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liiiird Junf 25, 1910

Report of th»: Canadian .\rctic Expedition 1913-18.

l'«rt A I'lirt H: I'lUt C: I'lirt D; V:\ri ]i I'ail F: l\irl (1: Part II: Tan I : ra!» .1 : I'ait, K : I'.-irt I,; IVirt M:


l)r.( AH)!) CKI ST.Vr.AN'.-' By M. try J Ilathbun . I l.tmed August l\\ I 'If'

SCIUZOr<ir)CRrsTA( I'.AN,-^ rv WiiMo I. Srhnnti ■I»m<d SepltmKr :>. I-'I'J)

CI MAl'KA By W T C'-ilinan

ISOrODA liy MiKs I' 1, Hcidih- ... .VMrilll'ODA liy Clrir.n •■■ !! SlioiMi:iiT

PYCNOOONIOA L-'Oii .1 folr

I;T l'I!YI.I.orOUA r.y F iolumsi-n. CLAn(K'i:il.\ Bv Clancy .Ill'iav.

USTKACODA By 1!. \V Sli^ijv

FliKrfinVATKK C()Pi;rOi!A i".y (' Dwmh! MiirHh

M.\KiNi; r()i^i:r<>UA. Hv a ■.viii.y

PAll.\Srri<' COPF-POUA Hv ( Iwirliti H Wilson Cll!KlPi;i)F\ By 11 A PiL-l.iv

(/n iiresi).

(In pris'i}.

Hm prfsx).

(Jti ;)riSi>.

/n prv}inrntioit) .

I / n jrrf«'< )

In pn pnration^.

\ A/.riJ ?;, lUM'.

I "2(1,.

In iirrnif'

In j>i<!ii'ii::'uini



quecN's UNiv€RsiTy














Vol vii Iii)> 1

lisued Juni- .*'„ 19.


■. i

Report on tlu' MarliU' Copt'poda colleited diirin<^ «lu' Ciina- dlan Arctic i:xpi'ditlon.

lU All I III IC Will V ^, I) Si . 1 US.

IM. I ( .,„,■ J. If -,1 . I

■yUr 111:111 ■.pp.lMi.l . iii-ljii'fM. culliitcl liy .Mr. lilts .ImIi.iii tluil .u I lir

('.iniiiiiMli .\irlii' lApchtioi, frimi l'.>i;( 1.. llMtl. .cv.l- :i wi'lf ivtciil ..'' i-ini-t- liiic I, III \ iiiHMiivii i«l;iii(l 111 « oiniiMtioii mill' III the ?«'ui(lnM>l 'rfnitorifs -il Citiiaila. till' wlinlr <iiiliiMriiiir an iiii'a wliiili lia* Imtii kiiIv -Imhtly rv|iliiitil ill n'tiai'l to if« niirrn-cruslacraii faiiiia. I'll'- loinparisi.n n< thi- laiina with that i.f tlif ,\llaiitic cna-l of Nmili \iiiiiir;i i.lTi'i- ri'iiiaikiiMf -imilaritii- iiiiiit;l''il with ilissitiiilaiitii's. as iii-'ri-d chio ever- 'l.-r tjivisii'ii <>t' the North I'acitii' fauna. 'I'ln' l'a''t'- discovcrni jii>tifv r\|ii'ctatioii that fiirthrr data will

throw liijht upon the nlation of ilic coiMpoils lo the riirniils pr.vaiinm otT the \\i>t coa^l. Tliisc iMsitriiitii'ai .ilopoiis form the I'a^i- of tin' lood-

siipply for pflauic (islirs, cspci-i.-iliy toi yoiiiii: ti-hc-. whil-i thr littoral and l.ottoiii-dwcllini; s|>f(i(> have iiillriti\.' valiir lor thr tlat-h-hi-. 1 itlnr diii'itly or indirt'ctlv.

The copcfiod contents of .Mr. .loh.iliMn's saiiiplrs ucrr iicniraily sraM\, Ml th.'it it wa.s not always pos-iMc to indicalc tluir pcrc-i'iitaL"' "■oniposilion. In till' prcsilit report seveial sprcies are ideiititieil for the hrsi tune from the west ..nd iiorthw st coasts, l>ii! perhaps the most iiieinoraMe niariiie copepod rceoni for the entire expedition is that of l.iiiniui-iiUiini.< ijnninUIn from < MJlinsmi point, Alaska, it will he found that the collection secured hy .Mr. .lohaiiseii under such arduous eiiciimslaiiees prcM-iits several other features ot interest. .\ notahle deficiencv is the alisenee, from all the natherinus, of Cnlnm,^ rri.-'liilii'< which, accordiim to( lieslirecht, is the most characteristic species of the Hehrinc sea and has not I.eeii found south ..f that area. The explanatio? if its ahseiice is t.i lie looked for ill the romparatively small lunuher of station- made liy the expedition on tlw voyage to the .Vrctie Ocean wiiere their mam oiijective lav.' 1 11

The liiinilie, -opepods of the siii,divisioii Ilarpaetieoida taken pela>riealiy liy horizciital tov ' of the plankton nets at or near the surface, in water lanes ainiil pai !.-ice o, liv vertic;il hauls throiiuh holes in the ici', makes a rather

strikiii).' iinentary on this collection, .lust as the pehmie < alanoids make

daily (••■ '"sions toaiid fioiii the deepi r strata of water, so the hentho-iic or iiottoin-i' '.'iiiK Uarpaclicoids evidently rise towaril the surface from time (1 time. ' 'Illy one p»'latric Harjiaclii'oid was recorderl from the east coast waters luriiin th-- < aindian Fisheries Kxpedition. Idl l-l'), namely. Iliillllinli str,.-< vroni. This speeies has not yet lieen found on the west coast. The clear-cut spccitic divergence of Ihixiil-'iinia stffdnsstnii, in comparison with its Siheriaii cniiuener, is another jioint worthy of special mention.

.\ < '.\I..\Mllli\.

1. Calanus finmarchicus ( lunnerus, ITti')).

This piolitic species is common to the North racitic. North .\tiaiitic, and .\rctir oceans. .Xccordinu to the latitinlr. season, time, ' i>th. ami proximity lo land or ice, in which it may lie taken, it !> found associat 1 with very dilfeieni companions.

" i\„j \I,,st r.f 111,. iiiarr..-r,,pi,- f,,ri.i- in tl,.- /•i..phinkl..n Ki-lM--', . m-ivv;,, Ann.-li.l^. M(iJu-:i-, I'ti-.i, wiTi' i.iiki'd uut li.-ture the siiiiipli-^ wrf nnl i" rmf. Willi-y. frits f.<K)S.> -1 i


■^ riiii,i,lian Arrtir IC.rj,,;!,/,,,,!, IHI.l-IS

Stat iuiis Is,,, (■.,./•. ,i.»o >• |i;-^ •.,,' u- ,■ ,

'""in^'M. MMtan. fo,h 10 .nHM-.Mnm. "'"'*■'•■'' ''■'■"'*-'^ "'"' '"' ^"- -'■

'■'"■ <l"a.„iiv ua> >n,al ,'■ ' . i ,, l"<:-''' v-^.l „, „„,. vial, .(ulv 7. I!l|;5

'Z",.:,.,. MM.I a U^^y (isl'-l'uva ' ' "> I"''"'"'". t^^■vuiy.U,u,■ rral, larva.

■n'Hollowin. ..,.n,ury „f ....p.,p,,,,, .,,Hu... .,,,,.. A..a,.Ma, was nuul.. ou, : -- Tahu: I ,Sr^ Is. kx, ,. A, umu.

'■•"ll'liinihliiiisrluliflalil.s 1

('rnlni/uifiix iiirnmrni'hi } -,

hi(ri/t,m,ii„ h.nlmam ; -.' alwl J ) 1

/«m/.//</,/,«v,v, „m/,/„7r,7,,< lal! voui.m »()

liirliiiiuf ili.iftniiliilus , , ' ,r,.)


Stafion L'la. /*, r: (iS^.SO' \ l(|(i^ ■{•)' w . '""

■strait, lM,t s„utl, ,.f tho Xtir 2. "'^'"'"' '"'■^ "'"fh of Uvnn^

•"•'i-U-s ,.„rn.,„ a..„„n thr.Mlgh tin! nanoJv'stnu;""""""" "^ "'" '^"^'"■^'"'^

Taki.k II iSta. L'1,1, /(, ,).

<'(ilii>i,i.ifi,im,irrliici,.-<, stagi-s I\- aiiil \

'■■<'-"'l<>r(ilii„,i,H,luiigatHs{vhifi\\it 2

( rrilrii/xn/r.i iiicmiirrirhi . . ' 2."«

I'iniihintdorrrn <imi,hilnl,„ ij'' in,,! 9 , . "■>

t.iinjlrmimi h,r<hmtnt ichlcflv ,-) 1 -,

hiirylenwrti jnhnnsrni lo" and « ) 25

Acnrhxi longircmi.i ... u

Arnrlid rlniixi jO

Oithoiiii .liiiiilin . , II)


Taiii.k III ,,s-, ^ ■_>.-,/, ,.,

CiiliinHs liiiiiiuri-l,irii.-i I

Ci'liiiiKs Jii,iniirrh)ni.< II . •{

<''il<iiiiis timiKiirhicii.t III ,'{

('^•li'iiK" Jiiimiii-ihinis l\' - 2

I'si iiil(i,;iliuius ili,n<i(tliis ~>

.Xnulin trl,i,isi :Hh\ l,ni,,ir,,„,\, ■'!

(hlhi,),ii .■<,milix. ' Ij,, Hi'ipiK-litiis iiimii:itiirc), . , :{

•>l!lllil.tK( Imi fii.yihiillil.S 2


^m-fa,.,., MMdrr in. „• , , ' its f hi, l , i ' T 'T^'rJ'""' """' '■^"'""" '" "'<■

^ ':;";:!::;/,.:"„''.''"" ""^- '"■■ ""•'"•" -^-^ "-"th, , „o t^t lon^. „,,„ , ,, ,,,.

Mtiriiii (tipi jiiidii


Staliiiii 27/. (I : ^.•lllll■ loculily ;iiiil ilr|)lli ,•l^ piict'diiii;, ( (liolicr t mikI .">, llM.'i. 'J'lic t'ollnwin^ :i»cl!il)l;ii;r itnlilc I \' I \\;i> iMkcii tlnDiluli a ciMck in the ice. orjc to two feet liclciw tlic surfarc. with net \(i. 'A:

'!' Ml 1,1. I\' iSt\ '27 1. 11).

i'nlimus I'liiniffrrfiiiiis I\'. \ ;inil ditiiitiis Injjit rUttn Hs \\ ami \ /'.SI iiiliu'llitti us t liirninl us Lnnnih-tlhlnus ijrnniiltllt i -' ;ili«i , Uitliithil siniilis Onnia <'<tniU m .

1(1 I .".4 10 20


III aiiiiitiiiii llicri' wa.-^ an l:ch tmsiniKi . a I'si iiiliifiriid ija aini an Acurtiii. Tin' |iicscncc at I lii.~ >Iat inn nt l.i iiiiukiiIhh us i> of [larl iciilar inli'ir^l . as will lie i Id ailed OKiic t'ully l>rlow. i>]\c < '. Jiiiiiiiirrliifiis . nica>uici| I 2") Mini., anol licr I .'> nun.

Station L'7//2: Mnlranif ot' lajioon at ( 'ollin>on point; ilrpih 1 in 2 fret inwaiil Mifitni . no ice. net No, I-!, lii'tccn ininiilcs. ( Icidlicr s, l!li:',.

Tmii,!: \' iSiv. 27./.'

Ciiliiiiiis liniiKin incus IV. . t'nhlnus JtHtmlri ^urus \ , . . . i^filiinus Jintiifirihirus ; ... ('nhinus hiijtt liiori us \ I's4 u<lin-ii!nnu> 'hnnififus III I'si uil"rilhli"is iliiiniiilus IV I\-<> uilnralilti us ilntiijiilus \ ,

I'sf UlllH'Olllt'US 1 lutlfftllU-S ^ . . .

iiiiiilius liiiiiiiiitiiri']

Oithiiuii si mills






10 10 10


Station 2!i( : 70^ ;i' X.. IH W., ilcpili 2.'> fatlioni,'., .\pnl 2. HMt, ■i'ln.v V('ili(;:l liaiils with net No, li. Iioin (1 20 fallioni>, tlii(iii<ili ciaik in ice, \i('l(lci| one ('. litiiiiiirrliinis , and two or tlircc iniinatuic inalr l's< inlin-irliinns,

Sla'tion 2iV: 70° 20' X,. 1 10° :{()' W d.'ptli 150 fathoms. ,\piii (i, 1014. S('\-('ral vertical haiil.s were made, at variou- depths with pl:inkton ni't niimher .")' thi-oiifrli cracks in the ice. The ca|itures comprised ('. tiininirchniin. yoiiiin and adult, includini; a female of .")•.') mm,, and a male df I-.") mm., in company with ('(ilniiKs liiiptrhiin IIS. I'si uiliicnUmiis iliiiiijntus, l-'.iichiutn iinrnijirii i see lielow ), Milriiliii loiiijii and OithoiKi siinills.

Station Ms: nernard harliotir ijniier harlxnir-. Dolphin and I iiion strait, temperature li.') ;V" K.. net No. 'A. ten minutes at .Xucust 21, 101.').

Iahi.k VI St\ 11-

I'lilitiiiis tii.nian-hirus I \ i'aliinus hftfii rhnn us \ _ . [*Sf uilin-iilfitius ilintiidlus . Eunjti iNitrii lirnhuniii

OiHuDlit sillillis .

Ith/itfi lurriitii

iMflii Issi hill sli iillissntti

1 tiO

12 1


The alis(ii((' ol adult f'lihunis i.- io l,e noticed, ( )in- l^mi/li niiirn carried an o\isae. The ('. Iii/itirhiin us \' alie slatre piccediny; maluril\-i measured ti nun. in leimth and the fifth foot had l.'> co\;d teeth. One C. iiiiniiin-liiriis \ of 1 mm., hail 2S co.\al teelii at the base of the fifth foot. .Vt -t^iire 1 there are

VcrOl'nl Mi'l. ij illi iir- ,■|^rn■.^ MmUtil. CM<1 .ipi'H -I linill-- Ulil... Willi l.r.i--'t ;iliil -llk,|;,-i lintl.ilii

li-nKtIi .'U feet, tho upper Imlf liciilv nf .-.'iin :,s



The Canadian Arctic Expedition. l9t3-lS

two pairs of swiiiiiiiinu feet: at static II, tliico pairs: at static III, fotir pairs. One ('. Jininarchiciis II was 1-.")L' iiiiii. lonti; aii<l one of stajic IV measured ;$•") mm.

Station V.U: Dolpliin aM<l I'liioii strait. o!T StajiyltoM hay, depth ahoiit 2") fatJKims, net No. ;{, ten minutes at surface, ScptcmKcr 14, Htl.'i. Tlie material contained a (pianlity of pliytoi)lankton and copciioil i)M|)a'. the hitter domiiiatinn the zooplankton. FriliUaria and I'hilciis were also present. TI.c air temper- ature was 28' I"., and tiie water temi)eralure .'{(l-.S" F.

'rAiii.K \ 11 Sta.

Caliitnis '''ifitfiri'hicii.'^ I

P.'^t inliHiiitniita I'ttniijatiis 5 . . . .

I'si iiddcaliniiis iliiiifidliiac j\iv

Eitriiti nifirii hi riinntm ■;

Kiiryli miiia la rdmnni J'

Aciiriiii timg:r( mix 9 , . . , .

Aoitiin liinyircmii'd'

Hillidiiit niiiiilis

Atnpl'di,si-u.-< nti.\ulusS

Station .■)7(i: Cape Smyth ipoini Harrowi, Alaska, depth 3 fathoms, 8, KHli: secured liy the catcher';

Ciildii'i-- jinnKinliinin I\ . . Caldniiti Jitiiiiiirrlurn.t V. . . V(ilfiitt.s liiiitiarf I"' '/.■< 9 . .













2. Calanus hyperboreus Kn.yer, is:w.

15esides the occurrences of this species noted in Tallies IV, V and VI, there are several other records to he mentioni'd.

Station 27//1: Lafioon at ( 'ollinson point .\laska, in 1-2 feet of water, no ice, October 8, I'Ji:?, catcher. One ('. Iinjurlxinu^ V, lentith o-O mm. The lateral lolies of the last thoracic scfiment were trianRular and Muntly pointed, so that doubt niitilit lie entertained about its identification until the fifth less, with 17 coxal teeth, were exaniined. The inner and outer iiraiiches of tlie fifth Icfis were 2-joinle(l; the remaininti natatory leps had both rami .'{-jointed. The anterior anteiuue were 2."i-jointed, joints 8 and it beintl feelily si>paiated.

Station 2S/i: ('ollinson point, .\laska, depth one fathom, ice 12 inches thick, 'October 11, 1913, catcher. One ('. Iiiijicrhtiriiis IV, lentith 4-7 mm. was taken The abdomen was three-jointed: p ."> Ke and Hi, one-jointed; the remaininti letis had two-jointed rami. The jointinti of the antenna' and mouth-parts was the same as in the adult, joints S and 0 of the anterior anteniue beiiiji imperfectly divideii.

Station 2S(': Sar. locality, ice l(i inches thick, October 21, litl3. One female of 8 mm, was taken in the catcher.

Station 29f/3; 70° 20' X., 140° 30' W., depth l.'iO fathoms; vertical haul with net number ,1 from .")0 to l.'iO fathoms, .Vpril (i, l(»i4. Two mature females mensiirinii 7-."> and ><■."> mm. in lentitii.

Station 3(W: 1)9° 41' X., 141° 11' \V., otT Demarcation iioint, Alaska, about 300 yards ofTshore, depth 3 fathoms. May 4, 1011. Six vertical hauls with net number 3, from surface to bottom, throiitih a hole in the ice whidi was six feet thick. The total number of copeiiods preserved was 74, distributed as under.

' Tlic \>:iK "( tiic C'ltrliiT W!v.< mailc of liobincttc, havinn wiiicr meshes than any of ihe plankton ni't.:^

Marine (.'opcpodn 7 K

TAULt VUl iSlA. IJOllj.

