male hypopygium with the ninth lergite (PI. Ill, fig. 32) not prominent, the sides obli(|Ue, the cainlal niurgin very deeply split by a \'-shaped median notch that extends almost to the eighth tergite, the lobes thus formed long, suliavUte. Ninth pleiirile extensive, subtriangiilar, the caudal angle extended out into a short blunt poiiu; outer jileural appendage not ijrominent, cylindrical to slightly flattened, with long golden hairs; inner pK uriil appendage greatly compres.sed. Ninth sternite profoundly incised be- ' lamia Horiali-AiniTicana, Insccla. |). ;ilO; ls:{7. ('(•iioilitin Arciir Expedilion, l!)l,i-IS 12 r no-ith l.v !i V-sha|HMl notcli, l.cni-ath the inarKi-i of the ciijhth stcrnite a small brush of loiin noldcii hairs. KiKhtli stcrnitc unarimMl. ^ ^ . . ,.,.,, Locality- HoU.type, c?,B«-rnara harl.ou-, N..rthwest Terrifori.-s, July 10, l')l(i(F .loiiaiiscn). No. 2 Hi. . , ■ i\ e ' Shnilar to T. a,„'rta AU-xandcr {imperfecta AU'xaiulcr, pn-.HTUpird) of Lal.ra.lor in the op.-., V.s/ .U,, l.ut .listinct in tin- -lark frontal prolongation of th.- h.-a.l. the unifonnly dark antenna-, the blackish trochanters and abdomen etc. In a,„rta the tip of Ih Pe broa.l 'fkergrey stnpes^ the mid Me one "split bv a lin.. ..f the grouml-colour; hairs .m th.- thoracic mter- saJes hrt, pal.!, n<.t conspicuous. Halter.-s the knobs .lark bn.wn,th.. ani.-es • lit 1- br ghter. L.-frs with the c.xu- .lark grey: tn.chan .-rs brown, ^!^ .:;. l,/:ilnish ^-llow bro^uUy tippe.l with black; tibi^ aiul t;--lark brown. \Ving< subhvalin-, cloud.-.i with brown an.l gr.-y; cells C an.l >S< >'■'"«'-' igma .larkbr.,wn; a dark brown sp..t at the or gin of ^^^^T^^^^^^^ sector' au.-x of th.- wing brownish grey, interrupte.l by c.-l U^whi.' is u"iriy n-iuno; 'c.mspi.-:i.,us. lfrowni^ in the male the pattern is the sam<- but paler; venation (II. I, hg. .)), pattern """'AlKUmien with the first t.-rgite black; se.-.m.l to sixth ^^J^^];-^, broad bla.-k strip,-s, a narrow m.-.lian one broad.-mng out be. nd and t^ su biter il strines- on th.- caudal margins the black striju-s .-nd .) be v.mtlu.nt ;;l;."I.;S ti... .Irang.-; t.-rminal s.-gm.-nts l-.ely bh.ckis^i; 1^^^ -;-^- „f the t.-rg, e pale v.-Uowish; hypoi)ygium mostly blackish st.-rnit s urg. i> b al-L Mai.. InpopVgium (PI. Ill, fig. M) wi. ,he "'"th U-rgi e ,1 . II, hg 3^ ext.-nsiv.- th.- -audal margin with a v.-ry .l.-ep N -shaiu-.l notch, at the bast ot wl .'h is a tinv t that ^ a carina .-ephalad .nito the dorsum of the s.-l.-rite at T 11. bei t^iin, r.„in.le.l at th.-ir api.-.-s^ Ninth pl.-unU- -;"'» r^-;'";;'^^ ^^^ large- outer pleural apjM-n.lag. elongate, Hattene.l-.-yhn.lrical, pale with a .kns c„v.-nng ..f l.Ing hairs! inn.-r pleural appen.lage flattened int., an extensive bla.h-, ''"' "nli^feinill; ?i!i^nihrtt larger; valv.-s of the slen.ler, elongate acicu r, n.;t'i':irhke'th.- ..-..L ^pe where the terg.1l val..s are Hattened transvei's.-ly with the outer margin toothed and th-- sternnl xah..s .irc ^cr^ ""'"■^Vahtv: Holotype, c, Bernar.! harbour ^^^^t;^'^^'^^ 1910 (F. Joiiansen). No. 790. AUotyp.-, 9 H.-rsch.-l island \ukon Icrntorj, Jiilv 1910. No. 838. Paratype, 9, withthealh.type. .No. 8.J.». Crane-flirH Tipula arctica Curtis. 13 c Tipuln arcHta Ciirtin; Diwription of the iiisirts hroiinlil hdinc hy ('"HimiiitKlcr .1. Cljirk RoitH. Appendix to Hoh.m'h \iiyiigc to the Arrlic rcKioii^, p. Ixxvii, I'liitt; A, tin. l.'>; ls:il. Malk. - Lcnuth, i;} I" mm.; wing. 13-. VI To mm. Fkmai,k.— Li'iiKtli, 20 21,')mm.; wiiiK, 10 17 mm. Pall)i (lark iirown. Frontal i)r()l()n({ati(in of the licatl rather clonftatc, l>lu<"-Krcy: nasiis stout. .\ntt'nna> (PI. II. fig. 17) drcpiy serrate, each senment of tlie flanelhim (ieei)ly iiieised i)eneatli. tiie ai)ical eniarKt-metit lieinjf only a Httie smaller than the liasal swelling hut not iirovided with verticils. Head lilue- groy. Mesonotal prai-scutinn dull grey with three liroad hlue-groy .stripes, the median one often narrowly split liy a vitta of the gr-itind-colour;' these strij)es are .sometimes narrowly margined with hrown; the thoracic iiitersi)aces with nimierous black setigerous i)uiictures: reniainder of the thorax lilue-grey includ- ing the coxa- of the legs. Halteres hrown. the knohs darky;. Legs with the fernora reddish yellow hroadly tip])ed with dark hrown; mrsi dark hrown. Wings suhhyaline WMth conspicuous hrown and grey markings, cells (' and Sc a little more yellowish : a small hrown s|)ot at the origin of^.v; stigma large, sending ti cloud down the cord to cell first .1/,; greyish hrown clouds in the anal cells, at the hase of cell Cu, at midlength jind at the end of A/and in the tipex of the wings; venation (PI. I, fig. 10). Ahdominal tergites in the mtile with .segment one, l)lack; two to four, reddish yellow with tmmd suhlateral stripes and an indistinct med caudal notch, the dorsiun rounded into a sauctr, the hiteral lohes with four or five hlunt teeth. The inner pleural apjK-ndage is illustrated (Plate III, fig. 37). The female is similar to the male in most respects, hut the ahdomen is differently coloured heingduU grey with a hroad, dark hrown, interrupted, dorscj- median stripe; the hasal tergites a little hrightered on either side of the (h)rso- median Hue; iihdomen not excessively ehmgated as in the related T. loni/i- rentriK: dorsal shiehl jet-hlack, shiny;" tergal valves of the ovipo.-itor hrownish hlack. The ovipositor (PI. Ill, fig. 48) has the dorsal shiehl elongate, a little longer tlian the tergal valves of the ovipositor; these tergal valves have ahout fifteen teeth along the outer lateral margin; the sternal valves are very reduced as in this group of .species, acicular, the pair forming a suhlvriform orgaii (PI. Ill fig. 40). This was the most ahundantly represented species in the collection including nearly one-half of the material, as follows: - Localities: West of Konganevik, Camden hay, .Ala Johan.sen). Four o^'s, Nos. 1!)G- 199. Port Kpwdrth, n Coronation gulf, Arctic Canada, July Hi, 191.") (J. ,1. O'Xeill) and 104; one 9, No. 103. Rernard harhour, Northwest ]91o, one o", No. 1328; Julv 4, 191,-), tme 9, No. 1076; , July 4, 1914 (F. ith of Tree river, . Two 's, Nos. 102 Territories, Jime 21, July 7, 1915, one o", one 9, Nos. 1233, 1234; July 12, 191.5, two 9, Nos. 70(1, 789, one a\ No. ,o,- July 19, 19io, d-, 9, Nos. 12()t), 12ti7; Julv 22, 191."), cf, 9, Nos. 10fi2, 1063; July-August, 1915, .six d', 9, Nos. 829-834; Julv 1-14, 1916, seven v Mr. Johanscn. Pupa- are pinned with Nos. 197, 199, and 834. The immattire stages of this interesting crane-fly will he considered on ptiges 18 and 19, under the second part of the report, on the immature stages. 14 ''""'"'""' -irrtir Exi>nUti,>„, liil.i-IS Tipula hewittl. n. sp. Mrip,.sVi:ul.,.;:^^''^i«'j^ ,--•'<••''• .>-■-■...„„. .1,1. ,1.,.,... ,.,„,,, ,,,.,,„ KK-yish ,.l„„,ls ,„a ,. lap pv« iu ,, i h V„ . T. ^■'■'■>'.""''^'i"<-'ly ,na.k..,l „i,h -.liaiiy, .1... ia„.n.i Liii^'^os; nimiil;;;. i'""' ■'■""■ "■'■^' '""■'■"^^■'>- '""•••"••' jV I ''.''•, '-'•"«"'. l-l Mini.; wii.K, I-, m,„ ■ «.vv; flaK..llu.n l-rok..;; ' 'ZJ ''irV Ih 'llTr;? "^ "«• -•■'I- .luM...! will. ' '"ownish y,.ll„u-, K.n-y; trochanters .lark l-re wn I , , a uH , . TT' i'^*"*-'^ ^^•'"' ""• ••<'-^»' fl>ui' un.l tarsi ,lark l,r„wn. \V i? urov H '" ^'T /"•"^'">' ''"'k '""«-': '.u.r.^vollowish: stiKH.a l.rown; "v"Mowis^ '"',*"' '''"' ^^"'"•"•-t"l cHls A",; .n.l.stinrt gn.y cloiuls ah^ng v ■ n o • Tl i' ' <''^^<'«'"" "' •''•ll -^econ,! m.ssv,.„..-.,.oMi,.,,,,,,, «;-,,. ;-o^ of ,...11 ,/, ,,,„rt; Ah.lonicn lark Kr.'vish t.Iiir.L- th.. i ■ i '^*' tcTgite (PI. Ill, h>. 36 h i 4l)ou^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I'yP'.pyKiun. with th.. ,i„t, with a very narrow n-.ii f no "h ' ^'^ £, !^ ';=iu.lal^in n..arly at then- inner angle and almost t.'.nhT.^ ''""'' ''''Kh^'v ni<.(lii<.<>.l ..aiKlallv outer pleural appen. ge > fZ llir:'^''\ ^'"T' pl-'urit,. e.,inpi ! ^ rounile.!. the hasal two-thirds .InVu; tf' ■ * '"."P',^'"-^'"'' »•'<' ap<.x ;,r oa.lly with a .leep n.e.lmn not,.h " ' ''" ''""""' ''"'•'' >'"ll"wish. x'inth stemili. 191«'(F:than!inr^'i^;,°:i ,5""'-^ »>-'-"■- ^'>rthw..t Territories. Jnlv , ,4 Tipula subpolaris, n. sp. MALE.-Length. 13-0 nun.; wing, i:j.,; ,„,„ seenipnt. Tli>;..i ., .T. ining ai.out tialf as long as th.' rest of the quite different ;^i.^^?,SSi "SH9/-f- ; »- .segment. Ti,,ial spurs long ami R , . '^ nidieationsof oranee on the siJo^/f »l .• ,. alxlominal tergites with with the ninth ^rSt^'l^mV'^^^:^:''!';^^^ '/'-• -^'al" h.A,opygi, m I -shaped not..h. Xin h n! • -itr" rn, ' ^ V''""*' """■«'" ^^''th ^^>rnnd yellowish ; outer nienr I ,.