Ciilntius finpirhitrt'iii 1\ .1

PseiuliKitliinuii iloiiijdtii.i III. 1

I'seudoculaiina iliiiiyiilns 1\ . '

I'.ii ii(li>ciiliiHii-i iloiigiilii.1 \ . . . ,42

I'sriuliicilldllll.l tli)liililtll.i 9 II

P,<i'>uIocniitniis f lonijutUfi -^ ... 'J

(fitfiitnn simiU^-< •»

i hwun iDriiJfrii 1

HftrpncttriL-< attinrtlt .riis . I


Stiitioii Wji: l}iTn:ii(l liarlmur. Dolpliiii nnd riiii.ii Str:iit. N(irtliUf<t Tcnitorics. Iicacli \vat<'i'. in tlic calclicr, Aiigu.-^t 1). I'.Ho. ()ih' fiTiialc S-"_'.'> liilu. loiiK without the fail <if raiidal <cta'. 10 liiiii. loiiii' itl^lllllill^r llii' cauilal setae. A culdiiri'il drawing: \>y .Mr. Jnliaiisni .^liow^ ilic IkmIv iicaiiy unifoniily red, tlic anterior antennae deep red.

Station Wii: Bernard linrliour. end of .Viiirust . l'.il.'>. Four mature females were taken from the stomacli of a Western ( liarr or Doily \'ardeii trout, Salri- liiiKfi iiiithiiii, W . I wrote about tliis interesting tind to Mr. .loliansen wlio l<indiy informed me that piaetieaiiy all »he specimens of the Dollv \'arden trout which lie olitailied in the north were caufrhl in salt water. -V lariie lake east of liernard hai;iour, contaiiie(l individuals which had not succeeded in ti:e!tiiiir iiack to the sea liefoi'e the creek finze uj), so that they liai' to stay in the lake for the winter.

:^. Calanus tonsus Brady.

(1. S. I{."p<iit uii tlic «. ■,j|iriH»lu. Cliallrnu'T !;._■!>,, vol. VIII, jp. :;l. l.svi.

This is a normal-lookinir ('ulinius, like (' . jiniHiirchicns. Iml char.-ictei ized liv the aiiselice of l)a.--al serratures on the liftii pair of Icfis, ll was taken l>y the ('hallenjicr Kxpeditioii cliiefl\- in the soillliern hemisphere Imt also, in com- pany with ('(ihiinix iiriij)itiijiiu.< ]\i-M\y. in the surf.ace tow-net at station 1241, between Yokohama and .'^anduich islands, over a depth of 2, :{()() fathoms in lat. :i.V 41' X., lonfi. l.")7 42' i:.

'I'liree damaged specimens (if ( '. tiiu^ii.<. staL^e \', were contained in the patherinfj from C. .V. ]•',. station i:{((. h. r. three surface tons of five minutes each, lat. .Vl" 80' N., lon^i. l.V.T 42' W .. July 1. I'.Mo. The uaiherinn was scanty hut includeil Aairliii Imiiida n. sji.. Acurlid inuijiriiii'S. and Uiirjuuiicii^ uuirnin.-'.

('. tiifisiis was the species referred to without n;uii(> in my report on an invest ijrat ion into the Pacific Halibut Fisheries.' 1 saw numbers of ihem in an inlet to tlie south of Tassoo harbour, on the wi >t coast of .Moresby island, south of the San Cliristo al mountains, tjueen Charlotte i>lands. In the evening of ^Fay 22. I'.'ll. "the>- were risinir to the surfai'c anioim^t the kelp, one by one, then swimmiiifi- round in spirals, clockwise, cau>inu- <listinct widenini: ripples at the surface," These were also immature. From the peculiar di-triiiution of this species it ni,-i.\- lie anticipate(l that future iiivestisiations will disclose a special connection with oceanic <'urrents,

I^^lH■.l ill till' I all;i'll:iri < ■.mil ilmtions l,. ( Mlln.llan I'.i..1..l;.\ I:UI , I Ittawi. liUij.


>'niiniliiiti Ardic Exiuilitiim. I1>I.1-1S \. Pseudocalanus elon$(atu.s i Hwci k, isiili.

This Kpccics sliiircs with Anirlni the <|iiaHly of l)ciii>: thi' iii(i>l :iliiiii.l;uitl,v n>)rcs(iitcil ill .Mr. .hiliiiiiscn's tr;iihciiim>. in uililiiion to th<' >t;iiiini> i:iliiii;iic(l •rDoVf, tlic t'dllowiiif: have to lie .'idilcd.

Station i:{(/, h: rt\° :5()' \.. l.V.l !_>' W., iwo Mulaic tow- ot 1.") anil SI) liiiniltcs. net niiinhcr :{, .Inly I. l!(i:5. 'riic Katliciintr wa> vciy -laiitv. a trinalc J's, iiiliii-iihiiiiis hi'lni!: pn-cnl, loucilicr wnii traco of M, Iri'lia. Aniiiid. Ilnr- jiiictHiis. and r//y;,/'.v-lai \ M' of < 'iiii|»'dc-.

Station ^2^)^|■. (iralillrs liailioiir, Alaska; depth two fatliotns, -iiifacr tow .") niinutcs, net iniinlur :!. .Inly HI). Ilt|:{. Thi- ua- a ( ladoccran |)l,ankion,

in;incfons Enulm and I'mlmi. with -tron^ ((jpcpod infilt latioii, and > .Molins-

(an ami .\ini<'lid l.arva-. Anniin cIuksi was a- ahnndaiit as uiic the ( ladoccra.

Tmm.i; 1\ St\. L'n,;i.

I'.-^i iiilifciilincis I liinii^iliis. <i-.irn-: ■'. . ami yomiK. Ci tilni/Kiyi.i iiiniiiirnchi. al)iiMila:it ; . .■mil sonic ■. hlunjii xiiini III riliiiiii{(. Iwn ri\ lyiTinis iVin.alcs. Kiiriiti iiimii jiihiiti.-iini, iiiali-s iiiily liolril. .\aiiiiii ilinixi. viTV :>. Iiiii.'iiil. 'rnlliiiiHs ili.sniiiiliiiiix. (iiic fi'irialf. lilfinil Jiiniiif, otic I'cliialc.

Station l()(/: l?ciii;iril hailionf. water depth M fathoms. -i\ veitieal hauls 1) .") fathoms with net niinihei- A thidiijih hole in u-.-. .Iiine S. IDl.'i. I'emale and imiii.atiire m.ale. the lattef with fonf-joinled ufo-ome imt aiiterioi' ;iiitenna' Ill-jointed as in adult male.

Station Vlp: liernard h.ariiouf (oiitei- li.arhoiiri. siii-faee tow with net niliiiliei- ;{ foi' 10 minuto. Septemher :il), l!tl."). '{"he M-anly (jatheiinu ie'lnded a few I'siiiilonilinius. mostly youii(i;. 'J'here were also present; Eufiiti iiiiirn hirtlniinn ■•. Ollhuiin yiiiiilis. J/nriKirlicii.-: iniin mis. filiiiin furnitd. iJiiiiii Issi niii

.■<li filllsxiiHI.

Station 42,'/; I)olphin and rnioii strait, off Bernard harlioiu'. depth 17 feet, ice 2.' f(>et thiek. I)eceiiilieri). 101."). timenoon. S|\ \ertica! hauls from siir- faee to liotlom were taken with net niimlier H at low tide with an eastward eurreiit. There wciv upwards of 101) -mall eoiieiiods. 'J"he Ps, iiiloraliiiiu.f were of v:iriou> aacs. ahdomen two to l"oiir.iointed. ,il| imm.atiire.

Tahi.k. X iST\. IJi/i

I\'<i uihieiilinni^ I linH/iihis

Miliiiiin liiiiiiii

Ai'iii'tin tiiugiri inis tiithoiiii similis I frinrii t'onifi rn lityiiii furctilii.


. ,S

. 3S




Station 42": Same locality rnd depth as ))recedinfr; time niidniirht ; three \citic,-d liauls with net nnmher .'i from bottom t,, surface through hole in ice; water temperature 2<l-2^ V.. December 12. l'.)l."). I'.olh males and female- were taken, in company with /'///(fv/ f/(^c(/^;. Mitri'lln ItiiKja. Acmiiii liiiniin nils. Oncma riitiiftrd and ThnHiiiiih iis In niiirilrnsis.

A temale J'si iidiinildiuis from station 27/. //. labove table 1\' i had a 'wo- chambered cy.-t attached to the rifiht anterior antetma. with faint indication of ra.ditil •irra.nirement (>f th.e brown irr.'!!iii!a!' conti-i,!-. . Fiir- ! '■. ><ii!iil;ir j);:r:isites, questionably as^iJ^|..(.|| to the InfiLSoria, were obs 1 and tifiim'dup.Ki Caluna-i

Miiniii ( niii jimld


finniinrhiiux l)v T. Scott |l.')tli Ann. I{i'l>. Fislicry HuMid. Snitliuid l>fMl i IV.tTi V- I"'-- I'l- HI. t- --I Tlii'V !irc now Ix'licvcil to hcloim ti> tin- PiTidincii :inil luivc liccn n;ilriril l-Jllnhidp.-is vhallmii hy I'rutV-i-or .M:iUli(c ( 'Mullriy.'

I-JK. 1. rnrlinii nf ri)llit :inli'tiiiii iif fs, ailnniliniii.^ iri'tn CtAUu iniiiit

uilli Elliilii.iiisis cluilliiii, Caullrry :iit:iiliril li. it.

Ad-orilint; In ( 'aii With i( ■<.pcpoil;t I. Dani^li Iii<;i>lt i;\|)<i|.. v<il. HI. ti.iii I. |>. •')7, Copcnliaiicn l'.tl.")i ilu> loiij; cvtalili-ln'il >pi'(ic> -ImhiIiI ."■ known in I'ntuiT as I'si itdiiciilinnif iiiiNiitiis (Kroyi-r 1NI.">-Ii).

."). (laidius ^p. .in\.

( )nlv iininalmc cxaniiiii-- i>\ tiii> loini oniiiiccl in tiic iralln-i iiit; Iroin -lalicm 27(/2 laipovc. tai)lo \ >. Tlii'v wcic rno-liy ininiatuiv in.ili-. I'lont ol.iu-c. idvinini oiisolcsccnt or aliscnl': icntitii of inmiatuif ■. I ■".•■_' mm,; tii'ili irrt ot immatuic m.-ilc iiiramou> 'V'\^. '2i.

y V

I'it;. 'J. Giinlms ;ii ui-c ■■. :ithl(«iii''n l-joinlnl.

l;. Hiuli' lil'lli li'lt- I.. I.rft fiftli li'g.

1 hail a! fif.-t ciitflTil tlii'in in my list as Cliiridius nliti(s,f,-n,i^ Ikm-iUsc oI the ahscncf of a roslruni and the pifsrncc of -liorl latrnil acaiminalions of tiif last tiioracic scttincnt. Tin- male of Aitiil(iis iiniii'tu.^ i^ likrui-c devoid ot a rostniin. hut acconlint!: to Sals this species has never lice.'i ; nmd anywhere in

' \l ( MulliTV 'I';iri- Sur un iKini-iti- <U- inl.n,,,^ h' liu,lnii,l:rHy ( l.-m-. :i|>|i:i! i,:..l.;' ;iii\

r,.i„liiu. 1,- h::.,:.;i -.•;,.-,-Mni n.t-.. r...-p \ t-r!; .11!, ,•:■-,!■■:■ , i\ ■■ ■■,■,■,,,,;;

Hill, pp, 440,44l', The eumplf'tf desi-ripticMi app.' hi Hiill.'tm -ricnt. I niiu-i', liiiu'HiU'-, i ", i ''" tiisr. H, 201 ■-'14. pi, V.

10 K

(•«,„„h„n .\M,r /■■j;.,.l,l,o„. I'JIS IS

^::i'::/'K-:;:;-:t-;,;!;'-::: f^

'■.•'HM 'TosM..! I,y X,,,.,,,. '""■'• '"'"' -I'"'"- '^"„MnK ,|,n.,ui, ,1,,. l',',';.

!"'iMts. T|„. „„„,i„, ..nn,.,MM. ;; ■• i'" '■'■"' <" 'I'- .m:,,,.!,!,!,. |,,,v:. .i >,.;

•I lujcliaeta norvegica I!,,,,-!, |s7_.,

;.. '':' ^»P';S;;™:'i:,;i;:^;!;;:;l'r;;i;';':;;»;f ■■ » Ln,.,,, , .,„,

I™ ■;,',■■«""";.," "•■'■" '»'i"""« N . iJ.; \-','':7-- ". '■■■"'-I I I .'.■

''-'«y.;n..l lK,lfa .1,.,.,. o;;L- ;w''' ""■ ^"'■^""" ""•'■'■ "a. .,n,..l/,U'l "f "'•■ »'"lla.k. '■ -'" •'-•"nac,no,|,lv li.y ,, f,„n. „:„, ,„■ „„ j

" ^-'entropages nicmurrichi, n. .,•.

•;' iHynn.T. oi-,i!.,s..o,nij, fH,; ;:; ''^■''''•■'■■'''''^'"'^'^

:-f":;;s;i.";;';.;;;;;f;l;:;r:r''"''™-" r';t;''{;iJ'«;u;;il;:*!';™s:',;'^;:; ■v'^n''' ^' '■■ -■

Jl .%.. IB,-," |(J' H„ l,.,„|,,,,,„„ J. ;',' |.'-".".. -^1 .'..■,/, «i,l ,,„„,|,„,,;i ,;i,

( :,p...j I-;^!, ■,- /""""""'«'< "DOlJOlIn iilifnir,,,.! .>, ... .....

Mttitiii ( I'/ii pii'lii

1! K

(if till' liouk; :i riylit latciMl liiiiili-likc |in>ii| 4 siinnu s|iiiiiilr> niiir tlir niiildlc of the M'uiiiciit niicl a left |H>>icr()-latfial ni<iu[) i,< ruiiiii >ii]mI1ii ^|ljrllll(■s mar flic posti'iidr end of ihr scuiiicnt ; also rinlii ami Icfi doixi-latcral tuft- iii the aiitcriiir legion. Tlif scjrincnt itself ami tlii' cinups of spiniilis nrv as\ iiiimliical.

s. LimnocalanuN j^rimalJii ' ih «;iiitnc. Iss'i .

Tliis iioti'Woithy >|)i-iic> (icciirrcd in oii'- (.':iiln'iiiii; only, at -tatioii 27 /. '/, ( 'iilliiisuri point. .Maska. ((ctolirr 1 ;ind ■". Mtl.'i. t'oiininir In pir cent of the i-opcpoil content italile 1\ ). The educ- nf the l:i-t thoia<'ie seiilnent (Tli.'ii ha\-e an acute point set iti the middle of the Imrdei- and do not l.-ipef tu the poini : lenuth of female lis.') nun. 'I'lie caudal fiuea is lon^, two-tifths the tot;il 1( iiijth of th<' Ufosome; the Upper and lowcf surfaces of the caudal lalui afe lieset with shoit spines, the iniief ami outer suiface- .■iii' seiul(j-e (or ■'ciliated"]. .Midomen of female thfee-joitited; uf male tive-jointed. with -pines on dof>al and venti;d hordeis of \\i 2. '■'>. .iinl I. Ilirht ueniculale anienn.i of male niili ti\'e joints lie\iinil the liend. the lii-i nl' which is Imij:, the l:i>i vei\- ....,., u

It has peihaps the most rem.'irkalili' dl~Ililiut ioii of aliv Inaiine cupcpod. It was tiisi taken in the ( lulf of Fitdand and named in luMiour of I'lince .Mheit of Monacd hy .1. de (iueine in IS.Sti. 'I'wo years later it \\a> <lecl;iri'd liy Nord- (piist' to lie identical with Liiiiini((ihinii.-< mucnirii- < i. t >. .■< \Si\2 from the Sciimlinaviaii lakes. Its validity as a sjiecies distinct frotn the fieshw.iter foiin was i)fov('d hy (i. <>. Sals who found it iti material from the (aspian Sea. wheic- it constitutes part of the relict (riacial f.aiina of that hasin."

The same species ,/,. ij, idkiUIH) was ricorded l.y S.ais li\ini.' pilajiically in the estuary of the river .I.iiia in Siheria. The 'entrth of female examples from Silciia was :!.;{() mm., as against 2S(l mm. frciin the Caspian Sea. The laincst ii.dividujil ol,ser\('il hy Nordipiist iti the Haliic w.i.- .SI.") mm. lotij;. Sars reirards it as a true Arctic foim of marine origin and "its occurrence in the Baltic and in the ( 'aspian sea must he exjilained hy a direct connection in I'oriner times of the^o basins with the (ilacial sea."'

There is a slight differetice apparent lietween the (injure- of the falcifoiin process at the end of the outer ranoisof the rifrht fifth fool of the male, jriven hy Sars f(Ji' L, grimaldil ' l.S'.l? oj). cit.) and for /,. iiuicninis in his ('ruslacea of Norway, vol. IV < 'opepoda-Calanoida, Part \'Ii and \1II. pi. .m. Herticn l!M)2. Accordintr to these fijiures the process is hroader and shorter in (ininalilii than in )f)firriini.-<. The examiiles of iiriiiinhlii from Aiaska ajiree in this respect with mavriiriin. There is a irominem ental cone on the first liasal joint of the left 1) ."),-. correspomliii}; h fair approximation to that indicated in the tiuiire hv Sars, l,s<l7, op. cit., ; 1. f. Is.

!». Eur>temora jiracilis Sar-i. Tn/Kinlla (irarills Sars .lana lixjieditioii. op. cit.. ISltS. p. ;!:ilii.

This species was oriniii:dly taken in the lower part of the river ,lana. in the same locality as I.ini>i(trohi>iu>- (irinmhlii. \ sinuie dain.'iKed female, referred tentatively to /•'. (jrarilis. occuri(>d in the natheriiui ,"rom station "21 </. c f. lat. ''^i° It' X., ir.,5° 10' W., temperature l.')-,")" l\. AujiUst Hi, l'.ti:5. surface.' The

:ir \.)nliiuisl: Dio ( 'ahiniiliTi I iriliinils. Hidnm uU K;ujiiuili,i]i al 1 i;il;iiiil^ Natur ucli I',

■n] 47, nn ell 275. 10 p!s. Ifol-iiiirf-.irs l^'^s.