^lt 'l„" i;''':''*'' ^^"'^' '"-oadly margin..d wi ^^-^rS»K';i;s,;;»S=Ei=--' — ' -i^' «-: Crdnf-lliin \:> l.otulity: HcilKtypc, ", Hciiianl liarlxnir, Nni ill west Triiitoiio. .Iiilv- AuKUxt lltl.') (F. .loliaiiHt'ii). No. H2ti. This* siM'cicH is cciiailily close to T. hnrilti, hut I cannot make the two ajjrcc. riifoitimatcly each species is icpicserited only \>y the iiiii(pie inale type and 1 d t care to remove the alxlomeii to siilmiit the male genitalia to the critical study that some day may he necessary. More material from the Arctic north-west would prolmhly decide the status of these two species which are closely allied hut which certaitdy appear to he distinct. Tipuia besselsoides. n. sp. (leneral colouration (?rey: antenna- rather short, hlack: hudy clothed with conspicuous erect hairs; femora lijjht yellowish, tipped with hlack; ninth teruite of the male hypopynium with a small, I'-shaped notch, the Literal lohes rounded. Mai.k. — Lenufh. 12 nun.: win(j, l-'i") mm. Palpi hlack. Frontal prolongation of the head greyish hlack: nasus pro- minent. Anteiuiie (I'l. 11, fi(£. !!•) hlack: first segment "of the scape lonn and slender, dotlied with niunerous outspreading hairs: flagellar senments verv short, the hasal swillinn of the individual sejjments heinjj ahout e(iual to the remainder of the senmenl. Head hroad, eyes rather small, widely separated: vertical luhercle low: head dark fjrey with scattered selijcerous punctures. Thorax dark ^rey, the j)ra'scutum with three indistinct, ilarker jirey stripes; thoracic inters|)aces with an ahundant coarse, hlack hair. Halleres dull hrowuish yellow. Legs with the coxa' (jrey <'lothed with numerous lonji jiale hairs as in hisst'lsi O.S.; trochanters dark: femora linht hrowuish yellow, the tips hroadly hlack: tihia- li^hf hrowii, the tips '.madly hlack: tarsi dark hrown. Winijs nearly hyaline, the suhcostal cell more yellowish: stifima hrown, oval; apex of the wiiiKs a litth' darkened: veins dark hrown: (ihliterative streak i-xtend- iua from hefore the stiKina into cell M^. venation: crossvein iti-cii not far hevond the fork of M. Ahdomen dark grey, the .seuments ccmspicuously ringed with pah' yellowish; hihes of the hypopygium yellow. Male hypopyg'ium with the ninth tergite (PI. Ill, fig. 39) iather extensive, the caudal margin ,M)mewhat roimded and with a deep, I'-shaped. median notch; at the inner margin of the lateral lohes a small tuhercle; entire sderite hlack, clothed with mnnerous shoit, appressed hairs; suture hetween the tergite and steriiite well-defined. Ninth |)leurite snudl, incomplete, the suture indicated only heneath; outer pleural ai)pen(lage (PI. Ill, fig. 31) a small, suhoval flattened lohe nah" hrownish yellow, the outer face with ahundant long pale hairs; inner pleural appendage (PI. Ill, fig. 42) elongate, chitinizod, at the hase a roundc'd knoh clothed with long, ilelicate pale hairs, the outer margin with four stout hristles. Penis-guard a long, straight chitinized point, gradually narrowed from the to the acute apex. Locality; Holotype, ^.^ Bernard harhour. Northwest Territories, ,lulv 1 14, 191() JF. Johanseji). No. 422. Paratopotype c\ No. 417. This sp(>cies hears a strong sui)erfici,il resemhlance to T. / Osten- Sacken in the grey colouration with conspicuous long, <'rect pile; the legs are differently coloured and the hypopygium of th(> male is very difTerently con- .structed in the two s|)(>cies. It also re.semhles .sVi/j/rrop/.v /i^/r/-// ( Kirhy) super- ficially in colouration and the erect pile, hut the vcrticillate antenme and nearly hyaline wings of the present species offer easy points for separation. Tipula subarctica, n. sj). Related to T. pribilofenni.'i Ale.xander; general colouration dark; ahdomen reddish hrown with a dark median stripe on hoth the tergite.^ arid .^ternites; ninth tergite of the mule hypopygium prominent with flattened, acute, lateral arms; eighth sternite produced caudad into a hroad, flattened, shovel-like, median loho. iO (' '"'""'""' -Arctic Kx/mtition, lUlJ-lfi ••ortimi to Ih' .lark nw l>l ,. ' . i ; """""' "••••'""••iih aiv almost "..•'"•.ra.uw .lull y.-llow'' la tVr. s'' Inv n 'nur'k^ /"'."""^••i •'""'-> '^" 'lark l.roun. Wi„Ks .M.alv v^ ' •, ^J/ ''''^ "".' "'"'"V' ''la-k.-n,.-!; .n.T..-.l just l...yo„.| tl... fork ..f M. Til: fl J Uv nS '"" '"-'" "''"''''""' strip... >raK.;i;::';i;l;''!,r ;,-!;-. •;;';-;;p.H ..^..kisi. „..,.,!,„ and |)ronmicnt, Mack .•liitii.l»,wl ti. i V " • ' "'• "«■ ^U vcrv aruc Hatt,. I cars. Xi„th p I'u t^^u' n ^ i^t . h.^!^ '"■"'■'"•;•"' ^"^ '•'''"''"' ^'^^'> anito .l.,rs,,-,.audal arn. of ^, , /" ' '" "' '"V ""'"af.-.l henoath, an IflU (K. J.i;„",'; ■ 'x;,°44^''"' "' '^""«-'",k, C,,,,,,!,,, I,,,,.. Al,,,',,, .J„lv 4, .1... S,:'';;;rr,r;L,"s,;r ,;*:'■;!, 'iJir^;^-'" '^'"t"- "-■■" species, LciiiK fulI-wi.iKf,l an.) ♦»,..,. ...Z •^'.»«'^'»- .I« "< an ontuolv disli.u't although Loth spoH.!shav,h,/; ,''•''"*';>:«'"!" '1"'».'' 'I'fforenf ly constn,.-to, Tipuin hnnchatknisis AU^xanluT "^ ' " '^'"•"■'"'»'<". «'astern Siheria i.Ht.V:o.:mu:n'^' ii;^'';;e:™' ;r lie '• "t "i"*'"-^ ^•""■™- - -"-!* f"ll..wmK a.l.iitional .•l.aractV.n;..,;;;! I ';,;;,Tr''''''-^''^ '^'^ paratypical an.l the .Ur,/r; -L..nKtli, l»„„n.; winK, i:{mn.. iTownish Uack flaK(.ll u, &n. r ' '''"''•'; ''"''' ''"'"•" *''"» ^he .lark ^cna- prominer.t. ' "^ "' "" ^'"rtex. Eyes small; Panityp.., ., KlS.ri^^aJkl'Jr'; ^^^ "^^in^ilir "'^'^ ^"""^^■ >pecim..n in th,. .■,,l!,.ction of Prof! Hine. " I'ainily RHYPHID.f). Siil.fiiiiiily TRICIIOCERrN*. (ienus Trichocera M.-iRpn. rn,ho,:n, M,.,K„„; i|,i^,,rv .Ma^r,..zin,.. vol. 2, „. 2«2; 1,S(«. .1.... ;^i: '^:rtwe:;;^!t^';;:th;!tf ;::S:^^''''"•'f "-""-''•• *-—• VTry manvofthes,.Mre ^vr," .rsnf Ti . ' ''^'''- '"'''" P^P""^'"''. •"■» that Journal of „,o X-^w V„vk K„,o,„„lo«i,.al Soncy, vol. 2«, p. 72: HMH. Cniiit lliis 17 c ■1 Kuropnin ^.tud.m ti> atti'mjU th.' pr..hlcin, at h'a^t prcsnit Kiiropran r<,ii«litl<.ii-. chiftly hccausc ..f tlir iinp..ssihility ..f stii.lviiiK the types of Ihi- Kiin.pi'aM's Mill rxistaiit ami the atatus Hf till' ."r.iiip as arc the Anicri.'an w.irkcrs. I'ntil a v.Ty rcccnl date the kciui- Trirliun in. t.iitcth.T with the ri'late.l jteiitis /m7/ /(,)/// ;/.r, fr.iin Cape Horn, was im'lmle.l as a iminher of the ^ A eriti.'al of the iinmatiire stall's by .lohaiin- ' iih, and .it hers has shown th.' resentatives occurring in Japan. Although no adults .)f this L'roup of flics or. imlccd, any of it- rel:itivt-s ]:a\-v vct been taken ir, the Canadian Arctic I feel very little hesitation in referring the present larva to the neighbo\irhood ..'f this genus. Ii may l)elong to the subgenus Phi/liiiorea Bigi't of the genus UmmphiUi Macquart. \i.l. iii— 46963— 2 ''"'""'"'" -^'ilK- h:.riH,hln,„. mi. LIS I'lifiit ..t'K...I^: I .t 1 • f llllll. i.-.::[::;;^tl-;li;t'''''"'*''^"'- ••• •nsn.rr..w..r. .l...alMl.„niMMls.,„„„,,„ «•' xn^ll. uill, lour IoIm.,. tin !• tVr I , ;^''":'""l''"- 'li>l< li'l. IV. fi^ '■;^«- «..i. a .1...... friMK:'.:/;.; i' , '.' ' :, ;:;:iff ;■■ '7'"^ ''-"r '"-iv. «!..■ i.uN. A (■ rinriilprr Tin I.I SI Til ::f-— • .only "7 .;:::.:v, :!;;;;;; •:;'!;;,:;■•■•••■ '"••'-'"'' *•. .!..■ ........ Tipula arctica < uriis. ^^ay'2^l;Hii^';^Ii::i.r"""' "• '""••""•"' '"'^'""'■' ^'•■"- ^^^ A^nml.. .•oll....t..,| a;-ui;;va o., A,av 27 ,.upa,...| ahou, ,I„„.. ,,.. J;Ain.K. LniKtli, 2;< 2o „,m. t 'l'<'rrit(»ri('s. "IcariiiK < ('•T'lii'il troiii one allot ](■ "'• l<- that, tl... .hstal.n. Im^Iw,.,,, ,|,„„. „,„ " V'l.""ratioiMlully,.|low,tl„.,horaci... '' lark hairs that kIv a .larkcr appcar-iic, •7;';i:,V .'..'.V.':' ^"""".'••'■u. nny, aj.j.r,.ss,.,| on th( these I'l- ''V a (hsfa,,,.,, fl|.,( i^ larger posterior l.risties- usually a more deheaie liair '■i«'seK„...,„s withahun.iant tinv Sj.iracuiar ;hsk (I'l'Tv "fi,;'" r ."s!,r!" ""i ""V"''": ''"•' "^ ""' ''"'Iv: pair, rather elosely ai)j)r(..xi,nafe,l in...Hall, pair Ihe .ioisal ,,air are shorter th.n, most sp,-,,,„e„s has a straight or shKh- '"Ix's an- longer anl: h i,. spi i irm ii- ilnn- iiri' Iwi. Mack r iiiaikjntf« ilir vniiral • lull ar<' the iim-t coiisiaiil. Anal (tilU four In ininiKir. Muni. (Ii^hy, I'l I'.K. Male: I.tii(tlli, |H '.':( nilh. : ilui-i>-\ iiilial .li|(lli. :< H I nilii; ilcMr... -iniHtra! wiillli. A 2 mm. rrmai.': I..iiittli. J.i mm.: «l.|iili ami wi.jili \ n-m. .\Iai.k. (I'I. \', (iif. .")0i: Ciilduraliiin lirnwii. ilu' alMlnmrti luor. vill.uvl^h lirown; the |ilrural miinliranr pahr: th.. hnalhiiiK-lii.rii*. a|>|M n.l.iur*. ami .■.jualli' ilark liriiwn; «tiin(« un the .ilHlnmcii lil.iik. .Xntrnnai l.a^'s ritual. il on a IiIkIi ir.-l, il.valiij ;ilMi\r thf Icvil of tlir ltr<'!itlMn(t-liorn?<. I' lirralliiim liorn> -lol ron-piniou-. -Iioit. niall kiiol. ju«l Lrtori' till' liri'alliinK horn-; on ihr praMiituni two uidi l\ -.p.irair.l iuIm i.-li'- anil ju>f Ix'liinil these lail iieirer the me.liin line, two -mailer tiil>err|e-. the .-pace I >et ween these tul'en li- i necle.l li\ a row of crenulal ion-.||eathj. reaehiiiK to I he iniilille of liie ihinl .ilMlotnuial -lament; \vinti--heatlir< reaching the lia-e of the ■« nil aliilomiiial -cKUient. .Mi.lominal tercite-: -i mnent- I ami 2 with a -mall lul>erel< the cauilal riliK on either -iile of the meiliali line; -eumeiil H with two tulienle- on either -iile, the inner one lai(£e-t : sennients ! to li with three or four tui.ercle- on either siile, the iinier one lar«esl; -eminent 7 narroweil, with two lateral -pirn- ami two sep/irateil Munt tui.ercle-; -e(jmenl S narroweil. the lateral .•niKle- emlinu in liowerful tul»rc-le.- with sharp |>oinl-. I' inte)!ument eoar-elv punctureil, on the eilue nearest the sternites with !i single sharp spine on the cail.lal riiii; ol -e>i;inent I ami on segment 7 ami two, one on each rinjj of -eminent- _' toli. Sternites arineil with circlets of powerful spine- on the camlai riin. on -etment ;{ there lieinjt l«<>, small ami wiih'ly separateil: on -element- 1 to 7 there are four such spines, larger ami rather appn.vimateil. Setrrneiit ove ilescrilieil, the "''"<•'<■' -^ '"'iiiK I's follow-: Sheat'.s of the terual valves of I he ovipositor elongate, powerful, lyiiut parallel to one another, tran-ver-eiy wrinkleil; -heaths (it the -ternal valves of the ovipositor tiny, locateil at the apex of the eighth se){inent. Mr. .lohanseii has r ntly calliil my attintion to the ilescription ami figures of the immature stajte- of this species h;, Dr. T. ( ', Nieiseli.' As there are discrepancies lietween the descriptions ul tiuures of the matcri.d Irom northeast (ireei..: I and that from the ('.in;i ; ,n Northwest, it is pi.—ihle more than one si.ecus is involved under 'lie name of Tiimlii lurl/nt. Stytieropis, paiTll (Kirl.yi. Locality: .Melted ponds in the tundra at Demarcation hoinl, .\la-ka May Mil » 1 1\ .lohaii.-en ). Two smaller sptcimens ii.easure as follows: leii^rth, 20 to '_M mm.: diameler, 2-2 to 2 •") mm. .V larjter larva (\o. "la), length. .'{S mm.; di.imeler. :{ 7 mm. Form cylindrical, moder.ately elongated. Head-cipsule with the antenna' long ;md slender, from three to four times as loiiK as t hick, cylindrical, villowish. ('luelotaxy: Seta' very weak and delicate, on the thoriicic segments I.einjr tiny lateral hairs. termites i I'l. \', (in. .•.,Si with no seta' on the anterior rinji: on the jMisterior riinj with the following bristles: a small lateral hristle nearest the false suture: just hefore the .-a.udal tnarL'in of th.e sejrmen! a more '>r less iniiH-essed line, at ils outer end with two or three bristles arising from imhvidual punctures: on either side of the reddish dorso-rnedian vitta a pnmiinent nn r,-'lr ,',!'""■':' ^'.'' ''';■ ■.■•••'""laik" I->p.Mlit ..n: M,..l,l..|,.|>..rnrn^inil. v,,]^ xliii, ( ■,,p,.nliiwc'ii. I!M0 pp. .»( ■». n. vii. fiKs. I (. i- -.^ 20 r Ciiiiihliiin Airlic Hxitcililinii. l.'Ui-IS riMK.s an . Iin..>t in ;il finmnit with tlic lateral l.ristlcs. Tlu" can.l'il l.risil,.s thr.... n. nninlM.,-. aiv ,„ ali^r„,„,nf an-l rathrr wi.lolv s,.parat,.'l ' ( olouralion alM.vr .lark brown, tlu- thorarir r.^Kion nu.rr r<..Mis||- ., l,r„.w| .■..nsiMjuous . .,rs.,-m..,han s.rij,.. rr.i.lish brown: lower surf ^rT /vi 1 wi ,' r...l.hsM.a.... Skm very s.nnoth without tuben^les or rou^henh ^). f V, I sort. 1 he sutures betwe,.,. th,. in.livi.lual seKu.ents ar,. very well- ,nrke b 't ....t e..ns,„euously eonstrH^d, at ai,out the len^.tll ,.( eael • M m n , >I>r.i.ul.r i.>k (II I\, h^r. „,) surroun^"'-^''-^» ''■••-- in tulX:.:'Sri;lirXo;'7,'"''' "•■■"="■••''<-" •"-"• ■'^■■-^■■^ un,.l„.,l pon.,s I.,.nKth, 2()-.-, :.';{ nini.; ,liarn,.t,.r, IK 2 mm. I'""., ,.ylin.lri,.al ni...l, ,.lonp,t...i:th,. ant..n.,r ..p.l abruptly tap,.rinir til,. i),.st,"ri,.r eml ura.lually tajM.r iij; to th.. l,.!,,.^ ,.. ..i i • i'' ='""'y?;;";"/ ";;'■"••'-• ^'i-'-^ ti^.ir inii..r f.:..;:': p;::;!:; i'A .■' ; t,;: '■'"^" lair .m lli.. th.' (I.irsal i-rMles ..n tl... p,.,erior rin,; 'l.^ii^.-i in T^Z.^l^r^l^,. Z;,:\ SeT the;,r[;l''' ^''^^^^^^^^ . . rv. ..I , th. r. „Te t«o aht.nor sot;.' on ,a,l, ^i,i.., an.i el..s..r I., th.. Cnini-flici 21 (■ iiKMliiin liiic; of these the distal one is the longest, the proximal one usually very short; there are lliree posterior set:e on either side, the two ))roxinial heinn longest and in tlii'ir own ])nnetures, the third one distal in jiosilion, lying close to the lilaek i)ieural stripe and located in a very small puncture on the margin of the jidjoining larger |)uncture. Colouration: Dorsum (i'l. V, fig. tiO) dull yellow. .lust inside the liroad lateral strijx' and separateil from it l>y a narrow liriglit yellow line is a narrow d'lrk hrown line, almost continuous hut slightly interrupted in i)laces: this dark line hegilis on tiie mesothorax and coiiliinies to tiie last segment. The dorsum of the alidomen lietweeii these dark stripes is handsonn'lx' inarkeil with dorsal shields of hrown which are narrowly inargineil with darker hrown, the narrow apex of the shield directed caudad; there are ahout scvcti of these dorsal shields, the integument on either side of them with three bright yellow dots in straight diverging lines, all of these dots lying on th<' cejihalic ring of the segment. I'leiiral region dark hrown, very hroad hut paler on the thoracic segments, gradually n.arrowed and hecoming darker toward the end of the liody, terminating near the anal gills. This dark |)leur;d strii)e is dotted with numerous yellowisli si)ots. N'eiitral surface ;ilirui)tly and conspicuously light yellow. .^piracular disk surromuled hy six long, tiiiger-like lolies, the dorsal lohes rather the shortest although still long and linger-like, lying parallel, the ventral lohes longest; all the lohes narrowly margined with hiack and with a slender black vitta bisecting the inner face of the lobe from the tij) inward toward the disk, at the distal end ex])anded into a blackish apex; the ajH'X ;ind lateral margins bear long fringes of hairs as in >7//(/( ro/z/.v, these hairs being longest, toward the tii)s of the lobes. Anal gills six, short but rather slender, incon- sjjicuous, the two lateral ])airs longest, the inner pair much shorter. I would refer this to a jxisition not far removed from Stiiga-oiilK although it is very dilTerently coloured from the species last described unch-r that name. However, the structure of the larva' seems to indicate that it is more probably a .S7 //(/(';•(>/)/. x than a TIpiilii or a Xtphroldinu. If the generic reference is correct the l.arvu' ])robably belong to either N. jiiirrii or N. ixirriiiiih s. In the si)ecimens from Demarcation ))oint, .Maska. the anterior end of the body is j)ale and the median dorsal shields are continuous as a ])ractically un- interrui)ted dorso-me(|ian line, oidy slightly constricted toward the ])osterior end of each segment; the lateral dorsal strijies are v<'ry dark. However, the structure of the spirai'ular disk and the cha'tot.-ixy are entirely the same and I feel sure that all the m.aterial pertains to the saiiu' sjjccies. In the vial coTitaining the two larva- from Mernard h;irbour, described aliove. there was an atlditional Tipuline larva that is closest to the Ti|)uline No. :{ described hater, but probably represents a still ditTerent si)ecies. Mecause this is the oidy specimen included in the material it is not further discussed in this report. Tipuline No. 2. Locality: Three larva-, taken at Demarcation point, .M.iska, May, Hill. No. 4 (F. .lohansen); mi-lff-d ponds in th(- tundr;i. l/(-ngth, 20 2;i nun.; (lexlro-sinistral width, ;{■;{ ;{•() nun.; dorso-vi-ntral dei)th, 2 2-2 mm. 15(»dy mod<-rat(-ly elongated, form strongly depress(-(l ; thoracic and first aiidominal s(-gni(-nts with the margins regidar; abdominal segments l{ to S with a prominc-nt false constriction or |)seudo-sulure at about two-thirds the length of the ,segm(-nt, tin- edg(-s of tin- si-gnu-nts produc(-d lat(-r!ul to give a serrate appi-araiua- to the nuirgins of tlu- abdoini-n; tlu- anterior ring of (-ach segmi-nt lias thi- serration larger than that of the posterior ring .so that l\n>i.' alteiuale, p(-miltimate segim-nt of the abdoim-n with the caudal angl(-s pro(luc(-d strongly <'audad into long, sleinler lubes. ^' V„„a,li,i„ Arctic Ex,wilitii,n. IDl.S-ls iiM.I J,.n,l,..- ;. ... , : r.'> ""\"K<'nt, lateral and ventral '- ">.