' (■. O. Sar.-. IVI:u;io Knt.miiistrai'a f,! tlip ( 'aspian Sc-i. .Vnnimire (iii Musco Zoul. ile I'Ar -iil. Imp les Si-icni'cs lie St. reter.-l)ourc liS'J7, pp. as to cif tin- reprint ivliiili I mvc to tin- .■,>iirtc.-.v of ilii' .lutliDr

'<•■ II. Sarv: The ( laiinrcra. Copepiida an.j ( l.-ilrac-cxla of the .lana l^xpeiiition. .Vnnuaire Mus lool. St. I'cter.^hourK, III, IS'JS, p. 3:i.i.

12 k

CiinniJidii A rill r Exi>iiUtti>ii, i:il,l IS

IrriiiiiiMl >f\:v (,f 111.. riMlafoiy Ux> in tl riniiiiil .l.MTi|.li..ii :,ir ciillntniiu

.llliitr.l 11, the 1111(1.11... (Uviii^r t„ t|„. stjit.. i.f |)r..-.iv..ili..ii .i|- till. >|)....iii,..|, ..,1 my tiispoMil. I (...(11 >.;iy nutliiiid .m this p.. int.

Th.. l..|iKtli wiis \ r,-2 iiiiii., the .■iiit..ri..r Miit..iiii:.. w.'!..|i. K.l.itiv.. l(.|iHtli> ol :iii:il M.mii..|it .'iiiil liiirii: :,ii;il m.^muchI !I, liir.iil liii«lli I.').

I-'i(£, :t. Kiiiifli mild iiriiiilis i . Iro^iiiiic fnun :,Imivi. I'lK. t. Siillll'. I'lirt of lifll, I,.,;

iviiilli ..f i..|iiil:il i;iiiiii> 2; Miila... ..I .'miiiImI laiiii mikh.iIi i Kii-. :ii. h, il,,. |;,m j)!iir..t !..»;> (p..-)) the. listal joint was lost : th.. unmiifi.iin piiMc^.^ .)f th.' piovimal ,|.unt ot th.. Hamiis I H.. j) pn.j.-cts ii.arlv h...ii!..ntallv al.nipliv iiamiwiiiK t.. a <li>tal a.^iiininal,. p..iti.>ii whi.h i.. .ijiat...! ...i th.. inn..,- ...Ik',. I 'itr. ».. (,..|iital .s..fnii..rit with lat.Tai (•.mv..\iti..... M.parat...! I,v a .■.)nstii.i ion

10. Euryteniora herdtnani I. C 'riininp^.m and .\. .S|.,,tt, isits.

Tills is .111.. <if th.. iii.isl typical an. I aKundant ( ■..p..p.Mls ..f tin nuU ,,f Si l.awr.n... It was liisi .,l,iaiti.d in IS'.C I y I'n.f. \\ . \. I„.nlinan, \vl„. ...ill,.,!..,! suila... tlin.iitrli th.. ships pump ....ntinuoiislv .lav an. I nidhi whiNt

th.. w_as p,in(i at lull sp | a. toss tl:.. .Ulanti,'. ' 'rii.'.inih n..t

(.IW.1.V...I .>n th.' Pa..ih.. ...,ast. il was tak.'n at a niinih..r <,|- stali..ns l,v tl... (■,•,„"- a.han .\nti,- K.xp..,|iti„M: Tal>l..s I. M. \I. MI. 1\. ,, (L'p .mnl,.,- I xniilonilniiiis). ami th.. f.)ll.)winjr,

Stati.m 17./, /,,.•: (iO^d'X., 1(17° :{S' W.. tl,,...,. surta... hauls, with n..| nnnil...,- •■!. htl.'..n I111I1I1I..S ..ach, in ..n.. vial, .lulv (i. llMli. \uiii.ti.ii> small ni.jMly ..uliilt ,-. .s.mi.. y.iiin^ U:.m\>. ImiI uoI ,,n.. iVnialf.

■I'ahi.i; M iSt\. 17«. I>, ,-.)

Eitryli iiiiirii hi nbniini j"

.1 riirliii '". l.j

Turin I, uH ili.iciiiiilnt'iti J> ' l''

Pniliahly hoih Aairi;,, loiuim mis ami .1. clans, arc pi...s....l in siiiicpial niinili.Ts. hut as th.. m..ialh..ia. ic llmriis of /.-/,./„•, ;/n,v mav hr lost or worn down It is not sal,. i„ ditt.T,.nlial.. lli..s.. si)....i..s l,v male .■harai.|..fs. .Anothrr vial ol tl... .Sim,. ,lat... Iah..ll,.,| Sta. 17.. surfa.... ;{() niinut..s. saiii,. lo.-alitv an,l n..t mniain..d a .s.anty fr:,ili,.,iiin which iiu'lmlcd Kupliaiisii.l .■^}^s; ..n,. male hin-'/lc j.ini lirnlminii. ami a niimlicr ..f Anirlia l„t,(iir,n,is. |,.,th male and tViiial.. lo l,,.irm to un.l,.,s! thr,-.. n'l;ui„i,s ii wouKl h,- n.T.s.s.rv lo kiu.u appn.M- inal.'ly th.. t,m<. of ,lay and the li^dit ,...n,liiions. In any ."aso the ot males, as .lisplaycl m th.. tai.l,. alM)v... is imi too .■..niim.nlv oh.s.TV.'d

Matioii l!l: Sc.' under Aairtia Innijirinn's.

M nil Id ( (ijii jitiilii


Slaliiiii Mi: ( ItT ciiim' l,\nii. Diiiiili v l>.i\. Norlliwi^t Ten iIhik*. five riiiiiilto liiu in .■.iiil'iK r, with nt'l iiiiinhrr 1,' limn sliip, wntci iji'iilli (i\i' Ialli4ini- . Aiiijn>t -•<. I!H I. Only fiicli! ropcpntl^ |iic.scr\fil. all males: live Aniilin Inmiin iiiis and thicr Kinifit iinirn hi riliiiiini. ( Ini' of llic lallfi wa^ I '_'U nun liini'; a niair I'liiin station I'l (Talilc Hi nicasiiicil i;{ii nun.

Station 11;/: Hiitiaul liaihoin' ionlrr liailiouii. >nilair nrt niinilifi :{. fivr innnitr-., Aiiuiist 1, I'.tl.'i. ( tni' IVinalc in rompan.x \\i\\i ('jiclniiiiiii srlim idi n. Iliir/iiirtiiiis iiiiiriiiif.< arnl lliirjiiirluiix sii jn rlh .ni.t.

II. Kurytemora johanseni, n. -|>.

Tliis >|ic(ii-.» was taken in company with /•,'. In nliiiiiin 'raMe II ami TaMe Xri) from which it may he n'conni/.eil extiiiiall> hy the lencth of the (ainlal fiirca. Whereas /•.'. hinliiiiiiii is lontiifurcate, the much exceeilinn the lentrth of the anal segment. A,', jiihiiiisiiii is hrevifnri'ate, the fiiica ami anal sejjment lieinn siilie(|nal in length i Fijc. .")).

I' !K- ■*' Kiinjtriniirti ji)hiiii!ii'in i . Diir.-iiil view of lilnil-l)i"ly

Description of female: total length 1-2S mm., anterior antenna- as lonu as fore' idy: lennth of caudal fiiica Oli'i mm., of anal sei£ment (I- 104 mm.. wiiiKs of Kenital scument small; month-parts as in /■;. iilns. The fifth leus ip. o, , are four-jointed as in the ty|)e species; the unnuiform process of the penultimate joint (He 1), not exceedintJ He 2 in length, is coar.sely denticulated on its ouli'r side; the lifiht He 2 (distal joint of the ap|)endane) is larger than the ,eft and crenulated on its inner lioriler i Kin. •>'•

l-'lll. ti. .•>;llllc. I'illll \l-\i<.

Description of the male: total leiijith 1 12 mm. 'the anterior anteniue are to he distinfiuished from those of E. hirdii:inii on close inspection i Kins. 7-10). In both species, the intumescence in the middle section of the rijiht antenna is formeil liy joints KM.S inclii.sive. Of the two distal joints beyond tlie bend, the penultimate joint is to the terminal joint as •'): S in 'hirdinniii and as 4: .') in jiihiiiisfiii. In other words, the penultimate jojnt of the liirht antenna of H.

' .Vet a.- ni't No. :! ..^ih' note p. -tKi, liul ni:iili' of fine silk.


I'lliiiliiiiiii Alilif Exiiniilittn IHIrl IS

jiihaiisi III i" •'iil><'(|u:il to that of /■,'. Innlmiiiii. Imt the tfririiii.'tl joint is sliortt-r llijiii III hi I'll mil III', Atiiiin, ill /;'. hi nlmniii, joint 12 (•:irrir> :i Ionic imiivciI iinifiii- I'oiln spitir roiiiiiionly .'i|i|ili('i| to the laic of llif antenna, liioilifli caiial.lf of liciii»: cMi'inlfil foiuanls. In A', jnhiiii.ii ui, joint IJ cairics a spine >lanilinir out at liillit anitles ti, the faee of the anfenii!!. less than half the leiiulh of that of

I'i(5s. 7 10. Ui'taiLs of riwlit iiiiteiinii (if male.

7. E. jiihiiii.fini, ilistal joints.

s. K. In riliiiaiii, Hame.

it. /•.'. ,;"'iii'i.ii HI, spine on joint 12.

10. E. hinhiiiiin, sanir.

lit III inn III. slijrhtly eiiived and niiniitely hifjd or Haiiiig at the tij). Other spines (teeiir on the proxiiiial joints hut only the spine on joint 12 has specific value. In lioth sp<iies the linht ant(>nnii presents a proximal as well as a distal swelling with shoit narrow joints infervninn.

V'lll. II. E.jnl„n,yl,l ' . i,ril u. r, H.' Fijt. \ :. r^Mw. I'ifili i.'^- iroiM h •liiuil.

Fifth letrs ,p :^ .-^- the , ft n-2 Av'W^ II ^triHifi '■?,{:;! pn-tuH-raii-'r [Vi^. 1!); thi' inner niarnin of tlie riiiht 152 is entire: the terminal joint of the left foot with suiidistal spuonshaped ( Fi^. 12i. In E. hfnlniani there is a prominent cylindrical ental tubercle at the end of the right H2.

Muriiii < 'ii/ii iiiiilii


In iiiu> siMTiiiifii til'' c'Miiilal fiiira \\a< m>\ riiriii trKiil -iiuui-iinu ,i mJnulitnj 111' rliMtMcIiT?< ;i^ sliKWII ill J'iu. \-i.

i'li"' aiTMiiuiliH lit <>i till' Mtif nil llif tiiitat>ii\ li ii« am -"-^ uitli that uf /•.'. iiliix. cxiipt that llir tliinl jcllil nf tlir oiltii l.iallili ni tl|.- til>t tiHit ip. I Hr :{)

llfc! 1.1. A' III ' .

VI>M<iriii:il (• ' fiirrii.

i.-^ fiirnishfil, as in A', hinhnnni. with s-vcii sita' I'J m, I rt, I si); in /,'. r«/<«.r tlii juint lias six seta' (I sc I «t . I si).

1-'. Metridia longa < l.uliiiiK'k. is.")l .

Statiiin 27c. ( i.iliiisoii I'uiiit, Alaska. ( »itiil>ir 2. l'.H:i: uiic' male, with the left aiitiridi- aiitcniia ^;^lli(•lllat^•; li'ii/th '.i-^S inm.

Station •.>!•;/. 7(1" 20' N., H()° :{(»' W .. .l..pth loO fatlii.tns: s.'v.ral hauls with net miinhcr o, fiuiii 0 to l.'iO fathoms, .\piil ti. I'.M 1. The cathciind, atiioimst others (sec tniiiiT Caliiniis JiiDtiitn-hlciis}, lontaincd fcinalcs ami voiiiil'; OIK' fcinalc was 4'8S nun. in li'iiKtli.

Station \2y. See Talilc X. Voiiim individuals.

Station i'2z. See tinder J'tivKiliu-nliiniis. A yoiiiin Milniliu liiiniu of l'l)7 nun. was taken.

Fidin these scanty records it is evident that this representative Antic species wa- only pres«>nt in traces. Its ahundance at siiitalile [ilaces in the north is shown in the following extract, which I have not .si i (pioted hefore, from A. K. Norilenskiold; The Noyane of the \'eca round .Vsia .'iiid Europe, ti'i.nslateil hy A. Leslie, London ( .\Iacniillanj ISSl, vol. H, pp. r,\ ."id: ■■The coinnioii idea that a'l animal life ceases when the interior anima'i heat sinks under the freezing point of water, is not (piite correct. This is proved hy the repiarkahle ohservation made . , . duriiin th<' wiiiterin« at .Mussel Hay in ls72 7:i. that small crustacea can live l.y millions in water-dri'iiched siiow at a temper.'iture of from to 1()°'2 C If during winter one walks alone the lieacli on the <tu>w which at elil. is dry. l.iit at flood tide is more or less drenched throutrli hy sea-water, there rises at every step ,,iie takes, an exceediimlv intense, heautiful, liluish-white Hash of lifilit. which in the specti'osci>pe ^ives a olie- coloiired lat,r,'idor-l)lue siiectnim. It pidduc(s indeed a peculiar impression on :i dark and slonny winter day (the Imiperature of the air was sometimes in the neiuhliourliocd uf the freezinsr-point of mercury i to walk alontr in this mixture of snow and tlame. On a closer examination, it appcired that tlii.s lilllit-phenoiiieiion pnn'cedcd from a minute crustacean, which, ai'cordint: to

!iiiri;iti'>ii of I'ntf. \\'. Liliji-horn, I'k 1= M.liiiiijin. When the te

r ri( SI

ie.- .11. h nil


lell the temperature

the sn w-sludt.'e] sink^

HI'' C. the power of this small unimal to emit liiilit appears ti


t iimi'liiiii .\ritii' H Xfn liilioii I'll.! IS

t:i. Mftritliu lucena Mook. isiil

I liii\i- iihh Mill- n ril lit till- .|MMi.» ill till' I'lillfiiiiiii : uiii' iii.ili'. J iiiiii

I..I1U, ill •.i.iti.iii i:;,/, /., .".» :{ir \ . I.V.I IJ' W . .Inly I. I'.»i;i. at (III' .uil:ir,.. It

lia^ liirll lr|H>tti'il M'tV I'lilllllliill. >lllllll|i'i allil Wlllli'l. Ill till' Sail Dil'llci li'itliill.'

II Parahibidoceta amphilrltes I'Mti.

Stalinii II. •'>! 2'-'>' N , I'il l.'<' W . >iiif.iii'. I.'i iiiiiniii*. iiit immluT H. .Inly 2. 1'.H:{. 'I'wo iiiajf' iii I'litiipaiiN with an ii\ i(iiiuii« llni i>iiiliiii>- inm-iiiii-'.

St.'itidii Is. Talili' I; liialiy vulliiij. Imt im .•iiiillt«. wiir lak'ii li<ii\ atnl aiiaili at .«talnili !!• i«ci. HiiiliT Aiorlin litinjin »n--<) .

Statiuii 21(1. /). c. Talilc li. \i>iiiiii aiiil !i'liilt> nf Imili ^i'xi>.

Statidii 'ill/. I, /. ti.s' l.s' N,, Hi.')' |t(' \\ .. lift iiiiiiiInT ;i, I'lii'i. ^iirt'.'ifi' liaul:« lit I.'i iiiiniilfs I aril, tiiii|>riatiin' J.'i .">' I"., August If.. I'.U;*.

IMii.K Ml Stk .>I /. .•, Ci

t nli'i'iniijt > nit-tft'irr'i'lit }

Eiirftli innrn ijnlt'iti.H V

h'.tirijli miirii hi nimiiiii _■'

K'lt'ijtt itmrii hi riltttiiin ^

h'.'triitt tnniii jfthittiMtti _^

h''ii-t^tt n.orii jiihiin^i HI i

H:iri,li iiiiini jiihiiii.iriii , f^laitr \

l*nrnlithiiit>*'yrii ittitiihitnU s ;

I'tiriiliiliiiliuini iiiniihilril'." i :l:iKi.\

I'liniliiliiiliicirii iiiniihilrilfs V ttntfi I\

I'ltriihihnhH-iru niiifihitnli s ■*

I'lirnlnhiiliii'irii nniiihilriUK ^ e-\:\%i' \

I'liiidiihiiliifirii iimiihilnliA M.iff 111

Antrim u-ln isi Innijin tni.i) ^'

I 1 4


;iti It I I

It :t

ti i '.»


Piiifi'ssur MrMurricli'.i inatiTiat niiisisti'ij nf two frmalcs ami one mali'. cDllcctiMl liy iiiiiisclt' in .•^I'ptrnilicr. I'.U'i. frtmi a patch nf •liruvvii watci " '"Hit :{'■ miles ofT .\iiipliitiiti' puint. X'.aiicoiivi'r islainl.' 'l'h'',\' wnv siili-ii.- iiiir spcciiiiciis. nut having iichicvi'il tin' hliai ccdysi.-i, am! -.vhilst they rxhiliitcd icrtahi (icni'rii' frafiin's, the specific characters were in part lackiric. The iiiissiiin characters relate chiefly tn tfie richt anterinr antenna I'i' the male, tjie fifth p;iii-

(if litrs nf the male, anil tu the (iellital seiinielit uf hdth se\i -. Ill the male, the

fifth feet iiiidertro a reiiKirkalile iiaiisformation mi the p;i-sav:e tn iiialurity.

The laieral ceph.alic honks and the rnstral prm esses are like tlinsi' nf I'linliilii and siiiiie species nf l.iihnliKdii . I'artiUiliiiliwiiii further .agrees witii tlf ilefinitiuii nf l.tiltiiliifi'iii ill the aliseiice nf :. rnstral lens, ill h:i\ inn the dnrsal .yes cuntitriliiiis ill the m.ale. and in havilin less than seven teeth nli the iDatldilile. It dilTeis finm l.dhiiliinnt and ajirees with PmiUUn in li.ivin;r 21 joints in the anterior antenna' nf the female, seven jnints in tiie secmid maxilliped. .■ind three jniiits in the illl •■ l)l:inch nf the first feet. The ahdomell is ihree-jiiinted in the female. tive-,niiitei| i;i the adiilt male. The last segment of the tliorax is distinct in the female, liut in tlic male its mi'dian part is -uppres-i'd in dors.d view, only the later.-i' lohes havinn a joint-line, as in l.dhiiliicrrn l.nniiri / ( iiesiirecht.

II I) INti'rl.v: Till' I'climii' < I'Pi'IMi'ia iif tl"' ."^i*" IJicK" Hi.miin. I'niv nf Califuriiiii I'ul>lic;iliiin.», Z.M)lei!y. Vol. L>. .No. 4. Octi.ljcr 14. 1!HW. p. 177.

-J.' }'. MrMurri- h .,p .it lOSH pp. >'.-' -S". >. . SM.





\a riKth 'if fiiimlf .1 ti iiitn., nt niiili' .MMt inin Ihr |inii'i'»-i-. an' loi iiikI 11 'litf ill liulh »tAi-. ill llir MiiiiiK a- Will a- in thr ar|i|lt I m. II . Suiiii' tiliit'«. a' »i'i'li «|»'riall\ III ihi' mall llir |i It rii«lral liouk i- -iiiallir tliaii tlii' iiulil


I'm It /•,„,-/.i'.,./,»-,,.i I mill null riKlii (■>!■ mihI TM-trMl liiMik- nl li-iiulf

I III latiral lulu- ul llir la«t tliurai'ii' •<i'i£iiifiil arr -\ iiiniitriral in tlir fiiiiali': tlii'V ari' liiiiailiv riiiiiiiirij. with a -liiali iirululirraiiri' at tlir niiilijii' <i| tlir latiTal iMiiilcr. (ir tlii- iiia\ lir wiirii ilnuii -i. that thr iati lat lulu- a|i|Mai- iViiiU riiitn<ii'i| (Fill. i:>).





-nil- n-ciii- tnaneuiar

anil pointed. The rijjht lat

i|uiti' rcai'liiriK tu thr riid ut' thi' -rnini liilif i> iliawn (lilt iiitt) a

Dili; -pike iiiarlv or

1 sidiiifiit (if the urdSdiiic I I'iK. Itii

Ij^ K Ciintiiliiin Arclir Kipalitioti, UHS-1S

The p.nitiil M'Kiwiit of Ww mal.' (Fijj. Hi) fxhil.its ii sniiill lobe and notch on 111.' Ifft .-^itl.'. Tlu- Kfiiital s.-Rnicnt of tli.' fenial.- (Kid. 1")> carn.'s a largf winc-likc lohc on llx' left side, t.-rniinutinR in a rccnrvrd liook; this hook is .-asily lost, s.. tliat th.> lol... th.'n api-cars t^icnd l.hmtly. In si.l.; yi.'w th.- segment presents a ventral eonvexity and two small ciirv.'d hooks, nnht an.l left of the

genital opening (I'iH- '")• , , , i r .1 r i i , !.■

The anterior antenna' of the female reaeh to the emi of the forel.odx. O the 21 segments of which thev are c.mii)osed. numh.'rs :i to K are short and s„h.>(|ual: the antenna hreaks r.adily between tiie Sth and Hth joints Ihe rinlit cra-iiint; antenna of the male, with the (leniculation hetwe.'ii the IStli and l<»th joints IS more like that of l'<>nkHii than that of l.nhnlnci rn i !• ifi. IS).

1 iC, Is. rmiilnliKliiii ni . ■riTiiiiiKil iicrliiui .if rmlil uiitiniiM nf iii:ilc.

There i- a serrated upraised llaiitie upipii joint 17. a si rnited lior.ler uimn joint l.s. and two toothed Mt^r^ upon the .•omi>ound joint lit 21. namely, a loiifi ])roxiinal .-iikI a short distal eomh. The terminal part of the appeii<laf;e, beyond the hell.l, eoll-ists ,,f three diMillct <ejiment>. correspondilli; res|.erlivi'ly to joints Id 'Jl, 22 2'.'> .'iii'l '21 2."). This is a seiierii' ch.'iracler. inasmurh a> the rinht anterior antenna ' f the m:de Ldlixlncdn ha< four terminal seuineiil-. Iiat

of I'(inI( IIii 1 wo. , ,

In the second or posterior antennae. Ii2 is fused with Hi I, the /one ol lusion heinn indicated liv a shallow impression a' the level ni the insertion of a Kroiip of two si: measurinji Ki fmni this i)oiiit, the two rami are snhe(|ual in leiiuth.

I'it:. I'.l. l'iir'iU\lifhn-( ra. .~^iTiiiiil iiia\illi|"''l.

In the seven-joinlcd --econd maxilliped i I'i^. I'.ll, the inner m,'ii>iiii of l'>2 i< deiilicuhiled Ms'in Lahch'C' r<i: distidly this jojiil carries two long setae :ind

- ..:..... •^. >i

Marine Ciijn imilii

lit K

one additidiial shorter seta; Hi 1 lias two sctie, Ki 2 has one, Hi ;i has one. Hi 4 has one, and lii ."> has tlircc apical setae. The distal l()l)e of HI has one loiiji s<'ta and two very small anterior setae at its liase, one of which was clrstiiictly phiniosc. In the example figured, one of the two setae of the middle lolie of HI is lost, its place heinic indicated liy a small mamelon.

The distriiiiition of the setae on the swinmiin); lees agrees with Liiliidnci ni , the external setae Keiny,- set in deep notches. In the fifth le^rs of the female ^V\)l. L'(»), it is to lie noted that the rit'ht ami left HI are confluent across the miildle line; Hl' has two seta- on its hinder siirfac(\ nn of which is mimile.

I'iy. Jn. rai;i!,il,i,l,„,r,i. lil'lll \l'K-~ llf f'TlKllr I'niiu liclli'lll.

In the ;i(liill male the lijilil fncit end- in a rounded chela i Mi:-.. '_M and 'J'-'i: in one case it was oli^erveil that the chela w;i> firndy irraspini; llic riiiht aniiiior

I.e. -il, r„r,l!„hi,lr«;r,i. I'ifl ll f.'i'l uf !ll:,lc. Im. 'J'_V I'di'ilitl'iilii.ini. ( 'hcl.'i ef rinlil lr)£.

KlC. '.'l. I'iiniliilii,li„;ni. Li-lt I'lui-jdirit .

antenna of the smne individual, which il had presum.alily caui:lit hold of in he dealh-slru).',ude. .\ lol.e uii the left Hi' ; I'iii.. 'Jli is directed tou:ird- a cor-

20 k

Cnnitiliiiii Arctic Exiicditinn, UU-i-IS

ri'spinidini!; hilx'iosity on tlic riiilit HI: when the left \V1 is disarticulated and vicwi'il fioni till' side! the lobe ai)i)('ais as tlic i)roximal (Mid of an elevated iiorder (Kin- 2.SI. On the anterior Mirface of the terniiiial joint of the left foot there is an elontiate depression beset with uronps of very tine hairs, with a small se lieside it (Kijj. 24).

The nianililile has five teeth followed l>y a uroiip uf small setie; the first (ventral) tooth is large. The rostral eye has no h'lis.

1"). Acartia ciausi Cie^hreeht.

Station 17 iTahle XI). station IS (TaMe I), station 2()a (Talile I.\), station 21 (Tahle 11), station 2."> (Table III I. Station 2()A: Port < lareiice liay. Alaska, water deiith three fathoms, net nuinber :{, siirfaee-tow five minutes, amongst seaweed, .\ut>ust 1, l!li:i. A small vial eontained a numlier of ( 'ladoeera (J'oilnii Idichdrti a\u\ Knitliic iiiirdiiKinnl), a youiiK Ciiprdln. and several Acartid chiiisi. male and female. The arrannemeiit of the seta' on the swimmiiic le^rs ap-ees with the description jiiveii liy (lieshrechl. and the first liasal joint (i'.I) of the second t.) the fourth feet has an emaidinate oute' 'order and an incised inner border as in the type.

Station 2'i, off Cdoper Island, near Point Barrow, is the only station within the Arctic Circle where this specie as taken, altliouuh station 21 lies north of Heriiip strait. Port Clarenci' s to the s(,iitli of the strait, about tl.')^ north latitude. Sais (WHY.',) has never met with .1. clmi.ti in any hamples of plankton from the .\rclic Ocean. On the south and west coa.-t- of Norway it is as conimon as .1. liniijininiK with which it is often found.

Tliis species is more of an estuarine and inshore form than is .1. loiiijin intf.

It), .\cartia longiremis ( I.illjetiori:. IS."):!).

This is an ,\rctic species with a wide southern extension.

Station ()'). .')lP 2t)'N'.. 1:5:^ OD'W., just bi'low the surface. I.') iiiinuie-;, net No. t. .luiie 24, l!)i:{. This was a thin .\cartia plankton, numbers of .1. h>u<jirc- nii.-^ beiiiR noted and, in ;i(ldilion. two male Cumaceans and several (.)stracods.

Station V2I). c. ,")4° oS'X.. l.")7° l.")'\V., two surface tows of five nuiiutes each, net number o. June :5(), V.H'.i. A few .1. Inniiin-mls =' and ? were taken, together with a trace of (HIIidiki and a number of young Amphipoda-Hyperidea.

Station l.S a, h. c. .^t^ liO'X.. l.")<(° 42'\V., three surface tows of five minutes each, net number 3, July 1, litlU. The catch was very scanty but there was a male loiiginiiii.-'. 1-12 mm. in length: the numlier of seta> on the inner border of the two-jointed inner branch of the fourth foot (p. 4 Hi Si) is 13, o, the same as . .1. chiiixi: Sars tigui'es 2. .">.

Station 17 a. /,. <■, Table .\I. Whereas most ('alanoids are largely dif- ferentiated by male characters. Adirtlii is )in exception, and the males of A. cldiis'i and loriginitds are hard to '^tiiiguish. if the lliorns are lost from the last thoracic segment.

St.'ition IS: See under ('(iliuiu-^f Uiitii(irchicii.< and remarks on table I.

Station I'.t (i-c. fiir 4:}'X.. Km' 21AV., July S, l!ti;5, net number

3, five tows of fifteen minutes ea<'h. Nearly fifty Acnrlin identified in part as htiKjircmiit, about half as many Miuim I'lUtiliihiilncrrii. and a single male Kurijtf nutrn lurdwinii.

Station 21 n. h, c. and il. r. f. Tablr.-, II and XII.

Station 2.") /), r. Table III.

SiaiitHi at;. OiT cape Lyon, l):ini!ey b:iy. X<.rthwc-t TerritMvi.--:. net number

4, surface low of five minutes, .Vugiist 23. I914. Five males m company with Kiirnlniiiini hcnlnnnii (cp \.). Pliyto|)lankton was reiire.'-ented by Cinitium. Chiu tiHi rii.< and CDnciiiinliriCUf.


Mdlllll ( !</)( ptlllll

■_'l K

Staliiiii lOf. Mcniaiil liuilxinr (iwttr ImilKHir '. Noiihwoi ■riTiituiics. water ilcptli l(( falhoiiis, tliicc vcifical liaiils 0 tn o t'atlioiiis ilircjiiuli liolc in ice, net iiiiiiiIkt '.i, tciiipfialtirr (IS''('.. July 1, liMo. ('i)srin(iilisciis .inil Bnldinis naiiplii were al)Uiiilaiit . Tlic copcpoils prtscnt were: Ararli'i Um- ijiriiiii.t V, (Ulliiiiiii siiiiilis ., Ertiniisiitim III (ill iliiiii ainl Iihimi furinlii ,.

Slalioii 42//. Tnlilc \.

Slatidii 12:. Sec iiiidcr I'si iiiluciiliiiiiis.

Station );{( . 'I'alilc \'I I. A iVniak' rai licil iwd >p('i iiiatcjplKirc^.

17. Acartia tumida, n. -p.

Three examples of a tiiird sjx'cies of .Xoirliii were taken in surface, at stations \'.\ II, h, c. in conipanv with ('(ilniuix tnnfus i(|. v.) and Arnrlln Inmiin mis ((|. v.). The position was .vi" ;{((' X.. lAlt" 42' W., July 1. WV^. n<'t number :{.

Lenjilh of female. 2(M) mm.; anterior antenna- not exeeedinm lennili of forehody. reaeiiinji as far as the front part of the (ieiiital seiiuient when laid hack, haviiifi alxmt the same relative length as in .1. hijilosii. J{oslral filaments ave present, widely separated in view; lahrum larce trilohate with <'iiiate edires, as fi^jureil liy Sars foi' .1. Inniiin mi.". Lateral horders of last thoraeic setnuent smooth {Vifi. '2'^): urosome smooth, some minute points dorsally near the jjosterior edjre of the genital seiimetit and at posterior edne of the pr('-an;il se>;ment : anterior antenna' without thorns.

The i-audal setip i I'ijr. 2()) were hroken, some of their swollen lias.'d parts remaining!; attached to the short and hroad rami.

V\" ?■'>. Acitiim Iniiinlii: ciiil of iliorax .'iiicl tlic viroMinn' iii sulc view, lijt. 2tl. Same. I 'rnj^diiic fi'inii V)cl(i\v.

In the swimmint: feet, the terminal >ela isti of the outer ramus is much longer than J{e 15, lonjier in fact than the whole He, with a stroimly seiratcii outer edtje: the airanfiement of the seta' i^- the v;inie as in .1. liaii.-^i.

I'in. -~ . .\'iiiiiii I'linnl't. I'iftli \i'\i- of fctii:ilc. sIkiwii I'liiiiplctc mi iinc .;,i.. ,1... 1 1 ;..:.,!. ,, II.. I

l-'iflh let's ip .') ; i; the li.-i^al joints, riirlit ami b'ft. are ))aiallcl; the tC'rriiinal jouit, reju'esentinji tlu' He, ha.~ a ^wollr-n proximal portion fiplloweii l,y ^i nairow

22 k

CitniuUitn Arciir ExptiliiiDn. l!)t'i-IS

lii'ck, iip<iii i!h' distal part of winch tlicic coiimicncc two rows of small (Iciiticu- latioiis poiiiliiitj ilislally. Tlifsc ilciiticiilatioiis aic evenly liisposeil, iiiereasiiiir sli«litly anil tluMi ililiiinisliinti in size, to ix- eoiilinilecl upon the proximal half of the alleniiatinti setiforni process iV'wi.Ti]. 'riiis delicati' and regular serrii- lalion is cpiite dilTerent from the coarse denticulation lisinred for Aciirllo tonxd, where the leeth are few in nuinher. the proximal lariiest.

is. Tortanus discaudatus il. ('. 'rhomp<on and A. Scott. IsaS).

In I'rol'essor Henlman's traverses of the Atlantic, which liavi' Keen referred to under Kiirtiltntorn In nlini.iii . he obtained another le.idin^ comisonent of the

(lulf of St. LawreiK pepotl plankton, namely, the jiresent species. Whilst

in .Vinerica he paid a visit to I'lljiet Sound, where he carried out some dri'ds:in« anil tow-nettinc. -Xmonjisi the more almndant forms in the i'utret Soiiml (jatherinns was this same >peiie>. new for the Atlantic and new for the Pacific.' It composes .")() 7.") per cent of the summer copepod plankton otT Souris, Prince Kdward I>!and. and is oiv .ihiindanl off the IJioloiiical Station at St. Andrews, N H.

Station 17 I.. /'. c. See 'I'aMe \I.

Station IX. See T.alile i.

Station 2I1(/. See Talile 1 .\ .

H. (vi i.iiroiDA. I'-Tc. l!t. Oithona similis ('lau~. IsiWi.

'riii> sin.all and slendiT species is apt to escape throu^ih the meshes of oidinary low-neis, hut none the less it appears freiiuently in -Mi', .loliansen's tiatherini;-. Like Ai-niiin hnit/n-iiins. it is an .Vrctic form willi a southern ex- tension.

Station I2'<. ('. See under Acuriid lotnjiri iiiis.

Station \2<l. Same po>ilion. -urface, !.'> minutes, net numlier I. .iuiie :'.l), HtKi. l'h\ loplankton >< d.-^i-i ii(iili.--(iis. I'lridiii'min, lilii-.ti-ndi nin, chain alfia'), Tinti: noids and (Htlimiii.

Station '_'! <i. h. c. Talde II.

Stal ion 'i.'i /;. c. TaMe III.

Mtiiioii "_'7(/ 2. Talile \'.

Slaliiin -'hi 1. See umlei' i'.uchiutu imrrt ijint .

Slation 'M\ II. T.iiile \'l 1 1.

Sialion Mil. riern.anl liaiT.our. Dnlpliin imd rniiui -lr,■M^ \\:.'vr ileplli U falhoin-. ihne u iHral li;iul>. <i In o lathoui.-. ll.rouuli Imle in ice; net numlier ii,

.lu'ie 7, I'.tlo.

■IM.i.i; Mil -Sta. !0,-).

I'.-i 'fliicnhii.'i.< liiiinjitlns, iiiihKituri' . .

illlln,,,,! s, nulls •. (')/i/(i/»/i/ii >.rlini iili ri. Iliiriiiuliin' siini'. ". /;./,■/;/'.. /)„,-■,. I .s,.jNniii . .

St:nio!i Id./. Same locality, deiilli, .'ind iid. six vertical hard- ihroUj;!, Iiole ill ICI-. 1)1(1 .") I'.'itliiiiri-, .luiie S. I'.tj.'i.

I Wo Ir.iVfL-- ..1 liir \. II III Vlliiiili.' ill III.' ■umni'T ■■[ I'':i< ; uH':. il.'.^.'lll

.•. " vv -p.Tii- oi I "i.||i'p.-;-i;

".i.'i'i'iM'AVii. II :l'i\ '"i. .liv- U'lnj: ill l'u-r>'t s.iuini, Inui-. l.iv.Tin-il lii"l- > . PP ■■• ■'". P' ^ ' '''.

I,iv.-i!.i...l iN'.i^.




Mm i lie ( DjH ihhIii Tahi.k MV (Sta. tiWi

•l.\ K

I'tieiiilitraliiiiuii ehmgatiis V .

I'neiulociiliinn- rl4iiiijiitii-< ■' sl:ini- \ .

Knriilf mora ftfrilrmi'ii i ill iiim.i.

Oilhntiii gitiiilii.

i 'ifclofnrtd i<thnrtiii'rt .