>s lonj; a>' that I have over 'nl....fTipnlida.a.u ' "in,'e ;,^"i "'^;^^ '''>^T' "f 'l"Pn.ssion for this more aeeent le,! ecn.liti,, s i ' . rf i V "'^ ""l'<'ations „f how the even "t'OMt. It se..n.s pr I a le .. t 1 u !'" .ei'"""";'' 'T'' '''"" '"''■" '•'-'«'' than toa.^vof th.^•elate,l^e OP. '"'"'' ^" ""' ^-"'""'^ 7''/'"'" '-.ther Tipuline No. :}. Loeality: Tun larv^ two iar,e aSone si^X ^I'S:;..;'"^"^'' "•'" ' ^ ' •''"—■ Three the wint,. hons.^ Cohinson point, :u.lka'i"; 1 ^^''IJ^/'.ln '''"''" '"■'""■' Lcnfith. 2, o :iO mm.: diameter. 4 r, mm 'Ian. ap,m£;;d'!ia;;!';:;;::;:;;;;::^y^;';;:- .1;^^^^^^^ ^;- '><;•'>• ^i...i-i wi.i. an ah..n- sette darkest in eoloul; ea/ seamen s id"^ K^'T ''^^"T "'"^ '"'"''^ ""■ sutures so th.. ahdonuM, appears ,1 oLHtVl -Th::''/' ''t ^'■""^^■•■'■^" f^'l^o •""■'',■"•'■ '■™''''-^- '''•»<"'—"■'■ l>v .1 '.■ eLu. hli row of sett " """-^ "' "••"■^' "'«- -^': .--in. p;:;^;n!;;d-r::;re::h-,r-r\;.^^^ ('rani-flii s 23 c destitute of piihesenee; eacli ol' the outer setiKemus areas t.ears two closely appidxiinaled seta-. Lateral seta- two, one on eacli piiiiiarv linjj at alioiit iiiicl- lentth. the anterior one Ivitifj closer to the ventral niarniii, the posterior one closer t() the ilorsal niarnin. Sternites (PI. V, fin. ().-,) ^itli four setineroiis areas, the iue ahdoininal sejrnients. On the dorsiiin and lateral portions of the anterior riiin ot the pnthorax at al.out iiiid-lennth there are about ten setijieroiis areas the inediuii pair close together ami hearint; a single seta, the next pair more WKlely separated, each with two short seta- the third pair closer to the ■'"'■'• ' P'l"' <'i:"' ''k'.v are lo one another, likewise with two seta-, one lonij slender bristle and a shorter slender one: lateral seta' soli(arv. loiiK and stout tw() on each side of the prothorax. Tlie mcso- and meta-'thoraces at about midlendth and almost m ahirnnient have about ten setigerous punctures the iniM-r six close lofTcther and shortest ilhe innermost simple, the outer two 'pairs double); lateral bristles longer ami more widely separated. Spiracular disk (PI. I\\ fig. 4!)) surrounded bv six short lobes, not con- spicuous. Dorsal lobes short, conical, situated <'lose together on the dorso- median line, divergent apically, broad at the bas(>, taiM-ring rapidly to the acute tip. Lateral l■» ■'{ L'l. 2.") .. I'll. " I (if Sli/f/i roinx imrrii; l):i.s;il ami apical segments. N. jxirrididts: the sauic. \( lihroloiiiii iirrHriilii: liasal segment -i. Tjiiidii johatisnii: tlic satiic. 7'. iliOiirii: the same. T. iirrliiii; tlic same. 7'. •iiiUiititiiris; tlic same. T. hiwxihoiili x: the same. KLum iif TrirjifihoHii friijiilii; plcuiMic aiel a|ipcii.laj;cs, .hirsal aspect, 7'. (//<)/)/i<(K(i (Diianc); : lie same. Sliiijrrniiis inrriiti'lix; (inter pleural appernlafie. .S'. imrrii: the .same. N. imrrii: inner pleural appendajie. .s'. jiiirriiiiili s: the same. N. imrrii: ninth lernite, (hirsal aspect. .s:, j„,,-rirti,U^: tlie -anif. ,0 ^nBV^«^^^ 24 c Fin, 2H. " 2i». " .10. " .11. " :i2. " ;«. •' .'it. " ;«). Fig. .W. " " ;(!», " 40, " 41. •' 42. " 43. Canadian Arctic Expedition, tOIS-ts i:\i'i..\\.\Ti(».N OK vLxn: m. A . i„rtH-.>l„: ..ut..r pleural Hp,,..„,l,iK,.. ' '• T. hf«>,cUni,l,'.i; tlic .siiiiic. I, i.niinlti; the .suinc Hyp.pyK,um »f r. arrt.V,,; i,,,,,.^ p,,,,,^,,, app,.n,i,.Ke. 7 . .uh,,oU,n„; „imh ,,.rKit.., ,l„rsal a-p,K-t. Hy,.,pyK„.,„ of T. .„6„..„W,,. „in,h ..'.Ui. X'.r.sal apso,., Ovipositor of 7? aS'do;:;;::^;;,!;':"'^"' """-'''«'■• \ R' Fig. 44. 4r>. 4(i. 47. 48. 4!». FXi'L.WATION OF PLATK IV. Larviiof l'ac,U„U,ln, .supposition; spiraciilar .lislc / iimU, arclira; the .saiii... '^'W'T"/"\ sii)>i,osition; th(. .sain,.. „ ^'./""."^- ><.'■■ -': same. KXI'LANATION OF PLATE V. II of Ti,ju!a antim; iiml,., Iat,.ral asp,.,., . ',•.'"■'■'"•"•■ '■'■I'l'il'-. dorsal asp,-,., a of lipula arrlica; labruin sal asp,.ct . /, "'■f/"""-; m,.nfu,n • ,al asp,.rt. ; cat "';,,. ste-'"'-*- ''punne Ao. 1, thp samp, thin stcrni,,"- vw»,c No. J, the sam- , ,hir;{. " t>4. >l:i-lt>. ViiUHi<»-"JIBLM'J>^JRK? ..■TM-VX -- U^. - — _ -it ■>«' .^r. 2Sr Caiiailinn .{relic Expvdilion, lUt.i-IS l'l.ATK I\. 44 \ M ■;a ''///,' # / X • • / 45 X, \ / y-. 48 49 (•nm..-fli,..s of th.- ("aiiH.lia.i Arctic KxpiMluiun, 1!»1:{- Itj. Cniiic-tliiM 2!t (• r..ATK V. 1 Criinc-tlics of (lie (';inah,n, .\,, E.,,„,lil,„n. nn.t./s I'l.MI \| r./,.h .„,„.„ Cur,,- l'l,o,„un,,,|, l,v(; ||. w lkin~ .iPiiT'w. Tm* r»^ ^^S^^^^^RSRI^^^^^H Thf Mosquitoes collected by theCanadiun Arctic Kxpedition, 191.M8. ( Diptcia, ('ulicidii'.) 'i\ II Mtiii'us ( ;. |)^ ,11. I \ I iiiiiii < I >ii\. Many -tcirir-^ an' riirnnt mIm.iM lli. ^lr■all|•(lill.•lrv al>UMaii\ inu lili<>lnura|ili-, talicn in the deltas of the ( nlvillc Mii.l Slave river* l.y Dr. j{. M. Amlcr-.m d ilic Caiiailian Arciic I'Apcdition. .\cvcrilic|c><, the iiiiinKer .if species pn-eiil is small in the iiorlliern rcKiiins, thminh iniiiviihiaN may he alaniilant. Alciii«llie Arctii -.M-t of the Northwest Territories, here coli-iihre.l, |.-,tt two species are iilelitiliril. ulii'ieas a collection of an eipial niimher of -pei'imi ns in the tropii- minht incluilc thirty or fort >• species. Ilc;iil 11(1. MS used Ml llii' .\erih fur pni- M(i-i|iiiler> iin h.nk ef nianV Ii.mhIciI cdai, tcctinii iinaiii>t Mi(is<|iii -. Delia Near Niu.ilik. ili'ha ef Colville river. of .-^lave Klver. Ci-eat .-^lavrlake. An-I ie .■(,a>t of Ala-ka .hilv :! N.W .T . .tune. PKIs. pHI'.t The eolleclion iiefore me was made diirinii the years I'.tl:?. lUI I, l!i|."). and ll'lli; hut it is (iir-appointiiii;i\- a >mal! one i \:U specimens . ,i the material is in \erv poor condition. Thi reirion. however, is inti're-tiny,. emhraciiin the Arctic coast of Ahtska and the ('.■uiadi.-ui Nt v.,,... ralh.r imni.roiH i-i"> "".I last two /.in r.' \ , : ./::'''V:'''''i'-' ti,i..k,.„..,i; .,,„i .,f i,„^ tlx' tips p„i„f,,,| i„ „ |,i,„„ ,„„,. "■n'" narrow. ,|,itin,/..,| „„ the inarKins, ""• I'arp.-, hut s,nall..r. s-, "';,,.. "" f"^"""»f,» Pair of hooks sin.ila. to .Frits johansnu/(t;a;iia!: T' K!;;:^i,^r*'i^r\ ];;-'••'-- •lata, No. \;m. A.v.,nlinKtoth.M.ot,H f ' . . 'i "'' '""' ""' ''••'""' Pupic foun.l i„ a pon.l ( H. arinu .U \ , ' '•""•■'*<"•• »'"•«<• wn- hn.l from .m6lfc:S^'^!i,y:\^l';:;-:n:s ^Ji;--- ''-'i»y. •-! .J...H. 2i-j..,v 1. sp.c-i.s fro„. tlu. followini Ca i i s k ' ' 'i^Z "f m'' ■^\T'T'^' ''"■ ■^'"""' a";l In on .strait, Northw-st T.'rrit.,ri. s 'j„ 4"^ h."'/'.-' 'i *''''"''"'''"' '*"''■'"" l»..nt. Xorthwrst Trrritorirs, .Jul IS I hi Mr , J'"''/,''''- ' ,""/' '' '^"""K IVrntory, .July 2». iyi« (F J. 'o , , 1 ' • , ;,," *'' "•'^'*';'"'' '-^'""'1. Yukon Sopte„.her 5,. 1^,^'^ ij' "^,;:;'tt- IJ^ ^ -^ ^^i'-, N;.r; 'iVrrin, ilL! < ..llmson Point, Alaska, Jan.. 23, I!)14, (HrarhiK'" ) ' "''' '"''"""'' "* Kon...s. Also ulli,.,I to « »n Z .ft . , t ' rom''l ">' ^ ""r"'"'^ "^ ^''" '"'H'a- wh,ch .see Dyar an.l Knal!! Ins! In.^M,!,;, v",«7 S-"''' ^"'" " ''i'^''"-*"" "f s..nrs.:::;-;;,,:^';i::\[;;;'':;l;;!,, -i;;-;;-' ■-;«; antenna. sn,all, uniforn, with H..a.l hairs sinRl... a! Il .s £'l . ' ;'U ^\ 'll^ '•■;,r'"'''''^'''' "^ »'— ^t-rt'hairs. the sp,.ci„„,,s; ant.-ant.nna t uf ^i^ Cr^ ' "V''":: '""[ "^'' '"-"l^'" *" all nu.h,.a. thick an.l „„if„rn,. narr wi, J . h i, ',t ■' T^\ "" ^'^'" «'"''^""^' tlH;r<. ,s a short dosing apparatus \ir h. '.''"' "^ ""' """''"■■ ^^'"'r-' as long a,s th,. hu.sal width. tiiernK ou';' h .f ;'''"'r. V^" ''""' " ''='"' ^i"'"^ ahout 14, th.. sinslo tooth fiiw-K n,. . \ . 1 ' ',''*''" "^ " *" '<> ••■''tl'. "^uallv ten to fourteen .scales in a pa ■ t . sinelc 1^^^ " ''"' "•'«'"'' ^"K"""' "f I'as,., with long central th /rn n f.^;;:. ft/"'''"*''''*.'' 'V""'"' f'"'" "" "val wnh a .lorsal plate reaching o a I'u h. m ,| t 7' , '^'""f"'- -^"''' ->-""""t I'ulK.nK a little posteri,,rlv: har Var... ,r |. V ' ' "' T'*-"" ••^"'■" '"'» -;a s,tuate.i posteriorly;- .h.rsai hi^^a c h!-;' .l:i,';'i:;::::£^.!?7^.r:!;r;.;;s Terrho^Si-.nne';^;";;;';;; ;S;;^ irn^nr:'^ T?r^ /''^^'--' ^-"--^ inatniK numher.s. ,so that thev .1 uh I. I ."^'■' ' '"'^ f""''^ "^ '» <'<"n- ncurdicm. ' 'l<»'l,tl...s>, |„.l„n^r to the ahuiiuant species, Aedes, ii. »\t. {OrhliiiUiitiiM.) \ (vw larvii' nillccli'd with .|i.//.i niiiiiiiiiis Dyitr iit Hirii;iti| liMrlHiiir, \4irtliw<'-«i Tt rriliirii'M. r('|>ri'«t'nt mii iippitrctitlv iiiiil<'<ini{li' ?*i'ali' with Uiun Iirniinal ilinrn. Air tuln' ahuul tlircc tiini'-* a-* Iiimk at wiilr, tapcrcil uti the (lUtcr half; pi rlrn narli- iuK lii'Viinil thr iniilillf, thr last thrt'i' trrtli ili'larhcil: lufl in fiiur. «iluali'i| within the la^t titnth. Anal ■'•'kiih'IiI riiiKril l>\ I hi' piatr. thr l>ru^h pu^icriorlv liirtTtcil; anal gills four, laprrr ailvantaBr wiiulil lir jjainril liv attri iptiiitt tn appl\ a nanir In this fiirin. whii'li must await Ihr ii)llrrliiiii of inalrs or at Ira-I innri' prrfc('t sprriinrns. I.Dcalitv: Thrrr . .