/viVt/MMo/im 11' ghrtuiii.

Unriiiiclini.-i suiii»- " ',1 ii'i iiitn. i.

Diirliiliiiiufiii xHiniilii.

Staliiiii to.. Siiiiic loc'ility, (lc|illi, ;iiul in't. ihic' viTtical hauls. ■'> <> f;,t| s. .Ilirif 10, 101."). Several' 0/(/i<i/)<i slinili" with Ihiftulniiwin and Kiinm-

Slimil IIKlll Cllllll . I ; 1

Stalinii 40/- Seemiilei- Ariirlid Iniuiinnns. \ temale (hllmnn rneasiiieil 0-S() mm., a male 0-7S mm. The relative lengths r.i the last thoracic semiieiit, tiie .•ilMJumiiial M'jiiiieiits anil the t'urca were:


.Male l-rrjial.-

Al.l, Id






Staliiin I In. See ■r,-it)le \'I.

Station I'J/'- See urn ler /'■-■' i/i/e(v//(; /I /(.■.■.

Statiuii VJi,. 'I'aiile .\ .

Station i:^(. 'I'ahle \li. . . , ,

Station U\l>. Bernard harlM.iir. depth f. t'athom>. ice •> leet lliick. ver icai haul with net niimher :{. from bottom to surface. temi)eralure L'U 2 I.. I'-l'J"- ary o. mitl. About half a d(.zen Copepods in all. mcludu'.j:: (hlh.nin s:,H,hs. <)',icai,i coiilUni. Iilil'iv fiirnitn. i\Ui\ hiu./ ' ~-N<ila.

Station' U\h. Dolphin ami Tnion >ti hantry islaml. .leptn al.oul

50 feet ice 4 feet thick, tlnve vertical hauls, w, net nnnd>er :', \rn,v. .,.^ l.'et to surface. ,lune 10. litlti. Several (liUiniiii. with xveral immature hhiav inrnitn and one ('iidojihia ■•■rliKii'liri }■

20. Cyclopina schneideri TS-.t!, l!io:?.

Tl,„„m-. .<; Netc. .,„ >„„„■ CM'-peaa In.,,, ll„- A.vl„. ,S,.|,- cll.-r,,.! ,„ IV.lil l.v ,l,c licv. Ca.ic.i, A. .M.,an. ! li S.. A„,i, Nat. Ili.-t. 7^ .\I, \W-. \'- ><■

Station tOc, Sei' Tal.le XIII.

Station to./. Tahle .\ I \ . , , , , ,■

Stall.,!, 11./. Hernar.l haria.ur n„it.T l,ari...i!n, .leptl, 0 2 lalhoi,,-, surtace .") nnnute-. n.'t numln'r 'A. .Vunust I. IIM."),

■rAiii.b; \\ SiA- II:',-

/•' in/ti mora hn-ilnifiiii . i.iic fcinalc. i'ltrioiHiKi ,sr/.». /./. 1/, o,ii' ,„al". e,n- I'liiial.-,

li„,0'i,li,-ii.-< xiiir.itn.-i. imv ,\tiinTi'\ . .

Il.„iu,<-l,c.<.s ,v«,.,rrf,.r.-.s IS ,■xar■,pl.■^, vMwUws -vc-al ,,,,,1.- .,.1 ..,.■' U-ur.A. unl,


Sfili.,n It;/.. Si-e under O,//.,,/.-/. .V female from this -l;ili..n lne:,>u,.-l

0-s: mm.. ."lU.hil nuni shorter than :in:,l M'liin.'nt :,s ,, :t,; Ini'^l h .,1 .■:,u.l:,.

ramus!., I.rea.lll, as .-.::{; interndati,,ns ,,f .MU.Ial .seUe as in ' .■';";""- I*';"'.;-

.\nt.'rior antenna^ 12-|ointe.l. will, >iK fnninal sul.e.jual sm:,ll ,i.,ini^: ..1 >ln' ion,i> the lourth is th.- -honest, the sixth th.. lom:vM, aun;,.,m: «i , Scott's fitr'nn'. :,n.l ihu.- e>>: the .a.nstan.'y ol thes.^ proportions. In .nan.lil.le. als,, li^ruiv.l hv S..,tt, has a larice l;2 ithe hasal joint .,1 the palp. ,hap..Mike an as.'i.lian. carrying at the summit an .,ut war.Uy .-^^^ ved two-jomt.'.l

' . , . I :..•-., 1 ,1.,..., tlw, ,< ... ...1 .1 II, I't 1 Ke

,1. uni.i, I- s.'pai

,Iiai i.

-hri'i-lit: Pi.- litnr;

iU',1 I y

■i,.piacii .i..^ <;


,,. \.'

.•! II,

!( K

('(miifliini Arrlir K.riinlitinii . l!>l-i-IS

Tlic tii'lli li'i:> il'in. I'Si :in' I wo-joinlcil, the .^i'coikI joint cMrix inn tln'cc s('t;i' !it tlir fiid, :i slciiilcr one in ilif middle, a >.|()Ut vancd iliiliintiatfi sc and a similar Imt smaller si: the |)r((xiiiial joint earries a simple se, like the ajjical s<'ta.

I'lflli ii't; iif I'i1ii;ilc.

The male, from station 11;/. was nearly (l-TI mm. ioiit;, .\nterior antenna' two-tliinls the length of the forehody. with Iti joints; joints 4 to '.• iinlusi\c are teli'seoped. 10 to 14 inclusive form the iiitiimescenee: the lOth joint carries two si)iniforni processes applied to the anterior face of the llth; tlie remaininu senments of the eidarp'd part with j)ectiniforni seta'.

21. Oncaea conifera ( lie-lireclu. IS'.M.

loi- nl'crciiic sec Norilisctics I'laiik'on, Hd, I\', I.ii'f. \'lll. Copipoilcii by Dr. van Uniiniii. p, IHH-it, Kiel mi<i L,oipzin, I'.ION.

Station 3()(/. See Tahle \TII.

Station 42;/. TaMe X.

Station A2z. See under I'sciiiliiralainis. \ -intile female preserved from this station measured D'Oo mm. in leiifith.

Station 4(i/>. See under OUhoiiii. This is an Arctic species with an exceed- ingly wide southerly range even reaching to the Antarctic ocean. Ov it might perhaps he described ;is a Mediterranean species, ranging north, south, east and west from its centre of distril)Utioii. It cannot he stated positively whether

it is an Arctic emigrant to the south or a Mediterranean migrant to the north. The evidence from the j)res<'nt collection hearing upon this point is not very cogent, hut. so far as it goes, it points to the north as the home of this species. W hat is true of the distrihution of Oiicdiu cnnifdn ap|)lies also to ()ithi>>iii ymnlis, except that the latter, like Aaniia Umginniix. penetrates int. '■:• Baltic, from which sea (ttaim Cdiiijirn appears to lie excluded.

( '. H AIU'.M Til oil) A.

22. Ectinosoma neglectum Su-, i(tot.


('r:isl;u.'i':i of Norway. ( 'op('|ioil!i-H;irpac-tirnii|M. Hcifini. l',M)l, |i. :il.

Station W,l. See Table .\I\'.

Station 4()( . See under Cltliiiiin.

."'Station 4(1;'. See uniler Avnrlln lunfiin »iis.

An imm.ature female from station 4(l/' was 1()7 mm. long, the ilistal joints of the fifth legs were not separated from tiie rest of tlie lameiiiiorni ap- pendage, hut the marginal seta' were present and elongated. The inner and

1-— -p**w^P"

Mini III ( iijii iiiiilii

•-'.". K

Diilcr lir.'inclu's oC the foiiilli Ic^s were iJ-joirifol ntiil ('(iiiiil. AiiliTior iiiilcnii;f with five joints; in the fiiriiri' of the aiitcniiM most of tlir sctii- iirf oiiiitlcd: on tllf t(iniili;il joint one of the set;!' liMs ;i swollen liiisc f l'iir.''Jfli.

! iy. JO. hrttniisnnitl nitjlrrlun ', jnv. Krciiit iiiid ■ititcrliir :iil('Mii:i.

The iiiitciior lip (l;il.iiini) projects in front of the moiith-p.-irts ii :iii iiente recurved hook in lioth sexes. Two males, from station JO*, measure 1-77 and OSti mm. respectively. On the ventral side, the posterior liorders of the ab- doimnal segments are frinK<'d with delicate >pinnles. incliidinn the pre-anal and anal segments, on which the spinules are smaller. On the dorsal aspect, the posterior borders of \], j, .\l,2. .\h :{. and .Mi 1 are conspiciioiislv frinjied. The iiro.some (»f the male consi>is of six sennients: Th ."> and .Vli l-.">.

The anterior antenna' of the male (Fig. .S(l) are tuii'k and short, with a ilouhle i)rotill)erance at the hack of the third joint. This prolnhcrance is shown as a single tubercle in the figure by Sars.

I- iji. :in. Eitinm^niitn III (jln-fuin. .Anterior anii'iiiia <if mule. tVoiii lidnw.

The posterior antomia' resemble those ot /•,'. .v(,-.v/.- ihe He i< i^joinled with the following relative lengths of the joints: (>. I, 11: He 1 carries a distal set:i, lie 2 a stronger aiid ioiiger sci;i. iic :i a shoil x-Iula and luo terminal plumose setiP. one longer than the other. The mandibular palp likewise resembles that of E. sai:-<i: r. long B2. with a distal group of three seta', carries a terminal one-jointed ]{e and. at a distance from the latter, a shorter tri-seto-e Hi.

2() K

Catxiiliiin Arctic Hxpidittnti. I'.tl-i-iS

The rav 'ii f-irra is us loiiK as the anal scitiiicnt (Fig. M). tluTf in a sh<iit stroiin spine on tin- outer niaruiii of each raniti> aii'l. more ilistally, a Krou|- (if two sleii'ler auxiliary >eta'.

FlVJ. ^il. Krlinimninii mylietiiiti ^' . Left riiiimM of caiKliil fiin:i fnnii al)<>ve.

Fifth feet (p. ■") "I have the niarnina! spines not exaetly with the same interrehitive lengths as tiRuretl for the type liy Sars, hut the anterior or appen- dicular seta ari>es from tiie distal joint near the hase as in the oiitiiiial 'ViK- •<->•





Ki)I. '■V2. EiiiiiDsomn nrillirhiin. I'lllli fiTl Willi p:irt <.f uriiMiiuc,


Swiinnimn feet ii)i-i)li show some variation in arrangement of si'la- in ■rent individuals and even on the two sides of one. All the Hi -i have hve M'ta' ( 1 se 4 si); pi He :^ has six seta', as in /•;. s,irsi i S se, 1 si. _' .-p; p -' Ue ;j has seven M'la' i :i >e. I -r. H si i instead of eij:ht in K.-'^orsI: p :? Ke ;{ has eitilit M'ta- i:i se. 1 St. I sii; in two >perimei'.> the i)r(!\inial .-e of p ^ He :i was absent on one >i(ie. in another the full numluT on-urred on liolh -ides: p 1 He :> has ^ev( n seta' i- se, 1 >t, 1 >i '.

I2;i. Ectinosoma finmarchicum T. Se.itt, I'.to.s.i

Station '27 I. ii. .'^ee TaMe ]\ .

Female of 1-1)7 mm., .arrvinf: a yellow ovi.nic in the preserved stale. .Vn- tcrior antenna; ti-jointed; p '-' lie :! with .seven seta- as in /;. iiaili ctiiiN. I pper lip liiimilv roHiidi'd. Ihe iil'lh len> havo the inner Mi;; !i! ;!if lamellar pr^o-- and the middle M'ta of the di>tal iolie ecpial and longer than the rest ( 1- IJJ. Mi. ■'■lie a|)pendieular >ela ariM-- from the distal lohe near the Inise. whereas in




Marini' Ci/jh iimld

27 K

Scott's tiKiiro U)|). (it. pi. 1, f. i:j). it is shown .-irisinK from the l)asai joint. The itincr iiiiiifllar process ami tlic distal !ol)c of p .') arc cloiiuatc aixl siil.c(iiial. The cauilal seta? rcachcil a Iciiiftli of ()*i| iiiiii.

I'iK 'f-i- l\'liif,,.si,inil Jinnifll' hii-'iiii.

rit'tli font iif IciiimIiv

Sars cites K. Jinniiirrl,ini)ii 'AS n ih>\\h\Ui\ svr.onyrn of E. ilnminl .m. ail(li';t; ihal the latter is of Mnalji r size. tl-SS ihmi. He fim'res ilie appcMiiciilar si'Ia of the (li-tal lolie of p .') In E. i Uniijiituin as ari>ii!jj nol f;ir fioin tin iii~tal iiiarttiii of tin- lolie.

"21. Pscudobradya minor 'i. atnl .V. Scott . IMMii.

Station ll/(. I'eriianl liarhonr (im:iT hiirlioiir), ilipili (12 fathoms, surface o minutes, net inimlrer ;!. Aii>£iist '.I. I!t|."). Asso.iaiol with JlnrimrtirKs ■•<ii /ii rtli.V(t.< Ist'C lieloW'.

I.en^rth of feni.-ile Ot'.til mm.. c;iiii!:il seta' (tlTS mm. .\iial -.eniiierit anil caudal r;imii> foiin a -imple cone in siijc \-ie\\. the ramus apprrMJii';- shirlilK-

i'li;. :it. ,".., ./,/„/.r.i.///.j „i,„„r .\iiliTinr :uUciuui of I'liaali'.

.-lioiter than ilie ;inal scfiiiient as ,j: (i. .\nterior anli'time iFij:. :iti li-jointeil. pn>\inial parts ex|)an(lecj. I'osterior antcntue with IJ-jointed !^', thi' pro- poitiiJiial leiiKths of the joints heiii}; 2. 1. It.

I' irst aiiil -.cconil maxilliiieds are shown in tiiei!' re!;!tive •;!!-.!! ini!-.; ii! I'iir H." 1 he f:rst m.ixillijied imp 1 1 is stout an<l cnrveil. the two proximal joints sulieijiial


I iiniiiliiin Aritif Exinilituni. IHhi-lS

ill Iciiulli. 'I'lif -rci.iHl iii,'i\illi|M'i| iiii|i 2i i* -■iMirt aii<l siraiirlit, with very Imiu plilliitiM' li,'i>:il >i't!t. iiKoitt twii'c till' IniKlli of tlir a|i|i('iiiiii(;i'.

Kijt. .!."> I'si iilnhrnihin minor. I'irst and scrDinI iiia\illi|HNl.s.

Tlif :iri:iM>iciiiciif of x'ta' on I lie I'loiacic lc(is i?; the same as tliat ilidic'ti'd {()!■ the two Ipctort'-iiaiiifd species of .V(7//i().vi/m(/; in particular p 2 He ■'{ seven seta' ( Fii!. M't).

I'i^ :{ti I'si tiilnbroili/it minor. V _' Hr ii. Till' outer iM.'ir|;ii> is Vx'ldw.

Ill llie llui'l fiM.t i|) :<i tlie basal joints (HI and H2 1 are limad. and the rami are inserted upim the ciuH'r iialf nf IV2, so that the ritrht and left l{i an'

I i|i :i7. I's, itiintn\-ttftj inino'-, Piiri lit thinl flint. ;iiii 'riii siirfrn'c.

widely separated

lies a-, -he 1,

Pi'J ha^ an -e. and lows ot spinulc! ind ammid lie aiiule: HI li:i~ a liislal iiiari;iaal anteiio:- iliteirupti'il i:i llie niidille ol the -eties Klir. 'M).

:>f the rand A- ot' spinnli's


Mini til ('iiiui>nilil '2\i K

Tlif fifth foot ifsfiiiMi- tlmt of the Ispi', Ij'it the tiiMluilial »<t;i' ;i|r iini- foriiily ImiKcr lliaii in ilii' fiumi' liv S;ir> il'iu. '.iSi.

Via ;!H. I'm uihilirilil 1)11 niitinr. lillli liKil .)f iVtiialc

The toiiii licii' licsctili.Ml (lilTcrs ^linlillv Iri.iti lln' l\|.ir:il /'-. iiiiinir in "•(■itain ploporlioiis. soiiicwlial as KcHnnsumii nifili rliiin diltVi- Iniiii /•,'. snrsi. In the nathiTiiii; from station 27 t, ii, (sfc remarks imilcr' I\ i llicrc was another I'si iiiliihr.Kliin. of O-Sti mm.. (aii(!;il seta- ()')1 mm., whicli m.ay lie the /'.v. iinilii of Sars. It comes very near to /'.v. muln hy its rostrum, p ."), ami fiirca; hut in p ."> the appemlienlar .seta arises near the liase of the ili-tal joii.t. whereas in iir,ito Sars deserilie- and finnres it as issiiinn from the hasal joint.

In /'.v. iiiiimr S.irs mentions the eandal seta- "iiot mn<'h elonuated". In /'.S-. iinitii the caudal seta- are '•slender and elonijated". Sars ohtained oidy two e.\amph's of /'.<. iinitit. in company with I's. inimir. at Selven. Tri.ndhjem I'iord. .\ similar orijiin of the apjx'ndicular seta I'mm the liasal joint was tiliured liy '1'. .Scott for Kiliniisnind Jiiniiiin-liinnu. wherein this species would dilTer from K. iliinijiittnn Sars. which was also found oidy at Selven in :i-ti fathoms, oil muddy .sand. The value of the appendicular seta as a diaunoslic feature sei'nis not to In' fully estalilished.

in<l ti

le ~h:ipe

-'."). Hurpacticus superflexus, n. -|

This species res"ml)lcs //. Ibxiis Brady iii all size firmer of the [)osterior maxilliped.

Station "i.'j/j, c. See Table IH. Inon.'itiire. Station 'M)ii. T.alile VIII. Immature •■, Station We. Tahh' XIII Station M\il. Tahle XIW 1 O.") mm. Station tlf/. Tai)le W. JS examples. Station Wti. ^<h- nuiU'v I'si iiiliihrnili/ii.