• . Trllrr, Alaska. .Iiily 2'.t, l!ll:i i l''rit~ .luhansrii i ; ninr v ?, Nuinr. Alaska, .\imust ".M-'i"). ItUti i|"..).i. Caiiailian .\rrtir lAprditimi. V.)i iii~4«ttt-» ^S^S^^^^^^^^^^^^ rsi ■wpCT ^m vtJkiift.^' *< f , ^i . "i - The DiotPra collected by the Canadian Expedition, 1913-1918. (Excluding the Tii)ulida> and Culicida'.) Hy J. J{. ^[ai.i.()( H. I.NTKODrcnox. occasionally with Muc-hlack s.xTics sn,.!, -w i)„ , i, «; ', '•'^''- '^'■''♦'^'''l the Hies arc liairv or l.ristlv At , .^ t f "'■^''-""■■^. ^""l as a general ruh' intt animal or vc^ct' 1 1 inatU r , t \'" "•"'" ''"' ^'•='.^-.''"^'">-s. living „n .lecav- ..,..!,^■^lt,;;^^;l;:?J;l;:1";^;-TS;;-.™-:;;;;;l«,^ SCIARID.1-. also owini to thnr .icllHiV:""!,:;!,;!;;;:' '"■""^ '•',,rcs..ntc.l only hy females, an.l Sciara, sp. i. The first ve e Is'i U , , """j'-^ "'••'/ >"ay 1„ M.l,s,.,,„,.„tly ol.taine.l. furcation -.f n.ed /t^l ,,! .r'i; ,, '.''''r'^, ■'■'"•'•'■» "';: '■'-•-vin an.l the ' ^' "" "" '' cncl(.,.ts. ( (iiawn. ^jicriis (irsrril«-.i ,,[ liii^ isrc|.ortarc,l,.|M,sit,.,ii„,lu. i-*: ->si,-rT;;..:'' Diptera ;j.-) c The radiiil vein is setose. ( 'osta extends almost to apex of ui)per folk of media. ■ Tiie posterior l>raiu'h of media runs nearly .straiKht from fork to wiiiK niarjiin. Lenf^th, 3 mm. Locality: Teller, Alaska, ,i, 1913 ( F. .lohansen). Sciara, sp. 2. Two females in poor condition. These ditTer from the preceding species in having the fir- ending in costa slightly before furcation of media, the latter origina'iiii n:\'.'.\viv iV-m cross-vein to hase of radius, and graduallv diverg- ing from ant i ,or hran.h oi . i hitus, the cell hetween the anterior branch and railius, and i ; rv(,.',ed fias.dl Length, . -7 ' mm Locality; '5. • mio har'iour. Dolphin and rnion -trait. Northwest Terri- tories, .\ugust 2'2. lIH.j I i'. .Joliansen). Sciara, sp. 3. This species ditTer from the preceding one in having the first vein ending in costa a little over midway from cross-vein to fork of media, the latter originating one-third of the distan<'e from cross-vein to base of wing ami the third branch of radius ending closer to apex of wing, nearly in vertical line with ai)ex of pos- terior liranch of cubitus. Length. 3 mm. Locality: Xome, .\iaska, .\ugust 21, UtUi ( F. .lohansen i. ( »ni' female. CniRONOMID.i;. There are a nund)er of si)Ocimens, rei)resenting several .-pecies. in the collec- tion, but their c(mdition is very bad .so that specific identification is not i)o.ssibh' excei)t in a few cases. .V number of larva^ and pupa- in alcohol lend themselves more reachiy to (hscription and to generic classification than do the imagines, but so little is known of the immature stages of the many sjiecies occurring in the Arctic regions thafitis impossible to give specific identifications for the -pccimens in this collection. T.\NYPIN.€. Tiicre are two s])ecies of this subf.-unily in the collection, neither of which is in \cry good condition. They ai)])arently represent distinct genera. Tanypus Meigen. There is one s])ecies of this genus in the collection, some specimens of which :ire in sufficiently gofid condition to assure thiir identilicatinu. 'I'lie larva' of this genu- arc met with iji both swiftly flowing streams and in -landing water, such as lakes .mikI pools, or even in water-barrels or other tem- porary recej)tacles. Tanypus alaskensis, ii. -p. .NL\Li-:. Black. suboj)a(|Uc. Legs fuscous. Wings slightly greyi>h: cross- M'in infuscated. i)Ut not broadly so. Halteres brown. Flumes of antenna' and hairs of body and legs fuscous. l'ail)i long. aiilei)enuliimate joint liistinctly longer than i)enulliinate. the latter longer than ultimate. Dorsmn of tlmrax with nuuu'rous long hairs in the Viil ii!--4ll!l(i:i 111 3() (• Ciiiiiuliiiii Arrlir Kxiutlilinn. UH-i-IS sliKlitly sunk lines l„.tw..,.u tl... aroMs usunllv ...•.■„pi...l l,v vift:r- in ,„|„.r .,,.■.•!,.■ i- -■■ - ■li''r"*TiD CHIRONOMIN.t, 37 c Tlicif arc rcpii MiitMtivf> iilit:imil.v in t lie lulleetioii, soiii of them represented hy larval and pupal stages and some hy imagines. Diamesa Meifren. This genus is represented in the eollection tiy one sjieeies which does not agree in structure with any species known to nic. The larvu' of Dianiisd species arc generally found in fast running water and normally on rock surfaces. I luive seen females that were coll.Mted while in the act of ovipositing in water causenow on mountains in -Montana. Diamesa arctica, n. sp. I' Black, sulx.pacpie. Wings sul)fuscou>. veins thick and dark, cross-vein infuscatecl. Maltere- hrown. Kyes very widely M'liarated. width of frons e(|ual to one-half the wi long as ])reapical, surface hairs long and rather numerous. Fronotum with a ilee|). inoderalelv wide central, wedge-shaped incision; dorsum of mesonotum anil scutellum with rather long fuscous hairs. Ahdomen sto\it, with shaggy fuscous hairs. Legs stouter than in Wnttlli Meigen, and with much mori' conspicuous hairs; lore tarsi wiih the hasal joint very little more than one-half as as fore til.ia; fourth tarsal joint on all legs sul)-epecies ol ...., genus in collection. C^hironomus, sp. 1. A male in rather poor condition resemliles closely several species I have dexrilied from I'rihilof islands. Il is entirely Mack and has the fore tarsi long-h.iired. characters conunon to nearly all males of this genus 1 have seen tiom the far iiurlh. the s])ecimen agree< very well with one 1 ha\e descrilu'd as coiifuniiis in a pajier now in iiress. liut more si)ecimens are necessary to ensure an authentic identiti<'ation. Length, 7 iin. Locality: Ma ter i-land. .Vrdic coast of .\laska. .Inly 2, IHI4 ( I). Jeiuiessj. Chironomus, sp. 2. Lauv\. Bright red in life. Labium very similar to thai of Imtaiis Kahricius. hul the median tooth is regularly roundeil and the small sulimedian i)ecies: the mandilile has three teeth in addition to the large api<'al one. The ventral and resjiiratory filaments are alisent. the dorsal liapiiia' are >mall, each wiili eigiit long liairs, and the four ajiical respiratory protulierances between the caudal pseudopods are about three limes as long as thick. Length, 17 19 mm. ;w (')uiiiiliiiii Arvtic KxiHilitiiiii. tifhi-IS tr; 1 t PA. Miiiil;ir to that of /«/)M//.v. The sccoiul alMloiiiiiuil s.-jimi'iit lias a aiisv.Tsc Imc ol miimtc chitinizcd spimilcs on pos , rior inaiKiii, and almcM thf t'litiic dorsal siirtaco covored with small hrowii scalo-likc eleva- tions, wliieh ai-e most .•onspiciioiis posterioilv; a ratiiei lonn iiair is prescMit on each side of median hue posteriorly, and the elevation.- are alisent round tiie t)!is.'s ot as well as on a iiumher of small round areas on anterior 1 Halt ol (Use: senmenls :{ t(. .) without transverse line posterioilv, hut in other irspeets a- see' nd. though the elevations, or .seales. heeome pro^rcssivelv weaker to ixtli and seventh as two small l,rown patches; ei-lith segment with .-ach postero-lat.'ral anijle arme.l with a ehilmized proee s similar to that of ilrmnis Joliannseii. I.eii^ttli, 1 t nun. Locality: Pool at Collinson jioint, .Maska. .Iiine I'L'. IIHJ i F. .Johaii.seii ). Chironomus, >]). ;i. J..\uv.\. This species dilTers from the previous one onlv in l.einn smaller 11 mm, and in having a dark brownish vitta on dorsum of head, and the miI.- mediali lahial tooth attached to niedi,-,n one so that it appears more like a pro- tuberance irom the side ot 'he l.itter than a distinct tooth. I.ocahty: JJrackisli pond. Hernar!.") (F. Johansi'ii) Tanytarsus \an der Wulp. There are several imaM:ines and .some larva' of this (-enus in the collection. Tanytarsus, ^P- Ai u '!1:!''" ,'" P'"?!- '•ondition resemble in most particulars viridirvnlnS .\lallo( Ihe ll.ora.x is black, fuscous, tliounh probablv greenish in hie ami lees pale tulvou. . The fore tarsi have no lonK hairs and the basal joint IS about 1 •.) as lonu as second. The wint:> are not in -ood enoufrh conditi<,n to Rive an accurate idea ot the venation. I.ennth. .io mm. Locality: Teller, .Maska. .Vufiusi :{, \\]\:\ i F. .lolKiiiseii i. Tanytarsus, sji. _». On.' mah' without fore tarsi. Lainer than foiesoinj;, j:ntirelv bla<-k. mr udiiiK the legs, haltercs, ami aiiK-imal plumes. Winns with verv short surta('e hairs; radius extenduiM; l" l'<-RinninK of aiiical curve of wiiu'; sliglitly before iiiiddle. I.eiidth. 1-.') mm. J.o.'ality: Lake Annmaloktok. Colville mountain.s. Wollaston peninsula \ictoria island, July L'2, li'l.