Lentith of female. 1-20 to 1.2(> nun., of m;d furca a little lonner than . sediment, set;t>, 0(i.") lo i)r,<.) nim times shorter in the male. Trosoiiie stout. h:i!!c!--li;iprd ; riPida! raiiii \ as broad as l()ii«;, spinose distally. The body m the preserved state i transparent. The ceplialosome has a polished convex dorsal surfaci romaininir segments of the thor.ix are smooth, with a metallic lustre, and of siii.ill dark spots on the pleura'.

of the

•1)1 lo I- 1:


sonie- -.,..11 ,1

- often ; the illoUps

I !*■ 7. -i- ^■n

■t.2»"jK.»-i^E:'i,„^jair.j- ■^rjti - .- ■•■a.T'iii-.'^ .t- .'W' .^n^n'

3() K f'liiiinlniii .\irlir Klimhlinfi. I'.lt.i-IS

Alllrrii>r lllltciiiiil' ll-ji)ililr(l. srvrii-lclitllH tlir IfHiJtli i.f tllf I'vpluilowiliic

tiH'iiMirrd in llif midillf linr. I'dstninr .'iiiti'iitiii' with |{r iwo-joiiitrd i l-'i(t. ;M»i; the iiuinliiT iiliil iiriiiriKi'iiH'iil <if >ftii' miIijitI In v.iiimIihii ;!•< 1- till' ri'liitivi' lfiij£lli III' tlic two joint*.

1'.' //.

tf jutit^fHn ^it {H rH* .1"

H;,.i 111 |i<i-l I mr ;iniiiiii.i sliiiuinu ilir t»ii-j. i

■I I!

I'ic. 11. llnriiiiiiici,- xiijurlUj-iis. 'rcTiiiiiial |Hirti<iii of tir>t luaxiUiiiril.

distal fri-oiip of four .-ctu' and tciniinatinn in the daw or dactylus of the apiwn- dap': ahovc tlic claw, an<l i)arallil with it. there is a plimicise seta, and another smaller seta Kelow it ;l''ii:. 41).




Mm I HI (iijH luiiht

n K

SfcoiKl mitxiIli|Mil mill 2>- lilv that of II. t|t'Xii«. niili siinpli' fii-ifntni hiiliil, liiit the dactylils ^lioitcr tliiiii the liatMl 2: H ifi(t. Vi).

{ 't^ I

Tin. IJ ll.:rii.i,t..

'tftt i/lt xu

Mtii Mi;i\llli|><'i|

Tlif tii>t tliiiiacic fucit |i I I like tlial iii II . /Ji xuy. Iiuili r.iiiii I wd-juintcd. Hi aliiiut M> lnriu tlic proMriial joint nf IJi'. Jti ■_' with a rlaw-likc »|)ini' ami ivMi «iia' Ml il,i- iiiii. Hi I with (iiNiall\ |ila(i'i| >i Kin. •■Ji; Hi' '-' I'lulnm with ihiti' riii\i'(| i|.iw> ami a --IcMihi' «cla. In thi' MTuml ihipr.'u'ii' font p '_» .1 it i^ 111 lie iiiiti'il that the iiiiiMli' juiiit iif tlif inn<T ranin> 1 Hi L' h.i-- two >i, auaiii>t iinr ^i Hull I'd I lnr //. ilii lifi r; this liiiplicatinn of llii' si wa> tdiiiid in tun -iiiic»«ivi' piiliaiiiiions un Iputli siijis. 'riic third and fnilitli lens •njicc wilh //. rhilifir.

i >'i'iiji!i:ii |Hii'l lull III' iiiiiir r.'iiiiii-' o| |i I.

Ill tlic malt', the -criind t'mit ipj 'i iia-- tlir nnii luiiali' pincc-s nl' Hi 2 only a liltli' txctfdiiiK the Icimlh of Hi ;{ I'ii:. I 1 .

lie, II, //„,/,,,/,,„„ ,>„,„r//,.r.,.-. 1' J 111 ..I' iii:ilr

III ilir thifd fool ot Ihi' m.alc ! p ;{ ;, i{c I is I wo-third> the l<iinlh of He :> .■iiid Hi:; toircthiT. tlif rclati\c- Icnulli^ of lhc,~r joiiil- hciiiL' :•>. I'.t. I'll; the ciilaiucd outer spines of He ;{ alv lil'.ided as 10. 17. L'T ; tlius II' .i se H is to He ;{ Ms 2~ : 20. I lie se ;{ has iisurjied the ])osilion of the teriniiial -1 1,1 t st ). so iiiuili so tli.'it the latter ajipears to lieloiij; to the series of si. of whirh there :,vv four lin addilioii to the st 1 ; the st aiioiit twii'e the Kiilk of the fourth si. Iiul it is lle.xiMe. loimer and iiilicli slenderer lh;iii the se :{. In ll.rlnlifir ' the p :i l(e :i si 1.- I iidinieniaiN : in li . n 11 in mi!' ii makes a foiiriii spine. In H . iiriiriii.< the st is like that of II. iininniis. \,\\\ the ''e;5 i^ 1 he shortest of the series, 'fhe male of II. thxiix is iindescrilied.

:}2 K

Cininiliiin Aniic Kxiialition. lHI-i-IS


l-'it'tli Ifjis of t'ciiKilc (|) .") ,> ): inner Innifllar process low. lnoad, evenly iirelieil. with four inarninMl spines; liistal joint with hve iniii>?iii:il spines ( Kift. 4.')i.

I'ig. 4."i. Itnrpiirlirus sujH-rJIi in.". I'iflli lcȣs iif ft'iiiiile.

I'ifth less of male (p.') -- ) : inner lamellar proc'ss absent as in //. iinnrnii.-:: in aiciiate row of spimiles occurs on the segment iTli .")) to the outer side (it p "): in front of this arc there is a transverse row of points, and a corresponding; olili(iiie low occurs on the jienital segment (Fic- t<'>l-

Kin. I'i- llariuii Ill-US xiiixrjlixiif. I'iflli Ics of male with :iilj:ic<'iit scuiiii'iils.

With refereiiic to the pelaisie oeeinTeiiee of this species, it may he mentioneil that Brady (Brit. Cop. ISSd, II, p. 1.".2) records tiiat n.Jli.via' had t)een taken hy the surface net in WCslport Bay. Ireland; .Isewiierc at the bottom in depths oi' 1 to 20 tathoms.

'I'lie anterior antenna^ of the male |)resent the distal expansion found in other sjM'cies of ndrpurtlriiy: when viewed from the outer asjiect th(^ dactylus is seen to possess a lateral spur and tubercle.

2tJ. Harpacticus uniremis Kioycr.

Station 7(1. .").">" 42' N., i:itl° 2(1' \V.. surface .") minutes, net number 8. June 25. I'.l|.'5. Seventeen I'xamples. ( )ne female measured 1 t mm., one m.ale i-2S i!ii;i.. another maie (»-S0 mn,. lis additif-r,, t!,'-'-" wen- youtij; ( iammaridea and an Oslracod (Coiirroiria).

Station 13. 54° 3(1' N., 15!»°42'\V. Several siuface Ratherinns, with net number 3, July 1, ll»13. Tliere were some Cijpns larva> of (irripedes.


M III ini ( 'diii'iiiiiIii Taiiik \\ 1 i,SrA. i:i).

:<H K

Ciilinni.^ Iiiiisii.. Tlirrr, iiminii iiri'.

l\si '4ittMllhlliH.> ilithtjilhis . , ( hii- MiIihIiii III,; IIS ■• . ( »llr

Aiiiiliii liiiiiin; nil.-. ■' anil . I'lvr.

Ai'itrtm t'li'inhi 4 . I'lii'fc,

Hill imilii II- II II I II III I. < ■' anil .' . l-'.lrvrii.

One IViiinlc hciiriii}; iivis;ic \v:is 1 ■Jd iiiiii. lim^. cMiidal m-[,v (ISO nmi. ; Miili'iioi aritcnii;)' '.l-joiiitcd: p 1 with i'oiii- lii>crnil;it' claws at end ni l{>- and <ifii' such (law at end iiC l{i. 'I'hc tcitninal claw on \i I Hi is accompanied l.v a taiii- toitii seta, which is often liroken (piite rcniilariy at one spot. a[)peaiin!i as if jointed ( ['it;. 17 ).

I'ij;. 17. //. iiiiiri nut! ■'. 'I'cniiinal |Hirlinn ol p 1 Ri; fr,,in .-.tatioii l:;.

The maxilla is like that of H . rhilifir: ]V2 liifid. the raiin oiie-j,,mted, l{i tiisetose. he (|iiadiiselose. the inasticaloiv seta' vaned i I'iii. ts .

■IK- l^. //■ iiiiiniiiix. Maxilla. Station Ml.

Second maxilliped: U 2 with a proximal comli of s|)iiniles on its anleiior face (Kifi. 4!>) and two coiiihs on its posterior face, one proximal and one central, as fitriired by Sars.

Slalion II. ."^ee nndei' I'liniliihiilitn rii. One ovicerous female, length D'.tti mm

Station til/. Tahle W. One example of ! ;{() mm. tHMIS.'i :!


iitiiidiiiH A I flic k.r ii> 'litii'ii , /.''/.!-/'

Sliitidii Vlji. Sec uinicr I'lii iitlitaildti !(■■<. ScNcial cxaliiplo ruiuprisiiin lii:ili> ainl i'ciii;ilc>. I.riitrth (if Olio male 1-2 iiiiii. ^\ licii the Ixxly is \i(\M(l from ilic Mile, witlioiit furtlicr preparation, il can lie oliscrvcd that tin- eel. spiniiics or s|)iiiiil(s on till' outer siirlace of He 1 in ]>'2 pi are arraii^red in tiiiee iili|i(nic ro\\>;

r !i;. 4',i. //. inni-imis iii'^t p;nr 111 li'n^ ami MiiiMil iiiaxiilipi'd vipI' nulil ^-iiic; 111 jHisilKiM. Station Md.

ilu> is indieateil iti a fijrure liy Stirs, 'j'lie tinterior antennte of the intile present ;i (listtii expjiiisioii followed tiy ti niovalile fintjer (dtictyliisj wliieli is furnished with :i smooth spur pidjeetinn forwtirds, as descrilied tind tifnired liy Stirs; in eerttiiii asiiects the spur looks like the iiitiin liody of the joint.

Stiitioii .')()(/. "^oiiiifj iioiiit, Dolphin and Tnioii stitiit. Northwest ' s,

in lic'tieh water timonjist alfja', ■July 21, I'.tUi. There were three JIar. Is

ill the vial, one Idium fiirmta, tllid two //. i/x/r* //((.v ; . ( )iie female e; .> a tin ovisac, and there was a loose ovisac in addition; length of \ , I '.i miii. In the ihoraci'' legs, p2 Hi 2 has two si; p.') with 1 iiiaifrinal spine- on the inner exjitinsioii ;ind .'i on the disttil lolie.

Stirs finds tlitit the H.rliclifir vtir. iirrliriis descr' ed from Heriii}: Seti on flotiliiif; kel|) liy S. A. J'oiijie (Arch. f. Natiirnesch. ")(i. INSfi lielongs to //. iiiiin mis. .Vccordint!: to the stime tuithor, it is found alonj; the whole Xorwenimi cotist, liiit only 111 depths of 20 to 1(10 ftithoms. I,. ^\ . Williams found it in \;iritis;;insett Hay tiliundtint in tow-net I iiifis in .shallow wtiter.' tind I litive found it ainoiifist the stoiiuich contents of the winter tioimdcr tit Si. .Vndre- N H. It has not lieen taken at Woods Ilole.-'

27. Idyaea furcata (Baird).

Sttition 20i/. See 'I'tilile IX. (die feiufle.

Sitition 40;-. See under Acartia, lunyiremia. Seveiiil femtiles. one with ovistir. 1 (i:> nun., :i not her 1 -00 mm., tniother ()S0 mm., tind u fourth 1 (rmim.; reltitiv." lentiths of 'J"h o, .\1) If, tind fiircti: 10, !.'), 10, U, f<. 0. The first and second mtixillipeds when seen in situ tippetir iniicli tilike, uncinate; the tinterior with Itiitter claw, liiarticiiltite; the posterior, three jointed, the claw itself having :ii! iiiti'ictiltsrv join! ti! its l.'tise.

St tit ion 41.^'. See Table \T.

' L. \V, Williams: Notes on marine Copcpoda of Rhode lslan<l. .\.iin r. Nai Id. p. li">'i-4, 11(06. '•U. \V. Sliariir: Cnpcpodtt of Woodi Hole. Proc. U.-S. Nat. Mii», :is, p;.. 4ii."i 4;'i; llild.

-r-«rsi»«. 'f:

-ilif "lid |ifiiiilll;iU'

Miiriiii I (i/i) jKidii 'j-

"tnti,,!! 12/^ Sc.' 1111(1. 1- I'.^.inliinilatni.-! for |).l^iIil,l|.

Taulk XVH (Sta. 4i.'/<j. I'xi iiilnriilniKi." {Iiiiiytilu.t. Our . . Kuri/li innra heiihniitii . Onoc".

(Illhdlnl S/Hlj/(.<. l''oiir.

Il'iriiiiihciix iinin tins. Srxcn ai]<l ■. j.

Iili/iiii fiimilii. 'I'w,, , .

hnhiil.i.siniii slitinissoiii. I'ivi' lririali'>i.

I.'iifjih ..r one , , ! -2 i,,„|., Mntcrior iiniciiiiM .S-jdiiii. lips on |. 1 UvA. j, 1 1{,>2, :iii(l |) I n\A.

Si.itidii 12//. SfH' X.

^.'="'"'; /-'-• Itolpliin |.M,| Inioi. stiMit. (,tr,-,nl hin\,„m: .l«.pil, 17

<cl. i<<' _, tcct il,i,k. iiiKliiitrlit, water li'iupcralmc 2'.t.2' F thiv.. vpiti.-.I

liaul- i.(,tl<,in tu MliliMC. DceiulMT 12. I'.tl.^,. \<ni(.il

IMu.i: X\ ill (Sta. r.>ci.

I'si mliiidl,:. ,is rliiiiyiilil.l. Inillrs mill fi-IMalo.

Mitridiii liiiiijii, yiiiiii)! J-jiiiiitcil uid-^dinc ■.

Adirhii Idhiiirciiiis.

(Incaii i-oiiih rii. one fciiialiv

lilildii fiimiln, ii'miy \i.uiin rmd adult.

Til.-.' wa.s a tVmal,. with uvisa,- r.mtaitiiiijr .-^l's i,, ,1„. ,irst „M,ipli„s stat,. < „.■ tna .;„n. O-KS „„„. In ini.natMiv I,!,,,,, UnrnU, l.olh ,1,,. a,,,.,! ,'. ws ..I pi \U.\ w..,-,. ul,.s,Mvr.| t., I„. p..ninllat..;i„ ,1„. .dult oniv tl,.. lo ,«,■ , f he i\Mi i> pcnicillatc. *- ' ' ' iiif

Station M\h. Sec under Oitliiniii.

Station K)//. See iinil.i (>ilf,n>,„. Several inunature example-

Matio.i .,(),/. See uinler l/<,r,,art;,;,.s umnnii.. \ sm^\v le.nale with ovisae- I'liL'tn I \,% mm.

I have fn.m.l tiiis .p.Tie.s very aiamdanl in the Momaeh .untents of th.' wmter (lo,„,.ler at St. .\n.lrews. X H., a.sso,.iat..,i w,th llar/tarl,,,,. JnrmM

-'s. Dactylopusia signata, n. -p. >tation -4(1 c, il. I. See under Oitlunin.

V ^V".i"".o,'-"" '*•■'•"••"•<', "•>.'';"i"-. X.'ithwest 'iVrritorie^. d.pth (t 2 lali.o.ns .Vu,us. .. liU..: assoe.ated Harpamn,. s,,,rjl,.nn. .1 ,„,/„„..,.„. „„';,' and l)(iinilss( n/(i stcfdnssoin . «■"*,

I..-nKth of one Vemale ON nun., of another (»■():{ nun. None was found w,th ovisac, and n,, nial.. was oKservd. Hostnim Munt. eonspmious m si ' v"-«. < audal ranu very small, shorter than the .-mal s,.,„„,,t ,he mne m '

I'lK .")(). Ikictytupuniii i-iyiiulii. .\i!:il N.-gincnt, r.^uija! nuiius and srt;r.

hut one oi the termmai seta> on oaeh rainu.s with a eliaraeteristie rounded m tuberanee near the i.ase on the inner si,!,-. This ental protul.eran,r of the can, seta IS the ehi.'f ,listmetive mark, to whieli th,' speeiti,. name r.'fers (Fie W) '

pro- ial

fiitoss- :!

:i() K

CiiikkIkiii Aniic Ksj)! ihlion . I'Jl i 'S

Aniciioi- ;iiilciiii;i' (t-joiiitcd, the Slli joint vi'iv >iii;ill and :i con-t.ini iIimi- jiclciislic I I'iu. "il ). M(Hiili-p;itls noiriial; tlif tiiM iiiaxillipc(l i^ ilawi'd likr the M'c<(n<l, its daw licmj; Icinjirr and ninif powcitiil tlian llial iil nipl.': the lia-al joint of iiip 1 h:\> llilfi' iiincf si'liuicioiis lolics ol wliicli tlic pidxiinal \va> oli.-civcii willi a hiniilr lonu thick soft seta, tlit- other two havinsi inoir than om M'l.i at Ihcif apici's.

I'iu. .'it, I)iiiti4i>liiix>a xiiiiKild. AiitciKir aiili'iiiia.

Tlic fii>t llioiacic h'S-^ ate like tiiosc ot 1). tlnshaiilis and I). iKijUctn: \{\ 1 with a plumose si at the centic of the joint. Tlie outer distal aiif^le- of Ue I •iiid 2 of the iialaloiy lejis aic not conspieiioiislv piddiic<'d, as they aic in I). Ihis\)i)idfx. Second le^s i'ilh seta' as in 1). Ilnslioiihs: tlie ectal spiiiuies of lie aie coarser thin those ot l{i; li'2 witli sienih'r se and triansiiliar acute eiital spur, a feature also found in I). Ihislxiiili.-^: in p 'J Hi 2 the slender proximal si arises distad o"" tlie centre of the joint. Tliiril lens; li2 with still slemleier se and very small ental spur, lit tin- fourth lejrs the Hi 2 has oidy one si ;ind this appears to lie distinctive.