^) (I), .Jennessi. Tanytarsus, sp. :{. L.\Kv.\ ( )ranjje in life; alcoholic specimens, irreenish vellow, head brown Hase ot antenna- pe-ltinculate; basal antennal joint about five times as lonu as thick, second joint about one-fourth as lone as basd, third and fourth joints pale, their comhim-d lei.Kth.v .; i ciual to ien^ih of second and ,ii.stinctiv i.'.ss than hat of the lotiK p.air of filaments at apex of secoml joint, the filament 'at apex of ba.sal joint not longer than second joint; mandibles stou*. with a rather strori and not very sliari. apical to.,th, ami thr.'c small teetn alons; inner maruin' J)il)t< Id •M) c lahiiiin with nine i-tini£ of rather stout pale thorns. LeiiKth. S 0 nun. Locality: 15r;ickisli i)ond at Hernard harl)our. Dolphin .Mnd liiion >trait, Northwest Territories, ,Iune fi, HHti (K. ,loh;- ,seni. Alonn with tins species is one of < htlip. ». This species is much smaller than the preceding, lieinji ahout ."> li mm. in length, ;ind forms a cylindrical case which is very little lotiner than the larva and is entirely covered with tine particles of .sand. There are no lilameiit-like pro- tuberaiu'cs on the cases before me such as are on cases of some members of this (icnus found in streams in the more temi)e-.ate |)ortions of this continent. Structurally the larva resembles the precediuK species. i>ut the labium is not so straight on its anterior outline latera'l\-, being n\ore like that of Orthnrldiliiis )iiri>n'iinihi.s Fitch, the central portion being almost transverse, with bro.-id, poorly defined teeth, and the lateral jjortions .sloping backward, with sharp tei-tli. 'J"he antenna' are almost as in the preceding species. Locality: liernard hiirbour. Dolphin and Union strait. Northwest Territories, from bottom of big lake (20 feet), mid lie of February. ' Uti ( F. .lohanseiu. Another vial with date Decendier. l!tl,'), station t'ic, contai a larg<' nundx'r of these larva'. Camptocladius Van der Wul]). Four specimens in the collection appear to belong to this genus. They are all males, but their condition is too po, r to <'nable me to make certain <>f even llieii- generic status. They, however, have the habitus of Ciiniploclddins and probal)ly belong hei'c. Length. 2") mm. Locality: Hernard harbour, Doljihin and Inion strait. Northwest Territrjries, June hS. litl") (F. Johaiisen). Orthocladius Van der Wul P- This genus is well represented in nortlii'm latitudes; the >pecies occur in the United States very early in the year, March and April being the months in whicJi they are most abuedant. There is one imago of a species in this collection and the larva' of ;.,. which may or mav not be the same .^ecies. Orthocladius, sp. \. A male in poor condition closelv resend)les ninirlnniliis Fitch, but the fore tarsi have much longer haus, tlie basal fore tarsal lomt is slightly less than tliree- fitths as long as fore tn ia, the wings are milky, and the cross-vein is obli()Ue. Lengtli, t) mm. Ijocality: Collinson point. .Maska. ,hme 22 2:?, 1914 i F. Joliansen). 40 ( ((iiKiiliitii Arrtif Kxpclihiiii. 11)1, S-IS T T; riii,; iiuiy lie the >p(>i'ii's recorded as iiiililliiisis Zetteisledl . Iioiii ( ireeiiland, l)y I.miillieck, l)Ut so many of the iiortlieili species ol' Oithocliiiliiis -.uhI Chlrntio- niii.i have the same haliiliis and jieiieial ehaiaeters of colour iid hairing "f the fore tarsi lliat it is not possible to say (h'fiiiitely whether Zetterstedt's sjiecies occurs thi're or not without a careful comparison of a series of specimens of species from I'lurope ami ( ireenland. Orthocladius, sp. 2. A species re|)resented hy a nuni!)er of specinicns to which I li.ive n'ven tills name may ii". lielonjj to Oiihm Iniliiis in the restri<'te(i sense, hut is related to that ftenus. The colour of the larva in life is (jreenish or >-ellowish. In general form the body resemhles that of ('itmjMchiilius, taperJTiK to the apex and lieiiiK witho\it. dorsal pai)illa' anil permanently i)rotnidcd hlood-nills. The hcat segment, even smaller than the tlioracic i)air. armed with a few l)lack hairs and souk^ curved, thorns at a^iex. Body without surface hairs. I.enfith, ;i- .") 4 ■.") mm. Locality: Demarcation point, .\laska. May Hi, MIH, in mud of freshwater ponds I I", .lohaiisen i. Cenus incertus. A larva and |)U|ia from the stomach of the (ireat Lake-trout {('n'Miromir jHinKiifciish) helonn to a genus unknown 'o me. It is my ojjinion that the ncnus helonns to Tanypiiue, hut so little is known of the immature stages of the alierrant genera of ( 'hironomina' that I cannot he ahsohitely certain of the relationship of the rather imperfect specimens liefore me. L.\I{V.\. Testaceous: posterior margin of head, apices of mandililcs. and lateral portions of laliium d;irk hrown. Head with sparse loiiy;. erect ])ale hairs; antenna' either retracted or missing; mandihles very long, i.pex terminating in .'i long, slender, sharj) tooth, inner margin with three .videly spaced, short, truncated teeth: maxillary jialpus short, not over I") a.- long a< thick: laliium without distinct teeth, minutely irregularly serrateil anteriorly, its anterior outline produced anteriorly in centre; hypopharynx with eight to ten sin:dl teeth on each side above lateral dark areas of labium: ventral surfai'2 ■""TT Difil 41 lliittciKMl (III ilur>\im. liitcnilly .-lii]>iinj vcntrml uiiil liiisail, Mniicd aloiit; t lie liii>;il t\v(i-thir(l> til' its lateral iiiai'Kiii> with slcinlcr. >li(jlitly llMtlciicd hairs, ami with Iciur loiin. Hat hairs on ai)ii'al thirreilaceoiis. usually feeiling tijion the lilood of mammals, and are a great pest in certain parts of North America and ICurope. As a general rule the flies do not bite man. but they c:iuse great discomfort l^v Hying i)recipi- tately against the face, and by getting into the hair. Their bite is more i>ainfu! than that of a moscpiito. There are imaginal representatives of two ge.iera and three si)ecies in the collectiol.. Prosimulium Uoubaml. The only species of this genus in the collection is ai)pareiilly undescribed. Prosimulium borealis, n. sp. Mai.k. Ulack. opacpie. Thorax and abdomen with yellowish white hair. Wings clear. Halteres brown. Head as in liirtipix Fries, the antenna' rather slender, postocular cilia dark. Thorax with long, but not very dense, sub(U'pressed hairs, (yn posterior margin and scutellum longer tjian those on disc; mesopleura with a few long liairs near u])j)er margin. Fore tarsus with basal joint slender, not so thick but I-.") as h)ng as ba.sal joint of mid tarsus: basal joint of hind tarsus almost as thick as hind tibia, and nearly four times as long as second, not produced at apex: second joint thickest a short distance before apex, three times as long as its greatest diameter, and twice as long as third. Venation similar to that ■A pmiririn)! Hiiey. the r:idi:d V '.n with third l.>ranch thickened at aiiex but not ilistinctly furcate. Length. ;} mm. Tyi)e locality: Wollaston jyeninsula. Victoria island, summer, IStlo (I). Jenness). 12 c ('aaailifin Arvlic EfftctlHion. HH.I-IS This species rescnihles pIrurnU- Miillocii in liaviiic tlie mesopicuni hairy on llie siipiKT piirtioi). The tliinl l)riiiM'h of raiiius in nUuralf is very iiistin<'tly furcate, which is not the ease in Imnolin. A feinah' which is in rather poor conntical with the male, hut it is not possiiiie from the condition of the s])eciinen to say whether the inesopleural hairs are present or not. The claws are hitid, as in /tliunilv, hut the tliinl l>ran<'ii of radius is as ' i the male of hiirtnlix. 'I'he hasal joint of the hind tarsus is of e(pial thickness .h.rou^ihout its length, its apex is not iiroduced on ])osterior side, ami its length e(|uals 'J-.') the leiinth of second. Locality: Hernanl harhour. Northwest Territories, .Vunust 2"), IKlti (F. .lohanseiii. Simuliutn T.atreille. There ari' imagines of two species of this genus in the collection. It is not jmssihle to definitely as.sociate the larval and i)upal material in the eoUeclion with tiie adults ;is no s))ecinii'ns were reared. It is highl.\- iiroliahlc that the l)Ul)a' 1 describe in the following pages lielulig to spe<-ie> represented in the adult forms, hut there apjx'ar to he three distinct species in the former and only two in till' latter. Unless the species which has sixtecn-branched respiratory organs is that of I'rosiiinillNm liorcdlis, wliicii does not ap|)e;ir |)roi>ai>le from what T know of the puiKC of that genus, there nuist he a tliird species tliat occurs Hernard liarliour. Simulium, sp. 1. This species closely resembles iriiu.'^tum Say in colour, but is larger than tlie a\crage for that sj)ecies, being nearly ;{ mm. in length. The specimen is in such poor coTxlitiou that it is imjwssible to tell whether the scutum is marked or not. The abdomen has the characteristic colouring of tiie iTniistum grouj). the i)asal four segments being o|)a(pie black and the ai)ical five shining black The legs are black, with the fore coxa', trochanters, bases of all femora ( narrowly I, basal half of all tibia', basal two-thirds of hind metatarsus, and basal half of second joint .>f hind tarsus jiale yellow. .Mid tarsi missing. Wings clear. Ilalteres yellow. It is impossible to say anything about the structure of the tarsal claws as the only i)air that are left are stuck fast in the mounting medium, and are not visible to the extent of showing if they are simi)le or not. Locality: Hood river, Arctic sound. Xorthwe^t Territories. .Vugust 2S, l!tl."i < H. M. And'erson), Simulium similis, n. sp. I-KMAi.K. Similar to incllrinn Malloch in coloration and in structure of tarsal claws. Black, subo))aque. covered with whitish pruinescence. .\utenna', palpi, and proboscis entirely black; front and face with dense whitish i)ruinesconce, the former very faintly shining: hairs of face ami frons whitish yellow, those on vertex and ui)per ))art i)f occiput jiartly brown. Dorsum of thorax, when seen from the front, with an indistinct, broad, whitish pruinose vitta on each side of median line, when viewed from, behind wiMi the vitt;p less distinctly whitish than the area behind each anterior lateral angle; pile of dorsum all hair-like, rather short and depressed; no erect dark hairs distinguishable. Abdomen with basal four segments ojiatjue: the .ipical five sei:;n'.ents vitv faisftly sliining; surface hairs all yellowish. Legs black, basal two-thirds of fore til)ia> dorsally, ba.sal third of mid ami hind tiliia\ basal third or basal joint of mid, basal two-thirds of basal and bas.U third of second joint of hind tarsi yellowish. The tarsal claws are .similar to those of urcticiiin .Malloch, but besides the differences hijiti ra i;t ill lolnur fviilciit from the a'iov<' (li'x'riitlinii llicri' ;irr no Idii^ ircri dark liaii» (111 tliorsicic (Inrsii.ii as in that spcrio. Lt'!i)!tli, 2 :< mm. 'I'vpi' locality: Hooil livtT. Ari'tic soiiiid. Nortliwr-t '{"crritoric-, .\iinii>t "JH. i',»i."i il{. M. AiuliTson). I'aratypcs, Iiathiiri'r I. I<.»l.") il{. .M. .Vndcrsoiii. This six'rics is closclv rclatiMl to iircHciiiii .\Iallo(li, di'-crihid from Mriti-h ('nliiml>ia, liiit till' ])oiiits mi'iitioiu'd in the description should s(.r\e to separate tlic specii'.s. Simulium, sp. 2. I'rp'.. This s|)ecies is similar tit jdliitinixini Hart in havinn the ihorai'ic rcs|)irator\ oruaiis each foiir-iiranched (I'l. \T, fin. t). Ttiere is also a i'.iiro- pean s|)( lie- with this characteristic, j'roni juliiiniiniiii ihe iireseiil specie- differs in the armature of the aluloinen. The tliinl and I'ourth dorsal sejjinenl- each have einht stout anteriorly diri'cted thorns near the posterior inarijin. in a transverse series, four on each side, the space lietween each series of i lur aliout three times as wide as the space hetveen the thorns of each series; dorsal seg- ments five to ei({ht inclusiv<', each with a transverse series of weak. liackwardl> directed si)ines near anterior margin, the series of fifth segment much shorter than on si.\th, thiise on other segments hecoininn proi^ressively ionner ami stronger ;is they near apex; aj)ical si ;rinent with two short s])ines; fourth, fifth, and sixth ventral sejjments e.ach with two short si)ines oti each side. l.eli(;th, :{ mm. Locality: Hernard harliour, l)ol|)hin and I'nion strait, Northwi'st Terri- tories, .\uj;ust lit, I'.ll.'), in lied of river (1". .lohansen). Simulium, sp. :{. Pt I'A. DitTers fnim the forenoinjj in li.ivint; the thoracic respirati ( IM. \'l, tin. liii and the armatiue of the alidonien as follows. 'I'hird ami fourth dorsal -etinients each with {■\\i\\\ ver>' small recurved thorns arranged as in the jirevious species, fifth segment with the anterior transverse armature almost imperceptible, that on sixth, seventh, and eighth consisting of a series of very small, closely jilaceil sjiiuules th;it extends entirely across the -urfaee from side to side; apicd segment with two Very conspicuous ujjwardly curved thorn-like processes, lifth ventral egmenl with a 1 i- of small thorns on each side near jiosterior margin, si.xth and seventh each with one such thorn similarly located. Length, W ■ ."> mm. Locality; Hernard Icirliour, i)ol])hin and Tnion strait, Xorlhwesl Terri- tories, .lulv" 10, I!)l() (F. . lohansen). Simulium, sp. \. I'l i'.\.- -DifTcrs fr(>in tiie previous species in having si.xteen-hranched thoracic respiratory organs (PL VI, fig. 12i. The ahdominal armature is as follows; second dorsal segment with eight minute sjiines on each side — three in a sulunediaii transverse group, three in a sulilateral similarly dis))osed group, and two midway lietween these grou])s; third and fourth segments each with the same nmnlier of s])ines ;is second, hut they are stronger, more api)reciahly recurved apically, and the suhmediaii and intermediate series are not so distinctly -"p:init-:-d and aiJjK-ar as a singlt" r:i*hi-r irrc-guLtr serie- of five thonr-; fifth :irtd sixth .segments without well-developed sj)inules anteriorly; seventh and eighth each with a (•<)m])lete series of si)iiiules near anterior margin; ajiieal segment wi'h two to three small spines on each side; third ventral segment with two thorns on each side, fourth with three, fifth with two. and sixth with one. ' ( 11 nil, hail Arrtir Hxim.IiIiiiii. In I. i- IS IciiKtIi. J ,") inrii. t..rHv AuKUst 1.., I!.|.,, ,„ I....I .,, nv..r; „•„.„■ I.M,.lity, July 10. HM.-mI'. Joh"!- With Ihi. In,, l.„ ,|,,r., ,, ,„..ul...r ,.| larva- of whirl, 1 .h...., ,..,1 ,(,.. h.-nln :'i'' iiiiilonnlv c.hMir.-.l. thi 1 ,v., i >l'<«"'> thr aiitcimu' lik.'lv thit „ tlw, I. . I Y , "^•"'' ,"'", '•"^•' 1^ •' 'III.' .s, mull 1,1,1 am vitv ;i. ^, ail;! I, ;is,;":;";';.lv'' '=''■""" """•""- -"' •"-"'^'- -• '•'• \m. ni^. f ^^^^^1 l^.^^^^;;;'" ''r,n,.lu> pa.n.l to .i.-ar,. an.l vrry n^rular in arra.,K..,„..nt, LEPTID.t. Thi Ptiolina arctica M illoch. EMPIDlD.t. ^.".i 'n ti';'i;;:i.;;i::r*il:i:.::i^::;;;'':;;' ;;;.;;;:'l';;;;,;:;:r ^-" ■"-'"•" '-'- ^ The lame of fh,. s]n-ru-s which I hav fouii,! ii, 111 !• icilialc (d|)iilafloii takes place. Rhamphomyia Mei^en. .'BM '■wm-wr'r^Tam I >l III) III l.'l < on.' I Imv.' Hli'iitifii'.l I (mv .■. -IikIi, .|,,iiI.i „- t.. \h,- .uinrtri.-.- uf iiiv i.lrntili. .•iili..n iHTiiusr I h;(vr ii..t ll.r t.mlr l,..|.,f inr, Mn.l It «:i- honi ll,Mt -.x i|,.|t fhf -i»'cii'^ wii-' uriu'iiiiilly ili-criliiil. \\t \ Til Sl'H II » M AIK* I lliillin- lil.iik i>r liliiik-hriiHii ., Il.illiri" \illii« - - ''■ >■■' viTV iliMiM.'llv ll.irkiM.'il; ryi- -..|M|-.,i,.| l,v «|,|||, ,„.,■,,- iin II, -imI, viiM iMiii.Jiinj ii, Miarmii iif VMtiu; hair- nii ilinrax .iiiil .■.lulnii. ., ilmk IViiMira 111.1 a|,|.ii-.ulily ll.i.k.Mii..|. Iiitlr -.liMilir iIii.m lihia': .■vr> ii.M'li«i'ii'm"''i,V'.iil."'' ...hlmuiHi- -iM iviMMMiil .•xlLihliMtf III «iim inarit.n; hairs, .n ilinraNaml al..ln.M..M liiir :i .1 Hiii.l lai-i will, tlir ha-al ji.ii.t thukir, lit.ia^ at apiirs, ami v-rv inilil, tlmkir llr.n ha-al ji„„i 1,1 |„r,. ami „ihl Iiim; ail lil.ia^ ami Iwi. jmni, „f all lar-i «ill, lalliri .III, >r. Iiitiu. Iilir hall- iliir-allv 'ii','„i !'■, Tai-i 1,1,1 a-, aliiivr. Ug- will,..., I li,i,u ilia',-.i. hair- mi liliia'ami l.a>al l«u ji„ii|..,,| mu'VmiV'' -.•viTa of 1,1- hall-. ,„, t.avil jimii „f tar.-l .ill all li^Ks ,„i,>,,i,n,„„|v -lu,,,'^,;- ,Uu, II III. -Is, liri^ilr-liki' ., ■iiiii'hil I lla,!-. Ill- th„rax ami alHhiiiMM, v..||„«|.|| .■..:.;::■., i,lh,>r'h''n ('.'i^umX llairM'ii Ih.irav aii.l aliLiii,.'!, Iila.k , ,„ ,, ,, '^'"""■ I tills, I I, III) ,1 , II. ^|t. H:\l M.K.-. I llallil.- I,l..k llalt.n- y.ll..« - J. Ml.l ami himl f..|ii.,ra »nli a wrirs i.f si|iiaiiiiila' al.>ii|{ lli.- i...«i..|i>-v,i,ii;,l ,„-,iK,n, |,.,,.,| J'l' ' 'ill"' '■'■■-I ill 'l-'-I II- 'llll■l^ ll> .-.Pll-.-' ..I lll'ia- -,\lll \.l,, .Al,.„,|||,i; I,, „,.,ri.i„ "' "'"'' hi, -In II,' ,, r.'im.ra .l.;v.,i,| .,f vinainiihr. at iii.,>t ^^ill, l,ai,> ,„■ l,ii>t|,.-; .|\lli v,„i m.i ,\i,.„,||i',i: ,,"''' liiariciii ..I nil, II ., ;i. ■I'il.ia| ami tar-i «,il, .I,.,,-.- -h.,il l,;,ii- ,,| „i„r,„ii, Mr,i,ml,. «|,i,.|, „,,«l„.r.- ia,- | |„ ' li'lltflh Ih.. .llaliiil.T 1,1 111.' |ialt ii|i,,ii whi.l, ih,\ air -lUiMlnl nr^iiiii n u lil.ia- aii.l latM «ilh soars,.. ,i.,iit hrisll,.-, many ..f .v.avil in l.aimli llir ,|iain..|,T .il tiliiM' -ir tar-i, ll,..