In the iiatator\ lejis p 2 to p 4 the terminal seta of the outer ramus is lonnei than the entire ranuis. in p 1 much lonM:<'r. The se li has the same lensrth .i- the He H ill p 2 anil p 4, a little shorter than the He 15 in p :{.

The fifth Icfis appt'ar to differ from I). tltiyboiiUs in the interrelative lensiths of the marginal spines, hut the >;eneral correspondence is remaik;ilil\ close (Kifi. .')2).

f'i«;. ."I'J, lliirlifliiiiuxiu aiyiiulii. I'Ifl 11 leg.

It might he supposed that this species may he a suhmaturi' " iiistar " of /\ Ihlshoiddf, hut the structure of the first ;>nteiina' is hard to reconcile with such a supposition. \ word must also he said ahoiit the charaelei- of the cauilal seta, which seems at the surface to offi-r an uiiequivocd distinction. On (•onsultinn Claus's work on the free-liviiiK < opcjiods ( Leipzig, ISlHJ) at a distance U\>m my material, 1 found an exactly similar condition of the se e figured for ThakxlriH forficula Claus. This sppcios is now placed by Sars in a ly^w genus, Mirrothalestrif!. and nothing is said about the " kolbig angeschwollen ' ' ast's of


amcav"' V'


Mania ( '«/» fiiiihi


til.' caiuial -.■I;,.. ;iltli(iiis;li a timiic l.y S:ii> shnu,- lli.rn >linlillv clilaiuv.l \ -iiiiil.iicuiiilitioii, aj;aiii, still inuic pmiKiiiiic'd. i> tiitiiicil Kv Sars loi .1 /„/,/,,„., „.s (jiishriilili. 1)111 licM' the protlihcianfc is (liicclnl (Mitwards.

W liatcvcr may lie tlii' sijiuiticancr of this small on llic , aixlal mIm', it is III some iiiicicst tu (iiid it Dcciitrin^r in t'licc ilit'lVrciit genera.

■-".». Amphiascus nasutus I'.nck'.

Station Wn. Sec lllnlcr hurliildiiiisin kIiiiiiiIh.

Slatiiiii VAi. Sec Talilr \ ||.

'I'liis iv, i„|- its ^i/.(., a stout liaipaclicoiii with li.:i\iK liiiill hal iildsoiiif. l..ii>itli ol' IVmalc, IL'I.' mm., of male. ()-7_' mm. ( ailijal raimi- Iiuiii-atc, vl,,,|i,.,- tliaii anal srmnciit i l''i(i. ,'):{ i .

■Itf .") Atfi/ihidsr'ls ntlsiihi.^.

.Xiiiil <i'Ki- at .iiiil tiin-:i Iniiii bcliiw.

Aiitirioi- atitciiiia' (listiiiclly !'-ji)iiitcil. the |)|-o|ioili.nril loMrtli, ,,i ih,. joi'its Kciiij:; 7, .-,. -,, 7, :.). :<, I ..-,. -2. I. I'ostcridi- aiitcima' with !^■ t hiic-ioiht.-,! ;li(' midillc joint short: Hv \ with one srta. Hr J aclnftoiis. !;,.:{ uiih ,,,; |iioxim:il :iiii| two strong apii-al seta' with scvcfal sctulcs aiound their li.-i-'- Srcoiid in;i\illipfd witii tin- -i of thr hand arising; towafd- thr di-i.-d mil of ilio joint.

Tfioiarir li'Lrs: pi with liotli lanii thivf-jointcd a- in I)art\ |,,piKi,-i. tlif -i of lii I i- in-iTtod ni'iif till' distal end of thr joint i'iii. .'i 1 1.

I-'IU .'4. A!':[,h!<l:

!■ !

Ill the second leu ip'J). Hi 2 lias two seta'. \U A ha- oidv four d se. Hsii, in plare of the five in Darhilnini/id ( Kiir. .").') ' ; H'_' ha- a slender si', and a short liiorn- llke process 111 plaee of an -i; outer distal angles of He I .and lie 2 .are prodlieed


t iiiiiiihiiii Ariiif Hxiiiiliiiiiii . i:il 1-ls

ii to i\v(i lliii'k-liMX'ii. -DiiM'W li.'il liliiiit Miiiiiiin.ilions. iIimI of |{c _' Lnnii ' that of Ur 1 I I'iu, .">t>i. In tlio loi tli Ici: Hi _' \\:\< only one >i Fii;, ."i7 , i\r :i OmI\ si'\i'm s«'t;i> :i <i'. 1 St. ;{ sil.

I'l^;. ."i.*. .1. iiiisiiht.^ . . \t '2 Ui. I- iii, ."ill. Siiiiic. |) :.' Ki' 1 ij;. .')7. Suiiiiv p t I']

Tlictiftli !('t!;> '|> .") . I .lie hijilily cliai-.'ictcriNl ic. with a loiijiand >li'r|) i|im livil \ <>ccU|)i(MHI)y a few -pniulcs, ^trctcliin^ liclwccn llic two oiit('ini()>t >|)ini> ut' llir distal lohf ( Kitt. .')S'. Hi'liiTiil tlic innciinost M'fa' of the inner lohr^ ilini' i^ swMi a I'liitinoiis thicki'niriii piocccdinfi liai'kwanN fruni tlio iicnital o|niiinii.

liii- .'>S. Ainpl'idM'u.s ym.oihi.^. p ."i * ,

In (lie mall', lln- inner ramus of tlie second fool i- Iraiisfornied in a) e\lra- orduiarv manner. a~ in the type ti^uied l>y Sais.

HI) Tachidius brevicornis Liiijeliori;, is.'ia.

Slaiion 111'. < K'ik moiilli at Hernald li;iri>oUf, Noithue>i Ten iloi ir-. 0- 1 fatlioni, .Iwly S. I'.ll.").

Tlie patherilii;: eonsi- te<l of seventeen small Haipai'ticoids, all of llii- -!>eiie>. a!l_!'e!ji:i!e-. air! all. ■■vi'!-, ••■.iie exi'ei)tin!i .•■arryiiifi -.m ovisae.

I.eii(ith ()-7t) mm.: eir^s counted iti five ovisacs: liO, 43, 44, 14. •">o. .Vrr.inne- inont of tlie seta' on tln' r:iini of the nataton letis p 1 to p 4 ;,nd crescent ic

Mm nil Citjli jlnil,i ;jf( ^

s|HIllll.)SC ;ni.ll \:il\r ;,- fitim,.,! hy S:irs. [li tlir (list Iru |{.> h;,, ;,,i .•lital spill.-

M'l iipoii ;i pn.iinii.'iii luiiihl,.,! I»,ss .•iii.i MM c.iii;!! ..ctMl ~pii n tfio •iiit.TH.i

siirl;ii'c- i ^■i^. .V» .

f S-Cf,

lilt. .Vt. Tachidiux lirevicunns. I'irst li'n, :iiit(Tiiir .-iirfaov

:>l. Danielssenia fusiformis (Hi.niy .

I lia\c ii|i-iintii',| :, single iniiiviilii:)! of this spccii's Iroiii Station _'.')/..(, t.ikrn Ml the siirt":ici' clo,-.!- to ire, tioiili of ('(Mipcr islMiitl, AlMska. Aunnsl L>7 .iriil L'S. I!ti;{.' The Ictitilli was about O-S.') iiiiii. As a I hi nit !.■<.■<, imi . il~ .li>l iiis>iii>liinu tcatiiic IS the o-jointcl aulciiiiM, l)iit in the spi'i-iincri this is not s,, .liiisui- a' c'liild he .icsircd. Th(> tciiiiinal part of the ant.'nna sci'ins at a crrtain t'oiais toconsist of two joints, 'j'lic anttMina- caiiv a niiiiihcr of coiispiciious thorn.\ bristles, tlirrc of which an' especially proiuiitent upon the liasal half of the terminal p<prtion anil -me of them is inserted at the level wheie the articnlation should occur. This bristle was lost on one antenna and its -.Irirplv detin.Ml broad of inserlioM simulated an i?it(>rarticular jlmction. The basal -eta of tic posterior maxilliped was damaned accidentallv i'l the manipulation The tilth tool aci'ords with thi' fiKure by Sars.

Neither Hrady nor Sars .seems to be <'ntirely sati>fie(l a- to the (ji.-tinct- iiess of I). Iiipim and I). fiisif„niiis. and the ditterential characlei- advanci'd by I5ia(|y are not those upon which Sars relics.

'.\2. Danielssenia stefanssoni, n. -p.

Station \\h. See under />(H7///e/<».-/V;.

Station II... See Table \I.

Station 12//. Dolphin and rnioii strait, smfaci'-iow. with net number :!, 10 minute,-. Bernard harbour (outer harbouri, watei- ilepth tluve fiihonis' Septemlur :>(). Udo.

T.MU.K XIX iSt\. t_V)).

ly,;Hl„n,l„>,,,,,l i.,lu, !J v..unt:ui..l;i.luli.

l',uiiiUn((,ra henlmnni ;; ",,|.^I^.,

(lilhoiKi .liimtis I

'/;"'"":"■"■■"""'''•""- II Iil:llc- ..ill. I !■.■!. ,:il.-s).

hti/iiii Jiirnitii ■> i',. Ill-ill-

/)fin7</--.si7,/(i ,ilcfii>f.'<-tnni .-, i',,,,, ,1,.^

I.enntli of female, 1 ■•_'2ti iiwTi. Kostnuii i)roiiiinent, defined behind. < .luilal rami slightly .>xceed aiud sciirnent as 10 : !). Anterior aiitenn.e b-jointcd 'vith litMowinfi relative lengths ,,f joints: bS, 10, 7, 4. .">, o. .liitenna' with

'• S,M. Tahi,' III

40 k

t idiiiiIkIii Aril/r Exjiiihlnin. IHI-I-IS

|{r lliii'c-jniniiil; III' 1 (Miiii^ :i miimH pioxiiiial si iiisiTlnl niai' llic miilillr nl the joinl, ill :i(l(litiun to its disljil pliiiiiuM' >i: the ilislal joint mI' tlic Ki cMirirs ;i luiin spicMii' -ii.i tollowi'cl liv tlirci' ni'iiicnlati- sclii", tltcii, near ilic iiiiicr (iislal iiiai'tiiii lliii'i' -trdiit: r-pinrs; Ipctwccn ihr Iwii snlidistal spines nf this (iidiip there is a Imij; (•iir\e.l claw, not deseiilied in <>i ler speeie> i I'it. (idi.

lie >.n I) -(./Wii.sMM/. l)i>l:il ji.uit I'l intwr liinmli 111 |i.i-tf rmr .iiiii'iiii.i. viiwcil trniii till' iii(-i:il surliin-.

In the liiandilile, aiisiim I'lniii a |iiiiiit near the middle ul the Hi. tliere is a tlidilp (if three ^i instead of two si fimireil liv Sais for ' isifnniiix: oliseived in lioth -eM s. Ill tlie niaxilla, the small cllllp-shapeu 'iries three lonn

plumose sela' tlaiinu apart as finnred liy (i. S. Brady for i). fiiiij'unniy. Tlie armature of i.ipj ditTeis from that of I), fiisifuniiis. the two plumose seta' of the lia^al joint lieinu in-erted at the >ame transvers<' le\-.| instead of one liehihd the other 1 Vin. I'd ).

I ill. I'll. l'e>tcri(ir IMMxillipi •!, /'. .v/(/(;(,

'i'lie tlioiaiii- leu* (if the female offer lew distinmii^hiiii: iharacters: pH He 4 has einhl ~i-v.i- :> se, I ^t. I si i; p :i Hi :{ has six seta' '. I -e. .") si); p 4 He 3

l-in. li'J. I). .W(/'rii/.v.v„/,, . . I' :! l!i, has eijiht ^(ta'i p 4 Hi :i has five ( Ise. I si). In the thinl foot !p;i) the outer distal aiurle of Hi 2 i^ produced into a siiiipl< cone in place i,\ the mucronale linicess of the male ' Kiji. ti'il.

'.^?pf; :■*«!

Miiniii ('d/x I'dilii


III It ttij.Kii. M> tiillHctl liy Siiis. allil in I). fiiy(f:iniii.^. iis lijlMli .| liy Ki.niy. lilt' lii H (il ;i I li:i< lour sciu'. llicii- ln'iiin utily oiii' mIm :iii-iiiiK licmi ilii' ciiiiii' 1)1 till- ill III I llMi'nill III I 111' joint. Ill III it h sexes of />. .v/i /ip/vmiki there ,ire I line ^ita- Ml the a|)e\ lit |i I i{i :{, namely a sjiuit se and iwi) lunirer -.1; im the iiinei ni.iiuiii 111 llie joint there are two more >i. a i>io\imal one ari-inii; from the iniilijle ol the iiinei niMjiiii. anil a ijistal one inserteii lietween this ami the apex of ihe inini. Ill I), sihirii-ii Sar», p I Hi ;{ has six seta' in the I'einaie. tive in tlie male.

Fifth letr- |i ."1 . ): hanllv lo lie ili^tiniiiiisheil from I), ^ihiriro. miles» it i- li\ the iiiterspaiinu of the iii.iiiiiiiai :-|iine> on the inner laiiiellai ex|ian--iiiii ; liilTeriiiti from I), (iisifunins in the more proximal oriu'ii nt the iiineiiiio~l mai- iiial spine of the inner lamella 1 l'"iu. ii:i >.

I 1).'. Ii:i. l).Uj,\N-.f<,hi. I1I1I1I1H..I 1. lii:il.'.

In one ease the iJistal joint of one ^iile showeil an alierr.ii'' n in liie pie.«eiiei of a loim siiperniiiiieiary >pine at the inner siile of the lolie. makiim a lota! <> SIX iiiaiirinal -pine- in-leail of the normal niimlier, live iliu. I'l'.

I'm. 111. /' sUiii,i^.s„„i. AliillMllt llflll liiu! ill lilliali-

In ihe male, ihe tifth leti> ale >mall. the roiiiideil distal joint with five seta-, the leiliiieij inner lolie with two imei|iial -eta', as in I), tiipirn.

neMiiptiuii of male: leiit;th llll mm.: anterior anieiiiia' siilieheliform, as

in /) /.;^;.;;r, fitrijM-i! hv S^i!'. '!"!:e .er.ind llu.lveie lee !: 2 o'Ters di-t !!!<■! ive

eharai-Iers in tlie pre>eiici' of a powerful hamate prore-- on the inner side ol


( iniiiilinii .\nlii- Erpt :lihi,ii . I:tl.! /'

Hi I, ami of a x'liiil.iii' ici^i ului m pimi-^ nt ih.' ir.hi.-.'d |{i :; Hi' -iilnil.iti- |)ri>i'(>«s iif Hi L* :i ui'ticric cliaiai ;it i I'lu, (l."( .iihI lili.

111;. !>.", I). ..i,j,n,.^.<„„, / !• •.> Ui 1 IK. liti. .^aiiif, 1' J Iti :; riiliirnp.l

In ttic tliinl leu of till' iiialf. Hi L is piiHliiccil al its oulcr ili^i.ii .iiiulr inlo a .-Intnji iiiiicioiialc proct'ss of latlicr coiiiplrx fuiin iFiu- •'•"l li: ilir loiirtli toot tlic ilislal aiitllc of Hi 2 i> inoiluci'.l into a slinlitly rm\r.| :i.'i|iiiiii:iii' |no-

1 IE. •i". I). sUfa/iisoni ■'. P:5Ui.

The only otlicr .•^pccifs with which the i-liaracliTs of the male D. ■<ti f'lH.-^sDn: (■all lie coinpaicd i.s I), sihinvii C. () Sars 1 1S«»S, Jana Expedition up. tit ."p. ;?4;{. 'I he hamate pioce.'^s on p2 Hi is eoiiiiiioii to hoth. On the otiier liaiid, in I), .^-ihn-ini the reduced Hi :j of the second foot of the male is without a fostn- fonii jiidc-ss. Thi.s is the cardinal distinction, the pres<-iice in tlie one ami the aliMMice . he other of a shar|)ly defined character. The anterior anteniKC in the female of I), sihirira .are five-jointed.

M III nil ( 11)11 jhnln

\.\ K

I ). MoN^lUll.l.llJ Vt.

:>;; Thauinaleus bernanlensis, n. -p.

TwK iii:il.« wi'w iMk.'ii III Sttilidii »2:. I )-•. iml.. r VI. I!M.". -'■> iin.l.T I'-m-

ili»iilinni.-<\. i.:'lii:tti "t "M'' lli:ilc> I ■!• HUM . i.l ll lluT 2 \ Tlilii I h<' .lf»ill|>lln|i

H'hli'S In till' ImIUi'I.

Hie lic.lii Mini fil-l lliolMcic sfijliiciit :ilr tu-<'.| luni'tlin l<i liiirii :i ci'iiliald- iliuiMi'ii' -.(•(iinciit uliicli (Hil.v sliuliily cxci'i'iU tli'' ihaI llucc xirinmt^ iTIi '_' |i. Till' Iciullis dl' till' ;iril<iiti:c. <>! llic (•(•plwilol IkUmN. mihI oI' iIii' lliKf t'lfi' pi'diuiToiis iliiir.Hic scuirii'iits iiuiiliincil, .ire siitifi|ii;il. iIh' |.rip|)i)rliniis m ilic nidcr riiiini-.l liciiiC ;."».■):.")(>; .'.:!. Tlu' liiiid-lMxly. coiMiYriMiiu lln' mimhIhus (ilili ^iitiin'iit I'i'li.oi. llic u<''ii':'' sc^jiiifiil, lw(» t'ulliiwiiii: sciiini'iiN ;iliil llii' liiii.i. Ii.i- lln' ichilivr Icrmlll ivitn-sflilcil l>y tlir lllimlpcr :?."). TIlUS llic t'oiclnxly 1- M|.piii\i- iiiulclv tlirif liiiii's the Icimlli cpf III"' liiiKl-lHiily. Till' Miiiil or l.i^I ;i1m|i.iiiim:iI -riillirill -lldW- ~ll|)i' lIldii'Ml inii of Mti ini|)rl'trrr ilivisintl illln twii Mmnrlil-. III!' sMiuf appi-iiaiiri' lii'ini; pii'M'iilr'i I'y Imtli imliviiliiiils. Cuiiiilln^ il a> dii«' M'miu'iit, llii' i':iiii1mI t'uic.i i> a liltli' slidrlir. in llif ratin ul' 7 In iirail\ s. '\'\\<-v

j> a VI ry small papilla nii ilii' vi'iilral siilr dl Tli. .">. i<pi.-.riiiiiii; a iinii m di

I 111' (il'lli li'iis I Kin. 'W''

Till' vciillal ldlii'.< dl' llii' iii'hilal sixnH'iit l.ivf ihc prdpciitidii- -linuii lii Mif

tiunri'. I'lacli lamlal laiiiil^ rarrii's four >fla'. llir -i Maiiial mim' liriiis; inin-li

slidiii'f lliaii ill-' dlli'T- I'i'^. •>"<

1 m. li"5 Thilmiiilh ii.i ln'riiiii:i:-ii.iii. Iliiiil-tioily i)f mall'.