-i. ..ii .l..rsiiin ..f |,a~al j.,ii,I i,f la'-i v.-ry iimiiniil n, imll, ■1 V,.„li:,l |,lai.- I„.|«.-,.n l,as,.., ,,|- f,,r.. .•,,vr with l.,i,tc |>al.. hairs; !„,„..- ..n ll,..ra\"an,V'ilI,'l.,".'' iii.i. y..ll.,«i-h i,ll,.,,iil„,.i C,,,,,,,!!,.,,' \iailral plali' l...m.-.-n l.asi's' i-ovr liar.- hairs ,>,i lh.,ra\ aii.l aliil.uii ' i,k III. 'n'nii^ I, ^[, Rhamphoniyia erinacioides, n. sp. MaI-K. Hlack. siilMipaiiiir. U iiins sliglitly l.mwiiisli. veins .l;uk l,r,,\vii MMllcrcs hlack-liruwii. Hails mi nil ire insect t'liscdus. Kycs scpar'alnl hy as ureal a wi.lth as ilislanee acidss |i« ,.(■■ lii- aiileiiiia' with l.asal tw.i jiiiiits siil.eimal in ienfitli. lliini joint hn.a.l al liase' (apeivil liuni near l>ase to apex, its enliiv leii(itli slightly m,,!,. il,;in twie- its Urealest widtji and I .") as ureal as first anil Miamd lamiKined ; apieal style thick iine-lhird as Inn;.: as tliiid joint: proboscis sleinh^r. lapered to apex, its eiitin'. lenttlli •■i|iiai to I ■:. the height of head: palpi short: ipul. with lone rather liiiek hairs. Dorsum of inesonotiiin covered willi ionu. rather dense, iiprijiht. Ihiek hair>: ventral piothoraeic [liate lieUveen fore coxa' hare, the portions of thorax iinnieiliately aliove liases of tore coxa' with ioim hairs: hairs in front of lialteres nuinerons: scntelhini with a closely -et friiifte -.f upright hails alonit posterior inaiKin (2t HO). .Vlxl.inien with ilense erect stout hairs on entire surface except on the hypopyuiuni; hypopyfriiim iarue. upper processes lonji directed cephalad over dorsuin, as shown in I'i. MI.h«. (i, the filament not visible except near hase. Femora very noticeably thickened tibia' and tarsi more sien- i iH.t I.m-iIn ; cIiim." vir.v Ioiik .iimI imiiiIi nirvr.l Dinal nil .loH'.l, iKiirii.'il ill M/.I', vein rloMiiK l"H«r |M>tli-i\tli vein l.'iiiit, lull iiiici'Mlilf III iii:ir|{iii. l.t'iiKili, ,'i iiini. TyiM- li.calily: West of K.hik«ih\ ik. < aiiiiliii Hav, Alaska. July I. I'.tj I iK. .loliaiiscin. I'aratyiM-. Harlcr i^laml, Arctic coa>l of Ahii-ka. .Inly' II, | ■ IJ Iti). Alidoininal li.iirs fine ami sli.,;t modcatel; ,lent.e; hypopyuium in tvpe liadlv crushe.l, I. in in general structure .similar to that of preceding species, .litTerinu essentially in havintj the two stout anteriorly directed picicesses covered with .soft short hairs. Femora si.. nder, l.arely stonier than til.ia', for<' and niii triiKiriolilis. Thorax less den.sely hairy than m male, the sciitellum witu about eitihteen to twenty bristly hairs. Abdomen pointed apically. Lejis slende--. laisi not so much thickened .-is in the in.ile. the ba.sal joint of the himl pair eipi.d to hind tibia 'ii thickness; h.iirs on lens short, the lonuest ones not as loimas di.imeter of tibia: no out st. •mil ins; bristles on basal joints or tarsi. N'enation as in nude. Localities: Sandy beach. Hernard harbour. Dolphin and rnion strait, Northwest Terrilorie-, .luly l!t, l!t|,K Bernard harbour, .Inly, l!MC. 1 1\ ,Ioh,.nisen i'. Rhamphomyia similata, n -p, Ar.\i.K.- Similar to the precedinj: species in i dloiir. Kyes do.sely contisruoiis for a considerable distance below ocelli; third antennal joint about four tiiiu- as lonn as its ba.sal width, style short, aboiit eipial in h'linlh to greatest width of third joint ; proboscis nearly twice as lonn as heiuht of head; occiput willi |..nn slender hairs. Dorsum of pronoluin with dense, loii);, erect, slender hairs: pleura and protlior.ix as in piecedinti; species; sciitelhini with ten to twelve lonn liairson margin. .Vbdomen with rather sparse hairs, which are lonscr .liid iiioif iiuihcioiis wji pusleric.r iiKupins of >. ^in.Mi.-. ii\ i.opvgium similar to that of urx'nia. Lens rather stout; all femora with short sparse hairs, those on apical half on antero-ventral surface of hind pair more dense and setulose- basal joint of hind tarsi thicker than that of other pairs; all tibia- with numerous l-NK lu.i,H .l,„>ally, whirl. rx,v,.,\ „, l.,.„,|, ,(„. .Iianulrr ..I t,l,u,. Hh,,... , ,|„. Fkmai.k. Xtirvvs ill nil • with Ih.' iiiali- Kys s..,,anit,..| l,.v >.l,„ut twi... tl... ,li.i,uHT ,„t...^ i.,...|..|H,r „r,.||. aiil<.„n .• M. ... tlu- I Ii.,n.x ir.s ..„Ms, ha.iv .1,.... in nalr, li. .1 ,„ 1 ' • I..OWI, ,,n„n.;sr..M,. ,.,,„,allv iiMlis.inrtly l.iv.t,-..,., LHw..,,, Ih.\ i , I, ...W...I ar,„s,„l.als; s..m,..||,.,„ «,th ,.i«l.t sIlihI.t l.n.H.... Al -1 , ... .,, [ .. -Ill .^ tl...,„,.„..,. v..ry ..l..|i.|..r. |...«s Mlnilar t.. tl..,..- „f "x .. | . . >. J..... ..t I.,,., tars,... ,. ,i.„ a. ,l,...l, a> ,il„a. a.i.l that tl... I a.r> , . . ''""Ei^f'i'EE ^ "' ^"'" '""" "'"'" ^ "" n...;Si;inrm ' >■ -• N-"-- ...ay h.:C ;:: a'lhiT:';::;;;";:.':::':''"' "' ■ ''-'-^ ^''«'"'^ --^ •>."■■ -"• J, ( •...kl..,,.. |,..,„t. l).,|phi.. a,„l rnj,: , strait, N...thw..M T..rnl...i.« Rhumphomyia herst belli . n. -p. Fkmu.k. IMa.k M,.,„„K. Wi„^. ,|m|„ly ai.,1 ,.v,.„lv l,n,«M..,l. H:,!.,.,,.. .'lack. Hails tl.|-.>ii)jh., lit Ky..s s.., l,y .listi.ully ......v than Uw.-.. .1... wi.llj, a,',-..,, |.„>„.n.„- .. t .. ,1 anl.., j,„„t th,v,.„n...s as l„n« as ... I.asai ui.lth; mvI.. ..,..- 'Im.l as l„,,(r as th.n! a,.t,-n„al jon.t; pr„l,.,s,-is 1.5 as l.,nK as h,.mh. uf !..•■ I "'■',''"" 7' ;. -"'"....■.„.- ha.,s. Hairs |,.,s ..f .....s.,,,.,,.,,,. si. „..,., I . :..,l-.-.o.- halt ..f .hs... a.-,.,.„..|,ats , ^^ „.,„w..,l ; .,„t,.||„n. „,ll. al..„n t .' . I, , Is Al,.l..n...n pn.nt... apn-ally; .,vip„sii„r v..ry sln.,|,.r. ],-^, rath...- ' „ 1 - .M ■I';"," •;' I'"" '","' ■""'.•'"•M -a.-h as thi,.k as til.ia- at api-'. 1 , . [ ■;, ''Nm„l .a.s,.s ,h..-k,.,- than h.n.l „l,ia at ap,.x; n.i.l an.l h.'n.l li.,.. i a wit "' "^ "f ''•I"""" =''';">I tl... p„sl..,-.,-v,.,.ti-al i..a.Ki..: l,ns,l.., v.-v •- .k :n..lspa>s.. „.„... n.,,,-!,. ,..,.,alh„« ,i.,.„n,.t..r „f tibia-. V,.in .l-sin^ l.,w.. - ... t ,, Typ..l,„alily: Ilciscl...! islan.l, V.ik.m T.T.iloi v, .l.iivJ!.. I;, „ „„^r|„ I,., I,, if it u,;,l,.,,ttl.atsp...-i..s. 'Mxi'...... Rhamphomyia albopilosa ( ■i..| /{hr,n,,,h,„n,„n „U.,.,„h.u ( o,,,„ll,.| t . l',„,., \Va>l,. A,-a,l. ^ri , vol. J, HMH), ], IIS. I What I tak.. f. 1... this sp,.,i..s is .■..pi-,..<..nt...l in the i-(,ll,.,t.,.n hv tw,. f..n,al..s ^ As t... s,H.,-„.s was ,.,-,j:,nally , ,.s,-,il„.,i f,-„n, tw„ ...ah-s, tak.-n at li..,^ l.av, \ a ka ' I MIC ti'iiialc IS (i..s(-iili<.|| h(.i-(.will.. *^ MX, .v.a. h... I Ikmalk. Hla.-k, slightly shiniim, (listinctlv irrr.v pn.i-!f'-c< ,.. .„,,.;.,i!.. . , j;";"" ••""' ai..i.......„, \\ inp shKhtly a...l .n.if,.,-n.Ty l.rownish, vins .lark'l'.mvvn" >< I ow, .M-iitclar l.i-istl.s, of th.. haii-s on ......iput. an.l all of thos,. ,,., „.l„i .....1 antenna- hlaok; til.ial an,! tarsal l>iistl..s ,-„ I haiis ' ' w mz~:^SAnm 4Sc ('niKviinn Arctic K.rpcdition. t!)l.1-IS I'.vcs widely sopiiratcd: third miteiitial joint conical, ulxnit 2-o times as loiig as its iiasal width; style slightly over one-third as lon^ as third antennal joint; proboscis fidly twice as long as height of head. Hairs on thorax long aiily pointed apically. I-egs very slender; femora with very short surface hairs; fore tibia- without difl'erentiated bristles; mid and hind tibia' with a few short bristles on dorsal surfaces wliich are not as long as the diameter of the tibiie; tarsi slender, all joints with stitT black setuhe ventrally, and a few differentiated setuhc on dorsum of at least the basal joint. Wiiijt venation normal; the vein closinjr lower portion of apex of discal cell very oi)li(|ue, almost straight; sixth vein thick to apex, extendinn; to margin of wing. Length, 7 mm. Localities: Herschel island, Yukon Territory, July 29, lOKi; Cockburn point, Dolpiiin an14 (F. .lohaiiseii). Rhamphomyia conservativa, n. sp. ^^\L^;. Black, suboi)a(pie. Wings brownisli, iTiore distinctly so basally. Halleres yellowish. Hairs and bristles black. Kyes contiguous; third antennal joint nearly three times as long as its width at biise; style stout, rather more than one-third as long as third antennal joint; proboscis about 1-2.") as long as height of head. Dorsum of mesonotum rather densely hairy, the hairs upright, sleivler. and of moderate length; ventral plate between bases of fore coxa* bare; hairs in front of base of halteres long and dense; scutcllum with eight to twelve fine hairs on posterior margiti. Abodmcn with rather sjiarse short hairs, whicliare longer near posterior marginsof segments; hypopygiuni of the same general typeas tliat of rrinacioiilis. but the portion that is directed cephalad over dorsum reaches about three-fourths of the way to base and is pale yellow in colour, contrasting strikingly with the dark abdomen; lower po.