■|'!i,. iJiHtM!!'.'!' hi't'.v^'c!' th'.' frdnfti] inarciii -'""i tl"' nidulh idiii' i~ lfs< than oiii'-tliinl of thi> distaiM'i' df tlu' lattiT from tlii' liimli'i' inarpiii of I ho I'l'pliald- tlidiai'ic sociiii'iit. Hn tlu' vnitral sidi- of the lioad tlu-ro arc several ehitiiidiis sinictiires iiitcrvciiinu hetweeii ihc atileridr aiiteiiiia> and the nidinientary iiidulli-i'oiic. In front of the latter the euticle is wrinkled, as mentidiied l.y Gieshrei'ht for Th. Inniji^iiiiniimx, and the wrinkles lerniinatc in a small papilla.


( iliiihhini Aiilii l-'.jjii itil iiiti , till) IS

«lii. Ii lii;i> i.|iii-rnl :i I MtliMH nl ,11 > ').<■.. \t-li|ii:ili hilniiiii In liniil i>| ihiv llii'lf I- .iliiilliiT liii'illMii |i:i|>ill:i i.f iiiicrrt.'iiii -miilli alirr. anil Im'Ii.ii' this auain a pair i.l' clrar i.val aira^ Al llii' lia.r nf caili anli-ijoi aliliiiiia llific i> a Miiali llaM»\r,».|y flnii«alr ilulirioli* tin. killing. |-'iti:ll\. mi iitliir »|.|c of iIm' Hi|i|M,-.ii| ImIiiimii Ihcif I- a wiiiiklid )ia|>llla >li<.'\iin! a -Ir.all mm Ira! lavilv; ilic^r :!ic- tin |iii..|l,|i' \c-<iii:i-« iif |iip-irniii aiitiMiria' Imu 'i''

Im. i.'l, •/, h,,,„n,l,n.,.-_ \inir:il ,,i l„.vl.

TIm' ti\i- aiili-niiarx juilil.- h,i\( ih.- -liral |)in|iui I iuii~ s. Hi .".. ).",, jll.

The tillli .|(ii!it (aiiir- a >lltilii;, li ihiinal daw-likr ^I'la. ulipli ran l.c hrM |,,r- uaiiU iir Im'nI al a hi aniili' td llir joinl. Tlic tnll<,uirii; -i la' alv tn I.f loiirnl at .lirtntiit poinls .., ilic anlriiiia':

I'ir-t jiiiiit: a siiiiiila'i seta willi ^lioil |)liiiric-.

Sci-iin<l joinl: live shortly pliiniov.' viilnilalc ^cla'. ..l winch ihicr an- in hr "'■'■11 ■" '!"■ mar^rin 1 1- il'. <!'.• . ami m addiliim a lont; phuno-r xia aii~inu <h<\- -all\- al ihc ili^talniMri;in. wiin-.; phiinr^ (icrni on ila- -Irndrr di-ial portion III' II.

riiii.l joinl lv\o lohii pJuinoM' ~.'ia> ami a >horiri -uhnialc -ria l.c-il uiih lim point.-.

I (iiirlli joitil; .>(\ia .-cla-, ini-linliiifi a -Irndcr a--lhrla>k or -rn>oi\ lilaniciil

and onr loni; pluino.-c scia ; proxiinad of ijic lonir ph >,. srta arc two niaiuinal

Mihnlair -ria' ol whirli tiir proximal one i.s ihi- lonL'''i : i^inioxrd iVoni (In- niai- liiii ;i li"l'^ i:i l'''<>iii of the )ii-o\iiiial -uhnlalc -da and pi^oxiniad of ih.' I>a-c of '!"■ '"I'li -■ a i- ihc a'slhcla>k. in Th . Iniiijisi)iiii)s,is. ( liohrcclit tiniirc-, ihi' a'.-lhrla-k .donirvidi' of the lon<; -cla. I )islal to t he l,a-c of I he lonji -cl.a i< a inartiina! -nlaii.ilc ^cia like the proximal one. j-lxactly oppo.-iic tlie ha.-e of the laii; -eta H a -horl sill lula te .-el a . and in front of tiii- a [ireeiscjy siniiiar one. In < desliieeiit> tiuure of Th. lo/,iii.-<i„'iiit.-<,i--:. Ill place of the -iiitic ni;iri:in:d pidxinial -nlailate .-eta. thci-e arc two i'(|nai .-eta' siile liy -ide

l-'llih joini (Kij;. 7(li: there are ijiree liraiiclicd ,<ela'. a loiin plumose M^ta, !oiir_M(ft -leiiiler -eta> uhn I '.ink like a>>tli<'lasks. a inar>;iiial and a siihleriiiinal .-Ul.ulale -. ia and ihc lerminai claw, m.ikinti: '■ieveii ailoijeliicr. a- in Ih. Imuii-


Tlic -\\iinmilitr feet are all alike. !,;,lii rami three-jointed. I he i{e with '• "• I '•';■ I. 1. 1 si; and ola' -t. Tlle -i i- plumose, like the olhel-. 'I'lic Hi has 1, I,,-, M'ta'. The se of M2 is (|uite small and -Icder. ion^i'r on the third

.Mill nil I iifii /iii'ii

t.-> K

f.Tl M- l< Ihr i;,-r in utll.'l »|).'.|.'-. Ill till- m.llr, nl V'/, ,, t ./■-/"""" 'I"'

M..m/..-..M. Ilinr If ,.iil\ lli.v >i on Ilir I!. .! ul ). I, m imI.IiIiuii Im llir -I. Mrcnldiritt I" < i|("-t>lfi'll'

l.u Til 1 1- I'

'riTlillllll |lorllHll III |i II illlillli:

ll\ III.


llll\ lilflirr:illiill III llli lllMUrlli-.| -il:r I- -llii\M1

■|-|i,, iniilriiiil iililMihi.l li\ 'lie ( Aldlr Iaim'iIh Kill i(ili-l 11 illi'> :ili ,l,i,„lli(l mill -^ In III!' Ui'allli III ilcll|.-lit:i lit.- Ill I lie Ii.iIIImTIi Uatrl- ill CailMilM.

'Ih.- ( n|H|..iil-. :i- :i il:i.-.^. piuvul.' ti-ll 1 1 t"l I'""! li-l'- I'l""- " ^"1 "Kxti:"!-! -

ililr -upply (.1 llii> li-li t"i"l ill till' Antic uii-.iii uliciiif il tillri- ilowii lliln lli<' iiiiitli.rn MM-. wIk'iv idiiiiiiiTciiii tishciii's ..n- iimicl mi. K.v ii.iinitt .nH

llir -ullllirIM r\t<'lisi(ill (if MliMr Mini slll.-:inl If fullli-. M lII<'Ml i1''m1 1ki> lir.'li :i,i'nliiplisli."(l in mvilin pivciM..n tci pinl.l.'lii> wllirli uw;ilt .-nlutioii in tlir N"ll I \ll;inli( . SiinilMi .xpliiiMliii v ami cvp. liiiifiitiil «ork i> ic(|iiiiiil tui Uw Nmlli l':iiitii- III llii- w;iv iiKiliiiiii- Wdiilii lie lonliciiiiiiiiL' wliiih w.iiilil ciialih' llw Miii-iiiHipositKiii of tlir ililYciviit ii.ldiiit"- i>f uiuani-iiis im llir -.•a-tl<ii.! tu Ik- lii'iih' out K(iuipp.'il with data wc >li<>u|il In' alilr to fnivull tin' piulialilc iiici.lriicc of lean v.'ais in the ti>li.Ti.'v Willi this :il tliiar (li>p(.>al till' ra|)italist :'oipoiatioii> woulii lif aMf to lurli tlicir tmiiiaiic .-<i as to niaintaiii •III iMunoinic .•.|uilil.iiiiin lictwrrii tin- mark, i ami tlif ilcrp Ma. This i> what liiolouiial work ran do for tlic di-cp mm and otli.T ti>l».Ty intcicst.-.. I.cavmu out of ron-idcialioii the salmon familv and Mimr otli.T aiiadn.iiioii- ti^lu's, Micmc laiiiiot cITctivi'lv ivplcnisli thr -toik of tislirs in tin Ma, Imt it .an idaiiii to pivilii'l iIk' pfliodicilyof IllM'tilatioiis wli.'ii tlif iiciT->al> data liavc hern arcii- miilati'd aftiM- many yrars.

No cpidfliiics atTcrt tlic plankton. Imi \vr know that liiulna aninial> aiv liable to various diM.idfis and <lcraimciiicnt - whcicliy tlnir iiiiiiiImts arc rcdiiccil. The picMMicc of an almndant food-supply docs not iiiifailmnly attract a multi- tude of feeders, and this fad, well-known to marine liioloKi>ts and other natural- ists. I.ut not M> well known to thoM' who have had no actual cNperience m the matter of the interdependence of organisms, indicates that while there is no

limit to the su|)plv of primary f l-stutTs in the M^a. there are limits, in M.iiie

ra,ses very narrow, in others very wide, imt always very letinite, to tlw valuaMe species which silhsist directly or indirectly upon this too.1.

Whilst mvestiuatitm the distriiuilion ami pei iodicit> of liic i.ii>ii-..rsaiiisi!;.,, the l.iolotjist i- liroUKht into contact with the feeders, and tlioimh his methods of e\! aclim; M'ciets from th.' M-a may he slow, yet they arc sure. Not seiisa-


Canadmn Arctic Expedition, ll*l.j IS

tiiin;il iii>ii-(ivcii<'s. I>ut dogfjctl pciscvciMiicc, sueli :is lliai cxliiliilcd to jiikjcI piirp(»c iiy tlic iiiciiiluTs of tlic ( 'anadi.ui Arctic Kxpcdition. should be cii coiiiancd with a free hand, for the ftloiy ol <'aiia(h:iii s( icn( c and llic protection fif <'anadiaii maritime imiustrv.

MoMHKAi.. .lime ;{(). l!tl!t.

Part A Part I*

Psrt \ Part It



Miiinrniils. hinU. i'v

T'art A : I'art IS; Piirt C; Part I): Pan 1".: Part V: PartCi:

and Part [I:

(/s« Port I Part J Part K:

Part A: Part H: PartC; Part D: PartE:

Part A: PartH:

T'art A: Part H:

Part A: PartB: Part f: Part D: Part K: Part P: Part (1; Part H: Part I : Part.I: Part K: Part I.: Part M

Part A : Part H: Psirt <■: Part I) Pan K: Part I': Part (i: ]'an li Part I : Part I

Part A T'art li: I'urt <■: T'art I) I'an i:: T'art 1: !';u-t t; Part I( I'art I: I'urt .1: Pan K T'art L !'in'.!;

"art A: I-nrt 1!; P:irt (•

r.t'iiK. and J. I). Stientijui, .Ir. :/.?«ufti).

•dT linjp' I'. W T.. .Slad.)

Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918.

Volume I: (ieaeral Introilurtloa, N'arratin, Etc.

irtv, !!)r; IS.

ir'v, I'Ji;) 111. Hy Ku'liilph M irtin Aii<i'!-nii 'In /irt j.miliun) . Vulume II: Mammaig anil Itlrds.

P.y ItinTulpli Martin Aii(l('rr.*m. In j^ri pnr.Uvm^. ii. M. An*ler!«'iii and P. A. Tavi'rnor. In j>r>'p:irif\'m). Vnliinir III: Inhrrtx.

Ir.iro ;u>t;()n. Tiy C. OoriiDn Ilt'witt. Inprt':i^., t '')lii'iiil>')i:i. By .Iu(*tu.^ W. I''jl-««trn. l.-^.-ufi . Nfur^ptoroid Inr^ectn. I'y Niithan i'anks. [h^iiffi).

Diptcra. P<y C'has. \V. Alexamlcr Ilarrisiin C Dyar. nml I, It, Vl.iil.)i-li. (/..•t/-'<(). Mall'ipliwa anil Aniiplura. Uy 'alicr. (1, I''. I'erria. ind tl. If. I'. Nuttall. 'htutd).

r<,l<-.iptc'ra. By ,1. M. Swaino. H . ,.il.<' TToiniptora. By K. T'- Van Duze*-. ■t<^i4f'i). Ilyiiipnnptpra and T'lant < ialls. By AIhi 1). M i"GiIUTray. < ' IC. I'ort^-r F.ilt, 'h.'wd). Spider.". .MiU>», and llyriapods. Bv I. II KniL-rton, Nathan Bajik:*, :ii«t Ralpl, ''. l.'haaiberUo.

Tjcpidoptcra. By Arthur Cihwin. i/i.-uc/l Orthoptpra. By Ti, .M. WalkiT. •IniiriM

(ieneral (>I)«ervatii)na on Inwi't I.ili" in thp Ar'-tir. Ily Frita Ioh:iii.-«T. In preparatvm), Voiumc IV: Botany.

Kreliwator AlgaH and Frophwatpr DiatniiiH. By ("harlfj W. L>.wo. !a in-'-pur'itinfi} .

-Marine Aljrap. By F. Coilin.-*. (In prfi>iralv)n).

Funj^i. B.V .Tohn Doamopfl. ^ hi prupiral-.on).

I.iclioni. By K. Ii. Morrill, tin pri-pi-./i.m).

Moaies. B" E. S. Williams. \ln preM).

Volume V: Botany.

Flowcrinf! T'lanta and Fpms I^y .latiipr* M Ma'^nin .imi Tlmvlor. RdUu. prop-iratum).

General Noteson .■Vrctii- VpKctatinn. Hy Frit< .Iiil;an.*'n. In pr ir milKm). Volume ^1: Fishes, Tunlcates, Rtc.

FisTipn. By F. .lohanRPn. (/n ;<r<7i..r .'/irmi.

.\8('idian9. etc. By .\. Ci . liuntpnian. In prfp'ir-rjvni). Volume VU: 4 tustacea.

D«capod rru^tacoans. By Mary .1. Kathhur.. •hsuM).

Schizojxid rrustft'vana. Hy Waldo Ij. Schmitt /<.««J|.

^'uiiiacpa. By W. T. Caiman. (In pr' a). ; Iflopfxia. Tty ^!iris T*. I^. Roonp. l/n ,'r'"'«ri

.\niphipoda. By Clarpr.ce U. Pliopmaktr. .Inprrm).

Pycno:;<'ni'la. I.pon .1. r, ,|p. (/n ;irc.<.«t.

Eupliylioivida. By K. .lohanHon. {In prfpnritv^'^ : ritidopera. B.v t^'hanrt'.v .luda.y. I'/n ;)r»'.>'.si.

Dstrii-oda. By H. \V. Sharpc'. 'In prip,iraluyn.

Fri'shw.itpr Cnpppoda. By ('. Dwijilit Mar^Ii. 'itgueJ).

-Marino < 'o7M'iv)da. By .\. Wiiloy. ih-fu-d).

I'axasitir I .>p''|KHla. B> flian. B. \Vils<in. /ti ;jrM,-'). : rirriiK-dia. By 11. A. T'il.shry. l/n prriwir.iii'.n).

Volume Vni: MoiluHks, Echlnoderras. Coelpnttratoji, Kte.

Mnilu.ik:^. npcpnt ami T'lei^to'-ono. By '■'■'in. IT I^i.l'i i-.^'trl-

C.phal.jpoda and I'toropnda. By S. S. Borry mil W, 1 , i 'laiip /" ;it. )'i( -w i.

I>hino<IoriiM. By .\»siin II, Clark, tl.ifiiedi. . Bryc'.'.oa. Hy li. C. t.'^burn. {In prep:i-'i'iony

Ilotatnria. By TI. K. Ilarrinit. {In pTvp';riiuni>.

CliMot.innath.-i. H.y .V. ( i. IInnl.«l:iaM, l/n;>-<'/i-.

Worrn'i, !*r()t<»n>ain.

\ctinozoa aii.'i .Mr.yonaria. Uy .V. V,. Vernll In pr- pnrniiun).

MiMlusap and Ctpnoptiora. Py II. B. Pi«i low .In ;•'■^,^v .

IIyrirc)i<l«. By Mi'L'an l'r.-i.''fr. ,/n jtrrp'irnn.n).


Volume IX: Annelids, ParaKltli'

( tlittociiai^f.i. B.y Frank Smith anil !':rjl V. '^^

Tolyrliaota. B;." h.alp'i \'. C!iMm!>orlin. ■/•■ iro-v.)

Ihrurlini'a. By .1. P. M(")r.'. i /t> ;ir-.ii ).

(Ipphyrca. By Ralph \'. Chainh.Tlin. i7--:je./l. : .V''ant-'i'>(('pha!ii. By Tf . .1, \ an Cli-avp. ■.'«►■,<»<;,

Nomaiiida By N. A. Culil). ;/« p-cjuini.'i.'a' : TiiniatJibi. By A. 11. Ci)o|)i-r. :!n prep irU'.'iJ : Clotilda. By -\. 1{. Co<:rxr. (In iirfpiir:>i:ni Tiirli<-'';ina. By .\. II:it<.-«-ll. {In pr^p.intvin).

( Wndiai'pr;.


Sporozna. Hy .T. \V. iln prrp\r,r,,n). ior:»i;l,-tt'.-rr, t -j > - ■■-•■ .,—..- .

Volume X: Plankton, Hj I'rotrapliy, Tldi-R, VAi:

T'lankton. Marino Diat'H.i,-. By .\llurt .M:uin ' /n ^■■•-•'■■thnW. Tidal Observations and lJo.'<'ilt» By \'> Bi^ll l)avi«>n. !v p::i,:A. Hydn>i;rapliy. /'• prepar-^iiutu^ .